citrusitonit · 9 months
ive been writing a fanfic and ive never felt so much like an author i havent had a proper sleep in 2 weeks and ive got 12 tabs open
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zhongrin · 3 months
general life updates:
still want to punch a certain someone /srs
i'm back at my parents' home for a short holiday
we have 5 turtles now (most important update i feel)
i finished penacony main story
i started zzz (i'm loving the combat and story)
period cramps still sucks
i'm going to be super busy soon because the rest of my family are going to arrive and stay over for 2 weeks... and i'm dreading not having my own personal space since they're going to take my bedroom and convert my office to a temporary bedroom. ogh. the privilege of getting married haha
but i am excited to see my sister again in person after... 7? 8? years of not meeting her. and my nephews and nieces too. and after that i'll have to get back overseas and pack for the move and move to my new place and- .... sigh, busy busy.... _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
anyway, if you're reading this, wow, thank you for being interested on what's happening in my life /genuine. i haven't been online for a lot these days since i've just been mentally tired with pretty much everything since... let's just say something's happening irl ;;; here's hoping that being back home clears up that mental fatigue and bandages up resulting wounds.
i hope you're having a good day. please take care of yourself ᰔᩚ
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juliusschmidt · 6 months
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justarandomlambblog · 4 months
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 [END]
The second shackle comes off
Get adopted and feel loved, mangey cat
We're gonna pretend I didn't give Heket the wrong shaped crown aight? aught 👍
(explanation beneath the cut bc I didn't want dialogue)
The harvest comes. Narinder can't help but notice how sad the wheat fields are, the wheat growing small and patchy at best. He remembers how Heket would make the wheat fields flourish just by walking between the stalks. The memory of the fields she would create early in their godhood makes him feel somber, realizing now what the cost of being a godless land is; their entire lives are left to the limitations of the earth, without any god to help them thrive. These people are making the best of what they have, and they're happy even though it's not a lot.
Narinder notices some are harvesting wheat while others till the earth once it's been harvested, and the old dog explains that once this wheat is harvested they plant "winter wheat", which can be harvested in the spring before they plant their summer wheat. They till and fertilize the earth before planting the winter wheat, of course. Narinder tries his hand at harvesting the wheat, and the old dog begins to teach him how to use the sickle. Time passes.
Over the late summer, autumn and winter, Narinder learns how to live this provincial, modest life. He tills the fields with the other villagers, he sees feral beasts for the first time in over a thousand years, learns to collect eggs from said feral beasts, learns how and decides he doesn't like to collect milk (the godless lands have more feral beasts than the Lands of the Old Faith ever did), has finally regained enough strength to draw water from the village well without help, learns to bake bread (with great amounts of help so as to not waste the precious resources with the inevitable first fifty failures), and attends his first lantern festival. All in all, this marks his approach to his second year here, most of his first year spent indoors recovering. (His fur is also getting long, something something new me new hair something (totally not an excuse for me to draw hair))
At his first lantern festival, Narinder decides to partake in what is usually a coming of age tradition for the village; he gets an ear piercing, choosing a symbol that will essentially act as his written name. He chooses a symbol that is a crescent moon inside of a sun, thinking of Aym and Baal when he sees it. (Note: He is not scared/nervous about the ear piercing, he isn't bothered by a literal pinprick of pain, but the fact that someone he barely knows is this close with a needle is what worries him)
Later on, days or even weeks later, the old dog gives him a chain with their individual symbols on it, with a loose chain hanging from the other side of Narinder's sun-and-moon charm. Narinder questions this and the old dog explains the symbolism behind the charms; two charms with a chain extending between them indicates marriage/partnership, and two charms with another charm on the chain between them indicates that couple's child/children. The one Narinder has is the latter, with the second parent's charm missing, indicating that the old dog views Narinder as his own son, now. It takes a moment, but Narinder realizes all at once that this is the old dog's way of extending an invitation to become family- and it's been so long since Narinder had a family... (And yes, the old dog is fully aware that this cat is thousands of years old (Narinder was very vocal about this in the first weeks before he eventually stopped bringing it up), but that won't stop him from deciding he's gonna be this abandoned, fallen god's new family)
Narinder goes to sleep, and finds that despite everything- despite how simple and quaint and, frankly, not easy life in this little godless village is, he's happy. He has none of the luxuries that he had as a Bishop; no worship, no reverence, no servants, no silks or satins or veils or anything of the sort. Here he's just... one of the people. Just another face in the crowd. And he's happy. Happier than he's been in a long time. Unfortunately for Narinder, he is failing to realize that this godless village is a little less godless every day he's there. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.
The village wakes up to their fields flourishing like they never have before. The wheat is taller than the tallest villager, and no one is really sure what to do about this, but there is excitement throughout the village. Narinder thinks of Heket again, reminded once more how she would make the fields come alive. The shackle on his left hand opens up before dispersing into light, and he remembers the way she looked at him in the days leading up to his imprisonment, the quiet and somber warnings she would give him. He takes a moment to grieve before turning his attention back to the present, back to the family he's creating now.
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zhakyria · 1 year
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I had the chance to commission Kahl'ryn from @psychededoodle. I have no words for how much I love this. Everything, all the details, the expression, the scar, the cybernetics, everything is so well done!!
And with this amazing portrait - I'm gonna talk a bit about Kahl and what he is up to in my Arclight AU. So... some rambling thoughts under the cut. :)
For reference: The Arclight AU is a melting pot of various sci-fi franchises. Star Wars, Farscape, WildStar, Star Trek, to just name a few. However, the core of it is Star Wars. A lot of the universe rules are Star Wars rules - such as how space travel works and the Force.
The major players from Star Wars include: the Galactic Empire, the Mandalorians, the Sith Empire, the Chiss Ascendancy, the High Republic, and the Grysk Hegemony.
Much like swtor!Kahl, arclight!Kahl was born in the Sith Empire. His father is the (now former) Sith Lord Xhai'tan. He was trapped in a burning building when he was a child, which is how he got the burn scars. He joined the Imperial Academy and joined Imperial Intelligence upon graduating. Some of his first missions included hunting down terrorists and stopping Darth Jadus. For his double agent arc however, he didn't infiltrate the SIS.
In Arclight the Sith Empire is mostly at odds with the Dominion from WildStar. So, Kahl is tasked with infiltrating the Dominion and carrying out his mission there. The Star Cabal is still a threat and Kahl eventually dismantles it.
Now things really start to diverge. You see, most everything from Shadow of Revan onward doesn't happen. So how does my boy meet Theron?
I made the executive decision that since the Republic isn't the same Republic as in swtor and isn't the power in direct conflict with the Sith Empire, that Theron would instead be from the Dominion. ((I know, I know, not the best allegory if you know anything about the Dominion - like they live up to their name. Does make it way easier for Theron to defect though.))
Then I needed the catalyzing event. Enter the Dread Masters. They were imprisoned by the Dominion, but they escape but with Emperor Vitiate dead (did I mention that? no? So, yeah Emperor Vitiate does die, and after a short war between the Sith, Acina comes out on top and takes the Throne - this is also the time of Malgus's first betrayal,) they go rogue.
Kahl is called in to help with the situation by Lana and she eventually wrangles the help of Theron in tracking and defeating the Dread Masters. Much like in Shadow of Revan, Kahl and Theron grow close.
Then the tradegy of Grismara happens. For those unfamiliar with WildStar. Grismara was home to the Mordesh. A elf-like species who were masters of science, alchemy, and art. They were arrogant and proud, sure of their own superiority. That was until the Everlife Elixir, developed by their most lauded scientist became their curse. The Everlife was meant to give immortality, and they trusted Dr. Lazarin so much that it was distributed worldwide. Then the Everlife became the Contagion. Everyone (and the lore implies everyone) slowly turned into super aggressive mindless cannibals (basically zombies).
Grismara was a neutral world on the edge of Sith and Dominion borders. Both sides were trying to ally with them, but when the Contagion broke out - the Sith turned their back on the world and the Dominion set up a blockade and quarantined it.
Kahl and Theron disobeyed orders to try and help the Mordesh. During that terrible year long attempt at saving the Mordesh, Dr. Lazarin made a small break through. He created the Vitalis Serum, which delayed the effects of the Contagion, but also required frequent injections. The remaining Mordesh were trapped in a half-life. They no longer age (they got their immortality) but they also are unable to have children unless a cure can be found.
Kahl and Theron organized for the last of the Mordesh, to escape. Taking them to the Odessen Coalition. A small and new coalition of planets that came together with the help of Xhai'tan (Kahl's father) and Thrass (who is alive and rescued by Xhai'tan - That is another books of thoughts so if you are curious about how Thrass fits in here feel free to ask.)
With the fall of Grismara, Kahl and Theron defect and join the Coalition. Kahl eventually commanding a heavy cruiser as part of the Maarasu Nighthunters - the Odessen Defense Force division in charge of covert operations and missions that take place beyond the borders of the Coalition. It is Kahl who finds Thrawn and Ezra where they have been stranded for 7 years (again another book of thoughts that I can talk about later). Kahl then goes on to support Thrawn, Thrass, Eli, and the others Chiss fighting to save the Ascendancy.
I'll stop there but....yeah so lots of thoughts.....enjoy!
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whumblr · 6 months
Yknow what, I'm gonna pull a 'fuck it, let's do this'.
Been teasing myself with prison whump for years now and I've been wanting to start the series ever since after hiwthi ended but never got to it. Perfectionism holding me back. Now, we'll just see where it ends.
So, new series. Will put the prologue up this Sunday :) Excite.
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ieatpastaatnight · 9 months
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Working on some of the character profiles. Just so I can make sure their personality and such stays consistent throughout the story. (I should've done this way earlier, but we live and learn)
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Current thoughts on Neuvillette and Furina?
the moment i saw them on screen together i was overcome with fantasies of the Most Austic Threesome ever penned to the hollowed halls of ao3. i have been been plagued with visions ever since.
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lale-txt · 27 days
my life advice is to never become important at your job because it will hinder you from writing fanfic on company time
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familyofpaladins · 1 year
Me: I have this idea for a fic! I think it will be about 9-10k words! A good amount! Not too little not too much!
*10k words later*
Me: .... I'm only half done. Haha... ha O_O
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k0t3x-n3t · 4 months
My random idea rough draft of kingdom come:
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The ACTUAL draft of kingdom come (which I haven't touched in months):
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m0rfeline · 1 year
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seonghwasblr · 5 months
Books really just make you feel things sometimes, damn
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telleroftime · 2 months
Twisted Wonderland, please... stop overheating my phone... I just want to understand the fics Red wants to write...
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lostmykeysie · 1 year
YASSSSS KEYSIE YASSSSS. You are fulfilling a need I didn’t know I had with that scene in the bathroom, cannot wait for the next chapter!
LET'S GO LESBIANS LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i said fastburn dorlene i meant FASTburn dorlene baby xxxxxxxx my girls are already fucking in the bathroom xxxxxx slags xxxxx
whilst we're here i am actually going to be cheeky and use this post to expand the tags SO
for two knights defence, my new wolfstar & dorlene fic (reggie is still a main character though lol love him and regus are still besties of COURSE) here is a brief expansion on the big three tags (minor character death, explicit sexual content, graphic depictions of violence):
Graphic Depictions of Violence - The characters are all either part of the Order, the Death Eaters, or a vigilante group; they’re all fighting, and they’re all fighting each other. Their missions will be part of the main plot so we will see firsthand what those missions entail (violence!). - They have knives, wands, and some even have guns. And they absolutely use them, and sometimes they use them on each other. I don’t think the tag ‘morally grey character’ is wholly relevant here (though it probably is actually now I think about it given all the murder and stuff) but the approach to violence you typically see under this tag is definitely seen in this fic. These folks are stabbing people up and then sleeping like a baby at night okay - The main characters—Wolfstar especially—are not always on the same side, so they will fight each other, and they will hurt each other. However, the wolfstar romance is nowhere near slowburn, and Remus at least knows who Sirius works for from the beginning and therefore knows he’s not his real enemy, so it never gets to the point where they’re anywhere near killing each other. They’re both also insane so it gets to the point that violence is foreplay I’ll be honest - I will not be tagging specific violence CWs within the chapters because there will be varying levels of violence constantly throughout, however I do not anticipate it getting to gruesome horrifying levels or gore at any point so you’re fine on that front. If for some reason it does get a bit excessive I’ll flag that in the AN, but I doubt that will happen. Minor Character Death - Characters (plural) are going to die but none of them can be considered main characters—I want to make that absolutely clear—but that does not mean we won’t get to know them and sometimes even like them before they get killed off  - All characters that die will be dying on screen; remember the graphic depictions of violence tag! Explicit Sexual Content - There will be explicit girl sex!!!!!! There will be explicit boy sex!!!!!!!! It won’t be every chapter but this fic is definitely smut heavy compared to other stuff I’ve written so gird your loins baby. - Both tagged relationships engage in debased slutty behaviour and we love that for them. We’re talking rough sex, mirror kinks, panty kinks, some absolutely filthy mouths, a bit of exhibitionism, possessiveness, aggressiveness, obsessiveness… I will flag the NSFW chapters in the AN at the beginning but I won't go any further than that in terms of a heads up so take heed.
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quietautumn · 4 months
wow they were right this game is fucking awesome
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