xynczachrome · 5 months
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@raishifts dtiys go brrr
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rainofthetwilight · 1 year
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a lazy pixal in celebration of her being mentioned in the dr pt2 scene lego released 💫
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zebaji · 2 months
au where I mix up all of the Ninja's powers and backstories into a slushie mess and see what happens.
So far I have:
Wu gets bitten by the Great Devourer and becomes super manipulative and toxic, as he tries to make Ninjago perfect, neat, and orderly with the Golden weapons. (Think lord business from the lego movie) Too bad he refuses to use his Oni side to obtain four arms to use them together.
Garmadon still trains under Chen and practices the Dark arts, but understands the balance of good and evil, and is filled with guilt over the fact that Wu got bitten when it should have been him. Wu, who doesn't like that Garmadon leans into "evil" practices and banishes him to the underworld.
The Green Ninja is Morro, who is biologically Wu’s son. (yeah, you thought canon morro was bad, this morro is so much worse since he's literally the weapon in making Ninjago in Wu's image) His personality is pretty much the same as canon (perfectionist, obsessive, crazy) it's just that he is in fact the Green Ninja and Wu enables him a lot.
Before everyone figures out that Morro is the Green Ninja, they think it might be Kai, who is the brother of Maya and has the power of Wind. He's Morro's replacement in this au, in the sense that he is also desperate to become the Green Ninja by whatever means necessary, and Wu pits Morro and Kai in a rivalry to see who becomes the Green Ninja. And Morro, who cannot fail his father, becomes violent and kills Kai. Kai isn't great in this au either and ends up in the cursed realm and later becomes a ghost.
Misako sees how problematic Wu is and after Garmadon gets banished, she runs away with baby Lloyd and tries to take Morro too, but Wu freaks out and thinks she tried to kidnap Morro so that she could use the Green Ninja's power for her own gain and he kills her to "save Morro," and thinks he kills Lloyd too.
Lloyd's actually fine, and just grows up at Darkley's until he gets adopted by the Royal Family, much to his dismay, and becomes the Quiet One who is willing to punch a dude to get his dad back. Because he doesn't have his powers, he relies a lot on his dragon and Oni heritage.
Nya is the only child of Ray and Maya, and when they disappear, Chen finds and adopts her, and she becomes the sister of Skylor. Despite having the element of fire, she relies heavily on mechs, and loves to invent, letting her sister use her powers while she designs Chen’s button chair.
Pixal is Ninja of Ice and still was created by Cyrus Borg, so Zane is still in the Birchwood Forest, forgotten and stuck there until Lloyd finds him and offers him a place in the cult group he’s starting.
Cole's dad dies, and while he tries to honor his dad's dancing legacy, he still inherits his powers and is forced to become a ninja. He's still a popular entertainer and pretty well known in Ninjago as such, and he really doesn't want to be a Ninja full-time and is only doing it because he's scared of what Wu will do to his loved ones. I do not know what power he should get and I am open to ideas.
Jay was raised as Cliff Gordon's son and so he's wealthy but he is also extremely talented in robotics. He and Cyrus Borg collaborate a lot and is best friends with Pixal. He does not have powers and tries to help Cole get out of the team. Honestly, I have no idea about Jay either.
Harumi releases the Serpentine after her parent sends her to a boarding school and forget about her. She does not want to be forgotten, and in a rage over it, discovers she can control Lightning.
Morro finds her and takes her in, reassuring her that there is a place for her on his team.
The team consists of Morro, Ash, Cole, Pixal, and now Harumi, all trained under Wu.
And then Lord Garmadon crawls out of the Underworld, eyes glowing purple and with four arms, demanding to see his son, and everyone starts to panic because they are pretty sure Lloyd is dead.
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 3 months
Hey in you villian au I had a few questions about Kai if you don't mind.
First you talked about kai and him being a cult leader, whats the gist of that, something similar to chen? A death cult, a fire worshiping soceity, a volcano conclave?
And secondly, whats his relationship with his sister, ambivilance, getting along in the 'Oh lets go on a pilaging and raid together thats sounds like top tier sibling fun' sort of way or a bipolar could be fun or could be fatal depending on the way the wind blows kinda way?
Finaly (and sorry for being long winded) you talked about his main thread / power came from societal manipulations, is this more cloak and dagers or populism / manipulation, the steel in the dark vs the gilded spider web so to speak?
PS fun au, realy cool designs my favourts are probaly kai pixal and jay, all just fab :)
Disclaimer: long ass ramble about my Villain AU.
so many questions today, not that I'm complaining! I love to talk about my aus. Kai's an interesting one too.
Kai's cult doesn't actually have a big base or anything, at least not in it's fully developed form. It's not ironed out but, I have the thought that the basis is that by joining the cult, you protect yourself from the end of the world snake of fire (definitely not it's actual name lol). By joining, you get into it's good graces, it won't eat you when it returns to Ninjago. By worshiping Kai, who presents himself kind of like a human-form of the snake, you fully ensure your safety. It's a complete lie of course but by the time the AU officially starts, it been over 200 years since canon, so it's had a long time to marinate. That's another thing, because of that time span the cult is huge. Functions more like a society than a small-time cult. Whole generations of families have been born into the cult, it's really soaked into the population. One thing I like to think about how you could walk into a random, harmless looking town and be completely unaware it's cult territory. That everyone in it is a member. I like to call them snake-dens (also what they're called in story).
(also note: since you mentioned Chen, Kai's cult does actually have similar snake imagery if that isn't clear lol.)
As for Nya, well, that's kind of complicated. See, Nya isn't a villain in the same way Kai is. Most of the art I've posted about her have been of her post-reformation design. Essentially within the two centuries since sea-bound, she'd developed into a sea monster. More akin to a destructive force of nature than a traditional villain like Kai. A lot of her destructive stemmed from anger, people abusing and polluting the ocean. Namely, Zane's kingdom would throw a lot of oil, trash, and broken/old tech into the ocean before an event where Sea-Nya had thrown it all back over the walls of the kingdom down onto it through a huge wave (hugely destructive, had a death count, just plain disgusting). Sorry for the ramble about her but I thought some context would be important lol.
So, Kai and Nya didn't actually talk like at all during those two centuries. Pre-seabound but post ToE their relationship was -- very bad. Nya was very, very angry at Kai for leaving them behind and becoming so awful. They never resolved that before Seabound. Kai felt guilt about that, what happened to her and that he never went to fight for hr or save her. But he never changed, so how bad he really felt is -- up to interpretation. it's a big part of why he and Jay fight/fought so much. After Nya had returned to (mostly) human, their relationship is interesting. Nya kind of hates him but it's -- muted. She can't stand the person he's become, how he threw everything away and never changed. That he had a real choice when she didn't and he used it to be -- a violent, cruel cult leader. When he comes around, she doesn't tell him to go away. She thinks he's pathetic. Kai wants his sister back, but he's not willing to change. They're complicated.
I'm going to say it's a 'gilded web' type thing but it also is very shady. He has a lot of connections and is just a plain focal point within the underground crime scene (or overground because this ninjago is really fucked up and dangerous lol, the entire land. ninjago city itself is completely gone). For instance, in Zane's kingdom, up in the ranks an advisors runs a smuggling operation for citizens to 'escape' (before Zane was de-overlorded anyways, after that he opens up the borders). Only about 50% of the time would those citizens actually get out of the city, the other 50% of the time they'd be sold to someone/somewhere or killed. Kai's allies with them (I haven't figured out exactly who that is yet lol). Another ally is Wen Xia (oc talk sorry) who's just a general power. Usually runs a fighting ring(s) but does a bunch of other stuff. Very dangerous and very rich. Kai just has a lot of connections and a strangle-hold on a lot of ninjago. MAN this got LONG. thank you for the questions I love the chance to info dump, haha!
(and TY!! Jay's one of my favorite designs too)
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long-lost-mcguffin · 3 months
biff its still june trust what flavour of lgbt sandwich do each of the ninja eat
my joke answers
zane: it’s/it nonbinary
jay: he/him cishet
kai: she/her cishet
nya: she/they bisexual
cole: he/him cis gay
lloyd: they/them ace and cishet
pixal: they/she nonbinary
srs answer under cut i go into way more detail LOL
-androgynous with a slight masc lean. he doesn’t go for very femme/masc outfits unless the situation calls for it. that’s not to say he dislikes that sort of fashion, it’s just not his thing. he prefers simple clothes with simple designs and fits. he LOVES suits though, they make him feel mature.
-demiromantic heterosexual. very monogamous, politely shuts down all fan attempts to flirt with him. he gushes about pixal every chance he gets in interviews.
-non-binary with heavy masc presentation. realized they weren’t as cishet as they thought they were when he started dating nya. they felt like masculinity was an act they had to put up out of insecurity. over time he got more comfortable with masculinity(with nya’s help). he likes flamboyant clothing and gets a lot of fashion inspiration from vintage magazines.
-bisexual. with the support of nya(before and after their s3 breakup) he started experimenting romantically and sexually. when he started getting semi-famous for tv stuff, they definitely used it to his advantage to get hookups and paid it off with hush money. it fueled their ego in a very hollow way.
-preference for he/him but it’s not that important to him
-is also very nonchalant about his gender, but his fashion style is function over literally everything else. his bright yellow skirt has deeper pockets than his cargo pants? he’ll wear it.
-questioning. considered himself hetero comfortably for a very long time, then after meeting skylor started to think about experimentation. he’s a flirt for the show of it, but actual romance and intimacy makes him VERY shy. dude is hella suppressed.
-always considered herself a very masc tomboy, she looked up to kai a lot during their childhood and sorta subconsciously modeled himself presentation-wise after her older brother. sooner or later he identified as trans-masc and started using t-gel around s7. she’s also very function-oriented in her clothing but the aesthetics are a little higher on the list compared to his brother.
-also considered herself heterosexual for a very long time, but it wasn’t until after zane’s death in s3 that she really questioned his own sexuality. she did car odd-jobs around ninjago city for money and met all varieties of people doing it. eventually settled on pansexual with a preference for masc people.
-trans man. loves his masculinity and being a teddy bear. started crying when he grew in a patchy beard because it was so euphoric. started doing testosterone in secret pre-s1 and got bottom surgery during s7. there was a lot of cake when he got home from the hospital.
-knew from a very young age that he was not straight. wanting to rebel, he started sneaking out with the boys/girls from his dance classes during recital rehearsals. after zane’s death in s3 when he moved to the forest, he started to realize how gay he was being around all the shirtless men.
-all pronouns, no preference.
-intersex, didn’t really give his gender much thought until after s5 when she began feeling SEVERE impostor syndrome and dysphoria after morro’s possession. began a process of “reclaiming” her body by binding her chest for a while(with cole’s help), which then lead to t-shots and top surgery. now identifies as non-binary with a masc lean.
-bisexual with a heavy preference for women. she definitely wrote a few fritz donnegan x reader in their Darkely’s note books. Had a few crushes on some of their fellow students, but never really pursued them for fear of being not evil enough. becoming the green ninja and getting super famous overnight means he got a LOT of fans asking him on dates. after the first 8 failed dates, they stopped being interested in romance until harumi.
-demiromantic pansexual. like his partner, very monogamous and is not interested in anybody else. she experiences aesthetic attraction often and loves fashion as gender expression. gives compliments on outfits as often as he can.
-genderfluid. designed herself a bunch of different outfits while in zane’s mind when she had the time. he wanted to try masculine clothes for a very long time, but was worried zane wouldn’t be attracted/supportive. being samurai x was her avenue to discovering gender fluidity, and after revealing himself as samurai x, came out to zane in private. he supported them full-heartedly and lent her some of his clothes.
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the-ninjago-historian · 9 months
Ninjago Remastered Designs!
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THEY'RE DONE! After months of work!!! They are DOOOOOOOOOOONE. WOOOOOOOOOOO! Lol! Welp, these are my Ninjago designs! Basically, this is my take on the Ninja if they were in a 2d animated cartoon! And yes! I will be drawing more characters. Tumblr butchered the quality, so close ups and design notes are below the cut. They're pretty detailed, so I highly recommend checking them out. Feel free to ask questions about the designs! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ - ✒️🐉
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When designing these outfits, I tried to take inspiration from the ones in the show. And in terms of art style, drew inspiration from early 2000s cartoons, (Action Adventure ones specifically,) Anime inspired shows, and even a hint of traditional Disney animation. And while I designed them with a 2d cartoon in mind, most of the designs would most likely have to be simplified for them to be used in animation. So let's get started!
Kai: Kai was a pretty fun to work with. I actually didn't plan on giving him a sleeveless outfit. But it happened! And I like it! If you'll notice, the flame pattern on his vest mirrors the pattern on his sister Nya's outfit. I thought that would be a cool detail to include. It was inspired by their March of The Oni outfits. I also made sure to include his scar and bandaid. And gave him reddish brown eyes to signify his elemental power. Him and sister I imagine being Brazilian/Taiwanese. So I hope I captured their ethnicity properly. I'm pretty happy with this design. Especially his hair, which was hard to replicate.
Jay: Jay was a hard one for sure. I wasn't too sure how to vamp up his outfit. So I started by giving him some lightning patterns on his Gi. (At least I think that's what it's called?) And I decided to make it look a little baggy and soft. It just seemed to suit him. I tried something a little more form fitting and didn't look right. Also! A fun detail I included was his half the Yin Yang pendent around his neck! And of course Nya has her half. I imagine him having Irish ancestry, so I gave him pale, freckled skin. And gorgeous curly red hair. (As a fellow red head, I'm very proud.) Overall, I think he turned out pretty adorable. And his face is spot on.
Nya: Nya I pretty much got right on the first try! I just had a really clear vision of her in my head. I gave her a grey outfit with bright, vibrant blue details. The pattern on her Gi is inspired by Koi Scales. And she has her half of the Yin Yang pendent around her neck. I really like this one, because while it is simple, it's beautiful. And I think it reflects her element nicely. The only thing I missed was to give her a symbol like the rest. But overall, I love it! One more thing is that I wanted to give her and Pixal different hair. So when I finally release my Pixal design, you'll see that while they both have ponytails, I gave them different cut and styled ones. Should be neat!
Zane: Zane was the first one of the Ninjas I redesigned! I love how he turned out. I tried to give him a splintered ice effect on his outfit inspired by his Core minifigure and gave him his faithful falcon companion. Falcon has his old greyish purple feathers, but blue icy eyes to match his owner. I also wanted to give Zane flowing sleeves, that would look very majestic waving about in a blizzard wind. He is also incredibly tall. Taller than Cole even! I was inspired by the giant humanoid robots I'd seen in movies. In his cloaking disguise, I imagine him looking German. With blond hair, blue eyes, and light skin. I also like to think Dr Julian was German. (Was this influenced by my German ancestry? Who knows?)
Cole: You would not believe how many times I had to redraw this man's face. Haha! I just could find that sweet spot! That face that perfectly encapsulated his strong, but gentle personality. But I think I did it! His outfit is based on his Oni Trilogy Gi, with orange detailing. And he has his Island ponytail and bandana. I absolutely loved that hair style on him. So I had to use it! And if you'll notice, he has a beautiful tattoo on his right arm, with his symbol in the center. I imagine him being half Maori, from his mother's side. And the tattoo was inspired by Maori tattoos I saw pictures of. I'm not too sure how accurate those images were. But hopefully I hit the mark.
Lloyd: Finally! Our green Ninja Lloyd! His outfit was inspired by two things. Dragons, and his outfit from the Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitsu seasons. I gave him a beautiful golden dragon and cloud pattern on his clothes, a leather arm guard, and shoulder pads. If you look closer, you'll also see he has cat-like dragon eyes which pays homage to his dragon and Oni heritage. I like to think that depending on his emotions, his eyes will go from slits, to big and wide. So they are good indicators for his mood. I also imagine him being Japanese. But his powers give him his classic blond hair and green eyes. I'm very happy with this design. His hair, eyes, and face all look exactly how I see him in my head.
Well, that's all. I hope you enjoyed these designs and notes! I assure you, you will see more of the them.
Bye! - ✒️🐉
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Rewatching Ninjago be like-
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I haven't watched Ninjago since I was a kid. I think I dropped off around season 10 but tbh I wasn't nearly as invested after everyone's designs were changed to the Movie designs. I was extremely bitter about that, even if I liked the movie (it was a 7/10 experience for me).
So my younger sister, who has only seen the movie, wanted to watch the series and I wanted to watch with her and finally finish this show since I knew it ended back in like 2022 (I don't know what Dragon's Rising is about).
Currently we are on season 4 and it's been a blast.
Season 1 is honestly better than I remembered it.
Season 2 was good.
Season 3... actually wasn't as good at I remembered it. The ending, Good Garmadon, and Zane/Pixal were the highlights though. (Also... I really doubt that Cole had feelings for Nya. My sister and I both agreed there's no straight explanation for him because didn't really seem to really like Nya in that way.)
And so far Season 4 holds up really well to my memory.
Honestly though the most shocking thing for me was how much I really like Lloyd now. Like as a kid watching it I thought Lloyd was good (Kai was my favourite and he's still great) but now Lloyd is my son and I want to protect him and I just want good things to happen to him and for him to just have a happy life and to have his dad-
Yeah I was shocked about it. I think it really hit me when Lloyd sacrificed his childhood in Season 2 that this sweet summer child needed to be protected.
My sister likes show and she keeps getting shocked about how badly- I mean differently the movie portrayed these characters. Her biggest shock was how much of a good dad Garmadon was and how even as an evil guy he still loved his son.
... She hasn't seen the end of season 4 yet. And I haven't told her about how Garmadon comes back in like Season 8 or 9 as evil. (I remember being extremely bitter and upset that Garmadon didn't remember anything from Seasons 3 and 4.)
But yeah I'm excited for Season 5, my favourite season! Literally Kai and Lloyd's brotherly dynamic means everything to me. Not to mention the Possession season is the reason I love possession tropes (Kai trying to reach Lloyd and Lloyd fighting Morro's control was extremely compelling to me).
My sister knows that Nya becomes the water ninja (it's one of the few things she saw when she actually paid attention to when I watched the show as a kid) and she's not excited. She prefers Nya as Samurai X and that's valid.
But yeah, it'll be interesting to finally get to Sons of Garmadon (was that what the season was called?) And finally watch it from a non-bias PoV instead as an extremely bitter kid.
I've also heard a few spoilers about Lloyd's character gets screwed up in the later seasons, so that's... not great.
But I'll go into it with an open mind.
Edit: What's with this last names on Tumblr? Are they canon?
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luescris · 5 months
Okay. *inhales and claps hands together* I just got done finally catching up on things. Spoilers under the cut. :)
my thoughts. Are ALL over the place right now. I have words do describe how absolutely gobsmacked I am, but don't have a planned way to put everything so bare with me. So with that said.
*jumping up and down on my chair* dragons dragons dragons dragons dragons dragons dragons dragons dragons dragons
So many things about dragons holy shit you guys holy shit. Can I say how absolutely GORGEOUS the two teacher dragon designs are like on god?? I forget their names but the purple one is so freaking gorgeous and the black one. Is so complicated.
Like in general everything about this season just absolutely screams to me anime like. dude??? When they showed the Five in their prison thing??? That was some freaking anime shit right there. Literally had like flashbacks to that one dangerous group in Naruto that had nine people in it but this was five but s t i l l
There were so many shots where I wanted to take screenshots because oh my god they were so pretty but Netflix doesn't allow that (fuck Netflix for that personally) but dude the Fighting too?? The animation and lighting and lore and story building and ho ug h/pos
Also holy shit I'm so glad that Jay isn't being portrayed as hiding from the others so he doesn't have to do his job like I feared he genuinely forgot and that's so sad because Nya misses the love of her life (SHE ACTIVELY CALLS HIM THAT TOO AAAAA) and the fact that Lloyd got panic attacks??? And those visions??? And holy shit Kai???????
The amount of dragon lore we are FINALLY getting is so much and so sudden it's hurting my brain but I am not at all complaining right now this was the level of story telling that I absolutely adore it's so full of stuff and it's a goddamned lego show. Is it just me or did they seriously up the anti after Monkie Kid cuz you guys I can't I just can't/pos
Never expected Bonzel to be important but I'm not complaining. Cole has a boyfriend finally. The fucking. Council of the Source Dragons or whatever hovering over Lloyd like that oh man oh boy
And the reveal that Roz (Rahz??) and his "master" is only doing this just for some kinda tournament they keep loosing against the Source Dragons?? Talk about a whole new level of petty what the hell dawg that's. Kind of a little hilarious even ngl
Dude I can't wait for more I literally can't wait I'm vibrating so hard right now and still have endless questions this could go anywhere
I was legit glued to the screen the entire time I was watching like on the edge of my seat the whole time, I thought things would get worse or something but it was just all so intense
And also where the hell is Wu is he actually dead this time??? Is that his ghost????? And where in the world is Pixal??? Zane misses his gf :(((
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beezabub · 6 months
A small amount of Ninjago rambling about something I realised! Sorry it's so disorganized..
Tl;dr Zane and PIXAL's whereabouts during the season 3-4 timeskip are a mystery, but I think it has something to do with the Mechanic
Bonus theory (which also has notes below the main rambles): The Nindroids are all Pixane children technically
Main theory thing:
The gap between seasons 3 and 4 is a large one.
Jay had a TV show that ran for over 70 episodes and had a Christmas special
We're looking at a minimum of 2 years here for him to A get the show and B film the episodes, realistically bringing this closer to 3 years
We are shown something which we assume to be Zane rebuilding himself in the S3 ending
So why didn't he tell anyone he was alive? And where were him and PIXAL during this three year gap?
How did 2 nindroids with 1 person's fighting experience between them manage to slip completely under the radar for so long? Where did they go?
The Mechanic was arrested at some point before the ninja were and showed a particular interest in (and familiarity with) Zane
This could be explained just by Zane being a Robot and thus naturally interesting to him, but there are a few other factors to consider
The mechanic was already in Cryptarium before we ever meet him so he's kinda a mystery, asides from one little detail
He drives a Chen's noodle truck
He also shows more interest in taking apart Zane than PIXAL, as shown when he doesn't kidnap her while she's incapacitated in Ninjago Confidential...
Perhaps because he has already done so? He already knows how she works so she is of little interest to him
Zane wakes up on Chen's island with no memory, and PIXAL has already been dismantled, but oddly not destroyed entirely... Almost as if she's still being studied
I like the idea that Zane used his own blueprints and so gave himself a memory switch (bad idea) that someone used on him pre-season 4.
For angst reasons this could be PIXAL trying to spare him in the only way she is able - by protecting his memories.
If this is the case? He remembers everything. All 3 years of hiding out together, of being in love, of everything she means to him, being removed entirely from his memory.
And if this was done by PIXAL, then she must feel so sad being the only one to remember, potentially feeling like she can't tell him what he's missing
It's worth noting that their motives are really unclear, as they have money (billionaire Borg) and no need for revenge (it's only season 3 and the Overlord is gone, so there aren't really that many people left) which leaves... Love.
It still doesn't entirely make sense though, because what reasons would Zane and PIXAL have to go completely no contact, not leaving so much as a whisper in the streets of their whereabouts for so long, leaving behind grieving friends and family who assume they are dead.
PIXAL scans Zane and later uses his blueprints to create the Nindroids
She swaps out some of the parts (~50%) so the product is half Zane's design and half her creation
She then makes these things. A lot of them.
I doubt she counted them. Just kept going until they literally ran out of materials (remember Mindroid?)
So technically they had hundreds of children together after literally 1 conversation lmao
Bonus points for is Zane and PIXAL realise this suddenly post season 8 (when it is established she has her own body back) that they literally have So Many Children
Anyway Cryptor isn't Zane's evil twin, he's Zane's Kylo Ren (I don't know shit about Star Wars. Assume this means Evil Son)
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neteyammeowmeow · 8 months
HII kai headcanons if you have any??? i’d love to hear what u think about him
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I headcanon Kai to be Japanese, Malay/Indo (Maya is Japanese/Indo, but Ray is Malay). He looks more Indo-Malay though, Nya's the one that takes more of her mom's genes.
He has BLUE eyes, a contrast to his sister, who has red. No further reason whatsoever to this, just a funny design detail. Another I'd like to bring up is that I actually believe that he'd have short, tied up hair! I don't see him with his canon version, but I'd get to drawing that one day.
This kind of, diverges from canon, but I believe that Nya was kind of the more outgoing sibling compared to Kai. He was always focused as a child, and he wanted to be trustable and determined, he also wishes to keep going and be strong for his little sister - who was unfortunately clumsy, but she always seemed to wander around places. Once they grew up, they became the vice versa of who they were, as Kai gradually felt like he was able to become more laidback with his friends, and family, it was Nya's turn to push herself to face the world.
Um... A bit of a sudden transition, but his favorite food is specifically seafood fried rice, but the funny part is that he actually can't handle spicy food that well (completely ironic due to his SEAsian side)... Jay made fun of him one time like, "Why would you go around saying you're the master of fire, but you can't even take hot stuff?"
Kai's habit is that he likes to snap his fingers and spark fire, he does this when he's bored or subconciously. There's something satisfying with being able to do it.
His body temperature is warmer than the average, this becomes even more prevalent when he's stressed, or angry. Though when he's excited, he also gets the same reaction. But in general, it's always been odd, and it becomes an unfortunate cause when he's sick, because the Ninja find it difficult whether to differentiate if it's just him, or he actually has a fever. But on winter days, everyone just snuggles around him because he's just that warm.
Kai's hands are scorched and burnt, but they are old scars due to his clumsiness when he was still trying to master his element. His hands are also littered with scars due to his experiences blacksmithing.
I actually, REALLY love the fact that Kai blacksmiths, it's something that's barely brought up. I reckon if he were to visit weapon shops or equipments, he'd start judging them off the bat.
Actually, there should he more emphasis on the fact that Kai blacksmiths, he has so much knowledge upon tools and weapons... He must definitely take part in the creation of most of the Ninja's weapons, and maybe he also helps Pixal as she builds certain weaponry too, despite the fact that he knows, she probably knows many things already. Likewise, Pixal is always happy to hear Kai's pieces of knowledge, whether Kai knows it or not, his experiences are naturally not "accessible information" she can just find anywhere, listening to him talk about his trials and errors- they are priceless.
He's a weapon collector too! After a mission is finished, sometimes he'd bring himself a souvenir or two (obviously, they're weapons). He likes to study blades, or the things his foes have used, and he tries to understand their works to be able to improve his own. He doesn't hoard them, but there are times where he finds out he's out of storage to store his findings, so he just piles them up, but he doesn't leave them unorganized for too long because he knows it'll affect the quality.
Have I mentioned that I personally think Kai has adhd, like both him and Nya. In a way. Yeah.
AND... Since u know Neteyammeowmeow habits... Deepseaenergy mentioned! When Benthomaar wanted to ask for blessings from Lloyd's family, the ones he first approached aside from Misako- were Nya and Kai, who were both startled by his actions. Benthomaar brought up how it was Lloyd's words that made him believe they were a genuine part of his family- Benthomaar said that, he understood the significance of how important it truly was to have a sense of belonging, and acceptance, though the start was a rocky journey. There was so much more, but of course at the end of his words, it was unforgettable to remember the confusion upon Benthomaar's expression amidst Nya's amusement, as she comforted an incredibly touched Kai.
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saline-coelacanth · 8 months
What are your thoughts on Pixal? I'd love to hear them :D
Pixal, my queen, the absolute girlboss, I love her so much
To get into more specifics, Pixal is just honestly so cool. Even as a kid seeing her for the first time I loved her (though that was mainly because of her design) I also think making her the new Samurai X was such a perfect decision because I honestly hated when she was stuck inside Zane's head. It just felt like she never got to do anything anymore so I'm so glad they made her Samurai X.
I know I already kinda mentioned it, but Pixal's design is so cool. Peak character design right there. I just like the purple markings she has and her color scheme is so cool (though I wish they would lean more into the purples)
Pixal can do no wrong, there's a reason everyone loves her and that's because if you don't like her you are just factually wrong
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Everything Right/Wrong with Ninjago “Rebooted” E2: The Art of the Silent Fist
Disclaimers: Show owned by LEGO. This is not a professional review/critique - it’s mainly intended for comedy!
Make sure to reblog, comment, and like, and tell me your thoughts!
- Theme ✅
- How convenient for the animators that Wu’s memories are all in third person ❌
- “No robots…” Lloyd forgets that Zane isn’t dead… yet. ❌
- Where did Nya get a green suit for Lloyd? ❌
- “There’s a reason [Wu’s] lived as long as he has.” Yeah, because he’s part of nearly every mythical, immortal creature in the book. There’s so many different forms of magical DNA in this guy that, frankly, I’m surprised he isn’t radioactive ❌
- “You guys go ahead. I will stay back and watch [the blades].” Wow, they didn’t even try to argue with him, huh? The DISRESPECT ❌
- Wait, why does Nya like Cole? We saw that the two were assigned as a perfect match, but we never saw hints of Nya actually liking him and now we’re supposed to believe she’s suddenly in love with both of them? What?? ❌
- “But Cole… Cole is not Jay (positive)…” OOOHHHHHHHHH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Seriously though, this is such an awful line considering Jay is her canon love interest. And don’t say they didn’t know Jaya was gonna be canon because I do not believe there was a second they were actually going to make Cole and Nya a thing ❌
- I’m not even gonna sin them for tweaking Garmadon’s design from the end of last season because this one is objectively better ✅
- “Check out the new Sensei… lookin sharp!” Jay is a Garmadon simp confirmed and I really don’t know if that’s a sin or not anymore
- “SILENCE” *WHACK* Ohoh, I’m gonna like him, aren’t I? ✅
- How did Zane not notice the blades being stolen from in front of him? He clearly wasn’t sleeping, and Pixal later even says she wasn’t built for stealth ❌
- “Pixal? What are you doing?” “Discontinuing an old droid!” D*mn ✅
- Was that even a Pixal scream? It sounded a lot like Nya ❌
- “How about we take her apart to find out!” Jeez Kai calm down. Imagine what the others would say if he wanted to dismember a human ❌
- “Relax, not a weapon!” Then why didn’t they just bring them inside in the first place?!?! ❌
- “These nindroids are so much fas-“ Give me perfectly timed cuts for 400 Alex ✅
- “wouldn’t that mean shutting down Pixal too?” “Don’t tell Zane!” The ninja don’t even seem to consider Pixal as a living entity. They only even take her into account as a reference to Zane, nothing else. You can’t convince me they would be this chill about taking out the power if a human’s life was on the line. Basically what I’m saying is the ninja are racist ❌
- “We are all different, but I do not feel so different around you…”⬇️ ✅
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- “Ever since we left I’ve been worried about [the students].” “Oh, Dareth’s looking after them.” Was that supposed to ease Cole’s worries cuz I’m pretty sure it made them worse ❌
- “Ya know, Cole, you don’t get the credit you deserve. You always put others ahead of yourself! I know the other ninja get all the attention but I just want you to know, you’re a good guy.” This is literally just the writers trying to convince us to care about Cole at a point in which such a small amount of the fandom actually did. I love Cole, I always have, but I think anyone who was in the fandom prior to the Wildbrain era can attest to how ignored he was as a character. This went off on a small rant so to clarify, I’m not sinning this because of how underrated Cole used to be (personally I think that’s more the fandom at the time’s fault than the show itself). I’m sinning this because it felt awkward and forced ❌
- “Don’t tell Jay.” Why? There was nothing inherently romantic about that line, or this situation in general, so what is there to not tell Jay? ❌
- “This is where all of Ninjago gets its power.” Zane mansplains something that even Dareth should be able to determine Pixal already knows ❌
- “I will call you Mindroid!” *angry mindroid noises* Worry not, Mindroid. One day we will join together and seek vengeance against all those who mock us with labels like “fun-sized” and “vertically challenged.” We are living versions of the pocket knife - cleverly concealed until the final moments in which we are revealed to deliver the killing blow.
- “Stupid technology!” Kai said, to the glass case ❌
- “oh who cares about probability!” this is character development… I have absolutely no idea where it came from or how Pixal developed but it sure is there ❌
- How unlucky was Pix that she just happened to land on the ONE laser we’ve seen throughout this entire episode? ❌
- *Mindroid breaks into office* “Great! Now they come in fun-sized!” ✅
- “This is no time for a lesson, Kai!” Actually, the climax generally is the time for the lesson, Jay
- The nindroids might have Storm Trooper aim but that doesn’t make it okay for the ninja to dodge in the worst possible way just to show off ❌
- Lloyd - beloved Green Bean - you’re supposed to cup the water in your hands, sweetie… not just stick your whole face in the pond like you’re bobbing for apples… ❌
- “This is why I took an oath of peace!” Why? So you and your son could get mauled by a giant, robotic dragon?? ❌
- Mindroid dies, and although killing him is 100% sinnable by death, this is actually a sin because he appears unscathed later on multiple times ❌
- Why does it take so long for Pixal to lose power? ❌
- “Your mission was important. I was not. I am to assist; I assisted.” The show never acknowledges how tragic this scene is. Well, it does, but only with Pixane, not Pixal as her own character. We constantly get to see glimpses of Pixal’s insecurities, but rarely see them built on or developed. ❌
- The only source of power for ALL of Ninjago is operated by this one tower and no one thought that was a bad idea ❌
- “We are compatible?” “Yes, yes we are.” ✅
- Look, Pixane is my favorite canon ship, but I still hate the way it happened. It was rushed, under-developed, and just didn’t feel right. ❌
- But also, Pixal only has feelings for Zane once it’s obvious that he feels that way about her so… recipromantic Pixal canon? ✅
Sentence: Mindroid coming for your kneecaps
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So I finished Ninjago and I am literally crying and `am so fucking happy rn cause I loved that stupid cheesy ass ending!
Thoughts in order (do not expect them to be concise):
-I'm sorry but I still won't ship Pixal and Zane I think them having a sibling dynamic is just more fun I'm sorry don't shoot me!
-The writers really said "Giving Cole the hereto love interest we gave everyone else? Nah he's not even gonna TALK to Vania" (who I need to make fan art cause I love her design)
-WHO WAS GONNA TELL ME THE CLOSEST WE GET TO LGBT+ REP IS GARMADON AND HIS NEWS CAMERAMAN BOYFRIEND VINNY (they will get fan art cause I swear Vinny and Garmadon did the crack ship before it was popular)
-They're gonna need so much therapy
-Let them sleep, please.
-The ending was really sweet and I think it wrapped the show up well, I'm kinda sad there's a new show coming out cause it means these characters are gonna be going through more shit (kinda) but I'm also really excited cause more Ninjago you know!
-I'm just gonna hope they take Harumi to a psyche ward or something to help her through some shit cause yo ca NOT tell me she's like 100% yet
-Honestly epilogue HC's coming soon same with fanart cause I still love the show even if they're is none left to watch
-Garmadon still owns my entire heart I love him so much
I'm not dead btw, just dying final tests are happening and shit and I'm literally dying and drowning in work (Gel electrophoresis is a bitch and she's fucking me so hard) I've got less than a month of this shit left till summer break, thank the gods. Anyway yeah hopefully art soon but I could also just deadass die again so???
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weekend-whip · 1 year
Can headcanons 🔫 hand ‘em over
(Jamie babysitter? First words? Accidental surprise powers?)
I was like 'can headcanons gun'??? What??? Is that a meme?? And then I realized
Baby!Camellia HCs GO!
Cam's "birthday" is October 27th! (...which is the day Enter the Aftershock happened. Totally planned on Jesse's part.)
At first she sleeps, like, all the time, to the point that Jesse thinks she's sick or something (she's just extra exhausted from suddenly being spawned into existence). And Cole, always glad to have an excuse for nap, will sprawl out on the couch and cradle her on his chest so she can rest to his heartbeat.
...And then she shifts quickly into nearly never sleeping at all, constantly being fussy and crying, to the point that everyone in the Monastery has to take shifts staying up with her so they all can get some sleep (though Jesse takes on the bulk of these cuz he feels primarily responsible, but no one's actually mad nor minds)
They all then discover she will fall asleep instantly to Cole's Glow Worm song......and wonder if her crying all night is better than enduring Cole's singing. (Jesse can sing her to sleep too, but it takes way longer and you've gotta rock her at the same time)
She gets frightened by unfamiliar things very easily- unrecognizable sounds, new places, different faces, certain sensations (like putting a foot on grass/in water), etc. Lloyd is the one that patiently tries to help her adjust to the overwhelmingness of the world because he knows
She is very grabby, tugging at hair and clothes when and where she can and poking people's faces. She also likes messing with Lloyd's pointy ears (which he'd normally hates, but he can make an exception just this once)
She will steal what she can get her hands on, and will run off giggling with her loot. Cole's vibration tracing helps keep track of her baby crimes, thank the master.
She is obsessed with unicorns. Jay makes the mistake of gifting her a stuffed rainbow plush unicorn that they call 'Corn' and she almost never lets it go and turns into a monster when you try to take it from her.
("MY CORN!! MY CORN!!" "Jay what have you done" "I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE!!!")
Pixal is the one that designs/builds her bedroom, while Zane and Nya fill it with all the much needed supplies. Maybe too many supplies.
Wu is the one that gave her the headband with the pink camellia (he knew what was up)
Kai: ...I personally think she's got enough hair to get The Kai style~ Jesse: I'll kill you :D
Kai's idea of babysitting is taking Cam for rides in the Charger to get her to fall asleep (with Jesse nagging him constantly to not drive like a maniac). At first Cam is intimidated by the car rides, but winds up loving watching the scenery whiz by and enables Kai to go faster (which entirely defeated the point of the car rides in the first place)
"...All right don't tell your dads" *floors it* "WHEEEEEE!"
Nya and especially Jay get baby fever whenever it's their turn to watch, and use Cam for potential future practice. Nya tests out if she'd even like to be a mom...while Jay is up to his arms in notes on parenting snksnksn
Zane is a godsend when she starts teething, constantly making icecubes and freezing stuff over for her to gum on (otherwise she starts gnawing on his and Pixal's colder exteriors instead). He also makes the best homemade babyfood. Jesse tries and fails to not be jealous.
(Cole will also gladly eat the baby food for himself "just to make sure" until Zane smacks him with a spoon)
Lloyd doesn't get many opportunities to babysit (too busy being overly important) but he always gets a little choked up whenever he holds Cam and marvels at her mere existence and he can never fully explain to anyone why.
Jamie is the go-to babysitter when random crises pop up (Or when everyone needs a date night/me time ...or Jesse and Cole just generally spent.)
Jesse: *appears on Jamie's doorstep* *drops Cam in his arms* Jamie: Wha-? Jesse: *collapses on floor* We just need like twenty minutes– Jamie: ...You look like you need a thousand years
Jamie also takes hundreds of photos of this child. Jesse keeps all his on his phone while Cole carries three wallets full of the prints.
Antonia will babysit on short notice if Jamie's not an option, but she'll always drag Nelson into helping her out. Antonia is also the one that teaches Cam how to read, and Nelson likes to fill out coloring books with Cam (even if Cam's "coloring" is just smearing pink across the whole page).
Cam cannot be left for longer than three days at Grandpa Lou's house. She'll come back humming and singing show tunes she doesn't know the words of at the top of her lungs.
Being left with Grandma Caroline means that she comes home with baskets full of food with her (Cole likes leaving her with Grandma for this reason, along with not having his kid obsessed with showtunes)
Cam is only left with Miranda when no other options are available to (which...seems to happen way too often). Miranda doesn't mind babysitting and spending time with her niece but a) she's not really a kid person and b) she's a horrible influence lmfao. Still, she becomes Cam's biggest idol and inspiration (and Jesse is officially convinced that the universe spites him specifically)
Firsts! (And Magic)-
There's bets going around for what her first word would be but nothing could compare Cole and Jesse for the sucker punch that was when "Miwa" started pouring from their baby's mouth
(Miranda won a very hefty 1000 bucks that day, and Jesse still insists she cheated somehow)
(Her second word is "ubican" –unicorn– and Cole throws his arms up in defeat)
Cole attempts to make Cam's first bite of solid food come from a piece of cake. Lloyd loses his mind explaining why that's a terrible idea.
When she firsts learns to wiggle/crawl, Jay play-races her across the floor and lets her win.
Zane is the one present when she stands for the first time and the sheer excitement in his yells prompt the whole building to come running.
Jesse straight up cries in joy when Cam start toddling towards him for the first time (he was bringing her a freshly-washed Corn, but the point remains)
When Cam gets more mobile in general, she will copy Cole in every single thing he does. The way he stands, the faces he makes —even from across the room, if Cole is present, she is mimicking him in some capacity. He casually lifts a table one time while vacuuming and Cam is suddenly convinced she must be strong as well. She is not and learns the hard way.
Due to essentially and quite literally being made of magic, some of Cam's powers manifest even before True Potential, but she can't control them whatsoever.
"...is our daughter burping sparkles? I think she just burped sparkles."
Nya and Pixal rig up video baby monitors in every room on the monastery the first time Cam gets the hiccups and starts warping
Things will start randomly flying around her room in the middle of the night along with loud sounds and flashing lights scaring the absolute life out of everyone—but that's how they learn when she's having a nightmare. ("Why can't she just cry like a normal baby?! It's like something out of Paranormal Activity!" "KAI.")
Jesse is simply playing patty-cake with her and white camellias start popping up out of thin air.
Cam learns that she can shock people whenever she laughs and finds it extremely funny when people yelp in surprise, making her laugh even harder (and shock even harder. Cycle repeats). This does not work on Jay and that makes her pouty.
Don't make her angry. That's when the fireworks appear.
"Cole, where's the baby?" "...You're not gonna believe me, Jess." "...I'm sure whatever ridiculously insane thing it is, I can handle it." "...she sneezed and is now currently floating on the ceiling." "WHAT?!"
She, like Jesse, also cries glitter.
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skrimbloz · 9 months
Heyooo :)
For the ask game: ❤️ and 🎨
Hiyaaaa!! :D
❤️ “What’s your favourite ship?”
I am a basic bitch and my favourite is lava, I mean they just work so WELL yknow? They have very different personalities but when put together are both idiots and I love them for it :3
However recently I’ve also been really liking Nya x Pixal so would say they’re equally #1 atm. It’s cute and there needs to be more content for it :)
🎨 “Do you have an Ninjago OC?”
Oh hooo hooooo I have started working on one alright - heres a sneaky peak at a rough design vv
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Hes called Cade and is a dragons rising OC, kind of self-insert but also not really? I think he’d live in the crossroads :>
And also a mechanic!! Bc I literally obsess over any inventor/mechanic character from any peice of media ever
Does he have goggles AND a visor? Yes. But I think the visor would be like a hologram type thing and functions similar to the one in Tony Stark’s suit just less sophisticated bc my OC is not a billionare heh
No elemental power because I wanted to focus on the robot and mechanical themes in Ninjago rather than the Ninja and elemental stuff
There is a robot OC to go along with him called Jett but I only have a messy sketch of them together atm and I need to rework her design
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Cade makes Jett as he lost all his family and freinds to the merge, he put traits of each of them into her so he still feels connected to them
I dont have much in terms of plotline for them other than I want there to be an arc where Cade has to accept that Jett has her own identity as she grows and becomes different to the traits he coded into her. It’s pretty bittersweet as he’s so proud of Jetts development but also misses his family so damn much rip
They both have shoes that double as roller-skates and Cade’s primary weapons are cool lil laser space-guns (not actually from space </3), while Jett has her laser guns build into her arms
Still need to figure out why they need that stuff, though Cade has a bit of a stealing habit so ig that’s enough of a reason when stealing from the wrong ppl heh
Also need to figure out If they’ll have any relevance to the Ninja team and how, they deffo wont ever be actually part of the team but it’d be nice for em to be there helping out temporarily
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finn-m-corvex · 1 year
Jaya Week 2023 Day 4: Promise
I DID IT! I know I'm a day behind and I'm so so sorry, but after what happened yesterday I was just really shaken up and I didn't feel comfortable posting this until the anon was gone. Also, I was so frustrated at being told what I could and couldn't post that I decided to add an additional 1500 words to this out of pure spite (my spite is so much stronger now that I have to reupload this). I originally had a different idea for this day, but after seeing how many people loved the pregnant stuff I did for Day 3, I changed my mind! Hope you guys like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Words: 3.5k
TWs: uhh general stuff that comes with childbirth, blood warning, kinda death warning not really, warning for women in labor, obligatory warning that if anyone doesn't like seeing pregnant women in a positive light do not read
“Hi there, little ones,” Jay cooed, feeling up and down Nya’s now very pregnant belly, “you’ve been giving Mama a lot of trouble today, you know that?”
“Jay,” Nya giggled, still not quite used to the feeling of something kicking inside of her, “cut it out. You’re making them excited, and excited means they kick!”
“Is that a bad thing?” but Jay relented, pressing two final kisses to her belly before standing back up and giving her a kiss instead. He was careful about wrapping her up in a hug, very aware of the precious cargo that she was carrying. Nya sighed, relaxing into her Yin’s hold and letting him rock them back and forth.
She listened to his heartbeat with her head on his shoulder; Jay always had a vaguely irregular heart rhythm because of his lightning, and at this point Nya had heard it so much that it sounded like a song one would put on the radio at the end of a long day. Jay rubbed circles into the small of her back, trying to relieve some of the pressure of the weight that her poor back had already been carrying for the better part of seven months.
Things had been quite busy around the monastery since Nya had learned she was pregnant. All of the boys had been doing their damndest to help her out, with Cole being an absolute sweetheart and waiting on her hand and foot when Jay wasn’t there to do it, along with Kai and Lloyd. Lloyd and Kai had also gone through the whole place to babyproof it (carefully checked by Pixal), and Zane had downloaded as much knowledge about anything to do with parenting ast he could. Pixal, when she wasn’t trying to make sure the others weren’t burning the house down with their efforts, was carefully designing toys and devices and baby monitors and other very fancy technology that Nya’s pregnancy-addled brain couldn’t wrap itself around. She would do her best to find out what everything did after she gave birth.
But the real star of the show had been Jay, as per usual. He had been running himself ragged transforming what had been his old room into the perfect nursery, building cribs completely from scratch and painting the whole thing a very light shade of blue. Nya had been a little concerned when she stepped in one day to find him about to swing a sledgehammer into the wall, but Jay had explained that it was only to make space for a window so the babies could have some natural light.
Nya didn’t know why she was so attracted to this silly man until she saw him take the first swing, muscles rippling, and then everything made perfect sense.
He had only built one crib at first, because that had been all they were expecting. Imagine their surprise when the ultrasound at their next appointment revealed that they were having TWINS!
Jay had to make the call to everyone else while Nya held onto his arm, sobbing her heart out onto the sleeve of his jacket. She was mortified when she finally got ahold of herself, but Jay had just kissed the top of her head and told her that she could keep crying if she needed to.
She did. For a long time afterwards.
The sound of Jay humming brought her back into the present, and Nya let her swollen feet rest on top of his so he could start walking them around the room in a strange waltz. Jay pressed a tender kiss to the side of her head, whispering in her ear, “everything okay, love?”
Was everything okay? They were scheduled to head into the hospital tomorrow for a c-section; it was the safest option and Nya wanted the absolute best for her little ones. She and Jay had elected to keep their genders secret until they had been born, but they already had names picked out and ready for whatever they turned out to be. In all honesty, the two were probably as prepared as new parents could be, and yet Nya still felt a little uneasy.
“I’m worried,” she confessed, and Jay didn’t say anything for a minute. His hands started tracing her spine, going up and down in a soothing pattern.
“Yeah, I am too,” he said, “but it’s going to be okay.”
Nya’s arms tightened around his waist. “Do you think we’re ready?”
“I don’t think anyone can ever be ready for something like this. But I promise you, Nya, that you’re going to be a great mom. I’m here for you and I’m not going anywhere.”
She opened her mouth to respond, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, when a sharp pain rolled through her gut. Nya groaned, bending over as much as she could in his hold. Ignoring Jay’s cry of alarm, she cried out, feeling her muscles contract to a pain level high enough to make her vision white out.
“What’s wrong?” Jay asked urgently, the only thing keeping her standing, “Nya, what’s wrong? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
Her nails dug into his shirt, and both of them stilled when there was a sound of something plopping onto the floor with a wet splat.
Oh First Master, she was in labor.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” Jay kept repeating, gently lowering her to the floor. Nya sobbed, clutching onto the front of his shirt as her stomach felt like it was going to turn itself inside out. Jay was panicking. “I don’t think I’m strong enough to carry you down the stairs!”
“Ah! Get Cole!” Nya spit out, pushing him away. “Get Cole!”
Jay ran out of the room, yelling his best friend’s name as he went. Pixal popped her head in after he ran out, immediately crouching next to her and giving the water ninja her hand. Nya squeezed it tightly with another cry of pain.
Pixal brushed the hair out of her face. “Don’t worry, Nya, Cole is on his way. We’re getting you to the hospital.”
“I’m here!” Cole yelled, running into the room with Jay right on his heels. Pixal showed him how to pick Nya up, and he hoisted her into the air with barely any effort. Jay had been making himself useful and clearing the path out of the monastery, now trotting alongside the earth ninja as he ran through the building as carefully as he could.
“You have to be twice as careful, Cole!” Jay was warning, and Nya could’ve slapped him silly. “Those are my kids you’re handling!”
“I know, Jay!”
“Boys!” Nya said harshly, digging her fingers into Cole’s shoulder as another contraction overtook her. “Can you shut the hell up and get me out of here?!”
“Yes ma’am.” They both quickly said, and Nya had barely any time to feel the satisfaction between the muscle spasms.
Thankfully, Pixal had a good head on her shoulders, pre-preparing a vehicle to get Nya to the hospital as fast as possible. Going down the monastery stairs was a special kind of hell for the water ninja, and she was very close to passing out from the contraction pains when Cole finally put her in the front seat.
It was only a couple hours later when Nya was laying in one of the hospital beds, strangling the life out of Jay’s hand; she could see the tips of his fingers turning black and blue from her grip cutting off his blood flow. He didn’t complain though, instead taking his other hand and smoothing her hair out of her sweaty face.
“I am going to put a knife through your eye for doing this to me,” Nya seethed, tears running down her face. “Jay Edward Walker, you will be lucky to walk out of this room alive!”
“Absolutely, whatever you say, dear,” Jay said calmly, cupping her face and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You’re okay, Nya, you’re okay.”
He watched as the doctor came into the room with a couple nurses, walking right up to the foot of the bed where his Yang was exposed. The doctor gave them both a kind smile, and Jay did his best to give him the same thing.
Snapping on his gloves, the doctor took a look, putting on a serious expression. “Alright, miss, you’re pretty far along already so a good few pushes should be all that’s needed to get the first baby out. We can reassess the need for surgery after the first birth-”
“I am NOT having surgery after this!” Nya yelled. “Where the hell is my epidural?!”
“Did the nurse not give you any?” the doctor asked, and Nya could’ve popped a blood vessel.
“We’ll get you some soon, sweetie,” one of the nurses said in a sickly sweet voice, and Nya could feel the water pressure building in the pipes as her anger rose. She wordlessly pointed to a small bracelet that Jay had left on the floor, and he understood.
Putting it on was the easy part; the hard part was the instant suppression of her powers, and Nya gasped for air as she felt it shoved forcibly back, caged. It hurt a little, but it was ultimately the best option unless she wanted to birth her children directly into a small lake.
“So, change of plans,” the doctor said amicably, and Nya could already tell that she was going to hate whatever was going to come out of his mouth, “it turns out that there isn’t time for an epidural. You’re doing this birth completely natural!”
Nya opened her mouth, and instead of the scathing remark she had planned she gave a short scream in pain. Jay’s hand was squeezed even tighter as she buried her face in his shoulder, sobbing. Her abdomen felt like it was on fire, and Jay was doing his best to comfort her and listen to the nurses at the same time.
One of them was telling him that he had to leave the room and Nya’s heart plummeted. She shook her head no, keeping Jay close. He wasn’t leaving her like this.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Jay said solemnly. “I’m right here, Nya. I’m staying right here, no matter what, I promise. You’re doing amazing.”
“I can see a head!” the doctor exclaimed, and Jay was quick to take a peek. Nya saw the way his face paled instantly, and watched as her Yin swayed on his feet.
She growled. “Don’t you dare faint on me, Jay Walker!”
Jay swallowed thickly. “Not planning on it.”
“Keep pushing, miss,” the nicer nurse said from Nya’s other side, “you’re almost there! Push!”
Nya pushed, alright. She kept going in time with whatever the nurse was saying, spurred on by Jay’s encouragement and praise. As embarrassing as it was, Nya couldn’t stop herself from crying, keeping her face in Jay’s shoulder so the other people wouldn’t have to see her tears. It was bad enough that she couldn’t contain her sobs.
All it took was one final push and the pressure relieved itself, Nya collapsing heavily against Jay as all of her strength left. Jay was stroking her hair, kissing away the tear tracks on her face and doing his best to get feeling back in his poor hand.
But something was wrong.
Dizziness threw her vision into disarray, and suddenly she was clutching onto Jay for a very different reason than giving birth. “Jay, Jay, something’s wrong.”
“What?” Jay asked, puzzled, and he turned to see the doctor turn as white as the sheets. “What’s wrong? What’s happening?”
It took just one look at the sheets under Nya to see what was wrong. The sterile white was quickly being turned crimson by blood at an alarming rate, and Jay couldn’t breathe. He barely even got to see the baby before the nurse was rushing it out of the room. Nya was trying to say something to him, but the only person he could focus on was the doctor reaching for some tools on the side table next to him.
“What’s wrong with her?” Jay asked urgently, squeezing Nya’s hand back and holding her close.
The other man grit his teeth. “She’s crashing is what’s happening!”
“Crashing?!” Jay whipped his head around to Nya. “Nya, Nya, you need to listen to me. You’re going to be fine, okay? I promise everything is going to be okay, I just need you to hold on for me. Can you do that?”
“Jay,” Nya whispered, and Jay’s heart stopped with how weak her voice sounded, “I love you, I love you so so much-”
“Stop it.” he said angrily. “No. No. You’re going to be fine. You hear me, Nya? Everything’s going to be okay.”
She tried to let his words give her some strength, but it wasn’t enough to keep her eyes open. The last thing she heard before she passed out was the rolling of a crash cart, accompanied by Jay’s frantic reassurances and the feel of his lips against hers.
Waking up was an experience. Her head was pounding like someone was striking a hammer against her skull, and her mouth was as dry as the desert where Jay had grown up. Feeling around her mouth with her thickened tongue, Nya opened her eyes, squinting. She immediately noted the time difference; it had barely been noon when they had arrived at the hospital, and now it looked well after sunset. The sun’s rays were still shining but only barely, glinting off of the metal equipment in the room.
There was an odd pressure on her arm, and Nya could feel her heart melting when she looked down to see her Yin fast asleep. He was drooling onto the now clean sheets, grasping at her hand, carefully avoiding the I.V. line that she was hooked up to (when had that happened?), and Nya giggled. She tried to take her arm back, only for Jay to tighten his hold and snuggle it closer.
“Jay,” she said softly, stroking across his cheekbone with her thumb, “it’s to wake up now, dear.”
“Five more minutes,” he groaned, and Nya could only sigh as she kept stroking with her thumb, tracing his cheekbone and down his jaw to wipe away the trail of drool leaking out.
“I think it’s been a little longer than five minutes, honey.”
She watched as his eyes slowly started to blink open, still heavy with sleep. The blue was deep and dark; his eyes tended to get brighter when he had more energy. Jay yawned, sitting up properly and lazily stretching his back to hear it give a nice pop.
He never let go of her hand, only taking it so he could kiss her palm. “Good morning.”
Nya raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think it’s morning, Jay.”
“Hmm?” he hummed, and finally he seemed to realize what was happening. “Nya! You’re awake!”
The water ninja was not prepared for her Yin to shoot forward and wrap her in a crushing hug, one hand going around her waist and the other tangling itself in her hair. Nya hugged him back, kissing his neck when she felt tears start to soak through the hospital gown from where he had tucked his face into her shoulder.
“You’re okay,” she soothed, rubbing his back in smooth motions, “you’re okay, Jay. I’m okay.”
“B-but you almost weren’t!” Jay sobbed, “I could’ve lost you!”
“I’m not going anywhere, love.” she said firmly, and then it hit her.
She had been in labor.
She was clearly no longer in labor.
Where were her children?!
“Where are the kids?” she asked urgently, not meaning to be so rough when she pushed him away, “Where are my kids?!”
“They had to go to the ICU,” Jay explained, “after they had to perform surgery to get him out. It-it was pretty scary. Here, I’ll call the nurse and tell her you’re awake so we can see them-”
Nya grabbed his arm when he started to get up. “Wait! What did we have?”
Jay gave her a watery smile. “A boy and a girl, just like you said we would.”
“Kai owes me a hundred bucks,” Nya said smugly. Jay chuckled, pushing down another watery sob as he left the room to find the nurse. She wasn’t left alone for very long; Jay must’ve said something, because soon the rest of her family was filing into the small hospital room.
Her big bad older brother had clearly been crying too, even if he was trying not to show it. Lloyd looked tired, like he had just run a marathon at four in the morning, and Cole didn’t look much better on his other side. Nya shook her head, smiling; these were her idiot brothers alright. Did they really think she was going to go out like that? Without even saying hello to her kids?
“C’mere guys,” she said as cheerfully as she could, holding out her arms. The boys piled in without hesitating, even though she could tell that they were still trying to be careful with her. That was totally fair: she had just given birth to a child, almost died from blood loss and had a major abdominal surgery in what she assumed was a four hour window.
Zane and Pix held back at first, waiting until Cole and Kai had pulled away before going in. Nya appreciated the sentiment. Lloyd kept hugging her well after everyone else had had their fill, and she was all too happy to hold him close and kiss the top of his blond locks while his shoulders shook with hidden emotion.
Lloyd gave her a stern look when he finally stepped back, making a beeline for the hard plastic chair on Kai’s other side and leaning his head on his older brother’s shoulder. “You’re never allowed to scare us like that again, you hear me? Never.”
Nya shrugged. “Hey, I didn’t ask to have a hemorrhage. At least, I’m assuming that’s what happened, right?”
“That is correct,” Pixal said, “although I agree with Lloyd. You cannot give us a scare like that.”
“You’re lucky Cole was here,” Kai said quietly. “He helped give you a transfusion.”
Cole looked sheepish when she turned to thank him, rubbing the back of his head. “Don’t mention it, seriously. What else are brothers for, right?”
“Also I would’ve killed him in his sleep if he hadn’t done anything,” Jay said jovially, walking back into the room with a new pep in his step. Nya could hear something rattling behind him, and watched in amazement as the two nurses from earlier rolled in two odd-looking incubators, each holding a baby.
Her babies. Jay’s babies. Their babies.
“Nya,” Jay said softly, “meet our two amazing and wonderful kiddos: Elizabeth and Noah Walker.”
“C-Can I hold them?”
Of course, the nurses told her, already making the preparations for her to do so, Nya felt the tears coming before she could stop them, and in an instant Jay was there to wipe them away.
Kai stood up to help, and Nya looked at the baby girl (her daughter) placed in her arms with absolute awe. She was so little, Nya noted, with only a couple scraps of brown hair on the top of her head. Jay helped her to support the baby’s head, and Nya watched as she curled her tiny hands into fists. With instincts that she didn’t even know she possessed, Nya let her hospital gown fall off of her shoulder, uncaring of who saw her do so.
It only took a second for the baby to start suckling. The tears in her eyes started coming even faster, and Nya leaned into Kai’s side once he had wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“I made this?” she said faintly, cupping the baby’s head. She couldn’t believe that something so soft and precious could’ve ever been born from their rough and tumble lifestyle. More of her heart melted when the baby’s hand wrapped itself around her finger.
“You made her, alright,” Kai said warmly, placing his hand under Nya’s to support the baby’s head, “and she’s perfect.”
“My little spark,” Nya whispered, pressing a kiss to the baby’s forehead. “I’m so glad to meet you, Tessa.”
Jay walked over with the other baby, her little boy. He took after Jay far more than Tessa did, with a mop of curly brown hair so dark that it was almost black and the makings of Jay’s signature grin. Cole and Zane were both cooing over Noah, with Cole giving the boy his finger to play with. Jay had tears in his eyes just like she did, and she could taste them as they fell down his face and into their kiss.
“Hey Nya?” Jay said quietly.
“Yes, Jay?”
“I know we’ve made a lot of stuff over the years, but I think they’re the best thing we could’ve ever created. I can promise you that.”
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