#I ate a croissant at least
delicious-p4ncakes · 1 year
I’m so tired :(((( 
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
What if there was a dance to find the (insert whatever monster) king's mate so they can produce a heir(and many more kids)
And a regular human reader attends for free food not believing they'll be picked from but turns out the king had a eye on reader the whole time
Ahhh! I adore this idea! Anything that has to do with food immediately has my support and any reader I write would be first in line at the buffet :D
Shadow King (Zintius) x female reader
Word Count: 2.5K
W: sfw monster fluff, kidnapping, some sfw forced stripping
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You smoothed the pointy clay tips you’d glued to your ears to make you look like a pixie, before you slipped out of the bathroom and back into the ballroom. 
Around you Fairyfolk were gathered dressed to the nines, all covered in sequins and feathers to attract the eye of the Shadow King. No one paid any attention to you, as a human you were much too plain to compete with these otherworldly beauties. Sirens, fairies, lovely creatures you’d never even heard of before crowded the room, subtly elbowing each other in the ribs to be the first that the King laid eyes on as he descended the stairs. 
Your focus, however, was the buffet. As a human in Fairy, you were unpopular to say the least and would never be allowed in a place like this, but with a little bit of pheromone lifted off of a witch and some micah powder to make your skin glitter you’d made yourself up to pass as a pixie so you could pilfer the feast. I
t was a con you pulled often, though this was perhaps your most bold move yet. This was the King’s marriage ball. He was looking for a wife so only the richest, prettiest, and most affluent Fairyfolk in the land had gone to great expense to travel as far as the Realm of Shadow to seduce him. 
It didn’t matter that he was ten feet tall and mostly smoke and big teeth. He had power and that was beautiful. The realm of Light and the realm of Twilight feared him, declaring him their greatest enemy. He was known to be brutal and imperialistic, wanting to spread his darkness as far as the other two realms would allow. 
None of that concerned you, however. While their heads were all turned to watch the King descend the stairs, you were pulling a sack from underneath your stolen, stained ball gown and loading it full of croissants, cupcakes, and whatever else wasn’t too sticky to fit. It wasn’t the flashiest con, but you were just a human, you did what you could to get by and this one was easy. You got away every time and ate for a week if you rationed everything out. 
When you’d gotten all you could, you shoved the sack under your fluffy dress, one you’d stolen out of the trash pile of a seamstress’ shop, and blended back into the crowd. It would be suspicious if you bolted immediately, the guards were trained to watch for thieves who would do just that, so you had to stick around for at least another hour.
You’d slip out of the back, look a little drunk if anyone stopped you, find a quiet place and put on the stable boy outfit you also had hidden in your skirt and casually walk away looking like a servant carrying out the trash.  
In the meantime, your eyes drifted over the crowd, trying to figure out if you could pilfer any loose valuables while you were waiting…these rich people wouldn’t notice a few baubles missing. You didn’t even bother to look for the King, though you heard all the trumpets and fanfare announcing his arrival.
Your eye caught on a jewel encrusted fan sticking out of the back pocket of a handsome goblin. Like a cat, you honed in on your target, drifting closer and closer to the sparkling prize. 
“I throw a whole ball just for you and I can’t even catch your eye,” a rumbling voice boomed just as you raised your hand to snatch the fan. 
You whirled around, cheeks red, trying to look innocent, eyes widening as you took in the figure looming over you. The Shadow King looked down at you with six eyes glowing gold from the dark space that was his face. 
“Um…I…Um…what?” you stammered. 
A wide, white smile appeared on his face, no lips, only teeth. 
“Finally, you look at me,” he said. 
You instinctively took a step back, unsure what was happening. Was he confused? Was he teasing you? Surely this was some cruel joke because he’d caught you stealing, though you didn’t entirely understand it. 
“Come,” he said, holding out a large hand. Whirls of black smoke drifted up off of it. The whole room was looking at you with obvious hostility, so you shakily took his hand, unsure what else to do. Your heart was hammering in your chest. The one rule of conning was commit to the bit, you had to let this play out, but what was happening?
He led you to the center of the room and music began. Your mouth fell open as he put one hand on your hip and with the other he clasped your hand and you started to dance. You had no idea how to dance, so you simply stumbled over his feet. He chuckled, revealing his white teeth again and lifted you up a bit, depositing your feet on top of his. 
“Here, like this,” he said, before swinging you around the ballroom to the music. The guests blurred around you as he spun across the shiny marble floor. 
His six eyes, all with different colored irises blinked down at you with utter fascination. He remembered the first time he saw you at some silly party he’d been compelled to attend. You’d done quite a good job hiding you were human only, as he’d wandered onto the terrace to get some air, he’d looked down to see you undressing. He’d watched in fascination as you’d unloaded a sack full of food and a handful of valuables, before peeling off your dress, plucking the tips from your ears and hurriedly disguising yourself like a servant boy with some pants and a low cap. 
He’d snuck off, following you, curious about your life and where you were going. Humans were all but extinct in Fairy, the fact that you were alive at all was a bit remarkable. Hiding as a cloud of smoke in the shadows he watched you dangling your feet over the dock watching the boats on the river while you munched on your ill gotten gains.
It was impossible to keep his eyes off of your plump lips as you chewed and your pretty hands as you wiped crumbs from your cheeks. His heart had dropped when he’d watched you curl up in a barrel near where they dumped the trash, your head resting on your bag of pastries to sleep. 
After that he’d used his own disguises to move through the nobility. It would be obnoxious if the king came to every party, but transforming himself into an unassuming orc nobleman, he eagerly waited for your arrival at every flashy party in the capital. He found your disguise rather clever and the way you slipped in and out, making yourself unseen despite how beautiful you were, very impressive.
It stunned him how well you could read your marks. You followed the cadence of the room, striking just when someone was distracted with new love or jealousy. Too wrapped up in their own drama to even care that whatever they lost was missing. 
He never bothered you, afraid to disturb what seemed to be your main source of food and income. That is until he set this little trap to catch you. 
“How long I’ve waited to have you in my arms,” he purred at you. 
You blinked your eyes at him. 
“You have?” you gasped, “are…are you sure you’re not mistaking me for someone else?” 
He just shook his head, the song ending. You were aware the entire room was looking at you with a mix of disgust and envy. As the next song began and some partners filled the dance floor a plucky witch dared to shoot her shot at the King, sure she could easily pull his attention from you. You almost let out a relieved sigh when you saw her approaching. She was a perfect excuse to make your escape and pretty enough to probably succeed. 
Only when she reached you he waved her away. 
“I’m busy,” he growled before she could even open her mouth and your hope scurried away. 
“Let’s go somewhere more private, pet,” he said, scooping you up in his arms to the dismay of you and the entire room and the two of you disappeared in a puff of smoke. 
You immediately panicked when you realized where you were, struggling in his arms. They were impossibly strong for appearing to be made of nothing but black mist. He’d brought you to his bedroom. You could only assume it was his bedroom because it was the nicest one you’d ever been in. The walls were draped in glittering gold fabric and jewel encrusted weapons humming with power were mounted where they parted.
“Shhh, shhh,” he shushed you, snapping his fingers and the cold fireplace lit bathing the room in warm light. 
The sudden sparks startled you still. In the glitter of firelight the shadow king’s black skin almost seemed to have a bit of a sparkle to it. Looking down on you and smiling again with his eerie Cheshire cat smile, he plucked the clay points from your ears. 
“You don’t need to hide from me, little human,” he said, “you’re perfectly safe…but you must tell me…I’ve been dying to know your name.” 
“Maurine,” you lied and he frowned at you, his smile inverting. 
“It’s not wise to lie to  me, pet,” he growled, his six eyes narrowing and the colors in them flashing. 
“(Y/N),” you squeaked. 
His mouth flipped again, creepily and he brushed your hair. 
“There’s no reason to lie, anyway,” he assured you, depositing you into a chair in front of the fire before he crossed the room to a pitcher of water and a bowl, “whatever petty problems you may have you can rely on me to solve them.”  
Wetting a rag he returned to scrub the micah from your cheeks that was giving you the pixie-like sheen. Pinching your cheeks with his shadowy fingers, he scrubbed until every bit of your disguise was off of you. From then on, Zintius wanted you to look like yourself. You’d never have to steal for a living again. He’d stuff you full of so many pastries you were plump and round. 
You gasped, surprised as his large hand slipped up your skirt and fished around, brushing your bare thigh. His smile got brighter as he retrieved the sack of food and the other bag of supplies you carried on you, pulling them from under it. 
Your eyes widened in horror as he tossed the bag with the food in it casually into the fireplace as if it weren’t your only source of sustenance for a week. You were almost afraid he was going to toss in your meager belongings, but he only rummaged around in them for the bottle of pheromone that apparently offended him. He was sure to toss that into the fireplace as well. 
When his eyes returned to you they were laser focused on the smelly dress you’d pulled from the garbage and you started to climb over the back of the chair to escape him. He was much too fast and much too big, yanking you back down. The sound of fabric ripping filled the room as he shredded the poor thing. 
“So lovely,” he gasped in his throat as he took in your body, bathed in golden light. It was so much more than when he’d imagined it. It had been impossible to see the appealing figure you’d been hiding under the ill fitting dress and boy’s clothes. 
Folding himself down to you as you squealed and shrank back into the chair, he breathed in your sweet scent, underneath the annoying pheromone you were wearing. He was much too impatient to wait to scrub you, reminding himself to tell the maids to take the bedding immediately in the morning when he got around to giving you a bath. The sooner he never had to smell that stuff again the better. 
Scooping you up, he hurried to the bed. 
“What are you doing?!” you snarled, beating your fists against his chest, which he conveniently made smoke when you struck him so your hands slipped right through. It was not a funny joke, but he found it very amusing, smiling down at you as he climbed across the spread with you in one arm. 
“I’m going to mate you,” he explained innocently. 
You gasped, scandalized. 
“Me!? But…but…mating is forever and I’m human! The goddess doesn’t make human mates. She hates humans!” 
He snorted. 
“The Goddess long ago betrayed me,” he snarled, “She cursed me to never have a Fairy mate, but I can and will have my own. You…I can feel it…perhaps the God of man blessed me just to spite her. I’ll never stop thanking him for his kindness, delivering a human angel to me. If he wants me to spend my life crusading against her creations, I will, if it means I can keep you.” 
You’d prayed to Adam, the God of man so many nights as you’d slept near the dock, wondering if his reach stretched all the way to Fairy. Only what you’d prayed for was that a stray portal would open up and you’d be taken back to Earth where you’d learned the rest of the humans lived, not this…but Gods were a fickle, spiteful bunch and sticking it to Freya by undermining her curse sounded like just the sort of thing Adam would do. 
The Shadow King practically purred at you, his smokey fingertips drifting over your bare skin as you cowered into the pillows. 
“I can be a good lover, pet,” he promised you, “I have the power to give you whatever you like. Do you want jewels? Castles? Servants to step all over?” 
You shook your head. 
“I-I don’t need all that,” you stammered, “I-I just…” 
You weren’t sure what you were trying to say. 
His eyes narrowed on you and you saw a sliver of tooth as he smirked at you. 
“Aren’t you just a little bit curious?” he asked, “don’t you want to know what it’s like not to scrabble in the dirt as you have your whole life? I’ve seen you sleeping in the cold trash, love, you never have to sleep on anything but the finest silk in front of a warm fireplace for the rest of your life. I watched the way your eyelashes fluttered as you woke, terrified of what had found you in the dark. You never have to be afraid to close your eyes again. All you have to do is give yourself to me.” 
The simple lure of a warm, safe bed was enough to break you and you nodded slowly. Pleased, his smile stretched to opposite ends of his face in a terrifying grin, his six eyes eating up your body now that you'd given him permission and glowing fiery gold. 
“You’ll never regret this (Y/N),” he assured you, as his fingers tore the frayed undergarments you were still wearing, “I promise you.”
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thisblogisaboutabook · 3 months
Bad Idea, Right? - Part 5
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
Azriel has a heart-to-heart with Y/N. Eris gets the cold shoulder. After a night out, Y/N learns that Eris has yet another secret.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
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Warnings: alcohol, language, sexual content
A soft rap at the door brought me to consciousness. Slowly I sat up, rubbing my palms over bleary eyes in an effort to wipe the heavy weight of sleep from them.
Azalea must have snuck out of bed at some point early in the morning. I huffed a laugh at the kid clearly valuing sleep as little as privacy.
“Come in.” My groggy voice rasped, barely more than a whisper.
A pause and then the door slowly opened. I knew this was inevitable but gods, first thing in the morning?
“Hey…” my father said, quietly padding in with a tray in his hands.
With a shrug of his shoulders he gestured the tray toward me “I, um- I brought food.”
at least the awkwardness was mutual.
A half smile crossed my lips. “I see that.”
Sitting the tray down next to me, he looked down at the edge of the bed, “May I?”
Best get it over with, I suppose.
He sat, situating his wings so that they wouldn’t knock over the tray. “I know chocolate croissants are your favorite. Your mom offered to make them but I know how much you love the ones from that bakery down by the Sidra so….”
“Thanks, dad.” Avoiding eye contact, I stared at the pastries before me.
We sat in silence for a moment, my eyes finally meeting his. “Want to share one with me?”
Relief crossed his features at the invitation. “That would be great. If you don’t mind.”
I rolled my eyes. “When have we not shared our croissants with eachother? Besides, I see you included two tea cups - or were you expecting me to dual-fist them? I typically reserve that for shots.”
He chuckled. “You used to have tea parties with your toy pegasus, you know. Your shadows would lift the tea cup and pastries to its mouth. That extra cup could have been for anyone.”
“Oh gods. How embarrassing.”
He stared off for a minute, a flash of longing overtaking his features before returning back to the croissants. “Not at all. Your imagination, Y/N, you’ve always known how to sprinkle joy into life. The bond you created with your shadows at such a young age is nothing to be embarrassed of. It’s so different than when I-“
His voice cut out, those damned memories too painful to verbalize.
I extended my hand, resting it atop one of his scarred hands. “I know. I hate them for what they did to you.”
“I don’t need you to hate them for me, love. I just love you and, selfishly, hope that a little bit of that joy was sparked by the environment you grew up in.”
“Are you fishing for a compliment, father?”
His lips quirked as he gestured toward himself. “Me? Never.” he mocked.
I squeezed his hand lightly. “I love you, dad.”
We ate our croissants in companionable silence. Once finished, he paused, taking a breath as if to brace himself.
Aaaand here we go
“So, you and Eris Vanserra?”
“Ugh.. do we have to do this?”
“Can’t we talk about it a little bit? I just want to know that you’re okay.”
Dramatically, I grabbed my pillow and let out an exasperated scream into it.
“I promise this is as uncomfortable for me as it is for you.”
“I really don’t want to discuss it.”
“Please, Y/N, don’t shut me out. You don’t have to give me details, I don’t think I can stomach details anyway. Just, please tell me you’re okay. That you’re safe and comfortable in his care?”
“I care for myself dad. I’m an adult female completely capable of making my own decisions. This was MY choice. He has never pressured me into anything that I am not comfortable with. Consent is very important to him.”
He sat contemplatively for a moment. He was carefully toeing a line that he didn’t wish to trip up.
Running a hand along the back of his neck with a wary expression. “As long as you are safe and happy. That’s all I can ask.”
“Happy.” I scoffed to myself.
Agitation immediately shifted my father’s expression “You’re not happy?”
“I’m fine dad. But, don’t expect him to come to family dinner anytime soon. I’m not sure that I’m going to pursue things further with him.”
“What happened?”
I looked to the side in an attempt to hide the hurt in my expression. “Nothing.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Sensing the finality of my statement, he sighed. “Okay. If you change your mind, just let me know.”
He stood up, kissing my forehead as he picked up the tray, placing the remaining tea on the side table. “Please talk to your mother about her vision. She’s worried about you too but isn’t as… persistent as I can be.”
“Spymaster, indeed. Speaking of - tell the sneak she can come in.”
“Wh-“ he began, clipping the question as he opened the door to find my sister’s ear pressed up to the other side.
“Azzy, we talked about this.” he chastised.
“I was just listening to see when I could come in! You said it’s rude to interrupt conversations.”
“Touché.” he called over his shoulder as he walked down the hall.
Azalea’s little feet padded over. “Are you okay sissy?”
“Yeah, Azzy. I’ll be fine. Want to have a tea party?” Her face lit up with joy at the question, little wings twitching in excitement.
That evening I was reading a particularly salacious smutty novel and - as if he had a sense for such things - as my fingers dipped below the band of my silken shorts a note appeared on my night stand.
“I’m lonely without my favorite little Shadowsinger spread out on my bed.”
“I’m sure you are.” I muttered to myself, eyes rolling impossibly far back into my head. I chucked his note into the fireplace and did not deign to respond.
Two hours later another note appeared.
“Don’t be shy - come spend the night.”
“Awww. I’m sure your hand can keep you company. Get fucked, Eris.”
“Are you offering, little one?”
Why’d he have to fuck up our perfectly suitable arrangement with his scheming? Truly there was nothing more I wanted than to go bask in the warmth of his bed while he worshipped me from head to toe but…
Ugh. Once again, another note lost to the fireplace. Let the conniving prick stew on his choices. He’d eventually get the message whether I wrote to him or not. He can keep his secrets just as I can keep my hands and mouth among other assets to myself.
Two days and five flirtatious unanswered notes later, I needed to get out of the house. Considering I was pissed at my obvious choice for release, I had to seek an alternative source of entertainment.
Unfortunately, Nyx was out of town “on emissary business” aka “fucking around in the Spring Court.” but at least Adish was available for a visit to Velaris. He winnowed in from Day bringing a gorgeous female with bronzed skin, braided black hair, and golden-brown eyes. A male with dark skin and braids accompanied them, his eyes appearing even more golden than the former, and muscles that could have been handcrafted by the gods. Damn. I had heard of these two, two of Adish’s close friends in his court, but he’d certainly undersold their beauty. Rhys must have approved them for a visit to Velaris with Adish. Luckily for me - I was suddenly available to mingle.
“Y/N” Adish introduced the female first, “This is Hemera, Hem for short.” The female held her chin high before giving a warm, confident nod of greeting. Gesturing toward the equally beautiful male, Adish continued, “This is Apollo - who is rivaled only by Helion in his reputation with the ladies and males of the Day Court.” The tall, broad male only grinned - a beautiful, devious thing - in return. Oh, he was well aware of the amount of eyes lingering on him in this establishment. I couldn’t blame them. Hell, I was one of them.
The night included many shots, mostly compliments of those hoping to garner the attention of Hem and Apollo. And maybe it was the liquor talking but Apollo only seemed to have his eyes on me. After several “accidental” brushes of our hands and thighs - I garnered up the nerve to pull Apollo out onto the dance floor, with Hemera and Adish closely behind.
The dance floor was a blur of colors and bodies and music and motion. My backside pressed tightly against Apollo as his considerably large hands gripped my waist. And unless he had snuck a large dagger onto the dance floor with him, something as hard as steel was pressed against my back.
Damn, those hands correlated quite nicely if my drunken assessment was to be relied upon.
Turning to face him I was greeted by his gorgeous smile and pupils blown wide with lust. The very evident scent of arousal flooding my nostrils. He wanted me, bad. And I just so happened to feel particularly uncommitted at this point in time.
We swayed against eachother for a while longer before Apollo tilted his head in silent question toward a dimly lit corner of the bar, a corner I knew quite well from past endeavors. I only smirked in return as he took my hand and led me over.
Nobody could see us as my shadows shrouded us effectively blocking any view that the darkened corner hadn’t already obstructed. His mouth was on mine in an instant. My hands roamed his broad chest as one of his hand found the curve of my ass and another caressed my jaw. I opened my mouth, allowing access. He was so fucking attractive. My body practically screamed for more but something in my chest pulled as a pang of emptiness tore through me. Fuck it felt so-
“Wait.” I pulled away.
Apollo instantly pulled back staring at me in question.
“I’m sorry, I can’t…”
Disappointment briefly flashed over his features before he gave me a sad, knowing look. “Adish warned me before coming here that you might be otherwise engaged - but when I saw you. Can you blame me? I’m sure you’ve seen yourself in a mirror. Please accept my apologies for taking it too far.”
Relief flooded over me. I owed this man nothing, but his understanding was reassuring. “I appreciate it and I’m sure you’ve seen yourself in the mirror as well. Can you blame me for falling into temptation? You have nothing to apologize for considering I was rather eager to sneak off with you.”
He only extended an arm, “Come on, let’s get back to our friends.”
We headed to the dance floor but that damned pang jolted through me again. Was it guilt? Fuck, I couldn’t feel guilty. Eris and I were not committed and he certainly didn’t deserve my guilt after keeping secrets from me.
The only logical solution to numbing this foreign feeling was-
“Another round of shots!” Hem called out, walking up beside me. She nudged me playfully, “You look like you could use one my friend.”
I fluttered my eyelashes toward the gorgeous female. “We’ve only known eachother a few hours and you get me! You really get me.”
The shots appeared before us and we cheers’d eachother before throwing them back. The rest of the night filled with dancing and more shots, until Adish proclaimed he was going back to the inn he was staying at.
“Why not just stay at Nyx’s place? He’s out of town.”
A gleam shone in his eyes that only meant trouble. “I don’t think Nyx would appreciate the activities that would be taking place tonight in his bed, among other surfaces.”
I looked behind him to see Hem and Apollo staring hungrily toward him.
“We’d offer an invitation but you seem to be missing a certain Uncle of mine too much to partake.”
“I refuse to respond to such nonsense. Regardless, you feel too much like family at this point. Which, gross, don’t read into that - but I’m going home. Thanks for coming out to cheer me up tonight.” I kissed my friend on the cheek before exclaiming loudly enough for his companions to hear. “As your High Lord himself would say: Don’t do anything Helion wouldn’t do!”
Typically I would winnow home but alcohol and winnowing are not my specialty. I’ve ended up in too many wrong places over the years and had far too many shots tonight to even consider.
My body was overheated from the liquor and dancing and my heart still kept getting hit with waves of…. Ugh, feelings.
Like a raving lunatic, I strolled alongside the Sidra. Cursing Eris, bargains, feelings, great sex, and everything else that came to mind. Fortunately, Velaris has a very low crime rate and I wouldn’t have to worry about anybody with ill intentions approaching the sweaty female shrouded in manic shadows, stumbling around and talking to herself.
No matter how hard I’d try, my thoughts kept circling back to him. And I must have hit the alcohol way harder than I realized as a blur of red came into view, coming closer and closer to me.
“Hello, little one.”
The unmistakable seductive voice that I knew far too well caressed my senses as a warm, muscled arm wrapped around my shoulder.
“It appears you’ve had a lot to drink, darling. You’re literally stumbling in the wrong direction. Let’s get you home.”
Fuck. How much did I drink?
I opened my mouth to speak but pain tore through my stomach, nausea rolling through me. It was all I could do to turn away from Eris and puke onto the street.
“I…. I need to sit for a while. I can’t go home like this.”
“Come on Shadowsinger, we’ll go back to my place then.”
“Fuck.” I muttered. My vision spinning. “I can’t make it home! Let alone” I paused as another wave tore through me. “Back to the Autumn Court.”
Eris paused for a moment, seemingly in a moment of uncertainty before releasing a long sigh.
“I know love. We’ll go back to my apartment - it’s two blocks from here. Think you can make it?”
My only response was to turn away and throw up onto the sidewalk again before blurting out:
“What the fuck?”
Tags: @b0xerdancer @myheartfollower @ang-taylorsversion @acotarobsessed @uniquecolorwizard @justasillylittlegoofyguy
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samgirl98 · 4 days
Mending a Family 39/?
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What's this, two chapters in one day? Your comments gave me inspiration to write faster, so here's a second chapter as thanks
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Jason snorted at the corny flyer he had just put up on the coffee shop’s bulletin board. What was even his afterlife?
Jason sighed and put down the few flyers he had left.
After his heart-to-heart with Jazz, Jason decided to try to fill his days (and lack of a complete family) with other hobbies.
Roy suggested that he pick up new hobbies.
“Maybe archery, Jaybird. I could teach you!”
Jason had scrunched his nose at that. He respected Roy, he did, but guns and bazookas were more Jason’s style.
(Not to mention, Bruce had ingrained Green Arrow disrespect deep in his bone.)
“Maybe start with something you already like. How about a book club?” Raven had suggested. “Find other like-minded people to discuss books with.”
“Yeah, that’s a great idea,” Roy said as he ate some of the brownies Jason had baked. “Then you can leave me alone about how the gothic elements of Wuthering Heights contribute to the selfish love between Heathcliff and Catherine and how Brontë showed their twisted love through the environment.”
“That’s because she did, you uncultured swine.”
Roy had smiled, a piece of brownie stuck between his teeth.
So here Jason was, putting up flyers for a book club. He had asked Ghost Writer if he could host it in his bookstore.
“Of course you can, Jay! I would be delighted. Oh, that means I have to set up a little area so that members have a place to sit. Maybe I can order some refreshments. Oh, do you know which book you want to start with? I can place the order.”
Ghost Writer’s words became muffled as he went deeper into the store.
Jason had designed the flyer and decided to put up a few in different shops and restaurants after getting permission from the owners. He doubted many people would show up, but at least one other person who had Jason’s love of literature would be nice.
Jason looked at the time and decided he had enough time to pick up Danny and relax at the coffee shop. He ordered a coffee and a chocolate croissant and sat down where he could watch the bulletin board. He saw a few people reading the flyer. Most of them were older or middle-aged women, with one or two guys thrown into the mix.
After keeping an eye out for a while, Jason felt pleased as punch that he would have a few people at his new book club come Tuesday. He couldn’t wait.
Soon after he left, a certain blond showed up and read the flyer. She took a picture of it, ordered her latte, and left.
Raven felt him before she saw him.
“Batman, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
She was alone in a rarely empty Titan Tower. Everyone else was either out or staying somewhere else.
“You know where Jason is,” he stated.
“Maybe. Why do you need to know?”
Raven turned and stared at white-out eyes glaring back at her. She could see how Batman could be terrifying, but she had fought against her father, Trigon. Batman was just a man to her. A man who was in emotional pain. She hardened her heart. She knew what Jason was also feeling, and most of the emotional hurt was caused by the man before her.
“I know Roy Harper is in contact with Jason. However, neither Dick nor I can find how he can travel to wherever Jason is without any vehicle. I did find something interesting, though.”
“Please, do share, Batman.”
“Whenever he goes, there is a surge of your signature power, and most of the time, you are also gone. I can’t seem to trace where your power signature ends up, and I only find out when you’re back because there’s a surge here on the West Coast. So, don’t try to deny you know where my son is.”
“Truly, you are a great detective. I don’t deny it; I know where Jason is. That doesn’t mean you’ll get his address from me.”
Batman glared at her.
“I wasn’t here to ask where he is,” he said through gritted teeth. Raven raised an eyebrow as she sensed the truth of Batman’s statement.
“Then why are you here, Bruce Wayne?”
Batman’s glare deepened, and he scowled when he heard his civilian name. Then, with some hesitation, he took off his cowl. Before Raven was a strong and formidable man, but one with deep bruises in his eyes from lack of sleep. One who’s shoulders curved under an invisible weight.
Bruce took out a recorder that was still in its original packaging.
“I know you can sense when someone is lying to you. There are no trackers, tracers, or anything else in this recorder that can lead me to Jason. I want to send my son a message; I want to apologize.”
Raven raised an eyebrow, incredulous.
“You expect me to believe that you gave up trying to hunt Jason down like a rabid animal?”
Bruce flinched at Raven’s choice of words. Good, he deserved it.
“You tell me. Am I lying to you?”
“There are ways to trick my senses. I do not doubt that the man with a plan for everything doesn’t know how to circumvent my powers.”
Bruce let out a weary sigh.
“The man who has raised me, who is like a father to me, has chewed me out a few times about Jason. I am not an easy man to get along with. I’m stubborn, and I have control issues; I know that, but I love all of my children. However, I tend to do more damage than good when I think I know what’s best for them. That can lead to fights—to estrangement. I’m sure you remember Dick when he was younger.”
Raven nodded. Dick had been a ball of fury and resentment.
“I want to tell Jason that I see the error I have made. I shouldn’t have pushed him out of the family. That was my fault. However, I also want to let him know even if he doesn’t want to speak to me now or ever, I will always be here, but I will respect his boundaries.”
Raven stared at Bruce. She felt no lies. This could be good for both Bruce and Jason. She sighed in resignation.
“Let’s get comfortable, shall we? I don’t promise Jason will hear what you have to say, but I can give him the recording.”
She held out her hand, and Bruce Wayne gave her the recorder. They sat down opposite each other. Raven opened the recorder.
“Let’s begin,” and she pressed play.
Bruce apologizing? What's the world coming to?
Anyway, I have a question for you guys. Do you want Avril and Jason to become kinda friends with a friendly rivalry and let them bond over books, or would you rather they stay enemies? Let me know in the comments. I could write it either way.
Thanks for sticking by me so long!
@itsberrydreemurstuff @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @skulld3mort-1fan @theauthorandtheartist @emergentpanda-blog @jaggedheart11 @fisticuffsatapplebees @booberrylizard @fantasticbluebirdfan @thegatorsgooseoose @cyrwrites @kjoboo91 @crystallicedart @amaramizuki666 @spekulatiusmuffin @meira-3919 @kilasmess @bubblemixer @lexdamo @wonderland-daisy @mj-arts-n-stuff @amyheart19 @dolfay @the-church-grimm @undead-essence @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @purrloin77 @writer-extraodinaire @charlietheepic7 @sinfulloccultist @nootherusernameworked @coruscateselene @chaoticchange @itsberrydreemurstuff @gmkelz11 @feral-bunny31 @paroovian @thatonegaybitch68 @d4ydr34min9 @overtherose @fandomwandererer @vipower001 @thordottir45 @blackrabbitt3t @rosecinnamonbun @bianca-hooks123 @epilepticnerd @dat1angel @consouling @flamingenchiladadragon @all-mights-asscheeks @ender-reader @fuyu-bitch @ravenswife
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taivansupremacy · 2 years
Lunchtime Confessions
Summary: Robin seeks advice from her favorite teacher when she realizes she has a crush on you.
Pairing: Robin Buckley x reader
A/N: I got the idea for this fic from the robin podcast, but if you haven't listened to it, you should still be able to read this and understand it. I hope you enjoy! as usual, feedback, likes, and reblogs are appreciated!
CW: swearing (if i missed anything let me know!)
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“Do you have y/n y/l/n in class this year?” Robin asked as she took a bite of her sandwich. 
She had been eating lunch in her favorite teacher’s classroom for years now, both because she enjoyed his company and because she didn’t have any friends to spend her lunch periods with. Their lunches were spent in a mixture of silence, as Robin read or listened to her language tapes and Mr. Hauser graded essays, and conversation, either discussing their literary thoughts or personal lives as they ate. Robin loved having an adult she could confide in at school and Mr. Hauser loved knowing that he had an impact on at least one of his students, their lunches were a highlight for both of them. 
“Yes, she’s in my class for the period after your class. Why?” Mr. Hauser questioned, raising an eyebrow and looking up from the essays he was grading. 
“Oh, n-no reason,” The blonde tried to sound nonchalant but failed miserably, “I just think that she may be a good travel companion for operation croissant, you know?” 
“Miss y/l/n is a nice girl, but what happened to Tammy Thompson? I thought you wanted her to go with you to Europe?” 
“Not anymore,” The blonde shrugged, “y/n is funny, curious, and passionate and Tammy doesn’t really care about anything but herself..” 
Hauser nods, giving her a knowing smile, “Robin, do you think-“ 
“y/n sits beside me in biology and she always makes me laugh. I couldn’t get through that class without her leaning over and making fun of Mr. Reed’s southern accent or cracking a joke about one of our classmates. But she pays attention! And she’s genuinely interested in our experiments and she wants to know more about the world around us. She’s always asking brilliant questions; ones that I never would have thought of. She also told me that she wants to get out of Hawkins when she graduates and it took everything in me not to reveal operation croissant on the spot.” Robin rambled, her hands flying animatedly. 
“Robin,” Mr. Hauser started again, “Do you think that you may have a small crush on y/n?”
Mr. Hauser was the only person that knew that she was a lesbian, other than Steve. She didn’t exactly come out to him, but he caught on based on how she spoke about Tammy Thompson sophomore year. It was an unspoken understanding. This was the first time that he ever directly spoken about it though, and it caught her off guard. 
“What? No! I just think she’s cool and would like to be her friend outside of class, that’s all.” 
Hauser nodded with a small chuckle as he got back to grading essays. He soon looked up at Robin again and broke the brief silence that fell over them. 
“Then hang out with her.” He suggests, twirling his red pen around his fingers. 
Suddenly, Robin regretted bringing the topic up at all. Her teacher was always talking about how although he would always be here for her and his door would always be open for lunches, she needed friends her own age. She tried to tell him that she had Steve and occasionally hung out with Nancy Wheeler outside of school, but he insisted that she try and meet people that she could hang out with during the school day. She should have known that he would push her to try and hangout with you. 
“Ask y/n to see a movie or to come over and do whatever it is that girls your age do these days. Get to know her.” He shrugged, dropping his pen on the stack of papers on his desk, “Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a new best friend.”
“I can’t do that,” Robin stated plainly as she twisted one of her rings around her middle finger. 
“Why not?”
“I mean you said it yourself,”  She threw her hands up and leaned back in her desk chair, “I’m the weirdest girl in school. I can’t just ask her to hang out with me!”
“I think you’re selling yourself and y/n short here,” He pointed out, “She doesn’t strike me as someone who cares about appearances. And you’re different from most of the students here, but that’s what makes you interesting. You just need to find the right people, and y/n seems like she might be one of them.”
Robin stewed on that for a minute, but she doesnt get a chance to respond as the end of lunch bell rang out, interrupting her thoughts. She silently gathered her trash and stood up, throwing her backpack over her shoulder and offered her teacher a small wave as she headed for the classroom door. 
“Robin,” he called out to her, catching her attention as she paused in the doorway, “Promise me you’ll try.” 
She nodded and walked out the door. 
The next day Robin bursted through Mr. Hauser’s classroom door, just as the lunch bell rang. She quickly set her backpack and lunch down on her usual desk, the closest one to Mr. Hauser’s desk, and started pacing the floor. 
“I’m going to y/n’s house tonight and I’m a nervous wreck.” 
He perked up, abandoning the novel he was reading to look at her, “So you asked her to hang out! I’m so proud-“ 
“No, no actually she asked me…” She trailed off, but quickly started again, “She and I were talking after class yesterday and she brought up this movie that she wanted to see. I mentioned that we had it at the video store and I’ve been meaning to watch it, then she just… asked if I wanted to come over and watch it and like a dumbass, I said yes.” Hauser shot her a warning look for her language and she gave him an apologetic smile before continuing, “What do I wear? What if I talk to much and she decides she hates me? I have to be her lab partner for the rest of the year! How will I get through biology with a lab partner that hates me?” 
Hauser couldn’t help but chuckle at her ability to stress over something that hadn’t even happened yet, “First of all, sit down before you pace a hole in the floor.” 
Robin obliged, taking a seat in her normal desk. 
“Second of all, you know she doesn’t hate you, Robin. You told me that she cracks jokes with you and talks to you after class.” he reasoned, “Not to mention, she wouldn’t have asked you to hang out outside of school if she hated you.”
Robin nodded and started to eat her lunch, “I just don’t want to mess it up. You know I have no filter sometimes and I can’t stop talking. Not to mention my lack of social skills in general.”
“Well, from what you’ve told me, it seems you’ve done well so far. Just be yourself. That’s what you do in biology, right?”
“Yeah, but biology is a low pressure environment!” She argued, breaking her cookie in half and taking a bite with a slight pout. 
“Tonight doesn’t need to be made into a high pressure environment either. You’re just two friends watching a movie together.” 
When he put it that way, Robin had to admit that she was overreacting. It’s not like it was a date or anything… why was she treating it like one? Before she could give it much more thought, the bell rang and she collected her things. She gave the other half of her cookie to Mr. Hauser on her way out the door. 
“Thanks for the advice,” She said sincerely, “I feel much better about tonight… for now, at least.” 
“I’m glad I could be of service,” He chuckled, waving at her as she headed for the door, “See you tomorrow!”
The lunch bell sounded and right on cue, Robin walked through the door of Mr. Hauser’s classroom with her backpack on her shoulders and her lunch tray in her hands. 
“So…” She started, setting her lunch tray down on her usual desk, “I may have a slight problem.” 
“And what might that be?” Hauser asked, once again setting his grading aside in favor of listening to her. 
“Well remember that first day when I brought up y/n and told you about how she sits next to me in biology and you asked if I had a crush on her?”
He nodded. 
“Yeah, well I said no and I lied because I had a tiny crush on her, but after last night, it has grown to massive crush. I’m doomed.” 
“So it went well then? She doesn’t hate you?” He joked with a knowing smile.
“No. She actually asked me to hang out again today… she’s taking me home after school and we’re going to go roller skating.”
“That sounds like fun!” 
He really was proud of her for putting herself out there and meeting someone new. 
“Yeah, except for the fact that I am a total klutz and will end up falling on my face in front of a pretty girl!”
Mr. Hauser chuckled, “Why didn’t you suggest something else if you were uncomfortable with skating?”
“Because she was so excited about roller skating and her smile was so pretty. I didn’t want to ruin it!” She huffed as she split her cookie in half and handed one half to Mr. Hauser. She shared her cookie with him every day and considered it payment for having to listen to her ramble, especially these last couple of days. She’s sure shes been insufferable. 
“You’ll be fine, Robin.” He reassured her, taking a bite of his cookie, “I’m sure that it wasn’t skating that she was excited about, anyway.” 
“You think so?” 
“You didn’t hear it from me, but before my class started yesterday, I heard y/n talking about how excited she was to hang out with you.” 
“What?” She practically jumped out of her seat, “You’re serious?” 
He nodded, smiling at her excitement. Suddenly she was much more confident about hanging out with you, the roller skating of it all amost completely forgotten as she imagined your excitement to see her. Hauser let her get lost in her daydream for the rest of lunch and picked up his stack of papers to grade. When the end of lunch bell rang, Robin collected her things and looked at her teacher. 
“You really think Ill do okay tonight?” She asked with furrowed brows as she slung her backpack over her shoulder. 
“I do.” He dropped his grading pen on the stack of paper, “Go get ‘em.” 
Robin laughed, rolling her eyes at the corniness of her English teacher. 
“See you tomorrow, Mr. Hauser!” She threw a wave over her shoulder as she headed out the door. 
“Are you sure this is allowed?” You asked nervously as you stood outside of Mr. Hauser’s door during your lunch period. 
Robin nodded, squeezing your hand reassuringly, “I eat in here with Hauser every day,” She paused, “That makes me sound like a dork, doesn’t it?”
You giggled, bringing your joined hands up so you can kiss the back of her hand, “Not at all. Hauser’s cool. You’re cool.” 
Robin felt her cheeks heat up at your words. You thought she was cool! 
“Shall we?” The blonde asked with a soft smile. 
You nodded in response as Robin pushed the classroom door open. This caught the attention of Mr. Hauser, who looked up from his novel to find you and Robin walking into his classroom hand in hand. His heart warmed at the sight. The blonde took her normal seat and you took the one next to her. 
“Robin, y/n,” Mr. Hauser greeted with a warm smile, “How are you girls doing today?” 
“We’re good!” Robin perked up, “I just wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend.” 
You waved at him with a sheepish smile, “Hey, Mr. Hauser.” 
He beamed proudly at Robin, “Congratulations to the both of you. When did this happen?” 
“Last night at the roller rink,” You flashed a lovestruck smile at the blonde beside you. 
“Turns out I’m not quite as awkward as we thought,” Robin jokes, nudging your side with her elbow and shooting Hauser a knowing smile.
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 months
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chapter 1
tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: swearing, divorce, suggestive jokes, Roman makes self deprecating jokes (mostly about his weight), smoking
The next morning, I smiled when I saw the post it note on my door. I had drawn a crappy picture of fries and a coffee cup on one with a small thank you and stuck it on Roman’s door the night before. It was a simple way of thanking him when I had no idea when he’d be home. He had apparently returned the favor. There was a fairly nice drawing of a book and laptop with a coffee cup. In Roman’s neat handwriting were the words “any time.” I stuck it in my laptop bag and headed out to the diner. Roman looked up when he heard the bell ring and smiled at me. I smiled back. He jerked his head to the side, showing me where he was covering. I nodded my thanks and went to sit in the booth I had been in the day before.
“same as always?” He asked when he came over. I nodded. “Still working on that paper?”
“Well I didn’t finish it overnight.” I joked. Roman chuckled and shrugged.
“it could happen.” He teased. “I’ll come over on my break again. Anything you want me to bring over?” I shook my head. “I’m serious. It’s on me. I don’t mind.”
“you trying to hit on me by bringing me food Roman?” I asked, my tone playful. Roman turned pink and shrugged.
“I mean if I was hitting on you, I would be much more obvious than that.” He muttered. I smiled at him.
“whatever you think id like.” I said. Roman nodded and smiled at me before hurrying away as his boss came out to look at the diner. I watched him clean up a few tables before his boss went back into the back again. Roman sagged and subtly flipped off the office door. I giggled as I turned back to my laptop. I bit my lip as I took the post it note and stuck it to the laptop by the keyboard. I would tape it down when I got home. Roman brought over a cup and filled it, giving me a tight smile as he did.
“be right back.” He whispered before dashing off. I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him. He came back with a small plate with croissants on it. Roman winked at me as he was called over to another table. I laughed and grabbed one as I continued working. I didn’t even realize Roman had come back until the lid of my laptop started to tilt down.
“what the fuck?” I muttered as I went to push it back up and was met with resistance. I glanced up and frowned. “Oh.” Roman laughed as I let him close the lid.
“Wow. You must have really been focused. Haven’t seen that in a bit.” He said, leaning forward on the table with his arms folded in front of him.
“a bit yeah.” I admitted. Romans face suddenly fell.
“I didn’t like break your motivation or anything did I?” He asked, tone suddenly serious. I shook my head.
“nah.” I tapped the laptop. “Boss is watching you awful close today.” Roman hummed in agreement, pushing the plate of cake over to me. “Any reason why?”
“oh I don’t know.” Roman shrugged, pushing the fork closer to me too. “Maybe because he thinks I’m flirting with the good looking customer.”
“and are you?” I asked, taking the fork but noticing there was only one. I frowned as I looked up at Roman. He smirked at me.
“that depends.” He said, watching as I ate the cake. “Do you want me to?” I paused, cake halfway to my mouth. I didn’t expect him to be so blunt. His eyebrow went up and I blinked at him. “Sorry. I thought…sorry.”
“no!” I said a little too loud. “No. Don’t be sorry.” I said as I lowered my voice. “It’s been a while since someone tried to flirt with me. Least of all tried to do it by bringing me food.” I shook my head, finally eating the cake. “I don’t mind it at all.” Roman smiled, looking out over the diner. “Why didn’t you bring another fork?” He turned to look at me again.
“like I said yesterday. I’m overweight. Gotta watch my figure.” He joked, although it didn’t meet his eyes. He even ran a hand down his chest for emphasis. I hummed in thought before cutting the cake in half and taking another bite.
“yeah somehow I don’t want to believe that.” I muttered, finishing my half of the cake and pushing the plate over to him. I wiped the fork clean on the napkin and flipped it over in my hand so the handle was pointed at Roman. He blushed and looked at the offered fork. He gulped before taking the fork from me. Glancing at me, he started to eat.
“Thanks.” He whispered. I nodded and glanced around as he ate.
“it’s the boss isn’t it?” I asked. Roman shook his head.
“ex.” He muttered. “Every time I see her she brings it up.” I nodded. “I saw the girls this week. Court approved visits with her supervising.” I let out a sigh.
“well that sucks.” I said. Roman shrugged, a sad smile on his face.
“yeah well…” he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Opening it up, he put it in front of me. “They’re worth it.” I smiled at the picture of the two girls sitting in his lap, everyone smiling brightly for the camera.
“they’re adorable.” I said, bringing my gaze back up to Roman. “I can see why you’d put up with that.” He nodded as he shoved the wallet back into his pocket. It was quiet for a beat before Roman pushed the plate away.
"I'm off in an hour." He said, leaning back in the seat. I nodded slowly.
"I'll probably head out then too." I said, looking at the coffee cup.
"You don't have to." Roman said, face turning red. "I was just letting you know so you didn't get surprised when you're neck deep in work and some college kid shows up to refill your cup." I waved my hand at him and opened my laptop.
"Service ain't as great then anyway. It's fine." I said. Roman nodded and looked down at his lip, face still fairly red.
"Then uh, if it isn't too much to ask..." He started, hands disappearing below the table. "Can I walk you back home?" His eyes never once left his lap and I had to fight the urge to smile bigger than I already was. "Shit.” He muttered in the beat of silence. “Now I seem like an old fuck trying to get some. I swear I’m not. I just…”
“Roman.” I cut him off, leaning across the table slightly. He looked up at me, eyes wide. “I’d like that.” His shoulders fell and it looked like all the tension had left his body. He smiled softly at me.
“thank you.” He whispered. I nodded. Standing up, he grabbed the plate and sighed. “Refill?” I nodded. Roman smiled at me and walked away. I pulled open my laptop. Roman poured the coffee and hurried off. When Roman’s shift ended, he came over and tapped my shoulder. I looked up and smiled. “Ready to go?” I nodded as I packed up.
“yeah.” I said, slinging my laptop bag over my shoulder and taking Roman’s offered hand to help me out of the booth. I blushed a little when he squeezed my hand, showcasing the size difference between them. “Did you drive here?” I asked. Roman shook his head. “we’re close enough I walk every day. Unless it’s snowing. Then I drive.” Roman explained. I nodded. “And you don’t own a car.” He shot me a knowing look. I blushed as I shook my head.
“Nope.” I confirmed. “Couldn’t afford one and the apartment.” Roman nodded, holding the door open for me. I smiled in thanks and shivered when I stepped outside. Roman noticed and took off his jacket. He paused, waiting until I looked at him before holding it up in offering. I nodded and he put the jacket over my shoulders. “Thanks.” I whispered. Roman nodded and lit up a cigarette. He took a drag before blowing the smoke away from me.
“maybe I can give you a ride sometime.” Roman said. Given his track record of jokes, I assumed he knew what he’d just said but I just blushed and burrowed into his jacket more. “It’s a Mercedes.” I turned to him with a big smile.
“Really?” I asked. Roman nodded, looking at me skeptically.
“yeah.” He shrugged. “I don’t see why not.” I smiled at him as I bumped his shoulder with mine.
“that sounds like fun.” I said. “I’m going to take you up on that.” We arrived at the building and Roman walked me down the hall to my door. “See you tomorrow?” Roman shook his head.
“It’s my day off tomorrow.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. “But uh maybe we could grab lunch?” His cheeks were tinted pink as he asked and he was having a hard time meeting my eye. I smiled at him as I took off his jacket and handed it back.
“I’d love that.” I said, opening my door. “See you tomorrow Roman.” He smiled at me and nodded.
“see you tomorrow.” He said before I closed my door.
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enemyoflactose · 1 month
Here are Most of my Yami Bakura head canons (some of them are kinda angsty)
Yami Bakura is really really good at applying eyeliner and mascara, but is dog shit at applying any other makeup.
When he's really stressed he scratches at his face and arms as hard as he can, which led to Ryou having to cut his nails so he wouldn't come back into consciousness with scratches everywhere because Yami Bakura was overwhelmed.
He has a fear of fire, but because he likes smoking he just closes his eyes when he needs a light.
He gets cold easily.
He loves dogs! If they didn't absolutely despise him they'd be his favorite animal. He settled for cobras because they seem to have unconditional love and adoration for him.
The reason Yugi, Anzu, Jonouchi, and Honda’s dolls all looked so different from Ryou's doll is because Yami Bakura made them.
He loves Godzilla movies and tried to convince Ryou to give Dark Master Zorc an atomic blast, but was shot down due to Ryou not knowing he existed. (Ryou would absolutely give DM Zorc an atomic blast)
Yami Bakura loves sweet things like cake and candy. His favorite pastry is chocolate filled croissants. He prefers it when they have the traditional croissant shape because it's easier for him to eat.
Isn't a fan of horror movies unless it's body horror or really really fucking stupid.
He likes biting his partners. Not just chomping on their skin either, he likes to nibble and really get his teeth all up in their skin. They can't bite back though because he's ticklish and will slap them really hard.
He likes to sleep in weird places. Underneath tables, in front of balcony windows, bathtubs, inside the couch.
He is a certified boob enjoyer. Doesn't matter what size. He likes all of them.
He likes neutral colors. Blacks, grays, whites, browns, and tans. Sometimes yellow.
He ate someone once. Full on cannibalized them. Only regret is that he kinda tasted bad.
He loves cats! They're not his favorite, but he loves them because they are soft and they love him back. (Dogs are the only animals that don't like him)
He doesn't like hummus. No particular reason. He just does not like it.
Completely tuned out everything Marik said after he was told his name. Everything else was in one ear and out the other.
Pretty chill with bugs unless they're flies, roaches, locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers. He doesn't like those at all.
In the situation where he got a redemption, I don't think he'd feel bad for the Yugi gang or almost ending the world. I think he just wouldn't see the point in taking revenge anymore because it obviously just wasn't working out. He isn't killing people anymore though! (He feels a little bad about Ghost and Ryou tho. He went a little overboard on them.)
He can't walk in heels over 2 inches.
He's actually really insecure about his dueling skills since he doesn't like the game that much, but he literally needs to play it.
He really likes flowers and gardening.
He keeps a copy of Tragoedia in his wallet, for memories sake.
He is incredibly touch starved, but he also feels like he doesn't really deserve to be touched in a soft and tender way. He doesn't like being kissed or hugged because that's just too gentle and loving, being bit tickles and that makes him feel too vulnerable. He can't help that he feels this way, but he just can't accept that someone actually loves him.
He stole his black trench coat from Kaiba.
Out of all of Ryou's friends, I imagine that Honda is the one he hates the least. He doesn't really do anything, and he protects Ryou from danger, so there isn't much to hate about him other than the fact he's friends with Yami.
The Yami he knows is the same Yami that burned people alive, blew people up, blew out people's eardrums, fed people to monsters, made people die a few times, and threatened to rip off people's legs. That's the Yami he knows, and he's terrified of him.
His favorite video game series is Dark Souls.
If Yami Bakura accepts the love of someone, he starts to purposely hurt them so they can stay home with him. He's subtle about it, so it's hard to tell if it's on purpose or not.
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thegoldencontracts · 2 days
So the game itself refuses to give Azul any progress when ti comes to his food issues right? all it does is reference them over and over again but never do anything about it.
Makes me imagine a scenario that could have happened in book 4 where Kalim holds a banquet and the tweels convince him to at least have a bite. And Azul DOES, and we get a moment where he praises Jamil for his cooking and Jamil getting to be proud about receiving praise from someone else... it's so simple why can't they let him grow... that's all it would have taken to show he's genuinely progressing. The same way Cater/Trey say "Riddle's been way more chill with the rules lately" (paraphrase) they could have simply had Azul say "We already had lunch?" and one of the tweels go "Oh yeah, you did eat a decent meal already." in their own way.... he's not immediately fixed but he ate enough to make THEM happy with it so that must mean something!?
Disney pleaaaaaaseeeeee pleassseeeeeeeee Im begging u make zuzu go to therapy PLEASE
Azul isn't necessarily better altogether but he's making progress and that's what counts... makes me wanna go into the messy aftermath of his overblot sm (if you don't mind ydaz though I can rec a no thank you helping by siffy) also stares at ch. 11 of Part of your world angrily because it wont write itself for me and it's the only thing stopping me from starting book 3 and delving into all of azul's misery
Also... Azul talking about octopodes more happily. Azul being willing to share details about his childhood...
But yeah there is one subtle example of this (very subtle, to the point where I wonder if im just overanalyzing this) in the glomas event where azul is actually willing to eat a croissant even if he's still holding back... wish they did more though esp in book 4
Also quick yap time I feel like book 4 just didn't really... show azul improving all that much. It showed his true intellect when he isn't bogged down by 1 million issues, yeah, but at the same time it didn't actually dive into his improvement all that much. Book 3 showed Leona being more openly kind, book 2 showed Riddle being less strict, Book 5 showed Jamil being more honest, 6 showed Vil actively admitting his errors and being willing to give up his own beauty, and I haven't read book 7 yet so I can't comment on Idia but from what little I've seen it does show him working with others so... progress.
But Azul? Azul's improvement is never actively portrayed. You could say his plan was better than his plan in book 3 but that's about it.
Anyways I think Azul should've gotten more open growth... feel free to argue or yell at me about things I got wrong etc.
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idsb · 27 days
I just had a conversation on the phone with a close friend about how sometimes feeling neutrally is the biggest benchmark you can measure something by; because there's such a starkness between a neutral feeling versus an intense one, that suddenly the act of feeling neutral about something means everything, and all the sudden that is the biggest thing in the world.
I think that is how I feel as I sit on this bed on a chilly-but-sunny fall day as midday light comes in through the sheer white curtains I have had open for 4 months, massive mirror behind me and a nightstand I can never manage to keep neat next to me, tears streaming down my face at the thought of the suitcase sitting in my closet, and how I have to take it out now. To take it out to pack. Take it out to begin the end. The path of least resistance is to stay, and I want to stay: but, suddenly, as the weeks roll on, it becomes clear that I am here because it is the path of least resistance. There is a heart I have stored across an ocean, and finally, I am on the west side of the Pacific Ocean feeling like flying east across it is what I'm supposed to be doing, not the other way around.
I don't know what that means. I don't know what it means to hold this place in the palm of my hands; my everything; my all-i've-ever-dreamed-of, my 2019 fairytale, and lay it to rest. to feel like I am living inside of a ghost; like I am wearing a coat that once belonged to kings and adventurers and sorcerers and someone who had every dream and every possibility in the world, adorned with fossils and memories and gemstones the sparkle in the sun, that mirror the waves of the arctic ocean and the eucalyptus trees filtered in sunlight and the southern cross and a billion and two other stars and.... just have it on because it was left on me and I guess I'm kind of cold.
A million kinds of closure and a million stories tied in bows, and suddenly it's just becoming a place I've been, before my very eyes. The Grand Adventure, the big thing, the unfinished story. The greatest story I'd ever tell, my favorite story I'd ever tell. Finally turned over and read and analyzed and a hidden sequel discovered and secret messages poured over and songs and spinoffs written and new worlds inspired. and, finally. it's all done. every last drop has been squeezed out. And you hold it in your hands, and you just know. It is time to return the book to the library. It is time to put it back on the shelf. There is nothing more to gain, or lose, or anything anyone can take away, or anything new someone can find dripping out the spine at the moment you least expect it.
There is a life here. And it is not mine. There is a suitcase in the closet that needs to be packed. There is a car in the driveway that needs to be sold. There are rocks that need to be cleared from the trail. I am so aware of everything. I am aware of the coffee I had this morning, and the taste of the croissant, and the feel of the sun hitting and finally a moment of warmth in the outdoor chill that hit me while I ate my breakfast on the patio furniture outside; the giant vine that snakes across my ceiling that I have all but killed, the massive mirror opposite my bed and the giant closet and the drawer full of Eras Tour memories that sits beside me. White sheets and a white comforter and white walls and white curtains with vibrant pops of green and orange across the room, a kitchen with a pan I have tried not to destroy and a living room filled with vinyl records and a map of tropical North Queensland haphazardly taped to the wall. Friends and movie nights and a workplace I belonged in for a fleeting moment; coworkers that were my whole, temporary life. A life I am a guest in, a stop on the road up a mountain. A beautiful viewpoint. I haven't wanted to clear the trail to go on, because how can you when this spot looks like this?
But the trail was supposed to go somewhere. And there is more ahead.
Time to pack the suitcase. Time to tell my closest friends and bosses here that I'm leaving. The point of no return, that once I start the path it's done. I've moved on, even if I haven't left yet. I've been staring at this spot in the road for 4 months. I got so much out of it. But there's nothing else to look at anymore. Still, I stare at the road frozen. I choke on my tears as I stare at the road. I only feel everything because I also feel nothing. But still, I stand and I stare at the suitcase, now out of the closet, and I hug myself as I cry for all this has been. Every galaxy that has lived within my heart and this place; every black hole and every exploding star and every supernova. And my tears pour so hard I actually hear them falling onto the floor.
But I know in my heart that it's over whether I pack my bags or I don't. It's already ended.
Time to start moving.
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mulchfeaster4000 · 2 months
bro I over ate again... Except this time I'm gonna gain a lot of weight because instead of doing PE my class won a donut party so instead of playing volleyball I sat around and ate a donut! As well as school breakfast and lunch! Then pizza for dinner! And Starbucks, croissants, and ice cream from dessert! Total cals around 2k and only like 1.5k burnt ummm... Tomorrow is Saturday so at least I can bedrot and starve :/
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theroseredreaper · 1 year
A Miserable Trip To London
Shall We Date?: Obey Me! One Master To Rule Them All!
Summary: Lucifer takes you on a trip up to the human world to accompany him for a conference, since taking any of his brothers would be an annoyance. It’s just you, him, and five whole days in London. …does he not know that you have a boyfriend?
Word Count: 4718 ✯ AO3 Version
Characters: Satan x GN! Reader
Tags: Fluff and Comedy, Reader referred to as ‘MC’, Based on Lucifer’s UR+ Misty Town Devilgram, Majority of dialogue taken directly from said devilgram, Satan appears mostly at the very end
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“And as such, I’ll be away for two to three days.”
Looking up from their breakfast, you paused from fending off Beel’s hand trying to take your food long enough to listen to what Lucifer was announcing to those who were awake in time for breakfast.
“So...you’re going to the human world again?” Mammon asked, trying to play off indifference when it was clear he wanted to ask for at least a souvenir, or to tag along.
“Yes, I’ll be in London this time.”
Satan snuck food off your plate while you were busy with Beel, “Ah, now that brings back memories.”
You scowled at him upon realizing he stole the last croissant off your plate and you wouldn’t be able to get any more, seeing as between Beel and the other brothers, there was none anymore.
“Yes...that trip wasn’t entirely pleasant,” Lucifer paused to glance at you trying to take back your croissant from Satan. You smiled nervously.
“Because MC was there,” Satan triumphantly ate the last of your croissant. He simply smiled at you playfully in response to the glare you directed at him.
“...sure, let’s go with that. Ah, speaking of MC...you’ll be coming with me to the conference in London.”
Momentarily forgetting about mourning the loss of your croissant, you perked up, “Oh, cool! I’d love to go! It sounds fun!”
Lucifer sighed, “You’re so excitable. Do remember that this is a trip for a conference, not a vacation.”
You were about to respond when Mammon jumped, throwing his arms around you in a happy hug, “If that’s the case, then I’ll come too!”
“Me too!” Asmo chimed in, already going on about all the things he could get from a trip up the human world, Beel adding, “Mm, human world food…” as he began to daydream about it too.
“I didn’t say anything about bringing along the rest of you,” Lucifer snapped, annoyed and regretting that he didn’t just bring this up privately with you.
“Hah? Why not? How come it’s just gonna be you and MC?” Mammon argued, the other brothers nodding along in jealous agreement.
“I can only bring one person along with me to this conference and I wanted someone who’s been to London before.”
“Wha - but I’ve been there too!” Mammon argued again.
“So have I,” Satan challenged.
You quietly looked between the three brothers, hoping they wouldn’t start a fight right now. Besides, it seemed like this conference was for work for the exchange program. Satan and Mammon likely wouldn’t be much help, anyways.
“You are nuisances to deal with when traveling. That’s the last word on this. MC, you should go start packing now. Don’t worry about attending classes at RAD today.”
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Rummaging through your clothes, you tried to remember what the weather was like in London again as you tried to decide what to put in your little duffel bag. It was a purple bag that Levi had gifted you recently after accompanying him to a game premier event, and attached to it lovingly was the Harrison Porter chocolate lizard charm that you had gotten the last time you’d been in London with Lucifer, Mammon, and Satan. Staring at the little chocolate lizard reminded you fondly of when Satan asked you out to your first date together to a nearby bookstore.
A knock came from your bedroom door followed by a, “I’m coming in,” as Lucifer came in to check on you and your progress.
“Are you almost done packing?”
You nodded, showing him the duffel bag, “Yea, I’m almost done. I’ve put in my toiletries and stuff. I don’t remember what the weather would be like up there, so I don’t really know what kinds of shirts to pack.”
“Excellent. As for the weather, I think a general shirt and a coat just in case should be fine. It would be practical, after. Hm...in all honesty, I didn’t expect to be visiting London with you again.”
“Yea, me neither. Our last trip was quite something, huh?”
Lucifer chuckled, “This time, we’ll be free of a certain hooligan, so it should make for a more peaceful trip.”
You nodded in agreement, putting a cat themed umbrella you had bought because it reminded you of Satan into the duffel bag before zipping it closed. He was probably speaking about Mammon rather than Satan if he was talking about them being a hooligan.
“It’ll be more quiet, that’s for sure. Ah, don’t forget to pack your own umbrella, okay? I don’t think mine would be big enough for the two of us if we get caught in the rain.”
“Yes, I’ve already packed mine. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.”
Waving goodbye, you went back to checking your packing list, wondering what you could possibly surprise Satan with as a souvenir. Ah, Lucifer never told you how long this conference trip would be. Hopefully there’ll be enough time to get something good as a gift.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The train station was just as busy as you thought it would be when you stepped out of the portal connecting the Devildom to the human world into bright sunshine, Lucifer helping you out of the portal onto the smooth ground. As much as you liked the Devildom, it was nice to see the human world every once in a while.
“It’s been a while,” Lucifer smiled, seeming to enjoy the sights even more than you were.
“It brings back a lot of memories,” you agreed, trying to not get squished by the crowd.
“Yes, it seems like just yesterday Mammon was kicking up a fuss...He was accused of murder, wasn’t he?” Lucifer started walking, leaving you to scramble to follow after him, “Oh, look! I believe that’s the spot where they filmed the Harrison Porter films and where we bought those matching keychains. Do you remember?”
You grinned, holding up your duffel bag to show the attached charm, “Yea, the chocolate lizard ones! I put mine on this bag a little after we got back from that trip.”
Lucifer smiled, “I still have mine too. I’m glad that you kept it.”
He stared at you expectantly, waiting for you to pick up on the romantic connotation, but you merely stayed smiling up at him happily.
“...anyway...we’re walking to our destination today, so we should get going. It’s not too far from here.”
Stepping out of the train station and onto a bridge leading to the heart of the city, the sky was bright blue and wonderfully clear of clouds. It was sunny, yet not that hot, and the gentle breeze brought the smell of the city welcoming you with it. The weather was positively perfect.
“This weather is lovely, wouldn’t you agree? Last time we were here, Mammon remarked on how much brighter it is compared to the Devildom...As you know, the Devildom is always covered in darkness, so this feels somewhat exotic to us demons. Don’t you miss the brightness of the human world?”
If you weren’t sure that Lucifer disliked you most of the time, you’d almost think that Lucifer was considering this a date.
“Yea, sometimes I miss it. If I’m being honest, it’s very hard living without the sun down there. I have to share vitamin supplements with Solomon sometimes.”
“Hm, I see. I thought as much. I’m glad I brought you with me on this trip. I hope you’ll make the most of it.”
He gazed at you expectantly, waiting for you to take the hint. Again, you simply smiled at him happily, “Thank you.”
There was no way he was trying to set this up as a date, right?
Lucifer, meanwhile, contemplated that maybe he needed to be more hinting? More obvious? But not too obvious...
“Think nothing of it. I also benefit from your presence here.”
You gave him an innocent that spelled out clearly Hm? What does that mean? as you internally swore up and down to the Celestial Realm for any reality other than the present that Lucifer was trying to woo you on what is supposed to be a work trip.
Lucifer awkwardly clears his throat after at least understanding your lack of reciprocation and pulls up his DDD instead to check for the address of the conference you two needed to go through so he wouldn’t have to look at you, “Forget I said that.”
The two of you flinched as a clap of thunder suddenly echoed from out of nowhere and just as suddenly, it began to drizzle, despite being so sunny and free of clouds.
“Rain? Ah, it’s starting to come down now...Did you bring your umbrella?”
“Yea, I did!” and you brought out your green umbrella printed with black cats in a flourish, fumbling to get it to open up while the two of you got more soaked by the minute.
“Here, let me, before you catch a cold,” he told you, taking it from your hands and opening it up with ease, holding it over your heads. Since it was an umbrella really only meant for one, it meant the two of you had to stand unfairly close, and Lucifer took the opportunity to tease you, “What is it? Do you not want to share with me? Come on, get closer, or you’re going to get wet.”
You glared up at him, face twisted in a pout, but he only chuckled, finding your annoyance endearing. You were trying to give him the sincere benefit of the doubt here.
“This is called a sun shower, is it not? Though, the locals apparently call it a ‘monkey’s birthday,’”
You crinkle your nose in response, shifting impatiently, wondering when you two were going to get a move on walking to the conference, “That’s a weird thing to call a sun shower. Do they actually call it that?”
“I wonder myself. I wonder what it has to do with monkeys? Though, despite all this, London is also quite charming on rainy days…,” he hummed, sneaking an arm around your waist while the other shifted the umbrella so that you would be forced to stand closer to him to avoid getting wet.
“I prefer it when it’s sunny,” you scowled into his chest, adamant about not looking up at his face. You’re fairly sure he’s smirking or making the flirting eyes he sometimes does when he thinks he has you in the palm of his hands.
“You need to learn to appreciate the mood,” he sighed, releasing his hold on you and letting you get some space. You silently thanked the Celestial Realm above.
Another crack of thunder startled you both and the rain came down harder now, so much so that the umbrella was beginning to do very little in the way of keeping the both of you dry.
“We should wait somewhere for it to clear up. I don’t think it’ll clear up anytime soon,” Lucifer grumbled, contending that his romantic advances clearly weren’t getting anywhere with you. Not at the moment, anyways.
“Let’s go to a cafe!” you agreed, wanting out of the cold rain and some distance from him in a warm, dry place.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
“Are you cold, MC?”
The two of you had just claimed your seats in the crowded little store and you were very adamant about sitting across from rather than next to him, the tiny coffee table between you serving as a physical barrier.
You scowled at him, wanting to give him the silent treatment for his actions earlier, and then you promptly realized you and Satan had never announced to any of the other brothers that the two of you were dating. Lucifer was operating on the assumption that you were very single and that you were very available. You wanted very much. To scream.
“...I’m a little cold,” you admitted with a sigh.
“Give me your hand,” Lucifer demanded, checking your temperature and scowling, “MC, you’re freezing. I’ll hold your hands until they warm up. In the meantime, how about you order something from the menu? My treat.”
Agh, he was giving you those flirty eyes again...Should you tell him off? You and Satan were a fairly new couple and you honestly didn’t know if Satan would want you telling people about the two of you being an item. Swallowing a sigh, the voice in your head yelling at you to say something, you decided to look over the menu instead of giving yourself a headache from over thinking, only to be disappointed that there was no hot chocolate for sale.
“I’ll have a cup of tea,” you sighed.
Lucifer nodded with a delighted smile, “London is famous for its tea. There ought to be good tea here. I’ll order a cup as well.”
Resolutely staring at the table while Lucifer orders your drinks while still holding your damned hands, you continue to war with yourself over whether or not you should bring up to Luci, who thought he was being smooth, that you are very much a taken partner. The rain coming down outside was almost loud enough for you to not even hear yourself think at this point.
“It’s certainly coming down hard out. I wonder when it’s going to let up,” Lucifer murmured, finally letting go of your hands to check his DDD for the time, obviously concerned about the two of you getting to the conference by the end of the day. You tried to not be too obvious about how relieved you were over him no longer holding your hands.
“Something the matter?”
Dammit, he noticed.
“Ah, no! No, not at all, I’m happy just being here,” you tried with the best appeasing smile you could muster.
Lucifer seemed taken aback for a moment before smiling sincerely at you and you wanted to scream. He took that romantically. Damn it all, he took that romantically.
“I feel the same way, MC. Just spending time with you is enough.”
You laughed nervously, feeling as though you had wronged Satan just by having this misunderstanding with Lucifer. Before your thoughts could spiral further, Lucifer’s DDD ringing cut through the mood Lucifer had been trying to build with you all day.
“Ah, it’s Mammon. He’s video calling, no less…,” Luci sighed, massaging his temples.
Eager to be out of this awkward situation, you blurted, “You should probably answer it.”
“Yes, you’re right. It’d be a nuisance if he kept calling,” and so he pressed answer, holding the phone away from him in expectation of Mammon shouting into the phone, “What is it?”
You scooted closer to see Mammon hardly in frame, in the living room of the House of Lamentation with the rest of the brothers scrambling over each other at the sound of Mammon on the phone, “Yo! Lucifer, MC! I hope you guys aren’t havin’ too much fun together up there.”
“We aren’t here on vacation. We’re here for a conference, I already told you that.”
You wondered if it would be unwelcome to talk too, even if the DDD were on speaker. You also half felt like telling Lucifer that he seemed to be treating it like a vacation plenty.
Mammon squinted into the camera before scoffing, “It looks like you’re in a cafe!”
“We’re merely taking refuge from the rain.”
“Ah, it’s raining? That’s too bad,” Mammon conceded, starting to believe Lucifer since it was evident that the two of you had gotten a tad drenched from the downpour outside, even with your umbrella.
Sensing that Lucifer was about to start an argument with Mammon, you interrupted, “It isn’t too bad, Mammon. I got to use my new cat umbrella.”
“Oh c’mon, there’s nothing good about rain. You said you got to try out your new umbrella but look at the two of you, you’re both soaked.”
“Get to the point,” Lucifer grumbled, starting to lose his patience, “Why are you calling?”
“To talk about souvenirs, of course! I want a Harrison Porter - ” Mammon laughed and the mention of souvenirs had all the other brothers scrambling to the phone, pushing Mammon out of frame and the video call going blurry as there was a mad grab for the DDD.
“I’d like a luxury cologne from downtown!”
“And I’d like some delicious snacks.”
“Could you pick me out a good book from the bookstore we went to last time?”
You were able to exchange a brief, happy smile with Satan before the phone was snatched again, this time by Levi, “I’d like, um…!”
“Hey! Give me a chance to say what I want!” Mammon yelled as he wrestled back his DDD into his possession, leaving everyone reeling from his scream.
You felt bad for Levi, though. He looked so nervous yet excited about asking for something from the human world.
Lucifer resolutely hung up the phone after that, awkwardly clearing his throat while the other cafe patrons sent glares their way. ...now that you think about it, shouldn’t your order of tea be ready by now?
“They’re...a noisy bunch as usual,” Lucifer frowned as he too, wondered where your order was. The poor barista was cowering behind the counter. He quickly fled when he made eye contact with Lucifer. Well, considering Luci was scowling like there was no tomorrow, you didn’t blame the barista for being intimidated.
“Oh, it looks like the rain has stopped,” you pointed out, grabbing the two cups of tea while Lucifer paid. The two of you finally stepped outside and made it to the first night of the conference in the nick of time. You hope that the conference finally starting meant that Lucifer would stop with the romantic advances.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
After the third day of the conference, leaving the board room that was being rented out, you and Lucifer were greeted with weather just as lovely as the first day you arrived, before it had begun raining. Waiting for Lucifer to join you outside, you found him checking the itinerary on his DDD before he looked up at you with a nod.
“We’re free for the rest of the day, now. Is there anything in particular that you would like to do?”
You hummed as you thought about the local cuisine and the tourist tour you could take on those big busses, when you suddenly thought of the perfect place to go.
“I’d like to visit a museum!”
“A...museum? ...Yes, I suppose it might be interesting to learn about the human world,” he smiled at you, nodding, “Let’s go.”
The two of you began ambling down the sidewalks, Lucifer glancing at the map on his DDD every few minutes, while you thought about all the facts you could learn about at the museum to bring home to share with Satan, and maybe even a book from the gift shop. Ah, but were there gift shops in the museums here? Not all museums had gift shops, probably…
“MC, do you remember? Mammon rejected all of our suggestions last time.”
You blinked out of your thoughts, looking up at him. His face didn’t betray what he was thinking and you sincerely hoped he wasn’t trying to set up another romantic mood.
“Yea, he did. I still had a lot of fun, though. Satan playing detective was extra cool, too.”
Lucifer paused at the mention of his brother’s name, but nodded all the same, “I suppose we did make some good memories during that last trip. Ah, we visited that bookstore with Satan, didn’t we?”
You smiled, nodding, remembering that you had yet to actually go visit it so that you could get Satan the souvenir he wanted before the conference trip ended in another two days.
“Satan and I had switched bodies back then. It certainly changed our relationship, even though that alone wasn’t enough to completely fix things between us, of course. We had needed a catalyst of sorts for that. That catalyst being you, MC.”
You sincerely hoped that he was not trying to make a love confession on you.
“I’m glad that the two of you are getting along now. Satan is more at ease now because of it, I think.”
Lucifer nodded, “Since you came into our lives, we’ve gotten closer. Before that, we seldom cooperated and didn’t spare a single thought for each other’s feelings. It is...almost strange to think of how different we are now, in all honesty. ...Thank you, MC.”
You stopped walking to frown up at him, Lucifer stopping to stand beside you.
“I didn’t really do anything, though. That was between you and Satan.”
He shook his head, “Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but you have a mysterious power. The power to bring people together.”
Wow. You couldn’t believe that Lucifer, of all people, would ever tell you something so sincerely sentimental, let alone that cheesy.
“Things have been a little hectic lately. Maybe that’s why I’m saying things I normally wouldn’t now that we’ve got some time to do our own thing on this trip. I’m glad for the opportunity to relax and unwind.”
His smile went from fond to the beginnings of a flirtatious mood and you nervously smiled, quickly starting for the museum again, “It really is exciting to go explore London!”
“I can see that sightseeing is the only thing your mind right now,” Lucifer frowned as he walked after you (he was too dignified to scramble after you), before he paused, looking up, “Ah, look over there, MC. A rainbow.”
You abruptly stop, nearly tripping over yourself, looking up to see a grand rainbow stretching over the city. You wished that Satan could be here to see it with you, instead of Lucifer. It was incredibly beautiful.
“I would imagine that it’s been a while since you’ve last seen one,” Lucifer interrupted your thoughts as he caught up to you, “Seeing as we don’t see them in the Devildom. It’s been a few centuries since I last saw one, myself.”
He smiled down at you, as if trying to reestablish the nonexistent romantic mood, but you merely frowned uncomfortably back at him in response. Now that you were reflecting on it, you spent most of this trip silent while he talked on and on and on…
“...let’s get going,” he conceded, seeing that you were beginning to become quite irritable. He decided to not bring up that he desired to go on another trip with you in the future, sans work obligations, either.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
After sitting through another two days in London with Lucifer, you were finally stepping through the portal back into the entryway of the House of Lamentation. You were exhausted from trying to escape Lucifer’s attempts at flirting and laying on moves and trying, but failing, to impress upon him that you were friendzoning him. The both of you were quite irritated by now, actually, but still maintaining a civil politeness towards each other: his irritation stemming from his belief that you were too oblivious to pick up on his romantic advances during that whole trip, your irritation stemming from the fact that he seemed to let his pride dictate that you were merely oblivious and could never friend zone or reject him.
Right now, you really wanted to see your boyfriend, and you wanted to give him a giant hug and never let go.
“MC! You’re back!” Mammon shouted with a grin as he came bolting down the stairs to greet you, ignoring Lucifer, the other brothers seeming to come running just at the sound of your name and your return home. Some petty part of you was a little happy that they were completely ignoring Lucifer.
“Did you bring back any human snacks?” Beel asked, coming to the front of the shoving crowd of brothers to pat your head fondly, grinning at you in excitement as you tiredly handed him a bulging bag of the coolest snacks you could find at the drug stores in London.
“Ooh, if you brought back Beel a souvenir, does that mean you bought stuff for the rest of us?” Amso gushed, trying to peek over your bags, positively squealing when you procured the very cologne he had asked for during that video call.
“O-Oi, did you really get this for me?” Mammon stuttered as you handed him the Harrison Porter keychain you knew he really wanted, tiredly patting his shoulder as you moved over to the next brother. Belphegor was surprised that you got him a London flag themed sleep mask when he hadn’t even participated in that one video call. By now, the brothers were beginning to notice your silence and obvious lack of energy but before your best friend out of the seven of them, Levi, could ask what was up, you presented him with a huggable sized plush doll of England from Hetalia and he gasped in amazement, accepting it happily.
The last of the brothers, Satan, was looking at you with such concern, trying to work out how to ask you what was wrong, when you whimpered, making them all go frozen with shock and worry. You were so, so mentally tired from that trip and it positively made you want to cry.
And your sweet, sweet boyfriend was looking at you with so much loving concern. All you wanted to do was throw yourself into his arms and go to sleep.
So, you did, much to everyone’s utter amazement: you enveloped Satan in a huge hug, just like you had wanted to do since you had arrived home, and you cried, “Lucifer kept trying to flirt with me the whole trip anytime we had free time!”
The brothers collectively whirled around to glare down Lucifer, who for once in his immortal life looked mildly concerned, taking a step back as they all began to go off on him.
“Lucifer, you -!” Satan growled, moving forward, but you tighten your arms around him, burying your face into his chest, giving him immediate pause. He looked down, taking in how drained you were and slowly exhaled, willing himself to let go of some of the rage, returning your hug with all the love and affection that made you feel safe whenever you were by his side.
“I got you some books. And museum facts,” you mumble into his shirt, feeling yourself starting to relax as he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“Thank you, love. How about we read them together tomorrow?”
You nodded quietly, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to be cuddled, too tired to be embarrassed as the brothers seemed to notice, one by one, just how intimate you and Satan were being.
“That sounds nice. Can we go to your room…? I want to go to sleep…”
The rumble of his quiet laughter was soothing to your ears, reminding you of how much you had missed him during your five day trip to London with Luci.
“Yea, we can. I’ll arrange the bed for you,” he murmured, giving you a forehead kiss that you know was more to mess with his brothers than it was to be a loving gesture, given how silent the room had gotten. Glancing from your comfy position in your boyfriend’s arms, you could see the full range of reactions from the brothers. Poor Mammon looked like he was trying feign that he wasn’t heart broken, Asmo looked positively delighted and was probably spreading gossip already, Beel looked sincerely happy for you, Belphie was evidently grief stricken and was trying to play it off with a scowl, Levi was just as happy for you as Beel, and Lucifer...well, Lucifer looked positively mortified. You hid your face in Satan’s shirt again to hide the fact that you were about to bust your gut laughing at that facial expression.
Lucifer was the first to break the silence, “...so, I take it that…”
“That MC and I are dating? Yes, you’d be correct,” Satan grinned, his anger simmering underneath that placating facade of a smile. You couldn’t help but smile yourself, delighted to hear him say it out loud, for the rest of them to hear and know.
Satan looked down at you, his eyes softening with fondness for you and you found yourself leaning up to kiss him on the cheek, glad you were home again.
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here’s my sammy idea; its about edging so if that’s not your thing, keep scrolling!
ok so, i want to edge sam. i feel like the idea it would come up from some argument he was having with boys when having drinks at jakes house, a stupid discussion about who could go the most without an orgasm, and sam gloated about how he is not a desperate teenager.
the little comment takes root in your brain, and on your way back home you raise the idea to him.
“do you actually think you can do it?” you say casually while driving “do what?” “go a few days without cumming” his eyes go a little wide at the question “well… yeah, i think i can do better than those 3, at least, why?” you casually stop at a red light, so you look at him “would you be down to try?” he is quiet for seconds that feel too long “…try it how, exactly?” “well,” you raise an amused eyebrow at sam’s sudden shyness “we do our usual thing, but you make me cum, and you suck it up” you joke hoping to put him at ease, making him chuckle before he quiets down again “so… edging? is it?” “yup” you nod “we can build up to it honey, im not gonna slap a cock ring on you and keep it there for half a month” the mention of the ring already makes sam feel hot under his collar, you continue “we can start with four, maybe five days if that sounds ok- if you are okay with the whole thing, that is” sam nods, its not like you aren’t in control of all his orgasms already, he loves to be putty in your hands “okay, yeah, lets do it” he runs his clammy palms up and down his legs, already feeling a bit jittery “are we… are we starting now?” you giggle at him sweetly “no honey, right now im gonna be sweet to you and make you cum in any way your little heart desires” you park in front of your home and cup his jaw and peck his lips “we can start tomorrow” making him gulp nervously.
you settled on four for being the first time, but god it was the four longest days of sam’s life. from making him eat you out 3 times while praising him, to jerking him off hard and fast, in a way that made him squirm desperately and gasp for air as if he was constantly coming out of the water. you never pushed him too close to the edge, maybe once or twice before letting him catch his breath and take a cold shower.
on the fourth day, sam woke up to an empty bed. he got up and walked to the kitchen, and bent over to hide his face in your neck and mutter a shy good morning. you were sitting on the table with a mug of coffee and a left-over croissant from yesterday. “good morning, pretty. how did you sleep?” it was hell to fall asleep, honestly. you palmed him through his underwear and kissed his neck while praising him for what what felt like hours, so he had to fall asleep with a hard on and wake up to a slight case of morning wood. “Fine” he bit his lip, looking around in the kitchen, catching your eyes every now and then. “im not gonna make you cum yet, sam” you chuckled at his whining “you’ve been waiting for days, you can wait a few more minutes.” you placed your mug and plate on the sink, feeling him follow you like little puppy. “first, breakfast, you are gonna need your energy, baby” he sighed and fixed himself a mug with a bowl of cereal on the side, and ate with a pout “oh, dont be dramatic, sammy”
30 minutes later, you feel him creep behind you while you do the dishes, hands on your rib cage trailing down to your hips “please? now?” he asks quietly and you sigh with a smile “ok sammy, go wait in the room” you kiss his shocked face on the cheek “go, ill be right there” he nearly trips on his way out.
if you could take a picture, you would, because you dont think there’s anything prettier than sam with his hair in a bun, hands tied up above his head, cheeks and chest flushed, squirming from your hand pumping him slowly but steady, and your lips fluttering around the base of his cock. “please, please…” he whines sweetly “sammy, you really arent helping yourself with all your begging and whining” you say, with a seductive smile “can i try something?” “yes, please, just-“ a choked moan and the clench of his legs interrupt him “anything, i need it” “aw, he needs it” you coo mockingly “ok baby, im gonna give it to you, yeah?” he nods shakily with closed eyes, taking this as a chance to take the little bullet vibrator from the nightstand to your left.
with your right hand holding his red, weeping cock up from the base. “just let go when you are ready, ok?” you dropped a kiss to his hip as he nodded, his breath still labored but not as frantic. you wrap you lips around his tip, babying it with your tongue, circling around it gently. his noises almost sound like complains, his hips already starting to shift. when you feel like he got back into it, you turn on the bullet vibrator at high power, holding it to where his shaft connects to his balls, making him almost scream in surprise, and it takes little to no time to get him there. “oh god- oh, please! can i-?” he sobs out, you let go of his tip with a pop “yes, yes baby, come for me, let go-“ sam’s scream interrupts you as his orgasm splatters against his chest. his body tenses erratically, his mouth open with now gasps coming out of him as his orgasm hits him like a train. you pull the vibrator off of him while still pumping steadily to work him through it gently. when there’s only a few tears coming from his cock you pull away from him, immediately standing up to release his hands, the only sound in the room being his panting. “sammy? did i break you baby?” you touch his face delicately, he nods with a wet face, nuzzling it into your hand “let me know when i can clean you up, bub. take your time” while playing with the stray hairs from his bun to pull him back to reality gently
(i know the spacing looks weird as hell but this is tumblr being HELL to write in im sorry)
Oh... now that is delicious.
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astridthevalkyrie · 2 years
more college bf levi … plwase … i beg …
ahahaha part 5 it is. forever down bad for him.
college boyfriend levi masterlist
college!bf levi headcanons:
he’s just so on top of things. can always afford to help you with your assignments because he’s not pushing his until the last minute. and on the rare occasion with a really lengthy essay that is due tomorrow, he doesn’t like to waste time by talking, but he does like if you’re there, just in the same room. it alleviates the pressure a bit.
holds your hand in the morning when the two of you go into the cafe. you look like you would fight the sun if given the chance, but he knows your order perfectly and you don’t even have to say anything besides a thank you to both him and the server before you have your buttered croissant. calls you lazy, fondly wipes the whipped cream from your hot chocolate off your nose.
on saturday mornings, specifically, after he finally convinces you (and himself) to unlatch your body from his in bed, he’s nice enough to give you a piggy back ride to the kitchen and seat you on the counter. then he gives you a few eggs to beat while he chops up some veggies (“lev, no tomatoes, c’mon” “do you know what tomatoes do for your immune system? maybe you wouldn’t be bedridden from the common cold if you ate some—“ “that’s so low, I’m breaking up with you” “okay, do you want butter with your bagel?” “yes, please”)
notes all your little habits and silently accommodates them. he knows that if an assignment is particularly stressing you out, you’re going to wander into the kitchen every so often to get your mind off of it, so whenever exam weeks roll around, he makes sure you two are stocked up on snacks. every time your fingers start twitching, he either places his hand in yours or hands you a ball or pen or anything else that you can occupy yourself with. it’s so minor that sometimes you don’t notice sometimes, but it’s there, as much as is your tendency to do things like flip any shoes that are upside down the right way up because you’ve seen levi scowl at them, or to put lotion on his calloused hands under the guise of having taken too much from the bottle and needing to share. (levi loves you.)
watching tv shows together. usually two at a time (one you want to show him, one he wants to show you), with one or two episodes each night depending on the length of the episode. you talk a lot while watching, he doesn’t as much. or at least, he doesn’t initiate it. but when you throw out guesses or make scathing comments at characters, he either hums in agreement or engages you in a debate that usually ends with the two of you making out on the couch. it’s an unavoidable fate when you’re constantly watching while sitting on his lap.
he just has the softest, nicest lips. and he always grunts in surprise whenever you plant one on him unexpectedly, no matter how used to it he should be by now. frowns and mutters under his breath if you don’t give him what he’s deemed an actual kiss (a peck is not a kiss. a good few seconds where he can pour his admiration for you while you’re pressed up against him, now that’s a kiss.)
will 100% kill bugs for you. will also 100% tell you how much bigger you are than the bug (“wait, but by that logic, shouldn’t the bug not be afraid of you?” “you’re so funny, have you thought of doing stand up comedy?” “yes, actually, but then I’d have to stay out late at night and you’d miss me too much” “oh no, wouldn’t want to have to compete for your attention against an audience of crickets”)
sometimes soccer practice runs late. when he gets home, it literally does not matter what you’re doing, it’s him time. if you’re cooking, he’s pressing kisses to your hair, talking about how he’s not even that hungry. if you’re working on your laptop, he will deadass ask if your gpa is more important than your boyfriend and not talk to your for fifteen minutes straight when you say it is. if you’re sleeping? perfect. all he has to do is slip under the covers and tug you on top of him. you don’t even need to wake up to loop yourself around him and he absolutely loves it.
also loves the sound of his name coming from your mouth. the casual “levi?” when you’re asking him to pass you something. naturally, the breathy “levi” when you’re straddling his lap and rocking against him. the noncommittal “yeah, I’m pretty sure levi said that place was good, we should go there” when you’re talking to your friend, the sweet “leeeevi” when it’s 11:30 PM and you’re craving something from 7/11, and especially the sleepy “mmh, lev” when you’re not even awake, but you know exactly whose chest your face is buried in.
insists on both of you sleeping shirtless. when you argue that you’ll get cold, he tosses the blanket over you before completely wrapping you up in his arms. he’ll make sure every inch of you feels warm, right down to your cheeks. he’ll just have to kiss them again and again until you fall asleep.
date nights are mostly indoors. but sometimes, it’s just nice to go out to a skating rink or bowling alley, and watch you get extra competitive while he puts absolutely no effort in (and still wins 🙄). the two of you don’t treat each other out to a fancy dinner as much as you treat each other to fast food (and always a salad, as per levi’s insistence)
anything you hum or sing, levi eventually finds stuck in his head and he never fails to get irritated with you for it, especially when you realize your superpower and begin to sing anything you’d like to hear from your boyfriend’s gruff voice. he often won’t pick up on how he’s typing away on his laptop and singing under his breath “if you wanna run away with me I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride” until he catches you grinning at him. proceeds to not talk until you’re peppering his face in kisses as an apology.
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flowersforvax · 7 months
Note to self concerning the critical role liveshow:
1)if they ever do another one in europe go go go go go!
2) do not. Do NOT. do what you did this time and fly in on the day. You did not sleep a wink until you were in the plane and when you tried to take a nap in your hotel room before the show you were wide awake and couldn't. But you know what you were yawning through? The whole second half of the show you were so excited to see. Fly in a day early. Get settled. Sleep the night before. Which has the added bonus of-
3) go to the show like- two hours? Before entry? Maybe more. There was an insane amount of people just hanging out outside of the venue and if you want to take some selfies with cosplayers this would be the perfect time to do it. If you're not doing that, at least add about half an hour to the estimated time on Google maps, just in case you get lost again 💀
4)do NOT feel overdressed for going in cosplay! Who cares if that girl entering the train took one look at you and laughed! There will be so many sweet critters complimenting you to make up for it! And you value their opinion so much more! ( ...but yeah, adding the ears and earrings at the venue was probably a good call 😅 )
5) Because you didn'tt sleep you felt kind of sick on and off all day so all you ate was a chocolate croissant from the german airport (spread over several hours) half of one of those hard snack pretzels to settle your stomach, and then for some godforsaken reason loaded nachos at the venue??? Anyway I still feel sick this morning so. Next time just get a late lunch/early dinner right before the show and then get some Popcorn like a normal person. Also when you have to empty your bottle at entry, don't throw it away: this venue had a free water refill Station but all you had was the bottle without cap from the nacho stand so you were afraid to spill it the whole show.
5.1) Don't! Put your bag on the ground! You were so goddamn lucky with holding it between your feet because goddamn did nobody else worry about spilling their drinks. Yikes.
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Victims of the spills. I don't feel so good, Mr. Stark
6) it's colder than you think in the audience so bring a cardigan to put on your cosplay - also, wear a jacket that's not too bulky in case they don't have a coat room, you had to wrestle that stupid coat all night
7) no spillable beverages. Bottles only. That was a fucking unnecessary amount of time you spent trying to wash out the coffee, trying to dry it by crouching under the hand dryer and just generally being annoyed about it. Also if you sleep the night before you don't need 16⁰⁰ o'clock coffee you dumb bitch. You know it doesn't even wake you up, why do you keep trying?
8) GOD I HOPE DANIEL SLOSS WEARS THEM DOWN AND THEY DO A SHOW IN SCOTLAND SO THAT I CAN EXPERIENCE THIS AGAIN but smarter. Also, what a fucking sentence. No idea if they announced he was gonna be there but I missed it and it felt fucking wild.
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tetsunabouquet · 8 months
Basic Instinct Chapter 19
A/N: Now we're going to focus some more on Reader-Chan's side of the story! Masterpost
You stared at the text on your phone, telling you to prepare for a short stay over at Akashi's grandmother. You didn't know what to think. Meeting his grandmother, let alone staying over at her place to wait until your mother had calmed down? You felt anxious. How should you act, what should you bring, you didn't wanted her to think lowly of you like Masaomi did. As you left the basement, you noticed your mom wasn't home. 'Oh right, mom was going to shop at the market today.' You felt guilty, for slipping away from home when she was gone. It felt cowardly, and you feared your mom was going to fall into a panic when she noticed you had disappeared. 'Or am I just hoping she would?' You didn't felt like you could say 'no' to Akashi either, not when they were already preparing for you. So you decided to write your mother a note.
Akashi's grandmother is concerned about me, Seijuro and what happened. She has sent for a servant to pick me up for a couple of days to sort it out. Please don't worry.
You felt a bit guilty for putting it on Akashi's grandmother, but she seemed like a better target for your mother's anger then you or Akashi. Let adults fight this out. You quickly picked your prettiest, expensive looking casual wear, to strike a good picture as you hurriedly changed into a nice blouse and high waist pants combination for a sophisticated look. You were desperate to have at least one of Akashi's relatives like you. Amongst the things you picked to go with you, you also obviously took your phone, toothbrush and decided to take your PSVITA, so you could game in bed during your stay. Gaming in bed to get more comfortable in a place was your routine whenever you slept over at a relative's place. You also picked a light book you loved reading so you didn't look uncultured. You were so consumned, you almost felt like you got a heartattack from the doorbell. "I assume you work for Seijuro's grandmother?" You asked, nervously. The man nodded kindly, "I have come to pick you up Miss l/n-san. Please follow me." And you did.
The drive was silent, but not awkward. At the backseat, there had been a carefully placed sack of freshly baked croissants. You ate during the drive, and the driver had put on the radio. The drive took longer then expected, and just when you had begun to almost fall asleep, the car approached a gate. As if a lightning bolt had sticken you, you sat upright immediately. A beautiful mansion and gorgeous, lush garden unfolded before you and you felt like you could faint. 'A girl like me really is out of place here…' Yet, Akashi was still standing outside near the mansion's entrance, clearly waiting for you. Your heart leaped, and the driver got out of the car. He went to open the car's door for you, and you tried your very best not to leap into Akashi's arms. Which you epically failed at. The moment your arms wrapped around him, you felt a fresh wave of tears rushing over your face. Akashi burried his face in your hair, exhaling your scent. "I am sorry for causing this situation." "Don't be! People shouldn't demonize us for being young and getting carried away. Everyone makes mistakes, and I bet all those adults have done similar shit when they were young." You said, passionately before freezing when you realized you had used the word 'shit' in this extremely posh enviroment. But Akashi chuckled and kissed your forehead, "Thank you for defending me even in this moment. I really am lucky I have such an amazing girlfriend." He breathed, as he hugged you tightly. You blushed, and hid your face in his shirt.
Rima watched on from the window of the drawing room, smiling as she saw the young lovers. "They do look adorable together."
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seokjinsdisciple · 2 years
riddikulus - eighteen
jungkook x reader, hogwarts!au, enemies to lovers!au
Warnings: language, bickering, testing, an info bomb at the end that is going to be so dramatic later
Word Count: 700 (ik its short im trying to regain my love of writing)
also its been so long im so sorry
<previous eighteen  next>
series masterlist
taglist: @nellaphine @elixirguks @softfluffgirl @sensiblebutch, @deolly, @zeharilisharaban, @jungshookmeup, @elliegrace1999tvd, @mybiasforsure, @minsugapie, @betysotelo18, @purpleheartsfortae, @annoyingpessimist, @sugarkinky,  @cuntessaiii
“Bitch. Spill.”
“Jimin, what are you talking about?” you groaned, huffing at the owls doing their morning post rounds, and shoving a warm croissant in your mouth. 
“You’ve literally been glowing since last night,”
“Have not!”
“Have too!”
“What are you two on about now?” Yoongi groaned, rubbing his head and pouring himself coffee as he slid in the seat next to you and Jimin. “Don’t you two have O.W.L.s later?”
“Princess here has been glowing after sneaking out last night,” Jimin grinned, waggling  his eyebrows at you.
“Mh,” Yoongi nodded, “and why do I care?”
“Because a certain bunny best friend of ours is basically bouncing around the Great Hall.”
At this Yoongi turned, glancing at Jungkook, who was practically shaking with excitement as he ate. “Ah, now that’s interesting.”
“Right!” Jimin exclaimed, immediately pouting his signature pout, “That’s why I want answers.”
“Nothing happened, Min!” You argued, not even sparing him a glance. He could read you like an open book, and the time you spent with Jungkook was to be just between the two of you for now.
“Liar-” he started, but you stood up  before he could continue.
“I’m going to study for our O.W.L.s, you should study too, Min.”
As you walked away you could hear Jimin beg Yoongi to ask you about Jungkook. And with a smile you pushed the doors open. Yoongi wouldn’t ask you anything about Kook. You knew that for a fact. 
Your jitters were nowhere to be seen as you made your way into the Great Hall with the rest of your class. The potions O.W.L was finally here, and all you could think about was Jungkook’s fingers on your lips. 
So no, you weren’t the perfect student, but could anyone blame you for being sucked into his bunny smile and addicting personality. 
God what was wrong with you!
You and Jimin slid into the benches of the Great Hall. Your nerves still not catching up to you yet. Your heart was in your throat for another reason. 
With a soft smile, Jungkook sat across from you. All you could focus on was his face. The way his lips moved as he joked with Jimin. His grin enchanting you. 
His whisper of “good luck,” was barely enough to drag you from the spiral you where having about his beauty. 
You took one look at the test in front of you and swore you would do your best without Jungkook distracting you. 
It didn’t work.
It took you at least 20 minutes to focus on the test in front of you. But, after you got it together and your nerves finally caught up to you, you began. Quills scribbled all around you, students furiously writing their answers to each question. 
You were glad you were as good at potions as you were, because of your late start you wouldn’t have finished in time. Turning in your essay paper with a minute to spare you shot Jungkook a wide smile. He stood up a few seconds later, giving you a thumbs up while he walked past you towards the front podium.
When you and your friends convened outside of the hall it was Jungkook who wore a cocky grin.
“I mean, there wasn’t a single question I hadn’t already practiced!” He enthused.
“You’re welcome,” you laughed, “Now who has been saying all of this shit about me?”
“Oh um-” Jungkook started, glancing nervously between Tae and Jimin.
“Don’t tell me that’s what you agreed to,” Tae groaned. Shooting Jungkook a meaningful glance before continuing, “You wouldn’t want to know sweetheart, it’ll just hurt your feelings.”
“She agreed to it Tae, she deserves to know,” Jimin rolled his eyes. 
“Just tell me, Kook,” you said, “I want to know.”
“Fine, just promise you won’t get mad?”
“It was you all along, wasn’t it?” You half groaned, dread filling your gut at the thought.
“It wasn’t me,” Kook said, shooting one more look to the boys before taking a deep breath, “It was Tae.”
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