#I bet she'd be fun to play poker with
zetadraconis11 · 7 months
HL Incorrect Quote #82
*in the Central Hall*
Prof. Sharp: I'm not interested.
Prof. Garlick: Come onnn, it's just a bit of fun!
Sharp: Betting on when students start courting is not fun.
*in the distance*
Garreth: I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to explode... Imelda, what are you doing? Stop, don't-
*Imelda chases after Garreth through the Central Hall*
Sharp: ...I'll bet three Galleons they're courting in spring sixth year.
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urfavlarry · 7 months
Your Overlord! Husk is just so 🫠 So I HAD to request something for him!
Reader works at the Casino. She is Husk's favorite waitress (maybe because she is his gf idk 👀) and deals with rude costumers more often than she'd like. During one of those situations, they corner her for trying to "stick her nose in somebody else's business". Overlord! Husk deals with them before they have the chance to do anything. After the situation is taken care of, he steals her away to dote on her <3
This is the (slightly modified) piece of dialogue that inspired my request. Feel free to use it, if you want!
Reader, backing up: "Gentlemen, gentlemen. Let's be civil about this. Let's make a deal; you leave, and you don't die a second time. How does that sound?"
Sinner: "And how do you intend to kill us, dollface?"
Reader: "Oh, no, I can't kill you. But my boss can. Say hi, boss."
Overlord! Husk, appearing behind reader: "Hi."
I'm aware of how cringe this is, but I couldn't help myself ;;
oh my god this isn’t cringe at all!! i love this sm !! hope ive managed to write this how you wanted and that you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this<33
warnings: bad grammar, swearing, alcohol, mention of harassment, the sinners might be sexist? (if i forgot anything tell me in the comments)
Overlord!Husk x waitress reader
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You’ve met Husk a few years ago after you have just fallen into the dark place called Hell. You stumbled upon the casino after you accepted that this was your life— well afterlife for the rest of eternity, and damn, eternity is a long time! So you decided to look for a job, a job you had when you were alive; a waitress.
Husk hired you after a week of you being “on trial” as he likes to call it and you were just fit for the job! You had the nerves of a saint since you used to deal with drunk people that drowned themselves in alcohol and decided to throw the tiny bit of dignity away and harass the workers who didn’t really sign up for being harassed. At your old job you were usually the one that calmed fights and disagreements down and people were really grateful for that. You could say you were like the mom of that last bar you worked at!
Today the casino was calmer the usual, just sinners chatting away and dancing on the dance floor or just having a drink after a long day of work. The day was slow yes, but at least you didn’t have shitty customers to worry about; you thought to yourself but then suddenly the bars doors slam open and in come 4 not so friendly looking fox demons. You hated those kinds of demons, they usually tried to steal and just make your afterlife a living hell— well if that’s even possible since you already are in hell.
You shoot your fellow employees a uncertain glance and walk over to the demons to ask if they decided on their drinks. They snickered as they ordered their drinks and whispered to themselves as you went to get the drinks they wanted. The bartender, Chris, was a fellow friend of yours and as he makes the drinks he says with a worried tone; “Hey Y/N I know you’re experienced and shit but please be careful, those guys used to come here often and they like to start fights and they really are not fun to deal with so just, keep your guard up, okay?” He looks at you with genuine worry as he hands the drinks to you and you pick them up with ease; “Don’t worry Chrissy i’ll be extra careful okay? I’ve dealt with assholes when I was alive you really don’t need to worry about me.” You say with a smile and shoot him a wink and walk over to the men that are now playing poker and are betting for a huge amount of money. You place the drinks down and go back to talk with Chris to pass the time.
Husk was in his usual spot in the VIP room of the casino, gambling with some sinners, having a bored look on his face as it was clear the sinner really had no experience. He looks away for a moment to glance to the other side of the casino to see you chatting with the bartender. He smiles for just a bit and looks back at the game. You were quite close since you had both a lot in common and were quite fond of each other. After about a year and a half of you working at the casino, Husk asked you out and you, of course accepted! You got together after that and you couldn’t have been happier. But the only one that knew about your secret relationship was Chris, since you trusted him with that kind of information. You and Husk got married after 2 years of being together and Chris could just tell you two loved each other, you were practically love sick idiots!
“And you know that bitch that took your place while you were sick? She was a total—” You get cut off by the sound of yelling and you turn your head to see what was happening. The fox demons were now yelling and fighting, screaming foul things at each other because the game was apparently “not fair”. You exchange looks with Chris and sigh, walking over to the angered men with a calm look on your face, straightening your uniform.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen! May I ask what is the cause of all of this commotion? You’re disturbing the others that are trying to have a good time.” You say with a calm tone trying to calm the situation and to not raise attention. “Go mind your fucking business bitch you probably put something in our drinks to make us focus less so that asshole can win!” One of them yells and the others nod along with angered looks on their faces. “Im sorry wh—” You get cut off yet again by the one of the angry men; “Just shut the fuck up your so clueless it’s embarrassing you probably don’t even know how to do your job properly” Another one of them says grabbing your wrist to pull you down to his height. Your nose scrunches in disgust since you can smell the alcohol from his mouth and you just pray you don’t throw up in his face. He starts to speak again, clearly still annoyed; “How about you fucking go do your job like a good little lady and bring us another drink.” The demon says with a smirk on his face and lets you go and whistles at you as you go to leave. You turn around and glare slightly at the man but take a deep breath and say; “Gentlemen calm yourselves please, let’s be civil about this, yes? How about you either leave this casino and never come back, or you can treat the employees with respect.” You say brushing off your uniform and look at them with a smile fake like the money they were betting on.
“Yea? Or else what?” One of them asks gaining some new found confidence and smirks at you looking you up and down, licking his lips as if you were some kind of prey. “You get to keep your little afterlife and don’t die a second time!” You say with a sarcastic tone and smile. They start to laugh as if you just said the most hilarious thing in the entire world and look at you like a little child who was born yesterday; “Aww and how does a little demon like you intend to do that?” They all snicker awaiting your answer that they were sure it was gonna be even more hilarious then the previous statement you made.
Husk who heard the commotion and has been watching the interaction from afar for almost 10 minutes was growing more and more annoyed by the second. How dare they speak to his wife like that? They think they can just waltz in here and fuck with his wife? Yeah no. He slowly starts to walk towards you and the men and you notice him out from the corner of your eye and smirk, knowing from the look on his face that he was pissed. Maybe even that was not that much of a strong word to describe the anger bubbling up in his body. You look at the demons in front of you and say; “Perhaps you would like to discuss that with my boss?” You say and step back from the demons who replace their smug expressions with confused glances.
“Is there a problem here gentlemen?” Husk asks raising a brow with a annoyed look on his face as the fox demons now look like they’ve pissed themselves. You smirk at the men flipping them off from behind, sticking your tongue out. Your boss from your old job never really bothered to stand up for his employees so it felt good to finally have assholes like them eat their own shit.
The demons scatter and leave money at the table at mumble apologies towards you and Husk and leave the casino without another word. The employees and some of the customers cheer and whistle and scream at the demons to never come back and you cheer a bit yourself, happy that someone finally stood up for you.
The atmosphere was finally back to its normal calm self and Husk looks at you with a bit of a angered look, not because of you, but because he was still pissed someone would just treat his wife like shit, but of course he looks at you with a hint of worry but he’s careful to not show it since he has a reputation to uphold. “Y/N, my office. Now.” He says as he slowly walks over to the back door for employees and you share a worried look with Chris, he looks at you confused and raises a brow at you. You just shrug your shoulders since you’re just as confused as him but you follow closely behind Husk as he wait for you at the employee door. You both walk to his office not far down the hall and he opens the door and lets you enter first. He enters right after you, closing the door behind him. He stays quiet for a bit ask he smokes his cigarette, looking out from the huge window he had in his office.
You stand there nervously and fiddle with your sleeves, hoping you weren’t in trouble, because you really don’t wanna deal with an angry Husk. He throws the cigarette butt out of the window and turns to look at you. He walks up to you cups your cheek in his hand and asks; “Are you okay my love? Did those fuckers hurt you?” He says with worry evident in his voice and you sigh; “No, no they didn’t do anything i’m fine Husker i’ve dealt with shit like this before..” You say looking away from him frowning slightly grabbing your slightly bruised wrist. “I don’t take shit like that to heart.” You say with a smirk.
He smiles softly at you and pulls you closer grabbing you by the waist; “I know Doll I just wanted to check on you, you know? Those guys really are pieces of shit and i’ve wanted to shut them up for a while now, but you did that pretty well yourself~” He says with a smirk and a teasing tone.
“Yeah, yeah I know i’m just the best.” You say with a playful tone and chuckle. “I’m glad you were worried about me tho. I guess the “heartless Overlord” really does have a soft spot for me~” You giggle teasing the cat demon, you knew very well he cared about you, and you were very grateful for that. Husk wraps his tail around your leg and look you up at Husk, shivering slightly from his touch, but you can’t help but admire his features up close. He smirks at the remark and pulls you closer so your bodies are practically touching and your faces are inches apart. He suddenly dips you, your lips barely apart as he grabs you firmly, careful so you don’t fall and and smiles, a genuine smile you have never seen before, a smile that Husk himself couldn’t believe he had used and says;
“Hm, well love, you might just happen to have a special spot in this dead heart of mine~”
He says and leans in closing the small gap between you two. Your breath hitches at the contact but you don’t hesitate to kiss back, a simple act that made your heart flutter even though you’ve done this a million times before. You smiled into the kiss and you started to wonder how you could have found such a great partner.
It was kind of funny, you really were a match made in hell.
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lee1504 · 7 months
ashlyn banner head canons 🎧🩰🥕
I feel like she was made fun of in middle school because she always wore her headphones and never really talked to anyone, and some kids called her emo. But on parent-teacher conference day or when her parents came to pick her up from school her classmates stopped making fun of her because her parents were looking super fine scary.
As a kid, during summer, she would attend flag football summer camps or dance camps. The flag football camps were mostly boys with only like two or three girls (who probably just went there to get the guys' attention). Ash most likely got all their flags and got so many interceptions. Her parents were probably the most interactive when she was playing, with her mom screaming and jumping up and down and yelling obscenities at the other parents on the other team, and her dad would just run up to her when the game was over and mess up her hair and give all the other boys/kids Gatorade as a 'good job' or something. he'd also probably parade Ash on his shoulders as they celebrated.
During dance recitals Ash would've been clumsier as a kid. She was called 'lanky' instead of 'skinny' or 'graceful' but soon accepted her body and built muscles as she got older. If she fell down during practice she'd hold back the tears and wouldn't cry, but by the age of twelve or thirteen she'd just turn off her feelings.
Her first day of middle school was normal, but the teachers spoke to her in slow tones as if she was deaf, not sensitive to hearing. She'd hate it, but never said anything. But then this one teacher would always speak normally to her and would always include her in the class even though she didn't want to participate much.
She probably didn't read books at all unless she absolutely had to, but her favorite book was either the Hunger Games or The Fault in Our Stars. Those were probably the only books she ever read.
She had a Paramore phase in sixth-seventh grade. By eighth grade she was 'ok this is fine' and wasn't as obsessed anymore, but still listented to them.
Her hair grows SUPER FAST but the first time she cut it she was BAWLING. She loved that hair. When the hairdresser cut it it was up to the middle of her neck. Since it was wavy it's get super messy/frizzy since she didn't have layered hair (yet). She never obsessed too much over her hair but she would try so much to fix it but hated it, especially since it stuck up in weird places, mainly the back. When it grew down to her back, the girls in school would call her Merida because of the hair texture/color, but the boys thought it made her look like a viking, mostly when she wore two braids. Her parents vowed they won't ever cut her hair again. When she was older, for a dance or something she tried curling her hair but ended up taking to long so just put it up into a braid but it looked FABULOUS.
She didn't have tons of possessions when she was younger, but she had a German Shepherd and Rottweiler dog stuffed animals that she'd set in the middle of her pillows before she went to school, making they were safe. As a baby she'd carry them around everywhere and anywhere she went.
Her room has a bunch of Joker/Paramore/Queen/Maneskin posters, but she took most of them down before high school. She hung up a Joker one in her closet, though.
She had a secrer passion for card/betting games though. Her dad taught her how to play poker, and when she taught some of the kids at her school one day, they thought she was the coolest person ever because poker was 'an adult game.' She'd play Blackjack with her parents but only bet with assorted Jelly Beans (her favorite were the orange ones) while they bet with actual money, so when she won two hundred and seventy six dollars one day she was so proud.
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12. "Let's play cards, winner gets..."
In the less-than-glamorous bowels of the UNSC's latest "home away from home," a motley crew of Spartan super-soldiers hunched over a rickety table that had seen better days. The flickering overhead lights cast an almost comical glow on the proceedings, making the stack of MREs in the center of the table seem like a treasure trove worthy of a pirate king. This was no ordinary game night—it was poker night, and the prize? None other than Master Chief Petty Officer John-117's stash of rations.
John, the man, the myth, the legend, shuffled the deck with the kind of seriousness you'd expect from someone defusing a bomb, not playing cards. His stoic expression could have fooled anyone into thinking he was plotting the next big offensive against the Covenant. Sitting across from him, Fred-104, Blue Team's de facto leader when John wasn't around, eyed the deck with suspicion, probably wondering if those hands of steel could finesse a shuffle or just snap the cards in two.
To John's right, Vannak-134, the strong, silent type, cracked a rare smile, his eyes twinkling with the kind of light-heartedness you wouldn't expect from a guy who could bench press a Warthog. Beside him, Kai-125 was the picture of cheeky confidence, her smirk suggesting she had a few tricks up her sleeve—or maybe she was just happy to be there, hard to tell with Spartans.
Riz-028, rounding out Silver Team, was the embodiment of focus. If there were an Olympic medal for intense card-playing concentration, she'd have taken gold, no contest. Her eyes darted from player to player, as if trying to x-ray their cards—or their brains.
The game itself was a slow burn, each hand dealt with the kind of gravitas usually reserved for high-stakes diplomacy or interstellar negotiations. Bets were placed with a mix of Spartan rations and bravado, the currency of choice in these parts.
"Alright, fellas," John's voice cut through the tension like a knife through butter. "Last hand. Let's see if anyone can pry my precious rations from my cold, dead hands."
Kai snorted, throwing her cards down with a flourish. "John, you might be the Master Chief, but you're not the master of poker. Watch and learn."
Fred leaned back, stretching his arms as if preparing for physical combat rather than a card game. "You know, I've seen Grunts with better poker faces than some of you. Let's wrap this up before our esteemed leader here starves."
The final showdown was more akin to a circus act than a game of poker. Cards were slapped down with theatrical flair, accompanied by a running commentary of taunts and jibes. When the dust settled, it was John, with his unflappable demeanor and a hand that would make a Vegas shark weep, who came out on top.
Fred shook his head, chuckling as he collected the cards. "Well, folks, looks like John's rations live to see another day. I swear, you've got more luck than a leprechaun."
John cracked one of his rare, almost-there smiles, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. "Thanks for the game, everyone. And don't worry, my rations are always up for grabs. Same time next week?"
The laughter that followed were the true prizes of the evening. In the world of Spartans, where life and death hung in the balance, these moments of absurdity were their own kind of victory, a reminder that beneath the augmentations, they were still human. Well, superhuman, but who's counting?
That's on me for putting a game of chance in John's lap. My bad, everybody.
This was a ton of fun. Nice to see the dorks getting to be such dorks. Great work!
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ktkat99 · 1 year
In honor of ao3 being down, I'll be posting here.
Two Weeks Of Whump Challenge Day 1. Poker
Jason didn't clear his throat or do anything to stop the tears. He let his eyes stay open and burn, due to both the welling tears and the light of the candle.
"Happy birthday, Mom." He whispered hoarsely.
The lights in his bedroom were out, but he could still see the light in the hallway from under his door.
Downstairs, he could hear muffled voices. His family was still awake. Tim was probably telling Dick all about how he'd taken Bernard to the water park for their anniversary.
"I wish I could remember if we met. Y'know. When I was… over there. Dead." He cleared his throat then, needing to breathe, and let out a soft chuckle. "I wish I could remember *anything* from then. At least I'd know if I was just talking to thin air."
The dim, flickering light was just barely what he needed to see his cards. He had the full deck of yellowed, stained cards fanned out on the bed in front of him.
"I kept them. Bruce made sure they were in my pocket when I was buried, and Talia didn't confiscate them. God," he looked up at the ceiling, tears making new tracks down his face. "I wish you were here. The real you, not who you were at the end."
He picked up the seven of hearts, remembering the night she'd first played a game of poker with him. There had been serious flooding throughout their part of the city and they hadn't been able to leave the apartment. The power kept going out, so tv wasn't much of an option, but they'd had games.
And cards.
She'd taught him to play, and they'd bet household chores.
Four games in a row, he was dealt that same seven of hearts. He'd been having so much fun that he dissolved into a fit of laughter the fourth time it showed up.
His mother hadn't understood what was so funny, but his giggles soon proved contagious and she joined him on the floor.
"Jason, are you still awa-... oh." Bruce knocked on his door as he opened it, but froze when he saw his son. "What happened?"
Jason looked down and shrugged. "It's… Mom's birthday. I was just… remembering her."
"Oh, Jay. I'm sorry. Do… do you want to be alone?"
Jason didn't say anything for a second.
Then he gestured to the foot of his bed with a small smile. "Want to play poker?"
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empressofmankind · 9 months
I'm gonna need to know something about or read some of what you have for That A Whole Margarita of a Man cause it sounds very, very appealing
I am so hyped for every last one of your stories so a little sneak peek at any of them would be magnificent !!
It's one of the newest on the list - and one of the few I don't actually have long-form prose (i.e. readable draft content that isn't my story beat steno) for yet. So, I'll tell you a bit about what it is about.
The whole thing arose from me mildly complaining to @tiredemomama about how long it'd been since doing body shots. Aaand we started spitballing about Croc and Shivs doing them? And then a few days later, having let the itch stew a little, I really went to plotting town with @feral-artistry regarding what that would all entail. But the crux of the matter is: it exists because I wanted an excuse to write about them downing body shots off of each other. That's it. That's the plot.
The title is courtesy of @feral-artistry, because as they said:
"That's a lot of ground to cover for a body shot. That's a whole margarita of a man."
I liked it a lot.
A logistic issue, too. Shivs would get drunk so much faster, simply by being lighter weight & downing a larger volume? So we have to just pour a whole bottle of the good whiskey down my girl at some point. To keep things fair. Obviously. No other reasons.
It's set around the same time as 'The House Always Wins' and 'On The First Day of Christmas', i.e. about a near decade before the canon, at Rain Dinners, in Rainbase, Alabaste, when Crocodile and Shivs were a combined force to reckon with.
She's dealing at the high limits lounge, as she did more often at that time, having made the unused table 13 in that pit an absolute hit. Despite the high bet and pot limits, those limits still exist. And the story starts with the fact that they manage to reach it. Shivs jokingly suggests that, instead of breaking the house rules, she can throw in a few body shots.
Croc is good at poker, and he likes it, but he's not necessarily intense about winning - he's not fragile about thát. However. The minute those words leave her mouth? He gets intense about winning. Not because he necessarily wants it. I mean, if he wanted it, he could just suggest it. She'd be down? No need to bank roll a whole table for it. The reason - of course - is that he doesn't want anyone else to gdamn win.
So naturally, the plot demands that he doesn't win.
Zip forward to whomever is unlucky enough to win (with a real chance of winding up both very rich and very dead) finding out that, actually, she meant her taking body shots off of them. Not the other way around. The funny part is that Shivs expected Croc to win too. This was her nefarious plan all along! Her plans are so amazing...
Anyway, now she's stuck doing this with someone else, and unfortunately, not all poker players are as hot as they are smooth? Croc is still mildly upset, but amused in that irritating way of his at her playing herself. After that, this happening leads to bar hanging banter, and body shots in all kinds of increasingly creative ways (I am having a lot of fun with it), and when Croc makes that horny reptile noise down the line, everyone else's flight response kicks in.
Time to clear the house.
The bartenders are drawing straws who has to stay behind, because if they make Croc get his own bottle, all of them are going to suffer. Someone's gotta take one for the team.
It goes all kinds of south from there.
I haven't quite figured out the ending
Thanks for the W.I.P. Round Up ask! This is a ton of fun. I love talking about my content.
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lumyart · 2 years
“Rhaenyra sleeps on the couch that night because no matter how much Alicent insists she refuses to take it back” - Rhaenyra is a woman of principle, you gotta respect her for it. Criston comes by afterwards and is like “hey, imma take back that getting Hightower pussy shirt I gave you, cause you’re probably not getting any right now”. (Their colleagues proceed to bet on how long Rhae’s in the dog house for).
just imagined everyone at work somehow understanding that Rhaenyra has made Alicent mad and isn't getting any because Alicent has gone back to her previous behavior of ignoring her and straight up groaning from exasperation every time she opens her mouth and they all stare at Rhaenyra like damn, girl, you might want to fix that... and i love it😭
everyone starts theorizing on what she did, some of them catching onto the now famous "milf fiasco", and Criston starts taking bets for how long it will take for Alicent's anger to come down. (he bets on it lasting no more than another day because he has a feeling Rhaenyra can be very convincing and Alicent very willing to be convinced)
they all exchange money one morning after watching her silently accept a kiss on the cheek from a grinning Rhaenyra but she catches them and asks if she can join their poker party next time because with all that money it looks like they had a ton of fun. Rhaenyra is just there, watching behind her and entirely aware of what's going, holding a finger to her lips telling them to stay quiet and play along😭 (they 100% organize a poker party and invite Alicent the next week because Rhaenyra won't stop threatening them and insists Alicent should never find out about the bets or she'd accidentally fire most of them)
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perfect-fourth · 1 year
Looking up to see Jhin near by Sevika couldn't help, but think of some over sized dog that was just as capable of whimpering for attention as it was of ripping out someones throat. Why did Silco have to keep collecting these people? Eyes flickering around to see if Silco, or for that matter now that she'd returned Jinx was around she sighed. With both of them owing Jhin to one degree or another Sevika was convinced the man wasn't going to be disappearing so she might as well try to get alone with him a tiny bit. Raising a hand she motioned to him, and when he arrived waved at one of the chairs at the table. "Come play some poker. If you want." There were three other people at the table, and they each nodded to Jhin. Sevika ruled that table, and if she invited Jhin than that was just how it was.
Minding hi nown business at the other end of the bar, sipping his favorite virgin cocktail and chitchatting with the bartender, Jhin didn't at first notice that Sevika was speaking to him. Why would she‽ She never showed much interest in him before, so it took him a moment to peer around and make sure she was not referring to one of the other patrons, as it would have been highly embarassing to strut over only to be told they meant one of those seated nearby him. When he realized Sevika did, in fact, mean him though-- his eyes gleamed with unbridled joy, wide smile hidden behind the mask he wore while frolicking about in public(he had an image to maintain). Skittering on over to their table, he took a seat between Sevika and another bloke, hands spreading out in the space before him with the expectation of being delt his cards. It was not often he got invited to games. Of any sort.
"What fun! Shall I put something into the betting pool?"
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gear-project · 2 years
Annon-Guy: Which Guilty Gear and BlazBlue/XBLAZE characters would be good at playing Poker (Texas Hold'em)? I'm asking because there's this game by TellTale called Poker Night 2 where you play Poker with Brock Samson (Venture Bros.), Claptrap (Borderlands), Ashley "Ash" Williams (Army of Darkness) and Sam (Sam & Max) with Gladis (Portal 2) as the Card Dealer. P.S. You should check up the conversation quotes on YouTube when you get the chance. They're fun 😊!
Who's the best "Gambler" and who has the best "Poker-Face"?
Well, if we're talking cream of the crop, that would be Johnny of course!
He gambles with the best of them, and he can read a situation faster than the average person could draw a sword!
But it's not like Johnny doesn't have any sort of weaknesses. When it comes to women, he tends to lose track of his concentration! Hah!
But, if we were to list some other "poker-players" that would do well in the game of Cards:
Slayer: He's just unflappable. You won't read him unless he WANTS you to read him.
Ramlethal: Despite her recent change in tastes, it's actually quite difficult to get a read on her emotions. She'd be very good at bluffing.
Bedman: You can't read someone who sleeps through everything. He'd be a surprisingly "patient" player. Bedman can also read others' thoughts through his abilities.
Venom: Not quite as powerful, but Venom can read other people's "aura", which means he has the upper hand in reading others' intentions! Perfect for an Assassin, but also perfect for a HUSTLER.
Kum Haehyun: Don't let appearances fool you! She can read the state of anyone with her Tuner's abilities… Of course, she's not very good at hiding her weaknesses… She's powerful, but risky.
Robo-Ky: Okay, now that's just cheating! Robo-Ky has X-ray vision and can see other peoples' hands! Robo-Ky does have some standards though, so he follows the rules if there are any.
Chipp: Here's the thing about Chipp: high risk, high reward. That's not only his fighting style, but that's also his life motto! He isn't very cautious, but if you're the type who goes all-in, he's good at negotiating the risks. His foresight ability is also second to none (impressing even the likes of Gabriel and Answer).
Answer: Chipp's right-hand man is also pretty good in situations that call for his talents. His memory and recollection abilities are a great tool in reading any given situation. He could probably use his knowledge to win horse race bets too!
Sol Badguy: He's known for his brute-force methods, but he's also a scientist, and his gambles tend to pay off significantly. I'd say, if Sol was in a situation where all bets are on the table, he'd be a sure bet to win! (He'd likely be an all-rounder player… no real strong traits, but no real weaknesses either.)
I-No: She's a performance artist to say the least. She can coax weaknesses out of anyone she meets, and when it comes to confrontations (bluffs), she can bluff with the best of them. She is a bit of a risk-taker though, so it might be tough to win in some situations in her case.
Potemkin: Hmm-hmm~ You weren't expecting a grappler to play cards, were you? Potemkin is actually very good at hiding his emotions, though once he has a winning hand, it's hard to really stop him once he gets going. His massive hands could probably only "just barely" hold his cards, but when you're the best at what you do, you don't need to worry about losing as much. That being said, Potemkin is still a bit of a slow-starter… so getting good luck and a lucky hand might be troublesome for the likes of him.
Izuna: For a guy who doesn't like to stand out, but of course he'd be pretty good at bluffing. Izuna's a bit of a card shark on his own, but his methods are most likely unorthodox and random, so his luck is also just as random.
Axl Low: This man believes in the Goddess Lady Luck… he's surprisingly religious. And truth be told, he is pretty lucky, and he's good at reading situations very well. But, as Lucky as he may be, he doesn't take undue risks if he can help it… and he's not very good at hiding his emotions (unlike other potential players).
Goldlewis Dickinson: You can't have a game of Texas Hold'em without a True TEXAN! Gold is likely all about the payout: what risks to take and how much would be most profitable! He'd go full-force on a gamble, and he'd be good at hiding his plays… But reading others' bluffs on the other hand is his weak-point (he's not good at reading situations, or even when situations go awry…). Still, he'd make up for it by solid hands and nothing too risky. A well-rounded player.
Dr. Paradigm: What can I say? He's a master strategist. His tactics and planning are very thorough, though his luck is somewhat lacking (don't ever say "this plan is perfect" around him… it'll jinx). He's a good reader of tactics, so of course he'd be decent at bluffing and plays. But again, he hasn't had much good luck lately (or being playable as a GG character… hopefully that'll change someday soon).
Dr. Faust: Ooh~ A Wildcard player has entered the room! Faust is good at taking advantage of random situations, so he's very Luck-oriented. Having a Bag over his head also helps quite a bit for bluffing and calls. He does get a bit emotional at times, however… so having a stable hand might be difficult.
Nagoriyuki: A very focused and straight-forward player. He can spot weakness in other players almost immediately. Still, as strong as he is, he doesn't take many risks and as a result his luck and skill tend to taper off when he hesitates. It's also pretty easy to read someone who doesn't rely on those risks to get good hands. Even if Nagoriyuki wears a mask, he plays the game straight.
A.B.A.: You wouldn't think she'd be good at a game like Poker, but A.B.A. can hide her intentions and blend in a crowd very well. She tends to keep her cards close to the chest, so she wouldn't show very strong plays at first, but once she gets going, well… good luck trying to keep up with her! She's emotional and unstable, but her playstyle would be unique, on top of that she's great at bluffing! If she has to win for Flament Nagel's sake, she'll do anything and risk anything to win!
Well, that was fun to write… I hope you enjoyed it! I will check out what you suggested eventually!
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jellifysh · 2 years
housewife au part three
in which you get to know a little more about who you're marrying
You expected a big whirlwind wedding, some huge publicized event that would show the world that you are Kim Namioon's wife, a big poufy wedding dress and luxurious reception.
But, instead, it was a rather lame affair. A quick trip to the courthouse, some paperwork, and you were married, hardly exchanging a few words. Namjoon went back to work after a curt goodbye, and you went to his family manor, moving your stuff into a spare room (technically Namjoon's room but he had his own apartment) and getting accustomed to your new life. His mother explained to you that you just needed to be legally recognized in order for you both to reap all the legal benefits. It doesn't matter if anyone knows he's married, just that he has someone to have an heir with and pass down the family legacy to. You held your tongue about how sad that seemed this time and just nodded in understanding.
The first few weeks were awkward. Ypu didn't see Namjoon at all, which was fine, but you had to spend a lot of time with his parents.
Namjoon's mother, you quickly learned, was not as intimidating as she seemed. She was a fiery, sarcastic, witty woman who honestly made conversation engaging and fun. Although, you avoided conversation with her in the beginning, buying yourself with getting used to the layout of the house and making sure that not a thing was out of place. Mrs. Kim told you that you didn't need to clean or cook, a maid came at the end of the week to tidy everything up, and they had a private chef on speed dial. But you noticed that, despite her age, Mrs. Kim was very active, often moving around the house and sometimes even taking walks around the large perimeter of the major of her old joints allowed that much movement. It made you anxious to think about her tripping over something that could be easily cleaned or unable to access something because it was out of place. So you cleaned often, dusting everything down as much you could, tucking things away as soon as they were out of use, and bringing things to her when you noticed she wanted them rather having her get up to get it herself. You even started cooking some meals for them, rather than making them have to call someone and wait for them to cook, you would prepare a meal yourself and bring it to them at a meal times.
And eventually, you couldn't avoid them anymore. Mrs. Kim would seek you out sometimes to talk to you. She would come to you to tell you not to strain yourself with taking care of the house but you could see how much easier she was breathing, and how much more rest she was getting on her joints. After she realized you would likely never stop, she switched gears, summoning you to keep her company when she knew you'd usually be sweeping up or making food.
"Have you ever tried knitting, dear?" She'd ask, telling you to sit down and putting a ball of yarn and two needles in your hands before you could even protest.
Or, she'd say, "I bet you never played this card game before," dealing you some cards and explaining rules you could never understand. You played poker often, and you didn't know why, until Mr. Kim started recovering well enough to sit up and talk and laugh with you as well, and you figured out it was his favorite card game (though he almost always cheated).
Between talks in the library over your favorite literatures and hers, you figured out that she was a very smart, very kind woman, who had a passion for business and the brain for it too. Her and her husband had built themselves up entirely from the ground and wanted to ensure a happy easy life for all their children and grandchildren.
"Which isn't to say I plan on spoiling them," she'd said one day while you were knitting in sync. She was telling you stories about Namjoon when he was younger, the cute antics he'd get up to and the way his dimples would get him out of almost everything. "I think a bit of struggle builds character, but too much roughness will only ruin their souls."
"Children need kindness and discipline." You said, struggling with your row of yarn.
"See! You understand perfectly. I'm honestly so glad I found you, dear. You've been such a massive help around the house. If it were just me and my husband, well, we'd have driven each other crazy by now."
"I doubt it. You two are perfect for each other."
"Sure, but we can still bored of each other. Heaven knows he'd never knit with me." She glanced at her wrist, spotting the time on her watch. "Oh, its almost eight! Can you set up my video call for me, dear? My eyes feel a bit weak today."
"Sure, Mrs. Kim." You said, getting her phone and setting up the video call.
Every night at eight, she would call Namjoon and he would ask her about her day, listening patiently and then tell her about his. You weren't usually in the room when it happened, but you would happen to be near sometimes and the calm, kind tone he would use with his mother warmed your heart. It was clear he loved and respected her and it made you happy.
"There you are, Mrs. Kim." You said as the phone started to ring, heading toward the exit as the call connected.
"Wait, could you fluff my pillow before you go?" She asked and you nodded, moving back over to her chair.
"Hello, eomma," Namjoon greeted as he came up on the call, warm smile already in place as his voice came through the phone.
"Ah, there's my handsome boy, how are you, Joon?" She greeted, the sweet warmth in her tone.
"I'm good, today was nice." He answered, looking into the camera more closely. "Is that Y/n?" He asked, spotting you in the background.
"Yes it is! She's just fluffing my pillow for me, Namjoon, she is such a darling! She's incredibly sweet and she s been keeping me such good company!" His mother praised, and you ducked your head a little, bashful.
"Is that so?" He hummed.
"She even goes on my morning walks with me, she says she worries about me when I'm outside." His mother chuckled.
Namjoon chuckled as well, commenting, "That's very sweet of her."
"Why are you talking about her like she's not right here?" His mother scolded. "Why don't you say hi? Here Y/n, say hi to your husband!" She handed the phone to you, and you took it reluctantly, smiling awkwardly into the camera.
"Um. Hi?" You said, waving at the camera. Namjoon laughed again, waving back. His hair was slightly messy and his tie was a little loose, like he was pulled at it and he was walking around what you figured was his apartment. it seems like he had just gotten home.
"Hello," he said, smooth voice almost taking you off guard. "Has your day been going well?" He asked.
"Ah, it's been fine. I mostly just cleaned up a bit and cooked some dinner. I played some cards with your father, since he's been feeling better but is still a bit too weak to walk." You explained, nervously. You hadn't spoke with him much, besides a few words over text whenever he asked you how they were during the day.
"I see. Does he still cheat at poker?"
You laughed, caught by surprise by his joking statement. "Yes, actually. But I let him, he always looks proud of himself."
Namjoon chuckled. "Thank you, so much. It makes me so happy to hear that they're being well taken care of."
"Of course. They've been so kind to me, and they are so incredible." You responded honestly.
"From what I hear, you're quite incredible yourself. My mother tells me you hardly ever sit down." He replied, pushing open a door in his apartment.
You waved it off with a chuckle. "I sit down plenty when I'm with her."
"Please, remember to relax. Should I send the maid to come more often?" He asked, concern slipping into his tone.
You shook your head, not wanting to trouble him. "No, it's fine. It's really not too much work, and I feel better knowing I can take care of these things myself."
He conceded hesitantly, saying, "Fine. But please, don't strain yourself."
"I feel like I should be saying that to you. Are you just getting home from work?"
"That's... different." He denied, a sheepish smile coming to his face. You could see his hand come up to scratch at the back of his neck and held back at his shy mannerisms.
"Sure it is." You smiled. "I'll let you two keep talking now. Have a good night."
"You too. Sleep well." He smiled at you as you passed the phone back to Namjoon's mother, who was smiling way too hard at the way you two were getting along.
You left the room swiftly after that, letting out a deep breath as you walked into the hallway. You didn't even realize how easily conversation flowed with him. And he spoke so genuinely, you felt your heart flutter at his concern. You shook your head. The last you needed to be doing was falling for your contractual husband.
But, you thought to yourself as you thought about his smile. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad...
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urban-witch101 · 3 years
I received an anonymous request for headcanons regarding Makoto and Celestia gambling against each other.
So, gonna be real honest here - I had no idea where to start, so I just kind of took this idea and ran with it. I hope that's okay?? Anyways here you go.
Celestia Ludenberg - In Between the Despair
Okay but like
Between when Despair begins and they're trapped in the school for that year before getting their memories wiped
Y'all act like these guys would just sit still and not create their own fun
AKA Gambling tournaments
Now, nobody could gamble with money. They don't have any!
However, they like to trade and barter.
Thumbtacks, coins, nails, you name it
Anything you can find that's small is fair game.
Togami is the one who ups the stakes first.
He barters his favorite book from the library in a game of poker.
He loses. Brutally.
(Celeste secretly gives it back after like a month though)
Mondo barters his cigarettes. She wins six out of the seven left.
They both have a cig together in the Laboratory where the air filter is, just to be cautious of any asthmatic students.
Hifumi bets his camera, his pride and joy - he loses it.
She hangs onto it and hides it before slipping it into his backpack when he's not looking after like three months.
This escalated like so until she gets to Makoto.
He bets an odd-looking hairclip that has colorful butterflies.
He's got this determined look on his face that tells Celeste that he wants to win.
She's wrong. He wants to see if he can stay in the game long enough to keep the hairclip.
It's Komaru's after all. She'd kill him if he lost it.
The two set up a table and light many candles in the library for light, much to Togami and Fukawa's dismay.
The cards are drawn and the game is set.
He's given a basic run down of the rules and how to play - after that? May the odds be in your favor because luck is definitely the most defining force in this game.
Everyone decides to gather round and watch
(they've been fucking waiting for the day)
It seems at first that Celestia is wiping the floor with him
Little does she know that Makoto is smarter than that
He's been counting. And if he plays right he could survive this round.
They draw the final cards.
It's a tie.
The rest of the class is flabbergasted. Makoto breathes a sigh of relief, pocketing the hair clip quickly.
Celestia is genuinely surprised, but doesn't consider it a loss at all. She's actually really proud of him and takes it with grace.
"Beginner's luck," she says.
Everyone is super impressed, and of course it's Makoto so he's super humble about it.
Aoi makes homemade baked donuts in the kitchen as a reward for not losing against Celeste
(little victories y'all, it's the apocalypse)
After that she decides she won't accept a game unless it's with something of little value to both players.
She saw how Makoto defended his pride for his sister's (kind of useless) hairclip, simply because she was important to him.
It reminded her that they were all stuck here, and they kind of had to cling to Hope at this point.
Celeste decides she doesn't want to rip value away anymore, not from her friends at the very least.
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cocomaxley · 6 years
Operation: Payback is a Bitch
This is a part of a TRR A/U called Cordonians Gone Wild, a collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @leelee10898 @riseandshinelittleblossom and yours truly. Catch up HERE.
Summary: The men try to get back at the ladies for all of their previous mischief.
Rating: NSFW, mature and very bad decisions.
Tag List: @blackwidow2721 @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @fullbeaumonty @brightpinkpeppercorn @katurrade @krsnlove @alj4890 @zaffrenotes @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @stopforamoment
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Rashad and Genevieve arrived at the restaurant to meet their friends for dinner. Once everyone was seated, they fell into easy conversation. “Are you guys all set for your camping trip?” Genevieve asked the men. Rashad smiled and held her hand. “We are for the most part. What do you girls have planned for girls night?”
“I'm not sure yet, probably the usual. Watch a movie and drink a lot,” Alicia giggled. Liam got a mischievous smile, “I'm sure it'll be a romcom because we know you guys can't handle scary movies.” The guys all chuckled. Stephanie raised her brow, “I love scary movies, so shut your face, Liam.” Maxwell chimed in, “But she hates clowns!” Stephanie glared at him, “Because clowns are fucking creepy!” The girls nodded in agreement.
“I bet you guys can't make it through the new version of It,” Rashad said. Genevieve's eyes went wide in surprise. Her fiancé wasn't normally the type to tease. She replied, “Honey, I love you, but whenever you guys bet against the girls, it never works out in your favor. Like ever.” It was the girls turn to laugh. Leo said, “Well if you're so positive you can win this bet, then watch the killer clown movie for your girls night.”
Anitah said with a smirk, “Fine! It's on! And when we win, guess who will have to streak around the palace grounds again? That's right, but this time it will be harder. You guys will have to finish the lap in under 30 seconds. If you don't, you have to keep running laps until your time is under 30.” Liam looked at his wife, “And if we win, which we will because you guys are a bunch of weenies.” Anitah leaned in close and whispered, “Husband’s choice in punishment.” Liam swallowed hard, “Oh...ok, you're on.” The men shook hands with their women, each one feeling confident on an easy win.
After dinner, they decided to go to the beer garden for a few drinks. The men walked up the bar and the ladies sat at a table. Leo rubbed his hands together, “Alright boys, Operation Payback is a Bitch is a go. These girls will be so sorry for everything they've ever done to us. I’ll finally get to do the thing she never lets me do.” Rashad laughed, “Gen will be huddled in a corner crying. She hates scary movies. Add a clown in there, and this will be the easiest blowjob I'll ever get.”
Liam chuckled, “Anitah’s biggest fear is clowns. She hates any and everything about them because of the original It movie. She’s so done, and I’ve got a punishment in mind for every time she’s commandeered the royal jet...she’s not going to walk straight for a week.”
“I'm finally going to use those handcuffs on Pam. We've only used them in Amsterdam,” Drake said. Maxwell clapped his hands together, “I'm asking for a Capuchin monkey! They're so cute!”
Two weeks earlier…
The men were playing poker in Liam’s study. Liam asked, “Rashad, the wedding is coming up. How’s the wedding planning?” Rashad looked up from his cards, “Everything's pretty much done. Gen and my father have been like two little girls with the planning. He's so excited for the wedding you'd think she was his child,” he laughed, “he keeps saying things like ‘I can't wait to have a daughter, I've always wanted a daughter.’ I want to say, what the fuck, dad. I'm standing right here.”
Drake snorted, “Well no wonder he let her take your jet to Amsterdam. Sounds like he can't say no to her either. Man, these girls have really given us some shit, haven't they? Thanksgiving, Thunder down under, St. Tropez…” Leo said, “Yeah no kidding. There was New Orleans and Chicago too. They definitely keep us on our toes. Especially Anitah with Liam!” Leo laughed while Liam glared at him.
“Let's not forget that she's hoodwinked my top three guards. Mara got ditched at the airport, Brad got locked in a closet with snacks and a pillow and Bas got fucking drugged! She even stole their damn phones,” Liam shook his head, then his face lit up, “let's get them back. They're due for some retaliation.” Leo's face perked up, “I'm listening, little brother.”
“They all hate scary movies. So let's bet them that they can't watch the new It movie all the way through. We can plan a ‘camping trip’ and then on their girls night we mess with them. We will turn off the power to my quarters, walk around the apartment dressed all in black and make noises, open and close doors,” Liam started laughing hard.
Maxwell shrugged his shoulders, “I was with them for all of that and had a ton of fun, but I think it'll be fun to mess with them. Stef might kill me, but it'll be worth it.” Bastien cleared his throat, “Your majesty, if I may speak freely?” Liam nodded so he continued, “I want in.” The guys all laughed knowing having Bastien on their side gave them an edge. Leo yelled, “Game on, boys!”
Girls Night...
The men had just left for their camping trip, and the ladies were in the royal quarters getting girls night started. “You guys, I really don't want to watch this movie. I'm so scared,” Genevieve said. Her eyes welled up with tears. “Well we can't back out now, Gen. We already agreed to it.” Anitah said. She met Genevieve’s gaze, her own eyes welled up with tears and face full of fear.
“I'm just gonna give him the blowjob. I like giving him blowjobs anyway, so I'm not really losing. I just can't watch it. I'm about to cry,” Genevieve rambled, pacing the room. “None of us want to watch this movie, but I'll be damned if we lose a bet to them,” Pam said, her face a little paler than normal. Stephanie added, “We just have to remember that it's not real. Ok, ladies? Let's not lose our shit before we start the movie.”
Anitah placed the disc into the DVD player with shaky hands. “The lights stay on!” Pam yelled. Alicia pulled out her iPad and headphones and pulled a blanket over her head, “I said I'd be here. I never agreed to watch the movie.” Stephanie pressed play on the remote and the movie started. All of them huddled close together on the couch.
Genevieve watched the movie with her hands covering her eyes and Pam hugged her knees. Anitah held a pillow tightly against her while Stephanie chewed her fingernails. Alicia hadn't moved from her spot underneath her blanket. At one point in the movie Pam screamed, “No, Georgie! Don't do it!” A sob escaped Genevieve’s throat and Anitah used the pillow to cover her face. Stephanie sat with wide eyes, mouth open. A loud clap of thunder shook the room which made them all jump and rain pounded against the windows. They laughed nervously realizing it was just a storm outside.
The movie continued to play. “Ok guys, twenty minutes left in the movie. We can do it. We've got this. Then the guys will be so sorry for doubting us,” Stephanie said. They turned to each other and nodded. “God, I fucking hate clowns. God, I hate Liam,” Anitah said, her face still covered by the pillow. All of a sudden the power went out and everything went pitch black. “What the fuck happened? Why did the power go out, Anitah! Call someone,” Genevieve cried. “My...my cell phone has no service,” she responded voice shaking.
Pam kept her cool, “Ok, our phones have flashlights. Turn those on and we will look for the fuse box. Do you think your quarters has a fuse box?” Anitah shook her head. They heard a door slam shut in the back of the royal quarters. “Wha...what the fuck is happening?” Stephanie whispered. Then they heard the floorboards creak and saw a dark figure walking down the hallway.
“We’re going to die!” Genevieve screamed, scrambling for the main door. The other girls quickly followed her out. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, what the fuck do we do?” Anitah said in a panicked voice. When they turned the corner they saw another dark shadowy figure. They froze in place. Lightning flashed outside, and then another clap of thunder made them jump again. “Let's go to Liam's study and lock the door, follow me,” Anitah whispered.
Drake, Rashad and Maxwell watched the girls run past the room where they were hiding. The women were in the middle of the hallway staring at Liam wearing a black cloak with his head covered by the hood. They had to fight back their laughs so they wouldn't give away their hiding spot. “Maxwell, we said Pennywise the clown! Is that a Bozo costume?” Drake asked in an irritated tone. “It's too late Drake. Besides, Stef is afraid of all clowns,” Maxwell said. Rashad snorted, “Gen is afraid of her own shadow in the dark. Just give him the red balloon. That'll be enough.”
Maxwell walked out of the room and stood in the middle of the hall holding a red balloon on a white string, just as the girls turned around and started running in his direction. When they saw him standing there, they all let out ear piercing shrieks. “SCATTER!” Anitah yelled. Anitah and Genevieve ran down a hallway. Stephanie came up and kicked Maxwell in the crotch before Pam dragged her down the opposite hallway.
Maxwell crumpled into a heap on the floor. “Shit! Max, you alright, buddy?” Drake asked as he kneeled down next to him. “I...I think I'm dying, Drake. I can't breathe.” Maxwell said in a pained voice. “I didn't know she'd kick you. These girls are in full fight or flight mode,” Drake said trying to stifle a chuckle.
Anitah and Genevieve burst through Liam's office door and locked it, both of them out of breath. “Call Bastien, Anitah. I feel like killing killer clowns is part of his job description.” Anitah walked to Liam's desk and grabbed the desk phone. “The line…it's dead, Gen. it's dead,” she whimpered and replaced the handset into the cradle. The doorknob jiggled. Anitah froze, “Oh God, Gen. what do we do?” Genevieve turned in circles, “I don't know, I don't know! Does Liam have any hidden weapons in here?” She picked up a vase from the side table, “Grab something heavy, Nitah. A big fat book or something.” They stood at the ready as the door lock clicked open and a figure stood in the doorway dressed head to toe in dark clothing, his face covered with a black ski mask. Anitah yelled, “Now!” And they both threw the objects at the intruder. The book hit him in the forehead, and the vase made contact with the side of his head. “FUCK!” The hooded figure yelped holding his head. Anitah and Genevieve pushed past him and ran down the hall.
Pam and Stephanie ran into the library and hid behind a bookshelf. They heard the door open and heavy footsteps heading in their direction. “Stef, we have to move,” Pam whispered, Stephanie nodded. They tiptoed to the end of the bookshelf and quietly walked to the next aisle moving towards the back of the library. The footsteps stopped. “Ok, Pam, we need to get out of here. I will go out there and let him see me. When he goes for me, you need to trip him. Then we make a break for the door.” Pam took a deep a breath, “Ok, we can do this.” Stephanie stepped out into the main aisle, and the large figure took slow deliberate steps towards her. At just the right moment, Pam stuck out her leg. The intruder tripped and fell on his face with a groan. He stood up quickly and tried to grab Pam, but she reacted quicker and bit his hand hard. “Motherfucker!” He backed away from her shaking his injured hand. “Run! Now!” Stephanie yelled pushing him out of her way making him lose his balance, falling on his back.
Pam and Stephanie rounded the corner and saw two other people. All four of them screamed. “SHHHHH! Everyone shut up!” Stephanie said trying to keep her voice down, once she realized it was Anitah and Genevieve. “Oh thank god. You guys are ok,” Anitah said while trying to catch her breath. They heard footsteps approaching. Genevieve opened the ballroom doors and whispered, “Quick! In here.” They huddled together, hiding behind the bar when the ballroom doors opened. Two intruders walked inside slowly. “Check behind the bar, I'll check the balcony,” they heard one of them tell the other. They tried to move to the other end of the bar but he already saw them. “They're right here!” He shouted to his partner.
Anitah launched herself at him and knocked him back, “Run! Run!” Stephanie and Pam ran towards the open ballroom door. He got back on his feet facing Anitah. Genevieve was frozen behind the bar, eyes wide. He lunged towards Anitah, but she blocked his arms. She swept his leg out from underneath him, and he fell on his back. “Ha! Take that!” She yelled. He stood back up, but he was clearly disoriented. Anitah punched him in the face, and he fell backwards. Genevieve stood up and stepped on his manhood. She grabbed Anitah by the arm and ran for the ballroom doors. At the other side of the ballroom, Pam and Stephanie were being held back by the other intruder. “Stef, what should we do?” Stephanie looked at Pam and yelled, “I've had it!” She walked up to him and punched him right in the nose. “Ow! What the hell?” He held his face, and the girls ran out the door. Rashad removed his mask after Stephanie punched him. His nose was bleeding. He walked over to Liam “You ok, man?” Rashad asked him. “No heirs,” Liam grunted as he laid on his back holding his groin. They heard the women screaming in the foyer. “I will fucking cut you, clown!”
“Whoa, whoa, Stef! It's me! It's Maxwell, please don't kick me in the balls again.” He removed his wig with one hand while the other hand held a frozen bag of peas to his crotch. Drake, Liam and Rashad joined them in the foyer. All of the women were shocked when they saw the intruders without their masks. Bastien walked up to the group. He had a visible lump on his forehead. Anitah covered her mouth to silence the laugh that was forming in her throat. “We took Bas down again!” Genevieve said grinning at her. “I am never betting against you ladies again,” he turned to the four men, “From now on, you guys are on your own.” He huffed and limped towards his room.
“You!” Genevieve pointed her finger at Rashad. The other three women crossed their arms and glared at their husbands. Their husbands were staring back at them, bruised and battered. Rashad held his arms up in defeat, “It was supposed to be a harmless prank. We didn't know you guys would go all Chuck Norris on us. I think my nose is broken.” Drake showed everyone his hand and said, “My wife bit me, like a fucking animal.”
“I'm pretty sure I won't be able to have kids,” Liam said still holding his groin. “Serves you all right. That was really, really mean!” Genevieve said, she was now sobbing. Rashad wrapped his arms around her, trying not to laugh, “You held up much better than I thought you would, sweetie.” He couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, and everyone else started laughing along with him. Liam looked around the group, “Hey where's Leo?”
In the royal quarters, Alicia was under her blanket and the movie she was watching just finished. She pulled the blanket off and stood up. When she turned around she was facing a masked person. Her jaw dropped open. “What..what do you want?” She stammered. The person didn't respond. He made a move to grab her, but she slapped him across the face with one hand and then slapped him on the other cheek with the other hand. “Dammit, Alicia! It's me!” Leo said pulling off his mask and holding both cheeks. “What the hell, Leo! You scared the shit out of me! Where is everyone?” She yelled. Leo filled her in on their plan. She laughed, “I'm so glad I’m not part of this fuckery.” Leo wrapped his arms around her waist, “Well I know what we can do while they're running around the palace.” He kissed her passionately while his hands worked on her clothes.
The group walked back to the royal apartment and opened the door. Leo and Alicia were sitting on the couch grinning from ear to ear. Anitah glared at the two of them knowing what they'd just done and said, “You know that thing you never get to do, Leo? Well you can do it because she was under that blanket with an iPad and headphones. She didn't even watch the movie.” Leo smirked and slowly turned towards his wife while rubbing his hands together. Alicia's mouth fell open, “Anitah! Why would you sell me out?” Anitah smiled at her friend, “That was a hard earned win, Alicia. You forfeited.”
Liam cleared his throat, “Actually, my love, you lost. None of you finished the movie, and that was the bet. I believe you still had twenty minutes left to watch.” Anitah's jaw dropped, but before she could respond, Liam threw her over his shoulder and said, “Get ready for your punishment, My Queen.”
Rashad smirked at Genevieve, “Let’s go home. I'd like to cash in that win tonight.” Drake walked over to Pam and pulled her towards the door, “Come on, baby, there's some pink fuzzy handcuffs with your name on them.” Maxwell started dancing, “I'm getting a monkey! I'm getting a monkey!” Stephanie laughed at him and pushed him towards the door.
Monday Morning...
The men had a council meeting first thing Monday morning. They were presenting a new proposal to increase tourism. The guys stood in front of the council; Liam with a black eye, Leo with red marks across both cheeks, Rashad with a broken nose, and Drake with a visible bite mark on his hand. Bastien was standing in the back of the room with a large purple lump on his forehead and the side of his head was clearly swollen. From the head council seat, Rashad’s father looked at them with a raised brow, “What in God’s name happened to all of you?” They exchanged uncomfortable looks with each other. Rashad spoke up, “Father, that's not relevant to our proposal. Let's...let’s discuss that later.” Rashad’s father let out a hearty laugh, “Oh, I've already spoken to my future daughter-in-law. I just wanted to see if you'd willingly admit it in front of the council.”
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sevenxvirtuesx · 2 years
“Did I just hear you right?” ( mammon )
random questions - accepting
yuki & mammon
yuki stuck out her tongue at him, then shook her head. she halved the pack of cards, before shuffling them quite expertly.
"i stand by my words, cause i think i could beat you. eyes closed," she said with a smirk. yuki then partially repeated her words, giving a small shrug as she did so and preparing to deal. "i KNOW i'm gonna win. and i know you like your bets where prizes are involved. so, yeah, whoever wins this round gets one wish. can be anything. don't care what. but a wish is a wish and HAS to be carried out."
oh the possibilities~ ah, she was so certain of her card playing abilities that she figured she'd have to win. ...but mammon also had his ways, and when it came to rewards and prizes he was incredibly smart and quick. there was a chance he could pull this out the bag. he knew what he was doing.
but that was okay too. it was better to play with a bit of a stake, with some 'risk'. she couldn't think he'd ask anything that bad of her, and whatever either of them WISHED for could only lead to more fun.
what mattered was their pride was also at stake.
"you scared, mammon? i bet i can play poker better than anyone that frequents your favourite casinos." she paused, before realising she knew just what to say, "just think of me saying my wish is your command... don't you want that?"
"you got your wish ready? i won't be playing nice."
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 9: Proposal
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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The League Club had been the main social club of the Cantral Gwangju-Busan Coast area for some years. Membership was cheap, and not even necessary to gain entrance. Visitors and tourists were welcome to enjoy the many facilities and entertainment the club had to offer.
There were poker machines galore, bingo nights, dance clubs, variety shows, bars, lounges, snooker tables and even a TAB betting branch. The large bistro section provided inexpensive meals, with three other restaurants catering for patrons who wanted more extensive menu and silver service.
It was understandable, then, that the club car park was almost full by seven fifteen on thag saturday night. Hoseok finally found a spot on the top level, his face showing irritation by the time he and Hyeonji made their way ober by the lifts. When a black Jag sped around the corner from the level below and almost collected them, Hoseok could no longer contain his temper.
He swore, shaking his fist at the unseen driver. The Jag screeched to a halt. The tinted window purred down and Jeon Jungkook's distinctive dark brown hair and face leant out.
"Hoseok!" He exclaimed. "I thought it was you I nearly killed. Pretty stupid of me since I gather you're presenting me with my award tonight. I was voted Young Businessman of the Year, would you believe?"
Jungkook's deeply set doe eyes suddenly shifted over to Hyeonji, his black brows shooting upwards. "Good God, is that our little Hyeonji you've got with you? Wow, girl, you're looking even better than you did the other night. Hold the lift for me, you two, will you? It won't take me a second to park this old chariot."
Hoseok's grip on her arm tightened as he steered her over the lift. "Our little Hyeonji?" He grated out. "What did he mean by that? And where in God's name did he see you the other night?"
Hyeonji thought all her Christmases had come out at once. She could not have orchestrated things better for herself. Fate had, for once, been on her side.
"Jungkook drove by as I was walking home from the hair dresser Friday week ago," she said truthfully. "He stopped and gave me a lift home." Hoseok reached out with his free hand and jabbed the 'down' button before glowering down at her "And?" Hyeonji had no trouble adopting an innocent expression, she was innocent "And what?"
"And he told you, you looked fantastic, didn't he?"
Hyeonji stiffened. Suddenly, she could see which way Hoseok's mind was working and it wasn't what she wanted at all. Damn that infernal Mr X!
"He did say something complimentary," she hedged. "I can't really remember his exact words "
"Don't play games with me Hyeonji. You're not like to have forgotten the exact words your precious Mr X said to you. Jeon Jungkook IS your Mr X, isn't he? You lied to me about that. And you lied to me knowing that he'd be here tonight." As Hoseok's hold tightens on Hyeonji's arm.
"Don't be silly, Hobi." She shrugged out of his bruising hold. "Jungkook is not my Mr X and I had no idea he would be here tonight. But now that he is I can't say I'm sorry. I've always liked Jungkook. He's good fun."
The lift doors slid open and they walked in, Hyeonji and not Hoseok reaching for the 'hold' button.
"You do realize he'll try to hit on you," Hoseok pointed out scathingly. "Will he? Well, why should that worry you?" Hoseok snapped "Your even saying that shows naivety, I wouldn't trust him with an eighty-year-old grandmother!"
"I don't think Jungkook is that bad as everyone makes him out to be," she defended hotly, her face burning over Hoseok's calling her naive and silly. "I wouldn't advise your putting that notion to the test." He ground out.
An awkward silence fell between then, broken only when Jungkook strode into the lift. He was wearing a dinner suit similar ilk to Hoseok's, but somehow Hyeonji though Hoseok's looked more elegant. In Hyeonji's opinion people would say the clothes maketh the man. In Hoseok's case it was the other way around.
"Thanks babe," Jungkook said, pressing the ground floor button while ipenly ogling Hyeonji. "So how come you two are out together tonight? Last time I saw you Hoseok you had a blonde bombshell on your arm."
"Hobi and I are just good friends," Hyeonji piped up before Hoseok could say a word. "His girlfriend couldn't make it so I'm here in her place."
Jungkook looked pleased at this news. "So you're not on a real date?"
Hyeonji laughed. "Good heavens, no!"
"So what are you doing after dinner?" He persisted. Hyeonji had to give Jungkook his due. He didn't believe in wasting time.
"I'm taking her home," Hoseok pronounced firmly.
"Come now, don't be a spoilsport," Jungkook said jokingly. "If you're not interested in this little lady, then I surely am."
"Then I suggest you ask her out some other time," Hoseok said politely, even though his eyes would have set low-calorie jelly in ten seconds flat. "Contrary to Hyeonji's opinion, I DO consider this a real date. When I take a girl out for the night, I see her safely home."
The subtle emphasis on the word 'safely' did not escape Hyeonji. Or Jungkook, who rolled his eyes and snorted.
"I didn't realize you were so old fashioned." Jungkook retorted. "I don't consider myself old fashioned. But I do have certain standards."
Jungkook guffawed. "Yeah, I've seen some of them. And I must congratulate you on your standards. When you've finished with Blondie, you can give me her phone number."
The lift doors opened, and Hoseok took Hyeonji's arm. "Find your own girlfriends," he advised brusquely. "And leave Hyeonji alone."
Jungkook grinned. "Damn, fighting words Hoseok."
Hyeonji was astonished by the look Hoseok sent Jungkook. She'd always thought of Hoseok as a pacifist. Violence would never be his way. But there was violence in his eyes when he glared at his former classmate.
"Anytime Jungkook," he said in a voice reminiscent of Clint Eastwood at his tough-guy best. "Anywhere."
Doubt filled Jungkook's face. He glanced from Hoseok to Hyeonji to Hoseok again. In the end he shrugged and stalked off. Hyeonji couldn't make up her mind if she liked Hoseok's proprietorial manner or resented it. Whatever, her blood was up and was her temper.
"I don't understand your dog-in-the-manger attitude," she hissed on their walk from the lift to the club entrance. "You don't want me, but you don't want other man to want me."
"Who says I don't want you?" He hissed back.
Hyeonji ground to a halt, her crystal earrings in pendulum mode as she gaped up at the man she loved. But his returning glance was rueful and not full of the out-of-control, smoldering passion she was hoping for.
"Any red-blooded man would have to be dead not to want you, the way you're looking tonight," he ground out. "You must have got some inkling of the effect you had on me when I kissed you earlier. I had to exercise considerable self-control to stop when I did."
"No kidding," Hyeonji muttered. Ans she knew how he'd found that self-control. He'd only had to think of Tinashe tomorrow, she thought with savage despair. Why waste all that pent-up male sexuality on silly, naive, innocent Hyeonji when you have a blonde sex-bomb just waiting in the wings?
Her hazel brown eyes flashed as they raked over his handsome face. "Congratulations on your self-control," she said caustically. "But what good is that to me? I told you I wanted to move on Hobi."
"Meaning what?"
Hyeonji's laugh was dry. "And you called me silly and naive. Do I have to spell it out for you? I'm sick and tired of waiting for the man I love to love me back. And I'm sick and tired of being a virgin. Everyone keeps telling me to move on, even you! Well, I've decided to just that tonight in a way where there's no turning back! Since you won't oblige me, Hoseok, then I'll find someone who will."
"You don't mean that Hyeonji," he said in truly shocked tones. "I do mean it."
"Not Jungkook for pity's sake!"
"Why not Jungkook? I'm not expecting him to love me. Just to make love to me! I hear he's pretty good at that." Says Hyeonji. Hoseok groaned at the idea. "I can't bare to think of it."
"Well, you know what to do in that case," she threw at him in one desperate, last ditch attempt. "Do the honors yourself. If you were really my best friend you would."
He stared at her as though she were mad. She whirled and began to stride on ahead her skirt swishing angrily around her legs. She was mad all right, mad with herself. If she had any real guts she'd take Jungkook up on hid offer. Who knew? May she would before the night was up.
Hoseok caught up with her just as she approached the floor-to-ceiling glass doors which led into the club's brightly lit foyer. His arm linked forcibly with hers slowing her step before turning her to face him.
His brown eyes burned down at her with a darkly angry frustration "All right," he bit out. "I'll do it. But be it on your head, Hyeonji. God knows I suddenly lost mine!" And, with that, he swing her around and swept her into the club.
Chapter 10
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Weekend Fun
Clare: smiled. "Thanks maybe I will sometime when you want to go swimming." She wasn't going to invite herself over for a swim or in general. They were friends but Clare didn't want to overstay her welcome. After awhile it might be weird if she never invited Dakota to her house though he knew the situation and he had Emi. "We can definitely do that. I think poker is more interesting when there's a wager involved but not money. Or stripping, obviously." She gave Dom the side eye. "Well I'm not making out in front of your family. I might cuddle with you just to gross Dom out." She chuckled. Clare knew this was all hypothetical. "Do they follow Dallas and Stacy on dates too? I can just see them chucking popcorn at the back of their heads at the movies or trying to sit down inbetween them." Clare teased. "It's okay. I usually left my sister and her boyfriends alone but I did read her diary so I get being curious." She shrugged. After she'd made the first ball in the hole, Clare nodded in response to what Dakota said. "Right. So I want to avoid hitting the eight ball for now." There wouldn't be much victory in winning this early in the game. She decided the orange ball that was near a corner pocket would be an easy shot. Clare carefully took aim and made the shot. The problem was, she wasn't sure which ball to shoot next. Clare had been concentrating on the game but she heard at least some of what was going on around her. Truthfully if she did date Dakota it wouldn't bother her much that someone could walk in on them because Clare planned to keep any relationship she had PG-13. "Yeah, of course I am. I'm just trying to figure out my next shot." She smiled and finally took a shot but this time her aim was a little off. The ball hit the cushion after scattering a few other balls but the only one that came close to going in was a striped one. Clare groaned softly. "Your turn."
Kota: smiled at Clare as she spoke. "Come anytime. We're almost always up for a swim." he said honestly. Hearing Clare mention no strip poker caused Kota to look at his brothers. "Anyone know another thing to bet with?" he asked and all of them including Stacy shook their heads. "No, but we don't exactly get naked." she said honestly and it made Kota remember how they played. "Yea, we play strip poker differently here. Stacy puts on a bikini rather than underwear and we put on swim shorts rather than boxers. You get two red poker chips in replace of your bathing suit. When you're in your bathing suit and you lose a game, you turn in a chip. Once you loose all chips you're out. Or if we're not swimming that day we just use poker chips, the last one that has at least one chip wins." Kota explained. "It's just easier to strip into our bathing suit before going swimming or on a day we're going swimming." Stacy explained. "And no throwing me!" she exclaimed. "Clare's going swimming throw her." She added. "Sorry, Clare. Some times they throw me too much." She apologized. "Yea, no one throws Clare." Kota said and his brothers agreed. "Why not?" Stacy asked. "Simple, you can take it, you're used to us being rough with you. Clare doesn't have any brothers, no one was rough with her or picked on her the way a brother picks on his sister. Like the way we pick on you." he explained. "Plus, no offense Clare, but you're chest is rather large. If your swimsuit has a malfunction due to us Kota would probably kill us. You're the first actual girl he bought over and let us meet. Even though we talk about his friend, Josephine who was abused and clings to him, he always went to her house and never bought her here. Dallas only met her because they went to the same school and we met her because we used the GPS on his phone so it's was different." Ash said honestly and Kota listened when Clare mentioned keeping everything PG and looked at his brothers. "We can still interrupt you. If you two are making out in his room, we can think of some way since he sleeps on a futon." Dom explained. Kota nodded when Clare told him she was figuring out her next shot and watched her. "Everyone get your asses up here. NOW!" Kelly yelled out. "Shit she's pissed." Dallas muttered. "I didn't do it." Kota and Emi yelled as they started running for the steps and ran up to the living room and Stacy grabbed Clare's hand. "That means us too. The boys will have a hard time if they're not fast enough, we don't live here so we don't have to worry." she stated as she lead Clare to the living room. The minute everyone was in the living room, Clare and Stacy, Kelly looked at them. "Mom and I have a surprise for everyone." she stated and Emi tried to hold in her excitement. "We're going out for dinner." their mom exclaimed. "Kota, I didn't forget about your work out, we'll work out after the family meeting. An Outback Steakhouse just opened." she said. "I called Stacy's house already, I hijacked Kota's phone and used the phone book to call Clare's family. I'm sorry I should've asked, but they said it was ok since I told them that I'm Stacy's mom. You're both staying the night. Clare's parents were fighting over some church thing, I only made out the word church so that's a heads up. I don't think parents should fight around kids so I told them you're staying the night, they didn't really have a problem with it." his mom explained. "Which leads me to give you this." Stacy said holding out a bag for Clare. "I noticed your style in clothes earlier and a girl I work with suggested the shop. It wasn't hard to figure out your size since I'm working for a fashion designer. I got the pajamas from Victoria's Secret since they're really comfortable. Grey pants, pink short sleeve shirt. Your other outfit was actually designed by the designer I work for. Your parents gave mom the sizes of your clothing since they offered to drop off your clothes.." Kelly stated. "But I was afraid you'd get in trouble if they seen that how many boys live here. I told them Stacy has a few brothers meaning Ash and Dom since she's dating Dallas. They seemed ok with it when I told them you're sleeping in Stacy's room with her. I just don't want them to find out how many boys live here and have you get in trouble for it. I want to keep you out of trouble and not get you in it." she said honestly. "Anyway they gave me your clothing sizes." she shrugged. "Kota it'll be better if we work out after we get home." she said and Kota nodded only to work over to Clare. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Sorry, my mom tends to do things on her own without thinking or asking." he added. "But on the bright side you can probably come over more and just tell your parents you're going to Stacy's." he smiled.
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