#I adopt as much as I can but then they all die
qsmpmiraheze · 2 days
I managed to find this book and quill set tucked away underneath some dirt in my room. It needed some cleaning, but it’s useable. I’m writing this in hopes that someone will find this, that someone will hear my story, that someone will know, that I was here. I was alive. I’ve been inside this “egg adoption center” for what I can only describe as a long time. I say “a long time” because I’ve long since lost track of the days, they’ve lost any sort of meaning. I was put in here since, at least from what I was told, that my mom, a great dragon, flew away. I don’t have any memories before that point. Ever since then, I’ve been waiting in here, in this room, waiting to be adopted. I was told that a “person” would adopt me. Am I not a person? What does a person look like? This small room is the only home I’ve ever known. I was told that if I ever left on my own, I would never be adopted. So I stayed here. There’s nothing in here. A singular light, which never shuts off, some fences, the walls, the ground, and me. I survived off of whatever bugs managed to scurry in, and the slow dripping of water from above. I hated it, but I could survive off of it. I wanted to be adopted. I wanted to live. I’ve always dreamed of being adopted. Seeing the outside, having a nicer home, not worrying about thirst or hunger, being able to be somebody, meaning something to somebody. It sounds nice. I dream about it in my sleep and daydream about it when I’m awake. Maybe someone will adopt me. I heard a bunch of commotion, seemingly from below me, but then, it disappeared. As if a fire was lit, and then extinguished. I heard something again, then nothing. It’s been a long time since then. Will anyone else ever come? It’s been so long. I’ve tried to keep hope, that’s all I’ve had, hope, but it’s running out. I don’t have much left. This is where I’ve stayed, this is where I survived, but I’ve wanted to get a chance to live. I don’t know if I’ll have that chance. I hope that this isn’t where I die. I want to survive. I want to live. I don’t want to die here. I want to live. If I’m gone by the time that you read this, please know: Please don’t be sad. It’s not your fault. Maybe you just couldn’t see me. Maybe it’s my fault. I would’ve loved to meet you. I would’ve loved to live alongside you. I would’ve loved to mean something to you. Perhaps I won’t get that in this life, but maybe I’ll see you in another? Please know I was here. I was alive. I was somebody. I had hopes, I had ambitions, I had love that I was ready to give. I’ve accepted my fate. But I’m scared of being forgotten. This book gives me a chance to be remembered. Please don’t forget me.
— from Memories, a book found by Cellbit in an abandoned adoption area
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just-a-repa · 3 days
I have finished part 3 of my modern AU
Here is the previous part
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Here are teenage Obi-Wan and Anakin
With the exception of Dooku and Jocasta, I drew all the character as teenagers/young adults btw
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Again, quick disclaimer: no clue how the foster care actually works in the UK (esp back then), i did a bit of research but it's not going to be accurate
Obi-Wan was born in 1975, his father died when he was a baby, and his mother got into substance abuse, so him and his older brother were sent into foster care. They got abused by that temporary family, but when he was 5, they investigated those foster parents and they shut them down. He got separated from his brother. He got labeled as a "problem child" after this, so not many parents really wanted to deal with him. He got adopted a few times, but it was mostly abusive families so he ran away a lot, rebelled, and eventually got sent back
When he was 13, he got adopted by Qui-Gon. Obi found him VERY wierd. He is thinking like: this strange man came in, adopted ME of all people, who is labeled troubled, AND he lives alone?! What a wierdo
So they bonded. Took a hefty amount of reassurance, love and support (and a few runaway attempts) but they built a trusting father-son relationship that goes into friendship
Obi met Quinlan in highschool, started dating, turned out to be a longer relationship. He then went to lawschool to become a defense attorney
Anakin was born in 1991. He lived with only his mom, up until Shmi died when he was 9. He ended up with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, though he didn't see his adopted brother much, because he was already in college. Qui-Gon was already 48 by the time Anakin came into his life (I cannot let him die), so he got spoiled even more than Obi. Ani was a huge technology nerd and was a big gamer (no one can convince me otherwise)
He met Padme at a college party. Ani was studying to be a pilot, she was studying to be a politician. Few years later had the twins, but Padme didn't die in childbirth (I cannot let her die either)
Obi-Wan is bisexual and Anakin is straight
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notsooldmadcatlady · 1 year
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ladyaster · 10 months
After Isa's redemption in KH3, I'll never find it not funny as a huge fan of FFVIII that the fanon consensus is that the new "nemesis" of the Seasalt Trio or at least Roxas and Xion is Seifer.
I dunno how much of the KH fandom has played FFVIII, and in-universe it makes sense given Seifer is the "neighborhood bully" of Twilight Town. However, given what VIII players know about him, it's hilarious and cathartic to see these two kids either bonk him with copied claymores in response to him trying to intimidate them into giving him their ice cream money, curbstomp him at Struggle right after calling them "lamers" or "chicken wusses", or accidentally drop half-eaten popsicles on his face when, in his universe of origin, Seifer was a major war criminal who, among other things, dropped all sorts of horrible endgame monsters including actual malboros onto a hugely populated city (which like any VIII fan can tell you, malboros are already nope on a stick in general, but in VIII in particular they're excessively brutal).
Roxas and Xion are just delivering Seifer some belated karma from 1999 is all and I'm loving every second of it.
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ask2ps · 3 months
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i made interps of 2p liech and 2p swiss so many years ago but never posted em... not sure where the files are now. >__< but i finally am working on the new ones lol. i know that 2p swiss and 2p liech arent as popular, but theyre one of the few i have an Actual history planned out for.
tldr: the worlds ultimate paranoid germaphobe and his creepy little sister, who is armed with lysol wipes and also a Gun
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
My shipping guide for the Batfam fandom because some of these ships are getting out of hand
(This post goes out to the person who told me they legitimately didn’t know Tim and Jason were brothers and thought they were a canon couple🤢)
Acceptable/non-incest/legal ships:
Tim and Stephanie, Barbara and Dick, Bruce and Selena, Bruce and Talia, Basically Any Pairing That Is Not Adopted Relative/Adopted Relative or Child/Not Child Is Ok It's Not Rocket Science, Dick and Kori
Incest/Batcest ships:
Jason and Tim, Dick and Jason, Tim and Damian, Jason and Cass, Dick and Cass, Tim and Cass, Bruce and any of his children that is their FATHER, Bruce and Alfred, Bruce and Kate, Mari and Damian
Ships that should be illegal/personally give me the ick:
Barbara and Bruce, Jason and Barbara, Tim and Barbara, Duke and Cass, Jason and Talia
Ships that are a whole ass felony:
Dick and Damian, Damian and Stephanie, Honestly Damian and Most People He's a Child, Bruce and Stephanie
#I regret to inform you every ship I just listed is real#there are other acceptable ships but I just included my personal favorites because listing them all would be too much#I put Steph in felony because I have no idea how old she is now#ik she’s the same as Tim and the never age him up so idk#this is my opinion#you may have a different opinion#just scroll if you do#live your life#Jason and Stephanie also give me the ick in a big way but I didn't put them because other than it being Tim's ex its not really problematic#Personally I see Jason and Steph in sibling vibes but since they're NOT people can ship what they like#Ik Kori is technically not BatFam but I put Mari so#This is gonna upset some people#i can already feel it#Tim and babs is also debatable in terms of problematic (depending on the version) but I hate it with a burning passion so it made the list#I don’t like Dukecass but not because I think it’s incest#But because Duke is like 16/17 and Cass is like 21#most the time anyway#I don’t like that#I only included ships I’ve actually heard of#Duke is never officially adopted which is why I didn’t include him in the incest category#It is suggested he is fostered by Bruce though so you can interpret that how you will#There’s also a ton of acceptable ships outside the bat community but again#Would be too much#If I forgot an incest ship#Just imagine it’s there#I probably just haven’t heard of it#Almost forgot Mari and Damian#But THAT IS HIS NIECE#idc what anyone says i will die on this hill#Mari’s not a part of main canon but that ship has bothered me for years
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crystal-verse · 9 days
Day 11 - Surrogate
[brief and vague mentions of pregnancy and childbirth. featuring lyna's parents, and queerplatonic relationships between the two of them and the exarch]
It escapes them, some days, just how lucky they are to have Dulna and Vaimet by their side. Then, of course, he is reminded, by a stray word or some thing he'd forgotten that one of the two had dealt with in his stead; by a stray pat on his shoulder, or the way one of the two would so casually yet carefully press a shoulder against one of his.
He is very close with the two, the Exarch -- Raha, though the name is feeling less and less his each day -- knows. The two had been the first to meet the Exarch, really, back when they were just Raha, an unnamed Mystel of some amount of power. They are perhaps the only ones to know his face, here in Norvrandt; all those who had met him in those initial years, so confusing and chaotic with the Flood having been so soon, are either dead or no longer remember them, and the Exarch cannot help but be grateful for it. They are more and more strange, living without aging, ageless and timeless just like the crystal that crawls further and further up their arm and shoulder, and while the Exarch knows that 'tis to prevent any recognition on the part of either Warrior of Light when they are eventually summoned. . . it is also a small source of comfort, keeping their face hidden, being an anonymous face to match their simple role. (Or -- 'twas supposed to be a simple role, at least.)
Dulna and Vaimet have never betrayed that trust, either -- they are always naught but professional when in public, the commander of the guard and his second-in-command who are ever loyal and respectful of the Crystal Exarch's time and duty. But behind the closed doors of the Tower, the two shed those roles like masks, the same way that the Exarch lowers his hood and is simply Raha again, for however long it lasts. There is comfort, between the three of them. Raha does not know quite what he would call it, but they are -- close, certainly. Not lovers, no -- they are well aware of what romance feels like, what infatuation swelling in their heart feels like (for they still love Sae'pheli'ehva, all these many, many years later) -- but neither is it quite friendship. There is friendship there but it is. . . it is different, somehow. (Raha hesitates to say closer, as if this relationship -- whatever it is -- is inherently better than friendship, as if romance is inherently better, but Raha does not know how to phrase it.)
It is not romantic love, at the least. Raha is certain of that. The Exarch, themself, had been the one to officiate Dulna and Vaimet's wedding, at their own shared request, and they know that just as they do not view the two in that light, neither do either of them view Raha like that. Still -- still, there is closeness. A deep bond, enough that Raha trusts them with his face, with his name, even. (He has not spoken of his past, but. . . they do not pry. When the memories grow too heavy, enough to choke, Vaimet will sit with him, oftentimes humming something beneath his breath, and will sometimes shift Raha to sit with his head pressed against Vaimet's chest, to hear the heartbeat. When Raha cannot carry the weight of all the grief he is forced to bear, Dulna will talk of whatever comes to her mind, until Raha is tethered in the current time and can breathe a bit easier.)
(It is not romantic love. It does not have to be. Raha loves them regardless, whatever this relationship might be.)
Perhaps they should be less surprised, then, at the request that is made of him.
"We want a baby." Dulna had said, one morning, with little preamble.
Raha raised merely blinked in response. ". . .alright. Were you wanting to adopt one of the orphans from the Sin Eater attacks. . .?"
Dulna looks at him as if he is stupid. Perhaps he is. "No," she says, enunciating carefully, "we want a baby."
"I'm. . . afraid I don't grasp your meaning?" Much more of this and Raha will be truly well and baffled.
Vaimet huffs, quietly, his shaking shoulders the only sign that he is repressing further laughter. "We want a child of our own blood." He explains, leaning his weight on one leg. "And I cannot sire a child, on account of lacking the necessary parts. So we need a surrogate."
"Ah. Well, I can. . . see about who would be willing to. . .?" Raha trails off, shrinking in on themself slightly as Dulna's expression only gets stonier.
She sighs, pinches the bridge of her nose. "Raha." (He does not startle at the name, but there is a fluttering in his chest regardless.) "You beautiful, beautiful fool of a man."
"I'm. . . sorry?" Well. Now Raha is baffled.
Vaimet, then, seems unable to restrain himself any longer, finally laughing loud enough that he is breathless for several moments. "We want a baby." He repeats. "And we want you to be the surrogate."
They -- "ah." Raha says, simply. They then proceed to scream into their hands.
After Raha has finished making a fool of himself, and Vaimet has finished laughing, and Dulna has sighed the last of her exasperated-if-fond sighs, the three properly sit down and plan how they are going to go about this. (Raha is awkward enough about it to make Vaimet laugh, and Dulna snicker at them, so even if Raha is horribly embarrassed the entire time, 'tis at least worth the smiles. And -- 'tis not as if the three of them have not seen each other naked, various times, between the damage from fights and needing to patch one another up or simply wishing to forgo the heavy layers of clothing amidst summer heat, so it's really the point of the whole thing that has Raha so embarrassed to begin with.)
It's Dulna that shall bear the child, they decide -- well. Vaimet and Dulna decide. Raha is mostly happy to be included, after he has eventually gotten over the awkwardness (as much as he ever will, at least). Vaimet is captain of the guard and presumed to be the same as any ordinary man by those who do not know him well enough, and Dulna is willing enough to take some time off from the regular guard rotation, once the pregnancy gets into its later months.
(Raha is still embarassed the entire time, but -- they do feel so very honored, that Dulna and Vaimet would trust them with something like this. And happy, of course, always happy to spend time with the both of them, individually or together.)
Time passes. The general public assumes that Dulna's child is Vaimet's -- and why should they not? 'Tis not as if there is anything to say otherwise. (And 'tis not like there is any stigma or judgement against those like Vaimet -- but Vaimet is older than a fair few of the Crystarium's citizens, by now, and values his privacy just as much as the Exarch does.) For the ease of avoiding any rumors, the Exarch does hope that the child will resemble Dulna more. (Raha hopes that his own Viera blood, however much of it there is, will shine through and hide any traits that would suggest a Mystel parent. Better for all their privacy if the child looks naught but Viis.)
Dulna and Vaimet toss about possible names for the child, through the months, but Vaimet is insistent that Raha should get a say, as well. Dulna reminds them that Raha will be involved in the child's upbringing regardless -- as if Raha would forget that. In the end, 'tis Vaimet's idea for the child to take the latter half of Dulna's name, for Raha's idea to name them Lyna. Dulna, smirking victoriously, declares that she does not care for whatever the gossipmongers may think, so long as their child (their child, claiming Raha as Lyna's parent just as much as Vaimet and Dulna are, and it makes a fragile little warmth bloom in Raha's chest) grows up happy, and loved, and cared for.
"We can claim you're their grandfather." Vaimet jokes, one stormy day when all are in their dwellings -- a rare day, where the Light is not quite so blinding.
"And what would that accomplish?" Raha raised an eyebrow, curious. "I assume that Lyna will discover the truth eventually, if they are not raised knowing it." They wrinkle their nose at a sudden thought. "I certainly would not like it assumed that I am a parent to either of you."
Vaimet only shrugs. "Well, we don't want them calling you father in public." And that is the issue, isn't it. The masks, and the roles. As far as anyone knows -- as far as anyone can confirm, at any rate, which has to be good enough -- they are simply Vaimet and Dulna, happily wed couple expecting their first child, employed as heads of the Crystarium guard, and the Crystal Exarch, kind but distant from all, a mysterious mage who's face and name is unknown to all. "Besides, you have taken time to interact with the other orphans and various children -- you've enough grandfatherly airs about you, when you want."
Before Raha can respond to that, Dulna cuts in. "We will figure it out when we get there." She declares. "For now, let us just enjoy the rest, hm?"
And so the time continues to pass. (Vaimet, Dulna, and Raha work on that idea, some -- the Exarch most certainly can put a grandfatherly aura about him, when he wants. Vaimet near laughs himself sick at it, and Raha can't help but join in. The many orphans, certainly, are grateful for the attention from their so very respected Exarch, and the orphanage caretakers, and the Settlement Council, are glad for their own brief respite from work as the Exarch takes time to care for the children for some hours out of a week, every now and then.)
(Raha worries, as the months go by, about what Lyna would inherent from them. If they would inherit anything at all. Would they get the curve of his nose? The pale shade of his skin, so unlike Dulna's deep reddish brown? Would Lyna get the red of Raha's hair, or the upward slant of their eyes? Would they get Raha's own full lips, or would they take after Dulna with thinner ones? Would there be any Allagan blood made present, in Lyna? Would their eyes be the one thing to mark them as being Raha's?)
It is another stormy day, when the child is finally born. Vaimet paces circles in the small washroom they had absconded to, the three of them, muttering under his breath, while Raha's hand is held in Dulna's white-knuckled grip. It is over rather more quickly than any of the three of them had expected, but it leaves them all exhausted -- nonetheless, there is nothing more memorable than the cries of a newborn infant.
Lyna's ears are clearly Viis, as is their short stub of a tail. Their skin is paler than Dulna's, but still a rich brown, and the downy fur on their ears and head is an off-white color, a pale echo of Dulna's near-black shade of purple. They sneeze, and open their eyes, and Raha can feel the breath leave his lungs. Lyna's eyes are a purple the color of Lakeland -- this, too, they did not inherit from him. Allag has no claim on them, despite his contribution to their parentage. There shall be no other sanguine-eyed individuals in Norvrandt, or on the entire First. Raha weeps, and they do not know if it is in loss or in relief.
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vargaslovinghours · 9 months
Y’all are being subjected to my Sims 2 tests, so there
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The other set of Vargases came over for a visit and Scriabin picked up Shmee and started talking to Scriabin through him. Very normal, very usual
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I downloaded some circle-glasses recolours and hghghh they look so good! Closer every day to his final details! Getting ever closer!
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Edgar too! I made him a custom hair with a lighter undercut - I’m mostly happy with it, probably could’ve shifted it a shade closer to his skintone but the texturing was weird no matter what :P And his stripey shirt! I wish Body Shop didn’t have that hands-on-hips pose lol, it looks so much better in-game, but that’s all the better :)
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I got some new clothes for Todd as well! As soon as I saw this ‘fit I was like “Oh that’s 100% Todd there he is.” Scriadad hug ♥ So cute
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Foot-dancing together stopp it’s so cute!!
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The way he looks at them stoppp <3 <3 They kept doing this right up til they left for home haha, Todd’s giggles are the cutest
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Used SimPE to save him to the Body Shop, I now have infinite copies of The Boyyyy ♪
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Moved him in with his “parents” as just shadow people basically, they’re not gonna matter in a bit as long as I remember how to get the Social Worker/Adoption process to work properly. Get her Todd!!
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Wanna play? :D
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Menacing :(
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Look, Todd, your new dads are here! Initially I wasn’t sure who I wanted to adopt him, got lots of options; the first passes, the married couple with their own Todd, Johnny?? He definitely doesn’t have the facilities for a child lol But these are the ones that showed up on their own, so the married Vargases are the winners!
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Scriabin cares more about him than his actual parents ;; A stranger off the street shows him more care! Not that it’s a high watermark
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Look at him being a good dad!
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Weh, he just wants friends ;; Poor baby
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Best timeline, thank you
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While we wait for CPS, let’s get some other interactions in! Nny is mean so he tended to prank the other two with a nose flick - mostly Edgar lol ♪ Now kiss
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“Oh please don’t break all my bones~ :3” I love Todd looking up at them haha <3
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Pffft, I think he was talking about the other Scriabin and just how attractive he is. Classic Scriabin. Alternatively, also funny to imagine him bragging himself up about how he’s just so handsome that Edgar can’t help but love him hahaha ♪
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Allow me to tickle you with my KNIFE! >:D
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Get a load of this guy lol
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He ended up passing out at one point - I forgot which motives make CPS show up >.> - and completely 0%’d his comfort, but for some reason stargazing increased it?? It’s the same ground wh
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Is two not enough to satisfy your butterfly bloodlust child?? He ended up with three, I had him release them before he was picked up by the Social Worker - success!
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He rolled a new Want as soon as Todd was taken away - “Wants to see Ghost of Todd” Woah, dark! :0
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And here he is on the married Vargases’ lot!! Success!! I did it right!! Heck yeah! :D Unfortunately they were uh, indisposed at the time. Good job guys pft
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Goes right for Shmee, he really is Todd <3
#The Sims 2#My queue is too backlogged on main! And I /have/ been working on a lot of Vargas-specific Sims 2 retextures so it's fine lol#These are still tests - as said up top lol - so these events are ''non canon'' to what will eventually be my actual Vargas family#The beats will be similar tho! It's mostly just a lot of tweaking at this point to get everything just where I want before the domino falls#Edgar Nny and Todd are all so close to done - Scriabin still needs a bit more work lol of course he's the problem member ♪#It'll be worth it tho! >:3c Handsome lad <3#Did find out some interesting things with the Social Worker/Adoption process :0 Most importantly that adoption basically wipes everything#Wipes memories and family relations and changes the last name! So I'll have to go in with SimPE to change his name back once I'm there#I love SimPE haha ♪ I mean it's just an extension of how much I love TS2 but I just ughsjkhagf it's a good program!#It's extremely powerful and easy to get lost in if you don't know where to look but it's also incredibly user-friendly if you do know#Like - it's as easy as ''Open this sub-menu. Click this button. Rename this. You're all done'' it's just jdsflf Sims 2 my beloved <3 <3#I decided to cheat down the Casils' relationship with Todd before everything else - thus why his father is menacing him for the prank#I've seen Sims with not high enough friendship to not take a water balloon as a fun invitation but not between a parent and child!#It's subtle but the parent being mad and the kid cowering :( It's sadly appropriate for Todd#I stuck the Casils in a box to wait things out and they ended up glitching frozen in bed - they're effectively dead by Motive but can't move#So they can't die /or/ live - feels fitting#If you'd like to recreate CPS taking your child away without straight up torturing them! - Hunger. You just need hunger lol#Alternately you can also have them miss class if you'd prefer to feed them - both will result in being taken away after long enough#If I return to this save it's gonna be confusing since both Todds are identical and have the same names lol#I do have a bunch of new clothes! Second shopping trip :D#There's something oddly fitting for the Vargases to adopt twin/clones lol - fun shenaniganary until the Final Version comes to pass#Although now that I think of it I Could also give them a toddler!Todd hmmmmmm#It's an idea :)
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secretlythatsme · 7 months
also i feel like "adoption bait" jokes are like,, only funny maybe once, and the reality of bruce is actually trying to Not bring in more kids but everyone after jason forced themselves into the family is Way more interesting for dpxdc fics. especially in bad fenton parents aus?
the thing is, bruce has a lot of hesitance with bringing new people in, especially kids because 1. they will not be safe even if they don't become vigilantes 2. they can't be trusted 3. it's a lot harder for everyone to hide who they are if they bring a civilian in and 4. bruce now feels responsible for the life of Another kid. like,, i get why people make the adoption jokes, but i think the angst potential is so much more interesting than "bruce and co immediately want to adopt danny".
like can you imagine an au with bad fenton parents and danny is still a teen and he's heard about how bruce/batman brings in sad cases. maybe, just maybe this guy could actually help him? give him a safe home? or maybe danny doesn't want to be adopted right away but slowly bonds with the family and eventually wants to be included. the heartache knowing that bruce doesn't want that to happen. like?? hello!!!
there's sooo much you could do with bruce not wanting more kids in the family!!! so much!!!
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hauntingblue · 6 months
Can't believe I spent so much time thinking kiku and kinemon were dead... they really got me there...
#damn izo...... can we get back to that i do not care that much about raizo and this guy...#AND WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND THE WORLD??? damn the reverie..... and sabo#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1063#also the thing i said episodes ago about kaido being luffys foil because he loves fighting and they smile all the time... and then we get#king saying he thinks he is joyboy bc he saved him.... but the difference of those new worlds they imagine and how kaido wants to die and#luffy the complete opposite.... yeah yeah#toko..... and this swordmaker man just adopting little girls... he is the father that stepped up (multipile times)#kaido just having a drink.... he is just having some fun... fighting and drinking... average friday night for him... thats his love language#it is his love language... he said he just accepted him aldjsks i was just saying shit... see he is just having some fun witj his peer#luffy was so confused with all this he got hit akdhsks first person ever to bamboozle him.....#drunk kadio is so fun to watch.... crying about his son escaping and how everything goes wrong ajdkskskk#his impulsivity and like unpredictability just make him better while drunk akdhsksjk luffy should try shrooms if thats what he prefers....#what devil fruit???? also get robin's name out of your mouth!!!!!! OH ZOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE#IT'S LUFFYS DEVIL FRUIT.... WHICH HAS ANOTHER NAME....... WONDER WHY HMMM...🤔🤔#also kaido saying luffy likes him too much.... that's another secret fruit JAHSJAHA#episode 1064#zoro just bleeding out on the floor... nvm he died... well... there are other swordsmen.... this looks like an impressionist film#zoro doesnt get it... he is powerless against death....#IZO NOOO!!!! HE GOT STABBED!!! jesus.... MARCO HELP!!! MARCOOOO WHAT IS HE DOING#THE FUCKING CP0 NO!!! WHAT??? well i respect that decision... leave him alone get a job etc. NOOOOO YOU WON'T WIN!!!#do not make a deal with them either... izo.....#love how traffy and kid have each one (1) woman on their crew. its not ooking good on the diversity office#mugiwara no chibi.... exacty..... also how is big mom tired... i mean i get it but damn.... LAW GOT HER!!! YEAAHHH!!! FINISH HER!!!#law needs to cut her to pieces like he did with that guy.... come on.... punk corna DIO??? omg its a bull.... BUT IMPALE HER!!!#well i see progress now at least.... but until kid magnetos her ass idk... law needs to start cutting also.......#episode 1065
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narutomaki · 6 months
get me OUT OF HERE
#this is about fucking. shipping. fucking orochimaru. get out of this polycule all of you shoo!!! go!!!!#STOP HAVING BABIES AND BEING HAPPY AND GOOEY!!!! STOP!!!!!! YOURE RUINING ME!!!!!!!!!#the fucked up little version of Obito ive made tho and his fucked up little niche of functionally immortal reincarnated body sharing#its like ive made him cat nip for Orochimaru. i was JOKING INITIALLY RIGHT??? I WAS LIKE#HAHA OROBITO HAHA HA HA HAAA FUCKING HELP MR#IM IJ HERE NOW LIKE OH YEAH AND GENE SPLICING IS SOMETHING OROCHIMARU HAS EXPERIENCE IN#AND GIVING HIM THIS AS A HEALYHY OUYLET AND MAKING HIM A MOTHER IN ONE FELL SWOOP#Obito has like 15 kids by the time Miho is created so shes not going yo be his heir (his heirs mother was an Uzumaki he hit it off with and#asked to have a kid with young (17) so shes 14 by the time the main series begins)#any way. Kakuzu being like ok you can have a chold under this roof but i will not be responsible in any way for it#and then holding Miho exactly once and going like 'oh i get why mothers die for their babies now'#Kisame takes the longest to warm up to her which surprises him bcus he gets along well with the rest of Obitos children#(Obito is like well. fuck you guys. Uchiha clan in Ame time and offers people contracts like in situations of fertility he adopts the mother#and father into his clan and turkey basters it (okay no he does send them to the hospitla but) and otherwise offers#a home a name etc for agreeing to join as either a civilian clan member or to have a child of his and some of the#second parents are like oh fuck yeah i want a kid but not a relationship/my husband is infertile/whatever and raise the child#as their own with very lityle input from Obito but some Obito has raised / was raising essentially on his own (such as his heir whos mother#didnt want to be in a relationship with Obito but wanted to test out motherhood and found she Could Not Do It and is now#more of an estranged aunt figure but 14 y/o doesnt have much bad blood about it bcus she has The Scariest Step Dad squad and#is 1000% creepy teen girl coded and it gets validated in sooo many capacities. cant do unethical experiments on mice when one of your step#fathers can bring you into the lab and teach you how to actually do the work and deal with an ethics commity that yes we have to#otherwise your father gives us the neutral but disappointed face)#ANY WAY#CAN YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN ?? LET ME THE FUCK OUT!!! LET ME OUY LET ME OUT HELP SOMEONES FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUC
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pwurrz · 10 months
the misinformation about no kill shelters fills me with burning rage ahahahaha
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
I’m not sure if the seasonal depression is hitting especially hard this year or if I’m just grieving for Mabel or if I’m finally going irreparably insane or if life/people is being unfair towards me or all of the above
#i cry super hard every day now. sometimes multiple times a day#sometimes something sets it off specifically (like arguing with my mom earlier)#but sometimes i just think about mabel too much and start sobbing#i thought i was okay. i mean i knew i wasn’t okay but i knew time would do its thing#the first few weeks were the worst but earlier this month i felt like i’d kind of plateau’d#like i was still sad but i could look at photos and videos and talk about her without crying. i was even laughing#now… now i can’t even think of her. again#it just feels so fucking unfair that i’ll NEVER see her again. like what the fuck do you mean. what do you MEAN#what do you mean i have to live out my whole life… god knows how fucking long i’ll live; and N E V E R see her again. shut the fuck up.#that’s so fucking unfair. and everyone else is okay. i’m like how can you POSSIBLY just go about your life#the best dog in the world is dead and she’s going to stay dead and i won’t see her again for however many fucking stupid cursed decades#i live and i might not even see her when i die. how the HELL am i supposed to be okay with that. is that a joke#and there’s a part of me that’s like ‘maybe i could adopt another dog’ but i don’t know#i think i’d feel better and worse at the same time. i wouldn’t feel so alone but they wouldn’t be mabel#i put in an application for a terrier that’s at a local rescue but if i don’t get him i’m not trying again. i’ll take it as a hint#cats aren’t an option btw i found out i’m allergic. which was brand new information.. i’ve been around cats that didn’t set my allergies#off at all. but i guess there’s a difference between spending an hour at your friend’s house who has one cat#and living 24/7 with a cat that gets fur and dander and saliva everywhere#and i don’t think other pets would suit me. i just don’t feel comfortable caring for any animal i haven’t done research on#i had hamsters when i was a teenager but… tbh never again. they are so much fun but i have anxiety dreams about them now#so it’s dogs (well.. one dog) or nothing#i do have plans to speak to my doctor about my depression btw because i genuinely find this unsustainable#like i do think it’s situational (seasonal/grief/everyone around me seeming to want to argue with me lately) but i still need#mood stabilisers while i’m in this situation lol#personal
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perilegs · 1 year
i think i'm the perfect family gathering babysitter bc i LOVE hearing people just go off about whatever topic and children LOVE doing that
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I watched the first two seasons of Stranger Things, so here's my review (i guess)
*inspects notes*
a hot mess
that is all thank u
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arundolyn · 3 months
replaying twdg for genuinely the first time since it came out and MANNNNNN. playing this game with a fully cooked brain. theres some good writing in there. some of the foreshadowing and stuff. oof
#crow.txt#twdgposting#i guess sure#and i forgot baby clem is like. pretty well written as a kid character goes thats easy to fuck up#SHES JUST A LITTLE BABY THING AUAUAUAUUAUU CLEMMMMMMMMMMM.#we poppin the biggest bottles when fucking larry dies i cannot stand this fucking man at all i need him to die faster i need him to explode#i forgot he dies like Literally next episode but thats not fast enough#i forgot the st johns insane shit is episode 2 like MAN it feels like more shit happens before then#bc so much happens There. my GOD.#who up impaling andy st john with a pitchfork. can i get a hell yeah#oh shit the train one is third. goddamn season 1 always felt so much longer than it was#but i guess it was just that i was like.. 12 whenit came out or whatever#but some of the writinggggg ugh like#'aw that was my dad's cane. that thing was used to defend this place better than any guard dog'#and then using the cane to barricade the door when they were leaving......... waahahhhhhhhahhhhhhhhh..#this wasnt writing but when clem was asking about the cane bc shes Six Years Old and Baby#my bf said something like 'her legs work shes fine'#giggled. foreshadowing is a literary device-#also the parallel of lee clarifying that hes not clem's dad all the time when people assume that#and clem doing the same for aj constantly in the last season. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the parallels.#something poignant about a convicted murderer with a life sentence being the most sane decent guy in the apocalypse yknow#i love lee soooooo much i will throw the fuck up#lee everett will see a tiny baby stranded alone and say anyone gonna adopt her and not wait for an answer#the first time i played this i didnt pick up that the voicemails from her parents. her dad was bit they were dead before this started. oof
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