#I am in turmoil
mlichaelm · 11 months
i just finished Thrawn Ascendancy and. he. he just continues to be my favorite guy. also, samakro??? what a dude. him and thalias together are just so cool. and also i love both ziinda and roscu’s arcs. and ar’alani is a girlboss, we love her. literally so many good characters. bring back thrass. and for those of you wondering if that means thrawn’s ass no it does not i mean the guy.
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qpjianghu · 9 months
thinking about "beach"
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madmewmewofficial · 2 years
=^ .͡ ̫. ^=
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disruptivevoib · 1 year
My head is full of Sun Down, but the Aftermath specifically.
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haven’t talked about arata on here for a hot minute. I’m healing
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uughghhghhhghghg i was hoping the work guys would be done by now but they left like an hour ago and they’re still not back and the water is OFF and i have to PEE
Like they asked if I wanted them to turn the water back on before they came back but i thought they’d be back by now and now i’m TERRIFIED THAT THEY’VE LEFT FOR THE DAY LIKE WHAT IF THEY’VE LEFT FOR THE DAY AND THE WATER IS OFF OH MY GOD
like usually they tell me when they leave for the day
I’m panicking
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
A Breather (Moon Knight)
Ever since I watched Moon Knight it has literally consumed all thought.
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I need help lmao
Layla El-Faouly thought that life couldn’t really throw her curveballs. She danced through the black market without a blink, taking the fact her husband was an avatar of an Egyptian god with little more than a heavy drink.
Steven Grant was new, however.
Seeing her missing husband with an accent and looking sorely out of place hadn’t phased her at first. It was a cover, right? Once they were away from prying eyes, wasn’t that a sign Marc could show himself proper? Only he never did, and the bumbling man who wasn’t sure whether to touch or fear her just wouldn’t fade away. Steven Grant, a gift shop worker, was just confused and unaware of the kind of life she and Marc lead. He was just so terrified when he asked for her help, and it nearly tore Layla’s heart in half when she hid from Harrow’s men.
The next few days had been a whirlwind that didn’t stop. From running into fights to arguing about how they met, Layla somehow was able to take it all.
Two gunshots nearly took it all away, Layla watching as her boys died just feet away. Her boys.
Her boys.
Layla doesn’t have time to dwell on it much more and doesn’t until a few weeks after Harrow is defeated and the world saved. She’s been in Cairo, selling or trading everything Mogart still had sealed in his former home. She goes to London when her work is done, buying a private apartment in a nicer part of town to give herself some more time.
Was she nervous? No, no way.
Steven is the one to answer the door, the pen being gnawed on dropping to the floor as he took her in before grinning.
“Layla!” She doesn’t get a chance to speak before she’s scooped up into a tight hug. “Oh, my stars you’re here! Well, I knew you would eventually, but I mean here you are!”
“Yep, it’s me.” She chuckles awkwardly, one of Steven’s neighbor’s giving them a look. ‘Look, can we go in?”
“Oh of course.” He sets her down, and she takes his very warm hand before he offers it. The place hasn’t changed much, the odd sand circle still around the bed and books scattered all over the place. The mirrors are new, Layla looks around to see them in all shapes and sizes on every wall. 
“So the mirrors huh?” She runs a finger over the closest one, watching as Steven’s slightly slouched figure straightens as he turns behind her. It’s Marc when she turns, her husband gazing at her before moving closer.
“It helps.” Marc looked tired as he placed his hands on her shoulders, studying her face before leaning forward. Who kissed first was hard to say, but Marc didn’t care as he held his wife close. It’s a good few minutes before they part, just taking each other in before the inevitable tears would come. Marc orders takeout later that afternoon, clearing off one of the many tables despite the grousing he heard in the back of his mind. Layla is appreciative, the two pecking at their food awkwardly before the silence is too much.
There’s been too much of it lately.
“Did it scar?” It’s not the first thing she wanted to ask, but Layla isn’t sure where to even start.
“Yea.” Marc clears his throat, one hand subconsciously touching his chest. He tried not to look at the scars, the bathroom being the only place barren of a mirror for now. Layla frowns, the two eventually eating their fill and putting the leftovers away for another time. They settle on the bed this time, Layla sitting on his lap and just hugging her husband as tight as she possibly could.
“I was so scared.” Layla can faintly hear his heartbeat, feeling his warmth as Marc pulls her a little closer.
“We were too love.” Steven pulls back, one hand gently cupping the right side of her face. He looks so concerned it nearly breaks her heart, Layla gives him a small smile. “You were the reason we even made it back you know.”
“You really can’t hide the truth hm?” Layla chuckles, the tears she had suppressed finally starting to claw their way up and down her cheeks. To his credit Steven says nothing, glancing over at a mirror as if giving Marc an invitation. As much as he was coming to love her, Marc was Layla’s husband and should be the one to comfort her.
Marc pulls her so they’re lying on the bed, humming one of her favorite songs as she cries. The stress of losing them, the joy of having them back, and the relief of knowing her father had made it to the Field of Reeds, were just hitting her all at once. Marc doesn’t let her go, promising between songs that he wasn’t going anywhere and that he is grateful she’s given him a chance again.
They’ll talk in the morning about how to move on, how they’ll learn to be heroes together instead of Marc’s solo crusade. Right now? It doesn’t matter, Layla can just let her walls down with her husband and the man she was learning to love in their little apartment in London.
The world can wait a night.
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saintfrenetic · 7 months
tossing and turning with the moral and ethical ramifications of stealing a lizard
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azurecanary · 8 months
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I am still sobbing my eyes out at Cecile leaving Snl
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irn-bru · 7 months
rtd is sooooo funny. he has made us wait 15 years in agony and anticipation wondering how donna will survive the metacrisis and then he just waltzes in for the 60th and says "oh donna has a child and they just decide they don't want to do that anymore" and by funny I mean I'm going to strangle him with my bare hands
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nuisancehelicopter · 2 years
if dynamic:
idiot x idiot
have the same core values
shouldn't even be together
but are always together
think a lot about each other
actually buddies
remember each other randomly
telepathic connection
weird power dynamics but are actually equal
but they dont know it
keep underestimating each other
borders on codependent
me: I ship it.
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deelovesbooks · 8 months
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gojosbf · 6 months
no but fr tho
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burnthatbridge · 2 months
far from my care and keeping
buddie (side buck/tommy, mentioned eddie/marisol) | T | 3k | angst, pining, one-sided feelings realization Buck's in hospital, but that's nothing new. What is new is the extra person in the waiting room. That, and Eddie's understanding of his own heart.
Another day, another visit to the hospital.
They should be used to this by now: sitting in the sterile space off the main hallway, waiting, waiting, waiting. It should feel routine, ordinary, typical with how often they find themselves in the situation. But Eddie doesn’t think it’s ever going to feel that way when it’s one of them behind the doors fighting for their life, the rest sitting anxious on the other side. He wishes the universe would stop adding instances, would cease trying to make it, force it to be, normal.
It’s the usual crew; they’re practically all there: Eddie, Bobby, Hen, Ravi, Maddie, Athena. Chim had taken Jee-Yun from Maddie and left with her about an hour after Maddie arrived — it’s getting late, past Jee’s bedtime. And Karen is at home with the baby and Denny. Eddie is lucky Marisol was supposed to be coming over for dinner anyway, that she offered to get Chris and stay with him till Eddie could leave. Athena showed up at the end of her shift with coffee and donuts for everyone, caffeine and sugar to keep them going.
Eddie’s cup is sitting cold on the table, his donut already split between Chim and Ravi when he shook his head in a refusal of it. He’d struggle to eat or drink anything in his condition, plus the knot in his stomach is too large for anything else to fit. It’d come back up, and he’s afraid of what else might spill from him with it.
It’s the usual crew. Plus–
“Hey,” Tommy’s voice sounds. Eddie looks up to him crossing the floor towards them, not at a run, but not far off. “What happened? How’s he doing?” he asks, directed at Eddie, as his eyes sweep over him, take in the state of him.
“He’s– It was–” Eddie tries, but his mouth is dry and the lump in his stomach extends to his throat too, blocking it, making him choke on the words.
Hen, sitting in the chair next to him, takes over. “He’s in surgery.”
read more on ao3
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citroncynique · 7 months
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but do you truly hate him more than you hate yourself?
canto 5 keeps feeding me. I love me some good ambiguous dialogue where you can infer that ish is either reciprocating heath's negative feelings or admitting that she also dislikes herself. 10/10. good food. I'm so happy with how these two are being written and developed.
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