#I am unsure if posting something so personal is wise... but I still feel the need to explain myself
lunaria--annua · 6 months
For the few people that aren't my friends but remember me/ my art (or friends I haven't stayed in touch with), I wish to give an explanation for my constant week or months long disappearances:
I am a school kid stuck in an incredibly brutal school system, with a born in disability that only increases the difficulty to an insane degree. I have 10 hour schooldays and am still expected to do homework and study for intense exams (that can be up to 130 minutes long) when I arrive home late at night. This translates to my weekends also being used up for study and any free time being used for recovery from the chronic exhaustion (I do not use the term »chronic« lightly here, this is something noted by my doctor).
I really do not like letting this art blog rot only to be temporarily revived for a very short period of time once in a blue moon, but it is out of my control.
I hope (and I do think that will be the case) that in the future I will have more opportunities and energy to be creative, and will be able to share the fruits of my creativity. I miss doing art, but the constant grind from school erodes my creative passion to a degree that I barely even doodle in my notebooks anymore.
I'm optimistic this will not be forever though 💜
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suzyq31 · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @nodirectionhome-ao3! I almost feel unworthy as I really am not writing much now and feeling a lot of conflict about how to move forward in fandom, but it's still fun to have a chance to chat about what I am writing (even if it's slow).
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends
Maybe Tomorrow: The epilogue is all that's left! This is a hard story to categorize, but essentially Harry and Hermione are fixing up Potter Manor the first Christmas after the war, on Christmas Eve they wake up to find themselves seemingly in the future, or some possible alternate reality. Friends to lovers, time travel, domestic fluff and plenty of angst thrown in.
Untitled James and Lily. A one shot sitting in my drafts. Mischief and games, and a first kiss. Possibly going to connect it to At The Beginning.
Found. I've actually pulled this from Ao3 and it's become a personal project instead. It's a spin off from my Seasons Series. Second generation, original character, coming back from the dead and other fun stuff. Harry/Hermione.
Iris. Another project I'm unsure of. It's still online, but may take it down in future to also write for myself instead of an audience. It's the first long story I ever attempted, and was a tad ambitious with it. Harry and Hermione. Hidden child, post war, angsty as hell. And a mystery plot that is slowly driving me insane as I try to weave in the appropriate clues.
Don't really know at this point. @bettertoflee and I have lost steam on In Between which is supposed to be a steamy, fake dating, 8th year Harmony. Life is just hectic and neither of us are feeling overly motivated. I have several vague James and Lily ideas floating in my brain, as well as a few original short stories I'd like to experiment with...but lately writing has been a chore and my creative muse feels depleted!
As you can see the theme is that I have all these Harry and Hermione WIPS, yet no will to work on them, or at least continue posting (sigh). And I would like to write more James and Lily, yet keep freezing. So fun times all around!
Upcoming Scenes, Events, Details
So it's just the epilogue left. One detail is that so far it's only one scene and not very long, but still, I am so excited to finally wrap this up and reveal some stuff. It's probably the story that has meant the most to me on a personal level, and it feels so good to have finished something that I worked hard on and am proud of.
There is a kiss that I am very eager to write. Plus some group dynamics that I'm having fun experimenting with.
Now that I'm not writing this for an audience there has been some freedom with being able to let go of certain details and it feels great to just jump around and have fun with it. I'm working on a scene of a cute "first" date that makes me all fluttery ❤️ Also Ron will be making another appearance soon, and I do love writing him.
There are some cute scenes I'm excited to write, but they are a ways away and I don't want to say too much. I will say there is a kiss that I am also very excited to write in this one to! Let's just see if I ever get through all the "mystery" bits.
Well, if we could summon the energy/ability, there is a smut scene in In Between that I know I'm eager to write, or read, who knows which of us will make it happen 👀 I would also very much like it if my desire to write would come back as I keep getting snippets of Jily banter in my head that would be good to get down.
Not sure if anyone will be interested in reading any of this, but yes a glimpse at the chaos of my writing life (at least fandom wise).
Anyone who wants to participate, consider yourself tagged! But will also add a few that I am curious about! @glitterwitch1 @myst867 @annonymouslyblonde
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moe-broey · 4 months
My "Not a full thought" post about Emblems now being able to exist in Askr and the potential of timeline fuckery is coming back to haunt me.
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@iamdarkness BUT I really did wanna reply to this more in-depth esp to have context on the Engage side of things as well! And tbh it could be a really interesting thing to dig into, I just feel a bit out of my depth about it (the FEH autism does not extend far past Askr. If I'm entirely honest 🧍)
Hoping to clear the air on some things! Such as, Elyios (Engage) is separate from Askr/Zenith (FEH)! All the Emblems have their own "domains", in the form of a paralogue/map that's modeled after the respective Emblem's world. For story Emblems, you unlock these as you collect the rings, and for the DLC Emblems, that's how you recruit them. Unsure what this says about Elyios itself, if these maps are like. Pocket dimensions that are replicas of that Emblem's world or what. Given what I vaguely know about Emblem lore I'm gonna say replicas.
This is Askr's!
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Which, is interesting that it Is Askr, because it's Emblem Veronica's domain.
But honestly I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself, because even before the DLC came out, I was under the impression that Engage took place after all FEs were said and done, timeline wise. Given the nature of the Emblems, and the set up of the story starting off "1000 years ago" (and that was just to set up the story of Engage! So it has been A While).
One thing (that feels very loose canon-wise) that made me feel Engage is after FEH is because, not only are there Bond Rings of the Askr trio, but their weapons are here too! This was a promotional thing, but. It's There
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Something worth noting, is that Bond Rings are different than Emblems. They don't have a spirit in them, that's as animated as the Emblems anyway... they give small stat bonuses, and are of characters that are related to any given Emblem (so, Corrin has a collection of Fates characters for Bond Rings, ect). This Does have an interesting result where there's an overlap between some DLC Emblems and Bond Rings. Cases being, there's Emblem Camilla and a Camilla Bond Ring that's connected to Emblem Corrin -- and, this happened to Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude too! Each of them having Bond Rings connected to Byleth, and also becoming their own Emblems in the Get Along Bracelet LMFAO (all three of them are in there. It goes about as well as you'd expect.)
But I am. Getting a little distracted.
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One line that stands out to me is Alear (named Milo here) saying he hasn't heard of Askr before. But like if I think about that too much my head might explode and also Alear was previously comatose for 1000 slutty slutty years. So. Take it or leave it, whatever this is implying
Also, interestingly, she takes the form of her post Book 6 look -- but there's some odd inconsistencies, like her personality being more young Veronica, and also, mentions of Bruno as if he was still missing in action and not. Well. You know. (I'd have to dig further into Bond convos for examples, which tbh may be a worthwhile endeavor! But for now Take My Word For It Please this is already so all over the place 🥲)
But the main reason I wanted to emphasize that dialogue (aside from it being interesting, to say the least), is how Alear doesn't know about Askr as a whole. And, in Alear/Alfonse Forging Bonds:
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WHICH.... AGAIN.......... MADE ME FEEL LIKE. With everything going on in Engage, the Bond Rings of Alfonse/Sharena/Anna, their Respective Signature Weapons (feels particularly damning) and Emblem Veronica. It felt like, what happens in Elyios is something that has Yet to Happen. And that, Askr as we know it, has been long gone.
But then...... everything with the Katarina/Kris FBs............ how Kris was only able to be summonable because Katarina and Marth told their story............. and how it's just the Emblems that are specifically mentioned as Not Having Info on, not Alear herself or her friends. My head hurds so bad.
LIKE...... I GUESS???? My initial thoughts on "Oh yeah that makes sense the Emblems don't exist in Askr" was that they Didn't Exist Yet. Aughh but then ...... in-universe, wouldn't the same be true for. Anyone from "the future". Or does it just apply to ghostly jewelry apparitions. Because we KNOW that option isn't true, it's shown/stated that Kiran comes from a modern world like ours, and there's also the Tokyo Mirage Sessions idols. Maybe the Emblem thing WAS just a Kris case, but that feels SO ODD. Like the Emblems are intrinsic to Elyios it seems. Why wouldn't the Askr library, chock full of information about the various worlds and lives of Heroes, Not Have That Info??? Especially with royalty like Lumera (Alear's mom) having close ties with specific Emblems (Sigurd). And also off the top my head that's a REOCCURRING thing, that the royal families in Engage Are entrusted with specific Emblems that are passed down/protected across generations. Celica with Céline/Firene, Lyn with Alcryst/Brodia, to name a few. It just seems SO strange, because it Feels Like it would be basic information about the world of Elyios.
My head hurds so bad. Net zero information. I'm so sorry. I hope this helped!!!!!!!!! 😇🫡
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2thdk · 2 days
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Hello, there! My name is Sen/Eto!
Pronouns: they/she
I'm an alter within the Minina system (click the link to find out more!). I specifically am from "Group 2", the only subsystem we know of as of now. I wanted to introduce myself on my own post because i am... truly something! (totally not because of the fact Tumblr 10 image limit makes it harder for us all to have an image to represent us, haha 😐)
I won't be tagging this outside of maybe some personal tags, people in this world scare me more than they did in my source!
On another note, i find explaining being a fictive is not a particularly easy task in the first place, throw in being a "love to hate" character from a series about pseudo-cannibalistic people and you've got a real problem! I luckily found a simple solution after much deep thought: Don't explain anything at all!
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I can't help but feel a bit disappointed about it though. I'd like to share details about how much of the source material is me, how i differ, the headcanons that seem to have influenced the source memories...
So i will!
Appearance-wise i'm mainly the main Sen Tatasuki appearance from the OG, and the short hair style in :re. I occasionally rock the wrapped up, Mummy-style Eto Yoshimura appearance. Personality is stolen from Sen mostly and some traits from the more Owl-y Eto in :re, but there's a tiny bit of the immature, wrapped up Eto in there as well, i'm sure.
I would like to clarify, we have not finished Vol. 13 of the original manga, nor read any of :re, so this is all in regards to the very poor writing from the anime side of things. 🫤
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As for headcanons/AUs that wormed their way in: I survived the fight with Furuta (although that was more an ambiguous death anyway). I'm unsure of Source Eto's age, but mine was more in like with the kiddos (just an old soul, i suppose!).
I also offered the apple and "forbidden knowledge" to Ken, not Kanae. Although i didn't feed him any of my kagune. He wouldn't have wanted it anyway! I just helped him find his memories, much to Haise's dismay, as he had been holding on to those memories for Ken's sake. If i had known i wouldn't have done it...
Haise is still around though, along with all the other Kaneki's, save for a few. After i helped him with his memories, it wasn't long before i found that i didn't completely hate him, and he didn't completely hate me either. In fact, i'd say eventually... something akin to love blossomed... And grew... We didn't have a kid or whatever, but we were a couple. 😅
I don't remember much past my battle with Furuta, so many memories themselves are only bits and pieces, with nothing but a blinding light to fill the gaps.
All i know is that i do miss Ken... And i don't like how i'm back to poor living conditions in this new situation as an alter...
How do ficitves cope? Get help? How do you go to a therapist and get help for trauma, on things that most would doubt is even real? Am i real? How do you talk to "friends" you just met about how you've lost, what feels like at least, everything?
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Sigh. It ended up all gloomy anyway, i suppose... Just realized this really is like an old style blog post... I wonder if Tumblr used to be like this...
Anyway, starting to get all sleepy again so guess that means i'm getting kicked out of the body! (Or maybe it really is bedtime...) Perhaps i'll write again sometime!
Until then! Ciao!
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pixie88 · 2 years
Ready? 😈
3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20, 21, 25, 28, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40
You're welcome 😜
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Hey @aussieez sorry it's taken a while to reply! That is a monster list!! 😱🤣 Here we go!
3. Do you have a favourite scene you've written from (no name of fics given so I'm gonna name a few)?
The A&E Series - Me without you? And the epilogue just because the massive curve ball 🤐🤐
Teddy - the end of the last chapter because it made me cry plus I knew no one would expect it.
The Neighbour - I probably have a few that are like no! But I love when Alana sleeps with Isaac and a scene between the pair that has yet to be posted 😈😜
4. Did you have any ideas that didn't make the final cut of (no choosen fics, I'll pick)?
Yours truly - Jake (Ellie's ex) was supposed to team up with their stalker 😈 I didn't think it was believable.
6. If you listen to music when writing, what were you listening to when writing (no choosen fic name given)?
Whatever is on my playlist really. Here's a few of my favourites atm:
7. What story do you feel the proudest of?
Before I wrote Enough I would have said Alone, which I am still proud of but Enough and the editing of it to publish is now my proudest story because it...well you will have to see for yourself 😈😜🤷‍♀️🤐
9. If you had to assign a theme song to (fic name) which would you assign?
10. What's is the line you're proudest of from (no fic name given)?
A&E Together - Nina: "Our tongues are blue. We look like we've given a Smurf a blowjob!"
14. How do you feel about your older work?
I want to edit A&E series one and two change it to third person. I hate reading it in first person now.
15. What is the fanfic you've written that you're most proud of?
Fanfics wise probably The Neighbour, it was a slow burn I normally get to chapter 5 and they are 😈😈
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear?
Any feedback or when people aren't expecting something to happen and it does 😜😈
21. Is there an idea you've always wanted to write, but haven't yet?
Everything in Enough! It's the darkest fics I have written hence why I was keeping it to myself, now editting my reading it and thinking "noooo! You can put that out there! Then I'm like no! People don't like it simply don't read!" 🤷‍♀️
25. What scene in (fic name) took the longest to write? What was difficult about it?
Again a scene in Enough even when I was writing it for me, I was crying! It broke my heart and I wrote it! 💔💔
28. Is there a part of (fics name) you're surprised no one has picked up on yet?
I don't think so maybe later on when a few more chapter of Enough are out.
33. Have you ever stopped yourself from writing something? Why?
The whole Alone fics I was unsure on, but had great support 😉 there are scenes in Enough I'm toying with taking out 😬
37. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
Well, @aussieez we have said about doing a one shot.... 🤣🤣🤣 we have done an A&E, KJ @aussieez and SD @secretaryunpaid one shot.
38. What story of yours are you surprised that people liked as much as they did?
Any story I write! I don't get how anyone likes them!
39. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Fluff! Find it so easy to write everything else I struggle with.
40. what area of writing do you want to improve in?
All of them! I read other people's writing and wonder why I write.
Thanks for the list of asks lovely 😘
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aberrantmood · 4 months
A little bit about me! (That isn't already on my carrd) WARNING: I'm a multi-paragraph texter. This introduction may be a bit longer than common intro posts you'd come across, which is something that some people enjoy more than others. With that in mind, if you aren't willing to read at least my opinions/stances or carrd, you won't have the best time here. 🍵 What's my general "vibe?" Grew up catholic, now I'm someone the priests I grew up with want burnt on a stake. I also often put my filter on the back burner when it comes to sexual topics. Although, because of that, I'm proud to say that various friends of mine have become more open with not only talking about their sexual thoughts and/or experiences, they've also become more comfortable and―dare I say―confident with themselves. I'm the one they come to if they're unsure of which toy to buy and if they're too scared to order/buy one themselves. I'm the one they come to if they need sexual advice, I'm the one they (specifically my writer friends) come to when they wanna ramble about their OCs sexual preferences and interests. Hence, I will absolutely be that same friend towards anyone who decides "Hey, her blog is pretty chill. I'll stick around."
🍵 Why am I on tumblr? To talk about sex and, hopefully, help break the stigma a little bit behind it. I'm hoping my frequent talk about it will help not only others out there feel more open―just as it did with my friends―but at least relieved to know that they aren't alone in any kinks they may have (and that they're completely valid, at that). I actually highly recommend Evie Lupine if you're looking for further and more in-depth kink education. She's asexual, too! Kinky asexuals aren't commonly known of nor talked about, and she plans to break that. So, despite not being asexual myself―she taught me a lot about the asexual spectrum community, and helped me immensely with fighting the common guilt that comes with being kinky. I highly, highly recommend her. I'm also here to spread education about LGBTQ+―specifically us Aromantic Allosexuals, which I am. "Aromantic Allopansexual," to be specific. I don't only post about sex and my sexual identity, though. I also may post about my personal interests/hobbies, which you can find on my carrd. Main topics might be about horror, as I've been a huge fan of it since toddler age.
🍵 What am I into (NSFW wise)? In short, I'm a "pillow princess" submissive. A sub is self-explanatory. For pillow princess though―to me, "pillow princess" means I'm all for receiving oral, but have an uncontrollable repulsion to giving it. I used to beat myself up for that, thanks to the common "give what you get" expectation when it comes to oral, but came to accept it. That I not only can't help my repulsion, but shouldn't "have" to do anything in sex I'm not comfortable with. That it does not make me boring or selfish. To anyone who's similar: I hear you. I understand you. And I promise you, there are many people out there entirely into it. Though I am curious to try out deepthroating a dick or strap-on, as I frequently do in my fantasies―a real dick would have to fit my personal bill of attractive to even want to touch it. As said before, though, there are people entirely into it. Hence, I prefer only sleeping with partners who don't want their own genitals touched. As I'll admit that giving-oral-repulsion guilt still lingers from time to time. But if I'm with a partner who doesn't want their genitals touched in the first place, it really shuts that inner guilt off. (Stone tops, we stand in solidarity). And as you can probably tell, I'm more than open with my insecurities. Please feel free to be on my blog as well. Kink wise and a more in depth list? Here's a document, if you're curious. 🍵 Tags? • #askLeda for my asks and answers. • #nsft for "not safe for tumblr/not safe for work" related posts. Mainly humerous/not so serious posts. • #sexualfantasy for, as it says, posts related to my fantasies. • #aromantic or #aroallo for Aromantic related posts. • #sexualeducation or #ethicalkink for, also, just as it says on the tin. Educational and encouragement, and potential ramblings/rants, of healthy practices when it comes to sex of all kinds. Be it vanilla or kinky. • #toyrec for adult toy recommendations and reviews.
• #Ledastunes for songs I'm either currently listening to on repeat, and/or just wanna recommend. 🍵 Some opinions/stances? • Sex and romance are not inherently bad. While the way that society, at large, interacts with them is flawed (e.g: toxic monogamy/amatonormativity)―completely getting rid of them is far from the solution. • Sex repulsion/aversion is not an excuse for sex negativity. (e.g: "Eww! People have sex?! Y'all are disgusting!") • Children shouldn't be sheltered from the topic of sex. And around teenage years, they should feel comfortable enough to ask you for a toy or advice. If your child grows up fearing you'll be disgusted by them, then I firmly believe you fucked up there. • As kinky and kink positive I am, kink should never be a replacement for therapy. • But with that in mind, kink (especially edgier/violent leaning ones) are far from inherently misogynistic and are a sign you need your head checked/of mental illness. Anti-kinksters and radical feminists tend to have this viewpoint. So, and I say this as respectfully as possible, leave my blog if you fit any of those bills.
• “Virginity” is not medically real. It’s not a medical term, and it’s not based on any scientifical evidence. Instead, virginity is a social and cultural concept that is more important in some cultures and religions than in others. Particularly, purity culture. • Doms using safe words/hand signs/etc is absolutely necessary. The sub isn't the only one in control―both (or all) parties are. Each person in a power play dynamic absolutely deserve, and need, a safe word/hand sign/whatever. Including sadists. Far too many people (especially newcomers) in the BDSM community either aren't aware that doms, too, need check-ins and tap outs. Then once some people/subs do learn about/experience that, they scoff. This all goes for aftercare, too. • You aren't "sex positive" as you may think if you're anti-kink. I don't care if it's for personal reasons (in that case, that's called projection)―if your argument is "I support x because x is better than y" then you actually don't support x, and should maybe reconsider your stances and views. "Oh, have as much sex as you want! That's totally great for you! So long as it doesn't involve any kinks like masochism or anything. That's for brainwashed and gross people who are just inherently harming their mental state or are inherently abusers, haha :)" We've been told that sex is degrading and takes away a person's value one way or another, and we recognize that that's a problematic way of viewing things. But instead of saying "no, that's not true" and instead saying "yeah, it's true, but not under these conditions" and you think you've made it better? Once again, I would highly recommend sitting back and listening to those with different experiences and thoughts. • You aren't supportive of aromantics and "all complex queer identities" until you learn and accept that not every aromantic is asexual. Neither that all aroallos are bi/pan/lesbian/etc―some are heterosexual, yet still absolutely belong in the community. Aromantic, in of itself, is a queer identity. 🍵 QUCK NOTE: Trans women, you are absolutely loved and welcome here, and it will be kept that way. I say that as not only a promise, but a threat towards any transphobes reading. Mark my words, I will not tolerate any hate towards my trans sisters on my fucking blog. 🍵 Rules for asking/interacting: Here.
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selenafinley-rp · 6 months
Navigation | Rules + Info
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General information:
This is an RP blog dedicated to my original character Selena Finley. She is my main Pirates of the Caribbean OC, though I may also use variations of her in other universes.
My main blog is @lieutenantselnia, you can find some more information about me there. The same "do not interact" rules apply so I won't be repeating them here, but to put it simply if you're a hateful or gross person please stay away.
RP-wise, I'll be sticking to PotC only for now.
At the moment I'm mainly interested in RP storylines with Hector Barbossa (romantic) and Davy Jones (romantic) - in separate universes/timelines.
If we're friends/have known each other for a while, I could also imagine writing an OCxOC storyline with our characters forming a relationship (romantic/platonic/familial depending on what fits them).
Occasional interactions with other characters of any type (canon, OC, self-insert) are allowed and welcome, but I won't longer storylines, at least for the time being.
I'm still unsure how I feel about nsfw in RP. For now I'll set the rule that I'll only write it with mutuals/people I've known for a while (through RP and/or generally), and overall keep it light. [Of course any nsfw RP will only happen with people who are also over 18! Otherwise I don't really mind age, however most of my friends and people I interact with on here are young adults like myself.]
I have a busy life balancing work and studying, plus this is blog is not my main priority, so I may not be a particularly fast writer. I'm doing this for fun and not as a chore.
I'm very new to RP in general, so I'm not that familiar with some common terms yet and am also still learning and experimenting with how to do it. Please bear with me^^
If you're interested, hit me up so we can discuss a storyline and get started :)
-> Selena Finley - General Character Introduction
Tagging System:
{ character: "character name" } -> posts with focus on one specific character, for example posts giving additional information about Selena, inspiration posts or mood boards about her or the characters I ship her with etc.
{ pairing: selena finley x "character name" } -> posts about the characters with focus on their relationship, does not have to be a romantic pairing/relationship
{ verse: "verse title" } -> I might explore different storylines with the same character in alternate universes, maybe also with different RP partners, therefore I thought giving the verse/storyline a title might make sense too. This title is something we (my RP partner and I) should come up with together when developing the story.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Belphegor with a s/o who is best friends with Lucifer.
Everything's Gonna Be Okay (Belphegor x GN!Reader ft. Lucifer) ANGST -> FLUFF
Word Count : 2.2K Warnings : Spoilers to lesson 16; Mention of death;
“Where were you?” His voice cut through the pitch black of the room, sharper than a knife, accusatory and angry as he always was whenever you were with Lucifer. He knew exactly where you were, his question was more so to ask what you were doing without seeming like he actually cared. You had explained to Belphie before that he had no reason to worry, but at this point you figured that he wasn’t worried about anything, he was upset with you for still being friends, let alone best friends, with Lucifer after everything the guy had done. You walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge and preparing yourself to give him the same explanation that you had given him so many times, it was like being on constant repeat. “I was helping him file his papers, I just lost track of time.” You turned your head, trying to make out the shape of him on the bed. He was turned away from you, but you could tell that his entire body was stiff, like he was on edge. “You know, he’s just as much my friend as everyone else in the house.” He rolled over finally, growling quietly. You knew now that you shouldn’t have said it, but you couldn’t take it back now. “Oh yeah, that’s great, Y/N. I’m sure you’ve all just forgotten completely that he locked me up here and lied to my brothers about everything to cover his own ass. He’s a great friend to have.” He pulled the blankets from your side of the bed and wrapped them around himself, deciding to be petty and immature instead of just listening to you. It wasn’t unlike him, but it was so agitating. “He did it to keep me safe from you!” You snapped at him, and you were trying really hard not to bring up the sore subject of what he had done to you, but he just refused to listen to anything that you had to say. He scoffed, turning his back to you once more and you should have bit your tongue, but it was so hard to do when he was acting this way. “I’m sure you’ve just forgotten the fact that you killed me, and then tried to do it again, you know, the reason you were locked in the attic in the first place.” You heard his teeth snap together, the deep growl that was building in his throat and his heavy nose breathing. He was trying to keep himself calm, keep himself from absolutely losing it at your mention of his previous mistakes. “That’s right. I’m awful, I’m the absolute worst, because Lucifer hasn’t tried to kill you before either. None of my other brothers have ever tried to kill you, it was just me.” His laugh was humorless, and you could feel the bed practically vibrating beneath you, he was shaking so much. He was beyond angry, he was livid, and you weren’t sure if you could backpedal your way out of this one. “I never said that! Lucifer isn’t getting mad at me for being with you though!” You huffed loudly, crossing your arms in front of your chest. For once there was nothing but silence from his side of the bed though, and you actually thought that you had potentially gotten through to him. The evident sounds of his agitation were gone, and it almost seemed like he had stopped breathing for a second, he was so still. That’s when he shot up straight in bed, kicking the blankets off and pushing himself off the bed. “I can’t believe you just fucking said that.” Now he just sounded exhausted as he walked over to the door, shaking his head as he grabbed his cardigan off the bed post. “Lucifer would have no right to get mad at you for being with me because HE’S not your fucking boyfriend, Y/N… I don’t even know if I am at this point.” You watched him as he walked out, his words hung in the air and you couldn’t think of anything to say, you didn’t know how to respond. Not that you had time to anyway, he was already out of the attic, slamming the door behind him as he walked down the stairs, most likely going to his and Beels room to sleep. Maybe that’s what you both needed, to just sleep it off and hopefully you’d both be able to talk things over in the morning.
Morning came, and for a second you thought that everything that had happened last night was just a really bad dream. That is, until you turned to the side and saw Belphies' side of the bed was empty. He had essentially broken up with you last night before he walked out and you had never felt more heart broken than you were right now. You needed to talk to him, but you were sure that he didn’t want to talk to you at all right now, but you needed to talk to someone. There was nowhere else that you could think of going right now, and there was only one person that you knew would be up this early. It would be a problem, especially if Belphie knew that you went there to talk about his and your relationship issues, but Lucifer was your best friend, and you needed some sort of guidance. You knocked lightly on his office door, waiting for him to call out to you to come in, but this time he actually opened the door for you, smiling softly when he saw you standing there. “Y/N… You’re up early.” He stepped to the side to let you in and you went straight for the armchairs, letting yourself drop into one, your head falling against the back as a loud groan escaped you. “Rough night I assume?” He followed you over, sitting in the chair beside yours and folding his hands on his lap. “I think Belphie broke up with me…” You whispered, not even wanting to say it out loud. The words didn’t sound right, they didn’t feel right leaving your lips. Lucifer’s eyes narrowed as he looked at you, and he seemed just as shocked by it as you had been. “He doesn’t like me spending time with you… and I know he hates you, but… You’re my friend. You’ve been my friend way longer than he’s been my boyfriend… I don’t want to hurt either of you though.” It was emotionally tolling, emotionally draining for you to even think about, let alone talk about. You didn’t want to have to choose between the two of them, and you shouldn’t have to. Lucifer reached out to pat the top of your hand, giving you that same soft smile that he had at his office door. You didn’t know how he could possibly reassure you right now, but you knew that he was about to try. “Y/N, you don’t have to hurt either of us, and you don’t have to choose. I’m still going to be your friend, no matter what. If Belphegor doesn’t like it, that’s his choice. You’ve done nothing wrong, but it would be wise to talk to him about this, and try not to let your emotions get the best of you.” Your emotions… they had gotten the best of you last night, and you had said something without even thinking, and that’s why he stormed out. You had to stay in control, even if Belphie couldn’t.
Taking a deep breath, you knocked quickly on the door to Belphie and Beels room, Lucifer’s words replaying in your head. You needed to talk to him about this, but as seconds ticked by and your heart raced, you wanted nothing more than to turn around and run into your room. You didn’t know how you’d be able to look at him, let alone talk to him without getting upset. It would be so easy to just go to your room and lock the door, and just as that idea was starting to sound like a better plan than anything else, the door swung open. “Hey, Y/N. Belphie’s still sleeping… He was up for a while last night tossing and turning… I even think he was crying. He didn’t want to talk about it though… Do you know what happened?” Beel was smiling at you just as he always did, but you worried that if you told him what had happened, the reason for his twin brother's lack of sleep, he would be upset with you. There was no use in lying to him or acting unsure though, you were sure that Belphie would tell him about it at some point anyway. “We got into an argument last night… I just really need to talk to him.” He hummed thoughtfully before nodding his head, stepping out of the room and watching you walk in. “Thank you…” For not asking any further questions, for not trying to poke at yours and Belphie’s relationship. If you didn’t tell him right away, he wouldn’t ask, and that’s the thing that you really liked about Beel. He was quiet, and he respects people's privacy. He gave you a quick nod before pulling the door shut, leaving you alone in the room with Belphie. Everything sounded so loud, even your breaths seemed to echo off the walls of the room, like everything was in acoustic. Your steps over to the bed sounded more like you were stomping even though you were being as quiet as you possibly could, not wanting to wake Belphie up. He would just be even more angry if you not only made him lose sleep last night, but also woke him up once he was finally able to get some shut eye. “I wasn’t crying, by the way. My nose was just stuffed up.” You stopped where you were, looking over to see Belphie sitting up in his bed. “Why are you here anyway?” He was going to be like that right off the bat, but you needed to stay calm, keep your composure. Things would be easy if at least one of you kept your cool, although it would be even easier if you both talked this through like grown adults. “I need to talk to you… You said last night… That you didn’t know if you were my-... What did you mean?” At this point you were standing in the middle of the room, awkwardly twirling your fingers as you looked at him. He sighed quietly, shaking his head as he looked up at you. “I was just mad. You know I didn’t mean that.” He watched your face closely, the way you bit your lip and shuffled your feet. “You do know I didn’t mean that, right?” His eyes softened and in a blink of an eye he was out of the bed, wrapping his arms around you so tight that it seemed like he wasn’t going to let go. “I’d never leave you over something like that, I just… I got mad, and I said something I didn’t mean to say.” He pushed you back just enough to kiss your forehead before looking down at you, his eyes holding your own. “I know… I know you wouldn’t…” You were holding onto the sides of his cardigan tightly, trying to think of how to tell him how you felt and what you were going to do without pissing him off again. “I love you, Belphie… I love being with you… But I’m not going to give up my friendship with Lucifer. I know you hate him, but-” He kissed you quickly, as if he was trying to quiet you before you went too far, and maybe it was the best thing for both of you. At least with his lips against yours you were sure of two things, and those were that you wouldn’t say anything to piss him off, and that he still was in a good enough mood to kiss you, and those were both very good things. The kiss lasted until the both of you were out of breath, both of your chests rising and falling quickly as you stared at each other. His cheeks were lightly flushed as he took a step back, chuckling
softly. “I’m not asking you to give up your… friendship with him.” He bit his lip a little, like the next part was hard for him to even try to say, and you began to mentally prepare yourself for whatever it was he would say next, fearing that it would be something you didn’t want to hear. “All I want is for you to not stay with him so late… I… I like falling asleep next to you at night.” His cheeks turned a brighter shade of red and he quickly pushed your face back into his chest, hoping that you didn’t notice it. Being held by him made everything that happened the night before seem like a nightmare and you were finally waking up from it. Lucifer was your best friend and nothing was going to change that, just like nothing was going to change the fact that Belphie was your boyfriend, and you loved him. As long as you got to end your nights in his arms and wake up to see his face everything would be alright.
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tommysparker · 3 years
Never Forget You [Chapter 3]
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jedi!Reader
A/N: hey y’all! thank you for your patience with this chapter. enjoy!! :) [also totally didn’t have this in my drafts then forget to post earlier pfftttt whaaaatt?]
Warnings: angst with a tiny amount of fluff. anakin finally makes his debut in this series. it gets better just stay with me. long italic paragraphs = flashbacks
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Anakin Skywalker had witnessed many things over the years. 
Giant beasts? At least once a week. Sith Lords? Becoming too common. Droid armies? All year long. Looking death in the eye? Simply another day in the life of a Jedi. 
Nothing could ever have prepared him for the sight he was currently witnessing. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Master, The Negotiator, the Jedi Council’s most prized Jedi…sulking.
It has been a full week since You returned to the Jedi Temple and Anakin couldn’t help to think his former Master’s mood and your arrival were connected. He was vaguely aware of your past friendship, only hearing bits and pieces of the adventures you had together as Padawans. 
During his days under Obi-Wan’s apprenticeship he would often hear about how “a wise Jedi I once knew” would do certain things. He wanted to know more about this oh-so-great Jedi, however, any time the young boy asked his Master would always brush him off with a mournful look in his eyes.  
He didn’t understand at the time but now he’s beginning to piece together that perhaps there was something more between the two of you. 
“You think Master Y/l/n and Master Kenobi were courting?” 
“Keep your voice down, Snips,” Anakin hushed.
“Sorry, sorry. But Master,” Ahsoka lowers her voice, “what led you to that conclusion? I’ve hardly seen them together since Master Y/l/n came back. What makes you think they could be lovers?” 
“That’s just it, Ahoska. They’ve been avoiding each other like the Rakghoul plague. Obi-Wan told me they were such good friends, and now that they’re back they can’t stand to be in the same room as each other? I don’t buy it.” Anakin looked back to where Obi-Wan sat with Commander Cody, no doubt brainstorming new battle tactics and liberation plans. 
“So what do you suppose we do? Set them up or something?” The look her Master gave her made her regret her words the moment they left her mouth. 
“Come on, Snips. It’s a good idea. We get them to stay in the same room so they have no choice but to confront each other and talk things out! It’s genius.” Anakin smiled, his eyes still on his former Master. He had a feeling if Obi-Wan were to find out about this plan he would be in for a major lecture but he couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment. He couldn’t stand to see the old man look so miserable, not if he can do anything about it. 
Ahsoka crossed her arms and followed her Master’s gaze. Something was clearly different about her Grand-Master. He had put his full attention into ending the war, which wasn’t new. However, she could tell something was off. He no longer came out to the landing zone to greet returning fighters, stayed away from the meditation and training centers as well as the Jedi Archives which was the most off-putting observation considering that was where he spent most of his time.
Anytime someone needed to find Obi-Wan Kenobi, the first place they would check was the ancient history section of the Jedi Archives. 
“I don’t know why you find so much interest in these old books Y/n/n,” Obi-Wan complained from across the table. “Can’t we go practice our lightsaber skills instead?” 
You smiled. “Nuh uh, mister. If I won the wager you promised to sit with me during my reading time. Now shush, and read.” You pushed the unopened textbook toward the pouting Padawan. “Maybe you’ll actually learn something.” 
Obi-Wan stuck his tongue out in a childish manner, sighing dramatically when you gave him a certain look and reluctantly opened the cover and began to read Tales of The Old Republic. 
Safe to say from that point onward, Obi-Wan would join your daily Archive visits with zero complaints. 
You close the book, careful to make sure no pages fell out and gently push it back into its place on the shelf. Using the force, you carefully push the ladder you were currently standing on over to the next column and begin nitpicking through the array of old texts. 
It took a few days for you to settle in and readjust to the Jedi Temple life. Once you had, however, things quickly took a turn. 
Master Yoda requested that you help train some of the younglings who were having trouble advancing into the next stages of becoming a Jedi. In all honesty, you much rather have had the freedom to roam for at least one more week, but the new role presented an excuse to not be around a certain blue-eyed Jedi. 
“Looking for something?” 
The voice startled you, causing you to jump and lose your balance on the ladder. You yelp as you begin to fall towards the ground, bracing yourself for the hash impact and the bruises that would add to the collection on your side still currently healing.  
Instead, you feel a pair of arms catch you, one under your back and the other behind your knees in a classic bridal style. The hold felt secure instantly, and you instinctively clung to the tunic of your savior. You look up to thank the person for preventing any injuries, but the blue eyes staring back at you made your mind go blank. 
Obi-Wan stared back, unsure of what to say. This was the closest he has been to you since you left a decade ago. He longed to have you in his arms, to hug you, to regain that safety net you provided he knew he could always fall back on.
“Um...thank you, General.” It came out as more of a question, your mind still reeling from almost falling and also the fact that the man who you had been actively avoiding just happened to be in the same place you spent hours of your youth together. 
“Obi-Wan, please. No need for formalities, darling.” The old nickname slipped out, and he was about to apologize when he noticed the light blush that spread across your face. Perhaps not everything about you has changed. 
“Right...Obi-Wan. Well, I’ll be on my way then,” You rushed, trying to pass by him but he stopped you once again by the call of your name. 
“Y/n/n’s wait. Whatever game you’re playing, frankly I am not a fan of it.” Obi-Wan crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows. 
“What are you talking about?” You turned around and looked at him confused. 
“You were the one who summoned me here,” he stretched his arms out, “here I am and now you’re trying to run away again. I hardly think that’s fair.” He was beginning to get frustrated. He came in with his heart on his sleeve, ready to finally talk to you after so long and find out why you’ve been keeping your distance. Now, all he felt was betrayal and irritation at the ongoing dance you insist on doing around each other. 
He preferred to dance like you did in your youth, but alas this was nothing but another sign he needs to get mind out of the past.  
You scoffed lightly. “Again? What is that supposed to mean exactly?” You knew exactly what he meant, but you didn’t want to admit it. You’ve been denying it for ten years and Force be damned if you’d admit it now. 
“You’ve been avoiding me since your return--” You open your mouth to protest but he ignores you and continues “--and then you send the youngling to bring me here, only to try to flee upon my arrival,” He frowns, lifting his elbow and resting it on his remaining crossed arm. “I know our history can make things...difficult in the present time,” He glanced around cautiously as he spoke,”but I would appreciate it if we make an agreement simply to not speak from now on. No more games.” 
You blinked, head tilting slightly as you waited for him to finish. “Obi-Wan, I didn’t ask for you to come here. Nor would I ever involve younglings in personal matters.” He should know that, you thought. But should he really? 
His face fell from annoyance to embarrassment, his arms falling to his sides. “Oh.” He wasn’t sure what to do now. It was his own fault for getting his hopes up. I should have known better. 
You purse your lips and nodded slowly. “Well, I’m glad we at least came to an agreement. Goodbye, General Kenobi.” You took your leave, forcing yourself not to look back as you felt his eyes watching your figure. 
Obi-Wan let out a frustrated sigh, knowing he just ruined any and all changes of reconnecting with you. In his defense, however, you were the one avoiding his attempts at friendly conversation and refusing to meet and make up for lost time.  
Still, something didn’t feel right about this. 
“What the kriff was that?” 
Ah, there’s that something. “Anakin, please tell me this was not your doing.” 
Anakin smiled guilty, Ahsoka coming out from behind the bookshelf to stand next to her Master. 
“It was Snips' idea.” Anakin shrugged, flinching when he felt her punch his arm. “Ow!”
“You were the one who came up with the plan, and now look! Master Y/l/n and Master Kenobi will never get together--” Ahoska stops herself, realizing she said too much. “Oh no.” 
“I beg your pardon?” Obi-Wan looks at them both incredulously. “First of all, Master Y/l/n and I are simply…” he wanted to say friends, but even that was a reach at this point, “acquaintances. We knew each other in the past, and in the past our friendship shall stay. As for ‘getting together’, you both know very well any implication of that goes directly against the Jedi Code.” He crossed his arms tightly as he scolded. 
“I can tell you harbour feelings for them, Obi-Wan. You don’t need to lie to us.” 
“Whatever feelings I may or may not have for Y/n are unrelated. You must understand your responsibilities as a Jedi. No matter what emotional sacrifice we must make.” He made a point to look at Anakin at the end, knowing he won’t follow the implication but at least hoping he’ll get the message.     
“We’re sorry, Master.” Ahsoka looked down in shame not at what they had tried to achieve, but at the cost and clear damage they caused. 
Obi-Wan sighed, running a hand over his beard before resting it on her shoulder. “It’s alright young one. You meant no harm. Perhaps some things are better left forgotten.” 
Oh, if only it were that simple. 
A Padawan approached the three of them quickly. “Excuse me, Master Yoda sent me to tell you he and Master Y/l/n are waiting for you all in the council room.” 
Of course, these things never are. 
heres a box to put your heart pieces in  -> []  :) 
Taglist: @queenariesofnarnia @dwarfplanet69 @katsukink @blondekel77 @generousrunawaydonut @fandomtrashwhore @fortheloveofaqueenfan @mrskenobi19 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @hotleaf-juice @emiijemii @neji85 @doctor-warthrop @ayamenimthiriel @lizzy-95 @lovelylostminds 
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So I was inspired by @mrpenguinpants (go check out their work I'm referring to below this paragraph) and wanted to do another genshin fic. The interactions here can be anything you want it to mean (besides qiqi ofc). Also this is very self indulgent.
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Self hatred, self loathing, blood, depressing thoughts ig(?), momentary oblivion of you squint.
Also I'm on mobile so I'm so sorry for not being able to add a read more option!
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Somehow you knew without knowing. You said things without needing to say it. A vessel of purity and wholeness. You had so much to give.
But how much was too much?
Qiqi called yours name on a rather sunny day. You were just about to head to Bubu Pharmacy when she ran up to them.
"Could you help me pick herbs? We always go together."
You knew what she meant in ways she couldn't convey. You were special to her, to everyone. You weren't aware of it though.
Knowing the worth of others was easier than knowing the worth of yourself.
"Of course, Qiqi, I'll always have time for you."
Qiqi loved your smile. It felt familiar. Qiqi saw you as an older sibling. She loved you in ways she couldn't express.
"I'm only good to be your ladder though! You know I'm not good with naming herbs!"
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On a cooler day, Zhongli called you to have some tea with him. The both of you sat at a teashop watching the harbor through the open window.
The gentle breeze touched all uncovered parts of your skin. The smell of the sea dancing underneath your nose. The sunset painting a melancholic picture.
"The ocean looks sad today."
Zhongli looked at you rather confusedly. After promptly sipping his tea he responded.
"How can an ocean look sad? Something so old shouldn't be humanized."
The last sentence was more for himself than anything. You didn't know, but he sometimes loathed himself for all he'd done. He wondered if all the blood spilt was worth it.
You reminded him of Guizhong, so ready to see things in a new light without judgement. He often hears you sing to glaze lilies around Qingce.
"How could we forget what all the ancients did for us?"
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A day after some much needed rain, you spotted Ganyu. Busy as ever, she was handling the unending work she often received. You decided to help out.
"Good morning, Ganyu. You seem to be someone who'd appreciate and extra pair of hands."
The joking atmosphere seemed to help lift the weight more than your hands. Ganyu giggled a bit.
"Some help would be much appreciated."
The rest of the day didn't feel like work. Ganyu felt the days of her childhood rushing back to her. Days without worry or work. Everything felt warmer, the sun began peeking its head out of the clouds.
"I'll do my best."
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You visited Hu Tao on a gloomy day. The clouds were gray and it looked as if it was about to rain. You entered the doors of the funeral parlor with the permission of the ferrylady.
Unfortunately, Hu Tao wasn't feeling very Hu Tao that day. Walking into her office, she seemed lost in thought.
"Hu Tao?"
The gift of candies laud forgotten on the desk. You moved to place a hand on her shoulder. A gesture of your listening presence.
"They're just pranks, and I'm just trying to get business. Like everyone else, its just...different."
Pulling her in for a hug, just being a strong unbreakable pillar for her sake.
"They don't see all the things you do behind the scenes. That makes them immature, not you. I don't think they know why you do the things you do, and you know what? That's okay. You know what you're doing, and that's the best thing you could do. You're doing so well."
Liyue knew you so so well. An unbreakable pillar. A foundation that so many people needed.
What would happen if you ever crumbled? Well, that could never happen.
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You visited Xiao on a rainy day. No heavy downpour, just a normal pitter-patter kind of rain.
You held a new dish in your hands, thinking that Xiao should try a new dish. Not to 'be more human' but to just try a different taste of life.
"Why are you still coming here? Its a long way from the harbor."
You simply smiled at the ground and put down the dish. Too afraid to sit on the railing, you opted for the floor.
"Being lonely isn't fun."
"As I thought, you're still so blind. Loneliness is my only company."
You laughed for a moment.
"Guess I should change my name to loneliness then."
You dared not to look at the mighty yaksha. You were just a pathetic human after all. Letting the dish sit in your lap, you outstretched your arms behind you.
"And you can't go around telling people they're blind! We all see things differently. You might think you need to spend eternity in loneliness, but we all crave to be loved or appreciated. Xiao, you're stuck with me."
You closed your eyes and turned towards Xiao, giving him a smile.
You felt the dish being taken from your lap and heard him sit next to you.
He began eating the warm soup.
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Today was a bad day to go out. Heavy rain and a dark atmosphere. But you had commissions knocking against your income. You were preoccupied with something else though.
Everyone's busy. I really need some help but everyone's busy and I don't want to bother them.
You admired Qiqi for braving through her life as best as she could.
You admired Zhongli for his wise and comforting views on life.
You admired Ganyu's persistence in her work, but most importantly in herself.
You admired Hu Tao for being herself even when others shamed her for it.
You admired Xiao for living through such mundane life, day after day.
You wanted to be just like them, but you just couldn't do it on some days.
You wanted to hide. You wanted to bitch about your day. You wanted to give up. You wanted to hide yourself to avoid judgement. You wanted something different. Someone different.
Someone who wasn't you.
You never looked as good as everyone else. Your voice never sounded right. Your never seemed to be mentionable or noteworthy. And on some days you were okay with that.
Am I really going to be another grain of salt?
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You trudged through the thick mud, ignoring the blisters on your feet. The rain seemed to taunt you as it settled in your clothes, your bones.
All you could taste was steel. You couldn't remember the last meal you ate. You felt so tired. You wanted to just stop everything.
But how could you? How could you when everyone else went on? It was just one last commission. They all have so much on their plate, you couldn't burden them anymore.
But your lungs burnt, you couldn't feel your fingers on your right hand. Where was your weapon? When did you lose your bag?
Why were your eyes so blurry? Everything sounded so loud. You just wanted to sleep. You were tired. You were trying so hard.
Why was it so fucking hard?
Why couldn't you do it? Why were you always so unsure? Why didn't you work as well as the others? Your feet moved by themselves. They weren't going fast enough. Your body wasn't good enough.
You're not enough.
You think you're at your destination. You don't know. Everything feels so unclear. Everything feels wrong.
Then there was warmth on your back. It was so warm, so comforting. It finally lulled you to sleep.
The millileth pulled the mitachurl's firey axe from the back of your corpse.
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You were confused when you woke up. A girl with brown hair and a hat was frantically calling someone. You were in a lobby of sorts. There were others talking about people who left. They didn't look like people. They were see through.
See through just like you.
"Aiya! Why aren't you listening to me you idiot! You scared us! What happened?"
The girl seemed to be the only normal person here. Suddenly you felt like you've been ripped from that foggy place.
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People were calling the same person's name again. Over and over. You were just trying to continue sleeping when you were violently shaken.
"Hey! Whats your problem!"
You shook the person off of you. A young man with a green tattoo and dark hair. A taller man with amber eyes and brown hair. A woman with horns and silky looking blue hair. That girl from before who wore the hat. A small girl with light purple hair and had a talisman on her hat.
"You're alive! Thank the archons! We were so worried when we heard the news! " The lady with the horns looked as if she was about to cry. You felt bad but the tension was awkward.
"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are."
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Ty for reading! Leave a like and a comment if you enjoyed it! I hope some of yall picked up the hidden meanings hehehe~
Part two here:
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sukiglycerin · 3 years
it takes two || katsuki bakugou.
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* pairing: pro-hero!katsuki bakugou x reader (gender neutral!)
* genre: fluff, teeny bit of angst
* words: 1,647
* warnings: brief fighting scene (implied), swearing (duh), a lil bit of insecure katsuki but ofc comfort after, reader is mentioned to be in the hero business field, KATSUKI WEARS SHOES IN THE HOUSE !!! can you believe the audacity-
* original request:  Hello dear :)) Can I request a Bakugou x reader fic where he gets hit by a clone quirk and the clone is like the complete opposite of him, personality-wise, and Bakugou frequently loses his temper because the clone keeps hitting on his s/o I am sorry for bothering you :(
* a/n: you? bother me? never. actually, i’m sorry this took so long to complete! i’m hoping i can restart a consistent posting schedule soon. happy early birthday bakugou! this is my gift :) i hope you all enjoy~ i love @toishi for proofreading this T^T
it’s a lazy day for you. all you’ve been doing is sleeping, waking up occasionally to eat, and indulging in six different rhythm games despite your lack of rhythm, it’s a good day, snuggled up under the mountains of fuzzy blankets and squished in between soft pillows on your bed, your favorite song quietly playing from your phone on your nightstand. natural light fills your otherwise unlit room, curtains pushed aside to let the sun shine in her full glory. time is idle in this sanctuary of yours for only today; whether a minute or an hour has passed is something out of your concern. 
there’s nothing different when bakugou comes home, the jingle of keys and click of the door telling you that it’s him. he’s oddly quiet, though, and for a second you’re almost wondering why he hasn’t yelled “i’m home, dumbass!” before said blond peeks his head into the room. 
“hey, love,” he flashes a rare smile. it’s kind, like the soft light of the sun you've become so acquainted with. “i’m home.”
“hey?” you sit up, propping the pillows behind you so you can comfortably lean against the headboard of your bed. “you feeling alright?”
you expect a gruff reply of “the fuck are you talking about?” and a scowl, but get the opposite. a pleasant expression graces katsuki's face, which makes him look more handsome than usual. his hair almost seems tame this way. he’s also uncharacteristically clean; his costume is usually dirt-treaded and at least a little battered whenever he returns from hero patrol. now, though? his outfit is pristine, as if pulled out from a laundromat and ironed professionally. there’s a ghost of a frown on your lips.
"i'm lovely, now that i can see you." the line is spoken like a sappy confession from the male lead of a k-drama; you'd laugh if it wasn't for your utter confusion about katsuki's sudden change in demeanor. his facial expression is twisted in such a gallant way that it arouses suspicion in you.
you’re opening your mouth to reply when there’s a startling crashing at the front door. katsuki’s face falls into downhearted dread, as if expecting the intrusion. his reaction surprises you more than the intrusion itself. the door slams shut in the distance, rattling the house. the sound of boots clomping against the hardwood floor frightens you as you thrust your warm sheets aside (alas, they could wait) and reach for your bat under the bed. katsuki only stares at you, transfixed, and you feel the slightest urge to clobber him with the weapon. why isn’t he ready to fight? you’re up and approaching the doorway of your bedroom when you stop in your tracks.
“hey, fucker!” a loud, abrasive voice yells from down the hallway. “i found ya!”
you recognize that timbre in an instant, then turn to look at katsuki, still standing at your bedside, with a questioning gaze. he’s wearing an expression you never thought you’d see your husband have - his eyes are wide, mouth agape like a deer in headlights.
despite this vote of inconfidence from him, you pad forward slowly, bat gripped tightly and slung over your shoulder. you plunge forward, passing the doorway and glancing left. a shadowy figure stands five feet from you, its stature menacing. you swing blindly, but you bat is only met with more air. the figure is a little bit further now - damnit, it had good reflexes.
“you could still use some work on that swing,” it lowly chuckles and confuses you. you squint, trying to make out who in the world this guy thinks he is to comment on your swing. you gasp, faltering your grip on the bat. 
“k-katsuki? what?”
“got hit with a stupid clone quirk on patrol,” this katsuki grumbles bitterly, stepping towards you. he’s dressed in his full hero costume, green grenadier bracers a tight fit in the narrow hallway. “i apprehended the guy but my clone won’t stop following me around. it’s stupidly fast, too, whenever i try to catch it.”
“....and,” you start, “how do i know that you’re not the clone?” you pretend to inspect him close, eyes slowly trailing from the tips of his spiky, golden hair to his black combat boots. (oh, man, you were going to yell at him about wearing shoes in the house later.)
“don’t start this inception bullshit with me now,” he groans. 
“what’s katsuki bakugou’s favorite food?” you question, though you have no doubt that this katsuki is the real one. 
“anything spicy,” he bemoans. “now, let me-”
“that was an easy one.” you shake your head. “what was the first idea katsuki bakugou had for a hero name idea instead of lord explosion murder?”
if you were in better light, you’re sure you would’ve seen his cheeks flush pink. 
“mighty boom,” he mumbles. 
“sorry, what was that?” you tease.
“mighty boom!” he half-shouts, flustered.
“oh, okay, so you’re the real katsuki,” you say. “how do we defeat the clone?’
“according to the quirk user, it should disappear after two or three hours. but it can’t really do much harm, as long as it’s not in the sight of the user himself,” he says. “now let me at ‘im. he’s making a fool of myself.” 
he attempts to shove himself forward, but you stop him before he can see through the door frame. you glance at the clone, who’s looking at you with round, ruby eyes. he looks like a puppy with that innocent expression, and for a split second, you think that you actually might miss the calm, charming air of this katsuki. turning back to the real katsuki, who pretends not to notice the shift in your eyes, you exhale. 
“have at it, but take it outside first, please. i can’t have you tracking in more dirt.” you look to the dirt-ridden footprints behind him on the wooden flooring, sighing.
but in a flash he’s past you - wow, you really weren’t blocking him at all before, were you? - outfit a blur of black, green, and orange as he seizes the clone, slings it over his shoulder like it's made of air, and vanishes past you and out the door. he seldom leaves a trace of dirt, this time, smooth maneuvering himself outside while the clone bids you one last pleading farewell.
you hear blasting, yelling, and yelps, the lattermost presumably the clone’s, barely muffled from your position inside. your first thought wonders what the neighbors will think. you glance one last time at the tracks of katsuki’s boots then turn back to your room. he’d have to mop up that mess later. 
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ten minutes and an eternity later, katsuki returns inside. by the pause at the front door, you figure one of two things: katsuki’s either taking the time to take off his shoes and put them away properly or staring at the filth he left on the floor. you’re hoping it’s the former. his footsteps are light as he goes to fetch a mop and clean the mess.
finished, he shuffles into your shared room and briefly looks at your comfortable position on the bed.
“what?” you whine. “hero business is hard. i needed a day off.”
this earns a laugh from the man, who’s in the process of removing his gauntlets and stowing them away. he shrugs off the rest of his costume, opting for much more comfortable attire and dropping his mask on a dresser. 
“how was your day?” you ask when he snuggles next to you on the bed. he’s sweaty and smells deeply of caramel, but you’ll nag him to shower later. the wear shows in his eyes and movement, sluggish after a long day of work. 
“good,” he mumbles, nuzzling into your warmth. “except for that clone bastard.”
you hum, joking, “he was charming, though.”
when he looks up at you with a vulnerable look in his eyes, you regret it.
“did you… really like him that much?” his voice is hoarse, scarcely a whisper. he averts his eyes, fiddling with the hem of your shirt sleeve.
“of course not,” you reply tenderly, bringing your hand to caress his cheek. he still can’t look you in the eyes.
“you know you’ll always be number one in my heart, right? even if you’re not the number one hero, you’re the constant in my heart.” you touch your chest, right over your heart. 
“y-you sure?” his words crackle like dying embers, inconsistent and unstable, flakes of lit ash that weakly dissipate into the atmosphere. a waning fire is still warm, though; with a bit of oxygen it can be rejuvenated, relit, and burn bright once again. 
“am i one to be wrong?” you ask him, and he faintly shakes his head. “i fell in love with you not for your looks, katsuki… i don’t want a disney prince. i want you, not some fairytale guy.”
“i yell, and i’m brash-”
you cut him off, chuckling, “and that’s what i love about you. you don’t-” you make a vague gesture with your hands, then drop them, unsure how to articulate your thoughts. “you don’t care what people think. you’re unapologetically… you.”
“you sure?” katsuki tries again. “that- that guy, that thing- you sure you don’t prefer a guy that’ll buy you roses with a note on the tag that says ‘you are the most beautiful flower in my garden’ in fancy cursive script on it?”
“do people really do that?” you frown. “i mean, i hope no guy does that for me-” katsuki exhales a breath of relief. you look at him questioningly but don’t press the issue. 
“i love you, katsuki,” you finish, “and no shitty clone will ever change that. ever.”
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while he showers, katsuki’s thankful that he burned the roses from some secret admirer he found in your shoe locker during your high school days. 
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poppinisperfection · 3 years
Peter Maximoff x Reader // Hello, Monica // WandaVision // Part 2
Part 1
Post Dark Phoenix X-Men & WandaVision fanfiction. FemReader and Peter Maximoff dating when he suddenly disappears.
Xavier returns and a plan is formed.
Word Count: 1892
Warnings: Emotional distress, mentions of violence, blood, gun wounds etc.
(Y/n) sat by the screen, her vision blurring and bags forming under her eyes. The analog clock ticked with each second as Hank fiddled around with some tech, and the others sat on the floor half asleep. They had eventually contacted Xavier, and he promised to travel back to New York as fast as possible. That was hours ago, and now it was the middle of the night.
There was nothing they could do, even discussion led to nowhere; nothing about the situation made sense. Metal crashed on the floor, causing Scott to Jolt awake and Kurt to bamf in surprise as Professor McCoy gave a frustrated grunt at his clumsiness. The disturbance didn't phase (Y/n) though, as she read the line for the thousandth time,
"Please stand by."
She was somewhere between breaking into tears and punching every wall she saw. In short, (Y/n) was desperate. After hours of thinking, she finally allowed her eyes to close for longer than a short blink. Her mind was crashing around like a restless ocean, and she found herself drowning inside endless possibilities. But at the centre of it all was his face, his smile, his voice... him.
Suddenly the doors opened with a whoosh, and (Y/n) turned her attention towards whoever was entering the labs. A determined looking man wheeled in, locking with (Y/n)'s blood-shot eyes. An alabaster-haired, umber-skinned, and confident woman followed him; shooting a look of concern towards the group.
"Xavier-" Hank exclaimed with some relief at the Professor's appearance. The bald man gave a small hum in response, but he continued to near (Y/n) instead of making conversation. He placed a hand out and gave her a kind look.
"May I?" he crooned in his English accent, as the (h/c) lady nodded and placed her head forward. Closing his eyes and placing two fingers on her temple, and another on his own - Xavier began to see the whole story, without anyone saying a single word. After a few seconds, his pulled back and gave a sharp sigh.
"(Y/n), I am so sorry." the wise man's voice faltered after feeling the gut-wrenching fear that swept through her mind. The worried girl said nothing, but just tried to keep the strength on her face instead of breaking down into tears. "You've got a location?" Xavier turned to the beastly professor, trying to solve the mystery.
"Sort of- I mean, it's unbelievable Charles." he grabbed some pages and handed them to his colleague, "It's like he's traveled to another universe; I've only heard about theories of multiverses, but this- this is more evidence than anything I've ever read..." Hank rambled on, as even Charles Xavier- telepathic mastermind- look on in shock.
Before anyone could say anything, the old computer screen buzzed and the image shifted. (Y/n)'s tired eyes widened as she sat on the edge of her seat. Even Kurt teleported closer in an effort to not miss a second of the developing situation. A lead guitar began to play, and the opening credits rolled...
The group we're unsure if it was the same show, as it looked completely different in style. But their doubts were cleared when that same woman showed up, slamming the door using some sort of powers.
"She's a mutant..." (Y/n) mumbled, as the others looked on in confusion. The opening continued to play on as more characters were shown - most of which they had never seen before. Then finally, a speedy friend appeared.
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"As himself?" Scott added, reading the credits. (Y/n) stared at the title and mentally recorded it.
"It's like they're a family." Kurt noticed as Peter integrated himself so naturally with them. The pair of young boys started to monologue about halloween.
"Halloween? This just gets more and more confusing." Scott rubbed his forehead in bewilderment. Ororo stood beside them, barely comprehending what she was watching. She had previously offered to look after the students while the situation was being investigated, and that lost time had undoubtedly caused her to miss a lot of information.
"So Pete's on TV?" Storm questioned in a baffled tone. The silver haired fellow lay on a couch as the twin boys discussed him, and they referred to him as their uncle. "Okay, somebody needs to expla-" she began, but was cut off as Xavier placed a finger to his temple and transferred the information she had missed. Ororo gave a soft gasp, but ultimately was relieved to be filled in. Since the professor had learned about the situation from (Y/n), some of the grief in her mind was passed to Storm; so the loyal mutant placed a caring hand on her friend's shoulder in comfort.
Xavier chatted behind the group of young mutants who watched the show play out.
"She suggested that maybe Kurt could go in, I told her-" Hank whispered to his friend.
"That would be dangerous..." Charles finished his thought, "But dangerous doesn't mean impossible." the telepath looked towards the blue teleporter who stared at the computer screen.
"You can't be serious, Charles." Hank furrowed his thick brows and stared in disbelief.
"Kurt, (Y/n)," the professor called out, catching the pair's attention,
"Come with me."
The small group trailed down the metallic hallway and approached the familiar doors to Cerebro. (Y/n) looked back at the room they had left, still hearing the distant sounds from the broadcast. Her mind travelled to what she was missing; was Peter still okay?
The circular door released and slid open, and the group followed Xavier's lead towards the machine at the end of the walkway. Kurt's tail wrapped around his leg in fear, as he fiddled nervously with his hands. Placing the silver helmet over his head, Charles nodded for the intellectual beast to flip the switch. Immediately, the room lit up and images of people flashed around. A million conversations ran through the professor's mind, but he was only searching for one person.
"Turn it up." Xavier requested as his eyebrows knit together in concentration. Reluctantly, Hank did as he said. Soon the voices faded and a only a muffled conversation echoed through the large room. "The whole way, Hank." the british man added.
"Charles that's too mu-"
"Do it!" Xavier demanded his face contorting with the amplification. (Y/n) gave a soft gasp as the voice grew clearer.
"I think mom and dad would've loved it."
Peter's words reverberated, as tears formed in (Y/n)'s eyes. Despite Cerebro being on full power, the only thing that Xavier could access was the detached audio of the mind he was connected to.
"Where were you hiding these kids up til now? I assume they were sleeping peacefully in their beds."
"Can you speak to him Charles?" Hank asked.
"Something's... Something's not right... It's too powerful to see..." Xavier stuttered out, trying not to loose his connection. Peter's voice continued, as the group wondered to who and what he was talking about.
"I'm not some stranger and I'm not your husband, you can talk to me."
"There's something... dark... clouding his mind." the powerful telepath explained, "but he's still in there, somewhere." he added. The group began to notice a purple hue clouding the entire room. The clearer Peter's disembodied voice became, the more the mysterious smoke descended. Kurt and (Y/n) stood back slightly, scared of what it could mean.
"Don't sweat it sis, it's not like your dead husband can die twice."
The sentence rang through their ears, before the whole room erupted in a blast of ruby red energy. It was exactly like the force that 'Wanda' had used earlier. Energy passed through the mutants, as images of terror entered their minds. Fragments of memories flashed; glowing stones, broken families, and piles of ashes.
Xavier groaned with pain, but he kept the connection despite the immense power that surged through his mind. (Y/n) grasped her head and panted heavily. The image of a young man lying cold, bleeding through bullet wounds, on a pile of rubble haunted her. She didn't know who it was, but he seemed familiar for some reason - and her heart broke at the sight of his lifeless form.
"He's slipping... I- I can't hold on..." Xavier cried out through gritted teeth, "I can't latch onto anyone!" the room filled with a booming static noise as the bald man searched though all the available minds in that reality. Hank writhed on the floor, clutching his ears with the horrible sound. Soon he gained the strength to pull a hand up towards the switch and slowly tune down the settings. The din faded, and the only noise that could be heard was the heavy breathing from the group that tried to recover from the experience.
"I didn't tell you to turn it off." Xavier pulled off Cerebro's helmet and placed it harshly on its holder.
"It would've killed you." Hank rebutted, standing on his feet.
"There was something forming, a gap in the reality, I could feel it!" Charles placed a hand on his forehead in frustration, "It's like all the minds were under some sort of deep control - but I could sense other ones... ones that were free."
"But what can we do about it!?" the beastly Professor retaliated, annoyed at his colleague.
"If I can find the free minds, I can see where they are; exactly where they are." Xavier began to ramble, "Then I can show Kurt, and you can get there." (Y/n)'s eyes grew wide at his suggestion. Even though she had considered it earlier, she now began to doubt her logic. If it were just her, then she wouldn't hesitate to risk her life for Peter - but she couldn't ask Kurt to do it too.
"Professor, what if... What if it doesn't work?" (Y/n) piped up, looking to the powerful telepath with concern plastered all over her face.
"We can't risk more of our lives, Kurt you don't have to do this." Hank tried to assure the German mutant.
"Nein." he responded, "Peter is my friend, I vill not leave him in danger. I vill do it." Kurt nodded his head as he stood confident in his decision. Despite the hatred that Kurt Wagner had received his whole life; he was always the most selfless person in the room. (Y/n) shot him a weak smile, thankful for his kindness.
"This isn't just about Peter. Somebody brought him there. Somebody, or something, has a power that could change everything we think we know." McCoy warned, trying to convince the group of the dangerous situation.
"Which is why we need to know more." (Y/n) interjected.
"I will be able to communicate with you, as long as you don't go under this person's control." Xavier explained, deep in thought. Hank looked at the trio, and finally gave a deep sigh.
"There's no talking to you people." he shook his head, "I'm sure travelling across the multiverse will be a cinch." his tone dripped with sarcasm as Charles placed Cerebro back on his head.
"Have a little faith, Hank." Xavier joked stiffly as he flipped the switch to the machine. McCoy reluctantly turned the power knob and soon the static noise returned, causing a grimace to appear on everyone's faces. The noise flickered as Xavier passed through more empty minds, searching for one that would work. The sensory overload build up in a crescendo, until everything stopped to a halt.
"Hello, Monica."
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haven-in-writing · 3 years
To be the knife against his throat
TW- There is a bit of violence throughout each chapter so if that makes you uncomfortable please don't read ahead. I try to put the proper warnings when possible but unfortunately I do tend to forget. As this story progresses I will try to be more aware of this. Thank you beautiful people so much for reading!
Catch up with the first and second chapter if you haven't already!
Tag list as of 9/27/21 @avengerstanforlife, @dark-night-sky-99, @emergenciesstory , @bookscoffeeandracoons, @krystallynx
The following morning everyone in the compound was woken up to loud screams. Well, one loud scream coming from a certain trickster god. The team ran into the kitchen area to see you on top of Loki with a knife hitting his metal cuff attached to his armor. Growling in frustration, you punch his side, as he weakens his grip on your hand that holds the knife, you push further and the tip of said knife touches the base of his neck.
“Y/N NO!” The group collectively shouts as you draw a small amount of blood from the pressure you put on the knife. You lean down next to his face, whispering something that not even Friday could pick up on. His Adam's apple dips as he gulp’s from the assumed threat that was whispered. No one tries to approach you in case you decide to plunge the knife into his throat, but without any warning Loki smirks as a flash of green magic pushes you into a portal and leaves you falling in your ass a good distance from the god.
The inhumane growl that leaves your throat stops everyone in their tracks. Staring him down, Loki puts both hands up as a sign of peace.
“I mean no disrespect lady, I simply wished to not be in such a compromising position,” he explains quickly before your knife could find a home in his body.
“Just stay the hell away from me Loki,” you all but hiss at him before stalking out of the room ignoring the team's questions.
The group surrounding them doesn’t make a move, watching Loki for any signs that he will retaliate as Thor walks as quietly as he can slightly behind you. The two of you walk in silence to your private workshop. No one tried to stop and talk to you, practically feeling the tense energy you were exuding. As you entered the shop, Thor gently closed the door and cleared his throat.
“I know my brother can be infuriatingly frustrating to deal with, I do hope that this flaw of his doesn’t make it unbearable to be around either of us,” Thor finishes his sentiment quickly before you have a chance to speak.
“Thor, I promise I won’t actually kill your brother, I’m sorry you have to deal with this at all. Just- just keep him away from me. Okay?” you quickly continue, “He left me to die once, which only taught me that I can rely on no one. I don’t trust this team, I don’t trust normal people, and I especially don’t trust Loki. So back off.”
You leave Thor standing in the workshop baffled by the raw emotions you had shown in your brief tangent. As quick as you left, Loki entered the shop moments later, a flash of green being the only warning Thor had before he was staring at his brother.
“Lady y/n just left so it would be wise to make your leave quickly as I am unsure of whether she will return here or not,’’ Thor warns quickly and quietly.
“I did not realize she was still alive, I didn’t even bother to give her a proper burial,” Loki says, lowering his head with shame. “It was the least I could have done.”
Without another word, Loki disappears with a flash of green light. Thor breathes out gently and turns to leave the workshop. As he is about to switch off the light, a map on the wall catches his attention. A map he hadn’t seen in over a century, when the nations of Midgard were being claimed and fought over. Any doubts in his brother's memory were long gone with this artifact on the wall encased in glass. It was too frayed and battered to be a replica. With more questions brewing in his mind than ever, Thor shuts the workshop door and with a shake of his head, makes his way to his chambers.
He is so engrossed with his own thoughts, he doesn’t manage to catch the red headed spy lurking in the shadows, having heard every bit of conversation from her post.
Until now things had sailed pretty smoothly with the Avengers. Until now your identity has been easily covered up by half truths and diversions. That was until Loki had to come along and cause chaos as always. At least the lore surrounding him was consistent.
Taking a moment to pause and collect your thoughts, you find a way to minimize the fallout heading your way. The team was gonna find out eventually so why not get ahead of that curve. The only way to do that would be going against your better judgement. The only person that could persuade the Avengers to not completely turn you out. Maybe two people? Why would they not completely dismiss you, after all they were just a rag tag group of superpowered freaks. The amount of times you had saved their butts didn't matter, at the end of the day, you lied to people that trusted you. They would never trust you again.
So who was the better option?
Tony treated you like a daughter, always trying to cheer you up when you were down. Y'all even had a secret handshake. He would be beyond insulted that you didn't share this overwhelmingly important detail of your existence with him. Now on the other hand, Director Fury. Would he even care? As long as you were on the good guys team aka his team, he wouldn't let you be taken away. Right? Or maybe he would want to dissect you like the Hydra vermin had tried oh so many years ago.
Fury, like the team, would have no reason to believe or trust that your intentions were as true as you had once said. An impossible situation for the impossible creature you were. What a dilemma.
Shaking off the thoughts crossing your mind, you text one Tony Stank, the only contact you had listed in your phone besides- well, nevermind it’s not important. What is important is the text you’re about to send. If it’s not worded correctly, Tony would assume the worst and immediately try and track you down.
“Hey Stank-face,” you punch into the old flip phone.
“Why did I even tell you that story,” He texted back quickly.
“Because you were drunk and have no filter, duh,” you smile for a moment but quickly mask your face and continue texting Tony, “I have a favor to ask.”
There’s a brief pause before he replies.
“What’s up?” There’s no hiding your smile now, you can always rely on Tony to pull through.
“Meet me by the burger stand, next to the old warehouse at 5pm?” Nervously picking at your nails while waiting on his response, you notice a black bike peeking around the corner of the alleyway you were across from. Shit.
“Sure thing Jelly-bean, everything OK?” No, not ok but it would be. Just have to get ahead of the fallout.
“Yeah Tones, all good, just got something to talk to you about. I would like for this to stay between us for now if you don’t mind. Gotta go, I’ll see you at 5.” Taking the sim card out of the phone you toss it in the trash bin and start walking, keeping an eye on the little stalker you've managed to catch.
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gotnofucks · 4 years
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Paring: dark!August Walker x Reader
Summary: Your surrender to him would ensure the safety of the world.
Words: 2.9k
Warnings: Non-con/Dub-con, smut, violence, blackmail and manipulation, 18+ ONLY
The doorman helped you out of the car, your hand firmly clasped in his gloved one as you steadied your feet in your high heels. The cold made gooseflesh rise on your arms and back, the little hair standing up in the breeze. You clutch your coat closer, following your escort inside the hotel and exhaling deep in the elevator. You were nervous, not something unfamiliar. But you were also scared, something that could prove fatal in your line of work.
As the elevator dinged, announcing the top floor that opened in front of you, you almost didn’t step out. The whole thing felt off, the bodice of your dress hugging you tight and making it difficult to breath. And yet when your escort waved you forward, you followed behind him, the floor length skirt of your dress softly swishing on the marble floors and your heels tick-tocking against them.
The man led you past a number of unmarked doors before stopping before an ornately carved doorway, intricate vines twisting on its surface to form a beautiful design. The man gave three sharp knocks and pushed the door open, bowing a little as you entered but not following. The clicking shut of the door made you flinch, and you looked around at the room in awe.
It was a beautiful room, large with the opposite wall made completely of glass, the night sky twinkling at you as the distant city lights burned small like tiny candle flames. There was a round table in the center of the room, draped in silver and black silk tablecloth and set with two chairs. Against the right wall sat a large four poster bed similarly laid in black sheets and sheer white curtains tied to the posts.
You swallowed uneasily, walking inside with as little noise as possible. The invitation, glittery silver ink on black polished paper burning a hole inside your handbag. It was worded so wisely, disguised as a dinner invitation, and yet bearing the marks of someone who could destroy your life. The code was easy to break, and as you read between the polite lines of invitation and gazed at the secret code for your covert mission, your hands trembled. You don’t tremble much. You learnt not to when you joined this task force as an agent.
And yet, the knowledge that someone knew about you and your mission made your fingers curl up for warmth inside your palm. The future of millions was depending on this mission, and this mission depended on you. If you failed, the world would fall, and you will live the rest of your life bearing the blood of endless lives on your soul.
When he stepped out from the shadows that concealed the door behind them, you gasped. Maybe you shouldn’t be surprised, but you were. The blue green eyes you had looked at everyday for the past few months gazed back at you, amused, analyzing.
“Hello Agent, a fine evening isn’t it?”
August had always been polite, always sincere. He was the one person you thought was innocent in this whole operation. He was just a CIA operative; he was an agent who got recruited into something they didn’t know the truth about. Yet, he stood before you with a smile gracing his lips beneath that bushy mustache and the dimple on his chin barely visible under his beard. He was donning a sharp black suit matching with the room esthetics, and he cocked his head at you, pulling out a chair as an offer.
“You look lovely, let me take that coat.”
You let him remove your coat, rubbing your arms as you silently took the seat he offered. In this large room, with the dark décor, his huge beefy body made him appear sinister, like a dragon who was overlooking his hoard.
“I didn’t expect you.” You commented, taking a sip of the water in front of you. Just like that, your fear was gone. The nerves before the mission vanished as you came back into your element. The field was your battleground, and you knew you owned it. August smiled, sitting across from you.
“Oh, I know, and that was your mistake. Or maybe it was my success. I am not completely innocent but –”
“– you don’t exactly scream a genocidal maniac either.” You completed for him. He was good.
August Walker walked the fine line when it came to being an agent. While he was courteous and polite, he was also easy to anger. You’d seen him in action, fighting off men twice his bulk with barely an effort, the faintest tinge of amusement in his eyes as he watched them bleed. Espionage was a rough life, and many agents went in over their head to deal with the bloodshed and cruelty they witnessed. You didn’t think he was naïve, but you also didn’t think him evil.
“Where did I go wrong?” You asked him, genuinely curious. You were so meticulous with everything; each move you made was calculated. You had to be brilliant to be handed a mission as important as this.
August splayed his hands on the table that was curiously empty of any food, only two glasses of water and two empty wine glasses with a bottle of wine sitting in the center.
“Nowhere truly. You were so fascinating to look at though. In fact, I think that had I not been looking so closely at you, I would have missed the little signs.” His voice was smooth and soft, level. Eyes never leaving yours, but then again, they barely left you before. You knew he was watching you, but you had thought it was natural for someone to keep an eye on the new addition of the team.
“Little signs?”
“The first time I noticed something was when you tapped that tattoo near the crook of your elbow. You did that often, I though it was a nervous tick. I thought it was cute.” He continued, and both your eyes strayed to the small Celtic shield tattoo that was inked over the scarred skin hiding the small chip under your skin. Your eyes met his and he smirked.
He had known all those times you touched it to send out messages in morse code, to send out locations. He had known, but never let on.
“What else?” You wanted to know, if only to stall the rising trepidation in your belly. Did you compromise everyone in your team?
“Your eyes.” He said, almost breathlessly and for a moment it became difficult to maintain the eye contact. “Your eyes were such a lovely shade when I first saw you, sparkling. I love how expressive they are, how they seem to glitter. But when you wore the smart lenses, they seemed different. Maybe not to others, but to me. I knew exactly where you have flecks in your eyes, the lenses shielded them.”
You found yourself gulping as you heard him spoke, the passion in his voice thrilling you as much as it terrified you. His gaze on you had never been just analytical. It was fanciful. It was observant. He didn’t look at you like an agent, he looked at you with the hunger of a wolf.
“What do you want August?” You finally asked him, unsure what he wanted from you.
“First, I want you to take off those earrings and crush them.” He said, sitting back on his chair and raising a brow. You stiffly followed his command, pulling off your earrings and crushing the pearl on top of it with the edge of the glass, including the G.P.S tracker inside. August seemed pleased and he nodded, coming forward to take the bottle of wine and pouring you a generous amount.
“I don’t want to remove the chip as long as you promise not to touch it. The blood, it would ruin the mood wouldn’t it?” He asked while cocking his head, taking his wine glass, and clinking it with yours.
“You did not call me here do drink wine and just talk. What do you want?” You snap at him, irrigation bubbling in your gut. The twitching mustache whenever he smirked, that irked you.
He crossed his hand over his chest, licking his lips as his eyes dropped from your fiery eyes to your pursed lips, and from there to your cleavage.
“I want you to give up your mission” He said. The unsaid ‘and’ in there made you arch your brow in question. “And I want you to surrender to me.”
You leaned your elbows on the table, scrunching your nose as you said with as much venom as you could muster, “No. And no. I’d rather die than let you destroy innocent lives for your misguided idea of peace.”
The flash of teeth told you he expected that answer. Taking a sip of his wine he rolled that gulp in his mouth before swallowing, your eyes following the movement of this Adam’s apple.
“Well then, we negotiate.” He offers and pointedly looks at your wine glass. You touch it lightly with his and gulp in a mouthful, trying to keep your nerves steady. This was still your battlefield; you could still win.
“You want to negotiate a terrorist attack?” You asked him with the smallest of smile, and he returned you a bigger one.
“Call it a proposition. I’ll stand back on the attack as long as you agree to surrender to me”.
You blinked, confused, and caught off guard. You drowned your wine, taking deep breaths to calm yourself.
“And by surrender you mean?”
You knew what he meant. He had admitted to you that he was watching you. He spoke to you like he knew you. His eyes raked over your figure in a way that seemed to go deeper than the skin. You watch him stand up and come over to your side, sitting on the table edge in front of you.
“You know what I mean. I want your complete surrender. You have five minutes to decide.” The amused tilt to his voice raised your hackles and you nervously looked over your shoulder.
“Five minutes?” You asked and he chuckled.
“You had to have known that your wine had poison in it.”
You stood up from your chair so fast it toppled. You glanced at your empty wine glass and then to August. Was he lying? But even as you toyed with that thought you could feel sweat building above your lip and hairline, breathing getting just a tad bit harder. Your eyes widened and you stuck a finger down your throat, trying to vomit.
“Won’t help, its already in your blood. You just need to decide if you’d rather be mine or rather be dead.” August said, just sitting and watching your frantic movements. You panted, eyes closing as you fought to think clearly. It was not a difficult decision to make. You opened your eyes, glaring at him as he played with a small vial of what you were sure was the antidote.
“Well sweetness, what will it be? Me, or the cold arms of death?” He asked.
You walked up to him, taking hold of his lapels to pull him closer and slapped him hard.
“You bastard.” You spat. “Give me the antidote.”
You reached for the small glass bottle, but August pushed you away with a firm hand on your shoulder. He looked mischievous, your suffering a source of amusement for him.
“Not so fast.” He tutted. “You need to surrender sweetness, and the first thing to go will be that pride.”
With that, he unbuckled his belt and quickly undid the button on his pants, eyes on you the whole time. You watched in bafflement as he lowered his boxers to bring out his semi-erect cock from within, a closed fist stroking it slowly.
“On your knees.” He commanded, and with a flick of his finger snapped open the bottle and poured some antidote on his now hard cock. “You don’t have much time. You want to live? Get down on your knees and suck.”
The burning in your lungs increased both with the poison and humiliation as you sank down to your knees, the will to live making you waste little time to come forward and put your mouth around him. Your tongue laved at him, catching the bitter essence of the antidote, and eagerly looking for more. He let you do it your way for a while before fisting your hair and jerking you hard, forcing his tool deep inside your mouth.
You moaned as he stretched your lips around himself, the girth of him too wide for comfort. You tried to breath through your nose, tongue moving around for the left-over antidote sticking on his skin.
“Suck sweetness, suck like you mean it. Your world depends on how good you put that mouth to use.” He said groaning, thrusting in your mouth with vigor. You did as he commanded, hollowing your cheeks, and sucking gently, swirling your tongue as you bobbed your head. You pulled away, gasping, and then poking at his slit with your tongue, tasting his musky precum.
August pulled you up by your neck, pushing and moving behind until you fell and landed on the soft mattress of the bed. He climbed over you, pants discarded and shirt unbuttoned, a maniac gleam in his lust blown eyes.
“Please, the antidote.” You begged. You hated pleading but you love breathing more. As you reached out a hand, August took it in his and kissed your fingers before kissing the inside of your wrist. You shivered, his gentle caresses making you respond despite your revulsion.
He brough the antidote to his own mouth, taking in a mouthful and then lowered his mouth to yours. You parted your lips, allowing him to transfer the life saving liquid into your mouth and you swallowed. His tongue invaded your mouth, swirling inside and your hands grabbed his shoulder and hair, pulling him closer. The possibility of dying had you clinging to the only source in this room that made you feel alive in this moment.
“I hate you!” You mumbled against his lips, pulling on his mustache with your teeth and he chuckled. His hands lowered the straps of your dress, lips following to suck a mark into your skin.
“You can hate me, but you cannot leave me. Your precious world stays intact, as long as you do what I say.”
You let him take control, moans spilling from your mouth unbidden at the pleasure he wrecked on your mind and body. You slyly moved your hand down, letting it drag down your side along the slit in your dress to grasp your thigh holster. August’s hand reached the knife strapped to your thigh just as yours did, his lips smiling against your skin as he grabbed it.
“Oh sweetness, you wring my heart with your strength.” He locked his gaze on yours, using your own knife to cut your dress in the middle and bare you to his eyes. The small scars that you received over the years in your service littered your body, and you groaned when he traced them softly.
As his bare body folded over yours, you let your thoughts fly away. You surrendered to his whims and your basic nature, nails digging in his back as he held you close and entered you slowly. You moved in tandem, meeting every one of hit thrusts with a raise of your hips, lips molded over his and curses flowing between both of you.
The ridges of his cock scratched your walls and made you whimper, the sheer size of him taking away your breath. You felt so full, full of August. In that moment, he occupied your body and your thoughts. Your hands roamed his sweaty body, heels digging in his strong back as he powered into you. The delicious burn of his beard left red scratches around your nipples and neck, his hands holding you tight enough to burn their shape in your body.
You convulsed around him, his finger mashing your clit making you soar over the cliff and fall into a valley of pleasure, lightning bolts racing across your back. He was still thrusting, forcing you to look at him as he emptied inside you. As he rolled over and you caught your breath, he tossed you the remaining antidote which you gulped swiftly.
You watched him pant, his hairy chest glistening with sweat. The raw power of his body, the pleasure he just delivered both embarrassed and excited you. You knew you must surrender, must compromise yourself if that was what would take for the world to survive.
“You may own my body, even my mind at times. But don’t think I’ll ever surrender my heart.” You told him and he laughed, reaching over to hold your arm in his, pressing a soft kiss first to both your cheeks and then lips.
“You know I can’t resist a challenge sweetness.” He said. You watched in fascinated horror as his fingers hovered over your tattoo, looking at you with glittering eyes. He tapped out a short message that made your heart stutter and then your knife was pressed into your skin, digging deep to pull out the chip as your screamed.
She’s Mine
His bloody fingers cupped your face, pulling you closer to nuzzle you in his warmth.
“Just surrender to me, and the world will wake up to see another day.”
Tags: @what-is-your-wish​ @shooting-star-love​ @stanmysoul​ @sweeterthanthis​ @scentedsongrebel​ @muralskins​ @rayofdawnworld @agniavateira​ 
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youarejesting · 3 years
Sly like a... ? Part 5
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 1.3k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
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Between the passive-aggressive comments from Namjoon and Yoongi, the absolutely adorable moments from Jungkook, and  Hoseok, and Seokjin's loud nature you didn't have a moment to yourself. Pair that with trying to make Taehyung feel comfortable and Jimin wanting your attention. You were running ragged.
Well, when you looked around they all were wanting your attention, each hybrid was a little possessive over you as their owner. Even Yoongi who constantly claimed he didn't want to be a part of any government program or any home in general, would occasionally growl or hiss in the corner whenever Jimin or Taehyung got too close.
You thought perhaps he was the most protective of you as he was severely touch starved and secretly loved the idea of being loved and wanted by someone. He spent his days and nights cold and alone on the streets and having somewhere warm and dry with someone who cared for his wellbeing was filling a missing piece in his life. It must scare him seeing the opportunity there but not allowing himself to fully let you into his heart as he held it so close as it was left frail and weak from his previous hurt.
When the groceries arrived the poor delivery man had to deal with seven very protective Hybrids who hovered making sure that you were constantly safe at that moment. Having a stranger in the house was not exactly fun for them.
"Yoongi?" You looked over the table from the game of cards Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin had roped you into with their big innocent eyes and swishing tails. You saw Yoongi's ear twitch and his body tensing slightly as he opened his eyes lazily to meet you. You grinned at him watching his tail swish once before it stilled.
"What do you need?" He sat up stretching and walking over to the table and looking over your shoulder at your cards and humming. 
"I wondered if you wanted to pick something for dinner, there is a folder in the draw I filled with recipes I know how to cook, but if you want something else I can try to make it for you and also there is another folder of fast food menu's if you want something else?" You said turning your head he was very close his head almost on your shoulder but he restrained himself from the final move to touch you intentionally.
Perhaps he was scared of getting too close and eventually being abandoned once more. Yoongi was looking in the draws and frowning, "I can't find any folders"
Placing your cards down with a warning to the boys, you strode into the kitchen you saw him crouched by the draw searching and you smiled searching for the folder and found it. 
"These two purple folders," You handed them over making sure your hands brush trying to encourage subtle touches and his tail swished a few times. Knowing the kitchen counter was obstructing the view of you both from the others you took the chance to show him a bit of much-deserved affection, unable to stop yourself you placed your hand on his soft hair and tousled it with a bright smile. 
His cheeks went pink as he ducked his head, his tail was swishing back and forth rapidly and he took a deep breath and stood up placing the folders on the counter. He cleared his throat fixing his expression, not wanting to appear too pleased by the reaction.
Thinking it was best not to overwhelm him you returned back to your card game while he chose something for dinner. Upon returning you saw your cards askew from how you left them and some cheeky grins on the other boys’ faces.
"You sneaky rotten boys, what did I say about cheating!" you laughed shocked, and messed up their hair, the two feline hybrids whining and swatting your hands away to fix their hair back into place. Taehyung was overjoyed his tail rapidly swatting back and forth and leaning in wanting more.
You were scratching his scalp gently and he laid his head down on the table happily his eyes closed in content. Yoongi approached with the book hesitating behind you, not wanting to interrupt and you assumed feeling nervous to ask for something as simple as dinner. He was the type who didn't want to be a burden or feel reliant on you, but you turned.
"Did you find something for our dinner Yoongi?" You encouraged and his cheeks flushed, he held out the folder opened on the page and he shuffled not saying a word not wanting to bring himself to say the words.
"I wasn’t really sure, I picked one at random," suspecting he really wanted the dish but didn't want to seem too keen if you said no. You nodded wanting to give him anything he asked for, you were very good at reading Hybrids having grown up with Jimin and others just like him.
You placed your hand on his pulling the book down and pointing at the dish, "What meat would you like in it, and should we do noodles or rice?" 
"I like it with Noodles but if we make it with rice, I can make a lot of fun little side dishes which I like too, what do you like?"
"I am not sure?” he mumbled nervously at the thought of being given an ultimatum
“Good idea, I will start now and we can have all of the above, there are so many of us, it would be nice to have lots of everything,” You looked up at him an idea struck, you were supposed to teach these boys to be independent, “do you maybe want to help me make it?”
“Uh I have never made anything, but I can try, or if it’s too much we don’t need to eat?” Taehyung whined at his words and you laughed. 
“You don’t have to Yoongi, I thought you might like to learn for fun, so if every I am not home or if I might get sick or something, you will be able to eat good food” Clarifying that you were in no way trying to condition him into becoming your personal chef.
“I can help,” he nodded, you were still unsure if he was agreeing so as to not get in trouble but you would take it hoping to make the experience fun. “Okay, let’s get all the ingredients out it says, and put it on the counter right here”
“Do you need help with anything?” You smiled, placing your hand on his wave to gently nudge him aside to grab the bottle of sesame oil.
“I can’t find the garlic?” Yoongi was ashamed he had failed already.
“Oh, I bought a jar of minced Garlic to save time, so that’s all the ingredients found” Leading him from the walk-in pantry you lead him to the middle of the kitchen and took an apron, it was black and you slipped it over his head and walked around tying it up. “We can’t have your clothes getting dir-”
It was then you noticed how old and tattered his clothes were, the collar was stretched and the back of his jeans was ripped and stained from where he stood on the legs. Taking a small breath.
“Could everyone make a list of things they want or need in their rooms, in the bathroom or clothing and shoe wise? We can all go shopping tomorrow” Walking Yoongi to the sink you washed your hands together and smiled over at him playfully flicking water at him, he gave a tiny smile and wiped his face on his sleeve.
The two of you got cooking, as you taught him Seokjin sat at the breakfast bar on one of the tall stools and watched intently. It was honestly cute to see them all interested in everyday things, things that Hybrids weren’t exactly expected or taught how to do. 
Something as simple as feeding themselves. It was sad how many Hybrids were punished with no food or left to starve so it was nice to teach them how to cook for themselves and put some of that power into their hands.
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Tags:  @simplymemyself @lolsiiike @min2jeon @notruercolors @luvaffaire @grazysf​  @ella-mella  @lustremyg​ (please make sure you have tagging setting on so you get notified when the story updates)
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ragingpancake · 3 years
Times Like These - Chapter One
Summary: In which Rodney is very much not happy when his boyfriend suddenly finds himself six years old again, courtesy of those wacky Ancients. I, I'm a new day rising I'm a brand new sky To hang the stars upon tonight I am a little divided Do I stay or run away And leave it all behind?
“Unscheduled off-world activation!”
The sound of the Gate activating tears through the control tower, startling Elizabeth from her office. There’s only one team off-world and they weren’t due back for another day and a half, their next scheduled check in much later that evening.
“Who is it?”
“I’m reading Teyla’s IDC, ma’am,” Chuck says and Elizabeth gestures for him to open up a channel, arms crossed over her chest as she waits for Chuck’s nod.
“Teyla,” she greets, “a little early for your check in. Everything alright?”
There’s a muffled response that sounds suspiciously like Rodney before Teyla speaks, and though her voice is calm, the entire tower can pick up on the slightest bit of concern in her tone. “We have run into a… bit of a problem,” she hesitates and Elizabeth nods for Chuck to lower the shield.
“Is anyone hurt?”
“Not exactly, but perhaps it would be best to explain to you in person.”
“The shield’s down. Come on through.”
“Very well.” Another pause. “Elizabeth… it might be wise if you have Doctor Beckett on standby.”
“We’ll have a medical team brought in immediately.”
“Not a full team,” Teyla warns. “Just Doctor Beckett will suffice.”
There’s another beat, Elizabeth’s head cocking to the side as she considers. “What exactly are we dealing with?”
“If I told you now, you wouldn’t believe me. We are coming through the Gate.”
The radio cuts off and less than a moment later, AR-1 steps through the event horizon, or at least three of them do. Elizabeth comes down the stairs, eyes scanning her people for any sign of illness or injury as she waits for Beckett and for John, but the event horizon closes and something catches in her throat.
“Where’s Colonel Sheppard?”
Teyla and Ronon share a look and for the first time, she notices the lump in Ronon’s arms, covered with a jacket.
“In case you’ve missed the memo,” Rodney snaps, gesturing broadly to Ronon, “this entire fucking galaxy is littered with stupid machines courtesy of those wacky Ancients that have horrible, no good, completely asinine purposes and so here we are.”
“Rodney,” Teyla admonishes gently.
They’re all saved a response with Carson arrives, looking a bit confused and Elizabeth can sympathize, because she still has no idea what’s going on. “I’ll ask again,” she says, keeping her voice even, “where is Colonel Sheppard?”
Rodney moves as if to pull the jacket from Ronon’s arms, but Teyla stops him with a hand to his chest and very carefully, gently, she pulls it back to reveal a small child with a crop of dark, unruly hair. He’s asleep (or unconscious, likely, given how the commotion has not woken him), long lashes brushing against pale cheeks. “Bloody hell!”
“Is that--?”
“Colonel Sheppard, yes,” Teyla finishes, tucking the jacket around the tiny body again, hiding him from view. “I am certain that the Colonel would appreciate it if we could move our discussion from the gate room.” She settles a hand on Ronon’s shoulder as Carson steps forward as if to get another, closer look at the boy, but he must see something on Ronon’s face that stops him short.
“Right. Er… c’mon then, bring the lad this way. We’ll get him to the infirmary, under some scans and find out exactly what we’re dealin’ with.”
“What we’re dealing with is another example of how it’s not actually the Wraith that are the bad guys in this narrative, but the Ancients,” Rodney says scathingly and while the team sets off for the infirmary, he starts in the opposite direction, intent on locking himself in his lab until all of this blows over.
Or at least intent on scouring the database to figure out what he needs to piece that god damned machine back together after Ronon blasted it into six million pieces.
They all wait with baited breath as the scanner makes another pass over the little boy—over John, she has to remind herself. He’s still unconscious and the circles under his eyes look darker now in the harsh infirmary light and Elizabeth crosses her eyes, never pulling her eyes away.
“Okay,” she says, lifting a hand to chew on her thumbnail. “Walk me through this again. You were exploring an Ancient outpost.”
Ronon growls in frustration, hands digging into his dreads at the thought of having to go through this again, but Teyla remains unbothered.
“Correct. Rodney was picking up a strong energy signal. The outpost was empty, but there was a machine in the very center of a large dais, pulsating. Once Rodney determined that it was the cause of the signal, he decided that perhaps we should get a closer look, fearful that it might have been similar to the one on M1B-129.”
“The one that caused the hallucinations.”
“Exactly.” Teyla’s eyes returned to the boy’s face before she continued. “John stepped up onto the dias to get a better look and the next thing we knew, he was surrounded by a blue light, screaming.”
“Then what happened?”
“Then I shot it,” Ronon answers.
“You shot it,” Elizabeth repeats.
“Uh huh. And I’d do it again. We had no way of knowing what it was doing to him, but he needed help and we needed to get him out of there.” It’s almost as if dares Elizabeth to challenge his decision, though she thinks after studying his face for just a moment, perhaps he’s reconsidering himself.
“Yes, well,” Teyla says, reaching to settle a hand on Ronon’s wrist as if to calm him. “Once the machine shut down and the blue light dissipated, John was… well.”
“Do we have any idea what this has actually done to him?” Elizabeth asks and she glances at Carson for answers, but he has none. “Is he still… him? Will he have his memories or--?”
“He has been unconscious since the machine shut down,” Teyla answers. “We are not sure exactly what the outcome will be.”
“His scans look good,” Carson answers, sighing as the machine comes to a stop. “Well. For a six year old boy, anyway. I see no ill effects from the machine, other than the obvious, but until the lad wakes, we won’t truly know what we’re dealin’ with.”
“But he will, right? Wake up?”
“I see no reason why he shouldn’t. But perhaps we ought to prepare for the worst. There’s a chance that he’ll wake up and have no idea where he is or who any of us are. Perhaps we should clear out, leave one person in here to lessen the confusion or fear.”
“I’ll do it,” Ronon answers immediately, and Elizabeth is unsure of the most delicate way to thank him for his offer while gently declining. Thankfully, Teyla speaks up again.
“No,” she answers and she smiles up at Ronon before she turns her attention back to John. “I will stay. Why don’t you go find Rodney and see if he’s managed to find anything in the database that could possibly provide answers as to what’s happened to John, but importantly, how to reverse it.”
“I’m going to send a team back through,” Elizabeth decides. “See if we can find any spare parts that weren’t destroyed that we may be able to use to retrofit one of the Ancient devices here.”
“Aye,” Carson agrees. “Teyla, if he wakes—”
“You’ll be the first to know, Carson.” And he gives her a smile, dropping a hand to her shoulder to squeeze gently. “Perhaps,” she says as he moves to take his leave, “you would be able to dim the lights? It may be startling with the bright lights once he wakes.”
“Of course, love,” and then he’s gone, leaving Elizabeth and Teyla alone.
“Never a dull day in the Pegasus Galaxy,” Elizabeth tries to joke, but she feels like it falls short when the child on the bed snuffles and turns his head to the side, face relaxing just a bit as the lights in the infirmary dim. “Keep me posted, okay?”
“Of course, Elizabeth,” Teyla replies graciously and as Elizabeth takes her leave, she thinks she hears Teyla humming something quietly… almost like a lullaby.
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