#I also watched Batman the animated series
nachtart · 5 months
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come back 2 bed or its laser eyes for u
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august-anon · 11 days
i’m so glad you’re on a dc kick because so am i
oh dude the dc kick is SO intense, batman and the batfam esp has me in an absolute chokehold lol
I'm devouring fanfic like I need to to breathe, have almost worked my way through the entirety of Batman The Animated Series from the 90s (and am debating which cartoon to dive into next), started reading Batman: Wayne Family Adventures webtoon, and intend to start on comics soon once i can make sense of some of these comic reading guides (i am a Linear and Continuity girlie, comics are REALLY not built for my breed, but by god i will read them even if it kills me dkjfhdfh)
i am so glad to share this dc kick i am in with others lol, i have put SO much dc stuff into my queue and it still takes up over half my untagged/unscheduled drafts, and i am STILL sitting here frothing at the mouth like "i need more batman and/or batfam content immediately" djkfhdkjfh
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frogs-in3-hills · 11 months
okay what the hell batman beyond is SO good??? can anyone hear me???
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binsandcans · 6 months
My roommate and I had an extremely short lunch break and we decided to watch Christmas with Joker for that reason. And there's this scene in it where Joker was about to fall into a cauldron of lava and Batman catches him by the ankle and saves him and in that moment it occurred to me in crystal clear clarity—my Bruce-critical brain didn't once question why can't Batman just let Joker die instead of killing him himself.
It's Gotham. They never die. I bet if the Joker had plunged in there he just would've come back worse. My roommate beat it to me and she isn't even a regular Batman media consumer: “he'd be Joker ultra-max-pro.”
I guess this particular enlightenment has to do with the fact that Joker falling into the vat acid is eeriely similar to him falling in a cauldron of lava or whatever.
But you know what? I don't judge Bruce for trying to save even the worst of the worst. Because it's Gotham and if you hit rock-bottom you fetch a shovel and start digging. Dude is already tired of everyone's bullshit and monologuing and train-derailing.
He could do with better than rock bottom.
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literarymerritt · 1 year
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Brb going feral over this
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bittersweetstargazer · 7 months
it'll be like. how did I into dc again?
i moved into my brother's old room a few months ago and once in a while I'll look at a drawing he did when he was in like maybe high school?
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i'll be like yeah. he's the instigator here.
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smolspoopy · 2 years
Hopefully gonna be off of hiatus soon (been working a new job and fixing up a house to move into)
But as a fun lil update I recently saw Birds of Prey and so I'm throwing together a cosplay of Harley! (I'm a sucker for that caution jacket design im sry)
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Hopefully I'll be able to throw together a better update soon, things have been hella busy. But I plan to come back around November if possible! Hope yall are healthy and well!!
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hopefulstarfire · 9 months
I'm serious when I say; you can tell with comics, whether it be the book or any sort of adaptation (though ESPECIALLY with film and TV adaptations), you know whose a fan and who is doing this to check off a box for the next thing or because they think everything needs to be edgy.
And the work severely suffers when it's the latter and it's draining at this point.
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ruroken77 · 2 years
how am i just now finding out that Kevin Conroy died? his Batman was my first foray into both the Dark Knight and DC as a whole
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littlemouserat · 2 years
Batman Returns is so weird. Mostly because Christopher Walken is the least Christopher Walken I've ever seen him. 
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is somebody gonna match my freak (be so autistic about my niche-even-in-nerd-circles interests with me)
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anxiousautumn-posts · 10 days
transfem matt hagen/clayface. you agree. reblog
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rhys-ravenfeather · 3 months
More pieces of media that have guys realizing that the girl they have a crush on is a completely different person from who they fantasized about and just being okay with it, please?
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adragonflys2peni · 5 months
I love Batman the animated series SO MUCH like y’all don’t understand. You can just tell there was so much passion and love put into the series. Old voice acting hits different too. There’s so much more emotion in it. Maybe I’ve just grown way to hard to actors who shouldn’t be given voice acting parts getting them anyway but the way they can convey fear honestly sends shivers down my spine. Genuine pain. It’s crazy!!! Kevin Conroy you are greatly missed. The writing is so new and fun because it was the FIRST animated Batman series. We got Harley Quinn from it!! Maybe I’m just nostalgic but I’m really enjoying rewatching it.
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nikrei · 6 months
2023 comics roundup!
As one might be able to tell, I got a little into dc comics this year. A little bit.
It all started back in February-ish when I was checking out what else an mxtx author had written and decided to read their batfam fics (shout out to vamillepudding) then proceeded to read a whole lot of batfam fic all over the board.
Told my sister that I absolutely wasn't going to do what I did with marvel/iron man and read the whole comics history. I was only gonna watch the animated series and read WFA. (Se was like, lol tell me when u get to no man's land)
Then I was like, I'm only gonna read young justice, but of course to read young justice i needed to read robin and lonely place of dying and also impulse and superboy and wonderwoman from where cassie showed up. And so on so forth.
So it went something like this:
Batman lonely place of dying
Knightfall etc.
Impulse (plus the flash storyline introducing bart)(my very favorite best boy)
Superboy (plus the superman story introducing Kon (but not the whole death of superman))
Wonder Woman (105-200ish)
Young Justice
Somewhere in here also deathstroke (90s), just for funsies
Also somewhere in here Batgirl 2000
Contagion/cataclysm/no man's land/muderer/fugitive
Identity Crisis (large sigh)
Teen titans 03 (up to Jason showing up)
Batman Flashback time! Back to the 80s at the start of Jason's retconned backstory through to death in the family
Hush/under the red hood/lost days
Robin and teen titans up to infinite crisis
New Teen Titans flashback! (We're doing a dick storyline now)
Team titans (cause it kept crossing over so much, and I needed to follow donna)
Darkstar (more donna pls)
Zero hour
The Ray
Black Canary shorts
Prodigal (finally back on track for dick)
Nightwing (up until one year later when I realized that was past infinite crisis)
Tec flashback! (We're doing a babs storyline now (aka my true downfall)) I decided that starting with killing joke was the worst way to start a babs read thru, so I was like, I'll find her first appearance! I'll follow a reading guide and just skip issues! (I did not do that)
Tec 359 to the millennium crossover in '88
Batman 200 to the millennium crossover in '88
Teen Titans (og version)
Batman Family
Batman and the outsiders
Outsiders (halo and katana are the sweetest and I love them)
Crisis on infinite earths
Infinity Inc (Mr Bones my beloved)
Now I've gotten fully off track and am doing arrowfam stuff starting with Green Lantern/Green Arrow 76 to right now 114 just today oops
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inmirova · 2 years
I think rewatching Lois & Clark would fix me
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