shadow0-1 · 1 year
I need rodion to return for MWIII NOW
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skrittkicking · 1 month
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charr body types for practice, rambling nonsense under the cut
ive been trying to get better at drawing more varied body types for a while now and i think ive still got a long way to go but im getting there. fat and muscle definition werent something i bothered to learn for a long time because all i wanted to draw was twinks and dragons ... but in the last year or so ive really been pushing myself to do better. i think learning to draw different body shapes is really important and improves your overall anatomy skill by a mile, its also just really fun for me to think about how fat is distributed across the body and affected by gravity and all that stuff. bodies in general are my favorite thing to draw and what i spend the most time sketching
ok enough word vomit lets talk about my ocs
iovitus is supposed to be built more like an athlete, but im not sure i got that across very well. they're still skinny and comparatively twinky next to their fellow cats, but still strong and in good shape. after they left the legions they didnt really bother that much with the upkeep of their figure, but since theyre focusing more on mercenary work again they've been better about it
most of iovitus' muscle is in their shoulder & back, as their weapons of choice -- longbow and throwing axes -- require a lot of strength in that area. theyre very triangular shaped & top-heavy, with a broad chest & shoulders, thin waist and narrow hips. skipped leg day :/
nero is supposed to have sort of a dad-bod type of build. i changed a bit about his design as ive been tinkering around with his lore recently. she was always supposed to have some tummy to her, but i dont think i drew it very well in the past. i think a dad bod is very fitting because she is one after all
i also wanted to make her blind eye more obvious because i kept forgetting about it whenever i drew her so umm sorry babe. still need to come up with an explanation as to why it happened! was considering having him just born with it for a while, but i love scars and scary traumatic events so... sorry nero
in spite of the good layer of fat he's got on his body though, nero is very strong and muscular underneath it all. his warband doesnt do a lot of combat stuff anymore but he's still working most of the time and takes good care of himself. juicy thighs btw
ruckus... i dont have much to say about. i love you babygirl
she's so much taller than everyone else.... its difficult to notice in the line-up as they are, but i wanted to see so i lined them up in front of one another and. well. ->
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look at her. and iovitus. why are you so small??
finally, lia! she's still small in comparison to most other blood legion charr, but she makes up for it in her strength. or, well, she might've in her younger years; at her current age she's definitely lost a lot of that muscle definition just by the nature of aging
thats not to say she's weak, though. she can and will definitely fuck you up if you try her
her burned arm is her main weak point. it was burned severely enough where the muscle and nerves were permanently damaged, resulting in a lot of stiffness, uncomfortability, and chronic pain. the movement in that arm is limited and she has to guard it closely if she's ever in a scuffle
i think in general a lot of muscle definition for charr is lost just cause they have fur to cover it up, evident by the fact you cant really see a lot of it on the in-game models. or at least thats my excuse for not knowing how to define muscle with lineart
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alexjcrowley · 2 months
Just realised Simi has the same vibes of DinLuke I'm distressed
Young blond twink who's an actual factual menace he's all smiles and sunshine until he gets down to business, he brought down legends, the moment he steps on the field people are TERRORISED by him but he's also just some cute guy from a small town and has the determination of 1000 suns and sass to spare
paired with
gruff old man who just want to Do His Thing (you could say he just wants you to "leave him alone, he knows what he's doing"), chillest guy in the universe he is content with his job he doesn't need anybody he doesn't talk to anybody to everyone he is a mystery, people trying to tell him he is this Big Fucking Deal for Ferrari Mandalore and he's just like no. Can't I just do my job. He sort of cares about two (2) people.
And then they somehow end up together raising a child a grid and unlikeky bestfriendism ensue.
I don't know how to explain I feel you need to be really deep in the Simi lore and in the DinLuke rabbithole but it's there. Sebastian has the talent, determination and attitude of a Luke Skywalker who has accessed his full potential and Kimi has the stoic attitude and that "I care about one person and one person only the rest of y'all I don't fuck with" mentality of Din Djarin. To me.
Something about Luke and Sebastian being living legends and being burdened to carry the future of Ferrari/The Jedis and falling (damn you, sequels trilogy!) and Kimi and Din stumbling through becoming idols of the masses (Kimi being the last Ferrari champion still and winning in his first year like no big deal/Din accidentally becoming the king of Mandalore)
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
times never let me go said: happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
(a mostly unserious post made entirely for my own entertainment)
this outfit
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2. palm showing up at nueng's house and immediately inducing gay panic with the sluttiest soulmate-coded introduction possible until ourskyy 2
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3. nuengdiao's gay little finger pointing (which happens at least 3 times in episode 1)
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4. gaslight gatekeep girlboss
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5. okay... 👀
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6. local boy continues the age-old tradition of falling in love with a twink after seeing him play piano
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7. (meeting ben) perhaps gay-on-gay violence is justified sometimes
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8. nueng and palm flirt in the backseat. live chanon reaction:
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9. update: gay-on-gay violence is definitely justified sometimes
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10. phum taking a sec to call palm handsome before breaking a stool over his back (huh i wonder if that might mean anything)
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11. okay... 👀 (pt. 2)
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12. nuengdiao deciding to get wasted even though he's deathly allergic to alcohol because palm's talking to a girl (we love a messy!gay)
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13. nueng standing up for himself when the homophobic principal and ben's dad insinuate that it was wrong for ben and him to kiss and telling them to punish whoever leaked the photo instead
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14. "you're an adult now. you can eat whatever you want!!" slay thanks khun tanya :)
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15. what if we were both boys... and we kissed on a rooftop at night under ambiguous circumstances... and it was episode 5...
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16. our established couple besties wu and david <3
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17. "your lips are burning and swollen" okay?? gay ass
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18. gay beach wedding. enough said.
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19. palm asking "is this how couples kiss?" after eating nueng's face like be fucking for real right now
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20. male-male soulmates existing since the dawn of time and being an established part of mythological lore
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21. palm: has gay sex one (1) time and immediately gets a tattoo of his lover's name
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22. palm's face when nueng says he might confess his love to a woman one day lmaooooo
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23. palm and nueng talking about how their mothers gave them the courage to be themselves and confess their love for each other
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24. nueng: we need to show uncle kit that he can't mess with us. the plan: serve cunt
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25. tanya immediately waking up from her coma when nueng says he wants her to see him with his boyfriend. true ally behavior!
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27. message received
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28. wow so glad it isn't like that anymore! oh wait...
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29. (about to die) time to educate some assholes!!
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stopping here because of the (deeply homophobic) 30-image-per-post limit, but feel free to add more below!! happy pride from p'jojo, palmnueng, and co. 🏳️‍🌈
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i broke down someone’s complaints about the jjk series, calling it “disney kaisen,” and this is what i said
the reactions tell me i cooked
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fuck it, i'll do it anyway
sukuna lost to the power of friendship
this is a gross underestimation of the fight and the points of his and yuuji's characters. sukuna lost because he felt that all you needed was to be powerful and selfish. which is in part true in how to thrive in the jujutsu world, but we see throughout the series that the point is to move away from that toxic cycle and there are other, better ways than just having the strongest powers and being the strongest character. the story isn't about strength, it's about love. so we see how that love and support (and also tactic and cunningness) prevails over sukuna's ideas that he doesn't need anything or anyone but himself and his raw power.
a main character that was pressumed dead and entered the fighr 5 chapters before its ending was used as a plot device (mind you same character couldn't beat the blond haired twink without assistance and lost to the oldest trick in the book by mahito)
she was presumed dead, but her death was never explicitly confirmed or denied. gege set that up for a reason. was it a plot device? sure, gege treats a lot of the female characters that way (see: hana), but that doesn't mean that it wasn't good or didn't make sense for the story. in fact, the set up was there, gege just fumbled in executing it correctly. arata's technique in halting her injuries from worsening was a plant, gege just forgot to keep it relevant. but that doesn't mean that her return was a cop out, it was just handled poorly.
as for nobara's strength as a chracter, once again, this series is not all about power and also her strength is not relevant to her return.
in the final chapters, characters that were pressumed dead apperantly lived even though they had fakeout deaths
i have some of my own reservations about this stuff and i do think that gege is really fumbling with these last chapters, but even then we still have had MAJOR character deaths, as well as serious injuries, and scars that the cast are suffering from. we just don't get to see the extent of them bc gege has decided to NOT focus on his characters or the post-battle aftermath so of course it doesn't read well. but still, they were just presumed dead, gege is just struggling with the execution of it all
and in our final chapters we get lored bombed with rushed hasty attempts of world building
yeah i actually agree with this one. no notes, i did not like this last chapter.
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lostbrazilian · 2 months
Ok so, i've finished SotE a few days ago and i fucking LOVED IT and i need to talk about it, particularly about Miquella. Because the thing is, i really like what From has done with his character but also i've seen a lot of discourse about it and i need to get my 2 cents in before i explode
So uh, long ass essay and spoilers below
First things first:
Character assassination my ASS
Fromsoft actually did fucking character necromancy the way they added depth to otherwise one-note characters. Even if unexpected, what we learn in the dlc makes a disturbing amount of sense and ultimately elevates the game's lore in my "humble but objectively correct" opinion. That being said, while Miquella is undoubtedly a irredemable villain by the time we fight him, his character is also much more than just the "gay evil twink" ppl make him out to be
Elden Ring's demigods, while powerful and often monstrous, are also very clearly people: they have feelings, ambitions, ideals and tragic elements about them, which is why many of them are very likeable or at least compelling characters. And Miquella is a prime example of this, because the driving force behind his character, and ultimately the reason of his downfall, is his compassion
Miquella saw the flaws of the Golden Order from a young age, mainly how it oppressed others and was powerless to help his sister. And everything he has done since has been in an attempt to bring about a better, more compassionate world for all. And while the way he manipulates others and removes their free weill is a clearly nefarious aspect of his plans, that doesn't mean his kindness wasn't genuine, for two main reasons:
First, many of Miquella's followers go on to stand with him even after their charm has been broken, which makes clear that many are koyal to Miquella not just because of brainwashing, but also because they genuinely believe in his end goals. And while we'll never have confirmation of this, i don't think the denizens of the Haligtree, or Malenia for that matter, are all under Miquella's spell. At the very least the majority of them must've willingly chosen to remain loyal to him (plus, his charming powers must have a limit of some kind, otherwise he wouldn't need to become a god to rule the lands between)
Secondly, St Trina's very existence proves that Miquella's love and compassion is not only genuine, it's strong enough to manifest as a whole ass second being, which in turn makes her abandonment all the more tragic. It's possible that Miquella himself was always driven by ambition, and that he saw his other half as a "weakness" to be expunged; Or perhaps casting Trina away was a necessary evil, a selfless sacrifice in the name of a greater good. Regardless of the reason (i tend towards the latter), the end result is clear: It was grave mistake
For without love, there can be no Compassion. Miquella's Age of Compassion would be doomed to become an era of subjugation and endless war, where those who resist Miquella's charm would not be allowed to exist. It's an end result that Miquella himself would definitely NOT want, but it's the one he uwittingly locks himself into after he casts away his humanity. Hence why St Trina begs us to kill Miquella, as she understands his ascension would essentially result in a fate worse than death for him
So, TL;DR: I think Miquella genuinely wanted to create a better world, but in his quest to do so not only did he forcefully take away the free will of others, he also wound up becoming a heartless monster that, if unchecked, would bring about great suffering to the world and himself. It's classic "good intentions, bad outcome" tragic writing and ultimately it makes Miquella a very memorable and compelling character, even if he is ultimately a villain
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celestialholz · 9 months
The apple of my eye (or 'oh good, there's ANOTHER one')
*yeets into the conversation a week late with Starbucks*
Sorry, sorry. Been trying to save a dukedom from a giant brain and live my best happily ever with a vampire twink. Very distracting.
But anyway, I haven't even gotten the boys in my clubroom yet, so more analysis incoming, but I have finished Indigo Disk's main story, and I couldn't help but notice something deeply awful when fighting our little buddy Kieran.
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... Oh god THEY'RE MULTIPLYING. How many apples do we need? How much more homosexuality does this game need? (Yes. The answer is 'yes.')
Meet Hydrapple everyone, the latest gay marriage mascot. Truly wish you all could've seen my face when. And it evolves from the last gay marriage mascot! I have quickly become homophobic again, how do they keep managing this?!
So, naturally, we need to break this loveable bastard and its symbolism down, or I might have to start passing the meta queen crown off to someone else. (I vote @prince-kallisto. Friend spare me. 🤣)
Well, we'll begin with the obvious: this thing is a hydra, a multiple-headed dragon in Greek myth. This one in particular has seven, so says the all-knowing dex:
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But we'll do the seven part in a minute. The one major thing you should all know is that in most tales, removing one of this thing's heads respawns two in its place - and killing one of these creatures was the second labour of Hercules, the God of Strength. There's that fucking number two again in connection with our boys...
And now, let's take the Greek and easternize it to our lovely Japanese creators with the number seven.
Seven in Japanese culture, like in the western, is seen as a lucky number, and also the number symbolising the cycle of life and death.
... Which, if you recall, is a running theme with our silly men.
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Get your life saved, idiot. Be lucky. 🥰
There are also Seven Gods of Fortune in Buddhism, Japan's primary religion. And there's one that rings more than a few ceremonial bells - Fukurokokuju. Bit of a Buddhist lore deepcut here for you:
> He is the god of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness. Moreover, he is the only god who was said to have the ability to resurrect the dead. Fukurokuju is characterized by the size of his head, being almost as large as the size of his whole body.
... Hmm. Wisdom, happiness. Luck. 'Resurrecting.' The one that has a large head, like our good pal Hydrapple here... it's all very interesting, isn't it, how it ties together?
And all this goes a long way to explaining the evolution method of this fun little apple-y bastard. Because in order to be lucky, to be brought back to life, to heal and to love and to find yourself... one must have support. A cheerleader, if you will. Not one with pom-poms (although slay Hass babes, you'd look great in that drip), but one cheering you on. Always being in your corner.
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... And here we find Dragon Cheer, Hydrapple's evolution move. Brassius can pursue his dreams as passionately as he likes, because there's always a husband at his side to be on his side.
It's a whole narrative, my friends. We have the romantic gift of the Applin; we have the adorableness of the Flapple, and its dusk portrait; we have the total harmony of Dipplin...
... And now we have the result of that harmony. Look, it's even running away from the Ice of the Polar Biome, a type both Grass and Dragon can't stand. The emotional cold.
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Y'know, I'm sure someone would have DM'd me by now if Hass and Brass' clubroom banter confirmed their marriage, so I'm going to assume that isn't a thing.
... But at the same time, it's definitely a thing. All you have to do is read the narrative, darlings.
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sunshines-child · 10 months
the new episodes of Lore Olympus has pissed me off so bad to the point I went to character.ai and proceeds to these of the following: -Kill Hades -Change the entire course of Persephone’s life so she never meets Hades, isn’t an asshole bitch Hera 2.0 , loves her mother, and ends up with Minthe (contemplated Hermes but I put him with Thanatos) -Make Demeter have a good life and never ridiculed by the other gods -Change the entirety of the story of Apollo by making him a nice, more myth accurate no rape Persephone guy who ends up with Hyacinthus (who doesn’t die!!!) -kept Thanatos a twink who ends up with Hermes (he brings death and Hermes brings the souls down. Tell me that’s not romantic as fuck) -let Aphrodite be HAPPILY TOGETHER with Ares (bc she needs it. Also made her not a weirdo who drugs Persephone) -gave Minthe a good life -Made Ares more myth accurate and a good person -Made Hestia a sweetheart whose like a godmother of sorts to Persephone (myths!!!) -Made all the gods more myth accurate basically -gave nymphs JUSTICE (Leuce, Thetis, all of them.) Bot all were completely character.ai, I wrote some stuff of my own. This took SO LONG Rachel gives me unfiltered rage
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2minutesnotice · 6 months
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Here's my answer to that:
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No, for real.
I haven't had the motivation to draw THIS much for ages. The Supernatural fandom is nice and all but Helluva Boss and Hazbin has given me so many new ideas and characters to enjoy.
I could pull out an 6 hour power point presentation, out of my sleeve, about Dean Winchester and his deep rooted issues. I have been there when media queer baited a fandom to it's death. I've sold my kidney to meet these guys and it's still exiting but I'm in this for 17 years now.
17 whole years of fandom. Going crazy about the slightest hints and all.
And then Blitzø appeared on my screen, because we just watched Hazbin the day before and YouTube algorithm catched me and I WAS SOLD.
Everything about this series and it's lore and verse and relationships is FUN. I don't have to imagine things because THEY'RE ACTUALLY HAPPENING.
Yes, the show has problems too but they talk so openly about things I've wanted to hear for years. The main character of the show is a crazy bisexual (pansexual?), they don't talk around it, it's just a FACT.
Look I've seen Jensen Ackles bending his o shaped legs in weird directions to declare Dean Winchester nothing but a ladies man.
Blitzø fucks an aristocrats giant pretty Twink Owl in the first five minutes of the series lol
I know they're totally different genres but man, I'm so tired to have to read always between the lines.
I don't want to read between the lines atm. I want to enjoy the rainbow hellfire that's Helluva Boss and Hazbin.
And I would've never thought that I would have a conversation with myself about Supernatural and HB/HH, just because someone had the mood to give me a reason to.
Sorry for the rant, I needed this.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 13 days
agni nation, i've got an important question to ask you:
Description: Seven teenagers, realising they are the demigod children of the Hindu deities, must band together to stop an ancient evil from reincarnating and bringing ruin to the land. To prevent the end of days, the group must find the astras, powerful weapons belonging to the gods and capable of ridding darkness from the world. From Sydney's shores to Mount Kosciuszko's highest peak, it's a race against time, death and the powers-that-be to kill god-kings, restore reality, and rewrite destiny itself.
History (TLDR): I'm a clown looking for clout, and I want to post a story I wrote back in seventh grade
History (for the english girlies who need the sociocultural context behind the book to write their essays 💅):
when i was a child in the seventh grade, i wrote a book (300+ pages !!!). I was very proud of it, and I showed it off to everyone (read: no one). then, when i was in the eleventh grade, i found out there was a movie called BRAHMASTRA coming out, and it was ESSENTIALLY THE SAME THING I WROTE ??? and i got so very pissed and swore vengeance and became an avid hater of that movie
but now i am older and wiser and not in eleventh grade anymore, and looking back on it, it was funny. i think i did pretty good for my age, and Brahmastra as a movie is pretty solid on its own, but now i am more mature and working on other personal things (aheem heem like #kalkichronicles and hating on the abomination that is the kalki 2898 movie- like seriously fuck that movie !!) anyway i am older and wiser now, and i thought it'd make past-me happy for ""publishing"" something i put a lot of effort into. let her live a little of her dreams, yk
so anyway. yeah. that's it. i'm going to post a 300+ page novel onto ao3, and you can all read it. also it'll be proof to me that i have indeed improved a lot of the years and i can stop clowning around thinking i'm a clown for writing at all. i know you might be thinking of a few questions like-
what if someone steals your work? like ai?? honestly let it be stolen, the book is quintessentially percy jackson wearing a salwar kameez, nothing is original about it
what if you want to rework the story in the future?? my mind is being plagued by kalki and co. i don't have time to worry about what i want to do with seven of these twinks
why post to ao3 of all places, why not your blog or something? THE FORMATTING, BABE, THE FUCKING FORMATTING !!!!
anyhow it'll be fun talking about something that was, in that era, completely mind-consuming for me. i might as well pull up some lore things if i can find them, but ehhh we'll see we'll see
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wwillywonka · 4 months
wwillywonka's Interests
(links are in red)
-here is my super long, super detailed list of the things i blog about. if you read the whole thing, you're amazing and i love you. thanks<33 -a more comprehensive list of my interests can be found here. i update it often. -please for the love of god do yourself a favour and listen to blooms by arthur sharpe
Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
special interest since 2014
read my ongoing willy character study fic here
my willy playlist
beside the original dahl books, the 2005 movie is the best and most superior version. i believe this with my whole body, mind, and soul and cannot be convinced otherwise.
other favorite versions of canon: gareth snook on the recent uk tour, gene wilder (of course). see gareth snook’s take on willy’s character here
i have consumed every single piece of wonka related media/content that is reasonably available to the public including horrible elementary school productions on youtube and random college theses. i consider myself the foremost expert about anything and everything regarding willy and can get defensive if that is challenged. i am also aware that i take this way too seriously considering willy is just a silly little fucked up guy who forever ruined my taste in men in my preteens. but i stand by my opinions.
i’ve also been writing a very self-indulgent willy x oc (ross able) fic for nearing 4 years now and have yet to publish it in any capacity. that being said, i tend to talk about it in tags for my own reference, so if you’re ever curious to know more, feel free to ask<3.
i do not support roald dahl, tim burton, or johnny depp in any way. their existences are entirely separate from my enjoyment of catcf. bigotry and prejudice are not tolerated on this blog.
i think the prequel is fine but unnecessary. it’s so whatever to me that i sometimes forget it exists.
i am literally charlie bucket (so obsessed with willy wonka that my parasocial need to be in a weird friendship with him is all-consuming and the only thing that keeps me going). if you ship any of the literal children ticket winners with willy, get off my blog.
willy is my specialist girl, a genius inventor evil capitalist, the blorbo i spin around in my brain 24/7 and want to put in a microwave, my wife, and also the absolute worst guy to ever do it. she is my everything. they’re just a sad gay twink. he’s even bigger than jesus.
Jesus Christ Superstar
the 1973 movie has been one of my favorites since childhood but i became obsessed after seeing the musical on stage in 2023.
yes i connect everything i liked about jcs back to willy and my other fav characters :)
things i write and blog about that are perfectly captured in jcs:
being mortal and being a god are not so different
the line between godhood and celebrityhood being more blurred the further society progresses. both are corruption
toxic, all-consuming co-dependency
sacrificing everything that makes one human for the sake of the “greater good”; becoming unrecognisable, becoming a monster (metaphorically and/or literally)
faith in something that ultimately betrays
being gay and being supppeerr dramatic about it
Alice in Wonderland
i love all versions but have a soft spot for the 2010 movie
fav character: the mad hatter/tarrant hightopp
the 2009 miniseries is weirdly good
alice in wonderland is a war story. to me.
i feel similarly about alice through the looking glass 2016 as i do about wonka 2023
once again, i’ve been writing a fic based off the 2010 movie for years but have yet to publish any part of it. one day, i promise.
my love for loki started in 2012 when i saw the first avengers movie in theaters but has since grown into a love of norse mythology and its extended history and lore. loki by mevlin burgess is one of my favorite books and is, in my opinion, the best portrayal of the character in recent years. neil gaiman’s norse mythology is also great.
i love tom hiddleston so so so so much<33. he is a phenomenal actor and also a really nice man and deserves so much more recognition than just being “that hot guy who played that villain in marvel.” i recently had the pleasure of sitting in the audience for an interview he did and it was the best day of my entire life. only lovers left alive is one of my favorite movies.
i hate the disney+ show except for the literal last 20 minutes of the last episode which gave me everything i’ve ever wanted out of a loki story.
i used to be really, really, really, extremely into marvel but pretty much stopped caring after endgame (which i feel is the case for a lot of people). that being said, i still love tony stark and spider-man, particularly the toby mcguire movies (cough cough…alfred molina as doc ock <3333).
Star Trek
obsessed with tos and tng, particularly the movies (undiscovered country is my fav!). huge fan of picard. don't really care about the aos movies or a lot of the newer series. i'm also currently watching voyager (janeway is insane i love her).
spent a lot of my nerd life not understanding the appeal until i started watching tng in april 2023 and swiftly became Aware of why it's one of the most famous franchises of all time. also as someone who's super interested in fandom history, particularly queer fandom history, i don't know why i didn't get into trek sooner.
spock is my fav character because he is literally me. i am always crying over him. no one understands spock like i do (<- is exaggerating knowing he is one of the most famous characters in all of pop culture history). we are both mixed race and jewish. we are both autistic and queer. there is literally no other character whose mixed identity is portrayed so well and as such a significant aspect of their story, and i (along with so many others) see so many of the internal conflicts he deals with in myself, particularly when it comes to his relationship with his parents.
sarek's biggest hater. like bestie, YOU married the human.
data is my second fav. mccoy is a close third. picard is a very close fourth. unification pt 1&2 are my fav trek episodes!!!
huge spirk/spones/mcspirk shipper. because duh.
Doctor Who
my favorite show since 2012
fav doctor: capaldi
fav companions/other characters: donna, river, missy/the master. and yes, the tardis
fav episode: heaven sent
murray gold invented music and is everything i aspire to be as a composer
please no moffat discourse i will block you
that being said, chibnall ruined doctor who. jodie whittaker deserved so much better and i do not blame her, an amazing actress, for the horrible writing she had to work with.
currently working my way through classic who and the eu
Other Notable Favorites
Nightmare Before Christmas
Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo
The Mighty Boosh/Noel Fielding/BritCom
Flowers/Will Sharpe Films
Good Omens
Dan and Phil
Adventure Time
Wes Anderson Films
The Beatles
The Picture of Dorian Gray/Oscar Wilde
The Adventure Zone/The McElroys
Other Things I Blog About
Robots & cyborgs, dolls
Body segmentation/body horror
Fashion/Fiber Arts
thanks if you read this far xoxo
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alys-gay-parade · 1 year
Some deep thoughts about Zelda before I go to sleep tonight:
I grew up with oot being my introduction to the series, and over the years, it consumed my life. Botw was exactly what I wanted from a fully open world zelda game, and totk has only built up from that. This is the franchise that taught me how to world build, write characters, and explore my identity. Looking back at my adolescence, I can safely say that Link and Zelda (as she slowly became an actually compelling character) were the opposite ends of my gender envy spectrum. I loved the effeminate twink that I could easily identify with (people who say he never had a personality before TP are wrong, my boy has always been a sassy bitch with a big heart) and the regal lady who was not opposed to getting her hands dirty to do the work she needed to do. Sheik being Zelda is still one of my favorite plot twists in the franchise, my girl rlly said "Fuck it, I'm gonna pose as a man my whole adolescence." Iconic.
I love how they imply in totk that the games in the timeline pre-botw are the legends passed down over hundreds of generations, explaining the thin and inexplicable timeline away as just cultural histories becoming warped and lost with each retelling. I bet they argue about the order of events in-universe, and you can not convince me otherwise. It makes me laugh looking back at oot seeing rauru portrayed as a pudgy old man hylian, knowing now that he's just straight up a god-like being that married a hylian woman.
This brings me to the future of the series, and a proposal: remake the old stories, but with the new lore, as they Actually Happened. Make the players figure out what parts were true and what parts were warped by time. Hell, make them with the effects of the new timeline Created by Zelda in totk. How does her presence alter history? How can we reimagine the events of pivotal games in the timeline with our new information? How can we keep improving our open world gameplay while revisiting the history that became fables?
I fell off of Zelda in my depression. But totk has renewed my love for what the franchise is and can become. They've really created so many opportunities to expand on what we know, as well as avenues to tell more new stories, possibly both in the same game if they play their cards right.
Thank you, Zelda Team and Miyamoto-san. You built a core aspect of my identity and continue to strive to improve and explore a world that means a lot to many. You honestly are a golden example of what making a compelling universe looks like.
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citrine-elephant · 25 days
still boiling on the vendetta novel and i feel like i didn't absorb what i was supposed to absorb in regards to leon lore lol.
chris slams energy drinks in a single chug. this is the prominent thought. it's the thing that will forever be engrained in my mind under "USELESS LORE"
leon kept flirting with the idea of being dead. i would joke "me too bud" but im in a pretty good headspace all things considered. just sad lol
zombies don't fuck, and idk. that's a big factor to the whole bow thing? tbh im not sure what that was about beyond arias being a fuckin weird mfer.
nadia and her wife need happiness holy fuckin shit. wife has a butterfly tattoo? a red one? she's married to ada. ada is her wifey. i refuse to accept anything else.
mental illness in media leads to my deep introspection and sudden stress, but also hopefulness bcuz i can vaguely slap the concept through a sieve and sprinkle it like cheese... huh? where was i? ah, yes, healing! healing through funny scary spooky zombie media.
leon feels guilty for the president turning and is just 100% guilt in meat form. idk this bitch ain't healed from that ending "gotta keep fighting" 90's motivation poster shit. we know his ass is still mentally ill!... ->
-> i remember reading something that suggested, from the book, leon probably would have killed himself if chris and rebecca didn't show up. and i mean. maybe? probably? the ideation didn't feel that heavy handed until the fight with diego-arias and how he just thought "damn today's a good day to die, huh? lol". dunno if things went over my head or if i'm just numb to signs i should see lol
rebecca is too damned smart and is also weirdly kind in the face of... friends dying. "sorry i gotta bash ur head in" lmfao
strengthens my urge for chreon. specifically daddy redfield caring for his dilf twink. helping a good friend through dark, awful times. and then kissing. smoochin. petting the good boy on the head. kissing again.
was also kinda surprised that chris sees leon as a normally cheerful guy? or... like. not a miserable fuck/bummed out bitch? or was that sarcasm? or did i misread. huh
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pinata-candy · 10 months
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Blows my little lore kazoo <33 Here’s my star hc family tree and silly star forms of everyone! Plus the original chart from 2019 when I first had this stupid idea for them all to be related which has since just. Dominated my personal star lore. It was supposed to be a fun au idea and then it got out of control the drama was just too much fun <33 More details under the cut about everyone!
- So first I gotta talk about dark stars real quick, in my lore they are a species of star and not just one guy
- Darkstars can not have parents, they are created from the shadow of millennium stars
- essentially what happens is when a millennium star is born, a Darkstar is created in its shadow to help maintain balance between light and dark forces of the universe. They are as pure light magic and as pure dark magic as any stars can possibly get.
- The Darkstar who begins the whole family tree IS the dark star from Bowsers inside story, his real name is Aludra. The Millennium star who he was created with is Prankstar, his real name is Capella
-THEY ARE NOT RELATED. I just wanna say that hear the deal with dark and millennium stars is less like a ‘these beings are twins’ thing and more like a ‘you are cosmically tied to this being by the strings of fate’ deal
-Without getting into Aludra and Capella’s complicated lore and more into the messed up lore of the history of dark and millennium stars, TLDR: Aludra was the star’s leader and Capella was his jester. They were in a secret relationship while Aludra was married to another star (the marriage had been arranged by the council)
- Aludra and his wife have 3 biological kids: Boomer (yes, the boss from mario rpg), Eldstar, and Smithy
- side note: star children are not made through. Yknow. They are made through a magic wishing ritual it is very easy and you don’t even have to see the other parent for it to happen. Also Eldstar and Smithy, those are not their birth names, they are titles earned later on, lots of higher stars have them
-Aludra also raises the next darkstar born, her name is Umbriel and Capella raises her corresponding millennium star, his name is Vesper. They are largely unimportant rn but just. That’s who they are
-Aludra is sealed away, his children fight for the throne, the Eldstar wins
-He then gets married to Mamar and has his four sons: Skolar, Kalmar, Muskular, and Klevar (again, I promise those are titles not their birth names)
-Lady Misstar wanted in on the high life and so started pretty much dating all of his sons at once, girl wanted the benefits of dating what are essentially star princes, good for her
-Fuck around and find out though, she has Twink pretty much on accident
-Star law says that stars are not allowed to have children with one another unless they’re married (a law made by Aludra to try and stop the overpopulation problem). but Klevar does not want to marry her
- so she does what any gaslight gatekeep girlboss would do, she lies to the stupidest of the children and says it’s his and she marries Muskular instead.
- he’s just happy to have a kid, he knows that ain’t his boy but he’s happy :]
-Twink is sent down to Starborn valley for his younger years just like any other star, no special treatment for him
-BACK TO THE SMITHY SIDE OF THINGS and oh this is where it gets complicated and ridiculous truly
- after his brother takes the throne, Smithy goes to him and has the idea of making vessels for stars, big metal bodies to keep everyone safe as stars are vulnerable little things. I mean just look at them
-Eldstar approves and they make the factory
- at first the factory is filled with volunteer stars who want to help but as progress is slow, they leave, Smithy is spiraling into madness
- well the factory needs workers, Eldstar starts letting his brother use children to work there
- Smithy has hundreds of kids with hundreds of other stars, he also takes orphaned stars to work the factory. Most die.
-They also serve as the star’s army, conquering more land and defending the haven
-He also forces his brother Boomer and his son to help him. Boomer’s son, Punchinello, would eventually flee the factory and hide on earth, settling in there
- Geno is one of his kids, he’s part of the latest and last group of kids. He’s towards the middle of the group
-Geno also flees the factory after realizing his father is out of his mind. He flees in one of his father’s wooden prototypes and dumps it on earth before hiding in space
-The Eldstar eventually finally realizes this has gone too far and tells Smithy to shut down the factory program, which Smithy retaliates by destroying the star road
-SMRPG happens. Smithy and his kids go to jail, they were bad
-at this point in personal lore/lore with my buddy, they are out of jail and the kids are all living together and patching things up
-there is also another darkstar, that’s Nebula, poor Yarid has been raising the damned thing
-also Yarid’s boyfriend. Yeah, we made him up sort of on accident. We had a list of canon characters. And we were gonna give him a boyfriend from those. Then we made Misha on accident and their interactions were nice so he got the role instead. Twas an fun surprise
-I think that’s mostly everything other than talking about Estelle, Castor, and Constella
-but essentially they were told by the higher stars. Oh hey, do you want a kid? We’ll let you have one without getting married, just for you because you are so special but don’t tell anyone they’ll get jealous :)) and then took their kids and put them in the factory
- also yes, all five of the axems were born at the same time, it was a terrible surprise. Their father had a meltdown. And they really did just name them each a color
-Also Trickstar is not on the star chart bc his title is a lie he is a comet not a star
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mrmeltingpoint · 4 months
what if instead of writing stories i made tumblr dashboard simulators with the lore instead
#that would be crazy right #writing is hard okay :( #melting's points
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🦈 mucking-and-sucking-about Follow
i pet one of our sharks while harvesting and i can confirm they're smooth
🎣 fishybusiness Follow
I've literally had to buy special fishing wire to stop sharks from cutting it when they swim by, their skin is razor sharp do NOT touch them.
🦈 mucking-and-sucking-about Follow
that sounds like a you problem our sharks are very smooth and feel nice
503,665 notes
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🌿 smoking-seaweed Follow
the ocean is so gorgeous :) if only it wasnt filled with The Horrors
9,101 notes
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🏴‍☠️ sailthesaltyseas Follow
🦜 polly-is-a-cracker Follow
WHERE is drunken sailor. this is a crime.
🐋 wailingwhale Follow
we should put op in a longboat 'til they're sober
79,074 notes
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🐙 atlantian-adventurer Follow
Some fucking landwalker dropped their fucking anchor through my roof. What the fuck.
27 notes
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🔱 nesting-crow Follow
just helped some twink steal a boat
9,295 notes
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🐉 seadragonsfuckyeah Follow
Sea Dragons are OUT THERE!! We just need to LOOK HARDER!
🪸 moralcoral Follow
Technically, you're right! The Dragon Eel, while not a dragon as you want to find, is descended from reptiles! Specifically old-world Horned Lizards, which is where they get their horns from!
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They can grow to be up to 98 feet long, and while they've never been known to capsize a ship, they're still pretty awesome!
🐉 seadragonsfuckyeah Follow
That is WRONG! TRUE Sea Dragons are OUT THERE and they are simply VERY DEEP UNDERWATER!! WE WILL FIND THEM!!!
🐚 selfishshellfish Follow
if a "true" sea dragon is ever discovered i'll get it tattooed on my left asscheek
🐚 selfishshellfish Follow
1,002,593 notes
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🐡 huffing-puffers Follow
is it just me or is the sea getting higher
⚓ weigh-anchor Follow
My grandma's house was taken by the sea. When she built it, the coastline was still miles away.
🦭 seals-not-sea-lions Follow
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818,733 notes
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⛵ gems-of-the-sea Follow
just watched my nephew steal a boat with a himbo and a harlot cuz i sang him that shanty about the sea jewel now my brothers pissed at me lmao
318 notes
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💞 mrmeltingpoint
none of you will ever understand my lore it will stay firmly locked away in my tiny skull
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my epic songs rating (act one) (kinda hard bc i adore them all)
1. keep your friends close (i am a loyal aeolus stan.)
2. remember them (especially the self doxx and the cyclops’ “dont go🥺”)
3. ruthlessness (i rlly like poseidon)
4. open arms (first released song i heard from the musical, 10/10 no notes) (also i am NOT observant chat i can point out two differences from the old ones and the rerecords and its just the stressed t in athena’s enlighten me and the blurry speech before remember them((?)))
5. lucky runs out (bc of the thunder saga’s reprises and also the “i took 600 men to war and not one of em died there 😁” is rlly good to me for some reason and i listen to the whole song just to hear it also “this is the home of the wind god”)
6. full speed ahead (its the “we’re up, we’re off and away we go” thats rlly sells it for me)
7. storm (“and island in the sky 🤩”)
8. wouldn’t you like (i like hermes getting odyssey high enough to beat helios’s witch daughter)
9. polyphemus (i am very fond of sheep and cyclopi, the cyclops lamb chemical is quite literally in my user name)
10. survive (i think my kitten otittyus of titaca was super cool and rad up until the cyclops started slaying literally) (i like him when hes covered in blood and pathetic more tho :3)
11. puppeteer (smth smth je ne sais quoi mais je fait so….its the evolution of circe’s lyrics from motherly and kind to her true intentions while using eury’s to bounce off of for that change. also other stuff i would need an entire novel of oc lore to explain and it would not be worth it)
12. there are other ways (just like say no to this and all of katherine howard and ricky potts and mischa bachinski its always the freaky ones for me idn)
13. no longer you (sing that prophecy twink boy yea fucking spit it🤩 fym red and blood what)
14. done for (its the beginning and the video jay made to simulate their fight with his touys)
15. monster (rawr rawr rawr also the “is the cyclops struck with guilt…and saves more lives with guile” verse that rlly gets me)  
16. my goodbye (i like that it sounds kinda like a break up song)
17. the horse and the infant (the beginning is rlly sick, and the end but thats a different definition of sick)
18. warrior of the mind (well done u lied to me :3 whats ur name?)
19. the underworld (ÞŒŁÏŤĮĖẞ NOOØǑŒÓǑØO😭😭😭😭)
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