#I am…. so lonely lmao….. who is ‘he’ you ask? legit no one
foxgloveinspace · 1 year
Hmmmmm a bit… darker of a fantasy buuuut:
Getting back handed across the mouth cause I snapped my teeth at him when he forced me down to my knees🥴🥴 barring my teeth again when I taste blood so he can see 🥴🥴 him smirking down at me as he grips me by the chin firm enough to bruise🥴🥴 not fighting it when he fucks my mouth cause that’s what I wanted anyway🥴🥴 him harshly patting my cheek after he comes down my throat🥴🥴
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onlyyyariii · 4 years
Part one
Mostly texting
All in Liana’s point of view
I've had this crush okay... for a few years now. Yeah yeah I know you're all like, 'Oh who is it Liana ?'. What am I saying? Of course you are all actually saying, 'Man up and ask Ethan out already.' It's just not that simple alright? He's been my best friend for a really long time. I can't just go up to him and ask him out. It doesn't work like that.
Ethan 😳: Heyyyyy Liana
Liana: hiii
Ethan 😳: Want to hang out later?
Liana: I legit live in New Jersey. How am I supposed to hang out with you when you live in California?
Ethan 😳: I meant over FaceTime but whatever 😔
Ethan 😳: Otayyyyy do you have a rope
Liana: A rope? I-
Oh haha I see what you did there
Ethan 😳: lmao yeah but please don't hang yourself baby I'd miss you too much
This is what makes the crush worse. When he says stuff like that. How do you expect me to feel? No one has ever shown interest in me like this before. How do I know he's not just kidding? What if he's not and I say something that offends him?
Liana: Hehe I'd miss you too E
Ethan 😳: you know I wish we lived in the same state
Liana: Same but I'm probably coming to like Cali in the summer
Ethan 😳: NO WAY
Liana: Yeah for real lol. We could meet up if I'm close enough to where you live.
Ethan 😳: I live in San Francisco
Ethan 😳: No why?
Liana: I-
  We're going to San Fran! The home of the Golden Gate Bridge!
Liana: We leave for Cali in about 3 months 😔 so I won't see you for a while
Ethan 😳: awww that's okay! Your mom or mine can film us meeting and I'll even kiss your cheek. 👀
Liana: Awww that sucks. My lips are gonna be lonely 😧
Ethan 😳: I mean I could kiss dem to-
Liana: Finish the sentence now 😤
Ethan 😳: I mean I could kiss dem too if you want 🤭
Liana: 😉 I would love that
Ethan 😳: oh no I have butterflies... maybe I'm getting sick 😔
Liana: Aw noooo
Wait a minute... didn't you-
Ethan 😳: no I didn't 😳👀b
Ethan 😳: ok I did
Liana: haha I give you butterflies.
Ethan 😳: or maybe.... just maybe- I might be hungry
Liana: I'm so full. I'm like pregnant or something 👀
Liana: I mean-
Ethan 😳: so.... so it isn't?😖
Liana: if I was pregnant it would be your baby.
Ethan 😳: d**n right 🤠
Ethan 😳: I think I did👀😳
I laugh and slip my phone into my pocket. I really like this guy. I JUST CANT TELL WHEN HES JOKING AROUND!!! It's not fair. No one should have to be treat like this.
I feel bad for posting something so short but, 🙂 I wanted to get something out while I’m writing Liana’s backstory!
Tag list: @fangdolan @grantzarrr @blindedbythelightt
Shortened my taglist to people that actually read my stuff. If you want to be added lemme know!
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koolkitty9 · 4 years
Boueibu for the fandom ask meme
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: YUMOTO!! Least Favorite character: Hmmm...have to go with Gora lmao 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): EnAtsu, IoRyuu, Akorima, andddddd I do ship Yumoto with my OC, Araki BUT with a canon character, I do lowkey ship IbuYumo Character I find most attractive: Ibushi Character I would marry: Hmm...probably....I’d say Aki but I also would maybe marry Ryuu, he knows how to treat a girl right Character I would be best friends with: Yumoto (or Akoya, or Atsushi) A random thought: Yumoto really was alone before meeting the others, like it seems people really don’t like him. I mean, he and Rui looked like they got along okay (same with the guy in his class who works at the ramen shop from s2ep7). Meeting the others was a lifesaver for the boy, otherwise he’d still be lonely An unpopular opinion: S2 ISN’T THAT BAD! It legit needed another revision or two to really get it down, there are mistakes that can easily be fixed or written much better if they looked closer at it.
My canon OTP:EnAtsu (they kissed in the play it’s canon now guys) Non-canon OTP: AraMoto (Aka Araki, who is my OC, and Yumoto) Most badass character: ATSUSHI, WIND MOM FUCKING JUMPED IN FRONT OF EN IN THE S2 FINALE Pairing I am not a fan of: KinAtsu, just not a fan of it lol, It’s not bad but yeah Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):YUMOTO! THEY FUCKED HIM OVER IN S2!! SO BADLY Favourite friendship: EnAtsuMoto, the FAM! Atsushi and En are really close to Yumoto, s1 loved to show Yumoto hanging out with Atsushi and even En. Like s1, ep 8?? So much content of them. s1, ep 11/12, shows Atsushi wrapping his arm around Yumoto’s shoulder PERFECT
Ask me about Fandoms/Ships/a Character Here
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mikmikisnotcrack · 6 years
Music Box || Im Jaebum
Fantasy AU: Ghost! Jaebum
• Your grandmother was a lil weird
• When you were a kid, she always told you weird stuff. A lot of them revolved around one thing though, and that was witchery
• You thought it was really cool that your grandmother told you this witchery stuff, but eventually your parents told you that it was all just fictional.
• It ruined your childhood, but hey, you still thought your grandmother was cool
• But when you grew up, she became weaker and eventually passed away.
• You were absolutely devastated. I mean, who wouldn't? You had a cool grandma who always told you witchy stories and who was by your side whenever you had problems in your life.
• Before she passed though, she had given you a carousel music box that you were told has been around for ages.
• You kept it on your bedside drawer so that you wouldn't feel alone.
• Whenever you stressed about exams, deadlines, your best friend Jackson or work, you always turned to the music box for comfort.
• Though, when you thought it made you feel like you weren't alone
• You didn't think it would actually make you feel less lonely
• Because you sWeAr tO gOd you feel a presence around you ever since you brought the music box into your apartment.
• It could just be you being paranoid because it was your first time being away from your family home
• But legit it felt like someone else was in the room
• You wanted to consider putting it back in your old room back at home, but it has stuck with you for too damn long to NOT be by your side. Besides, it was from your witchy grandma, why would you keep it away from you?
• One night, you were incredibly stressed. Finals were coming up in multiple subjects of yours and it was really hard to balance that with your part time job as a barista.
• On top of that, some professors were so helpful in lessening your stress by giving some paper works due! How fun.
• The night was full of your constant groans of frustration and the sound of paper crumpling.
• It was 2:30 am you wanted to drop the fuck out right there and then as you slammed your head down on the multiple papers scattered on your desk.
• The frustration from the past few days that you bottled up was finally bursting, and now here you were, crying on the bond papers that have been on your desk.
• Until you heard it
• Your music box was fucking playing
• Your head snapped over to your desk where you saw the music box playing. The little gold horses were spinning.
• This shit was something straight out of a horror movie.
• The moment your head left the papers, they all went flying off your desk. You didn't even know how to react because all the windows were closed and your fan wasnt open. You're haunted fOR S U R E
• "You know, you should really take it easy on yourself"
• You whipped your head around but nobody was there.
• Nope nope nope nope
• You pushed away all the papers that remained on your desk, shut your laptop, shut your textbooks, and went straight to your bed, covering yourself with the duvet.
• The music box will not stop playing!!
• You inhaled sharply before you were met face to face with a boy with dark hair and eyes to match.
• You wanted to scream, but you didn't know where your voice fucking went
• "You know, it's really bad to pent up your frustration like that. You should relax"
• "P-Pardon???"
• "You heard me"
• Your eyes were wide as dinner plates. This guy was definately not here when you entered the aprtment
• And this guy was definately not a normal human being!!!
• "Ohhh shit I forgot that humans aren't used to this thing... sorry"
• No shit humans arent used to that thing!! It's not everyday your dead grandma's music box plays in the middle of three am and a ghost throws off your damn paperwork!!!
• "You know what, my stress levels are sky rocketting right now! I'm seeing things!! I should really go to bed!!"
• And with that, you turned to face the opposite way from ghost boy and put the duvet up to your nose.
• Before you completely fell asleep, you heard your papers being fixed and the lamp on your desk turning off.
• "Good night (Y/n)"
• The next morning you woke up a little more refreshed than normal.
• It was a friday, which meant that your classes started a little later than usual.
• You brushed your hair and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
• After doing your morning routine and picking out your clothes, you went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
• Except, it was already made for you.
• There in the kitchen, was ghost boy placing the sunny side up egg on the freshly cooked bibimbap
• "Oh, you're awake"
• Proceeds to pour you a cup of coffee in a shameless "stressed, depressed, kpop obsessed" mug
• "Uhhh, y e a h"
• "You should eat up, your finals will be coming up today and you need nutrients to keep your head functioning"
• Places the mug on the bar counter.
• "Well? What are you waiting for? Eat up"
• You reluctantly take a seat on your favorite bar stool and dig into the bibimbap. It was surprisingly reslly good! It tasted exactly...
• "The way your grandma used to make it?"
• "Excuse me???"
• "Oh! Im not a mind reader or anything, it's just that a huge wave of nostalgia just appeared on your face and I just thought that you thought... Yeah, I'm just gonna stop right there"
• You took a sip on the coffee he had made and realised it was exactly how you make it! With a huge amount of creamer and sugar.
• You watched as he leaned on the bar counter and eyed you down.
• "How are you doing that?" You ask
• "Doing what?"
• "You're definately not human, because I know for a fact that I do not have a roommate and you appeared out of no where... Yet here you are, you just cooked breakfast for me AND scared the shit out of me last night"
• "Oohhhh fuck um... Sorry about that. I'm Jaebum by the way"
• You squinted at him as you proceeded to drink your hella good coffee.
• He pulled at the collar of his black hoodie nervously as you eyed him down
• "ANYWAYS! Ghosts that have been around for some time become more powerful, and we learn how to lift objects and do normal mundane shit. Though, not exactly as mundane because we're still technically spirits with no bodies"
• "Interesting..."
• Once you finished your food, he took it from the counter and placed it in the sink while you made your way back to the room.
• You were about to pack your notebooks, but you realised that Jaebum had done it for you.
• Wow, a very helpful ghost!
• "I guess I'll talk to you later???" You say before exiting your apartment.
• "Lmao as if you have a choice on not talking to me"
• Son of a--
• And with that, you leave!
• After another eventful day, you come back home to find Jaebum on the couch eating the honey butter chips that you stored away in your shelf while he watched Strong Woman Do Bong Soon on netflix.
• "Yah, those are my chips!"
• "Woops"
• It was a weekend tomorrow, so you didn't have to worry about any of your shit. Free time for you, yay!
• You dressed up in your favorite t-shirt, a huge hoodie and a pair of shorts and mads your way back to the living room and watched SWDBS with your ghost friend.
• "Soooo Jaebum, why the hell are you here??"
• He pauses the drama before turning to you.
• "Weeellll I may or may not be binded to your music box and I can't go anywhere else"
• "W h y???"
• "Strap in, I'm telling you a longass story"
• So! From what you have found out, Jaebum's mom really liked the music box that she was gifted with during her and her husband's first wedding anniversary. However, that marriage slowly spiralled down into chaos once Jaebum was born.
• When Jaebum grew older, they eventually divorced yet his mother never let go of the love she felt for her husband. Eventually she died, still holding the music box
• Jaebum was surprised that she wasnt the one that haunted the music box
• He swore to himself that he would protect the thing his mother cherished the most and the person who cherished the carousel music box.
• So his mom's best friend's daughter ended up getting the music box after the both of them had died... And that daughter ended up to be one of the ancestors who passed down the music box, until it was handed to you.
• "Soooo you dont have any plans on going, idk, to heaven?? Or hell"
• "yAh I am a good ghostie with good intentions!! Why would I go to hell?!"
• "I dont know!! Just saying!!"
• "I dont know, maybe when you die I'll consider going back to heaven"
• And that is how you got stuck with your ghost friend Jaebum!
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aharris00britney · 7 years
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Ummmm stuff I’ve ignored and let build up ;-; MM hairlines, a pic of me, default replacement hairs, donation stuff, using my hair conversion meshes, a male hair wip, recolor requests, and other stuff UwU
Anonymous said: face reveal?        
lmao this is from October but I never take pics of myself besides snapchat so UwU
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@wildfire607​ said: I love your content for the game! I have my notifications on for you. Much love from Texas. ♥️
omggg thank you!!!! literally I don’t feel like people would have notifications on for me ;n; again, thank you so much <3
@standardheld said: Hey there! I know you don’t take requests so take it as an idea. Maybe you’ll like it. Otherwise, please don’t feel forced to do anything! So here’s the idea: I haven’t fount an adult’s version of you YeoJin hairs with big pigtails. Remember Cassandra Goth from The Sims 2? It think it would look beautiful and I know you’ve got the necessary talent. If you like the idea, please let me know :)        
Hello!!! Lmao I am kinda swamped rn to start ‘new’ things BUTBUTBUT I don’t mind if somebody uses my conversion meshes like YeoJin Hair since all it is is a conversion. So if u wanna do it or wanna ask some other people, feel free!! <3   
@pxelsquid​ said: The WIP hair in your play list post is so beautiful! I can’t wait for it!
Thanks! Planning to get it out in the next week or so
Anonymous said: What do you use donations for?
(answer in bold) lmao I actually don’t get many, at least not enough for them to go towards anything. But I do get a few dollars every couple of months (and that still makes me super happy to see ty to anyone who has donated ever UwU) lmao so I don’t really know what the donations go towards though I guess packs?? which rn I prob wouldn’t buy a pack w/donation money bc irl stufffff but I would think donations on a sims account should go to more sims stuff if you don’t need to money for personal life situations :)
Anonymous said: Hello! Would you ever consider some of your hairs for male sims?
You should be able to disable to masculine filter and see them?? If not go in S4S and edit the tags to let it be seen
Anonymous said: about your last hair: NOPE. 
all night all night all niiiiiiiight ✨
Anonymous said: I’m so happy you made the Jennie Hair without headband! I really like it so far. Good job!
Yay!! I’m glad you like it. Thank you so much <3
Anonymous said: When will you be releasing the braids on your post /post/168877609911/ ?
Yeah!! They’ve been done a while, hopefully they should get posted soon. Here is a link if u want early accessssssssssssss UwU
Anonymous said: why did u and yoshi break up?
Richard ( @cas-fulleditmode ) shares the same fetish as me (M*** P**f) lmao im kiddingggggg UwU me and @ayoshi​ are married in Korea still
i dont think u get…. my k-pop obsession ;-; lmao I literally keep up with like every girl group and watch the album teasers/everything UwU I still prefer Where Are You? to Black Dress though.
Anonymous said: Are you friends with grimcookies?
to an extend I think so, yes. We have only messaged a few times in the past week or so bc of memessssss
Anonymous said: Can you please post some eyes or tell me where I can download cc eyes? I hate the eyelashes that sims has.
My resource page has the eyes I use and the no EA eyelashes mod link :)
@saurussims​ said: Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications!
My birthday is this month so I’m happy about that lmao
my pug UwU
my friendssss
getting new clothing
Anonymous said: aghhhh your sim style is so nice! Have a nice day!
Thank you so much!!
Anonymous said: Hello! ^_^ I just dropped by to tell you how much I appreciate your hard work in making hairs. I don’t know how much time it takes you to make such wonderful creations, but they definitely made my sims better-looking for your CCs are amazing and they are of matching lengths and styles that really made planning my sims’ hairstyles easier <3 Sorry I’m too broke to donate, and all I can do is THANK YOU :( But please know that you deserve all the praises you get. More power to you and your blog! <3
omggg this is so sweet ;-; thank you!!! I really really really appreciate stuff like this. <3
Anonymous said: Would you consider making more hairs (preferably a long, casual style and maybe a ponytail?) with the Candie/Maja bangs? They’re soooo cute!
I have made another hair with those bangs. Hopefully it gets posted soon :)
Anonymous said: Can you please make the laundry day hairstyles base game compatible?
I actually didn’t buy laundry stuff lmao college/senior payments are taking all my money rn so I prob won’t get any packs anytime soon :P
Anonymous said: all i want in life is curly maxis match boy hairs ahhh :((((((((
aweeee I am really bad at male hairs or I would try :( this is a male hair I did the other day and it is super super basic but like I’m surprised it wasn’t super fucked up ;-;
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@jacazul​ said: ✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out 💛✨ <3333
Thank you!!! <3
Anonymous said: how do you get all your sims to look so cute??? every time i think i’ve made a super cute sim i see one of your sims on my dash and i’m like WHOA NEVERMIND THEN. seriously tho what are your secrets
ummmm I use all my sims and then just do ‘make twin/sibling’ and then I get a clone to mold like clay wedgfhv
Anonymous said: which recolor palettes do you recommend for hairs? I like the EA colors but I would like to try some others.. especially after seeing the hair color you put on your sim with the jennie hair in your latest post
Obvi I like the anathema palette bc I put my hairs in that, but the saccharine (?) is really really good and there are tons of hairs in that. and the WMS palette is so so so good there are just too many swatches for me to do that palette tbh
Anonymous said: Are you going to make more hairs that are ombre accessory compatible?
Maybe! I am not sure tbh, it depends on the mesh I use and abunch of other factors :)
Anonymous said: Question, I love your Jisoo hair, it’s well done, but the ombre part, what’s the file name and how do you download it? I’m a noob when it comes to this. Sorry to bother you.
file name -> JisooHairOmbreNaturals[AH00B].package
just put it in your mods folder like you would normal CC. It is in accessories :)
Anonymous said: I’m legit falling in love with you and all these cc’s ❤❤❤
<3333 Thanksssssss UwU
Anonymous said: not to rush you but are any male sims coming out soon :0
My male sim has been in my drafts with all the CC links and everything the past MONTH but I haven’t had the motivation to export his download file omggg. He is on my gallery @ spotharris if u really really want him right now
​ said:
I love you and thank you for your cc and can you make not so berry cc?thanks!
People have made recolors of my cc in not so berry colors :) check my sideblog @aharris00britneyrecolors​
Anonymous said: Hi! Are you planning to make the Go Won hairs into a bob? the same hair and all but shorter. I just think it will look really nice as a bob.
Maybe?? no plans as of right now though
Anonymous said: please upload your red-ish haired sim! :) x
Already did, check my sim download page
Anonymous said: damn, those new hair really sucks. sorry… but. yeah.
well maybe if you stanned LOONA then you would like them UwU
Anonymous said: I checked out your sim page, they’re so gorgeous! I remember at some point last year you mentioned maybe sharing Briella after you stopped using her, and I haven’t seen her in a while in your posts. Have you considered sharing her or is she just officially retired? She was a very cute sim and is iconic!
Briella wasn’t actually my sim! Her original download post is here
@ayoshi​ said: Are you gonna tell your followers why you didn’t give me a valentine gift or…???
Me and @cas-fulleditmode​ were too busy to take a stop in korea sorry UwU
Anonymous said: heey :) could you maybe put the hairlines your were talking about in the latest post for download? i use hairlines myself and i really like your hairs in tge palette you are using and i can’t find any hairlines in it soo? could you do that? :)            
the hairlines I made are actually in the saccharine palette bc so many clayified hairs come in that palette lmao. They are kinda messy rn but if I eve use them on a sim download ill link them there :)
Anonymous said: Could you please recolour some of wild-pixel’s hairs in the palette?
Anonymous said: can we give you recolor requests?
Idk if I will do recolors that often but when I do I kinda just do what hairs I find myself using at that time :P
Anonymous said: Will u ever upload girl from “tell me why, why i’m so lonely” post?? Please consider it, she is soooo cute 😍😍😍
I didnt save her :(
@investedwheat40 said: Would you ever consider uploading your joy hair as a default replacement for that one hair Zoe Patel wears?
Prob not since it uses different textures/shadows and stuff, it would be the same size and stuff as the normal Joy hair
Anonymous said: Is there any way to download you models? Because I live how they looks and really want to use them.
I got this before I made my sim download page, but lmao here is a link to my sim download page :P
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sleepymarmot · 6 years
COUNTER/Weight liveblog, part 3
Finale +post-mortem
Am I glad to return to the political big picture! It's such a relief that the finale is in this format! Hopefully it won't devolve into another “fighting a giant robot” scene.
Oh, so the Chime are leading the faction game now! Somehow I completely missed the point of the two previous scenes that indicated Aria becoming the new leader of the Righteous Vanguard – I was very surprised and then 10 minutes later went “Oh that's what it was, time to go back and relisten”
Pronoun update: Austin consistently uses “they”, Art consistently uses “he”. End my suffering…
The sheer comedic impact of seven Makos, Larry and Lazer Ted all in a room together has healed my soul immediately. Can we end on this image so nothing bad happens
I'm so proud of Orth!! “I'm sorry, which one are you?” lmao
Oooh the relationship drama~ But how come Jacqui didn't know Jill was alive? Actually, now that I think of it, back then it was clearly said that Jacqui knows Jillian is back and is sad because Jillian doesn't remember her. This show's retcons…
Look I know shit must hit the fan pretty soon but for now this finale is just. So relaxing. I'm having a lot of fun listening to these squabbles. (The only exception were Mako and Orth – boys, stop fighting, why!)
That Cass & Aria scene was cool but please don't give me world leader old friends sneaking away for secret stress relief sparring sessions when I'm not supposed to start shipping them
Oh hell yeah, I was hoping that since Jacqui went with Jillian, Aria would go with Ibex. (Not very relevant here, but Ibex is from Kesh like Maryland, right? If so, there must be fanart of young Ibex and Maryland in 19th century outfits?)
Stop cryptically saying oh Sokrates isn't here, oh they aren't using their candidate name, like what's up with them?! Are they doing well? I'm worried!
Oh Orth wants to dance with Ibex huh *eyes emoji* Rematch! Rematch!
“I'll take anything” “Anything?” My mind, of course, autocompletes “Then perish”
THIS WAS A LOT and I need to take a couple of minutes to start breathing normally again. Also there just has to be a lovingly drawn fanart adaptation of this entire scene (in, like, fukcing Leyendecker style), come on fandom please say someone has done it
Jacq/Jill continuing with the heartbreaking scenes, I see
Mako doesn't like dancing now…… holy shit this is the most upsetting ball ever… (The cynical part of me must say that it's only Austin who talks about this connection, Keith doesn't and still sounds way less emotional about the whole thing than the others assume Mako to be)
I amend my previous statement, I also need fanart with snapshots of every dance: Orth firmly taking Ibex's hand and receiving a surprised but approving look, Jillian throwing her head back in laughter and Jacqui watching with a pained smile, sullen Mako leaning on a wall cross-armed and looking for an opportunity to slip away, Cass dropping his one-liner with a completely dispassionate face.
Wow Ibex is really getting ready for death. Sounds as if he knows the exact date.
HOLY SHIT THE DIVINES' ORIGIN STORY!!! FINALLY!!! I'm surprised they were all created by the same person…
I'm relieved Mako and Orth are on good terms again!
I love the new Aria as this competent politician who does a lot of swordfighting and dealing with old flames
Have I mentioned I really love the game they're playing? It almost synthesizes the best parts of the game they played previously – as if it was written just for this finale. It's so great how this show and specifically this campaign go through so many games, showing the universe and the characters from different angles, instead of having them be defined by only one game system and its limitations and quirks.
That's some real good mech if it can function for 80,000 years, Divines' body or not!
Okay, I fucking knew Liberty and Discovery would split up at some point (which is what I meant above by my expectations for AuDy's fate), but why is Liberty attacking Ibex?
Mako's robots!!! :DDD Now that's the real finale shit!
I CAN'T BELIEVE Keith missed Tower's brief appearance of all things. It's like a fucking scene from the show on the level of dramatic irony. They were truly not meant to be, even the universe in real life is saying that. Do you ever get rejected so badly that the guy you like runs away from you at the prom, and then lets you fall into a deadly portal with the rest of your planet, and then you get brainwashed, and then you are killed by an ally of that guy, and the person playing him doesn't even witness that?!
I thought Orth was going to challenge Kobus about Liberty…
“I have Liberty contained” *winces*
Every time it is asked what is Mako wearing I just mentally pull out the popcorn
“I welcome anyone to tell Cass that AuDy is a non-person”
Let me restate how much I'm loving how the scenes that in any other show would be minor fluff or short summaries in an epilogue are a legit fully rendered part of the finale
Sokrates & Orth reunion please!!
Aw Ted! It never occured to me that this comic relief character has, in fact, lost his entire planet and almost everyone he knows.
…I think I like Apokine Cass more than Chime Cass
That's a big lore dump holy cow! I'm glad Apostolosians are ex-humans after all, but I wonder how they turned into fish people
So what happened to the idea of Mako hacking Grace?
They just… went and straight up murdered two Divines… If it had happened early in the show I'd probably cheer, and no tears were shed for Grace, but Liberty… Just take a third of another player character and drive it into a sun…
Of course. I knew Sokrates is the kind of character who dies nobly in a grand finale.
I've spent all this time wondering how the piece of Voice in Mako doesn't get infected by Rigor, and it seems to finally happen and Larry seems to die repairing it, but what about all other Makos, aren't they in danger too?
This is way too easy so far, just sacrifice NPCs one by one to win.
This whole time I was assuming Mako saved as many clones as he could, not just his own… If he gets another turn I bet it's submit or die :/
Hello I'm crying over Lazer Ted! Choices in the campaign sound futile now: who cares which guy Mako saved – they both died anyway! All named NPCs did!
Except for Jacqui. Congratulations, the NPC Who Lived! (I mistyped “loved” at first, which is also relevant. And yes, I cried here too.)
How the hell would falling into a sun kill Rigor if it was previously not killed by a bomb that destroys hundreds of suns?
Poor Cass… Not only sacrificing yourself in such a difficult way, but to have a final conversation only just to learn that your friend, a passionate revolutionary further empowered by Righteousness, has deserted… The sheer contempt and disappointment he pours in just three words “Ibex told you”...
Welp. Mako's fate was not tragic like I feared! Good news I guess, but it's still kind of sad. And I think the saddest part is that Mako himself doesn't realize. Because it can just sound like the natural continuation of his character growth – after he had to learn to be the responsible one first in contrast to Larry and then to the other Makos. But it's not that, or not just that, and it's kind of chilling to hear that he never knows it, and never knows peace.
Executive Joie, oh my… It's so strange and cool how Aria somehow continues the legacy of Jace and Ibex at once.
The race is over. It's so strange that now there are no consequences to fear or spoilers to avoid.
I didn't like the final battle as much as the rest of the finale – I hoped for a more clever solution than just throwing bodies at the enemy (but I guess the intro warned me lol…). Especially since these bodies had very unequal impact – I'm not going to care about Diego Rose or Chet Wise or Orth's newly-created lieutenants or as much as I care about Jacqui -- so it felt unfair towards players/characters who had more important or likeable chracters in their faction. I'm opposed on principle to making the big confrontation feel important and emotional just by killing off characters (hi, J. K. Rowling and Russo brothers), I think it's cheap and emotionally manipulative, but in this case the emotional manipulation doesn't even work so it’s doubly disappointing.
If someone's reading this, you can see that what I expected or wanted from the story was not what it gave me, and that was frustrating or disappointing at times. But nevertheless, it was a wild ride.
I've slept on it and it still fucks me up that out of the Chime only Aria gets a genuinely happy ending! Cass is fucking dead, Liberty is dead while AuDy becomes a ghost, and Mako loses everyone and is lonely for the rest of his life!
It's so strange to listen to the opening theme in the post-mortem and think that this is the second-to-last time. (Relistens don't count, it's not the same thing.) By the way, I love that theme – it sounds like a half song with the words on the tip of my tongue, like space, or like city at night. Really atmospheric.
I love how everyone continues to be into that moment where Aria has the opportunity to kill Cass lol (I am too)
Yeah, thanks for reminding me about that coin toss moment for Kobus in the finale, that was so sudden and shocking I was completely losing it for the long few seconds it lasted
I'm glad someone asked whether Jack knew the Big Spoiler in advance – he was so calm about it in the following episodes that I started wondering
Oh so it wasn't my imagination that the players needed the comic relief of the Lazer Ted episode no less than the characters
After a sad talk about Mako's dead friends, Andi, cheerfully: “I love to kill and I love to hurt and I never regretted anything I ever did! :D” which won the least surprising comment of the hour award lol. Honestly, after that one scene with Diego I started to get a bit nervous whenever Andi announced they had an idea… C/w was fun because I now realize the cinnamon roll Aubrey was actually them playing against type.
I love that someone asked about Mako's first kiss and/or Orth's fandom life!!
Keith's answer is sad, though… He “had literally never considered Mako even being capable of kissing someone, like it wasn't something on the table” and that was unexpected to me. I'd mentioned several times that he sounded reluctant to play up the romance, but I was assuming it was the player's preference, not an innate trait of the character whose attraction to someone was a part of his character creation. How do I interpret it? Mako is aro? Mako never had a chance to properly grow emotionally because his youth was fake and for the rest of his life, all emotional connections were sabotaged by Rigour's shadow, and also literally all his potential love interests died? Ugh, I just keep making myself more and more upset.
Holy shit I forgot about Art asking if there's an old Apostolosian mech on September by any chance lmao
Cene always knew?! Holy shit w h a t
It's nice to hear Ali talk about her growth in confidence as a player because she's definitely kind of an inspiration – for years I've thought tabletop roleplaying is too intense and I'll never do it, but when I finally tried out it was not so scary, so maybe there's hope for me too!
The concept that the real challenge of the final battle was that the easier it would be to defeat Rigor, the worse shape would the world be afterwards sounds much better than what that battle actually felt like to me. Instead of paying for victory with the health of society and their faction's political power, in the actual gameplay they paid with NPCs from their circle and that was it; the political consequences came later and sounded entirely unrelated. Maybe if they had to go against their faction's goals or sacrifice its assets – e.g. “use Minerva's Rigor-tech mechs in exchange for the promise to leave them alone afterwards” instead of “sacrifice all Mako clones”… Aria had something similar with Weight, but it was the price of Jacqui's life, not the price of a victorious battle against Rigour.
It's very cool to learn where the sound effects in the theme come from! And god, every line as its own take? My head hurts just imagining that…
Austin getting distracted by the idea of fucking Rigor was hilarious, but I never, ever want to hear the word “daddy” in this context! What's with these jokes this season, ew, please stop.
Excuse me, Ali wanted to kiss Ibex as who exactly, Jace or Aria? Both options are equally crazy!
See, “You wanna say ‘Oh he was just doing what was necessary, he was just doing the thing that's good in the end’, and yeah that's him working on you” is exactly why he reminds me of Dukat! Literally the same mind game on the viewers/listeners!
Why is the link broken, I want to see AuDy in Titanfall!
Listening to team “Fuck Ibex!” and team “Fuck Ibex ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” yell at each other is very entertaining
“Nobody on the Kingdom Come is cishet” is a nice sentiment but I'm kind of confused by which definition of cis Cass is not. Have I missed something about them changing pronouns in-universe? Just because English doesn't have exact analogies for the Apostolosian pronouns doesn't mean everyone who uses them isn't following their own society's conventions. And now Austin also's saying “We never wanted to say these pronouns are equivalent to gender” which is, a, not true, and b, sends the whole problem back to square one – because if that's not the Apostolosian gender then what is? This! Is! A! Mess!
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neojeno · 6 years
why do you hate armies? we're like really chill idk
Lmao my inbox starts working again and this is the first ask I get.
Anyway… hi hon, you obviously haven’t been following me for very long— maybe you aren’t following at all! Whatever, the point is, I don’t hate armies. I hate prejudiced, annoying little shits who have to make everything about themselves. Oh quick note, why do you assume I hate armies? I haven’t made any recent posts regarding BTS or their fandom.
Anon, I was once an Army. I created this blog for the sole purpose of stanning BTS. Trust me, I think BTS are great. I absolutely love their music. I have several of their physical albums and went to one of their concerts (which was, by the way, one of the best times of my life). However, I have since left the Army fandom and, by the state of my blog, become an NCTzen living in NCT’s world (NCity). Why did I leave the Army fandom? Well, actually, there was an in-between part where I was stanning NCT and BTS at the same time. I’ve been into BTS for the past three years now and NCT? Only the past four months. I might be a good representation of that one pretty funny post that was floating around for awhile about how BTS wrote “Don’t Leave Me” because half of their fanbase was leaving them for NCT. NCT just came back at the right time and I was given the lovely opportunity to stan another incredibly talented group! Oh author’s note: don’t hate on the multi-fandom stanners, it takes a lot of fricken work to keep up with a lot of different groups and they’re just spreading the love bc there are so many talented idols out there! Anyway, I got into NCT naturally and I have just grown to really really love them. At some point, I just sorta stopped posting about BTS and you know what? That’s fine, it’s my blog and I can post whatever the fuck I want. Now, the truth is that I still really really love BTS. Their music is amazing and I still really love them— just as much as I always have.
But here’s where I might be able to get at what you’re asking: I haven’t left BTS, I’ve left the Army fandom. Why? For a couple of reasons: When I stan groups, I like to give them all my attention so I know what’s going on and so I can support them as much as I can— so that’s why NCT is my main concern/focus right now. I just really love them, what can I say? So that’s why I’m just posting a lot about them. Sure, I’m a part of like one BTS network, but I don’t feel like I even deserve to be called an Army anymore if all I’m posting about is another group. Idk, it just doesn’t feel right. Anyway, the second reason is that, after having become an NCTzen (wow I’m really talking as though I’m morphing into different beings or something), I’ve started to see a lot more into the Army fandom. Remember when I was talking about how there was an in-between stage when I was sorta stanning BTS and NCT at the same time (just look back through my archive,, sometime in March was that part of my life)? I started to view Armies (remember I’m talking about the fandom not BTS) as an outsider. I didn’t feel like I was one of them anymore (now that was one of the signs that told me I was already leaving, gone). I started to see the more toxic side of the Army fandom because I was no longer consumed in it. When I was still hardcore stanning Taehyung (and seriously he is the loml but Jeno’s sorta taking that spot now oof) and really into BTS, I was quite blind to the toxic environment that is sometimes the Army fandom. When I started stanning NCT, I started subconsciously comparing (it’s just a natural thing human beings do,, you might not want to, but you subconsciously pick up on what’s different about the different things you’re involved in) the NCT fanbase to BTS’s fanbase. that’s how i started to see the things i didn’t like about the Army fandom. Of course, all that I’m about to say doesn’t apply to all Armies and all that I’m about to say doesn’t have to be the image/reputation of the Army fandom (I am one person and if my words have that much of an effect on you then I suggest you reflect on the state of your emotional security), but from my experience, I’ve seen a few things the Army fandom, in particular, perpetrate that I’m uncomfortable with: One is that the BTS members are hypersexualized. BTS smut is all over the place. (I may be a horny teen but idk I sorta just wanna focus on college) People talk about Jungkook like he’s a meal in the most ordinary situations. Second, Armies tend to equate BTS to Kpop and, as someone who’s grown up listening to Kpop her entire life, I just can’t deal with people who think BTS are the only relevant group around here. Third, and along with my second point, I often see Armies making comments about BTS when BTS literally isn’t involved. Like, stop making everything about your favs??? I og stan B.A.P and when “That’s My Jam” came out, Armies in the comment sections were like, “omg Youngjae’s orange hair looks like Jimin’s” — umm like omg you don’t have to fucking make everything about yourself Youngjae looks like Youngjae!!! When Jonghyun passed, @/mimibtsghost made a post telling her followers to be grateful that, unlike Jonghyun, BTS is under such a caring agency and if you don’t see something wrong with that fucking comparison in that sort of fucking situation then fuck off my blog. Anywayyyy,,,, last and probably most influential in my leaving of the Army fandom was the fact that I no longer felt close to the fandome. My old blog (which was dedicated to BTS) had 1k followers but I didn’t have a single mutual whom i talked to often. I didn’t even realize how lonely that life was until I joined the NCT fandom. Oh author’s note: I’m using my experience as an NCTzen to reflect on what I realized I didn’t have/didn’t like about the Army fandom— not to put NCT on a pedestal. Anyway I follow quite a few big bts blogs and stuff and what I’ve realized is that a lot of people just follow the big blogs and pretty much (for lack of a better word) worship them. Now this isn’t shade on the big blogs, this is shade on the fact that, at least in my 3 years of experience as an Army, the fandom doesn’t feel tight or close. And guess what? That’s my opinion and my experience. Who knows? Maybe I legit just don’t know how to make friends. But in addition to that, I just see a shit ton of drama even within the Army fandom and it’s just exhausting. Oh that’s another thing, when I was an Army, it was fucking exhausting to see fights break out within the fandom or to see fellow Armies starting fights with other fandoms and then think to myself: well at least I’m one of the good Armies. I mean idk about you but now that I’m living the good life and having a better time, having to reassure yourself with that sort of thought is depressing and quite reflective of the Army fandom itself. Armies themselves know they can be awful sometimes.  
Anyway, I don’t necessarily hate Armies. I love that people are supporting BTS because I really do think BTS deserves all the recognition they’re getting for their hard work. What I hate is the shamelessness and disrespect that some people exhibit and don’t excuse because they think they’re insured by BTS’s top-of-kpop status (this isn’t sarcasm,, if you’re asking me to be objective I actually believe BTS is riding the peak of kpop like icing on a cake rn and I’m proud of them). Because the Army fandom is just so freakin huge— maybe like 40% of the world are Armies now (again, great! I’m glad BTS is getting a lot of love), it just happens to be that most of that sort of behavior is concentrated in the Army fandom.
Anyway, if you’ve read this far, good for you. Honestly, im sorta glad you asked this. This was a way for me to sort out my own feelings about this, too. if you’re frustrated with this answer, you can send hate but you’ll still just be frustrated by yourself. As RM once said, “I like hate comments more than no comments.” You know the rest. Sorry your words don’t hold much power if I’m unaffected. I just don’t give a fuck. ~h
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snickwrites · 3 years
quarantine hcs | song series edition
am i bored? yes, but i’ve also wanted to to headcanon how my song kids deal with quarantine. when i was washing dishes and really thought about it, i amused myself so now i wanna write it down.
ignore me, as per usual.
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it would drive her absolutely mad
but shes also a little freaked out at the health connotations, so shes very serious about following health protocols, like she laminates them and spreads them all across the house + rooms
therefore, welcome clean freak wendy
obsessively cleaning surfaces, is seen furiously scrubbing and spraying
but she looks absolutely adorable whilst doing so; like, shes got a bandana on, shes in gloves, maybe a summer dress ( because quarantine hits just when its summer dress season ;-; ) if shes feeling up to getting dressed a bit
shed still do her regular walks, but keeps it around the house and liminal spaces she knows doesnt have much humans
she already does walk by herself even before quarantine hit so its ok
would start getting into the bread-baking trend
house is constantly smelling like freshly baked bread, mans in love all over again
would absolutely try and keep herself busy by planning through it and asking leon to join with some activities (if shes quarantining with leon, if shes not, she’ll video call him all the time, and isnt afraid to say how much she misses him)
if she is quarantining with him, they plan dates once a week and dress up all fancy
my girl will probably start sending letters like shes from a past century w/ gifts for friends
she’ll take up all kinds of hobbies too omg, baking being the primary (will obsess over making the best bread, like, legit. Michelin quality fucking bread, your honour), some sewing (enough to make a few clothes, cute), and even botanical (quits while she’s only kid one plant. my girl doesn’t have a green thumb, sad face)
if she’s not quarantining with leon, will cope better than his ass lmao
will prolly bond a lot with her parents, map out movie nights and game nights (her stepmother is competitve as fuck and its hilarious)
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mans ok with it honestly
doesnt leave the house much so??? sure might as well
also gives him an excuse to take long naps with wendy in his arms so-
as long as he has internet, books, and food, hes ok
seriously, this man would be ok
would seriously get fat tho, bc if hes quarantining with wendy, man wont forget to eat since shes in charge of the kitchen
if he’s not quarantining with her tho, oh boy
will absolutely break down, have wendy on video call 24/7 he doesn’t give a flying fuck
this man cannot function without her being phyiscally present
as soon as quarantine restrictions get a little less tight enough for him to leave the house, you bet your bottom dollar this man is rushing to get to her period. he’ll either take her to his house or he camps out at hers, he doesn’t care as long as she’s within reach
co-depent motherfucker
oh man, he’d go insane on the first week
he’d get into all kinds of crap
he’d replenish all the movies/shows he’s missed, would start cooking, be active on social media ( esp when he started working out; phew, mans horny, in need of release, send help )
honestly. would get ridiculously horny
would work the fuck out
mans gonna get built
will learn creative recipes tho and get really good at cooking food
built af? cooks well? H-word?
please, a thirst trap
would get back to teenage quinn: mangas, animes, shows, films, and prolly start webtoons herself
would send thirsty photos to james just for the hell of it
will dye her hair numerous times, pls save her poor roots
would get into makeup trends
will do the tiktok trend of like, cooking food from different eras
but will not cook ordinarily, still too lazy
will get into tiktok
both pranks + dances
will lose it after the first few months, she’d be so lazy
will video call all her friends bc she misses them
pranking government agencies get intense and more ridiculous
will befriend someone from each agency; cia, nasa, mi6, and even mossad
will start a dnd group w/ them
god, i see this man get bombarded with video calls from family members, pls save him
would lose it in a month but will not show it
will also become a gym nut
boi would meet the gang after quarantine looking jack as shit
oh my go,d he’d go into an online shopping spree addiction
and since he only really spends expesivenly on particular things, it gets out of hand fast
like, intervention status stat!
pls, he’d also start journaling
but he sounds like a mid century polish boy afraid of the plague outside of his house
gets obsessed with cleaning as well
another online shopping spree addict
will completely refurbish her house, pls
new !! outfits !!
will be that annoying friend/relative who wll constantly call/video chat bc shes vv lonely, no matter how close you are to her
she does this daily
will dress up everyday, regardless
social media presence? uh, yes pls
will probably start lives just bc
most likely to be drunk before 3 o’clock
hes surprisingly ok with it too
he’ll start cooking more and more than going for takeouts, will shyly have a more social media presence, prolly get into a dnd group (Accidently gets on quinn’s tho whew), and go for the shows/films he hasnt got time to watch
will not walk away from online relationships tho
chill about it
will actually forget how much he misses human interaction until like, someone calls him or like, he passes by his neighbours
will pamper himself tho
buy some bathbombs, some bath salts, oof, get some face masks
mans coming out of this looking young as shit
will start a random hobby?
mixing cocktails? do puzzles?
man will prolly lose his mind
one week? nah, third day this man has given up on life
will be the MOST annoying; will call anyone who doesnt drop his calls bc he craves human interaction
will play music like a madman
start watching some musicals
sends rando ass gifts to his friends only to fuck with them, followed up by an actual decent gift
will legit start adopting left and right
mans found an ad and became feral
come end of quarantine, he introduces his 12 new children
0 notes
1-70 I want to know it all in great detail
I see, the key to getting asks is to passive-aggressively tag your friends.
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Anyone who has ever known me in real life knows I absolutely do not. I have an alcoholic, compulsive liar for a mother and an absent father, plus some grandparents who are so convinced that they are my actual parents that they would probably kick me out if they learned I refer to them as my grandparents. Fun times.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
Either my dog or yours lol. I don’t like telling people I love them. That’s something to be shown through your actions, otherwise the word loses its meaning. 
03: Do you regret anything?
I don’t even know where to start with this one. I’ve regretted basically every major decision I’ve made, and I probably shouldn’t be allowed to think for myself. If I had to name a few things that I regret right now, I would say I regret spending my spring break being so bitter. I really did have a good time, but I would have enjoyed myself more if I hadn’t tried to make it about me. My other big regret at the moment is cancelling my campus residence app. I screwed myself out of a guaranteed place and now I’m stuck with a bunch of drama and uncertainty. Also, there’s a friend that I’ve had for years and there were times when I was pretty horrible to her and she stuck with me despite it. I wish I had been mature enough at the time to be the person she needed in her life, instead of causing drama.
04: Are you insecure?
Extremely. I have a lot of insecurities about my body, mostly my face and hair, but a lot of my family in underweight and it was kind of instilled in me, that to be attractive I had to be underweight, like I remember when I started high school I made it a goal to stay below 110lbs until after graduation. I was still growing so that goal was as unrealistic as it was unhealthy. I’ve struggled with disordered eating since I was like 12. Other than that I can be really insecure about asking for the things I want and need. One of my biggest fears is people seeing me as selfish.
05: What is your relationship status?
I’m a single Pringle! I was in a relationship for a few months, but I got dumped because I consistently put my friends before her, which is funny because I’m in the middle of some conflicts with friends over not talking with them enough. I’ve been on a few dates and stuff since then, but I’m in a bad place right now mental health wise, so being single is probably for the best rn. 
06: How do you want to die?
This is kind of dark, but I don’t really care how I die as long as I’m in control of how it happens. If there’s a really wild and interesting story involved that would be even better. 
07: What did you last eat?
I’m munching on some green chili peanuts with a crap ton of Diet Coke. I’m at home right now so I’ve been eating way more than usual.
08: Played any sports?
I used to do ballet, gymnastics, contemporary and jazz, as well as various ballroom dances. I’ve blocked most of it out and lost a lot of my flexibility, but I would love to return to ballet at some point. I miss gymnastics too, but I’m too tall for it lol.
09: Do you bite your nails?
I’ve always been weirdly prideful of my nails and the thought of biting them has always freaked me out, like my nails are my babies. Keeping them nice is a big deal to me so my chompers can stay the hell away lmao
10: When was your last physical fight?
I’ve never actually been in a physical fight. The closest encounters were last semester, when my old roommate got a concussion from a crazy person that used to live with us, and a few years ago when I let a friend slap me.
11: Do you like someone?
I’m assuming this means like like. I’m not super interested in dating right now, but there have been people that have sparked my interest recently.
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
I am smol and weak. My fragile shell of a body would actually start to disintegrate if I tried this. I’ve only made it to 24hrs once and my body like completely shut down.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
I don’t like using the word hate for the same reasons I don’t like using the word love. There are people that I will not associate myself with and there are people in my life that I don’t feel any positive emotions towards, but there isn’t anyone that I could comfortably say I hate. 
14: Do you miss someone?
There are a lot of people from my life a few years back that I really miss, but I have to remind myself that I was a different person then, and some bonds are meant to be broken. I also really miss a lot of the friends I have at school. I take them for granted until we’re apart and then I feel all hallow, like part of me left too and that really sucks.
15: Have any pets?
I have a Chihuahua-weiner mix. He’s super old and he doesn’t have a tail and his name is Bob. He’s great. My aunt’s dog is basically my dog too, and he’s a pit mix. His name is Chester and he is actually a giant teddy bear. My friends have a doggo too, her name is Gwen and I am her aunt. She is the most talented and amazing fluffer who deserves the world.
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
I’m at that weirdly numb point right now where emotions are like a foreign concept to me. I’ve been super stressed and I have a lot of pretty serious decisions at the back of my mind that I can do nothing about at the moment. I’m super behind on my schoolwork and with all this stress, I know I can’t catch up. It’s super frustrating and there’s been a lot of drama amongst my friend group, making me feel like I can’t really trust anyone in my life right now. My age has been preventing me from doing so much recently and since my birthday is around the corner, even the people who claim to understand have been super condescending about my anger over it. There have also been a lot of deaths recently in the city where I go to school, and I’ve learned that death is a bit of a trigger for me, so that hasn’t been fun. I feel like I’m one serious breakdown from being there myself and that’s super scary. 
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Somehow, no.
18: Are you scared of spiders?
When I was little I was really afraid of spiders and would go out of my way to have them killed. I had intense breakdowns whenever I thought a web touched me. Now, I regret having hurt innocent creatures and I think spiders are really cool. Leave the land crabs alone!
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Yeah, knowing what I know now, I think that it would be cool to try and get myself to the point where I am now, but without a lot of the drama.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
My dorm room lol. 
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
I’m taking a greyhound back to my college town on Saturday, and Sunday I’m returning to my normal schedule. I’m not looking forward to that eight hour bus ride.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
I’m kind of a lone wolf, and I really want to travel so kinds aren’t really in the picture, at least not until I’ve gotten my doctorate. Even then I would either adopt or use a donor, and I wouldn’t have more than two. 
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Right now only my ears are pierced, but I plan on getting my septum done in May, followed by a double medusa. I also really want dimples and a brow done. Eventually I’d do my nipples and stomach as well.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
I’ve always been geared toward the liberal arts. I love all things involving art, history, and languages. I low-key have always enjoyed math too. I’m working on my bachelors in comparative cultural studies with minors in queer studies and museum studies. I want to carry that on to a masters in gender studies and a phd in Buddhist art. After that I’d like to go back to school fo economics and eventually obtain a masters in economic history.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
I miss people from my past when I’m unsatisfied with the people currently in my life. I have to remind myself that they aren’t around anymore for a reason and that it’s more important to work on the relationships that are relevant. Dwelling on the past does more harm than good. 
26: What are you craving right now?
Some love and affection? I’m not craving anything really. I could just use some peace and quiet.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Yes. I’ve broken an ex’s heart when I ended the relationship. I was unhappy, to the point where I cheated. This was also the point when I started to question if I was actually a lesbian. I dumped him and never told him why. I broke my friend’s heart when I led her on, but then rejected her because I was in love with someone else (who did something similar to me). I broke my aunt’s heart when I told her I felt like I don’t have a family. I broke my biological mother’s heart when I made it clear that I didn’t want her in my life. I’m pretty good at the whole hurting others thing. 
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
It’s very possible, but if someone did, they never told me.
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
I can’t name a specific time, but I’m sure it’s happened.
30: What’s irritating you right now?
What isn’t irritating me right now? Oh my god. 
31: Does somebody love you?
I’ve had a lot of people tell me they do, but I have a hard time feeling it most of the time.
32: What is your favourite color?
I love every color, and I don’t like making colors feel left out, so my favorite changes a lot. Right now it’s yellow, because yellow is a bright, warm, happy color. I also really like pink. The pastels of both of those are 10/10
33: Do you have trust issues?
I legit don’t even trust myself. The only person I honestly trust 100% is my aunt. I have really bad trust issues, but I also overshare a ton. My life is a cycle of sharing my life story and then panicking. 
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
The other night I went to sleep while drunk and I had this wild dream where I met someone, learned his whole life story, flirted and eventually fell in love with him, came out to him, saying I’m not sexually attracted to guys (he came out as ace too so it was perf), and then he was hit by a car, causing irreparable brain damage. I woke up right after, but that dream will haunt me.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My aunt. I was updating her on my life in college, and it’s been less than ideal.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
I’m a huge believer of forgive but don’t forget. I used to be so bad about grudges that I would be angry even after forgetting what I was upset about. I guess I have the opposite issue here.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgive. Like I said above, I might forgive you, but knowing what someone did before will always leaving me searching for instances of them doing it again. Trust issues who?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
It’s only March and I already know that it will be one of the worst years of my life. Ugh.
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I think I was thirteen. I didn’t know how I felt about guys at the time and I almost puked in that poor dude’s mouth. 
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
I have, and it was terrifying. Midday skinny dipping wasn’t one of my greatest ideas.
51: Favourite food?
Avocado on toast with a poached egg on top, muffuletta, yellow curry, and eggs benedict are my top ones.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Absolutely. I didn’t really believe this until my roommate’s big fight last year. So much happened in one night, that wouldn’t have happened if we had done things even a second later. It was wild, but it was like there was so much pent up negative energy that the universe needed to release, and it found a way to make that happen.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
I put some food away.
54: Is cheating ever okay?
The thing about cheating is that it’s when you go out of your way to do something with someone else when you know it would hurt your current partner. It’s something that happens when you aren’t happy in your relationship, and in a lot of cases it can be a cry for help. It is hurtful and a sign that a relationship isn’t meant to be, but cheaters shouldn’t always be villainized.
55: Are you mean?
I can be, but I try not to.
56: How many people have you fist fought?
None, lol
57: Do you believe in true love?
Not really. There are so many people that we have things in common with or who exist on the same wavelength. We might find someone that makes us happy for a long while, but nothing is permanent.
58: Favourite weather?
I love hot, sunny days when you can leave windows open, wear shorts, and only drink things with ice. 
59: Do you like the snow?
I lived in Alaska for over nine years before moving to the Sonoran desert. I moved to Northern Arizona for school, and when I saw snow again, it was as an adult who only saw the negative aspects of it. I hate being cold.
60: Do you wanna get married?
I don’t see myself ever being married. I would have to really love someone if I were to actually settle down and start a life with them. Right now I really only see it as something that would tie me down.
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
I honestly hate baby as a pet name. It freaks me out. The only pet names I find cute are the unusual ones, like once when an ex accidentally called me cornbread.
62: What makes you happy?
Getting my nails done, binging my favorite show (Archer), travel, doggos, wandering around in stores with my music blasting so I can feel like I’m somewhere away from my problems, seeing people impressed with food I made, completing a project and being proud of my work, etc.
63: Would you change your name?
I hate my birth name, but I’m also afraid I’ve been conditioned to feel that way by my grandparents as a way to attack my bio mom. Because of that, I’ve been going by my middle name and various nicknames. Most people close to me call me Abby, but my favorite thing is to be called Lynn. I’m pretty hesitant to legally change it though.
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Yeah, the last person I kissed kinda sexually assaulted me, and I’d like to avoid that.
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Reject them as nicely as possible. Dating would be bad for me right now, and I’m pretty sure I’m not sexually attracted to men.
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
I don’t think I have a best friend, period. I don’t think I’m entirely myself around anyone through. Different people will bring out different parts of my personality.
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
Not sure tbh. 
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My aunt. The conversation we had about my life at school was pretty emotional.
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
No, for the same reason I don’t believe in true love. Life is too impermanent for there to be someone our soul fits with perfectly. There is too much change for something to be predetermined like that. 
70: Is there anyone you would die for? 
Anyone who has ever been somewhat nice too me. Honestly though I would be willing to die for a lot of people. The thought of anyone else having to suffer really sucks and if I can save them from that, I would.
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ophexis · 7 years
Can you talk a little about being aromantic and how you came to realise you are?
Ooo hi anon!! ;w;
I put this under a cut cause it’s ended up accidently being a huge wall of text for something that isn’t super interesting to a lot of people but thanks a lot for the ask anon! ;w;
also this is probably not very coherent sorry about that ;w;
(disclaimer: also this is my own personal experiences and does not represent the experience of every single aromantic person on the spectrum)
aromanticism is simply just not feeling or experiencing romantic love.
For me being aromantic is…well nice, cause I didn’t have a word for it before I got in college. It’s also a bit strange. For one a lot of other aromantic people are very into physical intimacy anyway, and I’m….extremely repulsed by the idea of physical intimacy, so even in the aro communities I felt a bit out of place :’D (I eventually stopped looking at aromantic communities completely…it was….i dont really have a word for it aside than alienating)
But it’s also very freeing. I was never really convinced of romance, I went along with the whole ‘someday you’ll find someone’ thing cause….that’s what everybody does right? But nope. I can just be myself, on my own, and live my life to the fullest. No need to force myself to find a guy to spend all my time with, no need to have children….my life is my own, and it will always be. And it’s a nice way to think with how bad my anxiety, social anxiety, lack of self-worth and what everybody tells me is depression making me feel like honestly, I know be a fuckin awful mom. Kids deserve better, and I deserve to live my whole life how I want to. It’s a bit of a selfish way to see things, but I spent most of my childhood basically being owned by my shitty abusive friend who never let me live my life and do my things, and I intend to live for myself from now on. 
It’s also a bit alienating in fandom settings. Ships are the most important aspect of a fandom in most of them, shipping drives most of fandoms. Most shipping stuff makes me pretty uncomfortable, from the very aggressive way people push their romantic ships and ideas, and how you basically don’t exist when you don’t really ship anything, and how you know that nobody will ever really enjoy your aromantic headcanons, because “b-but muh ship”. You have people saying how obvious a ship is, that you’re stupid if you don’t see it, but hell you watched the same serie, played the same game, and….never saw any of the romantic subtext. You saw friends being good friends, and never really realised it could be romantic until you stumble on the fandom. I am so oblivious to what people see as romantic subtext TwT; I feel bad sometimes with how people scream IT’S SO OBVIOUS!! IT’S CANON!! and I’m like….idk man. I basically need the author to spell it out for me before I see anything romantic. It’s not because ‘oh no you hate that ship you big meanie so you say they’re just friends!!’, I just legit never saw anything in it that I’d interpret as romantic actions. I’d be really okay with ships if shipping didn’t turn a lot of fans into rabid animals tbh >3>;; I can easily warm up to ships when I stay away from the fandom. 
i have a few aro headcanons…Shaundi from Saints Row, Y’sthola in ffxiv, Sailor Mars (her manga personality mostly), Peridot and Lapis (people would hate that one), Rey from Star Wars…and all my ocs, unless specified otherwise, tend to be aromantic by default. Yuri is demiromantic. Towering Hound and Pupuri Puri are aro as fuck.
finding out there was a word for it was very liberating and made me feel like all this discomfort about romance and everything related to it wasn’t me being a lonely weirdo but was just something valid that other people experience as well.
And I still love my friends lots. I love my family. I love all of them very deeply and I care for them and wish them the best. I’ll just never love someone in a romantic way and that’s ok.
and now for boring life story:
I am pretty sure I have always been aromantic (I just never knew that was A Thing before tumblr). It was in a childish way earlier, kinda, but I remember I refused to watch a lot of Disney movies with princesses in them cause I thought they’d just be love stories, and I thought it was boring as heck. I went along with the whole “girls wanna find boyfriends!!” stuff to fit in but I was never really much into the idea?
In high school I never had a crush on anyone, to the exasperation of my friends. My shitty abusive ex friend basically pushed me into the only “romantic” relationship I ever was in, with a guy i met on a Sonic forum (yep). he was a nice dude, but honestly I was never really….like I never felt any different than with a friendship you know? My friends also mocked me endlessly for this relationship so that was eeeeeh…Eventually we fell out of contact and he assumed we weren’t a thing anymore and he went in a relationship with a guy and I kinda found out accidently, it was awkward but then again I was just kinda….”welp i guess that’s that” (also cue my friends mocking me and saying I was such a bad girlfriend I ‘turned him gay’ even tho he was probably bi in the first place anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
I always just thought at that point that I’ll just wait and someday “I’ll find someone” cause that’s what everybody tells you no matter how uninterested you are.
Then in college I joined tumblr at some point. I do not remember who reblogged the picture with various orientations on it, including romantic ones, but thanks so much. I didn’t even know there were romantic orientations!! I saw aromantic, and something clicked. Like “holy shit that exists? That’s a thing??” I felt a bit bad initially to grab the label cause im still just a straight cis girl but I read more into it, and into other aro peep’s experiences, and I realised that yep. That’s me, that’s how I’ve been feeling all my life and it’s totally okay if I wanna remain single all my life, if all this shit makes me uncomfortable its not cause im a weirdo. 
being aro is a bit like standing on the sidelines while a bunch of people are screaming about how great this one thing is but you’re kinda “meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯“ about it. Or kinda like when you don’t like booze (I don’t like booze) but everytime you’re at a party everybody’s trying to make you try all the booze “It doesn’t even taste like alcohol you’ll like it!” “oh try this one, I’m sure you’ll like this one”. It’s a bit like that. It probably doesn’t sound nice to people who experience lots of romantic love, but its nice and cozy for me if that makes any sense, and I don’t want to try it. I’ve tried it before, I didn’t like it. I’m done. (this statement applies to both romance and booze lmao)
my current life goals is to live in a nice lil cozy appartment with some kitties, on my own.
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meganbanda · 5 years
I’m really depressed
I don’t think I’m ever going to come out of depression. It’s just not going away no matter what I do. I’m always stressed out. I’m always out of money even if I buy what I need. My parents are also going to be out of money all the time now because Walmart isn’t laying my Mom shit and I know it’s because she was gone for a long time with cancer. Walmart doesn’t care about YOU. They only want you working there because it makes them money. They would still make a fuck ton of money if they paid us associates a lot. Every Walmart store makes $1.8 million every HOUR. The store manager gets half of that, but still, the owners of Walmart are rich as hell because they have thousands of Walmarts! Anyway, they’re paying me less too. Even if I lower my 401k to 1%. I don’t know if it’s because I added coverage for vision. I still can’t get health insurance. It says I’m not eligible. Enrollment is on November 15th, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that still. It fucking sucks. I’m probably just going to change my Hulu subscription. I’m also very lonely and sad from that. I have no one I can actually talk to in real life. I legit have only 1 friend and they know who they are. They’re the only one who cares enough to talk to me about anything I talk to them about. Not even my own siblings and parents seem to care. I always feel like I’m not cared for by them. Nowadays I’m real awkward around my dad because I feel like he’s always judging in a weird way and I get these vibes. It’s all very hard to describe. I almost suffocated to death and no one fucking cared. At least I don’t think they did.
You know, I’ve never really ever had friends. I had friends, but I barely ever got to talk to them and hang out with them. Most of the time, I am always alone and I’m alone with my thoughts and feelings. Some things I feel like a real bitch about that is about my friend and I can’t say it. They’d hate me. I’m not two faced though, I promise. The only time I’m two faced is when I pretend I’m happy when I’m actually not. I ate lunch alone everyday in high school. So many people online that I DID go to school with claimed they would’ve sat next to me, so I know they’re fucking lying and just trying to be nice. They want to make themselves look good. I want REAL friends who are REAL and that no matter how bad things get about me or them, that they stay my friend!
I have never dated or kissed anyone in my life and I am dying to know what it’s like. Especially kissing. I want my first kiss to be with a girl or anyone who goes by they/them and is a lesbian or bi. Not a guy or a bi guy. That’s second, haha! I like girls or they/them people (I’m trying so hard not to be offensive so if you know what I mean, you know I’m not trying to be offensive lol) more than guys. I believe I’d be the shyest I’ve ever been! I’d smile like this:
Tumblr media
And blush harder than you can imagine. I’m addicted to love and being in love. Always have been. The first time I got addicted to love, I was crushing on a boy named Wyatt, my first boy crush. In 7th grade, he was always on my mind and by that time, he already knew I liked him, but he really hates my guts, lmao! He NEVER liked me. I had to sit in his seat when we moved around to do a group project and after we had to move back to our own seats, he legit switched his chair with the one next to his and I got upset. I remember one time I got in trouble for taking pictures of him on my school iPad! 😂 A stupid bitch also named Megan told on me! It was hat day so I was wearing a hat when I got pulled out of class by our lesbian principal and she talked to me about it. She then asked if I liked him and I put my head down in embarrassment so she couldn’t see the cartoon like smile I was making, but she bent down so she could see me and I couldn’t stop smiling, but then was surprised. She told me to delete them and not to do it again.
Then the fact I found Ray on YouTube and it was actually an accident! Lol! I’ll tell that story later when I have time and it’s going to be on here, so it’s going to be edited!
Okay, I was 14 years old when my sister Haley came home from her bff’s house (she was our friend too, but mostly Haley’s) who lived across from us. She showed me a video that they thought was funny and it was about butts (🤦🏽‍♀️😂 mind you that they’re 2 years younger than me lol) because they looked up “butt song”! 😂 It was a Your Favorite Martian video called: “Booty Store” and it was funny! We then showed my other sister, Regina, and I sat on her bed with her and my sister Haley stood on the floor showing it to us that way and I started to think that the guy rapping was cute (it was basically Ray as a cartoon character and his character’s name is Puff Puff lol). I started to steal Haley’s phone (it was a plum colored HTC phone) all the time, just watching those videos! Eventually, I came across “Road Rage” and at the end of the video, you guessed it, Ray came up and immediately I fell in love with him. I became so addicted to him that I couldn’t stop thinking of him for one second! Eventually, I saw Ray’s =3 (Equals Three) videos pop up by the YFM video! I started watching them and all I cared about was how cute and funny he was, not necessarily the videos he was reviewing, although I remember them too! I would just stare at him and feel so deeply in love. I learned a LOT of dirty jokes from him and other stuff a 14 year old shouldn’t know yet! 😂 I remember once he played troll and said Ray had a lesbian haircut! 😂🤣 I did get in trouble almost every time I stole her phone. I did one day get mad when I was caught again while on the porch and throw it on the porch, breaking it 😬 They didn’t understand that I was obsessing over a 30 year old man! 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ I obsessed with him for 5 years! That’s EXTREMELY unhealthy for the mind! 😬😐 But, I started paying less attention to him and eventually had a nightmare that he died. I looked up what it means and it said that it means that your crush on them is not as strong as before. I was upset because I never thought, even in a million years, that I’d ever stop loving him that way! I also missed the memories and vibes I got back in 2013 when I was totally obsessed with him! Well, I eventually got over him, but I still love him as a person and still support him. 😁😃 So yeah, that’s about him. Oh yeah! How I met him on August 29, 2017! Yes, on MJ’s birthday and coincidentally on my favorite day of the week, a Tuesday! Taco Tuesday! I’ll write it later! Haha!
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a-story-teller · 7 years
Lmao sooooo! My 18th birthday was a... I don’t take the Good Lord’s name in vain very often but God it was wild. I never thought I would say “last night was crazy” but last night was crazy. Much more under the cut. NSFW mentionings.
So I was at an anime/video game convention over the weekend, which ran from the 25th-27th. The con ran over my birthday (the 27th) and I quickly figured out since panels run late into the night, if I went to an 18+ panel past midnight on the Saturday schedule, it’d technically be the 27th and I could get in. 
So we made a do of it! My brother and sister and I went to a “dating game” panel run by a midwest-centered burlesque group and I got in with no shit from the security man. We went and sat near the front and basically it was ye olde 3-people-on-one-side-of-a-tarp-answer-questions-from-one-person-on-the-other-side setup. The one person on the other side, though clearly a member of the burlesque, was unknown to the contestants, and they were also most often in costume. 
We sit down. Things start. The announcer is in half a kigu and there are already sex jokes everywhere. They ask for their first contests, I raise my hand (the room was packed) and then yell “I just turned 18!” and the announcer’s like “then get your ass up here!” and then proceeds to gush over how cute me + my cosplay are. I’m contestant 2 and the questions start. I know myself well and I like to think I’m witty and by the time we’re nearing the end, I’m the crowd favorite. The whole thing is hilarious and I get chosen as the winner for this round! I come around the other side and the person is in a fucking sexy meowth cosplay lol and we hug and I get ushered backstage. 
The prize is a free print of any burlesque member (send nudes lmao). But before I can get to the print table my path is blocked by two burlesque guys, one of whom is already shirtless - junkrat cosplay, no duh - and the other, a team Instinct Spark cosplayer, immediately lifts his shirt and goes “You wanna touch?” and like. Bruh. This guy’s abs are amazing. I mean like “he said Kylo Ren was shredded” amazing. And God help me there’s even a bit of a happy trail. But what’s a girl to do when handed beautiful abs on a silver platter? So I just press my hand to it and like absorb the power and maybe get extremely flustered. Then the junkrat’s like “don’t I get some?” and me, being stunned stupid, just poke this kid’s abs instead of properly appreciating them. 
I bump around backstage watching the antics, sifting through large binders of nudes like it’s normal, standing next to a no-face cosplayer in high heels. I choose my picture - an artsy shot, only one tiddy out, able to be passed off as art reference should my mother ever find it. These are the things I think about. Everyone has been super duper nice and I head back to my seat with goods in hand, still reeling a bit from finding out what abs feel like, to chill with the sibs and laugh over all of it. We watch a bunch of the other rounds, the highlights of which include an extremely drunk contestant shaking her thong-clad bum at the crowd, telling everyone about how she’s been deprived by only having vanilla sex, and proceeding to invite up and snog, tongue included, a random woman from the audience; that no-face cosplayer slinkily pulling up the bottom of the skirt to reveal stockings and garters; and previously-mentioned Spark pulling down his pants to get “spanked” with the announcer’s flip-flop only to have her pull them off his butt, effectively mooning the audience. Remember, these are only the highlights. 
I slip backstage to get my print signed and take the opportunity (what, at this point, did I have to lose) to be like “can I just...” and full-on splay my hand on junkrat’s tiny ripped abs. Because the poke was wasted and I was doing this right. We laughed and had a couple jokes - he was super chill, really in character, the voice and everything - then I got my print back and returned to my seat. A couple more rounds go by, it’s funny as hell, I feel like all this is extremely surreal and I’ve entered into a much more interesting liminal space.
The panel ends and I come up to the Meowth chick because, just letting you know, I’ve been tossing around the idea of doing burlesque myself and I wonder if she has some tips on getting started. She sits me down all mom-like (seriously this crew was so amazing, considerate, warm, and welcoming omg) and tells me how she started, how she thought was the best way to get into it, and how to apply for this group specifically. She aks me how old I am and I’m like “18″ and she’s all “you’re a baby!!! :)” and I’m like “yeah, legit, I Just turned 18.″ Oh boy. The look on her face. She just starts yelling to the others like “It’s her BIRTHDAY! She’s EIGHTEEN!” and another member’s like “Oh gosh, we’re going to give you a present. Tell Spark to get over here.” And y’all I’m saying I can see the end. The light at the end of the tunnel. I turn to my sister like “I think I’m getting a lap dance...” lmao I’m losing it. I’m straight up questioning what parallel universe I’ve fallen into where I’m hailed as Cute by a large crowd and I’m about to be grinded on by a man who is ridiculously cut and I am Not mentally prepared for whatever might happen. But sure enough I’m shown to backstage, given a lone chair, and sit down in it. By the maker if, after all this, I’m getting a lap dance, then I am not letting my embarrassed bitch ass make things weird. 
But they tell me that if anything makes me uncomfortable to just say. I’m not going to describe the occurrence beyond three things: 1) upon seeing a short video clip after (no, not available for viewing sdklsadghgh) I realized it had been hella noisy the whole time but I’d been so preoccupied I had barely noticed there was Anyone else around 2) where the Fuck are you supposed to look? Eyes? Abs? At least the butt is safe and 3) How is simply bumping noses with someone Hot ???? asks a total virgin.
It ended and I was equal parts glad it was over and like got dammmmmn what the fuck man. I was pretty pink. Spark was totally peppy and cool as a cucumber, like, “Did you like it? I’ve been practicing!!” and I’m like, “Yeah, yeah, it was great!” and he just sort of goes, “Oh, I’m glad, you were very stoic and I wasn’t sure.” Brev. Why I gotta stress about e v e r y t h i n g. That’s called a poker face and it broke exactly Once, at which point I giggled and covered my mouth. But it was the abs. Again. Of course. If you ever need to know my kryptonite, apparently it’s impeccable abs. 
But then I talked with the members a bit more, thanked everyone for the shower of special treatment, and we exited the panel room. I was Shook for the whole night, still am rn, and tbh the three things I left thinking were: 1) when you don’t drink you can Remember all the crazy shit that happens, not to mention stay in control of your behavior, I have no reason to Want to drink 2) people get paid to do stuff like stand and make jokes on a stage wearing a kigu, bra, and flip flops part of the time and spend the other part wearing nice costumes and lingerie and dancing, and I would like to be one of them 3) I Gotta get over this whole being jittery thing, me no likey. 
But no it was Nuts in more ways than one and I swear this thing is the whole truth and nothing but the truth, despite how wack it sounds. Trust me, it was wack for me too. But it was a fantastic time, biggest deal I’ve ever had made for my birthday, and now I guess I won’t need a bachelorette party. 
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aeroknot · 7 years
@yellowflasher​ said: tell me abt this show bc i have been thinking of watching it
ahhhhh!! i’m so glad you asked me to talk about this show!! haha
as usual I’m a fucking insufferable, over-talkative spaz!!!
ummmmm ok!! it’s kinda like... Jessica Jones mixed with Tombstone mixed with Grimm?? and X-files as far as Monster of the Week and agents who pine for each other goes? & i’ve seen peeps compare it to Supernatural but I never watched that so... SHRUG. 
so the premise is that our wonderfully complex anti-hero chick wynonna earp returns to her hometown of Purgatory (somewhere in the U.S. near Canada; I personally think Montana because it’s the most western state bordering Canada (in the first ep Wynonna asks a fellow bus passenger “your first time out west?”) that’s not Washington or Idaho, bc neither of those seem like its setting esp. since Idaho is just a sliver of the whole border, tho it could be North Dakota or Minnesota I guess?--  EH it’s kind of not been touched on as far as I know and anyway it doesn’t matter shut up aero just---). she is the great-great grandaughter of wyatt earp, the righteous 19th century wild west u.s. marshal raining down hellfire on USDA grade A Assholes. but then he’s cursed!! and his kills are actually cursed in hellfire!! even if they’re killed, they resurrect from hell the next time a new heir turns 27 if not all of them have been defeated, and they’re demons trapped within the borders of Purgatory (har har go figure), or in the show’s terms, also called Revenants. earp had a renown 77 kills, and the only way to break the curse is for his heirs to hunt down and shoot all 77 kills before the heir dies-- the heirs have the power to wield his mystical gun Peacemaker which sends Revenants back to hell. wynonna is our fantastically loveable resistant heroine because she was never meant to be the heir-- her older sister, the firstborn, was supposed to be, but shit went down (which got her ostracized and locked up in psychological institutions) and now she is the heir. and I’ll move on from synopsis to opinions because I don’t want to start spoiling anything and the show should just speak for itself!
reasons I’ve enjoyed it!!!:
Wynonna Fucking Earp. early on I described her as a “slightly perkier” Jessica Jones. That was wrong-- in the SLIGHTEST part. she is a WAY WAY PERKIER Jessica Jones. and I fucking cannot get enough of it. Like... Dark-haired leather-jacket-wearing harrowed-past-having orphaned-and-outcasted-as-children anti-heroes are mostly typically supposed to be deadpan, snarky, grumpy, sexily standoffish, and often secretive and hard to read, and only rarely invested in others. And she is that, often, yet SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT. She is: GOOFY!! CRASS!! EMBARRASSING!! PLAYFUL!!!! She smiles a lot!!! She celebrates victories! She cracks jokes! She expresses her desires upfront and unabashedly, and without games! She is emotionally vulnerable with loved ones and friends and grows even more in this throughout! She actually asks people for support and comfort!! & She busts balls endearingly! She’s courageous and helpful! She’s brash and brazen--and yeah, this gets her scolded by others, but rarely does it feel like she’s punished for her impulsive heroics by her writers, as I often feel (male) writers of female heroes (or usually side-heroes) tend to do (probably she’s not punished because mostly women are writing this story, gee isn’t that weird? hah). There’s consequences, yeah, but it usually works out and she’s still the hero ultimately. She’s basically the plucky hero wrapped in anti-hero fodder, and I have completely fallen for her. She makes me laugh so much with her dialogue and makes me feel represented with how WEIRD she ultimately gets to be. Plus, she is emotionally vulnerable almost every episode, and her sister even succinctly chides her with “for a lone wolf, you sure are needy.”
getting to that, HER SISTER!!! Waverly is amazeballs. I think she even used the term amazeballs in an episode, recently-- she’s that amazeballs. She’s still growing a lot, but she’s definitely quintessential underdog baby sister, and I’m here for it, because she’s also reinforced as an integral part of the story and gets her own romance even before Wynonna and it’s so wonderful. Waverly constantly has a new skill or tidbit of information up her sleeve-- she’s inventive, thorough, super super damn nerdy, and also social and kind and popular. Plus, she’s with Nicole Haught (and I just cannot get over the playfulness of some of these names in the story, lmao) and they’re just fantastic together and I’m so happy to see them together every time. So far it’s good lesbian content. My face honest to god always cracks into a smile when they’re together. also um!! i want her entire wardrobe!! 
The Earp Sisters are just... Their sisterhood is so rich and complex and SATISFYING. Like I actually feel like I’m watching REAL SISTERS. They are gross and raunchy with each other, and I laugh so hard. They are sweet and supportive to each other and I cry. They are competitive and jealous and conflicted with each other, and I’m relieved to see this-- to see all these layers to them. It’s great writing and acting for a sister bond and I’m just excited to see sisterhood being such an integral theme for a t.v. show. 
the SYFY effects are sometimes silly but I still enjoy it. the ENTIRE CONCEPT is actually pretty silly and sometimes goes cheesy, even, but I still am endeared by its approach just the same. The storyline itself is... often confusing me, and I LIKE that, believe it or not. I don’t mean “confusing” as in the plot doesn’t make sense-- it does-- I mean “confusing” in the sense that it’s, hm, how should I say... I guess kind of disjointed? There’s always a Random Revelation thrown in suddenly, or weird Twist that literally had NO foreshadowing, and often it seems like the story progresses with big chunks of time in between episodes which can be hard to place and pace the action and relationship developments... Usually I’d probably nitpick all this, but actually, it keeps me very transfixed because usually I can completely predict what will happen next due to a show’s use of foreshadowing, but this show often completely bypasses such a dance with the audience, and though I sometimes question if that’s effective storytelling, I honestly think I’m really starting to respect this method, and so I want to stick around for it. I could probably go into way more detail with this, but then I might start spoiling things, so I’ll leave it at that. Someone who constantly predicts the “reveals” in a show, even at an episode-by-episode pace, gives this a seal of approval!! Nothing “revealed” is particularly earthshattering and it’s often given away in such a matter-of-fact tone, but it propels the story in interesting ways without a ton of hoopla in trying to ever pull one over its audience, and I like and respect that. They’re like “oh fuck! This weird idea we had is A Thing now. Let’s explore that more together, viewers!!”
(I will say some of the deaths are not as effective as I think they could be because of the above evaluation of the approach to plot/pacing/twists/reveals, but I’m still interested in those choices. brings me to a legit critique tho: they should uh... stop killing so many Cool Women right after immediately introducing them. It’s starting to worry me. :\ but also...? I’m trusting? I think? still? anywho!)
I’m a Tombstone-loving Fuck and Doc Holliday is one of my favorite real-person enigmas of history and this Doc Holliday incarnation is supremely gratifying. He is consistently entertaining and intriguing!
I was initially all in for Holliday and THEN FUCKING DEPUTY MARSHAL XAVIER DOLLS CAME FOR MY WHOLE HEART. Go! Look at his special eyes! Look at his HEART EYES at my DAUGHTER WYNONNA. He has my whole approval. I’ll buy the ring for him. I’ll plan the proposal. DO IT.
-- ok aside from my shipping bullshittery also Dolls is just. An amazing guy. I love him. He’s a boss in so many senses of the word, and he constantly surprises me. I feel like he’s... A Capital-A Adult? You know? He’s mature, and methodical, and clever, and talented, and confident. It’s funny to me that he’s called “the stick in the mud” and yet through small tidbits we see he’s really not (he can be playful or perverted, too), he’s just Grown. A Man. Focused, with an Agenda and a Goal. It’s lovely to see him come out of his shell a bit and be cheeky and then at the end of S1 just like... OPENLY ADORE the people he’s around. But it’s also a breath of fresh air somehow to see An Adult Man. I don’t know, maybe it’s what the actors bring, too, because both Doc and Dolls really just strike me as assured individuals, each of them just really secure in their sense of identity, which makes them GREAT foils to Wynonna, and it’s just fabulous, really. I like adulthood being given this reverence and care. It makes someone like me, hedging out of her twenties, feel a little bit more like there’s still a space in media and storytelling for people over 35. lmao. (and admittedly 35 is still fucking young, but Hollywood would have us believe it’s time to go out to pasture at this age)
and on that note DOC HOLLIDAY AND DOLLS TOGETHER. I JUST. *clenches fist* THEY’RE SO GREAT. AND WITH WYNONNA I JUST. It IS A LOVE TRIANGLE, in the barest evaluation, yes. And I prefer Dolls with Wynonna, yes, and usually I, yes, Fucking Can’t Stand Triangles, but the way these writers are approaching this has me fucking bowing down to them. I am really enjoying the way they’re taking this so far. I laughed to myself the other day because the realization suddenly dawned on me like “oh.... Fucking Anciently Old Immortal Pale Guy + Mystically Endowed Outcast Brunette Girl + Man of Color With a Secretive Monster Backstory” is fucking..... Twilight. This is Twilight. If it had a Wild West spin and was written, you know, WELL, and the characters were a thousand times more interesting. Is Emily Andras trying to come for Stephanie Meyers? MAYHAPS. 
I’m gonna give some rapid fire thoughts to wind down: GREAT MUSIC SELECTIONS, fun shootouts!!, LESBIANS!!! <33333, mostly interesting villains, good cinematography, action!, mystery!, HUMOR!!! THAT DIALOGUE!!!! WRITE ALL MY LIFE AND INTERACTIONS W/ OTHERS W.EARP WRITERS!! 
I could go on and on which is in my fucking nature I’m so goddamn sorry look at this pit you’ve opened but ultimately my answer is: It is so fucking fun. It is a Delight! A DELIGHT I TELL YOU. I get joy from this; I laugh, I’m entertained, my brain thinks hard but not too hard, the characters have infiltrated my heart so damn quickly. DELIGHT. I’m so sad I’ve caught up but also I fucking bought a Season Pass on Amazon prime for s2 so even though I don’t live with cable anymore, I’MMA BE ON THIS.
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dickie-gayson · 8 years
I was tagged by @timdrakeothy ! thank you<3
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nicknames: Vicky, Vick, Tori, any form of nickname for Victoria really lmao
Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′3"
Time right now: 3:47 am (oops lmfao)
Last thing you googled: eidolon (it was for a writing lol surprise)
Fave music artist: music questions for me are The Worst™ bcus i have so many favs. Uuhh...I really love Loreena McKennit, Dean Martin, The Glitch Mob, Breaking Ben, A7x, 10 Years
Song stuck in my head: Kind of a mashup between Howl by Florence + the Machines and City of the Dead by Eurielle 
Last movie I watched: Oh jeeze...uh I think Assassins Creed
Last tv show I watched: Young Justice?? I don’t really watch much tv so it’s p safe to assume it was YJ lmao
What I’m wearing right now: i, too, am wearing a black batman shirt with a yellow bat symbol on the chest and a lil yellow utility belt near the waist. It’s got a cape that can velcro on but idk where it went lol annnd a pair of sweatpants
When I created this blog: Uhh apparently 2013 but i didnt actually start doing anything with it til prob late 2015
The kind of stuff I post: DC, mainly Batfam, political stuff, memes and shitty jokes, Rooster Teeth stuff (like RvB, RWBY, AH, etc.), annnd Video Games. Mainly that stuff, tho there’s random shit, like Aesthetics™ and music erry now and again. 
Do I get asks regularly? nah, not regularly, every now and again. im horrible at communicating and making connections tbh lmao
Why did I choose my url: i have a shitty sense of humor and love Dick Grayson (dick jokes, man, dick jokes) also, he’s at least a lil Gay, we all know it
Gender: cisfemale
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw every time im tested cus im a fckn NEEERD. Wampus for the Ilvermorny sorting -finger guns-
Pokémon team: tbh i haven’t played Pokémon since i was really little. i was looking to get Go on my phone but they didn’t have it for windows phones when i checked :\\
Favorite color: ooh i love blue and purple
Average hours of sleep: idk, my sleep schedule is so utterly fucked. i’ll go two days without sleep or sleep twelve hours a day. I’m also a very, very light sleeper who wakes up from being stared at or a phone ringing two floors down, so my sleeping is highly inconsistent. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lucky number: 9, me thinks
Favorite characters: Dick Grayson - DC (whoa fuckn surprised u guys, didn’t I?); legit everyone in the Batfam, but im too lazy to write them, yall know who i mean. Kaldur’ahm (Young Justice/DC), Mera (DC), Arthur Curry (DC), Rose Wilson (DC), Donna Troy (DC), Johnny Gat (Saints Row), Matt Miller (Saints Row), Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect), Thane Krios (Mass Effect), Kal’Reegar (Mass Effect), Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age), Fenris (Dragon Age), Carver Hawke (Dragon Age), Ezio Auditore (Assassins Creed), Leonard Church (RvB), Agent North (RvB), Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY), Roman Torchwick (RWBY), Lie Ren (RWBY), Will Solace (PJatO), Percy Jackson (PJatO), Nico di Angelo (PJatO), Butch Deloria (Fallout 3), Harkness (Fallout 3), Craig Boone (Fallout New Vegas), Nick Valentine (Fallout 4) etc. etc. i’ll stop here bcus i apparently don’t know how to actually pick favorites lmfao
Dream job: a lonely hermit in the middle of the woods who's sole job is to make trespassers think the forest is haunted. If not that, then author
Number of blankets I sleep with: one
Following: 963 lmao
Tagging oh god twenty of you -sweats- alrighty
@damianvayne @aoida-blue @rockin-robinz  @robiiins @bootylands @sluttydickgrayson @raven-song-the-second @lockey-locke  @slapbrucewayne @ltheravenl @smokesforwolves @carverrhawkee @bitchwaynes @haunt-the-stars @lccney-t @dickiegayson @myfavrobin  @agent-dick-grayson @shiirro @damienswayne
Sorry to anyone who was tagged or doesn’t want to do it! You absolutely don’t have to if you don’t wanna -finger guns- if you want me to take you off here, just lemme know!
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
21 Memes That’ll Definitely Make You Feel Better About Being Single In 2017
It’s almost a wrap for 2017, which means it’s that time of year where we all stop and take stock of where we are in life. If it just so happens you're ending the year without having gotten all coupled up with someone... well, so freaking what? Yes, love is amazing and finding your perfect partner would be great, but being single AF is totally underrated. You don’t owe anyone anything, and you come and go as you please. Plus, the memes about being single are just way better anyway. So, at least to you can laugh through the tears.
Who knows what 2018 holds? Maybe it’s the year you find your forever bae, but until then, you’re among an elite group who can unapologetically spend a weekend watching every episode of on Netflix again, hook up with anyone — or no one — and pass on everyone else's drama. When you think about it, the single life really is amazing. That's not to say there isn't anything funny about it. In fact, some of my favorite memes are about embracing the awkward side of single life, because let’s be honest, it can also be hella awkward to be the last person without a plus-one. But that's what makes it so meme-worthy, right?
Here are 21 of the past year’s best memes about being single AF that are so true, they’re funny — but they also just maybe sting a little bit, in a good way. Let's all laugh and cry together.
1. When Being Single Might Mean You’ve Actually Got Super Powers
I finally know what is wrong with me! 🤣 #happyfriday #happydays #singlelife #happiness #superhero #whatswrongwithme
— (@crissirei) #
2. When You’re Single AF And Feeling Sexy AF
FridayFeeling Single af https://t.co/P0DuBMSxw7
— (@primetheband) #
TBH, I'm about two cocktails away from being this woman on the daily.
3. When You Didn’t Need The Internet To Tell You Who You Are
Tbh, I'll prob still take the quiz anyways though #singleaf #BuzzFeed
— (@lolaeffingbunny) #
Yes! Lean into being single. There is power in giving zero f*cks!
4. When It’s Time To Embrace That Single Life Stereotype
— (@singleaf_mfc) #
Sounds like my kind of Friday night, to be honest.
5. When You Realized Being Single Meant You Didn’t Owe Anyone Anything
nope. just remembered I'm single af, this is none of my business, and I'm too sick to care real proper this time. going back to sleep like... https://t.co/EOMvQJPlgf
— (@miritesfazion) #
Your life, your choices!
6. When You Never Let Them See You Cry
When you don't need to answer 2 am texts from your girl because you're still single
— (@therealreliantx) #
No partner, no problem.
7. When You Were Doing Recon On Future Bae And It Went Your Way
When you're stalking your man that ain't really your man and he's still single https://t.co/SzwelzmjQ0
— (@libaenais) #
Be thankful for the little things, right?
8. When Our Single Queen Appeared And Went Viral
my family's Christmas card this year lmao
— (@cantseawright) #
Not all heroes wear capes. Some just hold signs that show they DGAF about being single.
9. When Being Single Worked To Your Advantage
When WhatsApp is down but you didn't even notice because your single af https://t.co/jX47xeyiSe
— (@dancinontops) #
Texting is overrated anyway.
10. When You Realized You Don’t Need No Man
Are you single & ready to mingle? If so, don't wait around & be single af... just grow a boyfriend yourself! 😂
— (@rad_cris_) #
This is one way to do it.
11. When Your Single Status Turned The World Into Thirsty Avengers
When she says she is single... #SingleAF #InfinityWars
— (@aqil_excalibur) #
*insert GIF from number two in response*
12. When You Just DGAF  
Single af for a reason
— (@pariskealohi) #
Naps for president.
13. When You Realized You Loved The Most
@dinahjane97 Single af😩 https://t.co/2Ub8QaOuDc
— (@shilpa_bhabhor) #
Why get a bae when you've got yourself?
14. When You Just Cringed At The Realness Of This
This is a brand new realisation for me. I LOVE IT! Where did they even go before...? #single #SingleAF #singlelife
— (@30nsingleaf) #
This is so real, it hurts.
15. When You Got Your Relational Priorities Straight
I'm super happy with these three relationships, and they all get along swimmingly ❤️ #single #singlelife
— (@amandamae04) #
One question... where is pizza in this scenario?
16. When You Got To Spend Your Day Only Doing What You Wanted
😂😂😂 💯 Always knew I was a Sam! #ImThatFriend #singlelife
— (@sj_g_) #
Honestly, the dream.
17. When You Realized You Prefer The #SingleLife…
Some days I'm like I want somebody while other days I'm like I'm good #cravings #singlelife https://t.co/94r8VLAhON
— (@casanovalove) #
It's hard enough taking care of yourself.
18. …Because Everyone Else Out There Is A Hard Pass
singlelife #dating #lifegoals #SinglesDay https://t.co/7fwKtjPlNT
— (@meetballs1) #
Who knew the was so real?
19. When It Was Still Awkward AF Every Time Someone Asked You About Your Relationship Status
ⓒ ☺️✨ #lol #feels #single #memes #relationshipmemes #instameme #love #banana #minions #funny #girlsbelike #guysbe...
— (@minlons) #
Brace yourself: The holidays are coming, and I think "banana" is a totally legit answer to questions about your love life.
20. For When You Stopped Being Afraid To Ask For Exactly What You Needed
http://t.co/ERxqcEl6we #Longdistance #relationship #relationshipmeme #relationshipmemes #fridge #funny #funnyme...
— (@lipsappdating) #
Never be afraid to go after what you really want, ladies.
21. When You Realized You Can Rely On Yourself
The only person you need to depend on is yourself! #single #singlelife #quotes
— (@secure_single) #
Because, duh, of course you can.
Yes, it can be awkward, and occasionally lonely, when all your friends and family (and seemingly every stranger you see, too) are cuffed up and you are still a swinging single, but you won't always be. So don't sweat it. Just enjoy your freedom now, because who knows if 2018 is when you end up locking it down with someone.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
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boyshoujo · 7 years
u don't even know me but u already kno me and my personality?? wow u must be a sorcerer.................. but im indeed problematic, and ummm i don't like filet o fish??? i hate her but we go to mcdonald's almost everyday and im forced to eat something so it's the only choice i have........ the meat and chicken at mcdonald's tastes like plastic but that damn fish tastes REAL!!! she isn't fake..............
yea Whatever….. a few days ago u told me that “filet of fish gives [you] emotional support” ???? but when i out u suddenly u hate her??? what’s the truth :/
what’s wrong with hadaka shitsuji???? its a funny game!!! don’t u like the main character tomoaki?? he’s the only good main character ive ever seen in my life and he’s a sadistic bitch??? i love sadistic binches cuz they are like me!!! i felt like “i” was in the game when i saw him, he killed everybody and i was proud of this ugly fuck cuz thats what i would do if i was in this game,,,,,,,,,, i would do more fucked up things than him but anyway, i don’t like fedoras!!!!! i just like that dude-
LFSJLKFSJKSF bceuacuse IT’s A BAD GAME!!!!!!!! ITS BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! actually you remind me of tomoaki???? a lot???? gotta add that to ur callout list……………
-cuz he’s funny and btw he’s the one wearing a purple jacket and his name is hashizuka and that fake loser who is a cheap version of sergei is called junichi :/ and tbh i send u furry asks cuz ur the only one who accepts me for who i really am,,,,,,,,, like i sent some arcana blogs some asks about fucking a fictional goose and a donut kink and they just said “what the fuck” and ehh they’re so serious?? like chill its just a joke jfc sharon :/ i go to their pathetic edgy blogs and this is how they treat me???? i just wanted to cheer ur edgy ass up sharon don’t act like ur 70 dammit just accept a joke lol
LFKSKFSJK bicht i’m literally 0.00039 seconds into the game u rec’d and???? /?? ??? literally ALL of the guys r pathetic???? they go to a school called Charming Cherries lFKJLF AAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT IS THIS does this mean the principal guy is a Veteran Cherry…………………..binch…. that’s Why he wears a fedora………………………………..i accidentally picked the annoying know-it-all guy so i’ll go for him first and then mayb try the ceo guy……dONUT KINK,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , > >>>???/ ??/ ?? ??? ?? no offense but i’d be like ???????????? GET OUTTA MY INBOX???????? HOW DARE U COME IN AND DISRESPECT MY BRAND LIKE THIS??? ?? ?? ?? ? ………….anyways i wanna hear about the donut kink LOLIKR!!!!!!! !  ! i hate people who r too serious………………………i mean…. im actually p serious Tbh but some people on this website can’t take jokes????? i saw a shitpost where this person was like “some of yall need 2 get mugged lol” and people were like “why do u want people to suffer so bad??? SHOULD I JUST DIE THEN!!! DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE!!!!” and im like …………… wtf chill Ashley lmao………
i feel like if i ever met u we would be the best friends ever?? actually i would be the one who’s crying cuz we both have the same taste?? ik a lot of characters like segrei and vincent so if u want me to tell u their names im gonna say it in another ask, and i like how u don’t judge me unlike all of my new friends ;^( i had a friend in middle school in 7 grade and i told her a lot of weird shit and she didn’t judge me??? she was a true friend indeed……………….
give me more sergei characters 👏👏👏👏 also DW im deFINITELY JUDGING YOU LMAO but im amused and laughing at the same time?? sometimes u send me asks and im like ???? ????? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ????????wtf lmao ? ??? ?
im sure if we talked more ur gonna find out that we’re literally friend-mates= 2 lonely binches who got the same taste in fictional character and idk but we would be the best bff’s ever tbh?? ur the friend who i have been searching for years?? everyone finds my thirst and my “weeaboo” ass (although im not a fuckin weeaboo im just thirsty for fictional characters!!) too weird and they always say “u can’t take ANYTHING seriously!!” like?? im 5???? why should i take anything seriously?? im not 70??
gfgfg bicth? i don’t even know anything about you, how can we be friends!!!!! WHO ARE YOU!! ! !! ! we should make a Lonely Bitch club but the requirements to enter are: do u play otome? would u body slam lucio into the pavement??? would u fuck the goth fish from finding nemo?? r u a thirsty ho????
i thought u would say “she’s a thot lol” and u would agree with me that she’s a thot??? if we didn’t know each other im trying to know her??? im trying to be friends with her????? how am i going to be friends with her if i didn’t talk to her?? fuck that shitty book??? im more important???? im sure she can read that damn book at her home and not in school!!!!!!! she should study like the rest of us………. and she shouldn’t study HER book!!!!!!!!!!!!
JKSJLSJKSJF i just realized, all of my friendships w/ virgos happened bc they woULDNT STOP TALKING/BOTHERING ME LOL this is why i love virgos…………. ur like stray cats that just never stop meowing until u let them in……maybe u should bother her more FKLSJFKJFS and she’ll finally crack
if i ever tried to read a book it should have pictures in it cuz i don’t want to imagine all that shit by myself!!!!!!! just add a fucking picture jfc…………….. i was exactly like that when i was a kid and im still the same??? i haven’t changed much tbh and im glad???? im glad i still have that silly trait of mine lol 
no offense but READ?????????? imagining things is fun??????????????? books r so much fun????????? wtf???rn im reading a book about some ugly french guy from the 18th century with a Superhuman sense of smell who kills girls to make The Ultimate Perfume or whatever?? im barely like 50 pages in, but he killed his first girl?? and literally shoved his nose up her ass?? it was wild?????? books r wild??????
we’re going to study about christopher columbus this year and his ugly face is in my book???? like bitch why u gotta curse my book with ur disgusting face???? im going to roast this bitch when we get to his part in the book and everyone is going to ask me: “binch y are u angry???” and im like “why don’t u do some fuckin research sharon abt this ugly fuck and then ur going to understand why im angry” like get out of my book u lil bitch!!!!!!! that dam book is cursed now!!!!!!!
👏👏👏 END HIm
I LIKE TALKING ABOUT THE WEATHER TOO!!!!! im just kidding but what’s ur favorite season???? mine is winter cuz uhhhh its winter???? everyone who hates winter is canceled??? lucio loves summer and is canceled????
fall-winter???? bc halloween…….. and american thanksgiving is fucked up bc it essentially celebrates the genocide of native americans but tbh……..i love turkey…… (we eat roast turkey and mashed potatoes n pumpkin pie n stuff for thanksgiving)also i just love it when the weather gets colder??? i get to dress up??? and be fashionable??? when it’s hot, all i wear are t shirts and shorts which is Boring it doesn’t snow where i live though lmao and it’s typically warm year-round where i live :/ winter is the only time i get to pull out all my cute sweaters and jackets but some winters only get cold for 2 weeks lmao :—–/
so you’re american right???? which means u have halloween rn??? or does it start on 31 if im not mistaken???? sadly we don’t have halloween here……………………………………………. they consider it “an event where people worship satan” here lmao
halloween is only one day (31st) SKJKSJ
i think its hot if batman would ever judge me
KSJKFSJFKLJFSK i;m gonna frame this ask Bye
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