#How to assess my business value
arquiregroup · 5 months
How to Assess and Enhance the Value of Your Business with Arquire Group
Determining the true value of your business is a critical step, especially when considering a sale or planning for future growth. Whether you own a service-oriented company or operate in a variety of other industries, understanding and enhancing your business's value is key. Arquire Group specializes in boosting the value of businesses prior to sale, focusing on preserving your legacy while maximizing returns. This guide will walk you through the essential steps on how to assess and increase your business value, drawing on the expertise of Arquire Group.
Understanding Business Valuation:
Business valuation is a complex process influenced by various factors, including market conditions, asset values, and earning potential. For service-oriented businesses, the approach to valuation can vary significantly from those in manufacturing or retail due to their unique operational models and asset types.
Key Steps to Value Your Business with Arquire Group:
1. Comprehensive Department Reviews
- Evaluate Operations: We start by conducting thorough reviews of all departments within your business to assess operational efficiency and identify areas for improvement.
- Benchmark Performance: Comparing your business processes and performance against industry standards helps highlight strengths and areas for enhancement.
2. Optimizing Staff Expenses
- Analyze Staffing Needs: Efficient staff management is crucial. We look at your current staffing to ensure that every role is justified and adds value to the business.
- Training and Development: Investing in staff training can significantly increase productivity and business value.
3. Aligning Business Processes
- Streamline Operations: Simplifying and standardizing processes across the board can lead to significant cost savings and improve service delivery.
- Technology Integration: Leveraging technology to automate processes and enhance service quality is another crucial aspect of increasing business value.
4. Asset Management
- Asset Evaluation: Understanding the real value of your physical and intangible assets is essential. This includes everything from real estate and equipment to patents and brand recognition.
- Asset Optimization: Ensuring that all assets are being used efficiently and contribute positively to the business’s bottom line.
Valuation Methods to Consider:
- Earnings Multiplier: This method adjusts future profits against cash flow that could be invested at the current interest rate over the same period.
- Market Valuation: Comparing your business to similar ones that have recently sold can provide a ballpark figure for your valuation.
- Asset-Based Valuations: This approach totals up all the investments in the company.
Enhancing Business Value with Arquire Group:
Arquire Group is dedicated to not only assessing but significantly enhancing the value of your business. By focusing on core areas such as operational efficiency, cost management, and strategic alignment, we help you prepare your business for a successful sale or growth phase.
- Personalized Strategies: Each business is unique, and our strategies are tailored to meet specific needs and goals.
- Long-term Planning: We focus on sustainable growth and value enhancement, ensuring your business is set up for success long after our consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How long does a business valuation take?
   - Typically, a comprehensive business valuation can take several weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the business and the accuracy of the information provided.
2. Why is it important to value my business?
   - Understanding your business’s worth can help you make informed decisions about selling, merging, or growing your business. It’s also essential for strategic planning and securing investments.
3. Can Arquire Group help with businesses outside the service sector?
   - Yes, while our core expertise is in the service sector, our adaptable approach allows us to work with a wide range of industries effectively.
Valuing your business accurately is essential for any owner looking to sell, expand, or simply understand their company's market standing better. Arquire Group provides expert guidance and strategic advice to help you maximize your business's value. By focusing on comprehensive reviews, optimizing expenses, and aligning processes, we ensure that your business is positioned for success, respecting your legacy while maximizing returns. Contact Arquire Group today to learn more about how we can help enhance your business's value.
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coldvampire · 2 years
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bird-inacage · 1 year
Only Friends: Sand's crushing reality 'It's never about me'
I've noticed a lot of comments wishing Sand could be open about his feelings for Ray. Though that's a fair assessment and would save us a tonne of agony, I've attempted to delve into why this isn't so simple.
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The Weight of Dignity & Mutual Respect
Sand comes across as someone who highly values dignity. Everyone deserves to be treated with due respect, and this is seen through how he interacts with others. Sand gets upset when someone questions his integrity, such as when Ray insinuates him to be a thief or questions him for bootlegging alcohol. He gets angry when someone tries to hurt Ray whilst his back is turned. Sand lives his life by an honourable and respectful philosophy, and the least he expects is for others to treat him the same way.
Therefore it's understandable that he hates being treated like a fool (whether that's being taken advantage of, humiliated or subjected to unwarranted judgement).
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Ray has consistently maintained that he doesn't see Sand as a boyfriend. Said so himself, repeatedly. (Despite his actions indicating otherwise but that's another post in itself). So if Sand were to reveal his feelings, when he has no definitive confirmation that Ray is taking any of this seriously, he's going to risk feeling incredibly exposed and ridiculous. One of the reasons why rejection is so painful is due to the shame that comes with it. A hit of crippling inadequacy and embarrassment. Being confronted with: 'You're not good enough for me. You don't meet my standards. You're not what I want'.
Sand has probably had to experience a fair amount of falling short. To be lesser than, but largely due to means outside his control. He's been able to rise above those things. However, with Ray, he's not comfortable being in a position where he may be stripped of his dignity.
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Boston being the one who dropped the bombshell is what made Sand feel incredibly stupid. For not knowing. For not being told. Which was arguably 100% times worse than hearing it from Ray himself. To be treated with respect is hoping someone will see you as an equal. Regardless of whether they are more than friends - even just between friends, Ray has never alluded to this. (To be fair, he may have been close, but now we'll never know). In that moment, it dawns on Sand how little he knows of Ray.
My belief is that if he were aware of Ray still being in love with Mew, he wouldn't make a move. Because that wouldn't be the honourable or respectful thing to do. So he’s been led to indulge in a fantasy that was never going to materialise. He wasn't in the loop. No one clued him in. He's not been treated equal. He feels like the butt of a bad joke. How could he possibly open up to Ray after that?
The 'Brave Face' of a Caretaker
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Sand is a man defined by responsibility. Due to having only one parent in his life, he's learnt to be his mother's rock; resilient and steadfast. The sacrifice of having a caretaker mentality is that your own wellbeing is often an afterthought. How frequently do these types of people in our lives get asked how they feel. How are they doing? They're so busy taking care of everyone else or taking care of 'business', that no one ever thinks to ask. Their cries for help are much quieter, much less obvious and go undetected.
Though Sand is not the best at hiding it, he'll quickly distract others from his own disappointment, upset and hurt for the sake of greater harmony or in consideration of someone else's feelings. 'It's not about me', he seems to remind himself. 'I've got to keep it together. I've got be strong. There's a lot resting on me'.
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Caretakers need others to take notice of them. To see past their seemingly infallible façade. They need others to initiate care and concern because they won’t put themselves first. Though Sand's mother evidently adores him, he’s clearly established a dynamic where he takes care of her. So who takes care of Sand? No one. He's on his own. He has no choice but to suck it up when things get tough and move forward as best he can. Life isn't going to stop for him.
Though hugely rattled, Sand immediately diffuses the fight. No questions, no demands that Ray explain himself. He’s still protective of Ray. No matter what happens, he comes second.
The Fault is Yours
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Sand really desires someone to see him as 'special', as extraordinary. His life often revolves around others, so if he’s someone else’s priority, that will be a sign. This is why Sand was so affected by Ray passing him up for someone else - he felt expendable.
The gut-wrenching thing about Sand is he doesn't target blame onto others. He doesn't resent his father (who has no idea of his existence). He doesn't resent his mother (who wasn't able to give him a good start in life). He doesn't even resent Ray when he finds out about Mew (because Ray knew Mew first). Instead Sand internalises hardship as a reflection on himself. The reason why Ray can't see him as a boyfriend must be a product of his own shortcomings. Perhaps he's unworthy of someone like Ray to begin with. Boston makes a passing comment that men with Ray's looks and wealth are hard to come by. Sand doesn't need to be reminded that Ray has options. Access to more options besides him.
Things were never handed to Sand on a silver platter, and so he isn't one to assume anything. Don't assume Ray's feelings even if you have a hunch. Don't assume that Ray will fight for you. Don't assume that when push comes to shove, Ray will choose you. Because who are you to assume those things?
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It's one thing to be told you can't have something. But it's another to feel like you don't deserve something. As if you never had the right. Never had a chance.
The fault is yours for thinking you did.
Because you're simply not that special.
(Note: So I'm going to need to see a situation where Ray takes care of Sand please. The boy needs it. He needs someone to fight for him for a change. Bear in mind this is just an analysis of what Sand may be feeling. A lot of these assumptions are untrue as Ray does care. But Sand doesn't know what to think anymore.)
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: I think we all know I basically spent these 3 chapters cackling maniacally
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In the demon business, we call that BAIT!
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I'm all but wiggling happily. I love a good game of chess. I'm not entirely sure it actually is a game of chess beyond in Kabru's mind.
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OH GOOD HE'S A LITTLE BIT STUPID. This comic really does take care to portray people as badass, hyper-competent, and kinda stupid, all in different ways.
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oh, ALWAYS love a Santa-coded crime boss.
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I appreciate that Kabru's pride is solidly among the things he's 100% willing to temporarily ignore in order to be someone's friend/get them to do what he wants. I like that in a man.
Interesting - clearly he's being magically influenced, but not so...directly? as to have the hourglass pupils.
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^ words of a man who is about to get his ass, and his entire criminal organization, absolutely WHUPPED by like 6 elves. I suspect the Canaries are underestimating the tallmen and other denizens of this dungeon, because they're arrogant pricks, but the locals are underestimating this elite team of elvish warriors a LOT more. I can't wait to find out what they're actually doing while "sight-seeing." Spreading out into tactical positions, maybe?
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ASS! WHUPPED! omg it's like an evil version of the Wink.
I want to see this fight animated so fucking bad.
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I dunno, Kabru, he clearly uses the combination pretty fucking effectively.
WHY DO YOU THINK THAT A VISIBLE DEMONSTRATION OF MONSTERS WILL GET THROUGH WHERE WORDS DIDN'T? These people already know there are monsters down here... And at best, of course, a bunch of people will die... But they're just short-lived races so I suppose it doesn't matter :)
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While I do appreciate this dedication to making Mithrun look as cool as possible at all times, sending a giant, zombie-making walking mushroom into the middle of the Level 4 lake is going to be SUCH a disruption to that ecosystem!! Somewhere, Senshi just groaned in pain like Obi-Wan when Alderaan was destroyed.
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Mithrun has recognized that Kabru is going at picking out unusual people in a crowd, and is now using him as a manhandled tool to do so, and I just think that's Neat.
And it works! (So now it's their turn to get their asses handed to them.)
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This chapter cover is giving me a lot of feelings about...love, and families of choice.
Except for how I'm holding Laios in one arm while brandishing a knife at that lion fountain behind him. Get the HELL away from my boy, you tiny manifestation of the granting of wishes, and all you greater ones as well.
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oh are they now? They're definitely canaries in a coal mine, then. Badass and valued for their skills, but disposable. Hmm AU where Marcille...
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oh my god holy shit never mind, it turns out Thistle sucks at this when facing an opponent who isn't caught off-guard.
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It is possible that Mithrun is honestly, earnestly trying to help Thistle? As best he can?
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Sharing food as love!!!
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Oh Mithrun actually only has one eye, it's not just dramatic anime effect + hair flop? Hm. Should have a cool scar to make it clearer. I'm impressed with what depth perception he's shown, though, with the teleporting!
Obviously this does mean he ranks up in the Favorite Characters list.
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Kabru: Ooh nice strategy, manipulating all those people in order to manipulate that one person!
Kabru: Wait, right, I still don't like you.
Yes! Yes! The Kabru's inner desires is OUT! He is impulsively risking this chance to prevent another Utaya - his stated goal, the obvious greater good, definitely very genuinely his primary focus - in favor of demanding the answers he WANTS, and the independence from long-lived elves.
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I appreciate that Mithrun isn't bad at this personal assessment thing.
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brb need to go chew a wall or something!
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angelasscribbles · 5 months
All That She Wants Chapter 5: Consequences
Series: All That She Wants
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake, Liam x Olivia
Word Count: 1,094
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: none
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley stared down at the plastic stick in her hands as a myriad of feelings washed over her.
Another negative test.
How? It had been 6 months since she’d first set her sights on Drake. They had been sleeping together regularly ever since.
Frequently even.
Disappointment and disbelief were the first emotions. She had conceived Ellie on her honeymoon with Liam. Xander had taken only two months of trying.
Frustration and relief were an odd combination, revealing her conflicted motives. Her original goal of procreation was being thwarted, and that was frustrating.
But another negative result meant she would have to keep sleeping with Drake. Not just sleeping with him, but basically dating him, per the arrangement she had agreed to.
She hadn’t meant to, but she found herself enjoying the dating part. It felt good to be wanted, to be pursued, wooed, romanced, valued.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear him until he was right behind her. “What are you doing?”
Her body jolted as awareness of her surroundings rushed back in. “Liam! I thought you had meetings all morning!”
“I did. But the Duke of Rothsford spilled his coffee on me and I came back up to change.” Astonishment crept into his voice. “Is that a pregnancy test?”
“It’s none of your business, is what it is!” She snapped as she moved her hand behind her back.
“Oh, I think it’s most certainly my business if my wife, whom I haven’t had sex with in months, is taking a pregnancy test!”
“Try a year and a half, Liam!” she bit back furiously.
He looked momentarily taken aback. “Has it been that long?”
“Yes!” She hated the tears that gathered in her eyes.
Liam faltered for a moment. He looked at her with compassion, his hand reached out toward her in a comforting gesture but froze halfway there. His voice was icy as he demanded, “Why are you taking a pregnancy test?”
“I wanted to see if I was pregnant, Liam, that’s why!”
“So, you’re having an affair?”
She gaped at him, the anger in his tone confusing her. “You literally told me that if I wanted another baby, to find someone else to be the father!”
“That was hyperbole, Riley!” Liam was shaking with barely restrained fury. “The Queen of Cordonia can’t just have another man’s baby!”
“Oh, but you can sleep with Olivia and ignore your wife, and that’s fine?”
“Exactly. You’re a hypocrite, Liam. What if your mistress got pregnant? Then what?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Liv doesn’t even want children! She took the necessary precautions to prevent that years ago!”
“Wow.” Riley shook her head as anger replaced all the despair and sadness she usually felt when confronted with her husband’s infidelity. “You didn’t even try to deny it.”
His shoulders slumped as his fury abated. “I’m sorry, Riley. You deserve better than I’ve given you. I know that.”
“Did you ever love me?”
“I do love you, Riley. Things with Liv and I are…. complicated.”
“No, Liam, you don’t love me. If you loved me, you wouldn’t have shut me out. Something changed somewhere along the way, and you didn’t bother to let me know.”
“I’m not disputing that things changed. Our marriage became…stale.”
She wasn’t sure which emotion was more prevalent as she took in his assessment of their relationship. There was an ample amount of rage tempered by an overabundance of grief.
She had never stopped loving him. Had never stopped trying.
But the unvarnished truth was that he had left their marriage, at least emotionally, long ago, and there was nothing she could do about it.
For the first time since she had said I do, she admitted to herself that this was not the fairytale they had sold to the press. This was not her happily ever after and Liam was not her prince charming. They had been living a lie from the moment he proposed.
“Why didn’t you just marry her in the first place?” she asked bitterly.
“I just told you…. she refused to have children. I needed an heir.”
“So, you married me for my uterus?”
A defensive note crept into his voice. “You knew the terms. You agreed—”
“I agreed to the marriage terms because I loved you, you fucking unbelievable bastard!”
“Riley, you’re upset. I understand. But once you calm down—”
“No? No, what?”
“No, to whatever is about to come out of your mouth. I’m done worrying about what’s best for you! It’s my turn, Liam!”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you have three choices. Either give me a baby, let someone else give me a baby, or let’s just get divorced and I’ll do as I damn well please.”
“Riley, we can’t just—”
“Those are your choices. Even the king can’t force someone to stay married to him against her will. Just imagine the scandal that would cause!”
He struggled to maintain his composure when what he wanted to do was throw things, yell, lock her in the room, and forbid her to leave it. Instead, he took a steadying breath and counted silently to ten before he spoke. “We said forever, Riley.”
“You promised to love me, Liam.”
“Who is it?”
“Excuse me?”
His voice was tight as he searched her face for answers. “Who are you sleeping with? Who is stabbing his king in the back?”
For the first time in their entire marriage, Riley had the upper hand. She gave him a self-satisfied smirk as she tossed the plastic stick into the waste bin. She crossed the room to the door, opened it, then turned back to face him. “You have two days to decide which option pleases you most, my king.” Then she was gone.
“Son of a bitch!” Liam picked up the nearest object and hurled it at the door that had just closed.
Glass shattered against the wood, as water and petals exploded outward.
Who the fuck had been sending her flowers?
He had barely noticed the vases of fresh-cut blooms that had changed every few days, assuming housekeeping had been putting them there to brighten the room. Now the certainty that someone was not just fucking his wife but romancing her took hold.
Something had to be done. A decision had to be made, and it had to be made quickly.
He pulled out his phone and quickly punched in Olivia’s number. “We have an urgent matter to discuss. I need you to drop whatever you’re doing and come to the palace immediately.”
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dragon-kazansky · 7 months
Symphony of dreams
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Morpheus x Female Reader
Morpheus has had time to adjust to life after his imprisonment. Reunited with his friend, and of course his wife, he focused on his kingdom. However, a new element comes into play. A Vortex. Rose may just be what he needs to find his missing residents.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: Long chapter ahead! This is the final chapter before the epilogue!
Chapter Ten - Blood and water
You make your way to the throne room, head held high. You were determined to make Morpheus see reason. You were going to force him to accept help. You were also going to do all you could to stop him from hurting anyone else.
As you approached the doors to the throne room, you came across Mervyn. He bows his head to you as you join his side.
"Where are you off to?" You ask him.
"Im looking for Lucienne. Have you felt the quakes?" Mervyn asks.
"The quakes?"
As if waiting for its cue, the whole place shakes. You steady yourself. You look to Mervyn but he says nothing. You follow him through to the throne room.
Morpheus is looking at the window when you enter, and you can see why. A huge crack that seems to only have got bigger, reach up the window.
"What's happening?" You ask.
At the sound of your voice, he turns around and looks at you. You had been avoiding his company since Gault.
"I was, uh, gonna report to Lucienne," Mervyn says.
"About what?" Morpheus asks, turning his gaze from you to look at the pumpkin man beside you.
"The minor seismic activity... some minor damage."
"Then why not report to me?"
"Because you're busy?" Mervyn replies awkwardly. "Lucienne took care of all this stuff when you were gone, so I figured why with you-"
"Mervyn, things like this should be reported to Lord Morpheus. This is, after all, his realm," you say softly, trying to be kind.
Morpheus looks at you. The way he looks at you causes a twinge through your heart.vhe looks... desperate to be near you.
The room shakes again, and the crack in the window grows. You look to Morpheus.
"You want me to fix that for you, or will it just keep happening?" Mervyn asks.
"It will not keep happening," Morpheus assures him. "I will find the cause of the disturbance, and I will eliminate it."
You look at Dream with concern.
Mervyn leaves.
Morpheus turns his attention to you. "You came looking for me?" He asks.
"Yes." You nod.
He looks at you, waiting. You gather your courage to talk to him. "About earlier... I'm-"
"No. I'm sorry," he says.
You look at him now.
"You dreamt I hurt someone and then said I hurt you. Is that because I told you to stay here?"
"Morpheus, you have to let us help you. This isn't your burden to handle alone. You are not alone."
"I know that."
"Do you?" You ask.
"Yes, I do. I'm going to fix this. All of it." He speaks calmly as he looks at you. There is determination in his eyes.
He slowly raised his hand out to you. "Come with me."
You walk with him through the library toward where Lucienne is working. In one hand, he has some books. In the other, he holds your own hand.
"My lord." She turns to face him.
Morpheus lets go of your hand and takes a step closer to Lucienne. You hold your hands in front of you and listen.
"I have come to return these... and to assess the extent of the damage from the recent disturbances."
Morpheus takes a little look around. You decide to pick up some books off the floor to try and help a little.
"Have... you any idea as to what caused them?" Morpheus asks her.
"I assumed it was you, sir."
You glance up curiously at the pair.
"Maming further improvements to the realm... now that you're back."
Lucienne brushes past him to put some books away. You step to the side and gather some more from the floor.
"Lucienne, when we last spoke, I did not mean to imply that your efforts beyond the library are without value."
"I really wish to relieve you of repsonbilities with which, had I been here, you would never have been burdened."
"I see."
Morpheus glances at you. You urge him to continue. He turns back to Lucienne.
"And... in that time, did you experience any... similar seismic disturbances?" He asks her.
"I did not."
She brushes past him again with more books.
"Have you any... theory as to their origin?"
"Speaking strictly as a librarian? I do. But you won't like it."
"Go on," he urges. You look at her and listen too.
"I know you're waiting to see if the vortex will lead you to The Corianthian and Fiddler's Green. The way she led you to Gault."
"She may yet still."
"Yes, but while you're waiting, she's putting cracks in the foundation." Lucienne states.
"Rose Walker has visited this realm before and done no damage. This is something else, something new." Morpheus replies.
"Perhaps. But if there is something new in The Dreaming and you did not create it, how did it get here?" Lucienne asks.
You look at Morpheus with worry.
"This is the vortex. I assure you."
Morpheus goes quiet.
"Come with me."
You look up at Morpheus as you both walk through the palace halls. He's looking right at you with his beautiful blue eyes.
"Are you sure?" You ask.
You smile. "You want me to come with you?"
"I always want you with me. I... may need you." He cracks a small smile.
"You do need help. I told you."
"I know I don't admit it, but you are right. Lucienne is right."
You smile at his admittance. You reach out and take his hand. He relaxes at the feeling of you touching him.
"Then we shall find Rose together."
He smiles softly.
"So, what do you think?" Matthew caws, looking down at Rose and Lyta as they walk toward the house at the bottom of the hill.
"Tell Lucienne she was right about the source of the tremors. And that I'm taking care of it."
You look at Morpheus.
He takes your hand and guides you down the hill. Matthew leaves. There is a certain purpose to his step as Morpheus walks, his coat bellowing out behind him.
You arrive at the house before the girls get there. Morpheus talks to Hector as you wait the other two. Rose and Lyta arrive.
Morpheus looks at them. You stand right beside him.
"Lyta, you remember I told you about Lord Morpheus, the King of Dreams?" Rose says, pointing out who he is.
"What do you want?" Lyta asks.
"He wants us to leave," Hector says.
"Why?" Rose asks.
"Because a ghost cannot escape his fate by hiding in The Dreaming," Morpheus explains. "Nor can a living human being escape her grief here. Do you not see the damage your presence has done to this realm? I cannot allow you to stay."
"Is there anything we can do?" Hector asks.
"You belong with the dead. You must go to the place appointed for you."
You lower your gaze. That is not an easy thing to hear from anyone.
"I'm sorry, but you must say your goodbyes now," Morpheus tells them.
Hector nods sadly.
"No. I'm not losing you again," Lyta says.
Hector stands up and walks over to her. "I love you so much," he tells her.
"You're not going anywhere. Get out of our house," Lyta says to you both.
"Lyta-" Rose tries to speak.
"Enough." Morpheus raises his hand. Hector starts to disintegrate down to nothing. Lyta calls his name while Rose pleads with Dream to stop. You turn and hide your face in Morpheus' shoulder.
Lyta cries. She cradles her bump.
"Your husband died a long time ago. He was a ghost, and this is a dream," Morpheus explains. "The baby is yours... for now."
You look at Morpheus with confusion. "For now...?" You whisper.
"The child was conceived in The Dreaming. It is mine."
"What?" Rose asks, mortified.
"And one day, I will come for it."
"No, you won't. You'll do nothing-" Rose starts to argue.
"This dream is over."
He swipes his hand through the air. You're back in the throne room. You stare at the steps as you try to understand what just happened.
"You killed my friend."
Both you and Morpheus turn to see Rose standing behind you. She hadn't woken up.
"How did you get here?" He asks.
"In front of his wife, and then you threaten to take her baby?"
"Do you know why this happened?" He asks her. "A vortex gathering strength can weaken the walls between dreams."
"I didn't ask for any of this," Rose tells him.
"Even so!"
"No! I don't want you coming near me or my friends ever again."
"Rose, listen to me."
"I do listen to you."
You can only stand there and watch them both. Things are getting agitated, and you didn't like it. Morpheus can sense your unease, but he must focus on the girl first.
"You said that a vortex can create universes or destroy them. So I suggest you leave my universe the fuck alone."
"Rose-" he warns her.
"This dream is over." She says. She vanishes.
You stare at the spot she had been standing in a moment ago. You didn't know what to think or say.
Morpheus turns and looks at you.
You choose to say nothing.
You both return to the library. Morpheus calls for Lucienne. She comes out from between some shelves.
"My lord. There's something I must tell you."
"And I will listen." He tells her. "But first, you must let me tell you that you were right." He speaks softly. "The vortex was responsible for the damage to our realm, and I was... wrong to risk our sagtt in the hope that she would locate the missing Arcana."
That's the first time you have ever heard him admit he was wrong.
"You were not entirely wrong, sir." Lucienne says. "She's found them both."
"What?" He asks. "The Corianthian and Fiddler's Green? Where? How do you know?"
"Fiddler's Green told me."
Lucienne turns, and you look up to see a well-dressed man step out from the bookshelves. You sigh softly as he comes over. He bows his head to you both.
"Apologies, lord, for having left."
"Why? Why did you leave?" Morpheus asks. "I tusted you. You were the heart of The Dreaming."
"No, sir. You were the heart of The Dreaming. And you were gone." Fiddler's Green says. "I was curious. And it turns out that life as a human contains substance I never imagined when I was here. Which is why I returned because... he's murdering them."
"The Corianthian?"
"He appears to have built up a cult of worshippers who kill for pleasure, endangering the waking world and the life of a friend called Rose Walker."
"The Corianthian has found Rose Walker?" You ask. A chill runs down your spine. Morpheus looks at you.
Another dream come true.
"Can you imagine the damage he could do with someone like Rose?" Lucienne says.
"You must tell me where they are." Morpheus demands softly.
"So, he too spent the last century in the waking world?" 'Gilbert' asks. You look at Fiddler's Green in his human form.
"Yes, but he seems to have experienced the worst of humankind." Lucienne points out.
You look down quietly.
"Still, his time appears to have changed him as it has changed me."
"How so?"
"Lucienne, he came to and told you he was wrong." Fiddler's Green smiles. "It was very nearly an apology. The Morpheus I knew was incapable of that."
You chuckle softly.
"Then perhaps he will be merciful to you since you come back on your own."
You look up. "I won't let him do anything to you."
Fiddler's Green looks at you. "My lady, your heart is as kind and beautiful as I remember."
You smile softly at him.
"It doesn't matter what happens to me. What matters is that Dream stops The Corianthian and saves Rose Walker."
You shake your head. "You matter too. I'm going to go find Morpheus. I shall insist he takes me with him."
"Are you sure that is a good idea?" Lucienne asks.
"He is my husband. I shall not let him do this alone."
Lucienne smiles. You're a good wife to Morpheus.
"But... there is no saving Rose Walker." She states. You and Fiddler's Green look up at her.
"What do you mean?" You ask.
"She's a vortex."
"Yes... I know that."
"He's... he's going to have to kill her." Fiddler's Green speaks with slight panic.
You look at them both. "What?"
"Did he not tell you?" Lucienne asks.
They both fall quiet. Lucienne can't help feeling like she's made things worse. Morpheus hadn't told you that for a reason, she assumed.
You storm into the throne room. Morpheus hadn't left yet. You march down the hall and over to him.
He turns and looks at you.
"My love."
You glare at him hard. "Don't you dare."
"Excuse me?" He frowns.
"You're going to kill her..."
A look of realisation comes over him. He lifts his head a little higher as he looks at you. He knows he can not hide his intentions any longer.
"It must be done."
"There has to be another way!"
"There is not."
You fight back your emotions. Getting upset won't get you anywhere with him. You try to remain calm.
"How can you possibly be so cruel?"
"The Corianthian is using Rose to do harm. She doesn't even realise what she's doing most of the time. I must put a stop to the vortex."
"By killing her...?"
"I have no choice," he states, looking at you with desperation. He can see your pain. He wants to comfort you, but doing so will not change the situation.
"Take me with you."
"Morpheus, please."
He sighs softly and closes the distance between you both. He takes your hand in his and throws his sand up with the other. You fo not look away from him as you travel to where Rode and The Corianthian is.
The Corianthian appears to be giving a speech. A room full of murderers is listening to him. He is using Rose to power their dreams into one.
You stand with Morpheus in the aisle, looking up at the rouge nightmare.
"You disppoint me, Corianthian. You and these humans you've inspired and created... disappoint me." Morpheus walks towards him. You remain standing in the aisle.
"I've done my best to be what you made me," The Corianthian says.
"No, you've done your worst, which was in so many ways what I had hoped." Morpheus joins him up on the stage. "You were my masterpiece. A dark mirror made to reflect everything humanity will not confront."
"That's what I am. That's what I've done."
"No. Look at you, walking this Earth for over a century, infecting others with your joy of death, but what have you given them? What have you wrought? Nothing. Just something else for people to be afraid of. That is all"
"So what now?" The Corianthian asks. "You send me back into their dreams?" He pulls out a knife. "'Cause I won't go willingly."
"A knife against a dream?"
"You don't think dreams can die? Let's find out."
You gasp and move to join Morpheus, but your husband raises a hand to tell you to stay where you are.
"Enough." Morpheus raises his hand to The Corianthian, who stabs the knife through Dream's hand.
"No!" You yell out. Your Morpheus is hurt. His hand bleeds.
"I've got Rose Walker getting stronger every second while you get weaker." The Corianthian says. "She's taking your place at the centre of the Dreaming. She's bringing the walls down between the sleepers' minds, and now they're all dremaing the same dream. A dream that I inspired."
"No." Morpheus looks at him.
"It's already happening. There's nothing you can do. She's asleep and dreaming."
"Then she is not beyond my reach."
"Oh, I think she is. Now that she knows you're planning to kill her."
You shake your head and hurry over to Morpheus, placing your hands on his shoulders. Morpheus uses that boost you're giving him to appear in the dream. He is telling Rose to wake up.
"Don't listen to him, Rosebud." The Corianthian says, appearing on the dream. "You're the one with power now, not him. This is your dream."
"It's his dream, for your world." Morpheus says, walking into the room with them. You're giving him your strength in the waking world to appear in Rose's dream.
"Then let's make it yours. Whatever you want, Rose. A blank canvas."
The Corianthian removes the extra people from the room, including Jed. Rose asks where he is, and The Corianthian reminds her he is fine and that he is sleeping right next to her in the waking world.
"This dream is yours now. The Dreaming is yours now."
"The Dreaming is yours. Is that what he told you?" Morpheus asks, approaching her.
"He told me you were gonna kill me," Rose says.
"Did he tell you why? When a vortex brings down the walls between dreams, she creates a single volatile dream that will collapse in upon itself, and take the waking world with it. Your world. Everything and everyone will die."
"Don't believe him, Rosie." The Corianthian whispers to her.
"It's happened before. I failed my duty, an entire universe was lost."
"He can't kill you if you kill him first," The Corianthian tells her.
"Killing me may save your life, but it won't save the lives of those you love," Morpheus states.
"I'm trying to keep you alive here." The Corianthian urges.
"I'm trying to keep your world alive." Morpheus argues.
"You have to choose one of us, Rose."
"Enough!" Rose exclaims. "If in as powerful as you say I am, then I will find my own way. In the meantime, the walls go back up. Because I'm not dreaming anymore."
Rose gets rid of the dream around them. "Thanks to you two, I'm wide awake.'
Rose wakes in the waking world.
You gasp as you let go of Morpheus. His hand heals up quickly. You take it in your hands and examine it. He looks at you softly before turning back to The Corianthian.
"If you think I'm going back to the Dreaming with you-"
"You're not going back," Morpheus says firmly. "I brought you into this world to serve humanity. Not to feed upon it."
"Do you know why I do it?" The Corianthian asks. "So I can taste what it's like to be human. And you don't care about humanity. You only care about yourself and your realm and your rules."
"I contain the entire collective unconscious. Without my rules, it would consume me." Morpheus explains. You hold his hand gently. "Humanity would be consumed."
"Or you might actually feel something." The Corianthian adds. "I am not the problem, Dream."
"You're right. This was my fault, not yours."
You look at Morpheus with slight confusion.
"I had so much hope for you," Morpheus whispers, looking at The Corianthian. "But I created you poorly then."
The Corianthian gets upset.
"So I must uncreate you now."
Morpheus raises his hand to the nightmare, and you watch as he undoes his work.
"I am only sorry I won't be here to see Rose Walker do the same to you," The Corianthian says before he completely disappears. He turns to a pile of ash as a small skull lands on top. Morpheus picks it up.
"Next time I make you, you will not be so flawed and petty, little Dream." Morpheus tucks the skull away.
"And you..." Morpheus looks at the waking humans in the room. Who call yourselves collectors, until now, you have sustained fantasies in which you are the victims, comforting daydreams in which you are always right. But no more. The dream is over. I have taken it away. For this is my judgement upon you, that you shall know from this moment on exactly how craven and selfish and monstrous you are. That you shall feel the pain of those you have slaughtered. And the grief of those that mourn them still, and you shall carry that pain and grief and guilt with you until the end of time."
All those humans leave that hotel with a whole new mindset.
Morpheus walks out with you. Matthew meets you both an the entrance.
Rose and Jed have driven away.
"You want me to follow her?" Matthew asks.
"No. When she is awake, she is not a threat. Tonight, when she sleeps, I will find her." Morpheus says. "And we will end this.'
Rose Walker had brought all her friends into one dream. A whirlpool had opened up and one by one each of her friends fell into it. Even Jed.
The green fields turned to a cold and empty wasteland. Morpheus stood with you in front of Rose.
"You've caused a great deal of damage. Nothing that I cannot repair, at least at this stage." Morpheus tells Rose.
"What happened to Jed? To my friends?"
"They're asleep in their bed, but they're not safe. No one is. Not until the vortex is dead."
You feel your heart aching. You cannot let him kill her. Rose didn't ask for any of this.
"Death is not always such a bad thing." Morpheus says. "You could stay if you like. My raven was once a mortal."
"Wait! Sir!" Gilbert comes running.
"Gilbert? What are you doing here?" Rose asks.
"This is Fiddler's Green," Morpheus clarifies.
"You? You're a Dream?"
"I am. I, I left my post here to experience life as a human being," Gilbert explains. "A life which I humbly offer in exchange for yours."
"I'm afraid that's not possible." Morpheus tells him. "For the Dreaming and the waking world to live, the vortex must die."
"Then what's the point of a vortex?" Rose asks. "Why do we even exist?"
"I have a theory." Gilbert says, interrupting Morpheus. "When a human is at the centre of the Dreaming, is it not to remind us that we exist because humans dream, not the other way around? The miracle of humanity itself should always be more vivid to us than any marvels of power."
"I cannot find it in my heart to punish you for leaving Fiddler's Green," Morpheus says. "But it is time you took up your appointed position once more."
"It would be my honour, sir." Gilbert says proudly. "It was never my intention to abandon my role."
"What was your role? Who were you?" Rose asks.
You smile and answer. "Fiddler's Green is not a who, it is a where. He is not a person. He was a place."
"And after your death, if you stay in the Dreaming, visit me." Gilbert requests. "Walk in my meadows and my green glades. Rest beneath my trees."
Morpheus smiles slightly.
"Farewell, Rose Walker. It was a privilege being human with you."
Gilbert opens his arms, and you all watch as he turns into greenery and life. Your surroundings turn green, trees come into existence, butterflies fly overhead. Fiddler's Green has returned to his post.
"I do not wish to take your life," Morpheus says to Rose. "But we all have repsonbilities and this is one of mine."
You can't take it any more. You step out and stop between him and Rose.
"No. I can't let you."
Morpheus looks at you with concern. "It has to be done."
You start to tear up. "It's not fair. She has a whole life ahead of her..."
"My love..."
Rose takes your hand in hers and looks at you. Thunder rumbles and the clouds turn dark.
"I am sorry," Morpheus says sincerely.
"It's fine," Rose assures you. "Just do it," she looks at Morpheus. "Whatever it takes to save my brother and my friends."
You shake your head. Morpheus looks at you with a pleasing gaze. He wants you to return to his side.
Rose looks at you. "I'm ready."
You let a tear fall and watch Rose let go of your hand. You can't look. You turn away. Morpheus raises his hand up toward Rose. He can hear your soft cries.
"My lord, stop." Lucienne comes rushing over with another woman. You look up through teary eyes.
Morpheus stops.
"Unity?" Rose looks at the other woman.
"This is Unity Kinkaid." Lucienne introduces her.
"I am Rose's great-grandmother. And according to this book, I was meant to be the vortex of this age." The woman holds up a book. "But because you were imprisoned and locked out of the Dreaming, that fate was handed down to my descendants."
"I don't understand," Morpheus says.
"You're not very bright, are you?" Unity scoffs. "Come here, Rose."
Rose walks over to unity.
"I want you to reach down inside yourself and give me whatever it is that makes you the vortex."
"But how?"
"You're dreaming, darling. Anything is possible."
You watch as Rose reaches down inside of herself and starts to pull out something. You've never seen anything like this before. Rose manages to grab what she's looking for and holds it out to Unity.
A glass heart, a storm whirling inside.
You've seen a heart like that before.
Morpheus looks at you, and you look at him.
"Thank you, Rose, love." Unity holds the heart and turns to Morpheus. "I the vortex now, Dream King, as I should have been long ago. So, leave my great-granddaughter alone."
The heart begins to shatter. A bright light and Unity becomes weak. She has passed on in the waking world.
Morpheus holds onto her in the Dreaming.
"Unity?" Rose looks at her concerned.
"What happened?" Unity asks.
"You died. So that Rose might live." Morpheus tells her. Tears continue to fall from your eyes.
"I'm so sorry." Rose hugs Unity.
"No, don't be. I'm not." Unity tells her. "I was meant to have died a long time ago, Rose. But if I had, I would never have met my golden-eyed man, and we wouldn't have had our beautiful baby girl, and you would not have been born."
Golden eyes? You looked at Morpheus again. You know of someone with golden eyes. Morpheus, of course, knows them better.
"Wait, the father of your child had golden eyes?" Morpheus asks.
"I've never seen anything like them," Unity says.
"I have."
"Goodbye, Rose, darling." Unity says to Rose. They hug again. "Mr. Holdaway will see to it that you and Jed have everything you need."
"You and your brother are children of the Endless," Morpheus says to Rose. "You have suffered enough. You may leave this place."
"Goodbye, Rose," you say to her.
She wakes up, Jed right beside her.
Morpheus goes to pay Desire a visit.
You remain at the palace. You close Rose Walker's book and sigh softly. Matthew perches himself near your throne.
"She will be just fine. As will Jed. They are kin to Morpheus, so shall I make sure to check in with them from time to time."
Matthew caws. "Don't you have any children?"
"No." You say softly.
Matthew tilts his head slightly.
"Morpheus did have a son, once. That's a story for another time."
Matthew says nothing else on the matter.
Lucienne enters the throne room and you both look up.
"Lord Morpheus has requested your presence." She informs you.
You smile.
"Then I shall not keep him waiting."
Matthew takes flight, and Lucienne joins you at your side as you walk.
"Is all well?" She asks.
You smile.
"Everyone is going to be juat fine."
Lucienne shares your smile.
@missdreamofendless - @mischievousvillainy - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy - @emarich7 - @lollipopsandlandmines - @mouth-whore -
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your alien husband shows you his assets
General Plot: Idreod literally has a lot of assets and he shows them to you.
Word Count: 1.5k
Kherae alien (Idreod) x female reader with glasses
W: some violence, sfw alien fluff, yandere vs. yandere, forced marriage, breeding talk
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“No examine that figure again, (Y/N),” the archduke muttered, tapping the ledger with his long finger. 
“I’ve looked at it four times,” you griped, “there must be some mistake!” 
“There is no mistake. Look again!” 
You huffed. 
“I’ve looked and looked. It’s as if you have a hidden account or something!” 
You paused and looked at him. 
“You do have a hidden account! That’s why the numbers don’t match up!” 
He smiled at you. 
“Good, you figured it out.” 
You frowned. 
“But how is that legal?” you asked. 
He shrugged. 
“It’s not, but the punishment for breaking the law is less than the benefit of having the account stay hidden. In a time of war, you will want to have assets arranged that the monarchy can’t seize. If the accounts were to be exposed, it’s not treason. The penalty is just a small fine that’s easily paid.” 
You stared at him. 
“That’s bold,” you said. 
“It’s simple business math,” he explained, “until they change the law, but we lobby heavily to keep it as it is. It’s worth the money we spend ten times over.”  
You nodded. Your husband was a little bit evil, it seemed. He used the same tactics as any human corporate giant.  
“Okay, so where is the rest of the assessed value here and here?” you asked, pointing to a few lines on the spreadsheet. 
He grinned. He’d been doing a lot more of that since your kiss in the garden. You tried to keep your mind off of it, because if you thought too hard about it your cheeks got hot. 
“I’m going to show you.” 
He gathered you up by the shoulders and led you to the private elevator that led to your quarters, but instead of going up, you went down. 
When you paused in front of a large door, he asked for your hand. 
“This is keyed to my bio-signature,” he said, placing your hand on a pad to the side, “and now I will key it to yours.” 
He pressed a few buttons and the door in front of you opened. The room inside would put Scrooge McDuck’s treasure room to shame. Gold bars were stacked in a solid wall on one side of the room, while alien art stretched up to the cavernous ceilings. There were cases and cases of jewelry and gemstones resting in black velvet. Armor and antiques were strewn about. 
“There is another vault like this on Akhet,” he said, leading you into it. 
“Another one?” you asked. 
“Yes, Since we are integrating with human women I believe the majority of human-Kherae relations will be conducted on Earth in the future. Most families will probably be raised here for the mother’s comfort, so it’s worthwhile to keep considerable assets on this planet.” 
“You’re always thinking of a rainy day,” you commented. 
He frowned at you. 
“I don’t know what the weather has to do with this…” he said. 
You smiled at his perplexed face. It was very cute. 
“It means to prepare for the worst,” you explained. 
He nodded. 
“Yes,” he said, “our family has survived war and famine because we prepare contingency after contingency. The only thing we did not prepare for was the Golt, but we have survived that as well and now there’s hope for the future.” 
He looked at you thoughtfully and you quickly looked away. He meant your womb. You were going to be carrying the future heir to the Zovith fortune. You smoothed your dress, nervously. 
“Good to know,” you said, turning your attention to a sparkling ruby necklace.
“You can take anything you like,” he said almost bitterly, “none of this has any sentimental value to me.” 
He fingered a large opal hilt dagger. 
“It’s all just the spoils of war and conquest,” he murmured. 
“You don’t have any family heirlooms?” you asked, “I don’t want to take something that belonged to your mother.” 
He shrugged. 
“I never really knew her,” he said, “she died when I was too small to really remember her, just after Dessin was born. If anything here was hers, I wouldn’t know.” 
He picked up a diamond tennis bracelet and fastened it to your wrist. 
“Perhaps I’ll grow some attachment to these things if you wear them,” he said. 
You swallowed thickly. 
 “Come,” he said, leading you to a framed chart on the wall.
“This is the Zovith family tree,” he said, pointing to one area, “this is the King. As you can see I am the nephew of the king, which means if something were to happen to him, I would become King.” 
You looked at him a little nervously. 
“Is anything going to happen to him?” you asked, delicately. 
He chuckled. 
“No, I’m not ambitious. I can move much more freely as Archduke,” he assured you, “but I wanted you to know the gravity of your responsibilities.” 
You nodded. 
“I think I understand,” you said, “you want me to bear the heir to the Zovith family.” 
He looked down at you, his eyes flashing. 
“I want you to lead the Zovith family,” he said. 
When you were finally able to reach your room, you collapsed on the bed. Idreod had put you through your paces, making you meticulously review all of the Zovith’s family’s many assets. You wondered if the next day would be just as exhausting. At least there wouldn’t be an impromptu proposal. 
You examined the ring on your finger. It wasn’t a run of the mill solitaire ring in the highest carat available. Instead it was a lovely antique with silver filigree. Small diamonds set in scallops surrounded a large central cushion cut diamond. You wondered if he had picked it out himself or if Airies had. It was so unique, it felt like it couldn’t have been arbitrary. 
There was a knock at your door and you winced. 
“It’s open,” you called. 
The door opened to reveal Dessin and you frowned. 
“I’m not sure you should be coming here like this,” you said. 
He walked in anyway, but lingered at the opposite wall. 
“I only want to talk,” he said. He looked down at your hand. 
“That’s a pretty ring, did he give that to you?” he asked. 
“It’s my engagement ring,” you said, feeling defensive for some reason and pulling it to your chest. 
“He must have pulled it out of the vault,” he said, waving it away, “he doesn’t normally care about things like that.” 
“You don’t think too highly of your brother,” you commented. 
“He doesn’t think highly of me, either,” he said, scrubbing a hand through his hair, “he might be putting on an act for you, but my brother isn’t a good guy.” 
You bit your lip. 
“Well he’s certainly not warm and fuzzy, but…he’s surprised me today,” you said, because it was true. 
He chuckled darkly, but oddly his face brightened. 
“Enough about my brother,” he said, crossing the room and sitting down next to you on the bed, “I want to learn about my sister.” 
You pulled your knees to your chest and looked over them at him. 
“What do you want to know?” 
“What’s your favorite color?” he asked. 
You laughed. 
“Really? That’s what you’re going with?” you giggled. 
He huffed in mock derision. 
“You can tell a lot about a person from their favorite color,” he said, “if it were pink I don’t know if we could be friends.” 
“What’s wrong with pink?” you asked. 
He grinned. 
“Purple is better,” he said. 
You laughed, your eyes gliding over his purple skin as he probably intended. What a flirt. 
“I guess I have to be on team purple from now on, don’t I?” you asked, playfully. 
He was silent for a moment and his hand lifted a bit of your hair. He examined it for a second. 
“You don’t have to marry him you know,” he said, quietly. 
You looked at him. 
“I do,” you said, “I have debts.” 
He looked down. 
“My brother thinks he can buy anything he wants,” he grumbled, holding the lock of hair to his lips, “I don’t want him to have you.” 
You put your hand on his wrist, gently pulling your hair back. 
“Don’t worry about me,” you said, “please.” 
“I’d do anything for you (Y/N), but not that,” he said. 
You couldn’t hide your red cheeks. 
“Um…I’m tired, Dessin. I think maybe you should go,” you whispered. 
His eyes searched yours for a moment, then his usual cheerful self returned. 
“Of course, sister,” he said, smiling, before leaning down and kissing you on the cheek, “goodnight.” 
When he was gone, you clutched the covers, while you tried to get to sleep after turning the lock on your door.  
“What do you think you’re doing Dessin?” Idreod growled at his younger brother as he dragged him out of the hallway where your room was located by his horn. He’d heard about half of your conversation and he didn’t like it. When they were far enough away that you couldn’t hear he slammed his head against the wall. 
“Tell me what you think you are doing!” he demanded, holding him by the collar. 
“You don’t deserve her Idreod,” he spat, “do you really think you can just buy someone? Are you an Ozil?” 
“What do you know about it?” Idreod hissed, “you hop from bed to bed like a louse. You don’t know anything. She’s resilient and responsible. She will make a perfect archduchess.”
“But she’s not yours.” he insisted, “you purchased her, but she doesn’t belong to you.” 
“She is mine,” he growled, “she’s accepted her future and that’s with me!”  
“You’re going to break something precious and irreplaceable about her and you will regret it.” he snapped back, “You can’t give her love. I can! Let me have her! I’ll hand over the child you want.”  
“You’re an idiot,” he shouted, his fist making contact with his chin. Dessin groaned and spat blood. 
“You always have been! You have no sense of duty. Do you care what you are doing to (Y/N), confusing her? Do you know what those humans will do to her? They will sell her to an Ozil. Can you protect her from that or are you just playing with lives you have no real care for? You don’t know how to do “serious” Dessin, so stop acting.” 
He jerked him up by his hair.
“And stay away from my fiance,” he hissed, before punching him in the stomach and leaving him on the floor. 
“If I find you in her room again, I won’t be so lenient,” he called over his shoulder as he stalked down the hallway. 
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actuallyadhd · 11 months
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Book: The Procrastination Equation Subtitle: How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done Author: Piers Steel, PhD Publisher: Random House Canada Year: 2010
This isn't going to be a really formal book review or anything, I just thought I'd provide you guys with the pertinent information, in case you want to read it yourselves. :)
So, basically, Piers Steel is an industrial psychologist who specializes in procrastination. He teaches at the University of Calgary, in the Haskayne School of Business. He started studying procrastination because he procrastinated, so once again we have an expert who used his own problems to influence his studies. :D
The procrastination equation isn't a real equation - that is, it's not something you can plug actual numbers into and figure out what your procrastination number is. It's more of a theoretical approach to the definition of procrastination, that explains how and why people procrastinate. Written as a mathematical equation, it looks like the picture at the top of this post.
In other words, what we expect to receive for a task, multiplied by its intrinsic value (to us), all divided by how impulsive we are times how far away the due date is, equals how motivated we are to actually work on the task in question. The less motivated we are, the more we're going to put it off. This is why so many post-secondary papers are written the night before they're due: the papers are assigned months ahead of time, there is no certain expectancy of a good grade, and young adults are rather impulsive and don't really like working hard on things anyway. So the motivation to write the paper is really low until just before it's due.
One of the things I found really interesting about this book was the stuff about how brain function affects procrastination. Basically, it's the conflict between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex that buggers us up. In reading about this, I kept thinking to myself, "he's describing ADHD!" but he never uses the term once, in the entire book.
The limbic system is the part of our brain that makes us do things when we want to do them. It's basically the seat of impulsivity. (Oh, by the way, he uses the word "impulsiveness" throughout the book. I prefer "impulsivity," even if my spell checker doesn't believe it's a word.) The limbic system is perfect for a hunter-gatherer society. Of course, evolution means that we are always perfectly designed for the environment we no longer live in. :)
The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that deals with executive functioning. It's where we make plans, follow through on plans, and all that other great stuff that is basically contrary to the nature of the limbic system.
On to the practical stuff...
First there was a self-assessment quiz (it's in chapter two, if you decide to read the book). People procrastinate because they have low expectancy, low value, or high impulsivity. As it turns out, my problem is mostly with impulsivity. In other words, I postpone doing things until the last minute because other stuff keeps catching my attention. I do the other things first, not because I don't think the first tasks are important (value) or will pay off in the end (expectancy) but because whatever it is that I end up doing instead is just way more interesting in the moment--long-term thinking just isn't my strong suit. (I'm pretty sure this is due to ADHD because I would always do all the research for a paper right when it was assigned, and then sit on my notes and let things percolate until the night before it was due. So I'd be completely prepared for the assignment and not complete it, even though I had everything I needed in order to do so.)
Chapters 7-9 are the ones that have the actual practical approaches to combat procrastination. I took notes on all of them, but of course not all of them are techniques that are going to be useful for me. I'm going to copy my notes anyway, though, because some of you guys might get something out of it, too. :)
Each bold header below has to do with a reason for doing something; the italicized sub-headers are the names of the ways you can deal with problems in that area, and are followed by explanations of how the methods work.
Success Spirals (+)
Set an ongoing series of challenging but ultimately achievable goals; maximize motivation and make the achievement meaningful.
Think of an area of life of real interest and strive to improve just a little beyond your current skill set.
Break town the tasks that daunt you into smaller and smaller pieces. Keep formal track of your progress. Count your successes.
Vicarious Victory (+)
Find an inspirational role model and/or a positive social peer group.
Seek inspiration from stories or others; it is easier to believe in yourself if you are surrounded by people who believe in themselves--or you!
Join a community, service, or professional organization.
Start your own support group; can be anyone, as long as it is mutually encouraging friends.
Wish Fulfillment (+)
Visualization, either mental contrasting (what you want vs what you have) or creative visualization (what you want, as per The Secret; not as effective as contrasting).
Think about the life you want; focus on just one aspect (break it down!); elaborate on what makes it attractive (e.g., diary, collage, quiet concentration); mentally contrast future with present, focusing on the gap.
Plan for the Worst, hope for the Best (-)
Rather than believing you can entirely and easily beat the problem of procrastination, believe that you can beat it down.
Determine what could go wrong, reflect honestly on past experiences, and ask for advice; list ways you habitually procrastinate and post it where you work; avoid pre-determined risks as much as possible; develop a recovery plan ahead of time; use the recovery plan.
Accept that You're Addicted to Delay (-)
Acknowledge powerlessness over procrastination: truly acknowledging that any single failure of willpower inevitably leads to the collapse of all your self-control gives you far more motivation than believing that occasional lapses can be safely contained.
Keep a daily log of procrastination habits; acknowledge that a weak will is the biggest problem, and "just once" is the beginning of the end; accept that the first delay justifies all the rest of them.
Games and Goals
Finding the balance between the difficulty of your task and your ability to do it is a key component for creating flow, a state of total engagement.
The rist of procrastination diminishes when tasks are relevant, instrumentally connected to topics and goals of personal significance.
You need a string of future goals that you find intrinsically motivating to hook your present responsibilities onto.
Frame long-term goals in terms of the success you want to achieve (approach goal) rather than the failure you want to prevent (avoidance goal).
Make tasks more challenging; connect tasks to long-term goals (what you find intrinsically motivating); frame goals in terms of what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid.
Energy Crisis
Spoons (mental and physical).
Do difficult tasks at peak performance times; don't get hungry; exercise lots; make sleep predictable; respect your limitations.
You Should See the Task I'm Avoiding
Doing other things instead of the thing we're supposed to be doing - getting things done, but not the "right" thing.
Identify something you've been putting off, then things that are more enjoyable and do them instead/first.
Double or Nothing
Procrastinators tend not to reward themselves for getting things done.
Anticipated rewards make the work more enjoyable, which helps winning.
List rewards you can self-administer, promise yourself these rewards; consider ways of making tasks more enjoyable (pairing) without overriding the work.
Let Your Passion be Your Vocation
Finding work you want to do is a major step toward avoiding procrastination.
Look at careers involving activities you love or like doing; filter out all the occupations for which you don't possess skill or ability; rank by demand.
Commit Now to Bondage, Satiation, and Poison
As you get closer to a temptation, your desire for it peaks, allowing the temptation to trump later but better options.
Throw away the key: eliminate the alternatives.
SatiationL meet your needs in a safe and managed manner before they intensify and take control (schedule recreational activities first, then add chores - "unschedule").
Try poison: punish failure.
Identify your temptations, then...
Put them out of reach or far away;
Satisfy your needs first; or
Add disincentives to make them unattractive.
Making Paying Attention Pay
Inside out: pay attention please!
Frame in terms of abstract and symbolic features.
Ascribe negative qualities and consequences.
Outside in: now you see it, now you don't.
Regain stimulus control by making it harder to access or even notice the temptations.
Declutter and replace the clutter with triggers for tasks you usually procrastinate on.
Make workplace a cue by working until motivation disappears; then go elsewhere to goof off (this could be just another profile ont he same computer so you have to log off and back in if you are going to goof off).
Use covert sensitization to make distractions less inviting; focus on abstract aspects of temptations; eliminate cues; replace distraction cues with work-related cues; compartmentalize work and play as much as possible.
Scoring Goals
The finish line is just ahead.
Set corporeal goals with real deadlines, use mini-goals to get started on a task, structure the goals so that they are appealing (i.e., inputs [time invested] vs outputs [what's produced]).
Full automatic.
Intentionally adopt a routine; make an explicit intention to act (if-then is pretty good for this).
Frame your goals in specific terms so that you know precisely when you have to achieve them; break down long-term goals into a series of short-term objectives; organize your goals into routines that occur regularly at the same time and place.
"Optimal self-control involves not the denial of emotions but a respect for them."
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ultraviolet-cello · 8 months
Good afternoon everyone, late analysis/detail watch for @tristampparty today! Had a busy day and I am ready to chill out by being so so normal about Trigun ^_^
Spoilers for Trigun Stampede and Trimax, CW for me discussing/theorizing abt Vash's injuries + discussion of harm coming to children specifically!
Roberto is my old man blorbo (he is not that old) and I essayed Hard about him today, good luck reading!
So when I originally watched this episode when I saw the tower I was like oh flying saucer haha!
and then it is a flying saucer. I hate that (/j)
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the bugs under the rock when I lift it up:
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On a more serious note I do like the transition from Wolfwood getting REALLY jumpy (to the point of like. Punching Vash for sneezing. babygirl there are better ways to cope with bringing the man you adore to what is probably his doo- actually there probably isn't, he's on his own) to them working extremely in sync to try and get away from the guards - even in the two months that they've been traveling together they've developed that back to back fighting style. It's very sweet, and I think that aspect of them is heavily emphasized in 98 actually, episode 9 when Wolfwood first appears. I really do miss that episode's story, I think it's my favourite standalone plot :]
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Again take this with a grain of salt because my subtitles are Janky, but this line hits me real hard [Where Vash is telling Wolfwood not to shoot at the July guards]. They're at July, this is where Wolfwood needs to hand Vash over despite all his inner conflict; but he values the orphanage, it's so important to him. Would the morally righteous thing to do be trying to fight alongside Vash out of this? Possibly. But the risk is too great; It's not the time to be a saint.
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Both of their expressions here - Wolfwood stepping back then forward to try and push Vash out the way, or block the bullet, and Vash just slowly lowering his arms with that real haunted look.
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Studio Orange once again knocking it out of the PARK with their facial expressions
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[Purging the Vashwood from my system for just a moment] He really does just. Grab him around the waist huh. He doesn't try to spin Vash around to assess the damage, or immediately drag him away, but most importantly he doesn't shoot back. Not after Vash asked him to.
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Why's this bitch not clean his table!!! The hell!!! Unsanitary. Or... Or someone was just there. Not sure what's worse at that point. It's also that the shape of that cross is also to accommodate children
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[Tucking these screenshots into my purse for safekeeping] [Also CWing this section for a little bit of injury discussion] Most of the injuries here aren't necessarily the scars that Trimax and 98 Vash have, which makes me wonder if he's going to get more post-July. In any case, a lot of these look like failed/only partial skin grafts or wounds that required skin grafts but did not get it [Just trust me on that, don't look it up if you can't stomach gore].
I wonder if Vash can't receive skin grafts due to the sheer amount of scarring/can't receive any donated grafts due to differences in biology, or if he's just... not been able to get them healed. Some of it appears to be patched up with metal, but the rest of it.... Mm.
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I think it's very telling that the thing that Roberto starts really speaking up on is challenging Conrad on his treatment of orphans and disadvantaged people. Roberto's a reporter, so of course he's going to have seen how powerful people often use the marginalized as their playthings; and Roberto does have a pretttty good moral code when it comes to it. Time and time again he's chosen to help Meryl instead of preserve his own life.
And now he's actively taking Meryl's side, challenging Conrad, sticking up for people, which. One of the first hints of Roberto that we got that wasn't him being so gruff was his defense of Vash (who was getting the shit beaten out of him) in the very first episode.
I've talked at length abt how children are. Kind of the most precious thing to most people on Gunsmoke/NML - so many of the individual stories revolve around parents and children, brothers, siblings, Wolfwood and Hopeland, Legato sparing all the children in that village in 98, Elendira leaving a gaggle of children alive to bury Livio in Trimax. I particularly remember a scene in Trimax volume 14, chapter 3, when the feathers are falling and a young girl has lost her mother, but these big rough and tough men guide her back. I think that's kind of the essence of what Roberto represents to me.
The average person on that planet is rough, traumatized, probably knows how to shoot, they kill each other, they rob, they steal. And yet when it comes down to a little girl crying in the crowd, they will guide her back to her mother. Noman's Land is made up of families; they hurt each other and they commit atrocities, but at the end of the day, that was someone's child, and people try to respect it.
Roberto has a bit of a stronger ethical streak, but he's really kinda hostile to Conrad in this scene (GET HIS ASS ROBERTO WOOO!!!) and I think when he saw children involved that really signaled part of it to him.
It's also that Roberto has developed as a character, being more open and trusting of Meryl, but I also just. The family thing gets me every time (I think it's because I work with children and am a huge advocate for said children, but. yaknow)
[Pointing at him] I love this guy!!! I miss him!!! I really really thought I was gonna hate him but every rewatch i get sadder that he's gone!!!!!
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Also he calls out Conrad on being non-empathetic towards, well experimenting on children which is yeah!!! shit!!! Roberto shuts him down like 3 times!! "What matters is how you feel with these children in front of you" GET! HIS! ASS!
Roberto has progressed so so much, with his ability to actually insert himself into situations according to his opinions and ethics, with his relationship to Meryl becoming softer, and then he's just,,, Gone, soon.
On a lighter note, tf you mean Elendira's powers are equivalent to a supply door Conrad she can kill a man!!! I spose a supply door can also kill a man but like. I wonder if she's gonna get. Bigger nails. More powers in the future.
Also a nice parallel of how Roberto kept dragging Meryl back and flinging her away from danger, but now he's grabbed her and is carrying her with him - it feels different. He really really does care about her and it's so evident in these last couple of episodes.
Also Meryl is just pick up-able what can I say.
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Roberto being shocked at his ability to deflect Elendira's nails just feels kinda cruel. Man's been spending the entire anime facing horrors beyond his comprehension and he just figured out he can fight against this one, but in the end she's the one who gets him.
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Also I talked about Roberto being really standoffish when he realizes children are being harmed? Uh, that's probably what gets him killed. If he'd have shot Elendira here, there is a decent chance he would have lived; if he hadn't hesitated the several times he did, he wouldn't be so rattled. That's... Painful.
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"That was close" I hate everyone here [/j]
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Not an unpopular opinion, but I'm not a super fan of what they did to Elendira. I'm of the opinion of her character divorced from her Trimax counterpart is really really interesting, but I have to treat her like an entirely different character, so we'll be moving on with that in mind.
So Elendira's been like this for what, twenty years at least? That doesn't seem to line up with how Plants age - Vash and Knives take like 5 years to look like they're fifteen, and. I hope we all know that humans typically take 18-20 years to reach adulthood lmao.
My three theories on why she hasn't aged is that
A) Whichever Plant cells (Probably Tesla's) that they used on her is inhibiting her growth, disallowing her from progressing past a certain point. Perhaps if she ages more something... Bad will happen to her body. Sub-idea, if it is Tesla's cells, they might not be letting her age past the point Tesla was when she died. Which is a little horrific actually.
B) Conrad and/or Knives are the ones not allowing her to grow, for some reason. I don't really have any ideas of what.
But it seems to me that she is somewhat inverse to Wolfwood; she's been living for at least twenty years, trapped in the mind and body of a child. She speaks with the cadence and articulation of an adult most of the time, but her body's pain tolerance and her subsequent reactions are that of an undeveloped mind/body.
That or she just doesn't wanna go through puberty because she's already trans and just doesn't wanna deal with that shit (valid) but, yaknow. I am a very big supporter of "Let Studio Orange cook, they've done pretty good so far!" but Elendira and Razlo are the two I am. Most scared of seeing how they turn out lmao, and even with Razlo I do have some hopes. But Elendira,,, man. I dunno.
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Hooo boy. Okay. I'm ready to talk about Roberto again now. I've been talking about how he recently seems to have softened his demeanor specifically towards Meryl, bringing out a lot of that joking tone, but here is particularly on display.
He tells Meryl that it's okay to run away sometimes and that really really. Got to me. Like he wants her to live. He wants her to do whatever she thinks is right, and he wants her to live, and he is going to do what he can in his dying moments to make that better for her.
I miss him :(
I also wonder if he had anything outside of his job. Friends? Family? A partner? Or was he mostly obliterated along with most of July, kept only in memory by his, now Meryl's, derringer?
Also Vash does Not know that Roberto is dead and if he asks about him post-rejoining the gang in season 2 I'll start screaming.
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Oh Knives is here! Yippee!!
So uh. The thing with him saying this is, like a Lot of things Knives does/says in Tristamp, is rooted in truth to some degree.
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Like uh. Yeah. That is kind of the basis for a Major part of Vash's personality, the guilt complex of Knives shifting the burden and (honestly projecting a lot of his own guilt probably) onto Vash. But to attribute All of Vash's character to just that is disservice, and horrible for Vash to hear.
The thing about Vash is that he tries. He tries so so hard to make things right, even despite the harm that comes to him and the grief and pain of how he lives his life. Even if it were just his guilt, that is still 150 or so years of healing plants, helping children, going from town to town to do what good he can.
Love, in that case, is not inherent, but created. It's hard to just unconditionally love something just because it's in your life, but if you work at it, dedicate yourself, put in the effort, do so much good, then is that not love in itself? Does it really matter the basis if you love, regardless?
Where it becomes a problem with Vash, is when he refuses to kind of,,, accept that he worked for it instead of just having that love inherent to him, because he's so desperate to hold that guilt complex, that "I'm a bad person" close to him
I dunno, I'm autistic, so maybe I have a strange reading of this because I personally have had to work towards the things I hold dear to me, but it's,,, definitely a facet of Vash, to me.
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I Do Not Like This Photograph. In Trimax, it seems they took Tesla and Immediately began experimenting on her - Some arguments over ethics with Rem, yeah, but overall the dissenters were overruled. But why have this picture? Tesla is clearly not a baby in this image. Did she have more contact and interactions with the scientists?
The cruelty in Tesla's story, at least in my view, is that she never got to be a character. Her agency was stripped from her by scientists, by death, and then by Knives. We don't know shit about her - did she die cursing all of humanity? Would she have agreed with Knives, that the pain inflicted on her was an example of the great atrocity of humanity? Or would she have decided people can grow and change, that she just got a bad lot, that people are messy and complicated but ultimately capable of love? Did she see Rem, and wonder if she knew humanity better than Tesla did?
We just don't know - will never know - and that's why Knives using her as an excuse for his actions is particularly egregious. Did her death traumatize him and irreparably damage his trust of humans, sending him down a spiral he was too unlucky to fight his way out of? Yes. Does that make it justifiable to try and commit a genocide under her name, assuming she would have wanted that even if there's a possibility she didn't? ....Definitely not.
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millions-dykes referred to Conrad as looking "DILFy" in this scene and if I have to suffer that, so do you. sorry
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There's a couple of bits of language in that ending scene that I find particularly uh. Interesting (derogatory) (deeply interesting and analysis-worthy), but I'll be saving those for next episode so I'll pop them in there :]
Today was a hell of an essay! Thanks for reading as always, I'm so >:3 about all the fun comments and ideas ppl have added on.
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - I’m largely pleased with BL & pissed with Kpop
April 2023 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Thai Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 1 of 10 (MDL says 12, but I think it’s just 10) - Abused intern trope is a go! I wasn’t sure I would like the lead, but he’s totally adorable. Although (I gotta say it) who tf eats a croissant with a knife & fork? Also.. the main couple has good chemistry! Hallyfuckingluya! In fact, the quality of the acting and sound etc is generally superior to a normal pulp. It’s good! This is a good show? How exciting! 
Our Skyy 2 (PondPhuwin) eps 1-2 - Honestly, I was nervous to watch this but I liked it a lot! Doomed soulmates + paranormal time travel to fix the past. I’m happy for the outfits and the dancing (if not the singing). It’s not a bad premise and it’s nice to see GMMTV lean into its high production values for a change. I could’ve watched this as an actually full length BL. Gotta say, Puhwin’s English is so good and v west coast USA accent (international school kiddo got skillz). Meanwhile, loved seeing MarcPuwin again. My Gear & Your Gown disappointing us wasn't their fault. *Hilarious that Marc is side couple in 3 BLs airing simultaneously, that’s a record! (Waves at Marc X1.) I’ll be rating each of these installments separately, as I did the first time around. This one gets an 8/10 from me.
Bed Friend (Sat YT, GaGa & iQIYI uncut) ep 10fin - A very Check Out the series ending. Disastrous sun glasses. King being shy was adorable. Nevertheless I do think the final 2 eps felt a little tagged on and superfluous excess. Ultimately? This just wasn’t as good as the first 5 episodes set us up to hope for. Series review below.  
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) ep 7 of 12 eps - Cute confession and boyfriends phase. The bit with brothers’ boyfriends serving each other food was kinda charming. Could do without blushing maiden trope. But hey ho. (Waves at Marc X2.) 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 8 of 12 - Cute phi/nong convo and teasing, but this is largely boring. I do like that the conflict is all about business loyalty, cubical friendships, and coworker gossip. This is as it should be in an office romance. But I wish the characters were consistent.  
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 9 of 12 - The boyfriends phase. I just know with this show that the moment it ends I’m going to entirely forget about it. It’s boring.  
Chains of Heart (Sat iQIYI) ep 10fin - What a waste. Seriously don’t bother. It seems to end unhappily, but maybe not, but also who tf cares? 3/10 Series review below, for my sins. (Waves at Marc X3.) 
Future (Thai Sun YouTube & Gaga) ep 5fin - It was Songkran so no new ep until tomorrow. May your New Year be blessed. 
The Promise (Thai Weds YT & WeTV) ep 7 of 10 - the put YT on a week delay off WeTV, so I will watch it next week. I have WeTV but I prefer YT. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Unintentional Love Story (Korea Thurs iQIYI) 9-10 fin - Awe a crying kiss. My fav! This one was fine. Not a v good kiss but KBL has to bow to form on occasion. The sides didn’t get much of a resolution. (Although we know why.) It was a solid ending. Series review below. 
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - this ep was a little slow for me, oh I know, that’s what this show is doing, but yeah. Still it’s soft and sweet and wonderful. Why are you not watching it? Go. Now. 
The Eighth Sense (Korea Weds Viki) eps 7-8 of 10 - Honestly? I checked out a bit this installment. Possibly because JaeWon checked out as well. I mean, I understand what the narrative is doing, portraying JW coping (badly) with loss and the complex knot of guilt, love, fear, lust, and shame. But I don’t really feel drawn into a romance when the main characters are separated for most of an hour. I do like JiHyun’s personality shift and aggressive stance on renewing the relationship. That’s fun to watch. And I do love his besties. Of course ep 8 ends with major heartbreak and pain. I expected nothing less from this show. Gotta admit I’m a little mad tho, I wanted it to EXCEED my expectations. 
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) ep 2 of 10 - I don’t like one of the couples (not side dishes, this is a 50/50 split) but I weirdly like Sky’s new arc, even if he’s with someone new. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 2 of 12 - it’s just so odd. I can’t believe THIS is the JBl we get 12 eps of. This one?  Japan, must you? (How many times a year do I type that phrase?)
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Finished this Week
Unintentional Love Story - A boy who just lost his job due to faked corruption charges accidentally discovers his ex-boss’s favorite artist, now a recluse. His ex-manager offers him his job back if he can convince the artist to rejoin society. Instead, they fall in love. Gongchan (maknae of B1A4) carried this show (which I don’t expect from the idol element). He was luminous with extraordinarily expressive eyes. That said, he had weak chemistry with his co-lead. But everything else was quietly queerly KBL pristine and beautifully executed, even the conflict. I’m not sure on rewatchability for me, and it didn’t whip me into a verbal frenzy the way some KBLs do but it’s still getting a solid 9/10 
Bed Friend - Office frienamies transition a flaming hot one night stand into a f-buddy relationship, that is essentially built on a puppy/cat dynamic (and kinks into it at one point). Our puppy is loyal, smitten, and protective with endlessly worshipful eyes, while our cat is snarky, prickly, and deeply damaged (ALL THE TRIGGERS). NetJames give lovely high-heat with excellent chemistry and tuned-in performances of surprising depth, unfortunately the story ultimately failed them. Had the show had the strength of its convictions and kept to a tighter, darker, harsher 8 eps it would have been the first high heat to earn 10/10 from me, but once they fussed with it, it dropped to a solid 8/10. Could have been great but they overworked it. Still if high heat is your thing, this one will not let you down. Full review here.
Chains of Heart - This was a terrible show, unbelievably confusing, badly subbed, with characters behaving illogically, nonsensically, and heartlessly. What’s worse? The leads had fantastic chemsitry, were willing to do high heat (and do it well) and were pretty! So they squandered a decent cast and some actual production money on a shoddy scrip and terrible directing - what a waste. Seriously, don’t bother. It maybe ends unhappily, maybe not, but you should neither care nor bother to find out. 3/10 
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It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi and I can watch him in Tin Tem Jai) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Venus in the Sky (Sat YouTube) pilot/tester?) 0 of 10 - not entirely sure what’s up with this one distribution-wise, but the pilot was classic university-set pulp. I hope it happens because the leads are cute with good chemsitry and I thought it was fun. However, this pilot holds together as its own little short too.
Make a Wish (Thai Weds ?) stars Fluke Natouch (OhmFluke UWMA etc...) & Judo (The Miracle Of Teddy Bear) in a medical-fantasy. About a doctor who sees ghosts and a deity who resides in a Bodhi tree that earns merits whenever he fulfills a wish, based on a y-novel by Sammon (Manner of Death, Triage). Same as above.
Stormy Honeymoon (Vietnam) - 3rd in this series and the ULTIMATE in domesticity. New side couple is cute too. But I’m kinda over the leads at this point. (see comments)
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In Case You Missed It
BL Express has a post on upcoming GL. I don’t track this, but they do. 
I decided to hold off and binge Cafe in Love and Destiny Seeker. So I’ll be watching and reporting back after I’ve collected all the eps. I realized that I miss binging BL. That said I have been siting on To Sir, With Love forever. Not sure why I am so reluctant to dive into that one. 
[ Not into Kpop? Skip to “next week.”] 
Peak Time pretty much ended exactly as expected, which was also exactly how it started. Our BL boy Karem got booted for the grave sin of being a, ya know, 2nd gen idol dude bro. But it was the superior survival show. BLK made me cry, so did MASC for that matter. We have discussed this before, I am a sap. I look forward to seeing where Vanner go next. 
Boy’s Planet was ultimately disappointing. I watched some predictions about who Mnet actually wanted to win, and they were mostly correct. With the delightful upset of China scooping the #1 spot. (Delightful bc I am a chaos money who lives for politics fucking with soft power and watching China give the jaundice eye to S Korea for half a decade bc they Hallyued their way into winning the culture war using Kpop, and NOW China is doing what we all knew they would which is... infiltrate. Ultimately? Boy’s Planet was nothing more than an exercise in manipulative editing, they just accidentally manipulated the global vote into Zhang Hao winning. Not to slag off that baby boy’s serious cuteness - I genuinely thought he was great, actually. Frankly, I emerged cackling and mostly just v. disappointed in Pentagon fans. I think they deserve to lose their group for how little they supported Hui. Let’s be truthful? They are likely losing their group or Hui wouldn’t have been on the damn show in the first place. (Cube seems highly disinterested and their 7 year contracts are uppity up.) This is neither the first nor the most extreme version of me being disappointed by Kpop fans. There’s a reason I don’t participate in that fandom. 
In more relevant news to THIS fandom, JiWoong made it into ZB1, which means we will NOT see him or the Kissable Lips pair back on our screens anytime soon (if ever). 
RIP the pretty.... 
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Whatever, it is still the golden age of Korean BL. Our Dating Sim happened. We will all be fine. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Happy Merry Ending starts Weds April 26 on Gaga (with ep 2 the next day) 8 eps total. It looks cute: opposites attract, musicians, giving me Wish You vibes. It’s from the Our Dating Sim’s Kidari Studio. Adapted from the manhwa of the same title (해피메리엔딩) by dorae (도래). Stars Lee Dong Won (main rapper of KNK - yes that’s Semantic Error’s Park Seo Ham’s group) opposite actor Byun Sung Tae. Also stars Kim Kyu Jong (of SS501) and actor Shin Myung Sung (The Heavenly Idol).
The Eighth Sense ends, thank fuck. I don’t think I could take much more of the tension with that one. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
This week’s fashion hall of shame:
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those glasses, both useless and ugly 
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Leaning into their brand. 
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Leaning outside of it but looking sexy AF. Thank you GMMTV! 
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What do I always say? I love it when a drama reviews itself. 
All Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go (PondPhuwin) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Winner’s Remember. I got nothing to say about it except it’s great and everyone always seems to forget about Winner but they just keep singing, and that’s kinda the sentiment of this song.
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happyk44 · 1 year
Look. I know that like. Pluto is not the god of business and that wealth is not equivalent to business but like 1) the meaning of wealth has changed over time and differs among people and I'm pretty sure now when you think of wealth and wealthy people, you think of people who own fortune 500 companies and know what stocks are, and 2) I love the concept of tired businessman Hades/Pluto who just wants to spend a quiet day with his spreadsheets and a pencil, and not have to deal with whatever nonsense is currently being drummed up by his employees
Anyway -- Nico's wealth being generational due to his grandfather (and I want to assume that politics was a family thing so likely also before him) vs Hazel's wealth being hard earned, which, at least in the current age, means business know-how and being able to file a tax report and reconcile a balance sheet sheet and understand excel (I might be slightly projecting here lol)
Hazel being almost an obsessive accountant, monitoring bills, income, every single expense and penny off the street vs Nico who knows the value of things, like antiques, stuff with history. He can do surveys of property, anything that has the potential to be passed on. He's good with valuing a will - splitting assets between family members. Or managing a trust, devising different funds for the future. I think he's probably very good at looking at the long-term. And thus pretty good at noticing when someone is scamming another person with the whole "it'll be cheaper in the long run" thing, or "it'll increase in worth over time".
And since generational wealth is mostly familial, I don't think all of it has to be specific to monetary value either. Emotional wealth, the value something carries emotionally, is also something he can sense. A cheap wedding ring passed down from generation to generation could be more valuable than a standard cut diamond bought today.
Like he could look at old vase on sale at Goodwill for $2 and know it's monetarily cheap, but emotionally it's valued in the thousands. I think it could be kind of cool for things that carry high emotional value and were a part of a family's lineage for generations, if he could touch them and see the history behind it - but that doesn't really fit in with the scope of his current powers or the general theme of the Underworld so :/
They're both good at investments as investing is kind of the core of wealth management and plays a big part in building generational wealth these days, although, I'd gather that Hazel is probably better at it.
Nico, however, is very good at being able to calculate future value of a long-term investment (at least 20+ years).
Hazel can calculate future value of any kind of investment - short term fixed deposits, long and short-term investments, property changes (she absolutely hates house flippers, especially when they change or cover all the older original work, because it cuts the value down so much more than they realize), other stuff that has slipped my mind because my brain is stalling, etc.
Hazel's your go-to for reviewing the split of assets during a divorce. She's extremely meticulous and can track down even the most hidden of accounts. She's also the one you want to talk to about getting the most out of filing your taxes. She will go through every single one of your purchases, no matter how minor, to find a loophole she can work with to shave even only a couple cents off.
(disclaimer: bermuda does not have income tax so i have no idea how filing taxes actually works, other than the two canadian tax classes i took over five years ago as part of my degree)
Hazel can also assess depreciation somewhat automatically. Someone trying to choose between types of equipment can go to her and be like "which one will depreciate in value faster if I do X with it" and she'll look and point and if you ask her why, she can sprout off some nonsense at the top of her head without thinking - like percy with sailing, or my hc about jason/thalia and their inherent diplomatic schmoozing skills.
However, unlike them, she maintains understanding of what she's said when she's exited the environment, either because the power just does that or because Hazel is an amazing busy lady. if you casually said "hey hazel, between X brand and Y brand, which will drop in value faster" she'd have to think about it because it's not really "business" related.
In that sense she's also REALLY good at noticing trends. most of it is subconscious - what brands are becoming more popular, what clothing styles are losing touch. I put this in a previous fic, but she's very receptive gemstone trends. She can tell which stones are moving up in popularity and which are going down. In my headcanon about her business with Walt, this is very useful.
Her ability to notice trends, especially from a monetary standpoint, also helps with her managing stocks, and allows her to invest in high interest but riskier equities with very minimal loss (trends aren't set in stone, you know? Sometimes things happen and everything sudsenly shifts)
Plus back to the whole wealth is conflated with succesful business these days concept, putting Hazel in charge for just a day can boost a business's ability to turn a profit. In just a few hours, she can have all major flaws analyzed.
In New Rome, if someone is opening up a shop or whatever, they'll ask Hazel to review their plans because she can immediately point out all the issues and devise a better way to go about things. A couple times she's just taken them gently by the shoulders and said in the kindest voice ever, "This is going to fail. Do not put money into this." Sometimes it's the business concept, sometimes it's the person behind the concept. They either listen or they don't and if they don't, Frank is there to listen to all her complaints about them going against her advice.
Also - as an U-turn back to the splitting assets in a divorce concept, I'm not sure about pre or post-nuptial agreements. I think pre-nuptials are pretty straightforward in a "this is what im bringing in and want to keep separate from marriage" kind of thing, which Hazel could handle easily. I know in both cases it's important to declare all assets - which again Hazel could easily handle.
Post-nuptials are probably more of Nico's thing because at that point the assets in question have become merged and become familial, and much of generational wealth is in the idea of building wealth to leave behind to your family so they may have a better opportunity to build wealth to leave behind, etc, etc. Especially since post-nuptials, I think, are typically created after children are born, and those are the people who wealth is supposed to be left behind to.
This also kind of plays with my idea that the underworld is inherently familial/communal - as a person cannot bury or perform the proper funeral rites on themselves. Plus the Cocytus is the river of lamentation (aka grief and sorrow) and I imagine some of that comes from the people left behind, crying over their lost loved ones.
Also I think the idea that children of Pluto are resistant/immune to monetary greed. Since Hades was never technically the god of wealth, and was only conflated with him over time (to which, I would imagine some things and behaviours began to pop up, like they'd always existed and then becoming Pluto in the Roman era just solidified that conflation), his kids don't really have this innate resilience, but their dad is also rich and loves them, so their ability to fall prey to it is lower.
Oh! Oh! And Hazel can inflict plutomania on people, which is a word I discovered just now that means "the excessive desire for wealth". I don't know how this would be helpful but idk - social wealth is something I found popping up a lot so maybe if Hazel needs information on something that a person won't give, she can utilize plutomania to inflict a desire for social wealth in the person to get them to spill the information
(Social Wealth is about connection and network, having a sense of belonging and trust essentially. Someone with a lot of social wealth will have a lot of connections versus someone with no social wealth)
(oh yeah in my hasty google search to fact check my understanding of generational wealth when I started this post yesterday, I discovered there are many types of wealth. The number kind of varies from result to result, but essentially the 4 mains ones are: Financial Wealth (obvi), Social Wealth, Time Wealth, and Health Wealth (haha, it rhymes). But anyway yeah. Not sure how it could all loop into her without making her too all powerful but like. Hazel is also super cool and deserves to be godlike in consideration so 🤷‍♂️)
I love that when I started this yesterday it was a lot more clear cut and then I came back to finish it and ended on a ramble 😂 I do not have the energy to go and tidy everything up into something more coherent and uniform so this is what it be 👍
Oh, also, Hazel is amazing at gambling and poker. Nico is also good at poker but that's because he's reading people's souls to figure out their tells. Hazel is good at it because she attracts cash money and therefore always wins. That's why whenever anyone plays poker or places a bet with her, money can't be involved.
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takami-takami · 1 year
The bits about phone is why I can't picture Hawks as clingy person like Tiktok folks think. He's painfully distant on his approach regarding relationship, understandable considering his backstory. He left his sidekicks behind to deal with aftermath andd they seem already resigned to it. He outright rejected Jeanist's word of sympathy regarding his mother. Even toward Endeavor he just said "I used to watch your video" what a huge understatement about how much Endeavor means to Hawks. The closest person managed to reach Hawks and get the closest physical affection (a hug) seems to be Tokoyami, and that after he yelled at Hawks, watched his mentor just a hair breath from death for like the third time on the day, and wrestled with the The Demon Lord himself.
He's the type of person who looks chatty on outside but on the chat he just "K. Tysm. Gtg."
Yes and no!
Hawks is pretty distant but a lot of it is out of necessity— it's tied to his job.
Why did he leave his sidekicks behind? It's efficient for his job. Minimizes casualties, his sidekicks say.
Didn't answer his calls? He's probably busy, like when he threw his phone on the couch because he was doing investigative work on Twice.
When it comes to Endeavor, he cares about him a lot. Like a lot. Same with Tokoyami.
Hawks does show physical support and affection to Endeavor; his eyes wobble with empathy when he holds him up as he falls, speaking softly like one would a kid who got hurt. Like you can practically see his heart breaking when he looks at him after the nomu fight, and when he visits him in the hospital after that. When crowds throw trash at Endeavor, he puts his hand on the small of his back and walks with him. Hawks does communicate how he feels, and he does feel a lot for people, it's just pretty unconventional.
I can see what you're saying about Jeanist, but Hawks does open up to him about his innermost feelings and insecurities regarding his mother, trauma, and where he believes he failed, which is huge imo.
Idk, my assessment is that he's both always in work mode (unless he's at home) and also more of a lone wolf. But I don't think that means he is cold, or that he is irreparably distant. He just doesn't know who he is outside of his goals and job.
When he does express affection or emotion, at least in the anime, he makes googly eyes and is like, super cute about it. And he does open up to people. Which is good! Keigo deeply desires to lend his support, like he said about Endeavor, "to anyone trying to be better."
I'm not as caught up in the manga, though! So I'm missing a lot of information.
But yes, you're right, he is not a clingy person— he values alone time, allows himself space, would be willing to cut ties pretty simply if he clicks into habits (yeowch!), and is pretty unreachable as it stands. But my assessment is deep down he's a normal guy, and he craves to settle down. Even if it means he'll do it alone, but I personally think he'd benefit from a partner or friend who understands his needs and can work with him.
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
made-up mbti types for dd and gg
So the GQ event that dd attended recently (you know, the one with the love hat) was supposedly gonna share his MBTI type with us. I don't think they ever did, probably because dd just didn't do the test thing. I'm not surprised we never got to see his mbti type, but I did have my own guess as to what he'd score, so I figured I'd share here.
(As a note, MBTI is pretty much junk science but it's fun. Just don't take it too seriously. I used to be really into it in a fannish sense and it's the closest I get to woo-stuff. If you don't know what MBTI is, here have fun.)
Cut to the chase: I'd guess dd is ISFP. My reasoning below the cut.
Introvert - The best way I've found to describe the difference is that introverts recharge by being alone. That is, a weekend full of social engagements is something they need some alone-time after. For an extrovert, social events, themselves, recharge them. Being alone is what's exhausting and what they try to avoid.
DD's probably rarely fully alone, given his busy schedule and the life of a celebrity. But introverts have ways to introverting, even among a bunch of people. I think sometimes people conflate "introvert" to mean "shy", but they're not the same. I don't think dd is particularly shy. It's just all about where your energy comes from.
Sensing - This one is about how you process information.
As an illustration, my bff and I were on a road trip once. She's the type who liked to literally pull over a smell the freaking flowers. And she could name every single flower/plant/tree she came across. Her eye for detail and ability to describe things with precision is always boggling to me, because to me, the most I can say is something like "It was sunny and the trees are green". Very vague. All about the overall impression rather than the details.
In MBTI terms, my bff would be Sensing while I'm Intuition (this is the N. Just go with it). Intuition folks are thought of as the big picture, abstract thinkers while Sensing is about the details and about the Facts of the World.
I mentioned before that dd strikes me as a pretty literal thinker, and that type of thinking overlaps with Sensing more than Intuition.
Feeling - People get confused by this one. It's not about whether the person expresses emotions or anything like that. It's about decision-making. When making a choice, does this person weigh the pros and cons? Try to come to a reasonable and sound decision? Or do they go by gut, following their emotions like animes tell them to?
This is hard to assess because we don't know much about how dd goes about making the decisions he makes. We don't know what went into his decision to go into idol training, say, or why he put his hat in the ring for The Untamed.
I'm making a guess that he's more driven by emotion than thinking. This isn't to say he acts blindly without any thought or that he never makes rational decisions, but he weighs his feelings highly. He'll pursue a gay romantic relationship with another celebrity, despite the risks, because he's in love and, you know, he follows his heart. His decision to submit his headshot for The Untamed, especially, strikes me as being Feeling-driven. Given his career at the time, acting in a BL adaptation was off the beaten path and risky. He lost fans because of it.
I think both gg and dd make a feelings-based decision to drop candies for turtles. There's no rational business case to do so. It's simply because they value having a group of fans who recognize them as a couple and they want to keep those fans with them.
Perceiving - This one's about how you plan or organize your time (or don't).
Judgers are the type to have a planner with a set schedule a routine. They have trouble adapting when their schedule gets disrupted. Perceivers are more go with the flow, able to take things as they come. When taking vacays, they would rather not have a packed itinerary bc they want the freedom to go where the moment takes them.
This is also something I don't feel I have a lot of insight on. DD's schedule is heavily managed and heavily packed, and he spends most of his time diligently following along with that schedule. That's part of his job, though. On his own, would he be inclined to keep to a schedule? I kinda don't think so.
I'm just going based on his...um...general chaotic energy. That and his tendency to do his KPI social media posts all at the last minute. Classic Perceiver move.
So, ISFP. In truth, each of these traits is a spectrum and people show examples all along the different traits at different times (for instance, dd's decision-making in SDC is typically strategic rather than based on feelings). Most things are based on context. But this feels right to me, overall.
For gg, I haven't watched near as much of him as I have of dd, but a guess would be INFJ.
Feel free to share your own ideas. Or squee about the love hat. Whatever. 🐢🐢🐢
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november with you | kylian mbappé (part iii/iii)
kylian mbappé x original female character [+18]
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synopsis: alice has been living in paris for a year, she found a perfect job and a perfect boyfriend in this city, but the cold of november is bringing back old memories she wishes she could forget. warnings: established relationship; smut; domestic fluff; i have never been to france; minors dni.
(this is a sequel to the french exit, but can be read as standalone)
previous chapter | masterlist |
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Part III — Put A Little Love On Me
“I've still got so much love hidden beneath this skin.”
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Caroline, Alice’s mother, was opening a new store in Paris. The launch party was an intimate event, exclusive to a select few. The venue – adorned with chic, modern decor – screamed sophistication. The store itself was a vision of elegance, filled with racks showcasing Ficher’s incredible designs; you could feel Caroline’s fashion genius in every stitch. Soft jazz music was playing in the background. It was a sight – and sound – to behold.
Alice is wearing the Helen Dress, embodying the essence of sophistication in her mother's brand. Crafted from mesh with thin straps delicately hugging her shoulders, leading to a sensual V-neckline. A front slit and long length, along with the meticulously stitched finish, completed the ensemble.
With an air of femininity and grace, the dress was tailored to Alice's form, transforming her into a living embodiment of her mother's design philosophy. The dress wasn't just clothing; it was a statement, and Alice wore it with the natural confidence of a woman who knows the power of elegance.
Alice had her hands full helping her mother with the event. From organizing the guest list to coordinating with the caterers. At the party, there was a quiet satisfaction exchanged between mother and daughter, an unspoken acknowledgment of a job well done. For Alice, the store opening was an important milestone. The little nods and smiles from her mom were like medals of honor, and Alice cherished them all.
On top of that, this time things seemed different between Caroline Ficher and Fayza Lamari. Even though they have crossed paths on multiple occasions before, the two matriarchs, usually restrained in polite conversation, now seemed to be genuinely interested in each other’s company. For Alice and Kylian, it was almost comical how much their mothers resembled each other personality-wise. They were amusing themselves observing the duo.
“I have to be honest, knowing my mother, I didn’t see that coming.” Kylian points out. “They do have a lot in common. They’re both business women…” He looks contradicted when he says it, as if he can't believe his own words. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy. It’s good that they are friends. I just wasn’t expecting it to be so…”
“Weird.” Alice says, chuckling. 
“Yes, weird.” Kylian smirks. He stops to think for a moment. “It's a good weird, though.”
As Alice continues to watch their friendly interactions, she wishes for a similar acceptance from Fayza. Fayza's politeness towards her was always tinged with a protective edge, as if she was assessing Alice's role in her son's life. Alice understood the maternal instinct; after all, she shared a similar protective shield around her own family. The struggle to let someone new into the inner circle was a sentiment that resonated deeply with her.
But Alice’s family, while protective, had become more lenient with her dating choices. They had reached a point where they valued her happiness over rigid expectations. Yet Fayza seemed to embody a more intense form of protection, making Alice feel uneasy. Like she was walking on a tightrope.
“I want to get used to this.” She says, eyeing the easy vibe between their mothers. “Seeing the two of them like this.”
She doesn't explain why exactly, she figures it's not wise to get too hung up on her relationship with his mom. But like clockwork, Kylian catches the unsaid, giving her a nod that says he gets what she means.
"It's all a matter of time, baby, you'll see," Kylian reassures her, his arm encircling her waist.
His gesture triggers a wave of nostalgia, taking her to another party they attended, not together but still, not far apart. Back then, she had doubts about the possibility of them ever being together like this. The memory feels distant in the past.
A warmth envelops her, contrasting sharply with the uncertainty of that moment. A sense of pride swells up within her – pride in both of them for having faith in their love and creating the beautiful relationship they now share.
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The slam of the front door echoes through the hallway as Kylian chuckles, his words slightly slurred, "Wow, that was something." They both wore coats over their fancy designer party clothes, the chill of the outside world clashing with the warmth of their home. Closing the door seemed to intensify the effect, and for a moment, they felt even drunker.
They stumble into the living room, still holding glasses of champagne that had miraculously made their way from the party to the cab and finally to the apartment. The soft glow of the lamp highlighted the remnants of the evening – a discarded purse and a pair of high heels.
With a playful grin, Alice plops down on the couch, patting the seat next to her. "Join me."
Kylian obliges and sinks onto the couch beside her. They clink their glasses and the sound echoes in the quiet room.
“To mothers and champagne!” Alice declares, taking a sip and grinning.
"Cheers!" Kylian says, lifting his glass in agreement. “But let’s not talk about mothers anymore.” He has a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Alice raises an eyebrow, a playful smile on her lips. "What should we talk about, then?" She says, teasing him.
Kylian, looking like he was planning something, slowly wraps his hands around the Burberry scarf Alice was wearing and begins to take it off. The smooth, deliberate motion draws a surprised expression from Alice.
The scarf joins their coats on the floor, thrown in the general direction where Alice had discarded her heels and purse, and Kylian continues his mission. His tuxedo jacket, the suit pants – all removed. He’s careful when taking off her dress, still sober enough to understand he’s not allowed to damage this one.
Finally, she’s naked in front of him. It always feels like forever ago, even when he had this view this morning – or every morning. He stares at her, her hair is messy, loose strands framing her beautiful face. He runs his fingers through her hair and lifts her chin, forcing her to look at him.
Kylian is standing in front of the couch, still in his boxers, looking down to her with obvious desire. Alice’s knees go weak as she’s completely at his mercy – and she loves being at this position.
He kneels down in front of her and kisses her roughly, enjoying the taste of expensive champagne on her tongue. Her heart beats faster and he goes on to kiss her neck, then whispering in her ear. “Do you know what I want right now?”
His hand touches her tight and his palm moves up slowly until he reaches a part of her that’s burning for him. Alice gasps and arches her back, her hips moving against his hand. Her breathing is heavy and she lets herself be guided by him. She closes her eyes and moans as Kylian caresses her wetness. 
Kylian takes the time to admire the sight before him – the naked woman on his couch, legs spread open wide while her eyes are closed, lost in pleasure.
She hears him laugh, softly.
“This. Right here.” He says, entering a finger inside of her. “This is what I want.” Another finger. “Everyday.” He pushes it in and out, slowly. “I can’t get you out of my mind, Alice.”
He keeps thrusting his fingers inside her, preparing her to receive him, and her body starts convulsing, she grasps the edge of the sofa and moans loudly. He will never get tired of the noises she makes when she comes. Kylian smiles at the intensity of her reaction.
Still kneeling on the floor, he brings her to his lap. “I’m going to fuck you now.” He promises her, whispering in her ear as he holds her. “Such a good girl.” He praises her, making her blush furiously. “Look at me, baby.” It’s an order, and she obeys.
Her eyes flutter open and Kylian loves how lewd she looks in that moment. He presses his forehead against hers. “You’re mine.”
“Yes!” She says, eyes filled with lust, body flushed with arousal. “‘M yours…”
Kylian grabs her waist and enters her in one swift motion, pounding her hard against the couch. Her head rolls back and she groans; they move together, sweat covering their bodies. He takes her, uses her. They lie together on the living room floor, Kylian lifts her leg over his shoulder and keeps thrusting into her. 
Her arms wrap around his neck and he leans forward to kiss her harshly, but lovingly. Alice struggles against her second orgasm but it doesn’t take long and he follows her.
Their skin is drenched in sweat, mixing their scent. Kylian thinks he would never get tired of seeing her beautiful body underneath him, his cock buried deep inside of her.
When they regain their breath, Alice and Kylian are still sprawled on the floor. They stare up the ceiling, lost in their own thoughts but somehow still connected. The world outside fades away and the only thing on their minds is the certainty that there will be countless moments like this in their future.
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bikorarey · 5 months
Iron Lover (Vivienne Romance meta)
In the same Spirit as "Dalish Sera and how awesome that would be" I've been hit with the inspiration for another 'game changing' meta. I'm completing the romance of Steve Cortez in Mass Effect 3 and I can't help but see shades of what could've been for the Inquisitor and First Enchanter Vivienne, AKA Madame De Fer.
As I said in a thread on twitter The major change is that Bastien dies during the opening as opposed to late game. Vivienne is still met at Val Royeaux although her party isn't just for show. It's a celebration of Bastien's life.
this makes her intro slightly different in that the Inquisitor doesn't choose what happens to the Marquise. She just kills him for starting a fight at what is essentially a funeral. There's no flirt option here but she tells you about Bastien as a member of the council of heralds (which plays into Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts) before ultimately joining the Inquisition.
Everything progresses as usual in the first act. Vivienne approves of the same things and her fetch quest is the same as well.
The first changes is Haven. Vivienne greatly approves of saving all the initial vendors and has 2 convos once you reach Skyhold. the first is about the rescue, praising the Inquisitor for putting their survival over fighting the enemy as it was a trait she adored in Bastien. The second is her main conversation assessing the Inquisitor's attitude after the defeat at Haven.
this is the first flirt option! The Inquisitor can compliment Vivienne on her caring attitude and have some specific lines about her or both of them being mages. She playfully brushes it off but it's the first time she calls the Inquisitor "Darling" as opposed to "My Dear".
This is when Vivienne's companion quest kicks in. The Inquisitor finds Vivienne crying, the mourning for Bastien has finally hit her. She tells you that what she didn't tell you at the salon was that Bastien was killed in the Civil war but not by either side, by the Snowy Wyvern. He was returning to Val Royeaux and it came from its nest and attacked his escort. It's such a rare creature that it's easy enough to find and Vivienne wants it's heart as penance for Bastien's life.
The Inquisitor does this earning approval from Vivienne, greatly approves if she is with you. When you bring it to Vivienne instead of going to Bastien for a potion she takes you to the estate where his son and Sister are and presents it to them as a trophy. They thank you and Vivienne who has finally over her grief over Bastien. She first back with the Inquisitor allowing you on the path to romance.
Vivienne is a required companion for WEWH because the Council of Herald's is evenly split with Gaspard having 3 and Celene having 3. Vivienne gives her advice and greatly approves if Celene is kept in power but will also normal approve if Briala is put in charge of Gaspard as she admires the play for power.
After the Winter Palace Vivienne begins to woo the Inquisitor. She has as scene on her balcony where she gifts you the formari ring (an actual ring accessory like Morrigan's ring that gives bonus magic and constitution) and after this scene there's a book that gives a special Vivienne Schematic for you to craft her a set of armor she was working on before Montsimmard fell to the Circles dissolving.
You craft the armor for Vivienne and she's beside herself with joy and finally confesses her feelings for the Inquisitor to lock in the romance. Mentioning that the ring was the same emotional value of a proposal on her part because Marriage is a business agreement in Orlais, but their love is real because the Inquisitor loves her not for status or convenience, but for herself. She gets a lovely romance scene that's equal part sexy and tender.
If she is made Divine she is understandably distraught about the relationship. She wonders if she could remain away from the Inquisitor or if their relationship could taint her reign on the sunburst throne. Ultimately she sneaks in a clause that allows the Divine to have romance as love is a gift of the maker allowing you two to be together.
In trespasser she counsels you on absorbing the Inquisition into the chantry since that would get both Ferelden and Orlais off your back and she also still treats you to a spa day for just the two of you.
In the Epilogue Vivienne and the Inquisitor marry once the the Inquisition is either her honor guard or disbanded completely. Vivienne allows for Mages to live outside the circle once they become enchanters allowing Mages to integrate with society so that they never see themselves apart from Thedas so there's no repeat of the uprisings and the South no longer fears out of control mages. She and the Inquisitor live happily in Val Royeaux where The Inquisitor provides support on all things to do with the chantry as they look forward to whatever Solas has in store.
And that is how I would've done a Vivienne Romance where she both gets to grieve her lost love and find love once again and be the first Black female Love interest in Bioware history.
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justmaghookit · 9 months
Business Partners
A/N: A continuation of Contractual Obligations
Raphael’s senses were flooded with Belladonna, his scent, his voice, the taste of him on his tongue. His presence pressed in on him from all directions, smothering him. He wonders how deeply into his psyche Bella had pressed, how thoroughly he’d ingrained himself.
He’d always done his best to spend as little prolonged time in the other devils home as possible. Belladonna was a Fiernic devil, directly descended from the Archduchess herself and he had become nearly as infamous as her in his ability to manipulate other fiends, even when he’d been mortal he had been terribly good at worming his way under a devil's skin.
Bella as a devil himself was far more dangerous, his scent alone could lull someone into a false sense of security. Raphael had never felt more ill-at-ease due to a sense of comfort than he did after spending too many days in the other devil's company and right now he had little choice but to stay in his home while his body recovered from the damage it had suffered.
The humiliation hurts worse than the pain, the indignation that he suffered at the hands of those damned adventurers. His house fallen to disarray, most of his servants dead or scattered to the wind, his most valued treasures plundered. He wasn’t even sure how long he’d been sequestered in Belladonna’s house, the Crown was likely long gone by now and that was the most painful part of all.
The second largest problem he currently faced was that he was unable to shed his current form. As fearsome, imperious and noble as his Ascended Form may be, it was somewhat inconvenient for regular business, it was difficult to charm prospective marks when they cowered in fear and a devil who could not exert control over himself was setting himself up for ridicule among his peers.
Belladonna could not hold Avernus’s court off for long, sooner or later one of Zariel’s minions would come looking to assess his worthiness to continue to run his business out of The First. If he was unable to regain complete control of his faculties by that time not only would it bring even more humiliation he would likely lose permission to run his House in Avernus, they would find him incompetent, repossess whatever was left in his house as Tax and then laugh him off the layer. To slink back to Cania after all these centuries was the last thing he desired.
He lounges across Belladonna’s bed, taking up a good third of the surface area of it. Ennui was a dangerous feeling for devils and yet as it stood Raphael saw little reason to fight against the rising listlessness, so many of his carefully laid plans had crumbled in such a short amount of time, he saw no way to salvage them.
“You look as miserable as a mange ridden hellhound Raphael.” Belladonna’s snide comment cuts through his thoughts like a knife and he blinks open a single eye to watch the younger devil saunter back into his room. He was all slim frilly shirts and tight leather pants, satin jacket cut to draw the eye to the dip of his waist. He smelt like honey and spices.
Bella carries a pile of scrolls under each arm and deposits them at his desk on the other side of the room. “Cheer up you old tom, I come bearing gifts outside my well sought after presence.” He hums, plucking several scrolls from the pile he had brought home with him.
“I’m afraid to ask.” Raphael groans. There was a not insubstantial chance a gift from Belladonna would be as useful as a kick to the balls.
“Oh don’t be like that, you’ll like this I’m sure.” Bella chirps, dropping the scrolls onto the bed near Raphael’s face. 
The cambion adjusts himself on the bed, reaches out and plucks one of them to examine, he recognizes it instantly.
“These are…”
“Some of your more high profile relatively recent contracts, yes.” The other fiend answers before he can even finish asking.
He opens the scroll with a flick of his wrist and examines the contents, confirming that it was indeed one of his although with a single difference than the last time he looked this one over.
“The soul has been collected? Where is it?” He asks, swallowing down the spark of anxiety trying to twist his stomach at the thought of Bella tampering with his contracts.
“In the dungeons, kept in stasis, waiting for you. There are more to sort through but these five here were the best of the bunch. I organized for.. Let's call it an early collection of these souls.” Bella purrs, tail curling smugly.
“They should have been left to increase in value. These souls had a lot of potential left.” Raphael growls.
“I know that Raphael, but feeding you the energy from fodder off the market is getting you nowhere, and I will not feed you more of myself, even if I wanted to, Fierna would not allow it. You will simply have to pull as much suffering and misery from these souls as you can, and soon. Apparently Mizora is being sent to harass my door next.” Bella says, crossing his arms, giving the cambion a look that said ‘you should be grateful.’
Raphael sighs, dragging a hand over his face. Mizora would not be cowed like some of Zariel’s other minions, Bella would be unable to turn her away at the door without offending the Archduchess of the First. He groans and tries to bury his face into Bella’s bed, though finds it impossible in his current form.
His current form.
Suddenly, he has an idea.
“How are the mansion's Hunting Grounds Bella?” He asks.
“As well kept as they always are.”
“And your hounds? Your other pets?”
“Healthy, loyal and vicious. Why do you ask?”
Ignoring the aches and pains that twinged across his body, as he had experienced far worse, Raphael gets his arms under him and pushes himself up, arching his spine and stretching out his wings and tail. “Invite Mizora over for afternoon tea, I know exactly how to wring those souls dry.”
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