#I Will Fill The Gap
cozylittleartblog · 2 years
Hiii, I love your art so much and I adore the way you draw Swatch. What's your opinion on swatchton? 👀
i don't usually answer ship opinion asks unless i'm fond of it myself out of respect for the Differently Opinionated but i Realized something the other night that kinda got a ball rolling for me. that "color cafe is also a host club" headcanon was funny, and then i remembered MONTHS late the line about spamton once being a loyal customer of theirs. ...that falls into place a little too well.
i mean the concept of he and swatch being exes is good (so much divorce in this game and we can add even more) but spamton thinking he's so famous now SURELY they like him back even though it's literally their job to flirt with customers so they spend more money? unparalleled 😂 i can see them kind of being friends though, he is a Funny Little Dude, and swatch never thought anything more of his frequent visits because queen, Their Bestie, stops by all the time too and there's nothing more there either. food good, music nice, birds pretty, why Wouldn't you want to come here?
... though i don't think they'd care if they knew he was interested in them in any way. so are literally hundreds of people, get in line <3 the cafe probably has a "no trying to propose to our staff" rule. they're too dedicated to the Butler thing anyway
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Amatonormativity has destroyed so many people's understanding and acceptance of themselves, and it's heartbreaking.
Yes, it is normal to be in your 20s, 30s, or older and not have lost your virginity, had a first kiss, or a partner. It is normal to say that you aren't ready for those things, too! It is normal if your life doesn't follow the "college graduate -> engagement -> buying a home -> 2.5 kids and a dog" trajectory that so many people have idealized.
So many people associate maturity with losing your virginity, or having a first kiss, or a serious relationship, and I think that's a dangerous association. Maturity isn't gained through those things, and you don't have to have those experiences to be considered "mature" or "grown." It is not a bad thing to go at your pace. Nobody else can live your life but you. If you end up having those experiences, that's great! But it should be done because you want to experience them, not because you feel "broken" and "immature" without them.
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ao3commentoftheday · 7 months
managing creative envy
Just like in other areas of our lives, it's easy to be jealous of others when we create in fandom spaces and post online - the online aspect of fandom just offers more opportunities for it. Hits, kudos, comments, reblogs. Whatever unit of measurement you look at, there's always some number out there ready to tell you who's "better" and who's "worse" at whatever creative endeavor you engage in.
Except that none of those numbers actually gauge skill or quality.
When we're jealous of those numbers, what we actually wish we had isn't bigger numbers, it's attention. Reassurance. Excitement. Community. Whether the number is 5 or 5000, that's what it represents. We want those things and that other person has more of them, and so we end up jealous.
To manage that jealousy, we need to understand what we need and then find ways to get it. It might not come from posting on AO3, but maybe it comes from a local writer's group. Maybe there's someone in your life that you wish cared a little more about your "silly stories" and took you more seriously when you spoke about writing. Maybe what's missing isn't related to writing at all and it's more about having someone who cares about you and thinks you're important.
But numbers are just one thing to be jealous of. Perhaps the envy is instead because of another person's abilities. They come up with such interest plots! They have such fun ideas! They always have the perfect words, the singing phrases. For them it's easy, and for me it's just impossible!
Whether it's easy for them or not isn't what's making us envious, though. It's not about them and their abilities at all. It's about feeling like our own skills are lacking. The envy comes in because that person has what we want and don't yet have.
If we want to get past this type of envy, we need to refocus our energy away from being sad or angry or hopeless because another person is able to do something. Focus instead on celebrating the things we already do well. Take the time to notice improvements. Identify specific things we want to do better, and figure out how to learn. Remember, asking for help is always an option - and it might even lead to that feeling of community that might be lacking too.
Emotions are information that we need to take the time to interpret. Take the time to reflect on what's causing it. Find the thing that's missing from your experience and then figure out how to fill the gap.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 3: Enveloping Feelings.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 (soon))
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#I wanted to try out a different paneling style for this one - sorry I'm a day late! (there will still be a post tomorrow to keep on track)#The original 3 panel comic idea was fine but the point of this new schedule was to take time to push myself a bit more.#I was taking a look back through some comic artists I felt inspired by#and I really loved how Lynda Barry fills her gutters with patterns and doodles!#Obviously I'm not going as absolutely wild with it as she does but it was a great exercise!#I truly think the gutters are the most important and most overlooked part of any comic. There's lots going on in that space.#It's the same with timeskips. The implied movement between moments that we don't see changes depending on how wide that gap is#You're here for the funny tags so here's some that ties this time talk together:#I think LWJ was thinking about that second note from day 2 but it took him 7 days of hazing to commit it to paper.#I think he sends it a day later and immediately regrets it. Chasing down the messenger and everything.#You know if something actually happened to his brother he would never ever forgive himself for putting the bad vibes out there.#Third time skip was the hardest because there was so many possible flavours of jokes here. Day 8/9 was a personal favourite.#day 14 was also funny (week by week). I think the debate on 'how long does lwj take to catch feelings' is more or less:#'how long does it take for him to arrive at a particular stage of grief and yearning (and awareness of it all)#This is a symphony. There is an act by act structure. Every day he is fighting to keep his old sensibilities. He is losing so badly.#(I'll be returning to the main comic soon but there is more of this AU to come!)
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abyssruler · 9 months
no thoughts. just zhongli’s territorial instincts rising up after you return from fontaine stinking of another dragon’s scent. and neuvillette nuzzling his face in your neck to scent you every time you have to leave for liyue.
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mabbbish · 1 year
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wonderful day to remember ninjago has a canon highschool au
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molinaskies · 8 months
An interesting “side effect” of the canonization of the “classic era” meaning “younger era” is that the classic era now reads as “cute fun times” before the core cast became teenagers/tweens and things got super, super complicated.
Because the characters are “younger,” there’s an air of “little rascal innocence” to everything they do now. The new releases like Mania and Superstars now feel like little throwbacks to the young heroes just learning how to work together and make a difference in the world.
I don’t think this is a bad thing at all.
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marisatomay · 7 months
“I can’t believe Tom Cruise of all people would stand up for his agent, a Muslim Libyan-American woman, who was being publicly blacklisted for her support of Palestine and calling out the ongoing genocide, including making a rare in-person appearance to CAA headquarters in LA to express his support for her. What a strange person who can ever guess what opinions he will have.”
Look. I’ve studied Tom Cruise a lot. One could even call me a Cruisologist. (Not to be confused with. Well.) And, it’s actually really easy to predict Tom Cruise’s opinion on something. The tricky part is whether it will be made public in a timely manner or not and, if it’s made public at all, will it be a lede buried in favor of pushing a narrative sold on background by a studio exec he pissed off because he didn’t roll over and take their bullshit.
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a2zillustration · 2 months
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Gale and I had the exact same reaction when we opened that door.
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its-roachii · 11 months
totk spoilers ///
"Where am I?" (part one)
★ next ★
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roleswap au pages 1-4. these are some of the more boring pages so i figured i'd get them out of the way. expect more pages soon >:)
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bonojour · 11 days
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house and wilson seeing each other for the first time in months in s08e02
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robindaydream · 1 year
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Movie night with the gfs.
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bardicblast · 4 months
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sewstarry · 4 days
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meet gamma! he's a palm-sized green korbat plushie (from neopets), designed, patterned, and sewn by me.
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parkercore-69 · 3 months
what can i say guys i’m a sucker for toxic yaoi (i’m perpetually single and i cry to car seat headrest)
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lineffability · 10 months
"I set up a suggestion box."
"You what?"
"I, I set up a suggestion box. In Heaven. For me, I mean, not for God, that would be-- uh. Well."
"That would be what?" Say it, angel.
"That... that would fall on deaf ears, I think." I still can't; it's sacrilege.
"Why did you do that?"
"The, the box?"
"Do you not remember..? Well, I suppose you might not..."
"I do. I think I do."
"Then why do you ask?"
"Because... well, angel, I don't think you need one. Do you?"
"I'm just... trying, Crowley."
"And how's that working out for you? Any suggestions so far?"
"Yeah. Yeah, uh, one."
"What's it say?"
"It said: Resign, Archiraphale."
"Archiraphale, huh?"
"I have a suggestion."
"You do?"
"Get rid of the suggestion box."
"You're the best suggestion they have, just by being up there. If they can't see that, see you, which of course they don't, then no suggestion they make will be worth a damn."
"Just. Be careful up there, Aziraphale. Pl-- Okay?"
"Yes. I am. Of course. Crowley, I... I miss you."
"Yeah." I miss you too. Angel, you have no idea...
"Is it okay-- Would it be too much to-- Can I contact you? Somehow?"
"...maybe. Yeah. I guess I could-- you could leave a note. I could set up a suggestion box."
"I don't want to make any suggestions. I just want to-- talk. And uh. Apologize. I want to apologize."
"Don't need a suggestion box for that. Just need an... er, an apology box."
"I'm sorry, Crowley. Look at me, please. I am so sorry. Let me explain?"
"I'm sorry, too. Okay. Okay, okay, okay. Don't make me regret this. You can leave a letter. Mailbox."
"Thank you. I will. I... need to go back, now."
"Sure. Archiraphale... wow, I can't believe they developed a sense of humor. Wait, take this."
"A note?"
"Mhm. For the suggestion box."
Insultors will be smitten. -- AZIraphale
"Thank you, Crowley. I don't think 'insultor'... thank you." Protecting me makes him so happy. Still?
"Sure." Always.
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