cheesydelphox · 5 months
i have been thinking abt laharbolt and how i would describe their relationship dynamic in a romantic context and i think i would describe it like "both equally flustered to be doing this despite having very different histories when it comes to dating"
so i present to you: the ultimate laharbolt dynamic compendium as according to CheesyDelphox, formerly GOOGLE CERTIFIED ceo of laharbolt back when i still used twitter
this do be a bit of long one. under the cut, ok?
• lahar has never done this "dating" thing before. he's always been too sheltered (part of that is willingly, part of that is upbringing, part of it is the autism) and was invested in his council work more than he was relationships for a while (before he realized he had feelings for doranbolt.) he passively knew he was gay growing up but didn't put much thought into it, never really seeing a relationship with a man, much less a man he works with, as an achievable goal while in a high-profile role on the council. he is therefore not quite sure how to handle himself while in a romantic setting, but he can see how much doranbolt needs him and is trying to be the cool and confident one for him.
• doranbolt, on the other hand, HAS dated people before. he dated a few people (of various gender identities) during the 7-year time skip, both as a coping mechanism for helping himself forget about fairy tail, but also to help him forget how he just kinda left lahar (who he had passive feelings for at this point) on the council without ever really telling him how he felt. none of these relationships never really came to anything more than a quick thing, though, and they were never felt as real as his feelings for lahar did. lahar, to him, is infinitely more stunning than anyone he dated during that time period. he's perfectly cool and confident, but manages to balance that with humanity others don't feel comfortable around doranbolt to show him. lahar is so infinitely supportive of him, it makes doranbolt feel happier than he ever had. he's also fucking gorgeous, so much more so than anyone else. doranbolt, therefore, doesn't really know what to do with himself around someone so incredible, so he gets really flustered, expecially when lahar steps up to the plate and says something confident. (even when lahar is just trying to keep a brave face)
• doranbolt eventually does break out of his shell when their relationship isn't as new, and realizes that lahar will forgive him if he messes something up. doranbolt also realizes that as incredible as he is, lahar still doesn't know what he's doing at all. he starts to be more confident, knowing that. lahar also starts telling himself to take it slow, figure out what he himself is comfortable and with expressing, and realizing that doranbolt will make moves and advocate for himself. he's not in the same place he was during those seven years, after all. eventually they fall into relatively even roles in their relationship, having playful banter with each other that everybody around them recognizes as flirting.
• they moved into lahar's apartment after a few months of dating, since doranbolt usually ended up there most days anyway. when they find the time to be alone together, after most work days, it's very sweet and intimate. lahar's always been iffy about letting other people touch his hair, (being uncomfortable with hairdressers is how it got so long. he tried to cut it himself at one point and had to violate council dress code and wear a hat to work for a few months) but he'll let only doranbolt take it down from its but and run his fingers through it. doranbolt knows how special this is and is aware of the signals lahar will drop, and will back away if needed. massaging scars can help them heal smoother and generally look better, so one day lahar cupped doranbolt's face and started gently doing that. doranbolt was initially confused, but found it very comforting after a while. he doesn't remember where he got the scar, and he's scared to think about what could have done this to him, but he lets himself get lost in lahar's touch and forget about that. they fall into a routine. hair, scar, cuddle. hair, scar, cuddle.
• they do manage to go on dates occasionally, but it's hard because they don't want people to see them out together. lahar's nervous that dating someone at his workplace will ruin his reputation, doranbolt's nervous for... subconscious reasons. (he doesn't realize it, but he doesn't want to disappoint makarov. little does he know that makarov won't give a singular shit.) whenever they do, one of them usually has to save up to book a private reservation at a restaurant to have a room for just the two of them. doranbolt usually wants to teleport home, but lahar likes to take a scenic route and usually drags doranbolt to the nicest places in the city, just to have the prettiest kiss they'll have all month.
• all the rune knights have a vague idea that something's going on between lahar and doranbolt, but they don't know the details. some have it right and think they're in love, but other think they secretly hate each other, or are rivals constantly trying to secretly one-up each other. lahar and doranbolt both think this is hilarious and sometimes say out-of-character things to each other when things at work aren't serious just to keep the rumors afloat.
i'll probably think of more stuff to add to this, so when i do that, i'll reblog this with those additions. PLEASE ADD MORE STUFF ON IF YOU WANT TO!!!
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sunkissed-zegras · 4 months
🌱 with luke!! going to see him play for the first tim in person at his nhl games
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | lh⁴³
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♡ ─ word count | 585
♡ ─ warnings | luke being downbad for u, jack teasing you two (nothing too bad tho), just fluff!
♡ ─ ev's notes | this was such a fun blurb LOL
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You waited for Luke and Jack at the player's entrance, excitement running through your veins. It had been a couple weeks since you'd seen Luke and this was the first game you'd attended since he had officially signed with the Devils. Now after a great win, you and the others are planning on going out to eat to celebrate not only the win, but finally being able to see your boyfriend.
After the exhilarating win, the atmosphere outside the entrance was filled with joy and relief. As the players filed out, you scanned the crowd for Luke and Jack before finally spotting them among the sea of their teammates, your heart skipped a beat. Luke's face lit up happily as he caught sight of you, and he quickly made his way over, still flushed from the game as Jack followed suit.
"Hey, there you are!" Luke exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. "Couldn't have picked a better game to come to, huh?"
"That was such a good game, you did so well." You responded warmly as Luke kept his arm around you proudly. "I feel like such a proud WAG, like the ones on TikTok."
Luke laughed as he shook his head, "Oh yeah, that was the main goal - to make sure you get to brag about your boyfriend who's now officially in the NHL."
"How does it feel to be the best rookie this year?" You smiled, teasing him playfully.
Luke's cheeks flushed with a mix of modesty and pride. "Oh well, I mean... Let's not get ahead of ourselves. But it does feel pretty good. Hard work pays off, I guess."
"Don't let it get to your head, man. We need you focused for the next game." Jack playfully added as he looked at his brother, a smile on his face.
"You're too modest, Luke, you were so good out there." You grinned up at your tall boyfriend as he squeezed your shoulders.
Luke beamed at your compliment, appreciating your undying support. "Well, having the best cheerleader definitely helps," he said, leaning down to give you a quick kiss.
Jack watched as you two shared a small kiss, letting out an exaggerated gag as Luke pulled away with an eye roll. "Jesus, can you two save the PDA for, I don't know, not in front of me?" Jack teased, earning himself a playful shove from Luke.
Luke shot Jack a playful glare, "You're just jealous because you don't have someone cheering for you so proudly."
You laughed at Luke's comment as he pulled you closer, earning a dramatic scoff from Jack. "Luke I've got fan-girls all over the world. If I wanted a girlfriend, I'd have one-"
"Whatever, whatever." Luke dismissed with a smirk, "I'm just saying, it's different when you've got someone who knows you inside out, someone who's got your back no matter what."
Your heart fluttered as you watched Luke, your lips beginning to hurt from all the smiling.
Jack rolled his eyes, a subtle smile played on his lips. "Shut up dude, save the relationship advice for later. Plus I'm living my best life right now. No commitments, no stress, no nothing."
Luke glanced at you with a smirk as you two bursted out laughing, causing an annoyed to leave Jack's mouth as he began walking away. "We getting food or what? I'm starving."
"Absolutely," you replied, still chuckling from the joke.
Luke slung an arm around your shoulders, and together, you followed Jack outside to the car.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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wayfayrr · 21 days
The Menace is back with a Self-Aware ask and your weekly words. So here we go with the Self-Aware!
So I think about a Self-Aware Wind and Spirit would be a good idea. You ask who Spirits is? Well the Link from Spirit Tracks because I'm sure he is a reincarnation of Wind as there were things that wouldn't make sense if he was the same. Niko is old but Spirit isn't, Zelda and Spirit don't recognise each other, Spirit doesn't have a sister or a grandma only old man Niko and Niko tells him the story of Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass.
I believe that Wind tries to be sneaky like when Reader looks away he turns his head towards them. Reader also catched him a few times but just thought their eyes were playing tricks on them same with Spirit. But I think it would be interesting when both of them break out at the same time.
Like the scenario is like that. Reader plays Phantom Hourglass on their DS and their little/older sibling comes to them as they are stuck somewhere in Spirit Tracks and it was Reader's game after all, they don't know that Spirit planned it. So Reader just say leave it with them and put their DS down to look at the problem. Only to notice that it seems as there isn't one, Link just runs around the overworld. So Reader thinks it's a glitch and runs around with Spirit to find a next town, they are really far away if you don't use the train. So Wind gets jealous and looks for methods to get their attention. How? He runs out of the safety zone from Bellum's temple and has a monster running after his life. So if Reader plays with sound on they immediately switch DSs to save Wind. And these two do that the whole time. Oh, there is the train geek? Sorry Spirit, but Wind just fell down somewhere and Reader has to go the whole way back so they don't lose progress and heal him. Oh, Wind has a puzzle that Reader tries to solve? Sorry Wind, but Spirit just rolled against a tree with a bees/horns nest, Reader has to save him. Oh, Spirit sees and Overworld Boss and it does nothing and Reader wants to take pictures of it T posing?! Sorry Spirit, But Wind needs their help as he lost all of the ore for smith Zauz and now has to collect them again!! Oh, Wind just got a heart container after he defeated a boss?! Well Sorry Wind But Spirits RUNS ON WATER! OH LOOK WIND FELL DOWN FROM THE BOAT AND NEEDS TO BE SAVED!! SORRY SPIRIT, BUT YOUR JESUS JOURNEY HAS TO BE CUT SHORT!! OH READER FINALLY FOUNDS THE TRAIN?! WELL EXCUUUSEE ME SPIRIT BUT WIND RAN INTO FREAKING BELLUM IN THE OVERWORLD!!! OH...
And so on. These two will go into extreme lengths to get Readers attention on one of them. So they will probably break out as Reader didn't fold any of the two DS to help their parents who called them. But at first the two will fight. Obviously they love Wind more they played his games a dozens of time! Nooo, they love Spirit more they could've given him back to their sibling but they didn't he was still there. When Reader returns they just demand to know who Reader's favourite is. Reader completely stunned as both games start talk to them think they go nuts as they pulled an all-nighter before. The two won't stop and slammed against the glass until it breaks and... why are they so small? Why is Reader so tall?! WHY ARE THESE TWO HERO CHIBIS!? AND WHY HAS ONE OF THEM A JOB!?!
And your words are.
Ice blue
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Hello menace! you've discovered one of my utter weaknesses that I've never mentioned on here - spirit is my son/lh/j. I love that silly little train kiddo, he's just! So silly goofy!!!
also firm believer that if they both get out - or actually speak to one another then they'll get along really really well. they're twins and I can't be convinced otherwise.
I think the idea of them both spiting the other until reader leaves them both to go and destress would be an eye opener to the both of them, being bitter and not working together is worse for BOTH of them. Of course they'll both bicker about who is the favourite but when push comes to shove, two is always more effective than one.
ALSO LITTLE MENACE SPIRIT???? LOVE HIM oh he deserves to be an absolute little shit for attention, he's just a baby that can do no wrong after all!!!! just a tiny little guy!!!! Baby boy!!!!! he's got his train so now he just needs his older sib's attention!!! so what if he has to mess with someone else's game to do that - it worked so how can you hate him for it?
also the jesus journey bit is actually sending me- he's so desperate for attention he'll break all the rules in order to keep your eyes on him ;-; hopefully you won't reset his game seeing as he's breaking it so much now
heheheheheh tiny baby spirit who can sit in your hand or a baby wind who can fit in your pockets they're just little tiny babies!!!!! little itty bitty guys!!!!! (reminds me of some imgs peep's sent in asks lmao) so what if they shouldn't be there! now they are and that's your problem to deal with!!! they won't cause issues - pinky promise <3
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(both of these guys are by @artsy-moonwalker, I adore these two little guys beyond belief and spirit looking so scruffy is just so!!!!!! literally baby and I love him so!!!)
as for the words hmmmmm, I think I'll go with ice blue for this one (sorry for the late response too, I know these were last week's after all)
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devil-doms · 1 year
i am on my hands and knees requesting dom!levi x reader with tailfucking . that is all i need in this world. (all of this is /lh of course, no rush and no worries!)
YES I AM~ been a proud levi simp since day one ♥︎
You and Levi sat across each other on the floor, watching carefully as the bid counts down for an anime figure. You had agreed to help him out and for that, he was extremely grateful.
He taps his fingers against his phone in anticipation. You guys were still the top bid…until the last few seconds. Levi’s eyes widen when he sees his bid be surpassed. He quickly ups his bid to pass the other demon, but he was too late.
He drops his phone in defeat, staring up at the ceiling. You sigh to yourself, feeling bad for him. You began to think on how to make him feel better.
“I’m not even good at being a worthless otaku…I couldn’t even get the figure…” He doesn’t move from that position.
You set your phone down and slowly crawl towards him without saying a word.
“I’m like…a worthless worthless otaku…”
You’re now in front of him. He doesn’t even realize it until you run your hands up and down his thighs.
You look right up at him.
"Hey," you whisper, "are you okay?"
"You-you-you..." he starts stammering. "Uh... I-it's just, you don’t have to-to do that."
"But I want to, you lost your bid…I know it sucks that you didn't get her…" You say.
"I even had a space for her…"
"I bet they don't have a spot for her." Your fingers slowly brush against his cock through his pants.
His jealously had rapidly grown, and right before your eyes he turned into his demonic form. Levi now stood before you, you can see his tendril cocks still hard through his pants, “It’s not fair!”
Before you could do anything about them, you feel something slip around your waist, Levi's tail. Before you knew it your pants were off and Levi had you on your back.
He held your legs apart with his hands so he could watch you get fucked by his tail. He pants and grunts, you could borderline see the envy radiate around his body.
It was so deep within you. Your back arches with each thrust. You wonder how long you can hold on. You feel it squirm inside you, and with that, you choke up and quickly cum. You shiver as he pulls out.
You slowly open your eyes, you look up at Levi. He lets go of your legs, which were shaking like crazy. You see his cocks twitch, he was trying to catch his breath. His cum was running down your thigh and you didn’t even know it.
When Levi looks down at you, his eyes widen and he returns to his usual form. He looks away, blushing furiously, "You…you know w-what you were doing…"
"I wanted to make you feel better. Did it work?” You ask, slowly sitting up.
Levi glances at you, trying to hide the rest of his blushing face from you, “You don’t have to ask me that…You know it did…”
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
employee benefits.
summary. baizhu remains constantly attuned to his chronically ill employee and their needs. it is no surprise that he knows when they are unwell.
trigger & content warnings. chronic illness flare-up.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. baizhu & reader, qiqi & reader. 0.5k words. they/them pronouns for reader. this post is an expansion of invisible disability? it's rather visible to me.
author's thoughts. in celebration of me getting baizhu within 30 pulls and me getting to soak up all of his lore like a dry sponge would to water, heres some more baizhu content!! we love him in this household <33 he and kaveh are literally the REALEST genshin characters ever with the most relatable trauma and ideals like what the fuck man..... /lh
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baizhu knows that some days, his junior herbalist just can't work; it's far too much for their body. he's had many such days himself. it's unavoidable and unpredictable—some days, his body doesn't function well even if he was completely fine the day before. the same applies to his young hire. as such, he is often the one able to see the signs as soon as the day begins.
"good morning, dr. baizhu, qiqi, changsheng," they greet, a tired smile on their face. their smile widens a little bit when qiqi tugs their sleeve to draw their attention before handing them a pastry.
"[name] needs to eat."
"hehe... yes, you're absolutely right, qiqi. thank you."
she hums, content, as they pat her head. she remains glued to their leg.
the way their chest rises and falls is blatantly irregular, as if they're trying to catch their breath. there's a slight tremble in their limbs as well. baizhu briefly wonders if qiqi is supporting their weight, if she's somehow, subconsciously aware that something is off about them this morning in particular.
"oh my," baizhu muses, observing their tired disposition. "did you not rest well?"
"what he's trying to say is that you look awful."
"jeez, it's this early and you're already bullying me, changsheng? gui isn't even here yet. it's too early... what did i do to deserve this?" they huff. "to be honest, i woke up feeling unwell. i don't know why. i just feel very weak today."
"hmm..." he's thinking. if they are unwell, he absolutely will not permit them to work, given that they may faint or collapse at any point. he simply doesn't want to see them hurt themselves. "well, there's still quite some time until we officially open. come. i'll examine you."
"do i get an employee discount?" they joked, to which he smiled.
"i won't be charging you."
"wha— no. i was joking. i was kidding. you can't not charge me. that's hardly fair, given that i can afford it. i know we're supposed to make things as easy and affordable for patients as possible, but i don't need those accomodations. i work here. i already have easy access to everything i need."
"don't be stubborn, [name]."
"i am stubborn, dr. baizhu. you can't be hypocritical and expect me to allow that."
silence. then, the liyuean doctor chuckles fondly. the way he gazes at them is soft.
what a handful they are.
"fine, fine. i'll take the cost from next month's pay, alright? just let me look at you. we can't have you collapsing on us today, now can we?"
a month later, they find something... oddly normal about their pay. not a single mora has been deducted.
"dr. baizhu, i love and respect you and would never doubt the things you say, but... you said you would take my examination cost from my next paycheck. this is the same amount of mora i get every month."
"oh, did i say that? hm, i can't seem to recall that conversation."
"...with all due respect, you're insufferable sometimes."
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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amorisastrum · 2 months
How to use tone tags! :D
Because @flaming-green asked and also neurodivergence !!
Long post woah
Commonly used tone tags:
/j = joke
/hj = half joke
/ly or /lyr = lyrics
/pos = positive
/neg = negative
/lh = light hearted
/nm = not mad
/s or /sarc = sarcastic
/nbh = no body here (this is used alongside a rant/vent that has not named a specific person- people may think you are talking about them and spiral)
/genq = genuine question
/nf = not forced
/plat = platonic
/r = romantic
/srs = serious
/t = teasing
Why use tone tags?:
Tone can be a very difficult thing to pick up, especially through text. Use of punctuation and capital letters and certain word choices can make a sentence seem completely different. For example, if I received a text saying "Come see me right now." I would instantly think I was in trouble and would panic. However, if I received that same message with a "/nm" I would feel much better about the situation. People use punctuation in different ways as well! I personally use exclamation marks to show how excited I am !! While for others, a multitude of exclamation marks could indicate sarcasm. Same with the use of emojis. I personally use some emojis to indicate sarcasm, but I know people who use those same emojis to indicate... Well, what the emoji is showing. So, to use a tone tag avoids any sort of miscommunication.
When to use tone tags?:
Deciding when to use tone tags can be difficult. I personally use tone tags when I reread a message and realise it is ambiguous in tone, or when I reread it, it sounds more aggressive or rude than I intended it to be.
If somebody asks you what you mean by a message, this is probably a sign that you need a tone tag of sorts. Not all people are going to interpret things the way you intend them to be, so tone tags as a whole are helpful to avoid miscommunication. Sometimes the context of the message being sent can change someone's perception so tone tags are not always needed e.g. "omg I love you so much! You're so awesome!" This may be seen as genuine, while "omg you're so awesome." Can be seen as sarcastic. It depends on how that person's brain works.
If you are talking directly with one person, or a small group of people, and you know their typing habits (such as using emojis for sarcasm or use of punctuation) then tone tags may be needed less! But if you are talking to a group of people, such as on Tumblr, it may be easier to use tone tags as more people will see what you've said and... Well people may not understand what you meant!
Some words may have different connotations through different contexts, such as the word "silly". But sometimes people may not understand that context. I typically use Silly in a positive way, but at one point I referred to a character I didn't like as a "silly man" with my friend who had no clue who this character was. To them, this meant I liked this character, which left them confused when I started talking about them in a bad way. So, I started adding "/neg" anytime I meant silly in a negative way to avoid confusion.
Other tone tag things:
Try and avoid piling of tone tags at the end of a message/post as this can be confusing. Id say try to use no more than 2, 3 at a maximum.
If you're cutting into the middle of a message with a tone tag, you can use brackets, but you don't have to! Do what makes you comfortable.
Use punctuation where you see fit.
You don't have to use tone tags for every message you send/everything you post! Use them when YOU think the tone could be ambiguous or if someone has directly asked you what you mean.
You don't have to know every tone tag ever. I've been using tone tags for a good 2 maybe 3 years now and I mainly use /nm, /j, /srs, /sarc and /pos.
I also use /silly, which I'm not sure is an actual tone tag. I use this if something I say seems passive aggressive or if I am in fact just being silly.
I hope this has helped! Tone tags are something that help me communicate with people and make me more comfortable! And I hope they can make it easier for you to communicate as well :]
Also sorry if this makes little sense it is 2am. Feel free to add any more information in reblogs or replies!!
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isa-ghost · 2 months
q!phil headcanons for love languages?
I've said before that qPhil's love languages are gift giving and quality time, BUT, I should also mention acts of service. He IS always saying how he prefers being a support. Doing what he can to help is definitely one of his go-to displays of affection.
I took a test and answered based off what I think qPhil would prefer from what we know about his characterization and the habits of ccPhil (like his allergy to taking compliments /lh). From most to least, his love languages were Gift Giving, Acts of Service, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation. Which is almost exactly what I was thinking.
Let's see how many actual hcs I can get out of this rather than just writing a character analysis. :]
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Obligatory restate that crow brain must obtain shiny things to gift to his loved ones.
Fr though nothing says "I love you" like cool trinkets he gifts because it made him think of the person, or gifts he KNOWS the person has been wanting. Literally look at half his alone time on QSMP and tell me his default activity besides looting isn't obtaining things he knows his friends need, like that one wood type for Cellbit or zinc for BBH.
And inversely, the sentiment that something someone gifts to him made them think of him will earn them the sweetest "aw m8 🥺" because this idiot bird never expects to be on someone's mind. Bonus points if they gift him something he needed so he doesn't have to go on a long and tedious ass trip to resource gather.
Yeah no, words of affirmation mean very little to him. It's not that they don't matter or mean SOMETHING, he gets incredibly soft hearing someone like Missa say "I love you" and all that. It's just that he has an extremely hard time just accepting compliments and praise point blank. And he doesn't need to hear he's loved and appreciated, he knows it through a person's actions and desire to be around him. How they demonstrate their love and care says more than their vocal chords ever could.
The funny thing is, he's so uno reverse about some of his love languages. He'll hype the shit out of his loved ones verbally and he feels guilty sometimes when people do acts of service for him.
Doing acts of service WITH him though. Like teamwork? Chores around the house type shit? He's down for that. It doubles as quality time. As long as he feels like he's pulling his weight and not letting things fall on his partner's shoulders, he's content.
Aka his partner has to force his stupid ass to let them spoil him, he'll just feel bad unless they insist they WANT to do things for him.
OR: Turn it into bonus quality time and go resource gathering TOGETHER. 🤯
Physical touch he's pretty indifferent about. He LOVES hugs and kisses and the occasional cuddle. He's more than happy to hold hands. I've said before, this wack ass polycule fucks. But he can go without physical touch too, he's chill either way. But the fact that it's somewhat infrequent makes it even more special and melts his heart. :)
Quality time though. That's his SHIT. He fucking LOVES just existing with his partner. I am shaking Chapter 3 of AMFMN violently. The long walk with Missa. The picnic. Literally just enjoying some time with him. It's basically his default with the polycule, and his friends too. Gift giving may be his biggest love language, but quality time is the most accessible one, I guess you could say.
On that note, I also point to doing dungeons with Etoiles, misc adventuring with Fit, and building with the kids. Doing fun shit with your loved ones is >>>>>>> to him.
He loves gift giving BUT not at the expense of someone giving him something they need or something he knows they treasure. Don't give him the clothes off your back or something that matters to you. (Hypocritically, he will do the reverse though)
When he's very stressed, his appreciation for physical touch increases. Hugs really do make him feel better :')
He definitely uses certain love languages more often than others with certain people or types of bonds (partners, friends, etc)
Basically, he give gift. He love get gift. He love doing things for people. He love doing things With people. Physical touch special. Words don't matter much to him. As with many things (and in Kristin's words) Phil is "low maintenance."
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fallencrowkarma · 1 year
I think i figured out why i adore Alhaitham and Kaveh so much as a couple and i'm going to make this everyone elses problem now. Also i am so delusional because none of this is even close to canon but i do not care. Fight me /lh
This is going to be so cringe i am. So sorry(lie) Please don't expect a deep analysis of their relationship. I am simply a little guy with a single braincell.
Alhaitham and Kaveh's relationship is so clearly queerplatonic to me. It's so obvious.
They don't love each other like other people do. Or at all really. Sure there's teasing touches and blushing cheeks and affection but it all goes so much deeper than that. They bicker, argue and fight, they lock each other out of the house, take and hide the other's belongings to be petty. Most times they can't stay in the same room for too long or pencils and papers break and tear from sheer frustration. They bite and claw into each other's skin with their words and actions. But what they never do is tear into each other's heart.
They have danced this dance for so long, they know exactly which words dig a little too far, which petty action is a bit too much. Neither of them would ever step that far on purpose. There's no point in mindlessly bringing pain into their shared space.
Being complete opposites keeps them on their toes, keeps their mind sharp. One has what the other lacks. Alhaitham cooling down Kaveh's strong emotions and Kaveh helping Alhaitham see a perspective he thought useless. Even if they'll never fully understand each other's passions and views - they don't need to. They are their own individual people after all.
And that is not to say they complete each other because they don't. Both of them would be able to live without the other. They don't need each other but they choose to be together again and again because that is what they want. Even on days where they hate each other more than anything, they still choose to come back together. There's no denying Kaveh and Alhaitham is better than Kaveh and Alhaitham.
And if you spend enough time around them you will be able to see the huge amount of respect, adoration and trust they have for each other.
For them, one look is enough to know. Their understanding of each other reaches so deep, the tilt of a head, the raise of a single eyebrow, the narrowing of eyes, it conveys more than a thousand words ever could. They invented their own language, hiding a different meaning under their words, meant to be understood only between them.
And if it comes down to it, both Alhaitham and Kaveh trust the other to have their back, no matter what. They don't entrust their hearts to the other, but their lives instead.
There's rarely (if ever) romantic dinners, no picnic under the stars, no fun shopping trips. Instead there's quietly working on opposite sides of the same room, taking a break under the stars while carrying the other home because he's too drunk to walk, meeting in the kitchen at 3am to get some coffee and sit in peaceful silence.
And like i said, it's not like there's no affection. They cuddle and kiss and cling to each other. They give each other gifts and bring coffee when work takes longer than usual. Nothing feels nicer than falling asleep and waking up with the other in their arms.
They are so used to being together that it's difficult to imagine it being otherwise. Not impossible but definitely much worse. So they stay, time and time again. It makes them both better in many ways.
They don't love each other, they aren't in love with each other. Their presence is engraved into the other's soul, leaving a mark so deep, so special, that a word like love - so shackled to certain expectations, feelings and traditions - could never get close to describing what they choose to have between them.
So yea - queerplatonic Kavetham is my favourite thing in the world (especially as a romance loving aromantic). It's fine if ppl don't agree with me of course! This is what my brain has molded their relationship into. Kaveh's and Alhaitham's release better not destroy my little fantasy>:( /lh
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pubbydreams · 1 year
eddie x genderfuck reader headcanons
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pairing: eddie munson x genderfuck/fluid/queer/agender/nonbinary reader content: gendered & gender neutral terms used interchangeably, horribly self-indulgent content, autistic eddie munson (cuz i can't help myself fjdsklfj), briefly mentioned recreational drug use word count: 969
cis readers please do not interact. thank you in advance for respecting this boundary.
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You meet at an underground queer event
You spot his flagging, he spots your...........everything. He's immediately enamoured
The two of you make typical party small talk before eventually veering into the topic of gender
You start with broader concepts before bringing in your own experiences and identity, which he's totally into ("You're what? No way, that's so metal!!")
Then he kind of sort of info-dumps a bit about some pulpy fantasy novel he's reading and how the creatures exist outside of the human understanding of gender
He compares hand sizes with you as a way of flirting (it works)
When the party winds down, he asks if maybe you'd want to go out with him for a coffee, or beer or something, and of course you agree
He's giddy about it the whole ride home, your number scrawled in pen on the back of his hand
By the time you start Officially Dating, Eddie's already totally, insufferably in love
You've both agreed to using specific gendered language/terms in public (you are in Reagan's America, after all) but in private & queer spaces, he plays with language all the time
"She's my boyfriend :D", "he's my wife :D", "they're my sweetheart :D"
Eddie "Lucifer Cross" Munson is a gender anarchist and is totally down with neopronouns argue with the wall /lh
Corroded Coffin take an immediate liking to you
(Does Jeff ask for your help finding a cool skirt at a thrift store? Yes. Does Gareth smoke & talk with you about the patriarchy? Yeah. Does Grant exclusively use genderneutral terms for you? Of course!)
Eddie's obsessed with seeing you in his clothes, but if they don't fit, he'll give you his socks, some pins, necklaces (etc.) instead
(If needed, he'll buy clothes that are too big for him but will fit you well, and he'll wear them for a couple weeks to get his smell engrained in before letting you borrow them)
Don't get it twisted, he loves wearing/having your clothes too (and sure, maybe he uses one of your shirts as a pillow case sometimes, but that's his private business, thank you very much)
You call him babygirl one time and he goes up in flames, hiding his face behind his hair, and shivering all over
He'll call you his fair maiden, his sweet prince, his muse...
Asks for your help with his makeup for a show (or, if you don't do makeup, he asks if he can do yours just once pwease? 🥺)
Gives himself a small stick-and-poke of an upside down triangle and offers to give you one to match
He takes every opportunity to pepper your face with kisses until you're pushing him away, both of you giggling as you do so
Sometimes when you're watching horror movies, you'll point to something weird/gross on screen and say that it's your gender, and he doesn't really get it at first, but eventually he really gets it, and joins in
(The sewer tunnel full of rats in Ben? That's Eddie!gender, baby!)
OH, Wayne adores you!!
While neither of you really tell him about your...gender situation...he's a smart man, and an observant one at that, so he picks up on things pretty quickly
Still, he avoids pronouns/gendered terms altogether to be safe and respectful (asking Eddie about his partner, referring to you by your name, or cute little nicknames)
Wayne calling you sweetpea 😭
On lazy Sunday afternoons, he'll serenade you with some ballads, switching the pronouns as he goes
Eddie loves talking about how pretty, and charming, and handsome you are, especially when he's high and his brain-to-mouth filter is loose as all hell
But then you talk about how pretty he is, and he gets that flustered, lovesick look on his face again, whining about how he doesn't even hold a candle to you
(Then again, flattery works with him, so even despite his embarrassment, he laps up your praise like a little puppy)
Being with you emboldens him to experiment with his looks a little more
Yeah, long hair makes him feel best, and sure, he'll smudge some kohl around his eyes for a show, but he's never really tried anything else (he's not into that whole glam rock thing anyway)
He takes some inspiration from Rob Halford and tries some more leather gear, some mesh shirts, but it's not really for him
What is for him, though, is a little stud in his right ear
When it heals, you give him a small gold hoop you thrifted with the band a while ago, and he falls in love with it. Never takes it out. It's just a part of His Look now
Sometimes, in the privacy of his trailer, he'll put on some lipstick just to kiss you all over and admire the art he's left behind
(He also loves when you wear lipstick because then he gets to see it smeared across his face, while his lips and chin are still slick with your mixed spit)
He absolutely melts into a puddle when you call him princess
This man tells you he's writing a song about you, and gets all smarmy and quiet when you press for details
Finally, he debuts it at The Hideout, and you're met, not with a ballad, but a guitar-heavy, snarling thing about a changeling deity, and the strength of their thrall
How the protagonist of the song is trapped in their clutches, and unwilling to break free, because there's nothing sweeter than the cold bite of their chains
That night he tells you (all giddy and hand-flappy off the high of a surprisingly large and attentive crowd) that he's in love with you, and you tell him you love him too
In that moment he can't begin to imagine a time he's ever been happier
I have a lot more thoughts but I'll leave it there because this is getting kind of long fjdsklfj
masterlist ♡ ao3 ♡ kofi
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desafinado · 1 year
(don't tell me) she needs him
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kaeya only ever wants to see you happy
°。⋆ kaeya x gn!reader (brief diluc x reader)
°。⋆ friends to lovers, angst to fluff, rejection, kaeya calls you dear a LOT, heartbreaker diluc, happy ending, 2.2k words why.
notes: hmm, just the idea of the charming cavalry captain (who has no cavalry /lh) pining over someone who cannot even imagine him falling for them… yes, yes i concur… ik its such a cliche trope but ive been feeling angsty (but wanted comfort rip) also the title is inspired by she needs him by hers (rip i love them sm ;-;)
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the slam of the door catches kaeya slightly off guard and interrupts his conversation with lisa. lisa’s eyes follow the figure hurriedly passing behind kaeya as kaeya sighs tiredly; lisa smirks looking back at kaeya once she’s sure the figure is out of earshot.
“it seems that someone needs your advice more than me, right now” she chuckles softly. kaeya closes his eyes and sighs, pausing for a moment before speaking up.
“easy for you to say… i feel like throwing up whenever i advise them on how to approach their little crush.”
lisa giggles as she pats kaeya’s back and nudges him in the direction you went. “oh come on, maybe it’ll be different this time? and i know you want to help them.” kaeya slowly nods and reluctantly walks towards you. you're in front of the romance section, intently looking through each and every book; you're so preoccupied you don't even realize kaeya's quiet footsteps.
"what's gotten you in such a frenzy?" you can hear the kind concern in his voice as he gently lays a hand on your shoulder. you sigh, closing your eyes and turning to face him.
"i was talking to him, and he told me he borrowed a book from the library ages ago. A romantic novel…" you trail off and kaeya sits down at a nearby table.
"he chuckled because he remembered he had left a bookmark in it. he had rushed to return it on time, thus he never actually finished it and the bookmark was left behind." you continue browsing through the books' spines for any sign of the title. kaeya's lips curve upward, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.
"and you want to borrow it for him? tell him how it ends? is that it?"
you pause, pulling a book out of the shelf. you place it onto the table with a small thump, some dust particles floating off. you sit from across kaeya and roll your eyes.
"no… on the contrary, i wanted to see it for myself since he spoke so highly of it."
you flip through the pages, landing on the one that has a bookmark signed with diluc's initials. kaeya rolls his eyes at your response.
"please, you would do anything to see him smile, much more a chuckle."
you look up at him for a second; he has a knowing look on his face, one you're all too familiar with. you purse your lips into a straight line, regaining your composure. "okay, maybe so… but what are going to do? stop me from reading a book?"
kaeya shakes his head and slowly takes my hand away from the book, gently closing it. "no, no, however…" he gets up and stands behind you. "what-"
he rests his hands on your shoulder, gently massaging you. "would you not rather tell him you like him? instead of beating around the bush? following him like a lost puppy?" silence washes over the both of you as you pause to think. he does have a point, but maybe you're a masochist that enjoys the slow burn. you gently shake your head and look up at him, his soft smile and longing gaze greeting you.
"no, i don't think i would" you frown, knowing he's right. you take a deep breath and close your eyes.
"i know he doesn't like me that way, kaeya. i don't want to ruin whatever it is we have right now, even if it means that i-"
"that you'll continue being lovesick over him?" kaeya tsks continuing to work on the knot on your shoulder. "you need to get some closure, dear. it might hurt but at least it won't last forever." you look back down, fiddling with your fingers.
"i know you're right"
"no buts."
kaeya smirks cheekily, finally taking his hands off your shoulders. you take a deep breath before looking back up at him. you know you can trust him with anything, you can always rely on him to accept you for all that you are, so you just tell him straight-up. "i've just never been so scared in my life, kaeya. it makes me feel so… he makes me feel so…"
kaeya raises an eyebrow, standing by your side. "and that, my dear, is precisely why barbatos gave us the gift of alcohol." you hit him playfully, your mind still swirling with all the ways a confession could go wrong. “i hate you.” he shakes his head, chuckling quietly.
“look at this way, you can't change anyone’s fate, but your own…” he pauses, looking deep into your eyes, as though he was sincerely speaking from his own heart and soul. “your regrets will only be yours to carry, so you might as well take aim.”
you can’t help but blush under his intense gaze and wise words; you swallow thickly, sharply inhaling. “i..i’ll think about it. i’m meeting him tonight anyway… weekly meetup… a-and such..” you stutter out and stand up. safe to say, kaeya’s words left a heavy impact, making you feel a sense of dread looming over. kaeya takes his hand in yours and squeezes it gently, snapping out of your trance-like state. you let your eyes gaze deep into his, allowing a moment of sincerity.
“i just want to see you happy, you know that right?” he beams at you, though a hidden sadness lurks behind it, something you can only faintly see.
“and… my doors will be always open for you, whether for celebration or consolation.”
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“i’m sorry. i hope you can understand.”
you feel as though the life has been taken out of your soul, the walls closing in and your vision blurring. you knew it was coming, you were ninety percent sure of it, yet nothing could prepare you for the pounding in your head and knife twisting in your heart.
“i do… i really do.”
you try to hold in the tears threatening to spill, not wanting diluc to see you in such a state. he looks so apologetic, so sorry, as if you were a stray kitten he found on a rainy day. you close your eyes and take a deep breathe, feeling the night’s cool breeze against your skin.
“i’d rather you be honest than pity me after all, right?” you laugh nervously, trying to lighten the mood. he continues staring at you silently, and you really can’t make out what emotion it is. pity? disgust? disappointment? whatever it is, you can’t stand it. he sharply inhales before shaking his head.
“i think we should… you should get home.” he sighs softly, moving to place a hand on your shoulder, but before he can touch your skin you flinch away from him.
“d-don’t touch me, p-please.” you slowly back away from him.
“i don’t mean to-”
“i know. you never do.” you let out a shaky breath, realizing you had been holding it this whole time. “you don’t have any bad intentions, i know this much, diluc. just… i can handle myself.” you continue backing away from him.
“i don’t think that’s safe… you’re really emotional right now, you might do something you regret.”
“you don’t know me.” i announce sternly, hiding the shakiness in my voice. your hand trembles ever so slightly, your emotions starting to get the best of you.
“you’re making stupid decision after stupid decision, you really must-”
“yes, because loving you was a stupid decision, diluc, i get it.” you can practically feel the venom in your words, as though it was seeping into your bloodstream. you stomp away from him, not looking back even when he calls out for you.
your head fuzzy and throbbing, you’re surprised you can make it all the way home in one piece. you try to gather yourself, before twisting the key and stepping inside. you’re back in the familiar warmth of your own home, except for the blueberry haired man sitting on your couch, reading the book you had borrowed from the library. he instantaneously notices your presences and looks up at your face, cheeks littered with tears stains and eyes strained and puffy.
“oh dear..”
he puts the book down and gets up to be by your side. once you feel his arms around you, you let yourself fall and melt into his embrace. he helps you onto the couch, letting your head lay sideways on his lap as he strokes your hair.
“i..” he pauses for a moment, not wanting to risk you feeling any worse. “i figured, whatever happened, you’d forget about me… so it wouldn’t hurt to wait for you here.” he speaks over your faint sobs that cause you to shake ever so slightly.
“you know me far too well.” a small smile makes its way onto your face, yet the tears don’t stop flowing down your face. “why, kaeya? why does it hurt so much?” you ask staring back up into his concerned eyes.
“it happens, dear. we’re only human.”
you continue sobbing, its the only sound in the living room. kaeya calmly continues stroking your hair, and moves on to wipe the tears from your eyes.
“just like ripping off a bandage, dear. let it all out.”
and so let it out you do, you spend the next hour or so letting your misery spill out in the form of floods of tears and heartfelt words. kaeya is by your side the whole time, caressing your skin, trying his best to make you feel the warmth of his affection. by the end of it, you're straddling him as he hugs you close to his chest, still stroking your hair all this time.
“i don’t know why i couldn’t steel myself, kaeya..” you bury your face into his shoulder, taking in his scent. you can’t help but feel so safe and snug under his touch, as though it was where you were always meant to be.
“feelings are irrational, they aren’t something you can just prepare for, dear.” he rubs circles on your back as your cries finally start to subside. “if it’s any consolation, i’m very proud of you.”
you pause to look up at him curiously, your eyes are still sore and your face messy, but its clear he has piqued your interest. “oh? and why is that?”
“it’s simple, you've got closure, you’ve made your feelings clear. it’s something even i struggle with.”
“i doubt that… how could you give me such fearless advice then?”
“i gave you the advice i only wish i could follow, what i wish i had the courage to do.” his lips curve upwards, as he moves to caress your cheek. his touch is soft and cold against your warm skin.
“what if… i told you to do the same?” you stare deep into his eyes, waiting for a response. kaeya pauses, and puts his hands around your waist.
“what ever do you mean, dear?”
“i’ve followed your advice… and though, yes i felt its sting through and through, but i do agree i think my heart feels a lot less heavier thanks to you” you gently cup his cheek entranced by the way he looks at you with so much care. “as you have, i will also be there for you in celebration and/or consolation” i chuckle softly, repeating his words from earlier in the day.
kaeya lets out a shaky breath, seeing how you have turned the tables on him. “i… are you sure about that?” he confirms with you, trying to find any hint of insincerity or hypocrisy in your voice, any excuse for him not to face his feelings. you nod slowly, not trusting your words.
“then… it’s you. i love you, dear.”
you gasp for a moment feeling a flood of tears threaten to burst out. you didn’t realize this whole time that kaeya had cared that deeply for you, but much like your previous affections, you should’ve seen it coming.
“oh my god, kaeya, i…”
“i know, it’s not the best time and you still aren’t completely o-”
you capture his lips in yours, pressing softly. he’s taken aback, but he certainly isn’t going to let this moment go to waste. you both stay like that for a moment more, just taking comfort in one another’s desires, and moment later, you’re the first to pull away.
“i-i’m so sorry, kaeya. i’m an absolute dunce for not noticing sooner.” once again, tears begin to flow down your cheeks, but this time you feel like you can breathe easier. kaeya chuckles, wiping your tears away, tracing circles on your skin. “it’s quite alright, dear. i’m a coward for not admitting it sooner; however, you’re not just pitying me are you?” he pulls you closer, feeling like you might just disappear if he lets you go.
“no, no… i just… it just occurred to me that you were the only one i needed all along.” you feel the heat rise to your cheeks. “i… shouldn’t have ever taken you for granted, you’re the one i can’t live without… i…” kaeya lightly presses a finger against your lips, giving you that same knowing look he always has.
“semantics tomorrow, love. can we just stay like this for now?”
you feel ever warmer at his new nickname, you could definitely get used to it. you settle your hands around his neck and lean close nodding.
“i would like that… yes, please.” your lips form a small, but genuine smile as he presses his lips onto yours once more.
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feedback/comments are appreciated!!
though, genshin impact and it's characters don't belong to me, please do not repost.
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appears. whips out my uno reverse. pixlriffs to u too (and also maybe fwhip if you want yesyes) 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 19, 22, 30, 41, 47, 53, 54, 62, 88
(that's probably way too many feel free to skip any sjdfklsj <3)
So I wrote answers to all of these and they did not save :,) so take 2! Also! You did not specify a season, and I'm procrastinting, so have hc's for both characters, for both seasons of empires, on all questions
7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace ~
Copper King: Mostly involuntary regression, but I'll say for voluntary, a pacifer + oversized jacket, and being talked to in a soft, calming voice. Being told a story, maybe, or just being taught things that he's really interest in.
Count Fwhip: Varies day-to-day, could be a paci one day but not the next, and maybe one time that fuzzy blanket made him instantly baby space but this time he's just chilling and writing letters while cozied up with it.
Archaeologist. Pix: Teaching him things! He gets so excited. Also being in his froglight orchard makes him feel small and fuzzy inside.
Goblands Fwhip: So many things! Very excitable little guy, but like... pacis + teething rings are the way to go to ease him into regression.
9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed ~
Not really for either! Interests become more intense, but like... nothing new?
10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~
Copper King/Arch Pix: Not really? The copper king is non-verbal when he's small, or very slightly verbal, and anything he says is slurred around a pacifier and almost indecipherable. Arch. Pix also doesn't really talk, he prefers to listen, but he will very quickly and excitedly babble about anything and everything if you ask, and mess up a lot of words doing it, so kinda.
Count Fwhip + Goblands Fwhip: Yes!! He's just a little guy, he dunno nothing about words, lots of dropped letters and made up words from this kiddo!
14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies ~
For copper king/arch pix dragons 100% love dragons want to know everything about dragons, fascinated by them
I think for count/goblands fwhip same thing with dragons, but count fwhip might have a more vested interest in faries because he believes they're real :)
16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets ~
All of them are definetly more neutral/dark pallets, maybe some pastel every so often.
17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~
Copper King/Arch Pix: Over sized blue jacket!! He has it in multiple sizes and wears the different size ones depending on how small he feels (pretty sure I stole this from you /lh) and also just normal pants/comfy pants
Count Fwhip: Dresses/Skirts + a shirt that doesn't feel gross on his skin if he chews the neck part. Flowy clothes are more fun to play in!
Goblands Fwhip: Comfy Cozy clothes, fuzzy and warm but difficult to ruin because he is rambunctious.
19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers ~
Copper King/Arch Pix: Yes!! They love to collect stickers from their friends, probably have sticker books so they don't get ruined.
Count Fwhip/Goblands Fwhip: Less the type to collect and more the type to have some a put them all over his empire and other people's empires
22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes ~
Copper King: Finger paint! His favourite activity to do with Joel when they are small together (reminds me of what I'm doing for our art trade!) is use the mezelean dyes/paints to finger paint! They have lots of fun together.
Count Fwhip: Probably also finger paint just because his fine motor control is limited to building + redstone only, holding brushes does not cooporate with him when he's on the smaller end of the scale, so finger painting is better for him.
Arch. Pix: He likes brushes just because it's more control over what he's doing, and he likes to paint things for his friends and want's it to be as amazing and totally awesome and cool as possible
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~
Copper King: Preferably neither, haha! He likes to pretend he doesn't need to regress, and sleeps just fine in his adult bed thank you very much! But when he's a baby, probably with someone? Just for comfort, since he's a very stressed out little guy who just needs some cuddles and someone to rub his back while he falls asleep.
Count Fwhip: Neither too, but like he was to sleep near Gem, in the same area if not the same bed when he's small. She's his twin!! He loves her to death and just wants to sleep knowing she is near by.
Arch. Pix: Probably a crib, actually. I think he's the kinda kiddo to roll out of bed a lot, to the point where he's pretty good at catching himself, but when he's little his reaction time is slower and he's gotten a couple of bruises, and a spranged wrist, from doing it incorrectly/too slowly, so I think while not like a proper crib, he'd have gaurd rails on his bed (and they'd make him feel oh so small, like a little kid. He likes to drag his fingers across the bars and listen to the quiet noise of the wood, it's soothing.)
Goblands Fwhip: Crib! He's a little guy, and he likes to be small to fall asleep because it makes cuddling his stuffies feel much softer and nicer, but a normal bed is just uncomfy, he wants to feel protected, and a crib does that for him!
41🚀 Favorite Game ~
Copper King: Hide and seek! Or more specifically, hide and entertain himself for a while because other people are stressing him out. And it's a no talking game which is a bonus!
Count Fwhip: I think he likes to play games with Gem + Sausage, maybe tag or like doing tricks, that kind of stuff. Something active.
Arch. Pix: I think he'd still really enjoy hide and seek, but also scavenger hunts!! Or just finding things and showing them to people, he loves to just pick stuff up and stick it in his pockets because Joel/Fwhip/Scott/whoever would probably find it interesting and he'll see them at somepoint right?
Goblands Fwhip: He just likes to play anything, silly little chaotic gremlin boy, he likes to do pranks and that kind of stuff, probably hiding and spooking people as they walk by (but not too badly! also gives himself away because he's little and giggling the whole time and anyone can hear it from a mile away)
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies ~
Copper King -> Not really? Like there's a lot of magic so hypothetically yes, but when he's small he just... it's not on his mind? He has The Vigil/Death thing going on, so fairies are much of a strech, but he doesnt like... actively believe in them.
Count Fwhip: 100%, absolutely without a doubt, have you seen some of the empires with all their crazy plants? Only fairies could do that.
Arch. Pix -> When big sort of? He definitely believes/likes to believe in all kinds of stuff like that, both big and small. When he is little he'll build fairy houses in the froglight orchard. There's a fairy ring not to far from the catacombs, he always makes sure to avoid it.
Goblands Fwhip: Yes, once again. He lives near the deep dark, if skulk exists why shouldn't fairies??
53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace ~
Copper King -> He can psyche himself out of headspace if he gets too anxious about people needing things, or if someone is mean to him about something/teases him he can pull himself out because he no longer feels safe, even if the intial regression is involuntary, if he's too overwhelmed he can pull himself out. Also probably being around littles who are younger than him, since his brain wants to be a caregiver instead.
Count Fwhip: Probably not a lot, if he manages to properly regress, but when he's bouncing around probably loud noises/not feeling safe would pull him out of it sometimes (though sometimes it pushes him further in), and maybe being like... babied to much right out of the gate when he's feeling over would make him feel weird and like he'd pull himself out (although it could make him a baby, could go either way)
Arch. Pix -> Feeling awkward/out of place around certain people when he's regressed would pull him out of headspace.
Goblands Pix: Being mean to him :( he's just a baby, but if he gets in trouble/is made fun of for something he'll force himself out of headspace
54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs ~
I don't think any of them are! Copper King no, he has a great appreciation for what they do, and while he may not like them all, he's not scared of them. Count Fwhip maybe some?? But like not in general.
Archaeologist Pix loves them!! So does Gobland Fwhip! The sillies love bugs, they could stare at them for hours.
62🎃 Do You Sleep With A Stuffie ~
Copper King: Not so much? He has them, but doesn't really sleep with them. Maybe if he's super small and it's offered he'll take one, but not on the forefront of his mind.
Count Fwhip + Grimlands Fwhip: Yes!! He loves them, they are important to him when small, he likes to cuddle when the shadows get to big or it gets too cold, so they are the perfect substitute for an actualy person.
Arch. Pix: Yesss! He tucks them in, and they have tea parties in the frog orchard and fall asleep on picknet blankets!
88🌼 What’s A Nostalgic Place For You ~
Copper King + Count Fwhip: Pixandra + Grimlands -> I like the idea of Grimlands + Pixandrai being quite intertwined as two old empires on the fritz with one another, and that Pix and Fwhip both spent a lot of time at eachother's empires as children + growing up and both places are nostalgic to them. For Pix also Mezelea, just because I like to think that Joel would have been quite close to him as a child, as Pix was a ruler long before Joel was, so he helped him get everything in order when Joel was crowned king of mezelea, so specifically the mezelean palace is nostalgic for him
Arch. Pix + Gobland Fwhip: The Catacombs for Pix 100%, I think that when he first got established in the lands, he found a lot of comfort in the weighted, but peaceful, presence of the catacombs (also ghosts!) and it just feels safe for him, and it's nostalgic to retrace some of the first steps he took as an archaeologist in this land of empires for him. As for Fwhip, he definitely has lots of nooks and crannys in Gobland that he would escape to as a child, and the ones he can still squeeze himself into have a very nostalgic feeling for him.
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godsandvillains-if · 10 months
Aaaah, I read your demo and you got me hooked immediately. I didn't read the synopsis aside the MCU part, so I knew it was about superpowers and that's it. Wanted to let myself get surprised and I was so "OMG WHAT'S GOING ON I NEED TO KNOW MORE". Loved every second of it <3
I gave my MC hemophobia and needless to say I felt sorry for that after they arrived at that floor lmfao
I immediately feel in love with Wildcat🥺
Very important questions: since their skin color is so different, what about their tongue (lol). Also do they have sharp fangs canines. Asking for science.
Also when I read "with straight black strands sticking out like thorns in a bush" my immediate right was, "ah... so like a sea urchin Fushiguro Megumi, got it" /lh
When they transform, does their suit transform with them (just imagining a tiny cute cat in a skintight suit is hilarious, sorry) or will they be naked when they transform back?👀
Oh, if it's not too much of a bother, could you either give us the color code or an image of their skin color? I just google'd purple beetles and royal purple (as described in-game) and they seem to still come in a variety of shades which doesn't help at all...
All that asking only about my husband Wildcat aside, can I also bother you with asking what sort of casual clothes all of the ROs wear?
I'm sorry for all these questions. I'm also very sorry if I bothered you with any of those. I tried Tumblr search but...Tumblr isn't the kindest with showing results--at least on mobile :'3
Talking about Tumblr being mean on mobile, I used italics and strike-through on a few words here, but somehow sometimes Tumblr loves to change the entire paragraph into what I used for a word or two so I apologize if that happens before I hit send and makes everything I wrote look weird lmao
I hope you have a wonderful day. Please don't forget to rest a lot and have fun with your IF!
Byeee! :D
Hahaah a fellow marvel fan I see 🤭🤭
Their tongue is pretty similar in tone to ours, just a teeny bit purple in the middle, and they do in fact have fangs, but not as long as vampire fangs.
Their bodysuit was especially designed by Stardom to shift alongside them, but believe me, before that they would just walk around butt naked a lot of the time—much to Zodiac's dismay.
Click HERE to see the purple beetle image I took as an inspiration, since a few of you might not like insects very much, like me haha. Wildcat's skin is a few tones lighter than this one but not by much, and the bodysuit is a iridescent dark green, the same as in the image.
The questions are not a bother at all, I love that you guys are so interested!!
And I quite understand the frustration with tumblr asks, a lot of the asks get eaten... 😭
Thank you for the question!! 🍒
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idyllic-affections · 6 months
a letter from aphelion. ♡
a letter to all the people who have made my year in one way or another. there is no particular order to this post, and some of you may find that i don't have much to say, but all of you who are on this post are here because i can recall times i've enjoyed speaking to you or seeing you in my notifs or just existing within the same space as you. i hope you all have only the best year possible next year—it seems like most of us need and deserve a good year, hm? though i regard myself as quite a gentle and sentimental soul, i struggle with putting it into words. it's ironic, considering i am a writer. i mention this because even if the things i say in this post are quite silly and lighthearted, just know that i earnestly mean what i say and each and every one of you has contributed to my year in a memorable way <3 may we all have a good 2024.
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       dear @lillonvia,
YOU!!!! YOU!!!!! HELLO. HI. MEETING YOU HAS BEEN SUCH AN HONOR AND SUCH A DELIGHTFUL PART OF MY YEAR!!! i love the little silly conversations we often have—i think it's probably a good thing that we share so many random fandoms. it's as if we lived somewhat similar lives growing up despite growing up in such vastly different environments <3 but anyway, i think the fandoms we share are really helpful in being able to have such fun conversations!! we have many things to talk about!!! despite the vast difference in timezones!!!! please go to sleep at normal hours!!!!!!! /lh
       dear @starryshinyskies,
HI AVERY <3 i was literally always so delighted to see you in my inbox back when you were still ⭐️ anon, and i still feel that kind of joy now! you have so many good and fun thoughts to share with me about things i've written and i love that... i hope moral injury ch. 2 will give you that same kind of brainrot again when it does finally come out!!!! if it doesn't that's okay too HAHA but i always love hearing your thoughts on... literally anything ever!! i have some fics of yours that i've been meaning to reblog btw, so maybe watch out for multiple essays in your notifications in the coming weeks LMAO
       dear @aroacenezha,
MAJI I AM SQUISHING YOU LOVINGLY IN MY HANDS or i can just look at you fondly if you don't want to be squished. i am okay with that too <3 i often think about how we met and i think it's both kind of funny and kind of nice. "baizhu would hate dottore" agreed so real so true that post was so correct in so many ways RAAHHH 🤝 the nice part of the way we met being my baizhu series. despite me having NOT updated it any time recently, has brought a lot of people into my inbox and sometimes into my life and i think it's very cool. i love when people feel seen. and furthermore please always send me your oc thoughts and your blorbo thoughts i love them so much 🙏🙏🙏
       dear @soleillunne,
ALYYY MY LOVE MY BELOVED you are so precious and treasured.... i love what you do, i think your writing is beautiful and has such a poetic quality to it. and i love when you appear in my inbox and notifs!!!! though tumblr is very mean to you and always eats your asks.... you are important to me and so many other people and i hope you always know that. genuinely. you are such a kind and wonderful person and you are always loved.
       dear @heiayen,
YOU. *GRABS YOU* *EVILLY* you. you are so. idk but YOU ARE. can't think of a good word. no words, only vibes. you are vibe-y. /lh you're another moot that has the most top tier responses to things, even non-fanfic posts. you just have Things To Say, and in the best way possible. your thoughts are so fun..... i interact with you rather often—more than some people realize, perhaps—and you are a dearly beloved presence in my life 🫶🫶
       dear @zeldadou,
though we haven't talked too much recently, i still think of you often! i love seeing your art and the way it changes and develops... and i love hearimg your thoughts about things or when you send me fun things you think i would like <33 you are a very kind person in my eyes, whether you realize it or not.
       dear @june-again,
i hope life treats you well, always. you don't deserve anything less. i think of you fondly! your kindness is and was very remarkable and treasured especially when i was first adjusting to tumblr and posting my fics and whatnot..... by the time we met, i was still very new, so i appreciated any kind interactions (i still do of course! it's just a bit different when you're new to a website like this haha)!!
       dear @kaixserzz,
I FUCK WITH YOUR THOUGHTS DUDE YOU SEEM TO COME INTO MY INBOX AT THE MOST RANDOM AND UNEXPECTED OF TIMES AND DROP THE MOST HEARTBREAKING ANGST POSSIBLE??????? HELLO?????????? ARE YOU. DOING OKAY??!???!!!! YOU WAKE UP AND CHOOSE VIOLENCE. ESPECIALLY WITH KAVEH. WTF (me too tbh 😇) /lh please always send me any platonic thoughts you have i will entertain all of them fr 💥💥💥 you have such good thoughts in that brain of yours 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
       dear @archonsbane,
i haven't spoken to you much, so forgive me if this seems or comes off as a sudden or jarring tag, but i do enjoy talking to you. fatui moot <3 you GET IT get it about the harbingers' dynamics. i hope we have more opportunities to speak sometime! (and if that sentiment isn't shared, that is totally fine. i would respect it either way 🫶)
       dear @lesanyanyas,
we only became mutuals recently, but i hope you know that i always thought of you as one of the "blorbo from my notes" kinds of people haha!!! i always saw and recognized you whenever you were in my notifications or my inbox and you always have such delightful and fun things to say <33
       dear @umgatochamadopercyval,
CLARA HIII you are such a remarkable person, you know? you've been nothing but kind and understanding, and you have such fun thoughts and ideas!! i love hearing about them sm. even if my responses are delayed, just know that you are always welcome to ramble in my dms about your ocs or your fic ideas and i will never find it to be annoying or anything. it isn't annoying. it never is.
                                                 sincerely,                                                                           aphelion.
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there are people who did not make this list, and to those people, i hope we can become closer in 2024! if you aren't on here, it's truly only because i've hardly spoken to you. so... perhaps that is something we can do next year! i think of all my mutuals very fondly. i don't think of any of you as "less than" just because we haven't spoken mwah mwah <3
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chibipsycho-v3 · 1 year
Hello Hello! It's me again!
Heehoo request time/lh
I'm feelin' very hurt/comfort cause anxiety is being a bitch like always. Same peeps from before btw!
Basically, just some general anxiety comfort will do. Whether that's headcanons or a oneshot or both like last time is up to you. But I would like to add a personal tidbit if that's fine.
How they would comfort their partner who's ashamed of how they feel.
I'm sorry if that's a bit too personal or if it's just oversharing in general, I just could use some comfort about that, y'know? Totally up to you if you want to answer this request or not friend.
Have a good rest of your day/night!
*hands together* I am sorry that this took so long to get to you I won't bore you with my RL But I wanted to get these just right before I posted them. I did these in a headcanon style this time, it was the format that flowed- for some reason?
Anyway I hope you feel better, friend. I have some similar struggles from time to time and while I can't rightfully say I know your pain, I feel for you and with you. So we can all sit here and get some comfort from some nice 'bots~
P03 comforting a partner who is ashamed with how they feel
Something is bothering you, P03 can tell. He's not very perceptive with mood changes in others, but he's been around you long enough to recognize it.
At first, he doesn't say anything. He figures if you wanted to talk about it, you would. He does soften his words around you, though.
P03 finally can't take it and he pulls you aside to ask you what the problem is. If someone's bothering you or something, he'd have a few choice words with-!
In the quiet of the backroom, away from prying eyes, you tell him. But once you tell him what's bothering you, his face can't quite settle between sad and upset.
He doesn't say anything quite yet, but- if you were okay with it- he would pull you close and hold you against himself.
He tries to come up with words, but- Oh, he's terrible at this. But you're not feeling good and he's gonna try his damnedest to relieve that feeling.
So P03 tries to offer the words he needed in the past. That he can see you're not feeling good. That you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. That he's proud of your efforts. It may take him a minute (this poor 'bot is awful at discussing emotions, especially his own) but he may even tell you a little about his past to show you're not alone.
Once you've calmed down a bit, he turns his attention to the factory- and calls an early shutdown for the day. His workers are understandably confused, but he tells them not to question it.
He's not going to just comfort and run, he's gonna stick close to you for the rest of the day.
You want to talk more about your problems? He's listening. You want to discuss something else? He's got plenty of subjects and things to distract you with. You want to cuddle? He'll find a blanket for you both. If you want something to eat or drink, he refuses to let you do it yourself and brings it to you.
He wouldn't put this effort out for just anyone, and if pressed by someone he'd deny he did it, but P03 does care about you.
"I don't want you to feel ashamed. I am proud of who you are. Tell that to the thoughts that are trying to scramble you up."
The Archivist comforting a partner who is ashamed with how they feel
The Archivist can tell your mood is off the moment that your demeanor changes. She says nothing in front of others, but as soon as the two of you are alone, she'd ask if you were feeling alright. She wants to give you a chance to talk on your own if you wish to.
If you do tell her what's bothering you, she gives you a look not of pity, but of sympathy. She'd offer a hug if you'd like it, and she squeezes your shoulders gently.
All of her files are set to the side for you. She wants you to feel better, but she doesn't want to overstep a boundary.
But first, your comfort is her priority. That file the Archivist built on you tells her all she needs to help you out. She'll get your favorite drink in your favorite spot with possibly even a playlist of some soothing music to help you de-stress. Any other comforts you need are easy enough for her to get her claw on.
If you need a distraction from your problem, she has no end to interesting subjects the two of you could talk about or things she could show you to take your mind off of things.
She doesn't want to goad you into telling her anything, but she insists that you can tell her anything; she's a really good listener, after all. If you want to be left in solitude, she'll let you calm down by yourself if that's what you need.
But if you want to talk, she's there to listen. The Archivist loves to listen to you, though to hear the hurt and shame in your words, see it in your face… It tugs at something in her circuits.
She'd do anything to make you feel differently, but of course it's never as simple as that. So she tries to understand your position. She might ask gentle questions about why you might feel this way or what she could do to help- but if those questions upset you, she would immediately backtrack.
Your state of mind is her top concern and she tries her best to be attentive and understand.
"You're my sweet partner, and nothing could ever make me ashamed of you. I wish I could change things for you… But I can stand by you through your troubles. Always."
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
Hellooooo ! I LOVEE your writing its so cute it makes me pass out.. May I request prosekai boys with an s/o that has a group similar to theirs ?
(I apologize for not wording this right :((
I love your writing !
Blueberry Anon 🫐
DBSBBFF aww ty, and I hope you don't pass out!!/lh but if this isn't what you meant, feel free to tell me!! I hope you like this!! <3
♡ SIMILAR GROUP - Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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You KNOW that Akito's competitiveness would get the best of him-
When you tell him that you're in a street group that dances in another street, his first thought is, "I need to challenge them to a singing battle immediately."
He doesn't say that at first, simply saying that it's cool before asking how you practice
He's not trying to figure out your techniques. Totally not.
He asks about the battle a couple of weeks later. Whether you agree to it or not, he will respect your choice. Just know the battle would be fun as hell-
He visits your group, sometimes with VBS, whenever they don't have practices. He's always in awe of you <3
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Toya definitely thinks it's a cool coincidence!
When you tell him that you're also in a street group, he'll smile at you, "Ah, that's cool. I don't know many people who are-"
He asks to see how you practice, and will watch with awe. He had always been impressed by other groups' styles, yours is no different!
If you ask him to, he'll learn some of your songs so that he can help you practice. You do the same for him!
The two of you definitely take the other out to your street so that you can give tours
He'll visit to watch your performances whenever he can, oftentimes bringing VBS with him as well. He loves watching you perform <3
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Tsukasa is absolutely STOKED
When you tell him you're in a theater troupe, his eyes will sparkle, "Oho, really?? This future star has to see your performances!!"
He's so excited, he acts like a little kid as you talk about what you do with your theater troupe
 The two of you practice for your shows together! He'll read your scripts and act out very dramatically, but it's super fun!
He also helps you with your costumes! He might add in a star here or there, but he thinks they're nice touches!
He brings WxS to watch your performances, and is the loudest member in the audience. His lovely co-star is becoming a true star indeed! <3
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Rui is incredibly intrigued by the coincidence
When you tell him you're in a theater troupe, he'll grin at you, "Oh, is that so? Perhaps I should take a look at the competition then!"
He doesn't really think of your group as competition, groups like yours can certainly differ after all
He asks to see your part of the show, and will occasionally throw suggestions your way. Most of them involve you launching in the air or drones flying in-
He also asks if he can go behind the scenes, not wanting to do anything except observe
He brings WxS to see your performances, and will grin with pride the entire time. You certainly knew how to steal the show <3
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delurkr · 11 months
More Little Hope models 🤩
This post has been in my drafts for a long time lol but HariboStixx on deviantart posted a bunch of extracted LH models! I come bearing some pics and commentary but go look at the rest of them because there's quite a few.
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YOUNG VINCE MY BELOVED. I love him and his corduroy coat. You can get a hint of the western style seams on the front, and now I see that's a denim jacket under the coat instead of a shirt. I LOVE. Unfortunately his pants and shoes are just the ones from his funeral outfit (which is clearly a duplicate of Anthony's funeral outfit, a true fashion faux pas) so unfortunately that doesn't say what he was "really" wearing.
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Passerby seems to be wearing a suit under that coat. And btw only recently did I come across a playthrough bright enough to notice that his coat has a belt that's undone and dangling at the sides. I really want to know about him and what he was doing on that night 😂 Also his pants are a good 20 years out of date but we love him in spite of it (or maybe because of it).
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About time we get a full view of Wyman lol. Lookit all those snazzy buttons 😁 (They must catch on things all the time.)
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Is Taylor's watchband red in the game? I don't think so but if it is it's a nice nod to Tanya's red bracelet.
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David was executed because he's been flaunting his collarbones in public. Tsk tsk, David. Cloth hose though instead of the other guys' knitted ones, fun detail.
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Joseph's top layer thing looks like it was a pretty fancy garment at one point. There's a lot of (faded?) detailing down the front and around the armholes, which would have to be done by hand and that's a lot of effort for something a farmer will be bumming around in. And something was ripped out of the armholes (which shows better in the game), maybe sleeves that wore out before the rest of the garment and didn't get replaced. I don't know much about clothing in this era but anyway it's such a deliberate design choice. I love Joseph's outfit and I wish the devs would post his model so we can get closeups of the proper textures on it.
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I need help. Is Abraham's outfit actually blue in the game? Obviously some of the colors aren't accurately represented here but other extracts I've seen of his model are blue. It just kind of looks brown in the game to me.
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Anne with red hair again. Honestly the more I look at it in-game with enough brightness it looks like a shade of red there too. I'm slowly starting to consider that Anne's hair may be red enough to be related to the fact that they adopted a red-haired kid 🤔
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Lastly, vehicles. Words cannot express. How much I LOVE the Clarke's station wagon. Just, them, in that car. (Imagine road trips.) Anyway I finally have a clear enough view of it so... yes, I tried to find a real-world make, and, just like Vince's car, I don't think it exists. The lights and grills are never comparable, but ignoring the structure the vibe works for a good chunk of the 1960s, which means I get to imagine at least some of the Clarke kids learning to drive in it 😊
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