nulltune · 2 years
oh are we loving on lynn?? you're stupendously kind and accepting, plus the way you do things around here is *chef's kiss* I've never seen a negative thing come from you (It could have happened, but I've never seen it) and you're just a wholesome ray of sunshine i want to protect forever.
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GDKCHSJCHSHXB PLSSS YOU'RE BEING WAY TOO KIND TO ME HERE!!!! 🥺🥺 u callin me all this while u leave me da sweetest message ever... tysm!!!! PLS DO PROTECT ME FOREVER- because that would mean i get to be by ur side forever 😳💖 /i proceed 2 get slapped GSJFHSKFJSGJD OK BUT U NEED TO KNIW THAT I APPRECIATE U!!!!! i feel like we've been mutuals for a long time.. so i have such a soft spot 4 emma 💖 AND UR VIVIAN AS WELL (AND ANDDD I AM VVV EXCITED TO SEE YOUR MULTI IN ACTION TOO OFC ❤️❤️) also me typing this makes me realize i So need to throw hakuno ic @ u more often smh..... BUT UNTIL THEN KNOW THAT I AM ALWAYS STARING RESPECTFULLY!!! CLAPPIN LIKE A SEAL!!!!
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whirliko · 7 months
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🧸 ilo set 🧸
there's just not enough clothes for infants so i decided to take matters into my own hands and recolored a bunch of items in fun colors and patterns - 15 items and 31 files in total 🌞
everything is base game compatible
custom cas and swatch thumbnails
most items come in both solids and patterns, some even have fun colorblock swatches 🧃
i used a few patterns from this set by @pluto-sims and a graphic from @woosteru's graphics folder
some ea infant bottoms have an overlapping texture issue on the waistband - therefore my recolors do also. you won't be able to see it if you put a top on your infant, as that will go over the waistband
thanks to my beloved @cookiesandcrumbs for fixing an issue with one of the meshes 💕
DOWNLOAD INDEX - (mediafire, no ads)
for those having issues with the download links in the index: here is a direct link to the zip file of all 31 items 🧡
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man I love pokemon
Decided to find out what’s up with these two and they’re so stupid I love it
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gothoffspring · 4 months
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Hey y'all! I've really felt like making more cc lately, but I'm determined to upload some more of my completed recolors before I hop into any new projects. Here we have two summer themed recolors, a dress and a jumpsuit! Details, credits and download links below the cut.
These are recolors of @joliebean's jungle dress and @akalukery's plunge halter jumpsuit. Mesh is included thanks to the original creators generous tou's, but I recommend you check out and download the originals as well.
the dress has 15 swatches and the jumpsuit has 12, various summer themed patterns for both.
Both have custom thumbnails for the first swatch.
You can see an unedited in-game photo of some more swatches right here.
these definitely aren't perfect recolors, but honestly I think they work just fine and I liked how they ended up so I figured I'd share.
P.S sorry that i'm never going to use any other preview style for CAS cc, it's just too easy to use this template and I do not have the energy to do proper previews anymore especially if i'm going to be uploading a bunch of stuff, which i plan to!
thank you to joliebean and akalukery for their generous tou's and for the original meshes.
Patterns found via freepik, vecteezy, spoonflower, maybe a few from colourlovers/google. All credit goes to the original creators for their lovely patterns!
@mmfinds @alwaysfreecc
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n3rdy247 · 7 months
can i just get a john dory x female reader! headcanons!
john dory met while crashing the wedding and immediately started to flirt with dispite just meeting her. 🫣
girl be so fr OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!
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Okay, so, you know the whole 'watching a cute, romantic ass wedding' plans everyone had for today? Just...watching two bergens have a nice, uninterrupted marriage?
well fuck those plans. ★ Starting off the bat, when he was literally parkouring his way down that building which just happened to be the MOMENT he noticed you from the crowd, he couldn't help but throw a wink your way right after (even though he had his goggles on, that stupid mf) which led to him face-planting to the floor because his ass was NOT paying attention to stick the landing. YIKES. ★ He also DOES notice when you are at the edge of your seat to hear what the hell is going on. Apparently, he was Branch's brother (figures since both are fine ash, MUST be in the genetics), he was in a band, and his other hot brother was in danger?
remember the wedding? yeah me neither atp
★ He can't help but steal occasional glances at you when the others talk, and when he does, his smile almost seems to widen, even if it's just for a split second. He just saw you, yet look at you go! Making him all giddy and shit inside 🤭 ★ And whenever Poppy and Branch turn their backs to discuss the whole situation, you just KNOW he would be smirking at you with a smug-ass grin, trying to strike up a conversation. Keyword? TRYING.
"Soo...come here often?" lord almighty sir THIS IS A WEDDING.
"Damn, I could really go out for some fresh air right now, because I think you took my breath away." SIR WE ARE OUTSIDE WHAT
Needless to say, this man does NOT know how to strike up a convo.
★ If you do end up getting flustered about his horrendous pick-up lines somehow, he will be so fucking proud of himself for getting a reaction out of you, and WILL keep going at it. What a charmer. (Unless you are uncomfortable with that of course, he might not know how to talk to people, but he has human (troll???) decency.) ★ I'm talking him leaning slightly closer to you with half-lidded eyes, a huge smirk plastered on his face as his voice gets lower and lower, though internally I feel like he'd be going 'LET'S FUCKING GOOOO I STILL GOT IT' since he would be a bit unsure if he was doing well in the first place. It's probably been years since he had any sort of interaction with anyone other than Rhonda so it's understandable. ★ Not to mention BROZONE. MY GOD. If you know about his band? NICE! If you don't know anything about it? NICE! Either way, this man will absolutely brag about it to you. Even if it has been AT LEAST 20 YEARS. He will absolutely talk about 'the good old days' as if it was just yesterday. Bro would probably talk about how he wrote the hits "Girl Baby Baby" and "Baby Baby Girl" on the same day. ★And who knows? Maybe at the end of the wedding when sadly he has to go to save his brother with Branch and Poppy, you'll end up getting a way to contact him after the whole thing ends. You will see him sooner than you think, that's for sure though!
(please keep in mind this is the first time I've written any serious headcanons like these and not just stuff like 'he would be a great hugger' or 'he was a 7.5-inch haver 🤯🤯🤯')
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earthmoonz · 1 month
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future! maxlena when they finally get their shit together!
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toiletphotoshoot · 4 months
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goatskickin · 29 days
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now that's what i call a dramatic before&after the corner bits kind of suck and i need to change the handles but look - an armoire you might use
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fcb-mv33 · 3 months
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Still not over them🥲💙
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goldengrecha · 2 months
Let's talk about Maxie and Archie.
They're live in my brain rent free right now. I can't.
I can't stop thinking about how they're just.. Almost like created for each other. It's incredible. And it's makes my head ache so hard but like slash pos.
I love them. I love how they're the trope about Red Dude and Blue Dude, but at the same time 1) in manga it's the classic: the red one is more chaotic, while blue one is calm and collected, but 2) then there is oras. And now it's red dude is being collected and cool (but he is such a dork sometimes! Look at him! He is on a verge of breakdown) and blue one being emotional and lively
I love how oras just walks in and makes THEM. That's the one of rare pokemon games when the choose of your game version is actually MAKES DIFFERENCE more than just some exclusively pokemon and etc. You play Omega Ruby, and you're being like, woah, Maxie, dude, what the fuck. Dude what the fuck. And here is Archie, who first to realize their final goals are bullshit, and tries to stop Maxie from the fatal error. But then, out of curiosity, you're playing Alpha Sapphire. And it's slaps differently. Now, everything is opposite. And you're sitting here like woah almost entire plot is DIFFERENT. Like, okay, the «bones» of the plot is the same - but «meat», the insides of plot is different. It tastes different. It vibes different.
I love how oras makes them rethink everything. Oras makes them realize that their both positions are correct - just like everything in the Hoenn lives in harmony and balance, their positions can live together, and only in balance between them lies truth.
I think it's hits hard, because Hoenn is the region of duality and balance - different pokemon that makes duos, you're exploring water deeps just like you're walking on ground, even the double battles are first encountered in Hoenn. And then you have two seperate evil teams, and they're represents different things that IS IN Hoenn in balance. Of course it will hit hard when their leaders realizes that their conflict was silly and ridiculous. Of course it will hit hard when they're, two different men, will come to understand that everything here is living in harmony, and they're not exception.
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It's hits hard already in Omega Ruby - this gentle feeling, the «coexistence», the «I suppose you may be right», after all that time they spend in conflict between each other. Perfect. (Maxie is just being a bit of tsundere lol)
But I think it hits even harder in Alpha Sapphire.
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Because in Alpha Sapphire, Archie just straight forwardly agrees with Maxie - and i think it's something really beautiful. As if it is the point where they're finally ends their conflict and accept each other as they are.
Fucking perfect. Perfect.
(I'm also absolutely in love with this small bits of them calling each other by their names. I feel so much warmth and gentleness in these «Archie.. » and «Maxie..»)
And then there is manga. God fucking DAMN IT here is manga.
I love how they're interacting in the beginning - evil teams, different goals, etc etc.
But then something happens.
And this is the beginning of the end.
They're cooperate for a moment.
It's so fucking funny in retrospective - imagine best person in your life it's the man, which was your enemy once? It's so fucking funny. They're cooperate for moment - and then it hits them both. They're work perfectly together.
«We joined forces once, and we were successful»
It's an important quote for them in manga, I'm sure of it. It's important thing which will hit different once we will be in oras part of manga. It's an important thing for them, because it's the moment, when them, two enemies, realize, that they're work so fucking perfectly together.
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And then, in ORAS, here is the moment when this quote hits again - again, it was perfect and good for them, when they're worked together. Again, their cooperation makes best results for both of them.
(Also, can we talk about how in ORAS manga they're talking to each other as if they're was partners all their lifes? As if they're best friends for all of their lifes? As if they're old married couple??? God fucking damn it. Holy shit.)
(And how in «that» world two of them became one? How them, the villains of arc and region which are build up on balance, duality and coexistence, fusion in one thing, while the beginning they was opposing each other? Isn't it funny? Isnt it fucking slaps reader's mind? Holy fucking shit.)
But manga doesn't calm down.
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I don't have words for it.
Remember all these pieces with «join forces»? Here. It's the moment when it hits harder than anything anything else.
Imagine dying, and asking this. And it's even worse with that Archie doesn't even finish his sentence - but Maxie understand him without it. And OF COURSE he is going to agree. Because how he can not, when their bond became so strong? How Maxie can say «no» to this question, after everything?
It hits so hard. It hits so hard. They're get through such a chaotic path of life, and now, dying, they're both agree on one thing - that if they're will alive again some day, they need to work together again. They want to work together again.
It's such a beautiful thing. It's so different from the first join forces quote. It's just so... Wow. It's such a funny thing that the duo of enemies in the end becames the most powerful duo with such deep connection to each other. As if it was meant to be this way from the beginning. They're so fucking loving. They're funny. They're sad. They're so.. I don't know. Gentle? Caring? I don't have WORDS for these two. Holy shit
That's so fucking much going on for just «some villains for that GBA game with colorful pets lol»
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serpentgoat · 2 months
So, during my replay of pokemon alpha sapphire , I sort of picked up on this...enemies to lovers potential between Maxie and Archie. And that lead me to search for fanfics and that ultimately pulled me down the rabbit hole of hardenshipping. And , I am OBSESSESd AUGH.
Seriously, how'd I go from the dungeon crawler fear and hunger to two cartoony ass gay people?? Either way, here are some drawings I made
Also, there's this fanfic called The Devil and the Dead Sea and its sequel Icarus and the Blistering Sun written by @silverjirachi on Ao3, AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH SO I'VE MADE SOME FANART FOR IT AS WELL
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buglaur · 11 months
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she's live
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now you can see what everyones height is in my head because i refuse to download height sliders. look at ass <3
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max-lipschitz · 1 month
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Even more starkid memes!!
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gothoffspring · 9 months
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When you both want to be a witch and a fairy, respectively. Happy simblreen from the free spirits + novella!
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simphic · 10 months
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Family time ft Afi & Sina (1/2)
Morning yoga interrupted by Muva for some quality time.. well yes!I love how Sina just popped up and had Yas working hard.
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foxgirlmoth · 4 months
Actually I'm deleting the app. Peace out Tumblr, its been a hell of a decade.
Cohost, Bluesky, twitter, Steam, Twitch, and Discord are all: Windfaemaiden
Might be all lowercase on Discord, and thats the best place to reach me. After that I might be on Cohost, my Twitter is a bit dead, and bluesky is. Eh. Talk to me on steam if you wanna game.
My alt accounts here are Windfaemaiden for my art blog, and my alt blog which is 18+ is mothgirlmilk.
I might check desktop tumblr in a while but this place has become too hostile and its just painful. I met the love of my life here by talking about Metroid. I love this girl so much and the place we met has been so actively hostile I just can't be here any more and it sucks so much. I get sentimental about so many things and I'm crying over losing the place I met my wife. Fuck.
I'm gonna miss a lot of you, if we ever even exchanged a reply or dm or ask or two, I would love to hear from you in the future. If this place gets better I might even be back, who knows. So many of you have become friends and people in my circle who I love to learn about.
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