barfcity · 11 months
Is it called Barf City because Puke City is already the name of a comic. Be honest /silly
NO?? I DIDNT KNOW PUKE CITY WAS A COMIC?!?? HELP????? serious answer though - no! it was based off the term "barf city" ("someone or something disgusting or undesirable") - and also named after a song i really like.
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Medusa think MC is dead and is back to being the top dog of the gang. But, MC isn’t dead and they end up running into another again...
Written by @nydeiri
The room was silent and each pair of eyes was fixed on one person. Her aura radiated from her, power swirling throughout her body. Her presence was enough to stifle anyone who would dare speak against her. Everyone was waiting for her to say, to do something. As her steely gaze read the document, recording everything she needed to know, she moved only slightly, merely crossing her long legs. In the large, brightly lit room, some of the members had begun to shift from one foot to the other, stressed and tired.
It had been three months since Medusa had taken over the leadership of the gang. Three months since she started working like crazy, barely sleeping. Three months since she began to become more and more like her old self: A perfect mask of control and raw power that would discard anyone who might stand in her way. Scylla was the only one not happy at all when this happened, and, although Charybdis was over the moon at first, she was now starting to worry for her as well.
Just before the meeting, Scylla and Medusa had had a rather heated argument as well. It didn’t help at all with the tense atmosphere.
“Dismissed”, Medusa said suddenly, rising from her throne, her tone of voice clearly meaning she would not take no for an answer.
Sighing with relief, the monsters hurried out of the room before she could change her mind. One woman remained, waiting, her eyes fixed on the redhead. She felt her gaze and returned it, raising an eyebrow. This moment stretched for a moment before it was broken by the brutality of the tone of the exasperated gorgon.
Softly, she started a “Medusa…” before she was interrupted. It had become an occurrence throughout the previous months and it was starting to get on the nerve of the brunette. She had had enough. “You know what I am going to say. Let me finish!” Interjected Scylla when she saw the leader open yet again her mouth. “You are just trying to run away from the pain. It’s not what she would want for you and you know it. Nope, I'm still not finished!” The monster exclaimed when another interruption was going to happen, a hand raised to tell the other to shut up. “You tried so hard to go and make yourself a new life, away from all of this. Don’t give up on it. Don’t close yourself from the world.”
The two last phrases were pronounced like a plea. The grey eyes of Medusa started to harden again. Opening and closing her mouth, at loss for words, before a guttural growl came out from her. Unable to express her feelings, she violently punched the wall with one hand. One time. Two times. As she hit it again, her hand started to sting, blood on her knuckles. Tears were starting to flood and she choked on her breath. She couldn't do it. She promised — they promised each other — to protect her. But she couldn’t. And now, she was alone. She left her. She wasn’t here anymore.
Scylla didn’t move. She understood the pain her friend was in.
This cursed day, it started beautifully. Laughing and cheers filled the morning when Elaine headed to work, kissing sweetly Medusa goodbye. The redhead even had a stupid grin plastered on her face while she worked in her bookshop. But all that joy came to a halt when she received the call from Cyprin. An accident. A fucking dumb accident. The subway ceiling broke during an arrest as well as the floor, and just like that, she was gone. They couldn’t even find her corpse, swept away by the waters of the drains under the city. Medusa wanted to puke at the thought of her love’s body, floating somewhere and slowly rooting. She brought a hand to her mouth, sliding on her knees, tears now falling without restrictions. In the three months that had passed, she couldn’t do her mourning.
After a moment, she felt a hand on her shoulder, grounding her. Raising her chin, she met Scylla gaze. She nodded and let her help her back on her feet. She throws her a weak smile.
“Thank you.”
The brunette smiled in return, staying with her for the remaining of the day.
Two days later, Medusa found herself in front of the coffee shop she always had gone to. She was afraid to break down again. It reminded her of her love. Breathing in and out, she then opened the door and slipped slowly in. Then, she commanded calmly, more than she thought she was going to be. Sliding into her seat, she sipped her beverage, eyes looking at the window and the life of the city before her. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear her at first. Then, she picked it up.
“Excuse me, would you want a refill?”
Turning her head towards the woman who had just addressed her, she nodded before freezing. It was her. The redhead's eyes widened in shock at the sight before her. The brunette smiled gently at her but there was no recognition in her eyes. Stuttering, Medusa asked:
“Sorry, I… never saw you working here before. May I ask who you are?”
The waitress smiled sweetly, the same smile that the gorgon knew so well.
“I just started! Sean, the owner was kind enough to hire me after my accident and memory loss so…” She stopped herself, a slight pink beginning to appear on her ears and cheeks. “Sorry, I'm rambling. I’m Iris. Pleased to meet you, Mrs…?”
“Medusa. Please, call me just by my name.”
Her face lighting up in such a way that made the gorgon weak, she nodded before excusing herself to go serve another client. Watching her lovingly and finally at peace again, Medusa thought to herself: It seems like we have another chance, my love.
And the gods know that, starting from this day, she did her best to make her way into the heart of her lost love. Little did she know that the brunette was already intoxicated with her when she first laid eyes on the redhead.
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lemon-boy-stan · 4 years
bts reactions/scenarios - they take care of you when you're drunk (and not dating) these gifs aren’t mine, credits to the owners!
Everyone knew what kind of drunk you were so it shouldn't have been hard for Jin to remember what kind of things you'd get up to; if it weren't for the fact he was more afraid of Jimin knocking up random girls.
Focused on his friend, he let you make your way around the bar, completely unaware of your habits when he heard you screaming.
"You want a go at me?! You want a piece of this sexy ass? Yah? Well, I dare you, please have a go at me! Actually, no, I'm BLACKMAILING YOU! Do you know who I am? You've definetly heard me on the radio, "Seoul's top ten"? Hey! Hey, don't look away, mister... mister Kim Han! Go on, FIGHT ME! Or are you too twink to do it?!"
Seokjin whirled around and made a quick beeline, grabbing your arm. "Oppa!" You shrieked, "he's a assaulting me!" Jin rolled his eyes when you were glaring at the kid - he was barely eighteen and he looked very afraid. "She's really drunk," Jin mouthed to him.
"Come on, Y/N, let's go," it took all his strength to drag you away from the kid's table. Jin made sure to tell Namjoon why he'd ditched but he was positive that he knew why already; drunk Y/N was not something that needed to go on the internet.
"Where are we going?" You giggled, bouncing after him before crying out, "Oppa! Scold the stone, it hurt my little toe!" Jin smiled softly to himself, opened his mouth to say that he wasn't your Oppa, yet, but thought better of it (because he valued his life).
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Namjoon tucked you in his bed as soon as the eight of you were all upstairs back in the apartment and lied down next to you with a book in his hands, reading, watching you carefully from the corner of his eye, a hot cup of coffee on the side table.
"Hey, Namjoon!" You shrieked, giggling. "Yeah?" He looked over, "you're like, really effing hot." You snickered again but at yourself this time; did you just sensor the word fuck? "You're really effing drunk," Namjoon sighed, trying his best to ignore your words.
He was your best friend and he loved you and now he knew you loved him, too, but he wasn't going to take advantage of you. "You must have a big dick. With all that,,, all that energy! Ha, ha. Big dick ener... ha, ha! Joonie!" You shrieked, grabbing the air, he sighed again and nodded, "I love you, Joonie," you giggled, snuggling into him, "Joonie like the Moonie..." you laughed once more, "I love you to the Joonie Moonie and back..." you sighed happily.
"I wish you really did..." Namjoon sighed.
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Jimin made sure that you were in the front seat with him and that everyone had everything they came with... idiots.
He checked in once and a while to see that you hadn't fallen asleep - because if you fell asleep Jimin would probably have to call the ambulance and then that would start a scene, so.
Hobi and Jungkook were in the boot seats, playing chopsticks with actual chopsticks they stole from the lobby of the bar.
Namjoon was crying and moaning about the pair of airpods he lost, the white screen of his phone reflecting off against the black tinted car window. Yoongi gave all thirty-five of them names and was singing to them goodbye as Namjoon stroked his phone miserably.
Taehyung looked very affronted; a wasted Seokjin was ranting to him about how terrible and how disgraceful Dim Sims were.
Jimin sighed, checking back in on Y/N, who was now currently drooling all over the leather jacket which he admittedly should not have let her use as a "comfy headrest pleaseeeee Oppa pleaseeeee" but she'd called him Oppa even though he wasn't and he supposed his hormones got the better of him.
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Taehyung was walking you home; he did not feel safe leaving you here to wait for him to drive back; knowing your drunken ways you'd probably think he wanted you to chase him and then you'd probably get hit by a car.
So he made sure you followed him on his left side, wishing he had a leash, aish, could you not just walk one way? Did you have to weave in and out of air like you were on a tightrope?
The city had dangerous figures! If he wasn't with you Taehyung was sure that you would probably get abducted or stabbed or something.
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Drunk Y/N was always very erattic, like her ADHD brain but without her meds, she could start catfights just by looking at someone, she could get beaten up just by saying a backhand comment.
Sure, Yoongi loved Y/N's quirky, witty ADHD mind but he didn't like chaperoning her everywhere even though something inside him told him it was for both of their sakes.
So when it came to Y/N and alcohol Yoongi was a very strict person, his sense of fun easily deflated. He'd go as far as locking her up in a room.
Sometimes she'd sneak three more shots thinking he didn't know and he'd sigh, rolling his eyes because he didn't want her to walk off on him.
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If he had his way, Jungkook wouldn't even take you drinking in the first place.
He would've done whatever it takes to keep you at home while the others were out, but apparently Namjoon didn't count his vote.
And now here you were, at a bar, hooking your legs around some random guy. Jungkook saw your neon pink hair a mile away, sighing, he ran up and pulled you back down, "hey! You already have a boyfriend. Me."
"Oh, Jungkookie! I forgot you were here! Oh, sorry..."  Jungkook sighed, pulling you far away from the guy (who looked vaguely annoyed that he'd interrupted before you could do anything.
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a/n: yeah, I know they're dating in this one, I just couldn't think of anything else sorry
Who was worse drunk, you or Hoseok? No-one knew. One time the rest of the guys had a very loud debate about it.
Drunk Hobi was just Hobi on steroids, he was way more shrill and annoying. Drunk Y/N was just as bad; but depressed, and would sob at the littlest things.
You and Ho-Seok had never liked each other, the way he got on your nerves set you off.... So when Jimin ran to get Hobi because you were crying you nearly puked from disgust.
That was, of course, until he comforted you and got you sober again, making your respect for him go to 💯
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Ok, either Kuina teaching Chishiya how to roller skate or Chishiya teaching Kuina how to roller skate 💖
Roller skating Besties [Pre-borderland AU]
[AIB Masterlist]
Characters: Chishiya Shuntaro,Kuina Hikari, Takeru Danma, Aguni Morizono, Arisu Ryohei (briefly,he's there! Just wait~)
Summary: Chishiya is at his college,studying medical health care and other med student things,Kuina came to visit him and asked him if they could hang out together.
Warning!: none
Genre: Fluff,Crack. just two besties roller skating :3
Word count: 2.1K
Tag's: @niragis-right-hand-rabbit hope you like it girl!
I'm sorry this took so long!, I had to write other fics and the request on my wattpad account 😖
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It's a normal day in medical school,Chishiya is at his college's lab studying on things with the other people who are in the same class as him. This time their learning about how to: Cut open a person's chest/stomach for surgeries only 101-.
I'm serious "Now beneath this white sheet,there is a dummy that you need to cut open with this small knife here..but we're not in to that step yet,the first step is to..get use to the smell of someone's corpse...without your medical masks on" His professor said,as he take's out his hand to all of them,signaling to hand their masks over to him. Everyone reached into their pockets and took out their masks,handing them over to the professor.
"Everyone ready?" The professor asked,everyone shook their head confidently while Chishiya just smirks. The professor took off the white sheet that was covering the dummy now not covering it.The smell of a corpse was fresh coming from the dummy,everyone puked and some of them holding their breath and passing out as Chishiya closes his eyes calmly as he inhaled the scent of the corpse,smirking like the Cheshire he is "Everyone failed...except for you Chishiya,you passed..now cut it open" His professor said smirking back at him "Gladly professor~" He said,as he grabbed the knife and went to the dummy.
He stood right next to it "Where do you want me to cut it open professor?" He asked,looking at his professor "The most scent able part...the stomach" His professor replied. Chishiya nodding as he brought his left hand up to the dummy's chest as his right hand cuts open the stomach of it, the scent of the dummy's stomach now filling the air, everyone once again puked and passed out in the floor and holding their breath,Chishiya? No he inhaled the scent again "Good job Chishiya!, I'm very proud that ONE of my students will TRULY become a doctor" His professor said,mentioning to the other students who failed.
It is now lunch time,Chishiya sitting in the cafeteria alone eating his vegetables...specifically peas. He got out his phone,seeing a bunch of text messages from Arisu and four from Kuina. He read through the text's that were from Arisu. Arisu was talking about a medical game that he just brought that included doctor's injecting some needles into zombies to cure them back into human, Chishiya just chuckled and went into Kuina's messages.
QUEEN-Na: Hey! Hey Chishiya!,ya still in school?
QUEEN-Na: guess you are. So I was hoping maybe we could go like hang out together??,Oh! Maybe we could go to a cat Cafe.
QUEEN-Na: and after we go to the cat Cafe...wait for ittt.....WE'RE GOING ROLLER SKATING BESTIE!
Doctor Cheshire: after I finish my peas we'll go.
QUEEN-Na: HECK YEAH!,I knew it you could agree!
Doctor Cheshire: yes yes now I want to enjoy peas,thank you very much.
After the chat ended Chishiya continued to chew on his peas,while looking at the window that was beside his table where he ate..he then realized...he didn't know how to skate-.
He just shrugs the thought off of his mind as he continues to eat his peas.
Chishiya waited for Kuina outside his college. Kuina told him that she's going to pick him up with her car, so he waited with his hand's inside the pockets of his white jacket that the zipper was loose and revealed his black and white striped shirt,he wore black jeans and a backpack that had cat ears on them...that was given by Kuina of course for his birthday. He heard a honk of a car. He looks up to see the girl inside the car on the right driver's seat, Chishiya smirks as he walked towards her car and got in the passenger seat that is right next to her "Welcome aboard Doctor Cheshire" Kuina said smiling at him starting the car "Thank you for welcoming me..Miss Sexy butterfly girl" Chishiya said as he turned on the radio to hear some music.
Kuina began to drive "So what did you learn this time?" "Why do you want to know?,are you my mom now?" He asked,looking at her by the corner of his eyes "As if!, she's a cruel Bish! You don't deserve to be forced to do anything ya know?"
Kuina said,keeping her eyes on the road "Yeah..we're going to the cat cafe first right?" He asked her. Kuina just smiles and nods "Yup! After that we're roller skating" She said with a wide grin on her face now. Chishiya just lay's his head back into his chair as he closed his eyes.
They both finally made it to the Cat Cafe. Kuina shaking Chishiya's body lightly "We're here doc" She said sarcastically "I can see that clearly sexy butterfly" He said, looking at the Cat Cafe through the passenger's seat window "Well,time to get out!" She said,getting out of her car. Chishiya following her as they both got into the Cat Cafe to be greeted by so many cats "Look at all these little cuties!" Kuina squealed, as she grabbed a yellow munchkin cat "Look how teensy his leggies are!!" She said, holding the cat up to Chishiya's face "Are you mocking me?" Chishiya asked "Mocking?, how am I mocking you! Look at him!!! He's so cute!!!" She chirps again.
They both finally found a place to sit and ordered their food and drinks "So Chishi, do you know how to skate?" Kuina asked him while petting the yellow munchkin cat that's on her lap "Well..for someone like me that is likely to have a GOOD childhood...no" He said stroking a cat that was laying right next to him,showing it's belly demanding belly rubs which Chishiya did do.
The cat meows and purred at his touch "True,true..Oh! Maybe I could teach you how to!?" Kuina said excitedly "Sure..i would love to" Chishiya said, as the waiter put their two puddings on the table and one iced coffee for kuina. Chishiya got himself a black coffee which he is now sipping calmly while still stroking the cat beside him.
They chatted for awhile. Saying about how their doing and how work is going for Kuina and how college was going for Chishiya "Everyone didn't like the smell of the dummy..me? I liked it. I felt really at ease when I inhaled the scent of the fake corpse-" "Now you're making me want barf.. But at least it sound cool" Kuina said cutting Chishiya's sentence while sipping at her iced coffee "How is work at the shop going for you?" "Well,customer's come by and go. Buy some clothes ask if there any available size's for it, they buy it and leave" Kuina explains, swaying her spoon while explaining "Like always then?"Chishiya asked and she nods.
After the chat, they played rock papers scissors to see who would pay for their meal. Apparently, Kuina won and Chishiya lost, but Chishiya didn't care because he is wealth of money thanks to his dad. They both got out of the Cafe and went inside Kuina's car again "Next stop!, the mall!" Kuina said starting the car "So the roller skating rink is at the mall?" Chishiya asked "Yup!, I can't find any that was close in this city and your college,only the mall" She said while driving"That sucks...i hate the mall" Chishiya replies "Why?, because you don't like people surrounding you while you're walking?" Kuina asked "More like I don't like places that are crowded by..peasants.." Chishiya continues as he had a Cheshire like smirk on his face "That's the same thing but in Chishiya language" Kuina said while chuckling.
They both made it at the mall. Kuina parks her car and gets out,Chishiya following. They got into the big building "I haven't seen the mall since...last month" Chishiya said, while looking at the ceiling of the mall "What!?,you haven't gone to the mall that much before...never mind I just remembered on what you said in the car" She said. Both of them spend their time keeping each other company, both of them walking side by side. They didn't go straight to the roller skating rink no, they stopped at a hat shop that was in the mall, checking out some of the cool hats in the shop "These are some hats" Kuina said, grabbing a top hat and putting it on Chishiya's head "You look good with a top hat Chishiya" Kuina comments "Thank you..and yes I do love top hats. I really want one ever since when I was kid..my father won't let me have on cause-" "Let's not talk about that old man of yours right now, we're here in a hat shop. You live alone in an elegant apartment by yourself, you could buy the top hat if you want to!" "And the young woman is correct!" Someone said after Kuina finished her sentence "Allow me to introduce Myself, I'm Danma Takeru..also known as Hatter and the owner of this fine shop you may say" Hatter said, grinning widely "Nice hat you got there Mister Hatter" Kuina said, pointing at his hat "Why thank you!, my father gave it to me" He replies with a smile.
The shops bell rings, revealing a tall buff man with no hair. He looks like a tired dad "Ah! Mori Chan!, welcome" Hatter greets the man "This my friend, is Aguni Morizono. He's my best friend!" Hatter explains with a grin. Chishiya and Kuina nodding "So what brings the both of you here at the mall?" Aguni asked "We're here to roller skate!,and I'm teaching this kid how to do it properly" Kuina said, mentioning to Chishiya "Well that sounds fun!, maybe we could join in? It's okay if you don't want us to be there" "Sure..as long as you don't get too close to me" Chishiya finally spoke "Great!, what do you think Aguni? Would you like to?" Aguni nods "Sure" He said.
After that the four of them said their good bye's, Hatter and Aguni said that they will catch up when their both done taking care of the shop "Those two were nice" Kuina smiles as she looks down at Chishiya that was still wearing the top hat on his head, Hatter gave it to him  for free. Hatter heard Chishiya's story of life and felt horrible so he decided to just give the natural blonde headed cat a gift, which was the Top hat that he likes so much.
"Ah!, and here we are!" Kuina said. Chishiya looking up to see a sign that had roller skates on it "Let's go in" Kuina said, as she opens the door "After you" Kuina mentioning to the open door for Chishiya to enter. Chishiya did enter and Kuina did the same.
The room inside was filled with neon lights and...peasants Chishiya say's. Everyone was on the rink, laughing and having fun "Doesn't this look great?" Kuina looking down at Chishiya that had a disgusted look on his face "Look at all of these peasants" Chishiya say's pointing at one of them "C'mon now, don't get your Cat attitude out!, let's go" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand and dragged him to the main counter.
They both got in the locker room to pick out their roller skates that were their foot size "Chishiya!,look at this one!" Kuina said excitedly. Chishiya looks at her and saw that she's holding two pair of roller skates that is black and had cat faces all over it "Huh..interesting" Chishiya said, while grabbing the roller skates that Kuina held "I knew it you would like them" Kuina grins as she grabbed a pair of blue roller skates that had white and yellow and pink flowers on them. They both put on their roller skates as they walked to the rink.
Kuina holding Chishiya's hand, guiding him to the rink. They both stepped in, Chishiya wobbling a bit "Keep your balance, it's okay. I told you I'll teach you right?" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand as she started to move. She let's go Chishiya's hand,leaving Chishiya at his will "okay, the first thing you have to do is walking. Just like normal" Chishiya took Kuina's advice and started taking little steps "Like this?" "Yes!, keep going...aaaand stop. Okay the next step is to balance yourself, don't panic and stay completely calm" Chishiya stayed still, balancing himself "Good! Just like that, now push your upper body to the front while lifting up your right feet and dragging it" Chishiya then did exactly that...and he did it "I- I can't believe I'm roller skating" He said, skating across the rink until he fell on his butt. Kuina trying so badly to hold her laughter as she went towards him to help him get up to his feet.
Chishiya grabbing his top hat and cleaned the dust out of it as he put's it on top of his head again "I hate this." Chishiya mumbles as he stood up again "Oh come on!, you just fell like..once" Kuina crossing her arms, looking down at the short blonde figure that was wearing a top head "Fine..i'll try again" He grumbles, Kuina smiling widely while cheering "Heck yeah!" She said as they both continued skating.
The end-
[Meanwhile Hatter and Aguni]
The two men are now skating happily together with happy faces "Isn't this fun Mori?" Hatter said, smiling at his friend that is skating behind him "Quiet so" "Oh come on!, I don't see a smile on your face" Hatter said pointing at Aguni's emotionless face "No..i am happy..this is my happy face" He said "Well whatever you say" After that Hatter didn't looked where he was going and bumped into a ln angry Chishiya.
The end~
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ktheist · 4 years
[whenever you’re ready | 10:34PM]
they say the first time you lay eyes on your soulmate, your heart would stop for the briefest moment, eyes dilating, chills zapping through your entire body - as should theirs, a biological response to hold. to touch.
but jeon jungkook’s first words to you are what made you not want to devote the rest of your life to him.
“do you know who i am?” it doesn’t come from a place of malice - you know it doesn’t - because how else the prettiest deep brown eyes and pinkest lips with bunny teeth peeking underneath his half-agape, shock-ridden mouth, could be anything but the definition of hopeless romantic, old sap, soul searcher.
you happen to walk past him - a complete stranger - with a skip in your step as you wave at your friends. the spark was fleeting but it’d struck you right in your heart and settle like fine dust all over the surface of your existence -
and that’s just the thing, he barely even knows you besides what he sees and he’s willing to wait for you as you chatted away with your old time friends. until the cafe almost closes. and until you’ve hugged nayeon and dahyun goodbye with promises to keep in touch and “invite me to your wedding!”
“i do,” is all you offer and it’s all that it takes for this attractive stranger’s eyebrows to rise higher than the clouds - as though physically anticipating something.
with a shrug, you figure you should offer him more than a two-worded answer, “i just don’t care.”
“e-excuse me?” and that’s when that sparkle of hope in his eyes dwindles into confusion and then half-hearted anger - he looks the kind that couldn’t really be mad at his significant other.
“you are,” with that, you walk past him for the second time of the night - only to have nimble fingers wrap around your wrist. perhaps in an attempt to stop you. perhaps because it was the fear of waking up for the rest of his life surrounded by petals instead of the flower of his heart - that induced him to momentarily abandon his reservations.
the current flows through your streams like a thousand prickles of needles that don’t quite break through your skin -
jungkook withdraws his hand as though the touch burned him, “i- uh - sorry.”
he drops his head with a scuff of his foot against the ground and the same hand that wrapped around your wrist a second ago, ruffling his tresses - in the dark, it looked black but you soon learn it’s a darker shade of brown than his eyes.
“look,” you finally say, a sigh leaving your lips from the forthcoming switches in your life at what you’re about to say and do, “it’s not like i don’t feel what you’re feeling - i do and maybe that’s why you’re looking exceptionally attractive right now but that’s also why i can’t do this.”
perhaps it’s the flash of hurt in those eyes that dims even the anger in them. perhaps it’s the way he looks like a kicked puppy - but you still pull out your phone, unlock it and opened the keypads.
“i have to catch the last train but i’ll call you tomorrow,” he stares at the screen for the longest moment, as though seeing his future flash in front of his eyes when and if he lets you walk away after he punches his number into your phone. after what you just told him - well, he’s going to have to take your words for it, “i promise.”
they say you should take three days (four days would make them lose interest. two days would be too soon) to text a potential love interest that you’ve met and hit it off for whatever reason, be it because you found out you like the same book, or you frequent the same cafe because of it’s the only one that has almond milk or you both share a similar line of work - but never because you found your soulmate and chose to get home before your bedtime.
but just like how the generic standard of texting someone does not apply to soulmates - jeon jungkook texts you back within less than a minute.
you apologize for the belated text
you: hey
you: this is ___
you: sorry i forgot to text the day after we met
you: my supervisor was breathing down my neck 
you: because one of our team members screwed up her part
you: i just came back from the wrap up dinner with everyone
you: 😣
the emoji was every bit awkward and misplaced - on your part, at least. because the moment you renounce your livelihood with your soulmate, you at least have a sense of self-awareness that you don’t deserve to act familiar.
jeon jungkook: hey!
jeon jungkook: congrats on finishing the project 🤩🤗
jeon jungkook: if i was close by i’d buy u a meal as celebration but i don’t even know where u live
jeon jungkook: not tht ur obligated to tell me!!!
jeon jungkook: please don’t think i’m pushing you that wasn’t my intention
it’s the full sentence in his last text that sounds every bit like the man who waited for you to say goodbye to your friends and hesitantly approach you with an awkward smile and a more awkward wave of hand ‘hey’ before you acted like you didn’t know him and walked straight past him as if he was air.
it’s on the second week that you make arrangements to meet up at the cafe. because after two straight weeks of asking the other how their day went to complaining about the up tight kim naeun who keeps piling work on your desk before you even get at least two done - your conscience does not allow you to prolong the misery of a completely wonderful human being.
“i owe you an explanation.” wafts of smoke dances over the white bear on the surface of your latte as you shove both your hands into the pockets of your jacket, back leaned against the chair - perhaps it has something to do with jungkook’s arms that stretches over half of the table as he props his elbows somewhere just inches from its edge.
every time you get close to him, you feel the familiar burst of electricity course through your veins and it terrifies you how easily your foot takes a step forward and your hands shifting as though to hug him in greeting - before you root yourself in your spot, only allowing for a wave and a ‘hey.’
“before you say anything that will give me so much as a smidgen of hope-” jungkook holds a hand up, eyes of concrete resolution piercing through your own, “-i want you to know that it’s okay. it’s okay you have a boyfriend, girlfriend - someone you’re committed to because that could be a plausible reason, right?”
despite the steely fortress, you still manage to catch the faintest crack of desperation - as though that was a better reason than having been rejected by you because jungkook was, well - jungkook.
and that was far from the case. you want to tell him. want to reach out and hold his hands. want to clear that misunderstanding because within the limited time span you’ve known him, you know anyone that gets to be loved by him - but he’s wasted on you.
you don’t, do anything that is. or tell him anything.
“i’m not puking up petals,” he continues, shadows of creases beginning to form on his forehead, “and that means you don’t entirely dislike me - i hope.”
“i don’t.” this one, you have to say.
and just like that - even though he looked like he had plenty to say - he drops his gaze, rendering you unable to interpret what he’s thinking because the moment you met jeon jungkook, you know he’s a book with bled words and a walking story you’ll need a whole lifetime to finish. perhaps even write the ending of.
when he doesn’t seem like he plans to continue, you trace the handle of the cup- as though expecting it to wrap around your index finger in a mini hug. and so you tell him why.
you’re at a point in life where you think you can get higher than this - perhaps even become a manager in a few years. maybe buy a place on the better side of the city. but you’ll never get a car because you’re terrified of being behind the wheels. you’ve also hit that age where you prefer the solitude of eating instant noodles behind the windows inside the convenience store when you don’t feel like cooking.
as for kids - you have a brother and his wife is pregnant with their first child. you’ll be that aunt that gives your nieces or nephews whatever their parents wouldn’t give them just because you’ll have too much money and too little cause to spend it on.
“you would think someone who doubts the workings of fate would have a much more profound story to tell - but no, i don’t.” by the end of it, you’re the one avoiding jungkook’s eyes, gaze thrown to the moving world outside of the window, “i’m just content.”
“that’s completely valid.” jungkook’s voice brings you back to those doe eyes, a bashful curl on his lips, “makes me feel stupid for thinking you must’ve had someone special to be content.”
“it’s not stupid,” you counter, a smile of your own tugging on the corners of your lips, “just different.”
jungkook is ready to leave your life for good - or perhaps keep himself out of it because you made it clear that you don’t need a soulmate. 
it’s you who offer to show him the best barbecue place in town - the same one you went to in celebration of a job well done. it turns out jeon jungkook loves lamb skewers and he loves the one made by the old owner you call auntie kim.
in the next several weeks, you end up meeting every friday night - just because you enjoy jungkook’s company and on jungkook’s part, there’s still a trace of hope, a gleam of biological affection that comes from the cursive in on the inside of his wrist you don’t know how long he’s dreamed of finding the owner of. only for you to be everything he wasn’t expecting you to be.
but you are not entirely immune to his bunny smile and eyes that shrink into crescent moons and the endless collection of jackets he seem to own, each one differing with every meeting from the last.
on one of your countless meetings, jungkook slips a black leader jacket onto your shoulders because, “oh you know, i needed somewhere to hang my jacket on - it’s getting hot in here.”
you’re in the movies and the aircond is blasting at a minus degrees and he may or may have not noticed your hands clasped in between your legs.
and that’s when you know - you want jeon jungkook to meet your favorite people in life.
one way or another, you’re bound to each other but how you choose to treasure the other is completely up to you.
“you’re wasted on my daughter, boy.” your father narrows his eyes, as though if he squints hard enough, he’ll be able to see the strings of mistake made by fates just to confirm his claim, “you’re soulmates but you’re not even together - does that sound normal to you? i’ve never seen something like this happen before - never in my goddamn years of living!”
“maybe it’s time to put your other foot into the grave then, old man.” you can’t just sit idly as your own flesh and blood insult you - though it has more to do with getting a rise out of him than actually being offended by the truth.
and everyone at the table knows it. 
your father points his chopsticks at you, “yah, you ungrateful child.” he shakes his head but doesn’t say more - or rather, couldn’t.
“honey, don’t talk with your mouth full,” your mother, always the calm and collected one, doesn’t even bat an eye at her husband as she places a strip of meat in jungkook’s bowl, a hauntingly friendly smile on her lips, “eat up, son. you’re gonna need all the energy you can get to face the mule.”
“ah, thank you, ma’am.” jungkook lowers his head, smiling shyly at the welcoming gesture.
“oh my,” your mother coos, a hand covering her too-happy smile as she waves off the formality, “just call me mom - it’s like a blessing, my true second child has finally found his way home. it should have been you, jungkook-ah!”
“wait,” you shoot an accusatory look at your mother, “i’m not a mule - i’m an angel. you and dad called me that when i was a kid.
“yeah, that was before you grew up,” your father points out as if it’s the most obvious thing ever.
but then, if there’s ever anything you parents would agree on in a heartbeat - it seems, it’s the fact that they favor jungkook, their daughter’s soulmate, than said daughter.
it takes years for you to get promoted. now you have a bigger office than that miniature cubicle that was half the size of the cubicles in the toilet. your team still call you by your name. it’s like nothing has changed.
you’ve used up enough to buy an apartment - something bigger than the one you were renting off with more space and an extra room you’re planning to turn into a study.
“for what? so you can grill yourself to the bones on your off days?” jungkook’s laughter echoes off the walls the way it would with empty rooms.
he’s switched out his jackets with turtlenecks. if anything, it only serves to accentuate his sturdy looking chest and telltale abdominal muscles.
“i know my mom’s been getting more updates about me through you than through me,” you twirl on your heels, hands shoved into the pockets of your mustard loose pants, eyes narrowed at the brown haired man but the smile on your lips tells him you don’t mind, “but you gotta give me a head start here and let me buy the desk and shelves first so i’ll get to say i have no choice but to proceed with the study plan.”
jungkook hums, his own lips curling into a smile, “i don’t know - i’m gonna need a little... motivation to keep my mouth shut.”
he probably means a free lunch or a bag of chips or that new ps5 he’s been eyeing. but nothing could have prepared him for the blue cobalt box that you pull out from your pocket.
it takes a heartbeat for him to stare at the item in your hands as though he’s waiting for it to disappear so he can shake his head and call himself crazy and get it over with. but it’s still there as you twirl it in his face as thought it’s his favorite chocolate you have lying around in your pocket.
“what?” jungkook breathes out a laugh - it’s more disbelieve than humor.
“what.” he repeats the same word after he wedges it open and see the glimmer caught in the band.
his eyes follow your every movement as you pull out the silver band from the box, grip it in one hand as you get onto one knee, not quite caring about the dust that blankets the entire floor and countertops.
he doesn’t know it - but when he gets excited, he’d grit his teeth together while he smiles. and he would throw his hands up before keeping them in a tight grip over his head.
he’s doing that now too.
“i know this is all so backwards and we should at least date first but we’ve been to too many already - we just call them hang outs,” you clear your throat, “but jeon jungkook-”
“yes.” he speaks over you almost instantly - almost as though he only waited to see if you’re not about to pull a ‘that’s a friendship ring’ on him.
“i didn’t even finish!” your shoulder line jolts as you laugh, head thrown back at the comical but endearing sight in front of you.
still, you rise from your kneeling position when jungkook holds out his hand, muttering, “yes, yes, yes, yes,” your own squeals mixing together with his laugh when he picks you up and twirls you around the empty space. it is within a lapse of second, as he stares into your eyes through those crescent ones, dotted with the brilliance of a thousand clusters of stars, does he finally say, “i’ll marry you, goddamn it.”
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
Okay well then!!!! I am very glad and excited to share my most recent idea I had while rereading Yeti Hunting again!! And the new Incubus one too!! They're almost exactly the same idea, just different flavors I suppose. Also Joe is trans in both the ideas but that's less to do with the ideas themself and more to do with just me projecting on him sgfjgsjfhsjdh
Okay so it's like a reverse au so Stern is some kind of cryptid, but as far as Barclay knows they're just two good human friends (but maybe they wanna be a little more than friends...). And then one day Joseph goes into heat and tells Barclay he's sick to try to keep him away, but Barclay being the sweetest man alive goes to his house with fresh soup to take care of him and Joe seems really panicked about Bar being there and tries to make him leave but he is CLEARLY unwell and Barclay is very stubborn when it comes to helping people he cares about and so he plants himself down on the couch and says he's not leaving until Joe tells him what's wrong and Stern tries to hold onto his human form but it's taking too much focus and energy and whoops Barclay finds out his friend not human and currently in distress and so horny it hurts and if he can help his friend and fuck him at the same time, well then that's just a win all around (bonus points if at the end Barclay is kinda sad because he thinks Joe just needed somone to fuck him, not nessacarry Barclay, but Joe frantically assures him that he is SUPER into him and if it were anyone else he would have kicked them the hell out and probably skipped town bc he couldn't trust anyone else with a secret like this).
Or!! (This is where the incubus part comes in) Joe is an incubus and currently hiding out in his human disguise at the Amnesty lodge and it's going fine for a while, but then he starts talking to and getting to know the really hot chef. And they slowly start growing closer and closer. And maybe in this world, the power an Incubus gets from sex depends just as much on their desires as it does the human's. And this has never been an issue for Stern before, but now he's falling for Barclay and wants him and no one else so he's getting less and less energy from his encounters and Barclay is worried about him because he doesn't seem like himself anymore. Almost as if he's... dulled? When Barclay looks at him the blue of his eyes seem muted and his general aura seems... gray. And it all comes to ahead when Joe finally stops insisting he's fine and after dinner one night he asks if he can speak to Barclay privately, and he comes clean about everything and Barclay, while a little shocked, rolls with it very well and cups Joe's face in his hands and kisses him softly and it like,,, you should have come to me sooner, I'd do anything for you,,, and yeah it's really tender,,,,
Okay that's it I'm sorry it's so long and probably incoherent. I tried to use at least little formatting to make it better but it's a tumblr mobile ask, I'm not sure even the new paragraphs will translate over. The general idea is that they're close friends and Stern is Not Human and Barclay finds out under less than ideal circumstances :3 I know these are far from original or unique but I just wanted to share my ideas with you bc you're the inspiration for a good 70% of my private writings, but if you like them enough and ever feel like doing something with them that'd be cool ;3
Here you go! I went with scenario one. Content Note: some “mating” talk and mild subdrop at the end (which is, of course, taken care of)
The two canvas bags are ready to burst. Barclay peers into them, contemplating the addition of another box of tea, in case Joseph doesn’t like the other two. Mama was cagey when he asked, he doesn’t know what’s ailing the other man, only that he’s sick. 
Joseph manages Amnesty Lodge, where Barclays’ been a cook for the last six months. Barclay was initially wary of him; his cosmopolitan bearing and clean-cut appearance is so out of place in the rustic mountain town of Kepler that the logical explanation is he’s one of those city types who fell on hard times and got stuck here. 
It took less than forty-eight hours for him to prove Barclay wrong. Polite and polished, efficient and stunningly good in a crisis, Joseph handles the day to day chaos of the lodge while Mama, the owner, took care of the big picture stuff. His friendly greetings and consistent compliments about Barclays cooking gradually turned to afternoons spent at a table with his work so they could talk during lulls in business. 
When Joseph leaned against the counter, sleeves rolled up, laughing as he helped Barclay tidy the kitchen, the cook rushed headlong into his crush and never looked back. He regularly dreams of blue eyes and a movie-star face, finds his day doesn’t really start until Joseph pokes his head in to say good morning. 
He’s been without that greeting for two days now. Joseph never misses work, and his sudden absence worried Barclay enough that he checked with Mama to be sure the manager was okay.
“Joe’s fine big fella, just under the weather is all.”
The one time Barclay got sick, Joseph brought him tea and soup himself, checked in on him every hour, and--if Barclay’s fever addled brain is to be trusted--fluffed his pillows. It’s the least Barclay can do to drop off snacks and be sure his friend is okay. 
It’s a short drive to cabin Joseph calls home; he used to live at the Lodge, but as it got more crowded, he moved to his own space so those who needed a cheap, safe place to stay could have one. 
His knock on the door is answered by a brisk, “Who is it?”
“Barclay. I, uh, I brought you a get-well gift.”
Joseph opens the door to the cabin and to an entire new universe of fantasies. His normally slicked-back hair falls, relaxed, across his forehead, his loosely tied blue robe shows a tantalizing V of skin, and the dreamy-sleepy expression makes his face even more kissable. 
“Hi.” Joseph takes a step forward, taking the bags and bringing his face achingly close to Barclays’. Then he freezes, reversing into the house, “I, um, it was very sweet of you to bring all this. But you need to go.” He takes another step back, then doubles over with a groan. 
Barclay hurries across the threshold, setting the bags on the floor and steadying him over to the couch.
“Fuck, do you need me to get you like a heat pack, or a puke bucket?”
“No, no I just need to lay down, and for you to g-” he shudders, curling in on himself and tipping sideways. 
“Joseph, you’re really sick, I’m not gonna just leave you here. I mean, fuck, what if it’s your appendix or something?” He sits down next to the shaking man, rubbing his back comfortingly. 
“It’s not, I promise. Oh lord” he whines, looks at Barclay with frantic eyes, “I hope you can keep a secret.”
“Of course I can. Whatever I can do to help, I want to.” 
“Careful with those promises, big guy.” The nickname comes out in a growl as Joseph stands, undoing his wristwatch. 
“Oh FUCK!” Barclay scrambles back, almost falling over the arm of the couch.
There’s a monster where Joseph just was. Years ago Barclay saw a Maned Wolf in a zoo, and he’d swear that’s what he’s looking at now were it not for several glaring issues. First, it’s standing comfortably on two legs. It’s paws are more like hands, able to hold the watch and adjust the collar of its shirt. And he’s never seen a wolf, maned or otherwise, with spines down its back and a whip-like tail.
The creature runs a clawed hand through the fur at the top of it’s head, the way Joseph does when he’s nervous,  “So. I can’t tell you everything, at least not right now. What I can tell you is that this is the form I was born into, somewhere far away from earth.”
“Okay.” Barclays brain grinds like a broken ice machine as a familiar voice speaks to him from a fanged mouth. 
“I, um, I’m what humans call a Chupacabra. To answer the usual questions: no, I’ve never been to Puerto Rico. No, I don’t eat goats. And no, I’m not going to eat you.”
“Okay.” His heart is still racing, but not from fear, which is the most confusing was this could have gone.
Pointed ears flick, worried, “Are you in shock?”
“Kinda, yeah.” He nods as Joseph sits next to him with a heavy sigh. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to find out this way. I took the next few days off to avoid this exact scenario. I figured I wouldn’t see you, but forgot how thoughtful and caring you are.” Claws gently stroke Barclays hair, “my wonderful Barclay.”
He’s about to bring his hand up, cup those strange fingers to his cheek and whisper “always”, when Joseph pulls away. 
“I, I’m sorry. Again. I always get too handsy when I’m in heat. That’s the second worst side-effect, after the fact that being in my disguise is untenable when I’m in the thick of it. It’s like wearing a wet, wool sweater made of nausea.”
“....Hold on, you had to take time off work because you’re horny?” 
“Almost. Heat doesn’t come that often for me, which means whenever it happens, it’s intense. I have a hard time eating or sleeping, I can’t focus, and I spend most of the week masturbating. Which is not as fun as it sounds; I’m not even at the height of the damn thing and last night I humped a pillow on the kitchen floor while dinner reheated.”
Barclay groans, tries to hide it when the ears swivel his way, “Uh, guess I’m glad I brought you lots of food so you remember to eat. Shoulda, uh, put some lube or something in there as well, huh?” 
Joseph chuckles, “My nose tells me you put molasses cookies in there, so I’ll let it slide.”
“There anything else I can do to help?”
“Well…” he shakes his head, “never mind, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“Do what?”
“My heat is more manageable when I have a partner. Fucking someone relieves things more effectively than masturbation does. But I can’t-”
“I can help with that.” The offer is out before his brain catches up with his mouth. 
“Barclay, my kind have a very, um, involved mode of, um, well, I guess you foreplay. As, as much as I’d love for you to be my mate” he winces, “see, that’s what I mean. I say things like that, most of them not even possible given the fact you and I can’t reproduce.” 
“Uh, does it help if I say hearing you call me that is really hot?”
Blue eyes widen, and a tail traces up Barclays leg, “Only if you mean it.”
“I do.”
A narrow, long tongue flicks into the air, “In that case, big guy, how about we have a little planning session over dinner?”
Barclay parks in the driveway, next to Josephs’ sedan. He heads past the house and down a short slope to a creek, the twilight sky casting the forest in eerie grey-blue. There’s a tire swing leftover from a previous resident, and he idly pushes it back and forth as he waits for the game to start. 
“It’s like hide and seek” Joseph wipes his mouth, cleans cookie crumbs from the table, “We start outside, move inside, and you go as long as you can without me catching you. After all, I want a mate who can hold his own.”
He stuffs his hands in his jacket pocket to warm them. A yip bounces out from the trees behind him. When he turns, he quickly spots glinting eyes and bared fangs hidden in the undergrowth. 
Sprinting towards the cabin, he realizes Joseph laid a trap for him from the start; by asking him to begin at the creek, he’s forcing him to run uphill to safety, slowing him down. He lets his lizard-brain, concerned only with the fact that something dangerous is chasing him, take over and drive his legs as fast as they’ll go. The back door is locked, he double-checked that on the way down, so he doesn’t waste his time trying it, races to the front of the cabin and slams the door shut just as something huge rounds the corner after him. 
The nob jiggles, his pursuer testing the lock and discovering the thrown deadbolt. Barclay uses those few seconds to secure the windows on the first floor, throws his jacket down into the cellar as a failsafe, and bolts up to the bedroom. His hammering heart insists that locking that door is not enough, so he crawls into the closet and shuts himself up among the meticulously organized shirts and slacks. It’s not enough space for him to stand, so he tucks his knees to his chest and waits. 
“What happens if I, like, completely outsmart you.”
A toothy smile, “I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you.”
Each of the downstairs windows rattle in turn. Then the scratching starts, claws on wood coming closer with each breath. Joseph is climbing the wall up to the bedroom window that Barclay knows for a motherfucking fact he did not secure. 
A shuff as the window slides open, the cryptid landing with remarkable stealth on the bedroom floor. Barclay tracks him by the light coming under the closet door, his mouth covered so his breathing won’t give him away. The shadow pauses, sniffs, and then the bedroom door opens and shuts. Barclay’s not moving until he hears the front door do the same. 
Just as his legs start to protest being smushed up against his chest, the door reopens. Snuffling signals Joseph closing in, and an instant later the only light coming in is from the far ends of the door. Slowly, his last line of defense rolls to the right, revealing the creature crouching on the other side.
“Not a bad effort, big guy. You actually confused me for a minute with the scent trail of your coat downstairs.” Joseph reaches for him and Barclay, remembering that he’s not supposed to give up until he’s pinned, leans away. 
“That’s how my mate wants to play?”
“J-just following your instructions, babe.”
An intrigued purr, “I guess you are. All the more reason you’re the perfect partner for me.”
The words Barclays dreamed of hearing for months distract from the claws closing around his ankles. He lets out an undignified yelp when Joseph pulls his legs straight out and drags him out of the closet. Once he’s free of the forest of clothing, the cryptid picks him up and drops him on the bed. He moans and Joseph snickers, joining him on the bedspread. 
“Fuck, Joseph, no one’s ever been able to do that before and it’s so, so fucking hot.” He arches his back and shifts his limbs to help Joseph undress him.
“It’s because you’re the perfect size; big and strong, large enough to give me a decent cuddle when I’m human, but still small enough to be an easily subdued mate.” He gets the humans’ jeans and boxers off, hesitates, and then tosses them on the floor with a pained expression, “I’ll fold those later.”
“Gonna hold you to that. Also, wanna point out that it wasn’t that easy to subdue me.”
Joseph nuzzles his cheek, claws caressing his thighs, “Barclay, I was jogging while you were sprinting.”
“You coulda caught me right awaAAy ohwhatthefuck.” Tingling heat glides down his throat as Joseph licks a stripe along the skin, “fuck, it, it feels like the time I tried hot wax.”
The cryptid sits up slightly to look at him, “Is that a...good thing?”
“Fuck yeah. I really fucking liked it but it was fucking murder with the chest hair.”
Joseph runs his claws through the hair in question, “I like it.”
“I know, I saw you eyeing me that one time I used the springs at the lodge.”
“You can’t prove anything.” Joseph leans back down, curling his tongue around Barclays left nipple. The sensation makes him buck his hips, which Joseph correctly takes as a signal for more. He moves to the other side, takes his time teasing it and licking down the sensitive center of Barclays chest. Noses his stomach, nips his sides, and slides the alien heat of his tongue into the crease of his thighs. 
“Y’know I, ohfuck, I assumed from all that talk yesterday you’d get right to fucking me.”
Joseph kisses the inside of one thigh, “I, um, I thought about it, almost ripped your jeans to shreds and took you on the floor. But I wanted to be sure you were turned on. You’re not just a warm body, Barclay. You’re my mate. That means your pleasure matters as much as mine.” He licks up Barclays’ cock, hardened from rubbing against the soft fur of his belly, and sighs, “and what a mate.”
“Fuck” he squeezes his eyes closed because if we watches that mouth saying everything he wants to hear in between sucking his dick, he’ll cum in ten seconds flat. 
A final lick to the tip and then Joseph hops off the bed, “Did you prep the way I told you?”
“Good.” Joseph returns, sets several items he can’t see by his feet, “that’ll make things easier. First things first” he produces a cock cage, sliding it into place, “these are a few things I smuggled over from my original home. This is enchanted, so it can go on an erect cock but still prevent the wearer from cumming until it’s removed.”
“That’s just cruel, babe.” He sits up on his elbows to kiss Josephs snout, earning him a pleased yip. 
“If you cum too fast, I won’t be able to properly breed you.” He winces again, “sorry, I sound like one of Indrids romance novels.”
“Again, gorgeous, I find it really fucking hot.”
The spines on Joseph’s back ripple, “You think I’m gorgeous? Like this?”
“I do. Also kinda scary, but in a hot way.” Now it’s his turn to cringe, “see? I sound like cheap porn written by an eighth grader when I’m horny. The way you sound is fine.”
Joseph lovebites his ear, then retrieves the other two items from the end of the bed. 
“And how does this look, big guy?”
“Like it’s either going to kill me or make me cum like a dozen times.” He furrows his brow at the strap-on. It’s narrower than the average human dick, with a pointed, slightly up-curved tip. What’s worrying him are the spikes. 
The entire shaft is coated in short protrusions. They don’t end in points, thank god, but if they’re at all stiff this is going to be miserable. 
“Here” Joseph waves him over, “touch it.” He guides his fingers along one side and the spines bend fluidly under his touch, and now all he wants to know is how they feel inside him. Joseph also moans, bucking his hips so the toy slides along Barclays palm.
“It’s, ohlord, also enchanted so that the wearer feels it as an extension of their body and can cum with it. Also, please decide in the next thirty seconds whether you want to be on your back or your stomach.” Amber pre-cum drips down Barclay’s fingers. 
“Stomach is better for meWHOAH, ohfuck, okay we’re doing this.” Now flipped on his belly, he raises his ass. The cryptid kneads it appreciatively before holding it open and sliding his cock in with once, graceful thrust. 
He bottoms out with a groan, which is more articulate than Barclay is managing to be as the spines rub and glide inside him, finding every patch of nerves, every angle to drag against in just the right way. Joseph hauls him onto his knees and then he’s off, growls and yips filling the as he fucks him. Barclay only just registers the bed banging into the wall so forcefully the headboard is cracking when claws sink into his hips and Joseph pulls him all the way onto his cock and pulses into him. 
“Holy fuck that was fast.”
“I, I didn’t jack off once today. Didn’t want to waste it, wanted to save it all for my perfect mate.” He’s thrusting again, not as hard but twice as fast, “shit, you feel so good, big guy, please tell me Mama okayed your time off for tomorrow.”
“Wh-why are we talkingAHnnn, about this now?”
Hot breath tickles his ear, “Because now that I know what’s like to cum in you, I don’t plan on cumming anywhere else for the next day and a half.”
“Ohfuckme” Barclay groans happily into the pillows as Joseph empties into him, cries out when his tail whips across his calf.
“Shit, did that hurt?”
“No, no it felt good, fucking-A babe every fucking part of you is amazing.”
The cryptid whines, pleased, and wiggles his hips, giving Barclay an idea. 
“That’s, uh, that’s why I want you for my mate, because you’re so fucking goo-mmph” his face presses harder into the pillows as Joseph pins his shoulders down and fucks into him, snarling “yes” over and over again. When he finishes this time he hunches over, nipping Barclay’ shoulders and neck. 
“You catch on quick, big guy.”
“Thanks, babe. Uh, are we gonna switch it up at any point or am I staying like this until tomorrow night?”
“No, we can fuck however we want. After” a fuzzy hand rubs circles on Barclay’s abdomen, “I’ve cum in you enough times that I can feel it from out here.”
Barclay moans, tightening around him as his hips snap once more, already imagining being full and fucked out. Maybe it’ll take all night. He’ll be limp if it does, but right now nothing sounds better than melting into the bed while Joseph fucks his ass like it belongs to him. 
After forty-five minutes, his cock is aching, his mind holds only thoughts of how good it feels to do as Joseph tells him, and he’s been cum in so many times that wet, obscene sounds accompany the cryptids thrusts. Said sounds pale in comparison to Josephs’ voice, which is spinning increasingly impossible scenarios the longer they’re in bed. 
“I hope they take after you.” Joseph murmurs. 
Barclay just manages to turn his head, “Who?”
A muzzle playfully nudges his cheek, “Our kids.”
His heart seizes and shakes at the words; they both know that’s not what will happen. Joseph warned him he might say things like this, said he could tell him to knock it off if need be. 
“Maybe they’ll, ahnn, they’ll have big, beautiful brown eyes and bigger hearts, just like you.”
He doesn’t want him to stop. Every thrust hits deeper, every point where their skin meets buzzes brighter when he talks like this.
“H-hope at least one looks like you, blue eyes.”
A guttural whine, tingling heat as Joseph laps tenderly at the back of his neck, “We’ll just have to see, usually we’re born in threes so, soOH, oh I’m close, shitshit” 
“That’s it babe, fill me up, c’mon, c’mon I want it so bad, Joseph, baby, please.” 
There’s a howltrill as cum spurts into him, Joseph panting as he smooths his hand around Barclays side.
“There, that’s done it.”
Barclay whimpers as he pulls out, his mind and body pulled tight, certain that if he doesn’t cum soon he’ll propose marriage instead and that’ll be a fucking disaster. 
Joseph carefully rolls him over and unlocks the cage, “Do you want to cum?”
“More than anything. Oh!” he’s unprepared for Joseph to sink down on his cock, “oh fuck, yeah, wanna cum so bad babe please, I’ll be so good, be such a good mate if you just let me cum in y-fuuuck” A trio of sensations levels him as he climaxes; his vision whites out, his hips jerk more violently than they ever have before, and a line of cum drips down his leg. 
Somewhere far away, Joseph says, “I think we’ve earned a break.”
He nods, body limp as the cryptid climbs off him. Then he’s falling, spinning helplessly down in a pit of realizations. 
Joseph didn’t mean any of those things he said. His friend needed a mate and Barclay, lovesick fool he is, was eager for a chance to play pretend that he didn’t think about what would happen when the game ended. Even if Joseph keeps him here through tomorrow, the next time they meet at the Lodge he’ll act like nothing happened. 
Fuck, Barclay didn’t even get to kiss him during all this, and now he’ll never get the chance, never, nevernever-
“Shit, I should have put a towel or a spare blanket down. Now I’ll have to strip the bed before I can--Barclay? Oh, oh baby, what’s wrong?” A hand pets his face and he turns away from it, refusing to open his eyes. Joseph takes his hand instead, “it’s okay, I’m here, whatever you need I’ll-”
“Don’t. Don’t say that. You can’t give me what I need, it isn’t your fault I, I know I’m not really your partner and I, I…” he sniffles, wipes his palm under his eye. 
“Barclay, look at me please.”
Reluctantly, he opens his eyes just in time to see Joseph dip down and kiss him. It’s awkward, their mouths not made to fit together, but he savors it all the same because it’s Joseph, his Joseph, kissing him like he hoped he would. 
“My heat can make me say some ridiculous things. What it can’t do is make me feel affection where none exists. In fact, the reason I wasn’t able to keep my disguise on yesterday is because being near you meant being near the mate I wanted most in the world. I, um, suspected you might share my feelings, but I didn’t want our first interaction as boyfriend to be me asking if you wanted to spend a day or so with me while I was in a sex haze. But then you offered to help, and I wanted it so badly that I barreled ahead without making sure you understood that this was me declaring my feelings. I’m sorry.”
Barclay climbs into his lap, not caring about the mess he makes in the process. The cryptid laughs, hugs him close.
“I, I shoulda said something sooner too. Not that I regret how we spent our first date.” He kisses Josephs chin.
“Me neither, though I don’t think it quite counts.” He rubs their foreheads together, “can your boyfriend take you out to dinner on Friday?”
Barclay grins, looks into loving, blue eyes, “Yeah, he can.”
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tamcitrus · 4 years
Iwaizumi x Oikawa x Reader - Confessions.
A time ago I got stuck with this dynamic, I wrote a little story and I finally could write something else for them. Here's part one. I fell so hard for these dumbs. Maybe I'll work in a third part to get some spicy content for them, I don't know.
IwaOi + reader fluff.
Part III - nsfw.
Word count: 1900.
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You got to the restaurant first and sat alone at the table for three you reserved. You chose the place because you knew the owners, they were a guy from your university and his father.
“Goodnight to my favorite boys!” Hajime and Tooru arrived on time, for the first time ever, and they were amazed that it was actually a restaurant and not just a ramen shop. “Told you it was a great place! Here are the menus, choose whatever. As I said in the group chat, dinner’s on me.”
You ended up ordering a pork cutlet bowl, the boys ordered shoyu ramen. The owner himself came to serve your plates, just to say hi to you. Iwa and Oikawa looked at you in disbelief.
“Y/n-san! We’ve missed you around here! Let me invite you and your companions a great wine to your dinner,” the old man smiled and shake the boys hands.
“Ichiraku-san, there’s no need to do that! I’ll pay for it, please. It’s good to see you well,” you smiled and shaked his hand before he left and sent someone with the wine. “Don’t look at me like that! He’s the father of a guy I know.”
“Oh I bet he’s waiting for you to date his son~” Tooru practically sang.
“I’m not his type. I’m sure he would prefer to date one of you, he likes every fucking picture I post with you two,” you laughed.
“Ok, let’s make a toast,” Haji said and poured wine to everyone. “For everyone passing their finals and for more movie nights,” he raised his glass, Tooru and you did the same.
The dinner was nice. You talked about little nothings and Tooru was happy for being with you two alone, you were his call down to earth after all. When you were about to leave, Iwaizumi ran to the bathroom first.
“We’ll wait outside Iwa-chan!” Tooru gently took your waist guiding you out. “It’s nice to see you acting normal again,” he smiled. His voice was so low that you almost didn’t hear him.
“I’m always normal,” you answered. You couldn’t look at him. “You’re just used to everyone treating you too nice, because… well you’re you, y’know?”
“I just want you and Iwa to treat me nice,” he said. He wasn’t playing, he meant it. “You both have been acting strange. I thought it was just my imagination but…”
“I’m sorry,” you looked at him this time, you couldn’t lie. “I’m just trying to get some shit together. I didn’t mean to push you away.”
“And what about Iwa-chan?”
“What about him? I can’t tell you what he feels or thinks. You should ask him.”
“You two meet today. Alone.”
“I’ve met you alone a thousand times before too. Are you jealous of him?” you were defensive. “Sorry, that sounded harsh. I didn’t-”
“Maybe I am…” he took a strand of hair out of your face and you blushed. “I don’t know from who really.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying Tooru,” you looked at the street to avoid his gaze. Your heart beated so strong you were afraid he could listen to it.
Silence took the control of the situation. You could see his face, he was thinking how to fix the talk you two just had.
“Do you want to come home to sleep? We can watch a movie and-”
“I don’t want to bother you guys…” you interrupted.
“You don’t,” Hajime was behind you, you never heard him arrive. “Come on, let’s go home, it’s freezing. We can borrow you some clothes to sleep.”
You sighed and they were already walking ahead you. “Wait for me you assholes,” you mumbled. You catched them and took one arm of each one with yours. You were almost hanging between them the whole walk to their apartment.
When you arrived, Hajime gave you a shirt and Tooru his training shorts. Oikawa laughed at you and how the clothes seemed to be swallowing you. You posed for a picture he would definitely use to extort you later.
“Oh my gosh, when you become a famous scientist I’m so gonna publish this,” Oikawa ruffled your hair and walked past you. “I’m taking a shower, pick a good movie please. Don’t let Iwa to put Godzilla again,” he whispered loud enough for him to hear.
Hajime throw him a pillow but Oikawa was already gone. You sat with Haji in the couch and when you heard the shower, you sighed.
“I’m so fucking nervous, I feel stupid. This is your fault, you left us alone!” you whispered. Your companion laughed. “I don’t know how you handle it, you live with him for fucks sake.”
“We’re not around long enough for me to act silly,” he took your hand and squeeze it to give you some kind of confort. “We kissed one or two times. We were drunk so I don’t know if he really remembers but…”
“You WHAT,” you gasped. Iwaizumi laughed again. "You're fucking pining each other you little fu-"
“Shut up, he’ll hear you,” he put a hand on your mouth and you were talking against it.
“My my, you get along pretty well, I’m jealous,” Tooru was standing at the bathroom door, observing. His tone was playful but he wasn’t smiling.
“Just shut up and come here, Trashykawa,” Iwa let you go and made space between you to let Oikawa sit there.
“I’ll make popcorn!” you said and smiled at your friends. You left them alone and made yourself busy in the kitchen you knew as your own. 
"I do remember," Oikawa said. He wasn't whispering but he talked low enough for the tv to cover his words for you and only Iwaizumi to hear.
"It's rude to overhear others talk," the green eyed man said.
"You were talking about me Iwa-chan, so we're even. I feel we're chasing each other in circles. You, me and her, and never getting anywhere," Oikawa smiled. It was a sincere smile, one he didn't let anyone see. It was reserved for Iwa only and now for you too. "I don't really know what to do or how to act and it pisses me off," he looked aside and saw you were still doing things in the kitchen.
"Oh the cool perfect guy doesn't know," Iwaizumi was teasing. "Just don't hurt her."
"And what about you?"
"Guys do you want caramel on… oh shit, I'm sorry to interrupt," you walked to the living room and it was obvious they were talking. "Nevermind, I'll choose for you!"
"Y/N come here," Hajime called for you. You made a reluctant face and took a chair to sit in front of them and the couch. Don't do this right now that's what your face told him but he was tired of pretending.
"Why are you acting weird again? You're dating, don't you? Jeez I knew!" Oikawa was rambling.
"Just stop talking for a second," Hajime took his hand. "I love you, but you already know that. And we both like y/n, she has become a great part of our lives here in the city."
"Please don't talk about me like I'm not here, it's awkward," you felt like about to puke butterflies.
"You stop talking too. Please," he smiled. "I'm saying this once so pay attention Sillykawa," Tooru pouted. "You like her and she likes you. And I care about you two. Please just stop being idiots and be together."
"This isn't what we talked about today, Haji," your face was hot, you imagined your cheeks were the color of the nekoma jacket Kuroo has in his room.
"I'm flattered!" Oikawa was blushing too. He was acting as usual, but his smile was wider than ever. "I'm here worrying about you and you are plotting about who is going to be with me. What if I can't choose?" Tooru's smile faded. He was really worried, he didn't want to hurt anyone or turn things weird between you. "Am I being selfish?"
"You don't have to and you're not," you kneeled between them and put your hands over theirs, they were still holding each other. "We can try something else. We can try to still be the three of us, just a new kind of relationship," you smiled at them and squeezed their hands. "It’s totally valid to love more than a person," you repeated.
"Oh, so you meant something else today," Iwaizumi's face lit in realization. You let their hands go and went to get the popcorn. When you were back, you put a few in your hand and give it to them in their mouths.
"I want to do something but Iwa will probably hit me," Oikawa was his cheerful self again.
You sat between them and looked at him with curiosity. He took your face between his hands and kissed you. His lips crashed against yours firmly but at the same time in a soft way.
"Iwa-chan come here and look at her," Tooru was laughing at your flustered expression, calling Hajime to his end of the couch. "I think if you kiss her now she'll pass away."
"Don't be mean to her please," he sat at Oikawa's lap, so naturally as he breath. He kissed him quickly and Tooru's face matched yours perfectly. "Can I kiss you, y/n?"
"How the fuck are you such a gentleman and Tooru is a dick?" you throw yourself over them, kissing Hajime in the way.
You stood there for a minute. Oikawa was trying to hug you both from the bottom of the human pile, all the tension in the air finally gone. A stupid comedy was playing in the background.
"I love you but you're crushing me," Tooru said after a few minutes and you moved, you were all sitting again. "I'm just so happy for tonight. I can brag about having two beautiful partners now," he cheerfully hummed.
"Great, you ruined the moment," Iwaizumi laughed.
"I'm sorry..." you started and they looked at you confused, "I know it's one in the morning but I really want ice cream."
"Oh yes, me too!" Oikawa second you. "Pretty please, Iwa-chan?"
"Oh I'm going to be the adult in this relationship?"
"You always were, Haji," you giggled and he sighed.
"Get dressed, y/n, we're not going anywhere with you looking like this. I'll get the car outside the garage. If you're not in the downstairs in five minutes, we're not going anywhere," he tried to glare at you but his look was sweet.
"Yes sir!" you both said at unison.
After the ice cream you drove back the apartment. You changed again into the boys clothes and watched the last Godzilla movie to pamper Iwaizumi for driving at one in the morning.
The next day you woke up in one of their king size beds and you were convinced you were in heaven. Oikawa's soft body was curled against you, his face at your chest and you could feel Iwaizumi's strong arms around your waist, his face buried in your hair. You looked at the clock in the nightstand: nine in the morning.
"Go back to sleep, Oikawa won't be up in another hour," Hajime whispered at your ear, his voice so deep it sounded like a growl.
"Only if you don't get up," you said.
"I'm not leaving this bed without any of you," he answered.
"Shh, I'm trying to sleep here," Tooru complained.
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buckyreaderrecs · 4 years
So Far Away: Chapter 6/?
Summary:  Bucky Barnes doing what he does best. Saving. Loving. In this particular case, the object of both is you. Bucky Barnes happy, healing, doing really well!
First chapter in series. Previous chapter.
Chapter 6:  A day in the life of Bucky, while he watches over your grief-stricken sleeping body.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader Characters: Bucky Barnes, F.R.I.D.A.Y., Cecilia Reyes, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers Additional tags: mostly canon compliant (Infinity War and Endgame didn’t happen, Stark Tower still exists),  she/her pronouns, more tags/characters to be added with future chapters, hero Bucky Barnes, canon typical violence, warzone/disaster zone setting, Alpine the cat, other Marvel characters mentioned but not central to the plot Warnings: major triggers for death of loved ones and grief, possible trigger for food, prescription medication
Note: Okay, so Bucky’s suite in Stark Tower is mapped out in my mind. I have a sketched floorplan if you wanna see it? Lemme know in the reblogs/replies/messages. Also, there is a note at the end of this chapter; pls read. Love yas!
So Far Away Chapter 6/?
Gasping for air, you sat up, scrambled around in the darkness and screamed for your mum.
The lamp came on, lighting up the bedroom and bringing Bucky into focus. "Y/N, Y/N, come here. Come on." His arms were around you, pulling you to him. "Stop. Stop. You're gonna hurt yourself." He kept trying to secure your broken hand, but you were still yelling, trying to crawl away. Not sure what else to do, he let you go. You pushed yourself right off the bed, landing half the right way up. Standing, you looked around. What were you trying to do? Where were you trying to go?
You studied everything in the room, looking for clues.
Door. You ran, stood at the threshold, finding no answers in the darkness beyond. A dresser covered in books and journals. A record player, and stacks of vinyl. Beside table. Glass and of water. Clock. 3:27 am. A city behind a window wall. A bed. Huge. Bucky, sitting with his legs arched, defeated.
He watched you walk around the room lost and confused. But, maybe it was progress.
 After you balled up against the wall in the lounge room, screamed until your throat burnt, you passed out. It took hours though. Bucky considered calling for Cecilia. A sedative might have eased your pain. But, your pain was so new, so private. He decided it wasn't his place to invite anyone else into it yet. So, he waited.
Once you'd fallen asleep and he promised to look after you, he carried you to the bed and sat by your side. It was quiet in the bedroom; Bucky hadn't felt the calm of quiet for a while. He missed it. So too had Alpine, apparently. The cat came slinking into the room, refusing to look at Bucky.
"Fuck," Bucky said under his breath. "Where have you been hiding?"
Sometimes, when he knew nobody was around, Bucky would talk to the cat like he knew what he was saying. That night, while you slept, he told Alpine about you. As he heaped a double serving of food into a bowl, he apologised for forgetting breakfast. It was the first time he'd ever forgotten a meal. When he went out on missions, there was a roster of people tasked with looking after the fluffy white thing that lived with The Winter Soldier.
"Don't like having someone else here, huh?" Alpine tended to hide around people he didn't know. He was a bit of a myth to the Tower. "Promise you'll like this one," Bucky told him back in the bedroom, climbing onto the bed to sit by your side. Alpine joined him. "Think she's probably got a bit of crying to do yet though."
By about three in the morning, when Bucky felt sure you were going to sleep the whole night through, he settled down next to you and let himself sleep. Alpine was curled into his back, warm and loving.
Bucky woke at first light, an old habit he was slowly unlearning with the help of excellent blinds and strict orders to F.R.I.D.A.Y. to not let anyone come calling. That morning was different though. He got out of bed, put biscuits out for Alpine, checked in with the team, then spoke to F.R.I.D.A.Y.
"That index of Y/N's friends - does that have phone numbers?"
Bucky sat outside the bedroom, on the floor where he could see if you stirred but not wake you with his conversations.
Bonnie, owner of Glory café; boss and friend; answered in two rings. "Hello?" Her voice was already desperate.
Bucky then realised he should have practiced or asked someone else to do it. By his own admission, as he dragged you to safety through the crumbling streets of D.C., he wasn't really a people person. Although, you'd very much disagree with that now.
"Um, hi. My name is… James. I'm a… search and rescue… officer," he tried. Bonnie was tired, but hopeful; she didn't question what he was saying. "I'm notifying… friends of Y/N L/N that she's alive and safe,"
"What?! She's- Does she- Where-"
"I can't provide any more detail than that. Sorry," Bucky said, hitting his palm to his head. Idiot.
"What? Why? Who is-"
"Please pass the information on to the others that work with her," Bucky added. Before Bonnie could ask how a 'search and rescue officer' knew about your job, Bucky said, "Thank you. Goodbye," and hung up. "Fuck!"
Bucky was unsure of when he'd last done something so profoundly stupid.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., who else is in the tower?"
 "I don't know… This is a lot to take on, man," Sam said seriously, leaning against the bedroom door frame.
"I know," Bucky agreed, watching you roll over in your sleep.
Alpine, who had been asleep at the end of the bed, maybe trusting Bucky's word that he'd like you, woke up. He looked at the men in the doorway for a good couple of seconds before trotting over to them. Bucky lent down and scooped the cat up. He nodded to Sam to move back to the lounge.
"So what do you need help with?"
"I tried to call her boss. You know, start to let people know where she is - that she's alive."
Sam smirked. "And how'd that go?"
"About as good as you're thinking. I froze. Made up some really fuckin' stupid cover story,"
"Wasn't smooth?"
"Wasn't smooth," Bucky confirmed, letting Alpine jump from his arms onto the kitchenette counter.
"Did you think about telling the truth?" Sam asked, watching Alpine with distrust.
Bucky snorted. "Hi, The Winter Soldier here. I've got Y/N. Don't worry, she's passed out in my bed."
Sam rolled his eyes. "You and Steve are made for each other. Pair of drama queens,"
"Okay, what do I say then?"
Crossing his arms over his chest, Sam sighed, looked around the space. "Where'd she puke?" he asked.
"Over by the plant," Bucky replied.
Sam nodded, thought some more. "I don't know, man. You've just got to be honest. This-" he motioned to Bucky vaguely, "-is a good thing. You're doing a good thing. They're gonna be happy,"
"But what if they don't believe me?"
"Aliens just attacked their city. They're living and breathing the unbelievable."
Bucky nodded; Sam was right.
They talked some more, catching up and checking on each other in that subtle way soldiers do. When Sam left to find food, Bucky sat on the couch and stared at his phone.
Bonnie, again, picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" she greeted, sounding more tired than before.
"Hi… Um, I called before, about Y/N…" Bucky expected her to say something, but she didn't. He took a breath and continued, "I just wanted to apologise. I, um, didn't really…"
"Who are you?" she cut in.
"My name is James, but most people call me Bucky. Barnes."
Bonnie laughed. "Bucky Barnes? Like, metal arm, Captain America's Bucky Barnes?"
"I'm not Captain America's… but, yeah. That's me,"
"Is this a joke?" she asked.
"No. Um, I can video call if you want proof?" Bucky asked. Sam's suggestion.
"God, no. I look awful… I just… Yeah, okay. So… What do you have to do with Y/N?"
"I… rescued her, on the day of the attack. And, uh, she's here with me now,"
"Right, of course you did. And she's okay?"
"She busted her hand up pretty bad but it's in a cast. But, ah, she knows… about Carly and Ellie… and… both her parents-"
"No!" Bonnie gasped.
"She's asleep. I'm just gonna look after her here,"
"Yeah, well… Can't really imagine anywhere safer than with the Avengers."
Bucky felt less anxious as the call went on. When Bonnie didn't wrap up the conversation, he kept answering her questions. He asked if there was anything he could do for her. She declined; insurance would rebuild Glory and everyone she loved was accounted for. And, there was nothing Bucky could do about the dead. 
Bonnie was just relieved to talk to someone who didn't tell her everything was going to be okay. By the time they ran out of things to say, they said goodbye and Bucky promised to call again with an update.
Bonnie had given Bucky enough courage to call Luke, then Elizabeth. Elizabeth sobbed, both in joy that you were alive, and in grief for your parents. All up, Bucky spent about ninety minutes on the phone. He knew more about you, had a little insight into your life before him. By all accounts you were living a life of relative happiness. Whatever it took, he'd get you back to that. However long it took.
 Lunchtime rolled around and you'd not woken up. Or, if you did, you had passed back out pretty quickly.
Dr Cecilia Reyes came to check on you. Like Sam, she stood at the door of the bedroom and put on a worried expression. "Wilson swung by," she said.
"Told you about her family?" Bucky guessed.
"Yeah. Think he's just worried about you, taking this all on,"
"I'm fine,"
"I know that. She won't be though… I brought her these." Out of her pocket, she produced a pack of triazolam. "They'll knock her out, but won't keep her asleep. She'll do that herself. When she's up, try to get her to eat something. And drink water,"
"Should she… I mean, is there anything else?"
Cecilia sighed. "Unfortunately not, Barnes. You're doing everything already. But, you know… you should probably decide where she's going." She pushed off the doorway and made her way back through the suite.
Bucky followed. "What do you mean?"
"Well, is she going to stay with anyone you spoke to today? Or family somewhere?" Cecilia looked at Bucky. "Were you… You're just gonna keep her here?"
Not once since meeting you and bringing you home had Bucky even thought of an alternative to you staying with him. Cecilia saw Bucky's blank expression.
"I mean-" Bucky went to say.
"No, no. It's fine-"
"But I-"
"Barnes, it's fine," she said, putting her hands up. "You don't need to explain. Let me know if either you need anything else, okay?"
Bucky sighed. "Thanks, Doc. Will do… Most of the team are back tonight, so you might be a bit busy,"
"I've always got time for you, doll," she replied, grinning.
 Bucky Barnes spent most of his time reading. He liked non-fiction best. He read about machines, history, revolutions, and bugs. That's what he did all day, waiting for you to wake up. But, you didn't.
He ate the freezer out of ice cream, and the suite out of any other food. There wasn't much. "Gotta go shoppin', hey fluff?"
It was around four in the afternoon when Steve Rogers walked in, carrying what looked like an entire supermarket's stock.
"Buddy, you are my hero," Bucky said, pulling things from the bags before Steve had a chance to put them on the kitchenette counter.
Steve laughed. "Figured your kitchen would be as empty as mine,"
"Mmmm. S'like your psychic,"
"And word is that nobody's been in or out here all day," Steve said, reminding Bucky a lot of Sarah Rogers and her disapproving tone.
"Maybe people should mind their business,"
"People are looking out for you, Buck. Can't be mad at that."
Steve and Bucky cooked together. An early dinner or late lunch. Something that made them feel like kids in Brooklyn, living together with not much between them.
Alpine sat in Steve's lap while Bucky told him about you - the whole story, from start to finish in much detail. At the end, Steve rocked on his chair, tried to hold back a trademark shit-eating grin.
"What? What's that look for?" Bucky asked, throwing a piece of food across the table at his best friend.
"You-" and he stretched that one word out, "-like her."
Immediately, Bucky started to ramble. "Course I like her. She's… sweet. Doc likes her. She's got friends that love her. Doesn't deserve to be all messed up because-"
"No, nope," Steve interrupted. "Not what I mean, and you know it. You like her,"
"Steve, I've known her for a couple days. Most of that time she's been passed out,"
"So, we aren't all the love at first sight, one true love, I'm gonna die alone, hopeless romantic, ya know?"
Steve snorted. "You get so bitchy when you're embarrassed,"
"I'm not embarrassed!" Bucky almost-squeaked. Steve's eyebrows raised dramatically. "Fuck off,"
"Whatever. I can see it in your face. You like her."
There was no use arguing with Steve. Bucky conceded. "She's… I don’t know,"
"I remember when you used to know exactly what you liked about a dame you were sweet on… You'd go on about how she laughed at your jokes, or her red lips, or how she drank whiskey,"
"Dame," Bucky repeated. Steve was an anachronism, still. "Guess it's more complicated now,"
"Guess so," Steve agreed. "Glad you found her,"
"Yeah, me too. She'd probably be dead if-"
"No, Buck. I mean, her. Specifically. I'm glad there's something good comin' out of this one,"
"Getting sappy in your old age, punk."
Steve laughed, shaking his head. The men shared a look that said they were on the same page, jokes aside.
"So, you gonna hang around for a  bit?" Bucky asked.
"Yeah. We got that meeting at seven, but I'll stay 'till then. Should I tell 'em you're not coming?”
"Yep," Bucky said, standing up and relocating himself to the couch. Alpine jumped from Steve and followed Bucky, finding a new place to nap.
 Bucky spent the rest of the night watching things on his list. He started with Hercules, like you'd mentioned, then Sam's recommendation of The Princess Bride. Bucky fell asleep on the couch, old episodes of The X-Files lulling him to sleep.
At two am Bucky woke, ate a bowl of Cheerios, then checked on you. You were still passed out, so he climbed onto the bed and watched your back rise and fall as you slept on your stomach.
3:27 am and you woke up gasping for air. After the screaming and crawling, and after you'd taken inventory of the entire bedroom, you looked Bucky.
"You're safe. Do you know where you are?"
Your breathing was heavy, laboured; you had to push the air out through the gunk stuck in your throat. "Yeah…"
Bucky waited, not moving from where he was sitting on the bed.
The headache and haze of too much sleep had clouded your mind for those first few minutes. You were confused, stuck in your nightmare, but seeing Bucky focused you. You were alive.
But not everybody was.
Tears began to pour down your face again.
"Darlin'," Bucky whispered, sitting up on his knees and holding his arms open. With no hesitation, you threw yourself into him. "I know, I know," he said, holding you, letting you collapse into him.
For thirty more minutes, you sobbed. When you sat up on your own, Bucky held a glass of water to your lips. You put your hands around his and let him help you drink.
"What do you need?" Bucky asked, trying to read your expression and body language. You wanted to answer but were, in all honesty, numb, save for the pounding headache. "If you can, you should try to eat something."
Although you nodded, you had a vacant and faraway glassiness to your eyes. For a second, Bucky considered just getting you back into bed and to sleep, but who knew when you'd wake up again.
Out in the suite, you sat at the round table and looked over at Bucky as he stood in the middle of the kitchenette. "Sandwich, maybe? How 'bout… Anything, actually. Fully stocked. Thanks to Stevie." Bucky lined up jars of peanut butter, strawberry jam, Nutella, and marshmallow Fluff.
Something about the benign normality of a simple sandwich made you feel, at the very least, okay. It wasn't easy to stand up, but you did. You walked to the jars and picked up the peanut butter and Fluff.
"Girl after my own heart."
Bucky made fluffernutter sandwiches, handing you a spoon of Fluff halfway through. You stood at the counter, slowly eating. In the time it took you to finish your sandwich, Bucky ate his, made a second, and ate that too. It made you smile.
"I'll make a cup of tea, and we'll get you back to bed," Bucky said, quiet, soft.
Part of you wanted him to act normal. Be a little bit more cheeky, or something. The other part of you was so sure you'd never be functional again, that you were more than happy to let Bucky take total control.
"'Kay. Milk, two sugars," he checked.
"How do you know that?"
"Café. We had tea,"
"Oh," you said, nodding, trying to remember something that had happened less than 24 hours ago.
Bucky started to make tea. You watched his movements, your eyes following him around the kitchen. When done, he nodded to the bedroom, and you began to walk.
Without conversation, you got into bed and sat against the headboard. Bucky held out the mugs of tea to you. He climbed in next to you and took his mug, blowing on the top of it.
You snickered at the action. It made Bucky's stomach flip.
"Excuse me?" he said, whipping his head around to face you.
"What's the point in that? Doesn't do anything,"
"Alright, well, I ain't making you do it," Bucky replied, grinning. You smiled back.
It had just gone 4:15. The sun would be up soon but the light wouldn't easily find its way in. Bucky finished his tea, fished his phone of the bedside table. "Sleep music," he said, looking up briefly. From speakers you couldn't see, a familiar sound began.
"You listen to lo-fi hip hop streams?" you asked, the disbelief in your voice animating you in a way Bucky hadn't seen since you woke up.
"Yeah, so?" he said, one eyebrow raised.
You shrugged. "Full of surprises."
Bucky smiled.
When your tea was gone and you were tucked into bed, that's when you started to think again. Feel it again. Bucky could sense the shift. "Here," he said, sitting up and grabbing the box Cecilia had left. He punched two pills out of the sheet. You lifted your head just enough to let Bucky put them on your tongue, then help you wash them down with water. You didn't ask what they were, but were grateful when you felt the swelling pressure of forced sleep shut down your brain.
Chapter 7
NOTE: Two things. Firstly, I'm thinking I might jump ahead in time, because logically the next step for Y/N would be to see her extended family, attend funerals, possibly even help with the planning. I'm not sure that this is something that would be entirely enjoyable for you as the reader of this fic. Let me know what you think? If you do want the painful reality of death mapped out like that, I can do it. Choose your own sad adventure lol.
Secondly, and still on the topic of grief, I just wanted to, I don't know, just maybe say that because of my own experiences with grief and loss (most recently and most painfully, my big brother), I know how weird it is. It comes in waves, all the bad feelings, and sometimes you can sit there totally normal, even joke, and sometimes you don't move for an entire day. I'm definitely using my own experiences to shape how Y/N is behaving. So, it's not that I'm writing her as inconsistently sad, it's that grief is an inconsistent effector of mood. I don't know why I felt like I had to explain that, but I feel better for having done it. *shrugging girl emoji lol*
TAGLISTS (open, msg me) So Far Away: @animegirlgeeky @howthehellisbucky @dumbubblegum @chipilerendi All my work: @bubbabarnes @browngirlmagic @lookalivefrosty @aynaraxas @vibraniumwitch @just-kara-no-hats @fairislesheets (IT LET ME TAG YOU!)
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lifeminuspickles · 4 years
Four Friends in a Coffee Shop
Every coffee shop has their regulars. In my busy life as a small business owner, they provide me with a sense of comfort. It’s a kind of subtle reliability in my life that I never expected to be so crucial. No matter how many awful people stumble into my shop, I can always count on these visitors to offer a smile, often paired with a snarky remark, that inevitably pulls me out of a bad mood. They help me hate people less.
There’s a group of four people who come in multiple times a week. They sit together in the same place every time they come in: the booth in the back corner of the cafe, near the emergency exit. The walls in this space are lined with colorful paintings that brighten up their atmosphere on even the gloomiest of days. There is also a strategically placed bookshelf behind the booth’s bench. It’s there for those who need it, but hidden from those who don’t. Luckily for them, this spot is often overlooked by most of the shop’s customers. It’s almost as though they have enchanted this little corner to be invisible to the untrained eye.
I refer to this particular congregation of coffee lovers as my merry band of misfits. Now I don’t know them too personally, but over the last year, or so, that they have been meeting here, I have gathered a substantial amount of information on them all.
First, there’s Liv. She seems to be the most lovable of the group, and perhaps the biggest mess I have ever witnessed in my adult life. Her outfit for many of these coffee dates has been, what I am assuming to be, whatever clothes she fell asleep in from the night before. This has varied from sweat pants and an oversized t-shirt to what I can only describe as a figure skating leotard. She is late every time without fail, but always comes with an apology prepared. It’s Typically something along the lines of, “Sorry I’m late! My alarm didn’t go off!” We all know you didn’t set that alarm, Liv. Her friends never appear to be annoyed, or even surprised, they just make room for her at the booth and carry on. Despite her perpetual tardiness, she seems to be the most caring of the four. Just because her life is a mess doesn’t mean she can’t help you fix yours, right?
When Liv does eventually arrive, she plops down next to Matthew. Out of the four, she is the only person that is permitted to call him Matty; which was my first clue that he is completely and hopelessly in love with her. Naturally, she doesn’t seem to notice him. I get the feeling that to her he is nothing more than her trusty nerdy friend. Every time she comes in upset about another failed attempt at a relationship, I see his already dark brown eyes get even darker as his heartbreaks for the thousandth time. How can she not see it? It can be hard to watch.
Matthew is the only one that has an obvious career. He is a computer programmer, and does a lot of his work from my cafe. He has mentioned a few times that he can work from anywhere, so I consider the fact that he repeatedly chooses my little artsy portion of the world as his office to be the highest of compliments. Needless to say, I see him the most often.
The third person in this little herd is Skylar. The world seems to pause for a second when she enters a room. Admittedly, she is that in-your-face-I-hate-her kind of pretty. Her family is originally from Hawaii, and the beaches must have followed her here to New York because she seems to have perfect beach hair everyday. I told you you’d want to hate her.
She’s actually the one that introduced the rest of the misfits to my place. Most of the paintings on my walls are her’s. Her work is now displayed in a plethora of coffee shops throughout the city. I'd like to call myself a trendsetter, but if we’re being honest, her paintings sell themselves. I swear I sell more of her work than I do coffee. Sometimes she will come in with Matthew and set up a little work space in the back, and together they will work in silence for hours.
The fourth of this merry band of misfits is Andy. He frequents the “secret” bookshelf in the back, and for every book he takes, he leaves an even better one with notes in the margins. I haven’t figured out exactly what he does for a living, but I do know he works for a publishing company. There have been numerous times that he has appeared in my shop with so many books that he has needed help opening the door. When he joins the others at the booth he is part of the conversation for about five minutes, and then, he opens his book and it is game over. The second he starts reading, he is instantly taken away into his own world safe from the gossip and drama that surrounds him.
It’s completely possible that his friends find him to be the most infuriating human on earth. I, however, find his quirks to be charming. He’s the one my eyes wander to the most often as I brew fresh pots of coffee throughout the day. Skylar has a habit of catching me as I steal glimpses. She always meets my gaze with a sympathetic smile and continues with her conversation. It makes it hard for me to genuinely hate her.
I wonder if he knows that I have read every book he’s left on that bookshelf?
As I look at them now, they’re all listening to one of Liv’s stories. From the bits I have heard as I pass by, she believes that she met the love of her life at a party last night. Skylar is claiming she has a “good feeling” about this. She’s continuously reassuring by saying “He seems amazing!,” and “Don’t worry. He’ll definitely call you back!” Meanwhile, Matthew has been looking like he wants to puke for about ten minutes now. “Poor, Matty,” I think to myself.
Naturally, I notice that Andy lost interest almost immediately and is now concentrated on writing in the margins of a new book. I make a silent wish to whatever gods might be listening that he’ll put that book on my bookshelf before he leaves.
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emt2000 · 5 years
The Right Moment
This is my first time doing the event but I'm glad I got to share my favorite Fairy Tail couple into this story with @doginshoe and art with @Silhouette 
NALU/GRUVIA Big Bang Event
Characters: Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfillia 
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Word Count: 2K
Summary: Natsu and Lucy enjoying one of their dates around the world and they enjoy their last trip to Paris whereas Natsu tries to find the right moment to tie the knot. Modern AU
The Right Moment 
“To the world, you may be one person but to one person, you are the world.” ~ Bill Wilson
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now arriving in Paris, France. We hope you enjoy the rest of the trip with us.”  announced the pilot on the speaker as a particular couple spotted the Eiffel Tower and the glamorous lights of Paris. Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfillia are currently on a plane that is leading them to enjoy their date in the city of love. Just before going to Paris, they had their dates at New York City, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Cairo, and Hong Kong and now they are heading to their last destination which is Paris.
“I can’t believe we’re actually here Natsu. Huh? Natsu are you ok?” Lucy turned her head to her right to see Natsu feeling motion sickness and is trying to find the barf bag on his plane seat. 
“Lucy…...are we almost on land? I’m not feeling so good. Blergh” Natsu puked on the barf bag. 
“Hang in there Natsu. We’re almost there,” replied Lucy as she uses her right hand to massage his back as he continues puking into the barf bag. 
After a few minutes on the plane landed and the couple grabbed their bags and called for a taxi, they started sightseeing the city while the taxi took them to their hotel for the trip. But unknown to Lucy, Natsu uses this opportunity to pop the question to Lucy. He tried to ask her several times at their previous dates but every time he tried to, it always ends up in a disaster or a failure. 
In New York City,  they went to Central Park to enjoy the view of the city. And while he tried to bring up the ring, a group of dogs in which were run loose by their owners ran towards him causing Natsu to trip over and bumped his head. 
In Rio, while visiting the lagoons for relaxation time, once again he tried to bring up the perfect moment but instead, he forgot to bring the ring with him in which he almost left it at the restaurant they ate earlier.
In Cairo, they went to visit the three pyramids of Giza. In the meantime, while Natsu brings up the topic, a local official announced the couple that a sandstorm is coming and they had sought shelter immediately causing him to glare at the officer and almost causing a ruckus.
In Sydney, after visiting the Sydney Opera House for a concert and going to Bondi Beach, they were at the zoo seeing amazing animals until a kangaroo went loose and ended up knocking Natsu unconscious while getting the ring out from his pocket.
In Hong Kong, while seeing the view of the city and the sea as they were at a restaurant eating chicken and spring roll. For Natsu, it was the right moment to ask her but when he was about to take action, a female customer bumped into a waitress, who was carrying a bowl of egg drop soup, causing her to drop the soup on Natsu's head.
Now, for him, it was the right setting, time and moment to ask Lucy the question. Or so what he thought it would be.
“atsu...Hey Natsu are you listening to me?” asked Lucy 
“Huh? Oh no I didn’t. Sorry, Luce, I was just thinking about our day today.”
“Oh ok….well what I said earlier was that since our 5 year anniversary is coming tomorrow, I was thinking since such an important day is coming up, I was thinking of going to the Eiffel Tower to enjoy the Paris sky view of the city. Or do you have another plan for tomorrow?” said Lucy.
‘Looks like she had a plan ready for tomorrow but I have a schedule which I planned that months ago but I don’t want to make sad for our anniversary. I want to make this a moment she won’t ever forget for the rest of her life.’ thought Natsu. “You know what Lucy? Why don’t we do the things you have planned today and for tomorrow, we do the stuff that I have planned instead. What do you think?” 
“Oh, you had something planned for tomorrow as well?”
“Yeah I was going to tell you at the plane but you were sleeping so peacefully that I didn’t want to disturb you sleeping.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet of you Natsu. But I guess we can to today’s activities and then tomorrow we can do your plan for the day.”
“Alright then. It’s settled then. Now let’s take a quick nap cause I’m exhausted after that plane ride.”
“Right now?!”
“Yep just a quick nap...Zzzzzzz”
“Asleep already?!”
Natsu was already sleeping and snoring with drool already coming out of his mouth soaking the pillow a little, in the king-sized bed, fast asleep already from the exhaustion from the plane route they took. Lucy rolls her eyes and decides to join her boyfriend as well. Soon, they started to take in a peaceful slumber. 
Later, after almost 2 hours of sleeping, the couple headed out to start their routine in Paris. They started off their routine by going to the Louvre for art sightseeing, taking pictures of incredible paintings and doing silly faces while discussing the Mona Lisa painting, after that they headed off to see the Notre Dame, admiring its beauty in sculpture and building designs. Later, Lucy suggested to eat somewhere so that they can have enough energy to last the entire day together. So they went to a small restaurant where Natsu had trouble getting his French right to tell the waitress what they wanted so Lucy had to fill in the waitress for them luckily. 
"Once again, I'm being saved by my girlfriend." 
"•giggling• That's because I did take more than one language back in high school and college."
"Yeah yeah I know. I know. I even didn't know you took those classes and yet I went to learn my French as well but still I didn't know a thing about it."
"Oh you. Sometimes you're so adorable when you pouted in a cute way Natsu."
"•blushes• Shut up you're making me red here all of a sudden." 
After finishing their meals, the sun was setting down and Lucy checked her wristwatch and it was around 7 PM. 
"Well would you look at that it's already 7 o'clock. I guess one more fun activity would do. I guess. What do you think Natsu?" 
"Hmm, I suppose we should go on small boat ride they have here." 
"Oh that sounds like fun. Let's go then"
"Lucy wait for me!!!"
"Sorry about that Natsu. I just get so excited that I can't help it but just go along with it."
"No no it's cool. Just don't run off like that. I was kind of worried that you might get hurt back there."
Natsu and Lucy are on a riverboat that allows them to enjoy the city's beautiful light streets reflecting in the water in all sorts of colors. 
"My bad."
"Well as long as we're both having fun then it's good then." 
"Yeah I'm glad we're both enjoying this vacation together."
"I feel the same way Luce."
They both continued to watch the city's lights. But at the same time, Natsu checked his pants pockets to see that the small box hidden there was safe and sound. He decided that this was the right moment so he decided to go for it. 
"You know Lucy, I've been meaning to ask you something."
"Yeah what is it Natsu?"
"We've been going out together for almost 5 years and since we graduated from college this past month, I decided that I want to spend my life with you not now but for eternity."
"Natsu what are you trying to say?"
"The thing that I am trying to say is...that...would you...would you give the honor in becoming my w-"
"Hey you, watch out!!!" 
The boat bumped against a small boulder along the riverside causing the boat to shake a little before the conductor blamed the boulder for crossing the way. And this also caused Natsu to trip and bumped his head with a pole that was in the way as well and passed out after a few seconds.
"Oh my, that was close. Natsu? Natsu where are you...Oh my gosh Natsu wake up! Wake up!"
Natsu opened his eyes afterwards and realized that he was back in their hotel room with the window signaling them that it's night already. Lucy came in with a cup of tea and some snacks when she saw Natsu up and awake. 
"Natsu you're awake." Lucy sets down the tea and snacks and went to check up on her boyfriend. 
"Hey Luce. Ugh my head hurts. What happened?"
"Well you see…"
She started to explain that after she saw him unconscious she called for the conductor to stop at the finished course spot of the route. The conductor insisted on telling her to take Natsu to the hospital but she told him that she handle a guy like Natsu and told the taxi driver to take them back to their room to spend the night. And Natsu was unconscious for an hour or less. 
'Man every time I bring in the right and exact moment to ask her, something always has to happen.' 
"So that was it?"
"Yeah but I'm glad that you're not hurt or anything. By the way, what were you going to tell me back there?" 
'Crap she is asking me this already but I have the box in my pockets which is here right now but I want to bring it up for the right time and this is not the right time.' 
"Well you see Lucy, I was going to ask if you can tell if you...um...if you enjoyed today so far? There yep."
Lucy looks at him with a curious look and tells him 
"Oh I had a great time. It was a fun and amazing day so far. Thank you Natsu." She gives him a warm hug 
"•nervous chuckle• Yeah anytime Luce." He returns the hug while mentally sighed in relief as he thinks about what would become of tomorrow if he brings out the question.
'Glad she didn't notice, oh well tomorrow would be the exact moment to do so.'
The next day, the two woke up with seeing each other spending the night cuddling with one another. As they realize this, they simply smile and shared a morning but tender kiss. 
After eating breakfast, they decided to spend the day with Natsu's plans of the day including the trip to the Eiffel Tower in which Lucy has no idea what surprise will hit her when Natsu brings up the moment to ask her. 
"So Natsu, what plans do you have in mind for today?"
"You'll see what I have planned for today." 
Natsu said as he pulled Lucy outside to start his planned day for her.
They went to the park to enjoy a few shows and musical performances France had to offer, they went to see a movie in French which luckily has English subtitles, and they even went to a local bakery to enjoy some delicious cakes, bread and blueberry pies. And finally their last activity of the day was the sky viewing Eiffel Tower. And according to Natsu, he heard that a fireworks spectacular display show would be showing to the public around 9 PM. And for him, he found this opportunity perfect for the right moment for Lucy.
"Hey Lucy, to end our day of fun, how about we go to the Eiffel Tower, I heard there's going to be a fireworks show around 9 PM would you like to go with me?"
"Fireworks while watching it from the tower? Sounds like fun. I would love to go."
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go Luce." 
He and Lucy arrived to the base of the tower around 7 PM and after they got their tickets, Natsu asked if they can go the tallest floor of the tower and which he asked perfectly in French, the man answered with a yes and they headed to their destination. By the time they got at the top, there were a few people mostly couples or small families but it was a perfect opportunity for Natsu. It was 8:30 pm.
After enjoying the view of the city skyline from the top of the tower, Natsu finally checked around his surroundings and checked if he still has the box with the ring in it, luckily it's safe once again. 
'Alright Natsu this is it. This is IT. This is your moment to ask her. No distractions. No interruptions. No nothing. Just me and her. And with the fireworks in less than 10 minutes, things would go great. Ok here goes nothing.' 
Natsu grabs both of Lucy's hands and faces her towards him.
"Natsu what's wrong?" 
"Lucy Heartfilia. From the moment I met you, my heart was beating like crazy and somehow my heart was saying that you are the one for me. And I need you in my life. Surprisingly you fell in love with me too. And I'm grateful for that. And 5 years of dating was the best moment of my entire life. And I decided to make the next step in our lives."
Lucy looks at him with a surprised look and tries to hold her tears from falling from her chocolate eyes. 
"So Luce, what I am trying to say and I finally got the chance to say but I just want you to know…(takes out the box from his jeans pockets and opens it to reveal a beautiful golden ring with a pink heart shaped gem in the center with orange swirls on the sides that looked like flames) will you marry me Lucy Heartfilia?"
Lucy fails to hold her tears and lets them fall down from her eyes and covers her mouth with both of her hands and smiles at the same time.
"Oh my gosh, Natsu. *sniffs* You're really the sweetest guy I've ever met and my answer is obvious. Why yes Natsu. Of course I would love to marry you."
"Really?! You accept?" 
"Is that a stupid question? Why yes I would marry you, you big dummy." 
"Well then, hold still so I can put the ring on your finger." 
Natsu grabs Lucy's left hand and slips the ring in her ring finger. Once he was finished, the fireworks come up in the sky as the two of them just looked at each other and leaned to share a romantic kiss. Not as boyfriend and girlfriend but now as fiance and fiancee. 
"By the way Natsu…" asked Lucy after they shared a kiss. 
"I knew you were going to propose to me." 
"What?! How?!"
"Every time you try to find the right moment to ask me during our trips, a distraction comes to you. Am I correct?"
Natsu blushes and looks away. 
"Was it that obvious?"
"Not really but I'm glad there is nothing to distract or interrupt us now." 
"Yeah and finally you're mine Lucy Dragneel."
"Looking forward to our wedding day you big dummy." 
After that they shared a hug and enjoyed the rest of their day with the fireworks in the sky.
♡ End 
"Hey Gray?"
"Yeah what's up?"
"I finally asked her. And guess what no interruptions."
"Congrats flamebrain. You actually did it." 
"Thanks ice freak. Oh by the way, when are you going to stop being a coward and ask Juvia out on a date." 
"T-thats none of your business you idiot!!!" 
'Gray you moron. You've been the coward for 5 years. Just go and ask her you dumbass.' 
"Was that Gray, Natsu?" asked Lucy
"Yeah it was." 
"He hasn't asked Juvia out on a date?"
"Nope the ice freak is being a sissy when it comes to love." 
"Oh Gray. I hope he doesn't mess things up with her." 
"Don't worry Luce, I'm sure he'll make it through. As long as he confess, then I'm going to be able to brag to Gajeel and Jellal when we get back on how Gray is a sissy when love is in his way." (Starts to laugh) 
"Oh Natsu. (Starts to laugh with him as well) 
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angioponder · 5 years
Maid Wars: Prologue (1/9)
Fandom: VIXX & BTS (Multi-fandom with BTOB & B1A4 Ensemble) Genre/Warnings: humor, crack, fluff  Word count: 2173w
author’s note:  also on AO3 finally posting the collab with @thinking_toes (twt) and i! so this has been two years in the making. we were just talking in the kitchen about this shit and it was so entertaining that we decided to take notes and... welp here we are. this was a JOURNEY. we hope you enjoy reading this multi-fandom kpop fic as much as we enjoyed building this world. happy reading~ 
In life, desperate times call for desperate measures. And that is exactly how Kim Taehyung, unemployed college student extraordinaire, meets Cha Hakyeon and Jung Taekwoon—proud owners of two very different kinds of coffee shops engaged in a friendly rivalry. Naturally, things go to shit as misunderstandings lead to glares, and cupcakes lead to scares. As the adorable staff members of the Little Kawaii Service Cafe come head to head with the tsundere boys of the What is Service Cafe, friendships will be strained. Wigs will be snatched. Frosting will be whipped (like the boys), and there is nothing Hakyeon or Taekwoon can do to stop them even if they wanted to (they don’t).
MAID WARS! What is it good for? Everybody say: fanfic content!
*alternatively: All we wanted was a tsundere maid cafe AU. Now we have this. rip.
There was a town not too far off that bustled with the busyness of a city, but not quite enough to overwhelm it. Its people went to work day in and day out for roughly eight hours, five or six days a week, but they had something unique in this little town that some suspect kept them happy and content. When people grew tired, some went to the comforts of their own home, some went to places where alcohol could untwist their nerves, and some, some went to two wonderful establishments in particular. Now, not everyone benefited from these gems. Not everyone believed these were gems, but for those who did, they would enter and leave with laughter in their lungs, satisfied stomachs, lighter shoulders, and fuller hearts.
It all began with two very good friends (only one of them openly expressed their friendship as such) who pursued their degrees in economics through a nearby university. The two of them aspired to have their own business, to fulfill their dreams of being the owners of the most well known, and well-respected establishments in their district. After toiling for their qualifications to be given to them on a piece of thicker paper, they graduated with flying colors, had diplomas their parents could be proud of, and lots and lots of money to return. They had to get to work fast.
Very good friends as they were (again, only one of them openly expressing so), they decided to rent spaces right across the street from each other. Both immediately knew what they wanted to pursue and tried to establish themselves in the way they dreamed of, but only Hakyeon became very successful. Taekwoon on the other hand wasn’t exactly failing, but he wasn’t making it either. For weeks he tried to keep it to himself and just push through, hoping that his hard work and his pride would pay off, but weeks turned into two months and, frankly, his ego couldn’t pay the bills.
Taekwoon looked at Hakyeon’s success across the street and tried to remember all the pros of asking for advice from this person he was alright with tolerating. For years, he tolerated all his blinding smiles and grabby limbs without sacrificing his own dignity too much. That should be a good sign. Also, his store was closed today and Hakyeon’s wasn’t. It all worked out like some huge coincidence. He made his decision with a long, heavy sigh, gathered up all the courage he could find in his body, and braced himself as he walked out of his place, onto the street, and into Hakyeon’s.
It was still fairly early in the day. Taekwoon couldn’t see many employees, but he surely saw Hakyeon from the outside of the store busy with the register, dressed immaculately in a floral suit over a white button down, pressed black slacks and black bow-tie. His purple hair was styled very prim and proper with a bit of forehead showing. A thought had Taekwoon hesitating, but he shook it away. He did walk all this way here after all. With one final shred of mental determination, he pushed open the obnoxiously decorated door, giving away his arrival to its occupants with the tinkling of a bell.
“Is that my Taekwoonie!? You finally paid me a visit!” Hakyeon exclaimed when he realized who entered. “I knew you had it in your grumpy self to miss me.”
“I don’t miss you,” Taekwoon grumbled lowly, receiving the already blinding smiles and the already grabby limbs.
“Still the same as ever, but I know you love me anyway.” Hakyeon wasn’t deterred at all, escorting him enthusiastically to a lime green colored table with fluffy stuffed animals on it. Taekwoon huffed, his neck getting warmer by the minute. “Here, have a seat and let me order something for you, on the house. I’m sure you’ll like it!”
With nothing else to do but wait, Taekwoon looked around and decided that he found the decor atrocious. Whose idea was it to display all these unnecessary accessories? It’s like some unicorn pranced it’s way in and puked all over the walls. Was that a cat clock with a swishy tail?
Hakyeon was back in no time bringing a mug with a ridiculous amount of froth bouncing up and down in time with his strides. As soon as it was set down in front of Taekwoon, it was spun around and he found himself being greeted by a smiling foamy kitty. Taekwoon looked mortified and didn’t look at all like he wanted to touch it. Hakyeon laughed heartily, clearly amused by his reaction.
“I didn’t know you would like it that much without even tasting it yet.” The feeling of knowing someone so well tasted so sweet. “Don’t worry. You can have this every time you visit. You’ll see the kitty again. Go ahead.”
Taekwoon couldn’t manage to glare at Hakyeon while staring at the softly wobbling mound of foam. He reached out slowly and brought it to his lips, taking a tentative sip. After a few beats, he widened his eyes and made a noise from the back of his throat. It tasted of lavender and vanilla. A latte. He liked it. He liked it a lot. He hastily threw the compliment in the air and took another sip. Hakyeon heard him but pretended not to for his sake.
“So, to what do I owe this rare and valuable visit of yours?” Hakyeon asked, trying not to focus too closely on Taekwoon’s cute foam mustache. They hadn’t talked very much since they were both busy starting up their businesses. And while Hakyeon still tried to wave a lot in Taekwoon’s direction when he saw him, it didn’t quite make up for talking. “How are you doing?”
“I—Hakyeon, I need some advice,” Taekwoon deflated, “some h-help about, about my cafe. It’s—I’m not…doing so well.”
Hakyeon let him continue talking, waiting for his cue.
“I don’t know what’s wrong. Our food is delicious. The desserts and beverages are delicately put together. We have good servers. They’re young, polite,” he rolled his eyes, ”somewhat good-looking.”
Hakyeon snickered.
“Really annoying and bratty, but polite. The point is,” Taekwoon waved his hand dismissively, “they do their job just fine. Everything else seems to be fine. So, what am I missing??”
Hakyeon’s place became known for a lot of Things, and he was sure it would help if Taekwoon incorporated it in his own cafe, too. Hakyeon agreed about the food and drinks at Taekwoon’s place being great. The recipes were fantastic. Taekwoon’s dishes were better than the ones they currently served. He’d had a taste of it back in their university days, and he knew that there was no way that Taekwoon would let anything be served without it being up to his standard of perfection. So really, there was nothing wrong with the menu. What Taekwoon needed, was a point of differentiation. Some way to showcase the attributes of his brand to his competitive advantage. Perhaps, one that sold a Unique Service to its customers. Maybe, the exact same as Hakyeon’s, which was completely alright with him. He was confident in his own skills, and after all, they are very good friends.
“Sandeul!” Hakyeon called out. Their store hadn’t opened yet but he was sure everyone was in their uniform by now. They had another thirty minutes before their shift really began. Taekwoon had his forehead glued to the table when he heard the assumed person click-clacking his way to them.
“Yes, sir?”
Taekwoon looked up to be polite and his jaw dropped.
“I know this is putting you on the spot right now,” Hakyeon inquired, “but how has it been since you’ve started working here?”
Hakyeon was puzzled when Sandeul didn’t answer straight away and noticed him fidgeting a little, slightly turning away from where Taekwoon was sitting. Hakyeon turned to Taekwoon, surprised to see him gawking.
“Taekwoon. What. What’s wrong?”
“I-I…Um, why is he wearing t-that?”
Hakyeon and Sandeul blinked at him.
“Well, how else am I supposed to run a maid cafe without our servers dressed as maids?”
“Y-your business is,” Taekwoon swallowed before speaking again, “a maid cafe?”
“Yes! Did you not figure that out from the store name?”
Taekwoon shook his head frantically, fighting so hard not to hide under the table from embarrassment.
“It’s called The Little Kawaii Service Cafe, for goodness sake,” Hakyeon covered his face with his hands.
“B-But,” Taekwoon argued weakly, “I thought those pictures of maids outside your shop was just for decoration because,” he shrunk further into his seat, “well, you know, to add to the cuteness theme thing you had going on,” he uncontrollably gestured to the everything in the cafe.
“A-and I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that you’re not cute,” Taekwoon said, arms flapping and rambling intensifying in hopes that Sandeul wasn’t offended. “I just—I-I mean…”
“Yes, sir! I am one of the maids in it,” Sandeul confessed happily knowing he was just called cute. Indirectly, but cute nonetheless. “And I can proudly say I love working here. The people we serve follow the rules and are kind to us, so I feel quite safe and appreciated, especially when they cheer for me when I sing. It’s nice.”
Hakyeon flashed a proud smile at Sandeul. “Yes, that’s right. Sandeul is a great singer and performer. You should see him when the guests order the Dragon Fruit Special. It’s his signature thing. They go crazy for it.”
Sandeul decided right then to show Taekwoon a sample of it. Before he could even finish, Taekwoon was showing him the crown of his head and making a lot of nervous noises while awkwardly seal-clapping.
“I was going to propose that you turn your cafe into a maid cafe as well, Taekwoon. I didn’t know that the people here would be interested, but apparently, they are. We don’t just sell food and drink, but the service as well. We’re the only maid cafe in the district so it’s a pretty niche market.”
It wasn’t a bad idea, Taekwoon had to admit, but he wasn’t cute, no matter what Hakyeon said. He couldn’t see how he, of all people, could own a cafe that catered cute things.
Hakyeon was persistent, and Taekwoon was stubborn.
“Taekwoon, listen to me. One, you are the most adorable person on the planet, and two, you don’t need to live, breathe, eat and shit cute to sell cute. You have a degree in economics and marketing for crying out loud.”
“Taek, you came to me for advice and I’m giv—”
“No, I mean, I’ll try the maid cafe idea but,” Hakyeon tilted his head in question, “it’s not going to be cute-themed. I’ll find something more fitting that I could pull off. It’ll be much better if I have a different theme anyway. You’re right across the street from me.”
Hakyeon hummed. “Well then, what theme do you think you’ll be going for?”
“A…tsundere theme?”
“What?” It was a completely backwards thought.
“Well, I’ve uh,” Taekwoon fidgeted with one of his left earrings, “seen people fall for characters who were quiet or cold in animes.”
“Taek, no one wants to keep going back to a place where people ignore or treat them rudely. That’s the complete opposite of customer service,” Hakyeon gestured with air quotes.
“I think it’d be successful. I mean, I could-I could try to make it work. I’ll just have to market it well. It fits me better…and it worked on you. You still keep pestering me after all these years, if that says anything.” Taekwoon mumbled the last bit under his breath.
Hakyeon didn’t know why he was so attuned to the way Taekwoon spoke so softly but where it was beneficial for him on all those other times, this time gave him an immense surge of panic.
“No!” Hakyeon protested his distress while Sandeul’s eyes looked like they had fallen out of his head. “I just— it would never work!” Multiple question marks shoved themselves into his thoughts but it was too late to save anything so he just went with it.
“But Hakye—”
“Listen to me! Things work out better when you do.” Oh, he had so much regret for opening his mouth, but he too had too much pride and was nowhere near ready to face his fears head-on. “You can try and see where it goes, but don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”
“Fine! We’ll see about that. I can thrive without being cute, just you watch.” Ever thick-headed and competitive Taekwoon stormed out of the cafe, not at all catching the way Hakyeon gulped, very obviously flustered.
And thus began the competition between the two maid cafes that shared the same street; but not to worry, without this competition, it would not be what it is today: a place for those who entered and left with laughter in their lungs, satisfied stomachs, lighter shoulders, and fuller hearts.
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mrslittletall · 6 years
Title: A Storm is coming (Chapter 4) Fandom: Dark Souls Characters: Chosen Undead/Dragon Slayer Ornstein (eventual romance), Dark Sun GwyndolinWord Count: 2.443 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16603610/chapters/41826608 Previous chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/182351536699/title-a-storm-is-coming-chapter-3-fandom-dark
Summary: Tempest and Ornstein have some kind of talk. Gwyndolin takes care of Ornstein.
(Author's note: I will admit it right away, writing these parts is difficult. The characters are extremely stubborn, especially Ornstein, and I feel like I have to bend and twist with them so that they act in favour of the story. Please stay with these dorks, I promise they will get better.)
Tempest squeaked in surprise and tried to withdraw his arm, but the grip of the dragon slayer was too strong and he couldn't move a single inch. His hand was still clutching the braid.
“Don't ever think about touching me again.”, the dragon slayer growled.
“I am sorry.”, Tempest squealed. “Would you let me go? You are hurting me.”
“First let go of my hair.”, the knight said and jerked up. Then he suddenly let go of Tempest arm, murmuring “Mistake...”, clasped a hand over his mouth and Tempest instantly knew what the bucket was for and handed it to the dragon slayer just in time before he could soil his blankets. Tempest stepped a few steps back from the bed, releasing the braid, asking himself if he should have hold it nonetheless as he watched the dragon slayer noisily puking into the bucket.
When the dragon slayer was finished, he was fumbling for the jar of water on the night stand and used it to clean out his mouth. He then carefully laid back in the pillows, glaring at Tempest.
“This is your fault.”, he said.
“I thought you wouldn't wake up.”, Tempest said, staring anywhere but into the eyes of the knight.
“How couldn't I wake up when you were so close to me and touching me without my consent?”, the dragon slayer asked. “What were you thinking?”
“...I wanted to know how it feels like...”, Tempest said. “It looked so soft.”
“You could have at least asked first.”
“Would you have allowed it then?”
“No.” The dragon slayer crossed his arms in front of his chest, grumbling a bit, then unfolded them again as if the position had been uncomfortable. “Where's Gwyndolin?”, he asked.
“They asked me to watch over you while they rested.”, Tempest truthfully said.
“Great, so they left me alone with the idiot?”, the dragon slayer murmured.
“I have a name, you know.”, Tempest said.
“Don't care, idiot will suffice for now.” The dragon slayer had a sardonically grin on his face.
“Well then, dragon slayer.”, Tempest said, putting as much coldness in the last words as possible, and sat down on the chair, feeling the glare off the dragon slayer still on him. Well, that felt uncomfortable. It felt like Tempest should do or say anything, getting some small talk started, so that this awkward silence between them would cease.
“So, how was it feeling like having to guard the cathedral for around a hundred years with a cannibalistic brute?”, he asked in as much of a casual tone as possible.
Tempest started to suggest this question had been a mistake, when he didn't get an answer right away. He slowly turned his head to look at the dragon slayer and was greeted by a face which was hardly able to contain the fury of its owner.
“Leave.”, the dragon slayer said between clenched teeth. Tempest shot up, the chair falling down in the process. His gaze fell on the bucket.
“I, uh, I think I will clean this up.”, he said and quickly ran out of the room.
When Tempest returned to the room, the dragon slayer had laid back down in the pillows, but was still awake. Tempest placed the bucket next to the bed, raised the chair and tiptoed away, sitting down at one of the chairs at the table, at a reasonable distance of the knight.
“I think I told you to leave.”, the dragon slayer said coldly.
“Look, I am sorry.”, Tempest said. “I have said something wrong. But the dark sun wants me to watch over you, so I can't leave. I won't talk to you anymore, I promise.”
He heard a deep sigh coming from the dragon slayer. “We need to talk when I am supposed to help you out.”, he said. “Why do you think that what you have said was wrong?”
“Uh, because you clearly were upset about it?”
“You called him a brute.”
Who? Oh, he was talking about the executioner. Wait a moment... from every story he had heard, it always had been said that Ornstein, the dragon slayer and Smough, the executioner hated each other. Smough, because he had never been granted knighthood and Ornstein, because he despised the cannibalistic ways of the executioner.
“...Was that, like, a misconception?”, Tempest asked.
“Smough was so much more then what people depicted him as.”, the dragon slayer started. “He was kind, understanding, soft, cute and... the light of my life.” He clenched his fists. “And then you came along and killed him.”, he hissed. “And you failed to kill me. This is unforgivable.”
Tempest blinked once, then twice, then shot up. “Wait, WHAT?”, he shouted. “You and Smough were like, a COUPLE?” He could hardly believe his own ears. He would blame it on feeling hollowed out, but right now Tempest was in his human form and his ears were working amazingly well.
“Yes.”, the dragon slayer just answered. “So I guess now you'll know why I reacted this way. If I just would have been able to follow him...”
Tempest sat down again: “I am sorry, I had no idea...” The rest of the words was lost when he tried to make sense of all of this.
So, Ornstein, the dragon slayer, and Smough, the executioner, had loved each other. And he supposed they had been happy with each other, as happy as possible living in a dying city at last. And then Tempest had come along and killed one of them. By the lord, would that have happened to him, he would be pissed and devastated too. And nonetheless, the dark sun was expecting them to work with each other? Tempest put his head on the table and sighed. What had he gotten himself into? Should he try and apologize for this? What good would this do? As he was still pondering his option, the dark sun came back into the room.
“Oh, Ornstein, you are awake. How about some food?”, they asked. They noticed Tempest sitting at the table. “Are you two getting along?”, they asked.
Tempest was in the process to open his mouth but closed it again, unsure about what to say, when the dragon slayer spoke: “Don't worry, we will manage.” Tempest saw him smile at the Dark Sun, but it felt kinda pained. Tempest just raised his hand in a thumbs up gesture.
“Some food would be fine, but nothing to heavy.”, the dragon slayer said. Tempest almost offered his help at cooking the meal, but the Dark Sun vanished quickly, muttering “Let's see what I can do.”
Tempest sighed and strolled over to the bed, sitting down on the chair.
“I am sorry.”, he said. “But in my defense, I didn't knew you weren't dead. I thought after the executioner had crushed you, you would be gone for good.”
Tempest could feel the glare of the dragon slayer on him. “And it didn't occur to you to check if maybe the job needed to be finished? Aren't you an elite knight of Astora?” He gestured at Tempest's armour.
Tempest looked down at him, straightening the blue tabard. “Oh, this? It isn't my armour. I picked it up in the Dark Root Garden, it was laying around there on a corpse. I am from Astora, but I never have been a knight. I just couldn't resist putting this thing on, wearing that armour is pretty much every young Astoran's dream.”, he explained.
“Oh...”, the dragon slayer said. “I should have figured this out on my own. Still...”, the eyes of the dragon slayer pretty much pierced into Tempest. “I resent that you didn't check and left me to bleed out and to... survive...” The knight averted his gaze from Tempest and stared at the wall instead.
“I am sorry.”, Tempest said again, not knowing what else to say.
“Apologizing won't help.”, the dragon slayer murmured. “Just let me heal up, try to stay out of my sight and let us get this done as quickly as possible.”
Tempest considered their talk to be over and retreated to the table. A few minutes later the Dark Sun came with a bowl of steaming oatmeal and handed it to the dragon slayer. Tempest watched them sit down next to the dragon slayer and keeping him company while eating. Tempest in the meantime, wondered if he would be able to taste the oatmeal now that he had regained his human form for the moment? Since he had become undead, he didn't had experienced any hunger and when he tried to eat something, it tasted like nothing, but that had been in his hollowed out form. Usually, drinking estus was all he needed. It was also a thing he could taste, even though it pretty much tasted like something had put fire and ashes into a bottle. With nothing better to do, Tempest grabbed for the emerald flask at his belt and inspected the liquid inside. What really was it? It got filled up whenever he touched a bonfire, so was it like, liquid bonfire? His thoughts got interrupted when he heard the Dark Sun say:
“It is time to change your bandages, Ornstein.”
With the estus flask still in hand, Tempest rushed over to the bed. “Wait a moment.”, he said, excitedly waving around the bottle. “Why can't we use my estus? It heals any wound in seconds.” His excitement abated when he felt both the gaze of the dragon slayer and the dark sun on him.
“Idiot, that stuff doesn't work on us. It is an Undead thing.”, the lion knight said.
“Oh...”, Tempest said and then perked up again. “But, what about miracles? That is a god thing, right?”
“When my sister still would be here...”, the dark sun said. “I am not very skilled in them, my field has always been moonlight magic.”
“Crap..”, Tempest said and took a few steps away from the bed. “Sorry, I just wanted to help.”
“Well, I wanted to change Ornstein's bandages now, you can help by getting his hair out of the way.”, the dark sun said. Both Tempest and the dragon slayer froze.
“I... don't think that is a good idea...”, Tempest stammered.
“Yeah...”, the dragon slayer added. “I don't want him to touch me. It makes me uncomfortable.”
“Oh, I should have figured, I am sorry for being so tactless, Ornstein.”, the dark sun said. “But like, feel free to stay here, maybe you learn a thing or two about bandaging wounds. Are you fine with this Ornstein?”
“Ugh, alright.”, the dragon slayer said and Tempest went around to stay at the foot of the bed, inspecting the work of the dark sun.
They started with the bandage around the dragon slayer's head and as soon as it was off, Tempest had to gasp at how bad this wound looked, terribly swollen and bruised along a laceration which had been stitched. It was no wonder the dragon slayer was feeling sick with that, his brain probably had gotten a good shaking. Tempest once more wondered how in the world he had manage to survive this blow? Tempest never had been able to survive a blow with the hammer when he already had been hurt. He watched the dark sun carefully cleaning the wound, making the dragon slayer wince, it surely must had hurt, before applying a fresh bandage. The next thing that happened, was the dragon slayer undressing himself and as soon as Tempest realized that, he turned red under his helmet, averting his gaze, asking himself why he did that, why he felt like that and forced himself to look back.
A slight disappointment and a bit of guilt washed over Tempest when he saw the chest of the dragon slayer wrapped in thick bandages. Both legs too, Tempest remembered that they had been a main focus for him, first because the dragon slayer was twice his size and second to rob him of his mobility. The dark sun was changing the bandages on the legs first, but Tempest was more distracted by the countless scars on the dragon slayer's body, a lot of them clearly burns, a particular large one seemed to adorn the left side of his body, probably even going down the back, but he couldn't see it from his position.
“Don't stare at me like that.”, the dragon slayer hissed, face slightly flushed, and Tempest muttered a quick apology, focusing on the work of the dark sun. Most of the cuts on the legs were already healing good, but one or two were also stitched and it explained why the dragon slayer had stand on so shaky legs when he had first encountered him in the hallway in front of the tomb.
Now that both legs had wrapped into fresh bandages, the dark sun started to unwrap the one on his chest. Tempest did hold in a breath when he saw the large wound, the one he had inflicted, the one that had made the dragon slayer collapse, but exhaled sharply when he saw the big bare chest which was originally covered by the bandages. It was built so well, probably a result from endless battle, but for some reason, it also gave some soft vibes. An urge to touch it washed through Tempest and he quickly had to avert his gaze, after how badly the dragon slayer had reacted to getting touched at his hair, Tempest didn't want to know his reaction when he would touch his bare chest. Especially when the latter wasn't asleep.
Tempest face flushed and he felt a certain hotness rise in his head. Oh no, did he found the dragon slayer to be hot? A guy who could crush him easily with his size and in fact did crush him several times in a fight to the death? Tempest could barely believe this and just muttered “I have to get out of here.”, before rushing out of the room, the hotness in his head feeling like it would spill out any moment. Outside of the tomb he removed his helmet, put his hand against his nose and saw the blood dripping on his gauntlet.
“Oh great.”, Tempest said, leaning against the wall, fumbling for his Estus to take care of his nosebleed. “He doesn't even like you, you fool, and you already are attracted to him...” Next chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/183652108349/title-a-storm-is-coming-chapter-5-fandom-dark
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closetofanxiety · 6 years
New Jersey Death (match) Trip
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I’m sorry this is long. If you’re reading on a mobile device, I know Tumblr makes you scroll through the whole thing instead of respecting their own html cut. 
Let’s just get this out of the way: I’m not reviewing the matches from Game Changer Wrestling’s Tournament of Survival 3. I haven’t watched enough death matches to qualify even as a mildly informed observer, and you know what? They kind of run together. It’s hard to distinguish one from the other, when you’re seeing one after the other.
When the first light tube spot happened on Saturday night, with a loud POP that could be heard everywhere in the building, the crowd erupted. By the time the hundredth light tube spot happened (not an exaggeration!), late into the show, no one in the crowd reacted at all. At some point, you just become numb.
I will say that, for sheer “Oh my God” spectacle, it’s hard to beat this kind of wrestling. I posted a bunch of short clips to my Instagram story, and friends who care not a whit about wrestling were messaging me all night about them. “What is that?” “Where are you?” “That looks insane,” etc. And when you’re standing a few feet away, the brutality is mesmerizing and almost artistic, like Artaud’s idea of the theater of cruelty, but for real.
On the other hand, all the criticisms I’ve heard of death match wrestling were on display: the comparison to the numbing effect of pornography seemed apt, as did the common complaint about guys who are theoretically trying to kill each other calmly waiting while their opponent sets up the next ridiculous spot. During one match (Ciclope vs. Alex Colon? I don’t know. They genuinely run together, especially in a tournament), one guy was setting up panes of glass on two chairs, but they kept slipping off, so THE REF started helping him out, while his opponent just waited on the turnbuckle for the suplex. Tell me that’s somehow less of an “exposing the business” scenario than an intergender match.
So, the matches were fine if you like death matches. Ciclope won, and good for him. What follows are my disjointed recollections of my first - and presumably last - experience at a death match tournament, lazily organized by chronology.
Saturday, June 2, 5:15 p.m.
I arrive at “the historic Starland Ballroom,” which turns out to be a grim loading dock of a building in an industrial park. The parking lot is practically full, and I am arriving 15 minutes after the scheduled bell time, thanks to traffic jams in Meriden, Fairfield County, and New York City. Let me say this: if I never drive across the George Washington Bridge again, it will be too soon.
Luckily, I have not missed anything. Doors were supposed to open at 4 p.m., but there is still a line of people snaking around the side of the building. We’re not just on Indie Time, we’re on Death Match Indie Time.
The crowd is about what you’d expect, with a uniform of black T-shirts and baggy shorts and a general commitment to ill health, although there are more women here than at most wrestling shows I’ve been to. I may be the only person here who has a favorite book. I see three different TSOL t-shirts, which somehow makes sense. I am surprised at the number of WWE shirts I see. I briefly thought about wearing a Kevin Owens shirt, but feared I’d be mocked and derided; within minutes of arriving, I see a huge guy with sleeve tattoos wearing the same shirt. There are more WWE shirts here than CZW shirts, in fact, which I guess is not surprising, given the enmity that exists between the established New Jersey promotion and the GCW upstarts. There are, in fact, more T-shirts here that say “CZW is Pussy” [sic] than CZW shirts.
There are people tailgating in the parking lot, and fragrant drafts of marijuana smoke drift by. A burly guy in an orange T-shirt that says SECURITY waddles up to me and tells me I can’t bring my shoulder bag inside the venue.
“I understand, safety first at the death match tournament,” I say. He nods, either not getting the joke or deciding whether I need to be restrained in a chokehold.
5:35 p.m.
I’m through the doors. There are metal detectors and bored-looking bouncers in orange shirts, because this is a crummy rock club. A guy in front of me with neck tattoos is told he has to take his bottle of prescription medication back to his car. A woman is arguing about a bag search.
There’s a small table set up just behind the metal detectors. It’s hard to know who might be part of the GCW staff. A guy in a black T-shirt and baseball cap is yelling at a woman, possibly about people getting in with bogus tickets.
“I know every name on every ticket sold,” he tells her. Then, to me, he says, “What’s your name?” as I hold out my crumpled printout.
I tell him, and he says “You’re good.” I don’t feel good, but I go in anyway.
The venue is absolutely packed. There’s a ring set up in the middle, and a VIP seating section on what must be the stage for all the shitty bands that play here. There are rows of chairs on all four sides of the ring, and all of them are occupied. Behind the chairs, in standing room areas, crowds of people jostle for position.
My ticket theoretically entitles me to a seat in the third row. Pathetically, I hold my ticket up to a person working at the GCW t-shirt table and inquire about getting a seat.
“Sorry, bro, first come, first served,” I am told. I could have saved $15 and bought a general admission pass, I ruefully reflect.
It’s standing in the back, near the t-shirts and the barbecue vendor, that I notice the long bar is empty. This is a shame, as I am extremely thirsty and would pay at least $10 for a bottle of water. It turns out the venue decided not to serve alcohol tonight, which is the first good decision anyone has made all day.
I wander around, noticing merch tables and the Nick Gage-mocked treats for sale. No one has any water. The treat woman, God bless her, points me to a small bar in the back of the room where the venue is selling pizza, Red Bull, and bottles of water. I buy two and want to sob in gratitude.
“Yo, we’re starting soon!” a voice announces over the PA. It is now 40 minutes after the announced bell time.
5:45 p.m.
A man in black shorts and a baseball cap bounds into the ring. The crowd erupts in cheers. It is the same guy who knew every ticket buyer’s name. This must be a GCW owner.
“Yo, look at all these mothafuckin’ shot callers in this place!” he yells, and the crowd roars its approval. Are GCW fans shot callers? Am I now, by extension, a shot caller? I feel briefly stirred, until I reflect that a genuine shot caller would be allowed to bring his shoulder bag into the venue.
The guy tells us that regular ring announcer is sick tonight. “He’s in the bathroom, shitting and puking,” the guy says, and the crowd cheers, as if excited by any bodily function. Instead, there’s another ring announcer, who is dressed like a frat guy at a golf course and sounds like the world’s most convincing Joel Gertner impersonator. I mean, he really, really sounds like Gertner. It was uncanny, and throughout the night, it was weird to hear that voice and see it coming out of a guy who incels would characterize as a “Chad,” instead of a tubby, hairy Long Islander with a leopard-print neck brace.
We’re ready to go. The music starts. It’s Nick Gage’s music. The crowd goes insane. I am watching from the small bar at the back of the room. I have two bottles of water and a cupcake. I wanted the “MDK” variety (red velvet with cream cheese frosting), but the woman told me they all melted, so I get the “Ultraviolent,” which is just a vanilla cupcake with buttercream frosting. It’s a little soggier than I’d like, but it hits the spot. I am eating a cupcake and watching men rake pizza cutters across each other’s faces. This is Roman decadence. Our society is doomed.
The matches come and go. Shlak is here; people on Woke Wrestling Twitter hate Shlak and regard him as a Nazi, but I don’t know exactly what the source of that grievance is. He was recently shot in the leg, as he posted on Twitter, along with the motto, “I welcome death.” He gets a big welcome here. In his match, Markus Crane - who is introduced by Not Joel Gertner as “The Devil’s Big Red Dick” - repeatedly does horrible things to the leg where Shlak was recently shot. Eventually the referee stops the match and awards the win to Crane, which results in bloodthirsty disapproval from the crowd.
As this is going on, I notice a man watching the show at the bar, with his 8 or 9 year old son. I briefly think about calling the police, but instead I pay $3 for a slice of pizza that I saw delivered in a box and have another water. Between matches, members of the ring crew use huge industrial brooms to sweep all the broken glass out of the ring, because, safety first at the death match tournament.
7:30 p.m.
It’s intermission now. I don’t know who’s winning. I go over to Takayuki Ueki, the Big Japan wrestler who lost to Nick Gage in the first round. He seems nice. I buy a Big Japan yearbook from him and get him to sign it. Some other guys are selling loads of wrestling magazines from Japan. I buy one with a Minoru Suzuki cover and one with a Naito cover. I am a gormless tourist. “Got any joshi magazines?” I ask. The guy looks at me like I just asked him to make me a casserole. He does not have any joshi magazines.
I buy a Tournament of Survival shirt with all the participants, because I want to remember one of my most questionable decisions as an adult. Now I have a shirt with someone who may or may not be a Nazi. I will not wear this on first dates.
The show starts up again. I’m standing closer to the ring now. During one of the matches, I get hit with broken glass from one of the light tubes, a spot happening about 15 feet away. I decide to go back to my spot in the bar at the back of the room. I have another water.
Nick Gage comes out to wrestle Ciclope. A guy tries to start a “U-S-A!” chant and is immediately drowned in a sea of booing. I’m oddly relieved that the death match crowd in 2018 has no time for jingoism. After 10 minutes of brutalizing each other with glass, pizza cutters, light tubes, a fishing pole (don’t ask), and whatever else, Ciclope beats Gage with a schoolboy, which is hilarious. To me, anyway. The crowd is infuriated. Nick Gage was infuriated, and suplexed the ref through a pane of glass. Well, Nicholas, perhaps you shouldn’t lose matches to routine roll-up pins, hmm?
Joey Janela comes out. He’s wrestling the resurgent PCO in a non-tournament match. This is my first glimpse of the new look PCO, who I have vague memories of from childhood, during his goofy Not-the-Mounties stint in the WWF as one of the Quebecers. Pierre Carl Ouellet, Indie Darling, is one of the weirder and better wrestling stories of 2018. It would be like the Ding Dongs coming out of retirement to win the PWG tag team championships with a dizzying routine of high spots.
Janela and PCO start with a lockup and go into chain wrestling, and it’s like listening to jazz after hours of black metal. It’s so different and refreshing. Eventually they start breaking out the Home Depot supplies, of course, and since part of Indie PCO’s gimmick is that he has a gross, welt-covered chest, there are lots of chop spots involving that. But this is a good match overall. A solid 3.5/5 and my favorite of the night.
9:00 p.m.
It’s time for the main event: Ciclope vs. Miedo Extremo. It’s a death match. Ciclope wins. I scoot out early so I can exit the crammed parking lot and get on the road to my hotel, which is in Neptune. I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow at Asbury Park, where I plan to visit some weird places for a newspaper column I write. It’s also, unbeknownst to me, the day of the Asbury Park Pride parade, so the town is quite full, which explains why I paid $250 for two nights at a Red Roof Inn. I may be the only person in the state who, in about 12 hours, was a death match spectator, Catholic Mass attender, and inadvertent Pride parade viewer. What a day. What a weekend.
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ladygloucester · 7 years
Redheaded Scots and Red Velvet Dresses
I’ve been kinda stuck with my main work, so I thought of untucking a bit with some good old fashion smut. Hope you enjoy it!!
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“I already told you, I’m not going to that stupid party, Geillis. I’m on call tomorrow and have zero interest in going to the hospital with two hours of sleep in my back.”
Claire dropped on the couch crossing her arms and staring blankly at the tv. Her blonde roommate looked at her with a crooked smile and arching an eyebrow.
“You’re telling me you rather binge watch that silly medieval tv show for the thousandth time than coming to a party? Seriously?”
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you. And it’s not medieval. It’s XVIII century.”
A tense silence settled between them, Geillis’ deep green eyes piercing Claire’s. Then, her stance changed and smiled again.
Then I’m calling cave on you,” she sentenced mimicking her posture.
Her roommate’s eyes darted to hers, in complete and utter astonishment.
“Really? You’re calling cave for me to go to a party?“ Geillis nodded and Claire dropped her arms, defeated. The first time they had met, Claire had been doing speleology in a marine cave. She had broken her leg and unable to call for help or swim the distance between the cave and the shore, she had given up and waited for someone, anyone, to have the same silly idea she had had, emerge from the water and find her. Two days and almost completely dehydrated, Geillis had found her on the sand, helped her to the shore and taken to the hospital. Since that day, besides becoming best friends, Geillis had used the cave whenever she wanted to get her way. She knew how and when to call it: that trip to Paris she didn’t want to do alone, not after Dougal had dumped her for the thousandth time; that time she went skydiving and realized she was to scared to go by herself; and the best time, that Saturday she made Claire go with her to an illegal body painting contest in Edinburgh that almost got them both in jail. Fun times.
“You’re incredible. Fine. I’ll go. But don’t think for a second I’m having any fun or staying a minute over 1 am.”
She stood up and lightly pushed Geillis on her way to her bedroom. Since she had begun her internship at the hospital, clothes had become a frivolous concept she had no time to pay attention to. Not that she didn’t appreciate a nice Balenciaga. But spending days in a row with her blue scrubs played down the importance of going to work with a pretty outfit…. that would most certainly covered in blood, puke or any other disgustingly non washable substance that had already ruined two pairs of designer heels and at least three painfully beautiful jeans. So sneakers, cheap jeans and a t-shirt was almost her daily uniform, so finding something to wear to a party started to prove itself a dull task.
While she was going through her drawers, Geillis appeared carrying two black dress bags with a name she didn’t recognize.
“Louis de la Tour? I don’t think I…”
“This is what you’re wearing tonight. I haven’t told you because I wanted you to come because you liked my company. But since you hate me guts and care naught for me, I’m telling you already. It’s a costume party.” And before Claire could protest, she kept talking. “A XVIII century costume party.”
A smile spread on Claire’s face as she took one of the bag and opened it. Inside there was a stunning red dress with a more than generous neckline and an amazing volume skirt. She stared at the fabric, caressing it, and looked back at Geillis.
“In the other bag there’s the rest of the things you’ll need for the dress. A corset, undergarments… You know better than I do.“
“Geillis, I…”
“Just shut up and try not to look to pretty. Dougal’s coming too and I don’t want him staring like a fool at your lovely bosom.”
Claire grimaced and shook her head, reassuring her.
“I’ll have a turtleneck close by for emergencies.”
The cab driver that picked them up was flabbergasted when they got in and tried to fit with their dresses into the back of the car. In a chaos of silk, petticoats and lace, Claire and Geillis managed to seat without wrinkling the skirts too much, and arrived at their destination fifteen minutes later.
As they traveled, Claire stared at the city, disappearing progressively, skyscrapers and office buildings leaving room for wide grass fields, sparkling under the red sunset. She had no idea where they were going, but her doubts came clear when they finally parked in the front garden of a, of course, XVIII century manor.
As they stepped out of the taxi, she soaked in the beauty of the large, slender, white marble pillars flanking the marvellous entrance hall. The stairs leading io it were covered by a deep red velvet carpet, and several guests were already making good use of it. It really felt like a journey through time, and the feeling became more powerful when both women entered the mansion. Men wearing powdered wigs, dress coats in the most assorted colors and pants that ended on the knee, only to give way to sleek white stockings held in place by colorful garters.
Being raised by an archaeologist, Claire was especially fond of every single thing that estimated her historical instincts. Intently, she noticed every detail of the hall while Geillis pulled her arm trying to make her move faster. The moulding that dressed the upper walls, the heavy curtains covering the wide French windows, the fluffiness of the Persian carpets under her feet.
Geillis clicked her tongue and pulled from her harder, almost making her trip and letting lose a few curls of Claire’s precarious bun.
“Jesus H. Roosevel Christ, Geillis!” She hissed recomposing herself and catching up with her pace. “You almost dislocate my shoulder, why are you in such a hurry?”
“I’m not in a hurry. I just don’t want to be seen staring at the walls as if I just left the village on a stagecoach.”
The sun was already setting when they entered what it appeared to be the ballroom, and the chandeliers had been lit, dozens of candles illuminating the richness of the chamber and playfully creating whimsical shadows on the walls. The floors were covered in mahogany wood, making her heels tap with a joyful sound. Geilis left her impatiently and wandered around the room, a moment Claire took advantage of to appreciate the exuberance of her outfit. Matching her eyes, her friend had chosen a emerald green low-cut dress, lavishly ornate with lace and totally flattering. The contrast with her creamy skin made the perfect combination, and Claire knew then why she had put so much effort in looking that stunning.
Her walkabout came to its end when a tall, older man emerged from the crowd. His hair was extremely short, but you could tell by the strands of grey that showed here and there that he had seen easily over four decades. Geillis was, just as Claire, in her early twenties, and even though she had always understood the appeal of an attractive forty-something, there was something in Dougal that made Claire distrustful. Probably was the way he looked at her whenever they met, as if he was about to jump her and forget about his actual date.
Not a compelling quality in a boyfriend, for sure.
With that in mind, Claire decided to distance herself from the couple before he insisted in greeting her. Slowly, that was the only way she could move in that amazing but consistently uncomfortable dress, she took two steps backwards and began to turn around, when suddenly a solid whirlwind of tartan, red curls and white linen crashed against her, making her lose her balance. But before she could regain it, two strong hands grabbed her waist and steadied her.
When their eyes met, the man who had collided with her froze his hands in place, even though their service was no longer required. Two piercing blue eyes, the same color as a summery sky reflected on a stream, stared into hers. A few coppery curls had fallen over them and she felt, for a second, a stinging need to weave them away. Claire stood there, trapped in time as if clocks had all dropped their hands and seconds ceased to exist. But they really hadn’t.
“But… what are you doing there? Come!” A high-pitched, almost annoying feminine voice came from a few feet away, tearing them both out from the enchantment. His hands painfully left her back and a slight blush covered his cheeks, as he passed his fingers through his curls to set them back again.
“Sorry, mistress. Didna mean to…” A deep, rich voice reached her even in the growing racket that had begun as guests entered the ballroom.
“Don’t worry, I was… Just walking backwards, actually. Probably not the best way to walk in a crowd.”
He smiled politely and nodded, before lingering just a second more than necessary and going in his way to the origin of the disturbance. Claire nodded back, flushed and feeling her heart pounding against her corset. Over six feet tall, the owner of those flashing red curls was wearing what she interpreted as a traditional Scot outfit. Kilt and everything. The tartan fell all the way to his knees, reached by two sturdy but apparently well-made leather boots. A white linen shirt, crossed by the plaid fabric that covered his shoulder kept in place by a silver brooch, completed the look. She strained her eyes to try and decipher the pattern of his kilt as he was leaving, the exact same moment he chose to look over his shoulder and catch her redhanded. She quickly took her gaze away, but not before she could sense the shadow of a smile in his full lips.
Nice. Caught squinting at a guy’s ass. Way to go, Beauchamp, clearly this can only get better.
Trying to calm down and enjoy the party, she turned the opposite way and visited the bar, that consisted of a splendid cedar table with a server on the other side of it.
“Whisky. Neat, please.”
She gulped the first glass and got herself served with another before roaming the room. Geillis and Dougal had already disappeared.
At least someone is having a party.
Without her roommate around, she realized she knew no one at that place. But it didn’t actually matter. The lushness of her low V-cut dress and the brightness of the red fabric began to catch the eye of several men and in no time, she found herself surrounded by smiles, knowing winks and a lot of flattering words. Fortunately she had brought a fan, dazzlingly decorated, to cover in part her charms and shoo away the nuisances.
Even though it was a XVIII century costume party, clearly the DJ had nothing in common with Mozart or Bach. Rock began to reverberate in the design speakers that were camouflaged around the place, and the guests had no trouble dancing around in their best galas. It was awkward to feel like you had traveled over two hundred years back in time with that soundtrack. But after many requests, Claire finally gave up, left her empty glass —how many times have they refilled it?—and threw herself into the music.
It didn’t take much for her to lose track of time. Dancing became very welcomed distraction she hadn’t had since she began her surgery internship at the hospital. Lots of concentration, late hours and even longer ones studying were pretty much what her days were made of. She didn’t realize how right was Geillis, and how much she needed to go out and remember what it was to have a night like that. The heat, the music, the people… it was exhilarating, and she yielded to all of it.
But then, the crowd opened slightly and her eyes traveled through the corridor amongst them. Leaned against one of the tables, with a glass of whisky in one hand and his legs crossed at the ankles, two exquisitely blue eyes under a mass of red curls stared at her, completely fixated. Claire felt her chest and cheeks flushing while she looked back at him still dancing. He took a sip of the glass, and quickly, almost inadvertently, he licked his lips, as if to rescue a castaway drop of liquor.
Claire had an internal debate. Why didn’t he come along? Why was he looking at her like that, as if this was some kind of private show? Because if that Scot was able to do something, was to make her feel as if they were alone in a room full of people. She was arguing against herself when her own curls, tucked up in a bun, began to fall over her shoulders. Absentmindedly, she took the hair slide that had kept them (as best as it could) in place and let them spread around her face and neck.
Ok, so he has a thing for curly girls…
She couldn’t help a flirty smile when his eyes grew wider, or as wide as those two feline eyes could, and his lips slightly parted at the sight of Claire’s hair running wild. Apparently that was all he was waiting, because a second later he was crossing the room in confident strides until he was standing in front of her, in a turbulent sea of people dancing. Even though she wasn’t small, he towered over her at a close distance.
“Where did you leave your date?” Claire couldn’t help to tease. He answered with a crooked smile.
“Ye mean Laoghaire? It wad’a been a date if I had any interest in her. My sister set me up, she has very… clear ideas. Not that I share most of thaim”.
“So you left the poor girl, is it?”
“Poor…” He repeated astonishedly. “If ye kent Laooghaire ye wouldna call her poor. Trust me.“
Claire chuckled and realized he was standing still.
“You don’t dance?”
“Not really my strong suit…“
“Then you shouldn’t be in the middle of the dance floor…” She teased again, looking at him from under her eyelashes. He arched an eyebrow and began to move, slowly and in a very contained manner that, probably without him knowing, made him even sexier.
“If that’s what it takes to speak to ye…”
The conversation was severely reduced, and the heat pulsating throughout the room made his curls stuck with sweat to his forehead and temples. The distance between them was merely inches, even though they weren’t touching. Whenever he spoke to her, he would come closer to her ear. The proximity of his body began to raise her temperature, and the feeling of his hot breath against the skin of her neck, brushing his hair against her cheek, was starting to drive her mind into more than friendly thoughts of dancing companionship. Unable to break eye contact from those charged pools of turmaline, she felt like the prey hypnotized by the predator.
And yet, instead of doing any obvious advances, he would make her laugh until her ribs hurt and she had tears in the corner of her eyes, while shielding her from other people pushing her and careless elbows. Without touching her, his arms would create a safety bubble inhabited only by the two of them.
“Care for another drink?“ She nodded smiling and he parted ways in the search of a nice scotch whisky.
While Claire was waiting for his return, Geillis approached her with Dougal on her arm. She could instantly feel his eyes on her breasts, slightly bright because of the sweat. Geillis elbowed him on the side and he diverted his gaze with a grunt.
“Dougal, always a pleasure,” she snorted and arched an eyebrow.
“Don’t mind him. You having fun?” Geillis asked as she started to dance to the rhythm of a new song.
“Sure. Better than I expected, I confessed.” Claire smiled and directed her eyes to the large Scot ordering drinks at the end of the ballroom. Geillis followed her gaze and let out a astound chuckle.
“Really? Do you know him?”
“Yeah…” She answered puzzled. “Do you?”
“Good evening…” An unexpected low voice came across to her. Claire turned around and was met by a two dark eyes, squinting because of a polite smile. Dressed as a English military of the XVIII century, this man was clearly older than her. Something in his gaze made her instantly uncomfortable, even though his demeanor couldn’t be more respectful. She made a graceful bow and smiled back.
“Good evening indeed.”
He closed the distance between them, narrowing the space between their bodies and his mouth and her ear. She shivered, but not the same way she had before.
“I see you have a particular good eye for Scots. But, here’s the thing. That great, redheaded one you’ve been talking to… Let’s say he’s not free to roam around the likes of you. He has… other tastes, if you know what I mean.”
As well-mannered as he was, Claire felt disgusted by the way he was talking to her. He didn’t even shout, near as he was. He faced her again, slowly, deliberately, and slightly drop his eyelids staring at her chest. He made a disapproving noise with his mouth and shook his head, crooking a smile.
“Too cheap, I’m afraid. Easy as a…”
Claire didn’t see it coming and certainly neither did the English man. The fist that collided brutally against his jaw tore him away a few steps, but he didn’t fall to the ground; instead, he clashed into the crowd and the people around supported him, caught by surprise. She followed the fist to the arm, then to the shoulder, only to discover the owner was said great, redheaded Scot. He had let his hand fall to his side and was shaking it. But what Claire didn’t expect was the utter look of disgust and hatred he was directing at the mant.
When he managed to regain balance, he touched his chin, checking it was still in place, and smile viciously at the Scot. Then he looked back at Claire.
“I told you. His tastes are different.“
Dougal, who had been staring at the whole scene without batting an eyelash, jumped to get ahold of the angrier and angrier redheaded man, who was already trying to get free to, probably, launch another punch into that odious face.
“Dinna, lash, juist let it go,“ Dougal hissed. He grabbed him until the man in the redcoat left the ballroom, and then he released him.
The younger man shook his head, his curls flying around, and snorted before turning away and disappearing into the crowd. Claire looked at Dougal, raising an eyebrow in a questioning way, and he shrugged.
“He’s my sister’s son.”
Claire blinked twice, completely caught off guard and looked at Geillis, who was already tidying up Dougal’s costume. She shook her head slightly, not knowing what else to say, and Claire took off the same way the nephew had. That hand was probably broken and if not, it was going to be painful as hell either way. Following his steps, a large door opened before her, leading to the back garden. The air was chilly, and goosebumps flooded her exposed skin. She took advantage of the height of the stairs to locate him. Not that he could pass unnoticed. Tall and bright as he was, it took her just a few seconds to find him pacing in a secluded part of the garden.
Training overtook her and she walked determined towards him. He acknowledge her looking at her sideways, but didn’t stop. He was muttering something she couldn’t understand, until she realized it was gaelic. Claire grabbed his arm and tried to stop him, but he got loose and kept pacing.
“I can’t understand a single word you say, but if that hand…”
“What did he tell ye?” He asked dryly. Claire’s brow furrowed and shook her head.
“Nonsense, he just…”
“Ok, ok… Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, what’s the fuss? He just told me you…” She realized she didn’t know how to put it with words. She sighed, looking at his large height and prayed he didn’t have any more punches in him. “He just told me you’re gay… But that’s ok! Don’t feel bad about it or anything…“
Blood left his face and Claire felt the night had become even colder.
“So that’s what he’s speeting noo, is it?”
“I don’t understand…”
“He’s the one that chased after me. He… I rejected him and he… since that day… He tells every woman he sees me with ‘I have other tastes’. That’s what he tald ye, aye?” Claire nodded intimidated by the situation. “I kent. Bastard… One day there’ll be no one close eneugh to save his sorry arse,“ he hissed under his breath, shaking his hand.
Claire saw the bloodied knuckles and grabbed both his arms, forcing him to face her and stop toting.
“Let me check that hand, it’s…”
“It’s ok, I’ve seen warse.“
“I don’t doubt it,” she tried to light it up a notch. “But I’m a doctor. Well, a doctor in training, at least. Let me see it.”
He stared at her for a second, sighed deeply and sat on a nearby pedestal missing its statue. He gave up and allowed her to examine his hand. Only palpating it and by the way he was clenching his jaw, probably he had at least two knuckles broken. For a second Claire tried to imagine the strength he had applied to that punch, and realized the other side of the fight was probably on his way to the ER with a broken jaw.
“Two knuckles are broken, probably more. You shouldn’t have given him the satisfaction.” She added while taking out a white handkerchief of one of the hidden pockets of her dress, making him smile while she tucked it around his hand.
“That dress is full of… surprises,“ he mustered. For the first time in the whole night, his willpower faltered him and Claire caught him staring at her breasts, ample and pulsating with every gasp of air. It was only a second, but she noticed and when he looked back in her eyes, he was blushing like a teenager. “i… I’m… I just… It’s… I mean, it’s distracting, you ken… Blessed Michael defend us! Ye have no idea the effort I’ve put tonight to keep my eyes above your neck,” he defended himself.
Claire erupted in laughter and he looked at her slightly offended.
“You shouldna wear things like that, they’re… Well, it’s hard to think nearby,” he kept trying to build his case.
She couldn’t stop laughing, so she didn’t noticed him standing up only an inch from her body. When she realized the proximity, she tried to take a step backwards, but his hand on the small of her back stopped her from succeeding. She didn’t pull away again, just staring into each others eyes, in the silence of the night as her laughter faded. His other hand traveled from his lap to her temple, pushing a way a rebellious curl behind her ear. He then lowered his fingertips, soft and light as a dove’s wing, on the side of her neck, painfully slowly.
Claire felt her pulse racing and she closed her eyes, panting. There was something extremely erotic in the way he had been treating her all night. That distance between them, almost non existent but always enough for her to reject him had she wanted to. The brush of his hair on her cheek when he talked to her ear, making her tremble under the heat of his breath. Each movement was deliberate and calculated and yet, seemed completely effortless.
His fingertips slowed down when they reached her shoulder, passed over her collarbone and set course to souther terrains. They slowed enough for her to retreat. The pressure of his hand on her back was almost formal, and she knew she could release herself from that embrace any time she wanted to. But damn if she did. Then, that same hand pulled her closer, erasing the distance between them. His fingers landed on one breast, caressing it so delicately she couldn’t help a moan escaping her lips. She rested her forehead against his chin, feeling the golden stubble against her skin, but apparently, all the willpower he had used to keep his eyes away from her charms had finally run out. Grabbing her hair, he pulled her face up to his and his mouth crashed against hers.
His lips were demanding. Having been restrained for so long, when they found hers they devour them without mercy. His teeth sank into the softness of her lower lip, making her closed eyes roll backwards in pleasure. His tongue followed through, first caressing it then exploring her mouth, playing inside of her, making her knees tremble. He turned around with her and lifted her by the waist in a swift movement, almost completely effortless, to settle her on top of the pedestal he had been sitting on a few seconds earlier.
Her hands began to unbutton the shirt to gain access to his chest, and conquered every bit of skin and soft fuzz on it. Without leaving his mouth, his own hands traveled up to the front of her dress and untied the laces that held it in place, uncovering the white corset underneath it and cursing under his breath when confronted with  more obstacles.
“A Dhia…”
Claire couldn’t help a smile as he looked disturbed by the amount of effort it was going to take to finally uncover her breasts, but that Scot was nothing if not thorough, and when he finally untied his new archenemy, she shivered as the cold wind hardened her nipples. He took a second to admire her roundness and perfection, before lowering his mouth and paying them the attention they deserved.
Her head fall backwards in pleasure as his lips captured one nipple, playing with his tongue against the sensitive flesh. Her hands grabbed his curls and pressed him closer to her. First one, then the other, the redheaded man suckled and teased her breasts, licking their curves and giving her goosebumps in every inch of skin attended.
His mouth set course upwards, kissing his way up to her neck and back to her mouth. Claire finally separated her legs, allowing him into that closer place where each part of their bodies were in contact with the other. Even under the folds of wrinkled fabric, she could feel his desire, at least, matching hers, intoxicatingly brushing against her inner core.
Finally surrendering to being unable to think cohesively, she abandoned herself to her instincts, to the soft firmness of his mouth ravishing hers, to the urge of his hands discovering every piece of exposed skin and claiming it for his own. The roughness of his linen shirt against her bosom made her feel as she would combust herself if she didn’t find release soon. So in a bolder move that she expected, Claire surrounded his hips with her thighs, pushing him unimaginably closer to her. He moaned into her mouth and she moaned back in return, unable to wait any longer for the contact to be full and ultimate.
She lifted her skirt and went on to do the same with his kilt, without any opposition, while his hands lowered her dressed from her shoulders, baring new territory for him to enthrall with his kisses and the teasing of his teeth. Her hands finally found him as he gasped for air, settling his forehead on her shoulder. His length filled her hand, pulsating, while she directed it straight inside of her. The same surprise she had gotten when she found no underwear under his tartan was equal to his when he realized she was following the XVIII customs in full detail.
He accepted the invitation extended by her adventurous hand and teased her entrance before thrusting in one move and stopping inside of her to allow her to adjust to him. Claire could feel his hands around her waist, and his breath panting against the skin of her neck. Slowly, he set a pace guided by the rhythm her hands began to mark on his hips, but unable to stay under such restrain any longer, he pulled her hips closer to his, eliciting a cry from her and covering her mouth with his own to keep her silent.
His thrusts pounded against her flesh, making it swollen and so sensitive she felt every nerve of her body concentrated in that tiny amount of space. His cock filled her emptiness as no one ever had, pulsating inside of her and reaching further and further along. The grip of his hands on her hips nailed her to the stone she was sitting upon, angling them perfectly for him to tease her most receptive spot whenever he pushed inside of her. But when one of his hands released her grasp and found its way to that sweet place between her legs, Claire knew release was about to wash all over her.
Their eyes met, as if somehow their bodies were in outright synchronization, as if they knew what their masters didn’t, and he increased the pace while caressing her to oblivion. The orgasm came like a wave in a sunny beach day, warm, full, unexpectedly enticing. He followed through seconds later, feeling her clutching around him and driving him into utter pleasure in her arms.
For a minute, they stayed embraced, panting into each other’s skin. Her head resting on his chest, his chin on top of it. When they finally parted, their anatomies already missing what was being stolen from them, they looked at each other with different eyes. He helped her with the laces, trying to recompose her dress as best as they could, then she helped him tucking his shirt inside of his kilt and placing the plaid fabric over his shoulders.
In them most gentlemanly way, he offered his hand to help her off the stone base and she gracefully accepted it with a smile. Then, as if hit by realization at the same time, the looks on their faces switched content and satisfaction to shyness and sudden regret.
“I can’t believe…“
“I should hae asked…“ They spoke at the same time, went silent and laughed more relaxed. He arched an eyebrow with a crooked smile, took a step backwards and bowed.
She asked to her movement with a balletic bow of her own, and this time she was the first to offer her hand out.
“Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp.“
“James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. Your servant, madame.”
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pyrewriter · 4 years
Cheshire Community
Chat was expecting to patrol alone again, especially after what he had just pulled that morning, but to his surprise Ladybug had actually met him at the Eiffel tower. Unsurprisingly however she was once again furious with him but not for her usual reason.
"Why did you break into the building and throw a computer through a window?" she asked having watched the rest of the story as Marinette before going on patrol. "You're practically a criminal, why go so far?".
Chat shrugged "Couldn't tell you, maybe it was my sense of duty to those in need, maybe it was because we shared drinks, maybe because being hunted isn't fun". Chat's voice became progressively more angry as he spoke, Belial nudging his face calmed him down.
Ladybug let out a defeated sigh taking a seat next to Chat on his right "Guess there's no point in scolding you so I won't waste my time". She looked to Chat "But I do want to apologize for leaving you to patrol alone for so long even though I was perfectly able to do my half" he shrugged again. Ladybug continued "You were right I'm sorry for making you play Roulette with my mood, that wasn't fair". Belial jumped from Chat's shoulder to her lap, she stroked his back causing him to purr loudly.
After a few moments Chat finally responded to her "You weren't completely in the wrong, I knew how much Adrien meant to you, I should have known him running away would hit you hard". He actually hadn't thought about what disappearing would do to his partner and he was disappointed in himself for not thinking of her but what's done, was done. *BEEP* BEEP* his ears flicked to the sound of a miraculous beeping "You've been out longer than you should have" Chat said closing his eyes and laying on his back.
Ladybug looked out over the city "I was out looking for him again" she told him timidly.
"Even after he told the city to stop?" Chat raised an eyebrow, then after a moment laughed to himself "Hehe guess the Square will be a safer place than I thought".
"What 'Square', Chat" Ladybug asked with a demanding tone.
Chat shook his head "All will be explained in do time LB, and aren't you about to transform back?" he reminded her as her Miraculous beeped again.
"Aren't we supposed to be trying to learn each other's identities?" she replied sarcastically.
Chat sat up suddenly and whistled, Belial jumped to his shoulder "Well, looks like it's time for you to be the cat and I, the mouse" he stood. "I wish mew the best of luck in your search for this alley cat's name" he said before launching himself to a nearest roof. He stopped looking back ,watching Ladybug, he was just far enough that he couldn't make out her face.  
"Hey!" Ladybug yelled as she scrambled to her feet throwing her yo-yo toward Chat but she de-transformed before it could reach him and it disappeared. All she could do was stare at the figure standing on the adjacent roof. A bright green grin taunting her and an eye that glowed an emerald green glimmered faintly in the night peered over the shoulder of his silhouette before fading into the shadows of the roof tops. 
"Plagg always did get along best with the stoic type" Tikki said sitting at Marinette's feet out of breath. 
Marinette slumped to a sitting position "He's so stubborn, no matter what I do now it seems like he just doesn't open up, he's become more like how I was". 
Tikki floated up to her shoulder "One step at a time Mari, I'm sure you'll like who's underneath though you might not recognize him". Marinette shrugged and leaned back on her hands, she sat and enjoyed the breeze of the night while Tikki recharged. Once she was home Marinette used projects and homework as distractions to keep her mind off trying to figure out who Chat was. 
Across the city in the Cheshire Square Adrien was meeting shop owners and representatives of residents who lived or operated within the Square, the meeting was held in the tavern. "Hello everyone, I want to say thank you before I start" he was de-transformed but Milo had informed him that they all had believed the look-alike trick from the video. "Adrien thanks you all as well, he wishes he could be here but he's a little...". 
"Is he camera shy?" someone in the crowd called out ,the atmosphere was surprisingly relaxed, most laughed while others stifled their chuckles.
Adrien laughed as well "Something like that, but he did tell me that we should have a signal for when people do need him or me, whether it's because we requested them or otherwise". The crowd murmured for a moment "Nothing too complex, just a simple signal system" he elaborated. He took a moment to think of what would work in case anyone needed either of him "If someone has a solid black beanie they're looking for Chat, if it's solid yellow they're looking Adrien". They discussed a few minor details regarding how he would tell people outside the Square, eventually getting them to trust that Chat would get the word to those who would need to know.
One of them ,a flower shop owner, asked perhaps one the most important questions of the night "What if you or Ladybug need us, how will we know?" he asked.
Adrien pondered the question, then he remembered an old trick from his time in New York "Powder kegs" he stated with a hint of eagerness in his voice. "When you hear 'Bare Your Teeth' everyone in earshot is on call, if you see smoke I'm calling every Cheshire in the Square" his tone filled the room with an aura of unity as he spoke. "I want you to dawn your masks and meet me on the streets and if smoke of black and green fills the streets and you hear the call we go to war". Everyone in the crowd smiled wide holding up their masks like a badge of loyalty, each was unique but they all followed the same medium, a green or white smile painted on a black mask. Adrien smiled underneath his mask before removing his and holding it in the air like the others chanting "BARE YOUR TEETH!".
The tavern erupted as everyone yelled a collective "Hooah", everyone in the Square had taken the night off so drinks were passed around by the pint.
Nino and Fe' had arrived part way through the explanation of what the smoke filled streets meant. Milo had noticed them first, approached them and in each hand offered them a mask with a Cheshire's grin painted on it, they accepted them graciously and asked where Adrien was. Milo pointed over his shoulder, Adrien was unmasked and red in the face shotgunning a keg while others watched in awe at the sight before them. By morning the only people still in the tavern were those that had passed out or stayed with their drunk friends and family, everyone in there that night was hung over. Fe' and Nino had dragged Adrien to one of the rooms and laid him down, Fe' didn't leave his side through the night, Nino had left for home after helping her. Plagg had floated his way in after taking a few too many sips from a keg himself and joined Adrien for a cat nap. 
At the moment Adrien was puking into the bedside bucket while Fe' was there for moral as she patted his back. Plagg laughed before joining in puking into the bucket, Adrien laughed at how the pitch black cat Kwami of destruction had rainbow vomit. They laughed at each-other's suffering between puking fits for a while until an alarm on Adrien's phone went off. He tried to get up to turn it off but Fe' stopped him.
"I'll get it, you stay there" she told him grabbing his phone and reading the alarm title before turning it off. "Oh no, don't tell me you forgot you had patrol this morning?".
Adrien had become intoxicated again from all the ale making its way through his system in reverse "F-Fe', you need to be Chat for me". 
"That's not a bad idea I, she'd make a great Noir" Plagg agreed with a surprisingly sober voice.
Fe' shot him a look "Is that even allowed?" she asked with genuine concern in her voice.
"Of course" Plagg assured her, elaborating "-anyone can be wielder and wielders can use multiple Miraculous but they will always be 'the wielder of' the first miraculous they used. Adrien here has used the Miraculous of the Snake though no one knows it-".
"I thought we agreed never to talk about that" Adrien interjected, his voice was hoarse and his throat burned but he didn't want to remember the years he had rewound to no avail. 
Plagg covered his mouth before continuing "Right sorry...anyway point is he is still the 'wielder of the Black Cat's Ring' and he always will be".
"So then I'll just be a substitute?" Fe' asked.
Adrien raised his head to speak again but was forced back down by another puking fit, Plagg answered instead "No, you will be a temporary wielder" he paused looking for the words. "Think of it like a free trial, you only become a designated wielder when you've transformed multiple times". 
"Ok I think I get the gist of it but are you sure this is the best idea?" she asked.
Plagg shrugged "Well it's this or we leave the city to Ladybug and hope nothing happens while Adrien pukes his guts out here".
Fe' sighed and held out her hands "Ok"
Sliding the ring off of Adrien's finger Plagg floated up to Fe' hovering over her hands with the ring in his hands telling her "There's some formalities I need to do so bare with me". He cleared his throat "Fe', you have been chosen by Adrien, the current wielder of the Black Cat's Ring to be his stand-in until he is fit to wield once again. You will be granted the power of unstoppable destruction, are you prepared for that responsibility?".
Fe' gave a single determined nod "I accept and am prepared for the responsibility". 
Plagg dropped the ring in her hands "Then I Plagg ,incarnate of destruction, hereby name you, Fe' as 'Chat Noire' for the duration of one transformation". Fe' slid the ring on, as she did it changed and morphed to fit her finger and better blend with her style. "I presume you already know the activation words" Plagg said crossing his arms with a smile.
Fe' thought back to the few times she had seen him transform "Plagg, Claws Out".
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starsinursa · 8 years
Shout-out to @saminzat for tagging me! Like I needed an excuse to waste time. ;)
1) Drink:  Coffee... it’s like 10 p.m. at night, but I’m trying to stay awake to finish some work from the office (and yet I’m on tumblr doing this quiz instead, oops).
2) Phone call: A coworker called me so I’d have her new phone number.
3) Text message:  “FYI, they don’t give you the money right back, you have to wait 4 - 6  WEEKS for a check in the mail, uggggh”. I bailed the same coworker out of jail about three months ago and went to the city municipal court today to get the bail money back... turns out things aren’t that simple.
4) Song listened to:  Umm...so I’ve been listening to the Moana soundtrack pretty much non-stop for the last week. :D
5) Time you cried:  A couple of weeks ago, reading the fic “Cursed or Not” for the first time (hey, you get to chapter 18 and try not to ugly cry, okay?).
6) Dated somebody twice:  Yep. Good ol’ high school.
7) Been cheated on:  Not that I know of.
8) Kissed someone and regretted it:  Yep. Good ol’ college.
9) Lost someone special:  Yes, a couple of times.
10) Been depressed:  Yep, special shout-out to my Prozac and Wellbutrin, love you guys. ;)
11) Gotten drunk and puked:  Yes, a few times, unfortunately. Again, good ol’ college (although I can’t use that excuse for the last time because I had already graduated... to whomever had to clean out that train car up in Minneapolis, MN, about 2.5 years ago: I am so, so sorry, I’ve learned my lesson about taking it easy on the Everclear, you have every right to hate me).
12) Green
13) Purple
14) Blue
15) Made new friends:  Kind of? Do work friends count? 
16) Fallen out of love:  Nah, gotta be in love for that
17) Laughed until you cried:  Yes, most recently was while watching “Impractical Jokers” with my aunt (they took a guy who is terrified of cats and made him teach an improv “how to bond with your cat” class, okay, I found it hilarious as a cat-owner).
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you:  Yeah, there’s a lot of gossip about everyone at my second job. Look, I’m sorry I go through all the water bottles, okay? I drink a lot of water...
19) Met someone who changed your life:  Not anyone specific in the last year that I can think of...
20) Found out who your true friends are: Meh. I’ve always kinda known.
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list:  Nah
22) Facebook friends:  256
23) Pets:  Two! One dog, one cat, the best of both worlds.
24) Want to change your name:  Nah, I like my name.
25) Did I get for my birthday:  Books, I always ask for books.
26) Time I woke up:  Around 8:30 a.m. this morning
27) Were you doing at midnight: Probably surfing tumblr, tbh, I am sadly predictable
28) Can’t you wait for: MY VACATION THIS NEXT WEEK
29) Was the last time you saw your mom:  A couple of weeks ago when I went home for a dentist appointment
30) Is something you wish you could change about your life:  I need to buckle down and really focus on paying off a couple of bills. It helps having a second job, but I’m just so impatient.
31) Are you listening to right now:  Nothing at the mo
32) Gets on your nerves:  Whiners. Don’t get me wrong, I love to bitch and complain as much as the next person, but people who blame the world/ everyone else for their problems? Just....yeah.
33) Talked to a person named Tom:  ...this question doesn’t make any sense. “What - talked to a person named Tom”? Also, no, I know several Tims, but no Toms.
34) Is your most visited website:  Pffft, tumblr, of course, is that even a real question
35) Elementary school/primary school:  [Name of my hometown] Elementary School
36) High School:  [Name of my hometown] Jr./ Sr. High School
37) College:  I’ve already mentioned in a couple of posts where I went to college, so I guess I’ll just say it: Kansas State University. EMAW!
38) Hair colour:  Dark brown
39) Long/short hair:  Long! It’s currently the longest it’s ever been in my entire life, I’m so excited (although holy shit, I shed a lot).
40) Crush:  Nah, not for a while. I creeped on a cute security guard a few months ago, but he turned out to be a jerk with a classic “crazy ex-girlfriend” (I put that part in quotation marks because I have no idea if she’s actually ‘crazy’ but he kept insisting she was...which is, just, y’know, a red flag on his part).
41) Do you like about yourself:  I’m actually pretty fond of my hair now, after a lifelong love/hate relationship. I also like to think I’m okay at singing sometimes.
42) Piercings: None at the moment, actually
43) Blood type: A+
44) Nickname: My family has always called me “Foo” (as in, “little bunny foo-foo”)
45) Relationship status:  Single, ayyyyy
46) Zodiac: Leo (pffft, but not really)
47) Pronouns: She/her
48) Favourite show: Supernatural (of course!), Psych, Once Upon a Time, Firefly, Scrubs, Nikita, Game of Thrones
49) Tattoos: None. I’m too fickle, I’d get one and then change my mind two weeks later.
50) Left or right handed: Right
51) Surgery:  I had my tonsils out when I was 17 thanks to multiple bouts with strep throat. Oh my god, never wait until you’re that old to get your tonsils removed, it was absolute hell. 
52) Piercings: My ears. If we’re talking unusual piercings, I had a “nape piercing” for a while in high school.
53) Best friend:  Probably my cousin Kayla, since we grew up together
54) Sport:  I played softball for several years as a kid, until I got a bloody nose when the ball hit me in the face. Then I had to quit because I was gun-shy. To this day, I’m still afraid of balls flying at my face (hehehe).
55) Vacation:  I visited my dad in San Diego, CA for a week when I was ten years old
56) Pair of shoes:  First pair of shoes? I don’t know, I was a baby. Probably some over-priced cutesy pair that never even got any use because I was a baby.
57) Eating: Spicy Doritos
58) Drinking:  Still drinking coffee
59) I am about to:  Sort through my tumblr “Saved Drafts” and add tags for everything, then try to get some writing done
60) Listening to:  Nothing at the mo (this is the same question at #31?)
61) Waiting for:  Saturday when I leave for vacation! *o*
62) Want to see: Honestly can’t think of anything. I’d like to watch Moana again but it’s not on DVD yet?
63) Want to get married:  Sure, someday
64) Career:  Human services/ social work-ish? Basically, I work at a non-profit agency helping adults with developmental/ intellectual disabilities to get/ maintain services. Oh, and I also have a part-time job at an adult store. Gotta make ends meet, y’know.
65) Hugs/kisses:  Really depends on who they’re from. Probably hugs for the most part. :)
66) Lips/eyes: Aaagh, I don’t know... I love gorgeous eyes, but I also love me some tasty lips... y’know what, I’m gonna go with lips. Yep.
67) Taller/shorter:  Taller
68) Younger/older: Older
69) Romantic/spontaneous:  I can be romantic when I have someone to be romantic for, but I’m not the most spontaneous. :D Like, let’s just stick to the PLAN, okay?
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: Arms. I like squishy cuddly tummies anyways.
71) Sensitive/loud: ...I don’t know. Sensitive, I guess, because being around loud people wears me out pretty quickly. But sensitivity needs to have limits too...
72) Hookup/relationship:  Relationship. Been there, done the hook-up thing, not worth it. Good ol’ college.
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: At this point in my life, I’d say hesitant. Trouble-making was fun in the past, but, like, I’ve got an actual career now that I could lose if I go around trouble-making/ hanging out with trouble-makers.
74) Kissed a stranger:  So, so many times. Good ol’ college.
75) Drank hard liquor:  Yep. Still love me some vodka. It just mixes with everything, y’know?
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses:  Contact lenses, yes, but luckily I’ve never lost a pair of glasses
77) Turned someone down:  Yes. I hate doing that. I’m a horrible, cowardly person who would rather “ghost” someone than have to deal with an uncomfortable confrontation. 
78) Canoodling on a first date:  Depends on the definition of “canoodling”. Are we talking cuddling or snuggling up during a movie? Sure. Making out? Maaaybe, depends. No copping a feel on the first date though, c’mon now.
79) Broken someone’s heart:  Yes. Breaking up with someone in high school is intense. 
80) Had your own heart broken:  Kind of, not really? The only person I legitimately had feelings for, I never told them how I felt, so they never really had the opportunity to break my heart but it hurt like hell anyways. Have I mentioned I’m a cowardly piece of shit? :D I mean, that was like 10 years ago in high school, but I haven’t changed that much.
81) Been arrested:  No, thank goodness. There were a couple of close calls during my partying days, I’ve definitely been luckier than I probably deserve.
82) Cried when someone died:  Yes. Doesn’t happen often, luckily.
83) Fallen for a friend: Not really? Had crushes on friends, had friends-with-benefits, yes, but never technically “fallen for” a friend.
84) Yourself: Depends on what we’re talking about here. In general, yeah, I like to think I do okay...
85) Miracles:  Ehhh, I can’t decide. It’s a wonderful thought but I’m also kind of a pessimist realist. You know what they say: “hope for the best but prepare for the worst”.
86) Santa Clause:  Not for many, many years
87) Kisses on a first date: Sure! End-of-the-date kisses are sweet.
88) Angels:  I...think so. 
89) Love at first sight:  I don’t know? It’s a wonderful thought but I’m just not sure. Maybe not love at first sight, per se, but I think there are definitely people out there that you can just tell right away they’re going to be special to you.
90) Best friend’s name: None, at the mo
91) Eye colour: Brown
92) Favourite movie:  That’s a tough one... I think it depends on my mood. Do I want to laugh? Something trashy like “Sorority Boys”. Do I want to cry? Probably something steeped in existential crisis like “A.I.”. Do I want a feel-good adventure with talking animals? “Homeward Bound”.
Holy crap, that took like 1.5 hours. Anyone need an excuse to waste some time/ procrastinate/ be distracted? Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast, @helianthus21, @destielmixtape, @beesandangelkisses, @emotionally-compromised-idiot, @castielsgracex, @apritelleorai, @honeybee-and-batman, @sunshine-hunters, @waaaaaayward-assbutt, @cool-fallen-angel , and anyone else who wants to do it. :)
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