delta-syrup · 2 years
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happy birthday @neververy4 !!!!!!!!!! I HOPE ITS A GOOD ONE ^__^
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retiredteabag · 19 days
winter weight
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synopsis: toji has gained some weight this winter - it seems you don’t mind
this is part two -> read about summer!toji here
It's said that "happy weight" is a very real thing in healthy relationships. Toji had always prided himself on being a big man, he worked out frequently and ate like a beast. But his physique has mostly remained the same impressive form. This winter, however, seemed to have changed that for the very first time.
Toji had noticed these past few days that he'd seemed to have put on a couple of pounds. His shirts were tighter now than they used to be, some of his sleeves seemed to almost cut off circulation, and with a quick feel of his stomach, it was clear that his body was... softening up.
He was not "insecure" per say, just- not in love with his newly added weight. He found himself pulling at the flesh of his stomach, not accustomed to the added fat and he barely walked around the house shirtless as of late.
You'd comment on this newfound modesty of his and he'd play it off as if he had been cold, but you know that your man couldn’t get cold, even in this winter weather.
One afternoon as you both lounged on the couch, you saw him pulling at the front of his T-shirt, flowing it out and away from his body. He didn't seem to be doing it intentionally, eyes focused on the television, but you certainly noticed.
That night he even went to bed with a shirt on which might just have been the very first time he's ever done that in his life.
You went to bed with this notion on your mind. The thing was... the man was totally irresistible to you, so you couldn't quite understand if he was suddenly worrying about his figure.
Toji always awoke before you did in the mornings. When you heard him in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, you stumbled out of bed and came up behind him, wrapping your arms around his form.
Toji is a big guy, he always has been. Only now you notice, when holding the man’s torso, your two arms barely reach around to the mans abs now…
You hum as you feel him up, and he doesn't push you away. Once upon a time you would have tried to tickle his sides, but having been around Toji for awhile now, you know he's not the ticklish type. Even so, your cold hands dance under his shirt and grope at him.
"Too early, ya know." You murmur into his broad back. "Won'tcha come back to bed."
"Get yer paws off me" he jitters, "you're freezing." He turns around to look at you now, facing downwards to meet your tired pout.
"Come warm up with me then." You finish speaking. Smooshing your cheeks into his back muscles and opening your mouth to press up against him and breathe a lung full of hot air through his shirt. While the warmth meets his spine you roll your hands back to his pudgy tummy, his happy trail…
"Alright, alright." He grabs the back of your neck and walks you back to bed. When you're just about within throwing distance, he grabs you by the sides of your chest and tosses you onto the mattress.
In the following moments you curl yourself upon him, your body splayed above his. Giggling, you can't help your wandering hands. He's so warm, you know?
He grabs at your wrist though, "Enough, don't fondle me." His eyes are teasing but you wonder if he's starting to feel unhappy with his body.
"Can't help it, you’re so handsome, ya' know?"
You can feel his muscles tense below you at the confession. He runs a hand through his hair and avoids your eyes. "Thats a bad argument."
You just hum and squish your arms under his back, molding your body to his.
Suddenly he speaks up, "I wouldn't work out as much if I knew you still liked me all fluffy". You hear an annoyed tint in his tone and move up to look at him.
"I like you in all your forms, Toji." And you mean it.
"Ugh." He rolls his eyes at your words and pulls your hands away.
"Don't move me, you're so hot." You tug your wrists in his grasp.
His eyebrows raise
He holds your gaze for a long while, and lifting a brow he slowly speaks, "Get another blanket then."
You stare at him, smiling. "No." You smoosh your face to his chest, "I wanna crawl under your skin... and eat your flesh..."
Toji knew what was coming, he gently pressed on your forehead before you could latch your jaw around his bicep.
"Don't. Even. Think about it." He holds in a giant grin.
"You're too chewable. C'mon..... comeoneeeee." You smirk at him, his palm still flush to your skull.
There's a pause, and just as you think he's gonna give in, he maintains pressure, running his hands down your neck, onto your waist and traps your body under his by rolling on top of you. There are wails of descent from your crushed form beneath him, but he holds you there, wrists in his grasp.
"Lemme go Toji." You tug at your wrists.
"Thought you wanted me heating you up." He huffs into your neck.
"Yeah, but I deserve the privilege of caressing a little more." You flex your hands again.
"You gonna behave?" his fingers run over your palms.
"Not a chance."
He grins, releasing you. Quick as lightning, your hands are up and under his shirt, running over his back. He's groaning into the mattress, something about icy hands, but he's sporting a big grin, leaning down to take a tiny bite of your shoulder.
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punkshort · 9 months
somewhere to run | 2. book club
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Pairing: sheriff!Joel x f!reader
Chapter Summary: An incident at the diner causes you to get shaken up, and Joel is there to help.
Chapter Warnings: language, slow burn, mutual pining, PTSD type symptoms, flirting, jealousy, attempted robbery, reader gets mildly injured
WC: 6K
Series Masterlist
"So you see why it's so important you keep on top of your oil changes, yeah?" Mr. Connor finished saying as you set down his plate of waffles and sausage. You nodded enthusiastically while you filled up his coffee.
"I was never really any good at car stuff," you admitted, but he shook his head.
"If you take care of it, that car'll last you five more years and save you boatloads of money," he told you, wagging his finger. "You come by my shop any time and I'll take a look at that beater you're drivin', won't rip you off, either."
You laughed as you heard the bells above the door ring and Maria greet the next customer.
"I'll hold you to it," you said with a wink before turning to put the coffee back on the burner.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the familiar outline of a man settle into Joel's usual seat at the counter, and you felt the butterflies stir up in your stomach. You glanced up to make sure there wasn't any food getting cold in the window before pulling out your notepad and walking over. As you approached, you mentally braced yourself for the onslaught of his cologne, but as you got closer, you couldn't smell it. In fact, all you could smell was soap and maybe a faint hint of oil from his gun.
When you paused in front of him, the realization dawning on you, he glanced up from the menu with a smirk. A slow smile spread across your face when you looked him in the eye.
"Better?" was all he said, and you couldn't stop the giggle from escaping your lips.
"You didn't have to do that for me," you said, suddenly feeling bashful and looking down at your blank notepad.
"I know, but I wanted to," he said, leaning back and closing the menu. He didn't even know why he looked at it anymore, he knew it by heart already. "Thought maybe it'd make you stick around long enough for me to get to know you better."
You definitely felt your cheeks flare at that comment, and it must have been visible because Joel just grinned, clearly very pleased with himself.
"Where are you from?" he asked, determined to try to make some more progress with you today.
"Pennsylvania," you said, finally looking back up at him with a smile as you tapped your pen on the pad.
"Northerner," he said with feigned disgust. "And what brought you all the way to Texas?"
"The incredible job opportunity, isn't it obvious?" you said, and he laughed. A real laugh, one you hadn't heard before, and it did something to you. Uh oh.
"You're funny," Joel said, almost as if he were saying it to himself. You grinned and decided to steer the conversation in a different direction: away from you.
"What about you? Have you lived here your whole life?"
"Born and raised," Joel said with a nod. "Our pop used to be the town sheriff, before he passed 'bout ten years back or so."
"So, you followed in your father's footsteps?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Suppose I did," he told you, leaning forward. "But can I tell you a secret?"
You hummed and leaned forward as well, trying to bite back your smirk.
"Kinda wishin' now I was the one who bought this place instead of my brother," he said quietly and so close to your ear that it sent a shiver down your spine.
Still leaning in, you dropped your voice to match his and said "then who would stop those teenagers from drawing phallic images on street signs?"
He laughed again, the same deep, throaty laugh as before, and you felt your stomach clench at the sound.
"You heard that, huh?" he asked, smiling and leaning back. You shrugged.
"Lee isn't as quiet as he thinks," you told him. You wanted to say you had to learn early on to eavesdrop, that listening and anticipating danger became second nature to you, but you caught yourself.
"Howdy, brother," you heard Tommy's voice boom from somewhere behind you. You took the opportunity to sneak away and check on your other customers while they talked, but you made sure to set Joel up with coffee before heading towards the other end of the counter, his eyes trailing after you and staring a moment too long on your bare legs.
"You givin' her the business?" Tommy asked, nodding in your direction, and Joel nearly choked on his coffee. Tommy raised his eyebrows.
"She's, uh... she's a nice girl," Joel finally managed to get out after wiping his mouth with a napkin.
"He's got the hots for her," Betty whispered to Tommy as she ambled by. Joel cleared his throat loudly and gave her a stern look, but she just laughed and kept walking.
"Oh, Joel, I'm beggin' you, don't screw this up for me. She's a real good waitress, I don't wanna lose her - "
"Would you keep it down?" Joel whispered, his eyes darting around to make sure you weren't within earshot. "I ain't gonna screw anythin' up for anyone, don't worry. She's just... nice."
"'Nice'," Tommy repeated, clearly not buying it. He was about to say more, but Joel straightened up in his seat and averted his gaze, trying to wordlessly warn him you were heading over.
"Sorry to interrupt. Are you ready, Joel?" you asked him, your pen and paper in hand. He looked up at you and it was hard to fight the goofy look on his face now that you didn't regard him with such disdain.
"Yeah, sure. Let's put this guy to work, huh?" Joel said, pointing to Tommy, and you giggled. Behind you, Tommy rolled his eyes. Nice.
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Joel told himself he was only allowed to think about you on his walk back to the station after lunch. You had told Betty you weren't interested in dating anybody at the moment, but he could wait. He wondered if he could change your mind, if he could make you come around to the idea of being with him, or at least give him a chance. You definitely seemed much warmer towards him today. He must have been wrong yesterday, you really must be sensitive to smells if all it took was for him to stop using that obnoxious cologne Sarah got him that he felt too guilty to throw away.
"Hey boss, how was lunch?" asked Bobby, the town's deputy and Joel's right hand man.
"Good. Anythin' goin' on here?" Joel asked, shrugging off his blazer and hanging it on the coat rack outside his office.
"Not much. I was 'bout to let Ollie outta the drunk tank. His wife was callin', askin' after him," Bobby said before rising to his feet with a groan. Although the man was ten years younger than Joel, his joints seemed to be ten years older.
Joel glanced at the time on his watch with a nod.
"Yeah, go ahead. Third time this month, though. Next time it happens, I'm keepin' him longer."
"Alrighty," Bobby said over his shoulder as he pulled the keys from his pocket and headed back towards lockup.
Joel sighed and began flipping through the papers littering his desk before giving up and leaning back in his chair to stare out the front window, watching people as they walked past. Before he could stop himself, his mind had already wandered back to thoughts of you, and it took him five whole minutes and Ollie's hungover ramblings to snap him out of it.
Maybe Sarah would want to get pizza for dinner.
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It was nearly seven at night as you made your way back home from work, your feet aching and your head throbbing. At the very least, it was a cool, summer night. The breeze was enjoyable and the sun was still peeking out just enough to keep your skin pleasantly warm. All you could think about was getting home and running a bath to soak your sore muscles. It had been a long time since you held a job, let alone a job that kept you as active as this one.
Patrick didn't like the idea of you working. When he first suggested you quit your job and stay at home, you thought it was sweet. You took it to mean he wanted to provide for you so you could relax and be a homemaker, maybe even a mom one day. But after a few months, you quickly realized he just didn't want you around other people, or more specifically, other men. Without even knowing it, you trapped yourself at home without a lifeline, and it was exactly what he wanted.
Even though you were sore now, you felt good. You were taking care of yourself. Providing for yourself. And you never felt more proud.
You were juggling your keys, trying to find the right one that opened the door to the sidewalk, when you heard a familiar voice exit the pizza place.
"Well, look who it is," you heard Joel say, and you let the keys dangle at your side as you turned around with a smile.
"Evening, Joel," you replied, your eyes quickly drifting down his body. It was the first time you had seen him in casual clothes. Every other time you ran into him, he was in his work uniform, which usually consisted of some type of suit. But tonight, he was wearing dark blue jeans and a beige button up shirt with short sleeves. As he strolled over to you, balancing a pizza box in his hand, your eyes were immediately drawn to the way the muscles in his arms strained against the fabric of the shirt, making your mouth go dry.
"Tommy finally let you leave, huh?" he joked, and you had to remind yourself to laugh, your mind still too fixated on the way he looked in that shirt.
"Dad?" you heard a girl's voice call behind him, and you both turned your attention towards the voice. You remembered your brief interaction at the pharmacy and realized that she must be Sarah. Her eyes flickered from you to Joel, then back to you, clearly waiting for Joel to introduce you, but he seemed frozen in place. So, you stretched out your arm and introduced yourself with a smile, which she reciprocated.
"You look familiar," she said, tilting her head to the side the same way her dad did.
"I think I saw you at the pharmacy a couple days ago," you reminded her, and she snapped her fingers.
"That's what it is," she said, giving you another smile. "Are you working for Uncle Tommy?" she asked, looking at Joel again, who was still standing there, unmoving, watching the two of you interact. She frowned slightly at him, picking up on his strange reaction as well, before giving you her attention again.
"Yeah, at the diner. He hired me earlier this week, brand new," you told her, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet. Joel's silence was deafening at this point and starting to make you uncomfortable, so you held up your keys and pointed to the door.
"I won't keep you guys. It was great to meet you, Sarah," you said with a wave, but before you could turn towards the door, she stopped you.
"Why don't you join us?" she asked, shooting Joel a mischievous look as if she finally realized the reason for his behavior.
"Oh, no, that's so nice of you, but I'm just gonna jump in the bath and go to bed, it's been a long day," you replied. Joel's body stiffened next to you when you announced your plans.
Finally, he managed to clear his throat and speak.
"We'd love to have you join us, we were just gonna grab a picnic table out back," he said, and you swore his cheeks looked a little pinker than usual.
You were struggling to find another polite way to turn down their offer when he added "c'mon, why don't you lemme serve you for a change?"
Sarah smiled as she watched the two of you. She couldn't wait to tease her dad about it in the car later.
"Alright," you said slowly, lowering your keys once again. Joel's face broke out in a huge grin before leading you and Sarah down the short alley to the small courtyard behind the building, where there were a few picnic tables and string lights draped overhead.
"Are you sure I'm not intruding?" you asked again, and they both vehemently shook their heads.
"No way," Sarah said, licking the sauce off her fingers after she picked up her piece from the box. "It's nice to have another girl around for a change."
"Sarah," Joel said warningly under his breath.
"I just mean it's nice to hear about something else other than work and football," she said to him with a grin, and he rolled his eyes, choosing to sit on your side of the table instead of hers.
"So, you live above the pizza place? That seems pretty cool. Pizza whenever you want," she said, covering her mouth as she spoke. You swallowed your food before responding.
"Yeah, it is pretty convenient. And they actually have good pizza," you said. "I think I'm finally getting used to the smell."
Joel's knee accidentally knock against yours under the table and you had to fight the urge to jump away, the contact startling you.
Sarah asked the same questions everyone in this small town inevitably asked you when you first met: where are you from and why are you here? The first question was easy, the second one always gave you pause. It wasn't until Sarah asked that Joel suddenly realized you never really answered him when he asked the same question earlier that day, so he stopped chewing to pay attention.
"Just looking for a change," you said with a shrug, taking another bite of pizza. Sarah considered your answer for a moment before following up.
"Have you ever been here before?"
"So you just got in your car and ... drove?"
"Kind of," you said with a nervous laugh. Joel frowned slightly.
"That's so cool," Sarah said, a smile stretching across her face. "Dad, doesn't that sound so cool?"
"Yeah," he said with a nod, finally joining the conversation. "Do you got family down south or anythin'?"
"Uh, no," you said, shaking your head. "Just always heard it was nice down here so I thought I would see for myself."
"You think you're here for good, then?" he asked, his voice a little more hopeful than he wanted to come across.
"That's the plan," you said to him with a smile.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Sarah asked out of the blue, and your eyes darted back to her in surprise.
"No," you replied slowly, heat creeping up your neck and guilt dancing in the back of your head while Joel hid his grin behind his pizza. "Do you?" you deflected, raising your eyebrows at her with a smirk, and she giggled, shaking her head.
"You better not," Joel said, and the two of you laughed.
Over the rest of the hour, you listened to Joel and Sarah crack jokes and argue over what movie they would end up watching later that night and you felt the smile slowly begin to slip from your face as you came to the sobering realization that the type of dynamic they had, one that was so obviously built on love and trust, was something you never truly experienced before. It wasn't just something you saw in the movies or read in books. People in the real world actually got to experience it, and you couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Why not you? What did you ever do to receive the type of life you got?
After parting ways and thanking them over and over for dinner, you finally headed upstairs and collapsed on your small sofa. You untucked your work shirt and unzipped your skirt, but that was as far as you got, exhaustion winning the fight.
You closed your eyes and wished you had the energy to get up and run a bath, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it yet. Instead, you let your mind wander, imagining a life where you could call out to someone who cared for you in the other room and ask them to run the water. Maybe they would surprise you and light a few candles and mix in some soothing bubble bath. You knew that would never happen. You could never let yourself be honest enough with anybody to allow them into your life, but it didn't stop you from wishing for it, anyway. And right before you drifted off to sleep, you imagined that certain somebody had dark brown eyes and soft curls on the top of his head that you were itching to run your fingers through.
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As hard as you tried to keep to yourself, the town was very small, and eventually you found it was nearly impossible to keep from making connections with people. Whether it was through work at the diner or striking up a conversation with someone at the store, you were quickly becoming interwoven in the lives of the people who graciously accepted you as one of their own.
You were particularly becoming fast friends with the girl who worked the register at the pizzeria below your apartment. Her name was Hailey and she was a couple years younger than you, but you had a lot in common, one of which was a shared taste in the same movies and books, so you were excited when she invited you to join a book club she and a couple other women in town started. As much as you enjoyed talking about books, you found you also very much enjoyed listening to all the town gossip that inevitably came out after everyone had their first glass of wine.
"So, Nikki, did I hear Sam asked you out on a date?" an older woman named Martha asked. Nikki blushed when the group turned to her, some women poking her in the side and others murmuring excitedly under their breath.
"Yeah, but it's not a big deal," Nikki said, flicking her long, dark hair over her shoulder. She looked to be a little older than you were but it was hard to guess her age.
"Not back in town for two weeks and she's already got a date," Hailey said, rolling her eyes next to you playfully. "Some girls got all the luck."
"Oh, stop it," she chided with a smirk, then paused as if she were rethinking her next statement before blurting out "kind of wish someone else woulda asked me out instead."
That got the whole group's attention, even your own, and you barely had any idea who most of these people were. But you supposed any amount of gossip paired with alcohol is good gossip.
"Oh, please, you don't gotta say it, we all know who you've been chasin' after all these years," another woman chimed in with a giggle. Fortunately, you weren't the only person in the dark.
"Who?" Hailey asked, leaning forward eagerly.
"Joel, obviously," the other woman replied, and while the rest of the group groaned, everyone tossing in their two cents and offering up their favorite things about him, you remained frozen in your chair, blood running cold.
"Lord, he came into school last week to pick up Sarah, and the way his ass looked in those jeans..."
"Did I ever tell you about the time I nearly slipped on the ice and he caught me? Had to go to confession the next day..."
"... and I swear, I've considered committing a crime just so he would throw those handcuffs on me..."
"I don't know how that man has been single for so long..."
Part of you wanted to laugh at some of the things the women were saying about Joel, but the other part of you felt hot and angry. You wanted to scream shut up, don't think about him like that, don't even look at him. And through your alcoholic haze, you realized you were jealous. Jealous of all of these women, young and old, barking out comments about the town sheriff you had no business feeling jealous over.
The next day when he came into the diner for lunch, your head was still swirling with all of the comments the women in town made the day before. Distracted, you dropped your pen and pad on the ground as you made your way over to greet him, cursing under your breath.
Joel grinned when you finally approached, looking every bit as frazzled as you felt.
"Tough day?"
"Huh? Oh," you said nervously, tucking your hair behind your ear and shaking your head. "N-no, not really. Well, maybe - shit," you said when you knocked over a box of straws with your fidgeting.
Joel laughed and leaned back in his chair.
"What's got you all worked up?" he asked, and you felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
"Nothing," you said, shaking your head again, trying to focus. "What can I get for you?"
"Nuh uh, darlin', not so fast," he said with a tsk, and you sighed. "What's goin' on? You can tell me, y'know. I am a man of the law."
He meant it to be playful, but with your history, it had the opposite effect. You winced and swallowed the lump in your throat, and trying not to make matters worse, you caved.
"I went to a book club last night," you mumbled, and he raised his eyebrows.
"Book club, huh? Sounds like fun," he said, watching you carefully. "Maybe had a little too much fun?"
You finally dragged your gaze up to meet his and saw he was grinning at you, and you managed to force out a small laugh.
"Yeah, you could say that," you said, hoping that would be enough, but he wouldn't let it go.
"Can you get me a coffee? Then when I get back from the restroom, I wanna hear all 'bout your little book club," he said with a wink, then stood from his chair and turned around, heading towards the bathrooms while your gaze landed on his ass. It didn't look too bad in dress pants, either.
You tried to steady your breathing while you flipped over a clean mug and filled it with coffee, your mind racing and wondering what lies you could come up with to prevent telling him the reason you were so distracted.
Lost in thought with your head down, you didn't even notice when another customer took a seat at the counter until the man cleared his throat. You glanced up and apologized before bending down to grab another mug and set it down in front of the stranger.
You were pouring his coffee and telling him about the specials, your eyes glued to the counter, when he slid the barrel of a pistol across the table and into your line of sight. You froze, your hands gripping the coffee pot fiercely as you broke out into a cold sweat. You flicked your eyes back up to him. He didn't appear to be much older than you. He had his unkept hair hidden underneath his black hoodie, and you noticed his eyes looked bloodshot, his skin clammy. You knew that look. You've seen that same look one too many times.
"What do you want?" you whispered, your voice shaking.
"Open the register, gimme all the cash in this bag," he said quietly, tossing a tote bag across the counter at you. You nodded, grabbing the bag while your fingers fumbled with the buttons, desperately trying to remember how to open the drawer without a sale. You could sense he was growing frustrated with how long it was taking, and you felt the tears welling up in your eyes.
"I'm sorry," you sobbed quietly. "I-I'm new, I can't remember-"
"Hurry the fuck up," he growled, and you blinked rapidly, trying to clear your vision, the tears falling down your cheeks.
"Drop the fuckin' gun, Marcus," you heard Joel's voice call out, and a wave of relief coursed through your body. But Marcus got startled, and instead of doing as he was told, reached across the counter and grabbed you by the throat, pulling you against his chest to partially shield his body, the gun pressed against your temple as your fingers clawed at his arms.
You couldn't move. You couldn't breathe. Tears just streamed down your face as you locked eyes with Joel. They no longer carried that playful glint, his lips no longer turned up into a grin. His brow was furrowed deep and his gun drawn, cradled expertly in his large palms as his eyes shifted back to Marcus.
"I'm not lookin' to hurt anyone, sheriff. Just lemme walk outta here," Marcus rumbled behind you, his sour breath invading your nostrils and making your stomach roll.
"Now, you know I can't do that," Joel said, taking a small step forward. "But put down the gun, let her go, and we'll talk."
The grip around your throat tightened and you let out a small, pained squeak. Joel's jaw clenched when he heard the noise, his patience running thin. You hadn't noticed at the time, but the entire diner had gone quiet, some patrons slinking down in their seats, others craning their necks to get a better look.
"Goddamnit, Marcus, don't test me today," Joel growled, his eyes ablaze. "I don't wanna call your mama and tell her I had to spray her only son's brains all over the floor, but I fuckin' will." The tone in Joel's voice sent a shiver down your spine as you stilled, waiting for the stand off to be over.
Finally, after what felt like hours, the grip on your throat loosened and you no longer felt the cold metal pressed against your head. Joel locked eyes with you again as you coughed and shakily fell down to the floor behind the counter, curling yourself into a ball while you heard Joel reading Marcus his rights, the jingle of his handcuffs rang like bells in your ears.
Once Marcus was restrained, you heard Tommy bolt out of the kitchen and rush over to you. He knelt down on the ground, asking if you were okay, if you needed a doctor, concern lacing his voice but when he reached out to touch you, you flung yourself backwards violently, knocking the back of your head against the counter.
"Shit," you muttered, rubbing your head as fresh tears fell down your cheeks.
"Hey, easy now," Tommy said soothingly, glancing over the counter as Joel spoke on the phone with Bobby, ordering him to bring a car to take Marcus back to the station and book him.
"I'm fine," you whimpered, still rubbing your head as you shakily forced yourself to your feet. You watched as Joel marched Marcus to the front of the diner, his knuckles white from how hard he was gripping his shoulder as he directed him through the door. A few patrons clapped weakly as the two disappeared outside, and the diner filled with excited chatter once again.
"You alright, sugar?" Betty asked, suddenly appearing beside you, face etched with worry. You flinched and brought a shaky hand to your sore neck.
"Yeah, I just need to use the restroom," you said, and before anyone could say anything further, you tore off your apron and made a beeline for the women's room.
You locked the door behind you and slid down to the grimy floor, burying your face in your hands as you sobbed, the adrenaline wreaking havoc on your nerves.
It was too much. It was all too much. The look in Marcus's eye was one you saw too many times. A junkie in desperate need for a fix. A drunk who would say or do anything for another drink. The fingers around your neck were no longer there, but you still felt them squeezing every last bit of oxygen from your lungs, every tear from your eye until you could hardly breathe.
The door handle jiggled and you jumped, wiping furiously at your face before shouting out a shaky occupied!
"Hey, it's me," you heard Joel's voice say from the other side of the door. No longer did he have that hardened edge to his tone. The warmth and softness in his drawl had returned.
"I just need a minute," you said quietly after a long silence, and you heard him shift his weight.
"I know, but I - can you let me in?" he asked, and you could hear the concern in his voice. You slid your eyes shut as fresh tears drenched your face once again. You ached for comfort. You wanted it so badly you would do just about anything for it. But every other time, you've been let down. Over and over and over again.
"I just need a minute," you repeated, just a whisper, not even sure he could hear.
"Then I'll be right here til you're ready, alright?" his voice came back, even softer this time. You nodded, even though he couldn't see you. You heard him sit down against the door with a tired sigh, and you let your head tilt so it rested against the door. There was a small bit of comfort to be had when you knew only an inch separated you from him.
"You were real brave," he said after a few minutes of silence. You scoffed and wiped your nose.
"Is that why I'm crying on the floor of a bathroom?"
"Please don't cry," he said, his voice strained. But you didn't say anything in return.
"He wasn't gonna do nothin'. He's got troubles, is all. Bad habits get the best of him, but he's harmless," he said, trying to make you feel better.
"I don't know, these bruises on my neck say differently," you replied, and you heard his breath hitch. Then you heard his shoes scuff on the tile floor.
"Lemme see," he said, his voice firmer now. He was standing, his voice above you, waiting to be let in. You hesitated, the tone of his voice putting you on edge, but you knew you couldn't hide in there forever. With a trembling hand, you reached up and unlocked the door, then scurried backwards so you were pressed up against the opposite wall as he swung the door open and stepped inside. His gaze fell on you and his eyes went soft at seeing your wrecked state before clicking the door shut behind him.
He rushed forward and you flinched. A bad habit of your own. He paused and slowed his movements, crouching down in front of you instead. He lifted a hand to pinch your chin but you turned your face away.
"Will you show me?" he asked gently. You gazed up at him with red rimmed eyes, your knees pulled tight against your chest. Finally, you lifted your chin. Again, he reached a hand out, but you stopped him.
"Please don't touch," you whispered. He looked at you and nodded slowly, dropping his hand again, examining your bruises with only his eyes.
"Maybe you should see a doctor," he said after a few minutes, but you shook your head.
"I'll be fine, it's just sore," you said, and his gaze flicked up from your throat to your eyes. His lips parted the longer he stared at you, and you felt the tremor return to your hands. You couldn't look away, his gaze too magnetic.
"Don't like seein' you cry," he murmured, still gazing deep into your eyes, trying so desperately to read you.
"I cry all the time," you said without even thinking. He blinked and frowned. He was about to say something else when a gentle knock on the door interrupted him.
"You okay in there?" Maria called out. You sighed and stretched out your legs, standing up and waving off Joel's helping hand.
"We don't gotta do it today, but I'll need you to come by and give your statement sometime soon," he said, glancing down at you with a sympathetic look.
"Okay," you replied, your voice cracking a bit. You looked at one another, both of you wanting to say more but neither of you could. So you reached out to open the door, forcing a smile for Maria.
"Sorry," you told her meekly, and she laughed.
"You're sorry? You just had a gun pointed at your head and you're sorry?"
You laughed weakly, then stopped short in pain, your fingers brushing against your throat.
"I just wanted to bring you your purse so you could sneak out the back," she said, lifting your purse up and handing it over to you.
"But my shift-"
"Oh my god, take the day off," Maria said, shaking her head and grinning. "Think you earned it."
"Okay," you agreed, then turned to walk through the kitchen where you could leave out the back so no customers would gawk at you.
"Lemme walk you home," Joel's voice said, startling you. You had just assumed he went back out front.
"Don't you have to, you know... work?" you asked, floundering for the right word.
"He ain't goin' anywhere," Joel said, shoving his hands deep in his pockets as he walked by your side down the sidewalk.
The two of you walked quietly for a few minutes.
"I've never seen you like that before," you said, breaking the silence. He turned his head towards you, raising his eyebrows.
"Like what?"
"Like, all... cop-like," you said, chuckling at your terrible choice in words.
Joel grinned and glanced down at his feet.
"Yeah, well, job's not all inappropriate graffiti and speed traps."
You hummed in agreement as you kept walking.
"Do you have to unholster your service weapon often?"
"'Service weapon'?" he repeated, surprised at the term you chose. Although it wasn't wrong, it typically was not something most people said. You just looked at him, not acknowledging it, so he let it go.
"Uh, no, not really," he said, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Oh," was all you said, taking a deep breath and continued to stare straight ahead. He watched you from the corner of his eye for a moment.
"When I came outta the bathroom and saw - " he stopped short, then rubbed his lower lip with the pad of his thumb as he collected his thoughts. "You were scared. And I... reacted."
You glanced his way again, but he kept his eyes focused straight ahead. What was he trying to say?
"Thank you," you said softly, but he was quick to shake his head.
"Not lookin' for you to thank me," he said, finally allowing his gaze to drift back to you, giving you a small smile.
When you finally reached your apartment, you took out your keys and turned to him, ready to thank him again, even though he told you not to, but he spoke first.
"Here, why don't you take this," he said, holding out a small white card between his index and middle finger. You gingerly took it and flipped it over, reading the text on the other side.
"It's my card. Call me when you wanna stop by the station," he reminded you, and you nodded.
"My cell's on there, too. If you ever, y'know," he said, half a smirk playing on his lips as he nervously shifted his weight. "You ever wanna talk 'bout anythin', really. 'Bout what happened today, or... book club," he said, and you laughed. He grinned, relieved to finally see you smile again.
"Okay," you said with a nod, and turned to put the key in the lock.
He watched as you made your way all the way up the steps, and didn't leave until he saw the second door at the top of the stairs close firmly behind you.
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Taglist: @harriedandharassed@merz-8@sarap-77 @nandan11 @anoverwhelmingdin @fandomscollide @survivingandenduring
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962 notes · View notes
lambertdiary · 10 months
FAKE DATING WITH MIKE PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU the plot can be whatever you want but please
A/N: The 'fake dating' trope is genuinely one of my favourites so it's safe to say I had a lot of fun coming up with the plot for this one. I'll post a part two if you guys enjoy this one, so please let me know what you think!!
Word Count: 3.5k+
Warnings: language and I guess that's it
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This Love Is Just For Show
It was a slow day at your job. Even though it was a Thursday morning and it was usually really busy at this time, the number of customers coming through the door was significantly lower than any other morning, but you were thankful that you didn’t have to do a million things at the time this early.
You worked at a coffee shop and have worked there for a while, so you were used to the crazy job and by this point, you remembered most of the recurring customers, but you always waited for one in particular.
You heard the little bell that indicated that a customer had entered the coffee shop, so you quickly finished arranging the coffee cups behind the counter before turning to greet your customer. You fought the smile that threatened to creep its way onto your face when you saw who it was, and gave him a nonchalant expression instead.
“Hey Mike”
“Hi” He greeted you back with a smile.
“You want your usual, right?”
“So no small talk today, I suppose” Mike leant his forearms on the counter.
“Sorry, it’s kinda busy back here”
He looked around at the almost empty café “I’m not gonna steal more of your time then. I’ll have my usual”
You took a medium cup and used it to cover your smile, marking up his exact coffee order and writing his name at the bottom.
“You know, my offer to go out for coffee still stands. Maybe at a place you don’t have to make it”
You giggle as you put down the cup, typing a few words into the computer in front of you “You’re very sweet Mike but we’ve been through this, I don’t-”
“Date customers, I know” He finished your sentence.
“Look at that, you do remember. And yet, you keep on asking”
“Just hoping you’ll change your mind, I guess”
You shook your head “Not gonna happen”
“Alright, I’ll stop” He took out his wallet and paid for his drink “I’ll just try again in a month or two. Thanks”
He immediately walked to the other end of the counter to wait for his drink, constantly eying you while you took someone else’s order. You were looking his way too, but way more discreetly than he was.
When he finally got his coffee, he thanked your coworker and walked towards the door, turning his head around for a moment to face you “Bye, I’ll see you tomorrow”
Your eyes lingered on the glass doors after he left. You thought he was attractive, sweet, funny and just nice to have around, but you didn’t know whether you liked him like that or not but sometimes you thought you’d like to find out and go out with him, but you couldn’t do it. The real reason you had rejected every single one of his invitations wasn’t the one you gave him every time he asked, it was because you got out of a messy relationship 6 months ago and you weren’t ready to commit to anything, not yet.
Hours later your shift finally came to an end and you were ready to get out of there, you had a lot to do after all. You were in a hurry, so after taking all of your things you made your way to your car and drove to the grocery store.
After finding a parking spot you entered the massive building, guiding the shopping cart in front of you. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts looking down at your phone as you checked your shopping list, you didn’t notice the familiar face quickly approaching you.
“Y/N?” Your head snapped up as you immediately recognised the voice. You forced a smile while trying really hard to keep your eyes from widening.
“Nick, hi” The shock of seeing your ex-boyfriend for the first time since the breakup was more evident than you had intended.
“It’s been so long, how have you been?”
“Good, things are good” An awkward silence took over your conversation as quickly as it had started. The two of you smiled at each other politely, discomfort present in both of your eyes “How about you?”
“Amazing, actually” You nodded at him in response, unsure of what to say next. Thankfully, someone else joined the conversation. A girl you recognised as one of Nick’s friends from when you were dating him.
“Y/N! It’s been so long” She approached you for a hug, which you politely accepted.
“You remember Emily” Nick said as you pulled away.
“Of course, hi!”
“This is so funny, we were just talking about you last night” Emily said, standing closer to Nick and slowly wrapping her arm around him.
“You were? Why’s that?”
“She suggested we invite you to our engagement party this weekend”
“Oh my god, you guys are engaged” If you weren’t in shock before, you certainly were now “That’s amazing!” You wrapped your arms around them and pulled both of them into a hug, hoping this would prove to him that you really were happy for them. Even though that was far from the truth.
You pulled away after a few seconds, building up the perfect fake smile “I know it’s a bit of a shocker since Nick and I were just friends when you guys were dating, but I hope it’s not weird or anything”
“Please, not at all. I- I’m really happy for you guys”
“Thank you” Emily held your hand momentarily before dropping it and taking it back to her financé’s arm “So, are you coming?”
You thought about it for a moment. You really didn’t wanna go, but you thought that if you showed up you would show them how okay you were with their engagement. Even though you weren’t, since you broke up with Nick just six months ago and out of nowhere he’s engaged now, and you… you hadn’t even gone on a single date since then.
“Of course I’ll be there”
“Great! Should we save an extra seat for a special someone?” Emily asked with a wink.
You could feel your face burn as you thought of the lack of a love life, but your mouth was faster than your brain “Yes, I’ll bring my boyfriend with me”
“Oh” You hear Nick whisper.
“I mean I’ll ask him if he can make it, but you know, he gets really busy sometimes, so-”
“Okay, well I’ll have Nick text you the details later but I guess I’ll see you on Saturday!” Emily pulled you in for another hug, and Nick just waved at you as the both walked away from you.
You were left standing there alone, feeling like a complete loser. You didn’t have feelings for him or anything, and you wished you didn’t care about his engagement but you just couldn't help it.
Your relationship with him was complicated, and your breakup was so messy it took a while to pick up the pieces, and the main reason for that was because he swore he would never want to get married. After being together for a couple of years you moved in together for a few months, leading you to think he’d propose eventually, but he said that was the most you’d get from him. Now six months later he’s engaged to one of his friends…
You barely had the energy to finish with your grocery shopping. You were cursing yourself for saying you would go to their engagement party and on top of everything making up a fake boyfriend. Why couldn’t you just say you were busy? Any other answer would have been better than that.
You went home with a lot on your mind, and Nick’s text with all the details for Saturday just made it worse. You let out a loud sigh as you collapsed on your bed, going through your contacts list to see if you could find someone who would be willing to be your fake boyfriend for a night.
You quickly gave up as you realised how crazy it would be to make such a request, so maybe it would be better if you came up with an excuse and said you wouldn’t be able to make it.
You typed Mike’s name on your contacts, hoping you’d find his number there. He gave it to you a couple of months ago, written on a napkin after going to the coffee shop for a week straight. You were almost crossing your fingers, urging that your past self saved it, but you assumed you got rid of it since it wasn’t on your phone.
You sigh again, too tired to think of more solutions.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
The next day wasn’t any better. The party that was taking place the next day was flooding your mind and unfortunately for you, the possibilities of ending up looking like a loser in front of everyone were high.
Everyone around you seemed to notice something was off, but with the busy morning that kept everyone doing something they didn’t have time to ask you the reason. That was definitely a relief, you would hate to admit what your current problem was.
Customers kept coming and that almost made you forget about the whole fake boyfriend thing, until you saw Mike approach the counter with a big smile.
“Hi” You shyly smile back at him.
“Hi, I’ll just have my usual”
You nodded as you grabbed a medium cup. You were debating in your mind whether or not it would be a good idea to ask him for help, but the simple thought of those words leaving your mouth made your face turn a bright red.
“And I’ll also have a cupcake”
You looked at him with furrowed brows. He had been going there every day for at least a couple of months and he never tried something new, so him making an addition to his order took you by surprise “Oh, what’s the occasion?”
“Buying a few extra seconds, I guess” He replied like it was no big deal. He took out his wallet ready to pay for his order, smiling when he noticed your blushed face.
If he was willing to buy a cupcake just to talk to you for a little longer, maybe he would be down to go to a party with you and pretend to be your boyfriend for a night. After all, he had been begging you for a date nearly everyday since the day you met him, and that would count as one, right?
You looked at the cupcake tray that was sitting next to you, naming the cupcake flavours while you kept a collected expression despite the heat rushing to your cheeks as you wrote your phone number down on his cup, right next to his name.
“Uh- we have vanilla, chocolate, blueberry-”
“Which one is your favourite?” He interrupted you.
“Red velvet with cream cheese frosting”
“I’ll have that one”
You tried to suppress your smile as you reached for the cupcake, blushing a little harder when your hand brushed his “Enjoy it”
“I will, or I guess I’ll let you know what I think on Monday” You looked down and grabbed his receipt, keeping your eyes fixated on the screen in front of you when you handed it to him “Thanks” Mike said, and you panicked when he started to walk away, and once again your mouth acted on instinct.
“I get off at 4” You spit out, making him stop and take a step back as you cursed yourself for how pathetic you sounded.
“Today, I- I get off at 4” You repeated, thinking of something else to say “You can call me and- and maybe I’ll see you later”
A smile appeared on his face “Yeah, sure. I’ll give you a call” He nodded quickly, but stopped when he realised “I’d love to have your number, though”
“On your cup”
His smile grew bigger, and you could almost notice his tinted cheeks “I’ll talk to you later, then”
You nodded as he walked away, pushing away your embarrassment as you fixed your face to attend a new customer. You tried to stay focused on the order, but the cheeky smile from your coworker made you blush again.
“Shut up” You said, rolling your eyes at her.
The rest of the day went by painfully slowly. You were dying to check your phone to see if he had called you or at least texted you, but it was so busy that you didn’t have the time for that.
At the same time you were hoping he’d take his time reaching out to you. You felt guilty dragging him into your little show and you knew if you went out with him you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from asking him.
When your lunch break came you literally ran to the back to get your phone, your heart skipping a beat when you read the last notification.
Unknown: Hey, it’s Mike
You saved his contact right away, and then took a little too long to think of a response, writing and deleting the message a few times before finally sending one back.
You: This is Y/N!
You rolled your eyes at your own message, and only a few seconds later your phone started ringing, his name showing on the tiny screen. You froze for a moment, but rushed to answer when it rang for the second time.
“Hi” You said in a shy tone.
“Hi. Sorry for calling but it’s way easier than texting”
“Don’t worry, I agree” You let out a little giggle before continuing “I guess I should apologise for earlier today”
“What do you mean?”
“You know, writing my number on your cup-”
“No need to apologise” He interrupted you “I’ve been meaning to ask you, what changed?”
‘I ran into my now engaged ex boyfriend and made up a fake boyfriend so I desperately need your help’ you thought to yourself, but of course you couldn’t say that, not yet anyway.
“I, uh- I thought about your offer, and coffee sounds nice”
“Well… I know a place, they have the best red velvet cupcakes-”
“Definitely not here” You stop him before you let out another laugh, even though you knew he was joking “We can meet somewhere else, what time do you get off?”
“Oh, so you really did mean tonight” Mike sighs loudly, taking a hand to his hair as he tries to think of someone who could babysit his sister.
You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to bury your embarrassment at how desperate you sounded “Sorry, we can try some other time-”
“No” He’s quick to cut you off “I just need to find a babysitter for Abby-”
“Who’s Abby?”
“My little sister, but the babysitter leaves at 6”
“Right, I understand” You try to think of a solution without sounding more desperate than you already were, but maybe it was for the best if you didn’t see him tonight.
“I’m gonna call her and ask if she can stay with Abby for a little longer tonight”
That makes you feel bad, thinking about his little sister stuck with the babysitter just because of your big mouth. You start to come to your senses, there was no way you could lead him on like that.
You let out a loud breath before saying “Mike, actually I think it’s better if we leave it for another time”
He stays silent for a moment, but then finally replies “Uh- yeah, that’s okay”
“Sorry, it’s just-” You stop when the clock on the wall tells you your lunchtime is over “I have to go but I’ll see you on Monday”
You hand up the phone immediately, the guilt coming back to you for a different reason.
You spend the rest of your shift thinking of excuses for your absence to the party, knowing that that’s what you should have done from the beginning. When you leave you’re so caught up on your thoughts you almost don’t recognise the person waiting for you outside.
“Hi, yeah- uh sorry” He put his hands on his pockets, looking down at the ground “You sounded a little weird on the phone earlier”
“I had to go back to work, sorry”
“Right, I know… so, about the coffee-”
“Y/N!” Mike is interrupted by a voice you hated to recognize. You closed your eyes momentarily as you let out a breath, mentally preparing yourself to talk to her again “We have to stop running into each other like this”
“Emily, so nice to see you again” You say with a convincing smile.
“You too” She inspects your outfit and the building behind you, a smirk appearing on her face when her eyes landed on you again “I see you’re still working at the café”
You don’t say anything but your blood starts to boil, but at the same time you’re trying hard to hide your embarrassment.
Mike looked at you as soon as those words left her mouth, trying to read your expression, but when you didn’t say anything he decided to jump in “Hi, I’m Mike”
“Oh hi, I’m Emily” They shook hands and she carefully examined him almost entirely, and Mike dropped it after just a moment “I used to be friends with Y/N. Well, with her ex boyfriend, but he’s now my fiancé” She said as she showed off her ring, and the two of you simply nodded “Oh… you must be Y/N’s boyfriend”
Emily’s eyes fixated on you, giving you the same intimidating look she always gave you, making you break and fall into a moment of weakness “Yes” You replied, and she immediately turned to Mike to give him a hug.
“You should’ve said that before, she was telling us about you last night”
He was looking at you with a million questions as his eyes gave you the most confused look you had ever seen on anyone. You mouthed the word ‘Sorry’ as they pulled away.
“You guys are coming to the party tomorrow, right?”
“We can’t make it, sorry” You grabbed Mike’s arm and pulled him closer to you, giving him an apologetic smile.
“Oh well that’s a shame”
“You never said anything about a party, baby” He looked at you, amusement building in his face.
You were sure your face has never been more red than it is right now, you truly didn’t know what to say to that “Uh I- I’m sorry, I guess I forgot”
“We’ll be there”
“Mike, what are you doing?” You whisper to him.
“Great! I can’t wait to see you guys tomorrow”
She starts to walk away as she waves you goodbye, and as soon as she leaves you turn to face Mike, your apology already leaving your mouth “I’m sorry, Mike I’m so sorry, I don’t know what got into me-”
“Who was that?” He interrupted you “And most importantly, why did you say I was your boyfriend”
“That was my… I used to know her when I was dating my ex boyfriend” You explained, scratching your head as you tried to think of the answer to his next question “I don’t know why I said that. I panicked but of course that’s no excuse, I shouldn't have said that, I’m so sorry”
“What did she mean you told them about me last night?”
“I didn’t, I swear I didn’t” You simply reply, but he urges you to continue “I ran into them and they invited me to their engagement party, which already was so crazy cause I didn’t think Nick would ever get married, but he would give that to Emily I guess” You start to ramble, but stop when you realise you’ve said too much “She asked me if I would bring someone with me and I don’t know why but I said yes”
“Does that have anything to do with you giving me your number today?”
“No, of course not” You rushed to reply “Look, I’m sorry I got you into this. It’s stupid and it’s immature, you don’t have to worry about her thinking you’re my boyfriend, I promise I’ll call her”
You stared for a moment, waiting for him to accept your apology, although you’d understand if he didn’t.
“I can come to the party with you”
“I mean she’s not very nice, why give her the satisfaction? Plus, I already promised we’d be there”
“No, Mike you don’t have to do that-”
“I tried asking you on a date for weeks, I’m not gonna let it go to waste now, even if it’s not real”
You stop to think for a little too long. If he was down then what was the problem? Asking him to do that for you did cross your mind anyway, so now that he was volunteering himself you shouldn't feel as guilty, right?
“It’s just going to be for one night, and knowing Emily there will be so much free food and drinks, you just need to stay with me and maybe hold my hand a few times”
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Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you think, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hobie Brown partying with latina!reader<3
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I’m already giggling about this shit and haven’t even started it 🤭 just picture that emoji cause that’s how i look rn. This is written from my perspective which is from a mexican living in Mexico going to 100% mexican perreos!!!
-It took a while to convince him to be honest
-Don’t take it the wrong way though!! He’s supportive and go ahead, perrea hasta el suelo but it’s just not his scene
-He’s not a reggaetón hater, he believes every type of music has a merit to it!! BUT ITS JUST NOT HIS SCENE
-Hacerle ojitos was enough to convince him lmao
-“Mi amor please! I want you to meet my friends” You whined, looking up at him all dressed up for the party that started in about thirty minutes. How could he say no when you were looking so pretty? “Shit ‘aight” He muttered, leaving to do his makeup as you kissed his cheek sweetly
-Now when y’all get there
-Yeah sure, mosh pits were crazy and the pubs he frequently attended were also wild but seeing
-People making out with a stranger then the next, some couple basically fucking in the couch next to the door, a girl downing shots like there was no tomorrow, besos de tres, and most importantly; el perreo.
-My man gets shy n shit like he holds your hand. pls help him no entiende nada
-Your friend approaches you with two plastic cups with some golden liquid that didn’t even reach the half of the cup. “Hey Hobie! Nice to meet ya’, my name’s Martha. Tengan, para ambientarse and getting the party started for you two!”
-Hobie thought it was dumb to drink so little of something, even more when he saw how effortlessly you downed your shot. “What’s this shit?”
-Tequila. It was Herradura. Now he knows why you pour so little for a single shot.
-Your male friends definitely laughed a bit at that, pero en buena onda, they know how important Bee is to him so they’d never be mean to him hehe
-“Ay cabrón, Martha le dio tequila?” One of your friends say while laughing, his arm rounding your boyfriend’s tall figure “Sí, no soportó” You laugh back, kissing Hobie softly
-Your friends got to know him, silently questioning his intentions and stuff but not like they’re your parents. They mean well!! They just want their friend to be happy with this new dude, and some of them are men, so they definitely know how shit they can be
-“So this is what usually happens?” He asks, looking around as he takes it all in “Yup” you nod, popping the ‘p’ and smiling “I love it”.
-He found it all very freeing; no one judging, everyone moving as they pleased and drinking like hangovers weren’t real. No labels, no consistency. Just fun.
-Then… your friends pulled you to the circle to dance
-And he was done for.
-Seeing how you moved your hips in circles (something he was now sure was sort of a generic gift) changed his life forever
-You danced with your girlfriends, making a line of grinding and twerking from time to time. Some of their boyfriends reaching out to dance with them
-“Holy shit” Hobie muttered, entranced by how you ass moved in those shorts “Yeah, it’s something else” One of your friends who was now friends with Hobie (bonding over playing vodka beer pong) answered.
-“Try to dance with her man, I know you’re foreign and stuff but I don’t think Y/N/N would mind teaching you”
-His feet take him to you before he knows
-“Want me to teach you, love?” You shout so he can hear you over the music, and he just nods with a smile, holding your hands
-“Your work is just moving with me with your hands on my hips, look at Martha and her boyfriend”. He noticed how your best friend’s boyfriend kept a tight grasp on Martha’s hips, going down with her and up again if she did.
-Hobie replicated his moves and soon he got the hang of it
-Big, ring-clad fingers holding your waist tightly as he loosened his hips and felt your ass grinding against his crotch. You can feel how his tall figure looms over you, towering your smaller frame and you love it.
-As he gets more confident, he starts pulling you closer, kissing your neck from time to time and pulling away for a bit so you can scream some lyrics with your friends and then go back to him.
-It's safe to say he has a boner, yeah
-To you? It felt like an absolute dream! Imagine him grinding behind you to some track of Un Verano Sin Ti as he sings along to some of the chorus’s lyrics <3
-You got wasted, danced the night away, he perfected his spanish and you accomplished your dream; ver a Hobie Brown, el punk, perreando.
˚ · • . ° .
TAGS: @kirbyskisses @angeliquecherie @cowboycurtis56 @backyard-bear @lilacspider @gktyo @katsukiswrld @elusive-honeydew @solanawrld
I'm actively ignoring my full inbox to write this so it better not flop. HERMANAS lemme know if u like it and leave in the replies what else would you like to see from hobie with a latina reader
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
527 notes · View notes
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: George talks about 'one of these' Warnings: mention of the war, marriage, George's lost ear
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you admired as the newly wedded couple danced their first dance
you smiled as Bill twirled Fleur around, staring at her with love
in the corner of your eye, you noticed a tall ginger step beside you, clapping along with the crowd to the music
as people began to go onto the dance floor to dance along, he leaned down to talk to you
"wanna dance?"
you looked up at him and noticed his hand outreached for you to take
you beamed as you took his hand "sure"
he took you to the dance floor and placed his hands on your hips
you lifted your arms up and rested them over his shoulders as he swayed you both to the music.
after a while of silence between the two of you, he decided to speak up
"your dress is nice"
you smiled in amusement "4 other women are wearing the same dress?"
the bridesmaid dress was a washed out type of purple-blue that matched with all the other maids.
"yeah but you look the prettiest in it" he winked
you giggled and shook your head
silence fell between you once again and his grip on your hips had all so gently tightened, barely noticable
he had been your groomsmen pair, the one you walked down the aisle with, but he was also one of your closest friends
but tonight, you didn't really feel like his friend, you're not sure what it was, but there was an awkward tension between the two of you, everything seemed a bit different.
"it's a real great wedding, yeah?" he cleared his thoat
"yeah, shame of the timing and all though, but yeah" you nodded, looking up at him, examining the bandage that wrapped around his head, covering up his 'ear' that had been blown off the night prior.
"hm, I think it's a good time, you never know what will happen" he shrugged
you considered the idea and tilted your head "good point, but then what happens if the war actually does break out and something happens to one of them? no that i think it will but-"
"-death do them part" he cut you off
you made eye contact with George when he stated that
"so, do you want one of these?" he asked curiously
"one of what?" you frowned
"weddings" he said simply
of course you did, ever since you were a little girl you had envisioned a massive wedding with the man of your dreams.
however, years later, you now doubted the existence of this dream man
"obviously, but, you know, you need to meet 'the one' first, and i'm not finding him anytime soon" you looked in the distance, at other couples dancing around you, including bill and fleur
they looked perfect for each other, they are perfect for each other
"who says you haven't already?" George insinuated
"I know I haven't" you rolled your eyes "what about you? do you want one of these?" you chuckled, teasing his wording
"of course i want to get married, but I'm afraid my future wife wouldn't want me" he smiled sadly, changing up the dancing as the song changed
"of please" you rolled your eyes "who wouldn't want you, George? you'd make a great husband, she, wherever she may be, is lucky"
he gazed down at you and smiled gently, looking at you softly
"you think so?" he questioned
"yeah" you whispered
"sorry? what was that? i can't exactly hear hear you over the music and my one ear" he lightly chuckled
you weren't there last night with him when it happened, but you were at the burrow, waiting for everyone to come home
and when you saw him come home, you almost passed out from the look of him, unconscious with blood all over him
however, you had fought the urge to throw up and ended up taking care of him.
"right, sorry" you knotted your eyebrows together, remebering the sight of him on the couch, barely awake
"so, 'the one' ay?" he queried
"what about it?" you smiled before accidentally stepped on him shoes and letting out a mumbled sorry
"do you reckon these two are each others 'the one'?" he motioned over to the newly wedded couple
"if they weren't, i don't think they'd be here now" you sighed, watching them dance happily
"well, they met when they were near our age, reckon you'll meet yours soon?" he smirked
you stepped on his shoe again and giggled
"what's the point? the war is soon, not really the time to find love" you gulped at the mention of the war, it was an understatement to say you were scared of what was nearing, but at the end of the day, it was happening no matter what, so there's no point in being terrified of your future, because it's your future.
"i think it's the perfect time, perfect time to show and tell someone you love them" he tilted his head at your comment
"oh yeah? so you're looking for your one?" you raised your eyebrows
"no need to look, i've already found them" he said simply
"oh yeah? why aren't you with her then?" you teased with a smirk
"she's not looking for love right now" he sighed
"what a shame..for you. what is she doing if she's not with you then?" you wondered as you accidentally stepped on him again
"mostly stepping on someone's shoes" he laughed lowly
"her and me both" you shook your head, obliviously
as the song changed, he took a hand off your hip and took one of your hands off hi shoulder, holding it out to the side
"yeah, that and being a bit clueless"
"clueless about what?" you looked up at him
"clueless about my feelings about her, clearly" he clicked his tongue
you licked your dry lips in thought "well maybe she does know but she hasn't said anything cause she's not looking for love right now"
he only shook his head in response before silence fell between you both once again
"no, she has no idea, even though everyone else we know tells me it's obvious" he started again hastily
"do you think she wants to know?" you questioned
"i don't know, do you think she would?" he asked back as he slowed his dancing
"well you said it yourself, you might not be able to tell her later on, so why wait? give her the love while you can" you encouraged him with a smile, feeling a tightness swell up in your stomach
"so you think i should tell her she's the one for me?" he looked into your eyes
"i do" you confirmed
"well, might wanna buckle up for this news, love" he took a deep breath
you frowned, trying to figure out what he meant by that
"i wanna have one of these with you" he motioned to the whole wedding "you're the one for me, love. i know that, 100 percent, you're my one, you are 'the one' for me, i know it"
you stopped dancing and let go of his hand, making him let go too, wondering if he messed up
"what?" you blinked
"i love you, you're the one for me and i've known that for years" he smiled sadly
"and it took you a war to admit that?" you blushed
"you never know what what will happen, i'd rather admit my feelings and something happen than never admit them and not be able to"
"if this were anyone else, i wouldn't be saying this...but i want one of these" you motioned to the wedding "with you too"
"well, i'll make sure we get one" he winked
i don't know how i feel about this one
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mr-spotatohead · 1 year
-Reality Tunnel.-
Welcome Home x Human!Reader
Words: 2,919
|Contains: Swearing.|
Synopsis: You work in a museum dedicated to a famous puppet show from the 60s to the 70s. Strangely enough, you never stay in this place until it gets dark. And when you did, you didn't expect to have seen what was an exhibition become real.
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You sighed lightly as you finished typing on your workplace computer. When you entered this job, you thought it would be more fun to work in a place that contained a story from an old TV show with children's puppets. But still, it wasn't exhausting, that was a bonus. You took your eyes off the blue screen and looked at the people walking past you after having visited the tour of the old place where the scenes were shot. Your older family members had already seen this show, they had watched it as children, but you, unfortunately, did not get to see any of it. Ironic, since you work at the location where you have all the information about what the show was like.
Some loud laughter made you lift your head to see what was going on next door, it was just your co-workers who do the tour around the museum, laughing about things you weren't too keen to find out. You watched them and then decided to get your bottle of water in your favorite color, the refreshing liquid made your dry throat feel better after a busy afternoon. You looked to your side and saw the empty chair of one of your colleagues who had finished their shift a long time ago. Alex was their name, friendly but very quiet. Any information that one of the tourists needed, you had to speak instead of them. Not that it was a problem. It rarely happened. "Dear?" You lifted your head, which was in your hand. You noticed the presence of an older woman. "Oh, hi Evelyn." You said smiling lightly at the lady in a more basic outfit. Ah, Evelyn was the cleaning woman in the place, you were the one who made friends with her the quickest because of the number of times you had forgotten your things in the place and she had found them. The old woman smiled at you and looked at your things on the table. "Darling, what are you still doing here?" she asked, watching your calm expression change. Still here? What? You looked at the place. It was empty, you should have finished your shift by now, but you were still drifting off in your own thoughts. "O-Oh, I didn't even see the time pass!" You started to take your things and put them in your backpack. The most important items mainly. Evelyn giggled lightly and waved her hand at you. "I almost lock you in here." She said jokingly. You grin lightly at the old woman who watched you leave some important things behind. "Oh, don't forget to get your jacket, your bottle, and your keys." The old woman begins to lift each finger to how many things you accidentally left behind, you took the jacket in hand and put it on. "Jacket ready." The elderly woman hummed and looked at your bottle in hand, you lifted it up and put it inside your backpack. "Bottle already put away." And lastly you picked up your keys and lifted it. "Keys already in hand."
Then Evelyn stopped you before you could continue. "Isn't there something else missing?" The old woman asked you and you paused, innocently turning your head sideways. Evelyn just looked down at your desk and you followed her vision. Oh, it was your door access card. "Oh! Ahah, thank you!" You left your keys on the table to lift your backpack off the floor and then saw Evelyn start walking forward. You quickly grabbed your card and the backpack and ran to the exit along with the elderly woman. Smiling as you walked out the doorway. "Have a good night, Evelyn!" You waved to the elderly woman who returned the nod. You jogged over to your motorcycle, which unfortunately was further away from the place. Unfortunately the motorcycle parking space was hard to find around the museum, so you walked along the road until you reached your motorcycle, where there were also some motorcycles. But because it was late, the street was empty. You sighed content to finish your shift and finally go home, eat something warm and watch something under the covers. You daydreamed and reached into your pockets for your motorcycle keys to finally get to… to… You widened your eyes slightly. You fumbled in your left pocket, feeling only your card inside. You checked your other pocket. With your shoulders slumped now, you felt only bitterness. "Son of a bitch." You grunted angrily, you turned around and started running towards the museum again. Your face containing only resentment for having made the same mistake AGAIN. You mentally cursed yourself. You grabbed the keys! You had them in your hands! You could only hope that Evelyn hadn't left yet. But getting close to the museum and seeing the closed doors made you grunt louder for bad luck. But you sighed and remembered that sometimes, when there are still people in the museum, they use a side door that requires a card. You could only hope that your employee card would work on this door. Running to the side of the structure, you spotted the door, which contained a mechanism on the side, which you could only think was where the card went. Fingers crossed, you swiped the card, and then heard a 'blip'. Raising your eyebrows as you saw the door unlock, you smiled at your luck. Wasting no time, you went inside the place, it was dark, except for the lights that were turned on in the exhibitions. You ran straight to the front tables and began to search quickly for your keys. Were you breaking in? Maybe….. But if you were quick, it never happened. But you began to get stressed by not finding your keys anywhere. You remember the last time you were here, keys in hand, with Evelyn and-
Then you heard the sound of metal hitting each other in the deepest parts of the museum. You stopped your breath when you heard the sound of keys. You raised your head in the direction of the sound and it seemed to be in the most isolated area of the museum sessions. You heard the sound begin to drift away.
"Evelyn?" You called out, perhaps the old lady would not have left as soon as you thought. Maybe she had stayed to sort some things out? You left the tables and followed the sound, going further into the museum. You called Evelyn's name again, but got no answer. Entering corridors and exiting rooms, you stopped at the end of a wing under construction. You realized that it was the old parts of the old studio. They were being renovated for tourist viewing. It was all dark, but you could see a door on the other side opening and closing.
It was bright on the other side of that door. You quickly made your way inside this dark, empty wing. You couldn't see any silhouettes of any kind, except the door that you got close enough to see. Stopping in your tracks, you felt a revulsion in your stomach. It was as if it told you not to turn that knob. You frowned and sighed as you reached for the doorknob. You opened it and the brightness on the other side blinded you in a way you weren't expecting. "What the…?" You covered your face with your arms and then opened your eyes slightly, seeing everything blurry, and everything very…. Colorful? You blinked a few times and lowered your arms, letting your eyes absorb all the information in front of you. Your eyes after getting used to the bright light, you couldn't help but stare, awestruck by what you were seeing. Your head turned several different ways, looking at the houses, the trees, the colorful floor tiles, the clear blue sky. You were seeing in front of you an exact version of the show Welcome Home. Only everything was giant and real.
Wait, real? It wasn't possible, you must be dreaming, hallucinating. You looked back and the darkness was still behind you, you looked forward, letting your head cross to the other side, noticing how the door was literally in the middle of nowhere. You frowned in confusion. But when your eyes reached the ground. You noticed that a few feet away were your keys. You noticed your keys were on this other side of the world, simply on the floor. You bit on the inside of your cheek and nervously decided to step into this place with its extremely saturated colors. Taking small steps. You reached for your key and bent down, noticing how shiny and polished the floor tiles were. The place was quite beautiful and extravagant. But it was too much for you.
Then standing up as you turned back around, you wanted to get out of there as fast as possible, pausing quickly as you noticed a fatal mistake. One thing that was missing.
You turned around and were met with only the street and a few more colorful trees.
You gripped your keys tightly as you noticed the missing entrance from where you entered. Your eyes searched the entire place, but there was no sign of the door. Your breath rose and you looked back at the small neighborhood. This was definitely not what you wanted to do after your shift.
You noticed that there was a road, you looked both ways, and the sinister thing was that both sides made the road extend to where you could no longer see, same thing with the colorful trees. It was bizarre. You then noticed a butterfly passing near you, your eyes watched it, and it flew with the breeze into the neighborhood. The only place that would have things inside… Putting your keys in your pocket, you decided to investigate what was inside. Maybe you would find your key thief. But not holding out much hope, you began to walk into the neighborhood. Looking carefully at the store next door and the post office. They seemed closed, are all the houses empty too? You walked until you reached the middle. Looking at the red house, strangely it seemed to have eyes. You ignored it and kept walking to the right. Not noticing the fact that the house was staring at you until you were out of sight. You kept walking along the colorful tile, passing a house- uh, a decorated barn. Strangely enough, a good smell coming from it. It smelled like a freshly baked pie. You kept walking until you came near a house with sky decorations and- "OH MY STARS!" You almost choked on your saliva as you heard someone screaming behind you. You turned around, surprise on your face. And then your face got even more expressive after you saw who was there. The girl in the overalls dropped the box of ornaments from her hands and dropped it on the floor because she was surprised to see you.
You however just watched this star person. You remember the names of some of the characters, and clearly the one in front of you was Sally. A character from the show. Real, and right in front of you.
You didn't have the strength to say anything, just watch carefully for this fictional character interacting with you. Sally pressed her rosy cheeks together at the sight of you, making her mouth in an 'o' shape, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh my!" Sally then put her hands over her mouth as she noticed her loud tone of voice.
She soon removed her hands from her mouth and began, "You, are you our new neighbor??!" She asked loud enough for you to hear. When you heard that, for some reason, you finally managed to speak back. "Me? No! Not at all-" Sally then looked at you and waved her hands in front of her. "Oh come on! You don't have to keep it a secret, you-" Sally interrupted herself as an idea popped into her mind.
"OOHH, I have to tell Wally! He's the one who takes care of this!" Sally soon started to run backwards, soon braking hard and looking at you with a smile. "Hold on there! I'll be right back!!!" And then the girl continued running away, precisely to the red house in the center.
You began to despair internally. Feeling a little exposed by the neighborhood. You started to walk and run away. Afraid to see what would happen after that. You walked straight through the forest next to the post office and decided to go back to see if the door would be there. You had a view of the road. And no door. Snorting loudly, you put your hand on your head. Staring at the ground. But what was going on anyway? Where were you? Why is this happening to you? Suddenly, someone walks by the corner of the post office and almost hits you, well, technically this person did hit you, but only in the arm as you went straight past. You paused, instinctively raising your head to see who it was. "Oh, jeez. You okay, friend?" The somewhat monotone voice asked, not loudly. You felt a hand lightly grasp your arm. You looked up at the person, or rather being. The man with a smile on his face looked into your eyes, and you have never seen in your life someone change expression as quickly as that one. You definitely knew this one. The protagonist of the show. Wally Darling.
Although you had seen drawings of this character with a friendly smile, you definitely didn't want to be the person who saw the look he was giving you at that moment.
The same could perhaps be said for Wally, for your facial expression at seeing him was not one of the happiest to behold either.
You couldn't tell for how long you stared at him, but you noticed how he moved closer to you, his eyes intense and focused only on yours. You swallowed hard. Not liking the situation at all. Wally then opened his mouth and after seconds said seriously. "You're not from around here." The only thing you could do was nod your head slowly, a little terrified and surprised that he would notice. Or maybe not, you clearly didn't suit that place. "I'm not…" You finally broke eye contact to look at your arm that was in the puppet's hand…? Thankfully, the man in blue let go of you, making you more comfortable with not being stuck in the place. "Although…" Wally began, his voice a little more subtle and not serious as before. The puppet put his hands together and put a smile on his face. Still with his eyes on you. "If you got in… Then that means you must belong here." You took two steps back, glancing at the man in blue in front of you. Ignoring a little what he was saying because your mind was so confused, you just wanted to get the hell out of there. But it seemed no one was going to help you. So maybe the protagonist knows what's going on? When you had this idea you went to open your mouth to talk about how you would get back to your place, since he realized that you didn't belong there, you were interrupted by him taking your hands. Raising your eyebrows you looked at Wally, who was smiling contentedly. "Well, welcome, neighbor! I hope you enjoy your new stay." How did you get into this situation? . . . "Wait, I don't think you understand." You tried to explain your situation to the puppet who clearly wasn't listening to you, ironic though he didn't want to take his eyes off you. "I'm not from here. I can't get out. I don't want to stay." You said stopping your steps. You were being 'forced' to walk with Wally to your new stay. And it was a real challenge to show him what 'I don't want to stay' means. "Nonsense! You wouldn't even be here if you didn't have your keys!" Wally turned to you, with a slight smile. The puppet just found it amusing to see you making irritated expressions after his explanations. "I-! I don't have any keys. I don't want to live here." If you weren't insane to see this place. Then you will be in trying to explain something in this place. "Silly neighbor! Of course you do." Wally looked at you with half-lidded eyes, you frowned, and then he finally took his eyes off you, to look in your pants pocket, and then continued to look at you. You thought this was strange and quickly put your hand inside your pants, feeling for your keys.
You looked at the puppet frowning as he watched you smiling. Pulling out your keys, you noticed something you didn't have on your normal keys. A large letter of your initial as a keychain. "Wha-?" The man in blue moved from your side and pulled out a proper key, with a letter W as a keychain on his keys. "We each have those keys in the neighborhood. And so do you." No fucking way. "Now, may we continue? I would love to introduce you to the others. Although Sally has already started spreading the news." Wally laughed monotonously and continued to take you to your 'home'.
Your new stay? No fucking way. You're getting out of this place for sure.
-Heyyy another Wally story, theres more parts of this one for sure, idk I like the idea that you could just walk into the welcome home world like nothing. BTW the flower that I used, Dahlia, means change.-
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sillyblues · 2 years
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the ocean and the wind. (1)
ੈ✩‧₊˚ synopsis: tonowari is the ocean and ronal is the wind. where does it leave you?
ੈ✩‧₊˚ notes: hihi! welcome to my first fic ever I’m so excited!! this is a short series ft. tonowari and ronal x you but this part particularly focuses on your history with tonowari. we’ll meet ronal next real soon and i can’t wait for that. i hope you guys enjoy this and see you soon!! also hi if some of you came across this before, i actually reposted this to a new account so that i can interact with y'all hehe
part 1 (here!) ✩ part 2 ✩ part 3 ✩ part 4 ✩ part 5 ✩ part 6 ✩ part 7 (final part)
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Tonowari was like the ocean. Like the Way of the Water your Sa’nok has taught you multiple times, your memories of him had no beginning. You cannot remember how you first met or how you came to be friends. To you, he was always there beside you. Something that astonished you to this day, was a miracle that he had the patience for a wild child like you. From your blurry lines of childhood when he was still an heir until your adulthood when he has become an Olo’eyktan, he was still with you.
He is as gentle as the sea’s soft waves hitting your feet on a fine day, you noticed one day out of the blue when you were younger. As an heir to the position of Olo’eyktan, he was busy with his responsibilities early on. Every day, his early mornings would be filled with studies as his father would teach him the basics of his duties and his mother would teach him the basics of healing. At first, it made you happy for him. He, an Olo’eyktan heir, was finally starting his studies and it would be soon until he becomes one.
“That’s wonderful news, Tonowari!” You say as you hugged him tightly when you first heard the news. He returned the hug with a chuckle. You pull back quickly and looked at him with wonder and excitement in your eyes.
“I am so happy for you!” 
“I am glad to hear that,” He raised a smile, almost in relief at your words. “I thought you would be opposed to it since we would be spending time less.”
“Why would I? You would soon become an Olo’eyktan, the one who will lead and guide our people. It brings me great honour and pride to have my friend as the Olo’eyktan.” You scoffed lightly at his words.“No distance or time would change our friendship. Besides, I will have special rights in the future, no?”
He laughed joyously, his eyes closing for a brief moment before looking at your eyes so deeply. He wrapped his arm around you and rested his forehead against yours. “I hold no promises.”
You giggled. You squeezed his arm thrice.
“I see you, Tonowari.”
“I see you, [Name].”
Months passed by, and you two settled into a rhythm of your own. Him with his duties and you with your own. It was not long after Tonowari’s start of education that you had begun yours as well. Your Sa’nok saw your talent in arts, you had picked up weaving as a hobby after seeing her weave clothes for you and your father after a few times. You always sang and hum under your breath the songs of Eywa and the people. You found joy in dancing with the others. You never noticed these things about yourself but you were happy it did because if it didn't, perhaps you would have felt lonely. With nothing to do and with no one to be with.
You would never dare to admit this out loud, but without Tonowari, you did feel a bit lonely. You had made new friends as you were taught the arts of your clan with other students as well, but Tonowari is a different type of friend, you think. There is a difference between a day without him and a day without them, more so days without him and just a night without them as you would see your new friends the next morning, anyway. 
It was not like meetings between you two have become rare, but it was less than it used to be. Your eyes would meet each other's sometimes if luck would be on your side and your lessons would be shared, but even then, you two can only smile and wave for a bit as the teachers stop for no one.
You did not like this lonely feeling. There is a certain ache in your little heart whenever you think about him and you did not like it at all. You are happy for both on your journeys to become who you wanted to be but you are not happy with the distance and the time you thought it would not affect your friendship. Did it affect only you? Were you the only one who wishes for more time between you two? To be beside one another once more?
You are suddenly reminded of your lessons. 
“Everything belongs to Eywa. There is nothing that belongs to us for we only take what is given to us by the Great Mother. We are only lent Her divine creations. Borrowed.” Your teacher once said. “Selfishness is to take what is not yours. Greedy is to want beyond what is borrowed to you from Eywa.”
“Selfishness and greed corrupt your essences. It is not right to be this way towards our Great Mother for her gifts to us, which is why we must…?” He trailed off to let you and the other students finish his sentence.
“Always be grateful and thankful to Mother Eywa!”
You have done the opposite of what must be done.
Selfish. So selfish. When had you become so greedy? Shame filled your core but it did not erase the longing for him. You are horrified by this feeling. You did not want anyone to know. You dare not tell your mother and father about this, for fear of disappointing them or raising such a self-absorbed child. And you swore to yourself not to tell Tonowari especially because you knew him, perhaps he would not see you as egoistic as you are but he would be burdened with your useless wants.
In shame, you tried getting him out of your mind by focusing more on your studies. You spent more time with your friends, giggling with one another as you talked about whatever came to mind. You spent more time with your family, hearing your mother's boasts about you to your father while she tends his wounds after a successful hunt. You would then hear your father's childish cries as he clings onto to mother and you.
As you have grown closer with others, you have grown distant from him. Days turned into weeks of your successful avoidance. You have seen his figure here and there, but a glimpse of him is enough for you to turn away. In communal activities, you enter last as you begged your family to enter late.  You stay the farthest away from him and stay with your other friends and family instead. The ache in your heart comes back stronger as you ignore his hot-pleading and concerned gazes and attempts to go near you before you leave each time. 
Oh, Eywa, you begged, I am so sorry. Please forgive my thoughts and the ugliness I have borne in my soul.
Please let him know nothing of this.
Please do not let him see me.
It was early morning and you stood alone not too far from your clan in the sea with your feet touching its water. The sun had not risen yet so not many had woken up yet, allowing you to be alone. You did not like being lonely but here you are, awake in the early hours just so you could be by yourself. 
You tried to focus on the ocean. You closed your eyes and felt the soft waves hitting your toes, almost caressing them but you are reminded of Tonowari’s soft touches, his gentle pats on your back as he comforts you, on your shoulder as he tries to bring you back to reality, and on your head just because. You tried to think about the warmth of the water, but you are reminded of Tonowari’s warmth instead as he hugs and cuddles with you, as he holds your hand in your adventures, and as he simply stays right beside you.
You snap your eyes back open in a panic. Oh. Oh no.
You felt a touch on your shoulder and you whipped your head around as you breathe in a gasp. There, you found the subject of your shame. Your selfishness. Your horror. You immediately took a step back and further into the ocean, but Tonowari did not let you escape him as he quickly grabbed your arm. His beautiful pale blue eyes which were always soft like he was incapable of glaring stared deeply into yours. You look away in fear of seeing him. You did not want to know what he think of you so you looked away just as you have always done.
“[Name].” Not once have you forgotten his voice that was neither too soft nor too stern. It was just right as he conversed among the people of your clan. His voice was smooth enough for the people to easily approach him for anything be it troubles they faced or simple light conversation about their days. But now, it is low and thick full of shaky emotions you do not want to know hidden in his clear tone.
“Tonowari. Please, let go of me–”
“No. Not until you tell me the reason for your hatred towards me.” Hatred? What on earth was he saying? You turned your head and looked at him in disbelief. 
“What? I do not hate you, Tonowari.” You say.
“Lies. You are angry with me. You do not want to see me anymore. You do not want to be with me.” There is hurt in his voice. In just a few words, the defences you built carefully to shield yourself away from him had shattered. What was supposed to be anger, there is only pain and the same longing you have for him. 
“I do, Tonowari! I want to be with you badly! Eywa knows how much I missed you so deeply.” Your outburst surprised him greatly, seeing his eyes widen at this. 
“Every day, I wished for us to be together once more. I was always lonely without you. No one compares to you, your absence hurts more than no other. Eywa knows all I wanted was you.” You began sobbing, finally letting the truth out of your body. “But it is not right.”
You pushed him away but he never let go of your arms. He never did despite your insistence to be away.
“I was being selfish. It is not right. You are not mine to be selfish with. You are the future Olo’eyktan and I am nothing.” The shame burns hot. You wanted to run away and never appear again before him or your parents or your people. “So please, leave me alone and I promise not to be ever greedy once more.”
He was silent for a few seconds, but to you, it felt like a long time. Your heart raced in thoughts that he must have hated you now. Disappointed in you now. But his palm you remembered as smooth and didn’t know when it had turned rough, caressed your cheek ever so gently and you look at him, finally seeing him.
And oh, how beautiful he is.
The sun was rising. Its soft golden rays hit his big figure that had grown bigger than yours, that you missed in your avoidance of him. The sun highlighted his stripes markings that you missed tracing against his skin. His freckles glow so brightly. He held your hand with his free one and rested your forehead against his.
“I am Tonowari, and you are [Name]. Not Olo’eyktan, not nothing.” He says while staring at you. He squeezes your hand thrice.
“I see you, [Name].”
“I see you, Tonowari.”
Like the sea on a fine day, he is gentle. Like its waves hitting against your legs, his caresses on you are soft. Like its warmth, his’ comforts you with his presence alone. Like the sound of its water surging on the shore, he is neither too soft nor too loud, just enough for you to hear him completely. 
Like the ocean, Tonowari is gentle.
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aesthetic-bbyg · 1 year
hey, can i request a tom x puerto rican female reader? Kinda similar to the chola one but it's in new york instead of la🤭omgggg. It can be any era idm sjensjsj
Tom Kaulitz x reader
In which a determined Tom won’t stop till you accept his offer to take you out.
Nattie speaks: Yayayaya!! Im excited to write this bc I literally love Puerto Ricans sm like y’all are real ones ong🙏. Keep the request coming in bc I def wanna start writing more on here!
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YOU NEARLY GROANED AS you saw the boy approach, your friend, Daniela, giggled from beside you just watching in amusement. Nearly everyday, Tom Kaulitz managed to find you and ask you the same question.
“You free tonight?” His German accent so alluring yet you knew you couldn’t, and you wouldn’t. Yes, you will admit that Tom was a very attractive boy, you liked him a lot, but you also knew the type of person he was. It seemed as though every girl you talked to had at least one interaction with the Kaulitz boy that ended in sex. “Come on, just one date and it’ll be worth it.”
You glared, turning back to the line and waiting for your lime flavored piragua, choosing to ignore him. You weren’t sure why he decided that picking you as the main victim of his pestering was good idea but each day it annoyed you more. There we’re even some where you nearly gave in and excepted his offer but ultimately walked away before the words could leave your mouth. Was the piragua guy purposely taking long to shave the ice or was it just you? The mix between the heat of New York and Tom’s blabbing in your ear made the tone feel slow.
“Enough!” You snapped, turning to face the boy who was listing off reasons as to why taking you to Señor Guzman’s pizza place would be the perfect first date for the two of you. “I already told you that I’m not interested in going out with you.”
You could hear your friend snickering beside you, “Ay bendito.” She was just observing and sipping the cool cherry flavored syrup from her cup. (Poor boy)
Tom only smirked, adjusting his hat and backing away with his hands up in defense. “Okay, okay, I hear you, I will come back tomorrow.”
You sighed heavily as he walked away, “Don’t come back at all!” You yelled, but he didn’t turn around or do anything to acknowledge your words, based on his past actions you knew he would be back.
“Aquí está.” The tan man gave you the piragua in a small plastic cup, the shaved ice soaked in a lime-flavored syrup. Your demeanor immediately changed, a frustrated scowl turning into a soft grin with just one sip. You dig through your shorts, handing some bills before walking off. (Here you go)
“At this point, it’d be better to accept his date then reject it, Amiga.” Daniela spoke up, giving you a knowing look as she shoved some of the ice in her mouth, letting it melt on her tongue.
“No quiero, Dani, to give him the satisfaction of taking out another girl would be like hell to me.” You argued back, “He just doesn’t take a hint, and everyday he comes and bothers me about something.” (I don’t want to)
“If you really about it.” Daniela began making you roll your eyes. “I’m starting to think that he really likes you and isn’t just playing around to get in your pants.”
You turned to her with furrowed brows, “What do you mean, it Tom fucking Kaulitz, of course he’s gon’ something involving.”
“When’s the last time you heard of him hooking up with someone?” Daniela asked, watching a a you shrugged your shoulders. “Exactly, and don’t you think that it’s strange how Tom is constantly flirting with you, only you.”
“I think it’s very strange, and annoying, ya me tiene esta los cielos, Dani.” You huffed, stopping as you arrived in front of her apartment building. (he has me up to the sky)
“Just take a moment and think, he totally got a thing for you because he’s putting in actual effort, not just shooting out some lame pick up lines.” Your friend tossed her cup into a nearby garbage bin before climbing up the steps. “He likes you, and I know you like him.”
You processed her words as you made it back to your own home, the refreshing snack cleared up your mind from its previous annoyed state. It made you frustrated, how could it be that a player was suddenly wanting to get with you of all people. For as long as you could remember, Tom would always flirt with you, it gave you a string of hope before he ended up in another girls room that same day. If the reason why you became so cold, more brutal with your rejections then before.
Walking into the house, your auntie and mom were in the kitchen, they could already sense the annoyance radiating off you. “Nena, que tú tiene?” Your auntie questioned, raising her thinly drawn eyebrow at you. “And don’t bullshit me.” (Girl, what is wrong?)
“María!” Your mother scolded towards her sister, “Don’t be using those groserías in front of my daughter.” You walked into the kitchen, jumping onto the counter as you watched your mother cut up some chicken. (Bad words)
“You know Tom K, el aleman te la esquina?” You began, getting the attention of both of the woman. (The German from the corner)
“El que tiene un hermano emo?” You auntie asked, placing a hand on her hip. (the one that has an emo brother?)
“Titi.” You warned as she threw her hands up in defense, “Bueno, pues, he’s been asking me out for the past five months.”
Your mother let out a dramatic gasp, stopping her motions and looking at you, “Cinco meses? Y qué carajo todavía haces aquí?” (five months? And what the hell are you still doing here?)
You groaned, throwing your head back, “No salir con el, mama, he’s a player, I’ve been sayin’ no each time.” Your tía grinned, clapping your hands. (I don’t want to go out with him)
“Mira, no mas!” She squealed, shaking your shoulders proudly, “Mi nenita ya tiene todo los hombres a sus pies.” (Well, well, my little girl already had all the men at her feet)
“Ay, no titi, no quiero salir con el, qué pasa si no mas me trata como otra.” You frowned, feeling your mom place a comforting hand on your shoulder. (I don’t want to go out with him, what happens if he just treats my like any other?)
“If he does anything.” She threateningly raised the knife that she was chopping up vegetables with. “You just come to me.”
“Mhmm.” You tía hummed in agreement, “Just gimme that address and you won’t have to worry about it.” Her serious face was then replaced by a bright smile. “Pero, you should totally go out with him.” (But)
“Dani was sayin something about how he might be interested since he’s been trying to hard, and just earlier when I was getting Piragua from Señor Rodríguez he came up to me.” The two woman listened intently, “He asked me out again and I said no, and when he said he’ll come back tomorrow I said he should never.”
The woman in front of you winced, “Ay, bendito.” They said in unison, making your frown even deeper. Maybe you were too harsh. (Poor boy)
“But since he’s so adamant on me, saying yes then he probably does have some interest. Well, that’s what Dani thinks.”
“Mira, nena.” Your tía placed her tan hands on your shoulders, “Back in my day, yo traía todos los hombres, tu mama era una virgencita.” (Listen, girl. I had all the men, your mom was a virgen)
“Ey!” Your mother slapped your tias arm angrily, making your scrunch your face up. “I was just waiting to find the right hombre.” (Man)
“Pero esperaste unos mil años.” The woman turned back to you, “As I was sayin’, no matter how much a man tried to be all playa’ by sleeping around with women and shit, the thing that’s gonna touch his heart is when a woman cares. So the next time he comes up to you and ask you out, you say yes when you go on your first date, show him that you’re interested.” (But you waited some thousand years)
You sighed heavily, “I’m nervous.”
“Why? Because you’ve been crushing on him since you were a kid?” Your mother questioned, tossing all the ingredients she’d been cutting up into a boiling pot of water. You eyes widened, mouth opening to say something before shutting itself up. “No crees que no te visto, te gusta, and I know it.” (Don’t think I haven’t seen you, you like him)
You hop of the counter and head into your room, you pick up the small phone that was sitting on your bed, clicking in Daniela’s phone number. In just a few rings the girl picked up with her usual chirpy voice. “Wassup, Amiga?”
“Dani, I’m gonna say yes the next time Tom asks me out.” You spit out quickly, not wasting a second to pause in between words. It was nearly inaudible but Dani still registered every syllable instantly.
“No way!” She squealed, “No me chingas amiga!” (Don’t fuck with me, bestie!)
“I’m bein’ for real.” You smiled slightly at her excitement, fiddling with the gold necklace nervously. “The next time he comes up to me, I’ll say yes.”
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“WHERE THE HELL IS HE?” You asked anxiously, eyes looking around to see if he’d magically pop up. The day had nearly reached an end, the sun beginning to lower itself into the horizon while you and Dani had walked around the area multiples times. By this time, Tom would’ve already walked up to you, gripping his baggy pants, a shit eating grin on his face, German-laced accent speaking the same words that you usually rejected, it almost became a routine.
But today you hadn’t seen him, it begun to make you nervous and ask the sun disappeared and the street lights flickered on, you sighed sadly. Never did you think you’d be so sad about not being pestered by Tom, in fact, you wished for a day like this. Now that you have it, you realize how boring the day has been, not hearing him or his corny pickup lines made it feel like a puzzle piece was missing.
“It’s okay.” Daniela rubbed a soothing hand up and down your back, “Maybe tomorrow, he could be busy with his band.”
“But he said he’d be back.” You frowned deeply, shoulders slumping, feet dragging on the pavement as you walked back home. You did the usual, dropped of Daniela first, her right hug lingering longer then usual before you walked the next few blocks to your own home. Just as you stepped on the steps that lead up to your front door a repetitive shuffle caught your attention.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Tom held flowers in one hand, the other one timidly waving at you. You’d never that you’d be so happy to see him, a smile would’ve taken over your features but you held back. Keeping a straight face as he held out the roses. “I got these..for you.”
Your eyes widened, taking the flowers and blushing. “Thank you, how’d you know these were my favorite?”
“You told me.” He smiled softly, it made your heart flutter and stomach twist into knots. “And, uh..I wanted to ask you, again, if you’d wanna go out with me?” He fiddled with the bands around his wrist, expecting the usual words of no and a slammed door in his face, but you have a warm smile instead.
“Yeah, I’m free on Friday.” You tried to hold the eye contact but his eyes practically hypnotized you, you stared down the roses, a shy smile on your lips. “I’m sorry for being mean on the past times.”
Tom chuckled, demeanor shifting from an laid back player to a timid lover boy who was stupidly excited that his crush finally said yes. “It’s okay gorgeous.”
An awkward beat of silence engulfed the air before you leaned forward, pecking his cheek and watching as the red blush creeped up onto his face. “I’ll see you Friday then.” You mumbled, hand gripping the door handle and pushing it open. You looked towards the boy one last time, “Bye Tom.”
“Bye, gorgeous.”
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I hate using y/n if y’all couldn’t alr tell by the amount of pet-names I have in all my fics. 😭 I tried my best to capture the Puerto Rican culture but as someone who isn’t really familiar, I don’t really know if I did all that good. Apologies if there was some errors in some areas!! either way I enjoyed writing this fic and loved the idea!! Ik it got corny at the end but pls ignore that.
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
Seal anon here and got a request!
You did a thing about if reader got the capsaicin's school, one with kouign amann cookie's school...so why not complete the trio by doing one where the reader gets sorted into prune juice's school?
I also got sorted into this school too, it was bound to happen lol
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Well! This was quite the surprise. It seemed some higher force decided that your previous school wasn’t exactly fit for you, that’s where Parfaedia comes in to fulfill that spot! Prune Juice wastes no time to swoop you up from Kouign’s/Capsaicin’s arms and wanting to know all about you? What were your favorite type of potions, he can brew one up and even name it after you! All with that smile on his face. You wished to change that
It made you pick him up in a princess carry as you chuckled, he was caught off guard as he wrapped his arms around your neck, his cheeks gaining a red tint. He giggled as he commented on how strong you were~!
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Capsaicin was just baffled, how was Scovillia not the right academy?! Your energetic personality along with your strength would’ve made you a perfect fit there! He really had his hopes up during the first quarter of the Cup, he wasn’t expecting the transfer at all. He could feel his fellow spicy cookies bummed out at losing you, and to be honest, he was too…
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She’s mad, the Creme Knights were the best fit for a cookie of your skills! Financier and Vanilla Sugar Cookie had great hopes for you, until the event organizers decided to reshuffle your enrollment…Kouign had to listen as your new school was Parfaedia, it made her jam boil…
Made worse by Prune Juice giving her an innocent smile and wave, she gripped her sword real hard at that gesture. Who did this cookie think he was, taunting her over losing you…
This had to be an error, a mistake! The other paladins were pleased to meet you, the Preceptor saw your potential, she saw your potential! Kouign will never let this go, she won’t go easy on Prune Juice Cookie for this competition.
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emmatgc · 2 months
Wonderful World Chapter 11
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“What would your Father say? Falling in love with a murderer? So disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself” 
Seon Yul woke up on a rainy night, panting and sweating. It’s been years since his last nightmare but lately, it comes regularly. 
Seon Yul when his father was killed had nightmares almost regularly. When his mother died, it got worse and it only stopped when he met Soo Hyun. Slowly but surely, weirdly so he thought that once he hated Soo Hyun yet he takes comfort with her even with his hatred and revenge tour. It was dark times and he doesn’t want to go back but something is happening now and he doesn’t know why this nightmares are coming back. 
It’s been 6 months since Soo Hyun and Seon Yul became a couple. That fateful night when they were dancing and had their first real kiss, her confessing being in love with him was the start of the new chapter of their lives…together. In those months they dated almost every week, talked over the phone every week, video calling is not Soo Hyun’s type and Seon Yul laughed at her teasing her about her age. “Careful there, Mine..you are exposing your age not liking video calling me or at all”, he said to her. Every 2 weeks Seon Yul goes to the orphanage and spends the weekend there with Soo Hyun’s family. Seon Yul’s favorite though is visiting her in her classes and fetching her. 
Soo Hyun went back to teaching but this time to a public university. She spent 10 years in a private university before her son was killed. Seoul National University wanted her and she agreed. If Seon Yul have his early off, instead of sleeping in their quarters, he goes home, changed and if his time permits, he fetches her. One time, he surprised her with flowers. When she went out to see him, he had this purple bouquet and she was embarrassed as some of her students saw him walking towards her. Some even commented “is that the Professor’s boyfriend? He is so handsome but very young!”. Some had “that look” all too familiar to them of disbelief and maybe some undertone disapproving look, but some only giggled. This comes with the territory, they both knew what they got themselves into. It is a challenge they welcome after all. When he finally reached Soo Hyun, he gave the flowers and she smiled wholeheartedly and gave him a kiss on his cheek. She wrapped her hand to his and they walked towards his car. "How romantic", she thought.
At the hospital, Seon Yul is a rockstar in the making. He got high praises during his internship program in Germany. He observes more and more surgeries now and assist. Somewhere along his work, he remembers Soo Hyun. Her lips and soft hands most especially but he stops himself dwelling on it. It is hard to finally fall in love under this circumstances. They are not secret lovers but they are not entirely open to all, yet. They agreed to take it slow and when someone asks they answer but if none asks, they don’t tell too. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” is somewhat their motto. The hospital doesn’t really know and its not a big deal but sure his best friends and some of his colleagues know already. They are not hiding afterall especially when Soo Hyun comes for a check up once in a while and brings him food. Soo Jin one afternoon saw Soo Hyun waiting at the reception area with a bag. He is guessing food for his boyfriend and his best friend. Dr. Soo Hyun, as he is waiving at her, walking up to her, “it has been awhile”, he said. Soo Hyun stood up and replied “It has been a long time indeed, thank you for watching over Seon Yul”. Soo Jin became stiff and serious as she was being serious he thought and in his mind “my friend can take care of himself actually”, smiling he replied “of course, Doctor, always”. He will be done in a bit. He is in the operating room. “Oh, that’s why he didn’t reply. It was a last minute decision to drove here actually since I have a physical check up and annual routine for my new school and they said to go here. Soo Jin asked “who is your physician , then? She answered “Dr. Tae Oh, I believe”. He smiled a crooked one and said “Oh, Dr. Playboy” Im sorry, its his nickname but he is a very good General Doctor. You are in capable hands just be careful though.
Why? She asked. “He got his eyes transfixed with beautiful women.haha but he gives discounts to them, too so who knows he will give one to you”. They both laughed and a voice behind suddenly appeared “There are other Doctors here you know”. It is Soo Hyun with eyebrows raised. He moved past his friend and went straight to Soo Hyun. He wants to hug her but held back since he wants to thoroughly shower first. “This is for you and your friends, she said while giving the packed food. Seon Yul looked at Soo Jin and said “You shouldn’t habe bothered for them, they are eating just fine”. Soo Jin snatched the food from him and signaled he is going inside now while looking at Soo Hyun and teasing her “remember what I told you on your check up, Goodluck later”. Confused, Seon Yul asked “what was that about? She is smiling and said “Its about Dr. Tae Oh, he said to be careful since this doctor can be very “friendly”. I have been told about this reputation, Seon Yul seriously answered back. What time is your appointment? She replied 1pm. Its about time. I should go now. 
Seon Yul went with her to Dr. Tae Oh’s clinic. He introduced himself and Soo Hyun. 
Dr Tae Oh: Hi Dr. Seon Yul. Dr. Soo Hyun , im looking forward to meet you. Can I tell you a secret? 
Dr. Soo Hyun: Sure 
Dr. Tae OH: I am your biggest fan! I read all your books, I swear! But you know what’s my favorite? 
Dr. Soo Hyun: Do tell. 
Dr. Tae Oh: Your 1st ever book. “Through the looking glass”. 
Soo Hyun was surprised. Her 1st book was a bomb. It failed and it almost didn’t circulated on the book shelves due to bad reviews and low sales. 
Dr. Soo Hyun: I am very flattered, Doctor. Most people don’t know it even existed! I am surprised but thank you! 
Dr. Tae Oh: Really? I bought it right away. It was instrumental in my research back then. Would you mind signing it next time you come back?
Seon Yul can only stand back like an outsider not knowing what they are talking about. Seon Yul only knew 2 books of hers. He clearly saw a genuine smile from Soo Hyun. He feels Tae Oh is reaching and flirting, too. Or maybe he is just over reacting. He is dating a famous person afterall.
Come now, lets get you checked, Dr. Tae oh said. Soo Hyun nodded and Seon Yul touched her hand and said “let me know if your finished, ok?”.  She said “Yes, I will”. 
Tae Oh and Soo Hyun got familiar with each other given the shared history of her long, lost and underrated book that only a few read. She is happy somebody liked it and said it to her face. She agrees with Soo Jin. This Doctor is a charmer. Age in his 40’s like her, dark black hair, good looking but her boyfriend is better she thought ,but going back to her doctor mixed tan color and nice built. No wonder she said, he is a ladies man. After an hour, they said their goodbyes and the results will be emailed as he said. 
Seon Yul never got the chance to meet her again that day since he got called for an emergency meeting with his superiors. Soo Hyun just was happy for her initial results are good and she will just have to wait for the full on results. 
Back home, she was very tired and was about to sleep when Seon Yul called. 
Hey, sorry, are you sleepy already? He asked. “No its ok, Mine. Im still up” she replied. 
Im sorry for this afternoon, I got called for a meeting. “Its ok, don’t worry, I understand”. 
So how was your check up?
It was great! She replied happily. 
You sound so happy there. Did you enjoy Dr. Tae oh’s company? He wanted to take back his words but silly him his words came out out the park immediately without thinking.
Soo Hyun laughed and said “Yes, it was fun. He is a nice guy. Very impressive”. 
Seon Yul sighed. He is somehow perplexed. He had a small groan and he asked “why or how is he impressive”
“Well, a charmer, highly intelligent I can sense and he knew my 1st book! That’s the most impressive part. “
I did not know about that book, he said. Soo Hyun laughed “Of course you didn’t, you were just a child or maybe not even born yet”. 
Silence came over. 
OOppps, Soo Hyun in her mind knew then she must have said something wrong. “Look, Seon Yul, I don’t mean it that way, its just funny to me”. 
Seon Yul didn’t answered back. Soo Hyun knew he was taken aback. “Hey, don’t be mad. It was a joke” 
It’s true though, he replied now. I didn’t know. So, what was the book all about? 
Soo Hyun smiled over the phone and happily told him about the book, why it was rated low and the likes. They talked for another hour until Soo Hyun can’t take it any longer for her eyes are threatening to shut off. They bid goodnight and told each other “I love you”. 
The next day, Seon Yul was brooding and sulking in the corner of their quarters. Soo Jin smacked him at the back. “Hey, what are you brooding about?”. Did you and Soo Hyun had a fight? A lovers quarrel? Haha 
We didn’t, he replied. Then why are you looking like you two broke up? Soo Jin ever the joker guessed, is it about Dr. Tae Oh? 
He saw Seon Yul flinched. “Aha, it is about him” Soo Jin laughed so hard he nearly fell off the bed where Seon Yul was sulking. Why? Did he made a move on her? 
What?..Seon Yul asked. Dr, tae Oh is very famous and accomplished, He is also very much single. I heard he got divorced last month. 
What? Seon Yul raised his voice. Woooah, relax my friend. I am sure Soo Hyun did not like her. 
With a heavy sigh and desperation he said “She didn’t like him alright, she was actually impressed by him. She was Dr. Tae oh this and that last night!” 
That is why you are sulking? Hahahaha Oh my God Seon Yul! You are acting so jealous!
I am not! He stood up and paced the room. 
Soo Jin can’t stop laughing hugging his pillow. Well, it seems you got a little competition going on there, kiddo! Dr. Tae Oh is a man, you are a kid! Seon Yul grabbed him but Soo Jin was quick to get out of his bed and got away from him. 
Moments like this makes him mad a little but also feel alive. Petty things, jealous things all but normal in a relationship. His 1st ever romantic relationship. Soo Hyun being the more mature one may not have a problem in this aspect but he on the other hand has a lot to learn. 
A week after both are so busy. They still talked everyday but this time only a short time due to their very busy and tight schedules. It is one of those weeks. Soo Hyun is scheduled for an exclusive interview with her new book coming out on the holiday season. Soo Hyun smiled thinking about while in her dressing room that this year would be their 1st Christmas together, hers and Seon Yul.  Soo Hyun was beautiful in a blue dress with subtle make up and ponytailed hair. Traveling, Seon Yul and his bets friends were glued to their phones. They are watching live streaming. 
The interview was going well until a question was asked and caught Soo Hyun off guard. 
“Your ex husband is marrying again, how about you Doctor? How is your heart these days?”
She knew about her ex husband’s engagement but how would she answer about the follow up questions. She became tense. 
“I am so happy for him and his fiancee. I met her already and we are in a good place, my ex and I”. 
That is wonderful news to all of your fans who are so worried for you. She is beginning to feel dizzy by the questions and she thought she would let it go but she pressed on and asked “and you, will you date again?” 
Again, she was caught off guard…she froze for a moment and her head is not functioning well now. She became stiff and words can’t get out immediately but she has to so she said “Oh, I am fine, my heart is fine. “ 
She wants the interview to stop but she is not done yet. “I heard from sources you are dating someone right now Doctor, forgive our intrusion, we are just happy you are happy again for you deserve it. All your fans are wishing you the best”. 
She doesn’t know if its a trick question and all but she decided to answer anyways “You are asking some personal questions, I am sure its nobody’s concern really but I thank you all or wishing me the best”. 
She doesn’t want to answer those questions and frankly its not their damn business she says in her mind. She is not denying anything nor she is admitting to anything either. It is better that way. This is something she is fretting for weeks now since she learned about So Hu’s engagement. She hasn’t told Seon Yul yet and worse, they are invited but Soo Hyun is hesitant not just to tell him but to bring him during the wedding ceremony. She believes it is not yet time. Now with the interview, it is out in the open and she is sure he will ask those questions. 
Seon Yul and his best friends were still and silent all throughout their travel to a convention. They saw Seon Yul in deep thought and somehow he looks angry. Seon Yul is beyond angry. He is not sure though what is he mad about. Her not telling him about the wedding or that she did not answered those questions about dating? But he thought they both agreed to keep it low profile or a secret from the public. Still, he felt he is blindsided. They will talk when he comes back, he said to himself. 
Over the weekend, they met at his apartment. They talked about other things 1st and Soo Hyun, addressing the elephant in the room started 1st. “Seon Yul, about the interview”. She wanted to explain and explained she did. “I wanted to tell you Soo Hun is getting married but I simply forgot, I am sorry.” When is he getting married ? Next month he said. 
Are you attending?, he asked. Soo Hyun is in dilemma, she was attending and he was attending but she is not sure if it is the right time for them to be seen in public. She answered “yes, I will be attending”. With whom, May I ask? Seon Yul is looking down. He is not looking at her. Soo Hyun is not sure what to say. She doesn’t want to lie but she doesn’t want to hurt his feelings, too. “I will go with my mother and sister”. Soo Hyun is not a very good liar, Seon Yul can see that. He is mad she is lying to her. After all, he saw the invitation last week when she gave that food to him at the hospital, the invitation was there. She forgot it then and he forgot to give it back or did he? 
You are lying, Soo Hyun. I saw the invitation. 
Soo Hyun stood up and wants to apologize right away without thinking how or asking how come he knew. She is just guilty. 
I…am sorry Seon Yul, it is just…hard. I am not sure…. 
Of me? He abruptly asked her. “No, NO of course not Seon Yul. Not that”. 
But why keep it from me? You don’t want them to know? 
Soo Hyun wants to plainly say Yes because that’s the truth but Seon Yul is hurting, she can see that. 
She went to Seon Yul and held his hands “listen to me, I am not ashamed of you, of us. I just think we are not ready yet to face them, the public”. 
Us or You? Seon Yul growled. The 1st time he got angry at her. The 1st time she sees it on her or she saw this look years ago she believes. The look of betrayal she believes. 
We agreed on taking things low, Seon Yul, we also agreed on not going public with this yet. Don’t turn this on me. Its been barely 6 months!  Soo Hyun realized again her words are so blunt and straightforward. She doesn’t know yet how Seon Yul will react but she can’t help it. 
You are right. We barely have this relationship. I guess 6 months is not a long time yet. Seon Yul knows she is right but somehow its painful hearing it from her. Like, she feels she doesn’t want him to go with her and he knows she is right as always. But he is hurt. He, too can’t help it.  He knows it is gonna be a big deal. So, feeling defeated and he doesn’t want to fight or argue anymore. He wants to let it go and rest now. 
"It is getting late. You should go home"." He directed her towards the door to leave. 
Soo Hyun is mad at herself and him but she understands why. This is all new to her. Arguing after 6 years like having a husband. Seon Yul is different from his ex. She is overthinking. She doesn’t want to go home mad or him mad at her. 
So, when Seon Yul was about to turn his back on her, she took his hand. “Are you mad at me?” 
No, he replied coldly. 
You are. Just be honest about it for once, Seon Yul! She shouted. 
Yes! I am mad but more than that I am hurt. I know I shouldn’t be because we agreed on it but this is all new to me, too. I want to say out loud my feelings for you, our relationship but I can’t. You can’t and it sucks, it hurts! I am sorry I feel this way. I..don’t know why I’m triggered really. I was jealous of Dr. Tae Oh, and It’s just that..I’m having nightmares lately and I know you are right. If people know, they will judge us but frankly I don’t care but you do, so I do, too but….you have this power over me, I am so weak and stupid when it comes to this, to you..I am sorry but…
With every ounce of her body and soul, with tears flowing in his eyes as she saw them in his face, she wants him to stop talking, she wants him to stop crying and hurting…so she kissed him. She kissed him with desperation like a plea saying “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you”. At first, Seon Yul was just standing and receiving her kisses but something in him has lit, like a fire, his hands moved to her neck and for the 1st time, he kissed her neck. He kissed her neck slowly but fiercely like he wants to mark her , saying “you are mine” in her ear as she is his, which he knows in his mind it is not decent to say that but he is hurt right now and all he wants is to kiss her and feel her in any way he could. She breath on him so did he on her. It’s been a long time since they last kissed this long. They are taking it slowly in that area, too but he is just a man and sometimes, he wants her so bad and even he is embarrassed to admit, he wants more than a kiss. Their kisses were hungry and fluid. She broke the kiss first. She is panting. Her lips are wet and Seon Yul’s eyes are darker than usual looking at her but he is the one really to break the “mood” for good. He wants to do it the right way, in his mind he is saying that. He doesn’t want to fight her. She always win he thought. He smirked and smiled at her “That was our first fight and our first…make up….kiss”. 
Both flushed and embarassed. They hugged each other. “I love you and I am sorry, Seon Yul” I will be more honest. I never wanted to hurt you. “And I love you more, Soo Hyun” I am sorry I got mad but you were right over this. We need to be careful”. 
We will talk tomorrow. 
“Yes, and tell me about your nightmares, ok?” She replied back. He smiled. Then she left for the night. 
The world it seems is catching up to them slowly but surely. They cannot hide nor keep it a secret forever. 
(Last 2 chapters and an epilogue which will be the ending of this story. I already know the ending. I am sad to let this go but this has been a joy to write. Major drama awaits, buckle up! Again, thank you or reading and anticipating this every week or 2 weeks since I am very busy these days. I intent to finish this before Aug 5 when school starts. Fingers crossed!)
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zikkytheblicky · 8 months
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ofcc!! srry this is late.
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☆ for my ml, angel anon.
⊹content warnings⊹
(don't scroll past this, it's important since i changed up gojo n’ geto + readers attitude 😃)
- both gojo and geto blasian so dont be surprised if you hear suguru’s racist comments and satoru and suguru js speaking ghetto ☠️..
-feminine male reader- anon didnt specify but id they want me to change this i will make a separate post for them 🫶🏾!!
-black reader cuz angel anon is black.
-not smut nor fluff.. i forgot if this type of stuff is called lemon or lime! sorry 😭💓.
-reader gets kinda aggressive im ngl to you like he did not take gojos little antic lightly
-kinda made reader gojo n suguru ghetto. idk i didnt think ts with much thought
-gojo tries to get his lick back, forgetting you were a real 🥷🏾 despite being feminine. he needs to stop playing with m!reader fr
-you’re very spoiled because i’m a SUCKERERR for spoiled reader x jjk character.
-this is not proofread i’m so sorry 😭!! + i did this like at 11-4 or sum
-sadly anon didn’t specify if they wanted top surgery reader or not so to be safe i’m just gonna say he does!!
-use of you/your pronouns except for when gojo is yapping/complaining to you’re brattiness to getou.
-no sourcerer au.
-rich gojo (SHOCKING 😨)
a/n: i hate this piece it sounds so tacky 😭..
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to say you weren’t usually bratty is an understatement— it rarely happens unless you’re joking or you’re being bratty towards someone else not gojo.
it all happened first, when gojo took you to get your nails done and you didn’t give him your signature move for when he gives you something you want— pulling on his collar/tie and kissing on his cheek along with a sweet, “thank you satoru ! i love you! see you later!” or something along those lines— you instead give him a mere glance and a dry, bored “bye, gojo.” before walking over to your bestfriend(s) who were also getting their nails done. and by the way you were giggling into your palm when you thought satoru left shows you were trying to get him riled up.
satoru thought it was cute ,
at first. then it started getting him annoyed and a bit triggered.
and what does he do when he doesn’t agree with something you do?
obviously don’t tell you about it and instead goes to bother his best friend- suguru- about it instead.
“he’s been acting so bratty suguru. i remember when i got him his favorite color of glittery roses and all he did was say a dry response like, “oh thanks, gojo.” HE DIDN’T EVEN SAY SATORU OR A PET NAME RAGGHH” satoru screamed out into his phone microphone, his eyes puffy from all the fake crying he did earlier.
“don’t you have work to do? also he’s just going through a phase satoru, you’ll live.” suguru said dryly, the sound of the clicking of a keyboard and the sounds of a pen being smoothly dragged across a paper filling satoru’s apple headphones.
“you wouldn’t understand suguru..” satoru whined, blinking his bright blue eyes at the camera. His pouting lips sucking up the last bit of juice from his drink.
“all you have to do is punish him y’know?” suguru muttered, he shuts his book staring at satoru with a disgusted face. “Ew . stop pouting your lips while making fuckin sucking motions you look like a monk.” suguru sniffed, grabbing his bonnet and putting his hair up.
“i dont wanna hurt himmmm-“ satoru whined, ignoring suguru’s racist comment.
“not like that, durdur.”
satoru could practically hear the roll of geto’s eyes as he saw the younger dark skinned man pick up his phone and turn off his camera- most likely about to get ready for bed- it was 11 am after all.
“in a sexual way, nigga.” suguru mumbled out, the sounds of crinkling sheets flowing in and out of satoru’s ears nicely.
“oh my god… suguru you mastermind.” gojo smirked, grabbing his macbook and opening it swiftly.
“jesus christ what are you gonna do, satoru?” suguru asked with a sigh, rubbing his temple soothingly- he sounded so tired of gojo’s antics.
“ight so the plan is..”
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it is late. you just got home from an interview of what life is like being satoru gojo’s husband— you hate those types of reporters. instead of worrying about what the content of your creator was, they worried about your status. oh, how annoying they are.
you kick off your jordans, rubbing your eyes gently- thankfully you didn’t put on any eyeliner.
you head into the first kitchen on the first floor, went into the pantry and took out a fruit snack before you head upstairs- when you were pulling up into your driveway all of gojo’s cars were in his drive so you know he is home.
i’m surprised he isn’t cuddling up on me already.. You thought with a snort, twisting your curls in boredom.
your curls bounce as you skip your way up the carpeted stairs, entering you and gojo’s shared room.
there, you say your husband in a thin, silky robe, nike pro boxers on, his 24 carat gold stud earrings glistening in the low light the seeped into the room, a thin 24 carat gold necklace, and slides on. he was at his desk, typing away on his phone, he didn’t even notice you until you cleared your throat, crossing your arms over your chest.
the albino haired man lazily turned over to you, a bored look on his face though you could see a faint smirk on your husband’s face.
what is this nigga smirking for ? you thought with a scoff, your slippers making loud noises as you walk over to him.
“oh. hi, ‘mn’.” satoru’s tone was bored and disinterested, he went back onto his phone and started typing quickly. and he had such an excited expression, a ghost of a smile on his lips like he was trying to hide the fact that he was more interested in whoever he was texting instead of you.
and that pissed you off. like who the fuck is this nigga talkin too that catches his attention more than you? his boyfriend ?
that damn phone i'm about to throw that shit.
no answer.
no answer again. who the fuck was this negro on the phone with?
“SATORU-“ you yelled, pulling his ear out from his bonnet- being careful not to pull his earring out. sure, you were annoyed at him but you aren’t going to hurt him.
“what the fuck- what? damn.” gojo groaned, putting his phone screen to his chest with an annoyed glare.
who the fuck does he think hes talking too?
“nigga who do you think you’re talking to? i’m not the one stop trippin’.” you crossed your arms, releasing satoru’s ear.
“what did i even do?” satoru responded too calmly- the fucker had a visible smirk on his face too.
silence .
silence is what you “responded” with before smashing your lips with satoru’s, grabbing his white dreads and rubbing his scalp gently- completely opposite from your prior action.
satoru’s tongue licked almost every corner of your mouth, tasting the bitter vodka taste left in your mouth.
you both pulled away with a string of spit following each other's mouths.
“don’t dish out the heat if you cannot take the heat back, darling~!” satoru purred out, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you into his lap.
you tsked in response, resting your head on his neck.
and maybe later that night satoru punishes you by forcing you to cockwarm him for an hour straight.
(you failed after 10 minutes.)
ts is short asl ik but like 🙁
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
Breaking Free: Chapter 3- Finding Light
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Pairings: AU! Mechanic Dean x Reader
Chapter Summary: Dean and Y/N have their first date, and Dean shows who he really is.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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I woke up and glanced at the clock, a frown creasing my face when I saw it was almost noon.
There was a time when I'd rise early, whip up breakfast for Andrew and I, followed by a job and enjoying coffee at the diner. I used to think that our relationship was so normal. You know, like those housewives on TV who seemed so content. But that was just among the surface.
I didn't realize how unnatural our relationship was-the yelling, the screaming, the constant bullying. Now that I'm finally out of it, I see those things for what they were: toxic.
It wasn't normal for my fiance to explode if dinner wasn't ready, to check my texts and calls every night, or to be upset and physically punish me when I had an idea of my own. It took me months to realize that these weren't normal relationship dynamics; they were signs of something deeply unhealthy.
What scares me the most is that Andrew was my only experience with relationships, and now with Dean showing interest, I wasn't sure how I should behave around him. Is it okay to feel this strongly about him so soon? Will he think less of me because I don't know what a real, healthy relationship is?
As if fate was responding, my phone rang on the nightstand, displaying an unknown number. I hesitated briefly before answering and holding it to my ear.
"Hey sweetheart, it's Dean."
Instantly, my worries melted away. There was something about him, something magical almost, because just hearing his voice made me feel better.
"Hey Dean, what's up?"
"I was just wondering if we are still on for tonight? Instead of dinner, I thought maybe I could take you somewhere."
A rush of questions and insecurities flooded my mind. Maybe he didn't want to be seen with me after yesterday, or maybe he wanted to cancel but didn't know how to tell me."
"Y/N? You there?"
"Oh sorry, yeah, if that's what you want to do. I mean, obviously its your decision."
There was a pause, and anxiety started to creep in. Had I said the wrong thing?
He chuckled into the phone, "Uh, I'm glad your thinking of me Y/N, but this is our date. I just wanted to bring you somewhere special. You can have an opinion, you know?" His laugh was reassuring, and I giggled in return.
Of course, he was a gentleman on top of everything else.
"I think that sounds amazing. What time should I be ready for?"
"How does 5:30 sound?"
I smiled to myself, "Sounds good. See you later Dean."
With that, I hung up and placed my phone back on the nightstand. A sigh of contentment escaped me as I thought about tonight. Perhaps this would be the night things changed for me.
Dean seemed like a genuinely nice guy, he hadn't judged me during the incident with Andrew. Maybe he was different from other men.
But as I thought about tonight, my nerves started getting the better of me. What would I wear? Dean hadn't specified if it was a fancy or casual outing. Not getting a clear instruction always made me anxious-I've made that mistake before.
i grabbed my phone and started typing a message, then hesitated, deleted it, and finally sent it. He responded almost immediately.
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I smiled to myself as I read through the messages repeatedly. It was tempting to remain in bed reading them, but I knew I had to get up and start my day before my date later tonight.
As I made my way to my suitcase, I frowned, realizing I had fewer clothes than expected; half of my stuff was still at Andrew’s place, and I had no intention of going back there.
Unfortunately, I had to go shopping. I threw on my coat, grabbed my purse, and headed out, sitting in the car debating where to go. There was a nearby clothing store, but what if Andrew had talked to the staff and made things awkward there? There was another option out of town, but it was quite a distance.
My phone rang, and I couldn’t help but laugh seeing Dean’s name. I answered quickly. “Can’t stay away, huh?”
He chuckled deeply. “You caught me. Missed you already! But, I might need to push our date back an hour. Got stuck at work until 5:30 now instead of 4. Is it okay if I pick you up at 6:30?"
“No worries, that’s fine,” I replied.
“What are you up to today?” He questioned with a smile I could hear.
I debated whether to be vague or share. Part of me wanted to tell him about my day; strangely, he seemed genuinely interested. “Just going shopping. Turns out I need more clothes than I thought.”
“Well, have fun! Where are you headed?”
“Probably the next town over. I know there are a few shops there.”
He paused for a moment, and my heart skipped a beat. “Oh, that’s quite a journey. You must really like those stores,” he teased.
I nervously giggled, playing with my coat zipper. “Not really. Andrew has stirred up a lot of drama around here, and I prefer to avoid it.”
He sighed audibly, his concern evident even through the phone. "Sweetheart, stay right there. I'll bring something to help you out."
I chuckled softly, biting my lip. "Okay. I'll wait here."
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Twenty minutes passed before I spotted Dean’s truck pulling in, a young girl sitting in the passenger seat. Dean smiled at me as he got out and opened the girl’s door.
“Y/N, this is Claire. She's a good family friend,” Dean introduced.
I extended my hand nervously. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Claire smiled back, shaking my hand. “You too. So Dean brought me here to go shopping with you, said people in this town were being assholes to you?”
I felt embarrassed, glancing at Dean who looked apologetic for his improvised plan. “Uh, yeah.”
“Well, don’t worry. People dislike me more than they could dislike you, and I also do enjoy shopping, so let’s go,” Claire said with a reassuring smile.
I laughed, silently thanking Dean for sending her my way. After Dean left, Claire hopped into my car, her manner friendly.
“Dean is crazy about you, it’s hilarious,” Claire remarked.
“Really?” I asked, surprised.
She chuckled. “I didn’t even have a chance to say yes. He was already at my door, pulling me into the truck, saying he needed a huge favor.”
Claire frowned slightly. “Not that hanging out with you is a favour. He told me you didn’t have many friends here, and people weren’t treating you right. He thought we might get along, so here I am. I don't have many friends here either so it works out.”
I nodded, touched by Dean’s thoughtfulness but also feeling a pang of insecurity. It was sweet of him, yet I couldn't shake the feeling of being a charity case.
“Earth to Y/N?” Claire’s voice snapped me back to reality.
I managed a sad smile. “Sorry, I just… I hope this doesn’t seem pathetic. Like Dean had to beg you to be friends with me.”
Claire shook her head, laughing lightly. “Even if it does, he had good intentions. Maybe we’ll become great friends because of this, or maybe not. Either way, let’s make the most of today.”
I nodded in agreement as we arrived at the store. Claire’s easy confidence helped ease my nerves, and I found myself enjoying her company. She didn’t treat me like a charity case; instead, she was sassy and genuine.
As we browsed through clothes, Claire asked, “So what are you planning on wearing tonight?”
I shrugged. “Dean said something comfortable and casual.”
“Are you planning on… you know, tonight?” Claire asked bluntly with a smirk.
I blushed deeply, surprised by her directness. “Claire!"
She chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm straightforward like that. But seriously, are you making any plans, or are you more of a wait-until-the-third-date kind of person?"
The idea of something potentially happening with Dean made butterflies flutter in my stomach. Did he expect us to be intimate tonight? Was that the norm for dating now?
"I honestly haven't thought about it until this moment. Do you think he's expecting it tonight?"
Claire laughed softly and shook her head. "Dean is a true gentleman. As much as he annoys me and gets on my nerves, he's kind, protective, and wouldn't harm a fly. It all depends on what you're comfortable with."
She offered me a couple of shirts, but they didn't quite fit my style. Dean had said to be comfortable, but I also wanted to impress him. The last times he saw me, I wasn't looking my best.
Claire returned with armfuls of clothes, a wide grin on her face. "Changing rooms, let's do this!"
Following her to the back, I stepped into a dressing room as she handed me various outfits. They weren't my usual choices, but surprisingly cute.
I tried on the burgundy leggings, a white tank top, and a jacket Claire gave me. When I looked in the mirror, I was surprised—I felt beautiful for once. The leggings fit my curves nicely, and the top showed off my shape. I knew Dean would be surprised; he's only seen me in baggy clothes before.
Stepping out, I found Claire waiting, her jaw dropping in awe. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "Wowww. Girl, Dean won't know what hit him."
After paying and grabbing a quick lunch, I dropped Claire off at her house. Before she left, she asked for my number, which made me feel valued. It seemed like things were finally looking up.
Back at the motel, I checked the time—it was already 5:30, just an hour before Dean would pick me up.
I was feeling even more nervous now. Dean was coming soon, and I was wearing something a bit more revealing. It was scary, but I had a feeling Dean would like it. I couldn't wait.
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I had just finished putting on makeup and getting dressed when a knock on the door grabbed my attention. Quickly adjusting my outfit, I nervously made my way to the door.
When I opened it, we both paused, taking each other in. Dean looked incredibly handsome in a red button-up shirt layered over a black t-shirt, paired with faded blue jeans. He looked even better than I remembered, if that was possible.
His eyes scanned me from head to toe, and he let out a low whistle before meeting my eyes with a smile. "Wow... Y/N, you look stunning."
Blushing wildly, I fiddled with my hands, trying to hide my flustered grin that probably made me look like a teenager—but he noticed, and it only made him smile wider.
He then pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and held them out to me. "Dean! You really didn't have to get me flowers."
He shrugged, his smile turning a bit shy. "I know, but I thought they might brighten up the motel room a bit."
I leaned in and kissed his cheek, chuckling softly as his cheeks turned red and he looked bashful. He was adorable when he was shy.
After putting the flowers in water, I grabbed my coat and followed him outside. I glanced around, looking for his truck, which caused him to laugh. "You didn't think I'd show up for our date in my tow truck, did you?"
"I wouldn’t judge if you did. Which car is yours?” I asked.
He pointed to the black car, and my jaw dropped. It was the most amazing car I’d ever seen. I didn’t know much about cars, but when I was a kid, my dad had taught me a thing or two, especially about this one.
“Oh my god. No way. A ‘67 Chevy Impala? Those are a rare breed.”
He froze, staring back at me in awe, clearly surprised that I recognized the car and its classic status.
“Whoa, a girl after my heart. You know a lot about cars?” he asked.
I shook my head and chuckled. “No, my dad was the car enthusiast. He collected them. We had a calendar of classic cars, and this Chevy was featured in May. I always thought it was the most beautiful car.”
His smiled wider, “Well, thank you. I love her, and I’m glad you do too.”
“Her? What’s her name?”
He blushed, looking down. “Baby.”
I giggled and playfully nudged his arm. “Does that ever confuse the ladies?”
He chuckled along with me, his blush spreading. “Nah, I mix it up depending on the person.”
“Good to know.”
He opened the car door for me and then walked around to the driver’s side. As he got in, I couldn’t help but be fascinated by the car. I barely noticed when we started driving; it was just such a perfect match for Dean.
He drove for a while, asking about my life-where I came from, how many siblings I had. It was clear he was avoiding talking about Andrew, and I was grateful for that. I turned to face him better, but then I froze. My eyes locked on the cut on his lip and the green bruise on his cheek.
“What?” He asked nervously, offering a smile.
“What happened to your face?” I asked, concern in my voice.
His hand went to his lip, and he nodded in understanding, seeming to have forgotten about his cuts and bruises.
“Oh, uh, nothing really. Family disagreement, nothing major.”
I narrowed my eyes and sighed, feeling a connection. “Look at both of us, the weirdos with bruises.”
He chuckled softly and placed his hand on my leg, squeezing gently. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a rush of emotions like a teenager again.
It took a while to reach the lake Dean wanted to bring me to, and as soon as did, nerves flooded back. This was real-the first date. The night that could shape our relationship. It was more nerve-wracking than I remembered.
He got out of the car and went to the back, pulling out a blanket, a bottle of wine, and a cooler. I couldn't help but smile as my heart warmed; he had put so much thought into our first date, and it meant a lot.
Once the blanket was set up, he sat down next to me and opened the cooler, grabbing snacks for us both.
"Wow, Dean, you went all out."
His cheeks turned a shade of red as he chuckled nervously. "Sometimes I do."
He reached for the wine but hesitated, his eyes searching mine. "Um, is the wine okay or?"
I furrowed my brows in confusion, a nervous smile forming. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
He seemed lost in thought for a moment, as if trying to figure out how to explain something. Then it hit me—he must have heard the rumors around town. He believed them.
I dropped my head, feeling my heart sink. I had thought he, of all people, wouldn’t believe those things about me. But clearly, he was uneasy about drinking, afraid the rumours were true.
He sighed and placed his hand on my leg. “I didn’t mean anything by it... it’s just...”
“You heard the rumors about my drinking problem, and now you’re worried about me,” I finished for him.
His eyes widened, and he put the bottle down, leaning closer. “No! No, not at all! I just...”
He sighed heavily, brushing his hair back in frustration. “Sometimes rumours are spread, and sometimes there’s truth to them, even if it’s exaggerated. I just needed to check, to make sure you weren’t at risk or uncomfortable with drinking.”
He frowned, removing his hand from my leg, clearly feeling guilty. I wasn’t angry at him—I was frustrated with Andrew and those stupid rumors. I just wanted to be myself without judgment.
Turning towards him, I grabbed the wine and popped the cork, taking a sip to ease the tension. He smirked and nodded, taking the bottle from me and joining in.
I sighed and moved closer. “Okay, before our date really gets going, let’s clear the air. No more doubts about me. Tell me what you’ve heard, and I’ll tell you if it’s true. Whether you believe it or not is up to you.”
He nodded, turning to face me. After a moment of thought, he spoke up. “One thing I heard was that you used him and then left, but I already know that’s not true.”
“How do you know that’s not true?”
“Because I was at that motel that day. I saw what he was doing and the look on his face. Also, if you had used him and taken his money, you wouldn’t have come in without a tow truck that day.”
I smiled and nodded. “Good detective work. What else?”
He sighed and handed me the bottle. “That you have a drinking problem and get violent when you’re under the influence.”
“Okay. I don’t have a drinking problem. Andrew did. We went to parties, had a few drinks, and when I stood up to him because of the liquid courage, he blamed it on that. Also, I only hit him once—the day at the motel. That part was true.”
He nodded, his hand returning to my leg in a comforting gesture.
“What else?” I asked, handing him back the bottle. He took a swig and looked down.
“I heard that the bruises on your face were from a bar fight, and you blamed him for it. But again, I know that’s not true.” He laughed.
I sighed and nodded. “I was in a bar fight, technically. I was drinking with my neighbor, and this random girl thought she was hitting on her boyfriend—she actually was—so the girl got in her face. I stepped in, and the girl swung at me. But after that, I went home. My neighbor apparently told her husband I was the one hitting on the guy from the bar, and he told Andrew. When I got home, Andrew was furious and drunk. I tried to walk away, but he…”
I froze, tears welling up as I recalled the painful memory. “He grabbed me and threw me to the ground. That was the first time he hit me.”
Dean winced, his jaw tightening. “Is that when you left?”
I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. “No. I was stupid and stayed. About a week later, I found out he was sleeping with the neighbor. I confronted him, angry and hurt. He called me a liar, said I was drunk and imagining things. So I got even angrier, threatened to leave, and told him I’d expose him for who he really was. That’s when he snapped… I don’t remember much after that—it happened so fast—but I remember the pain of his fists over and over again. I remember seeing the blood on his hands and the smile on his face. I thought, ‘I’m going to die tonight. My fiancé is going to kill me.’ And honestly, at that moment, I was okay with it. The pain he caused me was unbearable.”
My head hung low as I sobbed quietly, the weight of the memories crushing me. Dean pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me protectively. “It’s okay. He’s not going to hurt you anymore. I won’t let him,” he whispered soothingly.
I sighed and looked up, Dean’s thumbs gently wiping away my tears.
“I’m sorry,” I choked out.
His brow furrowed in confusion. “Sorry for what, sweetheart?”
“For ruining our date. I shouldn’t have talked about that.”
He shook his head, holding me tighter. “Don’t apologize. You didn’t ruin anything. In fact, you’ve made me feel even closer to you. I appreciate you telling me. It couldn’t have been easy.”
I shook my head, resting against his shoulder, my arms holding him close. A weight lifted off my shoulders—I wasn’t alone in this anymore. Someone finally believed me.
He kissed my forehead and smiled softly. “Now, let’s sit down and talk some more. We’ll still have a great night, okay?”
I nodded, leaning in slowly to press my lips against his. Each kiss felt like the first, and with each one, I felt myself falling even deeper in love.
It was only our first date, but I knew—I was falling hard.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 4 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 5
Joey's night concludes and preparation for family brunch begins.
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CW: Moderate sim spice. Content Warning Guide
Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Bambino/s (Italian) Male child/children Buongiorno (Italian) Good morning Caro (Italian) Dear Nonna/Nonno (Italian) Grandfather/Grandmother Piccolo (Italian) Little one Zia/Zio (Italian) Aunt/Uncle
Joey wakes up with a start. He’s lying on his bedroom floor?
Marianna: Are you okay?
Joey: Marianna? What happened? We were just…
Joey pushes himself up feeling very confused. He was just at the nightclub. He’s used to the quickness of loading screens but this was something different. His genius mind is telling him to remain calm and gather facts but his paranoid trait is panicking.
Marianna: See I’ve never actually teleported someone with me before, I think I had the calibration off so you kind of passed out
Joey: Passed out? Yeah but- did you say teleport?
Marianna: Yes, I hope you’re okay. I was just reading your mind and I saw your photos and I hoped you might want one of real me
Joey: Reading... my... mind?
Marianna: It’s a thing we can do
Joey: Who is we?
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Marianna: Oh you know… aliens
Joey is taken aback. Aliens? He always knew they were real but the research on their abilities was spotty at best. Unsurprisingly they didn’t exactly offer themselves up for tests. And he’d just…
Joey: Oh please tell me I’m not pregnant. I can’t be pregnant
Marianna: What? No! I’m not one of those ones. I was left in a carrier myself, I wouldn’t do that to a kid. I just… I know I’m a bit older than the other women in the photos…
She looks at the wall and folds in on herself a bit.
Joey: You’re saying… you read my mind, and know that me and the watcher need to keep track of my numbers with photos… and you teleported us here… because you were nervous that I wouldn’t want a photo of you
Marianna: I thought… you seemed to enjoy our time together so… you might want a photo of what I actually look like
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Joey: I’ve never seen an alien before, at least not that I know of. But if you felt enough of a connection when we were woohooing, I’d be honoured to see the real you
Marianna: *smiling* Don’t freak out
Joey tries his best to keep his face straight as Marianna stretches. She changes from the human outfit into a cozy sleepwear number in alien form. It happened so fast Joey isn’t sure he actually saw the change happen. He has so many questions! But he has to remember this is stressful for her to.
Joey: You look amazing. Your eyes are spectacular. Your skin… you were glowing earlier right?
Marianna: *giggles* yes. When our emotions get strong it can be hard to hide and you just… made me feel all kinds of things
Joey: Likewise
He grabs his camera out and gets a shot of her to join the others.
Joey: I’m glad you didn’t mind read about my photos and decide to teleport me into an incinerator
Marianna: *giggles* No! Your mind… You make love but you respect the ones you’re with. Not incinerator worthy
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Joey smiles and moves towards her, taking one of her hands and sliding her closer to him.
Joey: I don’t suppose you in any way used your alien powers on the dating app
Marianna: *blushing* Maybe. But I swear I didn’t coerce you in person, and I double checked your mind before-
Joey cuts her off with a kiss. She puts her arms around his neck and relaxes into him. She may not have been his typical type but seeing her, talking to her, everything that happened in that nightclub was what he wanted. Heck, he was glad she thought him worth messing with an app for.
Marianna: Why
Joey: Hmm?
Marianna: Why are you glad about that
Joey: Oh, mind reading. I guess I’m flattered my profile was attractive enough to warrant your effort. Can I give you a proper thanks?
Marianna: You did in the club
Joey: *whispers* Read my mind. You’ll see I can do better if you'd like to go again
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Smiling Marianna uncurls herself from him and lets him unbutton her shirt and slide her pants off.
Joey: How did you change outfits anyway
Marianna: Oh that outfit was connected to my disguise. Remove the disguise and I can be wearing something else entirely
On his knees now Joey looks up at her.
Joey: Call me biased but I think you look breathtaking wearing nothing at all
Before she can reply Joey pulls her close and lets his mouth go to work. He is intrigued with the noises she makes. He thought he’d heard most of what women could sound like but the alien tone of her voice was something new. When she seems wet enough he stands up and she helps him out of his clothes. He thinks about what they could do next…
Marianna: The third option sounds good
Joey: *laughs* Try to stop reading my mind and just be in the moment
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Joey hadn’t thought he’d be interested in woohoo with an alien but his time with Marianna was making him rethink his stance. A woman is a woman after all, and Marianna certainly had experience. He tried to hold out but with those alien vocals she got him to release even quicker than the last time.
Marianna: *softly* don’t worry, I take it as a compliment
Giving him a final kiss Marianna begins to redress while Joey cleans up. Unfortunately his paranoid brain still hasn’t settled down.
Marianna: Joey, I haven’t impregnated you. Relax
Joey: Is it okay if I like, tell people…
Marianna: *laughs* You’ll have a photo of me on your wall, I’m fairly sure they’ll believe you woohoo’d an alien
Joey walks her to the front door and watches her go, again somehow missing her changing back into her human disguise even though he never took his eyes off her. Pondering the events of the night he locks up and heads to bed, hoping he’ll be able to get enough sleep to put in an appearance at family brunch.
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The sun rises alongside Luna and Devin. In the room next to theirs two toddlers yawn and greet the day, racing each other to their potties.
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While Luna tackles some chores that need doing Devin and Joey pull together to prepare brunch. While Joey works on bagels Devin sorts out place settings.
Devin: Did you have a good night
Joey: I did! I woohoo’d an alien
Devin: *dubiously* How much did you drink
Joey: I’m serious! I’ll show you the photo later
Devin: It’s not an in action shot is it? Because I love you but there are limits
Joey: No! But it’s got me thinking, there must be other occults out there
Devin: Focus on the *Joey spills stuff* food…
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Joey: Don’t panic, I’ll clean it up
Devin: I’ll give you a hand when I’m finished this
Joey: But like I was saying, since aliens do exist on earth some of the other stories must be true
Devin: What stories? Some of us spent our time learning Shakespeare not becoming cryptozoologists
Joey: I wouldn’t woohoo bigfoot! Unless you know bigfoot had a hot human woman form... But if I could land a mermaid, a vampire and say… a werewolf, then I could be the most experienced sim in game! Like how many other sims could claim that achievement?
Devin: Dream big little brother. How’s your game coming
Joey: Slowly, I’ve put the beta out and I’m waiting for reports from play testers. Should be ready for a final polish after brunch though
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Devin: If you need someone who doesn’t understand video games to test I’m happy to help
Joey: *laughs* That’s not a terrible idea sis
Devin: It’s my idea, of course it’s great
The sound of wobbly footsteps can be heard in the corridor, the twins are up.
Joey: Uh oh, here comes trouble
Devin: Buongiorno bambinos! Did you not feel like sleeping in
Alfred: No mama. We be awake for family
Rilian: Yes. Nonno and Nonna coming?
Devin: Absolutely. Did you two get dressed all by yourselves
The twins beam and chatter over each other excitedly before sitting down by the counters and spending time on their tablets.
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Devin: That’s the table set. I’ve pushed the high chairs into the hall so we can all fit. Alfred, Rilian, are you okay with sitting on the bench?
Twins: *too engrossed in screens to reply*
Devin: I’ll take that as yes. Are your bagels finished yet
Joey: Not just yet. Trust the process, they’ll be good
Devin walks over to her sons hoping that they’ll listen more the closer she is to them.
Devin: Any requests for breakfast?
Alfred: Cereal!
Devin: Caro we have cereal when we don’t have guests. On Sundays we get nice breakfasts. Rilian?
But Devin’s picky eater is ignoring the question about food.
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Devin: Mama could make… omelettes, French toast, pancakes-
Alfred: Yes!
Devin: Pancakes, si? Oh looks like Zio Joey has finished making bagels for us. What do we say?
Alfred: Thank you Zio Joey
Rilian: Thanks Zio
Devin: That’s my bambinos. Mama is so proud of you remembering your manners
Rilian: Mama tell Mummy?
Devin: Si, I will tell Mummy
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Joey: When did this stereo break? I swear it was working when I left last night
Devin: I figured you’d probably be the best one to fix it
Joey: *starts fixing* And what if I get electrocuted?
Devin: You know tech, you’ll be fine
Rilian: Go Zio Joey!
Alfred: Zio can do!
Joey: I suppose. Gosh I hope Deanna is getting better at her robots, she got fried last time I visited
Devin: She enjoys tinkering, I guess some zaps are the price to pay. Okay bambinos, mama’s going to make the pancakes
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derfpossessions · 1 year
Influencer My Ass
2 days before the entering.
While at the gym, Xara noticed that there was someone distinctively familiar working out nearby. And there he was, Jeremy. He just finished lifting weights as he passed by Xara. She was in a lot of disgust as she saw him rub off the sweat that accumulated over his glistening body.
“Look at this dumb jackass.. so that’s the boy Sheryl was drooling over about.”
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Jeremy then saw Xara staring at him and asked.
“Hey, have we met before?”, he asked.
“Obviously not.”, said Xara
“Well, do you follow me on tiktok? haha”, Jeremy jokingly said.
“Maybe if YOU were my type. Adios.” Said by an annoyed Xara as she left to go to the change rooms.
“Damn… what did I do?”, Jeremy wondered while looking at her leave.
1 day before the entering.
Xara then went to school with her bestfriend Sheryl. Xara was disgusted to see that Sheryl is thirsting over Jeremy on her phone while they were having a conversation.
“Don’t tell me you’re sweating over that goddamn Jeremy again.” Xara angrily said.
“What?? I find him hot thats all!” Sheryl said.
“Well fuck him. He’s not gonna be a good cause to you. None of those boys will.” Xara replied.
“Listen, Xara. It’s not my fault that you’re queer and so isn’t it yours. It’s TOTALLY FINE if you’re not into men. I get it! But why is it you always wanted me to stop getting one?! I just don’t get it!” Sheryl said with an increasing tone.
“Because I love you!!” Xara screamed.
Both of them went silent. There wasn’t any reply after that. Both of them are in 2nd year University but Xara is at the Arts department, while Sheryl is at Life Sciences. They both parted ways as they went to each of their classrooms.
Sheryl didn’t responded to any of Xara’s messages that day. Night came and Xara’s shift at Starbucks was finally over. She went home and found that Sheryl was already asleep, and she must’ve been avoiding her.
Since Sheryl doesn’t like going to parties and obliged Xara to not to as well, Xara broke her rules and decided to go to the next dorm’s House uni party.
There were lots of people from various departments. It was a way of making fun and making friends.
Xara was sitting alone at the bar counter when suddenly she was offered a drink by a strange woman.
“This your first time?”, asked by the lady.
“Yes. how do you know?”, asked Xara.
“Well, I can read people’s minds. And as I’m reading yours right now, I can tell you have problems.” “Love problems.” said by the Lady.
“Look strange girlie, I don’t know how you’ve managed to dose yourself on drugs this early onto the party but I’m not having it.” Xara started to get frustrated.
“Chillax, hehehe.. I am actually for real. Trust me, I need you to take these pills. These are VERY helpful and is specific for your needs.” The lady replied.
“What needs exactly?” asked Xara.
“Well you wanted to love your bestie right? But she loves a cutie boy? How unfortunate!” the lady giggles.
“Hey stop it! Its NOT funny!”, Xara started to get mad.
“Now now… If you take these pills, you will be able to make her fall in love with you. Well not exactly you though.. if you know what I mean.” the lady said.
“What do you mean..?” Xara asked.
“Dumbass! Do you not get it yet!?! I’m an astral projector! A body snatcher! You should be lucky I’m using my original form right now!” the lady started to get mad.
“Wha..What?!? You could do that?!” Xara got curious.
“Yes! Now hurry up and practice! The process would take an hour!” the lady advised her.
“Well.. who do I use this on though??” Xara asked.
“Well who ELSE would it be besides the boy she’s been THIRSTING over!” the lady replied.
“Je..Jeremyy??? Ewww.. but if I have no choice then.. so be it.” Xara reluctantly agreed.
“FINALLY! Took you long enough to agree. The people who masturbate are waiting!!” the lady said.
“Here’s my address. Visit me once all is finished. I want you to see playing that hunk well. Bye bye now.” the lady left.
Xara went home to her bedroom. Sheryl was still wide asleep. She then looked at the pills while sitting at her bed. There were six of those pills.
“Interesting… maybe I should practice doing it like she said??” Xara then swallowed one to see what will happen.
Intensely, she suddenly had a seizure. Her vision was starting to darken, and she lost her senses of the surroundings. She tried to grasp for air but it was too late. She passed out on her bed.
After a few seconds, Xara woke up, but to her surprise her body was no longer physical. She saw her body laying on the ground while she floats mid-air. She phased through the walls and saw Sheryl sleeping tight.
“Woah… this is soo scary…”
Xara then tried to touch Sheryl, but before she could even do so, she suddenly got warped back, sending her back to her own body.
Xara woke up gasping and panting. It turns out the astral projection only has a limited amount of time before you would return back into your own body. It takes practice to stay as a spirit for longer periods of time, but to do so, the person would have to inhabit another person’s body to prolong the process.
Xara plotted her plan to win her love’s heart. Things are about to go wild and sinister from this point on.
The DAY of the entering.
The day has finally come. Xara’s plans to take Jeremy’s body has taken into motion.
All was set. The pills, the emergency note contact, and the nitroglycerin patch mixed with sedatives. More details on that.
As Xara left the dorm, Sheryl had already went ahead to her class without waiting for Xara.
As she exited the door she paused and went like, “Shit. How do I know where to find him though??”
She took a bus ride and sat down. She opened TikTok and to her luck, Jeremy recently posted a new Tiktok. She knew where she would find him at this time, at the gym.
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Jeremy had just finished doing his legs workout. He decided to take a break and sit down. He was planning to get home.
Xara then overheard him calling someone and was planning to depart the gym, so Xara acted very quickly.
She followed him into the change room, which of course was a tough process and suspicious since she was a woman entering the men’s room. Then she saw Jeremy sitting and getting his clothes. He was packing up and was about to leave. Xara then sneaked up behind the lockers and pulled out the pills. To her surprise, she knocked over a water bottle which caused Jeremy to catch her.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing here?!?” Jeremy got shocked. “Hold on. You’re that rude girl who walked out on me at the gym 2 days ago! Are you stalking me?!” Jeremy said.
“No.. no! I can explain! I can explain!” Xara got nervous.
“I’m giving you 2 minutes before I call the cops. How do I know you’re not some stalker trying to kill me?!” Jeremy backed away.
“Ok look. My little sister is a big fan of you. Sorry if I was bit rude before ok? I was just annoyed by the fact that she keeps talking about you whenever I meet her! You understand?” Xara lyingly said.
“Well.. that makes me feel a little bit better. Haha! Sorry! Is there anything I could help?” He replied.
“Well there is one request I have… can I take a selfie with you?” She replied.
“No problem! Come here bestie!” Jeremy said.
He didn’t knew that were his last words that day. Xara, with her smart moves, slowly pulled out the nitroglycerin patch as she came closer. She followed the lady’s advice one by one.
“Those patches contain nitroglycerin mixed with sedatives. That would make him black out and faint as soon as you put it in. While you are in his body, DO NOT take that out. You will be immediately ejected out of his body as soon as you do so.”
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As Xara came closer to him, Jeremy pulled out the camera to open snapchat.
“Are you ready? You wanna make your sister jealous?” He asked.
“Oh for sure I do.” She said.
“One more thing though, I think this patch would look HOT on you don’t it? This would make you feel and act weird!” She added.
“What.. Oh well, just to make your sister happy I guess!” Both chuckled as she put on the patch.
Jeremy then begin to stutter as he finished taking the photo. He tried reaching for Xara but he just saw Xara standing in front of him before finally losing consciousness.
“You dumb fucking jock. It’s my time to take control of the controller.” Xara grinned.
She then swallowed one of the pills.
“Swallow one of those pills. Then do EXACTLY what you have practiced. When you’re a spirit, enter his body as soon as you can. Be careful though, some spirits might be lurking around in the shadows.”
She went closer to the unconscious Jeremy and started to enter his body. He was lying straight down with his head up, so she positioned herself in the same pose as him.
As her spirit sinks into the body of Jeremy, her arms begin to fit in his like a jacket, her legs began to sink to his legs like pants. She could feel the warmth of Jeremy’s body and the coldness of the floor as she starts to feel her senses return. As her body merges with his, she slowly felt the blood rush in, and later on, she placed her head onto his. It was like wearing a mask, pushing herself down his chin first then starting to see the world through his eyes. Then, it was finished. The possession is complete.
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Xara blinked twice to see that she was now laying down the floor. She smelled like sweat mixed with musk. She first got disgusted by the odor so she tried getting up.
Then she tried to open her phone just to see that the Face ID wasn’t working. She opened the camera then soon realized she succeeded. She IS Jeremy now.
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She then went to the mirror to feel her new body. Her shoulders were more large and formed, her chest flat, she touched Jeremy’s face and noticed that he had red parts on his skin.
“Wha..what…” She began to speak. She got shocked to how deep Jeremy’s voice is, and practiced speaking as to how he would do so.
“Hey it’s Jeremy! Your tiktoker influencer boy!” She chuckled. “I am going to have a LOT of FUN with this.”
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She opened the camera and started recording herself. “Hey Sheryl whats up? You want me huh? Well I’m finally gonna notice you and give you ALLL the love!! Hehehe!”, “Jeremy” said.
And as to her original body, she put her body near the benches for the people to discover. She then prepare to leave the gym, but then realized she didn’t know where Jeremy lived. Good thing she could open his phone and look at the Maps app.
“He” then started to drive back to his home. Yes, HIS home now. As he was pulling over to the nearby gas station, he saw an ambulance at the gym. She then soon realized it was her original body getting pulled away in a stretcher.
“Jeremy” then asked one of the gym people who discovered the woman and asked, “Yo, what happened to that lady over there?”
“Bro I heard the paramedics say she passed out from too much work out I think. Some even said she went to a coma. She’s getting taken to the hospital immediately and her relatives have been contacted.” the dude said.
“Well, that sucks. Sucks to be her right?”, “Jeremy” chuckles as “he” walked away.
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“He” then took a quick selfie of his patio.
“He” was a bit annoyed at how he smelled as he hasn’t changed his clothes yet, but did not bothered to change anyway as “he” ADORED this smell.
As Xara was laughing at Jeremy’s tiktoks, an idea came to her mind. She posted a snap with the caption, “I find all the Sheryl’s hot 🥵😍”. To her surprise, Sheryl, her bestfriend and crush, immediately replied to his snap story, saying “OMG MY NAME IS SHERYL XOXOOXO”. Xara didn’t know if she would be disappointed to how thirsty Sheryl was to Jeremy, or to be satisfied as she was NOW Jeremy.
“Jeremy” then began to make the move. “He” chatted her and the both began to flirt with each other. Jeremy and Sheryl were of the same age after all. Sheryl was so in love, and so is Jeremy, well not him but Xara. The both already said their interests, their horoscopes, zodiac signs, favorite Starbucks drinks, etc. It seemed like Jeremy and Sheryl seemingly share a lot of stuff with each other. The two already planned to meet, and Sheryl immediately wanted to be at a hotel already, but “Jeremy” told her to slow down.
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“He” then took a quick thirst trap selfie to Sheryl, to which she adored and died on.
“He” was overfilled with joy. “His” plans had successfully worked so good. It felt like nothing or no one could stop “him” now.
As the night comes, Xara had finished scrolling through Jeremy’s gallery, his bank accounts, and text messages. She did an hours long study of his life, how he should act, and his friends and relatives. Her stalking made her tired, so she figured that she needed to take some sleep.
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As she slowly lies down to rest though, Jeremy’s father came home.
“Jeremy! How’s my boy!” his dad excitingly asked.
“I’m.. I’m good.. father.” “Jeremy” nervously said.
“Father?!? What am I a priest? HAHAHAAHAH!” His dad laughed and they both giggled.
“What is that on your chest? Injured yourself?”
His dad was curious. Xara got more nervous. Her acts were starting to fall apart.
“Hold on a second. Are you taking steroids my boy? What’s going on?” Jeremy’s dad grew more curious.
“It’s.. it’s nothing! I swear! I’m fine dad!” “He” tried to back away.
“Are you taking steroids?!? Drugs?? Answer me! Why are you acting so weird??”, his dad grew more concerned.
Xara panicked and tried to run away, but Jeremy’s dad pulled Jeremy’s patch and immediately, Jeremy lost consciousness.
“Jeremy! What happened! Are you okay????” His dad tried to wake him up.
Jeremy then woke up. “What.. what happened??” He asked. “I was just at the gym earlier… I don’t remember anything.. I feel drugged..” He added while panting.
Xara was then standing behind them, but now as a spirit. Without a body she could no longer put the patch back. She was hopeless and defeated. She then got warped back to her body, where she woke up at the hospital.
— THE END... for now -
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cthonic-bunny · 11 months
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1. Pick a Card Reading
What is spooking them from advancing this connection?
Spooky season edition- in honor of Halloween weekend! Take what resonates and abandon all that doesn't. This is my very first collective reading, so feedback would be much appreciated! I am using the Darkside Skeleton Tarot deck and the Romance Angels oracle cards for this reading! Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and choose the deck you gravitate to! Left pile is pile 1, middle pile is pile 2, and the pile on the right is pile 3.
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Pile 1-
Cards pulled: Ten of Cups, Ace of Cups, The Magician, Six of Cups, Death, Queen of Pentacles, Page of Cups, and King of Swords
Oracle Cards: "Express your love," "Very soon," and "Heart to Heart Conversations"
Ahhhh, pile 1! This is by far the sweetest pile of the bunch. I actually don't sense much fear at all on their behalf. The lack of progress most likely stems from finding the optimal timing to express their real feelings and plans for this connection's progression. They want to find the right words to say. They want to do things "the right way." They have a romantic side, and appreciate the idea of courting. They want to start off properly so that this connection could have a crack-free, sturdy foundation to support you two through the long-run. They don't perceive this union as one to take lightly. There might be an expectation that this is a relationship meant to last, so we have to get it right before we even begin. I get the sense that they will be very protective of you, and pick up on changes in your emotional state very easily. They are intelligent and well-spoken. I feel like you two might be a little different, but in a way that is complimentary. They can respect you as someone who is at their level, or shares similar values. I think they like how you two would look as a couple in terms of your appearances. They get a lot of satisfaction out of making you blush, or flirting with you. I feel like they wanted to approach you in a romantic context as soon as they first saw you. They might be the type to like to get you flowers. They want this to be emotionally enriching for you both. I see a lot of tenderness and being able to genuinely relax around one another. Your presences might be very soothing to one another, so spending time with one another feels better than not. I don't see it being unhealthy or codependent with this pile. They aren't loud and boisterous, and don't need to intentionally command attention to show their dominance or confidence in a room full of people. Maybe you two met in school, or have childhood friends in common? High school sweethearts, maybe? I feel like they might like to watch sports, or perhaps even play them. You or them might perceive the other as "dreamy." I wouldn't be surprised if one or both of you might have Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer placements (especially pisces for some reason), but maybe even Aries. I feel like they smell good, and their perfume or cologne lingering on you after you see them fills you with butterflies. I also think butterflies might be important to someone in this connection. You like the way they dress. They come off as clean and hygienic. I feel like for some, they grew up financially comfortable or well-off. They might have been taught to be chivalrous. If this is a man, there is something about his energy that reminds me of Conrad from The Summer I Turned Pretty. I think you two might really enjoy drives together, and giggling in the car. I can see someone sharing their hoodie with the other. They might enjoy your music taste or not mind it, even if it is different than theirs. You might have a deeper connection to music than them. if this reading resonates so far, I would just give it time to unfold organically and enjoy the present.
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Pile 2-
Cards pulled: 8 of Swords, 4 of Cups, The Sun, The Fool, 6 of Wands, Judgment, Knight of Pentacles, The Devil
Oracle Cards: "Healing Family Issues," "Love yourself first," and "Separation"
This is easily the most chaotic and confusing pile. This person seems extremely inconsistent, and seems to change quicker than the moon. I get air sign energy from this pile though, especially Libra energy. I don't think they necessarily have bad intentions, but they don't awaken the most positive feelings in you. I think this person tends to get a little ahead of themselves because they are so full of thoughts they can't fully interpret themselves. They think something is a great idea, get super motivated, and then all of a sudden refuses to act or changes their mind. Their flame shines super bright, but burns out quick. I think some of these people might be suffering from addiction or is an escapist. They might have family issues that have really affected them and their adult relationships. If that isn't the case, for a select few of you, you can possibly be dealing with someone who has a family with someone else that they cannot abandon to be with you without causing massive upheaval and chaos in their life. This person is pretty up and down. They might come off as the life of the party, but inside are jumbling a lot of unspoken feelings. They need to learn to love themselves first before they can properly give you the love and commitment they need. I recommend giving this person space to collect themselves. They are not thinking clearly, and might be acting impulsively and carelessly to see what fills a void. They are trying to seek joy and gratification, and want to make sure they aren't making the wrong decision and depriving themselves of the solace they are searching for. They need to sit down and reflect on a lot. Despite making rash decisions, I see they are also really scared of making mistakes that will cast judgment on them. They might overcommit to plans with friends so that they can avoid their inner wounds (I feel like they are kind of popular too). They can be in the middle of some sort of spiral, and it is best to not get too wrapped up in their tornado. "I also hear that they don't trust themselves." I see them as someone who is financially frivolous. All of this isn't to say that they do not care about you as a person, but they might be too wrapped up in discovering themselves to truly give you the intimacy and stability you might crave. Give them time to come back down to Earth.
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Pile 3-
Cards pulled: 9 of Pentacles, The Hermit, 7 of Cups, 5 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, The Emperor, The High Priestess, The Lovers
Oracle Cards: "Forgiving and learning," "Romantic feelings," "Honeymoon"
Pile 3! For some reason, I can't stop thinking about this person as being a little bit on the alt side. Maybe they have wavy/curly/or messy hair and it is one of the things you find the most attractive about them. They might skate, or look like they skate I feel like? They look like a "sad boy" or maybe an "e-girl" depending on what gender you are inquiring about. I feel like they might like to read a lot, or are starting to get into reading. They give me Aries energy, or maybe another fire sign. I think their fears on furthering this connection with you comes from fears of not being good enough or fear of rejection. I think this person is going through changes and re-evaluating their past mistakes and tendencies so that they can become a more stable and mature version of themselves. I think they are a hopeless romantic at heart, but they are also someone who requires a lot of reassurance. I think they need to spend a lot of time with you before they can feel comfortable expressing their feelings because they are constantly trying to read the vibe of the room. They might be extremely self-aware or sensitive to their environment to the point it can become really overwhelming to them to process so much at once. They might be the type to ruminate on the things they said to someone once they leave that social interaction. I think they might be waiting for you to give them a definite sign first before confessing their feelings so that they know they are not crazy and misreading the dynamic. I feel like they might have a small circle of friends, but they are super important to them. I think they find you to be gentle. They might love to daydream a lot. They get lost in their thoughts and forget time is passing that they don't really make a move. They might be assertive and quick-witted in other situations, but not so much in love. They might be the type to enjoy watching romantic comedies with you. They want a relaxed love. They are a softy, I feel like. I also wouldn't be surprised if they also have Pisces or Taurus placements. Maybe they were born in June, or June is an important month for you two? They would not want to share you with anyone else, and would want to make sure you have feelings for absolutely no one but them. They will not handle that heartbreak well, and will lament on it for a very long time. They think very deeply and ponder as well. If it is a man, I can sense them being in tune with their feminine side. They also might be very intuitive. I feel like they will defend the ones they love with every ounce of their being. Introducing you to their friends might be a bigger gesture than you think. I think they just need to work on their confidence. Reassurance is big in this pile. I think they like to watch and admire you, and appreciate your physical beauty.
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