dotterelly · 7 months
Hear me out. What if he told Chayanne he'd let qPhilza go and leave Tallulah alone if Chayanne goes to him instead?
Chayanne has said he feels out of place in the family after finding out that Tallulah can hear ghosts. He doesn't have any death family powers (yet, qPhilza told him that they'll show up and to give it time). And his main thing has been that he has to protect everyone, something he believes he's failed at time and time again. It would be very in character of him to self sacrifice like that (just like his dad would). It wouldn't be that different to how he led all the eggs to run away after receiving a threat to their loved ones last time!
So yeah, what if Chayanne sacrificed himself so that qPhilza could come back and look after Tallulah. ;-;
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almond-tofuuu · 7 months
Nearly Mine
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Zayne x reader
Warnings: ANGST, no comfort just pain (bc I hate myself 🙂) unrequited love
lmk if I missed anything
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Watching the excited smile spreading across your face made Zayne's heart flutter in his chest. His own mouth curling up ever so slightly as he listened to your melodic voice, a sound he had grown to love more than any piece of music.
He couldn't help but admire every little detail about you. The late afternoon sun illuminating your face, enhancing your beauty into something he could only describe as ethereal. He loved the way your eyes shone, or how they'd light up in excitement whenever you visited his office, their colour had quickly become his favourite. And your lips, so soft and kissable, he loved how they'd form the most tender smiles, or release the angelic sound of your laughter. To Zayne, every part of you was perfect. And if he looked hard enough, if he focused solely on the you in front of him, maybe he could forget about the band of silver encircling your finger. But that was nearly impossible with how eagerly you were displaying it to him. Because that's why you came to see him today, not for a checkup but to announce your engagement.
Zayne did everything that was expected of a good friend. He congratulated you, listened as you happily told him all about the proposal, he even managed to smile as he expressed how happy he was for you. It was only when you skipped out of his office, smiling softly and waving him goodbye, only then did he let the facade fall. His ever cool composure cracking, shattering like ice, much like the broken pieces of his heart.
He wasn't angry at you, he could never be, after all this wasn't your fault. No, his anger was aimed solely at himself. He'd lost count of the times he had nearly confessed to you, words and feelings bubbling to the surface before being strangled by his own fear. Thoughts of what-ifs overwhelmed his mind, conjuring up countless scenarios of how things could've been, each one driving deeper the knife that had become lodged in his heart the moment you showed him your engagement ring. Because that thin band of metal was confirmation of Zayne's greatest fear; that you weren't his, and now you never would be.
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grctagerwig · 7 months
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“I don’t want to be anyone’s secret.”
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“Love shouldn’t be this hard.”
Loving you is a losing game.
Young Royals Season 1 Ep. 6 | Season 3 Ep. 5
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heymeowmao · 10 months
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乐游原 | Wonderland to Love E30 ° Lao Bao, let's go home. Wait for me.
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towards-toramunda · 11 months
Don’t mind me I just had the thought that if Ashton’s pain is worse with the new shard Orym probably can’t massage them to help anymore because their skin might be too hot to touch now
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Evan. Evan knows how to hurt deep. So deep into his bones he makes himself bleed for an ounce of relief from the pain that exists in his body, in his mind, in his soul.
But Buck. Buck runs into fires with no thought about himself. He gives a dying man his own oxygen mask and he jumps into the waves of a tsunami to save his best friend’s son. Because he doesn’t make himself bleed anymore but he will spill his blood for everyone else he holds dear and give them everything so they don’t have a single second to feel like they are nothing, to feel like a ghost or to feel like they shouldn’t exist.
Evan and Buck are two sides of a misshapen coin. Evan bleeds to feel something and Buck bleeds to make sure no one else feels haunted.
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theladyigraine · 1 year
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Don't you think we oughta know by now? Don't you think we should have learned somehow?
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jareaul0ver · 8 months
Maybe in Another Universe
Summary: The clock was ticking. There wasn’t much time left before the Unsub would crack and finally take JJ’s life, but Y/N would try her best to save her, no matter the outcome.
wc: 1.08k warnings: blood, gun shot, kidnapping, death (?), loss of a loved one pairing: jennifer jareau x female!reader
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Maybe in another universe, she could have saved. Maybe in another universe, the events lined up and things ended differently. Maybe in another universe, Y/N and JJ are soulmates.
Just not in this one.
Y/N had her gun pointed towards the entrance of the parking garage that her and Reid were about to bust in to. She looked over to him and nodded. He pulled down on the chain that opened the door of the garage. Y/N directed her flashlight inside before entering, her gun at the ready. Reid followed closely behind her, his gun at the ready as well.
Y/N and Reid cleared the floor they were on. She pulled out her radio. “First floor is clear, no sign of the Unsub.. Or JJ.” She clenched her jaw and waited for a response.
Not even a second later Hotch’s voice sounded through the speaker. “Second floor is clear, let’s head to the top.” Y/N and Spencer took off without hesitation, making their way quickly and cautiously up the steps all the way to the third and top floor. Hotch and Morgan were at a staircase on the other side of the complex, trying to corner the Unsub in between the groups to keep JJ as safe as possible.
Y/N busted through the door with her gun aimed forward. She knew that she shouldn’t, but the second she would see the Unsub her gun would fire. She would do anything to protect JJ, especially in this moment. Especially after yesterday.
“Come on, Y/N.” JJ tilted her head to the side and smiled gently at the younger girl. “I know something’s on your mind.”
Y/N shrugged. “Really, Jayje, I’m just tired. That’s all, I promise.” But really that wasn’t all. She wasn’t tired, no. In fact her mind couldn’t rest at all. Every step JJ took closer to her, every longing glance, every small graze of a hand or a shoulder drove her brain and body insane. The way that she swore JJ’s eyes lingered down at her lips as she talked.
All she wanted to do was scream “I love you” at her, but she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. She didn’t know what was stopping her; maybe the fear of being rejected, the fear of losing her best friend, the fear of JJ not thinking she’s good enough for her. She couldn’t exactly put her finger on it, but there was some factor there, something engrained into her head that completely disallowed her to flood JJ’s ears with her words of love.
JJ sighed. “If you say so.” She placed a comforting hand on Y/N’s arm and gave it a small squeeze before walking out of the kitchen, her coffee in her hand.
In the distance, she saw a figure sitting in a chair, and another with a gun, pointing it at the firsts head. Y/N’s heart dropped. That couldn’t be JJ. She looked back at Spencer and he nodded.
She turned back around and kept her gun pointed over in the direction as the two of them moved closer. “Francis, it’s the FBI! Drop the gun!” Y/N’s voice wavered. She tried to hide it as well as possible but everyone could hear the fear shining through.
He took a few steps around, keeping the gun pointed at JJ’s head. Y/N and Spencer were eventually close enough to see the blood on JJ’s face, to see it mixing with the tears running hard down her face. Y/N’s heart nearly stopped at the sight.
“I don’t think I will.” He grinned as he strolled back behind JJ. He pressed the gun to the back of her head and she flinched. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath and her senses started to fog. She had tunnel vision, get JJ out of here no matter the cost.
“You don’t want to hurt her, Francis.” Spencer said from next to Y/N. The words went into one ear and out of her other. She couldn’t focus. “Just let her go, and we can figure it out from there.”
He chuckled, loading a bullet into the chamber of the gun. “Stop acting like this is some game, Dr. Reid. You won’t get a prize for saving poor Agent Jareau.” He leaned his head down near the side of JJ’s and gently caressed her face.
I felt my chest tighten up. All I could hear was the sound of him cocking the gun. He placed it on the side of JJ’s head, and her eyes met Y/N’s before closing. His finger hovered on the trigger.
“Wait!” Y/N called out. “Don’t- don’t shoot her. Take me instead.” Spencer glanced over at Y/N and JJ’s eyes shot open.
“Y/N, no-“ JJ started, but Y/N spoke again.
“You don’t want her. She’s only the media liaison.” Y/N sucked in a shaky breath. “I’m a profiler. I’m much more valuable.”
Francis stared at Y/N for a moment before slowly pulling the gun away from JJ’s head. JJ let out a sigh of relief.
It was a very short moment of relief, though, as Francis quickly raised his arm and shot Y/N directly in the chest. The impact of the bullet sent her falling to the ground. Not a second later, Spencer fired his gun, and the bullet landed perfectly in Francis’s forehead. Hotch and Morgan rushed up from the side and went to free JJ from her restraints. It was proven to be a difficult task as she was thrashing in the chair, trying to free herself and run to Y/N.
JJ was free and sprinted over to Y/N, placing a hand on her cheek and tucking her head into the woman’s neck. "No, no, no. Y/N, no!" She sobbed. JJ's body collapsed onto Y/N's.
She hadn't felt this much pain in losing someone since she lost her sister all those years ago. It felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest and someone was stomping on it over and over again.
"Y/N, please, I-" Her voice broke and tears rolled down from her face and landed on Y/N's shoulder. "Please, I love you." She waited a few beats for a response, but when she didn't get one, she rolled onto the cold ground next to her body. She gave up.
Spencer crouched down next to her. His knees landed in the pool of blood that her body was laying in. His fingers landed on Y/N’s neck and his body slumped with defeat. He looked over at Hotch and Derek and simply shook his head.
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thepupperino · 1 year
Galladrabbles #82
Thank you @grumble-fish for this week’s @galladrabbles prompt: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
Back at it again with angst because I’m me. 😁
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“You love me. And you’re gay.”
The words go straight to Mickey’s gut. Because they’re true.
He loves Ian Gallagher. And there’s a part of him that wants to love him. Wants to shout it from the rooftops. Wants to look Terry in the eyes, flip him off, scream, “Guess what we been doin’!”
Wants to pick Ian up off the ground, hug him, kiss him, something.
But he can’t. Because there’s another ferocious part of him that bristles, that kicks back against the words.
He tightens his grip around the bottle and hopes the liquor will help him forget.
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fighting-naturalist · 2 years
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-Langston Hughes
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madamairlock · 10 months
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Psychic damage x 100
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princessofxianle · 1 year
fx's perfect ending is living long enough to watch him family reincarnate into happy lives
His father is honorably discharged and grows old with his family, wife and daughter
His mother becomes guoshi to a few students and adopts a daughter
His sister is born to a family where she wants to be just like her older brother
Only then will he allow himself to fade
I think he would spend the rest of his human life in an area near (but not in) puqi village. Possibly waiting for himself to be reincarnated into a family that he could... for once... keep... please
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facewithoutheart · 2 years
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the place he last knew rest
In a world where the Mage kills Baz instead of Ebb, Simon finds a second chance in an unlikely place.
[M, 3.7k, Malcolm Grimm/Simon Snow, Temporary MCD, Age Gap, Animal Death, Angst with an Open/Hopeful Ending]
Part of @carryon-countdown 2022: Side Ships/Alternate Ships
Read on AO3
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highlynerdy · 2 years
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Fortesa Latifi
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storywolf · 1 year
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon
Thematic Headcanons ( always accepting ) @viikingwitch
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The first time he remembers feeling Loved by someone was not long after his existence; while everyone else was looking at him with confusion, disinterest, distaste, his eldest sister was looking at home with love and joy in her eyes as she said hello little brother. Welcome. 
To this day he does not know if any of his other siblings loved him. He doesn’t think so; he thinks they just saw him as an unneeded addition to a well oiled machine. The Eleven Mages have been The Eleven for as long as they have existed; what did they need a Twelfth for?
Love, he learned, was not something available in excess. At least; not for him. 
The second time he remembers feeling Loved by someone was by the woman who brought him into her colony; and he later turned into a werewolf. The colony became a pack; the pack loved each other; pack bonds were formed and finally he had so much love. Until he didn’t.
The first (the only) time he remembers falling in love was terrifying; he is chaos, what does he know about love? In the stories, love is fragile. Love is soft. Love can die. He is not fragile or soft, and he cannot die. But she was not fragile, she was not soft. She was the moon and oh, how the moon might look delicate from a distance but it commands the tides; and can cause destruction. But, it turns out, even the moon can die.
The third time he remembers feeling Loved by someone, he abandoned them.  The fourth time he remembers feeling Loved by someone, he left them behind.  The fifth time he remembers feeling Loved by someone, he ran without a word.
Love, he learned, was not available in excess but it was there if you wanted it. 
He did not want it.
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feeling all soft and gooey and mushy this morning and thinking about danny coming home after a long day at the studio. you excitedly run to the front door to greet him with a big smile on your face but your smile instantly drops as you can practically feel the stress and exhaustion rolling off of him. without saying anything you walk over to him and give him a kiss and then take his hand and lead him to the couch where you then lay down and pull him on top of you and begin softly running your hands through his hair and lightly dragging your fingertips up and down his back. you can feel him slowly melt into you as the minutes go by and then he picks his head up off your chest and looks at you with the most tender look in his eyes. “i love you, little dove. you always know exactly what i need.” :(((((((
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