cowboy-robooty · 11 months
does anybody else ship pretty boy flizzy x tom from da boondocks. Anybody. Anybody wanna hear my episode ideas?
#fucking hate the shit that i will get invested in#because ill reading fucking chainsaw man and ship NOTHING#at most angel x aki but everyone thinks aki semes so fuck that noise#LMV was like robooty if u want good yaoi just watch good shows and be delusional#I DONT SHIP YAOI IN SHOWS WHEN THEYRE GOOD#AND THEN THE YAOI I DO SHIP IS FUCKING PRETTY BOY FLIZZY X TOM FROM THE BOONDOCKS#OR STEDE X EIGTHMASTER FROM PIRATES BY INTERNET HISTORIAN#NOBODY IS SMOKING WHAT IM SMOKING AAUAGHWJSJE#I NEED TO LIKE KLANCE OR SOMETHING BUT I DONT. I JUST DONT#me when i dont even have a jujutsu kaisen ship#like if u put a gun to my head id say uhhh.... megumi x yuji#but im not invested idk i just dont ship anything i like yujis awesome adventures#actually no i ship rika x yuuta but aint nobody on that shit except me#same way that i started reading 2ha and i prayed the yaoi WOULDNT happen#me when i read a yaoi novel and go this would be so good if there was no yaoi#BECAUSE THAT FUCKING NOVEL IS PROUD IMMORTAL DEMON WAY EXCEPT IN OUR WORLD#I#no#im not going to talk about 2ha#i saw what happened to shen qingqiu in svsss#i literally am like shen qingqiu towards proud immortal demon way except its me towards 2ha#im not going to talk about it online cuz next thing i know imma wake up and go 'what the... im..... shi mei....?'#IM NOT TRANSMIGRATING INTO 2HA I CANT DO IT THAT WOULD BE MY LAST FUCKING STRAW IM NOT GOING TO BE SHI MEI#anyways tho i got volume 1 of 2ha in mint pristine condition and i want to sell it off because i dont want to own a physical copy of pidw#in fact id prefer having an actual copy of proud immortal demon way 1000x more than fucking 2ha#so if anybody wanna buy it from me dm and ill even put on my moms lipstick and give a page a big fat red robooty kiss
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heynhay · 1 year
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i love everybody because i love you
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cassandracain52 · 3 months
Someone trying to put down another persons OTP: You can't ship them because-
Me: Is one of them a child?
Someone: What? No but they-
Me: Are they related?
Someone: Well no but-
Me: Then mind your business and move on
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ikimaru · 4 months
hii im sorry if this has already been asked before, but i couldn't find it in your faq. on your bigcartel, it says the Klance Mini Comics Compilation is unsuited to print out, but i noticed you dont offer a physical version either (and you mention there isn't one either).Will there ever be a physical item or is there a printable pdf i can buy, or is it just, not possible? im sorry if i misunderstood something and you've already answered this ask, english is not my mother tongue haha. thank you!!
Hi, yes it's because it's not suitable for print that there isn't a physical copy either, basically since none of the comics used the same format there was no way to evenly distribute them across the pages in a way that looked nice and also wasn't over 230 pages (with there being only 2 panels on each page..), so you can only get it as PDF
the PDF isn't printable either but even if it was u would need 113 A4 pages to print it (for reference my other comics are slightly smaller than B5) bc I ended up making each page to be a long scroll type thing like a webtoon, hope that explains it!
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soulreapin · 6 months
any tips on getting charactarisation right! i want to write keith and lance but you dont have to talk about them specifically!
ummm!!! i dont really have many since i feel like i struggle with characterization sometimes But nevertheless. these will probably be klance specific but ill try n slip some general ones in
having seen voltron front to back is definitely a must. getting a good grasp on how theyve progressed throughout the entire series is KEY to writing their characters.
acknowledge their flaws!!! seeing things that are key to characters be erased because its a “negative” trait is so upsetting. sometimes theyre going to react badly! thats just being human. let them learn and then live.
this one is something i’ve had to work on but having an understanding of how they talk. if they drop letters, if they have an accent that’s easily recognizable, if they speak a second language. the words they use and HOW they use them are just as important to characterization as the color of their eyes.
continuing with second languages since i know lance is often written bilingual, sometimes its a very fine line to walk. if you can ask a native speaker for help, great! if not, ask around or lean away from it. but if you can, allow them to speak their second language because it often lends to the character speaking truer feelings.
i really hope this helps you!!!! if you ever need a beta reader or anything just shoot me a dm 😁
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klanceficatalogue · 1 year
Wow wow wow!! I can’t believe you’re back!! I used to visit this blog so much while I was in middle school and now I’m heading off to college, isn’t that insane???? Welcome back!!
In honor of this occasion, do you have any personal favs that you’d like to share? And maybe a ghost!au tossed in there 👀? (Anything related to ghosts used to be my favorite ^^)
wild as fuck! i was finishing highschool (16yo) when i made this blog and now im finishing my uni degree LMAO. something about regression or whatever.
i only just starting looking at the klance tag on ao3 again so i dont really have any new favourites.. feel free to look through my favs tag tho. and have some ghost au's - k
my favs tag
ghost au
perfect harmony by ShatterinSeconds (1/1 | 11,080 | Teen and Up)
“Think of it as thanks for allowing me to stay and not getting rid of me.” Keith slides the coffee back across the counter. “Wait,” Lance pauses and raises an eyebrow, “were you afraid I was gonna perform an exorcism on you or something?” “I did.” “Hm, maybe I should have,” Lance mumbles, bringing the mug to his nose and breathing in. Keith remains unimpressed. “I could haunt you for real.” “Spooky.” Lance grins and takes a sip of his now perfect coffee. (or Lance buys a cassette tape at a thrift store and ends up with a ghost roommate and eventual boyfriend)
The Quiet by MilkTeaMiku (32/32 | 66,700 | Teen and Up)
Does he not realise he's dead? Keith can see ghosts. As a part of his Garrison training, he's sent to a hospital to do one year of medical clerkship - it's there that he meets a charmingly irritating ghost who definitely needs to learn what boundaries are.
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Rewatching Voltron
Season 1
Season 2
— ~~~ —- _ — ~ }=>
Wanted to say this at the top: All of this is for fun. I haven’t seen voltron in a hot minute so I’d thought I’d go through and see if it was just as bad as we remembered. Below is my highlights and grevences, along with a few Head Canons! So stay if you want. If you don’t, I don’t care! This is just a me thing ^-^
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Transition between season 1 and 2
So satisfying on rewatch but must’ve been a bitch on release (OGs I will never know your pain lol)
Honestly wouldn't do anything to change the start of the second season.
The evolution of the paladins language
Idk if I said it already- but I love how the paladins are using Altean vocabulary. V good detail. Hope this stays consistent
Ships: Yes we’re doing this again but Klance won’t be the biggest issue
There’s a lot of Aullura and Shiro moments in the beginning that would’ve been a great foundation for something more if it wasn’t for the fact that (spoilers) Shiro is gay. The vibes they have are very knight or mercenary x princess and I’m a sucker for that shit.
Allureith is born in this season. And all I can read from this is good intentions but no thought. Both in execution and in the actual relationship. At least right now, I may change my mind the further I go.
Allurance. To me. Is the most infuriating thing this show has to offer. Every time I see Lance take a shot on Allura, and I see her discomfort I always say something along the lines of “Can you shut the fuck up-!” Or “Can you actually stOP!” While pausing for a good moment to regain myself. Just- god. Why? She is nO T into you dude. If anything this would be wonderful character development for both characters. I can see a full ep dedicated to this issue of Lance not knowing when someone isn't interested unless they actually say it to their face while Allura is in this denial that one day lance would get the hint. And from this experience, lance either fucks off for the next few episodes or starts from scratch with Allura with the understanding that friendship should always come first. If she is comfortable with that ofc.
Klance as a whole is screaming enemies far more than rivals right now. If klance is gonna work regardless of being a bromance or romance, there should be an understanding shining through. However, with both parties actually fighting in the middle of battles, and little to no willingness to talk, Iis becoming harder and harder to see why this was the biggest ship the fandom had to offer (then again 2016 was a fandom fever dream to begin with soooo)
Platonic relationships
Give me more Coran. He needs friends. I’m volunteering literally any of the palidins. And ofc we need more of the daughter Allura dynamic since we DONT HAVE ANYY. This man is such a theater kid and we are blessed with his existence.
Keith needs more time with Hunk and Pidge! For the love of god I CANNOT see them as more then trauma bonding buddies. I already have a list of things the B team (thats what I call Hunk and Pidge together because they are the Best Team) can bond over with Keith
Tech- (for both) this is built on the fact that Keith litterally had that cork board set up in the first eps to find Shiro. (Sorry Sheith shippers. I read these two as brothers only.) I like to think that Pidge and Hunk would ask Keith for help with techy stuff almost in the same vein as Lance. The only difference being Keith knows slightly more than Lance dose.
Sports- This one is mainly for Hunk but this can bleed into Lance too. Even though he's a big nerd I like to think his family is big on Foot and Fútball. I think Keith is the same but he loves baseball far more (same with Lance). Almost like I'm projecting my I Dont Dance Au onto these two hahahahaha-
Family/ lack there of - this can go for everyone. The best way to start this convo would be at dinner in the castle. Everyone is having a very quiet time until Hunk asks "Guys, what were your family's like?" This would result in a beat of quiet as for the first time in a bit, everyone really thinks about earth. Not for a passing moment or anything. Like- seriously. Allura or Coran would encurage this, saying that they dont really now alot about the palidin's home planet. From there it would a hodge podge of stories and background. I have a few HCs bout this including Shiro not really having a family and going into the airforce for financial and emotional support only to end up on the Curburos mission to.. escape life *cough cough* Adam *cough*, Pidge would talk about their mom's cooking and how their brother helped them with homework to the point where it got annoying. Hunk would say his mom's cooking is far superrior and then talk about his dad and siblings. I want to make his dad a retired wrestler, now mechanic. Lance would take offense to Hunk's claim this his mom could cout cook his mom. But he would talk alot about how his siblings were always there for him after their dad left (YES I WANT DADDY ISSUES LEAVE ME ALONE) Allura would remark throughout these stories with questions of her own. We'd eventually end with Keith, who almost leave the table at the pressure to remark on his own upbringing. This. This would be interesting.
But ima leave it there lol
The tracking plot point and rant about season 2 ep 6
Before this ep we got sprinkles of shiro/black lion tracking- wich is great. Love that shit. I have a problem with how we figure that out tho
“Zarkon must’ve imprinted one me durring our last fight.”- Keith. My man. Explain to me wtf you mean.
Fr tho. Just because you’re half Galra dosent mean that’s how it works bro. Ik we’re not fully sure at this point but- cmon.
“It’s me.” Allura. Hunny. H o w? Why even?
Why would two people who think they’re being tracked- GO TOGETHER??? Why would you even leave in the first place?! Shirio is right. Splitting up makes y’all vulnerable! Voltron can’t be formed without Keith! Why would y’all do that?? If anything why not leave in separate pods and just so happen to crash onto the same planet the paladins are on! I’m sorry I just hate the beginning of “The Arc of Taujeer” while Keith and Allura are away there is an actual humanitarian crisis. I know it’s important but damn to the tracking idea but G O D
Allura and Keith should be shunned and punished for the stunt they pulled in this ep fr. Info learned be damned
Mall episode
God bless the mall episode. An icon. Truly. All hail. All hail!!
The Blade of Malora/ Keith’s heritage + the racism
Let’s get the great out of the way: The Blade themselves- Their introduction is great. That goes without saying.
Keiths trials- M W A H the character assessment I could make is TOO LONG ON G O D
but the actual workings of the BoM is so calculated and cold. It’s honestly so refreshing in a way I don’t know how to explain
I just love untrusting rebels because that’s the reality of rebellion. You don’t know who is for the cause and who is a gov plant
I personally want Keith’s Galra heritage more known physically. Both on him and in his upbringing. I want splotches of purple across his body that no doctor can explain (all of wich can be hidden with a change of clothes) and barely noticeable physical abnormalities (ie: longer and sharper nails, maybe purple tinted hai “I dye it…”, strange “scars” that are actually birth marks that stand out. But he passes as human. Through these excuses.
I also want flashbacks to his dad trying to pass on everything he knows about his mother’s culture. (The knife and stories)
Now- I wanna talk about the bad. Y’all know it, y’all seen it- the racism
Now- Allura, sure. She has a reason to hate the Gullra. They killed her people. That is valid and I think that the truama combined with the truth that she’s working with “the enemy” is a great conflict and is honestly wonderful character growth.
HUNK ON THE OTHER HAND- w t f. This is so out of character. Hunk is literally the heart of the group and almost as smart as Pidge. I think he would know better than anyone else that litterally nothing has changed about Keith. Hell- maybe Shiro would know that struggle of people seeing him differently better than anyone else because IDK HES GAY (unless I change that. Personally I saw Shiro straight but… audience interaction? Lol I’ll put a poll on the final season if I remember) TLDR- As Keith said: “I didn’t just turn Gullra!”
Finale (season 2, episode 12 + 13)
Aullara getting over her biases and apologizing to Keith is perfect
Shirio and Keith’s chemistry is amazing as well both in and out of combat
The spy. An icon.
The amount of tension around this plan not failing is delicious. Yummy yummy- give me more!
Emperor whomever the fuck’s obsession w/ voltron carrying over to battle
Hagar being the voice of reason aGAIN. Queen shit fr.
When I first watched this I thought the paladins died ngl. Then when I rewatched I thought Allura died. Voltron out here with the drama fr
Zarkon meka action figures. When?
ALLURA DOING SHIT- F I N A L Y (Tangent will be later I promise)
HELL YEA WINGS!!! The fursona is complete
“Shit she got tats too!” Only to be met with Deisex Machina because Allura is the main character apparently
Hands to the side of voltrons face. That scene. Fucking slapped.
oh also lotor revel lol
Smaller things
The spies for the rebelion
I’m such a fake fan I don’t remember their names, but both of them left a big impact on me with their sacrifices
The guy who died in the cluster field, was a real one. Making the big bad of the episode implode on itself with him at the center- dude
Also, the guy closer to the finale who was almost caught multiple times. What a fucking trooper.
Underwent torture and still didn’t reveal the plans
Both of these dudes need art made for them! Like- I swear to God they did so much for these fuckers and we don’t hear about them, their back stories, or their families ever. When I rewrite this, I want to include pieces of what these people are sacrificing, and who they are fighting for either before, during or after they sacrifice themselves for the revolution.
TLDR; 🫡 Real ones
Zarkon’s black lion obsession bleeding into his character
I like how hyper-focused the big bad is about controlling the black lion.
He’s kind of right in his thinking that by controlling the lion, he’s won. He’s right. But from this thought process he’s reckless and too assured in himself.
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy given layers with the later seasons
Let lance be the sharp shooter
I want more sniper man!!
I want more chuckles instead of groans
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Overall- The show is still good!
This was a fun watch! Was there things I’d change? Ofc! But this season holds up just as, if not better than, the last! From what I remember everyone agrees that seasons 1-3 or 4 is the good shit and then everything goes downhill. Hopefully I’m proven wrong but I highly doubt that.
Scroll bat to the top if y’all wanna see my thoughts on Voltron season 1, thank you for reading my rambles, and, most importantly, FOLD YOUR FUCKING LAUNDRY! You’ve put it off all day-! DO IT!
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louisthewarlock · 2 years
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I posted 1,946 times in 2022
That's 237 more posts than 2021!
82 posts created (4%)
1,864 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 109 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd spoilers - 9 posts
#tua3 - 9 posts
#ofmd - 4 posts
#spoilers - 4 posts
#the umbrella academy - 4 posts
#our flag means death - 3 posts
#zombies 3 - 3 posts
#tua s3 - 3 posts
#tua spoilers - 3 posts
#long post - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i dont know if this proves that maybe ive watched too much of him over the years or if it proves wed be good friends but something happened
My Top Posts in 2022:
I bought disney dreamlight valley yesterday and then proceeded to play for 7 hours straight while thinking it was only 3, I think I need help, but also if yall could tell any better ways to get sand, I really need it for Ursula quest thanks :*
45 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
If you haven't seen Our Flag Means Death yet but you have hbomax but you're worried about queerbaiting DONT BE
I can promise you right here and now that there is not a queerbait in sight
If a character interaction seems queer its because it is !! And they mention it !!
There's a canon nonbinary character that they all refer to with they/them pronouns without mentioning it !!
There's a character who has canonically drawn all of his crew + others naked and his partner is totally okay with it !!
I screamed when two characters kissed because it's still season 1 and I'm so used to queerbait and shit so I wasn't expecting it to actually happen at all let alone in season 1
Please give this show a watch if you can it's so damn good
47 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
No one told Tommy that likes mean nothing on tumblr oh no
52 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Saw someone on tiktok giving klance fic recs
Me, waiting for them to say dirty laundry
They finish the video without saying dirty laundry
Me, clicking on comments to see if anyone brought up dirty laundry
The comments: dirty laundry, don't forget dirty laundry, oh I love dirty laundry, yall remember dirty laundry
117 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thinking about how he literally just turned 23 this month and he inspired millions of people, I'm not okay
220 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hoelko · 5 years
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“Clip” posts versus “episode” posts.....
Like...I know y’all are reading but.....are y’all reading?
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aeroas · 7 years
rating keith’s smile out of 10
every time i see keith smile i gain 10 years of life so im here today to rate some pics of keef to calm by beating heart 
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the shit eating grin 12/10, the type of smile that says “ur daughter calls me daddy too” and i love it
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the “i got back ur lion notice me senpai” smirk: 15/10   the teasing remark?? the teasing smirk?? this whole scene clears my skin
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the “im completely and utterly in love” smile: 100/10   do i need to explain???? look at the softness......the fondness...... and who is it directed at??? uuuhh yeah ur boy lance dont tell me klance is dead u coward
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hooo boy another soft smile like look at that!!!!!! hes so in love and im in love and my crops are flourishing, a solid 200/10 
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the famous “we make a good team” smile, very gay scene but personally not my favorite smile but yall would have attacked me if i didnt include it , 11/10
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just fuck me in the ass smile, 80/10 very Nice
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the “heh like that” smile UUUUHHMMMM 500/10 LOOK AT THIS........ aesthetic backgroun? yes. great quote? yes. smile directed at lance once again? y e s. 
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angsty season 3 keith smiling at l a n c e , 350/10 let him be happy dreamworks let!!!! him!!!!!! be!!!!!1 happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
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look at that smile!!!!! the “we’re still just kids even tho were in space on a very important mission” smile 600/10 very pure and im about to cry with love
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the soft “my boyfriend is so talented” smile 5000/10 wonderful smile, filled with pride and adoring, another reminder that klance will never die asswipe 
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the otome game smile, 800/10 ill leave my heart to this smile if u know what i mean hahahah excellent smile, could cure diseases
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GOD TIER/10 ARGUABLY THE BEST SMILE like look at that big grin!!!!!! i bust a nut every time i see that laugh!!!!!!!!! baby boy i love u 
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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ikimaru · 2 years
gosh i just wanna say im sorry u keep getting asks demanding for a comic update. i think i can speak for most of ur fans that we’re just happy ur posting in general! rest and balance is super important so please dont feel pressured just bcs some folks here demand it from you <3 at the end of the day we’re all just klance lovers!! :))
ohh I didn't take that ask super seriously, I thought it was the same tone as "we need answers!" kinda thing fjkjgs but ye I already have a schedule so it's not like I'm gonna make it any faster than that anyway
if anything I'm gonna try to make as many pages as I can this week so that I got the next weeks covered and finally have time to do something else too lool it's easier to work on comics with a buffer but I haven't been able to make one for a while now so I want to fix that
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klance-fics · 3 years
i love klance fics so much. got any good post-canon goodness? preferably pining.
i dont read that much post-canon tbh because of the,,,, bad ending but i got these!
also id start with the last one. its by one of my fav authors and is sooooo well written
sunflower [re]
On the morning of their first summer back on Earth, Lance receives a gift of sunflowers. A confession, a rejection, and the passage of time, all leading to the one person who's always been there for him.
Social Distance
When the officer drops his key in Lance's hand, he spots a big red number seven on the side. He turns to Hunk hopefully but is disappointed when he's shown a green three on his card.
Allura cranes her neck to call Keith, who's staring at his key like it personally offended him. "Keith? What is the number on your card?"
"Seven," he replies, lifting his card for everyone to see. Lance's heart sinks to the floor.
After returning to Earth, the Galaxy Garrison forces Team Voltron to quarantine, and Lance shares a room with Keith.
If You Love Me Don't Let Go
“So try to think of something else, then. Don’t just immediately shoot down my ideas.”
“You know that’s not what’s happening here. You know what I –“
“I know what you’re saying,” Lance snapped, “but I need you to not say that, so help me think of something else!”
Keith could feel how hard Lance’s arms were shaking with the effort of hanging on.
“Lance.” He knew what voice to use – the calming, matter-of-fact one. The one that said everything is going to be fine. The one that said I know what I’m doing, so trust me. “You won’t be able to hold on much longer. You know that, even if you’re too stubborn to admit it.”
Post season 8, in which Keith and Lance fall over a cliff, but it still ends happily. Kindof a fix-it fic.
"Keith." Lance reaches out to grip his wrist. "I'm not leaving you."
There might have been a time when those words would have made Keith the happiest person in the universe––but not now, not like this. He looks down, noticing that the flashing numerals on the screen have dwindled to two digits. Which he figures means they have less than a minute left.
Two years after the war, Team Voltron reunites on the night of Allura's coronation as queen of New Altea. But when an unexpected attack occurs, Keith and Lance are tasked with dismantling a bomb planted in the basement of the castle––and are left to face some unresolved tension in the process.
Choking on the Memory of You
“Do you really not remember me?”
Lance’s back was turned, his face angled toward the sky, but the incessant tap of his fingers on the side of the swing told Keith that all Lance’s attention was directed at him, waiting for his answer.
Keith clenched his jaw. He wanted to remember Lance. He wanted to look into those ocean blue eyes and swear that he had known them before. He wanted to say that there was at least something familiar about Lance, some flicker at the back of his mind, some dormant memory just aching to be awoken.
But no matter how hard he tried, it just wasn’t true.
“I wish I did,” Keith whispered softly. “I’m sorry.”
In which Keith gets Hanahaki disease, and has the operation to remove the flowers, along with any memory of Lance, the boy who he’d loved. There’s misunderstandings, there’s regret, there’s heartbreak. How will the boys deal with the aftermath?
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nejishadow · 3 years
Neji’s Pinned Post - What Is Up My Dudes
Greetings! I’m Neji / NejiShadow!
[ 25 - They / Them - Agender / Asexual ]
I’m best friends with @shadowfreak98, so you know why I mention her in my descriptions and tags so often, and also why we commonly match.
I do commissions, but they’re closed right now - I’m moving so figuring out price changes has been put on hold. I don’t do requests unless I put out a post for it, and art trades are for muts / people I interact with often only.
[ I have unlimited Sketch Commissions on our Ko-Fi ]
Can contact me on any social media if interested!
[ If you wanna check out my stuff elsewhere, all my things are on the Carrd ]
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My Persona meme edits are generally free to share and use, just please dont claim you made them, and if they inspire you to do anything please tag or show me - I need to see or I'll die unfulfilled in this life [and I'll def share / like / reblog / something]
This doesn’t apply to my drawovers / art memes!! Those take way more time and effort
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My queue is set to post thrice a day. The pattern is two reblogs, than a new post. Occasionally there will be a day nothing new is posted to give the last new post breathing room, or to give me more time to make more art.
Every once in awhile reblog extra stuff in the moment, but mostly save stuff for my queue so I’m not running out of art to post too quick. 
My queue easily has 400+ things at any given time, so there may be multiple month gaps between me liking your posts, and them getting a reblog, in case you wonder why you’re suddenly getting a buncha reblogs from me This also means if you have some variant of “don’t like this without reblogging” on your posts, I just won’t interact with you to avoid getting blocked
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- I’m an anti, so pr*ship and their supporters get out.
- I do not answer DMs that only say “hello / hi / what’s up” or any other variation. I don’t like talking to strangers, period, honestly.
Fun facts and other things below the cut so this post doesn’t just... go on forever
If you ever wanna ask me questions in my askbox, feel free! I don’t mind being asked fun stuff. I turned off anon mode after getting asked questions that are clearly answered by the part of the post you’ve read by now. 
Currently trying to focus on (read: failing to focus on):
- MOVING, god it’s stressful, help!! 
My general favorites:
Color: yellow-orange (leaning towards orange usually) and royal blue
Food: Sharp cheddar cheese
Song: Live and Learn by Crush 40
Music Artists: Owl City, Daft Punk, Crush 40, nostraightanswer
Fic Tags: Wholesome. Happy Ending. Fluff / tooth rotting fluff. Café AU. 
Story Genres: Fantasy / sci-fi. Stuff from those genres but modern AUs
Game Genres: Platformer. Action / adventure. RPG. Most things heavily story driven. Any fusion of those genres.
Game: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Comfort Characters you’ll see me cry over:
Tails the Fox
Pidge Gunderson
Turing (2064 ROM)
Vocaloid Oliver
Ken Amada
Yuuki Mishima (more a blorbo but he deserves to be here)
Favorite Ships you’ll see me reblog more of:
Klance, Adashi and Curtadashi [VLD]
Sonadow, Sonally and Sonaze [STH]
Akishinji, Shuryu, Shuyuu, Souyo [PERSONA]
Zerox/Xero [MMX]
Pearlina [SPLATOON]
Neonnova [NSR]
My “active” fandoms (meaning I interact with posts more often from them) are: - Sonic the Hedgehog - Persona - Voltron Legendary Defender [VLD] - Splatoon - Kingdom Hearts - Ace Attorney
- What I’m drawing constantly fluctuates, there is no consistency of who / when / where and what I’m doing. Even I don’t know sometimes
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- OCs are tagged under their name. So if curious about them, simply click the name hashtag and it’ll bring up all their posts. Only ones that might be confusing are: - Neji is my persona (Tagged simply “Neji”, “NejiShadow” is usually used for update textposts) - Salem (Tagged “Salem”) is my fursona. - My sonicsona / sonic mascot is tagged “Salem (Sonic)” - Lance -- in order to differentiate him from VLD Lance -- is tagged “Lance (OC)”
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willadisastercry · 4 years
Keith relapsing and not being able to stop once he starts... pt 2
(((( Once again: please, please, please read the trigger warnings and proceed with caution before reading this. I vividly describe Keith’s internal struggle after he relapses... if anything even remotely regarding self harming or someone discovering a person who has is sensitive to you I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU DONT READ ))))
tw: in depth depiction of acting on self harm ideations/urges, scars, relapsing, becoming ill from blood loss, someone discovering a person after they relapse, rationalizing their self harm because the alternative is suicide, contradicting oneself and later very much deciding they would rather be unalived, panic attack symptoms, reopening a wound, allusion to surgery (stitches)
Keith is still very out of it after having a full fledged panic attack and the last thing he wants is to invite another spectator into the mix to watch him devolve further. So Shiro agrees to do something he hasn’t had to do in a very long time... courtesy of his battlefield medicine training.
Also again... YES klance and NO klance. You can interpret it however but their questioningly less and less ‘no homo’ behavior uh certainly ramps up and I suggest that they’ve had certain discussions/interactions before... definitely still not the main focus of this fic but there for context bc it just happened that way.
Part 1 / Part 2
The tension in the air was palpable as it hung on all of them. Lance watched Shiro’s entire body visibly relax, the grimace on his face the only tell that he was working through something in his mind, remembering something unpleasant.
Keith’s wimper pulled both boys back after a minute of terrible silence.
Several of the hardest cuts to close had broken free of the glue that held them and were gushing steadily. Keith was paling by the minute as he continued to breathe rapidly and tremble as if he was cold despite the sweat on his forehead.
He just wanted this to be over. To finally be asleep where at least then he could pretend that it had never actually happened and it was just a horrible dream.
Without saying anything more Shiro pressed the bandage back to his side and moved Lance’s hand to hold pressure there while he stood up and scanned the room, his eyes landing on Keith’s towel. It was hardly even damp then with how much time had passed since Keith had finished his shower.
“Keith, I know you’re not going to want me to,” he started with his jaw set as he pulled Keith towards him for a moment to lay the towel beneath him despite his meager protests.
“...but I have to tell Coran so that he can—“
He stopped when Keith let out a desperate whine as he released his hand from his mouth to tug on Shiro’s arm, his fingers digging in like he was trying to anchor them to something so he didn’t drift away as his chest started working double time.
“No. You can’t! You’re n-not t-tell-telling him.”
“Keith, I know that this is—“
“No, you dont,” Keith rasped, “you d-don’t know anything and you c-can-can’t tell Coran.”
The fear in his wide eyes was enough to make Lance want to cry for the umpteenth time that night, his chest hitching painfully as he pleaded with Shiro, getting himself more worked up as he did.
“Calm down, buddy. You know how this works. You know we have to get you fixed up.”
He shook his head back and forth as Shiro tried to rationalize with him.
“Keith,” he paused with a lengthy sigh because the last thing he wanted was to do something that Keith didn’t want him to do.
“Keith it’s bad. You need stitches, we have to.”
His purple saucers met Shiro’s grey pinpoints for a long moment, fear and desperation glistening in Keith’s and making Shiro want to pull him up into a bone crushing embrace.
“Then y-you do it...” he all but whispered through a heave as he tried to take in enough air to satisfy the ache in his chest so he could talk.
“You’ve d-done-done i-it-it before Sh-Sh-Shi—fuck. P-please, j-j-ju-just-just-j—“
“Okay,” Shiro agreed, his voice pitching higher as he tried to assuage the budding panic evident in Keith’s anguished expression and worsening trembling.
“Hey, it’s okay. I will. Shhh, I will.”
He repeated the words religiously after Keith began to choke on his own, his face reeling with frustration when the full body trembling made him unable to get a proper sentence out and the effort of trying sent him spiraling further.
Shiro carded his hand through Keith’s still damp hair as his hands rose back up to his face, his feet kicking against the bed as the terrible dropping feeling worked its way through his stomach, gasping as it did. Lance watched in horror as Shiro tried to comfort him but any point of contact made Keith struggle harder.
He absolutely hated being so vulnerable, so reliant on others in such a fragile state. He knew he sorely needed the affection but his body instinctively cringed away from their touches, at war with itself as his mind lied to him, told him he was pathetic for needing such a thing. Another part wanting to melt into even the faintest brush against his shuddering body. All while feeling the consequences of losing a pretty descent amount of blood, the loss fogging his mind to a point that made it immeasurably harder to not succumb to panic, especially since he was still bleeding.
It was truly the perfect storm and he hated every second of it.
His lungs felt like they were being dripped dry of every ounce of oxygen in them as the phantom sensation of spinning returned and disordered his heaving breaths further as he fought the urge to vomit. The bone deep exhaustion seemed to be rather helpful then, the physical symptoms of his anxiety fizzling out in minutes as he quite literally just lacked the faculties to accommodate them.
“I’m right here, Keith,” Shiro assured when his grip on his arm tightened and then wavered as he began to sink back into the mattress, his hands settling restlessly on his chest as they shook.
“That’s it, you’re alright.”
Shiro griped his shoulder securely now, the metal of his prosthetic arm weighing with an oddly pleasant pressure on Keith as his whole body shook still.
Closing his eyes seemed a tad less dangerous once he could breathe somewhat regularly again and the intense dizziness had somewhat dissipated. They were also swollen like hell and heavy from all the crying so shutting them became less of an active choice then as well.
Lance’s hand moved to his leg after a beat, just to peek and make sure that those wounds hadn’t met a similar fate. He watched as Shiro’s face dropped when he saw the second wrapping, swallowing thickly and shifting where he sat on the edge of the bed to speak to Lance.
“Will you get him to eat something while I go grab a few things?”
He nodded and made his way to the forgotten tray of snacks he’d nabbed as Shiro took off for supplies. The sobbing had died down after the climax of his panic did but the tears didn’t seem to ever dry up, evident from the sniffling every few minutes as he tried to clear his airways.
“Hey,” Lance nudged his arm where it had moved to cover his blotchy face again, “why don’t you sit up a little, gotta eat something...”
He didn’t even try, just shook his head.
“N-nauseous,” he stuttered, the shaking impossibly infuriating as he tried to relax enough to do anything other than cry.
“Hmmm, well you could also have juice, I can water it down a little. That sound doable?”
He just sighed and Lance took his indifference as a ‘whatever’ and went ahead anyway, nudging him again when he had a modified juice pouch for him.
“You don’t have to sit up all the way, there’s a straw,” Lance noted when Keith tried to raise himself up on shaking arms before they gave out. He grunted defeatedly and tried to scooch back on bent elbows and sit up that way but found he didn’t have the core strength then to do that either.
“Here, what if I...” Lance mused with a shy smile as he moved to pull Keith up enough to slide in behind him, bringing the pouch up to his lips where his now propped up head rested securely in the crook of his arm, still racked by tremors but seemingly more at ease with the contact.
“That better?”
Keith didn’t answer, just sucked on the straw of the pouch like he was dying of dehydration. By the time he’d finished the pouch Shiro was walking through the automatic door with a whoosh that startled Keith, his breathing picking back up as he nestled his head further into Lance’s arm like he was trying to hide under it.
“He finished some juice,” Lance stated proudly as Shiro laid out the haul of medical supplies he brought back.
“That’s good, something solid would be better though. Hm, how bout the bread?” Shiro asked, walking back over to the tray and picking up a roll from the batch Hunk had made with a type of alien wheat they’d found.
Keith grumbled but took it from Shiro’s outstretched hand because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to win that debate, but more because he knew what was coming next and he wanted that more than anything.
“What?! You just give in for Shiro but with me it’s like pulling teeth? I’m offended, mullet. Deeply offended,” Lance scoffed and Keith made a noise as he bit into the bread begrudgingly.
“It’s not personal, he just knows not to be stubborn unless he wants to be awake while I stitch him up.”
Lance’s heart sunk impossibly further into his chest because Shiro had fully found him like that before... and done this exact thing after. This wasn’t new to either of them.
God he wanted to cry too.
Once Keith had made a sizeable dent in the roll from the dinner he’d missed Shiro handed him three pills of which Lance assumed were some variant of a sleep aid that took him a while to swallow with how choppy he was breathing still. The high sort of buzz had never really gone away and only worsened when his anxiety took over, leaving him both feeling floaty and trapped in a constant state of shaking.
Lance tried to comfort him now that he seemed more receptive to being touched, tracing light circles on the shoulder not tucked against him and leaving his other hand out where he could reach it in case he needed something to squeeze.
In the time being Shiro had set up a sterile tray for what looked like a literal fish hook and a whole bunch of gauze. Oh, jeez. Lance wasn’t sure he could stomach watching and tried to manifest being able to just hold Keith in his arms while Shiro worked, ya know for moral support. For Keith obviously.
“How ya doing? Tired yet?” Shiro inquired as he continued to ready the tray, fiddling with bottles of medicine similar to what Lance had used before.
“Mhmm, getting... sleepy,” he slurred, his trembling dying down a bit as the medicine helped his body relax.
“Good,” Shiro let out a hollow laugh at the way he sounded like a kid again, “Lance will you let me know when he’s out?”
The altean medicine was working quickly, aided by the fact that he was already utterly spent and leaving his eyes fluttering as his breathing evened out. He didn’t want to fall asleep still worked up or he’d probably be restless, maybe even come to and be more disoriented than before. So he dragged out the relief of slowly being pulled to sleep by the flick of Lance’s fingers on his arm, forcing his eyes to remain open as long as he could manage.
“Yep, shouldn’t be long,” Lance noted when Keith let out a hissing yawn and turned his face towards Lance’s chest, his cheek resting against the squishiest part he could find and making Lance stifle a gasp.
Keith wasn’t known for being cuddly and the gesture, though not really a conscious one, made Lance’s stomach flutter. He wasn’t able to dwell on it long though because Shiro was addressing him again.
“Can you pinch his arm...?”
Lance obliged and Keith didn’t make a sound.
“Perfect, okay, you won’t get squeamish will you?”
“Uh... glue is a bit different than a needle but even that sort of freaked me out.”
“Alright then, you can clean and dissolve what opened up while I handle what’s already free,” Shiro determined as he ushered the familiar supplies closer to Lance.
He took up the needle which was already threaded and sighed heavily before pulling Keith’s desk chair flush up against the bed.
“Help me get him more on his side.”
They managed to by Lance pulling him by the shoulders and more onto his lap as Shiro pushed.
Shiro breathed deeply then, something in his eyes flickering as he removed the soaked through bandage from the younger boy’s hip. His entire side coated again, the skin visibly raised and puffy.
Lance took up the wound wash and showed it to Shiro who nodded, bringing the towel up to catch the excess liquid as he poured. Once he’d sopped up what had bled again Shiro started with the widest gash, the hardened glue was easy to pull off with how horribly it had been secured over such a large area. Lance looked elsewhere, focusing on removing the glue from the other reopened wounds.
Shiro operated like a robot after that, known quite literally for a precise hand but what happened next took that generalization to a whole other level. His fingers moved swiftly, tying off stitches almost faster than Lance could wash out the gashes but definitely quicker than he could remove the blue tinted glaze. He had to scrub and scrape at the substance from the open wounds, the bloody mess they’d become making the task harder than it ought to have been.
In actuality only a few had reopened, but they were also the deepest. Some of them took upwards of five stitches, others two or three. The proximity of them to each other, especially to ones that were still glued, made it difficult for Shiro to figure out where to place the needle.
They were done after ten or so minutes but when Shiro sat back to analyze his work, he frowned.
“What’s up?” Lance questioned dubiously.
Shiro didn’t answer, just brought his hand down to examine the glue that was barely holding about a dozen more wounds together. They’d grown darker, the amount of red beneath the generous amount of blue visibly greater than the lesser wounds as more blood gathered and threatened to burst out as well.
“Some of these look like they’re about to go too, they haven’t clotted. I don’t think they’d heal right if I don’t stitch them up, they’d leave worse, uh—worse scars.”
Lance nodded transfixedly, not sure if his heart could take hearing more things like that, more direct acknowledgments of how one of his best friends had hurt himself so badly... how it hadn’t been the first time... how he couldn’t make sure it was the last if even Shiro had failed to.
“-nce. Lance, hey, don’t let me lose you now. I need you to work on dissolving the rest of the glue,” Shiro said, his tone gentle again as he brought Lance back from the depths of his weary mind.
“Right,” he affirmed more for himself as he brought the dissolving liquid back down while Shiro rethreaded his needle.
Opening a just about to burst wound was admittedly a lot harder on Lance’s stomach than freeing one that had already. There was so much more blood because when he was done with one side it’d spring open and pool immediately as he fought to dissolve the rest before it spilled out and got everywhere.
Both of them were coated then, the only saving grace that kept Lance’s nerves at bay was Shiro having the forethought to have them both wear gloves, but that just made it seem like a literal operation. And with the amount of black threading Keith back together it was seeming more like one each horrible minute it droned on.
Shiro had lost his vest and jacket somewhere around the third time he had to rethread his needle, Lance’s discarded too after some time, both of them uncomfortably warm as they poured over stitching Keith back together.
Oh, oh god.
That did it for him.
Lance huffed shakily and turned his head away as he nearly lost it again over how much he wished he could do more than just help heal his wounds, he wanted to mend every one of his broken pieces, put the parts of him back together that you couldn’t see.
He couldn’t stand the thought of slapping a bandage on what had happened and ever going about normally again.
Shiro looked at him with sorry eyes, wanting to hug him as he blinked back tears but Keith was very much preventing that from being possible.
“I’m okay, sorry—it’s just a lot.”
“I know. We’re almost done if that helps, just need to finish up on this one and then I want to take a quick look at his leg,” Shiro offered as he got back to the gash that was almost closed.
“It wasn’t as bad, only a few were deep,” Lance noted, his eyes glossy as they stared at Shiro’s busy hands, not even registering the way they pulled on Keith’s skin as they tied off the last knot.
Shiro nodded, sneaking a worried glance over at Lance who didn’t meet his gaze as he finished applying an ungodly amount of tape over top the gauze he’d put on the area. He then manhandled Keith’s leg so he could get at his thigh.
Lance looked down at his arms. There wasn’t much blue of the medical gloves on his hands showing, blood smeared past even that and up his arms. He hurriedly yanked at them, peeling one off within the other and folding the outer one over itself.
“Just toss it, I’ll clean this all up later.”
Shiro suggested noticing how dangerously close Lance was to unraveling and hoping to delay it until he could actually help.
He was right though, only a handful required stitches and half as many as the ones on his hip had needed at that. Shiro was done in record time, taking over Lance’s job of removing the glue and cleaning up the mess that followed, finishing by wrapping a thicker bandage around his leg and taping it in place.
When Shiro finally sat back and started to clean up he was dimly aware that Lance was silently crying and had scooted further down the bed to hold Keith more securely in his arms. Though he was definitely out he had never fully stopped shaking, but now it seemed more like a nervous system response to the nowhere near healthy amount of blood he’d lost. Lance moved his hands up and down his arm in attempt to soothe him anyway.
Shiro brought the throw blanket at the foot of the bed over the two of them after he’d removed all of the trashed medical supplies from it. Lance’s eyes had fluttered shut but were open now.
“He shouldn’t be up anytime soon but you look wiped, figured you’d want to stay...”
He nodded absently, eyes bleary but understanding as Shiro moved about the room for a little before sitting down at the foot of the bed.
“I’ll handle talking to him about all this tomorrow but in the case that he isn’t entirely dead to the world when the morning drill alarm goes off, tell him that he is not only excused but barred from training and piloting Red until his stitches are out.”
Lance just nodded again and yawned, pulling the blanket over the rest of his upper body.
“And Lance... “
He eyed Lance with a sort of fondness then.
“I know how fucked up tonight was, it couldn’t have been easy. You didn’t have to help him, you could’ve just gotten me, but you did. And I don’t know what kind of headspace he’ll be in when he wakes up but I do know he’ll be grateful you were there for him... even if he has a funny way of showing it.”
The lump in Lance’s throat bobbed threateningly, his eyes stinging again as he whispered a meak ‘thanks’ as Shiro stood up and leaned closer to ruffle his perfect hair before he turned to leave, shutting the lights off before he did.
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lesbianklance · 3 years
there's no way by lauv (ft julia michaels) as klance
You touch me and it's almost like we knew
That there will be history between us two
i feel like from the time lance first saw keith he knew that guy would mean something to him
however he mistook it as rivalry, jealousy not love or friendship
We knew someday that we would have regrets
But we just ignored them the night we met
that night when they saved shiro everyone knew it was big, they felt it, and yeah they were probably gonna have regrets but running on adrenaline they ignored all that and just kept moving. next thing they knew they were on a spaceship lightyears away from earth
We just dance backwards into each other
Trying to keep our feelings secretly covered
this is the main line from the song that reminds me of them
they keep taking steps backwards with each other, dancing around each other, desperately trying to hide their true feelings
even before they came to terms with it, they felt the need to repress whatever was happening hence rivalry, insults going further backwards from building any kind of relationship just to hide their true feelings
You touch me and it's almost like we knew
That there will be history
but then they touch, the bonding moment, they see each other in their true, raw form and that's when they know, there is no running from it because they know they will build history
There's no way that it's not going there
With the way that we're looking at each other
however after that what do they do? more repression, more denial
lance denies the bonding moment happened, it doesnt change how they see each other tho, its only delaying the inevitable, they will eventually collide one way or another
There's no way that it's not going there
Every second with you I want another
in the end whatever they do they're drawn back to each other, every taunt, every fight it just brings them back to each other, they just keep wanting more and more
But maybe we can hold off one sec
So we can keep this tension in check
But there's no way that it's not going there
With the way that we're looking at each other
they need a pause, they need to make this transition slower, the heat is too high and they dont know how to keep themselves i check they will eventually break, all they need is a minute, just some time to be ready for it
I wish I could make the time stop
So we could forget everything and everyone
I wish that the time would line up
So we could just give in to what we want
however they may not have that time, they're in war, no time for feelings, no time for realisations and transitions
if only they could make the time stop, forget everyone, forget the war, just be free to do what they want, they could make the next step
'Cause when I got somebody, you don't
And when you got somebody, I don't
they're always with other people, always different people, always obstacles in their way
they are after all opposites, lance had a huge family he had so many people, keith an orphan only had shiro
I wish that the time would line up
So we could just give in
if only the time lined up to what they needed, they could finally give into their desires, finally give each other what they have and what they need
There's no way that it's not going there
With the way that we're looking at each other
There's no way that it's not going there
Every second with you I want another
But maybe we can hold off one sec
So we can keep this tension in check
But there's no way that it's not going there
With the way that we're looking at each other
and they're once again thrown in the loop, they have crossed some boundaries, they have grown closer, they know what's next, its inevitable after all, timing may not be on their side right now but it will be
We just dance backwards into each other
Trying to keep our feelings secretly covered
We just dance backwards into each other
Trying to keep our feelings secretly covered
they keep dancing around each other, desperately trying to cover up what they both know hanging from the strings of denial they have left, but the more they do that the closer they get to each other, they just walk backwards into each other
You touched me and it's almost like we knew
That there would be history
and then it goes full circle, they finally touch once again but this time? this time they can see the history they've already created and are ready to create more
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