#Hwiyoung ff
kgyeomiex · 2 years
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Pairing: Hwiyoung x reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: There aren’t any, at least not in this chapter.
Genre: bits of angst | Fluff
requests - open
“Many things interested her, and nothing satisfied her entirely,”
One unexpected family visit turns into one big roller coaster ride. You were supposed to come to California to visit your grandmother, but one visit turns into meeting someone you couldn’t bear to be around… The more you wanted to be away from him, the more he showed up everywhere… Was it fate? Or a coincidence?
Previous Parts: 
Part 1
Part 2~
Although you happened to recognize the boys right in front of you doesn’t mean you were a fan... The only reason you happen to know at least one of them is because your sister practically shoved her phone in your face every time, she would see a new picture of her damn husband.
“Uh... I think she’s a fan,” you heard one of them whisper to the boys and at that moment you knew you had to correct the boys right away because off the bat they assumed you were another fan. They probably assume that you were trying to look for them however you were trying to do the complete opposite.
“Oh no, I’m not,” the moment you happened to blurt that out, you looked at their faces and they went from smiling to looking at you in complete shock. Oh, did you say something wrong?
“Oh uh...” You could tell one of them was completely speechless until suddenly one of them thought it was okay to speak up.
“I know it’s none of my business but why are you here?” Well, you had no idea how to even take that question but just as you were about to answer you suddenly felt your head throb and you felt yourself feeling a bit lightheaded.
“Um... I came be-” you felt dizzier, so you tried to take a step, but you weren’t okay. You almost lost your balance but instead of falling to the ground one of the guys was quick to catch you.
“Guys I think we should take her to the hospital,” one of them said in a very deep voice.
“I’ll take her,” you had no idea what was going on; however, you weren’t okay.
“I’ll come with you, after all, I did hit her with the door,” yeah, he was the reason behind your throbbing head. The two approached you and both grabbed a hold of your arm.
“Youngbin, where are we supposed to go?” So, one of the guys that were holding on to your arm was named Youngbin?
“Take the van and head back to the hotel, Youngkyun and I will get a taxi and take her to the hospital,” Youngbin says, and you continued to stand there trying to get yourself together however you felt your head spinning... Before you knew it you suddenly felt completely nauseous, you had no idea why, but you could feel vomit slowly rising and you looked at the boys as they spoke...
And before you know... Right there you leaned forward and threw up...
The boys all pushed back except for one... One of them grabbed the back of your hair and held it for you as you continued with your business. You were surprised because that was probably the sweetest thing a guy can do however you felt like complete shit at this point.
When you finally finished vomiting, low-key embarrassed by your action you lifted yourself and the boys looked at each other, and then Youngbin spoke up.
“Yeah, we better take her now, we will see you later.”
“Well, the good news is that you do not have a concussion, you will have a mini bump, but you are okay,” your doctor says informing you and you nodded.
“But wait... If I’m okay, why did I throw up and why did I feel dizzy?” You asked the doctor and he chuckled.
“Must have been something you’ve eaten because you're throwing up wasn’t caused by the bump. The dizziness is due to a lack of hydration. I recommend drinking something that has electrolytes. I will be back and will get you an ice pack, you should probably put it on that bump of yours and you should be good to go,” you just nodded your head and then looked over at the two boys who were on your side.
To be honest you were a bit shocked to see Youngbin and Youngkyun still standing right beside you. If anything, you were expecting the boys to drop you off and go on with their business however they did not seem to do that.
You lifted yourself from the bed that you were sitting on and you looked at the boys.
“You know you two don’t have to be here right...” You said looking over at the boys who were staring at you and one smiled.
“I know, but I feel like we are responsible for you especially because my friend here almost gave you a concussion,” Youngbin says smiling and although you were a complete asshole to him, you couldn’t help but suddenly feel bad.
Youngbin wasn’t a bad guy at least that you know of and right now you decided the least thing you can do is say thank him especially because he decided to bring you here to the clinic when he didn’t have to.
“Um... Hey, thank you again for bringing me here,” before Youngbin can say anything the doctor returns with a pack of ice and hands it over to you.
As the doctor was about to talk to you, Youngbin’s phone suddenly started ringing and he was quick to excuse himself.
Youngbin’s Point of View
I told the boys to go back to the hotel, and to be honest, I wasn’t expecting any of them to call however one of them decided to call me and that’s when I knew one of them must have done something for them to suddenly call me.
“What did you guys do?” I asked the moment one of them answered the phone and it wasn’t long until I could hear Sanghyuk panicking on the other side of the phone.
“Uh, we may have a tiny problem,” I wasn’t surprised by the response. The only thing I was worried about was the problem the boys got themselves into.
Aish I should have gone with the boys back to the hotel room...
“What kind of problem are you referring to?” I instantly asked a bit scared of what Sunghyuk was about to tell me however instead of him talking I suddenly hear Jaeyoon speaking.
“Our manager is coming to our hotel room! If Youngkyun and you are not back in this room not only, will you two get in trouble but so, will we.” What on earth do I do now?
I knew I had to think of something quick. I mean I know I can easily make the boys stall the manager, however, Youngkyun and I would have to go straight to the hotel room and have no time to drop off the girl...
At this point on I have no idea what I’m planning to do but I must think of something fast before I get in trouble.
“Alright I’m on my way,” I informed the boys, and it wasn’t long until I ran off to where Youngkyun and the girl were standing awkwardly next to each other.
They looked right at me, and I didn’t know what I was planning to do but I must think of something quick.
“Uh... Do you have a specific time you have to be home?” I asked Y/N and she just stared at me confused.
“Why...” Instead of answering her, I smiled and then smiled over at Youngkyun.
Your Point of View
How on earth did your life turn out to be this way? One minute you’re forcing yourself to be a nice sister and go to a concert to a group you didn't even listen to... Then the next thing you know your sister forgets the tickets and happens to sneak in... You get abandoned basically the whole night and at the end of the show instead of finding your sister, you found your sister's idols instead with a head concussion.
Why? Just why...
“Why do I have to go with you guys to your hotel room again?” You asked Youngbin confused, he awkwardly smiled and looked over at you.
“You see our manager is heading to our hotel room and if he sees Youngkyun and I missing we will be in so much trouble...” Youngbin tries to explain and although you tried to comprehend what he was trying to say it got you thinking.
Well, if their manager gets mad at the idea of them possibly leaving the hotel room, how will they react when they see me in their hotel room?
“So... It’s bad for you to be gone from your hotel room but okay for you to bring a girl over?” You asked and Youngbin's eyes widen.
“Oh no... I was just about to ask you... Do you mind hiding?” Wow... ONE CONCERT = Almost head concussion, meeting your sister's idol, heading to their hotel, and finally PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK WITH THEIR MANAGER.
“Wow... I haven’t even met you for that long and I am already getting told to hide?” You said confused and to be honest a bit annoyed, however, they both looked over at you with pleading eyes.
Why do you have to be nice...
“Fine,” the boys cheered and before you know it you felt the car stop and you, at last, arrived at the hotel.
Just by the looks of things... Just from today, you can automatically tell that this is going to be one hell of a trip. You have a feeling that this trip won’t be like your other visits...
“Why did you bring her here with you?” One of the boys asked and all you could do was stay quiet and stand behind Youngbin and Youngkyun.
Okay first of all if it was up to you everything would have been different. You wouldn’t have gone to their dumb concert anyways. If you didn’t show up, then you wouldn’t be in this damn predicament in the damn first place.
Without even noticing you were so lost in your thoughts that you were looking right at the guy who commented.
“No offense,” you snapped back to reality and looked at him.
“None taken I guess,” you were offended but to be honest you didn’t even want to be there in the first place so who cares!
“Look, we didn’t have time to drop her off just to make it here before the manager does. So, the best thing we could do was come here and then see what we do after,” Youngbin spoke to the boys as they all continued to stare right at you.
Is there something on your face?
“She is some crazy fan doing this just to get closer to us,” one of them whispered to the boys. Did they forget you were in the room? Did they think you wouldn’t be able to hear that?
“You guys do remember I’m here, right?” You said looking at them and you noticed Youngbin hitting the one who commented on his head.
“Anyways if it makes you feel any better, I’m not a fan once again and don’t worry I don’t think I would ever be caught dead listening to your music so don’t worry about me,” you didn’t mean to be an asshole, but these boys have nothing to worry about.
All of the boys looked away and decided to keep their comments to themselves this time. That’s much better.
The boys continued to talk till they all suddenly got quiet when they heard voices outside their door. You looked at all of their facial expression and watched how they went from calm to panic in a matter of seconds.
“He’s here!” Youngkyun mouthed and they all looked at you and began to look around the room.
“Where do we hide her?” Whispered one of the boys and you watched as all of them were freaking out. By the looks of things, it must be their manager...
Instead of saying a thing you just looked around and found a room. If anything, you’ll just hide under the bed if it’s necessary, but you were pretty sure that the manager wasn’t going to look around the room for girls. Unless they’ve done something like this before.
As you departed from the boys you heard the whispering stop.
“Where did she go?” One of them suddenly asked.
“Who cares open the door,” damn who would have expected them to take so damn long. You stood and waited for the manager to be gone at last.
Youngbin’s Point of View
I have no idea where Y/N possibly went but one thing I did know is that I had to get the manager to not suspect a thing. I shouldn’t have brought Y/N back to the hotel, but this wasn’t planned.
Hopefully, everything goes smoothly, and I can return the poor girl to her home. What I still don’t seem to understand is how can she not be a fan and still show up at our concert.
My train of thought was gone when Inseong opened the door for the manager. He walked in and looked right at us.
“Glad to see you’re all here,” the manager says examining the room from up to down and even from left to right.
“Of course, why wouldn’t we be here?” Jaeyoon asks as he smiles and puts his arm around me.
“Just have to make sure you didn’t go wander off, you have to get some beauty sleep for tomorrow’s show,” just from body language I could tell the manager was suspicious.
Did he see us bring the girl?
I watched as the manager looked around one last time and then began to walk to the door. He smiles and looks at us.
“Tomorrow be ready by 8, you have rehearsal,” from that point on without anything else being said he looked at us and walked to the door.
I felt a bit guilty about lying so suddenly but what can I do?
I watched as he opened the door and before I know it, I see him step out and close the door behind him. As soon as the coast was clear the boys all breathed out and began to talk about how relieved they felt that he left.
However instead of joining the conversation, I began to wander off and look for Y/N,
Where is she?
Your Point of View
After hearing the boys convincing their manager that it was just them in the hotel suit you realized they are terrible liars. If you were the manager, you would have guessed they were lying but hey it’s none of your business.
“Where’s Y/N?” You were about to step out of the room when suddenly you heard the boys talking among themselves. You stopped walking any further.
“I don’t know but Youngbin why is she here again?” Didn’t we go over this already?
Sounds like the boys don’t seem to trust you however you can’t do much about it. Right now, all you want to do is go straight home and sleep. You weren’t planning to tell your sister about anything that has happened, and you still won’t. It’s nothing to be proud of especially since you aren’t a fan.
“I told you already that we didn’t have time to take her back home, so I brought her here,” Youngbin says and instead of letting the boy continue with their conversation, you decided to cut in and go home already.
“Alright I’m ready to go,” you said stepping out of the room and all the guys staring at you.
“Where did you hide?” Youngkyun asks you and you pointed at the room and then looked over at the rest of the boys and smiled.
“Don’t worry I didn’t steal anything if that’s what you’re wondering,” since they are so sure that you’re a crazy fan you just had to let them know you didn’t steal anything; not like they probably believe but still you thought you should let them know.
“We weren’t thinking that” Youngbin instantly blurts out and you smiled.
“Look it’s okay if you think I have bad intentions but trust me all I want to do is go home... So do you think you can tell me the address of this hotel?” You asked them to look around the room.
After that incident, you were expecting Youngbin to call you up a taxi and you could go home but nope. One thing you can say for sure is the boys are a bit extra with the situation.
They asked a favor for someone that was their translator in the concerts to borrow his car and Youngbin decided to go drop you off himself and you denied him over and over but didn’t seem like he knew what no meant.
Eventually, you had to say yes just because he kept insisting over and over however you were expecting just the two of you to be in the car, but Youngkyun and another member decided to tag along...
This seemed like a never-ending cycle, all you wanted to do is go home.
Was that too much to ask for?
“How long have you lived in California?” Youngkyun asks as you all sat in the car in complete silence.
“I don’t live here,” you have no idea why they are even bothering to spark a conversation however you weren’t all that rude.
“So, you’re on vacation?” Youngbin asks glancing over at you from the passenger seat and you nodded your head.
“Yes, my plans originally consisted of spending time with family, possibly reading, and maybe going out on adventures on my own instead here I am in a car with a group my sister adores,” you began to babble on and they all looked at you and you awkwardly looked away.
Maybe you should have kept your comments to yourself...
“So, wait, you came to the concert because your sister likes us?” Inseong asks and you nodded your head.
“Then why isn’t your sister around?” Now here comes more questions.
“It’s a long-complicated story that I don't feel like going in debt with,” you said glancing at the boys they all exchanged looks with one another and then stood quiet.
You weren’t being mean to them on purpose... You were just extremely annoyed with everything that just happened and right about now, you need sleep.
“Here we are,” you opened your eyes and looked over at the house and then back at the boys.
“Thank you,” you were planning to just thank the boys and go on, but you started to suddenly feel bad about how you treated them.
“And... I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I’m sorry to complicate your visit and I hope from this moment on we don’t run into each other, so I don’t complicate your time here,” you said looking at the guys from the window and they just stared at you.
“It’s okay... Sorry about your head,” Youngbin spoke up and you smiled and nodded your head.
After this point on you didn’t want to see them again. Not because you didn’t like them but because you didn’t have intentions of begin friends or letting your sister meet them. You know how your sister gets and this is for their safety...
You backed away from the car and watched as they took one look over at you and then drove off.
Now you can go back to normal vacation and hope that you won’t have any incident like this happen again...
We all know that’s not how life works…
To Be Continued 
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serenadeofher · 1 year
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a little birthday surprise
synopsis; you decided to make your boyfriend a little surprise for his bday
pairing; hwiyoung x reader
genre; boyfriend au with a little bit of fluff
word count; 787
A sunny Sunday and your favorite man’s birthday. There is no other way you would want to spend this Sunday then with him on your sweet little balcony. It’s nothing bougie as a matter of fact when you moved into your apartment the balcony looked just plain old basic until you gave it your own little touch.
With the help of your boyfriend, who contributed you with a lot of the green plants placed all over the small space and your affinity to care for plants, it became your little relax area where you can sit in the summer having a light breeze tickle your skin and your warm boyfriend sitting right beside you on the not so spacious two seater.
You were reading a book on here previously while waiting for him to arrive at your place. The plan was to surprise him with a cake for the two of us you baked with all your heart and care to make it look good. The colored frosting forming the words: happy birthday kyun and a cat in the middle of the cake with a 24 written right beside it.
You had already gotten his actual gift ready and wrapped on the glass table infront of the two seater. While he was sitting there you grabbed the cake and lit the candles before quickly walking out of your living room while singing a birthday song to him.
His smile was wide, singing along with you and clapping loudly along to your singing voices. You put the cake on the table and said “make a wish kyun”. He closed his eyes and thought for a second before blowing out the few candles on top of the cake.
He opened his eyes again and with a wide grin on his face “thank you baby but this wasn’t necessary” he pulled you towards him by your hand and you plopped down beside him on the sofa. His hand on your cheek he moves towards you and gives you a deep but sweet kiss on your lips.
The corners of your lips automatically went up. “Come on unpack your actual gift now” you nudge his side. With a chuckle he grabs the present and rips the wrap with too much care open.
When he opens the lid of the box that was wrapped, he sees a beautiful bracelet that fits perfectly to the other ones he sports on his arm daily. His eyes lit up and he puts it on while commenting “it looks so good where did you get it?”.
You laugh knowing him well he probably wants to check out the rest of the collection. There is only one problem there is no actual collection to this. “I made it myself. I hope you like it”
“Are you kidding me this is so beautiful I’m not taking it off” he muses towards you. He smooches you with one more kiss right beside your lips this time.
“But that’s not all” you remind him. His hand grabs the box one more time to see something shiny between the paper in the box where the bracelet was placed on.
A beautiful ring that matches one you got a few days ago. You grab the ring out of his hand and slide it onto his right index finger. You know he doesn’t really like to wear rings on all of his fingers. The only ring he casually wears along with his bracelets is one of your silver rings he “stole” from you but the difference of your and his fingers being quite large, the ring only fit on his pinky.
“Just thing of this as a promise ring from me. You don’t have to wear it on your ring finger tho.” You quickly add. He is really speechless now. What did he do to deserve such a caring girlfriend like you.
“Actually I think that’s where you are supposed ti wear them right? So that’s exactly what I’m going to do” is all he says while moving the ring on said finger.
The rest of the day is spend with the both of you cuddling on the balcony. You wrapped in his big arms and hugging him tightly back while talking until it’s dark outside.
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whale-minmin · 3 years
mornings | kim hwiyoung
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Genre : fluffy fluff, slight crack
Word Count : 710
A/N : i guess the guys teasing may be considered a bit suggestive? nothing nsfw though i promise, this is one of my favorite requests ever <3
Request : could you please do sf9 shirtless!hwiyoung please? the members teasing you in the morning after (seeing you wearing his oversized sweater). when hwiyoung came out of the room, he back hugging you and peppering you kisses and the members rolled their eyes. maybe something like that idk. thank you before, love all of your works💙
Birds singing, the wind gently brushing against your skin, the sun happily shining through the big windows, Hwiyoung's soft snoring. 
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It was morning, your eyes squinting as you gazed out the window. You didn't want to get out at all, you just wanted to stay in bed and sleep all day.
You rubbed your eyes lazily and sat up, looking over at Hwiyoung's sleeping form. His arm was wrapped around you in a caring manner, making you smile. You decided not to wake him up, quietly wiggling out of his grasp and getting out of bed to not disturb his rest. He looked way too handsome and peaceful to be woken up.
Hwiyoung's sweater was way too big for you, covering your knees. You wished that the others won't be up yet, or the teasing would never stop.
You took your phone and quickly replied to a few texts before putting on your flip-flops and stretching a few times. It was a pretty warm and nice spring morning, you always loved the calm and peace when you woke up.
You quietly left the room, going to the bathroom first to wash up then to the living room. Oh, how unlucky you were. The eight guys were sitting on the sofas, chatting loudly. You slowly backed off, praying for them not to notice you. "Oh, morning, Y/N!" Inseong smiled, waving to you. Oh god.
"..Morning" You replied, laying against the wall and yawning as you adjusted the sweater. You heard teasing whistles, sighing mentally. "Well, well, Y/N-" Jaeyoon wiggled his eyebrows. 
"..No." You groaned, but it was already too late, all eyes fixed on you and the guys quietly giggling.
You knew this was not going to be good. "Just so you know, we don't want to be grandparents yet" Dawon chuckled, making your cheeks turn red. "We didn-"
"Good morning." Hwiyoung entered the living room, completely shirtless. Oh, just great. The whistles got louder as Hwiyoung glared daggers at them, ruffling his hair which at the moment looked like it could be an excellent bird nest. 
"Kids grow up so fast" Youngbin sighed dramatically, wiping a nonexistent tear from the corner of his eye. Hwiyoung scoffed and hugged you from the back, peppering you in soft kisses. The members rolled their eyes and turned away, scrunching their faces in slight disgust.
"Ew. Don't look, Chanhee" Rowoon covered Chani's eyes, making the youngest groan out. "Mind you, there are kids here, Hwi" He reminded teasingly, cocking a brow at the two of you.
Hwiyoung ignored the male and continued to kiss you all over, stopping at your nose. He fixed your hair, lovingly caressing your cheek. You wondered everyday what you did in your past life to deserve him. "Pancakes?" He asked, sweetly booping your nose and smiling. You nod, Hwiyoung about to enter the kitchen but Taeyang quickly stops him. 
"You will not be causing a fire in my kitchen for the fourth time, Mr.Kim" Hwiyoung scoffed, sitting on the sofa and making a place for you on his lap. Taeyang went to make pancakes for you and Hwiyoung as you cuddled with him, throwing a fuzzy blanket over both of you to cover his chest. 
Soon Taeyang returned with the pancakes, giving you and Hwiyoung a plate with the delicious breakfast. "Thank you, Tae" You hummed, Taeyang nodding and slumping on the sofa beside Zuho. 
"You look comfy, but, uh.." Dawon scratched the back of his head, not sure if he should be telling you about it or not. You turned your head to him, frowning. "You're running a little bit very late to work" You gasped and shot up, running to change. You completely forgot about work, the morning was just too perfect. 
 "Can't you skip work?" Hwiyoung whined lazily, back-hugging you. "I wish" You stood on your tippy toes to peck his lips, putting on your shoes. "We'll cuddle when I get home" He nodded, kissing you and helping you get ready. 
"Promise?" You could swear that Hwiyoung was a teddy bear locked in a grown man's body. "Promise, you can prepare movies and snacks" You hugged him and said your goodbyes to the rest of the guys.
Mornings with Hwiyoung are always perfect.
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a/n : thank you for requesting! hope you liked it <333
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Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz
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adorkableejit · 4 years
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SF9 - 2021 Season's Greetings [BLOOMING TIME]
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restlessmaknae · 6 years
Of cat cafés & cute baristas
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In which you fail an exam and catch a cold but stumble upon a cute cat café with an even cuter barista.
♥  Pairing: cat café barista!Hwiyoung x uni student!reader
♥  Genre: fluff, comedy, slice of life
♥  Words: 2.5k
♥  A/N: Inspired by this video of Hwiyoung in a cat café. Click here to be added to the TAGLIST and to let me know about your fic preferences.
Life liked to kick you in the butt but today was just too much to handle.
You started your morning with a runny nose and a sore throat, thus the rest of your day was spent sneezing, coughing and reaching for tissues whenever you had time in between trying to breathe properly and sipping on your echinacea tea, one which your dear friend ‒ Google ‒ recommended for a spring cold. You assumed that the air condition in your apartment was the one to blame because who would come down with a cold in April, right when the flowers started blooming and kids started to evade the streets with joy (and a lot of noise)?
You were unlucky, that’s for sure.
Yet, you would call it more than unfortunate when hours later you learned that you failed your exam that you had taken a week before, meaning that you were up to at least one more week of suffering and stuffing your already useless brain with old folks’ birthdates and eccentric family backgrounds. Not that all philosophers were old folks but most were portrayed at a not-so-juvenile age, thus you liked to call them the Good Ol’ Pensioners Club when you were already fed up with them. You were fond of Philosophy but not because of figures like Hypatia who was the daughter of the philosopher Theon (Does the name ring a bell? If not, don’t worry, you are not alone.) but because of what they’ve actually said and preached about.
When the results came out, you felt like strangling your professor with your bare hands, yet you didn’t want to spend years in a prison for killing a man, so you did what seemed like the best remedy for a broken heart and a tired university student’s soul; you were looking for a hot, delicious and giant mug of hot chocolate. Having a cold or not, your love for hot chocolate was stronger than the desire to get over that stupid health condition as soon as possible.
On your way from the university to your flat, you decided to follow a different route than you were used to, small wonder you came across a cute little designer café you had never seen before. Not to mention that it wasn’t just an ordinary café, it was a cat café!
“Oh lord, I hope you don’t want to trick me into anything right now,” you mumbled as you looked at the opening hours of the place, realizing that you had plenty of time until they would close. A well-dressed old lady passed by and threw you a suspicious glance, probably wondering why you were talking to yourself (or to that so-called lord) in the middle of the street. You merely gave her a wide grin and stepped into the café instead. Fluffy, furry cats were so much better than freaky elder women who hated youngsters.
The smell of fresh, ground coffee immediately wafted through your nose, the bitter fragrance inviting you to sit down and order your hot chocolate as soon as possible. You looked around a bit before you decided to take a seat at a table in the back of the café, placing yourself between two lovely cats – an Aegean and a Foldex.
You sure had a thing for cats, but your mother was allergic to them, so it wasn’t a question if you can raise one at home. When you moved away for your university studies, you had your hopes up, but fate decided otherwise and gave you a roommate who was having none of your kitten-crazy fantasies. Kim Youngbin would never ever let you keep one because it meant more things to look after (and clean after). Since he was the one out of the two of you who actually did housework, you couldn’t convince him.
“Good afternoon! What can I get for you?” a husky voice asked suddenly, brining you back to the reality aka the cute guy in front of you who looked like an actual puppy with his toffee-like eyes, chocolate-brown, slightly longer hair that was tucked behind his ear like he was a rock star or something. His smile was a bit coy but still friendly, earning a similarly kind smile from you.
“I would like a cup of hot chocolate.”
“What kind?” he inquired patiently as he jotted down your order on the piece of paper he held in his hands. He had long, delicate fingers and you couldn’t help but stare at him in awe until your common sense slapped you in the face and made you realize that staring was exceptionally rude, and you were pacing out.
“Do you have unicorn hot chocolate?” You raised an eyebrow in question, earning a childish giggle from the guy.
You almost cursed inwardly when you realized you could have just looked at the menu on the table or the giant board behind the guy’s back. Instead, you asked him like you were already trying to flirt with him.
“Yes, we do.” He nodded, trying so hard to hide a lopsided smile that was slowly attacking his lips. You weren’t sure if your behaviour or your order made him so giddy but you didn’t want to know. You were pretty sure you had looked silly enough with your insanely red nose, that giant knitted scarf around your neck (your grandma’s present for Christmas) and your favourite pink oversized hoodie in which you tried to survive the worst spring cold of your life. You didn’t need to add to the effect with unnecessary and silly questions.
“You can get a free blueberry muffin with it,” he added joyfully as he looked up from his notes, scanning you slightly questioningly.
“Cool! Then I’ll have one unicorn hot chocolate, please.” You clapped beamingly, then sat back in your chair to pat the Foldex’s head. The boy looked at you for a second longer than it was necessary, and you couldn’t tell if it was because he eyed you or the cat that you were befriending at that moment. Guys had every right to love cats, right? He couldn’t hate them if he worked in a cat café.
“Cool! Then I’ll get it for you in a minute,” he promised as he stopped writing and gave you a timid half-smile before he scampered away to get your hot chocolate ready.
Wait, you thought to yourself as you sat up. Did he really emulate your words? Could it be a coincidence? You were merely thinking too much of it? Or… maybe he really did it on purpose? Gosh, why were guys so complicated? You were never lucky in dating – not like you were lucky in any field of life, just look at yourself sitting in a cat café having both a cold and a failed exam, pondering if the cute barista was trying to flirt with you or not –, let alone knowing what intentions guys had when they were talking to you.
Anyway, you decided to put your thoughts aside for a while and take the opportunity to spend more time with the cats around you. You only realized then that both cats had name tags around their neck, the Foldex one was actually named Max and the Aegean was Hope. They were both incredibly cute, small wonder you admired them with heart eyes until the cute barista came back with a giant mug of hot chocolate (though you could only see the whipped cream on top with cute little sprinkles, marshmallows and a blue icing drizzle) and a plate with a fabulous piece of blueberry muffin. You were drooling the moment you laid your eyes on the treats in front of you.
“Enjoy!” wished the guy with an incredibly adorable and shy smile, placing the drink and the dessert in front of you. You smiled back in response; you didn’t even think about it. Everything came so naturally when it came to that cute guy.
You didn’t know what got into you but you found yourself squinting your eyes at his white shirt to get a better look at his name tag. Your move was subtle as if you were trying to examine something behind him while he was making sure that he didn’t break your mug while he was putting it down on the table.
Youngkyun. Luckily, his name tag was not that small, so you could perfectly make out the letters. You had never met anyone with the name Youngkyun (only Younghyun), that’s why it was another reason you knew you would remember him even if you weren’t sure you spiking a conversation with him would go anywhere.
However, when you were about to take a sip of the hot chocolate, you caught him staring at you. You weren’t sure what he was up to as he stood there like he was frozen, thus you inquired about the reason instead.
“What is it? Do I have something on me?” you panicked as you looked at your hoodie, then your scarf, some loose strains of hair but you didn’t see anything peculiar. Of course, your outfit was peculiar enough but he wasn’t struck by that the first time he saw you, so that couldn’t have been the problem.
“No, it’s just…” He waved his hands defensively and pointed at your neck. “I have the same scarf,” he confessed sheepishly, biting his lower lip in embarrassment.
“Oh, it was actually a Christmas gift from my granny and I don’t have any other scarf that wouldn’t suffocate me while providing enough heat for my sore throat,” you babbled freely, chattering like you were friends for years.
By the time you shut up, you wished you had never said anything in the first place. When you were nervous, you tended to speak faster, plus you tended to speak a lot. And you were definitely nervous speaking to Youngkyun.
Nonetheless, instead of a frown on the barista’s face, you could only see a hint of worry. Genuine worry.
“You’re having the spring cold?” He pouted sadly, proving you once again that he was a real-life puppy. Honestly, how could he be so introvert yet extrovert at the same time? You were trying to figure him out ,yet you knew it was useless at this point.
So you merely shrugged your shoulder.
“Yep. I’m so lucky, I know.” You let out a nervous laughter, suddenly averting your eyes to the pink mug in front of you.
“Try our organic herbal tea!” Youngkyun suggested gently, his voice smooth like silk and sweet like agave. “It’s specifically for the cold season,” he announced excitedly like you were the only customer who was dealing with a cold that season. You wouldn’t have been surprised though.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve tried echinacea tea this morning but it tasted awful.”
“You’ll love it, I swear,” the barista insisted as he put his hand on his heart like he was about to sing the national anthem. “I don’t know how Rowoon hyung has come up with the idea of this tea but it’s really good. It helped me to overcome my flu in three days.” He nodded to back up his words, his toffee-like eyes shining with fondness.
You had to admit that you weren’t a big fan of teas, especially not the herbal ones but he was so cute and his puppy eyes already got you even without his further convincing.
“Come on, it’s on the house! Plus, if you like it and you tell him directly, he’ll let you have it for free whenever you pass by.” He leaned closer like it was only a secret between you two, something that you weren’t supposed to pass on. You were sure your face turned a shade brighter, the sudden intimacy making you blush deeper than you had intended.
“He must be proud of it.” You giggled to yourself, imagining an old man with a garden full of herbs, trying to decide if he should put the peppermint or the ginger into his next mix. “Or he’s just a born salesman,” you added playfully to which Youngkyun dramatically put both of his hands on his heart.
“Don’t get me started! He’s in love with his organic teas,” he emphasised the words on purpose, earning a laugh from you. It was so cute seeing the seemingly reserved boy open up just because that so-called Rowoon was in love with his organic teas.
A moment of awkward silence fell upon the two of you. Your mind went blank; you were searching for something (anything) appropriate to say, yet you couldn’t think of anything funny, nor interesting. Maybe Youngkyun felt the same way as he nervously massaged his temple.
In the end, he was the one who broke the silence.
“Anyway, enjoy your hot chocolate! And your muffin too,” he said coyly, already ready to leave and go back behind the bar counter. However, something in you was brave (or bold) enough to prompt you to make him stay considering that there weren’t any customers in the café except you.
“You can tell me more about that Rowoon hyung and his beloved teas if you want,” you blurted out without giving it much thought and you almost cursed under your breath when you saw the expression on his face. He seemed so dumbfounded, like he just found out that you were the daughter of the president of South Korea.
Yet, after a second, his features softened, and he immediately took the seat on the other side of the table, super eager to tell you every little odds about that Rowoon hyung who turned out to be only a few years older than you (and not a retired grandpa like you had previously imagined).
You were pretty sure you wouldn’t remember half of what he had said because you were too immersed in his beautiful eyes that were full of stars and twinkles; you simply didn’t have time to care about the rest. It didn’t mean that you didn’t have a fun time; if anything, you had the best time of your life. Youngkyun could make you forget about your stupid exam and your even more stupid cold.
Even after drinking the last sip of your hot chocolate and consuming the last bit of your muffin, you two were talking. Afternoon slowly turned into night and you were close to closing hours when reality hit both of you hard. You didn’t mind though; he left behind a bag of that so-called herbal tea to fight your cold while you left behind a promise that you would come back to the café.
Hearing your words, he sheepishly smiled and you couldn’t help but think that maybe… just maybe… you weren’t so unlucky after all.
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starricksmoustache · 6 years
At the heart of the Ocean: Chapter 1
Here it is, the first chapter! Hope you enjoy! This was especially hard to write, I had some things in mind bu didn’t know how to put it down in words, so if anything seems weird I welcome constructive criticism.
a/n; the reader character will appear in the next chapter!
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PAIRING: spartan!Hwiyoung x siren!reader
GENRE: fantasy, angst, smut
WARNINGS: major character deaths, swearing, sex, alcohol
SUMMARY: Creatures of all kinds inhabit the vast oceans, that’s what makes it such a scary place. Curiousness and greed is a curse and lead many to their deaths. Humans became corrupted over time and for that the mighty Gods’ and Goddesses’ of the Olympus created the siren; a mesmerizing womanly creature born to lure and eat those who dare find what shall not be. Men and women both alike have sailed into the Aegean Sea with the promise of riches made to last a lifetime, only to leave their families without a father, mother, sister or a brother.Over the years the people of Greece learned to not sail into the ocean in fear of what the God’s might do. Youngkyun, a man born in a Spartan family was destined to become a warrior since birth. He was by now 19 and ready to serve his king in the army by his father’s side, the general.
The next day Youngkyun woke up with a light headache. Looking to his right he saw a woman, a blanket covered most of her body but considering his own state he’s pretty sure she isn’t wearing any clothes. The more he took in his surroundings, he felt a strong sense of regret; this had been a stupid choice. He hadn’t drank much the night before so he couldn’t blame the alcohol, only his own stupidity.
Sneakily he stood up and put on his robes as well as the armor, except the helmet. Checking the window he guessed that it was late in the morning, his father and Leonidas would, no doubt, be awake by now.
“Ahhh there he is! We were waiting for you to discuss our plans.” The king was obviously skilled since he Youngkyun was there even without turning around.
“Yes sir. I apologize, I got a bit ahead of myself last night. It will not be repeated!” Youngkyun was ashamed but didn’t let it show on his expressions, instead he looked determined like the words he had said were meant for him more than the king himself.
“It’s okay son. Under other circumstances I wouldn’t let my soldiers get distracted but days before war need to be morale-boosting, I can’t have my men thinking about the women he wants to fuck while lives are on the line.” Youngkyun nodded and felt some kind of relief that he hadn’t really done anything wrong, it was just scandalous considering his position and his father.
“May I ask where my father is, I’m guessing he should be here while we discuss strategies?”
“I’m right here, and I see you’ve finally decided to join us. To spare time I won’t even ask let’s just get straight to business.”
“Yes sir!” It didn’t feel weird anymore for Youngkyun to call his father “Sir” or “General”. They had never really had a loving relationship, the love was there, it just wasn’t acknowledged -that was the women's job. Youngkyun used to call him father, he still does sometimes but ever since he officially started training for his position in the army the general had been strict about sticking to the rules and that also meant calling people by their position.
Some time later everyone on the board had gathered and the plans were discussed one last time now that the General was there to review it and come with suggestions.
Xerxes and the Persians had many disadvantages among them their swords were shorter and their armor weaker. The Persians didn’t specialize in war like the Spartans did, but they had one advantage; they were many.
“Men, prepare the horses, we’ll ride when the sun sets. General you shall stay!” Youngkyun had followed the others outside on the kings orders, but under the meeting he had observed Leonidas, he had seemed distracted. Youngkyun then decided to do something so utterly stupid, if he was to be caught not only would he be severely punished but his father would also have to answer to his crimes. Youngkyun was going to eavesdrop on his father and Leonidas conversation. As soon as anyone was out of sight he hid behind a wall. It was hard to hear but he could make out bits and bits of their conversation.
“-we don’t have a choice, this must be done!”
“Leonidas there must be some other way! Just postpone this I’ll take you to Delphi again, the Oracle could be wrong!”
“And wait for what? For Xerxes and his men to keep killing our men and raping our women? My decision is final, it’s either me sacrificing myself or let this great nation fall to the knees of the Persians. I’m telling you this as brothers in arms, I’m giving you the chance to back away - to take your son and run. The Oracle saw the truth and no Spartan is getting out alive!”
“No, I’ll stay.”
“Then it’s decided we’ll ride at nightfall.”
Youngkyun quickly moved away from the door, right now he had to focus on not getting caught.
By the time he could hear the door opening, he was too far  away for anyone to suspect him of doing something he shouldn’t . All by himself now, he took in what was said during the meeting. It wasn’t hard to figure out that they were walking into a lost battle, the Oracle of Delphi had seen what was to happen. Youngkyun was scared, not of him losing his life, but for his platoon to be depleted. 300 unsuspecting men were walking right into their demise.
He felt heavy, he knew that he couldn’t say anything. All that was left was to fight for Sparta, his family and himself.
“Men, we have ridden to Athen, we have gathered the Greek troops and we have arrived. My scouts have told me that there’s a pass not far from here, there we will perform our formations and lure the Persians in. Not everyone will come back home, but fear not. As long as you keep faith in your brothers and in the Gods, you will ascend. THIS IS SPARTA!”
“THIS IS SPARTA!” Everyone roared following the kings speech.
The five days they had been riding had been tiring, only stopping to eat and sleep meant having to be on guard 90% of the time and it consumed lots of energy But now they were there, at the pass.
A scout soldier had ridden ahead, he had reported that the Persians were to arrive in half a day. Time was short and they would have to prepare quickly with the little energy left. Having traps placed around the pass meant that they would be able to rest more and not focus solely on battle.
“INCOMING!” A lookout called. Everyone immediately took their place. Youngkyun was in arrow position on top of the hill and together with the others brought out his bow.
“On my signal you will shoot. Aim...Steady…………..SHOOT!” And they did. At least a hundred persians must’ve fallen to the fiery arrows. Once again the commander called for them to shoot. This strategy was effective but the arrows would soon end and that would mean that they would have to fight ‘mano a mano’ with swords and shields.
The arrows did as predicted not last long and thousands of Persians were still incoming. The strategy had been changed by using a few men as bait and locking in small groups of Persians to the small pass.
The king had since long seen that they would be overwhelmed so he had asked for Youngkyun to stay back.
Youngkyun never heard Leonidas say that one Spartan was destined to survive, that his fate waited somewhere else. He had although selfishly, decided to keep Youngkyun from harm without it seeming suspicious.
“Son I need you to lead the Greeks away, this is not their destiny.” he had said. And with a look towards the sky he thought back to what the Oracle had said; when the sun sets behind the highest mountain your time is out.
He turned towards the mountains and there it was, the last rays were slightly visible on horizon.
“B- but no I can’t”
“Just obey please. I know you know about my fate, but your fate is to live, now go.”
Youngkyun ran, he ran for his life and he gathered the all the Greeks he could, telling them to retreat and warn their king in Athen.
He was about to turn back around and help the other his brother but was he saw was devastating. The Persians were too many, most of his people had fallen to their swords. In the middle of the battlefield he could see two shadows, the greatest fighters; King Leonidas and his father.
Youngkyun then did something he would forever regret, he ran towards them.
The general could see the familiar silhouette running foolishly out on the battlefield, but his sharp eyes had also caught the bow and arrow aimed towards his son so he did what any father would do.
“LOOK OUT FOR THE SHOOTER!” His warning had distracted the shooter who now had him in his sight instead.
It went so fast, the arrow caught his leg and he was down in an instant. Youngkyuns legs went to a stop. His father had been shot in his place. The arrow wound itself wouldn’t be fatal but the incoming soldier sure would. A shout in his direction took Youngkyun back to reality.
“-need to get him off the field! I’ll cover you! YOUNGKYUN!” On shaky legs he took a stance and ran again to his father's aid. Two other soldier helped carry him all the while blocking incoming attacks.
The safest place was the cliff looking down on the ocean. And that's where they put the general down, behind a rock.
Once they were in a safe place the adrenalin had died down and Youngkyun finally grasped the situation; his father would soon die. In fact every single one of them would except himself.
“Son.” Nothing.
“Son, take a look at me.” With a heavy heart Youngkyun looked, he was met with his father looking the worst he ever had seen him. A pale mess is what he had become. The helmet had been removed earlier and there you could see the eyes, not the lively ones he had always known, no these were dropping and threatening to close every now and then.
“We don’t have long, we both know this so I will be clear. Don’t return home, it’s too dangerous. Make your way to Lesbos and tell them what happened here. You then need to make your way to the Olympus. I can’t tell you what you need to do you will know. But be careful. And for God’s sake, I love you son.”
“I love you too father, b-” Youngkyun couldn’t finish his sentence before someone shouted that the Persians were ascending the the hill. The General then stood up despite the wound.
“Just go son, we will meet again when time decides it” And with that Youngkyun was pushed down the cliff and into the water. 
The last thing he saw was his father raising his sword .
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hyunfelix · 7 years
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the cutest ♡ 
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(fuk u sbs for not uploading this masterpiece!!! DX)
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A Sprinkle of Salt
Anon requested: hey hi! could you do a youngbin scenario where their gf is really good friends with hwi young and chani, and he gets a little jealous
Sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoy this!
Summary: Youngbin may be kind and understanding but there’s only so much he can take.
Hanging out with the members of Sensational Feeling 9 was always a blast, although they would always grimace when you jokingly said the full name in English.
“It’s not funny,” Hwiyoung gave you a judging look.
“Yeah, that’s the name of our group. The group your boyfriend is in,” the team’s maknae stuck his tongue out at you.
“I was just joking around!” You frowned and put your fists up. “Fight me!”
Chani could only laugh and grab your hands before trapping you in a hug. “Can’t fight me if you can’t use your hands!”
“HEY!” You could only shout as you struggled from the boy’s anaconda-like hug. “YAH! LET ME GO!”
“Oh? You wanted to fight me, but can’t even escape my hug? I would’ve won then.”
After squirming until your right hand was free and pinching his side, you were free and glaring at the black-haired boy. “Do that again and I swear-!”
“We’re all friends here, no need to fight you two,” Hwiyoung declared as he came between the two of you and draped his arms around you and Chani’s shoulders. “Come on, let’s go back to the practice room. Our hyungs are probably worried sick.”
“From what? All we did was go get them some food from the convinience store.” Chani rolled his eyes. “Besides, they aren’t worried about us, they’re worried about Y/N. They’re probably thinking we drove her insane.”
Shoving the ‘99 liner’s arm off your shoulder, you turned to stick your tongue out at them. “You guys are driving me insane! I wouldn’t have to come with you if you didn’t make me lose that rock-paper-scissors game!”
“Oh?” The maknae suddenly pointed at you, “She is going insane. Insane enough to make false acusations of us cheating!”
“YAH! Your leader, my boyfriend, even told me you two did!”
“Ever think he was lying?” Hwiyoung put in.
Before you knew it, they were racing to get to the safety of the entertainment building (where the older members would try to protect the maknaes and calm you down).
“YAH! GET BACK HERE!” you yelled as you chased them down, them looking over their shoulders and laughing because you were so far from them.
You slowed to a stop as you heard your phone ring and answered your phone. “Yes?” you said, trying to hide your hard breathing.
“Where are you guys? Are you okay? They didn’t ditch you did they?” the voice that made your heart flutter asked through the phone.
“We’re right outside, I’m okay, and they did ditch me. I think they’re already in front of the practice room,” you sighed as you entered the building. “I’m in the building now, I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Okay… Hurry, I miss you.”
You could only laugh as you answered, “I’ll be right up, no need to be over-dramatic.”
“I’m not being over-dramatic, it’s the truth.” That answer made your face red as you bowed to the lady at the front desk.
“You’re way too honest…” you sighed as you entered the elevator.
“My seniors taught me to be this way. Are you here yet? Not being able to see your face but able to hear your voice makes my heart hurt.”
“You’re so cliché!”
He laughed through the phone as the elevator let out a ‘ding’ to indicate your stop. The practice room door was open to let the air out but you scrunched your nose at the smell of the combined 9 boys testosterone.
“Hang up now!” you laughed when your boyfriend’s face immediately lit up at the sight of you and hung up. He got up from his spot on one of their chairs and headed towards you, arms wide open and ready to give you a hug. However, 6 other boys saw the plastic bags you carried in your other hand and immediately surrounded you.
While they fought over the food in the bag and obscured your view of your boyfriend, you could hear him slightly scolding the maknaes about ditching you.
‘Good. They deserve that,’ you thought as you smiled to yourself before swatting the boy’s hands away. “Yah, sit down and I’ll give you guys your food. Seriously, you guys act like this all the time…”
After all 9 boys had seated themselves in their circle, you handed them their requested food. They immediately said their thanks and started digging in before you could even start to go to your spot and sit.
You sat between the eldest members, Inseong on your left and Youngbin on your right. As you started to eat what you had bought yourself, you felt the boy on your right shift closer to you. Your cheeks warmed as the leader wrapped his arms around you and gave a light peck on your cheek.
“Great, now I lost my appetite,” Hwiyoung said, passing his food over to Chani, who shook his head and pointed to Dawon.
Chani had followed after him and pushed his plate to the 95 liner as well. “Same. I can’t believe they would do this kind of stuff while we’re trying to eat…” he said as he and Hwiyoung got up. 
In anger, you grabbed the nearest thing and chucked it at them.
Inseong yelled, “Hey! My chopsticks!” But it was too late. One stick hit Hwiyoung’s arm and the other hit Chani in the back.
They both turned around and stuck their tongue out at you.
The other 7 boys immediately forgot about their lunches.
“Then you’re playing the game wrong!” you said, pushing a finger into Hwiyoung’s chest. “Do you even watch gameplays?”
He laughed and pinched your cheek, making you frown and swat him away. “It’s more fun when everything is unexpected.”
“Well, that’s why you always lose.”
“Oh, I don’t always lose. I won every time I played against Chani.” 
You laughed as you watched them argue again. The boys had finished their practice a while ago, but the vocal line went into their respective studios for vocal practice while Zuho went to finish writing raps for their upcoming songs. The dance practice room was left with just the maknaes, you, and your boyfriend. You glanced over at the leader, who was sat on the floor on the opposite wall of you. A frown settled on your face as you saw his expression.
Youngbin was frowning. That certainly wasn’t a good sign. He wasn’t one to get upset, even after Dawon did something as idiotic as almost expose your relationship with the leader on live broadcast. He was kind and understanding but then again, there’s only so much he can take.
“What’s wrong?” You sat next to him and his frown grew deeper. “What’s with the grumpy face, Mr. Grumpy Face?”
“It’s Sir Grumpy Face,” he grumbled, still able to make lame jokes even in a bad mood.
“Okay, Sir Grumpy Face. Why do you look so down? Did Dawon do something stupid again? I can beat him up for you, if you want.”
“No, it’s the maknaes.”
“Chani, Hwiyoung, and Tae? What did they do? Eat a lot of chicken?” you joked, but your laugh diminished as you saw how serious he was being. “Or is it just Chani and Hwiyoung? What did those two do?”
“They just look so happy…” he trailed off, not looking at you.
Okay, now you were seriously confused. “Um… Is that a bad thing? Should they be sad?”
“No, but you seem happy too. With them. You guys look happy together," he finally said, leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes. “I know that sounds stupid and that I shouldn’t be jealous because they were your friends before you and I started dating but I still can’t shake this feeling…”
“You’re jealous?” you couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my, you’re seriously jealous?”
He groaned, hiding his red face with his hands. “I know it’s stupid.”
“Youngbin,” you said, pulling his hands away from covering his handsome looks and searching his face. “Please look at me…”
Hesitantly, he turned to look at you with sad eyes.
You sighed and squeezed his hands with your own, giving him a small smile. “Chani and Youngbin are my friends. They’re your members. They’re both like our sons, honestly. You know how Tablo has Haru? That’s how I see my relationship with them. There’s nothing more to it.”
“I wouldn’t want them to be our sons, honestly. They ditched you, how could they do that to their own mother?” he said in mock anger, making you laugh.
You released his left hand to rest your hand on his left cheek. “I never really say this much, and it might be the reason you felt like this but, I love you.”
At those three words, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped. “Really? You’re sure?”
You rolled your eyes. “If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t have said it.
He leaned over to squeeze you into a hug, burying his nose into your neck. “I love you too. I love you so much.”
“You’re not jealous any more right?”
“How could I be when you just told me that you love me?” he pulled away and searched your face.
You looked at him, confused. “What?”
He smiled and leaned forward to press his lips against yours. His fingers resting on your back drawing circles that made you sigh and lean forward for more. He pulled you forward and you felt like you were melting into his as you two grew closer. You wanted the moment to last forever, however, certain maknaes know just exactly what to say to get on your nerves.
“Are they gonna keep doing pda until I lose sleep from nightmares?” the voice said, making you pull away and glare at whoever spoke.
Youngbin laughed as he watched Chani run out from the room, you right at his tail.
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kgyeomiex · 2 years
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Pairing: Hwiyoung x reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: There aren’t any, at least not in this chapter.
Genre: bits of angst | Fluff 
requests - open
“Many things interested her, and nothing satisfied her entirely,”
One unexpected family visit turns into one big roller coaster ride. You were supposed to come to California to visit your grandmother, but one visit turns into meeting someone you couldn’t bear to be around... The more you wanted to be away from him, the more he showed up everywhere... Was it fate? Or a coincidence?
Part 1~
More Parts:
Part 2
It was about time you got out of your neighborhood and flew to another state to visit some family. The thing about where you lived was that you didn’t have people like you around there. You had no idea what you did to have people hate you so much but you didn’t care. If anything you liked being alone.
The moment you get to California, your goal is just to spend some time with the family that you haven’t seen in a long time and be away from the negative energy. Right now you need to be calm and just relax after all this is a vacation.
“OH MY GOD!” Just as you were lost in your thoughts, you looked over to your sister and sighed.
“What now?” Your sister always has to turn the smallest thing into a dramatic scene... You shouldn’t even be surprised by this response anymore.
“SF9 IS COMING TO CALIFORNIA WHILE WE ARE HERE!” All you did was just stare at your sister as she continued to stare down at her phone.
You see, you have an older sister who was completely obsessed with K-pop. There hasn’t been a day where she doesn’t mention any groups in the K-pop community. You always asked your parents why didn’t you get a normal sister or even become the only child... They never seem to have an answer so it sucks.
“And?” You asked her and she rolled her eyes.
“Of course, you wouldn’t understand. Why do I even bother telling you?” You shrugged and continued to wait till your parents came back to you and your sister with the new rental car they were borrowing.
“Do you think they (parents) would let me go to their concert?” You glanced at your sister and shrugged.
“I mean I don’t think so, but how are you possibly supposed to get there?” You asked your sister and she looked left and right and then back at you with a huge smile.
“Duh! With the car, they rent,” That’s true, but the moment you took one look up... There you saw a sign that said:
You were going to let your sister be happy, but you decided what kind of sister would you be if you didn’t try to burst your own sister's happiness... Not a very good one.
“Sorry to rain on your parade, but...” You grabbed your sister by the shoulders and turned her to face the wall. The moment she saw the sign, her face went from a smile to a frown.
“You gotta be kidding me,” You simply shrugged, and for some reason knowing that your sister wasn’t going to be able to go to the concert she wanted to go to make you smile. It’s not that you didn’t want to see your sister be happy; however she’s been a snob.
“Try again next time... If they come back,” you simply said, winking over at your sister, and from that point on, both of your parents walked over to you two with the keys to a car.
“Ready to go?” Your mother asked the two of you and you nodded.
“Ready than ever.”
You glanced back at your sister and noticed she still had that frown glued to her damn face.
“What’s wrong with Y/S/N?” Your mother asked and you quickly gave your mother a look.
“It’s not worth asking, “ Your sister shot you a glare and at that moment your sister decided to open her mouth and be dramatic as usual.
“I swear the universe is completely against me! The moment we come here for a vacation... My husband shows up in town and I can’t go see them!” Your sister shouted and all eyes were on her. Honestly, you always seem to question how you are even related to her.
“Oh calm down, your husband doesn’t technically even know you exist,” your mother says, causing your sister to suck her teeth and storm to the car. You took one look at your mother and laughed.
“Finally someone has said it,” from that point on, you all walked toward the car you were renting out and were now on your way to your grandmother's house.
At last, when the car came to a stop, you took a look out the window and saw the same house you visited 8 years ago. Wow, it looks the same. You looked over at your sister who was passed out right next to you and you looked back out the window.
Hm, should you be a nice sister and wake her up? You slowly brought your hand to her shoulder but suddenly stopped and smiled.
Why on earth would you wake up when she looks so peaceful sleeping. You grabbed the handle of the door and made your way out feeling happy at the thought of your sister sleeping in the car and not being around you talking about lord knows what.
“Where’s Y/S/N?” Your mother asks, interrupting your thoughts and you look at her and smile.
“She’s playing dead in the car,” after that being said you walked off and went to get your belongings and you glanced over at your mother who was looking over at the car and then over at you.
“Did you just say she’s dead?” Wow you told your mother she was playing dead and the only thing your mother heard from that statement was she’s dead.
“No, I said she’s playing dead,” You tried to correct yourself but you noticed that your mother was opening the car door and was now tapping your sister. Wow, one-joke turning into your mother freaking out.
You shook your head in disappointment and now had your suitcase and bag in your hands and walked to the door. You know how good it feels knowing that you will be around family and less around people that are annoyed back at home.
By the time you were at the front door, you took a look back and noticed your sister dragging herself out to the car, your mother talking on the phone, and your father pulling out suitcases.
Should you ring the bell or just wait till everyone approaches you? You pulled out your phone and you didn’t have a single text. Eh, what the heck... You rang the doorbell and patiently waited for someone to open the door.
In a matter of seconds, you could hear someone approaching the door. At least the door finally opened and there you saw your grandmother standing right there before you.
“Sweetie,” your grandmother automatically says as she sees you standing right in her.
“Where is everyone else?” Your grandmother asks as she pulls you into a quick hug; however it wasn’t long until she looked behind you and saw how hectic everyone looked. You still question yourself how you turned out to be the only normal one in the family.
You went to the same room you always stay in every time you visit your grandmother. It still looked the same as it did a couple of years ago. The room was still empty. The only thing you had in the room was a bed, a dresser, and a bean bag chair but other than that... Your room was empty.
You put your suitcase on top of the bed but instead of unpacking you walked over to the window and just looked around.
It felt the same as when you were 10. Maybe nothing will change and maybe your vacation will turn out exactly how you think it will.
“WHAT!” You heard screaming ruining your train of thoughts and at that moment you knew you had to go see what was wrong.
You stepped out of your room and walked quickly to the living room finding your sister there with her phone in her hands. Oh no, why did you show up... You already knew your sister was going to say something about the usual problems that included her obsessing over these Korean boy groups...
You tried to walk off hoping that your sister wouldn’t have noticed your presence but it was a little too late to walk away now.
“Y/N!” She grabbed your arm and you looked over at her.
“Please say you’ll come with me.” Oh god, what is this crazy sister of yours talking about? You looked at her and then looked at your arm that she had a grip on.
“First of all please remove your hand away from me and second of all what are you talking about?” You asked your sister and she smiled.
“So I happened to find a way to get to the concert, however, mom and dad said I can only go if...” Your sister stopped talking and you just stood there and you continued to stare at her waiting for her to finish up with what she was saying however she just smiled at you.
“So... are you going to finish that sentence or is this the part I walk away?” You asked your sister and she just sighed and again she placed both hands on each shoulder and looked directly at you.
“I know!!! I know you hate when I mention k-pop around you but please... Please do this one thing for me...” What is your sister talking about? What does she mean to do this thing for her? What are you missing?
“You completely lost me..” Your sister looked frustrated after you made that comment but how can you not be confused? She didn’t even finish what she was saying and she was expecting you to understand her? Does that make sense?
“Look, can you please come to the SF9 concert if I asked you?!” Your sister asked, pleading. You were about to automatically say no however you knew this was your time to make her beg... This was your time to make her promise you that she will do any favor you ask her to do.
“Hmm... Are you paying for my ticket?” You asked, crossing your arms and without even giving it a second she automatically nodded her head.
“If I say yes... What am I benefiting from this?” You asked your sister and she began to look around and then looked at you right away.
“I WILL do anything! Please!” You loved moments like this especially when it’s perfect timing to use this to your advantage.
“Anything?” You asked your sister and she quickly nodded her head. You smiled evilly at yourself and sighed.
“If I say yes, you promise to leave me alone after this right?” You asked her and she nodded her head automatically.
“AND! You promise to do my part in the cleaning?” You asked and your sister took a minute to think about that however she nodded her head. Well, you could say yes right about now but there was one thing left.
“Get on your knees and beg,” at that moment your sister did as she was told and you were in complete shock. Wow, your sister was extremely desperate for these tickets.
“I’m kidding!” You quickly grabbed your sister by the arm and she got up and looked at you. Well, you could be an asshole and say no... Or you could give your sister a break for once, and well... Go to this concert...
“Fine...” At that moment you were pulled into a hug and you were completely shocked. What the hell just happened? Is your sister hugging you?
After agreeing on this, you knew there was no way to back down now... The truth was you didn’t want to go to any concert however since you said yes, your ticket was paid for and your sister had them.
“Y/S/N! Are you ready to go?” You asked patiently waiting in the living room however you haven’t seen your sister since you said yes.
“Almost done!” She screamed out and you pulled out your phone. You were hoping that you could go and get this over with. You wanted to curl up in a ball and watch a movie but nope here you were getting ready to listen to music your sister enjoys.
“I’m ready!” She snapped you out of your thoughts and you got up and took one look at your sister. She went all out. She had a cute outfit on and even her makeup done.
“Wow... You have really outdone yourself this time,” You said walking past her and she quickly followed behind you.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
By the time the two of you finally arrived, you looked outside of the car and saw a huge line waiting outside of the arena. Holy shit people really do listen to these boys.
“We’re here!” Your sister clapped and you could feel your father staring at her probably judging her or maybe that was just you.
“I see that...” You said still admiring how long the line was... It was from the front door of the arena till the very end... Cross that you couldn’t even see the end of the line...
“Let’s go!” Your sister says opened the car door and your eyes widened.
“Wait what... You’re telling me that we have to wait in that huge ass line... You gotta be kidding me,” You said looking at your sister, and you felt your father's eyes on you.
“Stop complaining for one night, and go have fun.” Did your father just say have fun? Is this man crazy?
“For your information, there is no way I will have fun here... And there is no way I will stop complaining until the night is officially over,” you said and your father just shook his head in disappointment.
Eventually, after basically dragging yourself out of the car you were now standing in line watching everyone around you already fangirling over this boy group. What are they called? Sff? Sf5? You didn’t care, you just came just so your sister can leave you alone after this.
“You have the tickets right?” You asked your sister and she smiled.
“Of course, they are right...” she says and she suddenly stops talking to you looking right at you...
“Wait... I gave you the tickets right,” Oh god... Just when you thought you were doing a good deed for your sister everything goes completely wrong!
“Please don’t tell me you forgot the tickets,” you said looking right at your sister but just from her not talking you could tell off of her facial expression that she fucked up and completely forgot the damn tickets...
She was completely quiet, you have no idea what is even running through her mind, and to be honest, you were a bit scared... Your sister was obsessed with this group so for this to happen... It was going to be a scary experience to watch.
“I...” She began to say and her eyes suddenly began to water.
Please don’t cry... PLEASE DON’T CRY.
“I... I,” you weren't the type to usually ever show your sister any type of sympathy or even any type of affection however you didn’t want your sister crying... Especially around all of these people because who knows they probably would assume that you are the reason she’s crying.
You pulled your sister into a hug and you could hear already cry. Oh lord. What the hell do you two do now? Your father just left and he was coming back once the concert was supposed to finish...
You didn’t want to deal with your sister feeling sad so you had an idea that might be illegal...
“Look I have an idea,” you said and your sister slowly pulled away and looked right at you when tears fell down. You wiped away her tears and sighed.
“How about... “ you stopped talking when suddenly your sister decided to interrupt you out of the blue.
“How about if I sneak in!” Wow, you had the same idea however it came out of her mouth... So if she gets caught... you’re pretty innocent.
“Yeah sure..” She instantly smiled and you were a bit taken back at how bipolar your sister was just crying a couple of minutes ago... However, instead of questioning her you just let the girl live.
However, you took one look down and the moment you looked up you noticed your sister was gone and out of your site. Where the hell did she go?
Just from that ... You had this feeling today was probably going to be a long day...
After going back and forth trying to look for your sister, you didn’t see her anywhere on-site... There was no one outside which must mean your sister got in without a problem... But what the hell do you do now?
You looked around and sighed...
Well, are you supposed to just stand out here and wait for your sister to come out or something? You didn’t know what to do to kill time but since there was a coffee shop nearby you decided to treat yourself and spend time there... Might as well, right?
You pulled out your phone and noticed people coming out of the arena. Did the concert finish? That must mean your sister was supposed to come out...
You began to walk around looking everywhere to find your sister but nothing. It was overly crowded so you quickly texted your sister saying you were going to meet her somewhere that had fewer people.
As you walked basically behind the arena, you found yourself in an alley. You have no idea how you even ended up here however you thought maybe your sister must have stayed inside to try to meet the boys... Aish that sounds like your sister...
You noticed a gray door and you had an idea. Maybe you can get in there and find your sister and stop her before she embarrasses herself. PERFECT!
Slowly you walked over to the door and before you knew it everything happened so quickly. The moment you grabbed a handle on the door you were about to pull it open till suddenly the door opened and you suddenly felt yourself on the ground.
You were so determined to get inside that you didn’t even carefully get a hold of the door, you carelessly grabbed the door and now you were on the ground because of that mistake.
“Oh, my!” You heard a deep voice say as you were on the ground and the moment you looked up you suddenly see about nine guys hovering you looking down the ground... Right at you...
“Hwiyoung did you kill her?”
“What no...”
“How was he supposed to know anyone was on the other side of the door?”
“You should always be careful opening doors.”
“Hyung, are you always careful?”
You had no idea what was happening but one thing you did know was that these boys were having a conversation right in front of you as you were trying to process life.
You felt your head throbbing at the pain. You eventually got yourself off the ground and sat up.
“She’s up!”
“Are you okay?” You looked at the one who was speaking to you and you began to rub your head.
“No I died, can’t you tell?” You fired back feeling your head throbbing and the guy looked completely taken back by your remark.
Usually, you’re not much of an asshole but you were in too much pain to care. You were planning to pick yourself off the ground but you suddenly see a hand from one of the guys right in front of you... They were offering their help...
You grabbed a hold of the guy's hand and we were now on your two feet. You looked up and there you saw nine guys all staring at you.
“I’m sorry... I-” before the guy could continue to say anything else, you suddenly recognized one of the guy's faces and realized... You were standing in front of the group your sister practically fangirls over.
“Wait... Are you boys SF9?”
To Be Continued 
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jikpop176-blog · 6 years
Shooting Star || Wattpad Fanfiction~ Trailer
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kpophours · 3 years
oooh because of chanyeol!! that's such a fun way of getting into them tho LMAO i got into them 2 months ago because of kingdom 😳😳 i started watching it because of btob and ended up with another fave group at the end of it, but honestly no regrets these past 2 months have been so much fun thanks to them they truly are such an amazing group. and my bias is hwiyoung! and youngbin as well LMAO you're right how can one only have one bias in sf9 is impossible they're all so charming (part 1) - ff
oooh so you’re a baby fantasy !! that’s lovely 🥰 and i love how kingdom drew in more fans - honestly, that and the interactions between the groups were the only reasons why i enjoyed the show lol 
they really are, aren’t they 😭 they just bring me so much joy !! and they have so much stuff to watch, so i’m sure they’ve kept you busy if you deep-dived into them over the last two months 😂
ahhh a hwi and youngbin bias, immaculate taste 🥺 i see you went for the rappers 👀 and i fought very hard against biasing jaeyoon at first, but honestly, the more biases the merrier i guess 😌 plus jaeseong are inseparable anyway, so they’re basically a package deal 😂
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ffs Hwiyoung can u not???
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