#I am not giving up on the superior holiday now
trashwizzard · 11 months
Happy October 32nd everyone 🎃🍂💀
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
I got more Vampire!Princess thots if you’re still obsessed with Conquerer!Ghost like I am. Conquerer!Ghost celebrating the now almost uncelebrated Vampire holidays by railing his Princess all day within full public eye. Mocking and degrading her on days that she used to look forward to so much. And on werewolf holidays, he lets everyone see just how well their former princess takes Soap’s knot. - 🕸
not so big on vampire public sex but DEFINITELY big on werewolf public sex
this got way longer than i meant it to be lmao. cw for public sex and humiliation below the cut!
in a paranormal conqueror ghost au, i think the only vampires in the kingdom are the princess and her family. so they would've celebrated vampire holidays nationwide, but once her parents are gone and the kingdom is under human rule, no more vampire celebrations.
but ghost is a generous leader, he sees no issue with letting princess celebrate her silly little holidays <3 as long as she doesn't expect non-vampires to, of course. he might even let johnny join in! and of course she has no choice, she has to let both ghost and soap into her little celebrations.
and she hates when he does that, because her holidays are meant to be celebrated with coven. johnny has always been part of her coven, but he's drifting further and further away every day, so her vampire instincts are a little uncomfortable with him there too. she can't comfortably celebrate with them around, and ghost knows it
he's a dick about it too. he's doesn't understand why she's so angry - he could ban her for celebrating completely, you know. wouldn't be difficult, he's already got the who castle in the palm of his hand. and johnny gets kinda sad because she's very clearly not as happy as usual to have him there with her :( he wants to celebrate too!!! he's been celebrating these things with her since they were both little, why is she cold shouldering him?
(for the humiliation - princess misses a meeting and ghost just laughs a little condescendingly, tells the whole room she's having a little celebration for herself, makes it sound as pathetic as he can)
now werewolf holidays... i can see some public sex for that
it's the oldest trope in the werewolf book, but i like the idea that werewolves are trough around the edges, a little animalistic even in their human skins. their celebrations are filled with messy food & public sex
i also like the idea that johnny was one of the only werewolves in the kingdom pre-ghost, but that ghost brought a whole army of them with him. part of the reason johnny connects with ghost is because he gives him this entire culture he's missed out on his whole life
so when the first big werewolf holidays occurs (lunar eclipse maybe) johnny could not be more excited for princess to celebrate with him. she and ghost are both there because they're the rulers (ghost makes sure to rub in the fact that everyone is allowed to celebrate with wolves while no one is allowed to celebrate with vampires).
johnny knows what to expect because the other werewolves have been telling him everything he'll need to know, but princess didn't learn a thing before hand :/ she probably thought it would just be a lot of drinking and eating, certainly not the veritable orgy it ends up being
johnny isn't allowed to fuck princess first. no, that's ghost. in fact, she's the first one to get fucked all night. no one eats before the king, and no one fucks before him either. so he drags her up to a little pedestal, bends her over, and makes her stare out over the cheering crowd as he hammers into her cunt over and over again :/ johnny's right there cheering along with everyone, just barely holding himself back from lunging forward to lick away her tears as they start to drip down her face
the werewolves aren't jeering the princess. to them, ghost is just demonstrating his power over her, his dominance, but also their connection. they would view the princess as a superior and someone to be respected - to them, her fucking is a sort of "power in submission" thing. but to her, she feels violated and humiliated. to her, this is a crowd of animals cheering on her destruction, laughing when she cries.
johnny gets to fuck her next because he's her personal guard & head of the military or smth like that. everyone else starts to disperse into their own revelry, but johnny climbs right up behind ghost and fucks her swollen cunt. he's mean about it, caught up in the celebration and maybe a little bit of moon magic. he bullies his cock into her, growling and snarling, biting through the skin of her shoulders and licking up the blood, squeezing her hips so tight she worries he's grinding her bones against one another
and he takes her over and over and over and over again. it's nonstop. and he never quite bothers to change position - she stays bent over for him, and they fuck in the dirt like animals. he manages to calm down a bit every time his knot gets locked into her, manages to accept some praise and food from ghost's hands (ghost tries to hand-feed you but you ignore him, refuse to take anything from the man who's humiliated you)
johnny doesn't understand why you're so mad in the days after :( you refuse to be seen by any of the soldiers, holing yourself up in your chambers (ghost's chambers) to hide. he doesn't get it, why are you so embarrassed??? the wolves all respect and like you more now after your public claiming, and they really respect johnny more, but you just don't believe that. you're convinced that johnny is lying to you in some sort of cruel ploy to humiliate you again
ghost forces you out eventually, and he can't help but laugh when your shame is painted clearly on your face, even though no one bats an eye at your presence or even hints at the night in the woods
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usmsgutterson · 10 months
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All right! It is that time of year again and, as some who typically thrives in the fall and winter months, it is absolutely, a thousand percent, time for me to become even more insufferable than I was in September when the fall event released!! yay!!
As with last year and because I love myself a good seasonal/holiday queue, I am also doing the five days of christmas queue again! I'm not doing it how I did it last year in that it was both requests and my own work--that is partly because I dont want to make a separate event post for it--this year and probably going forward, it'll just be fics themed around Christmas that come from me and aren't requests.
Fandoms to whom this event are open are as follows: six of crows, shadow and bone, peaky blinders (tommy and alfie only) shatter me (aaron and kenji only) and free rein (pin only because I miss writing for him anyway)
Requests will be open until the 30th of december. Any request I get after NYE or New Years Day will be deleted.
the event is below the cut as this has clogged up peoples dashes enough already lol
NOW PLAYING: peace by taylor swift
the devils in the details but you've got a friend in me - age old friendships between people who can go months without talking to one another and pick up right where they left off--think platonic strong bonds and relationships that have lasted too many years to count. Give me a character, a gender pref for the reader, and a holiday activity that you want me to write strong-bonded characters (be it friends who've been friends for a decade or a couple who has been in a relationship just as long) doing and I'll write 1-5k words for it. Think good vibes, snowy weather, and hot chocolate + christmas decorating--I will write just about any holiday activity for this prompt and I promise I'll have a blast
you and me forevermore - anniversaries! One year, five years, ten years, you name it! I personally think that winter is the superior season to start a relationship in so I will write anniversary celebrations set in the winter months and all you need to do is give me a character, a gender pref for the reader, and any other specifics you'd like to add!
NOW PLAYING: have yourself a merry little christmas as covered by phoebe bridgers
have yourself a merry little christmas - PROMPTS!! I wrote out holiday prompts for the season and this is my excuse to use them. Send in any combination of prompts you want--you can send me a prompt from this list with a prompt from any of the other ones, just tell me what list you're using and I'll write it!
if we make it through december we'll be fine - long fics! Give me as many details as you want--in this instance I would very much prefer specificity over vagueness so do not spare a single one--a gender pref for the reader, and I'll write what you give me! Anything goes for this. Prompts, scenarios, anything! Any genre, though when I think of this I think angst because it is very easy to write longer angst fics for me. These fics will be anywhere from 4-8k words in length and all of their necessary details are completely up to you.
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deanwanddamons · 2 years
Undercover - Chapter One
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Summary: Homicide Detective Dean Winchester and Detective Y/F/N Y/L/N go undercover to solve a spate of murders. 
Universe: Detective AU
Pairing: None (yet) 
Chapter Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Dark subject matter. Angst.
A/N 1: As always thank you to my beta @winchest09, who helped me with the idea for this story. You are my cheerleader, my bestie and my constant support. I love you. A/N 2: As you may or may not know, I haven’t written anything in an absolute age. I have been struggling with writer's block and life has simply got in the way. But…I started this series a long time ago and a few chapters were just sitting in my docs. So I thought I would post the prologue in the hope that you guys enjoy it, want to read more and it may give me the inspiration to continue with it. I’m happy to say, most of you seemed to enjoy it so here is Chapter One. Please let me know what you think - comment and reblog if possible ❤️ Tag list is open if you wish to be added.
My Masterlist
Undercover Masterlist
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3 weeks before Prologue 
Dean walked through the winding streets of Pasadena, Los Angeles, making his way towards the precinct where he would now be working. 
After spending a week in the hospital after ‘the incident’, he had been ordered by his Captain, Rufus Turner, to take some time off work to recuperate from his ordeal. Dean wasn’t happy with this command, and had been very resistant to agree. The police force was his life, and the idea of just sitting at home doing nothing was alien to him. But he knew that Rufus was not the kind of man you could argue with. 
Rufus had been his chief for several years, and Dean knew that he wouldn't back down once he had made up his mind. He had tried to reason with him, explaining the importance of his job as a police officer, but Rufus had already made up his mind.
"Look, I know how you feel," the older man had said, his tone firm. "But you need to take some time off. You've been working non-stop for months. You need to recharge your batteries, spend some time with your family, and just relax."
Dean knew that his Captain was right. He had been putting in long hours, working weekends and holidays, and neglecting his personal life. He had missed important family events, and he could feel the strain on his relationships.
"I understand, sir," he said, trying to keep his voice calm. "But what am I supposed to do? I can't just sit at home and do nothing."
Rufus smiled. "I'm not asking you to do that. There are plenty of things you can do. You can take a vacation, travel, catch up on some reading, or do something you've always wanted to do but never had time for. The point is to take a break, clear your head, and come back refreshed."
The officer nodded, silently acknowledging the wisdom in the words he had just heard. He knew he needed a break, and he also knew that his Captain had his best interests at heart. He would take some time off, reconnect with his family, and come back ready to serve and protect.
"Thank you, sir," he said, standing up. "I appreciate your concern, and I'll take your advice."
Rufus nodded, pleased. "Good. Now, go enjoy yourself. That's an order."
When he eventually returned to work, the idea of being given a new identity and to move away from Lawrence, Kansas had been posed to him. He had been furious, but had eventually agreed when he realised if he didn’t, his life could be in danger. 
It was going to be strange. A new day, a new station and a new name. 
He pulled the badge from his pocket, the one that was mailed to him by his new superior Captain Bobby Singer. 
Detective Jon Elliot. 
Dean huffed a laugh. He recognised the mixture of names that had been chosen. Jon Bon Jovi and Joe Elliott. He was impressed. Even though he didn’t think he looked anything like a ‘Jon’, the name was something he was going to have to get used to. His life, and many others, were at stake.
Opening the heavy doors of the police station, he walked over to the desk officer. 
“Detective Elliot to see Captain Singer,” he announced. The deputy nodded and picked up the phone. Dean turned around, noticing a few chairs to his left and sat down. 
He looked around the reception area. It was full of people, coming and going, and was much bigger than the station he had worked in back in Lawrence. It consisted of a large communal area with around twenty desks and three offices. One that belonged to him and his partner Benny, one that had belonged to Captain Turner and one that had been used as a store room. There had been very little crime in the area he had originally worked in. 
That was until Michael had come to town. 
He shook the memory from his head, determined to not let himself be distracted today. 
“Detective Elliott?” A burly, thick set, bearded man in his late 50’s was walking towards him, his hand outstretched. 
“Captain Singer.” Dean stood and shook the man's hand. 
“Please. Call me Bobby. There’s no formality here,” he said “Come with me if you will,” he continued, gesturing to a corridor on his left. 
Dean nodded, and side by side the men walked quietly towards an open door. 
Entering the spacious office, Bobby closed the door behind him as Dean took a seat by the large, oak desk. Taking a moment to look around the room, the Detective took a deep breath as he tried to get himself accustomed to the new surroundings. Photo frames filled with smiling faces adorned the wooden space in front of him. He could only assume that it was the family of the older man who he would be reporting into. 
"Dean, I was sorry to hear about Benny," the Captain started, taking his place in his plush office chair opposite him before he steepled his fingers. "Terrible situation."
“Thank you,” Dean acquiesced, taking in the grim expression on Bobby’s grizzled features. He appreciated the concern, but was hoping that he wouldn’t be expected to go into too much detail. He wasn’t sure he felt quite ready enough to discuss what happened in depth with a stranger, even if he did mean well. 
“Losing one of our own is always a deep blow,” the elder man continued, “And for it to be your partner while you were on a case must make it even harder to bear. I have lost a few colleagues…” Bobby’s words trailed off as he realised Dean was fidgeting in his seat, loosening his tie with his right hand, the fingers of his left hand drumming against the wooden arm of the chair. 
“Anyway, I digress,” he went on, mentally kicking himself for making the new Detective feel uncomfortable, “I’m sure you’ll fit right in here. I trust your new accommodation is to your liking?” 
Dean was happy that the subject had been changed. As Bobby had been speaking, he could feel his heart rate begin to raise, his palms getting sweaty. He wondered briefly if the Captain had noticed, and that was why he had stopped talking. If that was the case, Dean knew he needed to get himself in check. He could not perform his duties correctly if he couldn’t bring himself to talk about Benny. Even though no one else in the precinct knew his real identity except his superiors, it was enough that Bobby asking him questions had made him react this way for him to realise he may need to take the force up on the offer of a therapist. 
“Yes, yes thank you Sir. It’s very nice,” Dean lied. The small apartment he had been supplied was in a rough part of town, above a liquor store, but he was grateful for the relative safety the tiny rooms afforded him. 
“Okay so,” his new Captain went on, “I’ll introduce you to the team, using your assumed name of course. They’re a good bunch. A few mavericks that need to be reigned in now and again, but besides that, they behave themselves most of the time.” 
Raising from his seat, Bobby buttoned his jacket as he walked past Dean towards the door. He opened it and gestured for the younger man to exit the stuffy office. 
He was led through a corridor into a bustling investigation room. Numerous staff were typing away on keyboards, the clack of their fingers creating a cacophony of different rhythms. Desk phones were ringing loudly, most of them being ignored. A large white board containing photographs of suspects in the particular case they were currently investigating stood at the front of the room, words written in different colours of magic marker, some circled, some underlined filling in the gaps between images. 
Dean followed his superior as he moved between the desks, the occupants standing up as the Captain passed, nodding at him briefly before taking their seats again and getting on with whatever work they had been doing. Some of them glanced at Dean as he walked closely behind, others ignored his presence. 
It was clear that Bobby ran a tight ship and was well respected by his subordinates. The fact that they stood up when he approached their work station was a surprise to Dean, as this was not something anyone did for Rufus back in Lawrence, but he made a mental note to remember this in future. 
The duo had reached the desk of an attractive blonde police woman. Her face was open and pleasant, a bright smile on her lips. She rose to her feet, as Bobby introduced her. 
“Detective Donna Hanscum, this is Detective Jon Elliott.” 
“Pleased to meet ya,” she said, holding her hand out. Dean shook it, warming to her friendly demeanour straight away. 
“I’ll leave you in Donna’s capable hands,” the Captain told him, “come by my office before you leave for the evening.” 
As Bobby turned away, Donna pulled a chair out and patted it. “Take a seat.” 
“Coffee?” she offered, her eyes moving towards a vending machine in the corner of the room. “It’s not gourmet, but it does the job.” 
Dean was relieved. He was desperate for some caffeine. “Please. Black, no sugar.” 
“You betcha.” 
As Donna prepared the beverage, Dean took in more of his surroundings. The staff were a mixture of uniformed and plain clothes officers, male and female, young and old. Some were busy on their desktops, others were leaning back in their seats, cellphones to their ears. Food was being consumed at work stations, papers were being shuffled, names were being yelled. 
It was so different to what Dean was used to, but he liked it. It distracted the tumultuous thoughts that haunted him, even in his waking hours. 
Donna, returning to her desk, brought him out of his reverie. He took the plastic cup gratefully and gingerly sipped the tepid liquid. She was right. It was far from gourmet, muddy tasting and luke warm, but it provided the caffeine hit he really needed right now. 
“Nasty right?” Donna chuckled, obviously noticing Dean’s disdainful expression. 
“It’s fine,” he smirked, placing the cup down.
“So, Jon,” Donna said, turning her body towards him, “What brings you here?”
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Chapter Two
Tags - @salt-n-burn-em-all / @littlelonewolfgirl/ @krazykelly/ @deans-spinster-witch / @lastcallatrockysbar / @ssimelttilgniht / @123passwort / @winchester-girl67 / @winchestergirl2 / @americasass81 / @jessjad / @akshi8278 / @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior / @waywardbaby / @deanwinchesterswitch / @440mxs-wife / @globetrotter28 / @sexyvixen7 / @hobby27 / @djs8891 / @kickingitwithkirk/ @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden / @kyjey / @lindalouh / @solariklees/ @trektraveler
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
2023 Leo Cross-Quarter Day
Tuesday, August 8, 00:23 UT Chart erected for Washington, DC
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The Sun is at precisely 15° Leo, astrologically halfway between the Cancer Solstice and the Libra Equinox.
So much Leo-Taurus tension. The Sun and Venus Rx are getting closer to each other, with their inferior conjunction coming up on August 13. This makes us warm, loving, and playful, but also prone to vanity and frivolousness. We can get angry when the other person doesn’t play along with our romantic intentions; creatively, we can be rampaging little prima donnas. We can also be a little too performative - and when we aren’t being genuine, it turns other people off.
The bunch in Taurus - Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus - can be just as convinced of their own superiority (if not as flashy in expression as Leo). They’re pushing us to back up our vanity etc. with something substantial.
Note that the Sun is exactly square Jupiter, and Venus is exactly square Uranus! The former can make us confident leaders, but it can also make us pompous and lazy. The lattter can give excitement in the love and creative lives, but it doesn’t promise anything lasting (even though it’s in fixed signs).
If you’re in the southern hemisphere, this is Imbolc (aka Brigid, Candlemas) - time to gather and mobilize the resources you need to accomplish your goals. It looks like working on developing traits or accomplishments to help you become a better version of yourself.
Up here in the northern hemisphere, it’s Lughsnasad (aka Lammas) - the beginnings of the harvest. What we started back at Yule is now coming to fruition. (The lunar phase in this chart, Disseminating, reflects this.) Kind of like election night on TV, announcing “early results are in.” What have you learned? Can you share that with other people, to teach or commiserate or assist?
In her book Circle Round, Starhawk writes about Lughsnasad as a time to honor teachers and coaches - anyone who helps guide children. In the US, it’s “back to school” time, and a worthy commemoration of this holiday might be donating to a “school supplies for kids” charity.
For me, who loathes hot weather, this is a treasured time. Right after the Fourth of July, I start straining my ears, each night, for the first crickets - a definite harbinger of approaching autumn. The shadows are suddenly much darker, too - although the older I get, the less able I am, to see this phenomenon.
But the best part is (always) the FOOD. Corn on the cob, blueberries, peaches, tomatoes, canteloupe - I am usually very broke in August, but I always try to get ahold of some of those five August treats, to celebrate.
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bubbleecloud · 2 years
Hello! I'm here with my squealing Santa fic for @absolute-lee-12! This was a blast to write, I hope you enjoy!! Happy holidays 🌟
Stay humble
Fluffy bird! Could be either platonic or romantic!
Lee!Duck Ler!Red
~He means well, really he does. But sometimes our little feathered friend can get a little too cocky for his own good. Luckily Red knows just the thing to knock him down a few pegs~
"What are you doing? "
Red fought back an irritated sigh as he heard a familiar, rather loud voice emerge from behind him. He turned around and, as expected, he saw the delightful ray of sunshine that was his good ol' duck friend standing in the kitchen doorway. He had a rather disapproving look on his face as he observed what Red was doing at the kitchen sink.
"Well I'm just- doing the dishes-" He was cut off as Duck marched over to where he stood and shoo'd him out of the way. "Well, your doing it wrong. The plates should be stacked in colour order, not just thrown around in shambles! " With an arrogant little scoff, he began to pull the dishes out of their cabinet to sort them. Red didn't really much mind, he didn't give a monkeys uncle how the dishes were "ordered." If Duck wanted to do the chore for him, why not let him have his way.
Oh, sorry. I didn't realize-"
"No, no, it's my fault. As the man of the house, it's my job to make sure things get done right. I don't want the house to fall to ruins because of you two ruffians. I should have been paying more attention. "
Wooo. Breathe Red, breathe. Don't let it get to you so early in the morning, just let it go. Duck was always like this, anyway.
"Now, why don't you go start the television? I need to fix this mess-"
"Right. That's it, then. "
Red could not, as it seemed, just let it go. Before Duck had the chance to question what he meant, Red had wrapped his arms around him and lifted him into the air. Due to his small size, this was extremely easy for him. Although, Duck's instant thrashing and screaming did make it a tad bit challenging.
Not at all deterred by ducks threats in the slightest, Red started towards their living room, narrowly dodging a feathery fist aimed towards his head. "Throwing a tantrum isn't really the best way to go about this, at this point. " His voice was completely flat as he brought Duck to the couch and dropped him there.
"EXCUSE ME?! I am not throwing a-!"
He cut himself off with a rather undignified squawk as Red shot out a hand and squeezed the others side lightly. The glare Duck shot him would have sent any sane person running for the hills, but oh no, not red. He just stared right back. "You won't do this! I forbid you to touch me! I have a very good lawyer! "
"Yea yea, we all know your all talk. Bout time someone's shut you up. " Red retorted, and this time used both hands to start squeezing and scribbling at his ribs in quite the effective way. The reaction was immediate.
Red only let out a low hum in response as he drilled his thumbs into the birds topmost ribs, fighting back a laugh at his Indignant shriek, keeping his voice monotone. "Yea, see, I don't know about that. I don't think you've learned your lesson quite yet. " There was a... Almost teasy quality to his voice. Duck growled through his laughter, although it wasn't very intimidating.
Red made a clicking noise with his tounge and shook his head down at the thrashing figure beneath him. "Still being like that, then? Suit yourself. " He brought his wriggling fingers down his sides and to his hip bones, where he simply rested them there in threat. "Are you going to keep being a sourpuss? Or do you wanna lighten up for a change? "
Duck crossed his arms and glared at him, albeit he looked a bit.... ruffled, now. Maybe perhaps a bit nervous. But, alas, he persisted. "I will not change my superior system of running this household at the mercy of your silly children's games. And that is final." He met reds eyes with a smug look, and red..... chuckled.
"Right, I see. Almost like you want this. Your funeral, I suppose. "
And thus, he dug in. He drilled his thumbs deep into Ducks hip bones and used his remaining fingers to scratch at his lower back. It was a killer combination that was bound to make our stubborn feathery friend crumble!
"You give? "
"Okey dokey, then. "
This went on for a little longer, with ducks protests waning and his resolve slowly getting weaker. Perhaps it wouldn't kill him to, ah, be a bit more agreeable for a day at least.
Triumphantly, Red had mercy and crossed his arms. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it? " Duck took a couple deep breaths and shot him a half-hearted dirty look. "Ah, whatever. I'll get you for that later." But the mean look desolved entirely as he saw Reds outstretched hand in his line of vision. With a Huff, he took it, and Red pulled him to his feet. "Sure. Now, why don't we go do those, dishes. As a team. We can get it done faster that way. " His tone was- quite friendly. Duck raised and eyebrow and, just for a moment, a hint of a smile flashed on his beak.
"Yea... Yea, alright. "
So, yea, maybe Duck could be a hardhead. But at the end of the day, they were a family, weren't they? Yes, they we're. Just the three of them.
And really, was there anything a little laughter couldn't fix?
WOOOOOOO IT'S DONE! My @squealing-santa fic has arrived! I hope you enjoy!!
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cotecoyotegrrrl · 9 months
Once Upon A Time - Still Kind Of Beautiful
Not exactly a holiday story
Sorry it's taken me so long to post the last chapter, work has been exploding getting ready for winter break and the end of the year.
You can find of this story in its entirety on A03 and FF
Part 4 
She hadn’t meant to do it. Not any of it. Not at all. But seeing Gail so close last night, actually touching her, holding her if even for just one moment opened a door Holly couldn’t seem to close. She knew that it was stupid, unscientific, impulsive, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. Gail Peck felt like home.
An endless amount of teasing had already begun yesterday when her sister discovered she had made a date with Traci at the Penny to meet Gail’s daughter that night. Holly had tried to brush it off as taking a professional interest in a young woman who was important to Traci, and wanted to join her field of expertise. But her sister wasn’t fooled.
“Oh my God Holly! Just stop stalking her and talk with her already!” Laurel commented, with a superior smirk, when Holly told her where she were going last night, “What is this, Junior High School?!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not stalking Gail! I’m meeting her daughter Sophie, Traci’s niece, to talk about her first year of pre-med at McGill!” Holly tried to sound indignant, even though she knew Laurel was right.
“Then why do you know exactly who and what I’m talking about when I haven’t even mentioned her name?” Laurel continued, raising one pointed eyebrow.
She was busted!
“Oh look! You’re blushing! That’s so cute!” Laurel laughed right in her face as the room suddenly became unbearably hot.
“I am not!” Holly sulked.
Later that night she was hoping her sister would be asleep when she got home, but no such luck. Laurel fixed her with a knowing stare when she “had that look in her eye” as she came in the door.
“You saw her, didn’t you.”
Holly shrugged, adjusting her glasses, smiling dreamily, not wanting to tell her sister she had actually hugged Gail this time.
“Seriously Holly, when are you going to stop pining away, and either ask Gail for another chance, or get over her? It’s only been ten years of this stupidity!” Laurel continued.
“I’m not pining away! And I have had other relationships, Ms. Smartypants!” Holly protested weakly.
“Whatever you say Holly. Then why do you always find an excuse to ditch perfectly nice women after no more than six months together? And why is it, on any given day, I could ask you what Gail has been up to, and you would know, and be able to give me a detailed answer?” Laurel needled her with a wry expression.
Holly sighed and declined to answer, concluding that it was probably best to say nothing in response. Her sister had, of course, been right. She always, annoyingly, was.
Gail still smelled the same, like sandalwood, and baking cookies, and coffee. It was intoxicating! Holly had almost forgotten, until last night. And now it’s all she could think about. It had driven her into the car with a weak excuse about checking out the new facilities at the morgue, only to find herself here, at Gail’s door. Like a woman possessed, climbing the front stairs, ringing the bell, feeling foolish, hoping no one is home, and praying that Gail is here all at once, Holly feels so out of control. When the door opens, the sight of Gail wearing her old blue hoodie, the one she left at Gail’s place a decade ago makes Holly’s heart skip a beat. It makes her ramble, and stutter, and stumble. As Gail catches her reflexively to stop her from completely falling, she can feel Gail’s arms tighten around her waist, pulling her closer than necessary. She can feel Gail’s heart beating right through her sweater. Looking up into those clear blue eyes, Holly knew she was a goner. She hadn’t meant to do it, but Gail’s lips are like a magnet, drawing her in.
The kiss is hungry, starving really, as she buries her hands in Gail’s hair and her tongue in Gail’s mouth. She hears the front door slam behind them, as Gail moans and sighs into her. Her knees begin to buckle at the sound. And just like that, Gail’s body is slamming her up against the nearest wall. She came here to talk, to try to catch Gail alone, to see if they could find a way to start over, or at least be friends, and yet somehow, they ended up like this. Maybe this is how they are meant to communicate, she thinks fleetingly, like a lightning strike in a forest, burning off the old to allow for new growth. It takes her back to interrogation rooms, and bathtubs, and her old office at the morgue, not that she’s complaining. Not when every cell in her body is on fire and rejoicing in the same way she is sure a wilting plant reacts to water. She can feel herself breaking, years of regret, and disappointment, and holding herself back, come crashing down at their feet, and pouring out from beneath her closed eyelids as Gail’s fingers slide inside her sweater and her coat, pushing them to the floor with a soft thud, without breaking the kiss. Salty, bittersweet tears flow onto Holly’s mouth changing the taste of Gail’s tongue from want to need, as she realizes with a gasp that Gail is weeping too. Cool, soft hands slide up her back, under her shirt, pulling her closer still, leaving a trail of fire on her skin. They are melting together, gasping, and shaking and clutching desperately at each other. Smoldering brown eyes open to lock with the blue grey storm that pierces her very soul. In this moment there is only them, there is only this.
“Oh my God… MOTHER!” The anguished cry rings out behind them, as the front door slams open breaking the spell.
Gail’s lips are ripped from hers and a cold breeze from the open door hits her like a slap where Gail’s body has just been. Holly lurches to her feet, awkwardly attempting to straighten her blouse, and put herself back together as she watches the scene before her unfold. Sophie standing wide eyed, mouth agape with shock in the doorway of Gail’s home, looking in horror from her to Gail and back before pushing roughly past them and running up the stairs, giving Holly a disdainful look as she goes.
“Sophie?” Gail calls softly to her daughter.
A bedroom door slams upstairs.
“Gail…” Traci begins, standing breathlessly on the doorstep, also looking from Gail to Holly and back, but with big motherly eyes this time.
“Don’t.” Gail warns her away with a vague wave of her hand.
The bedroom door slams again and Sophie descends scowling murderously at them all.
“Sophie! Where are you going young lady?” Gail commands, hands on her hips.
“What do you care?” Sophie shoots back, grabbing a very confused Leo by the arm. “Out! With people who I’m not interrupting! Come on Leo!”
Leo gives them all an apologetic half shrug and smile as he allows Sophie to drag him to her car.
“Sophie Katrina Peck! You get your ass back in this house right this second!” Gail storms after her, only to be stopped by Traci’s hand on her arm.
“Let her go.” Traci says quietly.
“Fuck!” Gail’s whole body deflates as she watches Sophie and Leo speed away in Sophie’s Honda Civic.
She digs the heels of her hands into her eyes as she sits abruptly on the stairs,
“She’ll be alright. At least Leo is with her.” Traci says quietly.
“Maybe I should go.” Holly says softly, getting her feet beneath her, feeling like her chest has been stomped on by an elephant.
“Don’t you dare!” Gail’s hand shoots out to grab her wrist hard, and then turning to glare at Traci, “What are you guys doing home so early? I thought your movie ended at five.”
“We went to The Human Genome Project at the Museum of Science instead.” Traci says with a shrug.
“Oh.” Gail says looking sadly up at her.
“She heard that Holly had a part in putting it together and wanted to impress her by having seen it.” Traci replies  “Great.” Holly sighs, “And now she hates me.”
“No, but I do think she has a school girl crush on you, and walking in on you making out with her Mom may have burst her bubble.” Traci says with a smirk.
“Oh. That.” Holly shakes her head with a sad smile
“She does know about your past with Holly, right Gail?” Traci says as gently as she can.
“Nope.” Gail hangs her head and won’t look at either one of them.
“O – Kay…” Traci sighs
Gail continues, “ It… ah… never came up..? I mean it’s not like I’ve really dated anyone since I’ve had her.”
“No one?” Holly asks quietly.
“Nope.” Gail says, turning to face her, “She lost everything when her mom died, and I wasn’t going to bring someone else into our lives, just to have them leave and break her heart.”
“Oh.” Holly says sadly, feeling the impact of Gail’s words like a punch to her solar plexus.
“I’m sorry.” Gail says, seeing the pain register on her face, “I didn’t say that to hurt you, Holly.”
“That’s ok. I might kind of deserve it if you did.” Holly replies, deflated, unable to meet Gail’s eyes.
Traci clears her throat, “As much as I hate to break this up, I’m going to go home and wait to hear from Leo there. You two have a lot to talk about. And remember Gail, everyone deserves the chance to be happy, even you.”
“Thanks Traci.” Gail gets up to give her an unexpected hug, “I’ll call you when Sophie comes home.”
“You’re a good mother Gail.” Traci says as they part. “You know that, right? And I’ll see you later Holly!”She turns to go with a smile.
Gail is still pacing, and Holly can tell that her mind is running about a million miles an hour like a hamster wheel going nowhere. It’s the sheer helplessness she feels that keeps her glued to the couch in silence, watching Gail pace instead of getting up and reaching for her. Helplessness and guilt. Why did she think she and Gail ever stood a chance? She isn’t sure why she’s still here, but Gail insisted that she stay.
It’s nearly seven o’clock when the front door finally opens and Sophie comes storming in.
“What is she still doing here?” She demands in an icy tone, glaring at Holly.
“Sophie, “ Gail turns to face her daughter. Her tone is hard, but her eyes hold a softness Holly has rarely seen before, “She’s here because you invited her to dinner, and because she is my friend.”
“A friend. So that’s what you call it.” Sophie scoffs.
“That’s right.” Gail counters. “Or at least I hope we are.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Sophie glares at her.
Gail sighs and sags a little, “It’s complicated, Kitten. When I got you Holly had just moved to San Francisco, and you needed someone who would always be there, and I knew I couldn’t divide myself between the two of you if I was going to be able to be the parent you needed.”
The air has grown thick and hot making it hard for Holly to breathe around the growing lump in her throat and the pressure behind her eyes.
“But you’re right Sophie, Holly and I were never just friends.” She concludes, moving over to stand by Holly sitting on the couch.
“Is that why you never date anyone?” Sophie asks, crossing her arms.
“In part.” Gail reaches out to squeeze Holly’s shoulder. “And in part because I wanted to give you the most stable environment I could growing up.”
“Oh.” Sophie says, chewing on her lower lip, like Gail does some times.
“While I’m sorry you got upset by walking in on something you weren’t supposed to see, I’m not sorry that Holly is here.” Gail squeezes Holly’s shoulder again, and smiles at her for the first time.
“Ok…” Sophie says cautiously.
“I know we all have so much to talk about, but right now I’m starving! So go get ready for dinner young lady!” Gail says finally.
“Yes Mom.” Sophie turns and goes almost meekly up stairs.
As she leaves Holly gets up as well, the emotional rollercoaster of the day leaving her drained and exhausted.
“Maybe I should go…” She begins softly, looking into Gail’s clear blue eyes.
Gail reaches for her then, kissing her tenderly with soft lips as she cradles Holly’s head in her hands.
“Stay.” She whispers into her lips.
This is the one word Gail never said to her before, the one word that could have changed the course of their lives so long ago. Knowing with all her heart that there is no other choice, she can only nod and kiss Gail back, powerless to do anything else, come what may.
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Crack in the Wall pt 2
Not only would the Autobots help Fowler, but he would likely do the same for them. Yes, Cliffjumper is in this one as it’s prior to episode 1. This was going to be a two part series, but writing this made me think of a third part so it will now be a three part series.
Fowler sent a message to the base “Forgot my briefcase so I’m heading back for it. No need to bother with a formal greeting”. He smiled to himself, hopefully the Bots would be busy enough that they wouldn’t care much for a chat.
He landed his helicopter on the pad. He noticed that Bumblebee was sitting on the rocks outside. The yellow Autobot quickly glanced in Fowler’s direction before his attention was drawn back to the area.
Fowler frowned briefly at that before shaking his head and entering the base.
Fowler picked up his briefcase from the floor and was inspecting it to ensure no papers were moved around.
“You know we don’t mess with your stuff fleshy.” Bulkhead grumbled.
“What’s eating you Bots?” Fowler asked.
“I’m guessing that’s an Earth expression?” Cliffjumper asked.
“Yeah, it means that something’s bugging you.” He replied, “I didn’t even have to go into a long lecture this time since you are finally learning what staying hidden means.”
“I guess that’s the problem.” Bulkhead said.
“I’m not sure I follow.” Fowler replied, raising an eyebrow.
“It is of no concern to you, Agent Fowler.” Optimus said.
“I’m curious now.” Fowler replied, leaning against the wall. Curious is fine, concern isn’t. He reminded himself.
“How would you feel if you were in a new world but told you couldn’t really be part of it?” Bulkhead asked. “Just stay hidden and out of the way like some kind of exile.”
“I guess it wouldn’t be my idea of a holiday.” Fowler replied, looking away.
“Nonetheless, it is not your concern. We are fine.” Optimus said.
“Sure.” Fowler said. He grabbed his briefcase and left for the elevator, unaware that he was being followed by another exit.
Fowler stopped by Bee. “Hey, I appricate what you Bots are doing, keep up the good work.”
Bee said something in a series of beeps.
“He said thanks.” Cliffjumper said.
Fowler turned around, “Am I going to be followed every time I leave the base?”
“Just this time.” Cliff said.
“Well, I just wanted to let you Bots know that you are doing a good job. I best be off though.” He said.
The following day, he returned to the base.
“My supervisors were concerned about your lack of experience with Earth.” Fowler said.
“It wasn’t by choice.” Arcee growled.
“I know,” Fowlers said, waving a hand dismissively, “but they found this area. It’s closed off but full of nature so I thought you might enjoy it.”
Ratchet typed in the coordiantes and they found a nice field.
“I’ll control the Bridge.” Fowler said, looking at Ratchet, even you shouldn’t be kept inside all the time.”
They entered and saw a field. In the distance was a large fence, showing the place had been closed off for some time.
“Please give our thanks to your superiors on our behalf.” Optimus said once they returned. “This will surely improve team morale.” He smiled as he looked at his team, smiling and laughing with each other.
“Sure thing, Prime.” Fowler said. He left.
Cliffjumper smiled. “Isn’t it a coincidence? The day after we mentioned being upset.”
“Yeah and his superiors didn’t seem to care much about us earlier.” Arcee added.
Optimus watches as the rest of the group debated this. “If Agent Fowler wishes to hide his role in this, we should allow him to.”
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the-white-soul · 7 months
*Flowey twitches. How can Kara go from threatening something worse than death to laughing with Dess in a matter of a minute? Is this a joke? Not to mention Flowey's urging to leave are ignored. He can't help but feel annoyed rather than happy and trusting for the reunion like he should be. He can't understand it. And he still doesn't have a reason to like Dess. Why would Kara be friends with this idiot? He responds bitterly to the exchange.*
Funny enough, while you believed Kara would protect Noelle with their bond, the whole reason she died was because the two of them were too busy having a lovey-dovey moment to realize anything. I'm not saying Kara is strong, but I think you both should learn by now that “the power of love” doesn't help anything in the end!
You tell me what positives came out of all this compared to everything else. What is it, Dess came back versus your gain and loss over the timeline, stress over the possibility of the roaring, and millions of deaths including her sister and your “girlfriend?”
*Flowey pulls Kara aside, talking to them with a strained smile.* It's smart that you say you can't forgive her, Kara, but what you're doing being friends with her again so quickly doesn't make sense. *He mimics their voice.* "How could I stay mad at you even when you indirectly killed millions?" Do you know how stupid you sound? And after all that she haven't proved anything yet that she is acting any more responsibly. She said it herself that she felt dissociated.
That means she doesn't care.
Suddenly there's a ring, Toriel opens it and…
(Clover) "Howdy, not to disrupt your little powwow, but you seem completely angry at each other. Funny to see, right? Flowey always being mad at the holidays. You're like a baby Grinch. Hello Dess, I assume that's your name due to the conversation. Seems like your parents hated you as much as mine. Naming you after a holiday, how lazy can you get?"
(Kara) "Can we give it 5 minutes before you try to ruin everything?"
(Clover) "You really are a hypocrite, aren't you? Looking at someone's actions as heroic even when they kill millions to get there. First Flowey, now Dess. To be honest, Laughs you all are the same. Monsters are always justifying killing to get somewhere to kill more. Look at this Universe. All they told me was to kill you, but now I see even this 'Utopia' is worse than most places. Six dead kids, and for what? We gave you a place to reside in peace, and you just had to go up and ruin it by killing. I am justice and judgment. And it seems like you are going to have a terrible time."
(Dess) "You racist pig!!! I'm sorry I tried to make my sister stronger. I'm sorry monsters want to be equals. Woe is you and humanity."
(Clover) "Come on, we all know we're the superior species. We're more powerful anyway. You are just some evolutionary mistake."
(Dess) "Say that to my face one more time."
(Clover) "They smile right in Dess's face and say as loud as they can, "MONSTERS ARE JUST AN EVOLUTIONARY MISTAKE!!!"
Dess readies her magic.
(Dess) "I'm willing to guess you will join me? If so, then let's beat some motherfucking ass."
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octoberobserver · 10 months
hey i love helpin hand and i waswondering when the last chapter is going to come out?
no rush i'm just really exited.
Hi nonnie, aw thanks so much for asking! I'm working on Helpin' Hand as we speak - I hope to have the final chapter up before the end of the year, aiming for before the holidays. It's taking a while to finish 'cause it's already about 5,000 words longer than I intended lol. But I'm about 80% of the way through now.
So glad you're excited, I am too! Thanks again 😊❤️ Here's a sneak peek:
It was Eddie’s utter silence that Richie noticed most. 
Adrian huffed out a laugh, “Poor Eric will be heartbroken.” 
“Uh-huh, devastated,” Richie responded with a healthy heap of sarcasm, forcing his feet away from Eddie, not trusting himself to resist the urge to outline in graphic detail just how, in every single way, he was far superior to any guy Richie had ever fooled around with. 
“But seriously, Rich,” Adrian broke through Richie’s sappy thoughts incredulously, “do you have any idea just how much of a hot commodity your dick is right now?!”
Richie snorted.
"Right. I'm the gayer, uglier, Brad Pitt or somethin’?" 
“Practically!" Adrian exclaimed excitedly, "I've got the inside scoop, Toze. Tons of guys in Hollywood want you to rail them. Zachary Quinto, Jaime Waldorf, Zachariah Daniels—
“You,” Don interjected with a cheeky grin on his face, winking at Richie. 
“I am a happily engaged man, Donald. Hush,” Adrian gave his fiancé a dismissive pat to the chest before levelling Richie with a stare, "Richard. Do you have any idea how many celebrities I've interviewed who only wanna talk to me 'cause you name-dropped me in your set? You’re hot shit right now, trust me." 
Richie sank back into his seat, giving a half-shrug. 
“If you say so.” 
Adrian scoffed, “I do. You gonna do anything about it?” 
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“Good day, everyone. It seems that we, once again, are on the cusp of that most wondrous time of year -- the Feast of Christmas. 
“I am called Bartholomew -- or more commonly just ‘Bat’ -- Varney...and this time of year is by far my favorite of the lot. To mark this occasion, my ‘mundane’ has once again given me access to her ‘Askbox,’ so that I may discuss aspects of this wonderful holiday with you, her followers, whether through historical lectures, editorials, or even lively debates. She encourages you to consult the ‘Bat Comments on Christmas!’ tag to see my previous entries to this series, to like and reblog these posts if you find them engaging and interesting, and to send in other holiday-related Asks to me, if you wish to see more. I was born in the mid-18th century and currently occupy what my mundane calls the ‘HPHL’ and ‘Fantastic Beasts’ timelines, but I have also been given access to the Fourth Wall, so that I can discuss aspects of Christmas Yet to Come as well.”
The single best aspect of Christmas is the fascinating way it has changed and will continue to change.
[Bat replaces the spent Blood Pop in his mouth with a new one with a grin that shows off his sparkling white fangs.]
“...Our subject today, appropriately enough, actually regards Christmases Yet to Come, as well as those of the Past and Present. Yes, my friends, it is time we discuss my favorite novel of all time, which arguably changed how Christmas is celebrated more than any other piece of text ever written -- Charles Dickens’s immortal classic, A Christmas Carol.
“Now, for those of you who have grown up with Christmas as a holiday, and even for many who haven’t, it would be silly to go into a full summary of the tale. It’s such a popular and well-adapted story, even back in my own era, that even those who haven’t read Dickens’s novel are familiar with it, simply through cultural osmosis...and from what I understand, over time, it’s only become more widespread. But truly, we’re not going to delve too deeply into the story of miser Ebenezer Scrooge, who initially scoffs at the thought of giving back to his fellow men and treating his employees and associates kindly around Christmas, before he’s haunted by three spirits who teach him the true meaning of the season. Instead, I’d like to talk more about the book’s publication, its themes, and ultimately why it both is a perfect time capsule of the up-and-coming Christmas fads of the mid-1800′s and ultimately came to popularize and set in stone customs we still associate with Christmas today. 
“Charles Dickens was a celebrity of his day. Originally the man had no concept of what he wanted to do with his life -- he even once considered a life on stage as an actor -- but writing truly ended up being his calling. First finding success as a journalist, Dickens then became famous across Britain when he wrote The Pickwick Papers and Oliver Twist. Even her Majesty the soon-to-be Queen Victoria was purportedly enamored with them. Unfortunately Dickens’s success ended up being a double-edged sword. John Dickens would frequently use his son’s fame as leverage to borrow money, only for Charles to have to frequently come to his rescue when John couldn’t pay the lenders back. And with his family still growing (three going on four, at that time), Dickens had to keep the money rolling in, in order to pay for his family’s lifestyle. They were part of what was called the ‘middling sort,’ or the ‘middle class,’ as I’ve heard it more frequently called, which had only just started to form about a century prior, as education and land ownership became more widespread in Europe and America. Just a century ago, that ‘middle class’ had been the main force behind the American and French Revolutions and the Enlightenment ideals that argued against the superiority of kings and nobles over the common Man -- now most of their members were trying to find comfort and contentment in their new status as the ‘petit bourgeoisie.’ But there was still activism and fresh ideas to be found in their ranks, if one were to look carefully.
“The wide publication of books via printing presses and that subsequent increased access to education and knowledge fueled a new appreciation for history in 19th century Europe. Not too long ago, as I’ve discussed previously, Christmas had been banned in England, only for that idea to blow up spectacularly in the Puritans’ faces. And well, with England having lost their foothold in the American colonies and having spent even more years and money warring with France under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte before finally defeating him soundly at Waterloo, there was a new sense of nostalgia in England for when their country was great and prosperous...namely, the Renaissance, under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I. The arts became more reputable and profitable again after the likes of Oliver Cromwell had tried to shut down theaters en masse; investment in new technologies and sciences were promoted, sparking an Industrial Revolution in England; and holidays of the Tudor era were reinvented for a new generation, including -- you guessed it -- Christmas. 
“But Christmas, as celebrated in Tudor England, was a very bawdy, raucous, messy affair. A public outdoor festival punctuated by drinking and debauchery didn’t really suit the ‘proper’ attitudes of the Victorian-era middle class. So, just as we always have with Christmas since the beginning, old traditions were attempted, adapted, and -- in some cases -- flat-out made up. One such tradition I’ve discussed previously that was likely completely fabricated around this time is the act of kissing under mistletoe. Other fads that were ultimately discarded was putting fruitcake under your pillow -- replaced with just eating it at holiday gatherings -- and wearing animal-themed costumes -- which I would argue was just shifted over to our celebration of holidays like Halloween. Even the idea of electing a ‘Lord of Misrule’ -- an aspect of the holiday I always enjoyed as a boy, which was also very popular back in the Elizabethan era -- didn’t last, under the Victorians. But still, these new twists on old traditions -- caroling at people’s doorsteps; hosting parties with friends and family; playing parlor games; exchanging presents; decorating the house with mistletoe, holly, and evergreen trees; eating lots of good food -- would become very fashionable among this new middle class and how they celebrated Christmas. And with the arrival of more Romantic ideals in Europe at the turn of the 19th century, the concept of children being evocative of innocence rather than sin became much more mainstream. This then prompted middle-class parents to want to make the old bawdy Feast of Christmas more family-friendly and to use some of their new wealth to give both themselves and their children some joy during the holiday season. 
“Dickens, like many members of the Victorian middle class, loved Christmas and the new fashionable ways it was being celebrated. Considering the man also greatly disdained organized religion, as well, it’s not entirely surprising he enjoyed the secular trappings that encouraged joy and extravagance without making it too focused on the church. But Charles Dickens didn’t just think Christmastime should be a time for the middle class to indulge for themselves. The true inspiration behind his novel A Christmas Carol ultimately ended up being Dickens witnessing the horrific conditions child workers suffered through in the new Victorian factories he saw in England, including the Cornish Tin Mines. He became convinced that something had to be done to combat the poverty and injustice he saw in the streets, and he ultimately thought that a story about Christmas might be a more palatable way to deliver that message to the mass public, including other members of the middle class, than a mere article would. And so Dickens partnered the Victorian fad of indulgence with social activism...which, ironically enough, perfectly adapted another tenant of Christmas back in my day, as well as its progenitor celebration of Saturnalia -- the redistribution of wealth. Whether Dickens realized it at the time or not, he had adapted the core of Christmas for a new generation -- this time, not by the poor having to beg or threaten the rich at their doors for their best food and drink, but by the new middle class and the wealthy being compelled by civic duty to give back to the needy willingly. 
“A Christmas Carol was an instant success. Thousands of copies were sold all over England from the moment it first hit shelves on December 19th, 1843, with the entire first run being sold out by Christmas Eve of that year and twelve more editions being published by the end of the following year. It is by far Dickens’s most well-known, read, and beloved novel, and it has only become more popular over time. And yet, in his day, Dickens didn’t enjoy the profits he probably should’ve from A Christmas Carol, after all his efforts. Part of this is because of how much money he invested into the publication of his manuscript. Dickens envisioned his book as something that should be bought and given as a Christmas present, and so spared no expense in making each book a work of art. The books were bound in red cloth, printed on gilt-edged pages, with hand-painted illustrations. All of this took a big chunk out of Dickens’s profits. Another problem, however, was that this expensive binding was the only way the book was published, which made it so that many poorer people who wanted to read this new book written by the great Charles Dickens about the virtue of giving to the poor didn’t have the five shillings needed to buy it. And this is why a lesser publisher ultimately plagiarized the novel, condensing it somewhat and printing it much more cheaply without permission, so as to cash in on those who couldn’t afford the full, official manuscript. Dickens later took that publisher to court for copyright infringement and won, but the whole affair still hurt his profit margin. 
“Even so, A Christmas Carol’s legacy is undeniable, and many of the Christmas traditions we love most today -- mere passing fads of Dickens’s era -- were popularized because of this very well-received and circulated little book. Christmas cards and gifts. Games and toys. Caroling. Childhood innocence. Christmas trees. Eating turkey, pies, and warm chestnuts for Christmas dinner. Giving to the poor. Even just the concept of the ‘holiday spirit,’ of ‘good will toward men’ -- of hope and charity, in the midst of the cold and hunger of winter. The ritual of taking time off work specifically just to celebrate at home with your loved ones, rather than go to church or go out drinking in the streets. All of this is what Christmas is all about in the minds and hearts of so many...but it wasn’t, until Charles Dickens wrapped all of these ideas up in a neat little package and gave it to the world, in the form of a manuscript he had to finish in less than six weeks and yet clearly put so much heart and soul into.”
[Bat removes the spent pop from his mouth. He reaches into the inside of his waistcoat, taking a sip of blood from his pewter flask. Then, clearing his throat, he puts the flask down and then reaches into the other side of his waistcoat, out of which he fetches out a very small, leather-bound copy of A Christmas Carol -- a present from someone, no doubt.]
“...And so...to close this out...let me quote one of my personal favorite sections of the novel. It’s a part of the story far less quoted than the infamous ending, but it’s a passage I’ve always found so striking, and one I think similarly embodies the beauty of Dickens’s work...”
[Bat opens his tiny copy of the manuscript and reads:]
“‘A small matter,’ said the Ghost, ‘to make these silly folks so full of gratitude.’
“‘Small!’ echoed Scrooge. 
“The Spirit signed to him to listen to the two apprentices, who were pouring out their hearts in praise of Fezziwig: and when he had done so, said, 
“‘Why! Is it not? He has spent but a few pounds of your mortal money: three or four perhaps. Is that so much that he deserves this praise?’
“‘It isn’t that,’ said Scrooge, heated by the remark, and speaking unconsciously like his former, not his latter, self. ‘It isn’t that, Spirit. He has the power to render us happy or unhappy; to make our service light or burdensome; a pleasure or a toil. Say that his power lies in words and looks; in things so slight and insignificant that it is impossible to add and count ‘em up: what then? The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a fortune.’”
[Bat looks up from his book with another fanged grin as he takes another sip of blood from his flask.]
“...Happy Christmas to you all.”
((OOC: HAPPY BATMAS!! 🎄🥰 Yes, friends, for all this month and next, Bat had free reign over the Askbox to chat Christmas with you all! Please consider sending in Asks, or of course, just liking/reblogging my entries to this series! It’s truly so much fun to work on, and I’m so thrilled to do some more fun installments to it this year!))
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sandpumpkin · 2 years
I'm new to your blog but just came across your sun, sea, scares event and am intrigued! may i request katakuri and church? or katakuri and doppelgänger!
Hallo!!! And welcome! I went with doppelgänger!! I hope this is okay! Enjoy ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Sun, Seas, Scares
Katakuri - Doppelgänger- Trick
Having an awakened devil fruit power was required when you were a part of an emperor’s family and subsequently its crew. It helped Katakuri take full advantage of his haki and made him the strongest on his mother’s crew. He could protect his siblings
Halloween was a grand event in Whole Cake Island. As were most holiday’s. All the islands switched their themes to match the seasons and holidays. So Komugi island was currently decorated with pumpkins, skeletons, a lot of orange and red were used in the icing decorations and the smell of pumpkin and cinnamon scents filled the air.
Katakuri was doing his rounds. Everyone greeted him brightly and offered him their seasonal delicacy. It was soon time for his merienda and he headed to a more secluded area and set up his mochi-mochi-cabin and his personal chefs appeared right on cue. Coupled with the donut offers of the towns folk and his chefs, he had quite the selection today.
The chefs took their leave and left Katakuri to his solitary lunch break. Before he could even take a bite out of the first donut, Katakuri frowned deeply and rose to his feet. His haki failed him, he couldn’t decipher who had dared to invade his personal space. “Show yourself.” He growled. The sweet walls of the cabin rippled and out from the mocha walls and standing before him was an exact replica of himself. “What trick-“
“No trick. I am you. A by product of your awakened devil fruit power. So your power is my power. And your haki- our haki. Won’t work on me.” The other Katakuri mused. With a flick of his wrist, the floor beneath Katakuri sank, devouring his feet and pulling him down to his knees. “Not so tough when you can’t see what the future holds-“ The doppelgänger jumped out of the way as Katakuri broke free of the trap and flung spinning donut shaped blades at him.
“It is still my power.” He snarled. “I won't be bested by an imposter.” Katakuri snapped and lunged at his adversary, who met his attack blow for blow. The doppelgänger managed to get the upper hand when Katakuri moved to protect the tray of donuts from an attack.
“What weakness” it mused sealing Katakuri’s hands and feet giving him no chance to free himself. “The strong will survive.” The doppelgänger boasted proudly “And I have cemented myself as the superior being. You are no longer needed.” He mused, the floor of the cabin pulled Katakuri down slowly, as it also spread upwards over his body making it impossible for him to escape. “You are too soft to those weaker than you. I will show everyone what a demon we can be.” Katakuri was now neck deep in the mochi-made floor. “Farewell, old me.”
“No! I won’t-“ the doppelgänger knelt down and pulled his scarf down grinning menacingly.
“There is nothing you can do.” He rested a hand on Katakuri’s head “You were just too weak.” And pushed Katakuri under the floor, not letting go until the floor stopped rippling.
Rising to his feet. The doppelgänger removed the scarf around his neck and chucked it onto the floor letting it sink below the floor along with the discarded treats. “It is time we instilled a new fear among the people.” He looked back at the wall where Katakuri reappeared, still desperately trying to get out. “Don’t worry. I’ll make it entertaining for you.” He grinned and left the mochi building, letting the door shut with a slam, before the building sank back into the new Katakuri’s body.
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ztarvokwrites · 2 years
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a/n: oh shit oh fuck i'm back! hi! it's been a long ass while hehe!!! hope you're all doing well and have had a wonderful - if not, pleasant holiday! first of all, i apologise for leaving so suddenly. i was hit with major writers' block after i tried to finish the starmeppo fic and just... couldn't. but, i'm back!! well, idk how long for, but i am back!! i'm gonna try and slowly start posting again. basically i'll just post whenever i finish a fic that i have/had creativity for and maybe dip again lmao. anywho... enjoy this very late festive fic!
warnings: NSFW FOR LIKE A PARAGRAPH SO MDI! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MDI!!! and also just a bunch of sweetness hehe
synopsis: galdino has a surprise for his beloved this christmas season ❤️
word count: 4,654 (this took me WEEKS cos of procrastination and writers block lmao enjoy)
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Snow fell upon the deck of The Big Top as the crew had approached the nearest festive island for a much needed vacation - although, it took a lot of bribing from Galdino for Buggy to agree.
“Why do you want to go there so badly anyway? That place isn’t very flashy, y’know.” He snorted as Galdino crossed his arms. Buggy’s finger tapped on his desk as he impatiently waited for an answer, watching as Galdino seemed to hesitate his response. His expression turned to a soft scowl as he watched his mouth open and close like a fish on land. With a grit of his teeth, Buggy slammed his fist down on the desk, making Galdino jump.
“WILL YOU SHUT IT?! I’m trying to find a way to tell you privately and this-” Galdino responded, looking around to see Cabaji standing by the door, eyes closed and arms crossed as he leant against the wall. “Isn’t very private.”
Buggy cocked a brow, confused as to why he was now sweating and very curious as to why he wanted to tell him the reason in private. He sighed, throwing a pen at Cabaji to get his attention. How the unicyclist napped through the yelling was beyond him.
“Out.” Demanded his Captain, to which - although as confused as Cabaji was - he complied, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Galdino leant back in the chair he was sitting on with a sigh as he thanked his superior. Buggy did the same - minus the thanking - and crossed his arms, a deep frown on his painted lips.
“Well?” Questioned the Clown. “Why do you want to go to this specific island so desperately?”
“Well, Christmas is coming up in a few weeks,” Began Galdino, making Buggy’s eyes roll. “And I thought it’d be nice to surprise Rose with her gift.” Buggy’s eyes perked up a bit with interest. He leant forward with a brow raised, completely confused and intrigued.
“‘Surprise Rose’? What gift?” Quizzed the man, elbows now on the desk as he narrowed his eyes at the Wax Man, who began to sweat a little bit harder. “Just what are you going to give to her that’s so surprising?”
Cabaji only heard muffled voices for a bit, so he closed his eyes again, fully prepared to fall asleep at the door once more, until a loud shriek made him fall flat on his face.
“I SAID SHUT UP!!” Galdino yelled back, hands giving the arm rests of the chair a death grip as Buggy immediately quietened down, a grin wide on his painted face. Galdino did not like that look. Buggy rested his cheek on the palm of his gloved hand, still grinning.
“So, Romeo,” Buggy slightly mocked. Oh God. “What’s your plan, hmm?” Galdino sucked his teeth, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms as he glared softly at him.
“There’s no way in Hell I am going to tell you.” He responded, making Buggy feign offense.
“What?! Why not?!” Shrieked Buggy, again.
“Because you’ll ruin what I have planned again,” Galdino bluntly spoke, eyebrows furrowing. “You ruined our last date, remember? And that was almost three months ago. We haven’t had a proper date in 3. Damn. Months, Buggy.”
“Alright, alright,” Buggy sighed, putting his hands up in defense. “I promise I won’t foil your plan this time… Now, tell me? Pretty please?”
“Ugh,” Galdino cringed as the Clown batted his eyelashes at him. “Fine! Just, stop that and listen. Before I start, I do not want you telling everyone here about my plan. I’d rather be dead than have Rose find out about what I’m going to do.”
Buggy nodded and listened closely as Galdino began, telling him his plan in a hushed voice.
Outside, Roseanne shivered. Despite being in one of Galdino’s thick-as-fuck coats, she couldn’t help but shiver. Alvida stood beside her in one of her own thick coats, however she wasn’t shivering at all. The taller woman sighed.
“Why the Hell are you shivering? You’ve got a coat on.” Alvida remarked, making Roseanne shoot a glare at her.
“Shut up. I’m more used to warmer climates, okay?” The shorter woman argued, teeth chattering and cheeks rosy.
“Darling,” Called Galdino, making the two women turn towards him. Roseanne briefly glared at Alvida as Galdino deadpanned as he made his way over to them. “I didn’t mean you.” Alvida tutted and rolled her eyes.
“Charming.” She spat before walking away. Galdino sighed, watching her leave before turning to his dear with a soft smile. He chuckled a little as she shivered.
“Still cold, my Dear?” He rhetorically asked. Roseanne shot him a glare.
“The fuck do you think?” Spat Roseanne, making him flinch a little before shivering himself. He cleared his throat before taking one of her hands in his and bringing it up to his lips, placing a kiss to the back of her palm. Roseanne felt her cheeks become warm as he smiled at her, his other arm wrapping around her.
“Let’s go inside for now, hm? We’ll be arriving at our destination fairly soon.” Galdino spoke as they walked together to their shared quarters. Roseanne blinked, leaning into him a little more as they walked.
“Hey, why are we even going to that winter island?” She asked as they entered the room. Galdino took the coat off for her and hung it up before leading her to sit down on the two-seated couch, sitting down beside her. Heat rose to her cheeks once more as his hand rested on her thigh.
“Buggy said the island always had - and I quote - “flashy parties”. We basically have no choice.” Galdino quickly explained, his thumb gently caressing her thigh, making her squirm a little. Roseanne sighed, trying to keep her cool.
“That’s just great. Let me guess; he’s not gonna give us five minutes to ourselves?”
“He has now.”
“I said,” Galdino spoke, his hand now resting on her inner thigh as his other hand cupped her cheek, making her face him. She could see a glint of something in his eyes that made her heart race and heat pool between her legs. “He has now.”
Roseanne’s face turned red and before she knew it, she had already leant in and pressed her lips to his. Fireworks went off in her belly as he kissed back with such vigor and passion, his hands now gripping her waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. It had been so long since they actually spent time together like this, she almost forgot what it felt like. Galdino took this opportunity to hoist her onto his lap before laying her down on the couch, breaking the kiss briefly to speak.
“He’s promised me he’d leave us alone for a while,” He began, his hands caressing her thighs. A smirk painted his lips as she blushed, the contact making her squirm. “So,” One of his hands moved to slide down one of his suspender straps. “Shall we, my Princess~?”
“Shut the fuck up and touch me already.”
“As you wish.”
Alvida knocked on the door to Buggy’s office, a gruff voice telling her to come in made her enter.
“Any clue as to why the Waxman is all perky today?” Questioned the lady, sitting down on one of the bean bags that Buggy insisted he is to have in his office. Buggy kept his lips closed, persing them. Alvida raised a brow. “You’re keeping secrets now? You and your big mouth?”
“THE FUCK DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY NOSE-” Buggy stopped yelling as they both heard muffled music coming from a certain couples’ quarters. Alvida and Buggy shared a confused look before they heard some soft moans, the two of them looking away from each other awkwardly.
“Well,” Spoke Alvida. “That answers my question.”
“Three told me to leave them alone when we get to the island.” Buggy suddenly explained, making Alvida raise a brow.
“Oh? Why? And why are we even going to that island?” She asked. Buggy sighed, looking her dead in the eyes.
“If I tell you, you must promise to not tell Roseanne or the others. I know for a fact that if you tell them, the crew would tell her.”
“Just tell me already.”
Clearing his throat. Buggy leaned in and told her. Alvida’s eyes widened and she began to smile.
“Are you serious?? Can… Can they even do that? I mean, we’re all Pirates.” She asked. Buggy smirked.
“I said I’d deal with it. All we need to do is find a priest and-”
“Force him to work with us?” Alvida guessed. Buggy chuckled.
Silence overcame them both as the soft moans from the quarters became a little bit louder. Alvida rolled her eyes as Buggy grimaced.
“Should we tell them to keep it down?” Asked Alvida. Buggy shook his head, standing up.
“Let them have some flashy fun and try to ignore it. I’m gonna go and see how close we are to the island-”
“CAPTAIN BUGGY!” One of Buggy’s lackeys burst through the door, making them jump. “WE’RE ABOUT TO REACH THE ISLAND!”
“Excellent,” Exclaimed the Clown with a big grin. “How long until we reach the shore?”
“About 2 hours, Sir! Also, should we go and tell Brother 3 and Sister Rose?” Asked the lackey. Buggy shook his head.
“I’ll tell them when they’re done.”
Rose’s legs shook ever so slightly, the feeling of his cock finally releasing deep inside of her making her quiver, his cum leaking out of her occupied hole. Galdino’s lips detached from her neck, his breath hot and heavy against her skin as he rested his head on her shoulder. He groaned as he felt her walls clench around his shaft, her pussy milking him for all he’s got. And he smiled at this. He’s certainly missed this feeling.
Lifting his head, the couple met eyes; her tired red irises meeting his own. He smiled down at her as she caught her breath. She truly looked like a rose in his eyes. His gorgeous, beautiful Rose. Without saying a word, he captured her lips in a long, soft kiss in which she returned tiredly. Galdino pulled away to look at her flushed face, a soft smile gracing her pretty features. He felt like he was falling in love with her all over again - like he had just met her for the first time. The Waxman gently pushed some hair out of her face and mouth, her bangs moving in her eyes.
“Ow…” She mumbled, blinking in an attempt to get the hair out of her eyes. Galdino chuckled, pushing her bangs out of the way so her forehead was visible. When she opened her eyes again, she softly chuckled. Galdino’s eyes softened before he leant down and began to pepper her face in kisses, making her all giggly. Rose’s giggles turned to laughter when his stubble tickled her skin. Galdino chuckled with her, planting kisses anywhere he could while whispering words of praise.
“So cute, my Rose.” He murmured. Rose’s face grew warm.
“With the prettiest eyes,” He kissed her eyelids, causing her to giggle. “And the prettiest laugh.” He kissed her nose and chin, making her smile. Galdino looked at her, completely smitten as his eyes darted to her shy grin. He sighed, lovestruck.
“And the prettiest-”
“HOLYFUCKINGSHITGETOUT!!” Galdino screeched, quickly covering up both of their naked bodies with a blanket and holding Roseanne in his arms tightly, shielding her from the intruders’ line of sight. He glared at them, noticing their striking blue hair and big red nose immediately.
Buggy’s eyes went wide, blinking in some form of shock before he shook his head and grinned.
“We’re about to reach land!” He exclaimed, a big grin on his face. Galdino narrowed his eyes, pissed off.
“GET. OUT.” He spat through his teeth as he held Rose closer to him. Buggy threw his hands up in defense.
“Hey, tell me to get out again and I won’t give you two alone time-” Wax was thrown at him. “AHH! OKAY OKAY! I’m leaving! Just, come out when you’re ready, okay?! God…” Buggy grumbled before swiftly leaving, closing the door. Galdino grumbled, gently placing Rose back on the bed with a soft apology.
“He didn’t see much, did he?” Roseanne softly asked, a harsh blush on her cheeks. Galdino shook his head.
“Don’t worry, my Love. I didn’t let him,” He reassured her, gently stroking her face with the backs of his fingers. “Did you hear that, though? We’re going to be arriving at the island soon.”
“I still don’t get why he wanted to come here. And how come you’re so excited all of a sudden?” Roseanne asked, kissing the palm of his hand. Galdino couldn’t help but internally swoon at the contact.
“Because he’s finally going to leave us alone for a while? Besides, I’m going to give you the best day of your life.” He promised with a grin. Roseanne cocked an eyebrow.
“Oh? But you already give me the best days of my life. What could make this one so special?” She innocently asked, hands reaching up to run her fingers through his long, black hair. Galdino blushed, both at the contact and her words, before he smiled, pecking her lips.
“You’ll see,” He pecked her lips again before sitting on the edge of the bed. “Now, get cleaned and dressed before Buggy barges in again. And make sure to wrap up warm,” He continued as Rose did the same. He stood up, walking to the bathroom. “I’ll turn on the shower while you pick out the best outfit you can find,” Roseanne walked up to him, legs wobbling a little as she looked at him in confusion. He turned to her, grinning. “I’m going to spoil you, my Dearest.”
Roseanne blushed as he pecked her lips again before heading into the bathroom. A giddy smile creeped up onto her lips as she immediately rushed over to her closet. A few minutes passed and her outfit was chosen, the couple had just gotten out of the shower and had begun to dry themselves off and get dressed.
“Want me to help you, my dear?”
“No thanks, Galdi,” Spoke Rose, blushing a little as his hands rested on her shoulders. “I’ve got it.”
Bangs were heard at the door and the couple were told to “hurry the fuck up”, so they did. Once they stepped on deck, Roseanne gasped. The winter island they had docked on had been decorated head to toe in multicolored lights and various festive decorations. Galdino’s gloved hand rested on the small of her back.
“Come on, my Love,” He mumbled, kissing the top of her head as she zipped up her coat. “We have a special room waiting just for us.”
“You said that last time and it was literally just a wax house in the middle of nowhere.” Roseanne spoke as they both got off of the ship. Galdino frowned a little.
“Yes, but you know why it was there.” He responded, smirking ever so slightly. Rose blushed profusely, mumbling for him to shut up as they made their way to a hotel. She raised a brow. The place was surely fancy, which was odd considering they were pirates and all. As soon as they got in and walked up to the reception desk, the receptionist behind the counter gasped, her face going pale.
“Y-You’re pira-”
“We’ll pay you to keep quiet.” Galdino interrupted, pulling out a small bag of berries and placing it on the desk, effectively making the receptionist shut up. She pursed her lips.
“...How much?”
“One hundred thousand. Take it or leave it.”
“...Here’s your key. Enjoy your stay!” The receptionist beamed, handing Galdino a room key, to which he thanked her before holding Roseanne’s hand and making their way to their hotel room.
“...What the fuck just happened?” She asked, completely confused. Galdino squeezed her hand with a smile.
“Just some basic negotiation, my Dear.” He spoke, unlocking the door to their room and leading her inside. To her surprise, all their luggage was already inside, however the balcony door was wide open and she saw a hand flying away. Galdino groaned softly.
“I told him to leave us alone for tonight…”
“What was that?” Roseanne asked, a small smirk on her lips. Galdino panicked a little.
“I- A-At least that saves us from doing it ourselves!” He spoke with a chuckle. That certainly was not what he said, but since he was treating her, she didn’t say a word. He then cleared his throat, wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled down at her. She looked up at him, confused.
“How about we do some sight-seeing, hm?” Galdino suggested.
“Okay, but,” Roseanne began, wrapping her arms around his neck. “What’s there to see?” Galdino just shrugged, making her pout.
“Awh, don’t make that face, my Love,” He spoke, kissing her lips. “It’ll be our own little adventure. How about it?” Roseanne hummed, seemingly thinking before nodding.
Time seemed to fly as the two wandered around the island, Roseanne’s eyes glistening with wonder as they looked at all the festive decorations and structures. Galdino couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he watched her point to things excitedly with a child-like grin. Then, they reached a ferris wheel. Roseanne pointed to it and turned to her tall boyfriend, a big grin on her face.
“Can we?” She asked, voice full of excitement. “I bet the view is beautiful from up there!” She sighed before her stomach grumbled loudly, making her embarrassed. Galdino laughed a little.
“Maybe after some food, eh? Come, let’s take you somewhere special, my Rose.” He spoke, linking their arms together and walking towards a nearby restaurant. Roseanne got nervous; this place looked fancy! But, before she could suggest someplace else, Galdino had already led her inside. The man at the front desk was the same as the lady from the hotel; scared. But after some negotiation, he took them to a table for two in the corner of the restaurant.
Roseanne didn’t want to ask anymore questions, she was just happy that they’ve got some time alone for once, albeit in a strange way. They had both been looking forward to something like this for months and she was glad they got it. As they ate, they talked; mainly about how grateful they both were to get away from the crew for a while.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Began Roseanne as she ate her pasta. Galdino raised a brow. “How did you manage to get Buggy and all his… Delusional followers to leave us alone? I haven’t seen them or heard from them all day.” Galdino couldn’t help but feel a little jealous at this, her main question was about Buggy? His heart stung a little.
“Simple, I bribed him.” He answered, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. Roseanne hummed, eyes narrowing.
“With what?”
“Please tell me you didn’t give him any of our share, Galdino.” Roseanne pleaded. Galdino sighed, clearing his throat.
“No, I told him that if he left us alone for tonight, I’d find some treasure for him.” A lie. A simple lie was all it took for Roseanne to make a noise of understanding.
“Oh. Okay, then. And what about the crew?”
Galdino deadpanned at her question, getting rather annoyed and Roseanne mumbled an apology. The man shook his head with a small smile, his free hand reaching out and gently holding her own, his thumb running over her knuckles. They continued to eat and talk, Galdino giving Rose the occasional compliment and sweet words to make her blush. Once they ate all their food and left a tip, they left for the ferris wheel that Roseanne had pointed to earlier.
On board their little pod, the wheel began to slowly move. Roseanne was giddy with excitement. Galdino was sweating with nervousness. He had to keep it together until they reached the top. He had to. A gasp left her mouth as they finally reached the top. But it wasn’t a gasp of awe.
“The Marines are here.” She stated, making Galdino whip his head to the direction she was looking. He swallowed, cursing under his breath.
“We need to leave,” He spoke, making a bat out of wax and breaking a window. Roseanne nodded and took his hand before jumping out of the window with him. They landed on the soft snow and began to run towards the hotel, only to be stopped by the Marines. Hands through up into the air as guns were pointed at them.
“Stay right where you are and don’t move a muscle!”
Roseanne and Galdino briefly glanced at each other. Poor Galdino looked stressed while Roseanne looked like she was about to kill them all. Maniacal laughter made them jump.
“Captain Buggy has come to save the day!” Buggy screeched as two hands lifted the couple up by the hands and began to fly them back to the ship as some of their crewmates began to fight off the Marines. Roseanne scoffed.
“Why aren’t we down there kicking some ass?!” She exclaimed. Their feet hit the deck of The Big Top as Buggy dropped them. The Captain growled, agitated.
“Because if you were to die then Loverboy over here won’t be able to marry you-!” Galdino’s hand clasped over his painted mouth as he glared daggers at his superior.
“SHUT. UP.” He warned as Roseanne looked at them both with confusion written all over her face. Galdino turned to her and sighed, releasing Buggy’s mouth from his grip.
“Uhm,” Roseanne began, putting a hand on her hip. “What’s he on about?” She asked, now crossing her arms. Galdino sighed again, clearing his throat as he slowly walked up to her, getting something out of his back pocket.
“I was going to ask you this on the ferris wheel, but now that someone has ruined the surprise, I suppose I must ask you this now.” He spoke, shooting a glare at Buggy before turning back to Rose and getting down on one knee. Time seemed to slow. Roseanne’s heart rate slowed as she watched him take out the little black box and open it, presenting the most gorgeous diamond ring she had ever seen. Little Rubies encircled around the Diamond on the golden band and the shimmer the gems made were almost magical. Her hands clasped over her mouth as it opened in shock, eyes welling up with tears.
“Roseanne, you make me happy that I wake up every single day. Even when Buggy screams at me to get up when everyone else is sleeping, I take one look at you and I know that I’m going to have a good day, no matter how miserable it is,” Galdino began, his heart racing a mile a minute as he began to sweat. He swallowed the lump in his throat. He was far too nervous for this. “Granted, we didn’t get along at the beginning, but as time progressed, I felt myself falling deeper in love with you. You are the most perfect, most talented woman I have ever laid my eyes on and I cannot believe that I am with you,” His voice cracked a little bit, yet he continued. He had to. “Roseanne, every single day, I can’t stop thinking about you. About us. My Love, I- I…” He trailed off, seemingly lost for words before he sharply inhaled through his teeth. He was melting at this point. “Will you marry me, my dear Rose?”
He did it. He finally did it. Buggy held his breath. Galdino watched her reaction carefully through his glasses.
Roseanne couldn’t move, the heat rushing to her face made it hard to do so. Was he serious?
“... Are…” She began, muffled behind her hands. “A-Are you serious? Y-You wanna marry someone like me?” She was shocked.
Galdino slowly nodded, bringing his arm down a little, thinking he was going to get rejected.
“...S…” Rose whispered. Galdino straightened up, looking at her with confusion and shock. “...Y-Yes… Yes! YES!! A MILLION TIMES YES!!!” Roseanne exclaimed, tackling him to the ground in a hug with tears streaming freely down her face. Once Galdino caught his breath, he grinned, tears in his eyes and heart full of relief. Roseanne pulled away just enough for her lover to put the ring on her finger. When he did, he kissed her finger before looking deep into her eyes and kissing her, holding her face with both hands before they pulled away, Roseanne giggling to herself as they caught their breath.
Applause from all around them alerted them to their surroundings, they both looked around to see that the entire crew had boarded the ship and the anchor had been lifted. They were now sailing away from the island and trying to get away from the Marines, who were hot on their tail.
Roseanne chuckled before standing up, wiping away her tears as Galdino stood up, too - a soft scowl on his face. He pointed to the Marines that were now shooting at the ship.
“DON’T YOU SEE THERE’S A FLOCK OF MARINES CHASING US?!” He exclaimed before sighing, rubbing his temples. Roseanne placed a hand on his arm, grabbing his attention. His face immediately softened as she smiled brightly up at him before walking away. He watched as she faced the Marines - a canon coming their way making him panic.
“Don’t worry, my Love,” She spoke, looking at him over her shoulder with a sweet smile. Her hand felt under her coat and grabbed out a leaded microphone. She turned back and grinned. “I’ll be fine.” With a spin of the cord and a swing, the cord wrapped around the cannonball. Using all of her strength, she pulled the cannonball towards her before swinging it around and around until she finally let it out of the cords’ grip; the cannonball flew back towards the Marines’ ship, hitting its side successfully. Although dizzy, she stood strong, reclaiming her microphone and grinning victoriously as her crewmates cheered. Galdino stared at his girlfriend- no- fiancé, jaw slack in shock and awe.
“Buggy,” Rose called. Buggy snorted, eyes wide and mouth in a thin line. To say he was shocked was an understatement. “Let’s get outta here, yeah?” Buggy just nodded, snapping out of it and ordering his men to do whatever it takes to get away from the Marines. Roseanne’s legs felt like jelly as she suddenly began to stumble. Galdino was quick to catch her just before her legs gave way. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck as Galdino picked her up bridal style, grinning.
“I can’t wait to be Mrs… Wait, what's your last name?” Rose asked, raising a brow. Galdino sighed softly.
“Terza.” He answered, taking her back to their shared room. Roseanne blinked. At first she thought; ‘So third in a different language?’. But then, she smiled - beaming.
“I can’t wait to be Mrs Terza.” She softly spoke, burying her blushing face in his shoulder. Galdino’s eyes widened a little, a giddy smile on his face as a blush rose to his cheeks.
“I can’t wait either, my Dear. So,” He spoke as they walked in the room. He laid her down on the bed and closed the door before turning on his heel to her. He grinned. “How does February 14th sound to you?”
Roseanne sat up, alarmed. He panicked.
“O-Or, we could do March 14th??”
“WHITE DAY????” Roseanne yelped, shocked. Galdino panicked even more.
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chateautae · 2 years
Hi Sammy…I get really good and comforting vibes from you so even tho we don’t know each other, so I feel like I really would love to hear your advice on this🥺 I moved across the world recently and found an internship and I’m crushing so SO badly on one of my colleagues. He’s kind of my superior in the sense that he has a higher position in the firm but he’s only a few years older than me and isn’t my boss. At first I was extremely intimidated by him and never spoke but as weeks passed by we got more comfortable around each other and he’s actually so helpful and nice to me. My other colleague told me that he usually always works solo and is very introverted and doesn’t like to help or be bothered but I feel like he’s the opposite with me? He includes me in stuff he does and isn’t cold at all when I ask for help, in fact he often asks me if everything is ok. When we’re out for drinks with my other colleagues I also felt like he was lowkey flirting but in a soft manner? As in teasing me? Also, I’m home for the holidays now but before I left he told me he would get me on board his work once I get back so that I could be more involved and I know he doesn’t do this normally. He also tries his best to include me in the firm’s activities and remembers basically everything I tell him. I was so happy with the way everything was evolving but my boy best friend told me that he’s only like this because he wants to sleep with me and that I should give up this crush immediately because there’s no positive outcome to this situation since we’re colleagues and nothing can ever happen between us. And that made me feel really sad and shitty about myself, like it’s impossible for a guy to just like me? I feel like girls know when a guy just wants to sleep with us and that’s not the vibe I’m getting from him, I feel like he genuinely wants to help me evolve and is genuinely nice to me. So I wanted to ask, what would you advise me to do? Do I just give up since it’s anyways doomed like my friend said or do I let it evolve naturally all while subtly letting him know that I like him? What is your opinion on relationships within a working environment? I just don’t know what to do because I haven’t felt this way towards someone in a long LONG time and I know I am going to spend more time with him once I get back because we’re gonna work together more often…Sammy help me please😔
AWH BUBS PLEASEE THIS IS SO CUTE THANK YOU!! Ofc I can give you some advice babes, but just remember that I could also be wrong so take this advice however you like! Tbh I'm not getting a vibe that your colleague just wants to sleep with you either. There's surely a certain behaviour men exhibit when they simply want to sleep with you (leering, sleazy comments, blatant flirting, constantly asking you out/pursing you even if you're hesitant), and I'm totally not getting it from this guy, I think he honestly likes you because yes!! ofc a guy can like you!! But then again some men do use the method of first befriending you, making you feel comfortable, and then kinda just using you :/ unfortunately it's happened to me so you can never truly be safe. But personally, I think you should just assess how he interacts with you, you know? Detect the genuineness in his words and actions. If he genuinely cares about you and tries to make you a better person in the workplace and overall is just a kind person, I think you can honestly judge when things like that come from a man's heart.
As for pursuing someone in the workplace, unless there's a policy against dating then I don't think you guys are doomed!! I'm unsure why your guy best friend said that, but I've dated a co-worker before and it was totally fine. I think the only harm that comes from dating a co-worker is that if your relationship ends badly then that can really impact the environment of your workplace and may backfire on your own mental health (cough cough what happened to me, my relationship ended badly and seeing my ex at work just made me feel meh). In that situation only either of you leaving the workplace or switching departments would put you at ease (for example, I quit but my ex still works there). So generally people avoid dating co-workers for that reason, but if you vibe with someone and feel a genuine connection, I'd say it's worth the risk!
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marcholasmoth · 7 months
OSRR: 3479
happy valentine's day :)
i had a lovely day!
i started the day being surprised with a stuffed puppy and a box of chocolates and a card from my momma. the puppy is very soft and also very cute. then was breakfast with pink unicorn pancakes which i had with my sister, along with some appley sauce, served with a side of hugs.
then i left for work - or rather, i left for the grocery store, where i picked up flowers for my coworkers, and THEN i left for work.
i got in on time and was happy to give things out to the people i care for. they were all surprised and happy to receive something for valentine's day. as someone who loves the smaller holidays, it's important for me to express whatever it is that the day is supposed to express, especially valentine's day!
for me, valentine's day is about celebrating love in all its forms: familial, platonic, and romantic. for all of the commercialization and normal socialization about the holiday, so many people feel like valentine's day is only for people who have a significant other. that's the farthest thing from the truth! because for everyone, there is always someone significant to you, just as everyone is significant to someone. it's the day for celebrating those relationships, too. do you not have a partner, but have a best friend who you haven't seen in months? express your affection and appreciation to them. do you want your siblings (biological or chosen) to have a wonderful day? express that to them however you are comfortable. are you aromantic or asexual (or both!) and feel like the day isn't something you'll ever like celebrating? it might not be, but it doesn't mean that the relationships you have are any less relevant and worthy of celebrating as others!
valentine's day is a day to celebrate love in all its forms. it's a day to show appreciation and affection for the people who surround you and for the people you hold dear in your heart. there should be no exclusion on valentine's day. there is no one superior type of love.
i was so happy to give flowers and chocolates and personalized cards to my coworkers today. they were so happy to receive them. so often i notice people who give flowers don't receive them. but i think everyone should be given flowers.
i mean, i walked outta the grocery store with a rolled up hang-y thing of flower bouquet protective bags so i could make sure my friends went home with their roses protected from the wind and the biting chill in the air.
it worked pretty well.
i got back to joel's after work to a pleasant surprise of pasta - which is a traditional valentine's meal for my family because spaghetti sauce is red - and i was able to share chocolates and to give joel his card and gift. when i signed his card last night, i cried. (thinking about it now, it gives me something to talk to christine about for next appointment.)
i'm happy to be where i am and i'm lucky to love the people i love. they all deserve the best.
and so do you!! you don't have to change a single thing about yourself to be worthy of love.
picture that astronaut meme:
"wait. i'm worthy of love?"
"you have been the whole time."
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stellanslashgeode · 8 months
WiP Wednesday
Here's a little snippet from Way of the Mynock
She stood in the royal gardens in front of a trellis of candlewick flowers. Twilight was giving way to full evening’s dark. The night insects were conversing. She nudged a blossom with a knuckle of her index finger and admired how an iridescent glow traveled down its petals. Soon they all would open in bloom and cast this corner of the gardens in a soothing orange glow.
There was a tightness in her chest. She was lost in the memory of when she brought Ahsoka up to the Temple Gardens to admire the night bloom. She recalled the look of wonderment in her eyes and wished she could travel back there to a more innocent time.
“Magnificent, aren’t they?”
Barriss glanced over her shoulder.
“Yes, your highness. These were Master Lumiara’s favorite flower. I never thought I would see them in their native environment.”
Queen Breha nodded and motioned for Barriss to walk with her. It was a local holiday. Most of the staff were visiting their families. Which permitted them to meet above ground and in the open for once.
“Miss Offee, I would like to discuss your latest intelligence communique.”
“Certainly.” Barriss matched the older woman’s stride. This must be something important to require her presence. Her staff had finally arrived at Ansion she was only halfway through their multi-week training course.
“I don’t usually go over them in detail, but one bullet point stood out to me. These agents of the Force, these Inquisitors. Are they really taking children from their families?”
“Yes. That came straight form an agent I have in deep cover so I can vouch for its authenticity.”
Ahsoka passed the datacard into her hand personally. They’d clashed on Telos this time. A protracted fake duel from rooftop to rooftop, lightsabers clashing. The farce suited both their purposes. They showed Ahsoka’s Imperial handlers that she was still perusing her foe and allowed Barriss to show the public that some Jedi remained in the fight.
“Why? For what purpose would they be taking children?”
“My source did not know. In hindsight this have a program in place for some time. There was an incident of kidnapping in the middle of the war.”
Queen Breha looked up at the sky and exhaled out her nostrils. She was clenching and unclenching her jaw. “It is barbaric. Unholy. See if you can get to the bottom of it.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Something picked at Barriss’ curiosity. “You’re really upset by this.”
Breha glanced down at her. “Are you not?”
“No, I am, but…” She tried to figure out this puzzle. “It’s personal for you. Are your harboring Force-sensitive refugees here on Alderaan?”
There was a violent stir of emotion this time. Barriss could not tune it out if she tried. It was vital to the Queen. Highly personal.
“No. It’s not that.” She pondered for a moment. “It’s not your adoptive daughter, is it?”
The Queen’s eyes went wide and wild. “Get out of my mind!”
Barriss stooped in contrition. “I wasn’t in your mind; it was your emotions! They were hard to tune out.”
“Perhaps some distance would help.” She quickened her stride. “You are dismissed.”
“Your highness, if it is your daughter she needs to be protected.”
“She is protected. She is a princess of House Organa. Leave before I call the guard!”
Barriss clenched her hands. A few years ago she would have fled and had her insecurities haunt her for many nights thereafter for being so rude to a superior. But she was a different woman now. She knew she should obey but her, but sometimes your superiors needed to hear unwelcome advice.
“She must be trained.”
Breha wheeled around and glared at her. “What did you say?”
“If you want her to stay hidden and safe, she needs to learn how to use the Force to hide her abilities. Younglings amongst the Jedi could sometimes manifest wild outbursts.”
“You stay away from my daughter!”
“Ma’am, if I were to do so it would be for her protection and in your service.”
“I do NOT want some renegade Jedi interfering.”
“Ma’am, I could not train her as a Jedi as I am no longer worthy to claim the title.”
“Then what sort of instruction would you hypothetically provide?”
Barriss pushed back her shoulders and raised her chin. “I would train her as a Mirialan.”
Confusion flashed across her features. “I don’t know what that means, but the answer is still no. I trust you to be our spy but there are limits to that trust.”
Barriss’ conscious was screaming at her to apologize, to grovel, to ask forgiveness. Or just to shut up. But ever since her fall there was another urge that welled up inside her. To confront and question authority. It was a curious boldness, but one she sometimes could not deny.
“Why don’t I trust you?” Breha grinned in exasperation and shook her head. “You betrayed Ahsoka Tano.”
Barriss tilted her head and frowned. She knew Ahsoka had visited the planet as security detail for a peace conference. But just the once. “Were you close?”
Breha leaned slightly closer. “She was a friend of a family friend. Senator Amidala.”
Barriss nodded gravely. “I see… Ahsoka was my friend too. My reasons for framing her are personal and complicated. I was not in a sound mental state at the time.”
“You are not making a good argument as to why you should be interacting with my daughter.”
She closed her eyes and tried to collect her emotions. “You and your husband are my one shot at balancing the scales after all the pain I have caused. That means everything to me right now. It is my singular purpose. It is that spirit in which I am offering my help. But she is indeed your daughter. The decision is yours.”
Breha looked her up and down, her eyes flashing in the moonlight. “This conversation is over. You shall not speak of it to anyone, ever. Leave.”
“Understood, your highness.”
She curtseyed but Breha was already off to rejoin her family for the remainder of holiday celebrations. Barriss Offee felt a pinprick of fear and hoped she had not alienated the patron who was giving her an opportunity for redemption.
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