#I FEEL LIKE A FOOL SINCE I ONLY HALF-UNDERSTAND THIS but um. (cough cough) works good on enkidu too
xreaderbooks · 3 years
Two sides (2)
Pair: ACOTAR Azriel x reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Language, implied smut
Summary: Y/N has been in love with Cassian for centuries now, Just how Azriel has been with Mor. Both heartbroken by their unrequited love they fall into a routine of 'one-night stands', Not realizing their each others mate.
Masterlist - Part 1
A/N: So I dont know how accurate the mate information is, like I said before I haven’t read the ACOTAR series since 2019 so I probably got a couple things wrong or didn’t write the characters the way you would expect them to act. I chose to make them more how they would be in head canons if you get what I mean. Either way I really hope you enjoyed the 2nd and final part to Two sides :) Feel free to send requests for Azriel or any other Acotar characters. Thank you all for the support <3
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"We need to talk."
"Okay," Azriel says skeptically, he walks over to sit on the chair across from you.
"I wanted to apologize for the other night," You shifted in your seat as you spoke, you were noticeably uncomfortable. That bothered Azriel, he wanted you to feel natural not forced, he didn't know where that desire came from but it was true. Even if this conversation was a bit awkward. "I never meant to make you feel used, I guess, I just needed a distraction."
"From seeing Cassian and Nesta together?" He asked. You bit your lip and nodded. "Y/N, I didn't feel used." He let out a small chuckle. "I enjoyed it, actually. And a bit flattered that you chose to-" He coughed awkwardly, "share that part of yourself with me." You grinned. You eased up a bit after knowing that Azriel didn't feel bad about what happened the other night, and even enjoyed it. It also warmed your heart at the fact that this was one of the rare moments that he felt comfortable enough to talk about how he was feeling. Despite it probably being out of sympathy or to defuse the tension.
"Oh," You chirped "well good. The last thing I wanted to do was fuck up our friendship."
He shook his head, "Y/N you've done a lot in the past few centuries that could've fucked up this friendship and we're still okay, better than okay considering. Besides Mor and I are still friends even after..." He tensed up, you went over to him and hesitantly put your hand on top of his.
"I know." You gave him a small smile. "I have an idea, I'll admit it's not my brightest but it will benefit the both of us."
His eyebrow quirked, "Your ideas are never the brightest, that's why you're just my second."
"Okay, wow." You blinked, removing your hand, and started pacing around the room. "First Rhys made me your second because I'm good at my job and you're just better cause of your shadows." He glared at you when you made the comment about his shadows. "Two, I've had a couple of good ideas in the past you just never go through with them."
"Maybe it's because all your ideas are reckless and we'd get caught if we did our job by using your so-called good ideas." He got up to meet you when you turned around to face the other way, you were met by his chest in your way.
You huffed when you looked up at him. "Whatever, I'm pretty sure you were going to like this one." He gave a nod to continue. "I- you know what I think it's better if I just show you."
He cocked his head to the side. You took this as an opportunity to grab him by the back of his neck and slammed your lips onto his. Immediately after he put his hands on your waist, pulling you closer. He started walking backward, leading you towards one of the bedrooms. Your foreheads pressed together but you paused from kissing him, catching your breath. You knew he could hear your heartbeat, beating quicker by the second, his heart was beating faster too. It gave you all the encouragement you needed to start taking off your clothes.
"So this was your bright idea," Azriel asked, while also hurriedly taking off his clothes.
"Mhm." Was your response before nodding and relocating your lips onto his.
The intensity of it made your heart stutter. You wanted him and at that moment he wanted you. He truly wanted you, you both felt it and took that feeling, using it to fuel the passion in that kiss. He moved down to your neck, nipping and biting at it. You moved your hand to slowly graze his wings, which made him freeze. Azriel gave you a look that made your body go on overdrive.
He picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he continued to "eat your neck" as Cassian had said all those days before. You rolled your eyes at the thought, but then they rolled back as Azriel bit at a sensitive area that intensified that already intoxicating feeling you got when you were with him.
And you wished it never ended.
"How do you feel about this?" You asked, hoping he'd be okay with it. So far he hadn't opposed.
"I don't want to hurt you." He confessed. You knew he meant physically, he could be a little rough sometimes. You were okay with that though, You rolled your eyes at his comment.
"I'm serious Y/N." He looked you in the eye. You were back at the training grounds of the Illyrian camp. You didn't specify any details, so you both didn't care about speaking in public.
"I'm a big girl, I think I can handle it." You began to walk ahead of him, He grabbed your forearm and pulled you back to face him, a hint of a smile on your face. "Only if you're sure."
Your smile faded once you saw that he was genuinely concerned. "Az, you wouldn't hurt me. I trust you."
He froze and let you go. He had a hard time letting people see how he was feeling but you could tell he was struggling with letting you in and his self-deprecation.
You had kept your secret "relationship" hidden from everyone else, as much as you could. It didn't take long. They were extremely nosy and it was difficult with Mor being your best friend. She always knew when you were lying and had insisted you were acting differently. You would always blow it off and say you had a good day, telling a random story you just thought of on the spot.
Cassian had continued to tease you about your secret lover-- which only intrigued Mor even further-- you avoided the truth most of the time. You and Azriel would be extra careful when doing what you did. Sometimes even going to Inns and you would both winnow to the location.
Going through all that trouble only for Amren to find out and threaten to tell the others. She tried to blackmail you into buying her a pure diamond bracelet. As if she couldn't afford it yourself. You talked to Azriel about it and you both decided you didn't care if anyone else knew, it's only a matter of time before they found out anyway. Plus you could use the money to buy a house somewhere private in Velaris. You enjoyed the privacy and lack of teasing for as long as it lasted.
Amren didn't tell but as you predicted, everyone did find out. Some already had suspicions like Mor, Rhys, and Feyre. Amren wouldn't have known if she hadn't caught you both and Cassian never would have thought. You'd be lying if you said you weren't disappointed at him not showing any sign of jealousy. You knew he wouldn't be, being caught up with Nesta and all but you still held hope. You considered yourself a fool and would try to fuck the feelings out of you with Azriel. And most of the time it worked.
Months went by as sleeping with your best friend became your new normal. You never would have thought that you'd be one of those mysterious girls that Azriel hooked up with, ever since that night, you were the only girl. You had to admit, you liked the idea; being Azriel's only girl. But you knew that although you would be the only girl in his bed, Mor will always be on his mind. Not that you blamed him, you were still somewhat hung up on Cassian. After you can't get rid of 500+ years of feelings.
As you laid next to Azriel, who now stayed nights instead of leaving right after, You admired his tattoos, the intricate designs, you fought the urge to trace them. You did anyways but only a centimeter away from his chest so you wouldn't wake him. In the morning light that slipped through a slight gap in your curtains, It shone right on him. He looked ethereal.
You always knew he was attractive most Illyrian men were, at least if they weren't assholes most of the time. You had time now, to actually take in his beauty. You could never understand how someone so beautiful and kind could be so broken. You guessed that's why you chose him to spend your nights with, instead of some random guy. You could help him and heal him and get him to appreciate himself more.
The shadows around him became more active, it made him tense up. He was awake. You lifted your hand up to up to move the stray hair that fell onto his face. At that moment, you felt your world shift an overwhelming sensation of love and adoration consumed your body and you snatched your hand away from him. You were in pure shock.
'Holy fuck' Was the only thing going through your head.
"What's wrong?"He questioned as if he could sense your distress. His voice hoarse from just waking up.
"Nothing." You said, immediately getting up and getting dressed in whatever you had closest to you. "You should, um, You should get going. I have a lot of reports to do, I've been holding them off but Rhys has been asking me for them for the longest so I should get on it."
Azriel sat up, the bed sheet covering one leg and another part. His perfectly sculpted body in your bed, the lighting, half of his leg uncovered by the blanket. You tried to compose yourself to figure out what you would do. Hoping that he didn't pick up on how different you were acting. It was no use he probably already expected something was up.
To try to ease the tension you sat next to him, brushing the hair out of his face, dragging your fingertips down to the side of his face, and kissed his cheek. You ignored the tingles you felt as his face nuzzled into your hand. Hesitantly, you remove your hand and got up from the bed, and sat at the desk you had in your room. You pretended to read through old letters from officials.
Azriel took that as his cue to leave. He got dressed and pressed a kiss to the back of your head before he left.
He definitely knew something, that's not how your mornings usually go. You would at least spend an hour or two together either talking or enjoying each other's presence before sending each other off to your respective duties. However due to your new discovery of Azriel being your mate. You panicked. What would you do now?
Hours had passed and you hadn't left your room, choosing to focus on the reports that you did in fact, have to do. Rhys just wasn't expecting them for another week or so. Mor then busted into your room. "Knock, knock bitch."
"Uh, hello gorgeous, didn't expect a lovely visit from you today." You said sarcastically, turning your chair to face her. She dropped the shopping bags onto your floor. You lifted a brow in question.
"We're going on a trip!"
"I'm busy." You turned back around to focus on what you were writing.
"It's a fun work one." You twisted your chair around again.
"How do you mean?"
"Day court gala, bonding with people, gaining trust, and all that." She waved it off as if you didn't need to know actual information. You decided you'd ask for details from Rhysand later.
"And you went shopping." You gestured to all of the bags. "like you don't have tons of outfits you could take."
"Well of course I do. These are for you." She grinned.
"Just because you're supposed to be invisible and all that, doesn't mean you have to be like that all the time." She referred to your job description, being another spy for Rhysand, relying on you being a woman to get information from people Azriel couldn't. Kind of ridiculous considering Azriel's shadows allowed him to get all the information needed but it was an easy enough job. Unlike Az, you didn't have shadows to command so you stuck to your black outfits tunics, and suits that would help you move easily. You never really dressed up, unless it was for an occasion, but you enjoyed doing it when you could. Most of the time you would be on duty or something like it so you couldn't.
This Gala gave you the perfect excuse too. You were thankful to Mor for having bought you these dresses and accessories. You were pretty sure you had worn all the dresses you had in your closet already.
"Yeah, you're right." You gave her a half-smile. Part of you wondered what Azriel's reaction would be to you in one of these revealing dresses. You shook the thought from your head. You would dress for yourself not for some male, even if that male is your mate.
You debated whether to tell Mor or not. She might be able to help you with your internal battle. Part of you was hurt about Cassian not being your mate. Another part always knew that he wasn't, and another part of you wondered how Azriel would react. Did he feel the bond snap into place? Or was it a Feyre-Rhysand situation where the bond would snap into place at another moment? Would he reject you cause you weren't Mor?
You opted to tell Mor at the day court where you would have more space and privacy from the others.
Helion's words about uniting and bonding were very heartwarming and kind, but you couldn't get past the thoughts that swarmed your mind. You took advantage of this time with everyone listening to Helions welcoming speech and sneakily made your way over to where Mor was standing. You pretended to greet her with a kiss and whispered in her ear to meet you in the room you were staying at.
"Thank the cauldron you came along, Helion was droning on and was about to make me fall asleep." She joked as she sauntered into your room. She paused her amused tone as soon as she saw your face. "You were fine like two minutes ago."
"Glad to know, I'm good at hiding it." You forced a smile. She tilted her head as if to ask you 'what's wrong', so you told her. You told her that Azriel was your mate and how it happened. You told her of your fears of rejection and confusion with your love for Cassian. It was a different love now, you felt it. There was a shift in what you felt towards Cassian and more intense feelings for Azriel. You suspected the bond but you didn't mind it. You then opened up about your insecurity about him rejecting you for her. Which she shut down, though she knew what you meant.
"Mor, Azriel loves you, like I loved Cassian. What if his love for you is stronger and he refuses to let go. We all know the only reason he never went for you is his trouble with his self-worth." Those were harsh words, but they were true. "He could easily reject me for you, knowing you don't love him in that way."
"You don't know that Y/N. And you loved Cassian, probably as much as Azriel loved me. After all this time you spent together, you truly don't think he would have changed the way he feels for me?" She grabbed your hand in hers. "You and Azriel are like two sides of the same coin, he's all dark and brooding and you, well you're the same in some ways. But you bring out the light and you can cast out all of his darkness with a simple smile."
"I don't know." You whispered. You were scared. Your feelings for Azriel already began to grow, without the bond, with it in place now it was strengthened. Your feelings for Cassian was a background noise that would soon grow into a more familial type of love.
"What should I do Mor?" You whimpered, you put your face in your hands. "I feel like a girl with a crush. This is ridiculous."
She laughed and nodded. "Yes, yes it is. On the bright side, if he doesn't know about you being mates, you could still have fun with other people."
You gave her a look. "You forget that he's my designated person to 'have fun' with."
"I didn't know you had a conversation on exclusivity." She shrugged and walked over to the cart that had alcoholic drinks, at the corner of the room.
"Technically we did when we agreed to sleep with each other when we felt like it." You reasoned.
"Hm." She mused, sipping on her drink. "I still say enjoy tonight, dance with a few males, or females, and if you two end up having sex with him again just enjoy the time you have with him."
"Thanks for the talk, Mor."
"Of course darling, by the way, I highly doubt he'll reject you. If he does he's an idiot and I'll kill him." She sent a wink your way and left you in your room to think.
Azriel watched as you swayed your hips to the beat of the music. A man who he didn't know came up from behind you, keeping up with you. That was the first of many. He felt a twinge of jealousy in his gut. He attempted to force that emotion down. He couldn't understand where that was coming from.
He was keeping watch, even though he always made sure to keep a lookout for danger to his court. Mor and Cassian tried to get him to ease up, he didn't budge. Who would pry Cassian from more liquor when he's had enough to drink if Azriel wasn't sober? He used the excuse of being the only responsible one to keep an eye on her. Y/n, Azriel thought he knew what it was to love someone because of Mor but what Azriel felt for Y/N was different. It felt raw and real and whatever it was, was growing fast. She was easy to talk to, not that he did much of that but she listened, actually listened when he did, and she didn't pry or hover as much as the others. They tend to beat around the bush when wanting to know about what was going on with him. Unlike Y/N who would take her time to make sure he felt comfortable and if, he wasn't, she would change the topic and act normal.
Y/N was a calming presence that allowed him to just be. She brought out another side of him that he thought he could never be.
That's why when he felt a change in the way he saw her dancing with a new guy than the one she was with earlier, it all made sense. She was his mate. He saw red as he practically flew to where they were. The fae males' hands that were roaming your bonds were ripped away from you and he dragged him away. Azriel pinned the man against the wall. People began to stare and talk in hushed whispers, appalled at the sight.
"Never touch my mate, again." He growled. He dug his fingers into the guy's neck.
"I-I didn't know." The man choked out.
"Well, now you do." He muttered, letting the man slump to the ground. He went over to where you were standing, eyes wide. His eyes softened while looking at you. He slowed as he got to you. "Can we talk?"
You nodded your head and began to walk toward an empty hall.
"I'm sorry if I scared you." He kept his voice low but soft. He was afraid, you would want to run away.
"You didn't." You stood there staring at him. You tried to figure him out, to no avail. His face was always stoic. "I- I thought you'd reject me and now I don't know what to do." You confessed.
"You knew?" He tried to recall if you had acted any differently. His shadows had felt the change in your demeanor and set out in whispers when you were rushing him out. He brushed it off, he should've looked more into it. The last thing he wanted to do was to make you feel unwanted or rejected.
"Since yesterday morning." You confirmed. Your anxiety consumed you, you heard of the pain that came along with being rejected by your mate. Some have died from it. Little did you know Azriel was worrying about the same exact thing. Not thinking himself worthy enough of your affection. He allowed himself the pleasure of being in bed with you, assuming it was nothing more and he couldn't get hurt you or be hurt that way. It was a release from another pain you both had the displeasure of feeling.
"I want you to know it is an honor to have you as my mate." He took a step closer.
"Really? Honestly, I thought..." You shook your head. "Nevermind."
He looked confused but let it go, if you wanted to tell him you would. "Guess this means I have to go cook you something." You let out a laugh. He smiled an actual wide beautiful smile. Azriel grabbed your face and kissed you.
It was soon interrupted by a very drunk Mor who shouted, "Finally!"
Cassian was right behind her, "Mor! I forgot where the bathroom was, can y-" He paused looking between you and Azriel. "Oooh getting freaky in the hall, that's new. Hey Y/N if he isn't hitting it right, you know where to find me." He winked at you. Azriel gave him a murderous look, putting his arm in front of you. 'So he's gonna be one of those', you thought.
You couldn't wait till the second part of the mating process.
Tags: @wildchild2707​ ,@theworthlessqueen​ ,@ciciakai​ ,@rockinginneverland​
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chil2de · 3 years
Hi!! if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that’s his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it’s y/n and she doesn’t die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE THIS MADE ME SO SOFT!!!!! ohmygod!!!! growing up with yuuta would be THE best onshdhfsh thank you sososos much anon this was such a pleasure to write! i don’t know why but the “and she doesn’t die” had me screaming LMFAOOOO
enjoy! no warnings, just old fashioned cute fluff and heart wrenching moments! thank you for giving me the opportunity to write for the best boy mwaaah you deserve eternal happiness! hope no insects bite you during these warm months <3
“okkotsu!” you cried out, feminine and shrill voice ringing in the air. the cicadas chirped melodiously, calling out their delightful songs in the spring air.
the young boy staggered around, losing his balance from spinning too fast. his fragile hands reached out, pulling in small grabby motions towards your innocent and joyous face.
you were always so optimistic, even when you were younger. yuuta could only huff and wail as his caretaker hauled him away from the playground, gesturing it was time for him to come home. thick and messy tears spilled out the corners of his eyes which hadn’t yet endured countless sleep devoid nights.
he was so far away, but that was okay because you knew you’d see him the very next day.
“okkotsu! promise to play with me again tomorrow!” you cupped your hands, exclaiming as much as your little lungs could endure. yuuta could see the tears heavy in your gaze, but even then, you prevailed. you grinned, all for him.
ever since the very start. till ‘death do us apart.
“okkotsu! come oooon, don’t cry, okay? (y/n)’s got your back! see, see?! look! they don’t bite!” you braved a smirk on your features, beckoning the shy and introverted young man over. his face looked uncertain and his lips wobbled as though he could crack at any moment. he took a few cautious steps, maintaining his distance between you and the furry animal on the floor.
“r-really? it won’t bite?” he coughed, reaching his unstable fingertips out.
“eh?! that’s the first time you’ve spoken to me! your voice is so nice! it’s so cool! hey! can i hear it again? pleaaaase? i know you’re shy but i’d really like to hear it! hey, okkotsu, say my name? pretty please?”
“um- i, uh.. it’s okay.. you can call me yuuta.”
“yuuta! you’re going to be late for your first day of junior high! i totally told you to wake up on time too!” you stood with your hands rested firmly on your hips, face stern and tone impatient.
“sorry! sorry- it’s um, my hair. i don’t know how to style it.” he admitted, albeit sheepishly by trailing the last few words off into a murmur. you only gave him a sigh before kneeling down behind him, propping yourself up to take a look at his hair in the reflection of the mirror.
“how on earth are you so tall already? we eat the same food, you know. slouch over a little.” you pinched his cheeks before glossing over his hair.
when you ran your fingertips through his hair, you felt butterflies and anxiety rock your stomach.
that’s never been there before.
you’ve touched yuuta countless times, whether that was accidentally hitting him, holding his hand to cross the street…
so why was it different?
you could feel yuuta’s body tense up and run rigid underneath your touch.
that definitely wasn’t there before.
“relax. it’s me.” you cooed quietly, roughing up his hair into different styles.
“like this? looks like you just woke up, sorta, but i think it’s cute.”
yuuta’s heart rate skyrocketed through the roof and his breath hitched.
“cute?” he reiterated, chewing out the phrase like he’d never heard it before in his life.
“hm? yeah-“
you caught his gaze in the mirror, eyes half lidded and attention averted. the tips of his ears were tainted a deep red with small flicks of blush painting his cheeks.
“eh?! nononono- not like that i’m- i just think it suits you, you know? oh, crap, would you look at the time? okay we gotta go and leave!” you clambered out of his bedroom, thudding the door shut behind you.
yuuta only gawked at you with bewilderment, lips slightly parted and fingertips outstretched in his failed attempt to stop you.
he turned to himself in the mirror, studying his features before running one hand through his jet black locks.
“cute, huh?” he muttered, avoiding his own judgemental gaze.
the bittersweet part about growing up with a childhood friend is change.
for all the time that you’d spent with yuuta, you didn’t realise that your relationship with him was something to not take for granted.
especially with those around you who would kill for what you two have.
you’d always get mundane questions from high school girls who thought they could have a shot with him, “what’s his type?” “do you think he likes me?”
meanwhile you only played along with their charades, laughing inwardly when he was actually extremely introverted.
“so? what’s the deal with you and okkotsu-san? you guys dating?”
“no. we’re just friends.”
“seriously? you guys are always glued at the hip. you know he has a picture of you in his locker, right?”
“yeah? so do i. it doesn’t mean anything.”
“it’s kind of a shame, he’s such a nice young man.. gone to waste like that..”
“what’s gone to waste?” yuuta inquired with an indifferent tone, plopping down beside you with his bento box. the classmate sat opposite you only gave him a phony cheerful temperament, twirling her index finger around her hair.
“oh! okkotsu-senpai! we were just talking about you! how was your da-“
“please leave.”
you could only gape at him in your peripherals, sputtering on your sandwich as you watched the life drain from your classmate at his monotony. yuuta didn’t spare you or the girl a glance as he worked to unpack his lunch, hell the guy even murmured a small itadakimasu as if nothing happened.
“wh- okkotsu senpai?”
“listen.” he let out a deep sigh before proceeding.
“whatever shot you thought you had with me? it’s gone out the window. don’t disrespect (y/n) in front of me like that again.”
“you’re making us uncomfortable, so get up and go.” he motioned with his chopsticks, giving her a dead gaze towards another table.
the girl scoffed, mouth hung wide open as she picked up her bag and stormed out of sight.
whilst your face was as blank as a stone, internally, you were only screaming in the depths of piping hot hell visible from the sun itself.
baby girl? that was when you noticed how fucking fine of a man yuuta grew up to be.
“that was seriously nerve wracking.. my stomach hurts so bad right now” yuuta coughed through a bite of his sandwich, refusing to meet your gaze.
you slapped his back, because, holy shit??? awe painted your face like you just witnessed your own child talking or walking for the first time.
“what the shit? yuuta? are you kidding?”
“oh, huh? did i overdo it or something?“
“no?! are you kidding? that was fucking awesome! i swear! this is why i love you-“
uh oh.
oh no.
yuuta let out a shrill squeak unbeknownst to any human being able to produce such a volume. it was a cross between a floorboard creaking, a mouse sniffing and him choking on his food. the poor boy had to excuse himself to the bathroom, hacking and sniffling in an ugly fit of coughs from the food that got caught in his windpipe.
your blood rushed to your head, veins lit ablaze, bones rattling as you could hear the chatter pound and drill into your skull, scoring you deep and down into your bones.
“did she just say she loves him?”
“i totally knew they were going out!”
“i can’t believe it…”
“do you think he’ll reject her?”
it replayed over, and over, and over. what a fucking fool you felt. did he even feel the same?
that’s why i love you.
i love you.
i love you.
a blob of black clouded your vision and you could hear the glass breaking.
yuuta sat himself back down, excusing himself.
you could hear nothing but the tune of his heartbeat. or was it yours? it sounded too heavy to belong in either of your bodies.
his voice came as a wobble because of his anxiety, but this was the one thing in his life he’d be absolutely certain of.
“that’s okay. i love you too.”
“yuuta? you okay? you’ve been spacing out for at least five minutes. something on your mind?” you lightly shake your boyfriend, grip reassuring but firm. it takes a couple of seconds for his gaze to gloss over as he returns back to reality.
“sorry. was just thinking about our childhood, that’s all.” his voice comes out deep and masculine. it doesn’t have that tremor as it used to before, like he’d break down at any minute.
you can say with absolute certainty as you stare up your entire 5’10 boyfriend that he’s matured well.
his hand snakes around to your waist, pulling you into him for comfort.
some ways better than others, you suppose.
“can we stay home today?” he hums, resting his chin on top of your head,
“same as ever, yuuta, aren’t you? it’s fine, i’ll tell nobara my period’s making me act up. she’ll understand-“
“hm? you’re not due for another week though, right?”
you crease your eyebrows as you type out an apology to nobara for cancelling plans, glancing up at yuuta curiously.
“how the heck do you know that?”
“i’m not supposed to? i’d always count your cycle so i wouldn’t irritate you on the wrong day. besides, don’t you think it was too convenient for you to always find snacks in your locker when it rolled around?”
“those snacks were you?! oh my god! i was trying to figure that out for forever!”
“i know. i remember you ranting to me about it.”
“you just sat there?! yuuta! you’re so cheeky sometimes, i swear!”
“only for you.” he chimes, peppering a soft kiss onto your head. you smile against him, though unfortunately pry out of his familiar and welcoming touch.
“i’m gonna step out for a second tho, ‘kay? i think that’s itadori at the door with my chocolate and painkillers” you snort, giving yuuta a bold wink as you put on your best act, keeling over and clutching at your abdomen as though you’re on death’s door.
“you’re awful.” yuuta chuckles, slumping down onto the sofa to hear the events unfold right in front of him.
you clear your throat and slouch your shoulders as you pry the apartment door open.
“(y/n)-senpai! i came as fast as i could and i brought you some of your favourite sna- oh, okkotsu-senpai! hello!”
“hi there.” he leans his head back, giving itadori a small wave.
“i won’t interrupt you guys so get well soon! and fast! cause i wanna hang out with you! bye!”
you cradle the necessities itadori brought whilst gleaming at yuuta with a wicked grin plastered on your face from ear to ear.
“you want anything?” you cock an eyebrow, showing him the arrangement of snacks.
it’s not the answer you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t unwelcome. it made you feel warm inside, like eating warm and soothing soup on a cold winter’s day. this, for you, was okkotsu yuuta at his best, stripped clean and vulnerable.
you’re the only one who he can relax around, act like the world is carefree. like he’s young again, prancing around in that dingy colourful playground he met you at.
“i want you to kiss me.”
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masterhandss · 3 years
HameFura Manga V6 Bonus SS (translated)
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It says “Magical Girl Flag Breakers” and “Our Enemies: The Ruin Four”
Volume 6 Bonus SS - “Magical★Girl Flag Breakers”
Hello! So I snagged a raw copy of Manga Volume 6 on the internet because I was really excited for the bonus story ever since I got raws of Volume 5. For those who don’t know, typically a copy of the manga comes with an extra chapter with Katarina having a dream about different scenarios (V1 was Fortune Lover, V2 is a Highschool AU, V3 is a Fantasy RPG AU, V4 is a Genderbend AU and V5 is a Kindergarten AU), and alongside the chapter of the volume is a image preview of the next story in the next volume.
I couldn't wait to read this one-shot so with the power of google translate, I’ve decided to translate it myself! Please read this one, it’s a very fun one-shot, so much so that I want more of this story XDD (also because it took me half a day to translate this from pictures qwq)
Please do remember to read this one-shot once an official English Release of Manga Volume 6 comes out, and please forgive me for any mistake I made while translating this story to English.
It was a sunny morning that day. I, Katarina Claes, an ordinary high school student, overslept that day and was late for school. While I was dashing to school with a fresh cucumber in my mouth from our fridge instead of my breakfast, was suddenly struck with something hard on the head. I was surprised! I rubbed my head and looked around, but I saw nothing.
I was about to start running again because I assumed that I just imagined, until I heard a voice. "Ouch, I'm sorry I bumped into you", the voice said as I looked up to follow it. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH~~~~" I screamed instinctively as I looked at what looks like a small little doll.
There was a small boy with wings. The boy covered his ears and frowned at my loud outcry. "Oh, I'm sorry" I apologized, also instinctively, but this is turning out to be a really weird situation. What even is this small little boy? It's a really well-made toy or something like that. "I'm not a toy", eh did I say that out loud?
I was surprised to hear a reply, so I asked "Are you a dwarf then?"
"No, I'm a spirit" he said with a matter-of-fact tone. 'Oh, so he's a spirit~' is what I would have said........ 
"Wait, what do you mean a spirit?" I wasn't convinced at all. What do you mean it's a spirit? The little spirit boy begins to explain to me, who was still surprised and flustered, while pointing with his tiny finger.
Well, it turned out to be quite the serious discussion. While a story about an evil organization, the most worrisome part to me was, "So, if the 'planet' dies, what will happen?" I could predict what his answer would be, but it still scared me to hear what the answer was. "If the planet dies, all living creatures here will die" The little spirit replied with an expected answer. When he said that all living creatures will die, does that mean everyone?!
"We will fight and defeat the evil organization with the power we receive from the planet," the spirit declared so bravely. He may look cute like a doll, but he was very cool. I instinctively made a guts pose, "In behalf of everyone, I thank you. Good luck on your fight". "Thank you, but the one who will be fighting is not me--. The spirit boy was interrupted by a loud explosion nearby, where I heard a loud scream saying "Ah! It's a monster!".
When I ran over there to check it out, for some reason, there was something big rampaging in a park just further away. Wait, what? There was a giant bear that appeared out of nowhere?! Around these parts, there could be monkeys showing up, but not bears.
Next to me, the spirit boy was visibly upset. "Oh no, They've already started to appear. I haven't even formed a contract with anyone yet" the spirit boy whispered. What does he mean by a contract? No, its not the time for such questions when something serious is happening in front of us.
"Um, Spirit boy, lets run away, the situation over there looks dangerous". I called out to him, but the spirit boy didn't answer with his eyes growing bigger. "And you, can you help me with my work?" He said as if there wasn't anything happening in front of us. What does he mean help with his work? What is he saying in such a dangerous time like this.
"The Evil Organization".
"What happening right now, it's involving the things I've told you about. I need your help, please". "Wait, even if you say it so suddenly like this...." I'm already really late for school, and at this point getting in would be really difficult. I'm in deep trouble. "Please, I can only ask you." I was being stared with such a desperate face and moist eyes, making it really hard to refuse. Aside from that, the noise in the park is getting louder, and I feel like it's really dangerous to stay here.
For now, its best to run away for the time being and listen to him when we get to somewhere safer. I thought and said, "I understand. I'll help you, so lets run away from here first." My words did not even finish until the end. Before I finished, the spirit boy grinned and said, "Okay, then lets form the contract."
The moment I saw his grinning smile, I knew something was weird, but before I could say anything, the spirit boy pulled something that looked like a stick with a flag and asked, "What is your name?" "Katarina Claes". For some reason, my mouth started to move on my own and said my name. Eh, what's going on?
"Then, Katarina Claes, I will appoint you as a magical girl who will help protect this planet". When I shook the flag that the spirit boy had, my body was wrapped in light, and my school uniform changed into a cute and frilly costume. 
"What's this?!" "It's a magical girl costume. Now you have the power to do more than what a hundred normal persons can do".
"Wearing this frilly outfit can make me do that?!" "Yes, that costume has that kind of power. With this, you can defeat the enemy as a magical girl". "Wait, what's a magical girl? and by enemy you mean--" "Ah, it's already here"
As soon as the spirit boy interrupted my words with his own, a giant pink bear doll came out from the entrance of the park.
"What's that?" "That's our enemy. Now, let's defeat it with the power of a magical girl." "Even if you tell me to defeat it--?!"
What should I do? The bear started to launch itself towards us while I was trying to figure out what to do. While it is a stuffed toy bear, it was very big so it's power was quite impressive.
It’ll be bad if I get hit, so I jumped really high unexpectedly in order to avoid it. Wow, the bear looked really surprised by my movements, which are a hundred times faster and stronger than a normal person, and it made the bear look like fool as he gave his all into that attack. What a terrifying bear. That bear tried to attack with a punch again. The bear is very quick for its size. Thanks to this outfit, I can easily avoid his punches, but this can’t keep going on like this.
“Hey spirit, how I can I defeat this bear?”. While trying to avoid the bear’s attacks, I asked the spirit who was watching me jump above. “Oh, that’s right. Point the bracelet at the bear and say ‘Flag Break’. If you do that, you can defeat it”. He seems to have forgotten to tell me this earlier.
I wondered if that was enough, but I did as I was told, pointing my bracelet at the bear and shouted “Flag Break”, and a ray of light appeared from the bracelet. When the light hits and wraps the bear in its entirety, it disappeared after the light.
I coughed while staring at the spot where the bear disappeared, and the spirit who was now next to me said, “Thank you, Katarina. Thank you for your continued support. My name is Raphael”, he said as I held his outreached hand. 
This how I, Katarina Claes, became a magical girl who fights against evil organizations.
And, through this event, I learned that I should not accept unclear requests so easily. I became a magical girl by being convinced in a shocked state by Raphael, and in the months since I became a magical girl, my number of friends seemed to have increased. After several months, I realized that there are more magical girls in my school, such as Maria who was part of the student council and the school’s cooking club, Mary from the gardening club, and Sophia from the literature club. Strangely, all of them are smart and beautiful students. Not only that, they were all scouted by a female spirit named Anne as magical girls. I was only scouted in the heat of the moment, but everyone else are so good at their job, and eventually we all began to get along as friends. Until then, I usually go to school late because I always get lost, but now we all go to school together every day.
“Yes, I tried to turn the flowers in the gardening club as a bookmark, Katarina. If you’d like, please use it”. “Wow. it’s so cute, thank you. Mary has good taste” “Katarina, I’ve brought a book I want to recommend” “You did? I’m looking forward to it. Thank you, Sophia” “Katarina, I brought some sweets I made in the cooking club, please eat some if you’d like” “Oh! Thank you Maria. I love your sweets so much because they are just so delicious”
Just like that, we continue to have fun chatting to each other, when suddenly there was a figure ahead of us. “Hello, Katarina and co.”
A beautiful young man with blonde hair and blue eyes appeared before me. “Wow, you’re here again Geordo” I frowned, but Geordo returned it with a smile. “Today, I will defeat you and make you mine”, that’s when he suddenly changed into a black cloak with a mask; the uniform of the evil organization.
Yes, this handsome young man is named Geordo, he might look like a prince, but he is actually one of the Four Kings of Ruin, part of the enemy organization that we, magical girls, need to defeat. I met Geordo after I had become a magical girl, during my third battle. It was Geordo who summoned enemies like the giant stuffed toy bear and released it onto the city. Since then, I had fought him multiple times as enemies, where he continuously says things like “You’ve piqued my interest. Would you become mine?” whenever he approaches me. Is this a new form of attack? When I reply to him with an attack, he would reply with “One day, I will beat you and make you mine”. 
I don’t know if this is a new kind of attack, but Geordo would typically show up every three days, and now that its the third day, it probably means I need to transform into a magical girl again.
“I hate you” “Yeah, please stop disturbing our good time” “Please pack it up”
Mary, Sophia and Maria all said, as they transformed into magical girls too. “You girls are interrupting the moment between me and Katarina. You girls are in my way” Geordo said, as he raised his hand to the sky. Then, a black circle appeared, with people falling out from it.
“Ouch! Geordo, do you know how many time you’ve been calling out to us recently? I was gonna take a nap”, that was Geordo’s twin brother who scratched his head, the snobby Alan who is also part of the Four Kings. “That’s right, I was on a date with a girl” said Keith, the playboy from the Four Kings of Ruin, who frowned and brushed his bangs. The last one was expressionless, but was looking at the pasta who had fallen onto the ground with a sad face. He is Nicol, the final member of the four who has a magical and mysterious charm to him.
“Everyone, don’t be so lazy. Let’s work together and defeat the magical girls once and for all” Geordo said to them, and they all turned to me in a daze. There’s something he didn’t know about his allies when he called them out.
“Yo, it’s been a long time, Katarina. You’re still playing magical girl?” Alan said. Perhaps he was embarrassed that he had just declared that he would take a nap, because his face was flushed red. I met him during one of my battles.
“Katarina Claes, you’re always so free. It’s so lonely to think that you don’t have anyone to date yet,” Keith said. Perhaps he was shy or was embarrassed by the girl he was just on a date with, because his face was also quite red. I also met him during one of my battles so I’m acquainted with him.
Maybe he was called from a place where he was eating his pasta, and now it had fallen to the ground and splattered, because Nicol had a very sad expression. ”................” “Would you like some of these sweets so compensate for your food?” I offered to him. He gave me such a happy and devilish smile, saying “thank you” as he reached out for one of the sweets. I staggered a bit at the sight. I also met Nicol during one of my battles.
“What are you guys talking about so happily with my Katarina? I called you guys here to deal with the other three magical girls who are trying to get in between us” Geordo said. “What are you taking about? You’re the ones who are in the way of our good time,” Mary lifted her eyebrows and snapped at Geordo, who simply replied to her accusation with a dark smile. “That’s my line. You high school girls who just talk about crap without any meaning”.
“That’s rude, it’s not meaningless” Sophia said angrily. Well this is the kind of thing that Geordo definitely won’t understand. He doesn’t seem to have a prejudice against high school girls... wait a minute, shouldn’t we be fighting? Geordo, Mary and Sophia are quarrelling, Alan and Keith are summoned but have flushed cheeks and are looking away, Maria is sharing handmade sweets to Nicol who lost his pasta.
Recently, every time we confront the Four Kings of Ruin, we more frequently fight like this, without throwing any hands. I even started to wonder if I was still a magical girl, so I tried to look around for our two spirits, before I was interrupted by Maria who offered sweets to me. It was so good that I lost all my will for battle.
“Lady Katarina, Lady Katarina, please get up. It’s time for you to go to school”
What happened to the battle? “Battle? Katarina, you’re sleeping. We need to get you ready for school”, Anne said, bringing out my clothes. “Oh I had  a very strange dream. I was transformed into a magical girl. Not only that, the enemies were Geordo and the others. What a strange dream”.
“What’s a magical girl?” Anne gave me a suspicious look while the adjusting my clock. “Ah, um, a magical girl fights against an evil organization--”
“Katarina, I’m grateful for your explanations but we don’t time for that right now, so I’ll ask about it later after we finish your preparations”. Ann told me, and when I looked at the clock, I knew that it was almost time for class and that I was about to be late. I hurriedly cooperated with Anne and started preparing myself for school. My usual day begins as from that point.
That’s it! It’s a very cute one-shot, and I hope after I post this, maybe it inspires people to write stories based on this au qwq. Volume 7′s oneshot is “Detective?! Katarina’s Office” (Tantei?! Katarina Jimusho) so if thats interesting then i’ll translate that too.
Some unnecessary notes from me if you’re interested in reading:
Since Katarina is the hero and Miri is the leader of the evil organization, I guess if this really was a story then the plot twist is that Katarina is her daughter. I can imagine maybe this story takes place in her old world with her old family (mom, dad, grandma, two brothers) but the difference here is that Katarina is adopted or something like that.
It’s interesting that Raphael is Katarina’s fairy partner instead of Ann. It works since both Kat and Raph use Dark Magic in canon lol haha also because it shows how competent Ann is haha
It’s also cool to see the playboy version of Keith liking Katarina.
Sophia and Nicol don’t seem to be related at all in this version of the story, which I’m cool with. They could also have a Hawkmoth-Chat Noir situation where they aren’t aware of each other’s secret identities (though I doubt it myself since they all transformed in front of the boys, but hey i’m just throwing it out there).
Omg rip Nicol’s pasta. Press f to pay respects
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jiamour · 4 years
love letters
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pairing: ravenclaw!renjun x hufflepuff!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 4.7k
summary:  in which renjun has the phattest crush but he’s too shy to say anything despite being their tutor so his friend convinces him to write anonymous love letters to get his feelings out
alternatively: renjun’s a cutie and you hate arithmancy
a/n: i wrote this two years ago so its not great and its bullet point again, also the pronouns in this are they/them i think?? this is the softest i’ve ever written renjun im sorry he’s not a bad bitch in this 
“GUESS WHAT,” you yelled as you walked into the hufflepuff common room knowing your friends would be there, “I FUCKING FAILED!”
cheers broke out
applause was given
you bowed
“thank you, thank you.”
“i told you not to take arithmancy,” your best friend jaemin’s voice spoke from one of the worn down couches, “why would you choose to do math when you’re a wizard?”
“i wanted a challenge jaemin.”
“bet you regret that type of thinking now idiot.”
“you’re a hufflepuff, you’re supposed to be nice,” you whined walking over to him and plopping by his side on the couch
“i’m just teasing hun,” he said, placing a hand on your shoulder in comfort “how bad did you do?”
“on the last assignment i got a dreadful.”
jaemin went to laugh but it caught in his throat when he saw how upset you looked
“i think she just gave me pity points for writing my name neatly”
“you were always good at that,” jaemin nodded thoughtfully and you elbowed his side with a glare
“if only there was a calligraphy class here for you” jaemin continued on completely ignoring your attack
“don’t act like i’m not beating you in every other class”
“well then don’t act like i was the one stupid enough to ‘predict the future with numbers’ what kind of shit? isn’t that was the crystal balls are for”
“you’re really bad at comforting me” you giggled at his stupid words
“then why are you laughing”
“i’m not”
you were
“i guess i’ll just have to tickle you to cheer you up then,” he said with a shrug, “i mean since there’s no other way”
“don’t you dare”
“don’t you fucking dare jaemin”
but it was too late
jaemin hands went straight to your sides
you toppled backwards in laughter squirming to get out of his tickling hold
“st- stop” you chocked out through tears and giggles
“only if you’re feeling better” he said “if i see a single trace of a frown when i stop you best be prepared”
“i’m better” you tried to say but it came out in a sputter with loud laughs in between
jaemin pulled away slowly and you caught your breath before sitting up
“never do that again”
“but yn”
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“you’re smart right?” jaemin asked hand on his hip looking down at the kid sitting in front of him
“i mean i guess?” the kid awkwardly answered not completely understanding what was going on
“good then i need you to tutor my friend”
“umm what?” the boy raised his eyebrow and looked at jaemin completely lost
“my friend needs help in arithmancy, like serious, serious help, and you claim to be smart, so it only makes sense that you would tutor them” jaemin explained his nonsensical logic and the boy just agreed in shock too confused to know what else to do
“okay good, so when are you free-“ jaemin thought for a second “what’s your name again?”
“okay so when are you free renjun?”
renjun began to ramble “i um i don’t have many plans most of the time so i guess-“
“perfect” jaemin clapped his hands together not letting renjun finish “meet them in the library tomorrow at 7”
“i-okay” jaemin took that as the end of the conversation giving a soft smile before turning to go find you
“wait what’s their name?” renjun called his words coming out all at different volumes “who am i tutoring”
“yn” jaemin turned a little to face renjun “do you know them?”
this could not be happening
renjun was going to die
his face was already burning thinking about it
noticing renjun’s expression jaemin just laughed
“i’ll take that as a yes”
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you gasped “is hyuck here?”
“what? no? you asshole it’s me”
“oof don’t flatter yourself that much” you mumbled waving him off
“i guess you don’t need the tutor i got you then”
you jumped up and hugged him squeezing both of his arms into his sides
“i knew you’d come around” he said in a cocky demeanor “how could you not? i mean look at this face”
“and you ruined it” you spoke breathily and sat back down where you were before
“who’s my tutor anyways?”
your whole body went stiff
“guess you know him then” jaemin shrugged
“fuck you jaemin”
“hey where’s your hufflepuff manners you should be thanking me”
you probably should have
but you weren’t
because out of all the people in the school for jaemin to pick from
he chose fucking huang renjun
the ravenclaw cutie from astronomy who always lent you his ink when you ran out
the genius who always mastered the spells in minutes no matter how complex
now you were going to look stupid in front of him
you really didn’t want to look stupid in front of him
anyone else would be fine
just not him
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
it was 7 and jaemin had instructed you to wait outside the library for renjun
it was really really awkward
anxiety filled your stomach and mind
he was late that was fine, only one minute, it’s whatever
he probably just got lost of the funky moving staircases
that’s it
you shifted on you feet
people were watching you get stood up
for a tutoring session
god your life couldn’t be anymore of a mess
panic set in
you closed your eyes taking a deep breath before preparing yourself to leave
and probably go smack jaemin upside the head for doing this to you
that was until you were hit by the library door
you let out a loud groan
done with everything
but when you looked at who had hit you
renjun was standing there
holding his books to his chest looking discouraged
“hey?” you said a little confused that he hadn’t noticed he hit you with a fucking door
“oh” his eyes grew wide when he saw you “yn you were here the whole time?”
your hand when straight to your face
you were really fucking stupid
making a fool of yourself already
didn't even check inside the library
“were you inside?” you asked quietly knowing the answer anyways
“yeah i thought you weren’t coming”
“i’m so sorry, jaemin gives really bad instructions”
there was silence
this was awkward
“so umm” renjun started “should we go study?”
“that does seem like the best idea”
you followed him into the library in awkward, awkward silence
you sat at the same table you assumed he was at before because it was littered with arithmancy books
“so what do you think you have most trouble with” he asked looking down at a book and flipping through the pages so he could have something to do
“um- all of it”
yay humiliation
he laughed
and you died
“why are you laughing? i’m serious”
he face instantly fell he cleared his throat looking at you shyly
“that can’t be true” he spoke soft trying not to offend you assuming he was already on thin ice
“oh it is hun”
“then i guess we have a lot of work to do”
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
“ugh i hate arithmancy it’s literally the worst”
“it’s my favorite subject”
you coughed
“i mean i love arithmancy it’s the best yay” you said weakly adding small jazz hands at the end
“you don’t have to lie” he laughed writing as he spoke “the numbers just remind me of home”
you hummed quietly
“so you’re muggle born?” you ask glaring down at the complicated numbers in front of you
“yeah” renjun sighed “you don’t have a problem with that right?”
you were slightly offended
okay very offended
you looked at him in angry disbelief your mouth open in the shape of an o “do i look like a pretentious twat to you?”
“don’t answer that”
he laughed
he had a nice laugh
“how far did you make it into the equation” he curiously leaned over the table to look at your work
“i have the first three numbers” you groaned spotting his already half full page
“and 2 of them are wrong” he brought his quill over and circled the numbers
you laid your head in your hands
this sucked
you felt dumb
you didn’t want to be here
“hey no yn don’t give up okay” he said softly, lightly trying to move your arms away from your face
you just let out a frustrated hum
“i’m never going to get this”
“not with that attitude you won’t”
you moved your hands away from your face to glare at him but he only smiled
he did that purposely didn’t he
fucking ravenclaws
he began to scoot his chair from the opposite side of the table to right beside you, grabbing the quill off of the paper
“here let me help we’ll figure this out together okay?”
you looked at him as he began to write with wide eyes
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“did you understand today’s assignment?” renjun asked you
you gave him a look raising an eyebrow knowing he already knew the answer
“okay no need for that sass” he huffed “you could’ve just said no”
“you don’t deserve a no for a stupid question like that”
you began taking your books and parchment out of your bag
“i’m ready to begin this torture”
“hey i’m not that bad”
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
“okay but chenle is totally into jisung did you see the way he was all over him at lunch and whenever jisung walks into the room chenle’s feet turn straight towards him and he ignores everyone else that love psych 101” you said to renjun half way through your 6th study session which had more or less deteriorated into a gossip session
“oh okay ms.sherlock holmes” renjun had an impressed smile
“who the fuck is sherlock holmes?”
renjun waved his hand at you
“ugh wizards”
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
the more you got to know renjun the more references that you didn’t understand at all came
it was to say the least frustrating
but his eyes always lit up when he spoke about muggle books or movies so you just let it slide
“tell me more about this spider-man guy” you said one day your head resting on your hand and you gazed at him expectantly
“okay so he was like this super smart teenager but he got bit by a radioactive spider which changed-“ renjun stopped mid sentence glaring at you slightly “you’re trying to distract me aren’t you?”
you raised your hands in the air defensively “what no-“
“oh my god you are! i’m so easy to trick how dare you,” he rambled “we’re getting back to work”
this was met by a groan
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
“this is a bad idea jeno”
“you say that every time”
“that’s because all of your ideas suck”
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
owls flew through the dining hall dropping down in front of students around you, delivering mail
your owl was one of the last
he had always been quite slow
jaemin was riffling through a package of salt water taffy his grandparents had sent him when your owl finally arrived
he was carrying the usual newspaper and weekly letter from your parents
you thanked your owl petting his head softly
he nuzzled into your palm before flying off again
when you moved the newspaper out of the way of your food you were surprised to see another letter under it
the envelope was completely blank except for your name
you lifted it up glancing at it curiously
“who is that from?” jaemin said chewing a pink taffy in his mouth
“i-um i don’t know?”
“do you have a secret boyfriend that you aren’t telling me about?”
jaemin was an idiot
you rolled your eyes at him and began opening the envelope cautiously hoping it wasn’t a prank
there was a single folded parchment inside
when you saw what it said your cheeks heated up and a small smile grew on your face
“wait, oh my god! you do have a secret boyfriend!” he exclaimed loudly getting annoyed glares from the people around you
he reached out trying to grab the paper out of your hands and read it but you pulled it out of arms reach, folding it and sticking your tongue out at him
you opened the letter under the table glancing to read it over once again
“i’m too shy to say this in person but i think you’re really cute. i hope you’re eating and sleeping well.” there was a tiny heart drawn beside that “have a great day!!”
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
“did you start your number chart?”
“i spent all night working on it” you told him rubbing your eyes
he gave you a disapproving look
“yn if you don’t sleep then you can’t concentrate and if you can’t concentrate then you can’t listen and if you can’t listen then you fail”
“well wasn’t that an enlightening roller coaster of words”
he huffed
you leaned over resting on him as you gave him an awkward side hug “you know i’m joking”
he nodded
wow your heart was beating way too fast right now
“i just wanted to work on it so i could impress-“ you. i wanted to impress you “the professor”
“i know yn but just take care of yourself okay” he was blushing now which you thought was cute
very very cute
you pulled away from him with a large smile taking your work out of your bag to show to him
“wait this actually really good” he said in happy surprise “yn you’re getting better”
“well yeah i have a good tutor”
he nudged you slightly
“shut up” renjun lightheartedly laughed
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this time jaemin was ready
he was going to read one of the letters from your secret boyfriend
there was no stopping him
well you stopped him the last 4 times
but this time
there was no stopping him
when your owl flew towards you he quickly grabbed your mail before you could and began to open the letter tossing your newspaper at you
“HEY” you yelled ready to jump the table to stop jaemin but it was too late
“i want to make a fragile human connection in the vast and unfeeling infinity of chaotic universe with you,” jaemin read the letter out loud proceeding to scrunch his face up when he finished
“what the fuck was that? is that what you and your secret boyfriend talk about? science shit?” he tossed the letter to you which you grabbed quickly and smiled at the tiny stars they had drawn along the page
“i think it’s cute” you spoke softly, adoration in your tone
“i can’t believe my best friend is a nerd”
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“I DID IT” you said loudly as soon as you saw renjun in the library only to be shushed by at least 10 students at once
“you did! i’m so proud of you” his voice was a lot quieter probably trying to not get everyone to hate him
you sat down in the chair beside him which he already had pulled out and placed your essay down in front of him
“i mean it’s only an acceptable but it’s good for me y’know” you rambled on shyly his eyes shone bright at your accomplishments
“it’s great yn” he encouraged “we should um”
he looked away from you awkwardly
“we should uh go to hogsmeade this weekend to celebrate?” renjun couldn’t look you in the eyes and he felt as if he was going to combust “i mean only if you want to if you don’t that’s fine too no pressure”
“you’re rambling” you giggled
“sorry i-“
“i’d love to go to hogsmeade with you”
his shoulders relaxed and he finally looked at you  smiling with his eyes
your heart was blessed that day
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“i can’t believe you have a date”
“shut up it’s not date”
“it totally is”
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it was quite cold the day you and renjun had planned to go to hogsmeade
okay really cold
and there was renjun standing outside leaning against a wall with his ravenclaw scarf pulled up just past the tip of his nose, hands in his coat pocket, shivering
you were late
and running through the halls
you yelled sorry’s as you pushed past slow moving students hoping you hadn’t kept renjun waiting long
you saw him standing in the cold somehow the small boy was looking even tinier than usual
“renjun” you yelled out waving a hand in the air so he could see you even though you were the only one around
his head lifted up from his scarf and you noticed his smile as he stopped leaning and walked towards you
“you haven’t been waiting long have you?”
“no don’t worry yn i just got here”
that was a lie
you could tell by the red tint on his cheek and the tip of his nose and also the occasional shiver
“liar” you said reaching towards his cheek to place your hands on them to see how cold they were “you’re freezing injunnie”
you couldn’t tell if he was blushing or if he had just gotten colder
“your hands are just warm” he protested moving your hands away from face and back in between the both of you
you both stood there for a second your hands in his until he realized what he was doing
he took a large step back
to your disappointment
“we should-um let’s get going?” he mumbled into his scarf
which by the way was very cute
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renjun’s hands were waving around and he explained stories from the muggle world
and it seemed as though other wizards at tables beside yours had been listening as well
“okay so then get this,” renjun said dramatically and loudly “the sent him to england to be executed but he was abducted by pirates and brought back home”
the girl at the table to the right of you gasped
renjun shrunk back in his chair embarrassed realizing others were listening his hands quickly were placed down on the table
“don’t be shy” you encouraged him placing one of your hands on his “you get really excited when you talk and it makes people want to listen”
“oh” he looked down at your hands and then back up at you
“when he got back home there was a funeral for his kind of girlfriend but like not really cause he told her he didn’t love her...”
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“today was nice”
“yeah it was”
“we should do it again some time”
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you opened the envelope the owl had brought you
“i hope these letters brighten your day even a little because you’re beautiful when you smile and when you don’t, you’re beautiful all the time..”
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“i can’t do it i’m going to fail” you whined while trying to make a particularly hard chart, beginning to scribble down the page
renjun quickly snatched your quill out of your hands and placed it down beside him
“you’re getting better yn, you’re not going to fail” his hands moved to your shoulders as he tried to motivate you looking you straight in the eyes
“but this is so hard injunnie,” you reaching for your quill back but he took his hands off your shoulders and moved it farther away
“you’re not getting it back until you say something positive”
“i don’t have anything positive to say, i’m going to fail and my parents are going to disown me and i’ll have to live in a shack”
renjun laughed at how ridiculous you sounded
he pointed to a line of work on your paper “what do you do after that?”
you muttered an answer lacking any confidence
“that’s right yn” he clapped shocking you
“wait really!?”
“yeah really see you’re going to pass” he was hyping you up and it was working
“i’m going to pass!”
“you can do this!”
“i’m going to get an outstanding!”
“yes you are!”
“i’m going to do better than you!”
“you see now you’re going too far”
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mail day is what you looked forward to every week filled with joy at the thought of receiving a letter from the anonymous person
as soon as it arrived you basically ripped it open startling jaemin
leaving a long tear in the letter but it was still easy to see
“your determination is admirable”
your heart swelled when you read the words, carefully folding it and placing it back in the envelope to make sure it didn’t get hurt
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“what the fuck man step up your game”
“i thought it was good?”
“you told her that her determination was admirable what kind of weird ass flirting is that”
“okay okay fine now that you say it out loud...”
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full of anticipation for what today’s letter would say your leg bounced up and down
your owl dropped the letters in front of you and you opened it slowly learning from your mistake last time
“are you pikachu? because you’re shockingly beautiful” is all it said inside
what the fuck is a pikachu?
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“hey renjun”
“do you know what a pikachu is?”
he chocked on air, coughing into his arm
“what? why- why um do you need to know?”
“i got a letter yesterday and it had the word but i couldn’t figure out what it was so i assumed it was a muggle thing, it is a muggle thing right?”
“yeah, a pikachu is a pokémon”
“wow very helpful thank you”
he laughed embarrassed “i forgot you didn’t know about any of that, pokémon are like tiny cartoon monsters”
oh so they were comparing you to a monster
that made you feel so great
“pikachu is an electric type”
“oh” you mumbled sadly
renjun automatically noticed your mood drop and quickly tried to stumble to fix it “i um- i mean he’s- um- pikachu is one of the cute ones?”
you could tell he was trying to cheer you up so you smiled at him
“thank you renjun”
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you kept the letters by your bed there were about 15 now the recent ones reading
“you must be magical, because I've fallen under your spell.” (obviously you were magic they were magic too)
“are you the moon? because even when it’s dark you still seem to shine” (most letters had been space related which you found really cute)
“you must be in honeydukes, cause wow, you're really sweet” (okay this one was nice)
the most recent one “you’re an 11/0 because your beauty is undefined” would have been nice if it didn’t remind you of how awful numbers were
getting letters everyday really had made your life more interesting
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“i wonder who’s writing these, do you know who’s writing these jaemin?”
“why would i know who your secret boyfriend is?”
“because you know everything”
“i know it’s such a burden sometimes”
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“are you even going to tell them it’s you?”
“i think i would probably die”
“there’s worse ways to go”
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with every session your grades were getting higher and the closer to owl’s it became
you sat with renjun in your usual spot in the library for one of your last tutoring sessions
this should have made you happy but it didn’t
you wanted more time with renjun
but the only way you knew how to talk to him was through studying and the occasion celebratory trips whenever your grade rose
“did you get number 7 on page 378?”
you watched his mouth move but you couldn’t process what he was saying too lost in your thoughts
“yn are you even paying attention?”
“most definitely”
“you liar”
you sighed
“i’m just going to miss you that’s it- miss this”
“yeah me too”
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“are you a Snitch? because you're the finest catch here.” today’s letter read with a tiny broom and golden snitch drawn messily in the corner
you smiled
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“you have to tell them man”
“i can’t it’ll be so embarrassing”
“come on, no it won’t they like them”
“you have no proof”
“i see them smile every time they open one”
“well what if they don’t like me”
“like that’s even possible don’t you guys meet up like everyday”
“it’s not everyday and it’s for tutoring”
“is that why i’ve seen you on a date”
“i’ve told you a million times it wasn’t a date”
“but you wanted it to be”
“well yeah”
“then tell them, it will work out and if it doesn’t you can dye my hair pink”
“but you’d look good with pink hair?”
“oh why thank you”
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it was the day before your arithmancy owl
you were panicked
because of renjun’s help you had been receiving straight e’s
you were both immensely proud
you paced back and forth in the hufflepuff common room frantic students panicking around you
you needed a walk
you opened the door to the common room
and there was renjun looking like he was about to knock a piece of paper in his hands
“hi?” you said slightly confused but very happy to see him nonetheless
“oh yn hi i was-“ he seemed very awkward in front of you his hand fidgeting slightly and his leg bouncing you assumed it was just nerves for exams “i was just coming to see you”
“i was going for a walk do you want to join?”
he nodded
“so are you ready for your owl’s?” you asked trying to make conversation as you walked
and also clear up the tense atmosphere that renjun was creating
“i think i’ll do well i’ve been studying a lot recently at dinner and in between classes but i’m still worried y’know”
“yeah i get it, i’m worried because i could actually fail” you laughed
“hey i thought we talked about this” his voice was finally light and joking
it was comfortable again
“i know my goal is still to beat you and mark my words it will happen”
“i’m sure it will” he agreed without even a hint of sarcasm
“finally i get the recognition for the genius i am”
he laughed fiddling with he paper in his fingers
“what’s that you have?” you asked gesturing to the paper and he froze going stiff
“it’s um-“ he stuttered out “its um nothing”
you stopped in front of him clearly not buying it
“okay it’s not nothing” he lifted up the letter as if he was making a decision and then held it out to you looking away
“just don’t hate me okay?”
this confused you
why would you ever hate him?
you cautiously took the paper from his hands giving him a curious look and opened it slowly while he looked at the ground
“are you using the confundas charm or are you just naturally mind blowing?”
no way
this couldn’t be happening
you knew you were dumb but not this dumb
of course he was the one writing the letters
holy shit renjun was writing the letters
“renjun i-“ you started and he looked at you shyly preparing for rejection
“i can’t believe you wasted your final note on that”
wait what?” his eyes widened as he took the paper back looking at it “but jeno helped me write it”
“didn’t you say jeno was an idiot?”
“well yeah, i guess his other idea wouldn’t work either”
you quirked an eyebrow
“what other idea?”
he pulled a second piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to you
you laughed a little as you opened this one
“will you go out with me?” it read
your smile grew at least 100x it’s size
“i dunno this one seems like a pretty good idea to me”
“i guess that means i don’t get to try idea three”
you giggled “what’s idea three?”
“this,” he leaned in to kiss you gently
he had meant for it to be just a peck but as soon as he moved away you tugged on his robes pulling him in again
“i think that one was my favorite idea” you said as your forehead rested against his
“mine too.” he breathed softly
“was that jeno’s idea as well?”
“no that one was completely mine”
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360 notes · View notes
Rating: G
Summary:  Papyrus's New Year's resolutions include: trying new fashion choices, helping his brother talk about his feelings, keeping his friends from murdering each other over Monopoly, and admitting his crush on Mettaton.
Word Count:  4333
“Hmmm… I feel a little… nervous.”  Papyrus tugged at the end of his shirt.  His very long, very tight shirt.  That aspect felt more embarrassing than the fact that Mettaton’s face was cross-stitched into it.  “This outfit is very different from my battle body.”
Sans blinked.  His grin stayed tight, but still not as tight as this strange shirt.  The red-and-pink fabric clung to the invisible magic that filled out his form.  His usual crop tops covered just his ribcage, but this full-length shirt… it showed his abs.  A full six pack of them.  It was weird.  
Of course, he knew that if he had physical muscles, he would surely have such a buff physique.  A skeleton’s clothed form was based on their perception of their true self, after all.  Sans was lazy and round.  Papyrus trained daily, and his magic chiseled his form to show it.
He just hoped he didn’t look too chiseled.  He didn’t want to intimidate anyone with his handsome figure.  Though… perhaps a certain robot wouldn’t mind...
“You don’t have to wear it, bro.  I’m sure the bucket of bolts will understand.”
No.  No, the ‘bucket of bolts,” the fabulous Mettaton himself, would not understand.  He would wonder why Papyrus didn’t wear his Christmas gift to the New Year’s Eve party.  And then Mettaton would never believe how much Papyrus cared for him…
“No!  Change can be refreshing.  New year, new fashion!  Yeah!!!”
“...Alright.”  Sans shrugged.  
He wouldn’t understand.  He was wearing the same dingey hoodie he’d worn every day in the underground.  At least it smelled a little better now that Toriel was around to occasionally wrangle it off of him and throw it in the wash.  (Sans always complained, but Papyrus had caught him sniffing it and smiling dreamily each time.)
“You could stand to freshen up too, you know!  Don’t you want to impress Miss Toriel?  HMM??”
He elbowed his brother in the ribs (nyeh heh) but it wasn’t as effective as usual.  This shirt had long sleeves, which left Papyrus’s arms looking more filled-out than in his battle body.  And thus, his elbow had less boney-nudging power.
“Hey.  Don’t try to jack-et up my style. ‘Sides, if Tori didn’t like the hoodie, it hood have ended up in the garbage ages ago.”
“Oh my gosh!!! Both of you belong in the garbage then!”
“Only if you’re there too, bro.”  Sans winked.  “Come on, I think we’re late enough to make an entrance.  I know a—”
“Geez, Sans, I know you can teleport.  You don’t have to be dramatic about it!”
Sans’s browbones scrunched.  “You really are nervous, huh?  It’s gonna be fine, bro.  You’re gonna knock that robot’s socks off.  Y’know, if he had socks.”
Sweat beaded on Papyrus’s forehead.  He wasn’t surprised that Sans had guessed the source of his anxiety, but that didn’t mean he had to admit it.
“N-no I’m not nervous!  It’s just… hot in here!  Let’s take that shortcut and hope that Miss Toriel has been banned from the celebratory cider!”
“Yeah, it’d be a shame to have to lock her in her own garage this time…”
Sans casually slipped his arm through Papyrus’s and led them towards the bathroom.  Of course, when Papyrus blinked at the entryway, they were suddenly walking through the tall doorframe into Toriel’s living room.
It wasn’t covered in Mew Mew- or Mettaton-bits.  That was a good sign—Papyrus would’ve hated to miss a live chainsaw fight again.  At the Gyftmas party, he’d been too busy wrangling Toriel to watch.
Sound always took a second to catch up with Sans’s shortcuts, so Papyrus felt Undyne’s smack on his back before he heard her.
“ACK!”  He jumped before attempting to cover it with a cough.  Undyne laughed.
“Dude, I know you don’t have to breathe!  You can’t fool me!”
“It was a courtesy scream! Of greeting!  Because I know how much you love to be intimidating!!”
“Heck yeah I do!  Thanks, Papyrus!”  She slugged him again for good measure, this time on the shoulder.  It felt weird, with his bones covered in layers of protective magic and fabric.  “Lookin’ good, by the way!  I haven’t seen you in a full shirt in… geez, has it been a year?  I almost didn’t recognize you!”
He tugged at his collar, though it wouldn’t keep him from sweating.  Toriel kept her house cool, at least.  Probably because she was covered in fur.
“I know, I know.  It still feels unseemly for a royal mascot to be seen out of uniform…”
“Nah, it’s all good!  I’m sure all the monsters with two good eyes won’t have a problem recognizing the Great Papyrus.”
He felt his cheeks warm.  “Nyeh heh... heh… so it doesn’t look weird?  Sans said it was fine, but you know Sans… he only wears the same smelly outfit, day in and day out!  I can’t trust his fashion sense.”
“Then trust me.  I practically invented fashion!  Like, if you replaced Mettaton’s face with… a spear!  Or an anime princess with a sword!  IT WOULD INSPIRE FEAR INTO THE HEARTS OF YOUR ENEMIES!”
Papyrus hunched his shoulders and scratched the back of his neck.  At least the shirt didn’t have a high collar, so he could still feel the tips of his vertebrae.  
“I’m not sure fear is the emotion I am going for.  Perhaps… grandeur?  Or even… admiration??”  His skull heated a bit more.  Oh, he hoped his cheekbones weren’t stained pink.  He hadn’t intended to keep his feelings from his best friend… but Undyne and Mettaton butted heads so often.  He just wanted everyone to be friends!  
Especially his best friend and the robot he maybe-sort-of had a crush on!
Undyne took a step back, squinting at him with her one good eye.  Darn it, she was so perceptive!
“B-but I didn’t say it was romantic admiration!”  Papyrus clarified.  “It is—”
“OH MY GOSH!!”  Undyne interrupted, her voice echoing over the human program Toriel had on TV.  “YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON—?”
“SHHHH!”  He slapped her hands over her mouth.  She batted at them with her face-fins, her muffled shouting seeping through his gloves.
Eventually she quieted.  Probably because the whole room was staring at them.  Sans and Toriel on the couch, Frisk squished between them.  Flowey on the windowsill, leaves crossed and faking disinterest.  Alphys with wide eyes, as if predicting what Undyne was about to shout.  And Napstablook, Mew Mew, and…
Papyrus didn’t need to gulp.  He did anyway.
“DARLING!”  Mettaton spread his arms wide as he strutted towards Papyrus.  His heeled boots somehow made a loud CLICK-CLICK-CLICK, even though the living room’s floor was carpeted. “Oh, you look wonderful!  Positively ravishing!”
He stopped at arms’ length, then scanned Papyrus up and down.  It felt like his robot vision could see right through him.  Not that there was much to see—just normal bones.  It was still rattling regardless.
“Th-thank you!  The Great Papyrus strives to always be ready to be ravished!”
Sans spit out his drink.  Thankfully it was just water, and not anything more intoxicating.  With Frisk present, adult drinks would be off-limits.
But it still left a puddle on the floor, and wet bubbles gurgling out of Sans’s eyesockets.
“Oh dear.” Toriel bit back a giggle. “Frisk, do you mind getting your dunkle a towel?”
Frisk nodded eagerly, shooting Papyrus a wink before scampering off to the kitchen.  Double dang it.  Even Frisk could see right through him!  Of course, Frisk was a master of flirtation, even if none of it had wooed Papyrus in the end.  Perhaps the child could help him… if he survived this current encounter. 
He straightened his spine.  He was the Great Papyrus, and he would not be intimidated by a soul-fluttering crush.
“I um—I mean—”
Undyne pushed in front of him before he could come up with a super-effective conversation saver.
“Dude, you got Papyrus a shirt with your face on it?  Why didn’t you pick out something cool?”
“Please.” Mettaton snorted, even though he also didn’t need to breathe.  (They had so much in common!!) “You’d have me embroider your human cartoons instead, wouldn’t you?”
“Uh, YEAH!”  Undyne was one of the few monsters who could almost match Mettaton in height, and she made use of that fact.  Their noses—er, Mettaton’s nose and where Undyne’s nose would be—were nearly touching.  Papyrus wished that meant they were about to hug and make up, but Undyne always kept her friends close and her enemies closer.  She’d be more likely to strangle the robot than hug him.
Alphys hovered near her girlfriend, but her stammering was too quiet to break up the intense glare-off.  That was too bad; Alphys was the one person who was beloved by both Undyne and Mettaton.
“You care about Papyrus, right?  Don’t you want him to look as cool as possible?” Undyne continued.
“Of course I do.”  Mettaton nudged her back with one gloved finger.  “Papyrus is the very epitome of cool. And thus, the only accessory that could possibly accentuate his natural style is my face.”
Papyrus blinked.  Maybe Alphys wasn’t the only person Undyne and Mettaton both respected.
“WOWIE!! You… think I’m that cool?”
“Oh, don’t sound so surprised, darling.  I don’t cross-stitch for just anyone.”  Mettaton winked—or maybe it was just a blink; his bangs covered the other half of his face—and then turned on his heel.  “You may join Mew Mew, Blooky, and I in the kitchen if you’d like. Mew is absolutely desperate to be crushed at Monopoly.”
Mettaton rolled his eyes.  “Seriously.  What is the point of an insult if it doesn’t include at least one clever pun?  No class whatsoever.”
“Exactly!”  Papyrus agreed.  
“Hey, Me and Al want in on some metal butt crushing!”  Undyne bent down and seized her girlfriend in a headlock, making Alphys’s face burn red.  Papyrus wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or lack of oxygen, since that was her natural state around Undyne anyway.
“W-well, a-as long as all c-crushing is metaphorical…”
“Darling, the only Metta-phorical thing at this party is me.”
“UGH!!  Papyrus, how can you hate Sans’s puns and put up with this?” Undyne threw her arms in the air, which had the side effect of releasing Alphys.  “Come on, babe, I’m gonna need you to come up with our battle strategy!”
“Umm, you do know that Monopoly isn’t a fighting game, right…?”
Mettaton, Undyne, and Alphys all trailed into the kitchen with various levels of excitement.  Papyrus was about to follow them when he caught Sans staring again.  
Frisk was wiping his face with a snail-embroidered dish towel.  His brother didn’t even blink, and his eyelights had gone oddly dim.
“Brother?  Are you alright?”  Papyrus leaned over the armrest and said in as quiet a voice as he could manage.  “Did you want to play Monopoly too?  You can be on my team!”
“Nah, it’s all good. I think Tori, Frisk, and I are gonna play Uno.  It’s a lot easier for a lazybones like me.”  He winked, but Papyrus wasn’t fooled.
“Sans.  You made a New Year’s resolution to be more honest about your feelings.  As is the time-honored tradition, you must keep your promise or risk a year’s worth of bad luck!”
Toriel and Frisk shared a glance.  Had they seriously not heard of this tradition?  Frisk had an excuse, being both a human and a child, but Toriel was hundreds of years old!  
“Uh. Bro. I didn’t make any kinda resolution like that.”
“I know!  You were too busy boondoggling, so I made it for you!”  Papyrus grinned.  “It’s already written on the refrigerator at home, so don’t even try to get out of it.”
Sans let out a long breath through his nasal cavity.  His smile looked strained.
“Alright.  You’re always better at comin’ up with that kinda stuff than me, anyway.  But it’s no big deal this time.  Really.  I’ll tell ya after your Monopoly game.”
Papyrus’s browbone furrowed.  “Okay… but Toriel and Frisk are my witnesses!  You can’t wriggle out of it this time!”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, bro.”
After one last knowing look, Papyrus left him in the living room.  Perhaps he just wanted some alone time with Toriel, but that look… it had definitely been focused on Papyrus.  He wasn’t so smitten by Mettaton’s charms to ignore that.
But Papyrus trusted his brother.  And he trusted his own ability to pin Sans down by his gross hoodie until he got answers, if necessary.
“I hope you guys saved me the car!” Papyrus called as he plopped down at the kitchen table.  
The empty seat just happened to be next to Mettaton.  Had Undyne been wingmanning… (wingwomaning… finwomaning…?) for him already?  Maybe he should’ve revealed his crush earlier.  Her letter had managed to woo Alphys, after all.
“Oh no…” Napstablook said quietly. “We, umm, didn’t bring that Monopoly…”
“We brought Monster Monopoly!” Mew Mew brushed her hair out of her face with a paw.  “It’s way cooler, mew~”
“It’s, umm, a-actually… Pocket Monster Monopoly, if we’re being specific,” Alphys said from her spot in Undyne’s lap.  
“POKEMON!” Undyne grinned.  “You remember watching Pokemon with me and Al, right, Papyrus?  There was the epic fight between the Charizards, and then there was the lab that got Alphys all spooked, and then Ash got turned into a rock and you started crying—”
“I remember!”  Papyrus cut her off.  Not because he was embarrassed—it had been perfectly reasonable to cry when the human was resurrected by the love of the strange monsters.  But Alphys might not want to think about the anime lab that had been reminiscent of her old home.
“Great!  Then pick your mon!”  Undyne reached around Alphys to push the two remaining pieces towards him.  
One was an orange lizard Pokemon with flames on its tail.  Was that Charizard? Papyrus had expected Undyne to pick that one, but she’d chosen a blue turtle-looking Pokemon with canons coming from its back.  Alphys had presumably let her pick, or else they would’ve had the round pink Pokemon.  Mettaton had chosen that one, and was cooing it it as he balanced it on his fingertip.
The other available option was Pikachu.  Everyone liked Pikachu.  Papyrus set that figure on the starting square.
“Excellent choice, darling.  Now it’s time for the real show!”
The real show turned out to be a three-hour long battle royale.  Despite Alphys’s insistence that Monopoly wasn’t a fighting game, the board game was interrupted by three and a half chainsaw battles.  Two of those were stopped by Toriel entering with slices of pie and fistfuls of fire magic, respectively.  The other two were settled by Sans distracting Mettaton with bad puns, and flashing his blue eye socket.  Drama queen.  It worked though, startling Mettaton and Mew Mew into calling a draw.
“Not that it matters, since Al and I are winning anyway!”  Undyne grinned, stacking her paper cash into a tall tower.  “I’d like to see your MTT-brand resort come back from that!”
It was true.  If anything, Mettaton and Mew Mew were battling for last place.  Each of them only held a few mortgaged properties to their name, while Team Shellshock (as Undyne named her and Alphys’s duo) had racked up monopolies on the two highest-priced sides of the board.  Napstablook had owned the two purple spaces at the beginning of the board, until all the fighting drove them to vanish into the ground.  They later reappeared the living room, chatting quietly with Toriel, Frisk, and Sans, and occasionally calling out “Oooo-no.”  Papyrus wondered how he was playing the card game with no arms.
Papyrus himself was rather satisfied with owning the orange properties before Free Parking.  His stacks of houses caught the other players as they escaped from jail. Plus, Tangela and Victreebel were rather cute.
“Do you hear her, Papyrus?” Mettaton raised the back of his hand to his forehead and leaned dramatically into Papyrus’s space.  “Insulting my brand when she hasn’t even had the nerve to duel me!  Of course, I would have to show her mercy, on account of her being Alphys’s one true love.”
“You? Show ME mercy??” Undyne stood abruptly, accidentally dumping Alphys onto the floor.  “Oh, uh. Sorry babe.”
“I’m used to it…” Alphys muttered.  “Maybe I should just stay down here…”
“No!  No more fighting!  The Great Papyrus will not allow this lighthearted board game to devolve into yet another brawl!” Besides, he really did not want to find out what Sans would do if the others caused any more damage to Toriel’s house.  The scorch marks on the tile would already take hours to buff out.
“Very well, darling.  I’ve showed off all of my moves for the night, anyway.  I wouldn’t want to let my performance go stale.”
“Oh, like it wasn’t stale to begin with,” Mew Mew said.  Mettaton glared at her before—to Papyrus’s surprise—the robot rested his head on Papyrus’s shoulder.
“Wake me up when Mew comes up with some more original material.”  His metallic eyelids slid closed.
“It’s Mewtwo to you, bolts for brains!”  Mew Mew pointed to her character, the purple Pokemon from the movie.  
She’d landed on Alphys and Undyne’s Nidoking space again, but neither of the girls seemed to notice.  Undyne because she was busy snapping a not-so-discreet photo of Mettaton on Papyrus’s shoulder, and Alphys because she was still under the table.
In response, Mettaton just started emitting tiny Zs.  Papyrus was careful not to move and possibly disturb him, even though his bones wanted to rattle with nervous energy.  No one had ever slept on his shoulder before, let alone a handsome robot.  Normally he was simply too bony to be comfortable.
Maybe this new shirt would have to become a permanent part of his wardrobe.
“Enough. ENOUGH. ENOUGH!!!  I refuse to play under these conditions any longer!!” Mew Mew shoved herself back from the table.  Her tail lashed back and forth, and the bells in her hair jingled angrily.
“Mewtwo—” Papyrus called, but she was already in the living room, opening the door to leave.  He sighed.  Why was it so difficult to be friends with everyone…?
“Oh!  Uh, h-hi, Asgore!”  Mew Mew’s voice was suddenly respectful.
Asgore?  Papyrus had thought he wasn’t invited, since the party was at Toriel’s house.  He tried to crane his neck to check on Miss Toriel, but couldn’t turn far enough with Mettaton’s weight on him.  Well, Sans and Frisk would surely be there with her.  Hopefully with enough moral support, the two Dreemurrs could get along.
If not, they probably couldn’t do much more damage than Mew Mew and Mettaton already had with their chainsaws.
“He made it!”  Undyne grinned toothily before throwing Alphys over her shoulder and jogging to join them in the living room.
Which left only Papyrus and Mettaton in the kitchen.  Alone.
Stars, he hoped Mettaton couldn’t tell how sweaty he was.
“Finally,” Mettaton murmured, wrapping his arm around Papyrus’s not-bicep. “As much as I adore the spotlight, every star needs a moment to regain their shine.”
Papyrus blinked.  Mettaton’s fingers tap-tap-tapped over his sleeve, a rhythm that was both comforting and baffling.  What was he doing?  Had he been faking sleep this whole time?
“I… are you alright, Mettaton?” He settled for asking.
“Oh my.  I am being awfully forward, aren’t I?”  He let go of Papyrus’s arm, but still left his head resting on his shoulder.  His dark hair obscured his eyes from Papyrus’s angle.  “This… isn’t something I’m used to, you know.”
Papyrus cleared his throat.  “I, the Great Papyrus, know many things!  But you will have to be more specific.”
Mettaton chuckled.  “Very well.  I am not used to cuddling with such a sweet, sincere, and devilishly handsome skeleton.”
His jaw dropped.  Literally.  It clinked off of Mettaton’s shoulder and landed in Papyrus’s lap.  He had to reattach it before he could ask the question that pounded in his soul.
“Are you… flirting with me?”  He didn’t have his dating handbook with him!  Or a plate of emergency spaghetti!! How was he supposed to secure Mettaton’s affections??
Though… Mettaton seemed affectionate enough already, without any of those things.  Could it be… that he just liked him?
“Finally!  I made a bet with Alphys on how long it would take you to notice.  The suspense was absolutely killing me, darling.  You do know how to create dramatic tension.”
“Mettaton.”  Papyrus scooted his chair back, leaving him space to grip Mettaton’s spiked shoulders.  “You… like me?  Romantically??”
Mettaton’s smoulder looked a little less confident than usual.  “Is that so surprising?  You’re the only one who shines as brightly as me.  Your energy… your passion… you give one hundred percent to everything you put your mind to.  That’s what makes a true star, darling.”
“Wowie…” Papyrus breathed.  His head felt like it was spinning.  Of course Mettaton, being an actor, would be good with words, but… these ones felt sincere. “Would you like to… maybe… go on a date??”
The robot blinked before shooting his signature dazzling smile.  “I thought you’d never ask, darling.”
“Are you two done flirting?”
Papyrus jumped at Frisk’s voice.  Their head had poked through the entrance of the kitchen.
“Of course not!  I, the Great Papyrus, have barely begun flirting!”  He puffed out his chest, and Mettaton laughed.
“Fabulous!  That’s the confidence I want to hear!  It’s no wonder you were able to help Alphys.”  Mettaton’s smile softened.  It was something Papyrus had never seen before, something that had certainly never been captured on film or broadcast on television.  He would like to save that smile forever, if he could.  “I must thank you for that, by the way.  I… haven’t always been the greatest friend to her.  But you were able to do for her what I should have.  She has positively sparkled since your self-confidence lessons.”
“I am glad to hear it!  Alphys is a wonderful friend, and she deserves to feel wonderful about herself!”  He beamed.
“Keep flirting if you want, but you’re gonna miss the ball drop,” Frisk called again, and then their messy brown hair disappeared back into the living room.
“It can’t be that spectacular,” Mettaton scoffed, though he hadn’t stopped smiling. “Now, if I were swinging in on the disco ball… now that would be a way to ring in the new year!”
“We’ll have to plan that for next year!  I can’t wait to build a giant disco ball.  It will be just like building a puzzle… but spherical!  Nyeh heh heh!!”
“I’ll be looking forward to it, darling.”
And then, before Papyrus could blink, Mettaton gave him a quick peck on the cheek.  Warmth pulsed through his bones, even though Mettaton’s metal lips were cold.
“Nyeh! Heh!!  Heh???” He melted back into his chair with a hysterical giggle.  He could see the appeal of Sans’s hoodie now.  It would be nice to have a hood to hide his blush in.
But Mettaton was giggling too.  The sound mixed with the cheers from the living room as the clock struck midnight.
“Happy new year, darling.”  Mettaton winked.
“Happy new year!”  Papyrus pulled him into a hug that probably would’ve crushed someone not made of metal.  But Mettaton was, so everything was fine.  “Have you regained your shine now?”
Mettaton squeezed him back.  “Oh yes.  I definitely have.”
“Some party, huh?” Sans yawned when they arrived home hours after midnight.  It was a miracle he’d stayed awake this long.  He’d even helped Toriel clean up, despite leaving Papyrus to clear the mess from his holiday party last week.  Sans definitely had it bad, but at least Toriel was a good influence on him.
“It certainly was!”  Papyrus beamed.  “I’m sorry I did not spend much of it with you.”
“‘S alright.  Frisk filled me in on everything.”  Sans winked.  “I gotta admit, I was worried at first, but I’m happy for ya.”
“Worried?”  Papyrus squinted.  “Wait… is that why you were acting weird earlier?  I thought it might be about Miss Toriel.”
He chuckled. “Not this time, bro.  You, uh… I don’t want you to think I don’t believe in ya, because I do.  If anyone could get a superstar boyfriend, it would be you.”
Papyrus’s face warmed.  He wasn’t sure that Mettaton was his boyfriend yet, but… he could be!  Eventually!! The thought was nearly enough to make him see stars.
“But, uh, I just didn’t want him to lead you on.”  He shrugged, hands in his pockets.  “I’m glad he’s head over stiletto heels for you too.”
“Awww!”  Papyrus squeezed his brother’s shoulders with one arm, the other grinding his knuckles against his skull.
“Hey, hey.”  Sans pretended to struggle, but he was laughing.  “Watch the skull.  These things bone’t grow on trees.”
That pun was absolutely horrible, but Papyrus elected to ignore it for now.
“Thank you for caring, Sans.  And thank you even more for not scaring him away.”
“Me? Scare anyone? You must be thinking of a different Sans. That would take way too much energy.”
“Oh, you can’t play innocent with me!  You were going to give Mew Mew and Mettaton a bad time if they broke Toriel’s dining table!”
Sans’s eye sockets widened, as if he’d already forgotten about breaking up the fourth chainsaw fight.
“Heh. Nah, all I had to do was spook ‘em a little.”
“Spooking and scaring are synonyms, brother!”
“But I didn’t scare him away.  In fact, I think I scared him towards ya.” He winked again.  “You’re welcome, bro.”
Papyrus just shook his head and let out a soft nyeh-heh-heh.  By the time he blinked, Sans had disappeared, probably shortcutting himself to his bedroom.  It was rather late, even for Papyrus.
He flopped in his bed, still in his long-sleeved MTT-brand shirt, and dreamt of the fond memories to be made in the new year.
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
RP meme from "Chapter Four: Aspects and Renown" in The World of Darkness Ratkin Breedbook
"What you can actually do is far more important."
"The experience is little more than a challenging contract to prove one’s mettle."
"Not everyone can stand so much isolation and seclusion."
"Along the way, they work whatever scams and schemes they can to survive."
"After all, mavericks are known just as much for their quick wits as their stealth and subterfuge."
"Some do this to escape lives they cannot stand; others quest for ideals they may never achieve."
"If there’s a great place nearby to find food, adventure, or perils that threaten the young, a wise scout or spy will find them quickly."
"Relationships on the road are temporary and superficial."
" A scout or wanderer who hasn’t seen an old friend or lover in years immediately picks up the relationship exactly where it left off."
"Each year, they move from city to city, use and discard temp jobs like old clothes, and evolve a series of personas for different situations."
"Not all of them are impoverished and homeless; as long as you know where to find crash space, you’re never really helpless."
"They are fascinated by places inhabited by other creatures, especially humans."
"Some are smart enough to emulate the people they live near; others come up with bizarre explanations to explain human activity."
"Instead of a straightforward military report on the strength of predators in the area, the data must be condensed into a format even a small child could understand."
"When problems with the physical world grow too great, it’s tempting to just vanish into the ephemeral realms for a while."
"These alternate identities aren’t very flashy, just the sort of quiet identity that no one questions."
"It can also draw attention from police officers, irate merchants, and hostile humans."
"This isn’t my world. I just hide in it. If you’re looking for a place to run, talk to me."
"This isn’t my world. I just hide in it."
"If you’re looking for a place to run, talk to me."
"Seers are the keepers of ancient secrets."
"A human is still a human, and can never be trusted."
"Just because they’re victims doesn’t mean they’re virtuous; they’ll still rip you off when you least expect it."
"They seek wisdom the human race has discarded or left behind."
"They make their lairs in areas where the police fear to go, where the only law in both physical and spirit worlds is survival."
"Her body remains in the physical world; her spirit watches what transpires around it in the spirit world."
"You worry about fighting what you can see. I’ll worry about fighting what you can’t see."
"If they feel strongly enough, they will enforce their beliefs as they best see fit."
"Unfortunately, when passing judgment on their own kind, they have restraints placed on their activities."
"These harsh practices have millennia of precedent."
"They reason that it’s better to have a few small, secure ratholes to hide your equipment and yourself than to go to the trouble of defending a larger turf."
"Many secretly enjoy “pronouncing sentence” on anyone who offends them thoroughly enough."
" Justice is far more important. . . and unfortunately, far more subjective."
"Most know they can’t change the world by openly practicing violence; if anything, they’ve got to be really secretive about their revenge."
"Epic carnage is best left to less sophisticated creatures."
"The threat of one of the local politicians getting killed is usually enough to dissuade them from disagreeing any further."
"They do not disguise themselves when pursuing an assassination, as they will not apologize for what they do best."
"We had a contract. You broke it. Now I’m going to make your life a living hell."
"When rage flows freely, violence reigns."
"Some have the wisdom to choose their battles carefully; others don’t care who dies when battle lust seizes them."
"Peace is nothing more than a temporary cessation of the ways of war."
"Developing martial skill involves far more than just killing things — sometimes it involves crippling them, weakening them, or demoralizing them.
"These soldiers don’t just slay; they also use their knowledge of chaos to confuse their enemies, striking in the night when madness reigns."
"All of them pride themselves on discipline and composure. . . until rage overwhelms reason."
"Warriors of both sexes are mildly insecure, and feel the need to show off their martial prowess."
"What? Just because you’ve got an army surplus jacket and a pipe bomb, that makes you a man?"
"Any fool can pull a trigger."
"Saving the world requires true warriors."
"Technology isn’t evil, after all. It’s just in the wrong paws."
"Many are convinced that if they don’t watch their actions carefully, someone from a local laboratory will capture them and experiment on them to find out why they’re so smart."
"Wherever technology thrives, these rats will move in to scavenge it."
"Humans have a fetish about continually acquiring more stuff, newer stuff and cutting-edge state-of-the-art tech."
"The struggle begins with fierce discussions about technological innovations, and rapidly breaks down into name calling and slander."
"Two machines enter; one machine leaves."
"Whether they tinker with ancient computers or rusting cars, they have an insatiable need to fix anything that’s considered unsalvageable."
"Sometimes, she’ll spend the whole day collecting knickknacks just to see what she can build out of them that evening."
"Genius has its price."
"Each one has a physiological trait that identifies him as the gene freak he is."
"Dark powers tutor them in forgotten arts of destruction."
"He’ll be deposed by forces he’s summoned up, but can’t put down."
"Turn your head and cough. Oooh! I’ve never seen it that color before."
"Not all of them are swashbuckling heroes, but all of them are delusional about their origins and their heroic prowess."
"The conflict of egos can become so intense that bystanders get hurt from the fallout."
"Dueling etiquette demands satisfaction."
"Anyone who hears this tale will swear that it is true."
"My good sir, adventure is my middle name!"
"What? You don't believe me?"
"Keep her pointed in the right direction, and she’ll masterfully eliminate your enemies."
"If you’re not careful, she’ll blow up right in your face."
"Any place populated by the desperate, frustrated or down-and-out is another good choice — not only does it make for a good place to hide, but it has its share of potential allies seeking vengeance. . . or potential victims at which to vent your anger."
"They’ll need a really powerful common enemy to unite them; otherwise, each will suspect the other of conspiracy."
"Many come from criminal backgrounds, broken homes, abject poverty or the sort of banal borderline existence that breeds cynicism and contempt for just about everyone."
"Each one has a surprising degree of truth to it."
"It controls all forces of order."
"The balance of the world will not be restored until we destroy everything that smells of stasis, stability or the status quo."
"Hey, nobody saw me do anything. Besides, he had it coming. . . he pissed me off. What? You talking to me? You talking to me?"
"Hey, nobody saw me do anything. Besides, he had it coming. . . he pissed me off."
"Hey, nobody saw me do anything."
"Besides, he had it coming. . . he pissed me off."
"What? You talking to me? You talking to me?"
"You want a piece of me?"
"Chant the creed, kid, and learn. . ."
"I shall seek revenge against those who prey upon my kind."
"I will survive so that I may breed."
"I must respect strength and exploit weakness."
"I shall grow stronger through conflict."
"I will learn from the mysteries of the spirit world."
"I will revel in the visions the spirits grant me."
"I shall nurture, instruct and aid the young."
"I will trust my own kind before I trust outsiders."
"When someone is responsible for injustice, I will make sure someone pays."
"Legality is a subjective concept at best."
"Fighting to survive is difficult enough."
"What else could heal the world?"
"They’re doomed to self-destruct."
"The day that the buildings come crashing down, I’ll dance in the streets."
"Survival comes first."
"Mankind’s days are numbered."
"The strong breed. The weak die. Does that sound harsh? That’s evolution."
"Instinct will tell you when to kill, so follow it."
"We need an army to overwhelm our enemies."
"I still do not know if this is wise."
"If only the strong breed, then you must prove your strength before you can reproduce."
"Don’t be some addle-witted wharf rat who breeds with any half-dead body in the sewers. You, soldier, are the paragon of your race."
"Such egotism!"
"That is nature's way."
"That is nature’s way. If the population of creatures in any one area is too high, a few can be killed or a great number will starve."
“Property is relative. If I can take it, it’s mine. If you can’t defend it, you don’t deserve to have it."
"They buy far more than they need, go to great lengths to defend what they have, and insist that they have the right to determine who owns what."
"If you own more than you can carry, you’re wasting what others can use."
"Betray others before you betray your own kind."
"We’re running into the world together, kid, so we’ve got
to stick together. You ready to go? Um. . . you first. . .”
"You ready to go? Um. . . you first. . .”
"We’re running into the world together, kid, so we’ve got
to stick together."
"I just feel this rage in my blood that’s been there since the dawn of time. And I just feel like acting on it."
"Show me your true face, and it’s my call whether I want to slash it off."
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somerandr · 4 years
Maddie lets out another dramatic sigh, huffing a little when Sophie and Jack both ignore her in favor of oohing and ahhing over the stories Lizzie has begun meticulously typing out and collecting in a leather bound binder. On one hand, Maddie gets their distraction. Her brother-in-law had never quite seen Lizzie the same way Maddie does, always knowing her as the big sister he couldn’t ever really relate to, the big sister he tended to see more as a parental figure than a sibling, creating an insurmountable distance between them. And her best friend just likes to be annoying—a talent of hers since they were in middle school. 
On the other hand, Maddie has something to get off her chest and, dammit, she needs Sophie and Jack to pay attention. 
She sighs again, louder this time, placing her mug of coffee on the table with a little more force than strictly necessary. It has its desired effect: Sophie looks up in concern, clearly thinking Maddie has dropped the mug, and Jack moves as if to act as Maddie’s support beam. 
(The first few weeks of this sort of behavior from her best friend and her brother-in-law had been frustrating and grated on her nerves. But now she appreciates that they’re here, sitting with her, acting as de facto babysitters while Lizzie is out.
To be perfectly honest, Maddie appreciates not being alone.) 
“What’s up, Maddie Bear?” Sophie asks, head tilted to the side as she closes the binder with a satisfying thump. “Annoyed we’re more interested in the stories than you?”
“First of all, as if anything could be more interesting than me,” Maddie says with a faux self-aggrandizing air. “Secondly, don’t call me that. We’re not in high school anymore.”
“It’s always like high school when I’m with you, Mads,” Sophie sings, shoving Jack aside and wrapping her arms around Maddie’s shoulders, giving her an awkward hug from the side. “But seriously, what’s up?” 
Now that Sophie and Jack are looking at her patiently, but expectantly, Maddie feels her mouth go dry. She doesn’t want to admit this to them, doesn’t want to show them that it bothers her—and yet, she needs to tell someone or she thinks she’ll combust. 
“Evie called,” she mumbles after several beats, looking down at her hands. She feels Sophie drop her arms and pull back, and though she doesn’t look, she knows Sophie and Jack are wearing identical expressions of a mixture of disgust and anger. 
“What’s Evil doing calling you?” Sophie hisses, and when Maddie looks up at her, her arms are crossed tightly over her chest, lips pressed into a thin line. Jack, on the other hand, looks like he’s turned to stone, unable to move at all. 
“Apparently, she heard the news about me. Wanted to make sure she um, expressed her sadness,” Maddie mumbles, using air quotes around the latter part of her comment, still thinking about the sickly-sweet voice of Evie Cummings and how much she wishes she could have reached through the phone and punched Evie in her perfectly made up face. “She told me I didn’t need to worry about Elizabeth.” 
(This is what’s got her so mad, not the fact that Evie called, but that she figured it would be okay to slowly explain to Maddie that Lizzie would be taken care of, ‘in cough cough, the worst kind of situation.’
Maddie’s not jealous. 
At least, she doesn’t think so.) 
“I don’t understand this whole staying friends with the ex thing,” Jack says, running his fingers through his hair and dropping into the chair next to Maddie, his legs stretched out in front of him as he slouches. He looks a lot like his sister, but his hair is darker, and his manner is more airy. Where Jack is quick with a smile, Lizzie is content to merely quirk her lips. 
(Except for if it’s at her.
Lizzie will always smile at her.)
“I agree,” Sophie says darkly, her eyes narrowed as if she’s already planning something nefarious. “Evil needs to go.” 
“She’s Elizabeth’s friend,” Maddie argues weakly, not quite able to believe her own words. Lizzie had met and dated Evie in what she still calls ‘a dark time’ in her life. The fact that Evie helped her through it—that she had been there through long nights and eased Lizzie through panic attacks—meant that Evie had a permanent place in Lizzie’s life, even if Maddie and Evie had made their mutual dislike of one another well-known. 
“Right,” Jack laughs, flicking his head so that his hair would fall perfectly on his forehead, giving Sophie a wink as she rolls his eyes at his antics. “And you stayed friends with that baseball player, huh Mads? What was his name again?” Jack asks in faux confusion, tapping a finger against his chin. “Darren? Derek? Daniel,” he stresses, flicking his hair again, smiling at Maddie as he stretches out Daniel’s name. 
“It’s different,” Maddie says, waving him off, but Sophie sighs dreamily before shaking her head. 
“And everyday I think it’s just tragic that you didn't keep him around for me. Your best friend. How could you, Maddie Bear?” 
Maddie blushes, glaring at Sophie and Jack as they chuckle at her embarrassment.
“Can we get back to the point?” she asks weakly, two seconds away from banging her head against the kitchen table. She’s sure that won’t go over well with Lizzie; Sophie and Jack would get fired from babysitting duty the second Lizzie notices the bruise. 
“Wasn’t the point that Evie is a she-devil? Because Jack and I are in full agreement on that front,” Sophie says, picking up Maddie’s mug and taking a sip before wincing at the cold, bitter coffee. “You’re really letting yourself go, babe,” she mutters, stalking over to the sink and emptying the coffee out. “Drinking bitter coffee and letting yourself become more bitter over the she-devil?” She turns and leans against the counter, arms crossed over her chest and Maddie’s mug hanging from the handle on her index finger. “It’s not like you.”
“Well, a lot of things aren’t like me. Like not going to work and spending all day watching daytime dramas. I don’t even like daytime dramas.”
“Don’t knock it, Mads,” Jack says, hand over his heart. “I for one am very invested in the bold and the beautiful—after all, I’m both bold and beautiful, don’t you agree?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Maddie laughs, rolling her eyes. “You’re a regular Prince Charming, Jack.” 
“I’m gone for half a day and I come back to you flirting with my brother?” comes a voice down the hall and the sound of keys being tossed into a bowl, announcing Lizzie’s arrival. “What has the world come to?” she asks as she steps into view, first pressing a quick kiss to Maddie’s lips before hugging Sophie and Jack. 
“I admit it,” Maddie jokes, grinning when Hamlet gets off his bed, stretches, and pads slowly over, sticking his head in Maddie’s lap. “It was a surprise to me too.”
“Surprise?” Jack exclaims, mouth dropping open. “Madeline, you and I were always meant to be.” 
“You’re right, if only you were four years older and less beautiful. It could’ve been a match made in heaven.” 
“Way to aim for a man’s heart, Mads,” Jack sighs, keeping a stoic expression even as Sophie chortles away. Lizzie shrugs off her jacket and tosses it into Jack’s face.
“Stop flirting with my wife, dork,” she says, eyes narrowed. “And Maddie, stop encouraging him.” 
“Oh, but we’re meant to be, Liz,” Maddie laughs, “would you really get in the way of love?” 
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Pick on me, that’s fine,” Lizzie mutters, unable to help the smile that forms on her lips. 
(It’s a startlingly normal moment. Maddie and Jack are teasing Lizzie like always. Sophie makes sure to throw in her own joke like always. 
It’s almost easy to forget that Sophie’s hands are shaking as she pours Maddie a fresh cup of coffee, that Jack never strays too far when Maddie gets up to grab Hamlet a snack, that Lizzie watches apprehensively—as if waiting for something, a shoe to drop.
It’s a normal moment. And Maddie breathes it in, wants to keep it as long as possible.
It’s likely why she speaks up.) 
“I have a story,” she announces to the others, feeling a little shaky on her feet, not minding when Jack subtly takes her by the elbow and leads her back to the table. “Want to hear it?” 
“I do, but I better be in this one,” Sophie says, raising her eyebrows. 
“I was promised dinner, so I’m in,” Jack adds with a shrug. “I’m not going anywhere till I’ve been fed.” 
Lizzie helps Maddie sit down, pressing a lingering kiss to her temple. 
“I want to hear everything you have to say, Madeline,” she says softly, eyes crinkling as she smiles. 
And in that moment, Maddie feels a little bit warmer as she looks at her friends, and swears she falls just a bit more in love with her wife. 
She’s busy polishing boots when she hears stomping from the stairs and Ser Evie enters the armory with her hair pointing in every direction, sweat beading on her forehead, and her chest heaving. 
“Prince Jack has fallen in love!” she cries excitedly, shoving past Maddie roughly, and grabbing Ser Fredericks by the shoulders and shaking him. “Do you know what this means?” 
“Weeks of celebration with lots and lots of mead?” Fredericks says hopefully, shifting in his chair. Maddie doesn’t think she’s ever actually seen him get off the chair, though she’s heard the stories of his incredible, heroic past—how he was born a peasant but was knighted because he saved the King’s life, how at only eighteen, he’d led the King’s army into glorious battle and emerged victorious. No one mentions that at a certain point war and rank seemed to pale in comparison to a good bottle of mead. 
Though, as an overworked, underappreciated squire, Maddie can see the appeal of a good bottle of mead. 
“Stop fooling around,” Evie snaps at Fredericks, glaring at him as he shifts again in his chair, clearly feeling off-balanced. “This is serious.”
Fredericks doesn’t look very serious—in fact, he seems terribly amused.
“And why is that exactly, Ser Evie?” he asks, stroking his beard. Maddie nearly gags when he finds some pheasant still stuck in it from lunch and pops it into his mouth with a giddy expression. “Is it because you think with Jack out of the way you can finally win Princess Elizabeth’s heart?” He laughs heartily at his own joke, clearly finding himself outrageously humorous. “Somehow I doubt Prince Jack will cease being a protective younger brother just because he’s fallen in love.”  
“He’s distracted,” Evie huffs, tossing her cloak in Maddie’s general direction, followed by her boots and arm braces, not looking to see the spectacular balancing act Maddie pulls off in order to catch all the items. Maddie’s so busy congratulating herself on not looking stupid that she doesn’t notice the sword and scabbard coming her way—the hilt of the sword rams hard into Maddie’s hip, the shock of pain causing her to drop the items in her arms, and she curses under her breath as both Evie and Fredericks deign to look over at her, the former with disgust and the latter with poorly concealed mirth. “Can you carry out your duties in a more silent manner?” Evie snaps, giving Maddie a glare for good measure before turning her attention back to Fredericks. “My point is that Elizabeth will have more time to herself—time she could be spending with me, a knight of her father’s court.” 
“Princess Elizabeth,” Maddie mumbles as she gathers Evie’s things once more. She leaves the armory just as Evie launches into the story the other knights and squires have heard hundreds of times before: Evie was there for Elizabeth after the Queen died, Evie soothed Elizabeth’s fears and wiped away her tears, Evie was the one who got her to smile again.
It’s the reason she was knighted—the King had taken one look at the smile on Elizabeth’s lips, a smile that had not graced the kingdom for two winters, and had immediately proclaimed that the one who elicited it was to be rewarded in any which way they chose. Evie chose knighthood, “to better serve the kingdom and the Princess” and of course, it had been the talk of court for months. 
Elizabeth and her knight in shining armor, Evie, are meant to be—everyone knows it, from the cooks to the handmaidens to the measly squire who huffs her hair out of her eyes as she lugs Evie’s things to her quarters. 
Maddie doesn’t know the princess, doesn’t care to know her, but she feels a bit sorry for her. After all, Maddie wouldn’t wish Evie on her worst enemy, let alone the well-loved princess. 
“You look like you’re about to topple over,” Ser Sophie says, falling into step next to Maddie, grinning as she walks, one hand on the pommel of her sword, the other hidden beneath her cloak. 
“You could always help,” Maddie points out, and though Sophie makes a big show of struggling and huffing, she does eventually grab the sword that’s slipping out of Maddie’s hands. 
“You’re in a worse mood than usual,” Sophie says conversationally as they cross the courtyard, Evie’s sword scabbard dragging along the ground between them, Sophie clearly not caring about her fellow knight’s property, “does this mean Ser Evie has already bragged about her plans to woo the good Princess?” 
“In detail, unfortunately,” Maddie says, grinning when that gets a loud laugh from Sophie. 
(She’s always liked Sophie—liked the humor, liked the long, dark hair that’s always braided, liked the fact that she’s always cool under pressure, and the fact that her nose is slightly crooked from the time Fredericks accidentally broke it, liked the fact that even on a day as warm as this one, Sophie seems unaffected and comfortable in her chainmail and leather.  
She especially likes the fact that Sophie has been kind, from the day they met, expecting absolutely nothing in return.) 
“How about I cheer you up and buy you a few drinks at the tavern when you’re done polishing Evie’s boots?” 
“You only want me there because I keep you out of trouble,” Maddie says with a roll of her eyes. “And if I polish Evie’s boots any more than I have, she’ll give Narcissus a run for his money.”
“Don’t be so bitter, Madeline. Look on the bright side, if Evie marries the good Princess, she’ll be out of our hair forever. And you may finally be knighted.” She emphasizes her point with a pat on Maddie’s shoulder, but she underestimates her own strength and the weight of her armor, because the pat nearly sends Maddie sprawling to the ground. 
“That’s a good point,” Maddie muses as she pulls herself up. “Though I don’t need to be knighted, I’ll be happy with just not seeing Evie every single day.” They finally reach Evie’s quarters as she finishes her comment, and she misses Sophie’s contemplative look as she throws the door open and lugs Evie’s things into her room, setting them up for the following morning when Maddie would have to get up at the crack of dawn to help Evie get dressed. 
“Come on,” Sophie says cheerfully as Maddie takes one last look at Evie’s quarters, wanting to make sure nothing is out of place, “I owe you a drink.” 
“You owe me more than one,” Maddie says with a laugh, dodging the lighthearted punch Sophie sends her way. 
“Let’s go, O Brave Squire. You’ve earned yourself a break.”
They don’t get their break.
By the time they make their way to the nearest tavern, Sophie is summoned to the palace “on urgent business” along with every other knight and squire within fifty miles of the palace. Left with nothing to do with herself, Maddie pulls her cloak tighter around herself, dons the hood, and sets out for beyond the city walls. 
Before becoming a squire, she rarely spent any time at all outside the city walls, she had no reason to. Everything she wanted, her family, her home, her friends, were within the safety of the city, nestled right outside the sprawling palace grounds. But then the sickness came, everything she loved was lost (gone, along with the Queen), and Maddie became a squire and took to hiding out in the woods beyond the city.
For a moment to breathe. For a break, for a chance to lay on her back and stare up at the sky and dream of leaving and never looking back.
It’s become somewhat of a habit now. Any free moment, any moment that was hers and hers entirely, she drops everything, pulls up the hood of her cloak, and disappears into the trees. Always, it’s very quiet and still, giving her a chance to complain under her breath about Evie, not worrying about being overheard. 
(It’s the solitude, she thinks. She just craves it. 
She’s almost glad of the urgent business that allows her to do this instead of spending the night at the tavern.) 
And for a moment, barely a second or two really, she gets that silence and solitude she so craves, before she’s rudely interrupted by a grunt, a mumbled curse, and then a heavy sigh. Maddie pulls out the dagger she hides at her belt, presses her back against the nearest tree, and peers towards the source of the sound, the ragged breathing, the fairly aggressive footsteps.
“Come on, Hamlet,” says a surprisingly gentle and pretty voice, though its owner is clearly harried and stressed, “we need to go.”
Maddie takes a small step, making sure to still have her back against the tree, and she cranes her head. Several feet away, only partially obscured by the trees, is a girl. Not any girl, but the most beautiful girl Maddie has ever set eyes on: her long blonde hair almost looks white in the moonlight, her lips curved into a tiny smile despite the furrow of her brow every time she’s unable to tug Hamlet—a massive, black horse—any further. 
Maddie doesn’t need the royal insignia on the horse’s saddle or the beautiful, expensive dress the girl is wearing to immediately recognize exactly who has stumbled in on her moment of peace and quiet.
The Princess, Elizabeth herself. 
(Now, Maddie is nothing but a lowly squire, but she’s been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the princess thrice before. First, soon after she became a squire, she’d quite literally run into the princess, both of them tumbling to the ground. She’d gotten quite an earful from Evie that day, and soon after, Evie was knighted. The second time, it was from a distance during the ceremony knighting the newest members of the King’s court. And the last time was merely weeks ago, from across the courtyard, somehow managing to earn a tiny smile and a small wave before Princess Elizabeth was swept away by one of her attendants. 
Every time, seeing the princess in person had been heart stopping. This time is no different.)
Without really thinking about it, Maddie slides her knife back in its sheath then puts her hands up in a non-threatening gesture, and approaches the princess. 
“I’m so sorry—” Maddie tries, immediately cut off by the neighing of the horse, who then pulls back on its hind legs, shocking the princess into letting go of the reins. 
What happens next goes by so quickly that Maddie would later be sure she’d hallucinated the whole thing. One minute, the princess looks up at her horse in horror, clearly sure she’s about to be trampled, and the next, Maddie has tackled the princess to the ground, rolling them a safe distance away, ending up straddling the other girl, arms braced on either side of her head.
“Are you all right?”
“Get off me,” the princess shouts, managing to land a remarkably precise blow onto Maddie’s face as they scramble about. She stumbles off the princess, tasting blood, but ignores the pain radiating from the right side of her face and instead stumbles over to the horse, urging it to calm down.
“I’m so sorry,” Maddie says as Hamlet lets out an aggressive breath, but allows Maddie to rub his neck. “I didn’t mean to frighten either one of you.” She turns to look at the princess, making sure to keep her eyes averted. “I’m so sorry for knocking you down, Princess.” 
She chances a single look at the princess’ face, watching as she casts her eyes up and down, pausing briefly on the insignia on her bag. 
“You’re from the palace,” the princess finally says, a bit tonelessly, as she gets to her feet and shakes off the leaves stuck to her dress and hair. “You’re new. But you found me rather quickly, so you must not be useless. What’s your name, knight?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
This makes the princess blink and even share a look with her horse, shockingly enough letting out whinny and shaking its head—as if it is disappointed with Maddie. “You don’t know what names are?”
“I think you’ve got it wrong, Princess,” Maddie says quickly, finally catching on to the fact that there’s quite a bit going on in the palace she’s clearly not privy to. “I’m not a knight. I’m just a squire. And I, um, wasn’t looking for you. In fact, technically, you found me.” 
The princess eyes her suspiciously. “You’re not a knight?” she questions, as if she doesn’t really want to believe it.
“No, Princess.”
“And you weren’t sent by my brother to look for me?”
“No, Princess. I didn’t know you were even in need of finding.” 
“So if I just...got on Hamlet and left. You’d what? Let me?”
It’s Maddie’s turn to blink. “It’s not really my place to let you do anything, Princess. I wouldn’t try to stop you, if that’s what you’re asking. If anything, I’d just follow you.”
“Follow me?”
“Of course, your highness. There’s no honor in watching the princess venture out into the woods on her own. I’d accompany you at the very least.” 
This response is not what the princess was expecting, because her eyes widen a bit, and she steps forward, close enough that she tugs the horse’s reins out of Maddie’s hands. “And if I told you I want to leave and never come back? Would you still follow me then?” 
Maddie doesn’t hesitate. “Yes, Princess.” 
“Interesting,” the princess mumbles, head slightly tilted to the side as she studies Maddie. There’s a beat, then she bends a bit at the knees, ducking to catch Maddie’s gaze. “I know you,” she says slowly. “You’re the squire Evie hates so much.” Maddie swallows, unable to speak when the princess’ brown eyes—her beautiful brown eyes—are so focused on her. “Madeline, right?” 
“I’m honored that the princess knows who I am,” Maddie mumbles, breaking eye contact. This, for whatever reason, makes the princess chuckle, and she basically takes Maddie’s breath away when she pats her on the shoulder. 
“Don’t be silly.” She looks like she’s about to say more, but at that moment, they both turn their heads at the sound of pounding hooves and shouts of ‘Princess!’ coming from the distance. “Ah, well. I suppose they’ve found me. Thanks to you, really,” she adds, narrowing her eyes at her horse playfully. She lets the horse press its muzzle to her cheek in an apparent apology, letting out a soft laugh, then tugs on the reins, pulling the horse back in the direction of the palace. She pauses after a few feet, and looks back at Maddie. “I have a feeling we’ll see much more of each other, Madeline,” she says. “So please, stop with all the princess nonsense. It’s just Lizzie to you.” 
She doesn’t wait for a response, which is a good thing. It takes nearly a quarter of an hour before Maddie can even move again, unrooting herself with a tiny smile and a whispered Lizzie. 
Soon enough, Maddie becomes rather sure she imagined the whole interaction with the princess. 
Days pass by with no indication she even ran into the jewel of the royal family. No one glares at her accusingly for tackling the princess to the hard forest floor, no one comments on the way she goes about her work for Evie without a single complaint (too full of some sort of rush from the princess’ order to call her Lizzie), no one even mentions the awful black eye Maddie is sporting. 
(In fact, it’s the black eye—and the view of it she gets every time she polishes Evie’s armor—that gives her a bit of hope that she isn’t crazy. The pain is a reminder that, yes, she did meet Elizabeth, and yes, the princess knew her name.)
But, enough days pass that Maddie—deflating all at once—finally begins to accept that she’d gotten her hopes up, had thought there was more to Princess Elizabeth’s ‘we’ll see more of each other’ comment than there actually was, and finds herself accepting she isn’t going to be seeing the princess at all.
And, just as soon as the thought enters her head, she runs into the princess, nearly knocking them both to the ground.
“I’m starting to think this is just how you say hello,” Elizabeth tells her, letting out a laugh as Maddie struggles between wanting to help balance the princess and not wanting to offend her by touching her without permission (again). 
“I’m so sorry, Princess, I—”
“—thought we agreed it was just Lizzie,” Elizabeth finishes for her, raising an eyebrow when Maddie gathers the courage to look straight at her instead of a point above her head. 
“Well, agreed may be somewhat of a stretch,” Maddie says without thinking, horrified when the words register with her brain, her hand coming up and covering her mouth. “Sorry, I just meant—”
“—look. I want you to pretend I’m one of your friends,” Elizabeth says, reaching out and curling her fingers around Maddie’s wrist, tugging her hand away from her mouth. “Then, soon enough, you won’t be pretending.”
Maddie takes in a deep breath, shaking her head. “Are you sure you want to be friends with me, Pri—Lizzie,” she corrects, a little blinded by the grin Elizabeth shoots her at her correction. 
“I think the real question is if you’d even want to be friends with me,” she says after a moment, tugging on Maddie’s hand gently, pulling her towards the palace. “You see, I told my brother about our run in, and he insists on speaking with you.”
“Am I in trouble?” Maddie asks worriedly, swallowing hard as they walk through the entrance hall and towards the throne room. 
(It’s common knowledge that the King is king only in name, that he has been since his wife died years ago. All official business was up to the King, but the day to day managing of the kingdom?
That’s been left to Jack and Elizabeth for as long as Maddie can remember.)
“Trouble? No, I don’t think so,” Elizabeth says, the answer not inspiring much confidence even as she pushes the doors to the throne room wide open. Maddie pauses, unable to help it, her eyes drawn to the red and gold rugs and banners, the ornate table where the royal family took their meals, the massive throne itself—situated on a dais at the very end of the hall. “Come on, Madeline,” Elizabeth tells her softly, shifting her grip from Maddie’s wrist to her elbow, and gently pulling her forward.
Maddie’s heart pounds quickly and loudly in her chest, giving rise to the sudden, stupid thought that she was quite close to passing out in front of the royal family, but before she can voice her fears to Elizabeth, her brother Jack gets up from where he’s seated at the table, making quick strides towards the two of them.
“Ah! My lovely, adventuring sister and her rescuer arrive!”
“Rescuer?” Maddie mumbles.
Elizabeth elbows her a bit, actually winking when Maddie turns to her. “I may have embellished the story about our meeting. Leave the talking to me, yeah?” she adds in a whisper before turning to her brother with a wide smile. “Jack, we agreed you wouldn’t be too effusive with your praise, you’re going to make the poor girl uncomfortable.” 
“I’m sorry, you’re absolutely right,” Jack says, coming to a stop as he reaches them, grabbing Maddie by the shoulder before she has a chance to bow. “None of that, not for you. The woman who saved my sister’s life doesn’t bow to anyone.” 
“Sorry?” Maddie asked, unable to help it. Elizabeth, from over Jack’s shoulder, made a face at Maddie, even going as far as sticking her tongue out.
“Oh, don’t be silly, Madeline,” Elizabeth said, refocusing her brother’s attention on her. “She’s such a joker, pretending she doesn’t remember saving me after Hamlet got spooked by a snake. The way she raced into the woods after us...it was quite brave.”
Maddie, who was there and knows this is not true, keeps her mouth shut, giving Elizabeth and Jack a tight smile when they both turn to her. 
“My sister has tried to run away four times,” Jack tells Maddie slowly, and Maddie mentally corrects him, thinking five times, actually. “It was a relief, to say the least, that this latest...outing...was not planned.” He lets out a sigh, bracing his hands on either side of his waist, tilting his head back. “After your service to our family, the appropriate thing would be to offer you a reward, not ask more of you. But I am busy preparing for my wedding, and Lizzie seems to have taken a liking to you, so I would be grateful if you allow me to delay your knighthood and instead act as a companion for my sister after her traumatic experience.”
“What my little brother means,” Elizabeth says cheerfully, “is that he wants you to babysit me, because he can’t right now.” 
“No,” Jack says, shaking his head and looking at Maddie seriously, as if needing her to believe him. “My sister doesn’t need a babysitter. She’s to be Queen. What she needs is protection from, well, undesirable presences.” 
“He’s talking about Evie,” Elizabeth explains helpfully, confusing Maddie with the lack of argument on her end. It’s almost as if she wants a babysitter. 
Jack turns to his sister, hands in his hair now. “Lizzie, you know she—”
“—I’m really sorry, but is this something I should be privy to? I’m just, you know, a squire.” 
“No, you’re right,” Jack says, as if coming to himself all at once. “The reasons don’t matter. So? Can I count on you?” he asks, waiting for Maddie’s nod before letting out a little sigh of relief. “Good, good. Excellent,” he says, more to himself than to Maddie. 
And later, long after he’s gone, after one of Elizabeth’s handmaidens has shown Maddie her new quarters (right next to the princess’) and laid out new clothes, Elizabeth confesses why she didn’t put up an argument, why she merely went along with Jack’s request, the real reason she wants Maddie around:
“You’re going to help me run away a sixth time.” 
Elizabeth lays under the shade of a tree several days later, head pillowed by Maddie’s leg, a book abandoned on her chest.
“We should talk about it,” Maddie says, breaking the silence. It being Elizabeth’s desire to run away and use Maddie to do it, something she’s been mum about since her confession. Instead, she’d busied their days with fitting Maddie in nicer clothes, dragging her to lessons, even having her teach the little she knew about swinging a sword. 
Elizabeth sighs, but she doesn’t move, and Maddie resists the urge to smooth back the princess’ hair, to trace a finger from her brow to her hairline. “I don’t want to be Queen.”
“Then why don’t you just say so?”
“It’s not something you just don’t accept,” she says, and she turns her head, the tip of her nose pressed against Maddie’s knee. “Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet, I thought you said you’d follow me anywhere.”
“Yes, follow you anywhere. But I won’t help you run away if I don’t even know why.”
This makes Elizabeth sit up, book falling onto the grass and opening to a random page, twisting to look at Maddie with narrowed eyes. “You can’t talk like that, you know, I am the princess.”
“You told me to pretend you’re my friend. That’s how I’d talk to my friends,” Maddie informs her, wishing she didn’t miss Elizabeth’s warmth already. To her surprise, this response makes Elizabeth smile. 
“I’d have to get married if I wanted to be Queen. And I don’t want to get married.”
“Why? It’s not as if you’ve got any shortage of suitors.” Maddie sighs as she spots one of them in the distance. “Look. Here comes one now.” She starts to get up, to give Elizabeth privacy, but before she can, there’s a hand on hers, holding on tightly.
“Stay,” Elizabeth requests softly, and Maddie settles back down, powerless to say no, and realizing with a start she doesn’t want to say no. 
(She stays, enduring Evie’s glares and dirty looks.
She stays, knowing Evie will get her payback later.
She stays, and it’s worth it, because Elizabeth has tangled their fingers together, and doesn’t seem keen on letting go any time soon.)
“If you run away, where will you go?” Maddie asks several days later.
“I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it.”
“Do you think you’ll miss your brother? Your home? Your people?”
“I’ve tried not to think about that.”
“What if you fall in love? Will you marry then and take the crown?”
“I’m not worried about me falling in love, Madeline. My issue is how will I ever know if the person I love loves me for me and not for what they can get from me?”  
“Well,” Maddie jokes, “I guess you could always just ask them to run away with you and see what they say.”
As the weeks go on, Maddie learns quite a bit about the princess. 
For one, she never eats breakfast, claiming that she’d rather start her day with several cups of tea. For another, Elizabeth hates the long, flowy dresses that she and the other women of court have to wear, and has—with increasing frequency—donned the pants and billowy shirts that Maddie prefers. But most importantly, Maddie learns that Elizabeth loves the library and spends nearly all her time there. 
And it’s unbearably boring. 
She rocks her chair back, feet on the table, staring at the ceiling with her hands folded over her stomach, dangerously close to dozing off when Elizabeth speaks up.
“I’m not interested in Evie, you know,” she says, shocking Maddie enough that she drops her chair back down too quickly, legs falling to the floor with a thud that sounds impossibly loud in the quiet of the library. 
“Oh,” Maddie says stupidly, not quite sure what else to say. The thing is, it’s complicated.
She likes Elizabeth. Perhaps more than she should, definitely more than is appropriate. She knows, without a doubt, her feelings will not be returned (they can’t be, she’s a squire and Elizabeth is a princess). More importantly, Elizabeth’s feelings for Evie are absolutely none of her business. Except...well, except that Maddie doesn’t dislike many people but she absolutely dislikes Evie and there’s no doubt in her mind that Evie is incredibly wrong for Elizabeth. 
(There is the unhelpful part of her that, head-bowed, quietly suggests maybe there is someone else more— 
More right.)
But again, it’s none of her business.
“My brother doesn’t like her either, don’t worry. But Evie...she was there. She was there when I was—”
“—you don’t have to tell me this.”
“I know. I want to,” Elizabeth says, closing her book with a resounding snap, shifting in her chair enough that they’re staring directly at each other. Maddie tries her best not to let her pleasure at those three words show on her expression, but she thinks, judging by Elizabeth’s smile, she’s not quite successful. “Evie saved me,” she continues, letting out a deep breath. “And ever since then, it’s like...she just wants to keep doing the saving. She wants to swoop in, to be my knight in shining armor.”
“That’s romantic,” Maddie says, not believing it, and hating that she’s defending Evie when all she wants to do is agree with Elizabeth and tell her that Evie isn’t worth her time. 
Elizabeth gives Maddie a look that clearly says she knows exactly what Maddie is thinking. “I don’t want a knight in shining armor, Madeline. I don’t want someone who wants to come and save my day. I just….”
“Just?” Maddie prods, literally on the edge of her seat, waiting for Elizabeth to finish her sentence.
“Perhaps this is silly, but I just want someone who just wants to be. To sit with me in the dry, boring moments. Someone who just wants to be with me. Someone like—” She cuts herself off, clears her throat and shakes her head. “Well, it doesn’t matter. You and I are running away after all.”
“I haven’t agreed to that, actually,” Maddie says absentmindedly, trying to calm her racing heart. For a moment, just a second, she’d thought Elizabeth was about to...well, it doesn’t matter. 
Elizabeth reaches out, fingers circling around one of Maddie’s wrists. “But if I tried to leave?”
“I’d follow you,” Maddie says easily, with no hesitation at all. “If only to keep you out of trouble.”  
Elizabeth smiles, her eyes soft. “Now see. That’s what I mean.” 
The wedding is only days away when Maddie bursts into Elizabeth’s rooms, laden with bags. Her dramatic entrance isn’t quite given the reaction she’s looking for, only causing Elizabeth to look up from the letter she’s writing and eye Maddie with amusement. “Lost, Madeline?” she asks, eyes flicking from Maddie’s face to all the bags. 
“I’ve thought about it and thought about it and thought about it, and I realized...why am I thinking about it at all?” Maddie says, dropping the bags and approaching Elizabeth, dropping to her knees in front of her.
“What are we talking about?”
“You wanting to run away.” Maddie holds out a hand, palm up, trying not to smile when Elizabeth takes it almost immediately. “I kept wanting to know why but it doesn’t matter. If you want to go, you should be able to go. So I made a plan.”
Elizabeth blinks. “You made a plan?” she repeats, almost dazedly.
“I gathered supplies,” she gestures towards the bags, “got Sophie’s help with distracting guards at the gates so no one can warn your brother or the knights, even trained Hamlet not to freak out in the woods—”
“—is that where you’ve been going in the afternoons lately?” Elizabeth interrupts, but Maddie is on a roll.
“So just say the word. If you want to go, we go. I’ve sent letters ahead to friends, so we’ll have someplace to go, or we can just travel and explore. Or if you want to stay, get married to Evie,” here she physically has to keep herself from gagging, “I can help with that too. I can talk with her about being less intense maybe or—”
“—you’re such an idiot, Madeline,” Elizabeth breathes out, and that’s all the warning Maddie gets before Elizabeth is leaning forward, hands cupping Maddie’s face, and kisses her. “The only thing I want,” she says softly as she pulls away, and Maddie is quite shocked she’s still able to speak when she’s just taken Maddie’s breath away, “is you. Wasn’t that obvious?”
“It is now,” Maddie manages to say, and this time, she’s the one who closes the distance between them, bags and plans and thoughts of running away all forgotten. 
“And in the end,” Maddie finishes, gesticulating wildly with her hands, “the princess marries the squire and doesn’t spare the dumb knight a single thought ever again.” 
Silence follows her words, Lizzie’s hand rubbing a gentle pattern into her back while Sophie and Jack merely blink at her for a moment.
“That was fantastic,” Jack finally says, struggling not to smile. “I’m actually a little shocked Evie didn’t find herself stuck in a well or something for all time, cursed forever.”
“That’s the sequel,” Maddie says, allowing Lizzie to burrow her face into her neck, running her fingers through her wife’s hair. “Part two coming soon.”
Sophie lets out a loud snort, getting to her feet and stretching. “Well, I think it’s adorable that the two of you write fanfiction about your own lives,” she says brightly, smiling to ensure there’s no bite to her words. “I for one am just glad to be included, in all fairness. Maybe a bit more next time, though. My part was tragically small.”
“They’re love stories, Soph, you’re not supposed to be involved,” Lizzie mumbles from where her face is still pressed against Maddie’s neck. Both Jack and Sophie protest jokingly at that, carrying the faux outrage even as they gather their things and wave goodbye to leave. 
When they’re alone, Lizzie pulls away and smooths back Maddie’s hair, pressing a light kiss to her forehead and lingering there.
“I’d always choose you, you know,” she whispers, ducking her head so that their foreheads are pressed together. “In this life or any other. No one else comes close.” 
(It’s sweet and nice and Maddie likes to hear the way Lizzie’s mouth curls over the words, the way she lingers on choose and you. Maddie likes the way that Lizzie knows to reassure her without knowing about Evie’s call or Maddie’s annoyance. 
She likes that Lizzie knows her.)
“But it’s nice to know you’ve got a backup, huh?” Maddie jokes, lacing her fingers between Lizzie’s, unable to help her smile when Lizzie uses her free hand to hook a finger through a belt loop and tug Maddie closer. “In case things between us don’t work out?”
“Well, it never hurts to be prepared,” Lizzie says with a laugh, her free hand now at Maddie’s chin, thumb brushing her jawline. Her expression turns serious. “You know I love you, right? Just you.” 
“Gasp! What about Hamlet and Macbeth?” 
“Madeline,” Lizzie stresses, her hand moving to the back of Maddie’s neck, thumb now brushing under her ear. “I’m being serious.” 
Maddie drops her head onto Lizzie’s shoulder, sighing into the feeling of her wife’s hand in her own, the other lightly massaging the back of her neck. 
“I know. In this life or any other, I’d choose you too.” She pauses, pressing her free hand to Lizzie’s back, running her fingers up Lizzie’s spine slowly. “Though, my backup is Jack. I think you need to know.” 
Lizzie pulls away with a start as Maddie laughs.
“Come on, Maddie, way to ruin the moment.”
“No! Come back!” Maddie cries between her laughter, watching as Lizzie huffs indignantly and grabs Hamlet’s leash, causing the dog to begin trotting around the kitchen excitedly. “Don’t go! Don’t take the children because of this,” she adds, kneeling down and hugging Hamlet lightly, grimacing and giggling when he manages to lick the entire right side of her face. 
And Lizzie, seemingly unable to help it, laughs along. 
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aliencowboyqueen · 5 years
FIC: The Rules to Accidental Dating (1)
Pairing: Alex/Kyle
Summary: In which Kyle and Alex accidentally pretend-date their way to love.
Rating: Teen+
This one is for @alexmanes who fills my Dash with the good Kylex content.
One morning, Kyle finds Alex standing at his door in his leather jacket with a frown on his face. Without a preamble, Alex says: "You don't look too hot today, Valenti. You should call sick to work."
"Thanks?" Kyle has been struggling with sleeping, and eating, and general self-care for the past few days. Ever since his encounter with Jesse Manes, which landed the older man in hospital. But he has been trying to follow the rules of general personal hygiene at least and he isn’t aware things are getting that bad.
Although it doesn't help that every day at work, he comes the near the man's room sooner or later. He watches the nurses flock to it. After all, Jesse Manes is the town's hero. Little do they know what a monster he is.
"No, I mean my brothers are visiting him today." Alex says 'him' with so much venom Kyle can practically taste how bitter it is in Alex's mouth. "All of them. You don't want to be there at the same time."
Kyle gulps. Alex is right. He has no interest in spending any time in the vicinity of the other Manes men. He knows all of them casually and they are all too much more their father's sons than Alex is.
And they can probably figure out who put their father in the hospital. Cold sets in Kyle's stomach. He is suddenly very grateful he has no surgeries scheduled for the day and that Alex actually caught him at home.
"Do you want to come in?" he asks. "We can lock the door and pretend your brothers don't want to see our corpses."
"I was going to stay at the cabin."
Kyle shakes his head. "It's too remote."
He watches Alex takes a breath.
"You thought about it, haven't you?" he prompts. "They'll want to rough you up at the very least. And Flint…"
"I can handle them," Alex interrupts.
"All of them?" Kyle knows Alex is good, but he is not that good. No one is. Real life is not an action movie, even if it has aliens in it. Alex on his own would perhaps be able to handle three random men off the street, but not three trained military men. Especially not ones with the advantage of knowing him well. "No. Instead of reenacting Home Alone with your family reunion, how about you stay here? Not even your brothers are dumb enough to invade the home of the local sheriff's son."
Alex hesitates. The desire to turn down the offer despite knowing it's sound logic is apparent in his eyes. "I can't keep running from them."
"Not your whole life," Kyle agrees. "But you can for today." He is already moving away from the doorway to let Alex through.
While he makes the phone call to work, putting on the most convincing fake cough, he watches Alex sit down. Alex doesn't make himself comfortable on the sofa. His shoulders are tense. He still has the jacket on. Though Kyle has to admit the jacket looks great on Alex, better than the usual plain shirts he's seen him wear recently, it's not exactly suitable for a day indoors.
"Take the jacket off," he says as soon as he ends the call. "What do you say, was I convincing? I didn't have to use the fake cough since college. And that'd been to fool a date, not medical staff."
Alex quirks his eyebrows up as he shrugs off the jacket. He moves efficiently and his gaze shifts away from Kyle during the action. "That awful a date?" he asks with a note of disbelief.
"Every once in a while someone in my family decides I'm going to die a bachelor and I end up on a series of blind dates with really nice people who want to be anywhere but on a date with me."
Alex's jaw clenches.
And Kyle remembers. Alex is not as lucky as Kyle is. His family doesn't well-meaningly bother him about his love life. The worst Kyle's relatives have ever done in regards to his romantic choices were a few mean words from his mother towards Liz's family. That and his father letting him date his sister's sister, but that's a thing Kyle has yet to process.
Meanwhile, Alex's father was beating Alex up for his orientation before Alex even knew what was happening with his hormones.
"I'm sorry," Kyle says, suddenly embarrassed. "I know it must sound…"
"Don't worry about it. Can I… Do you have a book I can borrow? I'd hate to get underfoot while you do whatever it is you do on a day off."
Normally, Kyle would spend much of a free day catching up on sleep. But with Alex here, that sounds like a silly idea. "You can't put me on a house arrest and then not entertain me!"
"I didn't put you on a house arrest."
"You came here and told me to stay put. Same thing."
A shadow of smile briefly visits Alex's face. "And you are keeping hostage. By that logic."
"Yes. Now entertain me."
They settle on Netflix and beer. They bicker over whether Kyle needs to watch Star Trek before a marathon of The Good Place wins them over instead. Kyle is only slightly embarrassed that Alex can see his Netflix List and he doesn't even impulsively lie about an ex-girlfriend who really loved romantic comedies.
Alex is stiff for the first few episodes. He sits on one end of the sofa, jacket folded on his lap, his back straight as if he'd frozen and would break if he tried to relax. He's like a wild animal in someone else's territory. Guarded. Waiting for an attack. Kyle thought they were doing better, but being in Kyle's space has reset Alex's buttons. He seems even more distant than when they first started cooperating on taking down government conspiracies.
It pains Kyle to see that this is the effect he has on the other man.
They used to be such good friends. And he thinks they are on their way there again but it might take longer than he thought.
And it's all his damn fault.
There are apologies on the tip of his tongue but he knows Alex wants to hear none of them. He wishes there was something for him to say to make it all better instantly, but no such magic words exit.
He doesn't realize he is staring at Alex and the tense line of his shoulders until Alex says: "You're going to burn a hole in the side of my head."
Kyle jumps up to his feet. "Um. I was just thinking… Do you want me to hang up your jacket?"
Alex gives him an unimpressed look. "It's weird for you to have me here," he observes even as he hands Kyle the garment.
"It's weird for me that you feel weird being here." Kyle sighs. "We… I remember what we were likes as kids." He has a vivid memory of Alex kneeling across from him on the floor of their tree house, the canopy of the tree a background to Alex's brilliant smile. "We were meant to be, I don't know, the sort of friends who… have keys to each other's places and invite themselves to the food in the fridge and have each other on speed dial for 3AM emergencies."
Alex considers him with his eyebrows lifted. "But then I just had to go and be gay, huh?"
"No, then I just had to go and be a jerk."
Alex startles, but afterwards he looks visibly more relaxed.
Maybe one day, Kyle will actually get it across that Alex's homosexuality is really not an issue for him, or an obstacle he has to overcome to be able to be friends with him. That he wants Alex in his life even when they're not ruining some extremist's plans.
It turns into an oddly pleasant day, for the fact that they are in hiding. For several episodes, Kyle barely remembers that aliens exist, that his half sister is back from death, that he put a man in coma, or that Alex's brother likely want to break a few bones in his body before shooting a hole in his head. For a few hours, he is just a guy hanging out with a friend. Sharing beer and later pizza delivered straight to the door.
Then he returns from a bathroom trip and finds Alex awkwardly standing in the middle of the room.
"I should get going."
"I was going to find you a blanket."
"I've overstayed my welcome as it is."
"The sofa folds out." And Kyle really, really doesn't want Alex to drive into the night. He doesn't want to go looking for him later only to discover his brothers found him first.
Alex's brows knit together. Then he puts his jacket on. "If I'm staying, I need to get my crutches from the car."
And with that, it's settled.
ooo ooo ooo
Kyle is eating cold pizza while Alex showers when the doorbell rings.
He looks through the peep hole cautiously before opening the door. The young woman behind it is a nurse from his hospital, whom he knows well enough to have shared a lunch a couple of times. He doesn't know her well enough for unannounced house calls. She is holding a thermo lunch bag.
"I heard you were sick. So I thought you might want…" she starts with the flustered boldness of someone who's finally found the object of their affection. But then she hesitates. "…soup."
Her expression transforms from sincere eagerness to suspicion. It takes barely a moment for Kyle to understand why.
The shower. His conveniently accessible shower, which Alex is currently occupying. It's loud.
Kyle remembers to cough. "That's very kind of you," he says, trying to put in as much sickness into his voice as he can manage. "I'll bring this back to you?" he adds and takes the bag away from her.
Just as he is about to say goodbye to her, he hears the clatter of shampoo bottles and Alex's cursing.
The nurse blushes, her eyes wide.
"Thank you for the soup," Kyle says before swiftly closing the door.
↳ Next Chapter
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M! Werewolf reader x Human love interest
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Okay, so if you haven’t read about Yuma or Titi story this might confuse you. Anyways, I gave the King a name, Mita, and thru this story Yuma’s half brother, Guardian, falls in love with one of his soldiers. The soldier themselves is hiding a secret, and what it is only Guardian can guess. Find out how this love grows~
Warning: sexual content, talks about women’s menstrual cycle
Male werewolf reader X Human love interest
I was deem to be a guard since I came to the kingdom of werewolves. After King Mita mistress ran away after giving birth to their son, Yuma, she went to a small town on the outskirts of werewolf territory. There she met my father, a businessman, and they gave birth to me. No one knew why she ran away from her former husband, and even newborn son for that matter. However, before she died from a sickness, she told me about her postpartum depression after she had Yuma. It was so bad, that she wasn’t thinking straight and had terrible thoughts of hurting her baby. From guilt and fear she ran away, while it broke her heart. She told me that I should meet my brother, that even though she left the king and her son in disgrace, I deserve to know him.
So after her death, I went to the kingdom and introduced myself to Mita and Yuma. I was only seven summers old at the time, while Yuma was ten summers. I notice my half-brother had grey and white fur, and stared back at me suspiciously with strong yellow-green eyes.
At first they did not believe me, but after showing both of them photos of mother, my father, and me together in pictures they could see it. The king took me to the side as he towered over my small frame. At that time, I was certain he was going to strike me, but instead, he wrapped his black furred arms around my back.
He told me that he was glad I came forward to them, and that he would allow me to live in the palace. After years from then to now, I became the head guard of the castle and recruit the strongest men around the country. I teach each man very thoroughly, and work them to the bone as I do to myself.
Today I was doing my regular protocols for my new troops. They came from a small forest village in outer werewolf country. As I study each one of them and ask questions, I notice the smallest one, a human, quite fast. They have their eyes cast down, running their fingers in their gear.
I cough into my hand to get their attention. “Soldier, are you ready or not?”
The other guards snicker as the kid looks up embarrassedly, obviously regretting ignoring me.
“I’m sorry head guard, it won’t happen again!” They say in a high but deep pitched voice, which sounds like they are going through puberty or something. I stare down at them though, noticing at least they seem to have a strong build for a human.
“Well guard, I might as well ask you some question.”
He nods enthusiastically. “Yes, head guard?”
“What is your age, weight, and training in this setting?”
My age is 21, weight is 145 Ib, and I worked to get here for about three years.”
As I write all this down, I also notice the guard’s facial stature. Strangely, it looks surprisingly clean and even smooth. Not only that, but their eyes seem also...very feminine? They are a dark blue that even the sky can’t comprehend.
Before I could even look at my soldier more closely, they turn away and look at a framed painting.
“Who are those two if you don’t mind me asking, head guard?”
I look up to see my brother Yuma and his wife Titi, who got married not too long ago. To say it didn’t surprise the whole damn castle when Yuma said he started dating the succubus who was trying to steal from us would be a lie.
I turn my attention back to my new guard, and mummer, “that’s prince Yuma and his wife Titi, an Ice succubus.”
His eyes practically widen like they heard me say the castle is on fire, and they start to speak excitedly. “That so amazing! I’m so happy to hear that the prince found a women of his own!”
I nod in agreement and hate to admit it, but I found it extremely cute when the human speaks like that.
“What is your name soldier?” I say in a commanding but nicer voice than usual.
“Oh, u-um my name is..ahh…Tommy!”
I rise my ears up from hearing such a hesitating reply, but they smile apologetically and scratch the back of their head.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to sound so nervous commander, just a little under the weather.”
“That fine soldier, just don’t let your nerves affect others, understood?”
The young man nods seriously and salute to me. “Yessir!”
I turn away and continue my ranking, and I keep thinking to myself that they have a really cute smile.
After a few days, I get my new guards into different groups and responsibilities to do all over the castle. I train more men to be guards and soldiers, I still come to see Tommy quite often in the halls. He seems to always be running back and forth in a contest state of needing to be everywhere at once. Soon, he moves ranks and becomes apart of my regiment which means twice the work. I order half of my group to the back of the castle for tonight, while I, Tommy, and another guard name Nokia watch the front of the castle. Soon, like always, Nokia pretends to go to the restroom when his really just taking a nap. I decided to not push Nokia to work late tonight and let the fool take it easy, since danger is extremely rare in this time of year.
This leaves me and Tommy guarding the gates alone. Nothing particularly interesting happens until I keep smelling something concerning. I don’t know why, but I smelt blood coming from Tommy. I asked him a couple of times if he was alright, but he just nodded his head.
“Are you sure Tommy, I smell blood from you…”
He looked nervous now, but smiled and shook his head.
“It’s not a big deal captain, I’m completely alright.”
We resume to watch that entire night in silence, and when our time is over we take new tasks.
However I do watch over Tommy, feeling worried for him. He seems more distant than usual, and keeps needing to go to the restroom. Finally I decided to confront my soldier and I pin him to the wall.
“What the hell are you doing in the restroom?”
I look down at him with a snarl, and he has a look of shame on his face.
“I’m sorry sir, I will stop going to the restrooms so much.”
I let out a irritated growl and rub my temples between my eyes.
“I don’t care how much you use the restroom Tommy, I’m more concerned to why I keep smelling blood from you!”
I sniff them again, and in fact it is coming from them. I keep them in place as I sniff all over their body, until I find the source of the scent. It located down between their..legs? I look at him strangely, and I back away further as they suddenly start to sob.
I don’t ask any questions as I grab his hand and we rush to the infirmary. Their I lay Tommy down on the medical table.
“Take off your pants please.”
Tommy look down at the floor, while still sobbing he reluctantly take his pants off.
As they slide their pants down, I see it. Their feminine legs and underwear, and as they take off their shirt, their small breast.
“Your a women.” I say in shock. She wraps her arms around her body and glares at me uncomfortably.
I get the message and turn my gaze away. I hand them a blanket to wrap themselves with. We are silent for sometime until I decide to open my mouth again.
“How long have you been hiding this?” I look at her, not him, in the face. Her short yet long bangs covering her eyes.
“I hid my gender when I was sixteen, and I went through all my guard training and work until-, well, now.”
“Why start at a young age? And why this of all things if it's just for men?”
She looks at me shyly and puts her bangs behind her ears. “Well, since I didn’t have a mom around to teach me how to sew, cook, or be a girl, my father was the one who influenced me the most. He got me into farming, hunting, and sword fighting...” her eyes cast down and become sad.
“But then, he got sick and needed someone to pay for his bills, so I decided to get the best paying job out there; being a guard for the palace of wolves.”
I nod in understanding seeing that she, not he, disguised themselves as a man to enter into the troops to get money for her father sickness. I grunt softly and start to leave the room.
“W-What, aren’t you going to fire me and execute me for being a women in your stroops?”
I gazed back at her and shrug. “I see no reason to kill you. You keep up with your counterparts quite well, and you made it clear that you deserve to be here as much as they do.”
Before I could shut the door behind me, I feel a pair of arms around my back.
“Thank you general Guardian, and my real name is actually Lilac...J-Just so you know!”
I nod and pat her arms around my waist, noticing how strong built but delegate they were. To say that I wasn’t impressed by her strength as a woman now, not just a soldier, would be a lie.
Some months past by as Lilac and I do talk more. I hate to admit it but I love her company. Of course I call her Tommy around her male counterparts, and address her as “soldier” or “Tommy.” I know it’s not good to lie to the troops or upper council about her. However, since I am the head captain and the half-brother of the prince, I do have the overall control to what happens to my guards positions.
As me and Lilac patrol around the gardens one sunny afternoon, we talk about the usual with one another.
“Your not as rough and mean as you think you are, General Guardian.”
She says with a smirk, and nudges my arm.
“Oh, that’s probably because you haven’t seen me in war, soldier.”
I grin back, and after a while we sit down for a moment on a stone bench. We talk about what she wants to do after paying for her fathers medical bills and such. She shrugs and looks at the ground.
“I’m not quite sure, but I know I can’t go back home looking like this.”
I am confused by her statement and nudge her.
“What do you mean, Lilac?”
“Well, I’m not very beautiful to be married off to a man, and since I barely know anything about being a good housewife, I can’t do really helpful service for a women to do back home.”
I’m surprised that she already thought about all this, and feel sadden she thinks of herself like that.
“Well, I’m positive you don’t need to worry about not getting married, you are a pretty women to me.”
For a moment there's an awkward silence and I start to regret what I said, but then she stand up and face me.
“Do you…” she trails off with her words.
I narrow my eyes. “What is it?”
“Nothing, forget it!” She then tries to fun off, but I grab her arm. She looks at me and I can she her cheeks are red as a tomato. I bring her closer to me.
“What is it that you want to say, Lilac?”
She puts her hand on my shoulder and leans into my chest.
“Do you...want to go on a date with me?” She mummer under her breath with her eyes shut tight.
I don’t respond since I myself start to burn up now, and I think that makes her uncomfortable because she starts to pull away. Yet I bring her into my chest again, and lick her cheek.
“I would like that, my cute warrior.”
After we are done with our shift, we plan on meeting on the weekend at a well known restaurant out of the castle domain. We decided that would be the best course of meeting up since we don’t want anyone to accidentally recognize her.
As I decide to come twenty minutes early, I order myself a beer. I’m well known here among the owners, even out of my uniform. I decided to wear a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath it. I sit there waiting patiently, looking at the clock every five minutes. I start to worry a little when I don’t see her after ten, but the doors open suddenly.
“Hey, I’m so sorry I’m a little late.” I turn my head to see her, and I’m astonished by the difference when she is out of her uniform, into a red dress instead. I notice her plumb thighs and crives that the dress shape out perfectly, and I glup from seeing it all.
“...It’s alright, would you like to sit?” I say shakily, realizing this actually is my first date I ever had.
She giggles and sit next to me. Her red lips and her short hair looking very lovely, and I can’t help but stare.
“Do I scare you, general?”
I realised I’m looking at her took long, so I look away while taking a sip of my beer. “
No, no of course not, but please Lilac, call me by my name.”
I smirk in a half attempt to hide how nervous I am. Yet, I can tell she isn’t buying it, so she puts her hand over mine.
“Hey, this doesn’t have to be a big thing, we can just talk and stuff, you know?”
I nod in agreement, and throughout the night we just tell each other about how we got to where we are today. Our childhood, parents, ordeals, and outcome of everything.
“That must've been shocking to hear you have a half-brother, and him being King Mita’s kid of all things!”
“It was hard to believe that my mother was with the king himself, but it was harder to convince myself that I had a brother.”
“I find that remarkable.” She says as she drinks more of her wine, and I can tell we are both getting quite tipsy. I decided to pay for our dinner and walk her home now.
As we reach her apartment complex, I open the door for her and say goodnight.
“I had fun Lilac.” I kiss her hand tenderly; she looks very flattered, and blushes again. Yet she on the other hand kisses my cheek and I swing my tail back and forth.
“Goodnight, Guardian.”
After that night, we have couple more dates with one another and slowly but surely I feel myself fall for her. We soon start to kiss one another everytime we meet. It started off innocently enough, but soon they begin to deepen, and I feel myself wanting her body more and more. After two months of going out with one another, I do the usual and head her back to her apartment complex. We kiss tenderly and heatedly for a little bit and she holds onto me tight. I can hear her heartbeat going wild like mine. I feel a heat growing in my loins and It starts to ache badly, so I break the kiss before I do something I might regret. She looks at me dreamily, but replaces it with a troubled look. “why did you stop?”
I grunt to clear my voice, “Forgive me,
I was getting too excited for a moment. I didn’t want to do anything that you wouldn’t like.” with my low husky voice I move away a little so we aren’t so close together, but she refuses to let me go.
I feel her strong arms keep me pressed against her body, and I start to pant as I feel myself grow harder.
“Please Guardian, I’m not a flower, I want you to want me.”
I feel her hands run down my chest, then slowly move down to my crotch. I growl loudly as she grabs my dick in her hand, and start to pump it. I soon can’t bare it any longer, and grab her by the waist and kiss her roughly. I slam the apartment door open and we travel through her kitchen to the bedroom kissing and running our hands over each other.
I regain some self control and gently put Lilac on the bed, towering over her with our mouth inches apart.
“Lilac, is this alright?”
She looks me deep in the eyes, and my green and her blue eyes intertwined together as one.
Yes, it’s amazing.” She smiles her beautiful smile to me, then soon places her lips to my neck. I sigh and feel myself unravel in her smooth touch. I move my hands over her shirt and take it off, exposing soon her bra so I can see her plumb skin. I kiss her down the chest and remove her bra, exposing hard nipples waiting for my touch. I lick them softly and she moans loudly, gripping my fur. She sneakily moves her other hand to my crotch, taking my dick out and pumping it as I gasp at the sudden feeling. She lets out a low laugh at my sudden reaction, and moves her body over mine. She then straddles me around my waist, and begins to remove her pants and panties with a wicked look in her eyes.
“L-Lilac..” I mummer as I rub her nipples with my thumbs.
After she exposed herself fully on top of me, she trials down and engulfs my entire dick in her mouth. She bobs her head up and down my shaft, and I’m ripping the sheets to stop myself from grabbing her head and shoving my dick all the way down her throat. She finally comes up for a breath of air, and that’s where I see my chance to strike. I flip her over, and before she could react I move my dick against her folds. She grabs me in shock as I slowly move it all the way in her wet pussy.
“Do you like that?” I ask, and with eyes closed, she nods enthusiastically while gripping onto my arms to stop herself from shaking.
“Please, ah, don’t stop…”she says with a pleading voice. I do as I am told, and thrust into her. I study her expression to make sure I’m not hurting her, and when I see she is fully loving this, I keep going. I thrust into her as hard as I can, and then slowly come out of her. I do this until I can feel myself needing to get rid of my growing needs, so I move as fast as I can. The bed shakes like it gonna break and hearing Lilac moan in pure pleasure it drives me to my breaking point. She tighten herself around my dick, and that does it as I cum into her core instantly. We sit their for a moment, panting, then when I get some of my strength I pull out. My oozing cum come out and I can tell she will probably be sore. I turn the her worn out body into my chest and lick and kiss her face.
“Are you alright, love?”
She grumbles a yes and kisses my lips.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine, in a couple of days that is.” I grunt and continue to pat her head and give her love kisses she deserves. She slowly open her eyes to looks at me.
“Guardian?” She says, rubbing her hand in my fur chest.
“I want you as my lover.”
I smile warmly. “Good, because I want that as well.” I kiss her head as we both sit in our afterglow and fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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writingwitchly · 5 years
A matter of… toe?
Can I ask for a oneshot with Sirius with the convo: B: You got a new lip balm? A: Yeah. It smells like strawberries too! Want to smell? B: Sure! *walks closer to kiss her/him* A: *just as B is few inches away* *pulls out the balm in front, making it cover B's nose* Please!! Love you😘 ~ @miss-nerd0905
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Word count: 4,1k 
AU: Where the biggest concern sare late Xmas shopping and love. So no war, but still wizards. 
A/N: I will not rant about my writing bc it’s Xmas… Vase Darling, I hope you like it!! I wanted this to be vv Christmassy for you!! tbh, I didn’t fully stick to the prompt (this might be veryyy different from what you expected), but the lip balm’s there lol. Have a jolly holiday!
Like every December 23rd, you type Lily’s number on the phone, and hum a jolly tune as the dial tone echoes in your ear.
Ever since you’ve moved on your own in London, going late Christmas shopping with your best friend has become a tradition. Together, you go from shop to shop, searching even the most unknown and hidden ones, to get the most perfect gifts for your friends. And, modestly, you nail every single one, to the point where everyone in your circle of Christmas guests call you the “jingle bell rocking team.”
You let your eyes wander on the gray sky outside through the window, and make a mental note of bringing your scarf along, right as a click announces that someone has picked up the call.
You were going to scream at your friend in excitement to hurry up, but something in the voice that answered makes it… not hers. It’s deep and raucous.
A crack, then a pause. Some air faintly blows in the mike, and you perceive that the phone must be moving.
“Y/N?” Now, you do recognize Lily’s voice. Although it still sounds off. And nasal.
“Y/N…” A cough echoes in the background, so the owner of the other voice must still be in proximity.
“Um… Are you okay?” You risk the stupid question, dreading the obvious answer.
“Well,” She tries to laugh, but her lungs seem to resist the act. “Not really. I… James managed to pass me his flu, this year. But don’t worry, I’ll wear some additional coat and we’ll still go, I’ll be there in-”
Her boyfriend protests in the back, but is stopped by another wave of coughing.
An “oh” escapes your throat, longer than you wanted it. “It wouldn’t be wise to go shopping, if you’re in that state, Lils.” For a moment, she seems to hesitate, so you add, “We want to have you guys whole and in perfect shape for the Christmas Eve party.”
You hope your regret isn’t too evident in your tone.
“James wants to make it alive until then, he’s planned a little fly dressed all in red and whi-”
The raucous voice resounds in the background, clearly irritated, and Lily laughs again, “Seems like I’ve ruined the surprise. Don’t tell anyone,” She giggles again. “Um- Sorry to leave you alone on that.”
“Uh?” Imagining James flying, dressed as Santa Claus, has made you forget anything else for a couple of seconds. “Oh, you mean the shopping. Don’t worry,” You’re not sure the last two words sounded very convincing, but you still continue, “I’ll ask someone else to come. Maybe Dorcas.”
“Er- Her and Mary have choir rehearsal for the fundraising,” Lily reminds you.
The sky outside seems to become a little darker.
“Shoot. Remus then.”
“You know that today-”
“He works until late. And Marlene’s at her family’s until tomorrow.” You bite your lip, “Peter?”
“Is it grocery shopping you plan to do?”
Peter and his love for Christmas sweets… He’d stop you at every corner to get a new type of candy.
But you erase that possibility on your own: he isn’t one to walk the whole day around looking for funny socks or the perfect make up set.
You sight in exasperation. This is why it’s always Lily and you who take care of the holiday shopping.
Half as a joke, half out of desperation, you suggest, “Dumbledore?”
There is a loud snort -- which sounded more like a snore -- surely from James, and then Lily mutters something that you can’t hear.
Shuffling in the background.
“I- James says- He says that you should probably ask Sirius to come.”
“Sirius?” you repeat, not convinced to have heard right. You hope you haven’t.
You’re not 100% sure, but you heard James repeat his mate’s name at the same time as you, and in the exact same surprised tone.
After a second, the man’s laughter is muffled by Lily’s hand on the mike. She tells him something, and he answers back between two sneezes, but you can’t understand anything except for ‘-toe.’
Lily’s voice comes back, “What?”
“Nothing,” you mutter, this time convinced that you have heard wrong. “So, you guys say, Sirius?”
No, no, no.
“Well, yeah. Usually, he can’t go because he takes care of James’ seasonal flu, but now I can do that…”
“Call him, Y/N, he’s your last hope. I’ll manage to take care of my boyfriend and resist the urge to hex him.”
“Are you sure that Sirius is the right guy to give advice on Muggle shopping?”
And that I won’t make a fool of myself around him?
“I- Uh…” Lily stutters, and pauses a second to hear what James has to say. “Well, if you say so, Potter.” She focuses back on you, “James is positive about it, Y/N,” Which one? The shopping thing, or the fool thing? You’d like to be sure about the latter. “And- I left some soup on the stove,  so- we don’t want the house burning down, do we. Gotta go!”
Is it you, or does her voice sound much healthier than before? “Wait, Lily-!”
“We’ll see you guys tomorrow!”
Before she hangs up, James’ voice reaches you, but very confusedly.
Again, did he say toe?
Getting Sirius to come shopping with you was easier than you thought. A call, and he apparated on the front step before you had a chance to put your boots on. Even keeping your composure in his presence is revealing itself quite easy, despite the fact that you’re alone with him for the first occasion in a very long time.
The tough stuff is making him follow you through Muggle London without losing him in the crowd.
“What about that?” you ask, eyeing a novel with a bright blue cover. It reads ‘In Love With an Idiot’, and Lily would absolutely wheeze only at the title. “Do you think that James would be offe- Sirius?” You shoot a glance behind your shoulder, only to discover that the man has disappeared again. “Oh, for Merlin’s sake.”
Struggling to hold the multiple packs under your arms, you move to the side of the pedestrian street, and climb on a bench, under the glare of an old lady. Feeling dizzy because of the bright passing scarves and hats, you lose one good minute in finding the mane of black locks that towers above the surrounding passerbys.
Completely obvious of the world around him, the boy’s observing the vitrine of a toy shop, whose sign’s colorful light reflects on his recently shaved cheeks.
“Sirius!” Your cry of frustration scares the glaring old lady away, but at least it’s successful in making your friend come back to reality.
Smirking, Sirius makes his way back to you, pushing people aside with the dozens of bags he carries, and attracting himself many dark looks.
“Afraid I’d leave you, Y/N?”
“No,” you sigh, wondering at what age Sirius has stopped growing up mentally, “Afraid to lose half of the gifts. What were you looking at?”
“Crazy how the Muggles manage to make things move without magic. There was a small train riding on its own!” His grin widens, and you have to tilt your head up to have a good sight of his childish expression.
Godric, he’s so tall. And so handsome.
Shut up, Y/N.
“But it looked quite unrealistic,” he continues, unaware of your internal dialogue, “There was no smoke.”
“It’s normal,” you say, “It works with batteries, a clever way of producing energy without-”
But Sirius craning his neck in direction of another shop stops you mid-sentence. It won’t be long until he goes off your sight again.
Merlin, he’s worse than Peter.
“No, Black, no such thing again. We’re almost done, I don’t plan on spending the night here.”
To prevent him from going away again, and prevent the lost of the dozen of bags he carries, you link an arm with his. And immediately feel your cheeks lighting up.
Thankfully, he looks away. And you badly hope it’s not because he saw you blushing.
“Nice weather,” he mutters, right as you say, “It’s freezing cold.”
Had it happened earlier, you would have laughed and argued, but now a strange tension seems to have fallen on the two of you.
“So er- those… baggeries,” he says hesitantly. “Do Muggles use them only for tiny trains or-”
You smile shyly, relieved by his clumsy attempt at building a conversation, but suddenly find yourself unable to explain anything about bagge- batteries. So you just correct his pronunciation and laugh the question away.
Something in the way Sirius looks and behaves has changed since your Hogwarts years. He is much more mature, and much less of a troublemaker. He hasn’t lost his mischievous sparkle, of course -- not even after death will he --, but he uses it more consciously.
The last time you two have been alone together before today was… three years and a half ago?
During the graduation party, you had found yourself sitting alongside the dance floor, immersed in nostalgic flashes of your school years, when Sirius had come to ask you for a dance. He saw it as only another moment of fun, but something clicked in your head when he grabbed you by the waist.
You saw memories of how you had started liking him in first year, how his sarcastic remarks were actually something you looked forward to get angry at everyday, how his lousy humor and deep sense of loyalty were his most attracting traits, how his hair falling on his eyes made you daydream.
You also saw the fact that you were about to step in the adults’ world, and maybe part ways.
So, drunk in melancholy and honeywine, you were about to tell him what you had hid for seven years in a row.
But, right at that moment, a group of girls passed by, eyeing him shamelessly and giggling like three-years-olds. It was already hard to swallow the fact that you were infatuated with the most popular guy in a range of ten kilometers, but when he asked you, in the middle of the song, if you’d mind if he invited one of them to dance, you lost your breath.
“Of course not,” you answered, surprising yourself at how easy the lie had come out of your mouth.
He had paused, looked at you for a second, and left you alone in the middle of the room to join the group of girls.
At that moment, lost in your feelings, you had seen through his: you were nothing more than a friend to him.
Some heavy darkness had engulfed you, and that had been the last time you’d accepted to be alone with him. Until today.
You have spent three years muffling your heart’s complaints under tons of good will, in the name of your friendship, and in respect for his opinion.
Caught in the worry of not being able to buy your friends their gifts, you did not think twice about it, earlier, but now…
It seems dangerous to walk next to him.
Around you, the street is getting busier of other people who, like you, have opted for a last-minute gift-search. Fake Santas shake their bells, making teens giggle, and women with babies look in adoration at them. A couple of parents hold their children by the hand, dragging them toward a house shop, while the kids clearly feel like stopping in front of a cozy bar. There is a Frank Sinatra song playing somewhere near the place at the end of the way, and the crispy notes of his deep voice fill every corner of the jolly atmosphere.
A draught of winter air caresses your face, making you shiver.
“About time to go, don’t you think?” you suggests, tightening the scarf around your neck.
“Well- De we have everything we need?” Sirius hesitates, so you start recounting the bags,
“We’ve got Marlene’s sweater, Alice’s scented candles, Kingsley’s sock set-”
“A complete,” Sirius interrupts you “collection of Queen’s best hits for James - that sucker better repay me later, this costed like one of my eyes - a maxi sized pot of skittles for Dumbledore, a horrible pair of socks for Frank, and some catnip for Minnie. Remus’-”
“Catnip?” you raise an eyebrow. “Oh please, don’t tell me you’ve-”
“No, I haven’t left the tea behind, we have that too. I just thought it’d be nice to add some catnip,” he finishes, with a big grin stamped across his face, and you roll your eyes.
“I checked everything on the  list that Lily and I have made, so we have everything. I think we can stop.”
“Are you sure?” Sirius asks, and you think you discern some deception in his words. Is it really possible that-
But your running imagination must be tricking you.
“Quite sure, I-” You slap a hand on your forehead, attracting a curious look from a seven-years-old passing by.  “I was forgetting, as always!” you claim, “We’re not done yet.”
Sirius eyes you, and you see a reflection of the little boy’s expression on his face. And maybe a brighter twinkle in his stare.
“We were forgetting about our own gifts,” you explain, to which he breaks into a snort.
“What’s the plan, then? We choose our gift, and we’ll act as if it’s a surprise on Eve’s dinner?” he asks.
You shake your head. “You choose something for me, I’ll pick something for you. No right to show the other, so-” You realize what you’re going to say, and regret it a bit. “So- It’s better if we part ways now, anyway. I have- I have to meet Mary and Dorcas for a trip to the library,” you say, raising your stare from the floor to look at him straight in the eyes.
Sirius’ lips purse in a thin line, and he nods in understanding.
You slow your pace down, and come to a halt. After a second of uncomfortable pause, you unlink your arm from his, and, for a moment, you face each other, unsure of how to say goodbye.
“See you tomorrow, then,” Sirius half-heartedly says.
“Yeah,” you respond.
The crazy thought of a hug crosses your mind, but you turn on your heels before giving in to the temptation. 
You’re already a good fifteen meters away, when his voice flies to you, “It was a nice shopping session, Y/N! Thank you!”
You swing around, and smile before the crowd swallows him.
“You tricked me.”
Zipping her golden top, Lily doesn’t deign you of a look. “I don’t see what you’re talking about, darling.”
“Spare me your terrible lying capacity, Lily. Just- Let’s set aside the fact that you’ve broken our tradition, and that I felt treasoned, but-” You run a hand on your face, looking for proper words to make you sound less lame than what you are. “You know that it’s hard for me to be in the same room as him, and you made it more awkward by setting this up.”
“I didn’t s-”
“Oh come on!” you cry, frustrated. “He was ready when I called! And you do sound like you healed very quickly.”
The decorations on the walls and the snow falling outside make Lily and James’ living room look like a gigantic snowball.
“I- Ok, I’m not as sick as I was yesterday morning, but… I th-”
“You have no right to play the matchmaker, Lily... You know very well how much I struggled to make the pain go away!”
“The both of your are so much more mature recently.”
“So? I can’t make him fancy me, if he doesn’t want to! No matter if he gets as mature as Remus.”
“You’re so stubborn, Y/N! If you don’t try, you’ll never get anything!”
From the doorframe, James chuckles, “Take me as an example: I managed to date my fierce redhead after seven years of-”
“James!” you both scream, and the man raises his hands in defence, going back to drinking his medicinal tea. He can barely stand up, wrapped in the tons of coverts that are supposed to protect his fragile health from yet another cold, but he wouldn’t miss your discussion if he got paid for it: you get better than his favorite telenovellas, when you’re in that mood.
“If you ever tell him any of this-” you look at him, menacing.
With his mouth full of the infusion, James mimics somebody promising, and then walks out of the room, in look of a more peaceful environment. He does that every time he senses the storm going toward him.
“All I want is you to be happy, Y/N. I swear you need to be blind not to notice that Sirius likes you.”
“I’m- Please, don’t make it harder, Lily. I appreciate your encouragements, but I worked hard on making these feelings disappear, and-”
“We both know you still like him, Y/N. How many times will I have to tell you.” She rolls her eyes. “I am going to get you two together before this New Year, or I’ll rename myself Gertrudis. And you can’t change my mind.”
With nothing to answer to that, you sigh, only waiting for the moment when you’ll get to call your best friend Gertrudis.
“Nothing better than a sweet gathering with friends for Christmas,” Remus says as he pops the bottle of honeywine open. Behind him, the fire cracks in the chimney.
From across the living room, Frank, his arm around Alice’s shoulders, laughs, “You say that every year, Rems.”
Kingsley comes in the scarred boy’s defence, “It’s worth repeating, Longbottom. Anyway, I’d rather hear Remus say it a thousand more times than to have to listen to James’ drunk jokes at the end of the meal.”
The mentioned boy fakes a pout, and Sirius, who’s lying on the floor at his feet, plays with a red cap, that will be useless this year: Flying Santa Potter Show has been moved to next year, because of ‘health issues’, to Peter’s great regret.
“I wonder how you’re still sneezing enough to make that whole building fall down, James, while Lily’s wearing a mini skirt.” The bitterness in your voice can only be understood by James, and by his girlfriend. “From how she sounded on the phone yesterday, she was about to die.”
At those words, Lily gets out of the kitchen, followed by Dorcas, and shoots you a smile, “Onion soup does miracles on me,” she winks, and turns toward the man spread on the carpet, “Sirius, please be a sweetheart, and give Y/N a hand to bring the rest of the starters on the table.”
And here we go again.
Noticing your annoyed groan, Marlene slightly smiles.
“I hope the floor’s clean,” she murmurs to Lily, “Because I have that feeling that we’ll have to pick the starters up from the tiles. What did you do to piss her off?”
“Just wait,” the redhead whispers back, “And you’ll see.”
In the background, Celestina Warbeck threatens to drown you all in a cauldron full of hot love.
Sirius is handing you some plastic plates, on which you lay tiny canapes. The only reason that prevents you from dropping them on the floor in vengeance is their very appetizing look. And the fact that you’ve spent hours dressing them.
The soft buzzing of conversation coming from the living room warms your heart: having friends like yours is the highlight of your life. Ruining the mood by confronting romantical feelings to just friendship would be… awfully wrong.
“Any plans for New Year’s Eve, Y/N?”
Sirius smiles at you from the other side of the table, a plate full of mini croissants in each hand. “Do you have plans for New Year’s Eve?”
You tilt your head. “Just- our usual gathering. Why?”
The man shrugs. “Maybe you wanted to do something different, I don’t know.” And he grins again. “You tell me, if you want some change, okay?”
Perplex because of his strange request, you come back in the core room of the party a little distracted, sensing that something is weird.
You scan your friends’ faces, but don’t notice anything out of place, so give up  your strange presentment.
Soon, it’s time to unwrap.
As everyone discovers their gifts -- and shares drunk jokes, much to Kingsley’s dismay -- you step in a corner, holding a pink package in the palm of your hand. The ribbon itself is bigger than the box.
“What is it?” Sirius’ sudden presence behind your back makes you start.
“What do you mean, what is it?” From the corner of your eye, you notice Lily staring at you, and then whispering something in James’ ear. “Didn’t you buy it?”
The man scratches his neck. “I’m not the best at choosing Muggle gifts, let along for a girl. So I asked the salesgirl to give me the cutest item she had and-” He points to the half-unwrapped box in your hands. “I’m about to discover what it is at the same time as you.”
His breath on your neck makes your fingers tremble, but you rip the remnants of colorful paper off the present, and reveal a-
“Lip balm?” you ask, surprised.
Sirius only nods, with half a smile. “Looks like it.”
Carefully, you extract the round container from the wrapping, grinning at how cute it is, indeed. You delicately brush a finger on the surface, and press it to your lips.
“Mmm… It smells like strawberries!”
“Really?” Sirius casually steps closer to you.
“Uh- Want to smell?” you ask, trying to remain composed.
You were about to pass him the container. You were about to. 
But, under your unbelieving stare, Sirius leans forward, until he’s only inches apart from your mouth, and closes his eyes.
A little lamp lights up in your head: that something that was wrong when you exited the kitchen, James’ repeated mention of a ‘toe’ during yesterday’s call… Right above your head, you see it.
It happens all so fast, that you can barely register your own movements.
“You what?”
Lily, shivering in her skirt, is gaping at you. She ran after you as soon as you left the apartment in a hurry, and managed to catch you right as you were exiting the building.
“I panicked” You cry, still shocked yourself, and starting to feel like the dumbest person ever, ever, ever.
Your best friend blinks very slowly. “You- Are you doing this to make me lose the bet? Because that’s the only explanation I will accept, Y/N!”
The scene repeats itself endlessly in your mind as the snowflakes sprinkle your hair. Sirius, centimeters away from your lips. The balm suddenly put in front of him, covering his nose. His surprised look. Your run away.
“I don’t know, I-”
“You don’t know?” Her eyes clearly say ‘I’m about to kill you if you don’t give me a good reason for leaving the perfect romantical scene out of the blue’.
“Listen! If I wasn’t sure that he now thinks I’m the most idiotic fool in this world, I’d run back upstairs and kiss him right where I left him!” you scream.
You hope that none of the neighbors had planned to go to bed early.
“Glad you would-” A voice comes from an open window, three floors above. A pair of large glasses is looking down at you, surrounded by all your friend’s faces.
“James! Fucking get inside, don’t make your flu even worse!” shouts Lily.
“- because,” her boyfriend ignores her, “I doubt he’d be happy to have ran down the stairs for nothing!”
Right as he finishes his sentence, the building’s door opens, and lets out a very confused Sirius. Quickly, Lily disappears inside.
The world stops spinning, and you lose the capacity to breathe. Your knees threaten to give up under the weight of the tension that installs itself on your shoulders.
Merlin, if I could die right on the spot.
“I’m sorry if I-” Sirius takes a step forward, but stops right away, and lowers his head. “It was stupid of me, I’m very sorry.”
Seemingly unable to distinguish between what happens in your head, and what you’re actually doing in this moment, you walk toward him.
“What do you mean, you’re sorry?” The temperature of your cheeks climbs up vertiginously, and it costs you an incredible effort to articulate. “I’m the one who ran away.”
And you’re standing in front of him, close enough to see the grey of his eyes reflecting the streetlamp light.
“I like you a lot, you know.” His soft whisper knocks the air out of you. “I think I’ve liked you since Hogwarts, but I was too busy being a jerk to notice it.”
Before the moment has a chance to vanish, like a dream, you reach for his lips with yours, standing on your tiptoes.
As Sirius wraps his arms around your waist and deepens the kiss, you can hear the dance of the snowflakes, chorusing with the beating of your hearts. Your breaths become the same mist, and your bodies tell the same story. The story of two young people in love.
Above your heads, a green branch has been fixed with some tape from a windowsill of the third floor, and is gently being hugged by the breeze.
“Look at those two,” Winter seems to whisper, “Finally kissing under the mistletoe.”
Permanent tag list: @miss-nerd0905 @funnymrspotter @daytodayfun @electraheart-isdead @laurenslines @rochelle-the-ravenclaw @wildfire-whizbangs @beaubcxton @reggieblck
Sirius tag list: @glitteryfreakslimeegg @janhvi11
109 notes · View notes
hamburgergod · 5 years
stay out of the cold with the latest orange and grapefruit verse where Dean and Cas are roommates and Cas happens to be a human-harpy hybrid! In this installment, Charlie and Jo deal with a broken heater and Dean and Cas offer a solution. ~2.5k 
[AO3] [dreamwidth]
“The heater at my place broke again,” is what Charlie says instead of a normal greeting.
“Hey to you, too,” Dean replies through a mouthful of rice and chicken. “Again?”
“Yeah.” She’s wearing the full gear—mittens, earmuffs, a scarf, the whole lot. She slumps over the cafeteria table. “This is how I’ve been sleeping.”
“Are you serious?”
“No,” she replies and Dean starts to laugh, but she only grows more grim. “I also wear ski pants on top of one of those fuzzy pajama bottoms and these super thick socks that I can’t fit into my boots. Also two sweaters and my coat.”
“Oh. Shit.” Dean forgives her for stealing one of his chicken pieces, if only out of pity. “That sucks, man. Did you tell the landlord?”
“Yeah, but he hasn’t done anything yet.” She chews on the piece mournfully. “He said he would, but he hasn’t. On a completely unrelated note, our lease includes all utilities, so. You know how it is.”
He can relate—it wouldn’t be the first time a college student had a dick landlord. “Dude, that sucks,” he says, more for consolation than anything since there’s not much he can offer.
She shows him the pictures she took of her windows this morning, which are completely frozen over—not with frost, but covered with bumpy ice, and the sides almost like thick icicles that are seen on tree trunks during winter. Jesus Christ. Dean adds a mental note to pick up some insulation film for their own apartment, although that might be overdoing it this year.
“This winter hasn’t been easy on anyone from what I hear,” she says, nibbling on a piece of green pepper from his lunch. “So how come you’re fine, Kansas boy?”
She laughs. “But seriously,” says Charlie, “last year you wouldn’t shut up about how cold you were. How come this time you’re so—” She waves at him, half-disgusted at his well-being, “content?”
She has a point. Around the same time last year, Dean thought freezing to death in his room half-delirious from staying up the night to finish his report was how he was going to go. He shrugs. “Maybe ‘cause I have a smaller place now?”
“Like hell,” Charlie replies, and Dean laughs. “Maybe your landlord actually cares about heating this year.”
Dean snorts. “Maybe.”
It took him a little while to understand that it wasn’t the heater that’s been extra productive but another fairly new constant in his life. Said fairly new constant that’s currently walking into the living room wearing an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, yawning up a storm.
“Good nap?” Dean asks, looking up from his phone. Cas nods, still somewhat out of it, and joins him on the couch. The heat from his body radiates towards Dean soon enough, and it’s such a perfect amount of toasty that Dean’s about to break out the marshmallows and the graham crackers. Dude’s like a walking heater.
Dean can’t help but let out a content sigh. The otherwise frosty living room soon thaws, and Dean loosens his grip on the blanket he was clutching at.
“What’s for dinner?” Cas demands sleepily. Dean huffs, and tells him it’s mac n’ cheese. “Stovetop or from the oven?”
“Which one would you rather have?”
“Oven-baked. Obviously the superior version.”
It’s a bit more work, but Dean’s up for the challenge. “Okay, then I’ll make that one.”
Pleased, Cas smiles. Maybe Dean imagines it, but the heat radiating from Cas becomes a little more intense for a second before it flares back down into a steady source of warmth.
Good mood means more heat. Cool.
Dean helps to shake the snow off the top of Charlie’s bobble hat. She gives a full-body shiver in return, her nose red and her cheeks icy cold.
“God,” she says. “I’m going to die. Straight up freeze my ass to death.”
“Heater still not fixed?”
“F-fucking—nope.” She shoots a grim smile. “But Jo and I sent our landlord an email briefly mentioning the HUD, and he replied saying he’s booked a repair guy. Right away! Can you believe this guy?” She sniffles. “Except today is Friday, so repair guy won’t be here until Monday at the very least. I just know that my ass is out of that house as soon as the lease is up.”
“How long’s your lease for?”
“…Until the summer. Ugh.” Charlie shivers up again. Dean pities her. “Apparently it’s supposed to snow tonight, again. I’m going to die, Dean.” Her voice sounds slightly blocked from having a congestion, and Dean touches the tip of her nose. It’s completely frozen.
“You guys don’t have a couch to crash at until then?”
“Nope,” Charlie replies miserably.
So miserably, that Dean doesn’t think twice about it when he whips his phone out to text Cas.
Charlie almost cries when she steps into their apartment.
“I have never been more glad to be in a dude’s apartment than I am now,” she says tearfully, and Dean snorts, directing her to the couch. She gladly takes the offer, and snuggles up against the blanket that’s already bunched up on top of it. Dean makes them both a cup of hot chocolate while she boots up her laptop, making cooing noises at it all the while.
“Jo says she’ll head here as soon as she’s done work,” Charlie says. “God, do you know how nice it is to feel my toes again?”
Dean laughs.  “Did you want anything specific for dinner?”
“You’re feeding me too?! Oh my god, dude.” Charlie sends the blanket flying as she hugs him. “Best temp roommate ever.”
“Alright, alright.” Dean gives her a firm pat on the back with a smile. “Don’t get too used to it.”
“I’ll treat you guys tomorrow. I promise.” Charlie holds up a hand to Dean’s protest. “Dean, you’re already providing us so much. It’s the least I can do.”
It’s then that Cas shuffles out of his room stretching and takes a moment to blink at Charlie in split second confusion before his smile breaks through. “Hello, Charlie.”
“Hey man!” Charlie gets up to hug him too. “Thanks for this. Jo and I are super grateful.”
Cas frowns. “The living condition at your place doesn’t sound very accommodating.”
“Don’t get me started on that.”
Jo joins them after work as Charlie’s promised and soon enough everyone’s piled up in the living room being warmed to their very core. Charlie dozes off a few times and Jo pokes her awake just long enough to have her finish her essay. Dean makes quesadillas and passes plates of it around, smacking Jo’s hand away from grabbing the plate near her.
“Ow! What’s your deal?”
“That’s Cas’s,” Dean replies. At Jo’s eyebrow quirk, he adds, “He doesn’t like chicken.”
Cas’s head perks up from between his textbook and gives Dean a blinding smile. Dean flushes hot under his collar at the sight; it’s not that big of a deal for Cas to look so pleased that Dean remembered that Cas doesn’t like eating chicken (“Is it like… borderline cannibalism for you guys?” “Not so much cannibalism as it feels… wrong for me to eat. Would you ever eat a monkey?”). His face is warm as he hands him his plate and he still doesn’t cool back down when he’s sitting in his spot with his own plate.
“Is it hotter in here or what?” asks Charlie.
“What?” Dean clears his throat. “No. What?”
“No, it definitely got hotter,” says Jo. She fans herself, her own face slightly red. Oh. Temperature-wise, they mean. Duh. “It went from 0 to 100 real quick all of a sudden.”
Charlie rolls up her sleeves and Jo ties her hair up into a ponytail while Cas pretends to not notice any of this is happening, his face slightly red also probably from his own body heat, and Dean tries to contain his own smile. Dude must really like his quesadilla or something, geez.
The rest of the weekend goes by relatively event-free and Charlie and Jo are more than happy to go back to their house after their heater is fixed. Though the apartment feels much bigger after those two leave even though they only stayed for two nights, Dean’s also secretly a little bit relieved to have his and Cas’s space back. He especially feels worse when, as soon as Charlie and Jo walk out the front door, Cas lets out a mile long groan and his wings shudder out full-force, twitchy from having been crammed in without an opportunity to stretch them.
Dean winces. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine,” says Cas, even though this must’ve been harder for him than anyone else in the apartment.
“Was it? Really?” Dean pokes the side of Cas’s wing and Cas yelps. “Sorry!”
Cas huffs as he relaxes his wings down again, and rolls his shoulders with a crane of his neck. “It was still nice to have their company,” he says graciously.
Cas cranes his neck with a wince and look, Dean feels bad. He really does. So he offers the only thing he can think of. “D’you want a massage?”
Cas’s head snaps to Dean, wide-eyed. “What?”
Dean blinks. Well, that was a response. “A massage. For your wings.” Dean shifts his weight on his feet, slightly unnerved by Cas’s sudden upped intensity. “I feel bad, y’know? My fault you couldn’t stretch them out.”
Cas’s wings twitch in place like he’s trying to hold them very still just like how he holds himself right now as he stares at Dean with disbelief. His face grows more and more crimson until the tips of his ears are bright red.
“Did… I say something wrong?”
“Um.” Cas blinks rapidly. His tongue quickly pokes out to lick his lips. “No. Just.” He coughs. “You don’t understand what you’re offering to do.”
As if saying that out loud was more to confirm it to himself than to inform Dean, Cas relaxes as he watches Dean’s cluelessness grows. “Humans… hold hands and, and touch each other as an act of intimacy typically when they’re romantically involved. Wing grooming and such for harpies…”
“Oh.” So Dean basically offered to… He flushes. “Oh.”
“It’s alright,” Cas says quickly as if he understands how painfully embarrassing it is to misunderstand one’s cultural aspect and make a fool out of himself. Oh, wait. Ha. “You didn’t know what you were saying.”
“Right.” Dean laughs awkwardly.
Cas offers an awkward smile in return and suddenly the living room is more stuffy than ever, a thin layer of something hovering over them as they stand there like dumbasses without being able to look each other in the eyes for some reason.
Dean can’t take it. “Do uh, do you only wing groom your partners?” he asks with the sole purpose of academic interest. Someone’s gotta ask these questions, right? “Like, this is strictly romantic?”
Cas thinks about it. His face contorts in an interesting way as he thinks, his eyes screwing up as his eyebrows move up and down and his mouth pursed into a thin line. “No. Not always.”
A sliver of hope. “Oh?”
“No,” Cas says slowly, like an old computer rebooting itself after it blue-screened. “A baby harpy would have their wings groomed by their parents, or close friends would help each other with hard-to-reach places. No,” he repeats, “there’s a platonic aspect to it. It’s circumstantial.”
“Oh.” Dean’s shoulders sag with relief and he laughs, more genuine this time. “Then why’d you make it so weird when I offered, dude?”
Cas frowns down. His wings twitch again. “I don’t know.”
Thank god. Thank god it was just Cas being his socially awkward self and not Dean having crossed a line. “Well, hey, offer’s still on the table if you want.”
Cas flushes and rubs the back of his neck. His wings flutter slightly. He sighs. “It would be nice,” he admitted.
They sit down on the floor since the couch is too small to accompany Cas’s wings while he’s sitting up. Dean thinks about suggesting Cas to lie down but thinks better on it. Now that he actually has Cas’s wings sitting in front of him, he’s not sure where to start.
“Should I…” Dean experimentally digs his fingers upwards into Cas’s right wing, watching with fascination as his fingers disappear into the feathers. Cas stiffens for a split second before he relaxes with a big breath. “You okay?”
Cas nods though he’s still a little stiff. “Yes.”
Dean sort of… kneads his fingers into Cas’s wings by moving up against the feathers like Cas told him to, until he reaches between Cas’s shoulder blades and gently presses a few times. Cas groans into the touch and yep, okay, he must’ve done something right. Dean grows more confident as he kneads back down each wing, doing his best to not hurt Cas’s joints by mistake and Cas’s feathers become more lax.
He works himself up a sweat moving up and down on his knees—he’s boiling hot— but Dean’s starting to really get the hang of this. Cas seems like he’s responding better too, with the way his back arcs slightly and the way he lets out a sigh every once in a while as his wings shudder under Dean’s touch. Cas’s wings flutter out of Dean’s grasp then, standing up abruptly and almost leaving Dean with a handful of feathers.
“Thank you, Dean.” He clears his throat. “I think that’s good enough.”
“Yeah?” Dean grins. “Feel better now?”
“Yes.” Cas shuffles his wings before he puts them away in the blink of an eye. Dean still can’t get used to the transition. Cas’s face is still red so Dean’s not the only one feeling the temperature. “I have a—I remembered that I have a thing to work on, so.”
“Yeah, sure man. Let me know if you ever want another massage,” he says to Cas’s retreating back, who gives him a thumbs up without turning back and goes straight to his room.
Well, that wasn’t so bad. Everyone got off that pretty happy, and hey, Dean’s pretty proud.
Dean yawns and gets ready for the rest of the day.
Castiel, meanwhile, face-plants onto his bed and lets out a long, quiet groan of frustration into his pillow, the sensation of Dean’s touches still ghosting over his wings.
Now he has to live with knowing how that feels.
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sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
For the fluff prompts, what about 32 with Plance? 😉
@rueitae​ said:
24. “Lets just stay in bed.” with Plance if you please.
32. “This is gonna sound cheesy but….I love when you’re half asleep and talking nonsense.” Because pillow talk. (Consider this an alternate or prompt to combine my earlier one)
i’m going to be Like That and combine prompts...hope you don’t mind!! but anyway, it’s all of ~1700 words but still took me way too long and was supposed to be post-canon but ended up being a weird long-distance AU which...um. dunno if it’s good but cheesy it is. mind the implied nudity and sexual content (nothing’s explicit), and enjoy!!
(24) “Let’s just stay in bed.” / (32) “This is gonna sound cheesy but...I love when you’re half-asleep and talking nonsense.”
Pidge wakes to sunlight streaming in through the gaps between dark blue curtains. The light warms the air, and despite the noisy hum of the air conditioning unit over the door her skin is still sticky with sweat.
She groans and tugs the star-studded bedsheets over her head - she’s not ready to get out of bed and it’s marginally cooler burrowed underneath - before rolling onto her side.
Her nose brushes against something firmer than a pillow.
“How long have you been awake?” she mumbles into Lance’s arm.
The bed shifts as Lance joins her under the covers, his warm breath against her face indicating that he’s facing her since she refuses to open her eyes. A part of her is too hot and wants to kick him and his body heat out of bed, but the other part prefers to latch onto him and snuggle closer.
The latter wins out.
Lance wraps an arm around her waist while he reaches up with his other hand to brush sweaty hair off her face. “How did you know I was already awake?” he wonders in a low voice.
“You’re always awake before me,” Pidge reminds him. She sighs, tightening her own hold around his abdomen and cracking her eyelids to meet his eyes. “I think next time I’m going to make you sleep somewhere else.”
“What? Why?” Lance frowns. “This is my room!”
“It’s too hot and you’re too warm and I know I say embarrassing things in my sleep.” Pidge rests her forehead against his chin, putting the lie in her words - she relishes their time together too much to actually follow through on her threat - and hoping he won’t see the flush that must fill her cheeks.
Suspicion creeps into her when he trails off, and she’s wider awake. She pulls away just enough to tilt her head to look him in the eye again - right when he’s avoiding hers. “Well what?” she asks, an eyebrow raised.
Lance smiles sheepishly and says, “This is gonna sound cheesy but…I love when you’re half-asleep and talking nonsense.”
Pidge reaches up and grabs a pillow.
It smacks Lance in the face.
“Ow!” He recoils and covers his nose when she takes it back and tosses it aside. He glares at her over his hands and says, “What was that for?”
“Stop eavesdropping on my sleep-talking!” Pidge says, scowling. “Like I said, it’s embarrassing!”
“That’s why you’re blushing, is it?”
The heat rushing to her face is not a welcome distraction from the sun’s heat. “No!” she lies. “I’m not blushing!”
“Oh, really?” Lance bops her nose with a fingertip, making her scowl deeper, and says, “I haven’t seen you that red since the first time you told me you love me.”
Pidge rolled onto her back and covered her face with an arm, then decided her best tactic would be to simply change the subject. “Anyway, since when do you care about sounding cheesy?” She peeked at him from under her arm. “You say cheesy stuff all the time.”
Lance sits up, the bedsheets falling from his shoulders, and crosses his arms. “I…do not!”
“Do too,” Pidge retorts childishly with a smirk. “Wasn’t it just last night you quoted Spanish poetry at me? Neruda, was it?”
Lance’s face reddens, and she feels her own warm anew at the memory. “How did you know?”
“Lucky guess,” Pidge admits, shrugging. She sits up too, the better to look Lance in the eye, and after a split second of consideration she doesn’t bother covering her breasts. “I’m still ignorant of some of your cultural quirks but the poetry surprised me and even if I couldn’t understand it it sounded very…romantic.” She coughs, glancing away and toying with the edge of the blanket.
A smile finds its way onto her lips, a flutter low in her chest when Lance cups her face and tilts it towards him, his other hand rubbing her arm. “I’m not good at the translating thing so I can find one later for you,” he promises with a smile of his own.
“Right now I’d settle for a repeat,” Pidge tells him, fluttering her eyelashes.
Lance swallows. “Um.”
Pidge giggles. “Aw, Lance, you’re blushing!”
“Pidge,” he grumbles, his brow furrowed.
“Lance,” she sings, pressing her thumb to his forehead until it smooths.
“One doesn’t simply recite romantic poetry, Pidge,” Lance whines.
She rests her hands on his shoulders and leans closer to whisper, “Do we have to be in the middle of an obscene act for it?”
She enjoys Lance squirming a bit too much as he nods and mutters, “It’s a…heat of the moment thing.”
“Fine.” Pidge rolls her eyes, but she grabs Lance’s chin and turns him slightly away from her. “Just don’t look at me then.”
To her surprise, he resists and puts his forehead against hers. “No, we’ll do this the right way.”
“I’m getting a whole wheel of cheese from you here then?”
(The warmth in Pidge’s chest is much better than the heat and humidity that sits in the room.)
Lance holds her face between his hands again, his thumbs soft on her cheeks. He inhales bracingly and soberly recites:
“Te amo sin saber como, ni cuándo, ni de donde,Te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo:Asi te amo porque no sé amar de otra manera.”
Pidge shudders when he pauses and can’t help grinning against his lips when he leans in to kiss her. When he pulls away but doesn’t continue she blinks and wonders, “Is that it?”
“It’s the only stanza I have memorized,” Lance admits with a shy smile, “but maybe if I knew you’d like love poetry—”
“I’m surprised you know any at all,” Pidge confesses. As he frowns, she hurriedly explains, “When I met you, you were all pickup lines and didn’t have any real romantic substance.” Her eyebrow quirks and she teases, “I can’t believe I was fooled into thinking you had any experience!”
Pidge laughs, then when he continues to scoff indignantly she wraps her arms around his neck. “I actually like that I was your first,” she reassures him.
Lance’s hands go to her waist, and he pulls her onto his lap. “I want you to be my last too.”
Pidge kisses him, and they don’t part so easily this time.
This physical part of their relationship is still something new, but they fit together like two adjacent pieces in a puzzle. And Pidge doesn’t mind the heat so much when she’s sharing it with Lance.
That feeling doesn’t quite last.
“Get off me,” Pidge says the instant the human furnace lying on top of her feels more smothering than soothing.
“I don’t want to move,” Lance whines, nuzzling into her neck.
His lips tickle against her skin but Pidge presses hers together to fight back a giggle. “But it’s hot and I’m gross and sweaty,” she complains even as she runs her fingers through his hair.
“You didn’t care about that five minutes ago,” Lance points out.
Pidge rolls her eyes at the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the popcorn ceiling. “Right, because it’s thanks to five minutes ago that I’m grosser and sweatier than I was when I woke up.”
Lance sighs but finally rolls off her to lie beside her instead. “There,” he says. “Happy?”
Pidge sits up and pushes her mussed hair away from her face. “I’d be happier if your air conditioning worked properly.”
Lance buries his face in his hands. “Even when she’s awake…”
Which reminds Pidge.
“Lance,” she says, touching his elbow to get his attention, “what did I say in my sleep?”
He drops his arms and looks up at her with a slight frown. “We’re back to that now? I thought you didn’t like”—he forms air quotes with his fingers—”eavesdropping.”
“Well, now I’m curious so you have to tell me how I incriminated myself this time.” Pidge smiles sweetly at him. “Come on, you recited poetry for me. It’s only fair you say something to embarrass me now.”
“When you put it like that…” Lance laughs. He takes one of her hands and intertwines their fingers. “All you said was that it was the twenty-first century and that my house should really have central air conditioning.” His eyes narrow. “I take you into my home and you insult it, Pidge?”
She ignores his accusation - despite its validity - in favor of the odd disappointment that sits in her gut. “That’s it?”
“I think you said something about hating mosquitoes too.”
Pidge snorts. “So nothing of substance?”
“Well…” Lance’s eyes drift past her.
She follows his gaze towards the closed bedroom door, and hers drifts around, catching on yesterday’s clothes strewn over the floor before landing on her duffel bag lying open at the foot of the bed.
For the first time, the air inside the room actually feels stifling, and for a long second Pidge can’t breathe.
“Well what?” she says, returning her attention to Lance.
He doesn’t look at her as he says, “You said you wish you could stay here anyway.”
Pidge’s heart sinks at the reminder of the clock ticking towards the morning she has to leave again. Begging a few days off from work isn’t something she can afford to do often.
“It’s my turn next time,” Lance points out with a slight smile as he reaches up to poke her cheek. “And at least at your end we won’t have random relatives opening the door without knocking.”
Pidge flushes at the reminder, clearing her throat and saying, “It only happened once.”
“Yeah, because Marco and the kids were only visiting,” he says with a fond smile.
Pidge likes the way he talks about his family and the love even simple statements exude, but sometimes the embarrassment wins out. She asks, “Your parents aren’t back yet?”
“They won’t be home till later,” Lance says as his thumb runs across the palm of her hand.
“Then let’s just stay in bed,” Pidge says. She lies down, tucking herself under his arm.
“What happened to being gross and sweaty?” Lance wonders even as he obliges her.
Pidge squeezes his fingers tangled with hers. “I decided the pros to staying outweigh the cons,” she says.
Lance’s lips brush her forehead, and she closes her eyes. “Don’t they always?” he mutters.
Pidge’s chest seizes, for that’s a question she still doesn’t know how to answer.
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Summer Nights
Summary: Cronus’ little late night work on his bike turns into a cute evening with the one he loves. Time to break open the musical shenanigans guys
Ship: Cronus/Xena
A/N: This was requested by @xeensbin. I hope they enjoy this cause I’m not fucking around with killing them with fluff here. All songs and lyrics are from the musical Grease. Credit goes to this honestly lovely musical that I’m so sorry that I default to when concerning music with Cronus. 
Please note both parties are 18+ and therefore depicted as adults.
Lyrics in italics
It was a hot summer day and the sun was thankfully going down. This sort of went unnoticed by Cronus who was knee deep into work with his motorcycle. He had been at this for a few hours with mp3 player blaring softly on his bluetooth speaker so he has something to work to. Working without his music made him uncomfortable. 
They think our love is just a growing pain Why don't they understand, It's just a crying shame Their lips are lying only real is real We stop the fight right now, we got to be what feel
As these lyrics blared out, a familiar set of footsteps stepped on the other side of his bike. Cronus smiled to himself more than happy to have some more than welcomed company.
“Hello gorgeous,” he said sliding out from under his bike. Xena leaned in to help Cronus up. “Come here often stranger,” Xena said with am attempted flirtatious smirk. 
“I don’t know. Maybe I should if you come by more often,” Cronus said doing an equally as flirtatious smirk. Slow down you two. This is a kids film.
“I’m bored without you, so I thought if you can’t be em...” Xena said kind of low key checking out an obviously shirtless Cronus. Goddamnit now you got a dead girlfriend to bury Cronus you fucking idiot.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Cronus. To be honest, he kind of did it on purpose. Plus, a guy gets hot during the summer. The only sensible solution was no shirts for Cronus. The sweat on his slightly toned body glistened with sweat and some oil. 
Xena began to try and find a nice distraction to get her out of being mesmerized by Cronus’ muscles. Damn it Xena! Now you gotta go into the witness protection program cause your identity as a thirsty hoe has been found out by your fish boyfriend. Shape of Water wishes it had this much sexual tension.
Xena looked over to his bluetooth speaker blaring his music.
We take the pressure and we throw away Conventionality belongs to yesterday There is a chance that we can make it so far We start believing now that we can be who we are
“Is that Grease,” Xena asked. “Yeah. Vantas introduced it to me saying how good it is and how much I would like it. Guy has good taste in movies,” Cronus chuckled as he put on his shirt. 
“We can watch it together sometime.” Xena offered. She really wanted to get to know everything Cronus liked. To be honest, if Xena hadn’t offered first, Cronus most certainly would have
Cronus laughed a little. “Ya know what, I thought you’d never ask.” Cronus went to turn up his speaker just a little lower. Or at lease he was going to when Summer Nights came on. 
“Oh shit hold up I love this song,” Cronus squealed a little. Musicals truly bring out the man in Cronus. The squealing kind.
“Can you sing Cronus,” Xena asked. Xena knows what they’re about. Time to initiate Code Musical Cliche. 
“Oho you know it sweetheart,” Cronus said pulling Xena forward to his chest. “Just follow my lead,” Cronus whispered in her ear. Boy he was feeling cocky. 
“W-Wait, I don’t think I can dance,” Xena interrupted. 
“When you’re in my arms, dancing is going to be the only thing you want to do cause I got you. You’re good no matter what you do,” Cronus uuuu buddy you’re going big or going home aren’t you buddy.
Xena blushed. Was this seduction? She felt like this was seduction? Well, not time to contemplate the subtext going on here cause Cronus just started the song over. 
“Now, just go with the flow beautiful. We got this,” Cronus said looking straight into her eyes. He was a few inches from her face. Yep this was happening. 
“Summer lovin' had me a blast,” Cronus began. His singing voice was pretty impressive. Not shocking though. He was a musician after all. 
“Summer lovin' happened so fast,” Xena sang back a bit shyly.
“Seeeee, you got this,” Cronus said mildly blushing spinning her around. The spin was so sudden Xena screamed a little. “Just go with it. You’re doing great,” Cronus encouraged. 
“I met a girl crazy for me,”  Cronus said dipping her down and then picking her back up onto the ground. Xena landed on her feet as a reflex.
Cronus then pushed her out with one of his hands spinning her outward. Time for Xena to play back. Xena had to admit this was getting kind of fun. Xena was feeling pretty light on her feet. 
Xena was then pulled back in a reverse spin into his arms. “ Met a boy cute as can be,” Xena said running her hand down his face.
“Shit,” Cronus thought freezing up, blush apparent on his face. Oh how the tables have turned. 
“Su--” Cronus squeaked out. He coughed into his hand. Seriously Cronus, you’re a seadweller. All that water and your ass still thirsty.
Xena kissed Cronus nose. Cronus grew weak inside with Xena being here alone and now she’s gotta do that? This man was living and dying at the same time. 
“Hey, I”m having fun,” Xena said with a smile. 
“Good cause uh I um...I’m having fun too,” Cronus was this close to blue screening on Xena’s ass. 
“She swam by me, she got a cramp,” Cronus said picking his composure back up.
“He ran by me, got my suit damp,” Xena sang getting a bit more confident. 
“I saved her life, she nearly drowned,” Cronus sang half laughing from how happy he was right now.
“ He showed off, splashing around,” Xena sang laughing back. The sentiment was mutual.
“Summer sun, something's begun, but uh-oh those summer nights,” Both sang pumping their legs out while still holding hands. There was a bit of a bounce to what they were doing. They were honestly having too much fun with this.
“Uh well-a well-a well-a huh,” they both sang in a mock deep voice. They both had to stifle their laughter on that one.
“Tell me more, tell me more,” they said way more high pitch this time. 
“Was it love at first sight,” Xena sang. “Oh you know it was,” Cronus mumbled to himself. 
“Huh,” she asked. “Oh um...nothing,” he blushed now staggering his words again.
“Took her bowling in the arcade,” Cronus said now changing the subject.
“ We went strolling, drank lemonade,” Xena sang while rolling her eyes. 
“We made out a hunk of the time,” Cronus said running his fingers under Xena’s chin pulling her a few inches from his lips while pulling her into his chest with his free arm
Xena froze blushing her face off. Fucking damn it Cronus try not to kill your girlfriend twice.
Xena’s heart raced against his chest and Cronus could feel it. At least, he was thinking that was hers if not his own. 
Cronus then began to slow down as a different song played in the background. It was much slower this one. He began to lead her into a much slower dance. Xena didn’t know what he was going to do next. Then suddenly a soft melody came from his lips.
Guess mine is not the first heart broken My eyes are not the first to cry I'm not the first to know There's just no getting over you
Xena perked up. “Cronus,” she thought to herself.
You know I'm just a fool who's willing To sit around and wait for you But, baby, can't you see There's nothing else for me to do? I'm hopelessly devoted to you
There was a slight tremor to these words he was singing. They had genuine meaning. Anyone could tell. It wasn’t like he was naturally singing before, but they came out nervous as he slightly choked on each lyric.
But now there's nowhere to hide Since you pushed my love aside I'm out of my head Hopelessly devoted to you Hopelessly devoted to you Hopelessly devoted to you
Xena stood there in disbelief and silence. She didn’t know how to respond for a hot minute. Then she had a good idea. Time to make this solo a duet.
My head is saying, "Fool, forget him." My heart is saying, "Don't let go. Hold on till the end." And that's what I intend to do I'm hopelessly devoted to you
Cronus bit his lower lip. She was actually singing back to him! Cronus heard the same choking in her voice he probably had. God, this was too much. He felt like he could cry right now. He joined in with her. He couldn’t help it at this point. The moment they were was so unbearably slow and intimate, he couldn’t let it stop now.
But now there's nowhere to hide Since you pushed my love aside I'm out of my head Hopelessly devoted to you Hopelessly devoted to you Hopelessly devoted to you
They both sang this in unison dancing in each other's arms, their foreheads pressed against one another’s.
“Hey, you’re the only one on my mind you know that,” Cronus said barely above a whisper. His hands were trembling slightly pressed up against the small of Xena’s back. “You’re the only one I want Xena. I hope you know that,” Cronus choked out. A lump in his throat formed as he said this.
Xena trembled and blushed at this confession. She couldn’t ask for someone better to be with her tonight. “You’re so beautiful Cronus,” Xena whispered back. “I love you so much that I can’t stand it some days. You’re so good to me. Thank you for always being with me,” Xena said pressing her hand against his cheek.
“Anything and everything for you and only you,” Cronus said pulling her into a kiss. The moon rose in the sky and the music continued to play, but both of these things went unnoticed for Cronus was knee deep in compassion for the love his life. 
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Forgive or Forget IV
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Forgive or Forget IV [Sometimes effort isn’t enough]
◇ Forgive or Forget I  ◇ Forgive or Forget II  ◇ Forgive or Forget III
This was all for the better.
That had been your mantra as you actively distanced yourself from Christian. You couldn’t get mad at Kiseok for not putting his all in the relationship when you weren’t doing the same thing. Christian was only filling a void in your heart and with some effort Kiseok could mend the very hole he caused….Couldn’t he?
Not too much had changed between you two. Kiseok still had busy days where he was pretty much ghost and he made up for that with overly affectionate days. However, you were happy that you were able to have a mini vacation and visit his parents in Busan and enjoy your time together. Any time you were able to get away reminded you why you loved him so much.
“Mm..Kiseok-Oppa?” you yawned rolling over, seeing Kiseok get up from bed. “Where are you going?”
“Baby don’t get up.” he stretched, slipping on his pants. “Jay just texted me and told me that the file for the new song got corrupted, I gotta head down there.”
“This late? Can’t it wait?” you sat up in frustration.
“I’m gonna need to re-record everything. I don’t wanna put it off, and the compilation album is almost done. I can’t let down the guys”
“I’m the CEO, they’re counting on me.” he cupped your face and kissed your forehead. “I love you, now go to sleep”
“Kiseok are you really going?”
“It’s work, Jagi I gotta.” He stopped. “Unless...you really don’t want me to…”
“It’s not that I don’t want you to work it’s just...it’s so late…”
“I know...but I gotta a lot of people are counting on me. I expected you of all people to understand that…”
“I-I do...I’ll just miss you…”
“I know I’ll miss you too...But don’t wait up, you need your sleep. You know you’re my one only right?”
“I know…” and you watched him disappear through the bedroom door. Sighing you flopped back into bed.
So much for sleep...
You spent the better half of an hour tossing and turning before you just gave up and started checking your messages.
Sliding open the message you were greeted with a video of Christian. “Hey~ Don’t close the message this is strictly serious business.” he chuckled holding a box of papers “Remember those business lunch recipes you asked for? Well, I thought I’d help you out by starting to input them in the little program thingy, ya know so it’s organized but- well I may have um- messed up” he scratched the back of his head showing you the screen of his computer that had about thirty error messages popping up. “So…..that email may take a bit” he laughed nervously. “I’ll text ya tomorrow with an update. Night”
And you couldn’t help but smile and shake your head. Christian could edit the most random clips into a beautiful masterpiece but couldn’t even enter data into a spreadsheet. Here you were laying in bed alone on your day off, and all you wanted to do was head over to the DPR office and help Christian. Well since you couldn’t sleep anyway.
Before you could think about it more, you were already making your way to the door. It really was a simple fix. Your assistant had made a similar mistake before and you knew exactly what to do, and yet you didn’t want to just simply text or call and walk him through it. You wanted needed to see him
And you didn’t allow yourself another moment to think about it anymore and just let your legs carry you into town, down to the office.
On your way to the office, you stopped for some coffee, to help you two power through the night. Christian was probably having a long night and although the tedious tasks of accounting was something that brought you comfort you were sure he was struggling with it. Holding the coffees you stopped seeing a familiar face. A bright smile formed on your lips seeing Eunah, Kiseok’s assistant outside the cafe. It was a rarity to see her so dressed up, but you were happy to see that she had a Saturday evening off.
Your smile faltered seeing that she was with a man. One that was all too familiar to you. Kiseok approached her, letting his hand rest on her lower back as he guided her closer to him into a kiss. But what broke you more was seeing how she looked at him. Her eyes practically sparkling as she looked up at him. A look of familiarity. How she placed her hand on his chest and how he played with the zipper of her dress. He led her across the street into the hotel and you just stood stunned.
And it was every tiny doubt you’d ever had came rushing back. Any apprehension, any question, any frustration. It just resurfaced. All those warning Swings gave you, all those times your brother asked you if you were happy, any doubt Christian had. And you couldn’t help but feel like an idiot for ever doubting them.
Were you even surprised?
You hated that you hated yourself for ignoring every single sign.
How you even made it to DPR’s office was beyond you. You just started wandering. You needed to think. What were you going to do? Being ignorant and choosing to ignore the truth were two different things. You couldn’t be with someone that not only cheated on you, but cheated on you with your friend.
Christian waved his hand in front of you. “Hey, you ok?” he cupped your cheeks, trying to make you look at him. “What hap-”
“Kiseok’s cheating on me with his secretary.” It was like hearing it out loud finally made you snap and you felt the tears threatening to spill out. “He’s actually cheating on me” you whispered to yourself. Christian pulled you into a strong hug, whispering how sorry he was. But he didn’t seem all that surprised. The only fool in this was you.
He pulled you inside the office sitting you down on the couch, but not letting up his hold on you. He didn’t ask you how or when or where, he knew the gory details didn’t matter. What mattered was what now? What were you going to do and where were you going to go?
“You can stay with me…” he offered. “I don’t want you to have to go home tonight.”
“I don’t think it’s right….” cheater or not, as far as you were concerned as of this moment you were still in a relationship with Kiseok and it just wasn’t right to stay with Christian.
“I won’t make a move on you-if that’s what you're worried about. Your vulnerable….I’m just offering you a place to stay.”
“I’d make a move on you…” you looked up at him. “I don’t trust myself…”
He looked down at you, a little more than surprised. “Oh…” he coughed, clearing his throat. “I….would...that be a bad thing?”
“I don’t think what I need right now is a rebound...I’m just frustrated.” you stood up, pacing. “All I’ve ever wanted was Kiseok. And as frustrated as I got with him, I always believed in him-I believed in us and I never wanted to let that go.” you raked your hand through your hair. “And when I thought my feelings were fleeting...I felt so guilty...I felt guilty about loving him less than I did before….I felt guilty about falling out of love and it was killing me and I was trying to figure out any way to save what was left of us and he-!” you groaned wiping away your tears. “He’s been cheating on me!”
“Hey….it’s gonna be alright...at least now you know…”
“You don’t get it Christian...she loves him...this wasn’t a one-time thing.”
“How could you possibly know that she loves him?”
“Because she looks at him the way I did…” you dropped to your knees. “I...was this my fault….? Did he cheat on me because he could feel me falling out of love with him….? Did I fall out of love because I thought he was cheating…? Did we do this to each other…?”
He kneeled in front of you and grabbed your hand. “If you never saw them tonight...what was the future you saw? Would you have married him…?”
“I….I don’t think I would have not married him….I think that I always had hope for us…”
“You would have settled.”
“I never thought of it as settling...No relationship is perfect...No one is happy all the time….Everyone has to work on something…”
“What if I told you a relationship shouldn’t feel like you’re compromising on everything? It shouldn’t have to be that you’re settling. You told me before that you strived for the best and you got it. Why settle for anything less in a relationship-your future….” he cupped your cheeks and caressed your lower lip with his thumb. “You should get exactly what you want in a relationship. And I think you should be with a guy that’s willing to give you that and if he isn’t….he’s not the one…” You watched him carefully thinking of his words but following his every move. Watching as his gaze drifted to your lips you leaned in but he pulled away.
He laughed, looking down. You could see the guilt etched on his brow. “I….I said I wouldn’t try anything...Not until you get everything sorted...Right now...I just wanna offer you a shoulder to cry on and a place to crash.”
“That was probably the nicest rejection I got.” you smiled sadly at him.
“Oh well thank you, it took everything in me.” he smoothed down your hair. “Now you should get some sleep.”
Sleep didn’t come easy. There was this range of emotions you were feeling all at once and you hated it. You went from angry, to sad, heartbroken, and worst of all of them it made you feel insufficient. This strange personal feeling of inadequacy that you couldn’t shake. Was there anything you could have done to save your relationship? Or were you doomed from the start? All those years together, all those smiles, memories, kisses, touches. Everything that meant that entire world to you. The intimacy, the unconditional love all of your relationship boiled down to that moment.
All of the pain you felt, all of your anger for the betrayal he caused you boiled down to one word.
As if your relationship was a simple game and he did something to get an upper hand. It was so much more than that. He emotionally manipulated you.
You thought back to those times you confronted him over what he called a misunderstanding. He made it out that it was your fault. That you should trust him. And you’d end up apologizing.
He played you.
Walking by the doorway Christian sighed seeing you curled into yourself, your subtle sniffles broke his heart. He hated that you couldn’t even sleep peacefully because of Kiseok. And all he wanted to do now was protect you. He wanted to fight your battles for you. Make it so that you never had to see Kiseok again. But he knew he couldn’t. You’d never let him solve your problems and he loved that about you.
And he just knew in his heart that everything was gonna work out.
The last thing you wanted to do was get out of bed and deal with this mess that was your life, but you needed to. There was no running away. All you could do was relive last night, and you couldn’t help but wonder if you did the right thing. Perhaps you should have confronted them in the moment? Kiseok was always so good at switching things up on you, making things your fault….But looking back at it...you always let him. You wanted him to be right.
Crawling out of bed you followed the sound of Christian’s voice. He was pacing back and forth on the phone, in a rather tense conversation. “Dabin, I just-I need today alright? Nah, I’ll make it up later. Have ‘em cancel the meetings and-”
“I’ll call you back” he whispered, a bit breathless seeing you standing there. It was almost surreal seeing you in his apartment first thing in the morning. Your hair disheveled, and you sleepily in your pajamas. It was something that he just needed to see again.
“You better not be canceling your day on my behalf.” you crossed your arms over your chest.
He scoffed. “Don’t think so highly of me. Maybe I just wanted to play hooky from work.” he joked, stepping closer to you; He stopped himself short once he realized all he wanted to do was to pull you in his arms.
“Stop looking at me like that. I know I look like a mess.” you looked down shyly. “I didn’t exactly bring a hairbrush me and I-”
“You look beautiful” he ignored his inhibitions and pulled you closer by your waist. He smoothed down your hair and smiled “Like wow...you really are beautiful”
Your hand moved up to hold his hand on your cheek, leaning into his touch. “Thanks for letting me crash here.”
Taking a step back you sighed. “I’m gonna head home and pack...I kinda wanna grab all my stuff before I talk to Kiseok.”
“I’ll go with you”
“You’re really doing too much for me Christian…”
“Well we’re friends and I help my friends.” he laced his fingers with yours, giving your hand a squeeze.
You smiled looking down at his hand. “And this?” you held up your hands. “You always hold your friend's hand?”
He chuckled. “Oh all the time. You should see me with Scott and Dabin”
You smiled. “I’m sure.” you laughed along with him.
And even though he knew it was all temporary, he was happy he could make you smile and laugh.
To be continued…
The long-awaited next chapter lol sorry for the wait. I only have one more chapter after this. Lemme know how you guys liked it <3
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Hi Rose, your cs au high school one-shot was so so sweet!! Do you think you might add to it? Because I would love to see a happy ending. Just wondering, no pressure. :)
Hi darling~
Ask and you shall receive. A part of me is so angry with myself right now because I have made no progress on my current story and have been ignoring it in favor of AU week, but because I still have a bug for it, I’m willing to give 1500 words of continuation of my High School AU 
Emma spends Friday and Saturday in her room, feigning illness so the Nolans won’t bother her. She doesn’t put much effort into the performance, allowing her miserable expression to do all the work. Ruth doesn’t question Emma, only gives her a look of sympathy and offers to make soup, which Emma quietly declines.
It’s Sunday afternoon when there’s a knock on her bedroom door. Emma looks up from her worn copy of The Hobbit.
“Emma,” Ruth calls out. “There’s a boy here to see you. If you’re feeling better, I can let him in.”
Emma closes her eyes. Apparently Killian Jones doesn’t know how to take a hint. She had been ignoring his texts and calls for the past two days.
“No,” Emma says. And then after a beat, “It’s fine, Ruth, I’ll talk to him outside. It will be quick.”
She takes a brief perusal of herself in the mirror. Her hair is ratty, she hasn’t showered and she’s still in pajamas. Biting her lip, she tosses her sleep shirt in the corner of her room and picks up a new tank top from the drawer; not bothering with a bra. She throws on a maroon hoodie to help mask her lack of undergarments. She replaces her pajama bottoms with a pair of jeans she wore Thursday.  
Emma pauses for a moment, running her fingers for hair to try and judge how greasy it is. She grimaces for a moment before deciding to give it spray down with a can of dry shampoo. Satisfied with her work, Emma places her hair in a haphazard bun. She debates putting on make-up but decides to forgo it. It’s just Killian after all.
She pads quietly out of her room, tiptoeing past David, the Nolans’ son, who is playing video games on the couch.
“Your boyfriend is outside, looking sorry,” David comments, not looking away from the screen.
Emma pauses, silently cursing.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” she says after a moment.
“Could have fooled me,” David replies before pausing his game. “Hey. He didn’t do anything to you, right? Because if he did, I would fuck him up for you.”
Emma blinks, surprised.
“Sure,” David replies with a shrug. “You’re my sister. I’m supposed to look out for you.”
An emotion wavers in the back of her throat. Emma has been bounced through nearly twenty homes over her life and no one has ever referred to her as a “my something” before, let alone a family member.
“No,” she says quietly. “He didn’t do anything.”
“You sure?” he asks, studying her.
“Yeah,” Emma replies, waving him off and heading out the front door. “I’m handling it.”
She finds Killian leaning against the railing, looking out over the lawn. He looks relaxed, but she knows it’s all for show. There’s a tension in his shoulders that belays his own anxiousness. She watches him for a moment, taking him in before alerting him to her presence with a delicate cough.
Killian starts, turning to face her and scratching the back of his ear nervously. He gives her a small uneasy grin.
“For a second there, I thought you were going to leave me hanging,” he says after a beat.
“I was,” she admits. “But you’re persistent. I will give you that.”
His smile wavers a bit at her words. He lifts his foot and taps against the wooden boards of the porch of the ends of his toes.
“Um, can we talk?” Killian asks, still scratching the back of his ear
Emma leans against the doorway.
“We are already talking.”
Killian makes a frustrated noise.
“Alright, Swan, can we talk somewhere more…private?”
Emma looks down at her feet, brushing a rebellious strand of hair behind her ear. She mulls over his words, internally debating his request.
She likes Killian, but that’s the problem. He’s gotten under her skin in a way no one has in a long time. Not since Lily.
“There’s a trail in the woods,” she says after a moment. “We can take a walk…?”
“I would like that,” Killian says, the corners of his lips turning up a bit.
They move off the porch and head towards the thick woods that line the edge of the Nolan property. Between the pines is a well-worn dirt path normally used by bikers and dog walkers. It’s quiet, secluded and there’s little chance of any members of the Nolan family overhearing what is sure to be an awkward conversation.
Killian pulls no punches and a part of Emma appreciates it. The other part wants to hide.
“Why did you run off the other night?” he asks bluntly.
“Because I wanted to,” she replies with a shrug, trying to play it cool.
“Emma…” His voice sounds tired.
She stiffens. Killian never uses her name. It’s always Swan. She looks up from her feet and nearly flinches at the intense look in his eyes.
“Killian…” she replies with a half-hearted goofy smile, trying to defuse the tension.
It fails spectacularly. He steps closer to her.
“Can I do something and not have you run off?” he asks abruptly.
“Depends on what you wanna do…” she says flippantly. “Because if you’re going to axe-murder me, I’m definitely going to run away again…”
“Very funny,” he replies with a roll of his eyes.
He steps forward, directly into Emma’s personal space. Emma’s immediate instinct to step back, but she refrains. Killian’s stare is almost piercing and she wants to look away, but she doesn’t. A part of her feels like if she did, it would be admitting defeat.
His hand brushes against the apple of her cheek and she nearly jumps at the sensation. Heat blooms under her skin as his fingers gaze across her face until they reach her ear. He tugs a strand of hair behind it, eyes flickering to her lips.
His head tilts towards hers and she’s can’t breathe. Panic fills her and her heart rams against her ribs, but Emma doesn’t stop it. Rather, almost against her will, she leans in.
Killian’s lips are warm and slightly chapped when they press against hers. Doesn’t feel like a kiss should; it’s too tentative, too soft. It’s more inquisitive than pressing, as if he’s afraid that she’ll pull away. Without thinking, Emma raises on her toes and curls a hand around his neck, pushing forward until their noses feel mushed together. Killian sighs against her mouth, but instead of deepening the kiss like Emma expects him too, he pulls away and the moment is over. An unexpected disappointment fills her. Killian doesn’t go far though, rather he leans his forehead against hers.
“Why did you do that?” she asks.
“Because I wanted to,” he replies, opening his eyes. “You going to tell me the reason why you ran off now?”
“Because I wanted you to kiss me,” she says.
“Running off seems very counterproductive then,” he comments, raising an eyebrow.
She unfurls her arm and pushes him away, frowning at him.
“You don’t understand,” she says, shaking her head. “Killian, this is temporary. I’m going to be gone in a few months and bounced off to god knows where. That’s way it is. That’s why I don’t get attached. And this…this is attached…”
She gestures between them with her hand. He shakes his head at her.
“You don’t know that,” he says softly. “The Nolans are good people. And they adore you.”
“They adore me now. Give them a few months then they’ll get tired of me just like everyone else,” she says in a defeated tone. “Just like everyone else.”
“No. Not everyone. Not me. I could never get tired of you,” he says, taking her hand and giving it a kiss. “You’re wonderful and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t deserve you. If they don’t want you, I’ll take you.”
“I’m going to ignore the creepiness of that statement,” Emma replies dryly. “But I appreciate the sentiment.”
“I’m serious though. I would give you anything you asked of me. Even the shirt off my back.”
“You did give me the shirt off your back,” Emma replies, sniffling a laugh. “Last Thursday after you pushed me in the lake, you asshole.”
“Well, at least you know I’m a man of word,” Killian grins, wiggling his eyebrows.
She can’t help it. She laughs because he’s ridiculous, but he’s hers. Emma freezes at the thought. She’s never referred to another human being as hers before. Killian seems to catch the line of her thoughts because his silly expression grows serious.
“Swan, it’s okay. I know you think this is just temporary, but it’s not to me. If they take you away, which is highly unlikely because the Nolan adore you and will continue to adore you despite what you might believe, I will follow you. There’s nothing keeping me here. Do you believe me?”
His eyes bore into her eyes and the look on his face is so intense and so earnest, that Emma finds herself nodding.
“Yeah. I do.”
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Ch 12- Tunnel of Love
G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. finished stuffing his drawstring bag with biscuits. Both were a farewell present from the Boy Mayor, though G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. doubted whether or not it’d survive the world jump. It’s the thought that counts, I suppose. He whistled the song of dawn to himself and headed downstairs. Pam and Chris were already waiting, seated on the patio making small talk with their hosts. He grimaced when he noticed Chris holding a huge Ziploc full of pizza rolls. The past few days had proven a much-needed break, but the only thing they’d eaten were those flavor-blasted zest bites. Which had subsequently flavor-blasted his entire butt.
           Not pausing to consider why a robot would be built with a functioning GI tract, he stepped out and greeted everyone. Pam stood on his appearance, grabbing her own rucksack and staring at the khajiit intently. “Well, it really is a shame you can’t stay longer,” the Mayor said cheerily. “But you’re free to come back any time! Especially when we have my electoral victory party,” he added with the faintest hint of cockiness.
           Totinos slid behind his partner and gently rubbed his shoulders. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, dear. Still a lot of work to do.”
           The Boy Mayor grinned. “Of course hon, but voters loooove confidence.” He broke into a high-pitched chuckle that the party uncomfortably joined.
They said their final goodbyes. Totinos gave G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. a shoulder squeeze and a knowing look which flushed G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D.’s face all the way down to his synthetic toe beans. Did he see? The Mayor multiplied his embarrassment by winking in literally the most inconspicuous manner possible. Yup, time to go. He and Chris walked over toward the swimming pool. They turned back to see Pam on one knee, apparently pulling the squat Mayor into a stiff but lengthy embrace. Chris uttered a small sound of surprise. Then Pam joined them. The trio joined hands, G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. focused his processors, and they vanished from Second Life.
             Sometimes the shift was instantaneous. In times of heightened emotion or other mental anxiety in the travelers, the jump was perceived more slowly, an accidental mercy to prevent excessive strain on the mind. Now G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. hardly noticed the flashes of color around them; how the magic time tube lazily sloped, twisted, and arced without urgency; how this strange power flinging them across realities did not sprint, but sailed. His thoughts lived only in the theme park where yesterday might as well have been another universe.
           He and Chris sort of half-jogged to the entrance of a faux-marble structure. Emblazoned at the top of the plastic Parthenon were the words “Tunnel of Love.” G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D.’s power supply unit sent electricity tingling through every jittering muscle. Are we really doing this? Am I? “So I, uh- I thought this would be kind of funny.” Though a transparent lie, it was pretty funny. The combination of Greco-Roman architecture paired with giant swan boats circling a lazy river was fairly ridiculous.
           “It’s funny you suggested it,” Chris retorted. “It’s got birds and water, so you’re probably 50/50 on it?” Bad cat jokes aside, G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. wasn’t fooled by his cool demeanor. The Pebble’s face was bright red, the tinge creeping all the way up into his bald scalp. They hadn’t stopped holding hands since G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. led them here.
           They both hopped up into a large swan. A switch flipped somewhere and their craft lurched forward. G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. sat frozen, staring at cheesy depictions of Cupid and thousands of different heart drawings. He couldn’t move. Or think. He had to say something. Ahhhhhhhhh. “Feeling better?” Really? “I mean, like, have you recovered from the fight, do you think?”
           Chris glanced sideways at him. “Yeah, why? Was my go-karting not up to your standards?” he teased.
           “No you were good, it’s just-.” G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. stopped. “I guess I’m just worried about you.” Chris cocked his head. “I just… When I met your dad back in your world, he asked me to take care of you. And…” he sighed. This is not what I intended. “I feel like I wasn’t there for you. I-.” His throat caught. Bloody hell I’m a goddamn robot how is this even happening. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
           There was a painful silence. Chris only squeezed G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D.’s paw. “G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D… do you know what the worst thing about pain is?”
           “No, dummy.” Chris smiled. The muscles in his neck relaxed. G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. felt so confused. “It’s like, no one else feels how bad it hurts. It’s just you.” The wrestler gazed off into the middle distance. “No matter how you describe it, or no matter how much you talk about it, no one else really understands.” He looked G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. in the eyes. “Unless someone else experiences that pain too.” His long fingers ran up and down the khajiit’s fur. “You were right there beside me the whole time. I’d rather be in pain together.”
           G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. felt. It was like his body weighed five times more, but everything was numb and nothing else mattered but this moment, these few seconds before their dumb ride came to an end. He tried desperately to burn this image into his memory, Chris’ eyes and voice, the slow rocking of the boat, feeling like he was made of lightning. He coughed, trying to clear his throat. “Pam was right about you.”
           Chris raised an eyebrow. “Um, about what?��            The robot grinned. “You are full of sanctimonious bullshit.” He cackled over Chris telling him to fuck off. But the wrestler also beamed. A previously undetected tension began to dissipate.
           The pair disembarked the swan. G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. suggested they try to find the others. They no longer held hands, but G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. didn’t dwell on it. He pored over the events of the last three minutes, stunned by the novelty and delight of it all.
           Before the cat responded, Chris placed his hand behind his back and pressed his lips to the fur of G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D.’s neck. His vision went white from the electrical energy surging through his circuits. The wrestler laughed and ran ahead. “Hurry up, I know how much you love water slides!” The words were meaningless and G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. didn’t care. He wished that moment would have been the end of his story.
           “Hey!” He was startled out of the reverie. An impatient Pam slapped his face. “Snap out of it furball. We’re here.”
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