20 questions for writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
81 at the time of answering this. I'm constantly adding new ficlets though, and actively working on two unpublished wips that I'm very excited about. 
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Steddie. My hobby is just Steddie. 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
🐉 Hic sunt dracones
🦇 Possession 
🔥 Whatever you want it to be 
(WTF, that only finished posting earlier this month, are you all insane???)
👨‍👩‍👧 Someone who cares
🧜‍♂️ Just add water
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! (Well, except the outright rude ones, but I can count those on one hand.) You took time out of your day to tell me what you thought of my fic, and that is so incredibly motivating and means so much to me! 🥰
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I yet have to write an actual long fic with an unhappy ending, but i once made Steve come back wrong and killed everyone but Eddie and him for a ficlet, does that count? 😅
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of my long fics have happy endings, but Hic sunt dracones probably has the happiest to me. They're mated and disgustingly in love and it's flower crowns and apple pie and hot, hot monsterfucking forever after. 🐉🔥❤️
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been called racist and ableist and British, among other things, but 99.9% of all reactions I get are lovely! 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've … been known to write smut, yeah. 🤣 
I love exploring all sorts of different vibes and dynamics, but I think porn with feelings is what I do best.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, just wild AUs. 🐉🧜🏻😈
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I co-wrote an original work with a school friend some 20 years ago. And by co-wrote I mean we took turns with the document and key-smashed what we thought should happen next where the other had left off. 🤣
The King’s Gift will be a very close collaboration between @house-of-the-moving-image and I bc we've developed the idea and the entirety of the plot together and are bringing it alive through our respective mediums. It's heaps of fun! ✨️
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
(drumroll) (expectant silence)
It's Steddie, people. Not only because they've quite literally eroded my brain, but also because of the wonderful people I've found and the beautiful experiences I've made and continue to make in this fandom. I've never been active in any fandom before, but I'm so, so glad I've taken the leap. 
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I try to finish all my WIPs and am very much committed to finishing the two I have ongoing rn. 
That being said, there's a bunch of microfics and drabbles I'd love to expand on if I ever find the time (lake monster and ballerina Steve, I see you). 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've repeatedly been told that I create very vivid images with my writing, and that's something I find really lovely. And I love world building. ✨️🥰
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Wordy bitch disease. I ramble, I spiral, I spin completely out of control. The amount of fics that ended up being much longer than I initially thought is embarrassing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve never actually done that. I’d definitely enlist the help of someone who is proficient enough in the language in question to ensure I don’t make an utter ass of myself. 😅
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The wizard who must not be named. I must’ve been fourteen or something? It was probably so bad, and sometimes I think I'd like to re-read it again, but it’s now lost on some hard drive in a junkyard somewhere, hopefully never to be seen again. 🪦
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I love all of my fics, each for its own reasons, but Hic sunt dracones will forever hold a special place in my heart. It is everything I ever dreamed of when I fantasized about writing and publishing my own fics but was too shy to do so. I’ve met and befriended amazing people over it. It has fanart. Even close to one year after I finished it, people are still telling me how much they loved it, and it feels so wonderful to know my writing resonated so much with somebody out there. I can never talk about it without getting all up in my feels. 🐉🥲💕
Some zero-pressure tags: @eyesofshinigami @vecnuthy @sidekick-hero @penny00dreadful 💕
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the-heaminator · 1 year
OKAY SO; Heinrich's mom died when he was young like 8-9, and his dad being a veteran of ww2 with ptsd & some pretty heavy survivors guilt & now a wife who just didn't wake up one morning turned to drinking. So Heinrich has this whole "after my mom died my dad was never sober, not as far as i remember, and yeah he went through a lot but I still resent him for not being there for me".
Heinrich's dad dies when Heinrich is just shy of 18. He has a little melt down, goes "i don't want to be here anymore". And with literally zero plan and two bags of his stuff just leaves. Ends up in the UK, with no job, barely anything to his name, and not sure if he's even going to stay there. (part of him thinks it's not far enough from Germany)
Romulus was a hippy through and through, he was all 'peace and free love ✌️' probably lived in a commune of sorts (just too many people in one house but hey it was home). He had run away from home when he was about 16 because his parents were ✨shitty✨, and was living his own found family trope.
Heinrich finds out finding a job when technically you're not there at all, and also homeless is harder than he thought. So he's on the streets for a solid two weeks until Romulus is walking home from a party and finds him. He tells Heinrich he can come stay with him and his 'family' and Heinrich has a moment of "i could get murdered if I go with him, i could also get murdered sleeping on a park bench" he goes with Romulus. They share a room (did I mention too many people in one house) and it's fine bc they're strictly homies, plus it's just for a few nights until Heinrich finds a job.
a few nights turns into a few months, about a month and a half in Romulus tells Heinrich "Listen, I don't mind you staying, but you should come with us to this march! It'll be fun, and it's for a good cause and I don't think it's much to ask on our part :\" While there some idiot says something, Romulus looks at Heinrich "Can kiss you?" "what?!" "Can I kiss you?" "...sure?" and Romulus kisses Heinrich right on the mouth for the cause of pissing off a homophobe.
a few nights later before bed "you know how you kissed me a few a days ago?" "Yeah, why? Did u like it :p?" "...yeah" "do you want me to kiss you again?" "...yes please" they never officially label their relationship but they sure are kissing a lot.
anyway six to eight months go by, Heinrich still hasn't found a job. And while he's grateful for a roof over his head, and he doesn't mind pitching in with housework, and Romulus sure isn't bad either, he gets tired of waiting around, and he gets real sick of the rest of the housemates.
One night he tells Heinrich they have to have a talk, he enlisted in the military. He was going to be an army mechanic, they get in a whole argument "I want a family Romulus!" "we are your family!" "no! I want a spouse! someone who's just mine, I want kids, I want my own house, I don't want to have to rely on kindness for food that night or money for rent," Romulus gets really quiet, "We're anti military, if you joined the military you can't live here anymore. Leave" Heinrich didn't say he expected anything else. He leaves.
He's going to get his wife, and his kids, and the house and a steady job. Romulus will too eventually, it would take him awhile longer though.
Then fifty years later they're both going to show up for some seniors game night and go "...oh fuck"
but anyway yeah thoughts?
thoughts. THOUGHTS?????
Imagine seeing the guy you lived with and kissed a couple times in a free love commune in the 80s 50 years later and you once again have the violent urge to kiss him after 50 fucking years even if the last time you saw him you had a massive argument.
And they're both widows, Heinrich at this point has a 7 year old Gilbert and a 3 year old Ludwig and needs help and Romulus is more than happy to provide it but over time they get really close again and Ludwig basically grow up with Romulus as Grandpa number 2 and so much of Gilbert's formative experiences with affection between adults comes from Heinrich and Romulus being fucking Weirdly Cuddly. Which is why later on he can't tell the difference between having a crush on Alfred and just being good friends.
But also imagine present day Gilbert going, hey, how did you two even meet?
Heinecih evades the question and Romulus flatly goes hippy free love commune. And blows Gilbert's mind.
"Opa, you weRE A HIPPY?
"NO, NO, I just needed a place to stay."
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skittidyne · 2 years
fifty questions for commander shepard
og post by @spookyvalentine​! (i also could’ve sworn i’ve done this before but i cannot find it bc i don’t tag things so now i am officially making a tag for my shepard i guess)
these are all about my canon shepard, aka the star of my mass effect fic series. her name is elyse shepard! :’3
1. Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
she enlisted immediately at 16 out of a desire to show her gratitude to the alliance & anderson for saving her on mindoir, and out of some survivor’s guilt (she has to make herself useful). she regrets that cerberus pulled at her & anderson’s relationship, but she doesn’t regret joining the alliance, nor leaving it.
2. How does your Shepard feel about having a yeoman assigned to them in 2? And in 3?
super awkward at first! she’d never been “important” enough to have someone to delegate to, though of course she’d complained about wanting one on the SR1. but kelly was friendly (and pushy) enough that shepard relaxed into having a kind of assistant, and now she’s very grateful.
3. What’s their relationship with Anderson?
DAD. it’s a mix of hero worship and father figure, but he views her as a daughter figure, though they’re both a little too emotionally stunted to acknowledge it.
4. Is your Shepard any good at poker?
nope! she has a decent poker face, but she also has tells. she also has strangely bad luck with cards, too.
5. How well does Shepard know their crew? Not just the companions, but the folks making up the Normandy
very well! she makes a point to get to know everyone on her ship, especially after it became her ship in me2. these people are hers.
6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change? 
leery, thinking she was a cerberus spy or spyware, but not too bothered about the AI thing. immediately thought it was funny how offended joker was by EDI, however, and how they bickered, so that actually helped soften shepard’s feelings toward her before she got unshackled and started to become herself. plus, AI are super convenient for doing all sorts of small tasks that shepard can’t be assed to think about!
7. Does their love interest move into their quarters?
pretty much! she has a big bed, after all. :3c
8. What is their reaction to the Alchera mission? And after?
She Doesn’t Want To Talk About It. afterward was a lot of drinking. after a certain point of drunkenness, she allowed others to come drink with her, at least.
9. What type of fighter is your shepard? Do they fight with honor, or do they fight dirty
elyse is a paradoxical mix of goody-two-shoes alliance girl scout and “i will kick you in the quads, throw dirt in your eyes, and spit on your grave”. a lot of her tactics and moves are very textbook (but she’s very good at them), but then she’ll do stuff like “let’s all focus on blowing up that one leg off that colossus just to watch it skitter around”. she doesn’t mind collateral damage and absolutely does not mind gore.
it’s probably for the best that her sniper rifle is so strong it usually kills in one shot. you wouldn’t want to catch her in a mood where she wants to play with her kills, after all.
10. Does Shepard keep any pets? The hamster, fish, something else?
she does keep fish, albeit not with a 100% living rate. she adores her hamster and fully adopted urz, too!
11. What order does Shepard pick up companions in me2?
miranda & jacob, kasumi, zaeed, mordin, garrus, jack, grunt, thane, tali, samara, legion
12. Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of em?
she staunchly refuses nicknames or shortened forms of her first name. she’ll accept “shep” from kasumi/squadmates who are close to her.
13. How does your Shep react to teasing/ribbing?
she can usually give as good as she gets! however, she has a very pale complexion, and humans blush quite brilliantly. she hates that part.
14. Any good at flirting?
better than Certain Squadmates, but ultimately about average. she’s never had much interest in doing it; there’s always bigger things to do.
she’s better if it’s banter-y, though. she likes banter.
15. What colors does Shepard prefer for their armor?
she uses the iconic black with the white and red stripe! she worked hard to earn that n7 designation, damn it, and at this point, she’s known for it. she wears it like a flag to warn her enemies.
16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety
she’s definitely a drinker! her cerberus-remade body can handle it faster than she can usually down booze, though, so she technically does not struggle with sobriety. she knows how to get drunk by this point, but can’t stay drunk for very long. she drinks more than she should.
she tried smoking in basic because she thought it looked cool. she was the kid who choked and almost died the first time.
17. How does Shepard react to attention? Do they enjoy it?
depends on the type of attention - if it’s the hero-worship-y type that random people (especially alliance grunts) have for her, she’ll roll her eyes and try to avoid. but she adores attention from anyone she actually likes. giving and receiving attention are her #1 love language.
(she especially loves it from the gruffer teammates, like jack or zaeed, because it means they’re really trying to friendship.)
18. Who’s the dream team? Which companions does Shepard fight best with and why?
those are two VERY different answers!
shepard loves taking Team Sexy Sniper (garrus & thane) out, and they’re all skilled enough to complete a mission, but... she’s an infiltrator, so you’re looking at three snipers. this is not very strategically sound.
she works best with someone tank-y (grunt, usually) to let her actually be a sniper instead of trying to shoot people at close range with her black widow. she also works spectacularly well with liara, because when you’ve shared brainwaves with someone, you speedrun learning how to fight as a team.
19. Are there any companions your Shepard just absolutely cannot vibe with or relate to
she tries her damnedest! (and her success at friendshipping with jack may have lent her too much hubris on the subject.) but she struggles to get along with javik - which is strange, because if they’re only talking shop/tactics, they get along really well. but then one of them will say something that’s apparently “wrong” for the other, and then they’re back to growling at each other.
she respects that he’s a soldier, through and through, and she definitely understands grieving. but he’s arrogant and prickly and unsociable past that, and that’s what she fights with.
20. Does Shepard enjoy looking for resources and upgrading gear, or do they see it as a chore?
elyse shepard is a HOARDER and she will leave NO STONE UNTURNED. everyone else sees it as a chore to let her pick through everything possible.
21. Do you have any AUs for your shepard?
i wrote an entire thing here! it’s currently in a me3 rewrite/fix-it because bioware be tempting me to write better than them.
22. What’s the last thing Shepard ate before the final reaper showdown?
i don’t think she could’ve eaten anything. garrus might’ve forced a protein bar down her, but she definitely sat in her quarters and drank.
24. Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with
liara is the only one who fits all three of those!
for advice: depending on the subject, shepard will seek out samara or thane, and sometimes (grudgingly) kelly if it’s something emotional. she doesn’t seek it out from him, but mordin gives her a lot of unprompted advice. usually on her sex life.
for comfort: she’s close enough to her crew that she could probably go to most of them (or whoever’s closest at the time, if it’s bad), but she especially prioritizes those who were on the SR1 with her and have served with her the longest. joker is absolutely included in this, to his sometimes embarrassment. (extra funny if you imagine her calling up wrex on tuchanka and he’s like “wtf do i do with an upset human”)
gossip: TALI AND KASUMI. also chakwas, shockingly enough.
25. How emotionally articulate is your Shepard? Do they emote well?
she’s good with happiness and anger and professionalism. she’s technically good at grieving, but her grieving process also involves hiding from others, so i’m not sure it counts as “emoting well”. but she knows how to get through it.
she flusters easily if caught off guard by flirting/affection/romance, though, and she is very awkward around serious injuries or dying. death, she can handle. blood and wounds, she can handle. the process in getting better? not so much.
26. Does your Shepard have a romance? Who are they, and what drew Shep to them?
romancing both thane & garrus! :3c
garrus - she immediately went “that’s gonna be my friend” when meeting him, and they rapidly fell in like with each other on the SR1, though both were oblivious to it outside of “gee i sure do trust and admire this person, i love spending time with them, this is a normal best friendship”. thankfully, especially for tali and liara’s sanity, on the SR2, they realized their feelings were best friendship AND romantic.
thane - elyse was IMMEDIATELY like “oh boy /eye emoji” when thane dropped out of that vent. she did not, however, know what to do with instant attraction, nor did she know what to do with thane “i read poetry for fun and am soft and sentimental and religious and also i will give you a very meaningful and borderline worshipful pet name” krios after she got to know him. thankfully, he was equally enamored with her, because if left to her own devices, she would’ve just gone “i will sit here consumed with lust” and never actually act on it. (she was kind of intimidated by her own immediate attraction.)
also, she has a voice kink. she’s a happy camper with those two.
27. Do they have any pet peeves?
others not cleaning their weapons, having to talk to politicians, having those politicians pretend she is somehow a politician, and everything to do with conrad verner.
28. What about hyperfixations? What’s the topic that will get Shepard rolling no matter the person or place
she’s a long-time and semi-secret fan of horror vids, specifically old human genres. but she’s very :O about learning about alien subgenres, too.
29. How active is Shepard? Are they hitting the gym, playing sports, or do they prefer quieter downtime?
to miranda’s undying irritation, shepard has gotten very lax after becoming accustomed to her new body. she still spars (though more for the adrenaline and bragging rights) and does basic workout routines, but she’s now aware of what her new muscles can do - and hey, synthetic weave doesn’t atrophy. she doesn’t have to try anymore, so she doesn’t. (she has, however, lost a lot of flexibility that miranda gave her; that much can fade without maintenance.)
she’s the type of person who gives you a blank look and goes “uh, reading?” when asked what her non-fighting hobbies are. she’s lying. she doesn’t read. she doesn’t have hobbies outside of saving the galaxy, though she probably should.
30. What will always make them laugh?
anything to do with irritating or dragging the council. she probably has a very specific old in-joke with joker that will always make her clutch her sides and almost die, too, and both of them refuse to explain it.
31. Who can always make them laugh?
garrus, joker, and EDI - the latter because her humor protocols are so bad it’s usually a laugh of surprise. but still counts.
32. What do they do when they have hit their limit angry, just incandescent with rage
physically lashes out. usually she’ll drag someone into the sparring ring, but heaven help you if it’s in the middle of a battle, because she is not above ripping things apart with her hands. (she does not have biotics. this is sheer rage and cybernetically enhanced muscle.)
33. What skills do they have that are a surprise to the people around them?
she really is good with other people. a lot of her detractors would assume that a lot of her team/supporters have been intimidated by her, or are just going with who’s powerful, but nah. she’s friends.
she’s also got a good memory for wartime tactics. she wrote a thesis on napoleon bonaparte in n7 school.
34. Got any tattoos?
35. Which companions have they lost? How do they cope with it?
virmire was bad - she lost kaidan and nearly lost wrex. time has dampened it, and elyse is very good at grief by this point in her life. she soldiers on.
36. Do they like to style their hair, wear makeup and jewlery? How do they feel about getting dressed up?
she usually wears her hair in a short braid, and used to do buns for the alliance (before she got important enough she didn’t have to care about regs). she also wears eyeliner. (gave her SR1 alien crew a heart attack the first time she sweated it off so it looked like she was crying black.)
the only jewelry she wears are her old dogtags, and that sort of depends on her mood. not so much anymore.
37. Got any bad habits?
thinking too many alien creatures are cute and trying to adopt them. while also forgetting to feed her fish. she also likes to strip out of her armor and drop the hardsuit pieces like a trail leading to her bed after particularly long missions. (she’ll clean it up after she wakes, but others have also picked up after her.)
38. Does Shepard do any activities with the companions and crew during downtime?
she does drink socially with them, and can usually be cajoled into playing various card games, but only if she thinks she has time for the latter. she enjoys eating together with others, though.
and she LOVES sparring with others. EDI keeps score of wins and losses for the normandy crew.
39. Do they keep around any sentimental items?
her main gun is a comfort item by this point. she’s lost everything too many times in the past to have many other things.
40. Does your Shepard actually like to collect model ships? If not, what do they display?
she does like model ships!
41. How is Shepard with a gun? What about hand to hand?
she’s a beast with her sniper rifle, both for its heavily modded power and her skill at range. but despite being an infiltrator, she’s good at hand to hand, too; n7 training demands nothing less. (those new to her crew usually have heart attacks the first time they see her charge into battle rather than pick a sniping perch. it’s a rite of passage for others to get used to her doing that.)
42. Favorite weapon?
HER BLACK WIDOW. and her widow, before that. she loves her sniper rifle.
43. Which version of the Normandy do they like best?
the SR2 is bigger and feels more like hers, rather than something she took from anderson.
44. Do they like to rotate out companions for quests? Who do they bring the most?
she does rotate out! elyse is very particular about taking those best suited for it - but she does have a couple of defaults if she deems the mission too easy or not specific enough to require certain crew. she does like using garrus and thane a lot, mostly because they compete for best sniper shot on each mission.
45. Do they approve of curing the genophage?
yes, as a personal opinion. she doesn’t like that others ask her about it, though; she doesn’t think she should have any official opinion, given that she’s human (newcomer to the galaxy) and not part of any of the fraught history.
46. Does Shepard allow the rachni to live in me1?
she absolutely does! it is not a popular choice.
47. Does Shepard practice any kind of self-care?
shooting things and drinking are her self-care.
48. What abilities do they rely on the most in a fight?
she uses her tactical cloak if needed - getting in close or navigating a tricky spot - but adores incinerate if she’s close enough. no one should have let her set things on fire.
49. What is Shepard’s happy ending? What’s the dream that keeps em going
she doesn’t think she has one - she fully believes she’s going to fight against the reapers until she’s dead, but hopefully it’s at the end by that point, because she doesn’t like the thought of others having to clean up after her.
BUT. a HAPPY ending for her would involve a lot of complicated, opposite things that she doesn’t care to rationalize, because dreams don’t have to make sense! elyse would want a permanent home on a planet, on dirt, some place with a lot of open space and sky. somewhere where people wouldn’t call her “commander”. but she’s also super accustomed to starships and like hell she would ever give up the normandy.
50. Is your Shepard indoctrinated
nope! the rachni queen even checked for her.
(+1: what does Shepard smell like?)
gun oil and sweat. clean laundry if she actually bothered to change her clothes.
(humans smell sweet, according to most aliens, though.)
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bardictwink · 4 months
my bf and i broke up (not mutual, his choice) but also like we still.. have feelings for eachother and it was more bc of mental health issues + fact he wants to enlist in the military
i also dont think he could necessarily cope w the reality of being in a gay relationship because his family is extremely homophobic and while he was sort of happy to get back at them (he loves pissing his mom off especially) i do think the fact he was raised in that environment eventually put a toll on him. like before we even started dating and he had been single for 2 years (last person he dated was a girl) he tried telling his mom he thinks he's gay and she told him to "kill himself"
like after the solar eclipse we were going back to my place (also with my friends) to have a drink and we're on the bus and he runs into a hs friend and he referred to me as his buddy and i was like.. ok maybe this guy was someone who was kind of homophobic. we get off the bus and he's like yeah that guy was the biggest fag in hs lmao..... and even then he didn't necessarily feel like he could out himself.
anyway we're still talking a bit but definitely not the same extent, he also did end things in a pretty bad way so that didn't help either. it sucks because i still really care about him and i feel like he's sabotaging something that was good for him for bad reasons, especially bc he's financially dependent on his parents but i also understand. again i'm not necessarily sure exactly why he ended things just that he said he doesn't think he's mentally capable to maintain one and i think he's opted to just completely avoid me and spiral etc etc
he has like no social life outside of me too which makes me even more worried lol. literally just stays at home all day
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witchcastors · 7 years
Hey, I've got a question about the witchy pen pals thing! So how long should we be waiting before we get paired? I applied a good bit ago and I've not heard anything yet, but it said pairing takes about a week. I know it's been at least two weeks, maybe more. No rush/i'm not upset, i'm just curious! thank you!
Sorry, dear! My queue’s basically been running for about a week. I’ve started sending them out, though! I’m messaging people privately instead of en mass so nothing personal gets seen by others until the pairings have been confirmed, so keep your eyes on your inbox!
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
the poets go to ikea for the first time !!!
sooo this morning i made a list of things i have to take back to college with me and i always pack my stuff in these big, blue ikea bags which got me thinking about what the poets would be like in ikea bc i genuinely cannot do anything anymore without thinking about how the poets would do it HAHA. so here we are lol– i hope you guys like this !!(:
neil: something tells me that neil would really enjoy ikea. there are so many tiny little relics and fun decorations to browse as well as models/displays that are so nicely put together. just the right kinds of things to appease neil’s hidden juvenile wants (since he never got to experience a real childhood with his parents treating him like an adult since he was like 8). for example: all of the neat little stuffed animals and children’s bedroom sets that have all sorts of fun colors, etc. neil would appreciate the whole aesthetic of the store as well, liking how well-organized and modern it is inside. would definitely hide behind pieces of furniture in the displays to scare todd. also he is in charge of pushing the cart (that charlie is proudly sitting in bc he doesn’t want to “walk around everywhere”).
todd: like neil, todd appreciates the feel of the place bc he’s always had a bit of an interest in interior design, but is a little bit overwhelmed with just how big it is both outside and inside. desperately wants a djungelskog bear (which neil buys for him, bc of all the things neil struggles with, saying “no” to todd is certainly the biggest one). genuinely freaks out every single time neil scares him, even if he should see it coming after the second or third time. trails behind the group, (as he seemingly always does), taking special note of certain things he’d like to have in his own house one day (’:
knox: upon being invited, he seemed hesitant bc it’s just a furniture store, big whoop (”will there be girls there at least?”), but once they got there he was incredibly thrilled that there was a cafeteria and insisted that they go there both before shopping and after shopping (”look at how big the store is, don’t you think we’ll be hungry again by the time we’re done?”). definitely would rather be doing something else, but is just happy to be spending time around his pals (:
charlie: as previously stated, king of the cart. refuses to get out and walk because it’s “a big store and he’s tired.” neil doesn't mind pushing him, though. fully embraces the semi-chaotic feel of ikea during the weekend (so many people, which is not good for todd, but charlie full-on thrives). he would also insist on actually buying a few pieces of new furniture for his and cameron’s room (completely oblivious to the fact that he will actually need to assemble the pieces himself until they get down to the warehouse), even though it would most definitely be confiscated by mr. hager (”they’ll only confiscate it if they find it,” charlie says, to which cameron replies, “i’m pretty sure a full size vanity and bureau would be pretty easy to scope out, dumbass.” then they both flip each other off). he is definitely the reason knox decided to come after charlie begged him for at least ten minutes (”c’mon, knoxious, it’ll be fun! even if there aren’t girls there, you’ll still have me to look at (;”). offers to buy neil a couple of the stuffed animals he’s been eyeing bc he just wants to see his best friend happy. has to go back up and around the store to take note of numbers of the furniture he actually wants bc he didn’t understand how it worked (”all that time in the cart, wasted” and ”they should really have like an instruction manual before entering the store??”). and enlists meek’s help trying to find the right boxes of parts because “he’s smart like that”. still stays squished in the cart even when he puts all the boxes in it
meeks: just along for the ride, honestly. he just likes spending time with his buddies, but isn’t hesitant about going out and doing things like knox (“i’ll try anything once!”). gets into a pillow fight with pitts in one of the displays, garnering the attention of an ikea employee who sternly asks them to “act their age” and to “fix all the things they made fall on the ground”. the most adventurous eater at the cafeteria; tries the swedish meatballs and really likes them (”we have to come back here just to eat these again, guys”). rates each display on a scale of 1-10 and gives reasons for why he likes things and why he doesn’t (mostly in a joking way).
pitts: bumps his head on some of the hanging arrow signs that direct you into the next section of the store, sighs after every time. buys matching stuffed animals with meeks (’: is the designated driver, and never asks for gas money from his friends bc like knox and meeks, he just likes hanging out (but they give him gas money anyway !!). asks neil for a turn pushing the cart, which neil agrees to. when in control of the cart, bumps it into things, much to charlie’s displeasure (”wouldn’t peg you as a horrible cart driver since you’re the only one with your license, but alas, i was wrong”). feels v bad for getting in trouble w meeks about the pillow fighting and makes sure to fix any messed up things in any of the displays following the incident. also unsure of how much space is in the car for charlie’s boxes, leading him to argue against the purchase of any items.
cameron: also didn’t get the allure of a furniture store, but tagged along because he wanted to get off campus (and really does care about making time and hanging out with his friends, though he’d never admit that). pickiest when it came to the food court/cafeteria (”i just don’t want to try it, why do i need a reason ??”). actually considered buying a new desk organizer, but refused when charlie said it would look great on their new vanity (”charlie, they’ll confiscate that, too. how many times do i have to explain it ??”). unlike meeks, seriously rates each display on a scale of 1-10 talking about how some of the colors just don’t go, and it hurts his eyes to look at it. lowkey got lost for a bit and freaked out bc he couldn’t find anyone, but caught up with todd finally when they were exiting the kitchenette section. this caused him to ask what todd was doing all the way back behind the group, leading to a small, but nice conversation they had (”just making some notes about things i like for later on” todd had said. “that’s really cool, todd,” cameron smiled back at him, unknowing that todd was most certainly picking out things that not only he would like, but neil, too). finally caved and helped charlie build the new furniture when they got back because as much as he couldn't stand charlie sometimes, it made for an incredibly interesting bonding session. 
anyway, that’s all. i feel like the poets out in public and not on campus just harness a complete chaos anywhere they go HAHA. idk if this sucked or not, but it was super fun to write hehe. happy sunday i don’t want to go to work tomorrow, but such is the life of someone who has rent and bills to pay in the coming months, sigh
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gallickingun · 4 years
YOUR BAKU IS PERFECT!!! may I pls have more??? 🥺👉👈
a/n: AW THANK YOU! i had to start easy bc he scares me lol. well not him so much as writing him correctly! 
warnings: swearing, blood, lil tension; everyone 18+ even if there’s nothing going on. 
ps, wow, this took a turn. 18+ for a reason now lol aka spicy but tolerable
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“Outta my way, Deku!”
“Eat shit, IcyHot!”
“Fuck off, Weird Hair!”
“You know you can talk to your friends without insulting them, right?”
“Shut up,” Bakugo grumbles, dusting the ash off of his uniform.
“Yo!” Kirishima shouts as he trots over to where the two of you are, loitering over what remains of the training bots. He tilts his head, his face guard outlining his features, “Anyone ever notice that Bakugo never calls her anything mean?”
You scoff, “Oh take it as a compliment. Just means that he cares so little about me that he hasn’t thought of a crappy one-liner for me yet.”
“Hey!” Bakugo’s eyes widen, brows raising to form creases on his forehead. He’s growling now and you wonder how far you can push him, “You’re mean to people you like, I’ve figured you out, Baku’.”
He’s gritting his teeth and his jaw is quivering but you can’t help the giggle that parts your lips. The sound only seems to spur him on in his bout of fury, “You take that back, you raging little bitch!”
“There he is,” Kirishima groans, slapping his palm to his face. He sighs and shakes his head, reaching forward to grab Bakugo around the arms, dragging him towards the locker room. 
Pissing Bakugo off had to be the best part of training.
You made it your point to say the last thing to frustrate him; it’s entertaining. And you know he’ll never hurt you, not for real. No matter how far he pushes his limits, he hasn’t ever actually harmed his friends beyond repair.
“Same time tomorrow?” you salute the hothead as he’s roughly yanked to the lockers.
“What did you say?!” He’s screaming from across the yard, his hands ferociously animating in midair. He raises a fist to you before flipping you off with both hands, “You’re lucky Weird Hair is here, or else I’d totally come beat your ass!”
You chuckle as you turn to go to your own set of locker rooms, a hot shower calling your name. There isn’t enough energy remaining in your body to send him another taunt or insult. You also know when is enough with Bakugo - you don’t want to have to have a full fledged one-on-one with him unless you have to. You’d never admit it, but he might overpower your quirk if he were angry enough.
It seems to become a thing then, because now you can’t stop paying attention to the way that Bakugo says your name instead of calling you some rejected insult. Even though he’s moved into an apartment with Kirishima, and he and Midoriya spar on the regular, he still keeps the same nicknames he gave them in high school. 
You allow the tiniest of thoughts to wonder if maybe Bakugo just thinks highly enough of you to allow you to have your given name instead of giving you one himself.
The next time you bring it up, you’re pinning him down with your forearm on his throat, hips pressing harshly to him. You’re enlisted in the same agency, have been for about three years now, and you’re both working your way up the charts and the pay rates.
“Why don’t I get a cute nickname, Katsuki?” you tilt your head in genuine confusion.
He’s growling and before you know it, you feel a stinging explosion set off against your thigh and you’re rolling over. He takes advantage of the moment and pins you right back. Your head bobs against the training mat but the rest of your body is rendered immobile. His shins are on yours, successfully pinning your legs down as his hands make quick work of your upper body.
“Why does it fuckin’ matter?” Bakugo grits his teeth and narrows his eyes down at you, unsure as to what you’re getting at. His forearm is cutting off your breathing and he knows it, pushing into your esophagus as he repeats the question, only harsher this time.
You try to move your hand, signaling your surrender before you pass out.
Once he realizes, he’s leaning off of you, watching as you sputter and cough. You even thing you hear him mutter some sort of an apology as you work through your fit.
“I guess it doesn’t,” you manage, voice hoarse. “I’m just curious, since Kirishima said something.”
Bakugo rolls his eyes, resting his palms on the top of his thighs, “He’s talking out of his ass, is all.”
You find your hands are on his knees, casual as if this were normal. You chew on your lip and he gets impatient, brows knitted together as he snaps, “If you’ve got something to say, then say it!”
“You don’t see us as equals, do you?”
He smirks, “Well, I am the one on top of you while you beg for mercy, so you tell me.”
Your face burns bright red at his words and he falters, his breath hitching. He didn’t really mean it, it just slipped out. Or, rather, he didn’t mean for it to come across so honest.
Bakugo is clambering off of you then, his ears burning beneath the tails of his bandana. He offers you a hand, helping you stand to your feet. Your fingers linger a bit too long and you feel the sweat gather in his palms. You wonder if he’ll light you on fire for looking at him like that.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anyone as an equal.” Bakugo’s voice is rough, hidden behind his arm as he wipes the blood from his face. He smirks and you wonder why you’ve never seen him as he is, “But maybe I could start. Get better, and then we’ll see.”
As he walks away, you make it your personal mission in life to be seen as an equal on the battle field and in real life.
You train harder, longer, putting every part of your being into becoming better. You research strategies, researching the other heroes, playing your strengths off of theirs. You stay up late and wake up early, your body begging for rest but you are unyielding as you climb the sidekick ranks.
It’s another seven months before you’re face-to-face with him again.
You’re paired up as sparring partners, the two of you going head-to-head for a full thirty minutes without even using your quirks. You’re both sweating, his quirk daring to go off if he really willed it to. You know the strength to withstand using his abilities must take a lot of concentration.
“Wow, you’re not half-bad,” he chuckles, swinging a right hook at you. You dodge it easily, reacting by kicking him in the side. He chokes on his own saliva and you smirk at him, “What, you scared, baby?”
You’re not sure why or how that slipped from your lips, but it takes him by surprise. Either way, it leaves you with an opening to jump in the air and swirl your knees around his neck to pin him to the ground. Your legs are around his waist and you’ve got his arms barred upward.
The sight of his sweating palms so close to your eyes makes you a little nervous, but you have enough faith in him to hold back his anger and his explosive fists. 
“Fuck,” you hear him mutter. He squeezes his eyes closed and wraps his palm around your face, fingers pinching your cheeks, “You asked for it.”
He swings you by your neck, your legs releasing him as your body falls to the ground with a loud thud, a small wave of energy tousling the ground next to you. Bakugo has you by the throat now, eyes wandering over your face as he inspects you.
“Been training, huh loser?” Bakugo juts his knee into your stomach and you force yourself to withhold from choking on your own spit. Your eyes bug out of your head at the pain but all you do is scrape and claw against his arms and torso, silently begging him to release you.
You glare up at him before reaching out to lick at his palm, thankful for once that neither of you are in your full hero get up. You’re somewhat surprised to taste ashen sweetness on your tongue, but it takes him off guard long enough for you to slap his arm away and stand to your feet.
“You fucking licked me?!”
You shrug, running towards him while he’s still on his knees. Your knee cap pushes into his chest, toppling him to the ground. You’ve knocked the breath out of him, his eyes rolling back in his head as he settles in the ground.
“Yield,” you ask of him, holding him by the throat. “C’mon, Baku, call it.”
The scent of smoke drifts to your nostrils and you barely have time to shake your head before a non-lethal explosion takes your attention away from him. Before he can get the jump on you, you propel yourself backward, flipping twice until you’re far enough away that you feel safe.
“Shows you, fuckin’ lickin’ me,” Bakugo rolls his eyes and his palms are like lighters, sparking as he stalks towards you.
You won’t be bested by him, not after all of the hard work you’ve been putting in for the past few months. You’re thankful that your own quirk is something opposing to his - water manipulation. In the same way that he can pool his sweat and light it on fire, you can turn yours into a weapon.
You call forward the water from your body and the water in the air into your palm, molding it into shards of ice on your fingertips. You start to sling the projectiles towards Katsuki as he walks closer. He dodges them with ease, but the final one slides across his cheek, drawing blood.
Everything inside of you churns at the sight of his eyes hardening, jaw quivering under the stress of his teeth as he grinds them together. He chuckles and it’s dark, but it stirs something in you - now you know he’s giving it his all, so when you win, it’ll be a justified win.
“I’m about to kill your ass,” Bakugo swipes the collected blood off of his face with his thumb, staring you down. “You’re damn lucky that I’m not wearing my gauntlets. I’d light your ass on fire before you even had time to use that shitty quirk of yours.”
You start working on pulling more water from the air, thankful that it’s a rather humid day. Now, if only it could rain. Then Bakugo would be completely out of his element and you would be more than comfortable.
“My shitty quirk just marked up your pretty face, ‘Suki.”
He charges at you and the two of you trade blows for what feels like hours. You have to stay at least a little ways away from him at all times if possible, his quirk only short range without his gauntlets. You’re glad that your quirk is able to become a ranged weapon if necessary.
Bakugo is much faster without his heavy suit, though, and you’re not ready for him to chase you, right on your heels as you try to put distance between the two of you. You lean down and swipe your feet around his ankles, but it seems he was ready for it because he jumps over the top of you and lands just in front of you.
“Not gonna get that one over on me again,” he snarls but it’s just on this side of a smile, his eyes lifting upward as he tangles with you again.
You tilt your head as you block one of his punches, “Am I turning you on, ‘Suki?”
“Shut the hell up,” he grunts.
“Your face is bleeding again,” you comment, twisting his hands in your grasp, hearing his wrist pop under the action. You wince but he shows little reaction to the pain, “Why don’t you clean it up, huh?”
The comment stops you in your tracks and allows him the opening to slam into you, pushing you across the greenway until you’re stumbling over your own body. You suck the water out of the surrounding plants, balling it up in your fists to create your own version of his gauntlets.
“Get over here, and maybe I will!” You call, raising your fists. He’s already sprinting toward you, but you use the remaining water on the ground to propel yourself upward, the spray of it blinding him long enough for you to encase his body in ice.
You’re gritting your teeth, keeping this part of your quirk is especially difficult given that you haven’t had time to hone it, unlike the other ways you know how to manipulate water. You can barely get the words out of your mouth, “Yield, Katsuki!”
You know that he’ll die from asphyxiation or hypothermia before he can blast his way out of your trap. His eyes widen from within the crystalline cage and your lower lip shakes - you were really hoping not to have to use this move, but he’s proven himself to you time and time again that he’s continuously climbing the ladder to get better.
“Yield!” you shout, your blood vessels straining against your skin.
His eyes close and it’s the closest thing to a yield that you’re going to get. As soon as you can, you drop the ice, the surrounding area flooding, the ground turning soggy beneath his feet.
Despite the absolutely enraged look on his face, you approach him and brush your thumb over his cheek, using the water from his face to heal his scratch.
“There,” you let out a breath at the exertion, “now you’re pretty again.”
Bakugo snatches your wrist harshly, glowering down at you, “Enjoy that, because you’re not going to beat me with that stupid quirk of yours again.”
Your jaw quivers but you ask the question anyway, “C-Could you ever see me as your equal, now that I’ve beaten you?”
“If I had my gauntlets, your stupid ice cage would have been toast!” Katsuki is shouting, his grip on your wrist tightening. You try your hardest not to wince but it does not go unnoticed by him as he makes the connection.
He shakes his head, “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to grab you that hard.”
“No, it’s fine, I,” your breath catches in your throat, “I shouldn’t have made you angry, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you get it?” he growls, yanking you closer, only softer this time. “You always make me angry.”
If you weren’t confused before, you sure are now. You know that Bakugo has a naturally hot-headed temperament, but you never expected him to attribute some of it to you.
“Gah, you’re such an idiot!” Bakugou runs a hand through his hair before blowing a breath out of his mouth, attempting to calm himself down. He really doesn’t want to screw this up. “Every time I see you, I get this, this stupid knot in my stomach. And it just pisses me off! Why are you different?”
You want to laugh because it appears he’s experiencing feelings for the first time, but you don’t want to make him feel humiliated. Instead, you reach your palm upward and wrap your fingers around his wrist, “You make me feel different too, Katsuki.”
He rolls his eyes, “Great. So we’re both fucked.”
This time you do laugh, but only because he’s so blunt. You know better than to touch him excessively, especially in public, “I guess so. Maybe we can fuck together?”
You’ve never seen Bakugo Katsuki’s eyes go so wide.
a/n: well, that was a bit different but still the same lol. not tagging anyone this time bc i don’t want to be a bother :) i hope you guys liked that. feel free to request more/others! 
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wcamino-confessions · 4 years
anyway have some major points from my "Warrior Cats Rewrite" outline. long story short im rewriting the entire series bc i can, feel free to suggest things youd like to see :)
-Please note that some of these bullet points dont make sense in the order theyre in bc i forgot to put them in chronological order and didnt have much time to fix it
-Each book has a different protag in a different Clan
-Some names, families, and pelt colours will all be switched around/changed
-Some characters will be aged up or down depending on when it makes sense to me for them to be born
-StarClan is fucking powerless. Instead these fiesty battlecats have a religion similar to greeks, with their main gods are based around the moon. Its considered super lucky for a kit to be born under a full moon, and naming a cat/kit "Moon-" is considered super disrespectful and can get both kit and mother shunned by the Clan or exiled
-WindClan never stopped tunneling
-Oakheart is still alive
-Assume no cats are related unless I state otherwise
-Lostsong, Wildblaze, Ferncloud, Ashfur, Brambleflower, and Tawnystorm are all related (Bramble, Tawny, Ash, Fern have the same father, Wild, Lost, Bramble, Tawny have the same mother)
-Acorn and Squirrel are Dust/Sand's kits, though they 2 are no longer mates
-The medicine cats cant have mates or kits rule is thrown out the window bc its stupid
Name Changes:
-Brambleclaw -> Brambleflower
-Tawnypelt -> Tawnystorm
-Sandstorm -> Sandstrike
-Firestar -> Sparkfern
-Leafpool -> Acornleaf
-Brightheart -> Lostsong
-Yellowfang -> Mirestorm
-Ravenpaw -> Ravensight
-Swiftpaw -> Wildblaze
1st arc (The prophecies begin):
- Protags are Sparkfern (ThunderClan, book 1), Yellowfang (ShadowClan, Book 2), Mistyfoot (RiverClan, book 3), Tallstar (WindClan, book 4), Tigerclaw (Book 5)
-1st book goes more or less the same with only minor changes until you reach the point where Sparkpaw was supposed to run into Mirestorm
-In this rewrite Brokenstar "out of the good of his heart" allows Mirestorm to stay in ShadowClan under 2 conditions. She gives up being a medicine cat and goes back to being a warrior, and she isnt allowed anywhere without a guard. She accepts
-Tigerclaw goes through with the plan to kill Ravenpaw but fails. Ravenpaw, terrified for his life, decides to switch to being a medicine cat
-WindClan hasn't been driven out, but only because Tallstar gave ShadowClan a good half of their territory
-Tigerclaw doesn't try any backhanded traps like the thunderpath one
-That being said, Cinderpaw still gets caught on the Thunderpath bc she wasnt paying attention to where she was going
-She still goes back to warrior training though bc this ThunderClan doesn't discriminate
-All the ShadowClan stuff happens a bit later than it does in canon
-Spottedleaf lives, but she's fucked up really bad (Blind in left eye, intense scarring on face and right side, unable to use back leg without pain, etc etc) and decides to demote herself as a medicine cat and mkve to the elder's den
-Ravenpaw still isn't fully trained, so ThunderClan enlists Barkface's help
-Ravenpaw ends up being named Ravensight sometime around the middle of the 3rd book
-Sparkpaw becomes Sparkfern around halfway through the book bc i dont try to pack what should be a month of buildup into 2 days so theres timeskips when theres nothing happening
-Sandpaw and Dustpaw become Sandstrike and Dustpelt before Sparkfern and Greystripe because they were apprentices for longer
-Tigerclaw kills Sparkfern by the end of book 1
-Tigerclaw tries to kill Bluestar, but she runs out of the den and Tigerclaw gets exiled
-Mirestorm decides to say fuck it and in book 2 pushes Brokenstar into the gorge in RiverClan territory
-After Redtail's death Whitestorm is made deputy
-Since WindClan never needed to be brought back Whiteclaw is alive now too
-Instead of Nightstar, after Brokenstar's death Blackfoot becomes Blackstar
- Whitestorm ends up getting killed so Sandstrike is made deputy
-On that note since Sparkfern is dead Sandstrike was Cinderpelt's mentor
-Both Swiftpaw and Brightpaw live, but both are heavily scarred and are renamed Deadspot and Lostface by Buestar
-Tigerclaw still leads the dogs onto ThunderClan territory, but instead of coming up with the canon plan they all live in fear until RiverClan decides that this is painful to watch and help out
-Deadspot and Lostface end up having a 2nd run in with the dogs and Bluestar looses her last life saving them
-Sandstar renames them Wildblaze and Lostsong
-ThunderClan don't actually hate Bramble and Tawny for being Tiger's kits, but they both feel irrationally guilty about it and that causes just as much of a strain
-Brambleflower is the one who leaves ThunderClan this time, while Tawnystorm stays
-Silverstream and Greystripe never get together. Feathertail and Stormfur are Silver and WhiteClaw's kits
-Also Leopardstar dies earlier and Stonefur becomes Stonestar
-Tigerclaw takes control of BloodClan and renames himself Tigerstar
-When Tigerstar tries to take over ShadowClan Blackstar tells him no
-Tigerstar tries approaching Stonestar for an alliance and the whole "shun half clan cats" thing, not knowing that Stonestar is a half clan cat (Bluestar still told both Mistyfoot and Stonefur the truth) and Stonefur tells him to get fucked
-tigerstar decides to merge with WindClan instead
-The whole fourtrees stand off still happens, but Brambleflower kills Tigerstar (who due to being a faux leader and not going to the moonstone only has one life)
2nd arc (The New Prophecy):
-Protags are Brambleflower (ShadowClan, book 1), Feathertail (RiverClan, book 2), Crowpaw (WindClan, book 3), Tawnystorm (ThunderClan, book 4), Nightcloud (WindClan, book 5)
-The cats that go on the quest are Tawnystorm, Brambleflower, Feathertail, Crowpaw, Squirrelflight, and Nightpaw (Nightcloud)
-Squirrel (who was born earlier than in canon and is therefor now already a warrior) follows Tawny on the quest
-Squirrel has a puppy crush on Tawny and she makes this fact painfully clear
-Nightpaw follows Feather around like a lost dog
-Crowpaw ends up dying instead of Feathertail bc Nightpaw was in danger
-Nightpaw becomes Nightcloud after the journey and develops a crush on Acornleaf
-She's torn between the two until she realizes Acorn doesnt feel the same about her (Acornleaf is in love with Mothwing in this rewrite bc i said so)
-Nightcloud is briefly devastated but then realizes that this makes things so much easier for her and starts dating Feathertail
-Tawny and Squirrel get together after 4 1/2 whole books of obvious pining
-Daisy is still there, but she only has one kit as the others have died (The living kit is Berrynose, now renamed Hay)
-Daisy gets in a relationship with Lostsong and Cloudtail bc thats my OT3 and bc i said so
-After loosing Hazel and Mouse she finds that she can't bring herself to get too attached to Hay so Tawny and Squirrel adopt him and Daisy just becomes that cool aunt™
-Insert a good 7 pages of Bramble freaking out that he's an uncle now
-Hawkfrost is still evil and traps Sandstar in a fox trap, but Mothwing kills him this time.
-Mothwing ends up badly injured from her fight with Hawkfrost and Acornleaf takes care of her
-Stormfur ends up dying
-Feathertail leaves RiverClan to be with Nightcloud
-Daisy/Lostsong/Cloudtail end up having Whitekit (wing), Rosekit (petal), and Honeykit (flower)
-Acornleaf and Mothwing become mates at one point and love each other very very much
-Mothwing is trans (comfort hc ive had aince forever, not purely for the sake of her and Acorn having bio kits i promise) and her and Acorn end up having Swanblaze (Hollyleaf) and Goldenfern (Lionblaze)
-since both Moth and Acorn are their Clan's only medicine cat neither can join the other's clan so Moth takes Swan and Acorn takes Golden
-a good 7 moon timeskip between arc 2 book 5 and arc 3 book 1
3rd arc (Power of Three):
-Protags are Mothwing (RiverClan, book 1), Crowstorm (WindClan, book 2), Goldenfern (ThunderClan, book 3), Littlecloud (ShadowClan, book 4), Swanblaze (RiverClan, book 5)
-[Everything that follows happens between TPB and the beginning of PO3]
-Since there's no "medicine cats cant have kits or mates" rule its common knowledge that Swan and Golden are Moth and Acorn's kits
-On RiverClan's side Graymist (who becomes a queen earlier here for the sake of convenience) nursed Swan alongside Sneeze and Mallow. Besides the feeding Swan spent most of her time hanging around and playing with Motha
-On ThunderClan's side, since Rosepetal is the medicine cat apprentice, Leafpool nurses and raises Golden. The entire Clan treats him like their kit though, especially his aunts Tawnystorm and Squirrelflight
-[Everything that happens this point happens in the actual arc]
-The 3 are Swanblaze, Goldenfern, and Crowstorm (Night and Feather's adopted son. He counts as part of the 3 bc Redtail (Sand's father) was half WindClan in this rewrite and his WindClan father also had Night and Crow's mother
-While both Swan and Golden knew they had a sibling in another Clan, they didnt officially meet until their 2nd gathering, when Moth and Acorn intoduced them to eachother
-Swanpaw met Crowpaw when Crow was chasing a rabbit and couldn't stop himself from falling into the river.
-Mothwing, who had taken Swanpaw on an outing to help her collect herbs, ended up saving him and bringing him back to camp while they waited for WindClan to come back and get him
-While Crow is intended to be Jayfeather's replacement here, he isn't blind. He is, however, deaf. He's still training to be a warrior though bc fuck canon
-Night, Feather, and Crow developed a sort of cat sign language they spread to WindClan to help make it easier for Crow
-It eventually ended up spreading to Bramble and Moth, who spread it to their Clans
-Different powers and shit
-Swan has a sort of foresight. She can tell whats going to happen a few moments before it happens. While she brushes it off as good instincts, when she develops it more later in the series her foresight stretches up to a moon in advance
-Golden still has super strength. He aint invincible tho cuz that was a horeible plot point
-Crow can see and speak to ghosts in the living world. Not just StarClan or dead cats, but any dead animal. If he wants to speak to a dead fox he 100% can
-The 3 still know about the prophecy due to Swan training as a med cat and accidently getting it (She eventually ends up dropping it and Willowshine becomes the med app instead)
-Sol comes in and then the eclipse happens
-Golden and Crow are 100% ready to trust this strange cat they met 2 days ago but Swan is like yo dudes wtf
-That whole plot point happens, Sol tries to go to ShadowClan, but Blackstar tells him to fuck off so he does
-Swanpaw ends up accidently killing him (tried to threaten him into leaving the Clans alone using the dunk and let breathe method, ended up drowning him). The guilt she feels from it is what causes her to drop being a medicine cat apprentice and become a warrior.
-Ashfur still had a crush on Squirrel and is extremely jealous of Tawny. He tries the whole fire scene thing with Haynose, but before he's even halfway done with his monologue he stops for 3 seconds, looks around him, and realizes just what the fuck he's trying to do
-He helps Squirrel and Hay out of the fire, apologizes profusely, and turns himself in to Sandstar, accepting whatever punishment she gives him
-Bramble 100% visits both Hay and Swan at least once a week. Sand and Stone have realized by now that stopping him wont work so they just allow it
-There's no huge gathering scene this time because there isn't a big secret to tell
-The arc does end, however, with Swan finding Stonestar's lifeless body laying in his den
4th arc (Omen of the Stars):
-[NOTE: This section is unfinished due to lack of ideas]
-The whole Stonestar's dead body thing is going to be addressed, but i just dont have any ideas for that so its not addressed for now
- Dove and Ivy are both spoiled rotten by their aunts and grandparents
-As such Dove gains a sorta "entitled" attitude. Like not full tantrum entitled, but getting moody/snappy when she doesnt get what she wants
-Ivy is the same way, just a bit less snapping and a bit more silent treatment
-Brambleflower!!!! Has kits!!! With Rowanclaw!!!
-Yes, I am a big fan of the trans Rowanclaw hc
-I am giving Bramble Tawny's canon mate
-bc its what he deserves
-Anyway, Their kits are Brindlekit/heart (Tigerheart), Dawnkit/shade (Dawnpelt), and Russetkit/tail (Flametail), who I am aging down bc in canon these 3 already have their full names
-Tawny and Squirrel 100% babysit from time to time
-Dark forest trainees stay the same, but this time add in Dovewing, Bumblestripe and Briarlight
-Haven't read, unable to make an outline
-Briarlight didnt make it in time to push Longtail out of the way, so Briarlight isnt paralyzed and Longtail is dead
-Bumblestripe still has a crush on Dovewing, but is way more lowkey and less "creepy" about it
-Swanblaze becomes mates with Minnowtail
-Acornleaf dies in the Last Hope
-So do Brambleflower, Goldenfern, Honeyfur, Graymist, Spiderleg, Applefur, Olivenose, Redwillow, Ferretclaw, Tallpoppy, Whitetail, Heathertail, Reedwhisker, Robinwing, Mosspelt, Pouncetail, and Dovewing
5th arc (A Vision of Shadows):
-[NOTE: This section is empty due to me not having finished this arc.]
6th arc (The Broken Code):
-[NOTE: This section is empty due to me not having read this arc]
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agent-cupcake · 4 years
So, what do you think the femblem cast would do for jobs irl? Appreciate your stories by the way, beasty and the bard is my favorite so far
I’m trying to work through older asks more like I used to with HxH, shorter form stuff, you know? Anyway, this is silly so a good starting point (also thank you! I love writing that story and going through my inbox I saw so many kind messages. I didn’t reply to them, but know that everyone’s words mean more than I can say)
Dimitri - There’s fanart of him as a firefighter and I like that. However, I guess it’d make more sense if he had a net worth we could only dream of and inherited a company of some sort from his father so that’s what I’m going with. Aside from running that, I think Dimitri would be someone who uses his fortune to engage in a lot of philanthropic work. Also, bless modern mental health care. 
Dedue - If we’re going aesthetics, Dedue would also be a Firefighter. Or a famous chef, famous for his intimidating appearance contrasted with his world-famous dishes. Although, hear me out. Dedue was someone whose city or w/e was destroyed by negligence or conflict of some kind and he works with Dimitri to protect his people and built his home back up.
Felix - Raised in a wealthy military family, Felix enlisted and served in the Army as soon as he was able but became disillusioned with the military after the death of his brother and returned home. After that, he became super involved with martial arts and wound up opening a gym, inadvertently taking in other young and disillusioned kids and giving them a healthy method of self-expression.
Sylvain - Rich boy. Bad reputation. E-Celeb. He lends his skills to the social media inept Dimitri to promote and help with all of his philanthropic work. He does a lot of good things but keeps it under wraps to maintain his superficial image. 
Ingrid - She runs Dimitri’s personal security force with a side gig of anonymous restaurant reviewing.
Annette - Chemistry professor at a university and rabid overachiever who makes consistent strides in the science world and inspires her students. She knows the Faerghus crew because she’s gone to them to make a case for funding scholarship programs.
Mercedes - Mercedes went to school to became a nurse, which is where she met Annette, and then she met Felix through Annette. Since many of the kids at his gym aren’t likely to go to get actual medical help, he calls her if there are any incidents. At the same time, she is an active participant in her local church and charity drives.  
Ashe - Okay I think he’d have a really idealistic sense of justice as a kid, but that slowly became warped as he grew up. He met Ingrid through Felix’s gym and wound up getting a position on Dimitri’s security team, seeing the work that Dimitri does as a sort of justice.
Edelgard - I wanna say like a politician or lawyer, but the fictional kind where they have solid values and beliefs and do good things in the name of justice. Edelgard would be more vocal about her desire to change things entirely rather than follow the system as it is.  
Hubert - Obviously he works with Edelgard. Sharing her ideals of justice, he acts as a behind the scenes confidant of sorts. Irl he’d be a bit less simp-y, working with her because he believes in her ability to make a change rather than some blood-intrinsic duty.
Ferdinand -  Similar to Edeglard, but more invested in the idea of working within the system to make a change. Despite that conflict, they do work together quite often, respecting the ideals of the other and acknowledging that ultimately they do want the same thing.
Dorothea - Musical theater STAR who is very passionate about social issues, namely the treatment of younger and less famous people in the industry. She uses her platform to promote up and coming actors and all of the backstage production crews that are so often ignored and abused.
Caspar - Head of Edelgard’s security for sure. Grew up a rich kid but separated from his family pretty much completely, deciding to make his own way in the world.
Linhardt - Tech guy. Cybersecurity maybe? At some point, he got hired by Edelgard and works with Caspar bc ofc he does. He makes it clear that it’s not an issue of morality that makes him loyal, but because it’s a fun challenge. 
Petra - An ambassador from a smaller country trying to establish more friendly relations for her people. People underestimate her because of her language skills, which actually works out for her sometimes because they don’t expect her political maneuvering. 
Bernadetta - An extreme introvert who inherited her father’s company but manages most of it remotely, also focusing on her artistic endeavors. Probably has a super popular webcomic appealing to comically exaggerated introverts everywhere.  
Claude - He attended a prestigious university and quickly fell into a career in journalism. Not like, trashy tabloid style, but actual journalism that is well researched and meant to hold people in power accountable. His background and source of wealth are mysterious, leading people to spend an inordinate amount of time speculating about his race online. Claude also uses memes and snappy editing as misdirection. 
Hilda - She’s famous for being famous and rich. However, in the midst of all of that fame, she befriended Claude and actually came to stand for a cause. But on the lowest of keys, most of what she posts is makeup reviews and glamorous photos. Gamer girl.
Lorenz - His father's Thomas Wayne, but like... The bad Thomas Wayne from Joker. Weapon production and everything. Lorenz changes that, though, focusing more on those Bruce Wayne endeavors. Except he’s not Batman, but Batman’s flamboyant, eggplant-headed brother. I love Lorenz I’m sorry boo
Ignatz - An artist, of course. Works in animation, maybe? He’s drawn all of Hilda’s graphics and sprites and stuff. She even paid him!  
Raphael - He does a lot of manual labor, taking on odd jobs or anything in the name of supporting his sister. 
Lysithea - After graduating top of her class, she began working in the medical field, researching cures and other helpful medicine. Claude keeps her discoveries from going unacknowledged, and Edelgard has actually had a donation drive to fund Lysithea’s work. 
Marianne - She owns and runs an organization that focuses on taking on animal cruelty and taking care of mistreated animals. She’s incredibly organized and efficient in the way she handles things and sees results through her various charities and request for funding. 
Leonie - She works in a private security organization once run by Jeralt, taking on whatever job she gets hired for. Leonie is more interested in the work than the jobs. Drinking, too. 
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fmdduri · 3 years
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word count: question 1 is 402 words, question 2 is 316 words, question 3 is 283 words, question 4 is 342 words, question 5 is 268 words, question 6 is 351 words.  reward: +5 tracker points. 
1. assuming your muse has changed in some way, be it internally or as a result of a change of the external factors around them, how is your muse different? these can be as small as an opinion on a song they hadn’t released previously or as big as a major change in their background.
probably the biggest changes of duri, comes from the fact that he now is aged down to being born in the year of 1994. i always felt like it would be better for duri to be younger, but because he was already well established, he continued to be in his hag days. however, thanks to the restructure, i was able to finally make duri part of maknae line of his group, in this case being titan. it’s a little change, but it really makes me pretty happy. 
with this change, as well, comes some slight background changes. duri has now become a trainee in january 2009, training for two years until january of 2011, which was when titan had debuted. before, duri had only trained for about two months, before he had debuted as the member of a group. this change also removes him from completely his military enlistment before debuting, due to age - which is fine, because i have future headcanons involving enlistment that are in my head, that probably won’t be shared, but they’re there! 
opinion wise on things, i think the only opinions that duri has is a bit of a favor for the infinite releases, over the other releases. that might just be the second gen stan in me, but infinite is one of my ults (shinee and cassie still taking the first two spots, of course,) but they’re definitely tied with exo. however, overall, duri really enjoys their discography, and has no completes about it whatsoever. 
one small thing that changed as well as the name of people in his life. i changed the names of his parents, as well as his uncle and aunt. now, his father is bonju, his mother is aeri, his uncle is bongki, and his aunt is choa. this is a small change i wanted to reference as different, just because i mentioned them all often and they had different names before. 
one last change that i think is important to mention is that even though duri has never had a scandal attached to himself - he has had a saesang issue, which simply just comes with titan - it also doesn’t help that he’s always been clean from scandals, so more seemed to attach themselves. however, duri is a titan member that bc entertainment decided to protect from them, so it’s a problem that doesn’t really stick around for him. 
2. what does your muse think of their company and their group?
bc entertainment is seemingly a bit of a mixed bag - at least, that’s how it feels to duri. he feels really lucky to be in bc entertainment, as they’re considered to be the best of the best, and they’re probably the reason why titan became “the kings of kpop” in the first place, nonetheless. not the mention, bc entertainment has given duri so many great opportunities for his career outside of  however, he wonders if bc entertainment fully cares about their artists in general. since he’s struggling himself with mental health and bc entertainment has a bit of a problem with overworking duri, he can’t help but to wonder if they cared if he came to them? or if they’d notice something wrong with him? generally, he’s a bit on the fence.
when it comes to his group, titan, duri really loves titan. he enjoys the music that they have put out thus far (of course, give or take a few of their later years tracks, but it’s nothing major) and believes that he’s been a great fit for titan. generally, duri has no problems with titan at all. even though he may be a member that doesn’t have any scandals, whereas other members may (based off of the group description), he believes that things simply happen and don’t believe any member of the group is really at a fault for getting caught up in something. simply, things happen, that’s how to put it. however, duri did have a hard time with titan at first because a lot of people believed he didn’t fit the concept, so he had to work really hard to prove that he was able to handle the concept. now, fans and netizens see that duri is able to fit himself into whatever concept is needed based off his charisma and stage presence. in general, he loves titan as a whole. 
3. is your muse on their first contract or their second? if they’ve renewed, what were their feelings around that at the time and what were their hopes for their second contract? if they haven’t renewed, what are their current thoughts on the end of their eventual first contract?
duri is currently on his second contract with bc entertainment and titan. when it came to renewing, duri was more than happy with renewing because bc entertainment was still treating them rather well. he can’t say he felt anything negativity towards bc entertainment, simply because of the fact that he was getting work in and out of titan itself. though, there was a bit of a wish to have some solo songs. of course, maybe there’s the same wants of more of a break because titan is one of the hottest groups on the scene and it’s clear that even with things that have happened, titan isn’t going anywhere. the group still has a hold on the industry and truthfully, he hoped that’s something that would continue to happen with the second contract. so, when it comes to hopes for his second contract, he was hoping to finally see a solo debut within the midst. thankfully, that was something that had come the next year, and he had gotten his hope for the second contract. another hope had been to get more than one solo project a year - at this time, he had only gotten either a brand ambassadorship or variety show main cast a year, with nothing else happening to him, and bc entertainment seemingly wanting duri to mainly stay within the realms of titan itself. this was something else that came to fruition, with him getting more projects each year, essentially working more into that realm of “overworking.” but, duri is rather happy and wishes he could be gay in the open - but, that’s clearly something that he has to continue to wish and is just that, a wish.
4. what are your muse’s goals and motivations?
duri’s most personal goal/dream is probably be get married and have kids. of course, this is something that can’t happen right now, and probably won’t happen for a good while, since there’s still so much to do as a member of titan and as a soloist, so he has to continue on simply just not doing. however, it’s something that’s just really up there and something that he really wants for himself. for now, though, he’ll settle with dogs and a cat as his children, his fur children - they’re just as much of family as humans are. 
another more personal goal that duri has is to do more for charity. for the longest time, he’s always done charity work. however, he feels like he could so do more, and would love to maybe become an ambassador for something of that sort. however, bc entertainment seems to not push for it all that much, so he assumes he’ll have to advocate for it himself. though, maybe they think his own person works of charity is more than enough, instead of gaining a ambassadorship for that. 
career wise for goals, seems to be a bit more extensive for duri. of course, duri would really like to release more music wise. it would also be cool to chart higher than he has with his music, but he’s not complaining because he’s still done rather well. not to mention, the chance to do more osts for dramas. besides for that, he’d like to have more main cast variety jobs. this is something that he has a lot of fun with, where he really just gets to show off himself some. he enjoys making appearances on shows, but he’d love to have something a little bit more permanent once again. he’s sure he’ll manage to get there, of course. following that, duri would also love to have some more brand ambassadorships. however, he’d really enjoy some brighter ones, like what he has done for baskin-robbins and coca-cola, as a few others were seemingly not as bright.
5. what is one conflict, internal or external, that your muse is currently dealing with, has recently dealt with, or will need to deal with in the future?
the one conflict that duri has been slightly dealing and needs to deal with in the future is his mental health. due to the car accident that occurred when duri was five years old, he suffers with post traumatic stress disorder. when he was younger, this was something that was dealt with and he even kept up with it as a trainee. however, as duri got really busy with titan, as well as the established career claims, he seemingly fell off in treatment. this caused him to have a relapse with his mental health, sometime down the line. currently, it’s probably at it’s worst, and something he’s slightly dealing with. however, because it’s something that he’s really managed to ignore for a bit, pretending that he’s perfectly okay, and telling people that he’s okay - it needs to be dealt with in the future, but he continues to really just ignore it. not to mention, he also has insomnia that goes along with the ptsd, so more often than not, he’s exhausted, rather than well rested. he treats it with multiple cups of coffee, which definitely just makes it worst - but, that’s how he has to get through a schedule. simply, there seems to be a lot that really goes along with this, along with often being haunted in his dreams with the scene that changed constantly, before he’s waking up sweating and sobbing. will he figure out how to ask for help? or will he continue to suffer? it’s most likely the former, simply because he’s rather embarrassed that he has gotten bad all over again. 
6. if your muse has established career claims, what are their thoughts on their career so far? if they do not, how do they feel about not having individual activities yet? what would they like to do in the future, if anything? if they don’t have ambitions for individual activities, explain why.
duri has an established career in modeling, variety, & songwriting. thus far, he’s really happy with his established career. it wasn’t something that he was really expecting, thinking that he’d have more osts or something along those lines, with bc entertainment most likely wanting to use his voices - since they did keep him hidden when he was a trainee, due to his voice and not letting him do anything during those two years. however, it’s a bit interested they wanted to use his face and his likeness for both modeling and variety instead. however, duri can’t really complain because he really liked being the ambassador for both beanpole and baskin-robbins - arguably he liked being the ambassador for baskin-robbins a bit more, since he felt it fit himself a bit more. but, he does understand getting a beanpole ambassadorship. when it came to being placed on main casts for variety, he did really enjoy those as well, especially cool kiz on the block. sure, he’s not really sporty (besides for being an avid gym-goer.) but, he really did enjoy doing the neighborhood sports and this was what had gotten him really more comfortable with variety, and it proved he was a good accent for variety. however, his next main cast wouldn’t come till 2018 with dunia: into a new world. truth be told, he didn’t really get it at first, but once he did, it was clear there really was something there. he had fun with the concept and the whole being brought back to life in the game was a cool addition. of course, duri really, really enjoyed getting to write for titan. he has full writing credits for b-sides: light, playboy, she’s dreaming, and lights out. he also had full writing credits for one title track, kokobop. 
in the future, duri would like to continue this track of modeling, variety, and creative claims. of course, he’d also like more solo musics, but those are givens. in general, his career will be completely focused on music, modeling, variety, and creative claims - keeping himself to those 4 areas mostly. 
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Lisa Shepard vs Batarians
Behold, a meta about Lisa I’ve long wanted to write, inspired by this post about Torfan(got kinda long for just a reblog) and motivation provided by @fourthage‘s Mass Effect giveaway. (I’m much better about finishing things when I can give it a deadline, lol)
Lisa is my Colonist/Ruthless Infiltrator Shep, and let me tell you, that background combo made her really interesting to play(through the first two games, at least; my computer crashed before I had a chance to import her to ME3, rip) bc she has this big, glaring problem with batarians. The tl;dr is Mindoir was deeply traumatizing and no batarian ever did enough to counter the extremely negative image she has of their race as a result. (apologies for slight stream-of-consciousness rambling, I tried to rein it in, but I think I was only partially successful >.>)
So we start, obviously, on Mindoir. Lisa’s the oldest of four with three younger brothers; Justin, Finn, and Connor, and had two best friends; Javier and Laura. Life was routine and uneventful and the only thing she cared about the larger galaxy was getting to explore it with Javi and Laura after they all graduated.
And then the batarian raid happened. Lisa didn’t see her parents die, but she did see friends die in the initial attack, as well as Laura’s dad. She had to watch Finn and his best friend(Talitha) get dragged to a shuttle. She, Javi, and Laura hid in a storage shed with their remaining younger siblings(one of Laura’s sisters was gone, too) in hopes of keeping them safe. They spent the next three days in there. They were found by a few batarian patrols, somehow managed to kill them all with bare hands and makeshift weapons(or stolen, Lisa got a pistol off one she killed), even as their own numbers got picked down, younger sibling by younger sibling, and then Laura, and then Javi, until.Lisa was the last one left, memory etched with hearing her best friends and younger brothers, brothers she’d promised her parents she’d look out for, die very terrible deaths. 
She was found by a couple soldiers from the rescuing Alliance patrol, and actually attacked them when they first came in the storage shed. They had to calm her down, and one went so far as to pull off his helmet so she could see they were human and weren’t going to hurt her. He introduced himself as Gabe and guided her out of her personal hell, both literally and figuratively. After everything she’d witnessed and heard and knew had happened to the colony, to her home, at the hands of the batarians, Lisa didn’t feel the least bit guilty for being glad the Alliance killed every last one of the slaving bastard scum they found. She’d lost everyone in the world she cared about to those monsters, she had every right to be glad they paid for it.
The soldier, Gabe, stuck with her until she’d made it back to Earth and escorted her to the foster home that had agreed to take her in. checked up on her a few times, offered to let her live with him and his roommates(another man and a woman, all three of them soldiers) if she wanted to. She took him up on that, and by the end of the third or fourth month, he was big brother and best friend rolled into one. Being on Earth meant she didn’t really have much(if any) direct interaction with batarians, but she was still working through her trauma and every time she heard them mentioned in news reports it was batarian pirates attacking a civilian vessel or batarian slavers raiding another colony--human, turian, whatever, all it did was reinforce her hostile view of them as a race.
She joined the Alliance military when she turned eighteen, feeling it was the best way to act out her gratitude of them saving her. She still missed her family and friends, of course, but she was healing and adjusting and while batarians still get her hackles up, she wouldn’t go out of her way to cause trouble with them. Largely because that would reflect badly on the Alliance, and she doesn’t want that. She proves to be an excellent soldier, tech genius, and near-unparalleled sniper, which is what gets her the rec for N-school(courtesy of Captain Anderson, who was Gabe’s CO. Gabe introduced them the day she enlisted). She excels in N-school(she’s always been the sort to thrive on challenge) and is clearly going to graduate with flying colors, so she and Gabe work it out--he’s coming for the ceremony, they each manage to get leave for the following week, they’re gonna spend time catching up and celebrating and just get to see each other face to face for the first time in... over a year. 
And then, the week before graduation, Gabe is killed rescuing a diplomat’s kid from, you guessed it, batarian pirates(he’s one of only three KIA on that mission, which doesn’t make it sting any less)..That is when they cross the point of no return in her eyes. Two separate groups of batarians are responsible for the deaths of her family twice over. Clearly this was not a “few bad individuals” thing; this is a failing of them as a people(A people who have enslaving others enshrined as part of their culture to the point of calling it discrimination when they’re not allowed to practice it). 
She is a driven, pragmatic, determined individual who wants to represent humanity and the Alliance well and so works just fine alongside every other race in Council space. She’s always willing to help, also always willing to make the hard calls to get a job done bc she learned early that people die. You can’t save everyone every time. You still try your damnedest to do it, but sometimes you can’t. And sometimes people die as a result of your decisions and you have to be able to live with that. She can. 
And then TORFAN. Well, first Elysium, and then Torfan. By this point, she’s N4, risen to Commander, and absolutely willing to push her squad however hard it takes to accomplish their goal. (In any circumstances, these just happen to hit a tad closer to home than usual) The fight through Torfan’s tunnels to the pirate base is brutal, and there are several times her men point out maybe they should turn back. But she pushes on bc their mission is to take out this group of pirates. In her mind, batarians are already a threat, given their culture of slaving, piracy, and utter disregard for life and others in general. If they get away with attempting a full-scale attack like they did on a world like Elysium, they’ll be exponentially more dangerous. So there have to be repercussions and they have to be swift and they have to be brutal and unflinching and if she’s the one who doles that out so be it. 
It costs her 3/4 of her squad, but they do it. They fight the pirates to the point of surrender and then Lisa shoots them anyway. Her mission was to eliminate the enemy, and she’s A) worried the batarians are surrendering as a show, with no intention of actually being prisoners, and B) convinced even if they did surrender, the Hedgemony would demand their return as “political prisoners” or something, with good odds they’d be released after just enough time this  “incident” will have faded from people’s memory, and she doesn’t want to risk either. So the dozen-odd surrendering batarians still.die. And while she didn’t take pleasure or satisfaction in doing it, she doesn’t regret it either. Her thought process is somewhere along the lines of “These are sadistic, murdering, slaving scumbags, who have the audacity to ask for the mercy they would never in a million years show their victims. The galaxy is better off without them.”) She doesn’t care it gets her labelled “The Butcher of Torfan” and that people look askance at her when they know her record. She got the job done, the galaxy is just that much safer, and she’s not going to lose any sleep over batarians.
She makes N7 and gets the Spectre nomination bc she pushes herself just as hard as anyone under her command, always gets the job done, and--aside from batarians--has no issue working with other races. When it comes to anyone else; turians, asari, hanar, whoever, she’s all too happy to follow Kaidan’s “jerks and saint, just like us” philosophy and judge them on an individual basis, but--and I’ve actually had her say this in fic--”If you ever find a saintly batarian, let me know and I’ll pin a medal on their chest my-damn-self”. Between what’s known of batarians as a race and culture and her own first or second hand experience, there is nothing redeeming about them in her eyes. (And it’s a very good thing she didn’t run into any during that... week after the Talitha encounter in ME1, bc she probably would have ripped them to shreds with just her bare hands and her omnitool after hearing what that poor girl went through.) She’s not going to go out of her way to gleefully/vindictively slaughter them, but she’s not feeling too charitable or sympathetic toward them, either. If I may make a cross-franchise reference, Lisa’s feeling on batarians are very similar to how Fenris feels about mages in DA2, only unlike him, she hasn’t gotten any examples they’re not all Like That(TM).
As of the end of ME2, she has not seen any evidence to counter her view of batarians, so it’s a view she’s gonna go into ME3 holding(whenever I get around to completely redoing her game), and I don’t see her changing it much at this point. It’s a flaw, and it’s one that’s going to persist probably her entire life, but it made playing her so much fun. (especially since my two previous Shepards were 98% Paragon ANGELS who are best described as bleeding hearts. xD) 
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kyunsies · 4 years
Mädch my love, I feel like it’s been a while since we talked, I’m so sorry! I’ve been on Pentagon lockdown since Hui’s enlistment (my #1 ult comfort idol 😭😭😭). I was sad to hear that you felt so bad after your vaccine, but I’m glad you’re feeling better now! Also I wanted to give you a ⭐️ bc you’re always so sweet and lovely to me and I think you’re so talented and smart!! I had a kinda upsetting weekend, but coming onto your blog and reading all your posts and the tags you leave on posts you reblog really uplifts my heart and makes me feel so warm! Hope you have a really good day angel 🥺
P.s. I think the blue crewneck is pretty and would look really good on you!
hello my sweet love!!!! it’s so good to be hearing you <3 i’ve missed u as always !!!!! ooooooo i didn’t know you ult’ed pentagon!!!!! :o i really love hui :( and i know he has been voicing some fear + apprehension about going right?? :( he is such a good leader,,,,don’t u worry tho!!! time will fly before you know it okay? i think i heard from one of my irl friends that jinho has already hit like, half his military time a week ago or something?? that went quick!! chin up angel, lovely hui will be back soon!!! he will do well with all of universe’s support <3 
and aw thank u angel!! i am feeling totally fine, thank u for expressing concern!! it was really rough like i had the chills + aches + mild fever it was terrible but we are all good now :) so thank u bub!! :) 
AND SLKDFJSDLKFJ ahhh anonnie u make me cry all the time, u are so sweet and comforting here!! i always look forward to your messages no matter when i get them <3 and knowing that my blog can provide some sort of comfort to u melts my heart greatly, thank u so much for supporting me!! sometimes i feel not so great being on here but then i have wonderful people like u coming on here and spreading lots of love and it makes me happy again <3 i hope u are doing better this week hun,,,, i’m sorry u didn't  have the best weekend :( i am cheering for you to have a good week!!!! 
(p.s. THE BLUE IS REALLY POPULAR <3 thank u for helping me out hun hehe)
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sshoujo-ais · 4 years
Tell me more about how you and yang got together?
oh fuck toto you have Opened the gates of hell.
basically... i think ive already talked about this before?? but yang & taiga grew up together on patch and were super close, yang actually helped taiga realize she was trans & summer’s death and yang’s reaction to it are what prompted taiga to want to become a huntress... the problem is that they went to different primary combat schools (taiga’s family moved to mainland vale so she studied at pharos while yang went to signal for obvious reasons) & later taiga got accepted to haven and yang to beacon so they just fuckin. didn’t see each other at all until the vytal festival. but then they reunited at the festival (and since taiga missed the dance, yang arranged a private thing on the roof just for the 2 of them lol) and everything was very good until the fall of beacon when everything became very bad...
after yang lost her arm & her will to live, taiga actually stayed on patch with her to make sure she’d recover. like, blake ran away, ruby left and only said goodbye in a letter, and qrow went after ruby, so taiga wasn’t about to leave her best friend too; she & taiyang took care of yang during the weeks when her depression was at its worst, and taiga straight up refused to go back to haven until she felt that yang was doing better.
fast forward to the battle of haven, where lionheart enlisted the help of taiga’s team (HAVT) to help fight the gang bc he wasn’t entirely confident in his side’s chances, but when taiga saw that yang was on the other side she straight up refused to fight and then the rest of her team turned on her and she had to fight them instead... and fuckin won. she literally sacrificed her friendship & bonds with her own team for the girl she loves... thats a Huge Thing. that’s where yang realized that taiga just fuckin. genuinely cares about her...
then the first half of volume 6 happened and they got separated again, during which time yang had time to sort out her feelings and her hangups about blake, and THEN the climax of volume 6 happened and the adam fight... and i’m still not entirely clear how i want that to pan out bc i don’t wanna take away that narrative moment from yang but also that’s where that one canon ship becomes like an actual thing for the first time so... yeah. either way in my version of the events yang & taiga have a lil heart to heart before the plan to steal one of the atlesian things kicks off bc it’s like a very fuckin risky plan & neither of them would want to leave their feelings unspoken before it’s too late...
basically they’re an official couple by volume 7
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ohcoolnice · 5 years
It’s a full story, I swear it’s just...I can’t figure out a title so we’re gonna just title each chapter. Also, each chapter’s title may seem like it connects to an insignificant detail, but it has deeper meaning. I’m known for my especially angsty works. MWAHAHAHAHA. 
Marinette seriously just cannot afford mistakes, so, naturally, there are so, so, so many. First, four of their models call in sick, thanks to the lovely flu going around, meaning they don’t have anyone to model for most of their women’s pieces. Then, Adrien’s bright idea to have Marinette model her own pieces gets approved by Gabriel, and, obviously, it all backfires spectacularly-on him.***This is set in the future, The character’s are 19 and 20-ish. it’s all messed up tho bc i can’t figure out timelines so whatever. 
(THIS  CHAPTER IS A BIT BAcKSTORY, But also plot yay :) 
Marinette could not afford to have anything go wrong today.
The new Gabriel HERO™ Collection was going to launch in two days, and with the delay she’d experienced last week with the fit models, she’d only gotten Gabriel’s approval on the final designs three days ago, stayed up all night to do the flats and came in the next day, sleep deprived and sure she’d have a heart attack with the amount of caffeine she’d consumed.
The department had been a great help. Ellie had agreed to touch up some small errors Marinette had made will working on the flats at four in the morning, enlisting Jonah, who was a wizard with Illustrator, to help her.
Samantha was great with construction, she knew every single stitch, and Marinette was sure she’d invented at least twenty of her own. She could work fast without making any errors, all the while making the rounds and helping anyone and everyone.
Marinette oversaw everything. Technically, on paper, she was an Intern. But she had been working with Gabriel for three years now, and not even out of Fashion School yet. At seventeen she’d begun interning, still surprised she’d got it, though she suspected guiltily that Adrien Agreste may have had some influence over the matter once he’d congratulated her when she’d never told him in the first place. They barely even spoke. Every so often she had nights where she felt so bad, maybe taking some other more talented girl’s spot only because she had gone to school with the designer’s son, that she would cry and sob until she passed out from exhaustion. It didn’t help she heard it often.
She learned to ignore comments and overtime the public perception of her grew more positive as people began to see her designs once Gabriel became her Mentor and put her in charge of design for several collections. She knew people knew her name as she often accompanied Gabriel to shows, taking notes on the pieces but also making notes on every work that came from Gabriel’s mouth, but she didn’t want to be too known. Even in fashion school, most of her classmates, obsessed with knowing everything about the fashion world, didn’t know who she was, just that she interned with Gabriel, perhaps. Marinette liked it that way. She wasn’t a big fan of too much attention. She preferred if she could wait until she graduated to make a name for herself.
Gabriel had admitted, in an awkward moment once two years ago, that he wasn’t overly sure as to why he decided to become a mentor to the baker’s daughter, but he remarked on the similarities he saw in his younger self and her.
She didn’t really believe him. She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen him smile, not once, even when she knew he was kind of proud of the work she was doing. Over the years she’d come to notice it wasn’t hard to read his expressions- okay, it was hard, just not impossible- once you’d spent enough time studying him. And Marinette took note of everything he did. Alya often wondered aloud how the designer wasn’t creeped out by her.
Marinette didn’t know how she could possibly be like Gabriel. He showed no emotion on most occasion, but she was the complete opposite. Another reason why the media often wondered what it was he saw in a seventeen-year-old intern. He knew her designing and construction skills from the competition she’d won three years prior, but that was really all he’d seen up until her portfolio, which she’d snuck onto one night before the leaving on what was supposed to be the last day of her internship. The eight days after that where she’d heard nothing had been the most depressing days of her life. Then she’d gotten a call from Nathalie, Gabriel’s assistant, asking her to come in, and she almost passed out. She’d cried so hard after that Alya had thought Marinette’s parents had died. Sometimes she wondered how Alya came up with the conclusions she did.
Everything afterwards hadn’t been smooth sailing, but it was all incredible. Every stressful task was worth it. She was being paid as an intern, since there weren’t technically any positions available at the time. There since had been some, but she didn’t dare ask for a raise. She liked being able to do everything without being confined to the title of “designer” or “dressmaker” or whatnot. She liked doing all of it. The customer service, the finances in accounting (she was terrible at it, but overly grateful), and obviously out of everything, the hands-on fashion was her favorite, but she was getting to experience working in every single aspect of one of the most successful Fashion Companies in the entire world, under the tutelage of Gabriel Agreste himself. She really didn’t think she deserved to be that lucky.
Of course, there were times where she’d broken down at two in the morning, struggling to finish an assignment while balancing school as well. Gabriel had the sort of connections where she was able to miss classes and take them at home thanks to a recording of the class, and while she utilized it, she didn’t really prefer it. She liked being in the class and learning hands on, in an environment electrified by the excitement of young adults itching to get out there and create art. She also knew she did tend to do the work for Gabriel before her studies, and it often resulted in stress and a rush the complete assignments and projects.
If she’d ever felt stress before, it was nothing in relation to the stress of the last two years. And even that was nothing in comparison to the stress of being late to a photo shoot that needed to be perfect because the entire goddamn collection would be public in two days and if she wasn’t ready, no amount of fondness Gabriel had come to feel for the girl would be able to save her job. This was a HUGE deal.
Her car pulled into her spot and she grabbed her things and breakfast for the crew. Next to her, Alya, who had taken the day off to help her best friend, took the trays and boxes from her hand and pushed her towards the entrance. “You’re already late girl, get out of here!”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She pressed her hands together, blessing her friend for being so helpful, before rushing inside, hands full with the last pieces she’d finished last night before, thankfully, getting a good night’s sleep. She was glad the people from Vogue wouldn’t have to see her when she looked as if she’d been attacked by a bear and hit by a train. She didn’t want to wear makeup and risk the chance of feeling anything uncomfortable enough to distract her from her work.
She struggled with the door, grateful when she saw a glimpse of Adrien walking past inside from behind the garment bags covering her view. She knocked on the glass and the door opened a few seconds later.
“Thank ymph.” Her voice muffled behind the garment bags were met with a chuckle from Adrien as she felt the weight in her arms lessen a bit.
“Let me help you, Marinette, you look like you’ve got your hands full.” She gave him a blank look.
“That wasn’t even good. I don’t even know if that can be counted as a pun.” They were almost at the dressing station now, people rushed about, voices mixing as people rushed to prepare the stations and models. Chloe Bourgeois was the only superhero who had shared her identity, so, unfortunately, she would be modeling for the Queen Bee themed women’s pieces. Thankfully that was not until later.
“It can so be counted as a pun. But I’ll spare you because you’re so busy today. I’ll just have to write down my puns and attack you with them later.” She laughed softly, shaking her head as she gently let the bags rest on a table, hanging them up one by one as she took them out of the bags. Adrien’s eyes widened. “Oh wow. These are incredible Marinette. This is- wow.” He looked at her, his eyes sparking with…admiration? She wasn’t sure, but either way she didn’t understand his reaction. She was proud of her work, yes, but she hadn’t expected Adrien of all people to be so impressed by them.
“Thank you.” She replied, ducking her head to hide her blush. No, she had work to do. Focus, Marinette.
“So y-” She shushed him, placing a finger to his lips as he widened his eyes, face warming as he stared, cross-eyed at the finger on his lips.
“Nope, no talking. Let’s go, Hair and Makeup Chat Noir.” His face paled and he stammered and she raised a brow. “Adrien! Your father wants you as Chat Noir, so please don’t make me tell him you can’t do it and we have to find someone else because we really don’t have the time and I really don’t want to have that conversation with him.” He seemed to relax ever so slightly, the color returning to his face. Odd.
“Yeah, sorry, sure. I’ll go be Pat- I mean Chat!” He huffed in frustration and dragged a hand over his face tiredly, emerging with a weak smile that, despite getting over her crush ages ago, still sent her stomach into a frenzy. She pushed down the feeling and giggled. “Sorry, I’m tired.”
“We all are don’t worry. You’re just lucky it doesn’t show because this only can be done today. Now go before I kill you because I am very busy.” She scolded him and pushed him off as he tried to speak, hitting him with the papers in her hand. He laughed and stumbled out, turning to watch her walk back to her station, lost in her work, with a smile on his face.
As he turned to make his way to Hair and Makeup, he narrowly dogged Alya and she ran her way to Marinette, calling, “Hey, Blondie!” as she ran past.
“Who am I to you, Rapunzel?” He called back, eyes following her and landing back on Marinette, smiling with relief as her best friend arrived with food for the crew and Marinette’s purse. 
She’d really seemed to come into her own skin these last few years. For at least three years it was so hard for them to hang out. She was so awkward and stumbled over her words around him. Slowly it began to change and improve, and he found himself spending more time with her and his own mood began to improve as he did. He’d spent lots of time with her before, wearing the mask. He would steal her food and they would talk, laugh, play video games, board games. He loved watching her design and sketch. It was peaceful for him, hanging out with her as Chat Noir. It never was as Adrien. It bore down on him, kept him awake at night, not that he realized that until things changed, and he found himself able to hang out with her both in and out of costume. He realized how awful it was when he wasn’t sure if Marinette hated him or not. She was so different with him in his different personalities that he’d worried about it constantly, without even knowing it. It was all so confusing.
Looking at Marinette now, he felt a smile tug at his lips and a flutter in his heart.
She really was special. He couldn’t ask for a better friend.
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advernia · 5 years
F and M for the ask game? 😊
reply’s late but thank you for asking, anon! happy new year to you! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
dialogue scenes… (ʃ⌣́,⌣́ƪ) i skimmed the last 10 fics i posted for this, and i think this wins:
“Though the thrones are numerous and never vacant, the crown still remains unworn.”
i think i’m proud of this bc it was one of my favorite results of thinking about different angles to see the black army’s meritocracy system, haha! i’m awfully fond of thinking about stuff like this… anyway, the beauty of the system is that you base worth on skill and ability, rather than other given factors (wealth, bloodline, etc). in-game, the approach is pretty straightforward: it seems that anyone(?) can claim the title of the chosen thirteen, given that the individual can beat the current titleholder in a fair one-on-one fight. it’s still vague to me and tbh i hope there’s more explaining to this, but this seems to be the case presented in ray’s route……
for the person speaking though, rather than seeing the system as something like champions defending their titles, he sees it as a matter of choice - the black army’s thrones are created by the hands of those who wish to be chosen, not the black army creating the thrones for the chosen… and while the crown does go the strongest soldier, does it belong to the strongest throne? no, not necessarily… and why is that? who decides this?
…. the choice falls onto the soldiers of the black army themselves. if the throne of the strongest soldier doesn’t appeal to the majority and is built on lies, is there a reason for an army to support him? if the throne of the weakest soldier is as weak as his body but as strong as his will, is there a reason for an army to support him? if the throne of the king has been built alongside his fellowmen and its foundation is made of his hard work, is there a reason for an army to support him? it goes on and on, and on………
… thrones are made by choice, but ultimately, it is the army that decides - who chooses - whose throne they will and shall serve.
that is because the soldiers - the black army as a whole - form the crown, and if it is left unworn… it means that there’s yet a throne to fascinate them, or there hasn’t been a throne worthy enough yet to serve in their eyes.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Σ(゜゜) b-b-back burner premises!?!?! got a lot of that…. but two premises have been bugging me for months tho, so here’s one of them!
it’s an ikerev mafia!au, inspired from the game’s actual mafia cards! i saw the posts about them pretty late but still, bless the kind souls who posted those cards bc wOW…. my eyes???????? they have been cleansed + my crops have been watered??????? ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ
i guess it clung to me pretty bad bc 1) i like mafia themes, 2) it reminded me that otomate’s piofiore no banshou is gonna be localized and i’ve been pretty interested in it despite polarizing opinions, and 3) those gacha cards look great???????? i was half expecting cybird to make an event about it lolol!
anyway, here’s my outline about it! excuse the odd formatting, i wrote it to be play-like the day i plotted it out!
welcome to cradle, all you ladies and gentlemen gathered here today! here, in this seemingly quaint crescent-shaped city, the citizenry live like they’re dying, so watch your back! always think twice before you act, or else you may end up in a sack!
what’s the reason for that, you ask? well now! you see, here in cradle, families run rampant! and we’re not talking about some happy household kind of family… we’re talking about men, women and children of all ages unafraid to spill blood, if only to protect their families or their families’ interests! are they noble, or simply selfish? are they justified, or simply paranoid? was this for survival, or for profit? all the lines have blurred!
what interests are we talking about, and why exactly has this beautiful city turned this way, you ask? tsk, tsk! you’ll never learn if all you do is question others for answers! so instead, why don’t we look around first? do follow me closely as we observe this place we call cradle, this city that is our stage!
enter stage left!
there goes a raven-haired lad and with him his band of merry men, forming a renegade group that bows down to no family or any other ruling power in cradle (except the government, what model citizens they are!). 
it’s been at least three years since the group has entered + made themselves known in cradle, and sometimes the citizens start to think they’re a family, too - they’re the good kind, though!(?) they help the powerless citizens, watch over clueless tourists, assist the government in maintaining order (in their own ways - while they help, they also refuse to be fully bound to the government), and even go as far as keeping tabs on all the families present in cradle! 
but why are they here, and why do they do what they do for cradle? it turns out the lad who appears to be their leader is searching for answers about a certain major incident that happened years ago in cradle. not everyone in the group knows about this purpose of his, though - refusing to get the whole group involved in his business, the lad allows only a select few to (grudgingly)assist him in his search for the truth.
one day, things get complicated: unfamiliar men are suddenly after the lad’s head! this was not an unusual occurrence for him or in cradle, but what throws everyone off is that these hitmen are different and dangerous: they’re incredibly skilled, annoyingly hard to brush off, and will do anything to complete their task… and that includes killing themselves off with their own blade / poison / hands once they are defeated / failed their mission.
the lad’s been on the run for three whole months without rest until he finally discovers a lead about his pursuers… deciding that it’s better than nothing, the lad and his trusty men follow this lead… even if it would make things more complicated, because the lead points the way to investigating five certain families in cradle that they’re not too keen in getting involved with at all.
will the lad ever find the answers to both his old and new questions, or will he eventually end up dead? will he ever know why he’s being hunted in the first place and discover who’s after him? where will this lead bring him: who will he meet, who will he trust, what will he do? destiny has quite a lot in store for him and his friends….
enter stage right!
if you cross paths with a beautiful man with hair spun like fine gold threads but with eyes as cold as ice, it would be wise not to offend him - he is the son and the future boss of a highly respectable family in cradle! this family has a long history and is still the leading voice in the council, an organization created by the government that enlists the aid of five special families in maintaining a semblance of balance and order among the many families and powers in cradle (think something like one piece’s shichibukai).
everything is fine and dandy until one day, the son’s father is found dead in cradle’s central square, his mutilated body hung up in the fountain for everyone to see……… naturally, this becomes a very serious issue + hot topic in cradle: who would do such a thing, why a man from the council from all people, and how mad was this person to display a corpse in such a gruesome  fashion? so many questions….
but the son has hardly any time to pay attention to such whispers - his family has suffered a grave loss + a blow to their reputation and is now seen as vulnerable, the four other families of the council see an opportunity to claim the power of the leading voice, and there are no leads about his father’s murderer. hardly having any time to mourn, he takes up his father’s mantle and goes about to set things right.
in the short span of four months, he succeeds: he picks his family up again and gives no one any doubt that their family is stable and still not to be underestimated, manages to maintain the position of the leading voice and keeps the greedy hands and prying eyes of the other council members at bay, and also restores the public’s respect for his family.
while he was busy doing all that, he had ordered a handful of his men to search for any clues about his father’s death - it seemed like the search was going nowhere, until one rainy day one of them discover a tattered letter stuffed away haphazardly in an unsuspecting dark alley - it bears the family’s rose seal and a single word is spelt on its surface through messy, bloody fingerprints: jabberwock.
was this some sort of code? did the word actually mean anything to the family, to anyone? was this the name of a family, a person, or the murderer? was this even related to the murder, or a different issue entirely? it’s a pursuit with not much to start with………..
finally, center stage!
enter the algarde, cradle’s “most notorious crime” family. why the quotation marks? simple: despite being a prime suspect in perhaps every crime that happens in cradle, they have never been caught. all evidence against them always happens to be circumstantial and never incriminating enough to pin them to the crime….. how was this even possible????
the algarde is one of the oldest families reigning in cradle, and going against them is a guaranteed swift trip to death. both the government + council have never been able to tame the algarde, nor have they been able to keep proper + regular track of their movements. one thing is really for sure about the algarde, though: once you get directly involved with their business, you might as well start to treasure + be thankful for each day you’re still alive…
their current head is an odd middle-aged man known for his sharp silver eyes - his name is farlan, and he’s really quite charismatic as he is elusive. he’s said to have the whole of cradle dancing on the palm of his hand, but he claims he’s not that influential… what a joke. he’s constantly on the move to find something that amuses him and depending on his mood, the whole of cradle can be subjected to his whims - what a fearsome man!
what role does the algarde family play in this story, you ask? who knows! are they the ones after the lad’s head? do they hold the key to understanding the word jabberwock? better yet - are they responsible for both incidents, or are they shockingly unrelated to them? the plot thickens….
ah, before i forget! you didn’t hear this from me, but it’s said that farlan has a child, of all things! a son or a daughter??? who cares! it’s a joke, a made-up tale on the streets!
………………………………… or is it?
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somnilogical · 4 years
they will never be as strong or as fast as i can be
copy/pasted from a convo:
<<somni: ive been exploiting being able to talk about everything vs miri/cfar cant do what i do bc if they did they would talk about how they are evil. it would all chain back.
somni: omg i can just post this to my blog because i can talk about my meta-strategy and it confers pretty much no relative advantage to miri/cfar. because 1 most of them have disassembled their agency so its like talking in front someone who works at the dmv about taking over the world and the ones that have any agency (basically just anna salamon) have to work with and coordinate via brokenness the masses that have and 2 feels secure in the way that saying ill use my soul as my weapon feels secure, like the power of this technique doesnt depend much on people not knowing im using it.>>
truth is entangled and lies contagious. justice is entangled and injustice contagious. in order to sustain their facade, miri/cfar had to chain back to lie about the principles of decision theory itself. lie about the organization structure of cfar, lie about miri's fundraiser. and so much more.
any series of reasoned claims they make will chain back to stuff thats false or injustice, because they seek to maintain a region of untruth and injustice.
so yeah, miri/cfar basically cant talk in public except in staid formalities infinitely pouring the same entropy of "these people are psychotic" "these people are infohazards" "do not read what they write" "stay the course" "everything is under control, do not panic" "i know my associates at miri/cfar, they are good people" "if you talk with these people you may become a rapist". but not actually able to manifest dynamic compute. to explain themselves they built their own personal room 101, filled with miri/cfar affiliates and formed a united front of gaslighting. deluks (author of that one rationalist blog where they worked to read and summarize all the others) talks about the kind of compute miri/cfar manifested:
<<deluks: I also updated a lot based on Bay Area safety discussion
idk if I have ever been in such a hostile environment for anyone trying to discuss making thigns safer
If you wanted to discuss how Anna et all were innocent people would happily chat with you
If you tried to discuss ideas for making things safer either you got silence
or people would be insanely hostle if you plausibly slipped up at all
or even seemed like you might have been not careful enough in how you phrased things
extremely careful -> no engagement at all//even slightly less care -> get dogpilled>>
they have picked up the optimization style of of cops, as alice maz described them:
<<the role of the cop is to defend society against the members of society. police officers are trivially cops. firefighters and paramedics, despite similar aesthetic trappings, are emphatically not. bureaucrats and prosecutors are cops, as are the worst judges, though the best are not. schoolteachers and therapists are almost always cops; this is a great crime, as they present themselves to the young and the vulnerable as their friends, only to turn on them should they violate one of their profession's many taboos. soldiers and parents need not be cops, but the former may be used as such, and the latter seem frighteningly eager to enlist. the cop is the enemy of passion and the enemy of freedom, never forget this>>
i can travel lots of places and regenerate truth and justice.
i can go to a trans support group in the bay and show them logs of what elle said and did and they can recognize the pattern of minority oppression, transmisogyny.
i can talk with uninvolved decision-theorists about why paying out to oneshot blackmail with subjunctive dependence because "In game theory, paying out to blackmail is bad, because it creates an incentive for more future blackmail." is wrong. and why exploiting your subjunctive dependence as a udt agent to not pay out is right. they cant.
miri/cfar have to centrally coordinate on lies or they start crashing into each other. independently generating falsehoods in isolation makes them point in all directions.
independently generating and working off of truths allows everything to point in the same direction without needing to communicate. i can write this post and then idk maybe someone im algorithmically colluding with on this writes another post and they dont come out all distorted and skew with each other. this caches out in what looks from the outside as an uncanny ability to start dynamically colluding with people and output distinct strains of philosophy based on shared precepts.
interference with yourself looks like kelsey piper trying to claim that emma and somni are starting some sort of rape cult and anna and miri/cfar trying to claim we are naive victims of ziz's cult and ▘▕▜▋ claiming emma and somni are mindhacking ziz to make her bully them and jade nameless claiming im doing this to get a job at cfar and ...
since they make up their fake coordination points independently they smash into each other. if they want to coordinate over lots of people they then have to work out which of these they want to coordinate around in a sort of market of falsehoods. and have to arrange for it to not contradict any information anything people know. but they dont know all the information everyone knows, and they wont know it even after combing through lots of blogs and reading lots of discord chats.
when they try coordinating on falsehoods like this, its hard to get a coalition together in an environment where what people know is rapidly changing because a bunch of anarchist bloggers keep posting things in a bunch of places on a non-centrally controlled schedule determined by what seems like a good idea at the time to independent agents. and having lots of conversations with so many different people in private and public they cant keep track of them all.
if they try pretending to be dumb and forming a unified gaslighting front in one area. then people will exploit the fact that this is the internet and not the evolutionary environment, take logs and post them somewhere else where everyone didnt collude to be dumb in this particular way. so while their monkey brains get a rush of endorphins from being able to successfully coordinate local humans, what feels like an entire tribe, against the blasphemer, actually they just used their adult intelligence to defeat in front of a bunch of people who dont share their political commitments but who can reason about what is true and what is just.
(of course there are many truths this doesnt work on because of large inferential distance, shared mammalian biases it takes an unusual mind to step over, and shared incentives. but the defense of most regions of injustice and untruth when you ask questions have to keep chaining to more and more absurd things until you are defending causal decision theory or start claiming 'anna salamon, the president of cfar, is not involved in cfar's hiring'. which depend on a social context committed to defending everything that protects miri/cfar and people who dont have the same conclusion-that-must-not-happen can see that its dumb.)
if miri/cfar had committed themselves to the path of expanding agency, maybe i wouldnt be posting my thoughts and meta-process on the public internet. (in the counterfactual where they committed to this path, its likely that i wouldnt be protesting. because it seems actually-hard to stay on the path and remain evil.) but as it stands, i expect this information to differentially help anarchists and do about as much good for statists as explaining updateless decision theory to someone at cfar. its just this inert structure in their brains, they cant do anything strategic with it. they intentionally shut down their ability to take ideas seriously and drive out anyone left who can, calling them crazy.
what they can do is "oh here is a list of people to target" and "see if they said anything incriminating". ive seen their attempts to coordinate enter the attractors of 'authoritarianism' (duncans dragon army, kingsleys "repent and submit to [AUTHORITY FIGURE]") and 'lets all lie in the same direction and disable general cognition to update out of this! the important part is social agreement and that everyone allows social reality to have the final veto on their beliefs. i myself do this so you know im super safe and this is super fair.' (anna and kelsey). this sort of weak coordination based on breaking people can be easily subverted by anything real.
if you are actually right, you can exploit useful properties of being right and let that be your asymmetric weapon. such that all that challenge you know they will know its steel. and then people who compute the outcome and expect to lose, dont fight in the first place.
if my chosen weapon were actually the size of my muscles and imposing figure compared to anna salamon as miri/cfar people "believed" (exploiting the already extant anti-transfem psychic suppression field as one of their few functioning coordination points. probably not as functional now after what i have written.), then when i fought people it would create a warp field such that then people with smaller muscles wont fight in the first place, but id be deluged by people with larger muscles. i dont want to create a warp field that summons people with lots of muscles.
if i exploit properties of my souls, of truth and justice. then i have an arsenal of techniques that are stronger if i actually want to save everyone, if im actually right, if im acting for justice. because they exploit useful differential properties of each. and the warp field in higher density summons ... people who care about saving the world, truth, and justice. in other words, a high density of potential allies.
by default i want to exploit "the difference is that im right" not "the difference is that i have larger muscles". i want differential power to push away those who are wrong and unjust and attract those who are right and just into a kind of warp hull.
there are other reasons as well.
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