#I definitely saw it somewhere that she liked fanfiction
wzymerph · 4 months
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Other little drawing that I’ve made, I think that Niffty’s only use of modern technology is to read and write fanfictions
But I feel like it would be on a very old computer, on windows vista or something
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Somewhere to Belong | 3/3 | S.R
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Part three of my Family Challenge fic.
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N - I am almost positive this is not how the adoption system works but hey, it’s fanfiction, I make my own rules.
Summary - You reveal your master plan to Spencer and the two of you begin on your journey together. Will you be able to help Spencer bring Wren home where she belongs? And when the time comes, will you have what it takes to walk away?
Pairing - Spencer Reid x BAU Fem! Reader
Warnings - confessed feelings, tears, mostly just domestic fluff, making out, allusions to sex but still SFW, crying child, swearing, happy ending.
WC - 9.4k
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Part 3
The wheels of your plan had been slow turning, painfully so. You’d started to think you may never reach the end of this goddamn road. 
But finally after months, all the pieces had fallen into place. 
When you received the phone call you were already halfway out of the door before the person on the other end had even finished their sentence. It was the phone call you’d been waiting for, holding your breath every time the device rang. 
And now it had happened, it was time to go and see him. 
You drove out into the suburbs, a manilla folder full of paperwork in the passenger's seat. You parked next to the curb by the house with the canary yellow fence and green front door. 
Before you could exit the car you saw the door open and Spencer let someone out the house. The women had a briefcase and wore a smart pants suit. Definitely a social worker. 
You watched the woman head to her own car and once she was inside the vehicle and starting the engine you stepped out onto the street, bringing your folder with you.
As you headed for the yellow gate your phone buzzed in your pocket. Slowing your strides you retrieved it and read the text message on the screen. 
📱 Spencer Reid: I think it’s over. There’s another couple who have shown interest in adopting Wren and I don’t think I can compete with that. I’m ok, I’m not craving or anything. I just wanted you to know. 
You stuffed the device back in your pocket and looked up at the house, a single light coming from the downstairs window. 
Since you’d accompanied him to Beltway, the two of you had been in touch more regularly. Spencer texted you nearly every day and you spoke on the phone fairly often. 
You’d seen him a handful of times for coffee but you’d never been out to his home in Woodbridge. It was a really nice house, a family home just like the team had described to you. It was a complete one eighty from his old DC apartment. 
You unhooked the gate and slid past it, hugging the folder to your chest as you made your way along the front path and up the steps. 
Before you could talk yourself out of this, you knocked on the green front door. 
Soon you heard it being unlocked and then it tentatively opened. Spencer’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion when he saw you. 
“Y/N hi,” he opened the door slightly wider. “I just texted you.”
“I know, I was…in the neighbourhood?” You shrugged. “Can I come in?” 
“Yeah, of course.” He nodded, stepping aside to allow you entrance to his home. 
You walked inside while he shut the door behind you and you glanced around the living room. 
You recognised his leather couch and armchair from his old apartment as well as his record player and chess set. The coffee table was the same but other than that this was not the home you pictured Spencer Reid living in. 
He waited for you to take it in and only spoke again once you looked back at him. 
“Can I get you a drink or anything?”
“No, I’m good.” You nodded, feeling oddly nervous. 
He motioned for the couch and the two of you crossed the room together and sat side by side. You laid the manilla folder in your lap and ran your fingers over it. 
“Whatcha you got there?” He asked, nodding at the file. 
“Uh, well you see…” you trailed off, unable to find the words to communicate what you wanted to say. “How about you have a look.” 
You handed him the file. For a moment he just stared at it with a frown before he cautiously took it from your hand. 
He opened it and started one by one going through the pieces of paper inside. 
The first was an application with a large red stamp proclaiming APPROVED in the bottom right corner. There were several sheaths that documented personal information about you, health checks, financial records, questions and answers relating to your childhood. 
There was a rental agreement renewal for the address in which you lived which had gone unsigned as though you were hesitant in continuing your lease. 
Multiple pages he’d seen before, floor plans of his own home, summaries of home visits at this address. 
One sheet was a letter signed off by BAU Unit Chief Emily Prentiss agreeing to a cut in field hours. Two more sighed letters followed, both dictating what an upstanding human being you were, one signed by SSA Luke Alvez and the other Doctor Tara Lewis. 
He read through them quickly as you knew he would but it still somehow felt like a lifetime before he was neatly tucking the pages away and closing the file. He looked up at you, eyebrows furrowed heavily. 
“I don’t…” he swallowed, his hands starting to shake. “I don’t understand.” 
“Yes, you do.” You nodded. “You’re a genius aren’t you?”
“I…is this a joke?” His eyes flooded with unshed tears as he rolled his bottom lip between his teeth.
“It would be a pretty cruel thing to joke about.” You shrugged.
Spencer rubbed his eyes, trying to push away his tears before they could fall. 
“Just to confirm,” he swallowed thickly, his eyebrows still knitted together in his confusion. “Because I don’t want to misunderstand what’s happening here…”
“Spencer,” you placed your hand on his knee and he noticed you were shaking too. “I would do anything for you. Anything. If this can help you bring that little girl home, then I’ll do it.” 
“You…you’ve gotten approval from the adoption agency.” He croaked. 
“You’ve done the interviews, cut down your hours at the BAU, not renewed your lease and had Alvez and Lewis write you character references.” 
“Yes.” You nodded. “I still don’t think I’m ready for a family, Spencer. But I can sign on as Wren’s adoptive mother on paper, just so you can get her home. Once she’s home and the paperwork is finalised they can’t take her away from you. We can figure out all the rest once you’ve got her home, I can terminate my rights or whatever. But by then it won’t matter.” 
“W-why would you…” he trailed off again, swallowing. “Why would you do that for me? That’s…crazy. Why would you want to go through all this trouble just so I can have a better chance of adopting Wren?” 
You inhaled really deeply, your chest heaving as you did so. Spencer blinked rapidly in an attempt to clear the new batch of tears from his eyes. 
“I should have said it back.” You mumbled with a shake of your head. “Months ago, you told me you loved me and I should have said it back. But instead I walked away and let you believe I didn’t feel that way about you. But I do. Just because we aren’t together doesn’t make that any less true. And if I can help you bring Wren home I will. Because I love you.” 
The room fell silent while Spencer worked to comprehend everything that was happening. His head spun as though he was drunk, making it harder for him to understand all of this.
This couldn’t have been some idea you’d just come up with, weeks if not months of work had gone into this. You were willing, on paper at least, to be Wren’s adoptive mother when you weren’t ready to have kids. 
You’d told Emily, Luke and Tara at the minimum of your plans. You were willing to give up your apartment, cut back your hours at a job you adored to help him. Because you loved him. You loved him so much you were willing to put his happiness before your own. 
“It’s too much.” He shook his head. “I can’t ask you to do all of this.” 
“Good job you never once asked then.” You smiled at him. “It’s all temporary. Once Wren is home I can pick back up my regular case load, I spoke to my landlord about subletting my apartment for a few months so I can move back in once everything is settled.”
“You plan to live here?” He suddenly made the connection. 
“Well I’ve got to live somewhere. And you know, us living in the same house gives the impression of a happy couple who want to adopt a child, don’t you think? It won’t be forever.” 
“What am I supposed to say to my social worker? I forgot to tell her that I had a partner?” Of course he’d try and pick holes in this, it was what Spencer Reid did best. 
“We say we were together but I didn’t think I was ready for a family. But now I am. We tell them I met Wren and fell in love with her and now we want to adopt her together. It’s pretty much what I wrote in my application.” You’d considered every outcome, every bump in the road.
“But you haven’t met Wren.” He shook his head. 
“So I will.” You chuckled. “Spence, stop trying to put blockers in the way when there aren’t any. Let me do this for you, please? Let me help you bring your little girl home.” 
Spencer stared at you silently, blinking frantically as he tried to understand what was happening. He didn’t want to get his hopes up only to have them dashed again but you seemed sincere. 
He still didn’t understand how you would be willing to go to such lengths for him but he supposed it didn’t matter. What mattered was you were willing to and he could use all the help he could get. 
Suddenly he threw himself forward, arms flying up to wrap around you. He pulled you close, holding you tightly as he started to loudly sob.
“T-thank you.” He cried into your shoulder as you returned his hug.
“You’re welcome, Spence. You’re so very welcome.” 
You continued to hold him while he sobbed, stroking his back in an attempt to calm him. It was over a half hour later when he finally shed all of his tears, sniffed heavily and sat back to look at you. 
“You really are my most favourite person.” He smiled shakily at you. 
If you didn’t love him so much there was no way you would have even considered helping him adopt a child even if it was only on paper. 
But love makes us do crazy things. And this might just be the craziest.
Two days later you anxiously sat in the passenger's seat of Spencer’s Volvo while he drove the two of you to Wren’s halfway home. 
You played with your hands in your lap, barely speaking as you tried to comprehend meeting this little girl who had become Spencer’s whole world. 
You’d agreed to tell Wren you were Spencer’s friend it was the truth and much less complicated than explaining everything to her. You would test the waters with her first, see how she felt about it before broaching it with the social worker. 
Your legs wobbled a little as you got out of the car and Spencer was regarding you curiously. 
“Are you sure about this?” He asked softly, his fingers brushing across your knuckles. 
“Yeah.” You forced a smile. “She means so much to you, I’m just worried she won’t like me.” 
“She’s going to love you. Trust me.” 
The look he was giving you made your stomach coil into knots. Your knees buckled and your heart yearned for him. 
It was such a cruel world that you could be so in love with someone yet not be destined to each other. 
As you started towards the building he slipped his hand in yours and it was so easy to pretend this wasn’t all for show. 
He led you inside, saying his hellos to some of the people working in the halfway home, clearly he’d been here a lot. He carried on through to a larger room filled with kids of all ages, your heart bled for them all. 
As your eyes cast around the room, you were quickly snapped back around when you heard someone calling Spencer’s name. 
“Spencer! Spencer!” 
You looked back just in time to see a head of dark curls you remembered from when you’d seen her sleeping on Spencer’s lap at the BAU running right towards the two of you. 
He let go of your hand so he could outstretch his arms for the girl who happily fell into them. 
“Missed you.” She tucked herself in his arms. 
“I missed you too, pumpkin.” He sighed in content as he hugged her. 
You watched the way he seemed to light up the moment Wren was nearby, how all the weight he carried on his shoulders slipped away. As he cuddled the five year old, he seemed at peace. 
And you knew you were doing the right thing. 
Wren stepped back from his embrace and looked up at you, head tilted to the side in a curious fashion and little dark eyebrows furrowed. 
“Who are you?” She asked, pouting a little. 
“This is my friend, Y/N.” Spencer spoke for you. “Y/N, this is Wren.” 
“Why is she here?” Wren looked back at Spencer in concern. 
“I thought you’d like to meet her.” Spencer’s tone completely changed when he spoke to her, you’d never heard him like it before. 
It was soft and sweet, obviously it relaxed the young girl. Usually. But it was clear by the concerned expression in her face it wasn’t working today. 
“But I like spending time with you.” Her lip jutted out. 
“I’m still here aren’t I?” Spencer chuckled, tucking a rogue strand of her hair back off of her rosy face. 
“Hey Wren,” you crouched down so you were the same height as her, garnering her attention. “I heard you love Halloween?” 
She looked between Spencer who was still standing at his full height and back to you before looking back at him again. 
“It’s ok,” he encouraged her with a smile. 
She looked back at you once more, a hint of scepticism in her bright eyes. 
“Yes.” She nodded feverishly. 
“And you love books too, right?” 
“Yes.” She nodded again. 
“Well that’s perfect because I just so happen to have a book all about Halloween!” You grinned at her whilst reaching into your purse.
Spencer frowned a little, you hadn’t mentioned this on the drive over. He watched as you pulled a book out of your bag, a brightly coloured hardback depicting cartoon pictures of ghosts, witches and monsters getting ready for a spooky party. 
The title read The Night Before Halloween. 
Neither of you could tell what Wren was thinking, for a five year old she was amazing at masking her expression even though she probably didn’t realise she was doing it. 
She looked from the book to your eyes then to Spencer and around in the same loop a few times before settling on Spencer. 
“Do you want me to read it to you?” He asked her, trying to prompt her to speak. 
“No.” Wren shook her head and turned back to you.
You tried to hide your disappointment. This was your only play, your only way in with her and you’d blown it. 
But then the little girl smiled at you. 
“I want Y/N to read it to me.” She reached out her little hand for you and you pushed yourself back up to your full height and took it. 
She led you over to the couch with Spencer following close behind. You glanced at him over your shoulder and he was smiling at you as he mouthed the words, good job.
Two more visits with Wren and she had warmed up to you the same way he had with Spencer. By the third visit she even hugged you. 
And you saw exactly why Spencer loved her. 
By the time September rolled around you’d moved into Spencer’s suburban home - in the spare room - and had multiple visits with Jenny who struggled to grasp what was happening at first. 
Understandably she was sceptical about your sudden involvement but after more rigorous interviews she started to warm up the same way Wren had. 
As you weren’t travelling with the team so much anymore and mostly working cases out of Quantico, you and Spencer spent a lot of time together. 
He was always home before you, his classes at Marlborough never running past four pm. And as much as you hated to admit it, having someone to come home to everyday was delightful in its domesticity.
When you did travel with the team, usually around every one in four cases, Spencer would call you everyday and send you photographs of him and Wren when he visited her. 
Spencer was learning to cook for Wren so the poor girl didn’t have to live off of cereal, coffee and ice cream, or as you always referred to it: The Doctor Reid Diet. 
He tried out his new recipes on you and at least eighty percent of them were edible. 
You’d been allowed to take Wren out on more day trips, with Jenny in tow of course. The two of you took her to museums and book stores and ice cream parlours; to the park, once to a carnival and anywhere else her little imagination could think to go.
It was midway into October when you arrived back from a case in Florida in which you’d been gone for six days. You knew Spencer had waited up for you as he’d called you to tell you he would. 
When you let yourself in the green front door of the house that was feeling more like a home by the day, it wasn’t the messy haired genius who met you. 
What did meet you certainly had messy hair, but its dopey expression told you it was no genius. 
The creature trotted over to you, tongue hanging out of its slightly lopsided mouth and offered you a single bark whilst nuzzling against your shin. 
You stared at the scruffy dog using your leg as a scratching post with wide eyes. Somewhere in the house you heard footsteps and you glanced up to see Spencer appearing from the kitchen. 
“Hey, how was your day?” He smiled at you, completely ignoring the confusion on your face. 
“Uh, it was perfectly normal until I came home and was greeted by this.” You pointed down at the mutt who was staring expectantly at you. 
“He. Not this.” Spencer padded over and quickly scooped up the small, messy animal in his arms. “This is Rover.” 
Rover licked Spencer’s cheek and much to your confusion, the germaphobe didn’t even bat an eyelid. 
“Last I checked Rover was a stuffed animal. This creature seems to be very much alive.” 
“Wren decided she wanted a dog. I said we could go to the pound and look, just look. But, uh, she kinda fell in love with this little guy and I can’t say no to her.” He shrugged, scratching Rover behind his ear. 
“So you now have a dog.” You hung your bag up by the door.
“We have a dog.” 
“Oh no.” You shook your head, walking past him towards the kitchen. “I’m outta here once Wren’s home. The dog is your problem.” 
Spencer placed the creature, which you thought more resembled a gremlin than a dog, on the floor and followed you. 
“He’ll grow on you.” 
“He most certainly won’t. I’m a cat person. And last I checked you weren’t all that keen on dogs either.” 
“But Wren is. So I guess I’m a dog person now.” He leant against the counter in the kitchen while you grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. 
You turned back to look at him as you uncapped it. You had a curious smile on your lips.
“What? What’s that look for?” He frowned a little.
“It’s just funny,” you took a sip. “Six months ago I would never have imagined either of us to be here.” 
“Me either.” He agreed with a smile. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy before.” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy before.” He started towards you. “You’re a big part of that, you know? I know this is all for show and we’re just doing this until Wren is home, but, uh…I like having you here.” 
“It’s not all for show.” You placed the bottle on the counter behind you as you felt a little dizzy with the way Spencer was looking at you. 
“No?” He reached you, stopping a few feet in front of you. 
“I like being here too.” You confessed, your legs shaking a little due to the look he was currently giving you. 
“I’m glad.” He swallowed and your eyes were drawn to his Adam’s apple and the way it bobbed deliciously beneath his flesh. “I’m, uh, I’m on the verge of doing something very dumb.”
“How do you know it’s dumb until you do it?” You had a pretty good idea of what he was talking about. 
“Because I’m a genius and my brain is screaming how dumb it would be.” He chuckled, stepping even closer to you. 
“Maybe for once, don’t listen to your brain, Spence.” 
To encourage him, you reached for him, placing your hand on his shoulder. He swallowed again as he stepped nearer to you still. 
Cautiously he raised his own hands and placed them on the sides of your face, eyes darting back and forth between your eyes and your lips. 
“Don’t listen to my brain?” He whispered, wanting confirmation.
“Just this one time.” You offered him a smile and it was all he needed to close the space between you. 
When his lips gently brushed against your own, your hand quickly moved from his shoulder to the back of his neck to keep him close.
You parted your lips and he replied in kind by deepening the kiss. 
He pushed his body flush against you, pressing you into the counter. He held your face delicately but soon the kiss was growing frantic. 
It wasn’t at all long before he was manoeuvring you away from the counter and towards the kitchen door, never tearing his lips from yours. Not at least until his back collided with the door.
He broke the kiss and started to laugh, you did the same. He reached behind him and opened the door, taking your hand pulling you along with him.
The two of you were giggling like a couple of teenagers as you ascended the stairs, neither of you paying much mind to the dog asleep in his bed. 
He led you to his room and once inside he pushed you back against the wall and kissed you ardently again.  
He rolled his hips against yours so you could feel the bulge in his slacks and you moaned into his mouth. 
And then he was leading you to his bed as he helped you out of your clothes. 
It was only then as you lay beneath you realised how much you’d missed him. And you knew when or if the time came for Wren to come home and this little domestic bubble popped, it was going to be hard to drag yourself away. 
You fell asleep wrapped in Spencer’s arm after several hours and multiple orgasms. When you woke in the morning he was already awake, staring at you with a smile on his face. 
“Hey,” he stroked your messy hair behind your ear.
“Hey yourself.” You smiled back, inching closer and placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Last night was…” he trailed off searching for the right word but finding none that did it justice. 
“Amazing?” You laughed lightly.
“That’s certainly one word for it.” He agreed, hand cupping your cheek. “So I don’t wanna be the kind of person that asks this but, uh…did that mean something? Was it just sex or did it mean something? Because I would…uh…I’d really like it to have meant something.” 
His nerves were tangled in his words and you could see in his eyes that he hated asking you this. You smiled and ran your fingertips lightly over his bicep. 
“Well I guess that…” you were stopped by the sound of Spencer’s phone ringing and he pulled a face of frustration. 
“Shoot,” he let go of your face. “To be continued?” 
You nodded and watched him roll over, grabbing his cell phone off the nightstand and putting it to his ear while sitting up on the edge of the mattress. 
“Doctor Reid,” he spoke and then was silent for a moment or two and his back straightened. “Seriously? You…I…seriously? Uh, yeah of course. Today? Gosh…yes. Ok. Ok. Thank you. Goodbye.” 
His hand holding the phone fell to his lap limply but other than that he didn’t move. You rolled closer to him with a frown, wrapping an arm around his waist when you were close enough.
He slowly turned his head to look at you and you couldn’t read his expression.
“Spence?” You croaked. “Is everything ok?” 
He exhaled through parted lips, his eyes widening a little before he slowly started to nod. 
“Y-yeah,” his voice cracked. “Yeah everything’s great. That was Jenny. Apparently we’ve been approved for placement under supervision for Wren. It might not be permanent and Jenny will visit every week. But they wouldn’t let us bring her home if there wasn’t a strong possibility of us being able to adopt her. She’s coming home, Y/N. Our little girl is coming home.”
His tears overflowed when he reached the end of his speech and the smile that adorned his lips was brighter than the sun and all the stars in the sky combined. 
You jumped up and threw yourself into his lap, wrapping your arms tightly around him. 
“Oh gosh Spence, that’s great!” You felt your own tears well in your eyes as he held you. 
And for some reason when he called her our little girl, it didn’t freak you out in the slightest, 
Wren was an excitable blur of hand gestures and bounces in her seat as Spencer drove the three of you home later that afternoon. 
She’d only ever seen photographs of the room Spencer had put together for her and she was buzzing to see it with her own eyes. 
It was only once he got close to home driving through the neighbourhood she had lived with her parents whom she watched die, that she clammed up.
You sat in the back of the car with her and watched the way her eyes turned down at the corners as she looked out the window at the familiar houses. 
You reached out to her, held her hand.
“It’s ok if you miss them, Wren.” You whispered and her head whipped around to face you.
She was gnawing on her bottom lip, perhaps trying to stop from pouting. 
“But I don’t want to make you and Spencer sad.” She spoke in equally hushed tones. 
“Hey now silly girl,” Spencer’s right hand appeared between the front seats, blindly reaching for her knee. “You could never make us sad. You have no idea how happy you make us, pumpkin.” 
“But you will miss your mommy and daddy and we want you to be able to tell us when you do, ok?” You added, squeezing her hand. 
“O-ok.” She nodded, turning back out of the window. 
Soon enough Spencer pulled the car to a stop outside of the house with the canary yellow fence and green front door. 
He exited the car and rushed around to open Wren’s door while you unbuckled her seatbelt. He lifted her in his arms, spun her around twice, and planted her on her feet on the sidewalk. 
She instantly reached for you both, gripping Spencer’s hand in her left and yours in her right. 
You and Spencer shared a smile over her head as you led her up to the front door. 
The second the door was open a messy haired small mutt ran at full pelt towards the three of you, practically crashing straight into Wren. 
She giggled and threw her arms around the dog. 
“Rover!” She screeched, burying her face into his matted fur. 
Spencer took her bag from her and unzipped it, pulling out the toy Rover and holding him out towards the girl and her dog. 
“Rover meet Rover.” He spoke and Wren beamed brightly as she took the toy from him. 
She held it in front of the real dog's face and he licked the toy feverishly, making Wren giggle again. 
“I think they’re going to be friends!” She cheered happily. 
“That’s a relief.” Spencer chuckled, hand naturally slipping in yours. 
“Would the Rover’s like to see your new room, honey?” You asked Wren, entwining your fingers with Spencer’s.
“I think so!” She jumped up and down. “Come on big Rover, come on little Rover.”
You and Spencer shared another smile as you led the way, hand in hand, up the stairs and towards the room at the end of the hall. 
One of the Rover’s was held by Wren around his neck while the other followed of his own accord. You both stepped aside and motioned for Wren to open the door. 
She looked positively giddy with excitement as she reached for the handle. She pushed open the door and Spencer reached inside to flick the lights on. 
Her eyes widened as a dozen strings of pumpkin fairy lights cast their glow across the warm autumnal walls, thick cream carpet and everything in between. 
She took a few steps inside the room and the two of you watched her eyes flicker between the My Little Pony bed sheets, her name placard above the bed, the bookshelf stuffed full of books, another shelf packed with stuffed animals. 
They moved between the dog bed meant for little Rover which big Rover was now already making his way to, to the dresser under the window with a little mirror and her very own chess set. 
They made their way to the wardrobe which Spencer had stencilled with falling leaves and little brown birds of her namesake. 
Her eyes danced from here to there, there to here and back again. When they finally came to a stop on you and Spencer, they were full of tears. 
“This is…for me?” Her bottom lip pouted. 
“I don’t know any other little girls called Wren.” Spencer smiled at her. 
She suddenly dove at the two of you, one arm wrapping around each of you and nuzzling between you. You felt her small frame racking with sobs and it made your heart melt. 
“T-thank you.” She cried, squeezing you both as tightly as she could. “I love you.” 
You looked at Spencer, you both had tears welling in your own eyes. 
And god dammit if you didn’t love her too. 
The three of you ate ice cream for dinner on the floor of her bedroom at Wren’s insistence. 
You and Spencer played with her and her new collection of stuffed toys, as well as the real life Rover before you took turns reading to her until she finally fell asleep. 
Rover was already curled up in the dog bed at the foot of Wren’s bed so you left him there and the two of you quietly crept from the room. 
With the day's events you hadn’t had a chance to talk about what happened last night and now you were in the corridor, you weren’t sure what room to go to. 
Clearly Spencer didn’t either. 
He awkwardly scuffed the toe of his candy corn print sock on the carpet whilst rolling his lip between his teeth. 
“Should we, uh…talk?” He shrugged. 
“Most likely, yes.” You nodded and silently he led the two of you back downstairs to the living room. 
You were both quiet, not meeting the others' gaze as you sat in the armchair and him on the couch. The air was thick with tension, and you didn’t even know where to begin with this conversation.
“I know you don’t want to be Wren’s mom.” He suddenly blurted out. “And I’d never ask you to. But I love you and last night was…it was perfect. I don’t want to choose between having you and Wren in my life. I know it wouldn’t be easy because if everything goes to plan I will have a child at the end of it. You think there’s any chance you’d want to date a single dad?” 
He was talking so fast all of his words merged into one and it took you a few moments to ascertain what he was saying. But before you could really catch up, he was talking again.
“We get Wren home permanently, you can give up your rights just like you planned. You move out and you go back to your normal case load but maybe…maybe we can work things out? I know it won’t be easy but I don’t care. 
You clearly mean a lot to Wren and I know she would love it if you were still a part of her life after all this, even if it’s not as her adoptive mother. And I hope that you can still be part of my life. As my partner, my one true love. 
Wren will be my reasonability, I won’t expect anything from you in regards to her. But I don’t want to be without you, even if it means our life is separate from my life with Wren. I don’t think it’s entirely beyond the realms of possibility to think we could make it work. I just think-”
“Spencer,” you had to cut him off or he would spend the next hour rambling. “I don’t think it’s entirely beyond the realms of possibility either.” 
“You…you don’t?” He inhaled sharply.
“It’s not going to be easy,” you pushed yourself up and moved slowly closer to him. When you reached him you lowered yourself so you were sitting in his lap. “It’s going to be hard in fact, really hard. But dating a single dad doesn’t sound like the worst idea in the world. Especially when that single dad is you.” 
His hands glided across your back, settling on your shoulder blades and holding you firmly in place, 
“We’ll make it work.” He smiled at you, inching closer.
“We’ll make it work.” You repeated just as his lips pressed against yours. 
The day after Wren was placed with you and Spencer, he and the little girl started excitedly decorating the house for Halloween which was two weeks away. 
The house was a menagerie of fake cobwebs which you kept walking into, strings of little ghosts hanging in every doorway. A newly carved pumpkin appeared on the porch every single day you returned home from work. 
By the time Halloween rolled around the three of you had fallen into somewhat of a routine. 
You had tried to distance yourself from parental activities, as soon as the paperwork was finalised you would be moving out and you didn’t want Wren to get too used to you being around. 
The last thing you wanted to do was confuse a child who had already lost her biological parents. 
Spencer dropped her at school on the way to Marlborough everyday and picked her up on his way home. 
He cooked dinner which the two of them ate together and he saved leftovers for when you arrived home. 
Nine times out of ten Wren was already in bed by the time you got home from Quantico which helped. It also gave you alone time with Spencer. 
Usually you wouldn’t even be in the door more than ten minutes before he was leading you to the bedroom. You’d been sleeping in his room since Wren had come home, although there was usually little sleeping happening. 
You’d both quickly learnt how to be quiet, not wanting to further traumatise the girl by having her hear the two of you having sex. 
The routine seemed to work for the three of you, it allowed Spencer and Wren to grow closer whilst allowing you and Spencer to grow closer. 
On Halloween night you got out of work slightly earlier but still expected Spencer and Wren to be out trick or treating. 
He’d promised the little girl months ago to take her and she’d been so excited for tonight, talking about it non stop since she’d come home with you. 
He wanted to make her a costume and you tried to teach Spencer how to sew but when that didn’t work you showed him how YouTube worked so he could learn that way. 
He’d slaved over creating her a pumpkin costume which was a little lopsided and probably could have been neater but he was so proud of his creation. 
Wren had insisted he dress up too so you arrived home to find Dracula in your living room. 
“What happened to trick or treating?” You asked as you stepped in the door and hung your jacket up.
“Oh hey,” he smiled brightly as soon as he saw you, moving closer to you. He went to kiss you but then remembered the fake blood on his mouth and refrained. “We’re about to leave, Wren is just getting dressed.” 
“Did she love her costume?” 
“You have no idea. I’ve never heard a five year old scream before and I’m not sure it’s something I want to relive in a hurry.” He chuckled, straightening up his cape. “Now you’re home you can join us.”
“I don’t think so.” You shook your head. 
“Oh come on, she’d love it if you came.” Spencer gave you his puppy dog eyes which you tried to ignore. 
“You’re the parent.” You reminded him. “And besides, someone should stay home with Rover.”
“Rover is ten years old and sleeps all day.” Spencer rolled his eyes. “He’ll be fine.”
“I don’t know. I just-” 
You were cut off by the sound of Wren running down the stairs. When she appeared in her pumpkin costume, complete with orange painted face, she was smiling from ear to ear.
“Y/N!” She jumped up and down excitedly. “I’m a pumpkin!” 
“Oh wow, you look great!” You cheered. 
She beamed, happily showing off her costume like a proud parent. 
“Are you coming trick or treating with us?” She asked with expectant green eyes. 
“I don’t think so, sweetheart.” 
“Please! You have to come!” She jiggled, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. 
“Yeah Y/N,” Spencer smirked at you. “You have to.” 
“I don’t have a costume.” You shrugged. 
“Leave that to me.” Spencer stepped closer to you and took hold of your hand. “Wren give us five minutes and we’ll head out, ok?” 
“Ok!” She nodded, moving aside so Spencer could lead you upstairs. 
You let him lead you to the bedroom, which he’d done countless times before but you knew this wasn’t for the reasons you would like. 
“I took the liberty of picking something up for you at the costume store when I was getting mine.” He let go of your hand so he could open the closet. 
“Of course you did.” You sighed. 
He pulled out an outfit in a costume bag and turned it to face you. Inside was sheathed all the makings of a witches costume. 
A long, flowy purple crushed velvet dress with long, billowy sleeves. A black wig. A pointy hat. 
You rolled your eyes as you took it from him, trying to ignore the stupid look on his face. 
“Fine, I will wear it. But you are not painting my face.” 
“Deal.” He grinned, in a smug way knowing he’d won.
Ten minutes later the three of you were out the door. Dracula, the witch and the pumpkin. 
Wren was full of excitement as she skipped on just ahead of you, swinging her little bucket she hoped to fill with candy. 
“She’s your problem when she won’t sleep tonight because she’s hopped up on sugar.” You spoke as Spencer slipped his hand in yours. 
“Fair enough.” He chuckled, eyes never leaving the back of the curly haired pumpkin. “Thank you for coming.”
“Did I have a choice?” You joked. 
Spencer briefly glanced at the side of your face before focusing back on Wren who was now making her way up a front porch of one of your neighbours houses. The two of you hung back by the gate. 
“You don’t like spending time with her.” He looked back at you while Wren was busy getting her candy. 
“That’s not true. I love spending time with her, she’s an amazing kid. But I don’t want her to get used to me being around all the time. She lost her mom and dad, I don’t want her to see me as a parental figure only to lose me too.” 
Spencer’s hand slipped from yours and he quickly pocketed both of his hands. You frowned at him as he turned away from you. 
“Right. Of course.” He watched Wren smile and thank Mrs Taylor for the candy. 
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?” You glared at him.
“Nothing. I just forget sometimes what a hardship this is for you.” 
“Spencer, I never said-”
“What did you get, pumpkin?” He cut you off as Wren came running back over, his tone lightening as he regarded her. 
Wren showed off her haul and soon you were continuing on. Spencer walked with Wren now, holding her free hand while you hung back. 
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this would get complicated. But why did it? 
The night ended worse than it started. When your rounds of the neighbourhood took you past the old Briar house, the home where Wren watched her parents die, it came to an abrupt end with tears. 
Spencer carried her home while she sobbed in his arms. He put her to bed and spent a long time coddling her while she cried for her parents. 
He found you in the living room, your wig and hat on the coffee table. You stood from the couch when he entered the room. 
“I don’t really feel like company tonight so maybe you should just stay in the guest room.” His jaw was clenched tightly as he spoke. 
“Right, sure.” You nodded. 
He turned away from you, started towards the stairs before quickly turned back around.
“You know what actually, maybe you should look into moving back into your apartment. This place is kinda crowded. You only need to be here when Jenny visits anyway, there’s no point in you being here all the time. And that way Wren won’t get attached to you and it’ll make it easier all round.” He turned again but before he could get too far you grabbed him by the wrist. 
“Spencer, please don’t say that. We talked about this, we had a plan, we-”
“Stop it, please.” He cut you off. “I can’t do this right now, ok? I have a little girl upstairs who I had to rock to sleep because she couldn’t stop crying about her dead parents. I don’t have the mental capacity to deal with all this right now.” 
“Fine.” You clenched your jaw to stop the tears falling. “But let me just say it isn’t fair for you to act this way when we had an agreement. You knew what my involvement was going to be in all of this and the plan was never for me to be her mother!” 
“The plan?” He suddenly spat. “The goddamn plan? You make it sound so clinical!”
“I thought it was.” You rolled your eyes. “Did you expect that I was going to wake up one day and change my mind? Was that what you hoped for here? That I’d play happy families and realise this is what I wanted?”
“Yes,” he shrugged. “Yes, that's exactly what I hoped would happen. Excuse me for believing that two people who are as in love as I thought we were could raise a child together.” 
“Maybe I should move out.” 
“I’ll help you pack.” With that he turned again and this time you let him go. 
You watched as he ascended the staircase, clearly wanting to make more noise about it but not wanting to wake Wren. 
Once you heard his bedroom door shut you fell back to the couch and your tears unleashed. 
What had possessed you into thinking this would be a good idea? You’d wanted to help Spencer and never once stopped to think of the ramifications. 
Like it or not you and Wren had grown close, despite your best efforts. Your leaving would be hard on her. And it would be hard on you too.
You’d come to care for that little girl even though you’d tried so hard not to. You weren’t ready to be a mom, or so you thought, but Wren had wormed her way into your heart. 
And now you were going to lose her and Spencer through your own stubbornness. 
Well done, Y/N, you thought to yourself as you cried. You’ve really gone and fucked this up. 
The following day Spencer dropped Wren off at school, thankfully in a much brighter mood than she had been the previous night. 
You both had the day off work for Jenny’s weekly visit and if she noticed the awkwardness between the two of you she didn’t mention it. 
Spencer was amazing at keeping his emotions in check when he needed to and even you believed he was happy. 
You sat amicably and drank tea while Spencer filled the social worker in on your Halloween night, glossing over all the bad parts. 
It struck you that Jenny wasn’t taking notes like usual, didn’t even have her notebook out. You weren’t sure if Spencer noticed or not or if he was too busy pretending he had the perfect family to notice. 
When the tea dried up along with the conversation, Jenny pulled a manilla envelope out of her briefcase and proffered it forward. 
Spencer took it with a frown, in the corner in black ink it read simply: Re: Wren Briar - Reid Y/L/N.
“Uh,” he ran his fingers over the envelope and looked up at Jenny with a frown. “What is this?” 
Jenny smiled softly, a smile that reached all the way to her eyes. 
“Congratulations,” she spoke sincerely. “That is your official adoption papers. Wren is now formally in the care of the two of you.” 
You felt a flurry of emotions all at once and you didn’t know which one to focus on. But you were distracted from that when Spencer, out of nowhere, started sobbing. 
“S-seriously?” He stuttered, tears streaming from his eyes. 
“Seriously, Doctor Reid.” Jenny smiled. “I know it’s been a long and difficult process, but it’s over now.”
“Oh my god.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly. “Oh my god.” 
Seeing the happiness on Spencer’s face made your own tears fall and you gripped him tightly. 
“We did it, Spence. We did it.” You cried. 
Jenny saw herself out as the two of you continued to cry. At some point Spencer wrapped you in his arms and sobbed into your shoulder while you did the same into his chest. 
Eventually both your tears started letting up and he sat back and wiped the stains on your cheek. He was smiling shakily at you and you returned the gesture. 
“Don’t leave.” He whispered, voice cracking with emotion. “Please don’t leave. I don’t want to do this without you. I know this wasn’t part of the plan but-”
“Screw the plan.” You cut him off. “Plans change. I can’t ignore the feeling of elation and relief I felt when Jenny told us. Goddamnit I love Wren, I love her so much. And I want to be her mother, Spencer, I really want that.” 
“You…” he choked. “You do?”
“Yes. This wasn’t the life I envisioned for myself but life isn’t straightforward. Things happen, plans change. I found my family. And it’s you and Wren.” You smiled as your tears started up again.
Spencer was quick to tug you back into his arms and hold you tighter than you’d ever been held before. He nuzzled against your neck and placed soft kisses on your flesh. 
“I love you so much.” He cried. “And I love our little found family.” 
You stayed like this for some time, until you needed to pick Wren up from school. For the first time you and Spencer went together. 
When you told her the news she jumped up and down and squeezed you both as tightly as her little arms would allow and it filled your heart to the brim. 
There was no doubt in your mind that this was where you were supposed to be. 
As she planted big sloppy kisses on yours and Spencer’s cheeks, you heard him whisper, welcome to the family little pumpkin. 
Four Months Later
The noise from the backyard filtered in through the open door, little voices chattering, the occasional screech of excitement, giggle from tiny lungs and small feet pitter pattering in the grass. 
You poured yourself a glass of water and sipped from it while you observed the chaos. 
It was Wren’s sixth birthday and damn near every child in her school had descended on your home. The BAU team members and their kids were all in attendance and you wondered if your garden would ever be the same again. 
There was a bounce house in one corner, a magician in the other - for which Spencer had begrudged paying for when he could have done it himself. 
You’d insisted he wanted to be more present for the event, really enjoy the memories made today on her first birthday as your daughter. 
Rover had long ago distanced himself from children pulling his matted fur and retired to his bed in Wren’s room. You couldn’t blame him, you’d half contemplated joining him. 
You were exhausted from all the planning, from the demands of motherhood and still trying to hold down your job at the BAU, albeit only part time now. 
You hadn’t even stopped to consider how tiring the party would actually be. 
You felt a presence behind you and spun on your heels to find Spencer smiling at you as he sidled up to you. He moved in close and placed a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Are you as tired as I am?” He chuckled. 
“I don’t think anyone is as tired as you, you’re the life and soul of this party.” You teased him. “I saw Wren dragging you on to the bounce house.” 
“It’s been a long time since my old knee injury hurt this bad.” He grumbled a little. “But it’s worth it to see her happy.” 
“I can’t believe she’s six already. The months are flying by.” You sighed wistfully. 
“She’ll be eighteen and going off to college any day now.” He laughed.
“Bringing boys home.”
“Don’t you dare!” He gasped. “Do not put that idea in my head.”
“Sorry,” you smiled sweetly. “It’s a long way off.” 
“It better be.” He shook his head. 
“So, uh…I got you something.” You reached behind you and grabbed the small, neatly wrapped gift off of the kitchen counter. 
Spencer frowned at it as he took it somewhat cautiously. 
“You got me a gift? For our daughter's birthday?” He ran his fingertips over the wrapping paper curiously. 
“Just open it and be grateful.” You rolled your eyes playfully. 
Still with a frown on his face, Spencer tore the gift wrap, the same kind as you used to wrap the obscene amount of gifts you’d brought Wren. 
You held your breath and waited, your nerves getting the better of you and you leaned back against the counter top as your legs shook a little. 
Spencer’s deft fingers made quick work of the paper, tossing it aside like the excited six year old had with her own gifts. 
Once opened he stared at the item in his hand. Approximately five inches long. Thin. Hard plastic. 
You watched him stare at it as if it was a completely foreign object, patiently waiting for him to look up, to say something. 
His hands started to tremble and when he finally did look up at you, tears swam in his eyes. 
“Is this…for real?” His voice cracked with emotion as he spoke. 
“It’s like the fifth one I took so I’m fairly certain.” You nodded, feeling your own eyes fill with tears. “Wren’s going to be a big sister.” 
Pregnancy test still in hand, he suddenly threw his arms around you and squeezed you so tightly you felt the air leave your lungs. 
“We’re having another child?” He whispered against your neck.
“This family just keeps growing.” You laughed as you wrapped him in your arms. 
You wiped away your tears, not wanting to be seen crying at Wren’s birthday party. But soon your moment was over, and you were being forced away from each other. 
“Mommy, daddy, is it time for cake?” Wren’s voice carried in from the garden.
You sprung apart and stared at each other, a new batch of tears in both of your eyes for completely different reasons. 
“Did she just…” you breathed, voice slightly horse.
“I think so.” Spencer sniffed, a delighted smile on his face. 
Thus far Wren had always called you both by your names which was entirely understandable. Spencer had always told her she could call you mom and dad if and when she felt it was right. 
“As if this day wasn’t perfect enough.” He wiped his eyes, pocketing the pregnancy test after giving it one last look. 
“We better go, daddy.” You winked at him and went to pass him but he grabbed you by the waist. 
“Oh jeez, why is that so hot when you say it?” He growled, bowing his head and placing kisses on your neck, making you giggle. 
“Really?” You smirked. 
“Really.” He hissed, stepping back and nodding to his crotch where you can instantly see the bulge forming in his slacks. 
“Hmm, I’ll bear that in mind daddy.” You chuckled and he let out a soft low moan.
But before he could reply, you were summoned again. 
“Mommy, daddy!” Wren hollered from the yard. 
“Ok, not so sexy anymore.” He shook his head, stepping further back. “I’ll get the cake.”
“I’ll get my phone so I can film you and your horrible singing.” You gently kissed his cheek before he walked away. 
Spencer lit the six candles on the pumpkin shaped birthday cake and cautiously carried it through to the yard while he began singing happy birthday. 
All the kids and adults joined in as Wren beamed from ear to ear as all eyes were on her. You held your cellphone steady, hovering by the back door where you filmed the chorus.
When the song was over everybody cheered and Wren sucked in a huge breath before blowing out the candles. 
You watched on as Spencer placed a kiss in her messy dark hair and she smiled brightly at her dad in return. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off the two of them, Wren bouncing excitedly in her chair while Spencer went about cutting the cake into slices for all the children. 
Spencer handed her the first slice and she gorged on it, stuffing the cake in her mouth and leaving icing smudged around her lips.
It was crazy how much things had changed in such a short space of time. Six months ago you never would have pictured yourself here, a mother to a six year old and growing another child inside of you. 
Life has a funny way of giving us exactly what we want at exactly the wrong time. But for you and Spencer and Wren, the world had worked its magic and done you all the biggest favour. 
It had given the three of you the kind of love you all so sorely needed, it had offered a home to three people who were out in the cold. It had created a family, who in eight months time would have a new addition to it. 
Ultimately all we really strive for in life is to find somewhere to belong, and although it may have been unexpected, it was safe to say that you, Spencer and Wren had found that somewhere with each other. 
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@ultragirrl @wittlewowa @bxtchopolis @coldheartedmar
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greensimp · 1 year
Gyutaro falling in love with a pregnant S/O - with no husband or whose husband left her - and adopting her child as his? 🥺
I love this idea! I'm already doing a fic where the child is biologically his, but it would definitely be more realistic for Gyutaro to acquire a child through adopting one. Whether he'd actually do that or not is irrelevant, anything can happen in fanfiction >:)
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Cannon!Gyutaro x Pregnant!Reader
TW: implied/referenced sex work, foul language A/N: Headcannon-ish format, but more detailed than the average one. Reader is obviously AFAB.
You live in Rashamon. Like most girls in the entertainment district, you did what you could to survive. And, well, that meant doing a lot of unsavory things.
It was an inevitability that you’d end up pregnant, but unlike many women who do in your town of origin, you were determined to give your baby a good life.
You had no idea who the father was, but you had a feeling that he wouldn’t be much help anyway.
You decided to beg for a place in one of the many houses of Yoshiwara, but you were unsurprisingly shot down at the door once you mentioned you were with child. At least, until you arrived at the Kyogoku house.
Much to your surprise, you were given a place in the house in exchange for your services as a house maid. While you weren’t required to take clients, you were expected to work a lot. That included assisting the Oiran with her many dress changings throughout the day.
This is how you’d catch the attention of Gyutaro.
At first, he’d be indifferent to your existence, only occasionally listening in to your conversations with Daki from within her body. You aren’t the first poor girl to tend to his sister, and you most certainly wont be the last.
However, something you mentioned one day would cause him to shift a bit.
You were from Rashamon.
It was a simple response to a prompt from Daki, but the way you said it tugged at a long-forgotten part of his brain.
Soon, he’d ask you questions vicariously through his sister, much to her annoyance.
The more he learned about your situation, the more interested he would become.
Around the 6-month mark of your pregnancy, it was evident that you were becoming unfit to work like how you’ve been doing. So, you were allowed more bedrest.
You absence did not go unnoticed by Gyutaro, who at this point had been technically talking to you for about 3 months through his sister.
He wouldn’t admit it, but he was beginning to care about your progress.
It would frustrate him to no end. To the point where Daki would forcefully eject him for writhing around so much.
“You need to take out this crap somewhere else, brother! Or else I’ll just eat the bitch and say she ran off-“
Oh he didn’t like that.
One stone cold glare was enough to confirm Daki’s suspicions.
She couldn’t believe her brother was beginning to care about a human. How bothersome.
“Fine, go show yourself to her, then. I’m sure she’ll just jump all over you looking like that.”
He’d indignantly storm off to go and vent, but he wasn’t very careful about it because the second he stepped out of the door he bumped right into you.
You’d yelp in surprise and begin to fall, but he’d panic and catch you before you hit the ground.
You’d seen him.
This was bad.
You’d look up at him in surprise, instantly taking notice of the unnatural bodily proportions and eye color. However, you wouldn’t start screaming or try to run away. In fact, you’d stare.
Daki would immediately try to trap you in her belt, as now you’d know too much, but Gyutaro would squash it with his foot in anger and fear.
“Brother! She saw you! I can’t let her just walk away!”
He wouldn’t understand it, but he’d feel this overwhelming urge to protect you.
“Don’t you dare.”
Daki would be pissed. Pissed and betrayed that he’d choose the well-being of a random woman over his own sister. Had these past 100 years meant nothing?!
“What has gotten into you! She’s just a human!”
You’d just be standing awkwardly behind the strange demonic entity that was suddenly hellbent on protecting you from your Oiran, who was supposedly the sister of said demonic entity. You’d think this was some kind of weird fever dream.
“Wh-what’s going on?!”
Gyutaro would snap his gaze to you, the way his face softened sending a strange tingly feeling through your stomach.
Gyutaro, on the other hand, would be extremely conflicted. There’s this pregnant human woman he, for whatever reason, grew attached to, and his beloved sister. Would he be able to make some kind of dynamic work with you two? One where you can co-exist?
He’d pick you up in a panic and bolt down the hall, leaving Daki scrambling to catch him with her Obi. She was too slow, though.
Wouldn’t this be a funny story to tell years from now. Your child’s adoptive father kidnapping you from his own sister. Well, that actually is what happened, but we won’t talk about it very often for Daki’s sake (she’s very embarrassed).
Anyway, back to running away.
He’d run with you like a bat out of hell straight out of Yoshiwara.
You’d, of course, be stressed the hell out, so he’d have to make the supernatural speed part of the escape a short-lived venture.
He’d set you down before pacing around you and mumbling to himself, neurotically scratching at his skin until he bled.
Out of worry, you’d grab his arm to snap him out of it, telling him that it was bad for him. Of course, when he began to actively regenerate before your eyes, you shot your hand back and stared in awe.
“Y-you’re a demon, aren’t you?”
Shit shit shit shit he didn’t know what to do. Perplexingly enough, however, you wouldn’t act scared.
You felt as though this man had good intentions, and… well… he did look a lil’ pretty… okay very pretty.
“Does… does that not freak you out?”
You’d place your hands on your tummy in thought, the sight of which made an unexpected wave of butterflies shoot through his stomach.
“Well… maybe a little… I don’t really know much about them other than they eat people. Although, I feel like if you were going to eat me, you would have done it already…”
He didn’t know if he liked your blind trust in him or not. Of course, HE knew his intentions were not to hurt you, but how would YOU know that?
Turns out, you would just be really good at reading people. It saved your life a lot when you lived in Rashamon, that fact eventually dawning on Gyutaro in the future.
Gyutaro would finally get to genuinely talk to you on that night. And boy did you two talk.
He learned more than he probably should have for you having just met him hours before.
He would learn that you yearned for a little home in the mountains away from Yoshiwara so you could raise your child without the threat of the dangerous men that plagued your childhood. That was why you were working so hard even though you were supposed to be resting.
The more you indulged in his questions, the more he wanted to give you what you wanted. Your resolve to break your familial cycle of sex work and thievery for a life of peace for your baby only deepened his feelings for you. You weren’t pathetic. You weren’t selfish. You deserved more than this place. You deserved what he and his sister never received.
After convincing Daki to not kill you, he’d visit you in your room every night for hours at a time.
Eventually, he’d do it. He’d be unable to ignore that he’d actually fallen in love with you. He was physically unable to hurt you in any way. Intentionally at least. The mere thought of you bleeding or crying for help would send him into a panic attack. It would be quick, awkward even, but he’d grab you by the cheeks and kiss you.
And you’d kiss back. Why wouldn’t you? He’d become a rock in your life before you had even realized it. You were looking forward to his visits. He’d always bring you gifts and food, it was so obvious he was trying to court you.
After he’d confess, he would secretly set off into the night after you fall asleep to work on a special present for you.
What is this present?
Well, he wouldn’t be done with it until right before you were due to give birth, but he managed with a little help from Daki.
He’d blindfold you and gently carry you into the night, not allowing you to peek.
Once he’d arrive at his destination, he’d set you down and ask you to close your eyes, which you would do.
Then, when he’d tell you to open them, you’d burst into tears.
A little house…
It would overlook a beautiful clearing in the forest where a river full of fish would cut through it. It would never flood, because it was on a hill. You’d never go hungry, because the land was fertile. You’d never have to worry about muggers or assaults from creepy men ever again.
You would bawl into his chest and thank him a million times.
You were forever in his debt, but he’d never ask anything of you. Your love was enough for him.
The house was quaint, and you barely got through the little tour he gave you until you reached the nursery.
That’s where you swear you could have fainted.
“You thought about them?”
“Of course.”
“Does… does this mean you….”
You wouldn’t be able to finish before bursting into a fit of sobs again.
But he knew what you meant.
“If you’ll let me…”
He’d adopt the baby as his own.
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tilvcei · 1 year
⭢ In which: you feel left out and in the blind when ethan hangs out with his new friends and is around tara a lot, he barely tells you anything which makes you think he doesn’t like you anymore and has lost interest in you.
☆ | warning(s): language, alcohol,
☆ | note: I just wanna tell you guys or warn you guys, this may be a bit of ooc!ethan I don’t know, you’ll enjoy this though, I promise :)
☆ | gender: they/them (reader)
☆ | key: (e/c) means eye color
☆ | REMINDER: nothing in this fanfiction is real, it’s just all written for fun, do not take this seriously. writing is meant to be fun anyways! also do not copy nor translate without permission.
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Ethan had called your number, asking if you could pick him up. he was at some party with his friends, he probably got drunk again and is now wasted which makes you think you’ll probably have to carry him inside the car.
You had your car keys in your hand, making your way into the house and once you made it inside you were immediately faced with crowded people who were everywhere.
Making your way through the musty, drunk, and sweaty crowd you found yourself in the kitchen. Ethan wasn’t there either.
"Hey, excuse me-" the bystander was paying you no mind, her phone was in her other hand, she must’ve been facetiming someone.
She laughed, you could smell the alcohol from her breath, making your face scrunch in disgust.
"Hey, excuse me. ma’am?" you said again, trying to get her attention. she slammed her red party cup on the marble designed countertop, turning to glare at you.
She clicked her tongue, "can’t you see I’m talking on the phone with someone? or are you blind or something? people barely have any patience nowadays, it’s crazy!" she exclaimed.
You squeezed the car keys in your hands, sucking in some air through your nose, holding your composure.
"Listen, all I wanted to ask is if you seen ethan? he’s this boy with curly brown hair and a dorky weird smile and brown eyes." you explained, all she did was giggle.
Was she high? no, you didn’t have time for this dumb shit right now. you had to find ethan.
"I haven’t seen no kid with brown curly hair. lemme add the laughing emoji beside that. anyways hotshot, you want a drink? I can make a special one for you." The girl said, grabbing your hand and placing a sloppy kiss on the back of it.
Oh how you wanted to just sock her in the face from just doing that, but surprisingly you didn’t. if that was anyone else who wasn’t drunk they’d definitely knock her out. and you were one of them. but you’ll admit it was kind of nice of her but she was drunk right now— and it made you weirded out and uncomfortable.
Your face felt like it was about to go red, wasn’t she just annoyed by your presence a few minutes ago?
"Yes, yes I know I was annoyed by you a few minutes ago but when I see someone like you? I can make time for it. so, beautiful, what’s it gonna be?" She asked, her words sounded like they were slurring from how much alcohol she consumed.
You sighed and yanked your hand out of her grip, "okay look, I just need to find my friend. and my advice for you is to go home and sleep the alcohol off. alright?" you told her.
"My names Andrea by the way. I think I’ve seen you in my classes, which one is it? uh- English? yeah, that class. I’m not that drunk, but erm, the boy with the curly and weird smile? I saw him talking with his roommate Chad. he’s somewhere in this damn house." Andrea explained, you gave her a slight nod.
"Uhm, thanks Andrea." you said, her eyes had a flash of sadness in them for a moment before she smiled and it quickly went away, "I have this campaign coming up with a couple of people who are interested in science. I was hoping.." Andrea trailed off before handing you a flyer. you took it from her hands, her fingers brushing yours for a minute before she pulled away with a very visible blush which you somehow weren’t able to see.
"I was hoping you’d come. all seats are opened, we just need a few more members and I thought you’d fit the spot. it’s up to you if you feel like it." Andrea said, you stared down at the flyer with a tilted head, reading the guidelines.
"I’d love to come." you told her, but then it completely slipped your mind— you had to look for ethan.
Andrea felt a ghost of a smile appear on her lips, "okay, I’ll see you then. go find you’re friend." she continued and giggled while placing a hand over her mouth.
You nodded and left her in the kitchen, at least she had the courage to speak to you. if she wasn’t drunk then maybe she wouldn’t feel so embarrassed- but right now she felt extremely embarrassed. especially when you had to see her like that.
Making your way into the livingroom, you saw tara, anika, and Mindy. you barely talked to the three of them since ethan never introduced you.
"Hey, I know I don’t know the three of you, but have you guys seen Ethan? Ethan landry?" you asked frantically, Tara recognized who you were.
"Oh, you’re (Y/n)! it’s nice to finally meet you. he’s uhm, over there I think. he’s also slightly drunk. kissing a few girls here and there." Tara explained, you felt the world around you come to a halt.
"She joking. the dude could barely even walk up to a girl or ask her out." Mindy added, you sighed in relief and stood up.
"Thank you, guys." You said, his friends were rather cool. but you really had to get to know them first before befriending them.
Hm, the only place left to search was upstairs. you hurried and fastened your pace, getting through the crowd of sweaty and drunk people. it was weird how you managed to get upstairs but you did not want to go through the crowd again.
As you searched every room for ethan, you could hear what sounded like— moans? no, no, kissing. that’s what it sounded like.
What was this little dork up to again? if he could find a girl that likes him- that’d be the first time he ever got someone to date him.
But they said he was 'slightly' drunk. so what harm could it possibly be? you placed your hand on the doorknob and opened the door slightly.
Ethan pushed away the girl that was on top of him, "Sorry, sorry. I just don’t think I’m in the right mind to do any of that stuff right now—" the girl that he had pushed away rolled her eyes and walked out the room, brushing past you.
Don’t get it wrong, you would always come and help ethan if he needed anything. of course you would. but this? it’s a huge NO for you.
Ethan smiled, "heyyy." he said, dragging the 'y'. he tried standing up but could only find himself leaning against the wall for support.
"I was waiting for you, pretty thing." said ethan, he wasn’t that drunk. they were right, but you were extremely pissed.
Your hands balled into fist, "Are you..serious? you were supposed to come and study with me. not do this dumb shit, and you lied to me too? you told me you had econ. you said you weren’t going to a party with your friends." you stated, reminding him of what he told you over the phone.
"I was at econ. I swear." Ethan stuttered, you stood there with crossed arms, "you keep lying. this is the 10th lie you’ve told me. what is it ethan? why don’t you want me to hang out with your friends or meet them? why— why are you being so goddamn distant?" you questioned.
He didn’t answer and scratched the back of his neck nervously, "I just don’t want you to be around those type of people-" you cut him off.
"But you are? Ethan there’s more than what you’re telling me, isn’t it? you’re starting to change, man." You told him, Ethan frowned when those words came from your mouth.
"I-I’m sorry that I lied. there..there’s really not much more for me to say other than I’m sorry." Ethan replied, fiddling with his hands.
"Sorry? you think that’s going to cut it? Hell no! I come every night to see you just drunk. every single time. when you should be fucking studying with me and working with me! it wasn’t just assigned, I had to do all the work my goddamn self! it just goes to show how much you leave me out now. you’re slacking on a lot of shit. but guess what? I’m doing it alone now. all the shit I do I’m doing alone. alone." you said.
A sigh escaped from ethan’s mouth, he realized what it was now, "you’re just jealous. you’re mad that it’s not you who I’m kissing. isn’t that it?" he said.
a shocked expression came from you, did he really-?
"JEALOUS? How can I be jealous? Half of the time when I try to fit my schedule in for you, I do it because I want us to hang out! I could never be jealous of someone I’m friends with, I’m not on that type of shit! I’ve been there for you since day one. day-fucking-one. there’s always excuse coming from you! there’s no time for me, for us! It’s always them. you’ve seem to have grown very close to them as I see. but I’m the one always picking up after you. of course I’d do that for you! only you. but what I’m upset about? I’m upset that we rarely hang out anymore. It’s been four months, ethan. four months. but you’re so stuck up on your 'friends' that I have to deal with the fact that I can’t even talk to you anymore. not even that, it’s the fact you hardly care what I have to say anymore! you were supposed to be the shoulder i lean and cry on for support. but no, I can’t have that either. but I’d do it for you. even if you didn’t ask, does it look like I care? I’ll only leave out of your life when you ask me to! but you keep disappearing ethan, you only call me or text me when you need me! And I don’t want our friendship to be like whatever the hell this is! I want us to be able to confide in each other and be able to speak our minds to one another without any judgement. and we can’t even do that. what is it ethan? what happened to us? I’m so desperately trying to reach out to you and grasp onto you, to see what changed. what really happened to us..?" you said, the tears were now falling down your eyes.
Ethan wasn’t able to say anything, he stood there speechless and shocked. this is what you expected anyways. he didn’t know you felt like that.
"If you want me out of you’re life just say that. but don’t keep me in the dark, I’m so sick of what you think is right for me. I’m so tired of everyone telling me that! so I’m asking you, to end this friendship either now or I end it for the both of us myself." You told him.
Ethan felt tears running down his eyes, you were his ray of sunshine. his everything. but he didn’t want it to end here like this. you were the only thing keeping him sane and protected.
"Say it already, so we can end this. I’m tired of being left in the dark, I’ve already been through enough. don’t make it harder for me." You said, he could see the dark bags under your eyes and as well as the tired look in your (e/c) eyes.
"I am so sorry, I didn’t want you to feel like that. I’ve never wanted you to feel like that, that wasn’t even my intention- I swear. I’ve just…been busy with some things." Ethan told you, and that was the truth.
"If not then why do I feel like it now? you don’t care about me. I see it now, there’s probably someone else you like. you go kissing these girls just for fun but they don’t like you. I know the truth stings but that’s the truth. they’re only using you to get things off their minds. it’s like having a one night stand." You explained.
Ethan walked closer to you, now the two of you barely inches away from each other, noses almost touching.
"I know that. but lately I’ve only been having one thing on my mind." Ethan told you, cupping your cheek.
"I’m not gonna be some fling, and I’m not like every other girl and guy. if what I’m feeling is real, then it’s real." You told him.
Ethan smirked, "so do something about it." he said.
"Wha-What?" you replied, stuttering a bit from the reply he gave.
He pulled you closer, "I said do something about it, love." he repeated.
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"I expected you to kiss me and everything but not this." Ethan said, leaning against the window.
You stopped at a stop light, the music you were listening to earlier was now on low volume, you were bopping your head to the music while tapping at the steering wheel.
The song (< press it) you were playing was pretty nice actually and you’ve grown to love it ever since.
"You done drunk all you can drank~." You sung while tapping the steering while in rhythm to the beats, Ethan chuckled.
"I think that lyric is specifically aimed at me, isn’t it?" Ethan asked, you nodded in answer while paying attention to the road.
He groaned, "fuck, my head hurts. I think those Jello shots weren’t meant for me." he said.
"You think?" you added while still tapping at the steering wheel with the rhythm of the song, he placed his hand on your thigh.
"Thank you for knocking some sense into me back there, I really needed it." Ethan said, you shrugged.
"Like I said, I’d do anything for you. but now you have to be around me 24/7. catch up on the times we missed." You explained, Ethan nodded and yawned.
"m'gonna take a quick nap, tell me when we get there." Ethan said and turned away, he grabbed your jacket from the backseat and used it as a blanket.
You found yourself giggling at his actions, the red light eventually turned into a green light, you were almost near campus which was about 50 minutes away.
You really loved Ethan. you just hoped he would learn from this. cause like he said before: you were his ray of sunshine.
And he’d remember to cherish it this time.
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Eh, I could’ve done better but let me know if you’d like a part to or just to keep this as a single and only part of Ray of sunshine :)
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for not believing that someone was dead and digging up their grave to prove my point?
(AU/Fanfiction post)
Okay, I know the title probably makes me sound bad, but hear me out.
For context: I (43M) have been trying for almost eight years to expose and kill the man, a person I’ll just be calling J (40M), who caused the death of my wife, B. That bastard did things to B that I can’t say here, but she’s been missing for eight years, the police think that she’s dead, and I won’t ever be convinced that J isn’t the reason she’s gone.
The problem with just putting J’s head on a pike in Central Park like the fucking animal he is was that he was a world-famous superhero, and he was a pretty goddamn powerful one. Flight, laser eyes, impenetrable skin, superstrength, all those works, and he’s backed by a massive corporation (we’ll call them V) which will cover up everything he does, which includes what he did to B. And apparently, J’s corporate creators have thrown everything they can think of at this fucker to see if their science project was a success, and none of it put a dent in J. If I was still a believer, I’d say that God is laughing His white-robed ass off at my expense.
J sounds like the kind of wanker that could never be killed by anyone, right? That’s what me along with all my friends in on the plot to take J down thought too at this point. I’d just given a contact in the CIA some incriminating evidence about V’s corruption, only to be seemingly proven wrong. V announced that J had been KIA by some bullshit rival organization with a potent nerve gas.
Nerve gas, killing J. What a bloody joke. I didn’t believe it for a second, but the others? They all were happy to accept it and move on. To them, J was dead and V was being nailed to a plank like Christ on Good Friday after their shitstorm was exposed to the public. But I still wasn’t happy. Despite what my friends and the CIA tried to tell me I didn’t believe that J was dead. V saw what was coming and gave J some bullshit fake death and now he’s living somewhere in the Caribbean or somewhere like that getting lap dances from a conga line of exotic tarts. I would have bet my left bullock on it.
The funeral was soon after, almost too soon, and it was diabolical. V threw a lot of money I didn’t think they’d have after all the allegations into this thing. A gold-plated coffin, massive service with J’s ex delivering the eulogy (judging by her face and flat acting I’m pretty sure she was forced by V) along with a fling (we can call her S, she was on J’s team too) of one my friends performing a music number in J’s memory. They even had an American flag draped over his coffin along with the flowers, like J was some great military leader and not a spoiled manchild they fed powers to out of a bottle. Over the top cock-up, if you ask me.
But I was gobsmacked during the wake to see an actual body in the casket, I was expecting it to be closed. It definitely looked like J, down to every last detail, V had him in that stupid hero uniform and everything. He looked almost like he was peacefully sleeping. I wanted to jab at his skin with a pin from my sister-in-law’s hair to see if it would go through, I would know then if it was really him because there’s no way a pin would be able to go through J, even if he was dead. My in-laws and the friend with me wouldn’t let me though, bloody cowards that they were. They just forced me to give my SIL her pin back and to go sit down with them.
I watched the whole service, watched them carry out that golden monstrosity and lower it into the ground. I even stayed after the service to watch them pour dirt into the grave. It wasn’t enough. I’d seen J’s body, but I still wasn’t sure that it was actually real. That it wasn’t fake or some kind of double. Everyone thought that me going to the funeral would give me closure, but it only did the opposite. Even going to my aunt’s house for a cuppa and seeing my dog wasn’t enough to calm my nerves.
It was after a few pints and getting proper trollied that I got the idea to go back to the city and then break into V’s tower for some answers. So the next morning I took my pistol and crowbar and got into the tower, but I guess I wasn’t careful enough and set off an alarm or maybe walked past too many cameras because their security caught me before I could even make it halfway up. I may have lost the plot a bit, I may have threatened to kill the rest of J’s team, the police found my pistol on me when they got there. They charged me with felony trespassing and, later, tacked on assault for shooting S with my rifle in an earlier incident (she has powers just like J does, give me a break) after she ID’ed me. I got five years and a pile of restraining orders.
I was out on parole after almost two years, so as soon as I got my clothes, money, and the rifle I hid I cut my ankle monitor and legged it. I was on a mission; I was going to find out what killed J, if he was even dead at all, and my friends were going to help me. It wasn’t hard to find them, they’d scattered after J was announced dead but apparently decided to have a meeting of sorts after hearing about me getting out of prison. S was there, so I ended up violating my restraining order, but what the fuck ever. We got into an argument and S threatened to drag me to the nearest police station. It turned into a sudden intervention with everyone insisting to me that J was dead and that I had to let him go. S kept vehemently insisting that he was gone, that he was never coming back. And then I got a call on my cellphone.
My first thought was that it was my SIL or maybe my aunt, so I answered, ready to have to defend myself for violating parole. It wasn’t any of them though. I knew that voice, that fucking voice. It was J, saying my name like he wasn’t sure it was me he’d reached. It was him, I swear on my dead brother’s grave that it was him. My first thought was that J called to taunt me and the first thing I asked him was what the fuck was going on. He didn’t taunt me though. J sounded… scared. I’ve never heard him sound like that, not even in any of the movies he’s starred it. That wasn’t right, J doesn’t get scared. He told me that he couldn’t think of anyone else to call, that V were pieces of shit (no kidding), that his teammates betrayed him, and that he was being held against his will out of the country and some pretty awful things were being done to him. J was calling me from a payphone and the call cut before I could get any meaningful information out of him.
I was raving at that point. S had gone quiet, but the others were trying to convince me that it must have been a prank call, with the one who went with me to the funeral pointing out to me that we saw the body. That made me remember the body, and I yelled at S when the realization hit me before running out of the room. I took some tools and got back into my car before peeling off to the cemetery J was supposedly buried in.
It was right in the middle of January in New York when this happened, so actually digging into the dirt after I’d hopped the cemetery wall and found the grave was a bitch and a half. I used a pickaxe to break apart the frozen dirt, then the shovel to scoop up the pieces and toss them aside. My friends showed up soon after, I guess they followed me. S wasn’t with them. They kept on trying to get me to stop digging and kept calling me crazy. They must have accepted that I wasn’t letting up though when I just kept digging and let me keep going, but they kept telling me that if I turned out to be wrong they were going to turn me in themselves. I just told them that it was a good thing I wasn’t wrong then.
It took me all night, but I got all the way down to the concrete box the casket was in, and I busted the seams with a sledgehammer before having one of the others who has superstrength help lift it. The others just wouldn’t shut up about how messed up this was as I used my crowbar to pry open the coffin. The body was all sunken and decayed and smelled like shit, but I just slid down J’s uniform and exposed his chest. I couldn’t help but hold my breath when I hovered my pocketknife over the body, then I sank it in.
The skin broke with little resistance. I knew right then, but I cut the chest all the way open just to prove my point. The others didn’t seem at all convinced though, so I cut off one of the body’s fingers and put it in my coat pocket and took some pictures of the cut open chest. We all left after that; the sun was rising and we didn’t want to be there when people started showing up.
After that, I found my CIA contact, R. I couldn’t just walk into her office, I was already wanted for my parole violation and apparently the security cameras at the cemetery caught my face, so I was also wanted for “desecrating the resting place of a national hero” (the media has always been V’s personal ball-ticklers). So, I got into the back of R’s car and waited. It didn’t take long for her to show up and start driving, I guess I scared her when I sat up because R almost crashed the car, then she started yelling at me and made a U-turn, telling me that she was going back to the station to turn me in. She changed her tune though when I explained the phone call from J that I got, showed her the pictures, and gave her the finger to take and run a DNA test on it. She made me get out of the car, but agreed to test the finger under the same conditions my friends gave me: if I’m wrong and the DNA is a match for J’s, I’ll spend the rest of my life in a black site.
To make a long story shorter, while we were waiting for the results to come in I had one of my friends, F, pull some contacts and trace J’s call, which we tracked back to a payphone in Russia, and S fessed up to V getting sick of cleaning up J’s messes and agreeing to sell him out to some private research company based there. Everyone on J’s team was in on it because of how he is, the only one who wouldn’t agree was blackmailed. S insisted that she didn’t know anything about J possibly being mistreated, and that she’d been told that he was going to be held in a maximum security prison for supes with experimental technology to keep him contained. That still might be true, we don’t know for sure yet. All I know is that J sounded terrified of the prospect of being caught by his captors and he described some heinous things being done to him. If J was lying and pretending that he was being treated horribly, I don’t think he’d pretend to be afraid, his head’s too inflated for that; he’d pretend to be righteous and angry about it.
It only took three days for R to get back to me with results from the DNA testing, and I put her on speakerphone with everyone except S (she had to go back to V’s tower) in the room. She confirmed my suspicions; the DNA did not match. In fact, while the DNA did match with someone in the database, it wasn’t J. It was another supe, one with shapeshifting powers. Apparently V made them take the form of J, then they killed them so that they’d have a convincing corpse to put in the casket and show the world in order to convince everyone that J had truly died.
Despite me being right though, my friends are still looking at me weird and calling me crazy, saying that I’m bonkers. I turned out to be right, I don’t think I did anything wrong, but they won’t let up. So, am I the arsehole?
TL;DR: scumbag’s corporate overlords claimed he died and held a funeral, I didn’t believe that bullocks so I broke into their tower, got thrown in prison for it, then once I was out I cut my ankle monitor — because fuck parole — and dug up his grave. Turns out I was right, but everyone else thinks I’m crazy.
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greenelectricsky · 9 months
Hi everyone! I'm GreenElectricSky and this is my blog, mainly about Cats. Also my earlier posts about flowers and every other stuff I liked are here. Now, what is not related to Cats will be published/rebloged on @violetskyatnight :) Because it's become problematic I also made a blog only for my fanfiction and Cats Scenes, so if you like to see them go to @moonyskyallthetime :)
Those are my main OCs:
Cysiek and TuśTuś:
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Cysiek is more my OC when TuśTuś is more my catsona, as they are more similar to me:) They are Tugger and Munku's twins.
My Cats Scenes are tagged #i think im funny. I'm doing them almost daily from 12.07.2023, so it's a solid number now :) Also, now they are linked together, so have fun. And my writing is tagged "my writing" ;) It can happen I post here links to my other fiction too.
Although, because it was a problem a few times, I want to say one thing loud and clear: PERSONALLY I DON'T SHIP INCEST AND CHILD/ADULT. It doesn't mean YOU can't - if you like it, it's your fun, not mine, and definitely I don't judge you because of that! If I ship someone you think they are siblings or kittens, in MY headcanon they are NOT. (I have a lot of ships, so when I write tuggerstrap they aren't brothers - funny thing here. I know Cats from 1998, film and other shows, and I never saw them as a brothers. Only after I joined here I was enlighted that some people see them like this. So stop telling me it's disgusting, this ship lives in my head longer than some of you! - but when I write tuggoffelees, then yes, there is a big chance Tugger and Munku are brothers, etc.) I hope it's clear now :)
This blog is LGBTQIA+ friendly. It's also friendly to everyone who behave respectfully to others. I don't want to be part of any kind of war in fandom, I'm too old and peaceful for this shit. Pro-shippers, shippers, non-shippers are welcomed here.
I hope we all can have fun together, be fans and show our love for Cats in every form we like!
If you want to ask, then ask, I would love to respond to your questions. Also about my OCs to Cats (TuśTuś, Cysiek, Mirage, FinFun, FanFanGrace, Cream, Tango, Papyrus, Sky, Silenia, Jemmysweets, Adonis, Star, Sun, Moon, Shyny, Haze, Oranglow, SpicyJuice, Amberlina, FlowerFlow, EarthyRose, HoneyTrap, AlmonDisco, Vanilliarity, Bumblee, Tikku. More about them here) or any other things you like. If you want to just be friends I also love to know you better, start a talk, don't be shy :) But please, don't send me anons with luck chains or other things like "and tag another ten mutuals/blogs" because it's... Creepy? From anon I can take the real question because someone can want to know but is shy or something, I can understand that. Chains only from not anons, please :)
P.S. My pronouns are they/them here, he/him. Please, not girl, she/her!!!
P.S.II (08.12.2023) I wanted to do something for less appreciated pairings/ships, other relationships too and started to do it in my advent calendar (now with tag #advent calendar and #cats advent calendar). If you want something with them or any other pairings/ships I didn't write send me a prompt, ship and tag (or at last two of them) and you get something! HERE (another update 16.04.24, 16.02.24, 07.01.24, 28.12.23, 25.12.2023) is a list of pairings/ships/ and other kinds of relationships (with tags) I'm making (here or somewhere else like my published/no published fanfiction). If there isn't your ship - don't worry, I can write it too and even add it to that list :) One thing - I'm not doing abusive/toxic relationships, because... well, because just no.
2023! Achievements!!!!!
Lovies!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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bobbiworks · 7 months
Beyond the Bell's Chimes | Part 23
RIIZE fanfiction: Wonbin, Eunseok, Seunghan, Shotaro, Sohee, Sungchan, Anton, Original Characters
Genre: Youth, Teenage Romance, High School, Friendship, Angst, Fluff, Fanfiction
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Jiwoo, feeling utterly overwhelmed by the chaotic hallways and her parents' teasing, managed to slip away from the crowd. She desperately needed a moment of solitude. As she found herself near the school's swimming pool area, she decided to explore it. It was her first time there, and the sight of the crystal-like reflections dancing on the ceiling, created by the sunlight on the pool water, brought a sense of serenity.
She began to stroll around the pool, lost in thought, when her wandering mind led her to step on something she shouldn't have. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard a distinct cracking sound. She quickly looked down to discover that she had inadvertently crushed a pair of headphones that belonged to someone's bag.
Panicking, Jiwoo attempted to reach for the damaged headphones, but a hand swiftly beat her to it. The owner of the headphones turned out to be a considerably tall middle schooler who now towered over her. Jiwoo suddenly felt tiny and vulnerable in comparison.
Wide-eyed, she gazed at the boy who, in contrast to his imposing appearance, had a soft-spoken demeanor. His school uniform was unfamiliar to Jiwoo, and she quickly noticed the badge, signaling that he was from a prestigious international school. Her heart sank, realizing she might have caused significant trouble.
"I'm so sorry," Jiwoo said, her hands clasped together as she sincerely apologized to the boy. "I didn't see your bag there, and I'll make sure to pay for the damage. Just tell me how much."
The boy, Anton Lee, examined her for a moment and showed her the broken headphones. Jiwoo's shoulders slumped as she realized the magnitude of the mishap. Anton mentioned that the headphones were expensive, estimating around $350 or possibly even more. Jiwoo's face paled at the price, and her mind immediately began calculating how many cookies she'd have to sell to cover the cost. The weight of the situation seemed unbearable.
Anton's laugh cut through her anxiety, making her look up in surprise. "Can you afford to pay for it?" he inquired, a slight smile playing on his lips.
"I can, but I'll need some time. I'm not well-off, and I need to earn the money," Jiwoo explained, attempting to convey her earnest intentions. However, she soon realized something else. "But, why did you leave your bag on the floor? You could have placed it somewhere safe."
"I dropped it and came back to retrieve it when I noticed it was missing. That's when I saw you had stepped on it," Anton clarified, his tone soft and forgiving. Jiwoo mentally slapped her forehead for her lack of awareness.
"Jeez, why does this kind of thing always happen to me?" Jiwoo whined, cupping her face in her hands. The mounting stress and a string of unfortunate events were taking their toll.
"Are you okay?" Anton asked, puzzled by Jiwoo's sudden change in demeanor.
Jiwoo abruptly stopped her whining and mustered a big, albeit forced, smile. "No, I'm definitely not okay, but that's okay! HA HA HA." She laughed, hoping to lighten the mood, and the boy joined in, sharing a genuine laugh.
"I'll just pay for the headphones I broke. Can I have your name and number?" Jiwoo asked, reverting to her normal self. "I promise to contact you as soon as possible."
"Sure," Anton replied, offering her his name card. Jiwoo was taken aback, surprised to see a middle schooler with a name card.
"Anton Lee?" Jiwoo read his name out loud. "Lee Chanyoung," she nodded as she read his name.
"What's your name?" Anton inquired.
"I'm Shim Jiwoo, from Class 1-B," she replied with a warm smile. Anton nodded, reciprocating her smile.
"Why are you here in the pool area? The events are in the main building," Jiwoo pointed towards the exit door.
"Just wandering," Anton answered. "I wanted to see what the pool is like in case I move here."
"You must really love pools," Jiwoo commented as she gazed at the sizable pool in front of them.
"I'm a swimmer," Anton revealed. "Have you heard of me?"
Jiwoo's eyes lit up with hope that she might impress him, but she reluctantly admitted that she hadn't. "I'm sorry, I haven't heard of you. But I'm sure you're great!"
Anton took it in stride and bid her farewell, expecting her to contact him about the broken headphones. Jiwoo waved as he left, and once he was out of sight, she released her pent-up frustration by punching the air aggressively. The day had been a series of unfortunate events, and the headphones mishap was just the cherry on top.
Later, Jiwoo found Miri by the main entrance, talking to her classmates.
"Miri!" Jiwoo ran up to her friend. "I'm so sorry I left earlier. Everything got so chaotic, and I–"
Miri gave her a reassuring nod and a smile. "It's okay! Your parents had to leave early, and they gave you this. Your uncle said you can use it to hang out with your friends later to celebrate the first day of the event." She handed Jiwoo an envelope.
"Wow, really? That's great!" Jiwoo exclaimed, not expecting her dad to provide her with pocket money. "Shall we hang out later, Miri?" She asked, excitedly hugging her friend's arm. But Miri quietly pulled away and apologized.
"I'm sorry, Jiwoo. I've already made plans with my friends," Miri said, her tone coming across as cold and intentional, which slightly hurt Jiwoo. She couldn't help but feel a pang of rejection, but she pushed it aside. "Thanks. I'll let you know when I have time," she said and released her grip.
"Are we okay, Miri? I feel like you've been distant," Jiwoo asked, her voice tinged with concern. Miri chuckled, but it sounded forced.
"We're okay, Jiwoo," Miri assured, gently patting her hand. Jiwoo looked at the hand, and suddenly a chilling realization washed over her. It was the same hand she had seen closing the storage room's door, the very hand that had trapped her inside.
"I see," Jiwoo tried to keep her composure, hiding the turmoil within her and forcing a smile. "I'll see you around then." She let go of Miri's hand, leaving behind a sense of unease.
With a heavy heart, Jiwoo walked back to her classroom, where she found her classmates celebrating the news that their class was currently ranked number 1 among the first-year students. Mars Club was gathered in a corner, looking at photos taken during their gig.
Seunghan spotted Jiwoo and called her over. He handed her the camera and suggested taking a group photo. Jiwoo happily joined them, and they took several shots together, sharing big smiles, trying to set aside the recent negative experiences.
A sense of camaraderie enveloped Jiwoo, and she realized that despite their differences, she felt like they were friends, no questions asked.
"Jiwoo," a voice called out, and she turned to see Wonbin running towards her, his guitar strapped to his back. Jiwoo had been standing in the hallway, admiring the sunset behind the silhouette of buildings.
"Wonbin," she called his name, making him smile shyly. "How does it feel to be performing as part of the band?" she asked.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad I was part of it," Wonbin confessed. He turned to look at Jiwoo, and his heart raced as the soft golden rays of the sun caressed her face, emphasizing the sparkle in her eyes.
Jiwoo moved closer to him, and Wonbin felt as though time had slowed down. The world around him vanished, leaving only the sound of his heart pounding. Jiwoo leaned in, and for a moment, he thought she was about to kiss him. His eyes fluttered closed, but to his surprise, Jiwoo reached out and fixed a strand of his hair.
"Wonbin," Jiwoo said, her voice pulling him back to reality, "are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm okay," Wonbin stammered, quietly cursing himself for his foolish expectations.
"I see," Jiwoo nodded, but before he could speak, she made another request. "Wonbin, can you promise me something?"
"What is it?" Wonbin inquired.
"Can you forget about what happened in the storage room?" Jiwoo asked, an unexpected plea. He had expected a more personal request.
Wonbin frowned, "You found out who trapped you?" he asked, and Jiwoo nodded hesitantly. "Who?"
"I don't want to drop names anymore," Jiwoo replied. "Please, Wonbin, just let it go. Okay?"
"What if something happens to you again?" Wonbin protested, but Seunghan overheard their conversation and joined in.
"What's going on?" Seunghan asked, inquiring about the conversation.
"Jiwoo found out who the culprit is," Wonbin explained, frustration evident in his voice. "And Jiwoo doesn't want to tell us."
Seeing Jiwoo looking troubled, Seunghan decided to intervene. "Jiwoo, it's okay if you don't want to share, but you know we just want you to be safe," he said, and Wonbin nodded in agreement.
Jiwoo bit her lip and gave Seunghan a hug, which took him by surprise. He held his breath and, without hesitation, returned the embrace. For a moment, he thought that if there were ever a time to receive a hug from Jiwoo, it was now. He glanced at Wonbin, who was sending him death glares. Seunghan took it in stride, deciding to tease Wonbin further. He stuck his tongue out at his friend before hugging Jiwoo tightly.
When they pulled away from the hug, Wonbin waited for Jiwoo to come to him. She turned towards him, and he was about to hug her, but Sohee arrived.
"Is this a hug party? GROUP HUG!" Sohee shouted, pulling Jiwoo away from Wonbin, who was already holding her hand.
Seunghan and Sohee had apparently decided that they couldn't let a group hug go to waste and dragged Suyoung into the mix. "GROUP HUG!!" Seunghan shouted enthusiastically.
"What are you all jerks doing?" Suyoung asked, bewildered, as she emerged from the room.
Seunghan and Sohee quickly included her in the group hug, exclaiming, "GROUP HUG!" in unison.
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To Kill, or Be Killed.
CREEPYPASTA X FEM!READER (GENERAL FANFICTION) ❝ Reader finds herself in a situation, that left her lost in a forest. Getting lost in it, it might leave her to her demise as she promises something that might risk herself, even. It was up to her to kill, or be killed.❞ WARNINGS: Profanity (A small bit!)
A/N: Well, i never expected to actually be back in this fandom. But i will happily go ahead and give content. Mostly aimed for the females, sorry male people out there... just pretend reader is your name, of course. EDIT A/N: Added new stuff. Lore increases. | PROLOGUE |
You really shouldn't fucked up this time. You really shouldn't have.
"Death Forest". It... was only 1 mile away from your place. You were getting chills up your spine as you passed by it. You were new at that time, that was only a month ago. As you continued to pass it, your curiosity grew only bigger and bigger as time passed. The stories about it made you want to meet these creatures that are most definitely not real. Slenderman that, Ticci Toby this, Eyeless Jack here, Ben drowned there... But Slender Man was one that you seemed to have a glance one time. You were not sure if your eyes are deceiving you or not, but you were sure that thing... it was real. It was how as they described him. That thing never had eyes to begin with (most probably) but it felt as if he glared daggers at your form. It drove you mad. Feeling watched. Being driven to the edge of your own sanity, paranoia. Fear increased as you saw him more and more often. Your friends knew this, of course. It wasn't that they hated you now and think your weird. Of course not, they are trying their best to make you feel safe and you thank them. You are currently at your house with those few of 3 friends, playing truth or dare after cleaning the party for your 18th birthday. "Reader, i dare you to go to the Death Forest." The brunette with the name of Ruby said. "Hey, this is her birthday Ruby, not her death day! I don't think she would like that anyways. She'll get killed. That's not very good... Its not a joke." The brother of Ruby, Kyle had said, scolding the female. Her brother looked to you and found yourself thinking about the dare. "But its a dare, come on, do it Reader!" Laura, a red haired girl, said. Your friends Ollie and Ruby chant ; 'Do it!' You sigh as you looked at Kyle. … "Ok. I'll do it." You stood up. "Reader. No, don't let their words get stuck to you. Please don't." Kyle said in a serious tone. "Reader, you know you can't do that! You'll get lost!" He worriedly said. "That thing had been haunting my curiosity. Who cares if those things weren't real? All fiction? Something to keep them... away from something we weren't supposed to look for or find in the first place. I want to know what is in there. So starting tonight, I'll pack up and go. And what about Slender Man? I've told you both so many times! That fucking guy had been haunting me ever since I moved here. I want answers. I won't say no for an answer." You said with a serious tone. They simply stared in a mix of awe and fear. "Well? Why are you two just staring?" You stood up and pushed them out your room. "Shoo, shoo! Don't snitch or I'll literally bring you with me to that entrance to nightmares." You threatened. "Well-" Ollie was cut off with you shushing him.
"What?! But-" You shut and locked the door in their faces. Whatever they said, had been muffled. They loudly groan in annoyance and walk down and get out the house. With great determination, you went around your room to gather supplies. Lucky for you, your mother and father had been somewhere for a week, trusting you to the house.
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The Locked Tomb fanfiction, about how Mercy might have learned about the events at the Canaan House. Probably an AU since, lets be honest here, I have no idea what was going on in Harrow. Or in general.
Anyway, enjoy?
There is an orchid in Mercy’s room.
An actual, real, honest-to-god orchid, with no teeth or eyes or bodily fluids leaking out of weird places. Which meant John hadn’t grown it himself – his brief gardening hobby somewhere around their third millennium, please don't remind her – and flowers? Gifts in general?
Well, that could only mean one thing: John has done something exceptionally stupid. Again.
(It could be Augustine being stupid, too, but that fucker still hadn’t apologised for when he ate the last of her favourite biscuits four hundred and sixty six days ago. Yes, Mercy has been counting.)
Alas, John; and Mercy has no choice but to ask, god, what is going on?
She lets himself into his room without knocking; if he didn’t want her to come, he’d lock it. He knew she was coming anyway.
„Mercy,“ he greets her, and he offers her tea and biscuits, that bastard. She grits her teeth as she watches his smile grow nervous – she can almost feel the speeding heartbeat in the black hole that he is.
„Anything is the matter, Joy?“ he asks, and why, yes, everything is the matter! „Did you like my present?“
Another insufferable presence shows up by the doors; Augustine, leaning on the doorframe and smoking a cigarette. She sends him a glare just to remind him that nothing is forgiven, then she turns back to John and marshes to his desk.
She hits her hands on it, spilling the tea her beloved emperor poured for himself anyway, and for her too, and says: „My Lord, what did you do?!“
His smile grows wider and his eyes twitch as he answers: „What did I do? Mercymorn my dear, can’t I just give you flowers?“
By the door, Augustine falls into a definitely unrelated coughing fit, the effect ruined by occasional wheezing laughs.
Mercy wrinkles her nose at that and then accuses The King Undying: „You never give me flowers! Only when you did something exceptionally stupid, beyond mortal comprehension stupid – actually, you don’t give me flowers enough for that either. So, what did you do, John Gaius?“
The God mutters something about full-naming and women that Mercy chooses not to hear, and Augustine gets out in between his barely subdued coughing: „You don’t give me flowers at all!“ He even manages to sound genuinely hurt enough for John to bloody get him some, and:
„This isn’t about you, Augustine!“ Mercy scolds, „John, stop trying to divert attention, what did you do?“
„…Tea?“ he says instead.
„I’m going to skin you alive and have you wear itchy sweaters and listen to It’s Raining Man for all eternity,“ complains Mercy as she takes the tea. She is seriously tempted to dump the hot liquid into God’s face. It’s not like it would hurt him. Much.
„Augustine, tea?“
„Nah I’m good.“
And so, God sighs, and tells her that he didn’t have a choice, and that it wasn't his fault it all went so terribly askew, and that he had no control over what happened at the Canaan House, and poor Cytherea, horrible that this happened, neither of us saw that coming, I just wish we could have helped when we had the chance–
And Mercy listens to him as he speaks, sipping her cooling mint tea. Mint, she doesn’t even like mint!
The Mithareum is quiet as a graveyard.
Finally, he stops speaking – not his fault, and a funeral, and two new Lyctors, two new baby Lyctors – and Mercymorn the First looks God in the eyes as she says: „Flowers aren’t going to fix this, my Lord.“
(Maybe nothing isn’t going to fix this – she shoots a quick look at Augustine.)
On another completely unrelated note, Mercymorn would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about her own meticulously planned funeral, the by half-a-minute program to be found in the second drawer of her bedside table–
She doesn’t get the bloody opportunity, as John speaks again: „…You could choose which one of the new Lyctors you want to mentor. I was just going to assign you one, but, for you, you can choose.“
„I don’t want a Baby Lyctor to mentor!“ bursts out Mercymorn, „Have you considered that?!“
„Well, the first pick is still yours,“ the God smiles, ever so bloody understanding, and Mercymorn doesn’t have the nerves for this anymore.
She pushes past Augustine and towards her room, which is not nearly far away enough. She can still hear the men, feel their presence. And she would rather not.
„Well now you’re just playing favourites,“ accuses Augustine.
„I don’t have favourites,“ the God answers, and: „I need to buy her more flowers, don’t I. Help me choose some?“
Flowers.Flowers. The only flowers that had ever fixed anything were the poisonous ones, and even these are no good for her.
With that thought projected into the aether, Mercymorn slams the door behind herself.
She hopes God all-knowing gets the freaking message.
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marinecorvid · 1 year
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2.21.23 (but actually drawn at least a month ago - and now posted 6.2.23) - some xy fic sketches. rambles beneath the cut
in my Great Fanfiction Rewrite of the (X)Y plot because it was sadly lacking in some places, Calem/Xavier kinda sorta joins Team Flare! To be honest this isn't my 100% original idea, I saw someone post once on here somewhere how cool it would've been if your rival, frustrated with constantly losing to you, joined Team Flare in desperation to beat you. I have taken this concept and am running with it. Xavier in my story Did Not take kindly to losing the Mega Ring to Yvonne: a rookie trainer, a girl, a girl who doesn't fall into his preconceived notions of what a young female trainer should be like, a girl he initially assumed he would be in a relationship with and he'd be the tough trainer in contrast to her contest abilities, someone from a poorer family from his. He gets uhh a little wild trying to prove his might makes right (deeply sheltered child who was never exposed to anything that would upset him syndrome)
In my head Y is the canon, but I'm doing a ramshackle combo into a tentative Z in which Yvonne and Yveltal fight Lysandre together, but also Xavier and Xerneas at some point and Zygarde is there too as a result of Team Flare managing to find BOTH legendaries (who in the anime were depicted as being right on top of each other) but only figuring out how to use Yveltal in the Ultimate Weapon. Xavier steals the Poke Flute and uses it to wake Xerneas (willingly or not - he's irrational, but IDK how down he'd be for the "destroy the world" plot, but Xerneas DEFINITELY uses ~fairy powers~ to fuck with his mind)
Yvonne has vitiligo! Dyes her hair blonde for the first halfish of the game, lets it grow out to its natural brown as a symbolic representation of not wanting to conform to certain beauty standards. She starts wearing very snazzy suits post-game, avoiding short sleeves and skirts
My HC is that Sycamore is her da! He and Grace were an item back in the day when Grace was in Kalos Rhyhorn racing, and she only realized she was pregnant when she'd already left. Sycamore didn't feel ready at all to be an active father, and Grace didn't feel any strong need to be in a relationship with him/have him be a part of Yvonne's life with a strong circle of friends and family who'd help with childrearing, so he stayed in Kalos and continued his work on evolution and Fairy Types in Kalos, every other month or so receiving an email of an update of Yvonne's life in progress. Eventually Grace's racing injuries/chronic pain is too debilitating to continue racing, and Sycamore offers his grandparents' cottage in the starting town. Yvonne knows her father is an academic/scientist in Kalos but doesn't know it's him, and doesn't want to know until she's more comfortable in the region. She DOES start to suspect though, but only confirms it mid/post-Geosenge crisis (haven't decided how long that's drawn out) in a hospital bed. Sycamore (after years of watching his daughter grow up from afar, and has become more invested in her life in the past few years) is delighted that she's willing have a familial connection
a lot of people draw Yveltal as a bird (super cool, no judgement) but it's very dragon-y to me with the hands/wings, kinda like how bat wings are just elongated fingers with skin between them. The logic of the tail eludes me though. It's Yvonne's buddy post game! As much as she does not want it to be her buddy! But when a super powerful ancient deity of death decides it wants to be your friend there's not a lot you can do to stop it. She warms up to it eventually. They have a fun time threatening Malva together
Korrina is a sports lesbian
Shauna slight redesign. She and Yvonne become an item around Laverre. In my story there's a cool Ren Faire-ish thing happening when they arrive and they both get a little tipsy and kiss and spend the evening running around in semi-accurate reenactment dresses giggling and dancing and giving each other wildflowers
Gogoat =)
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skylarstark4826 · 2 months
-Riker's POV-
My brother, Roman, fell asleep hours ago. Why can't I? I think it's that one girl, the one that was defending the super heroes. I don't even remember if they said her name.
Now that I think about it, I know I've seen her somewhere. Oh, I remember! It was on TV. I saw it when bionics were first confirmed to exist. I think her name was… Bree? Yes, Bree! It was definitely Bree.
I don't know why, but for some reason I like her. But I'm supposed to hate her! She's defending them! But at the same time, I feel like I like her.
Why do I feel like this? I feel like I have to kill her… but at the same time I feel like I should care for her.
Ugh! Get all of the feelings out! I need to avenge my father! And she's in the way!
I must destroy her! But… ahhh! I… I… I don't know what to do.
She's everything I love…
And everything I despise.
But what about my brother? If I stay with him, then I lose her. If I go to her, I lose him.
The worst part is that I have no one to go to about this.
I don't know what to do. What do I do? I need to figure something out. But how?
I have no one to go to…
No one to talk to…
No one to truly be with…
I'm alone.
Someone help me.
Is there no one to help me?
Am I alone?
I love her…
But I hate her.
Or at least I'm supposed to.
Do I hate her? I know I hate who she is protecting. But is it fair to judge someone by the people they care for? I don't know.
I'm not supposed to feel these things. I'm not supposed to be confused. So why am I?
Before I can think much more, my brother wakes up.
"Riker? Can you please be quiet? Stop making weird noises." He said. "Are you okay?"
"Uhhh… yeah. I'm… I'm fine."
He goes back to sleep. I can't. I lie awake, staring at the ceiling. Thinking.
I'm alone.
-Bree's POV-
I stand awake in my capsule. I can't sleep. I don't know why. Its about those shapeshifters. But it isn't fear. It's something else. I just can't quite put my finger on it.
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Probably a hot take (idk, I'm not really active in fandoms, but from what I've seen online, it might very well be), but here goes: 
Movie/series adaptations (of books for example), are basically expensive and licensed fanfiction. Some people don't seem to be able to accept that those won't always be 100% true to the source material.
To go a little further, one bad season doesn't automatically make a bad series. Of course it's not great if especially the first season of a series isn't done well. When it concerns a series that isn't purely episodic but rather spans a quite large, overarching story though, it seems a bit unfair to me to trash the whole thing.
It's like saying "That cake is terrible!" when one has probably only taste-tested the flour, because it was the only ingredient that had been weighed at the time the person decided to criticize the other's baking skills.
Maybe the cake will turn out disgusting in the end, who knows? But at that point both people can't know, which is why they'll have to wait a bit, until all the other ingredients are added and the batter is actually baked. 
I'll use one aspect I saw was very criticized online from The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power as an example here:
Characters need to develop in some way, because otherwise the story might actually feel very flat. For that to happen, the character has to start somewhere.
Did I like Galadriel this season? No, not really, she just seemed arrogant and cruel at the end.
Was it intended for her to be that way? Most likely, judging from interviews and also Adar's comment in series about her personality ("I see I'm not the only Elf alive transformed by darkness").
Is, thanks to that, potential for character growth given? Absolutely, and I'm interested in how she'll develop from this starting point to the Galadriel we might know from the movies/books about The Third Age. I'm generally excited to find out how the other characters are going to grow and develop. We only have 1 out of apparently 5 planned seasons as of now. The adventure has basically just started. 
Was this season of The Rings of Power flawed in my opinion? Yes, there definitely were elements I didn't really like. But there were also many aspects I found intriguing enough to keep watching. I personally think people should give it a chance, but maybe those who didn't like the first season should wait until more seasons are out, so there has been more story and character development and they can taste-test at least the mixed batter, if the whole cake isn't done at that point.
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bories · 2 years
zombies fanfiction headcanons/rewrites/etc masterpost (y/n-ified)
this can + will be updated over time!! there's a lot under the cut :,)
» check out my super cool and awesome masterlist for the actual fanfiction :) ⋆。˚ ☆
☀︎︎ y/n !!
》 mother was a zombie, father was human
zombie-human relations/relationships were banned until the summer before the events of z1, therefore they met illegally. when they were eventually caught, y/n was already 3yo, and their mom was imprisoned + died, and their dad ran away. y/n was taken in by eliza's family and hidden as no one outside of their parent's friends knew about them.
》》 being of mixed species, y/n has some abnormalities
instead of fully green hair, there's just some obscure streaks, moreso towards the front of their head.
y/n can only partially "zombie out," but only when their z-band is removed and they aren't in control of their emotions
additionally, y/n has visible (although fairly faint) eyebags and y/n's skintone stays normal -- although they turn extra pale when their blood pressure is low (dehydrated, losing blood, lacking nutrients, etc)
٩ zombies و
§} mutants not zombies
@unusual-ly (here) and another user(will credit if i find the post) had really great takes on this theory and i agree 100% that this makes sense + that people just called them zombies and whatnot, and i will absolutely reference this if i get the chance
§} eliza's dad, zed's mom, and y/n's mom, among multiple other zombies, died to an illness that spread throughout z-town. because of humans neglecting zombies and restricting their access to medical treatment, the zombies were extremely vulnerable -- especially when imprisoned, like how y/n's mom was
§} zed,, i fixed him
he's proud to be a zombie. i never liked how he kept trying to change himself to be likeable and more human, so when i write his character, he'll be more like eliza in the fact that he's fighting for humans to accept zombies for who they are, not for zombies to be more like humans.
§} bonzo is ~a year older than eliza and zed but got held back a year
i just believe he wouldve been
§} z-bands
over time, z-band tech evolves and zombies look more "human," looking less pale than they did originally, and their eyebags slowly fading
z-bands were created by humans who had relatives or loved ones who became zombies ((i got this idea from a tumblr post i saw somewhere,, if yOU KNOW WHO IT WAS PLEASE TELL ME I WANT TO CREDIT THEM
§} i may or may not reference @unusual-ly's BG Zombies, so you can learn all about them here!! they're amazing and so much effort was put into them, i absolutely recommend checking them out :))
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☆ werewolves ☆
|| y/n meets wyatt ~a week before zed asks addison to the prawn in the forest while getting froyo
wyatt's working undercover at seabrook power
"what do you recommend?" "huh? oh definitely vanilla. it's a little basic, i guess, but i love it" "vanilla, please" ... "you work at seabrook power? you seem kinda young for that" "haha yeah it's uh, a summer internship" "that's cool :)" and then they got froyo together almost daily when he'd get off work
wyatt tells them that he's just moved to seabrook and is going to shs, even though he really wasn't he decided on convincing willa to let him go undercover there later
|| the "great alpha" is y/n, but they aren't a werewolf
the prophecy never specified that they would be a werewolf - only that whoever it was dressed like one in the prophecy's image, specifically
wyatt knows about the prophecy n everything, so he tries to get closer to y/n. when it's apparent y/n has no idea what/where the moonstone is or could be, he convinces willa to just go to the town as students and do their own research (like in the movie)
i changed it from addison to y/n for "y/n needs to be interesting" purposes and also because addison's character is so bad in the fact they made her the most stereotypical main character ever. she feels like an "i throw my hair into a messy bun and look at my blue orbs" fanfic sterotype main character sometimes im SORRY I HATE IT
|| the werewolves' ages are never really mentioned or confirmed so i'm going with them having the average human lifespan + age development, if that makes sense
i'll explain what i consider to be their ages later shdhfj
|| wynter is a year-ish younger than willa + wyatt and they treat her like a little sister
because i said so and also it makes sense
|| willa and wyatt only share a dad, wyatt's mom left the pack when their dad chose willa's mom
i just needed to give them parents okay? idk
|| the markings on their faces have meanings
willa's 3 stripes(?) indicate that she's the current alpha,
wyatt's 2 stripes indicate he's whatever the alpha's second-in-command is
everyone else has the 3 leaves signifying that they're "of the forest"
the geometric star type thing on their arms represents the "yellow sun" (i dont have a meaning for it yet)
elders get some other marking, i just dk what (it simply makes sense that they would)
if you have any ideas or recommendations on these i'd love to hear them!!
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๑ humans ๑
> they were taught a different story in regards to the origins of zombies
"the winner writes the history books" -- zombies were caged in as the "monsters," so humans were told a slightly different story to keep them away from the "dangerous mutants on the other side"
> Addison fights for the zombies and werewolves because she cares about them, not herself
i don't like how she (specifically with the wolves) (almost) only cared more about them because she thought they were cool and because she could've been a werewolf. i think it should be a bit deeper than that, and that she should actively fight for integration (for both zombies and wolves) so she will be doing so when i write her :)
> Bree transferred from Northshore to Seabrook
for two reasons: one) continuity in regards to the way bree + addison met and the characters' ages, and two) because i like the idea of her begging her parents to move so she could join the seabrook cheer team (it was her dream)
> Bucky doesn't suck
at the end of z1, bucky actually had character development and he deserves to stick to it. the writers completely disregarded it in the following movies and i dont like that so im changing it. @unusual-ly worded this really well here and had some awesome headcanons that i'll be referencing/using here. i also really liked @ourveryowncheerrockstar's headcanons for him so i'll be referencing some of them, too!!
> Lacey's real name is Jenny(canon), Stacey's real name is Carla
i'd also like to think that bucky decided to rename them because 1) he thinks it's cool and makes him look cooler (its like his own branded entourage), and 2) he really likes those names and always has (he absolutely gave dolls these names as a kid)
○ humans get more colors,
instead of just pale/pastel pink and blue, they get to choose from a variety of pastel colors
○ zombies get the rest
whatever the humans decide they dont like or want, in terms of fabrics, objects, etcetc, gets thrown into the junkyard behind seabrook power, and the zombies repurpose/upcycle/etc
○ similar rule in terms of food
there's more froyo flavors, but they're pretty standard: mint, chocolate, etc
less healthy foods go to zombies, and sometimes scraps/leftovers/expired foods
maps i made for visualization purposes :D
• zombietown(n/a) • forb. forest(n/a) • seabrook(n/a)
timeline ! (n/a)
[][][] ages!!
zombies (one)
sophmores: 15/16: addison, bree (transferred), eliza, bonzo, zed
juniors: 16/17: bucky, aceys
adults:: coach : 32, principal lee : 35, missy/dale : 41, zevon : 48
others:: zoey : 8
zombies (two)
sophomores: 15/16: wynter
juniors: 16/17: addison, bree, eliza, bonzo, zed, wyatt, willa, j.c.
seniors: 17/18: bucky, lacey, stacey
adults:: coach : 33, principal lee : 36, missy/dale : 42/43, zevon : 49
others:: zoey : 9
z3 didnt happen, thanks there's so much i'd have to fix and also! not important for my fic so im leaving it be as of rn :•)
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iwritelmao · 5 months
as I normally do when I’m hyperfixating, I decided to write fanfiction bc sometimes the source material doesn’t/can’t give us anything and everything.
anyway I hear there’s a discussion about Astarion being a good dad vs Astarion being a bad dad. And apparently Neil Newbon himself declared the latter. I’m definitely inclined to agree.
SO I made an OC who’s father is Astarion. And drew up a character sheet for them. But the character sheet is rly messy and is drawn onto sketchbook paper so that won’t be shown till I can make it neat and legible lol
Anyway, read below the cut for more info (TW: mentions of suicide)
Dawn was born to Selene Windor, an elven poet and artist in a small port town. Her father, she never knew, only hearing stories artfully crafted by Selene.
Selene had lived on the Seaview Docks for a long time, a number of human generations. She was an elf after all. She knew the residents and in time would know the residents’ grandchildren. They knew her as well. The old, yet eternally young bard who lived on the edge of town.
But of course, this tended to get old. Hundreds of equinoxes and solstices blended together into beautiful and torturous monotony. She longed for excitement.
When an outsider visited, which rarely happened at the docks, save for fishers and merchants, everything changed. It was sparked by a mere few seconds of eye contact under the stars.
Selene had been shopping for fish at the night market—a familiar town tradition where lanterns and stalls decorated the moonlit street once every month—when she saw him. Pointed ears, a sharp jawline, and white curls that rivaled her own pin straight honey blonde. When their eyes met, he paused for a moment then flashed her a toothy grin.
They met in the middle of the market. She asked where he was from, he said “everywhere.” He asked the same, and she said “nowhere.” She asked his name. He said “whatever you want” with a smile that made Selene want to cry out in joy.
He stayed in town for months—the blink of an eye for an elf. She wrote of nothing but Him, painted Him, loved Him with everything she had, trying to guess a name that she knew would never amount to his beauty and the kindness he showed her.
So he called her his moon, and him her stars.
He offered to take her places, far-away places, more often than not. She politely declined. He even told her the truth about what he was, and she only loved him more for it.
He almost stayed. Almost.
The night before the stars faded he loved her like he had never loved anyone before. More truly than he had loved anyone before. He offered once more to take her away, to somewhere called Baldur’s Gate, a bustling city where her art could grow and travel beyond ports and docks. He even shed a tear of blood when at last he said that he’d take her to meet his family, his voice pleading and sorrowful.
She politely declined.
And he left in the morning. Before she could even tell him that she was with child.
Selene was driven mad with grief, destroying all of the paintings and locking away all of the poems.
When Dawn arrived, she cried. The little girl looked just like him, with wavy blonde hair only a shade away from white. Though she had her mother’s dark brown eyes, or so Selene thought.
Looking closer at the baby, she realized that her dark eyes had just a tint of scarlet over them.
Of course. The baby was a Dhampir.
Throughout Dawn’s childhood, she had to support her mother, who never left the house anymore. She worked when she could and stole when she couldn’t. And it was more often than not that she couldn’t due to the fact that everyone in the small town seemed to know what she was. The spawn of a vampire spawn.
It was one thing for a child to grow up without any friends. It was a complete other thing for a child to grow up being feared just because she had to drain chickens or raw cow meat from the market to survive.
When she was thirteen, a burglar came through the town. The body was found at the base of the docks after the third night of thievery, drained of blood.
When she was fifteen, it was a merchant’s son. The out of towner survived with a bite mark on his neck and some lightheadedness.
Dawn decided it was best to spend most of her time inside, taking care of her mother.
Selene had written little other than sorrowful poems about lost love, and could no longer remember the face of Dawn’s father to paint again. When she told Dawn the story, she told it with fondness, but would break down in a fit of tears and keening shortly after, if not right in the middle.
Dawn never saw the story as beautiful or fond. She did not see her father as someone who would ever come back and love them both despite her mother’s hysteric protests.
When she was eighteen, Dawn returned home to find her mother on the floor of the kitchen, dead. There was a bottle of poison in her hand and the everlasting look on her face was that of tear stained grief.
She knew this was coming. She knew it would happen eventually. For what elf would want to live for over six hundred years without the one they were convinced was their true love.
And so, the dhampir girl set out, her mind clouded with anger, yet sharp with a thirst for blood and revenge. She would go to Baldur’s Gate. She would find the man who killed her mother, whether it be indirectly or not. And she would kill Him.
Though she was not quite prepared for things to go as awry as they had.
PT2: https://www.tumblr.com/iwritelmao/738342079719178240/pt2?source=share
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nitannichionne · 10 months
Ransom's Redemption (Chris Evans Fanfiction), Chapter 24: The Song (Ransom's POV)
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I can't get it out of my head. Leave it to Fiona to throw me off.
She sent me a picture of Mimi on Insta with none other than her ex-fiance. The guy cheated on her before the wedding. She was hurt, but she walked away from him though. He was stupid enough to think they could work it out. I held her while she cried, and she only cried about it once. I even called in a favor and had the guy's car towed by the city. He loved that Mustang. But it was years later, and they looked too damn close at the tea shop in the online photo.
She was married to me, carrying my kid, right? So why did this bother me?
It simply. Fucking. Did. I found myself going over shit I did, didn't do.
"These shots are okay," the photographer says. Her name is Raine Phillips and she had a pretty nice portfolio. She was a senior at NYU, and Calida called in a favor to get her on this project. 
I sigh. "They're missing something."
"Yeah, the electricity, the 'X' factor, I dunno," She shook her head. "I can try again-"
"Uh, can you give us a minute?" Calida asks. She gives the young woman's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.  "It's definitely not you. Let me talk to him, okay?" She pulls me aside. "What's wrong?"
"Calida, it's--" I exhale, wanting a woman's advice. "I just saw a pic on Insta of my wife with her ex."
Calida frowns and gasps, "Where?"
"At our tea and coffee shop-It's Tea Time Somewhere?" I tell her. "I guess--"
"He stopped by to say hi?" Calida finishes.
I exhale. "I sound like an idiot, don't I?"
"You sound like a jealous husband," she chuckles. "Let me tell you something," she gives me a small shake. "Your wife has always been in love with you."
I laugh humorlessly. "What, cause we're married?" I swallow hard, and turn away. My mom and dad are married. And a big ew on that little mess.
"I don't know about you, but I know she loves you."
I turn to her. "You--"
"I remember when we were dating in college, and I met her?" Calida looks into my eyes. "Her heart was breaking, Ran. I didn't care back then, I was stupid, but I grew up, and I never forgot it. I never did that to any woman again. And I never dated a man who was too blind to see it without at least pointing it out."
"Calida--" I watched her pull out her phone, and quickly click and drag and everything. "What?"
"Listen to this."
The link popped up on my phone and I clicked:
And then I couldn't get it out of my head. The memories of our conversations, our hugging over the years, and the way we lingered played back in my mind. And, oh, God, our first kiss! Could it be that we always were? That song played in my head over and over as we continued the shoot, and I kept thinking of Mimi every time I looked at Calida. 
"Oh, now this is good!" Raine smiles ear to ear. "Good pep talk!"
"Naah, he just misses his wife," Calida shrugs, making me blush.
"Oh, that is so cute!"
"What the hell is going on?!"
We all turn to see Paul.
"Well, look who's here!" Calida says with forced brightness.
Paul's anger and outrage is plain as day on his face. "Calida?!"
"We knew you couldn't start early, so I got you an assistant."
"Assistant?" Paul repeats, outrage in his features. 
"Yes," Calida smirks. "We are done with shots here, but will you be ready for the next background?"
Paul looks at me, and I only raised my eyebrows to let him know I was not arguing this. I want to go home. "Yeah...yeah."
We skip lunch and power through, but I took time to buy a train ticket home just in case planes were grounded. The shots were actually pretty good. Raine was good, but Paul had experience, and once Paul had a few expressos he was over it, and helping Raine. She admired him and was willing to learn.
"That's it." Paul announces. Raine is happy and excited. 
"Thanks, Paul," I nod, shaking his hand. "You two should work together more often."
Paul rolls his eyes. "It's definitely a thought. I've never had an apprentice-assistant, yes, but this makes me think."
"Merry Christmas, man." 
"Merry Christmas."
I go to Calida and see that she is getting ready to leave. We both had our bags on set. "Thanks for everything."
"No problem, we got people to get home to," She smiles. "So...?"
"You listened to the song," she grins. "Your whole behavior changed."
I chuckle. "Yeah."
"And...?" She watches me grin, and giggles. She gives me a kiss on the cheek, turns me around, and pushes me like I'm going on a runway. "Get outta here!"
"Thanks, Calida." I said gratefully. 
"Invitation to the baby shower?" She calls after me.
"You got it!" I call over my shoulder. "Bring that man, I want to meet him!"
"It's a double date!"
I'm going home.  No, really, fuckin' really: I'm going home!
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
Promises Chapter 2: Findings
Chapter 2: Findings
Disclaimers: In this AU that is my Fanfiction Neji is not dead, neither is Fuu nor Torune.
Konoha 11 is a group of well-known shinobis from the village who fought furiously during the Third Ninja War, Uchiha Sasuke is not part of that group due to his well…rebellious phase. They were well-known and most importantly feared among the nations, the elite of Konoha was something to bear in mind, even Akamaru was considered part of it and Sai who entered team 7 quite late. This mission was something quite different from what they were used to, a hidden village that no one ever knew. The fact that the head of the clans have to come with them to the mission. That urgency that Sasuke claims to have…? Hizashi Hyuga went with Hinata and Neji as representatives, Ino brought Fuu and Sai with her, Shikamaru brought Kiba and Naruto, Chouza was with Choji and Sakura, Shibi with Shino and Torune, and Sasuke was heading the team together with, soon to be Hokage, Kakashi. Seventeen people was quite a big fellowship, everyone clearly saw how this could be turned absolutely wrong. Sasuke insisted that the head of clans should go with him as well as Team 8 who was good at rescue and tracking; yet Tsunade decided that each leader should have at least one person to escort them and protect them just in case. Therefore, one extra person was sent to protect them, Kakashi’s job was that of counsellor and political mediator with that strange village. The papers that they have found said that apparently during the First Ninja War some clans decided to protect their people by hiding them and seeking shelter somewhere far from the battle. 
The young Uchiha brought grim news, they were protecting that village but the cost that they were suffering was far from beyond. – So, this clan Kome, has settled themselves as some sort of Danyo. Apparently, during the first generation, as they mention it; Ashina Uzumaki went a little bit berserker when it came to the protection of the village. They said that it was Koroshi Kome’s fault, he tried to well rape her daughter. However, the village saw it as an act of aggression. As a result, and to try to set things up, they decided that those shinobi’s send by the now noble clans should bow protection and fidelity to the village, and to the Kome clan as repayment for that aggression. – Everyone was listening carefully – Yet… Ashina decided that a way to protect all of them was to set a barrier, actually two, quite astonishing may I say. Plus, she well… kind of… soils the earth.
-Soils the Earth? – Naruto enquired about it
-How can someone soil the Earth?
-It is like Lady Tsunade’s Byakugo, isn’t it? – Sasuke nodded to Shikamaru’s question.
- To assure that the promise was fulfilled the other five member of the clan swear protection against the Uzumaki’s. To do so they seal the Uzumaki members… with a really unique jutsu. Apparently, Ashina herself taught them how but never shared with her own descendance. Only, that the head of the clan can break it. Meaning…
-Us… - said Ino.
So, the purpose of the clan leader to head in that direction was to retrieve those seals from the Uzumaki member. – Excuse me for my intermission, but… If they decided to seal the Uzumaki’s there must be bigger reason than that. – mentioned Shibi.
-I have seen the Uzumaki’s heir. -  Sasuke kept talking – She is not a problem, definitely. However, the issue here is that what the Kome clan has been doing to set the village as a refugee for Bingo ninjas – everyone was astonished – Apparently, because they still have the popular opinion that the noble clans misbehave, they have settled this village as a paradise for the lowest of the lowest. Additionally, the noble clans are trying to do their best to keep the village at ease and calm. They have shown me proves that everything was settle because of that rape
-Are you sure they are not fake? – inquired Kakashi. He nodded.
- They want freedom, sensei – mentioned Naruto
- Plus Naruto’s and Ino’s sensor chakra will actually help to clarify this situation, although there are some people there that I trust too and I am certain that they are not lying. – Sasuke was sure of his words. Everyone looked quite puzzled, who could they been?
After three days of non-stop tracking something completely invisible, Sasuke led them towards a mountain. It was quite rocky and full of flora and fauna like the rest of their surroundings.
-It is here – Sasuke took of his coat and look at the rest – They would open the passage this evening. We have arrived in time – The team nodded and proceeded to make a small camp. They were not that sure of what Sasuke meant, yet they kept working as promising. Hoping that soon everything would be clarified.
Night came and with it the anticipation to see who they were. Although the Uchiha remain calm and unalerted, the rest of the team had their senses sharpen and their body ready for a fight if needed. Suddenly, everyone felt it, a burst of chakra an explosion, a controlled one, but nevertheless an explosion. Everyone kept closer and the mountain, well, its base, started to fade an open. It was a barrier! A good one for that matter that was for sure, one so powerful to have been deceiving shinobis for years. At the opening 7 figures appeared. There was a hooded one knelled on the floor closer to another taller hooded figure, a voice startled them – Sasuke…just in time. Come quick everyone – it was a harsh female voice. Everyone entered the barrier, cautious, but they enter. Once inside, the barrier disappeared and from the other side there was a forest so deep that they felt a twitch of fear. Hizashi was the first one to be impressed. A Hyuga greeted him with a wide smile. He was rather tall and slim; his face was quite rounded, and his long hair was tidy up in a messing bun at the top. His clothes were more like rags that tried to conceive his body from some cold. His eyes, white and bright as his startled him. He made a bow as everyone else did, except for the knelled figure. The hooded one by their side stood up. It was tall, even taller than Shibi, who was the tallest of the fellowship. They took of their hood, like everyone else they were covered in rags that they called clothes. Their eyes were covered with a cloth. – As the eldest let me greet the Heads and thank your aid. My name is Aburame Takehiko, this is my great-granddaughter Aburame Reina. – The man was indeed old. His face was wrinkled but in a fashionable way, his mane looked straighter than the Konoha’s Aburames. Completely white but with some brushes of what it was a deep black colour hinted that his hair colour tried to remind more than expected. The knelled figure rose, he immediately tried to help her, but she did it for herself. She bowed- Thank you – muttered in a feeble voice. She fainted and quickly the tall Aburame took her in his arms. That allowed her hood to be lifted down, her face was unseen for a great mess of hair covered her. It was deep black, but the Aburame’s saw it differently. It wasn’t black, completely in their eyes they could see the rich red that was hinted underneath. Shibi had seen that red hair before, it had a very similar saturation -Uzumaki – muttered underneath his breath. Takehiko seemed to have heard him and nodded.
Torune suddenly noticed, that man did not have kikaichu only… The man seemed to try his hardest not to seem weak, something that comes with age. He grabbed hiss great-granddaughter tight- We need to hurry before they notice. – And so, he led the way out of the forest.
They climbed a small mountain. Underneath it a small village appeared at their eyes, all houses where white but there was one bigger than the rest that catch their attention. On the west side upon the mountains that were surrounding the village they could see what seem ruins of much more antique houses. – We have time to reach hour home. Let’s be quick just in case – It was the softest voice ever, the Akimichi gal was the one who said so. She run fast together with the Yamanaka cleaning their way so everyone could reach their home faster. Apparently, the Aburame girl was mumbling something towards his great-grandfather, because he kept nodding. They reached the ruins. A big woman with a savage hair which she let it free embrace them – I cannot believe! – she said. Her skin suddenly glow like gold, and her tanned skin became sunrays together with her big smile with a chopped off teeth. She embrace everyone of all a sudden – Oh for what was old and for what it is to be. I can…
-Hush Jun – said Takehiko – The woman was clearly a member of the Akimichi clan – Oh boy, he really looks like his father! – mentioned her while having a great look at the commutive- Jun
-Oh Take…
- You should be calm; your lass knew was she was doing
-Jun, bring some food and that’s it – said the old man carrying the Aburame girl towards one of those ruined houses. – Call the rest so we can talk properly
-Their father’s too?
Takehiko did not say a thing while he kept his journey towards the ruins – Oh Sasuke-kun~ you were right everyone has come. Oh, my sweet boy! Thank you so much
-Mum stop- it was the sweet voice
-Chikako calm down, oh we should introduce ourselves properly, shouldn’t we? The name is Akimichi Jun, this is my daughter Chikako.
-Mother… I am sure they are tired have you…?
-Oh yes, I cleaned and fixed things up with Toshiko. Oh we did it! – she said trying to cheer them up. She clearly was nervous and exhausted. – Come on, please over here.
Kakashi ventured – Before moving to any place, we need to know where we are and what is going on, madam. – His voice was deeper than usual, he was serious.
-Oiii Kakashi, is that you?
Everyone froze, they recognize that voice. Shikaku Nara, or better said what was left of him and Inoichi. The brave soldier was beaten up by time and the war. Shikaku was missing a whole arm and part of a leg, he had some short of rudimentary orthopaedic leg that let him walk with some difficulties. Inoichi’s eyes looked foggy, as if he had lost a great deal of his sight. He also leaned his head towards Shikaku, as to hear him better, he walked with great difficulty as if his legs were not answering him correctly when he commanded them to walk. However, hard it was he achieved that and walk with slow and steady steps. Ino rush towards him, unable to control her feelings. Shikamaru couldn’t move. When Inoichi felt that embrace he inspire her aroma – Ino… - she smiled and hugged her with his trembling arms. How was that possible?
-Let us explain what this whole mess is, Kakashi – said Shikaku while walking towards the fellowship. He looked at his son, the scars of his face were even fuller of scars. -We have a lot to catch up, don’t we? – said to his son.
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