#I am a sucker for car pics
maranello · 2 years
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ABU DHABI, 2022 — Charles Leclerc, Scuderia Ferrari F1-75. (Photo by Mark Thompson)
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morgan125 · 3 months
Am I a brand new cock sucker?
After many attempts, and some cold feet. I, at the age of 39, have sucked my first cock.
I started identifying as bi in my mid to late 20s but my experience was limited. Mostly just online interactions and erotic roleplay. So I've described my self sucking a dick, but never had the pleasure of actually doing so: And over the past 4-5 years, I have desired to embrace being attracted to men more. Including the desire to give a guy a blow job. To that end, I've been hanging out on grinder and here on Reddit to try to make a connection, but meeting up IRL is scary. I do not blame people for getting cold feet, I got them too more than once. But, I wanted to be open to the possibility of it happening. If the stars align and our schedules and situations worked together.
Which happend, today. Here in the states, today is Independence Day (7/4); and as luck would have it I have the day off from work. I woke up to a dm from a redditor I've been talking to on and off. It has been the usual story on reddit: He asks if I want to drain his BBC, and I'm like yeah! He sends a Pic [not sharing] I send one back. He's really close and we're both into it.
This morning I see the dm from him, and he's asking if I wanted to drain him this morning. If you peep my profile you'll find I'm into self-locking chastity play. I'm also on day 18 of a 21 day challenge. So this message got my cage really tight [can share]. But my feet started getting chilly. I hesitated, thinking maybe later today. But he's getting off shift and will be sleeping later. So I wash up and invite him over. My partner works from home so I couldn't host. I met him at his car. First off, I was not prepared for how handsome he was. Like I knew his chest down was hot, but wow. I hopped in his car and we went to a nearby parking lot that had a picnic table near a wooded area.
After a quick glance around, I turned back to him to see he had dropped his gym shorts and an already-large, black cock was waiting for me. I reached out to it to stroke it as I inhaled his scent, cuddling into him slightly as I stroked. He sat down at the picnic table and I dropped to my knees and started kissing his shaft feeling it get bigger, harder. Burying my nose in the stubble around the base of his cock. Then I moved up and took his tip in my mouth and started sucking.
I've seen posts that say once you start sucking cock, you're addicted. And I can totally understand now. Here was a cock for me to pleasure. Not my own dick though, a big cock that I needed to suck. At one point he pushed me down and I almost gagged a little too much, but it was soooo hot. I let him know I had a fear of throwing up and he was totally cool with it and let me do my thing.
Which I did, stroking as I sucked the tip and what amount of the shaft I could handle. I kissed my way down to suck on his balls as I continued to stroke. Then kissed my way back up and resumed working the tip while stroking. He told me he was getting close and I.Wanted.That.Nut. I picked up the pace and did not take my mouth off of him until he started to soften after cumming. It was at that point I realized what i thought was saliva...wasn't. So I swallowed it up.
Afterwards he took me home and let me know that he'd be in touch. I still smell him on my fingers as I type this and it gives me a little thrill.
So after my first time, I kinda think I like sucking cock, like a lot. 20 out of 10, would recommend.
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filesofgayshit · 9 months
Unusual NSFW asks: 1, 4, 8?
🌟 Ideal nudes (besides any🥴) i love me some boob pics but also just cute ones that are mixed with sexy. I haven't received many :,) I am used to sending them.
🧃 Genie granted you three NSFW wishes.
What are you wishing for?
1. tbh make that one mutual appear besides me because [redacted]
2. Getting tied up ngl i am a sucker for getting tied upp
3. Getting someone so horny while out they fuck me in the bathroom or car
☂️ Something you never did in bed and would love to do? Be (more) dom (ya girlie here is barely experienced but reads a lot of smut)
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murasaki-sama · 9 months
My last 36hrs or so.
Woke up early, doctor's appointment.
Went back to sleep.
Woke up, went to estate sale. Bought furniture.
Came home.
Went to estate sale again (same one). Bought more furniture, so much we couldn't fit it all in the car.
Went home with the plan to wake up early and get a trailer to fit the new furniture.
Remembered I had other plans early in the morning, quickly recalculated and made it all work by planning to get up -even earlier- to get it all done.
Ate dinner, sorted through a years worth of unopened mail belonging to my father, read some manga.
Move around a lot of furniture to make room for new incoming furniture.
Completely failed to sleep at all, despite many attempts.
"woke up" (aka gave up on sleep and said fuck it, lets drink 4 cups of black tea instead).
Had tea, read more manga.
Went to get trailer; drove to estate sale.
Loaded up furniture.
Bought even more furniture.
(I am a sucker for a good bookcase, what can I say?)
Came home, unloaded all new furniture.
Now with an additional passenger (my twin sister) and with trailer still attached to car, drove to outdoor board game flea market.
Got a bit lost, even with a map, and went around a very annoying shopping center parking lot, found street fair.
Went through whole thing at crazy speed (with a rollator walker and disabled me, so like, a very slow crazy speed), looking only to replace board games I had lost in the storage fire thing that happened.
Found 2 of them, but didn't buy the first one because it was at the second table I saw, and I wanted to see what other games their were, and then I went and bought things and I couldn't afford the first game anymore, so I didn't go back for it and yeah I'm annoyed at me!
Bought: 1) one board game to replace a missing board game. 2) a multicolored 3d printed turtle Creature (#tod the turtle pics coming soon!) 3) a game for my twin because she was begging, and 4) 8 volumes of a manga because a) it was there, b) its a really good manga, and c) apparently I had bought my twin sister the first 3 volumes already so 4-11 seemed like a quick and easy xmas gift?
Failed to buy the two Pirates of the Caribbean games (even if one of them monopoly). ((and the other game I found to replace what I'd lost but I already explained that).
Drove from board game fleamarket to international market (trailer still attached), to randomly surprise my best friend and her mother who were going to be there around that time. (Also it was like 2-3 miles from the flea market so it worked out).
Proceeded to have me, my dad, and my twin sister waltzing around the store buying xmas chocolate, candy and tea (normal and xmas varieties!) like crazy people with three different carts (well...two carts and a rollator walker chair thing) while waiting for friend.
Gave up waiting for friend and stashed myself in the tea section. While writing a text to friend's mom (whole other story), saw friend nearly slip past me!
Walked up behind her and said "I forgot your clothes".
More fun (and much more chocolate) was had at the international market.
Drove home.
Spent and hour or two trying to corral my family into moving furniture from upstairs to downstairs and from one part of the garage to another.
Loaded up the trailer more, then sent family off to take it all to storage and then return trailer.
Finally, permission to sleep!
(24hrs or so since last sleep, which was like a 2hr nap; I have chronic fatigue so I sleep like 14-18hrs a day? on a good day.)
Went upstairs.
Moved more furniture! I could have ignored it! Any of it! All 3 of it!
but no.
Moved it anyway.
now....can I sleep at last?
(had to type this up first sooooo probably not?)
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sunnyteea · 4 years
bumblebabies !!
buckle in everyone this got a little long!!
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((just gonna reuse some old pics))
Yue (yoo-eh) is the first-born!! Her motif is all about moon imagery, and she’s loosely based off the goddess of the moon/combat/revolution Mayari from philippine mythology. Inherited Yang’s wild unruly hair which she kept short for most of her childhood for easy management, but learned to embrace it and grew it out when she got older.
She’s quite mild-mannered, friendly, and exceptionally perceptive— which plays into her semblance, which is enhanced perception. Kinda like Maria’s preflexes, but not exactly. She can make the choice to react, vs. maria’s semblance which seems more….automatic action?? reflexive, like she’s not thinking about it, while Yue can see the path leading to the outcome of say, a person or object’s movement before it happens, thus allowing her to react appropriately in the moment. This is a semblance that was triggered when she was a child taking her role of older sister very seriously. And while yes, it was to make sure she could protect her little sister from getting hurt…. It was also to protect others from her little sister and her pranking schemes. 
With a non-physical semblance, she’s somewhat of a weapons nut much like her Aunt Ruby. The bigger the better. It must also be a gun. She reads engineering manuals for fun and has definitely taken a microwave apart in curiosity to examine the pieces, as well as many different household appliances. Has probably also taken apart her moms’ weapons just cause she could. She carries a remarkable knowledge in dust thanks to her Aunt Weiss.
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Tara (tah-rah) is about 2-3 younger than Yue, and is all about star imagery for her motif. She’s based off the mythological phillipine goddess of the stars Tala (who in turn is based off the hindu goddess Tara) and in different sources is either Mayari’s sister or daughter. Outwardly she’s the quieter, calmer of the Xiao Long-Belladonna kids. Do not be fooled— she is an agent of chaos. You’ve been warned.
She looks like a sweet little angel who could do no wrong… until you realize she’s the one who planted a self-destructing glitter bomb in the backseat of your car. That bucket of water that fell over your head when you opened a door?? Tara’s doing. Whoopee cushion when you sit down to eat breakfast? also tara. Anyone and everyone can be a target, and she’ll do it all with a calm smile on her face. tbh she’ll still have that smile when she’s caught. Her semblance is fire-based like Yang’s, able to generate balls of flame. Maybe they explode. Maybe they don’t. (i’m still working out the details lol)
Despite many of her pranks being foiled by her older sister when they were kids, she very much looks up to Yue, and does defer to her judgement and knowledge in uncertain situations.
Just in case y’all haven’t seen this post, Weiss loves the girls. One could argue she loves them more than Yang and Blake themselves. She absolutely spoils them rotten.
The bees use this against her to tease her lmao
both inherited the freckles
Yue’s aura color is yellow, Tara’s is purple but these are both subject to change
Yue makes a cameo in my sister @pugoata​’s bumbleby fic Banshee and its subsequent oneshot!! I am honored that she asked me if she could include her in her universe
In Banshee au Yue is also a banshee and Tara is a phooka!! 
Bc i can do what i want, the girls’ eyes also change color when they use their semblance, like Yang
Yue’s are deep red like Raven’s, Tara’s are pale red/reddish-pink like Qrow’s
Yue has a deep sense of justice like Blake does
Tara remembers everything and even if you think you’ve been forgiven, she will remember and get back at you anywhere from weeks to months later. Then you’ll be even
older Tara definitely has an undercut (the similarity to catradora baby finn from she-ra was completely coincidental and actually predates the first public art of them)
Idk yet what Yue’s weapon is aside from BIG but Tara’s may be bladed tonfa? I’m a sucker for dual wielding
That’s it for now, i can’t think of anything else!! If y’all have any questions or want to know more, shoot me an ask, my askbox is always open!
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marsuro · 7 years
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Inktober day 7 The story behind this picture is a mystery even to me, feel free to fill it in yourself
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gustingirl · 3 years
gvf headcanon | you are siblings pt2
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request: hi could you do some more scenarios on the boys as siblings headcannons. Your last one got me really hooked so plz (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
disclaimer #1: these will be the opposite from part 1 btw!
part 1: [x]
disclaimer #2: these are my assumptions based on my analysis, in no way am i defining any reality.
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in part 1 i pictured danny as a big brother because i mean he's tall and big and so wholesome. but as a young brother he would be even fucking better. like can you imagine having such soft boy as a little brother? you would be his hero, like i’m sure your parents or guardian would just raise him in a way that he ends up idolizing and loving his older sibling. this boy would be right behind you wherever you go.
like in this scenario, you were really tired because, as the eldest child, your parents/guardian were asking you for a lot of stuff. go there, buy me this, pick up that, clean the bathroom, go to the market. all while danny was in his own world. but danny wouldn't be unaware of anything; he would watch how you were commanded to go everywhere. he wouldn't know exactly how to help, but he knew you could use an extra hand. and so, when you got inside your car to drive to the grocery store, you were surprised to find danny buckled up in the passenger seat.
"what are you doing here? don't you have homework to do?" you questioned as you put your seatbelt on
"i want to help you out! homework won't matter anyways for when i become a rockstar" you giggled at his words, both happy to have company and proud of his persistance with his dreams
"ok, little rockstar, let's go grocery shopping"
the whole ride would imply a carpool karaoke and several stops at wherever danny wanted to go, as you adored his company.
i’m a sucker for the idea of jake being like a brother that will literally do anything you ask or anything for you but would complain ALL THE TIME. like he literally is whining about you asking for stuff while he's cooking you dinner. i also love the idea of you and jake living together alone as you two moved out of the city to pursue your dreams. but like imagine this scenario.
you arrived back to the apartment feeling your body heavy as fuck, as you had spent the entire day running from one of the university's department to the other under the burning sun. classes were tiring and you had barely slept, so you could only imagine your music major brother to help you out a bit. he cared for you, he really did, but he hated to do stuff you asked for. he loved his freedom and space and just despised being interrupted. however, he could tell you were exhausted and would not hesitate to help you out.
"i don't get how you can’t fucking buy premade food if you’re so tired" jake could cry out as he broke some eggs to prepare you an omelette
"less talking and more cooking, alright?" you demanded as you lied your head on the counter
"then if you get so tired just don’t fucking do stuff, why do i always gotta help your lame ass" he would bicker all the time, without once stopping from cooking.
once he was done, he noticed you were almost asleep on the counter. he placed the plate in front of your face and pinched the skin on the back of your neck. once you were awake once more, he placed a kiss on your head and muttered the words "i love you, idiot" before continuing with his own stuff
a mutual was telling me about her brother the other day and i have the feeling sam would be just like him. she was telling me she bullied her brother to take her to taco bell (u know who u are) and now i’m picturing sam like that. he would be the type of brother to never have like a chill relationship with but he like deep down loves you and would do anything for you. like if you fall, he would laugh loudly, call you an idiot and then, after taking a pic of you, would help you stand up.
so i’m picturing this kind of scenario. you were bored as hell in your bedroom during quarantine. all sorts of restrictions had been lifted so you could easily go out. however, nobody was up to anything and you found yourself playing around in your bedroom, trying to kill boredom somehow. suddenly you had an idea that, as expected, would have its consequences, but you were so bored you just didn't care anymore. you put on a hoodie and made your way to sam's room.
"i wanna play an instrument" you announced as you opened the door. luckily, he was dressed up and listening to music, though his expression changed upon seeing you
"fuck off, y/n" he rolled his eyes while throwing you a pillow
"nope, teach me how to play" you continued, knowing how good you were at convincing him
"go play with barbies or something, don’t bother me" he went back to his cellphone, though he coudn't concentrate much
"you destroyed all my barbies, remember? you burnt their heads before decapitating them" you crossed your arms as you spoke
"um, first that was josh, i told you" as he waited for you to leave, and upon realizing you had no intentions to do so, he sighed before turning the music off "come here, you little jerk, i'll teach you"
he's a ride or die brother, i know it. like literal perfect partner in crime. this boy is down to anything that implies having fun or at least having a good time. he probably gives two shits about money, limits or even time. like if you want him to drive you to the other side of the country, he will as long as there's good music and a lot of adventures. but there's just this little scenario that i picture with him.
and the scenario is just dance night. we know for a fact these kids don't know shit about video games (thankfully, though), but we are not exactly like them. and if there's one thing we all loved when we were younger was the just dance. like this one night you decided to play the game in the middle of the living room as your parents were having some drinks alone at the backyard. your brothers were nowhere to be found around the house and you were so bored that this old game suddenly made you want to dance again. you put on the cd and chose the lamest song to dance; it didn't matter as long as you were entertained. you started off the first round and were soon running out of air, forgetting how tiring it could be.
"you suck, y/n" josh's voice made you look up suddenly, his evil smile making an appearance and waking up your competitive sibling side
"i'm better than you, asshole" you replied as you began choosing another song
"last time we played this i remember beating your ass with one song, don't test me" josh approached the room, grabbing another control "put 'umbrella' and watch how i destroy you"
you laughed loudly as you let him play more, finding it funnier to watch him try to hit the moves and failing completely.
"shut up! i'm still better than you!" he tried speaking though he was now running out of air too.
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i’m trying to get rid of these headcanons requests as they are easier to make so expect many more coming! thanks for reading, love ya!
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6 AM ∣ Spencer Reid Fic
Summary: Mornings suck, but mornings with Spencer aren’t so bad.
A/N: I am such a sucker for Domestic! Spencer it’s ridiculous. I choose to believe that he is such a care taker type, a doting partner, and so soft and sweet in the mornings. If he was the one waking me up, maybe I wouldn't hate mornings so much either.
(Also be on the lookout for this pic’s second part called 6 PM that’s a little lot a bit smut. Don’t worry they can be read totally independently of one another!)
Pairing: Spencer x Fem! Reader
Category: Fluff
Warnings: A lil kissin
WC: 1.6k
I’m not a morning person. I am not a morning person. People who wake up excited to take on the day with no hesitation or cup of coffee scare me.
Even if I get a decent amount of sleep, there is always about 20 minutes in the morning where the world is my personal enemy. The sun’s brazen audacity to rise, starting a new day. The birds screaming, disturbing the quiet peace of the outside world. The nerve of a car engine to make any noise. I consider all of these acts of aggression against me personally.
Luckily, Spencer knows these things about me and loves me despite my flaws. When he is home between cases, he makes a habit of getting up before me to help me get ready. If the team got home at the wee hours of the morning, he would help me get out the door before heading to bed himself.
To be clear, I am perfectly capable of getting myself dressed and out the door. However, if Spencer is willing to help me along and make the process less shitty, I’m not going to tell him no. 
Mornings with Spencer are my favorite, which is saying a lot.
I felt the bed shift under me as he slowly untangled our limbs before starting the day. I grumbled and pulled the comforter tighter around me to replace his warmth.
I heard him pad into the bathroom and brush his teeth before cracking the door to check in on my degree of consciousness.
He flicked on the string lights draped along the headboard and a soft glow filled the room. We’d learned the overhead light was too much so early in the morning for me, and I think Spencer had grown to appreciate the vibe it created. With my eyes still closed, I heard him make his way over to my side of the bed.
“Good morning, sweet girl.” he said gently, brushing stray hair from my forehead before dropping a quick kiss on my temple.
I offered a tired groan in place of words.
“Mmm, I know,” he cooed.
My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light to see him kneeling by the bed with a small boyish smile.
I scrunched my brows at him. There was nothing worth smiling at, especially at this ungodly hour.
His hand skated along my neck to cup my cheek.
“Come,” he instructed gently.
I kicked the comforter off in protest and swung my legs over the edge.  He stood and grabbed my hands, pulling me up to stand before him. I sighed and leaned into his chest, taking in his scent. He was always warm and smelled like our laundry detergent. He let me rest for a moment, then cupped my face to lift my head to kiss my forehead before taking my hand, leading me to the bathroom.
He gave me a pat on the bottom before disappearing to the kitchen, leaving me to start my morning routine. Which, if this was a Neutrogena commercial, would begin with me splashing my face over a giant porcelain sink and smiling about it.
My routine starts with me staring at myself in the morning and convincing myself that I do love my job and that I shouldn’t call in sick and snuggle back into bed with Spencer.
I wash my face and brush my teeth, the minty toothpaste and warm water waking me up.
By this time, I’m usually more awake, but still bitter about it.
Spencer pokes his head in and watches me for a moment while I finish brushing and spit. We make eye contact in the mirror and I give him a weak smile to convince him I'm making progress on becoming a functioning member of society.
“Lights,” he says, his hand already on the switch. It’s more of a courtesy warning than a question.
I give a noncommittal nod and squint my eyes, bracing for the small room to be flooded with light. After a moment, I let my eyes adjust and start opening drawers to find my bag of tricks.
“I could just call out. I have the sick time saved up,” I mumble, raking my fingers through my hair.
“Yeah?” I hear tinkering in the kitchen and continue my rant.
“Yeah. They wouldn’t even miss me if it was for one day. They’d be fine.” I lean into the mirror to tuck a few stray strands behind my ears, inspecting the bags under my eyes.
At that, he pops his head through the door and gives me an incredulous look through the mirror. I shoot him a look back with my eyebrows raised.
“Creamer?” he asks with a cheeky eye roll, not acknowledging my previous statement.
He knew better than to entertain my grumpy mumbles with anything but vague answers. There were no important discussions to be had and no rash decisions to be made before coffee, as a rule of our home.
I nodded as he retreated back to the kitchen and continued, “If someone told me not to go, I wouldn’t.” I pulled his hoodie I’d slept in up over my head, “I would simply go back to bed with said person and try again tomorrow.”
“I’m sure you would, love,” he called from the bedroom.
I walked past him and into the closet to find something to wear, tossing his sweatshirt on the bed as I passed.
“Ugh, I don’t know what to wear,” I whined, crossing my arms over my chest.
I pulled a dress out from between two others, decided it against it and put it back, repeating the process several times, suddenly not happy with anything I owned.
I sighed and let my arms fall to my side, staring at the carefully hung fabric feeling defeated, vaguely aware that I was wasting time I didn’t have just standing here.
“As much as I love you not in any clothes-”, he said from behind me, slipping his arms around my waist.
I laughed and leaned into his arms. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said, turning me around and cupping my cheeks to bring our faces together.
I gave him a smile and brought my hands to rest on his forearms, puckering my lips to reach his.
His lips were soft and unhurried, molding to mine. I sighed into the kiss, my hands moving to cup his face, pulling him even closer to me. His hands left my face and found themselves on my hips, his fingers splaying towards the small of my back; the warmth of his hands on my skin made me hum against his lips. I felt him smile into the kiss before slowly raking my bottom lip between his teeth, igniting a small flame low in my belly.
He continued the slow kisses down my neck, focusing his attention on the spots that rewarded him with the most moans falling from lips.
Spencer hummed between kisses, leaving goosebumps in their wake, the vibrations sending shivers down my spine. He pulled me closer, connecting us at the hips before returning one hand to my neck, coaxing my head to one side, exposing my neck to him. He dropped lazy kisses along my jawline and down to the hollow of my collarbone.
Just like that, my brain was absolute mush. I couldn’t think of anything besides trying to think of believable excuses to tell my boss. Car on fire. No. Kitchen wouldn’t start? No. Food poisoning on the interstate? No.
His voice broke my nonsensical train of thought. “You’ve gotta get dressed before I do actually make you late,” he murmured against my throat. His actions didn’t match his words, which told me he really didn’t want me to leave.
“Mmmm, I wouldn’t mind being late” I whispered.
He took a step back and plucked a dress from the bunch hanging and handed it to me.
“Wear this.”
I took it from him and gave him a dejected pout as he pressed a quick kiss to my forehead before retreating, leaving me to get dressed despite the unresolved fire in my belly.
I got dressed and put on a pair of heels to match the dress he’d picked and did a quick once over in the mirror before heading towards the front door.
The sound of my heels on the hardwood alerted Spencer to my presence, who turned from his position at the counter to present a travel mug with coffee and my packed lunch bag in each hand, ready for me to grab and go.
God, I love this man. I like to think he didn’t mind doing little things like this- mindless things that didn’t require him to be on 100% all the time the way he was at work.
He opened his arms to let me walk into him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and craned my neck up to give him a quick kiss.
“You look pretty,” he said against my lips, “I did good.”
“Mhm, thank you baby,” I said, taking my things from his hands. “You did do good.”
We exchanged “I love you”s as I made my way towards the door, Spencer following a half step behind to open it for me.
“Maybe you can help me take it off later,” I suggested casually, crossing over the threshold.
I turned back to see him leaning against the doorframe, one arm supporting his weight while the other rested on the door handle. He gave a small laugh and shook his head. “Hurry home to me, love.”
Stay tuned for Part 2: 6 PM coming soon! And by soon I mean like, tomorrow!
6 PM is posted! This is not a drill!
Let’s chat!
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hopeassassin · 3 years
Rally’s Scribbles in the Work
So after that lovely anon blew my mind away with their kind words and wonderful support, and because I keep telling you guys about my writing plans without actually giving you even a teensy little detail, I have decided to stop being coy and actually likely get your hopes up a bit by dilvulging small details and bits of plots of what is currently going on in my G-Drive. 
This will be a brief recount of what I have currently baking in the AoMomo oven, so let’s dive right into it! Please note that the numbers are in no particular order - I just keep revisiting each of these stories and writing a bit more to them whenever I feel like it. So there’s no ranking and no importance, just a number to keep proper count.
1. “Knight of Renown” Dragons and Knighthood AU, based on that one AoMomo pic with Momo ithe Knight and Dragon Aomine that I reblogged a while back and I actually let me imagination go a bit too much in the tags. I ended up actually rather enjoying the premise I set up in the tags so I actually started writing that one out!  Completion rate at about: 5%? I’d say? Less? :D 
2. AoMomo Music AU - a dearly beloved project that I am pouring a lot of love and attentioin to. That’s why it’s coming along super slow. It’s been in the making since November and I chewed it and mulled through it so thoroughly that I’ve grinded to a halt with it. Intending for there to be 2 chapters, and I am at about 25-30% of chapter 1 currently ready currently. At the pace I’m going, it might be another full year before you actually get to see this bad boy up, but when you do, I’m sure you’ll see all the care and effort that went into making it perfect. Honestly, no joke here, I am intending for this to be one of my rare masterpieces in this tag. So I’m not gonna rush it!
3. AoMomo Car Accident AU where Daiki barely manages to save Satsuki from being run over by a hit-and-run and ends up being the one run over instead. This was my first piece of writing after coming back to AoMomo last summer and yet completion rate is a sad thing. I want it to be flawless, a perfectly agonizing, thrilling type of torturous read that gives you a great sense of relief by the end of it. Needless to say, the clusterfuck of negative feelings is a bit difficult to hold onto for a prolonged period of time and the work is coming along slowly. Planned at about 5 chapters, I have 2 complete ones and the 3rd one is at about ... 30%? Hopefully before this year’s whumptober, we’ll have a finished piece!
4. AoMomo bond character study, which went in a direction I did NOT expect nor intend. It was suppsoed to be an idea that you will see also listed below. But I started this one from their early childhood and somehow, instead of focusing on the kids and their bond and their weird interactions with each other and their first moments of realizing they are of opposite genders, it turned into something much too fun to let go of and the ideas for scenes just kept piling. It’s going to be a long one, very explorative and very in-depth character study on the bond between these two and how it changed over the years, and their first encounters with their sexuality inbetween (because that was really the main idea that I started with... xDDD;;;) Currently at 1 chapter complete, chapter 2 somewhere around 50-60% completion, and at least 6-7 chapters to come after that, soooo.... :’DDDD YEAH. THIS ONE AIN’T SEEING THE LIGHT OF DAY ANYTIME SOON.
5. AoMomo deciding to practice stuff on each other, because I am a sucker for this trope.THIS will be what the idea under previous number 4 was SUPPOSED to be like, but it instead spun out of control. So this one, under number 5, is going to be the smutty, idiots bumbling through physicality to discover that they actually have serious feelings for each other kind of piece. Chapters are planned at about at least 6-7 or so, but not my usual monstrocities! :D First we start with practice kissing, and we move our way up from there! 
6. “The Evil of Humanity” AU - a dystopian futuristic kinda mecha AU, sort of an amalgamation of some of my favourite anime in the genre - a bit of NGE, a bit of Gurren-Lagann, a lot of Darling in the Franxx rewrite and improvement, in distinctly AoMomo colors. I poured a lot of thought and love into initial outline of main moments for this one, and I really hope to make it an epic, thrilling action/adventure with a big dash of romance kind of read! Chapters currently not even planned properly, because I need to sit down and consider this seriously. It will definitely be more than 10-15 though, and they will be my usual chapter lengths so.... likely no time soon. :D 
7. Aomine Fanclub - I got a plot bunny some time ago and I shared it here and my friends were spurring me on with it, so I started trying it out a little more. I’ve written out like... maybe 30% of this one as well, but need to re-read and reconceptualize to get it back on track. The issue with this one is that I’m not really sure where I want to take it, thus it’s on the back burner at the moment.
8. KagaKuro AoMomo double-date kind of story, where Aomine is asking some curious questions of Taiga about going to America and pondering if any of his immediate friends know what Satsuki wants to do with her life. I’m really invested in this one but haven’t started properly writing it out yet beyond just sketching out the idea so I don’t forget it. (I’d say 1% complete here.) Really looking forward to using the idea of Kagami being super impressed with AoMomo perfect sync when playing as a team in arcade games!
9.Laws of Attraction Chapter 2 - You might be surprised at this, but I’m actually super invested in this one. Likely the reason why I am delaying so much working on it - I feel like all my great scene ideas are just too chaotic and I have a hard time starting the chapter flowing properly. I had like 4-5 false starts already and I’m feeling a bit skittish with picking it up. But I have such AMAZING concepts on where to take it after it revvs up the engine, so... Maybe sometime this year! Completion rate: 0% written, but at least about 30% ideas built up for the installment!
10. AoMomo college rooming together story - sort of an expansion on my fill for one of the prompts way back those years ago in AoMomo week. I really dig the concept and the trope of sharing spaces with someone you consider nothing more than a friend and then gradually learning to appreciate each other for something so much more. I am definitely doing this one some day, but not anytime soon, likely.
11. A random idea bit me the other day (read: a month ago) and I actually wrote out like... maybe 25% of it already as well. A random comment from Wakamatsu miffs Satsuki but then she realizes why he’s asking dumb questions and she comes to realize that something is wrong with the equation: either Dai-chan likes someone really close to them and she hasn’t realized, which is unlikely, or Dai-chan likes HER and is super blase about it in a way that betrays his feelings not at all, which is even more unlikely. Being a curious  individual, she sets out to find which it is! Some hilarity should ensue but mostly just some mess-with-Dai-chan fun!
12. Touou summer training camp at the sea - progress is practically 0, I wanted to write a summery piece and set my mind on this, but nothing beyond has come to me, so I’m not forcing it.
13. AoMomo cultural festival fic in second year of high school (meaning something approx end of Oct -> beginning of Nov.) with Daiki being in a distinctly Haruhu Suzumiya role at that festival (has anyone even seen this anime? I adored that episode to freaking bits, man, it’s engraved upon my soul) and singing Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell” and one more song just like Haruhi did. And Satsuki just beholding the phenomenon he becomes in no time flat while he lays bare his passion for life for all the student body to see. Shippiness will happen in private afterwards!
14. You Can Leave Your Hat On Chapter 2 - Probably like 2-3 years ago while I was still in the damn woodwork and wrestling with real life and adulting being crap, I remembered this AU premise and I got super hyped on the idea of Club Owner Dai-chan being a flirt with innocent Satsuki who got dragged to his joined and fell in love at first sight with his shenanigans. I’ve already played around for like 7k words with the second chapter of this but I’m still not where I want to be at, so it will take a while longer to flesh it out.
15. Idol Worship - a story that I promised my mate aricana some 6 years ago the premise for which I am super hyped for but not quite engaging with it yet. The idea was that Momoi finally starts gettiing the dates she has been pesting Kuroko for for years, and Daiki feeling terrible about beholding that, whilst Kise is being pestered by Horikita Mai for a date and instead ditches her with Daiki because he knows his former Teikou classmate is a huge fan of her. Mai-chan isn’t particularly happy but somehow ends up enjoying her time with Daiki and starts considering actually pursuing him instead of Kise when she sees what an interesting soul he is, with the torch that he’s carrying for some girl in his life he doesn’t really talk about but is evident from the little things he drops off as hits. AoMomo shenanigans will start to ensue properly when Satsuki realizes that Daiki is actually having a close female friend who is not her but is Horikita Mai instead, Dai-chan’s perfect woman, practically. She doesn’t take well to the news and has to grapple with why that is! And what to do with these newfound frustrating emotions!
16. Obstruction of Justice Chapter 3 - MAYBE SOME DAY, I WILL GET TO WRITING THIS. Last summer I inteded to do just that but instead, Wild Side of Justice was born. And it became a spin off of sorts on its own. ORZ. I WILL FINISH THIS SOME DAY, I do have some plans for it and I do have the desire to pursue them. I just need to be in the right headspace for it ahsjkfhkjaf
17. A PWP story of Kagami arriving early for a practice match at Touou and somehow walking in on AoMomo getting busy with each other in very unexpected and explicit ways that Kagami did not see headed his way. Because, we need more PWP in this fandom, honestly.
18. And since we DO need more PWP, recently when checking the 30 lemons community on LJ (shut up, I’m not ancient, YOU’RE ANCIENT) I was wondering how exactly a smut plot around the “Taken by the Faceless Stranger” could work for Aomomo and I came up with this Masquerade ball that they end up both attending because of their friends and meeting each other and hitting off fantastically just chatting the night and then banging in a niche in the long castle-like premise of the ball. :’DDDD Cuz it’s me and if I don’t have something like that in the works, you know i’m likely sick.
ALL OF THESE I am planning on eventually finishing one day. ONE DAY!
For now they are in various states of completion and in various stages of being cared for and improved on with more ideas added and fleshed out.
I am not joking when I say I am very invested in this fandom. I just have difficulty getting to writing out these ideas when I spend like 60% of my free time playing my mobile games. :D 
So there you have it. I didn’t want to say anything about these because 1) I don’t want to get your hopes up. You Can Leave Your Hat On 2, for one, has been in the making for 3 years, very on-again-off-again kind of way, and I just... can’t do that to you guys. I have decided against posting any incomplete fics so I don’t torture you guys and my muse doesn’t abandom me forever for them. So when something is complete, it gets posted promptly for your viewing pleasure!
And 2) If I divulge too much of the story, I feel like my hype of it may disappear completely. Ehh, my muse is a willful creature, what can I tell you... 
So let’s hope at least SOME of these get to see the light of day soon!
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hunsa-jars · 3 years
Bringing out the big guns
13, 16, 18, 20, 28, 37
I am so sorry you don't need to answer if u want to, you could just answer with a dog pic
13: Biggest turn ons
SDHSHSHBCGHBD- okay, well the first words that came to my mind were “sharp teeth” and yeah i’m sorry let’s move on- i’m a sucker for a good smile ✋
it’s not a secret that i’m just so very weak for gentle giants and parental figures
like yeah they are sweet and kind and is good with kids and would take care of me? but could also break me in half??? hello yes where do i sign up 👀
confidence and intelligence is also a big thing for me because of course 
height. tall. someone who would hold me like a hamburger
and i don’t know, having your shit together is pretty hot ngl 😔
16: I’ll love you if…
if you give me trinkets
or if you listen to my ranting or YOU let me listen to your ranting 👉👈
don’t know? i’m the type of person who just grows fond of people very quickly for random reasons
18: Most traumatic experience
i've been in a car crash once
nobody got hurt thank god, but i remember my sight went black and my ears just couldn’t register any noise other than ringing. it felt so unreal i couldn’t say anything at all. didn't know what to to do after that, so i kinda directed all my attention to my broken headphones that technically protected my head from banging it against the window. It left its mark that’s for sure, but i try not to think about it 
20: What I hate most about myself
that i’m way too dependent and shy irl (i want to do shit on my own but hhhhh social anxiety)
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
insensitive, rude, disrespectful, loud, aggressive and racist (so glad i don’t have to see him anymore)
37: One of my insecurities
i used to have body image issues- i’m doing better now, really, tho every once in a while i just look at my stomach and wish i was thinner (but then i remind myself that i’m soft and it’s okay to be soft and i love to be soft so it’s alright)
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gretavanfleetposts · 3 years
I’m a sucker for a ship, so 💳💥💳💥💳
I’m Lexi, a kinesiology and special education grad student! I enjoy all things music history, mythology, tattoos, and motorcycles (was on a bike before I could walk lol). I’m a military brat so moved all over the country, born in Germany. I am a Taurus and born in the year of the bull, so extra stubborn. But, stubborn as in I’ll stand up for others more than myself. I would say I’m an introvert at first but then become very extroverted the more I get to know someone. I’m not sure I have a favorite movie because it changes so much. My favorite book is Slash’s autobiography 😅. My go to song when I need a pick me up is She’s a Rainbow by The Rolling Stones because it makes me walk with an extra bounce in my step. A skill I think I have is athletics, I’m able to pick up pretty easy on every sport and writing is something I dabble in! My favorite item of clothing I have is a Harley Davidson oversized jean jacket that was my dads in the 80s and I wear all the time now. I like salty things followed by sweet because you have to get the best of both. That’s why peanut butter and chocolate is my fave thing in the world. My ideal date would be something outside, like hiking or going to a lake, or something with an adrenaline rush like a theme park or even sky diving! I have small black dog named Apollo! One thing I love about myself is how inclusive I am and how I don’t take no for an answer regarding rights of others. There are pics of me on my blog, so I won’t bore you with one on here. Love your blog 🖤🖤🖤
❤: One of my favorite writers on tumblr! You are amazing and I’m only very intimidated to write this. If this is bad, we can just chalk it up to nerves because I literally love you. ANYWAY. You are beautiful and honestly sound so cool. And so smart too! Grad school is not easy but I’m sure you already know that. But you’ve totally got this.
Ship: Jake 🌖
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Because: I think you would intimidate Jake a little and I think he would love it. And you would definitely meet his stubbornness with your own which I think he needs sometimes. He would absolutely take you hiking on a first date and have a picnic waiting for you once you reached your destination. I also think he’d love how inclusive you are. Peace, love, unity is the motto after all. And I can totally see you giving him a copy of Slash’s autobiography with a bunch of notes in it for his birthday. It would be his favorite thing ever, getting to read it from your point of view. He’d memorize all of your connotations as he read and reread it on tour just so you two could talk about it at length when he got home.
You were in a bad mood when you arrived at your house, you’d be the first to admit it
It had been a long day and with the semester drawing to an end, the stress of it all was really just beginning
But a familiar car sit in your driveway, you boyfriend’s car, and immediately your mood shifted
Despite the day you had had, you put on a happy face and pushed through the front door, only to find Jake setting down a heavy backpack on your living room floor, sunglasses and sunhat already donned
You questioned his appearance and the gear sitting on the floor
“We’re going on a hike!” he said, sauntering over to you and pulling the weight of school off your back
“Get ready.” He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and returned to the backpack he had just been shoving an additional water bottle into
You quickly changed and threw your hair into a messy ponytail
Before you knew it, the two of you pulling into the parking lot next to your favorite hiking trail
He grabbed the backpack from his trunk and pulled it onto his shoulders
The two of you hiked for about an hour talking about everything and nothing at the same time
You stopped periodically to take pictures or enjoy just the view
“Almost there,” he said after a while
You had no idea where this mystery destination was but you followed without complaint
About 20 minutes later, you arrived to a small clearing that overlook dense forest
It was a breathtaking view; almost as breathtaking as the boy that had brought you to it
Jake pulled the backpack from his shoulders and set it on the ground, unzipping it and pulling out a blanket and a bottle of wine
In pure Jake-like fashion, he popped the cork and handed you the bottle to take a swig of
You laughed after taking a sip and handed it back to him, turning your gaze back to the view before you
He always knew how to help you destress
I hope you liked it! Thank you soooo much for the request!
get shipped here!
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Y’all there is a late night ambien thought that has been haunting me for a solid seven years living rent free in the corner of my brain devoted to PURE CRACK
It is a Destiel music video montage of Ke$ha’s “Gold Trans-am” where Cas rolls up in his golden pimpmobile and tells Dean and his cut-off Jean booty short-shorts to get in his fucking gold trans-am
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Please, someone deliver a fic or a pic/pure crack
This song makes me wanna have sex in my car, uh
Wham bam, thank you, man
Get inside my fucking gold Trans Am
Wham bam, thank you, man
Get inside my fucking gold Trans Am
Pull over sucker, now spread 'em
Lemme see what you're packin' inside that denim
Pedal to the medal, looking straight amazing
I can't help all the hell that I'm raising
Stopping traffic like an ambulance
Tryna get my hands in your worn down pants
Hey, skynyrd t-shirt tight, baby, need a ride?
I'm the captain of this ship, so shut up and get inside (get inside)
Come on, climb into my golden cockpit
Love you 'till you're seeing stars and stripes
Burning rubber on the southern highway
Gonna take you for a freedom ride
Get inside!
Wham bam, thank you, man
Get inside my fucking gold Trans Am
Wham bam, thank you, man
Get inside my fucking gold Trans Am
Your sweet ass mullet caught my eye
Now you got me jonesing for a mustache ride
Twenty bucks and a switchblade knife
American metal with a devil inside
Daisy dukes showing off my ass
And when I walk past give the boys whiplash
Hey, you, Skynyrd t-shirt tight, baby, need a ride?
I'm the captain of this ship, so shut up and get inside (get insid
Come on, climb into my golden cockpit
Love you 'till you're seeing stars and stripes
Burning rubber on the southern highway
Gonna take you for a freedom ride
Get inside!
Freedom ride
Get inside!
Come on, climb into my golden cockpit
Love you 'till you're seeing stars and stripes
Burning rubber on the southern highway
Gonna take you for a freedom ride
Get inside!
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Okay I really enjoyed this week’s episode! It set up a bunch of cool stuff that I can’t wait to see, and it was a fun watch. We got a number of desperately needed partner/Digimon moments, and we got some much needed Taiyama friendship action going on - as well as some other stuff I super appreciated (but still want more of). I’m so stoked for how the team is coming together.
We didn’t get a few things I normally would have expected, and I’m never quite sure if I feel that way because it’s truly missing or if it’s just that “this ain’t your momma’s Digimon Adventure” yadda yadda. I don’t think i’ll ever get used to Taichi being so serious in comparison to his 99 incarnation (but, I get the feeling he is more in line with original V-Tamer Taichi, so there’s that).
So not a slam dunk for me, but all in all, it was good!
I just took as many Taiyama pics as I could so why don’t we just knock one out of the way before we begin xD
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They look so coooool all beat up and windswept
More below!
Sooo last week, the aptly named Eyesmon evolved into the equally well-named Orochimon. I always think “hydra!” (thank you Hercules) so initially my thought was that the plan would be for each of the kids to take out one head. Then I remembered, we only have six kids so far... and then I got a better look at it:
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(this cap’s from much later but it shows the whole body so)
there was clearly one head that was significantly different from the others and appeared the most connected to the body! So the strategy was clearly lop off the central head because that’s what’s controlling the rest! A la VenomVamdemon only slightly less gross hahaha
Meanwhile back in real Tokyo, as Koushirou explains, the electronic pulse generated from this freaky Digimon’s battle is affecting anything digital, or even just anything that uses electricity.
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Our kids try to fight but it’s pretty obvious they’re out of their league. I did totally love MetalGreymon and Zudomon leading the charge together sort of. Because I continue to be a sucker for Taichi/Jou growth parallels! Anyway they both get knocked out and de-evolve so Taichi calls for them to regroup.
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Aww piggyback
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The way Jou carries Gomamon like an infant though ;___;
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Sora and Garudamon lead the retreat, scooping everyone up and carrying them out of danger and omg look at Gomamon he looks so cozy gaaah
but not before Taichi realizes someone’s not with them... it’s Yamato of course... he’s just standing there... staring...
Why? Because “my little brother’s in danger in the real world!” That is adorable. Stupid but adorable.
Also stupid yet adorable... Taichi immediately runs to go get him. I have no idea WHAT his plan was but I am eternally grateful that he is such a dork because it gives adorable dorkiness like this:
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and this
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and ultimately this
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weregarurumon tries his best he really does
(no but really this is now my PREFERRED method of transportation for these two, one each tucked under WereGarurumon’s armpit and just dangling like that while he runs like crazy protecting his precious cargo... also look at Taichi holding onto Agumon’s arm the whole time eeeeeiiiii I love those detals it almost distracts from WereGarurumon’s expression of shock when they inevitably get shot and fall to their doom x’D)
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yeah so everyone gets shot and falls to their separate dooms, and this was 100% just an excuse to put Taichi and Yamato alone together. The shonen action anime equivalent of “and there was only one bed!”
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Jou continues to cradle Gomamon like his very own son
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The kids wonder what to do and Jou has a cool moment here and there (like legit cool, where he acts all responsible)
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... er, I did say “moment” :P
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Meanwhile Koushirou is all cryptic and scary. That is his main job after all. You may think it’s to be the team brain, but it’s actually to make sure we viewers know just how terrible things really are so we can lose all hope of survival even though we already know they’re going to win x’D
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I mean that is pretty scary tbh
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Taichi breathes a sigh of relief. I wasn’t exactly surprised that he’s not running out to fight - even 99 Taichi usually understood when it was time for a strategic retreat. At the same time, maybe it’s just me, but I totally got the sense that he was scared in this scene. Not out of his head with fear, but definitely worried, I mean none of them seemed to have any effect on this monster earlier. It’s interesting to feel his tension.
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“Yamato why did you just stand there in the street while we were trying to make our getaway?”
“Because... my little brother’s right in the center of danger back home... I can’t let this monster continue its rampage or he could get hurt...”
“Yeah man that’s all fine but I mean why did you just stand there in the street like an idiot I’m pretty sure you won’t be much use to your little bro if you’re steamrollered?!?!”
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He looks so surprised that all this has been because of brotherly love. I can’t remember, is this the first Taichi’s hearing of Takeru? I know he wasn’t there when Yamato told Sora & co but maybe it was mentioned way back when they jogressed... Either way I wonder why he doesn’t say “I get it, I have a sister back home too that I’m worried about too.” Seems like a moment for bonding ya know?
That is the one thing I felt was missing here... we went through all the trouble of getting Taichi and Yamato alone together, and all that happens is Yamato confides something in Taichi that he’s already shared with the others. I mean, Taichi also shows his willingness to help Yamato and work together, and I think that is the important thing we’re supposed to take away, as Yamato’s all touched by it... but uh, for the most part I felt like not much happened in this scene, at least not that we haven’t already seen before.
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Takeru’s phone, he’s waiting for a call from “oniichan” T-T my precious boy
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And we actually get to see him!! His face!! His adorableness!! Ahhh Takeru I miss youuu!
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Family photo! Parents’ faces not shown in the usual tradition of “divorcees in kids’ shows”! Also the tell-tale brothers are holding hands, but parents are standing as far apart as possible...
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Meanwhile Taichi’s mom and sis are trying in vain to evacuate while their car flips out. Hikari sees an image of Orochimon broadcast on a nearby building and flinches away. No one else seems to notice it so maybe this is just her special ability like in 99 Adventure?
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Traffic’s at a complete standstill and everyone’s electronics are going bonkers so Mama Yagami has them get out and head for the trains. Unfortunately this is what everyone else decides to do as well, and Hikari winds up like Simba in the wildebeest stampede, only there’s no one to jump in and save her so she tragically dies. :P
taichi: I see your ‘brother in danger’ and raise you one ‘dead sister.’
yamato: screw you
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Then he remembers to praise his partner!!! All by himself! (Finally!) Gomamon’s so happy! It was so unexpected and he’s ecstastic!
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Piyomon instantly gets jealous!!!! It’s so adorable!!! Sora is quick to reassure her that Garudamon is indispensable.
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“And I’m the prettiest, right Mimi?”
“When you’re Lillymon, anyway.”
lol the return of Mimi only appreciates Lillymon’s sense of fashion tickles me. an essential Mimi characteristic
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Tentomon shyly and awkwardly tries to wring a compliment out of Koushirou too. It works, Koushirou is quick to tell Tentomon that he’s super cool as AtlurKabuterimon. I will be honest though, I wanted him to fail, just because we need to let these kids actually develop!! Their arcs are over so quickly! It took 99 Koushirou 52 episodes to be able to say “I love you” (I think it was “thank you” or something in the original Japanese but the point is he was being super honest and vulnerable at long long last). Imagine what an important moment this would have been if Tentomon’s “and me?” had been met with “huh? uh uh... I was thinking about how to defeat Orochimon... what are we talking about?”
That is something I continue to miss, not just with Koushirou but with everyone... their personal weaknesses just don’t really feel like weaknesses the way they did in 99 Adventure. And I’m just wondering why? For me, that was a driving force of what made 99 Adventure really great. It wasn’t afternoon special “stories with a moral” type drivel, because what they learned in the moment still had to build upon, and they would fail again, and learn again, and become their best selves slowly. And they’d risk a lot in the meantime. It was powerful to ten-year-old me. We are at ep 17 now and by this point in 99 Adventure, we’d had tons of scenes like that. I keep thinking “okay it’s early, we’ve got time!” but at this point it’s not so early anymore! But comparing with 99 Adventure is also a useless effort and I continue to choose to enjoy this show as its own separate thing and believe there’s still lots to come.
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Taichi expresses his willingness to fight alongside Yamato even though as Yamato warn’s “it’s gonna be totes yabai”
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Taichi: “I eat yabai for breakfast”
Yamato: “smiles”
jokes aside... the way Yamato smiles at Taichi is so cute! It’s hesitant, but once it’s there it doesn’t waver. He’s clearly starting to get used to relying on Taichi for backup, at least, and it’s no question that he feels friendship for him and the others, he’s just reluctant to admit it. The question is how all this will hold up when the situation’s reversed.
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I LOVE this particular cap, Idk, there’s something about the sheer determination on Taichi’s face and the trust in Yamato’s as he looks back at him while they ride Garurumon directly into Orochimon’s line of fire... Fizz I think you’re reading too much into the animation. DON’T MESS WITH MY DREAMS OK I KNOW THESE KIDS BETTER THAN I KNOW MYSELF
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obligatory Best Boy cap
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Suddenly, in the real world, the fight is broadcast on the screens!! I was expecting this to happen every time a screen flickered, but once it did, I was like wow!! they’re going to let the whole world in on the secret of the digital world already!? and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that
BUT... that’s not what happened, maybe. Because so far the only ones who for sure are seeing these images of Digimon and the Chosen Children are Hikari and Takeru. No one else reacted to Orochimon and Mama Yagami doesn’t go “hey, that’s my son!” We could argue no one noticed because they were busy evacuating like maniacs, and Mama Yagami was busy looking for Hikari on the ground and not looking up at the screens. But it feels impossible that someone wouldn’t notice! So my current theory is only Hikari and Takeru can actually see these images... at least for now.
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The fight rages. Meanwhile, the others soon catch up, as the only reason they were separated in the first place was to let Taichi and Yamato have a Moment. One thing I really liked though was Sora more or less leading the charge to join Taichi and Yamato. I want more of “second in command Sora” now and forever. (My personal headcanon since I was a kid was always that if something happened to Taichi, Sora, not Yamato, would take over. Tri did not go that way though :P)
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Burning eyes of courage!!
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They beat Orochimon by taking off his central head, as predicted. Then they all go and take a nap in the street. It is full of d’awww.
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Gabumon and Agumon mimicking their partners’ body language always get’s a mega d’awwwww
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Taichi: “That was yabai!”
Yamato: “I warned you it would be.”
Taichi: “Yeah, but we made it somehow!”
Yamato: “... smiles”
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Uggggghhhh I can’tttttt with these two
Like Koushrou, Yamato is totally whipped by Taichi’s smile... oh dear... my heart is pulled in two directions... Taiyama... Taishirou... “my number one my number two...” (anyone else remember that dumb song there used to be tons of love triangle amvs on youtube set to it...)
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I mean just look. look at Yamato looking at Taichi. he can’t make himself look anywhere else. ToT
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Sora and Piyomon also win Adorable Award of the Day.
Honestly everyone gets it... I apologize for not having any cute Tentomon resting on Koushirou scenes capped! It’s because they drew Tentomon’s head freakishly big and I just couldn’t do it bahahaha but they were cute too
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And that’s the end of... oh oh wait, did you think the battle was over? YOU NOOB. xD
every veteran Digi fan was not at all surprised to see this countdown appear and what looks like yet another bad guy evolution next week. Also next week...
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... looks like Takeru’s finally going to join us!! Yaaaay! Very dramatically too it seems!
We got a glimpse of Hikari in a similar moment BUT... I’m not convinced Hikari will truly be joining us. She was separated from her mom and is clearly going to have a Digimon interaction of some sort like Takeru, but I think this is “eighth child” build up, one because the current ending theme is completely Takeru centric, and two because it just makes sense to me that Takeru would be Crisis One and Hikari will be Crisis Two. Idk of course it’s just a hunch.
Fizz before you said Hikari was killed in the stampede I WAS KIDDING
kidding about children dying??? OMG Y’ALL
maybe though Hikari’s swept away by those people, gets her Digivice, then is promptly captured by... idk evil Digimon, or shady government officials? More likely, she gets her digivice and helps but keeps it a secret and plans to show her brother when they reunite... we’ll see!
This ep I give 8/10!!
Ending with one more cool Taichi cap from next week’s trailer!
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angelsonthesideline · 3 years
Tales From the Ex-Crypt Vol. 9
Wow.. volume 9.. I'm going to wrap it up with this one because I really don't want to live in the past or think about any of these people any more. I'm happy, even if Mr HTG is still not officially mine, I only want to look forward and these crypts will be closed. There are definitely more stories than the ones I've written here.. but this is the one that people are like "NO.. that only happens in movies!"
So, I was minding my own business at work when one of my regular customers walked in with a friend. They had been at a dinner party, and started talking about winter tires, and my customer said that the friend had to come see me for tires, and proceeded to bring him in. His friend wasn't someone who really stood out to me, there was nothing remarkable to me about him. He was nice enough, mild mannered, tall, blue eyes, great smile (I'm a sucker for eyes and smiles) and we went over some tire options. I sent them on their way with the friend having his quotes in hand.
I didn't really think anything more of it, it was busy (snow) season and I was plenty busy. A week or so later, the friend comes back, he had decided on some tires and steel wheels and put his deposit down on the order. I wrote up the order, and handed him his copy, when he asked "so when do I get to see you again?" and my smart ass responded with something to the effect of when he got his tires on.
I hadn't really paid any attention to him prior to that moment, and he wasn't my "type" at all. I went home, and something kept nagging at me about him, so I sent him a text after getting his number off his order slip. This is not something I generally do, but since he'd already asked me out, I didn't feel like I was overstepping. This was also 10 years ago.
I didn't hear anything back until the Monday, when I got a profuse apology for the delay, and the excuse that he had had his phone stolen while having lunch on a patio over the weekend in a busy tourist town.
We started talking regularly, he came in and got his snow tires in the meantime, and we hung out for our first "date". He told me he was on a joint task force for terrorist threats between the FBI and CSIS and had to travel often as the supervisor of his unit. He said he would try to see me as often as possible but that it wasn't always a lot of time. I didn't mind, as I was busy and we facetimed and talked by text and phone. I never felt neglected.
We dated for a year, our relationship was amazing, we got along so well, and he made me strive to be my best self. I lost a ton of weight, was eating well, and made an appointment with my doctor to get my mental health in check.
We never had sex, we just had incredibly hot makeout sessions. I always thought it was odd that he didn't want to go any further, but he said he had had a bad experience and wanted to wait until we were married. As he was on the smaller side, I figured that had something to do with it, but I was so absolutely in love by that point it didn't really matter.
He had all sorts of pics of him in his flack in his suits, in the cars, with the guns, or just in offices. I'd get a text or call saying he was flying in and was driving to see me, but would only have about an hour or two to spend with me before he had to get back to his team and back on the road. It kept things exciting, and I loved surprise visits when he'd text me at work that he was outside.
I wanted to see him more, of course, especially as things got more intense between us. But it was always a matter of time for him. No matter how awful other things in my life were going, whenever asked how things with him were, I would immediately brighten and say they were amazing.
My anxiety was getting to a very dysfunctional level, and I was struggling hardcore to manage it. I went to the doctor, he arranged for me to begin therapy. He was supportive when I told him. This was around our 1 year together. But the next time I got to see him, I got doused with ice water, when I gifted him with an expensive watch and he told me he wanted to take our relationship back a step because of his schedule. His reason was that I was amazing and I deserved to be able to pursue someone who could give me everything he wasn't able to due to his job. I was blindsided and devastated. Because I loved him so much, and was dumb, I agreed to try. I'm an absolutely all-in or all-out type of personality, there is no grey middle ground for me. It is why I do struggle with FWB and casual arrangements, unless I have mentally steeled myself to be all-out and just enjoy the moment without feelings.
My first year of therapy and into my second was almost fully dedicated to dealing with this trauma. I have never had a break up so devastating. I am pretty sure most of the damage came from the shock, but also from the "trying" to move forward with him flitting in and out of my life instead of just cutting clean ties.
I cried a lot.. I was so stressed my cortisol levels caused my body to produce more than double the healthy level of reverse T3, completely messing up my thyroid and metabolism, I gained weight, lost energy and all the other fall out. It took me years to recover, and moving to NS and stumbling upon a doctor who treated the thyroid issues (which seem to be back in working order now after some thyroid hormone therapy).
I have never ever let someone have so much impact on my life, and the only reason I can ever explain it with was just the depth of love I had for this man. I don't even know why or what sucked me in, beyond his confidence and charm. He was one of the many devil Aquarius that I dated, always trying to prove the zodiac/astrology stuff was absolutely wrong (because I am generally SO drawn to Aquarius and have dated that sign more than any other). The zodiac definitely kicked my ass with Aquarius to show me that I fucked around and found out the hard way for sure.
We did the on and off/casual thing for 6 months before it was too toxic and messed me up too badly and I cut him off. It was about 6 months later he crawled back, and we tried it again for about another 6 months before I broke again and cut him off permanently.
I tried to not think of him, and started trying to move on with dating. My longterm ex and I had become gaming friends again by this point, in a mostly healthy and functional way. He had asked me to get an app called Voxter so he could send me voice messages (pre-imsg) and I had. You have to make an account to use Voxter though, and then the app itself didn't pick up my soft voice so I deleted it. But the account remained.
One day, I get an email that I have a new suggested contact/friend on Voxter. I open the email, and low and behold, it is Mr Aquarius Devil... and I'm like "hmm.. I don't have any of his new contact information in my phone" so I go to my computer and open my gmail.. start typing in his name and up pops this picture:
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The fucker was MARRIED... and had a KID.
I will say, that was the BEST closure ever.. I was INSTANTLY over his ass instead of lamenting WHY it hadn't worked and what I had possibly done wrong. What I had done wrong, was fall for a fucking dirtbag.
Now, I work with the public.. and I had lots of regular customers that would ask me how I was and what was going on with me, and share what was going on with them. I was angry, and I showed a few of them this pic and was like "look at this fucker, he has a WIFE and KID" and I think it got back to him.
Two weeks after I stumbled upon this picture on his gmail, I got a full confessional email from him.
Turns out, he had been married for 12 years, and his son was 7 at the time I found out. Not only that, but he wasn't in law enforcement, HE WAS A PASTOR.. He had also gotten busted for sleeping with two women in his congregation, and fooling around with two others. He had lost his congregation and his church was sending him out west to some rehab. His wife was staying with him, and moving out there with him. He basically said it was all a lie (everything) and that his therapist said he had to write apology letters and explain himself to his victims (like myself). He said it was an ego trip to compensate for low self esteem. So basically, I was just an ego boosting toy for him.
A year later, I received a random text message from a southern Alberta phone number. I am guessing it was his wife, as all it said was "Have you been in contact with J***?" and I was like "J*** who?" and never heard anything ever again. But I am sure he was already back to his old tricks.
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jonny-byerss · 4 years
What are your answers to those 20 questions? Im planning to add my own answers too (even though nobody asked lol)
I got another ask for some of the numbers but I’m just gonna do this one because it’s all of them.
1) Favorite character? Jonathan, hands down. He’s so underrated. I love him with all my heart.
2) Favorite season? Even though I love Season 1 and the amount of thought that was actually put into the writing, I’m gonna say Season 2 because I really loved that season and a lot of amazing things happened in that season (mostly the Jancy kiss lol but other things too)
3) Favorite scene? Oof that’s a hard one. I really like the exorcism scene from S2 with Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy and Will (Noah Schnapp did amazing, all of the actors in this scene were phenomenal, Winona, Charlie, and Natalia and especially Noah). I also obviously love the Jancy first kiss, and how passionate it is (and scene directly before and morning after scene lol).
4) Favorite 80s song from the album? Even though it was used for Stancy (sigh), I am a sucker for Africa, I’ve loved that song since before Stranger Things. But I also love Should I Stay Or Should I Go and how significant it is to the show.
5) Favorite ship? I think it’s obvious to anyone who’s seen my blog lol, Jancy obviously. And it’s canon so there’s that.
6) Favorite outfit? Oh gosh, literally any of Jonathan’s sweaters cuz he looks so cute in them. I also really liked Joyce’s S3 look, she was a cutie. And I liked Nancy’s dresses in S3, they were cute. I like a lot of the outfits tbh (Max always has cute outfits, and El in S3).
7) Favorite antagonist? Can I say just Hawkins Lab in general? I miss S1 and S2 when you never knew what the Lab was gonna do next, it made for a good antagonist. The Russians didn’t seem all that mysterious tbh.
8) Scoops Troop, Griswold Family, or Eagle’s Nest? Griswold Family for sure! Jancy and the kids will always be superior! I wish they got more screentime, especially after the hospital scene. I also wish the siblings actually acknowledged each other.
9) Who’s your favorite actor? Charlie!! I mean, all of the actors are amazing, but I’m starting to really appreciate Charlie Heaton. For one thing, I love British boys, and for another, I just think he’s a phenomenal actor and he’s really good at showing his emotions. I wish the writers gave him more to work with.
10) Most badass Hawkins lady? Oh dang, that’d have to be a tie between Joyce and Nancy. I just love how Joyce would do anything for her kids, including go into an unknown dimension with the possibility of being Demogorgon lunch. Also, when she punched the mayor, gosh, that was amazing. And Nancy, when she stood in front of the car and just shot at Billy when he was racing towards her, I was so proud (and also scared for Nancy’s life). And “Let’s burn that lab to the ground”, I love her, she’s such a badass.
11) Favorite mom? (By the way person who made the questions, Steve’s not a mom!) I love Joyce! She is the World’s Greatest Mom™️! Sure, she has some problems, but she would literally do anything for her kids and I love that! Also, she’s so chill, like Jonathan had a girl over and she totally knew and didn’t care! My mom would literally kill me lol. I love Joyce.
12) Saddest scene? Oh gosh that’s hard. Bob dying was really sad to me, but I actually genuinely cried at the S3 ending. Not because of Hopper’s letter but because the Byers are moving! Like I get why but it’s still so sad seeing everyone say goodbye to each other, like come on Joyce, look how sad they all are :(
13) Any merch? So, because I’m fairly new to this fandom, I don’t have much. I seriously watched the whole show for the first time in April because quarantine and my friend wanted me to watch it, so I did, I’ve binged it at least 4 times though already during quarantine. However, since I recently graduated from high school and was given a lot of graduation money that I had no idea what to spend on (yes, I set some aside for college), I bought some merch. I bought a S3 poster from Walmart. I bought a Steve Funko online. For my birthday, which was in June, my friend gave me a Scoops Ahoy shirt and pin. My boyfriend gave me a Robin Funko (he said he was gonna get me Jonathan but they didn’t have anymore of his 1 single Funko, rip). And then my sister and I went to Hot Topic and I got two shirts, one that just has the Stranger Things logo and the other has the Griswold Family on it (seriously, I saw Nancy and Jonathan on it and I screamed). That’s it. Oh, and then my sister gave me some Stranger Things decals for my birthday which I put on my laptop. And then my sister’s friend gave me a sticker with Robin on it, and that’s on the back of my phone. That’s it. That’s all the merch.
14) Favorite line? I’m sorry but my favorite line will forever be, “So, Jonathan, how was the pull-out?”. That line is literally the most clever innuendo I have ever heard. And I love Jonathan’s reaction to it. And Nancy’s little smirk. I may be pretty innocent, but I understood that line the second I heard it. And I love that it’s for Jancy. If it was for any other couple, I might not have laughed as hard as I did, but it was still hilarious, imo.
15) Contributed to the fandom? Again, I’m pretty new to the fandom. I did write a fanfic, but it never got posted because my computer decided to delete it for some reason. I’m not good at art, so no on that. I did make a Tik Tok though. You can check it out, my name is @camree_nicole. The Tik Tok literally blew up (like seriously most of my videos only get like 20 likes by my irl friends, but this one got 12K likes, it was crazy!), like I gained a lot of Stranger Things fan page followers. What was the Tik Tok? I literally made it because I was procrastinating my online school (back when I was still doing that) and it’s literally about how whenever I’m binging Stranger Things and get to S2:E6, I get really excited and I showed the scene of Nancy and Jonathan about to kiss. I got a lot of comments like “Yesss I was so happy!” and stuff like that and it made me really happy lol.
16) Favorite fan theory? Idk, there’s some pretty crazy theories out there. I don’t really look at many theories, I just like seeing what some people theorize for S4. I especially like @unpredictablybittersweet’s S4 theories here on Tumblr. And GemmaStones on Reddit has some theories I really like too.
17) Favorite filming location? The Byers house!! I’m gonna miss that place :’( Lots of iconic stuff has happened there. Still bitter we didn’t get much of it in S3.
18) Read any books or comics? Again, I’m pretty new, so no I have not. I’ve heard what happens in some of them online though.
19) Favorite duo? My fave duo will forever be Nancy and Jonathan. Whether it’s platonic or romantic, when they get together they do some pretty badass things.
20) Favorite behind the scenes photo? The picture in my profile pic I believe is a BTS photo. It’s also my lock screen rn.
Also here’s my Tik Tok: (ignore my face)
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                                     Fairytale of New York
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Merry Christmas @artistic-writer​, it’s me your secret santa! I had a blast talking to you and getting to know you better. I tried to include everything you wanted to your gift both to the fic and the pic set, the title is taken from your favourite christmas song.  So, this is my first time writing angst, I hope that you will like it. Thank you to @hookedonapirate​ for being my beta and for all her help with this fic. Lastly, I would like to thank @cssecretsanta2k19​ for organizing the event. 
summary:  This day could not have gone worse for Killian Jones. Is one thing to have been hit by a car, it's another thing to actually fight for his life in a hospital bed a few days before Christmas,and before he could actually propose to his girlfriend, well that is a bad day indeed.
Also on Ao3 and FF.
Killian Jones is a 32 year old firefighter, who is crazy in love with his girlfriend. He will always remember the day he first saw her. He was just moving into his new house, in a new city, the moving truck was parked outside of his apartment building, when a blonde goddess walked out said building. He was stunned for a moment and then he remembered himself and had the good sense to introduce himself.
Turns out it was the most important introduction of his life, because 5 months later she became his girlfriend, a title she’s held for the last 3 years. He thinks it's high time for that title to change.
He decided on a place - the park where they shared their first kiss, a kiss Emma declared a one time thing before walking away ( But he knew better). He decided what to wear - his favourite pair of black pants, a blue shirt that Emma bought him for his birthday and his signature leather jacket. Finally, he decided on a ring - a silver one with a green stone in the middle that matches her eyes.
He is now walking outside of the jewelry shop feeling happy and excited, with the ring secured in his pocket. On the way to his car, he suddenly hears the sound of tires screeching the pavement. Then everything goes black.
Emma is just stepping out of the shower when her phones rings. Seeing Killian's name appear on the screen, a huge smile breaks out over her face as she picks it up.
"Hey babe, have you left the grocery store yet? Did you remember the cinnamon?" she asks playfully.
"Is this Emma Swan?" a voice she has never heard before in her life answers, a voice she is certain she will now remember forever.
"Yes, this is she. Who is this?"
"My name is Joanna Miles and I am a nurse at New York Presbyterian Hospital. I am calling because you are listed as Mr. Jones’ emergency contact. He was in an accident and is very seriously injured."
The earth is moving under her feet, she can no longer stand, it feels like her legs have turned into jello.
Killian is hurt. He was in an accident. Her love was injured. Those thoughts are going around her mind on an endless loop and she can't concentrate on anything else Joanna is saying.
Emma asks her which hospital he’s in, forgetting that Joanna had already mentioned it, and in which room to go, before hanging up the phone with shaking hands.She only wants to reach him, o be near him. She takes a deep breath and moves to the door only to realise she is still wearing a towel.
She runs into their room, puts on a pair of yoga pants, a t-shirt and her jacket. She ties her wet hair in a bun on the top of her head and races out the door.
She drives to the hospital while staying just above the speed limit. When she arrives, she parks outside the hospital and runs to the front desk.
She’s directed to the waiting room on the third room and then waits. At some point she remembers to call Killian’s brother, Liam, and then her brother to let them know what happened. She isn't sure they understand everything she says, tears are constantly running from her eyes.
David is the first one there; he holds her and tells her that Killian will be fine. Liam arrives next with his wife, Elsa. He is livid, pacing the waiting room and asking the same questions, questions Emma doesn't have the answers to.
She is sitting there and waiting, waiting to hear if he will be okay. She is waiting to see him and hug him, she wants to make sure he is still there, that he didn't leave her. Just the thought of it has her sobbing again, David has his arm around her; her tears are soaking his shirt.
After several hours spent in the waiting room, a doctor finally appears and asks for her. She immediately stands up. What the doctors says, though, makes her want to sit back down.
Killian had a severe head injury; the doctor telling her in details about his conditions usings many medical terms, which she is certain are important, but her mind can't grasp them. What she does understand, though, is that Killian is in a coma and the doctor doesn’t know when he will wake up.
But he has to wake up, she thinks to herself; though she might be saying it out loud, she might even be yelling it, she just isn't sure anymore.
The next couple of days pass slowly creating a new routine. Emma and Liam are on Killian's side at all hours, they only leave to go home for a shower and some hours of restless sleep. David keeps telling her to go home and stay there, and that he can call her if anything changes, but she can't leave more than a couple of hours; she can't sleep in their bed by herself. She needs to be near him, to see him, to make sure he is there.
She almost snaps at her brother the third time he suggests she not stay another night at the hospital. Can't he understand that where Killian is, that's where she wants to be?
The doctors keep coming in to the room, taking tests and checking all the machines that are connected to his body, while sharing very little. They don't know when he will wake up or if his condition will leave any permanent injury. His left hand is in a cast, but it is healing, he has some bruises on his body and arms, but they will heal with time. She knows it, everything will heal, if only he wakes up. She wants him to wake up to see again those blue eyes of his that made her fall in love.
It is now Christmas Eve and they had planned to go for a walk at the park near their house today. It was their place, where they shared their first kiss, it was the moment after that kiss that Emma knew she could risk getting her heart broken again, even if she ran away from him in that moment, she knew she could trust him.
Killian had mentioned that it would be nice to see the park decorated with Christmas lights, she was always a sucker for everything that had to do with Christmas. She didn’t need any convincing to agree to his plan. Unfortunately, their walk will have to wait, they would go once Killian was out of the hospital.
Instead she is spending Christmas Eve in a hospital at the bedside of her boyfriend. Their family will be here again later; they don't leave her alone for long. Just being the two of them for a moment, she feels that it is her time to ask for a Christmas miracle.
Emma holds Killian's hand while sitting beside him on the bed, she brings the back of his hand to her lips to press a gentle kiss it.
"Killian, I don't know if you can hear me, the doctors say that you might, so if you do, I ask you to wake up, to come back to me." Tears are falling from her eyes, she can't hold them back anymore. "I am begging you to fight, to open your eyes and make me the happiest person on earth. Please, my love, wake up." She is openly crying now but she doesn't care, she only cares for him to wake up. She is still holding his hand in hers and praying to everything and everyone to help him.
She stays like that for hours, always at his side, holding his hand. David comes in with his wife, Mary Margaret, his wife a little later, and they sit with her, telling her all about little Leo and how excited he is about Santa coming. Emma tries to smile, to show her love for her nephew, but she knows that her smile is not bright.
Liam and Elsa soon follow, but with Elsa being 7 months pregnant she can't stay for long. When the visiting hours end, everyone gets ready to leave. David pulls Emma aside and asks her to come to their home. Emma hugs him and wishes him Merry Christmas.
Emma is again alone in the room, talking to Killian about how everyone was just here how they can't wait for him to join the celebration, and how nobody makes gingerbread cookies like him when she suddenly feels his hand twist. For a moment she thinks that she imagined it; she is staring at his hand expecting to see it move again before she looks up and sees his eyes open and looking at her.
Emma is speechless; she is frozen as she looks back at him. After a moment she is standing up and calling out his name in just a whisper. She then presses the call button for the nurse to come in.
What happens after that is a rollercoaster of emotions. The nurse comes in, takes a look at the bed and then at the machines beside him and calls the doctor in. Emma is rushed outside of the room reluctantly, where she starts pacing.
Killian is awake, she saw him. He will be okay. That's what she keeps repeating to herself to help her stay focused and calm.
After what seems like hours, the doctor comes out and informs her that Killian is awake and well, that his body needed the extra time to heal from the accident, he will be very sleepy the next couple of days, but everything looks promising. Emma is thrilled, she cant contain her smile anymore, and calls everyone to let them know; she is certain they will be there soon.
When she’s allowed back in the room, she practically runs to his side;, His eyes are closed but the moment she touches his hand, they open and he gives her a small smile,
"Swan, did you miss me?" he asks.
She all but throws herself at him, being careful of his injuries and kisses him. There are tears coming from her eyes, but they are happy tears. "Only a little, Jones," she answers and kisses him again.
Christmas day is finally here; it's not the Christmas that they had planned, but she’ll take it. Killian is doing better and that's all she could ask for.
"Hey, love, have you seen my phone?"
"I am not sure, let me check the box with your things the nurse gave me when I arrived." She goes to the closet and opens a drawer. Sure enough, there is Killian’s jacket and she is searching the pockets when she something small, she pulls it out and sees a velvet ring box.
"Did you find it love? I wanted to text Liam," Killlian asks from the bed.
Stunned as Emma is, she’s able to turn around, still holding the ring box. Killian looks at her and starts scratching behind his ear, his nervous tell.
"Uhhh, um..” he stutters. ”Guess you didn't find my phone then?"
Emma gives him an annoying look and that is all it takes for him to decide that it doesn't matter that they aren't in the perfect place, or that he’s not wearing the perfect outfit; all that it matters is that he has found the perfect woman.
"Emma, come a bit closer, love." When she is within touching distance, he takes the box from her hand, and holds out his hand for her to take. When she does, he takes a deep breath and looks into her eyes.
"I had this all planned, we would go to the park, see all the Christmas lights, drink hot chocolates with whipped cream and cinnamon and then I would ask you. But seeing as my plan got sidetracked, I can't go another moment without asking. Emma Swan, you are the light in my life, the perfect woman for me. You stood by my side at my worse and brought me back. Will you marry me?"
"Yes, yes a million times yes!" she answers while pressing her lips on his and seals her answer with a kiss.
They only separate for a moment so Killian can place the ring on her finger and they are soon kissing again.
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