#madness 😂💜
leonsliga · 6 months
thomas visiting his newest baby right after the game, still in bayern clothes 😭 the kisses 😭 god he's so sweet
He literally couldn’t wait another minute; he had to see his baby 🥹 those kisses melted me 🥰 he’s so gentle and sweet with her
Welcome to the Müller household, Kylie Minogue 🐴❤️
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cherry-bomb-ships · 3 months
Thought of a headcanon last night while working and forgot to post it until now, but I feel like Mojo would like scaring me for fun 💀 One thing about me is I startle VERY easily, so just sneaking up on me and making a noise or poking me is enough to make me almost scream and I guarantee I would do it EVERY time and he'd find it soooo amusing 💀💖💀💖💀
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
Just Take It | Jeon Jungkook | Part Four
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Summary: After last night you don't know where you stand but tensions are still high and you don't know what you really want. Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 5.6K~ Warnings: Smuuuuttt, Explicit Language and a crap ton of pet names (I'm sorry okay I love pet names lmao) Same warning as before cuz ya'll wanted more smut haha. Horribly edited too so have mercy on me y'all I just wanted to get it out. a/n: Aw shit here we go again 🤣 Anyways ya'll asked and I delivered lmao so another smut chapter but next one is gonna be mainly plot alight 😂 gotta save some more smut for later 🫢 Requested by: @kkusadmirer 💜
Waking up the next morning I feel incredibly disoriented. 'Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I naked?' and at that last question I feel all the memories of last night rushing back to me.
Echos of the pet names and praises and the ghost of his fingers all along my body make every cell in my body buzz with need for more. I've never done something like that, something so...scandalous and with and man almost twice my age at that.
I thought that if I ever did something like this before I got married I would've felt shameful but I feel confident...wanted by someone who respects me for who I am and wanted nothing in return. It felt different that I thought it would've, having him hover over me, meeting me with his heated gaze. I wanted him closer. I wanted him to crawl under my skin and give me everything.
It's selfish to say I wanted more because he owes me nothing, he's given me so much and what have I given him in return? Nothing...
He says I've given him plenty but I still feel unworthy of his kindness. I have to do something to show him my thanks, to show him that I'm grateful for everything he's given me. I just don't know where to start.
Getting up and out of bed after I get my bearings was more difficult than I thought it would be. I felt almost a little sore from what we had done last night and I don't know if I should love or hate the sensation. Should I be mad that it got rough enough to cause this feeling or should I feel excited from still having a sensation left over from the pleasure he had given me?
As I continue to go round and round in my head with more useless doubts that run through my head I'm suddenly met with a light knock on the door.
"Um, just a second" I panic, looking around for something to cover up and notice the silk robe that had been placed on the bed and throw it on without a second thought before telling him to come in.
He opens the door and takes in my form for a second, biting his lip at the barely there fabric covering everything he saw last night. "Good morning" he husks out, his voice sending a shockwave between my legs making me cross them unconsciously, which garners a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth.
"Good morning" I squeak out, exposing my flustered state right away, cursing myself internally. "How'd you sleep?" he ask, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning up against the door frame, giving me space but somehow making his presence felt throughout the room.
"Amazing" I say, looking down at my feet in embarrassment, being honest but hating myself for it. "Yeah?" he prods, satisfied by my answer but begging to get that confirmation. "Yeah" I reply, nodding but still averting my gaze.
"Lunch is ready if you'd like to come downstairs. I check on you earlier to see if you wanted breakfast but you were still sleeping like a baby" he teases and if his voice alone didn't make me drop to the floor then that pet name at the end surely did.
"You alright?" he chuckles and I clear my throat before responding, knowing my voice would be no good if I tried to speak without doing so.
"I'm great, perfectly fine" I answer, glancing up at him before adjusting my robe and closing it around me even more. "I'll be waiting downstairs then. You can take your time getting dressed but you're also more than welcome to wear that all day" he taunts, pushing off the door frame and turning to leave after looking me up and down once more.
"I'll be down in a second" I call after him and wait for him to get downstairs before following the path he had just been on and running into my room, quickly but quietly shutting it behind me.
Leaning my head against the door I try to collect my thoughts and stop my racing heart that bound to explode at the next Baby, Bunny or Darling that's bound to come out of his mouth. 'It's just Jungkook. He's been nothing but nice to me and he seems like a really great guy.
We just need to talk and figure things out before something like that happens again' I coach myself and turn to face my room where I'm greeted with a freshly made bed and a single flower in a small vase.
'I can never catch a break with this man' I smile, shaking my head and dropping the robe to change into something more comfortable.
"There she is" Jungkook say when he catches sight of me walking down the steps and into the kitchen where he has both of our lunches set out across the island from each other. "This looks so good!" I compliment the food he's made as he motions for me to sit down.
"I'm sorry it took me a while to come down" I apologize, sitting down and taking a drink of water before piercing a fork though the strawberry he has in a bowl full of fruit for us to share. "It's alright, I don't mind waiting for you. Seems like I tired you out last night so I'm glad you got some sleep" he say, smiling over the lip of his glass, making me choke on the next strawberry I had just placed in my mouth.
"You okay Darling?" he asks, handing me a napkin, with that last word aiding to my death by asphyxiation along with the strawberry lodged in my throat. "I'm fine" I choke out after a few more coughs and a drink of water.
"You seem rather jumpy today. Is something wrong?" he asks, tilting his head a bit and attentively waiting for my answer. "I'm fine, I think I'm still trying to wake up" I say, faking a yawn at the end to hopefully legitimize my claim. "Fair enough" he says, taking a bite of his food and grabbing his phone when it starts ringing.
"You can take that if you want" I say, taking a drink of water and glancing down at his phone before making eye contact with him. "No it's alright, I can take care of it later" he brushes off, silencing the call and taking a drink of water.
"So do you have any plans for the day?" he questions, looking at me as if I'm the most fascinating thing on earth. "Well, um, no not really. Do you?" I echo and when he goes to open his mouth to respond he's cut off by his phone ringing, not doubt from the same number again.
"Just take it. I'll be here when you get back I promise" I tease and he clears his throat, unbeknownst to me have flashbacks of when I asked him to take my virginity.
"It's for work, I'll be back soon" he says and I nod my head in response and close my eyes when he comes over to give me a kiss on the forehead like he's done time and time again but when I look up at him afterwards I see he hasn't made moves to leave.
His phone stopped ringing at some point which leave us with a lingering silence with so many words unsaid ultimately cut off by another incoming call. "I'm sorry" he whispers, his eyes glancing down at my lips before he turns around to head to his office answering with a curt 'What?' to whoever is on the other end of that call.
'I would hate to be that guy' I smile to myself, the vision of seeing him get mad comes to mind leaving my pressing my thighs together. 'Why am I so fucking horny these days?' I roll my eyes and continue eating my lunch, laughing at the sound of his frustration but hating that he's going through it at the same time.
It's been about a half an hour and he's still on the phone leaving me scrolling through mine until my brain feels as though it's turned to mush, a part of my brain occupied by him and only him.
As I hear another irritated sigh I decide I'll bring him some pain medication to help with the onset headache I'm sure he's having. It's gotta be a big problem if they're calling him on a Saturday morning.
I open the door slowly and peak my head in, being met with the sight of him with his laptop open and a mess of papers all over his desk. He looks up at me with an apologetic wince but waves me in nonetheless.
I raise my arms up, showing a full glass of water along with a bottle of pills and he mouths a silent 'Thank you' and I nod happily, proud that I made the right decision and place the glass on his desk while I open the pill bottle and drop a couple onto his palm to which he places them in his mouth and immediately chases it with the glass of water.
Watching as his Adam's apple bobs up and down as he gulps down the water has my head dizzy for some reason but I'm not sure why. While I'm trying to come up with an explanation some water spills on his cheek as he swallows the rest.
I feel as though my body has been taken over by an outer being because my reaction was to catch that stray drop of water off his cheek with my thumb and bring it to my mouth.
His eyes dart over to mine, wide in shock and leaving me feeling as though I'd done something wrong. My next move being to hightail it out of here but he stops me with a firm grasp on my hip, making me lean up against his desk next to him.
I make an effort to slip out of his hold but he gives me a warning glance, wordlessly telling me to behave and I do just that, shutting my mouth and watching as he works. He keeps a hand on my waist, making sure I'll stay, his thumb gently rubbing circles on my hip mindlessly where my shirt had risen up in my try to escape.
I do my best to keep my composure but the visions of last night flashing though my head makes it hard to control myself from rubbing my thighs together and I ultimately lose the battle.
Forgetting that he still has a hold on me earns me a knowing glance when he notices my actions, his gaze gradually getting more and more heated.
I lean back in an effort to get comfortable while I wait, my palms helping me balance on his desk behind me, leaving my chest sticking out a bit. I earn a tight squeeze on my waist as a warning to be patient and to stop squirming, which at the moment is very hard to accomplish with him looking so fucking sexy talking business with the man on the other line.
Was I relieved that it was a man calling him three times in a row on a Saturday afternoon? Yes, yes I was. It's none of my business though, nor do I have any grounds to have an opinion on it but his hand sliding up my waist says otherwise.
"Yes. Okay, okay alright was that everything? Okay well we'll pick this up on Monday morning. Thanks alright you have a good weekend too. Okay bye" he says, looking at me the whole time he finishes up his call, squeezing my waist now, making my breathing pick up and I know I'm in trouble when he hangs up the phone.
"You're a little minx you know that?" he says, turning his chair to face me and takes his hand off my waist only to slide it down my arms and hold my hand, placing kisses on my knuckles. "What do you mean?" I question, already breathless from the look of him sitting back in his chair, his legs spread wide and his gaze getting darker by the moment.
"You know what I mean. You came in here acting all innocent and helpful and next thing I know it you're licking water off my cheek? Seems pretty naughty Bunny. Don't you think?" he says while kissing the tips of my fingers, making sparks fly through my arms and straight to my head, keeping my gaze locked on his.
"I didn't lick it off your cheek" I say quietly but he lets out a dry chuckle in response. "Technicalities will get you nowhere sweetheart. Just admit that you wanted my attention, you were too impatient and couldn't even wait an hour for me to come back to you. It's okay, I won't laugh" he says, pulling on my hand and making me stumble onto his lap, my legs hanging over one of them.
"I- I just wanted to hel-" "I'm sure you did Darling and you were so thoughtful bringing me that medicine but I know you wanted something else huh?" he says while brushing away the hair that had fallen on my face when he pulled me down.
I shake my head but he cocks a brow at me, wordlessly telling me to tell him the truth so I in turn nod my head, admitting that deep down I did want his attention again.
"Now what was it that my Princess wanted? Did she just want attention or did she want to be touched again? Wanted me to take care of her again?" he taunts, taking note of all the times he's seen me rub my thighs together or get that breathless look on my face. I nod my head but he shakes his leaving me confused.
"If my Bunny wants something she's gotta use her words. Can you do that for me Darling? Can you use that pretty mouth of yours and tell me you want Daddy to touch you again?" he says, testing out a new name to call himself that's got me squirming again.
"Nuh uh none of that Darling, if you want something you've gotta ask for it. Now be a good girl and tell me what you want" he says, holding my hips in place, unbeknownst to me preventing me from rubbing my ass against him, still wanting to hold himself back.
His only priority and desire is to make me feel good and he wouldn't have it any other way. He knows I'm inexperienced and doesn't want to scare me away. He wants to take his time with me. 
"I want you to..." I start, trailing off from embarrassment, not being used to saying stuff like this let alone to someone as intoxicating as him.
"What was that Bunny? Didn't catch that" he presses, clearly enjoying the internal struggle that's shown all over my face. If he didn't know I had a shit poker face then he sure as hell knows now. No matter how you slice it he'll always be able to read me like a book.
"I want you to touch me" I whisper and he leans in as if he couldn't hear me but my lips at this point are inches from his, the slightest movement connecting mine with his.
"Lie back for me yeah?" he asks, his lips ghosting against mine before grabbing my hip and guiding me to sit on his desk before pushing all of his papers and laptop to the side dramatically making me laugh at the motion until I notice his laptop falling to the floor. His eyes follow mine and notice said device and simply shrugs.
"I can buy another one" he mumbles against my lips before connecting them in a short lived kiss as he guides me down, my back against his desk while he hovers over me. "You wanna try something else?" he says, watching my expression change from one of nervous excitement to intrigue.
"You trust me?" he questions, watching my face for any hesitation but finds none. "Yes" I say, nodding my head and he smiles before placing a kiss on my lips. "Close your eyes for me yeah? I promise I won't put it in. Well, not yet" he says and my eyes bug out at his words, my legs that are wrapped around his waist pull him even closer in an effort to close my legs.
"You like that? You like the idea of me claiming you as mine? Me being your first, your first everything" he says, leaning down and placing kisses on my neck, his warm breath against my sensitive skin driving me insane. I shudder at the feeling and he chuckles before placing a kiss under my ear, garnering another shudder in response.
"Answer me Bunny. You want me to be your first everything? Want me to learn and teach you everything you need to know about your body and what brings you pleasure?" he says while tracing his right hand along my torso, ghosting his fingertips along my waistband.
"Yes. Yes, I want you. Please just take it, take everything" I mumble and he tsks at me, again leaving me confused. "I'm not just gonna take everything. I'm giving you as much as I'm taking love. If you're letting me have you then you have me in return. Never forget that" he says and I nod my head. "I won't forget" I utter and he smiles in response before telling me to close my eyes again.
"Can I take these off bunny?" he asks in regards to my leggings and I mumble out a quick 'yes' trying to hold the whimpers at bay from the thought of me letting him have complete control over me. I know I have the power to stop everything but I wouldn't want to. Not with him.
As he slides everything off me he curses at the sight of me. "Fuck you're dripping" he rasps and I try to close my legs in response, now truly feeling that sense of vulnerability "You've gotta stay nice and still for me Darling. Can you do that?" he asks and I respond with a whimper which satisfies him, having mercy on me this time.
He drags a finger along my folds just as he had done before, gathering up my arousal before circling around my bud, gaining him a soft moan in response. "Be loud for me yeah? Wanna hear you moan my name" he prompts, wanting to hear what his name sounds like when it passes through my lips filled with ecstasy.
He doesn't wait for a response and just continues to play with me just as he did last night but as I feel myself getting closer he pulls away leaving me groaning from the feeling of getting that high again being taken away.
"Ready for something new princess?" he asks, caressing one of my thighs and placing a kiss on the inside of it. "W-wait!" I flinch nervously, not knowing how to feel about this. I've heard about it before but I never knew if it would be something that I'd like.
"You want me to stop?" he ask, pulling away a bit and letting me take control. "I'm scared, I-i I don't know what it'll feel like. I'm not sure if I'll like it" I admit, feeling as though I was about to cum just from the thought of him doing that to me.
"I can stop if you'd like, it's up to you princess. I wanna make you feel good and this is something I think you'll love. I know it's something I'd love to do to you if you'll let me" he says, coaxing me into it since he knows I'm just nervous, placing a few more kisses on my skin, this time switching to the other thigh.
I take a few breaths and think about it but decide to trust him, just as he asked me to. 
"I want you to do it" I let out, my cheeks burning up at the thought of what I'm asking for. "You want Daddy to eat you out?" he says smiling, loving the fact that I've still kept my eyes closed. I start to squirm, feeling his warm breath traveling further up my thigh, the anticipation driving me crazy. 
"P-please" I choke out, tears prickling my eyes as the intensity of the moment increases. "Patience Princess. Remember what I said about being loud?" he asks, his breath fanning directly over my core, making me lose all sense of feeling except for what he's barely doing to me. He hasn't even touched me and I'm about to cum. 
He leans in and gives a soft kiss to my clit, my legs spread wide and giving him full access to me. I take in a sharp breath at the sensation, my muscles locking up only for a moment but nonetheless catching his attention. 
"You want me to keep going?" he whispers into me, his nose nudging my clit, making me clench around nothing and he notices right away, utterly exposed to him. I moan out a ‘yes’ and he smiles, placing a kiss on my upper thigh before going back in, slowly making out with my clit, his tongue tracing circles around it before traveling down to my hole that's begging to be full. 
He licks inside me and watches my reaction, my brows drawn together and my lips parted, uttering curses when I feel him slip his tongue in further, the sensation driving me insane. My back arches off the table when he presses his face against me. His nose rubbing against my clit while his lip and tongue make out with my entrance. 
If I were to open my eyes now I bet all I could see was the world spinning around me, the feeling of being drunk on him being my drug of choice and I don't think I'll ever be able to live without it.
"Fuck Jungkook" I moan out, this being the first time I get close to screaming his name and he growls into me before going back to playing with my clit, making me do it again. "You sound so sweet Bunny, but you taste even sweeter" he groans, watching as my chest rises and falls in the baggy shirt I've still got on. 
"Do me a favor love and lift up your shirt, that's it. Wanna watch you play with your tits" he rasps out. Doing just as he asks I moan at the image of him watching me touch myself again, incredibly turned on by the though of it alone. 
"There you go, you're doing so good for me. Look so pretty laying here and letting me play with you in my office. Fuck you're driving me crazy" he praises making me whimper in response. 
"You like that? You like it when Daddy praises you? Like it when he tells you you're being so perfect for him? Pretty just wants to be worshiped doesn't she?" I let out a moan at the thought of him taking time and worshiping anything and everything about me. I try to close my legs again on impulse but he pries them open, growling at the thought of me hiding from him. 
"I'm not done with you" he says, biting the inside of my thigh leaving me arching my back off the desk again, squeezing my breasts and making him even hungrier for me if even possible. 
"Does my baby like pain? Does she want me to leave marks all over her as a reminder? A reminder of how you let me have my way with you while you were spread out for me on my desk. I'm not gonna be able to focus next time I have to work in here. Always gonna remember how sweet you taste and how adorable you sound"  he says, licking the area he just bit before sucking a mark into the same spot.
I groan at the feeling, the slight sting from the bruise making me want to ask him for more. To mark me everywhere like he said, always leaving a reminder. 
I scream at the feeling of him putting his mouth on me again, kissing, sucking, licking into me without mercy, catching me off guard by the intensity. I let out an incoherent string of curses, hoping he knows I'm begging for more and he moans against me, the vibrations sending shockwaves throughout my body. 
"Don't stop, please please don't stop" I scream, the first decipherable words I've uttered in a while. On the cusps of ecstasy he growls into me when he sees me throw my hand over my mouth, embarrasses by how loud I'm getting. "Louder" he growls as a warning, not a request and so I do. 
I get louder and louder, screaming his name with curses being the only other words in my vocabulary. I feel as his movements get more intense, now using his fingers as well and moments later a wave of pleasure is crashing down, making me let out any and every sound I could possibly make, my voice getting softer and softer and I start to come down. 
Just when I feel like he's gonna stop he doesn't, he picks up the pace again which makes me whine in overstimulation, trying to wiggle away from him. 
"You can give me one more can't you?" he asks, pulling back only to lick a stripe into me, taking time to suck my sensitive bud into his mouth. "N-no no I can't" I say, shaking my head and trying to push him off and he pulls back and chooses to lean over me. 
"Just one more Bunny. I know you can" he encourages. Although I'm reluctantly saying no we both know I want to experience it, wanna experience coming undone one right after the other. 
He comes down and kisses me, making me taste myself on his lips and I can't get enough of him, I want to be good for him, I want him. I whine when he delicately runs his fingers over me again "You're so swollen but I'm sure you can handle it, can't you Darling?" he taunts. 
He pulls away from my lips and trails his down, kissing and sucking marks all over my chest giving me a bit more time to recover before deciding. "Yes, fuck yes" I moan when he greedily sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. My back arches again when he moans around it, making me desperately want to cum again, wanting it as much as he does now. 
"Want you to watch me this time. Can you do that?" he ask, giving me one last kiss on the lips before sliding his tongue down my torso, stopping to bite my hip, breaking me out of the daze I'd been left in, asking me to answer.
I nod my head and he luckily takes that as a response, going easy on me since I'm still not fully there after what he'd done to me. What he's still doing to me...
After he makes me cum again I lose all sense of reality and I can barely tell up from down. He leaves the room only for a moment to get a warm towel to clean me up and I take that time to catch my breath, staring at the celling and trying to wrap my head around what just happened. 
I jump at the feeling of him cleaning me up gently and he apologizes, going a little slower with a lighter touch, doing just enough before helping me sit up. "You with me?" he asks, steadying me as I still sit on his desk, swaying back and forth. 
I turn my eyes to him and blink sleepily, smiling and taking in his handsome features and notice how red and swollen his lips have gotten. 
"There she is" he coos, brushing my hair back and cupping my face, looking at me as if I was incredibly precious to him. Little do I know that that's exactly what I am to him. 
That's a conversation for another time though. For now he'll just enjoy the dazed and freshly fucked look I give him, laughing at how adorable I look. 
"You wanna bath?" he asks and I nod, making the corner of his lips turn up before he scoops me up. I cuddle into him and link my arms around his neck, enjoying the slight bouncing sensation I feel with every step he takes. 
After he ascends the steps with ease I watch as we pass by my bedroom door and get confused as to why he's not taking me to bathe in there. I frown at him and he chuckles shaking his head and walking the both of us into his room.
"My bathtub is bigger and more comfortable" he explains and I nod, tightening my hold on him for only a moment before he guides me to sit on the edge of the tub. 
"You want a bubble bath?" he asks, turning to look through his cabinet and pulls out two bottles, one that smell of lavender and the other of eucalyptus. I point at the lavender and he smiles, nodding his head and putting the other one back before walking over to turn the faucet on, adjusting it until it's just the right temperature. 
"Do you take bubble baths Mr. Jeon?" I tease, earning a playful glare that breaks into a smirk moments later. "Who says grown men can't tale bubble baths? And it's Daddy to you" he says booping me on the nose, giving me butterflies. 
"You like being called Daddy huh?" I tease again and he crouches down in front of me, putting us at eye level. "I dunno, sounded like you liked it back there too" he says, smirking when he sees me avert my eyes, this time placing a kiss on my nose before straightening up. 
"Arms up" he orders and I lift them up so he can take off the last piece of clothing I've got left. "Who's shirt is this?" he asks, taking note of the oversize fit. "It's mine" I say truthfully, too quick for his liking though, making him suspicious of me. "Uh huh" he says slowly before throwing it in the corner of the bathroom. 
With a look like that even I can tell that I won't be getting that back anytime soon. It really is my shirt though...
After he pours in the bubbles and I'm satisfied by their bubbliness (which he reminds me is not a real word) I get in and moan at the feeling of the warmth enveloping me. My muscles losing all of their tension as I breathe in the calming scent of lavender surrounding me.
"You enjoying yourself?" he chuckles, leaning up against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest just as he had done this morning and I gulp at the sight. "Yeah, I needed this" I say, sinking further into it and being swallowed whole by the bubbles. "Well just call me if you need me" he says but before I can stop myself I quickly tell him 'No'.
He tilts his head to the side and smiles softly, taking in the precious sight of me surrounded by bubbles with almost a panicked look on my face, showing my honesty in wanting him to stay. "Can you sit with me maybe?" I ask, looking down and playing with the bubbles, shy that I'm begging for even more of his attention. 
"Sure Darling" he says, grabbing a stool that was tucked in a corner and placing it right next to the tub so he can stay with me. 
After a few moments of comfortable silence I break it with the one question that's been on my mind since I felt the air shift between us. 
"Can I ask you a question?" I say, looking up at him, noticing that he's started to play around with the bubbles that rest high above the surface. "No" he answers, pushing a dampened strand of hair off my face. 
"What?" I freeze, surprised at his answer. "I know what you're gonna ask so no. You can't, not yet. Let's get you cleaned up and well rested before we go there, alright?" he asks giving me a sad smile, so many words left unsaid behind those eyes, begging to be released.
I wait for a moment, studying him and notice that he looks almost...vulnerable. Something I had never seen from him before so I decide to just nod my head, returning the same smile before leaning back against the tub and sinking in a bit further, the water now just below my nose. 
"Aye! Don't you go drowning on me in there" he chuckles and my eyes smile, glad my efforts of lightening the mood had worked. 
Taking it a step further I choose violence and splash him, making the bottom of his shirt get wet. He gasps at the action and puts his hand over his chest "I make you a nice bath and this is how you repay me? The audacity!" he says dramatically before giving me a splash in return leaving me gasping just as he had done.  
After exchanging a few more splashes and laughs we call it a truce and we sit there talking and joking around until the water goes cold, going back to that sense of normalcy that I was so scared that we might've lost... 
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risestarkissomega · 4 months
now that you've voiced your thoughts on canon!Peepaw Donnie, how about canon!Peepaw Raph? methinks he's rocking the outfit, eyepatch (& "eyeliner" hsisjwjs) so well!
I love it! And here's why...
When it comes to fashion, in my humble opinion, Raph seems to gravitate towards a more simple yet functional fit.
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His clothes serve a purpose. Actually, I've always theorized that he wouldn't wear clothing if it wasn't for a specific reason, which helps to explain why in "Man vs. Sewer," Raphael was the only turtle not wearing swim trunks or a beach outfit. Because, why?
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There's no need for swimming gear when he's already perfectly suited to go swimming as is...
Anyways, my point is this:
When you compare the future outfits of Donnie, Leo, and Raph, their tastes in clothing have not changed in the slightest!
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Donnie's clothing choice makes a huge statement and leaves a lasting impression, as per usual. 😌😅💜
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Meanwhile, Leo's design is grandiose and flashy with his ascot-cape combo. It screams "hero." It screams "main character." It screams, Leo. 😂💙
But, what about Raphael?
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He's wearing the least common dominator in the form of his regulation pants and the standard "Mad Dogs" belt, the only addition being his eyepatch.
It's simple, straight-forward, and it serves it's purpose.
It's perfectly Raph. 😌😁❤️
(Additionally, if you'd like my thoughts on his luscious lashes, I made a "Rise Rambling" about 'em here. 😊)
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dearnoone13 · 25 days
Some things I noticed from these last episodes...
1.- how come no one is talking about their earrings!!!! Jungkook has all his earrings except the one on his right or left lobe (from what I remember) he has silver thick hoop. When I was wondering where it went BAM! Jimin appears with the exact same one on just one lobe !! Wtf that is so cute!! 😍 sharing their earrings like they can't afford their own ones (company can also provide them)
2.- Jk treats jm very differently compared to the rest of team, staff and even his friends, you have to be blind not too see that because he is eyes, attention, focus is always on him, subtle but there!
The whole "chopstick" situation, why was jk mad at jm, tae is who started the argument over the ham, it should have been directed at him right? If that was me I would have gone off at my "friend" who doubted my knowledge in the first place, but I would have lost my shit if my "partner" also doubted me and sided with the one against me, which is what I can see on jk behaviour, he was sulking (he wasn't mad/angry etc) and wanted Jm to apologise for hurting his feelings lmao very childish indeed! But did he require the same apology from tae? None that I could see, tbh I don't think he care that he was right over tae, he cared that Jm was not agreeing with him
3.- JM is not a "baby" yes his body is small compared to Jk but don't let that fool you, the one in control is JM, he acts weak because he feeds off JK reactions, he likes when JK shows confident but he also likes to test him, hence the cuts on the episodes, JM provokes and when Jk responds bam scene cut, JM always leads Jk like a puppy and he knows it, after the towel fight Jm yelled out "stay" and puppy JK did lmao don't let the piercings and tattoos fool you, .. when they were in the pool the first time, jm came close slowly to him, and Jk had to tell him the pool was see-through and Bam scene cut like wtf? I think Jk had flashbacks 😂 anyone remember the footsies under the table ?... anyways that's my 2 cents..
3.- they love each other very much, and they both love tae very much too 💜
I have said this before, even if in the future they end up not with each other and married to women, I would still believe that right now and in the past they had something special, and I will be playing the kwill song out loud on that day to my self.
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peachsukii · 4 months
REI! I almost forgot that it was Softie Sunday, I would have been so upset if I had missed it because I have been stewing over this for DAYS.
Bakugou loves to tease you. Sometimes, you get all frustrated and then flustered when you realize he's just messing with you and he thinks it is the cutest thing ever. And other times, you burst into laughter and it just makes him fall for you even harder.
You'll be trying to reach the cereal box on the top shelf, dancing on your tiptoes as your fingertips barely graze the taunting box.
He'll walk into the kitchen, grin when he sees you struggling to reach the box and come over to you, feigning assistance before pushing the box further out of your reach.
He can't help the burly laugh that's forced up his throat when he looks down to see your cheeks puffed out like an angry hamster, your brows knitted together at him in frustration.
"Kaatsukkiiiii." You whine up at him, throwing your head back in exasperation like a child, not getting what they want. You want to be mad, but he's so gorgeous smiling down at you as he soaks in your cuteness.
Other times, you'll be bantering about something and when you actually make a decent point, he'll start to mimic you, talking in a high pitched voice, bobbing his head in an attempt to imitate your sassy body language.
You'll stare at him with an unamused expression(😑) which causes him to chortle before he presses a kiss to your forehead, muttering against your temple, " 'm just teasin' you, Peach."
His favorite is when he makes you so frustrated over something so stupid that you both start to giggle at the ridiculousness until you are both in stitches of laughter.
He had put the cream back in the refrigerator, not realizing that you going to use it. You're all in a huff, reopening the fridge to get it, only to melt when he grabs your coffee mug off of the counter, steadily holding it for you to add the cream to.
As soon as you open the container and begin to tilt the carton toward the opening of the mug, he slightly moves the mug out from under the spout of the container, causing you to nearly spill it on the floor.
You begin to giggle, "Katsuki, this is battle neither of us will win." He's grinning like a fiend at this point, loving the way you're trying to suppress your laughter. When you try once again to pour the cream into the mug, he moves it again.
You're shaking with laughter at this point, completely giving up and setting the cream down on the counter. Katsuki laughs with you, setting your mug down on the countertop, watching, waiting for the moment you to decide it was safe to try again.
Playfully narrowing your eyes at him, you pull the mug closer to you. Once again, you pick up the carton and begin to tilt the opening toward the lip of mug, only for Katsuki to gently grab the handle of the mug between his thumb and index finger, slowly pulling it away from you, watching with tears of laughter wetting the corners of his eyes as your pad after the mug sliding away from on the counter, chasing it with the container of cream like a little goblin.
Once he reaches the end of the counter, he lets you have it, snorting as he throws back in head in laughter as you laugh, "Aha!!" in victory, which you both stand there, laughing so hard your bending over to clutch your stomach.
He is just so incredibly in love with you and he loves that you let him mess with you regularly so that he can continue to prove it so because he doesn't mess with anyone like that. Just you.
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Pastel, I’ve read this like six times and it makes me so damn smiley!!!! Especially “I’m just teasin’ you, Peach.” 🥺🥹😭🧡💖💜
((This happens in my household daily as well 😂))
I adore that he does it just to make us laugh, to be silly and stupid. Ending up laughing over stupid things together is my favorite thing and I’m gonna cherish this thought forever. 🥰💖
『 #reis softie sundays 』
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luffyvace · 7 months
Saiki k x Reader headcanons
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This is on my anime’s I write for list and I haven’t written for it yet so I wanted to show what I can do! 😉
Enjoy!! I Love Saiki, Aren and Aiura 💗💜💛
Okay let’s face it
your regular.
literally. (probably) like you are irl
doesn’t it feel good to have reader be accurate to how you are for once?
and that your fav would genuinely be into that and you know it?!
like you don’t have to pretend or imagine to be this cool, physically strong person your not for once?? Just me?
idk but it sure is refreshing
especially since it’s canon with saiki after he practically stalked that one dude
anyway onto the headcanons
I wanna start off by saying Saiki’s love languages are gift giving and quality time
the best part about gift giving is he could just leave it on your desk or night stand and watch your reaction from afar
they’re always very thoughtful since he can read your mind :) which is a plus!
and as for quality time he finds it quite peaceful to be around someone who’s not such a weirdo for once
and even if you are one, for some reason he can tolerate your strange behavior way better than he can your friends 😂
it’s always fun to play that one video game he has together
and it’s practically a requirement that every saiki k hcs have—you two will eat coffee jelly together
he would at least want you to try it and if you don’t like it’s that’s fine more for him
He’ll just get you whatever sweet, savory or spicy food you like so you can both enjoy something (and someone 💋) you love together!~
his mother absolutely adores you and is always pestering Saiki about when you’ll be back again
his dad thinks your a “good kid” (🗿) (like every dad says 😭)
Saiki loves to go on walks together
What he doesn’t like is when something chaotic happens to ruin it
but that’s besides the point—he loves to walk to school together!
nothing like getting up every day and seeing your lover. Going on a romantic walk too?*chefs kiss* 💋👩‍🍳
will try to indulge in your interests and hobbies to keep you happy
you may or may not be a introvert like him
if you aren’t he’ll go out and hang out with friends even if that’s outside of his comfort zone for you
but do remember to cut him some slack if he doesn’t want to or wants to go home early <3
and if your an introvert? Wonderful!
99.99% of dates are spent at either of your rooms (not just houses cuz parents are annoying)
or at that one shop that sells the coffee jelly he likes
only if you agree of course
if you prefer something even more private that’s just fine with him!
he only ever wants some peace anyway
and you simply never disturb that, to which he very much appreciates
if your a touchy-feely typa peep, please keep it to a minimum? Especially in public??
he’s already not really a physical touch person the way a perceive it
not that he hates it or anything
he just is more comfy without it when unnecessary
at least in public
he already will probably want to keep your relationship a secret/private for as long as possible
(he knows it’ll get out eventually by some misfortune event 🤦‍♀️)
but since they find out anyway here’s they’re reactions!
Honestly Nendo probably won’t realize your dating until you explicitly say so
either that or he’ll be the first one to know and just be like ‘oh, i thought everyone knew that’
Aren really doesn’t mind and thinks your relationship is sweet
Hairo supports wholeheartedly- maybe a little too much 😅💗
Chiyo is lowkey jealous you both got into a relationship before her but she’s happy
Torisuka is MAD jealous of Saiki but deep inside he’s still happy for you two
Kaido is also a tad jealous because he knows he would practically never find a girl his mom would accept but otherwise he pretty much supports 😭💕
Mera just uses your dates to get some free food (JOKING) she thinks you guys are cute
Saiko (Teruhashi’s brother) would be happy Saiki finally stopped desperately chasing his sister and learned his place (it’s the other way around bro 😑)
Uryoku (the magician dude) would be like ‘oh you dating someone master? Great! Now I need help for my upcoming show-“
Aiura immediately tests to see if you two are compatible and how long you’ll be together
turns out you are!! And you two stay together ♡
she thinks that’s adorable and will do anything for your relationship
will tear anyone who tries to split you apart a new one (they were just trying to say hi)
Aiura is the most supportive of your relationship
btw here we’re going with Saiki is her platonic soulmate instead (she prob already is)
Kusuke (Saiki’s brother) is very much so interested in the person his brother has fallen in love with
he will observe you and ask you lots of questions once he meets you
which I’m telling you Saiki tried so hard to make sure you never would.
what happened?
his mom happened.
”Kusuo! He’s your brother! He should get to meet your partner!”
now Teruhashi I had to save for last..
her reaction depends
if she still loves Saiki she tries to befriend you while turning on the charm with Saiki
her plan is to befriend you and basically make you go ‘oh! You like Saiki? Well I guess I’ll back off then since were friends”
and finally have Saiki go ‘oh wow’ and fall in love with her
otherwise if she doesn’t love him, moves on or whatever the case may be..
she probably doesn’t care much for your relationship unless your friends
i mean she’s kinda like that to anyone she isn’t friends with right?
In other news
Your friends def mess up your dates unintentionally
poor Saiki- since he’s usually the one to plan them
nothing too extravagant- usually just out for food..BUT STILL!
They always tag along and become 3rd, 4th and sometimes 5th wheels or more! 😀
on the bright side-
at some point in the relationship you get to call him Kusuo and it’s a big step for you two! 💖
”well, I guess we’ve been dating long enough right? You can just call me Kusuo..”
I wanna write for the disastrous life of Saiki k (mob psycho 100 and black butler as well) more in the future! So send in requests!
Truly hope you enjoyed loves~
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #12
• People with Gemini placements are such goofballs and unintentionally hilarious! 😭 Tell me why I was listening to Boyz-n-the-Hood by Eazy-E which was written by Ice Cube (Gemini sun/mercury) and I heard Eazy say “Her father jumped up and he started to shout. So I threw a right cross and knocked his old ass out.” 🤣😭😭
• I’ve noticed with Fire placements have a thing for cars. They’re the ones that tend to know all about cars and are into car racing & motor crosses, etc…
• If the only Earth placement you have in your chart is your mars then you might sometimes stop to strategize and might learn to save money better later in life.
• People with Aries moons and Libra risings 🤝 thinking everyone is either in love with them or is after them.
• Libra/Gemini placements be out here making fan/stan pages the most!
• Air moons be the main role-play people on instagram.🌚
• Pisces suns with Aries moons are so cute!! Literally very bold & honest yet very sweet people!
• Cancer suns with Virgo risings are good dancers!!
• Virgo suns with Aries moons and Leo mercuries/Leo venuses are so mean!! Literally won’t shy away from arguments/fights. Might act very conceited too if underdeveloped. I love these people lmao!😭🤝
• Libra mars love making plans/goals but most of them are just all talk.✋🏽
• Taurus suns with Leo moons are literally my favs!💞
• if you’re a Pisces sun-Aquarius moon then most of your relationships including your first might be Aries sun-Taurus moon in composite.
• 10H venuses 🤝 habitually asking people if they’re okay.
• Virgo moons 🤝 asking for Aquarius moons’ advice.
• Capricorn sun parents tend to be very loved and respected by their kids!💗
• Leo moons will literally only talk about their feelings when they truly snap and they’ll be super dramatic about it too. No wonder though, even if you encourage them to talk about their feelings on multiple occasions, they’ll still refuse to. Unless you both have a deep emotional connection. They themselves are the type to tell you they don’t like talking about their feelings because nobody gets them. They also tend to have a “Trust nobody.” mentality and can be very set in their ways.
• Sagittarius suns with Taurus sun fathers either don’t tend to have them in their lives or they reject their dads later in life.
• Asc-Jupiter tend to have some sexy thick thighs!😩
• Asc-Mars/Jupiter have very attractive shapes!🥵
• Leo placements/degrees are so charming and very attractive people!!
• Asc-Moon tend to have slightly rounded faces with cute chubby cheeks!!🥺
• Asc-Sun tend to be natural leaders and normally have great hair!
• Aquarius suns with Aqua moons are so friendly and charismatic!🤍 Bonus points if they an Air rising
• Libra risings with Sag venuses are so charming, teasing and good looking.🥵
• Scorpio suns with Virgo moons and Aries mars are the down to earth, very attentive types who tend to get mad easily!😂💜
• Water suns with Air venuses are some of the nicest, friendliest people who love to crack jokes and care about their friends a lot!!🌷💞
• Gemini suns with fire moons tend to say the most random yet funny things!🤣
• Leo moons and Aquarius moons tend to develop deep bonds despite clashing often. They might be the type of ex’s to stay friends or keep going back to each other because they tend to develop a deep trust with each other that they don’t with others!❤️‍🔥
• Libra sun-Capricorn moon-Sag venus siblings/best friends are the type to vent, ask for advice, not take it, then come back to you and tell you how you were right about the whole the thing and they should’ve just listened to you… Then repeat the cycle all over again.😭
• Mercuries at Fire degrees/in Fire signs tend to say the most cruel shit when they’re mad especially if they have an Earth mars at Air/Fire degree or they have their mercury in an Air sign/house.
• Air risings with Fire mercuries are very charming but tend to cuss a LOT and you’ll notice it when you get to know them better/they get more comfortable around you.
• The best sexual chemistries are when: E.g. Somebody has their mars in Taurus in the 4th house and their partner/crush has Cancer mars at an Earth degree!! Thank me later.😉
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 2 months
Also again no pressure to write but you know I'm a sucker for a happy end and for Lorcan so his sister being mad at him kills me 😭💜😂
I knew you would fall victim to this😂
Part I here
The light we cannot see II
His ego was bigger than he was. Not an amazing asset to have at times. So Lorcan stuck to what he knew best. Beating the life out of a practice dummy as if there was no tomorrow. Letting his anger flow through him. Growling at himself each time the punch didn’t meet his standards. “You will harm yourself”, the voice made Lorcan jolt slightly. His nostrils flared as he looked at the man he least wanted to see. “If I was you I would go the fuck away”, he grunted, turning back to throw another punch.
“She’s back, safe and sound in her room. Thought you might want to know that”, Rowan tapped his hand on the doorway arch, before inching to step out of the training grounds. “Why?”, Lorcan called out into the night. His back was to Rowan but he could tell that the male stalled as well. “Why her? Even more so how and fucking when?”, turning in full force Lorcan glared at the male who was oozing calmness. “I can’t help my heart, I wanted her from the moment I saw her”, Rowan stated firmly. “Is it only your heart?”, it was a low dig. Out of them all Rowan was the last to sleep around. “I haven’t had sex with your sister if that’s your way of asking”, Rowan started, “I’ve been seeing her for a couple of months. She hasn’t even agreed to be mine, not until you approve”. Lrocan swallows thickly. Eyes burning into Rowan. He wanted to hate him. To find nothing but bitter frustration. “You know Maeve and you willingly put her in danger”, Lorcan points a finger at Rowan. “Don’t you think that it keeps me up at night? You think I’m not scared for her?”, now the tone picks up as he steps closer to Lorcan. “News flash, that thought alone kept me away from her for decades but I can’t…”, Rowan’s voice dies down, “I…”, his eyes burn into Lorcan and he knows exactly where this is going. Knows that if that word leaves his mouth then no power will be on his side.
“I think she’s my mate”, Rowan runs a hand through his hair. And Lorcan can see the tremor there. “She doesn’t know and I won’t just drop it on her but… I… Put yourself in my shoes, Lorcan”, Rowan shakes his head. Lorcan closes his eyes letting his head drop. The silence stretches between them. “She is the only good thing that came out of our fucked up family, Rowan”, the males stand there looking at each other, “She is too good for this world, and if you…”, “I would rather take my own life than watch her hurt”, Rowan cuts in, “I love your sister. I want to give her everything”. Lorcan simply nods. “I hate you, for now at least”, the dark wielder point out, dropping his gloves he slips out of the training room.
He stands outside your door for almost an hour. Losing the number of times he had lifted his fists to knock on your door and backed out. He doesn’t apologize. He doesn’t take back the things he says. He’s never wrong. But it’s different when it comes to you. “For fuck sake, just come in”, the door swings open, your tiny frame barely filling the frame. “How did you…”, he trails off before his sibling instinct prickles as well. A gift your mother had left you on her dying bed.
“What do you want?”, you grunt, crossing your arms over your chest. “I talked with Rowan”, he hopes that would win him extra words to say before you’re kicking him out but your expression doesn’t change. “I’m sorry about what I said”, he sighs, “I… I shouldn’t have brought our mother’s fate into this. You’re not her and Rowan isn’t our father”, he states firmly. Your sadness crushed his soul as he watched your sad eyes. “I understand your fears but…”, you trail off shaking your head.
“I know and I am sorry”, he reaches out, pulling at your hand, “You know that I’m a bastard. I suck at communicating”. You huff, “Tell me about it”, “I just want you to be happy and if Rowan makes you happy then so be it”, Lorcan squeezes your hand. “I’m still pissed at you”, you point a warning finger at him before letting yourself be pulled into his arms. “I’m selfish, I don’t want to share my light with anyone else”, Lorcan kisses the top of your head. “Just because I found a partner doesn’t mean I’ll stop being your little sister”, you reach up flicking his nose. Lorcan rolls his eyes, “Maybe I should just ship you out to Rowan”, you let out a fake gasp, “Don’t threaten me with happiness”.
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nattinatalia · 4 months
Jack Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
- (Mía is 18 and EZ is 15 here)
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, urbanwyatt, ezharlow, cassiewyatt, and 5,887,345 others
alizemiaharlow We’re B🅰️ck 🩸
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yourusername Yayyy, can’t wait to watch.
alizemiaharlow 🤝🏻 ❤️
jackharlow Proud of you 💜
alizemiaharlow 🥺 thanks dad 💜
urbanwyatt My niece is all grown up 😢 proud of you princess.
alizemiaharlow 🥺🫶🏼 thank you Nino
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Liked by cassiewyatt, yourusername, jackharlow, alizemiaharlow, and 6,877,345 others
ezharlow Gazebo Festival ready 🤘🏼 let’s go!!!
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yourusername 😍 That’s my baby boy!!!
ezharlow 🥰 love you ama’
alizemiaharlow 🤮 🙄
cassiewyatt Okkkkk basic fit goes crazy 🔥
ezharlow I hate you! Why are you always coming for my fits?
cassiewyatt Because you dress like every other white boy, step it up.
ezharlow Shut up with your fungus looking feet
jackharlow Angel Ezequiel
ezharlow Sorry uncle Dru
druski Nahh own that shit up 😂
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, urbanwyatt, ezharlow, and 6,234,986 others
alizemiaharlow A time was had 💥 Day 1 was a success.
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yourusername Yesssss today was fun.
jackharlow Thanks for showing up bug 🐞
alizemiaharlow Always 🤝🏻❤️
cozane It was soo good to see you kid. Don’t forget about us.
alizemiaharlow Uncle Avatar 🥺 never everrrr could I forget about you. Even though I’m upset that I didn’t get a care package but don’t worry, I made sure to cop on my own 🤘🏼🥰
cozane What the? I did send you a package, you were literally the only one who got everything.
alizemiaharlow 🤷🏻‍♀️
ezharlow About that 🫣
cozane Punk ass you got your own
ezharlow I needed more?
alizemiaharlow 🙄
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Liked by jackharlow, alizemiaharlow, ezharlow, cassiewyatt, urbanwyatt, and 6,877,345 others
yourusername Proud of you baby! Always. I’m always team you and your art. I know things didn’t go as planned for day 2, but seeing how happy you were last night, made me emotional and beyond happy. You put in so much dedication, sweat and tears into this, you should feel very proud because I’m very proud of you. Thank you for allowing me to be part of night 1, it was so special to me. I love you for ever and always. I can’t wait what you have planned next.
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alizemiaharlow Superstars ⭐️ ✨
ezharlow My parents are the shit 😎
jackharlow I love you 🥺 thank you for accepting to perform, I know you were a little thrown off by the idea. It’s us against the world, this is a new era and I can’t wait to takeover with you.
cassiewyatt ❤️❤️
claybornharlow 🔥
user of course she was going to perform 🙄 she was the bathroom break 😂
user no way was she going to perform after Queen SZA that would’ve been dead asf 😂
alizemiaharlow People like you is the reason why my mom was iffyyy about the idea to perform. But I’m glad she did, she did amazing, per usual. You’re just mad my dad is her number one fan and includes her in everything, sorry your dad can’t do that for your mom.
ezharlow 💀 Send me your addyyy, I’ll send some autographed pictures of my dad so you’re not so bitter!
allabouttheharlows One thing about Mia and EZ, they’re gonna defend Jack and Y/N
ezharlow They regret ever giving us permission to be on social media 🤣
jackharlow 🫣 We do.
- SURPRISE!!!!!!
I know it’s a surprise for me as well.
Life has bee, interesting, it’s been testing me daily, but I’ve seen some growth within myself and it did me good being away. I see all the messages you guys continue to send me, I feel guilty not replying but I didn’t want to give false hope of me being back 100%! I don’t want to commit just yet, but I do want to come with a schedule for me being here and posting. So let me know which days work for you guys best.
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles @violetslays818 @fantasywritersstuff @vanwritesfan-fiction
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keelywolfe · 22 days
I don't know how people got nasty in your coments, but I just want to pass by to appreciate your work. It's amazing, truly, and I'm having so much fun reading 💜💜💜
(When I say I'm shouting in the background, I mean exactly this)
So if you have to turn off the coments know I'm still in love with your series~
Aw, thank you! I was pretty taken aback, I admit. It was really only a couple of people being rude, most people were trying very hard to be polite and supportive. Like all things, it's the loud ones who try to ruin it for us all.
Never fear, the story will go on. As I've said, I've been in fandom a long time, this is barely a speed bump. 😂 The comments are staying turned on for now; I don't want to turn off anon comments because not everyone has an AO3 account, but I will if they can't behave.
Besides, if people wanted to get mad at me, they should've waited for the next chapter. 😘
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peachjagiya · 2 months
Are You Sure?
Episodes 1 and 2 thoughts
I've had a chance to watch them properly now.
My main takeaway is absolute bafflement at the characterisation in that weird W article?! It's not even that they misinterpreted the show, it's almost like they didn't even watch it? JK is his sweet and soft silly self. Jimin is full big brother.
I have thoroughly and genuinely enjoyed it. I must confess, in the first episode they do seem awkward with contrasting energies. As they say, they haven't met up and I think it does feel like it for almost all of first ep. So I was worried how I'd handle 8 hours of that considering I get severe second hand emotions.
The shift seemed to take place at the meal prep at the camp site. I guess this is terra firma for them, a safe space reminiscent of ITS and the dorms etc.
I don't know if anyone will agree but the phone calls at the table seemed to put a lid on the awkwardness entirely. The switch to super comfortable besties was complete after those. I found that very interesting.
Did you notice the matched energies in the calls too? We've talked about Taekook's call a lot but we can't ignore how natural Jimin's voice was with Yoongi. I'm wondering maybe if they needed those moments with their closest members to put a line in the sand almost? I don't think I mean they were planned and forced as such but getting to be real in that moment must have been like a sigh of relief after such a long time dancing around the truth. Maybe this is delulu but I'd love your thoughts on it.
As for Taekook's call, I am now convinced Tae said something sweet or rude or otherwise disallowed that was muted when he first answered. Mainly because of how he then made clear they were filming. I also think that JK hung up because he was about to get a lecture about the bike and that his texts to Tae were jokingly apologetic like "sorry sorry I like you so much I love you forgive me that was just too funny"
I felt awful for Jimin and his tummy issues. On a BOAT?! And a HIKE? guys what the hell. Let him sleep.
I cannot with JK eating his way through Connecticut. Relatable king. Food is the only thing that will get me out of the house too actually.
I loved their dynamic in the second episode. It made me kind of peak mad at the Jikook ship- actually no. Not at the shipping. At the characterisation that goes with it. Because they're such great brothers, it does a disservice to the best bits of their dynamic to put them into gross alpha-omega dynamic when they're prototypical siblings. It's so enjoyable to watch.
I've gone from wondering why they bothered to thinking it's for the better that they did this. Getting to show what they really are to each other finally actually makes for much more interesting TV than I thought.
In conclusion: never seen a better representation of my ADHD than going for a sponge but getting distracted by guacamole.
💜💜💜 let's hope next week doesn't absolutely destroy it with editing nonsense 😂
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meebles · 9 months
all your vivid dreams
Codywan / Rated M / One-shot / No warnings
“Do you have any idea,” Obi-Wan murmurs, the breath of his words hot against Cody’s lips. “Do you have any idea what it’s like listening to you talk down to that pretentious lot?” Cody swallows as he feels his cheeks rapidly flush. It’s then, that he recognizes the heated look in Obi-Wan’s eyes, flashes of it occasionally thrown his way in the middle of a firefight— most notably whenever Cody has viscous oil all over his fists and a pile of broken B1s at his feet. That look has driven Cody to madness for longer than he cares to admit, and it’s safe to say it’s having the same effect now.
Or: Cody gives an impassioned testimony. Obi-Wan wants to show his appreciation.
Read on Ao3
My third fill for @codywanfirstkissbingo 2023! For the prompt "neck kiss"
This was inspired by @dontbelasagnax's own absolutely gorgeous neck kiss fill, which everyone MUST go admire if they haven't already
Bingo card under cut
So I was going to swap this with "blowing a kiss" but I am definitely not finishing my last 2 fills in time, so I suppose it doesn't matter 😂 I'll post them anyways eventually, and I've had so much fun with this event regardless 💜💜
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dearweirdme · 1 month
I asked this from Peach and I really want to know your opinions on this one Rain🙏💜
I have one “thing” that I want to say and it’s super crazy😂I call it a “thing” because I really don’t know how to name it especially when I know that I’m biased towards both JK & Tae and their relationship regardless of what it is and you want to lable it👍
What if everything that we’ve seen so far (literally since 2017/2018 when I first kinda felt the first change of vibe and behavior in their interactions) is just a scenario to help Jungkook and Taehyung out with their coming out process? (Like it has multiple phases which are all written in their contracts.)
SK is homophobic and coming out will change many things (change = ruin) and I do know well that it’s all WISHFUL THINKING but I personally believe (a part of me) that many things are play to help them come out and they’ve been taking all these measures to reduce the impact of its consequences and we will see more of these measures in the years to come…even Jennie and the girl in the footage from JK’s apartment and Dispatch😁 (Money, Money, Money💸) (To this day, I still cannot believe that TaeNnie’s associated contents were edited or that one footage was not JK in his apartment with Bam and that girl and the weird stance that Dispatch has taken over the years).
Call me crazy (I know I am one😂) but this is how a part of my mind thinks and I’m crazy enough to share it with ya’ll😂
Like HYBE has been taking all measures possible to make sure that everything is confusing about TaeKook (ITS talk / Promoting JiKook / Hiding TaeKook / TaeNnie, to name some) until the right time comes😂
Bro this is just crazy and downright madness and I’m laughing about how crazy this thing is but I’m thinking about it😂
I mean like, JiKook enlisting together is the obvious sign that they’re not a couple because it’s just me or ya’ll think it’s so dangerous to engage in homosexual activities in the Korean army!? Ok, let’s say it’s BTS and they have signed NDAs to protect their privacy…but a whole unit just because they couldn’t stay away from each other for two years? It’s not a rational move in my opinion! (JiKook enlisting together was the end of JiKook for me).
I still have TaeNnie and that girl in JK’s apartment. There are many things that have stopped me from believing that something is really going on between TaeKook: JiKook being the first one, then comes TaeNnie and the girl in the apartment😁
Let’s see what narrative HYBE wants to promote by adding Taehyung to AYS🤭
Hi anon! So I asked @peachjagiya if I could post first, because I always feel some kind of way about answering the same asks.
Basically, I understand what you are saying.. I love the hopefullness, but I don't think this is what's happening.
I think what we have been seeing is that Tae and Jk are being more and more portrayed as close friends. I think they themselves have worked on that the hardest, because it matters to them. I don't think Hybe actually cares about them and their private lives enough to bother to try and help them. When the time comes for them to come out (and I think it will, but probably not for a few years... 5, possibly 10), Hybe will work out a plan to make them come out and benefit of that as much as they can, but before that.. I'm pessimistic. Taennie happened for a reason, and it was (for Tae's part) to keep people thinking he loves women. They are making a comeback next year, which is not the right time for a potential scandal. What Hybe will do to seed the news of a coming out, is let Dispatch publish increasingly more pics of Tae and Jk out. At dinner, visiting each other's places, on holiday, and at a certain point perhaps holding hands. That will take place over a couple of months.. so relatively fast, and it will end with an official announcement (if they are still with Hybe at the time). I tend to think that it's possible for them to come out individually first.. but I'm not sure what that will do for speculations, and if that's something they would want before coming out as a couple.
For me personally, Tae and Jk and everything around them isn't confusing at all. They fell in love, that was a problem and Bh tried to hide them. I'm never going to believe anonymous sources on the internet with clear signs of editing over Tae and Jk themselves, but I understand why it throws people off.
I don't really think Hybe is portraying much of a narrative with AYS to be honest. I think all of them are portrayed as good friends, which is truly all I need. I'm sure Jm will be put in the middle a lot, and I'm expecting to see more Vmin cuteness than Tkk cuteness for sure. But when I think about what we came from.. this is already so much. Pleassssseeeeeee, let it be Tae and Jm sharing the bed in jeju though 😂.
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luthordamnvers · 7 months
2&3 for alex and kara please! :D
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Alex: How fiercely protective she is. Listen, I know this is a point of contention in the fandom, but as an older sibling myself, who was blamed for everything my younger sibling did, I GET HER. And yet, there is no doubt that she loves Kara wholeheartedly. She loves her people completely, and she's extremely loyal to them. (And I get SO mad, because the writers used her so inconsistently that half of the shit she does doesn't make sense for her character, but I digress). But also, I love how quickly she folds when it comes to Kelly, like girl, stand up 😂 Kara: I love my goofy Kara. To have gone through all the trauma she did as a child (even when they ultimately gave her part of her planet and her parents back, she still went to the loss and trauma), and still have that joy and wonder. Her love for musicals, games and movies, and the will to still see the good in people. Please, I love her.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Alex: I guess when she wants to force Kara to date useless men, and Idek if I can really blame HER, when I know (and everyone can tell) it's basically behind the scene bullshit... And that's a very particular Alex problem, because if the writers wanted to push X narrative they would always use her. So yeah, hard to say otherwise. Kara: To quote Miss Luthor; the God complex. Baby, not everything has to be you. And that kinda bleeds into everything she does, because for a good chunk of the show, in her own eyes, she cannot do wrong, and she's always right (particularly s3 and 5). Her hypocrisy is astounding. And yet I still love her for it all, because that's exactly what makes her interesting.
Thanks so much for asking! 💜
[Character ask game]
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written-in-flowers · 2 years
Hi there! I really enjoyed your married to aegon headcanons! Especially the spicy bit with aegon's wife and aemond ;) what do you think aegon's reaction would be if his wife accidentally (or not?! :o) moans out aemond's name while theyre doing the nasty? 😂 i bet he'd be so mad but his wife would just laugh it off like whoops sorry 😍 i really enjoyed wife's character 💜
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Wrong Time, Wrong Name
At the worst time too! Aegon thrusted into you at a nice, steady pace; his cock throbbed inside you with every stroke, feeling your walls clench around him. Sex with you was the ultimate feeling. It's the best end to a night of debauchery. He gazed down to see you on the bed, legs around his waist and tits bouncing from the position. You were jaw-dropping. Eyes closed, lips parted, and body glistening with sweat, he felt so lucky to have you, his sweet sister and soulmate. He'd leaned over to kiss and suck on your breasts when it escaped your lips.
He thought he'd heard wrong at first, so he kept going.
Aegon immediately stopped. "What did you say?"
You paused, your eyes flying open as you looked up at him. "Um...uh...Aegon. I said your name, love."
"No," he said, "You said 'Aemond'."
"Don't be stupid. I never would."
"Yes, you would," he kneeled up, but didn't withdraw from you. "You called me by his name."
You sighed in defeat, "Alright, alright, you caught me. I might have..."
"Might have what? Fucked our brother?"
"Oh please, I wish. I'd have more luck seducing a horse than seducing our brother," you grumbled, staring at the ceiling. "Every time I try, he rejects me because I'm your wife."
"As he should," Aegon said, shocked by the confession.
"You cannot fault me for trying," you giggled, rocking your hips on him so his length went deeper inside you. "He's tall...handsome..."
"A complete psychopath..."
"Who definitely has a big cock..." you continued grinding and closing your eyes, "Gods, imagine if I could have you both."
"I'd, um," he shut his eyes to the pleasure returning to him, "I'd rather not share holes with my brother, thanks."
"You can take turns. You don't need to be in me at the same time," you began fondling one of your breasts. "Intelligent men like him always have a bit of depravity in them. I bet once he gets going, it's hard to get him to stop. Like some other men I know..." you smile at him, pinching one of his nipples so he winced.
"I'm not touching swords with my brother. He's a twat."
"And I wish he'd fuck mine."
"Alright, alright. That's enough. I get it."
He significantly picked up the pace so you finished quickly; he pulled out of you and sprayed it over your stomach. You never let him cum inside you. He didn’t fully know why, but he never questioned it. He didn’t want children. He’d make a terrible father, and you wouldn’t be a great mother either. Yes, everyone asked why no children came from your frequent love-making, but neither of you answered them. Lack of issue was nobody’s business but yours. 
He couldn't get it out of his head: you and Aemond. If things had been different, you'd be married to him. Aegon was no fool. He saw how Aemond coveted you. He spotted the jealous gaze in his eyes whenever you and Aegon stood near each other. It surprised him that he’d rejected your advances. He supposed Aemond refusing you is another sign of his piety and righteousness. He’d never bed another man’s wife, even if he desired her.   
"You know I'm only teasing," your voice broke into his thoughts.
You rolled onto your side to face him. Undeniably beautiful, he couldn't help admiring you in the firelight. You'd both always kept things fun and light, but deep down, he burned for you. Your presence is the only thing keeping him in The Red Keep. He would have flown away on Sunfyre long ago if he didn’t have you. The thought of you with Aemond, in any capacity, irked him to an extent. 
"Aemond has no interest in me, even if I do attempt to seduce him,” you said, “Surely, you’ve wanted Helaena before?”
He grimaced at the thought of their empty-headed sister. "No, she's an idiot. She's not my type."
"Then, what about that serving girl? What's her name? Ellyn? The one with the big tits who pours you wine at night?"
"I've already had her."
"More than once, I wager."
"That’s different.”
“How so? You’ve actually fucked her. I haven’t done anything with Aemond.”
“But you will.”
You laughed, “What makes you think so?”
“He could only resist you for so long,” he insisted. 
You saw the pensive look on his face. Guilt buried itself inside of you seeing him this way. You scooted over to kiss his lips, the ones that gave you such pleasure and comfort. 
“I still wouldn’t mind both of you,” you joked, kissing him again. 
“In your dreams.”
“I suppose that’s where they’ll stay,” you sighed sadly, putting your head on his chest. 
A/N: well, this added a lot more depth to a couple I never imagined working on again lol So much so....I might have written this from Aemond’s perspective???
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