#I added some pre lore to this cause why not
sourtomatola · 9 months
Camelot AU Comics
The kingdom used to be quiet and peaceful, but the king had seemed to be going mad. His court knights taking children off the streets, to never be seen again.
The disappearance of one particular child had cause such an uproar, that the kingdom fell into chaos.
As the town breeched the castle grounds, the court seemed to understand the outcry and turn against the king and his family. Before anyone could lay a hand on the king, his suit seemed to miraculously malfunction, and impale him with his own safety locks.
HIs body being left on the floor, his corpse was never found, and neither was the remains of the royal family.
Now without a ruler, the kingdom filled with fear. who would rule them? Who should step up for such a roll?
The day after the royal families disappearance, a sword appeared in the anvil of the churchyard. Engraved in the handle was the words "This sword will serve the one true king."
Many tried to pull the sword, but all failed. The sword was left alone for almost a decade.
Then, episode 1, season 1 happened.
Season 1
First | part2 | part3 | part4 | part5 | part6 | part7 | Part8 | part9
Season 2
Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 | Part6 | Part7 | Part8 | Part9 | part10 | Part 11
Season 3
Part 1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 | Part6 | Part7 | Part8 | Part9 | Part10 | Part11 | Part12
Season 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part6 | Part 7 | Part8 | Part9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
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asocialangel · 1 year
I love your writing!! I was wondering if maybe I could request headcanons dating kunigami before the wildcard. I hope you’re having a good day :)
Thanks a lot ! And of course, here you go~ I just finished watching the anime (i’m a manga girlie) so my memory of pre-WildCard kunigami is v fresh😎, lucky you~ I added other characters too <3 I can do a part two if characters get requested (comments or inbox)
How is Dating the BLLK boys like ?
HeadCanons about dating these cuties
Rensuke Kunigami, Niko Ikki, Ranze Kurona
Kunigami (before the wildcard)
Okay so, he might have that gentleman aura, he might be very rather daring, but in the end, it feels like it’s first time really loving someone.
Even if it weren’t his first love or first relationship, it still feels like it
He can be so awkward, not really knowing what to say, what to do… It’s new to him
Good news is, he improves very fast! 
And improving is his goal anyways: he wants to be the best version possible for you. 
Quickly, he’ll learn to read your expressions, to remember your taste and to pick up on what you like or not.
(I hope you put in as much effort to love him ;) ! ) 
And dare I say, after this adjusting phase, he becomes a rather good lover.
Like the typa lover that reads your mind. 
Seriously, he always knows which restaurant you’re in the mood for, he guesses what color roses you’d prefer, he remembers that you like weak coffee over a strong one…
When it comes to boring choices it’s like the two of you don’t need to converse, you just know for one another.
But apart from that, I feel like he’s on the talkative side.
He’s always quick to ask you how you’re doing when you meet up
Even through text, he loves checking up on you, sending you posts he likes and reacting to yours. 
He’s not the type to hesitate saying ‘i love you’
I mean, he’s proud of loving you, he’s confident in his feelings for you, he wants you to know them… Pragmatic
But he was still shy to tell his friends the two of you were dating. Why so ? Idk, maybe he felt like it was such an intimate subject to bring up.
But now that the cat’s out of the box, he’s very chill about it.
Therefore he doesn’t mind PDA, although he lets you initiate it
Apart from that, he loves to smother you with kisses.
Morning ? kisses. Cooking ? kisses. Bellyache ? kisses. Any excuse is good.
So to resume, I feel like dating kunigami is like finding support, a friend that always understands you and cares for you.
I feel like the love between you two grew over time
You used to be friends until one of you felt like it might be more
Probably him
Nothing changed tho, but you soon realized you felt the same 
Your relationship switching from platonic to romantic was never officialized tho
It just, happened. Like at some point you were too close for anyone, you two included, to keep calling each other friends. 
It was so natural you don't even remember when the first time the word ‘couple’ was employed, nor why. 
Anyway. You two are pretty alike, introverted, quiet, resolved.
You both don’t mind being silent together
If anything you love it
Good thing, cause it happens a lot
Sometimes, at the most random times, Niko tells you the most eye-opening, life-changing, sickening lore about himself. Like out of the blue. 
Then you stand in social settings, with informations that no one else have, having to pretend you know the same Niko as they do
There’s so many things you didn't expect from him, whether it’s small habits, small quirks about him or thoughts he has.
Like one thing you discovered after becoming his lover is that he’s not very resourceful sometimes ? 
Like baby boy had never thought of toasting his bread in something other than a toaster, like an oven or a pan ??  
He also notices a lot of tiny details. That’s adorable and you didn't expect it.
He for example knows that you eat farfalle over spaghetti when you’re feeling down.
Or he really seems to like watching the wind blowing through tree’s leaves. He only said it once, but now you always notice him standing under them. 
When it comes to PDA, he is a rather reserved boy.
Maybe not shy, but modest. Like he likes to keep things private
But he can’t resist holding your hand.
HandS*. He loves to take them both and play with you, especially when he’s bored.
And behind closed doors, he’s very cuddly, in a soft way. 
And for more… Let's say you’re usually the one to make the first move. He never refuses tho.
Loving him is learning that love is something that grows, not necessarily a striking intense feeling that fades over time.
First of all i really feel like you had a crush on him first
Like he’s so focused on his own world that he’s oblivious to love and stuff like that.
But the second you forced your way into his universe (no pun intended ;o), he didn't last long
Like he fell head over heels FAST. 
You kinda had to force him to notice you and consider you tho
And when he understood you liked him and not just liked him, he got super shy. 
Your persistence (in a cute not stalker way >:() got the best of him
He likes how casual and confident you are with your feelings
But at first he didn't want to fall in love, like what if it distracted him from football ?
Anyway, you two getting together kinda shocked everyone.
You form such an unusual couple
Bold yet quiet you, nonchalant yet considerate him
Even so, you guys are two peas in a pod. You do everything together
Often in silence, but together. Like brushing your teeth, revising, show each-other funny videos
But… Kurona has a secret: he’s talkative ! 
That genuinely surprised you when you got the honor of getting close to him, and being considered as a person he could trust. 
He rambled on about things. Like sometimes he goes on and on about his fav’s new song that just released, or how giving ducks bread is actually dangerous
A while after getting together with you, Kurona admitted that he hesitated doing so because it would bring so much attention to him, since you’re outspoken and good-looking…  Is that supposed to be a compliment orr ?
He can get so shy and awkward, but Kurona really loves you. He always thinks of you when seeing random things, and is the type of boy that buys you a single flower at least once a week (he can't afford a whole bouquet).
In your relationship, you’re often the one to take initiatives, even when it comes to holding hands. 
But now that he feels more at ease, he often goes for it first. 
He doesn't mind PDA at all cause he tends not to notice other people's gaze, he’s in his own world. 
But kisses in public make him blush cause it draws too much attention ;)
It took you a while to get to his heart, but it was most definitely worth it. Now you’re engraved in it forever. 
A\N: lol, as someone who’s never dated before, this almost feels ironic for me to write these TT.
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wildpeachfarm · 4 months
Hi, Moku!
It’s been a while. Life has been a whirlwind of hurricanes and tornadoes mixed with occasional sunshine and rainbows recently, and I’ve been tackling everything I can. (Congrats on making it through another academic year, and for completing finals).
Not to beat a dead horse here, but I just wanted to input my thoughts on the q.smp bs happening.
Obviously, I hope all the workers who were wronged and never fairly compensated for their free labor, win their lawsuit and get more than what they’re owed for dealing with that narcissistic, egotistical, clout-chasing fuck. Now that I’ve said that, moving on to my thoughts.
I’ve seen discussion on how many servers are popping up post-dsmp era, and I have some thoughts on that.
Pre-dsmp, the only other SMP I heard of was Hermit-craft SMP. Then, we went through a deadly, lengthy, life-altering, and generational changing pandemic, which forced the world inside. The dsmp arose out of that, cause with everyone being at home, there wasn’t much to do. The gaming sphere/streaming sphere was dominant in a way I’d never seen it before, and it was incredible to witness. Minecraft especially experienced a resurgence, and Mr. Greenman himself was a huge part of that-through manhunts and the dsmp.
Unlike the nature of the q.smp, and some of these other short-lived smps, the dsmp started authentically. It was originally a server meant for Dteam to play on together and just have fun with each other. Then Dream added some of his friends and those friends knew people who they thought would enjoy the server and it just kept growing. Eventually, when all these people were added, the lore started, and that took the server to new heights and popularity (everyone loves a good story, regardless of the method of storytelling).
Dream himself never streamed his perspective, so as not to take away viewers from the notably smaller streamers on the SMP (which is opposite of a certain duckwhodoesntquack who only streams his perspective). He was also an active member in creating the lore/storylines of not only his character, but others as well (a certain unapologetic abusive cc was a big part, as well but we don’t talk about “Bruno”). Again, this is opposite of the q.smp, as the owner had people write the lore for him, and then was also never satisfied with what was written.
I think one of the biggest differences was the dsmp wasnt meant to be a roleplay server. It happened cause the people occupying the server wanted to do it, and made that decision on their own. It wasn’t marketed as a “passion project” so there wasn’t much build-up and hype for its release/existence (until after the lore started, and then it became more hyped). There was no competing server of its kind, cause the only other one that most people knew about had long since been established-the notoriety, popularity, and clout was already there, and didn’t need to be earned.
And the biggest difference of them all, no one got payed. There were not “workers” meant to move the server along; everything happened via the streamers themselves. So although there were some communication issues, there were no legal issues cause no one was being payed, unless you streamed playing it on a streaming site and made the money through donos.
It breaks my heart watching the q.smp play out like this, cause if it was done in good faith and genuineness, it could’ve been so good-bridging language barrier gaps and creating endless opportunities to learn a language you don’t know, and/or a culture you also don’t know-but it fell victim to a greedy owner and all good qualities were made null. I hate that this is how it transpired, especially for those that were working for free, and everyone who got doxxed/swatted over this.
TLDR; dsmp’s authenticity, genuineness, lack of greed from the owner played into what made it so successful. They’re also the reason it can’t be replicated, because it wasn’t manufactured- it just happened. And that’s why all these other servers have failed before they started, only lasted a bit of time, or ended up buckling under the consequences of the decisions of the owner. Dsmp is THAT girl and she will always be.
I’m sorry this was so long; has a lot of thoughts. Thanks for reading this anyway, and I hope this finds you well.
Have an amazing day, and don’t forget to be kind to yourself!
-L :)
Yeah I 100% agree i think something that a lot of newer servers lack is genuine authenticity that isn't built off of an expectation or hope of fame. the dsmp was never even supposed to be something other than a chill server between the dteam so obviously their intentions when just starting out were nothing but pure. However, there is no denying that anyone who made a server after that had the fame of the dsmp in the back of their mind- it's just impossible with how famous the server got.
And with how sterile the qsmp felt with how much the rp was pushed onto the streamers and the fact that there was essentially a business being run through the server, it killed the authentic feeling of everything (if it was even there to begin with)
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daystarvoyage · 3 months
Hey! I know most people like to imagine Philip's reaction upon seeing Lilith centuries later and realizes that she's the one who punched him in the face but hear me out and imagine this:
Ghost Caleb who's following his brother around/ Papa Titan watching Philip through the cubes and both sees Lilith punching Philip in the Deadwardian era: .... He deserved that...
Both men centuries later, seeing a younger Lilith and recognizes her: OMG, it's her! *immediately starts the countdown when will Lilith go back in time*
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hmmm, I do feel you're talking about the interactions with the claw-thrones & witter banes in the show,
SO I'm going to make this elaborate answer,
But I have a lot to add along this by ranting in my input.
Yes, I do feel that was a lost opportunity to flesh out these groups more, cause Eda is a main character, with Lilith being her sister, which should've been explored properly.
along with their family Gwen & dill, they were the coolest characters shown, Gwen to be exact ever since her debut showing off her magical prowess.
The father's Name I think?, I feel he never got proper exposure except for that strained family moment episode, and that’s it so that’s a missed opportunity.
(SIGH It's weird how they treat the MEN in the show very weird, cause they didn’t make a prominent impact like the females, ANOTHER TOPIC SOON.)
we never get any future closure within the series centered around the family, cause they could've made room to due alot, let alone even a conversation, or more advancements on how IDK the palismen can properly excel the magic system within the show CAUSE DILL HAS KNOWLEDGE OF THEM.
As for lilith time travel episode,
Ghost Caleb Shoudve made a debut in season 2 instead being muddled with discourse to have more characters who haven't had proper spotlight to Get to know them being overshadowed.
I mean its a fantasy show, you have to have proper worldbuilding and lore being talked about more, Which the whole show-and-tell thing didn't work out cause it was never explored again, plus the time travel aspect should've contributed a lot more but was played off just for bplot manner that should've been bigger, (unlike another episode with one bplot overtook a certain characters spotlight?!)
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LIKE THE WITTERBANE LORE BEING RUSHED and the only achievement that Lilith got after your fans treated her badly,
(with Camilia who’s a good mother, SO WE DONT WELCOME TOXIC HATERS HERE.)
For Lilith to get in your good graces is just punching Phillip, OR BEING KNOW AS AROACE cause when your sexuality wins with no proper character development or Writing in the Owl House. (which is understandable cause lgbt media has been taboo throughout times.)
but not properly give nuance on why I know she wanted to have objectives, please we need Good writing characters plz.
(besides Lilith befriending Phillip in the time travel episode.)
Lilith development i feel should've been placed in an organized manner. I Swear the show treats its adults in a useless adults or demonizes them if they don't let their favorites get there way. shunned them retcon them or not celebrated more compared to the other popular characters. SMH
so heres term for it
(not to mention their characters being retconned at times.)
it felt they got off easy with her ever since I watched pitched bibles of her being antagonistic, (along her run of the show), as time goes by, We got to see which contributed that, that should've been explored
as for the yes along Papa Titan ordeal, I felt they should've made him more impactful cause he is a literal god yet he's just made as a joke for luz to revive herself. COME ON
all i know is the Witterbane & Clawthrones should've had more interactions with A POWERFUL GOD SMH, cause dill had knowledge of some powerful items that could've contributed to the story but he was sidelined, the way they shelved half the characters is just wow
So hope this answers all your questions and thanks for sipping tea with me more topics on my youtube Channel - Daystar Voyage
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erenaeoth · 11 months
i apologise for clogging your asks with this nonsense but the plotbunnies will not leave me. i must know - per the T7 retcon, heihachi is already trying to destroy/control/understand devil as early as pre-T1. yeeting kazuya, fathering lars, etc. With this context, I have an AU-style question - what would Heihachi do if he knew Jun existed during or immediately after T2? What would he do if he knew she was carrying Kazuya's son (and devil's heir?) i need jun and heihachi interactions, stat
Devil Lore In Early Games
I'm not a fan of treating additional information added late into the story as conflicting with previous lore, and since all we have to go on are the canonicity of the main games and their manuals etc, I take as a given that there are no retcons.
In Tekken 7 it's revealed that Heihachi saw Kazumi fall prey to a series of illnesses in which she often became violent. She recovered from these, until one day she didn't, and transformed and attacked Heihachi.
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Heihachi at this point has no clue what this 'illness' is, other than that it seemed to cause some kind of transformation in his wife. He doesn't know if its transmissable, he doesn't know who has it or why it happened.
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We know that young Kazuya held Heihachi responsible for Kazumi's death. And that Heihachi responded by throwing his son off a cliff. He seems to have been concerned that his son too had this 'illness', and likely was deeply paranoid after Kazumi's attack. He also just thinks Kazuya is weak and detests this weakness. Throwing Kazuya off a cliff serves all Heihachi's interests. When Kazuya climbs back up he confirms two important things for Heihachi: 1) Heihachi is right to be suspicious about supernatural power in his son 2) Kazuya is not weak, and is therefore worthy of being his heir. The second of these is more important to Heihachi. He will raise Kazuya even if it's only to kill him later.
Cue some years later and Heihachi still is unsure what Kazumi's illness is. Kazuya's devil form likely never manifested in his childhood, since he seems to have been able to surprise Heihachi with it in the first Iron Fist Tournament. Heihachi presumabley continues to torment himself over his wife's betrayal and decides to see if he too has been 'infected' or something has passed from Kazumi to him the way it may have done to Kazuya. He's not going to put himself on the line, so instead he fathers a child. Lars presumably undergoes some kind of life-threatening experience and Heihachi sees he does not have the same power Kazuya does.
All through the games, Heihachi continues narrowing down and seeking to understand what the nature of this 'illness' is and how it affects those infected by it. Not until Tekken 4 is it isolated as a genetic trait passed down by blood.
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Because of the way the 'illness' passed between Kazumi and Kazuya, Heihachi was likely suspicious of Jin as soon as he came to him. He needs evidence however, but he also needs and heir, someone to adore him and look up to him, and someone to use as bait. The threat of the Devil Gene is always treated as of secondary importance to Heihachi until later games where he becomes more anxious about his old age and starts to seek power like that of the devil for himself.
What if Heihachi knew of Jin immediately post Tekken 2?
So if Heihachi had known of Jin earlier, I doubt much would have changed. He would have pressured Jun to come and live with her son on the Mishima Estate and he wouldn't have taken no for an answer. He would have had Jin nomatter what, even if it meant resorting to kidnapping. Heihachi loves the idea of family and legacy, and as far as he's concerned, Jin is his, and belongs on the Mishima Estate growing into his inheritance. Jun would have had an extremely difficult time keeping Heihachi from Jin if he found out about them. Perhaps she would have conceded to live on the estate in a small hut like Wang, and tried to cut her losses.
Heihachi would have continued on exactly as he did for Kazuya and exactly as he did for Jin - raise them, teach them his martial art, test them, then try to kill them. He takes pride in the strength of his heirs and this sits alongside his desire to destroy them as threats. Really the Devil Gene is a convenient excuse. Heihachi destroys those close to him regardless of whether they're devils or not. He humiliated and abandoned Lee and he abandoned Lars only to try and manipulate him when he was of use to him later. There's no one in Heihachi's family more important to him than himself.
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aster-pkmn-irl-real · 29 days
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more notes under the cut in case you want lore. it's supposed to say 'spell & trap zones' i was just rushing when adding in the notes. idk what tumblr will do to the quality so maybe click on the images
duel disk is based off of the d-pad model from zexal and the standard duel disk from arc v. i used rio and kaito's duelists for the most inspo
lowkey if you weren't here pre-redux this is a really good hint as to plans for @aspens-dragons lmfao
number hunter! works with kaito.
they are colleagues and brothers and best friends and mortal enemies and partners (like in the two guys who open a diner together but ten years later one of them wants to turn it into a chain and one of them wants to stay small and they part ways way. you understand.)
got involved with barian bullshit at a relatively young age [see below]
when he was about 11, he was a close friend of kite tenjo, and by proxy haruto tenjo, which eventually led to him also frequently hanging out in dr. faker's lab. not in like a child labor way, in a aspen is a fucking nerd and accidentally overheard something about parallel universes and refused to leave lmfao.
at some point [roughly 2-3 years, age 13-14] after the disappearance of byron arclight and kazuma tsukumo aspen started helping out with faker's plans; at one point, faker DID manage to open a second portal to barian, but it was unstable and vector wasn't there this time. as a result aspen, in true rotumblr fashion, fucking fell into barian.
he came back about 2-3 years before the WDC, around 15-16 years old, super fucking traumatized, with no idea what traumatized him and a card!! galaxy eyes cipher dragon.
in the time between then and the WDC he reconnected with Kaito obviously, but also restlessly improved his dueling skills; he went through the same training that kaito, droite, gauche, and various others did to be number hunters and well. hes certainly a number hunter. it was at this point that aspen became aware that he 'came back wrong' but he could never tell if he really came back wrong or if he'd just grown. it was also at this point that he and kaito saw each other as more rivals than friends, partially because of this, but also because they were both galaxy eyes users.
in all honesty, aspen doesn't know why he wanted to be a number hunter. he was never particularly invested in dueling before he fell into barian, but once he returned he found that he never felt the same sense of being alive outside of a duel. being a number hunter was a way of doing that.
additionally, as one of the few people aware of what happened to arclight and tsukumo, he felt that being a number hunter was the only way to find out what happened to him. despite caring about haruto, he really had nothing to do with his motivations to be a hunter.
post wdc arc i think he and kaito are on better terms mostly because haruto is not fucking dying
i think with the barian arc he is barely involved until mizael shows up and now it's like. 'ah fuck ANOTHER galaxy eyes? i have ANOTHER guy on my hitlist AND he's a barian? epic!!"
a lot of his dynamic with mizael involves attempting to interrogate him about what happened to him in barian during their duels. partially cause he did get his galaxy eyes from barian.
i dont actually know for sure what happened to him in barian.
my serious idea is that he tumbled into the barian sea and accidentally encountered don thousand. considering aspen was very young and scared and vulnerable it's very possible that don thousand saw him as an opportunity akin to vector later on and used him a a potential little hot guy until he got bored, and that is how he got his galaxy eyes.
my joke idea is that vector found him. which. yeah. its vector. and gave him the galaxy eyes just to fuck with mizael later on.
and thats it
i think he duels mizael with kaito on the moon and loses BUT. he plays a trap or quick-play spell that makes it so you take the damage from a direct attack and the original target gains LP equal to the damage you take. so like hes dead too. and then comes back with everybody else
i think he'd probably have an arc v counterpart bc kaito did and in an arc v verse his ace would be galaxy eyes photon dragon. bc we love parallels
i think he thinks yuma is an annoying little shit but at the same time he wishes he could be that excited to be alive
he thinks astral is weird. not cause he's an alien that lives in yumas necklace he just thinks he's strange but like he's not allowed to judge cause look at him
when he and kaito's conversations are more than just silent glances he gives him shit about his outfit. "real subtle, tenjo" "at least im not a whore."
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fruitsofhell · 2 years
This is a genuine question to anyone reading, does the lore given in RTDL DX not feel a bit shoddier than the series' writing is?
Atleast in comparison to KSA and KatFL. I know people have gripes with the 3ds games but they didn't pull stuff as confusing as sending a canonically sending a character to a spinoff universe or erasing a point of origin.The more I think about the new Magolor stuff the just more confusing it is to me in a way I definiteky did not feel with KatFL. Like Elfilis's origins before being captured were vague, but you get the idea it was a force of nature - an "invasive species" - and then when you meet Forgo it has clear motivation if being upset for being trapped for so long.
The Jamba are from ancient times and have a blood feud, Haltmann was an inventor who was consumed busy his company, Sectonia was a monarch from the sky consumed by greed because of a corrupt mirror; and originally I would say Magolor was a Halcandran who wanted to rule over the ruins of his wasteland home, but now he isn't. And I'll be fair, that was totally speculative, but atleast because it was left open it was valid speculation. The thing now is we know he isn't from Halcandra. Alright, where is he from then? DONT KNOW! What brought him to Halcandra and the Lor? He's a traveller and was enticed by all the machinery there because he's an engineering nerd, he wants to build a theme park. AWESOME. And he read a book about stuff so now he's interested in Halcandran history, cool. Why does he want the Master Crown then?
I was personally staked in him being from Halcandra cause I could gleam motivation from that, from the removal of that background and the new info given, his motivations for wanting the Master Crown don't make sense anymore. He is a cunt, yes, but not really in such a universe conquering megalomaniac way? Even Marx just wanted to mess around with Popstar and have power, Magolor wanted a crown, a source of limitless power, world-ending and for what? What does that have to do with engineering marvels and theme parks? These are silly kiddie platformers and "because he's evil" is a valid motivation, but not usually for Kirby these days?
There's usually this underlying layer of tragedy or past slighting that motivates characters in Kumazaki's games, even ones who came off as comically evil like the Jamba. And I'm just confused, cause Magolor was one of the first characters he and the team wrote so I would think a remake would be an opportunity to better flesh out him out, but a lot of it feels like details sloppily added to flesh stuff out meaninglessly. And with how much Kumazaki emphasizes keeping stuff open for interpretation, it really would have been wiser to leave some of those details behind.
Oh lord and then I haven't even gotten into Merry Magoland and Kirby Clash. The Magolor theme park thing had been established for over a decade, a year after the original game it was set up as Magolor's "redemption". And admittedly both that and his appearance in Clash were established in spin-offs, but the first one was established forced s d most cleanly. Magolor Epilogue could have just been him returning to Popstar but instead we throw him in an AU and leave the pre-established conclusion as dubiously canon? And there is totally more character arc to be gleamed out of him being in the Clash universe, but we also could have gone through that with the Epilogue...
And then on top of that, I had higher expectations for the world building in Magolor Epilogue. Forgotten Land weaved together its plot and characters with the history of the world very well, and I was hoping Magolor and HALCANDRA could get similar treatment too. It is a tiny little mode, but we all noticed how much text space for the bosses were taken up by repeating that line about how they're collecting apples for their boss, right? It was a big missed opportunity. And (very personal nitpick here) if you were going to remove a character's connection to Halcandra, it would be nice if that void of connections was filled with actual lore.
I'm still working on my organized theory for all this new stuff, and I totally admit I'm biased and some of this disappointment is coming from personal headcanon, but I cannot shake the feeling that there was something off about the writing in this remake.
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
Hi, I hope I'm not too late to ask some Weird Writer Questions cause they sound fun! Number 24, 19, 13, and 17 (that last one for whisky would be cool but all your WIPS are lovely so pick whichever you want!) hope you have a nice day Jay!!
weird questions for writers!
(you're absolutely not too late--thank you for messaging! i hope you have a nice day as well 🥰)
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
for prep work, i used to (pre-tma and a little bit into the beginning of writing for tma) jump right into multichapter stories with a vague premise and no clue of the actual plot or ending, but i found it's easier to actually complete multichapter stuff if i have an outline and an idea of where i want the story to go, lol who knew? so my prep work now consists of, at minimum, a rough outline of the entire story arc from beginning to end, but usually a chapter-by-chapter outline of major story beats, approximate scenes, etc.. for whisky, i jumped in with a rough story arc and then made the chapter-by-chapter outline around chapter three when i started to get bogged down in 'what scene should i do next?' details. i usually don't do any prep at all for one-shots, since they're typically 1-2 scenes, but for longer ones i may throw together a quick bullet list of where i want the story to go
and i do not like outlining alkdsgjsag. it's probably my least favorite part of the writing process. (i'm currently for example avoiding fixing my whisky outline, which i need to change the last chapter for slightly due to a piece of lore i added contradicting my current ending.) i think it's because outlining requires the most decision-making about my story and the most critical thinking about, 'okay, what do i actually want to say and when do i want to say it.' i'm always much happier when i have the outline because it's so much better to write with one, but the process of making it? detestable lol.
(more below the cut because i got predictably long-winded with this)
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
this answer got very long, so buckle in and bear with me lol:
i started writing very young (perhaps second or first grade?) partly because my father is a copywriter and thus encouraged it and partly because i read so many books as a child. my elementary school had this anthology that you could submit to starting in third grade, and i remember writing short stories for it (that always ended up being too long--turns out i had chronic 'can't shut up' disease even at the tender age of 8).
getting into middle school, i started to write longer things. it's hard for me to remember exact dates, but i know i finished my first novel-length story around ... 7th grade? it is Extremely Bad by virtue of being written by somebody who had only experienced the world for ~12 years, but it's also probably one of the most out-there things i've ever written in terms of plot so i still give it a solid 5/10. (i can elaborate on it if people are interested! an in-depth discussion of it is just a bit beyond the scope of this particular question lol).
(i also wrote several stories that could best be described as uh. RPF between me & my best friends and their middle school crushes. including a whole entire trilogy with novella-length stories. but we're not going to talk about those XD)
i started and did not finish uhhh probably 20-30 other original stories between the years of 2011 - 2017, most of which are also not very good but that taught me a lot about creating characters, worldbuilding, writing styles and SPAG, and other things that helped me develop as a writer. there are a few that i do genuinely want to pick back up someday, but it's hard to get motivated to write original stuff and is much easier to simply write an AU and stick my blorbos in as characters. i think 2017 is the last time i can really truly say i actively worked on original stuff, since i fell into writing mostly fic after i graduated high school.
i wrote fic in high school too--mostly supernatural, sherlock, and doctor who stuff, because i was very much into superwholock--and most of it is still on my ao3. occasionally, people will jumpscare me by commenting on one of my old spn fics because i genuinely forget that people still might read them lol. i started my fic publishing journey on quotev though, and a little bit on wattpad and ff.net, before moving to ao3 in 2015 and never looking back. my stance on my old writing is that even though i've generally moved on with my life and cringe a bit when i look at it, i did write it once upon a time and liked it then, so i won't take it down and/or disown it. i'm sure in 10 years i'll look back on the stuff i wrote now and cringe too. so it goes.
i took a break from writing for ~ 3 years when i went to college, with the exception of the one (1) voltron fic i wrote that i am still quite proud of. (a multichapter fic i finished without making anything remotely close to an outline! wow!). tma will always be so incredibly dear to me because it reignited my desire to write (like. with a blowtorch. i have written over 610k words since summer 2020 when i started listening to tma, which 12-year-old me would have gone nuts over), and so far, i'm still going strong!
i think i have much better writing habits than i had when i was younger. i try to make an effort to do it every day, even when i'm tired or not really feeling it, even if the words are absolute garbage, even if it's nothing related to my current projects, rather than just riding the tide of motivation. i'm hoping that that means i won't be giving it up anytime soon (i certainly have many more plans for malevolent fics in the future including at least one more involved multichapter fic riffing off episode 20 👀) and i'm also hoping that i can jump back into original stuff with a fresh perspective and new ideas. who knows!
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
the subject matter i have the most difficulty with is, funnily enough, romance arcs. i understand point A (characters meet and become friends) and i understand point B (characters are dating) but the stuff that comes in between??? it's a black box for me alskdjga. something happens there, but i (aro) could not tell you what it is. as such, i always feel like any romance arc i attempt in a multichapter fic has terrible pacing, where the characters are falling in love too quickly, deciding to declare their feelings too abruptly, etc.. i'm struggling with this a lot right now in ten thousand flowers in spring, and i'm glad people are leaving positive comments on the most recent chapter because i feel like the romantic pacing is all over the place but i genuinely do not know how to fix it. whisky doesn't suffer from the same issues for some reason. i think because both arthur and john are arospec, so i'm not technically writing a romance? john is very much in romantic love with arthur, but arthur is not--though as in canon, john is Arthur's Person Who He Cares About So Much. idk, i think their canon relationship is so intricate and complicated that i'm just going *shrug* about the whole thing and not worrying about it.
in terms of what's easy, i have a really easy time with fantasy--and, if that's too broad to be considered subject matter, then specifically the worldbuilding involved with fantasy. so i guess that would be fantastical environments? basically, i like a lot that there's no rules other than the ones that i create for myself, so i can do whatever the hell i want and it's correct because that's just how it is in this world! (see, again, ten thousand flowers in spring). of course, i still do research and think about what i want my world to look like, because going 'that's just how it is!' isn't a replacement for that and i don't want to be a lazy writer, but the flexibility is soooo nice. (i, for example, am not looking forward to researching how gangs actually work for whisky and will thus likely just. make some stuff up and hand-wave it away as being 'yeah that's just how the memphis gangs work, don't worry about it,' though i will also make an effort to learn the general structure of stuff.)
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
hghhh the forbidden whisky lore 👀 there's a lot i can't say for fear of spoilers, but there is some stuff that probably won't make it into the story that isn't spoilery!
John was born on December 26, 1981 and is as of the most current whisky chapter 41 years old
Arthur was born on April 2, 1986 and is of the most current whisky chapter 37 years old
Arthur began touring around 2004 when he was 18 years old (he was recruited straight out of college/sixth form). However, he didn't begin composing professionally until 2005 and likely didn't get major movie gigs until closer to 2008. He was classically trained on the piano from a young age, though never on a university level, and his compositional and performance style has both popular and classical influences.
Arthur was born in the UK, recruited from the UK, and moved to LA as part of his contract. He met Bella in LA (so in this AU, Bella is American), and Faroe was born on November 13, 2006.
John started his pre-club career in 2002 at age 20, and quit that job and purchased the club around September 2016 at age 34.
Arthur wasn't lying in chapter one when he said that he comes to the club because he likes the wallpaper :) and John was not lying in chapter two when he said the club doesn't have wallpaper :) [this bit will make it into the fic, but i wanted to include it here anyway]
i also have a diagram of john's club that i keep forgetting to include in the end notes:
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[ID: A sketched diagram of John's club. It is a square building with a front door on the bottom right side and a door to the basement on the upper right side. Along the left from bottom to top are John's office, the kitchen/food storage area, and the bathrooms. The backstage area lines the entire back wall, and in front of it is the stage, with doors on either side to access the backstage, a grand piano on the stage, and curtains separating the stage from the backstage. There are tables scattered across the main floor, and a wall with archway cutouts separates the main floor from the kitchen and John's office. Along the front wall is the bar, with seating in an L shape that leaves hallway space for John to access his office. The seat closest to John's office is labeled 'Arthur's seat.' A coat closet is in the bottom right corner. /End ID]
is this acoustically sound? don't ask me, i haven't finished that class yet alsdkjgsag. john has acoustic panels in the back to adjust the absorption of the room, i've made it canon XD
in terms of history, i genuinely don't remember where i got the idea for whisky from--i think i was just rotating piano player arthur in my mind one day, went 'hey what about famous arthur?', then went 'well what is john doing?', remembered how much i love small music clubs, and the rest is history. the entire second half of this fic (approx. ch. 8 onward) as well as john's backstory was not part of the initial concept at all, and i very much fleshed it out as i went while writing the first ~3 chapters. i think it's all fully fleshed out now though (excepting the little bit from the last chapter that i have to fix) and i am very excited for chapter 9 in particular :3
there is a scene that i really want to write that won't make it into the main story because it a) will only work from arthur's pov, and i want to keep whisky strictly john's pov, and b) because arthur is a smart dude and even though the scene would be very cool, it would 100% clue arthur in on some crucial things too early on. so alas, it will probably remain as an unrelated oneshot should i choose to write it in the future. (though it's also a scene that works better if the audience doesn't know what's going on either,,,,, but that could spoil them for things too soon as well because you all are also smart cookies, so,,,, much to consider)
aaaand for fun, here's an excerpt from the next chapter:
Buy him flowers, Lilly had said. Right, okay—which fucking ones? Does it matter? John feels like it matters, but he doesn’t have the first clue as to why or what the right choice would be. Is it weird to buy somebody flowers when they’re standing right next to you? That feels like something you get beforehand and then bring as a gift. Should he have planned ahead? Why is his heart beating so fucking loud in his ears?
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theradicalace · 11 months
Deliver us the lore 🙏
say lesssss
THE LORE, in a convenient copypaste under the cut!
Not-So-Happy Tree Friends is a happy tree friends au where our beloved tree friends are aware of the whole death loop curse thing they've got going on and remember all the times they die.
(for those not in the loop, not-so-happy tree friends started as a fic series of mine on ao3, and i'm only now getting around to giving it semi-cohesive worldbuilding and shit)
so what IS the deal with the town?
despite the vocal protests of one scientist, it is a curse of sorts. the town's got a funny sort of magic to it, a semi sentient sort of thing that noticed that the townspeople weren't showing what it deemed an acceptable amount of happiness and gratitude for their idyllic lives.
the situation was, in a sense, meant to be a lesson, but magic doesn't understand reason or logic, and so things quickly devolved into what is essentially "the beatings will continue until morale improves"
why doesn't anyone just leave?
in theory, there's nothing technically stopping them from leaving. but the town gives everyone a reason to stay, and it is very good at convincing them that they thought of it on their own. some of them have something or someone to stay for, others are too hopeless or afraid to imagine a future outside of the town, others still are (seemingly) genuinely not bothered enough to justify the effort of moving. everyone has a reason, and they will talk themselves into staying over and over and over.
the other factor is that the magic of the town degrades their memories from before they lived there, if they ever lived anywhere else, or before the curse started, if they always lived in town. it's hard to leave a situation when you can't remember knowing anything else.
do they age at all?
nope. they would, if they could stay alive long enough to manage it.
what's the deal with the idol?
the idol, funnily enough, is a manifestation of the curse, not the cause of it. at some point early on, the magic got concentrated enough to coalesce into a physical object. those unfortunate enough to come into contact with the manifestation of ill-will end up paying severe prices for it.
wtf is going on with splendid and splendont?
splendid is a relic of the pre-curse days. he was a manifestation of *positive* magic, meant to watch over and protect the town and the people in it. the curse corrupts, though, and these days, he does more harm than good. the townspeople follow him without knowing why, because beneath all the tainted magic, he is still their protector and hero.
splendont, on the other hand, was the magic's attempt at keeping balance. an equal opposite and an easy distraction, meant to dull any of the remaining protection splendid was capable of.
why does sniffles seem to get the worst of the violence?
because he's the only one trying to figure out what's going on. the curse is a semi-sentient thing, after all. it's just aware enough to know when someone is poking around where they "shouldn't" be, and it does not like being messed with.
that's all the lore i've got fully solidified at the moment, but it's somewhat subject to change/be added onto if i do more with this little au >:3
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kagrenacs · 2 years
Please can you elaborate on why you think Sotha Sil is trans and autistic? I'm also trans and autistic so I like this idea very much
Certainly! (added note, sorry for going off a bit, but I want to explain my thoughts here because I really do love this character. And I want other people to be able to also enjoy and maybe learn from the complexities I see here!)
There's canon weight to Sotha Sil being transgender, he has a daughter he carried named Memory! She's mentioned in the 37th lesson of Vivec as well as c0da.
You can see the little one in this image, Discussion from MK, found here:
Vivec is at the side facing away from the viewer for a reason. Almalexia is front and center because she is the motherfucking boss. Also note the cosmic baby growing inside Sotha Sil. While Sotha Sil is dead as we saw in the add-on pack “Tribunal”, the child survived.
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This lore is MK brand, so it is dubious and can be taken however one likes, but I think there's something poetic in taking a character from a transphobic dev, taking what is meant to be weird and wacky to cis individuals, and having it just be a normal thing. If you want to add further weight to it, his female presenting anticipation, Azura, is the goddess of transitions and change between dusk and dawn.
As for autism, I suppose you could go the easy route and say technology is his special interest, modelling his city somewhat after Dwemer cities. But that honestly that wasn't notable to me when considering it. I look at things through my own experience with autism, and those of people around me. It’s also important to note this headcanon was developed pre clockwork city dlc, At that time, the only true words we heard from Sotha Sil was his last words (it's canonicity is debatable, but I think most consider it with some weight.) And the Enigma of Sotha Sil + possibly his servant in Ebonheart. From the language used there, he has a very concise and formal manner of speech which is pretty common in autism, to better convey thoughts that neurodivergent people have difficulty expressing (as I'm sure you can see within my own speech). This wasn’t what my entire headcanon rode off though, just a minor point in favour.
I look at the Tribunal as flawed, tragic, very mortal individuals, that’s always what made them interesting characters to me. I think ultimately, Sotha Sil’s fatal flaw was avoidance, He's an isolated man, very few people ever enter the Clockwork City, and even from the other Tribunes he doesn't seem present in their lives much. He remains non-political for the most part, leaving that to Almalexia and Vivec, and ultimately his fellow tribunes break from the stress. Almalexia turning back on him for his passiveness.
Now, this doesn’t apply to every autistic person, plenty of allistics have these traits, but escapism and avoidance in autism is very common due to the disruption of established routines. I see folks use fandoms as rigid and repetitive escapism, autistic people tend to self report as introverts, autistic shutdowns has become common terminology. This isn’t always a bad thing! Our brains need time to digest information, it can be traumatic if it happens too suddenly, too often or too long. But this form of self-care becomes something pathological when it impedes your happiness, prevents learning coping skills to deal with society as it is, and when it hurts others. My own bias definitely plays in here, for many, many years I struggled with just being in public, and only just recently understood why this was. In my teens, I completely avoided any distressing situation that could arise by any means possible, and ultimately I ended up causing emotional harm to others. Another relevant example I can think of is some people in fandoms refusing to critically examine biases in texts, or listen to marginalized people speaking on them, because it’s disruptive to their view of the material, and therefor disruptive to their semblance of security- always at the expense of those marginalized people also trying to enjoy something.
It’s strange to bring this up on a headcanon post about a video game character from 2003, but developing this idea through the years helped me reflect a mirror back to myself and grow from that. None of this necessarily means he’s autistic, allistic people do this too, but coupled with other traits and my own view, I took it as such. Good stories should have a message to take from it, in my opinion especially tragedies. I believe Sotha Sil’s tragedy- and that of ALMSIVI as a whole apart from Vivec, is the inability to adapt and let go, in hopes of a better future.
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myherowritings · 4 years
anywhere the wind blows
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SUMMARY. After hunting a bounty near Wangshu Inn, you sensed the faint scent of qingxin blowing in the familiar wind. It seemed like it was leading you somewhere.
PAIRING. xiao x reader
GENRE. fluff, pre 1.3 release
A/N. my first genshin fic of my fav character xiao !! i’m definitely still getting used to writing for this world and for him but i hope this isn’t too bad 🥺 i’m so excited for xiao’s story and banner and can’t wait to learn more about him! if 1.3 comes and totally undermines the small guesses abt the lore i added into this fic then…we pretend we do not see u.u ANYWAY PLS ENJOY xx sof
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“A rock shieldwall Mitachurl with a resistance to cryo,” you murmured to yourself with a satisfied smile, picking up the ominous mask and heavy horn that it dropped from the fight. “No more terrorizing Wangshu for you.”
You had just accepted a bounty handed out to you in Liyue and arranged for the proper party to come pick it up. The rewards were promptly transferred to your tab and you bade the team who came to collect the Mitachurl a swift goodbye.
It wasn’t normally on your daily agenda to hunt bounty for money—though the mora was quite appealing, you couldn’t lie—but when the beasts were too close to civilization and scared both residents and passerbyers in Liyue alike, you felt a greater need to step in. And now, after a job well done with some mora in your pockets, you realized just how tired and hungry that search made you.
Looking up, you saw the peak of the inn from a distance and followed the silk flower-covered path there. It wasn’t often you frequented Wangshu Inn, but you have visited enough to know their Jueyun Chili Chicken and Almond Tofu were pretty solid reasons to drop by again.
Your appearance was rather disheveled from your fight with the Mitachurl but you weren’t too messy-looking—certainly decent enough to interact with other humans you hoped. Smoothing down your clothes and practicing a smile, you headed over to the outdoor dining area and were greeted by a waitress who led you to an empty table as she asked for your order. The exchange was pleasant enough and you were soon left to your own devices once your food swiftly arrived.
It was dark out in Wangshu. The bounty hunt took most of your late afternoon and by now the sun had fully set. The dining area was quiet and empty with only the moon watching over you.
You hummed, taking in a mouthful of the sweet Almond Tofu. The night was nice and peaceful and quiet, just like most of your evenings.
A familiar breeze blew against your face, chilling yet warm. Captivating. There was a faint smell of qingxin, like the flowers you grew fond of during your explorations around Liyue’s stone forests.
The wind was different from what you experienced in Mondstadt. That air was light and playful. Free.
The wind you felt just now, on the other hand, seemed to convey something more wistful. Almost yearning.
And it wasn’t your first encounter with this qingxin-filled breeze either. When you helped comfort Little Luo back in Qingce Village and fended off the pesky Hilichurls on her trail, this wind blew around you and cooled the heat from your cheeks. Around Bubu Pharmacy when you spent time with Qiqi, a zombie you happened to stumble upon one day, you felt the same curious breeze.
Part of you felt like you were being watched over. But not in a bad way. It made you feel safe and protected, yet empowered enough to continue your bold expeditions and help the people of Liyue when you were needed.
The wind stuck around as you finished your meal, the aroma of Almond Tofu wafting through the air from the wandering breeze, almost as if it was seeking a taste. Once your plates were cleared and your drink emptied, you headed inside the inn and hoped they had a spare room on such a short notice and—to your surprise—for once they actually did.
On the way up the stairs, you passed by an open balcony near the top of the inn where you caught a glimpse of a lean figure with dark hair looking up at the night sky. You normally would have walked away from the balcony and left the man to his own devices, promptly going to your rented room to get some much needed rest, but the familiar scent of qingxin flowers dancing in the wind made you freeze mid-step.
Wangshu Inn wasn’t too far from mountain tops where qingxin grew… It could have been a mere coincidence.
But in Liyue, you knew that believing such things could be a coincidence would simply be fooling yourself.
The person on the balcony gave no indication that he felt your gaze, but you knew intuitively that he had already sensed your presence despite not having moved a single inch. His stance was so steady you might have thought he was a statue if not for his teal-tinged hair blowing in the wind.
Could he have been the cause of the qingxin breeze that recently started following you around?
“Hi,” you said gently to more formally announce your presence. On the off-chance he didn’t realize anyone was there, you definitely didn’t want to startle him. But judging by the unsurprised expression on his face as he slowly looked over his shoulder, you sincerely doubted he was one to startle easily. “May I stand here?”
His eyes were scrutinizing but not unkind as they looked you up and down. You took your time examining him as well— From the top of his silky-looking hair to the blue tattoos wrapping around his arms and to the mysterious horned mask hanging from his hip.
“I suppose you may,” he finally replied with a single nod, his voice neither welcoming nor rude.
You stood a few feet away from him, leaning against the wooden balustrades as you let the cool air hit your face. The night was quiet and calm, dimly lit by the moon peeking through the foggy sky. Sighing, your eyes fluttered shut in contentment as you felt the wind soothe the aches from the bounty hunt in your muscles.
You wouldn’t normally let your guard down like this in front of someone you just met, but for some reason you weren’t the least bit on edge. He didn’t seem like a stranger. And you had a feeling that maybe he wasn’t.
“Have we met before?” you found yourself wondering aloud. The mask on his hip looked familiar, though you couldn’t pinpoint exactly why, like you’ve seen it in a book you’ve read. And the air around him certainly felt familiar, though it seemed strange to describe why.
He didn’t respond.
Huffing, you tried a different approach. A more direct one. “Have you been following me?”
His brow raised but he uttered no words.
Was that approach too direct?
After a moment of silence, he said, “Were you not the one who followed me out onto the balcony? If I remember correctly, I was here first.”
“But were you not the one who drew me here with your qingxin-scented breeze?” you shot back, tone more curious than biting.
To your surprise, he said nothing to deny it. “Attentive, I see.”
“I’m not sure it’s quite that I’m attentive rather than you wanting me to know.” You hid a smile. He wouldn’t have made it so obvious otherwise, you were certain of it. For someone who held more power in his little finger than you could possibly fathom, you knew that him alerting you of his existence couldn’t be a mere accident.
“You’re right.” He shrugged. “But it’s not so much that I wanted to call you here than I didn’t mind if you happened to stumble by.”
You ran the palms of your hands over the railings, craning your neck to the side to face him. He was a puzzling creature, giving off the aura of something greater and more powerful than a human. The ominous mask dangling around his hip seemed to serve as a word of caution to indicate a menacing side he hadn’t shown you, but his calm stance and the small tilt of his head made him seem curious—almost inviting.
It was intriguing, to say the least.
“And why did you want me to, as you say, stumble by?” you said. “Not that I mind.”
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly, shaking his head and looking confused himself. “Intuition? I noticed you fighting, helping the people of Liyue. You’re doing a...good job.”
You shrugged, rubbing at the back of your neck as you shied away from his praise. “So you summoned me here to thank me?”
“I don’t know,” he said again, his impassive tone sounding almost frustrated.
At the small frown playing on his lips, you couldn’t help but let a noise of laughter escape you. He gazed at you in question. This whole situation seemed strange and peculiar, straight out of a dream you’d have at random only to forget the next morning. He seemed strange and peculiar, like a figure out of a story book lost in the ruins of Liyue.
And yet you found yourself enjoying this odd encounter.
“Well, Mr. Stranger, since you seem uncertain of so many things still, are you going to continue to have your wind follow me around Liyue until you figure whatever it is out?” you questioned teasingly, not at all minding that prospect.
He glared, looking slightly embarrassed. “It’s not that I was following you. I only sensed someone in need but happened to see you rushing along the way and decided to let you handle it. The less involvement in the affairs of mortals, the better.”
So he wasn’t a mortal himself, you thought, his words confirming your previous suspicions. Still…
“Is that so?” You quirked a brow. “And what is this if not for involvement in the affairs of a mortal?”
He folded his arms and didn’t say a word.
“Let me guess— You don’t know?”
You smiled. “Well, I guess it’s okay you don’t know. It’s okay not to know sometimes, you know?”
He blinked. “You aren’t making sense.”
“And you are?” you retaliated. “I still don’t know who you are or anything about you yet. But… I know you smell like qingxin flowers and feel like a cooling breeze. And I know that I rather enjoy it.”
The mysterious entity looked out into the mountain scenery, gloved hand resting on the dark balustrade. He seemed both lost in thought and completely aware of his physical surroundings at the same time. Suddenly, he spoke up.
Your gaze met his as he nodded once. “Xiao?”
“My name. Now you know who I am.”
You laughed, startled by how blunt he was. “I guess you’re right. Nice to meet you Xiao.”
“Hm.” Xiao waited one moment before he asked, “Do you plan to keep exploring Liyue?”
At his question, you briefly considered your options for the near future. You liked Liyue and there was so much you had left to see. Was it like home to you? No— Not yet anyway, though it could be if the situation was right. But that didn’t mean you wanted to leave just yet.
Not when you may have found a reason you would want to stay.
“For the time being, yes.”
He nodded in satisfaction. “That’s good. You being there to help the people of Liyue means less involvement with mortal affairs for me.”
Though his tone was haughty, he didn’t seem like he actually minded what he considered mortal affairs. If he did, why would he be so alert when he sensed people in need?
“And, if you ever need assistance during your ventures, I’ll be there.”
Xiao’s words comforted you as you looked at him, his hair blowing in the wind. Maybe one day you could reach out and touch it. But not today.
You sensed this meeting was about to end. The breeze picked up and you could feel him getting ready to leave. Whether he was going to leave to go to bed or leave the mortal world, you weren’t sure. But you would rather treasure this encounter than dwell on an inevitable—and hopefully temporary—farewell.
“Thank you, Xiao. And if you ever need assistance with...whatever it is you do, I’ll be there too!” you said confidently. “As I’m sure you’ve seen, I’m pretty handy at weilding a sword myself.” You doubted he would ever need much help in the physical or martial department. “Or, I could simply lend an ear as well.”
It happened so fast, you weren’t sure if it was actually there, or if your eyes were playing tricks on you— Xiao smiled. At least, you thought he did. But in the mere blink of an eye, it was gone.
Still, you don’t think you would ever forget that peaceful image no matter how hard you tried. Not that you wanted to.
Sensing the night coming to an end, you asked, “When will I be able to see you like this again?”
He paused. “In this human form, you mean?”
You nodded, though you figured the answer would be those three familiar words he had said many times tonight.
“I don’t know.”
A wry smile played on your lips. Knew it.
“The mortal realm is not where I naturally belong,” explained Xiao, amber eyes glowing brighter than the moon in the sky. “But I will meet you again in this state soon.”
The scent of qingxin grew stronger as the wind picked up. His skin grew paler, almost translucent as he met your gaze one last time for the night.
“Even if it takes time, at least the wind will tell me when you’re near.” You smiled, raising your hand in a wave. “Goodnight, Xiao.”
“Sleep well, traveller.”
And in your dreams that night, with qingxin in the air, you felt contentment and serenity in ways you never had before. You would see the entrancing being who called himself Xiao again. Soon. But you had the wind to keep you company while in wait.
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dontcryminecraft · 3 years
I'm getting conflicting narratives on when Wilbur's last lore stream took place in the timeline. So I wanted to talk about it-
Reasons for Pre-Prison Break:
Wilbur's interactions with Phil indicate that he is almost immediately following up with Hitting on 16. Adding to that, the way Tommy acts seems to indicate this is before the jailbreak since I highly doubt Tommy would be willing to go around and follow Wilbur everywhere with Dream out of prison.
Reasons for Post-Prison Break:
Wilbur and Tommy visit Tommy's house where they not only run into BBH's recent prank but they also show Tommy's walls. Tommy's walls were built because Dream escaped. They could have planned to go somewhere less obvious in its "post-prison break" changes, but either they didn't think to or didn't find an area like that on purpose.
So, if this does take place Post-Prison Break, then Ranboo is dead. And that means Wilbur is unaware of Ranboo's death. Some say Phil should have mentioned it, but in his defense (And I rarely defend this character tbh), Phil just found out Wilbur took one of his canon deaths. He's not gonna dump that on Wilbur, knowing Wilbur would blame himself cause if he hadn't done what he did Ranboo would have had a life to spare. As shitty as it was to hide the truth, especially with Tubbo and Micheal and Ghostboo now living in their backyard, I understand why he kept that from Wilbur.
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moonchildsaurora · 3 years
When Monsters come out to Play
✤ Trickster!Hongjoong + reader (feat. Wooyoung) ✤ genre: Dead by Daylight AU // horror, angst (not really tho), survival mode ✤ t/w: sfw, rated M, contains: swearing/depictions of violence + blood/unhinged minds/death scene/mentions of weapons ✤ count: 1.9k+
a/n - have y’all seen Trickster from the dbd game? I would betray everyone in game for that man. So this piece is heavily inspired by that character & his lore, my mind is still reeling that the creators really did THAT. A few tweaks from the canonverse but hope you guys enjoy this wild ride! 💙
✛ play these vibes: Sub Urban - ‘Cirque’, P!ATD - ‘Emperor's New Clothes‘, Gi-DLE - ‘Oh my god’ ✛
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Neon lights streaked across his face and dark ash hair, illuminating the silver that hung around his neck. Sharp kohl-lined eyes fixed on the two other figures dancing heartily around the karaoke booth, singing at the top of their lungs. Although one could argue that their borderline screams could be passable as so.
However, it was music to his ears and a hunger woke from its deep slumber. This feeling that was on the crisp of being foreign to him because he has not yearned for something this badly for quite some time now.
“I need it.”
The shrill cadence of the laughter from the figure who nearly tripped over his own feet, in a harmonious duet with the other’s. A soprano-like noise escaped your mouth when you fell from grace unto the lap of your newly-acquired friend who narrowly moved his wild berries cider out of harm’s way.
“I want it.”
You missed the rapacious glint in his eyes as you shouted at the other howling male, who was now in a heap on the couch and microphone dangling from his hand. You turned to apologise, with a peck on his cheek, to your angel of music. As you had so kindly dubbed him upon your first meeting. Peals of laughter fell from your lips when his onyx-dipped nails squeezed your sensitive sides. He was buzzing, not just from his drink but the sudden inspiration to create once more.
The spotlight has returned and centre stage beckons him home.
Yes, he wanted it.
“All of it.”
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“C’mon! This way,” Wooyoung heaved sharply, tugging you with haste round the corner.
His grip on your hand, though sweaty, was desperately firm. Survival instincts had kicked in for the both of you, forcing adrenaline to fuel your exhausted bodies to run.
Agonised screams plagued the foggy darkness around your surroundings. Another fallen prey in this twisted game of cat-and-mouse you were forced to participate in. You didn’t know exactly how many others were stuck in the abandoned industrial site either. One minute Wooyoung and you were having a late night study at the local library, before the lights cut and so did your consciousness.
A manic laugh that echoed through the grounds and jerk of your arm wrenched you from your hazy thoughts.
Wooyoung held you close to him, signalling for you to stay hushed. He peered around the metal storage container to see if the coast was clear, not that the fog allowed anything to be visible more than beyond a few feet ahead. So he had to rely on sound and visual tracking of any sudden movements.
The dead silence was unnerving.
You had barely stepped out around your hiding spot once you’ve both deemed it safe when Wooyoung hissed in panic, “Watch out!”
You were dragged to the hard ground, scraping your palms on the gravel before what felt like a bee zipping past the crown of your head. The metallic thud caught your attention enough to swerve to look behind you. Where your head had been just a few seconds ago, now had a neon blade embedded right through the steel panel.
“Fuck! He’s coming, we need to go. NOW!”
The manic laughter seemed to be echoing all over your surroundings now, and not being able to pinpoint the direction whilst having to run blindly in the dark probably wasn’t the ideal plan for your survival.
Your breath hitched when Wooyoung’s hand suddenly slipped out from yours.
“Wooyoung!” you cried out for him.
A forceful shove pushed you away from the initial direction you were heading towards, causing you to be thrown off balance and stumble onto the damp ground. The sounds of more cussing and a scuffle could be heard. You scrambled backwards, away from the source.
Scarce beams of moonlight filtered through the holes in the roof provided limited light to help you navigate your way around, using your sense of touch to avoid running into objects. Your mind screamed for you to turn back for Wooyoung yet the logical side of you knew he’d be mad at you for not using the window of opportunity he so freely gave to escape.
“He knows how to fight, he can handle himself.”
False comfort was the only thing you could offer yourself then. Skidding round a corner, you almost bowled someone over had they not latched onto your shoulders first.
“Please! You have to help me!”
The young woman was hysterical and dug her nails into your skin as she had her iron grip on you. Seeing her up close you were quick to notice both her arms and clothes were stained dark crimson, whether or not that was her own – you couldn’t tell.
“He’s going to kill me! He’s going to KILL ME!”
You winced as her voice became progressively louder. That fool was going to give your location away at this rate. You tried to wriggle your way out of her hold, which proved to be a wrong move, for she threw herself against you and shook you silly.
“Get me out! I didn’t do anything wrong. Why is he doing this?!” The tears that cascaded down her grimy face mixed in with the blood and left trails of red.
She sure was getting on your nerves.
“Shut it! You’re goin-“
“There you are my little mouse.”
The both of you froze. Like deer in headlights upon hearing that sickly silky voice purr out from the shadows. The young woman immediately drew back and hid behind you, as if you were a pillar of defence against this predator. Her hands that still clutched onto the back of your top trembled so intensely, you wouldn’t be surprised if the seams were to split open.
Hongjoong took his sweet time stepping towards you. Twirling those neon blades deftly around his fingers, metal glinting dangerously whenever it caught the moonlight. The scattered beams acted as spotlights and this was his stage to run. You’d thought a paint job had gone wrong for the mess of reds, both fresh and dried, marking him from his obnoxiously bright coat to his bare toned torso to the heels of his boots.
“Aren’t you having fun?” giggled Hongjoong, making a gesture to his foggy domain by spreading his arms wide out.
“What do you want from us?! You monster!”
Her cries added fuel to the already burning flames, ironically extinguishing out the last of your patience.  
“Call me something I don’t already know darling.”
The tip of his tongue darted out to lick the blood smear at the corner of his mouth.
That playful grin that had grown to be your favourite on him now looked so sinister. Hongjoong pointed one of the blades directly at you, “It’s time for you to join your little friend, I’m sure he’s already dying to reunite with you.”
“Don’t leave! Please don’t leave me!” the woman buried her face in your back. You didn’t reply to the woman but reached behind to firmly grasp her wrists. She mistook this for reassurance and to your relief, dropped her hands from your back.
Oh, how easy was it to lay the bait.
“What did you do to Wooyoung?”
Hongjoong might’ve expected you to be angry or even hurt, considering you three grew to be somewhat friends over time. Wooyoung and you had taken him under your wings when he was new to the town, and this was how he repaid you? Instead, you held his gaze and your voice didn’t waver when the question came out. If he was surprised he did not show it.
“I wanted a sample, of his music. It didn’t hurt…much…to get it!”
And the crazed twinkle reappeared in his foreign golden orbs, replacing the gentler brown eyes you were used to.
“And I want one from you too! In fact, both you and Wooyoung will be the main features of my next musical composition. I always save the best for the last, but…”
Hongjoong unfolded a fan of blades and drew his arm back into a pre-throw stance, “I’m just a tad impatient tonight and you’ve made me wait long enough angel.”
You found yourself facing down several blades making a beeline for you. To hell with the theatrics if Hongjoong thought he had waited long enough. You had done yours far longer, for the pure satisfaction of being able to rip the limelight away from one who thrives in it – in the perfect moment.
Within the few milliseconds you had left, you harshly yanked what you still had within your grasp to the front.
The applause died down and silence consumed the area.
Hongjoong tilted his head with curiosity and eyes widened by a miniscule at the scene before him. A choked gurgle. The blades had all found their marks on a new target and the corners of your lips curled up as you felt the life drained from the woman’s body before it went limp. Finally, the pest ceased to exist.
“Oh Hongjoong…”
There was a vicious edge to the tone of your voice now, and you let the ragdoll of a body fall into a heap by your feet. You bent down to pluck one of the blades from her body and nonchalantly inspected it. Not really having a care that the pool of red was starting to creep towards your feet.
“…Or would you rather I address you as, Trickster?”
A flicker of surprise, or supposedly irritation, passed over his features. Hongjoong clicked his tongue and slowly dropped his arms back down. What were you exactly playing at? This was his game, not yours.
“Word’s been around. And hearing about the Trickster perked our curiosity…so of course we just had to meet you.”
The puzzle pieces were starting to click together – Hongjoong merely became an actor in this script you gave him. Having Wooyoung and you cross paths with Hongjoong was a crafted intention.
Yet, what made the seeds of anger burst under his skin more so was the climax you denied him.
Hongjoong let out low grunt when one of his knees gave way under him, effectively bringing him down. A hand roughly grabbed the back of his freshly dyed silver hair and forced his head forward.
“When in the presence of the queen, you should be bowing. It’s only courteous, no?”
The dolphin-like laugh followed wasn’t hard to recognise who it belonged to. Another flick of his wrist, Wooyoung manoeuvred Hongjoong like a marionette. Thin, almost-invisible strings gleamed under the tiniest fleck of moonlight. Hongjoong would’ve attempted to sever his ties free but at what cost? Wooyoung prided himself in giving the cleanest cut each time he got bored of his new toy.
You scoffed at the nickname Wooyoung used, with slight affection.
“Hate to burst your bubble hon, but you’re not that special,” Wooyoung continued his mocking. Stepping aside to let you crouch in front of Hongjoong, he watched on with eagerness as you tilted Hongjoong��s chin with his own neon blade you were holding from before.  
“Little musician, you’re the new kid who strolled into our playground. And…”
Hongjoong’s eyes darted to look over your shoulder, at a few other figures who started to appear out of the dark. You tapped his chin to garner his attention once more. His golden eyes met your now, brilliant ruby red ones. A venomous smile stretched across your lips with your pupils forming into slits.  
“…unfortunately, there isn’t enough room for another monster to play around this part of town. “
“However, should you put on another show somewhere else…” suggested the one wearing a white crow’s mask, voice deceptively child-like.
You hummed at the idea. Fingers slowly tracing the playful grin that was already growing back on Hongjoong. It’d be a waste to get rid of such a pretty face wouldn’t it?
“We’d gladly come as your audience when you take the centre stage once more.”
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kinsey3furry300 · 3 years
A very confused Star Wars Fan desperately tries to justify their belief that “Caravan of Courage” shows the way forward for the franchise. No, really.
Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve loved Star Wars. And I mean, all of it. The books, the games, the Lego, the spin-offs: I even enjoy the Holiday Special in a The Room so-bad-you-just-need-to-see-it sort of way.  But particularly the films. But here is when we run into the big problem: I’m just the wrong age. The original trilogy launched before I was born, the prequel trilogy hit cinemas when I was already a teen and while I went and saw them and enjoyed them, I was at that age where I was self-conscious about seeing a “kids” film, and hyper-aware of how silly and cringy those films were in parts. So my indoctrination, my inoculation with the Star Wars bug didn’t happen in the cinema, and it didn’t happen with any of the main franchise works. It happened on home video, on a skiing trip in the French Alps in the early 90’s. I’d have been about 6, and this was the first time I’d ever been abroad other than to see relatives in Ireland.  And I loved it: to this day I love skiing, but more than that, I have very, very fond childhood memories of this trip. This was shortly before I lost my biological mother to cancer, she’d have received her diagnosis just after we got back from the trip. This was when my younger sister stopped being an annoying screaming thing and became and became an actual person I could talk and play and share ideas with, this was before the combination my mothers long illness and my father having just launched his own IT start up meant I didn’t see him or her any more, despite the fact they were in the same house as me. This was this wonderful, nostalgic child-hood bubble when my family was intact, and nothing could ever go wrong. I skied all day with mum and dad, and would come back to the chalet in the evening. It was an English speaking chalet, I met my first real-life American there, and having grown up in the 90’s in the UK nothing was cooler than making friends with an actual American my own age. He had a hulk Hogan action figure with springs in the legs so if you put him on a hard surface and punched his head down, when you let go he’d jump really high in the air. We used to play with it together in the bath, back in that weird 90’s time-bubble when it was possible to convince two sets of parents that this kid you’d just met was you best friend in the world and of course shared bath time was, somehow, normal and appropriate. And fresh from bath time, tired from the day, the parents would give us some hot coco, dump us kids in front of the tv and grab the first shitty low-budget VHS they could find to keep us distracted while they went to the bar. In this particular time, in this particular place, that shitty low budget cartoon was the  complete set of the 1985 Lucasfilm/ABC Ewoks cartoon, plus the two spin off movies, and to this day that cheap, kitschy, kind of bad series has a special warm and cosy place in my heart. I remember being enthralled by the world, in love with the characters, applied by the bad guys and the injustice they caused (to this day I’m still irate about that time Wicket lost his set of beads documenting his progress towards becoming a full warrior and the older Ewoks basically said, tough, you need to re-earn all those merit badges from scratch. This struck me as exactly the sort of bullshit an adult would pull, and pissed me off) and on tenterhooks about what would happen to the characters.
It was also, by a coincidence, the first ever Star Wars media I was exposed to, and the above combination of events probably explains a lot about me.
So I was surprised, the other day, when scrolling Disney+, to find they’d added Caravan of Courage AND Battle for Endor to the roster in my region. Surely Disney wouldn’t want their slick, cool brand associated with this old trash? Surely there could be no place for this in the post-Mandalorian Star Wars cannon? Surely this is a horrible mistake some intern made, right?
Unless…. What if I’ve miss-remembered? What if it’s not just rose-tinted nostalgia goggles, and it’s, in fact, secretly really, really good?
I rushed to my comfy chair, got a blanket, dimmed the lights, made some coco (with rum in it, because why the hell not?) and sat down to re-examine this lost gem.
And wow: it’s every bit as shit as you’d expect.
It has aged exactly as poorly as you’d expect a cheap, mid 80’s direct to video spin-off to age. Caravan of Courage? More like Caravan of Garbage, am I right?
And yet… I still enjoyed every moment.
And it was sitting there, in my pyjamas, watching a cheaply made direct to video cash-grab from just before I was born, seeing it again for the first time in nearly 30 years, and I realised something.
It doesn’t really matter if this film is bad, so long as I enjoy it. And if it doesn’t really mater if this is bad, then I, like many Star Wars fans, wasted a huge amount of time and emotional effort on being butthurt about stuff I didn’t like about the Rise of Skywalker and it’s ilk. Because somewhere, right now, a tired and frustrated parent is putting Disney+ on to keep their kids quiet for two hours. And they won’t think too hard about what they put on, so long as it keeps little Timmy busy for a bit. Somewhere, right now, a kid is watching Rise of Skywalker, and it’s the first Star Wars media they’ve ever seen.
And that’s okay. Because we don’t know what that kids home life is like. We don’t know if it’s good or bad. Maybe it’s great, maybe it’s about to take a dramatic plunge like mine did, and this moment here will be the cosy, warm memory they look back on in 30 years time, and that’s beautiful.  They’re getting introduced to a fun, wonderful fantasy world that could be with them all their lives, through good times and bad, and as fans we should be happy about that.
Star Wars will never, die: it’s too darn profitable, Disney will never let it. And while I hope they learn from their mistakes and make sure every future Star Wars is a timeless gem of story-telling, statistically, if you keep making enough films, some of them will be bad. And while I’d like them all to be great, it’s still okay if they’re bad.
Because nothing can take away my memories of that week in that chalet. Nothing can take-away my memories of when they put the original trilogy on in cinemas for the special edition and I had my jaw hit the floor with how good it was on the big screen, not knowing or caring who shot first. Nothing can take away you memories of the Original Trilogy, the Prequels, or the Clone Wars. Nothing can tarnish the bits of the sequil trilogy that you like, and there are good bits in there.
But wait, what about continuity? What about the sacred, perfect written time-line that used to exist?
Well, what about it? Have you seen any other big, epic fantasy universe before? They’re all a mess. A work of fiction, particularly fantasy, can be extensive, or tightly written, but not both. Harry Potter is only seven books, and the last two feel, tonally, like they’re from an entirely different series. I love them, but the grim-dark kicked in so fast you’ll get whiplash. The Hobbit is a perfect written self-contained novel, and LOTR is *The* big boy high-fantasy trilogy: fast forward 50 years, and Christopher Tolkien is desperately squeezing every last drop of money out of his father’s corpse by finishing and publishing every unfinished note JRR ever wrote right down to his shopping lists. Even Dune goes of the rails with sequels. I can only think of four fantasy works that are both extensive and consistently tightly written, Song of Ice and Fire, Wheel of Time, Malazan: Book of the Fallen and Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere universe. And even then, the prequels and spin-offs mess with the timelines: the Dunk and Egg novella’s change some character’s canonical ages and timelines, Wheel of Time was going slowly off the rails even before the Jordan died, Forge of Darkness made what was a good metaphor for the creation of it’s world into a literal war deep in the past, and Sanderson’s first Novel Elantris got a re-write to bring it more in line with the rest of the shared universe. The MCU, oft held up as the modern example of tightly planned, well thought out ongoing storytelling, is a lie: it was never as pre-planned out as Disney wants us to think; the first Iron Man, apparently, barely had a script, with Downey ad-lib-ing most of his scenes. None of the MCU films are direct sequels to each-other other than Infinity war and Endgame. There are three Iron Man films, and Three Thor films, and none continue an ongoing story line across multiple films, and the Cap films barely continue an arc, but only where Cap’s relationship with Natasha and Bucky is involved.  Much like these, Star War’s cannon is a complete, nightmarish, confusing, tangled, illogical mess. And it has been since 1984, as Caravan of Courage proves. It was never consistent and well planned.
And that’s okay.
I used to care about plot holes. I used to care about which works were cannon in Star Wars lore. I’m over that now. I’m happy to imagine the books, films and games not as a blow-by-blow historical account of a galaxy far far away, but as campfire stories from within this fun, imaginative world that we’re all invited to listen to. Stories that are in-universe myth and folklore, that we can all snuggle up and listen to while drinking highly alcoholic rum and remembering better times, knowing that wherever the future throws at us, no matter how the world goes to hell around us, we’ll still have the memories, and the ability to make our own new stories in the wonderful Star Wars world we all share.
And that’s okay. No, more than that: that’s beautiful.
Also Star Wars is completely unambiguous on the fact we’re allowed to kill fascists no matter how many times they keep coming back with a new logo, so that’s timely I guess.
So, there’s my hot take two-years after everyone else stopped caring about this stuff, as per bloody usual. Tell me why I’m wrong below, and does anyone else have any truly awful spin-off shows that they kind of have a nostalgic soft spot for?
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Ironwood Summary
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Here we are at last the final conclusion of this long character analysis series, for now. This is mostly going to be my own opinion of the character based on the research I did for the analysis. As well as some ideas of what may happen to the character in future volumes and overall standing of what the character was always meant to be and represent in the rwby narrative. Also keep in mind that this is only an analysis of Ironwood’s character pre Volume 8 so there won’t be any spoilers used in this analysis or summary
(Before we begin i want to thank @spacecapart for his art to be used in this summary as i feel this piece summarizes how i feel about Ironwood)
When I started researching and writing on July 31st 2020  for Ironwood and the months that followed I feel like I have gained a better understanding of what exactly Ironwood’s character was meant to be while making sure my overall opinion of him wasn’t biased but honest and neutral. 
For the most part Ironwood’s life was just sad because, well it was never really his to begin with, since he pretty much had no say in it. Based on what I saw and learned about him with the help of additional lore as well as the current story Ironwood was just a tool and a plot device in the narrative.
He started as a tool for Mantle(pre Atlas) which planted the seeds that made him this cold inhuman person that we see at present due to its old toxic ideologies of imperialism and militarism combined with a Nietzsche's philosophy that survives and thrives through Ironwood once he become a de facto king when Atlas became an official kingdom.
Then he became a tool for Oz to protect and safeguard the current status quo without benefiting from it. Though it was with good intentions Ironwood couldn’t help but feel insulted that he was being restricted and kept in check by someone who does not share his belief or ideals of what he considers right even though they weren't his beliefs or the best to begin with.
Finally after all was said and done he became a tool for the very enemy that he swore to fight and defend against. Due to his toxic upbringing in Atlas and his bitter resentment for Oz he tried to take matters in his own hands only for it to backfire immensely into the events that we see in the show. As I Stated in “The Hero that was never meant to be” Ironwood was more or less the most prominent catalyst for all of the events and conflicts in the show that Salem took advantage of and prospered from simply due to Ironwood’s elitist and violent mindset.
All of this just contributes to Ironwood being a plot device since that he’s essentially just a philosophical mouthpiece for Atlas as the show has somewhat made it clear that he is basically the physical embodiment of Atlas if it were a person with both a voice and need to survive. Which wouldn’t be so bad if Atlas wasn’t the Remnant equivalent of a fasciest imperialist dystopia. Most of Ironwood’s character flaws mostly stem from the fact that his is simply the product of his origins and refusing to change or find a compromise for the better.
Another thing that I believe should be taken into consideration is his overall effect in the plot. Added by how the narrative has been structured with its main conflict I think it's safe to assume that no matter what, Ironwood was always a character that was set to fail ever since his introduction. This is mostly due to the fact that most if not all of his power comes from control and authority over others. As well as his lack of actual experience when it comes to war and conflict. 
As I stated in I am power with my own estimate of Ironwood’s age(47-50) based on his rank’s promotion requirements he has at least 30 years of experience from both his huntsmen and military career: 34 if we were to count his academy days of training. Now you're probably asking; “If he has that many years of experience in his career, then why are you saying he has none?” Well it is quite simple based on 2 factors; his professions and the time that he was born in.
At present he is both Headmaster of Atlas academy and the Atlas equivalent of the joint chiefs of staff of the Military. I think it's logical to assume that Ironwood gained the status of Headmaster first and General later due the needs of Oz. Given the importance of the relics hidden in the academies it would be a pragmatic choice for Oz to ensure that there was always a guardian and supervisor over the vaults as well as training the worlds next gen huntsmen(the agreed upon nuclear deterrent). 
Since his profession shifted from field combat to school administration upon becoming headmaster most if not all of Ironwood’s career from this point on saw very little combat opportunities and would soon be filled with politics once he became General further diminishing his combat skills. Also since Generals are the face of the military they mostly handle diplomatic and public affairs as well as deal with civilian contractors to ensure the military has the resources and gear needed to sustain itself.
This means that Ironwood went from fare soldier, to desk jockey, to financial benefactor throughout the entirety of his 30 year long career. But the two thirds of his later career  basically had no relevant or beneficial experience that would be suited for the war that he had been preparing a long time for. Ironwood’s lack of practical experience is also more damaging when you realize that the very little he did have also wouldn’t be of much help in the first place as well.
This is mostly due to the fact that Ironwood was born at the beginning of the high golden age of peace and prosperity for Mantle/Atlas and all of the concerning conflicts happening at least 5 years before the show’s start very late in his career at an estimated age of 45, with the white fang terrorists groups targeting SDC assets that he wanted for war. 
Also his career at that point most likely focused on policing and enforcing Atlasian laws rather than doing actual combat and even then he was trained to fight grimm instead of human combatants and even if he had to fight people they most likely are that of combat inexperienced and petty criminals that wouldn’t actually put up that much of a challenge and even then most of the fighting was done by disposable robots that he can command  with the press of a button.
Overall Ironwood was really unprepared to even fight anyone in general, let alone wage a war against Salem. Even if he had powered up that army to the maximum it really wouldn’t solve anything. Ever since the first episode of the series the message was clear; You're not going to win with just strength and power alone, but with acts of mercy and honesty. As well as just enjoying the simple things in life and just simply living life rather than just surviving. After all this time Ironwood forgot to live life and be satisfied with what he had. Because of this he’s just going to keep on pushing the limit until he loses everything that he has and drag everyone else with him. Simply because he wouldn’t admit to himself that he has no idea about what to do or accept that he wasn’t the most important piece on the board.
Which sadly brings me to the very likely truth that it is guaranteed that Ironwood’s part and time in the story is coming to an end and his death is drawing near. This has been foreshadowed in the beginning of volume 6 where the true plot and crisis of the story had basically made Atlas and by extension Ironwood irrelevant to the story when it's been made clear they can’t just simply kill Salem and win with brute force as he had hoped. Because of that Ironwood was no longer important to the story as they show and fandom have hyped him up to be. Even if he still had an actual role in the plot I’m afraid to say that Ironwood’s story (even if it wasn’t that much) has already been told and judging by the direction he is going by it’s only going to get worse for his character (moraly wise) to the point that his death may be a blessing in disguise for remnant.
To start we need to look at the essential core concepts that make up Ironwood’s character. If we remove all of his actions and focus on his archetypes we get a character that is A) Half robot, B) the de facto leader of an inefficient military(let's be honest it's just a glorified security force for rich douchebags.) C) A school principal and D) someone who essentially hails from what can be considered the most evil and inhuman kingdom of his world that values power and is placed into a story and conflict where none of those things even matter given what we know about the true stakes and consequences of the plot and this is essentially all that we even know about him in relation to the story.
Which brings me to this point that in my opinion he wasn’t much of a character to begin with. This is mostly due to the fact that we really don’t know anything about him besides the summarized 4 points from the last section. We don’t know anything about him like how he became involved in the plot, how old he is, when and what caused him to be a cyber, does he have anyone outside of work or any family that he cares about and more importantly why does he fight in the first place and what motivates him to do so and what does he hope to gain? These details to me are important as to give depth to a character as to better understand why they are the way they are. Otherwise they are either a philosophical mouthpiece or a living ideological caricature. As I stated before in Ironwood’s case he is just that for Atlas, just a simple tool that it can use for whatever it needs.
Which also brings up another subject towards his contributions to the plot; What exactly can he do and was he really even that important to begin with? As I stated before Ironwood really doesn’t have much to offer besides the Military which has been proven to be useless and unneeded. But if it was to be needed that doesn’t automatically mean Ironwood should be the one leading it. For example should he be removed from power and replaced and the heroes really need the military wouldn’t it be simple just to involve the new commander and chief or appoint someone they can trust to ally with them. So yeah the military part as well as the academy are what give an individual like Ironwood any relevance but that doesn't automatically mean they’re that important or crucial to begin with.
Simply put Ironwood has always been a character in the wrong genre. Had he been placed in any other circumstance he may have had a point and could have succeeded but in the case of his story he doesn’t have one. Ever since his debut he has always been this source of contradictions and antagonism and contrast when it comes to how the world and characters have been set. Due to this Ironwood has always been this source of escalation and conflict as he only follows his own beliefs and tries to force others to comply with them. As well as the truth that he really has no idea of what to do since he was never really prepared to handle anything like this and added by the fact that he won’t admit or consider the possibility that he is not that needed or important. If he continues on with this type of thinking it's only going to warrant his end as simply put by Oscar he really is just as dangerous as Salem.
Before I explain his overall purpose and status in the Narrative I want to go over several ideas for what may be next for Ironwood throughout the rest of the series which will be explained further by the reasoning I will use in the narrative part. 
Fate and status for Volume 8 and the rest of the series
I think it's safe to say that Death flags have been hovering over Ironwood for a while or at least since Volume 7. But is it certain? Most likey. I say it’s near mostly due to my belief that his story has essentially been told and he really doesn’t have anything left to contribute to the plot at this point. The impact of his death whether it will leave a positive or negative impact remains uncertain. But the way of his death to me is certain; he’s going to die by the hands of another character(specifically a hero). I know most people would have hoped for a heroic sacrifice or a redemption by death but I don’t exactly see Ironwood doing such things. (Which I’ll explain in the next 2 bullet points)
If it hasn’t been made clear Ironwood has made more enemies than allies simply due to his inability to compromise or let go of his Atlasian ideals and ego. As well as his refusal to accept the fact that he really isn’t that important or necessary in this conflict or at least in the way he wanted to be. If he further descends into his own little world Ironwood is going to cause more problems and do more damage that can never be undone and the only way to stop it would be if he was out of the picture. Because of this Ironwood is likely to die in V8 or by the end of the Atlas arc but it is also possible that he may die at another point later in the series.
Redemption Arc
The chances for Ironwood’s redemption are slim but they’re there, but probably not in the usual way that everyone expects to happen. To help clarify the possibility of redemption we will be using the trifecta structure of redemption arcs. This includes; How the character sees himself, how they see the world, and the stakes and how they change over time. As well as the Scale and Values of his motivation. To help better understand let us take a look at Ironwood’s motivations and goals from V2 and how they contrast and differ from V7 Ironwood.
Volume 2 Ironwood’s motivations upon first glance are simple; stop the threat and ensure stability and security. However if you watch closely there is an ulterior motive. From this we can determine the true Values of his goals and the Scale of what he is willing to do to achieve them and they go as such;
His values as of V2 are security via large Military foundations and amassing complete control and influence over forign nations while promoting the agendas of Atlas imperialism.(similar to the Galactic empire in its early years from Star Wars) With the scale showing that he is willing to go to such lengths as propaganda and political manipulation and betraying allies to get what he wants(the greatest example of this being subverting control from Ozpin)
From this we know that Ironwood sees himself as this perfect savior that can do no wrong and should be the one in charge. While his views of the world being that everything is below him unless they match those of Atlas. With the stakes at the time being the possibility of losing imperial expansion and the threat of domination from a superior force that could shatter the foundations of his ideology and culture. 
While Volume 7 Ironwood’s motivations being; whatever it takes to preserve his perfect and ideal society even if it means sacrificing everything else before his valued culture is destroyed.
The values of this Ironwood definitely differ from previous versions of the character. As V7 Ironwood’s motivations have shifted from saving lives and defending them from Salem to preserving the very little bastion of control and authority that he has over Atlas. With the scale showing that he is willing to turn on allies and go as far as to abandon a whole heavily populated city and potentially the rest of the world in order to preserve the one thing that he has complete and unconditional control over.
Because of this a lot of Ironwood’s views have changed by the end of V7. 
Due to his streak of recent failures his views of himself changed from being the perfect leader that he thought he was, to accepting reality that he isn’t said leader and is prone to failure. However because of that thinking he no longer feels that he should hold himself to that set standard anymore and do what he thinks is needed to get his desired results. Which leads to the fact that he still views himself as the one that should be in charge but this time he does not feel compelled to be fair or considerate of either allies or people.
His views of the world really haven’t changed as much. He is just more honest, open and direct about his views by V7’s end where it's pretty clear that he values his military industrial complex that is Atlas over people's lives regardless of their affiliation.(It should be noted that Mantle is still apart of the Kingdom of Atlas as a whole so consider the fact that he is abandoning the part of it he deems is an acceptable loss without even trying to save it)
But the greatest and significant of changes for Ironwood in the plot are the stakes. Prior to being told the truth about Salem’s immortality he honestly thought that he could win and kill her and be free to pursue whatever task he could set his mind to now that she was gone. After being told and with the clear indication that his power(Atlas) was at risk he essentially is doing what raven did; cut his losses and settle with what he has and run. As such the stakes for Ironwood at this point are to preserve the very little power and control that he has currently at his disposal and sacrifice and do whatever he can’t to maintain it even if it means letting the rest of the world die or be under Salem's control.
This is just speculation but Ironwood’s chances for redemption are pretty slim but not impossible. But the key start and major factors to make that redemption possible is for him to yield power and let go of Atlas. As I stated before, Ironwood relies heavily on his control over Atlas as he believes it to be the only means to maintain and sustain a war as well as the only way of  enforcing his authority. To reiterate Ironwood true power and relevance to the story is his complete and unchallenged command over the Kingdom of Atlas and at the risk of sounding cliche; “All who obtain power are afraid to lose it even a hero” If there is to be any hope of defeating Salem and or maintaining peace in Remnant it can not happen with Ironwood being in power. Which may be more difficult than it seems which leads us to the possibility that he may not be redeemed and should he live past the Salem conflict with this type of thinking.
A New Enemy
For a character to be redeemed the character needs to want change for better but given his personality and recent events Ironwood at this point doesn’t feel or believe that he should change as he now has an ends justify the means mentality with the belief that he is this grand savior believing his way is the only way. Because of this it is very likely that he may stay an antagonist throughout the remainder of the series and possibly long after the main conflict.
The Third Faction; Okay I think it's a safe bet to say that no matter what Atlas was always going to be an antagonistic force that was being set up as early as V1. And unfortunately for Ironwood he ended up being the face and voice of said force that was there before he was ever given a name or a design.
Because of this setup it is possible that Atlas under Ironwood will become its own faction that may try to counter salem but at the same time will possibly sabotage the allies aka the main heroes and the rest of remnant since Ironwood’s paranoia has increased to the point that he doesn’t trust anyone anymore and most likely will reject any offer of aid or promise of an alliance  since Ironwood believes his in own hype that much that he will eventually become a problem that has to be stopped which will possibly lead to the end of Atlas. Which brings us to what might happen to the character post Salem and Atlas.
Post Salem Insurgency; This is speculation but it's possible that after Salem is defeated and Atlas is destroyed he would continue to be a threat for the rest of Remnant as he will be forced to answer for war crimes and step down from power with the possibility that he may never obtain it again. 
Given what we know of his personality Ironwood isn’t the type of guy to yield power or think he did anything wrong due to his ends justify the means montra. As such in the years following Salem's defeat and the possibility that Atlas may no longer exist or at the very least no longer subservient to Ironwood’s authority its most likely that he might end up in charge of a paramilitary consisting of the very few soldiers that are still loyal to him and start raiding and terrorizing settlements, cities and kingdoms all over remnant just to rebuild his military complex and infrastructure as a means to reclaim the status and power that he was stripped up.
How and why any of this would happen if it ever does is debatable but should it come to be Ironwood is going to need to compensate in order to survive if he becomes a legitimate threat which brings us to a very likely scenario based on his original inspiration 
Full Cyber
Given what happened near the end of V7 and recent V8 concept renders combined with the Tin-man inspiration I do believe that there is a very likely scenario that Ironwood will be more machine than man at some point in the series assuming he doesn’t die yet. This is pretty much a given scenario due to his favoritism for machines than people and his new found ideology that humanity is weakness now it is very likely when given the chance that Ironwood will willingly become full cybernetic(Possibly to the point of just simply being a brain in a new metal body)
 While this isn’t exactly an ideal outcome for the character but at the same time this would actually make Ironwood a credible threat as he would now be able to enforce his authority on his own now without relying on others to do it for him. Based on the research from the I am power post Ironwood is relatively a very weak character in comparison to a majority of other characters that we have seen so far and this is especially true when compared to the villains and main heroes. One key aspect to remember is that Remnant didn’t need the military only Ironwood did because on his own he’s screwed no matter what the situation.
Ironwood relies to heavily on his Army as it is the only thing that gives him some ambiance of a fighting chance but ultimately he is very ill suited to lead and manage said army that when you think of it are possibly full of people that are probably more capable than him as well as able to back up and defend their position of power on their own. Whereas Ironwood can not if he were to be overthrown by the military. In other words a fully cyberized Ironwood would actually be beneficial for him as it would make him a formidable threat beyond just simply being the guy who has the world's only military. Depending on what kind of enhancements he can get he would at least be on par with characters like Ruby Qrow and Yang and at the very best on the level of pre maiden Penny. Because as he is right now Ironwood would surely die if he were to face any character that is not within his capabilities. But this is my theory and observations but until we see more Ironwood’s best bet is going full cyber.
Role in the narrative & what we can learn from Ironwood
To start I think it's pretty clear that Ironwood in narrative is just a foil for most of the characters in the show. Especially with greater comparisons and emphasis on these 3 characters; Ozpin Ruby & Salem. While at the same time he is also the character representation that embodies Atlas the most and as such much about what we know and learned about Atlas is mostly due to Ironwood’s actions as he is the culmination and development of Atlasian culture. Unfortunately though this as far as his character was ever going to go. Which makes it all the more tragic and sad when you think about the role that he was supposed to serve.
We will first be breaking down each Foil comparison between Ironwood and the 3 prominent characters to plot as to better under his place in the narrative.
Of all the characters that exist in the RWBY story I do believe that Ironwood tried to emulate and be his own version of Ozpin(or any past incarnation). However unlike Ozpin Ironwood is biased, lacks actual experience and above all takes shortcuts to get faster results at the expense of others. I know that this mostly stems from good intentions but what exactly qualifies Ironwood to even think that he should be the one in charge to handle this Salem conflict. This is one of the greatest problems that is addressed in the show about Ironwood. He really believes that it's his destiny to lead by replacing Ozpin and win.
 But I ask again; What exactly can Ironwood do that would qualify him to even be worthy to take up Ozpin’s task?
That's just it really, there is nothing about him to warrant such a thing. When it comes to the foils between the 2 it's about being this Big Good character that should lead and the themes of Grey morality that R.T. has tried to implement into the show. But when it comes down to it Ozpin is the true Big Good while Ironwood was simply a pretender. Ironwood has always been a narrowed focused character that cares about the conflict itself instead of the people that are caught in the crossfire. And unlike Ozpin who has based all of his decisions and plans from experience and human nature, Ironwood had based his for a need to simply be right and in control.
In short Ironwood had wanted to be the next Oz as he believed he was more suited to do what Ozpin couldn’t even though he lacked the skills, experience, and power to do so which brings us to the next foil. 
Ruby Rose
This might be stretching a bit but when it comes to the plot there is no greater foil between characters than who is the real hero of the story. In this case is the hero of the series Ironwood or Ruby? To help answer this inquiry we need to know what exactly a hero is. Webster's dictionary defines a hero as a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent, endowed with great strength or ability.
While other sources would say what qualifies  A hero can be as simple as a person that saves lives and stuff, but a hero can be anyone that does something they have fear of but are brave enough to still do something. Bravery is usually the biggest trait of any hero. This person has usually overcomes huge obstacles to survive or to rescue others.
A hero is selfless, a genuinely good person, and someone gets the undivided attention of all of us and causes change.
A hero takes action to help others at considerable risk to themselves, however, if that action also helps themselves, then they are not a hero because they are acting out of self-interest. Courage is admirable, but unless it involves risk or sacrifice in order to help others, then it isn't heroism.
So in short the true hero of the series is actually Ruby not Ironwood or any other character in the series. Not because she is one of the main characters or because this is a story from her perspective but because she has the ideal and pragmatic skills and abilities needed to handle the current situation of the plot as well as doing what Ironwood has failed to do himself confront fear and be brave. As I stated in paranoia over reason most if not all of his choices have been based on fear rather than actual logic, reason, or bravery. Which is further highlighted by facts discussed in I am power that Ironwood is really nothing without the military and doesn’t stand a chance on his own.  
This is indefinitely a stark contrast to ruby as she has proven since her introduction to be capable of handling the threat of Salem as she has the talents skills abilities power and above all the spark that inspires others that compels them to do great things for the right reasons which Ironwood failed to do as all of his action have had a certain goal that would only benefit a certain few with him being the one who would benefit the most. This is mostly due to how the 2 have responded and chose to handle the situation. 
When it comes down to it the main plot is defeating monsters that dominate the world who happen to have a leader controlling them. Remember the whole reason why Salem is even a credible threat is because she can control said monsters and the first premise before she came on screen for the first time was learning how to fight grimm. This is something that Ruby was training and preparing for since she was a kid with the added bonus of having the powers needed to handle the situation with ease while Ironwood has only been preparing for a war with other people rather than monsters and crush rebellions rather than being a guardian peacekeeper that Oz meant for him to be.
 Because of this Ironwood has contributed more to the problem more so than Ruby did as his actions were done in favor of Atlas and his own self interests were as Ruby makes honest mistakes out of ignorance and optimism. Which brings me to the next foil that Ironwood shares more qualities with than anyone else
I know I'm going to get a lot of heat for this but if you think about it Ironwood is basically a syfy dictator version of Salem’s fantasy dark lord. Face value it doesn’t seem likely but given what we know about their current lore, history, personally, and world building these two can be twins to some extent. The examples are as followed;
They’re both headstrong and blunt individuals who go too far in their endeavors when simple and easier solutions were present
They’re both isolated however Salem is isolated by circumstance and force while Ironwood is isolated by choice and paranoia which is ironically the results of their cold upbringing and history
They both lead organizations with questionable intentions that border on dark and immoral with goals that are based on self entitlement rather than rightfully justified or earned
And to top it off they essentially command armies of soulless killing machines
From these examples we have plenty of foils between the two with them being pride, isolation, tragedy, authority and probably the most important foil in regards to the plot War & Conflict. However when it comes down to it Ironwood is on the short end of these foils when compared to Salem. 
In terms of tragedy these two have let their past misfortunes dictate and influence their decisions resulting in a sense of entitlement that they have been wronged now the world has to compensate them for things to be right. For Salem she had a cruel upbringing for unknown reasons and life being unfairly cruel while Ironwood was lifely forced into servitude and was never really himself as he wanted to be. Salem’s tragedies are the result of grief and dealing with forces that she couldn’t comprehend. While Ironwood’s is the result of unchecked ambition and ignorance.
Similar to Oz, Salem has more experience being a leader that can exert their authority and will over others while Ironwood lacks the experience and therefore can’t do the same. The Grimm under Salem’s command are more of an oppressed hivemind that she leads with little to no resistance unlike her human subordinates. Thus Salem has more direct control and authority over those she commands and has the abilities necessary to keep them in line with her goals. While the people under Ironwood’s authority have a voice and mind of their own that don’t align with his ideas. Due to this he isn’t much of a respected leader as he thought he was. Because of this Ironwood is mostly kept in power by rules and regulations with everyone blindly following suit. 
 As for war Ironwood was without a doubt unprepared for it. This is mostly due to 4 reasons;
He had no idea of what he was doing
His opponents are of better a quality than anything he can make or round up
He was preparing for the wrong war that should never have come to pass.
He was to prideful and sure of himself that nothing can go wrong
When it comes to the 1st reason Ironwood was more or less a pseudo soldier in a time where militaries are pretty much obsolete. This is because militaries are used as power projection of a nation and convey the message to another nation to not cross them. Due to the timing there was no real reason or excuse to justify having a military during a point in time where people are more interested in developing a culture and living life rather than fighting in needless conflicts. As such there was no practical reason, competition, or threat to justify Ironwood’s demands for a large military when he came to power or ensure that it was of a better quality than whatever hypothetical enemy that he would face.
Salem on the other hand has had experience commanding armies before and probably has instigated several wars and conflicts prior to the founding of the current 4 kingdoms thus Salem would have at least accumulated centuries to millenniums of war experience that surpass Ironwood’s brief 30 years of service in the Atlas military. Given that Salem was already a crafty and manipulative person during a time when gods were still around, she most likely would have seen the mistakes and flaws that Ironwood has made and exploited them.
Leading into the 2nd reason Ironwood was pretty much in command of a terrible military. As stated in the 1st reason there was no real threat or competition that encouraged those in power besides Ironwood to remilterze. As well as the current military most likely being filled with people who don’t want to fight a war and most likely enlisted for economic reasons. Because of this and his paranoia Ironwood had to find a surrogate army to prepare for his war that in his mind could happen at any time. However this resulted in cheaply made Androids that can be assembled fast for quick deployment. Due to this Ironwood traded quality for quantity as not only was no one going to fight in his war but believed war was on its way soon. Out of misplaced desperation Ironwood hastily assembled a low quality army that never stood a chance.
In comparison to Salem’s main military force there aren’t that many differences. However the Grimm are slightly a better quality than what the Atlas military has to offer. This is mostly due to the fact that the Grimm are a semi sapient species that are capable of learning and adapting as well as possessing some level of self preservation with individual grimm being around longer than most of their kind becoming even more deadlier than them. While the androids that Atlas uses aren’t as they were made to be cheap and disposable and are mostly effective in large numbers. 
The 3rd reason for why Salem is doing well during this conflict with Ironwood is mostly due to the General preparing for the wrong type of war than the war that he is actually fighting in. After all is said and done Ironwood has solely been preparing for a war with other people rather than for monsters. This is because the Atlas military before Ironwood took charge wasn’t meant to fight a war. Not all militaries are formed or created to defend the people. Atlas is the type of military that serves only in favor of the best interest of the state of government rather than the people. 
Because of this Ironwood had spread misery and divided the people turning them into enemies. Salem would later take advantage of this division that Ironwood created as he was more focused preparing for war than managing the welfare of his citizens. This is speculation but most if not all of the weapons like penny and the Atlesian knights were solely made to fight human opponents as opposed to the grimm that Salem commanded. This is because Ironwood feared and distrusted people more than the monsters he fought.
The 4th and final reason why Ironwood never stood a chance is due to the fact that he believed in his own hype more than he should have. From key dialogues to certain character interactions and in universe lore Ironwood has always presented himself as this towering figure with unlimited power; A god among men so to speak. This shows us that ultimately Ironwood’s ego and pride have been inflated to the point that his overall common sense is non-existent. This is further explored and shown in the control tactics that he uses specifically these ones; Strength and Intimidation in Numbers; 
Some aggressors like to dominate a situation by having a number of associates or friends present to support their position. The superior numbers alone may constitute an intimidating presence. They can also back each other up and challenge an individual in turn during a proceeding. In addition, they may also put pressure on a person to make a decision before they're ready. At worst, the strength in numbers tactic may be used for direct or indirect bullying or harassment.
Ironwood's overall strategy is simply sowing fear and doubt into an enemy that he doesn’t understand with large and unnecessary shows of power wasting resources to cover a wide variety of unknown enemies that pose a threat to him regardless if they are with Salem or not. This is best seen with the thousands to millions of cheaply made androids that are only effective in large numbers and the one ship of the line that was too big to be suited for warfare as they function as more of a forward operating base with their great size giving them the intimidation factor without other supporting fleet vessels like frigates or corvettes.(FYI by my count from V6 ep13 there were at least 41 of those ships hovering above Atlas doing nothing)
This is even confirmed by Ironwood in V3 ep3 where he claims this to be the case with this line of dialogue; 
“The people of Vale needed someone to protect them, someone who would act. When they look to the sky and see my fleet, they feel safe, and our enemies will feel our strength.”
This sort of tactic would probably have been useful if it was applied in a conventional warfare plot with people being his opponent as this is a real life tactic used in militaries and the navy especially in the modern era. The problem however is that the plot isn’t about conventional warfare nor is it a battle between people but with monsters where these tactics are meaningless  to them. These tactics are ineffective when compared to Salem’s psychological hit & run terror tactic being used in a setting like RWBY’s are quite effective and more useful than anything Ironwood can come up with. Even though they rely on opportunity and time to become a practical threat the end result is a huge payoff to the one who applied them with that being Salem. 
To sum it up when it comes to the foils of war between these 2 characters all you really need is the right tactic, strategy or plan and everything falls into place regardless of whether you have an army or a handful of misfits all it takes is careful thought and patience something of which Ironwood has shown to be lacking.
In conclusion what we learn from these foils are Leadership, Heroism, and War and how no matter what Ironwood was always on the short end of these traits and was never going to reach his ideal scenario for each of these ideas as he had set high expectations that were well above his capabilities and now he’s paying the price.
The Atlas Meta Narrative’s influence on Ironwood
Based on my research and what I have stated before; the greatest source of Ironwood’s flaws and antagonism is largely due to the influences of his home kingdom; Atlas. 
Just like Ironwood Atlas is also a foil setting and culture to the other kingdoms and the rest of Remnant. The reasoning for this is best explored in the established lore and other expanded material. To help better understand, here is a brief summarized history and development of the Kingdom of Atlas;
Before Atlas came to be it first started as Mantle who began as a group of desperate people trying to survive. Taking advantage of the cold climate of Solitas they were safe from the Grimm and had an unknown amount of time to develop both their technology and culture without restraint or interference. Eventually this progress was stalled due to a Grimm incident in Mantle that forced the current leaders of the kingdom to make radical and unnecessary regulations that suppress basic human emotions and rights instead of putting the effort to protect the people. 
When the Great war started Mantle joined only to ensure that its like minded imperialist ally Mistral would supply them the resources needed to survive. Because of this and the extreme measures they enforced on their citizens to control them prior to the war Mantle was most likely considered the most evilest faction during the war. When the war came to an end with Mantle suffering an embarrassing defeat it led to an age of cultural segregation and discrimination upon Mantle in the post war era.
Following the war Mantle entered an age of isolation and economic depression due to distrust and suspicion from the other kingdoms as they would only view them as this inherently evil and tyrannical force that can’t be trusted. Because of this the lingering scar of the toxic ideology of pre-war Mantle survived and is echoed in its spiritual successor; Atlas where it continued what Mantle couldn’t survive and thrive under the same core ideology that they had 80 years ago when they were still Mantle with only minor changes made to prevent the other kingdoms to intervene and possibly destroy their so called perfect culture. 
After they lost a scar had remained and an echo was created that still lingers to the present. Due to cause and effect Atlas at its core was developed to be this amoral conservative xenophobic dystopia that was being led by corrupt individuals that were in pursuit of their own self-interests rather than serving their citizens and were kept in power by blind followers that couldn’t see their real intentions. As a result Atlas became a culture of exploitation, expansion, repression, and subjugation for the well being of the political entity that is the state at the expense of its people and others. 
In relation to Ironwood as I stated before is a byproduct of this system and is simply one of a long line of blind followers that eventually supplanted the leadership and chose to continue the machine that is Atlas and replaced cogs needed to keep it running as he was once forced to do throughout his life because he doesn’t know of anything else. 
Because of this upbringing and the history of his origins Ironwood was more or less viewed as indifferent in the eyes of his own people and evil in the eyes of others. Leading to a clash of beliefs within Ironwood that resulted in conflicts with others and the main meta narrative theme that we were meant to learn from him; The essence of Being.
The Essence of Being
Essence is defined as the core nature or most important qualities of a person or thing. Essentially the narrative lesson that we can learn from Ironwood is the age old lesson that has been echoed from R.T. longest running series but with a more individual focus. That's right, Ironwood's journey and arc in the story is an inverse and modification of the classic RVB question; “Do you ever wonder why we're Here.”
But in the case of Ironwood it's more focused on an individual person asking and the age old question of Why am I here and what is my purpose and how do they justify and understand it.
As I stated before Ironwood was simply the wrong character in a different genre from a writing and story perspective. But in universe from the perspective of Ironwood it's simply a matter of him asking; “Why am I alive and here, and why am I this instead of that in a world like this?” At some point everyone questions the reality and circumstances of their situation and it's probably common questioning on a world, setting, and reality like Remnant. For Ironwood it’s possible that he’s asked these questions more than anyone. As for the reasons why he would question his existence go as follow;
Why was I born in Atlas?
How do I prove I'm good when others think I’m evil by proxy? 
Why I’m I so weak when compared to more skilled & powerful people?
Why was I made to be reliant on others that can’t rely on themselves?
I’m I respected only for the rank or the man?
Does anyone really care about me or I’m I being used by sycophants?
Will anyone care when I’m gone?
Why won’t anyone give me a chance?
How do I justify and understand the reasons why I'm here?
Does any of this matter in the end?
The core of Ironwood’s journey, actions, motives, and story wasn’t about saving the world, the balance of grey morality of people, or even the preservation of a certain culture, but instead is about cementing a legacy to escape the harsh reality that everything we do will eventually be undone. It's such a freighting thing to fall but is even more freighting is to admit it
In a way Ironwood's story is somewhat relevant to this line from Monty Oum in regards to immortality; “The goal isn't to live on forever; it's to make something that does.” CRWBY has even stated that Ironwood is a forward thinking individual/ A dreamer if you would. Because of this Ironwood was more focused on where he was heading rather than focus on where he was and what he was doing Causing a lot of problems to happen and escalating events to the point that we see them in the shows present. This oversight and negligence is because he continued to believe that, like everything else in his life, it would be righted by the sheer force of his will.
But sadly he is just only one man put on the world for a brief moment of time that is rather minuscule and insignificant on a cosmic and meta level. Everything changes and legacies are either forgotten or are repeated. In the end time and death are the ultimate victors as they undo everything and the cycle repeats itself for better or worse and individuals like Ironwood are just caught in the middle repeating and doing the same thing that has probably already happened and will probably happen again. All it takes is just a matter of time.
My Thoughts and conclusion
For the most part I was pretty much cautious when it came to the character and felt that he was more or less a side character trying to be a main one. The problem with that however in my thoughts is that well he doesn’t really have much to go on to warrant such a status. As well as how the plot has been structured Ironwood was never going to get what he wants. He may have had good intentions but at the end of the day he is only human with his own wants and needs.  
Overall I do feel that his part in the story is over. Mostly because he tried to take the lead of it. Meta understanding aside Ironwood’s time is coming to an end and I hate to say it but it probably would be for the best. Not just everyone else in the show but for himself as well. As I stated Ironwood’s life is Sad because well it never was really his to begin with. It's illogical because he was ill equipped to be a part of the setting that he was in. His death is more than guaranteed because he has nothing left to contribute to the story that can’t be done by anyone else. At this point with the overall message of death in the show it would be mercy and relief for Ironwood as Death is not the worst thing that can happen to you.
I still hold hope though as I’ve come to understand and see why people are fascinated by his character. But for that hope to be possible Ironwood has to let go of Atlas as it has been the main source of conflict between him and everyone else.
Well that's it I’m done for now as this is an analysis of Pre V8 Ironwood and maybe after V8 I may add more research of V8 Ironwood and see how much i got right in the initial analysis. After doing this I hope to do an analysis on Qrow Branwen and other RWBY characters hopefully in a much shorter amount of time as opposed to the months it took me to do Ironwood.(then again this was my first character analysis) Until then be on the lookout for additional bonus content for Ironwood such as;
Character comparisons from fiction
Character comparisons IRL
How you can fight & Kill Ironwood
A more indepth look of his new cybernetics
What Ironwood should have done
His relationship with other characters
The possibility of an Ironwood spin-off
That's all for now. Let me know what you think and thank you all who helped made this analysis possible.
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bastardbvby · 3 years
soon can mean anything. can mean in three hours. can mean three weeks. all men do is lie. i want lore. please give me lore. i want c!dream to escape prison. i need rivalsduo content. all men do is lie.
idk why but i feel like the flow of lore might be quackity pre recorded stream -> dream lore video (im not ready to accept him actually streaming cause i think i'd pass out) -> techno lore stream with syndicate members (esp phil) going live for multiple povs
if the las nevadas crew did actually film on thursday i think the videos will be edited over the weekend/upcoming days and come out after thanksgiving which will allow dream to post a lore video in early december (can we get a cheer for holiday ad revenue) and then potentially more techno streams in december where he works with syndicate members to plan a break out (guess on the potential thumbnail that him and phil are going to be using his backlog of withers to attack in some form)
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