#How to Survive
fujunfuren · 5 months
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The eyes are the windows to the soul.
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followthepurrgil · 1 year
Everyone is talking about how this episode finally acknowledged that Ahsoka was a child fighting in the Clone Wars. And she was.
We need to talk about how Anakin was too…
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zeewhatiwrote · 4 months
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My Liberation Notes
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Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop - Hwang Bo-reum
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skinwalker-bratz · 11 months
How to survive creepypastas
Ticci toby
Don't enter suspicious forests alone.
Rob him and get his axes (he can't kill you if he don't have them)
Have a gun with you to shot him, but if you don't, just shit on your hand and throw at him.
If not feeling like you could shit at the time, just grab a brick and throw at his head. (make sure you break his skull)
Become a Slenderman proxy. (He surely can't kill other proxies)
Seed eater
Have a rifle adapted to kill bears with you.
Fart nonstop and extremely loud (most creatures get intimidated by loud noises and it will sure keep him distant from you) ((YOU CAN'T SHIT YOURSELF))
Just throw seeds on the floor (his name is seed eater which means that he likes to eat seeds, so when you do that he'll be distracted at the free food and will not kill you)
Burn the Plantation he is to the ground.
Say that you are eyeless jack's friend (he won't kill his owner's friends)
Eyeless jack
Never sleep all alone. (Have another person for him to kill instead of you)
Sleep under your blankets no matter if it's a hot night or not (blankets protect us from anything in our bedrooms)
Don't drink water (he won't eat your kidneys if they have literal stones)
Replace yourself with a lookalike doll in your bed, then when he come to attack you, close the door and grab a ice cutter and say he's the one in danger here. (Remember the evil intimidating laugh)
Become a cannibal and eat him.
There's nothing you can do bro.
By following all these tips I'm sure that the creepypastas will keep a good distance from you 😊
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ix---wx · 27 days
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happiness set 🍀
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survivalsmartsblog · 2 years
Gotta prep for anything folks. Watch this vid and let us know what you think. 
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dreamy-conceit · 11 months
Because the world is so full of death and horror, I try again and again to console my heart and pick the flowers that grow in the midst of hell.
— Herman Hesse, 'Narcissus and Goldmund'
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1introvertedsage · 2 years
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A memoir
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missmitchieg · 9 months
I Wrote A Book and It’s Not What You’d Expect It To Be..(Physical copy and Kindle e-book dropping January 19!)
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gorrus · 1 year
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sunrecords54 · 2 years
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Fallout Protection - What to Know and Do About Nuclear Attack (Department of Defense, December 1961)
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fentanyl-rabbits · 1 year
Drug-free weekend, I want to kms
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missmitakarcloud · 2 years
closing time?
I feel like something is closing in me while I seem to be healing.
and somehow it scares me. but why? because it’s change? maybe.
where is that feeling of closing coming from and what is closing?
It could be while I am healing that my inner child is healing. ergo my inner child gets more quite.
that’s why it might feel like something is missing
and we are more used to listing to our inner child all day long.
but the more we heal our inner child,
the more it gets quiet I guess.
and the more this silence deepens and occurred the more it could feel unbearable to stand because what is missing felt like it was needed there,
maybe for protection,
maybe simply because we couldn’t imagine a life without it.
that’s the most common reason why we hold on to things
and not always is holding on good for us.
but letting to go fast can lead in some incidences to withdrawalsyndroms that feel unbearable to handle .
so maybe that just means we should slow down our healing.
not that we shouldn’t try to heal at all
but just to give it more time
. sometimes it’s better to rip the band-Aid off slowly.
sometimes fast is good, but only if you can handle it and want it. but if you feel like you can’t handle it: slow down again.
stop for a moment and take a breath.
and think about again.
what do I need right now? like really?
what would help me right now?
if that’s not healthy too, what else could help me? not just in the moment but on the long run.
so you still allow yourself to heal, while not forcing it.
you seeing your inner child and treading it with respect. you respect your inner child’s boundaries
and hence your boundaries.
how you should have been treaded all your life and especially in childhood.
tread yourself the way you need to be treaded and you gonna accept no less then what you need into your life.
Because even if you fear losing your inner child, if you still need it; you can keep it in other ways.
playing. there are different always to play, that don’t need to hurt you in the long run,
if what you’re avoiding is pain.
sometimes we might need to welcome it in in order to be able to let it go again.
who’s gonna go before they even were there?
happens very seldom , I’d say.
so in order to let things go, you have to invite them in at least once.
and sometimes you have to invite them in more then once.
sometimes you might want to invite it in.
that would mean though inviting the pain:
you want the pain.
once you realize that after letting it in again and again.
you can make the decision not to let it enter again.
and that feels like closing.
you are closing doors.
for others maybe,
but also within you.
walking around in your brain, that is your house, that you live in. and you decide which way you go an which doors to leave open and which to close and which to never open again.
sometimes we might like to take a peak and maybe then realize how ugly it is in there and if you like the ugly go ahead. it’s your life and your choices.
if you want to avoid the ugly. put a note in that door:
you don’t want to open this.
and stop yourself. and with time the note will fade. with time the door will not be noticed as a door anymore. with time this door will be hung with pictures or a shelf will be standing in front of it.
no more way in, except with pure force.
but if all goes well you forget about this door completely and it will eventually fade.
that does feel like closing, like disappearing and that is scary, but it doesn’t have to be.
it’s up to you and every decision you make again and again and again.
everything we know and do is trained. we trained ourselves since we were babies and not able to talk. we trained ourself in the womb how to survive. and we were born and we learned how to survive. every day of our lives.
trial and error,
and we came this far.
aren’t you proud?
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just watched a video of a wildlife rehabber tube-feeding the teeny tiniest orphaned baby opossum and the comments are fucking KILLING me
baby opossum (too teeny, hasn’t finished cooking in the marsupial pouch like it ought to have done, doesn’t even look like it should exist):
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the comments:
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p-tinkie-85 · 1 month
Hello and welcome to: How to survive in school
The new school year has only just started for me and it has already been hell.
Short information about my school: It hardly has any good quality, chaos, lack of teachers, substitutes and absences. Moreover, most of the students are mentally handicapped, others are normal and still others want to f*ck you.
With these tips it won't be so bad and some are in Prince Vegeta style.
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Number 1: just ignore everyone
If someone follows you and wants to talk to you, ignore them. They just want to tell you some crap because you have a different opinion or because you are completely different from everyone else and let me tell you something: YOU ARE PERFECT AND GREAT!
Number 2: If someone really wants to talk to you and they barely know you, or vice versa, then stay cool and act like you're listening. If you notice it's getting too much, just leave and continue to ignore them.
Number 3: adapt your behavior to the person you are talking to
Depending on who you are talking to, you also have to watch your expression. When you talk to your classmates and friends, be polite and be yourself because they know you and won't object if you tell a joke, for example. But if you are talking to complete strangers stundents, act cool and serious because if you remain serious the whole time and don't act more vulnerable towards them, they won't insult you or bully you in any other way.
Number 4: Be loud and full of energy anyway
Unfortunately, I currently have the problem that I get approached by guys who just want my phone number or just want to go out with me. If possible, get really angry and just tell them what you think. Even with other people who are trying to annoy you. But don't overdo it, otherwise it will get bad and you will suddenly no longer be able to control your anger and you will always have to freak out, so sometimes you have to be quiet and ignore them.
Number 5: The Goku and Vegeta phase
This is an insider tip from me, so respect for reading on until then. I've already made a post about the phases, but I'll explain it again briefly.
It's nothing other than the mood phases and actually the whole thing is my idea and don't name them in public otherwise you're done for.
If you know the two characters from Dragon Ball, you should know what their moods are normally like.
Goku is the "sun": always in a good mood, smiles, has a pure heart, is funny, kind and adventurous
Vegeta is the "moon": serious, proud, rarely shows a happy face, mostly wants to be alone, but still looks after others who are important to him, his family, for example, even if he doesn't want to admit it.
In my opinion, it's best to use the Vegeta phase at least during school recess, then the students will notice that you really are serious and then they'll know that you'll tear them apart if they don't stop annoying you.
Thanks for reading this I hope it helps you
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rachel-sylvan-author · 4 months
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"How to Survive History: How to Outrun a Tyrannosaurus, Escape Pompeii, Get Off the Titanic, and Survive the Rest of History's Deadliest Catastrophes" by Cody Cassidy
Guys!! I read "The Nature of Fragile Things" about the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake two days ago, recommended it yesterday. I read this yesterday to recommend today and!! It teaches how to survive the 1906 earthquake! Yay book corroboration! 😊 It's so random but it made me super happy and I hope it makes you happy too!!
Thank you @readingbeagle for recommending this! It was fun! ❤️
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