profoundbondfanfic · 6 months
Interview with the Vampire's Wife
Interview with the Vampire's Wife by duckyboos (@duckyboos-blog) Rating: Teen and up Word count: 6k
A vampire’s wife walks into a private detective’s office. Sounds like a joke, right? Dean wishes it was.
As a private investigator, Dean has spent a lot of his time following men and women who are cheating on their spouses. So when a woman comes knocking at his door, Dean's sure it's just another one of his usual cases. Until Daphne Allen tells him she's married to a vampire. Now, this feels more like a prank. Except it isn't.
This short noir story is deliciously hilarious and somehow ends as a meet-cute. Or ugly, depending on who you're asking. Duckyboos' Dean is, as always, an excellent narrator, with plenty of puns and pop culture references to make your head spin. Castiel is charming and alluring, yet suitably intimidating for a vampire. It's a story you don't want to miss.
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deanwanddamons · 1 year
Undercover - Chapter One
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Summary: Homicide Detective Dean Winchester and Detective Y/F/N Y/L/N go undercover to solve a spate of murders. 
Universe: Detective AU
Pairing: None (yet) 
Chapter Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Dark subject matter. Angst.
A/N 1: As always thank you to my beta @winchest09, who helped me with the idea for this story. You are my cheerleader, my bestie and my constant support. I love you. A/N 2: As you may or may not know, I haven’t written anything in an absolute age. I have been struggling with writer's block and life has simply got in the way. But…I started this series a long time ago and a few chapters were just sitting in my docs. So I thought I would post the prologue in the hope that you guys enjoy it, want to read more and it may give me the inspiration to continue with it. I’m happy to say, most of you seemed to enjoy it so here is Chapter One. Please let me know what you think - comment and reblog if possible ❤️ Tag list is open if you wish to be added.
My Masterlist
Undercover Masterlist
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3 weeks before Prologue 
Dean walked through the winding streets of Pasadena, Los Angeles, making his way towards the precinct where he would now be working. 
After spending a week in the hospital after ‘the incident’, he had been ordered by his Captain, Rufus Turner, to take some time off work to recuperate from his ordeal. Dean wasn’t happy with this command, and had been very resistant to agree. The police force was his life, and the idea of just sitting at home doing nothing was alien to him. But he knew that Rufus was not the kind of man you could argue with. 
Rufus had been his chief for several years, and Dean knew that he wouldn't back down once he had made up his mind. He had tried to reason with him, explaining the importance of his job as a police officer, but Rufus had already made up his mind.
"Look, I know how you feel," the older man had said, his tone firm. "But you need to take some time off. You've been working non-stop for months. You need to recharge your batteries, spend some time with your family, and just relax."
Dean knew that his Captain was right. He had been putting in long hours, working weekends and holidays, and neglecting his personal life. He had missed important family events, and he could feel the strain on his relationships.
"I understand, sir," he said, trying to keep his voice calm. "But what am I supposed to do? I can't just sit at home and do nothing."
Rufus smiled. "I'm not asking you to do that. There are plenty of things you can do. You can take a vacation, travel, catch up on some reading, or do something you've always wanted to do but never had time for. The point is to take a break, clear your head, and come back refreshed."
The officer nodded, silently acknowledging the wisdom in the words he had just heard. He knew he needed a break, and he also knew that his Captain had his best interests at heart. He would take some time off, reconnect with his family, and come back ready to serve and protect.
"Thank you, sir," he said, standing up. "I appreciate your concern, and I'll take your advice."
Rufus nodded, pleased. "Good. Now, go enjoy yourself. That's an order."
When he eventually returned to work, the idea of being given a new identity and to move away from Lawrence, Kansas had been posed to him. He had been furious, but had eventually agreed when he realised if he didn’t, his life could be in danger. 
It was going to be strange. A new day, a new station and a new name. 
He pulled the badge from his pocket, the one that was mailed to him by his new superior Captain Bobby Singer. 
Detective Jon Elliot. 
Dean huffed a laugh. He recognised the mixture of names that had been chosen. Jon Bon Jovi and Joe Elliott. He was impressed. Even though he didn’t think he looked anything like a ‘Jon’, the name was something he was going to have to get used to. His life, and many others, were at stake.
Opening the heavy doors of the police station, he walked over to the desk officer. 
“Detective Elliot to see Captain Singer,” he announced. The deputy nodded and picked up the phone. Dean turned around, noticing a few chairs to his left and sat down. 
He looked around the reception area. It was full of people, coming and going, and was much bigger than the station he had worked in back in Lawrence. It consisted of a large communal area with around twenty desks and three offices. One that belonged to him and his partner Benny, one that had belonged to Captain Turner and one that had been used as a store room. There had been very little crime in the area he had originally worked in. 
That was until Michael had come to town. 
He shook the memory from his head, determined to not let himself be distracted today. 
“Detective Elliott?” A burly, thick set, bearded man in his late 50’s was walking towards him, his hand outstretched. 
“Captain Singer.” Dean stood and shook the man's hand. 
“Please. Call me Bobby. There’s no formality here,” he said “Come with me if you will,” he continued, gesturing to a corridor on his left. 
Dean nodded, and side by side the men walked quietly towards an open door. 
Entering the spacious office, Bobby closed the door behind him as Dean took a seat by the large, oak desk. Taking a moment to look around the room, the Detective took a deep breath as he tried to get himself accustomed to the new surroundings. Photo frames filled with smiling faces adorned the wooden space in front of him. He could only assume that it was the family of the older man who he would be reporting into. 
"Dean, I was sorry to hear about Benny," the Captain started, taking his place in his plush office chair opposite him before he steepled his fingers. "Terrible situation."
“Thank you,” Dean acquiesced, taking in the grim expression on Bobby’s grizzled features. He appreciated the concern, but was hoping that he wouldn’t be expected to go into too much detail. He wasn’t sure he felt quite ready enough to discuss what happened in depth with a stranger, even if he did mean well. 
“Losing one of our own is always a deep blow,” the elder man continued, “And for it to be your partner while you were on a case must make it even harder to bear. I have lost a few colleagues…” Bobby’s words trailed off as he realised Dean was fidgeting in his seat, loosening his tie with his right hand, the fingers of his left hand drumming against the wooden arm of the chair. 
“Anyway, I digress,” he went on, mentally kicking himself for making the new Detective feel uncomfortable, “I’m sure you’ll fit right in here. I trust your new accommodation is to your liking?” 
Dean was happy that the subject had been changed. As Bobby had been speaking, he could feel his heart rate begin to raise, his palms getting sweaty. He wondered briefly if the Captain had noticed, and that was why he had stopped talking. If that was the case, Dean knew he needed to get himself in check. He could not perform his duties correctly if he couldn’t bring himself to talk about Benny. Even though no one else in the precinct knew his real identity except his superiors, it was enough that Bobby asking him questions had made him react this way for him to realise he may need to take the force up on the offer of a therapist. 
“Yes, yes thank you Sir. It’s very nice,” Dean lied. The small apartment he had been supplied was in a rough part of town, above a liquor store, but he was grateful for the relative safety the tiny rooms afforded him. 
“Okay so,” his new Captain went on, “I’ll introduce you to the team, using your assumed name of course. They’re a good bunch. A few mavericks that need to be reigned in now and again, but besides that, they behave themselves most of the time.” 
Raising from his seat, Bobby buttoned his jacket as he walked past Dean towards the door. He opened it and gestured for the younger man to exit the stuffy office. 
He was led through a corridor into a bustling investigation room. Numerous staff were typing away on keyboards, the clack of their fingers creating a cacophony of different rhythms. Desk phones were ringing loudly, most of them being ignored. A large white board containing photographs of suspects in the particular case they were currently investigating stood at the front of the room, words written in different colours of magic marker, some circled, some underlined filling in the gaps between images. 
Dean followed his superior as he moved between the desks, the occupants standing up as the Captain passed, nodding at him briefly before taking their seats again and getting on with whatever work they had been doing. Some of them glanced at Dean as he walked closely behind, others ignored his presence. 
It was clear that Bobby ran a tight ship and was well respected by his subordinates. The fact that they stood up when he approached their work station was a surprise to Dean, as this was not something anyone did for Rufus back in Lawrence, but he made a mental note to remember this in future. 
The duo had reached the desk of an attractive blonde police woman. Her face was open and pleasant, a bright smile on her lips. She rose to her feet, as Bobby introduced her. 
“Detective Donna Hanscum, this is Detective Jon Elliott.” 
“Pleased to meet ya,” she said, holding her hand out. Dean shook it, warming to her friendly demeanour straight away. 
“I’ll leave you in Donna’s capable hands,” the Captain told him, “come by my office before you leave for the evening.” 
As Bobby turned away, Donna pulled a chair out and patted it. “Take a seat.” 
“Coffee?” she offered, her eyes moving towards a vending machine in the corner of the room. “It’s not gourmet, but it does the job.” 
Dean was relieved. He was desperate for some caffeine. “Please. Black, no sugar.” 
“You betcha.” 
As Donna prepared the beverage, Dean took in more of his surroundings. The staff were a mixture of uniformed and plain clothes officers, male and female, young and old. Some were busy on their desktops, others were leaning back in their seats, cellphones to their ears. Food was being consumed at work stations, papers were being shuffled, names were being yelled. 
It was so different to what Dean was used to, but he liked it. It distracted the tumultuous thoughts that haunted him, even in his waking hours. 
Donna, returning to her desk, brought him out of his reverie. He took the plastic cup gratefully and gingerly sipped the tepid liquid. She was right. It was far from gourmet, muddy tasting and luke warm, but it provided the caffeine hit he really needed right now. 
“Nasty right?” Donna chuckled, obviously noticing Dean’s disdainful expression. 
“It’s fine,” he smirked, placing the cup down.
“So, Jon,” Donna said, turning her body towards him, “What brings you here?”
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Chapter Two
Tags - @salt-n-burn-em-all / @littlelonewolfgirl/ @krazykelly/ @deans-spinster-witch / @lastcallatrockysbar / @ssimelttilgniht / @123passwort / @winchester-girl67 / @winchestergirl2 / @americasass81 / @jessjad / @akshi8278 / @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior / @waywardbaby / @deanwinchesterswitch / @440mxs-wife / @globetrotter28 / @sexyvixen7 / @hobby27 / @djs8891 / @kickingitwithkirk/ @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden / @kyjey / @lindalouh / @solariklees/ @trektraveler
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(got bored and decided to do this)
Sebatian: *Screams* Joseph: *Screams louder to establish dominance* Dean: Should we do something? Juli: No, I want to see who wins.
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nikossasaki · 2 months
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Sorry. No version of this where I didn't come get you, is there?
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naughtystiel · 2 months
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detective novak has been trying to get a different partner for a while now (id sell a kidney to watch them bicker)
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dyke-will-graham · 2 months
Oh! I love that one ship...
You know the one with the repressed bisexual 80's leather wearing charmer with daddy issues and a million dollar smile and the autistic repressed gay twink who wears vaguely vintage clothing with sassy mannerisms and avoidance issues!
(the game here is guess what ship im talking about)
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zepskies · 9 months
Series Masterlist - Smoke Eater
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
AN: "Smoke eater": a self-appointed slang term for a firefighter.
Get ready for an AU! Several SPN characters will make their appearances: Sam and John Winchester, Castiel as "Cas Novak," Ellen and Jo Harvelle, Jack Kline, Benny Lafitte, Gordon Walker, Meg Masters, Chuck Shurley, Nick (yes, even him), and more!
Series Tags/Warnings: (**18+ only!) There will be a lot of heart, a lot of fun, drama, heartbreak, protective Dean, and even a murder mystery. Rating for eventual smut, perilous situations, and other chapter-specific tags.
🎵 Listen While You Read: The Smoke Eater Playlist
Part 1 - Class and Style - Podcast Version!
Part 2 - Lieutenant Winchester
Part 3 - Got a Hold on Me
Part 4 - Rocky Road
Part 5 - Twitterpated
Part 6 - Just Casual
Part 7 - Cherry Pie & Lemon Drizzle
Part 8 - Likewise, Baby
Part 9 - Do Not Disturb
Part 10 - Toil and Trouble
Part 11 - Heart of the Home
Part 12 - All in the Family
Part 13 - Boiling Point
Part 14 - Message in a Bottle
Part 15 - The Good Part
Part 16 - Break Down the Gates
Part 17 - The Real Deal
Part 18 - V for Vendetta
Part 19 - Sacrifice
Epilogue - Easy as Pie
Series Complete!
Bonus One-Shots:
Something Real** Now that you and Dean are officially engaged, you take some much needed time off together for a family vacation. But even with the wedding set for next year, the two of you are still at odds when it comes to one key part of your future together…
(Want to listen to the podcast version? Keep scrolling below!)
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🎙️ Podcast Fic:
Listen to Part 1 in podfic form!
(A "podfic" is where you can listen to the story narrated.)
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(Cover image and narration by @talltalesandbedtimestories)
Or listen to the official Idling in the Impala episode of Smoke Eater Part 1 on YouTube:
Listen to the Idling in the Impala podfic episode of the sequel story, Something Real below:
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean Winchester Series List
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List:
Comment below if you'd like to be tagged in this series!
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
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2K notes · View notes
eat-the-lemons · 2 months
A character being dragged to hell after attempting to confess to their crush? I think we've all seen this before
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 months
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"Who are you?"
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"We're you, but on Netflix. And ghosts."
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orionsangel86 · 2 months
If I had a nickle for every time Richard Speight Jr directed a Hell Adjacent Gay Love Confession between two characters who happen to be running away from a leather clad black lady Death I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but its WEIRD THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE
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rogerpodger132 · 8 days
“Dead Boy Detectives is the new Destiel” “Buddie is the new Destiel” you are wrong, there will never be a new destiel. nobody will ever come close to replicating the mind boggling story of destiel, no one will ever top the last great american queer bait. no single episode of a show will cause as much chaos and distress as 15x18. you were simply not there for it. you do not understand what us hellers have gone through and quite frankly, nobody has or should ever replicate destiel.
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deanwanddamons · 1 year
Undercover - Chapter Two
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Summary: Homicide Detective Dean Winchester and Detective Y/F/N Y/L/N go undercover to solve a spate of murders. 
Universe: Detective AU
Pairing: None (yet) 
Chapter Word Count: 2K
Warnings: Dark subject matter. Angst. Description of a panic attack.
A/N 1: As always thank you to my beta @winchest09, who helped me with the idea for this story. You are my cheerleader, my bestie and my constant support. I love you.
A/N 2: As you may or may not know, I haven’t written anything in an absolute age. I have been struggling with writer's block and life has simply got in the way. But…I started this series a long time ago and a few chapters were just sitting in my docs. So I thought I would post the prologue in the hope that you guys enjoy it, want to read more and it may give me the inspiration to continue with it. I’m happy to say, most of you seemed to enjoy it so here is Chapter Two. Please let me know what you think - comment and reblog if possible ❤️ Tag list is open if you wish to be added.
Undercover Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Dean and Benny entered the abandoned warehouse, their Glock 19’s drawn, the flashlights that were tucked up beside the muzzle providing only a small amount of illumination through the dense shadows. Shards of moonlight peaked weakly through the empty windows which were devoid of panes, but it was not bright enough to be of any use. 
They attempted to keep their footsteps light as they desperately needed to be stealthy to avoid detection. However, it was proving increasingly difficult to avoid the debris that were strewn across the floor. Aiming his flashlight at the ground, Dean could see clumps of tinfoil and a few spoons at his feet, signs that this place had been used as a drug den at some point. As he stepped forward, hypodermic needles snapped under his heavy boots, his weight crushing them to tiny pieces. Each sound was like a thunderclap in the silence. 
A gloomy corridor stretched out before them as they rounded a corner. The arc of Dean’s torch revealed a door on either side, around ten feet from where they stood, only one of the entrances accessible. Benny was behind Dean, close on his heels. The Cajun tapped him on the shoulder and gestured to the taller man that he was heading over to the right, then using only hand signals, managed to portray his idea that they should take a room each. As they glanced at each other, their faces were bathed in darkness. By now, their eyes had grown accustomed enough to their surroundings and by the weak light the moon was providing, they were able to just make out each other’s features. They had worked together for so long there was an almost psychic bond between them and no words were required. Dean nodded in agreement, understanding exactly what Benny was explaining. 
Dean pressed his back to the grimy wall behind him, his heels pushed against the broken skirting boards.  As Benny silently tiptoed to the opposite wall, he motioned with his hand that he was heading down the hall to the right hand door and his partner should take the left. Dean saluted, the gesture a unique action between them. Benny always knew this meant that he was in agreement when they could not speak. 
In unison, they began to move slowly, each step they took calculated and deliberate, almost as if it had been choreographed beforehand. 
As they reached their separate destinations, their eyes met briefly across the corridor. It was time. 
Dean stepped into the room alone, his Glock following the beam of his flashlight that cut through the dark like a knife, searching the corners. It was empty, except for some upended filing cabinets, their draws standing open, stained paperwork from the business that previously operated from the premises spilling out of them like discarded trash. 
Benny stopped in front of the door of the opposite room, and tried the knob. It was locked. Lifting his foot, he kicked the door open, the flimsy mechanism of the lock shattering under his heavy boot. He knelt, pointing his gun into the black space. It was empty. 
Benny cursed under his breath. He had expected to find the target, but instead he found himself facing an empty, dark room. He flicked on his flashlight and swept it around the room, looking for any sign of the person he was after. But there was nothing.
Feeling frustrated, Benny stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He scanned the walls, looking for any hidden doors or compartments. He checked under the bed, in the closet, and behind the curtains. But there was no one there.
Benny frowned. He couldn't believe that they had been led on a wild goose chase like this. He and Dean had followed every lead and tip they could find, but it seemed that their target was always one step ahead of them.
As Benny turned to leave, something caught his eye. It was a small piece of paper, tucked between the pages of a book on the nightstand. He picked it up and read the words scrawled on it in pencil.
"Nice try, boys. Better luck next time."
Benny crumpled the note in his fist, feeling angry and defeated. Whoever the message was from, they were mocking them. Benny knew that he couldn't give up, though. They had to keep searching for their target, no matter how long it took.
Outside the room, Dean suddenly flinched at the cacophony of sounds that reverberated around the seemingly abandoned warehouse.  Moving forward, he headed towards the broken furniture, when Benny’s loud, desperate shout echoed through the building. 
Benny was in trouble. The green-eyed detective instinctively went to move forward, before pausing, remembering the conversation the partners had had when they were originally given their assignment. 
“Whatever happens, we must not blow our cover. We need to bring these scumbags in and get them off the streets, no matter what happens. If either one of us gets hurt or is captured, the other must run. We can not afford to jeopardise this investigation.” 
They had shaken hands on this and clinked their beer bottles together. Benny would never forgive him if he stormed into the room to rescue him. And he had screamed out for Dean to run. 
What should he do? 
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“So, Jon,” Donna said, turning her body towards him, “What brings you here?”
“Fancied a change of pace I guess,” Dean responded, the blondes words forcing him out of his reverie. He had rehearsed the cover story that had been concocted between him and Rufus. It was inevitable that people would ask. “Lawrence was very quiet, so I asked for a transfer to the big city.”
“Ahh, you’re from Lawrence? Were you involved in the Order of Repentance case?” She asked brightly. 
“Vaguely,” Dean lied, forcing himself to answer. The single word came out strained and broken. He was slowly getting used to the untruths, but it didn’t sit right with him. He hated deceiving people, even though this was something he would have to do many more times, he had no doubt. He knew he needed to be more convincing if he was going to keep up the charade. 
“I wasn’t heavily involved, but I was obviously aware of it,” he continued, clearing his throat, sitting up straighter in his chair, taking another sip of the liquid that claimed to be coffee. 
“Crazy business. Who would have thought a peaceful community could be capable of such things. And I heard that the leader, Michael wasn’t it, disappeared into the breeze?” Donna went on, completely unaware of the adrenaline that was flowing through Dean’s body. 
“He did,” Dean answered. His eyes darted around the room, desperately searching for an excuse to end this conversation, the feeling of unease crawling over his skin. His heart was beating so hard against his rib cage, he thought it would burst out of his chest. He couldn’t sit here any longer. He pushed his chair back, the sound of the legs scraping along the floor loud in his ears. 
“Could you show me where the restroom is please?” He suddenly announced. He could feel the rumbling of a panic attack beginning to manifest, and he had to get out of this room. Strong fingers of dread began to press down on his skull and his heart was thumping so hard he could feel it pounding in his chest. He hadn’t admitted to anyone that he suffered from them, not even Sam, so he certainly didn't want to have a full blown melt down in front of his new colleagues. 
“Sure!” Donna said, an expression of concern crossing her face when she noticed how pale Dean had gone. “Down the hall, on the right. Are you okay?” 
“Yes, fine. Just need a minute,” he explained, getting up from the chair on shaking legs. He forced himself to move confidently across the room, even though he wished he could sprint from the oppressive atmosphere that had begun to weigh down on his shoulders. His vision had started to blur, shards of light punctuating his sight with each thump of his pulse. He needed to concentrate on an action, so focused on removing his jacket as he walked, dropping it down onto the nearest chair. Donna watched him as he did, her curiosity of the handsome newcomer piqued. 
Dean was sweating, his palms clammy and breath coming in short bursts as he made his way down the corridor. He thought of the steps he had read on the internet which supposedly help ward off an attack; 
Things I can see - A large pot plant in front of me that needs watering. 
Things I can touch - The wall
Things I can hear - Phones ringing in the distance 
Things I can smell - There is a smell of fried onions in the air. Someone is having a hot dog for lunch. 
Things I can taste - My own saliva. The smell of onions is making my stomach churn even more. 
His gaze finally fell upon the men’s room door. Relief flooded through him as pushed it open. The force he used was so strong, it slammed against the wall behind it, bouncing back towards him. Pushing at it again, he practically fell into the bathroom, barrelling straight into a hard body who was washing his hands. 
“Woah, take it easy,” a soft voice warned him. Dean ignored the man, and stumbled towards a cubicle as bile burned his throat. 
He hadn't even had time to shut the door to the stall, before he had fallen heavily to his knees. He had just reached the pan, when he brought up the brown liquid from the vending machine which was the only contents in his stomach. As he retched, he could vaguely hear a voice asking him if he was okay. 
Having been shoved out of the way by the whirlwind that was Dean, Detective Novak had originally been annoyed by being dismissed by the man who had rudley pushed past him, but now he felt concerned for the figure hunched over the toilet bowl. 
“Are you okay there, buddy?” he asked, not wanting to intrude on what was a personal moment, but not wanting to ignore the stranger either. 
Dean raised a hand in acknowledgment. He didn’t wish to be rude, but he wasn’t in any state to actually respond at that moment. He had finally managed to curb the heaving, and his stomach had settled slightly, but he still felt queasy and light headed. He rested his forehead against the cool porcelain, preparing himself to stand up. 
“Yes, thank you,” he managed to say, using the walls of the cubicle to steady himself as he rose to his feet. He felt weak and breathless, his pulse pounding in his head as he attempted to fill his lungs with much needed oxygen. He had managed to avoid a full on panic attack, but only just. 
Moving sluggishly to a sink, he turned on the faucet and cupped his hands below it, cold water gathering in his clasped fingers. He brought the cool H2O to his lips, gulping it down greedily and splashing it over his pale face. 
Looking into the reflective surface of the mirror above the bank of grimy basins, his blood shot green eyes caught the blue pupils of Novak who was hovering behind him. He took in the concern shining in them, and was both grateful and frustrated by it. Dean felt foolish and weak, hating the fact someone had witnessed the beginnings of a possible breakdown.
This cannot be happening. Not today.
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To be continued
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed please like, comment and reblog as FEEDBACK IS GOLD and is the fuel that keeps me writing. My tag list is open, so if you wish to be added, send me an ask.
Tags - @salt-n-burn-em-all / @littlelonewolfgirl / @krazykelly / @deans-spinster-witch / @lastcallatrockysbar / @ssimelttilgniht / @123passwort / @winchester-girl67 / @winchestergirl2 / @americasass81 / @jessjad / @akshi8278 / @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior / @waywardbaby / @deanwinchesterswitch / @440mxs-wife / @globetrotter28 / @ziatracy / @sexyvixen7 / @hobby27 / @djs8891 / @kickingitwithkirk / @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden / @kyjey / @lindalouh / @solariklees / @trektraveler / @leigh70 / @ladysparkles78 / @mimaria420
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have more) 
Sebatian: Listen, I can explain... Joseph: You’re making $500,000 and you’re only gonna pay me $30,000? Juli: You’re getting 30 grand? I’m getting $1,000! Dean: You guys are getting paid?
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static-horrors · 1 month
running through the hallways of hell with your best friend is one of the gayest things you can do. oh, you're both trapped in hell together? better hold hands so you don't get separated. that's the only reason, right? not because you're in gay love. never because of that.
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ibreathhere · 2 months
So let me get this straight, in April 2024 this happened,
yuri !!! on ice: ice adolescence, movie got cancelled buy ungrateful Mappa studio, who would be dead if not for the gays and girlies money. 
Shinichi aka Conan and the magic thief Kaito are cousins, so they can't kiss or hold hands despite years and years of hints and sniffing each other and looking in the eyes.
Supernatural insider revealed they queer coded Dean and Castiel relationship from the begging to attract the gays and girlies, but it got too real so they even had to cool them down, and we still got queer bating somehow.
People are evil.
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dyke-will-graham · 19 days
Happy Pride Month to the gay couples of the internet that sparked a thousand blogs May the odds of reboots, post-series conventions, and actor affirmed canon be in your favor. Wishing a very happy gay month to Destiel, Merthur, Hannigram, Johnlock and all those in between including our new brethren Painland, Blackbonnet, Ineffable Husbands, Nandermo and others! Rejoice!
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