Harry potter preferences, their first time kissing you! (different Eras)  some have spice Some are Sugary and sweet.  ********Harry Potter *****
Being a Weasley Cousin, and having your parents being dashed off to go to Rome to visit your Brother who just got in trouble with the ministry down there. you were stuck with your aunt and uncles. you loved going over. you always felt like an only child since your brother is ten years older than you. you weren’t close. honestly, you couldn’t remember the last time you wrote a letter to him. you should do that once you get to Hogwarts! but the Cousins were a huge big happy nosy family you loved coming over. It was the same year as Ron. you were excited to go over. until you learned Harry and Hermione were over. 
you were great friends with both of them. But at the end of last year, you confessed to Harry you had a small/massive crush on him. He said “thank you” and then just walked off.  Naturally, you were upset. and after a few weeks at home dwell on your last interaction with Harry. your sadness turned to anger.
Luckily you had a lot of cousins at the borrow. so Once you arrived you said hello to them all. and just hung out with the twins. who knew about what happened just before the summer, and both had no problem entertaining you while you made sure to stay far away from Potter. Harry noticed you involving him as he asked Ron about it clueless. “you basically told her to piss off Did n’tcha she confessed she liked you and you just blew her off?”
Harry didn’t realize that was what he did. he Felt a Rush of guilt Rush over him as he looked at you. over the summer you got taller. and your hair was extra shiny today. he remembers you confessing your feelings but he was so stunned that 1) a Female could actually like him and 2) that she would be a Weasley.  and with his own bubbling feelings for Ginny. he wasn’t crazy about the idea of dating her cousin. 
It was at Dinner that Harry learned that Ginny was dating Dean. and that’s when she announced that she wasn’t the only one in the couple. you instantly kicked her under the table getting Hermione instead she yelped in pain as you apologized looking under the table peeking and got Ginny. as she chuckled as Fred chuckled, “God. who’s after you Y/N?” 
“No one!’“ you tried to change the subject by asking Aunt Molly about the Dinner Rolls. they were delicious as Hermione spoke, up stunned, “I didn’t think you were serious, Neville?” 
Harry’s Heart tighten hearing one of his best mates was the one who was trying to Court you. No one at the table looked overly surprised. but Ron. as he spoke, ‘Seriously? Neville?” 
you instantly defended Neville, “he’s sweet and Kind, and Fun. we’ve always been close mates.” 
“what about Harry?” Ron asked which got a slap on the back of the head from his mom. you rolled your shoulders, “Neville asked me out. just before the summer. I- told him the truth. that I just confessed to someone how I felt, they didn’t like me back and I wanted the summer to heal and get them, and then once I was ready I would ask them out. they agreed. and was happy I was taking the time to get over Harry properly before jumping in with him.” 
“that’s Very mature Y/N” Aunt Molly stated as Fred spoke, ‘you and Neville Longbottom?” he was gasping as you spoke up, “get used to it. because I plan to ask him out the next time I see him.’ 
after dinner, you and the girls spent the evening chatting and talking about boys. Harry walked passed the open door hearing you talk about Neville and how he was writing you love poems. each owl you received you get a new poem. Harry stormed passed going up to Ron’s Room as he spoke, ‘what- What could she see in Neville?” 
Ron rolled his shoulders, ‘Why do you care? you turned her down.” 
the truth was he wasn’t sure why he cared. so he tried to push it aside. it was the next day all of you were outside playing in the sun. you were taking a walk near the stream When Harry walked over. he turned you around fast and kissed you. you stepped back stunned as was Harry who didn’t realize that was what he was going to do when he came over. 
“So you don’t want me.. until someone else wants me Seriously Harry?” you shoved him, Harry was too stunned he’s entire body felt electrified after that kiss and he felt centered and also floating. he watched you walk away as he knew. He had to make things right, Somehow find a way to get you to agree to date him and he knew. One day he was going to marry you.
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****** Young Sirius Black*******
hearing someone running behind you, you turned to see James, Remus, Petter, and the heartthrob Sirus black. were Running away and behind them was Foam. A lot of Foam was smoking. you gasped as James, Remus, and Peter ran past you Sirius grabbed your hand pulling you along, ‘Trust me Beautiful you don’t want to touch that!” he dragged you into a run as James screamed, ‘Scatter” and they all went different Directions. Sirius brilliantly decided to pull you and him into a broom cabinet. once heard a professor scream. to come back. 
leaning against the far side of the wall. you haven’t had much interaction with Sirius even those you were in the same house, in the same year. you always were flying below his radar. he went after girls who were far different than you.  pretty girls. But with your glasses and you spend the majority of the time in the library or with the creatures in the forest. you Rarely saw him and him likewise. if it weren’t for your Gryffindor uniform he would have No idea who you were. you were always a mystery to him One he rarely thought about.  he thought you were cute. with your glasses and how you always had your hair in braids and only had your hair free at in the common room.
“Sorry about this, nasty form.. it touches you it will make you stink for weeks.” you chuckled softly. you didn’t approve of their pranks but they always did make you giggle. they were very creative. he smiled as he spoke, ‘im Sirius.” 
‘y/N” he smiled as he heard movement coming closer as he spoke, ‘Sorry about this Y/N.” he stepped closer pressing his body against you as he cupped your face into his hands as pulled you into a kiss. your mind went blank but you felt yourself kiss back. your entire body warmed up as you wrapped your arm around him holding him there as the door opened to see Professor Dumbledore standing there. you instantly fell out of the trance Sirius put you under and you shoved him away fast as Dumbledore sighed as Sirius spoke, ‘excuse us, Professor.. get your own broom closest.” he went to close the door again to only be told to get out. you both got out as you noticed the mess they made as he spoke, ‘dinner is being served Miss Y/L/N” 
you took the hint and walked off. Sirius watched you leave knowing if he had I he’s the way. that wouldn’t be a one-time thing. 
**************Severus Snape***************************
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you weren’t sure Why you had a massive Crush on Severus Snape since your fourth year of Hogwarts, you were one of the few rare Gryffindors who weren’t ever in trouble with him. you never lost A house point in his class and Once earned 2. for being the only one clever enough in his class to notice the combination your entire class was doing was going to blow up a fire puff. it was very exciting and Everyone for a week talked about how Snape gave Gryffindor points.
your Crush got so bad at one point that you were daydreaming in his class about him flinging everything off his desk and plopping you onto it. and having his way with you. you figured he wouldn’t be a “Gentle” lover. more manhandling and rough. and Passionate which growing up with a romance writer as a mom you read a lot of Romance books. and soft doesn’t so as appealing as forbidden. which was probably a huge factor in your crush you figured. last year of Hogwarts to the professor. he was literally out of reach. did that stop you from daydreaming about all the things you wanted him to do to you? Absolutely Not. you got a boyfriend hoping he would bring your Imagination back to earth and forget the grumpy Professor. the only thing that your boyfriend did for you was confirmed what your mother always told you. ’Boys know nothing!” Unfortunately for you. Nothing happened when you were a student. logically it was against the law, and it would have caused HUGE Trouble. Once you left Hogwarts you never expected to come back. then Dumbledore offered you a position as a Professor. and since your writing job as a “Romance,” writer was taken off. but you still needed housing, food, and money. you took the job. the hours were good. and you could easily keep writing. you also figured you were over your crush on Severus Snape. and it would be easy Peasy. 
but the first day back. to Hogwarts being shown around a professor. your new expectations and with Hogwarts being now the hosting school for the Twi wizard torment it was hectic. you realized your crush on him was Not gone. but now you were an adult. you shamelessly flirted with him. which always made him uncomfortable. Once he called you an idiot but it Only encouraged you more. It was the Yule ball and you were on “carriage Duty” to make sure No student goes in them during the ball to try anything “frisky” you already shooed away Several students. you wondered why you couldn’t just put a spell on the locks of all the carriages to make them seal up. but Dumbledore asked you out here. so here you were. wearing a fake Fur white jacket under your navy blue dress. you were told by one Professor your former Head of household that your dress was slightly too Deep cut in the front for a school event. 
to be fair you did ask for help with picking out an “appropriate dress” you got approval on this dress, she just didn’t realize how low it was. it wasn’t as low as the middle of your Rib cage. Dumbledore said it was fine since you were young and that it wasn’t like anyone would be paying attention to you. slightly backhanded comment but that was Dumbledore. 
you thought he meant that you weren’t going to be paid attention cause you would be too busy inside supervising.. in the warm castle. Not because he already decided you would be outside all night. watching carriages. 
“Miss Y/L/N.” you turned to see Professor Snape walk out he rubbed his hands as you spoke, ‘When will you start calling me Y/N?” 
“When you start stop Flirting with me.” 
you smiled as you looked at him, ‘oh so you figured that out huh?” he rolled his eyes as he spoke, ‘I am far too old for you.” 
holding your arms tightly for warmth more than anything you smiled brightly, “More experienced I would say. Not old.” 
Snape rolled his eyes, at that comment, “why do you insist on tormenting me?” 
“Because I like you? Is that so hard?” 
“yes,” he said flatly as he walked over as he spoke, “you’re relieved- you can go inside. Go.” 
Severus noticed the first week you arrived that his normal grumpy stern attitude that once made you dash off. didn’t have any effect on you anymore. you complexed him. you were a young, beautiful Witch Why would you bother him with this flirtation? more times than not he wanted to ask you to Hogsmeade to get drinks and to fall for that Honey trap you were setting but he didn’t trust it. the more you were around the more attractive he found you. and thoughts. he never thought he would have crept into his mind. tonight when he saw you in that navy blue dress he almost lost his balance and fell forward flat on his face. it was divine. the more he saw you in it. the more he wanted it off you. 
“I’m not a student anymore. you don’t have to sugarcoat it.” 
he looked at you stunned as she spoke, “if I wanted a boy. I would get one.. but I don’t want a boy. who fumbles around and have no idea what they are doing I want a man.” 
any self-control Severus had. disappeared hearing you say that he pulled you over as he gripped your neck firmly not too rough he didn’t want to hurt you but he wanted your full attention. “Fine, I’ll give you what you want. One Fuck to get me out of your system. get in a carriage.” he freed you pushing you forward as you gladly walked off into a carriage. he was half expecting you to dash off. and call him a dick not willingly go into a carriage. he followed in. as he turned you around pulling you into a deep kiss. you were right. he wouldn’t be soft and it drove you crazy. 
Now you didn’t have Sex in the carriage. you were as close as humanely possible to having sex in the carriage. both of you were basically undressed. cloths tossed around, and the windows were full of Steam. and both you and he were Revved up to go. when the carriage door. opened and Severus had to shield you with his body and use magic to magically shut the door. on some teenager who had the exact same idea as you both had. you both breathed deeply as you groaned, “Stupid kids.” Severus chuckled softly agreeing as he spoke, “go to my classroom.” I’m not done with you.” 
“Good. but how do we leave here without-” 
“Give me five minutes.” 
they both got dressed hastily as you used a spell to fix your hair and to be presentable. again as he slide out. as he screamed at some poor students and he scared off a handful of them. as it was clear you got out. and slipped inside. the school. and headed straight down to his apartment just off his classroom. it wouldn’t be the last time you slipped into his room. and it wouldn’t be your last. 
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mrsriddles-blog · 4 months
Reads of the Week: Jan 21-Jan 27
*indicates smut
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never leaving by @bettymylove
Haven’t I Made It Obvious by @angelfrombeneth
You know better* by @hpimagines
Blind Date by @magiclostinfantasy
shower* by @bettymylove
Thighs* by @suugarbabe
7 Minutes* by @angelfrombeneth
Hatred by @rainyreading
Cara Mia* by @maeblack
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Smoke Slow by @thatdammchickennugget
Flirt by @suugarbabe
The Seconds Before by @distantdarlings
Through Rain or Shine* by @slytherinslut0
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Can I…? by @thatdammchickennugget
shower* by @bettymylove
delicate by @riddleriddles
Red Wine by @halucynator
Sleeping with a prefect* by @papercorgiworld
A Healing Touch by @anawritez-posts
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Runaway Bride by @anawritez-posts
“I’m your boyfriend” by @anawritez-posts
Can’t keep hexing guys by @anawritez-posts
Jealousy Unleashed by @anawritez-posts
Heart Break of Sorrows by @anawritez-posts
Beneath His Cold Embrace by @anawritez-posts
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Locker room activities* by @jayybugg
Peaceful Sleep by @suugarbabe
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Someone Gets Hurt by @anawritez-posts
Runaway Bride by @anawritez-posts
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Can’t be Shared* by @etfrin
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show-choir-gal · 4 years
Dating Cedric Diggory Would Include...
y/f/qt = Your Favourite Quidditch Team
~ You two started dating in the middle of his third year and your second year
~ You are both in Hufflepuff
~ You met in the Great Hall when you were sorted into Hufflepuff and you sat next to your older brother who was best friends with Cedric
~ Your brother bragged about how amazing and sweet you were to EVERYONE
~ He was so proud of you
~ He knew you would go onto bigger and better things outside of Hogwarts
~ You and Cedric started hanging out more and more as he helped you a lot with your homework, studying, and exams
~ You and Cedric were inseparable by the end of your first year
~ He was your best friend and you were his
~ You and him (and occasionally your brother) hung out a lot over the some
~ You and Cedric would always end up at Honeydukes
~ It was both of your go-to's
~ Your parents adored your friendship
~ Your second year came and it went as smoothly as the first
~ Around Christmas, it was the school's last trip to Hogsmeade and Cedric BEGGED McGonagall to let you come with him
~ After "talking to your parents" she agreed
~ You two had a grand ol' time all the way there
~ Just toward the end of the day, you two made your way to Honeyduke's (like normal)
~ Cedric bought you two Jelly Frogs (your favourite)
~ He opened the box and the Jelly Slugs were arranged with the word: "Girlfriend?"
~ You chuckled and blushed
~ He blushed and chuckled too
~ You managed to squeeze out "of course" between the laughs
~ You two held hands the entire way back to Hogwarts
~ As you two came back, McGonagall was waiting with a smirk on her face
~ "I figure by the looks of it she said yes?"
~ The two of you chuckled and blushed and McGonagall went back to making sure each student returned
~ You two spent most of Christmas break and the following semester together
~ Over the summer, you two trained together for the upcoming Quidditch tryouts
~ Cedric was already on the team but you really wanted to be on it after the first rejection
~ And do, you don't want to play JUST because Cedric is on the team
~ But that is a part of it
~ As your third year starts, EVERYONE knows you two are together and NO ONE wants to mess with your brother (who is adamant that he will hex anyone who tries to come between you two)
~ You make the Quidditch team as the Keeper and Cedric gets you a y/f/qt poster as a congratulations gift
~ Although the Quidditch year was tough, you all did your very best
~ He truly embodies Hufflepuff qualities
~ He was so supportive of you
~ You meant everything to him
~ You were his world
~ He always admitted when he was wrong
~ He communicates AMAZINGLY
~ Fights rarely happened
~ He was the man of your dreams
~ He was madly in love with you
~ He was a true gentleman
~ He treated you more than just right
~ He put you before himself
~ Always
~ He would tell his parents about how much he loved you
~ Specifically would tell his father that he wanted to marry you when he leaves Hogwarts
~ Amos gave him all sorts of advice
~ Even said it reminded him of his and his mothers love for each other
~ The Triwzard Tournament came around his sixth year
~ You weren't too sure about it
~ But he reassured you that all would be okay and he might not even be picked
~ Well
~ He was
~ Much to your dismay
~ Harry informed Cedric on the Dragons in the first task
~ Cedric immediately went to you to talk about it
~ Luckily, his girlfriend wants to study Dragonology and become a Dragon Keeper
~ You taught him what each Dragons weakness was
~ Well, dragons who would be most likely be brought for the task
~ As Cedric pulled the first slot and a Swedish Short-Snout
~ You prayed to Merlin in the stands as you held Amos' hands
~ You kept whispering "Short attention span. Move quick"
~ He got the egg, but not before getting slightly burned
~ You were by his side as Madam Pomfrey put an orange paste on his face to heal the wound
~ "Swedish Short-Snout's have a short attention span, you should've transfigured a few goats to keep his interest." You said with a chuckle as you brushed his hair back off his face
~ "I still got the egg, didn't I?" He said with a bit of a smirk and laugh
~ He obviously asked you to the Yule Ball
~ Some of the Beauxbaton girls weren't too happy about it though
~ (who could blame them?)
~ The Yule Ball went swimmingly
~ Amos gifted Cedric the exact same necklace he gave Cedric's mother at the Yule Ball
~ Cedric put it on you and Amos definitely cried a little
~ The dance was great
~ And the after party was soooo much better ;)
~ The after party was your first time doing the deed
~ You two were just so in love, it didn't matter that you were at school
~ The second task approached and you were as Cedric's "Sorely Missed"
~ He saved you in no time
~ Amos got you both towels
~ Cedric was now tied for first with Harry
~ The third task approached and you were more nervous than ever
~ Something wasn't feeling right
~ The nigh before you voiced your concerns to Cedric
~ But his cheeky self told you everything will be okay
~ And y'all proceeded to do the deed
~ In the middle of the night
~ ...In the common room
~ He wanted you to calm down so offered some things to help ease your mind
~ You sat in the Hufflepuff section with your brother, gripping his hand so tightly
~ Harry and Cedric returned from the maze
~ But you knew something was wrong
~ You immediately ran down
~ Your brother and professors tried to stop you
~ But nothing was going to separate you from your love
~ You saw and heard Harry sobbing and you broke down
~ You fell to your knees over Cedric's body
~ Cedric's parents weren't far behind you
~ His parents and you hugged as you all sobbed over his body
~ Life was never the same after that
~ He died a winner, a humble winner
~ Harry made it his mission to help you and Cedric's parents as much as he could
~ "Cedric really loved you. He bragged about you in front of Fleur, who was trying to swoon him. He loved you so very much."
~ "He was a great man. He wanted me to win, he said that it was fair because I helped him twice. He died not only a winner, but a hero."
~ Harry soon became a close friend
~ He was always checking up on you
~ Dumbledore would call you into his office every week to check up on you and make sure you were okay and getting the support you needed
~ Even if you just needed to cry and let it all out or sit in silence
~ Dumbledore said it was the very least he could do
~ "I see the heartbreak in your eyes, you truly loved him. I wish I could bring him back for you nut alas, I cannot. But you must remember that he is always with you. No matter what."
~ Dumbledore took you to look at the mirror of Erised
~ "I want you to be able to see yourself standing with Cedric one more time
~ And you did
~ There he was, standing beside you holding your hand and kissing your head
~ "I love you" You murmured between sobs
~ "Don't be too sad my love, I love you too. I will always be with you."
~ You were never the same
~ You joined Dumbledore's Army in his honour
~ Learned your Patronus was a Dolphin, a symbol of love
~ Harry, Hermione, and Ginny all went to comfort you
~ Harry finally fully told you what Cedric's "echo said"
~ "He said to take him back to his parents and give you this. He said that he was planning on giving it to you after the third task. He loved you so much.
~ It was a box
~ And in that box was a ring
~ The same ring Amos gave his mother when he proposed
~ You quickly went and visited Amos and his wife
~ They said that He was planning to ask for your hand after the tournament
~ You wanted to return it to them, but the reassured you that they wanted you to keep it
~ "It shows that nothing, not even death, is stronger than true love." Said Mrs.Diggory
Wow, I'm genuinely sobbing now
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Potter’s Super Date (2/?)
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(Y/N) had successfully held out for two days, avoiding the head boy anywhere and everywhere. Which turned out to be a challenging feat, considering they shared the same common room. 
When James had found out they would be the Head Boy and Head Girl, he was ecstatic. Especially, since it meant the Marauders would practically get away with anything now. But if she had known this was what was going to happen, she would’ve declined Dumbledore’s offer of Head Girl in a heartbeat. Maybe then, the position would have gone to Lily after she rejected it, and James would not be chasing her around the castle, currently.
Not to mention, her most trusted companion wouldn’t be betraying her right about now.
“Please just say yes, (Y/N).” Remus pleaded, clutching his hair in frustration. “He won’t stop whining. And he’s soon going to find us here, and get us kicked out like he did yesterday.”
“Remus, not you too!”
“Sorry, I can’t handle it anymore!” He grasped his hands together, begging. “Please, end our misery.”
She grumbled, unhappy that her only comrade was betraying her. She undoubtedly knew Sirius was going to side with James, but hoped her best friend would be on her side. 
It was then she saw the library doors slam open from afar, revealing, the one and only, James Potter.
“Speaking of misery.” she rolled her eyes.
“(Y/N)! You can’t avoid me forever! I know where you live.” He called out from the entrance, scanning the room with his eyes.
“I knew it was a mistake befriending him.” She whispered, quickly hiding under the table. “This is all your fault!” she accused Remus. “Give him a chance, he’s a good and loyal mate, you said,” mocking Remus’ voice. “He’s a bloody pain in my arse, that’s what he is.”
Remus shrugged his shoulders in defeat. “Trust me, I regret it as much as you do right now.”
She was about to argue who was regretting it more, when she was stopped by the sound of footsteps nearing their table.
“Moony, where is she?”
“She’s right und-OW!” He yelped in pain from the sharp pinch on his leg. “I mean…she just left a couple minutes ago.”
“Really? Then why are her things still on the table?”
(Y/N) held her breath and closed her eyes, hoping Remus could come up with a good enough excuse.
But she should have known- Remus was never a good liar. 
“Umm, because she…”
She didn’t hear anything after that. 
Thinking he just walked away, she opened her eyes to come face to face with James.
“Bloody hell!” She screamed, surprised at their sudden close proximity.
James smirked at her reaction before grabbing her from underneath the table. 
She huffed in frustration, glaring at both boys. “I rue the day we ever met.”
“C’mon love. Meeting me was and is the pinnacle of your life.”
She rolled her eyes at his narcissism. “And you wonder why Lily has never given you the time of day.” 
“Ah, but she will once I take her on the super date, that you will help me with.”
Noticing he had let go of her hand, she eyed the closest exit out of the library. 
“Listen, while I would love to, but I have to go to the loo. Really urgent business, had a big breakfast.” she said, trying to make a run for it. 
Remus would grab her things for her. Getting out was the most important thing on her mind. 
She had successfully reached the doors, opening them and hightailing it to the bathroom. Surely, he wouldn’t follow her in there. 
But she made a mistake to look back at the last minute.
James was right behind her, causing her to panic and lose her footing. She quickly reached out, trying to grab onto something. 
James ended up being that something. 
Not having enough time to stop, James barreled into her and went right down with her.
“Oof!” she groaned, the air squeezed out from her lungs as James landed on top of her. 
Her eyes widened at their closeness, while James responded with a smug grin.
“Love, if you wanted me on top of you, all you had to do was ask.”
Her cheeks burned as she could feel all the places they were touching. 
She sputtered, before pushing him off of her and brushing away the dust on her back as she stood up.
She thought she saw a hint of pink on his cheeks from the corner of her eye, but decided not to think much of it. It was probably from all the running.
But before she could do anything else, she felt herself being tugged up and thrown over James’ shoulder. Thank Merlin she was wearing her black robes, or else everyone in the halls would have gotten a free show.
“Prongs, put me down!”
“Not a chance, love. I’m not going to let you run away again. Frankly, I’m a little tired from chasing you around everywhere.”
“What are you going to do, then? Tie me up?”
“Ooh, kinky.” He responded with a laugh. “I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing.”
“Why is it, you always turn everything I say into something sexual?”  She did the only thing she could in her position and started pinching his back, which didn’t seem to falter him at all.
“I’ll stop if you agree to my trial date.” 
“Then, I guess you’ll be sleeping with me tonight.”
“W-what?!” she yelled.
“I’m not letting you out of my sight. That includes at night as well. Unless, you wanna change your mind?”
She wasn’t going to let him win. This was what he wanted. No, she would make him back down, first. That way he would learn not to mess with her the next time she said no to one of his stupid, idiotic ideas.
“Fine, then I guess we’re sleeping together tonight.” she said nonchalantly, but thankful that he couldn’t see her increasingly blushing face.
“Yeah we are- what?” 
“What’s wrong James?” she smirked, realizing he hadn’t expected her to go along with his threat.
“Um, nothing. Nothing at all.” His voice going up an octave. “A-are you sure you don’t want to change your mind?”
“Nope. Why, is something wrong?” She asked, innocently, while trailing a finger down his spine. He shivered at her touch.
“Uh, nothing wrong at all. I’m just- uh, could you please stop doing that?” he asked, as she continued following the line of his back with her finger.
He then lifted her off his shoulder and onto the ground, as they reached the door to his room.
“Get used to it James. I get very handsy when I sleep.” She whispered in his ears, playing into the silence of their common room.
Thank Rowena they had their own common room as heads of the school, or she probably wouldn’t have had the confidence to play along.
“I hope you have a long shirt for me to wear. I don’t like wearing pants when I sleep.” she winked, before taking the liberty to open his door and enter inside.
As he stared at her back with wide, disbelieving eyes, James wasn’t sure if it was fear or arousal he was feeling. 
Here’s part two! Idk where this story is going but I’m liking it so far lol. I wasn’t planning to update this early, but I wanted y’all to have something to read while quarantined. Hope everyone is doing okay, and please stay safe! Also don’t be racist!
Safe readings! :)
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bbyboyycal · 4 years
like winter spices and warmth and just overall boyishness ygm and he’s probably really warm like imagine hugging him and he’s just soooo warm and cuddly because he has so much love in him and he can’t show it because of his family (but his mum wasn’t abusive like his dad and actually showed him some love and affection so his mum probably tucked him in at night and when his dad was at work cuddled him so he’s not completely uncomfortable and unfamiliar w hugging and he actually loves it) and you’d just be sat in the slytherin common room with him on the checked sofa snuggling and it would be so warm and his hair would be slightly curly at the ends cos you’ve just got in from a walk in the early winter evening and it was foggy and cold and both your cheeks and noses are flushed but he’s stroking your cheek and telling you how beautiful you are and how he’s never gonna let you go
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I accidentally made a fanfiction from the Harry Potter fandom
since i suck at making an actual story i just skipped to a scene stuck in my head where my character, a Hufflepuff, accidentally beating up 3 Gryffindors to save her friend. I still don’t know how the fuck she did it.
I still don’t know how it fucking turned into a 9-paged(going on my 10th now) story. T^T
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unofficalauthorss · 4 years
Lover of Mine - Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood; postwar
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Based off the song “Lover of Mine,” by 5 Seconds of Summer (https://youtu.be/iTQjrThcY6o)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood 
Word count: 2692 
(A/N: Hello! Thank you for whoever takes the time to read this. I adore this song and I adore Druna. This is my first time posting anything like this on here. Enjoy!)
“Lover of mine, maybe we'll take some time. Kaleidoscope mind, gets in the way. Hope and I pray, darling, that you will stay. Butterfly lies, chase them away…”
Draco settled into the deep crimson chair as his stormy eyes followed the ray of sunshine before him; he wasn’t sure what she had been doing, though he knew better than to question her - instead, he laid back, admired, and let his mind roam. His long, pointy nose scrunched up as she reached into her box and pulled out a jar of Merlin-knows-what, she placed it onto a massive wooden desk as she hummed peacefully. The jar consisted of what he assumed to be a tiny, bug-like creature; he swallowed the urge to demand her to throw it away. He knew, reluctantly, that he had to be patient and understanding with her (two words that nobody other than Luna herself would use to describe Draco), for it was going to take some time for them to adapt to their new life of living together. While he could never truly understand, Luna’s kaleidoscope mind was what he loved most about her. Her mind was bright, colorful, and ever changing - he could never keep up, no matter how fast he ran. She always had something interesting to say, which almost always left him at a loss for words. Draco was what he considered ‘practically intelligent’, but he could never compare himself to her wonder and knowledge. 
In Hogwarts, most students had known the Ravenclaw as ‘Loony Lovegood’ - the thought made Draco’s heart twinge, for he had been the one to curse her with the name many years ago; at the time, he had never expected the dreamy eyed girl to dance her way into his cold, lifeless heart. He had always been nasty to her, even after he fell for her in his sixth year. Though he loved her kaleidoscope mind, it always seemed to get in the way. With the overwhelming pressure from his parents, fellow Death Eaters, and the Dark Lord, he made Luna swear to keep their love affair a secret. A disgrace in his eyes, star-crossed lovers in hers. He would continue to spew hurtful and hateful words at her in front of his Slytherin mates, criticizing her strange clothing (that he loved so dearly), her peculiar behavior (that made his heart skip a beat), and of course, the fact that she was a Bloodtraitor. The corners of his mouth raised slightly as he recalled a night in the Room of Requirement, a very long time ago…
“I’m so, so sorry Luna,” Draco pressed a kiss to her temple, pain evident in his silver eyes. “I didn’t mean those awful words - you know that, don’t you, Luna? I adore your lion headdress, I adore those radish earrings, I - I adore you.” He pleaded. If Pansy, Blaise, or Theo had heard these words, he would have been as good as dead. 
Luna only smiled brightly at him, “Oh Draco, of course I know. Those are only butterfly lies.”
“Butterfly lies?” He questioned, his arm wrapping around her waist to pull her close. He felt relieved that she knew he hadn’t meant what he said, and that he had to pull a show in front of his classmates.
Her smile was as dreamy as her eyes, letting Draco know that she truly was okay. “A butterfly lie. Something small, meaningless. The lie flutters away as soon as it leaves your lips, such as a butterfly. You have to say those lies, so that nobody knows how you really feel…” her eyes fell down to his left arm, where she knew his Dark Mark lay. Draco didn’t say a word, he simply pulled her frame into his and laid his rough lips upon her soft ones. He hoped and prayed that she meant every word she said, and that she’d stay with him until the end. 
“Dance around the living room, lose me in the sight of you; I've seen the red, I've seen the blue, take all of me. Deep to where your secrets hide, where we've been a thousand times, swallow every single lie. Take all of me…”
He stood slowly, eyes still focused on his love before him. She had unpacked her entire box of strange jars and little trinkets, and was about to move onto the next box when a gentle hand reached out for her. Luna stumbled slightly as she was pulled into a pair of strong arms, and Draco couldn’t help but notice the concerned look on her face. He lifted a hand to her cheek and caressed her pink skin, “Is everything okay?” His eyes examined her over, just to make sure. 
“Oh, I’m quite alright - I just can’t seem to find my left shoe. It’s my very favorite left shoe,” before she could finish her sentence, he spoke again. 
“Perhaps the Nargles have taken it. Never mind that for now… dance with me, Luna, will you?” His hands settled on her waist. 
Luna laughed sweetly at his response, her expression lit up the room. She knew that Draco thought the existence of Nargles was nonsense, though she thoroughly appreciated his gesture. “Dance with you? I thought you’d never ask.” Her slender arms wrapped around his neck and rested her head onto his chest. He swayed them back and forth; they danced to no music, only to the sound of gentle footsteps and racing heartbeats. 
The Room of Requirement had been Draco and Luna’s favorite spot the year they fell in love. To Luna, it had been a bright and wonderful room where they could escape and truly be themselves. It was where Draco would lay his head on her lap for hours, as she spoke of her father’s theories and her childhood memories. They had been there a thousand times, though it had never settled well with Draco. Sure, he loved meeting with her, but it would only remind him of how awful he truly was. The Room of Requirement was a room deep where their secrets could hide, it swallowed every single lie. 
One late night, deep in the Room of Requirement, Draco had been pacing the room as Luna was settled on the couch, fiddling with the butterbeer cap necklace around her neck. “Why do you stay, Luna?” Anger fired through his voice. “I’m not a good person! I’m sick, I’m twisted! I’m vile and I’m a bloody coward…” his voice faltered at the end, tears brimmed his eyes as though they were afraid to fall. Luna sprung to her feet in a hurry and was soon by his side. 
“It’s okay to feel broken, Draco. It’s normal to think nasty things about yourself sometimes… but it’s not true, you know.” She reached out for his hand, he felt his nerves instantly calm. “You are everything, Draco. You matter, you matter to me. You are strong, determined, and kind-”
“Kind!” Draco scoffed, but immediately lowered when he watched her flinch out of the corner of his eye. 
“Your head must be filled with Wrackspurts, Draco, because you are certainly confused on how amazing you just are.” Her small hand squeezed his. 
His defeated eyes fell, three single tears slid down his pale face. He lifted his head to meet her eyes, “Take all of me?” His voice was broken and helpless. 
Luna pulled him into her arms, and placed a kiss at the top of his head. “Always,” she whispered.
“I'll never give you away, 'cause I've already made that mistake. If my name never fell off your lips, again, I know it'd be such a shame. When I take a look at my life and all of my crimes, you're the only thing that I think I got right. I'd never give you away, 'cause I've already made, already made that mistake…”
Draco allowed a soft chuckle to leave his lips as they danced their way across the floor of their recently purchased cottage; they did their best to not trip over any items that have yet to be put away. He gazed lovingly down at his Ravenclaw, feeling a sense of peace and serenity. The war had come to an end just a little over a year before, yet he was still adjusting to his new way of living. He would have done just about anything for his Luna, including a dreadful dinner party with Potter, Granger, and the Weasley clan. He would feed into her theories, he’d allow her to decorate their home however she pleased. Everyday he took a step closer to being the man his father never wanted him to become, and he was proud of it. 
Luna looked around their half-furnished home, an astonished look dancing in her eyes. The reality hadn’t fully settled in on her yet; today they would start a brand new chapter of their lives. Though she always seemed so happy and bright, she carried a set of doubts and worries with her, just as anyone else would. She peered up at Draco, “Perhaps it could be the Nargles… but this just doesn’t feel real…” Her voice was light and airy, despite the worried look in her eyes. “I’m afraid this isn’t real, Draco. I’m afraid you’ll leave me again, and that this will all crumble down before us.” 
Draco’s smile fell as his hand moved from her waist to underneath her chin, tilting her head up to look at her soft features. “Luna, I’ll never give you away…’cause I already made that mistake. I was a proper git, but I promise to you that I’ve learned from my past…” He felt his heart break as she remembered the pain he drug her through. 
“If my name never fell off your lips again…” Luna felt small tears slide down her cheek, suddenly too overwhelmed with worry to finish her thought. 
“I know it’d be such a shame; but Luna, that will never, ever happen.” He raised his hand to settle on her cheek, he wiped away her tears as he did so. “When I take a look at my life, and all of my crimes, you’re the only thing that I think I got right. I will never make that mistake again.” He embraced her into his arms and left a kiss at the top of her head.
“Lover of mine, I know you're color-blind. I've watched the world fall from your eyes. Ohh, ooh, ooh. All my regrets and things you can't forget, light them all up, kiss them goodbye…”
Draco held her as close as he could manage, allowing her to have her moment of weakness. He had hurt her very badly in the past, and yet she was still color-blind to who he truly was. He had always viewed himself as a monster, a horrible person who didn’t deserve someone as soft and sweet as his Luna. She was color-blind; she only saw the good in his heart, the good that nobody else had ever been able to see before. She had been through so much, no matter how much he tried to protect her from the world. He watched the world fall from her silvery eyes the day she found out her father died, leaving her an orphan in the midst of a fiery war. There were very few people Draco had cared for, but Luna - she cared for everyone, and she had lost too many of the people she cared for at the hands of a Lord he had once served. He wanted more than anything to take away what he had done, to take away her pain.
Luna lifted her head slowly, and behind her tear stained face, was the same happy girl he had always known. “I’m sorry for crying, Draco. I love you, and I trust you.” She ran a gentle hand through his blonde hair.
“But, all of my regrets and the things you can’t forget-,” Before he could finish, her lips had crashed onto his. He pulled her closer, allowing the kiss to linger for a few more moments, but too soon had she pulled away.
She smiled at him defiantly, “We’ll light them up and kiss them goodbye,” Luna leaned in for another kiss. 
“Dance around the living room, lose me in the sight of you. I've seen the red, I've seen the blue, take all of me. Deep to where your secrets hide, where we've been a thousand times, swallow every single lie. Take all of me...”
As much as Draco wanted to get lost in the sight of her, his past relentlessly haunted him. Though the healthy and beautiful girl shined before him, he could see the red, see the blue… 
“Come on Draco! Do it! Curse that witch, do it for us Draco! Curse that filthy blood traitor!” His aunt Bellatrix wickedly laughed as she skipped around the main room of the Malfoy Manor. Draco raised his wand, doing everything he could to stop his hand from shaking, and to make the fear leave his eyes. Luna Lovegood was tied up in the center of the room, her clothes filthy with dirt. He couldn’t stand the sight of red blood and purpley-blue bruises that covered her skin. He wanted so badly to take her and run away to somewhere safe and sound - but he couldn’t. If he didn’t do this, the Dark Lord would have the both of them killed. 
“Go on Draco,” his father encouraged, an evil smirk on his thin lips. 
Luna’s sad eyes met his and she gave the smallest of nods, as if to tell him to do it. He knew if she could, she would tell him to curse her, and that everything was going to be okay. 
“Crucio!” Draco shouted as he flicked his hawthorn wood wand, immediately looking away from her. He couldn’t dare to watch her, the painful screams that left her lips were punishment enough. 
Bellatrix approached Draco and roughly turned his head to take in the scene before him, she held his head as strongly as she could. “Oh come on, nephew! Have a little fun, watch her squirm!” Draco bit back the tears as the love of his life screamed helplessly, withering and spasming as every inch of her body filled with the most unimaginable pain. “I love you,” he mouthed to her. He now understood why it had been called an Unforgivable Curse. 
“I'll never give you away, 'cause I've already made that mistake. If my name never fell off your lips, again, I know it'd be such a shame. When I take a look at my life and all of my crimes, you're the only thing that I think I got right. I'd never give you away, 'cause already made, already made that mistake.”
Draco quickly shook the nightmarish memory from his mind and focused on what was in his arms. Together, they would forget the past and live out their happy ending. All that mattered now was that Voldemort was gone, his father was in Azkaban, and that they could be together freely. Luna was no longer in pain, and she was living happily in the cottage he had bought for them. He stepped away from her, causing her arms to fall to her sides. “I’ll never lose you again, Luna.” He shoved his hand in his pants pocket as he fiddled for something. “You are my everything; you are my love, my best friend, my reason to live. You’re the reason I can stand being in the same room as Potter and Weasley,” He joked with a small chuckle. He watched as her pale cheeks painted a light shade of pink. “You are the most beautiful woman to ever grace me, you are the reason I breathe. Luna, you are the reason I am no longer ashamed of who I am.”
“Oh Draco,” Luna gasped as she watched the man before her pull out a navy velvet box from his pocket.
Draco moved down onto his right knee, he opened the box to reveal the most stunning ring Luna had ever seen. “Take all of me?” 
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thatdesigirl17 · 4 years
Hey guys! So I'm really sorry for not posting from a long time, but I had my exams and now I'm like working on a fanfic book, so yes. Sorry. I promise I'll post in sometime.
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blankparchment · 5 years
Hey hey, can you write me a Fred Weasley x reader one shot about their first date? Maybe to the three broomsticks, love ya!
I’m not qualified to write about dates lmao, but I tried for you!
Dates are awkward. And okay, maybe it was just because you’re awkward or because you were expecting something more grand and fun, but either way, the tension was building in the Three Broomsticks. You awkwardly slurped your butterbeer. Fred awkwardly slurped his. He caught you looking at him and gave you a wink and then immediately looked away. And bloody hell, how did this ever happen? What happened to the Fred that bewitched his own broom to leave trails of red, the Fred that proceeded to fly and flip and turn and draw some awful pictures in the sky of what you guessed was a girl and a boy and a heart and a scribble that was maybe meant to say “date.” He had probably meant to embarrass you but you hadn’t let him live it down.
That Fred was mysteriously absent, and instead you got the Fred that glanced away every time you looked him in the eye. It didn’t take long for you to get fed up. With him not looking at you, it was no trouble at all to pull your wand out under the table and begin casting non-verbally. And he didn’t even notice when you took a candy from your pocket and dropped it into his drink when he looked away.
After that it was just waiting. You smiled at him and he cleared his throat. He grabbed his drink and took a long sip. And then he coughed. Just a little cough. Barely noticeable at all really. And then he coughed again. And again. A couple more times. He grabbed the butterbeer again and took another sip to calm the coughing, flushing red. He coughed louder and a puff of smoke escaped his mouth.
He didn’t understand what was happening until within the minute, every cough brought a cacophonous bang! and an explosion of fireworks from his throat, and then other students pointed and laughed with comments of “serves him right!” and “no way those are fireworks” and “who the hell managed to get the drop on a Weasley?” and, your favourite, a deadpan “George looks pretty good with fireworks coming out of his mouth.”
Fred shot to his feet and the entire pub burst into laughter. His pants had been turned into clown pantaloons, far too large and brightly striped. They were glowing and changing colours with the fireworks. Fred fell over in his own surprise and knocked the chair sideways, and before you realized, you were on the floor too in laughter.
Oh, the bartender came by and pushed you both out the door, but the laughter continued outside, with Fred barfing fireworks into the white and snowy day. He realized it was your fault quickly, and before you knew it you two were rolling in the snow, him trying to bury you in white while he came up with a counterattack, digging into his pockets to find a candy to force you to eat.
Students gathered to look and you paid them no mind. Your whole world was in front of you—covered in white snow and ginger hair, an explosion of fireworks and glowing pantaloons—and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Note from the author: I don’t know how dates work but I guess Fred got nervous, whelp. This is likely the beginning of a prank war that lasts a very. long. time.
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diannestuff · 5 years
Mr. Jealous (Remus x Reader)
Summary: You are a new professor at Hogwarts. Your students like you, and you are getting along with your colleagues, too. Especially Remus Lupin. The Yule Ball is rushing towards the school, and the competition of requests has begun...
Word Count: 1286
You’ve just had your fifth class today. After the lesson, a handsome 6th year Gryffindor came to your table, and shyly asked if you want to be his date to Yule Ball. „Uhm... Hey, Professor L/N. I was wondering, if you could maybe... come to the Yule Ball with me?” I liked the boy, he was active in my classes and respectful to me, but... I didn’t really support the idea of going to the Ball with a student. „Hi, James. Thank you for asking, you are very kind, but I am afraid I can’t go to the Yule Ball with one of my students.” He was the second person who I rejected today. I don’t understand, I am not that pretty… I never was. Is that I am younger than the avarage? But if they think like that, they would be asking students. Is it because of my kindness? Does kindness have that much power? But no, it makes no sense. I am not the only kind one in here. Something flat and hard woke me up from my thoughts. Something that I bumped into. I looked up, and I saw the familiar, beautiful hazel eyes looking at me in worry. „Y/N, are you okay???” I realized, I hit the huge back of Remus. „Of course. I am sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” I smiled. He smiled back at me. „Do you want to have lunch with me?” I nodded, „Yes, anytime.” We headed to the Great Hall. It was obvious for him that I am in a good mood. „Why is the big smile? Did anything good happen?” He knows me well. We have known each other since September, but he just knows me so well. „I would say surprising. It’s the 3rd of December, and two boys have already asked me to the Ball! Actually, they both asked me today.”
Remus POV
When she told me two boys have already asked her, I almost fainted. Is this going to be that hard? A competiton? I expected some of them trying… She is breathtaking… But 2 already?! I thought while I freaked out inside. „D-Did you accept?” She glanced at me. „I did.” I almost threw my food. „Really?!” I shot my head in her direction. „No, dummy, why would I accept a students request? They can’t be my date. I talked about it with Dumbledoor.” I calmed down immediately, and started eating again. „You are jealous.” She chuckled at the realisation. „What?” She knows me so well. We have known each other, for like, three months? But she knows me so well. „You are so obvious. Your words can deny jealousy, but your actions can’t.”  „I wasn’t. I already have a date.” The joy in her eyes suddenly disappeared. „Oh. Okay then. Congartulations!” She went silent after that, and only fake smiled when she greeted someone. „Hey, you are jealous.” She looked at me, and rolled her eyes. „I actually don’t have a date.” Suddenly she looked back at me. „What?” „See, you are jealous too.” She formed a cheeky evil smile, like she is going to say the best comeback ever. „Too. Jealous, too. Seems like you can’t deny your words eighter.” Damn.
The Ball is in a week! I am excited, but I am scared. A lot of students asked me to be their date, but it’s still a no. The point is, I may be a schoolboy crush, but I am no more than that. Right now, it looks like I am going to the Ball alone. It breaks my heart a little… First time as a teacher, and I won’t have a partner. Cool. To be honest with myself, it breaks my heart that Remus didn’t ask me. He probably has a partner. I was walking down the corridors, it was bedtime for the students. Only some prefects and teachers rushed there, due to their work. Then I met Gilderoy Lockhart. „Hey, Y/N! What’s up?” He had that big ’charming’ smile of his on. I don’t understand why it is so special. He is not ugly, but not the gorgeous prince I am waiting for eighter. A face came into my mind while I was thinking that… I have been thinking of my gorgeous prince all day. „Hi! I am just heading to my office. I have some tests to grade, but I am not late with them.” „I see…” He hesitated a little, but he got his confidence back just as soon as it went away. „So, sweetheart, I was wondering… If you have a date already to the Yule Ball?” Sweetheart, huh? Nice ways, Lockhart. „Oh, I actually-„ „She does.” Said a deep voice coming from behind me. „Y/N, please come with me right now. I need to talk to you.” I turned around, and it was Remus, for my biggest surprise. I didn’t recognise his voice… It’s usually not that deep. “But Lupin, what is so important? Don’t you see we are having a conversation? And anyways, how do you know if anyone has asked her, or not?” Said Gilderoy, with a little angry, or more likely bothered expression. „That’s none of your business, Lockhart.” With that, he dragged me by the arm and pulled me to his office. „What was that?!” I asked with a little too loud tone. „Oh, don’t tell me you want to be his date.” Did he rally drag me here just to make sure I am alone? Because Lockhart is not my type? Really? „Well, since no fucking one asked me to be their date, I do want to go with him.” I was shouting at this point. Then I lowered my tone and escaped his hold. „Now excuse me, I will search my date to tell him yes.” I went towards the door angrily, But Remus jumped between me and it. „I am sorry for my behaviour, Y/N. I didn’t know you mind if I steal you from Lockhart.” „Wait, what?” He looked up at me, because he has been staring at the ground. „Well, I was just hoping you would want to… be my date.” He was clearly embarassed. „Is that a question?” He nodded. „Then yes, I want to be.” I smiled at him, and actually, regretted yelling at him. He looked in disbelief, like he needs to make sure that he heard it right. So I nodded at him, giggling this time at how cute he was. He realised my answer and suddenly hugged me, half-picking me up. Then he realised what he’s just done, and let me go. „I am sorry, I just didn’t think-„ I hugged him and put my head on his shoulder. And he hugged me back. „I am sorry for the shouting. It’s not about Lockhart… I was just in a bad mood, because nobody asked me and it’s in a week.” He let me go from the hug and looked in my eyes, but I tried to avoid his gaze. „Look at me. It’s not true that nobody asked you. Literally almost the whole sixth year did. And a lot of fifth years were talking about you, in my class. What’s the matter? Because it’s not that.” Finally, I looked up at him. „Well… I actually wanted you to ask me, but I thought you had a date already.” I laughed a little in embarassment, that sentence was so childish. „Oh, honey.” He laughed with me. Then he continued with a flirty tone, „Who is the jealous one now?” „Well, who dragged me out of a conversation just to save his date, Mr. Jealous?” „Fine. But you were jealous all day because of overthinking that I had a date, Mrs. Jealous.” „Fine.” We laughed together…
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mrsriddles-blog · 3 months
Reads of the Week: Mar 10-Mar 16 | PART ONE
*indicates smut
green font represents multiple characters (poly, rh, etc.)
A/N: Soooo, this is part one for this weeks reads 😂 😅 I didn’t know you were limited to 50 mentions per post, so the second part I’m going to start out with fics I’ve read for the Sturniolo Triplets. Also, if the link is wrong on one or the mentions, please let me know! I try to go in and check them, but there was a lot this time! Thank you!
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Cruel Summer by @thatdammchickennugget
The real thing by @zriasstuff
Babysitting by @rainyreading
Weren’t Supposed to Let Me Go by @anawritez-posts
oh heart, and then it falls by @cupidddd-d
Eclipsed Hearts by @anawritez-posts
Warring Hearts by @allurearia
hide by @bettymylove
Hidden rings by @allurearia
Filthy Cheater, We Go Again by @allurearia
Way too close by @zriasstuff
Lessons In Love by @obsessedwithceleste
His Favorite* by @angelfrombeneth
get him back! by @lizthewriter
Lonely by @evergone
You know better*by @hpimagines
daddy issues by @bettymylove
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Not so innocent* by @hpimagines
hot chocolate fluff by @finalgirllx
First Impressions PT 1 by @zriasstuff
Second Chances PT 2 by @zriasstuff
Sharing a bed PT 1 by @papercorgiworld
Sharing a bed PT 2* by @papercorgiworld
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let me fuck you* by @slytherinslut0
dreams come true* by @jayybugg
the tension* by @mxqdii
Cuddly by @maraudersmyloves
confess by @kelstey
Blinding Ire by @darklinsblog
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A Cold Comfort by @ana-reblogsposts
Fake Stalker Prequel by @anawritez-posts
Fake Stalker by @anawritez-posts
Voicemail by @anawritez-posts
Confundus* by @mrsdarkandyandere7
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Since Forever by @suugarbabe
mine by @sapphicwhxre
personas by @sapphicwhxre
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tell me we weren’t just friends by @lizthewriter
Restraints* by @slytherins-journalist
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The Study* by @etfrin
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A/N: a hermione x female!reader imagine; someone makes joke about you being a lesbian, and you take offence to it. hermione tries to cheer you up.
word count: 456
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And there she was, and I know that I could’ve spent a lifetime staring at her. She was lambent; with her wavy hair frizzing in all different directions, her nose coming to a perfect point, and her dark brown eyes so dazzling.
“Why are you staring at Hermione like that?” said Lavender Brown, “what are you a lesbian?” she snickered nudging Parvati. I gulped, my cheeks heating up. I felt my heart sting and I wanted to shout; so what if I was a lesbian!? Instead I stood and abruptly left the common room.
“Y/N?” I heard someone call after me, “Y/N!?”
I turned around,  “what?”
“What’s going on? Why did you just leave like that?” Hermione asked raising an eyebrow.
“Because, Lavender was just being her usual chipper self,” I told Hermione feeling myself choke up.
“What’d she say? I’m sorry, Y/N,” Hermione tried to amend reaching out and touching my arm; I felt shivers run up my spine.
“She said, “what are you a lesbian,” I said feeling like an idiot, “and so what if I was? What’s the big deal?”
“Oh, Y/N…” Hermione trailed off, “you are a lesbian, aren’t you?”
And then I started crying, full force sobs, “there’s nothing wrong with me.” Hermione wrapped her arms around me tightly, muttering soothing noises.
“Shhh, Y/N, there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian,” she said rocking me back and forth, “if it makes you feel any better, I-I like girls too.”
I looked at Hermione in disbelief, her face was red, and she kissed me.
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onlyfreds · 3 years
Best Friend’s Brother | F.W.
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Title: Best Friend’s Brother
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: When Y/N comes over to stay at the Burrow for the summer, she meets her best friend’s older brother and starts to catch feelings.
A/N: I don’t know if I was able to live up to the sexual tension, but I tried.
“Will you please stay over for the summer?” My best friend, Ron, pleaded for what seemed like the umpteenth time of the day.
I gave a small laugh, “Come on Ron, I don’t want to be a bother.”
“You won’t be a bother.” He insisted, “Besides, mum has been bugging me about inviting you over.”
I contemplated it for a moment. I had heard amazing stories from Harry and Hermione about spending the holidays at the Burrow. So, the idea didn’t seem so bad after all.
“Fine.” I said, “But, if you’re family doesn’t like me, I’m blaming you for having me tag along.”
He rolled his eyes, “My family will just adore you. Trust me.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
That’s how I ended up standing in front of the Burrow, looking up in awe at the house.
“Are you going to come in? Or are you going to stand there gaping all day?” Ron asked impatiently.
I chuckled, “I’m sorry. I just can’t believe I’m really here.”
He rolled his eyes, “You’re acting worse than somebody meeting their partner’s family for the first time.”
I smacked his arm, “Just wait until you’ve gotten the guts to ask Hermione out, then you’ll know how it feels.”
Harry put a hand on my shoulder, “Don’t worry, Molly would love you, just wait and see.”
Ron knocked on the wooden door, “Mum! They’re here!”
The door swung open, and Mrs. Weasley could be found standing by the doorway, greeting us with a warm smile.
After giving her son a hug, she gave Harry one too.
When she spotted me, she gave a huge smile as she pulled me into one of her famous bone crushing hugs.
“You must be Y/N!” She said, “I’ve been telling Ron to invite you over. I don’t know what took that boy so long.”
I chuckled, “It’s mostly my fault Mrs. Weasley, I didn’t want to be a bother.”
“Nonsense.” She said, “And please dear, call me Molly. Mrs. Weasley makes me feel old. Now, come on in, you and Harry must’ve been tired.” She then ushered us into the Burrow.
I got introduced to the rest of the family, Ginny immediately launching herself into my arms as soon as she saw me.
Even though I was in the same year as Ron, Ginny and I had a very close bond.
“Where’s Hermione?” The youngest Weasley asked her brother.
Ron shrugged, “She’s coming over the day after tomorrow.”
“Who have you brought home ickle Ronniekins?” A teasing voice called from the staircase.
Two identical looking gingers appeared into the kitchen, I assumed that they were the twins.
They had quite a reputation at Hogwarts, though I have never met either of them in person.
“Why, is this the famous Y/N, mum always wants to invite?” One of them asked.
“Of course, it is. Who else would it be?” The other one said.
The taller twin stepped forward, taking my left hand as he grazed his lips along my knuckles, “I’m Fred, darling, and obviously I’m the better-looking twin.”
Ron rolled his eyes, ‘Stop flirting, will ya?”
“I’m not flirting,” Fred retorted, “I’m just making a good impression.”
“Don’t worry about them.” Fred’s twin, the one I now knew was George, stood by my side, “They’re always like that.”
I laughed, “I figured.”
It was the crack of dawn, since my insomnia refused to let me get anymore sleep, I decided to head down and read.
I turned another page on the book that Hermione had recommended me: Five Feet Apart. True to her word, it was a really good book.
“What are you reading?” a deep, yet familiar, voice asked.
I looked up, seeing Fred with a soft smile, unaware to the fact that he had been right in front of me.
“A book.” I answered, “What else would I be reading?”
His laugh awakened thousands of butterflies in my stomach. The way his hair was slightly tousled, the way his smile seemed to brighten up the dim room.
Merlin, out of everyone in the whole bloody world, why does Ron have to be the one with the hot older brother.
“I was asking about the title, darling.” He said.
I smiled, “It’s Five Feet Apart. Hermione recommended it to me.”
“What’s it about?” Fred asked.
I raised a brow at him, “Since when did you become interested in books?”
He gave a sheepish grin, “Since I saw you so engrossed in it just moments ago.”
I felt my cheeks heat up at the realization that he had been watching me all along, “Well, it revolves around these two people who have the same illness, and they have to be six feet apart at all times. But the two main characters decided to be rebellious and take back a foot, thus the title: Five Feet Apart.”
“That sounds interesting.” Fred commented, resting his cheek on his hand, maintaining eye contact, “Mind reading it to me sometime?”
I giggled, “Of course.”
“Woah, woah.” A voice suddenly said, causing the both of us to jump, “Get a room you two, seeing you two flirting isn’t what I wanted to see first thing in the morning.”
“Oh, shut up Ron!” I chastised, raising the book to cover my bright red cheeks as I saw Fred’s cheeks were painted with a light shade of pink.
The boys were out in the backyard playing Quidditch, while Hermione, Ginny and I were inside catching up.
I was seated by the window, having the perfect view of the game happening outside.
Fred could be seen zooming around on his broom as they passed on a ball to each other. His hair was slightly sticking to his forehead due to the sweat. The shirt he was wearing clung on tightly to his body, the faint outline of his chest slightly visible.
I had realized that I had zoned out on the full conversation until I heard somebody say, “So, yeah, Ginny will be marrying Harry tomorrow.”
I automatically nodded, “Yeah, that’s great.”
That was until I realized what they had said.
“Wait what?” I asked, finally turning my attention back to them, “Who’s marrying who?”
Hermione and Ginny started bursting into laughter.
“Don’t worry,” Hermione reassured, “No one’s getting married.”
“But” Ginny said with a cheeky smirk, lacing her hands together in an intimidating matter, “It did seem that you had zoned out and couldn’t stop staring at Fred.”
“What? No!” I said defensively, “I wasn’t staring at Fred.”
“Oh yeah?” Hermione teased, cocking her head to the side, “So, who were you staring at?”
“Um. George. I was staring at George.”
Hermione and Ginny shared a look, “What color is the shirt George was wearing then?”
I looked out the window, but I couldn’t spot George anywhere.
“Green?” I guessed, hopefully I was right.
“Wrong,” Ginny said, “He’s wearing a blue shirt.”
“What color is the shirt Fred’s wearing?” Hermione asked.
“Red.” I automatically answered without a second thought, blushing slightly as the two girls gave me knowing grins.
Hermione squeezed my hand, “Come on, just admit it. It’s just the three of us here anyway. It’s not like Ginny and I would announce your secret to the world.”
I sighed, “Okay, fine, I do fancy Fred. Happy now?”
Ginny squealed, “I knew it!”
“Besides,” Hermione said with a small smile, “you and Fred would make a cute couple.”
(Fred’s POV)
The girls were chatting inside while we were playing Quidditch.
I couldn’t keep my eyes off Y/N, the way her hair cascaded over her shoulders effortlessly. The way her smile seemed to outshine the sun itself, the way her eyes sparkled like diamonds while she laughed.
My thoughts were interrupted when the ball hit me in the chest, “Hey! What was that for?”
My twin rolled his eyes, “In case you were too captivated by Y/N’s beauty Freddie, let me remind you that we are playing Quidditch.”
“Do us all a favor will ya?” Ron shouted from George’s side, “Just ask her out so all of us won’t have to suffer from your longing glances and your mutual pining!”
I snorted, “Give me a break Ron. She’s your best friend.”
Ron rolled his eyes, “So what? If you need my blessing so badly, then you have it!”
“And” I continued, “Why would she ever like me, Ron?”
Harry spewed out the water he was drinking, “You’ve got to be kidding me, Fred! That girl is basically head over heels in love with you. We can all see it in her eyes.”
“You guys really think so?” I asked.
George clapped my shoulder, “We know so.”
We then headed inside, only being able to catch a snippet of the girls’ chat.
It was Hermione who said, “… would make a cute couple.”
“Who would make a cute couple?” I asked as I stood behind Y/N’s chair.
(Reader’s POV)
“Who would make a cute couple?” I heard a voice behind me suddenly say as I took a glance and saw Fred.
Great. Just great.
Ginny opened her mouth to say something when I answered for her, “We were talking about how Hermione and Ron would make such a cute couple.”
Fred gave a small chuckle, “I can’t say I don’t agree.”
“Hey!” Hermione complained as we all bursted into hysterics.
It was now one of the last few weeks of summer. So, we decided that we wanted to make the most of them.
Tonight, we were going to have a movie night for the film adaptation of Five Feet Apart.
I was getting the popcorn from the kitchen when the stars decided that I would bump into no other than Ron’s hot older brother, Fred Weasley.
And the stars may have forgotten to mention that I would literally fall into his arms.
“Careful there, love.” He said with his signature smile.
I giggled, “Sorry, I could be a bit clumsy sometimes.”
He shrugged, “We all have our days.”
“So, how’s your stay here been?” He asked after a period of silence.
“It’s absolutely wonderful.” I said with a small smile, “I really enjoyed spending the summer here.”
“Can I ask you something?” He suddenly said.
I nodded, “Sure.”
“Why have you been a bit jumpy around me? Do I intimidate you or anything?”
I bit my lip, thinking about my answer for a minute.
Well, I couldn’t just say, No, I just have this massive crush on you. That’s why.
“What was that?” Fred suddenly said.
I looked at him, slightly confused, “What was what?”
“What you just said.”
I silently cursed myself, in my daze, I must’ve muttered the thought instead of keeping it to myself.
“It was nothing.” I said, feeling a blush rising to my cheeks.
He raised an eyebrow as a cheeky smirk grew on his lips, “Oh yeah? Then if it’s nothing then why are you blushing like mad?”
“I-I’m not.” I managed to stutter out.
“Darling, your face is as red as my hair now.” He said, advancing towards me, causing me to walk back until I hit the wall.
“So,” He said, “Are you gonna tell me now?”
I licked my lips, “No, because there’s nothing to tell.”
Fred slowly leaned forward to the point that I could feel his breathe fanning over my face, “What if I kiss you? Then you’ll tell me?” He whispered.
“Even if you do kiss me,” I said, “there’s nothing to tell.”
His lips brushed against mine, my breathe hitching in my throat, “Well, I guess I’ll have to wait it out then.”
He stood up, his eye dropping into a wink before walking out of the kitchen, leaving me flustered and my heart hammering in my chest.
Ron entered the kitchen, taking the popcorn bowl from the counter, “If the two of you continue being the oblivious idiots you are, I have half a mind to lock you in a broom closet until you confess your undying love for each other.”
I snatched the popcorn bowl from him, “Oh piss off.”
We would be heading back to Hogwarts tomorrow, I was in Ginny’s room, packing up the rest of my things.
I heard a small knock preceded by Harry poking his head through the small gap in the door, “Hey Y/N, Fred asked for you.”
“Really?” I asked, “Why?”
He shrugged, “He didn’t say.”
After thanking him, I headed up to the twins’ room, fiddling with the end of my shirt nervously.
I tentatively knocked on the door, hearing a faint “Just a minute.” Before the door opened and Fred leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest.
“You called for me?” I said.
He nodded, running a hand through his hair, “Yeah. I just wanted to tell you something for a long time and I really hadn’t worked up the courage for it until now.”
“So, what is it?”
He took a deep breath, “I have developed a liking to you over the summer, a different kind of liking. But I understand if you don’t feel the same, being Ron’s best friend and all. But I hope that it doesn’t- “
I rolled my eyes, pressing our lips together to cut off his ramble. His hands immediately flew to my waist as he deepens the kiss.
Once we pulled away to take a breather, I smiled up at him, “I love you too.”
He chuckled, “This is officially the best day of my life.”
“Finally!” A voice said causing us to pull apart, “Thought I’d have to lock you two in a broom closet.”
Fred rolled his eyes at his brother, “Oh piss off Ron!”
@lumosandnoxwriting​ @gostupid-godumb​​ @famdomhideout​ @nova-darling @gaycatlord-stuff​  @pandaxnienke​ @escapingrealitybyreading​ @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts​​(If you are crossed out, that means I can’t tag you)
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Second to None (2/?)
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“Do you want to go ahead and order sweetie?” The sweet old lady asked her, with pity in her eyes. 
“I’ll give him 5 more minutes. I’m sure he just overslept and is getting ready right now.” (Y/N) reasoned, although she wasn’t sure whether she was trying to convince the waitress or herself.
“Alright, dearie. If you need anything, let me know.” Martha gave (Y/N) one last sympathetic smile, which she responded with a thankful one.
As Martha walked over to the next table, (Y/N) continued staring out the window, sincerely hoping for a spectacled face to appear. But as her promised five minutes to Martha passed, still no one came to sit down in the chair across from her. 
Martha came up again, with a concerned look on her face. (Y/N) could only respond with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. 
“I think I’m ready to order now.”
Bottles of firewhiskey strewn about on the floor and one very drunk James Potter lounging on the couch was the scene (Y/N) was met with, as she apparated into his flat.
“Is this what you were busy doing this morning? Drinking yourself to death?”
Her friend lazily opened his drooping eyes, squinting in her direction. “(Y/N)? Is that you? Or are you a dark wizard sent here to end my misery?”
“I waited an hour for you, James!” she seethed, snatching away the half-full bottle in his hands.
“Oohhhh, I’m so soorrryy.” he responded drunkenly, while trying to take back the liquor, unsuccessfully. 
As (Y/N) was about to start another round of heavy berating, a series of taps on the window distracted her. Opening the window, she found Sirius’ owl, Minnie (cleverly named after Professor McGonagall), waiting patiently with a note addressed to her. Petting the owl, before sending it off, she opened the note while keeping an eye on her drunken friend. Upon finishing reading the letter, she resumed her glaring at James, this time doubling the intensity. 
“James Fleamont Potter, did you not tell anyone you’re here?” she questioned in a tone that James had classified as her “Head Girl” voice.
“It was more of an impromptu trip, to clear my head…” he trailed off, still not thinking clearly.
“Is this what you call clearing your head?! People are worried sick about you back home, while you’re here just drowning away your sorrows with liquor?”
James merely grunted in response.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?!” 
Done with his bullshit, she pointed her wand directly at his face before growling, “Aguamenti.” 
Water rushed out of her wand, showering his face with a powerful, nonstop stream. 
“(Y)-(Y/N)! Stop it!”
“Not until you’re ready to stop acting like a twat!” she yelled over him.
“Al-*sputter*-right! I’m up!” he shouted, jumping off the couch. “What the bloody hell, woman?” 
“No, what the bloody hell you, Potter!” she screamed, silencing him. “First, I wait an hour for you at brunch and you don’t show up, something that you forced me to agree to. And then I get a letter from Sirius asking me if I’ve been able to reach you at all in the past month. That no one has seen you and that your parents are worried that you might have been taken by dark wizards!”
“Love, let me ex-“
“And what is this about you thinking about quitting your Auror position?”
“It’s just that. I’m planning on quitting.” he says flatly, not wanting to argue with her.
“Why do you think, (Y/N)? What do you think made me run away and hide from everyone?”
(Y/N) flinched at his sudden change in tone, but her eyes flared up.
“You really are a selfish prick aren’t you, James?”
“What?” he asked, heatedly.
“You’re really going to waste away your life all for some girl?”
“You know better than anyone that she isn’t just some girl to me.” 
“Because I know better than anyone, I’m trying to knock some sense into you!” she shouted, frustrated. Realizing how loud she was being, she took a moment to take a deep breath and stepped towards him, before continuing. “Look James, I feel sorry for you. I really do. I just wish you’d bear it better.“
“You don’t have to feel sorry for me, (Y/N). You’ll feel the same way one day.”
She took a step back at his words, with a heavy frown on her lips. James felt a wave of guilt wash over him, seeing her physical response to his hurtful words, but didn’t move. 
“No, I’d choose to be respected if I couldn’t be loved,” she responded, her gaze unwavering from his. “Whatever this is, I don’t want to be any part of it. I’ll let Sirius know you’re here. Not for your sake but because Sirius is my friend and I don’t want him, Fleamont and Euphemia, and anyone else to fall sick worrying over you.” 
(Y/N) didn’t give him a chance to respond, apparating away quickly, and leaving James standing alone in his now quiet flat.
*According to Harry Potter Wiki, “…because owls can find any witch or wizard who a letter is addressed to, those who do not wish to be contacted must cast Repelling, Disguising, or Masking spells, of which a wide variety exist.” That’s why Sirius’ owl found (Y/N) at James’ flat, but no one knew James was or could contact him.
*Hope you like this part. I’m using quotes from Amy and Laurie from the Greta Gerwig’s version of Little Women, but adding my own spin on the story. Safe readings! :)
*edit: Part 3 here!
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darkstxrss · 3 years
I just love how the entire harry potter fandom agrees on three things
1. umbridge is the worst
2. mcgonagall is the sassiest, best person ever
3. dumbledore was definitely not calm during that one scene and everyone's bothered by it
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writernomore · 4 years
There’s ink on my parchment...
so basically gonna write and write till people actually like my writing.
I write from fandoms I’m in which I would have to make a list and post it on here to tell you guys what I write for.
I take requests.
But I won’t write anything for/ about: Rape, incest, illegal stuff like Teacher x student(Depends on their situation, would write if its platonic).
I will make a list soon about requests.
Ron x Reader
Summary: You are a student in Hogwarts, you have decent grades and is placed in Hufflepuff you were studying in the library when someone bumps into you and accidentally get ink on your parchment.
Part 2
You were going to study for OWLS .
And you were just in your last class which was potions.
I may not be smart or dumb I just have the average intelligence of course I can’t compare to Hermione since she was too smart.
smart and pretty I must say.
I was just writing down notes on what Professor Snape was talking about.
His explanation was fast but I just wrote down key words, like a brief summarization on what his dissussion was about when he stopped talking.
I stopped writing and looked up to see that Snape was behind Harry and Ron who were whispering to each other about something, I just huffed and shaked my head.
Both Ron and Harry were hit on the head with ‘oof’ escaping their mouths.
Ron and Harry looked up at Snape.
Snape looked down on them before turning around to continue at his lecture.
I shaked my head again seeing them look down to their scrolls.
I then proceeded to take down my notes again.
Potions class ended and students were heading out of the classroom, either to go back to their dormitories or somewhere else in the castle.
I was packing up my things and carried it with me to go to the library to get some books and study for my upcoming OWLS.
Never failed my OWLS but I just got grades that were acceptable and passed.
It sure was a Hassle but all was worth it when I get my grades and pass.
In the library I was writing things from the book to my notebook that I had brought along.
I always had a different notebook like the one I was writing on each year cause I always managed to fill it up with writings for school, some pages may have some doodles in them too cause it was a sort of habit of mine.
I was  engrossed in writing a certain part on my note book when someone from behind bumped into me and I not only messed up writing but my ink fell onto the paper.
I gasped and then looked at the black ink spilling onto my paper and also some of it falling onto the table.
I put down my feather and examined the notebook, picking it up.
“Ron, look what you did”
“Well I didn’t mean to!”
I turned around to see Ron and Hermione behind me bickering. like a mad couple.
I shook my head and huffed.
I smiled and said “No it’s okay, I can just use a spell to fix it”
They turned their heads to me and I instantly froze.
Curse my socially awkward self..
I tried to avoid their stares directed to me and just took my wand and mumbled a spell to clean up the mess.
My notebook and the table were all okay now.
Good as new
“See? No biggy”
I said clapping my hands together.
“Sorry about that my friend here is just clumsy”
“Oh, I know who you guys are, You’re Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, The school may be big but the it’s not difficult to know who you guys are.”
“I’m just someone you could hardly notice, um..anyways I’m Y/n, L/n”
I extended out my hand which Hermione took and shook.
“A pleasure to meet you” Hermione says smiling at me.
“The pleasure is all mine” I said my smile growing bigger.
Okay that’s it for now I will probably make another part for this story.
A continuation where you and Ron will get together I guess
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