#I can't believe we will have been together 8 years in August
earl-grey-love · 4 months
My husband and I had our marriage blessed yesterday, then we celebrated with afternoon tea with my family, and it was absolutely wonderful and perfect.
I spent the last month planning it all and it turned out even more lovely than I imagined. The service was beautiful and the food perfectly homemade, and the hotel we stayed in the night before was just incredible too. We even got to look at flowers in bloom and a model village right before the food too, which I didn't anticipate being there. I couldn't be happier. Even the cake I designed over two years ago turned out well too!
I'm glad we got to celebrate our love that way with everyone. A good way to begin our proper married life together 🥰
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sebsbarnes · 6 months
letters to a loved one || tangerine
tangerine x reader
summary: the only form of communication you and tangerine can use when he is on a mission is email, however, as the weeks and months go by, your words have been left unanswered.
warnings: angst
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is a lot different than my normal works so i hope you enjoy this different format
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aug 5th, 2022: i know it's only been two days since you left but i miss you so much already! good luck today, kick some ass!! mwah! xoxo
aug 15th, 2022: hi honey. i hope the mission went well a few days ago! even though email is the safest way we can communicate while you're gone i know you can't always respond even if you're in a safe house. i'm not too worried, i know how skilled you and lemon are. tell him i say hi! i can't wait for you to be home, you estimated you'd be back on the 17th so i have a nice dinner planned. <3 love you so so much my sweet tang!
aug 27th, 2022: hey tang, i can't lie and say i'm not a tiny bit worried but i keep telling myself you've been gone longer before with zero communication. maybe it feels different now because of how long we've been together. i miss waking up to you and grabbing our keys and heading out for the day. if you see this message me back! even if you can't fully respond i'll settle with a smiley face if i must! haha. oh by the way i still cooked that dinner i had planned for us, it came out soooo yummy. but it took so long omg! you're lucky i love you and i'm willing to spend 8 hours in the kitchen again. it will probably taste better this time since you will be by my side. love you lots!
sept 12th, 2022: i only just saw the news of the bullet train derailment in japan on august 5th. that was your mission wasn't it? you said the 5th. i'm worried more now, i can't lie, but like i tell you every day i know how skilled you are. even though i never want to wish you are in a hospital i hope that's where you are recovering with lemon by your side. when you get the chance please email me back, okay? i love you.
sept 14th, 2022: tangerine if you see this please email or call me.
sept 30th, 2022: i wish i could talk to you just once. one word so i know you are okay. i can't reach lemon either. i wake up every day hoping you will be laying next to me. please, please give me something so i know you are alright? anything. where are you tangerine? i don't want to keep crying but that's all i can do. sit here in our empty house and cry. the walls feel like they are closing in on me. i went to our favorite breakfast spot the other day and i got that really sweet older lady with the grey curly hair as my waitress. she asked where you've been. i don't know how much longer i can keep saying you are gone for work and people believe it... i no longer believe it either. i hate typing it out. i don't want to believe something awful happened but something did, didn't it? i can feel it in my body. please reach out to me, i miss you so much and i love you so so much tangerine, please.
oct 26th, 2022: i love halloween, you know that more than anyone. decorations everywhere, piles of candy, and everyone dressing up pretending to be someone else for the night. now i feel bad about how much i bugged you about this year's halloween. my friends keep telling me to come out and join them, but if i'm being honest it's hard to do anything these days. it doesn't help that they think you just left me, ghosted me i guess. but they don't know what you do for work and i can't tell them. so i have to listen to them talk shit about you and i sit there trying to convince them you aren't this evil guy who ditched me and never looked back. maybe i should listen, maybe it's easier to believe you just left me than admitting to myself you're no longer here. i'm holding out, i'm trying so fucking hard to, tan. maybe in some sick joke you will pop up on halloween dressed in some stupid costume with a mask covering your face and in some grand reveal you will pull the mask off and i'll be in your arms again. it's wishful thinking. well, i have to go now, i'm meeting with a co-worker. love you.
dec 1st, 2022: i should be waking up this morning with your arms wrapped around me nearly crushing every bone in my body. but i didn't. and i haven't since the beginning of august. is it cruel now to admit i think you are gone. i really think you are and part of me has thought this since i saw the news of the bullet train. i feel scared. i'm starting to forget the little things about you. i can't play back the sound of your laugh in my head. i can't really picture the way your eyes crinkled. it makes me feel ill. i don't want to forget the small details about you. i crave to whisper goodnight and i love you to you. i crave just for your body next to mine. in the most innocent forms i crave you, like the way you'd absentmindedly play with my hair or pull out my chair or charge my phone when i always forget. the simple things i'm missing the most. i didn't realize i had so many forms of love until you've been gone. happy anniversary, dear.
jan 17th, 2023: tangerine, i'm not sure why i opened this email account. it's been over a month since i've checked it. maybe it was because i heard your favorite song earlier and thought of you a bit more than usual these days. i secretly hoped there would be a new message but that's foolish of me.
april 7th, 2023: Dear Tangerine, I know you won't read this email, but I felt as though I needed to explain what life has been like recently. My friends no longer bring you up in conversation which I am grateful for. I had to stop visiting our favorite breakfast place, each time I went they asked about you, even as recently as three weeks ago. I will miss their egg sandwich that you recommended to me on our third date but it is better off I no longer go there. Work has been great, a bit busy, but good. I removed your picture from my desk at the beginning of the new year. I saw the way my co-workers would stare a bit too long at it, I guess seeing it reminded them how I never mentioned you anymore. Speaking of co-workers, a few emails ago I mentioned I was meeting up with one of them. We've been seeing each other a lot outside of work, I enjoy their company. I can never say this to them but when they kiss me and hug me I sometimes think it's you. That's wrong to admit especially since I think I'm developing feelings for them, but they will never see this. They are kind and treat me well which I know you would be pleased to hear. I packed up your clothes in my house and put them in a box. I couldn't keep looking at them. I cried so much that I don't think I can cry again for years to come. I would hug your shirts and jackets so much that they lost your smell. I regret that a bit. I opened the box a few days ago and it smelled like me. Almost all signs of you are gone now that the remnants of your cologne is worn off the fabric. I think I might sell the house. It's too big for a single person now. It's too quiet in here and it almost feels like someone is watching me, it doesn't feel safe. Maybe that's because you provided me with safety. I'm not doing much today, it's actually pretty early right now, maybe I'll cook that dinner I never got to cook for you. I haven't since that day. I'm realizing how silly I sound in my own head as I type these words. Maybe I'll invest in a journal soon.
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jikookuntold · 2 years
Jimin and Jungkook going on dates separately for 96883782th time now. But as usual Jikookers will come with explanation: they don't need to be together 24*7, couple also needs alone time bla bla bla.
Yes loves every couple need their own time BUT what if that's only happening now ? Most of the time they are busy working, other times they are seen in restaurants and concerts alone or with other people. I wonder which healthy couple don't spend time at all with Significant others lol. Just accept they don't hangout any more other than during OT7 schedules which happens rarely anyways.
Anon, you not only can't understand the concept of "date" but also have no perception of "time". Do you think the members only exist when we see them, and time freezes for them when we are not getting any update from them? That's not how things work lol. You need to get out of this parasocial relationship with the members and stop projecting your anger from Jikook, on Jikookers. Going out alone or with friends once in a whole month doesn't mean that you have been separated from your partner. Eating dinner at a restaurant takes two or three hours at most, but a month is 720 hours long. You still have 717 hours left to spend in many different ways with things like working, sleeping, working out, attending concerts, gaming, having fun, and spending some quality time with your significant other which can be 100% private. Okay. Let's review JK's "dates" this year. In the nine months that have passed from the year 2022, JK has visited barbecue restaurants 7 or 8 times, this number might not be precise because I haven't counted. The first time was with Jimin on White Day (March), the second, again was with Jimin in Las Vegas (April), and one time he had a gathering with his 97liner friends in August (Jimin couldn't be there because he has born in the wrong year lol). On the rest of his dates (four or five times in combine), JK either was alone or with family members or non-celebrity friends. Fun fact: most of these "alone dates" (at least three times) happened during the two weeks that Jimin was in LA. Interesting, isn't it? Jimin also had three or four dinners alone or with friends in barbecue restaurants (I believe JK goes out more for barbecues because of his recently diagnosed food allergy and gluten-free diet). Another fun fact about these dates is that every single time both Jimin and JK left autographs for the restaurant, except that one time they were together on White Day. Now do the math. LV barbecue restaurant also didn't post any autographs but the staff couldn't shut up about Jikook dining there. lol Going out for food is no big deal, anyone, single or taken can do it alone or with friends or family members, and it doesn't determine the relationship status of the person. But going out on specific dates like Valentine's day, birthdays, and anniversaries is meaningful. We were just lucky for that leaked photo of Jikook and their friend on White Day, otherwise, how were we supposed to know about it? I remember how my Taekooker "friend" who lives in SK was crying that day because she knew it was a romantic holiday in that country, and Jikook being seen together was an end for her ship. Now you can go cry about it too, lol Nice try, Anon. I'm not going to promote your (or your besties) blog, and I'm not interested in your Anti-Jikook POV. You better stay in that echo chamber yourself and stay away from Jikook blogs. No one is interested in converting you. Have fun.
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time-is-standing · 1 year
top 10 songs of august
sorry for the long wait, I actually left my job, moved hours away from the capital, moved in with my bf, started working at a new place and it was a lot. so sorry for that. because all of this going on, I didn't really have time to listen to music as much as I did before, so I'll present to you the list of my current favs - not based on the stats. we're going with our hearts today. thanks.
1. Paralellák by Plazúr, Nagy Viktor
this song is by far the first for august & spetember as well. we were so stressed while planning the move and looking for jobs, that I came up with minigames we would play during the more stressful days. one of those were "collect all the Viktors". so we looked through spotify, youtube, the whole internet to gather all the songs Viktor Nagy has collaborated on and we both instantly fell in love with this one. such a great vibe, special, unique song. I said goodbye to my colleagues with the lines "ha görbült a tér, a végtelenben találkozunk" in my head.
2. Sánta Egyensúly by PETOFI
this song. this is a masterpiece. I'm not taking any arguments, this would've been the first if I didn't count in the fact that my bf and I bonded so hard because of that song. this means so much to me. I can't even speak about how close to my heart this song sits. "háromlábú széken sánta az egyensúly. mikor dőlök már el? mikor jön az az egy, aki belém rúg?"
3. Pirkadat by Téveszme
this song actually tells a tiny story from my life, that changed every single thing in my life. there was a friend of mine, who I loved so much, that it was the most toxic thing to ever exist. me (and my issues) made it a hundred times harder to get out of that relationship but I made it out, I'm back to my old self and I'm better than ever. this makes me proud & warms my heart - while making me angry just enough to feel some things and calm down by the end of the song. "érzem nem volt hiába, bármennyire is fáj"
4. Süket füledre talál a vallomásom by PETOFI
this is the biggest masterpiece ever made in history. it's only this low on the list because I've been listening to it for more than 3 years now and I'm still obsessed. experiencing this one live was the most ecstatic feeling in the whole wide world. I screamed every word and somehow still felt like it wasn't loud enough. the singer actually looked right into my eyes and I believe saw all the pain of the world right in there because we shared a few moments together (& that's why I love smaller bands so much, they really love to see the impact they make and connect with people). he actually gave me his just opened beer he took only a few sips out of and I'm still obsessing about it.
5. Pusztulás I by PETOFI, Nagy Viktor
this song... I've said to my bf that I just hate it and cannot find a meaning behind the words on a random tuesday. by the next weekend, this was the only song I've been listening to and I somehow understood it perfectly. every single line has it's own charm & meaning and I'm loving it. (this is also one of the Viktor's that started the whole game)
6. Én már soha többet semmiért nem fogok bocsánatot kérni by Nemecsek
I love this band and don't speak enough about them. I have some other favs but this was the first Nemecsek I've ever listened to. I love how fast this song is, the beats are hyping you up so much while the lyrics are pulling you down to the bottom of a deep dark ocean... yeah, that's hungarian music for you.
7. Harag by Anchorless Bodies
oh, this one. the title means "anger" and as we all know by now, I'm the queen of anger issues. I've stopped seeing my therapist because of the move and I'm curious if any of the methods she showed me will be useful in the future for me. at least I have these songs to get me into a better mindset.
8. Bányák by PETOFI, Kovács Gábor
"lelkem bányájában te vagy a sötétség"
I love how this band mixes poetry with songwriting. this somehow lights my heart on fire. I can't seem to be able to find where exactly, but I'm headed somewhere the exact moment I hear these songs. it's almost like the words give me purpose and motivation, I just need to find where those feelings are leading me.
9. Keserédes by Téveszme
an all time fav! sad, slow, super emotional. I have an unhealthy attachment to this song and I'm always coming back to it whenever I'm in the mood for these songs. actually it's kindof comforting for me, even though it's on the sadder side.
10. Akasszátok fel a királyokat by Counter Clockwise
I don't like it that much anymore but listened to it a whole lot with my bf. it's sadly still real meaningful in our country... I don't wanna get into politics, this page is not for that but some days I'm super scared of what's about to come.
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8/31/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Ezekiel 16 - 17
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm China. Today is the 31st day of August. Welcome. So great to be here with you today as we close out the month of August together. I hope and pray that it has been a good month for you. And even if it hasn't, you know, obviously that would be amazing if everyone had every great day in August. I know I definitely had some hard days, some days that I even was like, man, today was just not a good day. I'm ready for bed and ready for a new day. And I also know That does not take away from what I have sensed from the Lord in the month of August and just excited about What is to come and also just focusing on The next day that's ahead of me and the day that I'm in, taking it day by day because I know how quick the days and the years go by, especially as a new mom. I don't know if I can still say I'm a new mom, but I remember when I was a brand new mom, Um, Someone had told me the days are long but the years are short, and I think that is so true within anything. So here we are, the last day of August. We are in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 16 through 17, continuing on with the English Standard Version.
Man, isn't that the truth? That he is the Lord. He spoke it. He will bring it to pass. And we don't have to worry about it. There's so much that I feel like we could delve into and Really Explore that was revealed in today like the majority of scripture is compared to Israel, The people of Israel being a whore and that is pretty disturbing you know to read that comparison. I don't know if you have ever hopefully you know hopefully not have ever been compared To a whore, or even called one, but I can't imagine that that it feels Good. Like, that's not a good feeling. It's not a compliment by any means. It's not a congratulations. It is a this, I mean, I don't think I have to explain that. I think it's pretty self-explanatory and I think, you know, whenever we are feeling a big emotion, we try to find the biggest thing that We can relate to somewhat like that. We can use as a metaphor to tell someone this is what I'm feeling, and so this is how the Lord is feeling betrayed to the equivalence of Unfaithfulness in a relationship in a marriage. Because the Lord is telling us that When he saw the Israelites, when he found them, these were his people. With this is who he chose. And he claimed them as his own. He covered them in their youth. He took care of them. He clothed them. And then made them beautiful and trusted in their beauty and chose Not the Lord shows everything but the Lord, and so we hear the Lord's heart in that and It it's like this heartbreaking narrative and it's like, man, I can find myself in the story of.Choosing something else other than the Lord. Using someone else other than the Lord and. They have anything. The phrase that comes to mind is bind my wandering heart to thee, and I think that's just a really good place to pray from today.
So, Lord, I pray that in whatever it is that our hearts may feel like, it's wandering and belief that you will come through for us, believing that you will do something for us again, or believing that you would even Love us or care for us so that you even there, that you hear us when we cry, You hear us when we pray. God, I just pray that our hearts would bind to you. That we would cling to you and your truth, and that we would know you as friend, as Lord, as king, as Father's friend. And I just thank you that that is the truth. And so, Lord, I pray that you would come and comfort our hearts, and come and be near and draw close to us. And Lord, may we be a people who choose you with our whole hearts, not whole, not half heartedly or for a moment, and then turn away, But may we be a people who seek you and find you.And we are locked eyes with you. And Lord, this is our hearts cry. And it is in your name we pray, Amen.
Dailyaudiobible.com is our website, it’s the place of connection. Be sure to check that out.If you have prayer requests and things that we as a community can come alongside of you and pray for you, you can call 800-583-2164. And those get sent in and played at the end of every day's podcast. And that is all for today. I'm China, I love you, and I'll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line
Hello my DABC family. This is David from Texas calling in to lift up our sister Heather in Santa Barbara to lift you up in prayer in regards to your issue with the medication that you were on causing depression. Heavenly Father, right now I just stand with my sister Heather in Santa Barbara, Lord God, I just I lift her up in prayer. I stand with her Heavenly Father. We know that you don't give us a spirit of fear, but you give us a sound mind, power and love, Heavenly Father. So we know that depression and anything contrary to the fruit of the spirit. Heavenly Father, we know that is not from you, that is from the enemy. Heavenly Father, We rebuke it in the name of Jesus. Heavenly Father, we understand that you, while we understand that you are sovereign over all things. Heavenly Father, the medications are not what works. Heavenly Father, you are the one that make the medications work.You are the ones that inspired the doctors to create the prescriptions and make the medications Heavenly Father. So we just ask that going forward that our sister would understand that all things come from you and we just declare in the name of Jesus, Heavenly Father that she would not even need the medication.
Going forward Heavenly Father we pray that she would find peace and happiness and joy in you. Heavenly Father maybe use praise and worship Heavenly Father just give her a praise and worship spirit Heavenly Father So in those times in the winter seasons, Heavenly Father may she Used to be over flooded with joy and focus and concentration. Heavenly Father to do what she needs to get done. Heavenly Father and again Heavenly Father, I just. I just stand in with our sister Heavenly Father and I just pray that she will never need that medication again. We.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible Community. This is Diane Olive and Jeff Brown. It is 4 something in the morning on Sunday August the 20th I believe. But I'm catching up, so I'm reading, um, I think August 20th for which is. Uh, Chinas reading for Habakkuk and and you know the reading is though there be no No flour in the in the cabinet and there be no food to put on the table and there be no. Jesus on the vine and there be no oil. I will still praise you. I will still love you. I will still go to you for help. And that I love. That I love that scripture. How how Habakkuk just says, though everything's going wrong, I will still love you. I will still love you. I will still put my hope in you. And China Oh, she says. It's so well, it's OK. It's all right where things are going wrong, and things aren't just going your way. It's all right. Jesus wants you to know he still loves you. He's still faithful. He still can be counted on. And and that is the truth. That is the truth. And Jesus said I am the way, I am the truth. I am the life seek me and Kerry AKA Jesus girl, I just want to call and lift up our prodigals this morning I have them. I have very close friends and family that have them and I know there are. Thousands of them amongst all of you. It's the Lord I come to you this morning With a heart that's heavy. I heard that's heavy for our kids. Lord Pizza young or grown? There is something that maybe you welling years, but they're still prodigals and so, Lord, I'm just asking right now. For your will not ours, Because, Lord, you say it is not your will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. And Lord, I'm just asking that you get a hold of their hearts. Woosnam, romance them. They can't come to you unless you call them. And so, Jesus, I'm asking. I'm begging this morning, Please call them. Call each and every one of them by name or get a hold of their hearts. Show them your real. Remove the blinders that are on their eyes. Allow them to see the darkness around them. Words soften their hearts. Let their sin become miserable to them. God. Let them know that you are real and that you are there, and that you love them and you desire a relationship with them. Father, please Please, this world is sucking our kids in faster than we can blink an eye And Lord, you are stronger than all of that. And so, Lord, I'm just laying there, make your feet right now, Lord, with each and every person. I'm here in our community, Lord, that has a loved one. They are praying for and we trust and we believe in you. We thank you and we praise you, and we bless your holy name and your name we pray. Amen. 
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lucysrain · 2 years
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Dear 2022:
Oh boy, you were awful to me, but we're ending the year the best way it could be.
I started this year being sure I would move to NY in August and my world crashed to pieces in March when I found out things were not happening as I planned my whole life.
This year however was full of new things and new people and it was somehow interesting.
Dani and I went to our first fashion show as Our Fashion Garden to Joshua Tree in the middle of nowhere, close o Coachella. We traveled around Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Ontario. I will cherish that trip forever, because we made some unforgettable memories.
New York broke my heart this year and everytime I'm heartbroken I travel, so I also visited my sister in Arizona and we traveled together to Chicago. It was very cold, but very fun.
I had covid two times because I traveled a lot, but I have no regrets.
An old friend of mine passed away and it was one of the hardest things to face this year. It felt like a real nightmare where I wished I could just wake up. I never wished more for anything to be a dream.
My heart was very broken this year as well. Not going to talk about it, but I discovered I should not date men who are 8 years older than me, that can't be good. And you should heal before you date a new person.
By November I was sure this was one of the worst years of my life. With a terrible boss, a broken heart, a friend in a graveyard, no New York at all, not even close, almost broke still needing my parents, crying at therapy, and my best friend starting to get depressed. Nothing was going right, every aspect of my life was breaking down.
God knows I've had it way worse than that, so it wasn't the end of me. I traveled to British Columbia with my family and it was lovely, but I was still in pain.
The year couldn't end that way, because we worked hard. I also dedicated a big part of it to follow my dreams and we finally finished writing our musical, we had readings with different people and all of them loved it. We applied to different theaters and agencies in NYC, and we were rejected a lot in October and November, until we weren't.
Things changed when we talked to Regina who believed in our musical and they literally told us we're ready for Broadway. This is the best thing that happened this 2022. Us being ready of Broadway, I mean, WHAT?!?! THAT'S MY BIGGEST DREAM IN LIFE, SHUT UP.
Suddenly, I'm relevant and my dad is proud of me for the first time. Suddenly I'm moving to New York next September to put a workshop of my musical and start climbing my way to Broadway. Suddenly I wake up every day with a smile and every thing that hurt this year healed. Suddenly I understand why I lost so much this 2022, because I had to let go of what would stop me to get there. Suddenly everything makes sense, why we didn't move to NY this year, why I had my heart broken. Suddenly I have a reason to fight, live, love, and exist.
I had the best birthday present when Regina told us we've got this. I couldn't believe it at first, I mean, I still can't believe it. This year wasn't the worst after all. Again, life teaching me to stay strong when things aren't going right because the sun will rise again.
I'm closing this year with a couple of new friends, a dream that now I know is possible, hope and an open mind that love comes around again. I've got this and I'm beyond excited to live my life. I had never been so lucky, so supported, and so loved. I'm genuinely the happiest I've even been!!!💜
2023, you'll be the biggest. Let's bring this musical to life!!!!!
Pd: I chose this picture because I'm not smiling a lot, like it was this year, but there's beauty all around me and that's life. I was not happy but I just had to turn around and see it, happiness is there.
Song of the year: You're On Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift
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reidsaurora · 2 years
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ofwilliamandwalter's birthday celebration challenge!!!
First of all, I just wanna say that I cannot believe that in a month's time, I will be entering the last year of my teen years. 18 has been rough (let's face it, most of my teen years were rough), but I'm so super excited for what 19 has in store for me!
That being said, I thought it would be fun for all of us to celebrate together! So, I came up with this challenge (it was inspired a little bit by @smurphyse's birthday challenge so shoutout there!) for all of us to celebrate! As always, I put my own lil Emmy twist on things and I'm super excited to see how it turns out!
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So, Emmy, what's the challenge?
As you all know, I am lover of literature. I love reading any and every fanfic I can find on this app.
So, I'm challenging you guys to write something based on one (or more) of the prompts listed below!
The theme of course is:
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Prompt Set #1 — One-Liners:
1. "I know it's not a cake, but it's the best I could do on such short notice."
2. "You've got frosting in your hair." or "You've got frosting on your face."
3. "What did you wish for?"
4. "Why didn't you tell anyone it was your birthday?"
5. "Hey... I brought you a slice of cake."
6. "Sorry if the decorations are a bit weird. They ran out of the ones we wanted to use."
7. "You look funny in a party hat."
8. "You have to make a wish when you blow out the candles!" - "My wish already came true—I have you in my life."
9. "I never cared for my birthday until I met you. Now each birthday reminds me of how grateful I am that we get to spend another year together."
10. "CELEBRATE ME! TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!" - "It's four in the morning." - "Yeah! I was born at four in the morning!"
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Prompt Set #2 — Scenarios:
1. Person A is a grouch about their birthday so Person B decides to throw them a party with only their pet(s) present.
2. Person A got Person B's birthday wrong and spends the whole day pampering them. Person B finds it too adorable to say anything.
3. Person A has a crush on Person B for quite some time, so they take B's birthday as an opportunity to give them a present and show them that they care about them. B is surprised because they have never really noticed A before, but enjoys it all the more.
4. It's a tradition in the office that when it's someone's birthday, someone else brings a cake. Person A's birthday is coming up, and Person B finally sees their chance to make a move.
5. The party throwers made so much noise setting up the party that the police came before the person being surprised even arrived.
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So, Emmy, what are the rules?
Anyone can join! No matter if you follow me or not, no matter if you're a writing account or not, no matter if you've ever even written a fic before. YOU CAN ALL JOIN!!!
All writing is allowed! There is no specific genre you have to stick to. Write what you love and we'll love it too!!
I like to keep things clean for the most part, but should you participate with a NSFW entry, please: HAVE YOUR AGE IN YOUR BIO OR YOUR PINNED POST!! I will not be sharing any NSFW entries from ageless blogs.
Please include a summary, what pairing it is, content warnings, word count, and what prompt(s) you chose.
Pairing must be one of the following: Criminal Minds character x reader, Criminal Minds character x character, Supernatural character x reader, Supernatural character x character, or Lesley Smith-Juniment x reader!!!
There is no limit to how many times you can enter! If you have multiple ideas for multiple different prompts, please send them all!
Please share with all your writer friends! The more, the merrier!
All entries must be tagged "#ofwilliamandwalter's birthday challenge" so I can find them! I would also prefer to be tagged in them just in case I cannot find them under the tag!
Challenge ends: one month from now, on my birthday — August 2nd, 2022
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Again, I wanna thank you all for being such lovely people! I can't wait to see everyone's beautiful creations and I hope you'll consider participating! It would make this birthday girl extremely happy :)
Feel free to send any questions, comments, or concerns about the challenge in a DM! I'm always here to answer 🥰
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↳ icon in collage by @scrapbookspence (full birthday icon pack coming soon!)
↳ other pictures featured in the collage are from pinterest. all rights go to the original owners.
↳ birthday dividers by @firefly-graphics
↳ tagging some of my moots who write!: @lunar-affection @rupurts-morgue03 @writer-in-theory @roguereid @fortheloveofwonderland @andiebeaword @samuel-de-champagne-problems @spookydrreid @arsonhotchner @foxy-eva @radiant-reid @one-sweet-gubler @lukeclvez @pretty-boys-book-club @letarasstuff @1234-angelika @wifeyreid @kbakery @sultrypotter @ellcsgreenaway @hotched @spencebunny @1967chevys @reidsbookclub
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Prompts featured are from the following posts:
↳ "10 Birthday Prompts" by @youneedsomeprompts
↳ "Birthday Prompts 2021" by @seaside-writings
↳ "Birthday Prompts 🍰" by @creativepromptsforwriting
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↳ "Birthday Prompts" by @mangoofthesea
↳ "Birthday Prompts!!" by @dialogue4urocs
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 3 years
I doubt the fandom will ever reach a consensus on when jikook started dating unless they themselves tell us but 2019 seems so late 😭 the j tattoo happened in 2019 and without getting into what Jk intended for it to mean the placement still means it says jm when you read it which Jk is definitely aware of. So it seems like a big decision to "coincidentally" tattoo the initials of a newish boyfriend or someone you've only dated for a year don't that seem kinda fast.
Getting a bit more specific, I started thinking they were probably fooling around during the LY tour in 2018, the one that started in August some weeks after Malta. And getting a bit more delulu, I even think those feelings Jimin had during the tour that prompted him to start writing what later would become Promise, I think those feelings could've been related to his relationship with Jungkook.
Now bare with me while I try to explain the timing lmao.
While the tour was on going, long story short, I began thinking that they were really attracted to each other and possibly acting on that attraction. Aside from the attraction, it became even more clear how much they cared for each other and they seemed to spent lots of time together alone. But it was also, you know... concerts... It was a tour. They were doing shows. Maybe the flirting on stage isn't that serious and it's just the excitement of the moment. Maybe they're just really horny and they're just dudes being dudes. In short, for me it was kind of rushed and naive to come to conclusions just based on what I was seeing on stage. It kind of never stopped, tho. It even became more and more intense as the tour kept going. Then MMA 2018. I don't remember the date that the Harajuku candy party was posted (shamelessness etc is that why recently you like me more etc), but it was in mid to late 2018 and I've talked about how it was also a definitive moment for me, that just added up to what I was seeing in real time. I think "is that why recently you like me more" was extremely telling of the way JK might've been changing the way he viewed Jimin.
Then after the tour JK got his own apartment, which I also believe it could've been a major factor in them starting off whatever type of relationship they were starting off.
2019 started and they were still on the LY tour, up until April 7th. We're talking of 8 months of tour and they were still flirting and now they were sending kisses to each other on stage too 😭 it was during April that I was like, they can't be possibly doing this just for show and still mantain the same vibes they had half a year ago... By April 24th, when that "almost kiss" happened at the fact music awards, that actually was a moment after which I was 100% sure they had already kissed. I've talked about it a while ago, I mean this progression.
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This one was cut short but we all know Jungkook takes a couple of steps backwards.
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Maybe you disagree, but to me 2017 Jungkook doesn't look at all like someone who was used to Jimin's face being that close to his. 2018 is a bit more daring but he still steps back, and there were other changes in his personality that you'd have to consider. As for 2019 and 2020, all you need is a pair of eyes to see how different it is compared to the years before.
Obviously I'm not basing all my "beliefs" on 3 gifs, but just using them as an example because I really don't have like an explicit, clear-cut way of explaining why and how I started thinking they were more than friends. It was honestly just... time and seeing them subtly change their personalities and dynamics.
I was talking about how it seemed rushed to come to conclusions with just seeing them on concerts... 2019 was already going on and it was only in August or July 2019 that Memories 2018 was released, and I could finally see that they were the same on stage and off stage. So yeah, because Memories 2018 was released in 2019, it was only then that I was more sure that what I had seen in 2018, it wasn't just for the show and that they actually had that same vibe and energy to their interactions even backstage.
All the delayed content from 2018 AND the real time content from 2019, which was even crazier than the year before.
That's why I mentioned timing, because it's also a matter of bighit releasing content a year later and why I say that it was 2019 the year I really started considering that they could be a thing. It was something that had been on my mind since 2018 when the tour started, but it was just... vibes, I guess??? More actual, physical evidence of them spending lots of time together and stuff, that came a bit later.
For me, they started fooling around late 2018, got a bit more "serious" in 2019, tho not like married married.
It probably sounds really messy, because of my grammar and because of me trying to explain delayed content issues lol but I tried my best to explain it. If you don't understand something I don't mind explaining again.
I know 2018/9 it might seem late, but Jimin and Jungkook have in reality known each other since 2012... That means they already knew each other for 7 years before 2019. They had already lived together, too. It's not like they met in 2017 and then started dating in 2019 and he got his name tattooed and they moved in together in the span of a year... no. They didn't have to get to know each other in order to fall in love, they fell in love while getting to know each other all those years before 2018. There's love and commitment in friendships, too and they already loved each other and they already were part of each other's lives before possibly dating.
I don't think the tattoo is for Jimin, but it also seems kind of senseless to relate the JM tattoo with how long thye've probably been dating and saying that he wouldn't have done it after dating for a year when JK literally has the word ARMY in his hand. Has he ever dated or known or loved any army??? Do millions of people he doesn't actually know mean to him the same as Jimin? He also got matching tattoos with the 97 line and... has JK been dating any of those guys since 2015 or something?
There's also the fact that the transition from friendship to a relationship it almost never is a clean cut transition. It's not usually like, a kiss okay we're together now. Most times it's a kiss okay that was nice... what if we do it again... but what does it mean... it's just nice, and so on. And I imagine they must've started and ended the thing ten times before they actually decided to get together (IF), because of everything getting together would mean. Maybe Jungkook would be the type to say fuck it and get into a relationship just like that, but Jimin is not that type. Jimin probably thought about it so many times. As fearless as he might look, and is, to some extent, he also loves order and loves to be okay with the people around him. I don't think Jimin is an easy yes guy. Jimin is a man who cares, period. He cares too much about the things he cares about, and one of those things it's BTS.
There are also so many other factors to consider, like coming to terms with their own sexuality, which I think JK might have been a "late bloomer" in that matter, and the highly likely possibility that they both dated other people before getting together, and maybe here in the western it's "normal" for people to be sexually active at like, 16. Korea seems a bit more reserved in that sense, more conservative. Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I know, I don't get the feeling that 16 year old korean teens are having sex. So if they start getting into relationships and dating at around 20+ years old on average, and both Jimin and JK probably started by dating other people, then the timing just fits... I also don't think any of them are gay, Jimin might be, I'm like 50/50 on the possibilities of Jimin being gay or bi. Ever since I've known BTS I've always been 100% positive that JK is bi, tho. So I'd literally bet you my right arm that they dated women too.
Anyways, I hope this doesn't feel like I'm trying to convince you of aything, I'm just explaining why I think of this particular timing for their relationship. I know everyone has a different idea, and I don't mind.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Interesting question. I get why my Askbox is flooded with it. May thirteen was a disappointment. Most Jikookers were looking forward to a reinforcement of a long established Jikook tradition- well everyone except me and a couple others I think. Y'all don't be paying attention. Lol
Jikook are complex beings and like any complex organism they learn to adapt to situations and surroundings. They are predictable in that way but also they are not. It's paradoxical, I know.
If you paid any attention to what was going on from late March through to June you'd have known there was little to no likelihood May 13 was gonna happen.
And if it had happened, it would have taken on a whole new meaning at least to some of us. But hey, 5/8 right? Sure. Jimin smart. We stan a Bigbrain.
Anywho, tomorrow is not about Jimin or Jikook or any ship. It's about JK. It's about celebrating the gift of life that he is. For all the times he's been hated on, this is the only day out of 365 days that we as a fandom get to put our differences aside and come together to show our love and appreciation for him- I hope.
I don't see why Jimin wouldn't do the same for him. Especially since it's been a long established tradition not just for Jikook but for all the members.
They all celebrate eachother's birthday to varying degrees but at the bare minimum they wish each other a happy birthday. That's the norm.
All the other members will wish JK a happy birthday and that includes Jimim. If you understand why people celebrate others birthday you'll understand this is not complicated at all. So it's not a question of will Jimin post tomorrow.
Jimin is a very kind, thoughtful and a loving person. It would be weird of him not to wish his fellow bandmate a happy birthday on his birthday. He would. He should. Rest assured.
But I understand that what y'all are asking me as far as Jikook is concerned and shipping goes is whether Jimin would do something extraordinary for JK this year like he did last year, what he would do and whether he would post about it.
Even though I am certain he will post, I can't tell you what that post is going to be, I'm an alien not Jesus you know?
What I can speculate on is whether or not Jimin would make another grand gesture like that of last year. Which is what this post is going to be about.
The answer to that question is not as simple as yes he would or no he wouldn't. Personally, I expect him to do something a little bit out of the ordinary or coded this year. I'll explain in a bit.
To be clear, I don't expect a repeat of last year or anything of the magnitude of last year at all as much as that would make me uWu so hard. Although... what if he pulls a 360 on us and propose to Jk on his birthday?what? I'm speaking it into existence!
What Jimin did last year was an exception not the norm. You don't fly half way across the world just because. To me that was a grand grand gesture in the history of JK's birthdays and I don't expect a repeat of it unless the circumstances that lead to that moment repeats its self.
The circumstances being that they were broke up and he was trying to fix things. Cough, cough.
JK's birthday last year was an Echo of Manila. A general consensus among Jikookers, is that JK had been mad because Jimin was choosing to spend time with Taemin on the eve of his birthday hence why he had had posted that song knowing full well Jimin would see it as a way to guilt trip Jimin.
If that is right, then Jimin flying over to be with Jk would be a huge statement.
2015 and 2019 are the years that have stood out to me most, birthday wise: Jimin saying he wanted to give JK a kiss on his 18th birthday and him flying from Paris to South K to be with JK on his birthday.
If you've ever heard Jimin talk about money, he is prudent and wise about money. I mean rather than spend millions on a luxury apartment he chose to buy an investment property instead. He is a Libra, I wouldn't expect anything less.
On his vacation trips, he's known to share cost of expenses with the friends he travels with if he's traveling with them. I won't call him frugal though, thoughtful and selective is more like it.
So when he does something of this nature, it's not nothing. He was making a statement period. He was proving something to someone- if you say Army I'll smack the back of your head. Lol
JK. He was proving something to JK. It's always been JK- so help me lord if you say it's Fanservice! It is not. It wasn't for Fanservice.
I've seen people around corners of the internet saying he didn't have to post his Paris video if he was going to go see JK anyway to celebrate with him. That the whole video message thing on Twitter seemed very much private.
I agree with the part about the video seeming private. It seemed personal to me. But it also seemed like the point of that video was to let JK know his location at the time to perhaps throw him off the surprise he had planned for later.
People have argued JM was just pulling a 'prank' on JK with that whole Paris trip to begin with. They were on a hiatus, they had been together prior to JM leaving for France a few days to JK's birthday so it doesn't make sense that they would be broken up at that time period and it doesn't make sense that Jimin will leave for Paris and fly back home only to leave again so it must be a prank.
... Sure. Valid point. However, I don't see Jimin being reckless with money or honestly that shallow. If that was a prank that was an expensive one.
And yes, Jimin didn't have to go on the trip. It wasn't business. It was leisure. I can see how that would be confusing to JK especially when it seemed JM was choosing to spend time with someone, be somewhere else rather than with him on his birthday- yet again. Coughing in Manila.
But sure, I can see how that would be the best 'prank' surprise for JK. Shaking my head. I don't think that was all that was happening with Jikook around that time as I have hinted at several times across my blog posts.
Jikook were broke up around that time, that trip was a grand gesture, Jimin's way to make up with Jk let him know he's learned his lessons. His friends are important but JK comes first. The lightning struck twice for JM and he got a second chance to redeem himself- the definition of GRAND gesture.
If you are a Kpop enthusiast you would also know about the political climate in S.K around that time frame and how it was impacting the Kpop world in general. Certain Boy Bands were under investigation for certain 'offences' I don't want to get into.
On August 11th, one member of such said boy band was arrested- allegedly. I don't know what it had to do with BTS or whether it had anything to do with them at all and I'm not insinuating anything but I just found that impromptu hiatus in August a bit suspicious giving everything else that was going on in S.K.
If 'people' were looking into Kpop boybands then I am certain BTS was on top of that list just because they are the biggest boyband and have been a target of haters for years.
Needless to say, I do not think they were gonna find anything at all on the boys if in deed they had looked but if the boys had a secret- like say two of their members being in the LGBTQ plus community then I assume that secret was bound to be found out?
It is why I believe the boys were asked to lay low in August and that Jikook specifically had been asked by BigHit to tone things down while they navigated the muddy mess of public scrutiny- in my opinion.
I also find it a bit interesting that both of Jikook later that same month and period would be involved in a scandal involving women- But feel free to draw your own conclusions on that however you please. This is just mine: I think that move was straight out of the PR books. Classic Olivia Pope-esque move. Lol
I know some people think it is in the best interest of Jikook to hide their relationship if they are real and that Jikook want to hide their relationship: I disagree.
Just based on my own observation, I don't think they enjoy hiding at all. Especially JK. Well, he did say he didn't want to hide anymore in GCF Saipan didn't he? Can't argue with that.
But also, out of the two, JK is the one who seems the most grounded and sure about their relationship. This is seen best in moments where they've almost been caught. JK's been the least bothered or throw off. Almost as if he doesn't mind if people find out about them.
For instance, when BTS exposed JK for sneaking into Jimin's bed Jimin looked terrified as fuck. He pointed to JK, almost throwing him under the bus but for someone behind the camera asking him to chill, Jimin would have freaked out of his mind.
Then we have that infamous moment when Jimin and JK walked into JK's room and spotted the camera. The look on JM's face said it all. But JK seemed pretty chill about it to me.
Now these moments are relevant because JM was caught unaware. They were both caught off guard and so their reactions were instinctive. By instinct Jimin freaked out which says to me he is afraid to be exposed or outed perhaps because he isn't ready to come out- yet. While JK's reaction on the other says to me he doesn't mind at all if people found out about them which could be because he is ready to come out.
I know what you are thinking and no. That time in the track when they were caught taking photos- JK looked more like he didn't appreciate the invasion of his privacy rather then terrified he was caught. They were on set and so they knew there were cameras roaming around and anyone could stumble on them. They were both consciously self aware of their environment which is why JM was able to make a quick comeback.
I can go on and on about this about this topic but the post is already getting too long.
My point is, Jikook don't like to hide. When you are in love you want the whole world to know. And so often, they fluctuate between wanting to keep their relationship a secret for the sake of their careers and wanting to declare and openly claim eachother.
Keeping their relationship a secret is bound to be stressful on them physically and emotionally. Just because they don't like to be outed don't mean they enjoy hiding.
Their secret is not theirs alone to tell. They have people whose careers depend on them. Their secret is inextricably linked with five other people. People whose careers could end instantly if their secret so much as came out accidentally or even by design.
I don't think either of them is selfish enough to risk that. Not even in the name of love. And this is especially true for Jimin the way I see it. As for JK..... I don't think he gives a shit. Bless him.
This doesn't mean, however, that they don't enjoy teetering the line. It's part of the thrill that fuels their passions- when they get to play at being caught and exposed or just the mere thought they are out smarting the public- fucking exhibitionist!
Jokes aside, I believe there is a sense of comfort and security they get from knowing there are thousands of people out there who enjoy and celebrate their love as openly as they would want to and they live openly vicariously through us.
Our support and acceptance means so much to them. Which is why often you find them reaching out to us.
Being told to lay low even if it's for their own interests would get on their nerves especially for a rebel like JK and Jimin knew this hence why that public display of his affection for Jk on Twitter.
Thus, I do I think JM would make another gesture similar to what he did last year but whatever gesture of he does make one would be unique in it's own way from last year's and would be more of an assurance of his love for JK and a prove to Army that they are fine just because i think they have both been through a lot this year just as he said in the dynamite MV reaction VLive which was rudely sabotaged by Tae.
Jimin seemed like he wanted to have a 'public' moment with JK as explained in my previous post on the Dynamite Reaction Vlive. And given as that moment was interrupted, I expect him to try that again. Whatever message he wanted to deliver it seemed more intended for JK as much as us their supporters.
He has been pretty active on social media lately in the days leading up to JK's birthday. He seems to be gearing up for something. He ain't slick.
So yea, part of me hopes and expect him to do something nice, to make a statement similar to last year's but I cannot ignore also that there's been a lot of eyes and attention on Jikook a lot lately. More so than usual.
Posting something of that nature would single them out and only escalate the situation especially if it is something that makes them both stand out from the others.
For context, I am talking about the heat they recieved as a result of the Dynamite MV. That heat is drenched in homophobia and they and BigHit could care shit about that as I explained in my previous post but you have to understand it can have a negative impact on their mental health.
I mean, NamJoon is constantly being paired with JK a lot lately. It's almost as if he is keeping an eye on Him constantly if you know what I mean. Tae has also been keeping an eye on Jikook, outing Jikook's schemes and shenanigans before they happen like in that Dynamite MV Reaction VLive where he asked JK not to look into the camera during Jimin's solo commentary.
It's understandable. Their interest is as stake too. If Jikook go down, they are going down too. It's daisy.
What I'm saying is, Jikook is being monitored and it would be daring of Jimin to do something as grand for JK openly like that.
But who knows. If it's gonna make JK happy because they've both been through a lot this half of the year then JM would definitely definitely do it. He is defiant like that and he can be a bit of a dare devil when it comes to proving his stance to Jk. He wouldn't hesitate for a second. I love that about him.
Mad respect for him if he does. Mad mad respect for him if he does. But if he doesn't you'd all know why.
In conclusion, I'm saying I'm expecting something more than a happy birthday text from Jimin this year. I'm expecting something more meaningful, deep, coded and uniquely Jikook.
If it happens to be a proposal Ayla you can have all my shmoney! Lol
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 years
Imagine (Son of Hades! Percy; Godswapped! Big Three's kids) (7/8) or (12/13)
Blood of Olympus pt. 1 - The Aftermath
Hello! So there I go dividing more stuff - oh well, what did you expect? Before reading, make sure to check the masterpost - there's a lot before this.
Before anything, I want to apologize. A reader brought to my attention that I had not put on trigger warnings - a mistake that I corrected as soon as I could. I apologize if I accidentally triggered anyone. I'm sorry, I won't do that again. Check the masterpost for the warnings before proceeding and tell me if I forgot any. So, anyway. Good reading, enjoy!! :))
They're traveling to Athens. It's slower because the winds don't cooperate - but they have some time. They have to be there by August 30th, so ten days.
It's good, Annabeth thinks. It gives her time. Time to plan, to strategize. To hope a part of her best friend, the only remnant of her teenage years that is not dead or off serving the gods, is not still in the Pit.
She keeps herself occupied - between maps, research, and daily messages from Reyna and Malcolm, Annabeth has not a lot of time to ponder.
But when she does - and she does anyway, because Annabeth is a solver. Is what she does, she solves problems - but she has no idea how to fix her best friend.
Percy - Perseus, really, because this is him in full combat mode - has been awake for exactly a day and a half. Literally.
He doesn't sleep - mostly, he just patrols. It doesn't seem to affect him much. At least he is eating. Oh yes, the eating - he eats like the food is going to be taken from him at any second, and as much as he can.
She can't help but be scared - he has the same scar, at the same place. If Annabeth is a little affected by it, how is he dealing with the remainder of the son of Hermes?
Annabeth knows rationally that she can't blame him for not talking to anyone, for acting differently. But it hurts, that he won't confide in any of them, in her - not about what happened down there.
It's been a day and a half. He was in the Pit for more or less twenty days - and time in the Underworld is different. What if he was stuck there for years in his perspective? What did he see there?
These are questions that, unfortunately, only Perseus could answer. And he is deflecting. Well, at least he looks closer to crashing when they trade places at patrol - Annabeth will wait until he is ready, but she really hopes is soon.
Sometimes, when she is alone, she wishes none of this ever happened. If they were in power, maybe this wouldn't happen - it's not hubris, right? To see that they would be better than the gods?
The daughter of Athena is not alone in worrying. Most of the crew share different levels of concern - mostly prominent in Will, who saw all of Percy's scars and is torn between wanting to know how he got them, and never asking for fear of the answer.
Leo is surprised to notice that he is also very worried about the health aspect. He is not a person that generally focuses on humans - but this is different. He saw prosthetics before - Hephaestus cabin does a lot of them - and this kind of amputation? Very traumatic. People took a lot of time to adapt - Jake amputated his foot eight months ago and he is still having phantom limb pain and disassociating from it.
Okay that Perseus' new leg is a marvel of engineering that Leo's hands are itching to dismantle to see how it works - alas, Daedalus never left the blueprints of his fake body in Annabeth's laptop, he asked - but how did he deal with it in the middle of a wasteland?
Everything came full circle when the boy in question finally crashes - Nico is the first one to wake up with the screams. They aren't shrieks, nor words, just sheer screams of pure horror.
When he is out of his door, sword at hand, all the other cabins are opening too - Jason is the last to come down, being in the deck in patrol.
Perseus' door is cold. There's no other name for it - there's an aura of pure death around it, covering the entire hallway in a dreadful mood. It curls around Nico's spine - he can feel the shiver in his bones.
The one who opens it is Hazel, the one who seems least affected by the cold - it's so easy to forget that she was dead once. Perseus is immobile in the bed, his mouth open in the awful scream.
Before Will can stop him, Nico goes to wake Perseus up. He has no idea how to deal with the situation, but he cannot keep hearing this. Piper tries to hold his arm to stop him, but she is still sleep ridden.
The son of Zeus barely touches the other demigod - his fingers barely skimming Perseus' arm - and he is pinned to the wall, an ax he didn't even seem prepared to slash at him, with a tiger growling behind Perseus.
Nico suddenly feels like his true age. His whole body tires and sags, and he feels the drawn in his bones - it's only a few seconds, but it feels like an eternity. He wants to drop down - to rest and let his slumber carry his soul away.
He closes his eyes - expecting either the slash of the blade or the tiredness to take him away - but neither happens.
It's Piper. It works - more or less. Perseus doesn't immediately drop everything - the light just seems to return to his eyes. They are black still, but the vines of green are back, creeping towards his pupils.
"Oh. Oh shit. Shit shit shit. Nico. I... I... I'm s-sorry... Oh gods I'm so, so, so s-sorry I-... I didn't... I didn't t-think... I-... this, this wasn't s-su-su... supposed to happen! This wasn't supposed t-to c-come with me!"
Perseus worked himself into a frenzy. He is in a corner of his room now, his ax left behind, but the tiger firmly in front of his master. None of the others have noticed Nico's strength leaving him. The son of Zeus half thinks he imagined it.
"No... no. No. No, no, no. No touching. No touching. No. No touching."
Perseus is almost trembling, but he is not crying. Nico realizes that he saw Perseus cry only once - when Luke was spread on the floor of the Olympus, Annabeth's dagger buried to the hilt in his tight. He wonders if the hero ever cried for himself.
The son of Zeus - and most of their friends that took a step forward - put their hands up, take a step back. Perseus seems calmer.
They don't talk about it. Nico suspects something happened - he felt so tired. He felt eighty - his body decaying around him. But nobody mentioned it - and when they left Percy alone, it was like it was just a nightmare.
PTSD, Will called it. Anxiety after days of being hunted through hell - the trauma still fixed on his mind, the idea of being in danger every second of every day. Depending on the outcome of this war, they might all have it by the end of it, if they don't already.
But Nico knows there's more to it. He would pass it up as a figment of his imagination if Perseus touched anyone. But he doesn't - he avoids even looking at people for too long.
He tries to bring up the topic with Annabeth - the gloves, the sweaters back. She thinks that it's comfort, something to tether him into reality.
Nico doesn't believe that - he doesn't think she does either. He had his own struggles with anxiety for years, but he has no time for pushing. After that night, Perseus doesn't scream again - one has to wonder if he is even sleeping at all.
Nico wants to help. For once, correct something that he knows it's his mistake no matter how many times they deny it. It's how he finds himself in the third night hovering in Perseus' door.
This is not really a smart idea - because the other demigod notices and opens it, so tired - there are bags under his eyes, but the ax is held precariously in his hand.
"What is it, Nico?"
The correct answer would be "Sorry, didn't mean to bother you." But Nico's dumbass teenager mind stutters.
"I... I wanted to check on you. Are you okay? I... I just noticed that you seem kinda weird."
Percy is not angry or resentful - he doesn't even slam the door in his face as Nico would probably do. He is just tired, and that's a thousand times worse.
"Why... why do you care?"
"We are friends, aren't we?"
"Yeah, sure. Kind of." The "you never bothered before" goes unsaid.
It stings, but it's not a lie. Their past is turbulent - a lot of misunderstandings and mistakes on Nico's side, a lot of grudges and overreacting on Percy's. Still, they fought in a war together. They're still fighting.
"I care about you" He hopes Percy doesn't see the blatant subtext "Something happened - don't... d-don't shut me out. I did that when Bianca... died. Nothing good came out of that."
Perseus takes a deep breath - he looks exhausted to the bone. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to mention Bianca. One of his hands tremble - Nico sees that no parts of his body touch the mechanical leg, ever.
"Something happened. I fell down into hell." He must see the flinch Nico gives, and breaths out "Sorry. That was harsh. It... it wasn't your fault. It's nobody's fault."
Something in his eyes tells Nico that he does blame someone - not him, but maybe Arachne. Or the gods. Or Annabeth. Or worse, himself.
Well, that couldn't stand.
"I know" He doesn't, but that's not the moment "But you need help. I can help."
Nico makes a move to touch Perseus' arm - it's a bad idea because his whole body flinches away.
"I don't. I don't want your help."
It's uncalled for, and it hurts on Nico's pride - of course, he wouldn't need Nico's help. What did Nico ever do to him? Was his touch so unwelcomed? Well, if he thinks he can do it alone, Nico should leave him to it.
"Sure, suit yourself. I won't bother again."
Perseus sighs again when the sixteen-year-old leaves. He doesn't want to hurt Nico - gods know that he should, dammit his weak spot for cute people that would drive a knife through his back - but they should leave him alone. He is fine. He'll be fine.
Hazel is also worried - mainly for the backlash of the coming back to the natural, living world. For her, it was weeks of adaptation - to air, breathing, the sun. And Perseus was in a worse place even.
Sometimes she wonders if the Tartarus shouldn't have been her weight to carry - if the Underworld shouldn't be her place. Hazel loves the surface - Nico, Leo, and Frank, and warmth - but there's a part of her that will forever be under a sad tree in the Fields of Asphodel.
Perseus is nothing but kind - he saved her. He saved all of them - not only from danger - but from themselves. And she is too chicken to help, after listening to her brother whine about his own experience.
Her only comfort comes when she is able to cuddle with Leo - Leo, her Leo, her soon-to-be Leo. While Frank is older and her crush for him never diminished, her own for Leo only grew.
That's why, when her patrol is ending on the fourth morning and Leo emerges from the belly of the ship, covered in grease and clutching an ash-covered wrench, talking under his breath about a thing or another, she goes khaki wacky and plants one on him.
Leo flays a little - Hazel is from the 40s. She thinks maybe this is being too forward - even if in Nova Roma, this isn't uncommon behavior. Girls are able to kiss boys - it's not being a sharecrop anymore.
The boy takes a deep breath - like he can't believe this small closed mouth smooch is happening and gives her a grin.
"Hi sugar, are you rationed?"
She laughs until her belly hurts, and they smooch again - no tongue, no open mouth. Leo blushes horribly - and it's easy to see under the grease.
When this war ends, it'll be she. And Leo. And Frank. Their lives are too short to spend pining and pondering - she sees her brother every day, and that's not what she wants.
After the war, there will be no wars. There will be no quests and no killing - just peace. Heroes get to have peace - like the original Jason. The gods are not ruining this for Hazel anymore. So she walks Leo to the front of the ship, so they can watch the sunrise together.
In the afternoon of their fourth day, they fight against a mixed group of monsters - and that's the day Piper actively begins to see the changes on Perseus.
She likes him a lot - he is an amazing friend - but he has no mercy. He annihilates two-thirds of the obstacle Gaea sent for them. It's a sight to see - because he is not close to the ground. There are no skeletons, no vines, no metal, no shadow under the sun of the middle of the day.
It's just him, his ax, and a skeleton tiger. Perseus doesn't even do it cleanly - there are blood, ichor, and dust smeared all across the floor and through his clothes. He twirls the blade around, and they don't even see him as he chops up monsters left and right.
Some try to flee - he doesn't let them. Something keeps them in the ship - and Piper would bet is Perseus, for he just keeps slaughtering them. She doesn't feel bad for them - this is war. They would kill the demigods, exactly like he is doing.
Piper is... curious. She wonders if he would rip the gods apart too - if they would bleed as much as some monsters, of if they would just turn into dust. If Perseus needs to cut them in pieces and scatter them on the Pit himself.
She isn't the only one - she sees the reluctant lust in Nico's and Jason's eyes, the sheer possibilities blooming in Annabeth's eyes. She sees fear mix with interest - Piper sees everything.
She doesn't think Perseus is well, or better. He isn't telling them shit for some reason after all. You don't go to hell and get on with life. Piper doesn't trust him to not turn on them - she knows him for about a month and a half now, a third of which he was in hell - but if he is going to destroy someone, is probably Gaea. Or the gods - she isn't bothered either way.
They are all dangerous. Reality-changing, world-ending dangerous. A skilled warrior? That doesn't scare Piper. Not anymore. Not in the middle of a war.
"Huh. Can you teach me?"
Perseus gives her a feral smile. Across his cheek, there's a streak of gold - for a second, Piper wonders if he is not a god himself.
Annabeth wonders if the gods will let them survive after the war. They got too powerful, too much. Sometimes, she looks at their eyes and sees they're more god then men. Their powers accumulate - evolve. Better.
Before, she was a sharp mind. Now Annabeth feels her godly blood spurning her further and further - no longer just mind, but the body. She sees attacks before they come - she is a goddess.
And she likes it. The power coursing through her veins - the ability to control. She then swears to herself they'll be that way - forever.
The following day, they stop by an island - Perseus feels a big gathering of ghosts. It's Odysseus' palace. They go in a group to investigate: Perseus himself, Hazel for her mist, Annabeth and Will. Nico would go - but he hasn't talked to Perseus for two days now, and is mostly sulking.
Annabeth - who is as cunning as Odysseus himself once was - asks Hazel to cloak her as a beggar. She asks around - but all suitors give vague answers. Even her wordplay cannot get a single phrase out of the ghosts.
Until Perseus puts her hands on a ghost - Eurymachus is his name - and the ghost is possessed - it tells them anything. Annabeth is clocking information from it - devouring with an avid look. Her grey eyes gleam in the blueish light of the spirits.
For Will, is almost otherworldly. It's Hades and Athena. It's more - it's Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase, controlling and pushing something they never did before.
They trade looks, and their glowing hands stay entwined long after the ghost tells them that Apollo no longer controls Delphi and that Nike is lost - running free.
Victory, Perseus thinks, Victory. A goddess so vain, that she thought the tides of war depend only on her - not on Tyche, or Bia, Enyo, and Ares. So many gods of war - so many superiors - and she thought herself capable of defying them - and the demigods. For a charioteer, Nike is quite a proud little goddess, isn't she?
So they have their next goal - finding the elusive arrogant dickhead - and following travel to Athens. With Victory on their side or not.
With the glowing phantom, their disguise is blown. Perseus himself was never proficient with ghosts - but he is very proficient with his Ax, and that cut spirits very well.
They fight - but Perseus is just so tired. He just wants them all to go away. With his powers fully restored, even if the earth doesn't obey him anymore, increasingly possessed by Gaea, the shadows should.
He is fond of his shadows - they are a comforting presence, so different from the corrupted ones of Tartarus. He revels in them - Perseus is their master. As he is master of the green ghostly fire, that seems to burn the spirits away.
He hopes sincerely that they don't even get the pleasure of the Fields of Punishment. He hopes they disappear forever in the void - Perseus has no time for petty enemies anymore in this long war which has absolutely nothing to do with them.
Will is hurt in the side - a gladius - but doesn't stay like that. As they climb back to the ship, his wound closes under the fiery light of the morning sun across his fingers - magic that was supposed to help only others, and never himself.
His father disappears, and Will is getting more power. He is not the only one - Perseus fear they'll become too much like their parents, that their powers will amplify their faults and take their humanity away - but is he even human anymore?
He looks at his "leg". It's not him - he is a cyborg. There's a dead piece of metal in him. Perseus could feel the vitality around him - their sheer youth, blazing like a light to burn all the empires. He could take it all for himself. He could kill them all, grind them to dust - they wouldn't even have time to fight him.
Perseus could take it all for himself - become immortal, a parasite latching unto others - how does that make him human? How is he any better than a flea?
They decide on a group to go to Olympia after lunch - Percy, Leo, Hazel, Nico. Four is a good number - a solid number, made of people who are non-competitive. The ones who loathe themselves - isn't this fun? Maybe they'll debate who is the worst.
They divide when they get to the island - Leo and Hazel go one way, the Nico and Percy go the other - Leo is the one to engineer it, but Percy wholeheartedly approves - it's tiring to coexist with a passive-aggressive Nico. He is done with this situation.
While the couple walks, Nico and Percy stand in awkward silence, side by side. Eventually, Percy sighs - he doesn't want to cave, but they have bigger problems to work on, and he kinda misses Nico's sarcasm.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For being harsh with you."
"No, you aren't."
"I am!"
"Will you let me help you? Will you let anyone help you?"
"I don't need help. I'm better."
"Then let me touch your hand."
"Go on."
"With no gloves."
"What? Why? No!"
"See? You aren't better!"
"We're in the middle of a war. I was in Tartarus a week ago."
"Promise me then. Promise me that after the war, you'll get help."
"Promise me Percy. And don't... don't break this one."
It's the lowest of low blows, but Percy's acquiesces. They start talking - stiltedly. Percy still doesn't touch him. Then Nico sprouts something he'll later regret (or maybe not): Calypso is again locked up.
Nico sees now - before, when Perseus was mad, the earth trembled. With no earth to answer to him, the shadows curled around his ankles and his covered fingertips - rounding behind his ear and on the curve of his smirk.
The son of Zeus is not a fearful person - but that doesn't make him afraid. It makes him remember why he is so infatuated with Perseus - he is not only a hero - he is more. He is a rebel and a challenge - Perseus only follows his own rules. It's a bravery Nico lacks, and one that attracts him like a moth to a fire.
Perseus just asks him to repeat, and then hums when he does, stuttering over his stupid blush. It's mercy that the demigod is not looking in his direction.
"Fret not, Nico. Let Calypso enjoy her vacation. The beaches are really pretty this time of the year."
It's scary - there's no one in Percy's voice. It's like the demigod is on the brick of a really bad meltdown - but they both know they don't have time for it now. So Perseus breathes in - once, twice.
Calypso will be free, and he is not even using his winning wish for it - he already used one once. She did nothing wrong, they are the oathbreakers. Perseus should know better than to trust any oath in a river that they never put a finger on.
So he lies back on the rock. If they survive - when, because he didn't go to hell to die because of Tartarus' less impressive sister - she'll be free. And well prized for this stunt.
Leo and Hazel get back accompanied by Tempest, who, again, appears always following some big revelation - maybe the venti also serves Hazel's new mistress.
The group heads towards the ruins which are roughly twenty kilometers wide. They decide to walk through them, looking for something to pop up - the earth doesn't answer to Perseus, but that doesn't mean that he can't feel the power on it. Eventually, they head toward the Temple of Zeus where an old Nike statue used to stand.
Leo provokes the goddess to come forth by hurling insults at the Nike brand - it's his specialty, sassing up gods. Perseus is more of a shade kind of guy if he can say so himself.
The goddess' Roman and Greek side, Nike and Victoria, are at war with each other trying to decide which side will be victorious. It's ridiculous.
The goddess challenges the four to a fight to the death, with the Romans and Greeks against each other. But there are no Romans and Greeks here. Nico and Perseus lived on both sides - and even if Hazel is Roman-inclined and Leo didn't have time to meet Nova Roma, it doesn't change anything. They wouldn't fight each other.
The time to fight is long gone - they should be rallying against Gaea. But Nike is too proud to admit to a tie - to both sides of herself to have peace.
She demands them to fight in an arena and gives them four minutes to be present. To make sure that they get there she sends four metal statues after them. But instead of fighting each other, they will fight the goddess.
Nike can try and influence their minds - but in the end, with her so weak, battling against herself, it's no match for four strong-willed demigods. Perseus is so tired of gods with petty struggles in the middle of something so much bigger.
The goddess-es fight for him and Nico - what side should they be. They trade verbal blows - Senatus, Praetor, Titan War are all used as arguments.
Funny isn't it? She wasn't on his side a month ago. Perseus fell - into the depths of the abysm - and while he won - again, and again, and again - it wasn't truly a divine victory.
It was not her victory. The merit is his, only his. She didn't sweep down in her great golden wings to save him, did her? Nor will she help with a war to save herself and her family. So why should she exist at all? Why should Perseus abstain from draining her and...
Perseus clenches his fists - he can't, he won't kill Victory. That's not him. He is not a murderer. That's just the remnants of the Pit in his good-for-nothing mind.
She is horrible - but if she dies, she'll end up in Tartarus. And not even her colossal hubris deserves that.
So, they subdue her - her powers aren't enough to stop the four of them, not when Percy alone and twelve defeated her superior - Ares himself. And, when defeated, Nike concedes her blessing for the upcoming war - they just won Victory.
It's a good omen - but she does advise them that one of them shall die - and that they would need the Physician's Cure.
When they go back to the board, Annabeth and Will start researching - both of them know the name, but can't link it to anything else. They find it in the Infirmary Archives - some that Will brought for light reading. It's not very hopeful, since none of them are brewers, but Hazel is a magic user and Will is a healer - they can do this.
Daedalus laptop holds the answers to the formula: Pylosian Mint, Makhai, and the Curse of Delos. They would also need Asclepius himself - but seeing that he was condemned to Tartarus and probably still there, it's more probable they'll do this themselves.
Frank, Jason, and Annabeth go to the port of Pylos looking for the poison - obvious options for the small mission nearby water.
They walk for a while. Annabeth notices a weird tension between Frank and Jason - Frank is giving Jason pointed looks, while Jason gives Frank worried ones - that has been that way for a few days now.
She couldn't possibly know that was about not only Jason's obvious crush on Perseus - which Frank is pushing the blonde to act on - but about Frank's own feelings.
Yesterday morning, while Frank was coming to take his shift on the patrol, he saw Hazel and Leo kissing. And the worst part is that he is not only sad but longing.
He is not jealous. He wants that - he wants all. Is too much and he doesn't deserve it - Frank feels so small, compared to the demigods he is traveling with. And with such... disgusting desires. The son of Mars only feels guilty - he has to erase this from his mind.
Eventually, Annabeth helps Frank to force an old soldier ghost to give them answers - she tells them they need to go to Nestor's Cave and gives them the directions.
Frank goes in and talks to a man who hands him a bottle. The son of Mars explains that his cousins, other descendants of Pluto, have been living there for generations.
They dinner together - Jason is not very welcomed. Most people there still remember the last war - and aren't all that fond of the progeny of Poseidon and Zeus - but as they are close to the sea, at least they're civil.
Some of them recount fondly about their own days at Nova Roma - they are all clear-sighted mortals, even if the godly blood is too diluted in their veins, but these are the ones that have it closer - great-grandkids of minor gods attracted to the old blood.
There's even a daughter of a minor river deity - and a pair of twins that are direct descendants of Juventa, in her travels to visit Hercules. It's an overall paradise, in the middle of a war.
Annabeth misses her dad. And Thalia. And Luke. She misses having a family - she wonders if this war will turn her unrecognizable - or else if it already did. If they are too godly for the mortal world - if they shouldn't take their rightful place.
As a parting gift, the cousins gave Frank the small vile of poison - it's the Pylosian Mint, the first piece to their puzzle. Before leaving, they tell the trio about a chained god, in Sparta.
They go back to the ship - in the mess hall, Frank muses that the chained god might be Ares because the Spartans believed that if they chained him up the spirit of war would never leave them.
Hazel disagrees - she thinks it might be Aphrodite Areia - Sparta was the first place where the goddess was worshiped, and if the Romans have aspects, wouldn't the greeks too? It's quickly shot down - Dyonisus said they were reborn - their aspects changing with their cult, if they weren't worshipped at the same time.
Perseus thinks he heard once that Aphrodite Ourania, Aphrodite Areia, and Aphrodite Pandemos were worshipped at the same time - but doesn't mention it. It doesn't seem important - he might be wrong.
Piper herself argues that it might be one of their sons - Anteros, Himeros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Pothos, or Eros - for which Jason, Nico, and Frank flinch - they wouldn't want to meet the divine couple's offspring again.
Other possibilities are the Erotes - which seems to make Piper happy, for one of them is Hermaphroditus theyself - or one of Ares or Aphrodite other children - too many to list here.
Anyway, they set course to Sparta - for the happiness of Annabeth and the general tiredness of the group. It is like an RPG play - Nico muses - they have a ton of mini-quests. It's tiring, and it's boring - flicking like bees after something or other for a bigger purpose that never seems to come.
They go to sleep, and Piper has a vision: it's her, Annabeth, and Hazel, running through the ruins of a temple - the temple of Phobos, her half brother. There's blood on the blonde's forehead - and Piper looks like she did before.
She doesn't want to go there. It's fear - she understands it - but that's one fear she is not keen on facing. Her old short hair, the boy clothes, the adam's apple, the stubble.
But they need this - someone might die. Someone will need this. So damn her half-brother. Her mother promised her, that when this ends she'll be herself like she always wanted.
So she goes and tells the group - no one is really happy to send them to somewhere they might get hurt - especially because the last time Annabeth went on a mission on the Underground, shit happened - but the daughter of Athena starts to list all of their mistakes and they have no real say in what the girls do, so off they go, into Sparta.
The six boys stay behind - but no one is slacking. Will ropes Frank into helping to research for anything they might have on the Physician's Cure; Leo finally convinces Perseus to have a look at his leg - even if just to see how much time before Perseus has to go to the Phlegethon to get more fuel; and Nico and Jason are stuck in patrol together.
Which is no good - they haven't really talked since the Cupid episode, and the last few days, the worry about Perseus and the small missions clouded everyone's personal turmoils. But now that the son of Hades is somehow adapting, they have time.
And time is a dangerous thing. Before the two weren't alone in the ship - there was always one on the mission, one otherwise occupied. Leo - and probably Frank and Piper - have been running interference.
Jason had no courage to approach Perseus, as Nico did. Nico knows that - it's in the way that Perseus treats Jason, just like he does Frank - pretending that the Pit never happened.
It's impossible to do this with Leo, who looks at his leg and his medical history and see far more than the others. Or Annabeth, Will, and Hazel, who he is closer to. Or Piper, who just seems to know everything. And Nico, who confronted him face to face.
Jason, however, only knows him one-sided - Perseus doesn't know him. They are friends, and before all this happened, they seemed to spend more and more time together. But they aren't close - the camaraderie didn't have enough time to develop into the trust.
That's why is so weird - he knows what the blonde is going through - the wish to be closer, to be able to at least help in any indirect way, but unable to gleam more about the situation. The information didn't come so easy in real life as it does in dreams.
They don't talk anymore, him and Jason. They just sit in silence or walk around their rounds in opposite directions. Eventually, the son of the sea god can't help it.
"How is he?"
Nico has the urge to answer "Wouldn't you like to know?", but that's petty and unnecessary. Jason isn't a bad person. It's just too easy to love Perseus sometimes.
"Better, I think. After the war, he'll be."
It's more for their sake than the truth. They try to talk again, stilted and trivial. Nico feels awkward - he misses their natural friendship. It won't stop because of a mutual crush - but they need to work for it.
So he settles for this trying. It's bad, and it's mostly both of them skirting around topics, their upbringings making it difficult - both have the emotional development of teaspoons. But they're trying, and it's okay.
Meanwhile, the girls are descending the Temple of Phobos, which is under a blazing hill. Hazel goes in front - manipulating the mist to stop the fire and looking for traps - and Piper and Annabeth follow the hike, talking quietly to fulfill the silence.
"What are you hoping to do, after this?"
"I don't know. Spend time with my dad. Fight for trans rights. Learn how to use more weapons. You?"
"I want to reshape the world - to build something. Maybe a city for the greeks. Maybe go into politics - Nova Roma looked directly out of my dreams."
"I do like politics - I'm more on the activist side, though."
"I was all for the Nobel Woman Initiative last year - there were two of my half-sisters there. You know, I did think it would be cool for schools to take this more seriously - I did my freshman year the same school as Percy, and like, barely any girls at the honor roll - even though most PA classes were brimming with them."
"I'm guessing traditional boarding school - I went to a lot of those, y'know. I was finishing my sophomore year before this mess, taking three AP classes. Stretched out like hell."
"I was taking five - because crazy over-achievers Perseus and Rachel took four, and I couldn't decide on the options. I was overworking for a while, but I did manage better than them - I think Rachel was high every time we visited her on the St. Claire's Academy, but maybe it was just the sheer amount of coffee and Redbull."
They keep on talking. It's the first time Annabeth talks to the daughter of Aphrodite and doesn't think she is an airhead. Piper is a conversationalist - exactly the type of friend she lacks, someone that can keep up with her streams of random thoughts.
Maybe they could have a girl's night with Rachel when they go back to camp. Maybe invite Hazel, and even Reyna too - Annabeth has never had one of those, stereotypical girly things. But maybe it could be cool.
It serves as a good distraction - the longer they stay on the temple, the worse it gets. Annabeth feels crawling in her skin and a sucking - a sucking that she remembers coming from the Pit, taking her in like if she was trash.
Hazel feels cold - her skin flickers. Some moments, she can't touch anymore. It's like being dead again - the rustle of the leaves in the trees of the Asphodel Fields ring in her ears as she walks through the marble halls.
For Piper, it's her nightmare vision all over again. It's like she never came out, never took the estrogen. There are mirrors everywhere she looks - there's no escaping the image that she hates the most - Piper, the boy.
It's not that "Piper, the boy" is ugly. He is just not her - that's not her body, that's not her face, that's not her. Her gender dysphoria is rising high in the back of her mind.
They keep going into the temple anyway - it's not easy to find the "chained god". They find instead Mimas - the giant supposed to kill Hephaestus, and, apparently, Ares - now that his stupid brother Damasen is dead.
Annabeth can't connect the dots yet, but the way the giant talks about Damasen helping an enemy - in the end, it all ties up to Perseus. What doesn't, these days? She is just so frustrated about the lack of information - and her new powers of extracting stuff won't work on a giant, she's pretty sure.
The titan is the opposite of Hephaestus - where the man is silent and intelligent, he is brute force and loud voices. He remembers them of Ares - Hazel even notices that he shares features with Mars Ultor.
To fight a god meant to fight intelligence, they must be emotional - Aphrodite would be excellent for this quest. But Hazel herself takes the lead - her magic is not mind-based - while Piper follows her routine of never being where is expected of her.
But none of the three are in their best shape - fear, the mental manipulation, drains more of them than the actual physical effort. Hazel is able to drive her broadsword across the god's shoulder - but the backlash of him shaking her off throws her towards the wall.
Annabeth - the strongest of the two remainings, physically at least - hoist the younger girl over her shoulders and starts to run. Around here, there's a faint grey-ish light - her mother's blessing shining through her skin.
He nearly strikes the vulnerable Annabeth with her extra weight, managing to hit her in the thigh. Piper, however, is quicker - love always is - and stabs him in the calf.
"You think that would hurt me? Silly little thing, just like your mother - I fought against two gods in the last war - you are nothing, little gallus puella!"
Piper doesn't get Latin, but she knows enough to think that's a trans-related insult. This is not her first rodeo - not even in her old boy's body - but it stills fill her with rage she cannot name.
"You should be more worried about how the makhai will castrate you, instead of caring about what's inside my shorts!"
The giant laughs - but there are doubts in his voice. The makhai hasn't been seen in centuries - but it all connects. It's not Ares or his children - it's the spirits of war that the Spartans thought to be pieces of Ares himself.
Piper takes advantage of his distraction and charges at him with her blade, causing the giant to stumble backward into a wall and destabilize the temple.
"You're worst than that godling that was manipulating my weak, useless brothers - that one lost a leg. I wonder how many limbs I can chop off you before offering you to Mother Gaea."
That is enough to incite Annabeth's rage. She puts Hazel carefully on the floor and attacks He barely managed to deflect her attack, and as he reaches out to grab the prone girl in the ground, Piper slices off Mimas' arm and hair off.
While Piper is keeping Mimas occupied, Annabeth released the makhai from the statue of Ares. The makhai follow the girls - they couldn't forget the smell of Aphrodite Areia and Pallas Athena, not even in a thousand years. They swarm Mimas, and as he staggers off-balance, both of them deliver the final blow by stabbing the giant in his gut.
Mimas topples face-first into the nearest doorway and disintegrated into ash when the stone face of Phobos falls onto him.
The god appears only to deliver the final blow, but doesn't help at all. He just laughs at their predicament and leaves them to find their way off this maze of terrors.
It trembles over them. Hazel is still unconscious - there's a trickle of blood running through the side of her face. Something is slowing down Annabeth - she shivers every time they take a step. So it comes to Piper to try and guide them through the falling building.
She is still a boy - and she hates it - but maybe it's just an illusion, and when they get out of here, she'll get her two-year estrogen body back.
Piper guides them out, with the makhai in tow. It doesn't feel like a victory - not when, even though she crossed the border of the hill, she keeps her boy's body.
Climbing back on the ship, she hides herself in her room. She - he, because that's a he body, and a he person, and she is not a he but when she looks in the mirror, he looks back.
Piper works herself into a panic attack alone in her room - and it's actually Annabeth that comes to check on her.
"Tell me five things you can see, Piper"
Annabeth's golden tresses. A blue sweater that is probably Percy's and got mixed in the laundry. One of Leo's screws that are everywhere he goes. A crown of flowers Katie Bell did for her. Malcolm's favorite book sitting at her nightstand.
"Good. Four things you can touch."
A calloused hand beneath hers. The soft jeans Annabeth is using. The cold hardwood floors. The wall against her back.
"You're doing amazing. Now three things you can hear."
The ship's engine rumbling beneath them. Annabeth's voice. Nico's brooding rock music coming from his room.
"Almost done. Two things you can smell."
Annabeth's lavender cologne mixed with the grime and sweat of their taxing day. The salty smell of the ocean.
"One thing you can taste."
Her mouth on Annabeth's. It's Piper who starts it - she is just so overwhelmed by Annabeth's everything, still worked up about the anxiety attack she just had, and they are so close.
The daughter of Athena is surprised and pushes back - she sits side by side with Piper, holding her wrist so she can't flee.
"Piper, I... I didn't mean to pass the... wrong... signs. I don't like girls. And boy body or not, you're still a girl."
It's the best and the worst let down of Piper's life. She nods - she is the daughter of Aphrodite. She should've known better. Annabeth is in love with Perseus - for years now.
"We can still be friends, right?"
Piper nods - Annabeth thinks it's ironic. It's the same interaction she had with Perseus - and she knows that, deep down, being friends is not enough, how much this rejection is just as bad as any other.
But she wants to keep Piper in her life. Is unfair - but there's something guiltily pleasurable about having someone that likes you, to know that you're not undesirable.
It's selfish, but Annabeth never claimed to be altruistic.
Up in the deck, Frank and Jason are receiving news of Reyna. She says she and Malcolm were attacked by Lycaon and his pack - and that Malcolm had a vision about Orion, the giant meant to oppose the twin gods, heading towards the Hunters and the Amazons.
With Apollo and Artemis missing, it comes to them to help. Jason thinks they could try and help if they cross paths, but that they should inform them by IM and go on their way - they have little time to dawdle, even if they're using Malcolm's mother transport company to carry the giant statue.
They are able to rest for the remainder of the day - it's more or less eighteen hours before Reyna sends the next message - they met the hunters and the Amazon in the Lisbon's Harbor and fought Orion, but no god came to give him the final blow.
So Reyna and Hylla had to run - the statue was already shipped off to America, and nymphs were helping them to get to the Long Island Bay within the next two days. Malcolm wasn't so lucky.
Orion smashed Malcolm against a boulder, breaking his arm and a leg. As they fled, Malcolm told them to leave him behind - he would stall the giant for a little while.
With most Amazons and Hunters out of commission or dead, they had no other choice. The last thing Reyna saw was Orion raising Malcolm above his head, and the sickening crunch of it breaking against the sea rocks.
Will is the one on patrol - and the one who has to relay the news to Annabeth. He doesn't want to wake her, but it's her right to know - so he goes and wakes Perseus too, to help deliver the blow.
"Annie, I... We... We have bad news."
Annabeth screams - that was her big brother, almost her father. He taught her how to hold a shield and how to swim - he was her only family left on Camp.
It's unfair. That shouldn't be his battles anymore - he is twenty! She screams and she throws a statue of her mother - and that damned coin - into the wall. Then Annabeth sobs on Perseus' shirt.
"It's her fault Percy, all her fault if she didn't send us in this goose chase if she didn't choose Malcolm..."
Will solves to tell the others in the morning - it's late, and most of them had little to no sleep. He goes back on deck, but there's a storm brewing in the ocean - and it's not a natural one. It's some kind of deity - and that's not a good moment.
He goes to Perseus - he is still awake, asleep Annabeth with tear tracks in her cheeks and scrapped knuckles in his arms, and tells him about the situation - Will is not that good of a fighter.
"I'll deal with it. Stay with her. I'll be back shortly."
Will should be alarmed - with Perseus more recent behavior, the way he always hated the gods' trivial troubles, should he really be sending him upstairs, with an ax, a tiger, and a mad expression into his eyes? Maybe not, but he won't stop it. The deity chooses their own fate - even Will is done with their willful moods, compromising a much more important journey in their own name.
Let whoever it is burn - The son of Apollo covers the sleeping girl's ears softly. She doesn't need this kind of stress now.
The storm stops, but the screams in the deck don't - they are like music to his ears.
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born-in-september · 4 years
I have obviously been listening to Folklore since the day it came out and I think most of the songs in the album are part of the story, even though I know some are just abou Taylor’s personal life, I like to link them all together and turn the album almost into a musical haha
Here’s the sequence of my version of it, let me know what you think!
1) Seven, sang by James
He talks about how he had to be mature even from an young age (“I hit my peak at seven”), probably because of family issues and so he kind of closed himself for others (“I was too scared to jump in”), but now he is ready for a relationship with Betty (“I think you should come live with me” even though I don’t think they will literally live together, but just be with each other), who didn’t come from an easy childhood either (“your dad is always mad”).
2) Peace, sang by Betty
She feels haunted by her past (“No I could never give you peace”), but she wants to be with James and this is her opening her heart to him (“I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best”).
3) Invisible String, sang by Betty
This is the relationship in her view, how she fell in love with James after some bad relationships (“A string that pulled me out of all the wrong arms”). She feels like being with him is mending all her broken bones (“Time, mystical time, cutting me open then healing me fine”).
4) Mirrorball, sang by The Mistress
This girl is in love with James and she does everything to try to get his attention (“I’m still trying everything to keep you looking at me”). She has low self esteem and is a straight up pleaser, she needs attention and gets it from men who just want to use her (“The regulars (...) drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten”), but her heart beats for James and she’ll have him even if just as an affair (“Hush when no one is around, my dear”).
5) August, sang by The Mistress
One day, she drives by James walking alone, a sad look on his face and she decides it’s now or never. She pulls over and calls him in and to her surprise, he accepts (“Whispers of ‘are you sure?’”) and that’s how the affair started. They were together for little over a month (August), but James called it off when Betty found out and he decided he loved her and wants to be with her.
6) Hoax, sang by Betty
This is when Inez, a gossiper friend, tells Betty about James’ affair and Betty is heartbroken (“Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in”). She feel betryed, not only because he was with someone else, but because she felt like he was the only one who accepted her despite her past (“You knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart, but what you did was just as dark”).
7) Illicit Affairs, sang by The Mistress
She is also heartbroken after James ends things with her to try to make it up to Betty and she looks back to their relationship. She is lost and angry, but she still wants him (“Look at this idiotic fool that you made me. You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else and you know damn well, for you, I would ruin myself a million little times”).
8) Betty, sang by James
After some time, James gather courage to go talk to Betty and try to explain to her what had happened. After 3 years, their relationship was not as it once was and James was really jealous of one of Betty’s friends. After a fight, he saw her dancing with him and left the party, that’s when The Mistress found him and the whole thing started. He is parked in front of Betty’s house, who is having a party, picturing the moment and song ends when he walks to the door.
9) Mad Woman, sang by The Mistress
James got to Betty’s house and was trying to explain himself in the middle of every one who was at the party. Betty takes him somewhere more private for them to talk, but that part is all the Mistress sees, and so she believe they got back together (“It's obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together”). She gets really mad and starts yelling at them, while all Betty wanted was not to make a scene (“She should be mad, should be scathing like me”).
10) This Is Me Trying, sang by James
Literally, this is him trying. He apologizes to her (“It's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound. It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you”) and says that he never loved her the way he loved Betty (“Pouring out my heart to a stranger, but I didn't pour the whiskey”), but she is still upset and doesn’t want to listen to him.
11) Cardigan, sang by Betty
Betty’s response to James’ apology. She doesn’t accept it, she won’t tolerate being cheated on and is still really hurt because she trusted him with her past (“You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding”). She knew he would regret it and try to get back together (“I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired and you'd be standin' in my front porch light”).
12) Exile, sang by James and Betty
Betty turns down James quite quickly, she doesn’t want to hear his apologies (“And it took you five whole minutes to pack us up and leave me with it, holdin' all this love out here in the hall”). She turns around and seek comfort in the very same friend James was so jealous about (“I can see you staring, honey, like he's just your understudy, like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me”). Their relationship is over.
13) My Tears Ricochet, sang by The Mistress
After the scene she made at Betty’s party, the emotions sink in and she regrets what she said (“I didn't have it in myself to go with grace”). Still, she is very mad at James for leaving her like that and just going back to Betty - even though we know that’s not what happened - and is now predicting he will miss her too (“Cursing my name, wishing I stayed, look at how my tears ricochet”).
14) The 1, sang by Betty
They go their separate ways and run into each other after a few years (they dated when they were 17, now they’re in their 20s) and have that awkward moment, when you meet an ex, making small talk. Betty forgave him now, there are no hard feelings (“If you never bleed, you're never gonna grow and it's alright now”) and she knows their relationship wasn’t perfect, but she still wonders if he never cheated, if they would still be together, because deep down, they still love one another (“If one thing had been different, would everything be different today?”).
@taylorswift what do you think?
Here’s my playlist following the order I believe the story to happen in: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1l3b8oyQoemV2fnqiS3Tgj?si=nRxgw-g4SaaSwpW1feIfEA
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popliar · 5 years
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Ateez in Seoul, 8 and 9 February 2020
Olympic Hall at Olympic Park
No one will believe this but I actually had my holiday with @flywithturtles planned before I knew the dates coincided with Ateez's Seoul concert dates. But it's true! I have the WhatsApp conversations to prove it!! Anyway I secured the tickets and all was well.
This is the first concert I've been to where they were handing out masks, making sure everyone had hand sanitizer and checking temperatures as you entered. Haha. Well they also checked our temperature going into the Line Friends store that day so, that's corona virus life. I was actually really worried the concerts would be cancelled, given so many other events have been, so it was a relief that it went ahead.
Structurally this is the same as the show I saw in August last year, after Wave/Illusion: starting hard with pirates, a lighter middle section, and a mythology-heavy last third. And then the encore which went for ages.
What's great to see is that the gaps and pacing downsides of the previous year have been corrected and improved. The pacing has been tightened up, the banter and ments flow much more smoothly and the show just feels very professional and well run.
Here's my post about last year's show: https://popliar.tumblr.com/post/187095347758/ateez-in-sydney-11-aug-2019
It's a shock to realise they've only been around one year four months but they were able to fill out a full 2.5 hour set, every song solid. And KQ spent proper money on this, the production was good - it's not like LAVISH but there were good stages and fancy screens and new VCRs and plenty of back up dancers, and it all worked well. There were maybe too many fireworks on the first night (I hate it when it obstructs the choreo) but they'd adjusted well on the second night.
Surprising but welcome - they had English subs for some of the ments. I don't think they were "live" subs because sometimes they'd get ahead of what the members were saying. But it was helpful. Even without them, body language and tone says a lot. Though I'm regretful that I don't understand Seonghwa's acrostic poems or all of their stupid jokes lol.
The show is called Fellowship and they leaned into it hard, asking Atiny to be part of their shared journey and to stick with them forever. It's a familiar refrain from other shows, but each time I find it both surprising and effective - this very overt, explicitly stated entreaty to be a fan, to enter into this imagined relationship, the appeal to reciprocity. "We've made you happy, make us happy too, be with us and we'll be with you."
But you can know a thing and it can still be effective. I did love the shows. I want them to be happy too!
A list of observations and random things:
Spoilers follow, I'd put it behind a cut but I can't figure out how on mobile haha
-first VCR to open the show expanded on the Treasure theme.
-Desire opens with blindfold choreo. Was this a gift for me? THANK U.
-for Lights, they had cute moments where they held up little speech bubbles over each others heads. They paired up with Hongjoong and Mingi, San and Wooyoung, Seonghwa and Yunho, and Yeosang and Jongho. Both nights, Woosan held hands. On the second night Yunho held Seonghwa's hand and Seonghwa was like a shy maiden. Mingi and Hongjoong had very strong flirty energy. Yeosang and Jongho are cute.
-the VCR in between part 1 pirates and part 2 fun boys showed what felt like a series of different dimensions? An ocean, a mountain, fields of flowers, cosmic surrealism, etc. As though each of them was alone somewhere in time and space.
-During If without you, they threw out balls to the crowd as gifts (mini riots ensued). Mingi put the empty basket on his head both nights, what a beautiful fool.
-Night 1 was the first time with the light stick! Hongjoong announced its official name: Lightiny (light of destiny) but also Tinybong lololol. The light stick is super pretty. I was tempted but didn't have time the first night. The second night it was sold out when I arrived!!!
-The VCR in between parts 2 and 3 is the really intriguing one. It paired them up into the Lights pairs again. Yeosang and Jongho searched for each other in a hall of billowing drapes. Mingi and Hongjoong were rockstars (with great lipstick). San and Wooyoung were mirrorverse versions of each other. Yunho and Seonghwa put together the pieces of a puzzle in a set that reminded me of both Treasure and Wonderland.
-In the intro to Say My Name on the first night, Hongjoong went halfway down the stairs then turned around, went back and grabbed his mic, then went down again lol. The second night he very firmly took his mic before descending the stairs lol.
-The final VCR before the encore showed them uncovering items on pedestals as though in a museum: a camera, a gramophone, a painting, a book of poetry by Yeats... Then they all created a painting together. When viewed through a red screen (like the puzzles in their albums) the pattern revealed a compass. They then all showed their wrists to reveal each had a compass tattoo.... WHAT IS THIS OT8 SOULMARK FIC!!!!!
-They said they had planned for every audience member to have this compass stamp (the Fellowship again) but it was cancelled due to health concerns. But we could see it with our true eyes, right???? On the second night, the 99s swarmed Seonghwa at this point to try to look down his shirt. I see. I see. (Later on Hongjoong also tried to peek into Mingi's shirt also fine just fine.)
-Early in the show Hongjoong said there would be clues through the show about the next steps in their concept/narrative. The hourglass and compass were very recurrent but these are not new. Hmm. I wonder.
-In one ment on night 1, Jongho spoke to all his hyungs informally and it was HILARIOUS. He did something similar on the second night, patting Yunho on the head and pinching Wooyoung's chin etc.
-During Star 1117 on the first night, Hongjoong and San started crying. Then in the following ment, they and Yunho and Wooyoung were crying, and Seonghwa and Jongho were teary. Yunho cried so hard (missing his grandfather!) that during Hongjoong's ment, Mingi quietly went over and gave him a towel. There were like five members in between that he passed to give him the towel, it was so sweet I'll cry. Night 2 felt more joyful and upbeat.
-Some ppl really left way too early like before the encore. The encore is half an hour long omg! You missed out on so many songs!!!!!
-On night 1 between main set and encore the crowd didn't quite know what to do. Huge kudos to the fans who led some cheers otherwise it would have been so quiet. Second night was better and also they kept the light sticks on while we were waiting which added to the atmosphere.
-They didn't sell a couple of sections in the hall at all, they were curtained off. It's interesting to think BTS had their first Muster here at around the same point in their careers. Like BTS, Ateez too are more popular globally than at home. They were beaten quite handily in voting on music shows by SF9 this comeback, who are more popular at home than internationally.
-It is great being in a huge fandom like BTS but also you know this is actually a great time to stan a group like Ateez. They're big enough to be exciting and have good shows, they are interesting and still developing, they're still playing intimate venues... They're good!!!!!
-A few of them had fake neck tattoos. San helpfully labeled himself "San" on the second night lol.
-Hongjoong briefly went off stage during sunrise On night 2. Hopefully just a technical issue.
-Treasure and Precious choreo start and end in the same place, echoing their musical connection.
-They had different encore outfits for Answer each night, before changing into hoodies. On night 2, Yeosang saw some of the others had scarves/banners tucked into their back pockets and was like "where's mine????" Instead of a banner, Yunho had a baseball cap. Seonghwa took his off and Hongjoong tied it around Seonghwa's wrist.
-For Star 1117, everyone held up their mobile phone lights. On night 2, San repeated the request in English too. Very pretty to see all the lights.
-On second night, Seonghwa and San got their mics and necklace tangled up during a ment lol.
Pirate King
(Introduction ment)
Medley: Twilight, Stay, My Way
(Ment, lightstick announcement)
If without you
Say My Name
Dazzling Light
Hala Hala
Thank u
Star 1117
Dancing like butterfly wings
Setlist from: https://twitter.com/updateez/status/1226112679728812032?s=19
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5sosalh · 6 years
200 Days. The Last part.
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3 years later
“That was Y/N Hood with her first Single off of her debut album: Years. We have her in Studio today” Ryan says “Thank you Ryan.” I smile as I put my daughter in my lap. “We also have a first today, Y/n and Calum’s daughter Maci is here.” Maci giggles at Ryan. “Yeah, Calum got suck in a meeting but should be here soon. “ “so Y/N, you have had a busy 3 years.” I nod. “In between having Maci, the wedding and the album, it’s been crazy but crazy in the best way ever.” “Daddy!” Maci points to the glass behind me. “Calum come in.” Ryan waves him in and Maci gets off my lap and runs to him. “Hey, guys.” Calum walks over to me and kisses me. “Y/N, tell us what your second single “Still into you.” Is about.” I smile at Calum as he pulls up a chair. “Well, I wanted to release something that had a lot of meaning to me. Cal and I wrote this song on our honeymoon and I couldn’t think about the song without him singing it with me. “ I pull my guitar into my lap. “It’s the second Single because it shows to me and everyone that is close to us how far we have come.” I smile at my family. “So, you and Calum are going to sing ‘still into you’ for us?” I nod and pull my microphone closer to me. “1,2,3” Calum counts us in as I play.
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Calum- Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together
I need the other one to hold you
Make you feel, make you feel better
Y/N - It's not a walk in the park to love each other
But when our fingers interlock, can't deny, can't deny, you're worth it
Both- Cause after all this time
I'm still into you
I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you
Let 'em wonder how we got this far,
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah, after all this time
I'm still into you
Y/N- Recount the night that I first met your mother
And on the drive back to my house I told you that, I told you that I loved ya
Calum- You felt the weight of the world fall off the shoulder
And to your favorite song we sang along, to the start of forever
Both- And after all this time
I'm still into you
I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you
Let 'em wonder how we got this far,
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah after all this time
I'm still into you
Y/N- Some things just make sense
And one of those is you and I
Both- Some things just make sense
And even after all this time
Y/N - I'm into you
Calum- Baby not a day goes by that I'm not into you
Both- I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you
Let 'em wonder how we got this far,
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah after all this time
I'm still into you
I'm still into you
I'm still into you...
In this moment my heart is so full. I have everything that I need right here. Well everything but Duke. “Calum, I have a few questions for you. “ he nods as Ryan goes on. “How long have you been together at this point?” I look down at our interlock fingers. “8 years together next month, 2 years married in August.” He pulls my hand into his lap. “What was the turning point for you that you knew. ‘Hey, I want to have y/n be By my side forever?” I look at Calum knowing what he is going to say and what the media is going to say about us but at this point in my life i really don’t care. We have came a long way and nothing can break us. “The first part of the Meet You There Tour because I almost lost her. I had cheated and walked out without telling her but little did I know that I would have to see her for the next 200 days on the Tour.” “Wait? That’s the Tour you got engaged on.” I nod watching Maci who is now asleep in Calum’s lap. “We were a mess. We both hurt each other.” I say as Calum jumps in. “ We worked though our problems but we don’t want to hide anything.” “Okay, last thing how are you two going to handle two tours at the same time?” “Actually, it’s only one tour. I’m going to be opening for 5sos this year.” I smile at Calum.
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at their house
I’m in the kitchen finishing up dinner for us. “Babe, when are the boys getting here?” I ask Calum as he comes up behind me and holding me putting his head on my shoulder. “about 20 minutes.” I smile as he kisses my shoulder. I turn to face him. “I can’t believe in a week we will be heading out on tour with Maci. “ thinking of the 3 year old that is upstairs playing with a baby size bass that her uncle Ashton had got her. along with a sit of drums that were in our basement at the moment waiting for the soundproof room that we are building to be finished.
Maci had been one of the biggest blessings. Even though she came a month early. I had been taking the last pictures of Calum jumping off of Ashton’s drum platform when my water broke. Luckily it was the last song of the night and we made it to the hospital 15 minutes before she was born. I still remembering wanting to kill Calum because of me being in so much pain. This next baby I will have an epidural. “Baby girl? What are you thinking about?” I kiss his lips “life, its crazy to me that we are here. The last three years have been crazy. Maci was early but she is perfect.” He pulls me as close as possible and I know he’s thinking about the three weeks that’s we were in the hospital waiting for her to come home. The boys had been the best coming home and sitting up her room for us. “Calum? Thank you for believing in me.” “You have a Beautiful voice and great stories to tell if a record label does not believe in you, they are stupid.” I smile at him. For the last two years, I had been going to different labels trying to get signed but no one would sign me because I was Calum Hood’s wife, so Calum and I made our own record label that has Hey Violet, 5sos and I signed. We have came so far. The only thing bad that had happened was the miscarriage a week before our first anniversary. I didn’t know I was pregnant because we had started the label and had so much going on with a 10 month old but we had promised ourselves that we will be ready the next time around
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“Hey, lovebirds the party is here!” Michael walks in with a baby carrier and Crystal behind him. “ how’s baby Clifford?” I ask not pulling away from Calum but smiling at the new parents. “Finally sleeping through the night.” Crystal says smiling at her 4 month old baby boy at that moment, Ashton walks in with his girlfriend of a year Lily and Luke with his Girlfriend of 2 years, Taylor. “Hey boys” I pull myself away from Calum for a minute to hug them. “Congratulations, on Years hitting number 1, Y/N.” Ashton hugs me. He, Calum and I never really let the ‘I’m in love with you.’ Stop us from being friends. It had been awkward for a few weeks but when we were in the hospital with Maci, he stayed as long as he could to be there for his best friend. Cashton is still to this day a alive and well. “uncle Ashton!!!!” Maci yells running down the stairs. “Mace!” Ash gets down to her height and hugs her. He definitely is her favorite uncle and why wouldn’t he be? He takes her on ‘dates’ every week buying her whatever she wants. “What about your Uncle Luke and Mic?” I laugh seeing the other boys pouting before Maci runs over to them. I know these guys would die for my little girl. I feel tears in my eyes, pull yourself together Y/n or they will know before you tell them. “Baby? Dinner is ready let’s move this party to the backyard.” Calum says coming back from the kitchen taking my hand as I see Luke put Maci on his shoulders.
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We are all sitting around the table, Maci is sitting in Ashton’s lap. “Y/N, why aren’t you drinking?” Michael asks me and I look at Calum, he nods. “Ash, take off Maci’s hoodie for me please.” He takes it off to reveal her shirt that says ‘Only Child Big Sister.’ Luke was the first to his feet. “What?” “You guys are going to have to deal with my mood swings on Tour again.” I laugh as Ashton, Michael And Luke hug me at the same time. “Guys, Y/n needs to be able to breathe.” Calum laughs at them. I look around at my family and I know have found my place in this crazy world. I wouldn’t change the way I got here not even those 200 days.
A/N: this was a lot harder to write then I thought it would be. Let me know what you think.
I promise the blurbs are coming tonight or tomorrow
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starliightxo · 4 years
✨ Holly Discography & OOC Meanings ✨
Storytelling = songs not written about her life but a story she made up
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1. State Of Grace ~ for Haley
2. Red ~ (Storytelling) Comparing love and emotions to colours
3. Treacherous ~ Park
4. I Knew You Were Trouble ~ Park
5. All Too Well ~ Adrian
6. 22 ~ Just a feel good, having fun song
7. I Almost Do ~ Adrian
8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together ~ (Storytelling) just a catchy get stuck in your head song, are specifically to be a single to get attention
9. Stay Stay Stay ~ Adrian
10. The Last Time ~ (storytelling) but in a way it's about her parents and begging them to put her first when it comes to them taking Haley. Because they never considered her in all their choices and it broke her.
11. Holy Ground ~ Adrian
12. Sad Beautiful Tragic ~ Adrian
13. The Lucky One ~ Herself discovering that starting to be known and fame isn't exactly what people expect
14. Everything Has Changed ~ (storytelling)
15. Starlight (co-written with Soraya) ~ for Soraya
16. Begin Again ~ meeting Adrian again after the 4 year gap
17. The Moment I Knew ~ a birthday she spent just after she had Haley and longing for Adrian to come back even though she knew her parents wouldn't have even let him through the door even if he had. But it's not nearly as bitter @ him as the song suggests
18. Come Back... Be Here ~ Adrian
19. Girl At Home ~ (storytelling) girls supporting girls
Fifteen (EP)
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(the EP based off the songs she wrote in school/post losing adrian)
1. Love Story ~ Adrian
2. Fearless ~ Adrian
3. Fifteen ~ Herself and kind of a message to Haley to put her dreams first
4. You Belong With Me ~ Adrian/Paisley but lowkey any girl taking interest in him. I.e. margo etc.
5. Better Than Revenge ~ Paisley/Margo
6. Last Kiss ~ Adrian
7. Enchanted ~ Adrian when they met again at St Judes. their first official date was at a ball esque thingy
8. Ours ~ about Adrian @ her parents and the disapproval
9. Mine ~ Adrian (Storytelling) what she imagined
Safe And Sound (EP)
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(The EP about/for haley)
1. Safe And Sound ~ a lullaby for haley
2. Innocent ~ about herself in a way and trying to forgive herself for hr mistakes when it came to haley and the choices she make but also reminding her that she could stay innocent and young for as long as possible
3. Never Grow Up ~ wishing she doesn't grow up too fast because she very much did and it was terrifying
4. Untouchable ~ How haley's kept away from her
5. Breathe ~ the follow on from untouchable and not being able to breathe without her
Welcome To New York
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1. Welcome To New York ~ Her love for the city and dreaming of living there
2. Blank Space ~ (Storytelling)
3. Style ~ Adrian
4. Out Of The Woods ~ the aftermath of (tw) the rape and holly fighting to get out of the dark place and there's obviously hints of Adrian in there being with her through it
5. All You Had To Do Was Stay ~ Soraya & Dallas (storytelling)
6. Shake It Off ~ speaks for itself basically for her fans
7. I Wish You Would ~ Adrian after he disappeared when she first got pregnant and they separated
8. Bad Blood ~ Anyone against her and labelling her as the mean girl. She went very theatrical and played on it. Although everyone thinks it's specifically about Hensley, she was just one name on a long list
9. Wildest Dreams ~ back when she first started at St Judes and met Julian again, his was another sing based on their first date at the ball-esque event
10. How You Get The Girl ~ at Dallas about Soraya
11. This Love ~ Adrian
12. I Know Places ~ wanting to hide from the insider and paps and opinions whether it's with Adrian or on her own.
13. Clean ~ The last song she wrote for the album and it's about (tw) the rape. It was the first thing she ever wrote about it so it's extremely personal
14. Wonderland ~ (storytelling)
15. You Are In Love ~ Adrian
16 . New Romantics ~ St Judes/Monroe life
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1. Ready For It? ~ preparing for battle in a way. this was one of if not her biggest album and it was all about her fighting back and taking control of her public narrative. She wrote/sang about things you'd never expect and said ings you'd never expect so it's getting ready for that
2. End Game ~ Adrian
3. I Did Something Bad ~ Everyone who did her wrong and called her the mean girl
4. Don't Blame Me ~ Adrian
5. Delicate ~ Adrian
6. Look What You Made Me Do ~ are you ready for it 2.0
7. So It Goes... ~ Adrian
8. Gorgeous ~ Adrian/Haley/Soraya
9. Getaway Car ~ Park
10. King Of My Heart ~ Adrian
11. Dancing With Our Hands Tied ~ Adrian
12. Dress ~ Adrian
13. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things ~ about the shit she gets for winning awards
14. Call It What You Want ~ Adrian and their relationship but it's aimed at their parents
15. New Years Day ~ painting a nice picture of new years day (because She was (tw) raped on new years eve night just before midnight) and basically how Adrian was there for her the day after and picked her back up
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1. I Forgot That You Existed ~ anyone not on her side and lowkey about the guy who r*ped her. Although that's on her mind a lot, this would have been her when she's enjoying her time with someone and she forgets for one night. Or how she wishes she could forget about him for good.
2. Cruel Summer ~ probably her brief rebound of a relationship with park tbh and she convinced herself it was love to try and make herself feel better about the guilt. But ultimately they both knew it wasn't good or going to work.
3. Lover ~ about Holly and Adrian finally being in complete control of their relationship but still having insecure moments where she worries about losing him, but he's there every time. It speaks for itself mainly tbh.
4. The Man ~ the feminist jumped out LOL she aimed for this one to be relatable in every sense cause she knows it's a very common topic. But some things jump out from her own experiences like: "when everyone believes ya, what's that like?" About the r*ape trial.
5. The Archer ~ I love how holly it is 😩 reflecting on how she handled certain situations like things with hensley (bad blood) and how she's made a lot of mistakes. And being lowkey terrified she'll lose people because of it. I think mainly Adrian and Soraya tbh.
6. I Think He Knows ~ Adrian
7. Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince ~ about the negative affects caused by st Jude's and "fame" and having Adrian there through it all. The second first specifically would be about the night of the r*pe and when she told Adrian and he was the one of the only ones who cared what the truth was. Personally I think this is the most holly song on the album! I knew exactly what she'd write it about as soon as I heard it lol
8. Paper Rings ~ Adrian
8. Cornelia Street ~ kinda Begin Again 2.0 for holly and it basically being about that first time she saw Adrian again after they're 4 years apart and the fear she had of losing them/him again. I especially feel the line "It's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend"
9. Death By A Thousand Cuts (storytelling)
10. London Boy ~ her dream has always been to live in New York so she's kinda made herself new York in this album and Adrian's the London boy, even though he isn't English LOL? but their relationship lives in London basically. And she loves NY but she'd go wherever he is instead.
11. Soon You'll Get Better ft The Dixie Chicks ~ Soraya's health problems, how much her wellbeing means to holly and how desperately she needs her to just be okay all the time.
12. False god ~ I picture her breakup with Adrian back when she was pregnant and they were kids. How it all went to shit but that small hope still there "We might just get away with it." She probably would have taken snippets from old journals back from that time for this.
13. You Need To Calm Down ~ It's about ever form of love
14. Afterglow ~ this one hits me so much and cause I'm so invested in holly and adrian, hurts my heart. Basically apologising for hurting him ever, mainly with Park. But lowkey the r*pe thing too. Even tho he'd never be mad or blame her for that, she blamed herself at one point. And She panics regularly that it would ruin them.
15. ME! ~ a confidence boost for herself, her friends and her fans.
16. It's Nice To Have A Friend ~ being in love with your best friend. Also how I picture her and Adrian starting out in school.
17. Daylight ~ about how her and Adrian both had other things while they weren't together, but since they got back together, it was like stepping back into the daylight and nothing can be as perfect as that feeling they have with each other. They never really had it with anyone else.
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1. The 1 ~ (storytelling)
2. Cardigan ~ recently holly has defo felt kind of forgotten about and falling into the shadows. And as always, Adrian is slowly started to pull her out of her dark place.
3. The Last Great American Dynasty ~ awhile ago Adrian bought them a kind of holiday home and she wrote a story about the previous owner (storytelling)
4. Exile ft Bon Iver ~ the last song she wrote for the album. Her and Adrian recently broke up and have one of if not their biggest arguments and this was about that
5. My Tears Ricochet ~ Her Parents
6. Mirrorball ~ about being what the media want you to be and being perfect and when you fall and break they watch as if it's entertainment
7. Seven ~ (storytelling) a childhood friendship where one is suffering (tw) in am abusive household and the other wants to rescue them. It's also about wanting to stay young as long as possible and when we stopped doing the little things only children get away with
8. August ~ Park
9. This Is Me trying ~ Herself and her struggle to hold it all together. She defo would have had that moment of being on the edge of a cliff and having the moment she decided to back away from it
10. Illicit Affairs ~ Park
11. Invisible String ~ Adrian
12. Mad Woman ~ Herself and women in general
13. Epiphany ~ (storytelling) a couple/people during world war 2
14. Betty ~ (storytelling)
15. Peace ~ for Adrian
16. Hoax ~ (storytelling)
17. The Lakes ~ wanting to run away but of course only with Adrian
Other Songs
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Back To December
Sparks Fly
Long Live
Beautiful Ghosts
Christmas Tree Farm
I Don't Wanna Live Forever
Babe ft Sugarland
Only The Young
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I hear two Atlanta Police Officers with missing vehicles called the Mayor and apologized to her for thinking of only themselves, admitted they were afraid that if they were in the same situation they would been fired as the other two in the Rayshard Brooks case and they couldn't allow that to happen to,themselves and the community so they wanted to show what would happen if it did because like me they all saw it as a justified homocide, a honorable weapon's discharge.
But after reading what i wrote last night. They fully regrret their decision and would like to have a meeting with her today, the entire 25 that stayed home for 3 days and they will all drive up to see her, in their personal cars of course.
Of course they got her mussing her mascara and all. Weeping she is. Don't mean she's weak. Just means she knows love. And she knows how evil attacks it and makes love so painful.
... ...
I mean I'm real surprised at Atlanta. I never had any problems with them they was always "The Next New Orleans" i called them.
Always just witchy with it. Good and a skip ahead.
So besides my anger at the situation created...
Look. I come straight outta the 90s.
Back then... Man. Our history been lost in 30 years. Our soul soul soul filled history. Its gone. It ain't there.
Back in the 90s we had about a 15 year break. From the protests from Vietnam War. Love not War Protests. We had them nice little 1950s with "Hello Technology: introduction to the TV" ONWARD to the "60s Hippies. Make love not War" taking it right onto the 70s which came back with the Civil Rights
So our 90s. Y'all they were the most beautiful. They were the combo of the 60s and 70s.
The riots and protests being taught to me and we made it big as we could with all the best parts of being a Human Rights Activist with brand new only 1990s fluorescent neon dripped could bring in.
That was all lost. Its all gone.
But the fight. The rights. THE TRUTH we went all 1950s and stayed in and raised our kids right. People wanna say shit about the Millennials. But we spoke truth. We spoke from our heart and we let them find,the truth as safe as possible and form their own opinions based on truth alone.
So now people wanna beat our kids. People i went to high school with they got high school graduates. Mine will be 17 this August. Real honest to God birthday and age.
Those are my babies. Our babies. They are our future. In 50 years they're gonna be like old man Bernie Sanders. 70 years old bent over fighting because we're gonna be near dead at 90 and more.
And people neglect and beat and ...
Man Our kids got it bad enough already. Simply because THEY KNOW THE TRUTH.
And man we got to protect them. Protect their hearts. Their minds. Their souls.
And they getting allllllll this stress. Put on them. Stress that is simply avoided.
By one dancing in the streets.
By 15 officers stating their badge numbers.
By the police owning up to who they are and why they exist.
Don't they want peace? Used to be they were called Peace Keeping Officers.
Now they called Lice Officers. Coming in on Native American Reservations claiming unwashed hair bread bugs. Let me tell you something. My daughter and I got lice a while back.. Like 8 years. The only thing that killed them was coating our hair in oil
Lice breath through holes in their exobody. So the oil makes them suffocate to death and die. Furthermore people whom smoke reject lice more frequently than those that don't. It takes me 3 months longer to get lice than a non smoker.
Peace pipe anyone?
So historically police aren't loved. They aren't wanted.
Being a police or military. It becomes a color of our skin. I'll post a tattoo that isn't finished being colored or lined. It's not done. I'll show you we can balance it.
Get out of your comfort zone. Step out of your skin.
We can't stop being black. We can't stop being what drives us to be police.
But we can control it.
"BURN ALL THEIR FUCKING CARS" demanded the international head of the CIA.
"No ma'am. This is what we did" they didn't tell me No before. They just did it. Because they knew it was better. They knew it would cause all 25 of y'all to have to stand up and say "my car is missing. This is how i feel. I do/don't want it back"
Where yall can't pretend what y'all did didn't matter and just get up and go to work the next day. All sneak in and get back to business.
No. You got a fucking problem. You forcing others to take on your load, Zone 5.
Were not walking away and being all its fine what ever. You got a problem. We need to tackle it in a for real state.
Foooorrrrr Reeeaaaalllll state.
You got a problem in your mind? Those become tangible. They aren't floating thoughts. They are what makes us do what we do.
Make it concrete. Take away their cars.
I ain't saying the charges will be dropped. That's all a whole other issue. I don't work in the justice system. Court. Law. I tell you how to win in court. But i ain't about telling some DA how to shove it. I just sue them. When its courts. I fight their game. With paperwork and all that shit. So like i said that's not on me to say the charges will be dropped.
When it's a basketball game you use a ball and circle to drop the ball in.
Use proper tools
Atlanta PD could and should said "alright let's picket the DA. Lets go in uniform. Leave our weapons in the car. Unbutton our shirts. Put red paint on our foreheads to show where they're hurting us. Show them the DA now made us defense less and stripped"
Half hour. 10 minutes. 2 hours. Don't matter. As long as you make that statement.
NYPD did that.
Sure i can ask Tree, tree why ain't you posted that? Taught them?
But why didn't NYPD pull out thier hands and say NBC, FOX. Where's them videos of what we use to do and so we can stop and make this shit right in the streets?
Thata all i did. That's all im doing now. Yeah I'm,the most brilliant and all
But the last since November i been telling y'all "shake them tail feathers"
How is Gary Trump's brother going into human trafficking for 24 years to be found by me. Then murdered by his brother that took his name and lied about who he was? And his brother didn't care. He said "ill go by Gary. It don't matter. Hes worked hard under my name"
How is the ACTUAL Donald Trump not allowed to be in a Black Lives Matter movement? How come no one is shaking their tail feathers to a man killed by the government for greed and white power?
The faux Donald Trump that is our impeached President is a racist.
So why isn't his brother being named? Black Lives Matter.
One person says "Let's Shake Our Tail Feathers".
Dont matter if you believe me. Its the movement. Quite literally.
Its confusing and alive and can make us all sick. It is its own plague. "Shake ya tail feathers" it's a mental plague if you refuse truth.
Regardless how i named it. I still taught it and spoke it. And led y'all to dance it.
Bye bye stress. Bye bye human trafficking.
Bye bye inequality.
Instead it's crazy
It was already planned to be crazy. Burning down buildings calling them Liberty Torches.
Civil Rights . Civil Liberties . take No Justice/Fairness and make it a sight to behold.
Is it fair to me financially to burn down my own economicially profiting legally businesses to make a Park and Garden where you can get fresh and,free vegetables and fruit for life? HELL FUCKING NO.
I got to pay security and taxes and i don't get a single domestic dime in return.
Kids go play on my slides and swings and wear them out having too much dam fun. Then i gotta spend More Money to make sure i am making sure they even get a single second to know what fun is.
I spent my whole life working. Every dam day.
One day I went out and I was 18 years old and i heard laughter. And i didn't know what it was. What made people laugh? How could people even be happy? Or want to laugh?
I was 18 years old. Didn't under stand a human thing.
And it just kept going and going and going. I wanted it to stop. I wanted to do whatever it took. And I didn't know why. Because i got my car keys out and opened my car door the second time that day. This time to make it stop. I put my car key between my fingers. Next thing i knew, I was sitting back down. And starting the car. Obviously my mom knew I was crazy with worry. And lost my mind. Shoved my ass back in the car and said "no you're just gonna leave and leave those innocent people alone"
I was so angry and bitter. And now my life is even worse.
If I couldn't attack them people. No one else can attack innocent people in public.
I don't care how fucked up you are. YOU CAN'T ATTACK SOMEONE FOR THEIR FREEDOMS.
Laughter. Black Lives Matter. Blue lives MATTER. All lives MATTER.
Some ignorant fool was arguing with a store clerk saying how her Black Lives Matter sign offended him
Why can't y'all see and accept that?
We can't we be one. One truth.
One life to live
I can't live as Cleopatra or anyone of my past lives. I can't even live the life I led in the 90s. I can't even walk
We have one life to live and this is it.
So do we kill each other? Or do we protect each other?
Why aren't we being One?
When you're alone you can think of only you. You realize how important you are. We all need alone time.
When im with you i can only think about how important you are.
There isn't enough room in my brain to say how important we both are at the same time unless we do and think and act the same way all day long. Even for twins and clones its impossible.
So in my brain and in yours. You can only think about how much ONE life matters at a time.
We. Our. Us. You can't stop a great combination.
Power and love = unified. Unity. United.
Stop the pain. Hold our hands. Let the love flow. Let the Heart speak until it sings.
So yesterday old Blackfeet and Regina didn't see each other for the DUMBEST thing. She said "oh baby ill move in the nursing home with you"
He says something all "nonsense that's dumb shut up" all Grumpy Bear.
I don't even want to be with you.
So i talked to Michael about their unique situation.
He could had said "I'm well enough to move into a regular home with you. We don't need the nursing home. I moved to (US state) to be with you. To be close to you because you mean more to Me than Anything in the world. And you deserve a big ole castle. Because i love you and we gotta do all this best and right. No nursing home. We got another 50 years plus i wanna be doing you on the kitchen table and not here. All I can smell is stinky old man diapers from the neighbor"
And she could said had he continued the fight "oh idk what I'm saying I've never even seen the nursing home. Do you mind i come visit you there? Id really like that"
It would taken ONE. Only one to stop their ninny war.
And they would been holding each other. With love.
Instead of living in Hell.
So, now what happened was we put it all on old dad. Because hes the Black Beethoven who can suddenly sing a ballad of symphony in the midst of telling some real bad history truth.
Then moments later Regina said "well i could said something different, too".
It takes two to tango.
So I challenge y'all to punch inequality in the face. BLM. there is no difference between.
Black. Blue. Red. Purple. Yellow. Green. All bruises.
Challenge each other. Black and blue.
Force it. There is no difference and it must be seen.
Chant it. Turn on the "Boombox" and dance together. Dance if some won't. But do it in their face.
Laugh. Be happy. In their face.
If they're bitter like an 18 year old me and don't have a Angel Mommy to bust their ass back down into a sitting position. Someone will beat the shit out of them. Someone will stop them and i Will go after them and send you services for legal and medical. Free.
You are hurt. I am hurt.
Lets Live. Lets be happy.
Lets try. Trying makes perfect.
"SEE WE ARE HURT SAME AS YOU" point out the ones that have fear. The ones that try to intimidate. -- The I Can See You -- let them scream in your face youre nothing but a piece of shit. And yell back they're someone inside a police uniform. And you can see it.
Beat their asses like fucking Care Bears.
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Teach you a little photography. 1. Dirty lens. Dry skin. 2. Lotions the skin. Hannibal lectur. 3. Cleans the lens. 4 & 5 close up with flash. 6&7 close up without flash.
After meeting some kids in college. Native Americans from tribes near Gallup. Very very. Very Racist.
I began to question my life long believe of how I could live with being a military based person. And being an Native American.
I didn't know. I just knew i could and it wasn't fair to me to destroy the very being of me. Simply because it don't make sense without actual factual historical documents.
Remember Oregon Trail was First. That made Atlas.
And so my owl... Its every thing. I didn't design it normal. It has wings that are out stretched yes.
But it has a secomd pair of wings. Which are pins from the United States Coast Guard. Those wings are like hands. To do things close by to the body.
Its slightly designed after a Hindu God. She has 6 arms.
Here the wings are keeping the body warm and safe and sound.
How could myself own an owl to represent my secret past of S.Leigh if it can't have hands to represent both my heart and mind?
There figlirliee on the head. That's not for me. Its because I think about you. The mass population of Earth.
I need more simply than what the Earth can provide in the reality of which exists on Earth.
There's an hour glass of water on it's side, traveling... My baby bird is flying with an hour glass.
If you look. You'll see a woman under and between the two shields. And she has "duck lips"
For the real "Not Gary Donald Trump"
Her lips are actually a heart. But they look off..
A rose each sits above the shields. A diamond in the midst of the tail feathers.
No piece
No area.
Is just a feather. A stroke of color.
Each is an item. There's no nothing. It is all something
The military did not just beat us and we took it as Muscogee Creek Nation. We built an Atlas. Recivejed the City of Atlantis -- the Spain sent supplies to help us for years. All the way from Florida.
There was Something. It all wasn't nothing
Or for nothing. Everyone looks for the truth. Looks for the Lost City of Atlantis and i am the one who sunk it. Because I am the Goddess.
The diamond has a purple eye. Diamonds are the hardest and toughest known substance.
Well i know my mind is gonna cut you and rip you apart from what I've seen. So my eyes are like diamonds. My mind
Our tounges are diamonds. We can slash each other apart.
Or we can acknowledge the riches we have.
My Ultimate Challenge is for the police to create a barricade when necessary. No weapons in hand. Hands on the top of their heads and chant BLM Bruises are the same.
We know black bruises hurt the worst, the same level as red.
Then purple. Then blue. Green and yellow rarely do.
So please fight blindness and inequality with me.
And please post it on the national news and international news. So that we know as a world we all fight together
Whether it's in the couches or in the streets.
Thank you for trying.
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treadmilltreats · 5 years
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Ding, Dong the witch is dead…#45 is 
I don't know why but I keep hearing the Wizard of Oz song in my head…
"Ding, dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch"
Or so we can only hope….Number 45 was finally impeached and has entered the history books in a new category Wednesday: He is the third president in U.S. history to have been impeached by the House.
He follows Andrew Jackson and Bill Clinton on the impeachment list.
This brings to an end the House’s months-long inquiry into whether Trump improperly pressured Ukraine to conduct investigations that would benefit him politically.
 There were two articles he was facing, the first article accused #45 of abusing his power by leveraging the federal government and taxpayer money for his personal and political gain, and the second accused him of obstructing the congressional inquiry into his actions on Ukraine.
So that's the good news but the bad news is that a president who has been impeached by the House can still serve as president.
Yes, many people are shaking their heads and asking Wtf?? But unfortunately it is up to the Senate to hold a trial to decide whether to remove him from office. The two other presidents impeached by the House, Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson, were both acquitted by the Senate and went on as sitting presidents.
So we may be stuck with him but even as all of this has come to light, he still has all of these blind followers and I can't help but to think of Hilter and his blind followers. People blindly following him as he persuaded them that what he was doing was good and right even as he was pushing millions into gas chambers.
During a survey done in 2018 from The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the nation’s premier civil rights organization, showed a rise in hate crimes.
According to the data “ hate crime totals for the 10 largest cities rose forfour straight years to the highest level in a decade.” The NAACP believes there is a direct relationship between the rise in hate crimes exemplified by the continual #LivingWhileBlack incidents and other reported crimes and President Donald J. Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric and racist policies.
More and more blind followers think it is now okay to make fun of people who have disabilities, to bully people who they think are "below" them.That it is okay to lie, to grab women by their pussys and to get rid of anyone who doesn't agree with you even the press. Seriously? And this doesn't sound like Hitler? 
He thinks he is unstoppable even to go as far as not giving over evidence needed in this impeachment. In August of this year at a press conference number 45 turned from reporters, looked to the heavens and proclaimed, "I am the chosen one."
As he truly believes that he is above all consequences but even the "Teflon Don" who never believed he would go to jail and Hitler who also believed he was the "chosen" one  were finally taken down.
For now the rest of us sane people must sit here and pray that the Senate does the right thing and finally gets rid of this laughing stock of the world.
We must try to erase this shit stain on our great country by healing these wounds that he has caused.
We must start by realizing that we need to be a country joined together by love and not hate. That all people are equal and that we all bleed red and we all want the same things for our children and our families, peace and joy.
We must stand up for what is right and call out what is wrong. It can never be right with a sitting president that promotes hate, racism and bullying. So we will wait… for the right thing to be done.
** I know this is a tough time of year so I will be putting this number out there for all that needs it...I have been there and I know how dark it may seem especially during the Christmas season, there is help, it will get better...I am living proof of 
"This too shall pass"**
Please get help, call today:
National Suicide Hotline: 24/7
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 
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