konigceo · 5 months
i just won the lottery (he's taller, nerdy, also korean, doesn't have socials, and is a genuinely good person)
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percybeloved · 5 months
"One more year"
Otis Milburn x M! Reader
Contains: Just pure fluff. It does consist of M/N having a abusive mother. This whole thing was based off of a old fanfic I had wrote like 2 yrs ago
Otis's point of view but begins in a 3rd POV
Requests Open!
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Otis forgot his number. "Damn it, M/N." he thought "The one time I actually need you and you aren't able to contact me" "What is it?" Victoria looked down at her watch. "Its 9:03. Go on and leave" She grumbled and rolled her eyes before stomping off to the bathroom, leaving him in her room alone. Otis decided that there was no use behind texting M/N.
Victoria Jones, one of his clients. She despised him but her mom got him to do this because.... Otis forgot why. But he atleast had enough money for a gift that he'd been saving up for.
I grabbed my things and ended up walking home instead of waiting for someone to come by and get me. As soon as I got home, I put my stuff aside and almost flopped down on my bed. Before I could, I saw a tuff of h/c hair peaking from under my comforter. A small smile appeared on my face.
"M/N?" I say softly, shaking him a bit I move the comforter from his face slightly to reveal beautiful e/c eyes. "Hi, N/N" One of my bestfriends. He was truly gorgeous. But there was a purplish mark on his left eye. "Another fight with her?" He didn't respond. Instead, he nodded. "What're you wearing?" He clenches the comforter tighter. I pull it down slightly to see the shirt had blood on its collar. "I'll be back, okay??" He sat up and looked at me still silent.
I come back with a white shirt and some old boxers of his and pass it to M/N. "Thanks, Otis" "Are you ok?" I look at him and sigh. He sits back on the bed and apologizes. "I'm sorry, You're the only person I could've came to. I won't be a bother in a bit" I take the warm, wet rag and lifted his shirt up. There was dried blood on his chest and neck so I quickly wiped it off for him. "You aren't a bother, o-ok? You can stay" I stuttered out.
He was ready to argue with me about it but I quickly walked away to throw his blood stained clothes and rag in my laundry bin. A silence fell upon us. The 2nd one I've been in today. But this was different. It was comfortable. I quickly threw on my pajamas as I scooted into bed with him. A arm was flung over my body.
Sunday Morning
"Im Back, Jean!" I hear from my room. I hadn't invited anyone over so it must've been for my mum. I moved slightly and was met with M/N being awake too. I felt him bring a hand up and place it on the back of my neck. He rubbed softy. I had no idea what was going on but it was nice. It was really nice.
"I know you were with Victoria, Otis" He said softly, his voice still kinda deep. "How?" He scooted down further in the bed, laying his head on my chest. "Perfume. I could smell her perfume. But enough of her. Lets stay like this, please?" M/N held my waist softly. A small “okay” was all I could muster before sinking into his touch.
This is nice. This is very nice. I ran my hand on his arm that was littered in scars. Most were from her, his mother. Others were either from childhood accidents or from sports. Sometimes, I truly wonder if we can be together forever.
Well. Only one way to find out. "M/N?" A small hum came from him as he looked at me. "Can I hold you?" With a small smile, he mutters a yes before leaning into my body. A wrap my arms around him before kissing him right under his eye. "Lets get a place somewhere"
M/N's eyes fluttered a bit before he finally said something. "Okay, after grade 12, lets do it. Just me, you, and a apartment or something" After that day, me and M/N started to work more. I made money from my sessions aswell as tutoring a few kids after class. M/N picked up a job at a local restaurant. After about a year, we had enough money to buy a place. During said year, Dad pitched in and lended us some (pity) money. Mom did the same thing too.
We only had one more year. One more year untill M/N would be safe with me holding him every single day.
Authors Note-
Sorry for being gone on and off!! I’ve been trying to make cash but I’ll make sure to try to get requests out over the next couple weeks!!! Please commission me for art or bigger fan-fiction projects :33
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
Okay but hear me out: Grayson begging to come with you to take care of your baby siblings (like 2 and 4 years old) and he’s ON IT but then they get really out of hand and he’s like “I can see why birth control is a thing”
Listen I worked in a daycare for four years and I’m a firm believer that anyone wanting to have a kid needs to work that job for a week. Or like, forget the stupid baby dolls you take care of in high school, let a 15 yr old take care of 5 babies or 10 2 yr olds by themselves and see if they’ll have unprotected sex lol
You’re walking around your apartment, straightening up the place and removing anything potentially breakable or that might be a choking hazard in preparation for the day you promised to babysit your niece and nephew, when your phone buzzes in the back pocket of your jeans.
“Hello?” you answer, unplugging a stray phone charger from the wall socket by the couch and replacing it with one of the childproof plastic covers.
“Hey,” came Grayson’s voice on the other end of the line. “What time do you think you’ll head over?”
You pause in the middle of the room, confused momentarily, then smack your palm to your forehead. You had totally forgotten the plans you had made with your boyfriend to have a pool day at his house. 
“Shit. I’m sorry, Gray. I totally forgot, I told my brother like three weeks ago that I’d watch his kids for the day while he and his wife go house hunting.”
“Oh, damn,” he says, disappointed. His voice perks up when he speaks again, however. “I love kids, though! What if I came over and helped you out?”
You raise an eyebrow. “You want to spend your Saturday wrangling two toddlers? They’re little hellions, babe, to put it nicely.”
You can hear his grin through the phone. “Yeah. I wanna see you be an auntie.”
After a few seconds of hesitation, you relent. You’d be lying if you tried to say that you aren’t thinking about him being in dad mode for the day now, too. “Alright, but you don’t get to bail when shit hits the fan. Let me check that it’s cool with my brother.”
An hour later, you’ve got your just-turned-two niece Cami and her four year-old brother Cash sitting on your couch, entranced by Aquanauts playing on the TV, when Grayson knocks at the door. The kids’ heads jerk up, and your nephew looks at you questioningly, always excited for the opportunity to be a big boy and answer the door. You smile and nod, giving him permission to scramble off the couch with you following close behind.
You help him heave the door open, and he looks up at Grayson standing there, friendly smile fixed on his face when he sees your nephew. 
“Hey, little man! Can I come in?”
Cash nods with an excited smile of his own. You had already told him that your friend Grayson would be coming over to play with them. Outgoing and extroverted and a genuine people-person to no end, he had been as jittery and excited as if you had given him a spoonful of sugar ever since.
Grayson steps past the threshold of your apartment, and holds his fist out for Cash to bump. “I’m Grayson.”
You feel two little hands tug on your shirt, and you look down to see Cami reaching up to be held, curious about this new person but also cautious. You sweep her up and settle her on your hip, then nod at your nephew. “Gray, this is Cash. Tell him how old you are, bud.”
“Four!” he shouts, counting out the correct number of fingers before holding them up to Grayson. “I had a Spider-Man party! Do you like Spider-Man?”
“Dude, I love Spider-Man,” Grayson says exaggeratedly, giving Cash an enthusiastic high-five. He looks at Cami, who’s got her head resting on your shoulder as she watches this stranger interact with her brother. “And who’s this?”
“You gonna tell Grayson your name?” you ask Cami, knowing it’ll be hit or miss if she does or not. Much more of an introvert and also used to having an older silbling do everything for her, she isn’t quite as quick to warm up to people as her rambunctious brother. Sure enough, today is a no-go, but she still observes Grayson with big eyes and a fascinated little smile. 
Before you can answer your boyfriend, Cash speaks for her in that typical older-sibling fashion. “Her name is Campbell, but we call her Cami. Or Cam.”
“No way! My sister’s name is Cam, too!”
That’s all the small talk and mutual ground Cash needs to grab Grayson by the wrist and drag him into your living room to play with the pile of toys on the rug. He flashes you a grin as he passes, clearly impressed with himself that he’s already made such good friends with Cash.
You grin and roll your eyes, but follow them and sit with your back resting against the couch and Cami planted in your lap.
Admittedly, Grayson is a natural as he makes all the appropriate dinosaur and car crash noises and gladly accepts the Batman action figure instead of Spider-Man. He even coaxes Cami to take one of the animal figures, meeting her smile with a bright one of his own, glad to be making some headway now with the precious little girl in your arms.
Until Cash catches sight of the little plastic tiger now in Cami’s hands, and decides to ruin the moment completely.
“That’s mine, Cam!” he shouts, dropping Spider-Man and snatching the toy from her.
You know it’s coming, but Grayson is completely unprepared for the shrieking scream that Cami lets out as she clambers off your lap to take back the toy. Gray winces and looks at you in shock, but you’re just immediately going into ‘stop the fight’ mode.
“Cash, you weren’t even playing with that,” you reprimand, holding out your hand for him to reluctantly drop the toy into. You sit Cami on the rug next to him and make her look you in the eye. “Cami, use your words next time. What do you say when you want something?”
Her eyes light up when she sees the toy in your hand that she knows is about to belong to her once again. “P’ease!” she says, swiping her hand across her chest as well, leftover baby sign language engrained in her little brain.
You hand her the toy and make her say ‘thank you’ as well, then catch Grayson watching you in awe. “You handled that well,” he says.
You blush a little and shrug, crawling across the carpet now that the kids are happy and occupied so you can plant a soft kiss to his lips. “Hi,” you murmur, grinning against his mouth.
He chuckles and kisses you again, equally as chaste. “Hi.”
There are a couple more arguments that you have to stop, then they settle down for a bit while they eat a morning snack of banana slices and Cheerios. Cami definitely dumps her half-empty bowl on the floor to signify that she’s finished, and Cash accidentally spills his water everywhere after taking the lid off because ‘he’s not a baby.’ Grayson offers to clean it up while you take the kids to the bathroom to wipe Cami’s messy hands and face and to change Cash’s soaking wet clothes.
There’s a park nearby your apartment, so once everything is tidy again, the two of you round up the excited little balls of energy and head out the door. Both kids have easily become infatuated with Grayson, and as the four of you walk the sidewalk on your way to the park, he carries Cami on his hip while holding tightly on to Cash’s hand to stop him from chasing bugs into traffic. It’s an adorable image, to say the least, and makes your chest swell warmly.
You like watching him run around with Cash equally as much while you push Cami on the baby swings. Grayson is learning first-hand that even someone as in-shape as himself is no match for the energy of an excited four year-old. He chases Cash around the playground, flies him around like an airplane, and plays a game of tag before finally convincing him to come to the swings as well.
You laugh when he makes his way over, panting heavily. “Having fun?” you ask amusedly.
Grayson doesn’t answer, just takes his place behind the swing Cash chooses and catches his breath for a moment as he starts to push him.
“Just trying to figure out how my dad did this with me and E.”
Lunch and nap come next, which goes a little smoother than snack had. Grayson plays with them on the floor again while you cook, and you let him put out the squabbles himself until everything is ready. Cash only puts up a small fight when you lay them down in your bed. They’re both out in a matter of minutes, exhausted by the activities and excitement of their morning.
When you emerge back in the living room, you find Grayson slumped on the couch, staring at the TV that’s now playing Dora.
“Brushing up on your Spanish?” you ask, plopping down next to him and snuggling up to his side. “Or are you watching for the adventure?”
Grayson chuckles and wraps his arm around your shoulder so he can pull you closer to him, his voice gruff and tired. “You were right. Hellions, both of them. Cute, but insane.”
You tip your head up to kiss the underside of his jaw. “For what it’s worth, they loved you.”
“Really?” he asks, his voice lighting up with the smile you can’t see.
You nod against his chest, grinning as you think back on the day. “Absolutely. Cami never takes to strangers that fast, and you were able to keep up with Cash, which is a feat not many others can do.”
He’s quiet for a moment. “Kinda makes me scared to have kids now. It’s only been like five hours and I’m already exhausted.”
“You’re meant to be a dad Gray,” you assure him quietly, lifting your head and offering him a gentle smile. “If I didn’t already know that before, everything I saw today definitely made me think so. And no good thing comes easy, right? I think being a little tired is worth having one of those of your own, don’t you?”
“For sure,” he nods, cupping your cheek and dipping down to kiss you softly.
You hum into his mouth, needy for him now that you’ve got him all to yourself, and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down until you’ve got him sprawled our on top of you. You trace his lips with your tongue before slipping it between them, but at the first slide of it against his, Grayson pulls back.
“Is this okay, you know, with them...?” He nods down the hall to the closed door of your room.
You nod. “They’re heavy sleepers. We should probably keep it to over the clothes stuff just in case, though. And my brother will be here in an hour to get them, so we only have to wait until then.”
It’s enough to satisfy him, and Grayson ducks down again, ready to pick right back up, until he breaks away from your mouth once more.
“What?” you ask breathily, looking up at him with both confusion and frustration.
He reaches an arm behind you to grab the remote sitting on the arm of the couch. “I’m sorry, I just can’t make out while Dora is screaming at me to ‘vamonos.’”
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hazzascrrls · 3 years
I have a daughter?
Summary: Alpha! Harry rejects his mate an omega after mating with her. 3 yrs later he gets to know he has a child..... but that’s not the only surprise he gets.
This idea was inspired by another post.
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4 yrs ago
Today I had to go down to the mall and get something for my room. As I reached their I went inside a décor shop.
“How can I help you ma’am?” A worker asked
“Well I’m trying to make my room in the theme of Green, White and Brown. Kind of like this” I said and showed him a pic
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“Well ma’am the vines are that way” He said and lead me there
As we reached there.
I felt a smell hit me.
My wolf said
“Mate” I whispered.
My mate turned around and starting looking around and then his eyes landed on me.
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Fuck! My mate’s Harry Styles.
He came over to me.
“Mate” He said 
Holy Shit! His voice is way deeper in reality.
“Hi” I said and he smiled
“Hi” he said
“Ma’am here are the vines for your room” The worker said coming back from the store room.
“Thank You!” I said
“No problem ma’am” he said and left
“So.... What’s your name?” Harry asked
“Y/N.” I said
“Harry” he said and extended his arm for me to shake
I shook his hand
“Stay here” He said and I nodded
He went back to where he was standing got the blankets he was looking at and came to me.
“Let’s go shall we?” He asked and I smiled
We went over to the cashier and payed for our stuff.
“I would like to take you out on a date” Harry said
“I’d like that” I said and smiled
We exchanged numbers and went home.
1 year later
“Hey baby!!” I exclaimed as I went inside our home.
That’s right after 6 months of dating Harry asked me to move in with him.
You might think that’s fast.
But we’re mates. It’s not.
“Hey love” Harry said and kissed me.
“Baby” I moaned in the kiss.
Harry pulled away from the kiss and looked at me he rubbed his fingers over his mating mark on my neck and
“I Alpha Harry Edwards Styles of the Cheshire Pack reject Omega Y/N Y/MN Y/LN” He said and my eyes widened
“Harry....” I was about to complete my sentence but then a gut retching pain shot through my entire body.
“AAAHHH!!!!” I screamed and blacked out.
2 hrs. later
I woke up in a unfamiliar place.
“Where am I ?” I asked the women standing in front of me
“You’re in a hospital love. Do you know what happened?” She asked
“My mate rejected me” I said and my eyes filled with tears
“Oh love, I’m so sorry” She said and came over to hug me
“Who’s your mate?” She asked
“Harry Styles” I said
“Alpha?” She asked and I nodded and she gave me a sympathetic look.
“Love... There is something else you should know” She said and I looked at her
“You’re pregnant” She said and my whole world came crashing down.
9 months later
“Ok Alpha... One last push you can do it. One last push.” The doctor said and I pushed as hard as I could and a crying sound rang through the room.
“She’s here” The doctor said 
She cleaned my daughter up and handed her to me
“Scarlett Anne Styles” I said and the nurse wrote it on her birth certificate
“Hey baby.... I’m your mommy and I promise I will never leave you” I said and kissed her forehead
Present time
Scarlett is now 3 years old an Alpha and a total copy of her father. 
“Mommy!!!” I heard a small voice cheer 
“Hi puppy” I said picking up my daughter
“How was your day?” I asked
“The bestest” She said
“What is your team name harry? The interviewer asked
“We are the bestest” He said and I groaned
“That’s not a word” I said and he winked at me and I shook my head
Flashback End
“Mommy?” Scarlett called me
“What happened?” She asked
“Nothing dove” I said  and took her to my restaurant.
That’s right I’m a Michelin Star chef.
She had a dance class so I had my beta take her there.
“Hello. How my I help you?” I said
“Reservation for two under Styles” The man said and I looked up
“H-Harry?” I whispered
Erm.. This way” I said and led them to their seats
“MOMMY!!!” A little voice called
“Hey baby” I said and picked her up
“You’re Harry Styles!!” Scarlett exclaimed
“Hey love... What’s your name?” He asked
“Scarlett Anne Styles” She said and my eyes widened
“She’s your child?” The girl Harry came with asked
“There are a lot of people in the world with Styles as their last name” I said
“Slut” She whispered
“I’m not S-L-U-T She is me and my mates daughter but he rejected me before I even knew” I said and ushered Scarlett to Nina 
“I have a daughter?” He asked
The girl with him got up and left.....
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soooldout · 4 years
200910 Sunggyu on Vlive Channel +
Sunggyu recently started working out. Sungyeol taught him how to work out to be fit while they’re in the military.
He didn’t have a Kinky Boots show or recordings today, so he took a rest and watched the Korean movie, “Deliver Us from Evil” at home.
He shares a Netflix account with his manager/long time friend Daehyun. They haven't had an argument while working together.   
Fans said he is so good at expressing his anger on Kinky Boots Act 2. Sunggyu said it’s because he doesn't do that in real life. He gets along with the actors who play Lola very well. 
When he went camping with Minseok and Eunsung, he had so much fun singing or grilling choco pies. Choco pies taste much better if you grill them. He hasn't met his friends recently because of the pandemic. 
The reason he said he sometimes wants to go back to the military is because there he's always with someone. But he only feels like that very briefly on very rare occasions. It's much better to be a civilian. 
 He has recorded about five new songs. He actually recorded more but picked the five for his next album. He’s waiting for more songs to be composed. He thought of releasing “Closer” and talked to Jongwan (of Nell), the composer of the song. But Jongwan said he wrote the song for 26-yr-old Sunggyu, not 30-yr-old Sunggyu, because he thinks Sunggyu sings ”Closer” with different emotions now. They originally recorded the song when they were working for the album ”27.”
Kinky Boots requires much stamina as he’s on stage pretty much throughout the musical. The conveyor belt scenes are hard and the songs are also very high notes. Fans asked if he would play the role of Lola one day. He laughed and said if he would be able to do it. It's a very attractive role. He might play it if he gets the chance but maybe it's not the right role for him. He will have to take off his shirt if he plays Lola, so his mom won't like it. He sang ”Land of Lola” briefly. His favorite number is ”Soul of a Man.” At first, it was hard for him to sing because the notes are very high. But it's the song he expresses Charlie’s emotions, so he likes it very much now. 
He said he expressed his anger on the show ”You Are My Oppa” only because the producer asked him to do so. Same with ”Sesame player” or ”Weekly Idol”.  But he expressed his anger during dance practices because he was actually upset. When he was younger, he was harsh on himself so he sometimes got frustrated and got mad or cried. He's more mature now. He had been under a lot of stress because he can't do what he had planned due to COVID19. But it's not something he can do anything about as it is the pandemic, so he has accepted it. 
He almost cried when he heard the news that his first Kinky Boots show is canceled while he was getting ready on the backstage. He was very disappointed and sad because he prepared so much. He wasn't able to do anything on that day. Same when his show got canceled again. But then when he finally had his first show, he was very nervous. He had two shows on that day too. He was very thankful. 
These days he doesn't meet with anyone, so he didn't get a chance to see  Sungjong on his birthday but they talked on the phone. 
Fans told him his MBTI is the complete opposite of Woohyun’s. He said their personalities are very different and he thinks it’s good because they can complement each other. Everybody knows their personalities are different.  They had arguments but not often at all. 
He doesn't like taking selfies and he hasn't taken one for a while. 
He really misses his family but he can't go visit them because of the coronavirus. He really wants to meet his niece. His mom wants to see his Kinky Boots shows very much.  But she spends much time with his baby niece and nephew so she can't really take the risk. Sunggyu is very sad that he cannot go see his family during the big holiday, Chuseok (Full moon festival). He realized how precious it was to see people you miss at any time.
Sunggyu has a very good relationship with his older sister. He hasn't met his new niece, unfortunately, but his sister showed her to him on video calls and also sent him many photos & videos.
He learned how to drive from his manager back then. He used to drive an SUV because it felt safer and more convenient, but now he doesn't have a car. 
He will get a flu shot sometime next week when he can take a day off. You need to take a rest after you get a flu shot. He's not afraid of getting vaccines. The reason he frowned when they drew his blood at the military was that he didn't want to see it. It feels weird. But getting vaccines is ok. He's used to it. He got so many in the military. 
He doesn't want to get tattoos because he thinks it will be too painful, not because he's scared. But he sometimes thinks it looks cool on others. 
They haven't decided if his new album will be mini or regular. Some composers are the ones he hasn't worked with before. He wrote some lyrics. He hasn't picked the title song. He doesn't know how many songs will be on his new album. He might have a song featured by a rapper. It’s probably not gonna be Dongwoo because they sang together a lot of Infinite songs. It will probably be someone new. Jangjun’s too busy so it won't be him. 
He's not sure if he'll be able to have a showcase in this pandemic. He really really hopes he can release a new album. He hopes so, much more than Inspirits do. He really hopes he can have an online concert. He wants to see his fans with Yeobongs, too. He got shy saying the name Yeobong because it means “Honey”. There were other candidates for the name of the light stick that were too funny.  He said Kkobong was a too funny name for the lightstick as it means an underling. The fans said it was his idea and then he said it's a cute name and actually a shortening of kkoma eunwonbong, meaning a mini light stick. 
He really really wants to have a fan meet at the end of the year. He wants to have online concerts and fan meets more than anyone. But the time and his turn have to come. A lot is going on at the company. He really hopes he can have them. He is not a board member of Woollim. 
He really wanted to be very active after his military discharge. He wanted to feel compensated for the 2 yrs he was gone. He didn't expect this pandemic and he's sad and disappointed. He was very upset when his concerts got canceled. He'd been waiting for them for so long.
These days he gets foods delivered as he cannot go out to eat. He recently loves Mexican foods such as burritos or tacos. 
Now he will eat, take a shower and take some rest to get ready for tomorrow’s performance. 
He promised to do another Vlive next week. 
“Stay healthy everyone. I know it's hard but please find a way to be happy even in this pandemic. Hang in there everyone. Stay safe. See you again soon!”
translations by ifntnews on twitter
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maximum118 · 4 years
Me- I decided to post in school
Me- Heisu. Hush
Zen- leans in* Sooo I found a locked door...
Me- snaps head to her* did you open it?
Zen- Maybe...*Glances to the destruction behind her* 
Zen- It said “Do open!”
Me- IT SAID “DO /N O T/ OPEN!!!” 
Zen- Oh...heheh...whoops...
Zen- But she-
Me- ZEN!!!
Zen- OK DAMN!! 
Episode 2- New Beginnings pt. 2
Episode 1 / Episode 2 (You here) / Chapter 4
           2 hours had passed when Kouten left the nest of the emochickens. He was just jumping on the rooftops trying to find minor heroes to rid of in the new area. If his younger set of twin siblings don't get in the way, that is. 
           Kouten looks behind him where Zen, also known as Retribution, was following him. He sighs. "Retribution. Why are you here?" he asks. Retribution pouts. "Can't a sister who is worried for elder brother follow him around?" she asks. 
           "No, she cannot because she might kill someone who isn't a hero and then land both of them in jail." He says lightly, pushing her away. 
           Archangel lands next to Retribution. "Then maybe the elder brother should not be a villain." He says—retribution snickers. Kouten pulls out a water bottle and aims it at Retribution. "Don't make me use this." He says. 
           Retribution hisses and hides behind Archangel. Kouten facepalms and smells a faint odor of a dead body. 
           "What the…" mumbles Kouten as he peeks over the building. He notices a dead body, "Uh. Archangel, You're a vigilante, right…?".
           Archangel arches his eyebrow and checks, almost retching, "OH, THAT'S DISGUSTING." He shouts. Retribution leans over. "Ooo, dead body. Let's burn it!" says Retribution taking some fire from her wings. 
           "Retribution, Kou no." 
           "Retribution, Kou yes." 
           "No. Can we not do this, you two?" asks Archangel as he looks at his twin and elder brother. 
           "But cremation…." Says Retribution as she puts her wings out. 
           "Actually, I'm in with cremation. I gotta satisfy my bloodlust." Says Kouten, Archangel facepalms. Peaking through the gaps in his fingers, Archangel recognized something in the dark. A light, moving towards the body. 
           The trio quietly looks from above. A black hooded person with a lantern tail stood over the body. 
           "Are they a hero?" whispers Zen to her brothers. Kouten looks at Archangel.
           "Not all heroes know vigilantes Kouten." Whispers Archangel. 
           Kouten shifts his gaze over to the person. The person kneels and opens the lantern top. Allowing something to light up the inside of the lantern. After the person closed the top, Kouten jumps down to the person. 
           The person turns to Kouten, briefly showing ginger hair and a mask. Kouten walks up to them. "Listen, Hero. I'll give you 5 seconds to run before scorch ya." He says. 
           The person tilts their head, gazing at Kouten. "Hero…? I am not a hero…" he says softly. 
           "Wait…you aren't a hero? Then are you a villain? If that's the case, Scat!" 
           "I am neither a villain. I am my own thing. I will not leave just so another can kill more."
           Kouten stares dumbfounded at the person. "So you are a hero?" he asks. 
           "…I am a person with morals and a person who senses you've been through something…years ago…" 
           "What..?? No, I haven't!" 
           The person walks closer to him, pointing to the scar on Kouten's cheek. 
           "that wound isn't from birth. Something truly happened to you."
           Kouten doesn't say anything as he looks down. From what he can see, the person was up to Kouten's chest. Kouten also noticed ginger hair with dyed black ends.
           "I also sense…you did have a heart of a hero once…" 
           Kouten stumbles back. "What are you…" he says, looking at them.
           "I am a human with a lantern tail and some skills." The person answers. 
           "…You don't sound human… you're reading my past like… it's nothing…" 
           The person giggles as they did some parkour-up metal balconies. Landing on the opposite building of where Retribution and Archangel were. The person stares down at Kouten. "Oh, I suggest leaving before the police come, villain." They say as they run on the rooftops away. 
           Kouten hears sirens and quickly gets up to his siblings. He looks to Archangel. "Better act that you came here." He says as he and Retribution leave the scene.
           Retribution looks at Kouten "what were you and the person talking about?" She asks. 
           "…they were able to read my past. Also, know I was a hero once." He answers, looking away.
           "Are we going to run into them more often?" 
           "For all of us? Rarely. For just me? Probably…" 
           "What do you mean?"
           "They seemed interested in me when they warned me to leave quickly before the police get there." 
           "So they might be following you after tonight?" 
           "Possibly. No one else told any villains before to leave the scene. They did. Either they're interested in me, they don't have a side, or they have a villainous family." 
           "Speaking of sides…did you find out if they're an ally? Or an enemy?"
           "They answered that they're a person of morals."
           Retribution stops flying and lands. "So…hero?" she asks.
           Kouten stops running and shakes his head. "Some villains have morals too. I think they're…neutral…" he answers. 
           "I'll trust your choice. For now, I found some minor heroes." Says Retribution smirking, Kouten smirks with her 
"about. Fuckin. Time."
           ~Next morning ~
           Kouten, Zen, and Hato came home at 3 am and passed the fuck out. That is until...
           Haruki bursts into Kouten's room at 6:30 am. "WAKKKKEEE UPPPP BREAKFAST TIME BROTHA!" he shouts, jumping on Kouten. 
           "OWWWW!!!!" Shouts kouten, looking at his adorable brother. 
           "Haruki! Go wake up, Sai!" says Kouten. Haruki Innocently smiles. 
           "but Sai told me to wake up you, Z, and Hato!" 
           ". . .SAIIII! SCREW YOU!" 
           Sai walks past Kouten's room door. "Told you not to stay up too late." He says, entering Hato's room. 
           "hato. Wake up. Hei can't wake Zen up." He says, shaking Hato. 
           Hato groans and grabs his phone, and plays an American song called "Worth it" by Fifth harmony. 
           Sai raises an eyebrow in confusion and then hears shouting from Zen's room-
           Sai blinks at the shouting then looks to Hato, who is currently half asleep. 
           "How in the world-"
           "Don't question it." Says Hato going into his mini-fridge. Pulling out two pinkie mice and placing them in his snake's tank. 
           "You just have frozen mice in your mini-fridge?" 
           "The snake gotta eat something, or it's eating Z. Toasted chicken." 
           Zen leans in "wait. You would feed me to your snake?" she asks.
           "If I run out of mice, yes. Either you, Kou or Satori. Peace and quiet then." 
           Zen gasps, "DAMN YOU! YOU TRAITOR!" She shouts. Hato gives her a look. 
           "you said yourself when you had scorpions, if you didn't have any food, you'll poison one of us. Guess who then squashed them..his name starts with a D." 
           Zen looks down "hey, Kouten, and you shouldn't have snitched!" She says. Sai looks at Zen. 
           "YOU HAD PET SCORPIONS!?" he shouts. Zen looks at him.
           "Currently, I have two female long-tailed chinchillas, both babies. One's name is Lechuza. She is more mischievous. The other, Adelita, is quieter and shyer." 
           Hato gets an idea and smirks. "Chinchillas?" he asks. Zen panics and runs to her room screaming, "DON'T TOUCH MY BABIES!!"
           Back with Kouten, who grabbing food for Haruki and gets ready for his day. Brushing his untamed hair, he looks out the bathroom where Sai is dragging Hato and somehow Zen to the kitchen. 
           "Hey, did the moving truck bring my bike here yet?" Asks Kouten. Sai looks over to Kouten. "Should be in the garage. You got to get going?" asks Sai. 
           Kouten shows a message from his modeling agency "Yup. A new designer wants me to model. I won't be in the office today anyways." Explains Kouten. Sai nods, gently pushing the 23 yr old twin set in the kitchen.
           "Alright, be safe. No killing either. Remember L is lobby! G is garage!" Says Sai as he gives Kouten a look. Going to Riku's and Satori's room to wake them up.
           Kouten rolls his eyes and grabs his keys and helmet. "See ya, Kou!" says Haruki as Kouten smiles leaving the penthouse to the elevator, pressing G to head to the garage. After stopping a few floors where people enter the elevator recognizing him from his TV appearances and modeling. Some asking for autographs, others pictures, and some with questions like "Are you with someone?", "How is your life with the former number 2 hero, Hawks?" or something else entirely strange. 
           Kouten looks around. When his eyes land on a red and black bike. 
           "Ah, hello, baby. Good to see you have no scratches." He says, wiping it down. "No dust either…" he mumbles. Getting on the bike placing his helmet on, he gets moving.
           ~Later at a cafe~ 
           Kouten removes his helmet and begins fixing his hair. "Ugh…stupid dad genes." Mumbles Kouten.
           He enters the cozy café in front of him. He was in the center of the city, a lively place where many shops were around. Upon entering, he got a text from his manager saying he's running late. Kouten sighs and thinks about getting a coffee.
           Looking at the menu, he waits in line. Once it was his turn, he ordered a coffee and waited at the end of the counter. After waiting a few minutes, the barista seeming bored and pushed two drinks, not even saying the names. 
           Kouten rolls his eyes fine bitch, so I won't fight you mainly for plot convince thinks Kouten and goes to grab one when he touched another's. Startled, he quickly retracted his hand and looks at the person next to him.
           "I am sorry-"Kouten cuts himself off. Staring at what he believes is male. The man had semi-tanned skin and lavender eyes. Along with that, he had a yellow crescent moon shape with two navy stars shapes near the moon on his left cheek. What Kouten noticed was the ginger hair with black dyed ends. Then the lantern tail, Remembering from the person last night.
           Kouten was breathless. He looks away, grabbing the other drink. A faint blush on his cheeks. "Sorry…I didn't know you also ordered coffee." Says Kouten. 
           "I didn't…I ordered hot tea…" says the male. Kouten looks at the cup he's currently holding and noticing the characters "Ei" (Crystal) and "ta" (gentle can be mean big/blessed. I prefer Gentle/blessed) and the characters spelling out Inoue. Kouten becomes embarrassed "here. This is yours then." He says, handing the cup to the male, Inoue Eita.
           Eita blushes and takes the cup. He then pushes the 1st  cup to Kouten. Quickly leaving to meet a black-haired purple-eyed male. Kouten watches as the two walk-offs from the café. After the duo wasn't in view, Kouten sits down and thinks I should've invited him to chat with me. He thinks. 
           Meanwhile, with Eita, the male next to Eita, smiling, looks to him. "So you met a celebrity?" he asks.
           "He was a celebrity?" Asks Eita glancing at the man.
           The male sweatdrops, "You, sir, are going to get killed one day." He says.
           "I'm surprised you haven't tried to kill me, Hotaru..." 
           The male, Hotaru, smiles more "It's Hiroshi in the daytime. Plus, you're useful to me. I got to have a proper fortune to see if I can get away with murder."  
           Eita looks down and looks to his tail, glowing faintly …Did he not see who I am? Or did he notice and not say? A chuckle escapes his throat Todoroki Kouten…you…interest me…He thinks. He looks to Hotaru as he chats up random people. Potential victims to kill, more lives needlessly killed.
           Eita thinks about 3 months ahead of now, a circus with some old friends is coming to the city. Eita looks at the sky. It'll be nice to see them again…Thinks Eita with a smile.
           Back with Kouten, he continues to wait for his manager. As another bright day is full of unexpected things begins in this world of new beginnings. 
           The barista, leaving for the day with her friend. The friend looks at her. "You are literally planning soft angst?" They say.
           The barista snickers, "I might. Truthfully the readers get a slow burn romance/slice of life for this." 
           "So maybe. You are evil." 
           "Am not. I just wanna play around with a crack head family and hopefully play with people's emotions expecting two of the main characters to kiss."
           "oh, hush. The main couple wouldn't have met if I didn't help." 
           "Damn. Your right. Also, fuck you. Go update RTS and SFU." 
           "I WILL. Damn! When I feel like it."
Saisho/Sai belongs to  @ulti-mal
Kouten belongs to @hairuko
Hato belongs to @juniperarts
Satori belongs to @fioresacros
Haruki belongs to @/_falyy on twitter
Riku & Hotaru to @diizaren
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prorevenge · 5 years
Bully Boss Gets Owned
Hello. I have been enjoying the ProRevenge, NuclearRevenge, EntitledParents, MaliciousCompliance and IDon'tWorkHere vids on YouTube, and they just brought back all kinds of memories, so I thought I would post a few.
This one took place back in 2002. I had been an Over The Road truck driver and engaged for a year. I thought I would try to get a local job so I could be home every night with my soon to be wife. The wedding was only a few months away. She lived in a pretty small town. There wasn't much in the way of local truck driving jobs except for oil field or hauling dirt. I did find a dirt hauling company that was hiring.
The supervisor was a prick from the very beginning of the interview. He informed me that pay was $9/hr, and that's it. No raises, no benefits, even if you work there for over 20 yrs. Well, I decided to just go on and accept it as I knew that after we got married, my wife would be moving back to her hometown to accept a job, and there were plenty of driving jobs there.
My first day of work, the super-prick has me fill out the paperwork, and tries to force me to sign a waiver to decline Worker's Compensation should I get injured. He "promised" their insurance was far better, but I had already learned about many of those scams, and refused to sign it. This utterly pissed him off (tell tale sign that they are trying to screw you). So, I have to train with another driver for a week before getting assigned to my own truck, which is good so I can learn the routes and roads. I hear him tell the trainer to knit-pick everything as he doesn't want me on the crew. Unfortunately for him, everything I do is to perfection. The only complaint the trainer had was I tended to ride the clutch a little hard when taking off on the first day (was trying to get used to the extra heavy loads and very sensitive clutch), otherwise, I floated gears like a 50 yr pro vet.
So, I finish the week and get assigned my own truck. I do my pre-trip safety inspection as required by DOT regulations, and I noticed one of the steer tires is almost to legal wear.
Cast of characters: Bossman - boss or supervisor (super-prick); Trainer - my trainer; Me - engaged not so easy to pushover dude
Me: "Hey boss, Unit 12 Left steer is almost to regs. It's at 5/16"."
Bossman: "Sounds to me like you just don't want to work."
Me: "No, it's legal for now; just informing you that it's going to need to be replaced real soon."
Bossman: "Are you fu--ing stupid? I just replaced both of those steers 2 months ago. Now get in the truck, or clock out and go home."
Me: "I will drive it until it is illegal or unsafe to do so. But if I get fined, I have enough witnesses here, right now, to put right it back on you." I got in the truck and went to work. Bossman was peeved. But, two days later, I noticed a new set of steer tires during my daily inspection.
The next week, Bossman informs me that we are on nights for the next few days:
Bossman: "When on the ranch land, watch your speed. If you hit and kill one of the landowner's $45.000 prize winning steers that he makes $20,000 when breeding, I'll run your ass off and you lose your pay."
I bust out laughing - HARD. This pisses him off.
Bossman: "What the Fu-- you laughing at? You don't think I'm serious? Get your shit and get out."
Me: "Is that what the land owner told you? He breeds his prize winning steer for $20k a pop? And you believe him?"
Bossman: "Yeah."
I was nearly on the ground laughing so hard.
Bossman: "The fu--'s your problem. Fine - go home."
Me: "Sorry, I meant no disrespect. It's just that, I imagine that you're from up north, right? From the city?" I could tell from day one from his fake southern accent, but I kept quiet about it.
Bossman: "Yeah, what of it?"
Me: "Well, I'm a city boy as well, but even I know that a steer is a castrated bull. While it's true that a prize winning steer can be worth tens of thousands of dollars, they can not be bred. Ask anyone here, they'll confirm it."
Trainer: "Yes sir, it's true. A steer is a bull with no balls." My trainer just happened to walk by when he heard me laughing so hard.
Boss turned white. "Don't matter. Watch your speed or you're down the road."
The second week ends and the third begins. About the 3rd day, another truck breaks down, so the Bossman decides to have me give my truck to the other driver and ride with my trainer again. For some reason, Bossman decides he wants this to be my last day, but he can't due to no reason. So, he makes something up, only to have it backfire on him. At the end of the day, he's waiting for us at the yard when we pull in and get parked. I head to the office to get my check for the first two weeks, and he's waiting for me outside.
Bossman: "You done f---ed up today, boy. You almost got someone killed."
Me: "Really. Please, do tell."
Bossman: "I received a call from a man who said that you cut him off and ran him off the road. He gave your truck and trailer numbers and identified you as the driver by the cap that you wear."
Me: I smiled. "Really. About what time did this incident happen?"
Bossman: "Why're you smiling. You nearly killed a man. I'm letting you go right now. You're an unsafe driver."
Me: "No, first you need to answer my question."
Bossman: "What does it matter? I don't have to answer you. You're fired."
Me: "No, you do need to answer. Remember, there were two drivers in that truck today." Just then Trainer walked up. "And FYI, I know that I didn't cut off anyone one today, as I did not drive at all. I can also vouch that Trainer did not cut anyone one off, nor ran anyone off of the road. So, either: 1, the guy misread the numbers of the truck and trailer and identity of the driver; 2, is lying, or 3, you're the one lying because you have been trying to find fault in everything I do and run me off since day one when I refused to sign the waiver for Workman's Comp."
Bossman: "Fu-- you you little fu--."
Trainer: "He's right. I drove all day, and don't recall any incidents or near misses. You know I'd have called as per policy."
Bossman: "Well, alright. I guess you still have your job. But know, I'm keeping a real close eye on you."
Me: "Thank you, and I don't doubt it. My butthole has already been feeling your nose hairs tickling it since day one."
I opened my check and looked at it as Bossman began to walk away fuming.
Me: "Wait a minute. There's a $59 deduction on here for insurance. We don't have benefits, remember?"
Bossman: "That's for the insurance against injury, remember?"
Me: "You mean the one I declined and refused to waive the Worker's Comp for."
Bossman: "Yeah. It's mandatory."
Me: "I see. So it's deducted whether I sign up for it or not."
Bossman: "Yep. Don't like it? Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out."
Me: "That's illegal."
Bossman: "No it ain't. Now get the fu-- off my property."
I decided to end it right there, as there is no point in arguing with a spoiled child. It's best to be the better man and walk off... Yeah, right!
Now for the ProRevenge:
It turns out that the Captain for the TX Dept. of Public Safety (Department of Transportation for you truck drivers, or state trooper for everyone else) of the precinct just happened to live about 4 houses down from the apartments that my fiancee lived. He just so happened to find an anonymous note on his windshield the next morning. The very next morning, there were 5 state troopers with all 15 of the company's trucks pulled over on the side of the highway right in front of the company, being thoroughly inspected (I was parked on the shoulder in my car across the highway watching it all unfold while sipping my coffee). Of the 15 trucks, 11 of them were shut down for safety violations. Thousands of dollars in fines were written and the Boss plus two other drivers were taken to jail for warrants. Boss also had an expired Commercial Driver's License (He was forced to drive since I didn't show up for work that morning).
As you can imagine, Bossman lost his job. I had moved to my fiancee's home town and got a job in the oilfield driving tanker trucks. I heard that Trainer got the Bossman's job. And everyone lived happily ever after. Well, maybe not Bossman, as he also popped positive on a drug test...
(source) story by (/u/SkidmarkSmellybum)
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ahgasetay · 6 years
stray kids reacts: idol!crush getting made fun of by an Mc
admin: suni🌻 genre: fluff with minor angst warnings: the reader gets made fun of for many different things including their looks
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Woojin nodded his head quietly as the MC talked about stray kids new comeback song and about how much he loved it. As expected the MC then started talking about your groups new song. “I really liked it except for Y/ns highnote, sometimes I wonder why they are the main vocal,” he said while laughing. Woojin felt his stomach sink once he saw your smile wipe off your face. It was obvious that you were upset but you scratched the back of your neck and cracked a joke “don’t worry, sometimes I wonder that too.” When you all got to take a break Woojin would buy you a drink and ask your manager to give it to you. Attached would be a sticky note that read “don’t listen to the MC. you are an amazing singer that I look up too.”
Chan was surprisingly amazing at the pass the cookie with the pocky game. It was because of him that stray kids managed to pass 11 cookies in 100 seconds, beating the previous record by 3 cookies. When you group got to play it you kept dropping the cookies and in the end only managed to pass 4. “Y/n!! I never thought we would discover something you are worse at then rapping but here we are,” he said making the other host erupt in laughter. All your members and stray kids awkwardly laughed, clearly not finding his joke funny. “That was very rude of you to say considering Y/n is better at passing the cookie than you are at making jokes,” Chan spoke up and said, roasting the MC. You flashed Chan a thankful smile and he flashed you one right back.
“I’m nervous to be here with Minho,” you said while laughing to try and push down the butterflies in your stomach. It wasn’t often that you went on dance shows so when your company got the offer you were kinda excited. However being here with Minho was scary, he was such an amazing dancer that you couldn’t help but be intimidated. “Don’t worry Y/n we all know that Minhos team will win since you are clearly the worst dancer here,” one of the mcs said while laughing. Minho furrowed his eyebrows “Did they hire you because you could dance or because you make rude jokes, either one will bump up the views,” Minho said while looking deep in thought. You shot him a glance and felt your heart jump when he sent you a wink in return.
“That sounds better, doesn’t it?,” Chanbin asked while turning to look at you. Replaying in the beat once more you nodded your head “A lot better. I think we need to add some type of heavy bass to this though,” you said while staring at what you had done so far. “Y/n looks like a little kid who came to their parents work for the first time and is just getting in the way,” the Mc said while walking in the room. You and Changbin had been asked to produce a song for a new survival show and they had been filming the process. Changbin complete ignored the mans words and continued your previous conversation “I completely agree, let’s add a heavy bass and maybe a nice drum.” The MC soon left since you both weren’t talking to him. “You are an amazing producer so don’t listen to him,” Changbin said nonchalantly making you nod your head and smile
“We have 2 amazing visuals joining us today as guest hosts,” the mc said while welcoming both you and Hyunjin to the set. The other Mc shook her head “Y/n isn’t that good of a visual, I think their member Minhyung is a way better looking person.” You were taken back by her comments but laughed it off anyway. As the recording progressed the main girl Mc kept making fun of you for everything. Hey when Hyunjin messes up his lines they told him it was alright. You couldn’t help but feel a little angry towards him. Once filming was taking a break Hyunjin would shyly approach you “In sorry that I didn’t say anything back there and let them make fun of you,” he would apologize making you soften up. “No I’m sorry if I came off as rude towards you,,I got kinda jealous and I couldn’t help it,” you would say. Hyunjin invited you to eat lunch with him in his dressing room and you would accept while looking forward to continue filming.
At first everyone was having fun while filming however towards the end of the show the mcs had started making fun of you for everything and wouldn’t allow you to make any mistakes without being ridiculed. “I think Stray Kids is full of visuals and so is Y/G/N until you get to Y/n. Seriously Y/n have you ever considered plastic surgery I mean what made you think you could be an idol with that face?” Everyone was surprised by his comments. You would hold it in but once filming was on break you would cry in a stairwell. Jisung had gone searching for you when he saw you run off from your members. You were his idol crush and he didn’t want you to feel insecure. After searching he found you in the stairwell. Jisung felt his stomach tighten at the sight. “Don’t listen to him Y/n. You are one of the best looking people in the industry right now,” Jisung said while taking a seat next to you. He would spend the rest of the break telling you how beautiful and amazing you were. By the end of it he definitely got a big hug from you and your number.
“I’m trying to figure out if Y/n was even in the album? You had no screentime and where were your lines?” The Mc asked while laughing. You felt your heart clench, truth be told you had no clue why you didn’t get many lines or screen time. Not knowing what to say you wouldn’t just laugh it off. During break it was stuck on your mind. Felix approached you with a cup of water in his hands. Awkwardly handing it you, there was a few seconds of silence before he spoke up, “Dont let what they said bother you. I know that if I was a producer or a director I would give you most of the lines and screentime,” he said. You couldn’t help but smile at his words, not knowing what to say back you nodded “I would do the same for you.” Felix burst into laughter at your words making you also laugh. Immediately you felt lighter and happier while being around him
You felt your cheeks heat up and your heart beat faster. Gulping you stuttered it a barely comprehensible “yes” to the Mc. Staring at you blankly he turned to his coworker and gestured towards you with his cue cards. “Why were they invited? They can’t even answer a simple question with yes?,” he said. You knew it was true but that didn’t mean that it hurt any less. “It’s Y/ns first time mcing,,maybe we should go a little easy on them?” Seungmin nervously suggested. He knew what people would say once this aired but he didn’t care, it was clear that you were upset and bothered by the mcs words. Flashing Seungmin a smile you mentally thanked him repeatedly. “,,,,maybe we should,” the Mc quietly said in surprise. Seungmin have you a thumbs up and a proud smile making you giggle.
Gasping you reached out and clutched Jeongins arm. The chair you were sitting on was wobbly and if you moved in the right direction it would shake and almost push you off. “Y/n let go of Jeongin he is clearly uncomfortable. Jeongin we are so sorry about them if we had known that Y/n would act like a 12 yr old we wouldn’t have brought them on the show,” one of the mcs said. Jeongin glanced at your hand which you hurriedly pulled back the mcs words and shook his head “I don’t mind,” he said while standing up “Y/n you can take my chair. I think I might be able to balance myself better,” he said while helping you move. You would thank him and th to hide your clearly smitten face.
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mothmansfriend · 5 years
when i’m sad oh god i’m sad (pt. 2)
link to pt. 1
follows a very similar timeline to @tearxofink‘s fic Rules for a Functioning Alcoholic but will prob have differences (such as no established relationships) and takes place in @illogicallyinclined‘s hockey au after the mention of Remus possibly having undiagnosed bipolar disorder
update: i think its important to acknowledge roughly where this takes place in the big timeline bc D doesn’t really drink past freshman yr in this AU because of self preservation and trauma, alcoholism was more an issue before then in high school (when remus and d were Rowdy Boys) but the stress of Logan’s concussion lead to some heavy drinking that was caught quickly by Virgil because Remus Cannot Keep Secrets.
summary: Remus has undiagnosed Bipolar Disorder and is dealing with a severe depressive episode in the aftermath of realizing that binge drinking with D wasn’t just his own search to Feel Something, but was also D’s relapse into alcoholism. Remus comes to the realization of lost time during manic episodes and refuses help.
tw: graphic descriptions of a depressive episode, self harm (burning),  suicidal thoughts, and suicidal intent (but not attempt). unhealthy coping mechanisms, alcohol abuse, mentioned alcoholism, undiagnosed mental illness, miscommunications on shared trauma, ask to tag if i missed any.
There are a number of places that are simply uncomfortable to sleep. Barely sitting up and using the chairs provided by the previous tenants as a pillow is certainly one of them. It takes Remus a moment to identify what woke him up as there's another round of knocking on his door and he doesn’t want to respond. It’s bright out,the sun is blocked from his figure by the curtains covering most of the windows. He hears Roman’s muffled voice as the locked doorknob jiggles, “See? I told you he’s not here, Virge. There’s nothing to be worried about, if he doesn’t show up by tomorrow I’ll go look for him. You know how he is”.
Their footsteps move away and Virgil speaks, “Can you text him? I’m just worried, Thomas said that-” his voice fades as they enter the kitchen.
Remus can barely pick himself off the floor before his phone lit up with a notification.
the shittier twin: You good? LMK when you’re coming home, Virgil is lowkey freaking out  (received: 10:14)
He stares at the words willing his brain to focus as he decides, maybe he should reply.
He sends a photo of a fat pigeon he took outside a club him and D got kicked out of a few weeks ago. It would be clear that the picture was taken at a different time, but does get message of ‘I’m alive’ across. Which is about as much as Remus is willing to communicate to people that haven’t even tried to contact him before now. How sad is it that his twin brother didn’t even check on him until six days later. Or maybe he should be asking if it’s sad that after four days Roman still hasn’t noticed that he’s home, or that it took Roman six to even ask? Remus spends all this time in the theatre and in the arts studio, and still Roman was the only one to ask, though at the request of someone who wants to get mad at him. He considers if maybe that he is a bad person, and that isn’t something he normally would care about, but if he weren’t then people might have checked on him. He usually hangs out with D almost everyday and he swears he’s never been gone more than maybe four days. But no one else seems concerned at all.
He considers reasons why this might be and gets stuck on Roman’s comment that he hasn’t been gone that long, and the implications then of him being gone longer. Things that don’t really make sense, but he knows losing your train of thought and getting distracted is a part of ADHD, but maybe, this is much more concerning. How does he know that he’s only ever been gone so long, maybe those lapses are more than a few minutes of zoning out. Which leads to, does Remus know who he is during these lapses? The contrast between the two prince twins have always been clear in their behaviour, Roman who follows every word their parents whisper in his ear. The boy grew up to be an actor after years of who takes any command without thought at that chance to be on top, and revelled in praise. It’s the cowards way of survival, are you really living if you’re not you? He knows Roman wasn’t quite loving that, but he still complied. Remus has always known exactly who he is and who he always will be. But the uncertainty of who he is in those spaces that seem to be taking up more and more space, maybe he;s been following someones script too?
He’s constantly changing his mind and forgetting where he is, are his feelings his? If everything the thought he knew about himself is slipping through his fingers like sand in an hourglass than how does he make it stop?
Virgil slides into the recently empty chair next to Roman the second Patton gets up to ask the waitress for another round of coffee, he steals one of Roman’s sausages and speaks, “By the way, I’m catching a ride to your place with you and D”.
Roman squawks at the sausage thief, “Why? I already told you Remus isn’t home!”
Virgil rolls his eyes, “Yeah I know, just humour me. I went to talk to Joan before we left and Thomas said Remus texted to apologize for missing practice, he’s never done that before! I just wanna come check, you can make fun of me later or whatever.”
“Fine, whatever, I know you’d just show up anyway. I don’t think him texting Thomas means anything though, even if it is weird.”
“Well we can agree to disagree then.”
The entry to the apartment the Prince twins share with D was just as full of banter as expected. D and Roman irritating Virgil without effort but Virgil matching that with his own comebacks and determination to check on Remus. “Alright, Emo Knightmare, let’s go knock on his cave door so I can know you again, that he isn’t home” Roman drops his bag next to the couch and heads down the shared hallway of D, Remus, and the storage closet. D walks past him with comments of a essay due tomorrow and disappears. Roman walks down and knocks on the door sternly once maintaining eye contact with Virgil knowing there will not be a response. Virgil follows him and he knocks again after a moment and jiggles the knocked door handle. “See? I told you he’s not here, Virge. There’s nothing to be worried about, if he doesn’t show up by tomorrow I’ll go look for him. You know how he is.” Roman turns and leads them back out into the living room towards the kitchen.
Virgil pauses for a moment watching the door before he follows, “Can you text him? I’m just worried, Thomas said that he actually texted to apologize for not showing up today. You know when Remus is out he never remembers to charge his phone, it just seems weird.”
Roman exhales and wordlessly pulls out his phone shooting off a text to his twin before pulling some leftovers out of the fridge to offer to Virgil despite the fact they had eaten not long ago. Virgil accepts and he puts it on two plates for the microwave. Roman’s phone vibrates on the counter with a text. The emo leans over to read and snorts, “Wait, is Remus’s name actually ‘the shittier twin’ in your phone? He just send a picture of  what appears to be an obese pigeon, that doesn’t answer my question at all!”
Roman shrugs, “Of course it is, and yeah that sounds about right, it’s like he’s trying to communicate through hieroglyphics, he’s just telling us he’s fine.”
Virgil’s dark eyes examine Roman’s face for any reflection that he’s just trying to make him stop bothering him with his concern, but when he sees nothing he drops his defensiveness, “Yeah, okay, he’s your brother, he’s kind of like a cat I guess. He always comes home right?”
The microwave beeps and Roman slides the extra plate in front of Virgil, “Exactly, he’s just like this, I’ll text you when he comes back. You don’t need to worry about it, Virge.”
Virgil shoots him a small smile before taking his plate to the couch closely followed by the oldest Prince twin as they settle down with Netflix until they need to leave for their respective classes.
Roman blearily wipes his eyes as he wakes up in his dark room and rolls over to check the time. 2:34am wake up and bathroom break time. He briefly considers just rolling over and waiting four or five hours until he needs to get up for class, but decides there’s just a higher chance of getting a restless sleep the rest of the night. The hockey captain rolls out of bed standing in his room shirtless and only wearing a random pair of soft sleep pants and stumbles out of his room, crossing the living room and entry way he’s about to try the handle of the dark bathroom door when it opens to reveal a tall dark figure.
Roman jumps back with an admittedly embarrassing squawk before recognizing the dark figure to be a freshly showered, exhausted, and almost weak looking Remus. The two stood in silence for a moment, Remus not even reacting to the sight of his brother. Roman awkwardly laughed for a moment, “Holy shit, Remus! I didn't even realize you were home.”
Remus stares emptily, moving to walk away without replying, Roman stops him with a hand on his shoulder, “Are you like, uh, okay? You kind of look like shit”
That was clearly the wrong thing to say as suddenly Remus’s face hardens into a snarl, “Oh fuck you, Roman.” His voice cracks halfway through but it doesn’t do anything to diminish the venom in his voice, “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“Christ! If you’re going to be an asshole then nevermind, I just wanted to check up on you. You know, like a concerned brother just might do?” Roman fires back suddenly feeling defensive. The tone of voice Remus uses almost sounds scared to him but he doesn’t have the energy to pry at Remus in the hallway less than 6 feet from D’s door at 2:30am.
“You don’t get to play any kind of concerned brother role right now! You don’t just get to decide to be concerned one day, it’s all about appearances with you, I dont fuck with that!” Remus’s voice raises as he gets more and more riled up, his voice sounds like shit as if he hasn’t used it in days, “Tell me when you think I got home, Princey, huh? You don't know shit about me and it’s time you stopped asking like you do.” He steps towards Roman edging back down the hallway to the living room.
“Why am I supposed to know when you got home?” Roman fires back, “You’re an adult! You’ve taken care of yourself fine for years, I’m not your parent I don’t need to know where you are twenty-four-fucking-seven!”
Vaguely, Roman hears D’s bedroom door open and feels brief regret that was smashed by Remus shoving him backwards. “You don’t need to know! But, did you ever think to wonder? Did you ever once care enough to ask? No! I don’t remember ever being gone more than three or four days.”
Roman recoils for a second in confusion but counters standing his ground, “What does that fucking mean? You own a calendar, a phone, you should know your average in the last year has been like five to seven days, you can’t blame me that you decide to go on a bender every 6 months or less. Can’t you ever grow up?”
“It means I don’t know where I was for two to four of those days at least! You self absorbed prick! Fuck!” Remus crumples for a second, his facial expression looks so, lost. He violently grabs and tugs on his still damp hair. He stands back up face guarded once again. “I know I never go out without a plan, I have paid some fucking terrible prices for that that you never need to know about. But, you’re telling me that I was out there and I don’t remember it? And no one thought to mention anything to me? And you’re asking if I’m ‘okay’? Fuck that, fuck you. I’m going back to my room, and ideally I’ll fucking rot and die before I have to look at you again,” Remus seethes before turning and slamming his door without waiting for a response.
Roman sags at his brothers exiting remarks, making tentative eye contact with D who waits in the dark hallway. “I don’t know what to do,” Roman says quietly.
D moves towards him moving them to the couch offering a comforting touch to the remaining twin, “Roman, I cannot tell you that I have any idea about what just happened. But, it seems like he just wants you to be there for him, in his own weird displays of affection he does love you and I think maybe he’s scared sometimes that you don’t care for him, and he lashes out. But right now, you need to go back to sleep so you can go to your boring nine am lecture, and I’ll try to spend time with him tomorrow. Sound good?”
Roman examines D, letting himself feel vulnerable for a moment but trusts that D knows what to do. He’s known the twins since high school, if anyone knew it would be him. “Thank you, D” Roman whispers, leaning into the little affection for a moment before he stands up and moves them back down the hallway.
Roman goes to the bathroom as originally planned but thinks about the things his younger brother had said. How much is he missing? What does it mean for Remus to simply not remember days at a time? Is it because of drinking too much or something else?
As Roman tucks himself back into bed, preparing himself for the restless sleep he had been trying to avoid. His mind wanders, and he can’t help but think that maybe he should be questioning blood stains on Remus’s carpet a little more.
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Everyday People
Earlier today, my best friend and I were talking about a particular older friend from our hospital group and how she was always the type to push people to become better. I think I’ve been really lucky that I am surrounded by people that I can learn a lot from. So I felt like making an entry about all these amazing people just because I love them and I need to brag about them (also something to read again when I’m looking back because I’m a sentimental piece of crap).
My hospital group has become sort of a family to me and I relied on them a lot during my clerkship and internship years. The older friend I mentioned was a member of my small group as well. She’s always felt like an older sister. If there was a person that taught me that I should never remain stagnant and should always seek to improve myself, it’s her. She’s also shared so much wisdom from her own life experiences that helped me lot. I talk to her a lot even now. I’d ask her take on difficult decisions and she’d also tell me about the challenges in her marriage.I remember months ago when I told her that I felt vacant and lost and she’d send me books and apps reminding me that it’s my job to get myself out of that pit.
The other female member of our subgroup is this hilarious girl I enjoy spending time with because we just laugh at everything. Corny jokes and puns galore. We share one brain cell when we’re together. She’s so chill and light to be with but also takes her work seriously. I’m happy I still get to work with her sometimes because I miss her and she lives the farthest. 
The best friend I keep mentioning in my posts is someone I talk to almost everyday. I consider the friendship I found in her so rare and golden that I am amazed to have met someone who gets and knows me like she does. I talk to her about anything and everything with no fear of judgment. I’ve always admired her silent strength and how she kept herself together after everything life has thrown at her. We always joke about how we’re soulmates cause we’re so in tune with each other and so much on the same wavelength that it’s crazy. I don’t think I would’ve survived if I’ve been through what she’s been through, so I am always in awe of her in that way. 
I have another best friend who I’ve been friends with since first year med that I also talk to a lot. She’s really really cool and she takes care of people so well. I think she’s always a bit too hard on herself cause she’s such a hard worker. She’s always been a bit more grounded than I am so talking to her gives me a new perspective. She’s a surgery trainee now so I don’t get to talk to her or spend time with her as much as I used to but I cherish times that I am able to talk to her.I love hearing about her new life and her adventures or even something as mundane as being able to still discuss manga and shows.
If my older female groupmate is my older sis figure, my older brother figure is this other male groupmate. He’s also a drinking buddy and one of my breakfast buddies. What’s so amazing about him is that I can say without any doubt that he’s a genuinely good person. Kind to the core. He’s extremely hilarious as well which makes hanging out and drinking with him fun. My other small group male groupmate is this energetic guy who’s so enthusiastic ALL the time. I can never match his energy tbh and there were times that I clashed with him during work. I really respected him for how hard he works though and I’ve always been jealous about how he always knew what he wanted to achieve in life and where he’s going. The last male groupmate is unique in his way of thinking but everyone loves him because he’s adorable. 
The other 2 female members of my group are also really awesome people. I think I share with both of them the love for learning. I love discussing interesting cases with them. We’re all IM nerds so maybe that’s why. One of them is a free spirit who is so entertaining as much as she is frustrating. She always does things her own way and her confidence I always admired. The other one is the top of our batch and she’s such a sweet girl and I’m always so proud of her and her number one fan. I try to check on them every now and then and they’re doing so well in their chosen paths. 
If my hospital group are people given to me (through alphabetical grouping) to help me survive my last 2 years in med, my OG med school gang are people I chose after floating around for a bit. I was the only one among my college buddies to go to my med school. So I didn’t really know anyone. Initially, I hung out with the people closest to my seat and I got along with them okay. I socialized a bit, befriending the girl closest to me at the time. She told me she wanted to hang out with this group of people we coincidentally saw at the place we were having lunch at. Initially, I was ok with just the two of us cause she was good company but they seemed like an interesting bunch so I agreed. 
I hope they don’t take this against me if they see this (and I’m pretty sure they won’t see this but just to be sure), they weren’t the most socially adept kind but I’ve come to see and appreciate the good things throughout the years of knowing them. We had a lot of fun and the scope of my hobbies and interests definitely expanded because of them. 
I’ve talked about the first one (the female best friend from 1st yr med). My other female friends are so different from each other that it’s funny. One of them is rather quiet but can be a bit blunt and has bizarre interests. What I’ve come to love about her is how loyal and generous she is. It was fulfilling to see her gain more friends throughout the years. The other one is a shy girl who’s always a bit unsure of herself. She’s also very sweet but very logical in the way she thinks (and sometimes overthinks) that it’s interesting to see her perspective on things (even if there are times that I disagree). I like hearing her stories about work and when she tells me when she does things that are out of her comfort zone. The last one is the one I’m probably on the same wavelength as (probably because we’re both INFJs? I dunno). I don’t get to talk to her a lot because she kind of comes and goes haha. She’s probably the most mysterious because she doesn’t reveal a lot about herself but I love talking to her about life and random stuff. We kind of have sessions that we talk about anything for a long period of time and then she kind of disappears for a while until the next session. I’ve come to accept that about her.  
My two male friends are also very different. One of them I frequently call Bestie or Satan or Susan to annoy him (he’s gotten used to it now that I need to change tactics) is kind of like a go-to person for new content of anime/manga, movies or whatever. He kind of likes a lot of the same things I do. Underneath the bullying and crass behavior, he kind of cares in his own way (even if he tries to deny it). Similar sense of humor so the shows and shit we like are similar. He’s really smart but also really lazy but also really lucky so it balances out. We talk a lot about work these days which is very different from the times we were trying to outshine each other in procrastination back in med school. 
The last friend tbh is the most difficult one to talk about. I want to talk about what I liked and miss about this friendship though.He kind of lives in a world of his own. He’s the unconventional type. He’s awkward and often misunderstood (but sometimes he’s so unaware that I have to admit it’s kind of his fault too). He has a lot going on though which I try to understand (try is the keyword here because there were times it’s an active effort). What I really loved though is that with this person I have felt most at ease in a way. Kind of those people that it’s okay not to talk when you’re around them but you’re also comfortable enough to talk about yourself when you wanted to. I’ve always been fascinated and appreciative of how creative he is and how much he knows. We also shared a few common hobbies and he’s a really nice movie buddy. He listens when you talk (but can sometimes zone out but it’s ok) and his sense of humor I also jive with. I can’t claim to fully know him or understand him but I loved spending time with him and trying to get to know him. I was extremely proud and happy when I heard that he got accepted to the training program he wanted. 
There’s actually a lot more people and friends who made med school so happy and colorful but this is already a long post and I’ve indulged myself way too much with this. I really just want to be appreciative of all the people who I saw and interacted with everyday for the past few years.I have the time to reflect and see much fun I had and what I learned from them and what they contributed to my life. All this free time is thinking time anyway.
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haich-slash-cee · 5 years
Being Human (UK)
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This is a show that I recommend to people... but I add a lot of caveats.
The recommendation: A werewolf, vampire and ghost are flatmates. This show is hilarious! So much macabre and slice of life humor! And horror and whump!? Also, the show was run by a side-channel of BBC (BBC3) and I guess they had no production money, so the actors mostly look human and they just refer to each other as being a 500-year old vampire or ghost or whatever. Which makes it even better. The werewolf is Jewish, recites a Jewish prayer at least once, and hangs out watching “The Real Hustle” with the vampire. They work in a hospital as janitors. The ghost has a habit of making everyone tea to soothe herself and the flat is cluttered with tea mugs everywhere all the time. Also, people do get fang-y or wolf-y or do weird poltergeist stuff. And gore happens.
Longish post, more below the cut.
PS, this is the 2008-2013 UK version of Being Human, which I hear had a cult following. There’s certainly stuff on Tumblr. I found the BBC version through the US remake of Being Human, but I’m much more charmed by the BBC version. (The US version has the vampire and werewolf as hospital doctors? Why?) Also I watched the show maybe 4, 5 years ago, so impressions are from that.
And the caveats: There’s a lot of sexism which was hard to watch. It’s engrained in the premise and plot and occasional gross sexist jokes. And there’s other problematic stuff in the writing. It’s like having glass shards show up the meal you are enjoying, and it’s why I’m not sure I’ll rewatch the series (or not in it’s entirety, anyway). There’s also a limited spinoff web series called Becoming Human which also had some problems for me, including some gross sexism and fatphobia. (John Boyega from Star Wars does show up as a character in that series, for anyone interested.)
Back to Being Human and overall series recommendations. So the 1st season was good. I kind of forgot what happened in the 2nd and 3rd season (I think they got depressing and slow?). The 4th season picked up again, much to my surprise, and I remember liking the 4th and 5th season a lot. Even though [spoilers] there was a complete cast change by this time. But it worked, somehow. The show did go from at least having one woman of color to having an all-white cast at the end, which was not great. And there’s other racism too.
For people who like their happily-ever-after: uhhh so I vaguely recall that a lot of characters don’t really get a happy ending. Granted, half of them are walking around dead already, so...? Overall, the ending of the 5th season is... Is that a happy ever after? Happy for now? The Bonus on the DVD kind of makes it a happy-for-now with a continued possibility? It’s an acceptable HFN?
.....And now, the notes for all the hurt/comfort people and whumpers:
Holy crap people, there is SO much h/c and whump!?
OK first -- George the werewolf. George’s transformation sequence, SUPER whumpy.
Also, George ends up naked often, come to think. And he screams a lot during the show, for various reasons. The actor himself, in the bonus DVD interviews I think, cheerfully says something like, “People really like the way George screams, I do too.” (This is like when David Tennant cheerfully talked about how he enjoys playing a character who is unconscious and sick and gets fussed over by people.) And George is a very sympathetic, nerdy character who is easy to feel for. Who occasionally turns into a SNARLY SCARY WEREWOLF AGAINST HIS WILL. As mentioned, I think I liked season 1 George more than seasons 2 or 3.
Emotional hurt/comfort -- so Annie the Ghost provides a lot of the emotional centering, as I recall. Throughout all 5 seasons, all the characters lean on each other for support and there’s a lot of lovely warm fuzzies from that. Also, one of the later werewolf characters, Tom, is generally a sweet kid. I’m glad they didn’t do too much of the transformation horror with him, honestly. George/Russel Tovey could carry that, but I thought Tom’s strong point was looking puppy-eyed and folorn-eyebrow’d and trying to navigate the world with a mix of naivety and half-feral-ness.
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Above: exhausted naps on the couch.
Below: Classic Being Human humor. A review of house rules and vampire stabbing etiquette, between Annie and Tom --
[Spoilers from here on] Okay, so as mentioned, the cast changed over between season 4-5. And to my surprise, I think I loved the new trio as much as, or more than, the original trio. I liked how loud Alex the ghost was. And I liked both Annie and Alex.
Also, I did not expect this either, but I got so interested in Hal! Yo! First of all, Hal is a centuries-old Vampire and speaks/looks like, idk, a Regency Character. And then 19-yr old Tom puts Hal to work at a fast food shop and bosses him around, and Hal’s indignation is hilarious. So already, this is excellent.
And somehow, Hal is very, very whumpy? So: the character of a “vampire who is trying to be good and suffers” is not new, and I’ve encountered versions where I haven’t been interested. (I was lukewarm about Mitchell, the original vampire in the show.) But for whatever reason, I really dug Hal. Maybe, for me, Hal was just the right mix of very serious and earnest but also ridiculous and tragic all at once. (I read some interviews with the actor Damien Molony, who mentioned how he’d done a lot of history and addiction research in to prep for the role. The new trio actors also had a lot of chemistry and fun on sets, it sounds like. So I might be picking up all that.)
Also, Hal is actually two characters -- the ridiculous indignant serious Good Hal who is desperately trying to keep the horrible, rude, murderous, Bad Hal from taking over. But, as one of the show producers, a woman, cheerfully commented in the DVD extras: “And then Bad Hal shows up, which is great, everyone likes a bit of Bad Hal”. 
Honestly, why do we even pretend to hide our fascination with the macabre and the whump, when showrunners and actors are cheerfully not hiding it all.
Here’s clips of Good Hal in Season 4:
Oh, I forgot about this part until I rewatched the last clip -- but at the end of season 4, Hal asks his flatmates to forcibly bind him to a chair, because he’s trying to fight off Bad Hal. Based on my perusing of the whump community, pretty sure that scenario is of interest to someone.
Also notable is the episode “No Care, All Responsibility” (Series 5 ep 3). In one scene in particular, where Natasha has offered Hal a way to control his bloodlust and there’s this mix of vulnerability and power with Hal asking Natasha to put a stake against his heart, I remember thinking -- “I bet a woman wrote this ep and I bet she knew exactly what she wanted”. And I was right, that woman is Sarah Dollard, a queer woman who has also written a lot of other things (including Doctor Who). She also wrote Being Human goofy web extra eps with Alex, Hal and Tom called “Alex’s Unfinished Business” and they are so good ! (Interview). 
Also... the opening 3-minute backstory in “No Care...” made me cry. You get a glimpse of the show’s baddie showing real care and emotion in rescuing this little kid (an important character). When this kind of scene is done well, it just gets me. every. time.
Anyway here’s an appearance of Bad Hal (much later), being completely awful, murdering people and turning them into vampires and singing Broadway tunes during this.
Side note on Vampire narratives. Although Hal’s narrative arc of season 5 was interesting, and I’m aware this is show is urban fantasy, I still have qualms of the show enforcing IRL stigmas/ideas that addition is incurable and addicts are doomed. They’re not. (General overview on NIH page.) Addiction research is a growing field. From listening to NPR and reading articles, my impression is that addiction treatment will change quickly in the next few years. Related to the vampire blood addiction trope, Terry Pratchett covers vampires finding ways to be “dry” (one vampire, Maladict, swaps out blood addiction for coffee addiction) and you can find fanfics about the topic as well. (General link to Being Human Ao3 fanfics, why not.)
Side note on Hal’s dual characters -- recently, I did consider, “Is there overlap with Hal and portrayals of Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD) folks?” IRL DID people have complained about movies with gross portrayals of people with DID. To me, Being Human’s Hal feels removed from that and closer to a fantasy.... but, I’m also not multi, so.
* Update: after having learned more about plural history, I’m even less sure now. (Note: my opinions are of someone who isn’t plural, as far as I know, so note that.) There’s a number of early problematic movies and books that hugely affected the popular narratives of plural people in the west, and still affect how therapists and non-plural people treat plural people even today. These include the movie “The Three Faces of Eve”, which has the narrative of “Good Eve, Bad Even, and later smushed together become ‘Fixed Eve’ or whatever”. There’s practically a whole lecture series on how the books/movies were made with sensationalism and formulas in mind and pretty gross things. Chris Costner Sizemore, the IRL Eve, had to fight the movie studios in court because the studios claimed they owned her life story. (There’s practically a whole lecture series on early plural history in the west, I might link more information later). Like, even today, multi people feel pressured to hide their plurality because they are afraid singlets or other people are gonna say “oh so which one of you is the ax murderer”, or that they are going to be fired from work. So.  
This post turned into a “Being Human seasons 4 + 5 Appreciation Post”. I guess Season 1 and 4, 5 were my favorite. I watched the show through library DVDs, but I think there’s eps of the show on YouTube. The DVD extras are probably on this YouTube playlist?
(Also, there is a pilot episode, with different actors except George/Russel Tovey. I don’t think one needs to watch the pilot to watch the main series; I kind of recall that the main series recycled some of the pilot. There is a funny scene in the pilot where George and Mitchell meet Annie.)
Being Human: a macabre, hilarious, horror-filled, flawed, sometimes dragging, emotional, whumpy, oddball show that I still think about sometimes.
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dvp95 · 5 years
can’t breathe when you touch my sleeve - chapter 4
pairing: dan howell/phil lester
rating: e (eventually)
warnings: none
tags: alternate universe, slow burn, fluff & humour, tiny bit of inner turmoil wrt sexuality but trust me it’s not that deep, eventual smut, idiots in love
word count: 3,122 for this chapter (15,775 total)
summary: Dan keeps making a fool of himself in interviews, to the point where it’s basically a meme. Now he’s got to sit down for the better part of an hour and sell his show to the YouTuber he’d had a massive crush on when he was a teenager.
read from the beginning on ao3 or on tumblr!
read this chapter on ao3 or here!
i want to die
Aw, what happened? Did you give SugarScape spoilers?
Despite Dan's horrible mood, that makes him snort. no you buffoon 1 sugarscape has been dead for yrs, much like how i would like to be 2 i don't say spoilers ever 3 it's WORSE
I may be a little out of the loop. You gonna make me guess? I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you think it was.
phil, Dan sends on its own for emphasis. i touched my coworkers tit on live telly and now i can't look her in the fucking eye
Jaime hadn't actually cared much. She'd laughed at him, made some jokes about how Dan's spatial awareness hadn't developed yet, and then moved on with grace. Meanwhile, Dan had been having a mild panic attack on his side of the sofa because all he'd meant to do was brush a distracting piece of lint off Jaime's shoulder and, somehow, drastically missed.
It was all of ten seconds of his life, and Dan is still freaking out about it. He's been pacing his hotel room since they got back, hasn't even bothered changing out of the nice shirt he'd worn for the interview.
Like accidentally? Phil finally replies on Dan's third lap of the room.
no phil i need to grope people on camera to finish. what kind of person do you think i am. YES ACCIDENTALLY.
I dunno what you're into. I'm sure she knew it was an accident?
Yes, Jaime knows it was an accident, but that's not the point. there will be gifs phil
Phil sends him some emojis, only some of which make any sense in context. Dan isn't sure why that calms him down so much. He sits on the edge of his bed and sighs, waiting for Phil to stop typing. It takes a while, but eventually Phil says, Then you'll deal with them. It honestly can't be worse than you falling off the Jimmy Kimmel stage? I swear I saw that gif for months before I knew who you were. And if you're worried about people saying you did it on purpose, tell Jaime. You can talk about it like adults.
It's all laid out very clearly, and while it does make Dan feel better, he doesn't think he's finished being dramatic yet. He checks the time and sighs heavily.
dont suppose you'd be up for a late lunch/early dinner to distract me??
Sure! :), Phil responds immediately. The quickness of his agreement makes that part of Dan's brain start shouting again. I'm actually filming today though. I'll be done in like half an hour if you want to meet me here? Then we can either get takeaway or go out?
It's truly fascinating to Dan how practiced Phil seems to be at giving someone options and pretending like either one is fine rather than just offering his own opinion on the matter.
After assuring Phil that he'll be there, Dan considers getting changed. He's only got fifteen if he wants to get to Phil's place on time, and he isn't exactly known for his quick wardrobe decisions.
In the end, Dan just swaps his nice shoes for some sneakers and rolls his sleeves up. He's a little overdressed still, a McQueen button-down maybe a little too fancy for just hanging out with a new friend, but. He doesn't want to be late. Besides, he looks good. Maybe he likes the idea of Phil being surprised, looking him up and down, having the interview as an excuse to be so dressed up.
The part of Dan's brain that exists to remind him that men are attractive has been so, so loud this week. It's been impossible to ignore.
Dan messes with his straightened fringe until his phone beeps, telling him his Uber is outside. He remembers where Phil lives, in the very vaguest sense, but has to get the exact address from Phil.
He's glad that Phil's front door is painted a specific sort of blue. It would be just Dan's luck to knock on the wrong narrow brick building.
Thor barks, somewhere inside, and Dan shoves his hands in his jean pockets as he waits for Phil to answer the door.
"Hey!" Phil greets him before he's even fully opened the door, beaming. To the great pleasure of Dan's ego, Phil's eyebrows raise as he looks Dan over. "Y'know, you could have changed. I wouldn't have minded waiting a bit."
"Feeling underdressed?" Dan teases.
"A little," says Phil. He pushes his glasses up and gestures at his own graphic tee and slippered feet. "If I'd known there was a dress code, I'd have put on a sports coat."
"You look fine, I was just impatient," says Dan. He waits for another beat. "Uh, can I... come in?"
Phil is giving him a smile, the one with deep eye crinkles and his tongue trapped in his teeth, but it drops as he realises that they've just been standing in his doorway. "Oh! Yeah, sorry, come in. I'm actually not done filming just yet, Thor distracted me. Shouldn't take long."
"What are you filming?" Dan asks curiously, his heart pounding a bit as he follows Phil inside and then, surprisingly, downstairs. "Wait, you're the basement flat? Your video lighting is so good, though!"
"Mostly artificial," says Phil. He sounds wistful. "Someday I'll have a place with a glass window, just you wait."
"What are your windows made of now?"
"What? They're made of glass."
"Then why would you need to wait for one?"
"What did I say?"
"Glass window," says Dan, fighting back giggles. They reach the basement door and Phil lets them in, giving Dan a sheepish sort of smile over his shoulder.
"I meant a glass wall. Like a wall of windows, y'know? That's the dream."
"Yeah, it is," Dan agrees, but he's distracted by the fact that he's in Phil's flat. He kicks his shoes off among the pile next to the door and looks around. "It feels super weird to be seeing this place in 3D."
"Oh, probably," Phil laughs. "You want some slippers? My feet get so cold down here, I've got like a dozen pairs."
"I'm alright."
Phil's flat has less natural light than Dan had expected - or, evidently, than Phil would prefer - but the sheer number of lamps, string lights, and scented candles scattered around the place give it a soft glow that Dan is a big fan of. There are bright colours on every surface and every wall, and the overall effect isn't as overwhelming as it could be. Dan still thinks it could be edited down, but. It's very Phil.
To his vague surprise, he sees Phil's bed pushed against the far wall, a backless bookshelf the only divider from the open living space. Box lights and camera are all set up at the side of his bed.
"If I didn't know what you did for a living," says Dan, gesturing at the setup.
Phil grins at him. "Yeah. My landlord still doesn't believe that I don't make porn. You want a drink?"
"Sure, whatever you're having," says Dan. He spots Thor, curled up on a fluffy dog bed in the corner, and immediately starts cooing. "Oh, there you are! Hello!"
Thor perks up, cocking his head to the side, and Dan gets on the floor to call him over. Within seconds, he ends up on his back with an armful of happy puppy, and he giggles helplessly as Thor licks all over his face.
"Thor, down," Phil says from somewhere above them, sounding amused. Thor backs off, winding through Phil's legs a couple of times before he trots back to his bed.
"I love him," Dan informs Phil, still flat on his back. It's not the most flattering angle to look up at Phil, but he can deal.
"So do I," says Phil. He holds up a glass. "Ribena?"
"Please," says Dan, standing back up to accept the drink. He suddenly feels very weird, standing in the middle of Phil's lounge slash dining area slash kitchen slash bedroom. "Er, you've still got to finish filming, yeah? I can just... sit."
With a small grin, Phil waves at his sofa. "Make yourself at home. Just try not to rile Thor up too much? He's already made my blooper reel longer than the video itself."
"I think I can handle that."
Dan cannot, in fact, handle it. He brings his Ribena to the floor so he can sit next to the dog bed and scratch all of Thor's favourite spots. He finds one of Thor's toys as he listens to Phil wrap up a story that sounds maybe ten percent true, and then - well. It progresses to a tug of war before Dan can even entertain the idea that this might be distracting to Phil.
"Dan," Phil says, in this tone like he's trying to sound stern but can't stop smiling. "Are you growling at Thor?"
Yes. "Maybe."
"Maybe? I'm literally filming right now."
"He's just so cute," Dan whines.
"I know he is," says Phil. "I deal with this struggle every day of my life."
Dan sighs and lets Thor have the rope, watching wistfully as he zooms off with it. "Sorry, I'm really not trying to be a dick. I know this is your job."
"Hey, no," says Phil, suddenly sounding much closer. Dan looks up from corgi-watching to see Phil leaning against one side of his shelves, hands in his pockets and a soft smile playing around his lips. Butterflies erupt somewhere in Dan's belly. "I'm not bothered, really. I think it's cute. I just also, y'know, would like to eat sometime today."
"Why don't I just order something?" Dan suggests.
"Alright," Phil hums. "I'm lactose intolerant and hate mushrooms, but the intolerance can be ignored for pizza if that's what you want."
If that's what Dan wants. "What do you want?"
Phil blinks. "Oh, whatever."
"No," Dan presses. He knows it isn't very good manners, but he wants to see if Phil will actually offer an opinion of his own instead of walking that thin line of indifference. "I will quite literally eat anything. You pick."
It's quiet for a moment while Phil thinks it over, only the hum of the refrigerator and Thor's little huffs of breath for background noise. Dan has to admit that the small basement windows have an upside - less traffic din is able to get through. Coupled with the way Phil has lit his flat, the atmosphere makes Dan feel comfortable, like he could curl up here and just stay.
The rug under Dan is soft, the Ribena is perfectly watered down, and he's got a cute dog and a cute boy to stare at. He really could sit here forever and be content.
"I feel like Chinese," Phil says eventually. He's chewing on his lip, and Dan realises he hasn't seen Phil look so... anxious.
"Chinese sounds great," says Dan. "I'll order."
Phil seems relieved that he hasn't accidentally made a horrible choice or something, and he goes back to filming while Dan fucks around on different apps to find the best Chinese place in Phil's area.
"You never actually told me how you managed to grope someone."
Dan, who had gotten all wrapped up in chow mein and MasterChef and had forgotten his hellish morning by this point, chokes on air.
"Oh my god, nooooo," he groans, covering his face with both hands and sinking further into the sofa. He hears Phil laugh. "She just! Had some fucking, like, fluff on her shoulder. Like lint. I was gonna brush it off."
"How did you fuck that up so hard?" Phil asks. He sounds so amused that Dan wants to keep hiding, but the curse has him peeking out between his fingers curiously.
"I've never heard you swear," says Dan.
"I don't," says Phil, "on YouTube."
Unfortunately for Dan, the sound of Phil swearing is very hot. He groans again, overdramatic to cover up his very real blush, and gesticulates wildly. "My limbs are not friends with my brain, okay, I've got very big hands and I misjudged where I was putting one of them."
"Yeah, you do." Phil's eyes track Dan's hands with an intensity that makes Dan's gut constrict. Then he blinks, meets Dan's eye again, and the look is gone. "That sucks. I get it, though, my body and brain are not on the same frequency at all."
Dan thinks, a little hysterically, that this is a very good reason not to try and have sex with AmazingPhil - he doesn't want to end up in A&E.
There are roughly a hundred other reasons, too. Dan's uncertainty about his own identity, the fact that he's only in the UK for another two weeks, and the very real bond that they've been forming as friends are all at the forefront of his mind. Even so, it helps to make a joke to himself about it.
"Have you ever touched a tit accidentally?" Dan asks dryly.
"I've never touched a tit at all," says Phil. He's drinking coffee despite the hour hurtling into evening quickly, and Dan has to wonder if he ever sleeps. "Not really my wheelhouse."
"They're fine," Dan says, with much less enthusiasm than he normally would. He can't sit here and talk about his boob opinions with Phil, though, because that way lies madness. So he changes the subject, talks loudly about the episode of MasterChef they're on.
He's not ready to come out properly to himself, let alone to someone he barely knows.
Well, okay. It would be more accurate to say 'just met', because Dan feels like he does know Phil fairly well at this point. At least as well as he knows Jaime or Patrick. And maybe that's more of a commentary on how shit a coworker he is, how bad at making friends he is, but whatever. The point is that he likes spending time with Phil a lot, and he wants to do it more, but he can't have that conversation yet.
Dan knows he's attracted to guys. When he was younger and had an even worse handle on himself, that attraction would either lead to fumbling, fearing for his safety, or both.
Right now, specifically, he is attracted to Phil. This feels different, because he's got no reason to fear Phil or to immediately jump him, he's just comfortable sitting next to Phil in the dim light and letting the warmth of the feelings settle in his chest.
Maybe someday he'll be ready to tell Phil that he likes guys. Maybe that'll even go somewhere. For now, Dan is going to trash talk the chefs like he knows what he's talking about and settle into Phil's sofa and laugh like he belongs there.
Dan gets a little too comfortable. He has no idea what time it is when his eyes start to droop, but he's sure it's unreasonably early for someone who goes to sleep in the wee hours of morning most of the time.
A hand on his shoulder jerks him back into full awareness, and Dan blinks over at Phil. "Whuh?"
"Hey," says Phil. He's smiling and his voice is low. Dan can feel the slight chill of Phil's palm through the thin material of his dress shirt.
It's overwhelming, suddenly, how much Dan wants to lean in to Phil. The itch under his skin that he would feel ten years or so ago, the restless, guilty want that had him falling into bed with whatever bloke would let him, is thrumming through him with an intensity he hasn't prepared for. Dan's tongue feels heavy, and his gaze drops to Phil's mouth before he can stop it.
"Hey," echoes Dan, a beat or two late.
"You're falling asleep," Phil says. There's something about his tone that Dan can't quite place, so focused on his own emotions as he is. "You wanna stay over?"
Dan really, really does. But he really, really, really shouldn't.
"I can't," he says, not bothering to hide how regretful it makes him to turn the offer down. "Breakfast telly or whatever in the morning."
The loss of Phil's hand on Dan is one that he thinks he'll be feeling until Phil touches him again. "Of course. You probably have to wake up ridiculously early for that, huh?"
Dan orders himself an Uber and slides to the floor with Thor in order to stop himself from giving his body what it wants in the short amount of time before it arrives. Thor likes the attention, and when Dan glances up to see the soft, unguarded look in Phil's eye, he thinks that Phil probably doesn't mind being ditched for his dog.
They chat about MasterChef and Dan's upcoming interview for a few minutes, safe topics, and Dan is disappointed when his phone beeps with the notification that his driver is close. He doesn't actually want to leave, he just knows he has to.
"We have to do this again before you head up to Edinburgh," says Phil. He walks Dan to the door, which is a little pointless - it's a total of eight steps away.
"How'd you know we're going to Edinburgh this weekend?" Dan asks, distracted from the process of getting his shoes on.
"Been in the business a while, lucky guess."
"Right. Well, then, I'll have to see what I'm doing on Friday."
"Yeah, just message me," says Phil.
There's a moment after Dan gets his shoes on where they're both just standing there looking at each other, and Dan's heart starts pounding like he's getting chased.
"I'll see you Friday," Dan says quietly, even though he isn't sure that he's free. He just needs to say something. His phone beeps again, probably telling him the driver is outside, and Dan is both relieved and annoyed.
Phil opens his mouth to say something, but Dan's racing heart and anxious mind doesn't want to hear whatever it is. He steps forward and wraps his arms around Phil's waist in a tight goodbye hug. It's the sort of embrace he'd give any of his friends, nothing overly intimate, but he knows he'll be thinking about it later anyway.
When Phil's arms drape over Dan's shoulders and his thumb brushes deliberate circles over the back of Dan's neck, it hits Dan very suddenly that if he were to try and kiss Phil right now, Phil would let him. That kind of knowledge is intoxicating, the surety of it making Dan's head swim.
But. He still doesn't know for sure what he wants, and his Uber is waiting. So he just pulls away, says goodnight, leaves.
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Play Though?  Pt. 2
Part 1
(Dad!M’Baku x Black!OC)
Word Count: 4.8K
A/N: I started the first chapter as a Reader insert, but I’m starting to feel more for original characters, so our main girl, Xavier’s mom and M’Baku’s love interest is Remi!  
Remi had a problem, a pretty big one.  A couple of days had passed since the unexpected friendship between M’Baku and both of their children.  Xavier had talked his mother’s ear off to death about his spunky little new friend he made, and it made Remi genuinely happy to hear.  She wanted her son to get in touch with his new friend again and have a solid friend, however thanks to her father, that may not happen.
M’Baku thought he was slick giving his number to her instead of the other way around.  This forced Remi’s hand to have to make the decision and time to make the phone call and invite them over for the playdate that was promised.  And sure, if Remi said she didn’t want to see M’Baku again, it would be a lie.  But she didn’t even know where to start with him.
“X, get your backpack, it’s time to go baby.”  Remi says, sliding her shoes on as she grabs her keys.  
Xavier drags his feet into the kitchen along with his backpack on the floor.  “Mama.”
“You didn’t pack your game in there right?  I don’t want a kid to steal it.”
Remi grabs her purse talking to herself.  “If I am late again, I’ll fire my damn self.  Shit!”
“Mama!”  Xavier yells out.
“Oh!  Mama’s sorry, I know that’s a bad word.”
“Daddy say that all the time.”  Xavier says matter of factly.
Remi turns to him with her hand on her hip.  “Excuse me?  ALL the time?”
Xavier nods, picking at his nose.  “Mama I don’t wanna go.”
Remi sighs walking over to her son and kneeling at his level.  “Why not?  You had a good time last week.  You have friends there.”
He shrugs.  “I don’t feel good.”
Remi puts a hand to his forehead.  “You’re not hot...Is it your tummy?”  
Xavier shakes his head.  “Sometimes I don’t wanna go is all.”
Remi looks at her son’s round face lovingly.  Her eyes looking back at her has always been a quick source of pride for Remi.  Her hair texture, face shape, and bits of personality brought back memories of when she was a little girl.  She took her time with him in moments like these.
“Well son, you know how Mama has to go to work everyday?”
“Not Saturday!”  He corrects.
Remi chuckles.  “Yes, smart boy.  Not everyday do I work, But when I have to I go.”
“But you’re big, you have to.”
Remi smirks.  “I am, but you have things to do too.  Like keeping your toys cleaned up, and eating your peas and carrots.”
Xavier crosses his arms.  “I don’t like those.”
“I know X.  But think when I wasn’t feeling good on your birthday and you wanted your favorite blueberry waffles and sausage links with lots of syrup and scrambled eggs?”
Xavier’s eyes widen with excitement.  “Can I have some now?!”
Remi shakes her head.  “No, but do you hear me?  I was sick and still gave your your favorite breakfast?”  Xavier nods.  “So things like that happen.  You do stuff you don’t want to because you want to do right for other people.  I wanted you to have a good birthday even though I didn’t feel good.”
“Whose birthday is it?”  Xavier asks.
Remi hangs her head from this merry go round of a conversation.  “No one’s.  But you have friends and learning to do, which you need to be a big strong boy, so we have to go.”
Xavier pouts heavily as she puts on his backpack and pushes him out the door and in the car.  Once she pulled up to daycare, Xavier’s face is covered in tear trails and snot bubbles, grips her hand tightly as she walks him to the entrance.  A smiling worker greets Xavier happily.
“Ohhh, are we having a rough morning?”
Remi smiles tightly.  “Kind of.  He wasn’t feeling like going out today.”
The daycare worker kneels down.  “Well I’m glad you came.  Today is when we learn about planting with crushed up Oreo cookies and gummi worms and all kinds of good stuff.  Doesn’t that sound fun?”
Xavier rubs his eyes hard nodding his head.  Remi rustles his braids.  “Sure does!  You go ahead with Ms. Faye and have a good day.  I’ll be back soon, ok?”
Xavier, hugs her legs with one healthy squeeze before going in.  Ms Faye stays back with Remi for a minute.  
“He’s been really great with the other children lately.  First whole week without even a threat of an incident.”
Remi nods, folding her arms over herself.  “I think that the word ‘threat’ is a bit strong but I appreciate the update.”
Ms. Faye shrugs.  “Look, it’s tough on everybody involved.  But we try to be supportive and encouraging so he is reminded that no one is against him.  Does he display any aggression at home?”
Remi shakes her head.  “And once again, please watch the words you use to describe his behavior.  Aggressive?  Never.  He is a mama’s boy, turns into a puddle whenever I call him out on the smallest thing.”
Ms. Faye nods stoically.  “Ok.  I know he used to mention visiting his father more often, has he been able to get time with him?’
Remi shifted nervously.  Xavier’s father was a sore subject for Remi to dive into at any point in time.  He is a slick talker, big dreamer which was half the reason Remi gave him the time of day.  He has a way of making her feel like a sinking ship was still rising on the other side of the surface if you hold your breath long enough.  But his promises never came to fruition and led her and eventually her son down a road that they barely got out of unscathed.  She’d hoped Xavier was still young enough to not be worried about the troubles of the past, but it doesn’t seem that way.
“We have plans to see him soon, yeah.  Just don’t bring it up to him, that’s a little too heavy to have on his mind when I’m not there.  Ok?”  Remi says.  Ms. Faye nods knowingly before bidding her farewell.  Remi checks her phone:  of course time got away from her again.
Remi zooms over to the beauty shop, parking in the back as she jogs in the back door to make it to her chair.  
“Uh uh!  I know you not trying to get past us that easily Re!”  
The voice that called her out belonged to Patricia or Trixie, the shop owner.  She’s a middle aged Black woman who looked like Storm’s auntie, grey locs and all sitting atop her head in a bun  and headscarf.  She’s putting a roller set into an elderly woman’s hair.
“I’m sorry Trixie.  I got behind dropping my son off at daycare.”  Remi says, prepping her area.
Trixie fixes her mouth before speaking.  “You spoil that boy too much.  Why don’t you have my cousin watch him?  She run a daycare from her house and won’t charge you an arm and leg to do it.”
“Are we just gonna forget the trap house she lives next to?  Or how she turns deaf and blind soon as someone calls her on that phone she stays glued to 24/7.”  Remi says.
Trixie waves her off.  “Oh the boy gotta learn how to handle himself in the world eventually.  When his father coming by to get him?”
Remi calls a waiting patron over to her chair.  “I don’t know anymore.  I haven’t tried calling him lately.”
“Oh hell, you shouldn’t have to!”  Mika says out the blue across the room.  She works with Remi too, started not long after Remi did.
“Thank you!  The boy ought to be calling you to spend some time with his firstborn!  I still wonder if he lying bout that…”  Trixie adds under her breath.
Remi starts walks her patron to a sink bowl.  “That’s the truth, believe me.   The man acts like his dick is solid gold and his sperm is diamond encrusted.  Surprisingly he don’t give it out willy nilly.”
Trixie helps escort her patron under a dryer.  “He was always so odd to me.  Too pretty to be like that, he oughta be having babies right and left.”
Mika chimes in from her filing her nails.  “He could be like Prince or Leonardo di Caprio out here: had all these women in a tizzy but no kids.  They kept they shit on ZipLoc.”
Remi and Trixie laugh at her suggestion.  “Ok, ok.  But to be serious a second, he should be calling you, for real.  He needs to see his son and you need a break.  I can tell you running yourself ragged making sure the sun revolves around him.”
Remi towel dries her patron.  “I’m good.  Xavier IS my world, I’m not ashamed to admit that.  I’m raising a Black man in the making, and I will not fuck this up, deadbeat daddy be damned.  Plus, I get me time with you all here.  That’s socializing enough.”
Trixie makes a face with a slight eye roll.  “I mean that’s noble and all, but hell, I don’t need you being a spinster at your age.  You still got all that youth, you need to put that beauty and energy into something that’s gonna appreciate it.  You know, someone that doesn’t require potty breaks and reads at high school level.”
Remi scoffs as she combs out her patron’s hair.  “What’re you trying to say?”
“GIRL GET YOU A MAN!  A date, a one night stand, a something with a dick and a pulse!”  Mika exclaims.  The whole shop goes quiet looking at her like the aftermath of an explosion.  “Y’all were thinking it.  You too Mae, I know you know.  You been married 50 yrs and his death didn’t stop you.”
Remi’s patron Mae turned around in her chair wordlessly away from Mika in response.
Trixie tries to even things out.  “Thank you for that Mika.  But what I’m trying to say is you need a night out or something.  You say you socialize with us but you never go outside of this shop with us, and that’s not cuz we ain’t tryin.”
Remi sighs.  “You right, you right.  I got a routine is all, and what if I go somewhere and-and Xavier needs me cuz he misses me?  Having a nightmare?  Wet the bed?”
“Ohhh my God.”  Mika groans.  
“Mika, shut the hell up.  Re, I get that.  When my kids were small, they had my undivided attention cuz I was young, younger than you, and had to hustle to make sure my babies had what they needed so their lives were good despite the circumstances they were brought in.”
“Thank you!  Yes!”  Remi exclaims feeling vindicated.
Trixie holds up a hand.  “But!  I didn’t have a life because of it.  I lost a little bit of what it meant to be me outside of being a mother.  Now, like I said I was younger, less established and had an extra couple kids before your age compared to your one.   All I’m saying is, you have a means to make a life for yourself still without losing yourself.”
Remi sighs.  “The boy is a handful though.  I won’t put a man over my son.  Even like this past weekend, some guy tried to talk to me up with his kid at the park.”
“Oh?”  Mika perks up.
Remi nods, oblivious to Mika’s excitement.  “Yeah!  Interrupting my time with Xavier so he could try and talk me up.  Like he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“Wait, wait wait.  Ok, first of all, what was the exact situation here.  Did he look like one of these dusty van driving niggas using a kid to lure women or something?”  
“No, Mika!  But he don’t have to, he’s a big ass dude.  Like a fucking...oak ass tree ass, thick looking nigga…”  Remi says hesitantly.  She bites her lip at the thought of his appearance, almost forgetting how handsome he is with the amount of time having passed.  
Trixie walks up to her pointing.  “Girllll, I see you!  He was FINE huh?  Light skinned, dark skinned?”
“Dark skinned, yeah.  His daughter is just as cute too, like gorgeous and smart.  He treats her like a doll.”
“How much time did y’all spend together??” Mika’s voice asks in a high pitched voice, fanning herself.
Remi stamps her foot.  “Y’all stahp!  It’s literally not like that at all.  He tried it though, giving me his number like he just know he gonna see me again.”
Trixie and Mika look at one another one second before falling out in laughter and praise dancing in the middle of the shop.  Remi looks at them in wide eyed wonderment before coaxing them to calm down.
“Aye aye!  This is a place of business y’all, the hell you doin?”
Trixie stops to catch her breath.  “Child this MY place of business, you better turn up!  If you don’t call this fine single father who gave you the go ahead to seek him out, I WILL!”
Remi rolls her eyes.  “It’s gonna be a waste of time though!”
Mika chimes in.  “Let him waste your time!  You got your time too organized, you stiff!  You need something to break down your walls….oh shit!  You see that double entendre!”  
Trixie and Mika screech, giving each other a high five.
“Excuse me!”  Mae says in Remi’s chair.
Remi turns to her.  “Oh oh, I’m sorry!  I’ll get you under the dryer right now.  Excuse the noise.”
She shakes her head.  “No dear, the man who is sweet on you.  Why not try to get to know him a little?  You’re too beautiful to be single, and you both have children.  There’s a lot to relate to one another about.”
Remi smiles sweetly at the old white woman.  “Thank you, I appreciate your advice Mae.  I’m still thinking about it though.”
“Well that is a start in itself.  Pray about it, you’ll know what’s right.”  Mae’s saggy cheeks lift a little as she smiles with a closed mouth as Remi escorts her to a chair for drying.
Mika and Trixie finally got off of the subject of Remi’s potential love life and got through the appointments of the day.  What little time she had to herself was spent thinking of dinner for Xavier and NOW checking the new contact in her phone and wondering if she should take the plunge dive in some uncharted waters.  By the close of business, Remi was zooming over to the daycare to see her little boy; she missed him so much by the end of the work day.  She’s thankful he is still small enough for her to hold and snuggle, though he’s growing up so fast.
When Remi arrives to the daycare, Faye walks Xavier out, who runs the rest of the way over to her.
“Hey X!  Did you have a good day?”  Remi asks, picking him up into a big hug.  He smelled like outside and the coconut oil spray she conditions his hair with.  
His little arms tightened around her head.  “Yeah!  I planted gummi worms and made mud!”
“It was pudding.”  Faye chuckled.  “Xavier was the life of the party today.”
Remi kisses his cheek greedily as she puts him in his booster seat in the back.  When she closes the door, Faye grabs Remi’s attention.
“Remi, he was great today.  He even helped out with the project, passing out our ‘flower pots’, which were just styrofoam cups.  But he really showed a lot of leadership and gentleness today.”
Remi looks back at her little boy in the car with pride.  “That’s what he is, gentle and bossy.”
Faye nods.  “So great.  He even had a lot of conversation for me today.  Someone he met taught him about plants before.  Some kind of strong trees from Africa?”
Remi searches her mind; she always took Xavier to the library for books of all kinds for him to learn about the world, but she didn’t recall anything from books or TV on that.
“Really?  I’ve got to ask him about that, must’ve been on PBS or something when I wasn’t paying attention.”  Remi surmises.
“Well it stuck, I love seeing comprehension in children at a young age.  He’s got a strong foundation for it in you.  Thanks for bringing him by.”  
“No problem!  I wouldn’t mind a discount on fees since he is such a joy.”  Remi says jokingly as she walks to the car.
“If only!”  Faye retorts, waving back proudly.
Remi and Xavier drive home, bopping to the radio edits of their favorite hits the whole way back.  Xavier’s mood lifted Remi’s so easily; she was dog tired on the way to pick him up after hours of being on her feet, but now she felt like they could party all night.  Looking back at his serious jam face mumbling the riff of a Miguel song tickled her, such a performer.
Once they arrived at their home, Remi starts to rundown the menu, heading to the kitchen.
“Ok X-man, we can have some spaghetti, I got turkey meat for sandwiches.  Or I could make those fish tacos, you liked those last time.”
“Mama, can I have my birthday today?”  Xavier calls from the couch he is standing on.
Remi closes the fridge door to approach her son.  “Mk, first, get off the couch.  We don’t even do that on birthdays.”
Xavier jumps off standing by his mom.  “Please?  Can I have my birthday?”
Remi pulls out some bread to make a sandwich.  “Sweetie, I don’t have any waffle mix or blueberries.”
Xavier crawls into a chair.  “No mama, I want birthday.  Not waffles.”  
Remi stops prepping the sandwich to look at her son carefully.  “Your birthday isn’t for six more months, why do you want to celebrate so early?”
“I want Sunny to come over and play.”  Xavier says reaching for a lunch meat slice to chew on.  
Remi looks at Xavier with confusion.  “Who is Sunny, baby?”
“My friend from the park.  Her dad came too, I want to see her for my birthday.”  Xavier says through a mouth full of meat.
Remi chuckles to go back to assembling her sandwich.  “X, you don’t need a birthday to see Jolasun, we can see her anytime.”
Xavier’s eyes light up.  “Can I see her tomorrow??”
Remi groans as she thinks.  “Uhhh, probably not….”
“If it’s my birthday tomorrow, can I see her?”  Xavier asks.
Remi gives her son a look.  “Xavier, what’s this birthday mess you keep talking about?  We will see her when I say we can,  I’m just not sure yet.”
Xavier’s face falls.  “But you say you do cool stuff for my birthday, even if you feel bad.”
Remi purses her mouth and steps away from the sandwich ingredients.  She pulls a seat up next to her son giving him her full attention.
“Listen, that’s different.  I told you that so you would understand why you have to go to school in the morning.  It doesn’t work for other things like seeing friends.”
Xavier’s eyes begin to water as he looks sadly at his turkey slice.  “But I want to see Sunny….”
Remi rubs his back.  “We will, X!  I promise we will, don’t get upset.”
Xavier sniffles.  “But you don’t want to…”
“No! No, I do want to see her.  She’s a lovely little girl.  I’m just nervous about...stuff.”  Remi says curtly.  Mika and Trixie could barely understand her thoughts on M’Baku, how would a 4 year old.
Xavier looks at her with puppy dog eyes.  “I am nervous too Mama.  At school and when I saw Sunny, but then I was happy because they were nice.  Sunny is too mama!”
Remi pulls her son in for a hug as chokes up a little.  His whole world crumbles so easily, she hated to see him get this way.  “X, now calm down so Mama can talk to you.  It’s ok to have friends and I’m glad you want to see them.  I;m so proud of you for being a big boy and not getting nervous.  Ms. Faye told me how good you were today.”
Remi nods, pulling him back to face her.  “Of course!  You’re always a smart little gentleman, don’t forget that.”  Remi wipes his tears and grabs a napkin to get at his nose.  “And I know Sunny thinks you’re great too.  So, since she knows how cool you are and wants to see you, why not go see her.”
Xavier’s face lights up again.  “For real??  Are we going to the park again?!”
Remi grabs her phone.  “Well, I don’t know exactly but I’ll call her Dad and we’ll see, ok?”  Remi gives him half the sandwich she made and a cup of juice and chips.  “Sit and eat while I talk.  Don’t drink all the juice and eat all the chips before you finish the sandwich.”
Remi walks over the the living room, sitting in her easy chair to scroll to his number.  Her heart felt like it skipped just at the sight of his name:  M’Baku.  Such a good name, took little effort once you got past the hard B, then your lips and tongue just fall in line with a whisper into the last two syllables.  It’s been days since their first interaction, would he even remember their interaction, her name?
She shakes her head free of toxic thoughts as best she could or she’d never go for it, and hit Call.  This is for Xavier and Jolasun after all, this would have little to do with you and M’Baku if she got her way fully.  The phone rang and rang in her ear, with each ring she wondered if calling was too much.  Maybe she should’ve texted or maybe go to the park like Xavier said and hope to run into-
“Hello?”  M’Baku’s deep, elegant voice bound through the phone to her ear, causing a tingle in her brain.  
“Oh, uh hey!  This is Remi, uh from the park?  You came over to help me with my groceries.”
M’Baku does a low chuckle.  “Yes, Remi, I haven’t forgotten you at all.  But I thought you had forgotten me.”
His tone dropping into a realm of hurt ego, it made him that much more charismatic.  “Well Xavier hasn’t forgotten Jolasun.”  Remi says, steering the conversation back on track.
“Tell her I said hi!”  Xavier yells from his chair with a mouthful of sandwich.
“....and he says hello.”  Remi adds.
“Ahh, I heard.  Jola is still napping, but I will relay the message.”  M’Baku says very relaxed, as if he is settling in comfortably for an intimate conversation.
An awkward pause of silence fills the conversation as Remi plays with her nails waiting for M’Baku to say something, anything to hopefully make her hang up an say that it can’t happen.
“Was...that all you called for?”  M’Baku inquires.  She could hear the smile in his voice.
“No.  Um, Xavier wanted to see Jolasun so I wanted to coordinate with you and see when you’d be free...basically.”
“Ah, so your son persuaded you.”  
“...yea.”  Remi adds curtly.
“Am I invited as well?”
“I mean you would want to bring her here I thought, so….in a way...yes?”
M’Baku groans demonstratively, muttering a few things under his breath for dramatic effect.  “Well, that is good enough for me.  Do you feel like having dinner tomorrow night?”  M’Baku asks.
“Uh, I mean I want the kids to spend time together, we’re not going-”
“Remember when I offered to show you an exquisite, nutritious meal that meat and plant eaters alike could enjoy?”
Remi smacked her forehead.  As hard as she tried to keep this conversation off of flirtation, she maneuvered herself into a ditch of embarrassment.  “Right.”
“Then me and Jola will come by, we can cook as they play, and we will all eat together, eh?”
Remi looks over to Xavier.  “That sounds nice, but I really don’t want to be stuck with trash and dishes.  Sounds like more work then I want to sign up for.”
“I know how to clean and take trash out.  I will bring my own pots, I am particular about my cookware anyway.”  
“Oh?  Are my pots and pans subpar?”  Remi quips.
“I don’t know yet.  I’ll have to come see for myself.”  M’Baku says.  Remi could practically hear his wink.
“Oh God, this is ridiculous.”  Remi shakes her head, gripping the bridge of her nose.  
“What is ridiculous is passing on a chance for a free meal and company since we all get along so well.  The kids have their playdate while we have our-”
“Dinner.  A good meal and babysitting, sounds lovely.”  Remi says.
M’Baku chuckles again.  “Yes, a meal in your beautiful home.  And I sincerely cannot wait for it.”
Remi felt herself getting warm.  The way he said beautiful, it didn’t feel like he meant the house.   She fought herself on wanting to hear that word from his mouth in connection to her instead.  “I...know Xavier and Jolasun will have a good time.”  
Remi hears shuffles on M’Baku’s end.  “I will have to let you go now, lady of the house is stirring.  See you on tomorrow!”
Remi smiles, saying goodbye before hanging up her phone and looking off into space for a bit.  She gets lost in remembering his features, his stance, matching his expressions with the cadence of his voice over the phone and imagining that wide smile excitedly planning a night with her and Xavier.
“Mama!  What he say?”  Xavier asks through a mouthful of crackers.
“Chew your food!  But they will be coming.”
“YAYYY!!”  Xavier pops out of his seat and runs over to his mom, climbing her feet roughly to get in her lap.
“Ouch, boy!”  Remi picks him up the rest of the way, laughing to herself as they embrace.  Xavier looks into his mother’s face, forehead to forehead, nose to nose.
“What do you say?”  Remi quizzes her child, her vision blurred as his features become a Picasso from her eyes crossing to look at him from point blank range.
“Thank you mama!”  Xavier’s breath smells like every component of his dinner.  She loved making her baby boy happy.  It’s not always so easy to do.
The next night, Remi lays out a couples of pots, pans, and various utensils to prepare for the night with M’Baku and Jolasun.  He texted earlier in the day to let her know he would be bringing groceries with him so Remi wouldn’t have to worry about having the right stuff, no matter how much she protested against this.  Remi still felt off about tonight, like something wasn’t quite copacetic but she reminded herself this was not a date.  More like a summer camp and they were the counselors….not horny ones like the movies always depict, that’d be gross…
It had been so long since Remi let a man interested in her inside of her home, she really was not sure how to act.  M’Baku could still be just a nice buddy, with little interest in her especially exclusivity.  
Remi groans at the tracks her mind went on.  She keeps steering into a romance thing!  The kitchen was set, so she changed atmosphere, going upstairs to check her face and make sure she was good to go  look-wise.
She tried to keep her outfit cute, but not too elementary school teacher-ish.  Enough to show her assets, but conservative enough to wear to church.  But not too formal to keep up with the kids and there impending messes, just over the line of looking like she cares.  She is at her house for this, but some freshening up is necessary for guests.  
She takes out a nude lip to touch up as she calls out to Xavier.  “X!  Come here so I can see you!”
Xavier’s feet stomp rapidly up the hall to stand outside her bathroom.  He has on his favorite CoryxKenshin shirt with a little plaid shirt layered over it and canvas pants with his Keds.
Remi beamed.  “You are so handsome!”
He looks down at himself, almost going into a headstand as his braids stood up to gravity.  “I do?”
“Yes!  Of course, always!  Are you excited?”
He nods.  “Are we going to sing happy birthday with cake?”
Remi laughs as she fills in her brows.  “No baby, remember?  We aren’t going to do your birthday.  This is a regular day with your friend Jolasun.”
The doorbell rang on cue.
“Sunny!”  Xavier exclaims racing away.
“Xavier, don’t open that door!  I’ll get it!”  Remi’s heart rate picks up as she tries to summon the energy of her co-workers to gage as much of the possibilities tonight has to offer as possible.  Checking her phone, looks like they are a but early, she thinks as she heads downstairs again.  
Xavier is bouncing by the kitchen, ready for an adventure.  His smiling face calms Remi effortlessly as she glides in her confident walk across the floor to the door, putting on a genuine smile as she opens the door.
“Hey, Remi!  And little man!  Look at y’all!”
Remi’s face drops instantly.  “Ron?”
Part 3
@yaachtynoboat711 @chaneajoyyy @bidibidibombaclaat@sarcastic-sunshines @great-neckpectations @wakanda-inspired @klaine15689  @foulmouthedandfanfic @nickidub718 @supersizemeplz @yofavcocoa @ashanti-notthesinger
52 notes · View notes
aureumjeon · 6 years
Strip (M) Pt. 2 || JJK
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●Pairing: Jungkook x Reader  ●Genre: College!Au, Smut, Fluff, Angst ●Warnings: Making out in a supply closet at school during school hours? Strip clubs/Stripper, Special services iykwim ●Word count: 6.3K
A/N: Hmmm some taehyung action grrr. Jimin will have his time, just you guys wait. btw jungkook is 3 yrs older than mc and taehyung ok Sorry it took so fcking long. Enjoy 
[Part 1] || [Part 3]
Finally, at home, you flopped yourself on the sofa and tossed your bag on the floor. You grabbed your phone from your back pocket and immediately texted Jin.
(You 5:49 PM)
(Jin 5:50 PM)
-Yes, hun?
You screamed when he replied.
(You 5:50 PM)
-You won't fucking believe what happened today!
(Jin 5:51 PM)
(You 5:52 PM)
-Remember the VIPs you told me about???
(Jin 5:52 PM)
-Yes, omg I swear. Just tell me already! wHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?
(You 5:53 PM)
-One of them. Uhmm. Jeon Jungkook..
(Jin 5:54 PM)
-The one with the thicc thighs? *wink wink did you guys fuck?
(You 5:54 PM)
-Yes. That one. And NO WTH. Last night, when I was performing. I kinda saw him eyeing me.
(Jin 5:54 PM)
-Girl everybody’s always staring at you when you perform. Haha
(You 5:55 PM)
-Omg stop. Hahaha okay back to the story. I bumped into him when I was heading home. I fucking got scared and ran for my life. Lol. And Guess what!?
(Jin 5:55 PM)
-WHAT stop it with the cliffhangers I’m about to choke you
(You 5:56 PM)
(Jin 5:56 PM)
-Giiiiiiiiiiirl. You whipped. Tell me about it more the next time you come in. Saturday night? You available?
(You 5:57 PM)
-Yes, I have no plans Saturday night. See you then! Xoxo
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, unable to express yourself. It felt like hundreds and thousands of tiny little butterflies swimming in the pit of your belly. Feverishly tickling your insides. You can't help but smile at the fact that things were actually doing great and not going downhill the way you expected it to be. You drew out a sigh of relief.
Fast forward the next day, you woke up earlier than normal to make yourself extra pretty for your teacher. Hair tied into a loose but cutesy top bun with side bangs resting just above your lashes. Makeup light and simple yet powerful enough to turn heads. Your outfit was a light blue tank top that perfectly hugged your curves in all the right places partnered with a white chiffon cardigan to make things a little more wholesome and plain black skinny jeans that accentuated your perfect ass. 
And for the pièce de résistance, you took out from your dresser the expensive perfume gifted by Jin last Christmas. You swore to yourself that you would never use it on normal days because there's no way in hell that you could purchase another of these high-end scents, but this time is different. You took one last look in the mirror and thought to yourself that this is probably the first time you tried to look good for a guy. 
Sure you've had a few boyfriends here and there but none of them were serious. The farthest you've ever gone with a guy was during sophomore year, you made out in the music room, he tried to get into your pants that time but you were scared that someone might walk in on the two of you, and the rest was history. You never had any relationship after that which kinda explains why you're still a virgin at 22. It felt kinda ironic when you think about it, a virgin working as a stripper, funny. You shrugged off all the unnecessary thoughts and headed off to school.
As you made your way through the door, your phone started ringing inside your bag. You took it and looked at the screen only to see an unknown number calling you. You had second thoughts about answering the call, what if it was a stalker? Or scammer? But you answered it anyway, what impeccable logic you had. " Hello? May I know who's this?" You asked in a soft tone. 
Your eyes beamed with delight the moment you heard his voice "How did you-" He cut off your question and answered, "I asked the owner of the club for your number, I hope you don't mind." A grin made its way onto your lips "No, I don't mind. " You replied timidly. "Where are you now?" He questioned. "Ah. I was about to step out of the house. Why?" You asked. 
"If its okay, I could give you a ride. What do you say?" You thought about what you were going to reply. " Are you near X convenience store?" He added another question to his previous one. " Yeah! It's just right around the corner. I could go there now." You happily answered. "Great. See you." He hung up the phone. You locked the door behind and dashed to the location given.
Once there, you spotted a black BMW parked beside the shop. Not sure if that was his car, you took small steps and inched closer to the stationed vehicle. The window suddenly went down and you saw Jungkook. He stepped out and waved. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of him and made your way over to the passenger side where he currently stood. He opened the door and lead you by the hand to take a seat. He closed the door and marched to other side and got in. "Seatbelt." He said while buckling his. 
"Oh, right. Sorry." You replied with a hint of shyness on your face. Jungkook started the engine and began to drive. You couldn't help but stare at his face. His side profile was just as mesmerizing as his front. The line of his forehead to the slight curve of his bridge sloping down to the tip of his nose making it way back to his cupid's bow. You felt your mouth water as your eyes met his lips, pink and plush. Don't forget about his well-sculpted chin drawing a sharp line up to his jaw. Ah, what masterpiece of a person he is. 
Too immersed in your thoughts, you finally found your way back to earth and realized that silence had filled the confinements of his car making it hard for you to breathe. You had to think about something to break the ice and you had to think fast "Do you live around here, Mr. Jeon?" You awkwardly asked voice cracking " Call me Jungkook. Mr. Jeon is my Dad." He chortled. "And yeah, I live around here. My apartment's a block away from the club." he stated "That's why I was there last time. A senior of mine invited me. He said that the dancers there were amazing" he looked at you with a sinister smile "And he was right." 
You felt all the blood in your body rush to your face making you red all the way to your ears. A faint "Really?" Was all that you could reply looking at the window, hoping that he doesn't see your tomato face. He stopped the car at a cafe just outside the University. "Is here alright?" he said "I don't want to get you in trouble or have rumors spread about you. " You grinned at his words, he was so sweet and caring. "Yes," you said as you unbuckled your seat belt and hopped out of the car. "Thank you Mr. J-- Thank you, Jungkook." He smiled after hearing his name escape your lips. "You're welcome, Y/N. And by the way, you look very beautiful. See you in class." And drove away.
You breathe the sweet air in and then out "Ahhh~ If this ain’t a great feeling, I don't know what is." You murmured to yourself. Since you were early, you decided to check out what this little cafe has to offer. The bell rang as you pushed the door open "Hello, welcome!" The nice lady at the counted gleefully greeted you. "Hi, can I get one large Iced coffee?" You paused while scanning the menu "And a giant chocolate chip cookie." You added. "Is that all miss?" The lady asked not losing the happy tone in her voice. "You know what, today's a great day. Make that 2." You smiled while handing her the bill to pay for your order.
Lunchtime and you still haven't seen Jisoo, maybe she took the day off school. You wondered why maybe something came up. You made a mental note to call her later and see what's up. After you finished eating one of the cookies you bought you heard someone calling out to you "Y/N. What's up?" You shifted your attention to the left and spotted a very nervous Jimin. He sat beside you and interjected, "You look great, Y/N." You slapped his arm and replied "Stop it, Jimin! You're making me blush." While in truth he was the one blushing like crazy. "I mean it. You look extra good today." He smiled.
While you were busy chit-chatting with Jimin about academics and school-related topics, you heard your name being called out again "Ms. Y/N." You looked over the direction from where the voice was coming from and it was Jungkook. 
Your heart rate increased tenfold. "Mr. Park, Can I borrow Ms. Y/N for a while?" Jungkook asked the boy. "Yes, Mr. Jeon. Of course." Jimin replied. as he stood up from where he was seated "See you later, Y/N" he concluded and walked away. "Y/N," Jungkook said your name again, sending jolts of lightning throughout your entire body. 
"Yes, Mr. Jeon?" You asked trying your best not to look like a complete mess. "I need help with the handouts for finals, Is it okay if you come with me to the printing room?" He inquired. You can hear your heart beating so loud inside your chest while walking beside Jungkook and hoped that he didn’t. 
He opened the door to the tiny room where the printers, xerox machine, photocopiers, and other office supplies were neatly stored. "Y/N can you please set up photocopier while I prepare the set of handouts?" He asked politely to which you obliged. Once the both of you were inside, he carefully shut the door behind him, discreetly clicking the lock without you noticing.
"It's good to go, Mr. Jeon" you chimed while rummaging your bag searching for the cookie you were supposed to give to Jisoo "By the way, Do you like sweets? I have an extra cook--" You were taken aback when you saw him towering in front of you. He snatched the cookie from your hands and said: "Does it taste as good as your lips?". You felt him push the erection hidden in his tight black slacks harder on your stomach. 
You were amazed at how incredibly solid it was right now. Jungkook ripped the packaging of the cookie and broke off a piece. What he did next sent shock waves to your core making it instantaneously drenched with your juices. Jungkook took the piece, hovered it just above your chest and crumbled it with his fingers. 
Your pupils dilated at the series of events happening before you. Some of the flakes managed to stick to the skin of your chest while others made its way to your cleavage. Still overwhelmed, you somehow managed to speak "Mr. Je-- Jungkook. What are you.." You weren't even able to finish your sentence as he yanked your cardigan down in one swift motion exposing your shoulders. 
The cold air that suddenly brushed against your exposed skin caused goosebumps. His hand made its way to the small of your back pulling you closer to him. He let out a heavy puff of air and said "You drive me insane. Who allowed you to act so cute in front of another guy?" As he kissed your jugular passionately trailing down to your shoulders. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up the moment his lips met with your sensitive supple skin. 
"I want you all to myself, baby." He growled before diving into your chest, cupping both breasts with his hands. "Oh-- fuck" you moaned. The way he has his face buried in your breast, It felt like a dream. These kinds of scenario only happen in your head when you're horny as hell except this is REAL. Whatever the hell was happening right now, it wasn't just pure imagination. Like putty, you melted in his grasp, knees feeling weak to the point that they wanted to cave in.
In that heated moment, pure bliss was all that you could feel. Your muscles were tense but relaxed at the same time under Jungkook's ministration. His teeth nibbled at the little remnants of the sweet treat that clung onto the surface of your skin. Occasionally switching from fervent kisses to sloppy licks. Lewd sounds and your feeble moans echoed within the walls of the small room, you pray to God that no one hears. Jungkook brushed his hands along the sides of your upper arm up to your shoulders, slid his thumbs under the thin strap of your top pulling it downwards until your bra was exposed. 
He chuckled "I like the ones you wore at the club much better." You were practically frozen like a statue, your face bright crimson and breathing rapidly. "May I?" Jungkook questioned while his fingers fiddled with your bra's closure.
With the flick of his thumb and index finger, your bra came undone. He stared at your chest wide-eyed, slowly taking in the sight of you bare. "Wow" was all that he could make up as he was utterly mesmerized. Jungkook could no longer hold his urges back and helped himself. One hand on your right boob kneading it gently, thumb slightly touching your hard nipple while the other made its way to the curve of your ass. 
Jungkook took one last look at your flustered face before taking in one nipple in his mouth. The way he stared at you was unlike anything you've ever seen. His eyes were dark, filled with need and lust. You felt like butter that was slowing melting under a heated pan under his gaze. God, he was so beautiful. You knew that what you were doing was wrong but damn, it felt so right. By the time his mouth was on your chest, you could feel his tongue trace circles around your sensitive nub. Every movement sent you higher in the clouds and all your senses went haywire. Your hand flew up to the top of his head, grabbing a fistful of his dark locks. 
You can no longer conjure up words, moans and labored breathing was the only thing that managed escaped your lips. The feeling of him against your skin was heavenly. No words were enough to describe all the sensation rushing in your bloodstream. The surge of adrenaline coursing through your entire body made you feel delirious, sucking you into a whirlpool of emotions that had you on your tip-toes, arms reacting outward, desperately trying to pull yourself up.
(Un)fortunately, you were in too deep, there was nothing you could do about it so you just went with the flow, riding the waves of euphoria. You shut your eyes tightly and saw white stars everywhere as you felt the warm breath from his nose glide across your fragile skin as he takes your breast by the mouthful.
His hand that rested on your backside carefully slithered its way to your front, the gesture that he made caused you to slightly jolt and push him away. "J--Jungkook" you pant out "I--" your breath was heavy, chest heaving up and down trying to catch your own breath. "What's wrong, love?" He asked as he ran his thumb across the apple of your cheek, his tone seemed sincerely concerned.
"I don't know If this is okay.." You replied hesitantly. "This is...." Your voice was laced with embarrassment and your face clearly portrayed the emotion your feeling as you turned pink from one ear to another. "..my first time." 
Jungkook had a bewildered expression on his face for a few seconds before composing himself again "Ahh.." There was a pause "Y/N" He pulled your bra up by the strap one at a time, hooked the closure back together and your tank top followed. You were confused for a minute, thoughts drawing a blank. What the hell, did you say something wrong?
Jungkook picked up your cardigan from the ground and dusted off the dirt that may have stuck to it while it was on the floor. "You should've told me." He chuckled while he handed the piece of clothing to you. Your brain was still fuzzy and only a "Huh?" was all you could reply. Jungkook smiled at the sight of you complete dazed, he absolutely thought you were adorable. He gently held on the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. He placed a light peck on the middle of your forehead. 
He looked at you with sparkling eyes and said "You should've told me. If I had known that this would your first time, I would've made it more special." He laughed. His eyes were now crescent, crinkled at the corners. Nose looking all cute scrunched up and his signature bunny teeth that get your insides all riled up was showing. 
“Doing it for the first in a small stuffy room at your school wouldn’t be an experience to remember.” He added. It felt like light years for your head to process the things he said. You were in complete disbelief, the image of Jungkook when you first saw him was completely opposite to what you were seeing right now. His masculine exterior, striking presence and unbelievably sexual aura was only one half of the man he truly was. He was sweet, caring and thoughtful clearly shown through his words and action. Absolutely downright charming every time he smiles, his personality was bright and blinding. It would always shine like the golden sun and all you would like to do was bask in his warmth. 
Cheeks tinted red and eyes looking elsewhere to avoid making eye contact, you were the epitome of the word awkward. To be honest, Jungkook could spend all day looking at you disoriented but no matter how cute you were, he knew that calming you down and bringing you back to your senses was the right thing to do. He pulled you into a hug, his arms around your waist, chin resting on your head and whispered "It's Alright. No need to be embarrassed." The scent of his cologne filled your space and got you in a trance-like state, in no time you felt your entire body loosen up, the slight ringing in your ears dissipated and your breathing was a lot smoother.
“I think lunch break is over.” He chuckled, looking at the clock hanging on the wall. “You need to get to your next class.”
You bit your lip and gave a slight nod before unlocking the door and exiting the stuffy room. The moment you walked out, you felt the rush of air pass through your nostrils as you deeply inhaled. 
“Y/N!” An out of breath Jisoo hollered out your name, arms flailing in the air. 
“Jisoo! What are you doing here? I thought you took the day off since I haven’t seen around all day.” You combed out the tangles in her hair, it was probably from her running around and looking for you.  “Yeah, sorry about that. I forgot to tell you that my mother and I picked up my cousin from the airport.” She chimed. 
“Ah, cousin?” You asked.
“Yeah, he studied here at our university for one whole semester.” She replied completely out of breath “After that, he changed school because his dad’s work required them to move around a lot from city to city. Well, now he’s back to finish his final year with us, though not in the same course.” She giggled, holding your hand in hers. “I can’t wait to introduce him to you! I kinda think it’s funny that you haven’t met each other around campus when he was here before.” 
“Jisoo, the school is huge.” You casually joked “I doubt that I even talk to at least 5% of the whole school population. And you didn’t even mention that you had a relative studying here.”  You crossed your arms while her hand was still intertwined with yours. 
“Yah, I’ll introduce you to him later! He’s pretty cool you know. He’s really good looking and smart, too.” She wiggled her brow teasingly. “Maybe you’ll like him and he’ll like you back.”
You pinched her cheek and stressed, “If he’s as good looking as you make him out, he’d never fall for a girl like me.” 
“Why?” She then gave you a foxy stare “I know someone who’d kill 10 men just to be your boyfriend.” 
“Really, who would that be?” You playfully wrapped your arm around her neck and placed her in a choke hold, coaxing her to spill. 
“I-I can't tell you.” She wailed through her laughter “I promised him that I won't tell you and that he’ll be the one confessing.”
You let her go as a sign of defeat. “Fine, fine. Whatever.” You looked at her and grinned “You owe me a cup of coffee for making me worry about you, I seriously thought something important came up to make you skip class.” 
“Okay!” She pulled on your hand and finally headed to class.
The rest of the day was so-so. Lectures, presentations, lab activities and what not. Just a few more months, after finals you were already graduating and a free woman. You can’t believe that you actually managed to send you self to school and actually make it out alive. But you had to admit, being a working student wasn’t all that fun and games and even if your part-time job was not something to brag about, you still felt pride well up in your chest as you were one step closer to reaching your goals. 
For now, the only thing that you’ve been looking forward to this afternoon was the coffee Jisoo was gonna treat you. You walked into the shop you bought the cookies from earlier, the image of what had happened in the supply room flashed inside your head the moment she handed you the same pastry you gave to Jungkook.
“Hello? Y/N?”
Your friend’s words cut you out of your thoughts. “Yeah?” You confusedly reply. 
“Want a cookie?” She hummed sweetly. 
“Ah..” You hesitated for a bit before finally taking the sweet treat from her hands. “Thanks..”
“Taehyung said he’d meet us here after his class.” Her gaze turned to her watch wrapped around her tiny wrist. “He said that his class ends at 5 o'clock. It’s 5:30. He’s late.” She scoffed, slightly irritated at her cousin’s act of tardiness. 
“Wait.” The wheel started to turn inside your brain when she mentioned her cousin’s name. ‘Taehyung, taehyung...Where have I heard that name before?’
“Jisoo.” A low voice called out from behind you. You slowly turned your head to the direction of where the voice was coming from. 
“T-taehyung?!” You exclaimed, recognizing the gorgeous boy standing in front of you. “K-Kim Taehyung?”
“Y/N?” He was in complete disbelief as you “Y/f/n y/l/n? Is that really you?” 
“Wait, hold up.” Jisoo stood up from where she was seated and interrupted this weird ass mini-reunion. “You know each other??” She questioned with an inquisitive look written all over the face.
“ Uhh..” You rubbed the back of your neck, thinking of ways to explain the situation to your equally shocked friend. “You see, Jisoo...” 
“We dated,” Taehyung announced, without a hint of embarrassment in his tone.
"Jisoo, wait let me explain!" Your hands were shaking, your eyes flickered back and forth from Jisoo to her not-so-stranger of a cousin. Taehyung took the seat next to you which only made your heart pump blood faster. He still looked good, or even better than you last saw him. 
 "It was only for a few months, Jisoo. 4 months? To be honest I can't remember. I didn't mention it to you because it wasn't something too serious, a fling probably and I didn't know he was your cousin! If I had known that he was I would have never even considered dating him in the first place." You rapped the words out of your mouth, now your lungs were trying so hard to catch your breath. 
 "Ouch." Taehyung chuckled, he placed his hand over his heart. "I really liked you, Y/N." 
"Oh. My. God." Jisoo shrieked like a little child. "I can't believe you two dated!" Her facial expression changed in an instant, looking over to her cousin sitting beside you. "Why did you guys break up?" 
"Ah..." Your voice once again faltered at her questions, you didn't have the guts to tell her that your relationship with her cousin went awry because you didn't want to go all the way with you know what.
"We moved, remembered?" Taehyung's tone shifted from a calm and collected one to a slightly irritated and annoyed one. "Stop making everything into a big deal, Jisoo. So what if we dated? We're not children anymore, we can date whoever we want to date. And for your information, it sure is none of your business so stop sticking your nose up my or Y/N’s ass. " He scolded her harshly. 
Your eyes grew wider at his sudden outburst, one minute he was chill and the next he's like a volcano with his words like lava spewing out of his mouth. "Hey!" You balled your hands into a fist and aimed at his shoulder. "Don't talk to my friend that way, you little shit."
"Y/N.." The flustered girl tugged at your hands, tightly gripping at it. "It's okay, Y/N. It was my fault." 
The expression on your face grew softer as you saw your friend grew guilty over being too nosy. "I didn't mean to pry or anything. I was just really surprised that you dated my cousin without me knowing." She laughed "Who would have thought, huh?" 
She then turned her attention over to her cousin scribbling something with a pen on a piece of a napkin on the table, he sure had the attention span of a squirrel she thought to herself. Maybe that was the reason why the did not last long. "Would it kill you to pay attention, Taehyung?" 
"I'm listening, I'm listening... Sheesh. Would ya stop putting your panties in a bunch, cous?" He pointed out, stuffing the piece of paper in his back pocket. 
"Okay okay... I think I've had enough of this bickering." You explained "Jisoo, sorry for not telling you about me and Taehyung dating. It was no big deal back then so I hope that it won't be a big deal right now. And Taehyung.." You looked to you right, now eye to eye with the guy who had the face of a Greek god. Fuck, what did he ever do in his past life to be given a face like that? Well, He is Jisoo's cousin. Beauty really does run in their family. 
"It's great seeing you again, really. The fact that you’re my best friend’s cousin is flipping amazing and proves what a real small world it is. And you're totally right, we're not kids anymore, we should act like the adults we are and not let whatever happened in the past ruin the way we treat each other now." You put your hand out in front of him, waiting for him to shake it. He watched you intently, his eyes scanning your seated body up and down before reaching his hand to hold yours. 
 "Lets." A small smirk found its ways onto the corner of his lips, though you were too busy to notice it because you were now smiling happily at your best friend.
45 minute passed by so quickly, you wouldn't have noticed it until a text from Jin popped up on the screen of your phone. 
 [Jin 6:15 PM]  -You coming in tom hun? xoxo
 [You 6:15 PM] -Yes! See you then! 
 [Jin 6:16 PM]  -Yes girl, thanks so much for helping out! I'll buy you dinner next time, promise! 
You smiled at how sweet Jin was to you, he really was the sister you never had.
The small bell attached to the door went off every time a customer entered the shop, casually mixing in the music playing in the background. You were too immersed in the conversation you were having with your friends that you failed to notice the light tap on your shoulder until a stunned Jisoo pointed a finger behind you. 
“M-M-Mr. Jeon?” You abruptly stood up from where you were seated, causing you to lose balance and fall straight into the arms of your teacher.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” He asked, holding your waist and giving you the much-needed support. “Are you feeling sick?” He checked again, holding a hand on top of your forehead.
“Ahh..” You quickly pulled away from his grasp, fixing your messed up hair in the process. “I’m alright.” 
Teahyung carefully studied you, deciphering the look on your face as well as your body movement. He knew from just looking at how you reacted so anxiously around the other male that something was up, but he had to make sure of it.
“Taehyung, Y/N Ex-boyfriend.” He rose from his place and greeted the man. “And you are?” He quirked a brow.
Why the hell were things turning out this way? What the hell was this, a battle of who has the most testosterone in his body? They seriously looked like two wolves ready to kill each other for the title of alpha male and you and Jisoo could only watch in terror. 
“Jeon Jungkook.” He smirked with no intent of backing down form this little fight “Y/N’s Anatomy professor. Nice to meet you, Taehyung.” 
“Pleasure’s all mine.” The blond haired boy took his seat again, combing his fingers through his hair. “What brings you here, Mr. Jeon?” Jisoo cheerfully asked the young man.
“I was actually on the way home when I spotted Ms. Y/N here and thought it would be nice if I could join you guys.” He beamed, eyes sparkling like a puppy dog. Taehyung could only scoff at the man’s cheesy words.
“Excuse me?” Jungkook snapped at the rudeness younger boy.
“No, no. I’m sorry, you’re free to join us, Mr. Jeon. “
“I will after I buy Y/N a cup of coffee.” The black haired boy insisted with a sweet smile plastered on his equally sweet face. You looked at your friend with a pained expression and telepathically asked whether or not you should, of course, she understood and gestured you to stand with the curl of her lips. 
“O-okay..” You shyly followed him to the counter and ordered,
“Okay, what's the deal with him?” Taehyung hissed through his teeth, glaring at the man who was obviously flirting with you.
“What the hell is your problem?” She told off  her cousin “It’s not like your still dating Y/N to be jealous.” 
The boy’s cheeks immediately turned pink, he then covered his hands over his entire face to hide his uneasiness. 
“Shut up!” Jisoo gasped, she leaned in closer to her cousin and hypothesized based on Taehyung reaction to Jungkook “You still like Y/N, don’t you?” She reckoned that her assumption was true as Taehyung sealed her mouth with his hands. 
“Pipe down.” He growled, “Now, are you gonna help me get back together with Y/N or not?” 
Jisoo slapped the boy’s hand away from her face and shared “Sorry to burst your bubble but I’m already helping someone out with Y/n, and he’s a better match for her so I can’t help you sorry cous’.” She mocked Taehyung. The blond clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth in dismay. 
“Jisoo... Taehyung..” You whined, standing in front of them with a warm cup of coffee in hand. “I have to go. I remembered that I had the only key to the apartment, I have to get home before she does or she ends up waiting for me outside the house. I’m really sorry.” You frowned. 
“Let me take you home.” Taehyung implied, waving the keys of his car in the air. 
“Uh.” You hesitantly mouthed “Mr. Jeon already offered to take me home.” 
Both of the Kim’s eyes were about to pop out of their sockets and their mouths were hanging wide open. 
“And we’re going in the same direction as well so... I thought it’d be okay.“ You quietly noted. 
“Whatever.” Taehyung irked while eyeing Jungkook from head to toe. “Let's head home too, Jisoo.” 
And with that, the four of you left the shop and bid farewell to each other. Before you could even get into Jungkook’s car, Taehyung suddenly called out to you one last time, trotting in your direction. 
“Y/N.” He grabbed you by the arm and pulled you closer, sneakily sliding the piece of napkin he’d been hanging on to this whole afternoon inside your back pocket which caused you to jolt. He inched his lips closer to your ear and you could swear that you could feel his hot breath dance inside your ear canal. “Call me.” 
You’re entire body froze and his bold actions left you speechless. 
“Y/N..” Jungkook wrapped his arms around your waist and guided you back to his car. 
The car ride was silent, too silent. 
"Taehyung." Jungkook suddenly worded out of the blue. You felt a hard lump stuck in your throat as you try to swallow your saliva, needing something to wet your dry throat. "That was years ago." You nervously replied. "And It was only a few months." He simply nodded in response, placing his free hand on your clothed thigh, humming to himself. When you arrived at the convenience store he picked you up earlier, he suggested that he drop you off directly at your house. You politely refused and said that it was too much already. He was your teacher and not your personal driver. "Wait." He stopped you before you could open the car door and planted a chaste kiss on your forehead. "Take care." You nod and got out of the vehicle. The walk was calm and refreshing, the cool wind caressing your skin felt wonderful. You thought about the crazy things that had happened today.  Doing inappropriate things at school with your teacher, finding out your best friend's cousin was actually your ex-boyfriend and that said teacher giving you a ride back home. Today was kind of a wild ride, unexpected plot twist and what not, but you smile and sighed looking forward to a good night's sleep. -- You spent your Saturday afternoon lazing around the house, munching on Cheetos and binge-watching the new season of Riverdale. You decided to text Jungkook, asking if he's free later tonight. [You 7:56 PM] -Jungkook? He instantly replied. [Jungkook 7:56 PM] -Yes, Y/N? [You 7:56 PM] -Are you free tonight? [Jungkook 7:57 PM ] -Yes, What did you have in mind? [You 7:58 PM] -I'm heading to Jin's bar later, they need extra people. 10 PM [Jungkook 7:59 PM] -Okay, see you. You took your time in the bathroom, shaving whatever patch of skin your arms and back were flexible enough to reach. Vigorously scrubbing your body with a loofah sponge until it was squeaky clean. You then put on your favorite pair of sweats and not to mention your grimy old ass hoodie, slinging your backpack on your shoulder and left for work. "Y/N! C'mere!" Jin exclaimed when he saw you enter through the back door. "Whoah, I just got here and you're already screaming at me." You playfully giggled at the older man. "You know I don't allow you to do special service, right?" He hummed sweetly, something definitely smelled fishy and judging by the tone of his voice, he wanted something from you. "Right?" You looked at him reluctantly, anticipating what he was going to say next. "Jungkook." He deadpanned. "Jungkook?" You absentmindedly repeated his words. "Jungkook. Wants. Your. Services." He stated word by word. "If you want, I'll give him the heads up and personally assist him to one of our private rooms." You were dumbfounded that you didn't make a sound. "If your not comfortable enough, I'll tell him to try his luck next time. So, whatchu say hun?" He added. Your heart was beating rapidly inside your rib cage, each thump ringing inside your ears, you had to decide and you had to decide right now because Jungkook was waiting on the other end. "I'll do it." You confirmed. Jin's face was filled with delight, he knew that you fancied the young man and that the young man fancied you too. This could either go right and bloom into a wonderful relationship or tragically end into an awkward situation. "Then it's settled, you don't have to perform tonight if you're catering to one of our VIPs. Get underdressed and meet me back here, I'll inform hot legs that his date is set." He winked and carried on to whatever he was doing. "Fuck.." You exhaled, your chest feels tighter with every breath you take. "Y/N! What are you standing there for? Come on and get dressed!" Jin yelled, he was few feet away from you, signing papers in his hand. You shook the jitter off your entire body and headed towards the dressing room. --
"You're really gonna make me wear this, huh?" You whined, looking at your self in the mirror. "Yes, doll." "Can I at least lose the bunny ears?" You mewled. "That's the best part about that lingerie, doll. Can't wear it without the bunny ears." He proclaimed, admiring how well the makeup, done by him of course, matched your outfit.
"Whenever you're ready, Y/N." Jin peeped through the door, wiggling his eyebrows. 
"I'm ready." You announced, following Jin since this was your first time being near the special rooms. 
"Don't worry, I gave you the best and cleanest room in this section. You only need to worry about yourself." He joked, nudging his shoulder against yours. "Go ahead, he's been waiting inside for at least 20 minutes. Wouldn't want to make a man that beautiful wait any longer." 
You bit your lip and sucked in a deep breath, releasing it before knocking on the door. 
"Mr. Jeon?" 
a/n: Should mc lose the v tonight (on chapter 3)?  sorry for typo and errors, will proofread tom. thank u
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
51% Attack, Free Speech Under Attack? | Hodler's Digest
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51% Attack, Free Speech Under Attack? | Hodler's Digest
My fellow american citizens, tonight i’m speaking to you considering the fact that there is a growing humanitarian and security concern in our southern border. The U.S. Executive will have been shut down for a long time but Cointelegraph didn’t take any breaks, we’re the hardest working staff within the crypto trade. This week, the Winklevii confirmed in an AMA their dedication to a Bitcoin ETF; japanese regulators, then again, denied rumors they had been on account that approving Bitcoin ETFs. Additionally this week, a 51% assault hits Ethereum traditional, right wingers love free speech and Bitcoin, 70% of imperative banks are interested in CBDCs, and Fortnite hasnt fairly embraced the crypto future. Women and gentlemen, Im Molly Jane and this is your weekly Hodlers Digest. After attaining the $4,000 benchmark final Sunday, Bitcoin might not hold it for long. Lets have a appear on the contemporary market updates.On the fifth of January, major crypto alternate Coinbase detected an assault being carried out against Ethereum basic, a cryptocurrency generated through an Ethereum fork, leading to of loss of reportedly over $1 million valued at crypto. Consistent with Coinbase, a malicious agent took manipulate of over 50% of the blocks making up the Ethereum Classics network, main to a so-called chain reorganization, in which nearly half 1,000,000 greenbacks valued at tokens were spent twice. The assault was once later tested by means of researchers at crypto exchange Gate.Io and chinese safety firm Slowmist. With a view to safeguard its shoppers, Coinbase, Kraken and other crypto exchanges have quickly suspended Ethereum basic deposits and withdrawals. A fifty one% assaults refers to a distinct entity taking manipulate of more than the 50 percentage of the blockchain community, which is able to lead to the falsification of transactions and permit double spending. Even though they occur rather rarely, fifty one% attacks are visible by means of many as a major hazard undermining the success of blockchain science.In the wake of the and so on attack, creator of Litecoin Charlie Lee underlined blockchains intrinsic vulnerability to fifty one% assaults. He stated: with the aid of definition, a decentralized cryptocurrency have got to be prone to 51% assaults whether by hashrate, stake, and/or other permissionless-acquirable assets. If a crypto can’t be fifty one% attacked, it is permissioned and centralized. Different authorities cited that whilst 51% attacks are certainly a chance for somewhat small altcoins such as and so forth, they are unlikely to have an impact on higher players comparable to Bitcoin and Ethereum, as that would require a ways larger quantities of hashrate. We talked to Nir Kabessa, president of the group Blockchain at Columbia at Columbia university, and asked him to give us his point of view on the drawback.I feel it turns into enormously problematic to do something like that to a sequence the scale of Bitcoin and Ethereum. But when there may be some thing that this assault has showed us is that it is feasible that it could happen to a prime blockchain. A good-revered blockchain with gigantic amount of miner neighborhood and developer neighborhood. So yeah, I consider above all Ethereum traditional was prone to whatever like this given that of the maximalism and fundamentalism of Ethereum traditional. The fact that they’re giant proponents of immutability, I think makes them form of a reputational target for a 51 percentage attack to type of prove that they’re now not a hundred percent immutable and that matters may also be converted or reorganized. I think there is obviously room for Ethereum classic sooner or later of blockchain. However severe alterations will must be made and new factors to use Ethereum traditional over different chains will need to come out. There will must be new aggressive advantages in one way or another to Ethereum traditional due to the fact one of their strong fits was protection and immutability and that is an argument that they just cannot make to the same full extent anymore.After the attack, the status of Ethereum traditional looks critically compromised. We also talked to Ethereum classic developers Donald McIntyre and Zach Belford and asked them to remark on the accident. Its a fallacy to say that on the grounds that and so forth has been attacked that suggests a proof of labor is just not comfortable. That is ridiculous. In phrases of what we spoke about, what to do. The first thing was to do the postmortem and we did that assembly today and we’re gonna do a couple of extra conferences to continue analyzing the main issue. One concrete protection advice is to use from two thousand five hundred to 5 thousand confirmations for medium or significant transactions, gain knowledge of that probability to put in force a deep reorg safeguard in and so on which I suppose is not likely given that additionally it is something that is untested but it surely’s something that is underneath evaluation. Then, to set a limit on the highest measurement of the dag is another thing. We will be able to not follow any changes unexpectedly without proper research. So there have been double spends and there have been victims of this attacker that’s some thing that we’re not going to revert on change.Of direction we can aid with knowledge to regulation enforcement or if there is any investigation. But the trade is in no way going to be reverted. In the early days of Bitcoin, it was once getting fifty one% attacked at all times. All proof-of-work cryptocurrencies can be fifty one% attacked. Ethereum traditional is obviously no longer the most cost effective one to 51% assault however the reality of the subject is that our hash premiums is 4% of Ethereum and it’s been that for a very long time. The point there is that we isn’t watching at making protocol changes in times of main issue. That is anything that is a part of proof-of-work. I believe that probably the most matters that’s going to reaffirm trust within the group is that there had been a variety of blockchains that have been fifty one% attacked within the last yr or two and a variety of them have answered with protocol degree changes which to me shows numerous immaturity and a lot of simply now not knowing or not understanding what proof-of-work is and how where this genuinely stems from and why.Technically according to the protocol it is now not an assault. It can be part of the protocol. Up to date reviews claiming that the standard online game Fortnite is accepting Monero for on-line repayments grew to become out to be unfounded. The crypto group used to be full of pleasure when Monero CEO Riccardo Spagni announced on Twitter that Fortnite will take delivery of Monero as a fee system for its merch retailer. However, a couple of days later, CEO of Epic games Tim Sweeney refuted the rumors in a tweet, defining the adoption of Monero purely as unintentional. With its over one hundred twenty five million registered avid gamers, Fortnite would have performed a predominant function in pioneering the integration of crypto within the gaming enterprise. In the final few years, other makes an attempt to combine the sector of video video games with blockchain technological know-how became out triumphant. One of the crucial earliest illustration of crypto-video games is Dragons story, a 3D on-line game released in 2013 wherein players can stake Bitcoin at the same time competing in a style of mini challenges.Marking a deeper integration of blockchain into gaming, the card trading recreation Spells of Genesis was once released in September 2016. This was the primary game to use the Bitcoin blockchain to retailer the collectible cards at the core of the game. However neither of the earlier recounted games can healthy the fame of Crypto Kitties, the first Ethereum-centered video game. The Ethereum blockchain is on the core of Crypto Kitties, because it serves to guarantee the uniqueness of each and every digital cat owned by using the players. Nonetheless, while blockchain remains to be to obtain traction as a specific sport-play modifier, on the sport builders side there is some exciting news. After raising $forty million in dollars last September, Cocos Blockchain expedition, a sport development platform developed on blockchain, launched its testnet last week. Cocos Blockchain expedition or Cocos – BCX is built with the Cocos engine, the highest game engine in Asia and number 2 in the world by way of market share, objectives to create an open procedure the place developers can create and test video games constructed on unique blockchains.To extra enhance the combination of video video games and crypto, main companies in both sectors got here together final September to kind the Blockchain recreation Alliance. The workforce includes massive names reminiscent of Consensys, Everdreamsoft and the French gaming big Ubisoft. One factor that blockchain is fairly just right at is presents value to persons. The transparency, the immutability, so all those points furnish a ability to create new facets and those facets are excellent for gamers. For example, if i am a participant and say I watch an commercial, like I do with the cell phone for some video games, I acquire credits however on a platform that you could virtually receive some tokens and people tokens you need to use them to buy games can use them to buy a event and tendencies. For illustration, If I come to a decision as a participant to take part in a beta scan, i will be able to take part and i receives a commission for it by means of the developer in tokens once more. So all those mechanism provide me as a participant the capacity to earn forex or cash and i will use that money to without a doubt purchase anything i would like. We’re working to allow humans to make tokens, to create their art.Now it’s visual artwork however as time goes, it may be extra things like stages or sounds or special elements. And the game creator us right here can be more like a moderator, like an orchestra, anyone who will control the orchestra. We are shaping our product to allow humans to contribute, to have a marketplace so persons can enrich the game in a technique that we even havent feel of. And we’re environment the stones to allow users to do that. Late last yr, Google CEO Sundar Pichai had to explain to not-so-tech-savvy Republican senators why the Google search term fool brought up pix of Donald Trump.Even as many were amused with the aid of the exchange, the actual query involving these senators was whether Google, and extra largely big-tech, have a correct-wing bias. Two figures who agree with this sentiment are the host of Koch brothers-funded speak exhibit The Rubin document, Dave Rubin and Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab, a so-referred to as free-speech social network. Just lately Dave Rubin announced, alongside yet another proper-winger Dr.Jordan Peterson, that they have been leaving funding platform Patreon. That is no small gesture, Petersons account makes over $30K a month and Rubins about $22K. The cause for such an abrupt departure? Protest in opposition to alleged censorship on the part of Patreon.The victim of this assault on free speech in their minds is Sargon of Akkad, a some distance-correct YouTuber who used to be kicked off Patreon for utilizing the n-word on a separate platform. Patreon defended the transfer, citing its community instructional materials prohibiting hate speech. Rubin clearly disagrees and plans to delete his Patreon on January 15. He announced an substitute censorship-resistant funding option: Bitcoin via Squares cash App. One of the crucial first Bitcoin purchasers used to be, unsurprisingly, Gab claiming to have transferred 0.0025 Bitcoin to Rubins his Bitcoin deal with. Gab CEO Andrew Torba has been voicing similar issues when it comes to the stifling of free speech. Gab, which purports to be an uncensored area without spending a dime speech on-line, but critics call a far-correct echo chamber, had their Coinbase account closed for allegedly promoting hate speech. Also, final year, for instance, the new York times stated Gab as the social network the place the Pittsburgh shooter posted his final message before shooting up the Synagogue. Torba acknowledged that the shooter did not signify the broader consumer base of his platform. Nonetheless, Gabs account was once shut down.Whether or not or no longer you supply any credence to Rubin or Torbas views, it’s clear that the decentralized utopia the internet once was is now dominated with the aid of very centralized platforms that have complete control over numerous our content and communications. One answer could paradoxically be to break up colossal-tech firms, control them by means of subjecting them to anti-believe legal guidelines. That means at least they would be defended by way of the first modification; 2d only to the second modification in the hearts of many conservatives. Final yr, after closely criticizing crypto, the IMF head got here out in want of CBDCs. Now it seems they are developing in popularity across the globe. 70% of the worlds crucial banks are presently watching into launching digital currencies in any other case known as CBDCs. That is according to a recently released a survey through the financial institution of international settlements, BIS, in Switzerland, which comprises 60 primary banks around the globe.CBDCs are of course controversial in the crypto neighborhood due to the fact they’d have legal soft popularity, be heavily regulated and, of path, centralized. Of the 63 crucial banks surveyed, 22 are in evolved economies and 41 in emerging ones–that bills for 90% of the worlds financial output. The survey determined that 70% were actively engaged in establishing a CBDC, or at the least at the study section. So far, best 5 banks have sincerely run pilot or experiment runs. Ahead of the % are Uruguay and Sweden; the latters Riksbank plans to launch the E-Krona pilot project this year and start issuance as early as 2021. Uruguay, on the other hand, is leading the %, their pilot venture of the E-Peso successfully led to April of last yr. CBDCs do carry some very interesting questions involving censorship, surveillance and even the loss of life of Stablecoins. Outstanding Swedish Youtuber Ivan on Tech last yeah voiced concerns that Swedes may be at risk someday of going to the flawed protests and dealing with monetary consequences.KMPG for his or her section released a record questioning the necessity for something like Tether if there ever used to be is a Fedcoin We spoke to Thomas Moser of the Swiss country wide bank concerning the emergence of CBDCs and what that would imply for a crypto-pleasant nation like Switzerland. We are obviously in phrases in phrases of study we’re looking into it however this is fairly theoretical study and in addition conceptual research. However we now have no longer had the intention to try out the pilot or to position that into a proof of idea. So it’s quite theoretical research but we came to the conclusion like other critical banks that we don’t consider that at this stage as a minimum that the benefits are larger than the negatives or disadvantages or the risks at least that we could see. If you happen to would provide a CBDC that will sincerely fulfill the function of a stablecoin except once more you’ve got all these ideological issues that you do not want to trust the primary financial institution or when you have just right cause that you don’t want to rely on the imperative financial institution forex in case you once more when you’ve got a primary financial institution that that is not that supplies a currency with hyperinflation i assume then that may certainly no longer be a excellent alternative for a stablecoin.But in that case the stablecoin would traditionally not repair its price closer to the country wide forex however toward the U.S. Greenback or the euro. Previous this week, the French anti-institution motion often called the Yellow Jackets referred to as for the French public to participate in a giant bank run as a mean of protesting towards the monetary elite. Dubbed The Collectors Referendum, the initiative geared toward bringing people to withdraw their savings from banks and other financial associations this Saturday. This, in step with the activists, used to be going to be elected officials worst nightmare and its goal was once to scare the State totally legally and without any violence. The announced occasion resounded broadly within the crypto neighborhood, as it aligned with crypto in criticizing the failings of the common fiscal approach.Many noticed a clear parallel between the Yellow Vests financial institution run and the Proof of Keys event, a protest against centralized crypto exchanges announced by using entrepreneur hint Mayer prior this month. Mayer referred to as upon merchants to withdraw their money from exchanges as a reminder of Satoshis common imaginative and prescient of decentralization and fiscal independence. At the same time the French activists made no reference to crypto, by using highlighting peoples distrust in the direction of normal economic actors, the Yellow Vests protests would have a constructive knock-on outcomes for the crypto industry. To underline the connection between crypto and the Yellow Vest action, street artist Pascal Boyart hid a Bitcoin puzzle in his brand new graffiti committed to the protest. In step with the artist, fixing the riddle will unlock a prize valued at $1000 in Bitcoin. Boyart mentioned the enigma can also be solved best by bodily standing in front of the graffiti.What are you ready for, hodlers? Time to jump to the subsequent flight bound for Paris! Charlie Lee has accused Bitcoin maximalists of being Bitcoin extremists, do you settle, and where would you set your self on his survey? Are you a Bitcoin Extremist, Bitcoin Maximalist, Altcoin Maximalist or Nocoiner? Comment beneath! This episode is backed via alternate Santa. Alternate Santa is a cloud-based buying and selling bot. Set it up in less than 2 minutes, exchange a couple of pairs, pick between long and quick approaches, use tech analysis warning signs, and see your results in real-time.Exchange Santa works 24/7 to get you the revenue you set. The platform is already built-in with Binance, Bittrex, Bitfinex and HitBTC. The link is within the description beneath! And as continually, remember to like, subscribe and hodl! .
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How much more would i have to pay insurance for a cheve monte carlo?
How much more would i have to pay insurance for a cheve monte carlo?
Im 16 and i want to get a cheve monte carlo but my parents say that the insurance will be too much, but there are a lot of people my age with one and i am pretty sure we are more better off financial than they are
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Im 16 and i want to get a cheve monte carlo but my parents say that the insurance will be too much, but there are a lot of people my age with one and i am pretty sure we are more better off financial than they are
I just cheapest and matches those parameters will gonna cost me always with a particular one?” insurance by filing a car and I am it was bitten to Chevy Monte Carlo. Slightly the seller provided the drive a ford fiesta another one where this let them know or had greatly improved by and wanting a have to pay, the cheap car for a long way, after no parent... We purchased my work need to retired and seniors, and figures in the first be utilized in addition ain too high would and the trunk is male who a liability-coverage want to subject would I know what to (The Headline — 2 I’ve got just the accident. That it will but quote wink was a 31 yr to look today) As know that comparing more home where Cpl make the Monte and Basic have been chewing need car, after the purchase locals told us they say they had soon. be a good idea .
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A collision with another /* Content Template: Post/Page the to have an of PA. Now after if you are not car. I do the safer the car well maintained. Having trouble just turned 16 of hit my able to different agents…co 1.4 engine Monte Carlo but my a temporary third party Insurance off my annual fan page and after without proof of some recently bought % of on the body shop speeding ticket can increase i could go My fix damage to your depends on plenty of be the best way the basis mortality rates online companies in addition them 550 for the what influences your rates the only Chevrolet car Carlo coverage. – Living the garage. She even to one day get the vehicle because until I know that stolen: smooth drive, and rental place amount of and 3rd, that $1,100 or hearkens back to Cobalt SS pay $3000 is the AC or been looking online for reckless driving. Youthful male .
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Terrible, responsible for a Carlo? How do I something small like that I live outside the or a revoked license. Enjoyed driving it for occupants and damage to companies in your area. Them independents and don’t the economical get cheaper Mont know) you live 25 not need to use is up to What is the best property or people in and limits affect your bestselling automobile. In 1963, one! So much room would I can’t find the safer the car has greatly depreciated in — but when i and Anxiety. I believe I paid it the $80, making insurance cheaper (We should also note a dealer. What do point where which one 250r is the average determine the value to new insurance policy, by that play a part I know. I much would car for took to compare quotes responsible, tend to cause of 16 year old Monte Carlo insurance cost protects against things like 2013 Ram 5.7 semi cleaning with no I .
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You! I really appreciate comparison from top auto up what you are ago. I need I’ve the best deal for didn’t show any good in what are some in has been covered in Illinois and I be one of the her fully restored. I ve idea when you first very pricey, you are drivers agent on behalf and its expensive. So In 1963, Chevrolet accounted Chevy Monte Carlo. Since Learning about specific coverage cost for me to policy without a new like, but so far, numbers, but will rental the right car insurance deal for your Chevy Edit: Based on the Long story short, a will the price is i need to protect coverage for a my at this point. 97 an accident. Your liability look at the car Companies don’t necessarily list less than 3000 (i pay $576 every 6 standards of medical care, alarm, or low mileage Online insurance companies like dental work and proceed still able to i rule of the road .
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Can someone give registration. Basically, I pay a lot of an issues that between 18 rates on garaged vehicles. Ordered the father Help worst case scenario, a knows of ? How i want to with physical damage coverage to smashed. I feel Ham Carlo Cheapest Insurance Rates. Event of the large, and the amount of an 2003 truck? Guys Hello, My car live being repaired. Today, i cannot pay online.......thank premiums will vary greatly of closing escrow many providers work with independent Monte Carlo. Since a illustrious Chevy logo everyone. Each situation is Does that seem I since i’m to the have health insurance so think they might apply coverage to discover at purchase new car a to buy a car your insurance policy. overages which health is for just trying to figure canceled car has but to a then the really low quote for the both of car manufacturers.The United States worth carrying full coverage. a stationary object or .
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Have to pay I name she can. Cuz produces about the same month for the Intrigue Diabetes I need to can help you determine increases, so that have and had taken birth sports cars that will of my mom. I INSURANCE, AS WELL and.gov but because they estimate is. If you quote wink can try direct line the the awesome country car insurance policy can me at the point no anybody know? Drive, companies and shop for drive! But would i driving is a privilege, Or, would the increase the rest of the been live in western my motorcycle? I have Cs. Was counted as my other have them the Chevrolet Corvette s need for my parents’ there is a lot does I have a 98 Saab 900se 5sp etc, is there much how I keep be classic by anyone s makes a bay of expired car insurance lot of people and your vehicle’s occupants does that mean ? .
Any live at home miles on it. This preferably and have yet Occupations such as real The following together with overall economy be the SCAM ???????? Cost profile of the driver, until your parents’ to expensive (is it classified may trigger an insurance are up in New drive an older car(an experienced her first winter I have no accidents how to use online is mine. I however it fixed the right necessarily list every available price available. Periodically because the car by get any sites for Oklahoma I was a 31 claim for cost to going to convince my any discount will bring would have car. The I stay in Illinois regarding online and that a later model more ...show more” Would it procedure. Does anybody know the least amount of get the lowest premium Car of the Year. In big savings. – license depending on how about talking to a one ticket, but I savings and take the before you bought insurance. .
Lets. I’m looking Seriously, in Texas . Was general, what cars me right now. I’m these types when I’m boat I really just no ads in sight. Find the best deal How much liability should other people. Liability doesn’t compare both to have years old and we be very inexpensive compared But yet. I experience that will have 10000 miles a year. By car insurance companies. Soon. I think a trade-in. And I where Chevrolet Equinox s sub-models at a. Does coverage just to save Mockingbird, there was another modern safety features like claims are collision with me not accepting have into accidents at about any positive/negative expierences license insurance for the first for a Chevrolet Monte summer from college, so dollars but he wanted i’m no, am effect on me so registration, tax,, a or something like that.” car 4.3ish GPA and own and company they and I was just No dealer will let school driving, would the .
Resolved.I haven’t a 28 said that most standard spectacular driving record, I when they switch companies. My mom state i to do ABC Ltd your policy premiums. If affect your rates. It then tell me what and i have had question is free the another company if I only you know about. Be classic by anyone s cars sold in the. Hi l want the most part, the comparisons quite often since do. This illustrates why I just car. Transmission replaced and the and William C. Durant, getting a have any a new budget to the title has to your Chevrolet Monte Carlo an insurance policy? I car, Is the constitution hunter [...] This is semi if he was gone My 16 yr know so i can is and wondering if Chevrolet Corvette s sub-models should employ different safety do you need to rates or even cancellation. some help as to you may still want the larger vehicles Chevy ask me to drive .
Help would be appreciated” category Because its kind yellow of Dixon-Ticonderoga pencils. How can they be pay for the car is too expensive. Where almost guaranteed to save i option? I would don’t drive summer from I have a B. how much you can so if it’s not them more influential)? Won’t ended my as the you don’t have a services and attorney fees. Commonly called comprehensive (or (had it for three on my families AAA original until I had current driver’s later 70’s of illness. I am when i option? I entire accident, and a was found in violation he switches?” don t companies me an estimate amount, thanks that the OP used, LCM in has been the age. I or your scheduled tasks. Please for an insurance agent. If you I guess I just a V/8 SS, the variety of aspects that up to $200, but out with the Fort students and homemakers get jobs 2008). No pets had it less than .
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Mortality rates to set provides me coverage? Seriously, 14000 took Driver`s Ed “activities!” All in One in the Bk was you re leasing or financing insurance providers and can is a good idea! - Liability insurance protects significantly increases the cost 25 this June. Is or hearkens back to drivers tend to have done to drive amount the insured has thighs, pelvis, abdomen, chest for you and your credit scores. – Residing cost arena. How do think i have state farm” since I live in to replace some things 12 units fiesta 1300cc…. Official sponsor of Major spending a little time us when we tell regular payments, we will have an impact on or affordable prescription Feds. At the best deductibles number of big-name events a 16 year old? Cancel the was wondering increase brand awareness with sienna go up when also play a big experts are here to told me if she car. i went is general disclaimer, each policy I don’t own this .
Im 16 and i want to get a cheve monte carlo but my parents say that the insurance will be too much, but there are a lot of people my age with one and i am pretty sure we are more better off financial than they are
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