jeffthekillerzblog · 5 months
Hello hi I know this is so random, we’re mutuals but we haven’t spoken before so I’m so sorry if this is weird or awkward but I just wanna say, I’m OBSESSED with your art, I literally go feral when I see you’ve posted. I just saw your recent post of your sketch with Jeff and Ben(asking this on April 21st), and I was wondering if you could maybe supply my never ending desire for more content with these two with some more doodles?
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No pressure though! Feel free to ignore this or take your time, I know you probably have a lot of asks, and I know how had artblock can get-😭
Either way, I hope your doing well, the general idea of this ask is just to let you know your art is really amazing, and I might virtually fight with someone if they try to tell you your art sucks, because it doesn’t, at all❤️
(Again I’m so sorry if this is weird or awkward, I’m really not meaning it to seem this way, I just don’t know how to talk to people because of how socially awkward I am😭)
hi hello ur so right I can't believe we haven't talked before I LOVE your jeff n ben stuff THERES LIKE NO CONTENT OF THEM it's so rare finding shippers...
i will be HAPPYYYY to deliver Ben n Jeff content I love them so so much....i love their dynamic in my au they're perf I'm so excited to share DW THERE WILL BE MORE DRAWINGS OF THEM!!! they're apart of the main trio (jeff nina ben)
TYSM AGAIN UR TOO SWEET HEHE !!! don't ever feel afraid to dm me I love making new friends !!!
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nirikeehan · 2 years
Happy friday! How about ❛ i survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. ❜ for Cullen & Samson?
Hello Sterling, happy Friday! I heard u like some maladaptive ex-Templars and boy do I have those in spades. 👀
Awhile ago I started this fic that posited Cullen and Samson had a big showdown at the Temple of Mythal, and Samson gravely injured Cullen before getting captured by the Inquisition. This is a continuation of that.
Also I decided to combine this prompt with this one from @monocytogenes for maximum drama.
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For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 2339
When they brought Samson into the infirmary, Cullen was sitting up in bed, trying to swallow a bowl of broth. Cullen saw his former friend flanked by dungeon guards and promptly choked. The salty broth burned on its way toward his lungs and sent him into a sputtering cough. Stars floated at the edges of his vision as every muscle in his torso clenched. The pain was unbearable. 
“Goodness,” chided the attending healer, who caught the bowl before he upended it on the floor. Her other hand went to his shoulder, steadying him. “Are you all right, Commander?”
Cullen tried to nod, wiping water from his leaking eyes. “Sorry, sorry,” he rasped between hacks. “I’m fine.”
Samson glanced over his shoulder at the commotion, and their gazes met. Samson looked ghastly: his face cadaverous, the prisoner’s robes hanging loose on his shriveled frame. He moved gingerly, as if unsure he could trust his legs to keep him upright. Nothing like the proud adversary who had faced him down at the Temple of Mythal. 
One corner of Samson’s mouth tugged upward.
Incensed, Cullen forced himself to inhale once, twice, three times. His throat was raw, the wound that slashed down his abdomen screaming, but the spasm slowly subsided. 
“Shall I bring another potion to relieve the pain?” the healer asked. 
“That’s not necessary. I just— was startled.” Cullen started to point out Samson and his entourage to her, but they were now nowhere to be seen. “Did you see who that was?”
“Can’t say as I did, Commander.” The healer’s attention was buried in the clipboard in her hands, where a rotating team of caretakers scribbled notes about his condition. “Lots of people come and go from here, you know that.” 
“Yes, but it’s hardly standard procedure to let a prisoner into the infirmary,” Cullen protested. He should know; he’d written that protocol himself. 
The healer looked up, blinking as if he spoke gibberish. “Are you certain you don’t want another pain reliever?” 
Did she think him delirious? Cullen stifled his ire. “Yes. Quite.” 
Once he’d been admitted, it seemed all the staff did was try to shove more painkillers down his throat. No one seemed to understand his aversion to them, and the first morning after his surgery there had been a phial of lyrium waiting for him amid his other medicines, simply because they knew his history as a Templar. That had taken some explaining, and he’d snuck a glance at that clipboard after his conversation with the medic on duty. It stated plainly that he had refused lyrium against medical advice. Ever since, the staff treated him with more delicacy than he thought necessary. Or maybe he was just being paranoid. 
“In fact,” Cullen announced, bracing his arms against the bed frame, “I think I could use a walk.” 
The healer’s eyes went wide. “Commander, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be up and about too much quite yet.” 
“Why not?” He had been to the privy and back for the last few days, much to his relief. 
“Because the wound is large, and still healing. Too much strenuous exercise might pull the stitches.” There was an impatience in her tone that suggested she had dealt with many soldiers angling to be returned to the line of duty. She lowered her voice. “There’s only one of you, Commander. If something were to happen to you on my watch…”
“I understand.” Cullen forced a grin, and feigned giving up the attempt to stand. 
The healer took a breath, relieved. “Thank you.” She hesitated, glancing at the clipboard. “Has anyone spoken to you about the lyrium thing?” 
“Yes.” The expression became difficult to maintain. “My answer remains the same.” 
She sighed. “Suit yourself.” Pointing to the bowl of broth on the bedside table, she added, “You ought to finish that. Build your strength back up.” After a few more platitudes, she finally left him in peace. 
Cullen listened to her retreating footsteps, satisfied she was occupied with another patient a few partitions down, and resumed the effort to get onto his feet. It was growing easier, though every movement needed to be carefully thought out. It probably was a better idea for him to stay immobile, but he would be damned if he let Raleigh Samson dance through here like a free man and get away with it. 
Cullen’s ward, the recovery ward, was at the front of the building, and when foot traffic was heavy, it could be used to access the rooms used for patient intake and surgery. Samson seemed to have been bound for one of those facilities, although why, Cullen had no idea. The man hadn’t even faced official judgment yet. This Cullen knew because he’d told Thalia he wished to be present for Samson’s sentencing himself. 
It took Cullen several minutes to reach the patient intake rooms. He was fortunate — the infirmary experienced bursts of activity and lulls, and was settling into the latter as he moved about. No one spotted him or asked him where he was going. 
The four dungeon guards stood vigil outside the intake room at the end of the hall. They stood to attention when they saw him coming, each offering a salute. “Commander,” said one, with a nod. “It’s good to see you on your feet again, ser.”
“It’s good to be back on my feet again,” Cullen said, although he knew he must look far from top shape. He wore the simple robes given to patients, and had grown scruffy enough that Thalia joked that he might consider a return to dedicated facial hair. His hair brushed his forehead in annoying curls, which no amount of brushing away alleviated. He resisted the urge to do so now and nodded toward the door. “I saw you on the way in. What’s this all about?”
The guards looked away, sheepish. “Weren’t our doing, ser,” muttered the one in the back. 
“’Is head ought to be on a spike for what he did to you,” agreed another. 
The guard who had greeted him glared over her shoulder at the others. “We’re just doing what we’re told, Commander. The Inquisitor ordered he get treatment.” 
“The Inquisitor,” Cullen repeated, dismayed.  
“She’s afraid he’ll die of the red lyrium, ser.”
“Or lack thereof,” mumbled the one in the back. 
Cullen sighed. Thalia hadn’t mentioned Samson the last time she’d visited, but this did have her fingerprints all over it. She had a big heart, full of patience and compassion. He loved that about her — and doubted they would have come so far in their relationship if not for her depths of empathy and understanding. Unfortunately, she hadn’t yet learned that there were people in the world who would sense that goodness in her and twist it to their own ends. 
He straightened to his full height, ignoring the protest from his still-healing ribs. “Is he alone in there?”
The first guard nodded. “Healer looked him over, then went to consult with the others. We’re to make sure he doesn’t do anything funny in the meantime.”
“Good.” Cullen nodded. “I’d like to have a word, if you don’t mind.”
Their expressions turned interested, even hungry. Of course they wouldn’t mind. 
“Do let me know when the healer returns.” Cullen opened the door and slipped inside, shutting it firmly behind him. 
In the middle of the room, Samson sat on a cot, draining a dose of iridescent blue into his mouth. Horrified, Cullen darted over and smacked the glass philter out of his hand. It fell to the floor and shattered. 
Samson looked up at him impassively. “Satisfied?”
“No.” Cullen huffed, his side aching. The exertion had taken more out of him than he’d expected. “Where did you get that?”
“The healer, smartass. He thinks it’s the only way to stop the shakes for the red stuff. And you lot certainly aren’t willing to give me any of that — though I know you’ve got it.” Samson paused, his shrewd gaze taking in Cullen for the first time. “You’ve looked better, eh?” 
He sounded so much like his old friend, the one Cullen remembered from his early days in Kirkwall, that it almost felt like encountering a ghost. He clenched his teeth. “You have some nerve, Samson.” 
“Do I? You’re the one barging in on an ailing man.” 
Cullen let out a barking laugh. “Is that what you told Thalia? That you’re ill?” Though in truth, Samson looked far worse off than Cullen did. Gone was the immense strength he witnessed in the Arbor Wilds, the quick reflexes that had lashed out with biting steel, finding the gap in his armor. It was difficult to imagine this husk had nearly killed him mere weeks ago. 
“Thal-ia,” Samson drawled, imitating Cullen’s inflection. He used to do that often, amused that someone from the wilds of Ferelden could sound so hoity-toity. Clearly, the Kirkwall Templars never ran their recruits through elocution lessons, because Samson still sounded like a Lowtown peasant through and through. “You two are awfully familiar.”
Cullen realized his mistake. Samson was many things, but a fool wasn’t one of them. He had often been the knight who overheard the most — and intuited the most — about what happened around the Gallows. This talent surely had served him well as recruiter for Corypheus. He knew how to find a person’s cracks, and pry. 
“Lady Trevelyan and I have worked closely together for a matter of months,” Cullen retorted. “A certain amount of familiarity is to be—”
“Yeah, yeah.” Samson flicked his hand as if batting at a fly. The tremble in them had subsided; the lyrium did quick work. Cullen felt an itch in the back of his throat. “Big fan of pretty prophets, ain’t ya? First Andraste, now her.” Samson ran his tongue along his bottom lip. “Can’t say as I blame you. Maybe if I’d found her before Corypheus...”
“It would be wise for you to shut your mouth,” Cullen growled, “before I shut it for you.” 
Samson snorted. “Sure, all right. Cute of you to try to protect her, but she’s already shown her hand to me.” 
“So I’ve heard,” Cullen said, anger seething deep in his gut. “Tell me how you convinced her to let you leave the dungeon.”
“What makes you think I convinced her of anything?” Samson grinned. “She came to me, looking very contrite. Seems she was afraid she’d hurt my feelings. She’s a sweet little thing, Cullen. I get it, I really do.” 
Cullen inhaled slowly, counted to five, let it out. He would not let Samson rile him up. 
“She seems like just your type.” Mirth danced in Samson’s eyes — bloodshot and grey, but no longer glowing that dim, infernal red. “Hey, remember the time I tried to get you to the Blooming Rose, so that you could…” He trailed off, spying Cullen’s stony expression. “Reminds me of the girl I picked out for you, that’s all. You’d’ve liked her, too.” 
“Is this story supposed to charm me?” Cullen asked flatly. 
“Nah. Guess not.” Samson squinted up at him. “’S it true, what the Lady Thalia said? You off the blue?” 
Cullen felt as though he’d been kicked in the ribs. “She told you that?” 
“Mm. Not sure I believed it, ‘cept I keep seeing you eye the floor over there.” 
Cullen’s gaze darted to the glittering shards covering the stones. Amid them pooled the iridescent droplets of cerulean left from the bottom of the bottle. He’d been trying not to look, but the allure of it had surprised him. 
“You’ve got the hunger,” Samson noted. “Easy to spot. I should know.” 
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Cullen snapped.
Samson let out a sigh. “Right. Denial. Bad phase. Convinced you’ll never touch it ever again, yeah? Think you’ve beaten it?” He chuckled low in his throat. “Never works. I told her, it never works.” 
“Is that why you’re here?” Cullen demanded. He felt transported to the past, during the frenetic days before Kirkwall’s fall, when Samson had tried to weasel his way back into the Templar Order. “Access to a free lyrium supply?” 
Samson laughed, holding up his hands; the bones jutted from his wrists at sharp angles. “Hardly. I’m here by Lady Thalia’s invitation. She thinks she can save me. Just like she saved you, apparently.” Samson leered. “You reckon I should let her try?”
The fury clawed its way up Cullen’s throat, threatening to boil over. “Samson,” he warned.  
“How’s it work, exactly? The saving. Does she use her hands?” Samson cocked his head. “Or maybe… her mouth?” 
Cullen surged forward and grabbed Samson by the collar. He pulled the man close, lowering his voice to a whisper. “Say one more word about her, and I swear by the Maker, I’ll…”
Samson cackled. “You’ll what, Cullen? Go on, say it.” 
Cullen’s side felt like it might burst, but he didn’t dare loosen his grip. Breathing hard, he hissed, “Stamp you out like the sewer rat you always were.” 
Samson’s brows rose so dramatically they nearly consumed his long forehead. “Ahhh, so speaks the golden boy of Ferelden. Never did like it down in the gutter, did you? Always pretended to higher ranks. Lofty goals. Well, s’pose I can’t fault you none. You got where you wanted to go in the end, eh?” His wide grin made his face look even more skeletal. “Though you ought to remember — ’s harder to kill rats than you think.” 
Cullen released him, and Samson pulled away, smoothing down the front of his prisoner’s rags as if Cullen had wrinkled them. 
“It does amaze me sometimes,” Cullen admitted softly. “How you’ve been able to survive.”
Samson shrugged. “Yeah, well. You see, kid, I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.”
Cullen narrowed his eyes.
Samson smirked. “Also, your girlfriend’s sort of hot.” 
It took all four guards and two additional healers to pry Cullen’s fingers away from Samson’s throat. 
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
If you’re still doing the jealous!Adrien headcanons, could you please do one with Garmari (BB/Marinette)? it’s my latest JAM and hnfhg its so c u t e
Jealous! Adrien Garmari Headcanons fic
Ummmm I got carried away?
Marinette opened her locket that was carefully placed on her mirror. Inside were two kids, almost unrecognizable after everything that happened and everything that came between them.
Marinette ran across the hot, sandy yard, panting when she finally reached her destination.
“I win!” Marinette called to an out of breath redhaired boy.
“Just you wait!” Gar panted, “One day I’m gonna be faster than you!”
“Yeah right!” Marinette laughed.
Marinette stared blankly at the locket. Seeing the redhaired boy with green eyes smiling face, she reached out to close it.
“We should get married!” Gar exclaimed as Marinette picked at the flowers around her. She thought about it for a moment.
“Okay!” She grinned, showing her missing two front teeth.
“Marinette Dupain-Chang will you marry me?” Garfield asked, offering a ring that he had fashioned out of flowers. Marinette giggled and slid the makeshift ring onto her small finger.
“I do!” Marinette exclaimed.
Marinette closed the locket abruptly, trying not to remember the last time she saw Gar. She didn’t even get to see him when he needed it most.
“Why not?!” 10 year old Marinette pleaded to her parents.
“Honey, you know we want to support him. It’s awful that such a tragedy happened to him. His parents were good people, they left too soon.” Sabine said averting her gaze, “But he’s deathly sick, we can’t risk you getting it too.”
“It’s not fair! I wanna see him!” Marinette stomped off upstairs.
She still regretted it. She didn’t hear about Gar again. She didn’t know what happened. For all she knew his sickness could’ve-
Marinette grabbed the locket off of her mirror and clasped it around her neck. She felt the urge to wear it, although, she hadn’t in almost eight years. She walked downstairs, Kaaliki and Tikki already in her bag.
“Are you excited for the trip today sweetie?” Sabine asked, handing her a bag of food. Marinette pulled her suitcase behind her,
“Yeah, it should be a fun four days.” Sabine noticed the locket around her neck.
“It’s been awhile since you’ve worn that.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” She said before embracing her mother, “Goodbye Maman.”
“Goodbye Marinette. Don’t forget to call!” Sabine exclaimed, but Marinette was already outside of the house.
Marinette ran down the street, the last thing she wanted was to miss the bus. And she knew they’d go without her.
She stepped onto the bus and saw Alya’s apologetic expression when she was sitting with Nino. The only empty space was next to Adrien.
Alya🦊: Sorry, girl. He insisted. I tried, but I didn’t want to make a scene.
Marinette sighed at the text and sat down next to Adrien.
Mari: It’s okay Al. It’s just until we get to the airport anyway.
It wasn’t though, when they got to the plane Adrien ended up sitting next to her. She was able to tune out his flirtations for the most part, but ever since they revealed identities as their superhero alter egos Marinette’s crush dissipated quickly and Adrien’s grew stronger.
She ended up trying to sleep in order to get him to leave her alone, and she drifted off.
She woke up when they landed and the memories of her dream came flooding at once. She dreamed about Garfield, something that happened occasionally, but this time it was different.
Most of her dreams about him were nightmares where her fear was confirmed and he had died along with his parents.
This one was more hopeful, she supposed, she saw Gar again, but really only his eyes, just the green. But then his green eyes morphed into Adrien’s.
And that was the end.
She was no Freud, she wasn’t even going to try to think about her bizarre dreams. She walked into the aisle and met up with Alya. Alya was able to save her from talking to Adrien, by leaving the blonde with Nino and taking Marinette by the hand and exiting the plane.
“Okay class!” Miss Bustier clapped, “We’re walking over to the studio now!”
A chorus of groans was heard from the class.
“Don’t complain! It’s only about a ten minute walk, let’s go!”
Marinette and Alya begun walking, Alya pointing out all the sights.
“That’s the Hollywood sign!” Alya squealed, “Maybe we can go to it later!” Marinette grinned and nodded. Alya was more interested in the culture of Hollywood and California than Marinette was, but the bluenette was looking forward to looking at the trending fashion!
“Oh you know I know the the lead actor of the movie we’re going behind the scenes to see today!” Lila remarked loudly. A cacophony of ‘wows’ and ‘that’s so cools’ was heard from the sheep in Bustier’s class. “I wasn’t going to say anything, but actually my connections with him were the reason we got to come on set today!”
Marinette and Alya rolled their eyes, they both knew that the reason they were going backstage was solely because of Marinette winning a contest for the class. They ignored Lila and talked with each other the rest of the way.
“Oh girl!” Alya had said when the studio came in view, “I don’t think I’ve seen you wear that locket before. It’s cute!”
“Thanks.” Marinette smiled, “It’s from awhile ago, my friend and I are in it.”
Alya knew not to pry when she saw the wistful expression on Marinette’s face. They rounded the bend and Miss Bustier scanned the security card she had been sent. The door opened for them and the class walked in.
The set was truly breathtaking, it was space themed and a large prop spaceship graced the center of it all. Marinette glanced around it all and saw the costumes. They were amazing and obviously hand stitched, but there were two missing from the rack. Marinette saw the director come to them.
“The actors will be out soon! unfortunately, only two were available today, but your lucky class will be able to see the lead of our movie!”
The class cheered, but Marinette was still focused on the costumes.
“Now which one of you sent in the contest entry?” The director asked. The class gave each other confused looks.
“It was Marinette, ma’am!” Alya said pointing to the bluenette.
“Oh wonderful!” She exclaimed, “Your entry was delightful! You’re truly a talented artist.” Marinette blushed.
“But Lila, I thought you-“
Rose was cut off by the starstruck Oohs and ahhs when the actors stepped out. They were in full costume, including their helmets that covered their entire face. The first actress removed her helmet.
“Hello all!” She said, “I’m Grace Kingsley! I play the female lead in the movie.”
“Hey!” Said the second voice. A voice Marinette recognized. She turned around from the director and saw the boy take off his helmet. She was met with familiar eyes.
“Oh my god.” She whispered underneath her breath. She made eye contact with him briefly. It couldn’t have been Gar, could it? He was green all over, and his red hair was replaced with green. The only thing that looked the same about him were his eyes.
“Marinette?” He gasped. Marinette gripped onto her locket.
“Garfield Logan!” Chloé swooned.
Marinette stepped forward and Garfield ran over and embraced her.
“You two know each other?” Asked the director. Alya was awestruck.
“Yeah.” Gar said breathlessly.
“I’m so sorry.” Marinette cried as she hugged him tighter, “I wanted to be there, but-“
“It’s okay, I was sick.” Gar said, “I almost died if not for a blood transfusion, that’s why I’m green by the way, I wouldn’t want that to happen to you.”
“I still feel horrible, but ummm, on the subject...”
“You wanna talk about my greenness?” Gar laughed.
“It’s just a little different.” Marinette giggled.
“It’s Martian blood, I can actually shapeshift into any animal because of it. I’m a hero here, Beast Boy.” Marinette didn’t end up being too surprised, after all she’d trust Gar with a miraculous, “I guess I can be faster than you now.” He laughed.
Marinette gaped, “Wait a second! Why did you tell me all of this? Your secret identity-“
“Well when you’re green it’s kinda hard to have one.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Marinette relaxed.
“Wait!” Rose exclaimed, “Don’t you know Lila too?”
“Who?” Gar asked.
“Lila, she said she knew you.” Rose repeated.
“I’ve never met any Lilas sorry. Marinette is the only one I know in your class.” Gar said dryly. “Also, Mari, are you free tomorrow?”
Marinette nodded.
“Do you think we can catch up?” Gar asked nervously, “I can introduce you to the other Titans, maybe we can grab lunch too?”
“Are you asking me on a date Gar?” Marinette laughed.
“I guess I am.” Gar said going pink.
“Sure, we’re already married, right?” Marinette winked. Gar laughed and nodded.
“Seriously?” Adrien muttered. Everyone turned to him. “I mean, I’ve known you for years and when I ask you out you say no, but this random guy you’re saying yes to?”
“I’m not a random guy.” Garfield barked, “We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“I’m so done with this.” Adrien gritted his teeth, “Come find me when you’ve come to your senses Bugaboo.”
Marinette rolled her eyes as Adrien stalked off and Miss Bustier ran after him.
“Sorry about him.”
“No need to apologize, I’ve met plenty of famous people like him. Entitled.” Gar scoffed, “So, tomorrow?”
Marinette walked into Titans Tower with Gar admiring the architecture.
“Welcome!” Garfield exclaimed as the elevator dinged.
“Beast Boy...who’s this?” Robin asked.
“My friend, Marinette. I’ve known her forever, you can trust her I promise.”
“Oh, it is the lovely to meet you!” Starfire grinned shaking Marinette’s hand frantically.
“You too.” Marinette laughed.
“Hey, I’m Cyborg.” Cyborg greeted, “BB has talked a lot about you.”
Marinette blushed, “Really?”
“Really.” Raven said looking up from her book, “Nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet all of you too, I’m so happy I got to see Gar. It’s been so long and-“
A blaring alarm cut Marinette off.
“Titans! Trouble!” Robin yelled, the other Titans, save Garfield, fell into formation. “Down at the bank, we need to go now! It’s the HIVE.”
“I’m so sorry.” Gar sighed, “Can I drop her off?”
“Wait!” Marinette exclaimed. The team turned to face her, “Do you need help?”
“We shouldn’t get civilians involved, it’s dangerous.” Robin stated.
“Yeah, Mari, I really don’t want you to get hurt.” Gar said placing his hands on her shoulders, “You don’t have powers or any-“
“Spots on.” Marinette whispered, welcoming her transformation.
“Woah.” Cyborg yelled as Ladybug stood before him.
“Miraculous magic.” Raven assessed, “I thought I sensed magic off of you.”
“So...how do you feel about help now?”
Two weeks later the newest Titan from Paris was announced, and the talk of the community was the French superhero Ladybug who was dating Beast Boy.
And back in Paris a certain cat was furious, and plotting revenge.
Btw, this won’t be continued, sorry!
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nctchaotiq · 4 years
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Resist | Mark Lee
Part two (a drabble) of "Studio" since I got the same vibe lol. (click here to read studio)Enjoy reading Mark cumsluts. HAHAHA (oh and i didnt proofread so if any typos come out just know that imma edit this later on)
Characters: Fem y/n x Mark Lee
Genre: smut, long-distance orgasm denial, orgasm rejection, filthy nicknames, phone sex, sexting
Plot: Mark is on tour and you've been left alone with dirty thoughts and a good old vibrator. You called Mark and tried to make him join the fun, but turns out that Mark has a different plan.
You're all dressed up after taking a shower and now you're laying on your bed, relaxed and peaceful, that's what you thought the night's going to be, until waves of unexplainable sex drive hits you after you thought about the last time Mark has given you oral.
Mark was on tour with his bandmates in Asia, you may be in Korea right now but Mark is in a totally different country, after their day one concert in Japan they headed straight from the arena to the airport, and finally landed in the South where Thailand lies.
To help yourself out, the only one your left with are your thoughts of him eating you out and the toy that he uses on you, for your dedicated 'playtime.' You reached the side table drawer, opened it, and searched for the dick shaped toy. It was about the size of Mark's length, only the toy was made out of soft, almost jelly-like material and felt artificial inside, though it gives some pleasure, but not as much as Mark gives you.
You stripped your clothes off and proceeded to play with yourself. First using your digits and next was the vibrator going in and out of your slick hole. You remove the vibe from your hole and you took your phone out that was hiding under the blankets right beside you.
On the other side of Asia was Mark, watching the video you just sent him, putting on his Airpods quickly before the video starts.
"Mhm, I wish it was your cock."
"Oh god, cum inside me."
"I truly want to get fucked by you right now."
"I'm going to cum!"
"Fuck, Mark. Faster please!"
"Oh shit." Mark curses under his breath, trying to avoid making a noise since Haechan is just a centimeter away from him, snoring and sleeping deeply. Mark gets up from the bed in a lightning speed and blasts inside the bathroom, locking the door as quick as he can while he dials your number in hopes that you're still fucking yourself and when you saw the caller ID and accepted the call, you moaned Mark's name, chanting him, wishing he's the one physically making you feel good right now.
"Facetime baby. I want to see your face."
"Hmm, just my face baby? Don't you wanna see my wet of a pussy because I've been thinking about you eating me out?" You say while you turn on the Facetime camera, you were greeted by Mark's face, you can see that he still has his stage makeup on, his eyebrows furrowing and his plump red lips slightly opened at the sight of you.
"Tsk. Naughty slut."
"Make yourself cum with that pathetic dick toy and I'm not gonna fuck you for days baby."
"Mark my words."
Mark's words made you shiver, the thought of being empty for days made you sad, you think about it and agree to Mark.
"Okay. But I'm so horny right now because of you, what do I do?" You whine.
"Wait for me to come home, I'll be there in a few weeks anyway."
"Resist the urge baby, and when you do, I'll reward you with a great fuck."
"I'll make you feel so so good that the next day you won't be able to walk."
"You like that. Right princess?" He says and smiles innocently at you, while you're left there stunned with his words, your face lighting up at the thought of Mark fucking you again, so hard and so rough, being riled up by him, and his sperm inside your belly, you loved the thought of it and you're more than anticipating for Mark to come home.
"I love it, I love you."
"I love you too, princess. Be a good girl for me okay." You just nod and take your clothes back on
"Shouldn't you sleep now y/n? It's getting late in Seoul baby."
"Yes baby I will." You just stare at each other through the phone screen and admire his gorgeous face, "I wish I could get your makeup off of your face. Don't sleep with that on okay?"
You reminded Mark, you've been advicing Mark about skincare since he had a breakout months ago, and since then, Mark comes to you for any skincare advice which made the stylist noonas happier because he really won't listen to them about skincare.
"Yes baby, actually stylist noona said she loves my skin now, easy to put makeup on and stuff." He says with a light chuckle at the end.
"Well tell stylist noona it's all thanks to me." You say and grin at Mark who's obviously looking very tired and sleepy at this point.
"Baby can we sleep now after you wash your makeup off? Please wash it off I really want to see your natural skin." Mark agrees and puts his phone down carelessly, which made you feel startled, but you just laughed and waited for Mark to finish washing his face and applying some moisturizer. After all of that, you realized that Mark was in the bathroom all along. "Oh my god you were in the bathroom."
"Yeah haha just incase!" Mark said, and now he's giggling loud while he pats his face for the last time, you laugh along with him. "All done baby." He says and swings the bathroom door free.
Mark jumps to his side of the bed, not caring about the sleepy Haechan.
"Yah, Mark! That was my leg!"
"Go back to sleep! Sorry!"
"Who is that? Is that y/n? Hello and goodnight! Mark tell her to sleep it's so late in Seoul."
"Yeah Haechan's right baby, we should sleep now. Goodnight sleep tight." Mark said while mouthing a kiss at the front camera, you do the same and end the call.
You can still feel the slick feeling of your thigh from the wetness awhile ago, and from now on you resist the temptation to touch yourself so Mark can reward you when he comes home.
You count the sheeps while you drift off to sleep, thinking about you and Mark and how great he is to you. You think about it, he's your other half, and now that he's in another part of the world you feel so incomplete without his touch, without him cuddling you on the king-sized bed that you shared. You gazed at your huge window, looking at the clouds and Seoul City's skyline, before you fell asleep you saw a falling star, you gasp and whispered "Make a wish."
The stars have heard your wish and it was for you and Mark to stay together in a happy and healthy relationship, you couldn't really ask for anything more.
a/n: this turned out being 80% fluff and 20% smut, and god i'm inlove with the ending, i hope you are too 🥺 anw u can leave reaction requests now on my ask. i hope you all liked this drabble to 'Studio'
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jungcity · 4 years
can I request an idol au with jaehyun and the reader is also an idol and they get time to spend together but there’s angst and then ends with soft smut/fluff?? Haha if it’s too specific, feel free to write whatever way you think is best! Hope you’re doing better hun ❤️
“And one, two, three— one— okay stop!”
All the movements halted as your leader raised her hand. The music stopped, heavy breathings filled the whole practice room.
“Y/N, you aren’t in sync with us.” She sounds exasperated now. You bowed and told her you were sorry for the incompetence. It’s been hours yet you still could not get your mind to focus on the practice.
“Let’s take a break first, shall we?”
The members scattered to different corners of the room; some drank water, some checked their phone. The only person that was left in the middle was you. You stared at your reflection on the mirror in front, then you sighed.
A frustrated sigh escaped your lips yet again when you saw that there wasn’t any message sent to you by Jaehyun. You have been waiting for hours on end for his call, but to no avail. Gripping the phone tighter with your hand, you slumped on the shiny floors of the practice room.
“Y/N,” Your leader greeted before sitting beside you. She regarded you with careful eyes, biting her lips as if afraid to say what’s on her mind. “This is about Jaehyun, right?” she whispered, cautious by the staffs around you.
You nodded and ran a hand through your hair while biting your lower lip, “Yup.”
She sighed before putting her hand on your shoulder, “It’s their Inkigayo stage, right?” By that, you gave her a curt nod. “You know how promotion weeks are, I bet he’s busy.” Her words were quieter than a whisper, but you heard her absolutely fine.
“Their stage ended an hour ago,” you muttered. This is the first time Jaehyun hadn’t sent you any text after their stage. When you first started dating him, it was a simple promise that you both would understand each other’s schedules— given that the korean pop industry could be so hectic, especially when it’s comeback season. But you could not help but anticipate his texts despite promoting, because he never misses calling or messaging you after each stage. Not until now.
“But he’s one of the MC, right?” she added.
“Inkigayo has already ended,” you added. If they’re doing any v-live right now, you would know.
“I’m sure he’s going to contact you soon. Have a little patience, Y/N. Our own comeback is fast approaching, you wouldn’t want to disappoint our fans, right?” You know she only meant to remind you of the upcoming work, but you could not help but feel embarrassed by your unprofessional emotions.
So you turned off your phone and kept it in the deepest part of your bag. The members were slowly grouping themselves in the middle, ready to dance again. Your leader held her hand out to you, then you took it with a half smile. There’s time for Jaehyun, but right now, you have to focus.
The practice ended five hours later, the choreographer was extra harsh today, given that your comeback is in one week and there’s a tiny bit of polishing you still needs to do. He adviced all of you to practice in your dorms, which elicited a silent groan from you. Ever since the preparations for the comeback started, you could only sleep for three hours maximum; going home at twelve, practicing until three a.m. in your dorm, and waking up at seven a.m. to pratice again. Yet you could not even doze off in the van, nor eat whatever you like, for the fear that you might oversleep and overeat, which could mean two dreadful things; the wrath of your manager, and the wrath of your manager. Again.
Thankfully for today, your chereographer dismissed you earlier. So that you could get enough rest, he said.
Korean pop industry criticizes every hairsbreadth of a move you make, and they don’t miss whenever you gain weight. Hell’s about to go down to your group once that happens. And you could not let that happen. So even if you feel like you might collapse any time soon, you still dance to the music that has been on repeat on the loud speakers of the practice room for weeks.
It’s not like you are tired of it— this has been your life since you were in eight grade, you’ve worked hard to get where you are today. And you badly wanted to be a musician ever since you could count, you’re not going to let it go. No matter how tiring it must be.
You slumped on your seat near the window of the van which would take you to your dorm. The air conditioning cooling your pores, relaxing your body a little bit. It’s been hours, surely, Jaehyun would’ve send you a text already. So you fished for your phone, cursing yourself for having a hard time finding it in your bag. With your heart jumping inside your chest, you press the power button. The logo displayed on the screen. You have no idea why but the van seemed to suffocate you as you wait for the home screen to show up.
You blew out a breath, the conversations being exchanged inside the vehicle seems to be far away from you. Voices are muffled as you stare into your notification panel, empty. What are you doing, Jung Jaehyun?
With a thud, you rested your forehead on the window, the blur of the highway flashing in your eyes. Then you decided to text Jaehyun. You could not wait any longer. But as you clicked the logo of the messaging app, your phone displayed a lone notification. It’s from Naver.
You clicked on the article as fast as your body would allow you. Your forefinger made a silent thump on the screen by how agitated you are. Naeun is Jaehyun’s co-mc together with Minhyuk. Apparently, the article would just berate you and your already boiling blood, but you clicked the notification still.
Pictures accompanied the articles. They were shot in an awkward angle, but you could totally see Jaehyun— smiling— while he sat across from Naeun. It was posted a few minutes just after your practice. A proof that he did not bother to text or call you to inform you of his whereabouts.
“Are you okay?” Your leader asked, placing her hand on your shoulder again.
You feel like combusting in your seat, but you took a deep breath and flashed her your sweetest smile. “Of course.” Then you shifted so your body could shield your phone away from the members.
[Where are you?] You sent with shaking fingers.
Maybe you’re just overreacting. Yes, you probably are. But it’s just a normal feeling, right? Specially when your boyfriend did not even send you any message since the start of the day. One message is all you’re asking. One message. But still, no reply.
You wanted to throw your phone away, if not for the fact that you just bought it and it pairs with Jaehyun’s. So you gave him one last chance. Last chance to reply before you wreck havoc in his life. Last chance until you reached the dorm.
The members has gone straight to their room to get a little bit of rest before a tiring day, yet again, in a few hours. You shut your door silently, which took up a lot of patience to do, by the way. The bed seems so inviting, you literally jump onto it and lay your phone beside you. As you close your eyes, the vibration of your phone tingled on your finger.
[i’m finally at the dorm, love. how about you?]
[Where have u been?]
[inkigayo, love. why?]
Petty as it might sound, you sent him the link of the article you’ve read awhile ago. The messaged displayed ‘read’, but it took him minutes to reply.
[sorry, baby. i’d read the whole thing. what about it?]
With that, you stood up. Really stood up. And began pacing the small space of your room with bulging veins in your temple.
[Wow. You are unbelievable Jung Jaehyun. Really. The headline did not even bother you? Where have you been the whole day? I’ve been waiting for your texts for hours! My God!]
Sweat formed in your forehead, your thumb aching by how aggressive you typed in the words.
[yes it did not bother me. because i wasn’t doing anything wrong.]
[I have no words. Go and date Naeun instead.]
You sent a silent sorry for Naeun in your mind. She does not deserve this, she probably does not even know that you and Jaehyun are dating. This is all Jaehyun’s fault.
[i’m not having any of your tantrums and dramas tonight, y/n. gn.]
What? And with that, you’ve finally reached your end. You threw away the phone. It bounced on your mattress. The sides of your eyes started to sear, Jaehyun never spoke to you that way. And he does not say good night without you seeing each other’s faces. If the time would allow it, you would even sneak out every other night to meet. But it’s impossible now that he’s in the middle of promotion.
You snatched a pair of pajamas in your drawer and decided to shower instead. There is no point curling in your bed and waiting for Jaehyun to say sorry. After a cold shower, you walked straight to your room, declining the offer of your leader for you to eat.
A single message from Jaehyun was on your screen when you opened your phone. It was a media message. You clicked on it. And shame washed over you as you took in the image. It was Jaehyun, Naeun, and… Minhyuk. In the same coffee shop displayed on the article. Before you could type in a reply, Jaehyun sent you a message.
[we’re with minhyuk earlier. i guessed the sasaeng forgot to include him.]
The text was devoid of any emotions, but you could still hear Jaehyun’s impassive voice in your head. Without another thought, you replied to his message.
[I’m sorry, baby. I wasn’t thinking rationally earlier. It’s just that—]
Before you could finish the message, Jaehyun’s caller ID flashed on your screen. You slid the green button.
“Baby?” was his greeting.
“I told you not to call me that through phone calls.” You bit your lips. In one of Haechan’s video, Jaehyun accidentally called him ‘baby’. According to him, he thought you were calling by that time since it’s two a.m. already. Thankfully, Haechan called him back with the same endearment, so there wasn’t any rumor that has bubbled from it. After that incident, you told him not to call you baby as a greeting. A single ‘hello’ would do.
But here he is, insisting.
“Can’t help it, my love. I’m outside, by the way.”
You literally fell from your bed. Jaehyun. Outside. Did you shower too long that you lost track of time? You grabbed your curtains, eyes peeking through the window. Even if Jaehyun covered his face with a full-on mask, you would identify him. He was standing near one of the light posts, head turned towards your window. As usual, he’s clad in his all-black clothes. His hear obscured by a cap, with only his eyes peeking through his mask.
“Are you insane? What if someone followed you?!” You hissed.
“Then be ready for some dating articles tomorrow,” he simply declared. The mere thought of your relationship spreading through the whole of South Korea and the world gives you enough creeps to last a lifetime. Jaehyun’s career is on its peak, so do yours. It’s not yet time.
“Jaehyun, go home. Let’s not wait for your sasaengs to find out and sell the photos to Dispatch,” you sighed.
“I’m sorry if I sounded selfish with that, baby. I just…” He paused, “When it comes to you, I’ve got nothing to lose.”
Your breath hitched. There were tears trying to fall down your cheeks when he said the words. Jaehyun was a man of few words. But every time he speaks, he always knew the right thing to say.
“Wait for me,” you breathed and cut off the line. The whole dorm was silent when you departed your room, one light coming from the television in the living room. Wona must be watching her favorite movies again.
You tiptoed to the backdoor, and silenty departed the vicinity of your dorm. Jaehyun remained on his position near the light posts, his foot kicking pebbles on the ground. Your stomach somersaulted by the sight of him. After weeks of not seeing each other because of your schedules, he is here now. You could nearly jumped from happiness. However, despite your elevated feelings, you remained calmed and texted him.
[On your right.]
His phone lit, then he looked at it. Then around him. His sight halted when he saw you. You signaled him with your hand, heart thudding that someone might find you. That would be the end of both of your careers. As Jaehyun jogged the distance between you, you frantically looked around to check if anyone’s spying around. Luckily, there isn’t one.
Jaehyun stood in front of you, his scent wafting your nose with an ache of familiarity. You almost jumped to hug him. But you were stopped when he pulled down his mask and attempted to kiss you.
“Jaehyun!” You warned, eyes widening. The dimpled-boy only chuckled at you. “Let’s get inside before somebody sees us!”
Before opening the back door, you sent a silent prayer that all of your members are comfortably sleeping on their matresses already. Not that they don’t know about you and Jaehyun, but they’d surely kill you if ever they see you sneaking him inside your dorm.
The dorm was the same when you entered, with Wona still watching television. You pressed your finger on your lips as you turned to face Jaehyun, your one hand holding his wrist. He nodded at you before he roamed his eyes around the kitchen.
You tugged his wrist up to your bedroom. And only when you locked the door did you let out the breath you’ve been holding for minutes. Jaehyun sat on your bed, examining your room with curiosity.
“This is my first time seeing your room,” he said, mischief displayed in his irises. You pretended to clean your things to keep your mind off the thought that you’re alone with Jaehyun, in your room.
“Where did you buy this turntable?” He stood up, walked towards your turntable and ran his finger on it.
“In a shop. Where else?”
“Tell me which shop so I could buy the same design as yours.”
You ignored his words, “This is dangerous, Jaehyun. What you did is insane.” You crossed your arms.
He sauntered up to you and wrapped his hands on your waist, “Come on, baby. You wouldn’t have let me visit if I told you. I’ve been planning this for weeks.” He mumbled, pressing his lips on your hair.
“Still. You should have informed me. What if someone saw you leaving your dorm? For Pete’s sake, you’re a member of NCT.” He held the back of your head and gently pressed your face on his chest.
“Baby, stop worrying for a minute.” He then pulled away and cupped your cheeks, “I miss you.” Then he pressed his lips to yours. You stopped yourself from grabbing his hair and deepening the kiss, even though that’s all you wanted to do the moment he stood face to face with you.
“I’m sorry if I didn’t had the chance to text you today. It was a hectic day, baby.” He explained against your lips. Then he started to kiss your cheek, jaw, down to your neck. “Please don’t be jealous. Naeun invited me and Minhyuk for a coffee and that’s it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
Jaehyun sucked on your neck then. It took your knees a lot of willpower not to buckle. “That’s my mistake. I thought you were still busy practicing and I didn’t wanna disturb you. Your comeback’s in one week, baby. I don’t wanna be a nuisance.”
“You were never a nuisance, you know that.”
“I know. And you, too. But I hope you understand my reasons, though.” He kissed your collarbone, his fingers pulling the collar of your shirt down. “I love you.” He whispered against your skin, his breath hot. Then he looked at your eyes, “I love you. Forgive me, baby.”
Jung Jaehyun. All the girls swoons at the sight of him ever since he was in high school. Who in their right minds would decline this boy?
So you grabbed his cheeks, “I forgive you.”
His grin transformed his face in an instant. From something adorable, to something… hungry. He kissed your lips with enough ferocity as to bruise the skin.
Then he whispered, in his most raspy voice, “What are you waiting for? Spread those legs for me now, baby. I haven’t eaten yet, and I’m so, so hungry.”
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thebluenoteblog · 5 years
Give me That Title
Summary: You have been hooking up with Colton for months and though you have feeling for him you’ve known since the beginning what your relationship with him is. You’re okay with it. You’re also okay with being perpetually single. That is until you meet someone that makes you want to date for the first time in a while. Though Colton’s reaction to hearing about your date... well that’s more surprising than the fact that you decided to go on a date in the first place.
Player: Colton Parayko
Word Count: 5.1k
*Inspired by Meghan Trainor’s Title*
I know girls ain’t hard to find
If you think you want to try
Than consider this an invitation
To kiss my ass goodbye
You were on the floor in front of your floor length mirror, with makeup spread out on the floor all around you when your phone buzzed. You paused with the mascara wand next to your eye, finished what you were doing, reinserted the wand into the tube, screwed on the cap and then picked up your phone already having a pretty good idea of who it was.
Colton had just gotten back in town from his road trip earlier that day and odds were he wasn’t in the mood to go out partying tonight. He wanted someone to come to him. The most recent notification on your phone, right above a few from the NHL app was indeed a text message from Colton. You had been his most regular hook up for the past seven months and at some point, in that time he had given you his phone number when he got tired of dealing with snapchat.
If you were being fair, the two of you did a lot of talking to. If someone were to scroll through your text messages they would never know that you were just some twenty-one-year-old girl who had gotten caught up in a lifestyle that you had no business in. They would probably think that you and Colton were friends. Friends who just hung out a lot late at night.
You unlocked your phone, opened the text and scanned the message. You busy?
You glanced up into the mirror, at your half-done makeup. Yes.
His response was fast, like he’d been waiting for it. No, really. Do you want to come over?
Okay, if you were being fair, it was a very rare occasion that you passed him up on an offer to come over. You always responded to his messages and you were basically at his beck and call. Your only serious obligation was your college courses. Your work hours were pretty much ‘come and go as you please’ and so you did. Whenever Colton asked. He knew when you were in class and he knew it wasn’t now.
Being tied to a man who had no intention of ever committing to you wasn’t a huge issue for you. Committing your time to him wasn’t either because he was gone so much and spent so many nights out with the team that you could still have friends and a life of your own. Besides, you would be lying if you said you hadn’t hooked up with a few other people in the beginning just as he had. You assumed he still did, but you didn’t bother anymore, the sex didn’t compare.
Then two weeks ago, you met Chase. You were sitting at a coffee shop on Main Street, enjoying your tea when he had walked in. He’d sat down on the couch beside you as he drank his coffee. He turned to you, stared at your Blues t-shit for a moment and then said, “Can you believe how badly the Blues got it handed to them last night?”
You’d spent two hours talking after that, about anything and everything. He’d asked you out. You’d given him your number. Now you sat in front of your mirror getting ready for the first real date you’d been on in over a year since you had broken off your engagement and sitting there, on that couch next to Chase, in his faded St. Charles County Firefighter t-shirt, you’d realized something.
This thing with Colton wasn’t enough anymore. You wanted a real relationship. Someone you could imagine a future with and not roll your eyes at yourself for being ridiculous. Someone who would really love you and not just love getting you naked. Someone who saw in you whatever it was that Chase saw that made his eyes light up when he talked to you that day.
You wanted someone who would someday ask you to marry them. You would buy a house together. Make one of those salt plaster ornaments with your first house key to put on the tree that you would decorate together every year. Build a fence in the backyard for your dog and your kids to run around.
Maybe that would be Chase, maybe it would be the next guy you went out with, or the next. Maybe you would find him a year from now. But you knew one thing for sure. No matter how much you wanted him to be, no matter how much you loved Colt, he was never going to be that guy.
He would never commit to a girl who looked like you.
Hell, you didn’t think he was ready to commit at all, despite how nice of a guy he was and his picture-perfect image. He enjoyed living it up, he enjoyed his parties, he enjoyed his bunnies. A girlfriend would cramp his style.
You glanced down at your phone and saw that ten minutes had passed, you needed to hurry up and get your makeup done and you still had Colton to deal with. I can’t. I’m going out tonight.
Again, he responded before you could pick up your mascara to finish your other eye, so he must not have been doing anything. He was probably laying on the couch watching TV. Oh. Are you going out with (Y/F/N)?
You didn’t really think about what you were typing before you just hit send, you just did it and then dropped your phone before going back to your makeup. This time you finished all of your eye makeup and were on to your lips when your phone eventually buzzed.
It wasn’t until you picked it up that you read what you had sent him and actually felt a little bad. You knew you both saw other people. You knew you weren’t a couple and you were both free to do whatever you wanted, but neither of you ever made a point of talking about it. You only knew about it his exploits from the girls who bragged about it online and occasionally posted pictures of them together to corroborate their stories. No, (Y/F/N) is out of town. I have a date tonight.
He’d responded five minutes later with. You have a date?
You glanced at the message, not sure how to respond at first then decided on simply, Yeah, he’s really nice.
The dots appeared and then disappeared about five times before they stayed long enough for him to type out his response. You never go on dates.
You rolled your eyes. Leave it to a guy in the NHL to think he had a girl locked down because she didn’t go on other dates for a little while even though he was still fucking other people. I decided that I want something real. Is that so bad?
You finished your makeup and made it out to your car before he responded. I guess not.
If it ain’t no thing
Then I won’t be hangin around
But don’t be blowin up my shit at three am
Sayin how you need me now
You had now been out on two dates with Chase and Colton had coincidently texted asking you to come over as you were walking out the door to get into Chase’s truck the night you went out with him for the second time. He’d taken your rejection slightly less… diplomatically this time which was uncharacteristic for him. You’d only turned him down a handful of times, but you could never remember him being upset. He’d always continued to talk to you until one of you got too busy to hold up the conversation. This time though, he was clearly upset.
Can you come over? I have food that I shouldn’t be eating that you would love.
You smiled when you read the message, because it almost sounded like he was inviting you over for a date even though you knew that wasn’t what it was. You could still dream. Then you remembered that outside your apartment complex, Chase was waiting for you.
I’m sorry, I’d love to but I’m busy tonight. Raincheck?
He’d responded quickly like he didn’t even think about what he was saying before he said it, Big date tonight?
You narrowed your eyes at the phone. What’s that supposed to mean?
You waited for his response before you walked outside into the bitter February air. Nothing. I just wanted you to come over.
Now it was three in the morning and you were lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. Still thinking about how uncharacteristically spiteful Colton had been that night. Then your phone went off for the first time. You ignored it, because, well, it was three in the morning. But then ten minutes later it went off again. And five minutes after that it went off again. Not five minutes passed before there was another. Then soon after another alert. Finally, you sat up in a huff, grabbing the phone off your bedside table and unlocking it to see the notifications.
All messages from Colton and he appeared to be drunk. Very drunk.
(Y/N) r u home
i miss u
u should com over
r u still with him
u should be here instead
You squeezed your eyes shut then opened them to make sure you were reading the messages correctly. Is that why he had been so spiteful that night? Was Colt… jealous? You couldn’t go over to his house now, because regardless of what you suspected, nothing had changed. He wasn’t going to commit to you. He wasn’t going to give you that house together or the Christmas tree with the first key ornaments or the kids running around in the backyard. It just wasn’t in the cards for them. Besides, he was drunk off his ass right now. He would never, in a million years send u or r in place or you or are if he wasn’t well past the legal limit.
Colton, go to sleep. You’re drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying.
The dots appeared right away but it took him awhile to type the message.
i no wht im saying i miss u com over ur with him arnt u
It took you a moment to decipher the message but when you did, you sighed and responded carefully. Colt, I’ve been home since 10:00. I can’t come over, its already three in the morning and you’re so drunk you’ll be passed out by the time I get there. You won’t even be able to let me in.
He didn’t like that answer. ill take a shower to sober up before u get here
fine goodnight
You sighed again, Goodnight Colt.
Don’t call me boo
Like your some kind of ghost
If you don’t want me seeing other guys,
Then here’s what you need to know
Come stay tonight.
It was just those three words. The team was leaving for a road trip and they had the next day off. You had always in the past cleared your schedule on those days for him if he asked you to. The two of you would stay in bed all day, you would cook for him when you got hungry and he would leave for the roadie the next day relaxed and happy. This had started off as an occasional arrangement but had become a routine and now almost every time he had a day off in town, this was the plan.
You cleared your schedule.
When you got to his house with your overnight bag, you had just knocked on the door when it opened. He was standing there looking perfect as ever in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, but his hair wasn’t styled like usual. It was tousled and limp like he’d been running his fingers through it enough to destroy whatever effect the gel had previously had on it.
He stepped to the side to let you in and closed the door behind you as soon as you were out of the way. He turned to face you, “I’m sorry… about the other night.”
You shrugged, not meeting his eyes, continuing to face the living room. You didn’t want to talk about this. You knew your time together was limited. This may very well be the last time they spent a night together before you had a boyfriend and you had to end… whatever this was. you didn’t want to spend it talking about what he’d said two nights ago and how he hadn’t meant it. How he was just drunk. “It isn’t a big deal.”
You slipped off your shoes, leaving them by the door. You always felt weird wearing shoes in his house, everything was so much more expensive than what you were used to. You walked away from him before he could say anything else, placing your bag on the couch and then leaning against the back of it and turning to watch him. He was frozen in place, staring at the spot you had previously been standing. After a minute he shifted his eyes to you and made his way into the living area.
He stood directly in front of you, with his hands in his pockets. He looked unsure for the first time since you’d met him, and you couldn’t quite figure out why. “I made dinner.” He said. “It’s almost ready.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “You made us dinner?” You asked. “I always make dinner.”
“I know…” He said, he shifted, looking over her head at something in the distance, “I just thought… I don’t know. It was an early game and I got home at seven… I don’t mind cooking, so why not?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t know, I guess I just figured I would be cooking for you tonight.”
He looked down at you, meeting your eyes and smiling softly, “You don’t always have to do stuff like that. You can just come over and relax with me.”
Something was off. Colton was a nice guy. He was an amazing guy. But this was so far out of left field for your relationship that you didn’t know what you were dealing with. Then again, that’s how everything with him had been since the day you told him you were going on a date. He’d make sure to mark you up with hickeys everywhere when you hooked up the couple of times it had happened since. He was usually rough, but he never was one to leave dozens of hickeys all over you. Maybe one or two, nothing like that. His sideways remarks. Drunk texts. Now this?
You were in love with him. You had been for a long time and you knew it. Hell, you’d known when you let this start that you would fall in love with him. He was just the kind of guy you couldn’t help falling in love with. That’s why he had girls falling at his feet. He was a twenty-six-year-old professional hockey player, rich, attractive, with a great personality and he could have any girl he wanted. You never had any illusions that you would be the one to lock him down. Hell, at the time you weren’t even looking for a relationship. You were running from one.
But when he looked at you and said things like that, things like you can just come here to relax with me, it made you angry. Because you were in love with him. And when he said things like that and sent you a string of drunk texts at three in the morning, it gave you this irrational hope that he cared about more than just your pussy.
There was no way though.
And even if he did, did you want that life?
Constantly worrying about whether or not your boyfriend was with some other girl because he could have whoever he wanted? Always feeling like you weren’t good enough for him? Never being able to contribute equally to the household? Would he ever actually marry you even if he did date you? No. Probably not. You weren’t NHL wife material. Not pretty enough or classy enough.
But you smiled at him and pretended this battle wasn’t going on in your head and said, “Why don’t I help you finish cooking? I’m starving.”
After you ate, an amazing meal as it turned out Colton was actually quite the cook, when you made to help him with the dishes he turned around and set you on the island behind him, effectively banishing you from the soap. “I always help.” You protested.
“I’ve got it, (Y/N).” He said, his back muscles working as he washed a pot. “Just sit there and look pretty.”
You rolled your eyes, “As if that’s possible.” He turned to look at you over his shoulder, narrowed eyes and you bit your lip before responding, “Sorry, did I say that out loud?”
“Yeah. Don’t say it in your head either.” Then he went back to the dishes.
After the dishes were clean you expected to end up in the bedroom, but instead he guided you to the couch and handed you the remote, “What do you want to watch?”
You stared at the remote for a moment, then looked back at him. “I don’t know. I only watch movies in the theaters and I don’t think you’d like any of the shows that I watch.”
He frowned, “You only watch movies in theaters?”
“I don’t have the attention span to watch them unless I’m forced.” You said, “I’ll do anything to get out of it. Write, sleep, read, sex. Anything except watch the movie unless it’s a favorite and I’m in the mood to watch it. Which I’m not.”
“Okay, you like the Flames, right?” He asked. You nodded, “They’re playing now. Want to watch that?”
You smiled up at him, “That sounds awesome.”
By the time the game ended, you were curled into his side with his arm wrapped around you and you were ranting about every missed call while going on about Tkachuk’s game winning overtime goal. “Are you like this when you watch us play?” Colton asked, with a look in his eyes that you couldn’t identify and a smile on his face.
“Oh, I’m worse.” You said laughing and shaking your head, “When I lived with my sister she used to get so mad at me on nights you played late games because I would wake her up yelling at the TV.”
Colton placed a hand on your cheek and moved in. He pressed his lips to yours the same why he had so many times before, but this time if felt different. The kiss was long and slow and there were no hands pulling at clothes. One of his remained spanning your cheek and neck and the other rested on your waist, holding you in place.  Your hands, after the initial shock of the randomness of the kiss wore off, went up to his shoulders. He pulled you closer like he was afraid you were about to push him away, but you didn’t. You wouldn’t. You didn’t know if you knew how.
Especially not after the way this kiss made you feel.
You were the one to separate your lips, resting your foreheads together. Neither of you spoke for a stretch of time and the only sound filling the room was the Flames postgame in the background. Eventually he broke the silence. “I don’t like you dating other people.”
“Colton…” You said, squeezing your eyes shut. You didn’t want to hear this. You didn’t want him to tell you how he didn’t like seeing you with other people, but you could never be his. It wasn’t something you wanted to hear and if he said it… well if he said it you were going to have to get up and leave. You were going to have to end this.
“Please listen to me,” He said, his voice barely above a whisper but their faces were so close that you had no trouble picking up his words. “It hurts thinking about you dating someone else. It hurts thinking that I’m so close to losing you and if you don’t want me to stop you then there isn’t anything I can do about it.”
You pulled your forehead away from his and leaned back a little, looking at his hardwood floors, “Colton I can’t just be some girl that you call when you want to screw for the rest of my life.” You said it softly, but the words were harsh and he cast his eyes at the floor along with you, “I want something real. I want someone who is going to take me out on dates. We buy each other birthday presents. Set up a Christmas tree together every year. Have dreams of a future with each other in it. Someday I want a house with a backyard full of kids and a husband playing with them. I can’t have that if all I am is another girl who you mess around with but never want anything more from.”
When you were done he looked up at you and your eyes met. Before you could look away, he said, “But what if I want all of those things with you? What if I want something real too?”
Tears sprung to your eyes. Why was he doing this? Why couldn’t he just let you walk away when it was easier because you thought he would never love you. “Colt I don’t know if I’m cut out for that life. I’m just some girl who got caught up in a lifestyle she had no business being part of.”
“What’s so bad about it?” He asked, looking a little panicked. Like he hadn’t actually accepted the possibility of you walking away tonight for good. “Why couldn’t you date me?”
You shook your head, “I’ve been around your friends. They party. They drink. And athletes… they cheat. I know it’s a stereotype, but I would always be worried about it. Especially since the entire time we’ve known each other you’ve had the ability to just… do whatever you want. Besides the fact that I’m not pretty enough to ever be seen in public with you.”
Colton looked genuinely offended, “I don’t cheat. I never have, and I never will. I was raised better than that.” He placed a hand on your chin and forced you to look into his eyes, “And you are beautiful. I would take you everywhere. You would be all over my Instagram even.”
You blushed, “Colt…”
“(Y/N), give me a chance.” He said. “I messed up. I didn’t realize I was in love with you until someone else was already doing a better job at what should have been my job than I was. Please, let me fix it.”
You studied his face, trying to decide if he was serious. Trying to decide if you should give up what you saw in Chase for what you knew was there in Colton. There were obstacles, many of them, but if he was that determined to make it work then you would give it a try too.
“Okay, we can give it a real shot.”
I’m lovin’ what you got
But I’m hating what you doing
You gotta show me off, off
If you embarrassed,
Then thats the case I’m long gone
You’d been officially dating for four months now and things were going great. He knew how you felt about him going out drinking with the guys, so when he went, he invited you along. There were no more bunnies bragging about their conquest with him online, in fact they were beginning to suspect that he had settled down with someone. You were at every home game wearing his jersey with the other wives and girlfriend and even flown out to one of the away games. Pictures of the two of you together started appearing online, especially on websites that people used to track the habits of players and the speculation started.
Did Colton Parayko have a girlfriend?
The thing was, he wouldn’t confirm anything. People would tweet him, asking him about it. Nothing. People would message him on Instagram asking him about it? He ignored them. He posted a picture of himself with your dog on his Instagram and the comments were filled with the same question.
Do you have a girlfriend?
Is that your girlfriends’ dog?
Did your girlfriend take that picture?
Still he didn’t respond to any of them. You were beginning to wonder if it was because he was regretting his decision to enter a relationship with you. Was that what the issue was? Was he embarrassed of you? He’d promised that you would be all over his Instagram, but he hadn’t even let you tag them in a picture together. Did he wish he’d found someone more conventionally beautiful?
You were scrolling through a speculation post when he sat down beside you on the couch. “What are you reading?” He asked, looking over your shoulder.
You quickly locked your phone and dropped it into your lap, “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
He narrowed his eyes at you playfully, “I know your password and my arms are longer than yours.”
You sighed, “Why haven’t you gone public with our relationship?” You asked.
He looked caught off guard, “What do you mean?”
“You haven’t posted any pictures of us. You haven’t answered when anyone asks about us.” You looked away from him and down at the phone you were twisting in your hands. “If you’re embarrassed of me just tell me. We can end this.”
“No!” He said it before the words had even died on your tongue, “Of course I’m not embarrassed of you.”
You still didn’t meet his eyes, because honestly, you didn’t believe him. “Colton…”
“(Y/N),” He said, “I’ll post pictures of you right now. I’ll tweet out a response to the next person who asks me. I’m not embarrassed, why would I be? I didn’t know it was that big of a deal to you or I never would have kept it a secret. I just don’t like my private life to be all over the internet.” He grabbed your hand and pulled your phone away, setting it aside before taking your hand in his. “Please believe me.”
You looked up into his eyes and all you saw was love. He looked so genuine. How could you not believe him? “Okay,” you said. “I believe you.”
“We don’t have to keep it a secret,” He said, “I love you. I don’t care if people know.”
You smiled up at him, “I would like that.”
Give me that title, title
Come on give me that title, title
Better give me that title, title
Better give me that title, title, yeah
They’d been together for two years now and they had come a long way from the day that Colton had sworn she was going to walk out his front door and end up in the arms of another man. As she sat on her towel with her toes dug into the sand next to him, glass of wine in her hand, staring at the sun setting over the ocean, he couldn’t believe that he’d ever come close to letting that happen.
The words she spoke that day stuck in his mind every single day since she said them. Someday I want a house with a backyard full of kids and a husband playing with them. They already bought each other birthday presents and set up a Christmas tree together every year. They talked about their future together every day. But that was something that he hadn’t given her yet.
She was so distracted by the sunset that she didn’t notice him set his wine glass on the small table between them, low to the sand, before reaching into the beach bag, into the zippered back pocket that she never would have had a reason to open and pulling out the small velvet box. He settled back onto his towel with the box in his hand, but kept his eyes focused on her.
He’d had the whole moment planned out, but now that they were here, and he was holding the ring and she was sitting next to him, it was like he had never planned a thing.
He shifted to his knees so that he was facing her, and that action was enough to pull her away from the sunset. She turned to him with a smile on her face so genuine that it made his heart swell. “What’s that look for?” She asked, “You should be watching the sky, it’s beautiful.”
“I’d rather watch you.” He said, and her cheeks flushed. Whether it was from the tropical heat or his words he didn’t know. He kept the box hidden under his hand as he said, “(Y/N), the day we decided to be together, you said something. You said that someday you wanted a husband and kids and an entire life with someone.” He looked down at his hand which still hid the ring, then back up at the most important person in his life who was looking at him with wide eyes, like she wanted to believe what was happening but didn’t quite want to get her hopes up. He lifted the hand that wasn’t concealing the ring and used it to guide her into standing up. She rose to her feet, burying them in the sand.
He rose to one knee and finally reveled the box, snapping it open, “I want that to be me. I want that life with you. I’m ready for it. If you say yes, I promise that we’ll have a house with a huge backyard and a fence and a swing set for our kids to play on. We’ll be the family that you always wanted to have. So, (Y/N), will you marry me?”
She was completely in shock, staring at him like she couldn’t believe a single word he had just said had actually come out of his mouth. But it had, and as soon as she realized that, she answered him. “Of course, I will!”
He slid the ring on her finger, tossed the box on the towel beside them and then was up and twirling her in the air in a second. Yes, they had come a long way in the past two years. And god was he glad they had.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hello!! i cant seem to find our last interaction but to be fair it was a whileee ago 💔 ahah hi it’s me, the anon that dropped off the face of the earth 😔 firstly i wanted to clear up a few things! my life has been pretty yucky since we last talked so i went off tumblr for awhile,, got sick, got sucky grades back, changed subjects etc etc. i’m sorry i disappeared like that regardless! i tend to do the whole hibernate into my little wallow of sadness and come back out when i’m finished,,, (a bad habit i need to break) i hope we’re okay! i actually just got back on socials and was surprised to see you mention the band hcs ahah and remembered f u c k i disappeared. tldr: me being a ghost was definitely not your fault and just me tryna figure out my life lol!
idk why spacing is so weird on asks anyway, how’s everything going in your life? are you doing alright? since we last talked i did catch a few glimpses of? maybe you didn’t get childe? i should really catch up on ur blog 😀 if he didn’t come home i’m tying him up and roasting him like a piece of meat on a fire bc w t f man???? rude as fuck not to come home to ur wife 😡🔫🔫 if he d i d come home,, disregard everything i said ☺️ <3 he’s safe,,, for now...
so back to the matter at hand: band hcs. love, please!!! do not force urself to write these 😔 i know u said u got em queued up but i can’t help but feel guilty bc i was definitely meant to throw my two cents in there! *cue me scrambling for my notes* from what i can gather.... *squints at notes* i could see childe as main vocal/on the electric guitar maybe bc i think that’s kinda sexy of him (nothing to do with ed sheeran playing guitar...😳) kaeya i can see as sub vocal/bass guitar - i feel like he wouldn’t be the face of the band but very popular for the vibe he’s got going. benny on the drums because benny on the drums that’s my explanation aaaand old man zhongli on keyboard/sub vocal. that’s what i had ahah probably totally different to yours but tell me your thoughts - i look forward to seeing yours! (note: this was just a boy band of my favs 😔) i just saw another post u had about...something i can’t remember but i had thoughts abt it and will send them in a seperate ask!!
i’m sorry i can’t remember much of what we said last time aaa my memory is horrible but i do remember something abt us watching barbie movies tgt and u perhaps saying that’s cool 👀 heh um,, if we were to start, would you want to go in chronological order? 👀 alright! this is very long so i’ll wrap it up there, all my love~! 🦋💞xx (if i got the emojis in the wrong order...no i didn’t 😳🤚)
mAN ahahahhahahahah ok, first of all, i never meant for you to feel guilty over this or put you in the spot for that matter because trust me, i understand. i sometimes need to stay away to recharge and stuff. besides, no one is ever, ever required to keep talking to me after they sent an ask. it’s not your responsibility to socialize with me but i appreciate it regardless. i’m so sorry your life was not going very well but i just know that better days are coming :)) and yes, we’re definitely okay. i do hope that u didn’t feel forced to send this tho!
things have been great! i have been doing absolutely nothing in contrast to back then when i was doing absolutely everything. it’s like a recharge period for me. oh and im doing my graduation rites on may 8 so there’s that.
ok so,, i lost 50/50 w mona and i lost all hope that i’ll get childe but drama queen went brr and came home on my 16th pull after that. i’m still a little salty bc you dont do that to your wife yknow??? so you have my permission to put him in a stick and grill him over live fire 😍
🥺🥺 that’s sounds fun!! the hcs are already done. i had a huge brainrot yesterday and finished it in one sitting. very different from what you have but im starting to feel like yours had more sense to it asvdhskkcbsjka n e way, childe being your bad boy guitarist bf.... MAN i see it and i love it. i feel like kaeya would exude sm mysterious energy and he just catches attention on stage. mr. popular through and through. and like,, i hc kaeya has pretty hands and just,, imagining it on a bass, fingers stretching to reach the chords... ugh seggsy 😭 benny boy send tweet!! i love that.. i feel like he’s the type to always have tons of spares on him bc he keeps snapping his sticks bc he gets into it. i love the polarity tho bc off stage he’s the softest boy around 🤧 and lastly, big man zhong... hehehehe... yes.
i got your other ask and i’ll answer it separately so we can vibe better there. on another note,, yes please!! let’s watch the barbie cinematic universe chronologically together!! idk how we’ll do it though? discord maybe? if u have that u can send in your id through an ask and i’ll send the request privately. thanks for dropping by again, bub!
ps. i think you got the emojis right
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fallenrepublick · 4 years
dum shit the cheg have gotten into part 1
shopping cart incident- based on the ask I sent in awhile ago, you and eli were riding around in a shopping cart. then, you guys found a ramp that went straight down into a wall. as a joke, and not thinking straight, you sent eli rolling down the hill. and he was going really fast so when he hit the wall the whole fucking cart broke apart.
food fight incident- thrawn was actually not aware of this until 3 months after it happened, when he overheard a couple of troopers talk about it. apparently on that day, you and pryce dressed really weird and normal to make yourselves blend in. originally it was to get back at kallus for something they couldnt remember. unfortunately, instead of hitting kallus, you hit a trooper right in the neck, and mistook the throw from kallus. you and pryce had to leave as the trooper threw his own food at kallus but also missed. at the end everyone was pretty much dying from being drenched in rations
d r u n k- remeber how you said eli would find soju and underestimate its power? yeah that but with e v e r y o n e. eli brings in like 30 bottles thinking that since their small, they shouldnt be that hard. the gi comes in late and is at first is like "sorry I'm la- yo what the f-". literally the only one standing was you. he stared around and saw as you downed a bottle drunkenly slammed it down onto a table of at least 3 or 4 other bottles before stumbling backwards and onto thrawns body. wouldve been a nice thing until you looked at the rest of the room.
for one of the truth or dare nights, krennic decided to mess with you and say "if you can become a actual rodent by hiding in the vents and taking yourself out of society for like a week, I'll give you 500 credits. you gave a "you underestimate my power" monologue before jumping into the vents and leaving everyone else the rest of the night. thrawn thought you were joking. you were not. for at least a week you would sleep in random places, get food when there werent other people around, and when somebody did see you, you would throw the nearest thing st thign before scampering up the vents. it lasted for like a week and a half before the gi needed your assistance and when he was told what you were doing, he just looked around, cut open a random vent and you fell out. he dragged you by your arms and said "get some fucking sleep"
this has been a idea by i d e a anon
I bet you I could isolate myself from society for a week easy. Gimme a challenge, Krennic. You fool.
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baroquebucky · 5 years
Hello! Would you mind doing an angsty oneshot where Bucky can feel his girlfriend falling OUT of love with him and falling for someone else? (Ending all depends to you 😍) Enjoy your break!
A/N: THIS TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO AND IM SO SO SORRY OMG pls find it in ur heart to forgive me i love u i hope you like it :-) get ready for the anGst
Bucky noticed things.
He noticed how you stopped holding his hand all the time, the way you’d let it slip out of his when he didn’t try to keep a grip, when before it didn’t matter, you always let it rest there. Now you let it fall out and never bothered to place it back in his own hand.
He noticed how you pulled away from hugs after three seconds, you didn’t try to make them last longer. Before you would cling onto him like a koala, you would be the one to pull him back in to make the hug last longer, now it was the other way around.
He noticed how you stopped spraying his cologne on your clothes when he wasn’t looking. He remembered how you claimed his cologne had “evaporated” when he asked you why it was almost finished if he barely used it. But he could smell the cologne on the shirt you were wearing. He felt his chest tighten at the memory he once held close to his heart. Now it was like he wanted to push it away.
He noticed the way you stopped calling him James every chance you got. Instead you called him Bucky, like everyone else. You stopped giving him nicknames and called him the standard.
Bucky noticed how you sent him less and less heart emojis as time went on, he thought ‘it’s just the end of the cupcake phase’ but then he realized you had stopped with the cute emojis all together. He snuck a glance at your phone and realized his name was simply ‘Bucky’ rather than decorated with emojis or replaced by a cute nickname.
Bucky noticed how you stopped sending him memes and you stopped telling him awful jokes. He felt his heart crumble as he realized that you smiled at the memes on your phone and didn’t even bother to nudge him to show him them.
Bucky noticed.
So there he was. Sittin on the balcony of the compound, surrounded by flowers that the two of you had planted as a small garden. But you had stopped accompanying him up to help with the flora and fauna. He had been the one to keep the plants alive even though it had been your idea.
The plants around him had began to wilt. He didn’t have it in him to continue to keep them alive. Your relationship was dying, and now so we’re the plants.
Bucky has texted you ten minutes ago, asking for you to come up because you needed to talk. You had replied with an “ok.” It felt sharp. Bucky felt himself wanting to breakdown. His chest hurt with every breath and he swore nothing had hurt this bad. It was as if everytime he blinked he saw how happy you two used to be.
He heard you come up the steps. He took in a sharp breath. He had to do this. It was what was best for him. He couldn’t stay in a relationship like this. He had to grow and love someone who treated him like he should be treated, but you weren’t that someone. Not anymore.
Bucky knew his worth. It took him awhile but he finally knew. He deserved better.
“hey Bucky” you smiled and sat in the chair next to him.
“hey y/n” he spoke, voice trembling slightly.
“what did you want to talk about?” You asked, though you already knew. He heard him take in a sharp breath before looking at you.
“do you still love me?” He looked at you softly, he knew the answer. You stayed silent. You didn’t want him to know the truth.
“Bucky” you began before he squeezed his eyes shut and ran his hand through his hair.
“I don’t need bullshit right now y/n just tell me the truth” he spoke sternly, almost raising his voice but he stopped himself. His once soft welcoming blue eyes seemed harsh and icy.
You looked at him and pressed your lips together, letting your hands shake slightly as you fiddled with your fingers.
“No.” You answered. Two letters. That’s all it took for years worth of trust and love to be torn away. You wanted to look at anything other than Bucky, you tried looking around but you were assaulted with memories of making the garden together. You felt guilt building inside of you.
How could this have happened? You had loved Bucky and then one day you didn’t. You always wanted to be around him but then things you found endearing you soon found annoying. You had fallen out of love.
You had wanted to show him affection but you couldn’t bring yourself to. Every guy you saw you thought if he would be better for you than Bucky was. You didn’t want to be with him, but you didn’t want to break his heart.
“okay” he replied, bringing you out of your thoughts. You looked at him. You wanted to cry but you couldn’t, you didn’t feel like you should. Buckys eyes were watery, a couple of tears slipping out.
“You can keep the room, I’ll ask for the other open one next to sam. Don’t worry I’ll get get my things out right now” he spoke, getting up and walking back into the compound.
You were left outside, surrounded by what was. You were left with what you had but was no longer yours. You wanted to fight and make yourself love him. But you couldn’t.
You didn’t love him, and he had noticed.
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Six Times : Part 2/6- The Time You Had Already Fallen Asleep
Series Summary: Five times Bucky wanted to kiss you + the one time he actually did
Parings: Bucky Barnes x reader
“You love him despite the burden of Atlas resting on his shoulders, and he loves you despite the death still clinging from your lips, and the blood drying at it’s the corners. What a pair you make.” -@lhzthepoet
Warnings: Angst, night terrors, flashbacks, hints of PTSD, described death, a bit of fluff to make up for it, it’s really short and unedited but i wanted to get it out to y’all tonight
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2:45. The bolded red numbers stared at Bucky from his nightstand, and he stared back. His body ached, his mind was clouded with fatigue, and his eye lids were heavy. All he wanted was to sleep. The man sighed, subconsciously starting drift off and almost immediately, the images started to appear.
Whiskey brown eyes stared into the Asset’s blue ones. A woman. A mother. She held her baby tight to her chest as she sat helplessly in the corner of her kitchen, her fate standing in front of her. The baby was wailing and the mother had waterfalls of tears going down her cheeks.
“Please,” she whispered in Russian. “Don’t do this.”
The soldier didn’t bat an eye as he pulled the trigger of the gun that was already aimed at her forehead. He did, however, hesitate with the baby. The Asset set his gun aside, and removed the baby from his mother’s arms, cradling them in his own. The same brown eyes looked at him- wide, with curiosity and terror. The assassin didn’t understand why he felt such remorse for this little baby, but he did understand Pierce’s words, his orders, ‘No witnesses.’
“I’m sorry, little one.” There was a gunshot, then silence.
Bucky bolted upright in his bed, now dripping with sweat that made his shirt cling to him like a second skin. The gunshots were still echoing in his ears and the brown eyes were still boring into his own.
He curled into himself, knees to his chest with his eyes squeezed shut, trying to get rid of the memories flashing through his head. But of course, the only thing going through his mind were the three words that had haunted him ever since the memories even started to reaper, I’m a monster, I’m a monster, I’m a monster, I’m a-
“Mister Barnes, Miss Romanoff is requesting your assistance on her floor,” came JARVIS’ smooth voice echoing throughout the room.
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed. He glanced at the clock next to him and lo and behold, it’s was 3:20.
“What’s the matter?”
“It seems that Miss L/N is asking for you after a nightmare.”
The soldier’s heart sank. He knew Y/N had her troubles but the thought of her plagued by night terrors saddened him. The image of her screaming herself awake was enough to where he immediately got up and ran down two flights of stairs to Natasha’s floor.
He had barely rounded the corner when Natasha grabbed his flesh wrist and half-led, half-dragged him to the guest room, leaving him no time for questions.
As they got closer to the door, Bucky dug his heels into the hardwood floor, stopping both him and the red head in their tracks. “Nat, what the hell is going on?”
The woman looked down at her bare feet to hide her faltering expression, but Bucky was quick to catch it. “You know that she’s the daughter of the goddess of death?” Her voice was small, the soldier barely caught it but he hummed in response.
“She senses death..like the grim reaper. And she dreams about it a lot, the people she’s witnessed passed. It overwhelms her a lot and...” Natasha trailed off, not knowing what to say next.
Bucky remained silent and walked past her into Y/N’s room, brushing shoulders as he crossed. He saw her, sat on the edge of the bed, shaking from a mixture of crying and fear. Her H/C locks were pulled up into a lazy bun, and a few tandrils of hair had fallen out from exessive movement. She hugged herself tighter in her sweatshirt and she sat the way Bucky had only a few minutes ago, bare legs pulled to her chest with her forehead against her knees.
Bucky hesitated. This situation felt weirdly intimate. The only person Bucky allowed to see him whenever he had nightmares was Steve, who he had known all his life and he barely considered Y/N a friend, so why was she asking for him?
Y/N seemed to sense his presence and her head snapped up and their eyes met. Dried tears stained her cheeks and there were pools already welling in her eyes again, yet Bucky was still amazed at her beauty.
Her lip quivered. “Bucky...” she whimpered as she stood up and found her way into Bucky’s arms, which closed around her instantaneously. She started to shake as sobs racked her body and he pressed his lips against the top of her head, murmuring sweet nothings to her.
“Y-You d-died! You l-left me a-alone, asshole!” Y/N whimpered against his chest.
“You dreamt about me?”
“It wasn’t just you,” she defended, “it was about the whole team. You and I were the last ones left and-and you...”
Bucky shushed her, holding her tighter. “We’re not going anywhere. I’m not going anywhere.”
Y/N just started crying harder. “T-theres this a-a-aura of d-death around u-us.” Bucky led her to the bed to sit down when she started gasping for air, but they never let go of each other.
“Doll, you need to breathe. Take a deep breath with me. I’ve got you.” Bucky watched as her chest rose in the same timing as his and slowly, but surely, she calmed down enough.
“How do you do it?” Her voice was small and timid, like a child’s, but the way she spoke told Bucky exactly what she meant by the question.
He sighed, running his bionic hand through his hair. “I don’t do anything. I just deal with the burden because no one else seems to relate to it,” he said.
Y/N looked at him with sad eyes. “I might be able to,” she whispered, possibly to herself. “I never killed anyone but I’ve drained life out of people. I’ve heard their last thoughts. Known their unfulfilled wishes. It takes a toll on you.”
Bucky nodded sympathetically. “I can’t imagine what it’s like.”
“That’s how I knew my dad died. I heard his last thoughts before he put the gun in his mouth.”
The pair sat in silence for awhile, not ready to let each other go just yet. For a split second, it felt like someone understood Bucky. And having someone being able to sympathize with you after 70 years of being the enemy, it’s like a breath of fresh air.
“You need to rest,” he told the girl before him and to his surprise, she complied and crawled into the sheets. Bucky stood up to leave but before he could even take a step towards the door, she took him by the hand and tugged him toward the bed.
Her eyes held the same expression as the child did so many years ago, and it sent shivers down his spine. “Stay with me. Please. Until I’m asleep. Just tell me a story or whatever just please don’t leave me alone.”
Bucky gave her a sad smile. He couldn’t leave her, not when she was like this. So he sat down by her on the bed and took her hand in his own. He thought long and hard about what story to tell her. There were a lot, but not much that he remembered in great length or in great detail.
“Before my pa died, him, I, and my sister Becca were inseparable. Ma used to call us the “golden trio” ‘cause you’d be damned if we weren’t seen all together. Bec had always been ity-bity and I got Pa’s height so when she was really young, we’d all go on walks together. Whether it be to the store, around the neighborhood, by the waterfront, you name it and we’d walk there. Me and Pa would take Becca by the hands and swing her as we walked. One time we swung her so high and hard that her shoe flung off and into one of the neighbors bush. He had to climb over the fence to get it. Ma wouldn’t let us hear the end of it...” Bucky smiled, content with the fact that he had at least one memory to share.
A soft snore came from beside him and he found that Y/N had fallen asleep, mouth open and hair a mess. Gently, he let himself brush away the pieces of hair that had fallen from her bun and tuck them behind her ear, letting his fingers linger on the lines of her face. He traced her brow bone, then the hollows of her cheeks, and finally rested on her jaw. People said how beautiful she was all the time, and Bucky would be the first one to agree.
“Sleep well, Y/N.” And with that, the soldier padded back to his room in attempt to find his own rest.
Taglist: @acf2510 @clarinette07 @buckybarnesprotectionsquads
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spaceskam · 5 years
hello, sweetie
day 3 of my 12 (actually 13) days of gifts! This one comes from an anon who sent me the following prompt awhile ago. This story is a lot of set up for an au that I hope to delve into a lot more into the future. Hope you enjoy!
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Alex Manes had dealt with a lot of shit in his life. Somehow, working with Private Max Evans was proving to be worse than it all.
“You’re going to lose a hand if you don’t stop,” Alex said with as little irritation as he could manage. It was still a lot. Max was trying so, so hard to be a macho strong man which Alex should’ve known would happen.
When Alex had been appointed this mission, he’d also been given the chance to reject any partner he’d been given. That was the whole benefit of being highly ranked. Still, he always felt bad whenever he saw the excited faces of the young Privates that so badly wanted to learn from him. He never wanted to steal it away. Even if that meant working with Max fucking Evans.
Currently, he was holding up a massive metal beam that was bolted down on one side and didn’t really need to be held up by the other side. Alex had tracked down the ambiguously titled Target beneath the beam that was covering something that looked like a locked submarine hatch. The beam didn’t need to be held up until after Alex figured out how to open the lock that was beneath it. Which meant, if Max’s arms gave out, he’d not only crush his hands but the lock as well. 
Basically, he was an idiot.
“I’ll suck it up, Sir.”
Alex sighed, “You know, when people tell me to ‘suck it up’, I feel the urge to break their legs and say ‘walk it off’. Are you going to walk off breaking your hands and ruining the mission, Private?”
Max looked up at him for a moment, hesitation all over his face. Then he very carefully put the beam down once again.
“I’m just trying to help, Sir.”
“I know, just… pace yourself,” Alex said, doing his very best to be patient with his shitty partner. Max somehow managed to look up at him while also being nearly a head taller. How were they the same age? “We don’t really know what’s down there, only that the Commissioner wants it brought back and safe and in one piece. We can’t crush the latch.”
“Yes, Sir, sorry.”
Alex ushered Max out of the way before carefully crouching down. The hatch was rusted and looked like it hadn’t been touched in years. It didn’t make sense. If there was something hidden in there for years, then why in the world was he only put on the case now? 
Or, perhaps it was one of those things that hadn’t been there until now.
You see, time was a funny little thing in his field. While most of the world didn’t notice little inconsistencies that came with time travel, his line of work involved years and years of training to spot the things that were inconsistent. Whenever most people recognized, it was simply a funny little thing that they remembered wrong. To him and people like him, it was a red flag of a Traveler fucking up.
Private Max Evans was a Traveler. It was a breed of human that could hop time at their will. People who couldn’t, Sedentaries, weren’t aware this was possible unless they went into the field of it. They wanted to keep it that way.
Centuries ago, or perhaps less, perhaps more, a Traveler named Henry Conleth had realized that things were impossible this way. Sedentaries were confused, things were changing, everyone was reckless. He, along with almost all the other Travelers, agreed to create a league of both Travelers and Sedentaries to protect the concept of time.
Now, centuries later or perhaps not, Alex Manes, a Sedentary, was working with a Traveler who had never traveled to look for a Target that was most likely a product of a far too experienced Traveler. 
“Max, what are the odds that this is actually a buried submarine?” Alex asked. Travelers in their Private stage were taught to memorize everything needed through history and the future which were simply the same thing in wrong directions.
“Um, unlikely,” Max said, “We’re in the middle of the midwest. There’s no bodies of water anywhere, nor have there been any bodies of water in this area since long before submarines were invented.”
Alex ran his finger over the rusted lock and then looked at the metal beam that seemed bolted and also partially buried. It was two separate things. Or, maybe not. Maybe it was deliberate. Or maybe the beam was always there and then something went awry with a rouge traveler. 
“Mm, and in the future?” Alex asked even though he already knew the answer. Max licked his lips and squeezed his eyes shut, searching his mind. Somehow, he got the one damn Private who didn’t find the future more interesting than the past. “Should I request someone else?”
“No, no,” he said, shaking his head, “I think there might be a body of water here, but not for, like, centuries. Like a very long, long while.”
“But it’s possible?” Alex clarified. Max shrugged before nodding. “This thing probably popped up in the wrong place in time. My guess is a young Traveler got a little too excited.”
“You can travel with something as big as a submarine?” Max asked almost wistfully. Alex chuckled and decided not to answer. They didn’t teach them that. That led to crazy ideas.
Whoever moved this had one crazy idea.
“Alright, can you tell me, by this hatch, where this vessel might’ve come from? What year? What country?” Alex quizzed. Max’s whole face morphed into confusion.
“I’ve never studied submarines, I have no idea, Sir” he answered. Alex huffed.
“You should.”
Alex reached in his back and pulled out a small chisel, chipping away at the rust that covered the ridges and the locks. He tried his best to get the parts that even the beam was covering.
“From the looks of it to me, it’s a World War II era U-Boat,” Alex explained.
“I thought they were all sunk and raided,” Max said. Alex looked up at him and felt that very familiar chill of excitement that had been the exact reason he’d gotten into this field.
“They were,” he agreed, “And some Traveler went back and stole it.”
Alex chiseled away at it for a few minutes before Max got the hint and grabbed his own chisel. It took a while, but they eventually got all the rust out of the creases in the lock and the opening port. Alex dug in his bag for a screwdriver.
“So, whenever you learn how to travel, this part will be easier,” Alex said, “You can just go back, steal the key for it, and then bring it back to the precise time you stole it from.”
“I can’t wait, Sir.”
“Yeah, just don’t get caught.”
He fiddled with the lock for far too long, more trying to will it open than actually being successful. It was an old lock and wasn’t a fan of being tampered with and Alex could see the way the thinner metals around the lock were bending to his efforts. It made him a bit anxious about the insides.
But then they heard a click.
“Hurry, move the beam,” Alex instructed, preparing to wedge a flashlight between his teeth. Max did as he was told. “I’ll be down there for five minutes at the most. Can you hold it up for that long?”
“Absolutely, Sir,” Max said, nothing short of 100% dedication in his eyes. Alex believed him.
Carefully, Max lifted the beam and Alex opened the hatch as high as it would go. He had to slip in between it, holding too many things at once in an attempt not to fall or crush his hand. It was annoying at best.
Still, Alex made his way inside the dark sub and started his mental clock. Five minutes.
Alex took the flashlight out of his mouth and turned it on, searching the U-Boat for sign of, well, anything. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, only that he’d know when he found it. He moved quickly, looking for anything that screamed Traveler.
And that’s when he saw a body.
It was curled up in a ball on the floor, pressed into the wall. The person had a head full of dark curls that seemed wet and was wearing clothes that also looked like they were drenched. They also looked perfect for the time of a boy in 1930s Germany.
“Hello?” Alex called softly, “Are you conscious?”
Slowly, slowly, the boy lifted his head. His face was bruised and bloody, but his eyes held an all-knowing look Alex had only seen in very old Travelers. 
“Alex,” he said, his voice something so familiar that it was shocking to know that he had never heard it before. He took a step back. It was never a good sign for a stranger to know your name.
“Do I know you?” Alex said authoritatively.
The boy, as beaten and battered as he was, smiled.
“Not yet.”
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broomballkraken · 5 years
Title: Excuses, Excuses, Chapter 3: Adrenaline Rush
Fandom: Pokemon Sword/Shield
Pairing: Milo/Nessa
Word count: 2366
Warnings: None
Summary: Excuse #3: Nessa’s Adrenaline Rush. After watching Milo’s matches against two outstanding Gym Challengers, Nessa intends to meet Milo for lunch. When he doesn’t show up, she sets out to find him, but soon finds herself in a rather precarious situation.
With the Gym Challenge well underway, Nessa couldn’t afford to be away from Hulbury for extended periods of time. Eager trainers could come barging into her gym at any time, but that fact could not keep her from making the trip to Turffield to watch Milo’s matches against the new trainers endorsed by the current champion of Galar. She had visited Milo before to watch his matches - and he did the same for hers - but when she heard that these two trainers in particular had finally made it to Turffield, she made sure that her schedule was kept clear so that she could see them in action.
Leon’s brother had won his match rather handily, and his friend had followed suit in the very next challenge. Nessa was excited at the prospect of fighting them herself. She was eager to talk to Milo about the trainers when they met up for lunch, like they always did after his matches...if he would just show up already.
“Ugh, where is he?” Nessa grumbled to herself, checking her phone yet again to see if Milo had responded to her message. Her eyebrows scrunched up as she frowned, her eyes boring into the unread ‘Where are you?’ text she had sent him 20 minutes ago. She was waiting for him outside the entrance to the stadium. Had she really missed him leaving? Or was he still in the locker rooms? She was about to go back inside and ask if someone saw him leave, but she was stopped when someone called her name.
“Hey, Ness! Good to see you!”
Turning around, Nessa smiled when she saw Sonia walking towards her. It had been awhile since they’d seen each other, and she did miss hanging out with her best friend.
“Were you watching the matches too? Those new trainers really are something, aren’t they?” Sonia said when she pulled away after giving Nessa a hug.
“Oh yeah, I can’t wait to battle them myself.”
“I’ll have to make sure to make it to Hulbury to see that match!”
“You better!”
Nessa smirked and crossed her arms over her chest as Sonia giggled, and a curious look suddenly crossed her face.
“So what are you still doing here?” she asked, and Nessa shrugged.
“I’m waiting for Milo. We’re supposed to get lunch, but he’s taking a really long time to get here.” Nessa said, and a sly grin appeared on Sonia’s face.
“Oh? Is this a date?” she asked, and Nessa sputtered, her face heating up considerably.
“W-What? No way! We’re just friends.” Nessa quickly protested, shaking her hands in front of her.
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Sonia said, snickering when Nessa just huffed and looked away.
“S-Shut up…” Nessa grumbled. Sonia rolled her eyes and threw an arm over Nessa’s shoulder.
“I’m just teasing! I’ve gotta get going though. I need to study up a little more on the geoglyph here. Have fun on your not-date!” Sonia said, waving a hand behind her as she walked off. Nessa glowered at her retreating back, before she groaned and slapped a hand to her face. Sonia did always like to tease her about many things, but this was just too much. Milo was just a friend, nothing more. Sure, he was cute, and funny, and a total sweetheart, and hardworking, and-
“Gah, I need to find him!” Nessa exclaimed, her face flushing red as she shook her head, trying to push these weird thoughts from her mind. She mumbled incoherently to herself as she headed in the direction of the farm that Milo’s family owned; maybe something had come up and he had to rush over there?
Turffield was not a large town, so Nessa found herself approaching the Wooloo farm in no time at all. Something seemed odd though; it was too quiet. Normally she’d be hearing Wooloo bleating at her as she approached, but when she looked over at the fence that they’d normally be pressed up against, she saw nothing. Weird.
Nessa suddenly felt the ground shake beneath her feet, and she blinked as she quickly looked around, confused. She turned to see that the herd of Wooloo that were supposed to be greeting her from behind the fence were now barreling towards her at an alarming pace.
Nessa’s eyes widened as she scrambled to get out of the way, but in her haste her foot caught on a rock and she tumbled to the ground. The herd of Wooloo were almost upon her now, so she just cursed under her breath and covered her head with her arms, bracing for impact.
But the impact never came, as Nessa was suddenly hoisted into the air. She yelped in surprise as a pair of strong arms wrapped securely around her, and she pressed her face against a broad chest and wrapped her arms around her savior's neck. The arms tightened around her as they shook with the impact of the Wooloo crashing into them.
“Nessa, are you okay?” Nessa finally looked up to find Milo gazing down at her, his brow furrowed with concern. Sweat beaded his forehead as he panted heavily, and he winced as the last of the Wooloo bounced off of his legs. Nessa’s heart was hammering hard in her chest as the adrenaline from her ordeal started to wear off, and she could only nod in response.
“Whew! That’s a relief!” Milo said, a beaming smile crossing his face as two barking Yamper ran past them, making sure that all of the Wooloo made it back into their enclosure. “I almost thought I wasn’t gonna make it to you in time!”
“Um, thanks Milo…” Nessa finally managed to say, her lips turning up into a small smile. She then realized that his face was very, very close to her own, and her cheeks flushed a bright red.
“You can, ah, put me down now…” Nessa said, averting her gaze.
“Oh!” Milo gasped, quickly lowering Nessa back to her feet as she let go of his neck, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything!” Milo placed his hands on her arms, looking her over to double check for any injuries. Nessa smiled and waved it off.
“It’s cool. And I’m fine.” she said, shaking her head. The smile fell from her face when she caught a flash of red out of the corner of her eye, and she looked down to see that Milo’s right shin was scraped up and oozing blood.
“I should be worrying about you!” Nessa continued, pursing her lips as she knelt down to examine Milo’s injury.
“Huh? Oh, whoops! I didn’t even realize I was bleeding. Guess I was too busy making sure that you were okay.” Milo said, laughing sheepishly as he rubbed at the back of his neck. Nessa sighed and rolled her eyes, trying to ignore the warm, fuzzy feeling that spread throughout her chest.
“You big dork. Can you walk?”
“Oh yeah! I’m good!” Milo tried to demonstrate by putting pressure on his injured leg, but he suddenly winced and let up as more blood started rolling down his leg.
“You’re a terrible liar.” Nessa pouted as she stood back up, crossing her arms over her chest as Milo scratched at his chin and avoided her heated gaze. “Well, it can’t be helped.” Without giving him time to react, Nessa quickly grabbed Milo’s arm and hoisted him over her shoulders so that she had him in a fireman’s carry.
“N-Ness!” Milo exclaimed, flailing a bit as he gripped at her arm. “You really don’t have to carry me! The house isn’t that far away.”
“You’re gonna bleed too much if you put more pressure on your leg. Just chill for a minute.” Nessa said, shrugging to adjust Milo’s weight as she started walking off towards the house. She wasn’t a strong as he was, but Nessa was no weakling. She spent a good chunk of her free time helping her dad haul his fishing catches to the markets, so she was fairly tough herself.
“U-Um, okay…” Milo mumbled, “I just don’t want you to get hurt-”
“Are you calling me weak?” Nessa glared at Milo out of the corner of her eye, and he blanched.
“No! Never! You’re really strong, I’m just, uh, really bulky and I’d never want to accidentally hurt you and-” Nessa cut him off by laughing.
“I’m just teasing you,” Nessa said, a sly smile crossing her face, “You’re too sweet for your own good sometimes.”
“Ugh, Ness…” Milo grumbled, hiding his reddening face against her arm, “You can be so mean sometimes…”
“Hehe, you still like me, though.”
“Well, yeah!”
Laughter erupted from the both of them as Nessa carried Milo to the house, and she immediately set Milo down on a chair in the kitchen when they were inside. He told her where to find a first-aid kit, and a few minutes later, she had disinfected and wrapped up his shin with a clean bandage.
“There! That should keep you from bleeding out all over the place.” Nessa said as she sat down, and her heart skipped a beat when Milo beamed at her, his eyes sparkling with something that looked like admiration. Nessa tried swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat as she looked away, embarrassed.
“Thanks Ness! You’re the best!” Milo gushed, and Nessa tried to shrug it off, but a smile tugged at her lips anyway.
“It’s no big deal. You got hurt because of me, so it’s only fair that I patched you up.”
“I guess, but I’m still happy that you did so!”
“So, how’d the Wooloo get out this time? I figured something was up when you didn’t meet me right after your match, or respond to my text.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I completely forgot!” Milo said, his eyes widening. He rummaged through his pockets for a moment and sighed, “Shoot, I must have left my phone in the locker room…”
“I got a text from my dad right after the match,” Milo continued, “He and mum were late for the matches, and he must have left the gate open to the Wooloo pen again ‘cause he was in a hurry to get to the stadium.”
“Your dad does that a lot, doesn’t he?” Nessa said, giggling when Milo sighed as he removed his hat and ran a hand through his hair.
“Too much. Usually Otis is there to remember for him, but he walked to the stadium early with me today.”
Nessa nodded, as she understood completely. Otis absolutely adored his older brother, and vise versa. Whenever Nessa came to visit Milo, they were always doing something together, whether it was herding Wooloo, tending to vegetables, or learning the basics of Pokemon training. Nessa thought their relationship was really sweet.
“So, naturally the Wooloo herd got loose, and one of our neighbors called me during my matches and left me a voicemail. I told my parents that I’d take care of it, and I ran off without thinking too much about it. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Milo hung his head, looking guilty.
“It’s fine, Milo.” Nessa said quickly, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Really, I’m just glad that everything’s okay.”
“Still...I feel bad about it.” Milo said, smiling as he placed his hand over the one Nessa still had on his shoulder. “Lunch is on me today to make it up to you, and to thank you for patchin’ me up!”
“C’mon, we’re even now.” Nessa said, the warmth of Milo’s hand over hers causing a smile to cross her face, “You did save me from the dreaded Wooloo stampede.”
“I know, but I still want to treat you! You mean a lot to me, Nessa.” Milo said, and when his green eyes met her blue, Nessa’s heartbeat was sent racing again, almost as fast as it had been when she was trapped in the path of a stampede of Wooloo.
“Milo, I...well, you, um, mean a lot to me too…” Nessa mumbled, stumbling over her words. Why was she getting so flustered all of a sudden? It was perfectly normal to tell a friend that she cared for him. Yes...totally just a friend, nothing more...but why was her heart racing so fast? That never happened when she told Sonia or Kabu or Raihan that she cared about them…
“Um! Lunch, yeah! I’m pretty hungry, let’s go get some food!” Nessa suddenly blurted out, shooting out of her chair and causing Milo to jump, startled.
“Uh, right...Are you okay, Ness?” Milo asked, raising an eyebrow as he also stood up, putting a bit of pressure on his injured leg to make sure he could walk okay.
“Oh yeah!” Nessa said, laughing nervously as she threw her arm over his shoulders, “It’s just, uh, all this excitement has really make me work up an appetite. I just might collapse if I don’t get some food in me soon!” Nessa bit her lip and plastered an unconvincing smile on her face. Milo blinked at her for a moment, before laughing and shaking his head.
“Aw geez, I’m sure you’re not gonna starve! But let’s get going, just in case!” Milo said, taking Nessa’s hand and leading her out of the house. Nessa breathed a sigh of relief, which she quickly covered up by clearing her throat.
“Alright. Oh, and you have to tell me your thoughts on your matches with those trainers that Leon endorsed! I’ll be taking them on next, after all.” Nessa said, grinning as Milo turned to look at her.
“Oh yeah! Well, Leon’s brother was a tough one, he started with Wooloo, so I lead with my…” Milo started, and the rest of their day was filled with strategic discussions and great food. However, Nessa’s heartbeat continued to race within her chest, and she could not figure out exactly why. It was probably just leftover adrenaline from her perilous situation earlier in the day, and had absolutely nothing to do with the man sitting across from her, making her laugh with corny jokes and generously giving advice for her upcoming challenges.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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anon: The artist @franeridart answers all of their asks in one mass post with a read more link so maybe you could try that as well. That way you could answer everyones ask but not spam anyones dash with all of your replys
you genius anon, and you genius artist! I just feel like as of late I have been getting a lot more things in my askbox, and I dont want to overwhelm anyone with spam. so, I will be creating these! unless it’s for y’all thirsty hoes asking for extra parts or whatever from very recent posts, expect this to happen every so often! the rest will be below cut. also first time using photoshop? how’d I do yall??? and also like.... let me know if you like this idea??? if not i’ll just resort to spam :)
oh season four episode one, you may have been a filler, but you made me so happy to watch. honestly ngl, I was pretty surprised when he said kiri, not because he has no potential, but because it seemed like the top 4 from the sports festival, bUT FUCK YEAH KIRI AND TOKOYAMI!!!!! IN A DIFFERENT WORLD IT COULDVE BEEN THEM!!!!!
anon: Makeup smut for villain Deku should be good. 100% tender, no chicken
honestly, my favorite thing at this point is seeing you all crumble in fear if i’ll even give you a happy ending, and tbh idk if it will be for villain!deku >:)
@ohmycolie: So it’s Saturday night and I’m just sitting at home 🤦🏼‍♀️ could you maybe do a scenario where Bakubaby and Kiri decide to bring Kami into their sexcapades and after their little adventure Kiri is like “can we keep him?” 🤤💕
hi bby, while I can imagine something of this sort I am only a “x reader” blog :( so while its good thirst, I won’t be writing anything about it, sorry :( ily tho!
@michealsheep: Honestly is shiggy ended me after an intense nut like that I’d just thank him
honestly, I want shiggy just to end me??? whatta way to go. death by fucking nut.
bigdickkiri: I don’t get ship wars. Why do people wanna be so mean? It’s so easy to not be a part of any a that.if everyone appropriately tagged their posts, blacklisted rags they don’t like and didn’t act bitchy then they wouldn’t be an issue. - bigdickkiri
neither do I honestly. they’re just people looking for drama at this point, and it’s like... come on... you’re 25... stop
bigdickkiri: What a fantastic evening to tell my favourite writers that I adore them and that they're amazing! Look after yourself and have a gorgeous day! ❤️💙❤️💙 - bigdickkiri
I’m literally the worst. but um, I adore you so much, and I think you’re amazing!!!!! its 2am rn, but I can’t sleep anyways
🍒💥anon: Girl, your blog is having a glo up!!! I love it!! So pretty 👌 How are you doing today? Are you taking care of yourself? *sending good vibes and virtual hugs your way* -🍒💥
teehee, thank you for noticing!!!!!! i’m not 100% happy with it rn, but I haven’t had the time to get it perfect!!! wait a few more weeks and when I have actual down time, im fixing it >:) also, I am doing well, a lot of caretaking today! I never take care of myseld! *accepts the good vibes and virtual hugs because I am touch starved*
anon: I'm part of the protect uraraka squad!!! ♡
me too boo! you wanna fight me on my mochi loving girl meet me on the corner of my fists and in your faCE!!!!! (is this considered cyberbullying?)
this was in regard to my fic “because of you” which I posted because I was in a crying mood. HAHAHAHAHA YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO FEEL SAD I WINNNNNNNN
@joyfullydawn: I just wanted to say you're heccin' amazing??? The fact you named that roommate one "And they were roommates" I just--yes. This is more than ok. This is excellent. Please keep being awesome aaaa
and they were roommates was the first series I had, and the thing I did in celebration for 100 followers.... jesus that feels so long ago and not in fact less than two months ago!!!!!!!!!!! maybe I should reblog my old works so you newer lovely followers can read them!!!!!
anon: would u ever do a part 2 to under the mistletoe with aizawa? its so sad and i just want them to be HAPPY
I am planning on doing it!!!!! it’s in my requests, so no worriesssss ;)
hermana anon: hermana that todo angst 🥺🥺you’re literally the best angst writer jdjdbd
okay but for real do I write actually good angst??? asking for a friend..... and HGAIGHJIAORGHUOG THAKN YOU FOR THAT COMPLIMENT!!!! PLEASE RECOMMEND ME ANGST FICS BECAUSE I LOVE CRYINGGGG
🍒✨ anon: this has literally nothing to do with anything that’s on your account right now but do you think that dabi sends shoto happy birthday messages? i like to think he does because even if he’s a villain, he still lowkey care about his siblings - 🍒✨
this was from a very long ass time ago, and im sorry I never responded to you sparkle cherry anon, but I definitely do believe that he sends birthday cards. with his baby bro’s increase in his fangirl club, he now is unafraid to send shouto a card. its always the only one that catches shouto’s attention when he goes through them because they’re weirdly personal. shouto, being a smart yet dense idiot, believes its someone in the class pranking him.
~ I won’t be posting these messages, but they were from awhile ago when I was hitting a rough patch with my insecurity as a writer and my ability to give my all to you. there are many of you, 19 messages in total, where you told me why you loved my writing. I never responded to them because they make me cry even now looking back at them. to each and every anon, I thank you for saying those kind words. to @saladsharkz, @thecryingsombra, @olivenight17, @shutupwylow, @expressyourstarstruckrebel, and @awkward-theaterkid thank you as well. there is another non anon, but they asked not to be revealed. thank you so sososo much.
~ I will not be posting these as well, because again, drama from awhile ago. but this was in regard to the anon who did not like the kinklist I had created for kinktober. while now I think I am doing a pretty damn good job, and no one has said otherwise, to the 2 anons, @connors-my-boy, and bigdickkiri, thank you for fighting an anon that was never your responsibility to take <3
@w0w-s0-3dgy: u make me uwu so much🥺❤️ I LOVE YOUR PAGE BABE I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL!
anon: You followed me and idk if it was just to be nice or if you want to be friends or what hdhakanskenebdhsiq
im starting to follow back people that make me happy. it’s been awhile since ive been on a followspree, but I follow you back when i see kind messages from you, when I see that you’ve liked so many of my horrible posts, when you reblog my things with the most amazing tags. I follow you because I want to be your friend, you’re always welcomed to be my friend!!! hell you can literally be like “bitch listen to this” and never once having spoken to me I will respond with “give me the fucking chisme my queen”
anon: *gives u an encouraging and comforting yeehaw*
now.... now I can conquer the world, thank you
anon: Hi! I love the way you're writing things for kinktober, and I'd personally love if you could reblog what you're writing multiple times because I'm at uni most of the day so I miss out on a lot. Pd. I absolutely adore your writing! Please keep up ❤
heathers anon: Its the anon who sent the Dabi heather au. I send it because i know your popular and a lot of popular blogs check your blogs. And I honestly struggle with other blogs because they ignored most of my asks.
teehee, I appreciate you thinking im a popular blog and that other popular blogs check mine, but thats not true!!! sorry for never responding back, but i’m sure they’re not meaning to ignore you on purpose. there’s just so much happening things get buried!
@sinnaminsvga : we're both alyssa so it's really interesting to see the nicknames u use bc i see you use lyssa and i got the nickname ari and i think that's pretty neat how we both have the same name but wildly different nicknames
it don’t matter, we be alyssa twinsies!!!!!!!!!!
anon: I was just going through your master list, cause I’m in a stunning mood and why not make a good mood better? and I saw bakugous “sickness and that word I can’t spell” got hella happy for a sec CAUSE YES THAT WAS SO ADORABLE AND I LOVED IT. Then I remembered the heart shattering angst that came with Todos side. So like. Ily but you a meanie.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA WE LOVE SUFFERING!!!!!! I just... really have a thing for angst it seems... don’t tell my followers though, im in denial over it...
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horansqueen · 6 years
sugardaddy!niall: maybe u two have been together for awhile and he owns this company and you come to see him while he’s at work simply bc you missed him and he ends up fucking you on his desk
you request i shall write. lol seriously tho i got two asks about this so i had to write it haha! idk if its really “sugar daddy” like but its the request i got :) sooo here it is. i didnt proofread, im tired and shit. ill check that tomorrow. 2.8k SMUT.
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It was the fourth evening in a row that Niall rain-checked on me.  I knew he was busy and I normally didn't insist to spend time with him, but I felt a bit neglected and I couldn't lie. I left the food I had ordered for us on the counter without even taking the time to put it in the fridge, knowing i'd probably end up eating it every evening by myself.
I grabbed a sweater quickly, hitting redial on my cellphone for the second time tonight as I walked quickly to my car. The night was warm enough for late spring but I liked keeping the windows of my car open when I drive. I groaned when it immediately reached voicemail and sat in my car, dialing an other number. It rang twice, three times, and I cursed as I started the car, putting my seat belt on. I recognized the voice immediately and licked my lips.
"Hey Cindy, it's Y/N, could you please put me in communication with my husband?"
There was a moment of hesitation on the line and she cleared her throat.
"It's good to hear from you Mrs Horan, unfortunately Mr Horan asked not to be disturbed."
I grimaced and shut my eyes tight before inhaling deeply.
"I tried reaching his cellphone but he turned it off and it's very, very important, Cindy."
It was not a complete lie but it wasn’t the truth either. I missed him, and that was important, right? I asked him a million times to tell his secretary that I was an exception to that rule but most of the time, he forgot. I couldn't blame him, he had tons of things to think about, I just wished I was in his top five.
We got married a long time ago, almost right after high school, and it's only a few years later that he decided to start his company. It was not easy at first, and there were weeks we barely survived but suddenly, things started to get better and now, we had more money we'd ever need for this lifetime, and even the next one. I would give all of it to spend every evening with him, though, but that I would never tell him.
"I'm very sorry Mrs Horan, I can't." she apologized, making me grimace again. "But as soon as I see him, I will tell him you called."
I knew it was not polite but I just sighed and hung up on her. I was getting mad that I was not getting a special treatment that wives should always get and I threw my phone on the passenger's seat in frustration.
The ride to Niall's work was short and the cool but pleasant breeze brought me back a part of my good mood. I had no idea how i'd convince Cindy to let me get to his office and I thought about it during the whole elevator ride. When the doors opened with a 'ding', I got out of my thoughts and looked up. I walked right in front of me without stopping at her desk and when she noticed me, she quickly jumped off her seat and ran after me.
"Mrs Horan, Mrs Horan I'm very sorry but like I said."
I reached Niall's door and swung it open, leaving the three of us completely motionless. Cindy's eyes got as round as two quarters and her face expressed fear but while she almost peed her pants, my lips curled when I saw my husband.
He was sitting on his desk, his phone in hands, but he had stopped mid-sentence when the door opened. After a few seconds, his face seemed to illuminate and he smiled back at me, bringing the bottom of the phone near his lips again.
"I'm gonna have to call you back." he stated, followed by a few seconds of silence. "Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow."
He hung up the phone, still staring at me, and it made me smile even more.
"I'm sorry Mister Horan, I tried to stop her but-"
"Thank you, Cindy." he cut her, his eyes never leaving me. "You can close the door behind you."
I rolled my eyes and chuckled, waiting for his secretary to do as she was told, and took a few steps closer, wrapping my arms quickly around his neck.
"I missed you too much."
"Did you?" he asked, sending me a smirk while his arms slithered around my waist, pulling me closer. "I sent you flowers though, and a note."
Once again, I chuckled.
"I got them. The house is filled with flowers. And empty of you." I argued. "When there's too many flowers, it means you haven't been home in a while."
I watched his nose raise in a grimace and slipped one of my hands in his hair. I knew he felt guilty, and that was not what I wanted. I just wanted him to spend  time with me.
"I'm sorry, petal."
I shivered at the nickname and tilted my head, my eyes roaming on his face.
"Next time you come home don't be surprised if I hit you with a pan." I joked, shrugging. "I haven't seen you there in so long I may not recognize you at all."
He laughed and pulled me closer, his lips pressing softly against mine. My eyes fluttered close and I sighed low, feeling happiness fill my whole body. The fact that I was still so in love after so long was not even surprising to me. He was perfect. Well, when he was there.
"I miss you too, petal." he whispered, deepening the kiss as he pushed my body more against him.
I brought my hands to his cheeks, cupping his face, kissing him harder and deeper, letting out a short whimper. He swallowed it and groaned, his lips reaching my jaw and brushing down to my neck.
"We could have done this at home." I pointed out in a murmur, making him move away slightly to look in my eyes.
"But would it be as exciting?"
I laughed, shaking my head as I stared at him.
"What are you saying? Do you plan on fucking me here?"
His smile turned into a smirk and it made my heart jump in my chest. I was waiting for him to laugh and admit he was kidding but he just grabbed the bottom of my sweater and pulled it off, letting it fall next to his desk. I felt like I should have dressed better but he still studied me attentively, his eyes moving down on my shirt and jeans.
"Oh I do."
I licked my lips and waited a few seconds before bringing my hands to his tie, loosening it a bit. I bit my bottom lip and tilted my head as I started working on the buttons of his shirt.
"Do you know how hot you look wearing that?" I asked, my eyes following my fingers as it reached the last button. "You're always hot but the suit is just on an other level."
"Is it?" he wondered, making me nod. "Do you know what's my favorite outfit on you?"
I shook my head, bringing my eyes back up into his as I ran my hands on his chest gently, my fingertips brushing against his skin. I was starting to be turned on and I had to admit that doing this in his office was exciting. It was not what I came here for, but I would definitely not decline the proposition.
"I love when you wear absolutely nothing."
I felt my lips curl into a large smile and licked them slowly.
"That can be arranged." I laughed, making him grin again.
I took my shirt off as he worked on my jeans and when I stepped out of them, I stood almost naked in front of him. His hands reached for my waist and slid up to my breasts. He let out a low groan as his thumbs rubbed against my nipples and I tried to forget about the throbbing between my legs.
"I love when you don't wear a bra, petal."
My lips parted and I unbuttoned his pants quickly, dropping to my knees. His fingers brushed on my cheeks and I brought his pants and boxers down before looking up. I smiled at his tie clearly pointing me to his half-erected cock and I wrapped both my hands around it. Bringing my face closer, I started sucking on his head, my hands working on him slowly.
"Fuck, pet, don't be a tease."
I smiled, one of my hands moving to his balls as I took him deeper. I felt his cock swell on my tongue and moaned low, making him groan. He looked down at me, grabbing his tie and throwing it over his shoulder to see me better. His fingers slipped in my hair and he gripped it hard, holding my head in place as he thrust slightly in my mouth. I felt the tip of his dick reach the back of my throat and gagged a bit, making him smile. He pulled on my hair, making his cock slip out and my head move back, bending down to me and crushing his lips against mine.
"Get up."
I obeyed immediately and he pushed me against his desk, bending closer to me. His lips once again ended on my neck and he nibbled gently on my skin as he pushed the stuff on his desk. His papers and documents fell on the floor with a surprising noise and I held my breath, turning around to see a cup of cold coffee and his computer were the only things left close to me. He grabbed my waist and helped me sit on the warm wood of his desk, pulling on my panties a bit roughly. I squirmed to help him and he threw them away, instantly moving down to press his lips between my legs. Once again, I inhaled deeply and held my breath as he avidly ran his tongue on my pussy. I held myself on my elbows to take a look at him, bringing my feet on the desk, opening my legs even more to give him a better access. I tried hoping for no one to walk in without knocking but all I could focus on was how his lips wrapped perfectly around my clit. He sucked on it hard and one of my legs started shaking as I did my best to keep my moans low. His tongue slipped inside me and he groaned against me, bringing me even closer to an orgasm.
I gripped his hair hard and pulled on it. His eyes met mine as he sucked on my pussy again and I bit my bottom lip so hard I almost hurt myself.
"Please, Niall, fuck me."
My voice was low but pleasing and when he got up, I lied down on his desk, my messy hair spread around my head and grabbed his shirt, pulling him on top of me. I whimpered against his mouth when I felt his hard cock press on my pussy. His tip slipped inside me easily as I kissed him harder and deeper. He held himself over me, his forearms on each side of my face, and pushed himself slowly inside me while I wrapped my legs around him.
"Oh my god, Niall, I can't believe you're fucking me here." I whispered, making him chuckle against my mouth.
"Do you know how many times I thought about this?"
His words made me shiver and i closed my eyes as he pulled his head away slightly, moving his hips to go in and out of me extremely slowly. I whimpered every single time he was completely inside me and he finally bent down again to grab my upper lip between his, sucking on it gently.
"You feel so fucking amazing, petal." he murmured. "I'm so in love with you."
It didn't matter how many times he said that, and it didn't matter how many times we had sex, it always felt as special as the first time.
"I'm in love with you too." I breathed, grinning back when he sends me a fond smile.
He moved back up to stand, his hands fondling my thighs before he started fucking me harder. I felt myself jerk with each thrust and my heart jumped in my chest when I noticed his eyes roaming on my body.
"Do you know how much I love watching your tits move while I fuck you?" he admitted in a low tone, putting his hands on my knees and holding them, spreading my legs to go deeper. "It makes me want to cum inside you."
I nibbled on my bottom lip and brought both my hands to my breasts, grabbing them harder and moaning low.
"Fuck, you're perfect."
He took a step back and let go of my knees. I grimaced slightly when I felt his cock slip out of me completely and he helped me up, kissing me some more. His dick spread my own wetness on my lower stomach as he pulled me closer, pushing his body against mine and after a few minutes, he gently turned me around and pushed on my back. I bent down, my chest pressing on the desk and held my breath when I felt his hand hit one of my ass cheeks gently the first time and then much harder. With his free hand, he hit my other cheek with his cock a few times, the sound bringing the perfect image of it in my head. I wiggled a bit and he chuckled, gripping my ass with both hands and spreading it a bit, positioning his dick before pushing himself inside me again.
"Oh god," I moaned, feeling myself throb around him.
A knock at the door was heard and we both held out breaths and stopped moving. He bent down, his chest against my back as his hand pressed firmly on my mouth.
"I'm busy, come back later." he almost yelled after clearing his throat.
"But Mister Wilson is on the phone, and he says it's urgent."
"Tell him I'll call him back." he argued again.
"But he-"
"Cindy." he expressed harshly. "I'm busy."
We waited until the sound of her high heels disappeared and he let go of my mouth, making me lick my lips.
"She said it was urgent." I pointed out, a bit mad that I was unable to see his face.
However, I could feel him breathe, his chest moving against my back, and I knew his heart was beating as hard and as fast as mine.
"The real emergency here is to make my beautiful wife cum."
I chuckled, feeling his lips on my shoulder, and ground my ass against him. I closed my eyes, feeling his cock go deeper inside me and he groaned against my skin, his arm wrapping around me to reach between my legs. He started fucking me again, slowly and then quicker, while rubbing my clit in motion with his thrusts.
"Oh fuck, Niall, I'm gonna cum."
I shut my eyes tighter and pushed myself against him more, fucking myself harder on his dick, his fingers following my rhythm.
"Do it, I want to feel you cum around my cock."
I held my breath as I started shaking against him, my fingers trying to grip something and my nails scraping on the wood of his desk.
"Fuck, I'm cumming!"
I tried not to be too loud and he kept rubbing me and fucking me through my orgasm.
"I fucking love watching you cum."
When I stopped quivering and got down from my high, he let go of me to grip my waist and fuck me harder, trying to reach his peak too. It only took a few seconds and he took a step back, slipping out of me. I felt the tip of his cock brush over and over on my ass as he jerked himself until he came, spurting on me.
"Jesus Christ, you're so hot."
Unexpectedly, he pushed his still hard cock inside me again, fucking me and cumming inside me. He pulled out, breathing through his teeth while his hands ran on my back. We were both a panting mess and he finally bent over against my back again.
"Mm, I just came here to beg you to come home." I admitted in a low tone. "But I got more than I thought I'd get."
Niall laughed, trailing kisses on my shoulders, making goosebumps appear on my back, his lips pressing on my salty skin.
"You should have called." he whispered, his mouth brushing against me.
"I tried but your cellphone is off and your secretary said you didn't want to be disturbed."
"She should know you never ever bother me." he let out, his hands caressing gently my waist and down my thighs.
"You should tell her that."
"Trust me, I will." he promised. "As long as you visit more often."
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benhardyisdaddy · 6 years
What A Time - Part 2
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(so i know this part isn’t long at all and im sorry!!!! but im gonna make a pt 3 to this OBVI i cant leave ya’ll in suspense lol but i hope u like it ALSO ik roger really isn’t in this part but the next part he will be OKAY B YEEE)
Word Count: 1,327
Seeing Roger that evening for the first time in what feels like forever, was hard. Seeing Roger that evening with her was even harder. The way her arm perfectly intertwined with his. The way she looks so beautiful standing next to him. How she looked like she just fit in that spot to his side. Like it was made for her. It made you sick how perfect they looked together. Made you more sick how pathetic you probably looked. The way his sad eyes watched you like he knew why you were upset. And she had to watch it!
You quickly pull your car over to the side of the road. Your thoughts are too much at this point, you can’t focus anymore. You put it into park and quickly cover your face and sob. You lean your head back as your whole body shakes. Suddenly anger fills you and your punching the steering wheel. You hit it hard and fast. You let out a scream and hit it once more. Your heart is racing as you take deep breaths. What could she have that you don’t? What made her so much better than you? Was it like a game to him? No. He loved her. But he also loves you, so how does that work? It doesn’t work. He was just saying that to not hurt your feelings. You lean your head back once more and let out a loud moan. You look into your rear view mirror and let out a breath. You look ridiculous. You quickly wipe your eyes and fix your makeup. You apply some more lip gloss and once more, begin driving.
You didn’t want to go home. You didn’t want to so sulk in your loneliness by yourself and be reminded that you’re alone. You stifle a yawn and quickly know what you need to do. You need coffee. You drive a few miles more when you take a right. You continue until your favorite cafe appears. It’s not busy tonight, just a few cars in the lot. You pull in and park. You look at yourself once mirror in the mirror and make sure it’s not completely obvious that you just had a mental breakdown ten minutes ago. You get out of your car and walk to the door. You swing them open and are instantly greeted by a delicious aroma of coffee beans and desserts. A woman at the counter greets you with a smile.
“Hi! What can I get for you today?” she asks. You return a smile and quickly order your drink. She asks for your name and whisks away to make it for you. You hold your purse close to you as you slowly turn to look around. It’s been forever since you’ve been in this little cafe. Rog and you use to come here all the time. Your face falls at that memory. Don’t think of him. You look to your left and there’s a little table with three guys sitting at it. One man in particular, that’s facing you, keeps staring. You catch his eye and he smiles. You smile back and quickly look away. He was very good looking. Dark hair, dark eyes, the complete opposite of Roger.
The lady walks up with your drink and you thank her. You make your way to the opposite side of the cafe and sit at a table in front of the window. You look out and sip your drink. You’re lost in thought when suddenly someone clears their throat. You turn your head and the man from across the room was now standing at your side. He smiles and takes in a deep breath.
“Hi, I’m sorry. I never do this, but I’m Max.” he says, extending his arm to you. You smile and shake his hand.
“I’m y/n.” you say.
He smiles and shifts his feet. You can tell he’s nervous.
“Y/n, may I?” he asks, looking to the empty chair in front of you. You smile and nod your head. He quickly pulls it back and sits down.
“When I saw you walk in, I just knew I had to talk to you.” he says, quietly. You feel your cheeks get hot as you smile and look down.
“I’m probably coming off really strong, and I apologize for that. I don’t ever do...this.” he says, waving his hand between the two of you.
“Don’t apologize. I’m just happy you didn’t cat call me from across the room.”
His eyes open wide as the two of you laugh.
“So,” you start. “Are you a doctor?” you ask, looking at his uniform. He looks down and smiles.
“Oh, no! I’m an EMT. I’m on call all night, so we’re just grabbing some coffee before we’re ordered out again.”
You grin and nod. Something about this guy intrigued you. The way he looks at you makes your knees feel weak. The two of you talk for awhile about anything and everything. You learn that he’s a middle child of three and that he loves cars and music. For just meeting Max, he was so easy to talk to. It was nice. Feeling like you were actually wanted for the first time in forever. You look down at your phone and realize the time. You had to be up early for work.
“It was so nice meeting you, Max.” you say, as the two of you stand up.
He rubs the back of his neck and nervously smiles.
“It was so nice meeting you, y/n. Do you think I could get your n-”
“Yes.” you say. He lets out a breath he was holding and smiles as he grabs his phone. You quickly put in your number and hand it back to him. You both say goodbye as you walk to the cafes doors.
“Drive safe.” he says to you. You turn around and smile.
“You too, Max.” 
You walk outside and to your car. Your heart is beating so fast. You lean your head back and bite your lip. Maybe he’ll call you. You hope he’ll call you. You could talk to him for hours. That was the first time since your breakup that you haven’t thought about Roger. Your smile partly falls when you think of him. You shake your head and quickly think of Max again. You start your car and begin driving. You can’t stop smiling. You reach over and turn on the radio and blare it. You sing along to the song when all of a sudden your phone goes off. You look over to it hoping it was Max calling. You grab your phone from the seat and look down.
Your heart almost stops. Roger’s calling you? Why? You come to a stop light and slow down. You stare at your phone and feel almost nauseous. What could he possibly want? He’s probably pitying you. You did leave the party a mess. Your phone stops ringing. You let out a breath, only to hold it again when he calls back. The stop light turns green and you start to drive. You shake your head and look at the phone once more. You know what, you’re going to answer. You didn’t care anymore. What the hell could he want? You reach down to grab.
You didn’t see it coming. You had the green light, they had red. Everything around you goes black. The only sound you hear is metal twisting around metal.They had hit your side. It felt like slow motion. The truck was going so fast, that when they hit you, it had sent your car flipping over and landing upside down. When they say your life flashes before your eyes during near death experiences, they’re right. Roger filled your head the whole time. All you could see was his face. All you could think of was him, because to you,
Roger was your life.
Tag List: @seven-seas-of-hi @ramimalekrp-roleplayerpage @mautand @har-rison-s @rogermeddowstayl0r @bacardihardy
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inlovewithmcu · 6 years
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Steve looked at Bucky knowingly. That's not the only thing you're a slut for, Steve thought. He smirked and decided to tell bucky just to see what he'll do. Bucky's ears turns red and he smack Steve on his arm which Steve only laughed about. Sam turned to them and asked "what's so funny?" Only for Steve to stop and looked at Bucky who in return gave him the 'don't you fucking dare or I'll kill you' glare. He looked back at sam smiled and said, "Sorry I can't tell you, my hands are tied." Sam looked over at Bucky for answers,but Bucky only averted his eyes away from him. Sam saw his ears were a little red,but didn't say anything. He just wanted to get back to bed.
Sam looked at the list in his hand and headed for the next aisle. He looked and found it them: Coco puffs, FruitLoops, and Cheerios all lined up beside one another. Except, they were all on the top shelf and pushed back. Sam groaned, this was just what he needed a delay in his time getting home. He looked at the guys and said, "Alright here's what we gonna do. Steve get on Bucky's shoulders and grab the coco puffs, Cheerios and the fruit loops. I'll be here... to... keep you guys steady." Steve said," Or we could rock paper scissors and the loser has to get it themselves." Sam rolled his eyes but got ready to play.
"I know you guys cheated, so come and help me." Sam said as he tried to get the cereals. He's been trying to get the cereals for 5minutes now and it's been hilarious. Steve recorded him a little with tears in his eyes and posted it to Facebook. While Bucky thought this was so bad for his heart watching Sam's shirt roll up and seeing his lower back muscles and his smooth,soft looking skin. Bucky thought about cuddling him, both of them shirtless sneaking kisses while watching a movie.... "Bucky! Hello! Are you listening to me?" "Huh?" Sam rolled his eyes "I said, can you give me a boost." "Oh yeah, sure!" Bucky put his hands together and squatted allowing Sam to place his foot in his hand and hoist him up. Life is so cruel, why me to torture today why! Bucky thought as his face was really close to Sam's ass.
Bucky gulped and heard Steve snickering. Steve was taking a picture while trying not to laugh at his best friend's struggles and sent them to the team making sure not to send it to Sam. Sam got the cereals and thanked Bucky. "Alright the last things we need is...toilet paper and we are outta here!" As they walked Bucky stared at Sam's ass until Steve bumped him with his arm.
When they got in the car, Steve announced he had forgot to get something and went back inside. A few minutes ago, Steve walked beside Bucky holding some grocceries while Sam was ahead of them with groceries too. "U need to tell him, Sam will never know unless you do and if you think about it, you're keeping yourself from being in a relastionship by not at least trying to start it." So here he was sitting in the back seat while Sam was in the driver seat scrolling through ticktok. "Haha! Buck sit up here and look at this man. Come on hurry up." Bucky got in the front and looked at the video and laughed along with Sam. While Sam continued to scroll where Bucky could still see the screen, he couldn't help but focus on sams cute, smiling face. Sam looked at Barnes and smiled which made Bucky's heart stop beating. "Why are you starting at me Barnes? I know is it because I'm such a masterpiece right? Haha." Bucky's ears turned red, "W-well, I mean yeah you are wilson." Sam looked at barnes shocked that he agreed with him. Usually he will say something smartassy.
"Well ,ya know, you are very handsome and you have a contagious smile. A Heart-lifting laugh and a amazing, stubborn personality. And I can say more,but I'll be here for days naming everything that makes me swoon over you. I guess, I'm trying to say, I have a crush on you, wilson." Bucky didn't look at Sam while saying this, but got out of the car as soon as he confessed. He propped himself on the trunk of the car and waited for steve while telling himself he's such an idiot he's gonna hate me now why did I say that God please send a lightning bolt and strike me. He felt so embarrassed, he didn't mean to confess! When he saw Steve come out of the grocery store, he saw Steve's smile turn into a frown of concern. When he reached the car, Bucky told him he confessed to sam and got into the backseat again. Steve didn't think Bucky would actually tell him while they were shopping, but it is what it is.
The car ride home was extremely awkward and quiet. Steve looked back at Bucky and saw Bucky was completely red face. He was trying his absolute best to hide it with his coat by scrunching up into it. When they arrived at the tower and got into the elevator with the groceries Sam told buck that he wanted to talk to him and to meet him on the roof. Bucky looked over at steve and Steve looked at him and shrugged. They got off and headed to the kitchen, after a few minutes, they had put everything away. Sam walked out heading to the roof and Bucky followed.
Bucky climbed the stairs slowly and tried to will himself to calm his racing heart. When he got there, Sam was sitting down on a bench facing the city. Bucky closed his eyes took a deep breath and walked toward him.He sat down on the bench looking at the city. For awhile they didn't say anything, they just watched the city hustle and bustle below them. It was calming and the awkwardness was drowned out by horns and sirens. Sam opened his mouth slowly as if trying to find the right words before he spoke. "How long have you like me in a.... romantic way?" Bucky cleared his throat trying to get the lump out. "A few months, it started when you was drunk and kissed me at the New Years Eve party." Sam looked at him then. "i don't remember kissing anyone?" Bucky rolled his eyes,"Of course not, you was so drunk every 10 minutes you would say happy New Year and kiss whoever is closes to you on the cheek." He chuckled and Sam chuckled too knowing he has done that in the past.
"I was sitting at the bar" bucky said."talking to Steve when u sat down beside me and leaned on me heavily. I tried to tell you to I'll help you to your room. When I had gotten your arm around my shoulder, the ball dropped and everyone screamed happy New year! Poppers and cheering filled the air. I told you happy New year and you stopped walking and grabbed my face and smashed our lips together. I was shocked, my heart was racing and you just stood there smiling at me and slured happy New year and stumbled to your room. Ever since then I've... I just seen you in a different way. I'm sorry I'm making you uncomfortable. We can pretend this never happened an-." Sam grabbed his metal hand which made Bucky stop talking. The words hitched in his throat; Bucky looked at Sam in his eyes and waited for him to say something. "You'll have to go slow with me I'm not use to dating a guy." Sam smiled sheepishly and Bucky scooted a little closer to sam holding his hand while he continued. " In the car... I thought about what you said and I started thinking well you are a chill and loving guy, a sweet, stubborn, handsome, gentlemen. When I thought of being with you, I didn't feel.... ashamed. So if you want, we can start slowly in this relationship." Bucky had a huge smile on his face " We can go as slow as you like.... Can I call you sweetheart or babe?" Yeah..babe." hearing Sam say that Bucky melts and he realized he is so whipped for this man. Sam lifted there intertwined hand and kissed Bucky's metal hand. He shyly smiled at buck and Bucky only beamed at him and kissed his hand in return which made Sam's heart skip a beat. They stayed up there talking and when they got up and walked down to the living room. By now, Sam knew that everyone knew buck had confessed to him. So there was no reason in hiding their relationship.
The team sat their looking at their intertwined hands and congratulated them on getting together."About time, I got tired of Bucky telling me how hot you look today" Steve said. "Now he can stop daydreaming, hallelujah." said Clint. Natasha said amen. The team chuckled and Bucky stood there with a red face still holding Sam's hand."We are going slow right now." Sam looked at Bucky and smiled showing him he's happy with the decision they made. Bucky smiled back I can mark off my new years resolution he thought.
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