#Husband Hindi Jokes
rejokes · 1 year
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pati patni funny jokes image in hindi
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mohammed0785 · 5 months
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waliandwali · 2 years
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gwendolynlerman · 1 year
Untranslatable words (part 3)
Here are part 1 and part 2. I have also made other posts with untranslatable words in Spanish and German.
Arabic: غرفة [ḡurfa] (the amount of water that can be held in one hand), يقبرن [yaqbirna] (literally “may you bury me”, wishing that a loved one outlives you because of how unbearable life would be without them)
Bantu: mbuki-mvuki (to shed one’s clothing spontaneously and dance naked in celebration)
Dutch: gezellig (cozy, nice, pleasant, sociable), struisvogelpolitiek (literally “ostrich politics”, an evasive style of politics that fails to address problems by either ignoring them or by creating a false sense of security through ineffective measures)
Finnish: poronkusema (the distance a reindeer can comfortably travel before taking a break, around 7.5 kilometers/4.7 miles)
French: feuillemorte (of the color of a faded, dying leaf), l’appel du vide (literally “the call of the void”, the inexplicable draw of the dangerous and unknown future), noceur (someone who goes to sleep late or not at all or one who stays out late to party)
German: Drachenfutter (literally “dragon fodder”, the gift a husband gives a wife when he is trying to make up for bad behaviour), Kabelsalat (literally “cable salat”, cable clutter)
Greek: μεράκι (intense passion)
Hungarian: szimpatikus (nice, likeable)
Japanese: ぼけっと [boketto] (gazing vacantly into the distance without thinking about anything), 風物詩 [fūbutsushi] (the things that evoke memories of a particular season)
Hawaiian: ʻakihi (listening to directions and then walking off and promptly forgetting them)
Hindi: जुगाड़ (jugāṛ) (a process or technique that lessens disorder in one’s life, making it easier to manage or more convenient)
Icelandic: tíma (not being ready to spend time or money on a specific thing despite being able to afford it)
Indonesian: jayus (a joke so terrible and unfunny it can’t help but make you laugh)
Inuktitut: ᐃᒃᑦᓱᐊᕐᐳᒃ [iktsuarpok] (the act of repeatedly going outside to check if someone is coming)
Italian: commuòvere (to move in a heartwarming way)
Malay: pisan zapra (the time needed to eat a banana)
Norwegian: forelsket (the indescribable feeling of euphoria experienced as one begins to fall in love)
Portuguese: nefelibata (literally “cloud-walker”, one who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams or does not obey the conventions of society), saudade (a vague, constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, a nostalgic longing for someone or something loved and then lost)
Russian: разлюбить (razliubit) (to fall out of love)
Sanskrit: कल्प [kalpa] (the passing of time on a grand cosmological scale)
Scottish Gaelic: sgrìob (the peculiar itchiness that settles on the upper lip before taking a sip of whiskey)
Spanish: cotisuelto (someone who insists on wearing their shirt tails untucked)
Swedish: mångata (the roadlike reflection of the moon on the water), smultronställe (literally “place of wild strawberries”, a special place treasured for solace and relaxation, free from stress or sadness), tretår (on its own, “tår” means a cup of coffee and “patår” is the refill of said coffee, so a “tretår” is therefore a second refill)
Tagalog: kilig (to experience shivers and suffer pangs from strong emotions, usually romantically)
Ursu: گویا [goyā] (a transporting suspension of disbelief, an “as-if” that feels like reality), ناز [nāz] (the pride and assurance that comes from knowing one is loved unconditionally)
Wagiman: murr-ma (the act of searching for something in the water with only one’s feet)
Welsh: glas wen (literally “blue smile”, one that is sarcastic or mocking), hiraeth (homesickness, nostalgia, a longing for somewhere one cannot or will not return to)
Yiddish: לופֿטמענטש [luftmentsh] (literally “air person”, someone who is a bit of a dreamer)
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lunarsilkscreen · 11 months
- Christaphobia -
What you don't understand about Hasidic Jews (is this the correct denomination?) Muslims, Islam, and even Hindi fear (and sometimes detest) Christians (and by extension white people in general) because they don't strictly follow dietary restrictions.
Hindus are vegan by religion, which is a little different from the western vegan religion. But that's where I'll stop with their position in all this.
matt15 : Then some Pharisees and teachers of the Law came from Jerusalem to Jesus and asked him, “Why is it that your disciples disobey the teaching handed down by our ancestors? They don't wash their hands in the proper way before they eat!”
This was written before "AD" was how we measured years. 2000 years, and not much has changed. Jews and Muslims still say things like this, and the weird thing is: Christians stopped responding as Jesus would and instead started joining them.
I can't tell you how when or why that started. But it's a strange phenomenon to say the least.
A mixed religion couple that I know, the husbands a Christian, and the wife is Muslim, and they raise their kids with strict dietary concerns. Not because the children have allergies or the food is bad, but because they would be considered "defiled" or "unclean" forever based on the teachings of their religion.
This is where that word "Infidel" comes into play. They do not honor God because they looked at Bacon Strips with desire!
Christians are then de-sanctified, unclean, detestable beasts.
Israel wouldnt serve you lobster in their highest end restaurants, and if you ask, they might kick you out of the city into Palestine.
To be fair: Shellfish In the middle of the desert probably not much higher on the delibility scale than gas station sushi. California Rolls aside. (It's not real crab.)
2000 years later, and they still haven't heard what Christ said other than "I'm so much better than Mohammed you guys."
At least Jesus Christ knows how to take a joke.
In the middle east, unlike Westworld, Christians are infact a minority.
But here's a fact; Unlike Judaism and Muslim faiths, Christians aren't Christian because they were born that way, but because they are considered *impure* by the more Bougie religions.
We are the detestable, the shellfish eating, rule breaking counter culture.
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glaciiermonarch · 8 months
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❀ *◦ sen mitsuji. genderfluid. he/she/they. demiromantic homosexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that takaharu mochizuki? i think that the thirty-five-year-old from adelaide, south australia, works as dj at the boom boom room, music producer & engineer, and drummer of vain rogues & the ghost orchestra; but outside of that people describe them as perpetual busyness to prevent the chance of an emotion occurring; a pristine but empty-feeling mansion with too many rooms; perfectly pouty lips pulling up in a smirk over a private joke; and a robin's egg blue drum kit with every possible bell and whistle on the market. i hear they are moody & distant, but they are also known to be cerebral & generous. consider giving them a visit at their home in winterwood estates and get to know why they’re called the ice queen.
➙ this character uses he/him, they/them, AND she/her pronouns freely! the writer will be using ALL of them, sometimes within the same paragraph, so please extend the same courtesy! ➙ taka is attracted to men and masc-presenting enbies and just calls themself gay!
full name: takaharu mochizuki ➙ this is in "western" order since taka grew up in english-speaking countries ➙ kanji: 望月 貴陽 (Mochizuki Takaharu)  望 (mochi) meaning "wish, desire" and 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon;” together meaning “full moon” 貴 (taka) meaning “precious” and 陽 (haru) meaning “sun”
nicknames: taka, taki, tako, haru, mochi-san, tsuki-san
dob: 17 august 1989
place of birth: adelaide, south australia, australia
languages: japanese (native); australian english (native); korean (advanced); german (advanced); arabic (advanced); hindi (strong); mandarin (strong); okinawan (some)
education: bachelor’s degree in philosophy and asian & middle eastern studies, duke university
strengths: educated; cerebral; generous; loyal; resolute; shrewd; creative; captivating; wise; patient
weaknesses: cold; moody; gloomy; judgmental; harsh; disconnected; distant; crass
hobbies: playing drums, guitar, piano, and clarinet; surfing; skateboarding; playing video games; smoking weed; napping; reading
likes: warm weather & beaches; fashion;
dislikes: messy people; uncreative people; children (friends' kids are an exception)
disabilities & health: major depression; chronic back and knee pain
even the silverest of spoons being in your mouth when you're born doesn't shield you from the unhappiness of life, but it does slap a bandage over a festering wound so you can ignore it a while longer. kenta mochizuki, a dermatologist originally from japan. beth mcnulty, general legal counsel for one of the biggest energy companies in all of australia. married a little later than either of their families would have liked, but in their defense, they were both busy being successful. and they barely slowed down long enough to have their only child, takaharu.
though of an ornery countenance since birth, taka was always still popular and favored because he was pretty and rich. clarinet lessons, piano lessons, drum lessons, surfing lessons, she was set up for success from the very beginning. her childhood memories are mostly accompanied by nannies and tutors, though her father, an earnest and excitable man, always made an effort to be present in his child's life, eager to see her succeed.
there was always a distance between taka and their mother, though; taka knows now that beth never wanted to be a parent. this attitude became clearly evident when she didn't show up to taka's tenth birthday dinner. it was soon revealed that she'd forgotten, and more of the truth came tumbling out: she shirked her parental duties for an affair. and this apparently had been going on for quite some time, seeing other men that weren't her heartbreakingly devoted husband.
a divorce ensued, and taka sided with his kind, loving father, who had also always made an effort to keep japanese culture alive in the home. when taka was barely into her teens, her father sat her down to tell her about a woman he'd met online, one he'd fallen in love with. the catch was that she lived in malibu. taka was given the choice to live with her mother or move to the united states with her father. she easily chose the latter.
lashonda rhimes, successful anesthesiologist to the stars, and kenta's second wife. she was a few years younger, though not egregiously so, but still childless. and she treated taka like her own child, which might have been externally brushed off by the surly teenager, but taka came to appreciate it. he was popular in his new home, with his accent and his money and his looks. being so intelligent, the transition to a new continent wasn't difficult at all, and he finished high school near the top of his class.
he didn't really have a plan for his life, and all his parents really wanted out of him was just for him to go to college. an acceptance to duke university was sweetened by some scholarships, and whatever those didn't cover was easily made up for by the wads of cash his family had. taka had started smoking weed not long after landing in the US, but she branched out into new drugs while in durham, north carolina, for college.
acid trips were unpleasant every time she tried dropping; and she didn't like injecting anything to leave marks behind on her pretty body. but she soon found a bad habit in cocaine. she would sniff a few lines, party for several hours, go home and do homework, go to class, and go to modeling shoots, and do it all over again. somehow, using sheer ambition probably, she finished college within 4 years, even with a double major and a couple semesters spent studying abroad.
bouncing around the US for a year or so; living with his aunt in japan for a couple years; and then landing in anchorage for the next adventure around 2016
these days, taka keep busy in any way she knows how: too long with her own thoughts can be dangerous and make her itch to return to her cocaine habit. but they've done a good job of staying clean. taka doesn't need to work for money—his mother sends him gobs of money to curry his favor, and his father and stepmother have nobody else to spoil—but he does work to stay busy, spinning tunes at the boom boom room; modeling for small indie publications and brands; and gaining some traction as a music producer.
with more money than one person should ever need, taka gives a lot of it away. there are a few charities she routinely makes generous donations to; but she also likes to take care of her friends. she'll buy her closest friends whatever they want, buy their groceries, offer to pay rent or even let them stay in her house, offer to pay their medical bills... seriously, what is one lonely person gonna do with all those digits in their bank account? besides, spending money is the only way she knows how to show love.
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louisblue-28 · 1 year
I am so incredibly done with misogynistic men.
Our class consists of two hundred girls, all around the age of sixteen to seventeen. There is an all male academic faculty at our institution. One of my teachers, a forty something year old man said and I quote, “you all are too young to actually realise what’s going on around you and what will happen in the future if you don’t study and work hard now. If you don’t then you know, you want to get something in the future and then you’ll have to ask him (husband) for money. By the looks of it, none of you are actually trying to escape that and you’re being lazy and wasting time. I am giving my everything and there you are sitting and doing nothing.”
Another one of my teacher said and I quote “stop laughing or your teeth will fall out and your father will have to pay more dahej” for anyone who doesn’t speak Hindi, dahej means dowry.
These are just a fraction of the things I’ve heard some of my teachers say. Some might say that they were talking about it as a joke, I do not care. It is no one’s right to tell me that my life will be handed over to a man if I do not clear this highly competitive exam. Hell it is no one’s right to tell me how I am supposed to live my life. There is a huge difference between guidance and manipulation.
Though most of the girls in my class are smart enough to realise that these men are just making a fool out of themselves by saying all this, we never know if this is some girl’s reality. After all, we do live in a world where it is normal and culturally appropriate to arrange a marriage between two people who don’t even want that but god forbid if two people of the same gender genuinely love each other and want to get married.
It’s 2023, grow the fuck up.
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writingrightendings · 2 years
Dr Shashank x Dr Juhi - Sanjivani (Part 1)
Here's my head canon on what actually happens with Dr Shashank's and Dr Juhi's lives in Sanjivani/Sanjeevani.
First, imma gonna totally disregard the Shashank and Sid storyline. If you must - it's a Hindi soap - Shashank had a nice identical twin brother he never spoke of who is Sid's dad. On that note, it's also the twin brother who died, so there, two problematic plot lines out of the way.
Now Dr Juhi and Dr Shashank. Here's the thing, and other bloggers have noted it too, what IS their deal? So he's in love with her. She clearly has a revived crush. She even takes him on a date and says some "humsafar" stuff.... But girl, what humsafar? Like a friend or a husband or what? She still calls him sir for Pete's sake.
Shashank has the patience of a saint. He's not gonna push her to word it out or label. Now how do these two actually reach the place they're meant to?
I think they continue in this no man's land for a bit. But people around them are slowly starting to notice... You know those "rumours" that Rahul mentioned from 10/15 years ago, that's gonna pick up again because of the rhyme they have with each other. Completing each other's thoughts, weaving music together in surgery, spending their free time at the hospital together, having these in jokes and those half glances. C'mon, their juniors - in their own world that they are, granted! - are gonna take notice. "why aren't sir and ma'am together?" someone's gonna whisper.
But when does our head in sand Juhi take notice? Maybe she falls sick, and it's Shashank who's around her, caring for her. Her private doctor. Maybe they have to be apart for a few days for some conference - they usually go together but this time it didn't work out - and she realizes how MUCH she misses him, it actually hurts. He misses her too but isn't surprised by it. Although amused by her numerous calls (and heck, video calls!) to check in.
And what of their sexual tension. It's present. An underlying theme to their interactions. She's probably in her late 30s/early 40s? He's likely early 50s? I assume it's a 10-12 years age difference between them. Not that age matters for chemistry but just pointing out that everything Shashank said about "iss umar mein" as if one leg was stuck in the grave is rubbish. So yeah, there's this underlying tension between them all the freaking time. But he doesn't touch her ever. The gentleman that he is.
Hmm I'm gonna have to think further to figure out where my couple goes... Love you all for creating and holding this space for me.
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theguestblogging · 3 months
The Charm of Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi
Humor is an integral part of human life, and every culture has its unique way of expressing it. In India, one of the most entertaining forms of humor is the "Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi." These jokes, often known for their clever wordplay and puns, have a special place in the hearts of Hindi-speaking audiences. This article delves into the world of Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi, exploring their charm, appeal, and some classic examples.
What are Double Meaning Jokes?
Double meaning jokes, also known as double entendres, are humorous statements that have two interpretations. The first interpretation is usually innocent and straightforward, while the second one is often risqué or suggestive. The humor lies in the dual nature of the statement, allowing listeners to enjoy the joke on multiple levels.
The Cultural Significance of Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi
Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi hold a unique cultural significance. They are a testament to the rich linguistic heritage and creativity of the Hindi language. These jokes often rely on homophones, wordplay, and cultural references, making them a delightful challenge for both the teller and the audience.
In a society where direct discussions on certain topics might be considered taboo, double meaning jokes provide a playful and socially acceptable way to broach these subjects. They offer a form of comic relief that can lighten the mood and foster camaraderie among friends and family.
Why Do People Enjoy Double Meaning Jokes?
Wit and Cleverness: Double meaning jokes showcase the wit and intelligence of the joke-teller. Appreciating the joke requires a good understanding of the language and its nuances, making it a rewarding experience for those who get it.
Surprise Element: The unexpected twist in the interpretation often catches the audience off guard, leading to spontaneous laughter.
Social Bonding: Sharing and enjoying these jokes can create a sense of belonging and mutual understanding among individuals, strengthening social bonds.
Examples of Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi
Here are some classic examples of Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi that illustrate their cleverness and humor:
Joke: "Ek ladki ne apni maa se kaha, 'Maa mujhe naya phone chahiye.' Maa boli, 'Beta, shaadi ke baad milega.'" Explanation: The joke plays on the double meaning of the word "phone." In the first interpretation, it seems the girl wants a new mobile phone. In the second interpretation, the mother humorously suggests that the girl will get a "phone" (a husband) after marriage.
Joke: "Ek aadmi doctor ke paas gaya aur bola, 'Doctor saab, meri biwi bahut tez hai.' Doctor bola, 'Toh aap brake laga ke chalao.'" Explanation: The word "tez" in Hindi can mean both "fast" and "sharp." The man complains that his wife is "tez," implying she is sharp-tongued. The doctor humorously interprets "tez" as "fast" and suggests using brakes, as if talking about a vehicle.
Joke: "Ek pati apni patni se bola, 'Tumne kya banaya hai?' Patni boli, 'Guess karo.' Pati bola, 'Pehle hi keh diya hota, khaana banane ki zaroorat hi nahi thi!'" Explanation: The wife asks her husband to guess what she has made, implying food. The husband takes "guess" literally, humorously indicating that guessing itself would have been enough without cooking.
Types of Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi
Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi can be categorized into several types based on their structure and the nature of the humor. Here are a few common types:
Wordplay Jokes: These jokes rely on homophones or words that sound similar but have different meanings. Example: "Ek aadmi doctor ke paas gaya aur bola, 'Doctor saab, mujhe dawai dena, mujhe tandurust karna hai.' Doctor bola, 'Dawai toh de dunga, lekin tandoor nahi hai mere paas.'" Explanation: The word "tandurust" means healthy, but the doctor humorously interprets "tandur" as an oven.
Contextual Jokes: These jokes derive humor from the context in which they are told, often relying on situational irony. Example: "Ek ladki ne apne dost se poocha, 'Tum itna haste kyun ho?' Dost bola, 'Tumhari muskurahat se jo roshni hoti hai.'" Explanation: The joke plays on the girl's smile causing "light," adding a playful romantic twist.
Pun-based Jokes: Puns involve a play on words that have multiple meanings or sound similar but have different meanings. Example: "Ek aadmi ne apne dost se kaha, 'Meri biwi mere liye sab kuch hai.' Dost bola, 'Meri biwi bhi mere liye sab kuch khatam kar deti hai.'" Explanation: The word "sab kuch" can mean everything, but in the second interpretation, it humorously means ending everything.
Societal Impact of Double Meaning Jokes
Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi have a significant impact on society. Here are some ways they influence and reflect societal norms:
Breaking Taboos: These jokes often touch on subjects that might be considered taboo in direct conversation. By using humor, they provide a safe space to discuss and acknowledge these topics.
Reflecting Social Issues: The content of double meaning jokes can reflect societal attitudes and issues. They can serve as a mirror to society, highlighting gender dynamics, social hierarchies, and cultural practices.
Encouraging Creativity: Crafting and understanding these jokes requires a good grasp of the language and its nuances. This encourages linguistic creativity and sharpens cognitive skills.
Comparing Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi with Other Cultures
Humor is universal, but the way it is expressed can vary greatly across cultures. Here's a comparison of Double Meaning Jokes in Hindi with similar humor in other cultures:
English Double Entendres: Similar to Hindi, English also has a rich tradition of double entendres. However, English jokes often rely more on linguistic subtleties and less on cultural context. Example: "Marriage is a fine institution, but I'm not ready for an institution."
Japanese Puns (Dajare): Japanese humor also includes wordplay known as "dajare." These puns often rely on the phonetic similarity of words. Example: "Ame futte, chi katamaru" (Rain falls, and the ground hardens - implying that adversity strengthens relationships).
French Calembours: French humor features "calembours," or puns, which are similar to double meaning jokes in Hindi but often rely on the intricacies of French pronunciation and grammar. Example: "Je suis un conteur, donc je conte." (I am a storyteller, so I count - playing on the words "conte" (story) and "compte" (count)).
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In real life, if I let him do that to me, I am sure I am not alive
I abandoned my classmates because they were big troublemakers and loved lying and then they told the world that I was a liar 12 years ago. Then that Katulong man, he just took money not for buying the bread for my grandma then grandma blamed me because of that filthy rubbish man, I do not know what that creepy Katulong wants from me. He got enraged on me for not paying him, that's a joke, a sick joke, wala siyang balak Gawain yan sa akin, he need to be screwed up without any questions. Why do I need to be serious about him? Kailangan ko bang ulitin ko ba ang Long True Story? Naging rapist and phishing scammer na yan since 2013. Because he did a lot crimes on me including malicious crimes in real life. Hindi nya ko pwede lokohin, wag nya kong lokohin. I think he is warlock or a dealer of the evil witch, that he sent nasty simp spells that contacted me and my mind, would do manipulations on me, llust on me without a condom and he likes multiplying. He have no right to think about me like a pig because of being a woman, he is true swine and a parasite in real life. He wants to robbed all money like he wants to take my life, then in real life he wants to use his vehicle para masagasaan ako. There is something he wants from me
He is not gonna pay me back, he never sacrifice anything for me, he wants to return for me is sex and a new offspring, a baby that created from rape. He attempted to have a child with me in real life. Why I would have a kid like him then looks like him then that offspring will have additional traits of my dad’s mental disorder and my grandmas’ supplado behavior traits. A gluttonous autist plus a super asshole like rubbish filthy hideous Katulong, that child will do what man do. Thanks to God that I did not have a kid offspring yet.
How come I was being captured and brainwashed for my Good Luck Charms the most disgusting is, they forced me to become a mother of the new shits or forcing me to have a babies or offsprings, being unprotectedly f*cked by Katulong in real life.
In reality, the other video game creators and that voice-over want me to come pregnant and raped for their filthy characters’ existence. They made fun of my face they thought my beauty was fake and they thought I deserved to be sexually punished. They think wrong always that they think I am a pig. Those other video game creators think that I don’t deserve freedom, clothings, powers, and money because of being a girl. They think I am submissive, punishable, and breedable. They stole my luck, they my designs for free. Look at my Gcash, they are too low, I can’t buy what I need today is the discounts the items that I need to buy.
Humiliate me and underestimate me in real life then No Luck in real life. If I am got pregnant because being breed by Katulong then I will blame someone else. I have no choice I need abortions in real life, abortion pills will be in my medical kit.
In real life, Katulong is a warlock and he is acting like an abusive man like an abusive husband mistreated its wife, he’ll never be my crush, my partner, sexual partner, boyfriend and a husband. I admitted that in real life.
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mspi · 9 months
Some need to work on this
What can I say? I was brought up and taught to invest in my own company, but when working for corporate I was worried about my next paycheck. If you were working in the DotCom days ya know what I'm talking about. Heck the layoffs are coming down left & right for all careers right now.
If I were still healthy, I'd be happy to say I'd be working with Google's security division. That's hopefully gonna conynect with Google Mobile.
Why'd I eventually let them know I wouldn't be able to work with them? Ohh yeah, a few calls from them while at a physical rehab center began irking the trainers.
Should I have placed the caller on speaker? Nah, I think I was playing well as an everyday no tech person during my time there. Things only switched when physical therapy should've been happy with me for calming a senior with Alzheimer's and only spoke Hindi.
The team hit me with a bunch of questions they wanted proper responses in the same language. Uncalled for! One of them tried to help me pass with Russian. Didn't need that bit where they joked around in Yiddish and saw my head reacting to their poor puns.
Hope that rehab specialist wasn't going to be a comedian or that their wife doesn't have a job selling cologne, perfume, or deodorants. I'm not being harsh. Harsh is their wife telling her husband that the
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BS answer: I can't pay my bills.
Response: Watch your expenses and learn how to prioritize necessities.
Me: Learn to make cookies that even Girlscouts can't turn down. Study marketing on the side and make a good name for your work.
-- dnagirl
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waliandwali · 2 years
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lifemantra · 2 years
101 Funny Sms That Will Blow Out Your Mind
Are you Looking for a good laugh? We’ve got you covered…as We’ve compiled the largest list of funny quotes to make you laugh out loud. And laughter truly is the best medicine for your soul. Not only does laughter reduce stress, it lowers your blood pressure, gives you an excellent ab workout, and releases endorphins. So to keep you healthy and happy literally, enjoy these Very Funny Jokes In Hindi that are really awesome.
Terrorists have kidnapped our lecturers and demaned a ransom of 500,000 or else they will burn them with kerosene. Please donate. I have donated 15 Litres. Unknown
Walk in your own way love in your own style. Talk in your own words. Help in your own ways. Then people will say... Idiot, won't listen to anybody. Unknown
Do you ever notice that when you are driving anyone going slower than you is an idiot and everyone driving faster than you is a maniac? Unknown
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. That's because PETA Says 'Love Animals' Unknown
Lucy with her Grandpa at the mall, on the way to the restrooms. Grandpa: Since you are a girl, which toilets do you go to? Lucy: The one with the picture of the woman wearing a skirt. Grandpa: And since I'm a boy, which one do I go to? Lucy: The one with the picture of the woman wearing pants. Unknown
Teacher: Tell me an example of a creature which can live on water as well as the land. Student: Frog Teacher: Another example Student: Another Frog Unknown
I have 5 fingers for a reason: My Pinky Finger: for my best friend, and the promise I will never break. My Ring Finger: for hat special boy, when the time is right. My Middle Finger: for that b*tches who pushes me to far... My Pointer Finger: To pick out my dearest family members. My Thumb: To show the rest of the world I'm going to be okay. Unknown
Your future depends on your dreams so go off to sleep now. Unknown
Funny SMS On Boys & Girls To Laugh Now
Girlfriends are like mobile phones, whenever you want happiness just check inbox, whenever you want to cry check out box, and whenever want enjoyment just plugin your charger and enjoy. Unknown
The chance of creating a relation with a girl is directly proportional to her richness and inversly proportional to the physical strength of her brother. Unknown
Do you know the full form of COLLEGE. C- Come, O-on, L-Lets, L-Love, E-Each, G-Girl, E-Equally. That's why boys go to college regularly. Unknown
Girls who say a lot of guys are after me should keep in mind that low prices always attract many customers. Unknown
7 things Girls do in an Exam Hall 1.Write... 2.Stuck hair behind ears... 3.Again Write... 4.Change da empty refill... 5.Again Write... 6.Ask for extra sheet... 7.Again keep Writing... Unknown
7 things Boys do in an Exam Hall 1.Count the no of girls... 2.Check out the young lady supervisor... 3.Counting how many windows and doors... 4.Revising the location of chits in da pockets... 5.Seeing the brand name of a pen... 6.Waiting for the time, to get out of here... 7.Think to study well at least for next exam Unknown
Boys are like Cactus. They are good as a show plant. If you bring them home, they might hurt. Unknown
Great calculation: Only 20% boys have brains, rest have girlfriends. Unknown
Bachelor's Schedule Friendship on Monday Love on Tuesday Marriage on Wednesday Devastation on Thursday Fighting on Friday Divorce on Saturday Rest on Sunday Again Searcing on Monday Unknown
Funny Husband Wife SMS To Amuse Couples
Wife asks Husband Passionately: God gave you two legs to walk, two hands to hold, two ears to hear, two eyes to see, but why did he give you only one heart? Husband: Probably because he wants men to look for the other. Unknown
Why do couple hold hands during their wedding day??? It is just a formality, like two boxers shaking hands by the fight begins. Unknown
A man who surrender when he is wrong, is honest. A man who surrender when he is not sure is Wise. A man who surrender when he is Right is a Husband. Unknown
Wife asks Husband: What is the difference between the data and information? Husband: 362436 is DATA and 36-24-36 is Information Unknown
Husband asks his wife: Do you know the meaning of WIFE.? It means Without Information Fighting Everytime. Wife on hearing this says: It could also mean - With Idiot ForEver! Unknown
God made man and then rested. God made women and then noone rested. Unknown Friends are like rainbows, always there to cheer you up after a storm. Anonymous
A balanced diet means a cupcake in each hand. Anonymous
Why cry for someone when you can laugh next to someone else? Anonymous
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
Jokes: When Pappu reached the girl's house with a relationship... read these funny jokes. pati patni chutkule Girlfriend Boyfriend jokes hindi chutkule husband wife jokes funny chutkule latest hindi jokes viral jokes
dark mode TV9 Bharatvarsh | Updated on: Apr 18, 2023 | IST Jokes: Laughter not only gives happiness but also makes a person mentally happy. Doctors also say that if you want to get rid of mental problems like tension, you should make a habit of laughing daily. That’s why we brought you some funny jokes. Laughter not only gives happiness, but a person also stays mentally happy. Doctors also say…
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I made my own taskforce hahaha
The team is based in Alaska, but most members normally work elsewhere. General Conner made this taskforce to piss people off, but also to give people he knew were some of the best of the best a chance to prove themselves.
Most are females, may recognize them from an au version I posted.
The captain. Snowy. Has a wife. Speaks a wide variety of languages and is learning more, at the moment she can speak, read, and write in 16, but is always learning more in those languages. She can speak in more, but her reading and writing isnt as good. Russian, english, and arabic are her top 3. Travels worldwide.
Lieutenant Grizzly. Works best in snowy terrain. Used to work for the Russian military but now works with the Canadian military after his wife was threatened.
Lieutenant Rat. Has a wife and husband with 2 kids. Has two houses one in Japan, one in Poland. Speaks mostly asian style languages: Mandarin, japanese, thai, cantonese, korean, vietnamese, hindi, and polish. Stays in Poland or Japan mostly.
Sergeant Lucky. Despite her callsign she is very unlucky. Big jokester even though most of her jokes backfire on her. Has CIPA, which means she cant feel pain or heat/cold so she constantly has medical and her CO on her ass to make sure she doesn’t die. Her callsign comes from her ability to come out of life or death situations alive despite her unluckiness.
Corporal Puppet. Intersex, has quite an androgynous face, but presents mostly female. Is a contortionist and dancer in her off time. 
Tulip. Worked as a combat medic but went more into making devices that can help soldiers in battles, she also helps design prosthetics. Works at a Finnish lab. Designed a prosthetic that Lucky has.
Fairy is a dog trainer, that helps an Alaskan rescue team. She trains dogs mostly for the american military, but has helped europe and mexico with dog training. Loves body mods and has gotten her ears pointed which is how she earned her name.
This is all I have so far. Im still expanding
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strings2book · 2 years
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𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 : •• TITLE : Ek Din Zindagi Badal Jayegi •• AUTHOR : Saranya Umakanthan •• Translated By : Priya Latwal •• PUBLISHER : Fingerprint Publication •• FORMAT : Paperback •• LANGUAGE : Hindi 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : Life is a journey full of unpredictability. You never know what's going to happen in the next moment. .. This is the story of two individuals who are in completely opposite poles one is Samaira & Vivian. .. Samaira married with Ashish with many dreams in her eyes & expecting a great future ahead. She is a computer science engineer. But all her dreams scattered within a moment when her husband forced her to left her job on the next day of their marriage. She somehow managed all her pain & hide them within her songs. She is quite passionate towards her singing but her husband started making joke of her hobby & defaming her. At a saturation point, when she felt it's enough she finally decided to divorce him. Her dream life scattered into pieces within seconds moreover that she lost her family in a car accident. .. On the other hand Vivian who belongs to a well to do family & perfectly settled in his life. He aimed to become the top entrepreneur of the country. .. Both of them encountered each other by fortune & Vivian is ready to help her selflessly to give her a better life. .. To know more about it grab the book and give it a try. 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐒 : ✓ The cover is quite nice inspiring with a beautiful title. ✓ The writing style of the book is just wonderful. The Author nicely executed her idea in this book which is perfectly replicated by the translator in the Hindi version. ✓ Language used in the book is simple & easily connected. ✓ The characterization of the book is just phenomenal. All the characters are developed perfectly with some unique concepts. ✓ It has the significance to add values in your life & give you a new perspective towards life. ✓ Normally the translations of the original book from one to another language loss it's real essence. But this book is something different. ✓ The book is a detailed one which is crisp & rapidly paced which you can easily finish in one go. 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 (at Bhubaneswar, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0LwSLpyd-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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