#I didn’t feel like making my brush smaller for Jodie
nick-close · 1 year
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Also see: Teen brothers au Glenn and Jodie <3 please ask me about them <3 I’m so regular about them <3
[Please don’t tag my art as babygirl, skrunkly, or blorbo!]
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Summary: A rough hunt leaves you hurt – emotionally and physically. 
(Request: reader and dean r arguing, and she has a wound and when they go to bed dean notices blood from the wound)
A/N: One Drive ate the original request so I couldn’t add it here.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: angst, language, arguments, injured reader, comforting, fluff, blood
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Silent. You are silent for a long time now. The hunt was rough – no it was worse than rough. You lost a fellow huntress to a nest of vampires as you could not reach their hideout fast enough.
Dean and you had to tell her daughter that she died. Even though she’s a huntress’s daughter the girl didn’t stop throwing insults at you.
She dared to say that it was your fault as you ate at the diner. That you should’ve stopped to flirt with Dean and that if you would’ve been a better hunter, more professional, her mother could be still alive.
It’s not true, you know it - Dean knows it too but oddly he agreed with the girl. He said if you didn’t insist on sleeping at the motel before driving to your destination the huntress could still be alive.
You’ve got no clue what got into Dean as the huntress was dead the moment she entered the hideout four days ago. Even if you would’ve avoided to get some well-deserved rest or food he still would’ve ended up dead in a nest of vamps.
Lately Dean seems to find a reason to nag about your hunting skills all the time. Last month you were to slow. This time you were too reckless and insisted on at least four hours of sleep.
“We should get some sleep,” Dean says gruffly but you do not react. “Y/N…”
“Sleep. Right.” Is all you give Dean before you walk toward the showers to clean your wounds. “Night…”
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The water washes the blood off your skin. Your shower gel stings when it runs down your body. At least your wounds stopped bleeding and you are glad none of the cuts and scratches need stitches.
Dean is the last person you want to ask to fix your wounds tonight. Normally he’s attentively and caring after a hunt, especially when you lost someone but this time he doesn’t seem to care you are not feeling well.
While you step out of the showers to dry your body you can hear Dean pace in front of the bathroom. He wants to have a shower too, so you hurry to press a band-aid to the largest cut and add some sanitizer to the smaller scratches and cuts.
“I want a shower too…” Grumbling Dean watches you walk out of the showers, carefully to make sure the wounds do not open again.
You already got some barely healed cuts and don’t need more itching wounds but being a hunter means getting hurt.
“Go ahead. Shower is all yours.” Your voice is meek, and you hate it.
“Ignoring me is not the way to react! You know that I am right, Y/N.” Now you turn around to give Dean your best bitch face.
“I ignored you as you acted like an ass! I know we lost that huntress, but she was dead before we even knew about the fucking case! There was no way to save her, Dean. Even if we would’ve driven for the whole night without sleep and fucking in the showers she would be dead by now.”
“You don’t know that for sure! I always said to Sammy you need too much sleep. Maybe you shouldn’t hunt and rather stay here…”
The words barely left Dean’s lips before you go at him. “That’s not fair and you know it, Dean. We were hunting non-stop, even Sam is exhausted. That huntress was stupid enough to hunt a whole nest without a partner. That’s not my fault or yours. I needed sleep, just like you. What happens when we are too tired and get killed?”
Hissing you feel the itching in your side return. While Dean tries to find the right words to make you see why he’s upset, you subtle scratch the itching wound.
“I’m just saying you may need to take a break.” Apologizing was never Dean’s strength so he says the worst thing possible.
“Yeah, Dean. I need a break but not from hunting…” Glaring at your boyfriend you turn on your heels, storming toward your bedroom. “Rather from you…”
“Sweetheart…” Regretting his words Dean sighs heavily. “Please…”
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The wound itches even more and you keep on scratching the scab off your wound until you feel the pain return.
When you want to check on the wound Dean enters the room and you hide under your blanket. Ignoring your boyfriend’s presence.
“Y/N, please talk to me.” 
“I think you said enough for both of us. I will take a break from hunting and you. I will call Jody and stay a few days or weeks at her place. Depends if you want your useless girlfriend back.” After throwing the words into Dean’s face you fall silent again.
You don’t say goodnight and you don’t give him a kiss goodnight before he lies next to you. 
‘Sweetheart my ass’, you think to yourself, as you close your eyes not caring Dean tabs your shoulder.
“Talk to me…please…” Ignoring Dean’s pleads you try to find a comfortable position while your wound starts throbbing in pain and you feel your nightshirt dampen.
Ignoring the blood ruining your shirt you try to lie still to not let Dean know you opened the wound by scratching it repeatedly.
Dean gently places one hand onto your hip, and you flinch away when he presses his fingers into the wound. 
“Fuck, Y/N…” Looking at the blood on his fingers Dean sits up to drag the blanket off your body. “You’re bleeding. Shit, let me…”
Panicked Dean lifts your shirt to see the fresh wounds and the healed one bleeding heavily. “It’s not that bad…”
“Baby, you are bleeding and …fuck I yelled at you. Let me fix this.” Getting off the bed Dean opens a drawer to get a first aid kit out. “I got what we need. Now let me clean the wounds.”
Carefully cleaning your wounds Dean furrows his brows. “I am sorry for yelling, Y/N. When I saw that huntress almost ripped into pieces I couldn’t get the images out of my mind. I imagined what could happen to you. You are a great hunter, but I am afraid to lose you.”
“You could’ve said so, Dean. But you made me feel worthless and like I am the reason that the huntress is dead.” Sniffling you watch Dean add a band-aid to your wound.
“I wanted to scare you off, make sure you stop hunting. I am an idiot when it comes to protecting you. I should’ve been more like Sammy, I guess.”
Humming you let Dean help you get out of the bloody shirt. He’s handing you one of his shirts before he removes the bloody blanket.
“Take my blanket, I’ll get a new one. Do you need a pain killer?” 
“No…” Choking out the word you wipe the tears away.
“Baby, please don’t cry. I never meant those words. You are a great hunter and I know that no one would’ve been able to save the huntress. Now let me take care of you and tomorrow you can kick my ass.” Nodding you snuggle into your pillow as Dean crawls back onto the bed to lie close to you.
“You hurt me…” Humming Dean presses his forehead against your shoulder. “I will need a bit of time to get over all the hurtful things you said.”
“Will you leave me?” Voice trembling Dean moves closer. “Y/N…please don’t leave me.”
“I will stay but I think that I want to join the next hunt. I need a break.” Dean carefully wraps his arms around you to bring you close to his body.
“I love you, Y/N. Please don’t go. I can’t be without you. I’ll do anything…” Dean pleas.
“I won’t go, Dean but I am still pissed.” Pressing a soft kiss to your cheek Dean sniffles as you whisper, ‘I love you too’. “You know, I’ll tell Sammy everything you said…”
“He will kick my ass…” Grumbling Dean smirks against your skin. “I deserve a kick or two and it’s better than your silent treatment…”
“Next time, I’ll never talk to you. Now let me sleep. My boyfriend was an ass and didn’t let me sleep. He was needy and wanted sex.”
“Nope, Dean. No fun for you…” 
“For how long?” Brushing his thumb over your hipbone Dean snickers as you pant heavily. “Baby Girl?”
“A month.” Sighing Dean nods, knowing you will not be able to resist him for long. “Deal, Sweetheart. Does this include cuddling?”
“No…cuddling is allowed…” 
“I’ll cuddle the hell out of you for a month in that case…” 
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I only tagged the Dean Tags in this post to test if the tags work with less blogs. I’ll add the forevers to the reblog.
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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cbraxs · 4 years
Warped [Time Warp Trio Fanfiction] - Chapter 12
A chill slithered through the warm night air. All color drained from Cleopatra’s face. The Pharaoh’s stony expression turned dour. He commanded Ahmose in a stern whisper, “Have soldiers out searching for her and guarding all entrances to the palace. We are going to handle this swiftly and silently. Alert no one.”
Ahmose bowed, and the two hurried away. Cleo stood still, fisting the fabric of her chiton, eyes tense in terror as she shook.
She exhaled and fixed stoic eyes on Izzy. “Priestess. Come with me.” And without another word, she left, not even looking behind to see if Izzy was following her or not.
What did she want with Izzy, Joe wondered. Maybe protection? But she didn’t know Izzy’s capabilities. Besides, Cleo had ancient Egyptian Dolph Lundgren as a personal bodyguard. Maybe she wanted company while getting some fresh air, but why not bring one of the girls? She’d known them longer.
Izzy stood, her gaze on Cleopatra’s retreating form. “I should go after her.”
“Is that really the safest idea?” Sam asked.
“It’s not like I can refuse an order. She outranks me.”
Sam pinched his nose in disbelief. “She’s… You’re not a real… you’ve been around Fred too long!”
Freddi pitched in, “I think she means is it’s better to go and not upset Cleopatra.”
“Go ahead,” Joe assured Izzy. “We’ll catch up with you two soon.”
Izzy nodded and jogged after Cleopatra. Once both girls disappeared into the crowd, Fred stood and brushed crumbs off his robes. “Well, this has been great, but it’s time for us to leave.”
“I’d love to, really,” Jodie said. “There’s just one thing. The Book is still broken!”
“You guys were the ones who insisted we stay despite The Book being out of order!” Sam said. “Now we’re stuck in the past with a crazed killer on the loose! Where’s that grape juice?”
Samantha snorted, but there was a twinge of nervousness. “Berenice wasn’t exactly Elizabeth Báthory.”
Joe stood. “We should trail them to be safe.”
The others agreed, and with that, they headed out to find Izzy and the princess.
Berenice was no fool.
She’d been quick to eliminate the obstacles in the way of her coveted position as ruler. She’d dealt with those who posed a threat to her throne Berenice had won this war and nothing was to get in the way of her luxurious station in life.
And yet… something had. That “something” being a Roman invasion, lead by her pestiferous father. In rapid succession, Berenice lost everything: her power, her throne, her affluence, her dignity. All but her life, which was due to be taken from her as well if not for the mysterious strange man escorting her through the night.
She trudged behind the man past the countryside. The glow of his cane lit a green path for them to follow. Her feet ached more than they ever had, her bones throbbed in the cold, and her throat burned from thirst. Despite this, Berenice hadn’t complained, not once, even though she had every right to. She’d learned quickly to not irritate the stranger.
He was… off. Off and choleric. The smallest thing could fly him into a fit of rage, going into diatribes about things she didn’t understand. It was clear that this man was mad, and Berenice wasn’t about to upset him. She didn’t know if she could trust him, but she understood he was powerful.
So she followed. Through clouds of dust, confusion, and mosquitos, she followed.
After what felt like hours, they settled in an empty hovel in the middle of nowhere. Not only was it devoid of residents, but of furnishing. Sand and beetles acted as their company.
“Sit,” the man commanded.
“On the dirt?” Berenice asked.
This innocent question did not please the man. He glared, and the glow on his cane flared, and he shot green lightning at her. She flinched and shut her eyes, expecting to be destroyed instantly, but no harm befell her.
“Is that better, you spoilt Ptolemaic wench?”
She opened her eyes and looked where the spot the man motioned towards. At the place where his magic struck, there was now a simple table with two chairs.
Berenice stared. She knew he had magic. Powerful magic. The kind she'd only ever heard about in stories and drunken retellings. That’s how he was able to bypass the soldiers guarding her and set her free. Still, it was incredible to behold.
The man stomped his foot like an impatient child. “Go ahead and sit! We don’t have all night.”
She did as she was told. He sat across from her, and stuck his cane into the ground, the unusual adornment acting as their candlelight.
The green glow illuminated every crease and frown line across his face. He had dark, unruly hair atop his head, above his mouth, and on his chin. A crystal disc hovered in front of one eye. His skin— and attitude— reminded her of the sands of Deshret: golden red and hostile.
Berenice fidgeted with the golden Wadjet amulet around her neck, the one thing those savages didn’t take from her. Perhaps they thought there was no need to take it when it would fall from her neck soon enough. Or maybe her father thought it would be funny to let her keep her jewelry while she was due for execution, a horrible reminder of what she’d lost in his victory.
After an eternity, the man spoke. “I bet you’re wondering why I freed you.”
“The question had crossed my mind,” Berenice admitted.
“You have something I want, and I possess the abilities to give you what you want.”
“You presume to know what I want?”
“Of course, you imbecile. You want the throne. Revenge. Complete impunity. Blah, blah, blah! I will destroy the Pharaoh and all others who stand in your way. And in return, I want your amulet, the Eye of Horus.”
“My amulet?” she asked. That’s all? “You could’ve taken it without struggle. Why go through the trouble of freeing me?”
“The Eye of Horus is a symbol of protection. For my purposes, it can’t be simply stolen, it must be given willfully.”
“But why my amulet? Surely you could get it elsewhere or even make your own—”
“My motives are none of your beeswax!” he said with a sniff. “Anyway, it won’t impact your mission.”
“My mission?”
“Of course! Do you expect to get your throne back with no work you lazy Prinzessin? No, I need for you to do this one thing for me.”
She nodded hesitantly. He was hiding something from her, that much was obvious. But it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the throne, and disposing of her bastard of a father. The thought of revenge was pure honey cake to her.
“In the palace, there is a group of kids with your sister, seven in total: three boys. four girls. I need you to capture a girl for me and bring her here.”
“Why can’t you—”
“Because I can’t! I didn’t free you from your pathetic fate to ask me idiotic questions. I freed you to kidnap a teenage girl for me!”
“All right! All right! My apologies. Which girl do you want me to bring to you?”
“The one with the silly pigtails.”
“Pigs’ tails? You need her to make you a healing potion?”
A beleaguered sigh from the man. “It’s her hair! Her name is Isadora. She has brown skin, brown hair, green eyes! Get the picture? Should I have prepared an elaborate trifold poster? Brought a projector to show you a PowerPoint presentation? Just bring me the girl.”
Another snap of his fingers and a cup full of clear liquid appeared.
“Hurry up and drink!” the man demanded. “You’re useless to me dehydrated. We need to iron out the details.”
Berenice sipped her water as he explained the plan. Once he finished, he snapped his fingers once more. In a flash of green, two wooden trinkets appeared in his hands: One shaped like a crocodile and the other shaped like a smaller version of the ornament on his cane.
“This,” he handed her the crocodile, “will help you out of any trouble you run into. And this,” he gave her the other item. “Will transport you back to me once you have the girl.”
Berenice looked over the items. They felt as real and smooth as they looked.
“You... truly have this power?” she asked, mostly to herself.
His creeping smile was as dry as the desert and his eyes just as unforgiving. “You haven’t the faintest idea.”
Izzy hadn’t seen her day going like this at all. She planned on seeing a movie and hanging out with friends. Maybe she’d even get a little risque and drain ten dollars at the crane game to win a cute plush she didn’t need.
Now she was pretending to be a priestess comforting a princess. Not just any run-of-the-mill princess, but Cleopatra. The Cleopatra. The beautiful, smart, charming last Pharaoh of Egypt.
Izzy’s parents would read her stories about Cleopatra, and she was as captivating as described. She had an aura of zeal around her that drew you to her and made her fascinating. She was genuinely excited to meet new people and show them the country she loved. Her energy was contagious and Izzy couldn’t help but feel what she felt.
And then there were her looks. There was a lot of speculation about whether or not Cleopatra was the drop-dead gorgeous beauty of legend, and Izzy always found that super boring. Cleopatra accomplished so much in her lifetime, it was annoying when people downgraded her to a mindless, evil sex-ductress.
Still, Izzy appreciated Cleopatra’s offbeat beauty. Her tall proud nose, which looked a bit like Joe’s, reminded her of a Greek statue. Her smile was always confident, her eyes sparkled, never wavering.
All this to say it was no wonder Izzy felt as nervous as she did as she silently followed the princess through echoing palace and looming pillars into a garden of flowers and trees.
The night buzzed with fireflies, the din of the party as soft as white noise. A light breeze rustled through the palm fronds and carried air that smelled faintly of flowers and smoke.
Cleopatra sat at a pond, her eyes cast down at the catfish darting about. Izzy followed suit, unsure of how to break the silence. She didn’t know if Cleopatra wanted to talk, but Izzy would be here if she decided to do so.
After a moment, Cleo said in a shaky voice, “I am… afraid, priestess. Irrationally, I admit, but I fear for my life. I fear for my father. If there’s a chance to regain her position, I know Berenice will jump at it. She is ruthless.”
“It’s okay to be afraid. Don’t be too hard on yourself for feeling your feelings.”
Cleopatra looked at her in… surprise? Confusion? Izzy didn’t know how to place her reaction, but she continued. “You have your father, his soldiers, and us. We won’t let anything bad happen to you. So don’t worry.”
A sigh from Cleo. “Thank you for the reassurance, priestess. I pray that my father’s men find her soon, and we can move forward with the execution.”
Izzy winced. “I know she’s awful and all, but she’s still your sister. Don’t you feel bad about… y’know?”
“My sister a threat,” Cleopatra said. “To allow a threat to linger is to allow your downfall.”
“But execution...” Izzy shook her head. “It just doesn’t feel right—”
“You clearly have no idea what Berenice is capable of!”
Izzy jumped at her sudden outburst, mouth agape, unable to respond. Not that Cleopatra gave her much of a chance to anyway.
“You have no idea what she’s done to her family, my family. To Egypt! Berenice is foolish and lazy and... selfish! She was a horrendous queen and cared nothing for the responsibility of ruling a nation.”
Tears brimmed in her eyes and threatened to spill down her reddening cheeks as she ranted. Her fist balled as if she was ready to clock the next person who questioned her.
“Egypt is weakened. We need allies. That is why I’ve been especially kind to your King Fred. After my father hands the crown over to me, I will have the weight of Egypt on my shoulders. I will have to undo all the centuries of damage that my ancestors caused neglecting my country. If Berenice must be executed to save my Egypt, then so be it!”
Cleopatra panted as she finished her speech. A shiver ran through her.
Izzy averted her eyes back to the pond. She hadn’t meant to upset her, but she couldn’t help but speak her mind.
She couldn’t blame Cleopatra for reacting this way. Berenice killed her own mother and had her husband murdered. If she were to overthrow the Pharaoh again, she’d no doubt have Cleopatra and her father killed. That’s a lot to put on any fourteen-year-old.
Izzy wasn’t ignorant of who Cleopatra would become. She did many amazing things during her rule, but there was also a lot of ugly stuff. Cleopatra would do to her siblings what Berenice did before her. It was easy to overlook that stuff when she was just a historical figure, a character in a book, a role in a film. But now, having gotten to know Cleopatra today, it was harder to reconcile the actions with the person.
Joe and Anna’s spat was so much easier to deal with compared to this. The Ptolemy dynasty was full of corruption and betrayal. They valued power over family. Cleopatra grew up seeing all this familial betrayal, so it’s normal to her. It was what she had to do. It was harsh and difficult, but necessary for her. Izzy didn’t agree, but this was above what she could handle.
Cleopatra sighed and wiped away tears. “My apologies, priestess. I should not have lost my temper at you like that—”
“Spiders and flies!”
Cleopatra looked at her liked she grew a third eye on her chin.
Oh. She should probably explain what the heck she was talking about so she didn’t look like a loon. “Spiders and flies. A spider’s life appears crazy to a fly. They stay in one spot instead of hunting for food, devouring every fly that falls into their web. But that’s just the spider’s way. It seems monstrous and disgusting, but that’s just the spider surviving.”
Cleo gave her a strange look, like the third eye had sprouted wings.
Izzy rubbed the back of her head. “What I mean is, we’re from different worlds. I can’t convince you to see things the way I do.”
The princess grimaced. “And you say this by likening me a spider, priestess? Perhaps you have confused me with Arachne instead of Aphrodite?”
“I-I— That’s now what I meant!” In hindsight, that wasn’t the most flattering comparison. Maybe she should have thought of cuter animals, like bunnies and foxes. No, wait… that’s way more gruesome...
But to Izzy’s shock, Cleopatra giggled. “You are most unusual, priestess. I appreciate you letting voice my discontent. I feel a bit better now.”
Her smile made Izzy’s cheeks warm. “T-to be honest I’m not sure I did much, but I’m glad you feel better.”
Cleo eyed Izzy with a curious look. “Are you perhaps the fly in this scenario? Buzzing around aimlessly until trapped in your demise by your own thoughtlessness?”
Izzy frowned and thought about it. “I… really really hope not.”
Cleopatra laughed again and Izzy couldn’t help but grin.
A rustling behind them made Izzy whirl around. Her friends stumbled upon the garden, frozen like statues that got caught moving. Izzy waved them over to join them at the pond. “How’d you guys find us so fast?”
“We weren’t stalking you!” Freddi squeaked in a way that made Izzy think they might have been stalking them.
Joe looked from Izzy to the laughing Cleopatra in confusion. “What did you do? Arrest Berenice yourself already?”
“Ah! My guest!” Cleo stood and clasped her hands. “My apologies for keeping you waiting. Let’s return to the party shall we?”
After the party wound down, the eight of them decided to retire back in the rooms. Cleopatra insisted on spending the night with them. The Pharaoh wasn’t too thrilled with this, but eventually, he gave in with the caveat that Ahmose and another soldier stand guard outside the rooms. As if Joe and the others planned on kidnapping her or something.
A small hallway separated the bedrooms by gender. Joe expected Izzy to be nervous to bunk with strangers, but she didn’t seem too bothered, which was a relief. In fact, she and Cleopatra were pretty attached to each other. Cleo hooked arms with Izzy and practically dragged her around everywhere, not that Izzy seemed to mind.
The boys’ room was more extravagant than their usual time warp related accommodations. A great window overlooked the dark glittering waters of the great bay, allowing the moon as well as candlelight to illuminate their sleeping quarters. A tray of plums, grapes, palm nuts, and figs, and a pitcher of water sat in the center of the room. Brightly painted geometric shapes and pictures of Greek heroes and gods decorated the walls. And good luck getting out of bed once you got in. The fluffy, chaise lounge chair like beds were heaven, especially compared to the jail cells and barns they were used to. Their beds were placed equal parts away against the walls with Joe’s bed the closest to the door.
Fred flopped on the bed. “These digs are awesome!”
“Yeah,” Sam said, “except for the murderer running around.”
“Would you relax, Royal Geek? Unless you’re gonna marry Cleopatra, you have no reason to worry.”
“No, but you might, Fred,” Joe teased.” Cleopatra’s real flirty with you.”
Despite Joe’s tone, Fred puffed up his chest. “What can I say? The Queen of the Nile has excellent taste.”
Sam laughed at that. Fred glared at him and asked what was so funny, which made Sam laugh harder.
“You might not have to worry, Fred,” Sam said. “Cleopatra looks more into Izzy now than you.”
Fred tossed a pillow at him, and all three of them laughed.
A knock on the door interrupted their laughter. Joe turned to see Jodie stood at the entrance, Book in hand. “May I come in?”
Fred rolled his eyes. “Why bother asking? You’re gonna come in anyway.”
Jodie waved away his comment. She marched in (pretty much proving Fred’s point) and sat at the foot of Joe’s bed.
Joe motioned towards The Book. “Any luck fixing it?”
Jodie shook her head as she flipped through the pages. “I’ve never had to fix a problem like this before. It’s happened plenty of times, but never while I owned it.”
She looked helplessly through the glitched, buggy pages. Joe couldn’t help but feel for her. To say Jodie was prideful would be an understatement. She prided herself on her appearance, her accomplishments, but most importantly she prided herself on her handling of The Book.
She’d gotten The Book at ten, the same age he did, but had been warping since she was little. At the age of five, she was appointed to Time Page by her uncle Sid, the uncle who passed The Book on to her. Her warp record wasn’t flawless but she’d never once lost The Book on a warp (excluding any Fred-based excursions). She was a stickler when it came to interfering with history, even more so than Sam. Joe knew how important time traveling was to her.
“Would it help if I tell you what happened?” Joe asked.
Her brows scrunched in thought but didn’t look at him. “Possibly.”
He explained what happened with Izzy in ancient Egypt. Joe told her it was an accident, which was true, but didn’t mention that they were trying to find her dad. He’d tell her eventually, once they were home, but for now, fixing The Book was priority number one. He didn’t want to distract Jodie with that can of worms.
When Joe got to the part when Mad Jack shot at The Book, Jodie’s jaw hit the floor. “He shot The Book?! I know he’s crazy but even he’s not crazy enough to do that.”
“I don’t think he did it on purpose. From how Izzy described it, she shielded herself instinctually.”
“Of course she would,” Jodie muttered. “Thanks for telling me, but I don’t think it’ll help us. Not unless you can shoot magic beams at it.”
He couldn’t, but not for lack of trying. He’d practiced shooting lasers from his fingers many times in his room just to see if he could. Of course, he wasn’t about to bring that up in front of Jodie. Or anyone for that matter.
“So what now?” Joe asked.
“It’s not an exact science, but whenever The Book gets damaged, similar damage usually does the trick. Remember when warrior king Fred oh so expertly stabbed The Book with a spear. Twice.”
“Saved your butt,” Fred piped in.
Jodie rolled her eyes but struggled to hide a small smile. “Anyway, in lieu of magical energy bolts, we’ll have to find another way.” She closed The Book and held it reverently in front of her. “I-I hope this works.”
She closed her eyes and inhaled. Her fingers glowed where they touched The Book. She muttered words under her breath over and over until The Book rumbled in her hands like a mini thunderstorm was going on between the pages. The glow died and Jodie flipped through the pages to find that it was… still jumbled. “Shoot!” Jodie slammed The Book shut. “Well, it was worth a shot.”
“What was that?” Joe asked.
“It’s hard to explain... but it’s sort of a soft reboot.”
Joe waited to see if she was kidding, but Jodie didn’t exactly inherit his sense of humor. “Riiiiight. I get it, but maybe you should explain, so Fred and Sam get it.”
Another roll of her eyes. “The Book is like an ancient supercomputer made by people who didn’t quite understand how to make a computer. It’s a patchwork of pieces and features added over time, which is why it’s powerful but volatile. Right now, it's like an iced computer with a single living aperture.”
“Come again?”
“I think she means,” Sam said, “that it’s like a frozen computer with a working window.”
“Oooooh.” It was times like this that reminded Joe that Jodie was from a future with wildly different technologies than his own time.
But what she said made sense. The Book did sort of function like a computer. It had search features and keyboards on some pages. He wondered if it's always worked like this or if adapted to their modern way of doing things. “So do we need to turn it off and on, or is it there some type of control, alt, delete ritual?”
“It's not as easy as pushing a switch.”
“Not how computers work—”
“However they work, this requires real magic. More than the two of us have.” Jodie’s lip curled, her golden-brown eyes narrowed in thought. “I hate to say it, but I think we need Isadora's help.”
Joe wanted to ask why she hated to say it, and what her deal was with Izzy anyway. But something she said didn’t sit right.
“How… how did you know Izzy could use magic?”
Jodie bit her lip. “I-I just assumed she was the one who taught you that annoying levitation trick. I mean, how else would you have learned that?”
“Oh. Right.” He almost forgot about showing off his new tricked. It made sense she’d assume Izzy taught him.
Jodie groaned. “I guess we have to go get her.”
There it was again, her annoyed attitude towards Izzy. “How come you don't like her?”
Jodie looked at him like he just spoke backwards. “Don’t like who?”
Was she for real? It was obvious who he was talking about. He fixed her with a look and she faltered under the glare. “It's not that I don't like her. It's just... I think you should stop hanging out with Isadora. She’s not—”
Suddenly, Jodie shoved The Book back in her satchel. Her face paled and she stared at the floor as if she was afraid if she looked away it would vanish. Joe was about the ask what was wrong when heard a shuffle behind him.
Izzy stood in the doorway. “Uh, h-hey guys. Cleopatra was going to teach us how to play Senet. I wanted to ask if you’d like to join us, but now I realize that might be really boring so forget I was here.”
“Are you kidding?” Sam jumped out of his bed. “The rules of Senet are lost. No way I’m missing that!”
“Count me in.” Fred stood and stretched. “Beats lying around here with no wifi.”
“Did you really expect to have wifi here?”
“No, but it would’ve been nice.”
“We’ll join you guys in a bit,” Joe said. “Jodie and I are finishing up here.”
Fred and Sam nodded and headed off to the girls’ room. Izzy glanced back at them. Concern flashed across her face before disappearing into the hall.
Jodie groaned and faced palmed. “She heard me, didn’t she? Darn it! This is the worst.”
Joe was beyond confused. Jodie wasn’t one to hide how she felt about anything or anyone. If she hated Izzy, why would she care if she knew?
“I don’t know what your deal is with her,” Joe said, “but you should give her a chance. Yeah, she can be a little weird at first but she’s pretty cool and fun. I think you two would get along if you apologize. She’s actually surprisingly forgiving—”
“I don’t hate her!” Jodie snapped. “It’s just…” A heavy sigh. “She shouldn’t be here. Not now. It doesn’t make any sense.”
Okay, that didn’t make any sense. Before he could ask her to elaborate, a shriek followed by a crash echoed through the hall from the girls’ room. Joe and Jodie jumped and rushed to the room, not knowing what was to come when they got there.
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Dean Winchester/Reader ❧ Sweet Apology
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Dean Winchester/Reader; Dean Winchester/OFC Word count: 4874 | Chapter 1 of 3 Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content Tags: Fluff & Smut, a smidge of Angst; Misunderstandings; Porn with Feelings; Arguing; Reader has a crush on Dean  Summary: The plan was to watch a movie in Dean's room, but without Sam to help her feel less awkward, it's no surprise that she ends up saying something stupid - and make Dean think she dislikes him, of all things, when she has a gigantic crush on the guy. They start yelling at each other, soon enough they're kissing, and then - well, Dean's bed gets put to good use. It kind of sucks, though, that as soon as they're done Dean puts his clothes back on leaves her like nothing happened. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Well, not really. He's just absolutely clueless. I swear, if these two don't open their mouths and talk...
Beta’d by @mostly-shawn and @aingealcethlenn - Thank you so much for the help <3 
Read on Ao3 | Chapter Two coming soon
❧ Chapter One 
So, to summarize: she’s eating Fruity Loops, in an underground bunker, at the same table as two certified living legends in the hunting community. The monster hunting community, may she remind you in case you lost the memo.
She is, apparently, very good at identifying and theoretically killing said monsters – although God forbid they ever ask her to join in on the action. She admires Sam and Dean for what they do, but she's fine staying behind the scenes: rummaging through old lore books and giving herself a headache is as far as she'll go. She has proven herself useful in multiple occasions, so no shame there. 
Sam confessed to her, on the one memorable occasion when he had drunk enough to be tipsy, that he was more than happy she has to interest in hunting.
"It's my life and I love it", he said, "but it sucks all the ass and you shouldn't do it. Everyone fucking dies. If you got hurt I'd be sad about it for at least six months straight. I'd grow a beard and all." "What would Dean do?", she asked in morbid curiosity.  "'Dunno, drink and throw every chair and lamp he sees on the ground, maybe? He does that a lot. Just - never hunt, okay?" "I'll do it for the sake of your poor furniture", she responded, and she never changed her mind. 
Sorry, sometimes the crazy hits her all at once, and she needs to do a recap of the situation. Where was she? Oh, right: she was looking at Dean. (What else is new?)
Dean's sprawled on the wooden chair like a bored king, dead guy's robe at least two sizes too big on his broad shoulders. It's one of those rare instances where he slept well the night before, and he looks cozy and relaxed and roughly fifteen years younger than yesterday.
She's trying so hard not to openly stare at him that her cereal got all mushy in the meantime.
"Are you sure Jody can deal with this on her own?", Dean is saying, oblivious to her thoughts. "Seems to me like she's already got her hands full, with the girls and all."
On the other side of the table, Sam sips his coffee and nods. "Yeah, hopefully, it'll be just the one werewolf. I told Jody to call us if she finds out there's more going on."
"Hopefully there's not. Oh!" Dean slaps a celebratory hand on the table and grins. "That means we've got the day off! We could take advantage of that Netflix subscription we pay for." "Garth is paying – we're just leeching off of him. And I actually wanted to go for a run. Wanna come?" "Ugh." "Yeah, I thought so. You two can start without me, though. I'll join you later."
Oh, the mental image that double-meaning evokes!  But it’s more of a private joke with herself that anything – she likes Sam, obviously, if only because she's a straight woman with functioning eyes, but she doesn't have a crush. He’s tall and kind, and objectively attractive but he’s not… 
Her eyes fall on his brother's long fingers tapping on the table, his strong wrist peeking out of the robe’s sleeve, and she feels her stomach tie in knots. 
He’s not Dean, alright?
She didn’t ask not to have eyes but for him, and yet here she is: all moon-eyed over his wrist, of all things. 
Someone shoot her; it’d be a mercy killing at this point. 
Dean turns to her, all bright-eyed in his good mood. "What do you say, movie marathon? We could stay in my room, get comfy on the bed." Well, now, that makes her legs clench tight together under the table.  She knows she’ll have to answer very quickly because in a second she’ll start overthinking and find some excuse not to join Dean. In his bedroom, on his bed. Something she has never fantasized about, no sir. "Yes? Yeah, why not!", she exclaims, just a tad too loud. Oh my God, at least try to play it cool. Sam smirks from behind his cup, and she wonders for a moment if this "morning run" of his isn't just a ploy to leave her alone with his brother. Then Dean winks at her, and all other thoughts fly out of the window.  "Awesome. Come on, I'll even let you choose the movie."
❧ ☙
"I'll let you choose, he says," she huffs to herself. Her reflection in the bathroom mirror looks back at her with mild panic in her eyes. "Like that's not agonizing or anything."
God, she just wishes Dean didn't make her so damn nervous. How long has she known the Winchesters for? A year? She's even living with them, she should be past all – she clenches her fists, trying to calm herself – this. And still, Dean makes her heady and rattled just by looking at her for too long. She needs to get a grip.
While she brushes her teeth and washes her face, she settles on Kill Bill – which a) she knows Dean hasn't seen in years and b) should hopefully keep her attention away from his closeness. On his bed. Where she will also be.
God help her.
She walks out of the bathroom up to Dean's room. He's already propping his laptop on a bunch of pillows at the foot of the bed, humming a Metallica song under his breath. His eyes shoot up to her when she arrives.  "Hey! Did you choose the movie?", he says. He's still as carefree as she's ever seen him, but there's something in his voice that was missing during breakfast. A note of –  weariness? Hope? She can't decipher it. "Don't tell Sammy I said, but I could sit through a chick–flick without bitching too much if you wanna watch one.”  And if that isn’t proof he has a martyr complex... "Actually, I was thinking Kill Bill?" He beams up. "Oh hell yeah, haven't seen that one in ages." He finds the movie and hits play, settling down against the bed frame. She notices that he got rid of the robe and is now sitting in only a t–shirt and grey sweatpants. Oh please, no, she thinks, already feeling desperate. Fucking grey sweatpants, tight and revealing in all the right places, inviting her to look down, down...come on, just take a peek- 
She gingerly sits down at the opposite end of the bed, eyes straight ahead.  Despite the distance, she can smell Dean’s cologne (and what the fuck did he put cologne on for?), fresh and manly and very attractive – so much so that she forgets to focus on the film.  She's acutely aware of his presence beside her – of the warmth radiating from him, of how little space and layers there are between their bodies. She also notices him glancing at her from time to time, even though her gaze stays fixed on the computer screen.  Is she acting weird? Is that why he's looking at her? She's literally just sitting there, but maybe there's something on her face, or she's breathing too loud…that has never happened before, but who knows–
"I don't bite, you know?"  She's almost startled by Dean's voice interrupting her manic line of thought. He's now openly watching her, the small smile on his lips a mix between tentative and reassuring. "You can come closer if you want to. You're almost off the bed." She laughs nervously – damn, way to put her on the spot. But he’s right: she’s all bunched up on the corner of the bed, shaky hands hidden under her legs. "I, uh, didn't want to make you uncomfortable, that's all."  What the fuck does that even mean? One of Dean's eyebrows shot up his forehead, and his smile turns disbelieving. "Me? You're the one that looks like she has a gun pointed at her head." Her whole face heats up in embarrassment. He knows she's timid, and anyone who even glances in her direction knows she's head over heels for him – why does he have to put attention on it? "I'm just out of my depth here, you know I'm shy–" "Shy?" he interrupts her. "We've known each other for a year! And we both know you're not like this with Sam." 
Also very true, much to her chagrin – Sam has this puppy-dog aura to himself that makes him look smaller and non-threatening, at least when he’s in the company of friends. Dean...Dean doesn’t seem to have an off-switch, he’s always very unapologetically himself. Even when he’s acting like a total dork, he fills the entire room with his presence.
The mortification of being called out like this is making her eyes water, and Dean's unfaltering eye contact is not helping. "It's different with Sam," she tries to explain. What can she say without giving too much of her feelings away?  "Why? Have I done something bad to you?" he asks. “You’re always so – so skittish with me, it’s like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
Dean has the most expressive eyes she has ever seen, and try as he might his feelings are always starkly clear on his face – like now, settling over the vibrant apple-green like an ugly shadow; disappointment and plain sadness. She really, really doesn't want to hurt him, and trips over her own thoughts in an attempt to say I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just in love and bad with feelings – but how to say it without spelling it out? 
"It's nothing you've done,” she tries, “it's just – you."
Oh, God. That came out awfully wrong.
Dean scoffs, breaking the eye contact to look at everything in the room but her. "Yeah, I figured," he snickers, "Could have just said no to watching the movie, then, sweetheart. You shouldn't have to spend time with people you dislike." Dislike? She almost can't believe the irony of the situation. "Dean, I don't dislike you, that's not what I meant." "You just said you have a problem with me as a person! Listen,” – he passes a hand over his mouth, like he does when he needs a second to find the words – “Listen, I don’t know what you heard about me, okay? Sometimes hunters pass through here, and maybe you got wind of some rumours. I’m the first one to admit I can be a douchebag from time to time, but they don’t know me. Hell, half of them I don’t even consider friends! And I thought, you.. well, whatever. You can go back where you came from if living with me is so damn unpleasant! ” Well, ouch. That one hurt. She stands from the bed, raising her voice to hide how close she is to tears.  They could have spent a nice day together, watching movies and eating popcorn from the same bowl or something, and then she had to go ahead and ruin everything.  And he's being so stubborn, God, but what else is new?  "Dean, what – rumours? You think this is about your reputation or something?” “I don’t know! You fucking tell me.” “Why do you wanna argue? You were in such a good mood two minutes ago-" "Yeah, I really was." He jumps off the bed and walks around it until he's face to face with her. "Excuse me if seeing you all – all scared of me kind of killed the mood!" "What? I'm not scared!" "Then why the fuck are you on the verge of tears right now?" "'Cause I'm sorry," she shouts to match his tone. He's standing so close; it's unfair how much it affects her. "I don’t find you scary, okay? I’m sorry I made you think that!" "Yeah, well, I’m sorry, too,” he shouts back. “Then why are we yelling?” “I have no idea!”
They both fall silent. Her mind is trying to process what the fuck just happened, why was she shouting in the first place when Dean is right there, not even five inches away –  eyes bright and fiery because of the argument, the hard line of his mouth relaxing as his expression changes. He looks down at her lips. Her breath catches in her throat. She feels paralyzed by how intensely she wants him at that moment, stuck between throwing caution to the wind or fleeing before she makes a fool of herself. But Dean hasn’t moved away, has he? If anything he’s inching closer, and he's looking at her like, like he, too…
Dean leans in and kisses her, a soft sigh leaving his nose when their lips touch.  He's so warm, is her first thought. Warm and big and solid against her, so much more substantial than in her fantasies – where he holds her just as tightly, kisses her just as deeply. Her hands tremble slightly as she goes to cup his face. God, it's happening for real. She bites on his full bottom lip with urgency, and he tugs her closer by the hips, pushing his tongue in her mouth. He’s not so much aggressive as he’s ardent, burning fast and bright on her skin like he hasn’t much time left – or like he’s waited too long, and he’s hell-bent on making himself unforgettable.
She isn’t sure she would like the pace, was he anyone else.  But oh God, he’s not anyone else, he’s Dean – and she wants, she wants, she wants him and won’t make excuses for liking this. Teeth, bruises, too-sharp nails; warm breaths mixing with hers, his fingers digging in wherever she’s softer and warmer. 
She passes a hand on the short hair at the nape of his neck, and she can feel goosebumps rise on his arms at the feeling. Dean gives her one last peck on the lips before hiding his face in the crook of her neck – he releases a shuddering sigh that makes her shiver, and nips at the skin behind her ear. His big hands settle on her legs, squeezing and palming the back of her thighs until she's raised to her tiptoes. "Hold on, baby," he says and picks her up from the ground.  Wrapped around his waist, she can feel his erection pressing on her core –  and she's never felt emptier and needier than right there with Dean, hard and panting, ready to fuck her against a wall.  "Oh God," she moans, and desperately paws at Dean's shirt to get some skin–on–skin contact.  He raises his face to watch her and chuckles at her efforts, grinding with more and more insistence against her.  "I know, I know," he hums, "I gotcha." He smiles that boyish adorable grin he sometimes does, and she's overwhelmed by both the rush of affection for him and the desire pooling low in her belly. 
She's about to say something undoubtedly stupid that would ruin everything –  she has the three words already formed on her lips, but they turn into a gasp when Dean twists around and lets her fall on the mattress. The cold sheets underneath her give some clarity back. Not that she keeps it for long, with Dean crawling between her open thighs, hair all fucked up by her hands. He gives her a long caress from her knees up to her waist and smiles again. "Always wanted you in my bed." Is this actually happening?, she thinks, incredulous. "Wh–Yeah?" "Why do you you think I proposed we watch something here?" He winks at her. "Sam wasn't home...I dunno, I felt lucky today." "...and then we ended up yelling at each other a bunch", she adds. Dean huffs a laugh and leans down to kiss her, deep and long enough she forgets what they were even talking about. "Doesn't that just count as foreplay?"  "I don't think so, no." Dean beams at her, eyes glinting with something dangerous. "No? How about this, then?", he says, and licks a hot strip on her neck before sucking a mark there. The sharp feeling of his teeth on her sensitive skin makes her back arch closer to his chest. "Or this?" One of his hands sneaks under her shirt, slow and teasing. Dean's fingers splay wide on her stomach on their way up, and she's never hated a piece of clothing more than her bra when it stops the contact. She wants everything off, wants to feel him really touch her. "Oh, fuck," she gasps. "Dean– Dean, take this off." He groans against her collarbone, voice low and rumbly, before leaning back on his knees. "Mmh, yeah. Yes, ma'am. Can you roll over?" The thought of Dean pressed long and wide along her back makes her toes curl, and she gladly turns around. 
She realizes Uma Thurman is still swinging her katana on the computer screen, so she takes a second to close the laptop. There's the swishing of fabric behind her, probably Dean shimming out of his sweatpants and shirt while she can't see him. She goes to undress as well, but two warm hands on her hips stop her. "No, wait, I wanna do it," Dean says. “‘Kay?” Oh God, this man is gonna be the death of her. "Yes, please."
Dean scoots closer, his knees on either side of hers, erection pressed on the small of her back. He briefly hugs her to his chest while he leaves a kiss on her hair, squeezing a bit before he lets her go. She swallows back a whimper at the feeling – not because it brings any real pleasure, but because of Dean's unguarded desire behind the gesture. He’s slowed down the pace, maybe for her benefit, maybe for his own.  God, she's there, with Dean. Unbelievable. She wants him so much she could cry. 
Nuzzling her neck, he helps her take off her shirt, and then – faster, cause he's seductive, yes, but also earnest and enthusiastic – he unclasps her bra, and it falls on the bed. She gets why he asked her to turn around, conscious that her shyness would, at least at first, follow her even in bed: like this, she can't see him watching, and her instinct to hide from him is stifled.  Not that she had nothing to worry about: Dean just sighs softly and cups her breasts in his hands, a smile splitting his face at how soft and hot her skin is. 
Her leggings go next, tugged down roughly by herself, 'cause suddenly she really, really needs to be naked so he can touch her everywhere.  She leans forward on the bed, face pressing on a pillow as she shimmies out of her pants.  Dean huffs a laugh behind her. "These are very sexy," he comments, hooking his fingers on the edge of her underwear. Which is ridiculous, cause she has on the most boring pair of black undies ever produced.  Goes to show with how little Dean is pleased.  Instead of taking the last piece of offending clothing off, he slides two fingers up and down her folds, pushing in a little through the fabric.  "So wet already," he says, “and I haven't even touched you yet." His voice has gone low and rumbly and that, coupled with his fingers, makes her that much wetter.  “‘Cause I want you,” she mumbles in the pillow, stating the obvious. She rocks backs on his hand, inviting. “You know, I-” “Yeah, baby?” Oh God, he called me baby, she thinks a bit hysterically. She bites back the embarrassment and tries to find somewhere the courage to finish the sentence. “You know, I - I think of you when I touch myself.”
There it is, out in the open. Just how ridiculously attracted to him she is. 
His movements stutter; when she angles her head so that she can see his face, she finds him already watching her with such intense, naked longing in his eyes, she has to feel proud. It’s getting to her head, feeling wanted like this. “What?” he asks, finally sliding off her underwear. He’s already naked, and as soon as the panties hit the mattress she pushes back until she’s flush with him – his erection is pressed in the cleft of her ass, getting smeared with her wetness when she starts undulating her hips. “What- fuck,” Dean tries again, distracted by what she’s doing. “Mmh, what do you think about?” God, she’s burning up, and she’s so damn empty without him inside of her. “I don’t know, uh - Your fingers?” Dean circles an arm around her and sneaks his hand down her belly until he can touch her clit, middle and forefinger forming slow circles in time with her hips. “Yes, yes like that, fuck,” she gasps. She decides, there and then, to tell him a secret. 
“One time, one time we were at that diner together, Sam and Cas were there as well...And you had that red shirt on, and you must have spent some time on your hair, ‘cause it was – I don’t know, Dean, you were just so beautiful. I was sitting right in front of you. You were flirting with the waitress, and I thought, I thought ‘God, what if I took my shoe off, and slid my foot all the way up his leg and then, when he looks at me, confused, pretend I’m not doing anything?’ And I kept thinking about it, ‘cause you weren’t looking at me anyway.  What if I made you hard, there in public, but you had to keep your face straight and not react? And then, what if you grasped my ankle under the table like a warning to stop, but you still pushed back to have more friction, blushing that pretty red when Sam asked you if were okay? And you know what, Dean?” She pauses a second, lost in the fantasy and the feeling of his hands on her. “I would have stopped without a word. I would have left you there, wouldn’t have even acknowledged what I was doing by glancing at you – I would have stood up, with you still hard in your jeans in that cute, family-friendly diner, and I would have said “Sorry, gotta powder my nose” or something just as stupid, to look even more annoyingly innocent –  and then I would have gone to the bathroom. And waited for you to follow me, so you could fuck me in one of the stalls, my hand on your mouth to keep you quiet, hoping against hope that no one would come in, or hear us, or interrupt us before you could cum so deep inside me I would have felt you for days-”
Dean moves away from her, one hand to keep her still. “Okay, okay, that’s- that's enough for now." His free hand is at the base of his dick, squeezing a bit as he calms down. He’s breathing fast, lips bitten red and freckles standing out against the flush on his face. He is, quite possibly, the hottest thing she has ever seen. And she did that. “You little- I think I remember that day, fuck. That’s what you were thinking? Jesus.”  He briefly rummages in the bedside drawer and comes back to the bed with a condom.  “Is like this okay?” he asks, and helps her up from where she was sprawled on the bed.  She considers whether or not her legs will hold her up in this position, and figures that after that spiel she deserves to be a bit of a pillow princess – Dean will hold her up if he needs to. With those strong, muscular arms of his. Mmh, God bless his biceps... So she hums “yes,”  and hooks her feet around his calves to feel him closer. 
She looks back at him as he goes in, and more than the feeling of Dean sliding into her, she'll never forget how his eyes flutter close in a pained frown, like it feels so good it hurts; like he’s somehow surprised by the pleasure.  And then he moves, and her eyes just close on their own at the feeling. Everything’s just burning hot – Dean inside her, his hands touching everywhere on her body, his forehead pressed between her shoulders when he leans down.  “‘Missed this,” he mumbles on her skin. “I always forget how good it is.” 
Which would be, was this a different setting, an unwelcome reminder of how many women have been under him before her. Right now, with him groaning and moaning in her ear? She couldn’t care less.
The pace picks up - and, really, Dean’s a very proportionate man, and, in that position, he goes too deep for comfort. At a particularly hard thrust, she whimpers in pain. “You okay?” he asks, worried fingers moving the hair out of her face.  “Yeah, ‘s okay. Just-” “I hurt you,” he interjects, and helps her up. “Get closer to the headboard? Alright, let’s try it like this.”  On her knees, with her arms balancing her weight on the wall, the angle changes drastically. Dean slides back into her, this time pressed on her in a long line from shoulders to knees, and hooks his chin on her shoulder. “Better?”
“Way better,” she says, and smiles at his happy sigh. 
There’s not much she could tell you about the rest, not without interrupting herself every two seconds by grinning and blushing. It just feels good. It feels amazing.  Dean’s experience is evident in his every move, and he doesn’t let her forget for a second exactly who’s she with –  in that too-hot bedroom with weapons decorating the wall, giving a memory foam mattress a run for its money.  She says his name probably too many times, and some ridiculous praise comes out of her mouth once in a while, but Dean doesn’t seem to mind; he bites her neck too hard, at one point, and it hurts but she loves it, the proof that he has lost himself completely in her body.  And Dean builds her up and up, with his voice and his fingers and his cock, until she shudders and cums around him. 
She briefly loses sense of time, feeling only Dean thrusting into her faster and deeper and with a faltering rhythm – when she comes back to herself, he’s slipping out of her with a groaned “Jesus Christ.”
She lies down on her back, panting as she watches him throw away the condom in a small bin beside the bed. All those good chemicals that come with an orgasm are making her feel more naked than a simple lack of clothes – Dean turns back to her, and she has the impression that he can see right through her skin and bones; that all the feelings that surely will scare him off are sprawled out on the bed like heavy, uncomfortable blanket. 
She feels both amazing and scrubbed raw at the same time. She really needs Dean to take her in his arm before she starts crying, which is becoming more and more probable by the second. 
Instead, his attention falls on his phone, bleeping away on the bedside table. “Twelve messages?”, he says when he picks it up. They’re from Sam, which becomes obvious when he reads them instead of chucking the phone at the end of the bed; she watches him frown as he scrolls down. “Ugh, fuck. It’s Sam; Jody apparently needs back up after all. Five werewolves? Well, shit.”
She doesn’t say anything and busies herself by sliding under the blanket. 
She doesn’t like to think of Jody in danger, but she likes even less where this is going. Dean is putting his boxers back on, and clean clothes from his drawer. Oh, wow, look at all that flannel. Does he have an endless supply or something? “I gotta go,” he explains. No shit, Sherlock. “Hey, it was awesome,” he tells her as he puts a belt on, nonchalant as if he was talking about a very good burger. “Just- awesome. Shit, I’m so late already, Sam’s gonna bitch all the way to Sioux Falls. See you in a few days?” She nods, a bit jaded by the sudden change in scenario – from one with Dean naked in bed with her to one where he’s leaving as if nothing happened –  and he smiles and winks at her. 
And then he’s gone. 
Maybe she spends the next hour on the verge of tears, hugging his pillow and watching the rest of Kill Bill as a distraction, but that’s not really any of your business.  She gets up, eventually, and puts her clothes back on even if the bunker is empty. She does what feels like a walk of shame back to her room and straight to her shower. She washes off, with her favourite lavender-scented soap, all the signs of the past few hours off of her skin. Like it was a random guy. Like it was just a one-off. 
Thank you very much, ma’am, it has been fun while it lasted. 
“I gotta go.”
Well, alright. Goodbye stranger, then. 
❧ ☙
I hope you guys enjoyed it! I cherish every comment and reblog, feedback really motivates me to keep writing <3 I especially appreciate comments on characterization, I tried to keep Dean as IC as possible :) Let me know what you think! 
Tags from @spnfanficpond‘s Tag List under the cut - apologies if I tagged someone who’s not interested in Dean/Reader’s by mistake!
If someone wants to be tagged in the next chapter, let me know <3 
@aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @deanscarlett @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess  @frenchybell  @deandoesthingstome  @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @mrswhozeewhatsis @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @quiddy-writes @supermoonpanda @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @evilskank-inthemegacoven @clueless-gold @bennyyh @winchestersmolder @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business @winecatsandpizza @there-must-be-a-lock @cas-backwards-tie @emoryhemsworth @just-another-winchester
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shadowtail32 · 6 years
Every Inch of You (Dean x Reader)
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Summary: The British Men of Letters leave a surprise for Dean and the Reader.
Warning: Nothing really.
Pairing: Dean x Fem!Reader
This was written upon request, I hope I wrote something you will enjoy.
Y/n released a sigh as she rolled over in bed. "Morning." Her boyfriend whispered from beside her smiling at the sight of her peaceful face. "No morning." She whined back a pout forming on her pale pink lips as she forced her eyes open to look at the perfect man that lay before her. "Tired?" He teased a proud edge to his voice, earning a deep blush from her. "Maybe." She mumbled burying her face into his side. "God I'm good." He gloated cheerfully with a wide grin pulling her closer to his side with a chuckle. "Shut up." She whined pulling away from him with a roll of her bright/dark e/c eyes. "Oh come on Y/n," Dean called out reaching over to try to stop her as she climbed out of bed.
"Dean there are things to do outside of this room." She teased as she slipped her pants on. "Not fun things." He muttered with a frown running his hands through his messy locks. Y/n smiled picking her shirt up off the ground as she moved back over to the bed. "Well," She began crawling back onto the bed, stopping when she was leaning over him her face inches from his. "If it makes you feel any better, we can do whatever you want to do when we get back from Jody's." She whispered fluttering her lashes at him, a smirk painting her lips as she dipped down to brush her lips against his.
"Sounds good to me." He growled wrapping his arms around her waist forcing her closer as he captured her lips in a deep needy kiss. Y/n smiled pulling away from him. "Come on, out of bed Winchester." She ordered giving him a gentle shove. "Fine, but only because I want to." He retorted with huff forcing his body off of the mattress. "Thank you." She called over her shoulder as she scampered to the bathroom ignoring his protests when he heard the lock click into place.
"Sorry Dean, but we both know what will happen if I let you come into this bathroom." She yelled with a giggle turning to look into the mirror giving her hair a quick once over with a brush before going about her business pulling her shirt on. "There." She whispered giving herself a once over frowning at the slight muffin top her jeans gave her. 'Nothing I can do about it right now, I didn't bring my bag in last night.' She thought to herself with a huff turning away from the mirror. "Are you almost done in there?" She heard Dean whine from the other side of the door as she unlocked it.
"Yes." She reported as she pulled the door open with a smile. "Thank Chuck." He breathed as he brushed past her into the shitty motel bathroom closing it behind him. "Why didn't we just stay with Jody?" He yelled through the bathroom door no doubt scowling at the state of the bathroom. "We wanted our privacy." She reminded him with a small shrug forgetting for a moment that he couldn't see the movement. "Right." He spoke again though it was hard to hear from the other side of the door.
"Hurry up we have to be there in twenty minutes." She grumbled back shoving her feet into her worn combat boots. "Alright give me a second." He grumbled back at her.
Y/n smiled as they pulled into the driveway of Jody's house, hopping out of the car before Dean pulled the Impala to a complete stop. "Y/n!" A voice cried out pulling her attention to the smaller black haired girl walking over to her. "Alex." Y/n called bringing the girl into a hug. "How are you?" She asked pulling away giving the girl a huge smile. "Good, Claire has been a brat." She complained rolling her eyes. "Oh come on give her a break." Y/n begged with a shake of her head. Alex looked at her for a moment before turning away from the pair. "Come on Jody is waiting for you guys." She called over her shoulder.
"Wow," Dean muttered as he moved around the car to stand beside her wrapping his arm around her waist. "Yep," Y/n sighed leaning her head against him for a moment. "Should have known that wasn't going to work, come on can't leave Jody waiting." Y/n warned leading the way over to the still open front door stepping inside. "Hello?" She called out moving into the living room. "Y/n, Dean." Jody's voice rang out happily as she stepped forward giving them both a strong hug. "What took you so long?" She asked once she released Dean. "Late start." Y/n lied avoiding her eyes. "Did Sam get here yet, he said he had something important to show us," Dean spoke up taking the woman's attention off of his girlfriend.
"No, but he called a minute ago said he was about five minutes away," Jody reported. "I doubt the two of you have eaten anything, go to the kitchen I just finished breakfast." She said with a gentle smile. "Thank you, Jody." Y/n  whispered as Dean rushed past both of them. "No need, go fix yourself something before he eats it all." "Good point." Y/n mumbled before rushing toward the kitchen. "Dean, don't you dare eat all of the pancakes." She hissed as she came around the corner. "I won't," He said as he stepped away from the breakfast food. "Good." She stated before fixing her own plate.
"I love you." He whispered as he passed her to sit at the dining-room table. "Love you too." She called to him playfully as she followed behind him, taking the empty seat beside him. "Did you guys already eat?" Y/n asked Jody as she settled down into her seat. "Yeah, you guys were taking so long to get here." She explained shooting the couple a look over her shoulder. "Sorry." They echoed quietly before shooting each other a smile. "You guys are so gross." Claire groaned as she appeared from the hallway. "Leave them be Claire, you'll be the same way when you find someone." Jody scolded as she turned to look at the teen.
"I hope not." She whispered shaking her head as she vanished into the kitchen. "She’s cheery," Dean spoke after a moment of awkward silence. Y/n chuckled giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "She's young." Y/n defended taking a bite out of her food. "I was never like that," Dean muttered digging into his food, ignoring the eyebrow raise from the woman sitting beside him. "Sam's here," Jody called interrupting her oncoming statement. "Finally," Dean spoke through a mouthful of food. "Dean gross." Y/n whined giving him a slap on the shoulder.
"Hey, Sam." Jody greeted as she opened the door to let him in. "Hey, Jody." He spoke giving the woman a hug pulling away with a frown. "So what are we doing here?" Dean asked looking up to meet his younger brothers eyes. "A package was left at the entrance of the bunker." He began with a frown holding the thin package out for Dean to take. "Who left it?" He questioned looking it over carefully. "I'm guessing the same someone's who bugged the bunker," Sam concluded as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Did you open it?" Y/n spoke up her eyes never leaving Dean's face. "No, I thought Dean would want to be the one to open it," Sam explained drawing a nod from the woman. "You're right," Dean huffed standing up from the table. "We'll do it in the living room close to the exit." Jody's brows shot up as she uncrossed her arms. "You think it could be a trap or something?" She asked her tone screaming her concern as she thought about what could be inside the small box. "I don't know, but I'd like to be as safe as I can be when it comes to these guys." He pointed out as he brushed passed her and Sam. "Come on." He called prompting everyone to follow him settling into different places in the room.
"Ready?" He asked looking around the room as he placed the package in his lap. He frowned taking the tense silence in the room as a yes. "Alright then," He breathed quietly, forcing the flaps of the open with a wince expecting something to explode or fly out at him. "What is it?" Alex asked after nothing happened. Dean was silent as he turned the box upside down, his frown deepening when a tape recorder and a single tape tumbled onto his lap.
"What the hell?" Y/n muttered from her place beside the door. "Should we play it?" Claire asked. "Of course, we need to know why it was so important to send to us." Y/n argued moving closer to the couch where Dean sat. "Agreed," Sam muttered forcing a groan from his brother. "Fine," Dean grumbled rolling his eyes as he began to load the tape into the recorder. "But don't complain to me when it's those douchbags calling us apes or something." He warned as he closed the device pressing play. It was quiet for a moment as nothing but white noise filled the room.
"What room do you think?" Y/n began to ask before a moan slipped through the speakers. "Oh god, Dean." Her voice moaned out followed by Dean’s groan. "Oh shit," Sam muttered his eyes shooting open wide. "Turn it off." Y/n screeched a deep blush settling onto her cheeks as her heart dropped to her feet. "I take back what I said earlier," Claire spoke up as Dean ejected the tape. "That was way worse than what I saw in the dining-room." She joked smiling when everyone in the room turned to glare at her, all but Y/n who stood with tears filling her eyes. "I need some air." She whispered mostly to herself as she fled the home her arms wrapping around her middle trying to bring herself some comfort.
"Y/n, darlin’ wait," Dean called out rushing out behind her gently grabbing her arm forcing her body to a stop. "That was so embarrassing." She hissed at the man as she turned to face him, though her eyes never left the ground. "Why would they do that?" She asked a sneer taking over her face. "I don't know." He said his tone soft as he ran his hands down her arms trying to bring her some comfort. "I love you, and everyone in that house loves you." He muttered pulling her into his arms. "Well, I don't love me." She spoke out tears falling down her cheeks. "They listened to us having sex Dean, do you know how awful that makes me feel." She sobbed burying her face into his chest.
"No." He spoke regretfully. "I have fought with myself for years over my body, trying to force myself to see what you see" She hissed through her tears. "God they saw me." She whispered shaking her head. "Listen to me," Dean spoke firmly as he pulled away from her. "I love you, I love everything about you." He whispered his eyes locked onto hers.
 "I love every inch of your being inside and out, and I will never stop loving you." He reassured her with a gentle smile. “Even though those assholes are so going to pay for that.” He assured her with a smirk. Y/n smiled up at him. "Good, I love you too." She whispered pulling him back into a hug. "Good, because I would be lost without you." He muttered into her hair.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
A Very Merry Christmas- Ch.7
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Cold December Night
Series Masterlist
Bamby’s Masterlist
Summary: When the season holidays become a little too stressful, Dean is right there to help you relax.
Prompt: Fireplace
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Explicit language. Smut. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex. Cock warming.
The bunker was cold. It was an oddly chilly night, which led to Dean lightly the fireplace in the den. You were stretched out on the couch, feet on Dean’s lap while he played on his phone. In your hands was your list of things you needed to get done before Christmas arrived.
Jody had called to let you know she was throwing a party on Christmas Eve, and while she hadn’t said you needed to bring or do anything- other than dress for the season- you still felt obligated to do something. So, you were going to cook or bake. What? You weren’t sure, but you’d figure it out.
It also meant you had to get more presents, because the cards- that you still needed to actually send- wouldn’t be enough. You also needed to get stuff for the guys, and food for Christmas day, and wrapping paper, and it just felt like your list was never going to end and continue to grow.
Groaning, you rubbed at the back of your neck and rolled your shoulders, trying to relieve some of the tension there.
“You okay?”
Looking up, you met Dean’s gaze. “Huh? Oh, yeah.” You shrugged. “Just… I love the holidays, but it’s a lot of work.”
Slowly, he put his phone before slipping it into his robe pocket. “Anything I can help with?”
You gave a short laugh. “You. Thanks for the offer, but I’m not going to trust the Scrooge with my Christmas plans. Everything needs to be perfect. Even if you did love the holidays, I don’t think I’d trust you to bring my vision to life.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “You’re nuts.”
“Not gonna argue there,” you noted, getting back to your list. Same time passed before you felt his hand land on your calf, and then you froze. “Dean…”
“We don’t have to do anything,” he assured you. “But it’s cold and we’re on this couch… and I want to help you, but the only thing I can think of is…” he left his sentence hanging.
“Sex,” you breathed, dragging your eyes up from the list once more. Already, you could feel your panties dampening. “You want…”
“I want to make you feel good,” he noted as his hand began to massage your leg. A groan slipped from your lips, one of pleasure instead of tension, which spurred him on. Gradually, he began to move further up your leg. “I’ve been hard for you since the last time we were on this couch. Swear I can still feel how wet you were. The thought… God it drives me insane.”
Watching him, eyes locked onto his, you felt your cheeks flush. “Dean,” you moaned, though you weren’t entirely sure what it was you wanted at that point.
Part of you knew you needed to work on your list… but the rest of you- most of you- wanted to enjoy what Dean was offering.
“Let me make you feel good, baby.” He began to shift, moving your leg behind him so he could kneel between your thighs. “Let me help you.” Leaning in, he brought his lips down to the corner of yours.
With the first brush of a touch, you were gone.
“Fuck me, Dean,” you whispered, eyes fluttering closed as your senses were overtaken by cloudy lust.
Pulling back, Dean was quick to pull his sweats down far enough to release his cock. Then he grabbed at your tights and tug them off- you thought you heard a tear, but you didn’t care in the moment. As soon as your pussy was free he leaned back in, claiming your lips with his as he pressed his cock against your slit.
At first he just stroked it along your folds, gathering your slick and getting you wetter. There wasn’t going to be any foreplay, but you still needed some kind of prep work. Dean was thicker than any other man you’d had, so the first thrust always hurt… but when it was done right, it was the right kind of burn that made you scream for more.
“Gotta be quiet,” he mumbled against your lips. “Sammy is in his room, but he still might hear us, so… try not to scream,” he told you, and then he thrust in.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from making a noise. Dean grinned against you, knowingly, as he softly rocked, barely moved, inside you. Your walls clenched and stung, a little shocked from his sudden movements. While you’d been expecting something, you hadn’t thought he do that.
“You’re an ass,” you gasped.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your pouting lips. “You love it.” Waiting for you to relax a little, he watched your every move and twitch, taking in the pleasure and lust that was clear in your eyes.
Bringing your hands up to rest around his shoulder, at the back of his neck, you stared into the shining green that was looking down at you. “Dean…”
“You said it was cold.”
“It is.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your jaw.
“Warm me up?” you asked as your walls clenched around him.
Groaning, twitching against you, Dean gave in. Nipping at your jaw now, he pulled his cock out of you until the head remained, before thrusting right back in. Holding on for dear life, you forced yourself to stay as quiet as possible as Dean fucked you into the couch, holding you close, pressing light kisses to your jaw, and whispering words that made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
It honestly took no time for you to cum, and with that, you milked Dean into his own ending. There was no concern about protection or anything as Dean emptied deep into you with a groan in the crook of his neck. In fact, the feel of his warm seed filling you had you tumbling into a second- albeit smaller- orgasm.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, burying your face against him as he continued to rock.
Dean let you hold him, let you ride out your ending. He just stayed exactly where he was, cock remaining inside you as he pressed gentle kisses to you cheek and temple.
When your grip on him loosened he went to pull out, but something over took you and suddenly you were clutching him again. “Don’t move.”
“Sweetheart…” Dean hesitated, “it’s… it’s not gonna feel the same… it’s gonna go so-”
You cut him off quickly, “Don’t care. Just… I like feeling you inside me. You’re… you’re warm and…” You groaned against him, “Fuck Dean.”
“Okay.” He nodded, giving in, sensing how badly you wanted it. “Just… let me…” Carefully, he moved to two of you so you were on your sides on the couch, much like the other night. “There… better?”
There you slowly began to fall asleep, nestled against Dean as he remained inside you. His fingers stroked your hair as he watched your peaceful face and the flickering flames of the fireplace dance against your features.
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modernlcve · 5 years
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*  —  stats —   colton thacker !
* — basics !
full name:   colton joseph thacker. nickname(s):   prefers none. age:   twenty - four. date of birth:   may first. place of birth:   barlow,   kentucky. gender:   male. pronouns:   he / him. sexual orientation:   questioning level of education:   high school graduate. recipient of a bachelor’s degree in history, currently pursuing his master’s.
* — physical !
tattoos:  none. piercings:   none. notable features:   his nose is distinct?  quite tall also.. didnt fact check that he just looks tall. weakness(es):   injured his left shoulder playing baseball in high school,  it never fully bounced back. scar(s):   one on the upper Bit of his left arm.
* — domestic !
occupation:   line cook at a diner.  ta. residence:  lives alone and lives humbly. social class:   lower middle class. parents:   jody thacker,  age 54,   works at the factory,  a strong and silent type  ( which makes it all the better when he gets in a good joke now and again ).   tanya thacker,   age 49,   a school teacher,   one of those nice church ladies that always has her nose in other people’s business. siblings:   kyleigh thacker,   his sister.   i picture them to be pretty close,   even if differently dispositioned. extended family:   large,   spread throughout his home county.   especially close with his paternal grandparents, farmers who are well known within the community.   two beautiful nephews he would Die for.
* — personality !
positive traits:   insightful.   courteous.   reflective. negative traits:   obstinate.   envious.    myers-briggs ( x ):   istj,   the logistician. temperament:   phlegmatic. moral alignment:   neutral good. horoscope:   taurus,   the bull. hogwarts house:   ravenclaw.
* — favorites !
movie:   raiders of the lost ark. tv show:   game of thrones. book:   child of god by cormac mccarthy. drink:   ale 8. food:   sheperd’s pie. animal:   crows. color:   red. song:   give my love to the rose by johnny cash. artist:   willie nelson. celebrity crush:   ariana grande.
* — impressions !
first impression:  he doesn’t make a strong first  impression.   he’s quiet,   polite,   but he isn’t exceptionally forthcoming.   he’s nice enough to get by but could be intimidating on first look alone. self impression:   he doesn’t quite know What his deal is.   he knows he’s bit odd,   at least for where he’s from,   but he doesn’t think that’s a bad thing. he’s used to thinking of himself as different,  but he’s learned to embrace that over the years. lover impression:   he’s a romantic,   at heart. he’s a gentleman who has like perhaps bit old - fashioned ideas of what that means.   he’s not like gonna be shitty about an independent woman but boy he does believe in like paying for dates and opening doors and shit.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   intelligent.   shiny hair.   bit of a smart mouth. turn offs:   a superiority complex.   aversion to nature. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/no/sometimes. dominant hand:   right. clean or messy:   clean. early bird or night owl:   early bird. hobbies or special talents:   he played baseball through high school.   got a bit good at racing in his old truck  ( rip )  hasn’t given the new one a real shot yet.
01. where was your character born? what brought them to st louis? what do they like most about the town?
colton was born in barlow,  kentucky.   he came to st louis for grad school.   on the surface,   its why he came to st louis specifically.   in general though,   he was brought to anywhere out of barlow just because small town life just simply isn’t for him.   he likes st louis because it represents potential.   it’s all the excitement and change and opportunity he’s been looking for,   even now,   after being settled here a few years.
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
colton’s immediate family consists of his parents and his sister,  and,  by extension,   her family.   he gets along well enough with his parents,   even if they don’t always see eye to eye on certain things.   he’s closer with his sister and spends a decent amount of his weekends loitering around her place,   hanging out with her kids.   he surrounds himself mostly with his classmates,   enjoying the conversation that comes from like minded people,   even if they can’t always relate to him.   he’s closest with his sister,   or his grandfather,   whom he calls at least once a week,   more in the rare event that he’s homesick.   pa may not always get what colton’s going on about but he tries and that’s what matters.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
colton’s biggest fear is that he’ll always be Yearning for more.   he feels pretty satisfied in st louis,   but he also once felt satisfied in the town he did undergrad in,   and his hometown,   but he always ends up ready for something more.   he comes from the kind of place where you’re supposed to have deep roots,   to live on the land that your family has lived on for ages,   and he really does wish that was enough for him.   it’d make things easier.   but he always wants to be moving and growing and really is afraid he’s going to miss out on getting just like happy,  simple,   domestic times because of that.   he wants more out of life than his town had to offer,   but he didn’t want to abandon the idea of family and home completely.   he’d never tell his family this,   because he feels like he’s got to keep some kind of strong face,   for #toxicmasculinity reasons just as much as needing to prove that he made the right choice in leaving.
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
yeah colton had a high school sweetie.   her name was lacey,   they started dating when they were fourteen,   fresh into high school,   went to the same place for undergrad,   lived back home together for a year,   and then called it quits when colton decided to go back to school and move to st louis.   she’s his first and only Real Love,   but,   she got a job teaching at their high school,  and was ready to just settle into living in their hometown again.   even when they decided they could make long distance work while he was at school,   he knew he wouldn’t be able to just finish up in st louis and move back.   yeah it broke his heart a bit but he ended things a week before he headed out.   hurt like hell but maybe deep down he does still imagine that something will happen and they’ll get back together without him moving home one day,   you know,   like an idiot.
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
again,   he likes to fuck around with kyleigh and her kids on the weekends.   when he moved,  it was never to get away from his family,  just the place,   and it’s nice to have them around and still be able to hang out with the kids and stuff.  if he’s not with them,   he’s probably reading.   fucking nerd.
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
back when their grandfather was a little more Spry,   whenever spring came,   he’d go on long meandering walks out in the woods on sunday mornings  ( before church ).   he had never been a hunter,   or a fisher,   it wasn’t anything like that,   just a nice little walk.   when he was like 12 colton decided he needed to be his annoying tag along who probably ruined the purpose of the walks by breaking how quiet and serene the woods were that early,   but pa just ran with it.   they’d talk about whatever came up and it made colton feel special to be a part of something that had always been a special ritual every spring.
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset?
i feel like it takes a lot to actually upset him.   he’s pretty chill.   smaller things,   he’s pretty good at just brushing off and moving on from.   he’s upset by like rational things  ( assholes, people coming for his family, questioning his choices )  i guess can’t relate.  he still finds walks in the Woods comforting,   good for clearing your mind,   but most likely he just tries to distract himself with a book or some mindless tv  ( yeah he has a few pawn shows bookmarked for this exact reason ).
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
whatever the smell is,   it’s heavy.   something meaty and greasy that would be accompanied by starchy,   weighty sides and some kind of bread,   because that’s what makes a meal,   obviously.   they’ve always been a big dinner around the supper table kind of family.  porkchops,   cube steak,   and chicken anyway you could have it were all on frequent rotation.
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The Little Princess: Chapter 12
A/n- Okay. I got something out. I reread it a few times and it didn’t seem too bad, so I’m pleased with how it came out; despite having written it like 3 paragraphs at a time. Anyways, enjoy lovelies!
P.S.- next chapter is SMUT. ;)
Word count: 2,393
Warnings: swearing, fluff
Chapter summary: Bobby meets Mary; you and Dean get to spend some time alone.
Characters: Dean Winchester, OFC Mary Winchester, Bobby Singer
Need to catch up? HERE is the masterlist!
Chapter 12
Things with Jo had you feeling uneasy. If she acted this way, how many other hunters felt the same? How many times would you have to endure the embarrassment of your actions before you were accepted again? You didn’t want to give up hunting, but if you and your daughter were going to be ridiculed then you would have to. She was an innocent; she hadn’t done anything wrong in all this. The mistakes were yours, not hers and she shouldn’t have to deal with those things. Dean shouldn’t either. He deserves better…
Completely lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t even noticed Dean talking to you until he snapped his fingers in front of your face.
“Hey, Y/N, what’s going on in that pretty little mind?”
You hesitated. You knew he was going to say no one else matters, and their opinions don’t count for shit. “I need you to tell me the truth here…how many other hunters feel the same way that Jo does? How many times am I gonna go out with Mary and be ridiculed and put down for what I’ve done? Don’t get me wrong, I can handle it, but it’s her,” you motioned to the backseat, “that I worry about. It’s not fair to her…” You could see the panic and worry setting in on his face. “None of it is going to change my mind about being with you Dean, I swear. I love you, and I’m never leaving you again. But we can’t let Mary grow up being hated and treated like the daughter of a whore. She deserves better than that.”
“Princess, I’m so sorry. I should have stepped in when Jo did that. I should have defended you. You and Mary aren’t ever going anywhere without me, so you’ll never have to face bitter people like Jo ever again. To be honest, I don’t know how many people feel the same way. But it doesn’t matter anyways. If anyone ever approaches you and makes you uncomfortable like that again, they’re gonna leave with a few missing teeth. Nobody messes with my girls. That includes any family or friends. I don’t care who it is, they don’t have a right to treat you that way. If I’m not upset about it, then they have no right to be either.”
You scooted across the bench seat and placed your head on his shoulder. “What did I do to deserve you Dean? I love you so much.” You leaned up to kiss his cheek just as he tuned his head and your lips met. There was more passion in this kiss than there had been in any of the others since he found you.
Chuckling he turned his head back to the road. “Maybe we can get Bobby to babysit for a little bit after we catch up and you and I can take a little drive. There’s a place I wanna show you.”
His words piqued your interest. “Keeping secrets Winchester?” you teased him.
“Only from Sammy. I’ll tell you all about it when we go there, but for now it’s a surprise.”
You fell into a comfortable silence for the last 30 minutes of your drive to Bobby’s. You sighed in relief as you saw the familiar run-down “Singer’s Auto Salvage” sign appearing. Bobby’s house had been home to you for a short time, but it was always a safe place. You were suddenly very excited to see the old man you thought of as a father. Dean caught on to your excitement and chuckled under his breath.
“You go inside and see him princess. I’ll get Mary and bring up the rear,” he added with a smile. He knew how much you missed Bobby.
Even more excited now, you raced up the steps to the rickety old porch and knocked on the door.
Bobby’s voice called out from inside, “c’mon in boy! Since when do you and Sam ever knock?”
You swung the door open and went into the kitchen where you knew he would be. As you rounded the corner he turned around.
“That don’t sound like Dea- oh my.” He stood still for a moment before he opened his arms. “Get your ass over here and give me a damn hug ya idjit!”
You ran across the room into the man’s open arms and nearly knocked you both to the ground with the force. You buried you face in his shoulder and started to tear up just as Dean called out from the front door.
“Where are you guys?”
“In your favorite room!” Bobby called back.
Dean poked his head around the corner. “Alright old man, we got a surprise for you, but don’t go havin’ a damn heart attack on us. Okay?”
“I swear, if you two brought some animal home for me, I’m gonn-” he stopped short and you heard his breathe catch as Dean fully stepped around the corner holding Mary in his arms.
“Bobby, meet Mary Grace Winchester. Our daughter.” Dean was bursting at the seams with pride and joy.
Bobby’s arms squeezed you tighter as he looked down at you. “Is…is she why you ran from us girl?”
You nodded your head and looked down at the floor, ashamed to admit that you had taken her and run like that.
Bobby squeezed you tight again. “Aw sweetheart. You coulda come here. We woulda figured it all out and kept you safe. But don’t feel bad. You did the right thing. I’m not sure I woulda stayed with that knucklehead either.” He kissed the top of your head. “Alright. Enough chick flick moments. Now give me my granddaughter and get the hell out. We can catch up later. Right now I just want to get to know her.”
You and Dean shared an excited look. “You really want her by yourself Bobby?” you asked the grinning man.
“Of course I do! She’s my grandbaby and I’m not dense. I know how to feed and change a baby. Just tell me what she should have for food and you go enjoy yourselves. I can tell you’re itchin’ to go, Dean is already halfway out the damn door.”
You quickly explained to Bobby what to feed her for dinner and let him know to call you if he needed anything. Dean let him know you wouldn’t be going far; just 20 minutes up the road and you could be here in 10 if there was an emergency.
“Quit your blabberin’ and get out already. If anything I’ll just call Jody. I’m sure she would love to help. Now go, have fun. Enjoy some alone time. You know Sammy ain’t gonna be changin’ any diapers for ya.”
He all but shoved you and Dean out the front door as Mary tugged on the old man’s beard. The two of you stood there for a moment looking at each other before he took your hand and led you to the Impala.
“Remember I told you I wanted to take you some place?”
You nodded.
He opened the passenger door for you. “Well, it’s a place I found while I was driving around one day after you left. I was going crazy, and this place reminded me of you. It’s so peaceful and beautiful. I would go there every time we hit a dead end looking for you. It calmed me down and helped me think a little more clearly; no one else knew about it, so it was the one place I had all to myself. The day I found it, I was thinking about how much you would love it. I promised myself if I ever found you and got you to come home, I’d take you here one day. I’d like to bring Mary too, but not today. Today is just you and me princess.”
“You gonna tell me anything about this place, or just keep me in the dark?”
He shot you a smug little grin. “All I’m gonna say is that it’s beautiful. You’ll love it.”
“That’s not very helpful, Winchester. Can you give me more to go on?” You knew he wasn’t going to, and that was okay; you just wanted to play with him a little.
But he knew exactly what you were doing. He just smiled and shook his head. “You don’t quit and I might just blindfold you.”
For some reason, that was exciting to you. You’d never been blindfolded before. That could be fun…
Dean noticed the smirk across your face and just laughed. “Really, Y/N? All the times we hooked up and you never mentioned liking the kinky stuff? Well then, I guess someone’s getting a blindfold.” He reached into the back seat and pulled out one of his FBI ties from his bag. He grabbed your shoulder and turned you sideways and wrapped the tie around your eyes, checking to make sure you could see no light before tying it at the back of your head. His hands lingered though; touching your hair, grazing your ear, trailing down your neck and across your collarbone. The feather- light touches on your skin had you shivering. You heard Dean chuckle when he took note of your shivers. “Don’t worry princess.” He leaned in close and whispered into your ear, “I’ll give you something to shiver about later.” Before he leaned away, he reached across you and buckled your seatbelt. You felt the car begin to move, and you couldn’t help but wonder where he was taking you.
After about 20 minutes of listening to Dean sing along to Led Zeppelin, the car shifted underneath you. You knew you were no longer on pavement. You could tell you had turned off the road and were driving through grass. The car finally rolled to a stop and he turned the music off. You could hear the birds singing and smell the flowers and feel the sun on your face. You were suddenly glad Dean put the blindfold on you. It heightened all your other senses. You made a mental note to ask Dean to use one of these with you more often.
Your door opened and Dean took you into his arms. You felt foliage of some kind brushing your hands. It must be really tall grass. You could hear the wind rustling tree leaves, and you thought some smaller things were falling around you. You could feel little pieces of whatever it was brush past your skin as it fell to the ground. The smell of flowers was bordering on overwhelming now, almost completely blocking out everything else except your hearing. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and took the tie off your head.
“Let your eyes adjust for a moment princess; then I’ll show you what we came here for.”
You did as you were told and slowly let your eyes adjust to the bright sunlight. As you looked at the scene behind the Impala, you were stunned. The crabapple trees surrounding the clearing were dropping their flowers everywhere which left the place with a slight pink tinge, the sunlight was filtering in through the trees, the grass all over the little meadow was almost waist high and the birds were flitting every which way. It was so beautiful; it took your breath away.
Dean watched in wonder as your face betrayed all your emotions. First confusion, then understanding, then you stood shocked and awed. The way the sun glinted off your y/c/h hair and threw even more light into your eyes, you had never been more beautiful. And then you smiled.
He gently grabbed your shoulders and spun you around to face the space he wanted to show you. As you see it all, you gasp and grab his hand. Your voice is so quiet; he almost misses your whispered words.
“Dean…it’s…it’s so beautiful!” your voice choked up at the end and he quickly turned his face to yours in concern.
“What’s wrong princess?”
The tears flowed down your face. “Don’t panic sweetheart. These are happy tears. It’s so beautiful I can’t even find the right words to describe it all.”
The magical place he found was a small, crystal clear pond, surrounded by flowers and little rabbits and squirrels hopping to and fro. The flowers from the trees surrounding you had massed together in the water. You had never seen anything so peaceful in your life.
You made your way to the edge of the pond and looked down into the pool of blue-green water. You could see all the way to the bottom.  As you went to say something to Dean, he rushed you from behind and threw you into the pond, himself splashing in right beside you. You broke the surface sputtering and gasping for air as Dean just sat there smirking at you.
“What the hell Dean!” you yelled as you splashed water at his smug face.
“I wanted to go swimming with you.”
I can’t believe he did this.
“I’m gonna kill you Winchester.”
He splashed you with water as he kicked away from you. “Only if you can catch me!”
He had forgotten you used to be a swimmer, a damn good one too. You powered through the water, easily catching his ankle and dragging him down. You teasingly held his head under for a moment before you let him up and started laughing.
You swirled your hand around a group of the flower blossoms that had fallen in the water; you were still completely enamored with the beauty of this small clearing. And you had to admit, being in the water made it even better.
While you were lost in your thoughts and enjoying the scenery, you missed Dean swimming up behind you. He grabbed you around the waist and pulled you close to his chest. He supported both your weights easily in the water, so you relaxed back into him. He buried his face in your neck and quietly murmured, “when I found this place, I thought I had finally died and gone to heaven. But you never appeared, so I knew it wasn’t my heaven. It took me while to believe this place was real. I didn’t ever share it with anyone, because I wanted to share it with you alone. I wanted this to be our special place, and now that I know about Mary, I wanna share it with her too. I want this to be our safe place. No monsters, no Heaven or Hell, no nothing. Just us. Whaddya say princess?”
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zombierunfiction · 7 years
Season 1 Mission 15: Virtuous Circle
It was three days after the Keeley Center mission and Charlotte had holded herself up in her room refusing to talk to anyone.  
Esspecially Sam.
Janine had given Charlotte a few days to recover from the shock of seeing Amir alive, but on the 4th day a knock came to the door.  Jody, whom had been sitting in the room watching charlotte just stare at the wall, walked over and opened the door.
"Hey Sam... Is something wrong?"  Jody asked.
"Oh no no... theres a mission that I think is just what Char needs to pull herself out of this dark cloud."  Sam said as he stepped in.
Jody steps aside then shuts the door.  "Good luck on that."  She said sitting back on the bed.
Sam walked over sitting on the bed next to Charlotte.  "Hey Char."  He whispers softly resting his hand on her leg.  Charlotte closed her eyes turning her head into the pillow.  Sam looked down at her sadly.  "Char I know that what ever you saw out there... really shook you... but I'm here to help you.  I really care about you.  More than I should."
Charlotte tenses slightly under his hand.  Only Janine knew why she had locked herself away and just avoided everyone.  "He's alive..."  She breathes as tears begin filling her eyes.  
"He-... Oh... Amir's alive?"  Sam asked softly as Charlotte nods as she sucks in a sob.
"He's... part of New Canton..."  Charlotte whimpers.
Sam looks down at her sadly as he looked at Jody for a moment.  Jody nodded walking out of the home.  Sam gently wrapped his arms around Charlotte pulling her into his lap.  Charlotte instantly latched onto Sam burying her face into his neck starting to sob softly.  Sam held her tight rubbing her back as he nuzzled her head gently.  
The two sat there for a bit until Charlotte's sobs turned into hic up as she held onto Sam tight  Slowly she lifted her head showing that military strength gave way to pure sadness and guilt in her eyes.  Sam reached into his hoodie and pulled out a piece of toilet paper.  He gently wiped her eyes then holds it to her.  Charlotte takes the tissue and blows her nose loudly wiping away the snot from her face.  
"I knew this was a possibility Char... but I want to ask you one thing.  Do you want me to back off and just be your friend until you find out what you want to do about Amir?"  Sam asked softly.
Charlotte looked at him hic uping sadly.  She was so torn about Amir.  Being with him she always felt like she was starving for his attention or competeing for his time.  With Sam it was effortless.  Sam was easy to care about and was ready for a hug or even a private moment together.  She reached up cupping both of his cheeks looking into his eyes before leaning over kissing him softly.  Sam hummed softly holding her gently as she slowly broke the kiss.  She looked into his eyes gently pressing her forehead to him.
Suddenly it hit her.
If the roles had been switched, Amir would have just let her lock herself away.  He didn't care.  Sam respected her enough to give her the choice but still cared about her enough to check in on her.  
"No.  It's been over for Amir and I... I want..."  Charlotte breathed deeply.  "I want to be with you... if you will have me."  She said wrapping her arms around his neck.
The smile that appeared on Sam's face could have lit up all of Abel for a week.  "Of course I'll have you.  You smart, kind, brave and... well if you don't mind me saying... uh... very sexy."  He blushed softly as Charlotte smiled petting his hair.  
They shared another kiss before Charlotte pulled back smiling.  "So what's this mission you told Jody about?"
"It's a fun mission.  Entertainment."  Sam says smiling.  "You up for it?"
Charlotte nodded.  "Let me get my face washed and ready for the mission."
"I'll let Janine know and Maxine will be joining us."  Same said as Charlotte got up slowly letting Sam get up as well.  Charlotte walked over to the mirror in the room where she ran a brush through her hair and pulled it into a tight braid quickly.  Sam stood there watching her for a moment before planting a kiss to her cheek walking out happily.  Charlotte looked at him as he walked out smiling.  She felt a weight was lifted off her shoulders.
She felt free.
She went to the wash rooms to wash her face before going to the packs.  She got her pack, axe, and headset with the head cam on then headed towards the comms shack.  
"Sam, Maxine.  I'm ready to go."  Charlotte said.
"Wonderful to hear from your Charlotte.  You're feeling better right?"  Maxine asked.
"She's fine Maxine.  I just told her the good news."  Sam said laughing softly.
Charlotte couldn't help the blush that covered her cheeks.  Sam was very proud of this apparently.  "Yeah.  I've decided I'm not going to let Amir being alive ruin the little bit of happiness I've found."
"That's my girl!"  Maxine cried as Sam smiled.  
"Alright so the mission.  As your probably aware Abel Township's been doing pretty damn well, lately.  You might have noticed that zombie attacks are right down, people aren't crying so much, the children have less scurvy, and there have been more conversations about the weather, and fewer about the inevitable demise of the human race.  Pretty good right?"  Sam said with a smile.
"It's a cirtuous circle, you know.  Happier people have better immune systems."  Maxine said.
"Right!  which is where you come in, Runner Five.  We have a special mission for you as i said.  We've fitting you with that headcam, because this should be a low-risk mission.  We're still testing that thing out.  We've heard that the big toy store on Possum Place is untouched.  We need you to go out there and get us... well, fun stuff!"  Sam said as Charlotte chuckled.  
"Any particular fun stuff?"  Charlott asks.
"I feel we can trust your judgement on this. Fun stuff!  The funner, the better." Sam says happily.
"While remembering to watch out for the zombies." Maxine counters.
"And maybe Runner Five can even make the zombies fun!  Pretend like it's... well, some kind of game!"  Sam supplies.
"Don't be ridiculous."  Maxine sighs.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry.  Okay.  Runner Five, ready?"  Sam asks.
"Ready!"  Charlotte said.
"Set?  Go!"  Sam said as the gate opened and she took off towards Possum Place.
Charlotte took the path into the shopping center where several stores have been looted and torn up.  "Sam there's no zoms or looters around right?"
"Not a soul in sight.  Why?"  Sam questioned.  
"This area looks like that game uh... what was it called.  Like a half a dozen sequals... had an abandoned town with a virus?"  Charlotte tried to think.
"Silent Hill?"  Maxine supplied.  
"Yeah Silent Hill.  I tried out one of the games and it freaked it me out.  This feels just like it."  Charlotte said as Maxine laughed softly.
"Oh poor thing.  Paula tried out Silent Hill 2 and it gave me nightmares."  Maxine said as Sam chuckled.
"I never liked horror video games."  Sam said as Charlotte looked around.  "Okay, there's the toy store at the end of the road.  Aw, man!  Look at the displays in the window!  Chipottle Labs games, Data Spire games, the new tie-in for Neroy, the Ronald Vault movie!  Well, I say 'new', I mean, 'new' six months ago, before the apocalypse."  Sam said excitably.
"I know this makes me sound lame, but I don't know if I've played any of those things."  Maxine said softly.
"Join the club Maxine."  Charlotte said as she walked inside shutting the door.
Sam laughed softly.  "That's because you spent all your time saving lives and stuff!  Not on important things like playing video-"
"Wait!"  Maxine said as Charlotte stopped.
"What?"  Charlotte questioned.
"They have the new Croatic module!  Evening of the Shambling Ones?  Oh my god, I thought that never arrived from the States before the apocalypse!"  Maxine said as Charlotte deflated.
"Maxine you're like Sam aren't you?"
"Hey!"  Sam called.
"Croatic is one of the best set of modules ever for Darkness and Demons, the roleplaying game.  The best roleplaying game ever!"  Maxine said excitably.
"You... roleplay?"  Sam questioned.
"Paula got me into it.  I thought we talked about this. That conversation we had about when the magical parasite infected her spine..."  Maxine said.
"Infected her what?!"  Charlotte said in surprise.
"I thought that was a story about a really weird day at the hosptial."  Sam supplied.
"And I had to sacrifice a goat to the god Loki to save her..."  Maxine offered.
"I did wonder about that, given your stance on alternative medicine."  Sam sighed.
Maxine sighed as well.  "You're an idiot.  Runner Five, pick up that module right away, and... damn!  Do they not have the original Darkness and Demons game pack?"
"Can't we just work with what we've got?"  Charlotte asked.
"No we need to roll out new characters.  Runner five, grab Croatic, Evening of the Shambling Ones.  I can't believe they have it!  Oh... and leave there and head straight on, you should come to a store where they'll definately stock the original rule books."  Maxine said as Charlotte sighs also picking up some card games and smaller boxed games.  She then ran towards another store down the way seeing what looks like a mall like set of shops.  "Okay, there, look - a Sea Wolf building, the little gaming store on the ground floor? Yeah, they should have it."  MAxine said as Charlotte ran down the stairs heading for the store.  
"So what am I looking for again?"  Charlotte questioned.
"You're looking for the Darkness and Demons rule book, fourth edition.  that's very important - not the third edition, that one doesn't have the additional rules for handling mind-controlled warlock-driven hordes."  Maxine said as Charlotte ran inside shutting the door.
"Okay.  Up until now, I thought you might be joking, but this is... really scary."  Sam said.
"Are you telling me you've never dabbled with roleplaying games?"  Maxine questions.
"Obviously not!  They're for nerds!"  Sam counters.
"The view must be great from your glass house Sam."  Charlotte said with a smirk.
"Oh, unlike video games."  Maxine says.
"They're mainstream!"
"Superhero comics!"
"Everybody like Batman, and Superman, and... Aquaman..."
"I told you, that was one time only!  And just because my girlfriend at the time liked Aquaman!"  Sam says embaressingly.
Charlotte thought about the one picture of Aquaman and superimposed Sam into that outfit making a grin appear on her face.  That wasn't a bad image.  She then looked around the shelves picking up some small books for the kids.
"Mmhmm... oh, okay, good, Runner Five, that's the right rule book.  Just pick that up, and-" Maxine started as Charlotte grabbed the book before Sam came back on.
"Wait, wait, look, look!  They have the figurines, look!  Ashlaq the Snow God, Varta the Warlock of Pale Mountain, oh oh oh!  Reginald the MAgnificent!"  Sam said excitably.
"Yeah, you've never played roleplaying games?"  Maxine says sarcasticly.  "Okay, get the figurines too, Runner five, and head-"
"But, but! If we have the figurines, we need paint.  Go to, mmm... head down, um head down Deisegerrold Lane, and there should be a store here."  Sam stated.
"Which you've never been into..."  Maxine says with a grin.
"Oh shut up!"  Sam cries out as Charlotte shook her head taking out a box of figurines and putting them into the pack.  She didn't know how much longer she was going to be out but her pack was getting rather full.  She was going to have to be more selective about what she grabbed.  Charlotte ran down the walk of the mall seeing the street signs.  "There, there!  Philip's Craft Store, with the special paints.  There.  Get lots of white, you always need more of that than you think."  
"For the dry brush work, right?"  Maxine supplies.
"I think I actually love you."  Sam jokes as Charlotte looks at the paints reaching for the first white she saw.  "No, no, no not that paint Runner Five, that's only for plastic, that flakes off pewter."
Charlotte pursed her lips then looked towards other paints.  "Wait, doesn't that..."  Maxine says softly.
"Yes, yes, the red!  all the shades you can find."  Sam said quickly.
"Wait, but doesn't one of those..."  Maxine sighs softly.  "I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that one of the ingredients in Crucible Carmine has been linked to cancer in rats?"
"Maxine..."  Sam says.
"No, I read it in a medical journal."  Maxine stresses.
"Maxine, you do know where we are right?  Middle of the zombie apocalupse?  You're wondering whether something causes cancer in rats?"  Sam says as Charlotte looked around outside the shop before sitting down on one of the tables.  She was just going to wait until they came to some kind of understanding.  
"No hospitals, all the more reason to stay healthy."  Maxine said.
Sam sighed heavily.  "Yeah, okay - grab all the red except Crucible Carmine, and then... hm... wait are those acrylic paints?"
"Ooh, those don't last as long."  Maxine says softly.
"Yeah, it wears off.  We need oil paint, or enamel.  To the other craft store!"  Sam says.  
"I say no."  Charlotte said simply.
"No?  why?"  Maxine asked.
"This is the third shop you two have sent me to and niether one of you can agree on what I can get.  I've already gotten a lot of games and toys.  I will get paint but I don't think I will have enough room for everything you two think you will need."  Charlotte said as she grabbed a box of sample enamel paint and put it in her bag.  "I will however go see what else there is in this shopping area."
Both Sam and Maxine were silent before Sam sighs.  "You're right Runner Five.  I'm sorry."
"Me too."  Maxine said softly.
"No hard feelings.  This definately has cheered me up though Sam."  Charlotte says smiling as she ran out of the store and headed down the street.
"Do you think it's possible that we've sent Runner Five on a rec run for something that is a kind of um... niche interest?"  Maxine questioned.
"Hey, if you like roleplaying games, and I like roleplaying games..."  Sam said.
"I'm pretty sure we could get Runner 8 on board with this..."  Maxine says softly.
"Yeah, and Jack and Eugene, you know those guys that do the radio show?  Wait... wait! Do you think we could find... costumes?  Oh, I've always wanted a Perplexor costume!"
"With all the exclamation marks?  Mm... wouldn't suit you.  Not with you, uh... look. do you see that?"  Maxine says.
"Oh, Right.  Uh, yeah, um... Runner Five?  Looks like there are some zombies after you.  I, uh..." Sam says.
"Looks like those exlamation mark underpants will have to wait."  Charlotte said as she took off out of the shopping area.  "Sorry Sam."  
"Yeah, Runner Five - best work ever!  Com on home, now."  Sam said as Charlotte rounded the shopping center and headed back towards Abel.
*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~          
<   17   >
Season 1 Beginning
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