#Hro Talak
docgold13 · 1 month
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Hro Talak
A general in the Imperial Thanagarian Forces, Hro Talak was a proud and effective commander in his people’s centuries-long war with the Gordanians. During this conflict, General Talak fell in love with fellow soldier Shayera Hol and the two became engaged.  They had to delay their nuptials, however, when Shayera was dispatched to Earth so to gage the planet’s defenses under the pretense of protecting them from a Gordanian attack.  
While on Earth, Shayera operated as the heroic Hawkgirl and joined the Justice League.  She also fell in love with her teammate, the Green Lantern John Stewart. Despite her being promised to Talak, Shayera began a romance with John.
Several years later, The Thanagarians made themselves known to the people of Earth with an armada of their warships entering orbit.  General Talak led the delegation and informed the people of Earth that Thanagar intended to protect them from an impending invasion from the Gordanians.  Yet it was all a ruse.  In truth, Thanagar planned to destroy Earth as part of the creation of a hyperspace bypass rout that would facilitate a sneak attack on the Gordanian homeworld
Shayera was horrified when she was made aware of Thanagar’s true intentions and that Hro Talak (whom she once loved) would be willing to sacrifice billions of innocent souls in his desperation to gain victory over the Gordanian.  She ultimately chose to betray Thanagar and sided with the Justice League.  The League was ultimately able to fend off Talak and his army and the defeated general was forced to abandon his plans and flee.  
Although Earth had been spared, it came at a heavy cost for Thanagar.  The Gordanian ended up winning their war and the Thanagarian Empire fell.  General Talak perished in the final days of the conflict, sacrificing himself so to take down a Gordanian flagship.
Actor Victor Rivers provided the voice for Hro Talak with the warrior first appearing in the twenty-fourth episode of the second season of Justice League, ‘Starcrossed Part I.’ 
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echowolfs · 30 days
Hot take: Hro’s a good guy by Thanagarian standards and a not so good guy by American standards, and that was hard for Shayera to reconcile with because while she is a Thanagarian who was raised on Thanagar, being on Earth for five years with very minimal contact with her home-world changed her expectations of other people and she didn’t recognize that change until it was nearly too late
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Justice Society of America 1999* sketchpage
*not strictly set in 1999 bc of [redacted] but this team riffs on a lot of '90s anti-heroes set against a backdrop of turn of the millennium apocalyptism, so it's a useful shorthand.
This is a team Diana put together as she was working to revive the Justice Society in the modern day. It's remembered later on as the "Lost Souls" era, a group of abandoned legacies and sidekicks thrust into a violent world with immense power they don't quite understand. Hro Talak was seeking redemption for his part in the failed Thanagarian invasion by this point, taking on the role of Hawkman outside of the League's Hawkgirl and Hawkwoman pairing. Baal Batson/Captain Thunder I just talked about, but this is the modern version that Billy accidentally unlocked while exploring his own mystical potential.
Among the rest of the team's ranks, Jared Stevens, Chase Lawler, Al Rothstein, Sanderson Hawkins, and Jack Knight are all locked in various states of arrested development, the irony and rage of their generation rendered ridiculous and sad in the face of Diana's grandeur and Billy's raw power. Holding the team together in their underbelly is Shiro Ito, the infamous "Doctor Dragon" (sensationalized in the West as "Dragon KIng"), a century baby attempting to manage the trickier conditions of fellow members like Nuklon as his atomic abilities continue to mutate his body.
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hawkgirlz · 9 months
dcau stans are so close to realizing that shayera's romantic storylines with hro talak were actually just shit. the reason the justice league didn't care about her 'abusive' relationship is because the writers put 0 thought into properly addressing shayera's trauma and only cared about selling their crackships as this great grand love story. not once did shayera actually talk about her trauma to the justice league despite the justice league supposedly being her found family.
and you want to know what's sad? the dcau team had a book called hawkworld that properly addressed shayera's history with misogynistic abuse on thanagar. and they instead chose to prioritize a crackship instead of building up on shayera's actual history with thanagar.
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Imagine how gutted John Stewart was when he saw this the moment before he passed out after Shayera's sucker punch
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askweisswolf · 1 year
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I think a lot about the Hro vs Shayera fight.
(OG text post here.)
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delicatefalice · 1 year
both hro and katma kept thinking about john and shayera with the people they were when they last saw them
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doks-aux · 11 months
@johnvenus replied to your text post:
Does Shayera have the same name as her mother like in the comics?
Not this time. What I’ve done is taken the characters of Shiera Sanders-Hall, Shayera Hol, Shayera Thal, and Kendra Saunders and made them into three.
Kendra Thal is the original Hawkwoman and wife of Katar Hol, the original Hawkman.
Shayera Hol is their daughter and the first Hawgirl and second Hawkwoman. She uses Shiera Hall as an alias on Earth.
There is also a Kendra Saunders, who Shayera befriends on Earth. She becomes a superhero as well though I’m still figuring out the how and what name she’d use.
@johnvenus replied to your text post:
Is her father a high ranking Thanagarian officer who abandoned her and her mother to live in the poorest part of Thanagar and later she had to act as a doppleganger for high ranking Thanagarian royalty (like Keira Knightley's character in Star Wars)?
Very specific! But no.
Hawk continuity is pretty gnarly, and I’m still trying to patchwork a backstory for Shayera’s parents from it. The current story is that they worked together (still unsure what they’re actual jobs were, but it’s not military-related), fell in love, married, and were on the Thanagarian equivalent of their honeymoon when they were transported to Earth via a rogue zeta beam. They were approached and assisted by the Justice Society, who they joined in protecting the Earth while trying to figure out a way back home. Though once they did, they’d grown to love Earth and their new team so much that they decided to stay.
They remained on Earth until the Justice Society disbanded (still determining the when and why), at which point they returned to Thanagar and eventually had their first (and only?) child, Shayera. Thanagar had grown increasingly militaristic and expansionist in their absence, and they grew concerned for their daughter’s future and discouraged her from joining the military, though longtime family friend, Hro Talak, attempted to undermine them. When Shayera was a young adult, she set off to study abroad at her parents’ urging but impulsively altered course to Earth, having grown up with the stories of her parents’ hero days and wanting to live them herself. Once there, she was found and taken in by her parents’ former teammate and close friend, Dr. Fate. She lived in the Tower of Fate, learning about Earth history and culture in its massive library, until an Apokoliptian invasion of the planet spurred the meeting and founding of the Justice League, after which she took up residence in their first base, Mount Justice.
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dragynkeep · 11 months
My OG problematic ships in Middle School were Phantom/Christine and Shayera/Hro tbh.
my first problematic ship was sarah / jareth but omg same, there was something that was so [clenches fist] delicious about them ✨
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jurakan · 1 year
Watching the Justice League cartoon, and just did "Starcrossed"', and
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Interesting to learn that Hro Talak's voice actor is apparently super rad.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
What Could Have Been
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/XQiBKS1 by echowolfM “You’re sure?” He asked, reaching up and petting her cheek sweetly. His hand felt cold against her skin. She dipped down and kissed him. “Yes, I’m sure.” Maybe this would help her forget. Words: 2399, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English Fandoms: DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Green Lantern - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), John Stewart (DCU), Mari Jiwe McCabe, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Shayera Hol, Shayera Hol/Hro Talak, Shayera Hol/John Stewart, Mari Jiwe McCabe/John Stewart, Shayera Hol & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Miscarriage, Depression read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/XQiBKS1
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docgold13 · 2 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Shayera Hol was a former lieutenant and espionage agent of the imperial world of Thanagar.  She was dispatched to earth so to gage the planet’s strengths and weaknesses in the event that Thanagarian forcers were to choose to annex the world into its empire.  While on Earth, Shayera posed as the heroic Hawkgirl and was among the heroes amassed by J’onn J’onzz to fend off the invasion by the alien Imperium.  Following the defeat of the Imperium, Hawkgirl was offered a place among the newly formed Justice League.  She accepted and became a much valued member of the team.
As a part of the League, Hawkgirl grew especially close with her teammate, The Green Lantern John Stewart.  Shayera was secretly engaged to a Thanagarian commander named Hro Talak, yet her attraction to John was so great that eschewed her engagement so to enter into a romance with him.  
Not long thereafter, The Thangarian forces made themselves known to Earth.  They presented themselves as guardians vowing to protect earth against the threat of the villainous Gordanians.  Herein Shayera's role as an advanced scout for the Thanagarians was revealed.  
The Thanagarians were never actually interested in protecting earth; their true intentions were to destroy the world so to facilitate a  Hyperspace Bypass Channel that was aide their centuries-long war against the Gordanians.  The prospect of the destruction of her adoptive world caused Shayera to betray her people and aide the Justice League in fending off this threat.  
The Thanagarians were forced to flee earth and abandon their plans for the bypass channel.  For her part in their defeat, Shayera was banished from her home world and marooned on earth.  The Justice League remained uncertain if Hawkgirl could ever again be trusted and convened on a vote to determine whether or not she should remain a part of the team.  The outcome of this vote was never revealed as Shayera voluntarily resigned herself from the League.
Shayera found refuge in the secret citadel of the mystic known as Dr. Fate.  She would eventually return to the League and once more became a valued member of the team.  She and John ultimately reconciled and in the future the two had a son who would go on to become the hero and future member of the Justice League known as Warhawk.  
Actress Maria Canals proved the voice for Hawkgirl with the heroine first appearing in the second episode of the first season of Justice League, ‘Secret origins Part Two.’     
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echowolfs · 8 months
Rated M for mature scenes and themes
(Miscarriage and Major character death)
“You’re sure?” He asked, reaching up and petting her cheek sweetly. His hand felt cold against her skin. She dipped down and kissed him. “Yes, I’m sure.” Maybe this would help her forget.
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Sketchpage update: The Hawks
Shayera Thal and Kendra Munoz-Saunders, The Hawkwoman and Hawkgirl of the Modern Era and reincarnations of Chyrra and Ktar. The Justice League's Lovebirds.
Carter Hall, the Golden Age Hawkman, and his mysterious colleague Dr. Curtis Knox. He served as JSA chairman and tried to hold the Society together in Diana's absence.
Fel Andar and Hro Talak, The Pretender Hawkmen, stranded on Earth following the failed Thanagarian Infiltration of Earth. Fel eventually had a son, Charlie, who joined the Titans as Golden Eagle. Hro after living as "Joseph Gardner" for a number of years, took on the name Carter Hall and the role of Hawkmen, eventually going on to train Shayera's son Rex as Earth's Warhawk.
Plus some assorted others: a human guise for Onimarr Synn (here, a corrupted Zauriel driven mad by the Absorbacon God-Computer). Scythian Torvil, a cryptic future Hawkman brought to the past by Per Degaton and the Ultra-Humanite.
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hawkgirlz · 6 days
I'm a fan of DC comics and I got into it by watching justice league unlimited as a kid and always liked the character of shayera though I was always a wonder woman fan first so I don't know the lore of hawkgirl as much. I was just wondering why you dislike the shayera version of hawkgirl? or if you don't dislike that version do you just prefer kendra saunders version?
oooh we might be here for a while so prepare for a long post.
dcau shayera is to me, a fantasy that men clearly wrote because they didn't want to actually interact with her political side. i alreadyade a big post about why i hate the john/shayera pairing but when you compare her writing in the dcau to her comics, it's just really bad.
her appearing as hawkgirl even though comic shayera hated the hawkgirl name and never went by it post crisis was the real thing that agitated me. it purposely confused people who wanted to read the hawks comics and it spoiled kendra's chances of being her own character in a way that didn't mean being a dcau shayera replacement. pushing a white redhead as hawkgirl when kendra already existed and was confirmed to be latina + was clearly somewhat brown just caused insane damage. even the actresses who play kendra get racist hate for not being a white redhead when she's not even playing shayera.
another stupid thing is that shayera's last name is hol but her husband's name is hro talak. but the thing is, post crisis shayera went by shayera thal because it was a reboot and she was no longer married to katar. WHY did they keep shayera's last name hol when she's not married to katar hol???? it's like these writers were high when reading her comics. i've genuinely never seen a comic character get this badly adapted that they mess up BOTH of her names.
let's start with her beef with wonder woman pre-starcrossed. her beef with wonder woman was originally because of an arc that addressed feminism. shayera's purpose was to basically be the man obsessed woman who says the thanagarians are sexist and her reasoning for all of this is. sex. literally just sex.
now in comics, shayera was a human trafficking victim, a victim of sexual abuse, etc. and when she interacted with diana in comics, they would make fun of men together. so to portray her lime THAT, on top of her main trait being cheater is just. really not a good look at all. i mean all of her storylines revolved around men. she never even defeated the villain in starcrossed and needed a john stewart who didn't evem have a ring to save her. it's also funny to me how the male writers claimed she was masculine or not like other women because she growled or whatever and it's like. comic shayera was wearing a suit and tie to galas. dcau shayera wears crop tops when comic shayera said they made her feel naked. like what masculinity are we talking about here lol.
another thing i remembered is that during this arc, shayera was shocked when she found out arisia was an orphan and was like "oh the pain she went through must have been unimaginable" and it's treated like a joke for batman cause he's sitting right there. but the thing is..... shayera was literally an ORPHAN in comics. comics literally never make you forget she's an orphan, she's always talking about being raised in the slums. on top of never getting her actual origin in the dcau minus that super orientalist bad take on ancient egypt, we NEVER get her origin.
and on top of her writing just being so bad. comic shayera was indoctrinated into the thanagarian government and agreed to spy on katar for said facist government, yes. but like. comic shayera literally KNOWS these people aren't good. and that's what made her so complex and she later realizes she's in the wrong and gets exiled from thanagar abd becomes more progressive.
the dcau version on other hand is just so insanely watered down. even though she's ordered to find out the jl's weaknesses, she somehow didn't know they were planning on destroying earth and wanted to build some FORCEFIELD. like what???? genuinely how can you be that stupid???? especially when dcau shayera literally says her planet is about war which would obviously mean her friends would get hurt. i just can't fathom this plot, there's no way she was that dumb. it just made her look bad like atp i don't blame diana for hating her.
also in comics, it was shayera's thanagarian father behind the original thanagarian invasion, he was a military general. not an evil hawkman rip off. so once again, another interesting plot removed for cracskhip romance drama.
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"So, what else aren't you telling me?"
Thinking back to this moment, it's like he suspects that Shayera had a Thanagarian boyfriend. That he asked her that question hoping she prove him wrong. Only for her fiance to swoop in and kiss her right as she sheepishly was going to tell him. Heartbreak in three slides.
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