waterloggedsoliloquy · 8 months
🖊 for manatsu :]
i love that the prompt for this specifies headcanon. yeah heres smth about my oc that the author hasnt confirmed but i personally believe
Manatsu has this passive aggressive streak which manifests as indirectly confronting things she takes issue with through song, often targetedly singing them to someone! this tends to make people very angry.
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here she is shortly after dalamud fell, annoying the fuck outta her aunt tacita !
she's usually right to take issue with whatever it may be, but i do think that this is the least efficient and most easily misinterpreted way of telling someone you're mad at them.
EDIT: OH ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION. emet thinks theyre hilarious. he loves arts and performances so this lady singing mean songs at him is peak entertainment.
manatsu: i do not like a single thing about you.
emet: tell me more!
manatsu: this isn't sexting.
emet: it's better than sexting actually.
manatsu isnt the wol also, so her relevance for certain storybeats can fluctuate like the rest of the scions. which means sometimes theyre a bit out of the loop, like why thancred is picking fights with a guy brandishing a massive axe in the dravanian wilderness, who then all disappear ominously
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in a modern au they like the metal gear series and if you gave them 20 minutes they could convince estinien the shadow moses incident really happened
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emilykinncy · 3 years
Normily My Caffeine Withdrawal Podcast episode (transcript of certain parts)
EK intro: I first met Norman Reedus working on The Walking Dead of course. Over the course of my four seasons on our show, I got to know Norman better and better and we became good friends. And in a sort of interesting parallel, our characters storylines also became more intertwined within the show. Norman is so special, he seems to have endless amounts of creative energy that I find incredibly inspiring. He also has great taste in music and coffee which makes him a perfect guest for this podcast. Welcome back to My Caffeine Withdrawal, I am so incredibly excited to share this episode with all of you today. Norman has so many fans and I know this to be true because everyday someone in my life or someone on social media asks me ‘hey, how was it working with Norman? What is Norman Reedus like?’ Well, now today you guys are going to get to know Norman in the same way that I know Norman! We talk about how Norman got into acting and when and why he moved to California, as well as what his life was like as an artist first starting out in Los Angeles. We talk about a book he’s been writing! And he tells a lot of great stories! But first, Norman explained his current coffee setup situation and how he’s currently weathering the quarantine from Costa Rica. 
This gets long so putting it behind a cut!
I put a timestamp of where each segment starts at the end of them! 
NR: Hi Emily!
EK: Hi!
NR: I just set this up cause I’ve been listening to your podcast which I really like and I know it’s heavy on the coffee so I brought my coffee setup down the mountain in my backpack on the motorcycle and this is my coffee jam here (I’m not 100% sure of the last 2 words) so, this is what I do. You ready?
EK: Yes!
*NR shows her & describes his coffee process*
EK: What was the thing um, on Instagram, you posted this picture of a hummingbird, that was crazy! What made you post that?
NR: It’s this person that I’ve become friends with, they only try to post positive things…*he explains more about the person & post* (starts at 6:08)
EK: You wanna hear something kind of crazy about the hummingbird thing? I don’t know if you know this about me but I’ve definitely gotten more like spiritual…but like *Emily giggle* this is gonna sound crazy and I don’t even usually talk about this stuff, but I sort of have this sign of when I’m like guided where I’m supposed to go, and my sign has been a hummingbird. And you had text me and I randomly looked at your Instagram and saw—
NR: Wow
EK: —It definitely was like one of those where like ‘go there’, maybe it was just if there is a god or whatever just being like ‘oh nice, connect with your friend, you know, like connect with Norman…’
NR: I actually believe all that. When I texted you I was having breakfast at this place by the beach, the lady that makes the honey, by her place. And I was listening to your podcast with Lennie. And I had already heard Lauren’s and I was listening to Lennie’s, and at the end of it you were like ‘you know what I hope during Covid everyone can reach out to a friend’ and I was like ‘I’m just gonna text her’ so I texted you at that moment. I have the same thing with a bird like my dad, before my dad died he was always talking about cardinals, those red cardinals. So everytime I see a cardinal I think the same thing. And then the night before, Danai called me out of nowhere. I hadn’t spoken to Danai in forever. And she’s like ’what are you doing?’ and I’m like ‘I’m sitting on my patio with all the lights off…’ and there was a meteor shower, it was called like the Gideon meteor shower, this huge meteor shower that happened. And I saw 21 shooting stars before I went to bed. I pay attention to all that shit—
EK: Yeah
NR: 21! And I was like talking to her I’m like ‘there’s 11! There’s 12!’ and it just kept going. I believe all that stuff.
EK: I grew up Catholic so I kind of, like…religion in general felt sort of overwhelming even though prayer and stuff like that came naturally to me and then just over like the last like 5 or 6 years or so I’ve like really embraced it where I’m sort of like ‘yep, I think these things are happening, I have little signs that tell me like where to go…’. I guess I don’t really talk about it with people much but it’s just, like I read about it and stuff. Yeah.
NR: I believe it, I believe all of them. I’m not really religious but I believe all those signs all the time. I see little signs in everything, yeah.
EK: Yeah! (starts at 9:38) 
EK: That sounds like you’ve had a very productive quarantine, or whatever this corona-pocalypse quarantine time.
NR: I’m not good with sitting still, you know what I mean, so I’m always doing something.
EK: Yeah! Yeah. I mean that’s one thing, when I was thinking about—when I was around you more working on the show, was that you were always…like you know sitting down to dinner and then like noticing this saltshaker and this fork should be next to each other in a certain way and then you can take a picture. You know what I mean, like I remember that about you like always making something, I guess. Or looking for the art in it or the picture. Or, you know, which um—
NR: it’s ADD or something I dunno what…
EK: I admired it because I feel like I can be so slow. Like, I love making stuff but I can sort of like piece it together over weeks  and then I finally do—like in my head somehow, like I’m more of like a turtle! You know just like—
NR: Yeah but you make music! I mean, we all wish we could write songs and perform songs. You know, you make music. We all wish we were musicians, you know what I’m saying, so. (starts at 18:18)
EK: I remember you telling me a story of how you got an agent by like going to a party and then someone said ‘do you want to be in a play?’ and then you were the understudy and then the guy just happened to have to call out so then you were in the play, you didn’t have to be the understudy and then an agent—and that’s how it all started with acting, um, *laughs* did I just tell your story for you?!
NR: You’re right. No, no you’re exactly right. That’s exactly what happened. (starts at 26:08)
NR: I actually made an album, a music album
EK: You did?!
NR: Yeah
EK: Oh, that’s—you wrote all the songs and stuff? Or did you—
NR: I didn’t write any of it. And I didn’t really sing it, it’s more of a spoken word thing
EK: Yeah!
NR *tells story about how this came about, which involves an igloo*
EK: Wait, why were you in an igloo in Switzerland?! *laughs*
NR *tells more of the story…it’s long ok I don’t wanna transcribe it sdhfhsfh*
EK: Yeah I wanna hear your album! I mean…
NR: It’s out—
EK: It is?!
NR: It played…it did pretty well in France, it was on the radio and shit
EK: Yeah, will you email it to me or something, so I can…
NR: I will. Yeah yeah.
EK: I also wanted to make sure today to get some of your music picks because I remember back when we were on the show you always gave me the best music, like stuff that I hadn’t heard. I don’t know if if it’s just like because of your friends in New York or like maybe you’re a little bit older than me so you know different bands than I do. But, I remember like Dinosaur Jr., you like introducing me to Dinosaur Jr. Like I didn’t really know Dinosaur Jr. before you
NR: That’s crazy that you don’t know Dinosaur Jr. then (? I really can’t tell for sure that last word he says)
EK: I know! I think I might have pretended that I kind of I knew but like you introduced me for sure and I like totally dove in. But yeah during this quarantine, what have you been listening to?
NR: *lists some bands* Sean Lennon’s band that he made with Les Claypool is really good. He was on Ride with me.
EK: Oh, he was?! I’ve only see—I haven’t seen all the episodes of that, I’ve only seen, um, a few of them (adsdfdjf don’t lie Emily it’s probably actually 0 but we all understand babe) (starts at 35:10)
EK: It was so fun to talk to you today
NR: Yeah I miss you! I miss you, it’s good to see you and hear you.
EK: I miss you too, I’m going to check out that sock method…although I think it’s just pour over it’s just with a special…reusable—
NR: Yeah, a dirty sock
EK: Yeah, but something about it, yeah….*both laugh* Thank you for being on here, it feels so good to like chat with you
NR: Yeah, I miss you it’s good to hear your voice
EK: I miss you too, yeah. *she starts talking about twd & the connection with everyone etc* (starts at 41:36)
NR: *after he mentions everyone from the cast he’s still in touch with* You get these friendships with people and it becomes a big part of your life, your friends on the show, so. I’m glad I’m talking to you
EK: Yeah, I’m glad I’m talking to you too. (starts at 44:03)
From Emily’s end blurb: I hope you guys enjoyed Norman and I’s little catch up call over Zoom, I hope that you learned something new about Norman you didn’t know before. You know, Norman and I really hadn’t connected much over the last couple years (we all know this Emily and we pretty much all know why lol) we’ve just been on sort of different paths (yeah, that’s a way to put it I guess haha) but again and again I’m finding that one of the blessings of this time, being stuck at home, is remembering and reconnecting with people I care about and people that care about me. Maybe you have a friend you used to work with that you haven’t caught up with for a while and now you’ll feel inspired to send them a little text saying hello.
(How do they literally have chemistry on a *podcast* okay bye I’m going to go fly into the sun now)
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dakotacrisis · 4 years
Deal’s End (10)
Marinette has a lot of feelings
(Read on AO3)
Marinette’s outing with Adrien the next day was nice enough. They walked around the park and talked and laughed. Adrien held her hand the entire time. He didn’t mention her confession to him yesterday and she didn’t know if that was good or bad. It must have been fine since he was still there with her.
Too soon it was time for him to leave and they said their goodbyes. Adrien placed a quick goodbye peck on her cheek and fled into his car. He was so nervous around her now it was kinda adorable.
Returning home she found Felix on her bed taking a nap.
Felix…What was she going to do about Felix? Last night some feelings came to mind that she wasn’t prepared for. She was so sure it was just a momentary thing. That once she saw Adrien and spent the afternoon with him everything would make sense again. It didn’t. If anything coming home and seeing Felix after hanging out with Adrien only made things worse. She was happy with Adrien and had fun and she still definitely thought he was attractive but...was she in love with him like she thought? She was so sure about her feelings before all of this but now she was starting to question if her crush was just that. A crush.
And now there was whatever it was she was feeling for Felix. She liked hanging out with him and he made her laugh all the time. He was nice to talk to and she was comfortable around him and whenever she had the chance she was always reaching out to him first before anyone else. Not to mention that he was handsome. He’d have to be of course being a demon. But it wasn’t just his looks. It was the way he remained stoic until you told a corny joke. It was the way his eyes would light up when he was happy. It was the little pouty lip he’d jut out when Marinette told him he couldn’t have anymore sweets. It was the sound of his groggy half awake voice when he woke up.
Oh god this is bad! She needed someone to talk to. She made sure Felix was still asleep before she snuck back down to the living room. Quickly she dialed Alya’s number.
“Hey Marinette, what’s up?” Alya answered, “How’d your date with Adrien go?”
“Good. It was nice.” Marinette said. “Didn’t do much but it was nice to get out. Listen I have something I need to talk about and you were the only one I thought I could trust.”
“You know I’m always here for you girl. What’s up?”
“Well...um…” Marinette paced around the living room. “The thing is...I…”
“Are you okay?”
“No!” Marinette flopped back on the couch. “Alya, I think I have a crush on Felix.”
“Oh dear…” Alya sighed, “I was afraid something like this was gonna happen. This is some teen romantic comedy shit going on.”
“I know!”
“But what about Adrien? Do you just not like him anymore?”
“No. I do like him but now when I daydream about dates and stuff…”
“It’s Felix.” Alya finished. “When did this start?”
“I had been feeling it for a couple days but it was last night that it hit me like a truck.” Marinette thought back to how they stood out under the stars. Felix’s sad but loving story. The soft looks he had given her. “During the blackout we were out on my balcony watching the meteor shower and I may have kissed his cheek.”
“Girl. That blackout didn’t happen until almost midnight. Why was he over so late?”
Shit. “I invited him over to watch the meteor shower.” Marinette lied. “Now I know that I like him but I’ve been making all this progress with Adrien and I don’t know what to do.”
“Do you know if Felix likes you the same way?”
“I don’t know. It doesn’t even matter because he’s going to be leaving soon.”
“Leaving? What do you mean? Is he moving away?”
“Something like that. What do I do, Alya?”
“The way I see it you have three options. Option one is to stop pursuing Adrien, tell Felix how you feel and maybe try a long distance relationship. Option two is you keep going out with Adrien in case this fling with Felix turns out to be false. Or Option three is you take a break from both of them and sort your own head out first.”
“If only it was that easy.”
“Look at it this way.” Alya continued, “You have one guy that you suddenly really like that you don’t know how he feels about you and is going to be moving away. You have another guy that we established already clearly likes you and you’ve been crushing on for years that isn’t going anywhere. One could have a lot of risk and the other has virtually none.”
“I know what I should do and to an extent I want to but there’s just a lot going on in my head right now.”
“I get it.” Alya assured her, “You know I’m always here if you need to talk. Remember to do what’s best for you though. Forget about the boys and look at what you need first.”
“Thanks, Alya, I’ll talk to you later.”
“Glad to help. Bye.” They hung up.
Marinette thought on what Alya said. Maybe these feelings for Felix were fleeting. Maybe it was just a temporary obsession her mind concocted. They have been spending almost every waking moment together since he came into her life. Hell, it could be part of his demon aura or whatever that is rattling her brain.
She’s had crushes before that came on suddenly that disappeared almost as quickly. Like that one week she was intensely attracted to Max for some reason. It came, it went, and through it all she still liked Adrien more.
What if it isn’t though? What if it’s real? What if it doesn’t go away?
He’s a demon...even if he could stay it wasn’t like they could be together. Felix had said it himself weeks ago. A human and a demon cannot be. Sure he was joking but it still rang with truth.
What was she even going to do after he left? Even if she got over these feelings she still liked him as a friend and wanted to keep in touch. It was the question she had been avoiding for days now. She knew she’d have to talk about it with him sooner or later.
“Love, are you down here?” Felix came downstairs, “There you are. Have you been home long?”
“Not that long.” Even seeing him now made her heart do a flip.
“I’m hungry. Can we get snacks?” He asked.
An idea struck Marinette like lightning. A sure fire way to know if this was a good match or not. “We can indeed and I know just the place.”
“We’re not getting eclairs from the bakery?”
“Well damn. Where are we going then?”
“I can’t turn off all the lights in Paris so we can watch shooting stars but I do know someplace with magic.” Marinette took him by the hand. “Come on. I think you’re gonna love this.”
It took some time to track him down but eventually Marinette found Andre’s ice cream cart at the bridge. “Ice cream?” Felix looked at her perplexed. “This is the magical place you were telling me about?”
“Trust me.” They approached the cart. “Hi Andre.”
“Hello sweet Marinette and fellow. Welcome to Andre’s ice cream, my cones are as sweet as the loveliest dream.”
“He’s rhyming.” Felix murmured.
“It’s what he does.” Marinette elbowed him lightly, “Andre, can you make us an ice cream to share?”
“You’re not going to just order what you want?”
“Shh!” Marinette shushed Felix.
Andre went about scooping ice cream onto a single cone, “Black and white is what you are. So cookies and cream will get you far. A scoop of mint makes for a perfect pair. And a cherry on top for the the bond that you share.”
Marinette took the cone. It looked downright delicious. And with it Marinette’s heart raced. A perfect pair. She guessed she had her answer. Andre was never wrong. That didn’t make it possible though.
Felix and Marinette sat down with their ice cream. The sun was setting casting everything in a golden glow.
“You were right about this ice cream.” Felix dug out another spoonful. “Why didn’t you tell me about this place sooner?”
“Didn’t think of it.” She shrugged.
“And what was with the rhyme he said while he was getting our order?”
“It’s what he does. Andre has a way of knowing people and he can create a special cone for them. It’s the reason his concoctions are known as the Sweetheart’s Ice Cream.” She looked at Felix now. In the late sun glow his eyes sparkled. She could get lost staring into them.
“Sweethearts huh?” Felix grinned and glanced back at Andre who was serving a new couple. “And let me guess, he’s never wrong?”
“I’ve never seen him make a bad pairing.” Marinette said. She plucked the cherry off the top and offered it to Felix. He gently took the cherry from her hand, his lips skimming over her fingers. Her whole body was trembling.
“Marinette,” Felix looked at her earnestly. His voice was hushed and low, “I--”
Ring! Ring!
“Ugh, stupid phone! One second.” Marinette pulled out her phone. Adrien was calling her. “I’ll call him back.”
“Oh no.” Felix urged, “You should take it.”
“But we--”
“Go on and answer it. Don’t want to send mister perfect to voicemail after all.”
Marinette reluctantly hit answer. “Hello?”
“Hi, Marinette,” Adrien’s voice rang over the phone. “Is this a good time?”
“I guess. What do you need?” Marinette handed the ice cream to Felix.
“Well, I meant to ask you during our date earlier but I completely forgot. So I thought I’d call and ask you now.” Adrien took a deep breath, “I’ve been having a great time with you these past couple weeks and with what you said yesterday about having a crush on me it put things in perspective.”
“Yeah. I really like you and I was hoping that if you liked me too if you wanted to come to this fashion show my father is putting on next week.”
“As friends?”
“I was hoping you could come as my date.” He said, “There’s also an after party and I’d really like to take you. Would that be something you’d be interested in?”
“Oh well um…” Marinette looked at Felix. His expression was blank but he gave her a thumbs up anyways. “Uh yeah. That sounds nice.”
“Great! It’s a date. A date date this time.” Adrien sounded ecstatic. “I’ll give you the details the next time I see you.”
“Alright.” Marinette tried to sound upbeat. “I can’t wait. Bye.”
When she looked back at Felix he had already downed half of the cone. “Sorry about that.” Marinette apologized, “What were you saying?”
“Nothing important. Just another idea to get you time alone with Adrien. Looks like you don’t need it though. I told you it was only a matter of time.” He handed her the ice cream, “You have the rest. I think I’ve had enough.
“Okay...” Marinette took the ice cream. They started the walk back home and she dumped the half eaten cone in the garbage. She wasn’t in the mood for it anymore.
It was actually happening. Adrien had asked her on an honest to god date and she had accepted. Sooner or later he would probably ask her to be his girlfriend. And when that happened...she needed to talk to Felix.
After they returned home she sat down at her desk working up the courage to bring it up. There was no more avoiding it. If she didn’t ask him now she never would get the chance. “Felix,” She wheeled her chair over the the chaise where he was sitting. “Can we talk?”
“You’re so serious.” He laughed as he set his book down. “What’s this about?”
“Felix, I’ve been avoiding it because I’ve been having fun but in light of what happened earlier I think we need to address the elephant in the room.” Marinette told him.
“And what would that be?”
“Felix...you know what I’m talking about.”
The playful grin fell from his face. He nodded and sat up straight on the chaise. “Is this about what happens after I leave?”
“I was afraid of that,” Felix sighed. He ran his hands through his hair. “I wasn’t worried about it before since you were so eager to get rid of me. There was no reason for me to stick around after our deal was fulfilled. But...that’s changed, hasn’t it?”
Marinette nodded. “Demon or not you’re still my friend. It’s been how long now? A couple weeks? Almost a month? It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long.”
“It has certainly been going by fast. Your past self would probably slap you for letting me stick around this long.”
“That was before I got to know you.” Marinette clenched her fists tightly in her lap. “It’s been barely a month yet it feels like you’re someone I’ve always known. Is that weird to say?”
“No. I feel much the same way.” Felix took a deep breath. “Marinette, love, I don’t want to lie to you cause for the first time in a long time I feel like I have a friend. I feel like I have someone that cares about me.”
“I do.” her voice broke.
“I know.” He clasped her hands in his, “Which is why I need to tell you that once I leave I probably will never be able to come back.”
And there it was. The words she had so desperately not wanted to hear.
“Demons, we’re not meant to wander the plane of the living unless we’re making deals or causing chaos of some kind. I don’t want to do that with you around. I don’t want you to see that part of me and come to hate me.”
“You’re not that bad.”
“That’s because this is professional. I’m meant to blend in and assist you. But if I stuck around and did the things I would need to do to be allowed to remain here you wouldn’t like what you saw.” He grimaced, “I’m still a demon and the things I’ve done before in my life, the things I will undoubtedly have to do again, they’re not exactly harmless pranks.”
“You’re my friend,” Felix cut across her, “but you are also my client. I cannot hurt you nor would I ever want to. I cannot say the same if I were to stick around. Even now you are in a certain level of danger being around me. My bosses know I’ve spent a lot of time around you and might think you are a prime subject for a haunting or even a possession.”
Marinette started to shake at the information. She had never thought of that. “Has your presence changed anything else?”
“My human form suppresses my demonic aura but not entirely. I can use it to draw people in but most of the time my aura emits a low level of danger. Not big enough to be alarmed but--how do I put this? People, whether they realize it or not will go out of their way to avoid me. Have you not noticed that since I’ve come along a lot of your friends have been keeping a distance from you? Outside of your interactions with Adrien, cause he’s also part of the deal and therefore blind to my aura, the class ignore us.”
“I have residue demon aura following me around because you’ve been here so long?”
“This is a lot to take in.” Marinette took a moment to breathe and let the information settle on her. “I hadn’t even noticed. I suppose that outside of Alya I haven’t really talked to anyone from school.”
“See? While I don’t want to go I know that I have to. It is for your own safety and so you can get back to living a regular life.”
“Right…” Marinette looked away. “God, I feel so stupid. Of course you can’t stay. Why did I ever think you could? And I know that you’re nice by demon standards but the fact that I want to keep a demon around--I just--am I crazy?”
“Look at me,” Felix knelt down in front of her and turned her face towards him. “You’re not crazy. You’re not insane. You’re none of those things. You’re something much better than all that.” His silver eyes gazed at her softly. “You’re kind. You befriended a demon for Satan’s sake! Do you know how good a person you have to be to get a spawn of Hell to open up? The fact that you would sincerely want me to stay is amazing. To be able to call someone like me your friend is not crazy. It’s miraculous.”
Marinette had started crying now. Felix wiped the tears away. “You’re a safe haven. And there is nothing I have treasured more than being here getting to know you. I will never forget the time we’ve spent here together.”
“Promise?” Marinette whispered.
“You think I could ever forget about you, love.” Marinette slumped out of her chair and collected Felix in her arms for a tight hug. He hugged her right back crushing her to his chest. “I promise.”
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (11)
@sannsibarr @miss-mysterys-blog @maribug-adrienoir @mermaidreject @corabeth11 @goblinwhoships @symwinter  @dreaming-being  @yourgeekysister
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her-world-on-fire · 5 years
Stargaze {Leo Valdez x Reader}
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REQUEST: Hi! Would you consider writing a Leo Valdez x reader one-shot where they sneak out at night to go stargazing and they make out after some cheesy remarks and random thoughts about the universe from both of em? Thanks in advance xoxo
A/N: My Love by Sia is recommended. :)
"Leo?" I called, I walked to the forge, the campfire's glow still illuminating my path. His shirt was on the floor in a ball, it was surprisingly untouched. He was working on his new project, it seemed to take a lot of time lately. He had to sneak out to work on it since his last little prank, Chiron banned him from the forge. It was the best punishment, he couldn't work on more pranks or do anything he loved until he learned his lesson. He had been engaged in a prank war with the Apollo and Hermes children. He had built a machine that made them appear in the strangest places.
Leo had built a replica of him and kept it inside his room. There was no need to answer back because he was so grumpy he wouldn't want to talk. His siblings were too busy to notice him and even if they did they wouldn't snitch. Having a bone to pick with Leo? Not a good idea. Especially if you're in the same cabin you're always open for an attack. They didn't dare mess with their cabin counselor.
"Down here." He replied, he got up from the floor and greeted me. He gave me a kiss and then brought his hands to my face. Soon it was covered in oil, I glared at him and he laughed as wiped his hands and collected his shirt off the ground. He knew it was time to head back to camp. He grabbed his tool belt and placed it around his waist again. He made sure to make it look like he hadn't been working on anything. "You sure you want me to put my shirt back on?" He asked, "You seem like you want it to stay off." He winked and I smiled, "I can see you without a shirt anytime I want Valdez."
"However you're covered in grease, Chiron might not like that." He looked down and groaned, Leo didn't like wearing clothes. He was always very warm due to his pyrokinesis, add in the fact that it was summer, and sitting in front of a campfire. "Well, now we're both covered in oil. We could always sneak in the shower?" He teased kissing my neck, it was very tempting indeed. I thought about it for a moment, rules were meant to be broken. Leo always said it to try and convince me to do something we shouldn't. Most of the times I was the impulse control, but every once in a while he was just too damn convincing. Especially since he's been on house arrest lately. The forge was close to the campfire, so we would have to take a long way around.
Soon we arrived his cabin hand in hand. His room was isolated which was very convent for us. As suspected it was empty. He smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a deep kiss. His lips moved away and he began leaving a trail of wet kisses down my neck. I knew exactly what he was doing. Leo loved to leave hickies. He loved them during the summertime because they would be especially hard to hide. His shirt was already off, so he went to work getting mine off. He pulled away and took my shirt off and threw it across the room. He pulled me to his bed and climbed on top of me. I took the opportunity to leave a few marks of my own. He began pulling my shorts off, and as I ran my hands through his mess of curls we pulled away the only thing that mattered was getting each other clothes off.
We took a shower before arriving at the campfire noticeably late. Everyone was there gathered around, we spotted the group and sat down with them. Annabeth leaned against Percy. Piper and Jason sat next to them, Jason's arm around Piper. Behind them was Hazel and Frank's hands were intertwined, having an important conversation. We sat next to them and got the attention of the group.  "You two couldn't be more obvious." Jason sneered, and Leo punched him. Chiron was too busy to notice how late we were. "Gods, What happened to your neck, Leo?" Hazel gasped, genuinely concerned, earning a snicker from Percy and Annabeth. Frank's eyes widened, and Leo went to answer shooting me a look, "Well |Y/N| here-" Frank cleared his throat, desperate for Leo to keep his mouth shut.
He held his hands up in defense, and Chiron began announcements. It was Thursday, so he reminded the cabins of capture the flag the next day. The two teams were the Hephaestus cabin vs Athena's. The group had already split up, Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel were playing for Athena's cabin. While me, Leo, Jason, and Piper were with the Hephaestus cabin. Percy turned around and smirked at Jason, the friendly rivalry evident. Annabeth smacked Percy lightly, whispering at him to pay attention. Soon the Apollo camp began singing, their instruments turned into coins, I turned to Leo and he shook his head. Hermes had gotten their revenge, they found a way to improvise, with acapella. By 10, everyone was sent to bed.
The day passed by slowly everyone was ready to play the game. Piper, Jason, Leo and I stayed at the armory and began planning. As head of his cabin, Leo already had a few ideas. Due to his nickname Latino Santa's Elf by Jason, they decided he should be the one to capture the flag. He was sneaky, fast and mischievous. However his serious ADHD proved a problem, so Jason would follow behind just in case. Piper would stand guard to use her charmspeak. I would be the next line of defense. We all strategized having been on the same team and predicted possible outcomes. They didn't imagine one, however.
"Go get Y/N now!" Jason called out to Frank as he struggled to hold Leo back. He began to get hotter, and soon Jason would have to release him. One of the kids from the opposing team decided to distract Leo. He was a fast runner, "Didn't mommy teach you it's not nice to steal? Oh, wait-" Leo dropped the flag and turned his attention to the boy. Jason wasn't far behind and he pulled Leo away but not before he got in a few punches. Jason couldn't calm him down at all, he knew how Leo felt about his mother's death. Now Percy had to hold him back as well while Annabeth tried talking sense into him. "Leo he's not worth it. This is what he wants don't give it to him." Frank and Hazel ran across the field in search of Y/N. Piper and Y/N were guarding their flag unaware of the events by the border. "What he wants," Leo growled, "Is to have his ass handed to him!"
I heard Frank and Hazel shouting my name from a long distance, I looked to Piper. They wouldn't do this unless it was important. We left two others in charge and we ran to meet them. "It's Leo. We can't calm him down." Frank breathed and led them to where he was. I saw Percy, Annabeth and Jason gathered around him. It wasn't hard to piece together what happened Leo was pleading with Percy to let him go. The fire was spreading throughout his body. I stepped in front of him and the fire began subsiding, "Leo," I said and took his chin and made him look in my eyes, "Breathe." He shut his eyes an inhaled deeply. He was fighting it, he did not want to calm down but he listened. Chiron arrived and looked at Leo and the boy with the bloody nose. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Valdez, care to explain?" I winced and took Leo's hand in mine. "Someone's a sore loser," He spat through clenched teeth, "He thought it was funny to make a joke about my mom." Chiron looked up and his eyes darted to the boy. He held his bloody nose, he knew he deserved it. "You know the rules, no dessert for a week, I want to talk to you." He said and looked at the boy, head counselors as well. Holly and Laurel Victor stepped up, "I will talk to you separately." He told Leo and parted.
It was announced that Cabin 9 took the victory. Leo was absolved from his other punishment. I could tell that the comment really got to him. He was off for the rest of the night. Chiron sent everyone to bed for the night. Leo and I approaching the cabins, "How do you feel about breaking a few more rules?" I suggested, a small smile formed on his lips. I breathed a quiet sigh of relief. I led him to Half-Blood Hill. I had been saving this date for a rainy day, this qualified. 
"What are you doing?"
"You'll see." I had left his presence and went to Talia's tree, Leo was very clingy. He hated being apart, especially when he didn't have anything to work on. There was nothing to occupy his time. It began to get a little bit colder, as night approached. Thanks to his cabin mates I had the perfect hiding place. "A rock, baby really?" I rolled my eyes and placed the rock. We had made a sensor, and when the rock touched it, "Holy shit! I love you." Some logs came together for a campfire. Nearby there was an air mattress with blankets and a telescope.
He walked to the mattress and threw himself down. The mattress surprisingly didn’t falter under his influence. I couldn’t help but laugh. “What? I have to make sure it’s sturdy enough to-” I interrupted him and grabbed the collar of his shirt. Our lips were close, I smirked, “Only one way to find out.” We kissed for what seemed like hours before I realized why I brought him. I pulled away and he pouted, “There’s a meteor shower tonight.” He gasped, and grabbed my face and gave me a quick peck. He moved off of the mattress and to the logs.
He wouldn’t stop whining about missing the last one and I didn’t want to put up with it again. Leo was crazy about space. He wanted so desperately to understand how the world worked. He clung to theories and ideas as if they were his lifeline. The universe was his favorite machine. I watched him he gazed at the sky just waiting for the showers to begin. I joined him and my arm brushed against his. Once again I was reminded of his intoxicating warmth. To just be near him was fulfilling. “Hey, you’re cold.” He cooed, we had forgotten to light the fire. Leo didn’t feel the temperature drop like I did. He put an arm around me and used the other to light the fire. I felt better immediately and breathed a sigh of relief. Amused, he chuckled, “I can still remember how my mom used to scold me for never wearing a jacket. It didn’t help her case that I never got sick.”
The fire reminded him of his mom, it used to really make him uncomfortable. He used to think of it as a curse until he learned to control it. He realized it could help people. I found it best not to interrupt him, it was hard to get him open up so I just listened. “I really hope she knows I’m okay. She must’ve been so worried.” I could see he was replaying that night, I put my head on his shoulder. “She knows Leo. She’s with you always.” He gave a smile and nodded. As if on cue the shower began. We watched astonished, “My gods, so many events had to transpire for us to be able to see this.”
“First, there needs to be some kind of chain reaction. There has to be an explosion or a collision. As parts of a machine, this is what gets the whole thing started. Meteors are pieces of debris that float through space. After that chain reaction happens they are sent through space. Some find their way to Earth. The atmosphere-” I looked at him and was just so overwhelmed with love. Hearing him explain just a little bit about the universe made my heart swell. I could tell he was really eager to explain. He looked down at me and paused, “What?” I shook my head and smiled, “Nothing. I just love you, keep going.” 
“You know all of this already don’t you?” 
“It’s okay, I like your explanation better.”
He rolled his eyes and kissed me, “Why waste my time when we can be doing something much more fun?” The shower had died down and a lot of the excitement had passed. He grabbed my hand and led me back to the mattress. “Gods, I love you,” He said right before kissing me. This time it was gentle, unlike this morning. He was trying so desperately to show his love. We pulled away from each other, a little out of breath.
“Chiron is not letting us get away with this one.” He smirked, “That’s if he catches us, mi amor. We can be very quiet.” He said, and once again brought our lips together. It didn’t matter that we could be caught. It just added to the thrill. We could get into so much trouble but nothing could outweigh this. Being in his arms, warmed by his body heat and the fire, nothing was better than this. I laughed a little, Leo smirked into the kiss. It was like he read my mind. 
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ineffably-good · 5 years
I Will Follow You Into The Dark (10/10) (GO Fics)
Go read the whole thing on AO3
Summary: In which Crowley and Aziraphale throw an awesome party, a few members of Hell's secretarial pool make an appearance, and gifts are given.
Spring turned into summer, and although Aziraphale continued to research and plot, manipulate energies and dig through arcane sources, they made no real progress in restoring Crowley’s lost powers. Crowley, for the most part, handled it well – he occasionally found himself instinctively snapping in response to an immediate problem before remembering that he no longer could, but one look at Aziraphale would remind him what he had done it for and why.
The whiled the summer away traveling a little, spending long weeks out of town with Frederick (who’s house arrest was apparently over) in tow, and enjoying as many long, leisurely dinners and late morning brunches as they could.
Crowley slowly came to the full awareness that he now had a husband. Despite being the one to initiate the almost shotgun-style wedding, it took a while to settle in that the angel – the same angel who curled up next to him to read all night every night, who kept trying to sneak small tartan accents into his wardrobe and claiming complete innocence when called upon it, who kept showering him in almost more love, warmth, and affection than he could handle (almost) – was now bonded to him for life.
He liked to say the word, to himself, roll it around on his tongue. Husband, he’d whisper. Husband, husband, husband. He found he loved the sound of it. He took to calling to make reservations for them at dinner (now that he could no longer miracle the best table) and asking for a table for “my husband and I.” He occasionally interrupted a store clerk who wasn’t being attentive enough to point out that “my husband needs assistance.” He definitely took to stepping between Aziraphale and any young lovestruck fool who was eyeing him and finding a way to throw the word “husband” into the next sentence that came out of his mouth.
Aziraphale, for his part, continued to watch and worry over Crowley during the transition from powers to no powers. He could tell sometimes that Crowley missed them, and he suspected this would become a larger issue in the winter when he couldn’t conserve body warmth by relegating himself to snake form, but he had to admit that for the most part, Crowley seemed to be doing than he had expected with the change. He slowly found himself relaxing, fraction by fraction, as he realized that the demon was not going to change his mind about the bargain he’d made.
“I forgot to tell you something, angel,” Crowley said one morning. “I can’t believe I forgot this, it was really important!”
Aziraphale frowned and put down his coffee cup. “What? What happened?”
“Nothing happened,” Crowley said. “It’s just something from the conversation with God.” 
“Oh?” Aziraphale said.
“She said something about you,” Crowley said, “when I said you were the best thing she’d ever created. I can’t believe I never told you this!”
Aziraphale dimpled up ridiculously and blushed a bright pink. “Oh, my dear,” he murmured. “You said that to her about me?”
Crowley grinned. “Don’t give yourself the vapors, angel,” he said, “and anyways, it’s the truth. But my POINT is, what she said next. I asked if I could tell you because I knew you would want to hear it.”
Aziraphale found he was holding his breath.
“She said that you had never disappointed her,” Crowley said. “Not once. Never.”
He watched as the angel took that in, first frowning a little as he considered it, then his face cleared as Crowley watched the most phenomenal look of peace pass over him. He raised his chin and squared his shoulders, giving Crowley a pleased smile.
“Well then,” he said. “That’s just lovely to hear.” He thought for a minute. “I don’t suppose she provided it in written form so we could send a copy to that bastard Gabriel, did she?”
Crowley laughed.
Soon it was August, and the date of their wedding reception rolled around. It was a perfect night for it; the champagne sparkled, the appetizers were scrumptious, and their friends gathered to share in their happiness. It appeared to be a wonderful success.
“Dudes!” came a familiar voice, as Crowley and Aziraphale were considering where and how to begin cutting the massive, four layered chocolate cake. They turned and found Rat, who had dressed up for the occasion in a slightly less dingy-looking suit and had clearly combed his ear-like points of hair until they were smooth and shiny. “Thank you so much for the invitation,” he said. “That was really decent of you.”
Aziraphale smiled. “Well, we are very grateful to you for the help,” he said. “Seemed like the least we could do was invite you to the party.”
Crowley nodded agreeably. “We are,” he said. “Enjoy yourself!”
“I brought a couple of my friends from the secretarial pool,” Rat said, pointing off to the side behind him. “Don’t worry,” he hurried to assure them as he saw Crowley’s eyebrows go up. “They won’t do anything to cause any problems. They’re HUGE fans of the yours, man.”
Crowley and Aziraphale followed his pointing arm to a cluster of three small, intimidated looking demons who were clustered around a single white plate and nervously poking at various appetizers as if they might be alive. When they saw Crowley looking at them, they each raised a hand and waved shyly, with smiles ranging from starstruck to terrified.
Crowley groaned and waved back, trying to ignore the way Aziraphale was grinning at him. He bid goodbye to Rat with a pat on the arm and literally pulled the angel away from the secretarial demons’ line of sight.
“I don’t want to hear a single word about that,” he warned him. “I mean it.”
Aziraphale giggled – he actually giggled, the bastard – but he made a locking gesture over his lips and tucked the imaginary key in his pocket. He knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that the existence of Crowley’s fan club was something he was going to get mileage out of for years to come. He could wait.
Crowley, knowing exactly what his spouse was thinking, pulled him out onto the dance floor to distract him. He pulled the angel close and laid a hand on the small of his back. Distraction accomplished, he thought, as the angel became soft and cuddly as they shared a couple of dances to the slower pieces that were being played.
Soon enough Anathema came up to cut in, dancing with each of them in turn, as did other guests, and after a while Crowley found he had lost sight of the angel all together. He scanned the crowd for him and was surprised to see a very familiar shock of blond hair jumping up and down to the beat of what Aziraphale would refer to as “bebop”, near the front of the dance floor. He grinned and made his way over to wrap an arm around the angel’s waist and kiss him from behind.
“Having fun, love?” he asked.
“Oh yes,” Aziraphale said, leaning up to plant a kiss on his cheek. “It’s almost as much fun as the gavotte!” He had ditched his suit coat somewhere, rolled up his sleeves, and loosened his bow tie. He was glowing with happiness and exertion and it was all Crowley could do not to eat him like a snack.
Second best, he decided, was to get his angel another glass of champagne. Which he did. Hydration was important, after all.  
Then Crowley found himself pulled back into the fray by Adam and his friends, and he lost sight of him again.  
Crowley found him a little bit later.
“Come with me,” he said, extending his hand. “It’s time.”
Aziraphale tossed back the rest of the champagne he was holding and allowed himself to be pulled out the side door and across the lawn. They moved away from the buildings and their light, and Aziraphale hand-waved a small miracle to dampen the light pollution from both the city and the full moon, so they could more easily see the sky.
Crowley had previous laid out a large, light blanket over the soft grass, and he plopped down on it and reclined onto his elbows, patting the space between his legs. “Come here, you,” he said. Aziraphale smiled and settled in, leaning back with his head resting against Crowley’s chest. They both looked up at the sky – and waited.
It wasn’t long before they saw the first one.
“Oooooh!” Aziraphale exclaimed, pointing as the first meteor appeared. “Did you see it? It was right there.”
It was the last day of the peak of the Perseid meteor shower.
“Oh, they’re always so lovely,” Aziraphale said fondly.
“I made them, you know,” Crowley said, quietly. “Well, I made the comet they came from.”
“You did?” Aziraphale said. “I don’t think I knew that.”
“One of my first creations, before the fall,” he said. “It was just for practice, making a comet. Baby steps. But I always loved it the most, because it was my first.”
“And every August, its trail of debris delights the humans,” Aziraphale said with a fond smile.
“Or frightens them,” Crowley said. “But most of us know meteors are good luck, not bad. It seemed like a good omen for starting a new phase of our lives.”
They sat silently for another twenty minutes, heartbeat to heartbeat, just watching each glimmering spark streak across the sky and feeling ineffably connected.
“Shall we go back to our guests?” Aziraphale asked eventually.
“If we must,” Crowley said, standing up and helping Aziraphale rise. Aziraphale gave him that soft, contented smile that he loved so much, and then they turned to cross the open field back toward the lights and music.
They’d only gone a few steps when a buzzing beam of light appeared behind them, infinitely bright.
They spun around, and Aziraphale instinctively stepped in front of Crowley in a defensive stance. Crowley might be the creator of the two, but he was the former soldier, and he knew better to let his powerless husband get in harm’s way.
To his shock and dismay, Aziraphale was met with the large, disembodied head of the Metatron.
"Greetings, Principality Aziraphale and Demon Crowley," he said, his voice pleasant but clinical.  "I bring you tidings from the Almighty on this the celebration of your nuptials."
Aziraphale and Crowley exchanged a shocked look.
“May – may we speak with her?” Aziraphale asked.
"To speak with me is to speak with the Almighty," he replied, unflappable in his composure and certitude.
I bet this asshole just LOVES Gabriel, Crowley thought as he stepped forward to stand directly beside Aziraphale, shoulder to shoulder. He reached out and grabbed the angel’s hand. “What’s the message?” he asked.
"The Almighty wishes you to know that she bids you joy in your union,” the Metatron said. “Furthermore, she wishes you to know that she is moved by the selflessness with which you’ve both cared for each other in the light of the Demon Crowley’s altered circumstances. Your sacrifices and sincere, unselfish love have not gone unnoticed.”
Aziraphale cleared his throat. “Uh… thank you?” he said.
 "Finally, in honor of your wedding, she wishes to offer you a nuptial gift."
The Metatron gestured vaguely with his eyes, leading them both to look up at a small, golden object that drifted slowly down from a point unseen. It appeared to be a box, Crowley thought, as it came to rest on the grass at their feet.
Crowley looked back at the Metatron. “What is it?” he asked suspiciously.
“It is a gift for you both from the Almighty,” the Metatron restated. “Do not dawdle in opening it, children. That is all.”
He faded away from sight.
They stood, staring wide-eyed at each other, then down at the golden box below them. Aziraphale, the first to recover his wits, bent down and picked it up, holding it away from his body as if he feared it might bite him.
“Should we go open it inside?” Crowley said.
“No,” Aziraphale said, shaking his head. “I think we should do this alone.” He pulled Crowley back to the blanket and they sat down, side-by-side, staring at the box still held in Aziraphale’s hands.
With unspoken agreement, they both reached for the lid and pulled it open.
A soft, golden glow filled the air, and a delicious aroma of roses became apparent. It took a moment to make out the contents against the glow, but soon Aziraphale lifted out a piece of parchment and a pair of small, golden cupcakes.
“Cupcakes??” Aziraphale said, puzzled.
“Cupcakes are for children!” Crowley said. “Didn’t we specifically say no cupcakes?”
“I believe we did,” Aziraphale hummed, unrolling the parchment. “’To a long and magical marriage’, it says.”
“A what?” Crowley said distractedly, still annoyed by the cupcakes. God and her ineffable sense of humor was getting on his last nerve.
“Crowley,” Aziraphale said, grabbing him by the forearm with urgency. “It says to a long and magical marriage.”
Crowley blinked. “You don’t think…”
“I do.”
“What else could it possibly mean?”
“Knowing the almighty,” Crowley muttered, trying to beat down a surge of something like hope and hating himself for feeling it, “nearly anything.”
“I think,” Aziraphale said quietly, “that we had better eat them.”
Crowley’s heart began to bound. “Should we, though?” he asked, peevishly. “I mean, should we really? Isn’t this just a bit too Alice in Wonderland for you? We’re going to take a bite and find ourselves too big for the Earth or too small to exist or fall down some kind of interdimensional rabbit hole and then —”
Aziraphale took Crowley’s face in his hands. “My dear,” he said softly, stilling him with his most loving look, “trust me. I have a feeling about this.”
Aziraphale had a feeling. Oh joy.
Crowley looked into Aziraphale’s eyes, his favorite sight in all the world, and noted the intensity of his trusting gaze. Every detail of the scene seemed to ingrain itself into his senses – the blue-black night sky still streaked by the quick milky spill of comets, the branches of the oak behind them susurrating in the warm breeze, the scent of crushed, warm grass beneath them, the gentle spill of music and laughter from the party on the other side of the field. The moment seemed to stretch and bend around them, infinitely, like they were poised together over a great chasm, deciding whether to fall.
Crowley shrugged, unable to resist both his love and whatever the hell this was, and picked up one of the confections. He crossed the fingers of his other hand.
“Ready, then?” he asked as Aziraphale did the same.
And without further delay, they each took a bite.
Nothing happened for a moment, then Crowley felt a warmth bloom in his chest and spread through him. He felt its golden tendrils wrap around his physical being, then extend to his ethereal one. It should have burned, he thought, but instead it just felt like the most delightful touch of sunshine. It swirled through all of him and then it drifted away.
He opened his eyes to find Aziraphale watching him, an unreadable expression on his face. He almost looked, he thought, like he was praying.
“Did you feel that too?” Crowley asked.
“I did,” Aziraphale said, “but I think it was stronger for you.”
“Should I –” Crowley swallowed, unable to complete the thought.
“Try it,” Aziraphale said gently. “Try a miracle. The worst outcome is nothing’s changed, and we’ve already gotten used to that.”    
Crowley stood and raised the hand furthest away from Aziraphale to snapping position and pulled up from the ground in his usual fashion. Something did happen, but his hand emitted only a small spark rather than the flare of fire he’d been trying to raise.
“Wait,” he said. “That doesn’t feel quite right. I’m doing something wrong.”
“Crowley,” Aziraphale said carefully. “I think you need to try the other direction.”
Crowley froze. “I’m a demon,” he said. “I don’t pull my powers from Above.”
Aziraphale reached over and pulled Crowley’s now-clenched hand to his lips. “What if,” he said, “you’re something all together new?”
He placed Crowley’s hand in ready position at shoulder height and stepped back.
Crowley took a deep breath, snapped down, and then tossed a small, sparkling firework up into the sky over them. It broke into a golden chrysanthemum shape, and tiny gold petals drifted slowly to the ground around them.
Aziraphale gasped.
“I’m a DEMON,” Crowley repeated, desperately, feeling afraid and a little overwhelmed. “She didn’t just unfall me, did she? Because I don’t WANT that.”
Aziraphale frowned and scanned him with his more hidden senses. “I don’t think so,” he said. “You still smell like a demon. Pull out your wings.”
Crowley yanked his wings into their plane and Aziraphale caught his breath. They were still black and glossy, but sprinkled throughout them were tips of dove gray, just here and there, giving him a subtle, speckled appearance.
“What is it?” Crowley asked, craning his neck. “Oh, please tell me I’m not about to start really enjoying the Sound of Music for the love of –”
He caught sight of his wings and fell silent.
“Still a demon,” Aziraphale said, “or mostly so.”
“A demon who draws his powers from Heaven?” Crowley asked. “Who’s ever heard of such a thing?”
“You’re the very first,” Aziraphale said, beaming at him.
“What about you?” Crowley said. “What did you get?”
Aziraphale’s chin quivered with happiness. “I got you, fully restored, my love – what more could I possibly want?”
Crowley rolled his eyes, but gently. “Wings, angel,” he said. “Let me see ‘em.”
Aziraphale obediently pulled out his wings and Crowley circled him, observing. “Yours have changed too,” he said. “There’s some dove gray here and there that wasn’t there before.”
The angel looked thoughtful. “I wonder what it all means.”
Crowley took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around his husband. “We have, by my count, approximately forever to figure it all out, love.”
“As long as we figure it out together,” Aziraphale said. “Always.”
“Damn straight,” Crowley replied.
“I think it’s time to go bid our guests good night,” Aziraphale said. “You can miracle them up an endless supply of alcohol and we shall let the youngsters keep the party going until dawn. We’ve already paid for the cleaning crew in the morning.”
Crowley smiled. “And what will we do?”
He could hear Aziraphale’s answering smile even in the dark. “I would like to go home,” he said decisively, “and lie under the skylight in the bedroom with you and watch the rest of the meteors go by.”
“Home,” Crowley said, his heart as full as he had ever known it. “Home it is, then.”
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snows-labcoat · 5 years
Play Among The Stars (Baby, Kiss Me)
Summary: “I’ve always been in love with the stars, but nothing compares to you, Caitlin Snow.”
Pairing: Caitlin Snow x astronomer!reader
Caitlin Snow could listen to you talk forever.
She fell in love with the way your eyes shimmered as you took her stargazing, resembling the worlds you spoke about.
“What’s that one, right over there?” She pointed, your eyes following.
You could feel her breathing deep as she leaned back into you, arms wrapping around her front.
“Corvus. It means crow. They’re the sacred bird of the god, Apollo.”
“Really? Doesn’t seem like a god-type bird” She remarked, her eyes scrolling across the sky at the constellations you had been telling stories about.
“Did you know, in Greek mythology— crows weren’t originally black? See— his story is that Apollo asked him to watch over his pregnant wife while he was gone. When the crow told him his wife had begun to see a human man, Apollo blamed him for not stopping the affair. So he does what most overreacting Greek gods do— and curses the bird, scorching his feathers black”
“That’s dark. I’m assuming though, that it’s probably one of the lighter stories?” You nodded before telling another.
“Andromeda. She was sacrificed by her own parents to appease Poseidon after her mother’s vanity upset them.”
“Greek mythology is a real downer.” Caitlin quipped, a light laugh escaping the two of you.
“It’s not all bad. It can be really beautiful. Want to see one more constellation?” She nodded as you directed her to a random spot in the sky, she shifted over next to you, leaning into your side while her eyes scanned.
When you didn’t open your mouth to explain, she pushed, “What is it?”
“Psyrotas. Intimate Souls.”
“What’s the tragic story there?” You shook your head, before speaking softly.
“There was a person, and she never felt like she belonged. But— she had a fascination for science, astronomy. She fell in love with the stars. Earth can be lonely, even with 7 billion people. So she dreamed. She dreamed she was born among them, and she was floating so close. But she still felt alone. Even though she wasn’t really. Eridanus was there sometimes, so was Orion. Perseus too. But she wasn’t a part of anything... bigger.”
You could feel her eyes burning into you, but it wasn’t a bad feeling.
“Until she connected with... another, right next to Pluto. There was such a pull of gravity between the two stars. This other ball of plasma gave her hope, a reaction so big was happening and they didn’t even realize it at first. The cores coalesced. Eventually, named Psyrotas. Intimate souls.” Caitlin didn’t know what to say, so she cuddled closer into your side, her lips brushing your cheek before she finally spoke.
“I don’t know how, or why. Buuut I have a feeling that constellation is coming from a more personal place.” You dropped your head, a smile spreading across both your faces when you quipped—
“Okay okay, I know it’s no nerdonium, but I like to think it passes as a decent story. I mean— who doesn’t like a good love story?” Caitlin laughed, nodding her head in agreement as a thought crossed her mind.
“You... have always had a way with words. Storytelling. There are times where I wish this was all life was. The stars, us. No weight of the world.”
That would be perfect,
“Because every time I’m with you, I know I will be okay. Even if life really is kicking our asses sometimes, you’re always there to face the chaos with me. When you tell me these stories, when you sing, god— I wasn’t expecting this, and before you give a scientific explanation about choice versus chance— just know... I wouldn’t have things any other way.” She saw the gears turning in your head while you tried to organize your thoughts
Your mouth opened and closed before you started to rush out a sentence “SN 1006, Cait—“
“—The brightest stellar event ever observed, your favorite supernova” Caitlin finished, a blush rising onto your face before you continued.
“7.2 light years away from us. Sixteen times brighter than Venus—“ You were speaking so fast, she bet if you translated it— you could travel those 7.2 light years in a mere second. Your head stumbling to keep up with your heart.
“But I— I swear to god, it will never be as astounding as the way you make me feel.” For once, you struggled to articulate what was going through your mind, but Caitlin understood.
All she did was pull you closer to her, your head resting on her shoulder while she intertwined her fingers with yours.
You were in a state of euphoria, and it had been a while since you had truly felt at peace. Imagining that this must be what space feels like, life among the stars, where you can see everything up close.
“Have you ever thought about how people take advantage of space?” Caitlin furrowed her brows at your musings while you continued.
“See— at 10^-36 seconds of the Big Bang, the universe went through cosmic inflation. The world was in a state of chaos. Everything in flux, nothing was constant. Yet people still take advantage of the security of the illusion of a constant reality— ignoring the fact that the floating dust particles you see in the light of the sunrise creeping in, is the same star dust that fills our night sky. Our galaxy.”
Caitlin listened intently— your words painting this picture of how beautiful everything from beyond our star is. Somehow, everything you explained sounded less like a textbook and more like those poems you’d curl up at a local bookstore with.
“They take advantage of what’s thought to be reality. Planets and how many hours it takes for one revolution around the sun, our sun— it’s a constant. People accept light as a constant. We believe our human gaze, to be a passive act.”
“They don’t think about the fact that according to quantum theory, when photons aren’t being observed— they behave like a wave. In waves, there is no location to pinpoint of said photon. But as soon as they’re observed, they behave like particles, having a specific location, having a charge, momentum.” The bio-engineer could feel your heart racing, the inflections in your tone changing when she motioned for you to continue, relaxing at the sound of your voice.
“Stars... we take them for granted. We tell stories about the pictures in the skies, but nobody thinks about the fact that we need them.”
She thought about that. Yes, we need the stars. But Caitlin was thinking more along the lines of the fact that without the stars, your eyes wouldn’t be sparkling. The smile on your face wouldn’t be there, the moments you two spent under the sky... of course the stars are important.
“Think about supernovas, Cait. Without the explosions— our sun doesn’t contain the power to bond atoms into anything as heavy or heavier than iron. Earth would not exist.” She thought about how fast your mind was running in that moment. Your passion for the unknown possibilities lighting a fire.
You leave a blazing trail wherever you go, an impact that nobody could forget or ever want to change. Caitlin hadn’t been warm in such a long time, until she met you.
When you held her hand, she could’ve sworn you had the molten core of Earth right in your palms.
“That iron seeps into our oceans and into our ground, it makes our blood red, it let’s us breathe.”
In her mind, you are the center of her universe. It’s not the iron that keeps her breathing, or the tides that give direction. It’s you. You keep her grounded, while also helping her unfold her proper hands. See without each other— she knows her feet would never leave the Earth beneath, and without Caitlin, you know you’d never touch reality again.
“The stars are everything, Caity.” When she felt your lips ghosting her cheek while you sat together on the blanket, she nearly created a supernova explosion herself just wondering how nobody had named a star after you yet.
“People don’t ever think about how space isn’t just nothingness. Everyone seems to picture Earth as a separate entity from our galaxy, not as a part of it. They forget that we are a puzzle piece to something much greater. They view space as this vastly empty, yet domineering place, devoid of anything worthwhile”
A deep gravity filled the space between you two. The stars overhead meaning so much more.
“...When it’s really just a reflection of their own little world. Our universe and it’s comprehensible matter gets taken for granted. Space, light, quark matter, photons, Pluto— I’ve always been drawn to our galaxy and what lies beyond.”
Pluto was your favorite. Caitlin remembers you telling stories about when it was demoted in 2006. You believed in the little planet. You always fought for the underdog.
“I’ve been enthralled by something not even considered a real planet, 4.67 billion miles away— all the possibilities in a place we consider unknown.”
“Because it’s not space where I’d feel void, It’s here. I’ve never felt like I belonged. So I fell in love with what could be.”
“I’ve always been in love with the stars. But nothing compares to you, Caitlin Snow.”
You always felt like she must’ve come from the brightest supernova to exist. Born among the stars, galaxies within her heart, constellations and meteor showers all in one.
Her eyes looked like they carried galaxies in them. No matter who said that wasn’t possible, clearly had never felt something so passion-filled and unadulterated. Fresh, undiluted, and pure.
There was no denying the way the stars seemed to align when her lips met yours.
How even Pluto and Charon might as well have truly been pressing to see what was almost 5 billion miles away. Unlike the little dwarf planet you loved ever since you could read, the scientist was right there, in front of you and her lips locked with yours.
Caitlin Snow’s kiss, caused a coalescence between more than just elements. More than just the fire and ice that you both resembled. Your souls had met, creating the most powerful supernova explosion into a shower of interstellar dust.
*𝘗𝘴𝘺𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘴: 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘴, “𝘗𝘴𝘺𝘩𝘪” 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 “𝘌𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘴”— 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦.
*𝘩𝘪 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪'𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘐 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 <3
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andy-loves-corgis · 5 years
All of The Lights - Ch 4 (TRR AU)
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: well, now just the dysfunctional Rileyx Liam and the awful Liam x Madeleine
Rating: PG
Word count: ~ 3,300
Notes: I’m so sorry and I hated this chapter, that’s all I can say. Thanks, whoever is still here ���️
WARNING: Read the Prologue! Every chapter has TWO timelines, Before (about a year before the Prologue) and After (two years after the prologue), if you don’t pay attention to that you might get confused!
Fast cars, shooting stars
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Drake stretched his fingers absentmindedly, after a week immobilized he decided upon taking the gauze off and though a little sore, they seemed to have healed perfectly.
“What in the seven hells?!”
Liam was horrified, Drake could see by his contorted face looking outside the tinted windows of the limo.
Looking like every bit of a Cordonian Sweetheart, Riley stood in front of the press, half of her chocolate locks now a deep shade of red, some blonde spots seen between the brown and the red, redder than Liam’s livid face.
“I’m telling you, Drake. She has a very unique way of driving me insane” Liam said burying his face in his hands.
“I think it suits her” Drake tried to control the smirk in his lips.
Yes, Riley had her own way of bringing hell to Liam, or basically anyone who crossed her way. He knew she had been stressing over her broken ankle and not being able to care for herself, whether dying her hair herself or painting an entire wall of her home, she would always find a way to express her need of change.
Leaving the limo with a now very composed Liam, Drake spotted another livid individual, Madeleine’s nostrils flared under her perfectly done makeup, of course she would hate to divide the spotlight with Riley.
The press went wild as Liam walked to Riley, pressing a chaste kiss on her cheek, and whispering something on her ear that made her face fall as he turned smiling to the camera.
That’s none of your business
He just walked away from the frenzy of the crowd, who had just spotted Leo, poor guy, Leo was suffering so much he even lost weight, which could be completely related to his drinking habits and whole-night sex with his maids. The future king was doing anything to forget that he would soon to be married to one of those uptight bland women or worse... Madeleine.
On the far corner, next to the boats, Drake found his father’s pupil, looking as tired as someone could be.
“You look like shit, Bastien” Drake laughed, standing beside his only living father figure.
“Every night with Leo takes a week out of my life span” Bastien whispered.
Drake tried unsuccessfully suppress a laugh.
Looking at all the nobles in their exclusive designer clothes gathering around the harbor just to see those girls who never tied a knot in their life, Drake felt glad for living in the invisible sidelines, he always thought that he preferred the snarky comments and side outraged glances than the fake smiles and sugar-coated condescending words.
“I hate those stuff, how to you manage to survive to every one of these things?” Drake sighed as soon as the boats sailed. “It’s just so boring.”
“It’s just work, it’s not every time that we are breathing on some terrorists neck” Bastien simply said. “Sometimes you are in Bósnia-Herzegovina at 04:23 am to pick up a drunk heir to the throne.”
Drake snorted again, excusing himself to get some water.
“No, Liam, YOUR problem is that I didn’t tell you I was going to dye MY hair!” It was undoubtedly Riley’s voice behind the drink station.
“Well, if you wanted so much to look like Olivia, you should’ve dyed it all” Drake could almost picture Liam’s smirk, knowing he’d hit a soft spot.
Drake cleared his throat and the voices turned to angry whispers, until he heard hard steps towards the Riva, Liam appeared chewing the insides of his cheeks and adjusting the collar of the shirt under his sweater, barely throwing a second glance at Drake.
The commoner made his way to the secluded place where Riley stood leaning on a fence massaging her temples.
He was about to greet her when they heard the cheering voices of the crowd.
“Shit!” Riley exclaimed.
Even though what unfolded in front of him wasn’t anything new, every time Drake saw Riley inhaling deeply before putting the most dazzling smile on her face, he was amazed - saddened to the core, but amazed nonetheless.
“Oh hi!” She said in a cheerful tone, if Drake hadn’t grown up with her, he might have believed she was happy. “Mind to help?”
One of her crutches had fallen to the ground and Drake quickly lowered himself to get it, he noticed her swollen calves and a crease formed in his eyebrows.
“Thanks” she smiled and left walking like with her head held high.
Sometimes he couldn’t understand what it took to be like that, to live like that.
Madeleine won, obviously, as if she hadn’t paid Nick Thompson to sail for her, but in the end, it was all power games during social season.
Imagine a dozen of the most well-crafted women of the kingdom, they were molded since they were able to walk to sit still, look pretty, pour tea and to think like true strategist.
No, Cordonian court wasn’t a complete sexist place, of course as in any patriarchal society men would have the upper hand on the ladder to success, but women were always behind that.
Drake watched as Madeleine hugged Riley while the other suitors clapped, those sweet smiles only hiding their next step.
“Do you like whiskey?” He heard Liam’s voice next to him.
“Was that even supposed to sound like a question?” Drake rose an eyebrow to his best friend.
“Hope McCallan isn’t too cheap for you” Liam’s smirk grew.
“Liam, every time you come up with the whiskey talk it’s because you’re gonna ask me to do something I don’t wanna do... what is it?”
Liam cleared his throat but kept the smirk
“Well, there’s whiskey... in Olivia’s yacht”
The prospect of that night becoming a huge nightmare has shifted to 112%.
“Please...?” Liam gave him a forced smile.
Gathering all the force he still had, Drake just nodded, rubbing his eyes to avoid the scowl.
Well, at least there will be whiskey.
Olivia’s yacht was big enough for a family of four to live comfortably, but oddly enough she gathered her guests on the small deck by the jacuzzi.
The sun was setting and they were a swimming distance from the shore, but the view was still a breathtaking, sipping from his whiskey, Drake noticed that Riley was focused on another view.
By the jacuzzi Liam laughed with Olivia, their elbows touching as they sat side by side in the hot water. To any spectator the scene unfolding would look as friends having a good time together, but to anyone who knew that little love triangle, it was way more than that.
York: I’m about to throw myself in the waters.
He tried not to laugh at the message on his phone, Riley was known for being dramatic, so he casually walked to the jacuzzi, under Kiara’s blushing gaze and Olivia’s scowl.
“Hey” he squatted next to Liam. “I don’t think Riley is feeling well, I’ll take her back okay?”
Liam’s knitted his eyebrows puzzled.
“What’s wrong with her?”
“She’s feeling nauseous” Drake came up with the first excuse he could think of.
“Oh, well...”
“Leighton can take them to the shore, Li” Olivia interjected without looking at Drake.
“See you at the palace” Drake taped Liam’s shoulder, wetting his hand in the process.
He walked between the crowd, their champagne glasses glinting on the fading sun.
“Let’s get out of here, York” he looked at his miserable friend.
“Thank God” she answered grabbing his hand for support.
It was a short way to the shore and they made their way in silence as droplets of sea water splashed on their faces.
Drake helped her hop on his truck and finally felt at ease feeling Riley get comfortable turning the radio on.
Night fell as the black truck made its way through the woods near the palace where a clearing welcome then along with a smirk Riley couldn’t suppress.
“And I thought you were just going to leave me alone in my room to scroll through Twitter” she laughed as he helped her out of the car and proceeded to open the pick up truck bed where some pillows and covers awaited them.
“I got your back, York” he smiled as she got cozy on the pillows and he pulled his guitar.
After a minute of only the soft melody he was playing and the wind hushing on tree leaves she turned to him.
“Sing something”
He gave it a little thought, slowly striking the chords before he decided.
I wanna be drunk when I wake up
On the right side of the wrong bed
And never an excuse I made up
Tell you the truth I hate
What didn't kill me,
It never made me stronger at all
Love will scar your make up
Lips sticks to me, so now I maybe lean back there
I'm sat here wishing I was sober
I know I'll never hold you like I used to
But a house gets cold when you cut the heating
Without you to hold I'll be freezing
Can't rely on my heart to beat in
'Cause you take parts of it every evening
Take words out of my mouth just from breathing
Replace with phrases like 'when you leaving me? '
Should I? Should I?
Maybe I'll get drunk again
I'll be drunk again, I'll be drunk again
To feel a little love
“That’s beautiful... and sad. You should really start playing it somewhere” her small voice filled the silence. “Is it about Erika?”
Drake shrugged.
“I guess it was when I first thought about it”
“You never told me why you two broke up” she propped herself on her elbows.
“It just didn’t work out”
“Well, I never liked her” Riley laughed.
“You never liked any of my girlfriends, York” he threw a pillow at her.
“Hey! I’ll like her when it’s the right one okay?”
“Yeah, now shut up and look up” he adjusted himself next to her.
He heard her soft gasp at the sight of the falling stars, as if she was the same 10-year-old girl he brought there along with his sister and father to see their first meteor shower. He felt her hand grabbing two of his fingers and smiled.
“Make a wish, Walker”
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The sun wasn’t too high in the sky when he finished shaving, God forbids Madeleine saw a glint of facial hair on anyone at any of her events, not that he minded what she thought, but he rather be invisible at this event.
A cup of coffee and a croissant later, he found himself at the site of the barn raising, it would be so fun watch the nobles having the day to pretend they have any inclination to do hard work. Penelope and Kiara for example were wearing high heels, he betted 5 euros one of them would fall in 5 minutes.
Drake laughed to himself but got pulled out of his thoughts by a loud engine blasted on the road, the feeling of déja vu overcoming him, he knew exactly who loved loud engines drawing the attention to her entrance.
A white Bugatti stopped at the entrance and for a second, after seeing the frightened face of Hana getting out of the car, he forgot that he was pissed.
Although he remembered on the next second when Riley got out of the driver’s side laughing heartedly, she was wearing a simple plaid shirt, jeans shorts and sneakers, all the flashes were on her, the first press appearance since she was back two weeks ago.
“Lady Riley! Lady Riley!” The press screamed to get her attention. “How does if feel to be back?”
“Amazing!” She smiled, but he saw right through her, she didn’t get any better at hiding her lies and discomfort than she did at 18.
“Lady Riley! How do you describe your style today?”
“Riley York ready to build a barn” Maxwell made his way through the press to hug Riley and Hana.
“Lady Riley! Don Brine here! We see your coming with a new crew, Lady Hana and Lord Maxwell, does this has anything to do with your best friend getting engaged to your ex while you were away?”
Her smile faltered for a second, Drake held his breath without even knowing, across from the press he finally acknowledged Madeleine grabbing Liam’s arms forcefully while the future king didn’t blink watching Riley getting close to them.
“I think I’ll have to set the record straight” she pulled Madeleine’s hand into hers, locking them in an uncomfortable hold. “Liam, Madeleine and I all grew up together, and some people change along the way, some relationships change along the way.”
Riley’s angelic face gave the future monarchs the sweetest smile, Drake could almost touch the longing in Liam’s eyes.
“Liam and Madeleine will rule wisely and will be remembered for generations, and I couldn’t be more than happy for them. i guess that’s all.”
“One more thing Lady York. Ana de Luca for trend. We got an anonymous tip that you were away on a rehab clinic for self harm, what do you have to say about that?”
Drake saw Riley twisting Madeleine’s hand.
“Ana, some people don’t know when to shut up” she smirked and left them under the urges for more words and flashes blinking.
He watched as Liam cleared his throat and gave his speech on the barn raising, completely mechanical as he forced himself not to look over to Riley laughing with her friends.
Drake saw himself standing awkwardly with his hands buried in his pockets until he felt a light touch in his arms.
“It will all happen again, won’t it?” Kiara’s black eyes met his and wandered where Riley was. “She’s a bulldozer Drake, I remember how you were when she left, how Liam was, god, even Penelope...”
“Shall we start?” Liam started gathering everyone, not giving him any time to answer Kiara.
“Kiara and Penelope can help with the hay, Maxwell and Hana can take care of painting the fences and... Drake and Riley will work lifting the wood of the barn walls.” Madeleine smiled proudly at herself and Liam choked.
“It’s too much of manual labor for a Lady, my dear, I’m sure Lady Riley could trade places with Maxwell” Liam pondered.
“No way, it would give my hands blisters!” Maxwell interjected and Riley laughed.
“Don’t be silly dear, Lady Riley spent the last year as a working woman in America.” Madeleine’s fire gaze pierced through Liam’s blue eyes.
“Hey Liam, it’s okay really, I used to do some heavy lifting at work...” Riley finally spoke and Liam’s gaze went from her to Drake.
At that moment Drake understood why Liam didn’t want her inside the barn.
“Told you so..” Kiara whispered beside him.
“I can help you two...”
“No, you can’t!” Madeleine exclaimed more fiercely that she probably intended. “We need to make rounds and pose for pictures dear, it’s our engagement event after all.”
“Then we should go!” A completely anxious Penelope stated, wanting as much as any of them to be excluded from the awkwardness.
Drake sighed and made his way to the structure of the barn without a second glance to Riley. He was preparing the wood when she reached their spot.
“Hey, let me help” she said smiling and reaching for the wood he was carrying, he didn’t reply.
They worked in silence for almost an hour, she didn’t back up from any activity, from carrying heavy buckets of water for the horses, to helping him pulling up the wood.
“We’re still a good team!” She exclaimed after most of the work was done, he stole a glance and her proud look and warm smile, a drop of sweat descending from her neck.
“We’re not a team” he grunted at his relapse.
The smile vanished from her face.
“After everything, how you can say that?”
“After everything, how can YOU say that?” Drake spat turning fully to her. “Why the hell did you come back, Riley? Why didn’t you just disappear and let us live our pathetic lives here?”
“Why didn’t you let me drown, Drake? It would definitely be better than be here now, right?”
Drakes face fell, and suddenly flashes of that fateful afternoon flooded him like the gelid winter see, the white dress plastered on her numb skin, the muttering blue lips, his heart beating so hard in his chest, wanting to trade places with hers, to make her alive again.
He got close to her, closer than he should for the sake of his sanity, he could feel the heat coming from her body as her resolve slowly crumbled and his rage grew.
“Go to hell, Riley. Fuck you!” She shrank at his words, spat so cruelly it made her eyes watery.
Drake suddenly couldn’t breath so he left the almost finished barn to the hired workers to complete, the sun hanging low in the sky only heating his chest more, he wanted to scream, but he refused to be seen by anyone of the court, so, like a coward, he just sneaked out.
The humming sound of his truck engine was the only thing calming him right now, he drove aimlessly for more than an hour until night came and he saw himself somewhere he almost forgot it existed, somewhere he locked in her mind along with every other memory of Riley.
He sat on the empty boot of his truck, opening a can of beer and looking at the sky, as if he was a child, he was desperate for a shooting star so he could ask for everything to be normal again.
The loud engine once again pulled him from his thoughts, the white Bugatti now had several brown spots of dirt on its side, she sat on the hood, no respect for a €4 million car, one more reason he could add to the list for hating her.
“I’m sorry.” She said without looking at him, her tired eyes lost, miles away, in the sky.
Drake looked at the beer in his hands, then back to the sky.
“I shouldn’t have said that today.” He heard her sighing. “I actually never thanked you, so thank you, Drake.”
“For what?” He gave another gulp to his beer.
“For taking me out of the waters, whichever mean it has, you saved my life in more ways than that for years, but that day, that day I only came back breathing because of you.” Her eyes were full of tears once again, eyes pleading to him. “I didn’t come back to screw everything, I just... I miss my best friend, Drake.”
“I just can’t understand why, Riley?” He licked his dry lips, thinking of how to say it. “You gave up on us, you decided to stay, and then... why? You really meant it? You really wanted it?”
He really hoped she said no.
“Yes” Her voice was almost a whisper. “I wanted to die that day.”
“Why?” He tried in vain to keep his emotions under control.
“I don’t know” she dried her cheeks with her sleeves. “ I came back to try and find it out, it’s the only thing holding me back, I need to find out. Then I promise you’ll never hear of me again.”
If you wanna be out of the tags, just let me know
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exileoblivion · 7 years
all of them for you too buddy
alrighty, here goes!!1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? I try to make it equal, but I always end up with more milk than cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? For the most part, yes. Unless I’m not feeling well or whatever
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Whatever’s close at hand that’s flat and small, lol
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? My coffee has to have a LOT of creamer and/or sugar. My tea depends; for the most part, it HAS to have at least a little bit of sugar, but there’s some that I don’t mind not having sugar in, just depends
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? YES.
6: do you keep plants? No
7: do you name your plants?No
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Either writing or drawing
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yup!
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Mainly my sides, but I’ll lay on my back when I’m sick or hurt
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? …oh god…my one friend and I have one that deals with DMMD, and I am SO not talking about that here pppfffttttttt
12: what’s your favorite planet? I don’t really have one
13: what’s something that made you smile today? I WATCHED THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE, AND IT WAS SO DAMN CUTE ALSDKFJELAKJSDF
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Dorky AF. Probably a lot of purple/shades of purple for the colors
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Space smells like burnt meat and metal, or something like that? I remember hearing that a while back
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Chicken alfredo, or Mushroom Ravioli alskdjfalskjdf
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I REEEALLLLYYYYYY want to dye the right side of my hair pastel pink
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. that same inside joke about DMMD omfg alskdjf
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? a writing journal? No. I do have a TON of sketchbooks though, which have random doodles in them.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Blue. BRIGHT blue. I’ve also lately REALLLYYYY been loving shades of brown that almost look red. 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I recently bought a Castiel bag from Hot Topic, and while it’s not old, it has gone on a few adventures through the woods with me, and went with me to my last job quite a lot. I’m going to be using it a TON when I get my fursuit partial in 2018.
22: are you a morning person? Depends on if I get enough sleep, and wake up in a good mood
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Laying in “bed” curled up in a few blankets with snacks and watch youtube vids
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? In the past, yeah. I haven’t had someone I could trust that much in a looonnnggggg time though
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? Technically it wasn’t breaking in to, but I went to explore my old abandoned house and it was SO cool, omfg. 
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? Lately it’s either my red converse or my gray winter boots
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Man, I haven’t chewed gum in YEARS…I dunno?
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? i can’t think of an answer to this one
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? OF COURSE
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I love them in the winter! I love the ones with patterns, or things on them. The plain colored ones are so boring, tbh. I loooveeee the ones that go up to my knees, or the super fuzzy ones. I also super love slippers asldkfj 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I can’t stop thinking about that damn DMMD joke between my one friend and I alskdjfalkds that happened WELL after 3am when we were both super tired to the point of delirium, and it’s just so funny alskjf
33: what’s your fave pastry? It’s a tie between pie and cinnamon buns/rolls
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I had this plush cat that my one grandma gave me for christmas like…a year or so before she died? I named her Jellybean, and I took her EVERYWHERE with me. I should still have her…at least I did when we moved here when I was like 15…but I haven’t checked…she could be ruined for all I know ughhhhhhh
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Yeah! I use stuff like that on rare occasions.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? STARSET!!!!!
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I don’t have a room, and have way too much stuff in all different areas to keep anything organized. I HATE it :”D
38: tell us about your pet peeves! I CAN NOT FUCKING STAND THE SOUNDS OF PEOPLE EATING. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT IT IS, I CAN ALWAYS HEAR PEOPLE EATING. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I FUCKING HATE IT ALSKDJFALSKDJFLAKSJDFUUGHHHHHHHHHHHH. No, but seriously. I can NOT be around people that are eating. I HAVE to have headphones in. Like, no offense…I have sensitive hearing, and chewing ((honestly, any kind of mouth noise other than talking)) noises make me gag and spiral into a HUGE anxiety attack and it’s so bad alsdkjfalskdjf 
39: what color do you wear the most? Black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? Okay, so since I keep mentioning DMMD; I got an Industrial piercing in my left ear just like Noiz. It was the last piercing I got, and my first one from a PROPER piercer. The whole experience was awesome, and I loved it. It was back when our group was still 4 people, and we made a day of it. The piercer was SUPER nice, talked me through everything he was doing, being calm and reassuring, and just super sweet in general? Afterwards, he gave me a box of apple juice to help with my blood sugar, and I loved that idea so much, that to this day after I get tattoos or piercings, I always make sure to have apple juice as a tradition. I got my last piercing because 1.) I thought it looked HELLA cool, 2.) I reallllyyyyyy wanna cosplay Noiz, and 3.) Noiz’s character has a TON of meaning and stuff with me. Up next I’m gonna start stretching my lobes like him. Maybe it’ll be soon! 
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder cases
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! Sadly, no. If I did, it’d probably be a Starbucks or a Crazy Mocha
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Like, actually laid out with a blanket and watched them for a long period of time? When I was a little kid with my brothers, watching a meteor shower
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? n-e-v-e-r~
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? sometimes
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of  for the life of me, I can’t think of any at the moment alskdjfalskdjfleakjsef
.47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? BLACK LICORICE
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? I think it may have been the dark…? And I mean…I do suffer from sleep paralysis…so…sometimes, kinda…..bllleeecchhhhhh
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? YES! The last two that I bought myself was  Gorillaz’s Demon Days and Plastic Beach 
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Do stuffed plushes/animals count…? Cuz…ya boi has a bad addiction with buying stuffed things
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? The only ones that I can think of are all sad/depressing/triggering…
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? What in tarnation dog…I don’t get the whole babadook being a gay icon one, but it is funny af for some reason??? distracted boyfriend….is the “BITCH I WON’T HESITATE’ considered a meme at this point, cuz I LOVE that one even if it isn’t
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I will NEVER watch or listen to that shit, get it out of here. Not yet, but maybe someday. HATE IT. Never seen it.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? IRL…? no clue lmao
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? God…I have no clue….probably like, raise my voice…?
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? …I really need to start paying attention to people more…I can’t think of anything…
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? Unpopular opinion…I hate that song. 
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I don’t have enough friends to apply this to anyone oops
59: what’s your favorite myth? I don’t have a favorite myth, but can we talk about conspiracy theories and stuff like that???? cuz, holy hell…my eyes are finally open to them and some of them are GLORIOUS
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Poetry’s okay, I don’t have any faves
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? Probably like everything I ever give people. I can’t think of any
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? If I have apple juice, I WILL DRINK THAT EVERY MORNING ALSKFJLSKEJF
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I kinda just leave them be. As long as they don’t get ruined
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? It looks black?
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? convention friends. I also used to have a lot of online friends who have all pretty much disappeared that I miss terribly…
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? It’d be made of golden flowers. because reasons.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? ALIVE alskdfjaslkdfj
68: what’s winter like where you live? It’s all over the freaking place. Sometimes it’s super cold, snowy, windy….other time’s it’s kinda cold, no snow, we’ve had a few where it’s practically spring weather?!???!?!?! 
69: what are your favorite board games? I love CAH, and other kinds of adult humored games like those alskdfj
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Not an Ouija board, but I have used a pendulum thingy with a sheet of paper that almost represented an Ouija board
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? I love ALL kinds of tea. I have so many faves, I can’t pick just one alskdjfalskdfj
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? Sorta, yeah
73: what are some of your worst habits? Whew boy, just about everything I do anymore is bad lmao
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. um…they’re…human?
75: tell us about your pets! I don’t have any
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? sleeping lmao
77: pink or yellow lemonade? yellow
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? HATECLUB
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? no one’s done anything cute for me in years thx
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? The area that I sleep in has white walls. It’s the color that was here when we moved in.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. …it just occurred to me…that I have no idea what color eyes my friends have…WELP
82: are/were you good in school? Nope lmao
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? I think the art for Plastic Beach is pretty neat
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? YES!!!! I have my Bill Cipher one all drawn up, just need to get it done. And then, I’m thinking of getting the seal of Metatron from the SH series done on my other rib, and then….I have SOOOOOOoooooOOoOOOoOoO many more ideas for tattoos, it’s ridiculous, lmao.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I don’t read comics, but I do read manga lol. I LOVE Deadman Wonderland, I just got the complete series of MARS which was the first manga series I ever read through, Alice 19th is SO GOOD, of course my unhealthy love for Killing Stalking, Blood Bank…um…I can’t think of anymore atm
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? I honestly don’t know what that means….? But, it’s possible…?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Nightmare Before Christmas, Inception, Shutter, the original Halloween movies, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Lost Boys, Queen of the Damned, Ironman 3
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Not really
89: are you close to your parents? nope
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Okay, so…I’ve only ever been to D.C. once so far, but it’s REALLY beautiful alskdfj I can’t wait for next Otakon, and hopefully be able to explore it more. There’s such a surreal charm to it. You can reallllllyyyyy feel the history everywhere you go there. Just. Damn. 
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? no cheese plz
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? messy buns or ponytails
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?…one of my brothers…???
95: what are your plans for this weekend? celebrate Thanksgiving, make a dessert for our dartball tournament…hope to hell I don’t get dragged to it…and hopefully write or play games. Maybe also clean too….
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I tend to let them go for awhile before updating
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INFP, Aquarius, Slytherin
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? too long!!! and, I think so?
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Hiro no Tsuki/Melfina’s song, Is there Somewhere and Control by Halsey, just about the whole Undertale soundtrack, the sountracks to both Portal 1, and 2, ESPECIALLY Exile Vilify by The National, All of Me by John Legend,JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING BY STARSET, I know there’s a ton….but those are all of the ones I can think of at the moment
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the future. 5 years ago was TERRIBLE, and I never want to relive it again.
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mysme-hcs · 7 years
How about RFA++ reactions to a MC who's been a barista for years? Maybe meeting them before the big reveal... or seeing their coffee skills afterwards!
Sorry this took so long ahh! I left out some characters because this got really long ;-;
707▪he found out immediately, but always ends up begging you to make him coffee▪he doesn’t even like coffee but yours is 👌👌👌▪you make him the strongest triple shot espresso you can without giving him heart palpitations or a stroke▪while you were gone one day he tried to use your machine to make a PhD Pepper latte with whipped cream and Honey Buddha chip sprinkles on top come on, we all know he would▪he ended up breaking your coffee machine and couldn’t stop throwing up for hours▪something about the carbonation and coffee mixture just didn’t sit well with him▪your new machine is 1000000x nicer though, he made sure of it▪probably programs it with both useful and useless stuff though▪like it plays a clip of Seven singing as the pot is brewing and then meows when it’s done▪he’s the kind of jerk who walks into your coffee shop during your shift and demands pumpkin spice lattes or the unicorn frapp out of season and threatens to get you fired if you don’t make them▪like “Well you’re a coffee shop, aren’t you? Why can’t you make my coffee then?”▪Saeyoung Please
Jaehee ▪oh God▪you watch in horror as Jaehee fumbles with the hand mill that Zen bought her, nearly about to break the handle▪you quickly swoop in and snap the piece in correctly for her▪she watches in awe, curious as to how you knew to work it without consulting the directions ….and you know she obsessively checks the directions before doing anything▪"MC how did you know that?“▪’oh, I’ve worked in a coffee shop before. I know how to work them’▪"Really? I wish you would have told me”▪she looks down at the mill, a faint dusting of pink on her cheeks▪she doesn’t show it but she is SO EXCITED▪coffee is obviously a huge passion of hers, she’s happy you both (presumably) share one now!▪you make her a cup of coffee because she clearly wants you to▪she claims it’s the best coffee she’s ever had and that she’s proud to have someone so talented as a business partner AND girlfriend i would cry on the spot▪Jaehee makes sure to ask you about what items sold the most in your old coffee shop▪and the prices!▪y'all manage to have the cheapest drinks in your town, but sell so many of them that your profit is higher than any other coffee shop▪business is booming
Vanderwood▪Vanderwood actually drinks more coffee than tea even though he prefers tea▪with his secret agent job, he has to stay awake during a mission▪that’s how he got introduced to it▪Vanderwood either drinks 10 cups of coffee in one day or 2 cups, there’s almost no in between▪and honestly, his hope for coffee is kind of…ruined▪his cups usually get underfilled or they’re too watery▪when his cups get underfilled, he gets really angry??▪when he finds out you can make coffee perfectly without underfilling them, he’s stoked▪you’re literally the only person he trusts to make his coffee ▪when he has a super stressful day, he likes it when you make him coffee▪He either drinks it pitch black, or anything with vanilla or hazelnut
Yoosung▪you saw him at the coffee shop you worked in▪since he literally just asked you to be his pre-girlfriend the day before, you practically lost your ability to speak▪but as you made his coffee and wrapped up his croissant, you realized you had like, less than five minutes to say something to him▪It was the first time you two met and there’d be no way Seven would let you live it down▪and then you remembered Yoosung had some kind of test and then an LOLOL battle later on▪they both were important to him so he asked you to wish him luck earlier▪You handed him his bag and he thanked you▪”Good luck on your LOLOL battle and your test!” You smile, looking him dead in the eye▪he goes pale▪he is so excited to finally meet you and ends up dragging you out of work to just walk around town and hang out▪he ends up posting in the chatroom that he’s with you which makes Zen and Seven extremely jealous bc he got to meet you first▪Jaehee screams when she finds out you made him coffee▪you go window shopping, out to lunch, anything in proximity▪but when he has to go take his test, you walk him into school▪and into class while holding hands▪you gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him good luck & his face went the deepest shade of red you’ve ever seen▪He now only drinks beverages you’ve made drink some water boi hydrate yo self▪he tries to get you to join the coffee club but if you’re unable, he understands▪he quickly becomes the leader of the coffee club because of how much you’ve taught him
Zen:▪Contrary to what you might think, Zen absolutely cannot make a decent cup of coffee to save his life▪It either comes out too watery or too strong and he can’t afford to buy three cups of coffee every single day▪so Zen mostly goes without it▪Seven tells him about a meteor shower one day and offers to lend him his telescope if he wanted to take you to see it▪Since meteor showers are typically romantic in his eyes, he ofc said yes▪however, he didn’t know you’d have an awful day at work/school and would be almost too tired to stay up until two a.m. just to see the stars▪he comes back from Seven’s with the telescope to see you at the kitchen table, drinking almost an entire pot of coffee▪”Hey Zenny,” you slur out of exhaustion, “want a cup?”▪Normally he’d laugh at how you look now, hair a mess and still in wrinkled pj’s, but he knew you’d been a barista for years! There’s no way he’d miss out on a pot of your coffee▪And holy crap was he glad he said yes▪”Jagiya, I think this is more refreshing than my looks”▪you choKED▪you both drink coffee, nuzzled into each other and chatting while waiting for the meteor shower▪you’re glad you didn’t sleep in, there’s nothing better than drinking coffee under the stars with the man you love
Saeran:▪hot chocolate was supposed to be a comfort food, so on a night where Saeran had a bad nightmare, you quietly snuck off into the kitchen and whipped up a few mugs. Not even the instant kind, but real hot chocolate▪Chocolate chips and syrup? YesssSSSsss. Whipped cream? Loads. ▪Saeran is kind of addicted to sweets so the entire mug was gone within three minutes, scalding hot or not▪he enjoyed your hot chocolate so much that he asks for it daily what▪It’s not uncommon for him to sit at a table in your cafe, drinking lattes and hot chocolate while reading books▪when you get off of work sometimes you sit with him as well and let him tell you all about his book▪in return you have to tell him about your day though!
V▪V was still exhausted from his surgery, his eyes extremely sensitive to light▪so instead of going to work, you just laid around in the dark together▪on a day where the recovery was too hard and he had another splitting migraine, you fix him a large sweet tea▪you use your favorite flavorings and end up making something completely new that honestly was really freaking good???▪the smile that follows is actually made of sunlight bye▪"Thank you, MC, that was lovely"▪he will bribe you into making it again for him, guaranteed▪if you think he won’t use excuses just to get you to brew up a pitcher, you’re so wrong lmao▪”hey darling I think I’ve got another migraine coming on, could you make me some tea?”▪you try teaching him but it’s not as good as you make it▪and besides, he gets so excited that you can’t say no▪he claims your tea is better because you put all of your love in it▪honestly how could you not love this boy oh my god make it for him every single day
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ryanmeft · 7 years
Every Classic Mega Man Weapon Ranked, Part 4
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And here it is. Mega Man 11 has just been announced, like most of us probably hoped, and it marries the past and the future, with classic gameplay and modern visuals. We've already seen one of the new weapons, which appears to drop an avalanche on enemy's heads, so it seems Capcom isn't messing around when it comes to creating cool weapons. Let's finish up our countdown with the top 18, and therefore, of course, the top 10 Mega Man weapons of all time. All previous parts of the list can be found here: http://ryanmeft.tumblr.com/post/168077242247/every-classic-mega-man-weapon-ranked-part-1 http://ryanmeft.tumblr.com/post/168128282172/every-classic-mega-man-weapon-ranked-part-2 http://ryanmeft.tumblr.com/post/168173192902/every-classic-mega-man-weapon-ranked-part-3
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18. Drill Bomb (MM4) In almost any other game on the planet, once you got a flying drill that explodes you would never use anything else. You would use that shit on goombas. In Mega Man, it's just pretty cool. Really, that should tell you something about how crazy Mega Man gets. 17. Homing Sniper (MM8) The best homing weapon, because you could charge up and unleash lots of them at once, making Mega Man basically a ballistic weapons system.
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16. Rain Flush (MM4) Somewhere in Mega Man's time, there's a very concerned scholar submitting a report on the dangers of giving a robot boy a weapon that can create an instant acid rainstorm. And he's not wrong. Putting aside the potential for catastrophic, widespread environmental destruction, changing the weather in order to clear out some sentry robots is less "a weapon" and more "an act of God".
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15. Tornado Blow (MM9) Functionally, these weapons are all basically the same thing: expensive, screen-filling attacks that wipe out all small enemies. They're like, well, remember in old games where you'd very rarely get a pick up that just cleared the whole screen? That, but reusable. The fact that this one was finally a wind weapon with some power to it earns a lot of bonus points.
14. Commando Bomb (MM10) Like all guided weapons, it was a little hard to aim where you wanted, but man, it's still a missile you can steer. The targeting being a little finicky seems like nitpicking.
13. Tornado Hold (MM8) For being easily the least impressive of the classic series, Mega Man 8 has some seriously bad ass weapons. This one is a trap that generates a tornado. It's fun, if you're a psychopath, to drop it under an enemy and imagine they are thinking "That didn't do muuuuuu holy shit it is a tornado right up my ying yang!"
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12. Water Shield (MM10) Dr. Wily finally perfected his shield technology in Mega Man 7, and henceforth they were some of the best weapons you could get. Like leaves, flowers and skulls, I'm still a little iffy on how droplets of water could stop bullets and robots, but we've long since accepted that the rules of physics are a bit different in Mega Man's universe.
11. Junk Shield (MM7) I really do think Capcom enjoys making shields out of the least appropriate materials they can think of. Junk, depending on the specific type of junk, could actually be effective, though. I mean...if your other choice is water. Anyway, this is where Capcom finally got shields right. It didn't disappear if farted on, it didn't fly away if you moved, and you could hurl it off at will. Sure, it still wasn't any good against shields, but since it's name sounds like something to protect your privates and I find that humorous, we'll let it go.
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10. Gravity Hold (MM5) Yes, Dr. Wily handed Mega Man the power to reverse gravity. Watching all those annoying enemies suddenly lose their grip on the laws of physics and be sucked into the sky was extremely satisfying, even if the implications of thousands of killer robots who don't, by the way, need to breathe floating around in earth's atmosphere is completely terrifying. Concerns about the end of the world aside, the only thing that would be cooler is if you could literally summon a meteor shower.
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9. Gyro Attack This one may be a surprise to see up here. It isn't well-remembered and it isn't very exciting, and it's stuck way over in Mega Man 5 which, if you agree with my list, mostly didn't have the best weapons in the series. It's here simply because it is useful. Flying enemies be all like "That's gonna pass right under me", and you be all like "Nope, gotcha sucker!"
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8. Rolling Cutter Sometimes, when the razzle dazzle dies down, you need something trusty and reliable. That's the Rolling Cutter, a weapon which doesn't ask for glory, fame or riches, and just does its job, cutting down mad robots and returning faithfully to your hand. This was a godsend in the original Mega Man, where the lack of passwords and e-tanks made taking out enemies in front of and above you much more important than in later games.
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7. Flash Bomb Mega Man 8 isn't exactly wonderful, but it continues to rank highly on the list of impressive weapons. Maybe Capcom knew what they'd made and wanted to atone? Either way, when you throw a Flash Bomb and it hits something---anything, an enemy, a wall, a stray atom---the explosions stays there, going off like the fourth of July. It's basically a really deadly firework. Not that fireworks aren't already deadly enough. Remember, kids, always practice firework safety.
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6. Astro Crush You can literally summon a meteor shower. I don't really understand how this doesn't instantly end life on earth, but hey, you can literally summon a meteor shower. I also considered placing this lower because of the low weapon energy levels, but, hey, YOU CAN LITERALLY SUMMON A FREAKING METEOR SHOWER. It just occurred to me: DID Mega Man end human life when he did this? Is it a world of robots now? I probably need more sleep.
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5. Fire Storm That's right: despite all the twists and innovations and the fact that Capcom clearly meant ice to get the damn shaft compared to fire, the original fire weapon is still the best. Not only did it destroy most enemies in one hit, it was fast on the draw, had lots of weapon energy (twice as much as the far less useful Hyper Bomb, oddly) and generated a second's worth of fireballs around Mega Man, making it technically the series' first shield weapon. There's not much reason to switch back to the puny arm cannon as long as you collect enough energy.
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4. Jewel Satellite The shield perfected. And this time, the substance comprising it actually makes sense, at least if they're diamonds. It can take almost anything and keep operating, allowing you to simply breeze through sections full of small enemies with barely a thought. Sure, you can only throw it one direction. But if you actually need to get rid of it, you're probably in such a tight spot that you're screwed, anyway.
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3. Thunder Beam The power of lightning, in the palm of your hand. Other than just looking really cool, this beam was ridiculously powerful, shot in three directions at once, and could even get through some shields. It was one of the indications Mega Man was different from other jump-and-shoot games, whose weapons were mostly variant ways to shoot ordinary bullets. And of course, no old school Mega Fan can forget that classic pause trick, which was just unfair. The original Mega Man is overall kind of uneven in actual weapons, with three near the bottom of this list and three in the top 10. Hyper Bomb, Ice Slasher and Super Arm may have mostly remained in the pause screen, but Thunder Beam, Fire Storm and Rolling Cutter gave you more than enough of an arsenal to work with.
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2. Black Hole Bomb You can actually fire a portable black hole. But wait, there's more! You can even control the direction it goes after it is fired! Call now, and you'll receive a special bonus offer: the ability to trigger it on command, like a grenade that can rip reality! Now available in black-and-purple, it sticks around a long time, sucking up almost any enemy it happens to encounter! Operators are standing by! Mega Man 9 did good on the weapons, but making this the likely first one you get was just insane. If you're like me (AKA a psychopath) you probably never got tired of firing it and laughing maniacally as enemies marched into it, to their doom. It's inarguably the coolest weapon you've ever gotten in Mega Man history, so why is it #2? Well, sometimes usefulness trumps coolness. Presenting the best weapon in the classic Mega Man series...
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1. Metal Blade After all this talk about weapons, about things of destruction, perhaps we should ask ourselves a question: are the weapons a robot carries really the measure of that robot's heroism? Are heroes determined by whether they have a rapid firing saw blade that can be shot in any direction, almost never runs out of ammo, destroys almost anything and even makes a really cool "BZZZZZZ" sound? Or are they defined by their heart, by their nerve, by their sheer desire for justice? The answer is: they're defined by whether they have a rapid firing saw blade that can be shot in any direction, almost never runs out of ammo, destroys almost anything and even makes a really cool "BZZZZZZ" sound. Was this even a debate? After all the flash and all the dazzle, it's functionality that matters, and the trusty Metal Blade remains the weapon we wish we'd had back since Mega Man 2. The sheer utility makes it the only thing that could top having your own black hole. It slices, it dices, it makes short work of so many bosses that one would almost think Wily wants to lose, as though he's living some kind of weird roleplaying fetish. You can mull that around in your brain a while, but regardless, Metal Blade is on top, and probably always will be.
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plussgoodfun-blog · 7 years
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Re posting the first chapter of my story from a while back, doing it in a non-mega post way this time >_>.
Before I could even react to the blow on the back of my head, the pavement sped up to my face with a terrifying speed. Two simultaneous cracks sounded when my face made contact with it as both it and my nose broke. I let out a noise halfway between a moan and a wheeze as my head was lifted again by a thick fingered hand. My head was slammed two more times into the pavement of the parking lot before the ape like grip was finally released from my scalp. I heard snickers coming from the small group that had gathered as I tried to push myself up, onto my knees. I turned my head staring at my assailant. Keith Moses was a head taller and two heads wider than me, a ball of muscle even at 16. He nonchalantly whipped some of my blood that had gotten on his hand off onto his pants and smirked at me.
“What’s wrong freak? Comeon! Use some of that magic you’ve got!”
I raised my hand up from the ground leanin on my arm, trying to summon some amount of magic to lash out and blast that damn smile off his face. But after the beating I had endured, I was lucky that I didn’t pass out from the effort. The miniscule spark of energy I managed to conjure fizzled in my hand with the sad sound of a cheap dollar store firework. Keith laughed, triggering another round of guffaws and name-calling from the crowd of my classmates.    
Eventually Keith got bored of tormenting me and left with his pack of cronies behind him. I pushed myself up to my knees and punched the ground, ignoring the pain that shot up through my fist. I tried to yell but blood splashed in my mouth and I choked, coughing up a small crimson puddle.
This was not an uncommon occurrence, Mages like me were usually tormented by normal people, our ability to tap into the Æther, was both a point of fear for most, and jealousy for others. Keith, fell into neither camp and just tormented me due to the fact that I, despite having an ‘incredible’ power, had little to no actual ability with it, making me a prime target. I staggered to my feet and braced myself against the nearby wall of my school. Pike River High School had just started integrating special conditions for Mage students or “Magically Enabled” if you wanted the PC term, allowing some special privileges to Mages such as classes on the science and theory behind using our powers, which is why my parents had suggested that I transfer here. All that it had seemed to do though is draw more animosity toward us from the non-mage population.
I used the wall to help keep me upright as I stumbled my way over to my car. I opened the door and collapsed into the driver’s seat, breathing heavily. After a moment’s rest I limply slammed my fist on the steering wheel. More than anything the humiliation of not being able to even use the supposed gift that I was being attacked for hurt me more than all the beating Keith could give out. I slammed the driver’s door shut and started up the car dolefully, it gave out an equally dejected chug, and I drove out of the school parking lot.
My name’s Jason, It had only been three years since my Spark had Ignited, that’s what it was called when a mage’s powers first manifest at the age of 13, usually causing massive property damage in the process. I got off lucky; mine only froze over my entire room covering me and everything in it with a sheet of ice one inch thick. My mother had had to use a gardening spade to dig me out of my frozen blankets. After that initial incident magic wasn’t really a big part of my life. I rarely attempted to use it, the reason for that being that when I did the exact opposite of what I wanted usually happened, entire candles exploding when I tried to light them, water freezing in cups I tried to cool and so on. The few friends I had had before my spark Ignited grew distant from me, each making their own excuses to keep their distance.
I pulled to a stop in front of my house and let out a short sigh. I half-heartedly pulled out the first aid kit I kept in the glove compartment and went to work on my swollen face. After a minute or two of worthlessly attempting to hide the numerous cuts and bruises on my face, and painfuly resetting my broken nose I stepped out of the car and stumbled my way to the front door. Before I was even two steps out of my car my mother came rushing down the steps towards me. “Jason? Oh my god! What happened to you?”
“Nothing,” I replied, trying to hide my face “I just had a bad fall.”
“Jason you know I can tell when you are lying,” She said grabbing my by the sleeve of my shirt and forcibly turning my head to face her. I tried to avoid eye contact as she examined my face. “Who did this to you?” she asked once she had finished.
“Keith,” I mumbled, my arm dropping limply to my side as she released my sleeve. She turned my head looking for any other injuries then sighed.
“I’m calling the school,” she said letting go of my head and turning back to go into the house. “This isn’t the first time this has happened but it’s going to be the last.” I made some vague motion in an attempt to stop her letting out the start of a protest but I let my arm drop and kept my mouth shut. She was right; Keith had tormented me since I transferred from my previous school. I stumbled through the front door after my mom who had already pulled out her phone and was punching in the number of the school. “Dinner’s ready if you’re hungry dear,” She said putting the phone up to her ear. “Hello? Yes, this is the mother of one of the students.” I wandered away from her out of the front hall into the living room where a news report on a Mage-Terrorist was playing on the TV.  I turned to see my Dad sitting on the couch, half watching.  My Dad looked up from the television and nodded a greeting towards me. I nodded back, appreciating that he said nothing about the obvious wounds covering my face.
My dad was quiet, he had trouble talking because of an injury he sustained back when he was a soldier, that along with a slightly more noticeable one. My dad was missing his right arm. Back when he was active duty he was on deployment with a few others, a team of anti-mage specialists. They were hunting a member of a Mage-Terrorist group and a one of the mages blasted him with a spell blowing his arm off and killing several of the other soldiers he was with.  He had a mechanical prosthetic but he rarely used it because he said it was uncomfortable. I had used to be a lot closer with him, but ever since my Spark Ignited he had grown distant from me.  
“Rough day?” He finally asked his voice high and raspy. I nodded in response.
He turned away from me facing back to the television where the Reporter was talking about how the attacks by this group had been getting more and more prevalent in recent months and that civilians were advised to keep an eye out for any suspicious looking mages. I sighed, wondering if I would be reported by an overly sheltered suburban house wife who saw me trying to practice magic in my backyard. It wouldn’t be the first time that had happened. Even without any actual magical skill I had been on police watch lists for several months. Mage Terrorism was a relatively recent occurrence, small groups of mags who though themselves superior to non-mages and thought that they sould be the ones in charge, or worse. They disgusted me, for every good deed done by a mage that the news reported, there were 10 terrorist attacks.
As I was standing their lost in thought, an ominous siren started blaring out a warning over the town. The news report was cut short and replaced with a prerecorded message.
“There have been several Mage-Terrorist attacks in your area, please make your way to the nearest shelter,” it said in a monotone female voice, it together with the moan of the siren made an almost musical earie harmony. My dad stood up immediately and dashed across the living room into the kitchen where my mother was just emerging.
“Andrew, dear, do you know what’s-.” Without a word he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out of the kitchen. He dashed back across the room and grabbed my hand as well and pulled the both of us outside, to the front of the house.
“Stay here,” he said before dashing backing the house. I looked around, most the other houses were being evacuated as well, some families holding screaming babies or dragging along thrashing pets. I saw a few people pointing to the sky in the distance; I looked up to where they were pointing. In the sky I saw several beams of light streak across the sky like a multicolored meteor shower. I reached over and tightly clutched my mom’s hand. A few seconds later my dad emerged from the house holding an old pistol in one hand and tying a holster around his waist with his prosthetic which he had put on. “Let’s move.” He said his voice calm despite the panicked atmosphere of our surroundings. We piled into the car, driving onto the road that was quickly becoming congested, despite being a side street. We drove along in silence, the echo of the sirens and the grumble of the engine the only noises.
Finally we followed the flow of traffic back towards my school, which was now partially surrounded by barricades and military police. We were escorted into the lot next to the gymnasium which we were quickly ushered inside by two police in riot gear, one red haired woman who seemed to be in charge was shouting through a megaphone “Civilians please line up calmly and sign in at the desk, we need to keep a record of who is here.”
The inside of the gym had been transformed into a makeshift camp with beds and some tents set out, I also noticed with fear that there was also a partially full section split off from the rest where people who were caught in the initial wave of attacks were being treated. There were at least a dozen people all in varying states of pain and distress. Some were missing limbs, others nursing burn wounds, there was one body that was simply covered by a bloody cloth. I had known we were in danger, I wasn’t stupid, but seeing the after effects of the attack firsthand made me realize just how close to the danger we really were. I followed my family towards a line of people; after giving our names to a man sitting at a table with a clipboard we were given water and some rations of fruit and dried meat and told to find a spot and keep away from the windows.
I chewed nervously on the jerky looking around at the people who had all gathered here. This was a small town, but there was no way that this could be all of it. I shook thinking of the bloody blanket covered body, trying to keep from wondering what had happened to the people who didn’t make it.
“We are enforcing a strict lockdown on the school,” the red haired woman shouted through the megaphone. “No one is allowed to leave until we can assure your safety.” When she finished an explosion sounded off, closer than the others had been. The red haired woman turned to one of the officers and whispered something to him, he signaled to the guards who followed him outside of the building. “We ask that you remain calm and behave respectfully with other-.” Another explosion went off, even closer this time. Shouts came from outside the building, a few seconds later the loud crack of several gunshots echoed from just outside the door. Loud shouts and accusations came from the crowd of people, getting louder and louder in time with the explosions and gunshots. “Please, remain calm, the Anti-mage units will-.” A thunderous explosion boomed from directly above us I looked up and timed seemed to slow for a second. The roof had been blown away by one of the explosions and debris was tumbling down along with a cloud of dust. I heard a shout and turned to see my mother dashing toward me, my heart was racing; I felt my whole body get hot. Then it happened, with a scream of pain, a burst of superheated air shot from my body vaporizing all the debris around me. There was a moment of silence, and then the crowd started shouting, panicking, climbing over the rubble, trying to escape, or desperately digging through the piles trying to save family members. I collapsed to my hands and knees my body feeling like it was on fire, I turned to look where my mom had been, she wasn’t there. I stood up, panicking, I ran over to a nearby pile of rubble, picking through the pieces maybe she had been buried. I felt a hand grab my shoulder. “Son you need to move!” I turned and look at one of the masked members of the Anti-Mage unit, his body was covered head to foot in small devices and charms.
“My mother!” I shouted “I need to find my mother!”
“She’s dead son,” He replied “your Spark killed her.” I no longer heard the noise from the crowd, my body no longer felt like it was burning. I couldn’t feel anything, hear anything. My mother was dead, and it was my fault.  
~ ~ ~
After the school was destroyed, most of the people where moved to camps outside the city, we were lucky enough to be able to move back to our house after a week. Most people didn’t have homes to go back to. If my first spark had made my dad distant, this one seemed to cut him off completely, he volunteered to help with the rebuilding of the parts of the town that were damaged and was gone for most of the day, when he came home, he rarely ever acknowledged me. Most of my classmates ignored me as well, on the plus side this included Keith. I’m not sure which was worse, the abuse, or the whole city thinking I was a murderer and terrorist. But id didn’t matter, none of it mattered, the one time I was able to use my magic, and I killed someone. And not just anybody, my own mother.
I came home one day to see my dad siting alone at the table, a half drunk bottle of scotch knocked over on the floor by his chair. He sat there, head in his hands, not moving. I walked up behind him and slowly put my hand on his back.
“Dad?” he spun around and pushed my arm away, his face was red, his eyes too from crying.
“You!” he roared. Standing up knocking the chair back, I backed away slowly in fear. “My own son! A god damned shit eating mage! It wasn’t good enough you took my friends from me now you take my wife?”
“Dad, I’m sorry, I didn’t-“
“You could never even do magic until the one time when it would hurt someone! Just to save yourself!”
“Dad you’re scaring me!” He grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me up against the wall, even with one hand, the force of his weight slamming into me almost knocked the breath out of my lungs.
“I want my wife back you son of a bitch!” I grabbed his hand and a loud sizzling sounded, my dad screamed and dropped me, the skin between his thumb and pointer finger was burnt and tearing. I dropped to the ground and raced out the door, leaping over the front gate landing face first on the grass I stumbled back to my feet and took off down the block, not looking back.
I ran as far as my legs could carry me, the cheery sky from earlier in the day and grown gloomy and the air began to smell like rain. I looked around me, ironically, I had come to the park by my school, without even thinking it, this is where I would come after an especially had day of classes or dealing with Keith to relax. But this wasn’t just Keith or homework this time. I collapsed on a nearby bench, trying to decide if I should try and sneak back and get some of my stuff, I wondered if any of my old friends would let me stay the night with them. Rain began to fall, softly, almost like a mist, it was soothing at first, then cold. Then I heard a faint clicking sound coming up the path, I sat up, it was a woman, a long black jacket covered most of her and she held a bright red umbrella above her, almost the same color as her hair.
“You look familiar,” She said. I recognized her voice; she had been in charge of the police on the day of the attack. I shrugged in response. “Where were you on the day of the attack?” She asked.
“Bunkered with everyone else in the school,” I said, poking my head in the direction of the school.
“Ah, I remember you now, the mage with the Temperature Spark.” She sat down next to me on the bench resting her umbrella over her shoulder. “You put on quite the display, gave us enough time for the Anti-Mages to arrive.” I pulled my legs up and hugged them to my chest.
“I lost someone that day,” I said, not really knowing why I said it.
“Most people did,” She replied flippantly.
“I lost my mother.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” I left out the part about me killing her, not knowing if this woman was interrogating me, why was she out here? Was she looking for me?
“Because of that, my dad went on a bender and kicked me out.” I decided as long as I had someone who was listening I might as well talk, I talked with her about the guild I felt about how I wasn’t able to use my power to help anyone, and how I felt like I had used it to save me at the cost of others, her expression never changed as I was talking. When I finished she stood up.
“I have a place you can go,” she said.
“A cell? No thanks.” I replied, I had spent more then a night at the police station after some police decided that my inability to light a fire without matches should be deemed, ‘dangerous terrorist activity’
“Something a little more cozy,” she said spinning her umbrella a bit “I’m actualy in charge of a little… experiment, I’m looking for mages with experience with Mage-terrorist and while I wouldn’t exactly call it extensive, you have at least that.” I looked up at her.
“What kind of experiment?”
“The top secret kind, but I’ll tell you this, promise to join and I’ll make sure that your magic gets put to good use.” I sat in silence for a moment then stuck out my hand.
“I’m Jason Ride.” She took my hand in hers and shook it.
“Sgt. Samantha Parrish, welcome to Project Guild.”
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plussgoodfun-blog · 7 years
Ignite Chapter 1 (My First Story)
 Before I could even react to the blow on the back of my head, the pavement sped up to my face with a terrifying speed. Two simultaneous cracks sounded when my face made contact with it as both it and my nose broke. I let out a noise halfway between a moan and a wheeze as my head was lifted again by a thick fingered hand. My head was slammed two more times into the pavement of the parking lot before the ape like grip was finally released from my scalp. I heard snickers coming from the small group that had gathered as I tried to push myself up, onto my knees. I turned my head staring at my assailant. Keith Moses was a head taller and two heads wider than me, a ball of muscle even at 16. He nonchalantly whipped some of my blood that had gotten on his hand off onto his pants and smirked at me.
“What’s wrong freak? Comeon! Use some of that magic you’ve got!”
I raised my hand up from the ground leanin on my arm, trying to summon some amount of magic to lash out and blast that damn smile off his face. But after the beating I had endured, I was lucky that I didn’t pass out from the effort. The miniscule spark of energy I managed to conjure fizzled in my hand with the sad sound of a cheap dollar store firework. Keith laughed, triggering another round of guffaws and name-calling from the crowd of my classmates.    
Eventually Keith got bored of tormenting me and left with his pack of cronies behind him. I pushed myself up to my knees and punched the ground, ignoring the pain that shot up through my fist. I tried to yell but blood splashed in my mouth and I choked, coughing up a small crimson puddle.
This was not an uncommon occurrence, Mages like me were usually tormented by normal people, our ability to tap into the Æther, was both a point of fear for most, and jealousy for others. Keith, fell into neither camp and just tormented me due to the fact that I, despite having an ‘incredible’ power, had little to no actual ability with it, making me a prime target. I staggered to my feet and braced myself against the nearby wall of my school. Pike River High School had just started integrating special conditions for Mage students or “Magically Enabled” if you wanted the PC term, allowing some special privileges to Mages such as classes on the science and theory behind using our powers, which is why my parents had suggested that I transfer here. All that it had seemed to do though is draw more animosity toward us from the non-mage population.
I used the wall to help keep me upright as I stumbled my way over to my car. I opened the door and collapsed into the driver’s seat, breathing heavily. After a moment’s rest I limply slammed my fist on the steering wheel. More than anything the humiliation of not being able to even use the supposed gift that I was being attacked for hurt me more than all the beating Keith could give out. I slammed the driver’s door shut and started up the car dolefully, it gave out an equally dejected chug, and I drove out of the school parking lot.
My name’s Jason, It had only been three years since my Spark had Ignited, that’s what it was called when a mage’s powers first manifest at the age of 13, usually causing massive property damage in the process. I got off lucky; mine only froze over my entire room covering me and everything in it with a sheet of ice one inch thick. My mother had had to use a gardening spade to dig me out of my frozen blankets. After that initial incident magic wasn’t really a big part of my life. I rarely attempted to use it, the reason for that being that when I did the exact opposite of what I wanted usually happened, entire candles exploding when I tried to light them, water freezing in cups I tried to cool and so on. The few friends I had had before my spark Ignited grew distant from me, each making their own excuses to keep their distance.
I pulled to a stop in front of my house and let out a short sigh. I half-heartedly pulled out the first aid kit I kept in the glove compartment and went to work on my swollen face. After a minute or two of worthlessly attempting to hide the numerous cuts and bruises on my face, and painfuly resetting my broken nose I stepped out of the car and stumbled my way to the front door. Before I was even two steps out of my car my mother came rushing down the steps towards me. “Jason? Oh my god! What happened to you?”
“Nothing,” I replied, trying to hide my face “I just had a bad fall.”
“Jason you know I can tell when you are lying,” She said grabbing my by the sleeve of my shirt and forcibly turning my head to face her. I tried to avoid eye contact as she examined my face. “Who did this to you?” she asked once she had finished.
“Keith,” I mumbled, my arm dropping limply to my side as she released my sleeve. She turned my head looking for any other injuries then sighed.
“I’m calling the school,” she said letting go of my head and turning back to go into the house. “This isn’t the first time this has happened but it’s going to be the last.” I made some vague motion in an attempt to stop her letting out the start of a protest but I let my arm drop and kept my mouth shut. She was right; Keith had tormented me since I transferred from my previous school. I stumbled through the front door after my mom who had already pulled out her phone and was punching in the number of the school. “Dinner’s ready if you’re hungry dear,” She said putting the phone up to her ear. “Hello? Yes, this is the mother of one of the students.” I wandered away from her out of the front hall into the living room where a news report on a Mage-Terrorist was playing on the TV.  I turned to see my Dad sitting on the couch, half watching.  My Dad looked up from the television and nodded a greeting towards me. I nodded back, appreciating that he said nothing about the obvious wounds covering my face.
My dad was quiet, he had trouble talking because of an injury he sustained back when he was a soldier, that along with a slightly more noticeable one. My dad was missing his right arm. Back when he was active duty he was on deployment with a few others, a team of anti-mage specialists. They were hunting a member of a Mage-Terrorist group and a one of the mages blasted him with a spell blowing his arm off and killing several of the other soldiers he was with.  He had a mechanical prosthetic but he rarely used it because he said it was uncomfortable. I had used to be a lot closer with him, but ever since my Spark Ignited he had grown distant from me.  
“Rough day?” He finally asked his voice high and raspy. I nodded in response.
He turned away from me facing back to the television where the Reporter was talking about how the attacks by this group had been getting more and more prevalent in recent months and that civilians were advised to keep an eye out for any suspicious looking mages. I sighed, wondering if I would be reported by an overly sheltered suburban house wife who saw me trying to practice magic in my backyard. It wouldn’t be the first time that had happened. Even without any actual magical skill I had been on police watch lists for several months. Mage Terrorism was a relatively recent occurrence, small groups of mags who though themselves superior to non-mages and thought that they sould be the ones in charge, or worse. They disgusted me, for every good deed done by a mage that the news reported, there were 10 terrorist attacks.
As I was standing their lost in thought, an ominous siren started blaring out a warning over the town. The news report was cut short and replaced with a prerecorded message.
“There have been several Mage-Terrorist attacks in your area, please make your way to the nearest shelter,” it said in a monotone female voice, it together with the moan of the siren made an almost musical earie harmony. My dad stood up immediately and dashed across the living room into the kitchen where my mother was just emerging.
“Andrew, dear, do you know what’s-.” Without a word he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out of the kitchen. He dashed back across the room and grabbed my hand as well and pulled the both of us outside, to the front of the house.
“Stay here,” he said before dashing backing the house. I looked around, most the other houses were being evacuated as well, some families holding screaming babies or dragging along thrashing pets. I saw a few people pointing to the sky in the distance; I looked up to where they were pointing. In the sky I saw several beams of light streak across the sky like a multicolored meteor shower. I reached over and tightly clutched my mom’s hand. A few seconds later my dad emerged from the house holding an old pistol in one hand and tying a holster around his waist with his prosthetic which he had put on. “Let’s move.” He said his voice calm despite the panicked atmosphere of our surroundings. We piled into the car, driving onto the road that was quickly becoming congested, despite being a side street. We drove along in silence, the echo of the sirens and the grumble of the engine the only noises.
Finally we followed the flow of traffic back towards my school, which was now partially surrounded by barricades and military police. We were escorted into the lot next to the gymnasium which we were quickly ushered inside by two police in riot gear, one red haired woman who seemed to be in charge was shouting through a megaphone “Civilians please line up calmly and sign in at the desk, we need to keep a record of who is here.”
The inside of the gym had been transformed into a makeshift camp with beds and some tents set out, I also noticed with fear that there was also a partially full section split off from the rest where people who were caught in the initial wave of attacks were being treated. There were at least a dozen people all in varying states of pain and distress. Some were missing limbs, others nursing burn wounds, there was one body that was simply covered by a bloody cloth. I had known we were in danger, I wasn’t stupid, but seeing the after effects of the attack firsthand made me realize just how close to the danger we really were. I followed my family towards a line of people; after giving our names to a man sitting at a table with a clipboard we were given water and some rations of fruit and dried meat and told to find a spot and keep away from the windows.
I chewed nervously on the jerky looking around at the people who had all gathered here. This was a small town, but there was no way that this could be all of it. I shook thinking of the bloody blanket covered body, trying to keep from wondering what had happened to the people who didn’t make it.
“We are enforcing a strict lockdown on the school,” the red haired woman shouted through the megaphone. “No one is allowed to leave until we can assure your safety.” When she finished an explosion sounded off, closer than the others had been. The red haired woman turned to one of the officers and whispered something to him, he signaled to the guards who followed him outside of the building. “We ask that you remain calm and behave respectfully with other-.” Another explosion went off, even closer this time. Shouts came from outside the building, a few seconds later the loud crack of several gunshots echoed from just outside the door. Loud shouts and accusations came from the crowd of people, getting louder and louder in time with the explosions and gunshots. “Please, remain calm, the Anti-mage units will-.” A thunderous explosion boomed from directly above us I looked up and timed seemed to slow for a second. The roof had been blown away by one of the explosions and debris was tumbling down along with a cloud of dust. I heard a shout and turned to see my mother dashing toward me, my heart was racing; I felt my whole body get hot. Then it happened, with a scream of pain, a burst of superheated air shot from my body vaporizing all the debris around me. There was a moment of silence, and then the crowd started shouting, panicking, climbing over the rubble, trying to escape, or desperately digging through the piles trying to save family members. I collapsed to my hands and knees my body feeling like it was on fire, I turned to look where my mom had been, she wasn’t there. I stood up, panicking, I ran over to a nearby pile of rubble, picking through the pieces maybe she had been buried. I felt a hand grab my shoulder. “Son you need to move!” I turned and look at one of the masked members of the Anti-Mage unit, his body was covered head to foot in small devices and charms.
“My mother!” I shouted “I need to find my mother!”
“She’s dead son,” He replied “your Spark killed her.” I no longer heard the noise from the crowd, my body no longer felt like it was burning. I couldn’t feel anything, hear anything. My mother was dead, and it was my fault.  
~ ~ ~
After the school was destroyed, most of the people where moved to camps outside the city, we were lucky enough to be able to move back to our house after a week. Most people didn’t have homes to go back to. If my first spark had made my dad distant, this one seemed to cut him off completely, he volunteered to help with the rebuilding of the parts of the town that were damaged and was gone for most of the day, when he came home, he rarely ever acknowledged me. Most of my classmates ignored me as well, on the plus side this included Keith. I’m not sure which was worse, the abuse, or the whole city thinking I was a murderer and terrorist. But id didn’t matter, none of it mattered, the one time I was able to use my magic, and I killed someone. And not just anybody, my own mother.
 I came home one day to see my dad siting alone at the table, a half drunk bottle of scotch knocked over on the floor by his chair. He sat there, head in his hands, not moving. I walked up behind him and slowly put my hand on his back.
 “Dad?” he spun around and pushed my arm away, his face was red, his eyes too from crying.
 “You!” he roared. Standing up knocking the chair back, I backed away slowly in fear. “My own son! A god damned shit eating mage! It wasn’t good enough you took my friends from me now you take my wife?”
 “Dad, I’m sorry, I didn’t-“
 “You could never even do magic until the one time when it would hurt someone! Just to save yourself!”
 “Dad you’re scaring me!” He grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me up against the wall, even with one hand, the force of his weight slamming into me almost knocked the breath out of my lungs.
 “I want my wife back you son of a bitch!” I grabbed his hand and a loud sizzling sounded, my dad screamed and dropped me, the skin between his thumb and pointer finger was burnt and tearing. I dropped to the ground and raced out the door, leaping over the front gate landing face first on the grass I stumbled back to my feet and took off down the block, not looking back.
 I ran as far as my legs could carry me, the cheery sky from earlier in the day and grown gloomy and the air began to smell like rain. I looked around me, ironically, I had come to the park by my school, without even thinking it, this is where I would come after an especially had day of classes or dealing with Keith to relax. But this wasn’t just Keith or homework this time. I collapsed on a nearby bench, trying to decide if I should try and sneak back and get some of my stuff, I wondered if any of my old friends would let me stay the night with them. Rain began to fall, softly, almost like a mist, it was soothing at first, then cold. Then I heard a faint clicking sound coming up the path, I sat up, it was a woman, a long black jacket covered most of her and she held a bright red umbrella above her, almost the same color as her hair.
 “You look familiar,” She said. I recognized her voice; she had been in charge of the police on the day of the attack. I shrugged in response. “Where were you on the day of the attack?” She asked.
 “Bunkered with everyone else in the school,” I said, poking my head in the direction of the school.
“Ah, I remember you now, the mage with the Temperature Spark.” She sat down next to me on the bench resting her umbrella over her shoulder. “You put on quite the display, gave us enough time for the Anti-Mages to arrive.” I pulled my legs up and hugged them to my chest.
 “I lost someone that day,” I said, not really knowing why I said it.
 “Most people did,” She replied flippantly.
 “I lost my mother.”
 “I’m sorry to hear that.” I left out the part about me killing her, not knowing if this woman was interrogating me, why was she out here? Was she looking for me?
 “Because of that, my dad went on a bender and kicked me out.” I decided as long as I had someone who was listening I might as well talk, I talked with her about the guild I felt about how I wasn’t able to use my power to help anyone, and how I felt like I had used it to save me at the cost of others, her expression never changed as I was talking. When I finished she stood up.
 “I have a place you can go,” she said.
 “A cell? No thanks.” I replied, I had spent more then a night at the police station after some police decided that my inability to light a fire without matches should be deemed, ‘dangerous terrorist activity’
 “Something a little more cozy,” she said spinning her umbrella a bit “I’m actualy in charge of a little… experiment, I’m looking for mages with experience with Mage-terrorist and while I wouldn’t exactly call it extensive, you have at least that.” I looked up at her.
 “What kind of experiment?”
 “The top secret kind, but I’ll tell you this, promise to join and I’ll make sure that your magic gets put to good use.” I sat in silence for a moment then stuck out my hand.
 “I’m Jason Ride.” She took my hand in hers and shook it.
 “Sgt. Samantha Parrish, welcome to Project Guild.”
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