#How to Log in to Cash App
srinathindia · 1 year
As the world becomes more digitized, financial transactions are no exception. Cash App is one of the digital payment services that has been gaining popularity over the years. It allows users to transfer funds, buy and sell cryptocurrency, and even receive direct deposits. However, to fully utilize the app’s features, users need to log in first. In this article, we will discuss the different ways to log in to Cash App and why it is important to secure your account.
How to Log in to Cash App
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askmerriauthor · 11 months
regarding pokemon sleep, it looks like you’re just looking for things to complain about. it’s designed to be this chill thing you check on during the day and leave running at night. to play it, all you have to do is sleep and feed your pokemon. no one’s telling you you to have to be the very best at it or pressuring you into paying for stuff, let alone the game itself.
If I was just looking for things to complain about, I'd still be out here whinging over Pokemon Cafe's delightfully charming art style being absolutely wasted on a junk puzzle game instead of a full RPG or cozy slice-of-life Sim.
Regarding this post here.
Hi, I'm MerriAuthor. Apparently we haven't met because anyone who follows my blog would know that I've worked in game development well on 20 years now. I've worked across the industry from little nobody indie houses, to overseas gacha-fodder, to big ol' AAA major studios. Video games and their design are a big part of my life and, boy howdy, do I have some FEELINGS about the direction the industry as a whole has gone in as the years go by. Especially in regards to the predatory monetization of gaming and how it actively preys on children, uninformed parents, people with addictive behaviors, people with hyper-competitive personalities, and similar behavioral traits solely for the purpose of making money at their expense.
it’s designed to be this chill thing you check on during the day and leave running at night. to play it, all you have to do is sleep and feed your pokemon.
As with the previous person I spoke with on this topic, that is the base function of the game. But it's by no means the design of the game. Pokemon Sleep's entire game play rotation and marketplace are designed around encouraging the Player to interact with it as much as possible within an intentionally limited time frame. Meanwhile, the game's own time scale is such that it expects Players to log hundreds if not thousands of hours of interaction with it. Its own base gameplay loop is a weekly schedule and its shop schedule is monthly. Some Pokemon require a bare minimum of 150 hours of logged sleep to even access. Pokemon Sleep wants you to be in it for the long haul.
It's also based on collection; nearly every facet of the game is listed numerically and with a percentage value or progress bar, which are functions designed to produce urgency to complete them in the Player. Human brains don't like seeing an unfinished goal, especially one represented so overtly as an unfilled progress bar or a percentage value with a decimal. Want to have your favorite Pokemon as your napping buddy but don't want to put in a ton of effort playing the game to boost up your Snorlax's power score? Better hope it's one of the low-tier Pokemon assigned into the lower brackets of the gameplay progression, because otherwise you're never going to see it. Though you could always just fork over some cash. Nearing the end of your week with Snorlax and you're just shy of a milestone you've been aiming the entire week for? Good luck! You can pay money for that extra little boost, and once you've done it you'll resent its absence enough to want to buy it again! Do you want to level up that cutie first Charmander the game gave you at the very beginning specifically to ingrain itself with faux emotional value into your favorite Charizard? Want your Eevee to evolve into one of its most popular Eeveelutions? Want a Lucario, period? You'll need to put in hundreds of hours of consistent sleep to save up enough Sleep Points exclusively toward that goal... or you can just buy access to it immediately, through first purchasing access to the Premium Subscription! A Premium Subscription which, again, doesn't auto-cancel if you delete the app and can't be canceled through the app itself, for all you distracted parents who don't pay attention to fine print and wonder why your kid's game is running up a bill on your credit card each month after the 14-day free period - just long enough for you to have forgotten all about it in the first place. Snorlax wants a specific kind of Berry this week, but none of the helper Pokemon you recruited gather that berry, or they do and are just too low on Energy to manage it? Aren't you lucky! The shop will just sell you solutions to these problems the game itself created specifically to get you to shell out money!
no one’s telling you you to have to be the very best at it or pressuring you into paying for stuff, let alone the game itself.
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Here's some screen shots from the game's own app page. Buttons to make purchases and drive interaction - the app store, sleep pass, how many dream shards you have, a prompt to buy more inventory space, your missions, your current goal, the progress meter and rarity values of your Pokemon's sleep styles, your collection and their levels, etc - are all constantly and prominently displayed. The entire first day of actual gameplay in the app is a tutorial explaining how it wants you to do more than just sleep and passively collect to the point that it literally sets a daily schedule of activity for you. The mechanics explanations are so egregiously long that the Professor character literally apologizes to the Player for being so long-winded about it. Oh, an adorable moment of self-depreciation and understanding! How humanizing and encouraging of empathy from the user, done with a cheeky wink and nod. Now that we've softened your emotional state ever so slightly, here's some more microtransaction-driven gameplay elements!
If this was really just a cute little game to idle around with for its own fun, there wouldn't be a cash shop, nor would the game require a consistent internet connection to its servers. The big thing with games like these is that they're not made for the Player's benefit or entertainment. They're made to make the parent company profits. That's it. If the Pokemon Company didn't think they'd make substantial returns on the investment of development, support, marketing, and online distribution costs to put this game out into the world, they never would have made it. That is a core reality of any product put out these days. I just spent this last week helping my studio's marketing and sales team make sales projections for one of our upcoming titles, figuring out how much we could reasonably charge our potential customers literally down to the penny. And the game we're selling isn't even a service with any kind of microtransactions or DLCs. Profits are fundamental in any studio production and, where microtransaction apps are concerned, are the core focus of why the app exists.
If you're perfectly happy with playing Pokemon Sleep as an idle "pop on every once in a while, poke for a few minutes, then forget about and never pay a cent" kind of game? Totally fine, you do you. But understand that Pokemon Sleep doesn't want you as its player and will not cater to your experience. The core gameplay of Pokemon Sleep is already designed to actively degrade into a subpar experience for those who don't pay to play and that rift will only become more pronounced as time goes by. Everything around the cash shop exists for no other reason than to encourage you to use the cash shop. Over time, the gameplay will further contort itself to drive more interaction with and reliance upon the cash shop as the app sheds its non-paying users who just tire of it and move on, instead doubling-down on the lingering, paying users who have already proven themselves a reliable stream of revenue. That is how these things always go and have always historically gone.
There's also the consistently apt adage of "if you're not paying for the product, you are the product". Pokemon Sleep requires an internet connection any time you want to interact with the app - there is no offline mode. Further, the actual fine print in the terms of service (not the bubbly, legally-meaningless assurances put into the game text itself) addresses that it will collect and may share your device information, user ID, and app activity (ie, the schedules, timing habits, and spending habits the game itself has ingrained into its interaction with the Player) for analytics and advertising purposes, and that they're okay with sharing (ie, selling) that information to third parties without naming who those third parties are. And boy, does the game really want you to link your Google, Apple, and Facebook accounts to it as part of its core functionality! Worth keeping in mind as well is that the app requires constant access to your microphone and can pick up sounds as minor as a sheet rustling when you turn over in bed. The game's bubbly, meaningless text assures you that it doesn't save or transfer the snippets of sleep recordings it makes of you each night, but it makes absolutely no assurances whatsoever in the fine print that it's not using your microphone for other purposes. It does, however, point out that it will be making use of your phone's functions even when you're not using the app.
So, yeah, I'll just still be over here not playing Pokemon Sleep and encouraging others to do the same, as well as pay closer attention to the nature of so-called "free to play" games.
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captaindibbzy · 1 year
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I fucking hate pay by app. I don't want to download your shitty app. I don't want to pay by phone. If you don't want Fucking cash then let me tap my god damn bank card on the parking meter. I have placed to be. I don't want to spend 15+ minutes downloading your buggy software to my phone, logging in, inventing a password, reading your terms and conditions, typing out my card details, trying to find out how secure your payment system actually is, wafting my phone around in the air and praying for signal, to pay £5 to park in a place I may never have visited before and probably never will again, because you can't be arsed to pay someone to empty the change out of a parking meter once a day. And actually I'm reaching an age now where I don't nesecerily want to take my Fucking Phone with me everywhere I go.
You're not just excluding old people. You're excluding anyone who doesn't have a mobile phone or a digital life. Which is more people than you think. And also it's not a fucking secure method of paying for your shit ass inaccessible car park in the first place. Someone's gonna tape a QR code over your sign and everyone's gonna be unhappy.
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vinetae · 1 year
Y/n as a young babysitter of jimin's son where jimin is recently divorced. Y/n is a tease yet acts oblivious and jimin is obsessed with tiddies just like the child but for different reasons. Just porn with a little bit of plot.
Okay soooo this went in a WHOLE different direction buuuuut still has some really breast obsessed and smutty scenes!!!! My darn brain went- BUt wait. what if!-
A PLOT???!!
I hope you enjoy it <;33
P.S: The app thing isn't accurate but hey we ain't here for the plot, ight?
Those two sentences (Red and yellow) at the top are the two sides of my brain talking to each other.
Pairings: Single Dad!Jimin x Babysitter!Reader
Genre: Single dad!AU, Babysitter!AU, Angst, Smut, !!Age gap!!
Word Count: ??
Summary: Uhhh you already knowwww
"Are you sure this is the right place, Yoon-mi? You glance up towards the apartment numbers nailed to the door.
You had been needing some extra cash every since you'd been laid off by your boss because you refused to sleep with him. Mr. Choi had always been a sleezy perv, it just took one last final time for you to walk away from it all. Only then, had you realized that number one; You had no more income for money.
Number 2; Rent was due.
Your friend Youn-mi had told you about this amazing babysitting service for you adults trying to earn some big cash. At first you'd been a little heistant. You'd always been around kids your whole life, so although you were amazing with them and they loved you, you had hoped to get away from them in your adult years. 
Only that had not been the case. 
It only took a few clicks of a button to set up your profile. Then, you'd been getting gigs left and right. Mom of 4 wanting a babysitter so she could go on vacation? Pass. Four is too much. Grandpa and grandma wanting a night out? Sure. Shit, someone already signed it. You'd scrolled for hours trying to find the right job to set up and sign. Just as you were about to uninstall the app seeming as it was a waste of time, a notification popped up on the screen. You slide down to check out the details. 
Name: Park Jimin.
Child(ren): Park Ji-woo.
Date for day: December 13th.
You shrug, clicking on the messaging icon before another notification popped up. 
Message from: PJMin
You click on the message.
From: PJMin
Hello, I've reccently seen your profile and I'm very impressed! Would you mind if I asked you a few more questions, though?
You smile just a bit at the situation. 
How ironic. 
To: PJMin
Hi, thank you for your consideration! Ask away. 
A few minutes later, your phone goes off. 
From: PJMin
No problem. Actually, you logged on just in time. I've been needing a sitter for this weekend, and I loved your profile. So it says that you're 22, right? 
You don't see how your age is that big of a deal, but you decide to just go along with it. Deciding to change the coversation a bit so it doesn't sound like a dating app instead. 
To: PJMin
Yes. My mother ran a daycare just a few blocks from my house, so it's probably safe to say that I grew up there. She shut down when I turned 17 and now I'm here. 
From: PJMin
Trying to live out your glory days, right? Haha
You chuckle at his response. Eh, not really.. But rent was more important than being right for now..
To: PJMin
Haha, I guess you could say that. So how old are your kids?
From: PJMin
Kid. I have a 5 year old son. Something came up at work this weekend and I'm in desperate need of a sitter. When I saw your profile, I knew you'd be a perfect match. So, the big question; 
You pause, tilting your head as you await his response. A few seconds go by until he continues.
From: PJMin
How well do you like Thomas The Train?
One thing led to another and now you're standing outside his apartment door. Yoon-mi being on the other side of the phone. 
"Of course it's the right one, girl! And I know you'll do great with this. You were practically made for kids!" You roll your eyes at her exatreation. The one thing you didn't want to associate yourself with anymore is now the center of your income.
"Alright, I'll talk to you later." She waves goodbye before your press the red button, closing the app as you ring the doorbell.
A few minutes go by until you can hear something on the other side. Soon, the door opens to reveal a tall figure. The white collar of his button-down shirt sticks straight up as a loose blue tie fits snug around the base of his neck. He's trying to invite you in while in the midst of looping his tie in place. 
"Ah! You must be Y/n. Sorry about the wait." You flash your best employee of the month smile while making your way inside of the doorframe. Your eyes scan the lavish room. Cream colored walls stand tall adorning the white marble-tiled flooring. The contrasting dark sofa and lounge chair tucked in the corner had looked like it cost more than your whole apartment. The woven light fixtures dangle from the sunken LED-striped ceiling. The tone set to a tan-ish hue. Your eyes reach back to the man as a young child wraps his whole body around the man's leg. 
"Ah, Ji-woo. I told you not to do that in front of people-" The man reaches down slinging the child up into his arms as the young boy's set into a fit of giggles. The smile mirroring his father's. How adorable. They looked like the perfect pair. 
"I'm sorry- He's not usually this clingy." He holds out his free hand to offer a shake. You nod, reaching to meet his. You study the child's and his features as he shifts the boy in his arms. "You're Mr. Park, I assume?" You ask, hoping that this is the right apartment still. He flashes you a kind smile.
"Yes, but you can just call me Jimin." You nod, watching as his chocolate eyes light up at the sight of his smiling child. He swings the child around before dipping him down, mimicking a dropping gesture, sending them both into a fit of giggles. His eyes land back to yours.
"Thank You for doing this on such a short notice. I know some sitters on that app have to have at least a week in advance." You smile. "No problem. I really had nothing to do anyways. My boss kinda laid me off this week.." 
Shit, why are you sharing such personal information already?!?! Stupid! You barely know him!! He probably thinks you're some stupid sappy story now- will he fire me?
His expression switches to a concered look. "I'm sorry.. But hey, if you do well I might hire you for full-time." He smiles before handing Ji-woo to you. He immidiently clings to you, before burying his face into the crease of your breasts. Mr. Park's quick to react, scolding his child.
"Hey! Ji-woo- What'd I tell you about doing that to girls??" He reaches forward to stop his child's naughty antics. You chuckle at his cute expression. 
Not Mr. Park's. 
Ji-woo sits up clinging onto you ever more as to not be picked up by his father again. "No!" He wraps his chubby arms tightly around your neck before sticking his tongue out at his father.
"Ugh, I'm so sorry.." Jimin reaches behind him, scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly. He's always been obsessed with.. uh.." You look down the back up to see Jimin's face tint with a light pink hue.
"Breasts?" You finish his sentence. He chuckles, a nervous tone clear in his chest. "Like father like son I guess.." You hear him mumble the last part, which makes it your turn to turn cherry red. After a few minutes of Jimin explaining all of Ji-woo's favorite things and allergies, it had been time for him to leave.
You both are standing by the door. You with Ji-woo wrapped around your small figure as Jimin's sliding his jacket over his shoulders. He grabs the keys before giving Ji-woo a peck on his cheek.
"You're welcome to anything in the fridge. His bedtime's 8:00 o'clock so I'd prefer if he didn't watch any cartoons at least an hour and a half before bed." You nod as gives Ji-woo one last look before he sighs.
"It's my first time leaving him alone like this.." You flash him an assuring smile.
"Don't worry sir, he's in great hands, I promise." A smirk tugs his lips at that sentence. His eyes no longer having any hint of sadness or worry. Instead, it's swirling with something else..
"Sir?" His steps close distance between the two of you. Ji-woo had gotten down long ago to go and play with his toys in the corner. Your hand had been on the door's edge as his tone is hushed and whispered.
"We'll have to work on that." 
It was now time for Ji-woo's dinner. You'd decided to go with some easy gimbap rolls cut into little bite-sized pieces as to not be a choking hazard. The television had been streaming in the background, as you placed the last requirement of items down onto the dinning room table.
"Ji-woo, time for dinner!" You call out, scooting your chair until you're snug tucked into the table. A few minutes go by as Ji-woo walks into the dinning room. You flash him a teasing smile.
"Did you wash your hands, mister?" He smiles before nodding his head sharply.
"Yes!" You reach out to feel his cold hands bringing them up to take a whiff. Once you smelled the scent of vanilla and lavander, you help him into his booster seat. The apartment is quiet, as you both are enjoying a nice dinner together.
Only now could you see the resembelance between his father and him. The high bridge nose, the dark chocolate eyes, only Jimin's hair had been lightened a bit to match his irises. 
Once it had been bedtime, Ji-woo helped you pick up his toys in the living room and his room before you'd decided that he had earned a bit of screen time before it was time to sleep. He walks into the living room, dragging a thomas the choo-choo train blanket behind him. He hops onto the couch before scooting over to lay his head in your lap.
"I like you, Y/n." You smile, caressing the crown of his jet-black hair. Brushing the cutely cut bangs out of his eyes, his eyelids start to flutter from sleepiness.
"You do? Well I have a secret to tell you~" You lean down to whisper in his ear, as he shoots up with widened eyes.
"What secret??" He bounces on your lap with anticipation. You giggle, trying to settle him down.
"Shhh, it's a REALLY big secret. Do you think you can keep it?" He nods profusely before clasping his hands together, beginning to beg.
"Pleeeeaaaseee! I keep it! Tell me tell me tell me!!" 
"Okay okay-" You lower your tone and head, whispering into his ear.
"I like you too." He smiles before tackling you, wrapping his whole upper body around your neck. The force would've made you stumble backwards if you hadn't been leaned against the couch. Once the energy is quiet again, Ji-woo replies while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"You're nicer than mommy.." Your eyebrows knit together in pain at his words. What had his mother done for him to say this?
He nuzzles his face into the crease of your chest before pulling his thumb into his mouth to suck on it. 
Once you'd settled Ji-woo into his racecar bed, you'd quietly made your way out of the room and began cleaning. First the kitchen, then the living room. Well, there hadn't been really anything to clean. This guy kept his place almost spotless.. 
You're almost finished with the last few dishes you'd been hand washing, until the beep of the front-door unlocking sounds through the complex. Jimin grudgingly walks into, sighing as he kicks his shoes to the side before removing his jacket, along with loosening his tie. He begins unbuttoning the clasps of his white collar shirt before noticing your presence.
"Oh shi- sorry.." He walks back over, fixing himself so that he's decent once more. You stay silent, resuming washing the dishes. He takes in a deep breath, settling down onto the chair that faces you. The tick of the clock echoes through the room, as you finish up the dishes. You turn back around before placing a small steaming cauldron in front of him. He looks up to meet your eyes, as you flash him a warm smile.
"And you cook too?" You chuckle, before joining him on the parallel barstool next to his.
"Just a little. I thought you'd might wanna eat something after work.." He smiles, blowing on the hoot spoonful before taking a bite.
His eyes light up at the delicious flavor.
"This tastes amazing. Thank You" He takes another bite, quietly letting a few moans slip out on the way.
"It's been so long since I've had real cooking.." He sighs, tilting the cauldron to the side to sip every last drop.
"Usually-" He places the bowl back down as he leans over the counter, setting it down into the sink.
"Usually I just order take-out either here or at the office." You smile, tilting your head to the side, admiring his exausted look. Barely noticeable eyebags slip droop under his eyes, as his cheeks turn rosy red from the spice of the soup. His straight, thick eyebrows curve into a mysterious shape. His eyes-
Staring straight into yours. 
You stutter, looking anywhere but him now.
"I-.. Sorry." Out of the corner of your eye, you can see a small smirk tugs his lips.
"Sorry for what?" He leans his face closer to yours, trying to get you to look at him again.
"Look at me, Y/n." Your eyes shift around the room. To the fridge that had been decorated with many arts and crafts from Ji-woo's early years. Over to the couch, onto the blank TV-
"Look. At me, Y/n." His finger lifts, tilting your chin until your eyes set dead on his. Your heart felt like it was going a million miles an hour. You knew he'd been very handsome from the beginning but this sight right now- His shirt halfway unbuttoned, giving you a sneak peak down the lines of his chest..
His tie falling loosely around the base of his neck.. His chocolate darkened irises burning into the center of yours.. His hair slicked back from sweat from a hard work day...
But you also noticed something else. 
On his left hand, a shiny silver band wrapped perfectly around his third finger. 
He knew where your mind had gone to. He wanted to make sure you knew what had happened. 
He sighs, leaning back to sit up. "I'm divorced." He reaches over the counter, grabbing a random beer from it's hiding corner. He cracks open the top, taking a sip from the tip.
"I'm sorry.." You can only respond with. He reaches over before sliding you a can yourself. You take the canister, not wanting to seem rude, but just toy with the cold can instead. He continues.
"Don't be. She was a horrible person from the start." He takes another sip before slamming the beer can down, sighing. He turns to look at you, shifting in his seat.
"She was never a good mother to Ji-woo anyways." He chuckles, a sad tone crossing his voice.
"You know she left Ji-woo here all by himself, just to go catch the new deals at Balenciaga? He was only six months old.." Your mouth drops open at his confession. He scoffs at your expression.
"Exactly. She was and still is a bitch. And that's not even the half of it.." Your eyebrows knit together in concern, as your hand unconsciously comes to rub at his left shoulder.
"I'm really sorry.." He sighs, leaning into your touch. Your fingers trail along the broadness of his shoulder before stopping at his bicep. The thick muscle protrudes through the thin material of his white button up that has the corner of your lips drooling.
His eyes, bare into yours as you watch a few tears slip from his ducts. The corner of his lip quivers at all that he'd been supressing for weeks on end. Ever since the divorce, he's never really had time to actually process the whole thing in the first place. He'd barely been able to cry himself to sleep at night becuase Ji-woo had wanted to sleep in his bed ever since the huge fight between him and Ji-soo. 
Your eyes wander over his towering frame. As your hand runs gently across his heated skin, each muscle in his body tense at your touch. With each passing second, his lips inch closer to the pad of yours.
His veiny hand comes to grace your cheek softly. His fiery touch torches each square inch of your skin. The burn taunts you. The plush of his bottom lip drags across your right cheek lightly, feeling the way his straight cut teeth bare a slight poke to your heated flesh. His free hand comes to rest on the round of your knee. The hot stream of breath brushes past your cheek, rolling onto the shell of your ear. 
"I.." You whine as the digits of his fingers dance up the plains of your thighs, resting on your cupped heat. Your breath hitches in pitch.
"B-Bad.." You whine, as he groans at the sound.
"Mmm, bad indeed." He smirks as butterfly-like kisses are pressed to the side of your cheek, trailing down your sharp jawline.
"N-No.. Mr. Park this-" He teases the hem of your jeans,  toying with the button that held the fabric together. His chest rumbles as a deep groan emits.
"Mmm, makes it sound like I'm your boss." He chuckles as his lips press deep kisses down the line of your throat.
"Ji-Ji-woo.." He grumbles at the name, hugging your body closer to his, as if you're sitting on his lap.
"Mmm, no baby. Jimin~"
You finally gather the strength to push him away, as your eyes flash towards Ji-woo standing in the doorway, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Appa.." Jimin's neck whips to the side as he imidiently pulls away from you, walking over to pick up Ji-woo in his arms. His eyes switch from yours to his son's.
"Come on, buddy. Let's get you back to bed." You watch as Jimin walks back into his son's room to tuck him in for goodnight. 
A few minutes later, Jimin returns. He takes a glance around the room, noticing your lack of presence. A frown creeps his face. 
"And you did WHAT with him??" Youn-mi questions while slamming down her shot glass. You take in a breath, watching the bubbles in your coke slowly dissapear. "We didn't even do anything. It's just- well there was this thing.. and then he.." She drunkingly smiles, slurring her words around while taking back another swig. 
"Then you fucked, right?? oh PLEASE tell me you fucked!!" Your cheeks go red at her choice of words. You had reccived quite a few stares from bypassers from the level of her voice.
"No, we didn't." You swirl the end of your straw around your once chilled glass of soda. The bubbles dying down with their fizzling.
"We just- ugh, it's complicated!" She just laughs, leaning into your shoulder drunkenly.
"Girrrrl. Gimmie that phone!" She reaches into your bag, while you're laughing, trying to deflect her attacks.
"Ahah!" She smirks, easily typing in your passcode before swiping over the app she'd been more familiar with than you. She found his profile in seconds.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT, GIRL!! I would PAY to suck his dick!" You instantly snatch your phone, snapping at her with reddened cheeks.
"Yah! Remind me to change my passcode. I don't need you sniffing through my phone so easily anyways." Her mouth falls open as she oogles at her imagination.
"Y/nnn if you don't take that gig, I will!" You sigh, sliding your phone back into your purse before taking another sip of your now room-temp drink.
"I don't knowww. I feel like it's going to be weird if I go again.. He probably won't even ask-" 
"There!" She chimes, before flashing you something she'd sent. You squint, reading the text out loud. 
To: PJMin
Heyyy so I'm like UBER sorry about earlier and shit but if you're still DTF LMK 😉😉😉
"Youn-mi!!!" You yell at her, as she quickly dodges your attacks. "I'm gonna KILL YOU!!" She laughs trying to fight you off.
"Y/n if you hadn't fucked with him I would kill YOU!" You roll your eyes, trying to take the device from her hands. A you're still fighting tooth and nail trying grab your phone back from her grip so you can delete that god-forsaken text, your phone pings mid-fight. Your eyes both widen in sync as she shields you from looking at the screen, reading it out loud. 
"Y/n? This doesn't seem like you. Are you DRUNK??? AHHAHA OMG HE'S WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!" Your eyes roll the back of your head. 
You wished the world would swallow you whole. 
"Youn-mi stop it! I'll loose my job because of you!!" Another ping. 
This time, she turns the phone to you. You can't help but look down, as your eyes blow wide at the content.  You read back of what Youn-mi had sent prior. 
From: PJMin
Y/n, I'm serious. Do you have anybody that can take you home?
To: PJMin
You're more than welcome to 😉 
From: PJMin
I'm putting Ji-woo to bed. Where are you?
Youn-mi giggles like a 13 year old girl talking about her middle school crush. She balls her hands up while swaying back and forth, singing an off-tune song. "Y/n's gettin rich dick, Y/n is get-ting rich dickk" You hit her shoulder as she laughs. "Ow!" 
You never should've gone out with Youn-mi tonight. You practically had to call Jimin to explain that it was just your friend teasing you, and that he didn't need to waste time or gas for her stupid antics. 
You were more than just embrassed to show your face today. Once he knew that you weren't drunk off your ass, he texted asking if you were free the next day. His mom had planned to watch Ji-woo while he went out to sign somethings, but she had forgotten about her last minute dentist appointment. And on such short notice, you were the only one he could think of that would feel safe with watching his son. 
Trust me, he was just as nervous. 
Flashes from a few nights ago keep filling his mind. He never should've crossed that line for numberous of reasons. Yet, 
He somehow still can't get you out of his mind. 
"And this one is what color, Ji Ji?" Jimin coos as he sits with his son cross in his lap, holding out some blocks in front of them both. He bounces Ji-woo on his leg gently, as he flashes his father a 1,000-watt smile.
"Blue!" Jimin grins, rubbing the crown of his head, kissing his chubby cheek.
"My smart little man." As Jimin picks up the next colored block, the doorbell rings.
"Ooo, looks like someone's here~"  He lifts Ji-woo up, carrying them both to the front door. His eyes land on your own. However his gaze is set on an entirely different category of you. 
I.e the black tights that hugged your legs like he wished would suffocate him. A huge puffed scarf coiled around your neck like how he would wrap his own hands around your neck, taking your breath away. literally. 
The white button-up blouse you'd decided to pair with your color pencil skirt left his mind racing to the most lewd and unspeakable things. Yet, he keeps his calm demeanor. That's the thing about working in corperate. 
Number one rule: Never let them know how you're really feeling. 
"Y/n!" Ji-woo yells as he tries to reach out to latch onto you. Jimin watches as your bright and beautiful smile matches his son's, as you too reach out to hold him in your arms. Jimin internally melts at the simple gesture.
"Ji-woo! How's it been hanging, man??" You twirl Ji-woo around the little platform made for outdoor shoes, as Jimin just stands back watching the cute interaction.
"I missed you, bud! We're gonna have soooo much fun, isn't that right?" Ji-woo giggles at your tone as he rests his head on your chest. Once the fun's calmed down, Jimin watches as you finally take notice of him.
"Uhm.. Hi."
He flashes you a professional smile, which is actually breaking his heart to only do. If it was up to him, he'd have you against the navy blue and charcoal walls of his apartment already. 
"You're a bit early." He comments, watching as you slide your shoes off to the side before closing the door behind you.
"Yeah. Sorry about that. Darn traffic was terrific." You giggle, before walking over to set Ji-woo down in his booster chair. Jimin joins the two of you, watching as you begin making his breakfast without missing a beat. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to make Ji-woo like you more than me" He watches as your nose scrunches with your laugh.
"Whaat? Noo." It had all been fun and games until Jimin caught a glimpse of your cleavage when you had bent over, looking for a bowl to start breakfast with. The back of his throat goes dry at the sight. Ji-woo's smile burns a thousand suns while looking at his dad until he noticed something. 
"Appa, phone." the young boy points to his father's.. lower area, as Jimin quickly clears his throat.
"Ah okaaay. Ji-woo, why don't you go clean up the blocks in your room?" He frowns, pouting at the mundane chore he obviously didn't want to do right now. "But I wanna stay with Y/n-ma." You chuckle at the name.
"What's with the Ma?" Ji-woo flashes you a grin.
"I like the word ma. It's pretty like Y/nnie." Jimin watches as the simple compliment makes your cheeks go more red than a cherry tomato.
"Go clean buddy. You'll spend all day with her later." Ji-woo huffs before sliding out of his chair, walking to his room. You glance up to Jimin through thick eyelashes, silently giggling to yourself at Ji-woo's previous comment.
"Didn't know people keep their phones in the front pocket, nowadays. What is it, like a trend? The back's not good enough anymore?" You tease, as you crack as egg into the skillet. He chuckles rising from his seat as he reaches from behind you to grab something off the counter. You could feel the prominent outline of what Ji-woo had pointed out earlier, rearing itself barely into your ass. 
"Dunno, but.." He leans forward, the breath that falls from his lips brush against the shell of your ear.
"I prefer the back."
You quickly turn around, seeing as you're now trapped between his arms. both of his muscular and veiny limbs trap you in an embrace you're not sure you absolutely wanna leave. His head dips forward, as his gaze silently commands you to keep your eyes on him. 
"So.." He starts. His breath dancing along the outer lines of your lips before dissipating into thin air. 
"What was up with last night?" He questions, watching as your eyes flick back and forth, not sure what to focus on.
"My friend took my phone."
"No passcode?"
"Passcode. But she knew it."
"Then might wanna change it." 
"uhuh.." Your eyes peek down to travel the gentle dips of his abdomine that the tease of his hem-ed shirt had been allowing you. You hear the same cocky laugh as you had a few nights before. 
"Like what you see, baby?" 
You couldn't help but moan at the simple pet name. Everything had just been too overwhelming for your sense to keep up. 
And what happens when a fortress's walls get torn down?
Infiltration begins.
It felt as if you were a hot air balloon. Each of his words only fueling the fire that makes the object rise higher and higher until it feels as if the person is on cloud 9. 
His hands curve around your waist to pull you closer. Your bodies flush against one anothers as breth pattern begin to mix to form one beautiful, and dangerous taste. 
"Why don't I just take you on this counter right here baby. Bend you over and fill you up until your every breath," His finger slips into the tight elastic of your waistband, finding your immidiently. You gasp at the sudden movement. 
"Every word," His lips suck on the skin that sits right behind your ear, licking and tugging at the lobe while his fingers dance between your slick folds. 
"Every sound you make belongs to me." His hand comes up to cup over your mouth, as if he knew exactly when you were going to, and just in the nick of time. He coos, thumbing over the plump of your lip, dipping the tip past your lips before forcing his thumb down on the flat of your tongue. You moan, as his smirk widens.
"How 'bout I just stay home today, hmm? My mom can come by and pick him up." Your eyes flutter then flick wide open. You twist your body, as your sudden movements stop his own.
"What'd you just say?" He tilts his head at your question. A smile still presses his lips.
"You told me that your mom had a dentist appointment." 
He laughs it off, leaning back into your arms, trying to re-ingnite the once burning fire. Your hands are quick to pull them from inside your underwear, pushing him back a bit as he stumbles. 
"Y/n I-" 
Your eyes now burn with something other than the once intoxicating lust. 
"You lied to me." 
His eyes go wide. "No- No! I didn't I-" You walk forwards, backing him into the corner. 
"You said your mother had an appointment."
"She did but-"
"You said she couldn't watch Ji-woo, and that you had nobody else you trusted!" 
"Y/n please I-"
He glances down, seeing that he's trapped between you and the counter's edge. 
"Just calm down-" 
You scoff at the realization. "I'm outta here." You storm off to grab your bag as he follows quickly behind. "Y/n, wait!" You turn to face him, anger firing away.
"I ain't your teenage wet dream of fucking your babysitter, Jimin! I came here to watch kids and get paid. Not fuck their dads like some kind of whore!"
He reaches out, trying to calm your raging tone. 
"You're not a whore, Y/n and I've never thought of you as one! This is NOT how I planned this, alright? It just kinda- happened! and it's not like you didn't need the money" You groan at his sad attempts.
"Money?! I'm not some kinda charity case for you to guilt into sleeping with after you hand out a few -might I add- HARD EARNED dollars!" 
His hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you away from the door. His eyes burning with the same intense look as yours, just on different sides of the spectrum. He speaks again. This time, his tone is quiet and calm. Much like one he'd used for when being disappointed in his child. 
Only in this case, he's disappointed in himself. 
"I fucked this up, I really did. I never meant for you to feel like some sort of sex worker when all you've done is care for Ji-woo with the upmost love and affection." You can see tears welling up in the ducts of his eyes. A few already on their way out of slipping. 
"And I'm so thankful for that.. I'm the asshole and I only thought with my dick and there's no presentation in the world that can show how sorry I am for that.." You stop resisting so much, finally allowing the steam to settle off from your skin as he continues.
"My ex-wife really fucked me up and I know that's no excuse but- I just.. She had always been attacking me. Whether physically or mentally, with each day she took a piece of me with her and crushed it right before my eyes. So yes, I act like a dickhead because that's how I gaurd myself. So fucked up, right? Protect myself with sex and being a dickwad. But that first night when you cooked dinner for me.. it brought out a side I tried for months to hide. You.."
He leans in closer, as his once tightened grip on your wrist comes to take your hand loveingly in his. "You made me feel something I hadn't felt in such a long time.." He brings his hands up, kissing one knuckle on bot.
h of your hands.
"I just- wanted to show you how much your small gestures mean to me.." You scoff softly at his words, not fully believing it.
"I only cooked for you once. Are you that much of a simp?" He smiles, pressing his forehead to yours as his tone lowers.
"Maybe seeing you actually being nice to my child had something to do with all of it too.." Your eyes rolls back playfully.
"Yeah? How so?" A smirk tugs the corner of his lip, as his cheek brushes against the side of yours. His hushed whisper and hot breaths rolling down the shell of your ear sent chills up your spine. 
"Would it be wrong of me to admit that after you leave I have to go relieve myself in the bathroom because of the things you wear..?" Your bodies flush together, slowly backing up into the wall next to his front door entrance. Your steps in sync as his hips press into yours, leaving a small gasp to roll from your lips before his own swallow it whole.
"Relieve? Such a gentleman-y word. Can't just say jerk like every other man?" His smirk beams into your own. The tension in the room slowly transforming into lust.
"We both know," He leans to brush the skin of your ear before lightly pulling the flesh through his teeth.
"I'm not like every other man." 
Your lips barely brush his own as the alarm set on his watch starts blaring. His eyes bare into yours, before backing away, silently cursing at the slip of time.
"Shit.." He looks up, seeing as Ji-woo had crossed the lving room to sit at the table, patiently waiting his food. Your expression quickly changes from sultry to sweet.
"Well, have a good day at work," You turn back around, sending him a cheeky grin before winking.
"Mr. Park." 
6:00PM. What was the hold up? Jimin promised that he'd be back no later than 4. His mom actually had stopped by earlier and picked Ji-woo up for an afternoon picnic, so now you're just stuck at his apartment, cleaning up the mess you and Ji-woo had made that morning.
On your knees, you reach over to grab, throwing the stuffed animals and dinosaurs into the plastic bucket before starting on another one. You sigh, sitting up on your knees, taking a break from the back-throwing task. Your eyes finally can take a look around his apartment details. The beautiful art pieces sat flat against the tall, extending walls of the living area. The black sectional rimmed with golden tabs adorned the Teak finished flooring. Everything about this place screamed money.
Something your apartment could ever even dream of. 
You stand to your feet, making your way around to take a few good looks. 
The hallway had a similar design in colors and themes, with navy blue and charcoal gray walls standing around 10 feet tall, outlining the beautiful home. You look to the mahogany side table, noticing a few pictures placed carefully on top. 
Him holding what you could only assume was Ji-woo. His 1,000-watt smile beamed so brightly that you could feel the warmth just from a few colors and shapes on a piece of paper. 
The next had been trimmed with a thin gold outline; Him hold his 3-year old son upside down while standing on a beautiful, white-sanded beach, The sun setting perfectly behind the horizon, bidding their wonderful trip a goodnight for now. 
You could feel the tears starting to well in your eyes. 
Your parents could never really afford fancy trips like that. You only really ever got to leave the city when your dad had to make distant deliveries. He owned a small corner shop for small pastries and sweets. When mom had found out about the loans he'd hidden from her all those years, they had been around something like 200,000 dollars in debt. The only reason you know that guestimate? You heard your mother constantly ridicule and fight over it many nights when they thought you had been sleeping. Soon, she had enough and your parents divorced. She's now married to a guy named Dan and lives in Michigan somewhere. 
Your tears finally slip when you see the last framed picture. 
His wedding day. 
She had looked beautiful. 
She looked perfect. 
How could you compare? 
He looked 100 times happier looking at her than he did you..
You're so stupid.
This was all so stupid. 
His eyes creased, disapearing completely as he had dipped her low. Her arms wrapped around his neck tightly. 
They looked like the perfect couple. 
The perfect family. 
You look closer, seeing fancy jewerly adorning her neck and hands. In her hair, a golden clip-pin with flower petals and diamonds. Her wrist had a gorgeous golden small chained accessory that looked like it costed more than your entire apartment including the furniture. Her skin was like a doll's. Not an imperfection in sight. The smile they both shared had looked wider than anything you've ever shown. 
Your heart breaks at another picture posted up on the gray wall. 
He's bent down in the tall, green grass; kissing her rounded belly. Her white dress flows perfectly in the wind, while the flower crown had lost just enough petals to the strong breeze to look like a spring paradise. 
Suddenly, you felt digusting. The mirror hanging right infront of you made it even harder to look at yourself. Your pinned up greasy hair had fallen back slightly, making you look 50 years older. Your reddened and scarred face had too many bumps to count at this point. Your forehead look oily and some of your teeth were crooked. You force a smile, only to feel twice as worse. Your eyes switch back and forth between his ex-wife and your reflection. 
You felt angry. 
How were people born with perfect looks?? How do they automatically have perfect, straight white teeth and an updo fit for a majesty herself!
You let the anger take over, lifting the picture frame up before watching it smash into a million pieces on the hardwood floor. Your breath is ragged, as you fall to the floor. 
You couldn't stand looking at her smug face anymore. Her perfect teeth and smooth, silky hair. Her beautiful smile that could make any man fall to his knees. She could have anyone under her control just by a simple grin. 
And you hated that. 
Jimin watches as the clock strikes 7PM. 
He makes quick haste in packing up his things before walking out of the office. 
The familiar chime of the front door sounds as he clicks it shut, sliding off the uncomfortableness of his loafers. He sets the briefcase on his side bench, walking in to see his living room spotless. He walks around, trying to find any sign that you had still been here. He stops as a small glass shard pierces the sole of his foot. He groans lifting his foot to remove the shard. "What the.." His seeing your body plopped on the floor with about a million similar shards surrounding your sulking figure. He reach down, lifting the broken picture to see what had gotten you so upset. 
His wedding pictures. 
"I'm sorry.." He hears you soft cries, immidiently putting the frame down to level himself with you. "Not a big fan of weddings, I assume?" He teases, trying to see your adorable smile which he loved so much.
To his disappointment, you only had just repeated 'sorry' about a million times. 
"I'll clean it up.." You reach for the shards before he grabs your wrists, in making sure you don't injure yourself. 
"What happened, Y/n?" He asks, tilting his head down to try to catch your attention. His thumb and index reach out to lift your chin, gently making your soaked and red eyes to meet his. "What happened, sweetheart?" 
"I broke something.." You act like a child getting scolded by her parents. Your speech being heavily impaired by all of your sudden emotions. You weren't one to cry or breakdown like this. Hell, when you lost your job about a month ago, you barely shed a tear. You just pushed through and buried your feelings. 
'I'll deal with it later' was your mantra. 
He chuckles, giving you a soft, caring look. "I see that." 
"So why'd you break it?" You sniff, trying to calm your staggered breaths. "B-Because.." The inside of his palm comes to caress the heated red flush of your cheek, thumbing over the space under your eyes to dry. "Why can't you just work it out with her..?" He's taken back by the sudden request. He chuckles, thinking it's some kind of slight joke but when he sees the burning tears soaking your cheeks, he knows you mean business. 
"Some people aren't supposed to be together, Y/n.." You scoff at his counter. 
"Divorce fucks people up, Jimin.."
He sighs, taking a seat in front of you, crossing his legs.
"I know."
You finally glance at him on your own terms.
"You don't fucking know. Have you even considered how Ji-woo feels about it!? He's gonna blame himself! Wonder if he's the reason his parents broke up. And in his teenage years, he's going to be so fucked up from going back and forth from place to place he's going to consider if it's really worth living in this shit hole!!"
You watch his eyes widen at your words.
You quickly rise to your feet, sniffing before placing the broken picture back on his side table. You dry the last bit of tears with the sleeve of your fuzzy over-sweater. "I've gotta go." He stands, blocking your way.
"Y/n, she's an unstable narcissistic person who needed serious help. Ji-woo is better off not having any contact with her."
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from having another episode.
"How would you know? I saw your family. Perfect parents who own a huge, successful business with millions of dollars income. While some of us had work our asses off, scrape what we can off the bottom of other's shoes just to be able to fucking EAT." He folds his arms across his chest.
"Is this about my marriage or my job?" 
"ALL of IT! ALL OF YOU! You're rich and sucessful. Someone like you spit on people like me!" His eyes pierce yours with a harsh intensity.
"Make up your mind, Y/n. Wanna bitch about my job, my family's wealth, or my fucked up marriage? Really, Y/N. Take. Your. Fucking. Pick." Your breath hitches at his tone.  He scoffs at your silence.
"Oh now you wanna shut up? Come on, Y/n. You picked this battle, now you've gotta fight for stance. Don't got anything to say now, huh? You're such a fucking brat, you know?" He watches as your tiny adam's apple bobs up and down. The back of your throat dries from the tension. 
"Don't just stand there, Y/n. Wanna complain about how I was born into such a perfect, wealthy family? Oh, or do you wanna bitch on how you just hate how rich I am because I too worked my ass off to get where I am! Just because I didn't grow up with your kind of situation, doesn't mean I didn't have my own shit to deal with."
Your teeth grind against each other at his bitter words. You'd never seen this side of him before. Not even when talking about his so called bitch-of-a-wife. 
"You don't know SHIT." You curse, pushing him with all your might, that only barely makes him move. "You gonna keep being a brat or am I gunna have to fuck this attitude out of you?" Your body freezes. He smirks, stalking your figure, now having you backed into some doorway.
"Such a loud mouth for a tiny girl. Who gave you permission to curse like this, sweetie? I know I sure didn't." Your silence only fuels his ego.
"What? Can't handle a little fight back, baby? Think I'll just get on my knees and do as you say? like all those little pussies of men you've fucked before? You might think you're the shit, darling,"
The back of your legs touch a soft material. His breath rolls across your cheek, sliding to touch your outer ear.
"But we all know you just want a real man to fuck you like his little princess."
You moan out, as his arms come to snake around your waist, gripping you tight.
"Was this in your plan all along? Getting me all worked up then seducing me with your cute little subby face?" A deep chuckle echoes through the room. Lust prowls the atmosphere like a rabid animal. 
"Thinking that I'll just fall head over heels for your cute face, and you'll get what you want?"
You shake your head, not even realizing that it's what you wanted all along. He chuckles at your compliance. 
"See? Told you."
He leans forward, whispering along the shell of your ear.
"All big and strong until someone actually puts you in your place."
His harsh words elicit a pitchy whine from the back of your throat. You reach up, trying to tug at the material of his button up. He smirks, removing your hands from his clothing.
"Nu-uh. You wanna act like a brat? You get punished like one."
He sits on the egde of his bed, manspreading his thighs for your viewing glory. His eyes narrow at yours, silently commanding you.
"Down." You start to lower yourself to the floor before he stops you, tsking.
"On my lap." You swing your leg over his lap before he stops you once more.
"Jesus, baby. Should've known you weren't one to listen." He pulls your body down, bending you over his knee as his hand palms the flesh of your clothed ass. He chuckles, lifting your skirt up to reveal your thin, high waisted pantyhose.
"What's your safe word, love?" You moan at his question. 
Who knew consent was so hot??? (Hell yes it is children)
"mmm, what was your ex-wife's name again?" You tease.
He growls at the mention, giving your ass a good slap before countering.
"Smart off to me again and I'll make this ass redder than Rudolph's nose. Now,"
He runs the flat of his palms smoothly across your clothed skin before sliding the hem of your pantyhose down.
"What's your safe word, again?" You lift your head slightly to look at him, flashing a cheeky grin.
"Red, sir." He lightly applies a smack to your ass.
"Good girl." 
His eyes beat down onto the exposed flesh of your ass. The plump and softness of the skin is slightly reddened from the first spanking. Before you're about to smart off again, he continues.
"How should we do this, hmm? Maybe match your spankings to how many times you rolled your eyes at me?" You squeal at the sudden impact being harshly applied to your cheeks. He immediately soothes the sensitive skin afterwards, rubbing the round of his palm onto the reddened flesh.
"Or how many pieces you broke my wedding frame into?" You moan out, shaking your head, refusing either one of those options. He chuckles, not giving you an ultimatum.
"No? But you were so confident earlier though."
He leans down, tilting your chin to turn to meet his narrowed gaze.
"Now are you going to behave or am I going to have to paint your beautiful ass every shade of red?" You shake your head, not wanting anymore. You had some experience with spanking and shit but-
Holy fuck did his hands hurt..
"I'm gonna need more than a few tears, love." You whine, feeling the slick between your folds duplicate in dampness. 
"No, I'll be good- I swear!" You moan out, feeling the sweet relief of his palms rubbing over your reddened cheeks. He smirks, grabbing a fistful of the plump flesh before giving it a little jiggle. 
"That's more like it." He stands, pushing you back against the bed. His index comes up to tilt your head, forcing your eyes to meet his. "You just wanna please daddy, don't you?" Your pussy clenches at the given-name. Though you hadn't really likes it in the pornos you'd seen before, you quite liked the taste when it came from his mouth. 
"Say it." He commands, as you rise to your hands and knees. 
"I want your cum to fill me up so good" He quirks an eyebrow. 
"Who's cum?" You moan at his tone. His voice alone could make any women cum in just a matter of seconds but when it was paired with that, 
"Daddy's." He nods, bringing your hands to unbuckle the clasp of his belt. Your hands make quick work of the material, watching as it falls to the floor, circling his ankles. 
"And who's your daddy?" You giggle at the word. It felt so wrong on your tongue but on his..
"You, daddy." That makes his heart swell. His hands wrap the leather belt around his wrists. A dark expression swirls behind his usual chocolatey irises.
"Lay back for daddy." You obey, watching as he leans over, wrapping the leather belt around your wrists, pinning you to the headboard. He leans back on the balls of his knees, admiring your beautiful figure. 
"Mmm, this won't do." His fingers trail up the inner of your thighs before ripping a huge hole into the black tights. You gasp, watching as he slips your mini-skirt from your hips, throwing it somewhere across the room. 
"Can't believe you wore this here.." He scoffs, palms rubbing up the inner parts of your thighs before setting on your clad light pink panties. 
"So fucking cute." He groans, running his digits through the thin material, watching as the light pink fabric turns a light gray. 
"How fucking dirty of you, baby. Soiling your panties? Why? Because you were thinking of daddy fucking your tight little pussy?" You moan, nodding quickly at his words. A chuckle rolls past his lips. 
"I bindded you, not gagged you. Use your big girl words, baby." You whine, feeling the pads of his digits making straight lines connecting from your clit down to your soaking core.
"Yes! I dreamed of daddy's cock every night! Wanting it in me so bad, daddy..!" He raises an eyebrow, not truly believing your words.
"Mmmm, so you didn't even touch yourself? You stayed pure for me? Because if you touched yourself, I'm gonna have to punish you for that, darling." His fingers tilt your chin to meet his eyes.
"Tell me the truth, baby. Did you touch your pretty pussy? Make it all wet like how I'm doing right now? Did you ruin yourself without me?"
You shake your head, legs twitching from the lack of his touch. "No! I stayed pure for daddy." The tip of your toe teases his clad underwear, running the sole of your foot along the outline of his hardened dick. He retorts, moving away from your touch.
"Not into feet babe." He comments, as your face turns a beet red.
"Me neither.." You both laugh at the silly fail. He sighs, palm running over the rounds of your knees, watching the way your breasts bounce slightly when he rocks your body.
"What are you doing?" You look down, seeing his narrowed eyes staring at your erect buds.
"Your body is like fucking Picasso, sweetheart."
You laugh at his comment, watching as his lips come to hover over the exposed bud.
"I hope it's not like fucking Picasso.." He rolls his eyes at your stupid joke.
"Don't ruin this, Y/n." You smile, watching as he takes the bud between his lips, while his other free hand comes up to toy with the bouncy flesh of your over breast. Your head falls back against his silk pillows, back arching from the way his tongues swirls your nipple.
He releases with a pop, licking the pads of his lips before speaking.
"Can't fucking wait for these to be filled up with milk.." Your eyes widen at his words. "W-what?"
His eyes glance up to meet yours. A softer expression paints his face.
"For our babies. God, to see you so big and pregnant for me- carrying my child- fuck." You giggle at his antics, wrapping your exposed thighs around his hips, grinding against his clothed angry cock.
"You already have a kid, baby." You reply, kissing the side of his neck, as he traces patterns into the skin of your under bust.
"mmmm, I'm just horny.." He chuckles, licking a stripe up along the erects of your nipple. You moan at the sensation, as he smirks, chuckling.
"My baby likes it when I suck her pretty tits?" He teases it back and forth between the space of his top and bottom front teeth, watching your every expression with focus. The way your face contorted a certain way with each direction, tug, and lick.
"Jesus, baby. You're so sensitive. Like a virgin." He chuckles, as you stay silent.
He rises, giving you a questioning look. "Baby are you.."
You gently nod, flashing a small smile.
"My major never really let me date any guys so I-"
"You're a virgin?"
You're starting to think telling him was a mistake.
"Yeah but I like thi-"
"How the hell am I so lucky."
His words stop you mid-sentence.
He crawls up the plains of your curved body, hands trailing up to caress your cheek.
"I'm. So. Fucking. Lucky."
He whispers, while trailing his butterfly kisses all the way down to your navel. He glances up through his thick eyelashes.
"Anything else I should know?" You think for a second, before responding.
"I once tried using a bubble wand as a dildo."
He bursts out at this. Sitting up, his eyes cresant from his fit of giggles.
"Are you being serious?" He questions, wiping a tear from his eyes before laying back down, taking one of your breasts in hand to play with it.
"What's so funny?" You chuckle, not being able to help joining in with him.
"It was just- so random." He leans up, gently pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose, before giving you an eskemo kiss as well.
"That was adorable. You're adorable." He reaches up to untie your hands, making your pout a bit.
"But I liked those.." He smiles, pecking a small kiss to your cheek.
"We'll get into that later. For now, let's just focus on teaching you-" You cut him off.
"Please don't tell me you're about to teach me how to have sex." He chuckles, nodding.
"This is like the best thing a man can do." You smile, pecking his lips, pulling his chubby cheeks in along with the kiss.
You can feel his smile beam against the passionate kiss, as he pulls away. "Your kisses are so soft, baby.." You pout, folding your arms.
"No no! It's a cute thing. So many people just go in and basically bite each other's tongues off - That was an exaggeration, sweetheart. I'm suing you if you try to bite my tongue off." You giggle, nodding while leaning back against his bedframe.
"Your kisses are so soft. Just saying" He takes his chi n in his hand, pulling you to seer your lips together once more. It had quickly escalated when he added tongue. You always thought the idea was a little gross but actually feeling it..
Holy shitballs.
He feels you moan against the kiss, as his hands comes down to toy with the cup of your breast. His other hand trails down to slip into the elastic of your panties.
"Ah-" You moan out, feeling the tip of his finger run along the entrance of your sopping core. He smirks, pressing kisses to the side of your cheek, all the way down to your collarbone.
"Does it feel good?" He asks, lips still attacking your neck. You moan, feeling the tip of his middle finger poke at your entrance.
"U-huh.. Feels weirder when someone else does- Fuck!" You feel the tightness of his whole finger stretching you out. Your velvet walls slicking his extended digit, while his kisses distract your from what pain he fears you might experience.
"Tell me if it hurts, okay?" You nod, hips meeting to grind up into the palm of his hand. He chuckles while adding another finger. You grip onto his shoulders, nails gently cratering soft creasant moons into his shoulder blades.
"Shit baby... You're so fucking tight.." You whine, wanting to feel more.
"Mmmm, good." He smirks, tugging at the loose skin of your ear.
"Mmmm, feels good?"
"u-huh! Oh fuck-" He adds his third finger as your body completely just melts at the sensation. Your hips now moving to straddle his lap while he just sits back chuckling.
"What's so funny?" You ask, grinding down onto his palm.
"You're so eager, that's what's funny. You're acting like a teenage boy, babe." You roll your eyes, reaching down between the space of you, wrapping your hand around the length of his cock. He quickly shuts up, taking a sharp breath as your hand just sits around his cock.
"I was trying to go slow, Y/n." You playfully scoff, leaning down to spit on his hardened cock, as you move your hand up and down his length. You watch as his exposed stomach now tenses up at your motions, admiring the way his hairline had a beautiful little glisten on it from sweat.
"If I wanted slow, I would've told you." He chuckles, moving a strand of hair from your face while thrusting his three lodged digits up until your sopping core. Your hand making quick work on his cock makes this virginity-loss session more like two teens scared to fuck so they just jack each other off.
"Then what do you want?' You questions, groaning at the feeling of your hand around his cock. Your fingertip dances gently around his angry tip, watching as the precum spills from his slit.
"I want you to fuck me." He moan as your hand had done a certain motion, practically making him Jell-O in your hands. s
"But vi-virgi-" You cup your hand over his mouth, shushing him while repeating the same motion that made him react that way in the first place.
"Fine, don't fuck me. But don't call it 'love making' either. I've heard that one too many times from my parents, I don't need to hear it while we have sex." He nods, as he flips the two of you over. His body towering your own, watching the way your eyelashes flutter a bit in the cool apartment AC air.
He looks over toward you as he's reaching inside his black and gold rimmed nightstand, pulling a tiny square packet from it's hiding spot. You laugh slightly, as he settles back in between your thighs.
"Wouldn't Ji-woo find that?" You question as he rolls the tiny latex rubber over and down his cock.
"Of course not." He reaches back over, flashing a black key that had been placed in a specific spot under the nightstand.
"It's locked." He smiles, reaching down to line himself up with your entrance. You take in a sharp breath as the tip pokes your sopping core.
He glances up, pressing soft kisses all around your face before leaning up. "You might bleed a little.. And it'll be painful for sometime, but after that it gets better." You nod, watching as the gray swirls in his eyes let you know that he's just as nervous as you are. Your hand comes to rest upon his cheek, which seemed to calm both of your nerves.
"I'm ready."
He nods, clasping his hand in your while slowly sliding the tip in.
Not so bad.
You smile, feeling the pain starting to form.
Okay it's a little un-
"Fuck!" You moan out, imminently clasping your legs together, trying to stop him. Thankfully he stops checking to see if you're okay.
"I-.. Just hurt.." He nods, flashing you a small smile before kissing the tip of your nose.
"You're doing so well, baby. Being so good for daddy." You moan at the words, barely being able to feel the way he'd slowly inched his way in, until you felt the way his tip kissed your cervix.
"How do you feel?" He glances up, checking your expression to see if it's anything discomforting.
"It.. so full.." He chuckles at your lack of a structured sentence.
"That good, huh?" You nod, not even caring what he's teasing you about this time. Your hips grind up into his, feeling the way the ribbed condom slid against your ways.
"Oh.. my- fuuuck" His moans soon join yours as the speed of his thrusts pick up in momentum. His arms had braced themselves on each side of your body. A beautiful missionary pose if you do say so yourself.
"Oh shit baby- So fucking tight for me. fuuuckk" He groans, lifting your legs to wrap tightly around his waist, while your arms had snaked their way his veiny neck. Your head falls back, mouth gaped a O-shape.
"Oh- Ji- oh my god-" His grunts leave a pool of slick running down your thighs, which made this moment all the much hotter. Any pain that you had experienced had been long replaced with an ecstacy you wish you could feel all the time.
Your nails dig into the skin of his back, once innocent and cute creseant moon shapes now turned cherry red, with a few having drawn blood.
"Oh my god!" You hands come to stable by your hips, while leaning into your already fucked up position, thrusts hitting -somehow- even deeper before.
"Oh fu- daddy!" Your screams and skin slapping made fifty-shades of gray look like a disney movie. Along with Jimin's dirty but sweet talk, you had felt like you were on cloud nine.
"Oh fucking- shiiiittt baby. Gonna fill you up so nice. Fuuuck baby, look at your pussy taking me so well."
You moan, trying to switch positions. He pauses. "Something wrong?"
You nod. "I wanna be ontop." His eyes widen. "But- isn't that too kinky for right now?"
You pout. "Jimin so help me if you keep condemning me on how I can and can't fuck, I will leave here right now and you will have the WORSE case of blue balls in your life. " He immdiently flips around to that, laying on his back. You one leg over, straddling him lap. You reach down, guiding his cock around until your find your entrance.
"Oh- fuck that's not!- oh.." He groans, feeling an even tighter sensation from your back.
"Oh shit.." You laugh, taking it out before trying to line it up with your entrance. His wrist catches you.
"Baby if you want the worse UTI possible, I'd say go for it but let's just-" he reaches down, pulling the condom off. As he's reaching into his bedside table, you slam down onto his lap, cock being engulfed by your soaked pussy. He groans out, hands immediately coming to steady your hips.
"Jesus fu- baby you're gonna kill me.."
You smirk, guiding your hips along the trails of his cock, bouncing repeatedly. Going from fast paced to a slow, rhythmic pattern. His hands comes up to cup the rounds of your breasts, nipples being tugged at by his thumbs and index fingers. You glance down, chuckling at his position.
"You've got a breast kink.."
He smirk. "No, I've got a 'I wanna fuck a baby in you, please be the mother of my child' kink." That both sends you into a fit of tiny laughters, but the soon get replaced by moans and whimpers.
Mostly from your side.
"Baby I'm really gonna- no no no no shit- Baby I'm gonna cum!" You moan, hands reaching down to draw tiny circles into his hip bones and v-line as your thighs and pussy clench around his cock.
"Mmmm, can't tease me with a baby and break your promise, daddy." He groans, fighting with everything he's got as to not blow his load into your sweet pussy right now.
"Baby please- We can talk about that lat- fuck it!"
He flips you around in a matter of seconds. Your roots tightly coiled in his palm, while the other has reached forwards to grp one of your nipples.
"You want a baby so fucking badly? We're doing this my way." He leans down, thrusting his hips upwards into your pussy, watching as your sopping core engulfs his dick. He chuckles.
"My sperm, my choice of position." Your roll your eyes as his tugs on the roots of your hair, pulling you back to face him.
"Keep rolling your eyes and next time Imma shove that butt plug up your smart ass." You smirk, wiggling your hips as his thrusts start to become sloppy.
"You love my smart ass, daddy." He grunts, feeling the way his balls push up against your folds, slicking them even more.
"Fuck yeah I do. But," He tweaks your nipple in one hand, as you mewl out. "I love your fucking titties better."
You groan, burying your face into his satin pillows.
"Fuc-Fuck I'm coming!" He reaches forward, taking a hold on your clit likes it's dear life. The harsh circular motions send you into a fit of moans.
Psh, as if you weren't already in that.
"F-fuck- coming!" He moans out as you feel the hot rush of warm liquid shoot through your pussy. After a few moments he pulls out, admiring the Da Vinci like work he's done to both your ass and cunt.
He flips you over, making you lay upside down as your legs rest against the wall.
"What's this for?"
He smirks. "You said you wanted a baby, "
His lips capture yours in a spiderman like kiss.
"I'm gonna give you a baby."
He sits up, smiling like a little kid.
""Also I'm gonna call your pussy pac-man. Or.. pac-woman?" He laughs while cleaning up the sheets.
"Pac-pussy! Has a nice ring to it, don't chya think?"
______________________________________________________________ You know that I was thinking that this fic isn't long enough so I'm like- Lemme check the word count.
omg I need sleep-
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cherry-blossomtea · 5 days
you keep mentioning making money off of games like hsr but how? im dying to know
All right I'll make a proper post about this lmfao. May I present
The Invalid's Guide to Making Money Off Mobile Games
(Please note I'm using my affiliate links, so if you click through and join up I will get rewarded at no cost to you.)
The primary way that I make money is through Swagbucks. (I also use Inbox Dollars, but I tend to use Swagbucks more for different deals. They're both owned by the same parent company.) Swagbucks is a survey website, but they also offer affiliate deals with mobile games. For proof that I'm not grifting, here is my profile.
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Each swagbuck (SB) is a penny, so 100 is a dollar, 1000 is 10 dollars. As you can see as of posting this, I've earned 121, 297 SB or $1,212.97 since I started in January. I play various mobile games for a few hours every day, but I took a break for about a month and a half since I was getting burned out. I cash out to Paypal usually, but you can get a bunch of different gift cards, it's nice to be able to directly get people gift cards for their birthdays through the website.
There are a ton of different offers to choose from, from various sponsors of varying levels of credibility. They'll offer to complete different checkpoints within the game for SB within a certain amount of time.
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When I'm looking for an offer to start, I'm looking for a few things in particular. The amount on offer has to be worth my time. Usually, I'm looking for offers in the $40-$150 range. Anything above that is likely to have a catch, require massive amounts of in-app purchases to complete, or is downright impossible. I always consult the swagbucks reddit to check out offers beforehand, so I don't waste my time. I also consider the time investment I'm putting in. Usually 1000 levels of a puzzle game for $35 is the minimum I'm looking for. For idle games, I'm looking more in the $50 minimum range.
This is one of the offers I'm currently working on. (the game is Klondike, for $110 total offer)
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Typically with an offer in this range, I know I'm going to make a few purchases. I always try to go for stamina boosters on the cheap. I've spent about $5 so far and I'm only a week into this and already about 1/3 of the way done. I log in multiple times a day since I am, as I've stated, disabled, so I have the freedom to do so. If you do not have the ability to be so on top of things, I recommend looking at the second to last goal point, and making that your target.
Other offers are like this
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(This is Ant Legion, a game I've played before). As you can see the amount on offer is significantly higher. $340 to be exact, though keep an eye out for things like "purchase X"--typically those are 1:1 rebates, so you get a boost for free. With these types of games, you're going to be making substantially more in-app purchases. When I try this offer, I'm going to budget about $40-$50 so that I'm still making a profit of about $285. Understand that there is risk involved--if I spend that money and I *don't* make it all the way to 31 in time, I'm SOL.
Swagbucks also offers gambling games. Just stay away from those. I did one and spent about $70 to make a profit of about $150, but none of it was from the app itself. They're predatory and meant to funnel in-app purchases, though again, check the reddit. There might be a couple that are legit.
Typically with Swagbucks, I like to be doing 3 offers at a time--two idle games, and one puzzle game. I'll check my idle games throughout the day to make progress, and sit and binge the puzzle games to get to the level checkpoints (Usually about 1000 levels, which isn't as bad as it sounds.)
Before I get into the next section, this is very important, please listen to me.
If you cash out for more than the minimum threshold for taxation in your country, you will owe taxes on the money you make.
You'll need to do research for your individual situation. For USAmericans, the threshold is $600. I budget about 10% of that to go into taxes, and I have a spreadsheet with receipts for in-app purchases which qualify as business expenses in this case. Here is the SB page for more info.
Next, I've just started using Mistplay after being bombarded with ads about it. generally, I like it. I'm also not saying that it's possible to double-dip SB and Mistplay rewards, because I would not do that because it's against terms and conditions, but it might be possible (though I definitely don't recommend it).
Mistplay works differently in that it offers 'units' for playing games for a certain amount of time. I've earned about 500 units in a day playing mobile games for a few hours, and minimum cash out starts at $5 for 1800 units. Overall it's a nice system that allows me to make money on more "fun" games that I'd otherwise be playing anyway without making money, such as for instance, Honkai: Star Rail which I'm planning on starting tonight. And if you do join Mistplay, this is my recruit link ;).
Overall tips:
be prepared to watch ads. I have my shit set up on multiple devices, I have a phone and a tablet with different games on each and I usually have ads going on on one screen while I'm playing merge what the fuck ever on the other. That's how they're making the money to give to you, pussy up etc.
It does take some dedication to rack up big numbers. I consider myself on a fairly relaxed grind and usually play mobile games for about four hours a day. You can try out your limits and whatnot
RESEARCH. you can download a game and test it outside of the SB tracking to try it out, or check out the subreddit. Mucho helpful information.
IF YOU DO AN OFFER and it DOES NOT TRACK CORRECTLY do not panic. Complete the offer to the best of your ability, take screenshots, and use the SB help center to request your missing SB credit. They usually get back to me within a business day with my shit in pending.
It's a slow crawl to victory. You'll be like "i am not making fucking ANYTHING." and then the next week you'll be like. pending for $100. Be patient.
Check out the other shit on the SB and Inbox Dollars websites. I occasionally do surveys for over a dollar (though I use Forthright for surveys because overall it pays better for my time.)
Good luck gamers!
And. Please don't like. blow me up about this being a scam or whatever? I see people press x to doubt but the proof is in my bank account. Or well. My medical provider's bank account now because I've been using the money to slowly pay off bills.
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agentjayrock · 9 months
Uber? Lyft? What the hell is going on?
Ever had to contact customer support and heard over an automated voice instead of a human? How about contacting them and once you explain to them your issues only for them to give you ready-made responses as they haven't clue of what you're talking about? Well, that's been my excrcuiating experience as a driver for both companies at the same time. So, let's dive into how ludicrous it's been.
Let's start with Uber since it's rich with crazy stories. Uber has kind of a fair hourly wage going $25-30. You can receive payments on weekly basis like most jobs and contracts. Or you can have instant access to your money and even cash out once you've finished your shift with the Pro Card. Of course, I would choose the latter because why not? Normally I cash out directly to my debit card and needed I new one some time ago. I went in to change the details for the new card and had to undergo a security code verification via text message. I never received it so I had to contact support. I explained the issue I had and was told to whilelist my phone number from a text message. That's strange. How come I can receive text messages from Pro Card just fine when logging in, but not for this? Because this didn't work. I thought that this had to be a problem in their end. Now, a good tech support agent would troubleshoot such an issue should a solution like that not work. Not here; they "took it to further support" (Bear with here. I couldn't remember exactly what they said.) in order to resolve my issue. Their response: logout and in, reinstall the app and restart my phone. None of that worked because it's the most half-assed set of solutions of all time. Imagine if EA told you do that with their games you try to boot up. It'll just add the notoriety they're known for having.
It didn't feel like I was chatting with a human, so I decided to call support for a better chance. I had to wait (Get ready for this) ONE MOTHERFUCKING HOUR just to talk with someone. I can't believe I had the patience for that. I finally get to talk with an agent, only for them to tell me the same. Damn. Thing. Dude, what the fuck? Is Uber run by Skynet or something?! I kept contacting until I remembered why I had to whitelist the phone number I've been using with my account: it's because it's believed that it was being blocked by the provider. The number here is one I had setup for business reasons via TextFree, so I contacted them about it and they told me there was no issue on their end. Is Uber screwing with at this point? But, I went and switched the number on my account to my personal one, thinking that the business number is being assumed to be a VoIP, which is not allowed with some services. I finally get the code needed to finalize debit card changes to my Pro Card account.
Now this next story really interfered with my job significantly. I've been doing rideshare look normal, steady with a consistent schedule I setup for myself. The one thing that annoys me is that I have to verify my facial identity every once in a while. I mean, you know what I look like. Nothing too drastic has changed about me. So, why do I gotta go through this as I begin the job at a desired time? One day, I randomly go into the trip preferences menu to see it go from this:
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To this:
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Note: the Uber Eats food delivery preference is suppose to be there, but I didn't take a screenshot before it disappeared.
Of course, I had to talk to an agent. But this was more aggravating. I tried my damnedest to explain this issue. The agent, however, couldn't seem to figure out what I mean. Did they not have any job training? Once that was sorted, the agent said things like "This should be the type of experience for you to have" or "We understand your concern". Do ya, really? Because you should've went deeper into it by now. Continuing with this chat, guess what they told me then: the same solution from the Pro Card "troubleshoot", but that didn't work because THE APP IS NOT THE FUCKING PROBLEM! I disconnected and got in contact with a different agent. This bullshit repeated, but I got a whole new response. I got confirmation of my eligibility to have these preferences, including UberXL, and it was still approved. They also actually spent the time to look into it for a few minutes, although it was longer than. The problem involved the inspection of the vehicle I have registered. They wanted me to show an image of a newly documented inspection, but I don't have to worry about it for another 6 months. In my state at least, (I'm from the USA) I have to perform an annual inspection for legal validity of driving the vehicle, and it's $100. Doing this every 6 months makes no sense and it feels like it'll lead to an endless money pit, as a certain mechanic would say.
After that was sorted, I went back to doing the job like normal, only for it to happen again the next week. Starting to feel like Uber has a grudge against me. I go back to dealing with the same ol' crap more frustrated than ever, even angry, and get an unexpected response: I'm not eligible to perform UberXL rides. Well, isn't this the most inept thing to happen here? I drive a minivan, goddammit. What do you mean I'm not eligible? I just disconnected and almost didn't bother to reach another agent. But, I'm managed to collect myself and get it sorted out like last time. I'm certain this will happen again however.
On the Lyft side of things, the same issue with support, except this is about emblems. Speaking of those emblems, the adhesive is weak sauce. So, I needed new ones. You can order new ones from the site or app with the push of a button. It's suppose to arrive within week, but didn't as that time range passed. I had to contact an agent, but it was hard to do it on the app because for some reason, they have too high of expectations that problems are solved with FAQs. But this is a troubleshooting issue; there's no way they can believe things can work fine that easily all the time. I had to go to the site to get help, and they responded by arranging a new order, which did arrive. Thing is, I've had this problem since I first signed up. I didn't even get my training kit with the cool pink mustache. After those emblems wear out too soon, I had to order another pair. Here's me thinking "Maybe they sorted out that issue with the delivery". But something even worse happened:
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And as of the date of this blog post, it's still like this. Why? I even contacted them with this screenshot and they just gave me an automated message saying they'll just reship the emblems. This shouldn't have to be the only way to obtain new emblems beside the Express Hubs, which is too far from where I live. And they didn't arrive this time. If I contact them about any other problem, it'll just be the same type of response instead of troubleshooting.
Now, I don't know too much about the experience with support for riders since I've not used rideshare often. But I'm sure there's similar issues. The fact that this is the type of support we receive is unacceptable. It's as if they only measure their success financially based on the quantity of users. With the money they make, you'd think they could hire more competent employees for tech support, but they just found some random people with barely any tech skills to speak of and brought them in. There's got to be some kind of union strike or something because we can't keep letting them get away with this.
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foodvizhil · 5 days
Welcome to Vizhil Food Delivery: Your Timely Culinary Companion 
In today's fast-paced world, we understand the importance of getting your food delivered hot and fresh, exactly when you need it. Welcome to Vizhil Food Delivery, the ultimate app designed to ensure you enjoy your meals without any hassle or delay. Our mission is to provide a seamless and timely food delivery service that caters to your cravings and fits perfectly into your busy schedule. 
Why Choose Vizhil Food Delivery? 
1. Timely Deliveries Our top priority is to get your food to you on time. We have a robust logistics network and a team of dedicated delivery personnel who ensure that your order reaches you promptly. No more waiting endlessly for your food to arrive! 
2. Extensive Restaurant Network We have partnered with a wide array of restaurants, ranging from local favorites to popular chains, to bring you a diverse selection of cuisines. Whether you're in the mood for Indian, Chinese, Italian, or something more exotic, you'll find it on our app. 
3. Real-Time Tracking Stay informed about the status of your order with our real-time tracking feature. From the moment you place your order to the time it reaches your doorstep, you can track your delivery and know exactly when to expect your meal. 
4. Easy-to-Use Interface Our app is designed with user convenience in mind. The intuitive interface allows you to browse menus, place orders, and make payments with ease. You can also save your favorite orders for quick reordering in the future. 
5. Multiple Payment Options We offer a variety of secure payment methods, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and cash on delivery, to make the checkout process as convenient as possible. 
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Features of Vizhil Food Delivery 
Customizable Orders Customize your meal according to your preferences. Add special instructions for the restaurant, choose your preferred spice level, or request extra toppings—your food, your way. 
Exclusive Offers and Discounts Enjoy exclusive deals and discounts available only on the Vizhil Food Delivery app. Save money while indulging in your favorite meals. 
Scheduled Deliveries Plan your meals ahead of time with our scheduled delivery option. Select the date and time that suits you best, and we'll ensure your food arrives right on schedule. 
Customer Support Our dedicated customer support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any issues or inquiries. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to provide prompt and helpful responses. 
Safe and Hygienic Practices We adhere to strict safety and hygiene protocols to ensure your food is prepared and delivered under the highest standards of cleanliness. Your health and well-being are paramount to us. 
How to Get Started 
Download the App Get the Vizhil Food Delivery app from the App Store or Google Play Store.   
Sign Up or Log In Create a new account or log in with your existing credentials.   
Browse and Order Explore the wide range of restaurants and cuisines, add your favorite dishes to the cart, and place your order.   
Track Your Delivery Use the real-time tracking feature to monitor your order's progress.   
Enjoy Your Meal Receive your food on time, sit back, and enjoy your delicious meal.   
Thank you for choosing Vizhil Food Delivery. We're here to make sure you get your food on time, every time. Download the app today and experience the convenience of timely food delivery at your fingertips! 
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amysubmits · 1 year
Hi Amy 🌟
I love your blog and have been following it for a few years now. Thank you for all your profound takes on relationships!
I was wondering if you have any tips on any apps that are good for checking completed chores? I'm not really sure how to phrase the question.. Me and my partner are in a d/s relationship and don't live together, which makes it difficult to be held accountable for not following my rules.
I hope you have a lovely day ❤️
Aww, thanks, you're too sweet!
We've used an app called Our Home. It's intended for families but it allows you to set up 'chores' with varying frequencies (daily, just on Mondays, every other day, etc). It generates a to-do list basically, and the sub just marks off each one once it's completed, and it'll send a notification to the dom and/or they can log in to the app to see what has been marked off for the day. They can also 'heart' the completed task or comment on it, to let the sub know they saw it was completed.
You can also set it up where each task is worth points, and set up different rewards at different values so the sub can cash out their points if you're into that kind of a thing.
I've also heard of people using an app called Obedience that was made with kink in mind. I don't know much about it though.
Hope you have a nice day as well!
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Affiliate Profitz AI Review - The First-To-Market, A.I-Powered App That Create Your Profitable ClickBank Affiliate Campaign In Less Than 60 Seconds
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Are you looking for a way to make money online with affiliate marketing? Do you want to create high-converting landing pages, email sequences, social media posts, and more without any technical skills or upfront costs? If you answered yes, then you need to check out Affiliate Profitz AI, the first-to-market, A.I-powered app that can do all that and more for you in less than 60 seconds!
What is Affiliate Profitz AI?
Affiliate Profitz AI is a progressive application that utilizes computerized reasoning to make your entire affiliate marketing campaign in seconds. It works with any specialty and any item, particularly ClickBank items, which are known for their high commissions and conversions.
With Affiliate Profitz AI, you don't need to worry about writing content, designing graphics, or finding traffic sources.
The app does everything from creating a stunning landing page with your affiliate link, creating an entire bonus page with irresistible offers, creating engaging email sequences, TikTok and YouTube scripts, social media posts and blog content that will drive thousands of people. do for you Visitors to your funnel.
How does Affiliate Profitz AI work?
Affiliate Profitz AI is very easy to use, even if you are a complete beginner. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Activate. Log in to the user-friendly dashboard and activate a campaign.
Step 2: Customize. Choose your niche, product, and keywords, and let the app generate your content and graphics.
Step 3: Profit. Launch your campaign and watch the commissions roll in.
What are the benefits of Affiliate Profitz AI?
Affiliate Profitz AI is a game-changer for anyone who wants to make money online with affiliate marketing. Here are some of the benefits of using this app:
It saves you time and money. You don't need to spend hours or days creating your own content, graphics, or traffic sources. You don't need to hire writers, designers, or programmers. You don't need to pay for hosting, domains, or autoresponders. You can have your campaign ready in minutes with just a few clicks.
It gives you an edge over the competition. You don't need to worry about saturation or duplication. The app uses A.I. to make interesting and unique substance that will rank well on web search tools and virtual entertainment stages. You can likewise alter your substance and illustrations to suit your style and inclinations.
It helps you generate passive income. You needn't bother with to be a specialist or have any insight to utilize this application. You can begin bringing in cash from the very first moment, regardless of whether you have never made a dime on the web. You can likewise increase your pay by making various missions in various specialties and items.
How much does Affiliate Profitz AI cost?
Affiliate Profitz AI is currently available at a special launch price of only $17. This is a one-time payment, with no monthly fees or hidden charges. You also get access to some amazing bonuses, such as:
Bonus 1: Free Traffic Training. Learn how to drive free and targeted traffic to your campaigns using proven methods and strategies.
Bonus 2: Affiliate Marketing Mastery. Learn how to master the art and science of affiliate marketing and make consistent commissions online.
Bonus 3: ClickBank Marketing Secrets. Learn how to find and promote the best and most profitable products on ClickBank, the largest and most popular affiliate network in the world.
Bonus 4: TikTok Marketing Made Easy. Learn how to leverage the power and popularity of TikTok, the fastest-growing social media platform, to generate massive exposure and sales for your campaigns.
Bonus 5: YouTube Affiliate Marketing Secrets. Learn how to create and optimize your own YouTube channel and videos to attract and convert your audience into buyers.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes, there is. Affiliate Profitz AI comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. This means that you can try the app risk-free for 30 days, and if you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a full refund. No questions asked.
Final verdict
Affiliate Profitz AI is a must-have app for anyone who wants to make money online with affiliate marketing. It is the first-to-market, A.I-powered app that can create your profitable ClickBank affiliate campaign in less than 60 seconds. It is easy to use, cost-effective, and results-oriented. It can save you time, cash, and bother, and assist you with creating automated revenue on the web.
If you are ready to take your affiliate marketing to the next level, then you need to get Affiliate Profitz AI today. Try not to botch this valuable chance to get it at a limited cost, alongside some astounding rewards. Click the connection underneath to get everything rolling at this point.
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How to Activate Cash App Card?
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The Cash App Card is analogous to a disbenefit card from your bank. It allows you to add finances to your card, withdraw cash from an ATM, and pay retailers. In addition, it has several features that make it easier for you to make online deals. One of the most important effects of the Cash App is that it's only for some. You will have to be 18 times old to order a Cash App card.
You will need to give your name, address, phone number, and birth date to admit your card. You may also have to enter a hand. While the Cash App is great for making and managing online deals, you can only pierce it if you are connected to the internet. In addition, you will need to have a strong bandwidth to make it work.
The cash app activate card is a simple process. It's one of the most important effects you can do to get the most out of your app. The Cash App has several features to make it easier for you to make and manage deals. You will also need to know about the Cash App's secret- it's QR law. The Cash App card has a QR law you can overlook with your camera.
How to Activate a Cash App Card via phone?
The Cash App is a great way to manage your plutocrat, and it's also delightful to use. You can also use it to shoot plutocrats, musketeers and family. The app will also allow you to select a" boost" for your card. You can select a free reimbursed card with a limit or a free card that can be reloaded. You can also add a delineation to your card. The app also allows you to select a" Cash Tag" to add to your portmanteau. You can also use the app to withdraw cash from an ATM. This can save you a ton of plutocrats.
cranking a Cash App Card is fairly easy. The process of how to Activate a Cash App card is analogous to whether you use an Android or iOS device.
· First, you will want to download the Cash App onto your device.
· Next, you will need to overlook a QR law with your phone's camera.
· Once you've scrutinised the QR law, you will need to fill out some form fields. You will need to fill in some introductory information, similar to your card's CVV number and the date your card will expire.
· The app will also let you pick a colour for your card. The app will also let you add your hand to the card.
How to Activate a Cash App Card Before It Arrives?
cranking the Cash App card before it arrives is an option, but you do not have to stay until the box arrives to get started. It's possible to Activate your new Cash App card on your smartphone or PC, indeed if you plan to use it later.
cranking the Cash App card is a breath thanks to its mobile app, which can be downloaded on iOS or Android bias. The icon resembles a credit card. To Activate the card, you will need to overlook the QR law on the reverse.
The Cash App also has an online plutocrat transfer service, a great way to shoot plutocrats from one bank account to another. You can also use the Cash App to make purchases in physical locales. Still, the app only allows you to make purchases for a limited amount. The maximum spending limit is a modest$,000 per week. However, it's worth considering your choices, If you are planning on making further than many purchases. Cash App offers client support, which is helpful if you witness any problems when you activate cash app card with QR law. You can also communicate with the company by phone.
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iminthetunnels · 1 year
Thank u for helping me, I’m gonna PayPal u for ur trouble. How do u know what natural things are safe in pregnancy and breastfeeding? Like herbs, Ayurvedic things, kratom etc. cause when you Google it Google just says ABSOLUTELY NOT to all of it but then when you read deeper into it it’s just because “it hasn’t been studied” by the FDA or some shit but I’m sure there’s ancestral knowledge but idk where to look to find that knowledge lol. Thank u again I wish u n ur son all the happiness and he’s so lucky to have you. I’ll log into my mommy blog at some point and send something off anon so you know I’m a real mom lol just on my side blog and lazy rn lol.
this is very sweet, but i am in a very good position rn, altho, i do keep extra money in my paypal &cash apps, so if anyone ever needs anything let me know!!!
i have been in the holistic field so a very long time! and have accumulated so much information along the way. i was heavily into Ayurveda before having sasha, and since then, everything has clicked. i use google, but i also use duckduckgo, and when i find medical pieces, i’ll finish reading and then go to the cited works from people down below, go to their profile and u can usually find other studies they’ve done, and medical papers they’ve published. it’s VERY hard to find information, easy to get discouraged and confused. this is why talking to other mamas is very important to me, u can message me off anon, and u can have my number too!!! i LOVE mama friends who want to explore this world with an open book!
i also have extreme maternal instinct. everything that has happened with my son, i feel my life has prepared me for this moment, and this moment alone. nothing makes as much sense to me as this moment im living in right now. everything i’ve done for my son has helped him out tremendously, i do believe he’d be worse off if i didn’t listen to my gut. my gut and brain are always guiding me and helping me! i feel so blessed and i know u feel it, too! every mama does:) i would love to talk to u off anon, i love making friends. u sound so wonderful and i can tell u wanna help ur baby and give him the best care possible<3
also, thank u so much<3
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Riddle Me This
AO3 mirror: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42610116
AN: The other character here is just vague enough that it could be interpreted as a reader insert if that pleases you. But otherwise, no major content warnings apply.
Melanie looked over the problem on her phone again as she stood before the studio. Though it didn’t look it now, it used to be free to rent for any artists looking for a place to work in peace. The other buildings surrounding this one were more well kept. The paint on them didn’t peel and there weren’t any holes made by the various bugs and rodents looking for a home. This particular one was usually rented out to photographers, but in a place like Gotham, there was always something exciting (and beautifully dangerous) just by walking the streets.
It got even more exciting with the app that was taking her university by storm. At face value, Riddle Me This was a simple collection of puzzles and brain teasers. Crosswords, sudoku, mazes too. If it woke up your brain, it was ready to play.
The fact that it was supposedly programmed by one of the most notorious criminals in Gotham added some extra spice to its reputation, too.
But that wasn't the main attraction. Anyone could program something like those. Mostly, everyone downloaded it for a shot at the daily riddle. There were cash prizes for the first ten people to answer it correctly. The new players who didn't know how the app truly worked usually scoffed and tried to Google the answer. Whoever developed it must have thought that part through, as one of Melanie's classmates discovered when she tried to look up what grew up while growing down. As soon as she hit the search button, her phone froze, and nothing could be done to save it. Basically, it turned into a brick.
But there were rumors that if you logged in every day, put in your time, and at least attempted to solve the daily riddles, you were rewarded with a unique opportunity. In a private riddle sent to you was a clue to a special prize somewhere in the real world. All you had to do was find it. So when Melanie got a message containing one 'specially made for her', she waited until her roommate had left to one of her parties and snuck out to do some treasure hunting. It almost felt like cheating, because she remembered her brother telling her this one a couple years ago.
A woman shoots her husband and holds him underwater for five minutes. Then, she hangs him. They have a lovely dinner afterwards. How is this possible?
This was the only place Melanie could think of that was related to the riddle she was sent this morning. The woman could have dinner with her husband because she was shooting a photo of him. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the door.
As soon as she opened it, she was immediately blinded by a spotlight aimed right at her. She raised a hand to cover her eyes, blinking until her vision came back before stepping forward into the room. Desks lined up in rows, facing a table at the back of one wall. Various items were scattered on the table, including a globe and a Rubik's cube. It looked to Melanie like...
"A classroom?"
Startled, she turned as the door slammed shut, pushed by someone she didn't notice as she walked in. She blinked, not quite believing she was seeing a young, red-haired man glaring at her. Or rather, what he was wearing. Whoever he was, he must have been obsessed with the color green. He wore a green jacket, green dress pants, and a green tie hung on his neck. Plastered all over them were black question marks, and Melanie wondered who on Earth would willingly dress up like this.
The answer came to her like a flash of lightning. Well, shit. She was in the same room as-
"And it was about time you came by! I was starting to think I should have sent something more modern, like how many kids are going to know anything that's not digital? God, I bet you've never even touched a piece of film." Frowning, he stepped towards her, waving his hands in the air as his rant continued. "Or did you have to ask for your parents' permission before you went out? You one of those kids who needs permission before they color outside the lines? Outside the box? Outside the house?"
He was speaking a mile a minute, and Melanie struggled to keep up. But this attitude was starting to bug her. Was he really calling her a kid? He didn't look that much older than her. But his emerald eyes bore into hers, making it hard to look away as he looked down at her, barely an inch away from her face.
"So? What, you need permission to speak, too? Or are you just mute?"
Finally, Melanie found her voice and answered, "Uh, no. No, sir, I can speak."
The man sighed. "Good. Even though I am proficient in sign language, talking is much easier."
Melanie just nodded, but there was no way to figure out what the right thing to do was here. She could try to run for the door, but it was probably locked. Essentially, she was at the mercy of-
"Okay!" The green-obsessed man clapped his hands together and made his way to the table at the back. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and no, I will not answer them. Not right now, anyway. You'll have to earn them yourself. Just like how you got that riddle." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone, flipping through something on the screen. "At least an hour every day for...let's see, thirty days hath September...one hundred days in a row! Not bad, not bad, not the longest streak I've seen, but then again, you did actually play the games on there. Some people just log in and then log back out again. They don't think I notice, but I do."
"Um." Melanie muttered, slightly anxious at interrupting yet another rant. "I'm sorry, but...I don't really understand why I'm here."
He blinked. "Oh. Hm. Yes, I guess that's important, isn't it?" He sighed as he lifted himself onto the desk, sitting cross legged on top and grabbing the Rubik's cube. "Melanie, is it? If I'm going to be honest, I didn't think you would get this far. You must be the fifth person ever to get one of my special riddles right and then have the initiative to go out and find it on the same night. I've got more important things to do than camp out. Here, mix this up for me, would you?" He tossed the cube to Melanie, who fumbled slightly as she caught it. "But I have to admit, as flexible as I am, I can't be everywhere at once. It was a hard pill to swallow, and I'm still struggling to choke it down. So I need people who can at least trail closely behind me. People who don't need things explained more than once. Not entirely yes men, but not entirely loose cannons, either."
As she played with the cube, mixing the colors as best as she could, she puzzled over what her host was saying. "Wait, are you saying this is like...a recruitment drive?"
The man smirked. "Well. You're already showing promise. Keep it up and I might pay you. More than the recently released who don't have anywhere to go, anyway."
There was no way Melanie could follow what the hell he was saying. He's really going around recruiting civilians to his crusade?
"Now I know what you're thinking. And no, I'm not going to have you set up bombs for me. Maybe when you're a little older." He finally got off the desk and walked over to Melanie, snatching the mixed-up Rubik's cube from her hands and scanning it. "You'll just act as my eyes and ears. Take pictures of anything you think will interest me, tell me anything you might hear on the grapevine, stuff like that." Still looking at her, his hands seemed to move on their own as they worked at the cube, spinning the different rows in a flurry of colors. "And if you think about going to the police, I'll simply kill you and everyone you ever loved and cared about."
Melanie's heart froze. He was so blunt, it was like killing anyone was just another obstacle to him. She gulped. "Why me?"
"Why?" He blinked, taking only a second to think of an answer. "Because I recognize something in you that has plagued me for as long as I can remember. The bane of any genius like myself." Glancing disinterestedly at the cube, now solved and color coordinated, he tossed it behind his back and let it tumble onto the floor. "You're bored. Aren't you?"
It was Melanie's turn to blink at him in disbelief. "I'm...bored?"
"God, I hate when people repeat what I say back at me. If I wanted an echo, I'll just find a cave to scream into, thanks."
"It's just that," she continued, "when I went out tonight, I didn't think The Riddler was going to show up and ask me to be his scout."
Upon hearing his name, The Riddler's mouth twitched into a grin. A small giggle erupted from him, but it was quickly shot it down. "Not a lot of people get this opportunity. The fact that I'm even speaking to you in person, well," he stepped forward and looked down at Melanie again, making her feel tiny as she resisted the urge to look away, "isn't this the highlight of your day? Your week? Month? Year? Decade?"
Sweat started to bead on her forehead. Staring into those eyes, knowing what he did. Traps, codes, questions, answers, followed by a finale of lives lost if they didn't play along. If The Riddler was bored and he saw you, God help you, because he wanted a show. Entertainment at the expense of others. He didn't care if tears were shed, if throats scratched from begging and pleading. If you couldn't give him stimulation, you weren't fit to walk this Earth at all.
The Riddler sighed, reaching into the front pocket of his jacket and pulling out a green handkerchief, this one also covered in black question marks. "It always happens. People are so shocked by my presence, their vocal cords stop working." Gently, he patted at the sweat on Melanie's forehead. "But you should feel honored, Melanie. I deemed you worthy enough to work for me. And if you do your work, you will be rewarded, I promise." He looked over her, slipping the handkerchief into the pocket of her hoodie. "I don't need your DNA, so you can keep that. Consider that your first prize for figuring out my puzzle."
He stepped back to the teacher's desk, and Melanie, not realizing she was holding her breath, sighed loudly. She felt at the handkerchief in her pocket. It was the smoothest silk she ever felt. If something like this material was deemed worthy of handkerchief, she couldn't imagine what The Riddler's suit must have been made of. "So, if I'm going to be your 'eyes and ears', where am I going to send my information?"
"You'll receive a message on your phone as soon as you leave with all the details." With a click, he pressed at something on the globe. Splitting across the equator, it opened, and The Riddler pressed the switch inside.
The door slowly swung open, its creek reverberating across the room. Melanie turned to it, resisting the urge to run out and away from this place. From him.
"Oh, and Melanie?"
She turned to him, resting his elbows on the desk and placing his chin on his hands. "I was kidding about the 'killing you and your loved ones' thing." He grinned, and Melanie's muscles froze as it pierced through her.
"You would be much more useful to me as one of my 'players'."
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
What happened to the cycle of renewal? Where are the regular, controlled burns?
Like the California settlers who subjugated the First Nations people and declared war on good fire, the finance sector conquered the tech sector.
It started in the 1980s, the era of personal computers — and Reaganomics. A new economic and legal orthodoxy took hold, one that celebrated monopolies as “efficient,” and counseled governments to nurture and protect corporations as they grew both too big to fail, and too big to jail.
For 40 years, we’ve been steadily reducing antitrust enforcement. That means a company like Google can create a single great product (a search engine) and use investors’ cash to buy a mobile stack, a video stack, an ad stack, a server-management stack, a collaboration stack, a maps and navigation stack — all while repeatedly failing to succeed with any of its in-house products.
It’s hard to appreciate just how many companies tech giants buy. Apple buys other companies more often than you buy groceries.
These giants buy out their rivals specifically to make sure you can’t leave their walled gardens. As Mark Zuckerberg says, “It is better to buy than to compete,” (which is why Zuckerberg bought Instagram, telling his CFO that it was imperative that they do the deal because Facebook users preferred Insta to FB, and were defecting in droves).
As these companies “merge to monopoly,” they are able to capture their regulators, ensuring that the law doesn’t interfere with their plans for literal world domination.
When a sector consists of just a handful of companies, it becomes cozy enough to agree on — and win — its lobbying priorities. That’s why America doesn’t have a federal privacy law. It’s why employees can be misclassified as “gig worker” contractors and denied basic labor protections.
It’s why companies can literally lock you out of your home — and your digital life — by terminating your access to your phone, your cloud, your apps, your thermostat, your door-locks, your family photos, and your tax records, with no appeal — not even the right to sue.
But regulatory capture isn’t merely about ensuring that tech companies can do whatever they want to you. Tech companies are even more concerned with criminalizing the things you want to do to them.
Frank Wilhoit described conservativism as “exactly one proposition”:
There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
This is likewise the project of corporatism. Tech platforms are urgently committed to ensuring that they can do anything they want on their platforms — and they’re even more dedicated to the proposition that you must not do anything they don’t want on their platforms.
They can lock you in. You can’t unlock yourself. Facebook attained network-effects growth by giving its users bots that logged into Myspace on their behalf, scraped the contents of their inboxes for the messages from the friends they left behind, and plunked them in their Facebook inboxes.
Facebook then sued a company that did the same thing to Facebook, who wanted to make it as easy for Facebook users to leave Facebook as it had been to get started there.
Apple reverse-engineered Microsoft’s crown jewels — the Office file-formats that kept users locked to its operating systems — so it could clone them and let users change OSes.
Try to do that today — say, to make a runtime so you can use your iOS apps and media on an Android device or a non-Apple desktop — and Apple will reduce you to radioactive rubble.
Big Tech has a million knobs on the back-end that they can endlessly twiddle to keep you locked in — and, just as importantly, they have convinced governments to ban any kind of twiddling back.
This is “felony contempt of business model.”
Governments hold back from passing and enforcing laws that limit the tech giants in the name of nurturing their “efficiency.”
But when states act to prevent new companies — or users, or co-ops, or nonprofits — from making it easier to leave the platforms, they do so in the name of protecting us.
Rather than passing a privacy law that would let them punish Meta, Apple, Google, Oracle, Microsoft and other spying companies, they ban scraping and reverse-engineering because someone might violate the privacy of the users of those platforms.
But a privacy law would control both scrapers and silos, banning tech giants from spying on their users, and banning startups and upstarts from spying on those users, too.
Rather than breaking up ad-tech, banning surveillance ads, and opening up app stores, which would make tech platforms stop stealing money from media companies through ad-fraud, price-gouging and deceptive practices, governments introduce laws requiring tech companies to share (some of) their ill-gotten profits with a few news companies.
This makes the news companies partners with the tech giants, rather than adversaries holding them to account, and makes the news into cheerleaders for massive tech profits, so long as they get their share. Rather than making it easier for the news to declare independence from Big Tech, we are fusing them forever.
We could make it easy for users to leave a tech platform where they are subject to abuse and harassment — but instead, governments pursue policies that require platforms to surveil and control their users in the name of protecting them from each other.
We could make it easy for users to leave a tech platform where their voices are algorithmically silenced, but instead we get laws requiring platforms to somehow “balance” different points of view.
The platforms aren’t merely combustible, they’re always on fire. Once you trap hundreds of millions — or billions — of people inside a walled fortress, where warlords who preside over have unlimited power over their captives, and those captives the are denied any right to liberate themselves, enshittification will surely and inevitably follow.
Laws that block us seizing the means of computation and moving away from Big Tech are like the heroic measures that governments undertake to keep people safe in the smouldering wildland-urban interface.
These measures prop up the lie that we can perfect the tech companies, so they will be suited to eternal rule.
Rather than building more fire debt, we should be making it easy for people to relocate away from the danger so we can have that long-overdue, “good fire” to burn away the rotten giants that have blotted out the sun.
What would that look like?
Well, this week’s news was all about Threads, Meta’s awful Twitter replacement devoted to “brand-safe vaporposting,” where the news and controversy are not welcome, and the experience is “like watching a Powerpoint from the Brand Research team where they tell you that Pop Tarts is crushing it on social.”
Threads may be a vacuous “Twitter alternative you would order from Brookstone,” but it commanded a lot of news, because it experienced massive growth in just hours. “Two million signups in the first two hours” and “30 million signups in the first morning.”
That growth was network-effects driven. Specifically, Meta made it possible for you to automatically carry over your list of followed Instagram accounts to Threads.
Meta was able to do this because it owns both Threads and Instagram. But Meta does not own the list of people you trust and enjoy enough to follow.
That’s yours.
Your relationships belong to you. You should be able to bring them from one service to another.
Take Mastodon. One of the most common complaints about Mastodon is that it’s hard to know whom to follow there. But as a technical matter, it’s easy: you should just follow the people you used to follow on Twitter —either because they’re on Mastodon, too, or because there’s a way to use Mastodon to read their Twitter posts.
Indeed, this is already built into Mastodon. With one click, you can export the list of everyone you follow, and everyone who follows you. Then you can switch Mastodon servers, upload that file, and automatically re-establish all those relationships.
That means that if the person who runs your server decides to shut it down, or if the server ends up being run by a maniac who hates you and delights in your torment, you don’t have to petition a public prosecutor or an elected lawmaker or a regulator to make them behave better.
You can just leave.
Meta claims that Threads will someday join the “Fediverse” (the collection of apps built on top of ActivityPub, the standard that powers Mastodon).
Rather than passing laws requiring Threads to prioritize news content, or to limit the kinds of ads the platform accepts, we could order it to turn on this Fediverse gateway and operate it such that any Threads user can leave, join any other Fediverse server, and continue to see posts from the people they follow, and who will also continue to see their posts.
Rather than devoting all our energy to keep Meta’s empire of oily rags from burning, we could devote ourselves to evacuating the burn zone.
This is the thing the platforms fear the most. They know that network effects gave them explosive growth, and they know that tech’s low switching costs will enable implosive contraction.
The thing is, network effects are a double-edged sword. People join a service to be with the people they care about. But when the people they care about start to leave, everyone rushes for the exits. Here’s danah boyd, describing the last days of Myspace:
If a central node in a network disappeared and went somewhere else (like from MySpace to Facebook), that person could pull some portion of their connections with them to a new site. However, if the accounts on the site that drew emotional intensity stopped doing so, people stopped engaging as much. Watching Friendster come undone, I started to think that the fading of emotionally sticky nodes was even more problematic than the disappearance of segments of the graph. With MySpace, I was trying to identify the point where I thought the site was going to unravel. When I started seeing the disappearance of emotionally sticky nodes, I reached out to members of the MySpace team to share my concerns and they told me that their numbers looked fine. Active uniques were high, the amount of time people spent on the site was continuing to grow, and new accounts were being created at a rate faster than accounts were being closed. I shook my head; I didn’t think that was enough. A few months later, the site started to unravel.
Tech bosses know the only thing protecting them from sudden platform collapse syndrome are the laws that have been passed to stave off the inevitable fire.
They know that platforms implode “slowly, then all at once.”
They know that if we weren’t holding each other hostage, we’d all leave in a heartbeat.
But anything that can’t go on forever will eventually stop. Suppressing good fire doesn’t mean “no fires,” it means wildfires. It’s time to declare fire debt bankruptcy. It’s time to admit we can’t make these combustible, tinder-heavy forests safe.
It’s time to start moving people out of the danger zone.
It’s time to let the platforms burn.
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groovybry · 1 year
Blind Review - Vizio 1080p 40” smartCast Smart Display (smartTV)
- by Bryan Gruver
I am blind. My friend says it looks great. Vizio is known for good black levels. That is how black black actually is when it is displayed.
I called this a display and not really a TV because it is mainly a display. Technically, it does have a TV tuner built-in, but this TV really shines as a smart display. You can airplay to it from your Apple device or cast to it from your android device. Among its real inputs, it has several virtual inputs and buttons on the remote specifically for streaming services, including a free one. As far as inputs go, it has down facing Analog (Red White and Yellow RCA) inputs and side facing HDMI inputs, two. And an optical out below theHDMI ports. This makes the unit perfect for wall mounting. The coax input is also down facing. We use this input for an actual over the air digital antenna. I wish it had more HDMI ports. At least three. But this is fine for what we have. A cable box, and DVD player.
Out of the box the unit had no base. I left it like this because I intended to hook it up to a sound bar and bass usually just muddles The audio of cheap speakers. The mid range and high end is very good. At times you think it’s a real person in the other room. A virtual surround sound effect is enabled. It’s pretty good. Although I intend to replace the speakers with the sound bar, they are actually very decent quality.
As a Computer
Welcome to the future, everything is a computer. This TV is actually running googles Android. But for this purpose, it works well. You may have to occasionally fully reboot the TV. There is a way to do this in the menu. Otherwise, the TV will quick start. This means it’s in a low power mode. There is also an app for the TV that will allow you to fully control the TV, change settings, change inputs and a completely virtual remote. This is great for a blind person. Apple devices are very handicapped accessible,. this feature makes it very useful for me. You can also enable talk back on the accessibility menu in settings. I have not done this, but from what I know, it will speak the items on the screen.
I got this TV used from Amazon for $134. You would never know that it was used. This is a great deal. It is heavily subsidized. I am very happy with the quality overall, and Vizio as a company. I would recommend their products..
I am going to try something new. If you enjoyed this review and would like to tip me, please feel free to send cash to my cash tag. Lol. $brygruver
I am also going to include a link to my Facebook page where if you purchase through my link, I will receive a small commission, thank you.
- groovyBry $brygruver 👍📺💵
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15. Debauchery
Day 1
The end of exams marks the return of Le Whöre and the moolah season. Logging into Stripperchat, I drape my body artfully across the bed in red lingerie and break out the pink vibe to vibe to Doja Cat.
"You know the drill guys, run it up. Let me know what you wanna see," I smirk watching it happen.  "Run those tips up guys!"
A tasteful show of radiant skin is just as enticing when used effectively.
I hold nudity hostage until I hit my goal in tips and I kick out the freeloaders. Only then do I give the long awaited striptease, feeling myself up with the passion of a lover drunken with lust. From fingertips to pink vibe, I satisfy myself until I'm wet enough for it to pick up on camera.
"Oh yes, MusicLover98! You like that baby?"
They love to hear their usernames when I moan just like they love seeing me squirt like a volcano of lust overflowing lava all over these sheets.
"That toy always makes me cum like this," I laugh in reply to a surprised comment. The vibe still sits at my entrance. "You must be new here CertifiedLoverBoy, this luh juicy pussy has a mind of its own sweetie! What do you guys want to see?" Replies appear but they're split. There are many suggestions, some things I straight up ignore.
I ain't doing that.
"I'm seeing a toss up between anal and riding. Hm? That's perfect. Dale22 yes, we can do both. In fact, you guys get to see one of my favorite toys right now."
Indeed a lifesize silicone male torso is my favorite toy of the moment and as of late, I've been using my imagination to picture Professor Stevens though it's not as big as him and sucking it is not the same at all.
That said, he's called three times and I still haven't responded because I'm petty and he made me leave his shed. Couldn't even give a girl a house tour.
"This is my second one guys," I giggle remembering what I did to the first torso toy.
Doll Stevens #1 never had a chance against this ass.
"I broke the first guy, don't ask me how." 
I straddle the 6 inch dick that's already upright in position for me and come down into a crouch to bounce up and down repeatedly with my hands grounded on the chest. They can guess now how he broke.
He's also hyper realistic. Outside of veins in the shaft, soft testicles, and 8-pack abs, it has a special function. It can trigger the lube I pre-loaded into its little fake cum compartment. I activate it and when that lube shoots out through the tip of the dick inside of me I let it ooze out of my tulip and zoom in on the camera control so my viewers have a clear view of the milkiness dripping down. The pink vibrator then slides comfortably right into my ass. I keep it there and turn around for the view of the camera. I'm gonna suck the extra lube off the silicone dick for the as I stare seductively into the lens and count the chimes from the chat indicating to me that they're tipping.
I post the show on my AVN Stars and OnlyFans making $850 from my paypigs who request fetish content.
I post a lipstick video. The request stated that it had to be ruby red lipstick specifically which is odd, but I encourage my viewers to feel comfortable in the safe space I've created. Foot fetish content is one of my most requested so I post two videos of my pedicure. I kindly throw in a bonus video full of degradation.
"That's right, send me all your money," I say directly into the camera knowing they will do just that. "Don't even think about opening that silly mouth before you open your wallet because that's all I care about. You are nothing but a wallet. It's all you have to offer."
It's easy money. So, so easy.
I call Jasmine, the other woman of color at Mickey's, and tell her to get at me so I can cash app her something slight for her son's 7th birthday. To my surprise she invites me. We don't hang out but we work together and help each other as women of color thriving in a white intended establishment.
"Okay I'll see you there," I tell her already regretting it. I have no interest in a child's birthday party at a Chuck E Cheese. I'd rather go where I can peacefully get faded and fuck the finest man over 6 ft.
Day 2
I meet my submissive slave Keon for ramen, on him of course. He's stressed with work and family so we a venting session and an impromptu scene at his apartment that ends in my pegging him over his couch. It helps him to relieve frustration physically through energy. I make him peppermint tea while he cleans and he has a good stress cry until he's himself again.
"Thanks for listening," he says sweetly offering me a gift of YSL Black Opium perfume which I accept.
He's such a sweetheart.
He drives me to the strip mall that houses the Chuck E Cheese along with stores and eateries and volunteers to pick me up like he's my man. Of course, I have no car so I accept. Soon as he leaves, I hear someone yell and I turn to see who.
Who is this nigga yelling at me from a damn Toyota?
"Aye I think I know you," he says and on closer inspection he's actually fine.
Toxic fine. My type.
He's fine, thick built, and brown skin with a clean low cut and goatee leaning out the window chewing the end of a toothpick.
Ain't no way he don't have bout 4 to 5 kids he don't claim running around somewhere, I think to myself. He probably ain't shit but I humor him.
"Maybe," I shrug looking him up and down. "It's possible."
"Yeah, you look familiar--Hey, come here right quick. I wanna ask you something."
"Then ask," my brow raises.
He spits his toothpick.
"Let me take you out to dinner sometime."
"Is that a request or a demand? Depends, where you taking me?"
"Where you tryna go?"
"Nope," my fingers snap. "I hate an indecisive ass nigga. Sir, I need you to take control since you're asking me out and have a plan of action."
He takes it in stride. "You like Japanese Steakhouse?"
"I do. Take my number."
He types it in his phone and steps out the car standing 6 ft. walking with me to the sidewalk of the strip mall where the Chuck E Cheese stands. He looks surprised to see me going inside but he's proving my theory right. He probably has kids in here somewhere.
"You got kids here," he asks looking around like he has something to hide. Probably a baby mama. He must've thought I was going to Burlington. I try not to laugh.
"No, you?"
"Who you visiting?"
"JASMINE," I wave walking over to her table followed by the bold ass man who just hit on me. He kisses her on the cheek and avoids my eye. Their 7-year-old child runs up and hugs him. When he does look at me, his eyes are begging me. Every time I open my mouth to Jasmine his eyeballs are down my throat begging me not to snitch, and I dont.. Until I leave. I send her a text.
I'm not trying to ruin a toddler's party but if I were his girl I'd wanna know...
She can handle it from there.
Keon gets me back to my room to prepare for my shift and I shower, redo my makeup, put on a black body con dress, pack a bag, and catch an uber to Mickey's. The Becky's as I call them are getting ready, curling hair and sharing too much information about their relationships.
"You still with him? He cheated on you twice," I remind Mackenzie, a cute freckle faced ginger with dark mascara. She's dating a black guy who treats her like shit and he's not even fine. He doesn't even have money to be acting the way he does.
"He's not that bad," she says seeing my reaction to him. "I just make him seem terrible when I'm venting."
Lies. Men walk all over her to the point that I'm tempted to take her under my wing. 
"Girl shut up. If you dont learn--First of all, never short yourself over a nigga." Her eyes go big. "Yeah, I can say it but don't you."
Distancing myself from the bullshit of her dumb situation I move around the club and socialize with the customers since I'm trying to attract some money to pay Mr. Mickey for the month.
Really his name is Ted, I just call him Mr. Mickey.
The fuck?  I pause. When did he-
"What are you doing here, Professor," I whisper bumping his left side with my hip and flicking his hoodie.
"That's not my name off hours."
How many times has he been here and I just missed him?
"Mm. Look at you tryna be slick hiding out at the bar. Oh but you were so bold in your office," I whisper bending closer to his ear. "Funny how a venue can shift things.."
"Don't do it to yourself Ms. Miller, you already on very thin ice," he warns picking up his glass but at this point..
"I'm not sure you'll do shit to me, Professor. Not here." I walk my fingers over his thigh where no one else can see what I'm doing. Since he doesn't respond, not even making eye contact I take the glass from his hand and sip the last little bit before he can get the chance, despite the fact I'm not supposed to drink on shift. I give a quiet signal to the bartender so he won't snitch.
"Noted," Professor Stevens nods signaling for another drink looking away as I walk off irritated.
I really hoped all that possessiveness and boldness inside of him would rise up and choke me on the spot. I know I have enough offenses for it but he's being a chickenshit and I have to change because I'm up next on stage. I was already mad at him.
He's lucky I didn't air him out.
I kiss my teeth as Pour It Up by Rihanna starts and I emerge onto the platform in a black and lime green shego inspired cut out jumpsuit with lime platform heels. I start with a pole routine that tests my core and thigh strength and look out past the foggy lights to spot the Professor with eyes trained on me.
Oh but I can't get eye contact when I'm right beside you.
I get it though I'm the only dancer here with the facilities to shake an actual ass.
I milk it with a vertical split against the pole before I spin.
How could I have never seen him here in Mickey's before? He's hard to miss.
When my song ends, I change and return to the bar but he's gone. No professor in sight. I subtly look around the club as I flirt with the customers but he's really gone and I'm really, really annoyed.
If he were really about something, he would say fuck his job.
Okay I'm tripping... but I planned to give him a dance and he's acting like a bitch.
Instead, I work the vanilla gorillas picking the thirstiest ones for my queue of lapdances. I make almost half the money I need for the night to meet my self imposed quota based on tuition, student fees, club fees, club hair and outfits, and daily living fees. I need to hit this number every time I work and only then will I go home regardless of how much I made from shows, videos,  and scenes. Whatever's left over I save and I'm looking into getting a car.
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makemoneyfromhome23 · 2 years
MoolaMeme is a groundbreaking new cloud-based income app that requires ZERO traffic-getting and ZERO selling. Nothing could be easier. They think it’s the PERFECT online opportunity for all ages (13+), all skill-levels, all schedules, all budgets, and more.
Do you know a chunk of pyrite, better known as fool’s gold because it looks valuable – but isn’t. And fool’s gold is what most online biz opps and money-making apps ARE. They’re made to look and sound like gold. Like the real deal. But when you actually get inside to take a closer look, you discover they’re virtually worthless. And they’re worthless because they don’t actually solve the problems literally BLOCKING you from making your first $1.00 of profit online.
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A new revenue sharing app called “MoolaMeme” is about to set the Internet on FIRE. It literally pays you on AUTOPILOT for getting “likes” on random memes you post directly to the app. There’s ZERO traffic getting, ZERO selling, ZERO social media, etc. It’s also FUN & addicting as heck. It is INSTANTLY going to solve ALL of your online income struggles while doing the same for 1000’s of others. You could be an old grandpa living off-grid who has never heard of the Internet - and STILL make 10, 50 or even 100’s of individual commission payments DAILY as a “MoolalMemer” to supplement your online income and stuff your online wallets more easily than frankly ANYBODY ever thought possible.
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