#I KNOW that
occudo · 10 months
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'Sorry, Elias. I can't hear you. There's – a door in the way.'
or when in doubt, do a Leyendecker study (JC leyendecker "Childhood Thanksgiving,"November 26, 1927)
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 3 months
There is something deeply fucked about goyische anti-Zionists expecting Jews to modify all our rituals and remove certain aspects of it (such as “Next Year in Jerusalem” or “Am Yisrael Chai”), simply because any reminder of our ties to Eretz Yisrael makes them uncomfortable. Sorry, but if we’re only welcome when we allow goyim full freedom to steal and gate-keep whatever parts of our culture they want, then that’s not acceptance, that’s cultural erasure and appropriation.
It’s almost, dare I say it, colonialist.
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mswyrr · 3 months
All the nonsense "Rhaenicent is dead!" and "rhaenicent is queerbaiting" comments really send me.
Lol the Queen in Chains era is coming, what are you on??? That shit is going to be so good. As a woman of taste, I am gagging for Alicent on her knees before Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne.
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And this quote from the book 👇. If they change this to Rhaenyra, in keeping with who Alicent read to as a girl on the TV show... 💔
“I want to see my sons again,” [Alicent] told her septa, “and Helaena, my sweet girl, oh…and [Rhaenyra]. I will read to [her], as I did when I was little. [She] used to say I had a lovely voice."
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I'm not looking forward to them getting together for a happily ever after or something, the concept of "end game" makes no sense in such a tragic story. I'm looking forward to the soul destroying angst. Don't tell me I'm being queerbaited when I know exactly what I'm signing up for and just hope the subtext is good and beautifully written and performed.
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pixiemage · 7 months
Holy crap I completely forgot I attempted to download the entire Unus Annus channel right before it got deleted. I just found an old hard drive in my desk I forgot I even had, and like - dude. I have no idea how many videos are on here but it HAS to be in the triple digits, including thumbnails. This is friggin' insane.
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iwaasfairy · 6 months
incel gojo. PLEASE elaborate.
no bc he would never be involuntarily maidenless sadly bUT JUST FOLLOW ME HERE
incel gojo! who’s struggling through the loss of his most important people. really he’s not reaching out to anyone and rotting in his feelings, and he gets snappy and mean and incredibly demanding so no one wants to be around him — and that makes him mad. but then you’re just so nice to him for no reason, maybe you work in the one store he manages to drag himself out of the house to
and he gets so infatuated w you that it’s instantly unhealthy. incel gojo who’s convinced that you love him, that every pass he makes at you is received, and who doesn’t get why you get so nervous and overly smiley when he gets touchy feely or waits for you after work hours. do you know how many people would kill to be in your shoes? how many shallow useless women wanna be you?
he just doesn’t understand why you don’t accept him when he tries to kiss you. he’s just so !! crazy about you! and he wants to touch you and kiss you and have you in his bed screaming out his name,,, and really, he deserves it for you making him wait this long doesn’t he
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owl-bones · 2 months
I mean, in defense of people who are hesitant about trusting fae dream... he did turn someone into an exotic pet before.
that didn't actually happen, that was just a drabble i developed and people asked for elaboration on sldfjlsfjs. it's technically a non-canon event, it's just on the blog and tagged and all that because it's still a (hypothetical) part of the story and there's some characterisation stuff in there. but the MC wasn't his pet, they were just a bird for the deal to work. he still treated them like a member of his court.
and i get where people are coming from, but if you're hesitant about trusting Dream you should extend that hesitancy to all the fae. especially Nightmare. between the two of them Nightmare is far more likely to trick you into a deal that you don't like, or that causes you to lose something of importance. it's just that nobody's asked about anything like that, so all they've seen is Dream being the poster-child for fae shenanigans lskdfjlsdsljfkd
like. Blue is the 'nicest' fae out of all of them when it comes to avoiding deals and giving humans leeway and helping them out, but that doesn't make Dream the worst (that'd be Killer)
tricks and wordplay are a major part of fae stories, and to ignore them completely to sanitise the characters and make them more approachable is disingenuous. Dream's a nice, friendly guy, yes, but he's still a fae and will trick you. Nightmare is cold and aloof but fair, and he will also trick you. Dream's not the bad guy, there is no bad guy, that is just their nature ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧
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a-timely-problem · 2 months
overheard at the BAU
Emily: "Music is great. It calms you down, it makes you happy, it covers the screams of annoying neighbours, it's a fantastic hobby, it's creative..."
JJ: "...honey, we talked about this "
Emily, turning towards Derek: "I am apparently not allowed to make murder jokes anymore."
JJ: "Tell him why that is."
Emily: "...The police showed up at our apartment and thought I was a serial killer."
JJ: "And what did you say to them?"
Emily, looking at the ground: "That they could look in our kitchen and find all of the breakfast cereal to be happy and alive..."
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remusjohnslupin · 5 months
Hey guys, guess what?
I gave birth to a beautiful baby three days ago and I finally have a few seconds to breathe and distract myself by scrolling on my phone to see what's up in here.
Some of you who knew it was happening sent me messages and I promise, I will answer each and every one of your messages in time. Ngl, this birth was way more difficult than what I went through with my previous two children. But my baby is fine, I am fine, and we are settling back in our home.
And I want to thank everyone who sent their prayers and best wishes during this time ❤️
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marauders-brain-rot · 22 days
Spent the last 3 hours drawing this, inspired by this post
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It isn’t the best, I know, and don’t look at James’s hands too closely but I thought it was cute anyways (this was also my first attempt at drawing fan art ever)
But, here is James taking Regulus to Disney world for the first time. James was absolutely so excited and made Reg wear all the ears and do every possible thing while they were there and take every picture in every photo spot
(Also, this is why I write things instead of draw things, I draw and draw and draw and after nearly 4 hours I still don’t feel like it’s anywhere near being good enough but when I write? I go for hours on end and end up with something that’s a mix between beautiful and okay)
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torinotspring · 1 month
Finally drew the silly! Credits to @torisaysstuff for references and whatnot, literally our son so..
(I'm not good at drawing, I'm not claiming to be good at drawing, I just wanted to post some frogdens so that's what I'll do)
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I loved this, this was like one of my favorite things I've done. I love my son :3
tags : @charlies-corner22 @sleepy-vix @se4weed-brain13 @ch4rliespringg @keiskeylog @suesheretoo @torispringslemonad3
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sophsicle · 5 months
Soph I love you but Taylor Swift does not “make herself the victim” there’s so much valid shit that has happened to her for us to feel that way about her, which most of her fans honestly don’t even see her as - granted there as some obnoxious ones but that goes for all fandoms.
Like for example of the experiences I was talking about.
- being sexually assaulted and then being called “greedy” for suing the guy.
- being painted as a “snake” because she didn’t react well to someone writing a misogynistic song about it. Which I feel like is a valid reaction as a woman in entertainment.
- being groomed at 19 by a 30+ something year old.
- getting called a snake worldwide for a narrative that 2 people - who were more famous than her at the time invented.
- being bodyshamed constantly when she had an eating disorder
Yes she’s privileged and has always been, coming from money and having fame, but she does not portray herself as the “victim” and the fact that people think she does just for standing up for herself makes me sad, not because of her but because being a woman myself it just paints the picture that women’s pain or experiences will always be brushed under the rug because we’re classified as “dramatic” and “we should take it with more grace” “be thankful about the good things” like??
I understand that you don’t like her but that assessment just seems wrong.
like i just. you realize you're proving my point right? like this - not just this message, but all of the ones i've gotten where people are waxing poetic about all of the struggles taylor swift has had and how she is absolutely a victim and how dare i suggest otherwise - is exactly what i'm talking about. you feel the need to jump down the throat of anyone who says anything remotely negative about her. this is the whole "victim" narrative, that she is vulnerable and must be protected and defended from all negativity at all times at all costs.
and like. that is on purpose. she has cultivated that narrative for this reason. so that publications are now afraid to post reviews of her albums with bylines because their journalists are getting death threats if they criticize her.
i am not suggesting that taylor swift has never had anything bad ever happen to her. that would be insane. i am trying to say that this culture that has been cultivated within her fanbase of defending and protecting her, is extreme and irrational. and when you don't buy into it, it makes a lot of the content surrounding taylor swift very hard to swallow.
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For weeks there has been an orange on one of the traffic devider island my bus on the way home drives by
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Like. Weeks 4 or 5 weeks of this orange just laying there not seeming to rot
Well you might ask whats its doing there but i think its naranja business
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 10 months
Let me apologize in advance for being super fucking depressing.
On the one hand, I’m so, so glad that some of the hostages were released. I’m so grateful they’re safe and home. But on the other hand… I also know that those kids who were kidnapped will never be the same again. It will stay with them their entire lives, and they will never fully get over that trauma (I don’t even want to think about the kids still being held). I experienced 1/1000th of what they went through and I am still dealing with the extreme traumatic effect it had on me. So I know—I know—how all of them must be feeling right now. I know how those weeks must have felt as a captive, ripped away and isolated from their security, put into the hands of complete strangers and abusers. And to still see so many apathetic or outright justifying what was done to them… I really don’t have the words to describe how furious I am. How sorrowful I am. I really, really don’t.
Especially because I know that if they hadn’t been Jewish, more people might have cared.
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The funny thing about Snotlout in the shows is that as one of the dragon riders he's seen as less competent.
(Altough the people in comparison are Hiccup with the last night fury in existence, the overcompetent at everything Astrid, and Fishlegs with his high knowledge of everything. So It is pretty stupid to compare them like that especially when Snotlout is flying on a freaking flaming death machine that is one of the biggest dragons as well.)
BUT the moment he is fighting against other people without Hookfang he is usually kicking ass (exceptions are like Alvin or Ryker themself) like nothing else. Be it hand on hand, with traps or improvised weapons, next to Astrid he's definitely the best fighter of the group.
No hate against Hookfang, cause I love Hookfang and Snotlout as a duo, but a lot of times they dismiss Snotlout just cause he's not as good or naturally talented at training dragons as the others (again, flying a literal monstrous nightmare). So maybe they should've just give him more time to shine without him in front of others. Cause whenever he did get this moments to shine it was usually without anyone or just one person watching.
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catofoldstones · 1 year
I love how in every chapter since asos sansa and arya both say “I’m a woman grown” or “I’m 11, a woman now” or “I’m a woman flowered”. Like you’re both severe minors, haven’t even broken the eggshells of the eggs from which you’re yet to hatch 😭😭 calm down there, buckos
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vesperione · 10 months
Feast Or Famine
Joey Richter as Wilbur Cross.
The Wiggly reveal during Made In America
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