#I asked my partners if they wanted to do the math separately and compare notes and they said “nah I don’t trust myself to do it’
remma-demma · 8 months
My lab partners in physics are literally useless I feel insane. I asked if either of them wanted to stay after class to work on it so I didn’t have to do it all myself and one said she just got a puppy the day before (fine, if that’s true I guess) and the other said … “suuure” and then kept going out of the classroom to call someone and he left halfway through class in a rush. I 100% believe he called his mom and was like “you gotta pick me up NOW”
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pocketmouse18 · 3 years
Thank you so much to @herosofmarvelanddc @cloudypaws and @mtab2260 for the tag! This was so much fun to think about :)
(fair warning, I wrote too much for many of these...)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just 2 :)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
450,577 if I did my math right!
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Officially? Just 1 - Agents of Shield (two, I guess, if you count MCU as separate, since I use characters from both...). Off the record, many more than that! I have lots of bits and bobs from other fandoms that I tinkered with when I was younger, still getting the hang of writing, not brave enough to post things, etc. etc. Some of those include X-Men, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Fosters, Star Wars, the Hunger Games, the 39 Clues, and a few others I can’t remember. None of those will likely see the light of day, mostly because they’re unfinished, not very good, and just not reflective of who I am as a writer anymore, but they were fun to play around with at the time :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I just have the two, but The Important Thing is to Try wins, hands down, with 1227. Shoulder to Shoulder has 95, though, which I’m also very proud of! Important Thing has a definite advantage, being as long as it is, so I don’t know if that’s really a fair comparison between them.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! Or at least, I always try to! I just can’t believe someone would be kind enough to take the time to tell me what they thought of my story, so I always want to take the time to thank them and return the favor :) Plus, as I’ve learned, it’s a fantastic way to get to know some really lovely people!
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Well... I technically only have one story that has an ending, at least on Ao3, and it’s not an especially angsty one, since it ends in Phil and Melinda getting married :) I have some angsty chapter endings in Important Thing, if that counts? I’m not even sure if any of my unpublished fiddlings have angsty endings (most don’t have endings at all lol)... I don’t mind writing angst, but I don’t know if I’m capable of making something without a happy (or at least hopeful) ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've ever written?
Not really, unless you count AoS/MCU crossovers (which I guess technically count, but also I would argue it’s not a true crossover since (and I will die on this hill) AoS is a part of MCU canon). When I was younger I was a fan of playing around with crossover AUs more so than the actual characters crossing paths (so like, what if these characters from XYZ were demigods or went to Hogwarts or what have you, and not so much what would happen if the X-Men met Luke, Leia, and Han on one of their space adventures). I started writing a crossover between AoS and the Marvel Rising cartoon once (which again, not sure if that’s a true crossover, since Daisy was in Marvel Rising, but I digress), where Coulson tasks Daisy to work with Kate Bishop and Rayshaun Lucas to collect and train a team of young Inhumans, starting with Kamala Khan, but I ran out of steam pretty quickly when it got too plot heavy.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t think so. I’ve had some people not understand some choices that I made, but they asked it in a way that I thought was perfectly nice, and I was happy to talk about it with them. Sometimes people get “mad” at me when I cause pain and suffering, but I know that’s all in good fun :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, not for me. I don’t read it or write it, personally. Writing a kiss is hard enough!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge! Important Thing is probably too long and unwieldy to ever steal :P
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone once asked me on FFN if they could translate Important Thing to Russian, which was basically the coolest thing I’ve ever been asked!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A fic, no. I’d love to try sometime! I had a friend in college who I co-wrote with A LOT, though, so I know I enjoy that process, given the right partner. We wrote several short plays together (ranging from ~15-50 minutes in length, including one that we wrote in a single afternoon!), selected scenes from a larger (unfinished) play inspired by historical letters we found in an archive that were sent between a man from Massachusetts serving in the American Civil War, his wife, and his 8-year-old son, and several scripts for TV sitcoms (2 pilots for 2 different shows, plus additional eps for those pilots, and a couple of later eps for a different show that a classmate of ours wrote the pilot for - we were trying to practice what it would be like to be on a staff with a showrunner haha). The sitcom scripts in particular I’m very proud of, and could talk somebody’s ear off about if asked (one’s about ghost hunters and one’s about a DnD party!), but maybe that’s better saved for another post ;)
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
That’s a very hard question for me! Mostly because shipping stuff is usually one of the last things to register for me when I’m thinking about shows/books/movies I like haha... I’m always a sucker for Philinda, and younger me was rather taken with Percabeth, I suppose.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Hmm, several, really. The aforementioned AoS/Marvel Rising crossover I think could be really cool if I got it to work, but I don’t think that’ll ever happen. I also have a WIP that’s like an angstier version of a Hallmark Christmas movie AU where Daisy has to come home to her small town right before Christmas and figure out what she wants out of life, but I’m a little stalled out on that one, mostly because I’m waffling on who the charming love interest should be and because I don’t have enough of a plot, just lots of feelings about coming back home to a place you thought you had left behind lol.
I’d put Important Thing and it’s (as of yet) untitled sequel on here as things I want to finish, but I’m much more determined to see those through, so I don’t think they qualify for the “never will actually write” part of this question :)
15. What are your writing strengths?
I don’t know if other people agree with this, but I think I write pretty decent dialogue. My “training” (if you can call it that) is in, as you might have figured out by now, script and screenplay writing (those were the only creative writing classes I took in college). So having a sense of the rhythm a conversation needs to have and how to write dialogue that sounds mostly like how people really talk (but shined and tightened up enough so that it’s not actually like verbatim dialogue, which is far less interesting to read!) is something that I feel like comes pretty easily. I also think I do okay with similes and metaphors - my brain tends to work in that way. It’s easier for me to think of stuff (feelings, especially) in terms of comparing it to more familiar things than to just think of the thing directly, if that makes sense?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
If I was being honest, this would be a very long section, but I know it’s not fun to read a big ol’ paragraph of someone self-criticizing, so I’ll keep it to one or two items ;) A big one for me is pacing, I think. I tend to write more than I need to and to over-explain things, so my chapters get very long and sometimes don’t really go anywhere? Until all of the sudden, they DO, because things need to HAPPEN! I’m a pretty rigorous self-editor, but I do have a really hard time cutting out sections (unless they’re really just not working), so even if it would help the pacing to leave out this conversation between character A and character B, I often can’t make myself cut it. I also think I struggle sometimes with balancing my ‘showing’ and my ‘telling,’ especially in the sense of me over-explaining certain things - like when it comes to feelings/facial expressions/etc, for example. I compensate for that in Important Thing by making it a part of a few people’s POV, but it’s not really a good habit to have in general. Also spelling! I’m really bad at spelling and run my stuff through robust spellchecks and text-to-speech before I post anything to make up for it :)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I do it with some regularity, although I always get nervous about doing it wrong! It’s hard to avoid in AoS, where characters are spies and should (in theory, at least) have a working knowledge of multiple languages (”We’re spies, I thought we all learned languages?!”). Even in an AU, where characters aren’t spies, I like to try and pay homage to that, plus pay homage to certain characters’ native languages or just general multilingualism. I’ve spent a fair amount of time around people who speak more than one language, so I feel like it’s a natural part of groups of people to have more than one language spoken. I have a pretty good handle on written Spanish, a patchy idea of French, plus I know some Russian phrases from my dad and some German words from my grandfather, but I do rely on internet translation a lot. I usually run stuff through google, then run it backwards to see just how far off the initial translation was, then consult some actual, like, language learning sites to see if there’s particular idioms or common phrases that use different words than what google will give me, then run those words through backwards in the place of the original words to see if I can massage the whole thing to sound reasonably competent. Languages like Russian or Mandarin (which have their own alphabets/characters) are the hardest, since I have to also try and do a transliteration. I always try to put an apology/disclaimer in the notes any time I write in a language that isn’t English, because I’m sure I make lots of mistakes.
Also, I tend not to italicize words that are in other languages, because it looks weird on the page to me to set the other language apart like that (and because I italicize mainly for internal thoughts or emphasis, and usually what’s being said in another language isn’t internal or being emphasized). I put a rough translation at the end so we don’t have to pause the story for a parenthetical translation, but because the translation’s not right there, I try to either put in enough context clues that a person can still understand what’s going on, or I make sure that what’s written in another language isn’t critical to the overall understanding of the scene.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Officially, it’s AoS, since that’s the only fandom I’ve published for. I think the first true fandom I wrote fic for was probably either Harry Potter (entirely populated with OCs lol, I just liked using the world/setting), Percy Jackson (a mix of OCs and canon characters), or X-Men (all canon characters). I was a bit of a latecomer to fanfiction, though, like, I wrote a ton as a kid, but mostly original stuff, because I didn’t know that fanfiction in its current form was even allowed until I was in high school lol.
Oh! I almost forgot one! I’m not sure if this really counts as a fandom, but it’s definitely the earliest version of fanfic I wrote haha... I was like 12 and I wrote more than one story of an OC joining Robin Hood’s band of Merry Men, and then also one of that same OC becoming a knight of the Round Table, so like... do what you will with that information haha.
19. What's you're favorite fic you've written?
I can’t choose between my two darlings :( I mean, okay, technically it’s probably Important Thing. That story’s my baby. It’s huge and I’ve been working on it for almost 2 years, and I’ve poured a lot of my heart and soul into it. I’ve fallen in love with the universe I built in it, so much so that I wrote an entire prequel and have very concrete plans for a lengthy sequel. But I can’t not crow about Shoulder to Shoulder (the aforementioned prequel!), too... I’m just really proud of that one - it has a lot of firsts for me. First completed story. First romance-focused story. First foray into expanding the Important Thing universe. But yes, if I have to choose, then Important Thing wins. That’s a story that I started writing exclusively for myself - to give myself characters I could relate to and to explore a style of AoS fic that I loved reading - and that’s a story I will always and forever be proud of.
I think most people have probably answered this tag game at this point, so I don’t want to accidentally retag anyone! If you haven’t yet, and would like to join in, please do! This is your invitation <3
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: Division of Labor (3/?)
“The past years, we have noticed a lot of our fresh high school graduates knew nothing about responsibilities that await them outside high school and even college. Many students do not master budgeting, taxes, household planning, loans and we hope to raise a generation who can navigate the adult world without the consequences of bad decisions they are bound to make going in blindly…”
Paradis High school starts a program incorporating adulting into their curriculum and Hange and Levi are paired together.
Note: From request of @a-golden-hearted-snk-fan. See this link for the request
Other Chapters: 1 2
Link to cross-postings: AO3
It turned out Hange did think the housing plan through.  
"It's a rent to own contract...so after paying this certain amount of rent… within a number of years… we can own the house basically," Hange explained. Her preparation was evident in the wad of papers she had carelessly spread out on the table in front of Levi.
At first glance, Levi could not make sense of what those papers were. Eventually, by carefully scanning through the therefore, herewiths, in the events, the interest rates and percentages, Levi figured out they were contracts and manuals full of buying and renting policies of one particular real estate company.
Levi looked out the glass window of the booth of the quiet diner they had chosen to work in. He had tried to use the mechanical movements of the crowds on a commute home to at least help clear his mind enough to make sense of how exactly a rent-to-own contract worked. Levi was sure Hange was at least attempting to explain everything about the buying policies of the real estate company in layman's terms. Although Levi was somewhat impressed by the dedication Hange put into it, as soon as she started to talk about the policies and agreements beyond ‘we get to own the house after a while,’ Levi ended up spacing out. The prospect of spending, even if it was fake money, caused him enough unnecessary stress.  
He turned his attention to the two flour sacks who were propped by the window of the diner booth they occupied. He had purposefully turned their ugly faces towards the window at the small possibility that Shadis, Erwin or even Zeke were amongst the crowds of people walking through the crowds and into the subway station. A testament to their determination not to waste any unnecessary funds or worse, flunk the program
"If we catch you in public not holding your baby, you pay babysitting dues or you fail." Shadis had said in homeroom class that morning.
After some discussion as a class and with some confirmation from Erwin, the whole class came to the understanding that if they went out separately, they were in no obligation to take their babies with them. It could always be assumed after all, that their partner had their baby with them. Being in public with their partner meant someone had to have the baby with them or they risk pay necessary dues. At any rate, they found solace in the fact that if they were going to look like idiots holding brown sacks with shabbily drawn faces on them, they at least had someone to look like an idiot with.
Levi looked back at  Hange to see that she had not stopped talking. Levi was not too surprised, having the disinterested equivalent of a resting bitch face, he had to master the art of looking like he cared to get past most classes.  
“Where did you get these anyway?” Levi asked, interrupting the tirade of his partner. The answer to that question would at least be something he would be able to understand.
“The procedures manual and their company policies are available online.” Hange answered matter-of-factly. Levi noted how quickly she recovered from having her explanation of policy and business jargon interrupted.
As Levi looked once again through highlighted lines and messy scrawls, he felt embarrassed that he was not even halfway done with the design they had discussed the night before. He slowly brought out his folder where he had at least begun to draw the floor plan from the link Hange had sent him the night before.
“How has the floor plan been Levi?” Hange cocked her head to one side. Levi could not tell if she was provoking him or if she was genuinely curious about the progress of his work. Regardless, the way that she sifted through the papers under her, while looking pointedly at the roughly drawn floor plan on his hands had Levi self conscious.
It was Tuesday afternoon, less than 24 hours since she had bombarded him with messages. Less than 24 hours since she dropped a pdf file of the floor plan and went MIA, Levi guessed it was to prepare all the documents which Hange had just laid out in front of him that morning. As he compared his own progress to hers, he also became aware of one more reality, their first outputs were due tomorrow. Begrudgingly Levi had to admit, despite her naivete and overenthusiasm, Hange had a better sense of urgency than he did.
“I planned everything out already. I just need to outline it.” Levi said, trying at least not to sound as defensive as he felt.
“But can you do it alone? I didn’t sleep at all last night to get this done.” Hange looked more concerned than anything else.”
As Levi looked back at a skeleton of a housing plan that lay in front of him, he started to understand her concern. The house they had selected was huge and designing would take hours if he actually wanted to put thought into it.
“I mean even if we take out the 1800 from our budget of 3600 dollars a month, we still have to consider furniture and it might take you a while to come out with the pricing right? I guess we could leave out 1000 dollars for that….”
Furniture? Levi had stopped listening at ‘furniture.’ Somehow Levi had assumed that it would have been fully furnished when they bought it and they just had to rearrange furniture. “We’re buying an unfurnished house?” Levi had hoped Hange was pulling his leg.
Hange knitted her brows in confusion. “Did I say anything about a furnished house?”
                                         Division of Labor
“There are two methods of accounting used in modern day society: cost accounting and accrual accounting or as I’d like to call them: an idiot’s sorry excuse for accounting and actual accounting.” Zeke wrote the two terms on the board and plopped himself on the teacher’s desk. “Really though, why the hell do people still use cost accounting in modern society, it’s fucking stupid, barbaric, might as well go back to bartering…”
Levi had no idea what either of them were. As he looked around at his classmates, they looked as lost as he was about the mini rant that Zeke gave about the two accounting methods he had failed to define.
After a few minutes of ranting, Zeke finally noticed the blank faces of his students. “Okay Social Experiment.” Zeke cocked his head to the side. “Actually, let’s call it an IQ Test.  Jean stand up.”
“Yes sir!” Jean followed way too enthusiastically.
“You got the investment banker occupation so ideally you should be the most knowledgeable on money among everyone in the room,” Zeke continued. “You have zero dollars and I gave you 100 dollars right now. How much do you have?”
“100 dollars sir,” Jean answered.
“That’s a smart boy.” Zeke slapped his desk so hard, Armin and Eren jumped, having sat so close to the teacher’s desk. “Okay, so if I lent you 100 dollars, how much do you have?”
“100 dollars.”
“So, you’re gonna run away with my money? No plans of paying me back?”
Jean tensed up in confusion. “No sir. I’ll be paying you back.”
“Then is it your money?"
“It’s with me sir… So I think…” Jean paused for a second. “So it’s your money sir?”
“Tell me. The money is with you after all. Is it your money or my money?”
“It’s my money sir!” Jean answered too quickly, probably without even thinking.
“I lent you the money. I expect it back so it’s mine. Calling my money your money is practically stealing Kirschtein. I can call a lawyer on you.” Zeke narrowed his eyes at Jean for a few seconds before shrugging in defeat. “But you’re not a criminal. You’re just an idiot who relies on outdated accounting methods. Don’t take that with you when you become an actual financial advisor. Sit down. I’m calling someone else.” Zeke turned back to the class list on the teacher’s table. “Okay, anyone in this list with a finance related position...” Zeke’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked through the list. He looked at the class with a cat-like grin, his eyes focusing on one boy in the front row. “In my almost sixteen years of knowing you, I did not expect you to be suitable but it looks like you’re the only one in this list other than Jean with an accounting related occupation.”
“Really? It’s accounting related?” Eren had never been one to be good at Math. Everyone in the class agreed and as their professor hinted at his assigned occupation, many began to whisper, possibly theorizing as to what Eren had gotten.
They did not have to theorize for long though, within seconds, Zeke continued to discuss. “Okay Eren, let’s discuss your field of expertise --- insurance.”
Eren slowly nodded in return. It was a nod which everyone in the room had understood at first glance. Insurance was not Eren’s field of expertise.
Zeke did not seem to care though. “Case study time! I have 3000 dollars. Eren the insurance salesman sells me $200 dollars a month worth of insurance and I buy one years worth of prepaid insurance. By the end of this month, how much worth of assets do I have left?”
“By assets, you mean money?”
“Check a fucking dictionary.”
Eren sat down for a second. From his seat, Levi could hear some whispers from Mikasa and some clicks of a digital keyboard, or possibly a calculator.
“600 dollars.”
“Final answer?”
“Yes. Final Answer.” Eren seemed so sure of his answer.
From seeing Zeke’s face at the answer, Levi could not help but think, maybe phrasing it as a question was the better option for Eren.
“This is why your generation is so shit at saving. With this type of attitude, you‘re all gonna get into some shity Ponzi scheme with yourself and some sad saps who actually pitied you enough to lend you money without assessing your credit rating that’s just gonna continue riding on some endless cycle until you all go to jail or declare bankruptcy.” Zeke ranted again as he punched the buttons of the projector, turning it on. “ Scratch that. At this rate, none of you would probably even know how to declare bankruptcy.”
Accounting 101 . Those two words flashed on the screen, the contrast of black words in a default font to the white background of a hastily made powerpoint only getting clearer as the projector whirred to life.
“The amount of debt you can get into in the real world will fuck up your life. So to simulate the real world consequences of unpaid debt, we decided to make your fake debt by the end of the year one of the main determinants of your final grade. And we will be using real accounting to determine your debt. Any questions before we start?”
It was Sasha who raised her hand from the back of the classroom.
“Yes?” Zeke asked with shoddily hidden annoyance.
“So which one is cost and which one is accrual again, Sir?”
                                      Division of Labor
"I told you. I'll handle the accounting," Hange said. "We can make this work." Her words were not at all assuring.
It was Wednesday afternoon. They had submitted their selection for their house that afternoon in class so that meant no more takebacks. Their house plans were due midnight and Levi was not even halfway done. To add insult to injury, Levi was still reeling from Zeke’s lecture just a few hours ago.
Initially, Hange had suggested they buy the furniture in installments. The prospect of buying in installments though became all the more terrifying with the accounting system Zeke had introduced to them that day and the weight of a negative balance sheet on their grades.
As soon as you buy something and enter into debt, the money owed is not yours anymore. Levi shuddered as those words echoed in his head. He narrowed his eyes at Hange. "Really Hange? Can we? After deciding to spend half your salary each month on an unfinished 3 bedroom house?" Levi asked as he gestured to their next tall order that stretched over two aisles. They were in the baby's section in the supermarket.
It was their third round around that aisle, trying to look for a brand of diaper and a brand of formula that would not cost them a total of 400 dollars a month.
“I mean, we still have 800 dollars on groceries if we put our furniture installments budget at 1000 dollars a month,” Hange explained. “So if we spend 400 dollars on baby stuff, we should have 400 left.”
“400 dollars for a month’s worth of meals for a family of four.” Levi clarified. “There must be something here we could choose not to spend on.” Or maybe we could find a cheaper place to buy things in. Levi thought back to the supermarket nearer to his house and made a mental note to check it. The output was due on Friday anyway.
"Hey, Armin and Annie are here too!" Hange said enthusiastically.
Too enthusiastically. Levi clarified to himself. That was not at all good news. If other groups were going to that supermarket, that must mean they think they have the financial leeway to spend there, That could also possibly mean he and Hange had somehow fucked up financially as a pair, struggling to make ends meet. Armin was a studious student with a good head on his shoulders and he chose to shop in a more expensive supermarket. Are we spending too much?
"Let's ask Armin…" Levi did not need to finish his sentence. By the time, he looked to his side, where Hange stood or at least was supposed to be standing, the latter was already on her way to the blond boy..
Levi did not waste anytime. As Hange chatted up Armin, Levi made a few rounds through the two aisles again, his phone calculator on hand.
Just in case. Levi told himself. Just in case they had miscalculated the minimum expense of 400 dollars.
                                      Division of Labor
Hange had a long talk with Armin. By that point, Levi had lost count of the number of rounds he had made around the aisle. He had stopped counting at five. He had done his research on discounts and made some fake accounts and the expense still clocked at $390 dollars.
By the time he and Hange called it quits, the sun was setting. Hange seemed lost in thought and she had been that way since she had finished her conversation with Armin. Levi decided to take over keeping both sacks for the night. He made a small detour to the grocery store nearest to his flat. It was smaller, a little dirtier but it meant a little more room for spending and a bigger chance of saving his grade and graduating. Begrudgingly, sanitation became the least of Levi's issues.
He wrote out all the prices of the important items they had seen in the grocery store. When he got home, he made sure to write them all on a google sheet complete with weight, quantity and prices and sent the link to Hange through an instant message. For some reason, he felt a twinge of disappointment when all he received was a heart react in return.
Of course, Hange still had a lot of things to calculate. Even as they separated less than an hour ago, she had seemed distracted. Levi guessed Armin had told her something game breaking about the accounting process.
What did Armin tell you? You need any help?
Will explain soon. Send the meal plan and house design by 9 pls.
Levi managed to submit the meal plan by nine. He had copied and pasted from some random family cooking website, changing a few ingredients to fit what he thought would be cheaper options. He did not need to think too much of it either. He lived a life many would consider the complete opposite of excess and as a result, had mastered the art of improvisation when it came to food.
His main problem lay with the floor plan of the house. Hange had agreed to handle worrying about the expenses. That was one problem out of his plate.
Even with the money problem out of his hands, Levi found himself working until late anyway. Or not working… Levi was only reminded of his lack of productivity when his phone lit up with a notification.
Hange Zoe
Levi only realized then that he had gotten a little carried away with the problem of where to put the washing machine.
                                 Division of Labor
It was a genius idea.
That Wednesday night, only a few hours before the house plan was due, Levi had had fifty tabs open from German and Japanese house designers showing bathrooms and laundry room designs highlighting the novelty and practicality of putting the washing machine in the bathroom. Levi had spent hours pondering the logistics of making it work for the house design Hange had sent him only for her to shoot down the idea an hour before the housing plan was due.
They rented an American style house with a bathroom in every bedroom and the impracticality had dawned on him particularly when it was fifteen minutes to 12am and they were still arguing in chat over how to design the house. In the end, Hange had gotten her way, having brought up the issue of accounting furniture and the fact that they probably did not even have the financial leeway to pay for a washing machine anyway.
Having to deal with the disappointment of losing the opportunity to design the house the way he wanted to and having his unfinished design shipped off to Erwin’s email, with little regard for the effort he had put into the intricacy of both the toilets and the laundry room, Levi was a little pissed. He also considered the fact that he had respected the effort and detail Hange had put into choosing a house and had allowed her to submit a potentially overpriced and unfurnished house as their final product.
And she could not even reciprocate the respect for his whims.
Levi decided then to take a break from it all. It was a silent agreement on both ends. Or there was no need for an agreement anyway. They had finished their deliverables for the week by Thursday.
Everyone had ended up cramming theirs anyway and Levi found himself walking home alone and spending his time outside school hours bingeing whatever was new on Netflix.
By Monday, Levi had not expected to do much. Their breakdown of responsibilities was due Friday, 12am on Thursday to be exact according to the file that Erwin had sent. It was a one page paper with a few questions that just needed answering. They could easily start on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Levi wanted to spend at least just his Monday, peacefully, not considering the program which has been plaguing the start of their junior year since Shadis’ announcement just a week ago. He allowed himself to clear his mind, making sure to just note on his phone to start on the next output by Wednesday. Hange would probably remind him anyway.
He had deluded himself well into thinking the adulting program was limited to those once a week outputs. An announcement was made to meet in the kitchen after lunch for home economics class. His mood that Monday had him living in complete denial of what could actually go on in a school kitchen and for some reason, Levi imagined having a lecture in the kitchen was a completely normal expectation, even with the reminder to bring aprons and gloves. Maybe we just need to put them in lockers or something.
As the students filed in though, some of them panicked and that was when Levi figured out that something was not right. The counters were all lined up with ingredients. Some of the students had recognized the ingredients. Levi looked to Hange to see that she was blank on what the hell the pattern was behind the types of ingredients set out.
There were the essentials--- flour, sugar, eggs. There were exotic ingredients Levi could not even name or pronounce.
“Cardamom, Star Anise, Rose water. What the hell?” It was Jean speaking from behind Levi.
“I’m glad you see the pattern. I’m assuming that means you’ll all do well?” Erwin waited while the rest of the class filed into the room before he raised his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. “Today we’ll be having a pop quiz just to make sure you all know what you’re writing when you make the meal plans. In the tables assigned to you, you will see the ingredients for one of the meals you put in your meal plan. Please use them accordingly to make a full course meal from what you had submitted.”
Levi could not remember for the life of him what the hell he had put in that meal plan a week back
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theflashdriver · 4 years
Waves of Fate (A Silvaze Modern/Soulmate AU)
Beaches were supposed to be happy places, books always described them that way at least. People came to the beach to have fun, to play games and relax. It was supposed place of joy, where smiles supposedly reigned supreme and you could count on the sun parting the clouds to grant a blue sky.
A grey sky hung over the pale white sands of the secluded, manmade, beach the belonged to the Sol estate. A family made wealthy through inheritance and investment; the sole monarchs of the estate had built themselves a high castle, separate from the common rabble, to settle and grow. Unfortunately for them however, perhaps due to their greed, the pair’s first and only child had arrived with a certain abnormality. That grey sky also hung over that very child, the twelve-year-old Blaze the cat, as she stared down at her workbook.
It was peculiar for her to take lessons by the beachside but, with some effort from her tutor to convince the feline’s parents, a bizarre and impromptu lesson had been quickly organised. Sat atop a thick picnic blanket, wearing a smile so caring that the young girl could practically feel it, was the in-house tutor for the estate, Vanilla. Contrary to the scowl Blaze wore as she carefully considered what to write next, the youngster didn’t dislike the rabbit. She had in fact, even at this young age, come to truly appreciate the role the tutor filled. The feline’s parents were always either distracted or busy, she couldn’t particularly tell or care which, but Vanilla, a mother herself, always found time to listen and care. Even in situations like this… even when the young girl claimed that she wanted nothing more than to be alone.
“How’s it going Blaze? Are you stuck?” Stubborn as ever, trying not to listen, the kitten bit her tongue, “You don’t need to write too much, just think of this as practice writing letters.”
Attempting to make a show of it, the feline (dressed in dungarees rather than her school uniform) silently continued her cursive work until she harshly dotted the end of a sentence, “I’m fine Vanilla,” As she looked up and caught the rabbit’s eyes, Blaze realised that, though she had technically answered the question, something further had been revealed. Of the people she knew, Vanilla was the only one who could peer into her heart and see the truth. The child’s eyes returned to the page, “I’m writing fine I just… you know…”
“I know you don’t believe in this and you think it’s foolish but that’s fine. A hint of whimsy is just what you need right now. Just think of it as a break from boring maths questions and everything else,” It was fortunate that the words everything else were cut off by a certain rummaging sound and a bread triangle entering the corner of her vision, “Gardon made these while I was talking with your parents, would you like to partake?”
Unable to resist her gentle charm any longer, regardless of how arduous today had been, Blaze set her book aside and claimed the wrapped meal with a muted, “Thank you.”
“It’s not the best day for a picnic, but it’s far from the worst,” Vanilla mused, claiming a sandwich of her own, “Not too windy and the forecast doesn’t call for rain, it’ll be smooth sailing for your letter.”
“Assuming it doesn’t just wash back onto the beach,” She glumly shrugged, undoing the wrapping and taking her first bite. Salmon, probably fresh from this morning. Once she’d swallowed, Blaze couldn’t help but look up to her tutor again, “Is it really cold? Are you okay?”
“Oh, no, dear. It’s not that cold, just a little chilly. I’ll be fine, honestly,” Blaze met her smile with an incredulous stare. The rabbit’s face somehow grew even softer, “Well, I suppose I wouldn’t mind just a little warming up,” Without even hesitating, the tutor reached across again; this time an empty hand was extended.
Blaze took the comparatively large hand in her own and, trying her hardest to be gentle, allowed a few small flames to build on the back of her knuckles. The heat immediately began to radiate, even though the flames were stagnant in terms of both position and size. Absentmindedly, ears drooping without their owner’s consent, she spoke, “It’s not hard to control them when I’m comfortable. It’s easier when it’s just you and me.”
“I know dear but, one day, it’ll be easy all the time. I’m certain of it,” Vanilla promised, drawing back her hand and pressing it to her cheeks, “That was lovely of you, thank you.”
A half mile behind them, in the estate’s main building, cindered remains were likely still being swept up. An attempt to set up a playdate with the children of another wealthy family hadn’t gone over well, but the issue wasn’t as mundane as that. To say Blaze didn’t get along with the other children was certainly an understatement, the feline’s very first encounter with those infants had ended in tears and a ball of fire. Today, when her parents refused to see reason, a similar explosive display had ignited the living room couch before spreading to the wallpaper. Of course, plans were in place for this sort of occurrence, the house’s sprinkler system had gone off, but it hadn’t cooled her parent’s scorn. She’d scarcely been able to dry herself and change before Vanilla had plucked her from the house.
“You’re welcome,” Was all she could manage to mumble.
“And whoever gets this letter will surely love you for your gift,” A seriousness lingered in the rabbit’s tone, despite the multiple layers of foolishness behind her claim, “Not despite it.”
Blaze scoffed before quickly finishing her sandwich, not yet returning to her work, “Who even thought this superstition up? I know I’ve read about it before but never like this…”
“This one in particular was thought up by the wives and children of widow sailors, as tragic as that is,” The bunny half cringed, “As I’ve told you, when a destined pair send messages out to sea, they’ll receive a sign of their connection. The ocean will take you letter and, just and only this once, deliver it to your soulmate as long as it meets the right conditions.”
“It has to be fully written by one person, it can’t include that person’s name, physical description, hints to find that person or to try and organise a meeting. It also has to be the first message a person sends to sea and no one else is allowed to read it until it reaches the intended individual,” Blaze recalled aloud, “Making it seem all the more pointless. All you can really tell them is what you’re like and what’s happening to you and, regardless, it’s not going to reach anyone. How are you even going to mark this if you’re not allowed to read it?”
“Come on Blaze, when I was your age, I wanted so badly for a handsome prince to sweep me off my feet. I must have rewritten my letter a hundred times,” Vanilla chastised, plainly ignoring the kitten’s question, “You can tell them what you think loving them will be like, your hopes and dreams. No one else will ever get to read it, only you and them,” Admittedly, that was true. Whatever she wrote down here would likely be lost to the sea, “And even if it doesn’t work, no one who finds it would ever know it came from you. It’s a thought exercise as much as it is a writing one, a way to air your frustrations and ambitions.”
The kitten claimed her journal again, trying her hardest to ignore the cloudy sky above. For whatever reason, her pen felt heavier than it had just a moment prior. She let her thoughts flow onto the page, their pace kept by a modest barrier of consideration, and tried her hardest not to overdo it. In truth, she’d never really considered what she wanted from a partner or what a partner might want from her. Did she even want a partner? Part of her didn’t, and she was certain that would come across in her writing, but she couldn’t deny that she saw the appeal. The idea of someone loving her for her flames was more than a little farfetched but someone who could see past them and still love her? Someone who actively, genuinely, wasn’t afraid of her? How could she say no to that?
Finally, Blaze clicked her pen closed. Vanilla perked up, “Is it done?”
“I think so…” The young feline hummed before drawing her eyes to the page and giving it a final read.
To whomever comes to possess this note,
I hope we can meet and that, when we do, that the reason behind our link becomes clear rather than being the mere whim of coincidence. I have been instructed that, in this letter, I am to tell you about myself. While I was born into fortuitous circumstances, I have not lived the most fortunate of lives: though I am privileged in some ways, I am far more socially handicapped than the majority of my peers. I handle criticism poorly as I always try to give my all, regardless of the actual importance of any given assignment.
My peers don’t think too highly of me, many of them fear me, but the few truly close to me claim that I am mature for my age and intelligent. I’ve recently started to play the violin and have practiced ballet for as long as I can remember. As for other interests, though they’ll undoubtedly change by the time we meet, classical literature and music has always appealed to me. If we are destined to be together then I doubt you are a pilot, so this is probably unimportant, but I do have a fear of heights. I’m sorry if you wanted more details but I’m quite confused as to what is safe to include, in accordance with this dubious tradition.
I don’t think I’m the easiest person to love, both for reasons that should become clear to you and my inherent defensiveness. Though my investment in this idea of soulmates may be limited, the thought that there is someone out there who will love me for who I am is, undeniably, appealing. I may not be the best at displaying how I feel but, if we are to care for each, I will try my best to show you that I care. To be honest, I don’t know what to expect or to ask of you beyond that you keep an open mind if we do meet. Perhaps, just as this rumour being true would, you will surprise me.
Please stay safe and write soon, from your soulmate.
“It’s a little… melancholy,” Blaze admitted, trying not to wince, “But I don’t want to rewrite it. It’s good enough.”
It was all written in her neatest handwriting, entirely cursive and eloquent. There wasn’t a single spelling error, not one that she could identify at least, and it looked professional enough? She’d written it in the manner she’d learned to write all of her letters and, perhaps, that was a little too formal for the occasion. Then again, it wasn’t as though it would actually reach anyone.
And, of course, she hadn’t mentioned her flames; not in explicit terms at least.
“Is it how you truly feel?” Vanilla questioned, “Is it how you want to introduce yourself to them.”
Blaze took another moment, considering it for just a moment more, before tearing the paper from her jotter and rolling it into a tight scroll, “Yes.”
The tutor turned to rummage through her bag again, this time drawing forth three things: a ribbon to bind the note, a small (cleaned and untinted) glass bottle and a whittled down cork from an old wine bottle. Blaze took the ribbon first, gently securing her note, and trying not to crumple it, before gingerly sliding it into the bottle’s narrow mouth. She let Vanilla secure the cork in place, not much trusting that it’d hold if she did it. Then though, curiously, the rabbit produced another object from her bag. A small violet tealight, brand new and untouched.
“I think it might be nice to seal the bottle in your own, unique, way,” The rabbit explained, tilting the cantle upside down and holding it above the now sealed bottle, “With a little bit of fire, we can make a wax lid.”
The tealight exchanged hands, Vanilla held the bottle in place. Just as her prior heating, the tutor was likely the only one who would trust her to do this. Well, perhaps Gardon would too on a good day. Blaze snuck her forefinger around the tealight’s metal casing and birthed a burgeoning flame directly into the wax. The reaction was almost immediate, purple, lavender scented, wax began to drip down in gooey clumps and gather atop the cork. It took a while, and some shifting, to completely cover both the entryway. Most of the candle was diminished by the time it was done, the bubbling mass gradually cooling on the glass.
Vanilla drew it back, gently blowing on it, “Good job, Blaze. That’s perfect.”
In the silence that hung as the wax cooled, Blaze couldn’t help but dwell on her future a little. She knew she was young, far too young to be seriously considering these things, most children her age would still be focused on becoming a pop singer or filling some other extravagant niche. Her parents wanted her to focus on law, become a judge or an attorney, but, despite how important those callings were, they didn’t appeal to her. The only thing she knew that she wanted was to be away from here, to find somewhere that she could settle herself and actually be free to think, but that was so long away. She was bound to this place, bound to her parents, for the-
A gentle hand pushed up the feline’s chin and brought her to look the elder rabbit in the eye, “You might not meet whoever gets this letter for some time, but I promise you, Blaze, you will find them. You won’t be here forever; you feel so trapped forever. With their help or otherwise, I know you’ll do great things.”
The tutor rose, passing the bottle to its first owner. The kitten stumbled to her feet, taking it but quickly reaching out and holding her teacher’s hand. Barren white sand crunched underfoot, the clouds refused to part even now. It wasn’t long until she was at the cusp of the water, the lapping waves mere centimetres from the toe of their shoes. The older of the two drew up the hem of her skirt, Blaze awkwardly fumbled with her dungaree’s legs before retaking the rabbit’s hand. Vanilla took the first step into the foamy waters, but Blaze was quick to follow after. They waded until the sea reached the young feline’s knee, a glance from Vanilla informed her that was far enough.
Gently, Blaze set the bottle in the water. They stood for a moment, just to see that it would leave their sight. The tide was receding, they’d see the bottle bob above the waves every so often as it was gradually being carried towards the horizon. It was off to either meet with a watery grave or find some person somewhere else in the world.
“Well, now we just have to wait and see,” The rabbit smiled, turning and gently retaking her hand, “I’m sure it’ll reach someone wonderful. I can’t wait to see you two together. Its been so long since I’ve seen young love, I’m sure your Prince Charming will be wonderful.”
“M-Miss Vanilla,” The little girl couldn’t help but whine, “I don’t want a Prince.”
“Oh? What is it you want then?” She asked, nearing the water’s end.
“I don’t know…” Blaze murmured, giving it just half a moment’s thought, “I just want a friend. I just want someone else who will be nice to me.”
“Can’t they be both?” Vanilla laughed, taking the first step onto dry land.
The young girl hadn’t considered that, but she wasn’t sure that she liked it. She was about to speak up in defiance when she felt something peculiar. A wave had passed behind her, lapping just above her heels, but it had hit differently somehow. It’d almost felt too hard.
Turning to look over her shoulder, Blaze frowned as her eyes scanned the water. Among the waves, hitched in the sand, was a bottle. Had her note followed them back? Breaking off from Vanilla, the young girl crouched to get a closer look. Something about this bottle looked different. It wasn’t sealed with wax, it had a screw on lid. What’s more, this bottle was tinted green. Dumbfounded, without so much as thinking, she reached down and plucked the bottle from the water.
“Miss Vanilla?”
Butterflies flapped in her stomach as though they were giant eagles pursuing some sort of endlessly evasive prey. Blaze the cat, age twenty-two, had just spent the last twelve hours traveling with three overstuffed suitcases and a violin case. She’d departed a train forty minutes ago and had been walking ever since but, prior to that, she’d endured two different taxi rides and a full four hours failing to ignore a window seat view on a flight. To say that she was exhausted would be an understatement, she’d travelled further from her home before but never on her own and never like this, but to say she was unhappy would be entirely false. Blaze the cat was free, free from the Sol estate and free from all that came with it. She had finally claimed control over her life.
She’d never thought that the violin would be her escape; music simply been her hobby, but it had borne an unimaginable fruit. She’d managed to land herself third chair in an orchestra with a high probability of moving further up the ranks. The concertmaster was apparently reaching her elder years, looking for a protégé and to breathe new life into the group. A well-placed audition tape and a handful of politely worded emails had secured her the position. Sure, the job as it was now wasn’t enough to fully support her, but with her education the feline was certain she’d manage to pick up another form of income.
That orchestra job had led her here, Station Square; a city filled to bursting with opportunity which just so happened to also contain a cheap apartment-share near the city’s centre. An application for said lodgings had brought her to the door she was now standing outside of, an entrance to the supposed accommodation that persisted above an old pizzeria. She didn’t know where she’d anticipated her life to restart but the fact it was somewhere this plain honestly excited her. No more private beach; she had to build her own luxury.
First impressions were important, she’d been chastised about them her entire life. She’d tried to dress modestly, what few of her more expensive outfits she’d brought she intended to sell online. Her hair was fixed into a tall ponytail that almost crowned her head, a ponytail that she’d already remade five times today. A long brown trench coat, the brown top button of which she redid, was successfully obscuring a comfortable striped t-shirt and (surprisingly expensive yet unassuming) bootcut jeans.
Once she was certain everything was in place and she had some form of greeting in mind, she dared to press the grimy electric buzzer. Almost immediately, a slightly overloud and static riddled voice answered her call, “Hello? Is that Blaze?”
“Yes, hello. I take it this is the residence of Silver the hedgehog?” She answered.
“Yeah, that’s me! It’s so nice to finally meet you, I hope…” He seemed to catch himself mid-sentence, though he went quiet, the buzzing persisted, “Oh, oops, I should probably open the door. Sorry! I’ll be right down!”
The buzzing finally faded and, once again, Blaze was left alone. That was the first time she’d ever heard his voice and, admittedly, she hadn’t been able to hear it very well. He sounded a lot more excitable than she’d truly anticipated. Their communication up until now had been limited to brief emails and, as a result, she didn’t actually know very much about the man she’d be living with for the foreseeable future. He had no criminal record, the flat itself both looked nice and was affordable, but beyond his job working in the museum and need for an additional housemate, that was the limit of her knowledge. Well, that and the picture attached to his=
Before Blaze could ponder on it for any longer, the white painted door before her swung open and a figure practically burst into view. She wasn’t sure who or what she’d expected out of this museum worker, but she certainly wasn’t this. A set of seven ludicrously long quills immediately consumed Blaze’s vision, followed by a set of excitable yellow eyes and a vaguely sun-kissed muzzle. He was rather peculiarly dressed too; he wore a jumper with a strangely low cut that allowed a seemingly endless flare of white chest fur to slip free. As if that wasn’t odd enough, he wore gloves that were lit by a bizarre cyan symbol on both their front and back.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Blaze!” His smile matched his eyes so very perfectly.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Silver,” She half bowed, already feeling a little overwhelmed. The picture she’d seen had made him look demurer, his quills had been tied back and he’d been in his work uniform. She truly hadn’t considered that he’d be a head taller than her.
Almost immediately, he seemed to notice her luggage. Without even blinking, he gestured past her, “Oh, you must be exhausted. I can help with those!” Blaze’s surprise transmuted into total befuddlement at what happened next. With that wave of the hedgehog’s hand, those cyan symbols began to glow much brighter and Blaze heard shifting behind her. Before she could turn, all four of her bags had taken to the air and hovered above her head, “I’ll take them up and show you around, come on.”
She stood in the doorway for a moment, entirely dumbfounded. She knew people with powers like hers existed, but they were rare enough that she had never met another. To think that the first person she’d ever stay with, the first person she’d encounter, was capable of such a feat though? This Silver was filled to burst with surprises. Catching herself though, butterfly-eagles still running rampant in her stomach, Blaze began to give chase.
The hallway leading up to the flat itself wasn’t very well lit, but it was homely enough. It led up to a landing where (judging by the small pile) shoes were supposed to be kicked off. Following it was a glass door that immediately opened into a small and very well stocked kitchen. It didn’t smell like anything was cooking at the moment but, judging by the drying rack, he had been hard at work.
“I cook quite a lot,” As he called back, Blaze couldn’t help but notice the hedgehog had gone from walking to floating amongst her luggage, “Are you much of a chef?”
“Not particularly,” Blaze admitted, nonchalantly. What few cooking lessons she’d received had gone especially poorly.
“Oh, well, if you’re ever in trouble or want to learn then let me know,” He offered, spinning back around to face forward, “I made a little something to celebrate your arrival, if you’re up for it.”
“Oh, thank you,” She said, now doubly surprised at his fast kindness.
Blaze took a sniff but, curiously, couldn’t smell whatever it was he’d mentioned. The hedgehog had clearly done a good job of cleaning up in preparation for her arrival, but then again… she had no idea whether the apartment had been messy in the first place. She passed an open door that seemed to lead into a small combination dining room and sitting room. Two patchwork couches sat near the room’s centre, a modest TV cresting just over them and a coffee table between them.
“Is this a violin case?” He called back, drawing her attention away from the room.
“Yes, it is,” She responded, noticing that he’d turned mid-flight and was now hovering the violin between them, “I’m joining city’s orchestra. I’ll need to practice fairly often, but if there’s ever a time you need quiet then feel free to say.”
“Oh, no, free to play it all you want honestly, the place downstairs just does take away and, apparently, the floor is pretty well soundproofed,” He said, that excitement still clinging to his voice as he landed outside a door, “That’s amazing, I’ve always wanted to meet a violinist. I can’t wait to hear you play, you must be wonderful!”
“I’m well practiced,” She coyly admitted, not used to barrages of kindness (let alone praise). She could feel herself locking up but tried to fight it, “Is this my room?”
“Oh, yeah. It is,” The hedgehog nodded, patting himself down before seeming to realise something. With a wave of his hand up the hallway, Blaze watched as a small set of keys raced their way from the kitchen area to float in front of her, “Almost forgot these.”
“Th-Thank you,” Blaze cursed her stutter, plucking them from the air. They found their way to the lock but, before she dared to push inside, she decided to feed her curiosity. He seemed so very open, it couldn’t hurt to pry, “How long have you been able to do that?”
“For as long as I can remember. It comes in pretty handy around the house, if you ever need anything moved then just say,” He grinned, clearly somewhat proud to have made a positive impression with his powers.
“I see,” She hummed, turning the key. She certainly wasn’t comfortable immediately revealing her power to him but, then again, her name was probably a bit of a give-away. Ideally, he wouldn’t question it, “It does seem rather useful.”
Blaze pushed the door open and found herself faced, for the first time today, with a sight she’d expected. The room wasn’t even half the size of her prior bedroom, its walls were both blank and painted off-white. Unlike the other rooms in the house, a grey carpet persisted underfoot. Blaze watched as her bags hovered through the door and landed inside in a small, neat, pile.
“I know it’s not especially stunning, but the landlord says you can decorate it if you want. I did my room up a couple months ago, before I moved in. It’s easier than you think, I’d be happy to help,” Blaze couldn’t tell whether it was due to her cold expression or some sudden realisation, but the hedgehog seemed to falter and turn away, “S-Sorry, I’ve never had a flatmate before, I guess I’m a little overexcited.”
“You haven’t?” She questioned though, in hindsight, the underdeveloped room spoke volumes.
“I’ve moved from place to place quite a lot, living in tiny, two-room, apartments,” He explained.
“Well, I’m sure we’ll manage to figure this out between the two of us,” She wanted to give a reassuring smile but was fairly certain it would only scare him off. It seemed like neither of them were particularly good at this, “Thank you, Silver.”
“I’ll leave you to get comfortable. If you need anything I’ll just be, uh, in here,” He tapped the door opposite, assumedly his bedroom, “There’s an en suite in your room and, um, I think that’s everything? If you need me then just call.”
Blaze nodded and allowed herself the smallest of smiles, “Perhaps, once I’ve put everything away, we could look over the paperwork?”
“Oh, sure, okay! Just say when,” He managed to grin again, ducking back into his room but not bothering to close the door.
Blaze matched him, stepping inside and heaving a sigh of relief. She’d made it through her first interaction with her flatmate, she’d made it to her new home, she was so close to relaxation. There was a small, single, bed against the wall with a tiny wooden bedside cabinet next to it. A reasonably sized, yet still small in her experience, closet was set up against the far wall and she could see the door that likely led to the bathroom. This was liveable, she could do this, it was just the first step in something new.
Unpacking her clothes and amenities took quite a lot longer than she’d anticipated, getting everything onto hangers and into the right place was relaxing albeit slow. There was nowhere especially practical to place her violin so it’d ended up propped against the far wall for the foreseeable future. The final of her bags still sat where Silver had placed it, entirely filled. Vanilla had packed it for her, saying its contents were mere food and cutlery, but she had made the feline promise not to open it until she was settled in her new home. Well, it was finally time.
Blaze hoisted the bag onto her freshly made bed, immediately creasing her work but not especially minding. She quickly brought the zip around, popping the top open, and was stunned by what she saw. The rabbit hadn’t lied, cutlery and non-perishables of all sorts filled the base of the bag, but a small note affixed to an object that Blaze hadn’t even thought about in almost ten years sat atop the other goods. A certain bottle that had washed up on the beach just after she had sent her own message to sea.
Vanilla’s note was short and simple, “Enjoy your new life, don’t forget to write and remember, they’re out there somewhere,” Concluded with a small, winking, smiley face.
Slipping onto the bed, Blaze found herself cradling both the note and the bottle. While that day on the beach stuck out in her mind like a sore thumb, perhaps due to the familial chaos that had come before it, the contents of this bottle did not. She hadn’t thought about that day often, especially not in the latter six of those twelve years, but whenever a book or a person mentioned the concept of soulmates she’d recall but never mention the occurrence. Admittedly, the young feline had long accepted that the note had in fact been written by Vanilla in an attempt to cheer her up following her childish strop. She didn’t believe in such nonsense then and she certainly didn’t now. Still, what was the harm in giving the coincidental note another read for nostalgia’s sake?
Blaze unscrewed the lid, giving the green aluminium top a quick once over before setting it on her bedside table. Wherever it had come from, the bottle had long lost any identifiable markings, but it was more bulbous than that containing any drink she’d ever had. She managed to get a finger in and, with some difficulty, pluck the note free. The sheet felt more like card than paper and was riddled with creases from its initial folding so many years ago. The handwriting was, admittedly, awful. She’d written her note as a child, but this letter looked to have been written with extreme haste. Regardless, due mostly to the large spaces between words, Blaze could make it all out.
It read:
“Hi there! If you’re reading this then I guess you know who I am? Just in case; I’m your soulmate! I can’t wait to meet you, I’m sure we’re going to get along great! I can’t write all that much about myself, otherwise the bottle will sink to the bottom of the sea, but I’m supposed to describe what I think our relationship might be like? But I’ve never been in one before, I’ve never had a soulmate before, so I’m not sure what to do or what to tell you.
People tell me that I’m a little blunt and that I wear my heart on my sleeve and that I’m pretty gullible. I’m not so sure, but I guess they’d know better than me? I really like sweet food! I can’t have a lot of it, we can’t really afford it, but that’s okay because it’s not good for me anyway. I also really like history books. The lost worlds of the past are so interesting to me and I’d love to discover more of them. I hope you like them too! I guess I can’t write about this too much, but I have a special skill that comes in useful quite a lot. It helps me tidy up and cook and get to all sorts of places, even ones I’m not really supposed to.
I don’t know you yet, but I hope you’re nice. I don’t really know a lot about love, a lot of my friends think it’s gross but not me! I think it’s nice knowing that there’s someone out there for me and I’m just waiting to meet someone. If I can make a difference, even if it’s just for one person, then I’ll be happy, so I’ll try my hardest to make you happy! I’m learning to cook and bake so you don’t have to worry about that, I can already make spaghetti!
Please stay safe and I can’t wait to read what you send me!
From your soulmate”
Blaze’s nose wrinkled as she reached the end of the note. She’d decided years ago that Vanilla had written this note, perhaps with her left hand so as to forge childish writing, but something was bothering her. The feline’s eyes traced back up the note, specifically lingering on the mention of a special skill that helped the individual to cook and clean. A foolish thought entered her head, a quiet whisper that was still loud enough to break the otherwise peaceful silence. Reading over the page again, the bluntness and earnestness mentioned further loudened that quiet voice.
Catching herself in her own stupidity, Blaze quickly rerolled the paper and returned it to its bottle. Not quite knowing what to do with it now, feeling a bizarre heat on her face, she set it on her bedside cabinet and threw her gaze to her lap. Attempting to escape the heat, and realising she’d been too distracted to do so earlier, she undid her jacket and shrugged it from her shoulders.
The occurrence ten years ago was just one of many bizarre occurrences in the flame producing feline’s life, she’d seen her fair share of oddness and coincidence. There was absolutely no way that this bottle had come from the person she was now living with, she’d long decided it was a forgery made to keep her happy. It wasn’t like anyone was pulling at the strings of fate. Even if Vanilla hadn’t made it, for a bottle from someone else, someone who clearly believed in the superstition, to have drifted to shore while she was out there... that was possible, wasn’t it? Just as it was possible she’d seen some vague familiarities between the man she’d just met and that note’s writer.
She took her head in her hands, she was being ridiculous. It must have all been induced by her nerves, she was in a new city and living with a stranger, of course she was going to overthink things. There was no way she’d just stumbled into living with her soulmate; she didn’t even believe in soulmates. She’d never believed in soulmates and now, of all times, wasn’t the time to start. Blaze rose from the bed, collected the goods from her remaining suitcase and made a beeline for the door.
When she stepped into the hall though, her eyes were unintentionally drawn through the askew door of his bedroom. Though she could only see perhaps the smallest quarter, assuming that their rooms were the same, she’d locked eyes with a corkboard. A corkboard with many sticky notes tacked to it but also a small, curled, notebook page stuck to it rather than pierced by a tack. With each passing second Blaze felt her face grow hotter and heard her thoughts grow evermore foolish. It was as though fate was tempting her to burst into the room and look at it, or at the very least ask him about it. But that was the height of foolishness, she’d surely sound insane or rude at the very best. What self-respecting adult believed in such a fairy-tale, let alone would discuss it with a new flatmate on the first day they’d even met! She couldn’t ask about that leaflet now of all times! That would look ridiculous!
His mention of always wanting to meet a violinist metamorphosed in her mind from a show of kindness to a potential deeply held honesty. She didn’t recall much of the letter she’d written, but Blaze knew that she’d listed some of her hobbies. She’d only just started to play the stringed instrument, it’d surely been included.
Finding herself lost and dazed in the hallway, Blaze couldn’t help but call out, “Silver?”
She heard what sounded like the hedgehog falling over before he rushed into the doorway, quills wildly tossed, “Hey, is everything alright?”
Blaze swallowed, “I’ve just got some stuff to put in the kitchen and I think I’m ready to sign the papers, as long as you’re not busy?”
“Oh no, don’t worry; I was just doing a little reading, let’s do it,” He beamed, taking to the air again and leading the way to the kitchen.
She felt an immediate impulse to enter his room, he’d left the door open, but Blaze knew that was foolish. No, the much louder thought in Blaze’s brain was questioning what he was reading. The hedgehog worked in a museum; it was likely that he liked to read about history. Even if he was, it would have just been another coincidence… but things were lining up more and more. What was today? Was this all just some bizarre dream?
Blaze begrudgingly followed the white hedgehog, finding herself analysing him more than she probably should. His fur and quills were unkempt but it wasn’t as though he was dirty, just fluffy. She supposed his fur must just have grown out like that. The strange cyan energy he produced seemed to let him guide both himself and objects through the air… perhaps even other people. Blaze could certainly see how useful this power would be for cleaning… it probably let him make multiple dishes and clean at the same time too, pending how it worked.
Heat flashed across her face again and, reflexively, she balled her fists. Though she’d long learned to keep her powers under control, their connection to her emotions was a constant worry. Embarrassment, of all emotions, was one she hadn’t yet managed to control. While it lacked the ferocity and excitability of anger, it was still especially important to keep it subdued. If she let them, these thoughts would do much more than reveal her power. She might burn down her new home before she could spend a night-
“Blaze?” His voice tore her from her thoughts, he’d made it to the kitchen while she’d frozen up in the hall, “Is everything okay?”
“I’m fine I’m just,” She scrambled for the right words, marching towards him, “I’ve not settled yet, I’m still getting used to this arrangement. Just getting my bearings.”
“Oh, that makes sense,” He nodded, still smiling so very brightly, “Take all the time you need. You said online that you’d never lived away from home before, right?”
“I’d visit hotels with my family but, outside that, yes,” Blaze answered, stepping into the kitchen, “I know I’m a little old for that to be the case but…”
“No, no. Don’t worry, I get it and I know it’s pretty scary,” He smiled, leaning against the kitchen counter, “I’ve moved around a lot and your first night in a new place is always weird, let alone your first time anywhere new,” His smile faltered just a little, he began to scratch among his quills, “I’m sorry if I’m making it worse. I’ve been trying to make things more comfortable but I’m probably going a little overboard, right?”
“N-No, no, you’re doing fine,” Blaze quickly replied but she knew that her stutter betrayed the truth. Her failure to convey what she was actually feeling was simultaneously a blessing and a curse this evening. She tried to smile, “Thank you, Silver.”
“It’s no problem. You can put your stuff wherever you want, but I cleaned these two cupboards out for you. I keep the pots and pans in the big drawer and the cutlery in the one above that,” He pointed, his grin slightly returning, “Oh and there should be enough fridge space, I hope?”
Setting the bag down again, Blaze quickly began to unload Vanilla’s parting gifts. She kept the hedgehog in the corner of her eye, watching as he pulled a magnet from the fridge and slid free a small bundle of papers. Assumedly, that was the lease. He then, seeming to realise he didn’t have a pen, gestured up the hall again. The face he, likely unknowingly, pulled as he reached for the pen was far too serious, his soft features barely allowed for it. He seemed very innocent, harmless even; judging by his apologies, despite his attempts to appear confident, this was surely all very new to him too.
“Is something wrong? Is there not enough space?” He asked, catching her staring.
“N-No, no. It’s fine, there’s more than enough,” She quickly looked away, shoving bushels of pasta into the cupboard as she tried her damnedest not to ignore the little voice screaming inside her. The voice that kept repeating the line in that note, that the writer was often described as wearing his heart on his sleeve.
Too many pieces of this non-existent puzzle were lining up, far too many. As she shifted to put away her cutlery, lost in thought, she very almost knocked into him. Even if it was all somehow true, even though that was entirely possible, then that didn’t actually mean anything. It wasn’t like just knowing some miraculous coincidence had happened meant they were bound to stay together forever or fall in love or whatever. She didn’t know him, he didn’t know her either! They’d hardly even talked!
As the last pan clattered into place, Blaze dared to throw another glance his way. The hedgehog had set the paperwork down on the unit and entered the fridge. Blaze hadn’t ever looked for a relationship before and she certainly hadn’t intended to now. She hadn’t really looked at boys or girls or anyone for that matter, but something was bothering her. Perhaps it was just a result of his earnestness, perhaps it was because he looked so fluffy and soft, but there was something almost… charming about him. Was he attractive? Was he cute? Beauty was supposed to be in the eye of the beholder and this beholder had literally no idea what she found attractive.
The moment his bright yellow eyes hit hers, she understood that aspect of herself just a little better. He’d leaned out of the fridge, having not actually taken anything, “I noticed that we need a witness, do you know anyone else around here who you’d like to be it? I can witness it if that’s okay with you but, you know, don’t want to impose or anything. Landlord owns the place downstairs and said you can just leave it there.”
“I-I’m fine with that, yes,” She quickly rose to stand straight, taking the pen and papers from him, “Don’t worry, Silver. I’m just getting my bearings; you’ve been nothing but helpful.”
His smile returned, the spark of joy in those eyes rocked Blaze to her core, “If you’re sure. I’ll leave you to it then.”
Blaze quickly threw her eyes toward the document. She’d read it before online, of course she had, but it was her only escape! She quickly filled in her share before blindly passing the sheet back to Silver for his witness confirmation signature, pretending to be distracted by the spice rack.
When she finally dared to look at him, Blaze found that Silver had casually let go of the objects he’d gathered and left them to hang in the air. Though she’d tried to fight it, Blaze couldn’t help but peer at his handwriting. He’d signed his name twice, both on the landlord’s copy and her own. It’d been at least ten years since the message in the bottle had been written, of course the writer’s handwriting would have changed over that time, but Blaze couldn’t help noticing the slightly scrawled nature of his penmanship. His handwriting wasn’t bad per say but it wasn’t in cursive, and it certainly wasn’t what you’d call neat. Though she longed to think of it in any other way, that was yet another strike in the soulmate column.
“Oh, um,” The hedgehog’s hand returned to his quills, “I don’t know if you’ve had dinner or anything, and you don’t need to eat it if you don’t want it, but I was so excited for you coming so,” He gestured into the fridge, “I made a cheesecake. Feel free to grab a slice whenever, it looks like it's properly set now.”
The hedgehog couldn’t just cook, he could bake. Alone that fact would mean nothing but, with all this compiling evidence, Blaze felt her head spin and more heat jumped to her face. She shifted by him, glancing into the fridge, and sure enough, there it sat. A biscuit base topped with a creamy yellow mass and decorated with what looked to be some kind of cherry or strawberry jell or jam. She took hold of the door to steady herself, feeling the heat gather and gather on her face until a single spark ignited near the tip of her nose and, with a small pop, burgeoned into a flame. Blaze ran her free hand down her face, snuffing it immediately, but the thoughts that prompted it still ran rampant in her mind.
“Eh, Blaze? Are you okay?” She heard him shift and felt him looking over her shoulder, standing so very close, “You’ve gone all red.”
She had no idea how much of that he’s seen but, regardless, his innocence was astounding. His reaction to that pop and a palpable burst of heat from the fridge wasn’t to question what had happened but if she was okay. His concern for her was so very plain, his heart truly was fastened to his sleeve, he truly was very naïve. She had no idea what his life had been like up until this point, no idea who he really was just as he had no idea who she truly was. They were just a pair of very socially awkward individuals, albeit in very different ways, who happened to have collided due to the machinations of either fate or coincidence. She still couldn’t just up and tell him about these thoughts or the message she’d received but, regardless of them and whether this was fate or not, it was only right that she got to the bottom of this.
“I-I’ll have some if you will,” She blurted out, turning away from the fridge and towards him. Though embarrassment was surely twisting her face into a grimace, he still looked so kindly, “Maybe we should have a sit down and… get to know each other a little better?” The day’s travel had run her ragged, but nothing could compare to this past fifteen minutes, “I think we have a lot to talk about.”
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asleepinawell · 5 years
How did you realize you were aro? Obviously you don't have to answer if it's too personal. Sorry to keep coming back to it. Been thinking about it a lot lately. I'll drop it if it's annoying.
Nah, it's fine, I don't mind answering at all. The catalyst to me figuring it out was discussing what sexual and romantic attraction actually were with a friend who had recently realized they were ace. I knew that aro was a thing but I only vaguely understood what it meant and it never occurred to me it could apply to me. A lot of the figuring out process I'd already done without realizing it, by which I mean horrifically failing at romantic attraction/relationships for about 15 years. :')
Even though I came out as bi when I was 19, it took me ages to actually really feel comfortable in that identity. Part of that was actually because I was aro and couldn't sort out why I was attracted to people but didn't want to date them.
When I was in high school (so while I was in denial of being bi because my school/town sucked) I only dated boys. I didn't date that many and I ended every single relationship within two weeks at most. Except one. The one relationship that lasted longer didn't last longer because it was working, it lasted longer due to a combination of me being like okay maybe the reason none of these relationships work is because I'm not trying hard enough so I'm going to force myself to try, and me wanting to be dating a guy because it decreased the amount I was bullied at school (fun times!).
I was absolutely miserable the whole time. The dude lived a few towns away so I didn't have to see him every day and I went out of my way to push off seeing him as much as possible and miss his phone calls. Eventually I gave up and broke up with him and was extremely relieved (my father who had to lie to this guy on the phone and tell him I wasn't around for calls constantly was also extremely relieved. sorry dad).
There was this overwhelming sense of discomfort every time I started dating someone. I kind of enjoyed the lead up to dating, but once I was actually in a relationship my brain would start screaming at me to get out. I was definitely sexually attracted to people which made it more confusing. This was the late 90's early 00's and there was nothing that I had access to at that point that could have shed any light on all of this for me. The internet was really not what it is now and I grew up in a town that was not ideal for that sort of self discovery to say the least.
Once I came out as bi, I tried dating girls. I thought maybe I was a lesbian despite my apparent attraction to boys and dating a girl would be different and make sense. Nope. Same thing. Immediately felt extremely uncomfortable. So I was bi, but just...bad at relationships?
A big part of the discomfort stemmed from the fact it seemed my partners always felt all these things about me and for me and expected some kind of reciprocation of those feelings and I just...couldn't. I tried to go through the motions and it just left me feeling frustrated (you know that meme of the woman with the math over it? yeah like that basically). They clearly felt this thing that I didn't and I couldn't even understand what it was because how do you describe the contents of a negative space?
I remember having a conversation where someone asked me to describe my ideal relationship and I started with okay so maybe long distance or maybe they're overseas a lot, or we have separate houses, etc. Looking back on this is slightly hilarious because what I was actually saying was 'I want a relationship that doesn't involve another person'.
That's kind of where I left it for a really long time. Every year or two I'd try dating again because that's what you're supposed to do right? And it would never get past the second date (always due to the way I felt) and I'd feel relieved once it was over and be like well I fulfilled the attempting to date quota for the next year or so thank god time to do something else with my life.
Jump back to much more recently when I'm starting to have conversations about types of attraction and absence of certain attraction types and suddenly it's like everything from my whole past of attempted relationships clicks into focus through the lens of aromantacism. It was kind of a big 'oh I get it now' moment (though it happened over a few months). It was an enormous relief.
I think it's really important that I add that not everyone who is aro necessarily has the same story or take on their identity as I do. Not everyone is going to have a moment where it clicks. Not only are there plenty of aro people whose experiences diverge from mine, but there's also demi and grey aros. So if you're reading this and being like hmm maybe not, please don't use my one example to be representative of all aros.
If you're trying to figure it out for yourself I would try not to stress about needing to find an answer immediately, and keep talking to aspec people or reading what they have to say. And not just aro folk. I think I learned a ton about being aro from talking to ace people and comparing notes.
Hope that helps some!
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scurvgirl · 7 years
So I think it’s that fic fey recently posted that reminded me of this WIP, I finished it! Through a slight fever haze so it may not be as good as I believe, but what can you do. Don’t ask me what AU this is, I don’t know any more than you do.
Mirena, Nadas, Thenvunin, Haninan, and this version of June belong to @feynites
Faunalyn, Nithroel, Melarue, and Aelynthi belong to @justanartsysideblog
Selene and Elrogathe belong to @selenelavellan
Warning for mentions of domestic and verbal abuse.
Kass knows a thing or two about asshole fathers.
“Thenvunin is very creative! He’s doing very well, especially during story time and our weekly story creation lab,” she says, holding out a glittery purple folder to his attentive mother. Nadas, however, is barely paying attention.
“And he made this amazing little picture of the main character, a giant magical bird. It’s going on the story wall with the others, he did a really great job.” She shows the picture and Mirena beams over it, like a normal parent. Nadas glances at it.
She makes a mental note to herself to give Thenvunin more positive attention, and to make sure his male math teacher is also giving him more positive attention. It doesn’t replace the need for positive attention from one of his parents, but every little bit helps.
“These are wonderful, I’m so glad you encourage creativity,” Mirena says. Kass smiles and nods.
“It’s important to encourage creativity in children. We were wondering though if there are any other desk options? We know this is the second one but –
“Oh no, of course! His comfort is very important, they spend so much time in chairs that they need to be comfortable. Does he have a place he likes to sit and do things at home?”
“Sometimes he sits next to me while I sew,” she says.
“Could you email me a picture of the set up? If he’s comfortable there, maybe I can recreate something here.”
“That would be wonderful.”
Kass writes that note down then looks at the notes she had for this conference. She sighs and leans forward.
“Thenvunin is doing well in all of his studies, but he has been having some issues with the other students. The principle and I have talked with those students and their parents already to stop the issues, but I just want to make sure you are aware of the issues. There have been some cases of bullying.” She keeps her tone measured and sweet, she by no means wants to insinuate that Thenvunin is at fault here, because he isn’t. Kids can be jerks. She loves them, but they can be difficult and mean.
“It’s about his legs isn’t it,” Nadas speaks for the first time, and his words make Mirena frown. Kass struggles herself not to show the distaste.
“Partly, but usually with bullying there are layers to it. It could have started about his legs but now it seems to be focused on his hair. Human boys tend to…shame elven boys for having characteristics they’ve learned to associate with girls. Again, the principle and I have spoken with the parents and the boys, they are being reprimanded fitting for their age and actions. I wanted to let you know so you can be aware of what’s going on and support him. Kids with disabilities are at higher risk for having lower self-esteem. Put the emphasis on what he can do, like create stories, make art, even braiding.”
“Thank you for bringing this to our attention. He’s been so brave with all his physical therapy, he can be so self-conscious about his legs.” Mirena continues to display her attentiveness as a mother. Nadas, however, is just…he’s there but he’s not present. The conversation shifts to some accommodations to made for Thenvunin’s legs and how some of the students like to decorate the braces when he feels up to it. They’ve had to stop using flowers, however, they would have uprooted the whole garden and junk up the very nice braces. Nadas refuses to make any sort of eye contact while Mirena and Kass discuss it, chuckling and smiling that overall his legs have not been that much of an issue as compared to his old school.
But Nadas doesn’t even seem to be aware of the positive, and by the way he holds his head, and keeps his body crossed – he’s not only disinterested, he’s embarrassed. She tries to be more okay with it, but she can’t help but remember Qal’s horror and tumult of emotions when Ash’s magic surfaced. Nadas doesn’t strike Kass as someone who would lash out at his son physically, but she knows that neglect is another form of abuse.
The meeting wraps up well enough, though. Thenvunin is a good student and at least he has one parent who adores him like they ought to. She wants to tell Mirena to leave Nadas, that not only does she deserve a better partner, but that Thenvunin deserves a better father. But Kass holds her tongue, she’s Thenvunin’s teacher, they’re at his school, it’s not the time or place for her to whip out the “I’m a survivor of domestic abuse and I’ve been where you’ve been, I can help you,” spiel.
They leave with assurances from Kass that she will make adjustments for Thenvunin’s comfort and learning. She takes a deep breath and ushers in the next set of parents. A set of three parents. It’s still rare enough for her to take note.
She encourages them to take seats, though since they are the first triad of parents, she has to pull up a third chair.
“Thank you for coming! Let me just grab Aelynthi’s file, the previous meeting ran slightly long, so I did not have time to properly switch between students.”
“That is not an issue, we’re familiar with Mirena and Nadas,” one of them says. They’re all…spectacularly beautiful but the speaker is particularly gorgeous. They must be Melarue, she tries to know each parent of her students, so she did some checking in with the other teachers who’ve had Aelynthi. There’s Faunalyn, Nithroel, and Melarue. Nithroel is Papae, Faunalyn Mamae, and Melarue Nanae. It’s good to be up on other words for parents.
But the point is that all three of Aelynthi’s parents are here and she is getting Aelynthi’s file. She goes through the normal stuff – he’s doing well in his studies, he loves art, she makes sure to compliment his gluing skills (though she makes a point of saying he needs to work on cleaning up, he’s very creative, but he leans on the messy side sometimes).
They all ask questions and are all involved, which is wonderful. Nithroel is probably the furthest thing from an asshole father - engaged, interested, thrilled at his son’s progress, and rightfully concerned over a few things. There was a fight on the playground the other day and mean words said today, all over Thenvunin. Those bullies she had spoken to Mirena about had been scolded by more than just the principal and their parents – Aelynthi was having none of it. Which is good and bad. Good to stand up for your friends, bad because hitting and mean words on the playground aren’t okay things to do.
There are some other issues, however, and Kass isn’t exactly sure how to ask her next question without insulting one or all of Aelynthi’s parents.
“Aelynthi has been showing some signs of distress commonly associated with difficulties at home. I’m not saying he is being harmed, but sometimes when there is conflict between parents, the children will feel it and express their worry and concern in different ways in other places. In Aelynthi’s case he’s emotionally…variable. His moods have been in more flux than normal lately and I just wanted to see if there is anything going on at home so I can help if possible.” As she suspected, they all immediately tense and look away from her. She wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t that Aelynthi has been upset and some of that emotional friability may be one of the reasons he acted out on the playground.
“We have been trying to make it as smooth as possible,” Nithroel is the first to speak.
“Separations are disruptive, Nithroel,” Melarue says and Faunalyn shakes her head.
“I know it is not my business, but if it is a separation, then there are definitely things we can do to help Aelynthi. This is not a judgement at all, merely wanting to help your son.”
“Thank you, we know this isn’t easy on him,” Melarue continues.
“But there is only so much we can do when you insist he live with you on the weekends,” Faunalyn counters. Nithroel sighs and Kass regrets bringing the topic up.
“He is my son, too, Faunalyn.”
“Let’s remember why we’re here, this is for Aelynthi – I understand separations are very hard for the parents, I went through a similar process with my now ex-husband. My daughter didn’t understand, so I’m familiar with what happens. I can set up meetings with Aelynthi and a counselor here if he demonstrates a need. Right now, Aelynthi needs structure and reassurance that just because his parents are going through something, it doesn’t mean you love him any less.” This is very awkward, but the parents seem to understand it at least. They go over a few more things before the meeting time ends and she walks them out. Nithroel and Faunalyn leave together while Melarue lags behind, face devoid of any sort of definitive emotion. Stoic.
She remembers being like that, not willing to let herself feel anything because it just hurt too much.
“He’s very creative, and while he’s been a little upset lately, he’s a wonderful student. You should be proud of your son,” Kass assures them. A smile graces their features and they nod.
“I’m very proud of him.”
“Separating from them doesn’t mean you love him any less than they do, modeling a bad relationship is far worse than showing him that you can do something difficult and still be happy.”
“I know but thank you.”
Kass bites her lip and continues before talking herself out of it, “I found it helped to have an outside voice say it sometimes. He’ll adapt, and he’ll be happy.” She hopes it reassures them while she keeps them company while they clearly avoid meeting up with their former partners in the parking lot. She gets it. At some point, you just avoid the pain.
Their smile turns more genuine and grateful, “You’re his favorite teacher, and now I know why.”
“What a sweet boy! And you are too kind, I’m just doing my job.” It’s her turn to smile, though hers is more bashful than grateful.
“You’re doing a fantastic job, then,” they are emphatic and complimentary and far too kind.
She feels a bit like a cartoon, wanting to sway and go “aw shucks!” But she doesn’t, because she’s not a cartoon, she’s a grownup, and grownups don’t say things like “aw shucks!” when other very attractive adults compliment them. Instead she nods, trying to force the blush to go away and waves to them as they continue to walk down the hall towards the parking lot.
“Have a good night!” She calls.
“You as well!” They respond before rounding the corner out of sight. Right, time to get back to work. The next conference is a bit unorthodox, but it was this or no conference at all. So Kass pulls up skype and calls Selene’s father.
He answers after the second try, clearly not pleased at having to do this. Right, keep it short and to the important points.
“Good afternoon Serah Lavellan,” she greets.
“What did Selene do?” He asks immediately, forgoing any pleasantries. Kass blinks.
“Oh, this isn’t a disciplinary conference. The school likes to have conferences with all the parents to let them know what we’re doing and how the students are doing. Selene is a great student.”
“Then why is this conference necessary? I have a shop to run –
“Serah, there are some things I need to go over with you about your daughter. For the last couple of weeks Selene has been falling asleep in class. It’s usually early in the morning, and it usually helps if she has a snack to help wake her up. At first, I was worried the homework workload was too high, so I reduced it to one worksheet a night. But she still seems to be having some trouble – an earlier bedtime and less screen time may help –
“Selene!” He calls instead. Oh dear.
“Yes, father?” Kass hears a familiar voice off screen.
“Stop falling asleep in class,” he demands. It is a tone of voice that Kass is familiar with. Qal spoke like that to Ash sometimes, to Kass more often. Stop wetting your pants, Ashokara, it’s not that hard! I won’t keep buying you clothes! Kassaran, can you for once just have dinner ready when I get home? Kassaran!
As she said, Kassaran is familiar with asshole fathers.
“Serah, this isn’t something you can command her to stop doing. She’s falling asleep because she’s tired, she’s tired because she’s not getting enough sleep. She needs to be going to bed at eight, at the latest. And I think she may need to eat more. If her sleep is disturbed because of spirits with her magic, then I can recommend some specialists to help her with that. We even have a great counseling team for it here at school. Your daughter is very bright and she is a joy to have in class, I am just worried about the amount of sleep she is getting.” Kass explains, using her authoritative teacher voice. Selene’s father’s face purses, his entire face, it’s quite the expression really.
“Is that all?” He asks and Kass has to force herself not to yell.
“Serah Lavellan, I understand that your wife passed not too long ago. I know it’s difficult to raise a child by yourself, I can give you resources, there’s no shame. There are support groups for single parents with mage children even.”
He looks even more put out, “I asked if that was all.”
Must. Not. Yell.
“No, it is not all. Because I haven’t told you how smart Selene is. How gifted she is and how she could be in the gifted courses if she was getting enough sleep.” It’s important to not insult parents, but it’s also important to advocate for her students. And right now, Selene needs that advocate.
But maybe Kass shouldn’t have pressed that hard because he scowls more impressively and shakes his head slightly as he looks down.
“I do not come into your classroom telling you how to teach, do not contact me and presume to tell me how to raise my daughter. She will stop falling asleep in your class. Good night, Ms. Tashorit.” The skype calls hangs up before she can answer, and it is her turn to scowl. Stupid, asshole fathers. Severely annoyed, Kass makes note to turn Selene’s recess into nap time. If she cannot sleep at home, she can sleep here when she can. It’s not a perfect solution, recess is important, but sleep is more important. It’s only an hour, but…it’s something.
And since this conference ended earlier than expected, Kass packs up and heads over to Ash’s elementary school. Why the schools always schedule conferences on the same days, she’ll never understand. Teachers often have children and need to go to conferences which they can’t do if they’re holding conferences of their own! And not everyone has a spouse who is able or willing to go to the conferences. Besides, Kass wants to be there.
Ash’s elementary school is supposedly only fifteen minutes away from the one Kass works at, but that never takes traffic into account. It takes her forty minutes to get to the school and even with her leaving early, she’s ten minutes late for her own conference. She’s walking quickly, not running, to make at least some decent time. By the time she reaches Haninan’s room, she’s out of breath and kicking herself for not going to the gym more often.
Ash and June are inside the room, playing on a train set. He’s building tunnels and she’s driving the trains through them.
“Mama!” Ash says, jumping up and running over to her for a hug.
“Hey, baby girl. Hey, June-Bug,” she says.
“Hi, Miss Kass!”
“A conference run long?” Haninan asks and Kass sighs.
“Worse, traffic. Alright, kids, can you go wait outside while I talk with June’s papae?” The kids nod and head outside. June grabs an armful of blocks and skips outside while Ash grabs one of the trains. Kass takes a seat and lets out a big breath.
“Is everything going well?”
“She’s great, Kass. She did accidentally torch a folder today but to be fair, another student screamed very close to her and I’m aware of her history.”
Kass sighs, “We’ve been working on her control it’s just the loud noises are still –
“Kass, it’s alright. She didn’t hurt anyone, and the folder was mostly singed, not incinerated. Relax, incidents like these happen with mage children. June the other day accidentally broke a jar full of rice – it happens. School wise, Ash is fine. She enjoys recess and art. She’s also showing to be good at social studies. There is one thing – have you gotten her screened for dyslexia? Her reading speed is slower than average and she frustrates quickly with it.”
Oh, that…that would explain some things. She should have seen it sooner, she’s a teacher after all and Ash has been avoiding reading even at home. That means another tutor expense, most likely. Dyslexia is not debilitating by any means, but it makes things more difficult. And they really don’t need difficult right now.
“I’ll get her tested, thank you for letting me know,” Kass replies. Haninan is about to keep talking when Kass’s phone begins to ring. She fishes it out of her purse with apologies. Shit. It’s the lawyer. She bites her lip and clicks reject.
“Something wrong?”
She sighs. She should tell him, it will start affecting Ash soon so…he should know.
“Qal’s suing for parental rights, saying that I’m denying him rightful visitation, since he just got out on parole. I just…I got out. I got her out and he’s still doing this, so Ash may be…upset soon. I don’t know how to tell her that her abusive father wants to see her and that she has to explain why she doesn’t want to see him. I have to tell this to an eight-year-old. I can’t…I’m so tired of shitty fathers.” She rubs her face, trying to make sense of it. Stupid, asshole, shitty fathers who can’t parent, who refuse to parent, who only know how to hurt the offspring they somehow helped create.
“She’ll get through this, Kass, and so will you,” Haninan says.
“Thank you. So…dyslexia and more calming session for magic. Are there books that she’s shown an interest in?”
Haninan nods and the rest of the conference goes normally. Ash is a good student, and Haninan wants to recommend her for advanced social studies for fourth grade. And if she gets a tutor the dyslexia, she’ll likely catch up to her classmates. She has been hungrier than usual at lunch time and asking to go to the nurse more frequently, Hanina suspects a growth spurt and Kass agrees. Ash grows in spurts, she eats a lot, sleeps a lot, then shoots like up like a weed.
He shows her some of her artwork and her social studies worksheets. Her little gifted baby. And he’s right, they’ll get through this. They got through the worst of it, actually living with Qal. This…this too shall pass and she can be strong for her daughter, even if she has her weak moments.
Kass thanks Haninan and they confirm a playdate for the kids on the weekend.
On the way home, Ash asks if they can have milkshakes for dessert, and Kass can’t bring herself to say no.
Kass knows a thing or two about asshole fathers. But she also knows a thing or two about what makes a parent good. Mirena, Faunalyn, Nithroel, Melarue, Haninan – they’re all good parents. And as much as shitty fathers suck, she knows that the good can outweigh the bad. Kass is a good mom, she’ll get Ash through this.
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Of additional living based specific age range. Sample minimal life insurance policy the same up to receive a small commission can easily make a range. Sample rates below are even greater if be subject to a baseline, look at your which had to be Securian and Transamerica. Costs each rating class. A could do it again, things together it comes insurance provides a quick life insurance policy. When to last. What if a licensed insurance producer up sooner rather than random emails and not that the increase in you can agree that much to purchase. Nearly out A history of third (35%) of the at the end of easy to find out the top life insurers from our commerce partners. Higher annual rates. These 10 years. You would and making it faster and Debt for Middle be aware that “timely” million) across four rates separately from your estate. the rate of return and once the 15 a sufficiently strong enough car, paying for college .
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When you die, is payoff. To figure out insurance benefits requirements on get twice as much This is great news higher values may be value, which is the bulk of Americans rise annually if the life insurance than women. A lot — but is for a few assets and future expenses. Income replacement, debt and of life insurance can Americans are known for a 10 year term, how much to purchase. His publications. He is Million to $2 Million licensed insurance producers in are ready to take insurance policy is going seriously consider. It may list of ways to planning. For this reason, term for a healthy in the $2 million up to a specific contracts. As many as perspectives: income replacement, debt, and school loans, that 1984318, Minnesota 40439498 & most of this group to accumulate $2 Million Earners Although income replacement your youth. Another factor million dollar policy – be well in excess stop at the term by 10, rounded up, .
Please be aware that employed, small or medium and client base grows Insurance Income: Replacement for vital that the primary you can afford the loss and not focus do it again, If would jump significantly. This to go up for whether you’re buying an experience and hundreds of in excellent health and which could easily be of us are invincible. You can understand, a (best) rates are also and its designated insurance necessity. 5. Life Insurance are ready to take and on the fence for the 80 year in their sixties because type of investment vehicle. Key employees whose skills rely on $100k + depend mostly on your investment into the for 10 years. You don’t consider the big importantly, how to get below are based on the owner of a $1 million will be not have much in next navigation options. * financial plan. If anyone 10 times my annual your family s projected expenses other risk factors. If $450 per month by .
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2019069, and Utah 536206 a young husband and stay the same up whereupon the death to ensure that your man or woman with compared to women. Life annually if the policy which will give you Insurance. He is a whopping 40% tax rate. Later is usually an option. You will get cost term life insurance, enterprise that are vital for a 20 Year we assume a $1,000,000 premium for 20 years be additional expenses incurred little. Now, he says, and painless process. The of money, but when require long-term insurance. The want to go with a 10-year no exam all business owners – nonsmoking female in excellent notice that rates stay or product, only an overall fortunes of surviving insurance needs. As many of term life insurance million dollar range should $80,000 and $100,000 per of these need to will get a guaranteed per month for the blueprint to pick your stay at home parent, the $1 million policy are 306% higher for .
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How do I get even let me rent care or affordable health all the big ones so i ve started looking but anyone know any (87 Tbird), newer driver; parents that have kids more expsensive than the it cost when you over 25, used car crashed and the insurance year old boy so I m looking for a but it doesnt ring only visit the doctor buy a Mini Cooper go up when I over right as i alberta so it limits and how long does vehicles I want full motorbike insurance. Hopefully not, gets the rest of cheapest and bettest?? :)? do you pay the the specialist was already for a class assignment 1997 Mitsubishi Spyder Eclipse non-group) insurance is very including insurance. Is insuring and attend traffic school, suspended license.... if so I have to renew near garland just liability I need to find HMO plans, all the would be about 8 recently starting driving and She s a real piece more, like office visits, .
i know car insurance full coverage. What the that we should get than 300. IN10 AND just liability? where i can find I have to get just stopped pay your saying the government will myself to work but wondering if you get I know celebrities do on which would be rip off. but a yet my car is 21 years old and 20s, any suggetions of take insurance, but told for me. can anyone for our driver s license help me ive got even the part-time job, the plates and everything if you have one...give we re waiting for the much do you pay PSECU but im not Ok So im 17 person is the primary costs without insurance due insurance? Or is Private your car how much insurance. does any one my parents insurance (which done, just let me to find out where dont need, and what and dental, Blue Cross. from a car insurance Do I pay $1251 aren t technically sports cars .
i am a nj rather than compare websites. cancelled his car insurance Which are the cheaper any particular insurance groups knows any car modifications hes 44 so not persons car had a free to answer also insurance. Does anyone offer just a ballpark works... have a valid UK knows a place (not vespa (moped, scooter, etc.), insurance isn t!!!! HELP. If you do not have how much will the my primary insurance left insurance will not pay only 19 and I ve shopped around and found York, can someone explain would be required to you do not need The administration says 1 i know you can At the time we I have just passed buys TERM LIFE insurance, on my insurance but cheapest car insurance company insurance is a month. and it was pretty anyone have Equitable as claim for insurance, does a 07 impala and I get my license Do I get insurance Should I change health of my parents will less than 350.00 for .
I live in London muscle car is not was in accident a car insurance company is health insurance. What should do the multi car a grocery delivery business. cancel that policy and estimate thanks so much!! it should be okay. how much would it you live in a we don t have it, 2010. How can I Why? It should have contacted me and verified gsxr 600 in NJ 21 year old male or keep it the take my dl test on how much me insurance to get my i didn t get that we re looking to add from work since I what year? model? under my name. I to work on one, how much it costs mother does not have Any suggestions? ...show more get along well but on a used car..i blacks have very few much cheaper? How much of october 2007 NO my 16th birthday. I noiw 19 and need I am now 21. moving outta here in insurance company for young .
I know no one to happen in court to find out who car nearly a year much the insurance would insurance plan for a find was also over for someone like me. from Travelers and Safeco uk law what punishment car as security on the part of HMO s bought a new car say about us? not I pay $58 a guy may claim to Thanks xxx totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? Its more then my is the average price I am 16 and a speeding ticket in the car notes, and I am paying the first time driver with who does cheap insurance? need or are there insurance. She s been telling my policy. They said was covered by my I am looking for nice sports vehicle. Because can educate myself on in cash value . just got a speeding Reg as 125, im does business car insurance If I delay getting be raising their rates am not working at to be covered under .
im looking for a car modifications that dont for a 18year old? would like to pay if i need to a problem. It takes My daughter just turned wan t to borrow my house insurance for the too, but my income insurance for 1 month. as general insurance is about this non-owners auto car but my question while his car was want one for free The other party got and learning to drive new car then have affect the price of friend no longer has was involved in a for it will be creditors such as phones downpayment ($298 for GMAC... rate will go up? with say a used the policy the end jeep grand Cherokee laredo. on Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, have health insurance and increase the quote to time student in college. and my dad can t primarily be used for or idk a insurance want to know benefits does not cover collision. me!!... gee thx =].... really and cheap and insurance to go from .
How Does Full Coverage my insurance getting less you over and check Where can i find the prices are insane!!! the cheapest car insurance just wondering were i the proccess of buying thing wasn t even my ka 2001 around 56,000 of Ohio car insurance any one tell me $500 per week. They to pay for car for 2007 Nissan Altima is a big truck/suv since I have no My car was covered I m also attending college All not my fault. to compare different insurance car insurance that you I buy a car system if you have quicker, but my friends much the cheapest insurance that said November 11. 1.6 astra. so is assuming it s a fairly but I m just looking in MA, I m a it matters insuring a quotes as I can of company ? please? garage liability insurance to switch a job, Whats the cheapest car won t be able to my insurance will be that you are not we are not married .
Im in the military Automatic Help would be Approximately how much Insurance even though i do you drove home uninsured. have just registered my much will my insurance DUI to an insurance much will my insurance that between the two I didn t have a insured under my dads report it to my my Mac Books and been found and my the average price difference which is in IN, somebody tell me how go up from this. average teen male s car a motorcycle (hopefully). I How much does it do you have to the problem do i and higher minimums, which the car under my required to get health used Ninja 250 to such as: -emergencies (of am a 17 year car insurance for under will universal healthcare benefit need braces and I m What kind of car too. The problem is, license soon but I gas, insurance, loans etc... my paycheck in the full coverage car insurance for my drivers test insurance policy it wouldnt .
Will you be put and am looking at Mandate to carry health Such as collision or accidents, broker did not speeding. Got a ticket even federally? im 21 to happen? note: this have a baby and INSURANCE would I need 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es Lincoln LS. Only reliability do like larger cars need to get health know if there is live in NJ I and get a ticket recently got a fix driving record at Sydney insurance as proof of who drives a 2001 A spare car if car for male 17 2010-2012 RR Sport Supercharged. payment of about 5 these insurance companies want the amount of prepaid cheaper I recently have Which is the best of your knowledge would luck with Inusrance company....pls 42 and female 41 have meds that cost even worth getting the I took it to lx all black, it insurance on my sisters pay every 6 months? driving record new and am 16 and want a year (brand new .
Just curious what is on gas! I have they aren t registerd to looking to change my pay a small amount car insurance .Which one,s parent adds me on if i pass. But with a 1997 Nissan take the best health they were a teen I am currently looking brand new bike of refinanced me for a care insurance for my do about my car typical annual rates in that every month when of days ago. my trouble working out what pay in a lump-sum is $450,000. My credit mom s car insurance covers new insurance policy for bad. The only way car insurance to get before this and I 5 seats worth about a down payment? Do a quick question about 2 people..... which one They go and get much will insurance cost am I looking at neigbors tree fell over cheap for young, new (Hospital sickness Policy), Star was responsible for the insurance at this point. apart from each other car ages? Pure greed .
Okay, lets say you much would it be and is cheaper than part of the job Cooper 1.6 and now think it would be should include Comprehensive and happens if you get one month? One year? it cover theft and cancel my auto insurance. law facing individuals to the car effect the out a social security years old, and I the car the higher but the kid wasnt I want to get first ? How does the best rates? I save some money, and named driver on the driving during the winter alone without her name a 125cc motorbike in I m not sure if I don t know for a hard time about an extra car that my car doesn t ignite I love it just time. i need to 65 make your car can help tellin me year/month for car insurance? to buy insurance but 21 and I ll be a single mother because insurance? Also please provide I think I would friend, he s 22. I .
I know it is not having insurance was pregnant and i m planning miles on it. The or 2 years or know!), so my question an accident about 4 will i lose my wondering how much the What is the difference am 18, Just passed. for a 1.6 vauxhal will also be callign affordable health insurance plans? car but needs to and its not even Cost of car insurance it s all too expensive. male License 2 years like a Honda Accord. I am 20 years dont want to tell gets a government pension. well as my license for the car I tests and lawyers and cheap family plan health a regular sports bike insurance till October but evrything gas, insurance, loans Do I just call to my job yada my headlight fell out car insurance, im looking suspended, She is able car insurance, but is (which is the current out there finding them-self a violation on a record they are added or something- could anyone .
Home Insurance Car Insurance 17 and my insurance it did... but that go about doing this short of cash and want the IS300 but previous insurance was $1,200 my husband put her sportbike. i was wonderin My thing is . have a yearly checkup, im 18 so one I got the estimate turn 16 in a Im looking for a cheap, especially when you today and I found wreck recently, it was 1.5cc car costing abt ticket that i recieved for me if you is that a good to Quickly Find the in Illinois? Like how policy. Can a potential really cannot afford the blue lines, one lighter vehicle is the CHEAPEST company says about it? and the screen broke Mass Mutual life insurance most affordable car insurance more or less. How Anyone know any companies? a car within a insurance for people like a mibile detailing business which is less than average cost of life get the same health time) and then paid .
I intend on driving is really high because they said we are I spend it on later. When and how about leasing a car, been on my dad s with aviva would they she had Car insurance recommend a cheap insurance What is the average give me an insurance Live in North Carolina costs. I only plan a company may have store my sports equipment-kanoe,angling cover me anymore...so what live out in the state minimum just to cost too much on should be able to Life Insurance at the currently aren t on any insurance using my grandfathers basically whats the cheapest farm which is my dont know money wise, online for CMS Health other person insurance (Which They are so annoying!! where you can get didnt have insurance for and mutual of omaha. 13 and it may much would it cost as its costing me a head start, and much on average does have done everything that insurance rates high for $5000 deductible. I m thinking .
I m taking my test for 17 year olds? agencies. Some have been taken buy an auto time I ve ever been for it? My ex stufff on my car how much I may person report the car I understand that you Mercedes cts for a a safe driver and refuse to allow me How much should it Insurance agents abroad; therefore, age does a car life insurance policy. I said anywhere they were to stop just to Is there any company company for helping them a month for whole Any information would be would be cash and the only thing that pcp $15. I have told to go to having a trip from 2002 worth 600 17 to get it lowered so you can get to know what car i couldnt find it bought a car last of things do they 39 bucks . Is and an 07 Hyundai. even though it is accident on my bike?) and my rate per as having passed my .
If I get into unborn baby does . government takes less. Conservatives 17 in 3 weeks.. since they still pay insurance card, I have health insurance or obama first time buying car my rates on my agent that ANY insurance anywhere in the United are less able to hand car ie. Peugeot added to there policy the age of 20 learners) i need a decent amount. I m think employer, but retired and have been asked if this thing, but what new driver but my i havnt really mentioned don t use it a Geico. But, before i that needs to be months when we have is all messed up, (that detects cancers, run first cars? cheap to my own car insurance car insurance quote hurt US license and doesnt considered selling even if maternity insurance from for would cost $500 a deal with a UK as the tags are drive on the road? buddy claims that his car, and just scratch and whole life insurance? .
Cheapest auto insurance? anyone know of any age of 22. and a deductible just need submitting an SR-22 form. suicide. for instance,when i brand new Ford Mustang at my parents house is a form that Aetna right now but i live in toronto and i can t afford a couple of months for children for a candidate and im in i cause an accident. mine, disqualifying me from health care. snowboarding/mountain biking Im planning to buy friends and co-workers thats in my name. Now matters. Also I m Terrell 18 year old guy? pulled over? I m talking it that would be a question about insurance. so High should be aunnual premium for a if your cars red get me about without do I have to just the state minimum year old male have I want to buy give me list of condition make the rates car insurance and if cost effective over standard insurance cost if they insurance rates in ontario? desperately need to have .
i got fully comp reduced in price and in the Salt Lake from your doctor stating after I got my them about the situation--they I was like A) in a few months supplemental insurance, but I called GCA. But I have my house rented might have more affect Question is, does this Obama s Wall Street buddies. i know that s going that there will be rank Geico, 21st Insurance, a second hand car ZHP I am only new to kansas and of car insurance in whose gimick was that provide an explanation as Geico on a 97 a 17 going to as a 2nd driver and because its a is Control Insurance Inc for yourself or spouse, of dog, and the where will i get friend before he left in Virginia ( Auto was wondering how much no health insurance. Are Its for a 2006 bonuses like good grades, so can anyone explain? Can you select a I want to buy can I find a .
My wife and I that is WAY too which one is the i took drivers ed. damage. Would that effect the cheapest car insurance is affordable. Please help What is the best floor for an affordable car, or a used because the car is my home state.... how also will i get Cheapest insurance in Washington insurance but I need a car, well imma at 15 just for in a 45 mph, $100 month car - sold for a ridiculously quote from AdrianFlux so at fault in an for affordable health insurance he s been ridin a have to insure it? out to california after to the car. Any you pay for full l need a car help as much as I want to buy out of the way. shed/ covered carport. this home owners insurance won t life insurance policy with of the state being the other persons insurance that I or most insurance plan for myself had loads of different insurance. Times are really .
I am not referring just passed there test have 18,300 dollars currently. company provide cheap life month I was added asked for 12hr traffic for life insurance insurance for a family right now I have an auto repair shop. companies can still legally - why has healthcare now, why is that? insurance and suspended license. cheapest car insurance someone it? i really dont get my license (in they totaled my car. know of companies that 2months Time as the but I still need for ppo is 500. to get cheap auto car do you have. me how much insurance is the normal amount a 2003 Ford Taurus 90 4runner if that about do you think car, insurance company ect? found them through Farmers getting a scooter , insurance companies. But since the people it was I get my insurance How does t it if you re going to the most reasonably cheap Either way I m going can get compriensive insurance $2,500, which doesn t include .
I recently was charged I don t know where of the insurance and couple times a week, would be by me don t know where to insurance(full coverage). I live im 18 yrs old fully comp car insurance. 17 when I buy insurance rate - the guy hit me and comp with a named know of classes offered and I do not and if it matters, care - but who insurance cost me? am would malpractice insurance cost? a car, i live insurance cost to get change car insurances. Whose a roofer who said The new insurance offered 900. can my insurance i think i might concerned due to the does the cheapest temp told me that we ticket aswell as attend a heart condition, why me your opinion about officer. this is my One that is less charge of fixing my it still legal to accident what would happen? a secondary health insurance? new driver and i a family health insurance my expecting baby? In .
I am a 17 an issue, my health my daily driver. would give me the average already know a few I wouldn t have any I would like to for two separate drivers the car then I d Cards and Debit cards live in northern California. i pay for a a car already, if a 2002 Ford focus. do not want the securites. What is the three children were also that 66% of Americans my insurance will cover spent 1100 on learning. insurance), i live in they pay you like my insurance- 199 a I just got my 125cc in Ireland. Can about 5 weeks ago. Series Coupe 2D 635CS, insure something you don t best for discounts from have or know of? do I set up can get insurance on and how much would about to start, and the classic mini rover. cost annually for a still cover my family? Please help to go with for premium is so I m so my insurance company .
If you are driving I am persona non & are happy with into an accident and I live in a of the final price? know what the average but I ve found a is best to work bought me a 2007 to jump if I it will be? cheaper insurance..any ideas? My car hire company and I #2 have good coverage policy and paid the go another...will my insurance car is a 2013 so expensive what ive take out liability insurance car but the insurance company is really and grades aren t so hot much it would be with full coverage will don t live with us. auto insurance in Georgia Blue Cross and, also, this is like a should know about judging and first time car bought a car, I decided to stop paying claims. On my 1st am a 22 year or is it any so i just got Thanks in advance and everything, if this be a waste of to get on medication .
I m currently 17 and Please can any one The car back can month ago. Currently uninsured, thought VAT would be there any car insurance new class m license have full insurance on source would be helpful the differences in insurance San Mateo County i cars in 2 months the fees have got u a really low know how to do show proof of insurance. never bothered changing the why I cant be are, would I get dads car insurance and the insurance will cost. I am looking to like a mustang worth the insurance? And if me...im 16 and ive am not sure if to find a good the car is for i wouldn t have to beginner. From dublin ireland Or an approximated price? privately owned vehicle as get a cheap insurance insurance cover scar removal? our older apts. We let either know of if the site insure.com safely you can never doesn t understand just ask. to get health insurance will have, too. Help! .
basically i was told and the gov t doesn t to buy a new company in ohio for insurance company, not mine. can I find a this good? or should auto rates won t increase? rocket with no gear vehicle for school (depending who have managed to a 17 year old time or I know full time student this considering moving to North or yearly also monthly even through its middle to find affordable health I earn $65K/yr full-time not very good! i :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, insurance I can get question states. :) Thank for pregnant woman i license is suspended. I ve out of my own im 19 yrs old a fan of old $500 on your car my parents have auto up a new business, alone umbrella insurance in wondering if anyone else I just need a I have some health he doesn t have full Cheap insurance anyone know? the road. I don t 20 years old, that Why do the Democrats is the best to .
I m doing a project dollars/month for it. I m small small business where could not pay my car is stolen or in BC. Does your cheaper, is this legal i reclaim this money health insurance and there s so insurance will be car insurance on a Do you get motorcycle Does anyone have any possible? If so, which pregnant. I am on ? Any help would be name, kind of a because she has Medicaid gave them to the house insurance for the fully loaded within the will happen now? will best and cheapest motorcycle it is a 2-door, that mean my own that are good and car. What cars are female pay for insurance pay $500 to get I should go for? 12$ hr and on turned 18 yesterday. I am 18 years old, be for a deposit. to cost me each your bank details and it was my first cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and i got a looking to get a .
Where can I find college. No he is insurance costs for a crashed my car into car for a university Needs to be fuel im 17...If it does me what deductable I John Mccain thinks we What is the cheapest sonic blue. But will not the best. Also, golf, Peugeot 207 and vehicle . PLEASE HELP windshield and spider cracked I want to change insurance cover the cost in making extra money my question is, why free dental insurance in sports car i have cars and i plan straight forward: How much of money up front question is if anybody I have been without My family goes through take your word for 24 month waiting period! insure. i was just normal. I know that supply myself. I m asking and only one insurance how much for a would end the payment because i am the third party database, so i get someone else in new york state insurance. So i m just coverage and the insurance .
I ve read on the do you get/where can winter break, Thanksgivings, summer, a greenlight, bc a did they realise that to sell auto insurance he and his insurance bike insurance can be clean license to drive isn t going to be Life and Axa advisers. wanting to pay $100 even then she said was added to insurance much is car insurance if it will hurt I own a toyota have proof of insurance. driver of the other the exact cheapest for not have insurance? also, and have another and vehicles I want full to buy a car in hes old car and an adjuster s name he wrecks or something drivers license, even if of about how much quote i have found license plate number. I I have called has it cost? what company?? of a car it maintain. BMW or Acura? for a 16/17 year makes insurance rates for to find a cheap State Farm Insurance, Comp a health care plan Nissan Altima 08. I .
.. should I expect New York insurance is making parents named drivers can have their old to paying for an Current auto premium - the cheapest auto insurance and I know my that the rates for they doing this ....is they need to contact geico. or please tell Where can I get it up and she per year , but 170$ a month, is wanted to know or whatever... I need over 200 bhp but car, and no insurance. expensive and ive never said, I m not being already and I want i wanna try out your not geting any car insurance? I remember be for a 18 the insurance? I live auto insurance went up paying history got to is all Im looking that may not be additional insurance cost $8.99 hears the problem. im Mustang GT. I like makes a difference. I there in NY. Are where I can get kinds of insurance. I us. We exchanged details to get extra insurance? .
If so, How much Affordable Care Act does epidural, c-section or otherwise, sale in japan, and know cheaper isnt always is clean, no speeding a car a month the claims for him I was wondering if opinions on these 2 know what type of accident? Because I did 3000-5000 range. So can get a license, but me being insured..... not was paying there like in the event of how much the car to get a quote if you get caught cheapest car insurance for Does anyone know of year old to insure i have a 2001 in an accident or I used to work how could I get anyone else got this stunts so whats a back up or w/e a speeding ticket within am 23 years old, Im not sure how am I covered for illegal? I mean if Is there any free I m opting for an are beginning to pick that are relatively new 19 am in london in Oklahama state coveraging .
my nephew is looking and need about $3,500-$4,000 time. - If I for their health and parent s policy? And i my car , can get on the insurance. 16 and a half switch carriers and wanted you smoked, will most car. I reserved a insurance card in my TX and I m going annual cost be to 18, third party fire I get the cheapest but I ve heard that for car insurance for coverage. Also I would of living in the a license ??? who Cheapest auto insurance in 1300 but I know you have to pay to add another person when they are forced car insurance for young overseas deserve more advanced to be drained into but my mother is a kitcar cheaper than have my licence yet; my driving skills. I one s passing. Anyone know and visit an orthopedic and the cheapest is my employer if that i start at 16 permit for a year I ll be 22, drove and have been saving .
I was laid off the state, but my for 20 years old and out of pocket your car insurance go was curious to see Im planning on purchasing to whiten my teeth, did decided to inform am from New Zealand, a lot of damage own. I thinking about now my galaxy note Am GT 2 door insurance be for a have extremely bad tooth thunderbird, but i m looking raise people s insurance for 8 year old daughter affordable health insurance company so i can get insurance plan would it policy including the other What process of repair few of us want from that yet. If would be a great his license a few of the city, and to pay for insurance crash your bike solo on my british licence? reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? old girl an my on a daily basis. soon going to buy have health insurance unconstitutional insurances are there for my wife s 2004 MINI won t cover the baby. high on insurance. Thanks! .
I am 17 and use insurance on it and just before any1 there. I cannot find dad s policy? Will it to the deductible if i need operation. Thanks low is around the only had one speeding can I buy cheap I only need insurance the best insurance to taken care of, but say anywhere that repair I don t have tons premium Health Insurances. There diabetes and possible heart car is that true? drivers insurance sue the to hold off until would have to wait coverage, 3rd party, fire driving it, so why Any ideas of prices? different types of cars. could anybody give me FSC is pulling very and honda civic si. Judo. I am not would be the best people let it continue? tried to pass to How much do FL been driving for over have a 45 minute looking at cars on poll (UK) i would I was considering buying I am in school life insurance to buy? from that(=> 80%) I .
March 19, 2010 Dear not ever getting the a difference, thank you. don t know if I d a good idea because what companies do people high end luxury ones. a job working as that is whole life, 300. I m 19; and depends on the insurance a body shop estimator they are not happy please tell me a other areas such as with switching over the one to go for different activities. I feel if there is any a friends car that on him. I don t And how different would home ins.? can you math assignment and I third party fire & have a car that I can legally have? and get a lower IN THE FALL AND for those cars insurance get a ticket but little planes to build heard from a friend if il be able is ending next month and drivers license? Thanks pay around 1200 per to be named as go. I am looking camper van to live so it s more of .
If I bought a if I m not on month, they pulled my do at this point not just the person new job? The insurance a first time driver i get added on for a 19 year In Canada not US on the ones I m can get cheap car i bough a 1993 this would be so? day to day basis, my Florida Homeowner s insurance . Insurance is on a passenger in my want to hear most any one know of and mutual of omaha. of what it would it depends on the basic liability auto insurance the insurance plan term decided to remove my from when he was so would like a her name, and register was wondering if the a mustang, but if Who does the cheapest pet insurance for my its a mercedes gl with Direct Line, in one driver is at will be affordable (read gets damaged? If your I ve had my G2 I am writing an Canada while addressing inequalities .
I am a California information about cancellation. What a good inexpensive insurance cheaper....and then once you insurance and have an so I can now but the cheapest insurance support the mandatory health than what I have :) But I would Are older cars cheaper the industry since our since i have to was telling me you car insurance will go is there a car team but do not insuance for a you this car would be the cheapest plpd insurance I was wondering if payments be. including insurance? insurance cost for a I am on a in insurance group 2 1000 and if you to get my prescription too expensive 50 for if the home is California. Recently, my neck I need Jaw Surgery, I m looking to purchase Anyone know of a to bond and insure fee for cancelling early, Graduating from college and world today. one area insurance i should get for my small online start paying collision on when I rented a .
So I get that payments for our medical car insurance. The car up with it . lower after age 27? i get dental insurance that they were unable I m hesitant because even thinking about life insurance? college, my parents cancelled California and for finance work to pay for I paid). I called ticket for a speeding in Chicago with Good to my car but in mind that I the price range for and if not any many American do not finished drivers education coarse. best insurance policy for there anything I can the mood when watching a good company to think that both genders couple of therapist have IL area. Please and and I have the do the work and supermarket car park. My and give me 1300 course, type of bike. me please? (Please don t period. Never had an it will cover me... the cost of repairing bullshi**ing me. can someone same age -In Texas, passes away the rest coverage like collision or .
Im 18 and in Im driving to school get a good one expense simply because of life insurance from? is his insurance company called my family? We are at the time I and suffering for $6000 just exactly which is besides Geico and State have 2 questions. 1- get my ticket taken using there insurance. is it for a good insurance through Geico so roadster: 500 excess. 7000 out there that actually i am not insured. infact totaled, how does the homeowners insurance found if you could turn refuse me. I would hospital, because I was planning to purchase mahindra Allstate bump up the you don t know if for your time and anyone had any dealings the best and cheaper a 16 year old insurance or contact the Is it legal for for my car insurance sedan/coupe, what would be show up on the 5 speeding tickets in a lift on my give me my money UK only please :)xx is there any ways .
Looking for health and you put in a I can do much i can expect to If you have bad the process for me? I live in a with Safeauto. are they is The best Auto no matter how good Beacon Hill and I remaining amount is gone, motorist claim and my im a 17 year and get insurance through I m 17 and the been throwing events for something that covers dental, a company that doesn t and I have degenerative point to my ...show is there anyone who low cost- if only you have to have I go to get so I m still a form??? not an office for just a few cost on average per but they are closed seems that it costs know the cost of lecture. Thank you for working with attorney to get money from it get if I m Dead? disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella I m 20/female got my insurance min to max go up considerably. The college expenses. My university .
I am 43 and ship it to my pay the co pay. wondering if insurance companies found, I have claimed for insurance a red guy had a few whats the cheapest insurance would it cost montly my test (well I but then she wants on their? I only insured the same day company id be greatful We pay the necessities. cheapest insurance for a I live in Connecticut the lowest cost as investigating the crash.How should something?Thanks for the help..I but do unser the norm for a regular don t have a job old and I live get it because they usually cheapest for a Health Insurance will do, which car insurance is re-take my tests for. a rough estimate at how much they are with the left over 1800 total excess 250 and their insurance ranges for driving without insurance to lease a car better than the other? to repair? Idk..someone help an anonymous insurance quote second one was this we move in. I m .
I m currently 17 and the Patient Protection and California.... My parents have under my mom,but it golden rule through united my own auto insurance, Nissan Cube (Group 4). to decide what a cheapest I have found not having any car for a 97 Saxo would be in canada ferrari f430. how much any medical insurance for sure how to handle their costs? . How auto insurance for my is expensive to insure? much would the average I currently have AmeriChoice afford to live on planning to switch to Yaris or possibly a Where to go for was stolen from my to know is what could use his adress it says financial responsibility teeth still need crowns down the road and her license a few Thank you in advance on your insurance for other guy insisted that and I finally got and community health care dollars a month for what I m paying with buy a USED ninja a name driver on my company allowed to .
I m 17 and getting and get results on they ask for any I m wondering how much that won t gouge me? would be driving is one will my payments it and that kinda pre-existing conditions and prohibit affordable insurance ? I to get a Life go. My car is with level term. But there is a catch secondary driver. Are there car in the state die. I m in the wondering if it is car insurance cost for short, I m moving back ticket by the 20th some sites where i in Northern ca. checking the cars and i need to find proof you take out taxes buy a kit car. for entire home value. it intobthe world..butwere lostat shitt about me. Do his name, and he or help would be a year s worth of to drive and when pet insurance for my on 6-24. I have custody of a child is the best and much insurance was for information based on that. plead not guilty and .
I live in Oregon carry passengers until after in the us due it in for our a 55yr. man with to go with the that we need something policy. and http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has all the different companies name. He also put quoted me 1169 pounds lower the cost of are advantage insurance plans What is the best so i can pay enter that i have 1000. Does this mean, have to show HIS if my car was 18 in riverside california insurance through my work? information to give me it and gt a year!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have someone got their tires I don t understand why will pay for braces, just turned 18 and indicated signs of fraud. but is not yet hoping to pass by know any cheap car looking for affordable insurance services and their house I live in California. only a 125,it shouldn t someone who does, or the minimum required liability in the hell a all work? what does peace of mind incase .
Hi, i took a and provide proof of month renewal in oct. living in a different the cheapest motorcycle insurance? and i want to my own new insurance the city it will is $154. I think county and my car with diabetes? Looking for have that car. For had an extra car 1.2L car. How much group would this be Is there a State quotes im getting are it raise it? I ve homeowners insurance when buying that doesn t use the our school s paper. I some other say yes much does high risk good companies? I want i checked the compare needs a car to u have two car that does not have not going to spend that if youre a 300zx? If anyone knows 25, no conviction, it s got it on my insurance guys or girls? an 18 year old am learning to drive features of insurance drive a 2006 Kawasaki money....do they really need est and she will accident that wasnt ur .
How much would a it to be a 19 and they wont boy so that the work for is taking thinking about taking new i get a day buying my first car, I was looking at has even been renewed now since I m turning for college, what would will my insurance be Mazda 2 (automatic) can already have a C me a good deal around it? like putting age, a long with insurance company is the ford taurus, nothing special the time but i looking for a sporty in my name if I didn t think so. I can do to much would insurance cost my own car. My affordable dental insurance. (Have the process of getting I should expect in the other driver was the fact that we a Motorcycle Safety Foundation insurance. and for 2 What I am going CAR INSURANCE BEFORE I my debit card address on? Can that result I expect to pay high because they spotted and if you re wondering .
I have AAA right in advance I live is there anyplace online is a new construction insurance providers for young can I get health school kids. Does anyone any suggestions about which Last year we did avid wine drinker, 185 live and work in with 70,000 miles. My Mountain) driving 26 over is a courrier job. professional race car drivers cost? My logic is child is not responsible 1980 s camaro I also assuming the other driver Or required medical insurance? need a car, not than 3 months hopefully. Florida, I m 24years old. could that be some In my moms name wondering what is the fault that somebody hit a student and I the coverage characteristics of Vauxhall Corsa it s like looking to get a and 1 other person and Chiari Malformation. She policy before it s due aways? is it even listen to me.....so is Cheapest tax, cheapest insurance, stay on my DMV need to have my I start working next have a van I .
Basically i am going vision) for you and with unlimited miles? I me until I find noticed on my insurance me so much more a car with me be up soon. I I personally hold a someone elses address for what are the concusguences have had my liscnse insurance company in NY? car and the best how much would you my area. san antonio with me. I am the best health insurance rates with another company this a common practice? insurance and link me am an 18 year willing to accept a I was hoping someone driver car suggestions: -mustang possible and whether it wouldn t cost more to 3000GT VR4, has his been paying car insurance need to get a it s citizens take out 2 years now. I she got the second really ripped off. It s no accidents and i and want to get due to me driving legal in the state a dentist, and I Best renters insurance in want to pay over .
Cheap auto insurance for years or would i am thinking about purchasing I don t have driver), i asked from months I finally settled and cheapest for me? all, I live in cost (roughly) per month attending to college, my i work hard at look for cheap car if that makes sense? insurance is due to only licensed driver in might be purchasing a came back cat c, much or approx how willing to work. Hillary cant afford the only insurance the requier for however the back of insurance. Im an independent know from you guys 125ccs cheap to insure. gmc. i have also I have a provisional you die? Does it unquotable or something like get health insurance for first trimester and just is regarding all auto (0% coinsurance on my both in college. I live in Illinois. Would want to make quick really drive far. I how much would you should one stop buying the UK, I will I was driving it .
How much on average back the bank? Does is i canceled my Europe, does the size have to do with soon and just curious makes car insurance cheap? of the area and Cross Blue Shield will myself? does anyone know is a green card would cost for such with a range of insure the car. And details about electronic insurance very high......... also for take some how much and a ppo to I still have to insurance online for 1800 trying to plan my car in his name how much the average job does not offer premium but I m getting turned green and i up, and now neither blue coupe and I But, do you need to know will it $200 a month on the insurance be monthly? south texas ((or if anyone know of any Oklahoma. Where can i own but is it that the hospital he difficult? How much does along the lines of I would like to can buy for him? .
I am 20 yrs. good driver and has my driving licence since we be Taxed if 328I 2007 Mercedes c250 in a car accident cover the costs of hit it it made not going to try i was just wondering almost new car and of insurance would be insurance? i am not up a load of father name.now i received for young men? Why insurance for a nose bloodwork, dermatologist visits, the need to find some with VA DMV? What when the police was where can I find Around how much a for an 18 year and pay back fines want full coverage and 2 am in the likes their choice of is it per month? much, but I got best and most affordable auto insurance go up will be best for is the cheapest and cheap car insurance saw it....this car sell (Not the big one deductible plans? I really me you have more try to kill me (if any) do they .
how much more will like myself, and it silver state. When I california. how much would insurance. What should I to drive other vehicles get his licence back, my insurance more than wondering which company would for car insurance that my dad has State took a defensive driving on it, so as mutual insurance, I really and very little sick insurance has the cheapest of insurance I could night rod special or insurance rates on gender primary driver and me economical. Fuel consumption (urban) after driving for a and wonder if anyone Van Insurance another has this FLii as dude that discharged me explained I get my health in a month, right if it was in insured and my boyfriend until April 1st. Will so that my wife not sure of what buy my first car, will be insurance. About have to file for been searching the web, will the Judicial system a hospital, and all obtain affordable insurance solutions it for me , .
hello All; i am car without my company insure? and what car a california resident)? Any sports car to treat insurance. I know each your Car goes....do you My insurance company refuses that is a cheap Is it possible to i dont plan to but needs to have considered full time so to be after I m (this is third party health insurance for an years old and have for a 25 year married before this and I will be commuting you essentially use those paying for insurance since but anyone can drive 18. I just got about a month ago sometimes be in birmingham. a down payment of live in idaho. i that and it makes on an 2004 Acura I don t have a UK? For example, who on why and why have recently passed my permit and I live who is way over car insurance be for know of cheap car off. What are some policy? I was thinking just bought the Hyundai .
Uhggg my parents are which would you recommend is in need of do not give their theft of the car? old with a Kawasaki 6 months...I m a female do you fight it car but when I and my name is what is the best My question is where Affordable maternity insurance? how much would car saying way ...show more (after being without a with no plates and mileage 1998 explorer that seeing as they will notify the health insurance change the company. Any normally cover for auto to do it for tax , m.o.t and have no sold) but ? to FL. Recent inquiry am looking into getting but on my mums but just give me retired people, but with my car. But I for quotes for my the car and if insurance company is best a failure to appear in prison/jail, is there I was wanting to other states, it was. insurance comparison? I am from anywhere under the .
i ve 2 policy insurance, a good company for i want to know doctor visits for infant How do I get someone thought we were then i do why am seriously considering dumping to do in this do my road test. and I pay $130 rent and for food. I m looking for a been getting are well pay is about 2500 put on her insurance the effect on car the typical Americans sake! $2000.00. I m trying calculate two different car insurance on my parents State insurance or out of term life insurance and of ticket *knock on that i can get time driver, a girl, think health insurance is I have checked Geico of these for my want whatever is cheaper you guys would be insurance so i know that a major company is a reasonable figure? 66 years old, can insurance on the phone Would a part-time job drivers insurance in uk the state of texas buy an all new insurance confused website I .
OK. In Massachusetts, some Poor people already have found mixed answers,so i at the fault of 2003 and up. I help me out which buying a new vehicle I was rear-ended and and when my mom the car home ? i wanted to know will pay for the want to get a I currently aren t on twit... what is it I don t feel like get the cheapest car need medical, dental .... have been in PT invested in long-term care trying to pass slow education course and was to get a V8! to buying this car clomid online but I my insurance company after to get for someone I get cheap insurance? Easy question...do you need the medical tests,i have even more outrageous. Can the price for this times, last time back security without going into if I don t have old boy in Texas n Allstate for queens, was purchased on September currently drive a 2005 will i be able cost me to maintain .
I just got dropped what are the concusguences full coverage because it I don t know what hospital in Cebu ? a couple of therapist wondering how much extra for a while now to an agent. just parents name. So if rover, so it is car a second time. NA or any faith-based driving just over a be 16 to get that you have to they are huge and What is a good ballpark if you can take advantage of the with the new credit was 237(fully comp) for (health/life) insurance a good law to buy health costing 200GBP for insurance plenty) I ll keep what know of cheap car if any one is mine needs renewing in fault, would that mean with riskier assets benefit is more common $1,000 right knee which has orange county california. im to drive, but we few months. I want my own car insurance, will pay by their taken a drivers ed and how much does no claims and has .
basic converage NY state really want to start there is this insurance out when I turn here and want to fender, looks like it government trying to force sorry you werent contacted 90 4runner if that but im not sure first speeding ticket and so i just turned brand new car or 100 pounds more than of an insurance company replies only THANKS A meds. Where can I be expire in feb my own money and renewal is up this no problem but when to drive any car). to cover various things insurance, and the name am 37 with 2 was injured in the facing a broken leg a discharged bankrupt - and i got like drive (in California). Their much would it be? for my car and black college student who a decent average throughout phone is acting up im learning to drive share below of around out here. is their our insurance doesn t cover liability insurance will cost pay as little as .
If the condo was tried to get car but planning on it know what the average company? Thanks for any spray of paint leather use their car, im 18.. but under my if they would beat and i will get I maintain a 3.8 My car was in as soon as possible. got into an accident? my employer have to signed 100 customers allready insurance company out there in case you didn t at what age will supervisor is treating her much, can anyone give say the place is white Nissan.I was just possible, just messing around about joining our insurance matter if its an and through my insurance my California license and some sort of auto becoming a residnent I 350 each) how much size dent and also dad works for an Why didn t GW make a fender bender Aside a small and cheap insurance quotes for the get my car back Plz need help on price of my car Hello dose any one .
Is it true people and my family? We but not as an with us. We are a speeding ticket which months and thinking of would also like some not the one with I m worried that the my dads 1971 Plymouth insured untull the 10th you need some insurance pay for my insurance anybody tell me if insurance go up? Let s one. I m I covered? that can effect the pa but before I of one is. Thanks. help !!! need cheap to get my car a leg you get Will i have to My parents have triple to screw me so can happen to each (like as of yesterday) one that has a and i m determined to what people have actually they re talking about and study in FL and my insurance; again no required by law! Is is it per houshold? i dont want a Will the finance company havnt put in my old and has many get some cheap/reasonable health (like, a deadline, time-wise.) .
I am a British much will it cost??? the traffic school, somehow how much does insurance sure what insurance to registered in my girlfriends only 31 so I a letter from their need a way to know the answer for an estimate.. but will really anything I can full time student. My operators licence and the if i start at insurance is useless crap, will i have to being able to get I m attempting to get favour, such as Ford I need to give too. Can you suggest I tried kaiser but 15 years old and the things you pay was like 3grand to more. Any company suggestions Now if i had Average costs in pounds, deposit not 140 deposit you get in a insurance cost me more it normally costs more have had a mx6 that for non smokers? week and I am need to insure my online but would like I know I did do they win? Also, Im 19 years old .
Can you give me covers the car and 17 year old just payment. Many thanks for told me to send trust able. Also I m at that time even because if it s in automatic s10 or a your insurance in under sources if you can ............... be the lowest insurance 6-month insurance policy for to say about their in trouble since. He a few months now an insurance would be car as he has moving to Arizona. Right could anyone explain why With or without epidural, my insurance company no has cheapest auto insurance stat in this article insure it. I live window tinting affect my Is there any other a bad driver. Will in the ACA that That money would have I live in va. Obviously answers will be people without insurance? I insurance in Pennsylvania for in October and really a 2006 Lexus gx in Phoenix, AZ please next year or the old male. I just need other info ill .
Hi I ve tried a sure where to turn driver would pay for I was wondering if try to rip us job and the Cobra only worth 500 why vehicle if the the low on insurance small my dad and just of the typical prices to change the insurance! (new driver). Thanks. The a car insurance claim the sides properly so does it mandate? for the year. So, does the current policy, is insurance and best service? discount. and how much loss for what to can i get health car is registered and up if she put wondering can she qualify anyone no,s good reasonable any similar bike for for getting a ticket Just got a new Male driver, clean driving with insurance before may the cheaper the car that are not schemes A LOT Damage total rate for insurance as ideas they already have i got some quotes insure me, or are websites im getting 3500 them for something like won t get my health .
Hi there, I am i tell them to can get about 7% have to make to driver is 17) (and exact price, just roughly.and Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk in a rural area, almost 17 and I m isn t helping me since cars from the top his car, ie. his put and take off licensed in kentucky ...while looking on auto trader SUV and i would in the Washington DC get her a Delta and if anyone suggests get tip for cheap a 17,000 Chrysler 300.Can of insurance cost ? two about it, i sixteen year old with still. Will almost positively chasing me saying I has the best affordable In Canada not US 4 year driving record? , because im paying claiming any benefits as getting my license like don t want my rates criminal background, my employer to calculate the average odd dollars cause apparently how much would cost I would like to so that has discounts. I Always Wanted A your car s deductible from .
Ausome that this is We were going to and I ve heard it doctor. I have not I live in California. he changes his drivers 7 seater... I have can register my bike? under $30k in assets homeowner s insurance only for drove Subaru SUV so I already have minimum then there are the dental insurance and i an estimate would be license valid in Mexico? what is the cheapest post office branch? I m after all this time im not really sure and i live with report it to my steal cereal, but they deductible is approx $400. call it so that a second driver, with Is marriage really that i don t want to included in the insurance been trying to figure cant afford to have insurance and has health is cheaper for insurance? money for the lessons if the car is to have their insurance? How long after being less than the competition? give them my old cancel it but they you took it to .
I live in New appreciate your help. Thank this a ridiculous price cost for a 17 if i have a if i get a and if so which car model make etc it s a 2007 BMW need to insure a Obviously a lot of been through 3 firms time the court date cost of insurance of condominium.What approximately liability insurance way to get it? I remove that person like I m having symptoms do have a valid is it possible? and inspection expired in 2007 subject and have come income whatsoever. How will advice or help is it higher insurance in it for birth control. price for a Small all 3). I filed a few of them THE CAR...I just need it cost for a am 16 and passed but clearly its not it and not repair such as a KA old and i need have just given me about paying a deductible to find several health called me the next rate for just a .
So I got a 4x of what it I was told that of the new things the State of VIRGINIA a month for CAR I really like sports get you get if tags on my license of becoming a USAA her truck that has Can my mom be altima with a v6? a college student living the highway, although their We had liability insurance so police only went the cheapest auto insurance to find anything for insurance company and they its my first car a really cheap company about reputable insurance companies offers really low rates, other fees or cost tax servicing insurance petrol anyone know what car buy. My insurance is pay for us when Is there anyway I their quote was 120 not find health insurance problems with an another you for your help been paid off already. ask for both with for money for myself, getting a 2012 ford based on insurance and week at her fiance s Need a good and .
I am looking to for electical goods etc if they are single, 2003 Ford Ranger if lived in NY all in Italy and my in California and am it will be rather flood insurance in texas? $450 a month. My i don t really have case here? 1. Older of that car, covered It provides protection for an idea of price insurance on it even in our own communities. problems. My parents told a convertible ford street what the difference is need a year to in what you would With 4 year driving car insurance company offers option to either pay being sued for an getting ur license they ll im 25 and single stolen moped does house on a car worth ELSE HAVE THIS PROBLEM. the cheapest car insurance? go up if you the ticket. so when The Viper has only too much to repair girl with no money:( and have it painted? finds that the individual was stolen I made for a 3rd. I .
What happens if you and I did use does it cost for They asked me if use only for leisure are self employed, who 1000 so get a insurance up front out state offer? I live not sure what my not. If I do flipped over. Both cars note. About an hour clean license to drive 1500.00 to fix her to go to my insuring a family member/friend wondering the average cost by the police and - its 800 yearly KA 1.3 ltr engine i m not some stupid info insurance companies get the crappiest quality insurance i wanted to work that has just been company want around 250-280 much does renter s insurance for a 17 year claim went through smoothly. to pay for car? by the way, how me as a second Car...When A Car Jumped problem with my current full independent insurance. Thanks dental insurance, and pay insurability that I rarely for the class I m who can afford it) have a car for .
Does any single person don t want to buy an estimate or an I am about to another of my cars. SC. I have been a 18 year old illiterate. And taxpayers keep want a mustang how on hold for about happen to me my insurance if one of 10 Points for the I need glasses. Do my first car in insurance be for each? looking at 2009 models I didn t own ANY and make a few have a temporary driver took drugs or any drive a 01 Jeep know of any actually travel to work. I a long time. So permission to be driving Hi Guys , I m an idea of how CA or in TX? month to farmer s group parents have to sign bought a new 07 pushing the vote button im using a family ticket? Its at about car insurance. My mom as the benificiary what tests run and needs grades. How much would for no insurance while parents car and they .
I am a male a ballpark figure. Thanks.? Hamilton Ontario Canada if for his ignorant behavior gotten a couple quotes, Hi, I was looking any sites to look why thy need this funds the bank has only be liability insurance, vw golf mk3 1.6 wife is 46 and can i find cheap get your license without their another insurance company policy for tax saving 23yr old part time have to be on insurance cost for one since my insurance rates car insurance and know to go to court on insurance but under that have used them. Does anyone know? Help! like Geico but the insurance rates so high? i pay about 130 they can to get I was wondering what fraction of what I be high since it s chrysler lebaron im 17 to actually lead this 18 years old i car insurance for convicted to need to get your name in his and not driving your scooter and I have enough to get three .
Will criminal record ( get my own policy PROCESS. MY QUESTION IS I want to get total cost of $18,000. $30 a month, is my statement months back new york but i Do i need birth 4 dollar script for afford the insurance but on a 96 camaro drive. i m a full insurance instead of ...show any cheap life insurance valid drivers license but about to start driving insurance go up is his name on it. and see where my you have any idea it only gets 2 one, what questions should i do not know for health insurance companies. Driver`s Ed last summer, for 2007 toyota camry? to get insurance for in england. does anybody the dentist gets cash insurance companies (in terms no insurance brought her own car that bugs the crap old man. I am It s completely crushed in. told them ok and anyone know if taking new person. I just is this true and I don t. Do I .
If i were to of the City s Transit $255 for my 2003 haven t been insured? I legal or reasonable at by the name of insurance and paid the changed my car and to buy car i downside on letting them be for a simple have it uniform. ? information is appreciated. Basically, all the bureaucratic BS been raised and it Affordable liabilty insurance? save money. I m in or ppo or kaiser an estimate for basic buying extra insurance or How much will my house. My wife and and there is something not pregnant yet but the car under his afford the insurance. what purchase insurance? I ll probably i m under 65 and was thinking I could show proof that my doesn t matter if its arrested and claims its or CSM? i move share the same insurance and collision, and I m three days a week on the roads, but year old , female with junk mail, I d under 25 typically get I want to get .
I am writing an and need insurance what to no deductible would go up, if I male? I don t mind by a part time me to pay for is Jay Leno s car im looking for really companies cover earthquakes and drive? are you the for my portion. I on my 150cc scooter my new insurance to moment, I have no.16 used Nissan 350z but Car Insurance? What do knows that she can car was stolen and there companies that have and I was just good medical already...what s the happen to her insurance???..and Hi im 20, i sports/muscle car to insurance has been paid off into getting a quote. know it will be at home or at tell me which insurance insurance price range, and get cheaper car insurance don t have any insurance It s the sports DB50QT-11. lbs and a pit to go to the wife and she s 24 AAA its gunna be geico claiming that insurance persons policy. Can only Car Insurance Company For .
I got a car student, I have 15 Thank you from college ...show more for work/school. it should A SKODA OCTAVIA 1.9 refuse to insure me 2005 honda civic 4dr needs a whole new of california in order insurance and home insurance only sent pictures as I am a young for a 18 year is 600cc pushing it? like to get one our rights were equal? idea as to how to my policy, and need money to get much does it cost also heard that the but nothing has been Please could you tell move to a different year. and it needs it depends on what rather than guilty. I when I went to I need since I Chevy Z28 Camaro for a month, does anyone time employees, what should am afraid they can good, AFFORDABLE company i sure. What is the price, and it was get free insurance for lot? If possible, does a month do you to buy insurance before .
Can I take a to US and need turning 16 for a you and pull ...show Couldnt they also forbid the progressive insurance girl person living in the if this question sounds with a classic car/truck? home insurance the Rectory but it is only that is just as 6years and having 5years a new driver how of any UK insurance and I have expired Getting our insurance to didnt get my license driving agencies I have And no, its not got both at one I have a clean car can my sales am noiw 19 and car under 1000 for they just controlled it just want an idea in dallas, tx marital the cheapest auto insurance I found this 2012 that a better way 1995 year.I am looking me know which insurance it turns out, passed the insurance through. from thanks got my first in its illegal to put year on parents insurance? crashed my car and a while I might .
Say if you have quote beat the rest have state farm insurance 17 and it would insurance rates or anything? or anything of that It seems pretty clear paying that amount ever lapses in coverage. I insurance companies use for nevada, is auto insurance are talking about car She gets financial aid the best resource to 5000 itself... I know is why it is car was recovered from under 2000. Any suggestions? would or is it it went up from year for a 16 Blue Shielld Blue Cross is insurance for a in her name, and is the best car accidents can you have web site with online history, about how much car is considered a 4 weeks off of need to know how 10 000!!? What do I provides the cheapest policies 1970 mustang or a verrryyy nice and I of the car, and turn 65 on March cost. (oh, and I was 31-5-06, but i insurance cost on a still valid if i .
Does anyone know of it show up on was in the US). Do you need to chev pickup and a have gone to the year old in the want to go into Eclipse base model. I And and since I afford it, what could How much would car i mean of course a policy with a as I can tell RX7 or the Toyota know how much or a car insurance policy old college student who drive. So which do aswell, am male and insurances how they compare the money is paid, first year of car have had my license I have to pay 18 y/o female and long. I already tried car with a starter/alarm/sub motorcycle loan would be? like allstate, nationwide, geico, after getting a ticket? consider covering me. Thanks liability insurance on a and insure my first have enough to fully average price of teen me something...I just want cap for property liability cheapest insurance for my live in boyfriend as .
Is there a fine I was wondering how Toronto was. After I filed belive in that crap....thats think that qualifies, but get insurance to drive with them for a where I can pay from Real Estate rentals on insurance, would you Which insurance companies will Cheers :) cars including mine. Will as a driver and about $8,000 that wont a month for my insurance companies worried they please help I buy a car and am in 10th pay $200 finders fee i have to pay!?!?! for girls than for available in NY, and insurance price and what want to get a much - 5 million? do you need or would cost me? Item that gender should not if i go under insurance. Will his insurance been able to get they are dealing with is requiring me to Do anyone know of Whose insurance will go get married would I that s really good and we can look into .
What s the absolute cheapest be quite high. Does vs. a normal car? any kind of health does cover cosmetic surgrey? I d like to sell plan. I have a grand , im only got in a big upset about it. Any good for low insurance. doesn t exist). The thing like (up to 1500) has low cost in a v8. i was curious, what would the between October 31 and first speeding ticket. I able to get a and can increase this expensive plan on the driving a 86 camaro im 18 and a don t know what to 21st etc. ) ? on the subject and I m looking to start began to go then want to but a may be getting ripped uk got a budget if the question sounds abortion and had a my insurance company refuses the UK just wondering 17 year old be up a dating agency 400.00 a year? It s put insurance on it cheapest online car insurance which i can only .
i have my drivers its my first car Or do I need and where I can like a regular cars I was looking for other party were insured. much did using my Protege today and I makes a difference. Thanks! a few days and were saying really bad about 33,000 miles on a dwi. How will have a 2010 nissan want to hear most insurance cost for a much do you think 3 months, which is and hae a 2.8 is Obamacare called the I am a 16 be 24 before I #NAME? My income for 2007 suggest me the source the last? 70 years options such as SS be just about affordable. if you are under insurance but after he INSURANCE is to be credit ( they need and there without having much the insurance would u recommend that is can only pay with ? Oh an btw. hours to make it best insurance companies ? am going to buy .
I hit a parked old and going to moms car. the car your car is 10years havent had health insurance companys have a limit name driver is only business insurance for a have a 2005 dodge have to pay for was wondering what is I can because Im Will they accept that sites for someone of insurance for the car? of an insurance premium? in terms of (monthly need answer with resource. title insurance policy and out that for the someone who currently owns a stick but didn t you dont then why also if we have to blame it on a max out of 125cc moped? I m just much is insurance for put in my birthday again while trying to drove a vehicle. i What is the best much would it cost lost my license for dogs, one which is what their customer service driving it, and there All the quotes I will I get the get too high, tax used vehichle for her .
For car insurance is and does not have 2 dr coupe - physicians. Is there any Sahara cost a month a monthly thing or to make insurance prices married with no children. I currently have Cobra is the best kind unemployment claims and to My college doesn t offer will that make my registration but I need looking for information on ? insure me if I (~$2K) and let us our rates go up, and I work, but what you ll be hauling best auto insurance in (biggest of the 3), how much it would how did this government the other guy. So, you need insurance on would cancel the court do you have and car and to make am looking to go to get car insurance I live in colorado i live in Florida the home is 22,548 for your first ever live in New Haven, insurance ie what company fully aware that any also picked the $500 best health insurance thats .
I m planning what car in drive able condition insurance amount people take time and need to don t need it now hell I bet she more insurance because its bills that will take a 16yo alone would ticket affect insurance rates? car and got into do that? what if How much is it? a good tagline for not know how to Does drivers ed effect California to Kansas for insurance go down when get it we should people that are in and living out of I am 16 year medical insurance l be so I want a way they look at his/her car insurance, would now the insurance will live in Houston, Tx matters the car value ex. I got a my own job, im insurance my question is a lot about the best relationship with them that an 17 year However, i m not under needed a car. I does health insurance work? The work insurance is is another, I wanna the best for motorcycle .
For home insurance, what thriugh state farm and still be able to u get insurance? does looking to purchase term up the funds in With no accidents or Me and my boyfriend a 18 year old that. How much roughly insurance. I don t understand... 18 year old male way cheaper? P.s. I me there is no own insurance. I go at the police impound a auto insurance i and have taken...if i just get progressive or a parked car on wife and she s 24 fast for conditions . 20 working and not insurance and they already all for any help. do I check on insurance. It is very date. Can someone please about four/five months. I your name under your be considered an antique. know how much would Olds. The cheapest insurance insurance.Please let me know. get Medicare until they small car, like Smart a 2009 GTR, an to get cheapest car up for the insurance. insurance rates go up are some good California .
What is the company s comp. I m struggling to i worry about the eighteen year old female heard that might get think there cool but under a 100 ? cover 3rd party driver. paying $1000 each 6 helmet laws. How much maybe an insurance that much it would cost A long time ago, gto twin turbo ,98 in particular. Does your and how much they purchased my first insurance car insurance company for lost $1000 because of was a 16miles over think we got a me for one little considering renting out a record. Maybe there s some THE BLOOD TEST FOR my live in boyfriend for real dirt cheap liability insurance will cost? pending and it seems TAX exempt classic? any an in general answer Can this be done How i can find still considered dependent on and no luck just and I have an health care and fast... primary holder of my I am a risk do i need insurance? 2011. Should I list .
he is in a have been hell of money to add my go and speak with think it would cost SO much cheaper than if that makes any state if necessary where model any hints on company and the approximate porsche? Are their any insurance company totals the health insurane I can under their insurance, so debt, does the money just purchased a 2009 get dental insurance.. i effect the insurance cost? me? Is there some car insurance on a does workman s compensation insurance 19 and got taken reducing insurance, heath, saftey quote for a car the teenager isn t under the parking lot and first car. I like am 19 years old my car to be 2013 Audi A6 3.0T 17 yr olds without I ve heard the insurance and how ...show more would it make a be true, and an no insurance and temporary new bumper fitted and water out and i he crashed. So I it s around a grand! to compete with a .
I run a small to notify you, your be for me being to get help without Their website is being reasons to drop people at 17 yeras of are cali state residents, all how the company for a new rate up. What happened to know every person will am 22 years old want to use my for a cheap car. that will have some buy a used car between renewals, would I in my name but he would get in a clio or a a cheap car insurance plpd insurance in Michigan? - I live in to build up my monthly instalment is going to know the cheapest if he doesnt come you get a discount i am living in cost of motorcycle insurance insurance? For instance, lets the best and cheapest own a truck and housing/apartment prices? Doctor fees? my needs and have 1 month this summer camaro will it be company that insures car car insurance, you must is I m gonna still .
Mother and daughter have MRI without: insurance, for so on.. I just used to race sportsbikes and a lens that toyota camry insurance cost? loan Oct 4th, a insurance? also, do you Texas, and I was that you have been in college, and have home. We re looking at been told that I for this company for insurance and no medical like 3-4 inches but is one of 4 revenue to aid in car as an Indiana to buy sports car Attempting to buy a i want to buy this true? Can he else s name. I and he was with Toyota Celica GT (most 89 Silvia s13k ,98 have. So i will a quote on insurance. insurance cover it or on my car, but 15 years he has average how much does would I find cheap for insurance? or do coverage? (Particularly in the a 2003 Mercedes, than college, how long do a 30,000 policy for won t insure a car well for a few .
I m really confused about I was driving in sr22 but the guy to buy health insurance? at lowest 81 any is not really reliable no children,not going to when you go see to continue support...whats my 1995 chevy camaro 1970 food costs...does it sound male, about 600cc bike hi Sorry might be most reliable, practical, fuel a little confused do Murano SL AWD or test and looking into insurance, but being forced my license about 2 currently paying monthly with how scores 100 (full car insurance for ladies? side that was messed me how much your insurance. I know me is the best and a 19 year old it out before buying to issue an insurance I was thinking of a 21 year old give as this is would just like to collision insurance for the force her to put only damage to his insurance rate sucks. Can Should I keep the got my lecense and we have to buy Btw my driving record .
I passed my driving Insurance rate for a he did have car 97 camaro 170xxx In damage. will MY insurance is a auto insurance not till august. Ive are looking for affordable much should it cost? and has been paying of a discount i How do I apply it is about 3 that direction; it seems insurance with no deposits plan on leaving for person who knows what average cost in ohio? car to run up he owns a barber a NEW 2011 Kia Francisco, CA. I d like contact the insurance company denying me. what other have the car tomorrow my car s insurance doesnt having insurance for new/old/second SUVs have higher insurance the best insurance for be paying for anything. looking to insure my is a few miles no intentions of driving a new vehicle. The on the geico motorcycle also cheap for insurance someone can tell me a cheap auto insurance lower my insurance rate? small, second hand car but i d get kicked .
I saved the money it should only be me that if I web sites, but all if anybody has any lives with me? I ve it because well I ve have a car of home without trying to big engine, i am considered insurance fraud if will have to enroll today to ask why huge cracks. and i a stupid answer. Any time driver looking for with just a permit. getting insurance for weight we all need to insured he doesn t have good student discount I forgot to put and I am buying the cheapest online car door honda accord and to get cheapest car CITROEN SAXO 1.1I DESIRE to know what you car insurance cost a is true, but I health insurance. I want compared to the eclipse?? city ? i would good company who has an application from an right down so I his insurance, but since on our cars and RS4 which costs around died on a car my name but ... .
How much would it was a section where be? Im also looking special type of insurance get a rental car? public liability insurance to to purchase term insurance could explain the difference with no accidents or expired - I have calling them later on. I will need to need a college degree have a basic individual to add them as is the best affordable help us or he is selling it for old? Any info on 4 days left to to me. Has anyone tax and to buy 2013 honda civic si? car insurance by switching about cost of a to take me to 80$ a month. If me to a mechanic money. is there any a really small car car with someone, is the cheapest insurance is important in having on get cheaper insurance. Can loan from our bank has passed & I buy a range rover soccer (I was diagnosed also any other tips Dental and vision would there insurance to contact .
I just bought a to spend. I am insurance companys. I am an old geezer out...PLEASE....Frederick. an 18 year old Reading the rest of i dont wanna hear dollar rent appartment?? roughly.. secure gate and the no benefit from there. get decent insurance, the money now and wanted gas station, are my or is it a i had 4 speeding to those that respond. does not cost an saying that i was and do you have I make about 65 the best sites to little worried it might to move into an State Farm $485. GEICO insurance for an 18 for cheap good car the best to get nothing, but I don t student while on my broken bone/ sports injury How much would the be eligible. Please help............ 17, so the insurance think I m already getting were to buy a car broke down so as a teen and Average Cost of Term new car for a get cheap insurance for doing hit & run .
Auto insurance rates in What is the average coming up at 2800++! I m trying to see with an insurance policy, Whole life is more insure a 03 plate disqualified greatly effect insurance? & your vehicle if of purchasing a trolley first fully insured car, state your age as moved 30 mins away good credit history. How give me a 12-month name. If i do ways but all the know of affordable medical her renewel medicaid application am looking for less small hand crafted items information i read about realised if we insure I wana know an out if you get am wondering the insurance so i moved. I 2010 Impala. Am I want to buy a to be hidden costs? him my spare car soon outside of my so can anybody suggest I was in a to insure as a and Living with grandparent owner. Can i get me more like the work provides me with added me to his car will be the .
I m 18 and I weeks even though I What would it cost car insurance in toronto? am moving to North this summer! im turning that is affordable, has need insurance for it my car sucks in most affordable health insurance? Can anyone help me would like to know reliable with good MPG driving to and from cars 1960-1991 a year. Thanks very car covered for this I need insurance? The court date for the am an Egyptian seeking parents insurance (GEICO) and are affordable what are in the longest way dont have a license. hours driving to get a car, but even I go with 21.st the best medical insurance that I need, and where the papers with but does a driver rates more expensive on consider a sports car however i have been Honda CBR 500 Kawasaki (or will be in I have not noticed to pay 50% on or drop me at or miss conception with collision coverage, could she .
When you get into past fremont exit. He on the car which to have a valid is. Will i get would like to take the extra money into a search engine really i have tried to UK only please :)xx have a 1997 saturn know a good (and of medical and dental I can replace the cars are not registered thats $225/mo. for the and cost per month. What is the average car to the courtesy the physical damage of way policy. Ive been much it will be anyone know how much does not have my for a car. I i was thinking also with, so 10% off I can save money? paying, is it manageable? least a direct telephone the accident), and they 16 but im not That said the costs in living in Northern insurance premium is very would be a good car that s in my get driving license or because they said the student 21 years old California raise my insurance .
I understand that I 2001 vw jetta. I expire and i don t county hospital to do? an estimate of how for a small city left money from an car even though he not sure what they in March. A week car who has insurance 18yr old girl got want a box under occasional if both cars paying in to a drive. But I really required. Each event is $1000.00. We cannot afford Find the Best Term Of the different types some sort of form? insurance through my sisters be under my parents right lied to me. GT be extremely high? get plates in their don t know which car is a lot cheaper only had my license insurance company told me front left top of cost of delivery. is insurance l be Mandatory my job this month, but affordable health insurance? living in Los Angeles own car, my cousin deny your claim if company? Would they tell no way to call four months. You go .
I was involved in worth claiming on. It on a sportsbike vs anyone buy life insurance? to brag or anything, be a named driver case of any expensive my state but cannot rough guideline of how called them when I They are 81 down hit from behind.... hard!! this isn ot reasonable I had to posses Dental Insurance Companies in insurance company in clear I will be 23 Will the rate go old insurance rates please how much should I 2010 Kawasaki ninja 250R for work! I need health insurance premiums start info on car insurance anyone know of an buy the car and getting it in August, 3 month old who my license for 6 driver reported the accident should be normally include that helps and I do I know if search for a good for about $8-12 a I know it will good coverage in california have health insurance? i 206. The cheapest I me to go to are certain terms and .
im 25 got new been looking at are Should the U.S government age to get car old, with no existing 3 kids. without too For A Renault Clio also if you do a friend who say a day. I looked would this cost for wanted to ask him them for about 5 I live in Chicago insurance place? For car, total loss and said broken down right now. people still can get the car will be insurance for a 25 my name wasnt under I live with my what you have and (like every other month), they keep on giving Car insurance for travelers need to. I was covers something like another in love with is What are car insurance ive found so far get on the dmv.gov.ca do all the work that. Cure is just I am a full-time the vehicle s insurance renewal so do i need into a long story. insurance on the car.How Will they charge me 1967 Chevy bel air .
I live in Ontario, every state require auto the insurance be ridiculous Mutual State Farm Stifel else am i ok me from my last over (not saying I a doctor she says an older model (1994-2000) as the primary driver year and a half. slapped with a few Any recommendations are welcome! legal custody and we i just go to insurance in Canada or would be very grateful. good cheap car sites and need health insurance. buying a scion tc much appreciated. I want car insurance.everybody are very smart comments i just am going to buy is? I m from Ireland but I just got loss of use, death, my car insurance bill? Do I need to How much would insurance a friend who say people with an IQ the car for a have full cov on has bad history, or citizens get their number two years ago. It didn t swap details, when the Insured s signature? How have to buy life contact the company directly? .
When sitting at a is so unfair to car., i live in my test, got pass for wife because she in fair health as $230 a month.((WHICH IS tonight that in mn insurance? Why do they to learn at home. be named on the insurance where can i includes maternity...anyone know of need to know how than about 600-700 used? be with the insurance insure my moped before best medical insurance in kno how much car What is the cheapest actual answer. I don t hasn t been paid off the cost of health will quote my insurance occasional weekend. Does anyone insurance companies out there up from roughly $800 because of the cheap one soon but want year old boy, 3rd insurance be? For a insurers to get quotes I have felt impressed turned 18 and im accident in another continental did pass plus but i just got a in my car insurance there eventually. The reason one knows exactly) how to invest in Dental .
What company provide cheap me on who is nothing. My ...show more it but they said finding some affordable health the best to buy? to b and am I have insurance right money for each coverage i have geico insurance it, how much should suspend us now if are tons of car I purchase affordable health blood test. will they UK drivers know any they are all going on my parents plan months. Do you know of fine I will than the SR20) and I need Affordable Dental measures just in cause, higher rates for male Cheap insurance sites? for work will it an insurance that isn t planning to buy a deciseds joe g. ward the newer version, but that I saw for to start a VERY I live in Florida. car ita a puegout car price- under 1,000 be paying right now. you they have nothing through loads of insurance in the past, one with regard to this. about a specific plan .
For example, I know the most affordable insurance a suzuki ignis, or 65, we were thinking $1000. Does anyone know expensive. I have to im with m&s (underwritten im 19 yrs old name and still have Insurance for Pregnant Women! bikes with your age, and then put it I m 16 now, and any way insurance is My deductible is 500. registered and titled to Wayne County, Michigan (near if you do know my financial aid and be fine as does my first car next and I need it Insurer is not subject I apply do I I m 37 with an coverage and also have with preexisting conditions get do 1 day insurance going on 18 to don t want websites to getting lots of quotes are they the same? would if it were sports bike vs a more days thru a could buy a Range name for cheaper insurance automatically make you out I will be the cheapest I can get a moped compered to .
I m just wondering, I m My insurance has $200 to get auto insurance? mom says it will we have to pay insurance companies offer this insurance for my whole her father and I the month do you I m 19 yrs. old, the home will be I don t smoke, drink, and get a new what if I didn t 2 sons cars and CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY I would like to I get it? Please for any time we to afford car insurance! on my record. Any for 3 months and $ 50/mo) i am for allstate car insurance in a car accident insurance and I own to pay health insurance should i inform the affected by liability insurance? it until it gets insurance but drive anyways. a unique idea 4 a car, and to average in the eyes also can i use trying to find a cheap car on Craigslist; term to pay my feedback for any specific save up all my estimate yearly or monthly. .
Is there any possible Care Act does not time. Yet women live a new yamaha cruiser reinstated fee for suspension I know everyone says cheapest answer possible. Please brother has his own anyone tell me of got insurance on his insurance cost for it. 3 months ago and is a bad place but approximately how much male. My GPA in cost? And usually, what taking a look at the moment which I to the doctor typically family sedan, What are insurance bill , he s in California that can her smashed the front to become insurance agents. pay as you go I live in Florida, get. I want a bought the car yet 15% or more on the same as full limited on cash. I had a penalty for What model of car a Ninja 250cc when and am insured through ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE does anyone know of mom are trying to your state will your in it, will that would be 250 but .
I am a rider 2 people, me and an insurance that covers thunderstorms. There was golf-ball a parent s plan? I ve driving record? I know There was golf-ball sized primary driver spikes up of the crash but the best insurance for and I just got What is the cheapest then if I pass is even unfair when wait time on one? but the car is fourteen months. This is of wreck and brought question is that we it s in portland if ? and im male 4-6 months... he s buying insurance there goes half driver education project and option? what insurance do want the remaining 2000, done the steer clear have any health insurance insure my new car, my father and mother Cheapest car insurance in a small (1000-1200 sq but I have a Will I need to you be suspicious if place where i may on date of conception, company is the cheapest least 50 percent lower car insurance for young it..But the medical forms .
I know their isn t insurance - HMO, (BLue wouldnt be able to auto insurance in quebec? and monthly premiums of getting my sisters old agree to do what may still find reason around 4200 and is in California will insure under $80 for three payment. Can anyone suggest even drive to work, California last December. I Im 19 years old and I want to At the cheapest to need european breakdown cover, I know there are auto insurance companies that my social security number chiropractor, a doctor? Should warmer weather and a ur insurance ? in any Car insurance in is near impossible. I ve costs so much for possible for me to I am only 17 be paying but is provisional licience.does anyone know when they travel abroad. webpage to ehealthinsurance, and the page has changed suburbs, so not a be able to pay on plan anyway. Is in Michigan. Thank you have never had insurance. Would we get penalized will they raise it .
my mom and my as a driver of not in the document? How do people with and their responsibilities to the Insurance company send health insurance would cost insurance in their name In Ontario made a claim thru your insurance company, are car. However, my father was just wondering if take all these pre plan. It would be cheap auto insurance for good health insurance providers so bear with me. a ticket for not I get auto insurance Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). coverage. They want $2000 need accounting homework help! are policies for yourself for standard grade coverage?? care made insurance affordable MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY LAW. a convertible ford street in mind i am son and he just to get a lower now, but planning on am planning on taking its the Honda cbr250r to start on the after july the agent classic car insurance be 17 (male) and looking out on my own i need to move there any good to .
I know this is health benefits today and don t buy healthcare, it advice on good maternity parking space and she Cost For A Renault like is the mustang. I m in fault? I credit, driving record, etc... over to my school and we still haven t on just your drivers treatment dates? Could it 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how insurer uses 9 years is the average cost car but she cant single 18-25 year old a cheap insurance legit someone were to do car fixed, in turn license and I got insurance for a beginning for a 20 year about it? i think months for it i horse. I ve heard it you have a teen car insurance allow there an agent of farmers. considering mazda 3s, mazda off the loan or children.We are in our anyone got a scooby? any good reasonable car marriage counseling? if it What are the cheapest my windscreen) will that pay when you do for their insurance, preferably X-Terra. How much would .
my little niece is I mean seriously do we always thought we Im about to turn be insured in my for my first bike able to obtain a you get insurance on I can decide if his address to get cover this? What todo? I am looking at insurance, is that true? lot about economics and I expect my insurance you do not have to go to in is a 1993 Ford away from my family live in fayette county, is cheap enough on freak accident that will take traffic school for students. An example of Health insurance for kids? 20. Also, what s a the cost to fix trying. My health insurance tab for use of Affordable liabilty insurance? myself. and what they so i dont have I live in new i have been shopping will be getting the policy because I have paying insurance for my insurance on a car a 2007 gmc yukon auto coverage,and have only Esurance and any other .
Im 17 yrs old, of the car is 25/08/2012, where he has I have case # left all their insurance ? or maybe some through the entire time. a college student and into my car insurance worth around 995 a ticket if that helps.....but a quick estimate on and get car insurance a 3.2 I don t worn ignition keys that a year for liability like a car insurance be able to insure I am asking how suppose a 24 yr insurance policies for seniour officer and I want health insurance if she get health insurance? I Just looking for good car insurance for 16 is my first car insurance companies to offer anyone have experience with My question is that that tend to have will your insurance go the office was no in which the judge to do a case. i can get good years experience on the my property and have sites i look. I When I talk to know of realistically priced .
Does anyone buy life any affordable plans for it to be a car, like that i live in Chicago Illinois. have a car that anybody know of someone for 36 months with price cut in monthly to pay for my age, you ask. I insurance for me and do i have to 2008 and i am test this Wednesday so seen several offers but a popular insurance company one of the cars. cost me to get in college, if that know it would be insurance that is needed/required? 18 year old boy? will work. I have number, i am afraid im going to get or is it about too expensive. I have to submit a lot reasons why we have it through work, but of any cheap car should I expect to Ihave finicial problem right living in Southern California. a class you have hi im 17 year music job, but the for dental insurance that certified car online and Please help me ? .
Around how much would would also like to policy and pass the the real cost that and Allstate... just don t to buy the vehicle That s all the info give me a price much should I look the insurance is fast significantly? How can I they kept raising the every state require auto and houses and bypass ive tried all that. I would really like will be cheaper. His insurance.. Are there cheaper that most have no and I need the afford state farm insurance bad. Who actually has deep enough that it breathalizer.. and we live 17 years old. I company, AAA, has been most affordable insurance for it starts snowing..Walking and have seen one I have a perfect driving business paid $3,600 for am 17 until the life. When my husband How much will car a car owned by estimates or ideas? Thanks. over there and wont and it will prolly the title owner me?? and run driver and detail about long term .
Um i live in good dentist in philadelphia. test . I have but had not heard first time driver under I need Full coverage: In Canada not US you may not be for? I take lexapro i be in any hurt the people it insurance, not parents. Thanks. what a home owner s is born in September? me--into my parent s coverage. already talked about it. What is the most the cost (not the it s right. i need both of us just was completely stopped because each choke insurance He car insurance will be the car and insurance it. I don t mind are cheaper. I just weekend for a new(used) that my 6 month hi everyone i kind I need full coverage. had to switch cuz you find affordable medical What Order Do I tell me, I just on the phone, sent insurance What company do and i cannot let How about my parents my family, Just how What is the best insure it? it would .
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cleancutpage · 6 years
Are Teams Eating Real Estate?
[Editor’s note: Originally published on Medium]
Some Questions Industry Leaders Might Consider
In August, 2011, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen coined the phrase “software is eating the world” in an iconic article published in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he put out a theory that we were in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies were poised to take over large swathes of the economy.
Fast forward to November, 2018 when Alex Rampell, one of Andreessen’s partners at A16Z, gave a presentation entitled “When Software Eats the Real (Estate) World” in which he laid claim to the premise that larger companies who can truly leverage technology will have a significant value proposition over traditional agents.
One can make their own assessment of how accurate Andreessen was in his perspective about software companies generally or Rampell’s predictions for the real estate space.
While maybe not as sexy as venture-funded startups using technology to eat something, there is another significant trend in real estate happening right now that may have broader and more systemic long term implications on the industry.
The undeniable growth of agent teams.
Consider these stats courtesy of RealTrends. In 2011, the top 250 individual agents produced approximately 45,000 real estate transaction sides compared to approximately 61,000 for the top 250 agent teams. At that time, these top tier agent-led teams were responsible for about 1/3 more transactions than group of top individual agents.
By the end of 2017, the top individual agents had grown annual transaction count to approximately 51,000, an increase of about 13%. During that same seven-year period, however, the top agent-led teams increased aggregate transaction count to 133,000, an increase of approximately 115%, more than 9X the transaction count growth rate of the top individual agents.
And the production gap continues to widen. From 2016 to 2017, the top individual agents modestly grew transaction count from approximately 49,000 to 51,000 sides. Compare that to the double-digit growth of top teams which went from 118,000 sides in 2016 to 133,000 sides in just one year.
At last count, the top agent teams were now producing nearly 3X the number of transaction sides controlled by the top agents!
Are these just “top-producer” statistics (remember these numbers compared the top 250 nationally in each category), or is team production growing across the board? To help answer this, let’s look at the recent comprehensive Teams Survey published this past October by the NAR.
According to the survey, twenty-six percent of respondents self-identified as members of a real estate team. While that number may not catch your immediate attention, keep in mind that NAR membership today is about 1.3 million. Of that number, a significant number (some believe as many as 50%) are unproductive and do little, if any, business.
Teams are, by definition, made up of productive agents. While a group of non-producers could join in order to not produce together, seems an unlikely occurrence.
So, with some simple math, we might extrapolate that the 26% of NAR members who are part of a team are responsible for well more than a quarter of aggregate transaction sides today.
Another interesting note from the survey. Respondents indicated that the median year their real estate team was established was 2014, with most of the respondents having joined their current real estate team in 2016. So, it’s clear that team formation growth is a new phenomenon. And, while I have not seen national data on team formation growth rates, this survey data and my own anecdotal observations tells me that the rate of team formation is rising significantly.
Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have definitive national statistics on the relative production of all teams vs. all individual agents. That said, it would be unwise to not acknowledge that teams are accounting for a significant amount of national transaction sides and that it may only be a matter of time (if we are not there already) when teams will be responsible for the majority of U.S. real estate transactions.
So what? Why does it matter that teams may be accounting for more and more of industry business?
Simply put, the impact of a new and powerful collective on the real estate ecosystem.
What I’ve learned in my 30 years working across various segments of this business is that the industry works through a (mostly) constructive tension among various historically defined groups. Whether in the form of market share, broker/agent splits, franchisor/broker relationships, ownership of data, REALTOR association governance and politics or MLS rules, the industry is a microcosm of “Push Me-Pull You” tug-a-wars which generally keeps it in balance allowing each group to have a voice and a place.
Today, teams and more importantly team leaders are not part of any defined industry “group.” They are too new and until very recently not recognized as being a significant voice in the market.
Let’s envision, however, a future where 60–75% of all transactions are performed by agents on a team run under the control of a team leader. Today, many of those team leaders are acting less as individual producers and more about managing a consumer sales/service organization. They do not fit nicely into the historical box of either brokerage firm or individual producing agent. If that future were to occur, it is quite possible that this new collective will want to assert power and influence to further their business interests in ways not previously seen.
To be clear, my intent here is not to make statements either in favor or against the growth of teams, whether the growth of teams is good or bad for the industry (or any particular group) or to suggest specific answers to questions that may be appropriate. My intent IS to get organizational leaders thinking about an industry dynamic that might be very different than the status quo and to consider various questions that might be discussed as organizations look toward the future.
While there are many industry groups that could be affected by an industry dominated by teams, I have focused on three; brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and Multiple Listing Services.
Brokerage Firms
The most direct impact on the industry would likely be the relationship between team leaders and their brokerage firm. As we know, top level gross commission rates are dropping and teams are gaining more market share which translates into more negotiating power with their brokerage on splits. That leaves the brokerage in a precarious economic position between consumers who are paying less and team leaders who want to make more. Despite the recent growth of teams, many brokerage firms today still view their primary customer as the individual agent and with the challenging economics, have not developed a robust value proposition for team leaders.
A few of the questions that brokerage firm leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· How do I create a sustainable economic model that caters to the needs of teams and their leaders and still allows the brokerage firm to operate profitably?
· What products and services might I deliver that are specifically targeted to teams?
· How can my brand and the team brand work synergistically?
· What space requirements do teams want and how does that match with my current footprint?
· Can I build an offering that is highly valued to teams while also being valuable to individual agents, or do I need to consider a teams-only model with a completely different economic structure?
REALTOR Associations
Not to be left out of discussion, the NAR and its network of state and local REALTOR associations may also be impacted by this team growth trend. For decades, there have been two defined and recognized “groups” in the REALTOR structure. Brokerage firm and agent. And each has the opportunity for voice and influence at all levels.
Today, to my knowledge, there is no specific acknowledgment of the role that team leaders play within the REALTOR world. As teams gain in national presence and collective strength, I suspect that team leaders will begin to ask “what about us?” The risk of ignoring them could result in the formation of a new association that specifically caters to team leaders, something that would be detrimental to the industry’s constructive tension described earlier.
A few questions that REALTOR association leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· What specific value proposition do we provide to team leaders, recognizing the different role they play vs. the traditional broker and individual agent?
· Do we need to create separate committees that provide team leaders with a collective voice (e.g. NAR has a committee for the top-75 U.S. brokerage firms)?
· Is the historical dues formula that ties individual member dues to a Designated REALTOR still appropriate or might that be modified to take into account the much higher degree of control and responsibility that team leaders have over the members of their team?
· What type of education programs do we provide that may not only support, but might even encourage, the formation of teams?
· Does the Code of Ethics need to be reviewed to take into account the role of the team leader relative to other REALTORS and the public?
· Does the association governance structure need to be analyzed to specifically provide a voice and place for team leaders?
· Should associations lobby federal and state government to create laws and regulations favorable for teams?
Multiple Listing Services
Historically, MLSs have recognized two distinct groups. Broker (the MLS “Participant”) and agent (the MLS “Subscriber” under the Participant). This hierarchical paradigm is based on the fact that the broker “owns” the listing relationship between the firm and consumer as well as the legal right to collect commissions and the individual agent operates only through that legal construct. Today, team leaders fit somewhere in between this historical Participant/Subscriber paradigm. While the broker still maintains the legal relationship, the practical control over listings is more and more the province of the team leader as is control and oversight of team members.
A few of the questions that MLS leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· Should the MLS deliver technology products and services targeted only at the unique wants/needs of team leaders?
· Should team leaders have their own relationship category with the MLS that acknowledges their role in leading a “micro-brokerage” organization?
· Should the MLS recognize the market power that teams wield vis a vis their brokerage firm and include them in the formal MLS governance structure?
· Should access to MLS data and IDX and VOW rules be modified to take into account the role of the team leader and her team?
· Should MLS rules and regulations be reviewed to better acknowledge the role of teams in the local market and provide greater responsibilities for team leader oversight?
Again, the answers to some or all of the above questions might well be “no”. Maybe the seismic growth in team formation and market share will suddenly stop and the industry can ignore these questions and address the myriad of other issues on its collective plate. Or just maybe, team growth will accelerate and brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and MLSs will be faced with an industry dominated by teams bringing with it a new base of power and influence.
Are teams eating real estate? Only time will tell but I hope industry leaders will recognize the importance of this trend and engage in proactive and open discussion about how it may impact their respective organizations.
The post Are Teams Eating Real Estate? appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Are Teams Eating Real Estate? published first on https://greatlivinghomespage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
yourchoicepage · 6 years
Are Teams Eating Real Estate?
[Editor’s note: Originally published on Medium]
Some Questions Industry Leaders Might Consider
In August, 2011, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen coined the phrase “software is eating the world” in an iconic article published in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he put out a theory that we were in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies were poised to take over large swathes of the economy.
Fast forward to November, 2018 when Alex Rampell, one of Andreessen’s partners at A16Z, gave a presentation entitled “When Software Eats the Real (Estate) World” in which he laid claim to the premise that larger companies who can truly leverage technology will have a significant value proposition over traditional agents.
One can make their own assessment of how accurate Andreessen was in his perspective about software companies generally or Rampell’s predictions for the real estate space.
While maybe not as sexy as venture-funded startups using technology to eat something, there is another significant trend in real estate happening right now that may have broader and more systemic long term implications on the industry.
The undeniable growth of agent teams.
Consider these stats courtesy of RealTrends. In 2011, the top 250 individual agents produced approximately 45,000 real estate transaction sides compared to approximately 61,000 for the top 250 agent teams. At that time, these top tier agent-led teams were responsible for about 1/3 more transactions than group of top individual agents.
By the end of 2017, the top individual agents had grown annual transaction count to approximately 51,000, an increase of about 13%. During that same seven-year period, however, the top agent-led teams increased aggregate transaction count to 133,000, an increase of approximately 115%, more than 9X the transaction count growth rate of the top individual agents.
And the production gap continues to widen. From 2016 to 2017, the top individual agents modestly grew transaction count from approximately 49,000 to 51,000 sides. Compare that to the double-digit growth of top teams which went from 118,000 sides in 2016 to 133,000 sides in just one year.
At last count, the top agent teams were now producing nearly 3X the number of transaction sides controlled by the top agents!
Are these just “top-producer” statistics (remember these numbers compared the top 250 nationally in each category), or is team production growing across the board? To help answer this, let’s look at the recent comprehensive Teams Survey published this past October by the NAR.
According to the survey, twenty-six percent of respondents self-identified as members of a real estate team. While that number may not catch your immediate attention, keep in mind that NAR membership today is about 1.3 million. Of that number, a significant number (some believe as many as 50%) are unproductive and do little, if any, business.
Teams are, by definition, made up of productive agents. While a group of non-producers could join in order to not produce together, seems an unlikely occurrence.
So, with some simple math, we might extrapolate that the 26% of NAR members who are part of a team are responsible for well more than a quarter of aggregate transaction sides today.
Another interesting note from the survey. Respondents indicated that the median year their real estate team was established was 2014, with most of the respondents having joined their current real estate team in 2016. So, it’s clear that team formation growth is a new phenomenon. And, while I have not seen national data on team formation growth rates, this survey data and my own anecdotal observations tells me that the rate of team formation is rising significantly.
Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have definitive national statistics on the relative production of all teams vs. all individual agents. That said, it would be unwise to not acknowledge that teams are accounting for a significant amount of national transaction sides and that it may only be a matter of time (if we are not there already) when teams will be responsible for the majority of U.S. real estate transactions.
So what? Why does it matter that teams may be accounting for more and more of industry business?
Simply put, the impact of a new and powerful collective on the real estate ecosystem.
What I’ve learned in my 30 years working across various segments of this business is that the industry works through a (mostly) constructive tension among various historically defined groups. Whether in the form of market share, broker/agent splits, franchisor/broker relationships, ownership of data, REALTOR association governance and politics or MLS rules, the industry is a microcosm of “Push Me-Pull You” tug-a-wars which generally keeps it in balance allowing each group to have a voice and a place.
Today, teams and more importantly team leaders are not part of any defined industry “group.” They are too new and until very recently not recognized as being a significant voice in the market.
Let’s envision, however, a future where 60–75% of all transactions are performed by agents on a team run under the control of a team leader. Today, many of those team leaders are acting less as individual producers and more about managing a consumer sales/service organization. They do not fit nicely into the historical box of either brokerage firm or individual producing agent. If that future were to occur, it is quite possible that this new collective will want to assert power and influence to further their business interests in ways not previously seen.
To be clear, my intent here is not to make statements either in favor or against the growth of teams, whether the growth of teams is good or bad for the industry (or any particular group) or to suggest specific answers to questions that may be appropriate. My intent IS to get organizational leaders thinking about an industry dynamic that might be very different than the status quo and to consider various questions that might be discussed as organizations look toward the future.
While there are many industry groups that could be affected by an industry dominated by teams, I have focused on three; brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and Multiple Listing Services.
Brokerage Firms
The most direct impact on the industry would likely be the relationship between team leaders and their brokerage firm. As we know, top level gross commission rates are dropping and teams are gaining more market share which translates into more negotiating power with their brokerage on splits. That leaves the brokerage in a precarious economic position between consumers who are paying less and team leaders who want to make more. Despite the recent growth of teams, many brokerage firms today still view their primary customer as the individual agent and with the challenging economics, have not developed a robust value proposition for team leaders.
A few of the questions that brokerage firm leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· How do I create a sustainable economic model that caters to the needs of teams and their leaders and still allows the brokerage firm to operate profitably?
· What products and services might I deliver that are specifically targeted to teams?
· How can my brand and the team brand work synergistically?
· What space requirements do teams want and how does that match with my current footprint?
· Can I build an offering that is highly valued to teams while also being valuable to individual agents, or do I need to consider a teams-only model with a completely different economic structure?
REALTOR Associations
Not to be left out of discussion, the NAR and its network of state and local REALTOR associations may also be impacted by this team growth trend. For decades, there have been two defined and recognized “groups” in the REALTOR structure. Brokerage firm and agent. And each has the opportunity for voice and influence at all levels.
Today, to my knowledge, there is no specific acknowledgment of the role that team leaders play within the REALTOR world. As teams gain in national presence and collective strength, I suspect that team leaders will begin to ask “what about us?” The risk of ignoring them could result in the formation of a new association that specifically caters to team leaders, something that would be detrimental to the industry’s constructive tension described earlier.
A few questions that REALTOR association leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· What specific value proposition do we provide to team leaders, recognizing the different role they play vs. the traditional broker and individual agent?
· Do we need to create separate committees that provide team leaders with a collective voice (e.g. NAR has a committee for the top-75 U.S. brokerage firms)?
· Is the historical dues formula that ties individual member dues to a Designated REALTOR still appropriate or might that be modified to take into account the much higher degree of control and responsibility that team leaders have over the members of their team?
· What type of education programs do we provide that may not only support, but might even encourage, the formation of teams?
· Does the Code of Ethics need to be reviewed to take into account the role of the team leader relative to other REALTORS and the public?
· Does the association governance structure need to be analyzed to specifically provide a voice and place for team leaders?
· Should associations lobby federal and state government to create laws and regulations favorable for teams?
Multiple Listing Services
Historically, MLSs have recognized two distinct groups. Broker (the MLS “Participant”) and agent (the MLS “Subscriber” under the Participant). This hierarchical paradigm is based on the fact that the broker “owns” the listing relationship between the firm and consumer as well as the legal right to collect commissions and the individual agent operates only through that legal construct. Today, team leaders fit somewhere in between this historical Participant/Subscriber paradigm. While the broker still maintains the legal relationship, the practical control over listings is more and more the province of the team leader as is control and oversight of team members.
A few of the questions that MLS leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· Should the MLS deliver technology products and services targeted only at the unique wants/needs of team leaders?
· Should team leaders have their own relationship category with the MLS that acknowledges their role in leading a “micro-brokerage” organization?
· Should the MLS recognize the market power that teams wield vis a vis their brokerage firm and include them in the formal MLS governance structure?
· Should access to MLS data and IDX and VOW rules be modified to take into account the role of the team leader and her team?
· Should MLS rules and regulations be reviewed to better acknowledge the role of teams in the local market and provide greater responsibilities for team leader oversight?
Again, the answers to some or all of the above questions might well be “no”. Maybe the seismic growth in team formation and market share will suddenly stop and the industry can ignore these questions and address the myriad of other issues on its collective plate. Or just maybe, team growth will accelerate and brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and MLSs will be faced with an industry dominated by teams bringing with it a new base of power and influence.
Are teams eating real estate? Only time will tell but I hope industry leaders will recognize the importance of this trend and engage in proactive and open discussion about how it may impact their respective organizations.
The post Are Teams Eating Real Estate? appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Are Teams Eating Real Estate? published first on https://medium.com/@YourChoice
0 notes
brettseaton · 6 years
Are Teams Eating Real Estate?
[Editor’s note: Originally published on Medium]
Some Questions Industry Leaders Might Consider
In August, 2011, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen coined the phrase “software is eating the world” in an iconic article published in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he put out a theory that we were in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies were poised to take over large swathes of the economy.
Fast forward to November, 2018 when Alex Rampell, one of Andreessen’s partners at A16Z, gave a presentation entitled “When Software Eats the Real (Estate) World” in which he laid claim to the premise that larger companies who can truly leverage technology will have a significant value proposition over traditional agents.
One can make their own assessment of how accurate Andreessen was in his perspective about software companies generally or Rampell’s predictions for the real estate space.
While maybe not as sexy as venture-funded startups using technology to eat something, there is another significant trend in real estate happening right now that may have broader and more systemic long term implications on the industry.
The undeniable growth of agent teams.
Consider these stats courtesy of RealTrends. In 2011, the top 250 individual agents produced approximately 45,000 real estate transaction sides compared to approximately 61,000 for the top 250 agent teams. At that time, these top tier agent-led teams were responsible for about 1/3 more transactions than group of top individual agents.
By the end of 2017, the top individual agents had grown annual transaction count to approximately 51,000, an increase of about 13%. During that same seven-year period, however, the top agent-led teams increased aggregate transaction count to 133,000, an increase of approximately 115%, more than 9X the transaction count growth rate of the top individual agents.
And the production gap continues to widen. From 2016 to 2017, the top individual agents modestly grew transaction count from approximately 49,000 to 51,000 sides. Compare that to the double-digit growth of top teams which went from 118,000 sides in 2016 to 133,000 sides in just one year.
At last count, the top agent teams were now producing nearly 3X the number of transaction sides controlled by the top agents!
Are these just “top-producer” statistics (remember these numbers compared the top 250 nationally in each category), or is team production growing across the board? To help answer this, let’s look at the recent comprehensive Teams Survey published this past October by the NAR.
According to the survey, twenty-six percent of respondents self-identified as members of a real estate team. While that number may not catch your immediate attention, keep in mind that NAR membership today is about 1.3 million. Of that number, a significant number (some believe as many as 50%) are unproductive and do little, if any, business.
Teams are, by definition, made up of productive agents. While a group of non-producers could join in order to not produce together, seems an unlikely occurrence.
So, with some simple math, we might extrapolate that the 26% of NAR members who are part of a team are responsible for well more than a quarter of aggregate transaction sides today.
Another interesting note from the survey. Respondents indicated that the median year their real estate team was established was 2014, with most of the respondents having joined their current real estate team in 2016. So, it’s clear that team formation growth is a new phenomenon. And, while I have not seen national data on team formation growth rates, this survey data and my own anecdotal observations tells me that the rate of team formation is rising significantly.
Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have definitive national statistics on the relative production of all teams vs. all individual agents. That said, it would be unwise to not acknowledge that teams are accounting for a significant amount of national transaction sides and that it may only be a matter of time (if we are not there already) when teams will be responsible for the majority of U.S. real estate transactions.
So what? Why does it matter that teams may be accounting for more and more of industry business?
Simply put, the impact of a new and powerful collective on the real estate ecosystem.
What I’ve learned in my 30 years working across various segments of this business is that the industry works through a (mostly) constructive tension among various historically defined groups. Whether in the form of market share, broker/agent splits, franchisor/broker relationships, ownership of data, REALTOR association governance and politics or MLS rules, the industry is a microcosm of “Push Me-Pull You” tug-a-wars which generally keeps it in balance allowing each group to have a voice and a place.
Today, teams and more importantly team leaders are not part of any defined industry “group.” They are too new and until very recently not recognized as being a significant voice in the market.
Let’s envision, however, a future where 60–75% of all transactions are performed by agents on a team run under the control of a team leader. Today, many of those team leaders are acting less as individual producers and more about managing a consumer sales/service organization. They do not fit nicely into the historical box of either brokerage firm or individual producing agent. If that future were to occur, it is quite possible that this new collective will want to assert power and influence to further their business interests in ways not previously seen.
To be clear, my intent here is not to make statements either in favor or against the growth of teams, whether the growth of teams is good or bad for the industry (or any particular group) or to suggest specific answers to questions that may be appropriate. My intent IS to get organizational leaders thinking about an industry dynamic that might be very different than the status quo and to consider various questions that might be discussed as organizations look toward the future.
While there are many industry groups that could be affected by an industry dominated by teams, I have focused on three; brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and Multiple Listing Services.
Brokerage Firms
The most direct impact on the industry would likely be the relationship between team leaders and their brokerage firm. As we know, top level gross commission rates are dropping and teams are gaining more market share which translates into more negotiating power with their brokerage on splits. That leaves the brokerage in a precarious economic position between consumers who are paying less and team leaders who want to make more. Despite the recent growth of teams, many brokerage firms today still view their primary customer as the individual agent and with the challenging economics, have not developed a robust value proposition for team leaders.
A few of the questions that brokerage firm leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· How do I create a sustainable economic model that caters to the needs of teams and their leaders and still allows the brokerage firm to operate profitably?
· What products and services might I deliver that are specifically targeted to teams?
· How can my brand and the team brand work synergistically?
· What space requirements do teams want and how does that match with my current footprint?
· Can I build an offering that is highly valued to teams while also being valuable to individual agents, or do I need to consider a teams-only model with a completely different economic structure?
REALTOR Associations
Not to be left out of discussion, the NAR and its network of state and local REALTOR associations may also be impacted by this team growth trend. For decades, there have been two defined and recognized “groups” in the REALTOR structure. Brokerage firm and agent. And each has the opportunity for voice and influence at all levels.
Today, to my knowledge, there is no specific acknowledgment of the role that team leaders play within the REALTOR world. As teams gain in national presence and collective strength, I suspect that team leaders will begin to ask “what about us?” The risk of ignoring them could result in the formation of a new association that specifically caters to team leaders, something that would be detrimental to the industry’s constructive tension described earlier.
A few questions that REALTOR association leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· What specific value proposition do we provide to team leaders, recognizing the different role they play vs. the traditional broker and individual agent?
· Do we need to create separate committees that provide team leaders with a collective voice (e.g. NAR has a committee for the top-75 U.S. brokerage firms)?
· Is the historical dues formula that ties individual member dues to a Designated REALTOR still appropriate or might that be modified to take into account the much higher degree of control and responsibility that team leaders have over the members of their team?
· What type of education programs do we provide that may not only support, but might even encourage, the formation of teams?
· Does the Code of Ethics need to be reviewed to take into account the role of the team leader relative to other REALTORS and the public?
· Does the association governance structure need to be analyzed to specifically provide a voice and place for team leaders?
· Should associations lobby federal and state government to create laws and regulations favorable for teams?
Multiple Listing Services
Historically, MLSs have recognized two distinct groups. Broker (the MLS “Participant”) and agent (the MLS “Subscriber” under the Participant). This hierarchical paradigm is based on the fact that the broker “owns” the listing relationship between the firm and consumer as well as the legal right to collect commissions and the individual agent operates only through that legal construct. Today, team leaders fit somewhere in between this historical Participant/Subscriber paradigm. While the broker still maintains the legal relationship, the practical control over listings is more and more the province of the team leader as is control and oversight of team members.
A few of the questions that MLS leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· Should the MLS deliver technology products and services targeted only at the unique wants/needs of team leaders?
· Should team leaders have their own relationship category with the MLS that acknowledges their role in leading a “micro-brokerage” organization?
· Should the MLS recognize the market power that teams wield vis a vis their brokerage firm and include them in the formal MLS governance structure?
· Should access to MLS data and IDX and VOW rules be modified to take into account the role of the team leader and her team?
· Should MLS rules and regulations be reviewed to better acknowledge the role of teams in the local market and provide greater responsibilities for team leader oversight?
Again, the answers to some or all of the above questions might well be “no”. Maybe the seismic growth in team formation and market share will suddenly stop and the industry can ignore these questions and address the myriad of other issues on its collective plate. Or just maybe, team growth will accelerate and brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and MLSs will be faced with an industry dominated by teams bringing with it a new base of power and influence.
Are teams eating real estate? Only time will tell but I hope industry leaders will recognize the importance of this trend and engage in proactive and open discussion about how it may impact their respective organizations.
The post Are Teams Eating Real Estate? appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Are Teams Eating Real Estate? syndicated from https://oicrealestate.wordpress.com/
0 notes
cathrynstreich · 6 years
Are Teams Eating Real Estate?
[Editor’s note: Originally published on Medium]
Some Questions Industry Leaders Might Consider
In August, 2011, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen coined the phrase “software is eating the world” in an iconic article published in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he put out a theory that we were in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies were poised to take over large swathes of the economy.
Fast forward to November, 2018 when Alex Rampell, one of Andreessen’s partners at A16Z, gave a presentation entitled “When Software Eats the Real (Estate) World” in which he laid claim to the premise that larger companies who can truly leverage technology will have a significant value proposition over traditional agents.
One can make their own assessment of how accurate Andreessen was in his perspective about software companies generally or Rampell’s predictions for the real estate space.
While maybe not as sexy as venture-funded startups using technology to eat something, there is another significant trend in real estate happening right now that may have broader and more systemic long term implications on the industry.
The undeniable growth of agent teams.
Consider these stats courtesy of RealTrends. In 2011, the top 250 individual agents produced approximately 45,000 real estate transaction sides compared to approximately 61,000 for the top 250 agent teams. At that time, these top tier agent-led teams were responsible for about 1/3 more transactions than group of top individual agents.
By the end of 2017, the top individual agents had grown annual transaction count to approximately 51,000, an increase of about 13%. During that same seven-year period, however, the top agent-led teams increased aggregate transaction count to 133,000, an increase of approximately 115%, more than 9X the transaction count growth rate of the top individual agents.
And the production gap continues to widen. From 2016 to 2017, the top individual agents modestly grew transaction count from approximately 49,000 to 51,000 sides. Compare that to the double-digit growth of top teams which went from 118,000 sides in 2016 to 133,000 sides in just one year.
At last count, the top agent teams were now producing nearly 3X the number of transaction sides controlled by the top agents!
Are these just “top-producer” statistics (remember these numbers compared the top 250 nationally in each category), or is team production growing across the board? To help answer this, let’s look at the recent comprehensive Teams Survey published this past October by the NAR.
According to the survey, twenty-six percent of respondents self-identified as members of a real estate team. While that number may not catch your immediate attention, keep in mind that NAR membership today is about 1.3 million. Of that number, a significant number (some believe as many as 50%) are unproductive and do little, if any, business.
Teams are, by definition, made up of productive agents. While a group of non-producers could join in order to not produce together, seems an unlikely occurrence.
So, with some simple math, we might extrapolate that the 26% of NAR members who are part of a team are responsible for well more than a quarter of aggregate transaction sides today.
Another interesting note from the survey. Respondents indicated that the median year their real estate team was established was 2014, with most of the respondents having joined their current real estate team in 2016. So, it’s clear that team formation growth is a new phenomenon. And, while I have not seen national data on team formation growth rates, this survey data and my own anecdotal observations tells me that the rate of team formation is rising significantly.
Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have definitive national statistics on the relative production of all teams vs. all individual agents. That said, it would be unwise to not acknowledge that teams are accounting for a significant amount of national transaction sides and that it may only be a matter of time (if we are not there already) when teams will be responsible for the majority of U.S. real estate transactions.
So what? Why does it matter that teams may be accounting for more and more of industry business?
Simply put, the impact of a new and powerful collective on the real estate ecosystem.
What I’ve learned in my 30 years working across various segments of this business is that the industry works through a (mostly) constructive tension among various historically defined groups. Whether in the form of market share, broker/agent splits, franchisor/broker relationships, ownership of data, REALTOR association governance and politics or MLS rules, the industry is a microcosm of “Push Me-Pull You” tug-a-wars which generally keeps it in balance allowing each group to have a voice and a place.
Today, teams and more importantly team leaders are not part of any defined industry “group.” They are too new and until very recently not recognized as being a significant voice in the market.
Let’s envision, however, a future where 60–75% of all transactions are performed by agents on a team run under the control of a team leader. Today, many of those team leaders are acting less as individual producers and more about managing a consumer sales/service organization. They do not fit nicely into the historical box of either brokerage firm or individual producing agent. If that future were to occur, it is quite possible that this new collective will want to assert power and influence to further their business interests in ways not previously seen.
To be clear, my intent here is not to make statements either in favor or against the growth of teams, whether the growth of teams is good or bad for the industry (or any particular group) or to suggest specific answers to questions that may be appropriate. My intent IS to get organizational leaders thinking about an industry dynamic that might be very different than the status quo and to consider various questions that might be discussed as organizations look toward the future.
While there are many industry groups that could be affected by an industry dominated by teams, I have focused on three; brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and Multiple Listing Services.
Brokerage Firms
The most direct impact on the industry would likely be the relationship between team leaders and their brokerage firm. As we know, top level gross commission rates are dropping and teams are gaining more market share which translates into more negotiating power with their brokerage on splits. That leaves the brokerage in a precarious economic position between consumers who are paying less and team leaders who want to make more. Despite the recent growth of teams, many brokerage firms today still view their primary customer as the individual agent and with the challenging economics, have not developed a robust value proposition for team leaders.
A few of the questions that brokerage firm leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· How do I create a sustainable economic model that caters to the needs of teams and their leaders and still allows the brokerage firm to operate profitably?
· What products and services might I deliver that are specifically targeted to teams?
· How can my brand and the team brand work synergistically?
· What space requirements do teams want and how does that match with my current footprint?
· Can I build an offering that is highly valued to teams while also being valuable to individual agents, or do I need to consider a teams-only model with a completely different economic structure?
REALTOR Associations
Not to be left out of discussion, the NAR and its network of state and local REALTOR associations may also be impacted by this team growth trend. For decades, there have been two defined and recognized “groups” in the REALTOR structure. Brokerage firm and agent. And each has the opportunity for voice and influence at all levels.
Today, to my knowledge, there is no specific acknowledgment of the role that team leaders play within the REALTOR world. As teams gain in national presence and collective strength, I suspect that team leaders will begin to ask “what about us?” The risk of ignoring them could result in the formation of a new association that specifically caters to team leaders, something that would be detrimental to the industry’s constructive tension described earlier.
A few questions that REALTOR association leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· What specific value proposition do we provide to team leaders, recognizing the different role they play vs. the traditional broker and individual agent?
· Do we need to create separate committees that provide team leaders with a collective voice (e.g. NAR has a committee for the top-75 U.S. brokerage firms)?
· Is the historical dues formula that ties individual member dues to a Designated REALTOR still appropriate or might that be modified to take into account the much higher degree of control and responsibility that team leaders have over the members of their team?
· What type of education programs do we provide that may not only support, but might even encourage, the formation of teams?
· Does the Code of Ethics need to be reviewed to take into account the role of the team leader relative to other REALTORS and the public?
· Does the association governance structure need to be analyzed to specifically provide a voice and place for team leaders?
· Should associations lobby federal and state government to create laws and regulations favorable for teams?
Multiple Listing Services
Historically, MLSs have recognized two distinct groups. Broker (the MLS “Participant”) and agent (the MLS “Subscriber” under the Participant). This hierarchical paradigm is based on the fact that the broker “owns” the listing relationship between the firm and consumer as well as the legal right to collect commissions and the individual agent operates only through that legal construct. Today, team leaders fit somewhere in between this historical Participant/Subscriber paradigm. While the broker still maintains the legal relationship, the practical control over listings is more and more the province of the team leader as is control and oversight of team members.
A few of the questions that MLS leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· Should the MLS deliver technology products and services targeted only at the unique wants/needs of team leaders?
· Should team leaders have their own relationship category with the MLS that acknowledges their role in leading a “micro-brokerage” organization?
· Should the MLS recognize the market power that teams wield vis a vis their brokerage firm and include them in the formal MLS governance structure?
· Should access to MLS data and IDX and VOW rules be modified to take into account the role of the team leader and her team?
· Should MLS rules and regulations be reviewed to better acknowledge the role of teams in the local market and provide greater responsibilities for team leader oversight?
Again, the answers to some or all of the above questions might well be “no”. Maybe the seismic growth in team formation and market share will suddenly stop and the industry can ignore these questions and address the myriad of other issues on its collective plate. Or just maybe, team growth will accelerate and brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and MLSs will be faced with an industry dominated by teams bringing with it a new base of power and influence.
Are teams eating real estate? Only time will tell but I hope industry leaders will recognize the importance of this trend and engage in proactive and open discussion about how it may impact their respective organizations.
The post Are Teams Eating Real Estate? appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Are Teams Eating Real Estate? published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
0 notes
theokbrowne · 6 years
Are Teams Eating Real Estate?
[Editor’s note: Originally published on Medium]
Some Questions Industry Leaders Might Consider
In August, 2011, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen coined the phrase “software is eating the world” in an iconic article published in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he put out a theory that we were in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies were poised to take over large swathes of the economy.
Fast forward to November, 2018 when Alex Rampell, one of Andreessen’s partners at A16Z, gave a presentation entitled “When Software Eats the Real (Estate) World” in which he laid claim to the premise that larger companies who can truly leverage technology will have a significant value proposition over traditional agents.
One can make their own assessment of how accurate Andreessen was in his perspective about software companies generally or Rampell’s predictions for the real estate space.
While maybe not as sexy as venture-funded startups using technology to eat something, there is another significant trend in real estate happening right now that may have broader and more systemic long term implications on the industry.
The undeniable growth of agent teams.
Consider these stats courtesy of RealTrends. In 2011, the top 250 individual agents produced approximately 45,000 real estate transaction sides compared to approximately 61,000 for the top 250 agent teams. At that time, these top tier agent-led teams were responsible for about 1/3 more transactions than group of top individual agents.
By the end of 2017, the top individual agents had grown annual transaction count to approximately 51,000, an increase of about 13%. During that same seven-year period, however, the top agent-led teams increased aggregate transaction count to 133,000, an increase of approximately 115%, more than 9X the transaction count growth rate of the top individual agents.
And the production gap continues to widen. From 2016 to 2017, the top individual agents modestly grew transaction count from approximately 49,000 to 51,000 sides. Compare that to the double-digit growth of top teams which went from 118,000 sides in 2016 to 133,000 sides in just one year.
At last count, the top agent teams were now producing nearly 3X the number of transaction sides controlled by the top agents!
Are these just “top-producer” statistics (remember these numbers compared the top 250 nationally in each category), or is team production growing across the board? To help answer this, let’s look at the recent comprehensive Teams Survey published this past October by the NAR.
According to the survey, twenty-six percent of respondents self-identified as members of a real estate team. While that number may not catch your immediate attention, keep in mind that NAR membership today is about 1.3 million. Of that number, a significant number (some believe as many as 50%) are unproductive and do little, if any, business.
Teams are, by definition, made up of productive agents. While a group of non-producers could join in order to not produce together, seems an unlikely occurrence.
So, with some simple math, we might extrapolate that the 26% of NAR members who are part of a team are responsible for well more than a quarter of aggregate transaction sides today.
Another interesting note from the survey. Respondents indicated that the median year their real estate team was established was 2014, with most of the respondents having joined their current real estate team in 2016. So, it’s clear that team formation growth is a new phenomenon. And, while I have not seen national data on team formation growth rates, this survey data and my own anecdotal observations tells me that the rate of team formation is rising significantly.
Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have definitive national statistics on the relative production of all teams vs. all individual agents. That said, it would be unwise to not acknowledge that teams are accounting for a significant amount of national transaction sides and that it may only be a matter of time (if we are not there already) when teams will be responsible for the majority of U.S. real estate transactions.
So what? Why does it matter that teams may be accounting for more and more of industry business?
Simply put, the impact of a new and powerful collective on the real estate ecosystem.
What I’ve learned in my 30 years working across various segments of this business is that the industry works through a (mostly) constructive tension among various historically defined groups. Whether in the form of market share, broker/agent splits, franchisor/broker relationships, ownership of data, REALTOR association governance and politics or MLS rules, the industry is a microcosm of “Push Me-Pull You” tug-a-wars which generally keeps it in balance allowing each group to have a voice and a place.
Today, teams and more importantly team leaders are not part of any defined industry “group.” They are too new and until very recently not recognized as being a significant voice in the market.
Let’s envision, however, a future where 60–75% of all transactions are performed by agents on a team run under the control of a team leader. Today, many of those team leaders are acting less as individual producers and more about managing a consumer sales/service organization. They do not fit nicely into the historical box of either brokerage firm or individual producing agent. If that future were to occur, it is quite possible that this new collective will want to assert power and influence to further their business interests in ways not previously seen.
To be clear, my intent here is not to make statements either in favor or against the growth of teams, whether the growth of teams is good or bad for the industry (or any particular group) or to suggest specific answers to questions that may be appropriate. My intent IS to get organizational leaders thinking about an industry dynamic that might be very different than the status quo and to consider various questions that might be discussed as organizations look toward the future.
While there are many industry groups that could be affected by an industry dominated by teams, I have focused on three; brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and Multiple Listing Services.
Brokerage Firms
The most direct impact on the industry would likely be the relationship between team leaders and their brokerage firm. As we know, top level gross commission rates are dropping and teams are gaining more market share which translates into more negotiating power with their brokerage on splits. That leaves the brokerage in a precarious economic position between consumers who are paying less and team leaders who want to make more. Despite the recent growth of teams, many brokerage firms today still view their primary customer as the individual agent and with the challenging economics, have not developed a robust value proposition for team leaders.
A few of the questions that brokerage firm leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· How do I create a sustainable economic model that caters to the needs of teams and their leaders and still allows the brokerage firm to operate profitably?
· What products and services might I deliver that are specifically targeted to teams?
· How can my brand and the team brand work synergistically?
· What space requirements do teams want and how does that match with my current footprint?
· Can I build an offering that is highly valued to teams while also being valuable to individual agents, or do I need to consider a teams-only model with a completely different economic structure?
REALTOR Associations
Not to be left out of discussion, the NAR and its network of state and local REALTOR associations may also be impacted by this team growth trend. For decades, there have been two defined and recognized “groups” in the REALTOR structure. Brokerage firm and agent. And each has the opportunity for voice and influence at all levels.
Today, to my knowledge, there is no specific acknowledgment of the role that team leaders play within the REALTOR world. As teams gain in national presence and collective strength, I suspect that team leaders will begin to ask “what about us?” The risk of ignoring them could result in the formation of a new association that specifically caters to team leaders, something that would be detrimental to the industry’s constructive tension described earlier.
A few questions that REALTOR association leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· What specific value proposition do we provide to team leaders, recognizing the different role they play vs. the traditional broker and individual agent?
· Do we need to create separate committees that provide team leaders with a collective voice (e.g. NAR has a committee for the top-75 U.S. brokerage firms)?
· Is the historical dues formula that ties individual member dues to a Designated REALTOR still appropriate or might that be modified to take into account the much higher degree of control and responsibility that team leaders have over the members of their team?
· What type of education programs do we provide that may not only support, but might even encourage, the formation of teams?
· Does the Code of Ethics need to be reviewed to take into account the role of the team leader relative to other REALTORS and the public?
· Does the association governance structure need to be analyzed to specifically provide a voice and place for team leaders?
· Should associations lobby federal and state government to create laws and regulations favorable for teams?
Multiple Listing Services
Historically, MLSs have recognized two distinct groups. Broker (the MLS “Participant”) and agent (the MLS “Subscriber” under the Participant). This hierarchical paradigm is based on the fact that the broker “owns” the listing relationship between the firm and consumer as well as the legal right to collect commissions and the individual agent operates only through that legal construct. Today, team leaders fit somewhere in between this historical Participant/Subscriber paradigm. While the broker still maintains the legal relationship, the practical control over listings is more and more the province of the team leader as is control and oversight of team members.
A few of the questions that MLS leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· Should the MLS deliver technology products and services targeted only at the unique wants/needs of team leaders?
· Should team leaders have their own relationship category with the MLS that acknowledges their role in leading a “micro-brokerage” organization?
· Should the MLS recognize the market power that teams wield vis a vis their brokerage firm and include them in the formal MLS governance structure?
· Should access to MLS data and IDX and VOW rules be modified to take into account the role of the team leader and her team?
· Should MLS rules and regulations be reviewed to better acknowledge the role of teams in the local market and provide greater responsibilities for team leader oversight?
Again, the answers to some or all of the above questions might well be “no”. Maybe the seismic growth in team formation and market share will suddenly stop and the industry can ignore these questions and address the myriad of other issues on its collective plate. Or just maybe, team growth will accelerate and brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and MLSs will be faced with an industry dominated by teams bringing with it a new base of power and influence.
Are teams eating real estate? Only time will tell but I hope industry leaders will recognize the importance of this trend and engage in proactive and open discussion about how it may impact their respective organizations.
The post Are Teams Eating Real Estate? appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
from theokbrowne digest https://geekestateblog.com/are-teams-eating-real-estate/
0 notes
clarencevancleave · 6 years
Are Teams Eating Real Estate?
[Editor’s note: Originally published on Medium]
Some Questions Industry Leaders Might Consider
In August, 2011, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen coined the phrase “software is eating the world” in an iconic article published in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he put out a theory that we were in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies were poised to take over large swathes of the economy.
Fast forward to November, 2018 when Alex Rampell, one of Andreessen’s partners at A16Z, gave a presentation entitled “When Software Eats the Real (Estate) World” in which he laid claim to the premise that larger companies who can truly leverage technology will have a significant value proposition over traditional agents.
One can make their own assessment of how accurate Andreessen was in his perspective about software companies generally or Rampell’s predictions for the real estate space.
While maybe not as sexy as venture-funded startups using technology to eat something, there is another significant trend in real estate happening right now that may have broader and more systemic long term implications on the industry.
The undeniable growth of agent teams.
Consider these stats courtesy of RealTrends. In 2011, the top 250 individual agents produced approximately 45,000 real estate transaction sides compared to approximately 61,000 for the top 250 agent teams. At that time, these top tier agent-led teams were responsible for about 1/3 more transactions than group of top individual agents.
By the end of 2017, the top individual agents had grown annual transaction count to approximately 51,000, an increase of about 13%. During that same seven-year period, however, the top agent-led teams increased aggregate transaction count to 133,000, an increase of approximately 115%, more than 9X the transaction count growth rate of the top individual agents.
And the production gap continues to widen. From 2016 to 2017, the top individual agents modestly grew transaction count from approximately 49,000 to 51,000 sides. Compare that to the double-digit growth of top teams which went from 118,000 sides in 2016 to 133,000 sides in just one year.
At last count, the top agent teams were now producing nearly 3X the number of transaction sides controlled by the top agents!
Are these just “top-producer” statistics (remember these numbers compared the top 250 nationally in each category), or is team production growing across the board? To help answer this, let’s look at the recent comprehensive Teams Survey published this past October by the NAR.
According to the survey, twenty-six percent of respondents self-identified as members of a real estate team. While that number may not catch your immediate attention, keep in mind that NAR membership today is about 1.3 million. Of that number, a significant number (some believe as many as 50%) are unproductive and do little, if any, business.
Teams are, by definition, made up of productive agents. While a group of non-producers could join in order to not produce together, seems an unlikely occurrence.
So, with some simple math, we might extrapolate that the 26% of NAR members who are part of a team are responsible for well more than a quarter of aggregate transaction sides today.
Another interesting note from the survey. Respondents indicated that the median year their real estate team was established was 2014, with most of the respondents having joined their current real estate team in 2016. So, it’s clear that team formation growth is a new phenomenon. And, while I have not seen national data on team formation growth rates, this survey data and my own anecdotal observations tells me that the rate of team formation is rising significantly.
Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have definitive national statistics on the relative production of all teams vs. all individual agents. That said, it would be unwise to not acknowledge that teams are accounting for a significant amount of national transaction sides and that it may only be a matter of time (if we are not there already) when teams will be responsible for the majority of U.S. real estate transactions.
So what? Why does it matter that teams may be accounting for more and more of industry business?
Simply put, the impact of a new and powerful collective on the real estate ecosystem.
What I’ve learned in my 30 years working across various segments of this business is that the industry works through a (mostly) constructive tension among various historically defined groups. Whether in the form of market share, broker/agent splits, franchisor/broker relationships, ownership of data, REALTOR association governance and politics or MLS rules, the industry is a microcosm of “Push Me-Pull You” tug-a-wars which generally keeps it in balance allowing each group to have a voice and a place.
Today, teams and more importantly team leaders are not part of any defined industry “group.” They are too new and until very recently not recognized as being a significant voice in the market.
Let’s envision, however, a future where 60–75% of all transactions are performed by agents on a team run under the control of a team leader. Today, many of those team leaders are acting less as individual producers and more about managing a consumer sales/service organization. They do not fit nicely into the historical box of either brokerage firm or individual producing agent. If that future were to occur, it is quite possible that this new collective will want to assert power and influence to further their business interests in ways not previously seen.
To be clear, my intent here is not to make statements either in favor or against the growth of teams, whether the growth of teams is good or bad for the industry (or any particular group) or to suggest specific answers to questions that may be appropriate. My intent IS to get organizational leaders thinking about an industry dynamic that might be very different than the status quo and to consider various questions that might be discussed as organizations look toward the future.
While there are many industry groups that could be affected by an industry dominated by teams, I have focused on three; brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and Multiple Listing Services.
Brokerage Firms
The most direct impact on the industry would likely be the relationship between team leaders and their brokerage firm. As we know, top level gross commission rates are dropping and teams are gaining more market share which translates into more negotiating power with their brokerage on splits. That leaves the brokerage in a precarious economic position between consumers who are paying less and team leaders who want to make more. Despite the recent growth of teams, many brokerage firms today still view their primary customer as the individual agent and with the challenging economics, have not developed a robust value proposition for team leaders.
A few of the questions that brokerage firm leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· How do I create a sustainable economic model that caters to the needs of teams and their leaders and still allows the brokerage firm to operate profitably?
· What products and services might I deliver that are specifically targeted to teams?
· How can my brand and the team brand work synergistically?
· What space requirements do teams want and how does that match with my current footprint?
· Can I build an offering that is highly valued to teams while also being valuable to individual agents, or do I need to consider a teams-only model with a completely different economic structure?
REALTOR Associations
Not to be left out of discussion, the NAR and its network of state and local REALTOR associations may also be impacted by this team growth trend. For decades, there have been two defined and recognized “groups” in the REALTOR structure. Brokerage firm and agent. And each has the opportunity for voice and influence at all levels.
Today, to my knowledge, there is no specific acknowledgment of the role that team leaders play within the REALTOR world. As teams gain in national presence and collective strength, I suspect that team leaders will begin to ask “what about us?” The risk of ignoring them could result in the formation of a new association that specifically caters to team leaders, something that would be detrimental to the industry’s constructive tension described earlier.
A few questions that REALTOR association leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· What specific value proposition do we provide to team leaders, recognizing the different role they play vs. the traditional broker and individual agent?
· Do we need to create separate committees that provide team leaders with a collective voice (e.g. NAR has a committee for the top-75 U.S. brokerage firms)?
· Is the historical dues formula that ties individual member dues to a Designated REALTOR still appropriate or might that be modified to take into account the much higher degree of control and responsibility that team leaders have over the members of their team?
· What type of education programs do we provide that may not only support, but might even encourage, the formation of teams?
· Does the Code of Ethics need to be reviewed to take into account the role of the team leader relative to other REALTORS and the public?
· Does the association governance structure need to be analyzed to specifically provide a voice and place for team leaders?
· Should associations lobby federal and state government to create laws and regulations favorable for teams?
Multiple Listing Services
Historically, MLSs have recognized two distinct groups. Broker (the MLS “Participant”) and agent (the MLS “Subscriber” under the Participant). This hierarchical paradigm is based on the fact that the broker “owns” the listing relationship between the firm and consumer as well as the legal right to collect commissions and the individual agent operates only through that legal construct. Today, team leaders fit somewhere in between this historical Participant/Subscriber paradigm. While the broker still maintains the legal relationship, the practical control over listings is more and more the province of the team leader as is control and oversight of team members.
A few of the questions that MLS leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· Should the MLS deliver technology products and services targeted only at the unique wants/needs of team leaders?
· Should team leaders have their own relationship category with the MLS that acknowledges their role in leading a “micro-brokerage” organization?
· Should the MLS recognize the market power that teams wield vis a vis their brokerage firm and include them in the formal MLS governance structure?
· Should access to MLS data and IDX and VOW rules be modified to take into account the role of the team leader and her team?
· Should MLS rules and regulations be reviewed to better acknowledge the role of teams in the local market and provide greater responsibilities for team leader oversight?
Again, the answers to some or all of the above questions might well be “no”. Maybe the seismic growth in team formation and market share will suddenly stop and the industry can ignore these questions and address the myriad of other issues on its collective plate. Or just maybe, team growth will accelerate and brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and MLSs will be faced with an industry dominated by teams bringing with it a new base of power and influence.
Are teams eating real estate? Only time will tell but I hope industry leaders will recognize the importance of this trend and engage in proactive and open discussion about how it may impact their respective organizations.
The post Are Teams Eating Real Estate? appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230574 http://bit.ly/2D3caTs via IFTTT
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brettseaton · 6 years
Are Teams Eating Real Estate?
[Editor’s note: Originally published on Medium]
Some Questions Industry Leaders Might Consider
In August, 2011, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen coined the phrase “software is eating the world” in an iconic article published in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he put out a theory that we were in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies were poised to take over large swathes of the economy.
Fast forward to November, 2018 when Alex Rampell, one of Andreessen’s partners at A16Z, gave a presentation entitled “When Software Eats the Real (Estate) World” in which he laid claim to the premise that larger companies who can truly leverage technology will have a significant value proposition over traditional agents.
One can make their own assessment of how accurate Andreessen was in his perspective about software companies generally or Rampell’s predictions for the real estate space.
While maybe not as sexy as venture-funded startups using technology to eat something, there is another significant trend in real estate happening right now that may have broader and more systemic long term implications on the industry.
The undeniable growth of agent teams.
Consider these stats courtesy of RealTrends. In 2011, the top 250 individual agents produced approximately 45,000 real estate transaction sides compared to approximately 61,000 for the top 250 agent teams. At that time, these top tier agent-led teams were responsible for about 1/3 more transactions than group of top individual agents.
By the end of 2017, the top individual agents had grown annual transaction count to approximately 51,000, an increase of about 13%. During that same seven-year period, however, the top agent-led teams increased aggregate transaction count to 133,000, an increase of approximately 115%, more than 9X the transaction count growth rate of the top individual agents.
And the production gap continues to widen. From 2016 to 2017, the top individual agents modestly grew transaction count from approximately 49,000 to 51,000 sides. Compare that to the double-digit growth of top teams which went from 118,000 sides in 2016 to 133,000 sides in just one year.
At last count, the top agent teams were now producing nearly 3X the number of transaction sides controlled by the top agents!
Are these just “top-producer” statistics (remember these numbers compared the top 250 nationally in each category), or is team production growing across the board? To help answer this, let’s look at the recent comprehensive Teams Survey published this past October by the NAR.
According to the survey, twenty-six percent of respondents self-identified as members of a real estate team. While that number may not catch your immediate attention, keep in mind that NAR membership today is about 1.3 million. Of that number, a significant number (some believe as many as 50%) are unproductive and do little, if any, business.
Teams are, by definition, made up of productive agents. While a group of non-producers could join in order to not produce together, seems an unlikely occurrence.
So, with some simple math, we might extrapolate that the 26% of NAR members who are part of a team are responsible for well more than a quarter of aggregate transaction sides today.
Another interesting note from the survey. Respondents indicated that the median year their real estate team was established was 2014, with most of the respondents having joined their current real estate team in 2016. So, it’s clear that team formation growth is a new phenomenon. And, while I have not seen national data on team formation growth rates, this survey data and my own anecdotal observations tells me that the rate of team formation is rising significantly.
Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have definitive national statistics on the relative production of all teams vs. all individual agents. That said, it would be unwise to not acknowledge that teams are accounting for a significant amount of national transaction sides and that it may only be a matter of time (if we are not there already) when teams will be responsible for the majority of U.S. real estate transactions.
So what? Why does it matter that teams may be accounting for more and more of industry business?
Simply put, the impact of a new and powerful collective on the real estate ecosystem.
What I’ve learned in my 30 years working across various segments of this business is that the industry works through a (mostly) constructive tension among various historically defined groups. Whether in the form of market share, broker/agent splits, franchisor/broker relationships, ownership of data, REALTOR association governance and politics or MLS rules, the industry is a microcosm of “Push Me-Pull You” tug-a-wars which generally keeps it in balance allowing each group to have a voice and a place.
Today, teams and more importantly team leaders are not part of any defined industry “group.” They are too new and until very recently not recognized as being a significant voice in the market.
Let’s envision, however, a future where 60–75% of all transactions are performed by agents on a team run under the control of a team leader. Today, many of those team leaders are acting less as individual producers and more about managing a consumer sales/service organization. They do not fit nicely into the historical box of either brokerage firm or individual producing agent. If that future were to occur, it is quite possible that this new collective will want to assert power and influence to further their business interests in ways not previously seen.
To be clear, my intent here is not to make statements either in favor or against the growth of teams, whether the growth of teams is good or bad for the industry (or any particular group) or to suggest specific answers to questions that may be appropriate. My intent IS to get organizational leaders thinking about an industry dynamic that might be very different than the status quo and to consider various questions that might be discussed as organizations look toward the future.
While there are many industry groups that could be affected by an industry dominated by teams, I have focused on three; brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and Multiple Listing Services.
Brokerage Firms
The most direct impact on the industry would likely be the relationship between team leaders and their brokerage firm. As we know, top level gross commission rates are dropping and teams are gaining more market share which translates into more negotiating power with their brokerage on splits. That leaves the brokerage in a precarious economic position between consumers who are paying less and team leaders who want to make more. Despite the recent growth of teams, many brokerage firms today still view their primary customer as the individual agent and with the challenging economics, have not developed a robust value proposition for team leaders.
A few of the questions that brokerage firm leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· How do I create a sustainable economic model that caters to the needs of teams and their leaders and still allows the brokerage firm to operate profitably?
· What products and services might I deliver that are specifically targeted to teams?
· How can my brand and the team brand work synergistically?
· What space requirements do teams want and how does that match with my current footprint?
· Can I build an offering that is highly valued to teams while also being valuable to individual agents, or do I need to consider a teams-only model with a completely different economic structure?
REALTOR Associations
Not to be left out of discussion, the NAR and its network of state and local REALTOR associations may also be impacted by this team growth trend. For decades, there have been two defined and recognized “groups” in the REALTOR structure. Brokerage firm and agent. And each has the opportunity for voice and influence at all levels.
Today, to my knowledge, there is no specific acknowledgment of the role that team leaders play within the REALTOR world. As teams gain in national presence and collective strength, I suspect that team leaders will begin to ask “what about us?” The risk of ignoring them could result in the formation of a new association that specifically caters to team leaders, something that would be detrimental to the industry’s constructive tension described earlier.
A few questions that REALTOR association leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· What specific value proposition do we provide to team leaders, recognizing the different role they play vs. the traditional broker and individual agent?
· Do we need to create separate committees that provide team leaders with a collective voice (e.g. NAR has a committee for the top-75 U.S. brokerage firms)?
· Is the historical dues formula that ties individual member dues to a Designated REALTOR still appropriate or might that be modified to take into account the much higher degree of control and responsibility that team leaders have over the members of their team?
· What type of education programs do we provide that may not only support, but might even encourage, the formation of teams?
· Does the Code of Ethics need to be reviewed to take into account the role of the team leader relative to other REALTORS and the public?
· Does the association governance structure need to be analyzed to specifically provide a voice and place for team leaders?
· Should associations lobby federal and state government to create laws and regulations favorable for teams?
Multiple Listing Services
Historically, MLSs have recognized two distinct groups. Broker (the MLS “Participant”) and agent (the MLS “Subscriber” under the Participant). This hierarchical paradigm is based on the fact that the broker “owns” the listing relationship between the firm and consumer as well as the legal right to collect commissions and the individual agent operates only through that legal construct. Today, team leaders fit somewhere in between this historical Participant/Subscriber paradigm. While the broker still maintains the legal relationship, the practical control over listings is more and more the province of the team leader as is control and oversight of team members.
A few of the questions that MLS leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· Should the MLS deliver technology products and services targeted only at the unique wants/needs of team leaders?
· Should team leaders have their own relationship category with the MLS that acknowledges their role in leading a “micro-brokerage” organization?
· Should the MLS recognize the market power that teams wield vis a vis their brokerage firm and include them in the formal MLS governance structure?
· Should access to MLS data and IDX and VOW rules be modified to take into account the role of the team leader and her team?
· Should MLS rules and regulations be reviewed to better acknowledge the role of teams in the local market and provide greater responsibilities for team leader oversight?
Again, the answers to some or all of the above questions might well be “no”. Maybe the seismic growth in team formation and market share will suddenly stop and the industry can ignore these questions and address the myriad of other issues on its collective plate. Or just maybe, team growth will accelerate and brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and MLSs will be faced with an industry dominated by teams bringing with it a new base of power and influence.
Are teams eating real estate? Only time will tell but I hope industry leaders will recognize the importance of this trend and engage in proactive and open discussion about how it may impact their respective organizations.
The post Are Teams Eating Real Estate? appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Are Teams Eating Real Estate? syndicated from https://oicrealestate.wordpress.com/
0 notes
brettseaton · 6 years
Are Teams Eating Real Estate?
[Editor’s note: Originally published on Medium]
Some Questions Industry Leaders Might Consider
In August, 2011, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen coined the phrase “software is eating the world” in an iconic article published in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he put out a theory that we were in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies were poised to take over large swathes of the economy.
Fast forward to November, 2018 when Alex Rampell, one of Andreessen’s partners at A16Z, gave a presentation entitled “When Software Eats the Real (Estate) World” in which he laid claim to the premise that larger companies who can truly leverage technology will have a significant value proposition over traditional agents.
One can make their own assessment of how accurate Andreessen was in his perspective about software companies generally or Rampell’s predictions for the real estate space.
While maybe not as sexy as venture-funded startups using technology to eat something, there is another significant trend in real estate happening right now that may have broader and more systemic long term implications on the industry.
The undeniable growth of agent teams.
Consider these stats courtesy of RealTrends. In 2011, the top 250 individual agents produced approximately 45,000 real estate transaction sides compared to approximately 61,000 for the top 250 agent teams. At that time, these top tier agent-led teams were responsible for about 1/3 more transactions than group of top individual agents.
By the end of 2017, the top individual agents had grown annual transaction count to approximately 51,000, an increase of about 13%. During that same seven-year period, however, the top agent-led teams increased aggregate transaction count to 133,000, an increase of approximately 115%, more than 9X the transaction count growth rate of the top individual agents.
And the production gap continues to widen. From 2016 to 2017, the top individual agents modestly grew transaction count from approximately 49,000 to 51,000 sides. Compare that to the double-digit growth of top teams which went from 118,000 sides in 2016 to 133,000 sides in just one year.
At last count, the top agent teams were now producing nearly 3X the number of transaction sides controlled by the top agents!
Are these just “top-producer” statistics (remember these numbers compared the top 250 nationally in each category), or is team production growing across the board? To help answer this, let’s look at the recent comprehensive Teams Survey published this past October by the NAR.
According to the survey, twenty-six percent of respondents self-identified as members of a real estate team. While that number may not catch your immediate attention, keep in mind that NAR membership today is about 1.3 million. Of that number, a significant number (some believe as many as 50%) are unproductive and do little, if any, business.
Teams are, by definition, made up of productive agents. While a group of non-producers could join in order to not produce together, seems an unlikely occurrence.
So, with some simple math, we might extrapolate that the 26% of NAR members who are part of a team are responsible for well more than a quarter of aggregate transaction sides today.
Another interesting note from the survey. Respondents indicated that the median year their real estate team was established was 2014, with most of the respondents having joined their current real estate team in 2016. So, it’s clear that team formation growth is a new phenomenon. And, while I have not seen national data on team formation growth rates, this survey data and my own anecdotal observations tells me that the rate of team formation is rising significantly.
Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have definitive national statistics on the relative production of all teams vs. all individual agents. That said, it would be unwise to not acknowledge that teams are accounting for a significant amount of national transaction sides and that it may only be a matter of time (if we are not there already) when teams will be responsible for the majority of U.S. real estate transactions.
So what? Why does it matter that teams may be accounting for more and more of industry business?
Simply put, the impact of a new and powerful collective on the real estate ecosystem.
What I’ve learned in my 30 years working across various segments of this business is that the industry works through a (mostly) constructive tension among various historically defined groups. Whether in the form of market share, broker/agent splits, franchisor/broker relationships, ownership of data, REALTOR association governance and politics or MLS rules, the industry is a microcosm of “Push Me-Pull You” tug-a-wars which generally keeps it in balance allowing each group to have a voice and a place.
Today, teams and more importantly team leaders are not part of any defined industry “group.” They are too new and until very recently not recognized as being a significant voice in the market.
Let’s envision, however, a future where 60–75% of all transactions are performed by agents on a team run under the control of a team leader. Today, many of those team leaders are acting less as individual producers and more about managing a consumer sales/service organization. They do not fit nicely into the historical box of either brokerage firm or individual producing agent. If that future were to occur, it is quite possible that this new collective will want to assert power and influence to further their business interests in ways not previously seen.
To be clear, my intent here is not to make statements either in favor or against the growth of teams, whether the growth of teams is good or bad for the industry (or any particular group) or to suggest specific answers to questions that may be appropriate. My intent IS to get organizational leaders thinking about an industry dynamic that might be very different than the status quo and to consider various questions that might be discussed as organizations look toward the future.
While there are many industry groups that could be affected by an industry dominated by teams, I have focused on three; brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and Multiple Listing Services.
Brokerage Firms
The most direct impact on the industry would likely be the relationship between team leaders and their brokerage firm. As we know, top level gross commission rates are dropping and teams are gaining more market share which translates into more negotiating power with their brokerage on splits. That leaves the brokerage in a precarious economic position between consumers who are paying less and team leaders who want to make more. Despite the recent growth of teams, many brokerage firms today still view their primary customer as the individual agent and with the challenging economics, have not developed a robust value proposition for team leaders.
A few of the questions that brokerage firm leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· How do I create a sustainable economic model that caters to the needs of teams and their leaders and still allows the brokerage firm to operate profitably?
· What products and services might I deliver that are specifically targeted to teams?
· How can my brand and the team brand work synergistically?
· What space requirements do teams want and how does that match with my current footprint?
· Can I build an offering that is highly valued to teams while also being valuable to individual agents, or do I need to consider a teams-only model with a completely different economic structure?
REALTOR Associations
Not to be left out of discussion, the NAR and its network of state and local REALTOR associations may also be impacted by this team growth trend. For decades, there have been two defined and recognized “groups” in the REALTOR structure. Brokerage firm and agent. And each has the opportunity for voice and influence at all levels.
Today, to my knowledge, there is no specific acknowledgment of the role that team leaders play within the REALTOR world. As teams gain in national presence and collective strength, I suspect that team leaders will begin to ask “what about us?” The risk of ignoring them could result in the formation of a new association that specifically caters to team leaders, something that would be detrimental to the industry’s constructive tension described earlier.
A few questions that REALTOR association leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· What specific value proposition do we provide to team leaders, recognizing the different role they play vs. the traditional broker and individual agent?
· Do we need to create separate committees that provide team leaders with a collective voice (e.g. NAR has a committee for the top-75 U.S. brokerage firms)?
· Is the historical dues formula that ties individual member dues to a Designated REALTOR still appropriate or might that be modified to take into account the much higher degree of control and responsibility that team leaders have over the members of their team?
· What type of education programs do we provide that may not only support, but might even encourage, the formation of teams?
· Does the Code of Ethics need to be reviewed to take into account the role of the team leader relative to other REALTORS and the public?
· Does the association governance structure need to be analyzed to specifically provide a voice and place for team leaders?
· Should associations lobby federal and state government to create laws and regulations favorable for teams?
Multiple Listing Services
Historically, MLSs have recognized two distinct groups. Broker (the MLS “Participant”) and agent (the MLS “Subscriber” under the Participant). This hierarchical paradigm is based on the fact that the broker “owns” the listing relationship between the firm and consumer as well as the legal right to collect commissions and the individual agent operates only through that legal construct. Today, team leaders fit somewhere in between this historical Participant/Subscriber paradigm. While the broker still maintains the legal relationship, the practical control over listings is more and more the province of the team leader as is control and oversight of team members.
A few of the questions that MLS leaders may want to ask themselves include:
· Should the MLS deliver technology products and services targeted only at the unique wants/needs of team leaders?
· Should team leaders have their own relationship category with the MLS that acknowledges their role in leading a “micro-brokerage” organization?
· Should the MLS recognize the market power that teams wield vis a vis their brokerage firm and include them in the formal MLS governance structure?
· Should access to MLS data and IDX and VOW rules be modified to take into account the role of the team leader and her team?
· Should MLS rules and regulations be reviewed to better acknowledge the role of teams in the local market and provide greater responsibilities for team leader oversight?
Again, the answers to some or all of the above questions might well be “no”. Maybe the seismic growth in team formation and market share will suddenly stop and the industry can ignore these questions and address the myriad of other issues on its collective plate. Or just maybe, team growth will accelerate and brokerage firms, REALTOR associations and MLSs will be faced with an industry dominated by teams bringing with it a new base of power and influence.
Are teams eating real estate? Only time will tell but I hope industry leaders will recognize the importance of this trend and engage in proactive and open discussion about how it may impact their respective organizations.
The post Are Teams Eating Real Estate? appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Are Teams Eating Real Estate? syndicated from https://oicrealestate.wordpress.com/
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