#I am not a Jason but I think I can swing a Jase
snoopybutch · 1 year
Vis à vis that post abt transmascs doing the Dad’s name but junior and then Dad’s name but senior (lol) if any of my friends or mutuals want to start calling me Jase feel free to 🤙
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the-blank-master · 2 years
Chapter 3
So before we begin I have to say that the story is quite expansive and at one point I do intend to publish an index of characters for this. However, for now, let me introduce chapter 3 where we meet a delightful nudist and learn that our adorable Jason isn't quite as oblivious as we've been led to believe...Enjoy! P.S: not every chapter has lots of sexytime or hypno in it. Sometimes, it's character development. Sue me, it turns out that both @hypnofrenzy and I are both suckers for setup and investment in our characters.
Richie yawns as he wakes up he smiles as he walks naked onto his balcony and stretches “nothing can ruin today” The classic surfer look almost fits Richie to a T as his sandy hair and tan skin shows that he clearly either spends time in a tanning booth au-naturelle, or he visits nude beaches. His apartment is a classic bachelor pad, one speaks to someone who has only just moved in but also has started to apply new taste. A photo sits on the mantel showing an older man holding onto two almost identical kids as he laughs into the camera.
A knock on the door seems to announce an impending change to the life of the otherwise carefree Richie as he (forgetting he’s naked) opens the door “hello?” says Riche as he is suddenly accosted by a loud voice yelling “Bro! You Richie!? Great to meet you dude!” A very exuberant Jason is seen hugging and swinging Richie around like a doll before setting him on the ground and clapping him on the ass. “I’m Jason bro and this is our other bro James!”
Richie looking confused and ignoring the fact he’s still naked looks as if a purple hippopotamus had just invited him into his home, “Huhh?? Sorry I think you got the wrong number I’m an only child I was put up for adoption” Jason, wandering in as he laughs and jovially replies, “Nah bro your our bro! right James? I am kinda hazy on the details but I get told we were put up for adoption too after that whole government research thing! Bet you have like a chip or something in ya too” Jason, completely ignoring any boundaries grabs richies pecs and tries to find it while also grabbing a handful of Richies ass too. And the fact that James, was still on the plane asleep, so eager was Jason to meet new people he completely forgot his new best friend to make more. Richie pushes the stranger away, “wow don’t touch me and who are you talking to?”
Jason laughs as he rubs his head and releases Richie, “Oh right I forget what I’m talking about sometimes bro. Dude don’t act so uptight you ain’t dressed up so why not chill with your bros! I bet you’ll have a great time. Got any grub? We just flew in from Beacon and boy are my arms tired!” Jason laughs more as he sees Riches deepening confusion but seems to not at all notice or care as he walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge and grabs a shiny red apple which he almost consumes completely in one bite.
Richie by this point is immensely confused, having the stranger wander into his home, eat his food and all with barely more than time to get a word in edgewise, as in less than five minutes the stranger appears to have groped him, invited himself into his home and is now consuming the contents of the refrigerator at a breathtaking speed, “ok hold up who are you?! Who and where is James? And why is there a jet outside my house? And stop eating my food!” He closes the fridge.
Jason frowns as he looksk confused “Wow harsh dude. I….” suddenly Jason freezes and his eyes turn from their resting blue that indicates Jason to the violet indicating a switch to the more serious and sober Jase. Richie meanwhile has pulled on a pair of striped boxers and folds his arms, “explain now!” Jase sighs as he sees the mess Jason has made of their initial encounter, “Okay calm down brother. I’m Jase nice to meet you.” Richie sighs “I’m not your brother! I thought you were Jason?”
Jase pinches his nose as he tries to think of a way to explain, “No the overly relaxed hyperactive bundle of affection and love is Jason. I am Jase. I’m everything he’s not basically. Serious, sober, calm, etc.”
Richie’s eyes widen “Wait you have this to! I thought I was the only one with this... this illness!”
Jase smiles and sits down on the couch as he begins explaining, “No call it a family curse brother. Except in our case we got a little more than that. I’m more like an offshoot of Jason to handle stress since he’s so nice he just lets people walk over him sometimes. He usually handles the people and making friends but serious conversations? So not his forte. His powers more like emotional manipulation, he doesn’t really realize he’s doing it. Basically he wants people to like him and be friends and so they are. Me I got  the ability to read and control minds to a limited degree. Really comes in handy for cleaning up some of the messes Jason can make at times.”
Riche looks up, “ok well I can do this” he touches his chest as his body falls to the ground and Jase losses control of his actions, almost as if another person is inside his body moving it, “I can posses people “. Jase smiles, “Oh very nice. Like a ghost! That’s cool and kinda hype tbh. Well now that we’ve proved that we’re not all crazy: it’s about time we were leaving.  Some angry governments types with guns are heading this way. So we really need to leave.” Jase looks out the window as a caravan of black SUVS appears to be running towards the plane as if the devil himself were driving the car.
Richie nods using Jason’s head as he looks out the window, “yeah and I get all their.... awww!!! “ he jumps out of Jase/Jasons body “what the fuck did I just see in your head!!”
Jase shrugs and tries to play it off casually, “Blood, violent experiments? Take your pick. Jason is the well adjusted one so let me warn you not to do that again. My part of our experiences typically don’t tend to be happy ones.”
Richie grips his head still reeling from the images he saw, “what? what are you?” James walks in holding his head “mmmmm head hurts” as Jase continues to explain, “I like to call us Mesmers, but there’s really no official name for what we are.”  He pulls out a bottle and tosses it to James. “Here James glass of milk and Tylenol raided from the kitchen over there on the table. Also raid the fridge you’ll need the energy probably” James smiles gratefully and then looks at Richie “who’s the porn star?” He gulps down the pills as he drinks the milk then opens the fridge.
Richie looking outraged almost leaps from the couch as he yells, “What did he call me!?!” Jase looking bemused smiles as he explains, “Your basically possessing a hot dudes body and are almost buck naked in front of two guys you just met. If Jason were in charge he’d be all over you trying to make you happy”. Jase gives Richie an up and down look before sighing, “Now put on some damn clothes so we can go once James finishes in the fridge
Richie sighs as he goes to get dressed as James looks at Jase as he eats popcorn “which one ? “ he asked as he points at Jason. Jase looking frustrated sighs, “I am Jase. Jason was being his enthusiastic self and was rambling without context as he raided poor Richie’s fridge” Nodding as he stuffs his mouth James replies after a swallow, “ummm does Jason like me?” Jase runs his hand through his hair as he leans it back against the couch he is sitting on and looks James over before he finally replies “He likes you a lot. He wishes you liked him back more but he’s willing to wait since your his friend.”
James frowns “I do like him. He’s cute, sweet, makes me laugh.... just with everything that’s happened and now that I know I’m not even real....” Jason holds up his hand immediately as if he could stop the words coming out with just a hand in the air, “Jason’s real as they come to me, even if we don’t both get to exist in roughly the same way. You have to find a balance. You just have to come to an agreement with Jake to get him to share.”
James sighs “that’s not what Jake said remember he said me and Jason were fake indentities “ Jason sighs as he puts his head in his hands and takes a long minute before he replies, “Yeah but jake and I are very different personalities and memories and if you’re really not real, whatever that means to you, I doubt Jake would have kept you around this long after he broke free. Just do what Jason does and live for the moment.” James nods as he eats more food “but like what if Jake does hate me....” he sighs as he slumps down onto the floor. Suddenly the eyes in Jase sockets shift back to a vibrant blue as Jason reasserts control and leaps off the couch to hug James on the floor, “but I like you dude! Like a lot!” Jason is back and jumps onto James and starts hugging him as he pulls him up from the floor, “who cares what that Jake guy thinks we’re both here right now!” James is surprised by the sudden tonal shift but laughs “your such a lug!” He hugs back “I.... I do like you and if you would say yes I’d like to date you even though we are technically brothers….sorta”
Jason, not really seeing the problem here replies, “Aww bro I’d love to date you dude! I knew you’d come around!” with a further enthusiasm Jason Hugs James even tighter than before and swings him around. James laughs as he begins getting slightly dizzy and tells Jason “ok, ok, calm down!”
Richie walks in “ok I’m dressed what are you doing?” Jason laughs as he looks at Richie, “I’m just giving my adorable boyfriend a hug dude! Come over and join the circle!” Jason practically drags James into a group hug with Richie as James gives Richie the “I’m sorry” smile as Richie pulls away “ok.... ummm so your James and your Jason at the mo yeah?” he gets a drink of water
“At the moment dude I’m always Jason. Sure i space out a lot dude but that’s nothing odd” gives James a pat on the ass and puts his hand in his. “Sooooo either of you know how to fly a plane dudes?” James kisses him “babe can you go pack a bag of clothes from Richie’s closet yeah?”
“Oh sure babe anything you need” Jason wanders out of the room into Richies closet and the sound of things being thrown can be heard within
James turns to Richie “he doesn’t know about Jase” James is about to say more when a loud voice from the bedroom yells out, “Hey Richie you want underwear or do you just freeball it like you did when I first got in bro!?” Richie goes red “yes I’ll have underwear” he looks at James “why not?” He shrugs “my guess is we all were effected differently I remember he doesn’t you don’t appear to have one yet” Another shout yells out as Jason yells, “Okay!! And you want tanks or those weird T-shirt’s with sleeves on them!?” Richie yells back, “Both please!” before returning to talk to James, “yeah I get it so where are we going?” James shrugs “Jase was the one who said we had to go “ Another louder shout prefaces the question, “Long or short pants bro!?” Richie yelling back with slight irritation, “Both and stop calling me bro”
Jason pokes his head out of the bedroom and yells, “But your my bro bro! It’s silly Not to call you that!” A thump is heard and Jason appears with a bag of clothes. “Catch bro!” Tosses the clothes at Richie. Richie jumps catches the bag of clothes like an NBA player and then slips back to his feet as James whistles “wow”. Jason’s eyes light up at the jump potential on his new friend and enthusiastically comes over as he says, “Cool bro you could totally play basketball with those reflexes dude!” Richie  smiles “I do at my uni speaking of I’m going to be late“ James gets his phone out “shit it’s my dad he’s probs worried sick” Just as James is about to answer a hand grabs the phone and smashes it to pieces.
Violet eyes are seen glaring at James as Jase reasserts control suddenly.
James looks at jase “Hey! That was my phone!” Jase heartlessly replies, “Not anymore it’s not. My “dad” was the one who shot and remote controlled me like a puppet. Do you think your “dad” is anymore real than mine was?” Jase turns and glowers at Richie, “get your stuff. Leave your phone and get your exhibitionist ass on that plane”
Richie glares at him “ok I don’t understand you why are you being mean to him he dates the other you and how do you know his dad is bad who is he anyway?” James smiles “it’s ok you don’t need to defend me.... he’s probs right “, Jase sighs as he looks at Richie and pulls himself up and then sighs as he sits down on the couch, “Jason got all the love. I’m the opposite I shield Jason from everything that might hurt him. Even his boyfriend. And your right I don’t know for a fact Jame’s dad is bad, but we’re not using a phone and letting them trace us. For all I know they already can using that plane or the chips inside James.” Jase rounds on Richie eyes blazing violet and beginning to spark “I love Jason more than anything, and I’ll protect what he wants protected but he’s Jason’s boyfriend, not mine.”
Richie shakes his head “you know I might not have an evil twin but if I did is share my life with them what’s the point at being at odds just get along you are the same body after all also stop being a pussy and tell him your real”,  James comes back from loading the jet, “ummm guys your not fighting are you?” Jase smiles as he looks at James “A philosophical debate over whether Jason needs to know I exist. He doesn’t need to know. The reason he blacks out all the time is because unpleasant things are happening to him.”
Richie shakes his head “no I think the real reason is cause your scared he won’t accept you your scared he’ll be afraid of the monster you are. Cause he’s a sweet innocent boy why would he accept you”. Jase frowns and sighs as he finally throws his hands up and then sits back on the couch and then yells out, “FINE! Maybe your right but I’ve protected him for years by making sure everyone who ever tried to bully him became his friend or went away! He doesn’t need to know why everyone was always so happy to see him! He just needs to be happy! One of us deserves to be happy and I’ve decided its Jason! I’ll take all the unpleasantness and he can be happy and loved!”
Richie touches his cheek he doesn’t know why but he knows what to do he starts to drain all the anger and hurt from Jase and replaces it with happiness and bliss
James sees his hand shaking and hides it “what’s going on?”
“What did you do? How m. I...you...” Jase seems to lose his composure and be at a genuine loss for words. He sits there for a few minute and a single tear finally roles down his cheek before dropping to the floor. “Is this what that lovable dolt is always feeling? That’s nice. I don’t think I’ve ever felt it before.” Richie shakes his head as if he is waking from a dream “what what happened?”
James suddenly scoffs “ewwww this is boring awwwwww I wont to go have fun “ he now has blonde hair for some reason and was dressed in surfer clothes. Clothes which have apparently appeared out of nowhere. Meanwhile, the blue eyes return and Jason jumps up cheerily. “Hey babe! When did you change your hair dude?” Jason pats James on the ass before kissing him deeply “It’s hot”. James pushes him away “ewww! No god no why would I date you ewww ewww feeling physically sick “
Richie looks over confused “James?”
“James” looks at Richie, “no Barbie Ken I’m not James I’m Brad durrrr”. Piping in Jason asks, “But where’s James if your Brad bro? I don’t get it babe.” Jason has a confused puppy dog look on him
James shimmers as his regular clothes and hair return he falls to the floor gripping his head “to many!!!”
Richie looks panicked as this all happens, “James??”
Jason grabs James by the head as he stares into his eyes, “James babe look at me hun.” Sparks suddenly soar between James and Jason as he focuses on James thoughts, anchoring him to the here and now. “Whenever someone’s stressed that always helped”. He shakes “there are so many voices in my head why!” He hugs Jason hard. Richie walks back in with brandy “you know I tots saw this on a show called Doom Patrol you got multiple personality disorder ‘bro’”. Jason continues speaking as he focuses on James, “Just focus on me James hun. I think I know what to do babe.” Jason begins to reinforce the personality of James and stabilize it. James focuses on Jason and looks in his eye and then says, “you know you have a hint of gold in your eyes?”
Richie chugs the brandy as he watches the two be close enough to kiss, “please don’t start having sex, also are we like superheroes now?” James sighs as he sems to get more and more solid, “I know dude it’s awesome when I feel like this! I can hear what dudes are thinking babe and even affect it. I don’t know why babe but it’s helpful.” Slowly the James personally takes a more solid form. “But the connections really strong when I do this” without warning Jason kisses James and the connection becomes crystal clear like James can see how much love Jason has and vice versa. James hugs him tight as he kisses back “it’s me all me the voices they have gone…your amazing babe!”
Richie looks at Jason and James, “Hello??? Anyone going to speak to me or am I just going to be left to get drunk?”. Jason smiles as he laughs, “I’m kinda a big deal babe.” He looks over at Richie “hey bro your here! How long have you been there!?” Jason gives James another peck on the lips and grabs a handful of his ass.
Richie looks at him shocked “the whole time can’t you see how utterly pissed I am! I’ve drunk two bottle of brandy owww!! Also some guy phoned you! Jason said that James dad needs to see us so I gave them my address.” Jason laughs and brightens up suddenly, “Oh James dad!? Awesome! I can’t wait to meet my babes family. But drinking alone? Bro not cool! Share with your bros!”
James looks at Jason “so you seem annoyed that my dad is coming? not going to get angry cause your dad turned out to be evil? Are you?” Richie meanwhile hands over a glass to Jason and smirks saying “yes sir” with a sarcastic and yet somehow humorous bent to it. “I mean sure he was a bit of a jerk but evil dude? Oh come on that’s a bit much.” Jason drinks a glass of brandy and smiles, “I bet your dads suuuuupeerrr chill and he’ll love me bro! Everyone loves me! Even you babe.” Jason kisses James and suddenly pours half the whisky into his mouth.
James looks worried all of a sudden and asks tentatively, “babe where is Jase?”
Jason laughs, “Oh him. He’s kinda out of it. He said he wanted to let us get to know each other. He still thinks I don’t know he takes over sometimes. But I’m not that empty headed babe.” Jason winks conspiratorially at James. James looks surprised “but you always acted like you didn’t know? You said you blacked out when Jase took over?” Jason chuckles and then sighs, “I mean at first it was kinda like that babe but then after a few years. I kinda started getting glimpses. In my dreams, was like seeing someone else living my life at times.” Jason chuckles and sighs as he divulges the fact he’s not quite as oblivious as he makes himself out to be.
James nods, “are you scared of him?” Jason chuckles as he rubs the back of his head,“He’s pretty intense babe. He likes to be all rough and rawr!” Jason pretends to be a lion pouncing onto James as he roars, “but he’s a good guy! He always helped get me out of crap in school! Plus he’s way good at sports!” James wrestles him as he shimmers his hair turning back and short, his skin turning tanned as he changes into more loose clothes “haha I win sucker!”
Jason frowns and loudly declares, “Nah way bro! Best two of three!” Rolls him over and pins James underneath him! “I win babe!” With that he steals a kiss from James. James however who has apparently body morphed into a new persona quickly pushes Jason off of him, “wow I don’t kiss my opponents” he gets up and grabs a drink gulping it down “hell I don’t date people.”
Jason suddenly perks up, “Oh your one of those person thingies! That James has!” Jason leaps up and slaps his ass. “I’m Jason! James and I are dating dude!” The new persona looks up and down at Jason and then comments, “James is dating you? mmmm thought you’d be taller.” Jason laughs and smirks, “Ey dude I’m plenty tall where it counts!” Grabs his crotch “besides James never complains dude. And how many person things are there anyway?”
He thinks “ummm not sure there’s loads of us I’m Skull Crusher whos this hunk “ he winks ad Richie who giggles, James laughs as he sighs, “Aww this is Richie he’s my bro! Just like James!” He hugs Richie and pulls him over to skull crusher “say hi Richie!” Richie looks up “Hi?” Skull Crusher laughs, “cute hi I’m...” he shimmers back to James “awww my head why do I crave vodka?” Jason laughs, “Oh some dude called Skull Crusher was here and totally crushing on Richie. See what I did there babe?!” Richie opens the door as the door bell goes “hello ooo you look like James who are you?” Jason laughs, “I bet that’s your dad babe! Come in James Dad!” Jason kisses James intensely and pulls him flush against his body. “Love you babe” A loud thud is heard as Richie suddenly falls to the ground.
James looks worried “dad is that you?” He holds Jason’s hand. Like a switch turning on and suddenly Jase is standing in place eyes blazing violet and forcing a full compulsion into the vicinity on anyone who is in the building or outside the room, “Come in and shut the door and empty all your pockets out.” James is getting nervous, no one is moving as he holds Jase, “I’m scared is Richie... dead?” He whispers. Richie hiccups as if to answer the question that was whispered.
Jase whispers telepathically  into James mind, “He’s not dead.” Jase directs his words into Richise mind,   “Richie don’t speak just think. What is going on? I’m in your head so answer me” Jason takes a knife from the kitchen and slowly creeps silently towards the door as Richie’s mind speaks, “A guy was at the door he shot me…I’m asleep I think? he’s still there not moving.”
James grips Jace’s arm “is he ok?” Jace nods and whispers, “He’s asleep not dead your dad shot him I think. Tranquilizer probably, these guys are pretty intent on getting all of us back alive.” Jase directs his thoughts into Richie’s mind, “Richie your thinking like a regular person still. Your bodies asleep but you be able to exit it and possess him.” Richie thinks and replies back, “No, let James speak to him first distract him first that makes it easier for me.”
James meanwhile is almost hugging Jase like a baby, “babe I’m scared.” Jason whispers and hugs him firmly, “I know your scared babe and I don’t want anything to happen to you but i need you to be brave for Jason and Richie and yourself. I need you to go over there and distract your dad James, so Richie can possess him. Can you do that babe?”
James surprisingly looks at Jase who has up to now been a pretty cold and harsh person to him, “you called me babe?” A bit of blue is seen sparkling between the violet eyes with a glint of gold deep inside them almost a pinprick but visible, “We both need your help now babe. I’ll explain later.” he kisses James deeply “for luck”.
James, nods as he walks over to the door and breathes in “Hey dad”, while james greets him, Jason/Jase maintains the connection with both James and Richie as he silently creeps around the blind side. James looks at his father something wasn’t right “dad? What’s wrong why aren’t you speaking?”
Jason/Jase carefully extended a thread of his mind into James dad trying to read his thoughts.
James steps closer and reaches out “dad please your scaring me”.
“Richie something’s not right. Stroke now while I try to seize control of him while I try to attack his mind”, Jason/Jase sighs and directs a thought to him, “James I need you to let skull crusher out! Let me help!” Jase/Jason finds the unique mental threads belonging to Skull Crusher and starts pulling them to the surface. James nods but yells “wait stop! I know how to wake him everyone just stop !” Richie and Jase/James both stop before they strike as James,  walks forward and looks his father in the eyes “I love you daddy” he hugs him tightly. Richie gets up and looks worried “has it worked?” Jase/Jason blanches a moment and almost falls on his face at the fact he just hugged his dad into submission.
James looks at his dad “dad the in there? Please answer me dad?”Richie meanwhile runs over to Jason, “so are we superheroes?” Jason/Jase looks at Richie. “Something like that.” He says still trying to figure out what’s going on with James dad as he absentmindedly answers. Jase/Jason begins extending a mental probe deep into James dads mind. James looks back “what have they done to him?”
Richie smiles as he keeps talking, “so when do I get my costume then?”, Jason/Jase replies, “I think they’ve hollowed him out and just go away you nude exhibitionist!” He turns back to Jason, “I’m not sure let me delve deeper.” Jase/Jason begins probing deeply into Jame’s dad searching for memories or thoughts even feelings. James keeps hugging his dad hoping it brings him back he starts to cry.
Richie looks at Jase and laughs, “nahhh I was thinking maybe like a gold costume or silver oooowww or purple! Yeah!”
Jase/Jason looks in shock at Richie, “Are you incapable of reading the mood?!” he turns to James, “James I’m sorry babe I can’t feel any real thoughts from him”. Richie looks down “sorry I am drunk don’t forget…So is his dad brain dead ?” James sobs more as James/Jase assesses “He might be. But brain-dead people don’t shoot others. Do they?” Richie looks up “so why isn’t he shooting anymore?” Jase/Jason reponds, “That’s the question. Maybe he only has preprogrammed instructions I’m not sure. Maybe responding to a hug broke the pre-programmed instructions or suggestions and as a result it can’t restart.” James looks back “please babe I can’t lose my dad!”
Jase/Jason responds, “I can try something but it’s dangerous.” James looks back dead serious “what is it?” Jase/Jason stretches out his hand and gestures for James to grab it, “I want you to join hands with me. And then we’re going to channel your personalities and try using them to shock your dad out of his state with my mind controlling and reading abilities. If it works it might bring him back like restarting a heart.” He sighs, “Basically I’m going to use you as an amplifier to try and shock his mind out of the programming or whatever state he is currently in that’s preventing him from communicating with us.” James nods but then stops and looks at the outstretched hand before turning to Jase/Jason and asks, “you said it could be dangerous why?”
Jase/Jason gently explains, “Because mental thought waves are like electric current. Too little and the heart won’t start. Too much and it’ll be fried. Same principle on the brain. But if you do nothing he’ll just stay like this. A vegetable” James sighs “just do it and be quick.” Richie looks nervous off to the side “will this hurt?” Jase/Jason responds somewhat jokingly, “not you Richie and hopefully not him.”
Jason/Jase takes James hand and begins to channel his mental powers through James mind and various personalities and into his dad. As it passes through each personality begins to amplify the current like a prism refracting and intensifying light. At the last moment the intensified mental wave surges out from James and into his father almost like the crashing of a tsunami before Jason/Jase sets up breaks in the mind to ensure the waves crash forcefully but not shatteringly against the remnants of James dad. At the last second a brief spark is detected that begins to grow slightly with each successive crashing wave. Becoming brighter and brighter before stopping at the brilliance of a small star in the night sky. “There, that should do it. His minds back to the normal luminance that most brains possess. He should wake up soon.”
After that mental display Jason/Jase suddenly sits down onto the floor in an exhausted state. Before looking at Richie, “i don’t know if it hurts but it places a lot of strain on everyone involved in the process. It’s kinda like trying to resurrect an otherwise dead man” He nods as he falls into the sofa as James cradles his dad who’s sleeping. Jason/Jase immediately goes over to Richie and helps him up. “Shut the door. Close the windows and put out the lights. We should be safe for a little bit and I’m going to need to sleep. This was exhausting.” With that Jason/Jase falls to the floor in front of the sofa into a sleep. James walks over and hugs Jase/Jaso “love you “. A sleepy murmur comes from James/Jase as he hugs him back “love you too babe.” as they all drift off into slumber.
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mochegato · 4 years
The Illusion of Innocence
Written for Jasonette July’s “Innocence” prompt.
 “That was… cute?  No rough.  That’s the word, rough.  That was incredibly rough to watch.” Tim said moving to lay his arm on Jason’s shoulder.  “When did you become such a wimp?”
“What the Fuck, Replacement?” Jason tore his eyes away from Mari’s retreating figure to duck away from Tim’s sudden appearance next to him.  His eyes quickly, discretely returned to Mari.
“Wow.  Just wow.” Tim shook his head.  His hair was going to look like Jason’s if he had to continue to watch these two.
“Fuck you”
“Just ask her out already.  It’s torture watching you two dance around each other like this.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  Jason said finally turning away and seeing Tim’s deadpan expression.  “I don’t want to ask her out.  If anything, I’m trying to figure out how to get her away from us so you aren’t putting her in danger.  There is no reason she had to know about us just to make us some suits. We could have come up with some bullshit excuse why we needed them to be Kevlar lined.”
“Maybe not.  But she will if she’s going to help us in the future.”
“What!?  Fuck that shit.  You should’ve discussed it with us before you decided to bring in an innocent. She shouldn’t be involved with that or with any of us at all.  You’re endangering a civilian just by letting her know, let alone whatever the fuck else you have planned.  She is going to get killed helping us,” he growled out at Tim.  “AND, she is sweet and innocent.  We should be helping to protect that in people, God knows Gotham destroys it enough, and I’m not going to let you destroy it in her.”
“Okay, first Mari doesn’t need you to protect her.  I know her a lot better than you do and she can do just fine on her own.  Second, that’s just stupid.  Third, she knows what the risks are and agreed to help.  Fourth, since when do you think before you decide to go after someone you like?  Or was it just a gut reflex, ‘what is that feeling? I think it might be real happiness. I could actually build a future with this one.  Well, let’s nip that shit in the bud.’” He said in a deep voiced imitation of Jason. “Fifth, even if you were right, you’re not, but even if you were, I’ll make sure you’ll be there to protect her the first few missions.  You’re welcome for that opening, by the way.  Sixth, you’re an idiot, a continuation of two really, but needed to be reiterated.  Seventh, talk to her before you decide to harass her out of our lives.  Ask her about her… miraculous record.  It’s going to come out pretty quickly, but you might want to be up on it sooner.  Eighth, eighth?  Yeah, eighth. Man this list is getting long. Eighth, Bruce knows and agreed already. Ninth, refer back to numbers two and six, they are really important.  And finally, you think Mari is innocent? That's hilarious." Tim doubled over in exaggerated laughter, pretending to wipe away a tear and clapping Jason on his back, “Oh, my sweet summer child.”
“Okay, A I don’t talk like that. B ‘miraculous record’? What the fuck does that mean?  Who talks like that?  You’ve been watching too many of those magical girl shows.  C you might think you know more than the rest of us but we still should have been involved in this decision.  D what do you mean you ‘know her a lot better’?” He narrowed his eyes at Tim and moved into his space, towering over him.
“You did it that way just to be an ass, another reflex for you.  But, God I wish I could have recorded that to play back to you later.  And right, since when had Bruce ever consulted with us before making a decision?” he scoffed.  “And I mean I know her like I know Steph… Barbara!!  Like I know Barbara. I absolutely trust her, absolutely platonically.” He said attempting to placate Jason.  “I am not in your way.  You are wide open to ask her out.  Or to chicken out, like a little bitch.”
“Screw you, Timbers.”
“I’m not the one you want to screw,” he sing-songed jumping away to avoid Jason swiping at him.
  Marinette had had enough.  She and Red Hood had been standing on the roof of Wayne Enterprises for the last half an hour, which should have been extremely enjoyable.  But instead of their usual easy, flirty banter and lingering looks, Jason seemed to be avoiding looking at her.  When he did happen to look her way his whole body seemed pained and uncomfortable.  When he actually gave a response to her attempts at conversation, it was in short, curt responses.  
Letting out an aggravated groan Marinette finally spoke up. “Okay Jase.  What is going on?” she demanded.
“Red Hood,” he muttered back at her.  He continued to look out over the city pretending to focus on patrol.
“When we are in the field you are supposed to use our codenames, not our real names.  How are you going to manage in an actual mission if you can’t even remember the basics?” He bit out a bit more aggressively than was necessary. He finally turned to face her with… a glare? Maybe?  It was hard to tell with his helmet on.
She stared at him in shock for a few moments before responding. “Oooo, you’re being extra assholey tonight. It must be something really bad,” she bit back.  “Also, if you’re going to yell at me, at least have the decency to take off the helmet. It’s degrading to have it on when you’re starting a fight.”
He yanked the helmet off violently leaving just the domino mask to protect his identity.  She could now see the anger radiating off of his features. “I’m not being an asshole.  I’m taking my job seriously.  I’m concerned we’re bringing an innocent into all this. A civilian that is not remotely prepared for it in any way.  I’m frustrated that I’m going to have to spend my time protecting and worrying about you whenever you are helping instead of doing the mission, which is a really good way to get killed, for both me and for you,” he growled out stalking closer to her with each sentence, forcing her back to avoid him physically colliding with her. “And, you and Tim are making plans to get you in the middle of all this shit and you can’t even remember basic protocol for keeping yourself and us safe.  You’re going to put us all in danger, including yourself.”
Marinette reeled back like she had been slapped.  “Says the guy that called Red Robin by his name before he left,” she returned angrily. “Who asked you to worry about me? I don’t need or want you to worry about me instead of focusing on a mission.  That’s on you.  That’s your fucked up priorities, not mine.  And what makes you automatically assume I’m not prepared for any of this?”
“You can’t possibly be prepared. You can’t possibly understand what it is like.  I know you think it will be just a bit of an adventure, but it’s dangerous.  You could die or end up in a wheelchair like Barbara.”
“You think I don’t know the risks? I’m well aware of what is on the line, but I can’t stand by and watch bad things happen and not do something about it, not when I’ve been given the chance to act.  Not when I’ve been asked for my help.”
“Yes you can!” He voice getting louder again.  “You can when the alternative is you die.”
“I know what I’m doing Ja… Hood,” she corrected herself.  “I know what I’m getting into and I’m willing to take on the risks.  Paris had our own supervillain for years, you know.  I know how to protect myself.”
“No, you don’t.  I’ve seen you trip over air.  This isn’t a Disney movie, Pixie!  People die.  I’ve died! Most of the Robins have.  I don’t want you to, too.  I know you believe that good always wins and the bad guys always get punished, but that isn’t the way the world works.  Bad guys win sometimes, frequently.  Good guys die, frequently.  This is a terrible world that destroys people.  You don’t have to be a part of it.”
“Okay, I’ve seen you accidentally swing into a billboard, so you might want to be careful casting those clumsy stones.  And, I’m a part of it already whether you want me to be or not.  You think I don’t know the consequences?  Do you think I’m an idiot?  I see the consequences every day.  I have for a long time.  Years before I even came to Gotham.  I know this isn’t a Disney movie.  If it was, those rats over there would be singing right now.  Do you hear singing?  I don’t, so it must be real life.”  She stopped for a beat to think about what she just said.  “Actually, I’ve seen rats singing in real life so that’s not such a good gauge,” she added shuddering.  “Remind me to tell you about Mr. Rat sometime.”
“This isn’t a joke, Pixie. I know you’re not an idiot but you are naïve,” he gave her a gentle look and reached out to touch her cheek.  “You are still determined to see the best in people. You still have a chance to keep your innocence and that childlike view of the world.  You can stay naïve.  You deserve to.”
She looked at him in shock, her jaw falling open.  What the hell just happened?  She took a breath to think about what to say next and how to respond to whatever that was that just happened.  The condescending jackass.  Naïve? She wasn’t the one that was naïve. And he wasn’t the one that knew more than her.  Is that really what he thought of her this whole time?  Now she was livid.  That arrogant, patronizing asshole.  She was not stupid or naïve.  She slapped his hand away to growl out, “Believing that people can change does not make me naïve. Believing there is good in this world does not make me some wide-eyed, ignorant airhead.  I’ve seen good in this world.  I’ve even seen it here in Gotham.  I’ve seen it in you, despite being the egotistical, disrespectful bastard that you are.” She looked back up at him and gave him a wicked smirk.  “Also, it’s cute that you think I’ve never died.”
“Excuse me?  What does that mean?”
“There’s something you should probably know.  We were going to tell you soon anyway, but I think you might need to hear it now.”
“Hmmm… I don’t think I want to tell you here though.  I think I want to tell you over there,” she said pointing to a building across the street. “There’s something poetic about revealing your secrets surrounded by gargoyles, don’t you think?  And somehow, Gotham seems to have more of them than Paris. That’s just weird,” she frowned at the thought.
“Pixie…” he noted the determination in her eyes and decided this particular argument was less important than the larger battle.  “Fine! Just let me get my grappling hook out and we can swing over.” He said reaching for it on his belt.
She looked over at him and grinned, a dangerous glint in her eye, “No thanks.  I have my own ride.  Race you!” She took off like a shot running to the edge of the building then jumped off the edge.
Jason’s heart stopped.  What was she doing?  What the hell!?  Jason took off after her.  Was she expecting him to rescue her?  What if he couldn’t get to her in time?  This was a stupid and beyond dangerous game she was playing.  After he saved her he was going to kill her.  
He pulled out his grappling hook as he ran and leaped after her streamlining his body so he could fall faster. She had the audacity to be smiling at him as she fell.  He was almost close enough to grab her.  His eyes left hers looking up to find the best target for his grappling hook.  He noted a flash of pink in his vision’s periphery but ignored it, focusing on the task at hand.  Nothing else mattered but saving Marinette.  Finally finding the best option, he turned back towards Marinette and stretched the last final inches to grab her but found Marinette was no longer there.  Instead there was a woman dressed in a deep red and a mask.  The woman grabbed his waist and launched a… was that a yo-yo?... toward the same spot he had identified earlier.  
Suddenly he was tugged up as they arced to the roof of the building.  They landed on the roof with a thud, rolling to a stop in a tangle of limbs.
He pulled back slightly to stare down at her in confusion, not able to form coherent thoughts yet. After what seemed like a few minutes Marinette finally broke the silence.  “Hood?  You going to survive this, handsome?” she asked with a smug grin.
Jason’s brain finally caught up with what was going on and his jaw dropped, “Mari?” He asked incredulously.
“No names in the field, remember? How are you going to survive any missions if you can’t follow basic safety procedures?”
“What the fucking fuck, Mari!!” He looked at her again running his hands along her face, trying to confirm what he already knew.  It was her.  Marinette was safe… and a superhero.  He let out a breath he had been holding since she jumped and shook his head.  “You’re terrible."
“I thought I was innocent and naïve?”
“No, you are a terrible, evil person.  That jump proved it.  You almost killed me all over again.”
“You deserved it.  You were being a condescending ass.”
He let out a huff, “Please never do anything like that again” he begged softly, lowering his forehead to hers.
“Don’t be an ass and I won’t have to.”
"You were supposed to be innocent” he said giving her a lopsided smile.
“I don't know what gave you that impression," she smiled innocently and batted her eyes.
“That. That damn smile. It's a lie.”  He looked back over at the Wayne Enterprises building and shook his head.  “And I thought you were going to have trouble with grappling and swinging through the air.” He chuckled lightly and lowered himself back down so his face was a few centimeters from hers, glancing down to her lips.
“Have I ever told you what it’s like riding a dragon?” She whispered licking her lips.  
“I'd love to hear about that som… wait a dragon?  Like a dragon dragon?" She nodded giving him a small, coy smile.  Jason ran his fingers across her cheek and along her mask.  He grinned happily.  His Pixie was a badass and he couldn’t wait to hear more.  “but later" he said closing the distance and crashing his lips into hers.
@fsketchart @jasonette-july-2k20
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Day 9: “You make me brave.”
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Leo Valdez lights the candle on his little table with the top of his finger. The small flame blazes to life and casts a glow in the empty cabin. Winter in CHB is generally as dead as the season itself and it is most evident in the Hephaestus cabin that is usually so full of life and energy. He watches the shadows dance across the walls, making the red of the brick that much deeper. After he had moved into the cabin, and had one too many nightmares that ended in half his bed up in flames they had decided to remodel the cabin to brick. So he couldn’t huff and puff and blow it all down.
There are wisps of smoke floating past his eyes and disappearing against his cheeks as he hovers over the candle. He is never really cold, blood running as hot as his father’s forges, but the gentle heat from the small flame warms his skin. He looks out the window into the quiet night and the dreams of his future dance like the smoke.
He can hear the harpies screeching as they peck on the rooftops and he understands why so many demigods have trouble sleeping. Between the harpies and the nightmares pharmaceutical companies would have a field day administering sleeping pills.
Just as he’s peering at the sway of the forest a shadow passes by. For a second he thinks it’s just a nymph, with the way it moves- graceful and gliding- it is easy to be mistaken. But then a flash of moonlight catches bright blonde hair and with a startling realisation Leo catches the godly sight of Jason Grace.
Blowing out the candle he stuffs his feet into the nearest pair of shoes and shimmies on a coat designed to keep out the winter chill while keeping his body heat comfortably contained. Ah the wonder of thermodynamics.
He’s out the cabin in less than thirty seconds, breathing hard into his hands as the wind bites him. 
“Jase?” He calls, and a cloud of air puffs up.
The figure, growing broader as he sprints forward, stops in his tracks.
Leo slams into him, arms wrapping around his neck. Arms immediately wrap around his waist, catching him like they were made for it.
“Hello,” His voice is deep, clear. Like never-ending lakes.
They pull away just enough that they can see each other’s eyes, neither quite willing to let go of their embrace.
“What are you doing out here?”
“I was just going to the groves. I-” That blue gaze shutters, chest heavy with the weight of a thousand worlds, “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Isn’t it always.”
He squeezes those broad shoulders in comfort, “May i come with you?”
The blonde looks at him, concentration deepening the crease between his brows. Sometimes they went places together. Sometimes they needed to be alone. Leo sensed tonight Jason may need a friend.
“Yes,” He gives a soft smile, and it lights up the darkest parts of the world, “I think i’d like that.” 
They join hands, fingers lacing together and walk into the citrus fields planted only two years ago. It was almost as dense as a forest, save for the perfectly neat rows of orange and lemon and lime and tangerine. It is a miracle what you can do with a little reed-pipe magic and some dedicated Demeter kids. Chiron is certainly profiting.
“I love the smell of this place.” Jason inhales deeply, a content look washing over his tired face.
“Doesn’t get much fresher than this.” He nods, looking at the rapidly ripening fruit, bowing the branches.
“Come on,  let’s go find the tree with the most fruit and climb it!” There is light in those blue eyes that makes them shine like diamonds. It is so rare to see these days. Leo falls in love for the hundredth time.
They race alongside the trees, calloused hands brushing against the bark. It is as close to being alive as they have been in a long time. And the laughter that rings through the chilly night air is addictive.
The blonde stops abruptly. “I think i found it.”
They gather around the tree, looking up to see bright oranges hanging from thick, sturdy branches. And leaves as green as emeralds making the tree flush.
“How are we doing this?” Everything is rather high.
“I’ll grab onto the lower branches and haul myself up and then i’ll pull you up, little shorty-pants.” Jason winks, ruffling his curls. Leo snaps his teeth in response, and spark flashes in their eyes.
And then the demigod is latching onto the lowest branch and pulling himself up. He can see the muscles in his back rippling and has to blink himself into reality, where drooling is not appropriate- unless you’re sleeping, or a baby, or an old person.
“You ready?”
Startled, he cranes his neck to see the blonde looking sweet and happy perched on a branch, swinging his legs. It unsurprisingly reminds Leo of a bird. One that sings to the morning sun, and chatters to the evening breeze.
“I’m ready Superman.” He holds up a brown hand, hiding his smile as it’s engulfed in a much larger one.
“On three put your feet on the trunk and walk up, yea?”
“Yes sir.” He furrows his brow, concentration taking over. He can do this. It’s not even that high. And besides, Jase is up there. Nothing could possibly go wrong. 
“Okay.” Determination rings clear in his voice. “Let’s do this.”
And then the grip on his hand tightens and he is truly being heaved up. With careful precision, at the fear of falling and plunging to his ultimate death- or at least a broken leg-, he places his feet on the rough bark of the trunk, and then puts one in front of the other.
The pull on his shoulders makes his muscles strain, and it would be almost delicious if it weren’t for the reason behind it. But finally he is up the tree and sitting beside his friend, breathing heavily.
“I don’t even want to know how we’re getting down.”
A giggle catches in the skin of the fruit and it tastes like oranges. “We’ll jump of course.”
He groans and lets his head fall to Jason’s shoulder. “You are the absolute worst.”
“It’s okay,” He rests his head on top of Leo’s, “I’ll catch you.”
He lets out a snort, and they sit in silence for a while. Just letting the citrus scent wash over them. He lets a flame dance across his hands, watching as it bounces between his fingers, and settles in his palm. He can feel his friend’s eyes on him.
“Want to play?”
“Will it hurt?” The question is so gentle, it almost breaks his heart.
“I’d never hurt you.”
And then a golden hand is hovering above his, and the little flame is licking at those long sturdy fingers. He hears a soft gasp and immediately goes to pull his hand away but Jason interlaces their fingers together, and the flame bursts underneath their skin, makes the brown of his and the white of his friend’s flow like stars.
“It is beautiful.’ The blonde whispers, “It’s like magic.”
“We’re all a little magic, my love.” His voice is just a soft, just as delicate.
“How’d you learn how to control it?” Jason hooks a finger under his chin, tilting his head up so they’re staring into each other. “Your fire?”
“A lot of fidgeting, and practicing, and breakdowns.” He laughs, bitter as lemon, as he recalls the days he sat in his room, on the street, in a class, rocking back and forth as the world faded to nothing but blackness and heat.
“I’ve never had such control. I never learnt.”
“How come? I figure as the leader of the legion you’d have someone to teach you even if you couldn’t yourself.”
Those lightning eyes flash with something soul-cracking, and the flame between their hands flares in response. “I guess i wasn’t brave enough.”
The quiet falls over them again, vulnerability swirling like storm clouds around their heads. Storms are beautiful.
“Jase, do you think you’re brave enough to try now?”
And there is something almost volatile in his gaze as he considers the question. The air is crackling with intensity. If someone reached out between them lightning would spark at their fingertips. 
“I am. Because-” Jason’s voice is as beautiful, and chaotic as those storms, “I think you make me brave.”
An inferno soars through Leo’s body, and as his hand reaches up to brush those golden cheeks their bodies are engulfed by flame. 
The fire burning within an orange tree in the citrus groves burns bright as the sun as two stars find their way home.
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unabashegirl · 4 years
Where David and the reader have a tennis match and she beats him. LOVE YOUR WRITING BTW!!!!
—Sure! I am sorry it took me so long to finish! 
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“Are you actually recording this?” You exclaim as you watch him bring out his camera from across the net. Everyone in the squad has come out to watch the competition between the couple unfold. 
“I have to! Have you seen what you are wearing?” He asks just before switching on the camera and shoving it to your face. Your cheeks tint red as all of your friends cheer at you from the sideline. You are wearing a skirt and a tight top that accentuates your breasts making them look bigger than they truly are. The outfit looks cute on you.
You cross your arms across your chest feeling a bit self-conscious from everyone’s prying eyes. It feels nice having everyone’s attention you, but you are not used to it. 
“Come here and let me get a better look at you” He reaches out with his opposite hand. He wears a mischievous smile only causing you to feel hotter under the Californian sun. You carefully walk up to him, using the net as a barrier between you. “Remind me, why we haven’t played tennis before?” 
“You’ve never asked’ You shrug, rolling your eyes at him. “You always ask the boys especially Jason. Plus, I would had embarrassed you” He chuckles at your comment; amused by your sudden playful attitude. He is fond of this side of you. David rarely gets to see it especially in front of his friends. You are usually a giggling, blushing, and shy mess. 
“What are we betting on?” He purses his own lips making eye contact with you. “Jase — come over here”. 
“Are you sure you want to do this babe?” You probably shouldn’t be betting with the devil himself, but it all too tempting. Either way, what could go wrong? He is your boyfriend and he has proven to you that he would never hurt you. Plus, you would love to beat him at his own game. The simple thought is too satisfying to forget or ignore. 
“What’s up, guys? Are you starting or what?” Jason, out of breath asks, completely entertained by the idea that had been proposed by David. It was he, who had come up with it. It all started because you had brought your high school yearbook to show David your senior portrait. He had looked through it and found an old picture of you playing tennis in the varsity team of your high school. He was instantly fascinated. 
“We are betting on the game and we need a witness” David keeps his gaze on you. He hasn’t torn his eyes away from yours since you had approached. Jason throws his head back, laughing heavily at his friends. He can only imagine how badly all of this can end. 
“Fine” He exhales, “Are you sure this is smart?” Jason knows how unbelievably in love each of you is to one another and he would hate to allow this type of shenanigans to ruin anything. David’s lips part open, but before he can respond, you interrupt. 
“We are both adults...” You shrug, “I am sure we can handle it, right babe?” 
“Took the words right out of my mouth, baby” David smirks, “What’s it going to be then? — I already know mine” 
Jason exhales loudly and pushes his hair back as he feels the tension growing. 
“You go first” You shrug as you hold your tennis racquet close to your body. 
“If I win, then I get to blindfold you and put it on the vlog” A broad smile that reaches his eyes appears across his face. You raise your eyebrows and pull them together, breaking eye contact in the process. He knows what is your biggest fear, you had told him after he promised to never blindfold you. David watches your expressions and your uncertainty arising. For a second, he thinks you are going to back out of the competition. 
“Fine” You agree after you pull yourself together, “Then if I win I get to give you a haircut at home” It’s David’s turn to act surprised and scared. He hates getting a haircut and only allows one person to cut it — an actual professional. 
“That is not fair! The damage to my hair is permanent! And people will see it!” He complains followed by a slight laugh. 
“You are putting a live animal on me!” You fire back. 
“My hair is permanent!” David argues, “You love my hair!” 
“It will grow back” You roll your eyes, “You are such a drama queen” You and Jason laugh at him. 
“It’s still not fair!” You sigh heavily, not believing his cowardness. 
“Then I guess you better not loose” You raise an eyebrow and stretch out your hand for him to shake. 
“Fine. I don’t want to hear you whining or begging for forgiveness when I am done with you” David points at you and even if he tries to act all tough and confident in his performance —he can’t hide his sly smile. He takes your hand and gently shakes it before breaking off. 
“Good luck honey!” You yell out for everyone to hear as you walk back towards your right side of the court. 
“Beat his ass, Y/N!” Natalie yells from the side court followed by a few loud whistles. You can see David’s head shaking as his head is down. He stands diagonally from you, behind the baseline, dribbling the fresh tennis ball that he has just pulled out of his pocket. You do the same and stand behind the baseline knowing that his serves are long and fast enough to easily reach you. 
In matters of milliseconds, his feet rise from the floor and he swings at the ball in the air. The sideline goes quiet as they watch the competitive couple play against the other. The ball travels quickly and bounces exactly where you had predicted it, giving you the perfect opportunity to receive it and swing it back. David is too shocked by your agility and skills to swing back at the ball. The ball is out of bounce before he can blink. The sideline goes crazy, cheering and yelling for you, only busting your confidence. 
David bites his tongue and refrains from complimenting you and gawking at your ability to play tennis. He honestly just wants the game to end so he can take you home and have his way with you. In his defense, you are also craving the same thing. He looks too good in white especially when he wears his tennis hat backward. 
“Not bad, Ms. Y/L/N” He exclaims causing your smile to grow bigger. He walks across the court as he prepares himself to serve again. 
And so it begins again; the back and forth of the ball, from one court to another. The only prominent sounds come from the swinging, hitting of the ball, and their shoes being dragged against the floor. It’s a hot day in Los Angeles making it harder for the couple, but the two of you are too competitive to ever forfeit. On the sixth game of the third set, both of you are dripping in sweat. You had won the first set whilst David the second. This last game determines the winner but both can barely make it to the baseline without gasping for air. 
“This is ridiculous!” Corinna yells as she fans herself. “Just give up already David!” 
“Why should he give up?!” Jonah responds, “He has played just as well as Y/N”.
“His hair is going to grow back!” Natalie backs up Corinna as they all sit under the shade. 
“Tell that to his confidence if he lets his girlfriend win!” Jeff puffs as he leans over, his legs are spread out trying not to over sweat. “And don’t get me started on his ego”. 
“I think we can all live without a little bit of his ego” Zane rolls his eyes as he pulls his shirt over his head.
You and David look at each other from across the court. It’s the first time that you get a good look at him since the game has started. Everything is always so quick that it doesn’t allow you to have a good look at him. His hair is dripping wet, his hat even has a sweat stain from his forehead. His high cheekbones are tinted red, probably sunburned since he had refused to wear any sunscreen when you had offered. His lips are slightly parted just like yours; trying to catch his breath. 
He flashes at you a small smile as he wipes the sweat off his forehead. You look just as messy and sweaty. Your ponytail has gotten saggy. A few strands of hairs are sticking out in different directions. Your cheeks are tinted from the rise in temperature. You smile weakly at him as you feel his eyes on you. You can still hear your silly friends fighting from the sidelines. 
“Okay, let’s finish this” You stand straight up and make your way to your starting position. Once again, it’s David’s time to serve. Therefore you stand at the baseline and hope to win. 
The others finally quiet down as soon as David servers. His serve is a bit less strong due to his exhaustion. You run-up to the ball and hit it back with the only energy and stamina left in you. David runs up to the ball and hits it; aiming to the opposite side. Before you run-up to the ball on the other side, you already can see that it’s out of bounce. It touches the ground just a few inches out of the white line giving you the winning point. 
You look over at David who keeps blinking repeatedly, repeating the play in his head, wondering where he had gone wrong with his swing. A stupid mistake had caused him the game. His head drops as you walk back to the sideline in search of water. Zane is the first with his hands on you. 
“YOU WON!” He yells as he lifts you off the floor and spins you around. You laugh lightly when he sets you on the floor and hands you an ice-cold water bottle. Everyone who had bet on you hugs you tightly as you rummage through your bag for a hand towel and sunblock. 
“Thank you guys” You smile then make your way towards David who sits on the floor, looking defeated and exhausted. You use your cold water to wet the clean water while you walk towards your boyfriend. He looks up at him and gives you a lazy smile. “Hi” 
“Hey, baby. Congratulations”  You kneel beside him and take his hat off, revealing his messy, drenched in sweat hair. You take the water bottle and pour some cold water on top of his head, trying to refresh him and lower his body temperature. The last thing you need is for him to have a heat stroke. Jeff who sits nearby and the rest of the squad watches the interaction silently. 
You fold the wet towel and press it against the nape of his neck instantly making him sight in relief. 
“Hold it—right there,” You say as you open the sunscreen and squirt some, on the back of your hand. David remains quiet and just watches you. You gently apply sunscreen on his face. You know it’s a little bit too late, but it could prevent him from continuing to burn his face. Just when you are done you run your fingers through his hair, getting it out of the way and his eyes. “How do you feel?” You ask as you replace his hand, holding to towel for yours. “Can anyone bring me another water bottle?” 
“Better” He smiles, “You know— you are too selfless” His heart swoons for you and your kindness. “How come you always take care of me before worrying about yourself?” 
“Because I love you” You whisper as you watch him starting to recompose. “You take care of the people that you love” David smile grows, he reaches out and grabs your forearm. He tugs you down and presses his lips against yours. 
“I love you more” He responds after he pulls away. Jeff interrupts the sweet moment with two bottles of water. 
“Your hair looks great like that man” He compliments David on his slick back. 
“You better enjoy it and say goodbye to it cause it’s going” Jeff chuckles and shakes his head. “Y/N is cutting it”. 
“I’m actually not going to do so” His mouth hangs widely opened— shocked and somewhat confused. 
“But you won...” You shrug while you take a sip out of your water. 
“I wanted you to actually play as if I was one of the boys. I didn’t want you to let me win just because I am your girlfriend” You explain after feeling the satisfying contrast of ice-cold water running down the inside of your throat; cooling you instantly. “Plus, I love your hair”. 
“What the fuck am I going to do with you, Y/N?” A mischievous smile appears as he gazes at you. You only smile back at your boyfriend. Your plan had worked according to the plan. 
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Puck it chapter 4 liveblog
btw @bipercabeth @jasonsmclean enjoy <333
under the cut because this is going to be long af
He doesn’t want Jason to think he doesn’t respect Annabeth, but he also doesn’t want to break his promise to her. But that promise is already broken. Jason already knows. And Percy really can’t handle the thought of Jason thinking he doesn’t respect women. “You have feelings for her, don’t you?” Jason asks, his tone a bit lighter, eyes a bit softer. Percy sighs and the words rush out of him on the exhale. “Yes I do Jason I’m so fucked please help.”
ME SCREAMING A LOT!!!!!!!!!!! they matter so much to each other omg. and Percy having loyalty to Annabeth even in this, I am DECEASED 
A sigh falls past Jason’s lips; his shoulders deflate and he ducks his head with a slight nod. “I figured, but I also figured I need to say it straight up. I can’t get mad about you not telling me when I’ve been keeping this from you.” “Trying to keep this from me.” Percy takes a risk and grins slightly. “I’ve known for a while now. But I appreciate the honesty. I don’t want this to be something we fight over. We’re better than that.”
That’s… a lot of ‘no’. But I respect the last one. I’m glad you guys prioritized, I guess. But you’re seriously okay with all of that? That’s gotta be a lot on your mind.”
“Yeah, I guess it is. But it’s worth it to be with her. Like, the sex is great, but she’s just so good to be around. I’m definitely saying it all wrong, but something just… pulls me to her? It’s hard to explain. She’s not an escape from everything, but she calms it all down. Like at the first party, I wasn’t doing well, and Annabeth gave me a way out. Then we just kept talking, and she was going to walk home alone, and I— one thing led to another.” Percy sighs and messes up his hair. “Sorry, I don’t mean to make this about me, but if we’re getting it all on the table, you deserve to know why.”
“Wow, we’re so fucked.” Percy can’t help but laugh. They’d realized their feelings within 24 hours of each other and still took an entire month to talk about it.
“Should we pay him for his emotional labor? I feel like we should pay him for his emotional labor.” Jason jokes.
“I accidentally rigged Secret Santa on purpose.”
“I knew you’d be mad if I rigged it just for me to get Annabeth, so I rigged it so you’d get Piper, too!” Percy holds out a fist, waiting for a fist bump. “You can thank me now or later, whichever you prefer.”
Except Jason wants to be so much more than that.
Ever since the Halloween party, Piper’s been talking to Jason a lot more than she did before, and she talked to him a fairly decent amount before the party. Of course, she’d gotten so ridiculously drunk at the party that she ended up puking so she apologized profusely to him for putting him through that, even though he’d wanted to stick around. (Oh man, he’s sounding cheesier by the second when it comes to her.) Since she’d been so wasted, he doesn’t want to bring up the dancing to her, especially since he’s convinced she’d only danced so close because she’d been so drunk.
Still, there’s a tiny part inside of Jason that hopes maybe she’d been aware of her actions even though she’d been drunk.
Jason’s always been a rule follower. It’s a fact, plain and simple. He sometimes bends the rules when they’re unfair or unjust, but overall he doesn’t dare break them. Especially when it comes to hockey. He’s not one to defy his coaches or trainers or talk back to his captains (before he became one, of course).
But now with the stupid no dating rule, Jason’s tempted to defy his coaches, which scares the shit out of him.
But the smiles and jokes have made him only want to break the rules more.
Annabeth swings a leg over Percy and leaves him stranded on her bed, his hands still fastened to her headboard. One second he was on top of her, kissing down her neck with the intentions of going far lower, and the next she had him flipped and restrained. Suddenly she was pressing down onto him and teasing him relentlessly, forcing him to beg for release (which she’d eventually granted, but only after making him beg). Annabeth and that damn tie.
oh my fucking god this entire scene was so fucking hot!!!!! also how’d you know that hockey and bondage is like a thing 👀👀👀👀
ajklfdsjfdsladsfjaklfsdajlkfdasjlk annabeth being jealous, annabeth tying him up, Percy with that satisfied smirk I just 
So he pushes his heart out of where it had leapt into his throat and sits back down on the edge of the bed, pulling her into his lap as he slides back. She follows and Percy pulls her face to his, letting her set the pace and meeting her there movement for movement. If he can’t claim her as his, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t show her that he’s hers. - I WANT TO DIE
that’s all he wants right now. That’s all he’s going to want for a very long time. WELL I’M IN A GRAVE RIGHT NOW GOD THAT’S ROMANTIC AF
Matching with your boyfriend? That’s cute.” Annabeth says from behind him.
Percy turns to look at her, fully taking her in for the first time today. She’d followed the ugly sweater rule, but only barely. It wasn’t one of the gaudy or loud ones he knew would make an appearance tonight; instead she’d settled on a light blue turtleneck sweater with grey squares making up that classic Christmas print and setting off every different shade in her eyes. She looks more cute than anything.
Her eyes are fixed on his sweater, which is black with red details and the word ‘HO’ stitched onto the front. Percy feels heat flood his cheeks as he tries to play it off, but it’s only a matter of time until the entire team sees Jason’s matching ‘WHERE’S MY HO AT?’ sweater. - OK NO NO NO YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!!!!! THEY DEFINITELY MADE OUT EARLIER AND I WANT TO MURDER NO GIVE ME ALL THE FUMBLING FIRST KISSES OH MY GOD 
“It’s a Rangers sweatshirt.” He says slowly. “You hate the Rangers.”
“To be fair, I still think they suck. Islanders for life and all that. But what do you think?” Her voice betrays her smug words. - THE NEW YORK RIVALRY I AM DEAD AND BURIED OH THIS IS THE SWEETEST THING ANNABETH 
Annabeth doesn’t pull away or refuse him though, so he holds on for a bit longer than he should, one hand resting on the back of her head and holding her to his chest while the other finds her back. Her arms loop around his waist, her fingers lacing behind his back. Percy takes in as much of this moment as he can before she pulls away, because he knows he won’t be the first to do so.
When she does pull away, it feels almost reluctant. He lets himself believe that, cling to that for a moment as she looks up at him with those big gray eyes. And as she does, Percy realizes that he is completely and utterly ruined for anyone except her. - JFC I’M A WRECK
“You know at some point I’m going to need to see this on you.” - POST HAT TRICK SEX, I CALL IT
“You,” he can’t help the way he leans into her, far too close to be out in the open like this, “are impossible, Chase.”
“I’m flattered.” Annabeth scoffs. - THESE ABSOLUTE DORKS I LOVE EVERYTHING
As long as Annabeth is here, Jason’s ultimately edged out. - OUCH
Thanks, captain.” She takes the cup back and takes a sip and Jason would be a dirty liar if he said he didn’t stare at her lips the entire time. - ME: DYING
The consequences might be worth it, though. - YES JASON GO AFTER HER
“I didn’t say it was for me,” is Reyna’s cool reply. - I LOVE EVERYTHING SO SO SO MUCH OMG REYNA GETTING A DILDO!!!!!!!!!
Before Percy can look at Annabeth, his head whips around and he settles his glittering green eyes on Jason. “I know what we’re doing tonight,” he stage whispers as he winks.
“Do you guys need condoms? Some lube?” Connor asks, lifting up his newly gifted bottle of lube and box of flavored condoms.
“Don’t worry. We’ve got a nice supply,” Percy responds, wrapping an arm around Jason’s shoulders.
“Percy, not in front of the kids,” Jason complains, and he’s not embarrassed until he sees Piper giggling behind her hand. - *BOUNCES* GIVE ME THE BACKSTORY - hockey fandom has corrupted me and now I ship them to a ridiculous degree *shrugs*
Inside the box lays a brand new hockey stick. When he says brand new, he means brand new. The paint is shiny and glossy and he can just imagine how it’ll feel when he uses it on the ice. It’s white, blue stripes painted onto the butt and the bottom of the shaft, just before the blade. On the heel of the stick, he can see GRACE 1 painted in red letters. It’s the nicest hockey stick he’s seen gifted to a college player. The only thing he can compare the quality of this is to NHL and Olympic equipment. - I LITERALLY SCREAMED OUT LOUD LIKE IN MY DORM A VERY HIGH PITCHED SCREAM PIPER MCLEAN PIPES BABES YOU GOTTA KNOW PLEASE 
god every single one of the gifts just demonstrates how well they know each other, how much they love the other person already and I am in TEARS
Holy fuck, Piper did that. - MY REACTION SAME 
the two California kids bonding over their warm state and the fact that they’ve found a home on the ice - say with me AWWWWW
“Jason.” She takes a step closer to him. “I want you to have it. You deserve it. You love hockey and…” She falters and she bites down on her bottom lip. “I wanted to give you something meaningful. I just didn’t have the guts to do it without using Secret Santa as my excuse. I’m just so lucky I got you.” - dfaslkdjfdsajlkdfsjaklkjdfslakljdsajlfsdkakljszdfjoirewaklcszioojewfkmflsiouearwjoweiofjfdwerijefojfeidljfiawfjcewuoirijffuiwoewjdkoeioewuoriwejafwK
“Shut up.”
Before he can think straight, her arms wrap around his shoulders and she angles her face up until he feels her lips press to his. He doesn’t hesitate to bring his hands up to her hips, holding her there and soaking in the fact that this is real. Here he is, giving into the temptation, allowing his heart to win the ruthless battle over his head. All rationality and self-control go out the window as he focuses solely on kissing her. Her lips taste like peppermint and are just as soft as he’s imagined them, which also brings back the influx of memories of the persistent daydreams that’d plagued his mind for weeks. Yet every expectation pales in comparison to this moment. He feels like he could melt from the heat coursing through his body, engulfing him in a fiery embrace. - FALLS ON THE FLOOR, SCREAMS, COMBUSTS - god you guys write the romances so well, they’re totally unique and this was PERFECT
Nothing,” he lies easily. While he usually can’t lie to save his life, he finds this lie effortless. “She was just being a good friend, Percy. Nothing more.”
A look of disappointment floods Percy’s face. “Really?” he asks sadly. “Damn. I was hoping for a good conversation or at least a kiss. I’m sorry, man. That sucks.”
“Yeah.” Jason shrugs and tries to look crestfallen. “Oh, well. Rules are rules.”
“Right.” Percy shakes his head once and sighs. “Rules are rules.” - *buries head in hands* JASON I HAD HOPE FOR YOU, oh well I guess this does mean you can survive the NHL
If this is what Jason has to do to be with Piper, so be it. - OH FUCK
fklasfjslkdafjskldaajfklsd guys this was so fucking good and beautiful and perfect and the perfect mix of angst and fluff and I JUST WOW 
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1ooo-w0rds · 7 years
I've an idea: Reyna in hot tennis clothes and there is a boys -like Malcolm, Leo- and Jason. I'm a huge fan your stories by the way.
A/N: I was cleaning up my WIP trying to get organize and found this half-finished gem. Re-edited a bit but couldn’t think of a good ending so left it a little open. I might add a note with how I would have liked to end it. Sorry for being like 2 or 3 years late. I’m horrible but there’s Malceyna if you squint! AHHH first fic of the New Year. 1 out of 12.
“Why are you here?” Annabeth demanded with her tennis racquet held over her head as she glared down at the trio of boys. Percy, Leo and Jason laid sprawled in a dry tall grass beside the chain fence. Jason could only see the white laces of her scuffled tennis shoes and her tan calfs. She lowered her racquet with a sigh. “Get out of the bushes. Peeping toms.”
“Hey!” Percy shouted as he hopped up glaring at her. “We weren’t peeping. Jason fell…” Jason groaned as shoved Leo off his back before lifting himself up, rubbing his shoulders.
“You shoved me when Annabeth was approaching.” Jason murmured back, brushing twigs and loose grass out of his blond hair. The three boys were dressed in their soccer uniforms, returning from a long practice. The sun still sat high in the sky as students head home or away to other plans. “Percy was wondering if you needed a ride.” Percy glared at his cousin but Jason ignored him, looking around the tennis court for a certain singles player. “You’re still practicing?”
“We just finished. Reyna’s changing.” Annabeth answered with a knowing smirk. “Someone splashed some gatorade on her shorts.” She turned to Percy. “Thanks for the offer but my brother is picking us up.” Jason tried not to smirk too widely at Percy’s deflated look.
“You rang, sis?” The high school boys turned as Annabeth’s older brother approached. Malcolm dressed casually in track pants and a loose t-shirt. A tennis bag slung over his broad shoulders. “You can hang out with your friends. Reyna wants to hit a few balls since they’re still light out.”
“Don’t.” Jason warned, grabbing Leo’s arm, noticing the way Leo’s eyes lit up at the word ball. This wasn’t time for a ‘ball’ related joke.
“Jase, he basically lobbed for that for me.” Leo replied with a pout.
“I’m sure there will be more opportunities for you to make a fool of yourself, Valdez.” Jason turned at Reyna’s voice, a quip to defend his friend ready on his lips before he forgot it when he saw her outfit. Reyna wore a very tight fitting white tennis top with a dark short purple skirt. The clothes hugged her body like a second skin, leaving little to imagination. Reyna’s racquet tucked underneath her armpit as she adjusted her skirt. Noticing the silence, she looked up. “Like right now for instance.”
“Um…” Leo croaked, blinking as he smiled nervously. Jason didn’t know where to look. From her mile long legs to her tan bare shoulders or the cleavage her bra pushed up, everywhere felt dangerous. Unconsciously, his eyes followed the movements of her hand as she tucked tennis balls in the spandex underneath her skirt, revealing more skin. Bad, bad, bad. Jason repeated, pulling his eyes away to meet her gaze. Reyna’s dark eyes looked amused. Oh she noticed Jason’s staring.
“Come on, Rey, if your fanclub is done drooling, let’s play. I know you’re trying to distract me with your little skirt.” Malcolm called out as he tugged her braid when he passed by.
“Someone slipped gatorade on me!” Reyna shouted back as she playfully swung her racquet at him. The boy laughed as he dodged the swing and jogged towards the court. “God Malcolm, you’re such a pervert.” She murmured with a fond smile. “He’s helping me with my serve. Keep Annabeth entertain.” She said waving as she entered the court.
“Can do.” Jason whispered as he watched her walk away. Jason shook his head at how stupid he acted. Leo and Percy chatted beside the trunk of Jason’s car, changing out of their sweaty soccer jersey into clean t-shirts. Annabeth sat on the bleacher, watching Reyna and Malcolm rally. “I am here to entertain you.” Jason announced as he sat beside Annabeth.
“Oh yeah?” Annabeth replied as she pulled out a granola bar. She pulled a bit before offering Jason some. He took a bit before looking over at the court. Malcolm and Reyna stood in the middle, talking as he demonstrated the arm and body movement. Reyna mimicked him. A serious expression on her face even as Malcolm’s hand gently adjusted her posture. He whispered, hand still at the small of her back, and their faces close. “Hey, don’t take your frustration out on the granola.”
“What?” Jason said before looking down at his sticky crumbly hands. “Ugh man,” he murmured as he shook his hand out accepted the water bottle to rinse it off. “I’m not being very entertaining am I?”
“You are. I’m wondering when you’re going to make your move.” Annabeth replied back as she bumped her shoulder against his. Annabeth leaned in close, her face inches away from Jason’s. “They’re not dating by the way. He’s waiting until after graduation.”
“How considerate.” Jason murmured back, looking at Annabeth’s gray eyes. “Why are you telling me this?” Annabeth studied him but her gaze revealed nothing of her thoughts. She reached out, putting her hand on his knee. “Annabeth…” He warned, praying Percy wasn’t watching. A tennis ball smacked violently against the metal fence in front of Jason and Annabeth. Jason jumped at the sound, nearly falling off the bleacher. He looked over with wide blue eyes.
Reyna stood across the court, looking angrily at her racquet from the wild serve. She squeezed the neon ball as she paced back and forth. She looked up and met Jason’s gaze. There was conflict in her eyes before she shook her head, refocusing on her ball. Malcolm looked over his shoulder, arching his eyebrow at the pair. Annabeth waved off her brother’s curious gaze.
“What was that, Annabeth?” Jason asked as she stood up and stretched.
“Your hint, Jason.”
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panic-angel3314 · 7 years
Fates Intertwined- Dean Ambrose x Reader
A/N: Okay guys so this is the Dean fic I was talking about. It's super long and also the first smut fic I've ever written so be gentle. Again I'm thanking @theworldiscolorful , @smolsassynalilsmartassy , and @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury they are my babes and so supportive and loving. I love you guys soooo much 💋💋💋
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Credit to Gif Owner :)
Warnings: Angst, Smut, Cursing
Word Count: 10K+ EEK I’m sorry guys but thanks for sticking around.
Summary: You're a wrestler turned Rockstar. You and Dean were absolute soulmates until he decided to throw it all away. You're asked back to perform at this years Hall of Fame. Is fate bringing you both a second chance or will it all be for not??
Also I don't own WWE or the song I used as inspiration.
Never in a million years did I ever dream that one, I would be a former WWE Superstar turned Singer/ Song-writer, and second that said company would be calling me to perform and their Hall of Fame ceremony.  
I had left the company on reasonably good terms. I made sure to fulfill all my contractual obligations and I'm made sure to relatively keep all my relationships intact, except for him. After his betrayal, I made sure to stay as far away from him as possible. No contact.
 Who is this person that literally tore my heart in two, you might ask? It was none other than lunatic heart throb, Dean Ambrose.
 We had met in NXT when he was a little more Moxley than he was Ambrose. Seth Rollins, my childhood friend, had introduced us and of course Dean laid it on real thick the moment he opened his mouth. Funny thing was I didn't take an ounce of his shit and it wasn't until he quit trying to get in my pants that I let him into my heart.
People said that because of me, he had changed and mellowed. I never thought that was true. To be honest I think given the chance Dean could've always been the sweet lovable guy I know he is. He needed to truly trust in someone before he let down all the walls he had once built. Plus, I wasn't the only one to try and break them down, a lot of help came in the form of Roman and Seth.
I'm not going to lie at a point in time I thought he was the one, my forever. I knew his past and his tendencies, I helped him through them all. I told him in the beginning of our relationship that cheating was the absolute worst deal breaker. He knew and respected it and I thought we were doing just fine. Hell, I thought he was on the verge of proposing at one point.
But like all good things in Dean Ambrose's life, he would rather ruin them himself than to have them stripped away from him. He knew the only way I would ever truly leave him is if he cheated on me. So that's what he did. He invited the new reporter Renee Young to our room and he set into motion one of the biggest mistakes of his life.
 I walked into our shared suite at the hotel we were staying at and it was there I saw him practically swallowing her face, and she was topless which led me to believe five minutes later and I would've caught them in the full-blown act.
I cleared my throat to catch their attention, “You know what I just need to get my gear and head. Please feel free to continue. Don't stop on my account."
I don't know what was wrong the shock I saw on Renee's face or the shock I didn't see in Dean's. In fact, Dean's face was void of all emotion while I was breaking from the inside out.
I grabbed my gear bag not worried one bit whether Renee had left or not and just as I was about to leave through the suite door, Dean decides to make his presence known.
"That's it? No yelling? No fighting? You're just gonna walk out of my life and never look back?"
"What do you want me to say Dean?! Huh? What is the correct way to handle the fact that I just caught the love of my life cheating on me with some blonde bimbo?"
"I don't know, (Y/N)! Scream at me, hit me, break something!"
"No! I'm not going to give you that satisfaction. I'm not the one who cheated. But let me just ask you one time, why? Why Dean? Was I not good enough, did I not make you happy?"
There was a slight pause and in the blink of an eye Dean's whole demeanor changed from the man I love to the man I used to loath, Jon Moxley. He walked towards me closing the small distance that was created from our fighting. Condescendingly he reached up to cup my face and replied with the smuggest expression on his face, "It has nothing to do with you, Babydoll. You just can't teach a street dog new tricks. But it was fun while it lasted I'll tell you that."
I wanted to slug the absolute shit out of him but I knew that was the reaction he was looking for and I wasn't going to grant him the satisfaction.
So instead I wretched his hands from my face, "Fun? Fun! 3 years all for a little fun. Fuck you, Moxley! Don't just stand there and tell me it meant nothing! I loved you for god’s sake." 
Nothing really caught his attention until my last statement only then did I see a glimpse of my Jon.
"Loved?" He looked at me with glassy eyes.
"Dean, what?"
"You just said 'loved' (Y/N) not 'love'."
Taking a deep breathe I considered his eyes and told him the absolute truth, "Of course I love you, Dean. God how I love you. I'll probably always love you but right now I also really hate you. Hate that you can just throw away three years of our life like that and say it was all in good fun."
"Oh, give it up (Y/N)! I'm never gonna be the man you want me to be, alright? I'm not changing for anyone not even you!"
"I never wanted you to change for me, asshole! This is going nowhere. You got your wish, you wanted me gone, so I'm going."
"Yeah, well have a nice life babe." He spat with fire in his eyes.
I laughed ruefully," You too, Mox. I truly hope you find your soulmate one day."
With that I left and shut the door on that chapter in my life. What I had missed at the time though was Dean whispering to the door I had just closed was, "I did find her, I just let her walk out of my life for her own good."
What I didn't know at the time was Dean's insecurities are what lead him to the consequences of that day. He loved me too much, he felt he didn't deserve that type of love and that if he didn't end it now something somewhere down the line would end it for him and that would break him more than anything. What he soon realized it was way past that point.
Either way that was the past and this is the very REAL future. It both honored me and made me nauseous to think about performing at a WWE event when it's been close to two years since I was even associated with them.
However, I couldn't really say no to Vince after everything he and his daughter have done for me. They were the one bridge I made sure to keep intact on my way out. The WWE was once my home and truth be told I missed it and everyone that came with it, even if I was unable to admit that particular part to myself. 
I made it a point to not keep the slightest tab on Dean's relationships through Roman or Seth if he was healthy and relatively doing well that's where my inquiries stopped. My heart never could handle the answer but now that I was going to perform at the Hall of Fame it was time to woman up and see him. 
Now here I am and it's the morning of the Hall of Fame ceremony. I knew the girls were going to be here any minute with the glam squad to start getting ready. The girls being The Bella's, Nattie, and Naomi and don't get me wrong I love these girls to death but.... I was a little nervous about all the inevitable questions I knew I was going to be bombarded with. And on top of that I didn't really have a date to the Hall of Fame. Seth had offered being the greatest best friend he is but so did my friend Jason Momoa who was in town for one thing or another. 
Jason was a very close friend of mine who knew everything about my time at the WWE and why I left, so he was more than happy to and I quote "Show that motherfucker what he's missing out on." I love Jase to death but sometimes he can be a loose cannon.
Before I could overthink too much more a knock at the door broke me of my thoughts. Knock being the polite way of saying it. It was more of bangs, shouts, and excited squeals. What can I say, I guess my girls missed me?
"(Y/N)! Get that cute little ass up and come open this door!" The ever-lovely Nikki shouts.
Swinging the door open I greet four very excited faces with a," Excuse me my ass is up and has been waiting on you four divas for about an hour now."
"Oh, really then what took you so long to answer the door huh???" Brie replied with an almost knowing look.
"Nothing just caught up in some thoughts is all."
"Would those thoughts have to do with a certain lunatic or is it more of whether you should take a date to the ceremony??" Naomi asked.
Damn these guys knew everything, it's why I loved them and hated them sometimes.
"You guys know me too well. So, before we dive into this subject you better break open that bottle of whatever you're caring Nikki so we can get to it."
"Won't it mess with your vocal cords??" She replied.
"No if anything it will help with the rasp I need to achieve some of the different notes tonight."
"Oh, okay then let's get to it girl!!"
A chorus of cheers followed as the glam team started to set up in my deluxe suite. What can I say perks of being a superstar?
After having explained my dilemma and few glasses of champagne later here we were.
"Look I can tell you right now for him to actually have a date it would require him to speak to someone of the opposite gender. Girl ever since you left he's only hung out with Seth, Roman, and the Uso twins. He doesn't even look at any girls anymore especially when we go out." Naomi divulged.
I never wanted to know Dean's relationship status especially after how we left everything but hearing this almost made me sad, almost.
"Maybe he just has someone on the down low y'all don't know about or maybe he's gotten better at hiding his escapades."
Naomi straightened me with a look really quick, "Girl you haven't seen him lately. And whatever bullshit Ro and Seth have fed you are exactly that bullshit. I know they don't want to worry you but girl people are actually starting to worry about your lunatic."
I couldn't hold back the eye roll that popped up when replying, "He's not my lunatic anymore, you know that. He made sure of that a long time ago."
"We are not trying to upset you Babe. We just know that you two were absolute soulmates and to see both of you like this hurts us because we love you." Nattie spoke up always the wiser with her words of truth. 
"Nattie, I'm fine. Or at least I thought I was.... Guys what am I going to do?? So, do I take a date or not? At least with Seth I know I'll be fine because he's like a big brother but with Jason I know he will be unpredictable. Especially because of Dean." 
I put my head in my hands trying to calm my beating heart and racing thoughts. It was then Momma Brie came up to hug me and started to rub my back in a soothing motion.
"Whatever you choose we will support you. But I think Seth is the safe choice and it's seems to me like you need the extra support tonight. If it were up to me, Nikki and I would be your dates but I don't know how Bryan and John would feel about going stag."
"Couldn't they just go together?" I whined, earning a chorus of giggles from the girls.
"I don't know girl. I think I'd get too jealous to let anyone else take my man on a date, even Bryan." Nikki replied.
"I guess." I sighed getting up to reach for my phone. "I'm going to go call Seth right now. I'll be back in five."
Finally, after a bit more gossip and a couple more glasses of champagne, the girls and I were ready to head down to the lobby to our prospective dates. 
It was nice seeing all my girls' male counterparts once again and trying to catch each other up on everything.
While the conversation was veered off me for a minute I turned towards Seth to whisper in his ear, "Where's Roman? I thought he'd at least want to see me before everything."
"He did Babe. But he's with Dean tonight since they're both going stag but he told me to tell you he loves you and he can't wait to see his Babygirl." I couldn't help but giggle at Roman's nickname for me. From day one each of the Shield boys had a special nickname for me, Roman's being Babygirl, Seth's was Babe since like childhood, and Dean's was Babydoll. I always found it very endearing, like it was their way of showing just how much they loved and cared for me.
Just as I was about to reply to Seth we heard the girls squealing the limo was here. Each couple entered the limo, Seth and I being the first two to hop in. We were sat in a corner that was secluded enough that we could converse quietly but also close enough to the others so we didn't look antisocial.
While I was sitting there It finally hit me that this was it. I was going to see Dean again whether I liked it or not. All the scenarios in my brain had me very quiet and very nervous, so much so Seth took notice.
He grabbed my knee to stop it from bouncing, which I didn't even realize I was doing.
"Relax Babe. Roman told me they are going to try and go a little later to avoid all the couples and such. He probably won't even know you're there until you're up on stage about to perform."
"Do you think he knows I'm back??"
"I don't think so. You know Dean, he repels technology and it's been pretty mums the word on your return. Question though. Are you just returning to perform or are they asking you back officially?”
Looking up at Seth I knew I couldn't lie to him, he was practically my brother after all.
"I'm not going to lie to you but yeah Stephanie and Vince really want me back."
"What?! That's great! What did you say??"
"Shhh.... I haven't said anything. Besides it depends on how tonight goes honestly."
"Between you and Dean? Honestly I think it's going to go a lot differently than you think."
"How do you know what I'm thinking?"
Seth shot me a "Really?" look and I couldn't help but sigh and drop my head down in defeat. 
Gently Seth raised my chin so that I was considering his deep imploring eyes, "Whatever happens tonight Babe, just please keep an open mind. He might surprise you. Hell, you might surprise yourself. No matter what happens you have the best support team backing you 100%."
"Here, here!" Cheered all my friends.
I guess our corner wasn't as secluded as I had thought. But before I could worry about that the limo had stopped and we had arrived to what I like to call "D-Day".
Being there in front of the WWE Universe was like a breath of fresh air, like I could finally breath. Don't get me wrong I loved all my fans whether they were with me because of my music or wrestling. There was just something about the bond I had made with the WWE Universe that really touched my heart and made me happy to be home.
But before I could soak up too much of the crowd Steph and Triple H had stopped me and Seth on our way down the red carpet.
"Hey guys! Seth, (Y/N) you look so beautiful."
"Thank you, Steph, Nice to see you again! You too Trips."
These too were the absolute best in and outside of the ring. Not only had they been some of my biggest supporters in the WWE but also outside of it too.
"It's so good to see you again, Kid. We couldn't be happier to have you join the family once again." Trips mentioned.
"Yeah now let's just hope we can keep her." Steph piped up. I couldn't help but laugh at these two always in cahoots together.
"Aw come on guys no double teaming." Seth was quick to defend. 
"No, no. You know we love you, (Y/N/N). And miss you too. Besides what I was coming to ask is since Seth is your 'date' do you mind joining him to his interviews."
"I don't see why not but who are they with?"
That's when Steph's demeanor changed slightly.
"I'll give it to you straight. One of them is with Renee but we have warned her to keep it completely professional so there shouldn't be a problem. “She said imploring me with her big blue eyes.
"Aww Steph not the puppy dog eyes! You know I can't say no to them. Alright, fine, but only because I love you two. And I'm too excited to be back to let it ruin my fun."
After we said our good byes Seth led us through a couple of simple interviews with the same old spiel of 'Welcome back', and 'Who are you wearing?', or 'Are you dating?', and lastly 'If I was returning to the WWE'.
Soon it was time for the dreadful interview I would much rather skip but here I was being lead gently but still firmly on the small of my back by Seth towards the she-devil.
At the same time, you were about to be interviewed by Renee, Dean walked in with Roman not too far behind.
Dean's POV
"Man Ro! You said we would be able to skip all this nonsense this year." I whined to my best friend.
I was walking down the red carpet trying to smooth out the stupid suit Roman made me wear when I heard a laugh. A laugh I had been dying to hear for the past two years since it was stripped from me by my own doing. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but as I looked up there she was, the woman of my dreams, my soulmate, standing there in all her glory doing an interview with Renee Young, of all people.
Damn did (Y/N) look amazing no number of photos or media coverage did her justice and that sweet laugh that I had been dying to hear since the day she left....
Was this a sign that she was here right now?
What no one, and I mean no one, knew is that ever since (Y/N) left she took everything I loved with her. My passion for her and wrestling were the only two things I ever truly lived for and without her, my love for wrestling had all but diminished. Whether anyone has noticed or not I've been coasting ever since she left and this whole last month I've been truly contemplating whether to keep wrestling for the WWE.
I genuinely believe (Y/N) is my other half and whether anyone knows it or not I broke too the day she left.
I thought I was doing it for her own good, saving her from myself but I soon realized I was just scared to be happy. I should've trusted her more with my heart but before I met (Y/N) I didn't know what real love or even true affection was and without her, life does not feel worth living. 
I don't care what god put her and I under the same roof tonight but I'm going to talk to her and I'm going to come clean about everything that went down. 
"Dean! Dude, why did you stop in the middle of the walkway." Roman taps me on the shoulder and breaks up my rapid thoughts.
"Ro, did you know she was gonna be here?" I ask pointing towards you. Just as Roman looks up we hear the tail end of your interview with Renee.
"So (Y/N) one last question, how is to be back and see everyone, especially Dean Ambrose?"
"Ha-ha you must love your job Renee with all your clever hard-hitting questions."
I couldn't help but chuckle at that. It reminded me of one of the reasons I love my Babydoll (Y/N) so much, with her spit fire personality and no filter.
"As for being back, I feel at home, I love it here. I haven't seen Dean yet but I'm sure I will. I have absolutely no hard feelings towards him. I loved him then and I can honestly say I still love him now. He helped me grow a lot as a person and as a wrestler. I wish him all the happiness in the world because he deserves nothing less than the absolute best this world has to offer. So, thanks Renee but we're going to head in now, you have fun asking the questions that matter."
As soon as she was done talking I look to Roman, as if he has the answer to the question I don't even know to ask.
"Yeah man she's here to perform tonight and join the after party. Don't look at me like that I just found out a few hours ago and I knew if I told you, you would've never come." Roman sighed patting his large hand on my shoulder before continuing, "It's time Dean and by the sound of that she's ready to see you too."
I was speechless, how was I supposed to approach or even get her alone long enough for her to even talk to me. However, I didn't have long to fret before Roman spoke up again.
"Don't worry, Uce. Lucky for you Seth and I are your brothers and are going to help you win her back. Even if I must lock you two in the same room, to either kill each other or make up. Now let's go you only have one interview but it's with Renee then we can go find you some liquid courage."
Roman patted me on the back once more and sent me on my merry way to be interviewed by Renee. Don't get me wrong I don't blame her for mine and (Y/N)'s break up. I more just feel like an asshole for using her to do it.
"Please welcome my guest at this time WWE Superstar Dean Ambrose?" Renee was quick to getting down to business. I wouldn't blame her if underneath her professionalism she hates my guts.
I answered all her mundane questions as politely as I could fathom. I just wanted to get this over with and get a drink to calm my raging nerves. It wasn't until a certain question was thrown my way that I really tuned in.
"So, Dean, now that's (Y/N) is back the WWE universe wants to know your thoughts on it? Have you seen or talked to her yet?" Renee asked quite smug about the off-guard reaction her first question rendered. But I'm Dean Ambrose for god’s sake and I don't scare that easy, so I just said the first thing that came to mind,
"To answer your first question Renee, she took my breath away she looked as gorgeous as ever. As for my thoughts, I'm not sure what you want me to say. I loved her then and I still love her now. I wish her good luck tonight on her performance and hope this isn't the last we see of her. If that's all thanks Renee."
No sooner was I ushered away by Roman to the nearest open bar to get some jack and coke to settle my nerves before finding our assigned seats.
Dean's POV 
 I hadn't had a chance to see or talk to (Y/N) since the show had started. By the time I had the courage to seek her out it was time for everybody to be ushered to their seats. 
Unfortunately for me we were assigned to seats on opposite spectrums of the arena. Ro and I were sat near his family and a few of the Hall of Famers while (Y/N) and Seth were surround by most of the Smackdown Women's roster and their prospective dates. Damn did she look amazing though, truly she was the most beautiful creature not just on the outside but inside as well. That woman has a heart of gold I always felt I was so undeserving of. But after almost two years of being deprived of such beauty, I felt like a dying man out in the dessert. I was drinking her in like she was the last oasis on earth. She must have felt me starring because before I knew it her big beautiful eyes were locked on to mine and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Something in them was like nothing I've seen before. Was it longing? Was it love? No, it couldn't be. I wasn't that lucky. I didn't know what to do or say because damn was I under her spell like never before. However, it was her to initiate the break in tension. 
Sending me a shy smile and wave that nearly had my heart beating out of my chest but before I could get too excited I looked around me to make sure it was for me. After having found no one else I sought her out once again only to receive one of her 1000 watts smiles I would've given life or limb for since the breakup. 
All to soon though she was being pulled into conversations with the people around her. I too was broken out of our interaction by Naomi clicking her tongue at me.
"Ambrose, I swear to god if you miss this second chance you've been given to make things right, I'm going to murder you. That's my best friend and I'll be damned if I see her happiness stolen away from her again."
"Naomi," I sighed not sure how to reply. "I-I fucking love her, okay? Is that what you want to hear? And all I've ever wanted was for her to be happy."
"Yea you were just too stupid to realize her happiness included you. So, you better talk to her and make things right before the end of tonight." She gave me a stern look that had me literally scared for my life. What can I say my Babydoll was quite loved by all?
"I will, I promise." I implored Naomi.
Before anything else could be said the ceremony commenced
Dean's POV 
And all to soon it was the intermission before (Y/N)'s performance. I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous to see just what songs she picked to perform tonight. So much so I was on my way back to the open bar to have a few more drinks while I still could.
 (Y/N)'s POV
Damn why was I so nervous? I've performed in countless sold out venues with thousands of screaming fans. Why was this so different? Oh, that's right the main person responsible for the subject matter is here, possibly going to hear it for the first time.
I'll be the first to admit when I wrote most of my songs I was hurt and in a very different state of mind. But now I've healed and forgiven him. Hell, I said I still loved him for crying out loud on live television.
Relax, (Y/N) you can get through one performance and then after if he doesn't hate you too much you can talk to him. Ahh I hope it's not too late for us.
"10 minutes till we go on and everyone is being ushered back to their seats." A stage hand called out.
Perfect! This is my time to sneak out to the open bar for one last drink. As I walk towards the bar very lost in my thoughts of my upcoming performance I ran into what felt like a brick wall. And seeing as I was in 6" stiletto heels catching my balance was not an option. But before I could continue crashing towards my inevitable doom two very familiar hands caught me. My body was lit ablaze by these two familiar hands. I felt as if the touch that belonged to the owner was seared into my soul for all eternity. A permanent fingerprint on my very being. It wasn't until I looked up into the all too familiar stormy blue eyes, that the owner of said hands were confirmed.
It took me a minute of starring into the stormy eyes before I realized just how close and firmly he was holding me to him. Our bodies were slotted together like two missing puzzle pieces finally coming together. Between the warmth of his body and his intoxicating scent I was at a loss for words, barely able to gasp out a simple,
As he registered his name falling from my lips his eyes softened and his demeanor changed as if he had held his breath for the past two years waiting for the day I would speak it once again.
"Hey there, Babydoll."
I was shocked I didn't know what to say or do. I knew my time was limited but before I could say anything he spoke first.
"We need to talk."
My body tensed just a fraction, not because I didn't want to talk but because I didn't have much time before I had to perform and I didn't want him to feel like I was blowing him off.
Sighing and hanging his head he replied, "I know you probably want nothing to do with me but I swear just give me five minutes of your time and if you don't like what I have to say... I swear I'll never bother you again."
The dejected sad puppy looks he was sporting had my stomach in knots, I had never seen him like this and I'd be damned if I ever did again.
Gently I placed my hand under his chin and lifted until the eyes that I have come to crave were starring right back at me.
"Jon... I would love nothing more than to give you those five minutes but I'm about to hit the stage and I don't really think this is a conversation for here."
The hope that sparkled in his eyes had my heart soaring and he was quick to reply," Of course yeah, I know. Can I meet you after or something? I promise you, name the time and place and I'll be there."
"I'll leave a card to my suite for you at the front desk if that's okay but there's just one more thing I have to say..."
At this he hung his head I guess expecting the worst but I had to carry on and warn him about my set list that was chosen for me tonight.
"It's nothing bad, Dean. You can look and me. Please..." I waited until his blue orbs met mine once again, " I just want you to know that the songs that were chosen for me to perform tonight were written when I was in a very dark place... I need you to know that I don't feel that way anymore. I guess what I want you to understand is-is"
"(Y/N)!! There you are we got to go you're on in five and we still need to do touch ups."
And before I could say another word I was being dragged in the opposite direction of the love of my life. Before I could be pulled too far I made a rash decision....
I didn't put too much thought into it as I ran to Dean and before he could utter a single syllable, I grabbed him and kissed him for all he was worth. Best part about it was the kiss was instantly received and returned. I could feel both our love and passion for each other translate through the kiss. All too soon though I broke it so I could say,
"Understand that I still love you..."
And then I was off not waiting for his reply. I had to run towards the stage and pass a very peeved stage hand. But I didn't care not when I felt the universe was giving me and my one and only soulmate another chance at happiness.
Most of my set wasn't too bad it was the closing number I was worried about. Yes, I had performed Praying (by Kesha) many times in countless venues but never in front of him. To my knowledge anyway, later I would come to find out Dean was one of my biggest supporters and had even been to a couple of shows. 
But as of right now I was terrified I didn't want him to feel like this song was a dig at him. It never was, even when I first wrote it. It was more for me to heal than anything. To purge my thoughts of all the bad because in the end I knew I loved this man with all my heart and soul. I just didn't want to ruin the second chance we had been given before it even had a chance to happen.
Throughout most of my set list I made sure to no make eye contact with Dean. Not because I didn't want to but because I knew I would break if I did. But with this song there was no easy way to avoid that. I was constantly going back and forth in my mind not sure of how this was going to play out. But before I knew it was time to announce my closing song.
"I just want to take a moment and thank my fans especially the WWE universe for sticking by me through everything. I love you guys and without y'all I wouldn't be able to do what I love whether it's making music or wrestling. So, thank you so much. This next song is very close to my heart so I ask that y'all be gentle with me okay?"
Cheers resounded from the front row to the balcony and I couldn't help the cheesy smile that popped up on my face.
"I love you guys and without further a due here's the last but certainly not the least song for tonight Praying. And I encourage y'all to jump in at any time."
As I started the first few riffs of the song I was able to calm my racing heart and let the music naturally flow through me.
Well, you almost had me fooled
Told me that I was nothing without you
Oh, but after everything you've done
I can thank you for how strong I have become
'Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell
I had to learn how to fight for myself
And we both know all the truth I could tell
I'll just say this is "I wish you farewell"
As I started to sing I got lost in the memories of our breakup. All too soon I could feel tears sting the back of my eyes and my voice cracked during part of the chorus. I was able to catch myself just enough to continue to the next line because I'd be damned if I messed up the bridge. It was the most important part.
I'm proud of who I am No more monsters, I can breathe again And you said that I was done Well, you were wrong and now the best is yet to come 'Cause I can make it on my own And I don't need you, I found a strength I've never known I'll bring thunder, I'll bring rain, oh When I'm finished, they won't even know your name...
Again, I had the audience help with the chorus and as soon as the next part came I don't know what possessed me but I locked eyes with glassy blue orbs as I uttered the next part of my song, 
"Oh, sometimes, I pray for you at night
Someday, maybe you'll see the light
Oh, some say, in life, 
you're gonna get what you give,
But some things only God can forgive" 
and then I high the incredibly high note without missing a beat. All too soon the song was done but right before I blew a kiss goodbye to the crowd I looked straight at Dean and mouthed the words 'I love you'.  And seeing him there giving me a standing ovation along with everybody else was amazing. But the most amazing part was seeing his unshed tears followed by a reply of 'I love you too'. Right at that moment is when I let a few tears fall as I made my way backstage. I headed straight to my dressing room not letting a single person stop me.
On the way, there I was overwhelmed with the thoughts running through my head. It felt like I was telling him goodbye for some reason but I wasn't. If anything, I was saying good bye to all the hurt and anger I had carried for so long. I just hope he understands. God, I hope he understands.
 I walked into my dressing room and completely broke down, sliding my back against the wall until I landed on the floor, with all my pent-up emotions I didn't even hear the knock at the door nor did I hear someone walk in.
It wasn't until I felt two arms wrap around me and had his familiar scent hit my nose did I know it was Dean. He shushed my crying and rubbed my back, saying things like 'It's ok, Babydoll, I'm right here'. 'It's all going to be okay'. 'I promise.', while also kissing the crown of my head every now and again.
Soon I had stopped crying but I was at the point exhaustion kicked in. Before I could voice what I needed he was already scooping me up and heading out the back to his rental he brought. He just knew, he always knew what I needed, most of the time before I even knew. I guess that's the thing about soulmates, you're one in the same. Two parts of one whole and at this moment I was glad to call him my other half. Before we reached the car Dean made sure to send a quick text to Roman and Seth.
Only silence passed as we drove back to the hotel we were staying at, foregoing the after party all together. Though no talking was done, Dean made sure to give me little nonverbal reassurances by holding my hand and giving it a good squeeze every now and again.
Finally, we had arrived at our hotel but instead of letting me walk Dean once again picked me up bridal style, with my hands around his neck and my head tucked in between where his shoulder met his neck, while we headed to my room number I had muttered in his ear on the way to the elevator. 
Throughout the whole journey I couldn't help but release a few residual sniffles or sobs. I felt so raw in this moment and the way Dean was holding me like I was his everything, like he would protect me in my most vulnerable state, even now it meant the world to me.
He was able to open the door with ease as he slipped us inside and walk straight towards my bedroom.
Dean's POV 
Seeing my Babydoll so raw and vulnerable had my stomach in knots and my heart absolutely aching. I just wanted to take her pain away, the pain that I had caused. Not having faith in myself and the love we shared all those years ago will be my single greatest regret for as long as I live. But starting right now I wasn't going to deny her or myself the love that was meant to be any longer.
As I walked us into her room, I gently laid her on the bed. I was planning to go find her a change of clothes. But as soon as she felt me letting go her arms became a vice around my neck and I heard a whimper, "Please don't leave me."
If my heart wasn't already aching, that sure did the trick. I combed my fingers through her hair shushing her panicked state. "Babydoll, I promise you, I'm not leaving you ever again. Until you ask me to leave, it's going to take god himself to pry me from your side. I just want to find you a change of clothes. As pretty as that dress is, it's not much for sleepwear. Now just lay down darlin' while I find you some clothes."
I laid her down gently and went off in search of some sleeping clothes. As I was looking through her suit case a certain item of clothing caught my eye. As I picked it up I realized it was my Deftones concert t-shirt she always used to wear when we were together. I had been looking for that shirt for ages, mainly because it was a reminder of her. Never did I think she'd have it or even want a reminder of me. I grabbed the well-loved shirt and a pair of those boy shorts she always use to wear around the apartment. Damn did I miss the good old days. Focus Dean this isn't about you damnit this is about taking care of your Babydoll when she needs you the most!
Snapping out of my thoughts I see her curled in on herself and nearly asleep. I had to coax her up and out of her dress. 
"No Dean! I'm naked under here. I'll change myself in the bathroom." She whined trying to bat my hands away.
"It's nothing I haven't seen before darlin'. Now will you please shush and let taking care of you. Please?" I implored. A slight pause followed but it wasn't until I received a head nod that I proceed to unzip her gown. 
Gently I made sure not to ruin the delicate backing of the dress and as my hand descended the curve of her back, my hand brushed her spine and I saw a visible shutter pass through her. It was good to know she was as affected as I was but now wasn't the time nor place for that. 
Quickly I pushed the gown to pool at her feet and slipped my t-shirt over her head. Then I had her sit on the bed so I could slip on her underwear making sure to keep direct eye contact the whole time.
Once she was dressed and situated, having also wiped of the mascara tracks that ran down her face along with the rest of her makeup, I laid her down under the covers and kissed her heading before heading towards the couch where I would be taking up residence until the morning. But before I could even turn around a small hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.
"Dean, please don't-"
"Shhh, Kitten I'm not leaving I'm just gonna crash on the couch and we can talk in the morning but we will talk I can promise you that."
"No Dean please, just lay with me. I don't want to be alone anymore." She had whispered so quietly I almost missed it. Damn Dean you really did a number on your Babydoll...
I felt like the wind had got knocked out of me when I heard those words. It took all I had in me not to break down and cry. Most people thought I was a heartless lunatic with no emotions. What they didn't know is that I gave my heart away a long time ago to (Y/N). The one good thing in my life and I had nearly broken her because I felt like I wasn't enough, like I didn't deserve to be loved the way she loved me. 
Without saying a word, I stripped off my shoes, dress jacket, and belt so I could climb into the other side of her bed, opening my arms wide so she could crawl into my embrace. She practically molded to my body and I hadn't felt this whole or at peace in a while. I didn't know what tomorrow would bring but I would hold her tight for as long as she let me.
"You're not alone, Kitten, not anymore. Just get some rest and I promise you everything will be better in the morning." I finally told her emphasizing my words with a lingering kiss to her temple.
The only reply I received was her snuggling closer to my body and her face burrowing further into my neck, like she used to when we were still together and had just had some passionate love making. The gesture gave me the chills but also hope of what tomorrow would bring. Right before I succumbed to slumber myself I whispered gently to (Y/N), "I love you, Babydoll and I swear I plan on making things right. I don't care how long it takes I will make it up to." 
Dean's POV
Waking up with my Babydoll in my arms was such a bittersweet moment. It was a feeling I have craved for the last two years. I never thought I'd get this chance again, if I'm being completely honest with myself. But after last night and seeing (Y/N) so vulnerable and raw I couldn't help but want to soothe her pain. She is the love of my life after all.
Walking into her dressing room last night after her heart felt performance and seeing her with tear stained cheeks and snot coming out of her nose, I swear she never looked more beautiful to me. Even now without the makeup and flashing lights she was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, inside and out.
I watched her sleep in peaceful slumber for as long as I could. I made sure to memorize all the features I had been denied these last couple of years. Just in case I never got the chance to be this up close and personal with her again. Before I could realize it, I found my hand gently tracing over her cheeks as my thumb came to rest where her dimples would appear in times of joy and happiness. It had me want to relive all the moments that I was the one to make them appear. I know she always said how much she loved my dimples but nothing could compare to hers and the way the made my heart flutter anytime they made an appearance.
Her eyes fluttered open and I could see the recognition of last night's events pass through her eyes. 
"Dean..." she gasped.
"Hey Gorgeous." I smiled at her loving the sleepy adorableness that accompanied her voice but all to soon the moment shifted and I could tell she was upset about something.
"Dean...I-I'm so sorry about last night. That-that song... I didn't want you to have to hear it, not like that, not if front of the WWE universe like that. I'm so sorry." She started to sob in the crook of my shoulder.
"Hey, hey, hey, Shhh. Babydoll, look at me." I waited until her glassy orbs met mine. "That wasn't the first time I've heard that song and believe or not I deserved that."
"Wha- No Dean you-"
"(Y/N), I'm telling you it's okay. I'm not mad. Kitten, please I could never be mad at you not after what I did to you." 
"Dean I-" 
"No (Y/N), I need to explain myself. We need to talk about what happened that night I made you leave."
(Y/N)'s POV
"Before you say anything Dean. I need to know one thing."
"Why? Why did you do it?"
There was a long drawn out pause lingering between us. I wasn't going to be the first one to break it. We have come this far and he could at least have the decency to tell me why.
I could see the storm brewing in his eyes, the guilt, the sadness, everything passes through him until he finally spoke.
"Honestly (Y/N), I was scared." He sighed.
At that I pushed myself out of his arms and sat up on the opposite side of the bed from him.
"Scared of what Dean?! Scared of someone loving you like you deserve to be loved!" I yell incredulously. 
"See that's the thing I don't deserve it! And I was scared that if I was too happy that something somewhere down the line would take you from me. I mean honestly Kitten you deserve so much more than a mangy street mutt like me. You deserve someone who will give you more than I ever could. So, I did what I had to do to set you free and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret it. I mean I don't know if you've noticed but I'm drowning here without you (Y/N)."
God, I didn't know whether to kiss or punch this self-deprecating asshole. When was he going to learn he deserves so much more than life has given him. Whether he knows it or not he has one of the kindest hearts I ever known and for him to feel this way about himself pisses me off. 
"Haven't you ever heard the saying Dean? 'If you love someone, you let them go. If they return to you they were always yours and if they don't they never were.'"
"Well then Darlin', then that's what this is, me return to you. Cause let's face it I'm yours, I will always be yours whether you want me or not. (Y/N), I can truly stand here and tell you my life did not begin until you walked into it that day at FCW."
"No Babydoll I mean it! And I know there is nothing I can do to take back what I did but I promise if you let me, I'll spend the rest of our lives making it up to you."
Considering his eyes, I could see the sincerity and the vulnerability of his words. I knew I loved this man, I knew he was the one for me but I was scared, not of getting back together with him. I feared having to learn to live without him again if I did let him back in.
"I'm scared, Jon. I don't know if I could learn to live without you, again. It-It would destroy me." I whimpered.
When I said that his unshed tears had finally fallen and it's shook me to the core, not once in the time that I had known 'Dean Ambrose' did he let himself be this open or this raw. All I wanted to do was hold him and tell him everything was going to be fine. That no matter what I'd always be there for him but my fear was gripping me too tight.
Dean closed the gap between us and cupped my face in his big calloused hands so that we were looking straight into each other's eyes. Eyes I missed waking up to every morning or seeing as the last thing before I went to bed. For a moment, I genuinely felt like we were seeing each other's souls and it was at that moment my fear finally diminished but it was Dean who spoke first.
"I promise you, (Y/N) on everything that is good and right in this world, you will never ever have to learn how to live without me again. I will be with you always, every step of the way. I want to love you, marry you, give you babies. I want to grow old with you and sit out on rocking chairs on a porch looking out into the yard at all our future grandchildren and reminisce on the good times we had. Please let me show just how much I love you. Let me show you I'm here to stay."
At this point I was crying but not sad tears. I was overjoyed at the prospect of our future together and for Dean to be the one voicing it meant everything to me.
Unfortunately, he saw my crying as a negative, "No, no, no. Babydoll please don't cry, please. I love you (Y/N). Please."
I couldn't help the next words that flew out of my mouth. I looked him deep into his soul and said, "Show me. Make love to me, Dean."
It was as if the air had been knocked from his lungs but he didn't need to be told twice.
He kissed me like he was in a dessert for two years and I was his only oasis. At one point, I had to grab his face and pull him away so I could get air to my lungs, however, his pout that surfaced on his face nearly melted my heart.
"Take it easy, Handsome. I'm not going anywhere. “I bore into his bright blue eyes and finally saw the love and light return to them.
He had such a sheepish expression as he replied, "Sorry Kitten. I've just missed you so damn much."
Once I could finally breath again he resumed searing kisses to my mouth, jaw, and neck. It wasn't until he reached my collar bones that I received a frustrated growl and a muttered, “Wearing too much clothes."
Before I could even register what he said his shirt that I wore was ripped off my body exposing my naked chest to his loving gaze.
"I can't wait to mark up all this beautiful skin, Kitten. I have a lot of making up to do. Be ready to not leave this bed... ever."
"Dean..." I whined tugging at his shirt. "I want to see you too. Show me what's mine." I purred the last word in his ear. As soon as it left my mouth Dean tore his black dress shirt making sure to pop off all the buttons in the process. The amount of lust shown in his eyes were mirrored in his actions of undressing himself, down to his underwear. But as soon as he returned to the bed to hover over me the lust in his eyes turned to love quickly.
His hands gently traced my curves from my hips all the way until they landed on my breast. He received quite the breathy moan only further encouraging him to get reacquainted with me body after so long away from it.
"Dean please I want-" but before I could finish my words turned into a silent moan as he pinched and tweaked each nipple in his rough and calloused hands.
"Want what Babydoll? Just tell me and it's yours." He husked, kissing my cheeks and encouraging me to voice what I wanted him to do to my body. 
"Mouth Dean. Please I want your mouth." I panted not able to concentrate with all the sensations he was creating on my body. I honestly don't know how I went two years without this man worshiping my body.
He slowly descended from the love bites he was leaving on my neck to attach his mouth to my breast kissing, sucking, and even biting the sides of each one. One particular bite had me grabbing at his shaggy auburn hair. Earning a growl from him and an answering moan from me. This man knew all my buttons and was pushing at them faster that my body could handle. I was in such a haze I missed him literally ripping my boy shorts from my body and I couldn't even be mad because all too soon his dirty mouth was on my core. 
He teased at my outer lips, licking and sucking at the juices that had gathered at the apex of my thighs by all his teasing.
He growled as my juices first hit his tongue, "God damn, I've missed this, so sweet, so wet." He lapped at my cunt, "I could spend all day between these thighs, Babydoll."
"Dean, Baby, please no more teasing." I gripped his hair and guided him to my throbbing clit. The moment his tongue lashed my bundle of nerves I was screaming his name. The way his tongue moved and writhed, I could tell he was branding my pussy as his once again. And soon his thick fingers were joining the fray.
"Fuck, Doll. So tight, even tighter than I remember. Fuck!" He panted against my pussy.
"This-" he emphasized by thrusting his fingers roughly in and out, "this is mine, Babydoll. No one can have this. You and this pussy are mine you hear me." He growled.
"Yours, always yours. There's no one else, never has been. I love you, Jon" I whined. 
"I love you too. Fuck I love you so much. Cum for me, Babydoll. Cum for me." He grunted before sucking my clit and humming on it. I was instantly cumming with his name on the tip of my tongue, fingers buried in his hair, and back arched off the bed. I can't remember the last time I came that hard by my own hand.
I couldn't dwell too much before Dean had cleaned my spilt juices and was on his way up my body. Leaving hot kisses in his wake trying to sooth my body down from it's high. Quickly I was met with bright blue eyes and a cheeky little smile on my lunatic's face.
"Oh yeah laugh it up Babe. Seems you still got a mouth on ya." How is it that this man was between my thighs not two minutes ago and I'm the one who's blushing?
"You know you love my mouth Kitten." He mumbled against my lips as we languidly kissed each other until the tension built to an all-time high and his not so little Mox was poking at me through his boxers.
"I think your friend would like some attention. Why don't I return the favor?" I finally spoke as I tried to wiggle out of the embrace he had me in to reach his member, I knew it had to be aching by now. 
He grabbed me by the hips before I could get too far. "Nuh-uh not today. You wanted me to show you how much I love you and I'll be damned if you don't know by the time I'm done."
"I know, Jon. I know." I told him running my hands across his jaw, through his hair, and dragging my nails down his back in a teasing manner. The visible shutter I was rewarded with encouraged my actions. Slowly I trailed my hands all the way down to his trim waist and glided my hands across the waistband of his boxers.
"Take them off." I demanded and he was all too eager to obey.
As he got closer and settled between the apex of my thighs I grabbed his hard member and gave a few exploratory tugs making sure to run my thumb over his angry red tip, spreading the precum that had gathered there. Earning a lusty moan in response. 
"Fuck Kitten it's been too long since I've been touched like this. You keep that up and I'll blow before we even get started."
His words had me pausing mid stroke. "What do you mean 'You haven't been touched in a while'. Dean are you saying you haven't had sex since we broke up???"
"God no Kitten. I couldn't even think about someone other than you touching me. I'm yours (Y/N) always have been."
I was shocked at this confession, here was this man, this sexual animal that could ooze charm and charisma, that at any given moment could have women falling over themselves to get into his bed. Knowing he hadn't been with anyone since me really cemented what the girls had said to me, that we were soulmates and if anyone was meant to be together it was us.
I couldn't help but pull him by the back of his neck and kiss the ever-living daylights out of him. While he was so distracted by my assault, I slowly started to slide him in relishing every achingly thick inch of him. Soon we were connected and it felt as if two missing puzzle pieces had finally come together.
I knew he needed a minute by the way he was heavily trying to catch his breath and I was in the same boat having not been stretched like this in a long time. Being connected to him like this, I finally felt like I was home.
They say the home is where the heart is well this lunatic had had a strangle hold on it since day one.
"Fuck Babydoll. It feels like coming home... I've missed you so fucking much."
He mumbled against my breast as he began his slow and steady thrusts. Making sure I felt every inch on the way in. I couldn't help the way my hands ran down his back and grabbed at his ass hungrily, motivating him further in his assault.
"Dean, fuck baby. Please harder." I moaned.
He was all too enthusiastic to pick up the pace and intensity. I instantly felt it in the pit of my stomach starting to build. Between his open-mouthed kisses, he left on any patch of skin he could reach and the power behind his thrusts, I knew I wouldn't last that long. 
He knew as much and commented himself on the matter, "Shit Kitten you keep gripping me like a vice like that I'm not gonna last much longer. Fuck!" His hips stuttered as his dick finally started hammering at my g-stop with pinpoint accuracy. "Where do you want it Babydoll? Come on baby tell me where." He kissed my lips once more. 
"Inside me. Please Dean your Babydoll needs to feel her lunatic." I purred against his mouth. He growled one last time as I screamed his name to the heavens as we came together and he filled me with his hot sticky cum. 
We both laid there desperately trying to catch our breaths. His hands slid up and down all my curves soothing any aches his enthusiasm might have caused, while I combed my fingers through his hair as his head rested on my naked chest, placing a few kisses every now and then right over my heart.
I couldn't help the giggle that left my mouth at the turn of events. In our haste at reuniting once again it completely slipped my mind it was WrestleMania Day and I let him know as such.
"Well no WrestleMania could replace the love we share or memories we just created." He said. 
"Oh, is that right?"
"That's right." He replied kissing me on my nose for emphasis.
"Not even if a certain Kitten was to make her WrestleMania return to help out a certain lunatic fringe. I hear he runs the asylum and I'm quite intrigued to see where they go with each other.”
The laugh that rolled through his body had us both shaking in the bed. But soon the laughter died down and he was looking at me with such admiration and love it nearly brought me to tears all over again.
 "I love you, my feisty little Kitten."
"And I love you, my unstable lunatic fringe." 
A/N: Thank you if you stuck til the very end. Sorry if it was complete trash. I’d love to hear feedback either way. Please and thanks again!! 
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theangelofvengeance · 7 years
If Kimberly Hart from “Power Rangers” was a DLC character in Mortal Kombat X...
Than this is what her interactions with the characters would look like.
vs. Cassie Cage
Kimberly Hart: You must be Special Forces, right? Cassie Cage: Right up in your face. Kimberly Hart: Well, that's a horrible way to trashtalk.
Cassie Cage: Trust us, we got this. Kimberly Hart: I'll let my friends handle your mess instead. Cassie Cage: Will they hand you the bandages you need?
Vs. D'Vorah
Kimberly Hart: You part of Rita's gang? D'Vorah: I do not know anything of this Rita. Kimberly Hart: Guess you won't remember this fight at all.
D'Vorah: Strangest earthrealmer I've ever seen. Kimberly Hart: Strangest mosquito I've ever squashed. D'Vorah: Your words will bring you death!
vs. Ermac
Kimberly Hart: So, I'm fighting against a diseased mummy? Ermac: A mouth worth killing off! Kimberly Hart: It's not my fault you look rotten, buddy.
Ermac: 1,000 souls against yours! Kimberly Hart: Ooooh, I'm scared... Ermac: No... you should be terrified!
vs. Erron Black
Kimberly Hart: Some weird costume party, huh? Erron Black: Your party's over now, sweetheart. Kimberly Hart: I'm here to crash yours, anyway.
Erron Black: Come to daddy, princess. Kimberly Hart: Sorry, I'm already taken. Erron Black: I bet your boyfriend loves you dead.
vs. Goro
Kimberly Hart: Everyone's gonna be mad. Goro: At your utter demise? Kimberly Hart: That I'll get to kick your butt first.
Goro: I refuse to fight a weakling! Kimberly Hart: Ooooh, someone's got mood swings. Goro: Then I'll swing you around then!
vs. Jacqui Briggs
Kimberly Hart: Freaky forearms you got here. Jacqui Briggs: Got more firepower than yours. Kimberly Hart: Go ahead and pull the trigger then.
Jacqui Briggs: The Special Forces are better. Kimberly Hart: Power Rangers all the way! Jacqui Briggs: My fists will prove that wrong.
vs. Jason Lee Scott (Power Rangers DLC)
Kimberly Hart: Feeling trained enough, Jase? Jason Lee Scott: This'll be a piece of cake, Kim. Kimberly Hart: Hope you like eating from a straw.
Jason Lee Scott: I won't go easy on you, Kimberly. Kimberly Hart: I don't expect it to. Jason Lee Scott: I guess the feeling's mutual.
vs. Jax
Kimberly Hart: Kinda strange arms you got there. Jax: They're made of metal, ma'am. Kimberly Hart: Hope they won't mess up my face.
Jax: You another one of those Power Rangers? Kimberly Hart: The one and only, Major Briggs. Jax: I bet they can take huge metal too.
vs. Johnny Cage
Kimberly Hart: Pleasure to be fighting a movie star. Johnny Cage: Thanks. Looking for an autograph? Kimberly Hart: Sure. Sign them on my fist.
Johnny Cage: Cheesy outfit ya got. Kimberly Hart: I'd say the same about your acting. Johnny Cage: Hey, it's top notch and ya know it.
vs. Kano
Kimberly Hart: Laser eye surgery's that way. Kano: You got quite a mouth, bloody harlot. Kimberly Hart: Too soon, huh? Deal with it.
Kano: Quite the cutie you are, missy. Kimberly Hart: Sorry, not interested in creeps. Kano: Betcha like a dagger through your heart.
vs. Kenshi
Kimberly Hart: You hitting pinatas or something? Kenshi: It never stops with the jokes, huh? Kimberly Hart: Huh, never thought I'd go there.
Kenshi: My blade will cut your arrows. Kimberly Hart: Boasting a little too early, huh? Kenshi: I'll make them fact ASAP.
vs. Kimberly Hart
Kimberly Hart (1): Is this a joke? Kimberly Hart (2): You see me laughing? Kimberly Hart (1): I will when this is over.
Kimberly Hart (2): What's the deal, faker? Kimberly Hart (1): You kidding me? I'm the real one! Kimberly Hart (2): Must be some weird dream then.
vs. Kitana
Kimberly Hart: You're the Princess of Edenia, right? Kitana: Why must you know, my dear? Kimberly Hart: Cause you won't after this is over.
Kitana: You're not like any Earthrealmer. Kimberly Hart: Then I'll show you what I do then. Kitana: Well, go ahead and try.
vs. Kotal Kahn
Kimberly Hart: My, how big you are. Kotal Kahn: I'll make you worship me, my dear. Kimberly Hart: Then I'm gonna make you sink.
Kotal Kahn: You have one last chance. Kimberly Hart: To get yourself some breath mints? Kotal Kahn: To survive, of course.
vs. Kung Jin
Kimberly Hart: Ready for some target practice? Kung Jin: I found my target right here. Kimberly Hart: Time for a bulls-eye.
Kung Jin: I'll show you why I'm a good shot. Kimberly Hart: Why do you sound like Adam? Kung Jin: Why does everybody assume that?
vs. Kung Lao
Kimberly Hart: That's one huge hat. Kung Lao: Such one huge mouth. Kimberly Hart: Okay, now that was low.
Kung Lao: You dare fight the White Lotus? Kimberly Hart: If it's a risk I'm willing to take... Kung Lao: Then be prepared to fail.
vs. Liu Kang
Kimberly Hart: Liu Kang is it, I assume? Liu Kang: Yes, why must you ask? Kimberly Hart: You got a very punchable face.
Liu Kang: Is this what you want, young girl? Kimberly Hart: Gotta kill time once in a while. Liu Kang: Don't say I didn't warn you.
vs. Mileena
Kimberly Hart: They let you out of your cage early? Mileena: I shall maul you alive, little girl! Kimberly Hart: Then I better call animal control.
Mileena: Any last words, my lovely? Kimberly Hart: You got a face only dogs could hate. Mileena: Perfect way to put you down!
vs. Quan Chi
Kimberly Hart: You must be Quan Chi. Quan Chi: And you must be my new servant. Kimberly Hart: Okay, now I'm gonna puke.
Quan Chi: You'll be joining your friends soon. Kimberly Hart: In kicking your butt that is! Quan Chi: Such a useless pawn, are you?
vs. Raiden
Kimberly Hart: If it ain't the elder god. Raiden: I won't go easy on you, Miss Hart. Kimberly Hart: I bet you want this hard, huh?
Raiden: Your friends must back away now. Kimberly Hart: And this concerns me so...? Raiden: There are things you can't prepare for.
vs. Reptile
Kimberly Hart: Wow, that's scary. Reptile: You will be scared, my lovely. Kimberly Hart: And you'll be dissected, my frog.
Reptile: You will serve Quan Chi, fool! Kimberly Hart: I'll serve him my arrows well done! Reptile: And I'll kill you from doing so!
vs. Scorpion
Kimberly Hart: Did it just get hot in here? Scorpion: I will show you how hot I am! Kimberly Hart: Well, you're not really all that, you know.
Scorpion: I will bring you hell! Kimberly Hart: Heaven help you if that happens. Scorpion: They won't hear your screams, then!
vs. Shinnok
Kimberly Hart: Ugh, ugly looking makeover, Rita. Shinnok: I find no delight in your humor. Kimberly Hart: And you even sound like a dude.
Shinnok: Your friends will be exterminated! Kimberly Hart: Good thing my hands are repellant! Shinnok: Then I'll repent you first.
vs. Sonya Blade
Kimberly Hart: Aren't you Mrs. Johnny Cage? Sonya Blade: Why does everyone assume that...? Kimberly Hart: A bad time to bring that up, huh?
Sonya Blade: Your friends should step aside. Kimberly Hart: Trust me, we got this handled. Sonya Blade: Then I'll have no choice.
vs. Sub-Zero
Kimberly Hart: Brrrr, did it get cold? Sub Zero: I'll freeze you just to make sure. Kimberly Hart: Time to heat things up, then.
Sub-Zero: You won't survive this. Kimberly Hart: My arrows will say otherwise! Sub-Zero: Such a pitiful mistake.
vs. Takeda
Kimberly Hart: Such a strange-looking whip. Takeda: Came up with it myself. Kimberly Hart: Nice. Gotta get me one of those.
Takeda: Don't wanna hurt a pretty face. Kimberly Hart: Flattery won't get you everywhere. Takeda: I'll get you knocked on your butt.
vs. Tommy Oliver
Tommy Oliver: I don't want to hurt you, Kimberly. Kimberly Hart: Scared that I'll win that easily? Tommy Oliver: You really got me cornered now, huh?
Kimberly Hart: Give me all you got, Tommy! Tommy Oliver: Like flowers and chocolate, Kim? Kimberly Hart: I'd say more like your hospital bill.
vs. Ferra/Torr
Kimberly Hart: Bulk and Skull, it's that you? Ferra/Torr: Ferra/Torr not Bulk and Skull! Kimberly Hart: Well, isn't that a surprise.
Ferra/Torr: Pretty girl! Kimberly Hart: Isn't it way past your bedtime? Ferra/Torr: You go sleep first, pink lady!
What do you think?
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irkallanprince · 6 years
SPORES (Chapter Four)
Fandom: Power Rangers (2017 movie) Rating: T Warnings: Canon typical violence, discussion of sex, FROG MONSTER! Sexual situations (nothing explicit), mild language Relationships: Billy Cranston/Jason Scott; Kimberly Hart/Trini
The spores leave Billy raging at a bar just out of town, so Jason steps in to calm him down.
(read on ao3)
Billy was a bad, bad boy. Normally, even before he got infected by the spores, he did some amusing yet questionable things. There was a reason he knew how to so easily disable Jason’s ankle bracelet. He’d made a convincing fake I.D. a while ago, it’s just that he was always so timid to use it. He was either scared he’d get caught or his too-good conscience got in the way. But now? Now he didn’t care. Now his morals were a little more warped. So it was the perfect time to try it out.
He sat alone at a bar called ‘Fat Willy’s’, nursing his fourth or fifth beer. He’d lost count. All he had to do was show the I.D. for a split second and no questions were asked. This didn’t seem like the type of bar that really cared one way or the other.
It was also the type of bar that strangers weren’t treated too kindly. It was on an old country road somewhere between Angel Grove and Stone Canyon, and its patrons mostly consisted of bikers.
“You don’t look like you belong too much round these parts.” A husky elderly voice came from behind him. Billy turned his head and quirked an eyebrow to the older portly man with a bandana on his head and a gross Z.Z. Top beard. He was flanked on either side by other decidedly white, tattooed men wearing rebel flags on their vests. Who even had rebel flags in California? These guys apparently.
They were clearly trying to intimidate Billy. And normally they might. But this was a different Billy Cranston. This was Billy inebriated and hopped up on monster spores. So he turned on his bar stool, his legs widely stanced as he gave them an unimpressed look.
“I don’t. Your point?” He said, taking a long, slow, almost condescending swig from the beer bottle. The leader was clearly angered by it and doubled down on his intimidating voice.
“You should probably leave before there’re any problems…” He said, staring Billy down. But Billy Cranston could only laugh, finishing off his beer and cocking his head to the side.
“Free country.” He said, staring back with just as much vitriol. The older man nodded his head at his two friends, who moved to flank either side of Billy’s stool. They grabbed his arms and tried to lift, but found that they couldn’t. It was like the boy was made of steel.
“Aww, guys. You guys really shouldn’t touch me. I have a thing about that.” He said. They growled and both swung at him. He dodged easily, still sitting in his stool. One fist connected with the other’s face, while the one getting punched tried making contact with Billy’s only to have it stopped by Billy’s incredibly strong hand. Billy smirked.
* * *
“Oh he’s gonna murder those racist douchebags.” Zack laughed, watching the viewing globe. They’d
finally tracked down Billy’s whereabouts. It had been chaotic this afternoon. Kimberly had teleported in, crazed and crying. She had to be restrained. The boys managed to get her in a cage, but all she could do was scream about the frog. After a while they had calmed her down, but she was still spouting more expletives than they’d ever heard in their lives.
After hearing her story about the night before, Zordon and Alpha were able to cross-reference their system to a species of toad creatures they’d encountered centuries ago on a planet called Sorcery 7. They were carnivores, yes, but they didn’t eat their prey by traditional means. They had an arsenal of natural techniques to lure unfortunate souls in. Their primary tool were spores they shot out of their body, infecting their targets minds and causing them to act reckless and irrationally, making them easier to capture. They stored prey in their mouths until they got to their lair, where they would use natural secretions to plaster them against the wall where they would lay comatose until the time came to feed. Of course they fed in cycles, once every 30 years over the course of a few days. Zordon wasn’t aware that any had made it to this planet, but the fact that there only was one was good news. A couple dozen completely destroyed Sorcery 7.
Long story short, Trini was still alive. And if they wanted to snap Billy and Kimberly out of their crazed behavior they would need to snap the horn off of the toad’s back to create a serum out of it. It would seem getting Billy would be the hard part right now.
“Aye-yi-yi… he’s really giving them hell.” Alpha said in his sarcastic robotic voice, watching almost as entertained as Zack.
“I suppose we could lock on to his signal and teleport him out of there before he hurts anyone too bad?”
“Are you kidding? We may as well just have him shout ‘Oh by the way I’m a Power Ranger’ to the rest of the bar. No I got this.” Jason said, moving over to his podium.
“Input the coordinates for behind the bar. I’ll get him out of there.” Jason nodded. Alpha moved over to the control panel and pressed a few buttons, then gave him a little salute.
A small flash of red light circled his body. The next thing he knew he was landing on a bail of hay behind the old dive bar.
He could hear the commotion from there. Shouting and shattering glass. He ran around front and into the door to see Billy pressing the old guy’s head against the bar, hissing at him.
“What you will do is respect me!” He said. And a fair point was being made. As a person with dignity with a boyfriend of color that he deeply respected, he wanted to watch Billy wipe the floor with him a little more. But as a Power Ranger… he had to take the high road.
“Enough, Billy. Come on. Let’s go.” He said in a commanding tone. Billy turned his head, dropping the man before dusting off his new vest he stole from Colt earlier in the day.
“But I’m just starting to have fun, Jase. You want me to have fun, don’t you?” Billy said in the most confident, cocksure voice he’d ever heard come out of his mouth. Jason sighed, placing his hands on his hips and tapping his foot against the ground.
“I want you to have fun, just not… like this, okay?”
“Then how? Certainly not by fucking me. Am I not attractive to you no more, Jase?” Billy said defiantly. Jason pursed his lips, watching the rednecks and townies gasp, unsure what to do with the situation.
“Can we not do this here? We can talk at home.” Jason said, nodding toward the door. That’s when Billy got angry.
“No! FUCK YOU JASON!” He shouted angrily, tossing a bottle at his head which was quickly dodged.
“Or rather don’t fuck you because I was READY AND WILLING AND YOU SAID NO! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR ME TO BE THAT COMFORTABLE?!” Billy shouted once more. It was as if the spores were just inciting him to say just… whatever was on his mind. Jason was… flummoxed? Embarrassed? His face was turning as red as his ranger color. He nodded and walked toward him, grabbing his arm.
“Okay, come on Romeo, we’ll talk in the ca--” He started, but suddenly his arm was twisted behind his back.
“Bill, you don’t wanna do this.” He said. Billy just smirked.
“Do I?” He said almost flirtatious before tossing him forward. Suddenly Billy was launching an attack toward him, swinging his fists wildly. Again, fighting like some low level street punk. Jason was able to dodge each punch, and when Billy launched a kick at his chest, he caught it with his hands.
“Billy! Stop!” He yelled. Billy just smirked and used the leg Jason held to help propel his other leg forward and kicked him across the jaw. Jason flew back as Billy cracked his own neck from side to side.
“You think I don’t know?! That all you other guys think I’m just some doe-eyed innocent child?! You don’t need to handle me with kids gloves! I’M GROWN!” He said, kicking him in the gut. He flew through the front door into the parking lot. Jason coughed a bit, looking up. Dammit. Still people watching. This would be easier if they weren’t. Alpha could port them both out. No such luck.
“Billy, we don’t… we don’t think that.” He said, moving to his feet. Billy snapped the top off of a table and flung it out the door like a frisbee toward him, to which he ducked under, hearing it lodge itself into the car behind him. Okay. Billy was causing more than a scene now. People were gonna question just how strong he really was.
“You laugh at my voice! You get irritated when I have to rearrange everything on my desk when you know I can’t concentrate if I don’t!” He said, running out, tossing a punch at him and getting his fist lodged in a truck door when Jason sidestepped it.
“And why won’t you FUCK me?!”
Jason was pinned between him and the truck, his boyfriend’s fist stuck in the metal lining. He just reacted, shaking his head.
“I’M A VIRGIN, OKAY?!” Jason shouted. He wasn’t sure why he was even defending himself. Billy was the one that would panic and talk about homework. Everyone just assumed that Jason was some big bad lothario, that he’d had ALL the sex. But honestly, he never really made time for it with football. And now being a ranger. Made out a few times before Billy, yeah but… never all the way. Still, that revelation made Billy pause, looking at him confused for a moment. He then looked at his fist that was rammed in the metal siding of a truck and hissed to himself.
“Ouch.” He said. He looked at Jason almost apologetically.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I was angry and then… I just saw… I don’t know what I saw. I just wanted to break stuff.”
“It’s okay, Billy.” He said with a smile. Then he carefully helped him remove his hand, which was bloody and cut up. Everyone was still watching from the bar. Jason just smiled and waved, unsure of what else to do.
“Uh… all good, folks! We’re leaving! Sorry! We uh… won’t come back! Promise!” He said, waving them off before ushering Billy beyond the treeline so they could teleport back to the command center.
0 notes
I see your annabeth in tartarus alone and I raise you jason and percy in tartarus. Idk why those two would be but like imagine percy and jason both unleashing. The power. We saw potential dark percy but like jason could easily manipulate the air in the bodies cells. The nervous system has electricity in it (I think I dropped pe health biology oops) so like your whole system is fucked so yeah jason and percy just going full psycho almost ahhhh. Bruhif some1 wrote smthng like this I might cry
ANON, HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME FEEL THINGS??? Anyway obviously I had to write a lil something something because oooooo I love our boyyysss and I loovvveee it even more when our boys go dark so here have it!
Here’s the post referred to in the ask
Here’s the picture below
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Jason Grace grinned flinging a hand out to wrap around a lean, corded arm.
"Thought you weren't gonna catch me for a sec Grace,"
"The only falling you're doing is for me Jackson,"
Percy laughed, eyes twinkling with mischief, "Save it for after we're out of this hellhole... literally."
"Oh I plan to," Jason purred.
They slammed into the ashen floor, dust and debris crunching under their feet.
"Just have to make it past this river and we're home free." Dark eyebrows creased in determination.
"I have never been so excited to get into a body of water before." The blonde shuddered.
"Hopefully I have enough strength to keep it from touching us," Percy's voice cracked.
Jason grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers and squeezing softly. "We have gotten this far Pers, we will make it through. Together."
"Yea I know, I know," The half-blood shook his head, returning the reassuring squeeze.
Without letting go the two walked towards the Archeron. This crossing would be the hardest by far. The one that could end them. The river called to the miserable and who could be more miserable than two demigods who have fought their whole lives to stay alive and know they will fight even after this. The River of Woe. It was fitting that it'd be the last stop in this hellscape.
"Hello ssssweeetheartsss," A hissing started from behind them.
The demigods stiffened, clasped hands as white as sheets. Slowly they turned around, swords swinging aimlessly.
"Well well well I was starting to wonder when the dogs would bark," Percy smirked.
"Shut it ssssson of Poseidon," The thing spat.
"Hey that's no way to talk to people. Didn't your mother raise you to have some manners?" Jason chided, a gleam in his eyes.
"It will be ssssweet to kill you,"
"It'll be sweeter if you shut up," Percy snapped.
The thing smiled and it looked like dying. But what all these monsters failed to understand is that the half-bloods they faced did not fear death. The Son or Poseidon and the Child of Greece embraced it like an old friend, like a warm hug. They watched death smile and grinned back.
"Jase, I've been meaning to ask you," Percy mused, twirling his sword in his hand, "Have you figured out how to manipulate the electricity that controls our nervous system?"
Jason's eyes glittered, "Oh yea, I actually figured it out a couple of hours ago. Your blood-bending really had me thinking,"
The creature, with its serpent tail and fanged mouth, its ugly leathery wings and uneven scaled skin, glanced between them. Without warning it struck that spiked tail into Percy's side.
With a resounding clang the poisoned end bounced back, and slammed into the ground. The demigod looked up from where his now dented sword had been covering his side, green eyes glowing.
"That wasn't very nice,"
The monster let out a vile screech and pounced. Jason had a split second to bring his sword over his head before the rugged underside of this thing fell over him.
Before it could claw at the through skin and bone, the blonde was rolling onto his feet and slicing his sword into a charcoal wing. He could see Percy sawing at the other side and couldn't help the smile that graced his features. Percy's hair was curly and wild, his sea green eyes so bright they were luminescent, and the muscles in his torn shirt sleeve rippled as he worked through the wing.
The monster beneath their blades shrieked and thrashed but before long its wings were twitching on the floor. But with the pinion sliced off the demigods didn't have anything to keep it down so they were both unprepared when it swiped its tail across their legs, slamming their bodies into the ground.
With a groan Percy rolled over, "Fuck that hurt,"
"The next time I wanted us to be on our backs it involved much more fun activities than this," Jason growled.
Before either of them could get up, the heavy weight of cold, bony feet pressed them into the dirt.
"Not sssssoooo arrogant now," It cackled.
"Do you ever stop talking?" The black-haired boy sighed.
The creature hissed, claws protruding to rip out their throats, "I will kill you Percy Jac—"
It froze, eyes wide, claws stiff, sides leaking some variation of tar.
"If you ever," Jason’s voice was low, seductive with the promise of malice, "Ever threaten him again I will slaughter you so violently you will not even be remembered by history. I will scatter you so far the world will have to fold in on itself to put you back together. This is a warning."
And with that the monster contorted, limbs bending at awkward angles. It gave a disgusting shuddered, twitching and shaking, before falling to the floor and crumbling to dust.
"Damn Grace, is it weird that I am horribly turned on right now?" Percy threw a heartbreaking smile his way.
"You are such a freak, let's get out of here so I can explore it," Jason returned the smile.
"I'm holding you to that Lightning-Boi"
"Just get your ass over here so I can hold you." His voice was shaky as he held his hand out for Percy.
"Hey," The Son of Poseidon frowned, brushing golden hair back softly, "Hey, it’s okay. I'm here. I'm safe. You'd never let anything happen to me."
The blonde put a hand to his chest, feeling the steady heartbeat underneath.
"You aren't allowed to die on me. I will hunt you down and kill you again." His words were rough, stern, but the softness in his eyes melted Percy to the core.
"Only if you can promise me the same,"
The Son of Jupiter nodded, letting his forehead drop to rest against Percy's.
"Ready to cross the River of Misery?"
"One step closer," The black-haired boy sighed.
And with a final brush against a golden cheek, they intertwined their hands once more and stepped into the river that would take them home.
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