hanniebaeee · 3 days
Crazy For You - Final Part
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Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT, drinking, cursing MDNI
Genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
Summary: You and your best friend's cousin, Hyunjin don't get along very well. This game of cat and mouse may be a disguise to hide your real feelings.
a/n: Hyunjin is just the cutest bun!
Part 1 , Part 2
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You hadn't spoken to Hyunjin or even glanced his way after the dinner party events. But seeing him at college with Rose, both engaged in a conversation, and laughing like the leads of a Kdrama had you bristling in rage.
Fine. If that's how it's gonna be, then fuck you, you thought as you made your way to the library. All you wanted was to be alone. You were so tired with this thing with Hyunjin, you just wanted a break. As you stormed on furiously,  you walked straight into someone.
'Wow!  You OK?'
You looked up to see Chris giving you a concerned look, holding your arm so that you wouldn't fall back. It was enough for the floodgates to open. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you throw your arms around Chris, who put his arms around you protectively.
'Hey, hey, its OK.' he said, as you cry against his chest.
He stroked your hair, trying to calm you down. Once you were better and your breathing was back to normal, he gave you a soft smile and said,  'Let's get you something to eat, OK?'
You nod and let him walk you to the cafeteria, holding hands.
'Wanna tell me what happened?' Chris asked, placing a steaming cup of your favorite coffee in front of you.
'I-' you began. 'I don't think whatever we tried to pull off...worked.'
'How do you know that?' Chris asked.
'He was cosying up with Rose just now.' You said, your voice shaking again. 'I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Chris. I couldn't hold back.'
'It's totally fine.' Chris said, shaking his head. 'I want you to come find me whenever you need help, yeah?'
You smile through your tears.
'Thank you so much for coming to the party, Chris.' You said. 'Jennie and Minho and Lisa all love having you over.'
'Thank you for inviting me, sweetheart.' Chris said giving you a smile. 'Now, what can I do to stop these tears, hm?'
'Let's go out for lunch. I need to get away from him. How about that new cafe near the bus stop?'
'Let's do it.' Chris said, nodding.
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Hyunjin dropped his backpack at their regular table and frowned as he didn't see you there.
'Where is she?' he asked.
'Having lunch with Christopher.' Jennie said, in between feeding Changbin a mouthful of salad.
'What? Why?' Hyunjin asked, his heart racing.
Jennie shrugged.
'Um, she wanted to, that's why you pabo.' Lisa said, clearly enjoying his reaction.
'What the fuck is going on here, Lisa?' Hyunjin growled, eyes narrowed. 'Why is he always around?'
'The real question is why is it not YOU, Hyunjin.' Lisa said. 'You're always around, but you do nothing but hurt her over and over again.'
Hyunjin stood up, grabbing his backpack.
'Changbin. Outside. Now.' He snapped at Changbin,  who sprang up from his seat after giving Jennie a quick kiss.
Once outside, Hyunjin glared at best friend.
'I told you it wouldn't work!' he said. 'See what's happening!'
'Calm down, Jin!' Changbin said. 'Shit.'
'How do I calm down!? I know I fucked up OK?' Hyunjin said. 'I can't lose her to him!'
'You won't!  This is Y/N we're talking about!' Changbin said, trying to be strong but he was panicking. 'We'll make it right, I promise!'
Just as they finished talking, they saw you and Chris walking together, laughing at something. Hyunjin felt jealousy taking over him. But again, you looked so genuinely happy, it broke his heart that it wasn't him who was making you smile like that.
Hyunjin starts walking, pushing past Changbin. He didn't stop until he was inside one of the bathrooms. And to Changbin's horror, Hyunjin burst out into tears.
'Dude!' Changbin said, rushing forward to pull his friend into an embrace. 'Hyunjin, stop!'
Hyunjin just sobbed, letting out years worth of despair and pain that he'd been holding in. He was so heartbroken, Hyunjin didn't think there was anything left to do. He had lost you and he didn't have it in him anymore to fight through this. This was it.
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'I'm not going!' You said, shaking your head. 'Look, he clearly likes Rose. Let them be!'
'Oh my effing God!' Jennie growled in frustration. 'Y/N L/N, apparently we are not the only idiots here. Ok? I spoke to Binnie and he told me that he is the one who made Hyunjin ask Rose to the party. Got it? That pabo wants you. Not anyone else. What's wrong with you?! Why won't you just see it, already?!'
'Jen, calm the fuck down. And, Y/N. It's just us. Since when do you care if he's around or not? You're coming and that's that.'  Lisa said, walking out of the room to avoid an argument.
You look at Jennie with sad eyes and she comes forward to hug you.
'I'm sorry, Y/N. I love you, ok? I want you to be happy. It is just so frustrating when you decide not to see what's really happening right in front of your eyes. I know you feel put down and insecure, but can't you try?'
You nod, allowing Jennie to pick your dress and do your makeup.
And that's how you ended up at the nightclub in a dress you hated. Your friends were adamant on making Hyunjin see what he was missing. Even though the only thing he did was sit by the bar, taking shots and drowning in his misery.
'He didn't bring her along.' Lisa noted, and Jennie nodded.
'Where's Y/N?' Jennie asked and Lisa pointed out to the couch where you sat with a drink in hand and a jacket covering your dress.
Jennie stomped over to you and said, 'Darling, we're trying to get things to work here. Please. Do your part!'
'I don't want to do anything!' You said stubbornly. 'I wanna go home.'
'Don't make me mad, Y/N.' Jennie said. 'Now get that darn jacket off and go get you man!'
'Do I have to?' You plead, making Jennie close her eyes tightly and purse her lips.
As much as you wanted Hyunjin, you just couldn't even think about a rejection. After all, it all went down after you refused to go further with him.
'Y/N. Listen to me clearly, yeah? I've known you for long enough to know what Hyunjin does to you. I've seen you falling for that man over and over again. You can tell me that he's an asshole. I will agree. But it never stopped you from loving him. And I know for a fact that my brother loves you as much as you love him. You're both the biggest idiots I've ever come across. You wasted so much time bickering and having ego clashes. You know that he doesn't even like Rose. He's crazy for you. But he stinks at showing it. He's afraid you'll reject him. He thinks you didn't want to fuck him because you think he's not good enough for you. He doesn't understand that it's because you want to be meaningful with him. He's just confused. Just give him a chance. If you can.' Jennie took big breaths and sat down, gulping her drink down in one go.
The music was too loud and yet only Jennie's words float around your brain, stabbing you at all the right places. He thinks he's not good enough for you? He really thinks that, when you actually think he's the most perfect man you've ever met? Arrogant, yes, but still, perfect.
'She's right you know.' Lisa added. 'He tries to show that he doesn't care. But he's just really insecure and thinks he doesn't deserve you.'
'Uhhhh!!!' You cry out before standing up and getting the jacket off. 'Fine. I will kill you both if he does something stupid.'
Fixing your hair and adjusting your dress, you walked over to Hyunjin.
'I hope this works.' prayed Jennie. 'I'm so done seeing to them cry over each other. Fucking idiots.'
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You stood behind Hyunjin, your hands sweaty with nervousness.
'Oh God.' You say under your breath.
Hyunjin felt so numb as he looked at his glass of alcohol with no real interest. He didn't want to drink, he was just trying to get the image of you with Chris off his mind.
You clear your throat and he paid no attention. You take one step forward, now standing beside him. He looked sideways, and seeing you, he sighed.
'What do you want, Y/N?' He asked, dejected.
Your heart flutters at the way he says your name.
OK, stop being so dramatic!, you tell yourself and sit next to him.
'What's this, Hyunjin?' You ask.
He swirled the drink in his glass, chuckling sadly.
'I'm doing some self reflection shit Changbin wants me to do.' He said.
'He wants you to do that in a club?' You ask.
'Apparently.' He replied. 'And why are you here?  Where's your boyfriend?'
'I don't have one, Hyunjin.' You said with a sigh.
'Oh, the one you went on lunch date with?' Hyunjin asked, and you could see the sadness in his eyes through the lights flashing on his handsome face. And there was no teasing there. None at all. Just sadness.
'That was just a friendly lunch outing.' You said. 'So that I could avoid seeing someone I care about with someone who had made life really hard for me.'
Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat.
'What?' He asked, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces. 'What do you mean?'
'Don't pretend now, Hyunjin. Everyone knows.' You say sadly.
'I don't.' Hyunjin said. 'What do you mean?'
'Rose used to bully me back at school, ok? And it had a lot to do with you. Anyways, I think she regrets it now, but some things just don't go away with a sorry, does it?'
'Baby, I never knew. I would never have agreed to-' Hyunjin felt horrible. He wanted to cry. 'I'm so sorry.'
'Where is she anyway?' You asked, ignoring his apologies. 'I half expected to see her wound around your neck when I came in.'
Hyunjin gives you a look and you shrug.
'She's not my girlfriend, Y/N.' Hyunjin said. 'Please.'
'Ok.' You say, your heart beating louder than the music in the club.
'Honestly, why are you sitting here and talking to me?' Hyunjin asks, pushing his drink away.
'Because you are too much of a coward to come to me.' You said under your breath.
'Excuse me?' Hyunjin gives you a glare.
'Because, Hyunjin. If I keep waiting for you to come back, I'm afraid you won't.' You said loudly.
He just sat with his eyes wide open.
'So that you can reject me again? We were in a relationship and you pushed me away when I -' Hyunjin just laughed sadly and reached forward, grabbed his drink and gulping it down. 'Oh wait, you pushed me away twice.'
'When you wanted sex? Hyunjin, we had a made up relationship because your sister dictated us into it. I love Jennie for trying so hard to get us together. But that's not how it should work. I want you to ask me out. I want you to take me out on dates. I want us to be a normal couple.' You said, the weight on your heart getting heavier and heavier. 'I want to have sex with you, but I want it to mean something. You won't even talk to me. Tell me one meaningful conversation we've had. Just one. I can't live in the fear of you getting bored with me after I agree to a random fuck with you. No.'
Hyunjin was silent, but his hands trembled. You are silent too, waiting for him to speak. Your eyes fall on his trembling hands and you slip your fingers through his, holding them tight.
He exhaled noisily,  turing to face you completely.
'I'm sorry.' He said. 'I'm sorry for being a pain all my life. I'm sorry for saying that no one would want you...its not true, because you're amazing, Y/N. I've loved you since we were kids. Then we kiss at that party, you push me away and you ignore me and pretend like nothing ever happened - it broke my heart. You should understand that nothing I have with you is ever meaningless. I would never fuck you and leave you. I could never. Because I love you too much for all that.'
You squeeze his hand as he struggles to speak.
'My mother is, well, she's unbearable. I didn't want her to harass you any more than she already did. I teased you and stayed away all those years ago, only because I didn't have it in me to drag you into any shit with my mother. Then we moved, and I started seeing you all the time. I hoped I could finally get somewhere with you. But every time we spoke, it ended in a fight.' He said, shaking his head. 'I started to believe that you're too good for me. You deserve better. Someone like Chris. And it made me so angry.'
You had never seen this much honesty from Hyunjin. His thumb rubbed soft circles on your hand, and it relaxed you.
'I have loved you since I was what, seven?' He said with a chuckle and it made you laugh, a tear rolling down your face. 'I will wait. For however long it takes. 'Coz I want you.'
'I think I have waited for this long enough.' You say,  and lean forward, placing a soft peck on his lips.
Hyunjin gave you the brightest smile ever, scooting closer and placing a hand on your cheek, kissing you. His lips moved softly with yours, and you could taste the alcohol in his mouth.
Pulling back a bit, you speak against his lips, 'Are you drunk, Hyunjin?'
'I had one drink, Y/N.' He said. 'Good enough to remember this for tomorrow.'
Getting off his chair and dragging you along, he walked towards the exit.
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Jennie, Lisa and Changbin stood watching you kiss Hyunjin.
'Yes!' Jennie said, pumping her fist in the air. 'Finally!!'
She kissed Changbin in happiness and Lisa grinned at the two.
'I hope our work here is done. I'd rather murder them both than try to get them together. Again.' Lisa said, shaking her head.
Jennie laughed happily.
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You close your eyes, melting as Hyunjin's lips placed open mouthed kisses along your neck. Both of your lips were swollen from kissing and a few pink marks were starting to show up on your neck.
'I love you, baby.' He whispered, his sweet voice sending shivers down your spine.
'I love you too.' You managed to reply, only to have him capture your lips with his. His hands gripped at your hips, desperate for some friction. He held you close,  and moaned softly as you moved your hips, almost involuntarily.
'I want you.' Hyunjin said, struggling to control himself. 'I can't hold back anymore.'
'Then don't.' you tell him, cupping his cheeks with your hands.
'Are you sure?'
'Take me home, Jinnie. I want this.'
Letting you climb off his lap, Hyunjin drove you home. His hand remained on your thigh, squeezing gently, like he needed that touch to make sure this was real.
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He had no patience. Scooping you up in his arms, he walked towards your bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind you, he dropped you on the bed carefully,  climbing in behind you.
More kisses, more urgent ones, followed. His hands roamed your body, not missing an inch of it, as you had yours around his neck,  holding him as close as possible. His fingers moved towards the zipper of your dress and he looked at you for permission.
Pressing your lips to his for a small kiss, you give him a smile and nod. His fingers graze your smooth skin as the zipper fell open. Pulling the dress off you, his lips buried themselves in your soft breasts.
Legs intertwined, fingers intertwined, his lips left shades of pink on their wake on the soft flesh of your breasts.
'Jinnie!', you cry.
'Yes, baby' he purred, his thigh pressing against your sensitive core.
'Please -' you whimper.
You were overwhelmed as you watched him strip. This being your first time, you were nervous. You entire body trembled in his arms.
His lips found your hardened nipple, and he sucked on it gently. You moan, your fingers gripping his hair tightly. Back to devouring your lips, his hand moved down, disappearing between your thighs.
You gasp as you feel his fingers graze over your sensitive bud. You hold on tightly as he explored your wet folds, fingers slipping inside you and then surfacing to massage your clit.
You were falling apart. Ragged breaths and soft moans filled the room.
'Baby, can I?' Hyunjin whispered against your ear. You nod slowly. Getting in between your legs, he positioned himself at your entrance. He was so handsome, you were lost in his beauty. And you gasped again as he rubbed the swollen head of his length against your wetness.
'Hyunjin, wait-' you stutter.
'Hmm?' He looked afraid all of a sudden.
'Please go slow...I -'
'Is this...?' He looked concerned, and a bit surprised.
You nod, blushing.
'Its ok, baby. We can stop anytime you want to, ok? Tell me if it hurts too much. And I'll be slow, I promise.' he says, kissing your cheek lovingly.
He kept his promise as he pushed in slowly. It felt so uncomfortable and the stretch was painful. But he kept whispering sweet things to you, asking you to relax. A few tears were shed, as the pain and sting felt way too much. But once in, he waited for you to adjust to him. When you finally nod, allowing him to move, he did ever so gently.
It stung, but the pleasure was beyond words. You were both so giddy with excitement and happiness. Finally.
You lay in his arms, spent and cuddling. Your head rested on his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. You quickly clean up before falling asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
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You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your bedroom door. You try to untangle yourself from Hyunjin, but he didn't let you go.
'Jinnie, it's really late.' You laugh, turning around to face him.
'I don't want to get up. Just wanna cuddle with you forever.' He mumbled.
'Well, you're lucky, 'coz you can do that forever. But let's go get breakfast now, yeah?' You said and he agreed reluctantly. But he pulled you closer and pressed his lips to you before letting you go.
Wearing a sweater that covered most of the hickeys, you step out. Jennie and Changbin gave you teasing grins.
Jennie glanced at the purple bruise on your collarbone that unfortunately wasn't covered by your dress and cleared her throat.
'So-' she began.
'Are we gonna ignore that little-?' Lisa points at the hickey, and you drop the slice of toast you were buttering.
'Lisa!!' Jennie hissed.
Changbin sniggered and raised his eyebrows at Hyunjin who had joined the table. He saw you trying to pull at your sweater and raised his eyebrows.
'Why would you hide it?!' Hyunjin asked, making you blush more.
'Oh my God!' You groan, turning away from him.
'Wow. This would take some getting used to.' Lisa said. 'I think I liked it better when you guys tried to kill each other all the time.'
Hyunjin hugged you from the back, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
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Hyunjin wanted to walk you to class and followed you around like a lovesick child. ALL THE TIME. He stole a kiss or two whenever opportunity presented itself. You think you've never seen him smile so much.
He literally wanted to carry your books for you. The two books you just got from the library. But you thought he was the cutest little bean. Chris saw Hyunjin fussing over you and had the time of his life, laughing. He would never let you forget this. Ever.
Chris: I just saw the funniest thing.
Chris: Oh My God. LOL.
Y/N: Christopher.
Y/N: I saw you staring at us and then rolling on the floor laughing.
Y/N: I thought you'd be on my side.
Chris: I'm sorry. I'm so used to you wanting to strangle him.
Y/N: We didn't even do anything.
Y/N: Stop it. You're doing it again.
Chris: What have you done to Hwang Hyunjin?
Chris: Playboy. Campus bad boy.
Y/N: He's not!
Chris: He's like a puppy rn
Chris: Wtf did you do?!
Y/N: I hate you
Chris: Ok sorry. I'm so happy for you. And puppy.
Chris: 🤣🤣🤣
Y/N: 🙄🙄🙄
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 19 hours
I'm aware this is random timing but I've wanted to analyze this scene ever since I saw it and I was rewatching the Frontiers cutscenes so I decided "why not now" lol
This scene right here.
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First of all, I'd like to say that Sonic & Tails's interactions throughout this entire game are IMMACULATE. And while I've seen some people complain that Tails "wasn't concerned enough" at the fact that Sonic was so clearly sick, this scene begs to differ.
It also shows, in both a good way and a sad way, how well Tails knows his big brother.
The entire time before, Sonic's been (for the mostpart) going around with a front. Pretending he's fine and brushing aside everyone's worries about him to turn the focus instead on THEM and THEIR problems, not his. ESPECIALLY with Tails. And this little fox knows probably better than anyone that Sonic doesn't like it when people fuss over him. So he's been playing along. Doing his part, doing the best he could in his digitized state, staying busy and all the jazz.
And sure, a couple times before this, Sonic was acting more tired than usual around Tails, but Tails didn't point it out. And he still doesn't point it out here, but his expression and body language say it all.
Now the corruption's getting worse, and Tails is just about done pretending along with Sonic that everything's fine. This time, unlike the last two times when Sonic had defeated a Titan when Super Sonic had flown down to find Amy and Knuckles, Tails is the one who runs to find him afterward.
He's clearly very worried, especially when Sonic barely acknowledges his presence and is really just doing his best not to keel over at this point. Tails reaches out in a vain attempt to touch him — whether to comfort him or help him up, I'm not sure — but still cannot touch him at all for obvious reasons. He pulls back and just watches him intently with this deeply sad, almost regretful look on his face. The End starts talking again and Sonic lifts his head a little to listen, while Tails just quietly shakes his head as he looks at him. As if he's saying, "Please don't do more, please just take a rest, I want you to be okay." 😢 Or it could just as easily be a sad sort of understanding, a resignation to what Sonic does, like, "I want you to rest, we both know you need it, but I know you, I know you'd sooner run yourself to death before you let us stay trapped any longer. And I can't do anything to stop you." 💔
And then, after having his fists clenched in obvious distress, Tails tries to reach out again, one more time. Almost unconsciously, as Sonic looks up to where the voice is coming from. Almost like he does want to stop him. He opens his mouth for a moment, too, like he wants to say something, but bites it back at the last second.
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Then he pulls away again. His face is nothing but sadness and worry. Sonic tries making a quip at The End's new instructions, but he's still so clearly exhausted.
It's also interesting how Sonic won't look at Tails this whole scene, until Tails asks in that tiny, scared voice, "Sonic?" and he stands up, tells him to hang tight, reassure him they're almost done. Trying so hard to play the part of strong older brother even here, when Tails can so easily see how sick he is. 😔
Their dynamic will always be so fascinating and sweet to me. Even in these darker, more painful moments, the familial love they have for each other is beautiful. 💙💛💔
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desultory-novice · 1 day
Sir Uther walks up to Noir Fontaine with purpose, having his usual happy-go-lucky smile and perky attitude. It was a surprise to see yet another human in this tournament ...well, atleast human-like. He instinctively reaches out for a handshake, eyes locked on Noir's face.
"Are you human?! MY~! I only ever saw the other one named Jade! Unlike her, you seem to be named after a color in french! Do tell, are there still any left of your species? Or are you all nearly extinct? Do you also have a history with Dark Matter in particular? I have so many questions~!! ☆"
His crystal eyes twinkle in delight, this truly was an opportunity to gain so much useful knowledge!
"Oh! And that entity, Zero as well! Does she exist in your world?"
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"Hi! Wow! You're big! Bigger than I thought you round guys got!" 
Noir greets you with a boyish smile, though... ...He does not accept the handshake.
"You look like one of those Galactic Soldier Alliance people! I wrote fanfic about you! I can't let you read it because it's really cringe, but that's only cause when I was young I dreamed of being a hero, so...if you're ever recruiting, let me know maybe?! I'm not all that strong... but I'm passionate and have a strong sense of justice and somehow, I've got a lot of experience handling situations where all the evidence you killed anyone is gone because their bodies just disperse into matter once they're dead enough and the snow hides all the blood!"
[cw: mild body horror below]
"...What was I saying? Oh, yeah! I'm human! Whoa, there's another human here too? I should've figured that out, huh? I feel like I've been in a daze since I got here (or maybe even longer than that) and have been having a really hard time paying attention to stuff till lately when it all started coming back into my head REALLY FAST!"
"?! Do you speak French?! My mom taught my sister and me a little French and Japanese, cause of our ancestry, (what's my dad? I don't know! Maybe he's French-Japanese too?!) though we mostly speak Global at home. My name's supposed to be in Global but it's pretty cool that it means something in French too. 'Dark.' Sometimes I wonder if I was named after my hair? Though my sister's is the same color, pretty much, so that couldn't be it. Probably a coincidence?"
"Speaking of, my sister's human too and she's still around! We're separated right now, but my little brother's with her! (He's Dark Matter, since you brought it up! Yeah, he's adopted, but he's my little brother and if anyone says anything mean about him, I'll ****** them!) They're surrounded by friends too, so I don't worry!"
"It was really hard to get off the planet last time I was there, and it was getting pre~tty cold and people who got left outside tended to disappear till next year when you could find them again thawing out on the road but it's hard to imagine we've just gone extinct! I mean, the people from the New World had to have gone somewhere!"
"Hmm? Z...e...?"
"...r...." "...o...!?"
"M-muh...M-Mas..." "...pl...ea... ey...e...c-can....t... "...bre...athe...."
Noir clutches his throat. The dark, burn-like cracks on his skin that had been easy to ignore till now seem to crawl up, to his chin and beyond. A thick metal collar around his neck, barely visible between his gloved hands, hums with a dark violet glow before he passes out.
Elsewhere, an otherwise unremarkable looking sword in the stolen stash of a small Dark Matter begins to vibrate, seeking its host.
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PS: Wisp belongs to @moonsharkss and while he's still in the lead this round, it's close, so if you want to give him a vote...!
(Help I forgot his hands!)
Noir's Field Trip Masterpost
AN: Welp, add another one to Sir Uther's body count/list of crimes...
So, I still have some "Cheerful" (...although more like his brains have been scrambled) Noir asks to answer/send out that I'll get to when I have time (writing him is a bit exhausting tbh... ) but I have gone ahead and drawn this to "progress" back to the main tourney story! (You didn't think he could stay this way forever, did you?)
TLDR, We're back to regular Noir (...or whatever other AU hijinks happen to come his way that affect him in some manner?! Magic anons...???) but if you wished to interact with or send another question to Noir explicitly during his short lived cheerful phase, lemme know! Though whether I get to it will depend on how I'm feeling ^^
(...Fwiw, I'm pretty sure if he stayed this way for too long, the emotional cascade would eventually give him a full on mental breakdown as his refreshed, innocent psyche finally catches up with processing all the traumas that made up his life.)
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galedekarios · 4 months
my honour pt save file was corrupted by all those hotfixes and broken patches.
i was in act iii...
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theorderofthetriad · 2 years
honestly i think the only reason i don't seek out content about Izzy Hands and Calico Jack as a ship is because if i get invested in yet another ship with two characters that never interact onscreen my brain will actually break.
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skallagrimjones · 2 years
Okay if we have to have a Frasier sequel, here’s my pitch.
He’s in a bunker of some kind, surrounded by shelves of canned food. There isn’t much else there, except an old cb radio, a cot, and his father’s chair. He’s alone.
He talks into the radio, but gets no reply. He drops the microphone and goes back to pacing. He hasn’t gotten to the point where he’s willing to sit in That Chair yet.
He goes back to the radio and starts doing his show, inventing callers, talking into the void. He sometimes invents one-sided banter with a non-existent Roz. His new sign-off is, “This is Doctor Frasier Crane, and I hope someone’s listening.”
Eventually, it becomes clear that the imaginary callers he’s counseling are reflections of the issues he’s refused to confront in all the years we’ve known him, now including the death of his father and his estrangement from his brother.
We sometimes see flashbacks to times before The Incident, featuring cameos from the original cast. One of these reveals the origins of the bunker: Martin became a doomsday prepper in his later years, more as a fun hobby than out of any kind of panic, and to have somewhere to sit in his chair in peace. He’s given Frasier everything he needs to survive.
It’s unclear exactly what The Incident was that sent him into the bunker, but it’s implied to be catastrophic, an apocalyptic disaster. Frasier guides us and his potential listeners through his version of the final day in the penultimate episode. In the aftermath of the flashback and his conversation with the void, he’s able to sit in his father’s chair. It’s comfortable.
In the last episode, while talking into the radio, he comes to a decision. He has overcome his fears enough to try to venture out into the lonely, destroyed world, to stop cowering and try to find someone else - he can’t be the only one left.
He pushes up the bunker door and looks out at the grass - everything seems fine, but that can’t be right. Everything’s fine. We see another flashback to the final day, revealing that the entire thing was a complete misunderstanding and a wild overreaction on his part, as usual. There was no apocalyptic event. The radio’s broadcast cable was unplugged the whole time. He now has a brand new set of issues to confront in season 2, which won’t happen, because Paramount+ has shut down due to lack of interest.
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cinnamon-phrog · 4 months
I feel too sick to sleep right now, everything's' too cold or too hot and I can't even breathe without thinking I'm gonna throw up
#it's because i've been drinking diluted juice#i swear the shit they put in that makes me delirious with fever#ughhhh so sick wish a nice big strong mechanoid could help me rn :( real shame#gonna drink water till the middle of the night. there goes my plans for a better nights' sleep :<#i do genuinely feel awful and i have been feeling so for a while and it's all my own doing. not eating healthy. stressing out and barely-#-sleeping. i have stretch marks from losing weight and circles under my eyes. everything's fuzzy. i keep forgetting basic things.#i'm worried about my future. i'm too disabled to function with a job but not disabled 'enough' just because i can speak 'clearly'#i've got no irl friends or family to fall back on. i can only travel so far and i get meltdowns far easier now#months ago i was treated like a pet. now i'm an adult before i ever got to be a child.#i want to be held. be loved without even having to say a word to each other. not even by an f//o but by someone who'll be willing to love m#but all i am now is sick and hungry and hot and cold and tired and awake.#i can't imagine how much worse it is for other people though. i've seen awful images and they're not even a taste of how terrible it is#i worry i won't be able to afford food in the future. or have a stable flat or apartment. that social services will let me down again#this year was meant to be a break but i'm constantly worrying about the time i become 18. my autism and lack of any social life-#will impact me and i'll be fucked over easier than ever. and that happens often#college brought me panic attacks where i'd physically harm myself till i got migraines in front of people and they didn't bat an eye#i could be kicking and screaming and begging for help but they'll just ignore me or infantilise me
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theflyingfeeling · 29 days
yes it's just me whining about the same thing for the billionth time, pls just scroll past nothing new to see here 👋
#i just want to enjoy the summer but i feel like i don't deserve to if i'm not constantly trying to become employed again 😭#''apply for jobs then? problem solved'' uh-huh yes but!! i also hate applying for jobs#job seeking can be so incredibly humiliating#first i have to send them a letter BEGGING to be invited to an interview#and then i have to try and convince them that i am actually competent and good at my job even though you have my cv right there#and then afterwards they call me to tell me they found someone who they liked better than me#(or rather someone who was more competent than me judging by their work history etc.)#it's like ''yes we are hiring but not YOU specifically lol''#like. at school if you take a test you get the grade you deserve based on how you did in the exam.#it's something you can actually directly affect yourself#but if someone who's applying for the same job with me has more work experience or whatever they will get hired over me no matter what i do#(at least that's how it usually works on my field)#in which case it doesn't matter if i do well in the interview or nah. bc the other person was always going to be picked for the job anyway#and yes one could say i can then be satisfied if i did my best but it's little consolation when i'm still unemployed!!#and so every time i apply for a job and get rejected it feels like a personal failure#and to avoid that feeling of failure i want to avoid applying for jobs altogether#so yeah. being active in job seeking is more likely to relieve me from this misery but job seeking is ALSO misery. so 🤷‍♀️#that on top of the fact i don't even _want_ to apply for all the open positions on my field#but i feel obliged to because it's what i have a degree on. and when i'm unemployed i don't have the luxury to choose which ones i apply fo#i can't afford to be picky#I DON'T DREAM OF LABOUR I JUST NEED MONEY TO LIVE BUT I ALSO DON'T WANT TO DO JUST ANY JOB! I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR THAT!#i don't want to come home crying from work every day because i hate every single aspect of my life INCLUDING my job 😭#when this semester i actually HAD a job i didn't mind waking up to every morning 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair#to conclude i don't deserve to enjoy myself in the summer because i'm not doing enough to fix my unemployement situation#(just like i don't deserve to feel sad about being lonely because i don't work hard enough to maintain deep friendships#but that's a crisis for another day! stay tuned ✌️)
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quill-n · 2 months
I think truly the worst pain as a creative is not being able to share your work
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essektheylyss · 2 years
Honestly, it's just like Tumblr to bring back a classic movie and immediately start shipping discourse again. Like, isn't it enough to appreciate the cinematic experience? This movie predates the rise of the blockbuster. It CAN'T be viewed through the lens of your Avengers: Civil War shipfic. It's just such a stretch to try to apply that and frankly, it feels like it whenever I see that content. Sorry not sorry, I'm going to be pretentious about it! It's a MASTERPIECE of the genre, you fiends aren't out here doing this to The Godfather anytime someone brings it up.
Plus, does no one remember the super aphobic Andrej discourse? [shudders]
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bloody-bara · 1 year
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i'd take communion from him any day................
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fade-steppin · 1 year
can't wait for dragon age dread wolf to drop and for the return of the mage vs templar discourse
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sheerakk · 1 year
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comic assigment for school. The dialouge is really corny (because I spent almost no time thinking it through) so you're not getting any translation from me. Only fellow polish people can laugh at my writing skills (please don't, I'm already in tears).
#sheerak#school stuff#like I already showed it to some people and everytime I said pls don't read the text pls but they said it sounds weird anyway#anyway the context is that the little creature is this field doctor's hallucination caused by strong medicine he takes.#and the patient is like haha wouldn't it be nice if you gave me the same pills because you don't seem to be in pain at all doctor#and the doctor is like no fuck off (nicely)#and then he talks with the creature and she says something that pisses him off and he's like#“Maybe I should stop taking this medicine I've had enough talking to you”#i said no translation then did half of the translation#because backgrounds killed my grandma#i hate the colors but my brain is a liquid now I can't do better#anyway I'm tired send help#this was a draft made this morning Jesus take the wheel I won't survive till wednesday#also when I was creating Johan's design back in previous semester I had no idea we would have to make a comic with the same character later#and in my concept art he has all these robotic arms right and I was like yeah I'm not drawing this shit again#let's say he has a big port on his back and the arms can be just plugged off#and it's designed only for his port#the creature's name is Shally she is from my animation assigment#we have to print it on A3 format#DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW BAD IT'S GONNA LOOK THAT BIG????#I'm not made to create things for printing please cmyk what#they are like yeah print this print that but never actually explain shit about cmyk or other things.#I have to live in denial that I know what I'm doing#a friend offered me to share a table with them at one convention to sell my stuff (which I don't have) and I think I'm not strong enough#to bear the calculations of preparing all this#would you buy my the owl house fanarts if they were stickers would you#congratulations if you made it that far in my tag essay here kudos for you#jak wytkniecie mi literówkę to wybuchnę czytałam ten tekst tylko raz bo byłam zbyt ashamed of myslef
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galadae · 3 months
inside me there are two wolves, one wants to cut my hair off spontaneously and the other wants long hair
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menlove · 11 months
I want him (54 year old white man) so bad it makes me (23 year old not into binary men) look stupid
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