#I am a little jokester and cannot help it
chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 month
(anon from before) ok that is genuinely so hilarious to me but what I meant was what do you think of it as a meditation tool/nugget of Tuvok and Vulcan lore? It reminds me a lot of your fic about Vulcan bonds being like a house. (<- a horrible summary of your beautiful fic I do apologize but I hope you know what I mean) in that the final form/shape is ever changing depending on a persons mental state. The imagery of the (silly little) structure that Tuvok was building in that episode toppling over with him saying “I am in control” and because he was mentally unwell (with the telepathic std lmao) gives me like,,,, “the structure of your home/the metaphorical rug being pulled out from under you after u got transported 70,000 light years away from your bondmate and entire world and network of bonds” vibes.
Side note I think that it has great potential as a physical representation of a failing Vulcan marriage/betrothal in a hypothetical SNW T’pring/Spock episode. <- if I had my way in the SNW writers room, all hell would break loose lmao
Is there a real connection? Am I just fangirling over your fics? We shall never know (one of those is certainly the case)
Original Ask: Thoughts on the Keethera? (Tuvok’s block puzzle thing from s3 ep2) <- At the time I had no thoughts as I didn't understand what anon was asking. The Keethera is very interesting. I've said this before but it's interesting and indicative of his character that the two games/meditation exercises we see Tuvok partaking in are the Keethera and Kal-Toh, both of which do not have a hard and fast ideal or win-state and are meant to show the person or people building them something about themselves. It's very much unlike chess, which is Spock's game of choice. The Keethera is more a diagnostic tool and Kal-Toh speaks to the core of Vulcan emotional control - that is, the ability to find harmony where there is seemingly only random chaos. Tuvok's not doing well mentally. I don't think Tuvok's been doing well mentally since vanishing into the delta quadrant, much like everyone else, however unlike everyone else he doesn't seem to have any sort of....safety net? Anyone to confide in? Nor does he seem to WANT to or know how to confide in others - how to be open about his pain or need for help.
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I like this interaction in which instead of having to say that he's struggling, Kes can simply look at the Keethera and see that he is. Tuvok's inability to effectively share his pain with others makes sense - they're all aliens to him and he isn't close with any of the Vulcans on the crew. He's also a person who prides himself on being solitary and strong and Vulcan. As seen in 'Alter Ego' he intentionally cultivates an air of being utterly separate from others even when ostensibly participating in a group activity and is shown several times in the series to think himself above others. [Ex: Neelix, Chakotay, B'Elanna, Humans in general] However, the image he has of himself makes reaching out for help incredibly difficult. He has cultivated an image in which he is utterly unlike the others, in which he is better, less prone to being hurt, and because he stakes his pride on this image he now cannot ask for help without it going against his image and damaging the reputation he enjoys holding. I think this is a relatable problem. Personally, when I was a teenager, I had cultivated an image of being a jokester and bubbly person which I struggled valiantly to maintain even when I was going through severe bouts of depression. The idea of myself as someone who was a jokester and happy all the time was very important to me and losing that felt like it would be 'giving in' to my depression and losing my identity when in reality my refusal to actually address my depression was causing my depression to worsen. In Tuvok's case, his identity pre-delta quad is perhaps the only thing he has left of his old life. It's stated and implied multiple times by the narrative that Tuvok is lonely and misses his family and that that loneliness is beginning to cause him to act in ways he normally wouldn't (Compare him to Marayna in 'Alter Ego'). The fact that he misses his family and is lonely is also relevant due to the fact that family ties are INCREDIBLY important in Vulcan culture. Tuvok's family is obviously very close but more relevant to this, family ties are stated across several episodes to be crucial in dealing with trauma or mental stress. Personal information seems to be [across multiple series] very private to Vulcans. Personal information is sensitive and intimate and not something you share with just anyone. To me it's natural to assume that this is also a contributing factor in Tuvok's resistance towards reaching out for help. He feels it's something private that he should only share with other Vulcans who are close to him or a healer - but no such person exists on Voyager and his closest friend is the captain, whom he doesn't want to 'burden' with his problems when he can handle them alone [or so he thinks] and so he endures and endures and endures in silence. The Keethera showcases Tuvok's mental state not only in its structure but in Tuvok's persistent mantra that he is fine despite the clear signs to the contrary. "I am in control," he says, as the Keethera falls apart. It is also telling that Tuvok has no separate course of action. After the Keethera crumbles and Kes leaves, Tuvok just starts building the Keethera again. It's a meditational aid and helps focus the mind but something strikes me as incomplete or wishful about him continually building it, alone, and only to watch it crumble. What else can he do but continually punch the numbers and watch as he's told over and over again that he's not okay?
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Tuvok's conversation with Kes at the end of 'Warlord' is something I love. I think it's very good advice on dealing with trauma that he struggles to follow himself. We never see the completed Keethera at the end of 'Flashback' - there is no assurance that his mind is completely healed from the trauma he's endured. [Even if the memory was not strictly 'real', his reactions to it were and thus we can say he DID have a repressed traumatic memory] Instead we see him talking with Janeway, with a friend, and we perhaps know that even if it isn't - he's not alone.
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Hallo! I hope you have a nice day. Have you play kai island? Is so loveable cute and funny. May i request a kai satou x s/o of their interactions? Just like how kai interact with others on the island. I love his sarcasm and jokes. 😂 I die the part where gin become his wingman to get a future partner for him haha.
Hello! Of course you may. I'm sorry this has taken as long as it did. I have written a long one.
I have finally finished playing 3 days ago and your request has given me an idea to start a mini series of one-shot based on Your time to shine called "Y/n's time to shine". Thank you! I had a blast writing this! 🧡
🌴Y/n's time to shine
Kai Satou x reader
Being stuck on an island wasn't as bad as it sounded, at least for you it wasn't. You weren't alone, you had your allies with you and together you made this place liveable.
You were closest to the 6th grader Gin Ibushi and homemaker Kai Satou. You often went crafting with them.
Gin approached you "Hey Big sis/bro/sib Y/n! Do you have a moment?"
Fondness event <<watch
"Yes, of course. What do you need?" You said.
"I was wondering if you could help me with something, meow." He said.
"Of course, what is it?" You said
"Well, long haired apron guy and I are working on 'Make mom cry with joy' project. You are good with chores, meow. Can you help me, meow? I think it will be more successful with two tutors, woof." Gin told you excitedly.
"Is that so? That is wonderful. How would I ever be able to turn you down with such heartwarming project?" You replied enthusiastically.
After a little bit of chores later you were able to teach Gin the basics of dusting.
He smiled and said "You are amazing Big sis/bro/sib Y/n! Is there anything you can't do?"
You replied most seriously "You are overestimating me Gin. There is certainly a lot of things I can't do."
"Hmm..." He looked at you curiously "Like what?"
"Well..." You started "I cannot help sick people as I did not receive medical education. I cannot sing very well. I cannot for the life of me find a husband. I cannot cook... Oh, please... Do not ask me to cook..."
"Big sis/bro/sib Y/n can't cook! I can't imagine it!" Gin seemed a bit surprised.
You looked at him awkwardly "It is better that you don't know how bad I really am."
"And what was that about not finding a husband?" He asked you "I can't imagine that there isn't a line of guys just waiting to marry you. You must have pretty high standards."
"W-Well... I guess so." You replied.
"Would you like to?" He asked. "Would you like to get married, I mean."
"Honestly...I want to get married but I'm scared I will be too late." You answered.
"Got it, meow!" Gin exclaimed. "You need to start looking now. I'm gonna help you, woof. I know what to do."
"Hold on, you can't just-" He was off before you could finish your thought.
You had a fun time with Gin.
Later that day you were visited by none other than Kai Satou, the handsome homemaker.
"Hello Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n. May I ask you something?"
Fondness event <<watch
"Kai, did you need anything from me?" You asked him.
"I have noticed that my disciple has been showing a huge improvement in his dusting. He is showing some really advanced techniques. I know for sure that I didn't teach him that." Kai said.
"I'm guessing that you came to ask me if I was the one that taught him that." You said.
"Well... I couldn't think of anyone else on this island who could have. You are very advanced in the art of doing chores." He said. "But... Gin is my disciple after all."
You looked at him "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It simply means..." Kai paused "I must assassinate you."
"Huh?!" You exclaimed "Excuse me!?"
His eyes were so serious at that moment, you felt like he was really going to assassinate you. His eyes turned to more playful ones after a few moments.
Kai chuckled "That was a joke."
"Hehe..." You laughed awkwardly "I didn't know you were such a jokester Kai."
"I would like you to help me with Gin's training Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n." Kai said. "It would appear you are a great teacher as you have teached him techniques that are a struggle even for advanced homemakers."
"I would love to." You answered him.
You had a fun time with Kai.
The following days, you were helping Gin's training and spending time with both Kai and Gin.
You and Kai had been getting closer day by day and Gin has started to notice that.
Fondness event <<watch
"Hey!!! Big sis/bro/sib Y/n! Long haired apron master! Can today's lesson be about cooking, meow!?" Gin asked excitedly.
"Of course Kai can teach you how to cook." You told him.
"No! I meant both of you, woof." Gin protested.
"Of course my disciple. We shall cover the basics." Kai said.
You started packing a little bit "Great! You can go do that! I have some... Things to attend to, I'll see you later." You tried so desperately to leave.
Kai stopped you before you could get any further. "Excuse me Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n, you said you didn't have anything in particular planned for today. What's with the sudden change of plans?"
"I-I-" before you could say another word, Gin interrupted you.
"Y/n is just embarrassed by the fact that she cannot cook well." Gin said "But don't worry Big sis/bro/sib! I wanted long haired apron master to teach us both, meow. So you won't be so embarrassed."
"So... That is what is causing you discomfort." Kai said "Do not worry Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n, I shall do my very best to be a great teacher!"
"A-alright, but don't expect anything! You'll just end up disappointed." You said and your lesson begun.
Kai was surprised, to say the least, he did not expect you to be as bad as you were.
"You are not doing this right." He came closer to you.
Your body's touching each other. You could feel the warmth rising at your face. You couldn't even focus on the cooking, not that it would turn out worse than what you would've normally cooked.
Your food surprisingly turned out decent.
"So... Big sis/bro/sib, we have crossed two things off of the list of what you can't do, meow." Gin said.
"Eh!? What do you mean two?" You asked.
"You learned how to cook decently and you found a husband. I'm a great matchmaker, aren't I?" Gin said.
You were very flustered, so you decided to just walk away.
You had a fun time with Kai and Gin.
Few days have passed and you tried avoiding Kai and Gin. It was not because you were uncomfortable, it was because you needed to get your feelings sorted.
"Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n, we need to talk." Kai suddenly approached you.
Fondness event <<watch
"Oh... Alright..." You told him.
"It was brought to my attention that you have been avoiding me and Gin." Kai said "And I wish to apologize for making you uncomfortable."
"No, you got it wrong. I'm not uncomfortable at all." You said.
"By all means, please come back to us. Gin misses you a lot... And so do I..." Kai said. The last part was almost a whisper.
"I... Really want to but... I do not wish to make things awkward between us." You told him.
Kai looked somewhat confused when you said that. "I apologize... I don't think I follow..."
"I... I really like you... Like, like you like you... I like you in a way I have never liked another man before..." You confessed.
It was silent for a few moments. You just started at Kai's shocked expression. You could master the words to say anything more up until he broke the silence.
"I'm absolutely delighted. I could have never imagined we feel the same way Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n. I'm moved to tears." Kai brought his frying pan to his face.
"Really?" You asked.
"Yes... I like you a lot Miss/Mr/Mx Y/n..." Kai got close to your face and kissed you. Just then he noticed a little boy in a cat hoodie watching you looking somewhat satisfied.
"How about we go somewhere more private?" Kai told you.
You had a fun time with Kai.
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spacedlexi · 2 years
I cannot be the only one whom finds Violet going partially blind a bit sad. Not because being disabled is bad, but Violet’s main hobbies consist of stargazing, and it was snatched from her. All she could see was basic shapes and colors now.
That’s why (and I’m sorry) i’ll have Louis go mute. Not only because he can still chat and use physical contact, but him being disabled isn’t sad during the final scene. He’s shown to be happy. He can still use the piano which is his main hobby. It’s his main passion and that’s how Clementine even met him at first. She found him playing the piano(this is more for Clouis shippers, though I am not one).
Though Violet going blind isn’t a bad thing(and the pirate scene did put the stupidest little grin on my face), it takes away a trait of hers that BROUGHT Clementine and her together. Stargazing.
As for Clem; Clementine losing a limb is treated normally, a bit shocking, but normally. And I love that so much.
oh youre definitely not alone in finding her blindness sad for her. for me tho its because violet from the beginning was a very independent character who over time builds confidence in herself enough to stand up to people she disagrees with and fights back if need be. she took quiet pride in her physical ability to fight. and she was definitely skilled at it (good walker technique, no hesitation in fighting people stronger than her).
so for her to lose her eyesight and therefore losing her independence which is a pretty big part of her character, and being forced to rely on others to keep her safe, especially in a world where she needs to be able to protect herself, is a really sad outcome for her. like it would be unsafe for her to even leave the school grounds at that point. it also strips away her ability to help lead the school (which she took up the role of in ep 2) since she gets sidelined after being injured.
for clem, her losing her leg is narratively significant. shes done running, she has a home now, she doesnt have to fight for herself anymore, she has people she can rely on. it was the culmination of her character. but for vi to be forced to rely on the others feels more like shes lost something, rather than it being significant for her character to not have to be independent in the way clem was. her independence was partially the reason she could stand up to marlon in the first place (with clem pushing her into being confident about going against him), and then being able to stand up to the other kids in ep 2
and i dont want people to think that when i say any of this that im downplaying louis going mute. i dont mean that. he definitely loses a part of his character as well. hes the jokester. he likes to sing even tho hes not very good at it. but hes not forced to rely on others for his safety the way violet is post injury. hes mute but he can still fight. he can still scream if he needs to as well hes not 100% mute. he can also still communicate through writing (which we see for ourselves with the note he hands to clem that makes her laugh). he can still play the piano, something he finds immense joy and comfort in. and if they have the means to, they can learn sign language to communicate with each other. in comparison i feel violet loses a lot more of herself to her injury...
like for her to take up that leadership position in ep 2 (which happens regardless of your choices), is a big part of her character arc. throughout the season she goes from being a loner who struggles with accepting the school as her home, and fantasizes about leaving, to making the safety of the school and everyone inside her responsibility. and if you have her with you for that conversation before the bridge in ep4, she talks about how she struggled for a long time with seeing ericsons as a place worth fighting for, and that now shes ready to accept it as her home. for her to be injured, and therefore sidelined from her ability to keep the school safe, just feels especially cruel to her character. that goes double if louis is also the one to survive the bridge, since she loses tenn, the one person she went out of her way to look out for and keep safe after the twins were taken. it makes me very sad to think about
i do agree about how they treated clem and her leg tho. plus ajs gonna find her that foot book and she'll be badder than ever
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Hello, could I request tendou with an S/O who never wears revealing clothing suddenly surprises him one day wearing a virgin killer sweater? Thank you!
(Pictures below & I love Tendou so much HE’S SO FINE to me 💦like sir plssssssssssssss)
Tendou Satori Seeing His S/O In A Virgin Killer Sweater For The First Time! 👕
(NSFW) 18+
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Tendou is the most supportive and motivational boyfriend in the world....everybody knows that
He’s literally always lifting you up (mentally and physically) and calling you cute and perfect
He loves the fact that you’re always fully covered because he doesn’t have to kill every guy who turns your way because he knows they’re only wishing you were naked, which was kind of better, if that makes sense
You have no reason to dress the way you do you just do because you like the style. If you can look sexy while fully clothed it was much more chic to you
And your man agreed that you looked sexy all the time in your turtle necks and lose high waisted boyfriend jeans >>>
One day you went to his apartment knowing your red headed baby was probably bouncing off the walls awaiting your arrival
You invited yourself over for the first time because you just finished a full spring cleaning at your apartment and your boyfriend’s could definitely use one too even though he was pretty clean
You packed a big bag of cleaning supplies and headed over to his place
Bby met you at your car and carried everything up for you, insisting on holding your hand with his free hand the entire trip to the 4th floor and swinging your linked hands
“Babe, you’re embarrassing me.” You try to hide your face behind your hair as a family looks at you two grown adults acting like 4-year-olds.
“Oh Y/N, where is your LOVE spirit hmmm???”
“In the house. Where no one can see us.” You said seriously and your boyfriend only started humming happily like you hadn’t said anything.
You both loved being in eachothers company
Your boyfriend’s infectiously overjoyed and odd personality was addicting and he knew it, despite what you said
15 minutes in, Satori had been trying to help you spring clean but he was doing the most trying to dance with you and name each dish so you ordered him to just sit on the couch until you were done
Your initial plan was to have him literally sit on the couch and stay out of your way anyway but he rarely if ever listened
You had to tell him again and again
He fought you on the not helping front but you promised him a reward when everything was complete if he did it and Satori LOVED rewards so he made friends with the couch and turned on the tv
Phew 😅
You put your hair up and opened all the windows in case of dust. you were about to put on your cleaning gloves when you realized you were still in your nice outfit
Luckily in your cleaning bag you packed an extra so you rummaged through the bag where you placed something you’d never ever wear, something you don’t care about because those are fine if they got destroyed with bleach
You find the random sweater that your bestie had gotten you for your birthday that you placed in there. She’s always trying to get you to spice up your wardrobe but you threaten to fight her when she does so now she just buys you things and puts them in your closet
You secretly wear them for paint night or spring cleaning days like today
Knowing you’d never wear something that shows so much skin on a regular day, you slipped it on. it’s a rather odd knit sweater with no sleeves and it fit almost like a short dress. It defied all fashion laws and you thought it was hideous:
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While your boyfriend is watching television, you slip back on your gloves and begin with watering his plants
Your cute lanky boy was bobbing his head to some singer on The Voice, cheering his fave on like it was a sport
He jumped on the couch to sing along and dance to the show knowing good and well you hate when he does that because he has broken a lot of furniture that exact same way
“Satori! What did I—oh my goodness!”
Your boyfriend had turned to you mid jump when you yelled his name but because he saw you in the sexiest outfit ever made, he lost his footing and balance on the descent and fell fast to the floor.
“Oh my God!!” You dropped the empty plant watering pot you were holding and raced to your boyfriends side. His eyes were closed for dramatic effect and he was waving his hands in front of him as if he didn’t know that the reason he couldn’t see is because his eyes are closed.
“Satori, baby, are you okay?!” You pat him down to ensure no broken bones and you caress his face. He grimaced.
“My head.......I can’t seeeee.....owww.....”
Your boyfriend groaned with his eyes still closed.
“My poor Tendou! Did you hit your head on the floor?! How many fingers am I holding up?!” You held up four fingers in front of his face while you slipped your other hand under his head so that it was resting on something softer.
Your boyfriend shakes his head and shrugs, his face contorted in pain.
“Open your eyes and maybe you’ll see how many fingers, Satori.” 😑 you say, fighting an eye roll.
“I need.......a doctor..........it hurts to open my eyes!” He exclaimed, clutching his head.
Your heart dropped and your face fell, uber worried that your boyfriend had a serious concussion. “Please open them and try, baby. I need you to identify 3 things in this room and if you can’t then we will go to the hospital. 3 things for me baby, try.”
Tendo squinted his eyes open barely. “I see.....” he cringes and you clutch him tighter. Your heart was beating so fast. Satori moved his head in your hand, looking over at the fallen watering jug.
“I see.....jugs.” He said.
You let out the breath you had been holding in, so happy that your boyfriend was able to identify something correctly. This was a good sign. “Oh my God Satori baby I really thought I’d need to bring you to—wait. Jugs? As in the plural?? How many jugs do you see Satori?”
Your boyfriend shook his head in displeasure at your loud voice. “I see three.” He finished while clutching his head again.
Your internal panic returned. He must be seeing triple since that is a symptom of a serious concussion! This was bad.
“Okay, come on I’m calling Ushijima we are going to the hospital—“
Your spaced-out sounding boyfriend felt the need to elaborate on his answer. He was speaking so softly you had to lean in closer just so you could hear him. “I see one jug over there...” The red head used both his hands to double point to the jug you dropped across the room.
“And two more jugs................................................here.”
His pointing hands moved in a semi circle that you followed with your eyes in confusion, until they landed on your boobs when he said ‘here.’
Gapping at your boyfriend like a fish, you went silent. You looked down at his hands, to his now smiling and very alert face, back to his hands and then back to his face that gave you a wink.
Seething, you took a deep breath,
You started to yell at him but you were stopped because your boyfriend began to massage your boobs in your sweater, knowing that was your utter weakness. You moaned and bit your lip, all the anger you had toward killing him relinquishing from your body and replaced by pleasure.
Your boyfriend smirked as he lifted to sit up on his butt. “Oh no. You cannot get mad at me, little lady.” He tsk-ed, ever the broadway actor. “I still fell because of you, so it’s really your fault, hmmmm?” Through your sweater Tendo pinched your newly hard nipples and flicked them. It felt so nice and soft with the cotton material touching your sensitive areoles but it wasn’t nearly enough.
“Do you even know what this sweater is, beautiful? What it does?” He looked into your lust filled eyes with even darker ones. You shook your head, pressing your boobs into his attentive, so attentive hands.
“Fuck me, of course you don’t.......” He looked you up and down and licked his lips as he went back to groping your boobs pleasurably. “It’s called a virgin killer sweater, you inexperienced princess.” He tweaked your nipples again and came in close to you to kiss up and down your neck. When he pulled back to see you again and saw that you were still in the sweater and not fully covered as always, his semi boner grew to full length.
“Oh, am I going to have fun with you....” Your boyfriend captured you in a heated kiss and slipped one of his hands between your legs to softly massage you through your panties.
When he pulled away you asked him while dizzy, “A what-a what sweater? Virgin? Murder? Huh?”
He chuckled darkly, moving his body so that he was on top of you and you were laying on the carpet. While on top of you he caressed your smooth exposed legs with his hand and then bent to their level so he could land kisses on your inner thighs.
“Legend has it,” he began between kisses as he covers your thighs in hickeys, “That if your girlfriend wears this sweater it automatically kills any virgin man because he would just have to make love to you after seeing you in it.....”
You sighed in pleasure as your boyfriend removed your panties. He always became so serious when it came to sex and it was a parallel to his jokester personality.
But you loved it, especially when he was kissing your inner thighs so close to your needy spot like a damn professsio—
“Oh my G-God Satori,” you moaned as you felt your boyfriend’s long, purposeful tongue lick you from one end of your slit to the other. You were drenched down there from the nipple attention he started with and your boyfriend moaned in satisfaction as he tasted you on his tongue. You arched your back because of the vibrations of his sound.
“S-Satori.... we-we’re on the gr-ground.....”
Ignoring you, your man made a “W” shape with his tongue and dove in, paying special attention to stimulating your clit by encircling it which made you tug on his red hair.
He pulled back to softly blow cool air on your clit and you almost pulled out your baby’s hair because how good it felt!!
“F-fuck—“ you moaned.
After blowing on it to make it cold he replaced it with his warm tongue as to shift you from cold to hot sensations. Your toes curled. He was incredible at oral sex and he knew it.
Your boyfriend reached a hand up the inside of your sweater and grabbed one of your bare boobs, massaging it the way you loved. Usually your boyfriend spread the foreplay out in long sections, using his key ‘cum right now’ techniques like the boob play, the blowing, the moaning on your vag and the “W” at different points to draw out your orgasm, but right now he was combining all of them at once just to turn you on. To make you beg for him now so he could fuck you sooner. He couldn’t wait already, and he knew just how to get you to the same place as him in arousal.
He’s smart.
“I-I need you now, Ten, please—“
You grip his hair trying to pull him up so his dick would replace his perfect tongue. You were about to cum. “I need you inside me now.”
Pinching your nipple and blowing on your clit one more time before sucking it into his mouth, letting it go slowly and then kissing you there (to which you screaaamed his name), Tendou looked up at you with a winning smile. “Oh, that is music to my ears, baby.”
He unbuckled his pants and removed them, along with his shirt.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t tongue fuck you and tease you longer, my love. I had to pull out all the stops right away because I need to be inside you right now. You have no idea what seeing you in that sweater is doing to me, princess.” Fully naked in all his glory, you look down to see your boyfriends hard cock standing at full attention.
“Tendo, I don’t care it felt amazing. I-just put your dick inside me—“
He grinned, circling his dripping precum all over his long dick. He leaned forward on you so that he could use your vaginal juices as lubricant. He rubbed his length between your pussy lips back and forth slowly not entering you yet, groaning as he did so. He was teasing himself like no tomorrow in the process.
You bit your lip and shut your eyes tightly as your orgasm approached without him even being inside you yet. Him lubricating himself on you manually felt too great and your toes curled and your back arched as you screamed his name over and over, riding out your first orgasm of the night.
“Oh my God, Princess.....” Still rubbing his dick in between your soaked and sensitive lips, your boyfriend stared down at you the whole time, only a little surprised that you climaxed so early.
To Tendou, seeing you orgasm while wearing a virgin killer sweater was absolutely the hottest thing HE’S ever seen!
“Y/N you looked unbelievable cumming right now........ Fair warning that I’m not going to be able to pull out. Not today—“ using his hand he spreads your wetness on any area still left uncovered. He stared at your chest in the sweater. “This looks perfect on you......it highlights your every feature. Your tits, your hips, your legs? How did I get you?” His eyes twinkled because he was so proud for managing to court you that he was going to make sure you two enjoyed this.
“The moment I saw you in this sweater my mind told me to stick my dick inside you.... I don’t know. I—“ Satori groaned as he witnessed you spread your legs open for him, wrapping them around his waist, inviting him inside.
“Let the sweater work it’s magic then, Satori.” You coo impatiently. Your seductive voice went straight to his dick as it pulsated on your lips.
He was about to explain to you just how fucking sexy you looked laying splat on the floor, dressed in a virgin killer sweater, face looking as kinds of seductive, but he couldn’t wait any longer. You looked too hot. He guessed he’d just have to show you.
“Fuuuuuuck Y/N.......”
Satori moaned loudly as he pushed inside your gripping walls.
He lifted your sweater up a tad so he could see your naked hips and tugged you closer to him. He was sitting on his knees with your legs wrapped around him.
Satori took three, maybe four slow testing thrusts that made you shudder before he began pounding into your heat rhythmically. Your combined juices were probably making a mess on the floor but neither of you cared because it felt so fucking good. While you and Tendo have fucked before this time was different. Your boyfriend was pounding into you as if he had no control over it and you loved it. It was like he was put under some spell when the sweater came on and you would like to thank the Genie 🧞‍♂️ who sprinkled their magic on this sweater design because you were happily reaping the benefits of its powers.. You moaned so loudly the plants must have heard you.
“You.....can’t....wear.....this.....around....me.” said Ten, matching his words to his thrusts. Seeing you look so sexy being fucked by him dressed like this, Tendou felt his balls tighten. You felt extraordinary inside but the look of you alone was driving him to the edge.
He reached down to rub your clit with his skilled fingers, hoping you were going to come over the edge with him. You arched your back in that sweater when he touched you there and you took it upon yourself to bunch the sweater material between your boobs so that they were naked and free. Satori felt like he was going to pass out by how hot you looked.
“Fuck, princess. You’re so beautiful. I don’t know what’s happening. I can’t even last because you’re wearing this? Shit, I’m gonna—“ Still thrusting and massaging your clit a bit harder now, he reached up to roll your hard nipple between his fingers again with his the other hand.
Moaning like you’ve never moaned before, you screamed your boyfriends name.
Satori was already there but he just knew that you had to cum with him. He was a very giving lover and he always made sure you came before him during penetration, despite whether you came earlier due to his tongue or not. But, now......with you dressed like that.......he wasn’t prepared for how much more turned on he’d be and consequently how much faster his tidal wave of an orgasm would hit him.
It was YOU, and it was THAT FUCKING SWEATER—and then it was you IN that sweater—that made Satori go from playing a joke on you because he only caught a glimpse of you in that: to fucking you silly on the ground when he saw you fully. You in that sweater made him want to empty his balls deep inside your heat over and over every time you wore it until you decide to throw it out.
As you gripped him deep inside your hot box as you always did, the pleasure was enhanced for your boyfriend due to your sexiness in that sweater. It was Satori’s toes’ turn to curl as his head fell back because he couldn’t handle the maximized erotica of watching you AND fucking you.
“I’m.....going.....to........cum........so........fucking......much.... Y/N—“ he moaned sexily.
One more deep stroke was all it took for Tendo to release a 15-second long orgasm inside you. Of course, his orgasm and his deep moans triggered your second one and you also rode out the longest orgasm you’ve ever had.
Still inside you, Satori collapsed with his back leaning on the back of the couch. You moved so that you were straddling him and leaned the entire front of your body on his front. You both panted like you just ran two 50K marathons.
Still trying to catch your breath you said,
“Wow. You’ve never cum that long before, babe. So you mean to tell me that our usual mind blowing sex had another level?!” You ask incredulously as your boyfriend peppered kisses on your shoulder.
“You mean to tell me that I can make you feel even better just by wearing this?! I’m not taking this off then.”
Tendo who had oddly already caught his breath, stood up with you still in his arms. He was usually all up for cockwarming after sex but that would be a no-go right now when you were looking so delectable. His dick hardened inside you as he walked you both around to the other side of the couch.
“Be careful what you wish for, Y/N.” your gorgeous red head warned as he placed you down on the couch and started sucking on your neck. You moaned as Tendo’s length twitched inside you. “Because you’re still wearing it now, and one of the side effects of this sweater isn’t only longer... stronger.. orgasms—“ He pulled out to thrust deep inside you, earning a moan from you both. Ten was horny again. “—It’s also its ability to make your boyfriend want to go again, and again, and again.....”
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wetheuncommon · 4 years
Hello, there’s been some unfortunate news.
Hi, Bepis-Boii speaking.  Over the past week, I got the crushing news from someone in my inner circle of in real life friends that one of my closest acquaintances, someone I had worked closely, and who helped me with inspiration for this project had taken his own life on Dec. 29th, 2020. I’ve only found out about it five days ago. I was and still am incredibly devastated by his death. He was such a lovable teddy bear, talented person, and overall jokester that when I initially heard about this I thought that it was just another one of his pranks, even when I got to go see his body one last time during his visitation, but no. It was all too real. He was gone and there was nothing I could do about it. I wish I got to properly say goodbye to him or at the very least hugged him before we went our separate ways. But I can’t take that back now. I’ve been going through it a lot this past week and because of that, for the sake of my mental health, I unfortunately have to delay the webcomic just a little bit longer. Not by a lot, but enough so I and my friends can grieve for my friend. Right now, I cannot work in this mental state. I hope you all understand. If anything, I want everyone to know one important thing out of this story. Don’t take your loved ones for granted. If you haven’t talked to person in a while, please talk to them. They’ll really thank you for it one day. You’ll never know how much they meant to you until they’re gone forever. Don’t forget that. And of course... if you, a loved one, or anyone else you know are going through a hard time, have suicidal thoughts, or just need someone to talk to.
Please call or text any of these numbers if you need help or guidance.  National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US): 1-800-273-8255
Canada Suicide Prevention Service: 1-800-456-4566 (Text at 45645) 
Lifeline (AU): 13-11-14
C.A.L.M—Campaign Against Living Miserably (UK): 0800-58-58-88
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 for US and Canada, 85258 in UK, or 50808 in Ireland  
Stay safe and love you all. I’ll see you soon. 
- Bepis
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datingintampafails · 4 years
Chapter 30: Richard*
Let me start by saying, nothing is wrong with Richard*. I match with Richard* right as the nightmare that is “the microwave” has come to a close. Now that I am mere days away from being fully vaccinated, I break the rules a little bit to give myself a headstart before I am able to actually go on the dates. I figure, what is the harm in working on getting back out there? I send a “Like” to him on Hinge, inquiring about a prompt that mentions he had broken both of his arms. The next morning, I get a reply with the story. After discussing that series of events briefly, he goes on to ask more about me and the video games I play. I step on my soapbox for a time. He tells me that he plays a video game called League of Legends, which has a reputation for having some of the most toxic players online. I ask him half-jokingly if that is his way of telling me he is toxic. He swears by his alibi of not having his microphone on when he plays with strangers, so as to not be tempted. We reminisce about Runescape, and he tells me more about some of the games he plays.
We get into the topic of pets, where he says my dog seems nice. I ask him if he has any pets where I am surprised to learn he has two snakes. We talk briefly about what it’s like having snakes, and we segue onto a conversation about television shows due to my dog having a character’s name in a show he watches, which then segued into a conversation about having coronavirus, and travel, and my changes in taste since aforementioned COVID-19.
I narrate to him a conversation I’m having with my best friend about the show of the moment, “Bridgerton,” on Netflix. Pretty randomly, he officially asks me out for drinks. I tell him I have a caveat, that it needs to be next week, as at this time I am still technically not supposed to be dating yet since I am awaiting my second COVID-19 vaccination. I make a joke that I bet he thought I was going to say I had a penis. He jokes back that he was hoping I would. I continue a joke saying I am pretty sure I don’t have one, but if I do have one it’s extremely small. We learn that we have opposing schedules, “we suck” is how I put it. I offer that in the meantime, we can text/call/video chat in order to continue getting to know each other. He sends me his number though offers that we can talk with a “different method.” Being the jester I am, I turn this into a joke of seeing how many alternate methods I can think of. A good sport, he plays along and adds a few of his own, ending in “Mongolian throat singing.” Despite the ingenious ideas we come up with, I opt to stick to contact him via text message.
Upon texting him and seeing my area code, he recognizes it as his cousins lived in that area. He grew up a couple of hours away in rural Maryland. It is late, so our transition to text is brief for now. In the morning I challenge him regarding who woke up the earliest; I win this challenge due to having a call in at work at four in the morning. We then bond over the legendary Mountain Dew Game Fuel, Citrus Cherry, that would come out at game releases; once my favorite drink, being reminded of its existence brought me anger and sadness, which I expressed I was feeling to him. We are getting along so famously, that I decided maybe I can make an exception to seeing him before my vaccine. He says he is fine either way. We start to plan our date and settle on a brewery I like near me.
Much of our texts are light-hearted jabs at each other, nothing super deep. He compliments my quirks often. He often makes jokes about having a smooth brain and sends me many diagrams. He tells me about his major in college. I then realize I don’t know what he does for a living. I ask him what his job is, that’s when he tells me he is in the Army. The stereotype for men in the military is that they usually get engaged quickly, without knowing a person for very long. Being the jokester I am, I take this opportunity to jab at him. My response to his career is, “oh sorry I don’t want to get married next month.” He says that that is why he doesn't have his job in his profile, because of the stereotypes. I joke that I have been misled to believe he had been a chill down to earth guy.
When it is the day of the date, I jokingly keep saying I am going to wear an evening gown; I mention it a couple times. When I arrive, in my skirt and crop top, I see he’s actually dressed pretty nicely and is sitting outside, wearing long khaki pants and a dress shirt. It is a decently warm day, so I hope he's okay. I compliment him, saying he looks nice and he didn't need to dress up for me. He admits that because I kept talking about the evening gown, that he thought I might have been serious, so he wanted to match my formality. I do notice over the course of the date though that he is sweating through his shirt, especially at the underarms; not the most attractive, but a person cannot help these things.
The conversation goes well, we have a nice time and I regale him with the drama in my video game community and just talk about random things. I have a couple drinks and although we weren't planning on eating dinner there, he ends up eating a burger and I opt to just "steal some fries" since I had a late lunch. He is craving dessert so we walk a block to a local ice cream place and get some ice cream as well. When we return back to where the cars were, I realize that he had Ubered there, because another joke of mine was taken seriously regarding getting super drunk. I feel bad and offer to drive him home. We get in my car and I have him put in his address into Google Maps. I drive him there and when approaching his apartment, I see a lot of construction. He instructs me where I can drop him off and suggests that I turn around in a certain lot. He gives me a hug goodbye and I drive off.
I get completely confused and lost in the construction, between closed streets and cones blocking lanes, so I get stuck in the vicinity of his apartment for five minutes before being able to find my way back to the main road. I let him know of my troubles driving, and also when I got home. He thanks me for going out and says he had a great time. Whereas I also had a good time, I found it strange he made no moves whatsoever during the night and I didn't really feel a romantic urge with him.
I get my second COVID-19 Vaccine and take a day off to recover. We still talk at least daily while he is away on his trip; while he is gone I focus a little more on the other guy I am chatting with, John*. I've told my mom of my predicament between the two men, and between her and I, I decided I'll go out with Richard* again, give him another chance. If things still aren't progressing or feelings startup, I will end it and entirely focus on John*.
Richard* asks me when he can see me again and offers to cook for me. I give him my Friday night, which is a day after I am seeing John* again as well. On Thursday, he texts me to verify, saying "I'd like to see you tomorrow, did you still want to do dinner?" I told him I meant to confirm that day. We don't talk besides that, which is good for me because I don't have to worry about getting texts from him when I'm with someone else. The day of my second date with Richard*, I text him to ask for his address again and ask for suggestions on parking, since the construction was such a fiasco for me, I'm still traumatized lightly. He tells me and after a few hours, I get some complicated news regarding my gaming community, so I ask Richard* if I can reschedule to tomorrow, Saturday. He says it is fine and so we just chat for the rest of the day.
On the day our date will actually happen, he again seems to verify the date, asking me if I'm planning on coming over "today." I snarkily replied, "yeah I don't bail, you said 730." He asks me what I want to drink, as he must be grocery shopping. I panic and say seltzers. I take a quick nap and then let him know I am headed to his apartment. When I arrive, I try to follow his parking suggestions but get confused and don't see anything. After driving around for over five minutes, I start to panic as I don't see anything. I find a random gravel lot that is in earshot of where I had dropped him off on the first date, and I call to admit defeat. I send him a photo as well to show where I am. He comes out to find me and almost walks past my car. I flash my high beams at him to indicate it's me and he hops in the car. We drive around a few minutes and luck upon a spot that is close to one of the side entrances to his apartment complex.
I follow him to his apartment, he is again dressed nicely, and I am wearing more comfortable clothes. He is wearing a nice shirt, but with jeans. We get to his apartment and it is slightly better than a typical bachelor pad, but definitely not overly showy. He is still finishing up dinner, chicken pad thai, and he gets me out a white claw to drink. We chat briefly but he starts acting weird, just off. I just sit in his gaming chair and spin around, look at his one snake, and stay quiet. In a way, I am fine with the silence, as it solidifies my unease about this going anywhere. He eventually speaks up, saying he just got a killer headache and isn't feeling well. Due to his travels, I joke about him having coronavirus.
When the food is ready, I let him serve me, I tell him to go light as I don't eat much. He had talked a lot of game regarding his pad thai being good, and unfortunately, it was pretty disappointing. He used chicken thighs, which I am not a huge fan of, and the noodles seemed almost soggy. Richard* was aware of this, however, and commented that this wasn't his best dish and had used a new kind of noodles. I don't like and say that it's just alright, at least palatable. We watch some Brooklyn 99 and eat on his couch, sitting on opposite sides of the couch. After dinner, I get an official introduction to the snakes and get to pet them, it is bizarre, but kind of cool. Definitely not as fun as playing with, say, a dog. Shortly after that, I say it's getting late and I should probably go home. He walks me back to my car, which is a need since his complex is a maze. Again, he makes no moves and gives me a hug goodbye. For me, it's easy to see that something isn't quite right here. We chat briefly, for the next few days, as I'm not ready to immediately break his heart.
When he texts me four days after our date, explicitly saying the following, I see it is a perfect opportunity to come clean:
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He took things very well, and I didn't hear from him again. I commend myself for being a real human and telling people how I feel, rather than ghosting and not giving others closure. I wish more conversations could go this way. I feel bad for the guy. It isn’t his fault that I ended up “playing the game” and doing what you’re supposed to do when you’re dating, which is, not to get stuck on one person and date around. It just so happens, he ended up being the one I obviously didn’t like as much and had to sacrifice for his own good. It’s possible that only due to my extreme attraction to the other guy, that he never had a chance as it was shadowed by my feelings for someone else.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Hate to be this anon, but child!Byleth’s reaction to when Jeralt dies?
EDIT: Child!Byleth Post Masterlist here!
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Aw damn it! You stole my thunder before I could wri-
for real though, thanks for the ask, anon! I hope you enjoy!
And since I was going to do this anyway, this ask is gonna get some extra goodies!
Tears (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Child!Byleth Professor AU
Bonus: Aftermath Talk with House Leaders + Flayn
It all happened so suddenly, Byleth barely had any time to process what was happening.
Monica had just stabbed Jeralt’s side with a dagger.
Not letting even a second go by afterwards, he immediately shouted in his head, probably the first time he had in a while.
Without needing to say a word, Sothis reversed time to right before Monica had attacked.
Byleth drew out the Sword of the Creator and lashed it forwards, only for it to be blocked.
Byleth’s eyes went wide as the dagger went into Jeralt, just as before.
Not even reversing time itself was able to save him.
The man and Monica were saying something, but he didn’t care, it was all just white noise right now.
All he cared about was seeing his father fall onto the floor in pain.
They teleported away, and Byleth immediately sheathed the sword and bolted for Jeralt.
He dropped to his knees and tried to angle him to where he could fix the wound. Wasting no time, Byleth reached for his cloak to make a bandage, but Jeralt grabbed his hand.
“S-Sorry…Looks like…I’m going to have to leave you now.”
Byleth didn’t say anything. He knew that meant Jeralt was going to die for how serious the wound was.
He felt tears coming out, as his mouth slowly opened wanting to say something, but unable to find any words.
“…Heh. To think that the first time I saw you cry…your tears would be for me. It’s sad and yet…I’m happy for it.”
“…Thank you, Byleth…”
As soon as he heard Jeralt call him by name, he felt his heart shatter into a thousand pieces, seeing his eyes close.
That was Sothis’ voice.
Byleth quickly sat up, breathing heavily as he felt sweat and tears.
“You looked like you were about to scream…You’re dreaming about it again, aren’t you?”
Byleth didn’t say anything, instead grabbing his stuffed bird and holding it tightly, trying to wipe the tears away.
It had been at least a week since it happened.
This was the first time Byleth had ever cried in his life.
The first time he ever felt pain and grief. And he absolutely hated it. 
He wanted to never feel anything again just so he didn’t have to deal with this.
He didn’t want to lose his dad.
Byleth quietly got out of his bed, still holding onto the bird and went to walk out the door. He didn’t bother to change out of his night clothes as it was midnight. Everyone was asleep by now. Sothis sighed and slowly floated behind him.
(Sothis) “If you must cry, chi-…Byleth, then I will be here for you.”
Byleth shook his head as he walked off.
(Byleth) “It’s not going to help, Sothis.”
(Sothis) “Then why are you going to his grave, knowing that?”
He didn’t reply.
Instead, he kept walking towards the graveyard. He had been buried right next to his supposed mother, which he was grateful for.
Double checking to make sure no one was here to see him like this, he knelt down in front of the grave and let the tears come out.
Byleth quietly sobbed, holding onto the bird even tighter. 
That stuffed bird was one of the only things Byleth had left to remember Jeralt. 
Sothis stood near him, knowing she couldn’t physically comfort him, but she wanted to be here in spirit at least.
After a while, he heard footsteps approaching, and knowing he wouldn’t be able to hide away in time, he rubbed his eyes with his arm, trying to make the tears stop. It didn’t work.
He then heard the person approaching him talk.
(Black Eagles Route - Edelgard) 
Byleth stood up, not facing her.
“Excuse me, I was just leaving-”
“No, you weren’t.”
He didn’t say anything as she walked closer.
“…That toy was a gift from him, wasn’t it?”
Byleth nodded.
She made him sit down, and he didn’t have the strength to resist, and sat down next to him, looking at the grave.
“I can only offer my sympathies, Byleth. I’m…afraid I can’t do much more than that.”
Though he wasn’t saying anything, she could hear his sniffles while tears continued to run down despite his wishes.
“It is not childish to grieve someone you loved, Byleth.”
He looked down, ashamed that she had to state the obvious.
“Byleth…no matter what, we will make sure that your father is brought to justice.”
“…T-Thank you, Edelgard.”
“Of course…The Black Eagles are your family now. You’re not alone, and you will never be, Byleth.”
His crying gradually grew louder and louder, curling up his knees to his arms.
“I know that I must move on but…but…!”
She put a hand on his shoulder.
“Mourn, Byleth. You are right, you cannot stay like this forever…but for tonight, let it all out. I’ll be right here for you.”
(Blue Lions Route - Dimitri)
“You’re here again.”
“…You knew I’ve been sneaking out, Dimitri?”
He stood next to Byleth, looking at him.
“Yes. I’ve been concerned with how you’ve been shutting yourself away, Professor. Though…I can’t say I blame you.”
He looked towards Jeralt’s grave, recalling his own painful memories.
“Me, Ingrid and Felix did the same thing when the tragedy of Duscur happened…I just wanted to my world to just…shut off. That’s how you’re feeling too, aren’t you?”
Byleth hugged his bird tighter as the tears fell.
“I know it’s hard to believe right now, Byleth but…you will prevail. You are by far the strongest child I have ever seen. There is none that could hold a candle so that’s why…That is why, you will get past this. And when you do, I will be ready to help you, professor. I know what it’s like losing people you love, and wanting to avenge them…”
Dimitri knelt down to eye level with Byleth and clenched his fist, slamming it against his heart.
“I will help you kill those bastards for what they did to Jeralt. We’ll make them pay…!”
Byleth nodded, and once he did, Dimitri held out a hand to him.
“But for now…you need rest, Byleth.”
Hesitating for a moment, Byleth took his hand, and let himself be led by Dimitri.
He looked back with a smile, though there was a hint of sadness to it.
“I’ll order Mercedes and Annette to bake some brownies first thing in the morning for you, Byleth.”
Byleth couldn’t help but smile a little when he heard that, letting out a chuckle while he wiped some tears away.
(Dimitri) “Well…that’s a good step in the right direction.”
(Golden Deer Route - Claude)
“…Hey, teach.”
Though Claude’s voice seemed nonchalant, to Byleth it held nothing but worry.
“Figured you’d be sleeping right now.”
Byleth didn’t reply.
Claude sat next to Byleth, looking out into the starry sky above.
“I can’t imagine the pain you must be feeling…I’ve…never been great at these things. I never lost a parent or anything like that, so I’m afraid I don’t have words of comfort in that regard.”
“But, I can say this. All of us care for you, professor. You stuck by our class, despite every single one of us being a pain in the ass to deal with. Hilda with her laziness, Lorenz with being himself, Marianne with her self deprecation, Leonie with…well you know. Yet, through our worst, you always made sure to care for us, despite our words. So, know that we have the same care for you as you do us. We’ll be here in your father’s place.”
“…Thank you, Claude.” Byleth said through tears. “Hah…all this time I tried not acting like a child in front of you…and here I am, crying…”
“Hey now, you know I’m not a jokester all the time, teach!”
Byleth smiled a little, which in turn made him smile.
Claude shook his head, even though he knew Byleth he couldn’t see it.
“Besides, there isn’t anything mature about holding in tears. As nuts as it sounds…it’s good that you are crying. It means you’re not lying to yourself, Byleth. It’s okay to feel scared, not knowing what to do. Us adults feel that way too.”
“Hah, really…”
He patted Byleth’s head, looking at the grave.
“Besides, no matter what you do, or how adult you try to be, you’re still going to be our little Professor.“
“Byleth, there you are!”
Flayn went down the stairs quickly and stood next to him.
“I’ve been worried sick, I haven’t seen you in days and…”
She realized that Byleth was crying, shaking while holding his bird.
“…I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay, Flayn. Don’t apologize.”
He turned to Flayn, tears glistening in his eyes. She nodded, kneeling down with him.
Flayn was one of the only people to talk to him normally at the Monastery. Perhaps it helped that she seemed to act about the age as Byleth, whatever that was, it was still young.
Most of all though, that meant he didn’t care that Flayn was the one to see him like this. He was relieved it was her, in fact.
Which means, he didn’t have to hold back.
“It hurts so much, Flayn…!”
He began sobbing louder now, barely able to see the grave.
“Why…Why do I feel this way?! HOW DO I MAKE IT STOP?!”
He hugged the bird so tightly now, it started to hurt, closing his eyes and crying loudly. 
Flayn took Byleth into a hug, grateful that no one was around to hear them.
She stroked his back, shushing him and whispering things to calm him down.
“It’s okay, Byleth…”
After what seemed like a while, his crying eventually did calm down. She let go, and Byleth stared at his stuffed bird.
“It’s going to take a while but…I promise it does get better. Seteth and I talked about our mother when we went to dispel the Western Church members, right?”
Byleth nodded.
“My father and I were in a similar state but…there’s one thing mother always told me. ‘We cannot turn back the clock. We must live our lives fully in the present moment.’ Though we miss her greatly, it is how we carry on.”
Byleth looked at the grave and though it wasn’t Jeralt’s words he heard. It was Sothis speaking to him.
“She is right…Even though we can turn back time, we cannot change fate. You must go forth.”
“And forgive me if it’s presumptuous of me to say but,” Flayn continued. “I’m sure Jeralt’s told you something to that effect.”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“As to how to make the pain stop…That’s a good question. I still have never really gotten over that pain myself.”
She laughed at herself.
“Perhaps it’s all the fish I keep eating that reminds me of her so much…”
Byleth laughed as well, staring at the bird.
“I’m…sorta in the same boat. This was a gift Jeralt had got me this year, actually. Here I am asking you how to make it stop, when I’m holding something that’ll hurt me everytime I’m looking at it.”
They both smiled at each other, realizing they probably wouldn’t get over the pain truly when it’s something they hold so dear to them.
“Live in the present moment, huh…?” Byleth said quietly.
“Yes. Now, you have something else to live for. Your class needs you, Byleth…”
She hugged him for a moment before smiling.
“I need you too! The classes would be too boring without our tiny professor!”
He smiled at that and nodded. 
“Thanks, Flayn. For being here tonight.”
“Of course. If you need anything at all, I’ll be right here.”
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hocenimlatine · 5 years
Invitation Only
Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s a chapter from my completed series Knight of the Night that I started as @sithlordintraining
KNIGHT OF THE NIGHT (Modern AU/Vigilante AU)
Matt Organa-Solo, a 21-year old psychology student at Academia: University of First Order. He was the only child of Senator Leia Organa-Solo and Retired Chief of Police Han Organa-Solo. It was a problematic community, but not as terrible as some other towns and colleges. But somehow, he always found himself always somehow saving one someone, literally. After a crazy night, will Matt dare venture to become the hero this place needs?
                              Matt the Technician x Black Reader
The leaves crunched beneath the Doc Martens owned by Y/N and Matt. Matt turned to give her a soft smile, which was gifted with a joyful laugh. Over the past few weeks, the pair were growing closer; dare to say even dating. Of course, nothing was stated that this was true nor sealed with a kiss. But, it was their actions that made it all too clear. Matt was always meeting up with you, getting you food and drinks; and you were always making him happy, showing him new things and places, and just being super cute, the both of them. The cafe’s bell rung out as Matt held the door open for her. Sliding into the booth, Matt sat across from her and watched her remove her scarf. (Y/e/c) eyes sparkled at him. “Your nose is red.” Y/N smiled at him. “URGH!” He let out loud and dramatically dropped his head down. He heard the giggle escape your lips before hands threaded to his blond locks. His chocolate eyes peered over his gold rims as he sniffled. A pout fell on her glossed lips. Matt had a little cold and hadn’t really been able to hang out. Also, it could be because he didn’t wear the appropriate clothing as Kylo Ren. But, he couldn’t help it. You were a very outgoing girl and he had to ensure your safety even if you didn’t want it.
Midway through their meal, Matt noticed the shrug of her shoulders. “Why are you nervous?” He asked as her fork hit the plate. “Am not!” She chuckled. Two fingers pressed against tense shoulders, they fell down and Matt’s eyes crinkled as he saw your embarrassed face. “You know you can tell me anything.” He said holding your stare. You sat on your hands, focusing on keeping your shoulders still. “Are your parents coming back for Thanksgiving?” She asked. Matt shook his head no; “My dad is going to be in Panama with my Uncles, to celebrate their independence day; and my mom will probably be at some summit on the other side of the world.” He said unbothered and that bothered you. “Would you like to, possibly, come to Thanksgiving with my family?” Matt was taken aback. This was a big step in your relationship that wasn’t a relationship. “Yo-you don’t have to do that Y/N.” His fingers ran through his hair. “No Matt, I want you to come.” Your smile was so pressuring he didn’t want to disappoint you, but he didn’t want to feel like a burden and the Knights. “Y/N, I-I, I’m sorry I can’t impose like that.” He stammered. “You won’t!” Your hands wrapped around his larger one. “My parents always tell me I should invite more friends over and I can’t invite Phasma over because of Finn. And Rey is not allowed, that’s another story for another time; I hope this doesn’t seem like the process of elimination because I really want you there with me.” Biting your lip, your eyes were focused on him. “I’ll try and make it.” He fixed his glasses and that answer seemed to satisfy you. He knew Nassar had a family and would want to go away even if he didn’t say anything; Olcan was getting better, but he couldn’t leave him alone. So maybe, it was time to recruit more Knights.
In less than 24 hours that the Knights of Ren had posted about “Looking for the next Knight”, it became America’s Next Crime Fighter. From videos, pictures, resumes, fanfictions, and essays pertaining to why they should be the next Knight. It was absolutely ridiculous! Matt knew he should entrust the help of his others but to be perfectly honest they were strangers with good intentions, but he felt more comfortable choosing because he was the one who initiated this. Not to mention the one candidate who caught him by surprise. The position was chosen: A young jokester from the South, who Matt had seen plenty of times. He was a nice kid that was misunderstood; on scholarship, an orphan with a good heart who was, sadly, still teased for his southern twang and dreary clothes. But that never seemed to break his merry spirits, although sometimes his anger would get the best of him. Matt understood this and was quick to take him under his wing, fitting very well into the Knights and gaining the name Lorcan Ren. Things were looking pretty well, Matt had definitely RSVP’d to the family dinner.
He had agreed to come to Thanksgiving, that had Y/N just bursting at the seams. It might’ve been fall, but your smile made each day warmer, or that could’ve been global warming. And seeing your smile just made him happy, the happiest he has ever been in probably like ever! But there was still a little problem that followed him. As Kylo, there was this one pest that continued to bother the Knights even after the fact they’ve been denied an invitation to the knights. It was late and the bass could be felt all around Phasma; it was hot, people were sticking to each other and she had to pee. Stumbling in her 5-inch heels, she made her way to the ladies room only to see a line. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the back exit. She propped the door open to gain access from the empty alleyway, or so she thought. “Aye, pretty girl!” A voice made Phasma jumped. She sucked her teeth as she felt the warm liquid slide down her knee. Turning, two slightly shorter guys began to approach her with a sinister smile. “Why are you out here alone?” One of the guys asked. Her face twisted up: “What?” The two boys laughed and began saying something in a different language. Rolling her eyes she started to make her way back to the club before one of them grabbed her. She brushed him off, just to have the two them grab her. With ice-cold blue eyes, she stared at them.
Kylo drove down the dark alleyway to see two men attacking a woman. He hopped off the bike and snuck behind one of the men, twisting his arm and shoving him on the wall. “What type of man are you?” The vocoder vibrated against the man’s ear. “No, no, no,” The man pleaded. “You got the wron-AHH!” He yelled as he was thrown to the ground. He turned to see the other man in a headlock. “No we called you, we need help she’s trying to kill us!” He squealed as the blonde held him tighter. “He made me pee myself!” Her words slurred a little. Though the mask, Matt watched as Phasma completely destroyed the other guy. Phasma let the unconscious man fall to the ground as her chest heaved. The masked man just stared at the woman. “Now are you going to let me be a Knight?” She asked. “N-No, I cannot.” Matt couldn’t put Phasma in harm, not just because of Phasma, but he could only imagine what Hux would do to him if he found out that he was putting her in danger. “Is this because I’m a fucking girl?” Her accent was thick. “Because if so that’s complete bullshit! Before you came, I was taking them both down, with fucking heels that hurt like a cunt!” Phasma continued her rant and he knew there was no winning with that. “Fine.” Phasma almost missed the approval due to the static of the mask. Her red drunk face lit up: “Really?” She began to make her way to hug the Knight, who was taken aback. Phasma wasn’t a hugger and honestly, this was probably the first time she was hugging him. “You won’t be a Knight, but I have something for you.”
The Captain; that’s what he called Phasma. Gave her a silver helmet to find her at any given moment. She was quite aggressive, so he let her run practice along with Nassar. They instantly clicked maybe because they both came from military families and knew how everything ran. Matt thought it would be great to send her out to the women who contacted them; he thought she would kill him for typecasting her but she enjoyed being a “feminist hero” while not dressing like Wonder Woman, yet still being shiny. A laugh rumbled through Matt’s chest as he thought about it as he waited outside the door to your family’s home. The door opened to show two identical boys looking at him; Matt blinked behind his glasses not knowing what to say. “Uh...Hi, I’m Matt, I’m a,” He cleared his throat. “Y/N’s friend.” The boys’ face lit up. “Ohhhh! Okay, come in, man.” They pulled him in. The scent of food filled his nostrils and music mixed with the voices of children hit his ears. It was just an environment that he had never been in. He was the only child in his entire family; the only companion he ever had was a brown Tibetan Mastiff named Chewbacca, but even that gift for him chose to side with his father. Matt walked into the room, feeling all out of place in the warm-hearted house. “Hey, man!” The familiar voice pulled him out of his daze. He turned to see Finn and four other guys approach him. “This is Matt.” Finn nodded towards him and the three behind him expression changed quickly. Before he could actually read all of them, his name was being called. “MATT!” Your cheery voice alerted them all as you descended the stairs.
He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked. You always looked beautiful, but he guessed being in a comfortable environment. He thought it was his mind making you move in slow motion, but he didn’t see you helping two little babies down the stairs. “Say hi to Matt!” You told the two toddlers, who opted to wave shyly and run away. “Hi Matt,” Y/N smiled up at him and the blush quickly took over his face. She then turned to the boys and gave them evil eyes. “You guys better have been nice to him.” To his surprise, they cowered back in fear. His lips tugged up but he did his best to keep it under wraps. “Um, I-I brought something.” He raised the black bag. “Oh okay, let’s take it to the kitchen.” Matt followed behind you like a lost puppy as he got some looks from your family members. “Mom, Dad, this is Matt,” He turned to see your parents and you were the perfect mix. “Another wh-,” Your dad whispered gaining a smack from your mom. “It’s lovely to have you, Matt. Is it short for Matthew?” Matt shook his head. “Matthias,” Matt nodded. “Aw, that’s nice and different.” Her mother smiled. “You brought something?” Y/N nudged him and he handed over the black bag. Your father was quick to take it and reveal the brown liquid. A nice smirk fell on his lips as he peered at the large bottle of Jack Daniels. His neck was red hoping your father wouldn’t be offended; this was the drink his Uncle Lando brought over all the time. “Good job, boy.” Your father chuckled calling over your Uncles and cousins over for a drink. A wave of relief hit him until you wrapped your fingers around his hand and introduced him to everyone.
Matt doesn’t know how he found himself surrounded by your brothers, cousins, and Finn. But there he was with a drink in hand listening to west coast rap. “Man, he goes to Berkeley and now he swears he from Cali.” One of your cousin jokes. Matt wasn’t really paying attention. He was too busy looking at all the pictures of you and your family, and pictures that stretched back generations. He took in how your cousins and brothers were all unique but got along so well. He also notices that you were practically the middle grandchild; all the boys were older than you, Finn is just three years older than you and then everyone younger than you were all girls, the oldest being 11. His brown eyes couldn’t help but follow you around as you interact with your family and he couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster. “Ay man,” Your brother nudged him out of his daze. “Come to the store with us.” It was more of a command than a question. Matt nodded getting up and following all the boys out the side door. “Hey!” They all froze from the sound of your voice. Even though you were the princess of your family and it was their job to protect you, he could tell they were very much scared of you. “Where are you going?” “To the store.” Her cousin quipped. But, her (y/e/c) eyes were on Matt. “Where are you going?” She inquired. “Um...I wa-was going to the stor-” He stammered before Finn slung an arm around him. “Relax Y/N, we’ll bring your boyfriend back in one piece.” He teased, leaving you quite embarrassed.
Every time a door opened, Y/N’s eyes would wander over, until eventually, the hoard of boys shuffled in. Matt followed behind them, but even with the glasses shielding his eyes, she could make out the glossy, pink orbs that matched his blush. He soon shuffled to the couch to sit next to you. “I didn’t know what going to the store meant.” He laughed into your shoulder, which gained a couple of laughs. “Well, now you know.” You told him. “Are we going to eat soon, I’m hungry.” He whispered. “Lucky for you, we had to wait for you guys to get back.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you mad at me?” He asked and you shook your head no. A dopey smile fell on his lips. “You’re so sweet!” You chuckled and pulled him up from the couch. “Come on, let’s say grace.” Y/N made sure to be far from the other boys so they would be caught joking while Grandma said grace. Technically, Matt and she weren’t together, but she wanted him to make a good impression because hopefully, one day, she would or he would gain the confidence to actually define what their relationship was. Dinner was great, he surprisingly held his own and your Aunts liked that he had a large appetite, your big cousins and brothers strangely enjoyed him too, your little cousins thought he was nice because he played with them, your Uncles and Dad liked him because he knew how to play spades (thanks to Uncle Lando!), and your mom just thought: “He’s the one!” You really DID NOT want to hear that, because you really didn’t want to admit to anyone, even yourself that you felt something really strong for him. But, you would try to keep your mother’s intuition in the back of her head.
Matt stood outside checking the status of the Knights and the General, he chuckled at the name. So far everything was good and there were no messages. The door slid open causing him to turn around and see you. “Hi,” You whispered. “Hi,” He smiled. You walked over to him on the deck. “Did you have a good time?” Y/N asked. “Good? Y/N this was the best Thanksgiving I ever had.” He did the boyish smile that made your heart flutter and you were giddy. “I’m glad it was Matthias.” You cooed. “Hey, my mom was very religious when she was pregnant with me!” He raised his hands up. You laughed: “No, no, I like it it’s cute and different, not basic like Matthew.” You smiled up at him. Silence filled the space between them as the voice of Whitney Houston faintly played in the background. “I’m really glad you invited me.” Matt smiled. “Anytime,” You looked down quickly so he couldn’t see your blushing smile. Matt turned to see your family so entertained in whatever was going in the living room and he realized this is the first time the pair was alone. He placed his right hand on your waist, causing you to jump. “Um...sor- do you want to dance?” A blush was spreading from the tip of his nose to the back of his neck. “Yes,” You whispered at placed your hand in his and began to sway. Your mother was telling off your father about something when she stopped: “Look!” She pointed at the two kids dancing alone at the deck. “Uh-uh.” Your father shook his head and your mother hit him, before smiling at the sight of her happy daughter.
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tic-of-the-tac · 5 years
The Ultimate In-Depth Analysis of Carlton Burke from the FNAF Novels (PART ONE)
(This took me a really long time to make, so I hope you enjoy it! I was inspired to write this by sn0ji’s in-depth John analysis post, so thanks, sn0ji! Also, I do discuss POTENTIAL TRIGGERS in this, including, but not necessarily limited to, SEXUAL ASSAULT and MANY FORMS OF VIOLENCE, so read at your own risk. And I know what you’re thinking: Cara, what on earth does Carlton have anything to do with sexual assault? Well, prepare to have your mind blown, and not just based on that fact, because I go into SO much detail in this essay and I mention little events and details from the books that NO ONE has EVER talked about before. It’s in so much detail that I had to make a Part 2 for it, so be sure to check that out! So sit back, relax, and enjoy my in-depth analysis of Carlton Burke!)
People know Carlton for his most obvious character trait: his humor. This is the trait that either makes you love him on at least his surface level or overlook him completely. The first group LOVES his humor. It is their favorite thing about him. While most will just like him for the jokes, some people in this group will even dive deeper into his personality and appreciate him even more. (I’m in this group.) The second group chooses to overlook Carlton because his sense of humor and surface-level personality can often come off as immature. However, calling Carlton immature based on these facts alone is completely ignoring his entire character ark and deeper personality which motivates him to put the safety and happiness of others before himself.
In The Silver Eyes, people will notice his humor, but they won’t notice the other subtle details of his personality that Kira and Scott took the time to mention throughout the book. The first action he is described as doing when Charlie enters the diner is thinking of his words carefully before he speaks them. That is not an easy task for most people, and it takes a level of maturity that is often overlooked to avoid acting on impulse. Also, when the boys split up from the girls (and John) after visiting Freddy’s on the second night, Carlton is the one that looks back at the girls, smiles at them genuinely, and waves over his shoulder. This moment is probably one of the most overlooked small moments in the book series, but it is probably one of my favorites, and it took me a couple rereads to catch. It shows that Carlton is a genuine and sweet person who will go out of his way to be friendly to others and make them smile. While people may see his prank-pulling as ignorance to other people’s emotions, it is quite the opposite. Carlton has shown that when it is time to be serious, he is VERY serious. His speech about Michael during the ceremony is super emotional and a sweet testament to his childhood best friend. However, he also sprinkled in some humor not because he is constantly a jokester, but because he doesn’t want to make people more upset than they already are given the tragic circumstances. He is trying to make them feel better. The number one motivation that pushes him forward in life is making people smile and laugh, which in turn is making them happier than they are. (I can honestly relate to that on a personal level because this is the one thing that keeps me going too, which is why I appreciate and adore his character so much.) The pranks he pulls make him happy, and he is hoping to make people laugh by doing them. He does not have ill intentions by telling jokes and pulling pranks. His humor allows him to push through his grief as well as help others push through theirs, which is very honorable and admirable for him to do. It is not immature of him at all. He also tends to use humor when he is terrified, in attempts to calm himself. He’s not just saying jokes for the heck of it, he’s hoping to make the best out of any dangerous or scary situation. (I relate to that too, as I tend to crack more jokes when I am nervous.) It may not be the brightest idea to crack jokes in front of someone who could literally kill him with the tap of a finger, but he is doing what his brain has trained himself to do his entire life when dealing with a bad situation. Not to mention he has a severe concussion (I know that the book says that it’s mild but let’s get real here, being unconscious for HOURS is a REALLY bad sign), so he’s not thinking clearly. He’s acting on impulse because his brain is physically not working properly. Anything that he says from Chapter 9 onward is not an entirely accurate representation of his overall character. It does, however, give us a good insight into how he deals with physical pain and the effect his pain may have on others. He keeps telling people that he’s fine even though he’s CLEARLY NOT FINE, and he constantly apologizes for the way he is acting even though it is NOT HIS FAULT. Even through pain and terror his genuineness shines through. Also, even though he is not thinking clearly, he is able to focus his anger and pain to stand up to the person that killed his best friend, nearly killed him, and is still threatening him and his friends. That is very courageous of him and it is an action worthy of audience applause. He doesn’t let his anger and pain out on his friends, but he is not afraid to show it either, which shows a sense of control in his life, even when he is not thinking clearly. Having this control shows maturity. In The Silver Eyes alone, Carlton proves that there is more to him than meets the eye.
Carlton is not in The Twisted Ones, but there is something worth mentioning about what he is doing during the events of the book. He is studying acting in New York City. Coming from someone who also wants to study acting in New York City, I know that you cannot be some ordinary idiot to get into a college in NYC. It takes a lot of time and effort to apply, and to get into many NYC acting colleges, you need to be smart as well as good at acting. Carlton got into a college in NY, showing that he’s no idiot and he is willing to put in time and effort to achieve what he wants. Not to mention, during all of this, he is dealing with the grief of his parents separating a lot better than most people. (He certainly handled it better than I did when my parents got divorced.) These actions are very mature of him, showing that even in The Twisted Ones, Carlton is a deep, complex character that is more than just dumb comic relief.
Lastly, there’s The Fourth Closet. This book is the most obvious example of Carlton being more than what he appears. In the first scene Carlton appears in, John, who has been in a constant depressed state for the past six months, smiles genuinely when Carlton races downstairs to greet him for the first time in almost two years, while only faking a smile when reuniting with Jessica and Marla. To John, Carlton is a joy to have around. Not to mention the condition of Clay’s house dramatically improves when Carlton comes home. It shows that people find Carlton as someone who makes them happy and they want to have around. Later, Carlton shows genuine concern for his father when he ends up in the hospital and also when they find a sick Charlie. He really cares about other people and wants to make sure they’re okay. While Carlton is VERY intrigued by Not-Charlie’s appearance (and people use this as reasoning to dismiss him as a dumb jokester), he is TERRIFIED of her. He likes to look at her, sure, but when she presses up against him, strokes his face, and tries to kiss him, he repeatedly tells her NO and tries to get away from her. Carlton is not a dumb, horny teenage boy; he is a victim of a downplayed sexual assault attempt, and it is overlooked because he’s a boy, she’s a robot, and he showed interest in her appearance before and after the attack. It is also overlooked because people think of it as just a way to lure him in to kill him, but the text specifically mentions that she “leaned in for a kiss” and ALSO KISSES JOHN WITHOUT HIS CONSENT (meaning yes, John is a victim of sexual assault). (And yes, kissing someone without consent can be considered sexual assault. I did my research before writing this.) Carlton is not completely innocent because staring at Not-Charlie like he does could actually be considered sexual harassment, but showing interest in her does not warrant her to approach him with sexual intentions because he did not give consent. Immediately after, he is unsure how to feel about it. He is still extremely fascinated by her appearance, but he didn’t want to be anything more than frenemies, and the fact that she tried to push it further terrified him. He is essentially thinking, “Isn’t this what I wanted? I thought she was hot, but I didn’t really want her to approach me like that.” These mixed emotions confuse him, and he shows this confusion when he meets up with Marla and sees Not-Charlie on the TV. Again, it’s not him being just a dumb, horny teenager. Then, he is the one to point out that Not-Charlie, in one of her alternate forms, looks like Circus Baby. No one else was able to make that connection. If he is really an idiot as people claim, he wouldn’t have been the one to make this connection. Instead, he shows that he is actually smart, insightful, and observant. (This is actually the third time he showed these traits; the first time was in The Silver Eyes when he observed Dave’s personality, and the second time was in the same book when he found the security camera above the back room door and made the GENIUS decision to slowly make his way across the floor to get in view of the security camera, which ended up saving his life.) Carlton and Marla’s mission from this point on is to save Jessica and hopefully find the missing children. When Carlton and Marla are in the mirror maze and being pursued by Funtime Freddy, Carlton steps in front of Marla, shields her, and keeps her calm on several occasions, showing that he is protective of the people he cares about. Once they find Jessica and most of the missing children, Carlton makes the courageous and mature decision to give his earpiece, the only defense he has, to Jessica and go out on his own to rescue the last missing child. This is the most courageous decision made by any character in the entire book series. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2.
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yurimother · 5 years
LGBTQ Anime Review - Mysteria Friends
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To say that Manaria Friends Friends (Mysteria Friends) had a troubled production would be putting it lightly. The anime, which is a spin-off from the 2011 Rage of Bahamut mobile game, was originally slated to air in mid-2016. However, only a month before its release the series was delayed and the staff was replaced, with animation done by CygamesPictures, taking over from Hibari. Fortunately, Mysteria Friends finally made it to air in January of 2019. The anime ran for 10 short episodes, approximately 15 minutes in length each.
I need to clarify two things before stepping into this review, I have not played the Rage of Bahamut game, seen either of the other anime adaptations (which are unrelated to this one) nor read the manga for this series. I will be evaluating this anime alone based on its merits. Secondly, and definitely more importantly, I am rather critical of the anime and have more than a few criticisms (and some notes praising it). You are more than free to disagree with me! If you enjoyed the work that is fantastic, I am glad that you were able to enjoy it more than me.
Manaria Friends is set at Mysteria Academy, a school of magic in a fictional high fantasy world. The anime does little to establish this world and its rules but that is not missed, as it is easy enough to catch on to and plays little importance in the story of the anime (as a spin-off this is also less necessary). The slice of life style plot follows Anne and Grea, two students at the academy studying magic. Every episode follows these two in their everyday life at the academy.
As the series is a slice of life there are no expectations for it to hold a central plot or conflict, but each episodes self-contained story should be well constructed. Unfortunately, these are inconsistent, with some having no real direction, conflict, or substance. In episode two, for example, Grea is sick so Anne goes out to try and find a way to help her, resulting in several short disconnected scenes featuring Anne in different magical environments. Ultimately, her actions serve no purpose and Grea gets better on her own.
This failing in storytelling is not present in every episode, some contain enjoyable and relatable plot lines, and a few even have successful A and B stories. The highlights of these are episodes which put Grea and Anne together and have them work off each other, such as the beach episode, in which Grea teaches Anne to swim and an episode in which they play hide and seek in the library.
Overall, the story is pointless and often poorly constructed. Slice of life stories work best when they allow for humor and heart. Manaria Friends lacks this during most moments, the humor is minimal if existent at all. In fact, the only sequence that made me laugh was a volleyball match on the beach between the side characters. While there are a few touching moments between Grea and Anne very few are memorable and only one or two exceptionally well crafted.
This lack of real emotional moments is a shame because the characters work so well in them. Anne is a princess and prodigy, but also very headstrong and playful. This combination is a welcome change, as jokester characters are usually resigned as the comic-relief idiot and are rarely competent. Her personality classes nicely with the dragon-human hybrid Grea’s, who is much more reserved but very sweet and caring. Scenes of these two caring for each other can be exceptional, such as the aforementioned beach scene and an episode where Anne helps Grea get over her stage fright. Together, they have a great dynamic of supporting each other. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the side characters, few of whom are really established beyond a few lines or appearances.
The animation and design is probably Manaria Friends’ strongest aspect. Some of the shots are breathtaking. However, the more movement based moments, including the handful of fight scenes, are mediocre, and everything they do has been done much better in other anime. Fortunately, most of the animation is calm and slow, which helps to admire the environments. The interior of buildings such as the library are beautifully designed and more than a few of the landscapes are breathtaking. There are sadly a few moments of awkward animation which detract from the overall quality.
Some of the best uses of animation are in the show’s end credits, which typically show stills or slightly animated and stylized shots from the episode or the aftermath of the events within. This is accompanied by some spectacular music, in fact, the tracks in this show are all excellent and some of the better found in the slice of life genre.
Yuri elements in Manaria Friends are certainly present if subtle. Clearly, Grea and Anne have an intense bond and care deeply for each other. This creates the basis for an excellent, supportive, and healthy relationship. However, their partnership, while intimate, is non-sexual. That is to say, they never physically show affection (kiss, caress, or anything to that effect) and from all perspective could just be good friends. Imagine that, a yuri where schoolgirls are in a close, romantic, but non-sexual relationship. WHAT AN ORIGINAL CONCEPT, I write under no duress from the personified spirit of Marimite and the gun it may or may not be holding to my head.
Jokes aside, yes this is an S story and denies the girls any actual physical contact with each other instead favoring what could at best be described as extreme friendship. Fortunately, not all the conventions of S class stories are followed, both Anne and Grea are extraordinarily proficient in their own right and operate as equals in the relationship, unlike the usual “senpai and kohai” relationship typically featured in such stories.
Despite the lack of sexual attraction expressed in the show, there is still a fair amount of service, just not the gay kind. Suggestive angles are used often enough, although not overwhelmingly so like other series, and there are a few moments where characters are very suggestive and barely covered, such as when Grea is naked and sick in episode two. The service really does not contribute to the quality and I could have done without it just fine.
Manaria Friends (Mysteria Friends) is a flawed slice of life with some enjoyable main characters and beautiful artwork. The yuri is barely more than subtext and follows the frustrating and all too common S storyline, denying the characters any real expression of their relationship. However, the series really suffers because of its inconsistent and meaningless storylines, most of which muddle along, having no real impact or structure. If you are looking for something short and cute without any substance to it, maybe give this one a viewing, but other series have been able to scratch this itch far better.
Ratings: Story – 2 Characters – 5 Art – 7 Music – 8 LGBTQ – 2 Lewdness – 3 Final – 4
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I just played ep 3 and you wanna know what things fucking ripped my heart out and fucking stomped on it and tried to shove it back in with scotch tape and glitter glue? SPOILERS, DUH.
*Also this might be the most in-depth and analytical thing I've done so... it's long.
A) When Louis picks up Minnie's crossbow and fucking accidentally shoots that woman and he's like "i..I didn't mean...fuck" or something like that. That fucking voice acting shredded me and I will never be over that. Louis, Louis of all people, the lighthearted jokester that just wants everyone to be happy was forced to shoot a woman in the skull! In one of the most grisly deaths in the season at that! Skybound can throw hands with me for that one. Also when Clem goes to get Aj Louis, even as broken and torn as he is at this point, he still tries to come with her. The best boy honestly.
B) Look, I know Lilly is the villian of this season. I'm fully aware of this. But she obviously still kinda cares about Clementine, as in ep 2 she said, and I quote "this SHOULD be easy." But it's not. It's not easy to shoot clem. But then she just fucking takes Aj? And then tries to strangle Clem on the side of the boat? And then when I mercied her and tried to let her live, she just???fucking kills James??? Like, I already didn't like James (I'm sorry James stans) but he didn't deserve that. And then the bomb goes off and we don't even get to Aj in time??? Like, 👊👊👊 throw hands.
C) When Aj talks about Clem getting bit and how he'd want her to bite him. Like, fucking James just had to say something. This boy is 6, maybe 7 at the absolute latest. He's impressionable, he learns from what he hears. You can't just tell him that walkers are still kinda human. If they had any shred of humanity left, they would not kill people. Especially those close to them, like Lee's brother tried to kill Lee when he was under that lamppost. Just fucking stop I'm crying.
D) LOUIS' STORY. If you did the Violet path and didn't hear Louis', basically he was rich. Like, filthy rich. But the only thing his dad wouldn't buy him was singing lessons. Louis got so mad at what his dad said to him, "You can either be happy or you can be rich," that he wanted to teach his dad a lesson. He started buying things on his dad's credit card that eluded to his dad having an affair (jewelry, hotel rooms, etc.) And when this worked, his parents got the divorce, he came clean. He told his dad "You can either be rich or you can be happy." A week later he was at the school. And just fucking??? How much his character has grown in the 8-9 apocalypse years??I'm so proud of him. Sure, younger Louis was a little shit, but he knows how fucked up what he did was. If you watch the scene, it's so....heartbreaking. like it's his biggest regret, even with all the Marlon shit thrown in. I love Violet with my whole heart, but I fucking love Louis' storyline.
E) VIOLET WHAT THE FUCK??? As I stated before, I love Violet. She's my favorite gay/gal in the whole apocalypse. But what the fuck? Like, you...I get it. I saved Louis instead of you, but wait a fucking minute I made it blatantly obvious that I love Louis (my son) and when you see me in the prison cell you're like "fuck you I'm staying here with my psychotic gf." Like??? I think the writers made a huge character mistake with that because there's no way Violet would have actually done that to me. Also especially after Minnie admits to killing Sophie, which I'll touch on later. Like, her character would NOT do that. Idgaf if she still loved Minnie or not, she'd be fucking pissed.
F) We have to talk about Minnie. Just....ugh. Props to telltale/skybound because holy fuck. That got me. That got me good. She just??? Is completely brainwashed by the delta and lilly? She killed her own sister, and despite me telling her what Tenn told me to she still locked me in the cell? Also she doesn't say one loving thing to Violet, who literally is willing to get herself blown up just to be with her. And when that woman tells her her family is the delta and to forget about Tenn she just fucking accepts it? Like??? Fuck off bitch?
G) Louis' date was the cutest shit
H) I'm sorry but at the party that first bio sounded a fuck ton like Marlon and Idc what anyone else says you cannot convince me that my love Ruby ever did such things.
I) I hate that the story is so compelling that, even after all she's fucking done, I still care about Lilly. I call this "the Kenny effect." We have history, and that matters a lot to me. Even if I don't agree with her ever, I still don't want her to die. (Like with the Kenny/Arvo thing) I see her as family, which is why in s1 I let her stay after she shot carley and in ep 2 of this season I told her we were family. I do care about Lilly, and then she just kills James??? Like, ugh. I wish she would just fucking stop and I could hug her and everything would be fine and Lee isn't actually dead and Christa and Molly and Kenny and everyone's alive and AAHHHHH.
J) The scene where Minnie has clem's knife against clem's chest and is pushing down is so fucking similar to the Kenny/Jane situation is s2. Minnie is Jane and Clem is Kenny, this time all of the kids from the school is clem. Both Minnie and Clem want them to be safe, but they have very different ideas on how they'll be safe. Clem wants to protect them at all costs, and Minnie wants to protect them by getting rid of clem. (Like how Jane wanted to get rid of kenny) I'm crying in the club.
K) James fucking making me walk in the barn full of walkers to touch the wind chime. I was literally so anxious during this and I knew that it's a game but just??? That would have been a pointless death.
L) ABEL. NO! Look I don't like this guy as much as the rest of ya'll, but they way he just breaks down??? I refused to torture him, and I put out his cigarette. He begs to be killed because he doesn't want to turn. This is so visceral and raw that I almost cried when my knife went through his head. Then the screen thing told me I tortured him in front of Aj?? Hello? When did I do that??? I gave him mercy, I gave him peace.
M) Louis toasting to the fact that he thinks he's gonna die at the boat just fucking destroys me.
N) Rosie is the goodest girl and didn't get enough screen time.
O) Louis helping clem up when she gets pulled under water by a walker is cleansing for my soul
P) Omar and Aasim got like 4 lines between them and that's fucking breaking the law
Q) I literally only found 1 collectible where the fuck where they all???
R) I was legitimately going to not kill any of the walkers when James was getting his mask, but I honest to God kept dying over and over so I literally had to kill one of them.
S) the fact that James kept bringing up how much of a heartless bitch I am for not caring about dead people that are walking and killing the living and everyone I've ever cared about.
T) The sheer genuis of the dialogue option that asks James if he knows the names of the walkers and he's confused and clem is just like "Omar, Aasim...Violet." like, he doesn't know the walkers. They're killing machines that he has no attachment to. Clem's friends are alive, and she cares about them deeply. Like fuck off m8.
U) Aj is so broken and confused and scared I don't know how to fix him he's a murderer but he's trying to atone and I just hope to God Lee would actually be proud of Clem and I just wish he was alive and Clem and Aj and him were a family and he could meet the boarding school kids at then Louis would learn about history, something I hc him as never being good at in school, and Louis teaches him how to play the piano and he teaches Violet how to actually map the stars and she teaches him all the fighting skills she's learned and Lee takes a liking to Tenn and makes sure to thank Omar for cooking and appreciates willy and mitch and what they do and supports and learns medicine from ruby and stops Aj from killing Marlon and talks him through the bad shit and helps him atone for his sins and then he meets Rosie and when he sees Lilly again she stops being a hateful cunt and we kill all the delta people and go back to the school and everyone, including mitch and James and Minerva and Sophie is alive and this is getting way to long aahhhh.
V) When Louis is freaking out about the responsibility of planting the bomb, and it gives you to either slap him or kiss him and that's the fucking cutest shit
W) the fact that it never let's me hug Tenn or Willy, nor have a funeral for Mitch. Like I know we were crunched for time, but it would've taken 10 minutes tops.
X) to my knowledge, Tenn and Menerva never see eachother. Maybe she would have changed if she saw him? I don't know...
Y) I don't have the option to cuddle with Rosie and that's an actual crime.
Z) When the kids are talking about all the people they've lost. 34 people. 34. We've lost a lot, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's 34. It might be close, but some of those people we weren't close to nor knew for very long. Also the fact that they've lost 34 but only have like 5 graves. Wtf?
*Edit: I'm not saying I love Lilly as much as I do Kenny, I could never like her that much, even if she had a change of heart and died protecting clem or Aj. I'm saying "the Kenny effect" because he was being an asshole, however you try to defend him. He wasn't in the right, and harmed an innocent kid (Arvo) just like Lilly does. Cool? Cool.
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, CHARLEY! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklistand send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; preferred pronouns: Charley / she&her
Age, Timezone: 25 / EST
Activity, short explanation:  7/10 / I’m usually able to get on at least once a day!
Ships: Ollie/Chemistry
Anti-Ships: Ollie/No chemistry
Triggers: RFP
Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link): https://66.media.tumblr.com/eb1028b3739dca4e0f6949d1389d5c3a/tumblr_pqhonxQUn51wz3biw_1280.jpg
Anything else: N/A
Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Oliver “Ollie” James Mendoza
FC: George Salazar
Age/Year at University (Freshman [1st Year], Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student): 24 / Senior
Birth date: October 7, 1994
Hometown (please be sure to check the hometowns listed for characters your muse is related to!): Columbus, Ohio
Gender/Pronouns: Male / he&him
Sexuality: Asexual & Queer
Major(s): Musical Theatre
Minor(s) [optional]: N/A
Housing request (remember, only the president of a Greek Organization is required to live at a Greek House to be in it!): Single apartment
Extracurriculars (Click here for the list. Be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, secretary, etc.] If something isn’t listed, please put it here and we will add it to the masterlist!): Filipino Student Association (President), Drama Club (Vice President), Glee Club (Vice President), & LGBT+ Association.
Greek Life Affiliation [optional] (Please be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, pledge educator, etc.] or if your character is not yet a member, but plans to rush): N/A
[At least] 3 Headcanons for your character:
Ollie was born to his doting Mothers, Evelyn and Margaret, on the 7th of October as their first and only child. Family always comes first for Ollie, as well as his culture. He is proud to be half Filipino as well as half Ecuadorian. He embraces both parts of his DNA; he is even fluent in both Tagalog and Spanish. He grew up speaking his mother’s language, and once he started his high school career he began to delve into learning Spanish.
Ollie was diagnosed with ADHD at age 6, after he had repeated kindergarten per his teacher’s request for remaining too immature to continue on as well as rambunctious. He was put on a medication to treat his disorder, however as Ollie got older he began to detest them due to the numbing nature of them. He didn’t feel like his naturally bubbly and energetic self. After convincing his moms to come off of it, as well as proving to them he would put in the work to learn to adjust without them, Ollie was weened off toward the end of his high school career. He has his difficult days still, sensory overloads and meltdowns never easier to cope with when they hit hard, but at the end of the day Ollie’s positivity always comes out stronger.
Being the energetic and charismatic person he is, it’s no surprise that the stage called to Ollie at a very young age. As a toddler, Ollie was exposed to his mothers’ favorite musicals, including Donny Osmond’s portrayal in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. A defining moment that inspired him that he wanted to captivate audiences the way he had been from watching the VHS tape daily. He performed in his first show at 5 years old, playing Sebastian in a stage production of The Little Mermaid. From there, he continued to act whenever he had the opportunity. He was a theatre kid throughout his entire school career, even becoming the president of his Thespian Troupe in high school.
Once the curtains on high school closed, though, Ollie needed a break from the structured schedule that school had him on. It was difficult to buckle down his last couple of years of high school and learn to adjust to controlling his energy and attention deficit issues. He decided to take a gap year, not because he wasn’t sure what he wanted to study but because he needed time to mentally relax before going back to school. He traveled around with his Mothers for a while, then decided to apply to Joie University to pursue his performing dreams. He is a Senior now, and will be 25 in the Fall. He is one of the oldest among his peers, given the fact he was held back early in his school career and the extra year he took as a break. Regardless, he feels accepted by his peers.
Ollie has an easy time making friends, because of his fearlessness in approaching strangers to brighten their day. He makes friends wherever he goes, and he surrounds himself with different groups of people at school by staying involved. He is the President of the Filipino Student Association, loving the fact that he has a platform to share his culture with fellow students, the Vice President of the Drama and Glee Club for his good friend Mercedes who sits as President, and he is also part of the LGBT+ Association. He will be sad when he eventually does graduate, but he plans on his Senior year being the best yet. He also knows it will prepare him for his future, in which he hopes he will make that move to New York to make his dream of being on Broadway come true.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University? It’s close to my home so I know a lot of my pals go there! I’ve heard amazing things about the theatre department too and it will help me gain more experience as I prepare to make my move to New York to pursue Broadway. Plus I like that Joie sounds like Joy cause it makes it sound like a really happy place and I’m really happy so!
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? I am kindhearted, excitable and goofy. I don’t like sayin’ ‘negative’, but I think some not-so-nice things about me that I can work on are that I tend to be distracted, naive, and oblivious.
Which of your traits do you value most? I love being excitable and a jokester and all that, but I think the most important thing anybody can be is kind.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? It usually doesn’t take a lot to brighten someone’s day, just complimenting their hair or outfit or just letting them know that you appreciate them can totally shift their mood. I love to help bring out the best in people and ultimately it helps to bring out the best in me! Being kind is free so you should give that away like it’s going out of style! Kindness will never go out of style though, they ain’t jelly shoes. I shouldn’t say that, jelly shoes are actually making a comeback. POINT IS- it’s cool to be kind! Always.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? I hope to make friends, memories, and wonderful art on stage. And if it’s build your own taco day in the cafeteria I will most likely make a mess too. Not on purpose, though. I promise to clean up any contents spilled out of my taco.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.” - Michael Jackson
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sithlordintraining · 6 years
Knight of the Night (Modern Superhero/Vigilante Au!Matt)
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A/N: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! As a treat for an eventful day, here is a Thanksgiving special of Knight of the Night.  You honestly don’t need to read the whole series to read this story. But, if you do like it, I recommend you checking it out. 
Summary: Matt Organa-Solo, a 21-year old psychology student at Academia: University of First Order. He was the only child of Senator Leia Organa-Solo and Retired Chief of Police Han Organa-Solo. It was a problematic community, but not as terrible as some other towns and colleges. But somehow, he always found himself always somehow saving one someone, literally. After a crazy night, will Matt dare venture to become the hero this place needs?
Vol. #8- Invitation Only (Thanksgiving Special)
The leaves crunched beneath the Doc Martens owned by Y/N and Matt. Matt turned to give her a soft smile, which was gifted with a joyful laugh. Over the past few weeks, the pair were growing closer; dare to say even dating. Of course, nothing was stated that this was true nor sealed with a kiss. But, it was their actions that made it all too clear. Matt was always meeting up with you, getting you food and drinks; and you were always making him happy, showing him new things and places, and just being super cute, the both of them. The cafe’s bell rung out as Matt held the door open for her. Sliding into the booth, Matt sat across from her and watched her remove her scarf. (Y/e/c) eyes sparkled at him. “Your nose is red.” Y/N smiled at him. “URGH!” He let out loudly and dramatically dropped his head down. He heard the giggle escape your lips before hands threaded to his blond locks. His chocolate eyes peered over his gold rims as he sniffled. A pout fell on her glossed lips. Matt had a little cold and hadn’t really been able to hang out. Also, it could be because he didn’t wear the appropriate clothing as Kylo Ren. But, he couldn’t help it. You were a very outgoing girl and he had to ensure your safety even if you didn’t want it.
Midway through their meal, Matt noticed the shrug of her shoulders. “Why are you nervous?” He asked as her fork hit the plate. “Am not!” She chuckled. Two fingers pressed against tense shoulders, they fell down and Matt’s eyes crinkled as he saw your embarrassed face. “You know you can’t tell me anything.” He said holding your stare. You sat on your hands, focusing on keeping your shoulders still. “Are your parents coming back for Thanksgiving?” She asked. Matt shook his head no; “My dad is going to be in Panama with my Uncles, to celebrate their independence day; and my mom will probably be at some summit on the other side of the world.” He said unbothered and that bothered you. “Would you like to, possibly, come to Thanksgiving with my family?” Matt was taken aback. This was a big step in your relationship that wasn’t a relationship. “Yo-you don’t have to do that Y/N.” His fingers ran through his hair. “No Matt, I want you to come.” Your smile was so pressuring he didn’t want to disappoint you, but he didn’t want to feel like a burden and the Knights. “Y/N, I-I, I’m sorry I can’t impose like that.” He stammered. “You won’t!” Your hands wrapped around his larger one. “My parents always tell me I should invite more friends over and I can’t invite Phasma over because of Finn. And Rey is not allowed, that’s another story for another time; I hope this doesn’t seem like the process of elimination because I really want you there with me.” Biting your lip, your eyes were focused on him. “I’ll try and make it.” He fixed his glasses and that answer seemed to satisfy you. He knew Nassar had a family and would want to go away even if he didn’t say anything; Olcan was getting better, but he couldn’t leave him alone. So maybe, it was time to recruit more Knights.
In less than 24 hours that the Knights of Ren had posted about “Looking for the next Knight”, it became America’s Next Crime Fighter. From videos, pictures, resumes, fanfictions, and essays pertaining to why they should be the next Knight. It was absolutely ridiculous! Matt knew he should entrust the help of his others but to be perfectly honest they were strangers with good intentions, but he felt more comfortable choosing because he was the one who initiated this. Not to mention the one candidate who caught him by surprise. The position was chosen: A young jokester from the South, who Matt had seen plenty of times. He was a nice kid that was misunderstood; on scholarship, an orphan with a good heart who was, sadly, still teased for his southern twang and dreary clothes. But that never seemed to break his merry spirits, although sometimes his anger would get the best of him. Matt understood this and was quick to take him under his wing, fitting very well into the Knights and gaining the name Lorcan Ren. Things were looking pretty well, Matt had definitely RSVP’d to the family dinner.
He had agreed to come to Thanksgiving, that had Y/N just bursting at the seams. It might’ve been fall, but your smile made each day warmer, or that could’ve been global warming. And seeing your smile just made him happy, the happiest he has ever been in probably like ever! But there was still little problem that followed him. As Kylo, there was this one pest that continued to bother the Knights even after the fact they’ve been denied an invitation to the knights. It was late and the bass could be felt all around Phasma; it was hot, people were sticking to each other and she had to pee. Stumbling in her 5-inch heels, she made her way to the ladies room only to see a line. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the back exit. She propped the door open to gain access from the empty alleyway, or so she thought. “Aye, pretty girl!” A voice made Phasma jumped. She sucked her teeth as she felt the warm liquid slide down her knee. Turning, two slightly shorter guys began to approach her with a sinister smile. “Why are you out here alone?” One of the guys asked. Her face twisted up: “What?” The two boys laughed and began saying something in a different language. Rolling her eyes she started to make her way back to the club before one of them grabbed her. She brushed him off, just to have the two them grab her. With ice cold blue eyes, she stared at them.
Kylo drove down the dark alleyway to see two men attacking a woman. He hopped off the bike and snuck behind one of the men, twisting his arm and shoving him on the wall. “What type of man are you?” The vocoder vibrated against the man’s ear. “No, no, no,” The man pleaded. “You got the wron-AHH!” He yelled as he was thrown to the ground. He turned to see the other man in a headlock. “No we called you, we need help she’s trying to kill us!” He squealed as the blonde held him tighter. “He made me pee myself!” Her words slurred a little. Though the mask, Matt watched as Phasma completely destroyed the other guy. Phasma let the unconscious man fall to the ground as her chest heaved. The masked man just stared at the woman. “Now are you going to let me be a Knight?” She asked. “N-No, I cannot.” Matt couldn’t put Phasma in harm, not just because of Phasma, but he could only imagine what Hux would do to him if he found out that he was putting her in danger. “Is this because I’m a fucking girl?” Her accent was thick. “Because if so that’s complete bullshit! Before you came, I was taking them both down, with fucking heels that hurt like a cunt!” Phasma continued her rant and he knew there was no winning with that. “Fine.” Phasma almost missed the approval due to the static of the mask. Her red drunk face lit up: “Really?” She began to make her way to hug the Knight, who was taken aback. Phasma wasn’t a hugger and honestly, this was probably the first time she was hugging him. “You won’t be a Knight, but I have something for you.”
The Captain; that’s what he called Phasma. Gave her a silver helmet to find her at any given moment. She was quite aggressive, so he let her run practice along with Nassar. They instantly clicked maybe because they both came from military families and knew how everything ran. Matt thought it would be great to send her out to the women who contacted them; he thought she would kill him for typecasting her but she enjoyed being a “feminist hero” while not dressing like Wonder Woman, yet still being shiny. A laugh rumbled through Matt’s chest as he thought about it as he waited outside the door to your family’s home. The door opened to show two identical boys looking at him; Matt blinked behind his glasses not knowing what to say. “Uh...Hi, I’m Matt, I’m a,” He cleared his throat. “Y/N’s friend.” The boys face lit up. “Ohhhh! Okay, come in, man.” They pulled him in. The scent of food filled his nostrils and music mixed with the voices of children hit his ears. It was just an environment that he had never been in. He was the only child in his entire family; the only companion he ever had was a brown Tibetan Mastiff named Chewbacca, but even that gift for him chose to side with his father. Matt walked into the room, feeling all out of place in the warm-hearted house. “Hey, man!” The familiar voice pulled him out of his daze. He turned to see Finn and four other guys approach him. “This is Matt.” Finn nodded towards him and the three behind him expression changed quickly. Before he could actually read all of them, his name was being called. “MATT!” Your cheery voice alerted them all as you descended the stairs.
He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked. You always looked beautiful, but he guessed being in a comfortable environment. He thought it was his mind making you move in slow motion, but he didn’t see you helping two little babies down the stairs. “Say hi to Matt!” You told the two toddlers, who opted to wave shyly and run away. “Hi Matt,” Y/N smiled up at him and the blush quickly took over his face. She then turned to the boys and gave them evil eyes. “You guys better have been nice to him.” To his surprise, they cowered back in fear. His lips tugged up but he did his best to keep it under wraps. “Um, I-I brought something.” He raised the black bag. “Oh okay, let’s take it to the kitchen.” Matt followed behind you like a lost puppy as he got some looks from your family members. “Mom, Dad, this is Matt,” He turned to see your parents and you were the perfect mix. “Another wh-,” Your dad whispered gaining a smack from your mom. “It’s lovely to have you, Matt. Is it short for Matthew?” Matt shook his head. “Matthias,” Matt nodded. “Aw, that’s nice and different.” Her mother smiled. “You brought something?” Y/N nudged him and he handed over the black bag. Your father was quick to take it and reveal the brown liquid. A nice smirk fell on his lips as he peered at the large bottle of Jack Daniels. His neck was red hoping your father wouldn’t be offended; this was the drink his Uncle Lando brought over all the time. “Good job, boy.” Your father chuckled calling over your Uncles and cousins over for a drink. A wave of relief hit him until you wrapped your fingers around his hand and introduced him to everyone.
Matt doesn’t know how he found himself surrounded by your brothers, cousins, and Finn. But there he was with a drink in hand listening to west coast rap. “Man, he goes to Berkeley and now he swears he from Cali.” One of your cousin jokes. Matt wasn’t really paying attention. He was too busy looking at all the pictures of you and your family, and pictures that stretched back generations. He took in how your cousins and brothers were all unique but got along so well. He also notices that you were practically the middle grandchild; all the boys were older than you, Finn is just three years older than you and then everyone younger than you were all girls, the oldest being 11. His brown eyes couldn’t help but follow you around as you interacted with your family and he couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster. “Ay man,” Your brother nudged him out of his daze. “Come to the store with us.” It was more of a command than a question. Matt nodded getting up and following all the boys out the side door. “Hey!” They all froze from the sound of your voice. Even though you were the princess of your family and it was their job to protect you, he could tell they were very much scared of you. “Where are you going?” “To the store.” Her cousin quipped. But, her (y/e/c) eyes were on Matt. “Where are you going?” She inquired. “Um...I wa-was going to the stor-” He stammered before Finn slung an arm around him. “Relax Y/N, we’ll bring your boyfriend back in one piece.” He teased, leaving you quite embarrassed.
Everytime a door opened, Y/N’s eyes would wander over, until eventually, the hoard of boys shuffled in. Matt followed behind them, but even with the glasses shielding his eyes, she could make out the glossy, pink orbs that matched his blush. He soon shuffled to the couch to sit next to you. “I didn’t know what going to the store meant.” He laughed into your shoulder, which gained a couple of laughs. “Well, now you know.” You told him. “Are we going to eat soon, I’m hungry.” He whispered. “Lucky for you, we had to wait for you guys to get back.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you mad at me?” He asked and you shook your head no. A dopey smile fell on his lips. “You’re so sweet!” You chuckled and pulled him up from the couch. “Come on, let’s say grace.” Y/N made sure to be far from the other boys so they would be caught joking while Grandma said grace. Technically, Matt and she weren’t together, but she wanted him to make a good impression because hopefully, one day, she would or he would gain the confidence to actually define what their relationship was. Dinner was great, he surprisingly held his own and your Aunts liked that he had a large appetite, your big cousins and brothers strangely enjoyed him too, your little cousins thought he was nice because he played with them, your Uncles and Dad liked him because he knew how to play spades (thanks to Uncle Lando!), and your mom just thought: “He’s the one!” You really DID NOT want to hear that, because you really didn’t want to admit to anyone, even yourself that you felt something really strong for him. But, you would try to keep your mother’s intuition in the back of her head.
Matt stood outside checking the status of the Knights and the General, he chuckled at the name. So far everything was good and there were no messages. The door slid open causing him to turn around and see you. “Hi,” You whispered. “Hi,” He smiled. You walked over to him on the deck. “Did you have a good time?” Y/N asked. “Good? Y/N this was the best Thanksgiving I ever had.” He did the boyish smile that made your heart flutter and you were giddy. “I’m glad it was Matthias.” You cooed. “Hey, my mom was very religious when she was pregnant with me!” He raised his hands up. You laughed: “No, no, I like it it’s cute and different, not basic like Matthew.” You smiled up at him. Silence filled the space between them as the voice of Whitney Houston faintly played in the background. “I’m really glad you invited me.” Matt smiled. “Anytime,” You looked down quickly so he couldn’t see your blushing smile. Matt turned to see your family so entertained in whatever was going in the living room and he realized this is the first time the pair was alone. He placed his right hand on your waist, causing you to jump. “Um...sor- do you want to dance?” A blush was spreading from the tip of his nose to the back of his neck. “Yes,” You whispered at placed your hand in his and began to sway. Your mother was telling off your father about something when she stopped: “Look!” She pointed at the two kids dancing alone at the deck. “Uh-uh.” Your father shook his head and your mother hit him, before smiling at the sight of her happy daughter.
P.S.: Hope you enjoyed with your food babies. This one is dedicated to @afor-alex who LOVES this and I don’t post any new chapters on here. But, hopefully, you guys have fallen in love with some good wholesome Matt.
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draumrfold · 5 years
Doomvault: Kiss of Death
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We’ve stopped to take a rest, finally. I feel very drained of Ki, after BoBo regained some consciousness he managed to construct an illusion that provided shelter for us, a safe place to rest. I do wish it was a bit more spacious, I would like to try and keep a good amount of distance between myself and these people, as to not further intrude on their kindness. Throughout our rest I could hear Maliadin softly chanting prayers, luckily I was able to block him out and focus on my own balance for my meditation. I also am able to fully sleep and fully recover from having my life force sucked from me. I feel within myself my full strength return. 
When we are finally ready to set off again, BoBo informs us part of his soul is missing. His friends don’t even question what needs to be done, so we all set off to perform a ritual of some kind to restore him. Magic isn’t my strong suit, but the idea of being able to spit a soul is fascinating, just as is how one might put a soul back together. So while I’m not thrilled at the idea of spending more time in this place, I am very intrigued to witness this ritual. 
We used what they are calling a “Black Gate” to get to the chamber they needed to perform the ritual in. Using the gate was a sensation I’ve never experienced before, it wasn’t like when I was shifted in the plane tear, this place has so many secrets to learn. In the chamber, we had to wait while BoBo reverse engineered the ritual when he was done he hopped up on to one of the stone slabs in the massive chamber. He held the scroll out to Talrean who looked less than enthusiastic that the burden had fallen to him, but accepts the scroll. BoBo lays back on the stone and enters a trance state, soon into Talrean’s reading of the scroll we can see BoBo astral projected soul floating above him and slowly it drifts down on to his body and re-merges with his body. 
BoBo slowly opens his eyes, and motions for Talrean to step closer, Ashrah also takes a step closer, when suddenly they both let out gasps and retreat- curing BoBo and his noxious gases. BoBo sits up laughing, and joking, all was once more good it appeared. BoBo I am learning is something of a jokester, which while amusing, there is also a time and a place. I am not sure being stuck in a dungeon after dying and putting one's soul back together is that time or place. 
We continue on to the next area, I have lost track of not only time but also how many chambers and hallways we’ve been through. I merely follow the group, somewhere near the back. It seems Maliadin did not find solace last night as he has gone from leading us to being in the back with me, if not trailing behind us. 
While I trained and studied I never really got into the whole worship thing, perhaps that is why I never truly felt at home in the Temple. I’ve tried prayer and worship, for whatever reason it just doesn't seem to click with me, not the way my studies of death have. Maliadin, in my humble opinion, could greatly benefit from meditation, and inner reflection, as I have found all true inner growth will make you feel uncomfortable, disturbed, or scared for a little while, and that’s ok, the feeling will pass. However Maliadin has seemed to give into fear and pain, he lets death have power over him, rather than embracing and accepting it. As long as he does that, he will never be the mighty warrior he projects to be. 
When we come to face our next enemies Maliadin has fallen so far behind us that I of all people have to lead the charge. I’m uncomfortable with this because I still don’t know the extent of these peoples powers, nor do I know if they will have my back. Trust and loyalty is earned, I recognize I must give them a chance, but I am also cautious about it. 
When we enter the chamber a mage casts a poisonous gas over us, through my training, I have become immune to such things, it would appear my comrades have not, however. I know there is a wall of enemies in front of me, so I take a running start and with all my might I rush into one, knocking it backward and causing a disruption to their wall. I manage to get outside of the gas and unleash a series of blows into the foe in front of me. The other enemies circle around me and I find Ashrah next to me, I assume the others have found their way into the room, blocking a path to safety, I do the only thing I can think of that might give me an advantage in this situation. I start a booming chant in a voice that is deeper than what I should be capable of making, this eerie chant strikes fear into most of the enemies around me, as well as Talrean and Sylvanna. This gives me not only me but all of us an advantage that we’re able to defeat everything and release a Dark Elf. I’ve never seen so many different kinds of elves in one setting before. 
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In the next chamber have a similar fight and I see a beast so big and ugly, I’m told that it is an Orc. I don’t think we have Orcs on my plane, I’ve never seen or heard of them before and this one looked very fierce. I am told they are not that intelligent of beings so BoBo came up with a very easy way to communicate to it not to attack us. It went well enough, he looked diseased but wished for no help and he went on his way. 
It also occurs to me that we’ve watched every other being we have rescued (that was friendly) drift off through the white doors, without having to open them. I too was rescued, so I go over to a door and cautiously step through the door to the other side, astonished, I step back through. Cursing all the elven sware words I know in dismay. Why does this stuff keep happening to me? First plane shifting now I can walk through doors. Ashrah says she can’t sense any curses, and I can feel my Ki and lifeforce, nothing seems out of place. I then purpose that this would mean I am able to traverse anywhere in the dungeon, which means I could take us right to the phylactery chamber, and save us all some time and energy. Unfortunately, the others explain to me why that wouldn’t work, and I’m a bit disappointed that this weird power cannot be of more use. 
In the final chamber that had a Shrine of binding in it, and after the fighting, we see the creature has become a zombie and put it out of its misery. We also take a short rest here, where BoBo tries to tell me jokes. I don’t really find them amusing, but I appreciate the effort. We (BoBo, Talrean, Sylvanna, and I) end up having a really odd conversation about Humans, then Tea, or rather the lack of tea, and finally the subject of pets, which I actually felt comfortable enough to introduce them to Sly- I really need to find some proper cheese for her, doubt this will be the place for that though- they are all rather astonished I keep a mouse in my pocket. It can’t be that strange. Perhaps pets aren’t as widely accepted on this plane. I’m kinda surprised she was able to plane swap with me as well as she has. I haven’t observed any difference in her behavior. BoBo, upon learning I have a pet, offers me a ring of Animal Influence so I might communicate with Sly. While part of me would love to accept such an amazing gift as to further my research, another, stronger part of me feels it is not practical for me to have such a thing, and I politely decline the ring, at least for now. Maybe I will barrow it later when I have time to record and properly interview Sly, I’ll have to think about it. 
After the conversation and our short rest, I do feel more at peace and in balance with these people. As though our Ki are aligning. Something I never really felt with Maelin and Aura. Perhaps another sign this is the plane I am truly meant to be on, or at least these are people I was meant to meet. Off of one of the last monsters we defeated we find some Bracers of Defense that the group says I can have, I am humbled they would allow me to have anything we find here. 
We continue on through the chambers, and face down more mages, zombies, and yetis, it's very tiring work if I’m honest, but we’ve rested enough that I am able to keep my Ki up, also Maliadin has decided he’s done moping and has caught back up with and is fighting as normal now. I am very glad the pressure is off of me to lead us into battle. I did fine, admittedly, but moving forward it’s probably best for either Galadin or Maliadin to lead us. 
We enter the phylactery chamber, finally, this is what everyone has said is our goal. I am very happy to finally be here. There is no immediate danger from what we see, and start work on entering the small temples, after we get the first one open, we see BoBo be flung out of the temple and into a large pit of a tar-like substance. Which is of course home to monsters, a giant eye emerges from the tar pit after we’ve pulled BoBo out, and unleashes this incredibly painful sound that knocks me unconscious. 
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While I lay there unconscious I feel life and death all around me, the flow of Ki in perfect balance, with my mind I reach out and touch the life flow and feel breath come back to my body and my eyes open. I pull myself up with help from my quarterstaff. “Well, that’s fascinating,” I think to myself. 
While I studied the Way of the Long Death I remember reading a story from what I thought at the time was a wack a loon monk who claimed he had mastered death it’s self and was able to feel life forces and the Ki that flowed not only within himself but within others as well. My master thought this guy was really onto something, and so together we would meditate feeling the Ki within us, sensing our life forces and life forces of others but never being able to feel death or to be able to manipulate the Ki of others. This is the first time I’ve been able to sense death, truly feel its power, and the true power of life. The flow of Ki is reinvigorating. I guess that monk wasn’t as crazy as I thought. I will have to review the notes I made on his work later. If only there was a way to let my master know the progress I have made. He would be so excited, I hope one day to at least be able to send a message to him. 
The creature continues to knock me unconscious, and I continue to harness the power of death and I end up running weird circles around the temple, that Talrean has decided to perch on. Weird ass elf. I sprint in, punch and attack, and run back to safety because by this time I’m just assuming I’m going to be knocked out. The next time I awaken it’s to Ashra shoving a health potion into my mouth. I mumble that if she had just waited a moment I would have come to on my own. She shrugs and helps me to my feet. We clear out the rest of the floors of the phylactery chamber without any problems. 
Upon finishing our work a vision appears before us, a crackling human, who is just talking crazy, he opens a portal and pushes us all through. While we are going through the portal I hear from somewhere beside me Talrean cursing him for not rewarding us properly. What an odd time to be concerned with such things. This also means I’ve been plane shifted, yet again. I doubt it to home. I will just have to wait and see where we land. 
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flurrywhipdies · 5 years
Corrupted - Ch. 1
This chapter is quite short but I will add some changes once I publish it on Wattpad. :D
"Cyan, LOOK OUT!"
Something exploded behind him, and he launched quite two feet into the air because of its impact on the ground. He landed with a loud thud and his face scraped the ground, earning himself a nasty scratch on his right cheek. He groaned as he tried to stand up, arms wobbling like jelly as he tried to push himself off the ground.
But as he did, something large and powerful and what felt like a huge claw violently grabbed ahold of his little blue neck, the sudden weight making his arms collapse and caused his face to smash against the hard dirt. Blood leaked from his lip. The claw was blocking his windpipe, almost crushing it as it lifted him clear off the ground.
He snapped shut his eyes as he desperately thrashed around in its grip, opening his mouth to scream yet unable to make a single sound. He tried clawing at its arm, he even tried kicking even though his legs couldn't even reach its huge body, but it was no use.
With difficulty, he opened his eyes little by little, and what met his gaze, the creature that was currently crushing his neck, was absolutely terrifying.
Whatever it was, another one of its claws was raised above its head like a deadly set of blades, a nasty, psychotic grin of pure evil plastered on its face. It looked ready to strike into his heart, and then it would be over.
One of its milky white eyes with pink edges had a psychotic, crazy tic that pulsed rapidly, as if dancing with victory. Its glare was bright and dazzling, and the look of death was swimming in them.
He couldn't stop it. The claw launched itself towards the direction of his chest . . .
A gust of wind blew across the beautiful green hills of Paradise.
Ah, spring.
Cyan's second favorite season of the year after winter.
The nice chilly breeze blew across his face from his right as he leaned against a tree, hidden under the shades provided by the leaves, with his arms folded across his chest. It was refreshing. The end of his striped blue scarf billowed slightly from the soft wind, his bright cyan hair bouncing along with it.
The blue square teen, who was only nineteen at the moment, was quite alone, but he was enjoying the somewhat rare moment of solitude. As his name suggests, Cyan's hair and skin were bright cyan all over, like the colours of an exotic lake, and his pupils were the colour of a deep blue ocean, pure beautiful blue sapphires embedded in his eyes, which had unintentionally charmed countless fangirls. Bangs of his blue hair swept to his right across his literally square face and his closed right eye. He was wearing a simple navy blue blazer jacket which sleeves only reached three-quarters of his arms with a white shirt underneath, and black short pants that barely reached his knees.
The wind was so relaxing he felt like getting a shuteye right there and then. Just as he was about to doze off, his sharp hearing alerted him of faint, indistinct footsteps on the grass of someone walking towards him.
He groaned internally. Why now of all times? As he wasn’t feeling like meeting anyone else, he kept pretending to be asleep.
Cyan kept his eyes closed as the person approached him. He wanted to keep doing that, but not until he heard the soft, mellow voice of his one and only girlfriend.
“Cyan, I know you’re awake,” Kinn giggled. Cyan blushed with embarrassment and immediately gave up.
“Fine,” he smiled at her, before stretching and yawning. “You sure nobody followed you?”
Kinn nodded. “‘Course I am. I know how much you needed some alone time so I came here on my own.”
She sat down next to Cyan before zoning out as she watched the clouds above moving slowly while enjoying the spring breeze. Kinn was a beautiful young woman. She was about three years older than Cyan, and for some reason she was much taller than him. Her beautiful strands of short periwinkle blue hair was soft to the touch, bangs swept across her squarish forehead similar to Cyan’s, and her deep blue eyes were wide, pure, and innocent. Cyan had never seen her wear clothes with short sleeves, and even though she wasn’t wearing her favorite light blue sweater, she was wearing a hoodie jacket with the same colour, hiding her soft sky blue skin underneath. Her eyes were closed as she leaned against the tree next to Cyan, a soft, calm smile on her face.
Cyan secretly smiled. Perhaps he really did need her company. The only reason why he wanted to be alone was that he was extremely popular. Almost everyone in Paradise knows about the amazing Quartet, the group of four shapes who saved Paradise from a terrible power called the Corruption. The Corruption was some sort of ‘virus’ that can spread everywhere, everyone and on everything, turning them ‘pink’ and control people’s minds, and if it succeeds, painting the entire world with pink, as if someone had poured a giant bucket of pink paint over the lands. Anyone with a weak will can get Corrupted in a single second.
But the Quartet — Cyan, Equilia, Verdan, and Ferris — all harnessed and shared the full power of Purity itself, so powerful that the Corruption cannot take over them. It can hurt them, yes, but it can’t ever control them. Not too long ago they managed to banish the Corruption and the Queen off of Paradise, and Purified everyone who survived. They became legends.
Cyan was rather happy that the past Corruption happened. Because of it he met new friends, the fellow protectors of Paradise, got himself the kindest, purest girl in the world as a date, and became famous for saving the world. But being famous has its downsides, of course.
Everyday, groups of the Quartet’s fans would find them and ask for autographs, pictures, and even flirt with them, which Cyan found repulsive. He had a girlfriend for heaven’s sake! Usually when the crowds find him alone with Kinn, she would wrap her arms around him, lift him up, and run as fast as she could away from the crowd.
At least he was alone with her for now. He breathed in the sweet spring air again.
And groaned internally again when he heard more footsteps.
It sounded like multiple pairs of legs, but not more than five. He could already guess who they were and completely gave up trying to sleep.
“Hey, Cyan!” a feminine voice called, and Cyan opened his eyes and looked over to his right to see his best friends — Equilia, Verdan, and Ferris.
Of course, just like every other shape in Paradise, the Quintet’s heads (including Kinn) were all shapes. Cyan and Kinn’s was a square, though Kinn looked more like a soft-edged cube, Equilia’s a triangle, Verdan a pentagon, and Ferris a circle. But the Quintet was unique, because somehow not many of Paradise’s inhabitants had simple shapes for heads.
“Hey, Lili,” Cyan greeted back. Equilia smiled. Equilia, or Lili for short, was an optimistic teenager, just about Cyan’s age but a few months younger, and she was one of Cyan’s closest friends ever, but of course more of a best friend than a crush. Her charming olive yellow eyes were wide, and she was beaming a happy smile on her sunny-yellow skinned triangular face. She was wearing her trademark milky yellow hood that hid the back of her head, neck, and her entire torso and arms. She told Cyan once that it made her look mysterious, and she loved it. Covering her legs was a pair of baggy black trousers.
The pentagon, Verdan, or often referred to as Dan, was calm, cool, and collected, but any updates on his favorite fandoms and he’ll completely lose it. His skin was a bright grass green, and a few bangs of his hair with the same colour hung on his head, barely grazing his right eye. His eyes were a deep forest green, similar to emeralds. He was smiling a calm smile, but hidden behind those calm forest green eyes and warm smile was a priceless humor. Verdan was the jokester of the group despite his calm attitude, usually bringing smiles to the rest of the Quintet’s faces whenever they feel down. Usually he would be wearing his favorite red basketball clothes, but at the moment he was wearing a black hoodie jacket with a dark green pentagon pinned on his chest and trousers similar to Lili’s.
Ferris was quite the innocent girl, but not as innocent and pure as Kinn. She was the youngest of the group, being eighteen years old while everyone else was nineteen, but except Kinn, who was already twenty-two. Her eyes were bright orange, with a hint of yellow like honey. Of course, her skin and hair were a zesty orange, like the sunset but a bit more neon. Her curly hair stuck up messily on her forehead while the rest of it was tied up in a curly ponytail. She was wearing the exact same clothes as Verdan but instead of a green pentagon, she had an orange circle pinned on her chest.
“Where were you?” Ferris pouted. “We walked everywhere trying to find you.”
Cyan yawned as he stretched. “Escaping fans, what do you expect?”
“Y’know, Kinn coulda helped you on that matter,” Verdan smirked. Every time someone mentions Kinn, Cyan’s face would blush ever so slightly, but he was able to hide the red-and-blue contrast on his face this time.
“Yeah, but I’m not in the mood to even see their faces,” he retorted.
Verdan laughed. “Anyhoo, I think Luna wants to see us, and Kinn,” he then said, a more serious expression on his face this time. “She said she wanted to show us something important.”
“Luna? Why?” Cyan asked, confused, as Kinn blinked. Luna was an old acquaintance of theirs, a unique shape with helicopter propellers on her back connected with floating white pearls. They had befriended her and worked together with her back when they saved Paradise from Corruption a few years ago, but she then preferred to stay alone after the incident. So it was strange for Cyan to have her call them all on something.
Because that would mean bad news, wouldn’t it?
Hopefully not.
Cyan pushed away the thought into the back of his mind as he stood up. Verdan only shrugged as he did. “Not sure. But like I said, she’s got something to show us.”
“Hmm.” Cyan walked over to the group, giving Lili a quick high-five as he did.
“Let’s go.”
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