#I am going to start throwing bricks at people
lolathepeacocklord · 1 year
I hope Earthspark gets fruitier actually. I hope that Bumblebee turns out to be bisexual. I hope that Arcee is transgender. I hope that Optimus and Megatron’s dynamic gets gayer. I hope that Elita gets to be bisexual too. I hope that more characters break the gender binary. I want this show to become a fucking nightmare for conservatives. I can’t wait for Optimus Prime himself to transform me and my friends into gender warriors
Edit: Oh yeah I forgot to mention Hashtag!! I also hope that she becomes a lesbian
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celiastjamesoscar · 1 year
Devil in the Details
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Pairings: Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: Tara accidentally runs into on campus, and she’s immediately enchanted by you and asks you for help. You give her the wrong advice and she holds it against you.
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, slight drinking, mentions of sex, Frankie, mentions of Tara’s family issues. If I missed any, let me know!
AN: not my best work but oh well
Word Count: 12k (im sorry)
The fall leaves gently drifted onto the ground as Tara bolted across the Blackmore campus. She was already running late; her alarm was set for pm instead of am, and she had no idea where she was going. The sky was dark, and Tara could hear the distant sounds of thunder as she rounded a corner and smacked right into someone, causing her to fall to the ground.
“Are you okay?” The stranger said as they let out a small chuckle and reached out to pull Tara off the ground. When Tara finally opened her eyes and made eye contact with the stranger, her heart fluttered.
The woman was undoubtedly gorgeous-there was no denying that-and she simply towered over the more petite girl. Tara was enchanted by the girl’s eyes that shined through the gloomy weather surrounding them and how her features contrasted with the outside world.
She spoke with the voice of an angel that sang in Tara’s ears, as Tara just stared blankly at her.
The girl shifted from one foot to the other, clearly not expecting this to happen, “are you okay?” She questioned again with her arm still extended.
Snapping out of her trance, Tara eagerly grabbed the stranger’s hand and stood up, “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going. I was supposed to be at my class ten minutes ago and don’t know where the room is. I just ran from the other side of campus, and I’m lost,” Tara rambled on as she talked with her hands. She was getting ready to talk more, but the stranger interrupted her.
“Okay, slow down,” she said with a soft smile that caused her eyes to crinkle, “what class is it?”
Tara let out a defeated sigh. She hated having to rely on people for help, especially strangers. She felt they had a mysterious power over her, and she hated not being in control. “Chemistry with Mrs. Rosalind in Franklin Hall.”
The stranger turned slightly to her left before pointing towards a brick building, “Franklin Hall is that way. Just go past this building and make a sharp left. It will be on your right past the giant water feature; you can’t miss it.” She finished with a mischievous smirk that Tara mistook for a flirtatious one.
“Thank you so much; I owe you!” Tara yelled with a smile as she had already started to jog away from the stranger, but she mentally slapped herself for not asking the girl her name.
The stranger smiled as she watched Tara slowly disappear, her heart fluttering at the more petite girl’s smile. Once she lost sight of her, she turned around and went to Franklin Hall.
“I met the worst fucking person on the planet today!” Tara exclaimed as she walked into her shared apartment before violently throwing her bag onto the floor and kicking off her shoes. She stomped to the couch and flopped onto it with a huff.
Sam tried her best not to laugh at her sister’s antics, as she always met ‘the worst person on the planet’ at least once a week. “Who was it this time?” She questioned as she walked into the living room and sat on the chair opposite Tara, but upon closer inspection, Sam noticed that her baby sister was a little damp. “And why are you wet?”
At Sam’s question, Tara sent her a deadly glare before taking off her shoes and socks, throwing a sock at Sam. “I will get to that in a minute; just let me rant about Satan.”
Sam quickly threw the sock off that landed on her shoulder with a disgusted face, “Okay then, tell me about your encounter with Satan.”
Tara lays back on the couch and laces her fingers together as if she was getting ready to talk to a therapist before speaking gently, “As you know, I woke up really late this morning, so I didn’t get to eat breakfast. Because of that, I was already in a bad mood and somehow ended up on the opposite side of campus. So I had to haul ass to return to the other side for my class when I accidentally ran into a woman.”
Sam ignored how Tara’s eyes seemed to sparkle when she mentioned the woman and how her eyes seemed to dance. “So you physically ran into Satan?” Sam questioned with a slight chuckle as she received a death glare from Tara, which resulted in Sam moving uncomfortably, “anyways, continue.”
“Before I was so rudely interrupted, this woman helped me up, and my god, Sam, she was so beautiful it almost made me cry. And she spoke with a gentle voice that sounded like angels. She also had these beautiful eyes that pulled me in. And that smile, I can’t even begin to describe it; it was the most perf-she’s a fucking bitch is what she is.” Tara ended with a hateful tone after realizing she had been daydreaming about the mysterious woman. “So I asked her where Franklin Hall was, and she pointed me toward it. So naturally, I took off running because I was late, and as soon as I rounded the corner, boom! I immediately fell right into a pool. I was shocked and forgot I had to swim, so someone had to jump in and save me. It was so embarra-stop laughing!”
Sam had a smile on her face since Tara started talking about this she-devil, trying to fight back a laugh, but she completely lost it when Tara said someone had to save her from drowning. She shouldn’t find her sister's near-death experience this funny, but she couldn’t help.
After a few minutes of Sam laughing, she eventually dries her tears before speaking with a small laugh, “I'm sorry, you can continue talking.”
Tara stared at her for a few seconds before returning to the story, “Anyways, this woman drags me out of the pool, and of course, I thank her. She asked me why I decided to swim, and I explained the situation to her. Naturally, she finds it funny and helps me find my class because we miraculously have it together. So we walk into class soaking wet, and guess who we sit by?” Tara finishes with an eyebrow raised.
“Who?” Sam questioned with a knowing feeling of who it was.
“The fucking devil. She has this devilish smirk on her face and doesn’t even look at me; she just leans past me and asks the lady I was with, ‘Decided to go for a swim, Anika?’ God, I fucking hate her.” Tara stated with a groan as she clenched her fists into the air, making it clear she hated this woman.
Sam couldn’t help the small chuckle that left her lips. “So, did you guys talk at all or just sit in awkward silence?”
Tara scoffed before sitting up on the couch. Clearly, this was something that angered her deeply, “oh, no, we did not talk. She talked. Talked the entire fucking class with that same fucking devilish smirk I just wanna kiss off.” Tara finished before realizing what she had just said, “Kick off, I meant. Anyways, the professor forced me to get my notes from her, and she gave them to me. But every five minutes or so, she would lean over and draw something on my paper. Look!” Tara exclaimed as she got up and grabbed her backpack, pulling out the piece of paper and handing it to Sam. The paper did indeed have little scribbles all over it.
The drawings varied from squiggly lines to stick figures sword fighting to even a tiny detailed drawing of Tara. “What’s this right here?” Sam asked as she pointed to beautiful penmanship that said ‘Y/N x Tara’ with a heart drawn around it.
“Oh, the devil wrote that after she asked for my name,” Tara said with a shrug of her shoulders as a slight blush crept up her neck, “she just tapped on my shoulder, asked me what my name was, and wrote that down before turning back to her book.”
Sam looked between Tara and the heart, wondering why Tara even kept the piece of paper as it didn’t have any notes on it. “Why did you keep it then? If she bothers you so much.” Sam questioned, hoping to catch her sister in a lie.
Caught off guard, Tara quickly stumbled over her words before snatching the paper out of Sam’s hands while grumbling, “Mind your own business,” as she stomped off to her room.
Chemistry class continued like that for a week; Tara would mind her business while Y/N occasionally drew on Tara’s paper. By the week's end, Tara had a small collection of Y/N’s doodles. Still, her favorite one remained the drawings from the first day; the one with the heart wrapped around their names and a small drawing of herself. Tara could help but smile at the thought of it, but her smile quickly dropped every time she saw you.
“Good morrow, Tara,” Y/N said as she placed her backpack on the table and sat in her chair. Tara rolled her eyes at Y/N before speaking, “It was until I saw you.”
Y/N scoffed at her words as she swiveled to face Tara, “Why must you wound me?”
“I don’t know, maybe because you made me walk half a mile in the wrong direction and caused me to fall into some water?” Tara asked with an annoyed tone as she looked Y/N in her eyes. She wanted to strangle the girl, especially when Y/N laughed when Tara mentioned the water.
Wiping the tears away from her eyes, Y/N laughed, “Yeah, I forgot about that. That was a gas, wasn’t it?”
“No, it wasn’t a ‘gas,’” Tara exclaimed as she kicked Y/N’s chair, causing the girl to roll slightly away from her, “someone had to jump in and save me. Where is she, by the way?”
“Anika? She stayed home; she woke up with a temp this morning, so I made her some soup and promised to fill her in with everything we did today.” Y/N said as she pulled out a notebook and pen, preparing to take notes instead of writing all over Tara’s paper, which caused Tara to look at her with an eyebrow raised, “Sorry, beautiful, no drawings today.”
Tara rolled her eyes at Y/N’s comment but quickly faced away from the girl to hide her blush as the lecture started. She wondered if Anika and Y/N lived together, as the girl mentioned she made her soup this morning, or if she just woke up early and made her friend something; either way, she figured that was the one good deed she did in a year.
Once class was over, Y/N politely held the door open for Tara, which earned her a scoff and an elbow to the side. “I don’t know why you dislike me, Tara. I haven’t done anything to cause you harm,” Y/N said as she jogged to catch up with the shorter girl who tried her best to speed-walk away from Y/N.
“Are you serious right now?” Tara asked as she continued to walk quickly; for every three steps she took, Y/N took one.
“Okay, that was not my fault. You should have been paying more attention. And I can’t believe you are still upset about that,” Y/N stated while looking down at Tara.
Tara quickly stopped her movements as she looked at Y/N. “I am not explaining this to you again, as your pea-sized brain cannot seem to comprehend why I am furious with you!” Tara finished as she shoved her pointer finger into Y/N’s chest.
Y/N just smiled at the girl before reaching up and wrapping her hand around Tara’s finger before pulling it close to her lips as she gently kissed the back of her hand, right where Tara’s scar was. “Sei bellissima quando sei arrabbiata.”
When Y/N’s lips touched Tara’s hand and landed on her scar, electricity shot throughout her body; it almost caused her to shiver. Her body reached before she even had time to think; her hand quickly pulled back before her fist made its way right into Y/N’s face, and the sound of impact filled the air.
Y/N was slightly taken off her feet as she stumbled back a bit and reached up to feel her nose. She felt liquid drip onto her hand and brought her hand down to find crimson blood on her hand. She could already taste the copper in her mouth as the blood flowed easily. She couldn’t tell if it was broken, but she had a gut feeling it was. She quickly straightened her poster and stood there in silence as tears began to form in her eyes, and a slight trickle of blood ran from her nose, down her mouth, and dipped onto her clothing. That's the thing about getting hit in the nose; no matter the circumstance, you always cry. It could be because of the humiliation, the shock, or the sharp pain that followed. But no matter what you do afterward, you always have tears in your eyes.
“Okay.” Was all Y/N said before she turned away from Tara and started walking, tugging on her backpack straps. For some unknown reason, Tara felt shame quickly replace any sparks she had felt, which made her heart shatter.
When Y/N arrived home, she quickly sat her pack down and went into the shared bathroom. She wiped away the blood and waited for the flow to stop. Once she did, she popped her nose back into place. She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror; she already had purple bruises forming under her eyes, and her nose was swollen and bruised. Y/N then turned off the bathroom lights, entered her room, and sat on her bed.
The moment to herself allowed her to think back on the harsh conversation she and Tara had merely an hour ago. She could still feel the sting of the punch every time she thought about it. It’s not like she didn’t apologize for sending Tara in the wrong direction; she brought the girl a small bouquet on the second day of class that had a small note that said, “It is I that is full of sorrow, for I doth bestow no harm onto thy lady of beauty.” Tara didn't say anything when Y/N handed her the flowers with a small smile, but she let out a dry chuckle when she read the note. Y/N believed they were on good terms after that, but sadly, she had assumed wrong.
The next day, Y/N walked in, sporting a pair of black sunglasses, as Tara was already in her seat. Y/N placed her bag on the table and sat down, entirely ignoring how Tara’s eyes burned into the side of her skull. Anika had not overthrown her illness yet, so it would just be the pair again. Tara could see the nasty purple that had formed underneath Y/N’s eye even though the girl still had her sunglasses on. She felt awful for what she did to Y/N and wanted to apologize, but she knew words couldn’t fix this. She didn’t know what could. So, they sat in awkward silence until the lecture began.
Hoping to ease the tension, Tara drew a small stick figure holding some flowers with the words “I'm sorry” in a word bubble. She slid it over to her left, praying Y/N would accept the peace offering. Tara did not expect Y/N to draw a stick figure holding garden shears, cutting the flowers in two before sliding the paper back to Tara. She stared blankly at Y/N before taking the piece of paper and shoving it into her bag with a huff.
The weekend arrived and passed in a fly, and it was Monday again, but Tara silently screamed for joy when she saw Anika to the right of her seat. She was so glad to have Anika back and hoped it would make her feel less bad about Y/N. The two joked the entire class while Y/N sat silently, too interested in what Professor Rosalind had to say. However, after class, Anika pulled Tara off the side once Y/N had left.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Anika whisper-shouted at Tara, burning holes into Tara’s eyes with her own, “Why did you punch Y/N?!”
“Because she kissed my hand, and I freaked out! I told her I was sorry, but she’s still mad at me.” Tara defended with slightly frustrated eyes as she clenched and unclenched her fist.
“Of course, she’s going to be mad at you, you broke her nose, and she was out of commission all weekend!” Anika replied, not phased when Tara said that Y/N had kissed her hand; she liked to do that to people she found attractive.
Tara looked down at the ground in shame, not knowing how to respond. Anika sighed as she rubbed her hands on Tara's triceps, “I’m sorry, Tara. I shouldn’t have yelled at you earlier; I just get protective over Y/N. Trust me; I know better than anyone that she can be an asshole. I've wanted to strangle her several times, but you eventually warm up to her.”
Tara scoffed at her words and rolled her eyes, “She cut up the fake flowers I drew for her; I am not warming up to her anytime soon!”
Not wanting to argue, Anika dropped the subject, “anyways, let’s not talk about Y/N. Would you like to work together on this chemistry project?”
Tara beamed at the mention of the chemistry project; She had already figured Anika would work with Y/N since they were best friends, and she was a little skeptical about working with her as she didn’t want to upset Y/N even more.
As if reading her thoughts, Anika voiced, “Don't worry about Y/N; she’s already finished the project. She prefers to work alone anyways.”
Tara nodded, “Yeah, I’d love to work with you on it.”
“Okay, good! We can start on it next Monday around five. I’ll send you my address.” Anika said with a smile as she walked towards her next class. Tara was just grateful she had a partner for this project, so she smiled as she went to her next class.
Sam’s car slowly pulled up to the apartment complex Anika had sent her; it was reasonably pleasant, with eight different levels. “Okay, this is it,” Tara said as she grabbed her backpack from the backseat and opened the door, but Sam placed her hand on Tara’s arm, causing the girl to stop her movements.
“Call me if you need anything, Tara. I’m serious,” Sam stated as she looked at her baby sister. She worried about Tara like a mother. Her protectiveness knows no bounds. But she wanted Tara to have some form of a social life, so she allowed Tara to go to a friend’s house for this project. She’d never tell her sister, but Sam’s stomach hurt when Tara was away.
Tara placed her own hand over Sam’s, “Don’t worry, Sam, I’ll be safe. I’ll text you when you get to Anika’s room.” Tara slowly climbed out of the car and was getting ready to close the door but stopped, “I love you, Sammy.”
Sam smiled at her sister, her heart filled with joy at Tara’s words, “I love you too. Now be safe and nice!” Sam knew that Tara could sometimes be an angry little dog that liked to bite ankles, so she felt it necessary to warn her sister.
Tara rolled her eyes at Sam’s words as she closed the car door and approached the complex's entrance. She turned around and sent Sam a wave before entering the building.
The elevator was broken-to her demise-so she dragged herself up five flights of stairs. Out of breath, she sauntered over the door that had ‘237’ on it. ‘Great, I’m going to get murdered by the ghost of Lorraine Massey after climbing up seven thousand steps,’ Tara thought to herself as she knocked on the door.
When the door flew open, any air Tara had managed to keep trapped in her lungs flew out. Standing before her was Y/N in nothing but a sports bra and shorts. Tara’s eyes raked over Y/N’s body, She had sweat glistening on her chest and stomach, and Tara admired her abs and subconsciously reached out to touch them as she licked her lips. Y/N quickly slapped Tara’s hand away while glaring at her with narrowed eyes, snapping Tara out of her fantasy.
“What do you want? You aren’t welcome at my mojo dojo casa house,” Y/N stated as she crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway. Tara could hear her heart beating in her ears, and her palms started to sweat. She had sworn to hate Y/N, but the girl made it so hard.
Tara was at a loss for words; not only did she have to climb up five flights of stairs, but the Devil herself was standing in front of her in all her beauty, shirtless, and had just caught her staring at her chest and abs. “A-Anika.” Tara managed to mumble out.
“Anika, your weird pervert friend is undressing me with her eyes,” Y/N called out into the apartment room before turning her attention back to Tara with a mischievous smirk.
“I-I’m not-” Tara stuttered, too ashamed that Y/N had caught her checking her out. “No,” she finally whispered.
Y/N glared at Tara, not saying anything. She enjoyed watching the smaller girl squirm under her gaze. Y/N studied how Tara refused to meet her gaze and kept shifting the weight on her feet.
Tara heard a muffled voice yell from behind Y/N, causing the shirtless woman to look behind her and walk a little bit into the apartment. Y/N said something that Tara couldn’t make out, and Anika responded to her, but by how Y/N tilted her head back and let out an angry noise from the back of her throat, Tara only assumed it wasn’t good.
She stomped back to Tara and crossed her arms as she leaned against the doorframe. “Anika is in the shower. She’ll be a couple of minutes,” Y/N said with an irritated tone as she glared down at Tara.
“Oh, okay then. Would it be alright with you if I came in then?” Tara asked with hopeful eyes and a slightly awkward smile, causing Y/N to let out a small laugh. She didn’t say anything in response, and Tara was getting ready to shove past Y/N, but the taller girl moved to the side, uncrossed her arms, and made a welcome gesture.
“Thank you,” Tara said as she walked into the apartment with her head down. Tara followed Y/n into the living room and sat on the couch with her hands in her lap. She could feel more comfortable if it was just her waiting on Anika, not her and the shirtless devil.
“Just make sure your gremlin attitude doesn’t seep into the couch and ruin it,” Y/N mumbled as she walked into her room and shut the door.
Not knowing what to do, Tara quietly sat while looking at her phone, patiently waiting for Anika. After what seems like hours, Anika finally comes out of her room, “I am so sorry, Tara. Y/N and I carried some slushies, and she tripped on the stairs. Anyways, long story short, the drinks landed on me, and I had to take a shower,” Anika said as she walked over to the couch and pulled out a binder for their project.
It seemed a little too convenient that Y/N had ‘accidentally’ tripped and somehow managed to get all the drinks over Anika and none on herself, and then after Anika had told Y/N that Tara was coming by, she started to work out right after. It also seemed a little too convenient that the hot water stopped working a few minutes into her shower, causing Anika to wait for it to return and extend her shower even longer.
“That’s okay. I’m just glad we can get started on this project,” Tara replied as she scooted over so Anika could sit beside her.
Anika sat beside Tara with the binder on her lap and opened it, flipping through the papers as she spoke, “I hope Y/N wasn’t too mean. She likes to hold grudges.”
“She wasn’t too much, just her normal self,” Tara said shyly. She was not about to admit to Anika, let alone herself that she thought about fornicating with the much taller woman. “So, let's get started on this project then?”
“Let us,” Anika replied as she read through the instructions. The two worked together peacefully for thirty minutes, joking back and forth with each other and making little progress on the task at hand. Thirty minutes then turned into an hour and a half of gossiping, their project long forgotten.
Y/N had been halfway listening to the two girls outside, waiting until the perfect time to leave her cave. When she deemed the time was right, she did enough push-ups and enough squats to work up a decent sweat and sauntered out into the living room, still in her shorts and bra.
Tara's eyes instantly snapped towards the door that flew open, and her heartbeat immediately picked up. Her leg began to bounce, but Anika noticed and placed her hand on the girl’s leg, giving her a look of disbelief.
“What are you doing, Y/N?” Anika called out with a slight hint of frustration while pressing Tara’s knee down.
Y/N scoffed as she walked into the kitchen, “I'm getting some water? Am I not allowed to be thirsty?” She asked with a playful smirk she sent toward Tara. She knew Tara was checking her out and loved watching the girl fight her urges.
“So you’ve been working out for two hours now and finally decided that you might need some water?” Anika questioned, not believing Y/N for a second. She knew that Y/N loved to tease people, especially Tara, who would knock back and argue like a match made in hell.
Y/N grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and then walked toward the couch, “um, yes? Why is that so hard to believe?” She asked with sass as she placed a hand on her hip while holding the bottle in the other.
Anika stared at Y/N with a look that said, ‘I seriously cannot believe you right now.’ She then blinked, rolled her eyes, and said dryly, “Because you went to the gym this morning like you do every day. And you never workout at home because you said ‘I don’t have enough space to sculpt this perfect body’” she used air quotes when she spoke.
“What are you getting at then?” Y/N questioned, refusing to back down from this challenge.
Anika just shrugged and returned to her project, refusing to give in to Y/N’s challenge. Disbelief took over Y/N’s face; usually, Anika argued back with her, but for some reason, she didn’t, which made Y/N sad.
With a frown, she shuffled back into her room. She grabbed some clothes and walked towards the shared bathroom. “I'm taking a shower. Please don’t use the water,” she announced as she closed the door.
“Whatever,” Anika mumbled as she went back to the project. She asked Tara a question, and when she didn’t get a response, she looked up to find Tara staring holes into the bathroom door.
“Hey! Snap out of it! This isn’t you!” Anika commanded as she snapped her fingers in front of Tara’s face. The girl was quickly pulled back into reality when Anika snapped her fingers as if in a trance. She mumbled a quiet ‘sorry’ as she returned to work.
Every Monday and Friday for two weeks were spent like that; Tara would come over for a project, and Y/N would miraculously be working out simultaneously. She would walk into the kitchen, grab a bottle of water, grab some clothes, and shower. And every single time, Tara could not pull her eyes away. And every single time, Anika had to snap Tara out of it. Tara wanted to stop staring at Y/N, especially after everything between them, but she couldn’t.
Of course, Y/N and Tara did not talk during their chemistry class. Sometimes, Y/N would ask Anika to relay a message to Tara, and those messages were, ‘You look dreadful,’ ‘You look decent today,’ ‘Your appearance isn’t assaulting my eyes,’ ‘Ouch, that hurt. Please don’t kick me again.’ Sometimes, they were helpful messages, ‘Your shoe is untied,’ ‘The answer is C,’ or even, ‘Your hair isn’t braided evenly.’
Tara would try to speak to Y/N, but the girl would uphold her head and side-eye Anika. Then Tara would have to lean over to Anika, tell her whatever she wanted to say, and then Anika would have to lean across Tara and talk to Y/N. It would have been entertaining if Anika had sat between them and not Tara, but she took what she could get. The class continued like that for a few weeks until it was time for the labs to begin. Of course, Professor Rosalind made her students work in groups of three, so naturally, Anika, Tara, and Y/N worked together.
Anika and Y/N were messing around with a Bunsen burner while Tara actually tried to do the project. They were supposed to be doing an ion flame test, but Y/N kept on getting distracted by the different colors the flames would emit.
“Oh my god, guys, look at this one!” Y/N exclaimed as she held a small wire loop in the Bunsen burner flame. The flame below the wire was blue, but the flame above it was a blue-green color. Anika looked over at Y/N and was utterly fascinated by it, but Tara could have cared less.
“Which compound is that?” Tara asked with a bored tone.
“Copper,” Y/N replied, matching Tara’s tone. Tara just rolled her eyes at Y/N as she wrote down ‘copper=blue/green”.
The lab continued like that; Y/N and Anika would mess around with the fire while Tara wrote down the answers. Tara had completely blocked them out of her mind until she heard Y/N say, “Anika, I will throw hand sanitizer on you if you do not stop.”
That one sentence pulled Tara out of the daydream, and she was instantly alert. Tara’s head was immediately filled with the screams of her ex-girlfriend, Amber. Her eyes darted around the room, afraid that Ghostface would come to finish her story at any moment. Y/N gently placed her hand on Tara’s lower back, and she quickly remembered where she was.
Y/N looked at Tara with worry as she rubbed the girl’s back. “Is everything alright, Tara?” She asked with worry in her voice.
Tara just nodded her head, “Yeah, I’m good. Just got a cold chill.” Y/N gave Tara a weak smile, one that ‘I don’t believe, but I won’t pressure you about it.’ Tara smiled back at Y/N as the taller woman pulled her hand off Tara’s back.
After their moment in the lab, Y/N quickly left the building, saying something about needing to return some video tapes. As Anika and Tara walked out together, Anika said, “So, one of my buddies is throwing this Christmas party at his frat house. Would you want to go to that with me?”
Tara thought about it for a moment; she really wanted to go out and possibly find someone to hook up with; god only knows her sex life has been lacking lately. “Sure, when is it?” Tara asked after a few beats of silence.
“It’s on Friday, the 15th, so in a couple of weeks, at the Sigma Nu house. I can pick you up and take you with me; I’m already taking Mindy,” Anika suggested.
“Okay, sounds good. Is there a theme?”
“Ugly sweater, but that's fine if you don’t have one. It starts at six, but I’ll pick you up about ten minutes before.”
Tara smiled at Anika’s words, “Okay, sweet. Sounds good.”
On a Tuesday afternoon, around six, Tara went to the library to find any books she might need. As her eyes grazed over the names of authors, she slowly rounded the corner and went to walk over to the next aisle, but someone caught her eye. Her eyes drifted over to Y/N. She was sitting by herself with a book in hand. The cover was red with different patterns, and Tara laughed to herself when she read the title.
“‘The Devil and Tom Walker.’ It's a good book and it suits you,” Tara said to Y/N, who slightly lifted her head out of the book to look at Tara. Her eyes locked with Tara’s, and Tara swore that she could see a hint of sadness in them, along with hurt. But it was only there for a second, as the sadness and hurt quickly turned into anger.
“It would be a good book if my pea-sized brain could comprehend the words,” Y/N said dryly, refusing to meet Tara’s piercing gaze. Tara felt her heart break slightly at those words, but just as Y/N’s eyes did, her chest filled with anger.
Tara walked closer to the table Y/N was sitting at, causing the girl to look up from her book, “Look, I am sorry I hit you, okay? I apologized, yet you still insist on being rude to me.” Tara huffed out as her hands rested on the back of the chair across from Y/N.
Y/N looked up from her book, glaring at Tara with narrow eyes, “You broke my nose and insulted my intelligence, asshole. Unless you’ve already forgotten that.”
Tara laughed dryly, “You made me late to class, fall into some water, and cut up my apology flowers!”
Y/N stood up from the table and threw her book into her backpack before walking with heavy footsteps around the table and towards Tara, “Well, at least I had the decency to give you real flowers as an apology, you fucker.” She finished as she pushed Tara.
She stumbled back a bit at the force, but Tara quickly recovered. She clenched and unclenched her fist, trying not to hit Y/N again, no matter how much she wanted to.
“You are an insufferable, miserable, pretentious idiot who only causes harm.” Tara belittled as she poked Y/N’s chest.
Y/N remembered it all too well the last time this happened, but she wanted to be the one with the final say.
“At least my family hasn’t left me. At least I know what it’s like to have a functional family. Something you will never know.”
She regretted it as soon as the words left her lips. Tara’s face instantly reacted to the words, as if she had been shot. Tears began forming in her eyes at the mention of her family’s troubled past. Her chest began to heave, her vision got blurry with tears, and she turned away from Y/N. She pushed away Y/N’s hands and ignored the words that were being said, “Tara, I'm sorry. I didn’t mean it.” She didn't want to be around Y/N; she didn't want her to see her this weak and pathetic.
“You had no right, Y/N. No right at all to say that. I confided in you with that information,” Tara muttered, her voice laced with venom and hurt.
She started to walk away from Y/N, slowly, then quickly. Once she left the library, she sat on the stairs and broke down. Her quiet sobs filled the air as she tried to regain her breath, but nothing seemed to work. She stopped crying momentarily when the library doors swung open and hurried footsteps stopped behind her.
She wiped the tears from her eyes as someone sat beside her. “Tara, please. I'm sorry. I didn’t mean it.” Y/N whispered gently as her voice began to break, along with her heart.
She never meant to hurt Tara. She just wanted the girl to leave her alone. All she’s ever wanted in life was to be left alone, but now she can't stop herself from wanting to be alone with Tara, which terrified her. She hasn’t wanted anyone in her entire life, no one except Tara. And now, she had mentioned Tara’s traumatic past of failed family relationships and knew that Tara would never forgive her.
Tara didn’t even mean to tell Y/N about her family issues; Y/N had overheard the smaller girl confide in Anika one day at the library. Tara talked about her father leaving during Christmas, her mother cutting her older sister out of her life, then her older sister leaving one day without a trace. She also talked about how her alcoholic mother practically left her alone as a child. She then mentioned that Sam only returned when Tara was attacked; she didn’t go into details, but Y/N knew it pained her too much to discuss. Anika and Y/N both picked up on the meaning behind her words: no one has ever loved me enough to stay, so I will live and die alone, just as I have my entire life. When Tara was done talking, Y/N didn’t say anything; she just pushed a drawing toward her and smiled when Tara looked at her. It was a drawing of three people: Anika, Tara, and Y/N. They were all sitting on the floor next to a Christmas tree, opening presents and smiling. There was a fireplace that they sat in front of, and on the mantel were the words “Found Family.” They still weren’t on good terms, but that drawing made Tara feel slightly better about herself and Y/N.
Tara was pulled from her thoughts when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders. Tara didn’t fight back when Y/N pulled her into her chest. Y/N placed her right hand on Tara’s head while rubbing her thumb against the girl’s head. Her left arm held Tara against her chest while she rubbed her back with her hand. She let Tara cry into her chest. She didn’t say anything as Tara took hiccuped breaths. She didn't say anything when Tara repeatedly said, ‘I hate you,’ with a weak voice. And she certainly didn't say anything when her own cheeks became wet with tears. Instead, she leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on Tara’s head, saying, ‘I know’ as she rubbed the girl’s back.
Once Tara had finished her sobs, she pulled back from Y/N’s chest. Y/N expected the girl to hit her again, to scream at her and tell her to die in a hole; she expected everything. She everything except what happened.
Tara let out a small, dry chuckle. She stood up from the stairs, wiped her eyes and cheeks, and looked down at Y/N. She had the most honest look in her eyes, something that Y/N had never seen in the girl before. “Thank you, Y/N. Thank you so much for showing me the real you. I am so glad that I didn’t waste my time on you. Seriously, thank you so much for sparing me the misery of knowing you beyond just an acquaintance,” Tara said with such an honest tone that Y/N had a hard time believing that Tara was insulting her.
“Okay.” That was all Y/N said. She stood up from the stairs and looked at Tara. They both had water-stained cheeks, red eyes, and noses, but one only felt relief while the other felt pain. Any friendship that they might have rekindled died that day. Tara said nothing as Y/N walked away with her bag over her shoulder. Y/N felt nothing but pain as she walked away from the beautiful girl she just made cry; tears of her own began free falling from her eyes the further she walked away.
Once Tara could no longer see Y/N, she slowly returned home. As she walked home, her heartbeat picked up, and she subconsciously walked quicker. She didn’t know why, but she had a gut feeling something terrible had happened. She pulled out her phone and called Sam, hoping her sister was still around. Y/N’s words cut deep, and she was terrified that Sam had left her again. When Sam didn’t answer, Tara started to hyperventilate. Her fingers began to shake, and her vision became blurry with tears as she clicked on Sam’s number and called her again. When Sam didn’t pick up the second time, Tara lost all hope. She started to sprint as she sucked in her breaths, trying to keep some air trapped in her lungs.
She burst through the apartment entrance and flew up the stairs, ignoring how her lungs screamed for air, her chest tightened, and breaths began rare, and she ignored how her once broken leg started to hurt.
Her shaky hands fumbled with the keys to her apartment as she tried to unlock the door quickly. Her breathing was still trying to catch itself as Tara pushed herself through the door and slammed it shut. “Sam? Sam! Are you here?” Tara called out into the empty apartment.
She searched through every room in the apartment, checked every bathroom and every closet, trying to find her sister. She screamed out for Sam in hopes that her sister might hear her pleas wherever she ran off to. She even looked under every bed to ensure Sam wasn’t pulling some disappearing prank on her like they did when they were kids. Once Tara had ransacked every nook and cranny of the apartment, she stumbled into Sam’s room and called her again. When Sam didn’t answer the third time, Tara cried herself to sleep on her sister’s bed, believing she genuinely pushed away the one person who had returned for her. She cried herself to sleep, believing that Y/N was right; no one would ever love her enough to stay.
When Sam woke up early in the morning, she gently pushed Danny’s arm off her waist. She rolled over on her side and immediately shot out of bed once she read 3:33 am on the clock. Sam quickly picked up her clothes and got dressed. She never meant to sleep over at Danny’s apartment. She worked a double and needed some sort of distraction. She ran through the apartment as she hunted down her phone and felt her heart shatter at the thirteen missed calls from Tara.
Sam didn’t tell Danny bye as she ran out of his apartment and returned to hers. She didn’t even need to use her key as she pushed open the unlocked door. “Tara?” Sam called out as she ran to her sister’s room. When Tara wasn’t there, she moved to her room and quietly pushed the door open.
Tara was sound asleep in Sam’s bed. She was curled up with a stuffed animal Sam had won her at a carnival earlier in the year. Sam turned off the overhead light as she walked over to her bed. She turned on the bedside lamp as she got under the covers, “Tara, wake up, baby,” she cooed gently while wrapping her arms around her sister. She saw her little sister’s smeared mascara and the dried tears on her cheeks. “Tara, I’m here now,” Sam said as she saw Tara start to stour in her sleep.
Tara slowly opened her swollen, red eyes and found herself in Sam’s arms. She let out a dry laugh before burying herself into Sam’s body, trying to get closer to Sam than she already was. Sam gently ran her fingers through Tara’s hair while whispering sweet words in her sister’s ear, trying to comfort the girl. Tara gently cried into Sam’s chest while she had a death grab on her back, scared that if she let go, Sam would disappear.
On Friday the 15th, Tara dug through her closet for a sweater. She tried her best not to find one too ugly, hoping she would get lucky tonight. She groaned as she looked at her options: a ‘Hereditary’ one with a cartoonish drawing of the husband on fire or a black one with ‘Big Gift Energy’ on it with presents at the bottom. Tara decided to go with the latter. Once she put on her sweater, she did her makeup and hair while waiting for Anika. And just as promised, Anika arrived ten minutes before six.
Tara opened the door for Anika and Mindy and laughed when she saw their sweaters: Anika had half a scissor on hers, while Mindy had the other half. “A bit on the nose, don’t you think?” Tara questioned as she followed them out to the bottom floor.
“Eh, I think it gets the message across,” Mindy says as she throws an arm around Anika’s neck, pulling her girlfriend into her side. Tara laughed at her friend’s words as they walked onto the street.
“Does Sam know about this?” Mindy asked, even though she had a feeling what the answer might be.
“Uh, no. She does not.” Tara mumbled.
Mindy just looked at Anika, and they both decided they didn’t want to get into a fight with Tara about Sam, so they just kept quiet as they walked toward the frat house.
When the three arrived, they instantly smelt the alcohol. They could even see smoke seeping into the outside air. They walked up the house steps and quickly entered the kitchen. Loud music played over the speakers, rattling the house. The three find a bottle of SKKY. Mindy picks it up with a mischievous smirk, “Shall we?”
Anika and Tara smile at the girl as they pour each a shot and then another. After three rounds of shots, the girls call it quits.
“We are going to go sit on the couch,” Anika said to Tara as she and Mindy walked toward it with beers in their hands.
Tara waved at them and went to find herself a drink, her throat felt a little scratchy, and she let out a small cough, ‘probably from the vodka,’ she thought.
As she grabbed herself a beverage, a man approached her. “Hey, I haven’t seen you here before,” the man says with a sly smirk.
“Yeah, I’m just here with some friends. I’m Tara, by the way.” Tara slurred out. She was worse off than Mindy and Anika, as she was much smaller than both girls.
The man noticed that Tara was in a drunken state already and decided he would take advantage of that. He shook Tara’s hand, “Hi, I’m Frankie. So, are you a part of the Omega Beta Zeta sorority?” He asked with a cooky smile.
Tara grabbed a beer from the ice bucket and said, “No, but I’m thinking about rushing.”
“Well, if you need any help, I can always put in a good word for you.” Frankie said as he leaned toward Tara and opened the beer bottle for her, “Would you like to come up to my room?”
Tara looked around; she desperately needed to get laid tonight, even if it meant she had to hook up with an asshole. “Fuck it, yeah. Let’s do it,” she said as she downed her beer and followed Frankie toward the stairs.
As they started going up the stairs, someone called out to them, “Hey, Tara, why don’t we call it a night?”
Tara turned her head at the sound of the soft voice; Y/N was standing at the bottom of the stairs. She had an unreadable expression with narrow eyes. Her body was tense, and her fists were clenched. She wore a red sweater with a white Budweiser logo and had a Fanny pack across her torso. Tara almost laughed at how cute she looked.
“No, I think I’m still going to hang out here. You can leave, though,” Tara slurred out. She missed the way hurt flashed across Y/N’s face.
“Tara, you’re good down here; come on,” Y/N tried to reason with the girl. Even though it’s been a couple of weeks since their fight, she still cared for Tara.
Tara was going to respond to Y/N, but Frankie butted in, “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”
Y/N ignored Frankie’s attempt to get a rise out of her. She looked at Tara as she spoke, “Tara, please. Let’s go.”
Tara walked down a few stairs, standing closer to you, “No, Y/N, it’s fine. I want to go up with him.”
Frankie walked down too and got close enough to Y/N’s face that she could smell the liquor on his breath, “See Y/N? It’s fine, the girl said she wants to, now fuck off,” he said as he roughly grabbed Tara, practically dragging the girl up the stairs.
“Get your fucking hands off of her,” Y/N stated as she pushed Frankie into the wall. Frankie let go of Tara as he hit the wall. When he turned around, he quickly tackled Y/N off the stairs and onto the floor.
Frankie went to straddle Y/N’s waist, but the girl quickly pulled out a switchblade from her boot, opened it, and held it to his neck, “Fucking try me, I dare you,” she hissed out, her eyes never leaving Frankie.
She pressed hard enough to draw blood, and with that, Frankie quickly pushed himself off the girl. “Fine, you can keep the little shit! It wouldn’t have been good anyways,” he said as his voice began to break before stomping up to his room.
Mindy and Anika reached down toward Y/N and pulled her up. Y/N ignored all the glances and stares sent her way as she moved toward the stairs to check on Tara.
Tara was breathing heavily as she pushed past Y/N and went out the door. Y/N quickly followed Tara, “Hey, Tara. What's going on?” Y/N called out, hoping the girl would slow down.
Tara’s breaths became labored as she approached a tree adjacent to the house. She pressed her back against the tree and slowly slid down to the ground. She clutched at her chest and tried to take deep breaths, but her throat seemed closed. She pulled her legs up into her chest, hoping she would disappear if she could make herself small enough.
Y/N jogged towards Tara and crouched down so she was at eye level with Tara. “Tara, love. What’s wrong?” Y/N asked; her voice quivered with worry. She didn’t know what was wrong with Tara; Y/N knew she wasn’t leaving the girl until she was breathing normally again.
Panic started settling in Tara as she realized she was having an asthma attack. She tried to get the words out, but only short, ragged breaths left her lips.
Y/N noted everything going on with Tara: clutched chest, sucking in breaths, can't breathe. Can’t breathe. Y/N quickly took off her Fanny pack and dug around until she found her own inhaler. Tara’s eyes lit up as she snatched it from Y/N’s hand. She shook it violently before removing the cap and taking a puff.
She waited thirty seconds before taking a second puff to be safe. Once her breathing slowly returned, she noticed Mindy and Anika staring at her worriedly. She also noticed that Y/N had one hand on each of her knees.
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked with such a gentle voice it brought tears to Tara’s eyes. Tara nodded while wiping away her tears with a small smile, “thank you,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome, Tara,” Y/N said as she looked back at Mindy and Anika. The three had a silent conversation, then Y/N turned back to Tara, “Do you want to head back to your place or stay here a little longer?”
Tara looked up at Mindy and Anika. She was afraid that the girls were disappointed in her or angry with her, but she only found worry and concern on their faces. She looked down at Y/N before speaking, “I would like to stay here for a moment; I need to ground myself.”
“Is it alright if I sit beside you?” Y/N asked. She wanted to comfort the girl more but didn't want to overstep. This was the first time they’ve talked since their fight, and Y/N didn’t know where she stood with the girl.
Tara nodded, and Y/N stood up momentarily and sat down next to Tara, resting her back against the tree. “You guys can go. I’m okay to stay here with Y/N,” Tara gently said as she looked up toward the girls.
“Call me if anything happens, both of you,” Anika stated before walking off with Mindy.
Once they left, Tara looked over her right shoulder at Y/N and chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” Y/N asked with a light smile and a raised eyebrow.
“Your sweater is ugly,” Tara said with a voice crack. She still had tears in her eyes. They weren’t from her asthma attack but from Y/N seeing her put herself out there for an asshole.
Y/N laughed as she leaned against the tree and looked at Tara, “My sweater is ugly? Yours literally says ‘big gift energy!’’
Tara joined in with laughter and gave Y/N a fist pump. But when it came time for them to pull their hands back, neither moved. Instead, Tara slowly moved her hand and slightly opened it, hoping Y/N would catch on. When Y/N saw what Tara wanted, she opened her hand and intertwined her fingers. She then pulled their laced hands into her lap, causing Tara to rest her head against the taller girl’s shoulder. Y/N ignored the quick picture Anika took of them as she and Mindy walked away.
“You wanna talk about it?” Y/N asked after a few moments of silence. She didn’t know which ‘it’ she was referring to: their fight, Frankie, her asthma attack, or something else. She just knew that they needed to talk.
Tara nodded as she pulled away from Y/N’s shoulder; they both instantly missed the contact. “I have some things I need to say to you,” Tara husked out. Y/N nodded her head, waiting for the girl to go. “You are evil and vain. The first day I met you, I called you Satan and still call you that behind your back. All you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life, and mean.”
Y/N slightly winced at Tara’s words, “You said ‘mean’ twice.”
“And I meant it twice,” Tara said but gently squeezed Y/N’s hand, showing the girl that she was joking. “I also think you are the most intolerable person ever, but I would love to be the one to tolerate you.”
At that, Y/N’s ears perked up. Her heartbeat quickened as she looked around nervously. It was just her and Tara outside, but she couldn't help but feel eyes on her. Looking back down, she realized Tara was staring at her with yearning. “Tara, come on now. You’re drunk.”
“Nuh-uh,” Tara said as she let go of Y/N’s hand and cupped the girl’s cheeks. Y/N placed her hands on Tara’s wrists, trying to pull them away from her face. “Tara, you’re drunk, and I just helped you avoid making a mistake, let’s not make one out here.”
Tara whined at Y/N’s words and looked up at Y/N. This was the girl who made her life hell on the first day of school and made her have an emotional come apart at the library. But this was also the same girl that saved her from making the biggest mistake of her life, the same girl that helped her with her asthma attack mere moments ago. This Y/N in front of her was the same one who brought her flowers as an apology, and this was the same Y/N who drew pictures all over her papers. This was her Y/N that gave her a drawing of her and her found family. This was her Y/N, who came back to her after she broke her nose. This was her Y/N; no matter how hard Tara tried to push her away, Y/N would never leave her side.
Eyes darting between Y/N’s, Tara leaned up and placed a chaste kiss on Y/N’s lips. Y/N was taken aback but kissed the girl back. Only when Tara went to deepen the kiss did she pull away. “Tara, I won’t kiss you or touch you right now, you’re drunk, and I will not take advantage of that,” Y/N said against Tara’s lips.
“Okay,” Tara replied as she stood up and held out her hand for Y/N. She accepted the hand and stood up. “Will you walk me home?”
“Of course, let’s go,” Y/N replied as she walked with Tara. They didn’t speak the entire walk back to Tara’s apartment, but their minds were running wild with thoughts of the other.
Tara was the first to break the silence when they arrived at the Carpenter apartment, “Thank you, Y/N. I hate to think about where I would be without you right now.”
“You wouldn’t have even been at the party if I didn’t send you the wrong way,” Y/N said with a slightly guilty tone.
Tara thought about Y/N’s words for a moment. If Y/N had actually walked with Tara to class, then she wouldn’t have met Anika right away and formed a friendship. Sure, she would have still seen her, but they might not have been as close as they are now. Tara wouldn’t have punched Y/N in the face, and they also wouldn’t have had their fight in the library. Tara probably would have convinced Y/N to do their chemistry project together and bonded over it. Instead of going out tonight, she might have stayed over at Y/N’s apartment. She would have stayed up with the girl and probably kissed her as she did tonight. It seemed that no matter what roads Tara took, they all led right back to Y/N.
“All roads lead back to you, Y/N,” Tara said with a soft smile and an honest tone. Y/N wanted to kiss the shorter girl but refused to do so as long as the girl had alcohol in her system.
“Goodnight, Tara,” Y/N said as she leaned down and kissed Tara’s forehead, “get some sleep, cara mia.” And with that, Y/N returned home and went to sleep.
The last week before Christmas break had arrived: finals week. On the day of their Chemistry final, Y/N walked in with an ugly gray Christmas sweater with a picture of Julius Caesar in the middle. Above his head were words, “What are you gonna do, stab me?” And underneath his picture was “Julius Caesar 44 B.C.”
Tara let out a small laugh as she read the words, “I might do just that,” she said as Y/N sat down.
“Mhm?” Y/N questioned with an eyebrow raised. It was their first conversation since Tara kissed Y/N, and they both hoped it would go smoothly.
“Your shirt,” Tara said as she motioned towards it. Y/N looked a bit confused, then looked down at her shirt. “Oh, yeah,” she mumbled with a frown. “I kinda deserve it, don’t I?” She asked with a smile, but Tara saw right through it. Y/N was trying to make a joke to cover up the fact that their dynamic had changed.
Tara looked at Y/N, and the two made eye contact. For the first time since they’ve known each other, this was their first time actually seeing each other. Tara saw the frown constantly pulling on Y/N’s lips and how Y/N’s eyes spoke a thousand words for her. Those beautiful eyes that Tara got lost in on her first day were now full of hurt, regret, and love. Hurt: she hurt herself when she made Tara cry; Y/N hurt because she let a small moment of weakness destroy Tara. Regret: wishing she could take back everything she said to Tara, hoping she could start all over again. And love: Y/N wanted to wrap her arms around Tara and never let go; she wanted to protect the smaller girl from all the evil in the world. Y/N would give anything to feel Tara’s lips against hers, even for a fleeting second. She would live and die for the girl.
Y/N saw how Tara rubbed her left hand whenever she was left alone with Y/N as if she was afraid the taller girl would hurt her. She also saw how Tara seemed to please everyone, no matter how hard she had to work to get their approval. Y/N watched Tara push people away who weren’t from her hometown. Her heart broke when Tara looked at her like Y/N was someone who was only interested in her just to break her heart. Y/N had to act like she wouldn’t carve out her own heart to prove her loyalty to Tara.
The two sat in awkward silence until Anika arrived, and even then, it was still awkward silence. Once the final started, Tara would occasionally look over her left shoulder at Y/N and see the woman frantically writing down answers as if she went any slower; the answers would be erased from her mind.
When they completed the test, the three walked out of class, and Y/N placed her hand on Tara’s back. Surprised by the contact, Tara turned around to look at Y/N. She had a guilty expression on her face, something Tara was not used to seeing on the girl. “Can I talk to you?” Y/N softly asked while maintaining eye contact with Tara.
Tara searched Y/N’s eyes for anything dangerous but only found guilt and hurt. “Sure,” Tara gently said. Y/N nodded before leading Tara out of the science wing and into the parking lot.
“Where are we going, Y/N?” Tara questioned as she followed closely behind Y/N. Snow had started to fall, and Tara was more than ready to begin her Christmas break.
“Just a little further; I need to get something from my car,” Y/N replied as she faced Tara. “Don’t worry. I promise I won’t try and kill you.”
Tara didn’t find the joke funny but followed the girl nonetheless. When they reached Y/N’s car, the girl walked over to her passenger side door and opened it. She pulled out a large gift bag with the words ‘happy birthday.’ Tara went to see what was in the bag, but Y/N’s hand gently grabbed hers, stopping her. “Don’t look at it just yet. Wait until you get home. Please.” Y/N pleaded with gentle eyes and a soft smile.
Tara had a confused look as she asked, “Okay? Why do I have to wait?”
“So you don’t hate me,” Y/N replied with a smile.
“Why would I hate you?”
Y/N let out a small laugh before she replied, “Well, so you don’t hate me more than you already do.”
Tara’s heart dropped the girl’s words. All Tara wanted to do was tell Y/N that she could never hate her, not anymore. The girl has seen her at her worst but still decided to stick around. “I could never hate you, Y/N. Sometimes I want to kill you, though,” Tara said with a smile as she looked up at Y/N.
The taller girl gave Tara a soft smile as she cleared her throat, “Would it be alright with you if I walked you home?”
Tara didn’t respond; she switched the bag to her left hand and reached for Y/N’s with her right. She smiled at the girl’s hand before intertwining their fingers as they returned to Tara’s apartment.
The two walked back in silence, enjoying each other’s company. Y/N broke the silence, “So, what do you like to do?”
The air around them quickly filled with laughter. “There is no way you are trying to small talk me right now,” Tara asked between laughs while squeezing Y/N’s hand.
“Don’t judge me. I would like to know you on a more personal level. I hate the one I’m at right now,” Y/N said with a shrug of her shoulders, “But only if you want to know each other better.”
Tara bumped into Y/N’s side as she laughed at the taller girl’s words, “I would also like to know you more personally, Y/N. So then, what’s your favorite color?”
Both girls laughed at Tara’s question, but Y/N responded. The two talked about their interests and hobbies and shared a love for horror movies. Y/N never asked Tara about the scar on her hand, afraid that it would ruin whatever they were giving a chance. Tara never mentioned the kiss they shared; she was terrified it might push Y/N away if she told the girl she wasn’t that wasted and could still taste her lips.
When they arrived at Tara’s building, Y/N followed the girl to her apartment. “Follow me. I have something to give you,” Tara said as she pulled Y/N by her hand. Y/N smiled as she followed Tara mindlessly up to her apartment. She said nothing as Tara unlocked the apartment door and told Y/N to follow her inside.
The apartment was cozy, and it reminded Y/N a lot of her apartment with Anika. She followed Tara into her room. She watched Tara place her gift bag on her bed before she shuffled around in her closet and pulled out a small box wrapped in Christmas paper. “Here, this is for you. Wait until you get home to open it, though,” Tara said with a smile as she handed Y/N the box.
“Okay?” Y/N said as she accepted the small box; it was relatively light, and some moved inside when she shook it.
“Don’t shake it, you barbarian!” Tara said as she led Y/N back to the entrance of her apartment.
“Is it a bomb? I feel like that’s something you would do,” Y/N asked when she was just outside the doorway. Tara smiled as she leaned against the door frame, “Not telling.”
Y/N gave Tara a cheeky grin as she started to pull on the wrapping paper. Tara’s hand latched onto Y/N’s as she hissed out, “Not here, Y/N! Wait until you get home!”
When Tara’s hand landed on her own, Y/N felt her entire body heat up and could not contain the smile across her face. When she looked at Tara, she also had a giant smile plastered on her face. Tara’s eyes never left Y/N’s, while the taller girl’s eyes drifted down to Tara’s lips. The smaller girl caught this and decided to retake the extra step.
She slowly reached up with her left hand and cupped Y/N’s cheek, giving the taller girl time to pull away. When Y/N didn’t, Tara stood on her tippy toes and kissed the corner of Y/N’s mouth. Y/N’s cheeks instantly warmed as she grabbed Tara’s waist, she wanted to kiss the girl for real, but she didn’t want to rush anything. She wanted to know Tara before anything romantic happened between them. And Y/N could tell Tara wanted the same thing by how she looked up at her. They would both wait a thousand lifetimes for each other.
When they pulled apart from each other, they both had love in their eyes. “Okay?” Y/N asked as she started to move away from Tara.
“Okay,” Tara replied, waving at Y/N from her door. She watched Y/N round the corner and disappear.
Tara shut the door to the apartment with a smile, but it dropped as soon as she turned around. “Jesus Christ, Sam! You can’t just sneak up on me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack,” Tara exclaimed as she clutched her chest.
Sam just laughed as she followed Tara into her room. She noticed the bag on Tara’s bed and the giant smile that refused to leave her face. “So, was that her?” Sam asked with a sly smile.
“Who?” Tara questioned as she took off her shoes and sat on her bed. She was dying to open her present, but she was afraid that it might be something she didn’t want Sam to see.
“The devil you ran into on your first day.”
“Oh, yeah. That was her,” Tara said while looking down at her feet and playing with her fingers. “Wait, how’d you know?”
Sam smiled as she started to leave Tara’s room. “Because you have that glint in your eyes right now, just like you did when you first talked about her,” Sam said as she sent Tara a soft smile before leaving her room and shutting the door.
Tara groaned as she picked up the gift bag. Her curiosity couldn’t contain itself; she reached in, her face became beet red, and her heart rattled against her rib cage as she pulled out a picture.
It was a picture of her and Y/N leaning up against the tree just before Tara kissed her. They were both smiling in the picture while holding hands. Tara was looking down at their hands while Y/N was looking at Tara. She could see how Y/N’s eyes spoke for her, and she saw the love in Y/N's eyes. Tara flipped the card over and let out a small gasp.
In blue ink were the words, ‘I am sorry for how things started between us. I am sorry for the things that I have said to you; I should have treated you better. You deserve better than me, but if you would give me a chance, I would like to make it up to you. If you don’t want to, I completely understand and will respect that. But if you want to, you can text me whenever you like.
Your devil,
Tara smiled as she finished reading the words. She checked to see if anything else was in the bag. She pulled out some tissue paper and found a stuffed bear. The bear had tan fur with black boxers and tiny hearts on them. The bear had on red devil horns with a red cape while holding a red trident. Tara grabbed her phone and went to send Y/N a picture of it to thank her, but she found that Y/N had already texted her with a photo.
The picture was of Y/N holding up a reversible angel+devil plushie, but with the devil side showing. The plushie had a frown with furrowed eyebrows, and Y/N was making the same face. The text said, “Thank you for the gift, Tara. I also appreciated the note you gave me that had handwritten lyrics to ‘Mean’ followed by your number that said ‘I would really like it if you texted me-or not. I don’t care,’ It kinda sends a mixed message, but I loved it either way. Happy belated birthday, Tara.”
Tara smiled at the words before replying, “I expect the devil side always to be showing <3”. She then turned off her phone and slept with her devil in her arms.
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shanksbaby · 9 months
Hello can you do admirals with a s/o who can't get mad, not exactly like kuzan cuz he could still have disagreements, but I mean you could throw a brick at them and they would just get it treated, and then be like don't do that again or sum-
btw love the writing keep it up👍
the request are closed but since i like this prompt so much, i decided to write anyway, thank you for the kind words!
Admirals with a difficult to anger S\0
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you two are very similar. In fact, no one has ever seen Kizaru angry, or actually feel any negative emotion, he always wears the same smirk. And even though he sometimes seems sadistic in dealing with the pirates he doesn't show anger like Sakazuki.
literally the most peaceful couple in the world
joking aside, I feel like colliding with Kizaru or Kizaru colliding with you are very rare events. It's more likely that Kizaru gets mad at you for something, although as soon as he sees your little face looking at him with that calm look he forgets all his anger.
but these events are rare, you never get angry and Kizaru is too lazy to start an argument with you, among other things with a person who has never raised his voice with anyone.
and even when he gets angry with you, the yellow monkey can at most show a face of frustration, but he will never raise his voice at you (in reality he has never done this with anyone), if the topic involves him excessively he may change tone of voice (he doesn't raise it but simply stops dragging the words)
I think you are one of the few, if not the only person to calm his anger. But in the beginning it wasn't always like this… the first time he got pissed at you and saw you looking at him with that innocent look while asking him to please stop because he was attracting attention, he thought you were teasing him.
then he started to understand that you couldn't get angry, he doesn't know how you do it, especially when the world is full of idiots and incompetents.
at first he looked at you as if you were an alien, sometimes he tried to force you to get angry, for example by shouting at you for silly things at work, but nothing seemed to trigger your anger so he gave up feeling defeated. You are one of the few people who managed to surprise him.
when you see him get angry you always try to calm him down (also because you are worried about his physical well-being). Sometimes you succeed, other times you just end up making the situation worse. But you never get angry with him, so much so that the marines think you are some kind of divine gift.
as Jinbei said, Aokiji is a man who rarely shows his passion. Generally he never gets angry either, he is much more laid back (similar to Borsalino). So arguments with him are very rare, also because he really doesn't have the energy to argue, especially with you.
he was surprised when after a guy spilled a drink on you only for you to refuse him and you just looked at him and told him he shouldn't have done that…I mean, he got mad about you and you, on the other hand, didn't Did you show the slightest sign of anger?
so, just like Sakazuki, he tried to whet your anger, through for example jokes like throwing you in the pool or ruin your food, but nothing. All you did was ask him to never do that again because you didn't like these pranks.
the rare times he gets angry with you and raises his voice (we know that in fact he can be loud sometimes), he immediately feels guilty when he looks into your eyes. You are too cute to be mad. Then she immediately apologizes and tries to make up for what he has done through gifts or bringing you coffee.
I am sorry if it's short but sadly i am in session + i have to go at the university for the laboratories
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nats-firefly · 1 year
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my train could take you home
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part 1 of bent right to your wind | main masterlist
vampire!natasha romanoff x witch!reader x vampire!wanda maximoff
summary: everyone has mixed feeling going back to their hometown, what you didn't expect were the people you ended up running into
warnings: vampires, magical powers, tension, mentions of blood, death, and grief, church, prayer, disrespect towards religious figures, no smut but as with all my other works 18+ only
words: 2.6k | feedback is always welcome
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You take a deep breath as you look down at the map on your passenger seat. You wanted to make sure your return to the small town was absolutely necessary. All of your most treasured and simultaneously painful memories lived in the cobblestone paths and surrounding woods. A faint purple fog surrounded your steering wheel as you checked the geological map, trusting your centuries worth of practicing magic to keep you safe. 
“Why do blood crystals only exist in this fucking town?” You sighed, running a hand through your hair. You took control of the steering wheel once again as your car shook from the cobblestone road. 
An eerie chill ran down your back as you drove through town, the buildings still looked suspiciously well preserved. To anyone else, this looked like any other small historical town; brick buildings lining the narrow cobbled streets. Everything seemed so monotone now, you don’t remember it being this way. 
As you turned the corner, your stomach knotted and you felt like you needed to throw up. You cleared your throat, resisting the urge to heave your breakfast up. The small church surrounded by an equally small cemetery made the hairs at the back of your neck stand up. You parked your car across the street, turning your head to face the building still standing after all this time. 
“What am I doing here?” You groaned to yourself, your fingers tingling with a purple glow. You clenched your fists for a second, before relaxing again, then frowned at your hands. What the hell? The last time you had to deal with subconsciously showing your powers you were just starting out. Right behind that church. A glimmer in the surrounding woods caught the corner of your eye and you snapped your head towards it. There was nothing.
Maybe you were just imagining things. 
Right as you faced forward to pull away, another glint. You were definitely not imagining it. You glued your eyes to the spot, the sound of your car door slamming shut made you flinch. You hadn’t realized you got out of the car. You could hear your heartbeat increase with every step you took. 
Your hands felt warm, and without even glancing at them, you could tell faint streaks of purple circled your fingers. You took another deep breath, trying to focus on the spot in front of you. There was another glint, it shone right into your corneas. It was so bright you wanted to bring your hand up to shield your eyes.
And then, suddenly, as soon as it appeared, it was gone. You stopped mid step, the ground underneath you a different texture as you heard your shoe scrape against something rough. You looked down and quickly stepped aside with a gasp, you accidentally stepped on a small rectangular gravestone. 
“Crap, sorry…” You groaned, stepping back. Your eyes scanned for the name of who was buried there, wanting to apologize. You crouched down, wiping the grass off the stone. You fell backwards as your whole body went rigid. Your breath picked up and your ears started ringing. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you clutched your chest with one hand and supported yourself with the other. You swallowed hard, slowly standing back up. As your eyes stung with tears, you struggled to croak out the name you hadn’t spoken in centuries. “Sorry, Wands.” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat. You weren’t planning on coming to see Wanda, it had been almost 300 years since she died. You felt like you moved on. At least you told yourself you did. You never again had a friend as close to your heart as Wanda. You didn’t want to reopen the wounds you worked so hard to heal. 
The fact you stepped right on Wanda’s grave was enough to creep you out, but what upset you more than anything was that you felt no connection to this gravestone. Even with the surrounding strangers you could feel some sort of energy emanating from each person eternally laid to rest. And from Wanda, someone you once loved and deeply cared for, you felt nothing. It was as if she was never there in the first place. 
You wanted to barf. As you turned away from the gravestone, you decided to go into the church. You were here anyway, might as well revisit your roots. The sound of your shoes against the floor of the old church echoed in the space. You looked around, noticing the small differences to uphold the structural soundness of the building. You walked to the back corner, deciding to light a candle. As you lit the small prayer candle, you heard faint century old footsteps sound behind you.
It was late at night, you pulled your shawl tighter around your shoulders as you took refuge in the slightly warmer church. You walked a few steps closer to the altar, bowing your head and making the sign of the cross. As you made your way to the back of the church, your tears uncontrollably rolled down your cheeks once more. You don’t remember a time you weren’t crying. 
You internally prayed to any higher being who would hear you, you felt hopelessly lost without Wanda. She was part of every aspect of your life. Now she was gone, and you didn’t have a chance to say goodbye. Now every night without fail, you took solace in the church, hoping that wherever Wanda was, she was okay and at peace. You hoped the peace she took from you brought her comfort in whatever form of afterlife there was. 
You dragged your feet to the closest pew, your already bruised knees from your constant attendance sending a sharp pain up your body. 
“Dear Heavenly Father,” You silently prayed, clasping your hands together as tight as you could make them. As you continued your prayer, you felt a pair of eyes on you, the same you’ve noticed every night. “Please, God, please let her be okay,” Your shoulders shook with sobs. “Please, whatever happened to her, let her be at rest,” You wiped your cheeks with the back of your hands. “Or bring her back to me, my lord. I need her, I need my best fr—” You knew you were more than that. “I need my Wanda.” You opened your eyes just enough to see your tear stains on the wood in front of you. “Amen.”
“Oh honey, God isn’t gonna help you with that,” Your eyes snapped open with a gasp, the one whose observant eyes belonged to now sitting at the other end. “Your faith astounds me. Every night you walk in here, begging for your Wanda back,” You frowned, you didn’t like the way her name sounded coming from her mouth. “But you know she’s buried right out front. So why do you come in here? Why don’t you stay out there with her?”
You sniffled, still frowning at the overconfident attractive woman sitting a few feet away from you. You opened your mouth to speak, unsure of what you’d say. You closed your mouth. Why did you come in here every night? What has God ever done for you besides taking your Wanda? You looked down at the wood between you as you sat on the seat, hearing the sound of raindrops against the large windows.
“You have a powerful energy,” She says, leaning towards you. “You have so much potential. I’m Dorothea.”
Dorothea passed on all her knowledge to you before she decided her life cycle was over. The corner of your lips tugged upwards as you remembered when she recruited you. Dorothea turned into a better mother figure than your own. She taught you everything you knew and every time you felt your power flowing through your body, you knew a part of her was with you too.
Your heart felt full as you walked back to your car. It felt weird. You once felt comfort here because of your faith; now you feel comfort there because of your power. You barely noticed Wanda’s grave as you walked back to your car, sending it a quick glance before looking ahead. 
She didn’t linger here. You had to take comfort in that. You took a shallow breath. You had to.
It didn’t take long to get to the hotel from the church. It didn’t take long to get anywhere in the small town. The second you got out of your car, you felt eyes on you. Everywhere you looked there was at least one person who turned their head. You swallowed hard as you pulled your bag out of the trunk of the car, looking behind you sharply catching two strangers staring right at you. The sound of the trunk closing echoed in the space, dispersing any lingering looks, you never liked the center of attention. 
The large building of the hotel seemed to be built long ago; it wasn’t there the last time you were in town, but you estimate the construction started not too long after you left. The air was surprisingly cold inside, it carried a weird energy you couldn’t quite pinpoint. 
Your shoes clicked against the marbled floor as you made your way to the check-in desk. You took in the wall behind the counter, the intricate pattern almost comes to life with its flowing curves and surprising depth; the more you looked at it, the more detail you found. The front desk clerk rounding the corner to the front desk caught your attention. Her face seemed slightly paler than it was supposed to be and her hair was slightly tousled. Her blood stained shirt collar gave her away. When you turned your face to catch the more lingering looks sent your way you were finally able to pinpoint the weird energy you felt earlier. 
You were in a hotel full of vampires.
Not everyone in the room was one, you could tell some of them were human; you could feel their lively energy and they stood out as tourists more than the others. They seemed comfortable here. Centuries worth of comfortable. You never noticed them before. The clerk called you up, you checked in seamlessly. 
“You have a beautiful view,” She said, sliding the keycard over to you. “The most ocean any of us get around here.”
“Oh? The website didn’t advertise an ocean view,” You said, taking it back with your ID and credit card. 
“That’s because calling it an ocean view is pushing it,” She laughed. “The town is surrounded by cliffs, and this is a three story building, if you squint you can catch a glimpse of it past the tree line.”
“I’ll keep an eye out then,” You smiled, finally putting your documents back in your bag. “Thank you.”
As you turned to leave the counter, you walked straight into someone. You stumbled back apologetically, almost tripping over your own bag in the process, but luckily the beautiful stranger caught you. Her cold, strong grip sent chills down your spine.
“Oh God,” You said, standing back up, face heating in embarrassment. “Sorry.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, dear,” Her grip lingered even after you were steady on your feet. “Glad I caught you.”
The redhead smiled at you, shamelessly roaming her eyes over your face. She was hypnotizing. Your body felt warm, lighter, almost as if you were floating just slightly above the ground. You stepped out of her grip, grounding yourself once again. 
“Thank you…” You trailed off, not breaking eye contact.  
“Natasha,” She replied. You smiled. Her hand came up to your face, delicate fingers brushing against your cheekbone before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Natasha,” You repeated, bringing your hand up to hers. Despite her delicate touch, her hand was strong, unwavering. She opened her mouth to ask your name, your eyes followed her lips. Pink, delicate, soft. “Y/N.”
“I can help you with your bags,” She said, taking the opportunity to look you up and down.
“It’s okay,” You gripped the handle, biting the inside of your lip. “I’m a big girl, I can do it myself.”
She smirked, a light hum leaving her throat. “Welcome to Willowcrest,” She replied, starting to walk past you before leaning in close to your ear. Her lips met your cheek. “Y/N.”
Before she could walk away you reached out your arm, stopping her midstep. “Anywhere you'd recommend for lunch?”
Natasha smirked. Her answer wasn’t tasteful. “There’s a cute diner down the street,” She turned towards you again. “I have lunch plans, unfortunately,” Her eyes subtly drifted to the front desk clerk helping another set of guests who had just arrived, before drifting back to your neck. She thought the way you wore your hair up was indecent. It made her mouth water. “I can give you a tour around town tonight though, I’ve always thought the town looks better in the dark.”
“You live here?” You wondered, she felt confident enough in the space you sensed she was a local. 
“My family owns part of the hotel,” Her eyes dipped down to your lips before moving back up to your eyes. Natasha couldn’t pinpoint why you felt so different. “We all live here.”
“I’ll take you up on that tour then, Natasha.” The two of you exchanged numbers before you finally made your way up to your room. It was by no means the most luxurious room in the hotel, but it was nice. The bathroom was a decent size, the bed looked comfortable.
You set your bags on the floor just in time for your stomach to growl. As you straightened back up, the view out the window caught your attention. The clerk was right. You could just make out the glimmer of the sun against the water of the ocean in the horizon, just barely over the tops of the conifer trees of the surrounding boreal forest. You walked over to the window, cracking it open. The fresh air was cool, it brought a new color to the stale air of the room. 
When you made your way to the lobby, you spotted Natasha by the clerk that helped you. Her gaze lingered on the clerk’s collar and you wondered if the clerk was her lunch plans. You lowered your sunglasses as you stepped outside, the bright sunlight warming you down to your bones. 
As you walked down the street to the diner, you felt a weird sense of belonging. This town was the closest you could call to a hometown. You had to move around pretty often, never able to stay at a place for more than a few years. Sometimes because you got bored, and others because you did something suspicious. It was almost… nice.
The bell rang as you opened the door to the diner, some heads turned your way but not many. You wouldn’t expect a diner out of all places to be filled with vampires. You sat down at a booth in the back, a waitress handed you a menu and a glass of water before going back to another customer to give you some time with the menu. 
You heard it then. The sweet, angelic sound of an unforgettable laugh that made your heart stop and your body go cold. Your hands gripped the menu you were holding, your palms warming. 
You took a deep breath, your stomach knotted. 
It’s not her, it can’t be her. She’s dead. Surely it’s just someone else with a similar laugh. 
When you put your menu down, you locked eyes with green ones. The green eyes you never thought you’d see again. 
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berrieluv · 2 years
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cw. sex, fights and man thinking they're in the right when they're not. I enjoyed writing this silly things about matt murdock, who's my current obsession in this little break I had for Día de los muertos, tomorrow I'm back at school and work :c
"... and there isn't a small part of yourself that tells you; and listen, this may sound incredible insane" Karen continued with a bit of sarcasm in her voice after Matt shut up for a second after complaining for ten minutes straight "But maybe you're wrong?"
Matt looked at her and mocked her, because how could he be wrong.
Y/N isn't sleeping at my place at the moment.
Was what started all this talk. Foggy asked why the place suddenly felt quiet and dark when he got used to having your colored stuff around and your voice echoing the brick walls.
"How can I be wrong, she's the dumb one"
He simply asked, as if Karen's accusations were completely out of this world.
"Maybe you could start respecting her, and you wouldn't be in this situation"
She hasn't talk to me in two weeks.
Matt said, trying to look as it didn't bothered him when in reality he had no idea on what to do with himself. He got so use to you being there to put him back together that now that he was by his own again he didn't know what to do.
"I respect her..." He started, and Karen looked at him, incredulous "I don't call her dumb in her face"
"Is not... Is not how you direct at her but how you express yourself of the one you love in front of other what is a key on respect" Matt groaned, as if it was the most complicated thing to do. "Everyone like their partner talking wonders about them, I can tell you she does. You're a hero for her"
"I'm kind of a hero"
"You're an imbecile"
You helped Matt inside his apartment and drop his arm as soon as the door was closed, his face is 'looking' at your direction and you see him frown.
"Are you mad at me or something?" He started, and you look at him incredulous, forgetting he can't see the look in your face "You haven't talk to me the whole way here"
You revolved around the place, picking up some of your things and trying to ease your anger. Knowing it wouldn't take you far to speak to Matt like that.
"Why were you making fun of me the whole night?"
You ask, calmly, trying to maintain yourself together. He hates when you do that, he hates how you start those type of questions with a 'why', with a low and almost breaking voice, as if he had been wrong, as if anything he does is enough for you. Trying to get him to feel guilty about the way he decides to express himself, trying to make him feel guilty about being him.
"You disrespected me... In front of people who are, incredible important for me... for my job"
He is about to talk and you cut him, knowing he's about to excuse himself, as if you knew he wasn't thinking of an apology "Is almost as you don't think I'm good at what I do"
"Darling..." He starts, mocking, "You're an assistant" You open your mouth and look at him with a frown "You- you can't be possible be good at your job... you're just... at your job"
You were done. You closed your mouth and started packing the things you left there just last night, knowing Matt could sense you moving around and not talking to him, making him go crazy because he heard your heart racing fast but he didn't know what you were thinking, how you felt about the, well, the truth he just said. Because he was firmly believing it was the truth.
"And for the record... My job really is important... I– I do a lot of things Matt and if you were paying attention and weren't too busy in mocking me you would've heard that I am up for a promotion. I– I'm next to have my own office and– why am I bothering explaining this to you" you say when you look the stupid smile planted in his face, as if he was waiting for you to finish and disregard any feelings you have towards this "You wouldn't get shit done without Karen, your assistant"
"Karen isn't–"
"God, shut up!" You raise your voice, throwing a mascara to his face, a bit disappointed that he stopped it before it could hit his face. You wanted to hurt him the same way he was hurting you "I'm tired of... of everything, of people telling I'm too dumb to notice things, of people thinking I'm just made to be someone's pretty wife when I'm– I'm so much more than that..." you sigh "I know, I know I can be dumb but I'm so smart, I'm so dedicated and hardworking and pretty and if people started to focus less in the last part and start acknowledging the others..."
"Baby, you don't even need to work. You're stressing yourself over nothing" He starts, missing completely the point of your speech "I'm making a lot of money, and when Nelson and Murdock is on its peak I'll be able to buy you everything you want"
He smiles, as if he just said the thing you wanted to hear, and the worst of this is that he was proud of what he just said.
You stop talking, tired, knowing he couldn't possibly understand because he was a smart, handsome white man, things came served in silver tray for him.
You get close to him, bags in hand but he can't possibly know that, he just smiles at your closeness, your heartbeat slower this time and next thing he knows his back is arching and his hands go straight to his crotch. You knew damn well it wasn't fair from you to hit a blind man, but you didn't hit him because he was blind, you did it because he was an asshole.
"I'll be back when you learn to respect me. My feelings and what I do. When you show me you know I'm not a trophy and just like you I want to be showed off for my merits and not just for being your pretty little bimbo girlfriend"
Of course Matt didn't tell the story like that to his friends. And he didn't acknowledge the mascara still laying on the floor, he knew it was somewhere around the apartment, he has step on it a few times, but he believed you had to come and pick it up, since you were the one who left it there.
"Why don't you apologize" Foggy said, eating from the Chinese food that was delivered, knowing that if you were they would be eating one of the best home-cooked meals. "I mean, you were kinda wrong"
Matt looked at him, incredulous "How- How was I wrong? For lighting up the place with my jokes and stealing the spotlight? I'm sorry I'm funny and handsome"
"I just don't think that was happened" Karen said.
"What kind of jokes were you making?" Foggy asked, with the fork pointing at Matt "Because I just know you're not good at jokes if they're not to make fun about people"
Matt gets suddenly nervous, maybe his mistake was saying the word 'joke' in the conversation.
"Oh, God, Matt" Karen said again "You fucking asshole"
Matt liked to make fun of you. Everyone knew that, and most of the time they were harmless jokes, even you laughed at them, and the moments you pouted Matt would kiss you, reassuring you that you were the best thing that happened to him, and he couldn't be happier.
So he didn't know what went wrong this time. Maybe it was your uncomfortable look telling him, begging him, to stop. Maybe it was how you pulled away from his kisses, trying to show a professional behavior to the people around. Maybe it was how you murmured a little 'stop it' in his ear, with a fake smile he couldn't see and a tone of anger in your voice. Or maybe it was how you dragged him away from the people and asked him to stop with the tasteless jokes. But how was he supposed to read your mind.
"Maybe I was wrong" He says, starting to repeat the events of the night in his head, and not knowing how all your signs of discomfort passed by him. "God, I was an ass"
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You hated spending time alone. You hated how big your department was and you hated how your dad called you every five fucking minutes to ask why Matt wasn't around.
You hated how Matt wasn't there to hug you from behind and leave a walk of kisses on your neck while you were working, you hated how much you missed him and how much you wanted to run to him and forget everything that happened.
But he deserved this. And if he wasn't one to apologize this time, and show you he was mature enough to be in a relationship, maybe this was the end of you both. Because you couldn't possibly picture yourself in a relationship where you had to admit you were wrong because he couldn't possibly grab his balls and accept he wasn't in the right.
Your bell rings and you let it go, thinking it was the packages you ordered, then it goes again, and again, this time more insistent. And you rolled your eyes at the insistence.
When you open the door the first thing you see is Matt, standing with ordinary clothes, a tight shirt, making his muscles notorious and reminding you why you didn't last much mad at him. You were lucky he was wearing a loose suit that day. You cross your arms and look at him.
"What do you want, Matthew"
"I'm sorry" He starts, and that's the only thing you wanted to hear, but it took him two weeks, and now it wasn't enough. "I'm really sorry I– I disrespected you and I shouldn't have done that and I, I know you're mad but you said you will be here when I learned my lesson and I, I really love you"
"Yeah, good for you" You start. Still on the door frame, not making space for him to go in or inviting him.
"I really mean it, Y/N. I was an asshole and it took me too long to realize it and– You know I'm not good with... feelings"
"Oh, no, you're amazing at feelings, Matthew. You fall in love with every girl who talks nice to you and shows you a bit of decency, hell you even fall in love with those who doesn't, you're a manwhore. So don't come to me saying feelings aren't your thing because I just know they are"
"You need to learn to admit you're wrong"
"I was wrong"
You look at him and sigh, you wanted to hear a sincere 'I was wrong', you wanted him to be really sorry, to show you he could grown into a man who admits his mistakes, a husband, maybe a father.
"How can I believe it when you don't believe it yourself?" He quickly falls at his knees and you look around, it's not everyday that you have Matt Murdock, the Daredevil, begging on his knees. "Don't be ridiculous, Matthew. You look pathetic"
"Baby, baby, baby..." He prays, hugging your arms and murmuring 'sorry' a thousand times.
"Get up"
And he does, after saying 'Anything you want' and taking your face in his hands. "How can I make this better? How can I make you believe me?"
And you believed him, because Matt wasn't one to tell you lies. He has never lie about anything in your relationship and you couldn't get to believe he would start today. Because if he decided to lie over this fight, he would've done it days ago, but he took his time, he worked in his case and got to realize he was really wrong. But you loved seeing a pretty man in pain.
"Matt, get in" You told him, and he obeyed, and just as quickly as the door closed your lips were in his. Wildly devouring him, taking his face with both of your hands and showing him how much you missed him.
Your hands hit his when he tries to touch you. You guide him to the couch and throw him there, getting rid of your pajamas shorts and pushing his chest so his back was touching the couch again. Matt could smell your arousal, your neediness, and he grinned, proud of himself.
You take his glasses and throw them to some place in your department, hoping they break so he would finally get another ones. A pretty ones this time.
Now your hands are on the base of the couch and your pussy's on Matt's face, and he eats it, like a starved man, which he kinda was, he haven't taste you in so long he needed this.
He didn't complain, he couldn't possibly know you were about to ride his face, but how could he say anything about it, when his hands were holding your hips, making sure they were leaving marks.
He moved his hands to your thighs and caressed them, completely forgetting Foggy and Karen where downstairs in the car, waiting for him to tell them if he made it right or things were finally over.
You started moaning louder, knowing Matt hated when you tried to be silent. Your chest rests in the wall of the couch while Matt keeps moving his tongue down there, tasting your wetness and making you cum. This time in surprise, no adverting him, not asking for permission because this was for your pleasure, and it was for you to do what you wanted, you needed him to understand control could play both parts.
When you need to get down, feeling your sore pussy begging for him to stop, he holds your thighs stronger and continues eating you out, your body shaking, and he knows what he's doing, because he knows your body and he knows how sensitive you get after coming.
"Need you, baby" He says "Need you in my cock"
You shake your hand, this wasn't about him and what he needed, and he didn't seem to understand it yet.
"We do what I want this time, Matt" You moan "We– ugh, fuck– you do what I want"
He nods, getting your pussy off his face and coming closer to yours, kissing your lips and putting one of his hands in your neck.
"What do you need, princess? What do you want, my love?" And he knew what it was, his cock, but it needed to be cleared that this was because you needed it, and not him. "You need my cock, don't you? My pretty baby needs my cock? You– fuck you got it, princess. You need my cock just take it, it's yours and only yours"
You're quick to lower his sweatpants to his knees, being greet by his big and pink cock looking at you, your mouth drools and you can't decide if you want it in your mouth or your pussy first.
"Let me fill you up, doll" He says when you start taking his cock in your pussy "Fuck, fuck, you, you're so good at this"
You chuckle, because you were barely moving but he was so needy it was almost funny. It would be funny if you weren't in the same state. And you could mock him, but you would be spitting up.
"Matt..." You start "I need you to understand, fuck, that you can't be thinking things for this long I– I need you to know what you want and where– God, yes, yes, like that– where, where we stand"
"I love you" He thrusts into you "I love you and–" He thrusts again, this time his finger was in your clit, circling it and making imposible for you to keep your eyes open "And I'm sorry, I was, I was wrong. I was wrong and you were right"
And know you understood why man loved being right, why they loved dominating over anything, because Matt saying out loud what you already knew was hotter than anything you've get him to say.
"Say it again"
He frowned, and you repeated your words "You– you were right?" You moan "You were right and I was wrong" He says as he feels you riding him faster "I was so wrong, princess. I'm so–sorry, you were right"
You moan and nod, resting your hands in his soft chest and impulsing yourself to go faster, making Matt moan when his cum finally taints your walls.
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I will take ANYTHING with colin and/or rodrick (#I'm desperate i've read everything twice) Sorry if thats vague, but I'm like a garbage disposal and will take anything atp. Thank you if you look at this, have a great day/night!
Something about whats-her-name
"Mr. Heffley, whats got you daydreaming away in my class, hm?" Rodrick snapped back to reality, the brittle voice of his teacher shattering his thoughts about- wait... what was her name again? Oh, that's right, Y/n. Y/n L/n, how could he have already been in his 3rd year of high school and barely notice her? "Oh, sorry, it wont happen again" Rodrick said, like an idiot. The teacher simply rolled her eyes and went back to the lecture. As the teacher was talking, Rodrick went back to thinking of Y/n. Since they had just came back from winter break, Y/n must have moved her schedule around and ended up getting put into his 4th period English class. The seating chart app must have been on Rodrick's side when it was determining the new seating chart for the remainder of the year, because it had placed Y/n one person above him, but still in the row next to his, giving him a perfect view.
She was more than just gorgeous, more than ethereal, more than any word that Rodrick's pea-sized brain could come up with. She wasn't like all the other girls Rodrick had liked in the past, most of them quite prissy and rude. But Y/n? Y/n was cool, stylish and you could tell she was NOT just another brick in the wall. Although she was seen hanging out with Heather and her goons sometimes, you could tell she was nice. Rodrick knew she had an amazing personality, and he wasn't just saying that because he was totally head over heels for her. Every time he saw her from across the campus during lunch, she had that gorgeous smile of hers on her face. When he had asked his friends about Y/n, they had only good things to say about her. After a few weeks, Rodrick decided he HAD to get to know her, so he set up a plan.
Rodrick had came to the conclusion that he was going to throw a party that weekend. Since his parents and youngest brother would be gone, Rodrick felt it was the perfect (and probably only) opportunity to throw a sick ass party and impress the girl of his dreams. He sent out a group text in his schools group chat, which soon got screenshotted and posted on various social networking's. Most of the time, Rodrick didn't give a damn about what his peers thought of him. He had gone through all 11 years of school being seen as a dorky, emo weirdo. But now that Y/n was in the picture, Rodrick gave every damn and a bag of chips. He knew this kickback of his had to be off the hook, it was really his only chance to get Y/n to fall for him.. because y'know, he cant just go up to her and ask for her number or something... boy logic.
The Heffley household was PACKED. Teenagers coming in like ants marching. 30 minutes after the party started, Rodrick chose to stop answering the door, and just leave it wide open. People were drunk, some partying it up inside the house, and others passed out in the yard. As he surfed through seas of people, Rodrick made his way to the backyard. There, he saw Y/n sitting on the porch, alone. He opened the sliding glass door, feeling the fresh air on his skin. Y/n turned around, eyes widened. They soon softened when she saw Rodrick. He stood there, looking down at Y/n. She smiled, scooting over to make some room for Rodrick. He smiled, sitting down next to her. Finally, he broke the silence. "So... am I interrupting something? Or are you only out here 'cus my party's lame?" Y/n smiled, Rodrick swore he could feel his pupils dilate. "Nah, of course not. It just really stuffy in there, needed a breath of fresh air." She broke eye contact with him, looking down at her drink. Rodrick saw it wasn't even beer, it was Coke. As he continued to stare at her, Rodrick realized that Y/n is even prettier up close. She turned her head to look at him, which made Rodrick snap out of his trance. "Is there something wrong?" Asked Y/n, her head cocked to the side. What kind of question was that? Of course there was something wrong. Rodrick is sitting outside with the girl hes been damn near stalking, ALONE, and he probably creeped her out because he can't keep his eyes off of her for two seconds. "No, nothing wrong. You're just.." Rodrick couldn't find it in himself to spit out what he so badly wanted to say. "I'm just what?" Y/n's eyebrows were furrowed, a confused expression on her face. "You're so beautiful" Oh shit. It just slipped out, he didn't even mean to say it. Her eyes were wide, her once confused face now turned surprised. "Oh- oh my god. I'm.. i-i'm so sorry Y/n i ju-" Rodrick's stammering of nonsense was cut off by Y/n's soft lips kissing his. Her hands found his face and thumbs gently began to stroke his cheek. Y/n pulled away, a sweet smile on her face. Rodrick's mouth was hanging open, speechless from what had just happened. "Whoa, okay uh, alright." Rodrick said, which made Y/n giggle, eyes scrunching up and sparkling. "I don't wanna sound conceited, but I know everything Rodrick. I can feel you staring at me during 4th period, I notice how you purposely walk by my table during lunch, I even see all the profile views you leave on my socials." With every word that came out of your mouth, Rodrick could feel his face getting warmer and warmer. "O-oh my god Y/n, I'm sorry." He covered his face with his hands, trying to hide the blush. You laughed and softly grasped his wrists, uncovering his cute face. Y/n looked into Rodrick's eyes, deep and dark and desperate looking. "I don't mind at all, Rodrick." She said, eyes switching from looking at his eyes to his lips. "Why didn't you ever talk to me sooner, Rodrick?" Oh lord, hearing his name coming from your voice sounded like music to his ears. "Well I mean, you're just so... I cant even think of a word. I guess I've just been intimidated by you, I didn't know how to approach you." Y/n's eyebrows raised. "Oh, is it because i'm just sooo scary and discouraging, that it took you 6 months to have a conversation with me?" Rodrick laughed, feeling the tension wearing off. "Well, I guess you cant be THAT scary since you just ate my face" Y/n rolled her eyes, gently slapping his arm. "Seriously though, I really like you Y/n, I know i'm a wuss for not talking to you sooner." Y/n smiled at him as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Kiss me again, Rodrick."
And so he did.
A/N: THIS IS NOT MY BEST WORK GUYS! Lowkey rushed bc school stuff lol (i'm dying inside) PLEASEEE request more stuff!! thank u so much for requesting @my-sibling-wears-a-muumuu !!
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surshica · 2 years
ohmygosh I'm still so shocked you're a pipino as well TT fellow filo here hehe
Anyways, may I request a Chishiya x reader,,,
We all know how observant Chishiya is, well, I would like a scenario where he and reader are just gossiping about every other player there is!! ^^
The setting would be in the game Solitary Confinement, and they would just chill in the cafeteria thingy and share cookies and just trash talk everyone 😭😭
Tysm ♡
request: chishiya x reader
genre: crack fluff
warnings: swearing — ooc chishiya (PURR) — broken humor — gossiping/shit talking — not proofread!!
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ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
spilt up with the group was one thing but heading to a jack of hearts game with chishiya was another thing, you were unsure if chishiya was one to throw you up for grabs to win on his own. that idea penned you in the heart, a casual frown shown.
“why are you frowning now?” chishiya walked closer to you. he had came back from his walk around the jail like building. he wanted to see what he was dealing with this game so he took the chance to venture off. “i miss kuina thats all, she was my gossip buddy” you sighed leaning your had against the smoothen brick wall.
“who says i cant gossip with you?” he lifted an eyebrow at you causing you to laugh out-loud. “you? gossip? lets come back down to earth.” you had held in some giggles. chishiya opened his mouth like he was gonna say something but just shrugged with a grin spread across his lips, “well there was something i was going to tell you BUT i guess since im no gossiper you don’t need to know” he walked over to the corner near yiu putting in his headphones.
“wait what.” was all you said before quickly making your way over to chishiya taking out his earbuds, “you have to tell me now. you cant leave me hanging like this!” you whispered yelled as more people started to enter the building. “nope since you want to be all mean” chishiya closed his eyes relaxing himself into the corner. “boo you’re a party pooper” “am not.” “are too!”
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
a round had passed and nobody had died yet, surprisingly. everyone was gathered in the cafeteria like area eating snacks and drinking, chishiya had grabbed a bag of his own; the cookies were in this yellow like bag and he claimed they were the best cookies ever. “okay, tell me what you heard when you walked around chishiya” you sighed with a bored expression stealing one of his cookies from the bag. chishiya lifted his eyebrow slightly, “firstly my cookies, secondly remember the two people who looked like a boss and a secretary? i heard them fucking in one of the rooms before the game started.”
chishiya threw a cookie into his mouth nodding in approval of the flavor. “WAIT WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?” you looked at him in disbelief as chishiya slowly nodded. you had stared with a slight amused face. “i mean he is kinda cute i don’t blame her..” you giggled putting your hand over your mouth, chishiya flicked you on the forehead with a disgusted yet disbelief look. “seriously? in front of me and my cookies?”
you had shrugged while rubbing the spot he flicked, you had taken a bite out of the waffle cookies you took from the display. “well since you told me something there is something i have to tell you” the pink strawberry artificial cookie had crumbs on the side of your lips. chishiya looked at you waiting for you to say something, maybe he already knew maybe he didn’t. “well you know that urumi girl? the one in blue, from what i heard she might start killing people off. not because she is the joker but just because!” you laughed a little
“and how do you know that? we are only in the first round of many rounds.” chishiya furrowed his lips into an a line. “well didn’t you notice the way banda talked to the dude that was getting bullied and lied about his symbol? yeah that dude is gonna die and urumi is gonna tell them to kill him off since he might be the joker.” you had stolen another cookie from chishiya.
“you know if that does happen i’ll literally let you wear my hoodie for the rest of the game” chishiya smugged very confident it wouldn’t happen and guess what happened. everything you had said and he’ll be dammed. you were like a fortune teller.
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
“with this new found hoodie i feel even more confident in my skills. i’m like sherlock holmes!” you smiled proudly eating your artificial strawberry pink cookies. you had your own but you still wanted to steal from chishiya.
“you know for someone like urumi her dress is kinda underwhelming” you munched on your pink cookie staring at urumi’s dress. chishiya looked at you with a small side eye, “and how so?” chishiya was quite curious on your take about the dress. “well for starters it makes her look like a grandma baby respectfully i guess. i just don’t like the small holes in the dress it definitely looks like something my grandma would wear.”
“for starters i would keep the length of the dress since it’s not too bad but i would make due of the top part of the dress..” you pointed at the top half. of the dress; chishiya looked at you not knowing a single word, “get rid off. get rid of that and make it more of a flat dress give it some lacey look! keep the ribbon tho. its cute. as well get rid of the sleeves they aren’t it. makes her arms look like sticks. if she wants a puff look definitely decrease the size of it make it smaller. overall its a cute outfit just needs some work done” you smiled at the vision of it. definitely something you could imagine wearing.
“what.” was all chishiya said, he tried to understand it but it was too much fashion talk for his doctor sized brain. “what i’m trying to say is that it doesn’t flatter her looks” you smacked your lips stealing a cookie—chishiya simply nodded. “no and you know what! while we are in the talks of outfits let’s talk about what’s his faces hair..he hangs out with that cutie banda..” “Enji?” “YES HIM! okay.”
“why what did he do this time? is he going to die next?” chishiya snacked on his cookies watching you stare down enji as he walked to get a pack of cookies. “probably not since banda is with him but if anything he has the ugliest fucking haircut to man.” you tried to copy his hairstyle on your hair but it annoyed you so much you couldn’t do it anymore.
“like why are you having your hair over an eye and it looks untrimmed you can see the dead ends..i get it we are in what an apocalypse but there are scissors!” you huffed taking another one of chishiya’s cookies, “he looks like a walmart light yagami from death note” chishiya said outloud causing you to snicker at that. “he makes justin bueber look good with his bowl cut” you snarked—trying to keep in the laugh you held in your stomach.
“its not funny..you’re being a bully” chishiya let out a few chuckles but cleared his throat. “stop laughing you are causing us to get weird stares from urumi’s group” chishiya kicked your feet underneath the table but that only caused you to laugh some more. “i’m sorry i’m sorry but he just looks so silly..he looks like someone all the girls would have a crush on in elementary” you wheezed at that so more, “and no i’m no bully i’m just real.”
“i hope you die the next round.” chishiya rolled his eyes, “HEY THATS NOT NICE! what would you do without me?” you pouted slightly. “quite literally everything.”
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
“i have something to tell you missy!” chishiya looked a little too excited to tell you this. many rounds have passed and urumi’s group is slowly starting to become undone with a lot of players dying. “ooh you have something gossiping related?!” you cuffed your face propping your elbows onto the table.
“well i overheard that the two players that have been so ‘loyal’ to urumi are planning to kill her off next because they think she is the joker..” chishiya side eyed the two players who were obviously shaking. they were nervous urumi would catch them on their plan. “really?? i would have never thought..they seem very loyal to her.” you opened chishiya’s cookie bag taking some cookies. “this could very much be the last round. you can see how everyone is betraying eachother and want to leave” chishiya pointed out causing you to nod.
“you also know what i noticed! i noticed that walmart light yagami and the kotoko girl have been getting the same cookies and I THINK they are communicating through that..” you bit on your nail slightly. “i noticed that too..i was going to say that but i was hoping you saw it as well” chishiya hummed with a smile plastered on his face. “you really can call me sherlock holmes!” you confidently smiled placing your hands on your hips.
“i will not be calling you that.” “BOO YOU PARTY POOPER.” you wiped away fake tears, before remembering something you had saw last round. “chishiya do you remember that one girl urumi tried to kill off?”
“which one there was a lot”
“the one with the short hair? she looked no older than probably a sophomore in college.”
“oh yeah her”
“well i saw her talking to these boys asking for the symbol and they told her completely different symbol, she was so happy thinking it was the right one and guess what. she died now. it’s sad, she was too naive” you dramatically faked reared up. chishiya stared at you blankly, “so literally you as well. i could be the joker for all you care.”
“you wouldn’t let me eat your cookies and have your jacket if you were the joker so don’t even try it mister” you snarked back at him, he was slightly taken aback. “plus i don’t think you would be a joker. you would be like a king of hearts no joker.” you shrugged grabbing a handful of cookies.
“i dont think you’d survive here without me though, i mean who would keep you company and gossip with you?” you smiled eating the cookies you held in your hand, “kuina” “well is kuina in the room with us now?” chishiya formed an ‘im tired of you’ face making you smirk. “i win per usual!”
“i always win though..” chishiya looked at you confusingly. “nah i do as always. no need to be jealous” you had gotten up from your seat and walked over to chishiya pushing his hair aside to see his symbol; it was almost time for the jail cells again. “you’re a diamond.” you told him turning around pulling your hair apart so he could see your symbol, “heart.”
“see you love me too much to be the joker! if you were the joker you would’ve killed me off sooner” you shrugged as he intertwined his fingers with yours. “me in love? you’re being delusional.” he said, “well you’re holding my hand soo..” “you know too much.”
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tags — masterlist is open<3
@nanamora , @parkersmyth , @trinmadol , @noxceleste , @eissaaaa , @dr3amscap3 , @arizzu , @bwnniidump , @kerenz , @minyoungieee , @saiewithakatana
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rapidpunches · 2 months
Today someone in a black car sprayed me with BB gun pellets like from an airsoft gun or something while I was waiting at the bus stop. I haven't been able to shake the anger that they had fun at my expense. I'm pretty sure it's something they do often by the way they slowed down as if to pull over then drove off after. Either they always shoot pedestrians, bus riders, the visibly disabled, or the homeless. What really gets me is the unprovoked threat of violence towards a stranger. Like what is it supposed to do? You want poor people to be scared? Am I supposed to be afraid of being hurt and dying? My life sucks so bad I'm going to start carrying around a brick to throw if this happens again.
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klausysworld · 2 years
Hi can you do an angry / jealous Dom Klaus.
With BDSM and " you know i love you right because I am going to fuck you like i don't" vibes please
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Only you
You were shamelessly flirting with Lucien right in-front of Klaus. You knew it was dangerous and you knew it would have consequences but you were mad, Klaus thought he could sweet talk the blond bartender? You could eye fuck his oldest frenemy.
Your hand was placed upon Lucien’s arm, your big doe eyes looking up at his hooded ones as you giggled at his little jokes.
Klaus was sat clutching his glass of scotch, he could feel it cracking within his hand as he watched the nuisance of a man slide his hand up your thigh, when you leaned a little closer to him and glanced at his lips. It was when Lucien let his eyes fall shut and moved to cup your cheek he got up, Klaus’s glass was in a dozen pieces, his footsteps heavy as he stormed over and grabbed ahold of your arm
“i don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing but if you think you’re cleaver or you’re funny i would think again” he growled into your ear, his grip on your upper arm was bruising as he began dragging you out of the bar
“woah hey Nik, look we were just chatting” Lucien laughed standing up but Klaus was…fragile at the moment and swung a punch so hard everyone heard his first sired neck snap. You gasped and many people fell silent watching as Klaus picked you up, threw you over his shoulder and strided out. The second he was out of the door you were pressed against a cold wall, his hand was gripping your hair pulling your head back so he could whisper in your ear
“i will not tolerate disrespect are we clear? you do not ever behave like that again, you have people thinking i allow what is mine to play a whore!? I think the fuck not.” you could feel the heat traveling to your core as you arched your back, your stomach and chest was against the cold surface and your ass pressed onto his crotch
“you started it, you wanted to whore around with the blonde, i was simply showing you how it felt” his knee pushed in between your thighs and your damp panties rested on his leg, his hand moved from your hair and held your neck painfully
“at least she doesn’t behave like a slut, you’re practically humping my leg, did i get you like this? did Lucien? or perhaps you grinded against a different pathetic excuse of a man” you felt anger boil inside you as you attempted to move away from him but just held you firmer, your body hit the wall again and he pushed your face against it
“what is it love? don’t like me telling you the truth? don’t want to hear how pathetic you’ve been?” he slowly moved his leg back and forth letting his jeans rub against the thin material covering your heat
“i’m pathetic? i’m a slut? have you looked in the mirror? god Klaus you invented the term man-whore and your entire life you’ve ran to your brother to fix your every issue!” you yelled pushing against the walk helplessly while also trying to not rut your hips against him and hold in your moans
“shut. the fuck. up.” he breathed shoving your head further making you feel the brick scratch your cheek
“or what? you gonna cry to Elijah about it?” you couldn’t see the pure rage in his eyes. The golden colour they had bled into. In a swift movement your dress was torn from your body and you gasped as the freezing air hit your bare skin, you hadn’t worn a bra under the dress, your nipples felt hard against the rough surface. You remained squished against the building as your heard his belt fall to the floor, he shoved his jeans and boxers down his legs and ripped your little thong from your body. He pulled your waist back against him so you were bent over nothing and breathing shakily against the wall.
“Spread your fucking legs.” he ordered and you did. A finger slid throw you folds collecting your slick before he brought it to your face. You could just see him from the corner of your eye, his expression dark but smug as he forced you to taste yourself
“who made you like this?” he snarled. His hand back to fisting your hair as he lined himself up with the other
“who!” he demanded
“You did! Fuck, you did Klaus okay!?” you yelled and expected him to enter you but he didn’t, yet
“not Lucien then? not another greedy, grubby imbecile!?”
“You know it might’ve been you who got me going but I’m certain Lucien or some other imbecile would help me finish if you don’t just fu-“ you cut your self off when he thrusted inside you completely filling you entirety and stretching you painfully as he did not wait. He immediately started thrusting into you at a supernatural pace. A bruising pace which had tears unconsciously falling down your face.
“stupid whore” he growled pulling at your hair making you cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure
“crying for me love? being all weak and submissive?” you just gave a choked sob and nodded. You could feel your hot walls swallowing his cock, pulsing around him. The hand that wasn’t tugging your once carefully styled hair was on your desperate clit, the force of his hips had you rubbing against his fingers perfectly. Your lower stomach already began forming that familiar knot and you moaned loudly despite being out in the streets.
“you want everyone to hear you? gonna make people come see me fuck you against a wall because you cant behave for 5 bloody minutes?” his fingers moved harsher and faster when you whimpered an apology and his tip nudged your euphoric spot. You gasped when he angled himself to hit it again, your body knocked against the wall and you brought your hand up to grab onto his wrist as he dragged at your hair. Your other hand remained on the surface trying to support yourself s little bit.
You could feel your knees begging to give in when the knot inside of you tightened along with your soaked walls. You listened to his grunts as you bit the inside of your cheek to remain quieter, he didn’t seem to appreciate it however
“what? now you want to be quiet? now you gonna be good?” his hand left your aching clit making you whimper and let more tears stream down the wall.
“come on sweetheart, beg me to make you finish” you groaned and dropped your hand from his wrist holding onto the bricks that stuck of slightly as he pounded into you expertly. Feeling the knot inside you burn, the sensation soaring while you sobbed and clenched around him. You barely shook your head and gave an inaudible ‘no’ before his hand came down to hit the soft skin on your ass. You body lurched as far forward as it could and his hips snapped to yours faster, impossibly faster. Your spot was being given too much attention and it was tearing you apart, barely able to think at all.
“pl..please” you chocked quietly
“please what” he gruffed
“let me cum…please” you uttered
“because i need you to” you whispered and his fingers were back on your overstimulated bundle of nerves having you cry a moan into the air
“you need me?” he grunted circling your swollen clit while still fucking you relentlessly
“need you…so bad” you nodded letting your face feel raw against the filthy surface
“you need me.” he stated and he twitched inside of you
“i need you.” you repeated and felt him begin to release inside you, his pace not faltering and his fingers only speeding up
“them finish for me love, milk me sweetheart” he whispered and threw his head back when your walls spasmed around him and panted a blur of pleasured sounds.
His fingers gradually stopped and his thrusts slowed. He gently pulled out from behind you and pulled his pants up. Carefully he let go of your hair and you turned around, standing straight on wobbly legs. He supported your shivering frame and kissed your cold lips, his fingers softly caressing the grazed skin of your cheek. The kiss was slow and loving..unlike the act you had just experienced
“you know that women means nothing to me, right?” he questioned quietly and you nodded weakly
“i love you, only you” he reminded you and you smiled a little
“i love you too, only you”
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batsplat · 3 months
seen people talk about how marcs 2012 season was the reason the penalty point system was introduced (that made vale start from the back in 2015 which is admittedly absolutely absurdly funny) so here i am to ask my favorite motogp historian for thoughts (and prayers?) mostly about what exactly marc DID to make that happen (kinda funny also that he was branded a track terrorist from day 1 😭) and why they struck it in the mid 2010s?
okay so I'm gonna be lazy here and start out by just including what I put in the marc race recs post:
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phillip island 2011 was the worst incident, and marc was criticised by motogp riders too, including valentino and casey. that one was like... it was just straight up dangerous and also incredibly stupid, I mean you're trying to get an extra lap in at the end of fp1 and are putting yourself and other riders in serious danger (definitely a case where you can argue that the penalty didn't go far enough and a race ban would have been warranted). marc can sometimes be pretty bullish in response to criticism while still going away and kinda realising what he'd done was a bad idea, quietly adjusting his behaviour... examples include this, where he had his team appeal the penalty, as well as of course 2018 argentina, where he talked down the 'mistakes' he'd made and said he'd done more wrong in the aleix than the valentino incident (which may be true, but it's the rhetorical equivalent of saying it's better to go up to someone's home and throw bricks through the windows than it is to set it on fire) - he is fairly good at learning from his mistakes, even when he doesn't always fully admit to them
that being said, of course he did continue getting himself involved in a fair bit of controversy during 2012. but it's worth pointing out that the penalty points system wasn't just a case of 'oh this kid is so bad, we've got to do something' - it was also a case of 'yeah this is being handled in a super inconsistent manner, actually'. like, there were times people felt marc should be penalised more, yes, but other times where they felt it was too much... it was just a bit all over the place. luckily, inconsistent stewarding is a problem they've managed to fix in the intervening twelve years, so we never hear about that stuff any more. let's just give a quick summary of the four biggest 2012 flashpoints:
qatar: marc runs luthi off-track in a deliberate and pretty dangerous way and gets a slap on the cooldown lap for his troubles, plus a reprimand from race direction
catalunya: towards the end of a race in which marc made several questionable moves, pol espargaro attempted to overtake marc who had just saved a fall - marc cuts across the track to rejoin the racing line and ends up colliding with pol. he was initially given a controversial penalty in the form of a minute added to his final time, before that was rescinded (which was unsuccessfully appealed by pol's team). see here for valentino and casey's reactions
motegi: marc 'torpedoed' kallio in saturday morning practise, riding into his side while kallio was on the racing line headed into a turn and causing kallio to highside... which he was not penalised for. some responses to the incident below
valencia: marc attempted to overtake corsi in friday practise, causing him to crash. this time, race direction handed out a back-of-the-grid penalty
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it's a subtle distinction but an important one so I'll just stress it again: the stated aim of the penalty points wasn't to hold back aggressive riders like marc but to attempt to reduce inconsistency, which had been exposed in part due to how differently these marc incidents were handled. what marc did was create several high profile controversies, in each case prompting some level of frustration with how race direction handled the whole thing. obviously, there were other non-marc-related stewarding controversies, but it is inarguable that he was a significant factor in causing a revamp of the system
by the way, here's valentino's criticism of marc after the valencia incident:
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here's a quick explanation of how the penalty points worked:
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and, you know, for what it's worth marc did calm down in motogp... he certainly became better at operating in the grey area of the rules, approaching his racing in a manner his competitors didn't always appreciate but was certainly a lot harder to penalise. though there were also incidents that of course people felt marc should be penalised for - say after jerez 2013, jorge did kinda go 'okay but surely you can at least give a few penalty points for this, isn't this what they're for'. but it's not like there was unanimous agreement on that, see the immediate responses of some of the riders:
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(bradley smith saying that jorge's last serious race was motegi 2005 - the one he got the race ban for - is a bit of an insane stance to take and doesn't really match up to reality, but it did make me laugh so that's something. of course the general point that during the alien era most of them were avoiding doing much actual racing isn't exactly wrong but. still)
not to make this a riding standards post, but this is the underlying tension when you're trying to decide how to regulate the sport... jerez was the first serious test that system faced - and it's one where race direction ended up calling it a pure racing incident. which is a tough call! I talked about it a bit in the sete post and what his stance was on the jerez 2005 incident, where he feels like this isn't a contact sport and shouldn't be adjudicated as such. it's a fundamental philosophical difference that became very relevant again when marc showed up fresh from his controversial moto2 campaign and woke up the entire class with his own particular brand of racing. from a write-up of the jerez 2013 race:
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(motegi 2008 not motegi 2010, which is something I remember because casey's pass also allowed valentino to immediately swoop on through. should be noted that casey may have apologised but he did not give the position back to dani lol. also motegi 2010 is pretty memorable if we're talking about hard racing. fair to say that valentino demonstrated he did not share the approach of his fellow aliens when battling jorge)
and more on the shift marc brought about:
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this is the thing, right - a big part of understanding that time period is concerning yourself with what came just before. the general feeling (unsurprisingly not shared by casey, jorge or dani) was that the series desperately needed some new life breathed into it, that the racing had become stale and sterile and far too predictable... there were several factors that contributed to this, from the beloathed 800cc bikes that were only replaced in 2012, to the approach of those three aliens and how adept they'd become at racking up wins by dominating out front, to how valentino (generally considered the most 'exciting' racer of the lot) had taken himself out of the competitive picture... I mean, in all honesty the racing is still not great in 2013 compared to the rossi heyday (it had gotten better by the very end of the 2010s), but of course there's a lot more energy to it than the years before. which meant the sport as a whole was in a tricky place where they both had to be seen to be constraining marc, stopping him from being an active danger to himself and others, while also kind of... letting him loose. a little bit of controversy is hardly a bad thing, after all - love him or hate him, everyone had a take, and that's the kind of thing that's obviously healthy for a sport
marc did get two penalty points that year for ignoring yellow flags in silverstone and crashing in the same place as cal crutchlow had just gone down:
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(for obvious reasons, 'ignoring yellow flags' is extremely dangerous, but there's no reason to believe he wasn't being honest here)
he was also given another penalty point for the contact that caused dani's crash in aragon, taking him perilously close to that back-of-the-grid penalty:
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and that was basically their position - it's a warning. broadly they wanted him to not completely revamp his approach, but just apply a little more discretion, exercise his judgement. a little more caution, a little more restraint. it's still fundamentally a different philosophy of racing than the one that had been espoused for several years by the other aliens save for valentino - but marc could get to a place where he was engaging in hard racing that generally toed the line without crossing it. a little more detail on the aragon incident and marc's approach to racing in the context of the time period from this write-up:
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this is the issue, right, marc was riding on just the right line of acceptable that race direction would not have in any way been justified in slapping out race bans - though you can certainly argue that in some cases, you could have handed out more penalty points, which would then have meant he would have faced more 'real' consequences. in any case, they couldn't actually 'teach him a lesson', because he'd already more or less learned it... if the lesson is 'hard racing and contact is fine, just don't overdo it'. which of course, not everyone would agree with. the odd memorable exception aside, throughout marc's premier class career he's been very aware of that line, and has taken care to avoid bringing the wrath of race direction upon himself too severely
the penalty points thing and sepang 2015... well, first of all let's quickly bring in what the actual ruling was:
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honestly, I imagine that if they didn't have a penalty points system, they would've figured out a different way to penalise him, and might have slapped him with a back-of-the-grid penalty anyway. not in a 'oh the fim had it out for valentino rossi!!!!' way, more that they did need to be seen doing something. the penalty points felt like a fairly elegant way of giving a penalty that wasn't that harsh and wasn't making any judgement calls over whether valentino deliberately kicked marc, while also in an indirect way ensuring that valentino would suffer consequences. and yes, it is a nice bit of dramatic irony - but the piece says it, the penalty "had to be severe enough for rossi to feel truly punished". the penalty points happened to be the tool they had available and perhaps with a different set of rules, valentino would have been handed a slightly different flavour of punishment. but really, this is more 'fun historical coincidence' than something that massively changed the events that played out
of course, it was a controversial decision that few people felt 100% comfortable with. on the one hand, if you believe that valentino kicked marc, then you probably would have wanted him to be disqualified - three measly penalty points does not feel enough in that situation. on the other, if you believe that valentino engaged aggressively with marc but without deliberately trying to make him crash, then a back-of-the-grid penalty that essentially decided the outcome of the championship before the final race even started is a tough pill to swallow. (of course there's also a position somewhere in between where valentino didn't literally kick marc but did attempt to run him off track, which would make the penalty 'about right'.) of course, the championship standings should ideally not determine what sort of penalties are being handed out - but equally, it's something that did limit the intrigue going into the race, and over something that felt quite arbitrary. the other penalty point he'd gotten to rack up the four total was about a qualifying incident in misano - which either feels like a silly thing to determine the ultimate outcome of the championship, or instead is a demonstration of how the cumulative nature of the points system is supposed to work. but yes, it did get a lot of criticism in the aftermath, with concerns over whether future title fights could end up being defanged as an indirect consequence of relatively minor incidents earlier in the season
and of course, the penalty points were eventually scrapped in early 2017. here's a bit more on that decision:
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basically, sepang 2015 was a contributing factor to broader changes in how motogp was regulated, which down the line had the knock-on effect of getting rid of that penalty system entirely. rightly or wrongly, race direction felt like they had better tools available to penalise riders and this system was now redundant. anyway [insert another lazy gag about how the switch to a stewards panel has completely failed in eliminating controversy from stewarding] [insert pithy closing line] [press post]
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anarcho-puppy · 2 months
you ever think how fucking stupid it is that every 4 years this whole empire erupts into a psychological battlefield? that year after year we are forced to pick harm reduction over “throwing away our vote”?
the amount of pressure from democrats to not only “vote blue no matter who,” but to also shut the fuck up about all the imperialist, genocidal, fucked up shit the dem candidate has done is fucking insane.
“vote like democracy depends on it because it does” you think voting for someone you don’t want as president because if you choose someone who would actually change things, or god forbid, fuck with the system is democracy?
y’all act like with the power of our ballot we’ll be able to “vote away fascism”. bitch, fascism is already here.
you want us to have hope because you want us to vote dem instead of giving up and not voting but we can’t have too much hope because then we’ll recognize how fucked up the system is and try to dismantle/destroy it. we have to be discontent enough to vote blue but content enough to turn a blind eye and continue to barely survive (if you’re privileged and lucky) within the system.
we are stuck in a dystopian dance with no way out and i am fucking sick of it.
but nooooo, we can’t give up yet! the democrats still need our vote because otherwise you’re voting for the bad genocidal fascist instead of our genocidal fascist! /s
i encourage y’all to have hope. have more hope then the dems want you to have; recognize that we can do better and that things can change if we agree that voting is the bare minimum. don’t just vote blue and then sit back and say, “whelp i did the best i could do with what i was given”. don’t be satisfied with the stagnancy the two-party system is providing us. you are not going to be able to vote away the system. if i’ve learned anything over these past 4 years it’s that if we want things to change, we have to fucking make them change.
so do the stupid harm reduction thing and then organize your community. join an org of fucking create one. life is too short to take what you are given. help out your neighbors, fund mutual aid campaigns, start a community garden, i don’t care!
you need to fucking organize because when you need gender affirming care or an abortion that you can’t get in your state, you’re gonna need someone to cover for you and keep up your digital schedule while you book it across state lines. when the pigs come knocking at your neighbors’ doors because you threw a brick at a cop car or shut down a nazi rally you’re gonna need people who won’t rat you out. you’re gonna need someone who can hide you or get you out of the country when you burn down a gov building with your friends.
when the system is built to oppress you and keep you from changing anything, you need a strong community behind you. the system and the people who enforce it are out to get you and when things get bad they are not going to help you, no matter how privileged and cooperative you are.
who keeps us safe? we keep us safe.
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jowrites · 4 months
XOXO - 15. Hit me with a sack of bricks (written)
Main Masterlist Here
Prev. Next.
TW: Sexual Themes, cursing, physical violence, insecurities, depression, more to be added...
taglist: @n1k1mura @graythecoffeebean
Heeseung and YN stepped out onto the sidewalk, walking towards his car that was parked in front as YN stared at the new sonogram in her hands. The weekend went in a flash, YN meeting Heeseungs friends and vice versa. Both of them break the news to their friends about the baby and everyone, of course, is shocked but oddly on board with this. Heeseung’s friends seemed more thrilled than YN’s, which worried her but they all had talks with her separately to tell her they will be there for her and support her. Soobin was the one who made her laugh out loud the most, kept making jokes about how smart Heeseung was for ‘baby trapping’ her and getting smacked by Heeseung. YN wasn’t offended, but she did find it hilarious because she knew it wasn’t true and Soobin was a big troll.
 This was their 3rd meeting with the doctor to check on the baby, which YN will admit is much easier with Heeseung by her side. She’s walking into her 2nd trimester with ease, she’s healthy and the baby is healthy. Soon, they’d be able to find out the sex and then she can really start planning for things. Heeseung opened her door for her as she got in the passenger side, not once taking her eyes off the photo. Something inside her felt so warm. She was happy, genuinely happy. 
“You know, the photo isn’t going anywhere,” Heeseung said beside her as he started the car.
“I wonder what the baby will look like, if it will look like you, or me…or be the perfect balance,” she said.
“I hope the baby looks like you,” He said and she turned to look at him. 
“Why?” she asked.
“Because you’re gorgeous and I would rather our baby have its mothers gorgeous features than my boring ones,” he said and she gasped.
“You did not just call your features boring,” she said, giving his arm a punch.
“Ow! Okay, average,” he said, clearing up what he meant but she just hit him again.
“Heeseung, you’re gorgeous! It’s actually quite refreshing to find a nerd as hot as you,” she said.
“You really think so?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
“If you weren’t so standoffish, girls would be swarming your way,” she said. “I’ve heard people talk about you, you know.”
“Wait, people know who I am?” he asked.
“You’re not as lowkey as you like to think, Heeseung,” she said. “I’m hungry, can we go to your brother's cafe?”
“Mhm, but wait, answer me this: how do people know me?” He asked.
“Because you’re attractive, people are drawn to pretty things, it’s in our nature. And you are extremely attractive so people look at you and want to know you, but you don’t give anyone the time of day so that throws them off,” she explained. “Jake is the same way, only he is aware of it and uses it to his advantage.”
“How do you know about Jake?” Heeseung asked. 
“Hasn’t he told you before?” She asked. “He’s been to some of the parties you know, he’s friends with Felix and Chris and Chris used to be friends with Jaehyun. I’d run into Jake sometimes but we’d done nothing but the casual greetings and he was sleeping with Kazuha for a while.”
Heeseung had not heard about any of this. Now that he thinks about it, he knew Jake had other friends and his little activities outside of their group, but it never dawned on him that Jake could be with the popular crowd. 
“Jake is more of a wallflower, to be honest. He’s very observant and seems to know a lot of people,” YN mentioned and something in Heeseung clicked. 
“Hey, YN? Do you know who runs the SNU Gossip Queen account?” Heeseung asked.
“Nope. Nobody does,” she said, shrugging. “I’ve heard rumors here and there but they’ve always been exposed as false.”
“Ah, do you have any ideas?” He asked.
“Honestly, I never thought about it,” she said. “I don’t know who can find out about everyone's business like that and constantly just attack people like this. Whoever it is though, must be my enemy. Gossip Queen hates my guts and I don’t know why.”
YN sat there in the closed cafe, humming to herself in joy as she munched on her food. She was seriously addicted to this cafe. The cafe was perfect and filled all of her cravings, hitting every spot she had. Heeseung watched her with a fond expression on his face, just staring at her as she danced in her chair after every bite. She had no idea how endearing she was, or just what effect she had on him. He was completely whipped.
“You know, you’re a messy eater,” he said, taking a napkin and wiping her mouth.
“When it comes to food, all my dignity and class go out the window,” she said.
“Is that so? I like seeing you like this, it’s cute,” he said. 
“I’ve never eaten so much in my life, I blame the baby,” she said.
“Baby?” A voice snapped them from their thoughts, Heeseung turned around and came face to face with his brother’s wife, Somi.
“Somi…uhm,” Heeseung trailed off, not finding words.
“I freaking knew it!” She said, jumping in excitement. “Your girlfriend’s pregnant?”
“Please don’t tell anyone,” Heeseung said, sighing in defeat. 
“You have to tell mom and dad,” Heeseung’s brother came out from behind the counter, eavesdropping on the conversation.
“Ugh, not you too,” Heeseung said, face palming himself.
“I’m in my 2nd trimester,” YN said with a mouth full of food. 
“Sweetheart, just…finish eating, okay?” Heeseung said pushing her food more and she nodded, going back to her food, humming to herself in content. How fucking cute.
“When did this happen, Heeseung?” His brother asked.
“It just did,” Heeseung said. “I was planning to bring YN around so we can tell everyone.”
“We’ll keep it a secret, don’t worry,” Somi said. “This is so exciting! We’re going to have a baby in the family!”
“Heeseung, she’s right! This is exciting, you’re about to finish school and you’re going to be a dad too, sometimes things just happen this way, but you’re smart. It will all work out for you guys! Congratulations!” His brother came up and pulled Heeseung in a hug. “You’ll be fine, it’s scary, but you’re a man now. You’re strong.”
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rrainydaydreams · 4 months
I love incorrect quote generators
Twilight: Watcha doin? 
Wild: Stealing my neighbour’s cat. 
Twilight: Scandalous. 
Twilight: Can I help?
Hyrule: Why is there blood everywhere? 
Four: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife. 
Hyrule: You stabbed someone?! 
Four: No, no. I aggressively poked someone with a knife.
Four: ...I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something. 
Wild, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
Hyrule: Wow. I keep stepping on a lot of crunchy twigs. 
Twilight: Those are bones, Hyrule. 
Hyrule: *looks straight up* Not if I never look down.
Warriors: What do you all intend on majoring in? 
Time: Respecting women. 
Four: Minecraft. 
Twilight: Criminal justice and psychology. 
Hyrule: I'm terrified that I’ll lock myself into an interest that I’ll no longer be passionate about in a few years like all the other areas of study I’ve pursued over my life! 
Wild: Minecraft as well.
Warriors: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
Time: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
Wind: Hey, Legend, where are you going? 
Legend: Well, it depends. When I die, probably hell. 
Legend: But right now I’m going to McDonald’s.
Hyrule: Man, it smells like wrongdog out here. 
Warriors: Hyrule, are you alright? 
Hyrule: *sobs*
Wild, to Warriors: Please, picking locks is my specialty. 
Wild: *throws a brick through the window* 
Wild: Okay, let’s go.
Warriors, to the Chain: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! 
Warriors: Damn, y’all depressed as fuck! 
Legend: You didn’t clap either- 
Warriors: SHUT UP!
Wild: That’s a crazy idea. Insane. It doesn’t make sense. 
Hyrule: You’ll do it? 
Wild: Of course.
Bailiff: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? 
Wind: No.
Wind: You know, it’s fine to admit you were wrong. 
Legend: *Sipping their drink after accidentally adding salt* I just like the way it tastes.
Legend: Tired of just deserving better. Gonna start taking it by force.
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seenoversundown · 4 months
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Two
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Warnings: uncomfortable tension, drinking/alcohol, brief mentions of depression (if you read the context clues it’s there), anxious themes, the boys are yet again being ridiculous.
Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: Charlotte’s first encounter with Jake is none other than memorable. Battling her internal monologue is how she lives her daily life, so this situation is only letting those voices run wild.
Author’s Note: Early chapter two because I am so so so excited for you to meet Charlotte! She’s been one of the most fun characters to create because she has such a specific personality. I hope you love her xoxo see you on Thursday 🥰
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Looks That Kill - Motley Crue “If you don’t get her name, you might not make it back.”
“In 300 feet, turn right,” plays through my car’s speakers as I slowly drive through these cramped streets. All the buildings are covered in red brick, some with vines attached; it’s a quaint little area in the city. 
I pull into a parking space and check the maps on my phone again; okay, it’s only a street over; I can just walk that. Grabbing my bag and the folder I’ve been sent with, I step out and promptly lock my doors. Looking at my reflection in my windows, I gently adjust my pants and ensure my shirt is still tucked in. Leaning in and reapplying my dark red lip, I need to make sure I look professional. 
It’s mid-afternoon and fairly quiet, so all I can hear is the click of my shoes as I walk towards the bar. Well, Tavern, rather.  The sign jutting out from the building, the ocean peaking out just behind it, that’s a beautiful accident, now isn’t it? As I approach, I notice the cobblestone street directly across from it. Which must be a nightmare at 1:30 am. 
I took a deep breath before grabbing the door and mentally prepared for this conversation. Or so I thought. The door chime rings loudly, given only ten people are in the bar. The red glow is intense even though it’s still light out. I can’t help but notice the immense amount of pirate memorabilia on the walls and the cute vintage jukebox in the corner. 
As I take it in, I hear the chatter from the patrons sitting at the bar slowly increase in volume. I look over to see a petite man with a curly head of hair laughing loudly at the girl he’s sat next to. Quickly startled out of my focus by a tall, slender gentleman. 
“You look lost,” he quietly says, a completely different vibe from the rest of this place, taking me aback, “Do you need something?” 
“Uh, yes, actually,” I stammer a bit, not expecting someone to come out of thin air like that, “I’m actually here because some paperwork wasn’t completed when the bar opened.” 
“Oh!” his eyes go wide, “he will be the one you want to talk to, darling,” he says rather quickly, pointing towards the bar.
“Could I speak with Mr. Kiszka?” I ask, attempting to sound as confident as I can.
Suddenly, the two sat at the bar looked over to me, with the one behind the bar turning to me before, in unison, they asked, “Which one?” The long-haired ‘girl’ turned to reveal that I was, in fact, very wrong. How many long-haired men are in this bar right now? Jesus Christ. 
I looked into the folder, and seeing his name at the top, I thought, “Um, Jacob Kiszka, I’m sorry.” 
They both point at the one behind the bar, with his hair tied into a low bun, shirt halfway open, and towel tossed over his shoulder. He’s definitely not who I expected to run into here; I figured I would be dealing with a larger, burly sailor-type man who just quit working at the shipyard. 
“What do you need from me, dear?” his voice soft and raspy, which continued to throw me off. 
“Well, I’m sorry to do this to you randomly, Mr. Kiszka,” I start, with him quickly interjecting. 
“Mr. Kiszka is our father. Please call me Jake,” the three of them giggling at his comment. Are they all brothers? I mean, I guess they do look similar the harder I look at them.. Unimportant.
He extends his hand over the bar, and I quickly shift everything into the other arm to meet his. 
“Charlotte Rhodes,” I tell him, trying to focus on my grasp being firm on his hand. 
“Well, Jacob, unfortunately, you did not finish filling out some of this paperwork when you opened the bar officially,” I tell him, watching his smile falter a bit. This is the part I hate.
“I’ve been sent here to tell you what is needed from you. It shouldn’t take too long to get situated.” I start flipping through the paperwork, looking for the pages that he needs. 
“Jesus, Jake,” the long-haired one pipes up, “Paperwork’s the only thing fucking you right now, huh?” followed by the most accurate description of a “ha ha ha” laugh I’ve ever heard. 
“SAM,” the petite curly-headed one interjects, his eyes widening. “Not the time.” 
The one who I’ve now learned is Sam mutters, “Tough crowd,” under his breath. 
I inhale deeply, letting out a “Riiiiiiight” on the exhale. I grab a blank piece of paper from the folder, set it in front of myself, and scribble down little things to not forget. ‘Long hair, facial hair, taller = Sam.’ 
As I’m informing him, I watch a young woman waltz behind the bar, starting to wipe down wine glasses and put them away. She is minding her own business, but nonetheless, she’s behind the bar. 
“Um,” I pause, “Who is that?” I quietly ask, pointing at her subtly. 
I swear I watch the color in his face drain out like a cartoon. Oh no, he hasn’t filed paperwork for her either. Well, that’s karma for you! 
“I just hired her,” the subtle panic lacing his voice, “Uh, I just haven’t had time to, um,” he keeps stumbling over his words. One of his hands finds its place on the back of his neck, giving away that he’s getting overwhelmed. 
I don’t know what comes over me; I open the folder, pull out a packet of stapled paperwork, and flip through it. 
“According to your payroll, Joshua M Kiszka and Daniel R Wagner are the only two employees currently.” Noticing the handful of hired and terminated employees below them and choosing not to bring them up. 
“Only I call-” Sam speaks up, locking eyes with the girl behind the bar, “WE call him Daniel.” 
“Unfortunately, ‘Daniel’ is the only name I was provided,” I know my confusion is apparent on my face. What is going on here? He’s defending Daniel’s name but also grouping this girl into it.. Are they..? 
“The rest of us call him Dan or Danny,” the small one informs me. 
‘Don’t use Daniel, or Sam gets emotional.’ 
“I really don’t mind either way-” Daniel starts to speak, quickly interrupted by Sam. 
“No! That’s my- our name for you!” 
I feel a slight breeze as a slender, brown-haired girl swiftly passes me, walking directly up to Sam and grabbing his arm. 
She looked at me, her face twisted into an uncomfortable expression, and said, “I’m SO sorry about him.” Then she glanced at Jacob and said, “Good luck, Jake.” 
She tugged on his arm, and he stood up. Much taller than I was expecting, he grabbed his drink before walking away. 
“But Bird, she called him Daniel!”
“I’m very sorry, but can’t you see the professional pants she’s wearing? She’s IMPORTANT, Sam!”
“Why would I look at her pants?” 
“Just leave them alone!”
I quickly shake my head, trying to remember where I was in the original conversation before things got… weird. 
“Anyway,” I start, “You only have the two boys and yourself as employees, so if she is also bartending, you need to get her paperwork filled out. Otherwise, then you’re also violating payroll.” I’m watching him process everything I’ve told him, his eyes finally looking to meet mine. I can see the anxiety on his face. His eyes look so sad. 
“Um,” I turn to the small man beside me, “Do you mind giving us a minute?” 
“Absolutely. I’m Josh, by the way,” he reaches his hand out to shake mine, 
“Nice to meet you, Josh. I’m Charlotte.” I firmly shake his hand before he prances away to the booth where Sam, the girl who stole him away, and someone else is sitting. 
“I’m sorry about them, or well, all of this?” Jacob finally said, “I definitely didn’t realize that I hadn’t finished things. I double-checked even before submitting it. I really had no idea. This is the first business I’ve ever run, and I’m doing it alone, basically.” His voice is still riddled with panic, and it sounds like he’s trying to make sense of it in his head. 
I pull out a barstool, set the folder on the bar, and make myself comfortable in the seat. Trying to make myself seem less intimidating has always been funny to me, being a more petite girl. 
“I know you’re working, but the least I can do is offer you a drink,” he says, grabbing a glass from behind him and gently shaking it to get my approval.
“Well, thank you. Whatever is easiest for you, I appreciate it.” I start looking through the folder for what I need, realizing I don’t have everything. I can just email it to him. He seems nervous. I’m sure he’ll panic to get everything in order.  
“Wine? Beer?” 
“Actually, if you have bourbon, that would be fine.” 
I watch his eyes go from sad to almost excited. His emotions are evident on his face right now. The corners of his mouth slowly turn into a little smirk, letting out a laugh of disbelief. 
“That’s my kinda girl,” he says, turning around to grab a bottle from the shelf. 
Is it warm in here? Did he just- You’re working, Charlotte, get a grip. 
He sets the glass of amber liquid in front of me, still smiling to himself. 
“Okay, so is there anything else I messed up?” 
“Not to make things worse, but is she certified?” 
His eyes shut as his head drops back; I see his chest rise slowly and then fall, “Oh, I’m sure she isn’t.” 
“Okay, um, so that’s not as important. Let’s just get you situated with this stuff first?” Why are we being nicer to him? He’s clearly behind on everything; just let him have it.  
“Yeah, whatever I need to do. I really am sorry I didn’t do this before.” 
I’m literally ruining this guy’s entire day. Which is his fault. Well, yes, but he feels so bad about it. I’m more used to having owners storm off, not talk to me, or the opposite, yell directly into my face about it. Also, to be fair, I’m not used to bar owners being close in age to me. I’m definitely more accustomed to older gentlemen who would rather risk tax evasion than get their employees on an actual payroll. 
“It’s okay, Jacob,” I look back at him, setting the papers on the bar for him, “Honestly.” 
His eyes look back and forth between mine like he’s trying to decide if I’m lying. The only thing I’d be lying about is that he is kind of cute. Charlotte, you’re here to do your job and leave. Yes,  but he’s been very receptive and isn’t trying to degrade me for doing my job. Plus, his smile is pretty. 
‘Nice smile’
I take a sip of my drink and then surprise myself. 
“How about I leave all of this with you and come back in a few days to grab it? I’ll be in town for a little bit, and I don’t want to overwhelm you more than I already have.” Okay Charlotte? 
“That would be perfect,” he breathes a sigh of relief, “I can absolutely get everything sorted out. Thank you so much.” His voice is back to a more stable sound, and the anxiety seemingly has subsided. 
The door chime sounds off, causing him to glance over as a handful of people come in. I grab my phone from my bag, tapping the screen to reveal 6:07 p.m. Ah, everybody’s out of work. I watch as he looks back at the girl behind the bar, back at the customers, and then at me. 
“Mel,” he addresses her. Can you just find out what they want, and I’ll take care of it?” She salutes as she drops what she’s doing, mumbling, “Yes, Sir,” as she passes him. His eyes roll slightly at the comment, turning back to me. “I can have Josh clock in if you need me still.”
“No, you’re fine. I’m just going to finish doing some work, and this,” I tap my glass lightly, letting a small smile slip through. His face softens a bit at the gesture. 
“Okay, well, please just stop me if you need anything.” 
I scroll through my emails, continuing to make little notes for myself. This bar has been interesting so far, but, the longer I sit here, the more things continue to happen. I’ve just been trying to take in everything while I’m here. Places like this are few and far between. 
I look up from my phone to see Jacob fiddling with his hair, pulling the hair tie out slowly and sliding it down onto his wrist. He ran his fingers through his ends to loosely comb it out and then wrapped it back up into another little bun. His hair is so long? Also, it’s fun to watch a man pull out his baby hair. I didn’t think they knew about that.  
He flips the sink on, rolling his sleeves up slightly so they sit just above his elbows. I don’t mean to stare at him while he’s doing menial things, but something is holding my attention while he washes his hands that I can’t figure out.  
I try to focus on anything else, turning to see Josh walking up to Daniel with his hand held out. I can’t make out what they’re saying to each other, but Daniel grabs his hand and kisses his knuckles quickly, releasing Josh back into the chaos of the bar. Wait- so.. Who is actually with Daniel? 
A notification pops up on my phone, and it’s an email from my boss. 
Again, I’m sorry to hear that you’re going to be out for a few days. How much time off do you want again? I know we just talked about this. Anyway, I hope everything goes smoothly with the Caravel Tavern. It’s a new business, so it would be a shame to see it go under quickly. I know you’ll give them hell, though.’
It’s a bit disheartening to see that the entire reason I was even coming to Portland has been dismissed, but I guess that’s just business for you. Not that I was necessarily excited to be here for a few days and not work, but at least be mindful of the reason. I offered to stop by to take care of this since I would be in the area, and maybe that should have been my sign that he didn’t care about whatever else I would be doing. 
“You okay over there, Red?” his small, raspy voice somehow cut through the chatter of the bar. I look up to find him opening a beer for someone and setting it on their napkin, his smile fully displayed for them. 
Taking a little sip of my drink, slowly becoming water with a hint of bourbon, I nod once. 
“You really run a tight ship around here, huh?” I say as he walks back over to me. Something in that moment shifts; I don’t know what it is. He doesn’t say anything for a moment, like the subtle compliment caught him truly off guard. I can’t read what emotion he’s feeling, but his eyes are conveying something different. 
“Uh, I do my best,” he finally choked out, “I probably drive them all crazy, but we’re still afloat, so something must be working.” 
Mel laughs as she’s drying glasses behind him, “You’re definitely something.” 
He slowly blinks with a tight smile at her comment, with a quick shake of his head. I lift my glass to my lips, taking the last bearable sip before it’s quite literally just water. 
“I think I’m going to head out,” I tell him, gathering the paperwork he needs, “I’ll leave this with you; if you can please try to get it done in the next couple of days, that would be great.” He just nods at my request. 
“Also, I didn’t have the physical paperwork on me to get Mel on your payroll but I can email the forms to you if that works?” 
“I will do whatever is easiest.” 
I’m still not used to someone cooperating as easily as he has. I came in too prepared for him to be an ass about everything, on top of surprising him with more issues. I’m grateful he isn’t making this more complicated than it needs to be. 
I fold the blank sheet, hide my notes about his brothers, and slide them to him with a pen.
“Here, can you write down your email and phone number for me?” I ask quietly.
“Trying to get my number already? We just met.” He smirks at me as I cringe internally. 
I just stare at him for a second too long, not able to come up with any sort of response to that. 
The silence is deafening between us as his cheeks flush, his eyes darting down to the paper. He swiftly grabs the pen, scribbling down his information for me, writing his name above them, ‘Jake,’ as if I would forget. 
He clears his throat before speaking, “Well, I need to, uh, go work on this, so,” his embarrassment slowly taking him over, “Drive safe, and I will see you, um, soon. Sorry about.. Everything today?” 
I choke back the laugh threatening to escape me, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable than he’s made himself. But it was kind of cute watching him shove his foot in his mouth.  I tuck the paper into my bag, grabbing my things as I stand up from the barstool. 
“Oh,” I speak up, “how much do I owe you?” tapping the rim of my glass. 
He leans over, grabbing the glass with a slight smile on his flushed face, “I think you earned it; it’s on me.” 
“Well, thank you. Have a good night, Jacob. I’ll see you in a few days.” 
I hadn’t been to our lake house in a while—years, probably. We used to spend weeks at a time visiting the lake and spending time on the water. As I got older, so did my parents, we slowly stopped frequenting, but they would never get rid of it. I’ve spent countless hours convincing them to rent it out as an Airbnb, but they refuse. 
The roads are a little daunting at night, with so many sharp turns and practically no street lights. I suppose I should be used to living so far north, but I know that area well. I’ve never really had to drive myself around here; I was always in the backseat for this drive.
Pulling into our dirt driveway, there she is. Our sweet little house absolutely has seen better days, but that’s okay. It feels enough like home to make the next couple of days bearable.  I had been dreading this week, but even seeing the outside, in the dark no less, has made me feel a bit of relief. 
Walking through the mud room and into our kitchen, it smells like a basement. It’s apparent that none of us have visited in a while, and to be fair, it’s October at this point. It’s probably for the best that I’m here for a few days so I can clean things up, and then maybe, next time my parents come, it won’t seem as… musty. It will also distract me from my own brain. 
We do tend to get the better of you. Speak for yourself.
I toss my bags onto my old bed, unable to remember the last time I slept there. I finally sit, letting out a long sigh. Closing my eyes, I let my head drop back, letting the muscles stretch for a moment.  The sadness building up and threatening to escape, I grab my laptop from my bag; I need to be doing something. 
Sorry for the late response. I stopped by the bar today. They had a lot going on, so I left the paperwork with him to fill out, and I’ll stop back there to grab it before coming home. He seemed eager to get everything done; he’s much younger than I think either of us anticipated. 
As for days off, I think at least this week, and then I’ll be good to go.’ 
I’m not particularly good at giving myself days off, but I love my job, so why would I not work? Also, I rarely have to really connect with people, so it makes it easier to just zone out and get my work done. It’s not often that we have to hound people for their paperwork, and even when we do, it’s usually for the new employees to do. It builds character, I guess. Having grown adults scream at you definitely gives you thick skin. 
Reaching down, I pull the folded paper out of my bag. Typing his email into the To: bar, attaching the documents he needs. 
‘Thank you for being so flexible about this. - Charlotte’ 
I added a subject line, ‘New Employee Payroll Forms’, and double-checked that everything was there. I hit send. Perfect, everything is done. 
Charlotte: Hi Jacob, sorry for the late text- I just sent over those forms to your email. If you can get those done ASAP, that would be wonderful. If you need assistance with anything, feel free to reach out. - Charlotte. 
Feel free to reach out? Why are you offering the opportunity for him to text you? It’s literally the least we can do; you saw how overwhelmed he was. 
I can see the way his face drained of color when I clocked Mel behind the bar. The way he stumbled over his words, his hand finding comfort on the back of his neck, probably to prevent from fidgeting endlessly. He definitely didn’t realize he had messed up. I don’t know why you feel bad, this happens to you all the time. 
I set my laptop on my nightstand and plug in my phone. Everything is done, so now I can just do what I need to. I take the time to make something small to eat and shower, killing just enough time and relaxing enough to where I’m about to sleep. I crawl into bed, pulling my hair up into a bun on the top of my head before snuggling in. 
I reach out to grab my phone and set an alarm for tomorrow morning. I opened my messages just to make sure I hadn’t missed anything or forgotten to reply to anybody. 
Unknown Number: oh don’t apologize. Thank you for being patient with me, i really appreciate it.
I tap on the number at the top, saving the number, ‘Jacob’. I lock my phone, placing it back on my nightstand. Staring up at the ceiling, I attempt to fall asleep. Replaying thoughts of her in my mind, I feel a slight prick in my eyes. Finally, I succumbed to the feeling. I’m not ready.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Chapter One
Chapter Three
FDOG Masterlist | Masterlist | FDOG Playlist
@gvfsstardust, @myleftsock, @mindastreamofcolours, @dont-go-home-without-me, @literal-dead-leaf, @lizzys-sunflower, @threadofstars, @mackalah, @klarxtr, @edgingthedarkness, @writingcold, @i-love-gvf, @takenbythemadness, @earthgrlsreasy, @peaceloveunitygvf, @gretavanfan, @musicspeaks, @jazzyfigz, @smoking-jakelane, @demonrat444, @anythingforjtk, @woyayaofdreams
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sarcasticsoldier · 4 months
Chapter 1
Batman needs a Robin
Ina was a street rat. A dirty, malnourished, eleven year old from Crime Alley. She couldn’t fight well and didn’t even steal, because mama would be mad. Samantha Reilly was a victim of abuse and bad luck all her life, but she refused to subject her daughter to the same fate. The day Ina gets caught stealing something from the wrong person will be her last and Samantha much prefers to prevent it altogether. So, while she was never very skilled in street fights, she could at least throw a punch. She was smart and incredibly fast on her feet. That sufficed. They can survive a little longer, if Ina doesn't cause trouble.
Contrary to popular belief, Red Hood was a kind man. He cared for the children of Crime Alley in a way no one else usually did. Ina spent her day running around and playing with other kids unfortunate enough to live in Park Row. Many of those children, much like herself, more often than not went to bed hungry. But never when Red Hood was around. Gotham City as a whole may have Batman, but they have their own hero. The man was in his thirties (even though there was a visible grey streak in his hair) and always brought food for the kids. That evening wasn't different. Little children and teenagers alike ran to him cheering loudly. The anti-hero only laughed and set down the bag for them to rummage through. Ina's mom wasn't home that day at all. Weekends were very busy days at her work, but in all her stress she forgot to leave something to eat for her daughter. The girl couldn't blame her mama for making mistakes like that, seeing her mother's state every time she came back home. Samantha's boss was the definition of what could only be described as a "motherfucker". With that thought, Ina took out a cheeseburger and murmured a shy thank you before biting into it happily. She felt Red Hood's large hand rest on the top of her head, before ruffling her dark brown hair. The girl grimaced out of habit, but didn't swat his hand away.
In the end, the vigilante vanished as quickly as he appeared, but the kids knew he would be back. Hopefully with more food and some stories from his missions. The sky started to darken and Ina decided it was her que to leave. She said goodbyes to her friends and marched quickly, almost soundlessly home.
Crime Alley, per it's name, was usually full of very shady people, but as Ina hurried through she didn't spot anyone at all. Now that sparked trouble. She thought about running, but immediately decided against it. Suddenly, she heard labored breathing coming from around the corner. It was a sound of a dying man, she knew. Slowly, minding her own safety first, she peaked at the wounded person. Her blood ran cold. Leaning against the wall, in a pool of his own blood was the goddamn Batman. He clutched his chest, probably trying to stop the bleeding. Not very successfully. Ina crouched next to him in panic.
'Sir? Hello? I will call the ambulance.'
He gripped her arm with much force, before she could take out the phone. The cheapest one there was, but it was all she needed.
'No. They can't know who I am. I have to go to the Batcave' the vigilante's voice was strained with pain. He reached to his belt and took out a small device. Car keys - she realised. 'The Batmobile should be on it's way. Just help me get to it.'
He was right, after a few moments Ina saw a big and probably very expensive vehicle roll onto the road right outside of the dark alley. The girl was so high on adrenaline and focused on not letting the Batman die that she coudn't even bring herself to be amazed by it. She "helped" him stand or rather supported his balance as he leaned on the brick wall, colouring it red with his blood. They somehow got to the Batmobile - as the man called it - and he collapsed onto the drivers seat with a sigh of absolute suffering. Ina didn't know what came over her in that moment, but she quickly sat on the only passenger seat available. Batman eyed her in shock and looked like he wanted to argue, but before he could waste his breath any further, she cut in.
'I'm sorry, but there's no way I will let you go home like that all alone. You're barely conscious!'
He didn't respond, instead opting to relax into his seat. He typed in the destination on a bright panel and felt his eyes close involuntarily. He shouldn't have gone to patrol tonight. His previous injury hasn't fully recovered yet and went out against Alfred's stern discouragement, not putting on his com link for good measure. How foolish of him. Now, he was basically dying with a little, scared girl by his side after getting stabbed between ribs. All because of mild pain making him hesitate and allowing his opponent to take advantage. Father is going to kill him. Unless, of course, Pennyworth doesn't beat him to it.
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deceptive-oasis · 4 months
A pattern I've noticed about the crowd whose currently spending their collective freetime sliding into people's Art and Fanfiction spaces and going-
"Someone didn't understand AMs character."
Are literally throwing bricks in glass houses, because 90% of them from my experience are the ones who are violently out of touch with AMs character traits and for some reason start picking apart people who are exploring concepts that LITERALLY EXIST EVEN AS FAR BACK AS THE ORIGINAL SHORT STORY.
Leaving me to scower the tags here like-
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And even if that wasn't the case, the three modes in which the story is told are all drastically different from each other, the radio play, game, and book all have a different take on the main aspects of the plot. The doors open for people to spin their own interpretation of events, I genuinely don't really think there's a hard, 100%, Canon list of facts you need to apply to every iteration.
Go nuts, be cringe, this plot is a vessel.
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