#I care about all of you and I want the best for you
dante-mightdie · 3 days
Okay okay I saw something about cult! Farmer Johnny and my mind spewed this out
Farmer Johnny with a sweet naive girlie who doesn’t know what’s going on ever- like at all- she’s just happy to be taken care of and railed- she doesn’t care about what’s outside of the cult because she’s happy just being a pretty little housewife who gets to pick strawberries and make jam n cute little pies <3
c/w: cult!au, farmer!johnny, smut, breeding kink
the ripple muscle that once adorned his body has soften down into a more soft and bulky build from eating all the food you cook for him. he’s guilty of putting aside the best cuts of meat, the ripest vegetables and juiciest fruits for you. perks of being the compound farmer, I guess
there’s a sharp contrast to you both. johnny’s muddy hands compared to yours softened with flour from the fresh loaf of bread you had baked for dinner tonight. his work leaves him aching and drenched with sweat whilst your role leaves you soft and content for him to return home to, something pretty and pliant to ease his aching muscles after a long day
his hair has long since grown out, far too busy with his duties to maintain his old ‘hawk. besides, you like having something to yank on when he pries your thighs open and eats you out like a man starved when you settle in for bed that night
the rumblings about simon’s wife made him nervous for you, terrified his bonnie might get the same silly ideas about the outside world. that she may one day decide that staying at home, baking scottish desserts and hearty meals for your husband will no longer be enough
little does he know that his wifey is far more concerned about building their home together, cooking meals that are supposed to enhance fertility and sperm count so your johnny can knock you up sooner than rather than later :( you just want a big table of his rugrats so you can cook even bigger meals that won’t be wasted on just the two of you
he’s aged a bit now, not as rowdy as he was when he was a young man where he was show off with complicated positions and over the top dirty talk. he’s much more concerned with simply making his pretty wife cum until her thoughts are filled with nothing but him
flashy positions are swapped out for the classics. they’re classics for a reason, right? johnny is now much more content with putting you on your tummy and shoving a pillow under your hips, grinding and rutting into your cunt whilst he growls about knocking you up, how he wants to come home every day and see your belly grow with his children :(
sigh I want him
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verstappen-cult · 1 day
Just a typical evening / night with Max (and his frat brothers) in the early stages of your relationship.
Content. Major fluff & domestic Max.
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A very long and hot shower and your skincare routine after the exhausting day of classes you just had, sounds like the perfect idea. But as you look down at the message displayed on the screen of your phone, you change route. 
[17:45] Max: Wanna spend the night with me?
You’re going to have to leave early in the morning to have time to go to your apartment and change clothes before your first class of the day, but spending the night with Max is totally worth it. 
The walk to the frat house is not long and in no time you’re standing in front of the door, slightly nervous. It doesn’t matter that you’ve been in the house and met most of his frat brothers a few times before; you always get nervous, hands shaking and butterflies erupting in your stomach just because you know you’ll be seeing him. 
The door opens revealing one of the boys and Max’s best friend. 
“How many times do we have to tell you,” He says as a greeting, grabbing your arm to get you into the house. “that you don’t need to knock? You’re basically one of us.” 
“Hello to you too, Lando.” The boy winks and places a kiss on your forehead before going back to what he was doing before your arrival. “Max is not here yet.” 
With just one look around you know that these boys haven’t cleaned the house in days, if not weeks. You remember Max told you about a party they had a few days ago, so you’re pretty sure they have not done anything besides lie around and go to classes. 
You pick up a couple of empty pizza boxes near the entrance and follow Lando into the living room. “Have you eaten?” 
“Yes,” He tries to smile with a slice of pizza in his mouth, hands busy playing FIFA.
“Something other than cold pizza?” Lando shakes his head, too concentrated on the game to pay attention to you trying to clean around. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Well, hello!” Alex enters the house, followed by George and Oscar. 
“Sorry for the mess.” George gives you a shy smile and a pat on the shoulder, while Oscar waves at you as he plops down next to Lando. 
“All right, I’ll make dinner.” 
They all cheer as you walk into Max’s room at the end of the hallway. 
You make quick work of getting rid of your clothes, changing them for Max’s shirt and sweatpants. You take a moment to breathe in, his scent filling your lungs and providing you a sense of calm. 
You take a few minutes to just lie in bed and text Max to let him know that you’re in the house. If you’re right, he still has half an hour until his last class ends, so you’ll have plenty of time to clean around the house and make some dinner. 
When you join the others, George and Alex are already tidying up and arguing with the two boys who keep playing, ignoring the “please help us” of their friends. You decide to let them be and escape to the kitchen. 
You wash the dishes and get rid of a lot of bad food and empty alcohol bottles before looking in every cabinet for something to cook. There is a lot of alcohol and bags of chips, as expected, but you are lucky enough to find some pasta and frozen vegetables. 
You didn’t notice when Charles and Dani got home, but now one is helping you cook while the other makes some drinks. Oscar grew tired of playing with Lando and is now sitting on the counter telling you all about something that happened during one of his lectures. 
“You should come more often.” Dani says, pouring tequila on a glass. “I’m tired of eating pizza or chips.” 
“You should learn how to cook, then.” 
You immediately turn around, heart hammering in your chest.
And there they are; your favorite pair of blue eyes. 
You want to run and jump into his arms, but feel shy with the boys around. However, Max doesn’t care about anything and simply wraps his arms around your waist from behind, placing a tender kiss on your cheek. 
“Did they force you into this?” He asks, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“Of course not!” Oscar complaints, getting off the counter to remove the pasta from the heat, just to have something to do, really. 
“I missed you.” Max whispers just for you to hear. It makes you blush furiously, a shiver running down your spine. 
“Let’s eat, yes?” 
You eat in the kitchen, next to Max who rests a hand on your thigh while he eats with the other. Some of the boys sit next to you two, others decide to eat standing, resting against the cabinets. It's a pleasant atmosphere, everyone chatting and joking, drinking the weird mix of liquor Dani was pouring a few moments ago. 
Even though it is loud, you and Max are in your own little bubble, turning to face each other between bites of food and sharing shy smiles. 
When the boys decide that it's time to play a drinking game, you and Max retire to his room. 
Brushing your teeth takes longer than usual thanks to Max who doesn’t let you do anything, arms wrapped tightly around you as he kisses your face. He leaves you in the bathroom when you find a little bottle of face cleanser you left not so long ago. 
When you enter his room, he’s sitting on the bed with a book in hand. 
“I cleared a drawer.” Max says suddenly, not taking his eyes off the book. 
You slowly turn around, frowning. “That’s… good?”
“For you.” He clarifies, finally putting his book aside and letting you see his tinted cheeks. 
“A drawer for me?” 
You can’t help the grin that makes its way onto your face. 
Max shrugs, dismissing the importance of his action with a wave of his hand, and goes back to reading. “You can leave some of your clothes here. And I can make space for you in the bathroom, so you can leave some of your skincare things, too.” 
Your eyes light up as you turn around walking to his chest of drawers, pulling open the first one to see it completely clear. You want to scream and kiss him and pinch your arm to make sure you’re not dreaming. But all you do is slide the drawer back into place and walk back to the bed. 
Max follows your every move with a flushed face. 
You pull back the covers and slip underneath, Max immediately lifting his arm for you to curl up against him. 
“Thank you. This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” You say, resting your head on his chest. You feel his sharp intake of breath and fight back a smirk. “You’re a big softie.”
You’re not looking at him, but know that he rolls his eyes. “Shut up or I’m going to place all my shirts back in the drawer.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” He doesn’t say anything, but kisses the top of your head. 
Max loves to read in bed. He said once, not so long ago, that he does it because it reminds him of the summers he used to spend with his mother as a kid. She loved to read to him, and it was Max’s favorite time of the day. 
Watching him read calms you. Watching the way his lips move, repeating the words in silence, or when he’s too invested and makes comments about what is happening, but then remembers that you’re there and apologizes.
“Read to me?” You ask, feeling the exhaustion of the day take over you.
“Of course.” He whispers.
Max rests his hand on your upper arm, caressing your skin, as he begins reading. You don’t really pay attention to what he’s reading, you never do but you love hearing him. His voice is always gentle and calm, and lulls you into a restful slumber. You always wake up rested and energized; sleeping in Max’s arms has that effect. 
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b0r3dtod3ath · 1 day
HEYY,so i really really love flirty cocky possessive lando but at the same time a cute lando😭hmm
i’m not very good at prompts but here’s some idk if they’re good 🤷‍♀️
- bestfriend readers came back to landos house (that he shares w max f and reader because they’re all bffs) and readers been out drinking and came back crying because readers now ex boyfriend cheated on her and lando is such a cutie,(but has romantic feelings for reader just doesn’t know how to tell her) he takes care of her and they go to his bathroom where he places her on a counter, wipes her tears takes her mascara and dress off and gets her one of his hoodies bc he’s very protective of her,and just tells her how she doesn’t need her ex he was a of shit bf and he knows loads of men that would treat her better and being a cutie hugging her and shit and he just takes her to his bed where he just hugs her all night,maybe bc he’s a little upset some prick hurt his girlie like this😭😭
- Lando and reader ‘hating’ each other and bickering when other drivers are around but one day it all changes when some of the grid wake up after having a big party at another drivers house and lando and reader coming out of the same room / or being caught laying with each other the morning after 😁
- pool party with grid but bff lando x reader ?? Everyone thinking lando was seeing multiple girls but after reader starting to get very close with another driver in the pool clingy ,touchy and needy lando comes out,the side of lando nobody knew because he always acted nonchalant with girls and grabs her by the waist (idk this one isn’t very good but you get the idea) and yea you can escalate it from thereeee
- Reader x Bff lando ((again ik) Reader and lando share a house with other friends such as max F) and reader is getting ready for another hopeless date to fill the void of the only man she wanted which was lando ofc.Lando barges into her room when reader is wearing a kinda see through silky bath gown on top of an vs set,only because she was getting ready,obvs she was gonna replace the overlay with her dress after,Lando bursting in was nothing new and she and him was close, they are best friends that sleep one wall away.. and lando kinda checks her out while asking where she was going as he lays on her bed and she tells him about this date and he gets jelaous?!! reader goes into the bathroom to change into her outfit and lando is just says something like “ooooh you really do need to get laid don’t u?” and she jokingly argues back but he gets kinda clingy,upset,annoyed,pissy maybe? starts questioning why she goes on these pointless dates or one night stands then gets so hyped up by her short dress that he goes “do they even make you cum” and she’s at her mirror and he just comes up behind her because she doesn’t respond and becomes touchy bc yh😚
ok srsly i wrote this at almost 3.30am i’m so tired but can’t sleeeeep, i’m sorry if this is a mess but you can tell i have such a thing for reader bff tropes!!! this whole thing MIGHT be useless i’m sorry if you can’t understand any of it btw LOL😁
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request: bestfriend readers came back to landos house (that he shares w max f and reader because they’re all bffs) and readers been out drinking and came back crying because readers now ex boyfriend cheated on her and lando is such a cutie,(but has romantic feelings for reader just doesn’t know how to tell her) he takes care of her and they go to his bathroom where he places her on a counter, wipes her tears takes her mascara and dress off and gets her one of his hoodies bc he’s very protective of her,and just tells her how she doesn’t need her ex he was a of shit bf and he knows loads of men that would treat her better and being a cutie hugging her and shit and he just takes her to his bed where he just hugs her all night,maybe bc he’s a little upset some prick hurt his girlie like this😭😭
a/n: I'm so sorry it took so long to reply to your request. Thank you and I love your message! I hope you are still interested in reading this. I wrote just one part but I definitely will be coming back to this request! 
Lando was laying on the couch, scrolling through his phone, when he heard the front door creak open. He glanced up, expecting to see Max or you. Instead, he was met with the sight of you stumbling through the doorway in makeup ruined by tears streaming down your face.
"Hey, what's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" Lando asked, jumping up and rushing over to you.
You tried to speak, but all that came out was a choked sob. Lando gently took your hand and guided you further inside, closing the door behind you. His heart ached at the sight of you so broken. "Come on, let's sit down," he said softly, leading you to the couch. You collapsed onto it, burying your face in your hands - avoiding his look. "He broke up with me," you finally managed to say between sobs. "He did it in front of half of our friends, and I… I just can't believe he could humiliate me like that and that we are over”. 
Lando's jaw clenched in anger at the thought of your ex-boyfriend's cruelty, but he pushed those feelings aside. Right now, you were in need of his comfort, not his rage. "I'm so sorry," he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. "You don't deserve to be treated like that”. You leaned into him, your body shaking with sobs. "You are the best person I know, and he was an idiot to let you go. You deserve someone who will treat you with the love and respect you deserve” Lando said firmly, lifting your chin so you would look at him. You sniffled, more tears streaming down your face. "Thank you, Lando. I don't know what I would do without you”. 
Lando's heart swelled at your words. He had always had feelings for you, but he had never expressed them in fear of ruining your friendship. When you got into a relationship it was a bit easier for him as he kept telling himself that you found someone you loved. Seeing you so broken, he knew he needed to be there for you, no matter what.
"Let's get you cleaned up," he said gently, helping you to your feet. He led you to the bathroom, lifting you onto the counter. He didn’t know how to execute your routine and started confusingly looking through your cabinets. You giggled at the sight of him being lost and with a quiet voice instructed him what to do. He was wiping away your tears and makeup as if you were made out of porcelain. "You don't need him," Lando said softly as you cried even more. "He was a piece of shit, and you deserve so much better. You know it”. You sniffled, the pain in your chest easing slightly at his comforting words. "Thank you, Lando”. He smiled, a bittersweet feeling tugging at his heart as he looked into your bloody eyes.
"Let’s get changed," he said, carefully unzipping your dress and helping you slip into one of his hoodies. It brought you a sense of comfort. Not only because of its size and softness but also because it smelled like Lando. He pulled you into a gentle hug, his arms wrapping around you protectively. "You don't need him," he repeated softly, resting his chin on top of your head. "I know so many guys who would treat you the way you deserve to be treated." You clung to him with your face buried in his chest, finding comfort in his embrace. "You're the best, Lando," you whispered, your voice trembling slightly.
His heart ached at the thought of you hurting as he ran his hand up and down your back. "You need some rest," he said, guiding you to your bedroom.
Lando pulled back the covers and helped you into your bed before climbing in beside you. He wrapped his arms around you once more, pulling you close. "I'll be right here," he murmured. "I'm not going anywhere”. As you drifted off to sleep, comforted by his presence, Lando stayed awake for a while longer, his mind racing. He was upset that someone had hurt you so deeply, but he was also determined to be there for you, to show you how much you meant to him. "You're going to be okay," he whispered into the darkness, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "I promise”. 
June 10, 2024
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nurse-sainz · 17 hours
Unexpected Arrival - Part 2
Pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
Warnings: none. Pure cheese!
Part one here
After unexpectedly giving birth in Max’s driver room, you get used to life with a new baby!
Tagging: everyone who wanted a part 2 - @vivwritesfics @shelbyteller @madd1115 @dreamerrosie @mbioooo0000
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Lando came further into the room and leant at your side. “How the hell did you keep this quiet?” He gently ran his finger over the little girls cheek.
You shook your head, still not understanding the situation fully yourself, still in shock.
Max looked between you and Lando, torn between what to do. He didn’t want to leave you and his newborn daughter, but he also knew he had duties to fulfill. Truth be told, he didn’t give a shit about the trophy and podium ceremony, nothing else really mattered in that moment other than his family.
His team manager appeared at the door then, alerted by the commotion and whispers. He crouched in front of the pair of you, staring at the baby clutched to your chest, “I heard the news but I didn’t believe it! Max, we can get the podium done now and then you’re free. Debrief and media duties can wait.”
He looked at you and then his daughter, ”I have to go, but I’ll be right back,” he promised as he leaned in and placed a kiss to your temple and a gentle kiss to the crown of your baby’s head. “I won’t be long.”
You nodded, understanding he still had stuff to do and no one could have expected this. You didn’t even know how you were going to announce it to the world, however you knew it probably wouldn’t be a secret for much longer with Lando knowing. If he had it his way, he’d probably announce it like the birth from the Lion King.
Lando helped Max to his feet, giving him a clap on the back before he pulled him in for a hug, “congratulations, mate.” With a hand on each other's backs, they walked out of the room and you were left alone with the medics.
One of the medics replaced the space Max had just left, “we need to get you to the hospitals now.”
”No,” you said firmly, “I’m not going without Max.”
“There’s no sign of bleeding and both mom and baby are stable, so we could wait?” the other medic suggested.
You turned your attention to the TV that was still playing in the background as you heard the podium ceremony begin and the tannoy announce the winners. You didn’t care who was in the room with you, all that mattered in that moment was your daughter. Cuddling her closer to your chest you explained what was happening on screen, not that she knew or understood anything that was going on. ”That’s uncle Carlos, he’s in third place,” you explained, “and that silly man there is uncle Lando, you’ve already met him. Don’t listen to a word he says.”
Then Max appeared on screen, his smile wide as he climbed on top of the podium. “And that’s your daddy, he’s champion of the world. He loves you so much already, more than you’ll ever know.”
The Dutch National anthem played and you couldn’t describe the look on Max’s face, it was a moment you wanted to capture forever in your mind. Lando absolutely covered him in champagne, celebrating more than his win, although the rest of the world was yet to find out about your little miracle.
Max practically ran back to your side, he rushed around cleaning himself the best he could and changing into a clean pair of jeans and sweatshirt while the medics got you and your daughter secured on a stretcher.
Suddenly it dawned on you that the moment you stepped out of those doors, the cameras would be on you, Max and the baby. Call it motherly instinct but you wanted to protect your baby at all costs, this isn’t the introduction you wanted for her to the world.
You didn’t have to worry though. That girl had an army behind her and she didn’t even know it. Lando stood at the door, a grin spread across his face. Sure, he’d told the entire grid, but as you were wheeled out of the drivers room, an army of Ferrari red, papaya and blue stood shielding you from any prying eyes. Sure, the news was out but you and Max had just that little while longer of it just being the three of you until you were ready.
Call it pregnancy hormones, but you couldn’t help it as a tear escaped your eyes. The trip to the hospital was quick and before you knew it you were there. With you and the baby checked over and safe, the three of you were left alone in the room.
Max was on the bed with you, his arm wrapped protectively around the pair of you. His eyes were filled with so much love as he stared at your daughter.
“She’s perfect,” you said as she gently fussed in your arms.
She stilled quickly enough as Max ran a finger up and down her cheek, “shh, you’re okay baby.”
“We need to think of a name. We can’t keep calling her baby!”
Now that was a whole other issue. Most people had at least 8 months to think of a name, and now you had to name this little stranger.
“What about Amelia?” you suggested.
The pair of you looked down at her but she didn’t look like an Amelia.
“How about, Lily?” Max supplied this time.
She gave a little gurgle at that.
“Well, I think she likes that!”
“Lily Sophia Verstappen,” you added the middle name.
“It’s perfect,” Max replied, his voice full of emotion as he pulled you both closer.
The next day you were allowed home, well to your hotel room until you could take Max’s jet back, both with a clean bill of health. Your hotel room was filled with gift baskets from all the teams on the grid. There was a red baby grow and a teddy wearing a Ferrari shirt from Charles and Carlos, a Red Bull onesie from uncle Checo. There was a papaya coloured baby grow that you knew you’d have to put the baby in to send pictures to Lando. You basically had a baby grow or bib from every team on the grid, which you knew Max would begrudgingly put her in (he loved it really). You may be biased but the stuff from your Red Bull family was the best, a kangaroo plush from Danny, Yuki got you the most beautiful decals for her room that wasn’t even set up and of course the mini race suit onesie from Checo.
After a few days of it just being the three of you and you’d settled into a routine with Lily, you were ready to announce Lily Sophia Verstappen to the world.
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starlostseungmin · 2 days
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✰ notes: here concludes my husband!skz series with hyunjin. i hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing everyone! not proofread and not edited. DO NOT FORGET TO REBLOG, COMMENT AND LEAVE TAGS! thank you <33
seungmin , chan , lee know , jeongin , han , changbin , felix( hyunjin )
Husband Hyunjin whom everyone expected to make a grand proposal, prepared a simple candlelight dinner in your shared apartment and cooked your favorite meals. You thought it was just a usual dinner date at home which you’d do sometimes. He suddenly got down on one knee and opened a small box with a diamond ring, “Will you be my everlasting muse? The one who would love to spend the rest of their life with me?” 
Husband Hyunjin who cried and hugged you tightly as he thanked you for saying yes. 
Husband Hyunjin who was the happiest and got emotional during the weddingーmentally screaming, hair-ripping, toe-curling, exaggerated excitement (sincere), and deeply in thought about how he would spend an eternity with you. 
Husband Hyunjin who loves to stare at you while talking, especially on your lips thinking how much he wants to kiss you. His kisses start with innocent, soft, and warm then later change into intimate, hot, and intoxicating which makes you get addicted to them. 
Husband Hyunjin who loves to be babied and cuddled when he’s tired or just wants to be a small spoon whenever he feels like it. He’d refuse to go to work just to stay in bed all day with you. 
Husband Hyunjin whose dates consist of visiting art museums, picnics, watching musicals or movies, evening strolls, and road trips. Sometimes it gets over the moon when he decides to take you to (country) because you’ve been dying to visit the place. He giggled nonstop when he surprised you that he bought the tickets. 
Husband Hyunjin who would always bring his sketchbook and camera on dates just to take a picture of you or make his hand busy sketching a portrait of you just because he finds you beautiful every time. He will show them to you when he’s done. The pictures or sketches will be hung on your shared apartment's wall for safekeeping and memories. 
Husband Hyunjin who drives you crazy when he’s just doing normal things like simply unbuttoning his polo, rolling up his sleeves, taking off his jacket showing his bodybuild especially when he wears a tanktop inside, brushing his bangs upward, dancing? It would add fuel to the fire when he kisses you like a man starved from your touch. 
Husband Hyunjin who brings you food and medicine when you get sick. He will probably take his day off from work depending on how fast your recovery is that it would take days for him to sit there and take care of you. The type to make sure that you won’t die since he would end up grieving so hard. “It’s just a mild flu, Hyunjin.” “Are you sure?” 
Husband Hyunjin who is loud and dramatic whenever he realizes he got betrayed, lost a game, or is just being dumb (lovingly). He and Jisung are a perfect match and you’re the one who actually gets in between. 
Husband Hyunjin who gets shy whenever you compliment him but sometimes he would feel a blast of confidence that he gives you a wink as a response and becomes flirty.
Husband Hyunjin who loves to make a fool of himself, vocabulary just consists of memes (you can blame Han and Felix for that) cringes at his own cuteness and regrets it later just to make you laugh. 
Husband Hyunjin who lets you play with his long hair. He loves it when you do pigtails. You often tease him that he looks like Boo from Monsters Inc. 
Husband Hyunjin whom Kkami wants to disown. 
Husband Hyunjin who tries his hardest to comfort you as best as he can whenever he sees you being vulnerable in trying times. Promised not to leave you alone until you feel better, crack a dad joke he got from Chan to lift the atmosphere (which is effective by the way) and take you to his arms, whispering how he is proud of you. 
Husband Hyunjin who made a playlist filled with songs that make him think about you, scream your vibe, and the ones that would portray his exact feelings. Sometimes he would write down lyrics about how lovesick and hopeless romantic he is. All songs and melodies are heavily inspired by you. 
Husband Hyunjin who loves to send you selfies, videos of him taken by the members that serve husband material, and voice messages whenever he’s abroad because he misses you so much that he cries himself to sleep and can’t wait to go home. It’s also necessary to send you short vlogs and pictures of sceneries of the places he went without you because of work and leave messages like, “This reminds me of you.” “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Let’s visit this place together soon!” “I’m sure you’d like these souvenirs I got you!” “The food out here is great! Treat me here soon!” 
Husband Hyunjin whose love languages are words of affirmation, physical touch, gift-giving, quality time, and acts of service. 
Husband Hyunjin who loves to spoil you even if you tell him not to spend a lot of money on you but he won’t listen and insists on accepting them. 
Husband Hyunjin who doesn’t admit his mistakes during the first few minutes of the argument but later apologizes over and over again and promises never to do it again. He’s also the type that is hard to make up with but he can’t keep it up for hours and just cuddles you whispering “I’m sorry, I’ll do better.” 
Husband Hyunjin who gets jealous easily and is possessive whenever he sees you having a good time with his members. “I’m yours, Hyunjin. Don’t worry.” You’d say but you know that is not enough for him so he’d show you to whom you belong (affectionately, or depending on how you both want it).
Husband Hyunjin who refused to get a divorce when you felt that your marriage was falling apart because he couldn’t imagine his life without you. He won’t let go of you easily and you didn’t even make any attempts to leave him. 
Husband Hyunjin who is careful whenever in talks of having kids because your decision matters in this relationship but he would reassure you that if you ever wanted to have one, he will be the best dad your kid could ask for. 
Husband Hyunjin who is the most precious, kind, and pure to your heart that you wouldn’t even want to live a life without him. He is the moon and stars to your night, the sunshine after the rain, the rose amongst the thorns, and the pretty shells you find on a beach where no one knows. 
Husband Hyunjin who holds your hand and intertwines your fingers as he kisses your knuckles saying, “I love you.” 
Husband Hyunjin whose wedding vows are not enough to show how much he would love to spend his entire life with you. “I fucking love you so fucking much and we’re married, you can’t leave. You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not!” 
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✰ taglist: @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly , @sleepyleeji , @starseungs , @midsoulz , @oddracha , @armystay89 , @lashaemorow
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pitchsidestories · 3 days
the favourite II Aitana Bonmatí x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2349
a/n: hi everyone, this oneshot is a longer one, so get cozy. <3
The golden hour has just begun in the beautiful city of Barcelona, you were finally done with correcting your student’s paper, so you were able to continue reading the book on the sofa, which was the perfect way to clock off of work in your opinion.
The happy mood slightly shifted when you thought back to the phone call you had with your girlfriend earlier that day. Aitana told you she was injured and that she was coming back home this evening.
You felt guilty, because partly you were happy about the fact that your lover was about to return to you, this year has been a lot for her work wise, and you rarely got time to spend together as a couple, apart from you trying to be there in the stands at every home game or final. It didn’t surprise you that the midfielder’s body was exhausted from all of this.
On the other hand, Aitana loved playing football so much, so it would be hard to not see her doing what she was so passionate about. You realized reading at this point was impossible, there were too many thoughts running through your mind.
“Hola, mi amor.”, you greeted her warmly, as you heard her opening the front door.
“Hola.”, the football player replied in a cheerful tone which tried to hide the disappointment the brunette felt.
Immediately you jumped off the sofa to give her a much-needed hug. “How are you? I know you had to leave national team camp early.”
“It’s nothing too bad, don’t worry.”, Aitana reassured you with a weak smile on her lips.
“But I do worry a little.”, you admitted concerned while running a hand through your girlfriends open hair, something you knew she liked, because it had a soothing effect on her.
You caught her looking at the papers which were still laying on your kitchen table, so you added quickly:” Sorry, I’ll take those to my office.”
“No, it’s fine. Stay, you’re busy.”, the midfielder slowly shook her head.
“I’m actually done with going through them. My students wrote about their role models, and I spotted some familiar names quite a few times.”, you remembered, smiling fondly at the memory.
“Oh really? Like whose names?”, Aitana looked up curiously.
“Like Patri, Alexia, Salma, but you’ve been mentioned the most. Wait-”, you counted them off on your fingers. You proudly showed your girlfriend the texts which were about her.
“I didn’t know your students cared so much about football, specifically women’s football.”, the midfielder muttered amazed, while devouring the handwritten pages.
“I know, the view definitely changed in recent years… Remember when we were at school and no one seemed to care about women’s football?”, you asked, thinking back to the time when you and Aitana met for the first time. You were best friends in school, always stuck together. Until things changed in your teenage years.
Unhappily, your girlfriend put the papers back on the table: “They always said that we can’t play with the boys.”
“Or that we would never be as good as them.“, you added. “Which I was okay with because I always preferred books over balls, but I admired you for not listening to these voices.”
You had loved a good football match when you were younger, but you never had the same burning desire to play that Aitana possessed.
“That’s all I ever wanted to do, kick a ball around.”, Aitana shrugged and even though a lot had changed since your school days, you felt reminded of the younger Aitana. The quiet girl that defiantly fought for her right to play football.
You smiled softly: “I know, and it got you very far.”
“I never knew it would.”, Aitana replied, clearly lost in her own thoughts about her career.
“But it did.” You took a deep breath. The idea that had been floating around your head since you read the papers started to take form on the tip of your tongue. “Could you do me a favour?”
“Sure, which one?”, your girlfriend answered quickly.
“Maybe you could visit my class to talk a bit about your life as a football player? It would mean the world to them. You’re clearly one of their favorites.” You nodded in the direction of the pages piled on the table.
Aitana did not answer. She stared at you speechlessly until she found her voice a second later: “Your students want to see… me?”
She looked so surprised that you had to bite back a laugh. “Yes, they would love that.”
Aitana beamed: “Sure. Of course I’m coming.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
You leaned over for a quick kiss: “I really appreciate it.”
“It’s a pleasure.”
“But for now…”
Your girlfriend raised her eyebrows in expectancy: “Yes?”
“Cuddles?”, you asked innocently, ready to wrap your arms around her.
“Please.”, she smiled. You threw yourself against her body, tightly hugging her.
Laughing, Aitana let herself fall backwards against the armrest of the sofa so you could lay on top of her.
She started to run her fingers across your back: “This is nice.”
Your girlfriend paused for a moment, before adding with a smirk on her lips:” But not as comfortable as in our bed.”
“You’re right let’s go to our bedroom.”, you agreed as you helped her getting into a standing position.
“Coming.”, Aitana answered. With a soft sigh the midfielder landed on your double bed.
“This is so much better.”, she declared, eyes closed. The bedding felt pleasantly cool underneath her body while you laid down next to her.  
“Perfect.”, you mumbled. Grinning you continued:” Do you want me to read out to you a little?”
“Sure.”, the football player nodded, there was nothing in the world she found more soothing than listening to your voice.
“Okay.”, you happily obliged to it. After a couple of pages, you realized that your girlfriend was becoming sleepy. Quietly you put your book on the nightstand.
“Sleep well, Tana.”
“Night.”, Aitana whispered before inevitably sleep took it’s hold over her.
In the mornings you were always the first of you two to get up, as you needed to be ready for school. Much to your own surprise you realized that the midfielder was awake too:” Good morning.”
“Morning, amor.”, she replied, before placing a sweet kiss to your mouth.
“You know that you can still stay in bed, right?”, you muttered blushing. After all those years the brunette still had that effect on you.
“I know, but I couldn’t sleep anymore.”, Aitana admitted smiling sheepishly.
“I guess I’ll make two cups of coffees this morning.”, you remarked.
“Please.”, your girlfriend responded. When the dark-haired woman was holding the warm drink in her hand, she thanked you with another kiss.
“You’re welcome.”, you replied, enjoying one of the rare mornings you both had together.
You wished you could enjoy that moment for a little bit longer but looking at the clock on the wall you cursed under your breath:” Oh shit, I need to go!”
“Have fun. I’ll see you later.”, Aitana winked at you.
“Bye.”, you blew her a kiss, before making your way out of your home, ready for another day with your classes which were all dear to your heart.
The day arrived when Aitana was about to meet them for a lesson, you beamed excited at her:” Ready, love?”
“Ready.”, she nodded, your girlfriend was glad to have some distraction from her injury for at least the upcoming two hours. For a second you pressed her hand encouragingly, before leading her into the classroom.
“Good morning, everyone. Today we’ve a very special guest.”, you announced cheerfully.
A young girl with blonde hair called Imma sat in the front row and gasped audibly: “Oh my god, Aitana!“
She stared at the football player with widened eyes.
Your girlfriend smiled politely before introducing herself: “Hi, I’m Aitana Bonmatí. I’m a football player for FC Barcelona.“
“Can we ask her some questions?“, Jordi asked curiously. You knew that the lanky boy had vast interest in all kinds of football, no matter if the players were male or female.
You nodded, watching as his eyes sparkled in excitement: “Sure, that’s why she came.“
“Go ahead.“, Aitana prompted, trying to get the children to ask questions.
Imma raised her hand hesitantly: “From where do you know, Miss y/l/n?“
Your girlfriends gaze subconsciously drifted into your direction. You shared a smile for a split second.
With an eye-roll, Jordi complained: “That’s such a boring question, Imma!“
“I think that’s a very good question. We went to school together years ago.“, Aitana answered the question truthfully.
Jordi snorted: “Was she reading books back then too?“
You had to stop yourself from telling him, once again that reading was not only good for them but also a lot of fun. You tried to encourage your class to read every chance they got.
Before you could say anything, Aitana grinned: “Oh yes. She always loved books.“
“But I can play a bit too.“, you added innocently.
“Yeah. She’s pretty good.“, your girlfriend had to agree.
For once, Jordi was silent, looking from you to Aitana and back. A challenging smile appeared on his face: “We need to see that after class. But how did it feel to win the Ballon d’Or?“
“Amazing. It was a great honour but I couldn’t have done it without my team.“
“And you also won the Champions League!“, a red-haired girl interrupted with a big toothy grin.
“Yes, that was amazing too.“, the football player nodded.
Julias cheeks turned almost as red as her hair from exhilaration: “So cool!“
“I’m lucky to have such a great team around me.“, you heard Aitana say and you almost grimaced at how humble she was in front of your students.
Julia immediately followed with the next question, not allowing your girlfriend a break: “Do you have a favourite teammate? And is it Rolfö?“
Aitana laughed, surprised by the question: “I have a lot of favourite teammates. And Frido is one of them. She’s great, very sweet.“
“Like a team mum?“, Imma piped up.
“A bit, yes.“
“That’s cute.“, Imma commented happily.
“But we have a lot of people who can step up as team mums.“, the midfielder continued.
“Aitana, how’s your injury?”, Jordi changed the subject to a more serious one.
“It’s not too bad. They just wanted to be careful, so it doesn’t get worse.”, the midfielder waved it off in a reassuring way.
“Oh, good.”, he sighed relieved.
 “So now I’m here and can hang out with you guys.”, Aitana clapped enthusiastically her hands.
“Exactly.”, you smiled proudly at her.  
“Sorry, did you want to continue, amor?”, your girlfriend looked at you expectantly.
“No, I just wanted to say that the class is ending soon.”, you shook your head.
“Any more questions?”, the football player turned her attention to your students again.
“Can we play now?”, Jordi asked her innocently.
“Of course. Let’s go and play some football.”, Aitana agreed, her eyes mirroring the excitement of the little boy who was very thrilled to play with a Barcelona player.
On her way out, she couldn’t help but to tease you in front of the children:” Let’s see how good your teacher still is.”
“I’ll show you!”, you laughed.
“Prove it.”, the midfielder gave you a playful challenging look.
One of your students was handing you the football, so you did one of the football tricks you still knew before kicking it into the empty goal, making the boys and girls erupt into a loud cheer.
“See? She didn’t forget anything.”, Aitana said, her voice full of admiration.
“Wow.”, Jordi followed your moves with the football amazed.
“Not, bad, right?”, Aitana questioned him amused.
“Not as good as you are though.”, you whispered into her ear.
“Oh, if you got paid to play football all day, you’d also be good.”, she stated firmly.
“Yes, but I love my job, just look at their eyes.”, you replied, your girlfriend did what you asked her to do. The girls and boys faces lit up while playing football in front of one of their idols.
Afterwards she looked back at you in adoration: “I only must look in your eyes. You were made to work with children. They adore you.”
You weren’t even a big Taylor Swift fan, but your friends and the older students were and there was a line in one of her songs, which you quietly sung to her, before you looped the ball over the midfielder:” You know how to ball, I know Aristotle.”
“Excuse me?! What was that?!”, Aitana’s mouth fell wide open.
“I don’t know how I did it either!”, you confessed.
“That was impressive as hell!”, Jordi told you.
With sparkling eyes, Imma demanded: “Do it again!“
“Yes, do it again.“, Aitana smirked.
“Like this?“, you asked before trying to play the ball over the worlds best female footballer again. This time, you were less lucky and the ball came at the perfect height for Aitana to easily head it back to you.
“Oh no, it didn’t work.“ Julia sounded slightly disappointed.
You shrugged, trying to use the opportunity to teach your students a valuable lesson: “The good thing is, one can always try again.“
Aitana instead winked at them: “Don’t worry, I’ll teach her at home.“
Imma frowned in confusion: “At home? Do you two live together?“
“Are you stupid? She called her amor earlier!“, Jordi groaned.
The smaller girls eyes widened: “She did?“
Aitana smiled at you, subtly linking your pinkies together: “She’s my best friend but also my girlfriend.“
“Oh.“ Julia made a delighted sound.
Jordi rolled his eyes: “They love each other, it’s so obvious, girls.“
And then he was back to kicking the ball around. Julia and Imma quickly chased after him, trying to get the ball.
You and your girlfriend stood in comfortable silence, still holding hands and watching the children run around you.
In this moment you were hit with the realization that this was exactly all you ever wanted from life.
383 notes · View notes
alvojake · 22 hours
Rough Me Up | P.JS
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「pairing」 : bf!jay x fem!reader 「word count」 : 4.2k
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「synopsis」 : you and jay have been together for a few years and you couldn't be happier, but there's was something about your sex life that was just too plain. too vanilla. you wanted something more, but you were scared to ask so you rant to your best friend, only this is..... jay heard everything and he plans on giving you everything you want and more.
「genre」 : smut, tinge of fluff
「warnings」 : MINORS NOT INTERACT!!, cussing, mentions of porn, making out, degration, praising, petnames (princess, baby, love, slut, good girl...), choking, breath play, begging, oral (f. receiving), biting/marking, fingering, manhandling, dom!jay x sub!reader, slight teasing, cum eating, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, cream pie, hair pulling, spitting, bulge kink, breeding kink, lmk if I missed anything!
「notes」 : I would like to wish a very beautiful girl a very happy birthday! happy birthday nessa (aka @heeslomll) I hope you've had an amazing day and that you enjoy this fic I pulled together as a present! I love you sm and can't wait to hear what you think 🤭
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“You don’t get it Nia,” You pinched the bridge of your nose, eyes closed as you paced the ground by the end of you and Jay’s shared bed, “you and Jungwon actually have an interesting sex life.” you could recall the times that she had called gushing about all of the new things that they would try, whether you really wanted to know or not.
“Then talk to him girl, it wouldn’t hurt and hey maybe he’s just been scared you wouldn’t be into it.” Nia shrugged from the other side of the phone, she had heard this conversation from you countless times. Even more here as of late because you had just got off your period and were going insane because of ovulation.
You groaned once more, “what am I supposed to tell him? ‘Hey Jay I’m tired of the boring shit you should tie me up and fuck me till I pass out’ or maybe ‘I want you to pull my hair and spit in my mouth’.” 
Nia burst out laughing on the other side of the phone causing you to roll your eyes as you walked over to the window. The thoughts of Jay doing all of those things to you were making you all hot and bothered, your thighs subconsciously rubbing together to try and relieve some of the pressure.
“Girl, how much porn have you been watching?” She asked between laughter, “just ask him if he would consider it, you know how much he cares about you y/n.” 
You sigh, shaking your head. You knew she was right, that all you had to do was talk to Jay about it, but you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by it. What if he thought that you didn’t enjoy the sex that you did have? Or what if he thought you were weird for being into the more kinkier side of things?
Clearing your throat you just decided that you would just keep your mouth shut, too embarrassed. Biting at your bottom lip you just told Nia that you would call her later and she sighed before saying goodbye and hanging up.
Your whole body felt warm, needing to fill your veins, but Jay was downstairs cooking dinner so you weren’t going to bother him. Trying to shake the feeling off a bit so you could take a shower to maybe cool off, you turned only for your breath to hitch in your throat.
Jay stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed over his chest. Your heart started to race, heat creeping up your neck, praying that he had just gotten there and didn’t hear a word of your conversation. Your tongue jutted out to wet your lips as you tried your best to keep his intense eye contact.
“H-Hey baby,” You cured yourself for stuttering, instantly giving yourself away. “Is dinner done?” You tried to keep your voice steady as you watched him push off of the door frame, walking towards you.
All of the hairs on your body stood up as Jay made his way closer, his eyes bore into you like a wolf stalking a rabbit. Swallowing thickly you started to back away with every step that he made towards you.
Your heart was beating loud enough that you were sure that he could hear it and your face felt so warm that you started to wonder how you hadn’t passed out yet.
“Jay?” You called out his name as your back came into contact with the wall, stopping your movements. “What are you-”
“You know…” He cut your words short as he closed the space between you, hand pressed against the wall next to your head taking in the panic in your eyes. Your heart nearly stopped when he leaned down until his lips were right next to your ear, “I never thought my sweet little princess was such a nasty slut.”
Your eyes went wide as he backed away to meet your eyes once more, he had heard the conversation. So many things started to spiral in your head, did he really think that? Had you grossed him out? 
All of those thoughts came to a screeching halt when he grabbed your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting your head up until his lips were merely inches away from yours. Your eyes flutter closed waiting for him to close the space between you. However, he doesn't instead he rubs your bottom lip with his thumb, prompting you to open your eyes.
“Is that something you really want, princess?” He asked, eyes searching yours as you looked up at him. Not having the courage to speak the words you went with nodding your head softly, but Jay just shook his, “I’mma need to hear you say it love.” His voice dropped an octave making your knees weak.
Swallowing thickly, “yes, I want this Jay. Please.” your voice was merely a whisper, but the male had heard it nonetheless. 
“Good girl.” Jay’s voice was like honey, coxing you into a trance. Your eyes fluttered closed once more as he closed the gap between the both of you, stealing the air from your lungs. His lips were soft against yours, moving slowly as his hand moved from your chin to encase your throat causing a small squeak to leave you lips, but it was quickly swallowed by his lips.
“Jay.” You whined as he pulled his lips away from yours trailing down your jaw, nipping at the skin. The hand around your throat moved away allowing him to leave wet, hot kisses along your jugular. 
You could feel your panties growing wetter and wetter by the second as his hands roamed your body, squeezing your hips before trailing down to your thighs.Before you could even process it Jay lifted you off of your feet, hoisting you up his hip. In seconds Jay’s lips were back on yours as he walked towards the bed, laying you down on the soft mattress. Small whines fell from your lips as his hands wandered from your inner thigh to your core, pressing down enough to elicit an actual moan from your lungs.
Jay pulled away from you so he could take in your dazed eyes, your kiss swollen lips and how your chest rose and fell with ragged breaths. He had been holding back for so long, thinking that you wouldn’t like how rough he could be, but seeing how desperately you had wanted it when you were on the phone with your friend. It was driving him crazy thinking about how much he could ruin you.
His eyes followed your hands as you reached for the hem of his shirt, but he was quick to grab your wrists, holding them in place.
“Here’s the deal baby,” He looked down at you with a lust filled gaze causing you to bite your lip, “if you want this, we’re doing things my way, meaning…” Dropping your hands he grabbed your thighs pulling your lower body flush against his and a gasp escaped from your lips as you felt his erection against your clothed core. “You just be a good girl and listen.”
You nodded quickly, the need to have him touch you growing way too strong to care. Jay smirked knowing that you were already losing yourself, making his job a bit easier. Biting his lip he leaned back over you, pressing his bulge against you, watching your eyes roll slightly. 
His hands moved to the hem of your shorts, fingers looping around the band to pull them down. Your whole body was tingling with excitement, you weren’t sure what to expect but you were going to take anything and everything that he has to offer you.
“Jay, please.” You whined, lifting your hips slightly, your body shivering when you felt him against you.
Chuckling, Jay made quick work of your sleep shorts and underwear, leaving your bottom half completely bare. Once the articles of clothing were discarded elsewhere in the room, he moved down until he was face-to-face with your dripping cunt. Your heated gaze followed after him, watching in anticipation.
“Oh you’re dripping baby,” He teased as he spread your folds, taking in the way your hole clenched around nothing. A gasp fell from your lips when buried his face in your cunt, nose bumping your clit as he inhaled your scent. “Fuck princess, you smell so sweet.”
Your thighs already started to tremble when he licked a stripe up your slit before wrapping his lips around your clit. A loud moan ripped through your throat when he started to devour your pussy like it was his last meal.
“Fuck Jay!” You cried out, your hand flying to his head, finger gripping on his hair. You back arched off of the bed, pushing your hips further into his face causing him to groan. Jay was quick to press his hand flat down on your stomach, keeping you in place.
Choked moans fall from your lips as your head falls back, fingers gripping Jay’s hair tightly. The pain only spurred Jay on further.
Sparks flew across your vision as he moved down to your slit, tongue moving along your velvet walls while his nose rubbed your clit in ways that left you seeing stars. Your orgasm was right on the tip of your tongue and your legs shook on either side of his head.
“F-Fuck! Jay!” You cried out as your body started to spasm, toes curling as your orgasm washed over you. Your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head as he moves back up to your clit, sucking on it harshly. “Jay, ‘s too much.” Whimpers fall from your lips as he keeps up his pace throwing your body into overstimulation.
“You can take it baby,” He pulled away, allowing your vision to focus for a moment, until his fingers started to trace your entrance. “This is what you wanted after all.” Then he slipped his middle and ring finger inside of your soaping cunt with little to no resistance. Your back started to arch once more, but his hand on your stomach pressed down firmly causing you to whine.
“J-Jay… fuck!” You moaned out as the pace of his fingers picked up, rubbing one picurlier spot which left you lying there breathless. “Jay, shit please.” 
Jay didn’t say a word as he latched his lips back to your clit, completely losing himself in the taste of you.
Your heartbeat was ringing in your ears as your mouth gaped open, your head falling back. Stars danced across your vision, your whole body shaking underneath Jay’s hold. The pace of his fingers was relentless as he easily found the spongy spot inside your pussy, making you cry out his name. Your whole body tingled as all of your senses became overwhelmed, thighs trembling, threatening to close. Noticing this, Jay took his hand from your stomach to grip one of your thighs tightly.
You weren’t able to give him a warning as you came around his fingers, as he continued to suck on your clit in time with his fingers. Feeling you squeeze around his fingers as you cried out his name left Jay groaning against you.
“Fuck baby, you came so much.” He cooed at you as his fingers continued to work into your sensitive cunt, prolonging your orgasm until you shook tremendously.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall as he rubs your sweet spot once more. Your hand falls from his hair to grab at his wrist, hoping to pull his hand away from your sensitive pussy.
“Come on, princess, give me one more.” He smirked as he kissed his way up your tummy, moving your shirt out of the way. You whined when his thumb made contact with your clit, your head falling back, allowing Jay to latch his lips to the soft skin of your neck.
“Jay, I can’t, please.” You whimpered as you clenched around his fingers once more, your orgasm right on the horizon, but Jay just sped his fingers up more, causing a choked moan to fall from your lips.
“Take it like a good girl, and stop whining.” He growled against your skin, making your head spin at the tone. Moving away from your neck, he hovered over you, taking in the fucked out expression on your face with a smug smirk. “You are a good girl, right?” He asked, watching in amusement when you shook your head vigorously, biting your bottom lip.
After a few more strokes of his fingers, you came undone around Jay’s fingers for the second time, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as silent screams fall from your lips. Jay’s fingers move along your silky walls, helping you ride out your orgasm.
Your chest heaved as Jay pulled his drenched digits from your core, bringing them up to tap on your bottom lip, looking at you expectantly. You looked at him with dazed, wide eyes.
“Go on, clean my fingers; this is your mess, after all.” He raised an eyebrow, tapping your lips once more, prompting you to open them. He watched with a smirk as you allowed him to stick his soaked fingers into your mouth.
Wrapping your lips around his fingers, tongue dancing around his digits. Your brain nearly short-circuited at the taste of your own release. Jay bit back a groan, his pants becoming uncomfortably tight.
Once he deemed his fingers clean enough, he pulled them from your mouth, watching the string of saliva grow thin until it snapped. You breathed deeply as he moved away from your body, tugging at the strings of his sweatpants.
Your eyes stayed trained on his body as he pulled his shirt over his head, allowing you to ogle at his toned stomach. Feeling your eyes on him, Jay looks over at you, meeting your eyes and sending you a wink. Heat crept up your neck as you kept his eye contact.
After Jay had discarded all of his clothing, letting his hard cock spring free, beads of precum decorating the tip. Your thighs clenched together at the sigh, mouth-watering, wanting nothing more than to crawl to him and let him use your throat until he was content. However, Jay had a different plan, leaving that idea for the next time.
Jay made his way back to the bed, sitting down where his back was pressed against the headboard. You sat up on shaky arms, watching and waiting for his instructions, not wanting to do anything against his command.
“Come here, princess.” He motioned you forward and you did as told, moving towards him on shaky legs.
His hands grab your hips as you straddle his waist, your heart hammering in your chest as the need starts to creep up your spine once more. One of your hands gripped his shoulder while the other went down to his dick, starting to line it up with your entrance. Jay couldn’t help but chuckle at how desperate you were to have him in you.
However, his grip on your hips tightened, keeping you from sinking down onto him fully. A whine tore through your throat as you looked at him with teary eyes. You tried to wiggle your hips as you felt his tip prodding at your entrance, but not quite going in.
“Mmm, what do good girls do?” He asked, leaning forward to press hot kisses along your collarbone. You whined, fingers digging into his forearms as you fought against his grip, just wanting to sink down onto him. Noticing that you weren’t going to do as he said, he pulled away, a hard gaze fixed on his features. “Don’t make me ask again.” Jay’s voice was cold, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
A whine fell from your lips as you met his heated gaze. The tears that pooled at your waterline broke free. Frustration bubbled in your chest, biting on the inside of your cheek. You wanted to talk back and tell him to just let you ride him, but you had a feeling that doing so would just result in the opposite. Then it clicked in your brain: This could be what gets you what you want.
“Just fuck me, Jay.” You sassed with a roll of your eyes and it was then that something switched in Jay’s mind. Something clouds his mind as he flips the two of you around until you are lying on your back, staring at him with wide eyes.
You opened your mouth to say something, but only a small squeak came out as he wrapped his fingers around your neck, squeezing. Your hand wrapped around his wrist, staring up at him, body wiggling underneath him in anticipation.
“What happened to my good girl?” Jay asked the corner of his lip twitching and his eyes growing dark. 
You couldn’t help the smirk that started to spread on your lips. You were not entirely sure what was coming over you, but the insatiable need to act out was stronger than ever. The expression, however, only annoyed Jay further, though your next words finally pushed him over the edge.
“The good girl is gone, Jjong, fuck me like the slut that I am.” Your voice was sweet like honey as you stared up at him with doe eyes.
“So you wanna be treated like a slut?” He chuckled darkly, causing more heat to pool in the pit of your stomach, “then I’ll treat you like a slut.” 
He then slid inside your wet heat in one go, causing your jaw to go slack, eyes rolling back. Broken moans fall through your lips as his pace picks up, not giving you a moment to adjust. His hold on your throat tightens as he fucks into you, dark spots clouding your vision.
“Who knew you were such a dirty girl?” Jay chuckled, hips snapping into yours, hitting all of the right spots deep inside of your cunt. 
His hold on your throat tightens until you are left with very little oxygen supply, making your brain go hazy. Jay watched smugly as your mouth opened, gasping as he positioned his cock into your cunt. It wasn’t until your nails were digging into his wrist, gasping for breath and walls clenching around him tightly, that he loosened his grip, allowing you to breathe.
“Fuck baby, you’re squeezing me so tight.” Jay groaned, his other hand squeezing your hip to keep you in place. As you started to squirm, the sensitivity started to get to you. He watched as your mouth dropped open once more, and a thought flooded into his mind.
Leaning down, “Stick your tongue out, princess.” His voice was husky as he bit back a groan from how tight you were squeezing him, a tell-tale sign that you were close. You whined as he brushed over your sweet spot, pulling more tears from your eyes. Moving his hand from your neck, he grabs your cheeks, smooshing them together, making your eyes focus on him. “Stick your tongue out,” Jay repeated himself with a growl and this time you did as told, letting your tongue loll out. 
Jay gathered a ball of saliva in his mouth before spitting into your mouth, watching as it slid down your tongue, which only made him ten times harder. When you closed your mouth to swallow without him telling you to do so, he groaned. 
“Jay!” You screamed his name as he slammed into you roughly, inching you closer to your orgasm, black dots clouding your vision. 
“Are you close already, baby?” He cooed mockingly as he removed his hand from your face to place it back on your throat, squeezing until a choked moan came from your lips. His other hand then moves down to circle your clit, eliciting a breathless cry from your lungs.
With a few more tweaks of his fingers on your little bundle of nerves had you falling over the edge. Your back arched off of the bed, a strangled cry falling from your lips as your walls started to flutter around Jay’s cock. Jay groaned loudly as he continued to pound into you, relishing in the lewd sounds that came from your spasming cunt.
“Fuck princess,” He chuckled but was cut off as you squeezed him rather tightly, nearly knocking him over the edge as well, but he wasn’t quite ready yet. So he slowed his movements until he was completely still, allowing you to breathe for just a moment.
“J-Jay…” You whined when he pulled out of your abused pussy, but you couldn’t help but feel empty and want nothing more than to have him stuff you full once more.
Just as you were about to open your mouth to beg him to fuck you full of his cum, he let go of your throat and flipped your body around until you were lying on your stomach. A gasp fell from your lips when he grabbed your hips to pull you up, laying on your knees and forearms.
“We’re not done yet, still gotta stuff my little slut full of my cum.” He teased your entrance with his tip once more, listening to your whines, “Stuff you so full you’ll be lucky I don’t get you pregnant.”
A choked gasp fell from your lips as he slid into once more, your cum and slick, making it far too easy to do so. Your eyes roll at the feeling of his tip hitting your cervix with each thrust, making your whole body tremble from the oversensitivity.
“You would like that thought, wouldn’t you?” Jay teased, hands gripping your hips tightly as he continued to fuck into you, “You’d look so fucking hot carrying my baby.” He groaned, just thinking about how swollen your belly would get or how big your breasts would grow; the thought nearly made him bust then and there.
“Please,” You cry out, face muffled by the pillows as your tears stained the fabric under you. Your brain turns into mush as he hits your sweet spot repeatedly, making stars dance across your vision.
However, Jay didn’t like how quiet you had gotten, wanting to hear every little sound you made. So he removed one hand from your hip to trail up your spine, leaving goosebumps in its wake until he got to your head. He wrapped his hand in your hair before tugging upward, lifting your body and causing a loud whine to slip from your lips.
“J-Jay, ‘s too much. I can’t-'' You cried out, tears spilling from your eyes. Your body felt overwhelmingly warm as another orgasm crept up your spine, tightening the knot in the pit of your stomach.
“You can, baby, I know you can.” Jay’s voice turned soft, making your mind reel as your head fell back onto his shoulder while his hands fell back to your hips. 
Your vision was going hazy as you wrapped your hands around his forearm, trying to ground yourself. However, when Jay pressed down on the bulge in your lower tummy, that little band snapped, and you came all over his cock once more, silent cries falling from your lips as you went lightheaded.
“That’s my good girl; you did so good for me.” Jay cooed against your head, hand moving up to your sternum to hold you close to his body as his own orgasm hit, spilling deep into your womb. His thrust slowed until they came to a full stop inside, plugging his seed in your still tight hole.
Jay pressed soft kisses along your shoulder and neck, waiting until your breathing evened out and you opened your eyes. Once your eyes were open, he pressed a soft kiss against the skin of your cheek.
“Let’s get cleaned up so we can eat dinner.” He whispered softly, trailing kisses along your jaw. You inhaled deeply, trying to focus your vision before nodding, allowing him to take care of you like he normally does.
After you both cleaned up and ate dinner, you were sitting on the couch, cuddled up under a blanket, watching whatever movie you had agreed on. You lay against his chest, playing with his fingers that were wrapped around your waist.
“Princess,” His voice jolted you out of your thoughts, and you hummed, looking up at him. “Don’t ever be scared to talk to me about stuff like that, okay?” He told you, tightening his grip on your waist and pulling you further into him. “I want to make it enjoyable for both of us.”
You felt your chest tighten at the guilty look on his face. Turning around, you sat on your knees in front of him, cupping his face in your hands.
“I will. I promise, my love, and don’t feel guilty, please.” You pouted slightly before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Jay chuckled against your lips before closing the gap and sealing your lips in a gentle and sweet kiss.
The two of you then parted, and you laid on his chest, relishing in his warmth. Jay wrapped his arms around you before turning his attention back to the TV. Not quite tired yet, but once you fell asleep, he turned everything off and carried you to bed.
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@alvojake | Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or repost any of my work
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗 : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴᴏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ.
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aerinaga · 3 days
can I request a Paige x jealous one year younger reader
wow, okay.
paige bueckers x jealous one year younger!reader
warnings: none
synopsis: paige and her colleagues are working on a project together. one girl, specifically kate, is being too close to paige.
you and paige have been dating for a while now, everything is going well. its just that you’re a year younger than her, meaning that you’re not on the same level in college. there have been ups and downs with communication, but its been going well for a while.
you were currently with ice and kk, hanging out together in the dorm while you wait for paige.
paige was currently in the study hall with her groupmates for a project, she’s been there working for 2 hours already.
the three of you were talking about the team, especially with the new freshmen and transferees in the season.
you noticed that its been a few hours since you heard from paige, you told kk and ice that you’d go see paige in the study hall. kk and ice were both protective of you, disagreeing that you would go alone.
the moment you arrive there, you couldn’t help but feel annoyed? jealous? upset?
paige was laughing around, smiling, and feeling giggly with her groupmate, kate.
you never really knew kate, except for the fact that she’s a bitchy flirt. everytime she saw you and paige, she would greet paige with such a big smile. and as for you, she’d just give you a small smile.
even kk and ice were irritated, they knew about kate and her asshead moves. they knew that you hated her guts.
the three of you were a few meters away from their table, one of their groupmates noticed. paige looked back to see the three of you with a smile full of sarcasm.
kk started clapping, earning questionable looks from the group.
“wow, okay paige.” you tell her, sparing her nothing and leaving with ice and kk.
you all decided to go for a chick-fil-a run, after being so fueled up by the view earlier.
“man, what was that? ain’t cool at all bro.”
“paige didn’t even do anything, thats just not funny.”
ice and kk grumbles around about what they saw, and you knew they were mad. it’s not funny if they’re pissed.
“i understand the fact that i’m not aware of what goes around in the senior community, but seriously dude? paige knows i don’t like her.”
all of you arrive back at the dorm, and the first face you guys see is paige’s face. kk gives her a disapproving look, ice lays a hand on paige’s shoulder, telling her to “man up.” before they go to their own rooms.
before paige even speaks, you tell her first.
“look, i understand that i’m not on the same year level as you. we have different communities, but seriously paige? you KNOW that i don’t like her. i get that you’re groupmates but really dude? do you have to entertain her every second? did you even get any work done?”
paige stays silent, a look of guilt on her face.
“i know that you don’t like her, i do my best not to get entertained by her, but i don’t want people to speculate. i don’t want any issues going around, you know i hate that.”
you don’t say anything to her, you left their dorm, going to your apartment.
you didn’t wanna see her right now, especially when thats all she responded with.
its 9pm now, you were in bed, scrolling through tiktok. you heard your door open, wondering who it was. your mom, paige, and ice had the keys to your door. you got up, went to the living room to be greeted with paige. paige had a bouquet of flowers in her hand.
you can’t deny, she looked hot. a low messy bun suits her so much (i’m a sucker for that).
“oh hi. why are you here? its late, paige.”
“i shouldn’t have entertained her, and importantly, i shouldn’t care about what people say. i promise it won’t happen again, i won’t entertain her anymore. i’m sorry, baby. i really am.”
you pause for a moment, you didn’t know what to say. your anger from earlier was still lingering around, you won’t just fully forgive her.
“yea, okay. you can sleep here tonight, its late anyway.”
you head into your bedroom, getting comfy under the comforter. you feel the other side of the bed being filled up with your girlfriends scent.
your back was facing her, you didn’t bother moving one bit. you were falling asleep.
paige was still up, scrolling through her phone. she couldn’t sleep at all, knowing that you weren’t in your best mood just yet. it was already 2am.
you woke up from music coming out of paige’s phone. she must be watching tiktok. you turn to face her, still half asleep.
“love, go to sleep. its so late” you mumble, wrapping your arms around her waist as you fall back asleep.
paige turns her phone off, laying down properly so that she could hold you in your arms.
“i love you always, baby.”
she whispers, kissing your forehead.
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Can you write one about were Logan x female reader x oscar or Lando x female reader x Oscar or Logan x Female reader x oscar x lando
Where They are at a afterparty for a race and since y/n was being a needy and bratty all race week and weekend long before they went to the after party some one of the 2-3 drivers had put a vibrator up her ass and at the party since she was still acting needy and bratty they started to turn up the power of the vibrator as they keep teasing her until she is on the edge about to cum and they stop telling her it’s her punishment for taking bratty all week and race weekend long as she started to beg and plead to let herself finish, they all take a car home to there shared apartment and but the vibrator at max power again and continue this in their room were they end up have unprotected sex, use rope and a mouth gag, blindfold, call her dirty names and say dirtier things to her or in her ear and after for aftercare they take super good care of her
Oscar is a Dom and in charge Lando and Logan can we doms or switchs, y/n is a sub
I'm actually gnawing at the bars of my enclosure right now, I love you anonymous 😘🫣.
You Shouldn't Have Done That
Oscar Piastri x Fem!Reader x Logan Sargeant x Lando Norris
I hope I did you justice (for gotham)
Warnings: SMUT, Bondage, Vibrators, Overstimulation, Bratty Y/N, Sucker Logan, Mean Lando, MEANER Oscar, Crying, Slapping, Anal, Triple Penetration, probably more but I forgot
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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A knock at the door is what drew my attention away from my phone that I'd been staring at for the last 15 minutes reading a few of these 'fan fictions' about my boyfriends that people were DMing me. Apparently somebody with no life named 'logansargeantsbabymom' has been making shit smut and posting it on Tumblr.
"Baby, race is about to start" I could recognize that beautiful English accent from a mile away.
Normally hearing Lando's incredibly sexy voice would make my bones start jumping in my skin but apparently I'm not the only fucking one because people fantasize about having the filthiest sex with him, write about it, post it on Tumblr and his fans eat it up!!
"I'm coming" I said nonchalantly as I got off the sofa that Lando had in his drivers room.
Lando held the door open for me as I brushed past him making my way to the back of the garage and then out of it. I didn't want to see him.
"What's wrong with her?" Oscar says as he came up from behind Lando
"I've got no clue but if she keeps it up I'm fucking it out of her" Lando shrugged before putting his helmet on
One thing about me is that I will make sure I am the one that puts on all three of my boyfriends helmets on them. I love to go up on my tippy toes to bite the tip of their nose before placing a kiss on it then the helmet on them. I've always done it even if we had gotten into the biggest argument on planet earth but right now, that's the last thing I wanted to do for Lando. I couldn't do it for Oscar either because then I'd fell bad for doing our normal race day tradition on Oscar and then just dipping and leaving Lando alone.
I also didn't want to deal with the consequences of "favoriting" Logan if I only did it for him so I skipped out on the tradition as a whole. The race was about to start in 10 minutes which means the drivers are all about to or already in their car and getting ready to get out on the track. I couldn't go back into the McLaren garage or I'd have to face two of the three boyfriends I'd just pissed off and I couldn't go to the Williams garage because they probably already texted Logan. So I went to the next best place: The Mercedes Garage.
I was forbidden to go in the Mercedes garage alone because apparently Lewis has a 'thing' for me, which wouldn't surprise me because I'm hot.
"Hey Y/N, what're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be biting your boyfriends' noses?" I knew that cheeky English accent and it belong to the man that I was never to be in a room with alone.
"Lewis! Supposed to? Yes. Am? No, they pissed me off so I'm ignoring them." I shrugged. I really couldn't care less how they were going to react to me breaking tradition.
"Isn't that just going to get you in trouble?" Lewis said cautiously
"Not as much trouble I'll be in if they find out I was here with you alone." I chuckled as I shrugged.
I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket like crazy which caused me to whip it out and see what the fuck was going on.
Fantastic 4
Fav Butt Plug: I swear to the heavens above Y/N if this girl whose on the screen right now is you in the Mercedes garage with Lewis ALONE, I'm having your ass tonight. Oscunt: I want to know what the fuck has you all pissed at Lando but I don't like your little stunt of ignoring ME. Me: Stalkers Logie: Baby, why didn't you come to put my helmet on? Fav Butt Plug: You have one more time to piss me off Y/N.
"Lewis do you want to help me with something real quick?" The idea I had in mind was sure to make the tabloids right away and send the internet into a frenzy
"I don't like the general direction of where your idea's go." I waved a hand at him
"Let me put your helmet on you, I promise there will be no kissing" I looked at the clock, Lewis had 5 minutes before he was to be getting on the track and with a quick nod of his head I took the helmet out of his hands before securing it on his head before giving him a big smile and a bear hug before he was ushered into his car.
As I was exiting the Mercedes garage, I didn't know where I was going to go. Everyone is still in their respective garages and I'm NOT facing my boyfriends right now. Shortly after my encounter with
Fantastic 4 Fav Butt Plug: expect 10 orgasms MINIMUM tonight. Oscunt: None of which from me so don't ask. Logie: Did I do something baby? Why did you put Lewis' helmet on and not mine? Oscunt: Logan, she's being a brat. She didn't put mine or Lando's helmets on. Logie: I'm sorry for whatever I did to you, my sweet girl Oscunt: She acts this way because you give into her every ask, this is your fault Logan. I hope you crash. Logie: first of all, don't say that because I still don't have a seat for next season. Secondly, I do give into her every word because she's my pillow princess. Me: At least someone appreciates me, I love you Logan Logie: I love you more. Oscunt: She was never spoiled or a brat until you came along Logan, maybe you deserved to get punished alongside your dear 'pillow princess'. Me: Don't you dipshits (not you Logan) have a race? Stop texting me and drive.
And drive is exactly what they did because Lando came in 1st, Oscar 3rd and Logan 4th.
The race was definitely a hard one with the on and off rain, the wall of champions and the hairpin but somehow they all managed it and they did it well.
Usually when one of my boyfriends has a good race weekend the victory sex is amazing but all 3 of them placed in the top 4? I don’t think I’m getting ANY rest tonight.
I stood by the scale so I could congratulate 2 of my boyfriends for their victory podiums but after they were congratulated by their team and they recorded their weights, they walked right past me.
I felt a sharp pain in my heart at their act but then I realized why they did what they did, I was being a brat before the race but if they wanna act like that, I will one up them.
I turned my head to the man who was currently getting his weight recorded and the man who came in second. It also happens to be the same man who I’m not allowed to be alone with.
“LEWIS!! CONGRATULATIONS!” I screamed as I hugged him, making sure to make the hug last a little longer than a typical ‘friend’ hug would last while also swaying us side to side.
"Y/N! Thank you, thank you. Are you coming to the after party, we already rented out the whole bar?" There was a little sparkle in his eyes that gave me an idea.
A sly smirk plastered itself on my face "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world, especially if you're going to be there!" I placed a quick kiss on his cheek before placing my hand where I had just placed the kiss.
"Y/N!!" It was a loud and angry yell that should've scared me but it did the exact opposite, it turned me on.
I turned to face the person the voice belonged to, to see Lando with the meanest glare I've ever seen on his face. I gave a little nod goodbye to Lewis before making my way to Lando.
"Hey my handsome winner" I said when I got close enough as I ran my hand through his thick and messy curls, it didn't last long though because he grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him to his drivers room.
When we got there he opened the door and shoved me inside where I was met with my other two boyfriends who looked less than pleased with me. Lando slammed the door shut which caused me to jump and face him.
Lando's face didn't shift a bit from his angry demeanor. "Oh, is bunny scared? Surprised she can act any other way that isn't bratty" I heard a voice from behind me say as a chest was up pressed against my back and felt the back of a hand trace the side of my face before gripping the flesh of my throat.
"Oscar" it came out as a choked groan
I saw Logan from the corner of my eyes fishing something out of a box that Lando had stowed away behind the sofa before he made his way over to us. Oscar still had his hand on my throat but he ushered me towards the massage bed Lando has before aggressively bending me over on it which caused me to let out a groan. I could hear Logan's footsteps coming closer to where Lando was before handing him a pink object and I felt Oscar's hand at the hem of my leggings before yanking them down along with my panties.
At first Oscar was just playing with the flesh of my ass and occasionally leaving harsh slaps on it saying things like "You asked for this", "take this part of your punishment like a good girl and maybe I'll tell Lando to go easy on you." I heard Lando whisper something to Oscar and then I felt one more final and harsh slap on my ass before I felt Oscar's hands spread open my ass cheeks and forced his thumb in my tight asshole thrusting it in and out before shoving the Lush lovense vibrator where his thumb once was.
A loud string of moans and curse words left my lips before I felt a pair of lips on mine swallowing my moans. When he pulled away, I opened my eyes to see my favorite American right there looking at me with sympathetic eyes. Logan never liked when I got punished and had to deal with all the roughness Lando and Oscar put me through, he only liked soft, vanilla sex most of the time.
"It's okay baby, just be good" Logan said before he placed a soft and tender kiss on my lips.
Oscar's rough hands yanked me back into a standing position and Lando bent over to lift my leggings back up and over my waist before lightly slapping my cheek
"This is how you're going to the afterparty, don't you even think about cumming until we get home OR unless me or Oscar give you permission." I knew he was going to leave Logan out of giving me permission because he gives me basically everything I want with just a bat of my lashes.
We've only been in this bar/club for less than 30 minutes and I'm already sweating. I'm not sweating because there's a lot of people in here all grinding against each other, no I'm sweating because Lando keeps turning the vibrator on the fastest setting and letting it go just until I'm about to cum before he turns it off denying me any sort of relief and he's done this about 6 times already. I can't do this anymore.
Lando turned the vibrator on full blast and watched as I squirmed in my seat as I was having a conversation with Alex
"Are you okay? You're sweating more than normal right now and you keep fidgeting" Poor Alex, she seemed so concerned
"Yeah I just have to go to the bathroom, I've had to pee for a while now but I didn't want to interrupt your story" It wasn't a total lie, I didn't want to interrupt her story but I didn't have to pee.
"Oh Y/N, go to bathroom, I'll be here!" with that I quickly made my way to the ladies room quickly checking every stall before settling into one and taking the vibrator out of my ass, sighing in relief before wrapping it in toilet paper and tossing it into the bin.
Exiting the stall with a smile on my face, I quickly washed my hands before making my way back to Alex.
"Hey, sorry about that again. I really had to go" I tried to sound sincere, mainly because I was.
Alex finished telling me about her story about how Charles surprised her with a trip to Sydney and all the fun things they did over in the down under when I felt quick and rapid taps on my shoulder, prompting me to look at the man who was tapping me aggressively.
"Baby, we have to go now, Logan just got really sick" My heart dropped and I looked over Lando's shoulder to see Oscar helping Logan out of the bar.
"I'm sorry Alex, I have to go" I didn't wait for her response before I bolted past Lando and out the door.
Much to my surprise when I made it past the bar doors, I saw Logan and Oscar laughing up a storm and having a good time. My mouth hung in shock as I couldn't believe the sight in front of me. I was about to turn around to give Lando a piece of my mind for lying to me and making me cut my conversation short.... AGAIN.
"Lando! How dare you lie-" I couldn't finish my sentence due to Lando holding up his hand signaling me to shut up before pulling his phone out and flipping it.
The sight made my face drop, he was currently showing me the app he has to control my vibrator setting and it was all the way up.
"Bunny, do you know how many times I turned this up tonight?" Lando tilted his head and when I didn't answer he tsked before walking closer to me "I'm not asking you again. Answer me like a good girl and I won't punish you."
"You won't?" he shook his head "I took it out at 6, I don't know how many more times you did it after"
"I turned it up 4 more times after you took it out." I felt a body against my back
"Just wait until we get home for your punishment " Oscar whispered in my ear before slapping my ass so hard I let out a little yelp
"I thought I wasn't getting punished?" I said confused
"No, I said I wasn't punishing you. I said nothing about Oscar" A cocky smirk plastered itself on Lando's insanely hot face and I watched as him and Oscar both got into Lando's McLaren.
I felt a hand on the small of my back and I turned to see Logan, he seemed to have a sympathetic look on his face "I tried to get them to come up with a different type of punishment then what you're getting but they didn't want to hear it. Don't say I didn't try to help you"
Oh god.
When we got back to Oscar's apartment, I almost didn't want to go in. I didn't have to have to endure the punishments they had in store for me but Oscar didn't take lightly to that and in 2 seconds flat he threw me over his shoulders and walked me to his room.
Lando had made his way to his room to get what he claimed was 'part of your punishment' while Logan closed the door to the apartment. Oscar had chucked me on the bed before yanking me to the edge of it, holding a hand on my chin forcing me to look at him in the eyes.
"Strip" was all Oscar said. I did as I was told because I already knew I was in for a long night and I didn't want to push Oscar any further.
I started slowly unbuttoning my dress shirt but Oscar didn't like that, he ripped the shirt open sending the buttons flying everywhere. I wanted to yell at him for ruining my favorite shirt but I knew there was going to be no point. When Lando and Logan walked in the room I could tell they also knew that I wouldn't be in the pubic eye for about a week after all three of them were done with me.
Logan made his way around and on the bed to be right behind me "These tits, oh my gosh. You're going to be the death of me" Logan mumbled into the crook of my neck as his hands made their way around my body to grope my chest.
"I can't wait to burry my cock in her tight little ass" Lando said as he sat on the bed beside me and started to kiss my shoulder. I let out a string of moans as I had two pairs of lips kissing and sucking on two different parts of my body
"Wanna tell me what made you so upset earlier that caused you to be bratty all day today? Hmm?" Lando said as his hand snaked its way down my stomach and under the elastic of my leggings.
"Let's take these off, yeah?" Oscar said as he yanked them off my body.
My legs instinctively opened to allow Lando more access to where I ached for him the most.
"I saw- oh my gosh Lando, please" I was cut off my Lando having inserted two digits into my pussy, thrusting them in and out while his thumb started rubbing circles on my clit.
"I believe Lando asked you a question Bunny" Oscar said as he reached his hands around my body to unclasp my bra.
His one hand immediately found my breast and started circling my nipples as Logan moved to the opposite side of him to attach his mouth to my other breast, swirling his tongue around the bud of my nipple.
"I saw people fantasize about fucking you. All of you" it sounded pathetic and hypocritical coming from me because I did the exact same thing before I got with all three of them.
"Bunny, we only have eyes for you." Lando said as he kiss the tip of my nose "But you're still getting punished" with that Lando grabbed me and yanked my body onto his, my back against his chest as he fists his cock a few times before aligning it to my asshole and thrusting up and in my tight hole. A loud cry escaped my lips before Oscars mouth found mine drowning out the noise. I felt the cushion of the bed dip before feeling a tap on my face, I opened it to see Logan cock right next to my face.
My mouth instinctively opened and took his cock in, moaning at the taste of his precum on my tongue. Logan started to thrust his cock in my mouth at a pace that had drool running down my chin in no time. The sound of me choking on Logans cock and skin to skin contact from Lando's painfully rough thrusts was all that filled the room. Oscar soon joined the party as he shoved his cock into my cunt with no warning which caused me to pull my mouth away from Logan cock to let out an unexpected screech.
"I didn't say you could stop sucking my cock, now did I?" Logan said as he gripped my face and shoved his cock back in my mouth, this time he fucked my face with so much force I thought I was fucking a different guy.
Soon enough after everyones strokes and pace matched, I knew I was one step closer to the edge and I was about to break (pls get the linkin park reference) . I felt the coil in the stomach tighten and my orgasm was finally about to wash over me tonight.
As if they all read my mind or just knew my body, the all simultaneously pulled out and left me nothing.
"No!" I cried at the empty feeling washing over my body, it all felt like sudden coldness.
"You didn't think we were letting you off the hook that easily did you?" Lando's tone mocking as he ordered "Go up against the headboard"
I did as I was told knowing there was no point in fighting them. Once I was against the board, I watched Lando as he grabbed what he went to his room for: A blindfold, rope and one singular feather.
Lando tossed the rope to Oscar who immediately started tying my wrists to the bedposts and threw the blindfold to Logan who eagerly took it out the packaging and on my face.
The room fell silent for about a minute after I was tied up, no one moved, no one talked. I felt the bed dip and the movement caused my whole body to tense, soon after I felt the feather being dragged up my thigh to my stomach before feeling it swirl around my nipples. A mix of moans, groans, and "fuck"s all left my mouth as I felt my orgasm creeping closer.
"Baby, I'm going to fuck you now, okay?" Oscar said before he aligned himself with the entrance of my cunt before sliding in with ease, his thrusts started off slow and sensual, allowing me to adjust to his size before his thrust became rough and erratic.
Oscar wasn't the only one eager to get his dick wet because I felt a thumb tap my bottom lip, signaling me to open it before I felt a cock brush past my lips. Based on his thrust in my mouth, I could tell it was Lando's cock that I was currently sucking, his pace relentless.
Oscar's hips started stuttering against my body as his thrusts slowed and I knew he was close to his orgasm. One thing about Oscar is that when he cums, he never wants to do it alone which means I'm finally about to get my release that's been eluding me all night.
Oscar abruptly pulled his cock out of me leaving me empty and orgasmless again, my disappointment didn't last long because as fast as Oscar pulled out Logan just as fast attached his mouth to my clit, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud bringing me close to my orgasm, which I was fully prepared to not have again.
Much to my surprise Logan didn't stop which prompted me to wrap my legs around his head making sure he couldn't go anywhere as he pushed me off the edge and I came with a loud strings of cursing and chants of 'Logan' leaving my mouth as my body shuddered and my legs squeezed around Logan head. I felt him moan against my vagina which made my body jerk upward at the vibrations.
Soon after I came down from my high, I felt a strong pair of hands yanking my legs apart before feeling Logan because torn away from my pussy.
"You shouldn't have done that Logan" Lando whispered in his ear.
y'all- if there's typos or a part doesn't make sense its because I'm sleepy. I wanted to put something out because I haven't in like 3 days or something like that and I felt bad.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii
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dnpbeats · 2 days
Why I Don’t Think the Secret Project™ Is a Tour—This Time With Facts!
Let me start out by saying I do think they’ve brought up another tour enough that it will happen at some point, I just don’t think it will be this soon! (Also keep in mind Dan did imply there are two things coming up in his Tweet.) That being said, obviously I could be totally wrong. But hey, if they do announce a tour in a couple of weeks, there has to be someone that gets clowned by the announcement, and I’m happy to take the fall <3 Post under cut as it's long (1.3k words 💀)
The main reason I don’t think they’re announcing a tour is timing, but I do also have something to say about the hints they’ve been dropping and why I also don’t think it necessarily points towards a tour. So, to start, let’s look at how long they spent planning TATINOF and II. In “The Making of TABINOF,” Phil says they are releasing the book (on October 8th 2015) after working on it for a year and a half, which would be April 2014. Presumably, this is around the time they started working on TATINOF as well because they were supposed to be companions. TABINOF and TATINOF were announced together on March 26th 2015, so almost exactly a year after they started planning them. Even if you want to guess that TATINOF planning started a few months after TABINOF planning, keep in mind that they originally only planned the UK leg and planned the US tour after that. The UK leg ended November 15 2015 and they announced the US leg February 26 2016. So that’s a little over two months of them planning the US leg alone, when they already had the show itself all sorted.
With II, we know they were actively planning it for about a year. Phil follows that up to say they planned it for “the majority of this year [2018],” so let’s just call it 10-11 months. More so than that, Dan said that they realized they wanted to do a second tour “halfway through” TATINOF, which in my best guess places that decision around summer 2016. This means they seriously considered doing a second tour for ~6 months before they even started planning it. 
Now, if the new project coming up is a tour, they’ve only been working on it for 6 months max. They only brought back the gaming channel 7 months ago, and we know from the end of Dan’s bday live stream that they didn’t start working on this project until they realized how many people still liked their content: “We were so shocked about how much people care about this light entertainment, sat-in-this-chair-ass content. [...] It took us by such surprise, and now we’re like, where is this going. [...] It was supposed to be a ‘let’s just do this for a bit and see what happens.’ [...] So now we find ourselves going, well okay, this channel, this content, the people, the future of it. What else are we gonna do? 'Cause it seems like there's a thing here.” 
So it’s up to you to decide when they realized that, but I think it was probably sometime in November at the absolute earliest, and then they still needed time after that to decide what they’re going to do, and then actually plan it. (And honestly, I doubt they started actively planning anything in December during gamingmas, but you never know!! Also like I said in my original post about this, Dan was still doing WAD stuff up until February and then some book promo stuff after that, so he was busy with that as well.)
So, that’s all to say, I really don’t think they’ve had time to plan an entire tour. At the very least, not a world tour, but I don’t know if they’d announce a UK-only leg and plan the worldwide tour later based on what they said about choosing to plan II all at once, rather than the split up way they did with TATINOF (also keep in mind that Dan announced WAD all at once, like d&p did with II). Idk I just don’t think they’d announce a tour without having it all planned!
Okay, so, besides the random hints that they’re busy planning something, we also have Phil’s comment about saving money in his Cactus Club post. He wrote “I also just wanted to make your cactus a lil more affordable as Dan and I get busy on what is …. next… ??” Now while this seems to imply saving up for something (hence why the membership needs to be affordable), he doesn’t outright say that. Then in his Q&A vid, he answers a question about what he’s cooking that specifically asks, “Should I save my money?” And interestingly, Phil doesn’t address the money part of the question. Now maybe he just couldn’t say anything about saving money, maybe it would've been too on-the-nose. But I’m also sure plenty of other people asked that question without asking about saving, which means he chose to specifically ignore that part. To me, it seems kinda weird to outright exclude that if the project is something people will have to pay a lot of money upfront for (i.e. tour tickets), but again that’s just my opinion.
(Also just a secondary note on Phil’s answer—he actually says, “Look, I can neither confirm nor deny something might happen in the next month.” I find the phrasing he chose really interesting. He didn’t say an announcement was coming, he said something was going to happen. Dan also never explicitly said to look forward to an “announcement,” he just said they’ve been cooking and to give it a couple of weeks. Obviously this could all mean nothing and maybe it is an announcement (whether it be for a tour or something else), but I actually think whatever the project is might be getting released not just announced. But idk!)
A moment of me speculating based on vibes (that also negates the note I just made about this potentially being a release rather than an announcement): part of me thinks this project might be something/similar to something they tried to get off the ground before but then never came to fruition! This gifset by @reunitedinterlude got me thinking about projects that they didn’t get to do for various reasons (namely COVID lol). I think one of these (either one of Phil’s ideas that he’s now brought Dan onto, or something they were trying to do together from the get go) would actually make a lot of sense for what’s getting announced. It would be something that they had already started work on, so it doesn’t take as much planning as something brand new, meaning it could be announced sooner. Additionally, I just feel like they’ve been so vague about what’s coming up, but they’ve also been super excited! They seem really proud about whatever they’ve been cooking. While I obviously think they’d be excited to do another world tour, part of me just feels like they might be this excited because it’s something new that they’ve never done before. Also, if it’s some kind of game show type thing, it would make sense that Dan said the project is a “celebration” of the gaming channel. But again this is just based on vibes lol.
In conclusion, I do think we’ll get a third Dan and Phil tour, I just don’t think it’s what’s getting announced(/released?) in the coming weeks. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the next thing they announce after whatever this upcoming thing is! If you think I’m dead wrong and actually other people have planned world tours in <6 months please let me know, I’m happy to be proven wrong bc I would love another tour :)
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junislqve · 17 hours
⟡ out of limit — ot7
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when they find out you’re secretly liking them (and they are secretly liking you too) — minor drawback, you are their best friend’s sister
pairs members + reader content petnames fluff wordcount 1632 — find my other works
note i love writing prompts, this was supposed to be a short-ish headcannon hence why hee's is kinda short. but i got carried away lmfao
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“thanks, pretty”
heeseung would relentlessly tease you once he finds out. calling you petnames and complimenting you all the time just to get a reaction out of you.
 he finds it adorable when you would blush and dismiss his flirting with a mumble. 
of course, he knew that he wouldn’t even get the chance to confess his feelings back to you before his head gets chopped off by jay. but he found his way around. 
sneaking into your room when jay’s back is turned or sneaking in a few kisses when you all watch movies together. he loves the way you would get red from his words, looking away out of embarrassment.
he loves the thrill of meeting you, getting to hold you and savor you even if it was only for a while. 
he would take risks if it meant being able to hold you and be beside you. snuggling his head into the crook of your neck chasing the comfort you gave him.
he’s quiet. he already was before, much more now when he found out. 
jay was never really a talkative person to people who weren’t his friends. but he has always felt comfortable with you, talking about his days and anything he’s thinking about.
that was what brought you to like him. at first, you thought that he was quite intimidating and would be really hard to talk to. but since he was your brother’s best friend, jay had warmed up to you from the countless visits he’s paid to your house.
you’d realize his abrupt silence towards you. you thought he was avoiding you, thinking you’ve said something wrong to him. 
however, the only reason he’s gone silent was because he was scared you’d find out he likes you back. his heartbeat speeding like crazy when you put your face so close to his in attempt to make him break character and start talking to you again.
of course, you won and he ended up mumbling nonsense to you while hiding his face afraid it was going to turn red if he continued to see your pretty face so up close.
“stop doing that… you look too pretty”
“i like you too”
the absolute worst at keeping secrets so the moment he finds out he’s just going to have this dazed look. he was in love with you. that much, all of his friends knew, except for heeseung of course. 
you didn’t even know of jake’s existence until you were waiting for your brother to pick you up and he was there in the passenger seat. he and your brother talked a lot and you just tuned them out. 
what you didn’t expect was for him to turn around and talk to you. you thought he was about to ask the basics; your name, age, whatever. however, jake started including you in their conversation. asking for your opinions about something they were talking about.
since then, you’ve always liked whenever jake would hang out with your brother. knowing that he would ask if you wanted to join them every single time. he was so sweet and caring, and really good looking. how could’ve you not fallen for him?
so when you and jake were left in the ice cream parlor as your brother went to the bathroom. jake was observing your rigid figure. your eyes trained on your phone for dear life, scrolling up and down your contact list just to avoid awkwardness.
that’s when jake said it, gazing at you with a soft smile, “i like you too, you know?”
you knew sunghoon purely from gossip. everyone had different opinions about him, most including the words ‘cold’ and ‘quiet’. you’ve only ever seen him whenever he had to receive trophies from the principal for winning competitions.
you were an average student. your grades were’t horrible, but they weren’t stellar either. so imagine your surprise when you got paired up with sunghoon for an end of year project worth 60% of your grades.
truthfully, you were scared of him for a while. thinking he would be strict with schedule and meetups. sunghoon however proved you wrong when he started chatting you first asking when you were free to do the work and not minding the place of meetup. 
you worked with him for 3 months until the project was finally complete and perfect. during those times, you both had met up plenty of times each time getting to know the other more by exchanging stories.
sunghoon found out when he forgot to take his bag in the class and overheard your friend convincing you to confess. you sat slumped across her, your hand on your head.
sunghoon was just battling himself at this point. he harbored feelings for you that he’s been denying for months. he’s known you for way longer than you thought. having his eye on you way before the fated project pairing. 
he took an interest in you, finding it fun to observe you in silence and trying to come up with a way to approach you.
however, all of it went down the drain when he found out your brother, jake, is quite well known to be protective. and what’s worse is that he knew your brother, not personally but well acquainted enough.
sunghoon didn’t really know how to express the feelings he had for you. even after hearing you confess, basically. so he attempted to do it without words. listing all the things you liked and disliked in his head for future reference.
“you said you were craving ice cream” showing up at your doorstep, his body soaking wet from the rain, panting. but the plastic bag he grasped tightly was completely dry, filled with much more snacks than you would ever need.
“wasn’t it obvious?”
you knew sunoo was a very cheerful and chatty person. it wasn’t weird that you two had become well acquainted despite him being your brother’s best friend. 
he was a really friendly person which drove you to become comfortable talking to him, even if your brother wasn’t around. his kindness and concern for you made you take an immediate liking to him.
you knew however that that was sunoo’s nature so you really didn’t have your hopes up. labeling anything he does as just him being his own friendly self. it took sunoo quite a while to figure out you liked him. 
almost immediately after finding out sunoo’s chattiness towards you grew tenfold. meanwhile, you were trying to avoid him. 
sunoo caught on and one day stopped by your apartment unexpectedly, “i thought you liked me” he says with a faux pout.
at first you were scared he didn’t like you back but rest assured, he gave you the biggest hug and peppered kisses all over your face right after. 
“you’re adorable when you’re flustered”
“i don’t want you to walk home alone”
you barely knew jungwon. yet from how he acted towards others, you’ve always looked up to him.
he was entirely selfless and loved helping people.
the lines between fascination and like quickly blurred when you were the one being his object of affection.
because jungwon and your brother became close friends, jungwon took it upon himself to take care of you too. meaning, when your brother wasn’t there, jungwon was.
somewhere between all the after-school hangouts and him taking you out to watch movies together, the mere closeness of jungwon made your head dizzy.
he always hugged you alot, it was all friendly. but now his smell overtakes your senses, his warmth circling every inch of your body.
and by the time you tried to distance from him, he never let you out of his sight. 
when you refused to let him drive you back home and would rather wait for the rain to stop, jungwon went and sat there with you, draping his jacket around your figure.
“i’m waiting here with you” he says smiling so sweetly, those dimples in view. his hand went to pat your head and you unconsciously leaned to his touch.
riki was your own best friend along with your brother’s. when you two first met, you both immediately clicked, much to your brother’s dismay.
he had always liked you a bit more than your brother, teasing you yet giving you everything you want. 
put simply, he’s wrapped around your finger. you just didn’t know that.
any smart person can see that he’s head over heels. i mean, who would willingly run to your house in the middle of the night just because you said you were hungry other than riki?
you usually went out with your brother, though the begging would take somewhere within half an hour, but you won most of the time nonetheless.
however, with riki, you had just shot him a short text that seriously didn’t mean as much. only a small ‘i’m kinda hungry’ and you find him outside your door minutes later, holding his car keys.
you both end up in a 24 hour convenience store at midnight, slurping up warm ramen together. 
when someone opened the door and the wind from outside hits your face, you didn’t expect riki to hold your hair back as you continued chewing. 
you might be weak willed here, but after that day he kept bringing a hair tie on his wrist. specifically on days you two would hang out and with much denial, you knew you had feelings for him.
not to worry though, because he’s been in love with you for the longest time. 
you just couldn’t catch the gaze he had when he held your hair, or the smile he has when you cracked an unfunny joke.
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© junislqve 2024. liking, commenting, and rebloging are appreciated.
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kotoku · 1 day
Hello, can I request Aven, Ratio and Sunday with an s/o who's like Komi from “Komi can’t communicate?” Basically, their s/o is socially anxious and finds it incredibly hard to talk but is expressive in emotions and usually communicates through writing on paper.
Also if its not too much, could you write a lil scenario in how they would react when someone says something rude about s/o’s social anxiety?
ꜱᴜɴᴅᴀʏ, ᴀᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀɪɴᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴅʀ ʀᴀᴛɪᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴋᴏᴍɪ! ꜱ/ᴏ
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pairings - sunday x komi! reader / aventurine x komi! reader / dr ratio x komi! reader
content - reader is gender-neutral/ komi! reader/ pre and established relationships/ reader getting shit-talked by people/ socially anxious! reader
warnings - swearing lol
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
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↻ Sunday would be a wonderful partner to have, he’s very understanding of your struggles communicating with others and participating in activities with your peers
↻ He’s super encouraging and supportive, giving you a small push when it comes to interacting with people (besides him, his sister was the first person you successfully managed to hold a conversation with lol)
↻ At first glance, Sunday found your appearance attractive, the air around you held that sense of authority and grace, enamoring everyone within your reach
↻ However, when he introduced himself to you, you could only stare at him blankly which made him a little concerned… 
↺ Were you deaf? Mute? He really did try his best at getting a word out of you but you could only stutter in response, quickly leaving him due to your embarrassment
↺ Gradually, he began to understand what you would try to say by your body cues and expressions
↻ Sunday ended up gifting you, soon after your first meeting, your own personal notebook to write in that way you could communicate your thoughts easily 
↺ You were overjoyed, chatting non-stop with him throughout the day
↻ Unbeknownst to the both of you, it seemed you had quite the reputation with the way people would gawk and stare at you like you were some sort of goddess 
↺ Sunday could understand them, you were not only attractive, but smart and kind, offering your help to those who need it despite being afraid of approaching others (it just came to you naturally)
↻ Sunday finds the sounds you make cute, especially when you’re embarrassed or flustered, he can’t help but tease you when he can
↺ He also finds the way you express yourself very endearing, reminding him of a kitten
↻ You love petting his wings and taking care of them, it's one of your favorite things to do to help calm yourself down
↻ If someone pokes fun or insults you for being socially anxious, he’d be ready to rain hell on them (you’re trying your best and that’s all that matters !!)
↺ Those kind of encounters would bring your spirits down, but eventually, you’d gather up the courage to keep trying thanks to the support of Sunday and the few friends you made
“I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to speak up for yourself. Just say something.” 
You had thought you were beginning to make a new friend, but noticing the way they treated you… You knew you didn’t want to be around them any longer. 
You nervously fidgeted in your seat, staring down at the half eaten sundae in front of you. The sudden announcement had spoiled your mood and appetite, feeling too uncomfortable to even eat near someone like them. You just wanted to escape the situation now before it becomes too tense.
Your ‘friend’ was about to continue what they were saying, but was interrupted by a stern voice.
“It’s harder for some people to voice their thoughts, it doesn’t always come naturally to them.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, it was Sunday. Turning to face him with a relieved expression, he understood your silent appreciation for his interjection.
“People work at their own pace, don’t try to rush them into doing something they aren’t comfortable with.” Sunday’s eyes narrowed at them, your ‘friend’ at a loss for words. “Come now, _____, a new place has opened up and I’d like to take you there.” 
Sunday had offered you his hand to help pull you up which you gratefully accepted, leaving the half eaten sundae with your friend. It was now something they would have to deal with, whether they liked it or not. 
↻ Speaking of friends, if you had a goal to reach a certain number of friends, he’d happily help you and introduce you to some of his closest friends
↺ The astral express would be super welcoming and friendly to you; I can imagine you spending time with them on the express while silently chatting with Pom Pom (the crew wonders how they can understand you, but are happy you are enjoying yourself)
↻ Sunday would love spending time with you, bringing you to different events or to an amusement park that way you could experience the thrill of the rides
↺ He knows that if you’re lost, you start to panic, so he tries his best to never lose sight of you in crowded situations
↺ If you do end up losing him, he’ll have a family member escort you to where he; if he’s busy, he’ll have a family member accompany you whenever you go out if you aren’t comfortable doing so alone
↻ All in all, Sunday is your biggest supporter and wants you to be comfortable !
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↻  Aventurine thinks you’re very interesting and fun to tease
↻  Although you normally intimidated people by accident at first glance, he wasn’t thrown off by your blank stare or silence
↻  At first he was just messing around with you, he never would’ve thought that he would be in a relationship with you but he’s quite happy nonetheless
↻  If you know the dynamic between Komi’s parents, I feel like that would apply to both you and Aventurine
↺ He’s the talker of the both of you (of course) and is much more energetic compared to you who silently gazes at people and can only manage a couple sentences
“They asked for no pickles.”
“Thank you..Aven.
↺ Aventurine definitely speaks up for you in tense situations (like when your order is wrong but you don’t want to say anything)
↻ Aventurine doesn’t mind your shyness and is willing to help you develop social skills
↺ He introduces you to Topaz and Ratio, who both get along with you just fine
(you were intimidated by Ratio, but you slowly warmed up to him and enjoy his lectures)
↻ He finds your quirks cute, purposely teasing you so he could get a reaction
↺ Aventurine is pretty observant, so he was able to pick up on the small habits you have fairly quickly
↻ I feel like you wouldn’t need to communicate your thoughts with him as much because he knows how to read you like a book, but he’d end up giving you a small notepad anyways
↻ Aventurine would definitely shower you with gifts and bring you to his favorite spots, hoping to slowly inch you out of your shell (it works a bit)
↻ Like Sunday, Aventurine would notice your popularity (you’re completely unaware) and keep a keen eye on your surroundings, especially if you visit the casino he frequents
↺ He keeps you close to him so people don’t try anything funny with you
↻ If someone were to insult or poke fun at your social anxiety, he’d be really irked and would show it passive aggressively, making sure to not confront them in front of you because he knows you would heavily discourage him
“Ugh, they’re so silent it’s creepy… Why don’t they say anything?” 
Aventurine’s ears perked up, listening in on a conversation two workers were having as you walked beside him down the hallway.
“I know. What does Aventurine even see in them?” 
They continued their conversation through hushed whispers and secretive glances. Yet Aventurine was able to hear every last comment and insult thrown at you. It made his frown deepen and brows furrow, but he knows if he did anything now you’d stop him. He’ll have to deal with the two of them later. 
The next day, Aventurine was back at the casino with you by his side. As expected, he had a bountiful amount of chips on his side, proof of his winning streak. 
A new game was about to begin, and as he peered up through his rose-tinted glasses to gauge the participating opponents, he saw two familiar faces. The workers from yesterday, how fortunate for him. 
Throughout the game, a new, tense air had surrounded Aventurine, something you picked up on. He was much more competitive than before, losing his aloof demeanor and focusing on the game at hand. Was there something wrong?
Before you knew it, the game was over. Aventurine had come out victorious, watching his opponents’ faces drop at the huge sum of money they lost with a sly smirk. 
He was satisfied, for now.
↻ If you end up getting lost somewhere, Aventurine would be your first contact and he’d drop everything to help you (The next people for you to contact would be Topaz and Ratio)
↻ Sometimes I think Aventurine would overwhelm you with his antics, especially with his “all or nothing” mindset (your poor heart)
↺ Aventurine would eventually cave in due to your huffs and frowns because he finds you too cute
↻ He’s happy to have you and will always be by your side when you need him (you’re his first priority)
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↻ Goodness, poor you would be pretty intimidated by him and his strict nature at first meeting
↺ Ratio would have to be the one to approach you first since you’re too scared to even utter a word to him
↻ I don’t think Ratio would fully understand your anxieties, as he personally never dealt with it
↺ However, he would slowly start to understand and even try asking you questions in which you can provide him a simple answer (usually yes or no questions)
↻ He begrudgingly helps you socialize with people, even though he hates to interact with idiots himself
↺ I can imagine him giving you lecture about human behavior and social relationships, which you listen to attentively but also blankly stare at him (he shakes his head at this but continues anyways)
↺ His lectures actually end up helping you understand people though, and his lessons about social skills has helped you with introducing yourself to new people 
↺ He forces Aventurine to help him with your social skills since he’s pretty upbeat and friendly 
↻ If you’ve made some improvements with social interactions, Ratio would feel pretty satisfied and happy that he helped you (he’d never tell you directly but he’d give you rewards)
↻ Being Ratio’s significant other would be interesting
↻ By this point, he probably has all your little quirks and habits memorized, knowing what may be troubling you or what caught your interest
↺ He finds your habits and actions quite endearing, it brings a soft smile to his usually stoic face
↻ Ratio likes expressing his affection for you with gifts he finds useful and interesting, recounting the history behind the item or how it was manufactured (you enjoy listening to his rambles and he’s happy that he can tell you these findings)
↻ If someone were to make a snide comment about your social anxiety, he would have zero hesitation is giving them a lecture or throwing a chalk their way
↺ He’d probably make them cry or shit themselves
“THE Veritas Ratio is dating someone? Who??”
“Just some freak. Seriously, I heard they never speak and all they do is just stare at you.”
“Wow… That’s pretty creepy.”
“Excuse me.”
The two girls who were just gossiping about you jumped, smiling nervously at the source of the intrusion.
“Ah, Doctor Ratio! Fancy seeing you here…” 
“I work here.” Ratio deadpanned, eyes glaring down at the two. “I couldn’t help but notice that the topic of your conversation pertained to me and my partner. I suggest that you keep your noses out of our business and quit these idiotic assumptions.” 
“I- We were just–” 
“Stop your incessant ramblings. If I hear another word about anything regarding my personal life, I will be sure to have you both taken care of. Understood?” His authoritative tone made the two girls quiver in their spot, nodding their heads frantically. 
Ratio turned to leave, making his way back to you who was sitting on a nearby bench staring at the ground. At the sound of his footsteps, you looked back up at him, getting up from your seat.
“Are you..reader to go, Veri?”
“Yes, let’s go, My Love.”
↻ Ratio is pretty protective of you, especially since he’s aware of the attention you garner (your hands are also interlocked so you don’t get swept away from him)
↺ If you get lost, you both would identify a landmark to meet by so you don’t bump into as many people
↻ To make communication easier for the both of you, he bought you a notebook to write down your thoughts in so you could show it to him whenever you wanted (he’ll make sure that it’s always on hand for your peace of mind)
↻ Ratio is a proud significant other, he admires your motivation to learn and improve on your social skills
⋘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ⋙
note - i love komi can't communicate, it's such a cute anime series and i can't wait to watch season 3 if it comes out. :)
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wileys-russo · 5 hours
“Awe bubba, you’re the best little golfer I know babe”, Leah Williamson
in the same universe as legacy l.williamson II little golfer
"can i come out yet?" you yelled out with a sigh, banished to the bedroom while leah and mila got up to god knows what. with there being no games this weekend leah had decreed sunday was family day and that she would organise everything, so you had no idea what the three of you would be doing.
you huffed in relief at the sound of your wifes voice, pulling yourself off the bed and opening the door. "oh my god." you exhaled, suddenly getting a sneaky suspicion you could work out what it was leah had planned for the day.
"i look like mummy!" mila cheered bouncing eagerly on the balls of her feet as leah grinned proudly, hands on her hips clearly pleased with herself. "aw bubba, you're the best little golfer i know babe." your wife cooed encouragingly, fixing the cap on your daughters head slightly.
"when on earth did you buy her those?" you sighed, your now four year old daughter dressed up exactly like your wife was, wearing matching plaid pants, white button up and bowlers cap as your wife, clearly dressed up for a day on the green.
"when you were away with aunty steffy!" mila answered, which was a few weeks ago now. "you took her to the club with you? leah she's four!" you shook your head in disbelief.
"i've been gettin lessons! got my own clubs too." mila puffed her chest out proudly as leah's grin grew even wider. "of course you do. so is that what this grand family day out is then? an excuse to drag me to the golf club?" you deadpanned, leah shooing mila off to grab her backpack from her room.
"baby." leah started toward you with a charming smile as you shook your head, arms crossed and staring her down. "come on. you know you love it when she dresses up like a little adult, and she's got a good swing on her! is it so wrong of me to want to pass on my golfing prowess to my little legacy?" your wife reasoned, arriving in front of you with a pout.
"no. but why do i have to be dragged into it, lee i love you very much but i hate golf!" you whined throwing your head back with a groan. "for the sake of our marriage i'm going to pretend i didn't hear that." leah tutted with a shake of her head.
"theres an outfit all laid out for you in the spare room. the sun is shining, mila slept through the entire night in her own bed, we're going to have a perfect little family day out my girl. you'll see!"
only, you didn't see.
you sat with a frown etched into your features, sulking heavily as you watched on as leah would take the long drives, allowing your daughter to swing once you got a little closer to the hole.
you thought that the silver lining might be driving the golf cart, but your wife wouldn't even allow that insisting on being the chauffeur for the day as well.
"stop bein so stroppy. you're a bad influence!" leah chuckled as you scoffed, your retort cut off by her soft lips pressing against yours.
"yuck! no kissin!" a tiny body wedged themselves between you, pushing on leahs legs and sending her backward as mila climbed up and onto your lap.
"my mama, no kissin her!" mila warned your wife, wagging a finger at her and brightening your mood at the shock written across leah's face.
"your mama? kid thats my wife! she was that before you were born." leah poked at mila who stuck her tongue out and shrugged, arms latched tightly around your neck.
"she loves me more." mila grinned cheekily as leah gasped and dropped her golf club, falling to her knees. "oh my god...you've done it. mila you've broke my heart, oh it hurts!" leah wailed dramatically rolling about in the grass as you rolled your eyes and mila giggled.
"no being silly on the golf course!" mila lectured echoing leah's own words back as you snickered and covered your laugh with your hand. "don't you even care you broke my heart! thats not silly!" leah cried out, falling to her back again with a yell of pain.
"your wife is silly." mila sighed, patting your cheek with her small hand as you made no attempt to hide your laughter this time. "mila!" leah huffed, getting up to her feet and brushing the dirt off her.
"right fine then tiger woods. if i'm so silly watch this!" leah picked her driver back up, striding over and teeing up her ball, readying her stance. "don't miss!" you yelled right as she wound up to swung, indeed resulting in an air swing and mila's giggles.
"no noise in the crowd please, course etiquette." leah warned but you grinned at the clench in her jaw. "air swing!" you yelled again at the same time, leah just clipping the ball and only sending it about fifty meters forward as she exhaled.
"shit!" she swore, kicking the grass and pausing for a moment, mila thankfully too preoccupied chasing a bird to notice. "leah! language." you hissed nodding behind you as the blonde waved you off, stomping back to the cart.
"lets go." leah scooped your daughter up, mila squealing and kicking her legs happily as leah carried her over by the back of her top, dropping her in your lap.
"air swing. i'll show you an air swing." leah muttered under her breath, cheeks flushed red as you smiled, holding your daughter tightly as leah raced forward in the car and mila cheered.
"hey, lee babe calm down. this is a family day, not your regular nine holes with the lads." you let mila race off after another bird and stopped leah from leaving.
"stop winding me up then!" the blonde whined with a scowl, an apology mumbled against her lips for a second which seemed to calm her as she pulled away and took a deep breath.
"okay. come on mila, your turn!" leah called out, your daughter gasping happily and sprinting back over as leah helped her pick out her club.
"now remember. legs planted, feet outward, eye on the ball." leah coached helping the girl get into position and teeing up a ball for her. "go baby!" you cheered happily, clapping for her as leah took a step back and gestured for your daughter to go.
only after three air swings did you really get a glimpse into your wifes little legacy.
"shit!" mila swore as she missed again, kicking the grass and throwing her club down with a huff, crossing her arms and furrowing her eyebrows, a near mirror to your wifes own poor losing behaviour.
leah's eyes met yours in both worry and shock, though seeing the slight amusement on your face and no real trace of anger she relaxed a little. "hey, come here you." the blonde tugged on the back of your daughters top and squatted down.
"you're doing so so good bubba, way better than any other four year old i know. but we have to learn how to lose gracefully, mummy is still learning that too okay?" leah spoke softly as mila hugged her tightly with a nod.
"hey! are you giggling?" leah gasped as mila pulled away and grinned. "only joking! just being like you." mila wiggled happily, leah watching on stunned as the four year old marched back off and picked up her club, swinging and collecting the ball easily sending it off with a cheer, sprinting off after it with her club in hand as leah looked at you in disbelief and you smirked.
"well congratulations are in order babe, she's exactly like you."
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Do Your Worst, Little Dove
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Little Dove Masterlist
Pairing: Sub!Joel Miller x Female Reader
Rating: 18+
Summary: Joel lets you take charge for once.
Word Count: 7.2K
CW: Submissive Joel, spitting, oral (male receiving), toys, anal play, light bondage, praise kink, slight degradation kink, Joel is having the best time while simultaneously having the worst time
AN: I don’t know what came over me with this one, but like….I think I might be a dom? Thank you @mermaidgirl30, @littlevenicebitch69 and @joelmillerisapunk for dealing with me yelling about this. Love you all
Joel lets out a hiss as you tighten the leather cuff around his wrist. The metal buckle rubs roughly against the smooth black leather as you bind his arms to the headboard. He balls his fists and the veins in his forearms start to pop below the skin. You step to the end of the bed and admire your handy work. He looks fucking hot - in just his unbuttoned jeans, arms stretched above his head, wrists bound together and tethered to the bed.
“Are you sure about this, Joel?” You ask timidly, even though you’re jumping for joy on the inside at the chance to play with him for once.
He lifts his head off the bed to look at you, “Yes, baby. If you want to try being in charge, I’ll sub for you.”
You bounce on the balls of your feet and smile sweetly at him, “ok good.”
You walk towards your closet, and his head falls back to the bed, turning to rest his cheek on the mattress as he watches you. “Because I’ve been thinking,” you say, your back towards him as you slide open your closet door, “well, I’ve been thinking about what kind of domme I am.”
“That right?” Joel says as you dig through one of the drawers, looking for the sexy little outfit you bought for tonight.
“Mmmhmm and I don’t think I’m a whips and leather type - ah, there you are,” you hide the lingerie from Joel’s view and sneak into the bathroom to change, with a quick glance at Joel you notice his cock already getting hard behind his jeans.
You undress before sliding on a pair of baby blue lacy panties. They have little yellow and pink flowers embroidered on them, that are paired with a matching corset that plunges deep between your breasts. It hugs you in all the right places and you know Joel is going to lose his mind.
“Little Dove? You coming back?” He calls from the bedroom. You smirk at yourself in the mirror. He’s needy for you for once, and that’s a very powerful feeling.
You slip on your white silk dressing gown and head back to the bedroom. “That’s another thing I was thinking of. What are you going to call me? Because I am certainly not your Little Dove in this scene.”
You climb up and straddle him, careful to not let him see what’s underneath your silky cover up. Leaning forward and bracing yourself with your hands beside his head, you brush your lips against his, pulling back when he tries to kiss you.
He lets out a deep groan as you grind down on him. “I think you should call me ‘goddess’ while we do this. Do you think you can do that?���
His breathing is already starting to get ragged and jumpy. “Yes, my goddess,” he says deeply. The baritone of his voice fills your body, a wave of arousal flooding you.
“As I was saying,” you sit back up and start to slowly pull the tie of your dressing gown, “I don’t think I’m the whips and leather type of domme. I might inflict a little pain today, baby. But overall -“ your dressing gown slips off your shoulders, pooling around you and Joel’s hips.
His eyes widen and he pulls on the restraints, so badly wanting to touch your body that’s wrapped in a delicate blue lace as you continue to talk to him, “Overall I just want to take care of you. Please you.”
“So fuckin’ pretty, Little Dove,” he hums. You pinch his nipple roughly and he hisses, “Goddess. Sorry. Fuck,” he says through gritted teeth, “Look s’beautiful, my goddess.”
You kiss his nipple better, then continue up his chest to that sensitive spot below his ear and whisper “Good boy” before sitting back up. Joel is surprised but how those two little words go straight to his cock. As you grind your pussy down you feel him grow fully hard. “You’re going to need a safe word, baby.”
Joel raises one eyebrow at you, “Everything we talked about was pretty tame. I think I’ll be ok.”
You hop off him and make your way to the foot of the bed, grabbing his jeans by the hem and pulling them down his legs. The denim makes a scratching noise against your soft bedding, until he’s left in just his tight black boxers.
“Roll over, baby.” You say sweetly, deciding that your domme personality is going to look and sound nice, but she certainly doesn’t appreciate Joel dismissing what she’s capable of. You watch his broad body roll as you walk to stand along the side of the bed. As he settles onto his stomach you continue, “Did I hear a little attitude? Saying you don’t need a safe word?”
You scrape your nails gently up his leg, starting at his ankle, swirling your fingers as you move up to the hem of his underwear. “No, goddess,” he says with a moan.
“Well, it certainly sounded like it, as punishment that’s one denied orgasm.”
He huffs out a breath. “Yes, my goddess.”
You roll the band of his underwear down so it sits just below his muscular ass cheeks. You bend over to place some lingering kisses along his round cheeks. He relaxes into the mattress, melting under your touch. He shuts his eyes, humming at the sensation. With his hands above his head like this, he has to rest his forehead on the mattress, he’s blind to what you’re doing which just heightens the feeling of your lips.
“I want you to thank me when I deny you that orgasm, Joel. Can you remember that?”
“Yes, my goddess.” He whispers. He’s so relaxed that you almost feel bad grabbing your new paddle from under the bed. It’s a pretty, soft pink leather paddle with Good Boy cut into it. You can’t wait to see his skin pink up around the letters.
You trail the soft leather of the small paddle up his one leg. “I got you a little present today, baby boy,” you say, voice a little more stern but still sweet. “Do you know what it is?”
You trace the outer globe of his ass, over his lower back and down to the other hip. “No,” he whispers, the paddle now moving down his other leg.
“Did you want to guess?” You say, watching his body twitches in anticipation when you pull it away from his skin.
“Felt like leather. Maybe a paddle?” He guesses.
You bring the paddle down on his right ass cheek, not hard, but enough to have him suck in a sharp breath. You strike again in the same spot, harder this time and he pulls on his restraints, gasping a little.
“Sssshhh. You’re ok baby,” you rub his right cheek, the word showing very faintly across his ass. You feel yourself getting wetter, if you do this a few more times you’re sure your panties will be ruined. For good measure, you strike him two more times in quick succession. The hits are a little softer but you know from being Joel’s sub that those often sting the most. He moans and gasps, he’s only held to the bed by his hands, he could easily roll away. But something inside of him is telling him to stay, learn what it’s really like to be on the other side, but also prove to himself that he can do this.
‘Good Boy’ is now almost tattooed across his right cheek. The word written on his tanned skin, the stinging pink skin around it acting like a neon sign. You use the other side of the paddle to rub his cheek. His body jolts with the soft contact - he’s on edge, not sure what you’re going to do next and not expecting gentleness. “Fuck, goddess. That hurt.”
“I know, Joel. That’s the point.” You kiss the tender skin of his cheek a few times before continuing. “I’m proud of you. And you should see your ass right now. Proudly displaying what a good boy you are for me.”
You roll his underwear band back up and he lets out an impatient groan. “What’s that sound for?”
Joel huffs out a breath, “Nothing, my goddess. I’m sorry.”
You click your tongue at him, “You are so impatient. This big strong man of mine, already whining for me to touch his cock.” You straddle his lower back, lean your body down into him and grip his hair tightly, pulling his neck back. He lets out a pained moan as you lick a line up his cheek before whispering into his ear, “I’m just getting started little one.”
You release his hair, his forehead landing softly on the mattress. “On your back,” you bark, swinging your leg around and standing at the side of the bed again. You slowly open the bedside drawer where Joel keeps all the toys and accessories that he loves to tease you with.
“Do you still think you don’t need a safe word?”
Joel winces as his sore cheek hits the mattress. “Goddess, if I survived watching you build that goddamn ikea bookcase. I can survive anything.”
You smirk and bite your cheek stopping the laugh from escaping. Every so often Joel Miller, a man of few words, makes a joke that you are never expecting. “Maybe your safe word should be Allan key.” You retort.
“Yes, goddess,” he says with a wink.
You shuffle some things around in the drawer before finding what you’re looking for - the beginner metal pinwheel. While it looks intimidating, it’s not as sharp as the one Joel now uses on you.
“We are going to play a little game, baby boy,” you start, placing the pinwheel in the band of your underwear and walking to the foot of the bed. “I am going to set a timer for one minute intervals. I’m going to play with your cock for one minute, then use the pinwheel on your body for the next minute. Is that ok with you?”
Joel’s breathing is coming in faster, goosebumps have spread across his body as he stares up at the ceiling. “Y-yes,” he sputters as you slide his boxers down his legs. “Please touch me, my goddess.”
“Oh Joel,” you say his name slowly and sweetly. “Joel…Joel…Joel. You’re not in charge, sweet boy. I think this means we are now at two denied orgasms.”
He groans quietly towards the ceiling. You grab your phone and open your interval timer, setting it upright on the nightstand so Joel can see it. “Since you seem to have no patience, I’m going to start with the pinwheel. If you’re about to come at any moment, you need to tell me. Now say ‘yes, goddess’ and thank me.”
Joel’s bound hands clench into fists, eyes glazing over as your finger hovers over the start button. “Yes, my goddess. Thank you.”
You tap the screen, your matte black manicured fingernail clicking against the screen protector and then bring the pinwheel to the smooth skin of the inside of his forearm, running it to his elbow slowly. Goosebumps spread along his skin, it amazes you to see the response from this side. A simple act, that’s tender and trusting. You could cause him pain with just the simple flick or flex of the wrist, and he knows that. As his eyes close and a steady hum vibrates in his chest, you smile at your beautiful partner. He’s so handsome. So soft. So yours.
The trail of your pinwheel continues down his bicep and onto his strong chest. You roll just below his collarbone to the other shoulder. As a quiet beep of the timer goes off. Another minute starts counting down automatically and you drop the pinwheel on his chest before grabbing his already rock hard cock in your hand. Stroking him up and down gently.
“Fuck, goddess. Fuck,” he’s already breathing heavily, eyes squeezed tightly. You squeeze tighter, stroking all the way up, milking a bead of pre cum from the tip. You can’t fight the urge, lapping up the cum with the tip of your warm tongue. “Oh fuck, oh fuck.”
You can tell he’s already on the edge, which is exactly where you want him. You suck the needy red tip of his cock into your mouth and flatten your tongue, circling along the sensitive ridge along the bottom. He lets out a growling moan which quickly turns into a whine of protest as the timer beeps. “No. Please.”
“Shhh,” you hush him gently as you roll over his chest with the wheel, adding a bit more pressure this time. Trailing across his strong pecs, the tanned skin left dimpled behind the spokes of the pinwheel. “You look so beautiful right now, Joel Miller. Lying here so still for me. Such a good boy.”
A little smile crosses Joel’s face at your praise. The love between the two of you seems to fill the air, making the room feel small and shut off from the rest of the world. You trail the wheel down his sternum and then diagonally towards one hip. “Spread your legs for me, baby.”
His cock is so hard, swaying a little with the movement of his legs. He gasps as the sharp spokes trace down the soft crease between his leg and groin, following the inside of his thighs. Praise leaves your lips as you worship your man.
So handsome….Being so good for me….Letting me play with you…I want to worship you the way you do me.
The moment the timer goes off you don’t waste any time, forcing his dick down your throat until you gag. You hold there, breathing through your nose.
“Oh fuck, that’s gonna -“ his voice is thick with need. “Fuck fuck fuck. Please, goddess. I’m. Oh please. I’m gonna….”
You pull off him quickly and he cries out in protest. “No. No. Hnnng. No,” you’ve never heard him whine like this and you swear the power you’re currently holding over him could make you come right now.
“What do you say, baby?”
A thin sheen of sweat starts to break out across his body. “T-thank you. My, fuck, my goddess.”
The timer goes off again, “One more time of each, then we’ll move on to something else.”
You go all out this time. Short rolls of the wheel, using lots of pressure, along the most sensitive spots. Bottom of his foot, the inside of his thigh, the thick pubic hair at the base of his cock, his inner bicep. Each roll sends sharp jolts through his body, and he moans, groans or gasps with each one. His cock twitches as the pain settles into warm, sparkling pleasure.
By the time the minute is almost over Joel’s face is furrowed with a mix of pleasure, pain and anticipation. His curls have grown out a little and one sticks to his forehead.
The timer beeps and you repeat your previous actions. Forcing his thick, hard cock down your throat, saliva pooling in your cheeks and landing on this pelvis as you fight from gagging.
“Goddess. Oh fuck. Please let me!”
You start to bob up and down his slick cock, sliding him in and out of your mouth from base to tip, a hand coming to fondle and massage his heavy balls. He lets out a satisfied moan as you slow your mouth, swirling and twirling your tongue along his shaft and head.
“You taste so good, baby boy,” you moan before slowly sliding him all the way to the back of your throat. You moan as he hits the back, and he tenses up and squirms.
“No. I’m gonna cum. Please.”
You release him with a pop and watch his dick turn an angry shade of red. It matches the blush that’s creeping his neck from his chest.
“Fuck you,” he growls and pulls at the restraints.
You raise an eyebrow, “You’re pathetic. Swearing and crying after only a few minutes. Roll over.”
“No. No. I’m sorry.”
You grab a fist full of hair and get within a hair from his face. “I said to roll over. Speaking to me like that warrants a punishment.”
He whimpers at the pain in his scalp, mouth open and reaching for yours. Hoping he can break you down with his soft velvety lips. You release his hair and give him a stern look, a look he’s never seen you give and hopes he’s never on the receiving end of again and rolls over.
“On your knees and spread your legs,” you bark as you grab your paddle again. He looks so good with his round little ass in the air, legs spread so you can see his stiff cock and heavy balls. You can’t help yourself, reaching between his legs to massage his balls. His back arches, pushing his ass towards you, and you bite down on one of his cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m sorry,” he moans and mumbles into the pillows.
“Good boy,” you coo, trailing your fingernails along his balls in light, languid movements. Goosebumps break out across his body when you begin running the smooth part of the paddle along the back of his strong thighs and over his tooth indented ass cheek.
You climb in between his legs, keeping yourself far enough away that he can feel your heat but all that’s touching him is the soft leather of your baby pink paddle.
“You don’t like this very much do you, Joel?”
He shakes his head and moans a ‘mm-mmm’ into the pillows.
“Tell me what you want,” you say, laying a small smack across his ass.
“I want to touch you, goddess.” He says through a shaky voice.
You strike his ass harder this time. The thwack filled the room along with his chorus of whines.
“You can do better than that. You and your filthy mouth. Tell me,” You hit him again a bit more softly and then rub the word ‘good boy’ that’s already forming with your hand. “What do you want?”
“I w-want,” he flinches as you remove your hand and then melts as you wrap your hand around his cock and stroke slowly up and down, “thank you…I want to lay you down. Remove that sexy lingerie slowly, oh fuck, that feels good, I want to kiss your body. Taste your skin. Play with your nipples.”
You pick up the pace of your hand and his legs start to shake underneath him. “Keep talking, baby.”
“Please don’t stop. Fuck. Yes. I-I wanna taste your beautiful pink pussy. Feel the soft folds with my tongue.”
The paddle meets his cheek again as you stroke him and he lets out a high pitched whine that neither of you knew he was capable of before he says. “Shit. Again. Please. Do that again.”
You’re in charge here, but you do as he asks. Two quick, hard snaps of the paddle before you drop your body to lick along the bottom of his cock.
“I’m gonna come,” he says in a quick and scared tone. You pull away as his cock gets redder, right on the edge. It almost looks painful. But all the times he’s made you cry from his edging, it only feels fair. “Oh god. Please.”
You move up the bed, reaching cuffs that are binding his wrists to the bed frame. Undoing the restraints you say, “I’m trusting you to stay submissive with these off, ok?”
“I’ll do anything,” he says in a weak voice.
“Lay on your back,” you whisper after undoing him. When you see his face, he looks completely wrecked and frustrated. Tears line his eyes, his breathing is ragged and quick. You smirk at him, “What else do you want to do?”
“I want to eat you until you gush all over my face,” you drop your bra to the ground and you can see him almost pushing himself into the mattress to stop from grabbing you. “And, fill you with my fingers. See you break out in sweat as you come over and over again.”
You slide your panties down your legs, you’re so wet that Joel can see them soaked through in the middle. “Fuck, goddess. You’re so wet.”
“Do you want to taste it?” You ask, dragging a finger through your slit and holding it up to him.
He fists the sheet, “Yes. Please.”
You slip your finger between your lips to suck off your arousal. Your eyes flutter closed and you moan at your flavour. Joel groans as you straddle his chest backwards, slipping your legs under his arms, sliding back so he has a view of your needy, glistening pussy.
You sit up slightly and look over your shoulder at his face. He licks his lips, swallowing hard, practically salivating over the sight of you. “What will you give me if I reward you with my pussy?”
“Anything, baby. Please. I need to taste you. Feel you. Please.” You’ve never heard him beg like this before, the desperation and want in his voice causes the walls of your pussy to clench around nothing. It’s an oddly powerful feeling of being wanted so badly that he’s almost brought to tears.
“Prove to me that you can be a good boy,” you say, voice steady and commanding. “Keep your hands to yourself, and maybe I’ll reward you.”
His brow furrows in, frustration with a hint of admiration crossing his face before you turn back, taking his hard cock in your hand and stroking gently from the base to the tip. Joel’s hands fist the sheets to stop himself from touching you, your pussy rests on his hard chest, ass in the air as you tease him.
“Goddess,” he whimpers. “Fuck. Please.”
“Be good,” you tut, your tongue teasing the swollen red head lightly.
“Please!” He huffs, slamming his eyes shut and trying to slow his breathing.
This is torture. He somehow hates and loves this. He hates that he’s being denied the orgasm that’s teetering on the edge. Hates that he’s broken out in a sheen of sweat. Hates that it feels so good that it hurts. But fuck does he love seeing how confident and proud you look. And he loves that he can see how wet the control is making you.
He’s lost in his thoughts for a moment, fighting the urge to grab you, flip you under him and spank you for teasing him; which he very easily could do. Instead, he takes a few breaths as you suck on the lip of his dick like a lolly pop. He groans, chest vibrating against your pussy and you instinctively start grinding his chest.
Joel’s eyes pop open to watch you grind his sternum. You swirl your tongue around the head of cock a few times and everything becomes too much for him. You surround him with yourself and your sex. All he can see is your tight asshole and shiny wet pussy. All he can feel is your soft skin along his abdomen and your warm wet tongue teasing him. All he can hear is your tiny little moans and gasps of pleasure and the occasional squelching of your mouth along his dick.
“Baby, fuuuuck. I’m -“ Before he can come you remove your hand and lips from his cock. It twitches as a little bit of come leaks from the top. “Goddess. Please. Please!”
You ignore his cries, grinding harder into his chest. “Mmmm, Joel. You feel so good.”
“Please. I can’t, I need it. Please,” he continues his weak begging.
You glance over your shoulder, seeing him almost on the edge of tears. He’s so frustrated, cheeks turning pink, more sweat forming along his forehead.
“Spit,” you say darkly, raising one eyebrow.
“W-what?” He sputters, eyes locking with yours.
“Spit on my pussy, get it nice and wet so I can come on your chest.” Joel’s eyes dart to your pussy and then back to you before he smiles at you.
“You have no idea how fucking hot you are right now,” he squeezes his cheeks together, gathering saliva. “You sure about this, Little Dove?”
The hand resting on the inside of his tight swats him hard and he lets out a deep painful groan. “Don’t fucking call me that. Spit, Miller.”
You watch as his head lifts from the bed, inching as close as he can to your pussy. You raise slightly as he spits, the warm saliva hitting your folds and his chest. You waste no time, spreading yourself open with your fingers and sitting back down on Joel’s chest. You don’t touch his cock as you ride him.
“Talk to me,” you moan, alternating your hips from a forward and backward rocking motion into little circles.
“You look so beautiful, goddess,” he says deeply, chest rumbling with every word. “So sexy as you use me. Take what you want. What you need. So fuckin proud of you, baby girl.”
A fresh slick of arousal coats his chest, you’re so close. You drop your head to rest on the crevice of his thigh. “Don’t stop,” you moan, slowing your hips but pushing down harder.
“You like when I talk? Can you feel it vibrating on your perfect little clit. You’re so wet, so beautiful,” you feel his spit again and you whine out. Pain pulses through Joel’s fingers with how tightly he’s gripping the bed sheets. Fighting against every urge and instinct to grab you and touch you. “Fuck, goddess. I want you. You are so perfect. So beautiful. So good.”
“I’m gonna come,” you moan, burying your face against his pelvis.
“Show me, goddess. Show me what I do to you,” he says roughly. He could come just from watching you as the movement of your hips starts to falter. He swears he stops breathing as his eyes focus on your cunt fluttering and clenching in front of him. The soft, baby pink folds quiver as your slick leaks from the tight hole he loves so much. You cry out, a chain of swears, moans and his name leaving your lips. His cock is aching for attention, saliva pooling in his mouth at the thought of tasting you, licking up your honey and feasting on his favourite meal. He’s made you cum countless times, felt your pussy strangle his fingers and milk his cock, but he’s never watched it from this angle, it’s intoxicating, euphoric, a whole new feeling of nirvana that he didn't know existed. “Fuuuuck, so gorgeous, baby.”
You slump down onto Joel. Weak and satisfied, as you catch your breath and try to stop your legs from trembling.
After a few minutes of silence, Joel’s soft whispering voice fills the air, “Goddess? Please let me touch you now so I can care for you.”
You open your eyes, his cock is still hard and an angry shade of red in front of you. “You were so good for me, baby boy,” you say softly, placing light and lingering kisses along the top of his thigh and hip bone.
“Let me keep being good. Let me care for you. Make love to you. Worship your body from head to toe. Please, goddess.”
“Don’t you dare move,” you say roughly. All the things he’s saying sound wonderful, and you’ll let him do all those things eventually, but you never get to hear him beg like this and you’re not going to give in so quickly. He said to do your worst after all.
You adjust yourself to be sitting up slightly and cup his heavy balls in one hand. He hisses at the contact, you know exactly how it feels to not be able to see what the next move is and you’re sure Joel’s eyes are slammed shut, trying to predict, but not being able to anticipate your next move.
You let a trail of warm saliva fall from your mouth, letting it land on the tip of cock. “Please,” he whines behind you.
“Shhh, you’re ok,” you coo, lowering your face to his dick, your tongue trailing a light circle around the sensitive ridge of the head. You revel in the pathetic little gasps he makes as you swirl around him again and again.
“Baby boy,” you wrap your free hand around the base of his cock, “I’m going to suck your perfect dick now, but you need to tell me when you’re about to come. I’m not done playing with you yet.”
“Fuck - Jesus, goddess. I don’t know if I can do this,” he huffs.
You release his balls and slap the inside of his thigh again. He hisses as the red hot pain settles on the meat of his muscular thigh. “You will. Or I’ll get the paddle again.”
The power has definitely gone to your head. You love it when Joel is commanding and dominating, but it’s intoxicating having him all supple and yours to do whatever you want with.
“Sorry, goddess. Sorry,” his thick cock leaps as you grab his balls again. Without warning you take him all the way in your mouth, the tip pressing against the back of your throat. You relax your jaw and throat, breathing through your nose and just hold there, warming him with just your mouth.
He turns into an absolutely writhing, whining mess within seconds. “I need to touch you. Please. Fuckfuckfuck that’s so good. Please. Let me touch you.”
You choke out an ‘uh uh’, and the vibrations of your throat have him tense up beneath you. “Oh god. Goddess. Fuuuuck. Please move. Please suck me.”
You slurp up his dick and release the tip with a lewd, wet pop. “Joel Miller,” you say mockingly, “I never would have taken you for such a whiner when the tables are turned.”
“Just let me touch you and then I’ll be quiet. Please.”
You peek over your shoulder at him, one eyebrow raised teasingly, “I could just gag you.”
Joel’s eyes widen and he audibly swallows. “No, no, please. I’m sorry. I’ll try to stop.”
You spin back to face his cock and say, “That’s my good boy,” before sliding him to the back of your throat again.
A mixture of your drool and his pre come starts to gather on the coarse hairs along the base of him, you use the wetness to lubricate his balls as you fondle and cradle them. His breathing is quick and uneven, you can tell he’s fighting his body’s natural urge to come and his new found need to whine.
You pull off of him with a gag and a cough, you play it up a little since you know how much he likes to hear you gag when he’s in charge. He stays true to his word and he’s quiet, just a small moan leaving his throat before you start to suckle on the tip of his swollen cock. You lap up the salty pre cum, swallowing him down, he really is your favourite taste.
“Mmm, taste so good baby boy,” you hum between licks. As Joel relaxes underneath you you have a very devious idea. You keep up the languid strokes of your tongue over his cock, waiting for him to tell you he’s going to come so you can stop. You suck him further into your mouth and almost immediately as your lips close around him he jerks.
“Fuck. I’m gonna come. I’m sorry,” you pull back quickly and he grunts.
“Not yet baby,” you whisper as you climb off him. Spinning to face him and sitting on your heels you say, “Remember that tiny vibrating plug we used to use when we first started experimenting with anal? Do you think you could take that?”
Joel’s eyes squint as if to test if you’re joking or not. When your facial expression doesn’t falter he says, “Oh, you’re serious?”
“You can say no, Joel.” You mumble.
“No. Well yes. I mean, I’m not saying no,” he stays lying about how you’ve told him, eyes searching yours. “Let me see it again.”
You jump excitedly off the bed and pull the small pink plug out from the bedside table, along with the cleaning wipes and the lube. You turn back to see your perfect man led on his back, his cock still stiff as nails and glistening with your saliva. You fight that soft, submissive side of yourself that feels bad for leaving him like that.
“Lemme see it, gorgeous girl,” he says, looking over at you with hooded eyes like he’s drunk off your mouth. You hold it up for him, it’s not much bigger than his thumb. “Ok, goddess. For you, I’ll do it. Just….use lots of lube.”
You smile at him and laugh softly, “Of course, baby boy. I only want to make you feel good. So here’s the plan. Come stand here and bend over the bed. I’ll slowly work this in, once it’s in I’m going to turn it on low. Then you’ll sit, leaning against the headboard and I’ll ride that big gorgeous cock until we both cum. Deal?”
Joel has never heard you be so dominant and direct with what you want. It’s usually him bossing you around, he’s overcome with pride listening to his sweet Little Dove demand something just for her once. “I love you so much, baby.” He coos as he slips off the bed and bends over in front of you.
You wipe the toy clean then flick the cap of the lube open, the clicking of the plastic cap that changed your life is about to change Joel’s. The cool slippery liquid drizzles down his ass, he jolts at the coolness, goosebumps breaking out over his back and firm cheeks. “Sorry, baby,” you whisper, gathering the lube on your fingers and swirling it around his asshole. You feel it quiver at your touch and Joel takes a steadying breath.
“Nice and slow,” you soothe, teasing him with more pressure. Joel's broad body relaxes into the mattress. “Good boy. Just relax. Play with yourself for me. I’m going to switch to the plug now, just to get it nice and slippery.”
Joel snakes his hand between his body and the mattress, as he wraps his fist around his cock you circle the toy along his slippery, puckered hole. You watch it quiver and relax under your touch so you apply a bit more pressure the tip of it disappears inside of him. A euphoric moan tumbles past Joel’s lips.
“Oh god goddess, more, please.” He mumbles.
“Ok, baby,” you whisper, your free hand lightly tracing up and down his spine. You push the plug in more, Joel’s body jolts and he cries out. “Pleasure or pain, Joel?”
His breathing shakes as he moans, “Pleasure. Oh fuck. It’s so good, baby. Fuuuuck.”
One person shouldn’t hold this much power over a man who could probably kill someone with his bare hands if provoked. You never in a thousand years thought would go for this, and never in a million years thought he would love it this much.
“More, more,” he hiccups into the sheets.
You push the toy deeper, “Good boy. Almost all the way in.” Your hand caresses over the smooth globe of his ass. “Doin’ so well, baby. I’m so proud of you.”
With a final little push of your thumb, the toy slips all the way in. “Good job,” you praise, kissing at his lower back. His body goes completely slack below you. “How are you feeling?”
Joel moans into the mattress. “Good. It’s so much pressure. But good pressure. Fuck, I should have let you be in charge sooner.”
You stand, then drag your nails up the back of his thighs and up and over his ass as you say. “That’s my sweet baby boy, now get your perfect little ass back on the bed so I can fuck you.”
He gingerly crawls up onto the bed, you watch him carefully, a thin layer of sweat coats his forehead and chest. You prop some pillows against the headboard. He locks eyes with you as he sits, whimpering at the pressure of his body weight on the plug.
You grab the small remote in your hand and then straddle Joel’s wide thighs, your chest pressed against his. His cock is so hard between your bodies, the vein that travels underneath it is pulsing. You wrap your dainty hand around the base.
“Spit, Joel,” you command.
He doesn’t hesitate, spitting down the tip of his cock, it beads and rolls down the sides, and you work your hand up and down him slowly, spreading the wetness. “Again, baby.”
He obeys, his breathing ragged and uneven as you spread the saliva again. “Now that your perfect cock is all sloppy I’m going to bury you inside of me. Then I’m going to push this little button,” you hold the remote out in front of him, “And you’re not gonna cum until I say. Right?”
“Yes, oh god, y-yes goddess,” his head falls back to rest on the headboard, eyes screwed shut in pleasure.
You lift, using your hand to guide him to your entrance. You slowly sink onto his length, gasping at the familiar sting of the stretch as he fills you. Joel lets out a content and whispered, “fuuuuuuck.”
“Feels s’good when you’re inside me,” you mumble into his neck. “I’m gonna turn it on now, Joel. Are you ready?”
“Yes. I’m ready,” he wraps his arms around you tightly, you’re not sure if it’s fueled by pleasure or the anticipation of what’s to come, but when you push the tiny button he squeezes tighter, his entire body quivering underneath you. “Oh god. Baby, I c-can’t, fuck.”
You pull back to look at his face. “Do you need me to stop?” Your voice is soft and full of concern.
“No, god no. I can’t last. I, fuck, please start moving. Please.” He buries his face in your neck as he whimpers, fully confirming your earlier thoughts. No one should have this much power in their hands. “Please, goddess.”
You start rocking your hips back and forth, he’s so fucking sexy like this and even though you’ve already cum once, you’re painfully turned on seeing your man turn into a puddle at your touches. “That’s it, big boy. Just hold on a little bit longer for me. Fuck, I’m so close.”
His dull fingernails dig into your sides as he tries to hold off. Every movement you make pulls a groan from him. “Call me a good girl, please Joel. I’m gonna cum.”
His voice is thick and syrupy as he says, “Please, my goddess. Cum for me. Be my good girl. Let me feel you milk me.”
“Hnnnng - yes!” You cry out as heat spreads through every nerve ending of your body. “Cum with me.”
Joel’s hands guide your hips, helping you fuck into him harder. His cock grows larger inside you. “Kiss me,” he whines.
You press your lips to him as the heat snaps and your orgasms wash over you. You are a mess of tongue and teeth as his dick twitches inside of you, painting your walls with warm ropes of cum. You can feel it filling you, feel the walls of your pussy clenching hard around him. Everything in the room except Joel fades away. You and Joel, always.
Your orgasm crests and you peel away from Joel’s lips to watch him. He’s completely blissed out. Eyes hooded and glazed over, sweaty glistening across his whole body. As you come down you slow your hips, his hands take over, rocking you back and forth.
“Good boy,” you hum. “Just take what you need.” You can feel his cum leaking out from you, landing in the coarse hairs at the base of his cock.
“I’m - I think I’m gonna,” his hands grip you so tightly that you’re sure you’ll have the same bruises you always seem to get when you and Joel fuck.
You card your hands through his hair, pushing back his sweaty curls. “I’m here, baby. Just relax. Let it happen. You’re ok.”
His head falls back, eyes fluttering closed as he cums again with a deep, satisfied groan.
“Turn it off. Allan key. Shit, baby.”
You quickly shut the vibrating plug off and wrap your arms around Joel’s neck, pulling him in closely. You shush him softly as he tries to catch his breath, his softening cock still buried inside of you.
“Are you okay, baby?” You ask after a few silent moments.
His breathing begins to steady. “Kiss me.”
You pull back and press your lips to his. He deepens the kiss, slow languid strokes of his tongue against yours. You feel content to just sit here straddling Joel, lazily making out forever. You let him take the lead, giving him whatever he needs after an intense night. It feels like you’ve been kissing for hours when Joel pulls back.
“Thank you,” he whispers, resting his forehead against yours.
“Anything for you, my love,” you smile at him. “Do you need help getting that out?”
His chocolate brown eyes wash over you. “No, maybe. Fuck, I don’t know. What do I do?”
You can’t help but giggle at his slight panic. “Just kinda push into it and pull a little bit. That’s all I do. But I’ll have to get off of you first.”
His nose drags against yours, “Not yet.”
Joel kisses your jaw and then your shoulder before curling into your neck again. You trail your fingers along his upper back, lazy uneven patterns and swirls. He hums contentedly into your skin. “I don’t think I can go back to having sex without this thing,” he admits sheepishly.
“That good?”
“Yes, Little Dove,” murmurs, “You are that good.”
You smile to yourself before he pulls back and you two work in tandem to slide off his soft cock, cum drips from your pussy, landing on him and the bed as you lay on the bed beside him. He stands on shaky legs and goes to the bathroom. You hear a pained grunt and then water running. He comes back with the cleaned toy in one hand, tucking it back in the bedside drawer, and a towel in the other hand that he uses to clean you off.
“I should be the one taking care of you, Joel.”
He laughs quietly, “I can’t help it, Little Dove. You looked so gorgeous tonight. I’m so proud of you for how talkative and dominant you were.”
You flip the sheets open and you both crawl in, his large body wrapping around yours, both of you relaxing into one another at the same time. Breathing syncing into a comfortable pace. These are the moments that you live for. As fun as exploring your kinky side is together, there’s an anchor between you and him that keeps you tied together.
“I love you,” he mumbles into your hairline, kissing you softly.
You press your face deeper into his chest, surrounding yourself with his scent. “I love you, too.”
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firewasabeast · 2 days
(I made this little headcanon then had to write a fic for it. Here's 2k words of the 118 being obsessed with Tommy ft. Bobby being a dad, of course. Enjoy here or on ao3!)
The Problem
Buck has a problem.
He knows it shouldn't be a problem. Knows he should be grateful. He's never had anything like this before. Never felt so secure in his life. Work is good, home is good, friends are good, family's good, and his boyfriend... well, he's really good.
Buck is in love, like really and truly in love, for the first time ever. Yes, he's said it before, and maybe he meant it, but not like this. He's never had this much stability, and care, and comfort, and security. Buck doesn't just love Tommy, he feels loved by Tommy. Since the moment the words I love you slipped out of Tommy's mouth, there has never been a doubt in his mind that Tommy means it. And he knows that Tommy feels the same way about him too.
But none of that is the problem.
The problem is he's not the only one who loves Tommy.
All of his coworkers love Tommy.
A lot.
Apparently he is a very popular guy with the 118. Buck always knew Tommy was a cool guy, even when he first tried and failed to discredit the claim, but he didn't realize that every single one of his coworkers would also think Tommy was the coolest guy to ever walk the planet.
Okay, maybe they didn't actually think that, but it was obvious that they liked him and they wanted to be around him.
All. The. Time.
At first it was cute. Buck was thrilled that everyone liked the person he was dating. He was overjoyed that they always had something positive to say about Tommy, that they had him included in group chats, and invited him to hangout with the team after a shift.
Then it became... a lot to manage.
Chimney and Tommy had a long history, so it was to be expected that they would hang out on occasion. They both loved to watch classic movies and, while Buck didn't mind one every once in a while, he wasn't a huge fan of black and white so he let them have their time with that. He just didn't expect Chimney to add the Old Classics Movie Network to his cable subscription so there was always another movie being recorded that they needed to watch and analyze.
Tommy and Eddie were already friends, and Buck and Eddie were best friends, so it was easy for the three of them to hang out. Buck could get into wrestling, he liked karaoke trivia, and he was a big fan of learning Muay Thai. But that's where Eddie had a problem.
“Every time you come to Muay Thai,” Eddie whined, “you and Tommy end up going one round, get all horned up, and leave early.”
“All horned up?” Buck repeated with a glare. “What are we, fifteen?”
“You're banned from Muay Thai,” he declared, holding up a finger to silence Buck's incoming protests, “at least once a week.”
Then there was Hen, who Buck thought would care the least of them all.
He was wrong.
She became convinced that she was the reason he and Tommy ever got together, not Chimney.
“Chimney may have been the one to contact Tommy, but it was me who planted the seed in his head,” she'd say, “so I was actually the one who connected you two.”
It turns out Tommy and Karen also had a lot of similar interests, so one double date turned into regular double dates. Often, Karen was texting or calling Tommy to set up the next double date before Buck even knew a thing about it.
Hen also enjoyed Tommy's dry humor. They could battle back and forth for hours in sarcasm wars, and often enjoyed hating on the same things.
Even Ravi wedged his way into Tommy's life. He actually wanted flying lessons for other purposes than staring at Tommy for hours at a time while he rambled on about what each button did.
And Tommy was so kind, so insanely, annoyingly, kind that he always made time for everybody. Buck had no idea how he did it, but he did. He even always had time for Buck too, Buck just wanted more of it.
He knew it was selfish. He knew Tommy deserved to have all the friends and found family in the world, which is why he'd never say anything to him about it.
But, he could talk to Bobby. Ask Bobby to talk to the rest of the team, because he'd tried and they wouldn't listen to him. Or, maybe Bobby could just schedule him off a day where everyone else worked? Give Buck and Tommy a day where distractions weren't possible, because all of the distractions were busy at the station. Surely he could do something.
He should've known better.
The second he tapped on Bobby's office door, Bobby excitedly waved him in.
“It came in the mail today,” he declared, as if Buck was supposed to know what that meant.
“Wh- What came in the mail?” Buck asked cautiously as he sat down.
“The murder mystery game Tommy and I talked about last time you guys came over. I had no clue he was so into puzzles and mysteries. I already talked to Tommy, and you two are coming over for dinner tonight.”
“We are?” Buck asked. This was a lot of information to be thrown his way so quickly.
“Yes. Well, he actually said he'd ask you about it and then confirm, but you already said you didn't have plans earlier, so...”
He should've known that question was a trap. Bobby had asked what everyone's plans were while they were on the way to a call earlier in the day. Buck had answered that he and Tommy didn't have any, which was risky, but his mind went blank in the moment. His actual plans involved a lot of nudity, mind blowing sex, and hopefully some whipped cream, but he was trying to not be so blatant about his sex life anymore.
But now Bobby was looking at him with wide, excited eyes, and he did remember Tommy talking about that game, and Bobby's food was always so good, so it wasn't like he could say no.
“Yeah, of course it's fine.”
Which led them to now, having just enough time to shower and change before driving over to Bobby and Athena's place.
“I know we haven't had as much us time lately,” Tommy said as they reached the door. Of course he did. Of course he noticed everything. “So we'll stay for dinner, and do this game, and we'll go by nine.”
Buck tried to play it cool. “No rush.”
“Evan,” Tommy replied knowingly, dropping a kiss on his temple, “we'll go by nine.”
Who was Buck to argue? “Yeah... Yeah, okay.”
Dinner went smoothly, as if there was another option. Tommy was always great at keeping up conversation, and he and Bobby knew tons of people to reminisce about and catch up on. Tommy had a long history with Athena as well, and a lot of mutual respect between the two, so the conversation never stalled.
It wasn't like Buck was ever left out either. Bobby and Athena were his family; more of his parents than his actual parents. Bobby cared for him, loved him, watched over him in ways his father never did. Athena was a dose of reality when he needed it. She was stern, expected the best from him, and didn't whitewash anything. He felt more comfortable in their home than he ever did in the house he grew up in.
And Tommy always had a hand on his leg, or his back, including him in the conversation or bragging on whatever he did at work that week. When Buck talked, Tommy looked at him like nothing else existed in the world. He listened, hung on to every word.
He made Buck feel special.
Which is why Buck wanted to take him home, rip off all of his clothes, and adore every inch of his body.
He couldn't do that yet though, because it was only seven-thirty and they still had to play the murder mystery game.
It started innocently enough. It was a fun game with pictures, paperwork, some evidence, and background on all the suspects. Buck figured they'd read through the material, follow along, and they'd be led to the murderer in no time.
Then Bobby rolled out the cork board and began pinning suspect photographs and pictures from the “crime scene”.
Things devolved from there.
Athena gave up before nine. “I solve murders all day long, I don't want to do it all night too.”
Buck still held out hope they'd leave on time.
Another mistake.
“Hon, it's getting late,” Buck said a little after nine, gently patting Tommy's back. They were sitting beside one another at the dining room table. Buck had been half paying attention, half going through a Wikipedia rabbit hole that started with active US serial killers and had somehow ended up on the origins of duct tape. “Maybe we should let them get some rest.”
“Buck, we haven't solved the murder yet,” Bobby replied, lifting both of his hands to show all the paperwork. “Cassie's ex-boyfriend is a prime suspect, but I have no physical evidence to prove he did it.”
“I think we should look more into the circus clown,” Tommy replied, handing Bobby yet another piece of fictional paperwork. “I learned a long time ago that you never trust a clown.”
“We already cleared the clown. He had an alibi.”
“Did he though? His best friend, the balloon artist, was his alibi. The clown could've paid him off.”
That's when Buck decided he'd be better off slipping away and joining Athena in the living room.
“Would you like some leftover pie?” Athena asked, eyebrow raised knowingly, as she lifted up her own slice.
Buck nodded. “I got it.”
He returned a moment later, pie in hand, extra whipped cream. He sat down on the couch, across from where Athena was curled up on the loveseat.
“There's not much on right now,” Athena said, staring at the TV, “but these home improvement shows always find a way to reel me in.”
“As long as it's not a murder mystery, I'll enjoy it.”
Athena let out a laugh. “They're in it deep, aren't they?”
“I'm not sure an actual murder would take them away from that game.”
Athena shook her head, peering into the dining room. “Our boys are something else, aren't they?”
Buck smiled. He couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach. The night may not be going as planned, but there was something so sweet, so domestic, about it all.
Everything felt... right.
“Yeah,” he replied, “they're something.”
Two more shows started and ended, and Tommy and Bobby could still be heard in the other room, arguing about whether it was the clown or the ex.
“You know, I looked up that game a while ago,” Athena whispered into the darkness of the living room, the only light from flashes on the TV, “and it wasn't the clown or the ex.”
Buck sighed sleepily. “I think we'll be spending the night tonight,” he mumbled, his eyes slowly closing where he laid on the couch.
“Already made up the guest bedroom,” Athena replied, taking another sip of her drink. “New toothbrushes in the bathroom too.”
It'd be another two hours before Tommy would come and gently wake up Buck and lead him to the guest bedroom. They'd brush their teeth, and change into some of Bobby's pajama pants before snuggling in bed.
And then, before the sun rose, Tommy would be popping up from a dead sleep to exclaim, “It was the candlemaker!” before running out of the room, and apparently right into Bobby who- from the sounds of their mumbled laughter and high fives- had the same epiphany.
Yeah, Buck had a problem. And he hoped he had it for the rest of his life.
189 notes · View notes
Which hellenic deity is reaching out to you?
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Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences. Also thank you so much for all the support from yall. I really appreciate everyones feedback on my readings. It really solidifies the idea that i can do this professionally. I hope my readings assist yall more 💙
Astrology: Leo, Aquarius, Capricorn
Cards: 3 of pentacles, 10 of wands, 4 of swords, big picture thinking
Song: Beginnings by Madeon
Hey there, friend! You have a couple different deities from the hellenistic pantheon reaching out to you. Three to be exact. It seems like they have been reaching out to you for a while now. Either you haven't noticed or they have been keeping their identities secret from you. They have been watching you work your ass off trying to handle everything on your own. It seems like you have been rejecting their help because you have some pride in doing things independently. They want you to know that you are not weak by accepting help from anyone. The door is open to work with them if you ever you want to accept them. I see very clearly Lady Athena wants your attention. She has been looking after you since you were born. She is the main deity reaching out to you. There is also Lord Ares reaching out as well. I can deduce pretty easily that you have been through war your whole life. It could be internal war but it could also be literal. Both Lady Athena and Lord Ares want to take over the war for you so you don't need to fight anymore. They want you to rest. They want to take care of you so you can have a breath of fresh air that you don't breathe in battle. You have been fighting for so long. The last deity who wants to work with you is Mother Gaia herself. She wants to scoop you up in a cradle of comfort. I see you are a truly environmentally conscientious person and she really really likes that about you. I see you trying your best to be waste-free. She really likes when you go outside and appreciate her regularly. She sits with you whenever you are on your porch. The beautiful thing about all three of these entities reaching out to you is that it is an invitation. It is not a demand. They want to help you because they like you and everything you do intuitively. You really wouldn't have to change anything drastically about your routine to work with them. They love you for you and are only asking to help take some stuff off your plate.
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Pisces
Cards: Knight of Swords, Page of Cups, 7 of Cups, Water Your Garden
Song: Family by Mother Mother
Hello, pile 2! You have two deities reaching out to you. Lord Ares has been asking to work with you for months. I see that you might be too scared to work with him. You have definitely noticed his call already. You have seen vultures, horses, dragons' and dogs in places you should not have seen them. That's Lord Ares calling out to you. In dreams, he might appear to you as a shadowy figure even if it isn't a dark setting. He's seen how lonely you have been. He wants to help you. You don't need to be scared believe me. Mythologically he is probably the safest male god you could work with. He is a protector of SA survivors. I dunno if you have heard about the myth when he slaughtered his daughter's assaulter. I think the way you view Lord Ares is understandable. He is portrayed as this scary war god but genuinely he represents a lot more than just war. He is also a minor god of dance 💃 He wants you to know he wants to keep you safe and protect you. Lord Apollo is also reaching out to you. I see you find a lot of comfort in music which is why he is reaching out. I see you turning a lot of the pain you have been through into art. Lord Apollo wants to see you get the love you deserve for all the pain you endured. He and Ares want to work together to help you take care of yourself. There is such a tenderness and restful vibe in the energy I'm getting from the cards. They want you to know the scary parts are over and you can relax finally. Leave the scary things to them.
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo
Cards: 10 of Cups, The Wheel of Fortune, 7 of Pentacles, Breath of the Cosmos
Song: He^rt by Starcadian
Hi pile 3! Welcome to your reading. The deity reaching out to you is attempting to be mysterious while also trying to get your attention so you might not have picked up on their signals that they sent out. I see Lady Artemis is this mysterious energy. Her symbols are deer, archery, wolves, wild plants, the moon and the stars. There are plenty more symbols of hers that I could name but I feel that she wants you to do your own research if you choose to work with her. I'm unsure what she wants to assist you with but I do know it is something that will fulfill you more than anything you have worked on before. She really desires to be there for you when you start this journey. I also see Zues wanting to help you as well. He specifically wants to assist you with something financial. I see you are working on something that you have given so much energy to. He really likes what you are making and wants to sponsor you and help you complete the task at hand. The work you are completing has something to do with speaking or maybe even writing. It looks like you could draw so much wealth from this endeavor. Use his connection to the planet Jupiter to your advantage. Jupiter is the planet of higher learning and abundance. Perhaps you are working on a thesis paper and he enjoys how you have spoken about the subject of this paper. These two don't seem to want to work together on anything. It feels more akin to them helping you in different areas of life just to give you a leg up. They welcome you with open arms.
Astrology: Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus
Cards: The Emperor, 6 of Wands, 9 of Wands, The Blue Flame
Song: Esctatic Baby by Yeasayer
Welcome pile four! I see 2 deities VERY clearly for you. They both only recently took an interest in you. Something changed very drastically in your life. This big change is what invited these two. The first is Lord Posideon. He saw the strength of your flame from the coastline. I have a feeling you are land-locked. You are as far from the sea as you possibly can be and he saw your passion from that distance. He is so intrigued by you. He wants to help kindle your flame so you don't burn out your passion too early. You felt so called to do whatever it is you are doing and you are giving it everything you have. Your whole soul is aimed at what lit this flame in you. He loves seeing how fired up you are. It's probably been a while since you felt this way. He wants to you slow your roll juuuuust a little bit. Don't burn out your fuel too quickly and cultivate your fire into victory. The other deity reaching out is Lord Dionysus. He wants to help you with the same thing Lord Posideon wants to help you with. He wants to see you bloom and grow. He wants to see your venture fruitful. He doesn't want your work to go unrewarded. I think you might smoke bud or something and he connects really well through that with you. Again the same message of "Don't over-do it" is coming through. They both love the enthusiasm you are giving but just make sure you are still caring for your body. Make sure you are setting good boundaries with yourself and your work. They can't wait to see where you go with this. Good luck, friend!
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