#I couldn't resist I had to feed the hungry followers
damagedintellect · 2 years
Trafalgar Law x reader
💌 Fake it till you make it: Chapter 6  💌  
Summary:  To avoid an arranged marriage set up by Doflamingo, Law needs to bring home a girlfriend during the Christmas break and you just so happen to be a theatre major in the same dorm at One Piece University. What could possibly go wrong?  
Tropes: College AU, Fake Dating, Idiots in love
💌 Word count: 4,335 💌 <= Previous Chapter | Next Chapter =>
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The sun sat high in the sky, light flooding through the window. The events of last night slowly stirred through Law’s head as he woke up little by little. The light flashed annoyingly on his face as he could feel his head start to ache causing him to regret not drinking much water the night before. Although since he was forced to be around his family's clients for that long and his agreement with Doflamingo, he needed something to take the edge off of dealing with the blonde's bullshit. Besides, he didn't drink enough to truly embarrass himself; it's not like he would do anything he'd regret. If anything Law thinks when he’s inebriated he tends to do things he would have done anyways. He’s not a complete idiot. He snuggled back into the blankets trying to get the sun out of his eyes not wanting to get up just yet. That’s when he realized that it wasn’t the blanket he was nuzzling into. Flashbacks from last night played out in his head as he leisurely opened his eyes. He fucked up. Law was still stark naked pressed right up against (Y/N) spooning her with his arms pulling her closer to his chest. He didn’t know what to think about the hole that he dug for himself but this was not how he wanted to confront his feelings.
No matter how he looked at it, this was probably the worst thing he could have done. He cursed himself for thinking with his dick as he eventually untangled himself. What was he supposed to do now? The ride home was going to be extremely awkward and he was not looking forward to it. Does he bring up his romantic intentions or would that be weird. Like “(Y/N)-ya I know we just had sex and that was great also please be my real girlfriend.” He winced at his own delusion roasting his brain for the horrible choice of words. He got ready to take a shower as he looked at the desolate state the room was in. He contemplates waking (Y/N). It was already afternoon and he wanted to leave earlier since the roads were going to be crazy to deal with as it was new year’s day. "Great" Law thought to himself rolling his eyes. He messed up on all fronts because neither of them spent the down time yesterday packing. Now he remembers why he never bothered with having such infatuations. They were more trouble than they're worth.
Your back was cold but your face was warmed by the sun. It was the only thing keeping you from thinking about how much your head hurt. Actually scratch that everything hurt, your entire body was sore but it was a good kind of sore. Although your neck was killing you. You knew you would have to get up eventually. You really didn’t want to but if you and Law were going to leave at the time he wanted… your thoughts trail off as you bolt upright making yourself dizzy. OH GOD LAW! You had sex with Trafalgar Law. You scanned the room you were alone, still naked but alone. The whole room in a state of disarray as it all came back to you. You pulled the blanket over yourself not wanting to think about how embarrassingly horny you were last night. You’re never going to hear the end of it. You can see it now the whole car ride back is just going to be him teasing you about how badly you wanted him. You tried not to think about it as you collected your things and packed them away. You contemplate taking a shower but decide to get dressed instead. If you knew when Law got up maybe you would but you don’t want to keep him waiting. On the other hand he still had to pack. You don’t bother looking in a mirror as you thread your fingers through your hair heading down stairs.
It didn’t seem like anyone else was around although as you made your way to the kitchen you could hear voices. When you turned the corner you made eye contact with Law who was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. He seemed to pause the conversation giving you a hard stare before his eyes lowered slightly. His face simmered red. Law covered the lower half of his face with his hand but didn’t look away from you. You blush lightly under his gaze giving him a quizzical look while Corazon gives you both a cheeky grin “At least now I know I won't have to beg for grandkids.” He laughed lightly to himself.
It occurs to you that he was referring to the hickeys on your neck and you blush harder. Law choked on his coffee and was lecturing Corazon that he can’t just say stuff like that. The blonde continued to laugh it off “Ah, young love. Law there’s no need to be embarrassed, she's your girlfriend for crying out loud.” Law cleared his throat putting his mug aside “I should start packing, it’s already later than I would have liked to leave.” He pulled his hat down when he walked past you but stopped to grab your arm taking you back upstairs with him. Neither of you spoke until you got into the room. Law didn’t let go of your wrist, both of you just staring at your hands. Trying to collect his thoughts he muttered “I’m sorry about him, I don't know why he said that.”
You laughed nervously in hindsight. You had to admit it was kind of funny if it wasn't directed at you. “I uh probably would have made a similar joke had it been my kid so don’t worry about it.” He eventually let go of your wrist and started gathering his things. You tried to make yourself busy by making the bed.
"Listen about last night-"
"I'm coming in," Law was interrupted by Doflamingo "Corazon said you were about to head off. I wanted to offer my assistance, it would be rude of me to not see you out." Doffy gestured to your bag but Law stepped in front of you. "I'm sure we can manage just fine." Doflamingo grinned smugly, "I insist.” You could see sparks fly with how intense their gaze on each other was. Honestly you don’t want to get involved but you know neither of them will back down. They’ve done this a few times over the week but Corazon was always there to snap them out of it. These silly boys and their mind games you swear. You bite the bullet and calmly take Law’s hand hoping he will stand down this once. “That would be lovely and I would like to thank you again for everything this past week. I know my arrival was on short notice.” you broke Law’s focus for a moment before he glared back at Doflamingo, backing down and letting the blonde take your bag. "Truly the pleasure was all mine. It's not everyday one manages to capture Law’s heart." Law would have rolled his eyes at the blonde but he'd rather just leave already. After checking the surroundings to make sure he didn’t miss anything Doffy ushered you both out of the room.
“Did you enjoy yourself while you were here, (Y/N)?” Doflamingo asked as you all walked down the stairs. Corazon joined you on your way to the car. “Oh, very much. It was a nice change of pace.” You gave Corazon one final hug and Doflamingo offered you his hand. “I’m sure we’ll see each other again, maybe even sooner than expected.” He threw a look at Law before turning around walking back to the manor. You wonder what that was all about as you got in the car.
You waited until you were a fair bit away from the manor before starting a conversation with Law. He seemed to be deep in thought and you don’t blame him. Doflamingo’s last words seemed rather cryptic in your opinion but you think that’s just how he is in general. While Corazon seems to be an open book with only everyone’s best in mind, his brother seemed to be the evil master manipulator. At least you kept your promise to Bepo.
"About the-"
"You know-"
You both spoke at the same time, Law glancing at you briefly before looking back at the road. "You can go first." He was almost relieved. He already tried to bring it up once and at this point he lost his train of thought. You shifted in your seat. "I was going to say I really did enjoy myself," you smiled at him. "This was a lot of fun. What were you gonna say?" You had a feeling you knew what it was. Obviously it was the elephant in the room. You don't know how you feel about it. You felt something for Law you really did and it seemed like he felt the same way but you can't deny that last night you both were drinking. You just don't want to be wrong and Law wasn't exactly the easiest to read.
"I was going to say that about yesterday, I apologize if I made you uncomfortable." Law cringed at his own words. He was having a hard time focusing partly because of Doflamingo's almost threatening send off and mostly because everyone was driving like ass. This is why he wanted to leave earlier but that was his own damn fault. Not to mention he wanted to have this conversation before they left but Doflamingo ruined that too and now he had to try and remember the speech he made before the interruption. This was not going as he planned. He just hopes he doesn't inadvertently make things worse.
He's worried he made you uncomfortable, does that mean he regrets it? Did that mean the flirting was unintentional? Did you somehow miss read the signs? You only had more questions or maybe you're overthinking. "I wasn't uncomfortable. Believe it or not I did mean what I said before coming here." It was true you were fine with it. Physical contact wasn't off putting to you in general and since it was Law you openly welcomed it, but he didn't know that.
Right, how could Law forget.
Come to think of it, maybe Law was wrong about his hunch. You being good at your job was starting to be a real pain in the ass. It didn't negate his romantic feelings but he might need more evidence before making a fool of himself. Although he should just peel off the band aid, he didn't. He would rather die alone than be wrong.
"I guess so, oh since you're paying me I really don’t care about personal boundaries. Holding hands, kissing, cuddles whatever is fine with me. I'm your girlfriend now so don't be shy." You looked at him over his expression, unreadable as ever. You grinned "Or do, you're pretty cute when you're flustered." You shot him a playful wink.
The rest of the drive was in stifling silence as you checked social media for the first time since leaving the dorms. You saw a flood of messages and pictures from the group chats showing what everyone else had been up too. It seemed like everyone was having a good time. Ace and Sabo had the most pictures shared usually of Luffy doing something stupid. Ussop sent some of him and Kaya playing in the snow. Sanji sent some of the mouth watering food he made, apparently Nami and Zoro were with him. Nami lived by Baratie in Sanji’s neck of the woods but apparently Zoro got lost on his way to Mihawk's and somehow ended up there by accident. Zoro later sent a selfy with Perona and Mihawks confirming he did eventually make it home. Chopper had taken a picture with the real Santa and no one had the heart to tell him otherwise. Robin and Franky sent a few selfies of their adventures. Lastly Brook sent a little jingle wishing everyone a happy festive season.
It was pretty late by the time you guys got back on campus. The school was fairly empty but you did see some people who stayed back. You followed Law into the dorms and wondered what the surgeon was thinking about. As you made your way inside it seemed pretty empty still though there was a coffee mug on the common room table you wondered if someone beat you guys back to the dorms or if someone forgot to put it away before they left. If you had to guess it was probably Robin. She wasn't planning on staying with Franky the whole break anyhow. The campus archives were like no other constantly acquiring new artifacts and literature. Lost in your thoughts you bumped into Law’s back wondering why he stopped but then you realized you both were already standing outside his dorm room.
“(Y/N)-ya, isn’t your room the other way?” he pointed down the hallway as you perked up, lightly blushing “Right! Yup, I forgot- I mean, I-I must still be tired.” you smacked your cheeks for emphasis trying to cover up the fact that you were embarrassed. You were about to walk away when Law stopped you. “In that case I might as well give this back.” He opened the door to his room, setting his bag on his bed as he opened it revealing Lil Law. You gasped dramatically, because of the events that transpired on the last night you completely forgot about him. You looked at the bear fondly and held him close. “I thought for sure you got rid of him!” Law scoffed looking away feeling his cheeks heating up. “I was going to believe me, but knowing you? I wouldn’t put it past you to go back to Dressrosa and make a new one just to spite me."
You laughed but you probably would do something similar given you had the resources and the time to do so. "There's no way I could make a new one since I'd need you to say my name again. That's why he's special." You pressed his Paw "Oi (Y/N)-ya" without thinking you kissed the bear on the nose forgetting you don't need to keep up an act. You and Law meet eyes for a split second before turning away. "I guess I should be going then." You wanted him to tell you to stay but instead you were met with an emotionless "Do what you want" and just as you feared everything was back to normal.
Law didn’t actually expect you to leave. Genuinely he thought you'd make up some excuse to stay. He almost regrets giving back his replacement so easily. He wanted to see what you would do given the chance. Which was kind of stupid on his part he knows that. There was no reason for you to stay; you had already fulfilled your part of the bargain. Law didn't want to admit it but sleeping next to you was some of the best sleep he's gotten all year. At least he could finally be alone with his thoughts and figure out where to go from here.
You were such an idiot. You should have just told him you were staying, said something cheesy like "What? You thought you could get rid of me that easily?" But as brave as you are, your anxiety got the better of you. It was so much easier when you didn't have any expectations of the outcome of your dimwitted flirty remarks and now it seems like a lost opportunity. You knew from day one this was going to be the outcome but it feels like you didn’t even try. You laid down cuddling with Lil Law. There had to be some way to break the ice, something you could do to get things back to how they were before the Gala. You could ask if he wanted to hang out but you guess you've kind of already done that the whole week. You could watch the Polar Express again, or not, you already did that and you fell asleep too. You ruffled your hair tossing and turning on your bed accidentally triggering an "Oi (Y/N)-ya" You froze, almost having a heart attack before realizing he wasn't in the room. This is why you liked theatre. Everything is scripted to the gesture there was no guesswork and even when there was it was contained in a character song that explained the next course of action.
It had been a week. A whole week, roughly the same amount of time you stayed in Dressrosa for and you hadn't seen Law since. You weren’t avoiding him per se but you also had been keeping busy. You had been putting in crazy hours at the studio keeping a strict conditioning regiment. You started off focusing on your technique but after an hour of ballet you decided you shouldn't push yourself that hard. Especially after a break. Alternatively it felt good to dance. It was very freeing to just throw on some music and let the feeling wash over you.
As more people came back to the dorms you would catch glimpses of Law passing through the common room. He wasn't looking so good the bags under his eyes were much darker than before and he seemed to zone out which wasn't something he ever made a habit of. Bepo tried asking you if anything happened while you were at Dressrosa but you'd deflect any details that involved you specifically. Shachi and Penguin were also astonished at Law’s new mannerisms. It wasn’t like the surgeon to be absent minded. Penguin asked you if you both got in a fight because of the way he reacts when they bring up your name. Apparently they wanted to go out with you for drinks the other night and Law almost fell out of his seat at the notion. Then again they also said they haven't seen him get any real sleep since they all returned to the dorms. You were worried but didn't know how to go about helping. Law doesn’t like being told what to do or being taken care of. The irony.
Unbeknownst to you, everyone else in the dorm Bepo, Shachi and Penguin were already planning an intervention. “They have been driving me crazy, we have to do something they keep avoiding each other and using me as the middleman.” Bepo lamented. He would do anything for Law but he couldn’t sit and watch any longer. They had the sneaking suspicion that you both had caught feelings for each other and refused to act on them. That was the only reasonable explanation at this point.
Shachi leaned back in his chair “Well what do we do we can’t just invite them both over and not tell the other. One way or another they’d find out and then refuse to come.”
Penguin thought it was brilliant “That’s perfect actually! I invite (Y/N) to go out for drinks or something and you guys ask Law if he wants to watch a movie and then I’ll say I need to get something from Bepo first and we lock them in the dorm.” He received quizzical looks from the others.
“There’s no way that’s gonna work.”
“It’ll work I swear,” Penguin hoped because if it didn't he was out of ideas. “It has to work.”
You were on your way back to your room after a much needed shower. Dancing for long periods of time makes you sweaty and gross even in the ac. That's when Penguin stopped and asked if you wanted to grab a drink with him. Apparently the girl you set him up with broke it off recently and he didn't want to be with the guys right now. Which was convenient for you all things considered you needed a drink. It was already pretty late in the day so you told him you could be ready in less than an hour. When you got back to your dorm you dried your hair and picked out something nice. Part of you wants to be reckless and go home with a stranger to get your mind off of Law. In all honesty you're fairly certain all you had to do was talk to him about it but for some reason it felt complicated but also like you had nothing to lose. Bottom line it was frustrating and usually you're really good at reading people. It's quite literally part of your job to analyze body language and interpret motivations. You wondered if you'd feel the same had you not gone to Dressrosa. What would you even say to him? "Oh the dangers of method acting, I fell in love with you Oops." You shake your head. No, you knew from the very beginning he was your type.
From your first encounter with the surgeon you're pretty sure he had your heart and not just your broken pen. The story you told in Dressrosa was a hundred percent true. That's how you technically met. The second time you saw the surgeon he was fighting off fangirls which is why you choose not to get involved. Now you wonder if you were always going to end up like this one way or another. Reminds you of how your parents met. You grit your teeth and smack yourself taking one last look in the mirror before messaging Penguin.
As you were about to leave he needed something from Bepo. He didn't specify what but you shrugged it off. They had pretty much been babysitting Law all week the absent mindedness could be rubbing off on them too. You followed behind pulling your phone out not paying attention as the door opened.
"(Y-Y/N)-ya?" You heard Law utter in disbelief. Glancing around you realized it was a bait and switch. "Shit." You tried to escape but Bepo pushed you further into the room as Penguin and Shachi secured the door. "Neither of you are leaving this room until you work out whatever is going on between you two!" They shouted from the other side of the door. You gestured at the door looking at Law who only shrugged having no hand in the set up. You sighed, putting your hand on your hip. "You guys do realize the door opens and locks from the inside right." There was a brief pause before the handle jiggled "If we hold the door what difference does it make. Now talk!"
You looked back at Law. He had his head in his hands most likely embarrassed by the loyalty of his friends. You sat next to him on the bed you might as well get this over with.
You both looked at each other, both motioning for the other to say their piece. You frowned, this will get you nowhere. "No, I went first Last time and look where that got us." Law grumbled but you were right. "You're looking well" he said gesturing to your outfit. To be fair you were dressed to go out of course you looked nice. Law on the other hand looked like he hadn't left his room all week. "And you look like death"
"I haven't been getting much sleep" He paused, deciding whether or not it was a good idea to tell you more information "You're all I can think about."
"I can imagine. I mean you were always an insomniac-” you cut yourself off. It only now dawned on you what Law said “Wait what" you stare back in confusion. Did you hear him correctly?
It was now or never Law thought as he looked away. He didn’t want to face you. He didn’t want to see your reaction to his words. "I might have developed romantic feelings for you and trusting people and letting them in has never been my strong suit"
"Well, being honest with my emotions has never exactly been mine so I guess that makes two of us." You moved closer to put your head on his shoulder. Law tensed at the action. For smart people you guys sure are idiots. "I feel the same, by the way.” You laughed awkwardly. “You know just in case you were wondering.” Law sat up to look at you. When he had this conversation in his head that’s not what he expected you to say. You blinked back at him “What?”
Law narrowed his eyes at you “You like me” he said flatly. You didn’t understand what he wasn’t getting at “I do, why, is that hard to believe?” he rubbed his temples putting two and two together "Then why have you been avoiding me?"
You scoffed "I could say the same to you! I assumed it was all in my head because you didn't seem interested after we got back."
"Are you kidding me?! I spent the last three days of the trip actively flirting with you!"
"Yeah on a trip where we were in an established relationship!"
"I never flirt with anyone, it should have been really obvious!"
"Maybe if you were a better flirt I would have realized it sooner!" You argued back. That last comment had a little more bite to it than necessary. You think you might have actually struck a cord there "Seriously!" Law looked slightly offended crossing his arms. You laughed as you cupped his grumpy sleep deprived face "Just kiss your girlfriend already." You both leaned in feeling the familiar spark. As you were about to pull away he wrapped his arms around you trapping you in his embrace. You stayed like that for a while enjoying the hug before you realized his breath evened out and he was no longer responding to you. He was asleep.
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dark-and-kawaii · 29 days
˚₊‧꒰ა❤︎໒꒱‧ An Incubus & His Dove ‧꒰ა❤︎໒꒱‧₊˚
Summary: You return to the House of Hope to seek out Haarlep… Only this time, he doesn’t suckle on your soul- refusing to feed off you, but why?
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ Pairings: Haarlep x F!Tav/Reader
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ Content: NSFW - Hurt/Comfort - Breeding - Soft Haarlep - Cervix Penetration - Angst - Love
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ Notes: Who isn’t a sucker for a good incubus romance smut story? Enjoy xoxo
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The following stroke, just as brutal as the first, followed after a cruel ten second pause, ripping another scream from my throat. It was always this way. Every visit to the House of Hope ended the same, with you sprawled beneath the incubus Haarlep, your wrists bound by his massive hands, your body a canvas for his cruel pleasure. Which you always happily accepted…
The next thrust made your toes curl and your back arch, “Hah~ Haarlep~!” you gasped the demon's name. To which made him chuckle deeply, and continue the rhythm. 
Haarlep was beautiful, undeniably so. His eyes held a hypnotic allure, and his touch, though brutal, sent shivers down your spine always. He was a monster, yes, but he was your monster.
“Such a pretty little voice, dove~ And all for me~?” The creature purred into your ear, it was such a deep, husky, and oh so sexy tone that made you shudder. All you could do was bite your lip to stifle the sound that threatened to slip.
Haarlep gave your neck a warning bite.
You released your lip and whimpered, “y-yes~”. 
He was right. You were all his. You knew this… It’s unfortunate Raphael didn’t know this… 
You knew you should’ve fought back when you first met Haarlep, resist his advances. But you couldn't. You were powerless against him, both physically and emotionally. As if an invisible string had attached you to one another…
“Hmm~ You know~~~ You really shouldn't be making such sweet noises. I may end up eating you alive before I get my fill of you~” Haarlep winked, his pace never slowing.
Your cheeks heated up at that thought, and you turned your head away, “I-I-“ A particularly hard thrust cuts you off, “Ah~ Haarlep!!! Haaaarlep~ ♡!!”
It wasn't until then, when you realized, that Haarlep hadn't fed yet... Your eyes opened wide and you quickly looked at him, he seemed to be enjoying himself thoroughly, but something was off…
“Ngh~ hah~!” You struggled against his hands, wriggling your wrists around in his grasp and cried out, “s’too m-much~ w-wait~ haa~”
The creature pulled you close with his wings, his tail wrapping around your thigh to keep you pressed firmly against him as his cock slowly started to painfully pull out. His bulbous head stretching your tiny tight pussy as it began to leave your body. 
He'd just been going at you like an animal, but hadn't actually fed off you… Haarlep was simply enjoying the moment, the pleasure you provided him with.
As the head finally popped out, you were left panting and whimpering beneath him, and he was left groaning and growling at the sudden lack of warmth. He was about to push his cock back in until you slipped your leg free of his tail and kicked his chest.
Haarlep grunted as his large body was pushed over… And you wasted no time climbing on top of him and sinking his cock into your tight, hot cunt. 
You both moaned at the sensation, and you were the first to move, slowly rolling your hips.
His eyes shut in pleasure as his hands quickly found their place on your ass, his claws digging into the flesh, “My~ What a feisty dove~! So hungry for my cock~ I'm glad, because I'm not letting you go~ Mmm~ So warm and wet~ My little dove~”
You leaned forward, resting your hands on his chest as you rode his cock, your moans soft and sweet, his name dripping from your lips like honey.
Haarlep licked his lips and arched his back, pulling you down further onto him as he took control, bouncing you in his lap and pounding your tight cunt. His orangish red eyes met yours and his tail wrapped around your thigh again, pulling your leg away from his hip causing your hips to shift forward. The new angle had the head of his cock pressing against your cervix, which sent your back arching, your eyes closing and your jaw dropping in a silent scream.
His thrusts only got harder and more powerful, bullying and punching your insides with his cock- bruising your cervix as he watched you fall apart.
“Haarleeeepppp~ M-my puswy~ it- it’s gonna break~! Ahn~ pleaseee~ ah!~ ♡ Haaaa~ ♡ ♡ ♡!!!!!~”
It felt like you were being impaled on the head of some enormous pole as the demon kept thrusting his cock up into you, to the edge of your womb.
“Ah, yes!~ Sing for me dove~ with that pretty little voice of yours! Let all those pitiful souls know how good you're taking it!! I want them to hear the pleasure I give you~”
“Sh’o d-deep~ Ahhah- crush-crushing mah~ dee-pest~ parts~!~ H-haar-leeeeeppp~ ♡!!!!~”
With each thrust his head hit your cervix, and he was getting closer and closer to penetrating the deepest part of you.
You were so close, so very close to cumming, but a part of you wanted him to do it… To penetrate your deepest part.
To make you his completely, his and no one else's.
You knew that's what he wanted too, after all, you'd already let him have a taste of you... Why not have him devour you?
With that thought in mind you wrapped your arms around his neck and whispered into his ear, begging him, pleading for him, to give you what you both desired, “P-please, my- my incubus~ Pour your seed inside me, please- I need it, I want it~ I want to feel you, I want to be filled with you and no one else. Only you~ u-until there’s nothing left~ hah♡”
Your words had an immediate effect on him, Haarlep let out a throaty moan and picked up his pace, pounding away at your cervix, abusing the hole and trying to force his way through, “I can feel it you know~,” The way he spoke made your heart skip a beat, “The way those slick gummy walls of yours clamp down around me when talking about filling your tiny womb with my spawn~”
You whined, the sound needy and high pitched.
That seemed to be his breaking point, his claws digging into your ass cheeks, spreading them apart, as he forced the head of his cock into your tight cervix. His mouth falling open, sweat forming on his brow, a deep blush for the very first time in his existence spread across his cheeks and his tongue hanging from his mouth as he drank the pleasures your body has to offer. 
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, but you wouldn't trade this feeling for the world. Your enslaved incubus looked so cute like this. Almost innocent, despite being buried balls deep inside of you, his cock in the shallowest part of your womb…
The head of his cock twitched and throbbed as it started spewing hot ropes of cum into you, his seed painting the deepest parts of your womb a creamy white.
Your tongue lolled out of your mouth, and a bit of drool dripped down onto Haarlrp as your body convulsed and squirted all over his abdomen.
Slowly, Haarlep ground his cock inside of you, pushing his seed deeper and deeper inside of you, while also rubbing against the sensitive spots inside of you. His eyes locked on your face, taking in your cute expression, your teary eyes and drooling mouth, and your flushed cheeks. My how he loved that fucked out expression, it was one he'd seen on you plenty of times, and it was one he adored. How strange. Adored? No… More than that. Haarlep found his feelings for you growing with each day.
You held such immense value for him- your soul, your delicate frame, your charming visage, and that enchanting voice of yours… How he would grimace whenever a visitor came to him, daring to suggest he take your form, only for him laugh with a firm refusal...
Haarlep's wings unfurled at the thought, and his eyes drifted down, resting upon the sight of his cock inside of you, stretching your small, quivering pussy out, the way it hugged his length was beautiful... His hand made its way to your stomach and he found himself rubbing small circles where your womb would be... Where he could sense the smallest of soul within you... Haarlep could feel it earlier when you arrived, how you, his little dove, was carrying his child, his spawn- how you were carrying his child and didn't even know…
As your orgasm died down and your body began to relax, Haarlep slowly pulled out of you... The tip of his cock popping free from your cervix causing you to whine in response, a thin trail of cum and blood dripping out of you.
Haarlep laid his head back and relaxed, a small smile gracing his features as he enjoyed the afterglow.
Your afterglow, however, was you still being a mess, dry tears that left streaks down your cheeks, drool covering your mouth, and a small pool of liquid forming beneath you, on Haarlep.
The incubus grinned and wiped the drool from your chin, he noticed how you were staring at him, the look in your eyes told him that you were exhausted. He couldn't blame you, the way you were moaning earlier, the way you sang and screamed and cried his name- and the way you looked at him now, it was all so adorable, so cute... But there was something else there in those glazed over eyes of yours... His finger never leaving the soft flesh of your chin, his claw gently tracing along the curve of your bottom lip.
You shivered and slowly blinked.
Haarlep chuckled deeply, “Has my little dove found herself enamored by the pleasures Raphael's incubus can provide?”
Your cheeks turned a deep red, “No- no that's not it-“ You bit your lip, no... It wasn't that... Your eyes fell to Haarlep's v-line, your fingers absentmindedly running along his warm skin, “I-...”
“You...?” Haarlep hummed and watched you, waiting for your reply.
You looked up at him, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes, “Haarlep… Why didn't you feed off of me?”
Haarlep's full lips curled into a mocking smirk, his eyes glittering with mischief, “Always so curious,” he teased, his voice a smooth purr that sent shivers down your spine, “Must I have a reason for everything I do?”
But you knew there was more, something hidden beneath his playful facade. The thought gnawed at you, a relentless itch that wouldn't be satisfied with his evasive answers.
Haarlep continued, “Well it’s quite simple, isn't it? You're Raphael's mouse are you not? He reaps the pleasure from your body when you're with me. His favorite little mouse, the only one who hasn't had their soul stripped... I can't do that to you, I can't hurt you- not that badly at leas-“
You shook your head and sighed… You knew when the damn demon was lying, “I should get going, I'm sure the others are worried about me…” You pushed yourself away from him and attempted to stand, but the pain between your legs had other plans, making you whine and wince…
Haarlep clicked his tongue, “I’d advise against hurry, Dove.” In the nick of time he grasped your arm to prevent you from collapsing, his tail encircling your waist to draw you gently back to him.
You purse your lips, unsure of how to tell him that you meant what you said, you wanted to belong to him, “i- i meant what I said. I want to be yours…” You felt yourself being held against him, “… I… I want to take you away from this place... i-“
Haarlep cocked his head to the side, and raised a brow as he stared at you, his face was blank, no sign of emotion whatsoever. 
"I want you to be my incubus. Just mine… And free…” You finished, a nervous laugh slipping past your lips.
“Oh, you do, do you?” His wings folded behind him, his eyes glowing brighter, a grin on his face, and his tail squeezing you a little tighter.
You could feel more tears threatening to fall, “Yes... I don't want you to feed off others... if you even can from how vile these creatures that visit you can be... I can't bear the thought of those devils- those that come to you abusing you as their plaything anymore- making you bleed for their own pleasure-“ your breath hitched in your throat, the tears that once threatened now freely falling, “Haarlep- i- i- can't stand to think of others using you like that... Seeing them- Raphael allowing it... Just h-how many times have your bones broken under all their touch-“
Haarlep leaned in, his breath caressing your skin. His nose gently brushed against your temple as he nuzzled closer. His lips hovered near yours, almost but not quite touching, “Foolish girl~” his tongue flicking out to tenderly lap away the salty tears.
Haarlep's smirk deepened, his wings unfurling to envelop you in their leathery embrace. His gaze was hard, tinged with mockery, but there was something else there too- a flicker of something you couldn't quite place, “So quick to wear your heart on your sleeve.”
Moments had passed and you soon found yourself submerged in darkness.
You were asleep, he knew, yet his words came regardless, “Of claiming me as your own personal incubus, beholden to no one but you.” A wicked grin curved those lips, “To have your delectable body as my sole source of sustenance, to drink deep of your pleasure, to ravish you whenever I please- whenever I need…" He leaned down, pressing his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of your flesh, and reveling in the warmth that radiated from it, “How foolish indeed~”. His eyes narrowed, “What am I to do with you, little dove?” He brushed a stray lock of hair out of your face… When your eyes opened, you were lying on your bed at the inn, a blanket over you and a pillow under your head. You sat up and looked around, your companions still sound asleep and you noticed a small note on the table beside you.
The words on the small parchment made your eyes water and your heart swell, a small smile tugging at your lips, 'My little dove, You've proven to be quite the heavy sleeper. You didn't wake when I dressed you, didn't even flinch when I took you away. But it matters not, for when we meet again, you'll have your answer. Until that moment arrives, do take utmost care of that precious burden you bear on my behalf.
- Your favorite Incubus. P.S. I look forward to hearing you sing for me once more.'
Your hand slowly lowered the parchment, and rested on your belly... It had made sense now, why he hadn't fed off of you, why he hadn't even tried to... Your eyes closed, and a soft sigh escaped you.
You couldn't help but laugh at how silly the idea was... That you could actually have him... Be his breaker of chains and lover...
Yet, you still swore as you rubbed your flat tummy, “I will, no matter what... I'll set you free... My incubus” and you swore as you made your vow, that you could feel the ghost of lips caressing your cheek, and a feather light kiss to the corner of your lips.
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female-malice · 1 year
I forgot to tell you guys that I observed a juvenile crow and her mama yesterday. And it was amazing. One of my favorite things I've ever seen.
The juvenile crow was full grown. She was the same size as her mom. She was aggressively following the mom around. Any time the mom would fly off, the juvenile would follow. And she'd land clumsily almost on top of the mom. And she'd go "wah wah wah feed me feed me feed me." She had her beak open and she was flapping her wings in a wimpy way. It was the same motions and sounds you'd see baby birds make. But this was a full grown juvenile crow which made it very comical.
Crows aren't very strict parents. They're not very good at cutting off their children and forcing them to be independent. They're pushovers who spoil their children. This crow mom was absolutely feeding her full grown juvenile offspring. So I went out and gave the crow mom peanuts to help with this task of spoiling this teenage crow. She quickly gathered all the peanuts I gave her. And I got to see her feed her "baby" multiple times. Meanwhile the "baby" is completely useless. She's not even watching how the mom gathers peanuts. This "baby" crow just had her head raised up to the universe, beak open, wings weakly flapping. "Feed me feed me." And the mom was doing all the work communicating with the human and gathering peanuts. And then flying to the full-grown "baby" and feeding her. After about 5 minutes of this, the mom flew off and the "baby" followed.
But it was incredible because observing this helped me understand certain crow behaviors I'd seen countless times before. It's something that looks like "crow tag." Usually, there's a crow couple sitting peacefully on a tree. Then another adult crow flies in and lands right next to one of the members of the couple. The newcomer makes a wimpy flapping motion with her wings and goes "wah wah wah." This is a softer more high-pitched cawing than the usual caw. The crow couple sits and watches this for about 15 seconds. And then the crow couple flies to the adjacent tree. And the newcomer follows them and does it again. So the crow couple flies back to the first tree. Back and forth.
Now I think I understand this "crow tag" interaction better. This is one of the crow couple's adult children greeting them.
For humans, the sound "ma" is often one of the first sounds we make. So we refer to our mothers as "ma." For crows, that hungry "wah wah wah" routine is the first sound they make. So of course they refer to their parents that way.
And crow parents greet their adult children by flying away. "Adult child, I have no food for you." And then they fly off. That's what any decent bird is supposed to do. And crows know that. They just can't bring themselves to commit to it the way other birds do. When they fly off, they just fly to the next tree, or sometimes only the next branch over.
"wah wah wah" – parents fly to the next branch – "wah wah wah" – parents fly to the next branch – "wah wah wah" – parents fly to the next branch – "wah wah wah"
It becomes like a game. I've seen them play this game for 20 minutes straight.
But today was the first time I've seen a crow parent who was just a complete sucker. She was just like "okay I will feed you of course my baby." She couldn't resist feeding her child who definitely looked full grown to me. This mama crow is a crow I can regularly identify because she's missing a tail feather. She's a bit of a weirdo. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that she has an alternative parenting approach.
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Oh ok...Then may I request caregiver dark enchantress and little red velvet? Like her caring for him after he worked very hard and had resisted regressing due to working but dark enchantress is just...having none of that, both wanting her baby and wanting red velvet to take a break?
Sorry it took so long!!! Have a donut 🍩
Ive been a bit burnt out, but that has passed and now I can write!!
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⚠️ TW: one mention of smoking at the start, very small!⚠️
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“I'm going for a smoke.” The uneven Cookie said, nearly stomping out of the room. He heard someone follow him, but ignored them and kept walking. His head hurt, he was tired, he was hungry. When did he last sleep?
Probably a few days ago, the pups had his whole attention for weeks, especially the sickly one.
A part of him wanted to be taken care of like that but even that part knew he couldn't.
“Red Velvet, stop.” Dark Enchantress held his shoulder, a stern look softening into a worried one. “When did you sleep last..?”
“Last night.” He lied, turning away from his mother.
“Tell me the truth, Velvet.” She said, more stern now.
“...three days or so.”
“Three days!?” She walked in front of him, gently pulling his face to look at hers. “I'm getting you to bed.”
“What? I'm not a child, mom! I have stuff I need to do! I can't–” He protested, getting interrupted by her picking him up.
“You’re going to bed, no exceptions.”
“I have pups to feed! Let me go!” He whined, trying to get out of her arms, and failing.
“I know, I'll feed them myself once you're asleep.” Red Velvet kept struggling and trying to get away from his mom all the way to the nursery.
“Nooo…” Red Velvet whined. “I don't feel small mom!”
“I don't care, I need to take care of my baby and you need to actually take a break. Please.”
“But the hounds! They-”
“They'll be taken care of. Esterházy will be over there, then I will too, once you get to sleep. You need to rest. Please.” She cradled Red Velvet in her arms, holding him close. Red Velvet sighed, finally allowing himself to calm down a moment, shutting down any worries about the pups.
“Alright…” He yawned and rubbed his eyes.
“Time for bed, hmm?” She asked, Red Velvet giving a small nod. Dark Enchantress set him down, going to find his pajamas. She brought back a blue puppy onsie.
“Need help, dear?” Red Velvet shook his head, Dark Enchantress turning around so he could change.
“‘m done, mama…” Red Velvet interrupted himself with a yawn. Dark Enchantress turned back around and picked him up, walking to a large cradle to set him in.
“How small are you feeling, bud?” She was answered with three fingers. “Want your teether?” And a nod. She brought Red Velvet a bone shaped teether, which he slowly chewed on.
“Sleep well, bud. You deserve it after so much. We can play when you wake up, alright?” She watched his eyes flutter closed and his breathing to slow, his bigger hand gripping one of the sides of the cradle. Dark Enchantress got up, grabbing a plush from a box, and putting it in his hand instead. Now it was close to his chest.
“I love you so much, please don't do this again…” She placed a kiss on his forehead, and left the room, keeping the lights low, and closing the door softly, letting the little one sleep.
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511 words!!
Again, sorry it took so long
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oliversrarebooks · 1 year
The Rare Bookseller Part 16: Emily's Defiance
September 1925
TW: mind control, manipulation, hypnotic language, Emily POV
"Hush now, Emily, don't move. You're so tired. Too tired to resist."
Emily struggled to keep her eyes open, to free herself of Lily's unnaturally strong arms, but she was losing both fights. She was swiftly carried into a dimly lit room and placed on a soft leather chair. Instinctively, she flailed to try to get out of it before she was restrained, but she was groggy and uncoordinated. Lily dropped a heavy, woolen blanket on top of her and wrapped her snugly -- not exactly conventional restraints, but it did make it harder for Emily to free herself.
"Just go to sleep, pet." Lily waved her fingers in front of Emily's eyes, in a gentle, fluttering downward motion that made her eyelids droop. "Everything is going to be okay. Just go to sleep."
Emily tried to shake herself out of it. She didn't dare close her eyes, and there was nowhere she could look where Lily's mesmerizing hand movements didn't catch her focus. "I won't," she said, stubbornly. "I'm not letting you take my mind."
"I'm not going to take your mind, pet," she said, her hands fluttering downwards like soothing rains. "I'm going to take care of you."
"Like hell." She tried to push herself up from the chair but her limbs felt weak and wobbly and she was tangled in the blanket.
"Oh, Emily, dear pet, you've never had anyone to properly take care of you, have you?" Her voice was like cloying honey. "Not your parents, not your friends, not your lovers. Always clawing and fighting and struggling to survive. And it makes you so tired. Just absolutely exhausted."
Her eyelids drifted for a moment. "I'm not --"
"Shhh, hush, pet, be drowsy and dazed just for me," said Lily, her fluttering hands coaxing Emily's heavy eyes to follow them. "You don't have to worry about that any more. You're going to be taken care of, just like you always wanted."
"Being a vampire's slave isn't..."
"You're so warm and comfortable, with a woolen blanket and a full stomach, and a gentle voice putting you to sleep. Isn't that just what you've always wanted on those cold and hungry nights?"
God, yes, it was. She'd spent so many nights shivering herself to sleep in a room with busted heat, her stomach screaming at her for skipping dinner again. There were nights when she would've given a lot for a full, hot meal like the vampires served.
Just not her mind.
But she was so tired.
"There you are, sweet pet, just go to sleep and let me take care of everything."
Emily opened her eyes in alarm. When had she started to drift off? "You're not going to take care of me. You're going to take my mind," she protested, much weaker than she'd like.
"I'm not, pet, I'm really not," sad Lily, petting her hair. "I really am going to take care of you while you sleep, and I don't require your mind. I only require the smallest price."
"What is...?"
"Just the smallest bit of submission, pet." Lily's smile was unsettlingly gentle. "And it's so easy for you to give it to me. Let me show you."
"What -- what do you -- ?" Emily's breath hitched in alarm as Lily moved closer. She was looking at Emily's neck so intently, and Emily felt the strangest calm descending on her, numbing her limbs and clouding her mind. 
She wanted... no, that couldn't be right... she was confused because she was so tired --
"That's right, pet, you want me to feed," said Lily, her fangs so sharp. "You want to sleep and you want to submit."
Emily struggled against the feeling to no avail. The tension was thick in the air as she fought the invasive desire to allow Lily to sink her fangs right into her neck and drink her blood, all the blood she needed --
Lily reached out and began to softly run one finger up and down Emily's exposed neck, the touch both electric and strangely relaxing. She could feel the remaining defiance ebbing out of her moment by moment.
It felt... nice. She was leaning into it without fully realizing. When's the last time she'd had a such tender touch?
"Isn't that just so good, sweet pet? Why would you ever fight this?"
It was important to fight. She was sure of that. But she couldn't quite...
"Time to sleep, pet," said Lily. "Time to sleep and dream the sweetest dreams."
She felt her head nod, caught in Lily's spell like a fly in a spider web, her feeble struggles only further trapping her. She let out a deep yawn as her eyelids closed down. Everything felt so strange and hazy, like a dream.
"I'm going to take such good care of you" was the last thing Emily heard before slipping away.
She woke up back in her bed. No, not her bed -- her cot in her cell in the vampires' prison.
The lights were already on, and she sat up and stretched, feeling more refreshed than she had since getting here. She'd finally gotten a good night's sleep, apparently, despite the strange nightmares about Miss Lily dragging her away. Even those hadn't been all that distressing.
Those were just nightmares... right? Emily tried to remember, her mind foggy. Hadn't Oliver said Miss Lily was coming for her soon? But she didn't feel different. She didn't feel hypnotized at all. She could still remember who she was, remember details of her past. She still wanted to go home.
The rattle of the breakfast cart brought her out of her musings. A bowl of oatmeal with sugar and berries on top greeted her, along with a cup of coffee. It was tasty and filling, and it really was so nice that the vampires were taking good care of them, despite everything.
"Oh, you're awake!" said Oliver. "How are you doing, Emily?"
"Just fine," she said. She was feeling more cheerful about talking to Oliver now that she'd had a good night's sleep. His hypnotic chanting somehow hadn't kept her up at all.
"That's good. I heard Miss Lily carrying you away, so I was a little worried, even though I knew she wouldn't hurt you."
"She did? It wasn't just a dream?" said Emily, alarmed. 
"Yeah, last night, a little bit after lights out. You were so quiet this morning, I was a little afraid she had totally wiped your mind."
"No, I... I don't know what she did." It had to have been something, unless Miss Lily told Oliver to say this to unsettle her. But Miss Lily wouldn't do something like that. She was taking good care of her. In her dreams, she remembered feeling so safe, so comforted. Whatever it was, how bad could it be? She'd been through a lot worse than this.
But if Miss Lily had taken her away, then she must be under her spell.
What was so different? She couldn't even tell. And that didn't worry her nearly as much as she thought it probably should.
"It's strange, right?" said Oliver with a nervous laugh. "I feel like I don't know the half of it either. But you're okay, aren't you?"
Emily nodded slowly. She got it now, how Oliver felt. How much easier it was to let go.
"Yeah. I'm okay."
Part Fifteen >> Masterlist >> Part Seventeen
Extra: Auction House Worldbuilding
Preparations are almost done and the big auction is about to start! I love asks and plan to write a few notes about the worldbuilding here before the auction begins.
Tag list - please note if you'd like to be added
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist
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okay okay okay so i’m thinking 236 with plug!eren. i feel like he’d love to see you wearing his things like wearing his hoodie after six could easily start up a round two.
and then that last chapter got me thinking abt 116 w/ him too, i can’t wait to see a more possessive/protective side to him in the future possibly 👀 that “my girl” had me feeling things lol
and then 8 for jean. i have no specific reason, he’s just sexy and i’m impulsive so i wanna fuck him there, but he’s also tall as hell so it would be a struggle for him LMAO
this was just an excuse to talk to you abt plug!eren and jean, please don’t think i’m expecting drabble from you i just wanna ramble 😭😭🥹
DLFADLFDA hi bestie!!!! you're so full of ideas i literally love it so much i just.....you're so right. ESP about plug!eren he's so possessive on the low and he tries to hold himself back but he can't always help himself. like, he def has you dressed up all in his little hoodies and t-shirts and you're always covered in little bites and bruises and hickeys and going through dozens of bottles of concealer and he absolutely gets you a little necklace with an E charm on it like that's not canon but it's canon <333 i LOVE him!!!!
but your idea with jean....i....i simply couldn't resist....
NSFW below the cut >:)
The first thing you learned about Jean Kirschstein was that his ego knows no bounds. He isn't a selfish person, quite the opposite, actually, but as the starting pitcher for Paradis University's top-ranking baseball team, he has a constant supply of ego-fueling screams from the stands to keep his self-image bloated and well-fed.
Hundreds of girls screaming their name would make any man unreasonably confident, but Jean has the gall to blame his borderline-conceit on you of all people. You expect me not to have a big head when I have a girlfriend this gorgeous? C'mon babe, be serious.
Jean's favorite way to feed his ego, by extension, is by taking you anywhere he wants, any time. Considering that he leaves your legs shaking and your voice raspy, you're not one to complain, but this tendency of his does force you into some rather suspect situations.
Take tonight, for example. The Paradis Devils pulled a 5-3 victory off over the Marley Warriors, their conference rival, and it was, frankly, mostly thanks to Jean's signature curveball pitch. When he eyed you in the stands from the pitch, a toothpick sticking out from his smirk and a dark glint to his smile that only you knew how to interpret, the deafening cheers in the stadium faded to a low hum in comparison to the rush of blood to your face.
"Jean, we're going to get caught-"
"Sh," Jean hushes you, shoving you none-too-gently against the door of his flashy pickup truck, "who cares?"
"Me," you whine pitifully into his mouth, already limp and malleable in his strong hands.
"Not going to help me celebrate my victory? You know you're the reason we won," Jean mouths his way down your neck, pulling a whimper from you, "do it all for you, baby."
"But there's people around Jean, the game just let out."
"Hop in, then," Jean smacks your ass playfully, "windows are tinted, remember?"
As if you don't know the windows are tinted, not after Jean's last game, the baseball banquet, your Honor's Society awards dinner...you acquiesce him with a roll of your eyes, clambering up into the backseat.
Jean follows you, hazel eyes hooded and hungry and hat backwards on his head, never letting his hands drift from you for long. He wrestles his jersey off before climbing in, tossing it carelessly into the passenger seat and laying his long body over yours. He reaches back and fumbles for the door handle, finally finding purchase and swinging it closed, only to accidentally thwack his leg, shooting his body forward and consequently knocking your head into the opposite door.
"Car sex always looks so much easier in the movies," Jean winces, shaking his head.
"Then why can't we just wait until we get home? Your apartment's only five minutes away," you giggle, only half-meaning your words when Jean's muscled torso is pressing into your heated skin.
Jean doesn't answer at first, instead dipping his hand down to rub insistently over your clothed, pulsing cunt. He chuckles darkly at your responding moan, the way your hips buck up desperately into his hand, betraying your words.
"If you think you're getting out of this car without my cum dripping down your legs, you've lost your goddamn mind."
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Owning a cat w/ Maya Lopez hc
a/n: I would die if she looked at me like that istg. ANYWHO writing fluff is a little easier for me than smut and I'm pretty busy with school and work but I can't get these fucking ideas out of my head so I had to write a lil something! Hope y'all like it! Also to the people who follow me for tlou dw I haven't abandoned it I just... I mean look at her!
Men (cis) and minors dni!!!
Warnings: none, just fluff (romantic and cat), reader is hearing bc im hearing and i would feel uncomfortable writing a deaf y/n bc i dont know what its like sorry
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She would come home to your shared appartment one day and would be confused as to why you hadn't come to greet her at the door like you usually do.
She figures you're probably sleeping since it was late and she and the tracksuits have been busy all night so she sits on the couch to unwind.
You suddenly get her attention when you walk out with an excited yet guilty grin on your face. She gives you a tired smile back and asks you why you're still up. You tell her you have a surprise for her and run out of the room.
Seconds later, you come back with a skinny orange cat with a dirty nose and place it on the couch next to her so you can tell her, "I was walking home and I heard rustling and he was just hungry and cold and he needed me I swear"
And she just looks at you like in the gif, raising her eyebrow, wondering if you're actually serious.
After enough staring she just sighs, looks at the cat and then back to you and asks, "what's his name?"
After her initial resistance to form a bond with Bobby (she argued about the name but his ears perked up when you said his it and she couldn't help but smile when you jumped with excitement), she finds herself petting him to soothe herself and putting her face on his side when he purrs.
She tolerates most of the things he does but she will literally push him away when he lies on your chest because that's her spot. Not even in a sexual way. She just likes the softness of your chest and if you're skin to skin she can vaguely feel your heartbeat which usually rocks her to sleep.
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You share a house in Tamaha and you both go out to take a walk in a nearby forest. About 20 minutes into your walk, you stop, holding her back because you hold hands as soon as you leave the house. She asks you what's wrong and you tell her you hear something crying.
You search the area for a few minutes before you find a young, black and white kitten. As soon as she sees it, Maya knows it would break her heart and yours to save it and not keep it so you bring it back home, bathe it and feed it.
You leave Maya and the kitten to go pick up some supplies and when you come back, you sneak into the kitchen to see her sliding her fingers across the table as the kitten wiggles its butt, ready to pounce.
Once it does, she's able to grab its tiny body and bring it to her face, giving it tons of kisses. You put a hand on her shoulder and she turns to you, blushing slightly. "Should I be jealous?" you ask, giggling.
She lets the kitten crawl back onto the floor as she stands up, forcing you to look up at her. "Sweetheart there's nothing on earth I could love more than you." she signs slowly, loving the way you become shy when she expresses her love for you.
You look back up at her face and see the soft smile she reserves for you and you can't help but lean into her soft lips as she grabs your waist. You think you could stay like this forever until you hear a loud, high-pitched meow. You look down and see that the little rascal is pawing at Maya's leg and screaming like there's no tomorrow.
You bend down to pick it up and it licks your face as you bring it to your neck. When you look back at Maya, she's giving you a toothy grin. "What?"
She kisses you and then the kitten's forhead and signs "My perfect little family".
a/n: I was going somewhere with this and then i was just in my imagination and i remembered this is a hc about a cat so anywayyyyy i love her sm shes literally my wife fr she told me
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fallingblueroses · 2 months
Supervillain Geoff AU. The morning after the dinner date. Introduction of Eli. Hints to a larger plot.
This is going to be a whole entire fic once I'm done, isn't it?
Geoff was in the habit of waking up around four A.M., and he did so again that morning. He liked the very early hours of the morning when almost everybody else was still asleep--including the woman currently sharing his bed.
He smiled as he looked over at her. They had greatly enjoyed themselves--and each other. When everything had calmed down she'd looked away from him and gotten out of bed, much to his surprise. He'd asked her where she was going.
She'd looked almost sad as she answered. "Aren't you going to send me back to my room?"
"You can go back if you want. But wouldn't you rather stay here?"
She'd given him a surprised look. "...I think I would."
"Then come back to bed." She'd done so, and he'd held her as she drifted off to sleep. He'd surprised himself by kissing her forehead before falling asleep.
Geoff was used to dealing with certain kinds of women: the spoiled, the demanding, the trophies, the gold diggers. None of them had ever lasted long. Only one woman had ever threatened to cry rape on him if he hadn't paid her off, but Geoff did not take threats easily. That woman was now feeding the fish somewhere at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
Kathy was different, at least for now. He liked her nervousness and attempts to hide her obvious attraction to him. Once she'd relaxed at the restaurant she'd seemed to genuinely enjoy herself without trying to be sophisticated. Maybe he'd have Cesar take her shopping today. It would be interesting to see what her spending habits were. For now he pulled one of his own bathrobes out of his closet and set it on the bed near her.
He got up, dressed in his exercise clothes, and headed to the building's gym. He'd get his usual workout in, then get a shower and head back to his rooms for breakfast with Kathy before heading to his office. There was just too much to do, and he couldn't allow things to fall apart just because he had a new woman.
Kathy was disappointed when she woke up and found herself alone. She found the bathrobe on the bed and slipped it on. It might have been a robe for Geoff but it was almost a floor-length dress for her, and she couldn't help but chuckle.
A faint blush came to her cheeks as she remembered the night before. She had never considered herself to be "easy", but Geoff was well nigh impossible to resist. And she had to admit that he knew what he was doing. She'd expected to be sent back to her room once he was done with her, but she was glad he hadn't done that. At least he was letting her keep some dignity in all this...
The door opened and Geoff came in, followed by a staff member pushing a cart. He gave her an easy smile. "Hungry?"
She nodded as the staff member carried two trays over to a table. "I could eat."
"Good." The staff member left, and Geoff motioned her over to the table as he sat down.
She joined him. "...I was just wondering what was going to happen today."
"Well, I have to get some work done." He lifted the tray covers to show eggs, bacon, and pancakes. "And I was thinking about having Cesar take you shopping."
"Oh, no, that's all right."
"Nonsense. All you have here is your work uniform. You need clothes, toiletries, and all those fancy things women like."
"I can pick those up at home." Kathy even surprised herself at that.
He raised an eyebrow. "You'd come back here?"
"...Yes. I would." And she would. She couldn't deny her attraction to Geoff any longer. It was also nice to be spoiled, just a bit.
"Well. Just have Cesar take you home, then. I hope he doesn't annoy you too much. He's a talker. And a singer."
"Oh? Is he a good singer?"
"People think so. He prefers to stay independent, though, and just work as staff here. A pity. Layne could do a lot for him."
"He's young. Maybe in a few years."
"Maybe." Geoff began to eat. "What about yourself?"
"Oh. I can't sing." She poured syrup on her pancakes and took a bite.
He chuckled. "Well, and what do you do when you're not cleaning other people's messes?"
"I'm a photographer."
He raised an eyebrow. "You could make a decent living from that."
She chuckled as she ate. "Well, until about six months ago, I used to."
"What happened?"
"I was on a photo shoot and the model told me to fetch him a cup of coffee. I told him to go screw himself. My agency found out and fired me. Haven't been able to find work since."
"Hmm. We can always use a photographer. Do you have a portfolio?"
"At my house."
"Well, get it when Cesar takes you out. I'd like to see it."
Kathy nodded, surprised. "All right." It wasn't the most conventional job hunting she'd ever done, but she wasn't going to complain.
They ate and chatted a little more until Geoff's phone went off. He frowned as he answered it. "Yes, Earl?" Kathy watched as surprise and then amusement crossed his face. "Really. Well, I suppose I can spare him a few minutes. Send him up." He laughed softly as he hung up. "Well now. Another country heard from."
"Should I leave?"
"Oh no. I have a feeling this has to do with you." He smiled at her confused look. "Your presence here is the only thing that's changed lately." He kept eating, completely unconcerned. She was more nervous, but followed his lead.
A few minutes later the door opened and Earl led a small, bald man with a reddish beard and wearing a dark blue suit in. The man supported himself with a silver-handled cane as he limped in, leaving Earl near the door. "...Geoffrey."
"Eliezar." Geoff smiled easily. "Coming into the lion's den?"
The bald man's stern face never cracked. "Just checking on a few rumors. And making sure you're staying on the right side of the law."
"Then explain her." He motioned to Kathy with his free hand.
"She's my guest."
"Is that so? Because her family has reported her missing." Kathy blinked at that--then she remembered. She was supposed to have gone shopping with her mother the evening Earl had caught her.
Geoff sighed and leaned back. "And of course you come right to me."
"Well, this was her last known location. It wasn't hard to figure out." Eliezar's face got even harder. "I'm doing you a favor you don't deserve, Geoffrey."
"I--I'm fine, really." Both men looked at her in surprise at that.
Geoff smiled. "But Eliezar here might have a point. Your family is obviously worried. Perhaps you should go and check in with them." He took her hand, which seemed to anger Eliezar. "We can meet up again later." Kathy hesitated, unsure, and Geoff turned to Earl. "Earl, take Ms. Palazzolo back to her room and let her gather her things."
Kathy slowly stood up. Technically the bald man was right--Geoff had kept her here against her will...at first...but now she didn't want to leave. She wondered what would happen if she refused to leave with Eliezar. Probably nothing good.
Eliezar took her arm, but continued to glare at Geoff. "And just so you're aware, I know what you're trying to do with Stein and de la Rosa."
Geoff smiled. "It's a free country, and it's my money. And it's all perfectly legal."
"It had better stay that way. I'm watching you, Castellucci." He led her out of the room, but at the door she glanced back at Geoff. He smiled and winked at her--and there was a world of promise in that wink.
Once the door was shut behind him Geoff's eyes narrowed in anger. Damn you, Jacobson. It felt as if he would never shake the goverment agent. Things must be boring back at the agency. Maybe he'd have a few of his field agents send some work Jacobson's way to keep him occupied.
"I know what you're doing with Stein and de la Rosa." Well, so be it. It wouldn't be a secret for much longer anyway. Let Jacobson and his rivals drive themselves crazy trying to find anything illegal to nail Geoff on. He knew better than to let that happen.
He smiled as he thought of Kathy's obvious reluctance to leave. Well, after he'd finished his work for the day, he'd drop by her house and pay her a visit. After all if she let him into her home, Jacobson wouldn't have anything to say about it. And he was curious to know more about her.
After Kathy had changed back into her work uniform Earl led her and Eliezar out of the building and to a white sedan that was waiting on them. After they were seated and the sedan had started to move the bald man looked at her. "...Do you need to go to the hospital?"
"N-no, I'm fine."
Eliezar nodded. "You're fortunate I found you so soon."
Funny, I don't feel fortunate. "I'm sorry my mother wasted your time."
"When it comes to Castellucci, my time is never wasted." He pulled a business card from his jacket pocket. "If he continues to harass you give me a call."
"I don't think--"
"Listen, Ms. Palazzolo. Don't be fooled by his good looks. He is not a good man. He's a vicious, manipulative bastard who won't hesitate to put a bullet through your head when you no longer please him. There's blood on his hands, believe me." He held up his cane and stared at the handle. "He's the reason I have to use this cane."
Kathy stared at his hard face and flashing blue eyes, not daring to ask what had happened. At the moment she was more afraid of this little man than she was of Geoff. Geoff might kill me if he wanted...but then, so would this guy. I know it.
She turned away from him and looked out the window, silent, for the remainder of the drive.
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lucy-the-cat · 1 year
Do you think Mare would be willing to let Maven handfeed her(in order to rebuild her trust in him and teach her to associate him with good things, like tasty food) as long he personally had not been the one to prepare the food? How hungry would she have to be before instinct took over and she ate any food available, even if it meant eating food straight out of his hands? Sorry if this is too weird of a question.
She can withstand hunger, probably for a couple days if not a week, but that's a visceral, basic need that couldn't last resistance for very long, especially with the strain of the manacles and the isolation. The thing is, I don't know if Maven would even bother to try. He's averse to touching her due to his obsession, and this kind of calculated attempt to wear down her walls is too . . . engaged for him to follow through with.
But if he did, he would spend the first month not speaking, just methodically handing her the food. The next, he would do it while feeding her tidbits of information within small talk to make sure she was listening, even telling jokes and watching intently for a laugh. Eventually, he would start scratching her head, or kneeling down to touch her cheek. He might even tremble as he leans down to kiss her forehead.
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slightlyspooky · 1 year
A curse has befallen our village
Adventures of great resolve are required
A crude map leading to the village was drawn below
Purpose had found me. I packed my things in preparation. The trip would be several days by foot.
The final night of my journey was restless. I dreamt of a starving woman, who's face I couldn't see. "Feed me" she pleaded, and I gave her my supper. I woke hungry.
The village was surrounded by fields and a wooden wall. A small forest stood nearby. I spoke with a person tending crops and they lead me through the gate. Inside the village were enough longhouses for a few hundred people. Once I introduced myself to their leader the situation was explained to me.
There was a cave nearby that beckoned to the living as The Wood did to the dead. So far the cave had three victims.
The first was an old man who had helped to build this village. As a child the man's village was in the same place as this one. But wood rots, ground becomes infertile, and so the people of these villages move about building again where they go. It's not uncommon for a person to grow old on the same land on which they were born. Many years ago he had begun mumbling about the cave, which was brushed off as part of his eccentric personality. Over time his focus on the cave became more intense until fall two years ago when he went inside and was lost.
The second was a little girl wracked by nightmares. She had survived a bad case of flu, but the fever dreams never left her. She told fantastical stories about the cave; the ramblings of a child. After she went missing in the night last winter her tracks were followed to the cave. During the search inside for her the rescue party was forced to leave by sudden flooding. After this tragedy the cave was closed off.
The third victim was lost just last month. He was a young man. Talented, kind, athletic, and full of potential. He escorted his mother to The Wood after she'd died of flu, but sadness remained in his heart. One day he announced he would go to the cave and despite much begging none could stop him. When he reached the entrance to the cave he tore off the seals with the strength of the hindered dead.
Two more people were beckoned to by the cave. They didn't know how long they could resist, but I knew I had to help. The sorcerer of the village gave me a bitter tea and painted protective sigils across my body. We blessed my father's axe which I carried. It gave me an amulet that glowed faintly like a candle, and bundles of rope. In the morning I would rise with the sun and seek the cave.
That night I dreamt again of the starving woman, who's face I couldn't see. "Feed me" she pleaded. As I began to hand her my bowl I noticed three more at her feet. I saw her belly, distended and bulging. "Feed me" she pleaded. Then I woke up.
The village leader offered to guide me to the cave, but I realized I already knew the way. The entrance had at one point been barricaded off as described to me. Shattered masonry and bent wrought iron bars lay scattered. Sigils carved into the rock had been roughly gouged into perversions of their purpose. I used the back of my axe to break the lines of the sigils until they were powerless and mundane. One of the iron bars was used to tie off my rope as I began my descent.
I traversed twisting corridors, tight squeezes and sumps. At each fork I let her hungry voice guide me, while my faithful rope marked my path. As I continued down her voice became clearer and I fought with myself to remember my purpose.
Eventually I found myself in a large chamber. Crystals studded the walls, a shallow pool covered the floor and a small tree stood in the center. The tree was a hemlock like the trees in The Wood of the Dead, but his one was twisted like an antler with limbs of bone and needles of ash. Two skeletons and a bloated corpse lay at the tree's roots.
The starving woman, who's face I couldn't see stepped out of the darkness. "Feed me" She pleaded. I grabbed Her by the neck and I swung my axe. My axe sunk through flesh into bone. I found myself reeling in pain prostrate before the tree. The stench of death was in the air and there was no starving woman. My arm was a bloody mess and I quickly worked to staunch the bleeding.
The pain brought clarity, but I could still feel the starving woman trying to worm Her way into my mind. I swung my axe at the tree. Once again my axe sunk into bone, but his time not my own. I swung my axe again and again and again. Until the tree fell. Until I could no longer hear the starving woman. Until I was satisfied that my quest was complete. Exhausted and drained of adrenaline, I slipped into unconsciousness.
I dreamt again of the starving woman, who's face I couldn't see. This time She lay dead. I looked down at myself. One hand gripped my father's axe, the other hung limp. My bowl sat empty at my own feet before it was picked up by someone familiar. The village sorcerer took a ladle of stew from a pot and filled my bowl. "You can put the axe down now" the sorcerer said before offering me back my bowl. I woke up in a longhouse with the smell of good stew and celebration in the air.
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whumperfully · 2 years
Promised Hell: Part 2
CW: dehumanization, manhandling, tortured for information, shock collar, humiliation
Also marks off my bthb:shock collar
The click of the door lock jolted Steve back awake. The first thing that came to his mind was the burning pain in his left hand. It seemed absurd now how easily he had been able to sleep despite it.
"Good evening. I hope you slept well."
Steve craned his neck back to glare at his captor. His eyes followed them as they took their place in front of him.
"Are you hungry?"
He only hardened his glare. Of course he was hungry. He couldn't remember the last time he had eaten something good.
"I want a clear answer. Don't make this difficult for yourself--"
"What happens if I say yes?"
"You'll be given two options. You can either co-operate and receive normal food. Or, you can be fed by putting a feeding tube down your throat. Choose wisely and quickly." They took their suitcase out from below the table and placed it between them.
"And if I say no?"
"The feeding tube will be used." They shrugged nonchalantly. "They don't want you to die yet."
"They?" It could be useful to figure out who they were working for. Maybe he could bribe them or something?
"That's classified information. Now, don't try to buy time."
Steve chewed on the inside of his cheek. "What are you going to ask me today?"
"Your role in the attempted assassination. And your motive." They opened the suitcase, facing it away from him like last time.
Steve bared his teeth. "Forget it. I'm not telling you shit about that."
Eli took something out of the suitcase before closing it, secretly slipping it into their pocket. "This is your last chance for cooperation."
"Fuck you."
"I have made the necessary arrangements in another room. Come without offering any resistance or suffer the consequences." They stepped closer, producing a key from their pocket to unlock the cuffs.
Steve gently shook his hands and slowly stood up, intentionally luring them into a false sense of security. He flexed his right hand behind his back. "You won't be restraining me?"
"Not yet. Walk slowly and obediently behind me."
Steve nodded, another series of pain shooting up from his left hand feuling his anger. This could be his one and only chance. There was no way he was going to blow it.
Eli produced another key from their pocket to unlock the door.
The moment Steve heard the click of the lock, he lunged forward at his captor, pulling his right arm back for a punch.
A short sigh and Eli simply sidestepped his attack.
Steve growled, adrenaline in his veins making him lose all ability to think. He just wanted to punch their emotionless face bloody. Lunging forward once more, he aimed for their nose. He had excelled in his military training. He could do this--
Sidestepping his attack again, Eli grabbed the back of his head and shoved it towards the ground. Hard.
Instantly losing his balance, Steve landed on the ground with a hiss.
"Behave." Eli slammed their shoe in his back, painfully twisting it in his spine.
Steve growled in frustration, fruitlessly trying to get his arms out from below himself. The bastard was way stronger than they looked. Something leather slipped around his neck and his breath hitched. "What the... fuck are you doing?"
"Putting a collar around your neck to improve your behavior."
"This can't fucking be legal." He choked out, the collar now tight around his neck.
"I told you yesterday. I own you. I can do whatever I want with you. Whatever it takes to make you talk."
Steve's breath turned shallow. "No."
"I'll take it off if you tell me exactly what your role and motive--"
"No. I'm not telling you shit!" The pitch of his voice came out higher than intended.
"Get up then. Or should I force you to?" The nonchalance in their voice was starting to piss him off more and more.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He fought against their grip.
"I'm only doing my job." They locked the collar from behind, tightening it just enough to make sure he would have to fight with it for every breath.
"Don't fucking lie to me, you sadistic bastard. You enjoy this, don't you!"
Eli paused for a moment. "I don't."
"If you feel so fucking sorry about it, then why won't you fucking let me go!" His throat felt hoarse, the collar straining his each breath.
"I don't feel sorry about it."
"Then, what the fuck do you feel?!" His throat was dry now.
"Nothing?" Steve turned his neck to glare at him, disbelief evident in his eyes.
"Get up. I won't ask again." Eli stepped off of him, standing up.
"No. Not until you give me a proper answer."
"A master owes his slave nothing. I have no obligation to answer." They reached into their pocket.
His voice was a low growl. "You're not my fucking master--" A scream ripped through his throat as electricity pulsed through his veins.
As abruptly as it came, it stopped, leaving Steve panting on the floor. "What the fuck?"
"By using this remote, I can make that collar shock you. I used only the third setting and you screamed, proving to be effective." Eli talked as if they were describing the weather. "Now, get up. Or I shock you again."
"Rot in hell-- fu- uck." Steve trembled.
"Only the first setting this time. Still, it hurt, didn't it? Get up or the next shock will be on the second setting."
Steve cringed. Resisting was pointless. Even if he managed to not comply, the bastard could just drag him there--
He pressed his mouth to the ground before another sound could escape him. His muscles twitched and the pain in his hand worsened. By the time it stopped, he was covered in a layer of cold sweat.
"That was the second setting. You took it better than the first one. Still, it's only going to get worse. I suggest you--"
"Fuck! I'm getting up!" Steve snarled, getting onto his hands and knees, careful not to put too much pressure on his left.
"Stand up within five seconds or I'll make you crawl."
"One." Steve pushed himself up to his elbows.
"Two." He got his arms off the floor.
"Three." He balanced himself up on his feet.
"Four." He managed to stand up, the tiniest smirk on his lips as he looked them in the eyes. The bastard must've thought he wouldn't be able to do it--
A small sigh and Eli activated the collar again, making Steve fall back to the ground, cursing and groaning.
"What the fuck was that for, you--"
"Five. Time's up."
Steve stared up at his captor in disbelief, suddenly going quiet. "What the fuck?" His voice was barely above a whisper.
"Setting three. For looking your master in the eyes without permission." They crouched down to pat his hair. "Now, crawl."
"You're lucky you're not naked with a leash attached to your collar. Yet. I can certainly make that happen whenever I want to."
Steve lost his courage, eyes falling to the ground. "I can't."
"You know you can. It's just that you don't want to." They grabbed his hair and tugged. "I'll be nice and give you an extremely good option though. Tell me how many people you were conspiring with. That's all and I'll let you walk."
Steve blinked. No way in hell was he letting his dignity take that heavy of a blow. It was... just a tiny piece of information, wasn't it? It couldn't possibly hurt to--
"Answer before I change my mind."
Taking a deep breath, he made his decision. "Fuck you--" A scream ripped through his throat again as electricity was sent down his body once more.
"Setting three." Their voice sounded distant. "For non-cooperation and the use of profanities."
He felt the grip on his hair tighten as his chest was lifted off the ground. Soon he was being dragged across through the rough floor, still screaming.
He couldn't tell how long it took for them to drag him to the other room and throw them onto a chair, but it was certainly too much. His eyes were damp by the time the electricity finally stopped.
"Sit up on the chair before I shock you again."
Every muscle in his body screamed for mercy, violently trembling, but he knew better than to disobey. With much effort, he straightened himself, trying his best to make it as quick as possible.
As Eli tightly strapped him to the metal chair, Steve closed his eyes, letting himself go limp.
"Are you tired? But we haven't even started yet?"
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dihra-vesa · 3 years
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It all started with a tease...
This is for my lovely @asta-lily
Thank you for being a friend and such a f*** good author.
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Fem! Reader
A/N: and the first warning. I am not an author! I have not written, spoken or read much English in the last 10 years and have never written more than a few business letters.
So please be gentle with me...
A few things popped in my head when asta-lily wrote that Oberyn was distracting her while trying to write headcanons and couldn't resist teasing her and then this somehow happend.
Our lovely Lils encouraged me to finish and share it with you.
Thank God sweet and kind @yespolkadotkitty beta'd for me so I don't embarrass myself too much.
Words: ~1450
Warnings: It's Oberyn... nudity and a little yearning and slightly smutty so NO MINORS below 18
Sooo.. Here goes nothing...
Oberyn wanted to let you write, for a while at least, sat on his lap, dressed only in an alluring, sheer forest green gown, curves visible beneath it.
After feeding you with some carefully selected fruit and leisurely sipping at his rich wine, he observes you closely.
You seem strained, shoulders pulled up, rolling your head from side to side, the tendons of your beautiful elegant neck taut.
His brows furrowed. You seem to feel discomfort, something he resents deeply.
Reaching forward to pull out the pins holding your hair intricately arranged high on your head, he lets the tresses tumble, unhindered, down your back. His fingers comb through them, and he revels at their silken feel . He smiles faintly at your contented sigh after having your crown freed of such a substantial weight.
Bewildered by what had compelled him to such a measure, you gaze over your shoulder raising a quizzical eyebrow.
“You seem to be in some discomfort, sweet blossom. I will do anything in my power to relieve it,” the Prince murmurs, a slight smile on his lips.
As you look back towards the desk, Oberyn’s strong, deft fingers begin to massage your scalp, working from your brow down to the base of your head in slow small circular motions, easing the built up tension. The bliss of it makes you let out a small moan.
He moves forward, his mouth at your ear. "These noises delight me. Should I relax you further? Hmmm?”
His raspy voice, hot breath and suggestive words send shivers through you, all the little hairs flaring up, the heat in your core rearing its head.
“My love, please do not distract me, I have to finish this today-” you try to ignore his nose nuzzling your ear and his lips nibbeling at your sensitive skin.
Grumbling deep in his chest, raising an eyebrow, he sits back, sliding your hair forward, strong fingers gliding down the nape of your neck to your shoulders, moving the delicate sleeves towards your elbow, hereby exposing your chest, the gauzy material gathering at the swell of your breasts.
“My only intention is to ease the strain on these beautiful muscles. You always ease my aches after hours of training, let me do the same for you in recompense, my Petal.”
He intensifies the pressure, fingertips dancing on bunched muscles underneath your skin.
You want to stay calm, focus on the parchment in front of you, but the bittersweet blend of pain and relief stalls any hope of getting the task done. You let out a gasp when his weapon-callused hands stray to either side of your sternum just above the crest of your breasts, to firmly pull back over your tense chest muscles, only then to brush lightly over your clavicles. You can’t resist closing your eyes and leaning back into his broad, warm chest, arching your spine to accentuate your full breasts, the now hardened tips of your bosom clearly visible, aching under the delicate material. You yearn for his touch.
But he does not respond to what you so clearly offered!
Before you can voice your growing vexation with him, his dark, husky voice drawles in your ear. “My dear. I need access to all of this magnificent body to complete the task properly.”
His hands move back over your shoulders and down your arms, thus slipping the upper portion of the gown off your torso, letting it pool in your lap, as delicate as seafoam.
“Now. Lean forward towards the desk - and brace yourself.” His tone soft, but carries a slight hint of command.
A small whimper leaves your lips as you’re denied the caresses you long for. You shift forward, hands clasping the edge of the heavy desk. In doing so the full roundness of your derriere presses deeper into his crotch, and you sense the stiffening of his formidable cock beneath you.
Hmmmm… it appears he’s not as tranquil as his demeanour suggests, having all that naked skin at his mercy you think, rolling your hips a little to at least gain some delicious friction if denied everything else.
But he will have none of it, constraining you, hindering the movement.
“My Prince,” you mewl, true fire igniting in your depths.
“I will not be deterred, Lovely. Behave now your Prince may see to reward you appropriately”
As he leans forward to place his hands back on your shoulders you can feel his finespun robes ghosting your skin, the wisplike contact making you shudder.
Following the trapeze muscle downward, his thumbs dig into your flesh, pressing vigorously all along your spine, down to your sacrum, the triangle just above your substantial, round backside, then moving back up to repeat the fluid motion.
Every time you try to arch your back into the bittersweet pressure of his touch, he stops as it also gives you the pleasure of grinding into his now fully hardened cock. Craving him to continue his tantalising torture, you cease your movement.
On his final ascending movement, Oberyn fans out his hands, his clever thumbs under the edge of your shoulder blades, fingers lightly pressing in the muscled space in between your ribs, slowly working forward under your heaving breasts - still not touching them.
The need for him to cup your breasts, knead them, pinch their peaks is nearly overwhelming! Biting your bottom lip, you try to muffle the frustrated whine, but to no avail.
And then you hear him chuckling deep in his chest.. ‘How dare he!’ you think, irritation turning into anger.
You are just about to turn on him when his hands move down your abdomen to the apex of your mound, fingers just touching your curls then wandering outward to grip your hip bones. Angling forward to place a kiss at the nape of your neck he breathes, “I like it when you're a good girl for me, my little flower.”
You quiver uncontrollably, the juices in between your folds pooling.
“Now, stand for me, there is yet more of you that needs my attention,” he rasps, slowly easing you off his thighs.
Moving the chair back, he stands behind you, bodies nearly touching, the heat of his broad form radiating toward your bare torso, the difference in temperature giving you goosebumps.
His hands reach around you, fingering the material for the ties of the sash holding the gown upon your rounded hips.
With a rush of fabric, you now stand naked before him. You risk a quick glance at him over your shoulder, lips parted, breath elevated in excitement of what is to come.
“Keep your hands on the desk and your eyes forward, my Sweet,” he orders and just as you turn your head back you see him going down on his knees behind you, gently widening your stance.
You close your eyes and moan audibly at the thought of your Prince seeing how wet you are for him, your juices threatening to spill from your folds any moment.
Oberyn has a smug grin on his face, his thumb tracing his lower lip, silver ring glinting, silently reveling in your desire for him - ‘Soon, I will part those dew drenched petals my lustful Flower’ - not giving away his intentions just yet.
“Lift your delicate little foot back for me,” his hand gently encloses your ankle, and even though you are somewhat confused by his request you oblige only to exult at the sensations when he manipulates first the one, then the other foot, pushing on pressure points that roil nerves all over your body.
When you stand back on two feet, his hands massage both calves, slowly wandering upwards.
His warm breath, coming more rapidly, flows over your skin as he starts kneading the now trembling flesh of your thighs, you pant in earnest, your pussy contracting, making your fluids flow from your folds spilling down the insides of your legs.
“Please, Oberyn…” is all you can beg of him, in a wail. You can’t resist looking back, pure want and desire for your prince in your eyes.
Slowly he gets back to his feet, holding your gaze with near black, lust-blown eyes. One hand slowly caresses the cheeks of your ass, the other two fingers slide up your inner leg, catching your cream to bring it to his lips. He licks the digits clean with a long, sensual, hungry moan.
“Oh my beautiful Lily, you bloom so well for me. This is finer than any treasure in the Kingdom of Dorne. Are you prepared to receive me now, little one?”
As he smiles, slowly, his belt and gilded robe drop to the floor, pooling like liquid gold.
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fanfic-she-wrote · 4 years
Imagine being the reincarnation of Dracula's long lost love: part 10
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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Dracula helped you out of the coffin and held you close in his arms, not wanting to ever let you go again.
"Vlad, I was so scared." You told him, pressing your face into his chest.
"Me too." He said, stroking your hair. So he was right after all. You were Maria. You had finally come back to him at last.
You still felt weak and held on to Dracula for support. Not only did you feel weak, but you felt... different. You didn't know what it was, but it was like all your senses were maxed out. It was so overwhelming. There was also this new scent that you discovered. It smelled delicious, but what was it? You wondered looking around trying to find the source.
"What did you mean that you remember everything?" Van Helsing asked, concerned for you.
You faced him, realizing just where that smell was coming from. Your eyes shined bright red, an intense hunger in them...hunger for blood. Normally you would have been repelled by such a thing, but right now you needed it more than ever. Van Helsing watched you nervously as you inched toward him.
"Y/N?" He said nervously backing away, but you did not answer. All you could think about was his blood, the taste of it on your lips. Dracula noticing your odd behavior, grabbed you by your shoulders and held you back. Why? He did not know. He had wanted to kill Van Helsing himself earlier. Perhaps he was trying to prevent you from doing something you would regret.
You squirmed, trying to wriggle free, but Dracula held you firmly in place. "Let me go!" You hissed at him, revealing for the first time your fresh new set of fangs. Van Helsing stared at you wide eyed. What had he done? You were no longer the sweet, brave, and kind Y/N, you were now a monster. He should never have let Dracula turn you. But then you would be dead...looking at you now, maybe it would have been better that way. He just lost it in a moment of grief.
"Calm down, darling." Dracula spoke in a soft voice, trying to soothe you. "You will feed soon, I promise."
Van Helsing glanced up at him. "What do you mean?" 
"She is in a very crucial time right now. She needs to feed." Dracula urgently explained to him.
"So what will you do, go kill another innocent person?" He asked, raising his voice.
"We have no choice."
Van Helsing sighed. "Then she can have some of mine."
"That is not necessary, Doctor Van Helsing." He refused.
"Yes it is. I won't have you or her killing anyone else. I'll run into town and get my supplies. I'll be back soon." He said, buttoning up his coat, turning to leave.
"Henry, take the coach if it's still there and take him home." Dracula ordered. Henry nodded and promptly followed Van Helsing out.
A few minutes later the tapping of horseshoes against the ground could be heard as they disappeared into the night leaving you and Dracula alone. You closed your eyes and let out a long sigh, then looked up at him.
"Is that what it's like for you all the time?" You asked, now realizing how difficult life was for him. How tempting it was to feed on human blood. Even now with no mortals around, you desired it. Dracula simply nodded. "It's horrible...I can't believe I wanted to...to..." You winced at the thought of hurting, maybe even killing Lawrence. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and held you close.
"Come, let's wait for them upstairs." Dracula said, guiding you from the dungeons and up the stairs. When you reached the entry hall your mouth fell open in shock. This was the first time you had seen the castle in ruins. You felt a very intense anger. How dare the townspeople do this to your home, to Dracula's home!
"What do we do Vlad?" You ask, looking around. He squeezed your shoulder and replied, "We'll find some place else. Anywhere is home as long as I have you."
As you waited for Van Helsing to return, your mind wandered. You thought about how strange fate was. In your previous life you were married to Dracula and Van Helsing was his power hungry step-brother who killed you. In this life you were Van Helsing's friend who ultimately reunited you with your lover.
"What's wrong?" Dracula asked, noticing how quiet you had become.
"I was just thinking. What happened after...after I died all those years ago?" You asked. Dracula knew this question was inevitable now.
"Well, Van Helsing fled and joined the Turks. Soon after, we went to war and I was killed during one of the battles. As I lay there dying from my wounds, the devil appeared to me. I sold my soul and in return I would have my revenge on the Van Helsings." He told you.
"That's when you became one of the living dead?" You asked. He nodded. "But Lawrence doesn't know about any of that. He told me he wanted to get rid of you because he thought you were a threat to humanity."
"He's right. I am." He admitted. "I didn't care how many lives I took. How much blood I spilled. None of them mattered as long as I didn't have you. I was just as ruthless in life as I am in death."
"And now?"
He paused for a moment, thinking. "I don't know..."
Suddenly, from out of the wreckage you heard some rustling followed by a series of painful moans. Dracula pushed you behind him ready to attack whatever it was. From beneath the debris, a man crawled out. He was covered in dirt and blood, the smell instantly flooded your nostrils. "H-help me..." The man pleaded as he slowly pulled himself across the floor. Dracula looked over at you and saw the hunger return in your eyes and how you licked your lips, desperate for just a little taste. He didn't want to admit how turned on he was by this. He smiled and stepped aside, letting you pass. He wasn't about to let you miss out on your first meal.
Your eyes were fixed on the man before you, like a predator staring down it's prey, waiting for the right moment to pounce.
"I'll help you." You lied, your voice sounding menacing.
"Oh, thank you I-" He peered up at you and saw what you had become and let out a blood curdling scream. "Nonnnoo! Please!" He cried, cowering away, but you didn't hear him. You were focused on one thing. You grabbed him by his collar and lifted him off the ground making him eye-level with you. You hesitated for a moment. You knew you shouldnt. That this was bad, but he did try to kill you and your love after all. He deserved it. Your mouth was practically watering as the sound of his pulse pounded against your eardrums. Dracula stood behind you and whispered in your ear, "Do it." Before the man could utter another plea for mercy, you sunk your fangs deep into his neck. His blood dripped down your lips and chin as you sucked every last drop from his body. Dracula wanted you now more than ever. You moaned and threw your head back enjoying the taste of blood as it ran down your throat. Once you were finished, you tossed the corpse back into the rubble he crawled out of.
"How do you feel now?" Dracula asked, eyeing you lustfully. You grinned at him. "Much better, darling." You answered in a husky voice, running your finger under his chin. Unable to resist you a moment longer, he twirled you around and pressed you flush against him. Leaning down he licked some of the blood from your lips, then he roughly pressed his mouth on yours. He could still taste the blood as he slipped his tongue inside. It drove him mad. You couldn't help but let out a moan when he suddenly nipped your bottom lip as he pulled away. You both stared longingly into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity.
You went to kiss him again, but were interupted when Henry and Van Helsing returned.
"Y/N! What have you done?!" He exclaimed noticing the fresh blood around your lips, running towards you. He looked down at the man's lifeless body, a horrified expression on his face. "You killed him..."
"What of it?" Dracula sneered.
"Don't you understand? She killed an innocent man!" He yelled.
"He wasn't so innocent when he tried to kill us." You quickly pointed out.
"Y/N, why? I thought you were better than this." 
"I guess I'm not who you thought I was." You said coldly. Van Helsing felt his heart break again at how much you changed. He wanted to take you far away from here, far away from Dracula. To try to find a way to get his Y/N back. He'd rather you be dead than live out eternity like this...Van Helsing sighed. He had no other choice. He had to kill you and Dracula before it was too late.
"I guess not." He agreed. "There's nothing more I can do if this is the life you've chosen. I'm leaving for London tomorrow." Dracula eyed him suspiciously. Was he really willing to just leave you alone? To just ignore the fact that you might kill again. Did he really care for you that much?
"Will I ever see you again?" You asked, still wishing to remain friends. Even though his ancestor had murdered you in your past life you didn't hold it against Lawrence. He was different.
"No, I don't think so." He replied, looking away.
"I'm sorry to hear that." You said sadly, but you understood.
"I am as well." Van Helsing said. You pulled away from Dracula and went over to your friend, pulling him into a hug. Why did you have to do that? He thought. It only made things more difficult for him. He knew the real you was still in there somewhere, but the vampire took her place leaving a shell of what you once were. You placed a quick peck on his cheek and backed away.
"Goodbye, Y/N." He said, knowing that this was the last time he was going to see you alive, knowing that when the sun came up it was up to him to end your damned existence. He turned and left without another word.
Dracula felt your distress and wrapped you in his arms in a comforting embrace. It was getting close to dawn now. He needed to find you a coffin before daylight broke. So, after he knew you were alright he left with Henry to the local cemetery to find you a coffin.
You wandered the castle ruins thinking about Lawrence. He had been your only friend in the world till now. No one else had stopped to give you a second thought, but he did. He was there for you when no one else was. At one point before you came to Transylvania, you thought you loved him, but he was too involved in his work. His work was his ultimate passion, and you knew you couldn't compete, so you never did. You sometimes wondered what it would be like if you had chosen a life with Van Helsing. Would you be a silly little domestic couple with a house and kids? It was an amusing thought, but neither of you were the type.
Finally, Dracula and Henry returned a little while later carrying a coffin. It wasnt anything fancy, but it would do. Perhaps later, you could get a better one. Sunlight started peeking in through the windows as they hurriedly carried it into the dungeons, placing your coffin beside Dracula's.
"Too bad they don't make couple's coffins." You joked.
"Maybe we could have one made." He teased, kissing your neck where he had bitten you, making you shudder. "I love you." You said softly running your fingers through his hair.
"I love you too." It was so pleasant to hear him utter those words. You wanted to hear him say it again and again.
"Sleep well, darling." You said with a yawn, as you lay down suddenly feeling tired. You took one last look at him before shutting the lid. This wasn't an ideal lifestyle, but you loved him and that's all that mattered.
The sun rose into the sky and the birds began to sing their morning song. It would have been a beautiful day if it not had been for the task that Van Helsing had set out to do. He crept back inside the castle, bag in hand, being careful not wanting to draw attention to himself. He stood in the doorway to the dungeons, contemplating his next move. His chest was heavy as the thought about driving a stake into your heart. But he had to do it. He slowly opened the door and walked inside, and down the flight of stairs to the room where Dracula's coffin had been earlier. Now he noticed, that there were two coffins lying side by side, one belonging to you.
He reached inside his bag and pulled out a hammer and a couple of stakes. Van Helsing strode over to your coffin and pulled open the lid. Inside, you lay looking peaceful and content, a small smile on your face. If only it didn't have to be this way...
He pressed the stake between your breasts and raised the hammer high into the air, ready to strike. But he couldn't. The longer he stared down into your beautiful face, the harder it became to do it. He closed his eyes. Maybe if he didn't look at you...But he just couldnt. Why was this so difficult?
Suddenly, a voice shouted out behind him startling him. "Hey! What are you doing?!" Henry shouted, running at him, tackling him to the ground.
"Stop!" Lawrence yelled, shoving Henry off of him. Not listening, Henry raised his fist and slammed it into the side of Van Helsing's face, quickly tearing the stake and hammer out of his grasp.
He shook his head, feeling dazed for a moment.
"How could you do that?! I thought you wanted her alive?!" Henry asked throwing away his weapons across the room.
"I did, but after seeing what she has become I couldnt let her live like that...but I can't do it. I can't release her from this curse....It's all my fault." Van Helsing sobbed, his head throbbing. This is why he never let anyone get close to him in the first place. He had only himself to blame for this. There had to be another way and he was going to find it by any means necessary.
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azurethevampire · 3 years
I Will Give You A Reason
A/N: Set in season 6, episodes 2-3 (I think at least it was those episodes xD) This piece is quite angst-filled one, so prepare yourself with tissues if you have to. If there is any mistakes to the few words/sentences of Swedish used in this, they are entirely my own as that isn't my strongest foreign language and I didn't use a translator. Also this was written about a year ago when I watched True Blood for the first time.
Fandom: True Blood
Summary: Emily and Pam have searched for Eric across the world. When they finally find the 1,000 years old viking vampire from France Emily's already shattered world seems to turn into dust: Eric, her rock, her best friend, the only father she's ever had, is sick. 
Characters: Eric Northman, Pamela Swynford de Beaufort, Emily Northman (oc)
Words: 2736
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"Pam, you have to eat." 
You don't look like yourself, she wanted to add but stopped herself just in time. The vampire had been snappier for a few days now and Emily didn't want to make her mad at her. Not that she believed that Pam would really hurt her, even in anger. She had never done so after that one time and that had been when Emily was six and she hadn't known when to keep her mouth shut. 
Well, maybe she still didn't know when to keep her mouth shut —but she was better than ten years ago!  
Pam turned to look at the teenager—No. The young woman, that Emily had blossomed into in the last months despite that the world seemed to grow shittier every fucking day. Perhaps that was the reason why. Emily had lost that soft roundness on her face and her eyes were tired, dark bags under her eyes. Her clothes hung on her, and Pam, for a brief moment, wondered when was the last time the human herself had eaten. 
"I'm not hungry." 
Emily resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead, she sat down on the only chair in the motel room they were in. "Snälla, Pam. You could at least stop lying to me about it - I'm not blind!" 
Pam was about to snap something back, but instead, her hand reached the doorknob. But before she left the room she turned to face Emily again. "If I can't find anything tonight, I'll feed on you tomorrow, I promise. Stay here, don't open the door to anyone and don't invite anyone in." 
Emily let Pam say those words the vampire had said every night although the girl is tired of hearing them night after night. But it seemed to help Pam, to get to remind her of those small yet so trivial rules. So Emily's "I know" echoed in the empty vampire-friendly motel room after Pam had left and closed the door behind her. 
Her eyes spotted the room key left on the small cracked table near the door. In the first months of their search, Pam locked Emily in but lately, the vampire had not taken the keys with her at all. 
And because of that Emily knew that Pam was starting to become suicidal in their search for Eric.
“I think I found him.” 
Pam has never - as far as Emily’s memory goes back - sounded more… excited? Happy? No, that is not the right word and she knew that. Pam’s voice was flat, she tried to hide the hope that had filled her but Emily felt it. It radiated off Eric’s first progeny and she couldn’t help it; for the first time in months, Emily dared to let herself hope too. 
But there was something else she sensed from Pam. She was sad too, and that made the girl swallow. “But?” When did my voice start to sound so weak? So small? 
Pam’s next words killed something inside of her. 
“Tara is dead. I felt it.” 
What felt like minutes passed and Emily couldn’t say anything, couldn’t move from her spot. Pam was still but there was no denying the glint in her eyes. Emily and Pam had never been the type to coddle each other. Never. 
Still, Emily raised up in her bed anyway, took the few short steps it took to reach the vampire, who had been her only family for six months now, and she wrapped her arms around her, swallowing and blinking back the tears she felt coming. 
“I’m so sorry, Pam.” 
And Pam - beautiful, bad-ass, smart Pam - returned the young woman’s embrace, letting bloody tears run freely, staining Emily’s shirt with red. 
The plane landed in France the same evening - Pam in a coffin in the cargo hold. 
They flew to the villa in France. Pam had told Emily that she and Eric used to live here before they were forced to go to Shreveport. 
She could see why the two vampires had chosen this place to reside in — even in the night, the garden surrounding the sand-coloured walls of the large building was breathtakingly beautiful. 
Emily had more pressing matters though than to watch the sights. She could feel him. First time in over six months, Emily felt Eric. That familiar flare that had so long been gone from inside her, burned again. No. Not completely familiar. There was no doubt that the vampire she felt was indeed Eric Northman. But his life force, which had always been so strong… it cracked. Like old dry cement. 
Something is wrong, Emily thought as she followed Pam inside, to a spiral staircase going down, down, down.
Emily swallowed. She had a bad feeling. Very bad feeling - and god, she wished she was wrong. She begged to be wrong. That there was simply something wrong with her own powers, and not something wrong with her Eric. 
Wishful thinking, foolish thinking, she knew. Knew because she had felt this same feeling before over the past months - recently more often than she would have wanted to. 
Emily and Pam started to make their way down the stairs, and Emily - her chest tightened in pain. 
Two youngish and beautiful women met the vampire and the empath on the stairs. One of them said something in French. Emily couldn't understand, she had never bothered learning French. Maybe sometime during 'forever' — she had used to think that. Not anymore, not for a long time now. 
She didn't know what the French woman said but she did feel their emotions. Confusion. Betrayal. Hurt. Confusion. 
The final round of the spiral and Pam and Emily saw the room. 
As soon as Emily's eyes fell on him, she felt her heart tighten. She had thought she had felt pain last night when Tara died the true death. She had been wrong. 
Nothing she had ever felt compared to the heart-wrenching, punch-in-the-gut pain that crashed over her like a hurricane when the dark veins creeping up her guardian's chest, the meaning of them, finally hit her. 
And even though her legs felt like boiled spaghetti, Emily forced herself to step closer to Eric. Eric who was sick. He can't be! He's Eric for fuck's sake! But he could be, and he was. "No" pushed through her lips, past the lump in her throat, the word sounding broken. 
And Eric. 
Eric Northman's eyes switched from his first progeny to his human equivalent to a daughter. "You found me."  
“How long?” Pam asked the question that burned on Emily’s mind too. It seemed that Eric was still in the first stage of the Hep-V virus but she knew that that didn’t mean anything. Not because she didn’t know how long Eric had been sick. He could have months left with proper blood sources but then again, if the disease got worse, he could only have days. 
The tall blonde vampire didn’t answer, not right away. He almost looked like he was about to fall asleep. Hot tears began to blind the teenager’s vision as she grabbed his hand in hers. His hand had always been cold. Cooling touch relieving to Emily. Eric’s hand was warm now. This is wrong! Emily’s mind screamed at her. 
“Can you repeat the question?” 
And those words that seemed so meaningless, so genuinely apologetic, were the words that sent Emily’s tears falling from her eyes. 
“How long have you been sick?” And Emily heard in Pam’s voice that she was crying too. 
“Saw the first signs last month”, Eric said and not once in the time Emily had known Eric had he sounded so weak. So tired. 
“When you were in St. Petersburg”, Emily heard herself say. She and Pam had tracked Eric there - Pam cursing all of the time they were in Russia, how she hated the Russians with her gut. 
Something flickered in Eric’s blue, tired eyes. And even though faint, Emily felt the emotion: surprise. And even if the situation they are in, is fucked beyond belief, the young woman of seventeen found herself smiling, just the tiniest bit. Because one didn’t sneak up on Eric Northman that easily. 
“Don’t act all surprised”, Pam said behind Emily. “We searched the whole fucking planet for you - St. fucking Petersburg, Eric? You know how I hate the Russian people.” 
“Well, I didn’t know you two were gonna come looking for me”, Eric said, eyes moving to Emily whose eyes squinted slightly. 
“Then you were an idiot”, Emily said in Swedish. Another small wave of surprise from Eric. Emily continued. “Why did you keep moving then?” 
“Yes, I want to know the answer to that as well”, Pam said crossing her arms.  
Eric chuckled, although it awfully sounds like a mix of a chuckle and a cough. Too rough, Emily thought. 
“Congratulations, Pam, Emmy-”, and Emily’s eyes were burning with unshed tears again because it had been so long that she had heard that nickname from Eric. “You have outwitted me.” His hand raised to touch Emily’s cheek. “But only because I’m not well.” 
Pam told about Tara, but to Emily’s confusion, Eric didn’t offer words of comfort, didn’t say he was sorry to hear that. Instead, he asked about a stupid bucket game he played in Marocco - the same game Pam had played last night to get the information of Eric’s location. 
“Oh… I liked the bucket game.” 
And Pam was about to snap, she already took steps forward, but Emily beat the vampire to it. 
“What is wrong with you?! You are Eric fucking Northman!” her hands balled to fists, the tears in her eyes no longer coming out of sadness, but anger. “You don’t give up. You fight!” 
“Fight’s over, Emily.” 
“This can’t all be about Sylvie.” 
Emily didn’t know who Sylvie was. But she knew that Eric giving up like this couldn’t be just because of one person. 
“Godric”, Eric stated. “Nora.” Emily felt a tug of pain in her chest, partly her own, partly the vampire’s whose hand she still held in hers. “And yes, Sylvie too.” 
And Pam’s next question made Emily’s heart skip a beat, two beats. Because she had never, even in her wildest worst-case scenarios, thought about that. Not until Pam put that idea in her head when she asked: “Did you contract the virus on purpose?” 
Eric wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t do something so… he wouldn’t! but despite her thoughts, Emily couldn’t have said why she was suddenly so afraid of his answer. 
“On purpose? No-” Eric said, shaking his head a little, and Emily felt a relieved breath leave her. “But did I go about my dealings with a devil-may-care attitude? Absolutely.” 
“Damn you!” Emily snapped, but then she burst into tears. She was exhausted - she hadn’t slept since Marocco and even there it was just a few hours -, and the only thing that had kept her from having a break-down had been hope. Hope that she would see Eric again soon. But this reunion had not been the relief she had waited for. She was glad to see him again, but a small part of her wished they never would have found him. 
Because now, she was afraid. More afraid than she had ever been in her entire life - and that was saying something after the torture Edgington had put her through two years ago. 
Eric tried to reach for the girl, but Emily turned away, scooting back in the chair so she sat by his legs. She pulled her knees up, hugged herself tightly and buried her face in her knees as sobs racked her whole body. She was barely aware that Pam had sat on Eric’s other side, trying to reason with him. 
“Don’t do this to us”, Emily heard Pam start sobbing and she turned her head, just enough that she could see Eric and her again - and she didn’t want to. She really didn’t but she still reached out with her hand, and her fingers - still so small and slim in comparison - wrapped around Eric’s large hand the best they could. “Please, Eric…”, Emily sobbed, too. 
“God damn you!” Pam cursed.  
“For more than 1,000 years, the world has been my oyster”, Eric said. 
“And it still can be”, Pam argued. “I’ll do anything.” Emily squeezed Eric’s hand. Me too. I would do anything for you. She wanted to say but the words refused to leave her. 
“I’ve lost my taste for oysters, Pam.” 
“Then find it again.” Emily’s voice came out harsher than she intended and she gained Eric and Pam’s attention. Wiping her face with the back of her hand, she uncurled herself from her position. “Du lovade mig”, Emily said in Swedish, desperately, and her voice was thick with emotion. 
Something in Eric’s eyes shifted. Turned softer and sad. “I know I did, sweetheart, but the world has changed since then.” He grabbed Emily’s wrist and pulled her towards him - and even sick, Emily found out that Eric was still so much stronger than she was. She was only human after all - even if it was with a little something extra. Eric’s feelings were clear and honest at his next words as his hand rested on the side of Emily’s face, thumb lightly brushing away her tears. 
“My sweet little Emily”, Eric whispered, his lips forming a quick smile, sad and warm at the same time. “You are gonna go out there. You are gonna grow up to be a beautiful, smart woman, go to some stupid fucking university and find yourself a good, loving human husband. You’re going to have kids and you will tell them stories about their 1,000 years old vampire grandfather… and you will be happy… Do you understand?” 
Emily swallowed, her hand raising on top of Eric’s now-wrong-temperature hand. She only barely managed to croak out the tiniest of “yes”. Even though she knew she would not do any of that. 
“You should go. Both of you.” 
Pam was crying but she was the first to rise from beside Eric and start to walk towards the staircase. 
This is wrong! Emily’s mind screamed as she rose. Virus or no virus Eric was not just any other vampire - he was Eric! 1,000 years old vampire and a viking! Vikings had not just sat down and waited for death to come collect them! At least Emily didn’t think so. No. Vikings, they avenged. Just like Eric had avenged his human family only seven or so months ago. 
As his last act… Emily felt no guilt of thinking about this at that moment, no guilt about throwing someone else’s life to a path to death - as far as she was concerned the other person deserved it. 
As his last act before true death, Eric Northman could take revenge against the person who did this to him. 
“Sarah Newlin”, Emily said, turning back to face Eric again. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Pam turn on her heels a glint of surprise and (oh that traitorous) hope in her eyes. 
“What about her?” Eric asked, his eyes closed. 
“What if I told you that Jason Stackhouse let her live.” 
Eric’s eyes opened, his voice hardened. “He didn’t.” 
“He did”, Pam said, catching on to Emily’s plan. “And she’s out there.” 
“No one’s seen her”, Emily said. 
“I have to imagine she’s in hiding somewhere”, Pam offered. 
Emily saw Eric’s jaw clench. Then… then, with what seemed like a heavy effort, Eric pushed himself up in the chair and slowly, slower than Emily was used to seeing the vampire’s motions - Eric Northman stood in front of her, grasping her shoulder, as his eyes once again roamed between his girls. 
“Well, let’s go find her.” 
Emily wasn’t naive. She knew that Eric was still dying, but at least now he wouldn’t just sit down here and wait for it. He would go down fighting. 
Just like he had taught her was the right way to go. 
Just like the viking he was supposed to be - just like Eric fucking Northman was supposed to fight. 
So, yes, Eric was still dying but at least now - and maybe it was selfish to think that way, but Emily didn’t find it in herself to care - Emily had a few more days to spend with the man who had taken her in as if she was his progeny instead of some orphan human child with empath powers. 
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outlawsworld · 4 years
Trusting Strangers - Chapter 6
Arthur Morgan x Female reader
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Summary: The reader tries to ignore her true feeling for Arthur. She dresses up for a job which may lead to feeling coming to the surface.
Warnings: slight violence. Nothing too major
Notes: I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Please reblog/like/message me to let me know if you like it.
Chapter 1
It can't be, It just can't. How could this have happened? You never had feelings for someone before yet here you were. There was nothing you could have done because it's not like these feelings crept up on you, they hit you like a train. All at once with no warning. You were laid in your tent looking up to the canvas. Sleeping wasn't an easy task as your mind was too full to relax. The morning light had started to creep through your tent but you just laid there trying to conserve as much energy as you possibly could. You knew the longer you laid in bed made it more likely someone would come and get you. So you decided to finally pull yourself up and change into your clothes. You scraped your hair into a braid before pulling your boots on. As you left your tent the morning air hit you and you could see no one else was awake. It must have been a lot earlier then you had thought. For once you were looking forward to doing your chores, they may help in taking your mind off things. You poured yourself a coffee and sat on a log staring at the flames as they rose. It wasn't too long before you heard Pearson make his way over to his cart to begin his day cooking.
''You got some nice catches the other day girlie'' He shouted over to you. ''Nice bits of meat like this will feed us for a week'' he smirked as he began to cut up pieces of game. You just smiled in his direction and turned back to your coffee. You were soon joined by Tilly, Abigail and Jack as they had their morning breakfast.
''You alright (Y/N)?'' Jack asked you quietly as he took a bite from a bread roll.
''I'm alright Jack, how've you been?'' you smiled down at him. You couldn't help but feel joy whenever Jack was around. He was so innocent and sweet that you forgot that you were all outlaws on the run.
''I'm good. Mamma said to ask you if I can help with the horses today?'' he looked at Abigail who gave you a nervous smile.
''I don't see why not'' you turned your attention back to Jack.
''Thank you (Y/N), I'll go get my coat'' he ran back off to his tent and Abigail shuffled to sit next to you.
''I was gonna ask, I just didn't get chance before Jack'' she sighed. ''I just need a day, just one day''
''It's fine, honestly'' you cut her short. You could tell that raising a child in this environment was hard. ''He can help me feed and brush the horses down'' you smiled at Abigail in a reassuring way.
''Thank you (Y/N)'' she smiled back at you before Jack returned.
''Come on then. You can help me feed them first'' you stood from the log and gestured for Jack to follow you to the horses. He followed close behind you and you showed him exactly what to do. You made sure he had the easier jobs that didn't include any heavy lifting. A smile beamed from his face as he was setting out small piles of hay for the horses. You couldn't help but smile at the effort he put into it and you could tell he took a shine to Dallas. The jobs took a little longer than they normally would but you didn't mind, it was a welcomed distraction. You grabbed a grooming brush and passed it to Jack before standing him on a crate next to Dallas.
''There you go. You can reach his neck and back now'' you stood next to him as you both brushed the black stallion.
''Can I ride him?'' Jack asked as he was in awe.
''Would your mum be alright with it?'' you asked, giving him a cheeky smile. You quickly looked to see if Abigail was watching but you couldn't see her. With one motion you lifted Jack onto Dallas' bare back. ''Hold on tight'' you smiled up at him as you unhitched Dallas and led him at a walk around the outskirts of camp. You only walked slowly so that Jack didn't become unbalanced without a saddle.
''Whoa, look at me'' he shouted as you walked through the woods. Jack patted Dallas on the neck and his smile was bright as he was giggling at every movement.
''You will be able to ride him by yourself one day'' you smiled up at Jack which only made him more thrilled. John was standing at the hitching post as you finished your walk. You felt slight dread as you approached him, you were unsure if Jack was allowed to ride bareback.
''Look at you Kid'' John smiled at you both and the dread left your body.
''We went all the way around the camp'' Jack beamed as John helped him down from Dallas. You hitched him up before turning to John.
''Jacks been a great helper this mornin''' you patted him on the shoulder before he ran back into camp to tell everyone about his ride. ''Sorry I didn't ask first'' you looked at John innocently.
''What to ride? Don't worry about it'' he chuckled. ''Your good with him, been round kids much?'' John followed you as you went to check the other horses.
''No, not really'' you smirked. ''I had no siblings''.
''Ahh, me neither'' he leaned up against the hitching post as you brushed down Dutch's white Arabian. ''You are better with him then I am anyway'' John looked down at his feet. You stopped what you were doing and turned to look at him. He looked visibly upset as he spoke about Jack.
''That's not true. I've seen you with him and your great'' you paused as you waited for John's reaction.
''I'm not cut out at being a father. Not yet anyways'' John sighed. ''He's a good kid but I think I've left it too late''.
''It's never too late John, trust me'' you managed to catch his eye before smiling at him. ''Why don't you do something with him today? I think Abigail needs a day off'' you giggled and he smiled weakly at you.
''Your right. As always. Is there anything you can't do (Y/N)?'' John began to chuckle.
''I can't cook'' you giggled as you turned back to the horse. Charles approached you both as you began to brush The Count again. Charles helped with the last of your chores and John got roped into helping too so you managed to finish in the early afternoon.
''You hungry?'' Charles asked you as you finished brushing down the last horse.
''Starvin'.'' You were quick to reply. The three of you walked back into camp and grabbed some bread and stew from Pearson before sitting around the fire. The rest of the girls joined you as you ate.
''I heard about a job'' Karen blurted out. ''It's a good one'' she seemed so excited as she spoke.
''What is it?'' John questioned before he took a mouthful of stew.
''There's a rich fella staying in Valentine. Bit of a ladies man but damn he's rich'' she giggled. ''I seen him in the saloon drinking and I think if we get him drunk enough it will be an easy steal''.
''Alright?'' Charles questioned missing whatever point Karen was trying to get too.
''Well there is a problem you see....us girls have already tried but he ain't interested in us'' she sighed. ''Stupid fool. But....I know one girl who could handle herself who ain't tried yet'' she glanced at you and gave you a wink. Suddenly all the attention was on you.
''What?'' you exclaimed. ''Have you seen me....if he ain't interested in you there is no way...''
''We will make you look irresistible'' Tilly cut you off.
''You can borrow one of my best dress' and we will do your hair all pretty'' Mary-Beth added. You could see John and Charles giggling in the corner of your eye and you gave them an irritated stare.
''I'm not as good at flirtin' as you'' you were trying to think of any excuse to get out of it.
''Don't give me that'' Karen shrugged your comment off. She stood up and held out her hand to you, there was no getting out of this. You looked for help from John or Charles but they didn't come to your rescue. There were no more excuses so you grabbed Karen's hand and she dragged you to her tent.
You sat while Mary-Beth tugged at your knotted hair. Each stroke of the brush felt like she was ripping part of your scalp off. Tilly was busy trying to find a suitable dress that would suit you the best and Karen was applying powder to your cheeks. Sadie and Abigail were sitting in the corner giggling at your unamused face.
''You will look stunning when we are done with you (Y/N)'' Tilly smiled at you.
''That's right. No man will be able to resist you'' Karen winked at you. ''Not that you care about that''
''What does that mean?'' Mary-Beth asked.
''(Y/N) ain't sweet on anyone'' Karen looked up to Mary-Beth and giggled.
''Really?'' Mary-Beth pulled on another knot in your hair. You winced and tried to ignore the conversation because you knew that wasn't quite true anymore.
''Well it's probably a good job. I mean.....John has Abigail drooling over him'' Karen glanced at Abigail ignoring the angry look she received. ''Javier is a flirt, Lenny is too young for her, Bill is dumb, Charles is just a 'friend', Kieran is only interested in his horse'' Karen giggled ''and Arthur is Arthur''. You furrowed your brow at this comment.
''What do you mean?'' you asked curiously.
''Arthur has never been sweet on anyone in camp but I'm pretty sure each of us have been sweet on him at some point'' she sighed.
''You have all been sweet on him?'' you scanned the room for the girls reaction and they all nodded except Sadie.
''It's hard to not be. He is a mystery and so manly'' Tilly smiled. ''There is something exciting about that''.
''Yes, but he's never reciprocated the feelings'' Abigail interjected before Tilly got carried away. Your heart sunk slightly as you thought about how stupid you were, you had let your feelings take control. Arthur wasn't interested in anyone and you were just setting yourself up for disappointment. The girls worked on you for a couple of hours until you were pristeen. Tilly had picked out a dark blue dress which complemented your features well. They all helped you squeeze into the corset before finally climbing into the dress. Your hair was knott free and hanging down past your shoulders and your makeup made you look blemish free.
''You look beautiful'' Abigail smiled at you as you stood ready to go show the camp the girls' hard work. You struggled to take a deep breath before leaving the tent, the corset clung to your ribs not allowing for much movement. The sun was beginning to set as you stepped out of the tent and made your way over to the rest of camp. Everyone was gathered round the campfire as you gingerly strode over them.
''Introducing the woman who is going to steal the heart and possessions of the richest man passing through Valentine'' Karen gestured for you to stand in front of everyone. You approached slowly as the girls moved to one side. The redness in your cheeks was hidden by the makeup but you could feel your temperature rise with embarrassment as you stood with everyone gawking at you.
''Wow (Y/N)'' Hosea looked up at you. ''You look incredible my girl'' he smiled at you as you looked at him before looking around to see the others reaction. They all sat there in shock at how you looked. Javier stood up and took your hand in his before pressing his lips to the back of it.
''Stunning'' He said after laying a kiss on your hand. You chuckled as he did this, the last thing you expected was this reaction. Suddenly you felt confident in the way you looked and you stood up taller and even did a little twirl.
''What's everyone lookin' at?'' you heard his voice from behind you and suddenly the nerves creeped back up. Taking a breath you turned round to see Arthur and his eyes landed on you too. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly as he looked at you all dressed up. You managed a shy smile but your heart was racing and you could feel that sickness in your stomach as he approached you slowly. He stopped right in front of you as he scanned you up and down, it was the first time you had seen him all day. For a minute you forgot everyone else was there. They had all turned there attention away from you now anyway. ''Hello beautiful'' he finally whispered to you as you looked up into his eyes. You felt breathless as he looked at you the way he was. Everything in your body was telling you to wrap your arms around him and not let him go but you pushed them to one side.
''Hello Arthur'' you managed to reply with a shy smile.
''What's the occasion?'' he asked not breaking eye contact with you. You could feel the heat from his body as he stood so close to you.
''(Y/N) is going to seduce a rich fella in Valentine so we can rob him blind'' Karen interrupted the moment. Arthur's face suddenly went stern and he backed away from you.
''Who's goin'?'' he turned to Karen with slight irritation in his voice.
''Well me, (Y/N) and I don't know.....Bill?'' she gestured to Bill who was already downing a bottle of whiskey.
''Bill? You seriously haven't thought this through 'av ya?'' Arthur sighed. ''I'll go. Let me just get ready'' he turned to his tent to grab some things whilst you and Karen made your way over to the wagon. John helped you both in and past you a pistol that you tucked into one of the folds of your dress.
''Damn (Y/N)'' he shook his head. ''You look amazing. Make sure he knows where to keep his hands or he'll lose em'' John smiled at you. Arthur was quick and mounted into the driver's seat and with that you were on your way to Valentine.
''So the plan is to get him drunk'' Karen started talking to you. ''He needs to think that you are going to sleep with him. When he is drunk enough you go to his room, wait for him to pass out and take everything worth taking'' she giggled.
''What if he don't pass out?'' Arthur asked and turned to give Karen a quick glance. ''Then what?''
''Well I guess (Y/N) will have to sleep with him'' Karent winked. You were about to protest but you were too slow. Arthur had already stopped the cart and turned to the both of you.
''That ain't happenin'.'' His tone was stern as he pointed at Karen.
''I was jokin' Arthur. Calm down, you almost sound jealous'' Karen teased.  ''She can hit him over the head with her pistol'' Arthur sighed, still not fully satisfied with Karen's answer but started the wagon moving again. You arrived at Valentine a couple of minutes later and you could hear the music and loud conversations coming from inside the saloon. Karen went ahead to check that the man was definitely in the saloon before you all went in. Arthur came to the back of the wagon to help you down. He put his hands around your waist and slowly lowered you until your feet hit the floor but he didn't remove his hands straight away. You looked up to see concern on his face and he took a deep breath before releasing his grip on you.
''I don't like this'' he muttered before Karen came running over.
''Show time'' she grinned before linking her arm through yours. ''We will go in first Arthur, we don't want him thinkin' you came with us'' she pulled you away. You glanced back at Arthur who clenched his jaw while holding back allowing you to go in first.
The music and smell of beer hit you as you walked into the warm saloon. There were a lot of people there singing, danicing and getting drunk. You seemed to attract the attention from a lot of men as you and Karen made your way over to the bar. The bartender passed you both a shot of whiskey each.
''That's him over there, with the red coat and mustache'' Karen glanced in the man's direction. ''Seems like he's already noticed you'' she giggled. You took your shot as quickly as you could before ordering another. If you were going to do this you needed something to get rid of the nerves. You were so used to pick pocketing or house robberies but this was something you had never done. Getting a man's attention wasn't the hard thing it was playing them so they don't suspect a thing. You grabbed your drink and walked over to an empty table and sat down slowly eyeing up your target. He had many women sitting around him at his table but his attention was on you, never breaking eye contact. You could tell he was an attractive young man and his attitude showed that he knew it too. Arthur walked into the saloon, you watched as he searched for you and caught your eye before making his own way to the bar. You turned your attention back to the target and you saw he was already making his way over to you.
''I don't believe we have met'' he held his hand out to you and you took it. ''Simon Clark'' he gently kissed the back of your hand.
''Bethany Hope'' you made up a name and introduced yourself.
''Mind if I join you?'' he asked and you nodded before he took a seat next to you. You glanced at the bar to see Karen and Arthur watching you and you felt a sense of relief that you had them watching out for you. ''How come I have never seen you before?''
''Maybe you weren't looking hard enough'' you teased him.
''You are not someone I would overlook'' he looked you up and down and you felt exposed. ''Drink?''
''How about we share a bottle?'' you smiled curiously at him. He nodded and headed to the bar to get a bottle of whiskey. You took a deep breath and looked at Arthur. He didn't take his eyes off you for a second as he clutched at his own drink.
''Here you go'' Simon poured you a shot and took his seat again. You tapped your glasses together before taking your drinks. Simon liked to speak about himself, which made things easier. You pretended to be interested in his stories while you kept on pouring drink after drink for him. He never once questioned that you were not drinking but it was probably because he didn't care. Simon was so engulfed in talking that he hadn't realised he had finished the bottle by himself. His words had started to slur and he clung to the table to stop from falling off his chair. ''Will you accompany me to my room?'' he slurred as his hand laid on your leg and started to make its way up your thigh. You had to resist the urge to brush his hand away. Having a strange man touch you intimately brought back bad memories but you tried to shut them out.
''After another drink'' you stood up removing his hand before collecting another drink from the bar. As the barman handed you another two shots of whiskey you quickly glanced at Arthur and gave him a reassuring nod. He gave you a weak smile but you could tell he wasn't enjoying this. Karen was currently flirting with another guy at the back of the room leaving Arthur by himself. You thanked the barman before heading back to Simon who now had his forehead pressed against the table. "Here" you passed him the whiskey as you drank the other. The liquor was strong and made your eyes water slightly. He downed the drink before stumbling to his feet.
"Follow me sweetheart" Simon whispered in your ear. The smell of alcohol on his breath was overwhelming but you took his hand and followed him to the door. Arthur watched from the bar as you made your way to the door not letting you out of his sight.
"I'm in the hotel across the street over there. Got a very comfy bed for us to sleep in" Simon's words were slurred as he almost fell out of the saloon. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the women that fall for men like this. The cold night air hit you hard as you followed him outside and down the stairs. You started to make your way to the hotel when he dragged you down a little ally between two buildings.
"This doesn't look like a hotel" you rolled your eyes as Simon pressed you to the wall. He was pressing his body into yours to keep himself from falling over. You took the opportunity to pick pocket him while he whispered sweet words into your ear. "oh, yeah, ahuh sounds good" you muttered not listening to what he was actually talking about. You had managed to take his watch, what money he had left on him and the key to his room, stuffing them down your dress. Simon then grabbed your wrists and pinned them to the wall above your head. His head went to your neck and left a kiss. Suddenly the touch from this man sent panic surging through your body. It felt too much like when men had taken advantage of you before. Your knee came up and struck him in his manhood. Simon quickly fell to his knees cluching his groin.
"You slut" he screamed at you as he clambered to his feet. Simon's face was now red with rage as he raised his hand to hit you. You were about to swing for him and defend yourself when he was dragged backwards away from you. Arthur had him pinned against the wall by his throat. You took a deep breath of relief while cursing at the corset restricting your movement. Where did he come from? You didn't even notice that Arthur had followed you.
"That ain't any way to treat a lady" he quickly punched Simon in the face and blood spurted from his nose. "Now you made the mistake of touching this lady in particular" he struck him again. A small whine came from Simon's mouth. His nose was visibly broken and blood was dripping from his face. "No one touches her. No one, you hear" Arthur was angry. You had heard Arthur shout a lot but this was different. He was red with rage and there was no stopping it so you stayed back and watched. Simon nodded and Arthur punched him one last time. You heard a crunch as he dropped to the floor. Simon was out cold.
"You alright?" Arthur turned around to face you. He scanned you up and down to make sure Simon hadn't hurt you in any way with a look of slight panic in his eye.
"I'm fine. You didn't have to do that ya know" you looked down at Simon as he laid face down on the floor. "I had it under control" you began to walk out of the ally when Arthur grabbed you, pulled you back and pushed you against the wall. You hadn't noticed the people that rushed into the street when they heard a commotion. It was a good idea that you don't get caught with Simon knocked out or the law would be quickly on your case. Arthur's strong arms were keeping you pinned to the wall and his body was close to yours. Your heart began to beat loudly as you could feel him so close to you.  The both of you stayed extremely quiet as the people on the street tried to find where the noise was coming from. Although you had been in this situation only minutes before it felt completely different with Arthur. You didn't want him to move away from you, you weren't scared of him. The sickness in the pit of your stomach came back as you looked up to catch Arthur's gaze. His lips were only inches away from yours and you could feel your temperature rising with every second you stood there.
"Damn it Ben, you must be hearin' things" a man called out as they made there way back into the saloon. Arthur peered around the corner to check it was clear before backing away from you. There it was again. The instant coldness you felt when Arthur wasn't as close to you anymore. You took a deep breath as you pushed yourself off the wall.
"Sorry" Arthur muttered as you left the ally. "For pushing you like that" he added before making his way to the wagon.
"It's alright" your voice cracked slightly. "Where you goin'?" Arthur turned round and cocked and eyebrow at you. "I have his room key, don't ya wanna see what he has in there?" you gestured to the hotel. Arthur nodded and you lead the way into the hotel and up to Simon's room. You looted the whole room and you made close to $1,000 in money, jewels and deeds.
"Least it was worth it" you smirked as you searched through the last draw.
"You might think so" Arthur snapped back at you. His tone was dry and irritated. You stood up and faced him as he counted the stack of money he had found. Anger rushed over you and before you could stop yourself you snapped back at him.
"I didn't ask for your help Arthur. He could barely stand up and I had control of the situation" you shouted at him. He was acting as if you weren't able to do the job by yourself. You had spent months by yourself and never had a problem so it irritated you that Arthur had felt the need to step in.
"Oh really? Because from where I'm standin' he had you pinned against a wall. Kissin' your neck and was about to hit ya" Arthur's voice drowned yours out. "Didn't look in control to me".
"I can defend myself. Don't need you to fight my battles for me" everything inside you wanted to scream at him. "It was my job and I was doing just fine untill you intervened".
"I know you can defend yourself (Y/N). I know that better then anyone cause I've seen it but do you think I'm just gonna stand there and watch him touch you like that?" Arthur marched across the room to stand directly in front of you. He towered above you, just like he had the first time you had gone hunting. Making you feel small and helpless. His body was so close to yours that you could feel the heat radiating from him again. You both stood there tense and unmoving. "Do you know how hard it was for me to watch him with you all night?" his voice was hushed now but still assertive. His brow was furrowed as he looked deep into your eyes waiting for your response.
"Why would you even care?" the words came out of your mouth uncontrollably. You were not intimidated by Arthur. Not anymore, not after everything you had been through. You didn't back away from him like you had before. His eyes widened at your comment but he was quick to reply.
"Because I do care about you (Y/N). A lot more then I should" Arthur sighed before continuing. "I know you can fight your own battles, I know that. But seeing him touch you made me so damn angry that I needed to....well ya know. You don't have to fight alone anymore. I'm here to back you up and I'm sorry it came across that I don't believe in ya" he spoke softly as he placed his hand on your shoulder and scanned your face. You were taken aback by his comments. He wasn't trying to fight for you, but with you. Sudden guilt flooded your body for getting angry with him.
"Thank you" you stared up at him. "I'm sorry, I just ain't used to people helpin'. I'd been on my own so long I guess I just learnt to fend for myself. I thought you didn't think I was capable of fighting and I got angry" your voice was hushed and slightly cracking. The last person you wanted to argue with was Arthur. You felt all the anger drain from your body which left you feeling deflated. With one motion Arthur pulled you towards him and embraced you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest. You were shocked at first but accepted the hug by clutching at his shirt. He was warm and smelt of cigarettes and whiskey. You could hear his heart beating in his chest and the feeling of being safe in his arms was enough to make your heart race.
"Your not alone now" Arthur squeezed you tighter as he said this, his voice was almost a whisper. You closed your eyes and nuzzled into his chest to prevent him from seeing your rosie cheeks. The warm feeling in your chest spread throught your body and you wished that you didn't ever have to let go of him. You felt him place a light kiss on your head before he pulled away from you. "Come on, we should get Karen and go back to camp" he gave you a tender smile as he walked across the room and opened the door before gesturing for you to walk through. You slowly walked out of the hotel and back into the street with Arthur following closely behind. Karen was waiting for you at the wagon ready to go.
"How'd it go? Get much from him?" She giggled as Arthur lifted you both into the wagon.
"Yeah, it was worth all the effort" you passed her share to her.
"Told ya it would be a good job" she nudged your arm. "You have a good night Arthur?". He hummed in reply as you left valentine. Karen told you both about her night the whole ride back to camp. She had managed to pick pocket a couple of men and showed you what she had grabbed. Your mind was far away from the convocation as you watched Arthur drive the wagon. You wondered what he meant when he said he cared for you more than he should. He cared about you and that was the only thing that mattered, it made you feel warm inside. You cared about him too, a lot, but there was no way he would care for you the same way you cared for him. It didn't matter to you right at this moment, you were just greatful to have him as a friend. It wasn't a long journey back to camp and when you got back most of the camp were already sleeping. Karen jumped down from the wagon and went straight to her tent to sleep off the alcohol she had consumed. You would have followed but the corset was too restrictive and you could barely move. Arthur came to help you down for the last time tonight.
"I don't know how women wear these damn things" you cursed as your feet touched the floor. Arthur chuckled at you struggling to move.
"I don't know much about that but you look....ermm....you look beautiful tonight" Arthur managed a complement before looking down at his feet and scratching the back of his neck.
"Thank you Arthur" you blushed. "I'm gonna go get outta this thing though, g'night Arthur and thank you again for everything" you smiled sweetly at him whilst trying to brush off your nerves.
"G'night (Y/N)" he tipped his hat and smiled sweetly at you before going to untie the horses from the wagon. You wanted to stay and talk to him all night but your eyes were becoming heavy so you walked away and went straight to Mrs Grimshaw.
"Can you help me outta this?" you smirked as you gestured to your corset. She shook her head before giggling at your incompetence.
Chapter 7
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kiwiimmellon134 · 4 years
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summary — in which the resistance’s best fights try and recruit one of the galaxy’s deadliest creature resulting in an unwanted reunion.
word count — 2k words
paring(s) — vampire hunter!poe dameron x fem!vampire!reader
warning(s) — blood, violence, and angst
notes — this vampire au is heavily based on the vampire diaries so this is gonna follow a lot of the supernatural lore of the show. and my first fic on this app, be gentle
Being a vampire wasn’t exactly your cup of tea when it first happened. But the longer you were a vampire, the more you got used to it and the more you embraced it. You were turned by Emperor Palptine himself, the first vampire.
You were the granddaughter of a Sith Lord and it was why Palpatine turned you in the first place. You were a member of the Original Bloodline, the first line of vampires.
The Sith vampires became power hungry and started a war that lasted one thousand years, and is still being fought till now. It began with the Empire, led by your grandmother and Anakin Skywalker.
But then, Luke Skywalker destroyed the Empire’s weapon, seemingly ending the war. Until the First Order rose under you and Kylo Ren.
The First Order had allies among the vampire species. They made sure to make allies with the most deadly creatures in the galaxy. Although, the Resistance had an alliance with the werewolves. Meanwhile, the witches were neutral. The playing field was even since a werewolf bite was toxin and dangerous to vampires.
You had left the First Order a while ago. You finally saw the evils the First Order was doing and left. You snuck away in the middle of the night. You were an ally the Resistance wanted.
General Leia Organa sent her best vampire hunter, Poe Dameron, and his two closest friends, Finn and Rey, to find a new ally for the Resistance. They ended up on a planet named Vela, in hopes of finding this new ally.
"Where did Leia say to search?" Rey asked as the trio walked down the street that was suspiciously empty.
"Here," Poe said, leading them to a bar. Poe, Finn, and Rey entered the bar and were met with a bloody dead body. "Gross," Finn said softly.
They turned into the main room of the bar and saw the horror that waited for them. Blood splattered on the walls and floor, bodies were scattered along the bar and there were some dismembered limbs as well.
Poe looked over at the broomstick resting against the wall. Poe snapped a piece of the broomstick off to make a stake. He only knew about one creature that could create this kind of mess.
Rey swallowed down the distaste in her mouth and felt sick to her stomach. "Holy shit," Rey whispered.
There, in the center of it all, was you, feeding on a dead body with her back facing the trio. You released the man's neck with a snarl and the man's head fell onto the ground with a disgusting thud. You turned around with blood-red eyes and grey veins trickling down from your eyes.
Your mouth and chin were covered in blood. "You've got to be kidding me," Poe commented.
Your eyes turned back to normal and she sighed. "You've got to be kidding me." You said. "Haven't seen you around here in a long time," You added.
"Been busy," Poe answered.
"You know her?" Finn asked.
"I dated her." Finn and Rey turned their heads to look at him, "You what?" Rey asked.
"It's a long story," Poe replied. "It was your typical forbidden romance," You interjected, "Vampire," You pointed to yourself, "Vampire hunter." You pointed to Poe.
"And don't forget the fact you're a manipulative bitch," Poe added.
"Ouch," You put her hand over her heart, "Did my betrayal hurt you that much?"
You met Poe when you were still with the First Order. You found out he was a vampire hunter not long after you met and you came clean about being a vampire to him.
You both tried to make it work. You really did. But you came from opposite sides of the war. Kylo found out about your relationship with him and gave you a choice.
You chose the First Order, which broke your heart but you wanted to stay on the First Order’s good side.
"Okay, who is she?" Rey asked softly.
You introduced yourself to them, "And I come from the Original bloodline. And I'm a Ripper." You explained, "You know what that means?"
When you were met with silence, you answered your own question. "It means I literally can't stop feeding until I tear your head off," You explained, your eyes slowly shifting back to red.
Rey and Finn slowly moved behind Poe since he was the only one relaxed in this situation. "I need to talk to her alone," Poe whispered back to his two friends.
"What?" Finn asked, "Did you not hear what she just said? She will kill you."
"She can't kill me even if she wanted to," Poe replied. He looked at you with a small smirk, "Not unless she wants to deal with me for the rest of her life."
"Don't remind me," You rolled her eyes.
"Let's just say I have supernatural immunity. Go wait outside. This won't take long." Poe said. Rey and Finn hesitantly nodded and left the bar. They were glad to get out of the bar though, it smelt ridiculously bad.
"And what exactly are you planning on doing with that?" You asked, looking down at the stake in his hand, "You think you can kill me? I'm two hundred years older than you."
"I can take you."
You laughed softly, shaking her head slightly. "When did you turn it off? Your humanity?" Poe asked. He knew you wouldn't do it unless you didn't care, if you didn't feel.
"Two years ago." You answered, "I just need to get on human blood. Get off of that rabbit diet my uncle put me on and get back to my roots." Poe glanced down at the floor for a quick moment. Two years ago? You broke up two years ago. Poe looked back up at you.
"General Leia thinks you'll make a good ally to the Resistance. I don't know why since you're the same selfish vampire I've always known." There was a time when Poe really believed you could do good. That you weren’t the same as your family that was currently trying to take over the galaxy.
Just like there was a time where you believed you could change. You wanted to change. For him.
Your face fell for a moment. Just a quick moment as you processed his words. Then, your face hardened again and you replied, "Fucking hell, I lie to you once and you won't let me live it down."
"You could've killed me," Poe argued.
"Yeah, well, I didn't. You know that stupid curse got in the way. Believe me, if the curse didn't exist, I would've torn you apart... And you know it." The Hunter's curse was the only thing stopping vampires such as you from killing hunters like Poe.
If a vampire killed a hunter, the spirit of the hunter would torment the vampire relentlessly for the end of time. Or if the vampire drove a stake through their own heart.
You wiped her chin with the back of your hand and sighed softly. "So, why are you here?" You asked, "You miss me?" You smirked.
"No, I don't," Poe replied, "The Resistance needs your help. We're just asking for some assistance. Then, once the war is over, you can go back to murdering people aimlessly."
"I'm not gonna help you. I like my little neutral alliance. It's... strangely peaceful. I get to kill whoever I want without caring if they're on your side of the First Order's side. And it's not like anyone could come after me. I'm a Sith vampire. I have as much supernatural immunity as you." You rambled.
You took a couple of steps closer to Poe and looked down at his neck, hearing his heartbeat.
You looked up into his eyes and licked your lips.
"Yeah... Thing is... I'm not necessarily asking." Poe said softly. Before you could process what he said, Poe grabbed your throat and slammed your back on a tabletop, holding you down by your neck. He brought up his other hand and stabbed the stake in your chest, causing you to yell in pain.
"Two more inches and I pierce your heart," Poe said, twisting the stake slightly in his hand. You groaned in pain. "So what's it gonna be?" Poe asked.
"God, you're hot..." You whispered softly. You put your hand on his wrist causing his hand to tighten ever so slightly around your throat. "When did you get so hot...?" Poe slowly drove the stake further in her chest, you winced in pain.
"Don't flirt with me."
Your eyes flicked down to the stake and back up at Poe. "You wouldn't..." You argued, "If you did, my entire bloodline would come after you."
"Not like they could kill me," Poe retorted.
"You think the curse is gonna stop them?" You asked, wincing in pain again, "You fuck with one of the Originals and the others will kill you. Curse or not. Besides... You care about me too much to kill me."
Poe leaned down and whispered in your ear, "I couldn't care less about you. Gotta be honest, I might even hate you. So, it looks like our little love story ends here."
You tightened your grip on his wrist and twisted it, pulling his hand off of your neck and a loud snap echoed through the bar. Poe shouted in pain, which alerted Rey and Finn outside, and you kicked him off of her. You pulled the stake out of your heart and got off of the table, the wound already healing.
You grabbed his throat, like what he did to you, and stabbed the stake in his gut, expertly missing everything important. "You hate me?" You asked as Poe groaned from the pain, "That sounds like the beginning of a love story, Poe. Not the end of one." You heard the bar doors open and the footsteps of Rey and Finn coming.
You let go of Poe and used her vampire speed to leave the room before Rey and Finn came into the bar. "Poe!" Finn shouted as he and Rey rushed to Poe's side.
"She doesn't want to help," Poe winced.
"We noticed." Rey retorted.
Poe was fine after a long period of rest. You disappeared again, flying under the First Order's and the Resistance's radar. But Poe's seen the messes she left behind, the amount of people you killed made Poe second guess his belief that you could be good.
The war ended after many more months of fighting. The Resistance didn't need your help to win, but you still would've been a powerful enemy against the First Order. A lot of the vampires went into hiding and the galaxy finally felt peace.
Currently, Poe was back on Yavin IV, his home planet, tending to his x-wing with BB-8 beside him. BB-8 let out an alarmed beep, making Poe turn around. Lingering in the shadows was a figure Poe knew all too well.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked. You stepped out from the overhead shadow and into the light, "I heard the war's over." Poe looked at BB-8, not saying anything. BB-8 turned and rolled away from you two.
"What do you want?" Poe asked.
"I wanted to see you," You replied. "I've been thinking about—"
"—Save it. I don't want to play your games." Poe interrupted.
"Us," You finished her sentence anyways, "I've been thinking about us."
"There is no more 'us'. Not after everything." Poe pointed at you and took one large stride closer to you, "You did this to us."
"And you're right. I know what I did..." You trailed off. Poe could hear the softness in your voice, something was different from the last time they spoke in that bar. "I just... I'm sorry." You spoke softly.
"You turned your humanity back on, didn't you?" Poe asked.
"And I'm off human blood," You continued, "I stopped killing." Poe knew that statement was true, the killings dropped immensely toward the end of the war. You did stop killing.
"Just... Give me another chance. Don't give up on me... please." You pleaded.
"Tell me you didn't come here with the expectation that I would take you back just because you can feel emotions again." You frowned and glanced down.
"I just wanted to see you," You replied, "One last time..." You whispered.
"What does that mean?" Poe questioned.
"I'm..." You trailed off, stumbling slightly because your knees gave out from under you. Poe quickly threw out his arms and caught you before you could hit the ground.
"What’s going on?" Poe asked.
"Some werewolves jumped me a couple days ago..." You explained softly. You grabbed your jacket sleeve and slowly rolled it up your forearm, exposing the infected bite. Poe stared down at the bite mark, shocked.
"Heh... I'm dying..." You chuckled lightly, smiling weakly. Poe reached down and picked up your legs, carrying you bridal style.
"What're you—"
Poe carried you back to his house and laid you down on his couch in the living room. Poe crouched down beside you and you shifted, getting comfortable.
"Poe..." You muttered.
"Just relax," Poe replied. Poe gently reached up and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I know... You hate me," You began softly, "And that's fine. But I..." You gently put your hand on his cheek, "I love you, Poe. I always have."
He mumbled your name, then used his hand to lower yours.
"What I felt was real... And I hope what you felt was real too... I just want to ask you one thing." You continued.
"What is it?" Poe asked softly.
"You know no vampire has survived a werewolf bite. And you know how painful a bite is in its final stages... I just want you to..." You stopped, taking deep breaths.
"You're asking me to kill you?" Poe asked.
"You didn't seem to have a problem with it at the bar..." You replied, "Please... I wouldn't have it any other way." Poe looked down in deep thought.
"There's no way around this. I'm not gonna live..." You laughed slightly, trying to lighten the mood, "This... This is where our love story ends." Despite the weak smile on your face, tears escaped your eyes.
Poe felt tears prick his eyes, "What about your family?"
"I don't even know where they are..." You answered. "Just do this one thing for me..."
Poe remained silent and stood up. "I'll be right back. Try and rest," He said softly. Poe walked away from you, thinking about his options.
He didn't have many. Let you suffer from the werewolf bite or... just put you out of her misery now. There was no cure for a werewolf bite. You were going to die.
Poe entered his room, feeling a heavy weight on his heart. He didn't want to admit it out loud but he did care about her. Deep down. He did.
Poe pulled out a duffle bag from underneath his bed and unzipped it. He reached inside and pulled out a stake. Poe exited his room and headed back toward you.
Poe gently lifted up your upper body and slipped on the couch under you, resting you back on his chest, putting the stake on the coffee table in front of the couch.
"Hey," Poe said softly, "I'm here. Just breathe."
You slowly looked up at him, "I can't believe I'm about to die with the entire galaxy thinking I'm a monster... Including you," You said.
"You're not a monster. I spent a long time blaming you for what happened between us. I'm sorry. You deserve peace." Poe said, his voice shaking slightly. Your gaze fell and she saw the stake sitting on the table
"Look at me," Poe mumbled, grabbing your chin and turning your head back up to him.
"Careful. I might think you actually care about me." You joked, your breaths getting shallower and shallower.
"Maybe I do." Poe replied, keeping his voice quiet and soft. Poe moved his hand to grab the stake from the table. Your eyes followed his movements.
"Hey, look at me," Poe said, seeing you look away. You gazed back up at him, "Just keep your eyes on me, yeah? Just look at me. Nothing else." You nodded again.
Poe brought the tip of the stake to your chest with shaky hands and then felt your hand on his, telling him that it's okay. "Don't forget me, okay?" You asked softly.
"I won't..." Poe answered, "I'll never forget you." Poe said softly, tears building in his eyes.
You nodded, tears falling down your face. You could feel him moving his hand back. "Wait," You whispered, using your hand to stop his hand, "Tell me you love me... Even if it's a lie. Please..."
"I love you." Poe replied with a shaky tone. Those words brought you a strange sense of peace. You finally felt peace. You leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes. Poe pulled his hand back slightly and then stabbed your heart.
You gasped and Poe finally let the tears fall. Poe rested his chin on top of your head. Poe looked down and watched your body turn a dark grey color. You were desiccating. You were dead.
Poe sighed defeatedly and planted a kiss on top of your head. "I love you." Poe repeated quietly.
my one tag lol : @damndamer0n
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