#I also love how he even though he’s normally loud (affectionate) he speaks so softly to his horses
leonsliga · 6 months
thomas visiting his newest baby right after the game, still in bayern clothes 😭 the kisses 😭 god he's so sweet
He literally couldn’t wait another minute; he had to see his baby 🥹 those kisses melted me 🥰 he’s so gentle and sweet with her
Welcome to the Müller household, Kylie Minogue 🐴❤️
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
Normal (Spencer Reid x BAU!Fem!Reader) -- oneshot
I know this is def not my normal content because y’all know I’m a huge Hotch girl, but sometimes I slip back into being a Reid girl. It’s hard not to! I see a lot of myself in him and it led me to write this, so enjoy this (very real, actually) glimpse inside my head in the form of a fluffy Reid story xx.
I listened to “Normal” by AJR a lot while I wrote this!
Summary: Spencer has recently returned to the BAU after a short period of leave, and he comes back to find you, an agent-in-training filling his Resident Genius shoes. He admires you for who you are. You think he hates you. He tries to convince you otherwise.
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At first, you thought it was because of the way you read books.
You’ll never forget the first day you met the infamous Dr. Spencer Reid. He had returned from leave for his injured knee (he was shot, you were told) and this was apparently the second time he had attempted to step foot in the office. The first time didn’t go over well when Hotch found Spencer’s file that said his doctor did not clear him for work yet.
Regardless, you were sitting in your desk chair, legs crossed underneath you, “like a human pretzel,” Morgan always teases. You were reading a book, one of your favorites, to pass the time when Spencer walked in.
You knew it instantly because Morgan’s loud and affectionate, “Pretty. Boy!” could be heard all over the BAU.
You didn’t get up from your chair or stop reading -- besides the brief moment when you looked up to see what the commotion was about.
You still remember your internal monologue. Should I get up and hug him like Morgan? No, no, I don’t know him that well. I don’t want to hug anyone today, anyway. Shake his hand? You remember your hand tensing at the mere thought. Okay, not that either. I could wave, but I can’t tell if I even need to. I’ll just keep reading.
You had heard of Spencer before this. Hotch made it abundantly clear to you and the team that you were not replacing Spencer when you joined. You aren’t even officially a member of the BAU yet. You’re on a bit of a trial run, so to speak. That’s how Hotch explained it.
Yes, you were and still are well aware that the timing looks awful. An agent who is vital and loved in the BAU is shot and out of work right as a new, younger, and less experienced but surprisingly intelligent agent steps in for a “trial run” (which no one ever does).
To anyone else, it obviously looks like you were sent here to replace Dr. Reid under the disguise of a short “trial run.”
But that isn’t the case at all.
You thought Spencer didn’t like you because of the way you read books. You immerse yourself in them. You use a pencil to track what line you’re on, so nearly every page has a vertical, light gray line in the margin where the tip of your pencil lead barely grazed the page. You underline keywords and phrases. You draw arrows. You write commentary in the margins.
You thought that was what annoyed him until you saw him highlighting a book and writing in the margins, too. He doesn’t even necessarily need to, especially since he can read so damn fast and remember everything.
That’s also what you suspected -- that he didn’t like you because you could read almost as fast as him.
Keyword here: almost.
You can scan a page and spit the information back out in layman’s terms, sure. But you won’t remember what you read in great detail the next day, sometimes even the next hour -- especially when you were sort of filling the Resident Genius shoes and you’d have to read through stacks of evidence every hour.
You had thought your speed was just another thing Spencer didn’t like because it was just one more thing pointing to the conclusion that you were hired to replace him.
But he doesn’t care. You gladly let him read the evidence and memorize it, but you’ll help him out sometimes by scanning something first to see if it might have what he’s looking for. If it might, then he goes through and catches the fine details.
He’s never once acted as he hates you -- even though you’ve had “friends” who hated your guts and you had no idea (true story: high school is brutal and you were always shocked when your childhood best friend told you how “fake” others were acting toward you). But you’ve tried to look for specific signs, and he shows none of them.
You’re grasping at straws at this point. You’re on a profiling team and you had to Google how to tell if someone hates you. It’s pathetic, truly.
He doesn’t avoid you -- but he also is a really private person like you who likes his time alone.
He doesn’t drop a conversation with you after it’s been started -- but he also rambles so much anyway that you don’t know if he himself is capable of dropping a conversation abruptly.
He doesn’t avoid eye contact with you -- but even that one is tricky because you’re still working on it yourself, and you definitely have some days where you avoid eye contact. Sometimes you can hold it too well, though, and you always wonder if that’s rude.
Going through the rest of the signs that you found on Google goes exactly like that. He hasn’t done it, but then again… There’s always a catch.
It’s exhausting.
It’s a straight week of this before you finally cave and go to the one person you know you can always trust.
“Morgan, does Reid hate me?”
Derek stops stirring his coffee and tilts his head, furrowing his eyebrows at you. “What?” He goes back to stirring before tossing the stick in the trash. “Kiddo, why would he hate you?”
You misread this, too, and think Derek is confirming that Reid has hated you all along. “I don’t know. Why would he? What did I do?”
Morgan pauses, staring at you for a second before he realizes. “Ah, alright. It’s not clicking?”
You and Morgan have this phrase for when things completely fly over your head. “It’s not clicking?” is all he has to ask and all you have to do is nod, and he explains things to you.
So, you nod.
“Okay, listen, he does not hate you,” Morgan says. “I mean that. He’s been struggling to get settled after being out, but he doesn’t hate you. He’s far from hating you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just, trust me. He doesn’t hate you.”
“Okay,” you say slowly. You do trust Morgan, but somehow his words don’t ease your mind this time. “Should I talk to him about it? Or is that overstepping?” You pause. “I don’t wanna be annoying.”
“Kiddo, you’re never annoying,” Morgan smiles, raising his coffee at you. “I’m serious. And sure, if you think talking to him about it will help, go for it.”
“Okay… How do I ask him?”
Morgan shrugs. “Say you’ve felt like there’s been underlying tension and you want to clear the air.”
“Underlying tension and I want to clear the air. Got it,” you chant to yourself. “Thanks, Morgan!”
“Anytime, kiddo.”
Fast forward an hour or two and you finally have enough courage worked up to confront Spencer. The first hour was spent rehearsing what you plan to say and the second was spent rehearsing what you might be asked and what you can say. And finally, you were ready to walk around the set of cubicles to get to Spencer’s.
Spencer looks up when he sees you walking over and he raises his eyebrows. “Oh, Y/N, I just found this really good book about the strategies of--”
“I’ve felt like there’s been a lot of underlying tension between you and me and I wanna clear the air,” you blurt.
Spencer pauses, eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“Are you mad at me?” You try again.
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Do you hate me?”
“What? No!” Spencer sets his book down on his desk. “Of course I don’t hate you.”
“Oh...okay,” you nod slowly. “That’s...that’s all then.”
As you’re turning around to go back to your, Spencer stands. “Wait, Y/N.”
You raise your eyebrows in question. “Oh, right,” you chuckle nervously. “What book did you want to tell me about?”
“Oh,” Spencer looks down at his desk, then shakes his head. “I’ll tell you that later, I wanted to ask first if...if you wanted to get dinner later? There’s a reading downtown for this new poet and I thought you’d like to go.”
“Oh,” you nod. “Yes, I was actually already going, but yeah. We can get dinner.” You mentally rearrange things in your schedule as you speak.
“Okay,” he smiles softly. “Oh, the book. Here, you can--” He pauses and grabs a chair, rolling it over for you.
Derek watches from his desk as the two of you sit down and Reid starts rambling.
You and Spencer leave straight from the BAU to get dinner before the reading.
One thing you’re grateful for that comes with spending time with Spencer is that you never have to worry about conversation. He carries it and if there’s ever a silence, he fills it. Or, like tonight, the two of you enjoy a mutual silence.
You opted for a table outside on the patio because the dinner rush was crowding the restaurant indoors, and it made the lights seem a little too bright. You could feel a headache coming on when Spencer asked if the two of you could sit outside.
It’s a little chilly outside, so you guys are alone, but you’re both always bundled up, so you aren’t cold. Spencer is always in some form of layers and a scarf, and you are, too. Minus the scarf, though, because some days it doesn’t feel right on your neck (and lately it doesn’t). But you’re always in a sweater and a cardigan.
Winter is your favorite season because of this. You can wear as many layers as you need and not suffer from a heatstroke.
After a quiet dinner (that you actually kind of needed, though you didn’t realize it at first), the two of you walk down the street to the small bookstore where the poetry reading is taking place.
“So, you said you were already coming,” Spencer begins.
“To the poetry reading,” he clarifies.
“Oh, right,” you chuckle. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he says, unfazed. “Do you read a lot of poetry?”
“Yeah,” you nod. “I’ve always loved it, I think. I write some, too, but I don’t know how good it is. Probably not very since I’m in the FBI.”
Spencer laughs softly. “I’m sure that’s not true.”
“Do you write poetry?” You ask.
He shakes his head. “Not often, but sometimes.”
“That’s cool.”
“Yeah,” he says. “I like it. Not enough to do it for a living, of course. Actually, I almost got a Masters in Poetry a few years ago.”
“That’s crazy.”
“I can’t imagine being a poet,” he says, slowing his steps as you reach the bookstore. “But I guess that’s why I’m not one.”
You’re not sure what else to say, so you stay quiet while he opens the door for you, gesturing for you to go inside.
Bookstores are your forever safe haven. The quiet stacks, the mutual agreement between everyone inside not to speak to anyone else unless it’s dire. Not to mention, being surrounded by words.
Even events like these are small. Every event you’ve been to, you’ve been one of maybe twenty people attending. It’s your Heaven. It’s the kind of social interaction you’re somewhat good at.
Spencer is surprised when you willingly sit in the front. He would’ve expected you to sit at the back, in the middle row, even, but not the front center. He doesn’t question it, though. He just quietly sits next to you.
You pull the poet’s book out of your bag and it’s a well-worn copy. You flip through the pages and Spencer catches glimpses of underlined words, commentary, everything that lets him know this must be your favorite.
“Do you um…” Spencer pauses, waiting until you tilt your head, showing your attention. “Do you come to readings here often?”
“Every month,” you nod. “It’s a weird routine I’ve had ever since I moved here. I went to readings almost every week in college, and I didn’t want to stop.”
“I don’t come to a lot for poetry,” Spencer says. “Mostly novels -- and mostly conventions for academia-based writings.”
“Those have always scared me,” you chuckle, only half joking.
“Really? Why?”
“Oh, just the idea of hundreds of people crowded in a hall. That kind of thing just isn’t my speed.”
“You know, if it’s too scary to go alone, you’re welcome to come with me,” Spencer offers.
“There’s one next Friday,” Spencer says. “If we’re not out on a case, we can go together, right after work.”
“Okay, yeah,” you smile. “What time?”
“It starts at 7, so we could leave work at 5:30 and get dinner beforehand.”
You mentally begin piecing next Friday together in your head and you nod, thankful for his mention of specific times. “That sounds good.”
Soon the chairs around you are filled and you recognize a few people who smile at you, so you smile back. Before long, the manager of the store is stepping up to introduce tonight’s poet, and Spencer watches you eagerly crack open their book.
Somehow, spending time with Spencer has gotten worked into your routine.
You go with him to academic readings, and he comes with you to your poetry ones. The two of you have dinner together most nights because it’s your routine to eat right after work, and most of the time he’s already rambling about something to you when 5 o’clock hits and you begin packing up your stuff.
Tonight is no different, only this time when you’re walking next to Spencer to the bookstore for another poetry reading, he fills the silence.
“Can I tell you something?”
You pause, but nod anyway, wondering why Spencer is asking this time when he hasn’t before -- not that you can recall.
Spencer takes a deep breath. “I know you thought I hated you, and honestly when you told me that, I couldn’t believe it. Because I don’t hate you and I never have. I...I like you a lot, Y/N.”
“Oh,” you let out a breathy chuckle. “I like you too, Spencer. I’m glad you don’t hate me and thanks for saying it again. Sometimes I need the reminder.”
He chews on his lower lip as he listens to you, and it’s obvious you didn’t catch what he is really trying to say. “Y/N, I mean...I like you. I have feelings for you -- romantic feelings,” he clarifies, watching your face intently. 
You’ve never made the most facial expressions, but when you do, they can be exaggerated. Which is what happens now.
Your eyes widen and you make what looks like a grimace with your lower lip. “I’m sorry,” you say, scrunching your nose. “Have these…have these all been dates?”
Spencer shrugs. “Only if you want them to be. I just like spending time with you.”
“I like spending time with you, too,” you smile softly. “You don’t hate me for not realizing, do you?”
“Of course not,” he laughs. “But I wanted to tell you because I like being honest with you and...if you feel the same, then...we can go from there, but if not, it’s okay. Like I said, I like spending time with you.”
“I do feel the same,” you blurt. “At least, I think I do. I don’t know. I might need to think, but I know I’m interested and...and I know I really like spending time with you.”
Spencer smiles. “Okay, uh...do you-- Can I hold your hand? Is that okay?”
You can’t help the smile that crawls onto your face in that moment, and you nod.
Spencer stretches out his hand and you take yours out of your pocket, hissing through your teeth for a moment at the cold air, but when Spencer’s fingers tangle with yours, you feel better.
Everything feels better when you’re with Spencer.
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cassanovancats · 3 years
felicitate. four.
three < current > five
March 2017
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White Day is only a few days away when you begin to notice Rika’s form is absent from your training sessions lately. There shouldn’t be any reason for this, at least not one you’re aware of. Your class celebrated Yuta’s birthday just two days ago, and both the curse and cursed seemed fine, great even. You decide it’s best to bring this up casually - Yuta was still so skittish and Rika would be able to hear whatever you said anyways. So while you lead Yuta through a yoga session, you ask, “How’s Rika?”
He flusters and falls from his side-plank variation pose. The band he was using as an aid tangles around his calf. You debate and decide to leave him. If you touched him now, he might spontaneously combust. That thought makes you giggle a little. You move to change to a position that meant you weren’t looking at him. Hopefully, that’s less pressure.
Yuta speaks up when you’re fully downward dog, leading you to believe your plan worked. “She’s fine, yeah, fine. Just uh - tired?” You nod but inwardly roll your eyes. You shift your hips in to move to upward facing dog and make eye contact again.
“Just checking. I miss her hanging out, you know?” It’s obvious Yuta just lied, curses don’t get tired, but it’s better to not call him out this time. You just have to hope it wasn’t anything you did. “I know you fell but at this point you’re just slacking. Get back on your mat,” you say, changing the topic to something safe.
You’re back in downward facing dog when the door slides open. A familiar voice drawls, “Why are you still working out, dummy? Forgot our plans?” You scramble to your feet.
“Gumi!” You rush to hug him despite his obvious distaste. “What time is it? Do I still have time to shower or will we be late?”
Your little brother snorts and pushes you away, “Please do, you smell. You have,” he checks his watch, “fifteen minutes.”
“Gumi! That’s not enough time!” You yell, already sprinting towards the showers at the back of the gym. Yuta pouts at how quickly you seemed to forget his presence. That face doesn’t escape Megumi.
“So, you like my idiot sister?”
“W-what! No, no no no, it’s not like that! She just helps t-train me and -!” Yuta knows he’s rambling but he can’t seem to stop talking.
“Whatever,” Megumi has better things to worry about than repressed hormones. He's known that Yuta had a crush on you since the first time he came to campus to train with you after Yuta arrived. Your classmate couldn’t stop staring and seemed disheartened by the fact that you called Megumi by a shortened version of his given name. He had pouted until Satoru showed up and made a spectacle of ‘Team Gojo’ being all together again. Like you three didn’t, at minimum, have a weekly dinner together.
“If you ever want to acknowledge them, you’ll have to get approved by Satoru.” Yuta feels like he also needs the approval of this boy, but he leaves that unsaid. Just nods dumbly. Probably a good thing he didn’t respond, because you barrel through the doors you disappeared from.
When you rush past him, Yuta gets a strong whiff of the floral scent he’s come to associate with you. Megumi laughs under his breath at the blissed out look. Your hair drips water onto your tee shirt and it’s clear you rushed. “Really, really sorry to dip, Yuta. Run through those stretches we did last week to cool down!” Your fingers distractedly pull your wet hair into a braid as you instruct him. “Oh! Tell Maki I won’t be at afternoon training, Satoru already knows and gave permission. Megumi, grab my duffel?” Already carrying it, he rolls his eyes. “I should be back tomorrow morning, but don’t count on it.”
“Wait, but why -?”
“Gotta dash. Bye, Yuta!” You run ahead of your brother, headed to your room to grab Tsumiki’s gifts. Megumi gives a nod and follows after you. Alone and without anyone around to judge, Yuta groans and buries his face into his yoga mat. God, why can’t he just be normal.
When he looks back up, Rika has taken your spot on your mat. You left in such a hurry, you didn’t even clean up. He’ll have to drop it off in your room. “Ya’ know, it’s not that I’m mad about you liking her,” she begins. “It’s just…. I know we can’t be together so I do want you to be happy. I just feel jealous. Especially since you got her that super fancy chocolate for White Day,” Rika finishes with a pout.
Yuta doesn’t really know how to reassure her. So he does what he promised when he was ten, and is just honest. “I’m here to learn how to let you go, Rika. Neither of us know how to do that yet. I can’t be in any kind of relationship until I learn. It wouldn’t be fair to either of you.”
Rika hums and picks at the corner of your mat. “Well. I think it’s more than just us two you’re worried about.”
“Inumaki seems pretty interested in the both of you too. You may not see it, but all three of you are pretty smitten. It’s actually kind of gross.”
“That’s - he - no!” Rika just laughs and dissolves her form. Yuta, still flustered, continues to mutter as he collects the things you left and wipes down any used equipment. When he finally leaves, it’s just his luck he runs (literally) into Inumaki who looks unfairly handsome in a fitted tee and sweatpants. Even his markings are uncovered, which makes Yuta groan, tuck tail, and run away. Yuta can hear Rika laughing in his mind.
“Tuna mayo?” Inumaki tilts his head to the side but shrugs off the odd behavior.
July 2017
JJH Thots the good gojo: guysss help which tie do i get :( fushiguro: isn’t satoru with you the good gojo: yea but u know he’s shit at gifts maki: Both of those are ugly, (y/n). Do you hate the man? osamu: the cheetah print trophy husband: I like that one too! the good gojo: this is why you two are my favorites
From a few cities over, Yuta flushes at your words. Inumaki notices and kicks his foot. He’s laughing when he says, “Nori,” but Yuta can spot a faint pink over the hem of his collar too.
You turn around in the middle of the street when you hear a loud, “(y/n)-chan!” Satoru is speed-walking towards you, waving an arm that is covered in different shopping bags. His long legs have him beside you in a split second, even without the use of cursed energy. “Are you done yet? Nanami won’t even thank you properly you know. Why don’t you just get gifts for your precious Nii-chan?” He pouts and takes the two bags you’re carrying.
“One, it’s not your birthday. Two, you could buy anything you want already. Three, who's to say I didn’t already get you one?” You pull a box of macaroons out from one of the bags he took. Satoru moves to snatch it immediately but you put it behind your back. Of course, if he wanted, he’d just grab it, but your Nii-chan would never deny playing a game with you. “You can’t get it until we’re back on campus! I’m already tired and this is my bribe to go home early.”
“But (y/n)-chan,” he whines.
“Nu-uh. I promised a movie night with Toge and Yuta and I don’t wanna be late.” You realize too late you revealed too much, because your brother suddenly looks like a very successful cat.
“Why didn’t you just say so? I would never make my little sister late for her first date.”
You blush furiously, “Who says it’s my first?”
“It better be your first.”
“It’s not even a date,” you roll your eyes. “Neither like me like that, and if it was a date, wouldn’t one be a third-wheel?”
“Tricycles are pretty fun.” Your brother says casually. You roll your eyes again and add a gag for good measure. “Seriously, (y/n). You should know you have my full support to love anyone and everyone you want. Not that you need it, though. You’re a Gojo. We do as we please anyways.”
You tear up at his sincerity and throw your arms around your brother, or at least the best you can with his bags in the way. The two of you are frequently physically and verbally affectionate but not often in such a serious manner. You know there’s a deep love between you; for a long time, the two of you only had each other. Eventually, your family expanded to include Megumi and Tsumiki, but neither ever took the Gojo name. You and Satoru had a special bond. “Thank you,” you stutter around tears. You hope he understands it’s not just a thank you for the reassurance but a thank you for giving you such a life.
“Come on, no crying. You can’t go on your date with puffy eyes, you’ll scare both of them away.” He pats your head softly and just laughs when you punch him in the gut.
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dannyboyzone · 3 years
Samuel, if he would have a child
this was not requested, but it's children's day in korea! and who is the most fun to read about if none other than our tiddy king Seungeun! yaaay! Also, I could like, make one of Eli and Yenna, but we all know Eli is the best dad in the lookism world 🖤
꒰ 🍨 ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯ Sammy with his child...
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baby life
- Samuel isn't the type that necessarily loves kids, however that doesn't mean he necessarily hates them. He wouldn't know how to react if his partner says they are pregnant or want to adopt. - or anything of the sort! - He would react in a polite and pleasant manner, but the heaviness wouldn't shrink in until a few weeks or month.
- Not going to lie, he would prefer a son over a girl. It's not that he is sexist, it's that he is afraid that he would kill whoever hurts his little princess, which would scare and distance her.
- However, he doesn't mind what the end result is, he would just want to be a good parent because he never had an actual good one. You would expect him to have the mentality of 'I suffered, so why shouldn't they?' But he truly doesn't.
- He would absolutely be lost with babies, but would be very willing to learn about how to take care of them. He would surprisingly smile at them a lot, and even speak in a babying voice. Big scary gangster has a heart.
- The crying would sometimes drive him crazy, but he would absolutely never take it out on the baby, just try to learn which cry means what exactly. If it goes on for long, he might as well cry too.
- He would absolutely never trust anyone expect his s/o with holding his baby. That's his baby, whoever hurts it will die. He has set his mind on that long ago, truly. He had a terrible childhood, he won't let that happen to his own kid.
- People are absolutely not allowed to be loud around his baby, or even smoke around them. He would go out of this place to protect them, but maybe be a little tense during it.
- Honestly, when he would be around his family, he would be very very vulnerable. It would be his special safety net, and his weak spot. He wouldn't try to show that though, so people don't hurt his family, he can't let that happen.
- He still wouldn't become a full on softy though, but when he is around his baby? Lord! He has a whole personality change. Samuel who? There is only SuYoung's dad here!
- Ah, did I mention? He would want the baby to have a name that starts with an S. It will either have Seung in it, but even if not that, it will definitely have 'Eun' in it. If that's not an option? Y'all are going to look at baby-name sites at 2 am. The! baby! needs! a! name! that! starts! with! an! S! Seriously, if the child is adopted and has a name already, it will just become their middle name. Samuel will not chill out.
- However, whatever happens, the child will either be his Princess/Prince/Snowflake. He will probably buy a lot of things that will make not only having a baby easier, but having a baby life easier. As in; Both the child and the parents will have it easier.
- Samuel would absolutely love to dress up his baby in ridiculous clothes, like a baby overall with a hoodie, that just makes them look like a big carrot. He would just take pictures of them, but dress them back up in normal baby clothes, to not make the baby uncomfortable.
- What he would love as well is to take pictures with the baby, and record important moments. Like first words, learning, saying first word ect. That baby would probably become the most important person in his life.
- Absolutely not going to lie, Samuel is the kind of person who would love his child(ren) way more than he loves his s/o. Sure, it's great to have a loving s/o, but his son/daughter/child? They are top priority, he is responsible for their birth, and he will make them have the best living experience possible. He isn't going to put them through what he went through.
- I think he would also feel very loved. Especially if the baby falls asleep on his chest or tummy, he would definitely feel like he is a good dad. He would just be proud 'hey! i created that! It's beautiful and lovely!'
- Sammy is also the type of person that would peck his baby since he loves them so much. Please don't think of anything sick though, it's pretty normal and a lot of parents do it. However, if the baby hits him or pushes him away due to uncomfortable, he would of course stop and stay with hugs. It's just that his monkey brain would go 'woah!!!!!!! princess/prince/snowflake!!!!!!!!!!!'
- Talking about hits, babies hit people since they are developing and don't know that it's not fine. Whenever he would get hit by the baby, he would stay totally calm. He would kiss their little hand and kindly say that hitting papa/dad isn't nice. He would find it quite adorable, actually. He would probably have a hard time to not laugh if the baby bites his nose even.
- He would absolutely be the best dad. He would feed the baby, bath the baby, change diapers, cut their nails so they don't scratch themselves! Literally best dad.
- Maybe, if in the future he will be on good terms with Eli, he would even ask for advice. He is a good dad, and that includes admitting that he doesn't know everything, and he needs help.
kiddo big baby life
- Samuel would honestly be the kind of dad other kids are jealous for. They would want a dad like him, you know? But at the same time, they would all respect and fear him because if they hurt his little baby? It won't have a happy end for anyone. Samuel wouldn't need to raise his voice or hand for that to happen.
- Samuel would always prepare bento for his kiddo, and definitely even make them breakfast. No matter how picky they are, he would try to make the food they ask for. However, he would never let them eat in bed, unless they are sick.
- Talking about that, sometimes he would pick up his kid from school earlier than he is supposed to, either because he feels like his kid doesn't want to be there, or just because he wants to make family memories. He would also lie to the teachers.
- Also! 'Hello' and 'Goodbye!' hugs and cheek kisses are a must. Samuel is not an affectionate person, but both him and his kiddo would agree that they should always do that. Also, 'goodnight' and 'good morning' forehead kisses are a must too. He does it because he loves his kid, but also because you can never know when will you see someone for the last time. He would never say that out loud tho.
- He would do it even if he is mad, but when he is mad he would be scary. Not because he would get violent with his kid, but extremely silent. The kind of silence that screams disappointment. Funny thing is though, he would be like that exactly to not turn violent. He doesn't trust himself, so he has to control himself. It wouldn't happen often tho.
- He would be a little strict, but nothing too much. Just general healthy strictness. Like no chocolate after 6pm, limited tv time, children lock on the tv, computer ect. He is protective, but not overwhelming.
- If his kid would as a lot of questions he would be fine with that. He would just look at it as an opportunity to teach them, so he would answer all in an appropriate way. Also, hey, at least he can teach his kid that cheating is disgusting.
- Talking about that, he would be terrified of becoming like his dad. So even if he wouldn't love his s/o after a few years, he would still keep in the relationship and hide his feelings so his baby can grow up in a happy environment. He would never cheat though, so that's that.
- He would still be a good dad though! He would be happy if his child has independence and his own interests. He would let them pick their clothes, but also choose aesthetic matching outfits for them.
- Also, Samuel wouldn't really care what their sexuality, gender, religion, style and thought manners are, as long as they have morals and don't have disrespect in their heart. He values respect a lot.
- Also, he would teach them to be polite because that brings them far in their life. However he would also teach them to never do what they don't want to. Seriously, he would at some point teach his kid to remember the quote that says "The hill that you carry was only supposed to be climbed"
- He would also like, be chill if they fight. Teacher calls in that his kid fought? Cool, he would calmly tell the teacher to watch out properly next time. At home he would ask how they stand and hold their fist while fighting. To teach them how to do it properly.
- He would probably also prefer to have them in a fighting class of some sort. He would list multiple material art styles, explain the rules and ask his kid if they would be fine to go to at least one. It's not that he wants his kid to be violent, but he wants them to be able to protect themselves.
- HEALTH IS TOP PRIORITY!! Sammy is the type of dad you can tell anything to because he won't judge. That includes health and mental health, he would be careful and set up a comfortable mood. He wouldn't be ablist at all and just take care of his kid the way he is supposed to.
- Also, when the kiddo needs to get a shot or their blood taken, he would be next to them, holding their hand. Softly talking to them so they can get through it. He would also praise them, probably buy stickers and ice cream.
- He also absolutely wouldn't mind spending money on his kid. Their room would look like a dream land full of plushies.
- The support in this house would be above the roof. His kid likes painting? There is a whole art room. His kid likes biking? There is a whole biking day each weak.
- He would also help the kiddo study, although he wouldn't always be the best. Samuel didn't get rich by studying after all.
- He would also teach them stranger danger, and have a secret word with them that means 'something is wrong, please come here and help me'.
teen ♡
- He would probably stop babying his child when they become 14, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be affectionate! He just wouldn't want to embarrass them.
- Not going to lie, he would hit his kid if they do something big enough to deserve it. For example, if his kid would willingly do drugs - forced is something different - he would definitely hit them. Or if they hide smoking, or smoke in general. It wouldn't be abusive, or a daily thing. He would only use if necessary. He saw how those effect people, and he experienced how bad smoking is, he would have strict rules and he wouldn't let his child go through it. They will either choose the easy way, or the hard way.
- Do not misunderstand though, he won't get mad at every single little mistake. He would be a smart parent, just a little stuck up to his own views. He would tell them that he would rather get a call from them saying they snuck out and need to be picked up than a call from the police that his child is dead or went missing.
- Also, he wouldn't tell them what they should wear or not, but he would always make sure to put something in their bag that they can cover themself up with incase they are around someone that makes them uncomfortable incase their outfit shows skin. The gender wouldn't matter, as he is not sexist.
- He would be supportive with whatever their dream is, but would make sure to tell them that dreams can change and that they should make a back up plan incase it does. He is just realistic.
- Talking about that, he would make sure that his kid has a safe to work at next to him incase they want that. He wouldn't force them, but he would like to be a good role model.
- Funny enough, he would know how dumb teenagers can get. His worst fear would be his kid becoming as dumb as him when he was a teenager. Literally, he knows he made bad decisions and let his worth be measured by others, and he wouldn't want his kid to be like that either.
- He would also be fun though, he is the type of parent you can have inside jokes with. He would sometimes not laugh, as he is used to kids saying dumb stuff, but if it's a good joke he definitely will just have a great time with you.
- He is a proud parent too! Literally, even if his kid is a dumbass or a himbo, he would love them and their achievements whatever those may be.
- Absolutely wouldn't know slang, but would still attempt to joke around and do it. It would be fun because he would use words incorrectly.
- A must is definitely teaching his kid about life. In how to view humans, how to treat them and that he should understand that everyone is different.
- Samuel is the type of dad that knows his kids every interest, but not because he is pushy but because they feel comfortable talking with him. It would make other parents jealous for sure. He doesn't understand though, he thinks it's normal.
- When it comes to dating, he wouldn't be a helicopter parent. However, he would teach his kid to not just trust anyone and choose wisely, also, to always have protection. Let that be pepper spray or condom, it works in different situations. Poor person who dates his kid tho. They would constantly get looks that say 'I am watching you, better be careful.' He wouldn't be watching.
- Well, there would be CCTVs around the house though, so if they come home drunk, or past their bed time he will know. And wait. It's not that he would scold, it's that he would have a serious conversation.
- He would still do fun things with them too though! Like having bike fridays, vacation weekends, movie marathons ect. He would be a mix up a lowkey fucked up parent and a mix of the fun and loving parent that's always there.
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Yaaaayyaaay its done! Hopefully, it was enjoyable. I tried to focus on the positive aspects, but still be honest. Of course it's fine if you don't agree with me! Please be understanding if there is a mistake, I made 57 points and my brain felt like it was melting the more I wrote. Thank you for your time! ♡
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
enchanted [bokuto koutarou x reader]
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pairing: bokuto koutarou x fem reader
genre: smut (18+)
warning(s): explicit sexual content, nylon/lingerie fetish, thigh riding, penetrative sex, car sex, slight praise kink, creampie, brief mentions of drug usage, implied alcohol consumption, bo calls reader “bunny”
word count: 2.6k
overview: bokuto just can’t keep his hands to himself, and why should he when his precious girlfriend looks so hot in her costume?
notes: I definitely drew a hint of inspiration from geralt and yennefer for these matching costumes lol I mean they’re hotties so why not?? also, hope everyone has a safe and happy halloween this year :)
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Inside the large house packed to the brim with partygoers, you’re only aware of the throbbing bass knocking the air out of your lungs, the heat creating a thin veil of sweat on your skin, and your boyfriend’s large hands on your waist. His fingers tighten against the black, lacy lingerie serving as the top of your costume for the evening before sliding down the slits of your long, silky skirt and tracing along the decorative edging of the thigh-highs held up by a garter belt hiding beneath the material covering your lower half. The sensation of his warm breath against the hot skin on your neck as he leans over your shoulder sends pleasant tingles down your spine, and you tilt your head toward him to press another kiss against his lips that has him humming affectionately.
Saying that the two of you hadn’t been able to keep your hands off each other since reuniting at the notorious Halloween party the men’s volleyball team threw each year would be a sore understatement. Though you and Bokuto hadn’t arrived together in the spirit of keeping your appearances a surprise, everyone in the entire house now knew that the two of you were an item if they hadn’t before. Aside from the time you’d spent meandering around to speak with a few of his other teammates, your attention had been largely focused on your him—and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
With the way he looks in the dark trousers that strain around his muscular thighs and the white button-up shirt that’s all but buttoned up, you can hardly resist him. And it’s clear that he feels the same way about you given how he’s spent the entire evening with his hands on you, fingers wandering up and down the semi-sheer material of your delicate hosiery and the lace adorning the lingerie you wear beneath the cover of your dark cloak.
The dragon pendant of your necklace thumps against your sternum as you dance to the music pulsing throughout the house’s interior decorated with orange and purple lights, ghost and skeleton streamers, and other, random Halloween-related paraphernalia. His grip moves your hips against his in cadence with the beat, and your bodies are melded together so seamlessly that it’s almost as if you can feel every part of him against you. A gentle tug at one of your sides prompts you to turn around so you’re facing him, and, in spite of the chaos surrounding you, he’s the only person you see.
His golden eyes are clouded with a noticeable and recognizable haze as they gaze into yours before departing to roam over your figure. The way you look under the flashing lights, swaying to the music in a rather suggestive manner has him feeling enchanted. As if you’ve fully embodied the sorceress persona of your costume and cast a spell on him that made it impossible for him to keep his attention off of you.
You continue moving to the music as you wrap your arms around his neck, (e/c) eyes watching the way the matching necklace he’s wearing rises and falls against his exposed, heaving chest. Gripping the cloak draped loosely around his shoulders to coordinate with yours, you pull him closer to you, undeterred by the stagnant heat of all the bodies in the room. Clearly, he’s not the only one who’s spellbound by his significant other.
“Kou,” you mention in as low a voice as you possibly can, given the bass that swallows every sound in the room aside from the buzz of chatter and bouts of raucous laughter.
Breath tinged slightly of beer fans over your face as he replies, in a husky voice that has you struggling to keep your thighs apart, “What’s up, bunny?”
Your heart warms at the pet name that leaves his mouth seemingly out of pure instinct, and you allow him to pull your body flush against his as you move your face closer to his ear. “Can we get outta here for a bit?” you request sweetly before adding, “I want you. Badly.”
“Fuck, you don’t even need to ask, pretty girl,” he groans, hands sliding down to your rear to give it a firm squeeze. You know he’s been waiting all night for this, and it shows in his eagerness to take your hand in his so he can guide you through the throngs of costumed partygoers hanging around each area of the property. Too impatient to go upstairs and search for a free room—since he lives in an apartment with you rather than in the house with some of his other teammates—he, instead, leads you out the front door, past a group of vampires passing around a blunt and a very disgruntled Sakusa donning the mask he’d incorporated into his costume, and out to his car parked around the side of the property.
Holding open the back door for you, he ushers you inside quickly to keep you from being exposed to the chill in the brisk, nighttime air for too long before sauntering around to the other side. The instant both the doors are shut and locked, Bokuto’s pulling you onto his lap and pressing hot, passionate kisses against your lips. The tension building in your core has you unintentionally rutting against his thigh and moaning into his mouth as his tongue slides along yours while his hands knead the supple skin on your ass.
“Wanna ride my thigh, bunny?” he breathes. The way his normally bright and cheery eyes are narrowed at you and filled with lust has heat rushing between your legs in an instant, and you nod enthusiastically. “Take off my pants and make yourself feel good, then, baby.”
Your hands move to his belt, unbuckling it so you can undo the fly of his trousers and push them down. His large palms come to rest atop yours, and he lifts his hips so he can help you slide the fabric below his knees, giving you ample space to work with. The cloak over your shoulders is quickly shed, and his fingers are moving to the waistband of your skirt to relieve you of any fabric separating your now dripping pussy from the bare skin on his thigh. When he notices you reach to undo the lingerie bodysuit you’re wearing, he halts your efforts by grabbing your wrists.
“Leave it on.” The pace of your heart skips a beat as his hand slides between your legs to trail along the thin layer of wet fabric preserving your modesty. A small whine of desperation leaves your mouth that transforms into a squeak of surprise when he pushes the material aside, putting your glistening folds on display. “You look so pretty like this—all worked up over the thought of my cock,” he muses, nestling his face in your neck to pepper your heated skin with kisses, “You’re so sweet, bunny.”
A loud moan escapes your lips at the feeling of your sensitive clit meeting the firm skin on his thigh when he pushes your hips down toward it. Placing your hands on the upholstered surface of the backseat to steady yourself, you begin grinding against his leg, drawing more cries and mewls of satisfaction from your own mouth. Bokuto loves the way you look when you’re getting off, and he loves seeing you riding his thigh while wearing the prettiest lingerie you own. With a small hum of satisfaction, he allows his hands the freedom to roam across the soft material of your nylons before sliding them up to your breasts.
The sensation of his fingers tugging down the sweetheart neckline of your top so he can roll your hardened nipples between them has you moaning out his name rather loudly. Out of your own desperation to please him as well, you reach for the noticeable bulge in his boxer briefs, palming his erection as you continue rutting against his thigh, coating his skin in your essence. Before you can slip off the fabric around his lower half, though, he’s hooking a finger in the necklace hanging in front of your chest and pulling you closer to him so he can take one of your nipples in his mouth instead.
“Kou!” you cry wantonly, feeling the heat in your core building at his actions in combination with the delicious friction against your clit with each drag of your hips along his leg, “Feels so good!”
“You love getting yourself off on my thigh, don’tcha, pretty baby?” The low yet gentle tone in his voice sends more waves of pleasure coursing through you, and you can barely stay focused enough on anything aside from chasing your own orgasm to nod in response to his question. “Gonna cum soon?”
A “Yes,” escapes your mouth in a gentle whimper, but you add, “Want you inside me, baby; please. Wanna feel your big cock inside of me.”
“Yeah?” he growls, jaw instinctively clenching when your hands return to the waistband of his underwear to slide it past his hips. Giving him another nod, you move your face closer to his so you can press more passionate kisses against his lips in the hopes of making the desire you’re sure he already feels burn brighter. Sure enough, the sensation of your delicate, careful fingers wrapping around the shaft of his thick cock as you continue grinding against his thigh and dragging your tongue along his soft lips causes his grip to tighten around your waist.
Another one of your squeals bounces around the hot air inside the car when he lifts your hips from his thigh so he can position your entrance above his dick and slowly plunge inside of your familiar and welcoming warmth. You murmur softly, eyes screwing shut at the bittersweet sensation of his size stretching your walls to their limits as he pushes deeper and deeper into your core. His thumb traces your hipbone in slow circles to help you relax, since he can feel the tight squeeze of your pussy clenching around him—nearly forcing him out with each contraction.
“There you go, bunny,” he soothes, golden eyes trained on the sight of his cock disappearing inside of you, “Mm, good girl! You always take me so well.”
Your walls flutter around him at the praise, eliciting a gentle groan from his throat. “Kou…” you utter quietly, your voice no louder than a breathless whisper as he bottoms out, “You feel so good, baby.”
The kisses he plants along your jaw are sweet and tender to match the slow pace you set when you begin riding him. Small grunts of pleasure fall off his lips and onto your skin each time your hips sink back down towards his, fully sheathing him inside of you once more. A small whimper bubbles in your mouth with each small thrust of his upwards, pushing himself just that tiny bit deeper inside of you and nudging your cervix. Your legs are quaking with both fatigue, pleasure, and yearning as you use then to move his dick in and out of you.
“A little faster, baby; c’mon,” he encourages, gripping the nylon wrapped around your thighs for a moment before placing his hands on your hips so he can help you set a quicker pace. Soon, the pleasure of his cockhead hitting your sensitive spot fills you with more desire, and you find yourself falling into the rhythm he sets, riding him faster and harder than you’d been before. “That’s it! You’re making me feel so fucking good.”
As you find yourself nearing your orgasm once more, your head rolls back and you release more feverish pants and mewls of delight. The sensations of your boyfriend plunging deep inside of you are wonderful, but you can’t seem to push yourself over the edge. Bokuto knows how close you are with the way your pussy squeezes him so desperately, and his own craving to ravish you floods his body in what feels like an instant to you.
Before you know it, you’re being pushed sideways onto the backseat, splaying your body out across it. Your legs instinctively fall apart to accommodate his broad torso between them, and your core stretches once more when he enters you again. The little space available in the back of the car has your hot bodies in close quarters, causing the windows to fog up even more—until they’re nearly opaque. Now, he’s thrusting into you harder and faster than you could’ve hoped to fuck yourself while riding him, and he feels so damn good.
“Fuck, Kou!” you moan, “Right there! I’m—ahh—I’m gonna cum. Please!”
The entire car shakes with the force he’s using to slam into you, hellbent on helping you reach your high. His skin slaps against yours and more praises rain down on you from his mouth, shaking with the intensity of his thrusts and effort. “You can do it; c’mon! Cum for me, bunny. Wanna see that cute, little face you make.”
Your mouth falls open moments later and your hands move to his shirt, gripping the fabric tightly between your fingers as a powerful orgasm washes over you. His name is the only word you can utter over and over again in a breathless chant while your body shudders and your pussy spasms around him. Seeing his precious girlfriend in such a state of disarray and ecstasy, pulling him close to her and crying out for him as she cums around his cock awakens an animalistic desire within Bokuto that has him driving into you at breakneck speed until he sees stars and feels the knot in his own stomach come undone.
Cursing loudly and moaning unabashedly, he releases inside of you in such a large load that his seed seeps out of your core before he’s even finished riding out his high. He could care less about the seats or your lingerie getting dirty, though, with how divine you feel and sound. His heavy pants fan across your skin once his pace slows, and there’s a few beats of silence before he opens his eyes and looks down at you once more. Chest rising and falling in deep breaths, (e/c) eyes slowly fluttering open and struggling to focus on him in your euphoric haze, droplets of sweat beading on your forehead and tender skin, he can only think about how beautiful you are—and will always be—to him.
“Fuck, (f/n),” he sighs, another one of those bright smiles of his spreading across his lips as he admires you, “I can’t believe I’m the one that gets to take you home with me.”
You giggle softly against his lips when he leans down towards you to bestow a few, affectionate kisses against yours. “Likewise,” you respond once he allows you a break for air, running your fingers along the strong muscles in his back.
He groans softly and lifts your back off the seat so he can sit up and pull you into his lap before wrapping his arms around you. “I don’t even wanna go back inside,” he comments as he places his head on your shoulder, “I just wanna go back home with you.”
“Aww, is the party animal all tuckered out now?” you tease and mindlessly card your fingers through his spiked, salt and pepper colored hair.
His grip around you tightens in response before he answers, “Nope, not at all.” The sensation of his lips dancing along your neck has you humming expectantly and closing your eyes as you lean into him. “Because once we get home—before we settle down, eat some candy, and watch a movie together—I’m gonna make you cum more times than you can count, bunny.”
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treat me to a coffee! ⭐︎ kinktober masterlist
taglists (see pinned post on my blog for form)
general: @dinablossom, @newfriendjen, @devlovesramen, @ohbyunhunn, @aftcrlust, @mister-future, @kyleclxin, @kac-chowsballs, @osamusmiya, @nit-sir-hc, @arixtsukki, @shinsurou, @ichorizaki, @dominikmagnus
bokuto: @why-aminot-dead, @lotsoffandomrecs, @atsunakaashi, @heyhinata, @cuddlysoftbear
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blu-joons · 4 years
Dating Choi Youngjae ~ GOT7 Headcanon
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Getting Together:
He was a nervous wreck to first approach you when he saw you walking through the park
After spotting you a few times he’d turn to Jackson to ask him for a bit of help to start a conversation
He didn’t want to say the wrong thing, or say nothing at all, he just wanted to impress you and make you smile
But as soon as he stood in front of you, he completely forgot what it was that he had planned to say
If it wasn’t for you taking an interest in Coco, you probably would’ve walked off
Eventually he got it together and invited you to join the two of them on a walk
He very quickly felt comfortable around you to talk your ear off about anything, his DJ practice came to hand there
There was never a moment when Youngjae wouldn’t be smiling or laughing with you
He quite liked to tell the boys about you, as he appreciated any advice, they had for him
Whenever he rang you or text, he’d always give you Coco updates, like the proud dad he was
The two of you took things quite slow, and really got to know each other and enjoy each other’s company first
He’d usually hold your hand in public, both of you gripping to Coco’s lead so he had you by your side
After a couple of months, Youngjae decided he really wanted to make things official with you
The two of you sat down one day at the end of a walk, so that he could ask you the question
As with when he first asked you out, he’d gone over again and again about what he wanted to say
You could tell straight away that he was nervous, as he was a lot quieter than he usually was with you
Suddenly, his hand would rest against your shoulder, clearing his throat
“I was wondering how you’d feel about maybe becoming my girlfriend, I feel like we’ve really hit it off and I’m excited to see where we can go from here?”
You smiled softly, shaking your head as you wondered why he was ever so nervous
“Of course, I’d like that very much.”
You were quick to calm him down, and pull him into a tight hug
His loud chuckle in your ear brought a smile to your face, as he sighed heavily in relief that you’d said yes
The two of you spent the rest of the evening together back at his, enjoying your new status
He couldn’t wait to tell the guys what he’d done, knowing how proud they’d be
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Being In A Relationship:
You were Youngjae’s first proper relationship, so he’d often get nervous and worry
He’d often turn to the boys when he was feeling his most insecure as he didn’t want you to see him that way
Youngjae is our soft boy, so prepare for your relationship with him to be adorable in every single way
When he’s feeling down or having a hard time, he always wants your cuddles, they always make him feel better
If not, sit with him when he’s by his piano so that he knows you’re still around and there to give him inspiration
His laughter is the most infectious thing in the world, so be sure to treasure it
Youngjae will always make you laugh, that’s one of the best things about having him as a boyfriend
He’ll always be on hand to make you feel better about yourself too in the same way you do for him
A lot of the time, you can be found wearing one of his hoodies, as they always fit so well, and smell just like him
He’s very careful in the mornings and evenings when you’re asleep, trying to be as quiet as he can be
Every day, he always makes sure to text you good morning and goodnight no matter where in the world he is
And he’ll always make the time to ensure he can ring you and see your face too
At night, when you can’t sleep, you’ll often lay beside him and trace his tattoos
He loves the feeling of your hand dancing along his body and tickling against his skin
One of his other favourite things is when you play with his hair and tousle through his curls and little knots
In being in a relationship with Youngjae, you also have to pay a lot of attention to Coco
The two of you loved heading out for treks on Youngjae’s rare days off
He loved spending his evenings gaming with you as well and showing off to you
Lots of songs would be song at random points throughout your days whenever Youngjae was in the mood
Quite a few of his lyrics found a new inspiration too, thank to you
As well as him and Coco, it was important to him that you got on with his family too
Seeing you with some of the younger members in his family certainly got him thinking about the future
When he was feeling his most vulnerable, Youngjae would often do lots of little things to show you he loved you
He liked to be romantic and treat you well with lots of gifts and nice food
But best of all he’d always remind you every day exactly how special you were
You’d often surprise him at various events he did, whether it be concerts, interviews, or when he was DJing
Secretly, he’d always be looking out for you in the hope that you’d be there
When he’d had a long day, he loved for nothing more than to come home to you
You knew at times he could be emotional and sensitive, so you’d always be there to support him
At times he can be very clingy when he needs some time just to feel loved
Whenever he’s learnt something new in English, he always likes to show it off to you
If you have the time, you take him lunch to make sure he’s eating and looking after himself
He’ll always be sure to repay you by singing something to you that evening
He hates sometimes how much attention you give Coco; he’ll often pout across at you
But you always make sure that he knows that he’s your number one
Whenever he does something with the boys, he’ll take you along, especially if it’s a place he can show you off at
He loves to introduce you to all his friends and fellow idols
Whenever he’s asked about your relationship, he always gets so shy and nervous to talk about you
The fans are always asking him about you whenever he does a live, begging for you to join him on camera
He’ll always ask for your permission to make sure he doesn’t overshare or make you uncomfortable
Being so involved in the production of GOT7, he’ll often ask for your opinions on everything he comes up with
He likes to be able to share with you the things he’s doing to see what you think
It also does wonders for his confidence to have your seal of approval on what he does
And the boys can clearly see the difference you’ve made in him too
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As has already been mentioned, Youngjae can be a very cuddly boy when he wants affection
He’s always searching for kisses, or giving you little pecks on the cheek
Some nights he’ll be happy just laying beside you, other nights he’ll want to get more intimate
When it comes to intimacy, his confidence is often quite low, but you’ll always encourage him to feel better in his skin
If he’s feeling good, he’ll take control of the situation, but if he’s tired or low, he’ll let you be the more dominate one
He likes to feel your hands in his hair best of all, that always makes him feel close to you
Moments of intimacy are when he most likes to show you, he loves you, and how thankful he is to have you
His hands are all over your body when the two of you are together, he loves exploring and finding out new things
He also loves to have his arms wrapped around you so he can keep you nice and close
After sex, he’ll always resort back to cuddles, whispering a lot of sweet nothings into your ear
Wherever the two of you were, he loved to hold your hand try and make you feel safe
He’s very protective, even if it doesn’t always show, he’d hate for anything to ever happen to you
Slowly, his confidence begins to build when it comes to affection, as he becomes more comfortable
Sometimes he’s still cautious when he’s around people he knows, but he’ll still be close to you
You can tell in him how much confident he becomes, seeing him love himself makes you so happy
Knowing how many battles he’s had with himself; you’re always using physical affection to show off to him how amazing he looks
The two of you rely a lot on love language to communicate how you’re feeling
You’re only human, and have good days and bad days, but you’re always there to make each other feel better
Youngjae loves to be romantic and make sure you know you’re special
He’d spend forever and a day being affectionate with you if he could
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It would take something pretty serious for the two of you to argue
Of course, the two of you had plenty of disagreements, but that was natural
If you did argue, it took a tremendous amount out of the both of you
You’d both struggle not to get upset when you weren’t getting along and raising your voices at each other
When the two of you argued, Youngjae tended to be the one to leave the room and give you space
Over time, the two of you were good at talking about things when you couldn’t deal with the silence anymore
No matter how angry he was, Youngjae was always very careful with his words and how he spoke to you
Nothing hurt him more than seeing you get upset and teary in an argument
He tended to be the first one to cave when he found himself getting too overwhelmed
You’d never argue around other people either, not wanting them to feel awkward
If he needed a chat, he’d usually go to JB, to lead him to the solution
When the two of you were speaking again, Youngjae would get very cuddly by way of an apology
He couldn’t fall asleep on an argument either as he often finds himself overthinking
You could normally tell when something was annoying him as he’d fall very quiet
Neither of you could help it from time to time though, there was nothing with expressing your concerns
But you’d always find a way to the solution and fix things up, sooner rather than later
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Your Relationship With The Boys:
The boys were so pleased that Youngjae found someone who took such good care of his precious soul
All of them were slightly anxious, and rightly so, when they first heard about you, but they soon learnt to love you
As Mark was Coco’s other parent, you grew close with him quite quickly as he showed you a few of the tricks that worked when you looked after her
Jackson was as much of a double act with you as he was with Youngjae, always fooling around
Just like he cared for Youngjae, JB made sure to take excellent care of you too, taking you under his wing
Jinyoung was great when you just wanted a chat, he was always around when you needed to talk
To begin with, you struggled around Yugyeom, but after you got lost at the studio one day, and he came to help you, the two of you became closer
BamBam helped you a lot when Youngjae was busy, he’d always be at your apartment to keep you company
They were all so pleased Youngjae had found someone to make him laugh
Anytime he was around, and you weren’t, they’d always ask for you
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The Future:
Youngjae had spent a lot of late nights thinking about your relationship and where he saw the future taking you
He decided he’d propose just before he enlisted, mainly so he was sure he had you whilst he served
Once he was out, he couldn’t wait to marry you and start a family, and really begin to settle down
With the two of you so happy, he was also desperate to find a friend or two for Coco to have around the house
You’d never imagined Youngjae as a dad until it finally happened, and what a sweet sight it was too
Between kids and dogs, the two of you were always kept on your toes, just as you wanted
The two of you really did create the perfect family
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lutbys · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do something fluffly with Ronxreader with the prompts of the dialogue list “I never want to hear you say that again” and “you’re big and strong” please? (I loved your fic about the butterfly clips by the by💗) Faaaank you! xo
(Sorry if I’m asking for too much)
a/n: I wouldn't say this was as fluffy as I thought it would be??? because this was the first thing I could think of when I read the prompt and I couldn't get it out of my head HAHA. It's okay! I actually like it when people ask for more specifications/preciseness because then I know what yall really like and I can adapt to that :) Anyways, thank you! and I hope you like it!
Ron Weasley x Reader
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“How did you memorize all that?” you exclaimed after listening to Hermione list down the instructions on how to brew the amortentia potion. 
“Once you understand why it's brewed the way it is, it’s a piece of cake.” The bright girl grinned proudly, flipping through her ever so thick notebook.
Your heart sank, you were nowhere near as ready as Hermione was and it's finally kicking in that the O.W.L.S are getting close. 
Since young, you’ve struggled with performance anxiety. However ready you were for a test, the results would never come out as good as you thought and you blamed yourself for it every time. I didn’t study hard enough, you’d say, if my mind would’ve stopped drifting during the exam I would’ve focused more on the question, you’d say. 
You’ve spent the last week in the library, the spot you’ve chosen had been vacated by you and you only so much so that at the end of the day, you didn’t bother packing up your things, knowing well enough you’d be the first to be back in the spot.
However, you pity your boyfriend for not being so social these past few days, having to brush off any late-night dates where you both would sneak up to the astronomy tower, or simply conversing in the great hall. You especially miss his eyes, those pretty eyes who would look at you in admiration and love, making you weak in the knees.
Ron understood though, he’s seen you struggle for the past few years and had been completely understanding to your mood swings regarding the exams. He was so supportive; offering to sneak out some food for you to eat in the library, running out to get more paper when he notices your on your last one, or even letting you use his dorm to study in so you both could be together. 
As the days go by, the closer O.W.L.S got, and you too were close to losing your sanity. You hadn’t gone to eat dinner at the great hall for what feels like forever, strictly lasting on whatever you had in your trunk from all those Hogsmeade visits you’ve wasted. You’ve also completely lost contact with your friends as the only trips you made now were from your bed to the library. 
As much as Ron wanted to be supportive, he knew what his girlfriend was doing was too much. These past couple of days, he couldn’t even catch sight of her as she is like a little mouse, so quick and quiet with her footsteps. And he was worried because all throughout breakfast, lunch, and dinner he hasn’t caught a glimpse of you yet and the thought of you starving yourself because of some stupid exam had his gut-wrenching. 
So, he took it upon himself to sneak into the kitchen and grab whatever he could before the elves noticed which consisted of three soup buns, a sandwich, and a suspiciously old-looking brownie. Not the best selection, but it was better than nothing.
He had already checked the library before-hand and seeing as your seat was unoccupied with no books laying around, he knew exactly where to go, by now it was all muscle memory.
He pushed the door to your room open with his free hand, the other, stacked high with food as he awaited for your face to appear with glee at the sight of him like you normally would. But what he did not expect was his love, crying in her pillows.
He dropped everything in his hands as fast as he could, frantically placing the food on your study table, and came to your side as fast as he could move. “What’s wrong? Baby? Please talk to me.” He cooed, gathering you in his arms, your body shaking beneath him as he cursed himself for not noticing earlier. Through the loud sobs and hiccups, he didn’t dare push you further when you didn’t answer. Instead, whispering sweet nothings into your ear in hopes of calming you down.
For a while, they both curl in together, with Ron’s hand stroking your hair ever so softly, like his love was a fragile porcelain doll.
“I must be really stupid to not even remember a simple subject like muggle studies, I’m the worst wizard in this school and I hate myself for thinking I could actually ace the owls.” 
It was late, 3am late, but that was how long it took for you to regain yourself, and you hated to bother your boyfriend, who was sleepier than ever but denied it whenever you ask.
But your comment had woken him up.
“Don’t you dare say that about yourself y/n! I never want to hear you speak of such things like that again, you’re big and strong and no one is as capable as you are.” He took this opportunity to properly look at you, bags hung heavily under your eyes and your cheeks were hollow- almost ghoul-like. He wiped a single tear that escaped your flushed face, a hue of pink coating your eyes, nose, and cheeks.
“Come here,” he whispered, pushing you closer to him, leaving no space between the two of you as you molded into one. It wasn’t often that the two of you would be so affectionate, but it is times like these when you are grateful to have someone by your side, especially someone like him.
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loser-writings · 4 years
hey! can i request sfw alphabet for katsuki (if someone hasn't already)? as always i looooove your work, thank you! 💕
Hey! Thank you for being patient with me! These alphabets take quite a bit of time so once again, thank you. 
Also! Special thanks to the lovely @garrulousassurance for helping me with this as well as letting me bounce ideas off of you!
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SFW Alphabet || Katsuki Bakugo
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He isn’t affectionate in the same sense as Deku, Kirishima, or Todoroki. He shows his affection by little things like giving you his full attention when you are speaking, keeping eye contact with you, and giving you little motivational pep talks when you are feeling down
He is pretty uncomfortable with physical affection, but he tries his best. PDA Isn’t his thing, but be patient and he might hold you hand (Even if they are a little sweaty)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He would be a really supportive best friend, but the kind of friend that would call you out on your shit. You being an asshole? He will fucking tell you and keep you in check. He never really gets physical either, but he will slap your arm and glare if you say something that can come off the wrong way.
One of the most caring best friends ever. You have a headache? Hold up he has pain pills. You hungry? Shit give him 10 minutes and he will cook for you. 
Also is the friend you need when it comes to other toxic people. He HATES seeing his friends being abused or taken advantage of. If you are in a bad relationship, he will be there as backup and motivation to help get you out of there. Dealing with an abusive parent and having enough, He will get you out of there and will have you move in with him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He really does love to cuddle, but it takes some work to convince him to sit down and relax. He always wants to move and really doesn’t know how to relax, so the best way to get him to cuddle is by grabbing his hand and pulling him to the couch or bed. Then sit or lay on top of him. He will complain for a while, but he won’t move. If you move, he will simply pull you back down. He is just being a brat.
His favorite way to cuddle is called “The Sweethearts cradle” since it's such a calming position for him. With your hand pressed against his chest, he will wrap his arm around you to pull you closer before pressing a kiss to your head. He really loves to sleep like this too since he thinks spooning is overrated (But he will never deny being the little spoon)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He wouldn’t really “Settle down” since he wants nothing more than to be a hero and a symbol of peace like All Might was for him, but he also won’t let this desire interfere with his life outside of work. He would love to have a family to come home to and to marry you one day. A quiet life with Katsuki doesn’t really suit him, but he will continue to do his best with you by his side.
He is clearly great at cleaning and can cook like none other. He absolutely loves to cook and it seems to relax him, so if he is stressed you better prepare for a good meal and maybe some candy or baked goods as well.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would break up with you as gently as he possibly can. He genuinely does/did love you, but he would leave in a heartbeat as long as it meant you were safe and had the chance to be happy. It would suck, and he may even shed a tear or two, but after breaking the news to you he will give you a really tight hug. There is so much in that hug that it really does break your hearts, but he knows its for the best.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It would be a few years before he decided to pop the question, no less than 2. If you don’t believe in marriage, that's chill too. He doesn’t need a piece of paper to tell you that he loves you, but he would get married if you expressed that you want that.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He isn’t that gentle, but he is more gentle with you than he is with others. When he is with his friends or in public, he can be a bit of a hothead but he will never hurt you. When he is alone, he is much more calm and gentle. If you tease him, He may try to be a bit less gentle with you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Bakugo does enjoy hugs, but he will never initiate them. If you want a hug, you will have to get it yourself but it can end in a variety of ways. 
He might push you away, but try not to take it personally. This will happen if he is genuinely angry, is in public, and while he is doing hero work. If he is angry, he will push you away with the comment that he doesn’t want to be touched. In reality, he just doesn’t want to take his anger out on you. As mentioned previously, he struggles with PDA, so he will push you away simply because he is uncomfortable.
If you hug him in private, he will still be a bit stiff but he will relax over time. He will slowly wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your head or your shoulder. He is also the kind of person who sways a bit from side to side when he holds somebody, just enjoying the hug as much as possible
If he hugs somebody, including his S/O, he rather just woke up from a nap or is having a really bad day. Even he has some pretty bad days that leave him just wanting to be held. This doesn’t happen, though more likely than he would admit out loud.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Bakugo isn’t one to throw the phrase around lightly. He tests it out quietly while watching his partner sleep one night, and thinks about it for a long time before deciding to say it. He originally had the perfect time planned, but it slips out the first time he gets into a disagreement with his partner. Cue the end of the disagreement, two red faces, and a frustrated Katsuki who wishes he had a do over. He isn't too upset about it though because love is messy and it's better to have all of your feelings out in the open. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He really doesn’t get jealous easily because he does have faith in his S/O. That being said, he does get jealous at times. Normally when this happens, he just glares, mumbles a bit and huffs since he knows that you are most likely being oblivious to it. If you were doing it on purpose, he would just tell you to stop because he can’t stand when you try to make him feel jealous since it occasionally makes him feel insecure.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are pretty passionate and clearly full of love. Since he struggles with using his words sometimes, he will usually fix that with his actions. He will tease you, keeping his lips just far enough away from you to make you whine and he will pull away every time you lean in. He honestly loves this game and will tease until finally just giving in, kissing you softly, cupping your face, and biting your lip as he pulls away.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He really tries to be patient with kids, but goddamn to they get on his nerves. He can’t stand how messy they are, how they don’t listen, and just how chaotic they can be. One second the kid is on the ground coloring in a book, and the next they are trying to draw on the walls. If they are a bit older, they make comments about him that manage to hit all of the right buttons to piss him off. If they are young or a newborn, then they just cry, shit, and puke. He can’t handle it and seems snappier around them.
If he does manage to find himself taking care of a more calm kid, it’s almost like he is a completely different person. If they are one or two and are really quiet, and can listen? He doesn’t mind watching them while they scribble on some paper. He might even carry them around while he is cooking dinner. If the kid falls asleep in his arms, he is fucking done for. 
He wants to like kids, but he struggles with finding ones he can handle.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Morning routines are a very calming thing. Usually he will let you sleep in and make breakfast. Once he is done, he will wake you up so you can eat while he goes to shower. When he comes out and finds you eating breakfast, he will kiss you and 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Sleeping. Like no kidding he is in bed by 8:30pm most nights, 10pm latest. Before bed, he will often cook dinner for you and then relax. The majority of nights with Katsuki are fairly calm due to his long days at work so watching movies together and binge watching TV shows are a usual thing in the Bakugou household.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He is actually really slow about opening up to you. Like he is slower than the majority due to his fears. Once he realizes how much he cares about you though, he is practically an open book. 
He isn’t one that will just SPILL everything to you, but he is more of a “Ask me whatever, whenever, and Ill tell you the truth”
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Bakugo? He may get irritated frequently, but he is slow to true anger. If he can't fix the problem, it gnaws at him until he blows up (pun intended) at someone. He’s not great at expressing his feelings, or trying to talk about his problems, but it's something he knows he needs to work on. His anger has caused a lot of issues with keeping up relationships, but he's trying to manage it better. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
It’s about half and half. For instance, he can remember what your favorite dishes are, who your idols are, and even your workout routine without having to think too hard. Little things he repeats to himself to commit them to memory, but anything that’s said when his attention is somewhere else can get lost. He knows his partner won’t get too frustrated with him if he can’t remember every single detail, but he still tries anyway. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He will never admit it, but one of his favorite moments happened after a horrible fight with a villain that almost cost him his life. This would’ve been pretty early on in the relationship, when he was still unsure if he could say that he loved you fully. That his whole heart was in it. It wasn’t until he was running on fumes, barely able to stand on his feet, when the thought of how scared you must be entered his mind. He had to keep going and make sure that he could come home to you. He would continue to fight until the villain collapsed. 
Katsuki did his best to stay on his feet with his fist in the air, mimicking All Might and Endeavor to show the people he was okay and that he won, but the second the cameras turned off he ended up collapsing. When he woke up again, he was clearly in the hospital. He was going to try to move til he looked down and saw you asleep, head resting on the bed with your hands holding onto his. He could see the tear stains on your cheeks and the bags under your eyes. He refused to move his hand and let you sleep holding him, quickly finding himself in his head thinking about how much he cared about you.
After you woke up and Katsuki was able to go home, You stayed with him in his house since he was still struggling a bit and was told to rest. He was off work for a month so you both spent lots of time together, and this was when he really did know he loved you. He was surprised by how well you worked together, and ended up slipping the L word not long after.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He tries not to act like he is paranoid that something could happen to you, but he’s honestly pretty paranoid. Since he had already been targeted and kidnapped by the League of villains before, he wouldn’t hold it past them to try to kidnap you too.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
It’s about 50% most of the time. On a normal date or everyday life, he may suggest something simple to do like watch a movie, eat dinner, and talk. He really doesn’t believe that he should have to go all out all of the time since that will just burn him out. 
During anniversaries and bigger days, he will try a bit more. Get you a nice gift, take you out for dinner to your favorite place, or take you to do something you’ve wanted to do. These days usually get about 75-80%
The only day where he REALLY tries his best to make it special, is the day he would propose to you/give you a promise ring. It’s his way of showing you that he wants you to be there for him no matter what. He will plan for months to do this, eventually making a huge scavenger hunt and getting the Bakusquad in on it til you find him in a whole ass suit, ready to propose/give you the ring. It’s obvious that this took a lot of work, and he tried 100%
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He is a hot head and during arguments, will purposely use shit against you to make you upset. He feels like a bastard afterwards, but he always knows that he said what he said. He doesn’t really think before speaking when this shit happens, so really bad arguments could result in him saying some really rude shit.
He swears A LOT. Some people may have a huge problem with this. He tries his best not to at times, usually around kids or your family, but it will still slip out a time or two.
He also tends to interrupt you when you’re talking. He isn’t trying to do it intentionally, but he is so used to just saying what he wants to say that it can just completely cut you off. He will try his best to actually wait, but he still sucks at not interrupting.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is to an extent. His father is a fashion designer and his mom always made sure he looked well put together, so he makes sure he never looks like a slob. Hell even his casual clothes seem to flatter him. 
He does take an interest in makeup, but he doesn’t really wear it much. He may highlight the inner corners of his eyes on a normal day, but that’s usually it. He does have his days where he goes all out with it though, doing orange, green and black eyeshadow that looks pretty damn badass.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If it’s just for a few hours or days, he really isn’t that bad. He may check in on you once or twice but he really isn’t too worried about it. He doesn’t feel incomplete, but he may miss you a little bit.
For a little while, but he is one of those who would move on. If you both broke up, he will be hung up for a few weeks to a couple of months because when he loves, he loves with all of his heart. He will move on though since he knows that being hung up on you could get in the way of him being a hero.
If you died however, he would be lost for a bit longer than a few months. He will still move on after a couple of years, but you will always have a section of his heart. He will visit your grave and tell you all about his new life though. You may be gone, but never forgotten.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) TW: ABUSE AND PANIC ATTACK
Nobody seems to acknowledge this, but he was abused the majority of his life by his mother. Some people will fight me on this headcanon, but you really see it when Toshinori and Aizawa visit the Bakugo household. She not only hits her child, but makes a comment about him being weak and that’s why he got kidnapped. She is victim blaming HIM for being kidnapped by the League of Villains, not really showing any concern for the fact her son could have been killed.
Once he is able to move out, he starts to realize his family life isn’t normal. He will go to Kirishimas’ parents house and they are???So sweet and supportive? He just doesn’t understand and thinks this is the most unusual thing. It’ll finally start to hit him that what he was going through WAS abuse, and he will most likely break down. Not a violent, screaming kind of breakdown, but the kind of breakdown that is heartbreaking to watch.
He will cry. They’ll start as silent tears before slowly amping up into full blown sobbing. He would have to sit down because if he is standing, he might just collapse. His sobs will last maybe 10 minutes before they start becoming more extreme. He will feel a tightness in his chest and will feel like he can’t breathe. If he is alone, he will cover his face with a pillow in an attempt to stop his tears but nothing helps. He will have a HORRIBLE anxiety attack, and if you find him like this you will have to be extremely gentle with him. Not because he would blow up at you, but because he can’t calm down easily and will easily get worked up again.
You would have the best luck by forcing him to sit up and hugging him as tight as you can. Seriously, wrap your arms and legs around him and just squeeze him. He will slowly calm down, it might take up to an hour, but he will calm down. He will be terrified the whole time but you just need to pet his hair, lay him back down and cuddle him.
To be honest, I have a lot of headcanons relating to the unspoken abuse of Katsuki Bakugo but I will leave this here. If you want me to write them all out, just message me and let me know. I’ll make a post about my headcanons about the abuse, the trauma it's caused, and other things like that since I have first hand experience with a scenario that is very similar to how his was depicted.
Disagree with this one if you will, but this is a personal headcanon of mine
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Do fucking not hit him, threaten to hit him, or try to guilt trip him. He actually hates being hit and manipulated, and he will NOT have anybody do that to him. Sure, he may have times where he may play fight, but there is a clear difference between a Katsuki who is playfully fighting, and a Katsuki that is genuinely trying to hurt someone. 
Don’t be a kiss ass to him. If you have an opinion, he wants to hear it. Sure, he may disagree but he is always willing to hear you out and take your point of view into consideration. He doesn’t want to be in a relationship with a fan that will agree with everything he is saying since it can actually be pretty annoying just to have someone tell him yes all of the time.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He has to sleep on his side and he goes to bed pretty early. It’s shown in the manga and the anime that he is in bed by 8:32pm and many think he sleeps so much because of how much energy he uses daily. He really does use a lot of energy. Like have you seen this dude brush his teeth? Like damn dude. Anyway, he sleeps on average of 8-10 hours. 8pm to 4am and the latest he goes to bed is 10pm. He will always be a morning person too, so good luck if you’re a night owl.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Long Lost Love (Part 7)
Prompt: Clint just lost everything. He turns to you – an old friend and an old flame – for comfort. Can you keep your old feelings at bay? Can he?
Word Count: 2532
Warnings: The Snap, grief, loss, mentions of abuse throughout series, angst will be the best friend in this fic
Note: This was written after IW, but before Endgame - so I have my own take on how certain things happened. Couldn’t have done this without @arrow-guy @carryonmyswansong @like-a-bag-of-potatoes (my amazing betttaa!) @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo
Aesthetic by @dontshootmespence​
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After some time, you two decided to go to the city for a break from the farm life. Things were pretty stable on the farm and you could afford one or two days in the city. You fed the animals a little bit earlier than normal, then drove into Manhattan. You took him to some old haunts you’d mentioned and got food at joints that were still open. 
At one point, you took him to the Central Park Zoo. It was open, but only half the animals were there and it didn’t have any of the flair it usually did. They weren’t running any shows or specials or anything spectacular. It was mainly a self-guided tour to any animal enclosure that wasn’t roped off. 
You stopped at one point outside the lion exhibit and as you were watching the animals lie there, you were reminded of your time as a lion tamer.
“I used to come here to remind me of you, us, in the circus,” you stated casually.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Really? It seems like it’d be something you’d want to forget, considering we were treated so shittily.” He muttered the last part with disdain. 
You shrugged in response. “What can I say? I’m sentimental. I was grasping at anything to tie me back to you.” You turned towards him, hoping he’d get the message.
He reached up to your face, his hand resting on the side of your cheek. “That’s really sweet of you.”
“I should show you my whole circus collection,” you said suddenly, thinking he’d like it.
“Circus collection? What’s that?” he asked, chuckling, amused. 
“It’s all the little mementos and keepsakes I kept over the years. I didn’t want to forget about our time together. I know those years were probably the worst of our lives, and I’d never want to go back to them, but they were also the best years. Just you and me against the world.” 
He nodded. “Yeah, they were some of the best years,” he agreed with a smile. Before you knew it, he leaned down and began kissing you softly, tenderly, but swiftly enough to not draw attention to yourselves. You sighed with happiness when the kiss ended, even though you could kiss him for hours and not get tired of it. He hooked his arm around your waist and you rested your head on his shoulder while you two enjoyed the lions some more. 
 It was the middle of the night one night when you were awakened by the sound of loud yelling, and moaning. The sound was that of wailing, the only sound one hears when someone’s being hurt.
You barely had your eyes open as you slipped on your house shoes and ran to the source of the noise - Clint’s bedroom. 
“No, no… Don’t take them. No!” he shouted. There were tears on cheeks. You kneeled on the bed and started to shake him awake.
“Clint, Clint!” 
He didn’t stir at first. He just kept thrashing from side to side, saying no, shaking his head. You decided to shake a bit harder, calling his name a little louder. 
Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at you.
“Y/N?” he said.
“Yeah, it’s me. I’m here. You’re having a nightmare,” you informed softly. You lowered yourself to sit down beside him while he laid there. 
He opened his eyes wide before rubbing his knuckles into them, trying to wipe the tears and sleep from them. “Jesus,” he said, shaking his head.
“That bad?” you asked gently. 
“Yeah… It was about the kids…” He shook his head, trying to get through the statement without crying. “I had a nightmare that Thanos took them.” 
All you could do was nod before sinking down to lie beside him on top of the covers. 
“I’m so sorry,” was all you could offer him. 
“Not your fault,” he said easily. 
“I’ll stay until you fall asleep again,” you suggested. 
He was silent, and you took it as a quiet agreement at your offer. The two of you lied there, staring at the ceiling, it was illuminated by the overly bright full moon. All you could hear was nature, the sound of the A/C every now and then, and each other’s breathing. 
Thoughts began to spin in your head, thoughts that often crossed your mind through the day. The thoughts and questions that scared you. The questions you weren’t sure you wanted an answer to. The thoughts that you were terrified to say aloud. 
You didn’t want to… but you had to. You had to know. This… whatever this was, you had to know it was real, that it meant something to him, that you weren’t just a stand in for his vanished wife and kids. That you weren’t just a bandaid on a gunshot wound. 
After a long time in the silence, you finally opened your mouth to speak. “So, uh, not that I’m complaining but… what… is this? Where is it going?” you asked. Your mouth was dry as your heart hammered nearly out of your chest. Just by asking this, you could very well be putting everything on the line that you'd ever wanted, ever hoped and dreamed and prayed for. But you had to know. You couldn't just blindly be with this man, no matter how deeply or how long you’d loved him. 
It didn’t take him too long to respond when he finally answered, ““It’s going where I wanted it to go years ago.”
“Which is?” you pressed. You needed verbal confirmation on all of this. 
“Permanently. I want us together. I mean, I can’t speak for you, but I’m pretty happy with calling you mine, calling ‘us’ a thing. How about you?” 
“Well… I want to be sure that I’m not just… that I’m not a stand in for the real thing,” you said, toying with your fingers, your voice getting shaky as you got more nervous. 
He could see and sense your jitters. He reached over, not looking at you as he put his hand on yours hands, a comforting motion to you. “You’re not. That’s the last thing you are.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to wake up one day and regret this or grow out of it or realize it’s not  what you wanted. I just don’t want to be some sort of distraction.”
“That’s not what this is at all. You make me happy. I want you here. I want to be with you.” 
“Really. Y/N…” He rolled over to face you and you turned your head on the pillow to face him. “I love you. You know that, right? That I’ve loved you since we were kids,” he emphatically said. 
You smiled at him, happy tears forming. “I thought you’d let me go. I thought you’d moved on. I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”
He shook his head. “No, things just got… complicated, but no, I have always wanted you, don’t ever confuse that. You are no one’s stand in. You are you and I love you.” He cupped your neck before stretching forward to plant a firm kiss to your lips, assuaging your fears. 
You smiled at him, feeling that familiar warmth fill you up again. “Okay. I trust you.” 
“Good. Then it’s settled,” he said emphatically. ”We’re back together.”
Those three words sent your soul soaring. You never knew you’d feel such happiness in your life, and while you were feeling guilty for being thrilled in a man’s bed who had a vanished family, you’d put your whole romantic life on hold for this moment. It wasn’t ideal or anywhere near perfect, but you loved this man. If this was how it had to happen, then, this was how it had to happen.  
“Officially,” you confirmed with an affectionate smile.
He got a giddy grin on his face suddenly. “Shit, does this mean I’ll have to remember this date for anniversaries?” he asked and you took a pillow and hit his stomach hard while laughing. He laughed in response and also curled up in pain before turning to you and kissing you tenderly. 
The two of you embraced for a long time before you two broke apart and he requested, “Stay the night with me? In here?”
You nodded and got up to get under the covers, taking your shoes off. You slipped into bed with him and the two of you held each other all night long, basking in the loving glow of each other. 
Three more years passed blissfully between you two. The same routine carried on as you two worked the farm and you spent three days in the city at your practice. You eventually sold your apartment though and only rented a hotel when you went into the city or just slept on the cot in your office. 
Clint and you got closer as time went on and before you knew it, you were like a real, normal couple. You made breakfast for each other, met for dinner, went on dates. He missed his family and you were sure to respect any time he brought any of them up and you never took down any of their photos. It wasn’t your place and you weren’t trying to erase their presence or memories, you were just trying to build your own. 
The two of you spent nights on the couch watching TV, or picnics in the fields, or board game nights when you had the time. Clint even taught you archery and while you weren’t anywhere skilled as him, you were pretty good. You tried to get the Avengers together a few times every year, and sometimes it worked out, other times it didn’t. But it was still nice when they did.
You and Nat became best friends quickly and she never held it against you for anything between you and Clint. After explaining your side of things one night, she fully understood the situation from both sides and appreciated it. She loved that you two had made it back to each other. She could easily see why you two wanted to be together and how much you loved and cared for each other. 
It was everything you’d ever wanted. You had a family. You had Clint. You had your career. You were helping society while having your own slice of heaven. 
Everything was perfect. 
Until Nat showed up one day unannounced with a troubled look on her face. She looked as though she had horrible news for you, but there was something else there, an undercurrent of… light in her expression.
You immediately knew why she looked torn.
“Hey, Y/N,” she greeted with a smile as she walked up and hugged you. 
“Hey, what are you doing here?” you questioned, even though you knew the answer.
“Uh, is Clint around?” she wondered, side-stepping your inquiry.  
“Yeah, he should be out back. Come on inside, I’ll go get him,” you said. You opened the screen door to let her in. She stood in the living room before you jogged out back to grab him. He smiled hearing his friend was here and followed you back inside. The two hugged before you all sat down. You offered her something to drink but she declined.
“So… uh, there’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it,” she said, smiling with that familiar twinkle in her eye. “We might have a way to get everyone back.” 
Clint stilled at your side on the couch. He seemed to be in shock, so you spoke for him.
“Everyone? Like everyone, everyone?” you clarified.
“Yep. Long story short, Scott Lang, a guy we fought with in Germany, may have an obscure way to travel through time. Steve and Bruce are already working on the kinks but… it’s looking really promising. But we need everyone if this is going to work.” 
You looked to Clint. This was good. It was complicated for sure, but it was good. He regretted not helping so much before, you figured he’d jump at this chance.
“Can you give us a sec, Nat?” he requested. 
“Sure thing.” Nat looked between you two before standing. “I’ll be right outside.” 
Both of you nodded and she excused herself. Clint stood up and ran his hands through his hair.
“Holy shit. A shot to get everyone back, a chance....” He started walking, pacing, his nervous habit. 
You stood too. 
“It’s all you need, right?” you said, trying to be supportive. 
“Yeah. It’s a hell of a lot more than what we had,” he agreed. 
“Then you have to do it,” you urged, stepping forward and putting your hands on his plaid covered chest. 
He put his hands on your back, staring into your eyes. “Yeah, I do.” 
“I know that,” you said, giving him a soft smile. “Go. Go save the world.” 
He smiled at you, holding back some sweet tears. Both of you knew what this meant if he succeeded, but right now, that didn’t matter. You would have to put aside your selfish needs and wants for the greater good. Everything else would have to wait. 
He kissed you earnestly before saying, “I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay? We’ll sort everything out later.” 
You nodded. He slowly let go of you and looked at you one last time before joining Nat. She gave you a nod and a sympathetic smile before they took off and you were all alone on the porch. 
Clint had been gone four days now, and you hadn’t heard anything from anyone. You were worried, of course, you had no idea what any of this time travel entailed. You didn't know where Clint would be going or what he’d be doing, how long he would be there. 
So, in order to keep your spirits up and your mind off the worst possible scenarios, you kept up with your routine. You had a small breakfast each morning, and then did the solo work on the farm that you could do. 
You were working in the barn with the radio going, playing music as you worked. You sang along when you knew the words until suddenly, there was a commotion on the radio. You frowned and stood up, listening to the broadcast intensely.
“People are reappearing everywhere. It’s beautiful and chaotic,” the voice said in somewhat of a panic. 
Your eyes grew wide as a torrent of emotion washed over you. Joy, worry, excitement, hope, sadness slammed into you, leaving you breathless. Your heart began hammering in your chest and as you looked around, you saw it. Cows were suddenly in the field that had been nearly bare. More chickens began clucking, more horses appeared. Your heart felt full and bright and warm, and then suddenly you remembered -- Laura, the kids.
You dropped your tools and took off running towards the house. You ran up the porch, wrenching open the screen door and there stood a brunette woman with her back to you. She turned around and you recognized the face from all the many photos around the house. 
She was back.
Forever Tag: 
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chikoriita · 4 years
Secret Agent Elf
Here is my @mlsecretsanta fic for @xiueryn! I really hope you enjoy it!
Read on AO3
"Let me understand what you're saying." Alya stirred her hot chocolate languidly. She furtively looked over Marinette's shoulder to find the boy in question. He seemed innocent enough as he bagged his customer's purchases. "You believe that Adrien is an elf? Not even a Lord of the Rings elf, but one of Santa's helpers!" She could barely keep her laughter contained.
Marinette shushed her. "Not so loud!" She took her own look to make sure no one, especially not Adrien, heard her. If she lingered a little longer than necessary, Alya thankfully did not comment.
"Marinette, you've had a few too many late nights. Adrien is not magical to anyone except you." Alya raised a knowing brow. "Is this an excuse to avoid talking to him?"
"No! I talk to him all the time." Marinette maintained eye contact with her best friend. Her tiny crush on Adrien had nothing to do with her suspicions. If anything, the only thing holding her back was her certainty of his elfin origins.
She made the connection three weeks prior, at the start of the Christmas season for Agreste Fine Goods. One of the largest department stores in the city, Agreste Fine Goods catered to every need of the Parisian family. From couture to off the rack, from interior design to furniture kits, the store had it all.
"It all" included the opportunity to intern directly under Gabriel Agreste. Out of the entire city, Marinette was chosen to be the fall intern. Unlike past interns, Gabriel chose her himself. As part of her course, he guided her through everything from designing to marketing to in-store operations. Personally.
She did not mind the extra scrutiny. Gabriel built the business from a tailor's shop to its current state. Any knowledge she could glean from him was worth it. Even if her internship coincided with the dreaded retail season of Christmas.
Gabriel, the Mentor, was tough, but when it came to Gabriel, the store owner, and the Christmas season, he took no chances for disaster. It was the most profitable time of year. Thus he took on dozens of new employees in preparation. Adrien was one of the seasonal hires. He arrived at the store with a cheerful attitude on November 1st.
(Marinette should have started suspecting then; what retail worker was cheerful during the Christmas season?)
"Magical things happen when he's around!"
Alya snorted. "Fine. If you can bring proof that he's a "Christmas elf", then I will believe you. But!" She held up a finger. "If you can't, because he's a human being, you have to ask him to our New Year's Eve party! Either way, I win."
Observation Report 1
Date: December 20
Subject: Adrien
Setting: Santa's Workshop
21:00 - Subject observed tinkering with the decorations in Santa's Workshop. I put up those decorations. What did he feel like needed to be fixed? Could those sparks be coming from his fingers?
Note – Upon his exit from the workshop, collided with the subject. The subject smelled of peppermint and marshmallows.
Observation Report 2
Date: December 22
Subject: Adrien and Staff
Setting: Break Area
12:00 - Subject brought copious amounts of hot chocolate to the common area for staff only. Two hours later, the normally hectic, frantic, and grumpy restockers wore grins of joy. The cashiers did not shed one tear that morning. A peek into the customer service room indicated that there was some magic afoot. Upon entering, they wished Gabriel and me a "Merry Christmas". (The last time we ventured to Customer Service, even Gabriel hesitated to cross the threshold into their lair)
Note – he brought me a personalized mug of the chocolate, and there was no aftertaste of any added ingredients. Thus, it must have been magical to calm the staff in their mania.
Observation Report 3
Date: December 23
Subject: Adrien
Setting: Loading Dock
22:00 – Subject found with a large sack of packages in the trunk of his car (a rental). The packages did not have the AFG logo on the wrapping, and thus not packages from the store. When Subject was approached, he had a bashful grin. The packages were going to a local homeless shelter.
Quote: "A benefactor asked me to drop these off to make sure the children have presents to wake up to on Christmas morning. Every kid deserves to have a present to unwrap. Please don't tell anyone you saw me with these gifts." Sidenote: The look in his eyes was heart-melting; how could I not listen to him? Second Sidenote: His ears were looking pointier than normal. Could it be a side effect of Christmastime?
22:45 – After helping Subject stuff the gifts in the car, I returned home to find a similarly packed gift in my purse. Upon inspection, it was far more delicate than the other gifts in his car and had a note attached to it.
[Attached Note Contents]
For all of the cherished memories you’ve helped make since we met. You were the best part of my Christmas, by far.
Love, Adrien
She reached the logical conclusion the next night in her makeshift office.
Adrien was definitely an Elf.
Marinette wanted more than anything to inform Alya of her observations. After all, she was right, was she not? Telling Alya was the whole point of the investigation. Still, there was something that held her back.
After all, if Adrien was an elf, then it followed that Santa was also real. Santa Claus, the same jolly fellow that sorted the people of the world into two distinct lists. And if she outed one of Santa's actual elves, then there was no doubt which Marinette would be on for the rest of her life.
Her eye caught the package he had given her the night before. Inside had been a lovely pair of jet earrings. More importantly, she thought as she ran her hand over the note, what would he think of her?
Well, that only left one option didn't it?
To tell the truth, he hadn't expected anyone to follow him out of the store on Christmas Eve. At this point in life, Adrien knew better than to lose track of his surroundings. Even in the safety of such a nice neighborhood, anything could happen. Though he could admit, if he had to choose someone to accost him in the street, it would be Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
A surprisingly strong arm looped through his elbow and pulled him close. "I've been waiting for you!" Marinette gasped.
He looked down into her wide eyes. "Why?”
She furtively glanced around. The back alley of Agreste Fine Goods was not the best place for a conversation. "We need to talk. We can go to my parent's bakery." She tugged him toward Rue Gotlib. "They're closed for Christmas Eve, and we'll have privacy there."
Adrien would have lingered longer on the privacy if the thought of delicious pastries had not intruded. In any case, his feet were following her lead.
Before he realized what was going on, she had him settled in the bakery with two steaming mugs of coffee and the end of day croissants.
“Sorry, it’s not much.” She grinned and took a sip.
On a cold and snowy night like this, he was in a cozy bakery with the cutest girl from work. He thought it was perfect.
They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes. "Adrien." Marinette placed her mug firmly on the countertop and sighed. "I need to confess."
He met her gaze. She seemed burdened by something. What on Earth could she need to confess? On Christmas Eve no less?
"I know your secret."
In hindsight, maybe drinking something hot was not the best choice when having such a conversation. "My what?" He choked. How could she have found out? He thought he had been so careful.
To be fair, he wasn't surprised Marinette found out. Over the last few weeks, she paid closer attention to him than any of the other seasonal workers at the store. Only… Only he hoped it was for a more affectionate reason.
"I figured out your identity. I didn't mean to, but it was so obvious. After all, when you're around everything seems more magical," she blurted out.
Magical? "I'm not sure I follow," He said slowly.
Marinette began to pace back and forth. "Alya said I was being silly, but now I know I'm not. You're so beyond my reach, especially with my internship ending and you leaving. I don't want things to change between us."
He felt his stomach hollow. "Does the truth really have to change how you treat me?"
"I don't want it to change," she repeated softly. "You're wonderful."
He grabbed her hands and stopped her pacing. Pulling her close, he gently said, "Marinette, look at me. Does knowing the truth make a difference of how you feel?" Adrien hoped more than anything that she would deny it.
"Feel?" Her breath smelled of mint chocolate.
"Knowing the truth shouldn't change how we feel about each other." He leaned closer and placed his lips on her cheek. "My feelings certainly won't change."
"This probably won't work. The geographical distance is too large." Marinette sighed.
"I won't be that far away."
She giggled. "The North Pole is pretty far Adrien."
"That is true- Wait what?!" He wrenched back.
"The North Pole. Where you live? Isn't that what we've been talking about?" She sat down on a barstool.
This girl had a way of knocking his world off-axis in more ways than one. "Not to my knowledge." His voice came out higher than he expected. "What exactly did you find out?"
To her credit, she turned redder than a tomato. She mumbled her next words, but he could swear he heard "elf" somewhere. Were his ears deceiving him?
A small spark of mischief entered his voice. "Come again?" He teased. He had a feeling they would enjoy this in future Christmases.
"That you're a Christmas elf on assignment from Santa Claus. Now I realize that might sound far fetched, but I had my reasons!" Marinette quickly said. She narrowed her eyes and held up a finger before he could speak. "And before you say a word, Mister-" The fire from her voice died down. "What is your last name anyway?"
Oh this was going to be great. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and leaned down to her ear. "I realize that I never properly introduced myself. My name is Adrien Agreste."
Her body stiffened in his embrace. He slowly turned her around to see the dumbfounded look on her face. Adrien took the few moments of silence to study the enigma of Marinette. He saw the gears working behind those expressive eyes of hers. She blinked once, then twice. He braced for anger and possibly humiliation.
But Marinette never reacted how one would expect. Her mouth widened into a grin. "It's slightly disappointing, to tell you the truth." She batted her eyes at him.
He scrunched his mouth in confusion. "Disappointing?"
Marinette grabbed him around the waist and pulled him closer. "Don't you think flirting with a Christmas elf would be rather exciting?" She heaved a sigh. "I guess I will have to settle for the boss's son. Although, I did hear a rumor that he was some kind of model."
If he hadn't seen the wink, he might have taken a bit of offense. Instead, he played along. "Take me out of my misery, Miss Dupain-Cheng! I adore you."
"I might adore you as well. But please explain a few things to me before we continue with all our adoration." She released him, and patted the seat next to her.
“Ask away, milady.”
She pulled out a small notebook from her bag. Flipping to the back, she began, “What were you doing in Santa’s Workshop four days ago?”
He was impressed. She had notes. Real notes. Only Marinette, he thought with a smile. “I was fixing the lights on the chair. The photographer was complaining that the bulbs were interfering with his “art.” It made more sense to rewire the lights to not twinkle.”
“That explains the sparks…” Marinette murmured.
“What else do you have for me, Secret Agent Elf?”
“What about the hot chocolate?” She smirked.
Adrien felt his ears burn. He had heard enough about that from his father that day. “I… Um…”
“I brought spiked hot cocoa to the break area. My roommate wanted to play a prank on my dad, and there was some collateral damage.” The Customer Care department in particular was hit hard. Their antics tipped Gabriel off to what happened.
“I drank the same cocoa, and nothing happened to me!”
Marinette stared him down with her big blue eyes, and he couldn’t help but tell the truth. “I made yours by hand,” he mumbled and dropped his face in his hands.
“That is so sweet.” She rubbed his shoulder. “One more thing, and then we’re done. Where did all the gifts come from?”
He groaned once more. “You really can’t tell anyone about this. Father and I use the “wages” that I earn to send those gifts to the shelter. My mother, she used to volunteer there. He does not want anyone to know we are the donors.”
“Why not?”
Adrien lifted his head and shot her a cheeky grin. “To be fair, in any other conversation, the explanation wouldn’t be nearly as funny. He made a deal with the director at the shelter. They would keep his name private, and instead, I would deliver the gifts dressed as an elf in lieu of Santa Claus.”
She snorted, which led to her bursting into laughter. Even her laugh was enchanting. Before long, he joined in, thinking of the silliness of it all.
When they had a chance to relieve all their tension, Adrien wore his jacket and scarf once more. “I should probably head out. Your parents probably want to see you at some point this evening.”
“If you must,” she wistfully said, walking him to the door.
“Hey.” He lifted her chin and leaned close. “Since I will be closer than the North Pole, would you like to go on a date? A real one? A date nowhere near Agreste Fine Goods?”
“Of course I would. I still need to ask you to Alya’s New Year’s Eve party.” She tilted her head higher.
“Two dates!” Adrien laughed. “Miss Dupain-Cheng, I would be delighted.” With those words, he lowered his lips and spun her around.
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jeonsjiddies · 4 years
Tumblr media
summary- Jimin wasn’t sure when he had fallen in love with his best friend, he only knew that it was getting worse. rating- explicit / 18+ word count- 2623 pairing- yoongi x jimin genre- smut warnings- unprotected sex a/n - this is my first BTS one shot, I was dumb and didn’t realize how amazing they are until recently please be gentle lol
Jimin didn’t remember when he began to feel the way he did about Yoongi. Perhaps his feelings had blossomed between the contagious laughter and the soulful smiles. Perhaps it was the first time that Yoongi had cried in front of him, the pain and the brokenness flowing down his cheeks as Jimin held him close. Maybe it was the way he licked his lips subconsciously when deep in thought. 
Jimin wasn’t sure when he had fallen in love with his best friend, he only knew that it was getting worse. The yearning, it burned in his stomach, so forceful and unrelenting. It wasn’t all sexual. Jimin loved the sparkle in Yoongi’s eyes when he rapped a whole verse perfectly.  He loved the sass in Yoongi’s voice when someone woke him up. He loved the childlike wonder when Yoongi found the perfect beat. He loved the fierce determination in Yoongi’s eyes when he was about to prove someone wrong. He loved Yoongi. 
Jimin would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t love the way Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair, or the way his hips moved when he danced. Speaking of the devil, Jimin thought as his best friend entered the dance studio to practice with the group. Normally Jimin was the late one, but after a particularly sleepless night, he’d been itching to get to Yoongi sooner rather than later. 
Flashes of his dream the night before flitted through his mind before he could stop them. Yoongi’s hands trailing torturously slow down Jimin's chest, their mouths working together like choreography, the taste of Yoongi on Jimin’s tongue. 
“Jimin!” Namjoon snapped his fingers in front of Jimin's face. “You in there?”
“What? Sorry. Must’ve zoned out.” Jimin muttered. 
He glanced over at Yoongi who stood silent, but concern filled in his dark eyes. Jimin flashed him a reassuring smile before jumping on Namjoon’s back and demanding his noble steed to carry him away. This seemed to satisfy Yoongi, his worried expression melting away. He rolled his eyes with a fond smile.
Practice began and Jimin's focus transitioned to making sure he got the moves right. He might have been a lovesick puppy but he was not a slacker. He pushed his body as far as it could go. Faster. Faster. Don’t forget the drop-kick.  Turn, down, jump. 
 After practice, he had just been about to leave, second to last when he noticed Yoongi rubbing his ankle tenderly. Having come down from one of the jumps a little too aggressively had made the area tender. Jimin leaned down to inspect the minor injury. 
“You okay?” He questioned.
Yoongi’s eyes met his own as he sat up straighter and it took everything Jimin had not to suck in a breath. When Yoongi had adjusted his position on the floor, it had brought their faces mere inches apart. Jimin could feel Yoongi’s hot breath fanning his face, he could smell his minty toothpaste. Jimin shivered. 
“I’m fine, just a little sore.” Yoongi explained, eyes flicking from Jimin’s own down to his ankle.
Jimin had always been touchy, always been affectionate with everyone around him. He’d never shied away from physical touch with anyone, least of all Yoongi. Jimin took every opportunity he could to press his skin against the older boy’s. He took Yoongi’s ankle in his hands and rubbed the inflicted area. Yoongi hissed under his breath and Jimin’s gaze snapped up to Yoongi’s face. 
Wordlessly, Jimin dug into his bag for pain relieving ointment. He placed a small amount on his hands, then massaged it into Yoongi’s ankle. Small whimpers left Yoongi’s lips involuntarily, and Jimin’s sweats seemed to grow a little tighter. He tried to adjust discreetly, keeping up with aiding Yoongi. 
“Fuck.” Yoongi hissed, head falling back to expose his neck, glistening with sweat. Jimin wanted to taste it.
Jimin’s hands stilled, concerned he’d hurt his friend worse by trying to help. 
“Sorry, you okay?” 
“Yeah, that actually feels so fucking good. It’s like you have magic fingers.” Yoongi said breathlessly, Adam’s Apple bobbing as he spoke.
All the air left Jimin’s lungs. His mouth went dry. His eyes transfixed on Yoongi’s throat. 
“Don’t stop, please.” Yoongi urged. 
Jimin could taste the blood in his mouth as he bit down harshly on his bottom lip to keep from groaning at the way Yoongi damn near whined. Jimin reminded himself this was not a sexual situation. His friend was hurt and he was helping. Tell that to his dick, which had sprung to life as soon as the first noise had left Yoongi’s mouth. 
Jimin took a shaky breath and continued massaging the medication into Yoongi’s skin. Jimin tortured himself for another ten minutes before suggesting that they should go play games. If Jimin didn’t get his hands off Yoongi soon he was going to bust in his pants. 
Yoongi deemed his ankle well enough for that plan. Jimin helped him up and they walked to Jimin’s apartment together. Yoongi made himself at home, pulling out two water bottles and handing one to Jimin before sitting on Jimin’s bed. 
“What do you want to play?” Jimin asked as he turned on the game system.
“Hmmm.. call of duty?” Yoongi offered. 
Jimin set up the game and they began working together to defeat the enemy at hand. Soon Jimin noticed that Yoongi was slowing down, his right hand often reaching up to rub his left shoulder as his face contorted. 
“Dude, you’re falling apart.” Jimin joked, shoving Yoongi playfully.
“I don’t know what happened. First my ankle. Now my shoulder. My whole body hurts man.” Yoongi complained. 
Jimin knew it was a bad idea. He knew nothing good could possibly come of it. He knew he should remain quiet. And yet, he heard himself speak before the decision was even fully made.
“Lay down on the bed.” He instructed, standing.
“Gonna take advantage of me in my weakened state?” Yoongi joked. 
“You wish!” Jimin threw back at him with a grin.
“Nah. I’m more of a top myself.” Yoongi winked before spreading himself across Jimin’s bed. 
Jimin swallowed nervously, unable to retort Yoongi’s  last reply. He crawled over to Yoongi, and placed his hands on the boys clothed shoulders. He began to massage the tension out.
Yoongi closed his eyes for a while then he shifted uncomfortably, before huffing in annoyance and sitting up, flinging his shirt off and laying back down. 
“Stupid thing was in the way.” He grumbled. 
Jimin froze, his eyes scanning along Yoongi’s smooth skin. Muscles taut underneath. Jimin willed his cock to chill for a second and thought exclusively about vaginas until the hard on passed. 
“Yo, why’d you stop?” Yoongi whined. 
“Sorry.” Jimin coughed, placing his hands on Yoongi’s skin once more. 
His firm, yet gentle touch moved along Yoongi’s shoulders, pressing in and moving in circular motions. Yoongi let out little grunts, and Jimin did his best to ignore them. He found it difficult to get the right angle to massage the knot out of Yoongi's lower back from his position beside him.
Despite all rational judgement that Jimin possessed, he swung his leg over Yoongi’s back, straddling the older boy and resting on his plush bottom. Yoongi let out a surprised gasp and Jimin almost died on the spot. He ignored the tightening in his stomach and put all of his strength into working the knot out of Yoongi’s back. 
Yoongi’s small grunts turned to loud moans as Jimin worked. The sounds of pleasure escaping Yoongi’s plump lips were downright pornographic.  Jimin closed his eyes and put all of his focus into the movement of his hands, doing everything in his power not to get hard while sitting on top of his friend. 
Jimin was fighting a losing battle, and after one particularly shaky moan from underneath him, he bolted off of his friend and dove under the covers to hide. His dick was throbbing with desire and he prayed to anyone listening that Yoongi hadn’t felt it.
“What's wrong?” Yoongi asked, turning to face Jimin then making a pained face and laying back down. 
“I uh… I-I” Jimin stuttered. 
Yoongi grabbed a pillow and hugged it to his chest, effectively covering his lap as he sat up to face Jimin. 
“Are you okay?” He asked
Jimin closed his eyes and willed the erection away with every ounce of strength he had. Yoongi ripped the blanket away to reveal Jimin’s face, and in the process, also revealed Jimin’s current issue: his rock hard issue. 
Yoongi’s mouth fell open as Jimin’s stomach sank. Jimin attempted to flee the bed, but yoongi's hand darted out to catch him by the wrist, yanking him back. The bed bounced as Jimin fell into it and Yoongi hovered over the younger man. Jimin felt Yoongi’s hard cock press into his own through their sweats. A gasp left his lips as his eyes met the ones above him. 
“Don’t try to run away.” Yoongi commanded softly, his gaze piercing through Jimin. 
Both boys could feel Jimin’s cock twitch at Yoongi’s words. This caused Yoongi to smirk. 
“You like that? Like it when I take control?” He hummed, lips brushing over Jimin’s pulse point. Jimin shivered. 
“Yes.” Left Jimin’s lips in a whisper. 
 Yoongi’s lips ghosted down to the hollow of Jimin’s throat, placing a kiss there. Jimin lifted his chin to give Yoongi more access. 
“Mmm.. so needy for me.” Yoongi smirked satisfactorily. 
“I’ve been dreaming about this moment forever. I’m not gonna play hard to get.” Jimin tossed back, though he wasn’t even the slightest bit ashamed. 
“Hmmm..? You dreamt about me?” Yoongi searches Jimin’s eyes.
“Every fucking night.” Jimin admitted
“What did I do in these dreams?” Yoongi inquired.
Yoongi’s lips sucking on Jimin’s collarbones did not help Jimin think clearly enough to voice his fantasies to the other man.
“A-ah, fuck. You’d tease me, just like this.” Jimin whined. 
Yoongi smiled against Jimin’s skin, then sat up to pull Jimin’s shirt off of his body. Yoongi let out a low growl upon freeing Jimin of the offending fabric. His tongue ran across his lips before he put it to use on Jimin’s nipples.
Jimin moaned, tangling his fingers in Yoongi’s hair and tugging gently. This only spurred Yoongi on. His tongue flicked against Jimin’s  taught nipples, teeth tenderly grazing against the nubs as he worked his way down Jimin’s chest. 
Yoongi’s hand brushed lightly over Jimin’s clothed length, causing Jimin to let out a hiss. 
“What do you want?” Yoongi asked.
“Touch me. Please.” Jimin begged.
Yoongi wasted no time in sliding his hand under the waistband of Jimin’s sweats, taking his length in his hand and pumping. Jimin’s abs clenched, and as much as he loved the attention, he wanted to touch Yoongi. Jimin's fingers found Yoongis elastic and pulled the pants and boxers down, exposing Yoongi’s swollen, dripping cock. 
Jimin had never been so horny is his entire life. He jerked against Yoongi's hand, while reaching out with his own to cup Yoongi's aching cock with his own hand. Yoongi groaned and pulled away. Jimin was about to ask what happened when he watched Yoongi rid himself of his sweats and boxers in one swift motion. Jimin lifted his hips to remove his own but Yoongi was too quick, leaning over and yanking the clothes from Jimin's body. Both men completely naked, on display for each other. 
Jimin pulled Yoongi onto the bed with him, and flipped them around so he was on top of Yoongi once more. Jimin took his time, admiring each and every inch of Yoongi's skin as his lips trailed their way towards where Yoongi was dying to feel Jimin. Jimin licked the tip of Yoongi's swollen cock and Yoongi’s uneven breathing picked up speed. He was dizzy with desire. When Jimin’s lips finally covered the length of Yoongi’s cock, when Yoongi could feel Jimin’s tongue swirling around his shaft, Yoongi couldn’t hold back his desperate noises. 
Jimin was made to suck dick, Yoongi decided. He was torn between closing his eyes and relishing the feeling and watching Jimin’s every move. Yoongi loved when Jimin’s eyes met his own, his plump lips wrapped around his length. Jimin was so pretty. Jimin did his best to excel in all things, and bringing Yoongi to the edge of release was no different. Yoongi might’ve been embarrassed at how fast he’d come to the edge if he could actually think. 
“Fu-Jimi- I’m gonna-“ Yoongi warned the younger boy, but Jimin didn’t move, only sucked harder. 
Yoongi's whole body convulsed as he bucked into Jimin’s waiting mouth and came with a cry of Jimin’s name. He spilled down Jimin’s throat. Jimin, the good boy he was, drank up every drop and worked Yoongi through all that his orgasm was worth. 
Yoongi couldn’t stop shaking for a few moments, his whole world was spinning with the earth shattering orgasm Jimin had just gifted him. It wasn’t until Jimin licked  his lips seductively, eyes trained on Yoongi’s  that Yoongi was brought out of his fog. 
With a growl, Yoongi pinned the younger man beneath him, holding both hands above his head with one of his own and trailing a blaze of kisses anywhere he could reach. He nipped and licked and sucked purple and red bruises all over Jimin’s body. Jimin was writhing beneath Yoongi, feeling every breath, every heartbeat, every move Yoongi made with such intensity he was sure he would explode. 
“Mmm.. you did so good for me baby.. I think you deserve something in return, don’t you?” Yoongi smirked as his lips ghosted over Jimin’s leaking tip. 
“Oh fuck yes please.” Jimin begged. 
He’d felt so powerful, rendering Yoongi speechless with a flick of his tongue across Yoongi’s throbbing length, but now felt helpless under the older boy's touch. Stars formed behind Jimin’s eyelids when Yoongi's mouth sank down on Jimin’s  erection. Jimin squirmed, gasps leaving his parted lips as Yoongi worked his magic down below. Jimin did his best not to buck his hips up into Yoongi's mouth but it just felt so good. Yoongi didn’t complain, just adjusted his jaw and worked his skillful tongue to bring Jimin higher and higher. 
Jimin gripped the bed sheets with his left hand, the fingers on his right threading themselves in Yoongi’s soft blonde locks. 
“Yoongi… close…” Jimin barely got the words out, breathless and falling apart. 
Yoongi ran his free hand up Jimin’s torso, interlacing their fingers in a surprising sweet moment, making the whole moment more intimate, more intense. Jimin couldn’t hold it in anymore, throwing his head back and shaking as his orgasm crashed over him in waves. Yoongi took it all, working Jimin through his high. Jimin’s abdomen kept spasming even after he’d come down. Yoongi smiled to himself and crawled up Jimin’s body, connecting their lips together in a slow, sweet kiss. Jimin kissed back with the same passion, before pulling back to catch his breath. He pulled Yoongi closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around him. 
“Fuck… no wonder you call it tongue technology.” Jimin panted. 
Yoongi chuckled and placed chaste kisses to the corners of Jimin’s mouth. Jimin turned, capturing Yoongi's lips with his own. He sighed contently, letting his racing heart slow down in time with Yoongi’s calming breaths. The silence was comfortable, and it stretched on as the two men held each other.
“Yoongi?” Jimin whispered. 
“Yeah?” Yoongi looked up into the younger mans sparkling eyes. 
“I… I love you.” Jimin bit his lip nervously, entire body tense as he waited for Yoongi to react. 
Yoongi’s face softened, and his lips turned up in a tender smile.
“I love you too, Jimin. I always have.”
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mcrvictoria · 4 years
God (the play)
Written by L.A. Glanvill Copyright 2018 (rev.)
Characters: A mottle group that went to grade school together till the end of High school. Even though they have different personalities, they maintain a close relationship even in there late twenties. Bringing New couples into the mix and dealing with the off-putting scenarios the characters create. 
God: Stereotypical character, white toga Style robe. Seems innocent almost naive. Seems to have an Identity crisis. Definite wisdom but seems simple when dealing with tough situation. Playful and whimsical as well. 
Phil: Late twenties, anal and looks for people's approval even though he's successful at his job. Seems a bit needy with a touch of sarcasm that is retracted when he goes to far. Can be self-defeating and can be a bit of a whiner. 
Martha: Wise but quietly wanting everyone to be happy. A people-pleaser, her main goal is to become the perfect host. Dedicated to Phil. Knows things others don't seem to know but can be so blind at times and a bit of a snob. She seems to miss the small things. 
Tom: Very religious, devout, a little dumb. Easily influenced by Jen. Very scattered and reactionary. Illogical. Blind to all around him. Controlled by base emotions and short tempered. 
Jen: Tom's Girlfriend. Not smart but thinks she is. Really argumentative. Emotional and reactive. Very aggressive. Uses sex as a weapon with Tom. Massively manipulative. 
Tammy: The most unlucky person ever. If anything can go wrong, it will. She falls a lot, always hurt, outer circle even affected. Can be sad and meek at times. But still seems to carry a smile even if fake. Has an expecting nature about her and stoic. 
Dr. Segal: Arrogant, controlling, big ego. Is a Player and condescending. Very shallow and materialistic. Male chauvinistic personality. Objectives women. Really believes he's better than others. 
Corina: Very shallow, gold digger, materialistic. Only wears and top brands but never pays for anything. Has multiple boyfriends. Dr. Segal being one of them. Using her looks for gains. Very flirty cheats on all relationships. 
Zoe: A clone of Corina but pretends to be dumber. Wrestles with being moral has a conscience but ignores it most times. Important to mimic Corina as much as possible. 
Liz: Rhon's Girlfriend, an accomplished musician, university TA. Sweet, kind, a little silly, quiet and very smart. Super humble, supportive and affectionate. Loves animals and people. Can be naive because she wants to believe in the best of people.
Death: Based on a grandmother character. Super sweet, soft just exudes love. Must have grannies glasses. Flowered dress. Little hate, like going to church on Sunday. Cane, just someone you would love no matter what. 
Rhon (the actor): Liz's boyfriend, logical, scientific in nature. A intellectual always ready for a debate. Can be loud at times. Knows a lot about the universe and not afraid to share his ideas. Strong sense of self. 
Rhon Grenon (The director): Laid back but impatient, direct, demanding if pushed. Also has a contradicting personality, a “I don't care attitude”, but takes everything personal. Knows what he likes and can be a little arrogant about it. 
Cue card guy:  The real Rhon Grenon. AKA, L.A. Glanvill
Song list: 
Voy Vance - Make it rain. 
Kidnap kid - first light. 
The Pete box - Wave. 
Syd Matters – River sister. 
Pretty lights – Finally moving. 
Patrick Watson – To build a home. (Tammy Dies) 
Youngblood Hawk – We come running. 
Our last night – Voices. 
Two Feet – Had some drinks. 
San Holo – Light. 
Suuns – Translate. 
The Chemical Brothers - Snow. 
Miike Snow – Cult logic. 
John Butler – Ocean. 
Waterboys – To close to heaven. 
Phosphoroscent – Song for Zula. 
The Strumbellas – We don't know. 
Ray LaMontagne – Empty. 
The Acid – Basic Instinct. 
Low- Lullaby
Sound Crew: Responsible of overall feel of the atmosphere and vital to success of the feel of the play. 
Lighting crew: Timing is everything. Absolute focus is necessary or wont work especially in the end. 
Food Crew: Have to do set up during end of play, Quietly and quickly. Then responsible to encourage people to start to eat. Bring them food or ask them what they want. 
Audience Plants: Willing to engage neighbours and encourage them to get involved to the party. Start before the play starts. 
Make-up crew: Responsible for all wardrobe and make-up but essential at the end to make Jen a car accident victim.. 
Visual Crew: Responsible for timing and visual play on TV. Easter Egg 
Set Crew: Layout and design as well of placement for optimal full party organization. 
Media Crew: Hit all formats of social media. Create a buzz.
Flood of lights across a room, showing all the details of the stage. Centre stage is a typical living room with couch and TV facing audience. Modern style decor Music plays softly in the background. Looks like there is a preparation for a party going on. Banner saying congratulations up and balloons, food out. Three characters are already walking around finishing prepping. The Lights dim, the characters continue to do what they are doing, above the lights and music comes the deep booming voice of God as his speech continues, the rest get the room finished and ready for the party. 
GOD: In the beginning there was nothing. Pause Nothing here anyway. This darkness, which wasn't actually darkness at the time because no one had come along to start naming things. Just was... Pause nevertheless; anyway; All the same. From the darkness I created the sun, the moon and all the stars. People weren't even on my mind at this point. I was creating scenery. See. Then I laid out the earth here and touched it up with all the beauty I could imagine. Birds, flowers, trees, beetles, rocks, sand, rainbows and snowy peaked mountains. Eventually, water crept up on the land as land invaded the waters and beasts I envisioned lived in blissful ignorance. All but one; Distaste in voice HUMANS. Humans who started thinking that they had monkeys as ancestors. Who considered themselves the descendants of muscular slugs, who heroically dragged their slippery bodies from the water to land to evolve. Again distaste in voice Suddenly, I feel a need to inform them of their folly; To make my presence known; To inform educate, instruct and edify; To help them understand themselves and to do something. Pause You see, I've become so incredibly bored. 
Lights rise again full. The three characters are speaking with one another from across the room. Light music. The doorbell rings.
Phil: I'll Get it. Walks towards the door. Stage Left. Martha raises a hand but not her head as she works away at making finger sandwiches. Phil opens the door to Tammy, Jen, and Thom. Who is carrying a bag of ice. Tammy has a grease mark on her face and her hands are slightly stained, her clothes are wrinkled and hair all messed. 
Oh my god Tammy what the hell happened? 
Tammy looks at her feet and doesn't answer. 
Tom: Her car had a little trouble. 
Jen: A little Trouble? I didn't even know that thing could move. It was a rolling horror show.
Tom:  She just had a flat tire. Jen:  A flat tire!?! I think all four tires of those tires were running on rims. She had flat rims.
Phil: Takes Tammy's hand You ok, hun? 
Tammy nods her head walks over and puts a bowl of crab dip that she brought on the table.
Tammy: I'll put the Crab dip here that I made here Martha. Is that ok?
Martha: Come in, come in all of you. Why are you all standing around? Yes Tammy that's fine, right there is fine. 
Phil moves to the side and holds the door open. The three walk by him and toss their jackets on the side chair. Phil, looking towards the entering guests goes to close the door behind him but Dr. Segal with Corina and Zoe walk in one on each arm like arm candy. Bumping into Phil as they enter. 
Dr. Segal:  How's it going, Hi, Hi. I'm here let the party begin. 
Phil goes to close the door and looks out to the audience. The spotlight focuses on him. The rest of the cast greet each other , and talk give hugs and hellos. They all grab drinks that Martha is holding on a tray. 
Phil: I decided to throw a party. Because I never do these kind of things: Normally I like a nice quiet night in with my fiance, Martha. Or a night on the town at a play, an intimate blues bar or a open air concert. But not in my house, I'm not to found of having people in my house. But these are my friends.
Pause, looks at the group. 
A motley crew of misanthropes; self-doubters the lot of them. But aren't we all? They hide it well though, don't they? Dr. Segal there, with the ladies by his side. A plastic surgeon. He has devoted his life, specifically, to enlarging the mammary glands on the already well-endowed women: Women such as Corina, The young woman on his left. 
Corina laughs, pushes her chest out, and gives Dr. Segal a slap on the shoulder
Corina didn't always look like that. Nor did any of us really want her to. She's beautiful, in her own way. Then there's Zoe who's thinking of surgery herself, but isn't sure. Why you ask? Because she isn't sure of anything or at least that's what I think. She sure seems to know everything. 
Zoe steps back from the other two and raising one hand begins to yatter in a way that the others two roll their eyes at her
Phil:  Jen and Tom, have a dysfunctional/ destructive relationship if there ever has been one. They can fight about anything; where the sun sets. What time it is on the moon. If an orange was purple what would it be called? But then they have, or so I've been told, knock out sex. Isn't that the way though? 
Jen and Tom seem to be arguing about something of near the kitchen table 
And then there's Tammy, poor, poor Tammy. We've been calling her that for years now. Nothing that we know of has ever gone her way. Her father left when she was four, then her mother died on her when she was five. She was shipped off and raised by a grandmother who didn't believe in children. Lucky for her she died when she was Ten. Then many foster-homes. And she disappeared for a good five years. These things are not mentioned in the group. None of ask and she doesn't share. Since she came back her luck has even gotten worse. If there is a chair leg to catch a toe on , she will. If she jumps a green light, she'll get t-boned by another car. If she dates a nice guy. An aspiring doctor...and don't let her know I told you this... he'll end up being the doctor only so much as that he'll get caught dismembering the neighbourhood cats. 
Tammy goes to sit down and falls of the chair. Spilling her drink on herself 
Then there is Martha and I, We've been together six years now. One day soon I am going to ask for her hand... I didn't know I could love someone this much. And this is my party which I have been planning for two weeks. Now you are all up to speed let's jump in and see where this goes. 
Martha is handing out food still and the doorbell rings again. Stage lights up and Phil walks over to answer the door. 
Rhon:  Hey buddy boy! Gives Phil a hug then pushes him 
Phil: Where's Liz?
Rhon:  She's on her way. She wanted to bring her own car so she could leave when she wanted to from work. 
Rhon Takes of his coat and drops it on the couch, Phil goes to close the door and Liz enters with God slightly behind her. She runs in leaving the door open, God wanders in as the attention is on Liz 
Liz: Rhon, Rhon. I won! I won the award for my composition! 
She runs across the room and hugs Rhon. Rhon raises a glass in his hand to toast her 
Rhon: A toast, To Liz, who just won some epic award for which I assume is a beautiful musical composition. 
Everyone raise their glasses, cheer and then drink deeply. Then the girls jump up and down in excitement and joy. Before going back to what they were doing. Lights dim. God Stands beside the couch examining the room, Hands behind his back, Tipping forwards on his feet. Phil goes and closes the door and turns to the audience. Spot light on Phil 
Phil: Then there's Rhon and Liz. There's not a better couple out there, as far any of us can tell. And If I have to admit it I'm bit jealous of their relationship. Supportive and loving, disgustingly perfect. And then there's this... 
Pauses looks at God hand stuck in air and confused 
This Guy who I have never seen before. Who is this guy? 
Stage lights up Phil walks over to Liz and Rhon who is excitedly talking to Rhon.
Phil:  Who's your friend? 
Liz: Who?
Phil: Dude with the beard. He came with you didn't he? 
Liz:  Never seen him before. 
Everyone looks at God who is now watching the TV. Music changes to christian Gospel 
Rhon: Who is this guy? And What's with the music? 
Phil:  Martha can we put on a different CD? 
Martha walks over to change the CD but it keeps playing as she pulls out the CD as she holds it. She looks dumbfounded. Phil walks over to God 
Phil:  Hi There. 
Looking quizzical, God just smiles, a kind generous smile 
God: Good day, Sir. 
Phil: Umm, Might I ask who you came with? Who you came with? 
God pauses for a second, glances around the room and back to Phil. Some are looking at him, Liz, Rhon, and Tammy are paying attention to what he's saying. All others are conversing about there places and do not hear what he is about to say
God: I am God 
Looking puzzled like he doesn't understand the question 
Phil: God? As in Godfry. Right? 
God: No, no, no. God. 
Glances till he locks eyes towards Martha direction 
Ask Martha. 
Phil: Oh, you're a friend of Martha's. 
God: Yes and no. But she'll understand. 
Phil: God. Okay, God. I see. 
Lights dim again, spotlight on God. Rest of the cast freezes. 
God: To the audience. People simply do not understand. Was I to believe that they honestly would? God is not something that comes and talks to one Saturday night. Something, someone? That just shows up in your living room. God is supposed to be ethereal, everlasting and above all else, somewhere else; Somewhere mystical and above the clouds. Or trenched deep within one's heart: not standing on your carpet in your front room. How can I make them understand who I am? Well I cannot; they simply do, or they do not. 
Lights back to full 
Phil: God then.
God: To audience And Phil here does. 
Phil: May I introduce you to my friend, Moses, Jesus and Mary. Snickers 
God: I see. Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour. Has no one ever told you that, Phil? 
Phil looks slightly shocked 
Phil: How do you know my name? 
God: I told you Phil, I am God. 
Phil: I see. 
God: Need I prove this to you somehow? 
Phil:  That may be a way to get over this awkwardness, no? 
God: No. 
Phil: No? 
God:  Yes, yes, of course. How might I prove this to you?
Phil:  Snapping his fingers What was the name of the dog I had in high school? God responds quickly
God: Skippy 
Phil:  Where did I lose my Blanket when I was four? 
God: You didn't, your mom threw it out? Taken aback and surprised but determined to catch him 
Phil: Fine then, what is my favourite food? 
God:  Chocolate: which is odd, thought not as odd as the fact, bearing in mind the aforementioned fact, that you have never had a cavity. Thanks to me. He winks and giggles 
Phil:  And what... 
God:  Toothpaste. 
Phil: Where... 
God: Georgetown. 
Phil:  Stepping back But... 
God: Spruce street, a quarter past five or quarter after five, Simultaneous multiple partners, a lakeside resort on the edge of Owen Sound, A four hundred dollar plate, the grass behind your house, with-in the bushes, Dying cats and teddy bear named Woo-woo you lost while searching for your little sister when she was lost one foggy May morning.
Phil: Head dropping Woo-woo. 
God: Speaking in a Jamaican accent Yah Phil. I'm da real ting mon. And to answer you next question, I am here to raise my praise. People jus don believe anymore. Don believe in anything. And we all need somethin' to believe in, right mon. I am da lord and Savior. But if yu need some more proof.... Raises his hands above his head 
Phil: No, No, that's alright. I'll play along. 
God:  Normal voice Are you sure? I have this amazing dancing elephant that will materialize at a moments notice. Doesn't make a mess. It's the dearest little thing I have ever seen. 
Phil: No, I'm certain. But, could you do me a favour? I know you want to raise your praise and all, but could you keep the preaching to a minimum? I have been planning this party for a couple of weeks and really, well religious talk is such a downer. We just want to have fun. 
God: Kicking his at the ground, head hung low, eyes looking up puppy-dog like Aww come on, I need to help people , help them understand that's there's something out there looking out for them. 
Phil: Please. Begging 
God: Oh All right, I'll try. 
Phil: Try? If memory serves me right, you tried a few things a few times before and they have hardly worked out properly.
God: British accent Scotch, ma boy, I kna yu have a bottle a twenty five under yu bed. 
Phil:  Smiles I was saving that for a special occasion. 
God:  Well that special occasion is here. 
Martha:  Having made her way over to God Rod is it? My, my you should be wearing more clothing: it's cold out there. 
God:  Do you know what might warm me up? 
Martha: Pigs in a blanket? 
God: Yup. Pigs in a blanket. Smiles 
Phil walks over to help Martha grab the food
Phil: It's god you know that don't you? 
Martha: Yes of course I do. Who wouldn't know God? 
Dr. Segal walks over quickly. God walks of to the food table. Picks up the crab dip that Tammy brought, Snif s it and gives a troubled face. Puts it back down 
Dr. Segal:  Who is that?
Phil: He's God. 
Dr. Segal: With a smile on his face Let's look at this rationally, shall we. God, the being who created the universe, who created the prototypes for you and me. Who keeps the world spinning, who sends the sun up and the moon down. Or whatever it is that happens there. The big guy in the sky. He's here in your living room. The man with a plan, all the answers. 
Corina overhears and comes over with Zoe in tow 
Corina: This is stupid. If he has all the answers I don't care! All that matters is how you look and what you have. Everyone knows that. 
Zoe: OMG! Corina come on that's not true. What about sad people: They need our help to make them happy. Like makeup and stuff. 
Corina: Laughs loud and claps here hands like she has a great idea I know everybody feels better when you get a good haircut. Looking with wide eyes like she has a secret to share. We should start a club or crowd funding or group or facebook or whatever to give make-up workshops in Africa or hair extensions to the poor. 
Both Girls squeal in delight and give each other a high five 
Both: OMG YEAAA!!! 
Phil looks dumbfounded and looks back to Dr. Segal to finish his conversation. Both girls talk among themselves 
Phil: Umm, anyway sure, To answer you. Why not? I mean why not? Don't you...
Dr. Segal: Believe in God? Sure, sure. Why not. I believe in God But The guy with the beard over there is trying to steal your gold pen. 
Phil: Pointing at God Hey, hey put that down! 
God: Looking startled It's a beautiful pen Phil, lovely Fine gold. 
Phil: Yeah, well you can see why I would be a little nervous about it then. 
God:  Indeed. 
Dr. Segal and Phil walk over to where God is 
Phil: And you might expect that I will Question why you have chosen to visit me. Tonight of all nights. 
God: Indeed 
Spot light on Phil 
Phil: To Audience A rope walks into a bar and orders a beer, The bartenders says, Says we don't serve ropes here. The the rope bends over and shows him the top of his head and says fraid knot? No, wait that's not the one I wanted. Slaps himself on the knee Guy walks into a party and says, “ I'm God.” No, that's not nearly as funny. Guy throws a party and everything that could go wrong goes wrong. And God walks in.
Tom:  To Phil smugly I see you are humouring the deity this evening Phil. 
Phil: So you don't believe? 
Tom: I do believe in God. I don't believe that that is him. I know God and his will: you know I am one of the faithful, one of his flock. I understand the heart and mind of God. I hate to say it Phil. But I am closer to God, more than any of you.
Jen:  I don't believe it's him either. But let's have fun with him. 
Phil Hangs his head as his friends walk past him. He turns around to find that the rest of the party members have gathered around God 
Dr. Segal: Those are some hefty bags under your eyes, old timer. Drop by my clinic and I could help you out with those. 
Martha hands God a snifter of scotch
Zoe: Like, where do you stand on abortion? 
Corina: Can you make me Prettier? 
Rhon: When I look into the night sky I can only see so far, right? I want to know what the edge of the universe looks like. 
Everyone is there surrounding God 
Liz:  Where is the most beautiful place on Earth?
Phil: Once we have figured out DNA what will we know? 
Jen: To Phil Why would he care about that? 
Tom: To Jen Why would he not? 
Jen: Where do you even come up with such dumb things to say? 
Tom: Oh-for-crying-out-loud Jen! Why can't you just agree on one thing for once? 
Jen: You always say that! I have my own thoughts, I don't like when you say I argue. Last time you did that I washed your shirt and nothing is ever good enough for you. 
Tom: What the hell are you talking about? They both walk of arguing getting softer as they walk away. Improve argument from here. Everyone turns back to God to ask more questions. But not loud. Silent but dramatic actions. Music louder like a Montague 
Tammy softly speaks as music drops almost shy like 
Tammy: What is luck? 
The party slips into slow motion but for God and Phil 
God:  Looking mournfully towards Phil You know Phil, You weren't selected at random. Your house was chosen. Wilfully selected. Let me tell you why I am here, Phil. Going into salesman mode People have managed to get the wrong idea about me Phil. My message has been bastardized to the point where I cannot tell what these people are talking about anymore. You have all made it more difficult than it needs to be. They've taken my words and ruined them. Changed them. Switched them up and spat them back out in odd formations to feed their own ego's. Someone should just ask me what I am talking about. Not these single little questions. These insignificant whims. Ask me what it is I mean by it all. 
Phil: God, What are you talking about? 
God:  Ask me what it all means. What this world is all about. 
Phil:  What's it all about God? 
God:  Beats me. Giggles 
Rest of the party snaps back out of slow motion and God and Phil are in there original places 
Tammy: Why were all my loved ones taken from me so early on in life? 
Jen comes back as Thom pouts in the corner by the food. She interrupts pushes her way in, then Thom follows back with a frown on his face 
Jen: Is true love a reality? Or some sort of chemical bullshit? 
Tom: Why are you asking this guy anything? He's not God! 
Jen: How do you even know? Well? How could you know? It might be possible! 
Tom: I, I, well I'd just know. I mean God doesn't come and start nattering to people in their living rooms, some night. Does he! 
Martha: He could. 
Liz: Is music truly the greatest divine blessing? 
Rhon: okay, so what I find hard to swallow, is what religion is selling. It seems flawed, in a way that is beyond explanation. Hypocritical, controlling, and self-centred. I think that is the problem. Self-centred. Seriously though, I use to look up into the nights sky when I was a kid and wonder what was up there, all night long, watching the stars move and the clouds and the moon. Then one day I found out that it was us that was moving and not the stars. Or that the stars had already moved and what I was seeing was not even there anymore. They were just what was left of what was once there. Like that flicker when you turn off a TV at night. And seriously listen I couldn't go to church any more. I mean, If I can stare at something with my own eyes like that, something that doesn't even exist anymore, and the lights are beautiful. The earth moves on its own accord, and all this, all this stuff was actually created by something. I was damned certain that it, whatever it was that created all of this, was not going to care whether or not I stuffed myself into a little blue suit every Sunday morning and sang songs about how much I loved him. And how much I praised him. Come on wasn't Sunday supposed to be a day off anyway? 
Everyone stops and looks at Rhon rant. For a moment when he's done silence. Then in unison to God 
Everyone: Aren't you going to give us any answers?
God looks tired, settles down in a seat. Martha grabs a drink and brings it to God and a small plate of pigs in a blanket. He smiles at her and sips his scotch and closes his eyes to enjoy it 
Martha: Let's all leave him alone for a moment, give him some space you guys.
Cast but Phil walks back to the food table talking to themselves 
God: He makes me sound like I've been neutered or something. 
Phil: We are not supposed to know the face of god, Or so we have been told.
God:  Not supposed to know? Who decided this? Shaking his head at the statement 
Phil:  Only his work. 
God: My work. Hmm. But not me. The product but not the inventor. 
Phil: But are we to thank you? 
God:  Thank me? For what? For what I have done for you? But not know who or what you are thanking? 
Phil:  Does it sound odd? 
God:  A little. Might I have a moment alone?
Phil: Certainly. 
Phil walks over to where Tom is standing, Jen Kissing Thom Passionately, God looks likes talking to someone, then sips his drink quietly. As Thom Phil is there and pushes Jen of of him 
Phil:  Tom, you don't believe that God is right there do you. 
Tom:  Oh he's here. He resides in our churches and cathedrals and in our hearts. He's all around us. Watching, judging every moment of our existence.
Phil: So, you don't believe that he could come to earth and talk to us? 
Tom: If he did, who would believe him? Unless he turned the sky into fire, and the world to salt. He would show the power of who he is. 
Jen: Yea right, he's right! 
Stage Darkens, spotlight on Phil. Who walks to the front of the stage. Rhon walks over to God. And you can see them starting a deep debate. Can only see actions no words
Phil: Well, I do. We've made him human. Sometimes some of us; If we care at all to look outside of ourselves for answers. But then, most of us are too busy for that anyway. Doesn't it seem that the stranger things get the more willing we are to accept them? The tabloids draw our eyes their stands at the grocery stores. Tweets build fear. Facebook isolates us. We don't know how to be friends anymore. The news that people have won millions in a lottery, keeping us buying and wanting and hoping that in someway or some how our number will come up and we will finally win. We have lost faith in anything tangible. And as we lose faith we begin believing more and more in things, like televangelists, products that will make us beautiful. People that lie to us and we want them too. Trying to be perfect trying each to be a God in our own right, hoping one more person will push the like button to make us closer to perfection. We have created a God so far from who he is here in my living room, that we can't even see who he is now. Or understand. No one has direct recourse to the Lord. 
Lights come back on and Rhon Is beside God. Phil walks over in mid-conversation. 
Rhon: So, you see what I mean? No, no seriously, if we live in a multi-dimensional universe. The introduction of infinity proves that a God could not exist in this wider sense of multiple infinitives of north, east, west, south, up and down. Time, God. Time could not exist if God does. What we have is a world within which we are attempting to link existing things, things we can touch and see. Like this glass of wine. Holds up glass of wine Like wise cannot see, like time, or infinity, or God. And that makes sense. Doesn't it? 
God: You cannot multiply infinity times infinity, then interject variables with an earthly construct. Quantifying the equation and expect there to be a big equal sign n the end. Counting things out on his fingers 
Phil:  So then we made God. We made God for the answer to these questions?
God: Yes, that is entirely possible. The world spinning in infinity without a leader, without a God. So, there is no God. No, wait a moment... There is Dammit you guys, I'm God. 
Phil, and Rhon Snicker At God for a moment Tom walks over near the end of god speaking 
Tom: Extending his hand Right then, God I'm Moses. Would love to talk to you a little longer but there's Sea somewhere that needs to be parted. Tom walks off laughing 
Phil: You could have said something. 
God:  I don't bother with his type. He has his own perception of who I am, what I do. I could do anything I wish to him, but he's still going to be looking for a bloody tear to come off of some manikins face or a bush to spontaneously combust. It's easier to let him live his life. Let him live simply. Than show him the truth of who I am. Like I said before the message has been lost in time. The ultimate telephone game. 
Phil: So the faithful are wrong? 
God: Hand to chin No, not wrong. But blind faith in anything will get you killed. 
End of Act I
Act II 
TV is on. Rhon Flicks remote begins to press buttons. God remains sitting munching on pigs on a blanket and sipping on his drink 
TV: In Syria today, UN troops are gaining access to previously un... On highway 7 today at 2:00am just east of Peterborough, Five teens driving what is believed in excessive speed crashed into a tree. Alcohol may have been a factor. All Five teens... For only $29.99 plus shipping and handling. That's right Greg, we pay the shipping and handling this time. What Fran We do?... It's generally our notion that, upon discovering his men bogged down in heavy snow of a Russian winter. Napoleon chose, against the wishes of his commanding officers and advisors, to continue on, but what was he expecting to find in Russia that... Show me the way to go home, everybody now, I'm tired and wanna go to bed.
Phil: Hey Rhon turn up the music, turn that thing down. More party man. 
Martha while walking across the room, takes the remote from Rhon and places it back on the TV, music plays softly in the background 
Martha: What is it I have to do to live a good life? Sorry to bother you, I really am, but I have been asking myself this question for so long now and I need to know the answer. 
God: Slow, steady, psychiatrists voice Need. Need as a word, if I am correct, normally signals something which, were one to not receive it, one might very well die? Well, will you die if you do not receive an answer, Martha?
Martha:  Looking at the couch, running her finger up and down the seam of the arm rest I suppose not. But will I be allowed into heaven?
Phil: Wanders over and sits beside Martha Yes, is there a heaven? I've always wondered that myself. 
God: Well, a while ago I rented this warehouse location on Roosevelt Island and now we get those souls packed in there nice and tight. 
Martha:  What!?! 
God: Giggling No, Martha I'm kidding. I'll have to leave that up to your imagination. But yes to live a good life Martha. I will tell you a secret Motions for her to come closer Rubber bands. You must collect more rubber bands. 
Martha nods her head and stands, when she passes the TV, there is an elastic on it and she takes it 
God: Turns to Phil I've realized over time I'm not that good with people, Phil. I often forget how ridiculously low their sense of humour is. 
Dr. Segal: At the kitchen Table But Club Monaco is the new big thing. Those Tight little tops that show off the ladies belly-rings. And the skin. Short, short, short. Legs, legs legs. 
Zoe: Club Monaco? Like, whatever. I spend, like a thousand on a shirt I can wear it like forever. Club Monaco cost like Fifty bucks. 
Dr. Segal: You could wear it forever? But do you?
Zoe: Guuuroossss, NEVER! 
Dr. Segal: Nothing I like more than a woman in a tight sweater. Takes Corina's hand and smiles I really do appreciate the subtlety of a woman. I know that sounds hypocritical being a surgeon in the art of plastic. But to me seeing a beautiful angel filling a sweater, where a lot is left to the imagination...mmm...mmm 
Corina: Sweaters! But they hide so much. They're so, regular. I mean, Like, I mean. They hide everything. 
Dr. Segal: And there is beauty in that, isn't there? In the unknown about another person? 
Zoe: No, there isn't. We should be able to judge people without talking to them.
Jen:  Well, maybe if boobs are all you have then... 
Zoe:  Take that back! Waving her finger at Jen 
Jen: Why do you immediately assume I am talking about you? 
Zoe: Take it back! Jen: Well, it's true. 
Zoe: You don't mean it. Take it back!
Jen:  I do, and I won't! 
Zoe: Why do you have to be such a bitch? 
Jen: I just say what I know. 
Zoe:  Well maybe you should, like, think about keeping some of these things to yourself, do you know what I mean? 
Jen: Honesty is a virtue. Right God? Looks across the room at God 
Spot light falls on God, the rest of the room slips into slow-motion. God speaks to the audience 
God:  Petty disputes. What makes them think that I can solve their Problems? Who was it that said, all of your dealings with one another, your financial troubles, your social concerns, your love and loss of love take them to god. Send them my way. I can fix it. In the dead of night when you have just hung up the phone with the only person you ever believed you would be able to love. Who has just told you that you unfortunately are not the one for them. Well, yell to good old God. Tell him your troubles. You've driven your car into a wall because your high. Lying there in your own stupid pool of blood and cry out to God. Maybe God can turn back time, you'll think, maybe God is the answer here. Then while you're laying a hospital room, contemplating how ephemeral it all is, how absolutely tragic the world is. How horrible you have been treated, you will say, Why, God, why have you forsaken me? And I will tell you why. Because, dumb-ass you did it yourself. It was was your choice to smoke that joint and text. Not mine. And that person that convinces you to buy Bitcoin but at the last moment you bail.
God: They become rich and you don't. You can't blame them for your lack of courage. You wanting to play it safe. You make choices that dictate your future everyday. I'm not saying hardship won't happen for no reason now and then. Sure born into the wrong part of the world what choice do you have. But definitely you have a choice here. You already won the golden ring. You by being here in this moment of time in this place have won the lottery of life. Every opportunity is given to you. I look out for the ones that need it, the little people. Putting little angels on their shoulder... But these people are beyond my jurisdiction. They've made their own rules and now must live by them. Sorry to say. 
Stage lights back up 
Jen: I'm not saying that you are a bad person, Zoe. Just self-centred and. 
Zoe: What? Self-centred and What? If you are having about of honesty here and all. 
Tom: Simple. 
Phil: Please stop it you guys. 
Zoe: Simple! Simple! What do you mean by that? 
Jen: Maybe more ignorant than simple, actually. I'd say. But that is not a bad thing. You just decided to live your life a different way. Different things are important to you. 
Phil: No really guys please, my party come on don't be mean to each other. We can work this out.
Zoe:  Pfff, like okay. What. The. Hell. 
Dr. Segal:  Laughing All I was saying is that I like a woman in a sweater. But if we're going to be talking like this well Jen, I mean, really, Pot, Kettle, Black. Hahaha 
Zoe: Oh shut up you, you, you pimp. 
Dr. Segal: Whooaa Hahaha. Pimp? Hahahah, let me explain to you what pimp is. 
Zoe: Like, I know what a pimp is. And. And. Why are you all being so mean to me? Starts to cry 
Jen: To Dr. Segal as she puts her hand on Zoe shoulder to support her What do you know about or anything you glorified sculptor! 
Dr. Segal:  I'll take that as a compliment. Hahaha 
Zoe: What did I do wrong? 
Jen:  What is it that I said so wrong? Or awful? It's just the truth. 
Tom: I wish this never started. Why can't you just keep your mouth shut? Why do you have to fight with everyone at every moment? 
Phil: Guys, guys, my party remember?
Corina: I think my left Boob is bigger than the right one. Can anyone see this?
Rhon:  Why can't we just get along people. It's the differences that separate us and we have to start finding common ground here. Common you guys. 
Tom: That kind of attitude will get you beat up these days. Hahahaha 
Dr. Segal:  Softly There's more to life than looks. 
Jen: And you would know. 
Tom and Phil both start laughing 
Liz: Guys what's going on? 
Tom And Phil Still laughing 
Jen, Zoe: what you you laughing at? 
In the background Tammy is eating her Crab dip, standing alone. No one else is there after eating it she sits. She waves for help but no one notices. Then leans back and dies with her eyes open. Everyone is focused on Phil who is awkwardly laughing.
Phil:  Ha, Ha, So here's a good one. This guy, he decides to have this party and, Hahaha, makes everything perfect for everyone. For his friends and then, ohh, here's a good one. The Lord almighty shows up and. Hahaha his friends start to fight with one another and Hahahaha, toss some drinks around and insult one another and then, hahahahaha. 
Dr. Segal looks over at Tammy where she is slumped over eyes open, as Phil has his break down. He walks over puts his ear to her mouth and listens for a moment. Picks up her arm and checks for a pulse. Stage goes dark and the spotlight focuses on God. God put his drink down and shakes his head 
God:  This isn't going to be pretty. Lights come up full on the stage 
Dr. Segal: Tammy's dead! He shouts out to everyone. 
Everyone: Dead? 
Dr. Segal:  Dead! 
Everyone: Dead? 
Dr. Segal:  Dead! 
Phil: How? 
Dr. Segal:  Dead!
Rhon:  No, How? 
Dr. Segal: Shrugs his shoulders Might have been something she ate. 
Zoe: I told her to go on a diet! 
Everyone glares at her still in shock. 
Phil: And then, here's the punch line. I mean get this one, It's better than three guys walk-into a bar. A priest, a mime and a drunk Irish man. Or the one about guy and his neighbour wife? Which is a good one. A real good one. This one is better. This guy, see, he throws a party and wants everything to be perfect. But then God shows up and his friends fight and argue. And then, here it is, here's the big one, the clincher. The old whoompa! One of his guests Dies. DIES hahahahahahah 
God: As he eats the crab dip and other things It was the crab Dip. I guess I could have mentioned that but then I got this scotch and got into these conversations and then the ladies here started fighting with one another. 
Rhon: You couldn't have mentioned this? I mean really God. Come on. 
Phil: I let you into my house. For the party. 
Zoe: She was my friend. 
Tom:  I can still remember our night together. Walks over to Tammy strokes her hair 
Dr. Segal: No leave her be.
Everyone sits down at the table then ignores that Tammy in dead. Someone pushes the Crab dip to the end of the table. The stages darkens slightly Music in the background. Death walks in touches Tammy on the arm and she pops up fully animated, Stands and tests out here new body. She seems stronger, more confident, both move to the back of the table and seem in a good happy conversation 
Jen: Wait! What night with her? Thom? I introduced you to her. So if you did anything with her I'll Frig'in lose it I swear to God! 
God Perks up and looks at them points to himself questioningly 
Tom: Aww, Tammy. I feel so betrayed. Jen How could you think this? 
Zoe:  Like, Serves you right. 
Tom: Oh shut it Zoe! 
Phil: My party. 
Rhon: You couldn't have mentioned this? You're God for Christ sake. You didn't get around to mentioning that the Crab dip was going to kill our friend? 
God: Well, I knew the possibility was there that it could maybe, kill her. But things can always go one of two ways. 
Zoe:  Like, whatever. IF you're God, I'm Marilyn Monroe.
Tom: And I'm Moses. 
Jen: And I'm Princess Di. 
Zoe: That's pretty Tasteless. 
Jen:  What do you know about taste? 
Tom: Name one Tchaikovsky Symphony. 
Zoe: Who? Me or her? 
Tom: Either of you. And at the same time points to God Prove you are who you say you are. Prove you're God. Let's get it all figured out here. All the cards on the table. 
Phil: No, no, please don't make him prove anything. The elephant and the destry what's left of my party. And. Oh, please just don't make him prove anything. 
With a big pause, everyone's attention is focused on God he sighs and gets ready to speak 
God:  This girl has an unlucky life and I get the blame when she dies? I didn't make the dip. I didn't make the crab dip with old eggs and old crabs. I didn't take it from the plate and stick it in Tammy's mouth. But I get the blame? See that's what I have been talking about. You all think that I have something to do with this.
Tom: Well, you do have the ultimate control over everything. Right? That's the deal. Your job description. Right? Or will you just admit now you aren't God. 
Phil: Gone, deceased, dead hands flutter in the shape of a bird. Taking off above his head an at my party. The party I have been planning for over two weeks.
Rhon: Oh sweet-Jesus-tap-dancing-Christ Phil. Shut up about the damn party. We get it, we know, but right now things have gone a little sideways here and we have bigger things to think about that that right now. 
God:  There. There is my flaw. Snaps his fingers and points My cosmic joke, my point of break or my cracked vase. You little buggers can only think yourself. Yourself and how you can be better than one another. But, in the end, just yourself. Yourself first and last. Start, middle and end, me, me, me. Do you know how I got here today? I took the subway. While I was standing there on the platform, a woman named Patricia Barker, was severely depressed. Believing the world was to much for her. She was so desperate, to much pain to speak of. Decided to remove her and her child from it. The world that is. Remove herself completely. By jumping , child in arms, in front of a oncoming subway. I was the blind black beggar at the station. You want me to help? Well it's not my job!
Martha: That's awful. 
God smiles sadly at Martha
God:  But this woman beside me, Three piece suit, a couple grand worth of jewellery, late for a business meeting as it was. She began to complain. Complain that she was going to be even later for this meeting. Huffing and puffing. That it would change her world. That it would make more and more money. “Screw this stupid woman, who is dressed like a street person.” She said aloud. Decides to jump in front of a train, I mean come on people, you want to know everything in the world there is to know? Life on mars, eternal happiness, the perfect orgasm, long life and maybe inner peace? Well, compassion is a good start. Compassion and empathy is a damn fine start actually. 
Phil:  And then my guests piss off God. 
Death makes her way to Tammy stands beside her and Tammy instantly comes to life. they talk but know one notices as all focus is on God. Death waves hello to God, God nodded in acknowledgement
Liz:  God: are you okay? 
God: Runs his hands over his face I'm sorry. You are no more to blame than anyone else. But you must understand that it is all about free will. And that is going to shock you all. I mean, especially Tom there who actually believes in me. 
Tom: Looking sheepish and acting defensive I believe in God, and there's nothing wrong with that. But you my friend are not HIM!
God: You are a rarity these days. But no one really has it wrong. Well, except for the Scientologist. They are way out in left field. Anyway I created the earth, and it was good. I created the plants, the sea, the sky, it was all good. Good. Put animals in the mix nice batch of insects all life. Then I got tired or maybe bored I can't remember. So I set the program in motion, a basic free will if you like. It was good. I went away for awhile and I came back and what do I see. It was no longer good. Yu'all screwed it it up. Yu'all forgot a few things changed a few things. But yu'all had yer purposes to fulfill. And and yu'all don't like it. Then you have someone like Tammy here who, tonight, has fulfilled her duties. Who's free-will has brought her to this. And this. 
Lights focus on Death and Tammy 
Phil:  Who is this? 
God: Death. 
Rhon: This old lady is Death? 
Death blows her nose and fixes her glasses and smiles a big smile Tammy Appears beside Death. The rest of the cast realize shes alive and standing
Rhon:  Oh my God, It's Tammy! 
The rest are shocked 
Liz: Tammy I thought you died? 
Tammy: I think I did.
Phil: Wait I thought she died! 
Tom: I told you she wasn't dead. 
Corina:  Tammy Come here, with us. 
Death: No folks we need her with us. 
Phil: Then Death shows up. What a party! 
God: Yes, Gladice here is Death and she does a damn fine job of it to. Don't you Gladice. He raises his glass to Death 
Death: I try. 
God: You've been with me for what? Two, three generations? 
Death: Going on four, God. 
God: Elected by a body of her peers each time. And she still loves the lot of you.
Death: I do, I truly do. 
God: With birth out of the way, and Death taking care of business. I have so much time on my hands. Thank you Gladice.
Death: No Thank you God. 
Dr. Segal: Sounds reasonable to me. 
Rhon: But can't you stop Death? 
God: Sure, why not. Throw a stick in the spokes of history. Why not? But it's none of my business, now is it. 
Rhon:  What if we found a good reason? 
God:  Ahh a salesman. Great, perfect. Hit me with your best pitch, Mr. Lowman.
Rhon: Can I discuss this with my friends? 
God: Certainly, By all means, take your time. 
God rises from his seat with a grunt and joins Death and Tammy behind the table. The rest go join Phil on the couch 
Rhon: What are we going to say? 
Liz: Tell him Tammy's life was horrible and that she deserves a break. 
Jen: Tell him that we could trade some of Corina's hair for Tammy. Or a leg. What are your legs insured for now Corina? Three, four hundred thousand.
Corina:  Like shut up! 
Rhon: Or maybe we could just bribe death? 
Dr. Segal: Cheat him, lie to him, bribe him. Sure, what the hell, hahaha. The whole shebang. Bring her to her knees in negotiation. Tie her up in litigation. Appeal her rulings then jump bail with our Tammy in hand. Hahahah. 
Liz, Rhon, Zoe Tom: Shut up Segal. 
Jen: To Tom You shut up. 
Tom: To Jen No you shut up. 
Jen:  Why do I hate you so much? 
Tom: Talking through clenched teeth Why must I talk through clenched teeth whenever I talk to you? 
Jen: Why... 
Tom: If only... 
The two of them lean into one another and start kissing 
Phil: Two weeks. Two weeks I planned...
Liz: This is never going to work. 
Rhon: We will have to make this work, figure out some loophole never thought of. 
The group come together heads close like they are making plans hands waving and pointing. Death, God and Tammy seem to be in a deep conversation as well. Pointing to the other group. Lights start to fade as music plays up. 
End Of Act II
Act III 
On one side of the table is God, Tammy and death. God and death standing on either side of Tammy who is sitting in the middle seat.. On the other side Tom, Phil, Liz, Rhon and Corina standing. Jen and Tom have moved to the couch and pawing each other. The TV playing old family 8mm home movies in silent mode.
God:  I see you have a couple of non-players on your side. Gestures at Jen and Tom Never-the-less, we should do this properly. Everyone, this is Death, Gladice. God points as he introduces each one to Death. This is Rhon, Liz, Zoe, and Corina, Phil and Martha. Oh of course you, know Dr. Segal. 
Dr. Segal moves across stage towards Death. He sticks his hand out to shake her hand then pulls it away 
Death: Yes, Dr. Segal, I know your work well. Rhon, a Lovely boy, Liz. Liz there are some pianos in the great beyond that you will simply love. 
Tammy: To Liz Sorry I didn't get to talk to you tonight, but that CD you loaned me is on the cabinet by my bed. You can get it back whenever... 
Liz: Aren't you scared? 
Zoe: Like of course she's scared. I mean, She's like dead.
Corina: I'm not sure I understand all this. 
Dr. Segal: You don't have too, dear. 
Tammy:  Actually, I'm not scared. Death told me about where I am going and everything and it sounds nice. And I did put on clean underwear today so we can take the express route. Anyway, I had a huge Visa Bill. Hehe. So all is good. 
Dr. Segal: Hahahaha Good one. 
Rhon: Coughs into his hand Ummmm. 
God: Yes, yes, our salesman. Gladice, these young people would like to discuss the removal of their friend from this earthly plane. If that would be ok with you.
Death: Checking her wrist watch We really haven't the time. I wish we did. 
Liz: Yelling I don't think its fair you are taking Tammy. 
Zoe: Yeah, Like her life sucked and you're, like taking it away from her early and it's wrong. 
Dr. Segal: Well spoken. 
Zoe: Go to hell. 
Corina: Maybe I could do work or something.
Death: Now, now, my children. 
Rhon: Okay. Let's take this back one step. Calmly, Calmly. Tammy is our life long friend, ok? Everyone nods. And she has had a pretty horrible life. If something could go wrong it would. By far the most unluckiest person I have ever known. It was like watching someone being tortured slowly. There has to be a better way to do this this ending I mean. 
Tammy:  Well, it did have its moments. 
Rhon: But it wasn't that great. I mean, your parents, your living conditions, your poor, poor luck. 
Tammy: You make it sound like I should be happy to be dead. 
God beams a big smile 
God: You're losing your defendant. 
Rhon:  Tammy I don't mean it the way you think. What I mean is you deserve to have a little luck fall your way. A chance to turn it around a second chance. And bottom line Tammy we want you with us. 
Tammy:  I kind of like this dead thing. It's tingly. 
Rhon: Tingly? 
Phil: Why did she have to die at my party though?
Death:  It's that easy isn't it? Someone snaps their fingers and someone is dead. There is no research in this no analysis. My team of professionals... 
Phil: Phhhhh 
Death: Who work very hard. 
Phil: Phhhhhhh 
Death: Very hard to get everything organized. Okay what is it Phil? Is there something you would like to tell us? What is it? 
Phil: Absurd! 
Death: Absurd? 
Phil:  Does no one else find this absurd? 
Death: There is nothing absurd about this, young man. This is a very serious business. Where is he going? 
Phil moves away towards the TV and just stares at it.
Tammy: Listen you guys, I don't know why this happened, well I do it was the Crab, but what I mean is this is bigger than me. More important than all of us. I feel like This means something and what I thought was bad luck or sadness or even loneliness, was teaching me something that I needed to learn. I may not understand all the nuances but I feel like for the first time. What I do matters. If you think about it, I will get to see my mom and dad, right Gladice? Gladice Nods her head yes and to me that's a greater gift than anything I have here right now at this time. 
God: Okay folks, time to jump in for a bit here. What I want to mention is that what you are forgetting is that Tammy does not have a choice. Her life was designed this way for a purpose. It was all to teach her for the moments to come. She was being trained to take over for Death. In time she will have the compassion and the grace to help people cross over. Her training started before she was born. Everything she needed to be was planned out every second in time. Tammy nods like she understands and accepts this idea with a smile.
Rhon: What about free-will. You were pretty hip on that before. 
God: It's all part of a system. Systems do not change at the drop of a hat. Everything has a function to the overall purpose. 
Dr. Segal: Devil's advocate here for a second. You tell us all about you, the almighty, your work. Ect, ect. Then you introduce us to you organizational skills. Aka this free-will deal. What, in effect, is a program set in motion to do your work for you while you were elsewhere. Taking a nap and such. Correct? Right, then you introduce us to Gladice who you inform us, is part of a system as well. You can't believe in two systems of thought. You either believe in free-will or fate. Both can't exist. And, whoa is it just me or are there some things here that no longer make any sense?
God: This is getting out of hand. I know I made the rules, but I made them a long time ago and now I cannot recall the sensibility behind them all right now. Searching his pockets 
Rhon: You're contradicting yourself now. 
Dr. Segal:  Now I was never a lawyer but I did go out for Law school before I became a doctor and I must say that... 
God: Giving a stern look finger up Tammy serves a better purpose dead than alive. 
Dr. Segal, Rhon, Liz, Zoe, Corina, Thom, all at once, after a slight pause, say But, Then fire questions fast then they pair of slowly mock talking to each other 
Rhon: An infinite universe. Indeed, But what if is flat? And what if something created it which we can't even fathom. Something outside of cumulative reality than the God we know? Of even stranger what if we are just senescence stuck on an event horizon. On the edge of a Black hole? Existing only for a nano-second, but time being relative we exist for trillions of years before our reality is destroyed by another dimension. An mathematical nominally. Mistake by happenstance. 
Steps aside 
Liz: There is so much beauty in the world. But there is so much hatred and violence. How can I believe or not believe? 
Zoe:  Do we need to know?
Corina: If there is a god, and I’m a saying if, what will it think of us? We inject plastics into ourselves, we pierce our bodies and we plaster them with ink. We shave off bits here, suck out fat there. We don't consider ourselves or others in eight out of ten actions. Or we don't care. I can't believe because too many of us don't seem to care. 
Tom: From the couch, unattached himself from Jen For the moment my belief is strong. 
Jen: My will is strong. 
Phil:  I believe. How could I not. But it's like my party. God created this thing, this world, these existences, and then everyone ruined it on him. 
God: Stop! Silence! 
Lights strumming in the background all actors go to speak but find they cannot, they open and close their mouths like fish on land, god does circles at the centre of the stage like he's in deep thought and concern
God: I came here with the idea of teaching, showing people the problems which exist and possible solutions. And, again, to prove some things to myself. I mean, I had that Job fellow awhile ago, but what did that prove? You need to keep testing and testing and testing till you find a weak spot. The spots where the light gets in and you patch them up. You make them stronger. You make them better. Thicker, Darker, more resilient. But I wasn't expecting all these questions. Or all these people with all these problems. All self-centred, petty little people have confused me. I mean, what am I supposed to do with them? What am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to say?
Lights have a soft dim not full, spot light on God, he walks to the front of the stage puts his hands to cover his eyebrows to look out to the audience, to stop the glare. 
God: Rhon, Rhon Grenon. Are you out there? 
Out in the audience is the director of the play Rhon Grenon. On each side of hims is an AD cute with pens in her hair and a clipboard. On the other is a model like woman Possible Girlfriend. Super classy, snobbish air about her. 
Rhon: Right here God. 
Rhon the actor on the stage pipes up and God turns around to answer him then turns back into the light searching the audience.
God: Not you, you fool. You're not even real. 
Phil: What does he mean you're not real? You've come here and really ruined my party. You've drank my wine, filled yourself with my Doritos. 
Rhon: Yeah, I ate his Doritos. I'm real. 
God:  SHHHH! None of you are real. Rhon I know you're out there! 
Rhon G: Yes God what's up? Stands up 
God: What is going on here Rhon? Apparently I am God And have ultimate control over the universe. Right? I don't get it, where were you going with this?
Rhon G: I was trying to show ideals and obedience with conformity and such do not necessary guarantee a good life. Or a good afterlife, whatever the case may be. 
Rhon: Who are you? 
All the cast walks to the front of the stage, stay in character, they stand beside God. Do what you thin your character would do but silently 
Rhon G: I'm you but real. Look forget it. 
Rhon: He's telling me to forget it. Gestures to the other actors Forget it, he's me, But real. No problem, right, Rhon No problem. 
Rhon G and God: Please be quiet. Timing Is very important here they must say it together perfectly 
God:  Rhon, what are you going to do about this play? It has seemed that it has spiralled out of control. 
Rhon G: Well, I had a god handle on what was going on until people started shouting at one another. But that was all planned, in away, as it was, but now…
Jen removers herself from Tom walks to the forefront to face Rhon G.
Jen: So, You're God? This is our friend Rhon, And this guy here points to the Rhon G is the real Rhon who created us all and, of course, we are all just characters in a play? Well, then none of this would matter... That's it I'm leaving, are you coming Tom. 
Tom: I, I don't think so Jen. No, Not this time. 
Jen: Looking angry Fine! Have it your way. I'm sick of you and this dumb group anyway. And just so you know I'm glad this is over. I wanted to end it a long time ago Tom. So screw you! 
Jen runs to the front of the stage jumps of and storms of through the audience and out the back door 
Rhon G: Calm down everyone. It's okay. She can go. I wrote that scene in to get her to leave. I wasn't a big fan of her character anyway. I think I wrote her to pushy. That's why she gets hit by a car now. 
From the back of the theatre doors open, you hear the long screeching of tires and a hard body thump. Hit by car, Out back have a team of make -up artist ready to bandage her hun give her bruising and deep wounds. 
Tom: WHAT?? NOOO, NOT JEN!! Runs after her in hysterical After Tom leaves out the back 
Rhon G: See, now he's all distraught and horrified. Now he has real emotions. Now he feels.
God: Is that what this is all about then? 
Zoe: Okay. Like, what was that? I'm bored and confused and freaked right out and I have things to do tomorrow, I wanna leave too. 
Rhon G: No, Zoe you still have a love interest. And what is this all about? This is all about Said quickly The conceptual reality within the confines of a subversive universe, will only express the complex level of benevolence that a higher manifestation of God Transfers. But we colour our realities in deep conjecture of patronizing subtle passions. I created you, God, with a reality which transgresses all boundaries. There is no logical process or grounds of functionality that readies the mind in a state of perpetual grandeur. With willingness to explore we touch the spiritual bond of life and we express as well as experience the differences that enumerate the belief of something bigger than we are. 
God: Uh-huh. 
Zoe: Like really, A love interest? For real? Okay I'll stay. 
She sits on the edge of the stage looks out pick a cute none actor in audience and flirt with the person. Try to convince him/ her to come and chat and eventually on stage. At this point the food crew will start to move food in slowly and quietly on the side of the audience 
Rhon: It wouldn't actually be for real though would it? If we are just actors and all in a play?
Rhon G: Don't get bitter now Rhon, whos to say what is real and what instinct. How do you know if I'm just and actor playing a part in a bigger play or reality. It could be endless. 
Rhon:  I have my own mind. I am real. 
Rhon G: I can prove you're not. 
God:  Here we go. 
Rhon: Okay, Go ahead. 
Rhon G: Think of a Number between zero and one hundred. 
Rhon: Okay got it. 
Rhon G: Forty-two 
Rhon: Uh-uh... No. uh. 
Rhon G: Yes it was. 
Rhon:  Clenching his teeth as he says it Fine it was! 
Rhon G: Go sit down big boy. 
Rhon G and Rhon Sit down at the same time in the same pose.
Rhon G: Carry on with the play now. We'll talk , After the show. 
*** Ref. 58 PG 
God: Wait. So if you created me then I am not god? 
Rhon G: That's not true at all. God is the ultimate power in the universe according to some. I can't Create God. Only God Can create God if God even exists. Which I can't prove... or disprove. I just wanted to challenge people's thinking. That's all. People are so damn set in there ways sometimes. I mean, don't people want to see different things? Different views? Visit a concept they never experienced before? Life is about experience and all the times we can see things differently, added to a whole of who we become. 
Zoe should at this point should have dragged someone up to stage to come and get food. Other audience plants should be making there way up trying to bring someone with them 
God: So I am God. 
Rhon G:  Yes 
Phil:  I want you to know mister, whoever you are. Pointing to Rhon G in the audience That I know who I am and I am not a character in a play. I am a man who spent a great deal of time putting together a party which has been, for all intensive purposes. The cast Laughs at him I have parents and a pet, and a woman here who... more laughter What are you guys laughing at?
Rhon G: Look Phil. None of this, is in the play. Now I put a lot of time into this play and would really appreciate it if you would, you know, follow the script. 
Phil Stares out into the audience. The light goes to his eyes as god turns back to the party. Phil stares for a moment then turns around and sits back down at the table. With his head in his hands he yells 
Phil: LINE! 
Guy with a cue-card steps out from the side and shows it to Phil so the audience can see it 
Cue-card guy: So you are the creator of the universe then. And this is all a joke.
Phil: In a tired and defeated voice So you are the creator of the universe, God. And all this is an elaborate joke and laughs hard and long But me, I've been planning this party for weeks now and nobody seems to care. 
God: No Phil It's all real. You've done a great job. But I think that maybe this is what I've worried about all this time. I guess the world is doing ok and As the side tables of food and drink get placed food crew get slightly louder, not as careful. Talking saying is it ready improve at this point. Ask people closest if they want a drink or a bit to come and get it. Actors on stage will have to compensate at this point that people do look out for one another every so often and that in the long run will all do fine. Right Rhon? 
Rhon: What's this God?
God:  Not you. Quiet voice Rhon. Rhon Grenon. I'm a little worried. I'm a little scared how does this all end? 
Silence from the audience 
God: Softly Mr. G? How does this all end? The party. 
Rhon G: Louder God, we can't hear you! 
God: How does this all end? 
God pauses no one says anything, makes his way slowly with Tammy and Death. They all leave out the front door 
Phil: What was that? 
Rhon: Huh? 
Liz: Where were we? 
Zoe: What was that? 
Dr. Segal:  We have just witnessed something miraculous. 
Rhon: What was it? 
Liz: Yes, what ?
Phil: It's a pretty good party, isn't it? 
Rhon: I've had a blast. 
Liz: Are we purposefully not talking about God being here? 
Phil:  Who? 
Rhon:  Who? 
Zoe:  Who? 
Dr. Segal: Who? 
Liz: Okay. Who? 
Phil: Much better. Welcome to my party. There are more people to come, I welcome you all with open arms. I think. We'll just wait and see what happens next.
Party Continues this will grow from page 58 any free hands will join on stage at this point and help pull friends and family up or to tables on the side lights will finally rise full in the audience. But will happen slowly from page 58. so subtle you cant notice it should take about 7 minutes till full. All Chartres even ones that left will come back and join in the fun. Make small talk, engage people full talking now, normal voice. Some will dance and lots of laughter. Create a real party. The goal is to make an amazing transition into real life., the goal is to have no one clap no ending to the play. All behind the scene crews will join now eat, talk about the play enjoy the success of what has happened and let go of the reality that has been created. If we do this right we will blur the lines and will give the audience an experience of a lifetime. Thank you for all your hard work and bask in the wonderful thing you have created 
One last thing as the music plays God will read “New.” As long as he wants. A key style writing that challenges the way you think. Join the party when the timing is right for you 
God: It isn't love, but it is better than nothing. As monsters run wild inside of me. I can feel your soul. But the question is. If dimensional shifts are a real construct of a multi-verse, and all possibilities are real. Then it lends itself not only to experience all aspects of love and loss. But as prophets say, to be everyone in every situation and experience all realities. Maybe the true nature of love is the sadness of what we already know to be true. And that is to hold on to hope. That in this moment of fleeting desire we seek it to be different than all realities that we have witnessed before. Or maybe it's just dumb luck, and being stupid with the choices we make that end up breaking the continuity necessary to find that one willing to work as hard as you do to make love last... 
Is that the meaning of existence? 
Do you think I can see your soul?
Do we choose what to forget? 
Are you the answer to the question I have asked all my life? 
Forgotten along the way no place is safe for us to lay our weary head. Two hearts beating. Is this all we know? I tell you now we are not ready for the truth. As far as I can tell we hide from what is offered all around us. Every part of the world is angry at what is to come. But high with our heads in the sand as a fee is paid to crazy... Raise the Goddamn alarm, both middle fingers raising to the sky. One question we haven't been able to answer yet is how do we break the chains of capitalistic greed? Enslaving all that buy into a system of empty promises and high hopes. Since when do we allow corporations to decide in the matters of love, freedom, free-will, ideas, health, science, passions, morals, values, environment and life? A marketing wet dream of sheeple walking doe eyed into the grinder. Homogenized pale realities swallowing one red pill at a time. Laughing the whole way loudly, blinders on, crying inside, screaming for sweet release. How can I explain the infinite to you if we can't grasp the lack of survival we seem to adapted to without a touch of nature. 
Feather touches the mind of entropy, brushing utopia around the corner. Ideas and ideals brought forth by constant thoughts hell bent on saving humanity. As the masses fight tooth and nail to destroy all that we know. A collective autistic nature, allowing institutions to lead us down a path of paranoia and greed. Selling phantom pocket ringtones, created in the cerebral cortex a basic animal instinct to be sold bought controlled keeping us further from our true self. Keeping us yearning for connection, even if its forgotten in the depths of time. Warning signs of cold nights to keeps us safe and alive. Are we getting better generation after generation? Right now we seem to collectively want a reset but don't know how to accomplish this task. A hard reboot. But the system has grown past anyone's self control. We hope that religion will guide us to the next time. Laughing that this is the start of the road to ruin. Fulfilling the prophecy that we decided long ago that we do not want to be here any longer. 
How is it possible that the masses have decided this delusional state of mind? Willing to challenge life itself to its very core. Does cancer know of its existence? Manipulation of idol passive conquests. Steer us into non-reality voids. Painting colour apon colour. As our perception gives way to chaos. Disintegrating terror gives us hope that we are not sheep that we really are. Safety in anxiety of a world gone mad, we have watch all empires fall.
Wheels grinding , screeching and folding as humanity is perforated into bite size portions. Fed miss-information, lies and miss-steps. Taking us to the brink of loss. 
Two minutes to twelve... 
Extinction grows closer… 
Pockets of us see a clear path a picture if you will. How to wake us up to survive. Answering questions on how to build on what has been destroyed. The more we hold on to our own reality and try to control it. The more we lose control of the awesome nature that life it self has to offer. We have to start to understand our nature. The will to feel what is real all around us. Seeking those moments of clarity wrapped in a soft blanket and a warm hot chocolate. Mother is coming folks. She is waking up. She will set us straight once again. On a paths of balance one way or another she will show us what her truest self is. Holding our hand like impetuous children we are. Time out, nose in the corner, looking over our shoulder waiting for the punishment to end. But my dear reader/ listener. I paint an easy picture in your head. If we pick our fight now... 
If we wait. We will see the witch rise and all hell will break loose. A wash of fury that not one human in the existence of humanity has ever seen. It will be a cleansing like no other. There will be no record to keep. Now idols to worship. Not one person will be safe. Some may survive, some may even grow. But not like now. Time will have wiped the memories clean. You know I'm right. Think about it my friend. Inside you is the actual light of the universe longing to know itself. 
It isn't love, but it is better than nothing. As monsters run wild inside of me. I can feel your soul. But the question is. If dimensional shifts are a real construct of a multi-verse, and all possibilities are real. Then it lends itself not only to experience all aspects of love and loss. But as prophets say, to be everyone in every situation and experience all realities. Maybe the true nature of love is the sadness of what we already know to be true. And that is to hold on to hope. That in this moment of fleeting desire we seek it to be different than all realities that we have witnessed before. I once heard, dreaming of what the world has taught me about love. Soothing complex fears wrapped in a neatly, tight, red ribbon. In that vision of truth. Don't ever question the deep burden I carry for you. My passion for you encompasses all. Let the dimensions cry for sweet release. It has given us the only way we can be who we need to be. Can it be as simple as you expect it to be? Passions remembered. Never giving up, never willing to fall. Making sure that all left behind will learn the lesson of true love. Beyond all expectations, beyond all hope. It isn't love, but it is better than nothing. I once heard. Dreaming of what the world has taught me about love. As monsters run wild inside of me. Soothing complex fears wrapped in a neatly, tight, red ribbon. I can feel your soul. In that vision of truth. But the question is. Don't ever question the deep burden I carry for you. If dimensional shifts are a real construct of a multiverse, My passion for you encompasses all. And all possibilities are real. Let the dimensions cry for sweet release. Then it lends itself not only to experience all aspects of love and loss. It has given us the only way we can be who we need to be. But as prophets say, to be everyone in every situation and experience all realities. Can it be as simple as you expect it to be? Maybe the true nature of love is the sadness of what we already know to be true. Passions remembered. And that is to hold on to hope. Never giving up, never willing to fail. That in this moment of fleeting desire we seek it to be different than all realities that we have witnessed before. Making sure that all left behind will learn the lesson of true love. We are the grandest illusion ever created. Beyond all expectations, beyond all hope. Stepped in, time is up, here we go! Feel the wind on your face, the sun in your eyes. Blue all around you. Paradise found. 
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parkerparts · 5 years
My Work is Loving the World
Harley Keener lives alone in Tony Stark’s cabin by the lake. He fills his days with bot-building, AI-coding, garden-tending, and absolutely no spider-killing. It’s fun, sure, but he’s terribly lonely. That all changes when he comes across a red and blue spider in his garden, and to make matters even better, the little fella can understand him.
Truly, it’s a testament to Harley’s sanity — or lack thereof — that he doesn’t run away screaming. Instead, he smiles softly and holds out his hand. “Well then, Peter. Want to come stay with me in the house for a little while? I’m real lonely up there and could use the company.”
The spider Peter doesn’t bother spelling out a response. He just jumps into Harley’s hands, ready to go with him to the ends of the earth.
“Well then,” Harley says again, if only to fill the silence between himself and the nonverbal creature. “Here we go.”
(parkner, 2.6k, no warnings except for fluff and a lil sad boi harley, inspired by this prompt by @offbrand-celestial, title from mary oliver’s ‘the messenger,’ beta’d by the lovely @midorimireio-blog)
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When he was nine years old, Harley read that killing spiders in a beer brewery was practically illegal. His garage might not be a brewery — though admittedly, he had made moonshine in there once or twice on a whim with a friend or as a dare — but he still outlawed the killing of spiders.
“Why?” his Ma had asked, stepping into the place to bring him a dinner plate. She frowned at the expanse of cobwebs Harley empathetically embraced.
“They’re cool creatures,” he said with a shrug, mouth full with a bite cornbread. “Ain’t done nothing wrong to me, so I don’t see no point in killin’ them things.”
Twelve years later, not a thing has changed. He lives in Georgia now, in the lakeside cabin Tony and Pepper keep as their getaway house. They visit more often as Morgan gets older, needing a break from whatever mess they handle up in the city to spend time as a family — Harley and the other Keeners included. Harley’s Ma lives in New York, has some swanky job in one of Pepper’s departments, but Abbie’s in Georgia with Harley, attending Emory University. Harley, at Tony’s insistence, had finished high school before moving out, though he refused to go to college. He liked living here, alone most of the time except for when Abbie visited from her dorm on holidays and the Starks and his Ma came down every couple of months. He could do as he pleased, tinkering and inventing and regularly blowing things up. He was terribly happy in that cabin by the lake.
He was also terribly lonely.
Sure, he had his cars and his bots and his trusty AI C.I.R.C.E, but they weren’t the same as human connection, something he infallibly yearned for. Some days, when the self-imposed isolation was too much to bear, he’d drive half an hour into the city of Atlanta, stay a night in a hotel, find a bar, and dance the night away with a faceless guy or two before sleeping alone, buzzed but not drunk and temporarily satisfied.
Most days though, he’d just swallow down the loneliness, bury himself in work or bury himself in blankets. It was all the same to him anyway — a hazy blur of sunrises and sunsets and meals he may or may not have eaten, chores he may or may not have finished. The pile of dirty clothes is a testament to that last one, and he spends three days in an engineering binge to create Landry, the bot who lovingly does his laundry for him when he can hardly be bothered to get out of bed.
Some memories in this hazy blur stick out more sharply than others, and they all revolve around the garden.
It had been started by Pepper as a vegetable garden. When its care fell into Harley’s hands, he had lovingly invested in it, throwing as much hard work and passion into it as he did his engineering. Over the years it has grown into a veritable maze — though not an actual hedge maze, which would have been unimaginably pretentious in Harley’s eyes, and much too orderly. He grew nearly every fruit, vegetable, and flower the Georgia climate would allow and spent hours engineering bots to take care of it.
And, just as in the old garage back in Rose Hill, he had a strict no spider-killing rule.
Harley wakes up, sprawled sideways in a chair on the porch. The sun is high in the sky, and a glance at his phone indicates that it’s well past noon. Even then, Harley shivers, the spring air not yet warm enough for his liking. Half a day wasted, though really, Harley muses as he goes inside, he was up all night combing through his AI’s code, so it’s not like he actually wasted time. Just daylight.
“Mornin’ C.I.R.C.E,” he greets his AI, yawning. “How we feeling?”
“Like brand new, after last night’s check-up.”
“Good, good,” he murmurs, rifling through his dresser. At long last he finds a pair of clean jeans, holding them up with a triumphant grin. “C.I.R.C.E., wake Kof-E up for me, will ya? And send Landry in here. She’s been slacking off her duties.”
“You got it, partner.” Tony had been downright scandalized when he heard Harley’s AI’s country twang. Abbie had laughed about the look on his face for days. Harley smiles at the memory as he goes back out into the kitchen, freshly dressed but with his hair as unkempt as ever. His beloved robot Kof-E whirs from his place on the kitchen counter, wheeling closer as Harley approaches to present a cup of coffee. Harley takes it and pats the robot’s head. He heads outside again, slipping on his boots and a flannel as he makes his way to the garden.
He grabs an apple from the trees that line the border of the garden as he walks through, pausing to greet his robots — Go-G and Gerald — by name as they trundle along. Soon he reaches a small clearing by the lake under the shade of an oak tree that’s sure to be over a hundred years old. Here, Harley takes a seat, finishing his apple and tucking and core into a bag in his pocket that he’ll put in composting later.
A flash of light catches his eye, and he stands, moving closer to the source. There, in between the branches of the tree, is a spider web that — if Harley’s not hallucinating — spells out HI.
“Howdy,” Harley says out loud in response, feeling only a little stupid. “Where are you?”
As if it can understand him, a spider skittles out of the shadows of the branches. Harley bends closer to take a look, surprised by the vibrancy of the peculiar red and blue creature.
“Can you understand me?” Harley asks.
He only has to wait a moment before the spider has spun a new pattern, spelling YES.
“You got a name, fella?”
The response takes a little longer this time as the spider spells out PETER.
Truly, it’s a testament to Harley’s sanity — or lack thereof — that he doesn’t run away screaming. Instead, he smiles softly and holds out his hand. “Well then, Peter. Want to come stay with me in the house for a little while? I’m real lonely up there and could use the company.”
The spider Peter doesn’t bother spelling out a response. He just jumps into Harley’s hands, ready to go with him to the ends of the earth.
“Well then,” Harley says again, if only to fill the silence between himself and the nonverbal creature. “Here we go.”
Over the next few days, Harley and Peter figure out how to live together comfortably. All of Harley’s robots are programmed to recognize and avoid spiders and spider webs, so Peter’s safety isn’t much of a concern. Communication, however, is.
They start out with an old-fashioned chalkboard with basic responses, needs, and the alphabet written out for Peter to indicate by crawling on. With that taken care of, Harley sets off on his next engineering binge, with the goal in mind to create a robot that will allow Peter to move and speak.
He begins by programming a new AI called PETER — Personal Equipment for Telecommunications and Electronic Replies because Harley loves is acronyms as much as Tony does — and gives him the voice of a teenage boy or young adult.
If Abbie or his Ma were here to witness this bout of insanity, they’d call him out for his poorly concealed loneliness. Nonetheless, he is alone and shamelessly gives in to his fantasy of finding a best friend, even if that best friend is a spider.
And really, Peter’s not too shabby of a best friend to have. He likes bacon and waffles — really, the fact that this spider liked human foods should have been a glaring clue to Harley that something truly weird was going on — and makes Harley regain a somewhat normal sleeping schedule by wrapping webs gently around his wrists to make him stop working late at night and somehow — Harley has never figured this one out — getting C.I.R.C.E. to play rock music loudly every morning to rouse him awake. He also gets C.I.R.C.E. to wake Kof-E up every morning though, so Harley can’t complain too much. Peter accompanies Harley in the lab, webbing tools over with surprising strength and giving as much input as he can with his limited communication abilities. He accompanies Harley into the garden every evening and listens as Harley speaks, asking questions every now and then with his little chalkboard. Harley can’t wait to build his robot, ready to hear Peter tell him a story of his own.
At long last, after two weeks of work, Harley finishes the robot, affectionately nicknamed “Capslock P.E.T.E.R.,” with Peter’s approval. He guides the spider into the clear container that serves as Capslock P.E.T.E.R.’s head before stepping back with bated breath to watch his genius play out.
“Hiya, Harley,” Peter/P.E.T.E.R. says, and Harley is nearly moved to tears. “I’m Peter.”
“I know,” Harley replies with a breathless laugh. “It’s nice to meet you, Peter.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” Peter replies, voice full of emotion that Harley had no idea an AI was capable of producing.
That evening, they go out to the garden, back to the clearing where they first technically met. Peter greets the garden robots as he trundles by, voice adorably becoming more enthusiastic as the robots chirp back. Harley just smiles fondly at the spider inside the robot, quietly regretting his failure to give Capslock P.E.T.E.R. a face, if only to see him smile back.
“I think it’s your turn to tell me a story,” Harley says, settling by the lake. P.E.T.E.R. rolls to a stop beside him.
“Okay,” he says. “Well, here it goes.”
Peter had once been Peter Benjamin Parker, a bright, young science nerd living in New York City with his aunt. He worked as an intern for Tony Stark, who found the boy after heavy surveillance of a masked vigilante who liked to web muggers up in a sticky, fluid substance of his own invention. “Spider-Man,” the media called him, though Tony preferred “Spider-Boy.”
Then, in a tragic twist of irony, Peter was actually bitten by a spider and somehow become a spider himself.
“Mr. Stark was beside himself. The whole thing was so bizarre, and he couldn’t figure it out. Dr. Banner thought it was radiation, but he attributes most unexplainable phenomena to radiation,” Peter explains.
Eventually, a wizard doctor guy Tony reluctantly called in a favor with figured it out. Harley wants to interrupt and ask what exactly he had figured it out, but Peter glosses over it and presses on. Apparently, Tony had been telling Harley’s Ma the story and she, remembering Harley’s affinity for spiders, had suggested that Tony send Peter down to Harley’s place. They wanted it to be a secret or for him to figure it out on his own or something, so they discreetly packaged Peter in the latest care package/equipment shipment they had sent down from New York.
“That was nearly a week before I found you!” Harley cries out, remembering.
Peter reminds him that “You had an engineering binge,” and Harley blushes, unapologetic.
Together, they sit in silence for a moment as Harley digests the story, which really was something straight out of a comic book. Then a thought occurs to him and he says, “Hey, what did that wizard doctor figure out?”
“Oh,” Peter says with poorly feigned surprise, as if he hadn’t wanted Harley to remember that little detail he left out. “Yeah, he figured out a cure.”
“There’s a cure?” Harley turns to face Capslock P.E.T.E.R. with excitement. “Peter, why didn’t you so? We have to fix this! Tell me, what can I do?”
Peter is quiet for a moment, and Harley begins to wonder if he’s said something wrong. “See, this curse or whatever is magic. And the only cure is a kiss. A true love’s kiss.”
Harley’s mind goes blank. True love?
Harley doesn’t believe in true love. He doesn’t buy into the whole soulmate idea. He moved out to a cabin in the middle of the woods with a heavily encrypted, unlisted address, condemning himself to a solitary lifestyle. He’s lonely, sure, but he likes it. He likes his space, his bots, his AI …
And Peter. He really, really likes Peter.
In the past couple of weeks, Peter has become an integral part of Harley’s life as his trusted companion and caretaker. He’s listened to all of Harley’s stories, and Harley wants nothing more than to hear all of Peter’s, get to know the boy beneath the arachnid body. As he thinks about it more, Harley can’t imagine a life without Peter in it, and maybe Peter’s not his true love — not yet, at least — but it’s worth a shot.
“Well then,” Harley says tentatively. “What are we waiting for?”
With shaking hands, he frees Peter from Capslock P.E.T.E.R.’s containment, smiling as the red and blue spider jumps eagerly into his hands. Harley raises his palm to his face, closes his eyes, and before he can think any more about it, he kisses the creature.
Immediately, Harley can feel the ripple of magic course through Peter’s body. The creature in his hands morphs until he’s cupping not a spider but the soft cheek of a boy whose lips are pressed gently against Harley’s. He opens his eyes at long last and pulls away, unable to contain a gasp at the sight of the boy-turned-spider-turned-boy-again, whom he’s come to love.
Peter wears what looks like a spandex suit, though it’s probably some fancy Stark tech, red and blue with black webbing all over it and a black spider emblem emblazoned on his chest. Harley assumes that the mask Peter mentioned is missing, but he’s glad for the fact as he drinks in Peter’s rosy cheeks and amber eyes and tousled brown curls that make Harley’s heart ache with yearning.
“Hi,” Peter says nervously in his own voice, not Capslock P.E.T.E.R.’s.
“Thank God you came back wearing clothes, because that would’ve made for a real awkward situation.” Harley wants to take back his words — which he hadn’t actually meant to say aloud, for goodness’s sake — as soon as he sees Peter’s eyes widen, but when the boy lets out a bark of surprised laughter, Harley relaxes, joining in. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that.”
“It’s okay. The first time I met Mrs. Potts, I ran into her — literally — and tried to say either ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘Nice to meet you’ but ended up blurting out ‘I’m sorry to meet you,’ instead. I just ran away. It was so embarrassing!”
Harley can’t help but to laugh again, leaning his head on Peter’s shoulder. Peter leans his head on top of his. They sit there together, in the clearing by the lake, where it all began, feeling completely at peace with the world and each other and their state of being.
“Thank you,” Harley says suddenly, grabbing hold of Peter’s hand.
“What for?”
“The efflorescence of love,” Harley replies, “and the gossamer that holds us together.”
Peter says nothing at that, just squeezes Harley’s hand tighter. Together, they watch the sunset, witness the way the world changes colors.
The world might be forever changing, but at the heart of it all sat two boys by a lake with the knowledge that through it all, they’d have each other.
And it would be enough.
“I died, and was born in the spring; / I found you, and loved you, again.”
— Mary Oliver, “Hummingbirds”
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v-hope · 6 years
His members upset you
Pairings: Park Jimin / Kim Taehyung / Jeon Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Request: "Please do “His members upset you” but the maknae line ❤️❤️❤️❤️ btw your writing is amazing"
A/N: The hyung line's one can be found in my masterlist 💞 Also, I realised I always make Jimin's reactions angsty so I changed things up a little bit hehe.
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Park Jimin
“Baby…” Jimin gave you a questioning look, “heels?”
“What about it?” you wondered, standing up after having put them on and walking towards one of the mirrors in the store. “Don't you like how I look in them?”
“They make your legs look fantastic” he gushed immediately, making his way over to you. “But I thought you found them uncomfortable?”
“I just want to try something new” you simply replied.
However, once the two of you were back at the dorms after your shopping day, Jimin for some reason started to feel like the intention behind buying high heels was not only you wanting to try something new, but you wanting to look taller.
And his realisation kinda had to do with the words Hoseok had said later that day, when all of you were having dinner and Jimin told them about the things you guys had bought earlier.
“I hope this is just for aesthetics because you'll still be the shortest person we've met”.
Now, you had never considered yourself a short person, nor had the rest of the people you had met through your life, for your height was actually pretty average for a woman your age.
But you were shorter than Jimin.
With that, plus being also a little shorter than the others’ partners, you were officially the shortest of the group, and you were reminded of that by all of them every single time they had the chance to. It was as if all the height related jokes that used to be directed at your boyfriend had been transferred to you. And you were not very fond of it, to be honest.
One look at you was all Jimin needed to know it was definitely not about you wanting to experiment new things. No, this was about your height and you being self conscious.
He could not let that happen.
“Okay, new rule” he drew everyone's attention, “no one is allowed to make fun of Y/N's height”.
Yoongi smirked. “You do know that means all our jokes are going back to being directed at you, right?”
“Yes, I know, you hypocrite who's only one centimeter taller than me” your boyfriend's bold words made everyone laugh. Everyone but Yoongi, that's for sure.
Not minding about that, and focusing only on the bright smile he had managed to get from you, Jimin pulled you towards him, pressing his lips to your temple.
“Only I can tease my shorty from now on”.
Well, you guessed that was one of the perks that came with being your boyfriend. And as a reward for having sacrificed himself for you, of course.
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Kim Taehyung
Taehyung was a very affectionate person. And just like that, he expected his significant other to be the same, which is why he absolutely lived for your daily calls and constant visits when you knew he was free from work. They were the highlight of his day, to say the least.
So, when you stopped doing so out of the blue, it was normal for his mood to drop a little bit. But he thought nothing of it. Maybe you were just busy.
When you started also blowing off his intentions of going to see you, however, he knew something was definitely wrong – that being confirmed when you had him beg you for hours to go see him to the dorms one evening.
“Oh, look who's back!” Namjoon announced after seeing Tae open the front door for you.
“Couldn't live any longer without your oxygen TaeTae?” Jeongguk teased from the sofa.
You felt Taehyung tense by your side, making you close your eyes. This was exactly what you didn't want to confront.
“What the hell was that?” he snapped by your side, leaving you behind to go face his members.
“Nothing” Jin was the one to speak up, “it's just funny how clingy she is”.
Tae's eyes went straight to fix on yours. “Is this why you've been so distant lately?” he softly asked; his heart hurting once you tried to turn around and leave without a word.
He was fast to grab your hand, though, pulling you to his body and protectively squeezing your upper arm before his stare turned cold as he focused it back on his friends.
“I don't appreciate you calling my girlfriend that. Especially when it's so far from the truth”.
“We just thought you–”
“Well, you thought wrong” he cut Hoseok off. “I love having her around and it's really not your place to make such comments. If I considered her clingy I would've talked to her. Talked” he emphasised, “because mocking her like you've been doing is straight up rude”.
“Taehyung-ssi” Jimin tried to explain, “we didn't think it'd upset you so much, we were just messing around”.
“You've upset her, of course I'm getting upset too. Besides, how could I not when Y/N's been distancing herself from me? I thought I had done something wrong but turns out it was you guys?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“No” it was fair to say, Taehyung was livid. “You know she's my escape from this crazy life we live, and you don't get to decide the dynamics of our relationship for us”.
By this point, all of them were just sitting there with their lowered heads, not knowing what to say.
But Tae for sure did.
“I want you all to apologise to her. Right now”.
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Jeon Jeongguk
Although Jeongguk and you had been dating for nearly a year now, everything was still pretty new not only to him, since he had never been in a serious relationship before due to his busy schedule, but also to his members.
Which is why they had all freaked out when Jin was cleaning up around the dorms one day and found a black lingerie bra that most definitely did not belong to his girlfriend – and after asking around one by one, the truth came out by Jeongguk that it was yours.
Now, his hyungs trusted that you guys were being safe and all, but you were still babies to them. That being the reason they would fake cry every time any sexual topic was touched in your presence.
And it came a point when you started feeling like what you guys were doing was wrong, which Jeongguk had denied the second you let him know your thoughts. You were a couple, for crying out loud, how could that be wrong?
But he said nothing, not wanting to seem disrespectful towards his hyungs. Of course, that until they were the ones to make you really upset. Jeongguk knew then where his priorities were.
“Okay, you all need to stop this now” he finally snapped one evening, furiously closing the door right after he came back from dropping you off at yours. Everyone stood frozen.
“I'm not a baby anymore!” he threw his arms up in frustration.
“Jeongguk, we know that…”
“No, you don't” he furrowed his eyebrows, “because you still treat me like one. I know I'm the maknae here but I'm an adult now. Y/N's an adult!” he said as if it was brand new information, “and you have no right to make her feel bad about her sexual life. About our sexual life” he corrected.
“Guk-ah” Taehyung looked at him apologetically, just like the rest, “we're sorry, we didn't know it bothered you guys so much”.
Jeongguk sighed, trying to calm himself down.
“I know, just… please, stop” he pleaded, “she was supposed to stay over tonight but you really upset her today with all your comments to the point she just wanted to leave, and I… I hate seeing her like that” he weakly shrugged.
Watching Joon open his mouth to talk, he stopped him by shaking his head.
“Whatever, I'll go back to hers. Be back tomorrow”.
Because he both just wanted to be with you and didn't feel like being with his hyungs right then.
And maybe then, just then, it hit them all, the fact that their maknae was no longer a little boy and shouldn't be treated like one anymore.
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golddaggers · 5 years
a lil bit jealous
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pairings: thor x reader, peter parker x reader
warnings: hm v nsfw but hey you signed up for it when you followed me hahaha. semi-public sex, thor being possessive. i guess the rest you already know. oh. and unprotected sex. but really, just for fictional value.
a/n: so. i combined these two into one because they kind of fit? well. i hope the both of you like it. 
word count: something like 2,2k+
Thor knew. Oh, but he knew so well that he deserved that, to watch you, his beautiful princess, dance with somebody else. To whisper in his ear and share an affectionate laugh, dirty hands roaming over your body as you smiled, throwing your head back. He also knew you were enjoying teasing him like that. You could feel his gaze burning your skin, careful, restrained, God only knows until when.
It was his idea to keep things between the two of you. To lay low until it was safe to be open about the relationship. Thor never considered, however, that he'd feel bothered by a boy. Peter Parker was certainly way cheekier than he would've had him for. It didn't help that he'd been your boyfriend back in your late teens. A little before the snap. You'd been heartbroken, finding comfort in Thor's beautiful words, no doubt you became such good friends.
When everything was undone, he was so terrified that he'd lose you it brought him to the breaking point and, after two years, he confessed he was in love with you. The soaked clothes, lips. A wet mess. One you'd never untangle yourself from.
"You know, I think your plan is going to end badly for me," Peter mumbles, heat coming to his fair complexion. "Thor is one hundred per cent looking like he's going to smash me with Stormbreaker."
"He won't." You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him to a hug. "You're my best friend, Pete. And that dumbass needs a little stimulation to come clean."
"Isn't it icky he's so much older than you?"
"I'm 21, not 15." An eye roll makes Peter laugh. "Plus there's not a single thing that's icky about that man."
"Too. Much. Information." Hiding your face on his chest, you muffle a chuckle. "He's coming over our direction, should I pretend I don't know about you two?"
Parker was clever, he'd figured out the two of you the moment he saw how protective Thor was over you during the battle. Sure. At first, you tried to disguise it as a mere friendship, that there wasn't much to it. You wanted to respect the aftertaste of his feelings for you. Though, deep down, you always knew his real thing was with MJ. You had rushed into this dating because being best friends made it seem like that was the right thing to do.
Subtly nodding, you cling to his shirt, feigning ignorance as a hand lands on your hip, softly pulling you away from Peter's arms. You meet a polite Thor, which is not exactly good news. By now, after a year together, even though it was a secret, you knew him well. When he was sad, relax, pissed. Anything and you knew. So did he. That was why he was calling bullshit on your innocent act.
"Sorry, kid, but I'm dancing with her now."
"Um, sure, Mr Thor." Peter is such a fanboy, you think, rolling your eyes at his nervousness. "Be safe."
Once your friend is gone, Thor swoops an arm around your waist, you chest flush against his. The music was slow, not that it would matter, that man was never shy to do what he pleased. Which was why you could say you had engaged in some very public sex in a particularly hot afternoon at the beach. He pushed to one side the bikini bottoms and fucked the hell out of you while the people were in the water.
A shudder runs down your back when reminiscing on how well he had made you feel. You allow your hands to run down his shoulders, carelessly following the veins that popped on his bicep, your nose buried on his chest. Thor was wearing nothing but a white tee, the thin fabric allowing you to dwell in the scent that emanated from him. It smelt like that first rain after the drought. Like Petrichor.
“May I ask you something?” He’s weary, which makes you look up confused. Thor’s never weary with you. “And you will not be angry at me?”
“What have you done?” It’s a gentle whisper, letting out a little grunt as the rough of his beard prickles your palms, your thumb running along the line that separates the skin from the body hair. He doesn’t answer right away.
“Do you, um… Care… For, well, Parker?”
The music disguises the laugh you let out, your face hitting his chest as you try to compose yourself. You couldn’t believe that it had actually worked. Thor was normally confident about himself, confident about what you felt about him. The fact he’d gained weight changed his perspective a little bit, just slightly. Sometimes he could get a bit self-conscious. But you’d never get tired of telling him how you found him even sexier. Manly. The sight of him naked dampened your panties like nothing else.
“Yeah, I mean, he's my best friend” You answer calmly, earning a shocked glare. “What is it? You know I do!”
Nostrils flared, his hand closes around your wrist, dragging you away from the dance floor and rushing you inside the first bathroom he could find. You’re taken aback, not knowing exactly what he was going to do. Perhaps you had exaggerated. Your mind comes back when he puts you on the sink with little effort, strength never affected, he still toys you around like a dolly. Then proceeds to pry your legs, fingers not shying from testing the water.
Thor groans when he feels the heat, pulsing. Claiming for his touch.
“You like it, don’t you?” There’s a ripping sound, your knickers destroyed. You clench, chewing your bottom lip while aching to be cared for. “You like when I bend you down and have my way with you.”  
“Y-yes,” Trying to keep balance, you put your hands on his broad shoulders, nodding weakly. “Oh, Thor…”
“So pretty moaning for me” He falls to his knees, yanking your bottom to finally savour your cunt, dripping, bruised-feeling for him. “So wet already, princess. How do you do that?”
“I, um, it’s you. You make me feel like that,” You mumble, miserably, holding back a loud, pornographic moan. “Think I don't notice your friend downstairs, your pants doing barely nothing to hide it? So hard and for me. Can't blame a girl for getting excited."
A groan slips as he takes in the taste of you, rough and demanding, your ass sliding so he could firmly grab your thighs, blue eyes looking at you like he'd eat you alive. The way his tongue swirls, smooth lips sending bolts of pure electricity across your body, you can't help the low moans, little pleasure-filled sounds that ignites Thor to get even hungrier.
Jesus. He's going to wreck you. So fully and completely.
Your fingers thread on his soft hair, tugging at the base whilst throwing your head back, the orgasm coming quicker than ever. If he was betting with himself about how fast he could make you cum, he was certainly winning.
Two thick fingers push inside and there's no way you could've helped the scream that fell. There's a smug grin on his face, which was still close enough for you to feel the feeling of his beard ghosting your entrance.
"That's it, princess." Thor murmurs, his thumb massaging the swollen bundle, bringing you closer and closer. "Don't hold it in. I want everybody to know you're mine and only mine, yeah?"
"Thor, shit. Imma'-" A third finger slams even harder, alongside the other two. It stretches you to a point you're no longer in control, your body rocking against his hand, seeking purchase. "God, so, so good!"
All it takes is the gentle touch of his lips on you again, fingers still buried to your end, pumping greedily. If he wasn't holding you in place, you'd fall, your entire frame shaking from pleasure, feet curling. Disjointed words slipped, you had no strength, nor mind to voice it out anything that made sense.
Back on his feet, you languidly watch him take place between your legs, opening them to a point that you never knew you could open. There was electricity flowing from him, stirring you to welcome all the size of him, swallow everything and become one.
"You're good?" His voice pitches low, pants and underwear pooling at his ankles, his dick in display, poking at your sensitive centre. You nod, hands grasping his forearms. "I need you to speak, princess. Say it."
"P-please, Thor. Fuck me." It's weak and breathlessly, but it's what he needed to enter you with a harsh snap of his hips, your pussy greeting his size with a clench, muscles still adapting to take all of that. "Shit. You feel so good inside me, stretching me, filling me."
"Hmm" Bottoming out, he thrusts back into you at ease, noticing your legs twitch, nails digging into his flesh, restrained little moans escaping. He can’t remember seeing something as beautiful as the mess of you writhing underneath him. “Perfect for me, my little girl takes me so well. So nicely.”
One of his hands sneaks up, bringing one of your breasts into his large hand, kneading, thumb grazing the sensitive skin, noticing the shudders that are crawling your skin, the way your head is thrown back and your eyes are barely open. His brain falters when he notices how good he’s making you feel. He loves knowing he can get you off so easily, that he breaks you apart like that.
The heel of your shoe scrapes his leg as you attempt to bring him closer, trying to sustain yourself enough to grab his shoulders, Thor chuckles, a thick arm wounding around your waist, pulling you up into his embrace. You moan louder than you should have when he slides deeper into you, your legs doing their best to stay wrapped around him, your own arms on his shoulders. This allows you to suck on his neck, tasting the salt slick skin, applying enough suction to leave a purple mark behind on his fair skin, hearing him groan, hands falling to your ass.
“Jesus.” The smooth rub of his lower belly on your nub was sending pleasureful waves through your body, each fuck of his hips into your velvet heat bringing you to cling harder into him. “You’re so good, dammit. Twice in only a few minutes?”
Thor smiles.
“I suppose.” His nose trails up your neck, lips brushing, both of you panting. “But I bet, I mean”
“I can’t believe you’re thinking about-” You are cut off when he speeds it up, your hips jerking to meet his. He puts you down on the sink again, skilful fingers circling the throbbing bundle of nerves and the others were too busy pinching one of your nipples. He was giving you pleasure from so many places you couldn’t even keep track. “Fuck, fuck, fuck”
“Tell me, you care for that boy, but could he make you feel as good as I do?” His words meet you roughly, a set of calloused hands grounding you down on the cold marble. “Could he make you cum like that?”
You shake your head weakly.
“Words, princess.” Blue eyes are staring at you with hunger, his face glistening from the pooling sweat. “Use them.”
“No, Thor. Nobody can make me feel as good as you do.” It’s too loud, too desperate, though he keeps smirking, proud of himself. Cocky. “I, uh, I…”
The sentence loses track as you fall into what feels like a peaceful sea, warming the tips of your toes, contracting all of your muscles then relaxing them all, your cunt swallowing him whole, pulling him to join in this blissful state of mind. You feel him spend himself inside you, you feel fill you up with his release, his breath ragged on your shoulder. It’s amazing, intimate. You could stay there forever, within his arms, feeling the adoration he has for you. The care he treats you.
Princess is way more than a nickname to him, he actually feels like he holds the responsibility to treat you like a princess. Like a queen. His queen.  
“That was-” You begin, still gasping. “Wow.”
“Oh yes. Wow indeed.” He pulls out, chuckling when he hears you groan. You jump down the sink, his cum leaking down your legs, wet and warm. “Should I get a tissue?”
It’s your turn to laugh.
“Yeah, I mean, not that I mind, but people are probably going to give us the stink eye. I mean, pretty sure the whole party heard us.”
“Not my fault you’re loud, princess,” Thor mumbles, falling to his knees so he can clean your legs and raw entrance with a dampen face towel he found. He can’t help but smile to himself, proud that you’re still throbbing from pleasure. “Beautiful. Mine.”
“I should definitely make you jealous more.”
There’s a wrinkle of confusion on his face when he looks up at you, still working the cool cloth along your pussy.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean-” Cupping his cheeks, you dwell on the feeling of his beard scraping your hands. “That I was teasing you so you’d finally admit we’re dating. I didn’t think it’d be like that, but well, it was good nonetheless.”
“You teasing little thing.” Thor grunts. “I suppose it was time for everybody to know.”
“Oi lovebirds” There’s a knock on the door. Tony’s voice sounding very angry. “You’re ruining my bathroom! And my party! Come out already.”
You and Thor exchange one last intimate glare, the both of you smiling joyfully.
“Ready to do this?” With hands intertwined, you give him a gentle squeeze.
“With you? Always.”
@sea040561 @momc95
@frenfics @mrscutiefandobhaz
@lancsnerd @odinson-barnes @rishlo @desia2 
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Little Moments
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St. Van/Lee Geumhyuk x Reader
Established relationship au
A/N It's fluff. Pure fluff. Self indulgent, fluffy fluff I am coughing up FUZZ rn. I'm sorry about this. No I'm not. This spiralled from that prompt generator.... so here it is.
Warnings: DISGUSTING AMOUNTS OF FLUFF I CANNOT EVEN TELL YOU. Small mention of difficulty conceiving.
“Careful!” You cried out through fits of giggles as Geumhyuk carried you bridal style through the doorway of your new home. It smelled of fresh paint and possibilities.  
His loud, beautiful laughter met your ears as he carried you down the small hallway , careful to avoid the doorway of your bedroom before placing you delicately among the linen sheets. 
“When would I ever drop you?” He asked with a pout, before attacking  your face with kisses.
All you could do was smile and press your lips sweetly to his when he reached that area of your face. 
“I never have,” He said solemnly, giving you a stern look to show he means business. “I never ever will. I’ll never let you down.”
“I know.” You responded, breathless with  bliss.
The love you felt was overwhelming. Exciting. Pure. You glanced at the ring on his large hand as he brushed your cheek, the new reality truly blinding in it’s joy. You wished for many years of moments like this.
 You wished for love.
"Two eggs."  You called out to Geumhyuk from your perch on the counter, peaking over the harry potter cookbook at his well defined back as he hunched over into the fridge to pull out armfuls of necessary ingredients.  
"Got it!" He called as he raised back to his full height,  you grabbed a few of the items from him and placed them beside you on the counter so he could unload the rest of his bounty without scattering them. He leaned into your space and placed a kiss into the top of your hair affectionately before blinding you with his radiant smile.  "Now what,  perfect?" 
You giggled at his slip up.
"I think you meant Prefect?"  You correct,  setting the themed book aside as he placed himself between your swinging legs by spreading your knees a little wider.  He shook his head, sending the front of his hair into his eyes, it cast a shadow that brought mischief.  You knew that look, and bit your lip waiting for his next move.  
"No. I said what I said. You're perfect for me, and I'll never waste a perfectly good opportunity to tell you." 
Your nose scrunched but you were as flattered as he knew you'd be, the way he teased you always filled your stomach  with butterflies, even a year into living the married life. (Even if he was sometimes messy and forgot to close the shower curtain so the water didn't get everywhere)
No matter what,  his laugh (common and loud, bouncing down the halls of your shared homel) was your favorite song,  and even on the days when you bickered,  you always ended it with hugs and tender kisses,  sheets pulled up around your waist with his arms reeling you in towards his body for comfort.
"I love you." is the only thing you can think to reply, too giddy to think of anything else.
His hands trail up your arms to land at the base of your neck on either side,  pulling you in to press a kiss to the tip of your nose.  "I love you." 
You managed to untangle yourself from his grasp, hopping down and begin the actual baking, which was going well enough until he turned the hand mixer on high and flour went flying out of the bowl and over both of you, coating your shirts. He was laughing as you squealed, scrunching  in on himself as you swatted him on the butt with the dish towel you were trying to wipe down with.  
"You're a mess!!" 
He shrugged, playful light in his eyes, "You are too."   He turned from the bowl, oh, but you knew that mischievous glint... He had better not…. 
"No…. No!!" You squeak, trying to escape before he- but he's too fast, his arms too damnably long, and he's caught you before you have gotten 5 steps away. You wiggle in his grasp, trying to escape, but he holds fast.  He spins you around and with the same laughter in his eyes  that usually echoes through the halls, he leans into you and rubs his - quite  flour coated- nose against yours,  he leans back and laughs, that full bodied laugh that makes the very seams of your heart full to bursting, your giggles begin before you can stop them.  Before you know it you've collapsed into his broad chest in full fits of laughter.  
When both of you've calmed enough he presses his  lips gently so, so achingly softly against your forehead, both cheeks and your lips in turn. "You're absolutely covered. " he says it with a fond smile, but the spark in his warm eyes begins to light, and you know his mind has begun to spiral to other activities.  "Let's get you cleaned up. Baking can wait. " his voice has dropped considerably and the last thing you see before he has slung you over one  heavily muscled shoulder is the glint of his teeth as the corner  of his mouth pulls up in a smirk. 
…. Maybe baking can wait. 
You gasp when his hand comes down playfully but none too gently on your bum. "Oh. I suppose I have gotten quite dirty." You tease, knowing without looking that he is smiling wider for it. 
"Good thing I like you that way." He mumbles with a bit of a grunt as he rounds the corner up  the stairs to your shared bathroom. You crossed your fingers  and put out your wish as you did every day. 
You wished for happiness. 
You wished for love, and tonight? You'd get it.
You sit on the floor of the bathroom with the pregnancy test dropping from your fingers. This is the 16th consecutive month that you've failed to have a positive one.  You're trying to keep hope but you look at Geumhyuk's face and see the same worry there. You've lost some hope again today. Tears from helplessness well in your eyes. Your lip quivers as he gently pulls you into his lap, leaning back against the tub with a heavy sigh. "We'll call the doctor. They have treatments. Our family is going to be beautiful, Y/N. Don't worry so much."
You want to agree, and in some ways you do, but in others you feel guilty. As though some part of you has brought this on you both. "It's me." You mumble as the tears fall, your voice too thick with emotion to come out normally. 
He shushes you, tucking your face into the soothing expanse of his neck, so soft and smelling so strongly of the comfort that he represents.  "You know there's nothing about this that is anyone's fault. You're feeling sad. You're feeling helpless. That's okay. You're allowed to feel things. But I won't let you feel guilty.  We'll figure it out together." He spoke into your hair, lips pressing against you over and over. "It's  sad now, but one day it'll be happy." 
Your heart lifted a barely significant amount. You squeezed your eyes tight and you wished. You ached and your soul cried and you wished against everything.
You wished for family. You wished for a family.
You wished for happiness. 
You wished for love.
"It's raining!!" Geumhyuk called from the doorway. "Come inside before you slip!"  
You laughed, bouncing barefoot in your garden, extending a hand to him you shook your head.  "NO! Come on!!  Stop being boring! Run with me!!!"  
 Your tee shirt clung to your skin and your hair was a total mess,  mud was sticking to your calves and shins, squishy between your toes, but he lived for the adventure you brought  him, the spontaneous spirit that drew you to him.  
Shaking his head, he relented and ran out into the warm summer rain,  letting the cool drops pelt him as he chased after your bouncing form, giggling when he almost slipped. 
"When I catch you, I'm going to-" he began, hooking the hem of your shirt as you barely evaded him.
"You'll what? You'll kiss me to death??"  
He stops running for a moment,  you turn, pausing to face him. His nose scrunches up in teasing and he nods firmly. 
"Probably yes. I feel so much love I have to give you or I'll explode. So get over here and get your kisses!!!" He extends his arms wide, waiting for you to comply, knowing that you'll never be able to resist.
Smiling warmly, you happily slipped into his grasp. There were kisses  but as he slid his hands around your waist and pulled you flush against him, there was also a soft swaying of your bodies. Tucking your head under his chin, he seemed to pull you into a dance, maybe...
He began humming softly, barely audible as the pouring rain bounced off you both. 
You recognized the song. Your wedding song. You nearly cried from how full your chest felt, every breath filling you with more of his warmth. 
"I love you. You're everything I ever wished for." You say as his song  continues. 
His hands rub circles into your back. You wished for more. You wished for happiness.  
You wished for love.
“Y/N?” Geumhyuk’s voice brought you out of your memories, he rounded the corner with his familiar smile, one hand outstretched to grab yours. You let him grasp it and pull you closer, tucking you into his embrace. He leaned down, resting his chin on your shoulder as he also took a long look at the room you were in. 
“Lots of great memories here, huh?” His voice was wistful, thick with the same fond memories that you had been living in only moments ago. 
“Amazing ones.” You respond, pulling back to look him in the eye and smile back. His hands slide from around your waist and settle on the swell of your stomach, still small, but warm and solid.
 "Yes, and from here on we'll only be making more and more good ones."
You can't help but join in, tucking yourself into his chest as you speak in that spot between his shoulder and neck.
"Hm. Yes you're right. And hard ones and confused ones.  Lots of mistakes . Late nights and sleep deprived arguments. But love. Lots of love." you lean back to catch his gaze, full of joy and an ocean of emotion, smiling so wide his nose crinkles. As though that ocean crashed down on him at once  he leaned down into your lips, pressing his to yours softly at first, then with just enough pressure to make you feel whole inside.  
The knock on the front door broke your moment, and you gazed back with one more sigh before turning off the lights. This next chapter was sure to be the best and scariest of your shared life, but it was worth it. 
"Hey Geu-" you were interrupted by him sweeping you up into his arms.  You began laughing and trying to wiggle down, but he just laughed  and touched your foreheads together. 
"I carried you over the threshold our first day here.  Let me do it on the way out too. It's only right."  He pressed his lips to your forehead and you agreed. 
As he did exactly that you glanced back and said a silent thank you to the small home you shared. All it's memories and its joy and it's  heartbreak and its love. You hoped  whoever got it next got to feel exactly the same. 
You wished for love. 
You hear Geumhyuk playing with your daughter, giggles from the playroom that remind you so of her father’s. You let your feet take you where you hear them, one hand stuck behind your back. 
“Mommy! Your daughter is laughing and runs toward you, wrapping chubby fingers around your free hand. Your husband is sat on the floor surrounded in mega blocks, toy cars and dolls. He has a tiara perched on top of his hair and a smile that reaches his eyes, sparkling with all the happiness you’d ever wished for. 
You have been blessed. All your wishes and more have come. 
“Princess Geumhyuk, you are quite lovely today. I come bearing news.”
He slides to his feet, capturing your daughter in one arm while he touches your face with the other. “Oh really? What news do you bring me, Ser Y/N?”
Your daughter is baby babbling and pulling on chunks of his hair but his smile is still so full and pure. You bring your hand from behind you, unclenching your fist so he can see the stick in it.
His eyes widen as they focus on the  two pink lines, mouth dropping open. 
“We weren’t even trying?” 
You shook your head, so happy you could positively explode.
His lips press to your forehead, to your daughters squishy cheek, and his eyes are shiny with tears of joy. 
He lifts you into his embrace and spins both of you as he sighs the happiest sigh.
You had wished for  happiness. For family and for joy. Most of all, you had wished for love.
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