#I bet people will be mad at me for this
Look, I love Maglor.
Maglor makes me feel things.
I am firmly in the camp that Maglor is the Most Gentle Feanorian, he hates violence, he sees the wrong in all they do, he has an immense amount of empathy.
And don’t you see… this does not make him The Best Feanorian, morally superior to his brothers, pure and good.
This interpretation… kinda makes him the WORST of his brothers?
Maedhros stands aside when the ships burn. He believes abandoning their cousins and people is wrong and takes a stand no matter how futile. Maglor doesn’t. Maglor burns the ships.
We don’t know that Maglor thought that was wrong, we don’t get his perspective in that part of the story. But once we start getting his perspective we get him arguing against the final acts of murder that would retrieve the Silmarils, with full knowledge that it is a bad thing to do… and then doing it anyways. I think Maglor knew burning the ships was wrong.
If you interpret Maglor this way… he doesn’t come out looking good. At least Curufin and Celegorm had conviction that attacking Doriath was right. Going along with it knowing it’s wrong is WORSE. It’s FUCKED UP.
Maglor, in many ways, is a coward. Not when facing the enemy, but when facing his brothers, or his father. He may have had the most of Nerdanel in him of his brothers, but he didn’t get her spine, her ability to say “no this is wrong” to someone she loves, and step away. I even think Maglor’s “no this is wrong” was internal until the very end, when he only had his closest brother left.
There is a period where Maglor is in charge, after Maedhros’s capture. And a lot of people headcanon Maglor having a lot of guilt over his inaction in this time. I agree he has a lot of guilt over it (I think guilt and conflicted emotions drive almost everything Maglor does) but I also think this is the BRAVEST AND MOST CORRECT MAGLOR ACTS IN THE ENTIRE FIRST AGE. The Noldor should absolutely just be seeking to survive at this point, trying to rescue Maedhros would get them all killed. Inaction is the correct call here, despite pressure to do otherwise.
And also, I can’t remember if I made this up, but I have a memory of Curufin and Celegorm both clamoring for Maglor to give up the throne in favor of Celegorm, who is absolutely a more decisive leader in line with what their father would have wanted. Fending this off would be the only recorded time when Maglor stood firm against his brothers.
Some people portray Maglor taking in Elrond and Elros as an act of defiance against Maedhros, to which I say… why? Maedhros frantically searched for Elured and Elurin to save them, he clearly was very against the murder of children, and Maglor has exactly zero instances of putting his foot down against Maedhros.
Tl.dr. Maglor having the most developed moral compass of the feanorians, far from making him a perfect angel, actually mixes with his actions and inactions to make him INCREDIBLY flawed in a completely unflattering way, and I think that’s fascinating.
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redstone-sun · 1 year
hey! this is a threat! BE NICE TO ISKALL. he’s had a history of people complaining in comments of vault hunters and other non-hc videos about when he’s going to return to hc, and i bet they’ve been complaining in the comments about him not being around. he’s a human being too who’s allowed to do whatever he wants with his time. he does not owe you content.
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c0smiccom3t · 11 months
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Coco, my best friend,, coco my comfort character,, baby me would've loved you !!
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sofishticated3 · 11 months
Omg the f1 side of instagram and particularly the m*x fans are not passing the vibe check. I mean, of course if he's your favorite driver, you can be happy and express that in the comments but is it necessary to always bring up Lewis or merc domination? Or harass someone as soon as they express their opinion about m*x that does not fit the "golden boy/great white hope" image? I swear some are just proving themselves to be racist and misogynist, which considering the man they stan, well
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wcsprites · 2 years
If a native person tells you not to do or use something because it misues or mocks something from their culture, even if you personally didn't think it did or that the thing in question "isn't actually that special", your first instinct should be to listen to them and not try to "prove them wrong" (especially if it's something as small and simple as 'don't put feathers behind the cat's ears' like why are you choosing this hill to die on, are you okay? Do you like yourself very much?).
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theevilicecreamsoda · 6 months
You know what, for a community that’s supposed to be about “loving” each other and being a community we sure do jack shit. We’ll be like “everyone’s welcome 😊” then “erm except you, you arent queer enough, you havent suffered enough” is that all we are? Are we only fucking valuable to you if we fucking suffer? Is that the only reason im queer? Because i have been hurt? If thats all this fucking community is then i dont want to be queer. If this community decides its going to be hellbent on picking and choosing who or what belongs then fuck you all. If this community only focuses on the pain and suffering people have felt then ignore that of others then fuck you all. Grow the hell up.
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
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the level of just... I don't want to be rude, but stupidity that just consumes this whole idea, I don't even know where to fucking start.
like what? what is this? some random person on the internet in the 20th century being a bastard is vastly different than 3 princes of the realm, son's of the heir, from a fantasy show/universe that can't be compared on a timeline, since its y'know, fictional and takes place in a fictional timeline, but most things point it being vaguely 12th century based. its not some fucking gotcha, like yup a lot of people nowadays are born out of wedlock, myself included, that totally nullifies any and all consequences of being a royal bastard at a time when being a bastard was literally a death sentence...
like what else should I say? this is just so nonsensical, I can't even come up with a response.
it's really tiring seeing TB fans strip the context and nuance from literally every scenario ever. like it was never really about them being bastards, it was about them being bastard prince's, that were still being pushed as legitimate heirs to not one, but two thrones, and were an active threats to multiple children (Alicent's children. Baela and Rhaena, cause if they hadn't been betrothed to Jace and Luke, which is a death sentence in its own right, would have to be taken out of the picture to secure the boy's reigns. their own legitimate siblings.), and the fact that its literal treason committed by the heir to the throne, who then did whatever it took to defend her lies, no matter who it hurt... like yes, people were mad that they were the bastard, but it was definitely influenced by all of the context surrounding it.
then there's the comments, which... jesus... these are my favs (warning, they're somehow more nonsensical):
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so first off, we have this one, which, the logic is so far out the window I don't even think any amount of logical response can touch it. bastards are, by definition "a child born to parents who are not married to each other" which doesn't describe Alicent's children at all. just because they don't meet your weird, blood purity, eugenics type bullshit standards, doesn't make them bastards, it just makes you dense.
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and then there's this one. just because it wasn't shoved down your throat so hard you can't even attempt to refute it, like it was in the show, in the books, doesn't mean it wasn't there, and doesn't mean its not true, your head just permanently takes residence in your ass. they were most definitely bastards in the books, they just showed it instead of told it, unlike the show that told you outright that they were.
I just want one day where TikTok doesn't give me a stroke, cause this damn near put me over the edge.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 3 months
This is a genuine innocent ask
Since ofmd is officially over, where does all the money donated go? This is not just a question for the fandom bit in general when ur raising money for a renewal but it fails.
so i mean, in general when a renewal campaign "fails" we dont usually get the showrunner saying outright "yeah the show isnt getting picked up, im sorry guys." like im pretty sure that most of the time, money that's raised for a campaign like this just gets collected and spent without there ever being an official announcement from the showrunners that fans should stop campaigning.
as far as the money that was raised for the first billboard back in january, all the money that was collected is long gone now bc it was spent on the billboard, the truck, the plane flyover, and the charity donations. and like, everyone who donated to that campaign knew that's where the money was going, and they knew there was a chance that the renewal campaign wouldn't work. so even tho the money they raised is gone, the ppl who donated technically got what they paid for.
when it comes to the second billboard, i have no idea what the plan is there. as far as im aware that fundraising effort is (was??) still ongoing, so djenks saying it's over kinda throws a wrench in that process. im not actually associated w the ppl collecting money for the second billboard, nor have i personally contributed to that campaign (or to the first campaign either, ftr), so i have no input or insight as to what's gonna happen w that money going forward. if u want more concrete info abt what's going on with that money you'd wanna ask @saveofmdcrewmates
from what i can tell tho, there are a few options as to what they could do with the money: they could ignore david's message and run the billboard as planned, they could forget the billboard and donate the money to charity, or they could run the billboard but change the messaging to something else. they might even be able to give some of the money back to the people who contributed?? that might be hard tho, idk what platform they were using to collect the money and i have no idea if they're even able to like, refund people. idk if the people who donated would even want their money back, or if they would rather the money still be used for the billboard, or be repurposed for something else. like i said, i didnt donate and i have nothing to do with the ppl raising the money so it rlly doesn't matter to me at all what happens.
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zurazakis · 2 days
rocks for brains if u dislike hermes for his treatment of meteion but like the other ancients. hes quite literally the only one who views her as a person within her own right shes just a familiar (= can be killed &/or replaced without much fuss) to anyone else. just because he doesnt have the language & capacity to go against the norms of the society he lives in doesnt mean he doesnt care about her. i think some of u just hate visibly neurodivergent characters if im honest. there is no one in the world of ffxiv who loves meteion more than he does & there is no one in the world of ffxiv he cares more about than he does meteion & that is final (fantasy)
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how do you feel about the new tf2 leaks?
Oh it big sucks!
listen, this leak honestly makes me so mad im not even joking. not because of like, leaks like this cause so much trouble for the developers who own them (in how to combat it), or for the source licencees who are affected by the leak, but WHO it affects in this community.
say you've been working a beta recreation of 2Fort from Trailer 2 (since it's the version with the most footage), you've been working on it in your spare time for the past... 6 years lets say. you know the ins and outs of this map, you've watched footage and studied screenshots from around August 2006, and you've made an intense list of all the eras of 2Fort to ensure you have a timeline of eras so you know which to avoid and such.
so your beta 2Fort recreation is as accurate it can be from all the public media you could find from it. you've even gotten the sewers to be as low as they were in the beta combined with the higher water. there's some things left to your interpretation of the map, since the sewers have never been shown for example, and you push it out for people to play around on. this was basically your hobby for the past 6 years, and it meant so much to you to be able to create something with a love you can't put to words.
suddenly. the worst thing imaginable. a month after you post it? an entire developer repo leaks. and lets pretend it's got that version of 2Fort intact. that's a serious gut punch BUT, then you get comments from folks like "oh the actual 2fort leaked" "this is obsolete now" "oh well a recreation couldn't ever top a leak". it's demoralizing. it breaks their spirit for something they worked so hard on. the one thing you loved working on? well seemingly it doesn't matter now to the community you painstakingly made it for.
that's what hurts for me, is the people who've created content based off of things from TF2 (like the Spellcasters Witch), whom have made it from scratch, added their own personal touches like different outfits and hairstyles, to the ability to allow the user to recolour every part of that outfit. then a leak comes along and it seems everyone's ferally knashing their teeth at this leak. no leak can ever come close to the kind of love community members put into stuff.
that's why i hate this leak. and even with the 60 gigabytes of stuff that's leaked? people are still like "oh well this doesn't have everything 🙄". like sorry 60GB wasn't enough for you?
i hope we never see a TF2 leak again. this shit sucks and i hate the community around it.
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okay we have officially entered the Winter Break Is Driving Me Mad zone
#djhahdjhkashdash i have sat still as in not moving as in not going anywhere as in Still for too long#but it's too cold and dark to run around or go somewhere#and everyone is conspiring against me (there is someone in every single room so i am effectively cornered)#i was not built for this i feel like i'm going to explode they should release me into the wild so that i can experience freedom before#my untimely death by nature's hand but it will be oh so beautiful it will be yuri too btw#at least during the summer i can go to parks and walk through the forests or go in the caves or something but i can do nothing#during the cold dark winter#i am trapped in this tiny house with these people and i cannot leave i am going stir-crazy and it has been exactly 5 days since#school has officially ended#mayhaps i shall test if the rock climbing gym is open during winter break#we have one at my school and technically i get free access but i never go in bc i know too many gym rats and i hate seeing ppl i know#in different locations#but damn rock climbing sounds good rn#[insert google search] noooo they're closed on the weekends for winter break noooooooo#and their hours suck noooooo#u know what i may just say fuck it and go to a park or smth we have a hilly one that i bet no-one will be at bc it's fucking cold#i am going to go mad staying here i am going to be sick#where are the beautiful trees and fresh air and sunshine where did it all go why am i stuck in this house#i have no room to move all i can do is wait for the main room to be vacated so i can have space to dance but this is not enough#i need to climb something i need to be given more space to do something but noooooo#u know what i will unbecome nocturnal just to go places during the day#i will go to the sad cold riverside park and i will run from whatever geese are still around. maybe i'll bring a dog#if i do not i am going to scratch up these walls and YES they are yellow but they are not wallpaper it is paint. if u even care
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
do you think you would ever consider doing one of those "does it make sense/does it compel me" ship things? a couple blogs on here were doing it and i was waiting for you to out of curiosity but you never did
ohhh ummm well probably nottt ? tbh i have mixed feelings on those (((talking about ship games like this in general btw))), just like i have mixed feelings on similar things like ship charts n stuff like that... i think they're inherently fine because i mean, what is a blog if not a place for you to talk about opinions like that? BUT i really believe that most people who do those kinds of things are doing them JUST so they can make fun of ships they dont like
i dont see the point of doing them if you arent a multishipper, which most of the people who do them ARENT because they just go "*their main ships that they post all the time* make sense and are so good! every other ship is BAD AND DOESNT MAKE SENSE AT ALL AND THOSE WHO SHIP THEM ARE WEIRD AND MISCHARACTERIZING MY FAVS !!!" like ok,,, we already knew that you like your main ships,, so this was essentially just an excuse to tell us why you hate everything else ?? to establish your opinion, which we probably already knew, that you think other peoples ships are objectively worse than yours ? whats the point of that ?? why ask for questions about other ships if youre not even slightly open to other ships?????
ive considered posting similar things and i did do some of the saiki k ship chart things for fun (because they ARE really fun) but i never posted any because im not sure i really want to participate in or promote something thats usually just used to put other people down, yk what i mean ??
im always open to conversations of similar nature though !!! i love talking about pretty much any ship, or just listening to people talk about ships they like, whether or not i share the same opinion !! anyone is welcome to talk to me about ships.. if they want...
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Filled with ungodly rage that the professor who didn't hire me had the audacity to email me to ask if I would be interested in coming in from 9-5 two days next week to help clean and organize because I did it last semester and was the only person who came. Like bitch if you wanted help maybe you should've paid the one person who always came in
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artisaint · 1 year
Im not sure if this is a 'cold take' or whatever but I also don't really care. It makes me really sad that NGE has such a negative connotation. It's understandable and I know why it is. i am well aware that NGE has flaws but nearly all media does, and most of the time that doesn't stop people from engaging with it (ahem; harry potter). When it comes to how people speak about the characters I wish Shinji specifically wasn't so widely mocked, especially by people who haven't seen the show. Yes Shinji doesn't do entirely good things, but neither does literally anyone else in the show. The original series final episodes made me incredibly emotional; seeing Shinji shift from not understanding himself and hating himself for it to accepting that its ok to just be you is SO important as a character arc. "I hate myself, but maybe I can learn to love myself. Maybe its ok for me to be here! That's right, I'm me, nothing more, nothing less. I'm me. I want to be me! I want to be here, and it's ok for me to be here!" Is said by the same character that people joke about for being a scared child.
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fancylala4 · 3 months
I’m sorry but I don’t care about how evil socialism or communism or what ever system that isn’t capitalism and is called evil is by people who benefit from a capitalist system! I’m living in a capitalist hellscape where I see millions people living on the streets, people struggling to get food on the table and prices skyrocketing because of greed!
I also see that the people in power isn’t doing anything to help but set up prisons so they can use them as slave labor and cop cities around the country. Doesn’t matter if a dem or a rep is in charge of the state.
What’s the point of being warn of some red scare boogeyman when I’m already living in a nightmare? With a country with so much blood on its hands? That is currently backing one of the worst atrocities the world has ever seen and fucked up counties for centuries? Fuck that!
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beauty-of-nyx · 2 years
I find it so funny that people are actually getting mad that we're all gravitating towards Hob/Dream and saying it's because they're white men, and that we should be writing about other tags because there are more confirmed queer and poc characters than these guys.
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