#he can’t drive <3 Jodie has to bring him places
nick-close · 1 year
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Also see: Teen brothers au Glenn and Jodie <3 please ask me about them <3 I’m so regular about them <3
[Please don’t tag my art as babygirl, skrunkly, or blorbo!]
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insertdeeplyrics · 4 years
On the ending of Supernatural
Hi, I’ve never actually posted anything on Tumblr of my own creation (I mostly reblog stuff), but I’ve just seen the ending of Supernatural, and given that this is where I’ve been fed my SPN content, it felt right to share my thoughts here. I’m sure nobody is going to read this, but whatever, I just need to get this out of my chest. Sorry in advance if this is too long, but I have to type this out if I want to move on.
I still need to take some time to process everything that’s happened, because it is a lot. I did have my hopes up for the finale, thinking that Cas would at least show up, but like many of the fans, I was let down.
So I guess that would be the first issue I had with the episode. Regardless of what Dean felt towards Cas, if he reciprocated his feelings or not (which he totally did, I mean, we have all been watching the same show for 12 fucking years, and if you don’t believe me, there are plenty of metas that would support this statement), he still is his best friend and it doesn’t sit right with me the fact that he doesn’t even try to find a way to rescue Cas from the Empty. And okay, maybe he didn’t, make Cas got resurrected by Jack, then why the hell wasn’t he on the final episode? He was a pivotal character for the series, I mean, the proof is in the ratings: Season 7, when he was killed off to apparently never return, the ratings were at their lowest. The show may have started as just Dean and Sam, but over the years it became much bigger than them, and it is so disappointing that the show runners failed to acknowledge it. But I’ll get back to this point later.
Okay, I need to talk about Dean’s death, the only part of the episode that made me cry, because my poor baby had to suffer so much! Like, when he started saying that Sam never put up with John’s crap (which reinforces my headcanon that John was abusive towards the boys) and how much he admired him for it, my heart just shattered. I just love Dean Winchester so freaking much, and they did him so dirty... Don’t get me wrong, Jensen and Jared’s acting was 10/10, like, I thought I had a grip of myself and then Sam started crying and tears came back to my eyes. Nonetheless, I felt that the scene was so freaking long! I mean, Dean was dying, and he had time to make a 10 minutes-long speech! C’mon! Also, I get that Sam and Dean’s relationship is quite deep and strong and whatever, but I felt a bit unconformable watching it: it didn’t feel like a brotherly goodbye, more like a lover’s one. They were too touchy and intimate, and, overall, their relationship from this point on was coded as a romantic one, in my opinion. And Chuck, did I hate it! I have an older brother and I know what it is like to be close to your sibling and to love him more than anything else in the world, but the way they portrayed their relationship on this last episode felt incest-y, which makes me believe that this scene was originally written with another character in mind (cough CAS cough) or the writers don’t know the difference between romantic and brotherly love. To finish off, the way they killed off Dean??? I mean, I did expect Dean to die, but this was such a horrible and ridiculous way to go... I would have accepted it if he died actually fighting, but impaled??? After all he’s been through, after fighting so many demons, angels and deities, that’s how he dies??? That just felt cheap and rushed. Dean did not deserve that ending and I refuse to accept it. In fact, I refuse to acknowledge the existence of this whole fucking mess of an episode. Also, I just can’t believe that no one showed up to Dean’s funeral. I just can’t. I get that maybe it was difficult to bring in a lot of actors due to the pandemic, but they could have added them on post-production...
Next, we have Sam’s ending. He quits hunting and finally obtains his white-picket fence life. I did like the fact that he honored all of his friends and family that he lost along the way, especially Dean. Like, yes, if my brother died, I would like to keep a token (don’t know if that’s the actual word for it, my first language is not English), to have something with me that reminded me of him and to have him with me wherever I go. And I did like that he named his son Dean, in honor of his brother. However, we don’t know how he met his wife, we don’t even know who she is. They set up Sameileen for what?? Like, Sam and Eileen deserved better, tbh. And, again, even with Covid restrictions they could have done something to signal that Sam got married to Eileen, you don’t need the actor there. In fact, we never actually found out what happened to her, and just like I can’t believe that Dean didn’t even try to save Cas from the Empty, I can’t believe that Sam didn’t reach out to Eileen. Furthermore, the montage with his son felt cheap and a way to try to appeal to the audience’s emotions... (Btw, as a side note, the grey wig and the glasses, my god, they did Jared dirty 😂😂). But it wasn’t doing it for me, I didn’t care much for the kid, and while I do believe that was always going to be Sam’s ending, I didn’t like how it was executed.
And the worst part of it all: that suuuuuper long scene with Dean driving in Heaven, waiting for Sam. They could have used that time to show something more meaningful, even to develop a bit more Sam’s new life, how he adjusted to domesticity and fatherhood and all that crap. Or, I don’t know, A TEAM FREE WILL 2.0 REUNION??? And I guess this is my biggest issue with the whole episode. I get it, Sam and Dean are the central characters, the ones that started it all, but family don’t end with blood, and they were not the only ones who deserved a goodbye. They had formed so many bonds and friendships over the years, and to not have them address them on the final episode just feels infuriating. Especially Cas. His arc was not finished, he deserved to be on the finale. We never got Dean’s reaction to his confession, we don’t know how he felt about him, nor did Cas get to say goodbye to any other character. How did he get out of the Empty? What is he doing now? Is he still an angel? Also, he gave his life to save Dean, only for Dean to be killed not long after. My headcanon that is helping me cope with Dean’s death is thinking that he was so quick to accept his death because he was hoping to reunite in Heaven with Castiel. A girl can dream, ok??? But also, what about Jack? He is the new God, but I highly doubt it that he won’t drop by the Bunker from time to time, after all, Sam and Dean (AND CAS, ESPECIALLY CAS) raised him. And Charlie? Did she get back with Stevie? Did she and the boys go for drinks from time to time? And Jody? Donna? Claire? Sorry to be so repetitive, but I just can’t understand why the writers thought that these characters weren’t important enough to deserve a spot on the finale, and not just an off-hand mention (and not even all of them got that). Of course, the brothers are the main characters and their goodbye must be the longest and the most emotional of them all, but like I said before, the show stopped being just about the Winchesters on season 3, when Bobby was first introduced, maybe even 4, with Cas.
Overall, the finale left a lot of questions unanswered, most of them regarding secondary characters (but not less important for that!), completely destroyed Sam and Dean’s character development (Dean never got to be free, like he had been fighting for all season, probably all his life; Sam’s development is non-existing, as he ended up as he would’ve if he never had gotten on that hunting trip with Dean 15 years ago), and completely disregarded all the themes they had been setting up this season, probably on previous ones as well. It is sad knowing that the writers, either don’t know the show good enough to give it a proper goodbye, or they just didn’t care to do so. I don’t know who’s to blame here (definitely not the actors, though, probably someone higher up the chain), but I just know that I am so fucking disappointed. I expected more from the last episode of a 15-season TV show, one that has been part of my life for 7 years. I guess, that despite all of it, I can’t hate Supernatural. Maybe I was not a hardcore fan like some people on this site, but I did care for the characters and what happened to them. This is the show that introduced me to the world of shipping (Destiel will always hold a special place in my heart, it doesn’t matter how badly their relationship was treated, as well as the characters) and I got to discover one of my favorite characters, Dean Winchester. He is just such so complex, one that I relate to on so many levels, and his relationship with Cas has been the source of many short stories that I’ve never posted anywhere, but that have made me take up writing again. That’s the reason why I love the show so much, it has helped me tap into my creativeness and go back to writing, a passion of mine that I seem to have forgotten over the years. Anyways, maybe one day I’ll publish some of those stories, and maybe even write my own fix-it fanfic, but right now, I can’t deal with anything that has to do with the show, I am too hurt. Maybe once the five stages of grief are over, I might give it a try and read all of the amazing codas and fanfics that I’m sure will be posted here or on AO3. But for now, Supernatural is dead and gone, and I don’t want to talk nor think about it anymore. I’m done wasting my time here, because I feel like that’s what I’ve been doing this past 7 years after watching this crap of a finale.
To finish this long rant off, I just want to say thank you to some meta-writers, the true heroes of the fandom. Thanks to them, I carried on watching the show, because they made me have hope that things will get better. They are the ones that have made this experience worth something, and even though I’ve never spoken to any of them, I see you and I love you. Thanks for everything ❤. 
@tinkdw @charlie-minion @dotthings @heliodean @verobatto-angelxhunter @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover
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Home Sweet Home: Jody Says...
Summary- 3.6k Andy Barber x You. You and Andy almost have it all, married and with a jointed family consisting of Andy’s teenage son Jacob, as well as your two younger children John and Cassidy. Looking to add another member, your family is in need of a bigger house, a forever home. You find just the place, 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville Long Island.   Home Sweet Home
Written for @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​ Spooky Scary Stories challenge. Divider by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- A teenager mentions sex, uses drugs. Scene involving a finger getting stuck in a wound. 
A/N- I chose Amityville Horror for the challenge because its one of my favorite Spook Stories growing up. When reading you will find a lot of similarities to the 2005 Movie, some of the scenarios and dialogue are specifically from that film. Other parts of it are from the book itself. The family name was changed for my own personal reasons. Happy Haunting!  🎃
Chapter 3 / Masterlist 
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Weeks past, holidays started and it was just after thanksgiving when things started to settle down from the move. Nothing major happened, you and Andy seemed to be on the right track. Andy was getting busier with his clients. The house on Ocean Avenue now felt like home. The only thing that wasn't changing was Andy always being cold and his cough that you could hear booming from the basement. He was constantly bundled up, shivering, hiding cold hands against your back. “Andy Barber, god damn, go put some gloves on or something. Also it's been well over a month, you need to go see someone about that cough.” 
He would groan against your shoulder and move to wrap his hands around his mug of coffee. “This house is always cold. But I will... Mother.” He teased with an arched brow, sipping from his mug. “It's nothing, I just can't get the tickle from my throat. But I will make an appointment today.”  
“It's just you.” You respond while going back to your computer, and moving to sit while you go back to your project. “None of us are cold at all. And I am a mother, and I'm worried about it now.” 
“I know you are, I admit I never had something like this happen to me.” Andy shook his head as he sipped from his coffee, glancing outside to see it snowing out. “And it is cold, It’s snowing.” 
You're quick to get up and cuddle up to him, looking outside. “It's beautiful, maybe we will have a white Christmas. Which… speaking of Christmas. Come look at this.” You tugged Andy around to your laptop and had a local shelter page pulled up. “Look at this dog Andy. The kids have been asking for one since before we even got married. He's older, all trained, and he needs a home. What do you think?” You looked up at him and bit your lips excitedly, Andy leaned over your shoulder, scrolling through the page to read the description they gave. 
“Baby, you know we're going to have to take care of it. Walks, feeding, vet visits.” He pointed out and you shrugged. 
“That's fine, I always had one growing up so I know what to prepare for. It will be a good chore for John, give him some responsibilities.” you pointed out and Andy straightened. 
“You really want him, then you have to agree to one thing.” Andy straightened from behind you and looked down at you, once more letting a chilly hand rest on the back of your neck, but this time in a loving manner, not a teasing play.
You twisted in your seat to arch a brow in question, looking at him. 
“You have to go to dinner with me tonight, let Jacob watch the little's.” He smiled and you got up, wrapping your arms around his waist and winked. 
“I think that can be arranged Andy.” Leaning up to kiss him, the rest of the afternoon was going to visit the dog named Buster in the shelter and filled out the paperwork to bring him home. Andy of course was won right over as soon as the dog sat before him and wagged the tip of his tail, tongue lolling out. “Okay… I gotta admit you're pretty cute Buster.” Andy chuckled while kneeling in front of the dog, petting him and ruffling his ears.  After leaving the shelter with the promise to be in contact soon, you and Andy went to pick up the kids, letting them know your evening plans. 
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The evening was you trying to get dressed and into some makeup for the first time that felt like forever, Andy was in the closet picking through his suits. Cassidy kept coming in the bathroom to help you with your makeup, which you finally set her on the counter. While you were doing your lipstick, you gave her some chapstick. Then onto your eyes, she tugged on your sleeve. “My eyes to?” she asked, and you grasped her chin, tilting it up and sweeping the brush once on each eyelid. You then took a bit of blush and brushed it along her upper cheeks. Cassidy turned to look in the mirror, her eyes glancing up to the corner once in a while and giggling. “Mommy, Jody says I look pretty.” 
Your eyes lifted to where she was looking and you gave a smile to her while moving behind her to brush her hair and give it a braid for the night. “Baby, can you tell me about Jody? Does Jody live here?” 
“Yea, Jody has lived here a long time. Jody is happy we're living here now. Said that it was lonely here and wants us to stay forever.  Sometimes they look so sad Mommy whenever they think we might leave.” 
You nod as you split her braid in sections. Your fingers nimble as you work your lip a bit in thought. “Well we are staying for a long time because this is home baby. What does Jody look like? A pretty little girl like you, or maybe someone more like John or Jacob?” 
Cassidy pursed her lips like she was blowing herself a kiss. “No mommy, like forever forever. Never ever leave. We can just play all day. Jody said “You, Andy, Jacob and John can stay too.” 
That made you pause a bit, before continuing. “And what does Jody look like Baby? ” 
Cassidy shook her head and started. “Jody doesn’t want-” Andy stepped in, straightening his tie with his blue suit, looking at you in your little black dress and sleek high heels, Cassidy in her unicorn pajamas with the little bit of makeup on. 
“Well don’t my girls look so nice.” He complimented as you finished tying off Cassidy's braid. She turned quickly to face him, batting her eyelashes with a grin to show off her eyeshadow. “Ahh, very nice Princess.” He lifted Cassidy off the counter and whispered in her ear. “How about you go show Jacob how nice you look?” 
“Okay!” she said excitedly and sprinted away while you picked up a diamond stud off the counter and fitted it to your earlobe.
“She’s going to be over the moon you called her Princess.” you chuckled as you twisted the earring and took the other one to put on. 
“Well she looked like one.” He smiled and slid a hand down your back and you turned once you were finished, smoothing your hands over his suit with an appreciative sigh. “I always loved you in this one.” 
“I hope you love me without it too.” his hands slipped along your hips, looking you up and down. “You look beautiful Y/N. The diamonds fit nicely.” He complimented, and you couldn't help the shy smile on your face. 
“Someone very special gave them to me after we were married.” You leaned up to peck a kiss on his lips. “Later I will give you a proper one. I don't want to smudge my makeup yet.” 
He glanced at the watch on his wrist. “Plus we're gonna be late with our reservations, we gotta go.” he urged, and you collected your bag and draped a shawl over your shoulders. 
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Escorting you down the stairs, Andy paused going over the rules with the kids right quick with Jacob. “Dad, I got it. It's a few hours and I have watched them before.” Ushering out the door, Jacob waved goodbye from the porch and waited to see the car pull out the drive and was sure it was not turning back. He pulled out his phone and sent a text message to a friend. Smirking as he pocketed it, he turned to see Cassidy and John staring up at him. 
“What do you want rugrats? Food?” He asked with his hands falling to his hips looking at the two of them. They both nodded and he laughed. “Alright let's go see what your mom left for us tonight.” When they went in and opened the fridge, there was a pan of mac and cheese, labeled for the cooking directions. Within a few minutes, Jacob had the kids settle in front of the tv to Disney Plus, their food was cooking, and he got a text ~I’m here.
~Come in through the back so the kids don't know you're here. Jacob sent back. “I'm gonna go get your mac and cheese, be back in a moment.” which they barely acknowledged him and he went to see someone standing at the door. Opening it, he ushered her in. She giggled, wrapping an arm around Jacob and pressed up against him with a playful kiss. 
“I can't believe you live here. Which room is yours upstairs?” she wiggled brows and Jacob covered her mouth, looking over his shoulder. 
“Sammy, you gotta be quiet. My dad will kill me if he knows I snuck a girl in here.” he dropped his hand and nipped her lips, whispering. “Third door on the left, as soon as I get these two in bed I will be in.” 
Samantha nodded and winked. “I know the room, I used to come here to play with the Deffor kids all the time.” Jacob shrugged and motioned for her to be quiet once more. He snuck her through, ushering her upstairs when Cassidy looked over her shoulder, her eyes narrowing at the wall beyond the banister.
“Jody says she shouldn't be here Jacob.” 
The teenage boy scoffed and ruffled Cassidy's hair. “There ain't nobody here but us.” Whistling as he went back into the kitchen, Cassidy watched the shadow glide up the stairs, and she shrugged, going back to the movie. 
Finally Jacob wrangled them into their beds, checking his phone to see the time. His dad and you should still be out about an hour, maybe two. You typically messaged him a couple times during the night, and always when they were headed home. It would be easy to sneak Samantha back out. Knocking on his door, he went in his room to find her sprawled on his bed, a joint pressed against her lips and taking a deep inhale, giggling while watching the smoke spiral above her head. “I didn't think you were ever gonna quit playing babysitter downstairs.” 
Jacob collapsed on the bed next to her, and took the offered joint. “Finally was able to get them to bed. Sorry about the wait.” He leaned over and pressed his lips to hers, and she pushed her fingers through his longer locks, hissing against his lips. 
“Mmhh, I cant believe I’m going to have sex in the Amityville Horror House.” she giggled and Jacob pulled away, leaning on his elbow to take another drag of the joint before handing it over to her. 
“Amityville Horror House? Is that what it's actually called?” He questioned and Samantha nodded while sitting up and moving cross legged. 
“Come on, you don't know about what happened here?” Her jaw dropped and she laughed, Jacob shook his head. 
“No idea, come on… Tell me Sammy.” He nudged at her and she dropped some ashes in a nearby soda can. 
“Okay, let me tell you all about it.” she handed the joint back over and rubbed her hands gleefully. “So there was a family here called the Deffor's. Mom, dad, older son Ronnie and like a few other kids. Happy picture perfect family right?” Jacob nodded, and she snorted. “So one night Ronnie takes a rifle, bang bang bang. Shoots his parents in their bed. Goes to his brothers room and shoots them both too. His little sister, she runs to hide in the bathroom. He finds her and bangs, shoots her too. Someone finally called the cops, like a while later complaining about gunshots. Police get here, and find Ronnie down in the basement, crying about how they made him do it. Someone named Judy, Jody? I can't remember the name. Arrested him on the spot, threw him in prison for life.” 
“Holy shit… that's crazy.” Jacob’s eyes widened and Samantha nodded. “I mean this house is always weird as fuck, but damn.” 
“You should google it. Later.” Samantha smirked as she got up. “I'm going to freshen up, and will see you back here in a few minutes.” Winking, she slipped from the room and headed towards the bathroom. 
Jacob made himself comfy, lowered the light at his bed stand and pulled out a couple condoms from his nightstand, moving to lay down on the bed to wait. 
Samantha gave the bathroom a quick look around before she looked in the mirror, checking her makeup when the lights in the bathroom flickered. Lifting her eyes up to look at the bulbs, she backed up a bit worried. “What the-” 
“Hey Sammy, remember me?” a little voice spoke and she twisted around, to see a girl tilting her head with a playful smile. She recognized her, Ruby the sister Ronnie shot that night. Samantha shook her head with a whimper. 
“No… no, you're dead Ruby.” she told the little girl. 
“I know, Sammy, look what Ronnie did to me! Isn't it pretty!?” She moved her bangs aside and Samantha reared back in horror at the gaping hole in her forehead. Samantha backed up towards the sink, the small of her back hitting against it as the little girl kept coming. She looked towards the door about to bolt when hands curled into claws dug into her face from behind, holding her in place like she was in a vice while the girl reached for her hand, giggling. Samantha broke out screaming while the clawed fingers dug into her cheeks, and Ruby’s hand that was closed around her wrist were cold and clammy, wrenching her finger till she had the one she wanted. “Catch ‘em…” whatever was behind her whispered hoarsely in her ear, a slick feeling like a snakes tongue against Sam’s ear made her try to wrench out of its hold, and the girl started to push her finger into the wound on her forehead. “Kill ‘em, right Jody?” 
Samantha screamed again, putting all her strength into rearing back and she happened to slip, bashing her head off the sink and falling into a heap on the ground. 
Jacob heard the scream and rushed into the bathroom to find Samantha bleeding on the floor. “Oh shit!” He dropped to his knees to help her, and she scrambled to cling against him, sobbing in terror. 
“She was here, she was here.” she cried as Jacob touched the back of her head and came back sticky with blood. 
“Shit, Sammy I gotta call the ambulance.” He dug for his phone, shakily dialing 9-1-1 while holding her close. 
John and Cassidy who also heard the commotion ran to the bathroom, and Jacob told them to stay back. Cassidy just shook her head slowly. “Jody said she shouldn't be here.” When Samantha heard the name Jody, she started to panic again and Jacob screamed at them to go back to their rooms.
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Andy pulled up the driveway to see flashing lights of an ambulance in their driveway, and you gasped. “Oh my god Andy, the kids.” You ripped out of the car and ran towards the house, Andy not far behind to see a teenage girl being wheeled out on a stretcher and they bypassed her into the house to see Jacob talking to an EMT, as well as John and Cassidy sitting on the stairs, hugging there stuffed animals and looking shocked. You let your hand rest on Jacobs back a moment to make sure he was okay, then past him to the two younger children. Andy watched as you checked them, and paused by Jacob. 
“What is going on here?” Andy demanded to know, and Jacob turned shakily to Andy. 
“I had a friend come over, something happened in our bathroom and she bashed her head against the sink, splitting her head open.” Andy could see how shaken up his son was and pulled Jacob into his arms in a hug, patting his back. 
“Okay, good. I'm glad you got emergency services.” 
The EMT nodded, looking at Jacob when father and son split apart. “Always call us right away. When we took her out, she said something like “She’s dead.” Do you know what that is about?” 
Jacob hesitated and shook his head, Andy shrugged. “Sorry Sir, my wife and I were to dinner, so I'm just hearing about all this.” 
The EMT nodded and excused himself. Within a few minutes the rest of the house cleared up, and Jacob watched the ambulance leave. He whipped around and folded his arms. “So what, were you never going to tell me what this place was?” 
Andy rubbed at his temple a moment, feeling the beginning of a headache. “Jake not tonight, we will talk in the morning.” 
“The Amityville Horror House, Fucking seriously?” Jacob ignored his father while you started to usher the protesting kids up the stairs. “Some guy went through and just shot his whole family!” 
“Jake, shut up!” Andy snapped while the two kids peeked around you, and John wailed. 
“Someone got shot here! Mommy I don't want to sleep here.” The boy looked up, panicked and you shushed him. 
“Come on, upstairs.” You tried to urge him up but now they were all worked up again, and Andy could feel his barely there control snapping, turning towards the three of you on the stairs. “Cut the shit and get upstairs, now!” 
You pause and the two children race up the stairs, making Andy grate his teeth at the way they thumped up. Now you're pissed and he could see it on your face. 
“Andy Barber, don't you ever talk to them like that again.” You hissed and then turned your back to go up. Andy snapped his attention back to his son. 
“And what the fuck were you doing with a girl here up in your room?” 
“Doesn't matter Dad, what matters is we are living here. This place is messed up. No wonder why our lives have been going to shit since we moved here! Sammy didn't just fucking hit her head, something scared her shitless. You, you fucking changed, Cass has that weird imaginary friend shes always talking to, plus you cant deny just the weird crap that happens in this house. Am I not the only one who sees all this going on?” 
“Jacob, will you listen to yourself? There is nothing wrong with this fucking house. Something bad here happened years ago and it's over. Bad shit happens sometimes.” Andy snapped and Jacob rolled his eyes at his father. 
“Whatever Dad, you should have still told me so I could have had the option to move in with mom.” 
“You want to move in with your Mom?” Andy paused a moment, his own arms mimicking his sons and crossing his chest. 
“Maybe, would have been nice to consider instead of living in this fucking place.” Jacob hissed in anger, moving past his father to start up the stairs. 
“Fine.” Andy threw up his hands in defeat. “Move in with her, I'm not stopping you, nor have I ever. But you listen to me Jake, no more bringing fucking girls up to your room. None of this sneaking them the fuck around. This is my house, and I expect you to follow these rules.” 
Jacob turned his back on Andy and continued up the stairs, slamming his door. Andy's head was pounding now, and all he wanted was a drink. In particular the bourbon he had in his desk down in the basement. Without waiting to see how you were dealing, he made his way down the stairs. Not even bothering to flip on the lights till he got to his desk and sat down, reaching to turn on the lamp on the desk. Finding his bottle and glass, he started to drink.
You came down later, and started turning off lights around the house, and when you went in the kitchen, you could see a little bit of light coming from the stairs. Making your way down, you knew you would find Andy brooding, which was accurate. Sure enough he sat slouched in his seat, twirling the tumbler slightly while staring at it.
“Hey, everyone is down. Do you wanna come up to bed Andy?” You stop in front of his desk, and it just looks eerie around him. The light on the desk seemed to be so weak compared to the dark shadows behind him, and they seemed to be yawning around him, ready to suck him from you forever. 
“No.” he simply said and set his glass down to pour in more. “I have work to do.” 
You huffed a bit, scowling. “What? Before we even got home, we were talking about what we were going to do tonight in bed.” 
He gave a roll of a shoulder then, glaring at you. “Not in the fucking mood anymore, m’kay Y/N.” 
“You were just fine till you came down here Andy.” You took a deep breath and started again. “Come on Baby, we can still salvage the night. Everyone is okay, and maybe next time we will get a babysitter.” you smiled and Andy scowled at you. 
“How many god damn times do I have to tell you not to treat me like one of your kids? Baby? That fucking sweet talk is annoying as hell.” 
Hearing him, your gut dropped and your anger flared. “Fuck you Andy.” You turned back to go up the stairs, and he chuckled while saying to you’re retreating back. 
“Not tonight sweetheart.” Andy said darkly with a sneer to his tone.
“Don’t bother coming to bed.” you snapped back at him while slamming the basement door shut, and leaving the kitchen. “Fucking asshole of a husband.” 
Downstairs Andy leaned back, shivering but at this point he was used to it. Shooting back the last of his bourbon, he threw the glass to the side and took the bottle. Behind him red eyes glowered and the audible hiss filled the room. Catch ‘em, Kill ‘em. He glanced at the picture on his desk and rage filled him seeing those faces, his family. He reached over and slammed it down hard, hard enough he heard the glass shatter. Going back to his liquor, a shadow separated, gliding across the floor and up the back of his chair till it settled on his shoulders, steadily feeding that anger and rage till Andy started to think of all the way’s to murder someone.
The shadow started to continue growing solid, whispering into Andy’s ear. 
Catch ‘em Kill ‘em  
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almaasi · 4 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 15x18 “Despair”
my post leading up to this: https://almaasi.tumblr.com/post/634003656411381760/i-have-seen-the-spn-spoilers-okay-okay-okay
i found a faster torrent and there are 7 minutes until it’s done I’M GONNA GO WANDER AROUND FOR A BIT BRB
window is blacked out
i am as ready as i can be, i think
omg so much has happened irl i fully forgot what happened at the end of the last ep so THANK U RECAP
just as i was thinking “aaah billie’s probably lying, jack’s capital D Dead” THERE’S JACK
JACK’S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice shot
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they better both make it to the end and out the other side or istg
babe is named stevie
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we’re like 1/3 of the way into this episode?? damn
cas and jack hanging out on the hood of the impala like the brothers did all those years ago
good family talk spot
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high quality face
cas baby yesssssssssssssssssssssss
these are the words cas can say because he knows them for himself
oh i wish we’d had more donna and jody :/
dean’s gonna lose cas and then it’s gonna be the sam+charlie+dean “i just lost my lover” club :c
just thinkin about the ending of the final episode
the only two endings i really want are:
everyone we love is somehow alive and they drive into the sunset
they all die but wake up in heaven and there’ll be peace when you are done
or some combination thereof
billie: i didn’t hurt your friends
yeah i thought not
bobby vanishes and my eyes flood with tears
that last look between him and sam........
wait when was donna from another universe??? or did she die at some point
dean: “what do we do, ca--- my heart”
i’m not ready for whatever’s about to happen
I’M SO !!!!!!!!!!
this sure is a screenshot huh
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/mutes discord bc this needs all of my attention
cas’ eyes are starting to tear up and he’s smiling as he starts to talk and ohhhhhhhhh here it comes
a wall.
between them.
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talk about SYMBOLISM
jensen’s pupils are so wide right now holy shit
“you are the most caring man on earth”
dean looking at these words like it’s news to him
thank you for saying these things we’ve all been yelling at the screen for years
........i can’t let myself believe that was it
in no conceivable world do the writers get this far, give us THAT, and have it never be mentioned again or properly resolved
hello yes i’m waiting for the magic ritual where cas’ bloody handprint plays a part
yeah i mean
if they saved the whole world multiple times over
everyone’s gotta go
oh dean................. oh no
i feel like my full reaction is reserved 
because this was half a story. this was one-sided and it was just cas’ monologue. dean has things to say
i know people (misha??) has said it’s a permadeath but i do not believe that, and i don’t believe anything anyone says about what’s coming tbh
i got an anon in my inbox a few weeks ago who correctly predicted this, saying they knew someone on set, but like......... the real ending would be top secret and anything that gets out would not end up in the inbox of some fic author along with a bad vibe. (i didn’t answer it, not wanting to stir up shit.)
that anon said cas isn’t in the last two episodes. except that can’t possibly be true because we, the audience, can see people in the empty, and cas still needs to yell at the empty, and death is in there too... and the empty just wants to sleep so we need to see that too, and cas would be there.
two episodes left
i’m wary of the next one because it’s the deadly duo writing, but they seem to be okayish these days so maybe it’ll be fine
but the finale..... fingers crossed <3
fingers also crossed for a blue georgia, north carolina, and pennsylvania <3
/goes back to cnn livestream because I WANNA WATCH WHEN GEORGIA FLIPS
also. back to spn for a sec. i’m a leeeeeeetle bit mad that the gay black woman disappears first. like i know everyone died but. haven’t we had enough of that??
eh. this show is what it is, and i just gotta accept that, BUT ALSO I THINK WE’RE GENUINELY GETTING SOMEWHERE WITH DEAN AND CAS HERE
but only so long as this actually has a conclusion
which it must do
because this is very much an emotional cliffhanger. cas just emotion-dumped and then fucked off so dEAN’S GOTTA PROCESS AND THEN CHASE HIM
we didn’t watch 15 years of this thing only to be given half of what we wanted in the closing moments, and then get left left high and dry. the writers/producers are clearly willing to give us canon love confessions, and they're not gonna get as far as this, with a finale as tense and dramatic as this, and be like lol dean's straight and only likes cas as a friend........... after he’s dead and died for the joy of their love........... that's beyond madness
and dean needs to SPEAK. there are so many things he’d never said. and he needs to say them to cas. he was basically silent in this conversation and you can’t just say that’s their ending. it’s not their ending.
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Good morning!
I’ll never get over the end of Supernatural. 
I just won’t. 
And I’m gonna talk about it some more under the cut.
Buckle up. I’m back on my bullshit.
Here’s what’s jarring: The end of 15x18 felt so honest. I mean, we can make jokes about Jensen’s reaction shots and super mega hell or whatever, and we can be angry about Cas’s fate, too. That last one, at least, is a totally valid criticism. 
But Ackles, Collins and Speight have all gone on record on that moment in the show, talking about the heart and honesty behind it (Speight and Collins on a virtual convention chat, Ackles in the instagram comments of a woman who worked in wardrobe on the show, though he was talking about the how as a whole). A lot of thought and care and work - and probably fights with the network - went into that one scene to make it land, and if you’ve been actually watching the show, it really does, especially if you take into account that you now get to rewatch the show with the knowledge that Castiel was in love with Dean, and that’s going to give a canonical, romantic context to his actions.
But when we hit 15x19 and 15x20, it...it feels like a completely different show. 
Here’s what’s interesting about Supernatural: Since day one, the underlying heartbeat of the show has been this lowkey feeling of yearning. Of reaching out for something you know is just out of reach. And I don’t know if that was intentional, and I don’t know how they managed to keep that up for 15 years (I blame the cast), but for whatever reason, that feeling is entirely missing from the last two episodes.
That heartbeat just...isn’t there. And so when we watch the last two episodes, and very specifically, the last episode, it feels all wrong. It feels like we’re watching cardboard cutouts of these characters.
Dean’s million year death scene felt all wrong. Jensen acted the hell out of it, but it felt all wrong. The end montage felt all wrong. Even Heaven felt all wrong. It was all wrong, for a number of reasons.
1. The big one being that Supernatural is an action show. And the last episode had no action. The first 10 minutes of the episode is great as a set-up. Dean and Sam keep on keeping on. The dog, the laundry. All good.  
But then we come to the pie conversation, and we find out that Sam and Dean...
Are not actively looking for a way to bring Cas back. 
This is the one major plot thread left for the show to cover. Castiel has been taken by the Empty to fulfill his deal, and if there’s one thing we know for a fact about Supernatural, it’s that these dumb boys make deals and then do their damndest to save each others’ skins from the consequences of those deals.That’s been the through-line of the show sinse season 2/3. 
So why is it dropped here? 
Dean’s acceptance that his best friend - who just confessed that he was in love with Dean - is gone forever is deeply out of character. 
2. And I’ve talked about this a lot: killing a character with a history of mental illness and suicidal ideations and calling it a reward is a bad look. I can’t stop thinking about it, and it makes me feel downright ill. It goes against all of the work the cast has done to raise money for mental health awareness and it’s just a dark, unhappy end for a character who saw 15 years of growth and acceptance. I will never be over Dean Winchester’s death. Ever. 
3. Cas’s love confession is never mentioned again. This enormous, beautiful confession he gives Dean is just...forgotten. Dean never mentions it. He never tells Sam that it happen. We have no indication of how Dean feels about it at all, save for a little smirk he gives when Bobby mentions Cas helping Jack create Heaven. 
We can read the smirk a number of ways. It could be a “yay Cas is safe” smirk or a “Yay I finally get to talk to him about how mad I am that he made that deal and also tell him I love him back” or a “Sweet I’m super gonna get laid” smirk.
But we’re given no real answers. 
Which leads me to my final point: 
4. The finale commits to nothing, and ignores everything we previously knew about the show. It gives no real answers or finality to anything other than Dean’s death, and then, eventually Sam’s. “Was that blurry woman Eileen?” You figure it out. “Did Dean ever see Cas again?” The world may never know. Jared went on record as saying that the finale takes place 5 years from 15x19 but that’s not confirmed because 15x20 makes no mention of a time jump. So maybe it was, but maybe it wasn’t? Why did we get this tiny shitty funeral for Dean when Sam could have called Jody and Donna and Bobby and Charlie and Claire etc. Even with COVID restrictions there would have been a way around showing the characters being there and us being TOLD that they WERE there. A call from Jody, saying she and Donna were on their way? A condolence call from Bobby? Rowena is the queen of hell, and she cared about Sam a lot. She couldn’t call to check in? As it is, Donna has law enforcement calling one of Dean’s phones for help because Sam told none of the people who also loved Dean that Dean had died. Which is totally out of character for Sam not to lean on friends, and also fucked up. What happened to Dean’s dog? Did Sam ever talk to any of the people in his hunter life ever again? If Jack had saved Castiel from the Empty, and it is, in fact, five years in the future, it is out of character for Castiel not to be watching the Winchesters from heaven. He would have seen Dean get mortally wounded, and it’s very out of character for him not to come down and save Dean with his Angel mojo. 
So my big question is this: Why did we watch 15 years of this show only for one of them to die in a really ho-hum, out of character way, and the other to live an apple pie life he wasn’t even happy in? 
I think about that a lot: That Dean’s ending, his death, we’re told, is a good death, and that he gets to rest and be happy in heaven. Which feels wrong.
And Sam lives the apple pie life, which we’re told is a good life and something he’s at peace with, which also feels wrong, and we’re SHOWN it’s wrong, because Sam isn’t happy. 
In the end, we’re told that the only true happiness is in death. Which, for a show that spat in Death’s face - that literally KILLED multiple incarnations of death - makes absolutely no sense. 
And it’s driving me crazy  because I can’t justify anything that happens in this episode except for Dean hugging the dog, and Sam hitting Dean in the face with a piece of pie. 
what the fuck.
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writergamermom · 4 years
Promo and Live Blogging #6
Ship Your Own Adventure
Chapter 1 Billie/Crowley; Chapter 2 Sam/Eileen; Chapter 3 Dean/Crowley; Chapter 4 Kevin/Aaron; Chapter 5 Claire/Kaia; Chapter 6 Sam/Gadreel; Chapter 7 Crowley/Mick Davis; Chapter 8 Dean/Benny; Chapter 9 Bobby+ Rufus; Chapter 10 Dean/Castiel
Man Emblue Sparks did their own art! How can I top this?
His beloved Imperium Innocentia never ceased to fill him with wonder, and yet as of late, he'd begun to feel a worrisome unease when visiting. The loyal ferrymen were paid handsomely to usher his precious souls from there to the shores of Elysium and Asphodel Meadows. Neither Castiel nor Gabriel had reported any bumps in the proverbial road, so that couldn't be the source. 
               To be honest I am rather confused.
The realm was fiercely protected by thousands of wardings and enchantments. His rambunctious rescues were all squeals and delight as their tender souls regained the sweet innocence lost, as was the realms purpose. However, when visiting recently, his grace sensed...not a presence really, but a watchfulness. As if some all seeing eye was casting itself upon it.
So a place in the Scottish highlands is the first circle of hell where all the unborn or unbaptized babies are? Wait Crowley has GRACE? So confused.
Perhaps she'd care for some tea..or Craig? No, no scotch wouldn't do, how would that appear? Lovely to make to your acquaintance. May I invite you into my home for strong spirits on a whim?
I mean I wouldn’t say no, but I am drunk so what are you going to do.
He'd longed to ask her why she felt so familiar. Why in her presence he felt they might have been from another time altogether. A far away memory tiptoed on the edges of recollection just out of his mind's reach. Crowley would spend untold hours in contemplation, opening his mind in hopes the memory in which he sought might emerge from its shy shell and present itself. Alas, to his disappointment, none had stepped forward to claim that missing piece of neurological real estate thus far.
Wow, this is some kind of poetry.  Okay there are some major spoilers so I won’t post any more for this chapter. But I want to read more. There are like layers here man.
Chapter Two Notes: Because I cannot abide the logic surrounding Eileen's absence in the finale. Every actor is entitled to their opinion, as are we, the fans. Though I disagree with Jared, I'll defend his right to express his thoughts. But seeing as how this is my interpretation of this pairing, I'm giving Sam and Eileen this ending I feel they deserved because this handling of the finale among other things had me livid.
               Ooops, I have not watched the last season. Oh well.
And yet for Sam, the fates had been so unkind. For as his son grew and garnered a beautiful life of his own, one he happily shared with none other than Castiel Fitzgerald, his memory of Eileen began to fade. Once Dean Jr had realized it was happening, he'd prayed.
               Dean Jr. and Castiel Fitzgerald are together and Sam is losing his memories.  Bittersweet!
"Dean is well, although he misses you. We're happy, he and I. Eileen as well. I've heard your son's prayers. He fears you'll forget her due to your memories' condition. You sustained many concussions throughout your life. She grows..blurry for you, does she not?"
               Yeah Sam got hit in the head a lot!
Without warning, Jody walks into his home.
He turns his head, stunned. She shouldn't be even be driving anymore let alone-
Anybody home?" Claire and Kaia both called out as they too enter.
               Aww I love these girls. Imagine Old Jody still kicking ass and filled with sass.
"Let's get this party started," Jody suggested, busting a bottle of Johnny Walker Black label from her oversized old lady purse.
Chapter 3  It wasn't the first time he'd watched Dean Winchester sleep, nor would it be the last. But he'd paid close attention when overhearing the very true sentiment expressed, "It's just creepy." Since then he'd taken extra precautions not to make the seraph's mistake.
               So it’s Dean and someone not Cas.
Dean was as tenacious as any demon,
               It’s Crowley!
They'd had a deliciously rambunctious role in the proverbial hay with triplets earlier that evening.
               Yeah I knew they had an orgy!
He began slowly pulling his hand back, so slowly in fact, he hoped it would go unnoticed. However, before it left the warmth of Dean's skin, he felt Dean pointedly grab his hand. 
               Wow. Yeah. That’s the good stuff.
Chapter 4: You got the job?! Awesome! Well, I knew you would. You're an outstanding accountant," Kevin glowed at his best friend Aaron, whom he'd helped land a position at the same company he worked at.
               WOOT KEVIN! I love Kevin. And Aaron.  I can see it.
Kevin had found an outstanding job at "Write Your Own Story," a place kind of like Total Rekall, only no memory sorcery involved. His friend Claire and her wife Kaia had inherited a typewriter from a long lost uncle...Megatron or something like that. They discovered its magic and sought to use it for good but also a career. It was gaining steam, paid the bills, but barely out of the beta phase.
               Nice! I dig all of this.
Over the next few weeks business boomed with the coming holidays. People wanted to write those they loved beautiful dreams as gifts. And as Kevin discovered, it was all the ink.        
               I would love to give someone good dreams.
Get out. I can’t believe you would do something like this. And you used a sacred holiday too..ya know what? Nevermind, I'm late for service, make sure you're not here when I get back."
               Oh NO!
Chapter 5: "We all missed you and mourned you. Just because we'd just met didn't mean we hadn't looked forward to welcoming you into our little family," Jody declared to Kaia as they pulled out from the bunker and started their five hour journey plus change back to Souix Falls.
I have not watched season 15, did Kaia and Claire get a reunion? I think I remember hearing something about Jody and Kaia. How sweet if she got to bring her home.
"I'm not gonna intervene with you two beyond this, but hearing from Sam all these years about how Dean and Cas keep dancing around each other,
               Poor Sam
"It's really you…" the golden lightning in a bottle whispered before slamming into her, squeezing so hard her eyeballs almost popped out.
Chapter 6 Sam's crushed on the martial arts instructor at the Men of Letters Academy for a year and finally finds an opportunity to do something about it.
               I don’t know what this is.
Sam Winchester had been working at the Letters Academy for all of one year as a Professor of Supernatural History and Lore. Dean had graduated ten years prior and was a field agent with a partner of the celestial variety, Castiel. Sam preferred employment on the educational side of operations and prepared his students well, heavily arming them with the knowledge of what was out there and how to effectively neutralize it, if necessary.
               Cool. I am down for this
The instructor had joined the academy's faculty the same time as Sam and to say he had a crush on the guy was putting it mildly. His name was Gadreel, and like Dean's partner,
               Man they would make a mightily tall couple.
"Heard Max Banes is working through the ranks of Tai Kwon Do pretty fast. Aces all the tests and assignments in my class. Seems pretty motivated.." Sam tossed out for conversation.
               Before Covid I was doing pretty well with Taekwondo. I have not kept up.
"Those are effective, until knocked out of your hand or your mag runs out. Come by sometime, I'll show you some stuff..if you want."
               Yeah Ill show you some stuff too. In my pants!
"Private lessons I see, Gadreel. I'd no idea they were on the table. Perhaps we can come to some..arrangement." Sam looked up to see Arthur Ketch standing in the doorway aiming a lascivious grin at Gadreel.
               EWWW. Can we say creepy
It had Sam considering the length of his wingspan.
               Wingspan… Sure
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supernatural-love14 · 4 years
Crossroad Demon
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Summary: After a hunt goes wrong. You make a deal to bring back Sam, but to hold up your end of the deal, you have to become the one thing you hate the most. Will Dean and Sam be able to save you?
Chapter Summary: After Y/N’s disappearance, the boys start to search for her, but not before dealing with a few things themselves.
Warnings: Angst, language, dickhead of a demon (don’t think that's a warning)
Pairings: Eventual Dean x Female reader, Sam x Female reader (Platonic)
Word count: 2880
SPOTIFY Chapter Music: Brother by Kodaline, Drowning by Radio Company, Carry on my Wayward Son by Kansas
Main Masterlist
Crossroad Demon Masterlist
← Part 2
Part 3 - Finding You!
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Dean’s POV
Slowly heading towards Sam, my face remains shocked, before I stop altogether. Not truly believing that Sam is there, I look down to the practically empty bottle of whiskey in my hand, before placing it on the War Room table.
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“Sam? How?” Rushing towards my brother, wrapping my arms around Sam into a bear hug, I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. Pulling away, I check Sam for any injuries, checking mostly where the Vamps had bit into him around his neck. “How are you alive?” mumbling at Sam.
“I-I don’t know. I woke up in my room. What happened?”
“Vampires. Y/N and me. We couldn’t get to you in time.” Trying to explain as best that I could as I quickly brought Sam into another hug, my heart swelling at the thought of my brother alive. “We brought you back here. Put you in your room.”
“Where’s Y/N?” Looking around for their best friend, noticing the trashed-up library. “What happened over there?”
“Me. I kind of destroyed it. After we put you in your room.”
“What about Y/N? Dean?” Sam looks expectantly at me, waiting for the answer. “Dean, where is she?”
“She, um, she’s gone.”
“W-what do you mean gone?” A questioning look appearing in his eyes, Sam’s concerned features takes over.
“She left, after an argument. I-I guess.”
“Dean! What is wrong with you? You let her leave. Why would you do that?”
“I couldn’t help it. You were dead.”
“Dean, I told you. I told you not to do this. When I was dying in that nest, I told you to not blame her, to not let her leave, to tell her the truth. Why couldn’t you do that?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t bring her back here.” Sam says before running a hand over his face, stopping when he reaches his mouth, realising something. “Wait a minute. I was brought back to life, wasn’t I?”
“I-I guess. Why? What are you thinking?”
“If it wasn’t you, Dean.” The realisation finally hits Sam’s head. “What the hell! It was Y/N. wasn’t it. She made a deal.”
“No, no, no. She couldn’t have. She wouldn’t have.” panic sears into my eyes, bringing out concern. “No. No. Don’t say it. Why would she do that?”
“What did you say to her Dean? When you made her leave, what did you say to her?”
“Dammit.” My hands running through my hair, turning my back to Sam. “I-I told her… I told her it was her fault that you were dead.”
“DEAN? You can’t be serious!”
“I was angry, I was grieving your death.” I snap back around to face my brother. “I was just taking it out on the first person I saw. I made her leave Sammy. I did this to her.”
“We have to find her. We have to save her.” Sam said, “I’ll call Cas, see if he’s heard from her or knows anything from Angel radio.”
“Right, I’ll call her again, if they haven’t already dragged her to Hell.” Even the thought of that hit me hard in the chest, breaking my heart. The idea of Y/N being in Hell. I just prayed that she was still on Earth.
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“Dean. Jody called something about a nest near Sioux Falls. She needs backup. I told her we would help her.” Sam calls out to me from the War Room, he just entered. A pile of books and pieces of paper scattered the Library table, where I was sitting. My laptop in front of me, as I search for practically anything on Y/N. So far, nothing.
“I’m not giving up on this Sam.” I said as I turned my head towards him. Sam strides towards me grabbing the top of the laptop, before closing it.
“Look man, I never said we’d give up on this. But there’s nothing so far. Every hunter out there will call us if they find anything.” Sam explained, sitting on the table, staring down at me as I lean back in the chair. “Cas will find something on Y/N. We both know that he won’t stop looking until something comes up. But we need this. We need to help Jody. If we continue to sit here, researching, we will never find Y/N. Ever.”
“Sam. You have got to understand that all of this is my fault. I’m the one that sent her away. She could be hurt, tortured, or-o-or dead.” Closing my eyes, the thought of Y/N being dead, breaks my heart.
“We don’t know anything yet. We don’t know for real if Y/N made a deal. Something else might have brought me back. Mayble Crowley. Maybe the Angels - highly unlikely. Or maybe it was God. But Y/N has practically disappeared off the planet. No one knows where she is right now. We can’t do anything to help her if we don’t know where she is. But what we can do, right now, is go kill some vamps.”
“Fine. But if something comes up and we’re not here to see it. It’s your fault.” I say, standing up to go grab my things from my room. Sam quickly puts his hands up in a surrender stance. “We leave in ten.”
Moving swiftly towards my room, I pass Y/N’s room. Her door was shut and for a second I thought I heard movement from behind the door. Grabbing my pistol that was tucked into the back of my jeans, cocking it, I enter her room turning on the light. Empty. Nothing had been touched. Nothing had even been in here since I realised she left. Sighing, I put away my gun, having a quick look around the room before leaving, shutting the door behind me.
Heading to my room, I enter turning on the light, grabbing my duffle bag. Shoving a whole load of weapons and clothes into the bag and zipping it up, I pick it up throwing it over my shoulder before I head to the Garage. Sam was alreading in the Garage, waiting for me. I sighed when I chucked my bag into the trunk of the car.
“Hey man, what took you so long?” Sam said, as he headed for the passenger door.
“Nothing, just choosing what I should take for the hunt.” I wasn’t going to tell him I thought someone was in Y/N’s room.
“Right… well we should get going before Jody decides to take on the vamp nest alone.” Chuckling at the thought Sam gets in Baby.
Getting into the driver side myself, We head out of the bunker, with me driving us to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
After a five hour drive to Sioux Falls, we finally made it. Pulling into Jody’s place, we park up - Jody already waiting for us with a big grin on her face.
“Well look who decided to show up.”
“Hey, Jody!” A smile forming on my face as I got out of Baby to go give Jody a hug. 
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Sam does the same thing once I step back.
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“You boys ready for the nest?”
“More than ready. So what’s the play?”
“Well, from my guess there are about six vamps in total.”
“Let’s play this smart Jody, we’ll stick together. Have each other’s back. Keep a lookout for more vamps. They might just be hiding in the shadows.” Sam planned out looking at me, we both remembered what happened last time we dealt with Vampires. I am not going through that again.
“You sure you’re up for this Sam? You know, after last time.” I ask him out of concern.
“I’m fine Dean.”
“W-what do you mean after last time?” Jody questioned, her inner-mother concern being brought out.
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“It’s nothing Jody, don’t worry about it. Just a hunt that went wrong.” Sam replied.
“Don’t lie to me, Sam Winchester. Spill. Now!” That mother tone would put the fear of God in anyone, and it’s not even directed at me.
“Well… Um… I died. Kind of. But then I was brought back after a friend gave up their life for mine. We think. Anyway.”
“I’m sorry, What?! Am I supposed to understand that nonsense?”
“Basically. Sam was killed by vampires. And then Y/N, um... one of our closest friends. She, uh, she made a deal - at least we think she did - to bring back Sam.” I explained, while Jody’s face fell into shock, mouth wide open at the reveal.
“Wait. You mean Y/N Y/L/N?”
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“Yeah? You know her?” Sam asked, head tilted in confusion.
“She saved my life a few times now on hunts. She was a good person.”
“Well, now she’s missing. We think she made a deal to bring back Sam. It’s the only reason we have to believe when Sam came back to life.”
“So, what, she’s in hell?”
“Maybe. We’re not sure. Maybe she got some time before being sent to hell. But if she's still here we have to find her. We’ve been looking for signs, omens. But so far, nothing.” Sam explains.
“I’ll send out some feelers. See if anyone has heard anything.”
“Thanks Jody.”
“It’s no problem. Now what do you say we go kill some Vampires? Huh.” Jody said, pulling out a machete from her car. Before heading over to my Baby.
“Let’s go.” I replied as we all piled into my car before speeding off to the Vampires location.
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Nothing. There is absolutely nothing on Y/N. No one has heard from her. Not Cas. Not Jody. Me and Sam had started to go to many different crossroads, trying to find a demon that would give us a deal. But nothing. It was as if the demons were trying to hide what was really going on.
At our next stop, another crossroad. 
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Me and Sam stand in the centre as he places the box in the middle of the road, covering it up. A red-painted demon’s trap surrounded the area, from where we had painted it not minutes beforehand for insurance, before Sam started to recite the spell.
“Not you two.” We hear from behind, turning around quickly  to see the red-eyed demon, clearly not amused.
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“Well, you don’t have a choice. We need information.” I tell him, bringing out the demon blade that had resided in my jacket pocket.
“You really think I’m scared of that dinky little thing?” The demon laughed.
“Oh, we know you are!” Sam said, smirking.
“Look. I have nothing. No information on the whereabouts of Miss Y/L/N.”
“Why did you say Miss Y/L/N?” My face etched with confusion, such a strange way to say it for a demon, right?
“Yeah, and how did you know we were talking about her?” Sam asked, taking a step forward towards the demon.
“Well, you have been bothering the other demons at every crossroad you’ve come across. Nasty business that, What else would it be about?”
“Just tell us what we want to know and we’ll let you go.” Sam negotiated.
“Like you did with the other demons? Did you really have to kill them?” The demon said as he started to walk around the demons trap, with us turning our bodies, following his movements.
“Just. Tell. Us.” My teeth clenching together as I spoke the words. The anger within me radiating, losing my patience with this demon.
“I hear that this is all Dean’s fault. Isn’t that right?” The demon laughed.
“How’d you hear that?” Sam asked, while putting a hand on my shoulder to stop me from killing the demon. No matter how much I wanted to tear this demon apart I had to keep it together for Y/N. I knew this was all my fault and I would be damned if I didn’t spend the rest of my pitiful life trying to make it up to Y/N, wherever she is.
“Where do you think?” The demon smiled. A look I just wanted to wipe off of his stupid face. “Hell, of course. From the King himself.”
“What? How the hell does he know?” Sam turned his head towards me, confusion etched into his face.
“He’s the King of Hell. He practically knows everything.” The smug demon is practically asking for death right now as I try to hold back my urges to kill him.
“Where is she?” I growled at the demon.
“Hell.” The demon smirked, me and Sam looked at each other, before turning back to the demon.
“We want to make a deal. Me and Sam for Y/N.”
“What do you mean no? It’s the best kind of deal.” Sam asked, confused why any demon would ever refuse an offer like that.
“Because I said so. No Crossroad Demon will ever make a deal with the likes of you. Not after what you guys have done to the other demons.”
“Fine. We’ll do this the hard way.” I said, stepping forward towards the demon, raising the demon knife as he stepped backwards with his hands raised.
“Woah, hold on. Let’s talk about this.”
“No, the time for making a deal is over. You had your chance. Now we do it my way.” Me and Sam quickly grab the demon by the arms, before placing the demon handcuffs on him.
“Ok. Ok. Wait. I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you her next location.”
“Her next location? What’s that supposed to mean?” Sam questioned.
“You don’t know, do you Winchester-scum?” The demon laughed, as I raised the knife to his throat. His laugh quickly subsided as he realised his predicament.
“Tell us now! What do you mean?” I practically shouted in his face.
“Well now, this is quite enjoyable. But I’m not going to tell you anything until I know that I will be getting out of this situation alive.” The demon bargained, smirking at his proposition.
“Fine. You’ll live, if you tell us what you mean.”
“I made the deal with her. To bring back Sam.” The demon started, smiling as he turned to look at Sam. “Crowley didn’t just want her soul in Hell.”
“Then what did he want?” Sam asked. I keep the knife close to the demon’s neck, putting a slight pressure on it, forcing the demon to speak.
“You have got to know that Crowley always gets what he wants.” He smiled, reminiscing about the deal he made with her all those months ago. “She’s a demon.”
“What?!” Me and Sam say at the same time. Shock clearly hitting us both.
“Not just any demon, you know. She’s the best. Crowley’s favourite.”
“No. No, I don’t believe you. She would never accept a deal like that.” I said, pushing the knife deeper against his skin, letting some of the blood drip down.”
“Hey now, hold your horses. She chose this. I didn’t make her say yes. I didn’t make her seal the deal. That was all her.”
“Tell the truth!” I shouted at him, anger radiated through me.
“Dean. Wait. We need to know where she’s going to be.” Sam tried desperately to calm me. His hand on my shoulder to tell me to let the pressure off of the demon's neck.
“Yes. You do. I know where she will be next.”
“Start talking now. Where?” Still holding the knife to the neck, slighting, but not putting too much pressure on it, I wait for the demon to squeal.
“Abbotsford, W-W-Winsconsin… Now let me go!”
“Fine, we’ll let you go. Back to Hell. Sam, start the exorcism.” Moving the knife away from the demon, I put the knife back into my jacket pocket waiting for Sam to start the exorcism.
“What?! No, you said you would let me go…” The demon looked from Sam to me to then back to Sam, as he realised how royally screwed he was.
“Yeah we did. And now we are letting you back to Hell. Sam?”
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas omnis incursio infernalis adversarii...” Sam started.
“Oh, Come On!!” The demon shouted in annoyance.
“...Omnis legio! Omnis con... potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii. Omnis legio! Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica! Ergo, Draco maledicte et omnis......legio diabolica, adiuramus te!...”
The Demon’s body starts to twitch involuntarily at the exorcism, causing him to scream out at the power of the words.
“...Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii. Omnis legio! Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica! Ergo, Draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te!”
As Sam finishes the exorcism, red smoke flows out of the demon’s vessel before hitting the ground in a fiery motion, letting us know that the demon has been expelled to Hell.
“Now what?” I ask, looking down at the vessel, damn he didn’t survive, I move swiftly to go pick up the body that was left behind as Sam follows my lead. We lift the body heading straight for the ditch close by where we would bury and burn the body before taking back the handcuffs we placed on him earlier.
“We go to Winsconsin. Let’s get our friend back.” Sam replies, a smile on his face, mine mirroring, finally we were going to get Y/N back.
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← Part 2
→ Part 4
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kyber-kisses · 5 years
Don’t Come Looking (Part.2)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: cursing, small mention of smut, pregnant!reader
Summary: after a drunken night of confessions, y/n soon finds something out that has her running for the hills. Dean goes after y/n.
A/n: this was hella fun to write, and I hope you guys look forward to reading part 3! feedback is always appreciated, and the taglist is open! gif not mine, credit goes to owner.
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Your mind was stuck in a haze as your car tore across the Minnesota boarder. You had no idea where you were going or how long you had been driving, all you knew was that you were putting miles between you and the bunker. Between you and Dean.
Your phone suddenly rang, making you jump in your seat. Without realizing what you were doing, you reached for your phone out of habit, hitting the answer button.
“Y/n, where the hell are you?” Deans voice echoed through your car, clearly angry.
Fuck. You really shouldn’t have answered.
“Dean-“ you began, only to be cut off by his booming voice again.
“Don’t give me damn excuses! You packed up and left and I know you had a reason behind doing that! Now tell me where you’re going!”
You sighed, letting your head fall back against the seat in defeat. Why was he so goddamn stubborn?
“No.” Your voice firm as you spat out the words, pulling the phone from your ear and hanging up. They were tracking your phone. You should have left it at the bunker. You should have smashed it. Rolling down the window, you tossed your phone out, watching it skid across the road from your rearview mirror.
“Have fun finding me now.”
*. *. *. *. *.
Dean inhaled, his grip tightening on his phone as he kept his gaze on the road ahead. He had been going 50 over the speed limit almost since they left the bunker. He had to get to you.
“She hung up.”
“I told you she would. She didn’t want us following her, Dean.” Sam sighed, looking down at the map stretched across his lap.
“But, why would she run? It doesn’t make sense. I thought- I thought we had something. . . “
“Maybe you shouldn’t have yelled at her while you were on the phone? That’s probably why she hung up.”
Dean was mad, hell, he was fuming. He didn’t understand why you would leave like that. Were you tired of hunting? Were you being hunted? Were you in danger? Was it him? Did he somehow drive you away?
Luckily Sam was tracking your phone, so hopefully he would be able to talk to you face to face in a few hours if he kept up the pace.
*. *. *. *.
Somehow you found yourself pulling up to Donna’s cabin, remembering that you had been here once before during a girls weekend with Jody, Donna, Claire, and Alex. You were surprised though to see Donna’s pickup already parked outside. Putting your own vehicle into park, you sat in silence, weighing your options.
You didn’t know where else to go. This was the only option you had right now.
Sighing, you slid out of the car and headed towards the door, fidgeting with the buttons of your coat.
Easing your hand, you knocked against the door, feeling a sudden wave of emotions hit you out of nowhere. After a moment, the door swung open, revealing a very confused Donna Hanscum.
“Y/n? What on earth you doin here?”
“I’m - I’m sorry for intruding, it’s just- I didn’t know where else to go.” You choked, holding back the tears as best you could.
“It’s alright, come on in. Let’s get you a drink, looks like you need it.”
“Oh, no thank you. I can’t.” You stated quickly, as she ushered you into the cabin, and walking you over to the couch. You could feel the worried look she was giving you as she sat down next to you.
“What’s got you spooked enough to be running all the way up here? The boys alright?”
You fiddled with your fingers, looking towards the carpet beneath your feet. “They’re fine. . . It’s just that-“ you took a deep breath, knowing this was going to be the first time you said the words out loud.
“Take your time.” She sighed, rubbing your back in an attempt to calm your breathing.
“I’m pregnant.”
You felt her hand freeze on your back before she pulled away, eyes wide. “Since when?!” Her voice clearly telling you she was ecstatic.
You should have seen that coming.
“It’s Deans.” Your own voice tired as you sunk further into the couch.
Donna’s silence had you turning to look at her, and the surprise on her face was almost enough to make you laugh. Almost.
“ You care to elaborate? I didn’t know you and Dean finally happened.”She spoke, still trying to digest the information.
“Trust me when I say it’s a very new development.” You let out an airy laugh, rubbing at your eyes.
“And your not happy about this?”
You groaned, falling back onto the couch. “No! I’m not!-“ you sighed, fighting with the two side of you. “I don’t know. It’s just that hunters are not supposed to have kids. We don’t get to settle down. It’s just not in the books for us. I’m a hunter, Donna. I don’t want to stop if I’m good at it.” You admitted, silent tears tracking down your face.
Donna patted you on the leg before standing up and heading to the kitchen, coming back a minute later with a glass of water. You chugged it, wiping away the tears from your eyes.
“Do you want the baby though?”
There it was. . . The million dollar question.
You paused, thinking it all over in your head. Of course you did. For as long as you could remember you wanted kids. But you never let yourself think you could have that. The world was too cruel for them.
“I do.” You nodded, feeling the tears start up again. “I just don’t know about Dean.”
“Wait, he doesn’t know? Good grief.” Donna sighed.
“No.— Why do you think I’m here? I found out last night and bolted. I told them not to follow me, but Deans stubborn.”
“Oh, well I coulda told you that. But if you don’t want me telling him your here, I won’t. You can stay for as long as you like.” She smiled,bringing you into a hug. Besides Dean and Sam, Donna gave the best damn hugs ever. They always made you smile.
She pulled away a moment later, beaming at you, “I can’t believe you’re pregnant!”
“Neither can I.”
*. *. *. *. *
“No,no,no,no-“ Dean sighed, watching the car creep closer and closer to where the tracker said you were. It was just up ahead, yet all he could see was a stretch of open road, and then he saw the glimmer of something on the worn asphalt, the last rays of sun reflecting off the object.
He practically slammed on the breaks when he was right in front of it, putting Baby into park and throwing open the door.
“Dean, what are you-“ Sam began, only to be cut off as Dean rushed across the road. Sliding out of his own seat, he looked over the roof of the impala, watching as Dean knelt down to pick up the object.
It was your phone. The deep green case being a dead give away. The screen was shattered, but it still worked.
“Damn it!” Dean yelled, pulling back his arm to throw the device, only to hold himself back. “Damn it.” He repeated, this time lower, his head falling. He thought he had you.
“Dean, you need to calm down if you want to find her.”
“I am calm!” He fired back, storming back to the impala and throwing himself back into his seat. “Where would she go?”
There was a long stretch of silence as the two tired to think of possible places you would flee to. “I don’t know. We’ve cross crossed through here about a dozen times.”Sam mused, pulling out the map again.
“Okay, then we just keep looking. We can hack the traffic cams, see if we can find her car.” Dean stated, putting the impala back into drive and pressing down on the gas, watching the speedometer climb quickly.
“Dean, relax. We’re gonna find her.”
“But what if we don’t? She’s a master at hiding, you know that. Or, what if we do, and she’s- “ he couldn’t bring himself to even say the word, breathing in deeply.
Dean heard Sam let out a sigh, seeing him rub his temples from the corners of his eye. “She’s not dead, Dean. She knows how to take care of herself. Just keep driving.”
And he did.
Before you had come into Deans life, he didn’t do the whole feelings thing, and then you had to waltz in with your sassy attitude and badass demeanor and stun him. That was a good ten years ago too, which made this all the more complicated. It was only until recently that anything had happened between you.
So Dean drove. He wasn’t gonna let you get away that easily.
*. *. *. *. *.
The week moved by slowly for you, your mind locked in a continuous haze as you tried to figure out your next move.
Donna was more than happy to let you stay for as long as you liked, but you knew you couldn’t stay forever, and there was no way in hell you were going back to the bunker.
A part of you felt bad for putting The Winchesters into such a deep state of worry, especially Dean, who was undoubtedly blaming himself for your sudden departure.
Dean and Sam on the other hand, had been tearing up the state in hopes of finding you, only to keep coming up short. As each day passed, Dean grew more and more stressed.
You were glad it was the peak of summer though. Being outside helped you think, helped calm you down. You spent as much time as you could beyond the walls of Donna's cabin, staying in the sunlight. While you did, you tried writing letters, trying to come up with the words to inform Dean of why you left, and why you didn’t want to be found. Nothing ever sounded right though, and it always ended with your pocket full of crumpled pieces of paper.
When you weren’t struggling with words, you found yourself meditating. It gave you time to empty your mind, help relax everything in your body.
But with the life you lead, relaxation never lasts long. . .
*. *. *. *. *.
It took way too long for Dean to finally admit defeat and ask for assistance finding you, the days ended late with bags under his eyes, and they began even earlier. Even if it had only been a week, it felt like a lifetime to Dean. He was surprised he wasn’t losing hair from the stress overtaking his every waking moment. He was desperate to find you, and Sam could see the toll it was taking on his brother.
“We should contact Rowena. Maybe she has some sort of tracking spell we could use to find her.” Dean mumbled, pacing the motel room and rubbing at his eyes.
Sam sighed, having no choice but to pull out his phone and call the witch before Dean decided to do something stupid.
When she picked up, Dean froze in his place, waiting eagerly for an answer, but finding it difficult due to the fact that he could only hear one side of the conversation.
It was only a few minutes, but once again, it felt like a few hours to him. He was getting impatient. He needed to find you.
Finally, Sam pulled the phone from his ear, hanging up.
“Well?” Dean questioned, crossing the room quickly, eyes wide and waiting for an answer.
“She did a quick locating spell. She’s sending you the address now.”
Within seconds, Dean was out the door, keys in one hand and phone in the other. He barely gave Sam any time to prepare, leaving him no choice but to rush out the door after him, grabbing his coat.
As Dean shot down the road, Sam wished he had a second seat belt around him as Dean was pushing way over the speed limit. The older Winchester cut down a two hour drive into a clean forty-five.
The sun was beginning it’s decent when they finally reached the destination Rowena had given them. A small breath of relief leaving Dean when he saw your car parked outside the cabin.
And was that. . . Donna’s truck?
Dean was flying out of the door of the impala, practically carving out a war path to get to you. His fists banging on the wooden door of the cabin.
When the door opened, he was sad to see it wasn’t you, but that didn’t stop him from pushing into the entrance way, head whipping around in search of you.
“Good to see you too, Dean. Mind the manners next time though.” Donna mused, crossing her arms and glaring at the Winchester.
“Donna, where is she?”
“Where’s who? I have no idea what your talking about.” She lied, trying to keep her promise to you.
“Y/n. And don’t lie. Her car is literally parked out next to your truck.”
Donna let out a soft damn it, as she closed the door behind the two brothers, wiping her palms on her jeans.
“I don’t think she’s ready to talk to you.” She admitted, walking further into the cabin with them at her heels.
Deans eyes continued to roam the surroundings. He could see one of your duffel bags on the couch, along with one of your books. But you were nowhere to be seen.
“Donna, please just tell me where she is. I’ve been worried out of my damn mind for the last week.” Dean admitted, shoulders heavy from the lack of sleep.
There was a pause from the sheriff as she slowly gave into defeat, knowing all too well that Dean Winchester was stubborn as hell.
“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. Give her time, she’s kind of in a shocked state.” She sighed, leading Dean towards the back door and swinging it open.her head nodding towards the partial figure.
Taking slow steps, Dean felt the breath leave his lungs as he walked towards you. You were almost half hidden by the knee high grass you were sitting in, fit still planted firmly on the ground.
You knew it was Dean walking towards you without even having to turn around. You had practically memorized the pattern of his footsteps after all these years, so you kept your eyes trained on the setting sun.
You knew there was no chance of running now. Dean was here, and even though you were a knot of fear and anxiety, it felt like you could finally draw a breath.
Dean lowered himself down next to you, eyes glazed with both worry and relief as he took you in. He didn’t exactly know how to describe your expression. You wouldn’t even look at him though. You looked tired though- defeated even.
“Why’d you leave like that? Did I do something wro-“
Fishing the test out of your pocket, you pinched it between your middle finger and index finger, passing it over to him.
“I’m pregnant.” You stated, cutting him off as you kept your eyes trained ahead. You were afraid to look at him, afraid to see his reaction. What if it was disgust? Or hatred?
Dean could have sworn his heart stopped for a moment, as he looked at you, eyes wide with shock, mouth slightly open. But there was something else there too. A softness that would have made you melt had you been looking at him. He forgot how to speak in that moment. He had no clue what to say.
“That why I ran.” You continued, twisting your fingers into the grass and pulling. “I was afraid. Afraid of facing it. Afraid of how you might react. . .that you might hate me.” Biting down on your lip, you turned further away, not wanting him to see you on the verge of tears.
A moment later, you felt a calloused finger under your chin, gently nudging your face in Deans direction. The second your tear filled eyes found his, you broke. He was looking at you in a way that no one ever had before. The softness in his expression was like no other.
“Don’t be afraid. I could never hate you.”
And then he was wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his frame. You let out a sigh, breathing in his familiar scent. Everything about it felt like home, and for the first time in awhile, you felt yourself relax.
“Is it-“
“Is it yours? Yeah. It’s the only possible explanation.”you spoke, giving him the faintest of smiles as you pulled away from his hug, already feeling like there were miles between you.
“We’re gonna have a baby-“ Dean breathed, the information finally catching up to him, making it feel like he had gotten whiplash. “Holy shit.”
“If you don’t want to be a part of this, I understand.” You spoke slowly, head falling.
“Woah, hey!” Dean shot back, going to hold your face in his hands, giving you no choice but to look at him. “Don’t say that. I mean, sure, the information caught me off guard. But it’s you and me, y/n. There’s no better duo. Your stuck with me.” He smiled.
Your eyes widened, not expecting his answer. You didn’t deserve Dean Winchester. He was too good. Too kind. Too loving.
And then you were leaning closer, capturing his lips in your own. They were soft and moved slow on your slightly chapped ones. He even tasted like home.
He pulled away much sooner than you would have liked, but you let it happen.
“Will you come home? You really scared me.”
You couldn’t help that your face fell, turning away from him as you sighed. “I can’t. Not yet.”
“Don’t y/n me. Do you have any idea how big this is, Dean?” You raised an eyebrow, grabbing his hands in yours. “A Winchester having offspring? Word will get out, and we’ll having every monster gunning for us. You know that’s a fact.” You stated, squeezing his hands.
“The bunker is probably the safest place for you to be though.” His tone worried as he looked at you.
“Sure, but for how long? There are dozens of witches out there with enough hoodoo to power down the warding. Plus, I’m not gonna lock myself in the bunker for nine months.”
“Y/n, what are you saying?”
Taking a deep breath, you let your eyes wander to the horizon, the sky painted with shades of pink and orange. “I’m saying; I think it’s probably best if I disappear for awhile.” The pain you felt saying those words was enough to almost form more tears.
“Dean, don’t fight with me on this. You’re just picking a battle you’re going to lose.”
There was a pause from the man next to you as he tried to think of a plan. Dean Winchester had just found you. He couldn’t lose you again.
“Then I’ll go with you. Eileen and Sam will be more than fine on their own.”
“No.” You shook your head, looking back to him to see his face fall. “If you want to help me, go back home with Sam, keep working cases, killing monsters. Make this world a safer place to raise a child. I can take care of myself.” You nodded, sending Dean a pained smile.
Deep down, he knew you were right. About all of it. But the thought of leaving you again, this time knowing you were pregnant? It had him scared beyond belief. He wanted to be by your side. Not miles and miles away.
“If it helps ease your conscience at all, I’m really good at disappearing. Nothing will find me. I’ll be safe. Promise.” You crossed yours fingers over your heart with a smirk.
“Then why did I find you?”
“Maybe because deep down, a part of me wanted you to.” You admitted.
Brushing off your hands, you stood up, Dean pushing off from the ground to join you as you began your slow trek back to the cabin. Dean took your hand in his, a gesture that he was not know for, and you felt your heart swell. Maybe there was nothing to be worried about. You had been afraid for no reason. Dean still had your back all these years, and that wasn’t ever gonna change.
Before you could step onto the back porch, you held Dean back for a moment. “Could you do me a favor, and fill in Sam on everything? I don’t think I have the energy for another baby conversation.”
Dean gave you a soft smile before nodding, continuing up the steps.
Everything was going to be okay.
*. *. *. *. *. *.
“Promise me, you’ll at least call? I wouldn’t mind Face Timing either.” Dean looked down at you, as the two of you stood in front of the impala.
“Of course.” You nodded, pulling him in for one last hug, not wanting to separate. You two were like magnets, constantly connected. This was going to be harder than you thought.
From the front porch, Donna and Sam watched with soft smiles as you exchanged goodbyes. Eventually the younger Winchester came down to join you, wishing you luck and pulling you into a hug.
The force it took for Dean to walk around the side of the impala and get in was painful. Knowing he was leaving you to handle this on your own, well, it had him struggling to turn the key in the ignition.
Eventually he did it, and he was easing out of the driveway and back onto the dirt road. He kept his eyes on the rear view mirror, watching your fading figure until he couldn’t anymore. Then he looked forward and pressed his foot to the gas with a new determination. He still had work to do, and a promise to keep.
You stood with Donna as you watched the taillights fade into the distance, a somber expression stuck to your features.
“You alright?”
“Yeah. I’m just gonna miss him, that’s all.” You sighed, unable to keep my your hand from resting on your belly.
You were gonna be fine. Both of you were.
That would be the last time you and Dean see eachother for awhile. And it broke your heart.
Final part coming soon!
Taglist open!
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doctorwhat0511 · 4 years
MY rewrite of Supernatural 15x19
Okay just to put this out there,,, this isn’t gonna be perfect and ofc we don’t know what happens in the next episode so this might mess things up but this is kinda how I wish the episode went. I did keep most of the dialogue and plot stuff from the actual episode but yeah I’ve been thinking about it and idk y’all fanfic writers can do what you want,,
So like,,, we start off the episode maybe with Dean listening to Sam’s voicemails. We just get shots of whats happened throughout the season as Sam is calling Dean over and over and he’s just not answering cause ~feels~ and it shows the last scene with everyone disappearing and finally Cas’ total homosexual declaration of love~~
Finally it cuts to Sam and Jack walking back into the bunker to look for Dean. Dean’s like passed out drunk on the floor in the same spot he was when Cas disappeared. Sam is worried as fuck of course and just trying to get answers and stuff for why Dean hasn’t been answering until Jack interrupts and asks where Cas is. 
Dean explains everything that happened and Sam is trying to talk to him but Dean is just like “nah man I don’t wanna talk about it” and as he’s walkin out of the room he still says “I’m sorry” to Jack. 
It cuts to scenes of Jack lying in the bed (mourning ofc cause his dad died and all) and Sam is researching stuff. At this point I’m guessing maybe a couple days pass or maybe hours idkk. Anyways so Dean comes out (of his room not the closet ya turkeys) and scoffs at Sam. Sam is like “w a t?” and Dean basically tells him that its pointless to keep researching cause they lost. Sam tells him that they can’t just give up. Dean is like ofc they can,, they get into an argument. Eventually it gets to Cas and Sam tells Dean “Cas wouldn’t want u to give up” “Well Cas is dead” “W e l l then don’t make him die for nothing,,, Im still fighting,, Still fighting for the hope that one day I can get Eileen back. That one day we get one last miracle” “Miracle? Miracles don’t exist” (Did this cause DOG)
And then Jack is like ~OOP I feel something~ Sam and Dean share The Look™ They’re driving to find the thing Jack’s talking about and then the scene with Miracle the Dog happens. Dean is like “Like I told you man, Miracles don’t exist”. They get to the church with Michael there. They do the whole talk thing and Michael wants to help cause he lost his human (ADAM).
 This is the part of the story I don’t have completely figured out yet so y’all can do it for me. Anyways so for this part I had some ideas but you can change obv.
Michael explains how it took 4 archangels to take down Chuck so they try to get 3 others to help. I know Uriel isn’t an archangel but idc I was thinking they’d get Luci, Michael, Uriel and Gabriel back. They’d either do this by idk somehow summoning The Empty to give them back maybe. This would give another opportunity to talk about ~Cas~. ANyways, Empty agrees to Luci, Uriel and Gabirel but not Cas unfortunately ://
We could fit in some funny scenes between Michael and Luci cause lets be honest,, this would be iconic,, Gabriel is just being Gabriel and it would be nice to have Michael, LUci and Gabe all together :)),, and I think we could have some good scenes between Uriel and Dean (ANother Cas opportunityyy). Anyways so I don’t have this part planned out much either :P so do what you want. 
Cause idk how to get to this next part (I was thinking maybe they try opening the Death book again but it doesn’t work, Michael and Luci fight again so Jack absorbs more power,, Gabriel could intervene,,, They have a bro to bro to bro talk and make up finally AT LASTT)
ANYWHO so we get to the place they all meet,, like the forest cliff place?? ANyways so they do the summoning thing for CHuck and he appears to stop them. CHuck reveals that Michael told him the entire plan. Chuck still tries to kill MIchael (cause that scene was SO GOOD) excpet he DOESN’T cause surprise bitchess,, Gabe, Luci and Uriel come out ready to fight. A big ‘ol epic battle breaks out (all this time Jack is getting JUICED) until CHuck has had enough and beats them all. Chuck is like seriosuly,,, ya tried to beat mE?? With 3 archagels?? (ofc they just needed to distract Chuck long enough for our jacka-boy)
The scene where Chuck beats up Sam and Dean but they keep getting up still happens cause DAMN that scene was POWERFUL as FUCK. And then,,,
“Why are you smiling?” “Because. You lose.”
BOOM BANG BOOM,, Jack is there and CHuck is like “what the fuck??” Jack absorbing his powers happens (except we see both black and the white veins to show that hey amara is still there and now its JACK that has the one black eye and one white eye) 
Sam and Dean can explain the real plan,, blah blah blah,, Chuck is begging or his life here ofc. Sam and Dean are like “bye bitch”. CHuck even begs to Michael but Michael is like “bye bitch” now it’s your turn to be abandoned and forgotten hah. and they drive off. and rob is his amazing self. 
They get back to the town and they all have a Winchester Talk™ and Jack snaps his fingers and everyone (yes and the dog) comes back! We show a montage of everyone returning like Jodie, Donna and Claire and Kaia, Charlie and Stevie, Kevin with his mOm, Becky and her husband and kids, Michael and Adam and finally Eileen comes back,, EVERYONE COMES BACK BABYY (not in the same place ofc). 
Dean asks Jack about Cas~~ Jack is like “I don’t know,, Everyone was supposed to come back,,” (save the gripping cas tight and raising him from perdition for the next ep ;)))
Anyways so Jack says his goodbye speech and our nougat boi walks away. Angels talk about what they’re gonna do and walk away. Adam/MIchael has that Moment™ with Dean that just because they don’t get what they want right away, doesn’t mean it’ll never happen~~
Sam and Dean are back in the bunker. Sam says sorry to Dean about Cas. He knows how much he meant to him- to everyone. Dean is like “WELP that how life b.” Sam is like “Well maybe we can find some way to bring him back?” Dean is like “Maybbeeeee,, it’d take a fricken miracle~~ Buuuttt-- 
Idk y’all make it up. Anyways so they talk about how they’re finally free. They can do whatever they want. They leave,, we see Cas and Jack’s names on the table, we have that amazing montage and BOOM. Episode over. 
So those are my opinions, feel free to share yours :))) I did leave a couple scenes out so if you wanna add stuff back in (or delete) idc, do what feels right to you. I just typed this up now so it’s baddd and messy and I’m not a fanfic writer so if you like this version, feel free to use it and if you do PLS send me a link cause I wanna read it :DD
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x09: The Trap
The Road So Far:
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Sam and Eileen are trussed up at Chuck’s casino. (Sam, if you tried hard enough, you could slip those zip ties.) Chuck admits to Sam and Eileen that he’s been manipulating her this whole time to get close to Sam again. He couldn’t watch his favorite show and it was killing him (LOL, CATCH ME IN JUNE.) 
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Sam and Chuck are connected and it needs to stop. Chuck pulls out a scalpel. And then utters the eight scariest words of a Supernatural fan: “All good things must come to an end.”
Meanwhile, in the bunker, the bickering exes continue on their line of bullshit. Cas is expertly making Borax bullets while Dean tries to reach Sam, with no luck. Dean’s worried that there’s something wrong.
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Chuck wants to cut out whatever festers in Sam that won’t allow their wounds to heal. Eileen surreptitiously calls Dean. Chucks senses it and ends the call before it really gets going. Dean knows that they’re in trouble though and wants to save them. Cas calls Dean “stupid” (will the bickering ever end?!) and tells him they have to find the blossom in purgatory to trap Chuck.
Sam notices Chuck’s hesitancy to torture him and mocks him a bit. Um, maybe now’s not the best time to bring out Sam Fucking Winchester, okay buddy? Eileen joins in the mockery (#soulmates) and in retaliation, Chuck gets Eileen to do the scalpel digging for him. He likes to watch. The scalpel digging is very squishy. A+ work sound effects. 
Dean and Cas are in purgatory and there’s still very much a rift in their relationship. 
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Dean wants to split up but Cas makes it clear that that also is a stupid idea. Dean brings up possibly running into Benny while there in Purgatory���.and I just want to sit a little and think about that was practically Dean’s first thought. He thinks of Benny, and the friendship they had. I am sad. 
With a simple “C’mon”, Cas wins the argument and they start walking together. Something tracks them from the shadows. 
Eileen continues to be forced into digging into Sam’s wound. Through the pain, he tells her he knows it isn’t her that’s doing it. He’s bleeding out though and things aren’t looking good. Chuck sits back and plays on his guitar. What a nice douchey touch that is. 
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Sam talks reason to Chuck, and while that pisses him off, he also heals Sam’s wound as much as he can. Chuck can’t understand how Sam can continue to be so defiant. He realizes that Sam still has hope --hope that Cas and Dean will save them, hope that they can still defeat God. 
*Coordinated Domestic Dispute to Draw Out the Monster Alert*
Dean notices a corpse that he swears he’s seen before. Cas tell him he’s wrong. He has an excellent sense of direction. Dean gets down to look closer at the body and the leviathan makes his move. Cas hand waves him away. They interrogate the leviathan. He tells them that there’s a blossom that grows from them after they die. Dean wants to end the monster right there but he tells them it takes months for the blossoms to appear. He knows a place. 
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Before they get walking, Dean asks the Leviathan about Benny. BRB STILL CRYING. Benny’s famous --and he’s dead. (Cas’s concerned look to Dean as he hears the news will haunt me forever.) 
Chuck decides to take Sam on a Christmas Carol adventure into the future, and shows him what life will be like if they win. 
April 17, 2020
Sam and Eileen are looking up cases in the bunker. Dean’s “resting his eyes” in the corner chair. Cas shows up with beers for all. Things look pretty great. They all decide on movie night and popcorn. HUZZAH! 
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Well, until Sam gets a call from Jody. Claire’s dead, from a hunt gone sideways. HURMPH. 
Back at the casino, Chuck tells Sam that’s just the beginning. He pulls out the time clock of doom.
In purgatory, Cas, Dean, and the other dude, are walking. Cas expresses his condolences about Benny. Their hostilities come roiling to the surface. Cas calls Dean out on not accepting his apology about Jack. Dean is pissy that Cas just walked away. The other dude, presumably, just wants one of them to shoot him with Borax.
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January 6, 2021
In the burned out wasteland of the future, Sam and Dean drive. Things are going downhill fast. They’re not saving people. Cas is gone. (CaS Is GoNe) The monsters are winning. 
Once at the leviathan blossom site, Cas quickly realizes it’s a trap. The leviathan tells him that Eve wants a piece of Cas for killing the alphas and taking the leviathan. Others attack Dean.
He comes to later. The place is scorched and Cas is gone.
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November 3, 2021
Sam’s prepping for another hunt. Dean’s giving up. Sam wants to know what’s up. “Ever since..,” he starts. Dean jumps into why he’s giving up. They’ve lost everyone. HE had to bury Cas in a ma’lak box. Bobby and Jody (and Sam) all have death wishes. Sam wants to go out swinging, like Butch and Sundance. “We lost, brother, we lost.” 
Our Sam can’t believe what he’s watching. 
Chuck swans into the scene. He claims he’s “just the messenger” benevolently sharing his knowledge of the future. Sam can’t believe that Dean would ever give up, but Chuck swears he’ll tell no lie, stick a needle in his eye. 
Dean stalks through the quiet woods, calling for Cas. He’s got just under a half hour left to reach the portal. In desperation, he pauses and centers himself. “Cas,” he begins to pray. “I hope you can hear me.” Dean calls Cas his best friend and apologizes for letting him go.
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And then this show gently murders me because Dean looks around warily and, seeing that the coast is clear, kneels to finish his prayer. On one knee now, he cries as he unpacks the terrible anger which he’d turned against Cas. “When things go bad, it comes out and I can’t stop it. No matter how bad I want to.” (I’m with many other viewers when I point to childhood trauma and parental neglect and abuse as one source for that deep anger.)
For I am DEAD Science:
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Further pushing me deep into the grave, Dean continues, “And I forgive you. OF COURSE I forgive you.” He apologizes and sends out a desperate wish that Cas will be able to hear his prayer - wherever he is. Dean wipes his eyes, sniffs, and pushes himself up with a quiet “Okay.” It’s time to move again.
Back to the future, Dean stews morosely at a table in the bunker when Sam enters with a bag slung over his shoulder. Sam’s going to take out the vamp nest - alone, if he has to. Dean shakes his head sadly, then drags himself off to go with Sam. “I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?” They head out, two broken down, hopelessly alone men. 
“It can’t end like this,” Sam insists. So Chuck has him flash forward in time again using the magic watch. 
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It stops on December 9, 2022. End of the line! 
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In Purgatory, Dean has just over two minutes left before the portal closes and there’s still no sign of--- WAIT WHAT’S BEHIND THAT TREE? 
“You made it,” Cas sighs in relief as he stands to greet Dean. Dean hauls Cas in for the T I G H T E S T hug. Very good content! I approve! They check in with each other. Cas reveals that he was being marched to go see Eve when he spotted a leviathan bloom. Cas dropped the monsters guarding him, and snagged the bloom which he adorably describes as “a little smooshed.” Dean validates Cas’s achievements! It is very soft! I am emotionally compromised! (I have watched this scene at least 10 times.)
Cas reveals that he heard Dean’s prayer. They exchange soulful, meaningful looks, and then head straight outta Purgatory. I look forward to your post-episode canoodling codas, everybody.
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In the future, Sam and Dean barricade the door in a ratty old hotel. They’re being hunted by……….JODY AND AU BOBBY! (Jobby? Body? Ugh, both of those are terrible.) Current Sam watches in horror as his future counterpart (and brother) fang out. They’re both vampires now! Oooo. Awkward. 
There’s a fierce fight. Dean chews Jody’s throat clean outta her body, hissing like an angry cat the whole time. It would be awful if there weren’t so many funny memes of hissy Jensen floating around right now.
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Sam wakes from Chuck’s vision which was A LOT. Chuck apologizes for the terrible ending. (All these ending narratives in this season are the result of 15 years of exhausted writers room shit talking, right?) Chuck reveals a couple of things. 1) He “powered down” Eileen in a closet while he’s talking to Sam which is just….GROSS. And 2) The heroic and free ending which Sam aspires towards is actually awful. Is dying as monsters really worth locking up Chuck? 
Safely back in the bunker, Cas and Dean prepare the spell with the leviathan bloom. Dean pauses, questioning Cas’s choice to take on the Mark trapping Chuck. Cas insists that Dean can’t take on the Mark again, and that the only choice is for Cas to take on that burden. Dean agrees, remarkably not insisting on damaging himself this time, and the spell is completed. It all gets sucked up into a sphere. Since Cas will contain the Mark, Dean or Sam will have to destroy it (thus sealing Cas’s fate along with Chuck’s).
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In the casino, Sam shouts at Chuck. “We will beat you. I will make it better!” Chuck sneers at Sam, and accuses him of playing fast and loose with the laws of nature and magic. There’s a whole lot the Winchesters can’t know about the universe, Chuck insists. Only he - God - can grasp it all. As one, the Supernatural audience collectively fake-coughs, “Billie!”
Chuck prompts Sam to reflect further on the visions. Was the worst thing truly the way the Winchesters died, and all their friends were decimated? Or was there something even WORSE which befell the world after Chuck got trapped? In horror, Sam realizes that monsters were taking over the world. Chuck affirms this conclusion. Without him in it, the world descends into evil. (Somewhere, on a wholesome farm, Garth is asking, “Hey, who are you calling evil?”)
While we’re all trying to unpack this latest revelation, Dean and Cas break into the casino. They free Sam from his chair. Eileen, still puppeted by Chuck, comes in swinging but Cas tackles her away. 
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Dean punches Chuck. Chuck punches Dean. While they’re exchanging blows, Cas rolls the bespelled ball over to Sam to smash and trap Chuck when….
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Sam falls to his knees. He can’t do it. He can’t trap Chuck knowing what he knows about the future. The ball rolls out of his fingers. 
Suddenly, light flashes in Chuck’s shoulder. The Equalizer wound in both of them is healed at last! All it took is for Sam to...lose hope. FROWNY FACE! Chuck crushes the sphere and destroys the spell. That’s two anti-God weapons down and how many to go in the next ten episodes? 
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Dean confronts Chuck and he is 800% bluster at this point, cosmos bless him. He insists that Chuck won’t kill their motley band. Chuck wants his ending too much for that. After all, the “drafts” Sam saw in his visions--
Chuck interrupts that thought. All the “visions” Sam had were Chuck’s memories of other, actual worlds where Sam and Dean made those awful choices and destroyed each other. That move, in Chuck’s mind, is inevitable. “Just like you, they didn’t think they’d do it, either.”
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Dean growls. “No. Not THIS Sam and not THIS Dean. So you go back to Earth II and play with your other toys. Because you will never get what you want.”
“We’ll see,” Chuck says, rather ominously, and poofs out.
Back at the bunker, Sam and Eileen bid farewell. Eileen’s been puppeted back to life and romance...and she’s not sure what’s real. (Where have I heard THAT before?) She needs to head off on her own for a bit.
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Sam kisses her so sweetly. “Now that was real.” She caresses his face lovingly before walking out. (I firmly believe we’ll see her again - next time on her own terms!) 
A shaken Sam makes his way to the kitchen where Dean and Cas are decompressing.
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Sam brings up the botched Chuck trap, and tells them he believes Chuck showed him the true future. Dean accepts Sam’s choice, and his calm acceptance is a balm to my fucking soul. What’s next? “We find another way,” Dean says.
Cut to Jack in the Empty. He’s taking in the non-sights when Billie appears. “It’s time,” she says, and Boris and I throw a giant party!!!
I Don’t Know Why I Get So Quotey:
I hate missing my favorite show!
Come on, Eileen
Stop being so stupid!
Chuck, you dick
“Okay let’s split up.” “WHAT?!”
You still think you’re the hero of this story. You still think you can win
The Dean who raised me, he’d never give up no matter how bad things got
I should’ve stopped you. You’re my best friend but I just let you go, ‘cause it was easier than admitting I was wrong
Sorry, kid. It’s a crappy ending. You and your brother deserve better. 
We know about your galaxy brain idea. How you think this story is gonna go
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leahxx129 · 4 years
The Last Descendant (Sam Winchester x Reader) pt.3
Summary for pt.3.: Michael left Dean’s body but it’s not quite the time to celebrate just yet. The archangel has already destroyed the planet in one reality and he intends to do the same in yours. To the younger Winchester’s astonishment, you may be a key person in preventing another apocalypse... the question is, are you willing to help?
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 2.555-ish
PART 1.  PART 2.
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Turns out that Mary and Bobby did have a lead, although Dean didn’t quite need saving. It seems as if Michael just left his body. Naturally, nobody dares to believe this will have no consequences in the future, but currently they are too relieved to think about anything like that. And too focused on the unfolding situation. They’ve discovered a mark on Dean’s arm and Cas has gone through his memories to find the thing that left it. According to a small shred of a memory, the spear of Kaia Nieves’ doppelganger from the bad place is the weapon which was able to harm the infamous archangel. This is why he wants it. Which means the Winchesters need to get it first. But their encounter with Dark Kaia doesn’t go as planned – she refuses to give them the spear and disappears.
Sam opens up a beer for Dean, Cas and himself in the war room, while Jack is doing some research besides them.
„I’m telling you, man, that chick is a savage! Next time you’ll join us, okay? There’s no way she’ll be able to take on two grown-ass men and an angel at once.” Dean grumbled to Cas after taking a sip from the bottle.
„Well, she’s successfully managed to take on two grown-ass men already, I’m not so sure the difference would be huge with a third party.” Sam comments, earning a glare from Dean.
„Don’t be a buzz kill, Sam, okay? We’ll find her and that time, we’ll take that damn spear at all costs.”
„What if…” suddenly Jack speaks up „ …what if I say I might know a better solution? One that only requires taking it temporarily?”
„That’s the plan, Jack. We take it, kill Michael, then return it.” Cas responds before anyone could react.
„No, I mean take it for an even shorter period of time than that?”
The three men stare at him with the same completely puzzled expressions on their faces.
„Whatcha got in mind, kid?” Dean asks curiously.
Jack’s eyes light up and his signature childlike smile appears.
„I’ve been reading a lot about this man called Samuel Colt lately. I know he made that gun of yours which can kill almost anything and-”
„Yeah, but if you really read a lot on him, you know it can’t kill an archangel.” Sam cuts in. Jack patiently listens to his argument then goes on.
„I know, that’s why I said almost. But here is this book I’m reading now... It mentions that Colt secretly had a son that kept his bloodline alive. Maybe we can find his offspring and have them replicate the weapon.”
The Winchesters’ eyes widen in surprise, leaving Castiel to be the only reasonable person in the room.
„This is great, Jack, it really is, but I’m not sure if the offspring even knows who their ancestor was or what he did. To be honest, I highly doubt they would be able to perform what you described.” he says.
„Well, if there is anyone who can help us with some information, it’s Ketch.” Sam responds excitedly, immediately reaching for his laptop.
The next fifteen minutes pass without a single word being uttered by any of them - the only sound is made by the rubber band Dean attempts to entertain himself with. Finally, the laptop signals the arrival of a new e-mail. Everybody gathers around Sam, eager to see what Ketch has come up with. It’s a link to a Men of Letters shared drive. Sam’s hand is almost trembling as he clicks to open it. The screen floods with different articles, pictures and journal entries about people who are somehow connected to Samuel Colt.
„OH MY GOD!” the younger Winchester yells out in shock as they reach the part about the offspring currently alive. He is hypnotized by your picture taken at just fourteen years old, only days before your family was slaughtered and you disappeared.
Dean and Cas look at each other, then Sam.
„Sam? Do you know this girl?” Dean asks calmly as he can see how deeply his brother is affected by the sight appearing on the screen. Before he could reply, Jack jumps in.
„Hey…isn’t this the girl that spent a few nights here? I was in my room a lot, because I didn’t want to bother you, but I really do think she looked like this little girl in the picture, you know, only older.” he asks innocently. This seems to snap Sam back to reality. And Dean’s expression of utter disbelief helps too, of course.
„I was possessed by an archangel and you took some chick here to hook up with?! Man, this feels like Elwood, Indiana all over again, when I was abducted by fairies and you had a one-night stand with a hippie chick! The only difference is that now you supposedly have a soul!” he shouted.
„Relax, dude! Nothing like that happened, okay? Due to an unfortunate series of events, she had to crash here for a few days. And just so you know, she helped with research on Michael.” Sam seems genuinly offended even by the mere thought of him hooking up with a woman instead of looking for his brother. In spite of the woman being as fierce, beautiful and smart as you…
„Research, huh? Is that what you call it nowadays?”
„Okay, okay. Say, I believe you. But how did you two meet anyways? Did you hit another dog?”
„Okay, I’m done.”
„So, what are we gonna do now? We have no clue where this girl or Dark Kaia are.” Cas interrupts the bickering between the two brothers.
„We call Jody, have her put out an APB on them, simple as pie.” Dean says matter-of-factly.
„Why put out an APB on Y/N if I can just call her?” Sam asks smugly.
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You close the diner’s door and instantly spot Sam. Not because of his height, but rather because he has a certain presence you’ve grown to know and would be able to recognize anywhere. He smiles at you as you approach him.
„Sam Winchester, in flesh and… clothes? Odd.” you greet him.
„Ha ha, very funny. How long am I gonna listen to this? It happened only once and I was drunk.” he waits for you to put down your helmet and leather jacket, then hugs you tight. The whole interaction lasts longer than it usually does between friends, but shorter than between people more than that.
„Well, just as long as my memory serves me well.” you answer when he lets go and you are able to breathe fresh air into your lungs. You have always found his scent and proximity intoxicating in a way.
You sit down across him in the booth and decide to get straight to the point.
„You know, I gotta be honest with you. I got a little worried when you called last night. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you know I enjoy our phone calls, but we never speak twice the same day… and then the request for this little meet up didn’t help either. So… what’s up?”
Before he has the chance to say anything, the waitress appears to take your orders.
„I’d like an espresso and there will be a vanilla latte for the lady with almond milk and sweetener, thanks.” Sam delivers your favorite type of coffee without batting an eye.
„Nice, Winchester! I didn’t know you memorized it.”
„Yeah, I did. But you know, there’s one thing I can’t quite recall that you told me…” he puts down a folder infront of you. You look at him confused but flip over the cover regardlessly. Your heart sinks as you take in the picture you thought you’d never see again and read the title ’Last living descendant: COLT, Y/N’. Your heartbeat and mind start to race frantically, not a single sensible sentence comes to you for long seconds that seem like an eternity to both of you.
„Where’d you get this?” you ask, your voice sounding strange even to you.
„Doesn’t matter. Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?” either you’re imagining it, or he looks a little bit hurt.
„What was I supposed to say, Sam? Huh? Thanks for saving me man, oh, and by the way, my real name’s Colt, but pinky swear you’ll never tell anyone?!” your voice comes back and maybe even rises a little.
„I don’t know, okay?! But you had plenty of chances!” his tone matches yours. A couple of people turn around, hoping to see a good little public confrontation unfold, but your cold stare makes them uncomfortable and they quickly look away.
„Oh yeah? Like when?”
„Like when I asked you about the vampire blade! Or when I-„ he hesitates for a moment then says it out loud anyways „ Or when I held you at nights.” he looks directly into your eyes and you can’t bring yourself to break the connection.
„Well I’m sorry, Sam, I really am. But you know something? Ever since I can remember, my family and I were moving to another part of this continent every six months for safety reasons. All the things that haunted my father in hopes of revenge or just to exploit our legacy never rested and consequently we didn’t either. After my family… died, I decided I didn’t wanna live that way. I was sick and tired of running. So, I pulled a Houdini, dropped the name and settled down. Made a living by carrying on the family tradition. I just wanna live in peace and quiet, keeping up my disguise. And telling people my secret isn’t exactly the high defintion of that.”
„I thought I wasn’t just ’people’.”
You open your mouth to reply, but the diner’s door opens once again and Sam stands up, his expression changes in a matter of seconds. You take this as an alarming sign, and you stand right nex to him.
„Dean! I thought we had an agreement.” Sam says exaspiratedly.
„Dean? As in, your brother Dean?”
„Yeah.” he responds instead of Sam „Pleasure.” he says curtly.
„Same here. And who would this gentleman be?” you turn to the man in the trenchcoat.
„I am Castiel, Sam and Dean’s… heavenly associate, if you know what I mean.”
Oh, you know very well what he means. And he must pay for that dearly.
You run a quick estimation in your head and decide to take out Dean first as he seems the most dangerous. Nobody expects your reaction, so using the element of surprise, you kick Dean in the abdomen and in the process, you take out your knife from your boot. If Sam isn’t fast enough, you stab the angel right in the heart, but he grabs you from behind and turns you around so that he could stand as a human shield between you and your victim. This way you are only able to leave a scratch. A lady’s scream cuts through the air.
„FBI! We’ll handle the matter, just evacuate the place!” Dean regains his presence surprisingly fast and starts shouting. „Everybody - GO! Guests and staff alike! NOW! Move!” he doesn’t have to tell the people twice; they flee in a blink of an eye.
„Sam, let go of me!” you order „You don’t understand-”
„Oh, but I do, Y/N! Angels massacred your family! It’s all in that paper.”
„Then that’s exactly why you should let go!” you practically scream at him. He finally abides by you, but when you turn around, he envelopes you in a strong embrace.
„Sam?! Please…If I don’t kill as many angels as I can, I’m gonna go crazy…” the desperation in your voice in undeniable.
„No, you won’t!” he whispers into your hair while stroking the back of your neck with his thumb. You can’t stop the flood of hot tears washing over your face, which are eventually soaked in by his plaid shirt. „I won’t let you. Everything’s gonna be alright.”
You have no idea how long you stand there like that, clinging onto each other. But when you part, you realize that Dean and the angel have already sat down to the table and are checking out the wound.
„Relax, he’s not gonna die.” you comment, sitting down in the booth across them, wiping away a few leftover tears.
„But I’m not healing.” Castiel manages to say through gritted teeth.
„You are. Only a lot slower than usual and with a lot more… pain.”
„What did you do to him?!” Dean demands in a stern tone.
„Nothing. It’s just the blade.”
„You made it with magic, didn’t you?” realization hits Sam all of a sudden. Oh, well. It’s not like they are the first ones to discover.
„Yeah. Combined with weaponry, I can create marvellous things.” you admit „Besides, what do you think, where did that little boyband of yours get the idea to do so? Or even some prototypes?”
Their eyebrows fly up.
„You mean the Men of Letters?”
„Uh-huh. But let’s spare the chit-chat, shall we? What do you guys want from me? ’Cause I doubt you just wanted to let me know you caught me in my lie.” you say bitterly while looking at Sam.
„Okay, sure.” Dean agrees „Let’s get right to it. We need your help.”
„Can’t say I’m surprised….”
„As Sam may have mentioned, when the son of Lucifer was born, he opened up this other dimension and-„
„EXCUSE ME?! Sam never told me that!” you stare daggers at the person in question „The son of Lucifer?! Oh my God!.....I-I’m so out of here!” you jump to your feet and grab your helmet, but Sam’s voice stops you.
„Y/N! Please, wait! It’s not about him, or even Dean anyomre. It’s about the world. It will come to a terrible end.”
„That is of course if you refuse to help us.” Dean adds.
Even though every fiber in your body screams for you to leave, you slowly sit down.
„Go on.”
„So…this other dimension, this other world – Sam and I were never born there. This means that the apocalypse went down and Micheal defeated Lucifer. But he scorched the planet in the process. He got over to this world and plans to do the same thing. We only know of one weapon to stop him, but the owner is from another dimension, too, and she’s not very cooperative. The plan is to get her land the damn spear to us so you could replicate it and we’ll kill that son of a bitch with it.”
You think everything you’ve just heard carefully through and weigh things in your mind.
„You sure it’s replicable?” you ask.
„It runs on some sort of magic so yeah, we believe it is. But you’re the expert, you’ll see for yourself.” Sam replies.
„You have any idea where it is now?”
„According to a dear friend of ours, Sherriff Jody Mills, it’s with its owner in the nearby woods, about twenty miles from here.”
„I’m not gonna leave my bike in the woods.” you say incredulously.
„You don’t even have to. You’ll come with us in the Impala and Jody will arrange an officer to take it to the station. It’ll be in good hands, don’t worry.”
„I hope your right. ’Cause if I find a scratch on it, I can assure you that shit will go down.”
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theacyo · 5 years
First and Last
Steve Rogers x Super Soldier! Reader
requested by [ @witch-of-letters ]
word count [  3 k ]
Part 1 - Promises
            While on a solo mission you spot your old sweetheart Steve Rogers. After spending time with him you embark on a mission where you are pretending to date Steve. As you struggle to hide the fact that you still love him.
            Hugging Steve tightly, your head resting on your shoulder and his on yours. In a few minutes you would board a train that would take you far away for the next four years. Since another child is on the way and five would be impossible to take care of they decided the eldest would have to leave. And since you were born five minutes before Bucky that means you.
     “Doll you’re huggin’ him longer than me,” Bucky teases.
     “It’s because they are in loooove,” Rebecca stretches the word out like gum. Your cheeks burn as you give Steve one last squeeze.
     “We are just friends,” Steve says sheepishly.
     “We are only friends!” Just a man shouts for the last boarding passengers to hurry.
     “Oh goodbye!” Picking up your luggage and pulling your ticket out of your coat pocket rushing to board the train and find your seat. To which push down the window as the train starts to move. Waving and shouting goodbye at your family and Steve. Who runs after the train yelling,
     “I’ll wait for you, I promise,”
            Tony told you that Steve would be attending Arthur’s charity event. Which Arthur is hosting to get brownie points with the media and public. Something he is in desperate need of after rumors that spread like wildfire of his involvement with the trafficking of five year old Lisa Ann. It’s was the first time he was sloppy enough to show a lead and to draw the Fury’s attention.
     It’s purely for this case that you dolled up and have been bolding flirting with Arthur since you encountered him at one of his many popular nightclubs. Well maybe the case isn’t the only reason you out did yourself. But more so since Steve is going to be here, if it isn’t already.
     All night you have been preparing yourself mentally to see him for the first time since your goodbyes at the train station. Back when he still your sweetheart waiting for you to return from your Aunt Jodie’s. And now you barely know him.
     Jerking you out of your thoughts is Arthur purring, “I’ll be right back love.”
     Frowning, “Don’t take too long, I’ll miss you.”
     Arthur starts tapping his cheek impatiently. And you suppress the urge to punch him as you lean in, his attention dropping down to your chest while you press you lips to his cheek.
     “That’s more like it,” he croons before taking his leave with two other men.
     Once he is out of sight you head towards the bar. Freezing as you spot the back of a tall blonde. Your heart is hammering in your chest and your legs are wet spaghetti noodles as you approach him.
     “Forgive me for asking but I thought you couldn’t get drunk?”
     Turning around and without missing a beat, “I can’t but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a good drink.”
     “So what’s the Captain’s drink of choice?”
     “A fifth of whiskey, and call it a lucky guess but a Gin Ricky would be yours?” He glances down at the glass of pink champagne you have only take a few small sips from.
     Grinning, “Correct,” Gesturing to the empty seat beside him, “is anyone sitting next to you?”
     “Not at all, it looks like my friend was right when he said I would meet a beauty tonight.” Your breath hitches as he gives you that shy, soft and warm smile which after all this time makes your knees week.
     “Did he now? Have you met them yet?” Taking the seat next to him.
     Pressing his lips together and furrowing his eyebrows, “It doesn’t matter what I say unless she believes it herself.” Leaning down and tucking back that loose strand of hair. The pads of his fingers are rough and his once familiar smell has changed picking up the slightest hint of leather.
     “She would be a fool-“
     “Becoming familiar with the Captain are we?” Steve pulls away and takes a gulp of his drink. As you turn towards Arthur with a pout.
     “Can you blame me about being curious of a hero?” Turning towards the bar and giving him a cold shoulder.
     Arthur pressing himself against the back of the chair. Placing a large hand on the back of your neck and the other on your shoulder, “Of course not love, come on look at me darling.” Shrugging his hand off, and watching Steve out of the corner of your eye. His jaw clenching and his knuckles turning milk white from his thigh grip on his glass. But the lack of interference or questions means that he knows you’re on a mission.
     “Will you make it up to me by taking me upstairs?”
You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he purrs, “Yes my love.” Taking your leave with Arthur who is resting his hand on your lower back. You resist the urge to pull away.
            There is a guard standing outside his bedroom, big and burly with his arms crossed and his chest puffed out. His disadvantage in a fight would be underestimating his opponent, you could tell by the air of confidence around him.
     Commanding with a bit of a slur, “Open the door for the young lady and I!” And way too much enthusiasm.
     The guard did so without giving you a single glance. And the moment the door shuts behind you your black sandy tendrils materializes around you as. His eyes widen for a second as he opens his mouth to scream but before he can utter a single sound your sand is wrapping around his head looking for ideal places to penetrate his skull. The areas they inter point to him being weak of will, which points toward him not being the true mastermind.
      Your sand lifts him by his hand and carries shim over to the bed. Spreading from his head to wrap around his body, already implanting a memory to explain him passing out and you leaving early.
     Standing over the computer and discovering that he is either cocky or just plain stupid since there is no password to get it. Either way it makes your job easier. Making quick work of setting up a connection that will allow Tony to monitor his activity and look through his computer. While ensuring the connection is untraceable, and nearly impossible to detect. You finish quicker than you expect.
     You sand vanishes as you make your way towards the door. The rest is up to Tony and Fury.
     The guard acknowledges you with a simple, “Don’t feel bad it happens often. He won’t call you back.” Which you shrug off dismissively as you head back towards the party.
            Steve is still at the bar, but in your seat is a vibrate red-head with short curls and a complimentary black dress. He is talking with her with the same furrowed eyebrows as before.
     Upon approaching the two, the women turns around and you recognize her to be Natasha. She is wearing a playful smirk as Steve lets out a sigh, his eyes going wide as he finally notices your back. Instantly scanning you for any injuries.
     “Take good care of this one, he is delusional at best.”
     Rising the question, “Tell me how so?”
     Before she can speak Steve blurts out, “Please don’t Natasha!” In the same breath, “do you want to leave?”
     “I was going to ask you that. Are you in the mood for a late night milkshake?”
     “Vanilla strawberry swirl?”
     Natasha groans, “Steve do yourself a favor and tell her.” Then before Steve can say anything she makes a quick escape vanishing into the crowds of people who paid to attend.
     Steve shoulders slump with defeat as you chuckle, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
     “Thank you.” He stands up after tucking some cash underneath his glass.
     Steve and You catch a few stares as you leave together. With Steve picking up a leather jacket, it’s the one you bought for him back when you were just kids. You had gotten it with the idea in mind that he would grow into it. Only for it to end up sitting in his closet.
     “Your dress might be a problem,” Steve muses as a motorcycle is brought around the corner after some time.
     “I’m driving.” Approaching his bike and hitching up your dress. The slit in the side making it easier to do so as you gather the fabric in your fist and climb on top. Looking over at Steve and gesturing for him to get on.
     He doesn’t try to argue, already knowing you’re too stubborn, instead opting for asking, “Where should I put my hands?”
     “My thighs make sure my dress stays down.” His grip on your thighs is soft. Starting up the bike and letting her purr beneath you.
     “Don’t be afraid to squeeze me, I’m not going to break,” as soon as his fingers dig into your thigh you take off.
            Parking the bike in front of Shirley’s. The lot is mostly empty save for one other car. Which you know to belong to Shirley herself and her daughter Missy. Who has her own daughter enjoying her summer night in her personal booth with a coloring book and all the shakes she wants. You can see her bright yellow hat through the window as you remember that she is a Captain America fan.
     “See the little girl there, her name is Bell, she is a super fan, says it’s because you were sickly and small like her. She hopes to grow up tall someday
     “Then let’s go make Bell’s night!”
     Steve’s smile grows as he takes in the 40’s dinner upon entry. Meanwhile Bell’s eyes are the size of the moon as she stares at him. Missy smiles at her daughter who you walk over to with Steve in tow.
     “Remember how I said that I knew Steve Rogers and I would bring him to see you?”
     “Yes! Yes! As long as I told no one that Bucky and You like to come here! I’ve kept my promise! I won’t tell anyone about Captain America either! I promise!” She gushes in a single breath, bouncing in her seat as she kicks her legs in excitement.
     “You heard Bell, since she has been good I can do one better than meeting me.” Steve takes your place as you head over to Missy.
     “Thank you, the hospital visits have been getting harder on her lately,” her voice is low as to not disturb Bell.
     “How is the chemo?” You glance over at Bell and Steve who are talking happily while coloring. He pauses for a slit second before frowning and picking up another color which he holds out to her.
     “Ever since Bucky and You have been giving generous tips we have gotten her moved into a better hospital. They are saying that she might live through this.” Tears start forming in your eyes, which you are quick to blink away as Steve comes over carrying Bell on his hip. Her thin arms wrapped around his neck and her hat resting on the table behind her.
      “Go ahead and ask,” he encourages.
     “Mommy, Mommy Steve said he would come with us to the Summer Festival can he come with us? He already said he could!” The festival is in a town outside the city, and Shirley’s without fail is closed for the day to ensure that Bell can go with her Mom and Aunt. With last year being the first time Bucky and You went with them.
     “Of course love-bug, thank you so much, but really you don’t have to.”
     “Trust me, I don’t mind at all.” Steve left it at that, with no mentioning of her cancer and without pity for either Bell or Missy, which is something both of them dislike.
     “Are you still coming?” Bell asks you.
     “There is no mission that would keep me from going with you. After all who is going to win you all those toys?”
     “I would be?” Steve interjects.
     Scoffing, “As if, I’m the best at winning toys ask Bell.”
     Her face lights up, “I know you guys can have a competition! Whoever wins can have a drawing!” That seals it.
     “There is no way I will lose to you, not with one of Bell’s drawings on the line.” Steve warns as you grin,
     “Likewise sweetie-pie, I was the champ at wining gifts back then and still am.” The nickname slips out without you meaning to. But before Steve can acknowledge it Shirley walks out front.
     “Bell let the two eat, wherever that came form must be fancy and you know the food serving sizes there are itty bitty.” Shirley reaches over the counter and pinches Bell’s cheek. Making the small girl squirm as Steve sets her down.
     “We will be over there in a minute,” Steve calls to Bell who is already returning to her booth.
     Ordering your food and milkshakes which is finished between jokes and a shortly lived food fight.
            Telling Missy, Shirley and Bell goodbye, after promising to come by with Bucky to see her again. Steve and You stand by his bike unsure of what to do next but with the night young you invite him back to yours. Which is within walking distance of Shirley’s.
     The elevator ride is comfortably quiet. Going back the top floor and opening up to your apartment. Walking in and clapping your hands making the metal curtains rise to show the city lights below. It is no near modest like your brother’s house. But it’s suiting.
     Walking over to the raw rolling tray and picking up the pre-rolled blunt. Placing it between your lips and sparking up the end, taking in a long slow inhale of smoke. Then taking a breath to push it down into your lungs.
     Holding it for a moment, “Does Captain America want to smoke a blunt? It can be our secret?’ Steve arches his eyebrow as he shrugs his jacket off, not knowing what to say just yet. You can see the gears in his mind churning and a soft pink blush forming on his cheeks. Now that your alone with him the shy Stevie you knew is emerging.
     “That smell throws me back, Bucky and I would invite you to smoke and you would always turn us down.”
     “After all this time I think I will take you up on that offer.” Smiling and handing over the blunt which he takes between his fingers like a cig.
     “Follow me.” Leading him to the patio, he leans against the railing and stares down at the city.
     “How long have you lived here?”
     “A year and a half before that I spent some time having my brain rewired in Wakanda by Shuri,” might as well ask, “how much do you know?”
     “Only that you are a super soldier and were under Hydra’s control. Bucky said you would tell me everything else yourself when you are ready. Like you said earlier you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. We could talk about your mission tonight or not at all.” He offers the blunt to you as you take a few puffs gathering your thoughts.
     “I had been thinking about when I would see you again, at first I never thought I would. It started after-“ your hands are shaking as you quickly hand the blunt back to him so you don’t drop it.
     “Hey don’t worry about it, you don’t need to tell me-“
     “No! I can, I’m fine,” taking in a slow and shaky breath, “After you left I enlisted for a program called Liberty Prime. I was one of the few successful case.. They wanted me to be a terror above all else, someone who could end the seemingly endless war but then the end came. They weren’t going to let any of us go, even telling us that they had informed our families that there was an accident that killed us all. After the war they stopped getting funding and the leader of the program was eager to contain his research to create the perfect being he would call Gaara.” Between the puffs your nerves being to settle and it becomes easier and soon enough the words are flooding out in a ramble.
     “So he ended up coming to an agreement with Hydra. After they created Gaara they would be able to put them to use. Well me to use. After years they did it, they gave a power to their super solider and Gaara was born. I was sent on missions sometimes with Bucky, sometime without him. It depended on our stability, since they tried to erase my mind but seeing each other could trigger each other memories. After Bucky went free he came for me, I was a wreck of a person by the time they found me there was nothing left but Gaara and there was no triggering my memories this time. He spent so long trying to hunt me back down but I hid, just being near him was painful. It would take a lot of therapy before I was going to be able to even look at either one of you and Shuri freed Bucky from the Winter Soldier he wasted no time dragging me there and having them work on me. I waited so long to see you because I didn’t want to have a bad reaction, I’m sorry.”
     “I understand, Bucky told me you were alive and that you needed time all I had to do was wait a bit longer. I waited for you to get back from your Aunt Jodie’s and I could wait for you again.” Steve hands you the blunt, which is now a roach that you put out before heading back inside.
     “Thank you Steve.” Wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his chest. Not even a second passes and is hugging you closer.
     Resting his head on top of yours, “I’ll always wait for you, I promised didn’t I?” Tears splash onto the top of your head, your own tears soaking into his shirt.
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holylulusworld · 6 years
I’m not your dirty secret
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Dean request❤️Dean and reader are best friends but are in a secret relationship(dean loves her more than loves Sammy) she’s 23, he doesn’t tell that are together and when he wants to be alone with her there are people he tell to go for supplies but one day reader is tired of this and stop talking with him because think he just wants her for sex (he takes her virginity) after days of silent treatment dean lose it and kiss her passionately on front of jody and the girls and Sammy is proud! Smutt angst
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Donna Hanscum
Warnings: angst, sad reader, secret relationship, mentions of loss of virginity, smut, oral (female receiving), public sex (kinda), unprotected sex
“Did I ever tell you that you are beautiful?” Dean whispers.
Lying on his chest you close your eyes while he gently strokes your back. This was perfect, he was perfect. This is how you imagined your first time.
“Do you feel alright? I didn’t hurt you, didn’t I?”
“No, you were gentle Dean, more than gentle. You made me feel so good, Dean. I love you. I always wanted you to be my first.”
“Still I can’t believe you never…I’m mean you’re 22.”
“Maybe I was waiting for you.”
“Now you try to push my ego.”
“No, just telling the truth, Dean. When I met you all those years ago I knew I want you to be my first Dean. I knew right away that I love you.” You whisper and he kisses your hair softly.
One year later…
“Hey Sammy, Y/N and I go for a supply run, do you need anything?” Dean yells.
“No, we have everything. What do you intend to buy?”
“Y/N wants some sweets and stuff!”
“Okay. See ya later, Dude!”
Sitting in Baby you try to swallow the anger down. For over a year Dean is hiding your relationship from anyone, even Sam. Sammy! Not even his own brother knows about your relationship with Dean.
Parking at his favorite spot Dean jumps out of the car. Normally you are always thrilled and excited to be with the man you love but lately the anger and disappointment dominate your feelings.
Maybe he’s ashamed of you? Maybe he doesn’t love you anymore? Maybe he never did?
“God you feel so good, Y/N. I guess we need to buy some sweets and stuff later or Sammy gets suspicious.” He whispers in your ear. Moving slow and even he sucks another hickey into the plush flesh above your left breast.
You always enjoyed being with Dean, feeling him. Your body connected with his, but this time it feels different. You don’t feel like his girlfriend or the woman he loves. You feel like his dirty secret.
When he finally comes he looks worriedly down at you. It’s the first time you didn’t come or even reacted to his doing. You look like you’re miles away…
In the groceries store, you grab random unnecessary stuff so Dean can keep on lying. Why is it so important to hide your relationship? Maybe he doesn’t want anyone to know as you really are only his dirty secret?
“Do you need anything?” Dean asks but you don’t answer. Putting the things you grabbed back into the shelf you leave the store to take a deep breath. Holding back the tears you open the door and take place into the passenger’s seat.
You won’t be his dirty secret any longer…
The drive back to the bunker is silent. You’re not in the mood to talk to Dean. He’s not able to tell at least Sam about your relationship. For over a year you tried to make him see he’s hurting you by hiding you love each other.
Maybe he doesn’t love you? Maybe you or only good for sex? He never takes you out…only to fuck you into the backseat or in a shady motel room.
He never comes to your room or let you sleep in his room. Since that first night, you never woke up next to him. Maybe you’re not worth it?
As soon as the car stops you jump out of it. Storming into the bunker you hold back the tears. Right before you want to cry you see Jody, Donna, and Claire sitting in the library.
“Hey! You’re back, Y/N!” Claire squeals excitedly.
“Claire, Jody, Donna! Hey. Great you are here!” You lie. You love them all but right now you only want to go to your room and cry your eyes out.
Dinner is silent. Normally you would joke around with Dean or he would try to touch your thigh under the table.
Sitting far away from your boyfriend you avoid being touched by him. No more! You won’t keep on doing this any longer.
“So what happened to the nice guy you meet one year ago?” Donna asks.
“He wasn’t Prince Charming. Didn’t work.” You say and Dean freezes. He knows you told Donna you’re dating someone as she wanted to set you on a blind date.
Of course, you couldn’t tell her it’s Dean you’re dating. He didn’t want you to tell her so.
“What a pity,” Claire sighs.
“Some men only want you for…ya know, nothing else.” You whisper.
Ignoring Dean’s shocked expression you keep on stuffing food into your mouth.
After cleaning the dishes with Jody you all move toward your bedrooms. I was a long day and you only want to sleep and forget about the heartbreak you feel.
“Hey, Y/N. Can we talk?” Dean rasps but you ignore him.
Simply entering your room you lock it. Placing a chair under the door handle you avoid letting Dean sneaking into your room.
You need to let him go. You won’t be his sex toy any longer. You are more than just an easy lay…
“Morning!” Dean tries when you enter the kitchen. Still ignoring him you grab an apple and walk into the library to help Sam with his research.
Dean wants to say something but the library is crowded. Jody, Donna, and Claire are sitting around you. No chance to talk to you…
Evening has come and you still refuse to talk to Dean. He tried a few more times to talk to you. Always walking away you give him the silent treatment.
“Is something wrong between Dean and you?” Sam asks worriedly.
“I just…let’s say I need to think about some things, Sammy.”
“If you need someone to talk to I’m in my room,” Sam offers and you hug him tightly. You wish you could tell him how you feel but you can’t.
You’re Dean’s dirty little secret…nothing more.
3 days later…
Days have passed and Dean slowly goes insane. You don’t talk to him, you ignore him. You keep your distance to him.
You didn’t come last time…you didn’t even try…did he do something wrong? Did he hurt you in any way? He was telling Sam he wants to go on a supply run and then…
“What about a date with my friend, Jeff?” Jody asks you.
“No, Jeremy is much nicer, Y/N,” Donna insists.
“She doesn’t need a date with a random guy,” Dean grunts.
Confused Donna and Jody look at Dean and then at you. Before you can say something Dean is cupping your face to kiss you full of passion.
Moaning into his mouth you move your arms around his neck. Arms wrapped around you Dean takes your breathe away. Your body melts into his touch while Sam is smiling. Dean finally found the guts to show everyone he loves you.
“About damn time, Dean!” Sam chuckles.
“Yeah, how long wanted you to keep on pretending to go on supply runs with Y/N?” Jody adds.
Not caring about his friends and his brother watching Dean picks you up to carry you into his room. Legs wrapped around his waist you kiss down his neck.
A low growl leaves his kiss-swollen lips while he tries to open the door to his room.
“I’m sorry for hiding our relationship,” He whispers between kisses.
“I thought you only want me for…sex,” you reply before your lips find Dean’s once again.
“I love you, Y/N. Always have.”
Carefully placing you on his bed he hoves over your body. Kissing down your neck he moans against your skin.
“I’ve missed you, Baby. I almost went insane when you stopped talking to me.”
“I just didn’t want to be your dirty secret any longer,” you gasp when he slides your sweatpants and panties down.
Your top follows suit, just like your bra. Soft kisses placed all over your body make you shiver.
His hands stroke the skin at your thighs before gently spreading your legs open. Dean lies flat onto his stomach to lick through your wet folds.
“Dean…please.” You plea and he knows what you need, he always knows what you need.
Plump lips sucking at your clit he pushes you toward your release. Moaning you move your hands through his hair.
Bringing you pleasure Dean sucks and nips at your swollen bud. Arching your back you reach your high.
Hands fisting his sheets you whimper desperately. You need more, you need Dean.
“My beautiful girlfriend,” Dean rasps stripping clothes off.
“You’re not that bad yourself,” you giggle.
Giving you a cocky grin he moves between your legs. “You didn’t come last time. I need to make it up to you.”
“I was distracted…worried…”
“Let me distract you,” he whispers in your ear. Gently entering you he moves an arm around your back to hold you tight. His lips find yours before he starts moving.
With every slow thrust, he brushes over the sweet spot inside of you. His free hand cups your head gently to kiss you again.
Moving in sync your bodies push each other higher. Filling you up over and over again he groans against your lips.
When you fall over the edge you drag him with you. Whimpering his name you close your eyes to enjoy the feeling.
“So the secrets out, I guess.” You whisper lying onto his warm chest.
“You were never a secret…I just wanted to keep you safe.”
“With you I’m safe…safer than without you.”
“Then we should stay together…forever.”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx​​, @screechingartisancashbailiff​​, @fallen-wolf22​​ , @curly-haired-disaster-deactivat​​, @sister-winchesters99​​, @mogaruke​​, @the-is13​​, @helloitsmeamie203​​, @strayrosesbloom​​ , @thewinchesterco, @hobby27​​, @kittycatlover18,   @gh0stgurl​​, @marvelfansworld​​ , @sandlee44​​, @hawaiianohana15​​, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​​​, @katpatrova17​​​, @notyourtypicalrose​​ , @heyitscam99​​, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon​​​, @flamencodiva​​, @echoesofpassion​​, @cocklesbelli​​, @anushay1998​​, @voltage-my2dlove, @wayward-gabriel
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-thewinchesters​​​, @love-my-not-natural-babies​, @supernatural-bellawinchester​​​, @butifulsoul125​​​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​​​, @mirandaaustin93​​​, @hawaiianohana15​​​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​​, @20gayneen​​, @x2closebut2farx​​, @janicho88​​, @thefaithfulwriter​​, @dreaminemz​, @negans-lucille-tblr
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angelstrenchcoat-67 · 6 years
Leather, Lace and Lullabies
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Series Summary: After many years of hunting and stopping the Apocalypse more than once, the chances of something surprising you are pretty low. Until Castiel and Jack reveal something that you never thought you’d hear.
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"Good morning, sunshine” Dean grins as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. “How long have you been up?”
“For a couple of minutes” I shrug, robbing me fat belly. Okay not that fat, but the five months of pregnancy are visible now. Sam likes to bother me by saying that I’m huge even though we know it’s only gonna get bigger from now on. “I was feeling a little sick”
“Is everything okay?” Dean immediately tenses, sitting up straighter. 
“Yeah, it’s fine” I grab the his hand to kiss his knuckles. “Sam was up and he made me some tea to help”
“Is there anything I can do?” He asks me as I snuggle into his chest.
“Just hold me” I mutter, hiding my face in his neck. 
“Hey I was thinking” Dean grabs my chin so that he can look me in the eyes.
“That’s a first”
“I’m gonna ignore that” He gives me a side eye before smiling again. “Shouldn’t we be discussing baby names?”
“Do you want to?” I ask him, running my finger along his jaw. 
“Uhh... Maybe... Okay, yes” He rolls his eyes. “I just feel like it would be better when we refer to her”
“Do you have any names in mind?” I question him, placing my head on his shoulder.
“Well, I like Sandy... Or Daphne. I also like Raven or”
“Can you say a name that doesn’t belong to a cartoon character?” I try to hold back a laugh.
“I didn’t think you would notice” He chuckles as he moves his hand over the skin of my belly. 
“Dean, you knew I would notice” I giggle as his soft touches tickle me.
“Okay, I hoped you would let me get away with it” Dean rolls his eyes, kissing my temple. “I actually like Charlotte”
“That’s really pretty, actually” I nod my head. “I like Isabella”
“What about Charlotte Isabella?” Dean suggests, considering both of the names. 
“Charlotte Isabella Winchester? Do you know how long it’ll take for her to learn how to write her name in kindergarden?” I stiffle a laugh when Dean glares at me. “Fine, it sounds good”
“We can still think about it” He leans back, resting his head on the bed headboard. “We still have 4 months to go”
“I feel like they are gonna go in a heartbeat” I swallow down, realizing that they time is almost here.
“Don’t worry. We have Sam, Cas and Jack to help out” He guides my face to his. “And you got me. Always”
“Can you hold it a little longer?” Dean asks me as he looks at me through the rear view mirror.
“I seriously need to go now” I groan as I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.
"Okay, okay" Dean sighs as he pulls over the car. "Here, I’ll help you out”
“Thanks” I wince as I step out of the car, grabbing Dean’s hand for support.
“Guys, don’t look” Dean glares at them as he helps me squat down.
“Whatever you say, Dean” Sam scratches the back of his neck as Jack looks at the window.
Jody called us a couple of days ago, wondering when we were coming over so that she could see me and my pregnant belly. Cas was away on a lead about what Michael might be up to so he said he would meet us there.
“I feel like you have to pee every five minutes” Dean shifts his weight as he tries to hold me up.
“That’s because I do” I have hiss as I stand up, putting my pants back on.
“Guys, we need to hurry up if we want to get there before-“
Suddenly, a couple of growls interrupt Sam. The sounds seem to be coming from the trees a couple of feet away from us.
“Guys” Jack frowns, stepping out of car to stand next to us. “What was that?”
“I don’t know” Dean grabs the flashlight that Sam hands him as he joins us.
“It sounded like-“
Then, four werewolves step out into the light, their teeth out to intimidate.
“Y/N get back in the car” Dean immediately hisses as Sam runs to the back of the impala to reach for the machetes and some guns.
“Like hell” I glare at him. “There are four of them”
“I said get back in the car” Dean yells this time but I don’t have time to react because the werewolves start to run our direction.
Dean reacts, trying to grab the animal that is closer to us but the werewolf pushes him to the ground with a hard kick to the stomach before turning to me, his yellow eyes focused on me.
Sam seems to be trying to slow down another one but she doesn’t give him much attention before turning to me.
“Y/N, get behind me” Jack steps in front of me as the four werewolves surround us. “I won’t let anything happen to you”
Then a loud bang goes off and one of the animals falls to the floor, then another. The two remaining turn around, now more pissed than before.
“Sorry for that” Dean breaths out before him and Sam shoot them. “That’s better”
“Y/N, are you okay?” Jack turns to me, checking for any injury.
“I’m good” I look back at Sam and Dean “Are you guys okay?”
“Yeah” Sam nods, walking over to us. “Umm... Did you guys noticed what I did?”
“That all the werewolves seemed focused on Y/N?” Jack asks, his forehead frowning at the tought. “Because I did notice that”
I look back at Dean when Jack says that but I don’t meet his gaze because his eyes are focused on my belly.
“Dean?” I reach for his hand but he doesn’t react. “Hey, look at me”
He blinks for a couple of seconds before looking up at me. “Yeah?”
“It’s okay, I’m okay” I squeeze his hand before bringing it up to my belly. “We are both okay”
“Sam, can you drive?” I ask him as I tug Dean into the backseat with me.
“Sure” Sam nods as Jack walks over to the passenger seet. “I got it”
“Dean” I mutter as we sit in the back. “Hey?”
“I- I just... I don’t want anything to happen to you, to either of you” Desn shakes his head, pulling me closer to his chest.
“I know” I kiss his cheek before hiding my head in the crook of his neck. “I love you so much”
“I love you too” Dean sighs as he kisses the top of my head.
“Girls, the guys and Y/N are here” Jody shouts after greeting us at the door.
“Hi” I smile at Jody as she hugs me before looking down at my bump.
“Can I?” She asks me as she points at my stomach.
“Sure” I bring my shirt up to uncover my skin.
“Uh, Jody?” Dean mutters as he stands next to us. "Do you have any pain killers?”
“Uhh, let me ask Alex” She turns around after giving my belly a last goodbye.
“Is everything okay?” I frown as I turn to Dean.
“Yeah, just a headache, that’s all” He shrugs as the Patience and Claire walk from the hallway.
“Y/N” Claire squeals as she look at my stomach, pushing past Sam and Dean without even looking at them.
“Missed you too, kiddo” Dean chuckles as Alex and Jody appear from the kitchen.
“Get over it, old man” Claire shrugs before kneeling down to look at my baby. “Hello, I can’t wait for you to get out of there so we can give all this people hell”
“Please no, we don’t need another Claire” Alex teases her before giving me a hug. “Congratulations”
“Thank you” I smile as Patience starts talking to my belly, too. “She loves the attention I swear”
“How was the road?” Jody asks, guiding us into the living room.
“It was okay until Y/N had to pee and we stopped but some werewolves decided to amush us probably because of her pregnancy” Jack blurts out.
“God” Dean groans grabbing his head.
“Dean?” I call for him, grabbing his thigh.
“Oh, Alex get him the pain killer please” Jody suddenly remembers.
“Dean, what is it?” Sam stands next to his brother, worry taking over his voice. “Buddy?”
“It’s just this stupid headache” He shakes his head and Alex walks back in with the pill and water.
“Here, Dean” She hands them to him. “Do you want me to take your blood pressure?”
“No no, it’s fine” He shakes his head. “I probably just need to rest”
“Do you want me to help out Dean?” Jack asks, offering his powers.
“It’s fine, kid” Dean stops him. “I think I’m just gonna go to bed”
“Do you want me to come with you?” I ask, standing up as he does.
“You don’t have to” He reassures me. “I’ll be down the hall if you need me”
“Call me if you need anything” I tell him before he disappears into the hall way, his eyes off, almost distant.
SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO POST THIS!! Hope you like this❤️ also for the sake of this story, Jack still has his powers and everything.
General Tag List: @waywardwboys @fallenangelsneverfade @randomstuff-idontwannatalkboutit @mypassionsarenysins @thesoundofme @franchisefan14 @hazzastyyless @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name @caswinchester2000 @bitchfacesammy
Leather, Lace and Lullabies Tag List: @clarinette07 @xenwayy @alyssa6marie @siriuslyimmortal @cassburger215 @sailorsolar12 @loveway4presidentus @a--1--1--3
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jay-and-dean · 6 years
Je ne te mérite pas (I don’t deserve you) Chapter 3.
Warnings : Smut, swearing, Fluff
Future warnings : Smut, Fluff, Angst, Violence. Many smutty times in the next parts, I don’t know how I will deal with it given the recent event on tumblr, I’ll let you know
Words : 4233
Chapter summary : He finally can’t resist her...
Serie Summary : Dean and her can’t be together.If you ask Dean, he would list so many reasons : Her age, first. Not like she was a kid anymore, but he remerbers picking her from highschool not so long ago. Then Jody, damn, the girl is like a daughter to her, what kind of friend would he be ? He’d talk about her boyfriend and how he’s the opposite of himself. Of course he would expose how poisonous he is, how dangerous it is to be around him. He’d say he want to keep her away from nightmares… And he would conclude with certainly that she just won’t ever love him, why would she ?
If you ask her, she just might whisper with a heartbreack in her voice : “I don’t deserve Dean Winchester”.What if they where wrong ?
Note : It is my first time writting in english, so, forgive the errors.
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Your Pov
This son of a bitch made it real. He made your fantasies real. You were in love with him but it was a whimsical fantasist though, like you didn't even deserve to think of him in any other way than pure admiration.
And he let you kiss him...
He took you by the wrist and looked at you with desire, made you touch his lips...
And now it's fucking real.
Sasha is over you, buried inside you, kissing your neck and caressing your thighs, and you are thinking about Dean Winchester. What would it be like to have him kissing you neck like Sasha does ? What kind of lover can he be ? He's a man, a almost forty years old warrior man, you probably couldn't handle him anyway. You can't stop thinking about all the ladies he had sex with, the luckiest girls in the world, but so oblivious... having Dean Winchester but not even knowing what it means.
Sasha kisses you and only then you realize it's over, he is soft again, lying beside you and kissing your mouth almost eagerly. You break the kiss and smile at him, you stroke his hair and lay a kiss on his forehead then you get up and head straight for shower.
The water is warm and the bathroom is misty, you use Sasha's masculine shower gel and still, your stomach hurts because Dean is not here. You're going to find an excuse to come home sooner today, you need to be in the bunker, Sasha's apartment makes you claustrophobic, it's been three days and you just want to see Sam, and have Dean around.
It's strange to think of it, why would Dean want you close ?Seeing you half naked doesn't usually turn men on, all those scars... You always keep your clothes on when you sleep with someone, expect with Sasha, he knows you by heart and he doesn't ask questions anymore.
Maybe it's just because you are the girl that's there, available. The bunker is filled with men, and you happen to have boobs, that's it.
 Dean's Pov
I put the keys on the table, they're still a little bloody, I sight and rub my neck, fucking vampire. Then see Sam's phone light up : "I'll be home around 8. I'm bringing food."
Y/n wasn't supposed to come home this early, she said she'd drive by night when she left. Is there a problem with Sasha ? Did they have a fight ?No one would come back soon when they can see their loved one only once or twice a month. But I won't know anyway.
My chest narrows at the thought of seeing her, that kiss made it worse and now I'm a mess. I spent the weekend asking myself what she was doing with him, if he wanted her like I do, how she acted with him, why she kissed me... I'm just craving to kiss her again, to touch her body and, in a primal way, to take her like I owned her.
I shake my head and chase away these ideas, joining Sam in the kitchen.
 When I hear the door, my heart races. There she is, smiling at me again, hands fool of bags, her eyes bright, her jeans tight.
We eat all together, Sam, Cas, Jack, Y/n and I, and all falls into place naturally, like it's how it's supposed to be. She is asking Sam about the case she missed and apologizing to Cas that he can't really appreciate what she brought. I try not to stare at her, but she's just next to me, she doesn't smell like she usually do, she smells like a man, Sasha's been all over her and I hate it, I just want her to smell like herself again. Did he thought she smell like us when she came back to him ? What the fuck are you thinking Dean, she's not yours, people don't belong to other people, and you're not some kind of animal that sniffs girls.
Cas is gone with Jack, and when Sam gets up, saying he's heading to his room, he asks Y/n if she's coming with him. Before she can answer, I offer her a drink.
She stayed, not only for that drink but for the others, and the next time and the night after. Each time I ask her to stay with me, to come with me to do something, she does. I try hard to have her talk about herself, but most of the time, she just manages to make me confide in her.
"I swear this girl was crazy !" she says, stretching her legs toward me on the couch, one feet resting on my thigh.
Y/n and I spend our evenings together when we’re not hunting, it’s become a routine, my favorite. Sometimes, she still joins Sammy to fall asleep with him, and he told me she confessed hating falling asleep alone, because those nights she has nightmare. Last night, she fell asleep on the couch and I carried her to bed, still fighting the urge to touch her more than needed.
She relaxed over the evenings and nights we spent talking, her body relaxed to, and she now lies here, next to me, legs on mine, her head on the armrest.
"I can't believe she still has all of her teeth" I joke, taking a sip of my beer.
"I try not to fight, last time I did, the guy went to hospital", she laughs a littler and frown. "I guess I have too much anger, or a too violent story like Claire told me, anyway..."
"Wow, when was it ?" I ask.
"Mh, I don't know, 11th grade maybe... I broke his jaw and he, he had penis surgery..."
I look at her in shock, my eyes wide.
"What the ! Y/n, remind me to never make you angry !Wow ! What did he do ?"
Her smile fades away and she almost seems still mad. She stretches out a little bit on the couch, getting closer to me in the process. Under her long sleeve-shirt, I can see she not wearing a bra, and I try not to look there.
"He said something wrong about the wrong people." She says and she shyly smiles at me.
Our fun and lightweight discussion is turning serious and I lay my hand on her calf, craving for contact, looking at her.
"What did he say ?" I ask.
She hesitates and looks at my hand instead of my face.
"It was when Sam and you where often at Jody's and, you picked me out of school sometimes. Haha, I loved it, seeing the Impala waiting for me..."
I remember this, she was always alone when she get out of the building, and she always rushed toward the car, like it was a relief.
"Well, there was this guy, Troy" she continues. "He was hitting on me, kindly at fist, like... he said I was pretty and all that crap. But I pushed him away each time, and when he became insistent I told him something like "not even if you where the last blabla". Troy was not used to rejection, and so he spread a rumor, that I was a slut or whatever."
I clench my fist and mutter "Son of a bitch".
"But I didn't really care, I already was the creep of high school anyway... I was planning on a spell to give him crabs or whatever" she laughs and bite her lips mischievously.
Then she starts touching her hands, playing with the silver ring she always wear and she opens and closes her mouth a few times. Then finally she starts to speak.
"But one day, you had picked me up the day before, and seeing your car wasn't here he said something like "Alone ? Maybe ex-convict-weirdo-uncle choose to screw your mother and not your slut ass today". And so I broke his jaw, and hurt his manhood pretty bad. I had to do community services after that..."
I can’t move, my own anger making my blood boil. I try to speak and the only thing that comes out of my mouth is :
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be” she says. And then she punches my arm. “Dean ? I shouldn’t have told you that…”
I ask her why and she just says she doesn’t know. Then she suddenly sits so her body is very close to mine, her leg still in my lap, the other under her. She looks at me closely and I want to take her in my arms and touch her everywhere. Fuck, this Troy was right about one thing.
“Maybe I am indeed like an ex-convict weirdo uncle” I say low.
She sights deeply and put her head on my shoulder. We’ve never been this close, it’s like we’re cuddling and I want her so bad it makes me feel guilty.
“There it is…” she says with sadness in her voice.
“What ?”
“Self-denigration.” She whispers. “You’re not a weirdo, Dean, you’re a hero.”
Silence falls on us, her hand on my lap next to her thigh, her head resting on my shoulder, mouth toward my neck. I want to push her away but it’s far beyond my strength ; instead of that, my hand comes on her waist by itself. She smells so good, she is so close, I could drift any second and it scares me to death.She sights and lifts her hand from my knee to my chest, resting it there, certainly feeling my heart beat like crazy.
“I could easily sleep here” she murmurs “You’re comfy”.
I’m burning, her sweatpants seem so thin, her hair so soft. My other hand comes to rest on her knee, but something clicks inside my brain, like it has gone off. My fingers starts to gently caress her knee and she lets a really quiet moan out.
Fuck everything.
I stroke her thigh and go up, reaching her ass like I always dreamt of. She starts to shiver and I restrain myself from getting further. I’m high, not even knowing what I’m doing, but trying hard to stay on Earth.
Then I feel it, her mouth open kissing my throat, her hand on my chest pressing harder, her breath is so hot and her lips are wet. And I lost it. My hand slips under the edge of her shirt and I close my eyes. Her leg readjusts so she’s straddling me a little more, but not entirely and she buries her face on my neck, I’m trying to hide my panting. I just need to make her moan, make her shiver, make her mine… So my hand comes on her thigh again and travels on her front, timidly caressing her pussy through her pants. She moans and licks my throat. My heart is going to explode, my underwear too.
“Y/n…” I exhale.
My name. She said my name in an exhale of pleasure, I’m about to burst in flames.
And suddenly it all comes back.
Her age.
The life. My life.
“Y/n, y/n… I’m sorry I can’t. This is wrong.” I say hating myself.
She lets go easily, like she agreed, she gets up and smiles at me, her face flushed. She looks at me, I wish I could get up, hide my arousal and be a man about it. But I’m like a child that’s been abandoned.
“It’s okay Dean. Just… Friends ?” she asks.
 Your Pov
You can’t sleep. Your body is too shaken, your mind is going mad. You haven’t really slept in three days.
Three days.
Dean touched you there and you had a taste of his skin on your tongue. Everything is different. And it goes on and on in your head : flashes, ecstasy, excitement, fear, sadness, emptiness, hope, fear, flashes, butterflies, sadness…
Did you tease him ? Was it your fault ? Maybe he didn’t even want it to start. You talk to him about being calling a slut and then you act like one… But he touched you, he started it didn’t he ?Maybe he wanted you after all, he doesn’t have to know you love him. If he just wants sex, you are willing to give him anything he wants, even if that breaks your already shattered heart into smaller pieces.
Sasha called you yesterday and you talked for an hour. He knew something worried you, so you told him a little piece of the truth : “I saw him. I’m just sad.” You said. He didn’t understand why you were sad about it, “Was he with a girl ?” he asked… And you just told him everything was complicated in your mind, he tried to convince you to visit him but it wasn’t the right time.
Sam looked concerned too, seeing you forget to eat, and losing your keys, resting in bed all morning. But when he questioned you, you just didn’t answer, shrugging.
Dean was all natural, casual, and when you noticed he acted as usual, even with you, a part of the weight on your stomach disappeared.
Then a complicated hunt made you clear your mind. The stubborn Winchesters fell into a trap and you saved their life, preventing an Ancient God to bleed them to death, Sammy had lost a few but the guy is tough.
After the hunt the three of you went to a bar to celebrate and of course Sam was too tired to stay, he had to recover. So Dean and you stayed together, and it was the first evening you spent together in a long time, telling your drunk stories to each other and drinking a lot.
 The morning after you wake up with a bad hangover, on Dean’s bed, him lying beside you. You look at him and think, with butterflies in your stomach, that this man you love is becoming a very close friend, and the hope of being that to him is more than you ever dreamt.
“Mh…” Dean groans, rubbing his eyes. “What time is it ?”
“What ? Oh !” he stretches and sits, holding his head in his hand. “That last bottle was definitely too much… Nightmares ?” he asks turning to you.
“No… I slept like a baby. A passed out baby.”
As he says nothing, grabbing a bottle of water and realizing it’s empty, you continue.
“That’s why I often sleep with Sammy you know. It seems that sleeping beside a Winchester prevent me from nightmares. So thank you for protecting me from the monsters inside my head. ”
He smiles and kisses your forehead before getting up.
In ten days, you have slept one time with Sam after watching movies, seven times on crappy motel rooms, one night with Sasha, one night on one of the chair of the Forteress of Deanitude, and ten times with Dean, on a couch, on his bed or in yours.
Sometimes you just fall asleep drinking or talking or watching a movie, sometimes after a nightmare you join him and coil like a cat beside him over his blanket, sometimes, he carries you to bed and stays with you. And sometimes, he hears you scream in you sleep and joins you, slips under your cover and puts a shy hand on your shoulder telling you he’s here.
This is one of those nights.
Dean came to your bed and told you you were safe, he did exactly like he always does, except he was a little closer. It is the best thing in the world, having Dean beside you all night, but you are craving for him.
Why not ? You cuddle with Sam, you could get a little comfy with Dean. And having his arms around you like it happens some mornings is the closest thing to heaven. So you let yourself get even a bit closer to him, and he immediately respond, taking you in his strong arms from behind.
Having him so close is the best filling in the world, you feel like in one of those rare dreams, the ones which are better than reality, that feel like heaven. His smell makes you dizzy and you are aware of every inch of your body that's in contact with his. His foot brushes your heel and his knee is nestled against your leg, his waist doesn't touch you but you can feel his belly when he breathes deeply, his massive arm rests on your stomach and you know he feels how trembling you are. His head is just next to yours, face toward your hair ; how can not kissing someone be painful ?
You know he can feel it, this electricity, your body shaking and his burning, sweat breaking through his delicious skin. Maybe it is the reason why Dean have had so many conquests, his body made for love, reacting like a volcano when he touches a woman's body, making hers melt. Or maybe it is your love for him that’s consuming you.
He feels it, because his finger gently brushes the skin that your t-shirt doesn't cover, and your breathing begins to tremble intensely. And when you turn your upper body slightly to face him more, his starts to shake too. It's dark, but you can see his eyes staring at yours, and his mouth slightly open, so close. His finger is joined by another on your burning skin and finally all his hand rests on your stomach.
He closes his eyes for a second and his hand comes up, very slowly, until he is touching your breast. You stop breathing, your heart beating his hand like it was try to join it out there. His head gets close to yours and his lips brush your neck, his body is getting close and you can now feel his chest rising with force against your shoulder and arm. The big strong hand that was on your breast starts to explore to other one and find a way under your shirt.
"Stop me..." he whispers like he was out of breath.
"Y/n, tell me to stop".
His voice desperate against your throat is the hottest thing you ever heard and felt, so you let out a quiet moan and reach out to touch him, your hand falling on his waist. He groans and sticks his entire body against yours. That's when you feel how hard he is, and that sends an electric shock to your panties. You think you’re going to faint… or die.
He starts kissing your throat and biting it gently, and his mouth finds its way to your jaw, he turns you over so you’re fully on your back and he puts his body a bit more above yours. You’re a mess, panting and shaking and you think you could come like that, Dean Winchester devouring your skin.
You turn your head, desperately avid for his mouth, crushing your lips to his, and he kisses you.
He kisses you like he was feasting on your throat a minute ago : fiercely and deliciously. His tongue caressing yours is the permission you needed, and you wrap one arm around his neck, like you’ve always dreamed of, and let the other linger on his back, feeling his muscles tighten and relax under your fingers. He’s so manly yet tender, and you have a single thought for Sasha : This, this is not the same, Dean is not the same.
When he’s completely above you, gently rubbing his boxers against your thigh, you realize what’s going on, and you start to panic.
There is no fucking way you are making Dean Winchester feel those things. You know now you are going to have him inside you… fuck this was not supposed to happen, it’s like you’re blessed. It’s so overwhelming you could cry, he is everything, always have been and he gives himself to you, how are you supposed to survive when it’s over ?
He must be feeling your anxiety because he breaks the kiss.
“I can stop.” He says panting. “I should.”
“No…” you whine and you try to pull his underwear down.
He groans low and starts devouring your neck again, his crotch moving along with his tongue. Then things speed up : He’s touching you everywhere and kissing you, biting you, and in an instant your pajama pants are gone, along with you panties, you didn’t even realize he moved, you’re high on him. You’re pulling his boxers down when he stops moving, resting his forehead against yours.
“I shouldn’t… This is…” he starts to murmur, completely out of breath, but you kiss him and wrap your legs around him.
“Dean…” you didn’t recognize your own voice, it’s low, desperate and obscene, and in the same time it sounds like a prayer.
He sighs, mumbling Oh fuck to himself and one of his hand comes to your thigh. You finally feel him right where you didn’t even allow yourself to dream you would. His tip against you, his mouth on yours.
And he enters you, fills you completely, slowly but firmly.
Everything is blurry and perfectly clear. In the same second you can feel the intensifying smell of his sweat, your body stretching to welcome him, his stomach shaking, the air he’s breathing out in your mouth, every inch of him inside you, your heart screaming for him, his arms around you, elbows on each side of your head, how big and strong he is, how tall, the heaviness of his charisma you’ve always loved so much, his powerful lower back holding himself back... Everything. But you can’t clearly tell where you end and where he starts for a second.
You didn’t realize your eyes were closed, until you open them and drown in his. You kiss him like you always dreamed you would, without any reserve, finally giving in, letting the control blow up.
Kissing you back he starts to move, thrust, moan and you can’t concentrate on his lips anymore, letting your head fall onto the pillow, mouth agape, breathing his smell like it was the more powerful drug in the world. You try to focus, you want everything, not just the intense pleasure he’s giving you, you want to feel him and see him. So you open your eyes again and he’s still watching you, sweaty and serious, his face so beautiful it makes you shy again for a second, like he was between pain and ecstasy. You want to talk to him, tell him how beautiful he is and how good this is, how no man ever had that effect on you, how letting go was such a big deal for you, you would also tell him to let go, that he’s not hurting you, that this is okay, that you want all of him… But you can’t trust your mouth now, because between moans and panting, all it would let pass your lips would be I love you. And this is never going to be said. Ever.
He doesn’t say anything either. It's silent and you're in the dark, he's so tall and strong, you love him so much that he eclipse everything anyway. Just him over you, over the world.
You hang onto him, and let the pleasure devour you, you can't breathe properly because your body doesn't know how to react to so many sensations and feelings.
Then it hits you without warning. An orgasm so strong everything shuts down for a minute, you open your mouth wide, like you were screaming but no sound comes out. Dean kisses your lips and bites your throat, he groans with restraint and you feel his body shake ; you try to look at him, but everything is blurry, and he hides his beautiful face on your neck anyway.
You're suddenly cold, and burning at the same time, he is still buried deep inside you but he stops moving. Your pussy and your legs both keeping him there, he's out of breath and his body weights a little more on you.
Finally he withdraws and lets himself fall beside you, still lying on his stomach, a hand across your chest. He looks at you.
His beloved face, all sweaty, looking at you so closely. You wish you could die like that. And you look at him, letting a bit of your infinite love show, wishing the dark hides it for you.
"We didn't use a..."
"I'm on pill" you cut him on the same volume, barely a whisper.
He is silent. You thought he would have left already but he stays there watching you watching him.
"I know, Dean" you say calmly, it's not like you have thought he would want anything more. You're ready for it, you had more than you could dream of, now it's over. You just don't want him to make it awkward.
"It's just" he starts "I shouldn't ha..."
"Dean" you stroke is cheek gently and kiss his lips one last time. "It was great, but it's over. I have a boyfriend and we are friends."
He nods and sights.
 The night is going to be long, because there is no way you are going to sleep, you are going to make it last every damn second you can.
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zrtranscripts · 6 years
Radio Abel, Season Five
Part 2 of 3
This section contains clips that take place after S5M8, “Liar Liar,” M10, “Wrong Song,” and M20, “Stay Alive.” This information is indicated before each set of clips by a note in italics.
(the following clips take place after S5M8)
ZOE CRICK: It's on.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: We're transmitting?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You're sure?
ZOE CRICK: We're in a van in a field somewhere I can't say, with equipment cobbled together from Dixons, and the entire government of the country after us, so we can't stay in any one place for more than half an hour. So no, I'm not sure. There's maybe a 23% chance that we are, right now, transmitting.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Okay, good enough. Good morning, ci-ti-zens! You're listening to Radio Free Abel, fearlessly bringing you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! We'll be back to tell you how and why after this song.
ZOE CRICK: So we're still going to play music? Even though we've got half an hour in this location? How much time for the truth will that leave us?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Zoe, no one's going to listen if we don't play some good tunes.
ZOE CRICK: They might. I mean, they might just listen to us.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, it's always possible. Let's just play it safe, eh? We'll be back after this next song!
PHIL CHEESEMAN: And we're back. You're listening to Radio Free Abel, telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
ZOE CRICK: Are you going to say that every time?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: It's important.
ZOE CRICK: But isn't it a bit like saying "no offense" before you say something, when that 100% guarantees the next thing to come out of your mouth is going to be super offensive?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Zoe, do you not actually want our listeners to believe us?
ZOE CRICK: No, I do. Of course I do. I definitely want them to believe me when I say that I love cats in a totally proportional and reasonable way, despite what certain people might have insinuated.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, but that actually is a lie.
ZOE CRICK: Okay! I know we've both accused each other of lying, but that's just like, reverse psychology or something. No, you know what? Why don't you listen to a song, yeah? I think listening to some music might be a very good idea at this point.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: And we're back. This is Radio Free Abel, telling you the things your government doesn't want you to hear.
ZOE CRICK: Okay, this is... this is true, and it's important. For anyone who's listening, anyone at all, we want you to know that no one is helping us. No one's harboring us, or giving us food, or any assistance at all. Everything we're doing and saying – that's just on us.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: And no one knows where we are. We um, we left some people behind, and some of them are children, and they're safe and happy, and they've got no way to get in touch with us, and we've got no way to get in touch with them.
ZOE CRICK: So blame us if you don't like what we're saying. Punish us. But you'll have to catch us first.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I think that's our cue to move on. We'll be back as soon as we can. In the meantime, here's a little song that always makes me think of those dishonest sods at the Ministry of Recovery.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Hello, citizens! Radio Free Abel is back on your airwaves!
ZOE CRICK: And today, we're going to play a little game of True or False. I'm going to say something some of you may have heard about Abel, and Phil will tell you if it's true, or false. You know, hence the name True or False.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, I think they probably got that.
ZOE CRICK: Okay. So, to begin. Abel was responsible for the zombie apocalypse: true or false?
[buzzer buzzes]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Nope. They were working just as hard as they could to cure it, but it was the Minister of Recovery herself, Sigrid Hakkinen, who deliberately created and then released the zombie plague. And Abel have evidence to prove it.
ZOE CRICK: Only they can't show anyone the evidence because the Ministry's stolen most of it.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [laughs] We sound like conspiracy nuts, don't we? The Minister started the zombie plague, and also the moon landings are faked, and 9/11 was an inside job.
ZOE CRICK: Yeah, well, you know what, listeners? You don't have to believe us about the Minister. But then, you shouldn't believe the Minister about Abel, either. Because that's just another bogus conspiracy theory.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: And sticking to our theme, this next song is Zoe's favorite karaoke number. True or false?
ZOE CRICK: Abel radio operator Sam Yao is unhealthily obsessed with rubbish kid's TV of the 1970s that he used to watch on YouTube. True or false?
[bell dings]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, no, that one's totally true, I'm afraid.
ZOE CRICK: I mean, really, really obsessed. Like, can name every episode of Ace of Wands in order, even the deleted ones, and sing the theme tune.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: To be fair, so can you.
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] But uh, I'm doing it ironically.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Mm. Anyway, don't even get him started talking about Jimmy's Jaunts.
ZOE CRICK: Not unless you've got a couple of hours to spare.
ZOE CRICK: Janine De Luca was a power-mad homocidal maniac. True or false?
[buzzer buzzes]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: It's false! It's so false, it's almost coming out the other end being true again!
ZOE CRICK: Except it hasn't. It's a big fat lie, and it's... Janine was a good person! It really gets my goat, the stuff they're saying about her! If I had a goat, which I don't – where did that expression come from, anyway? I mean, what's so bad about getting someone's goat? Maybe you just want to milk it for them, or you know, pet it.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I think we're wandering a bit off the point, Zo.
ZOE CRICK: What? Oh, yeah. The point is, Janine De Luca was a hero.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Ask anyone who knew her.
ZOE CRICK: Apart from Amelia Spens, since you know, she knew her and also said all that bollocks about her.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Actually, I just had an idea.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh, never mind. Tell you later. Time we were off. This has been Radio Free Abel, telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
(the following clips take place after S5M10)
JODY MARSH: And then she told me all about how clever she’d been when she tricked three children into giving her their last corn flakes!
ZOE CRICK: Hold on, wait. Wait! I think I just flipped the switch to transmit. [fiddles with switch]
JODY MARSH: Is… that thing that conceals where you’re broadcasting from and, and where I am, is that still working?
ZOE CRICK: It is. Yeah.
JODY MARSH: Then broadcast it. It doesn’t matter if she hears this. I mean, I’m not one to say something behind someone’s back that I wouldn’t say to their face, and I’d tell Amelia to her face that I think she’s completely awful. I have told her that to her face. More than once. Actually, more than a dozen times!
ZOE CRICK: Well, I suppose the point of Radio Free Abel is to let people know about the real Abel. And you don’t get much realer than drunk and disorderly it! Bloody hell, is it really four in the morning? How much have we been drinking? Wait… what was I saying?
JODY MARSH: You were talking about how horrible Amelia Spens is.
ZOE CRICK: I’m pretty sure that was you. Also, isn’t she one of us now? You know, listeners, one of the good guys?
JODY MARSH: Oh… oh yeah. No, I mean, she’s totally loyal to Abel, totally. I mean, maybe fanatically is a better word. It’s just she’s awful in every other way. Except her fanatical loyalty to Abel. That’s her one redeeming feature.
ZOE CRICK: Alright, then. Amelia, this one’s for you.
JODY MARSH: I just wanna, you know, put my hands around her neck and strangle her - !
ZOE CRICK: So, listeners, we’re still talking about Amelia Spens. Apparently. That is still the topic of conversation.
JODY MARSH: Sorry! She just drives me crazy.
ZOE CRICK: It’s okay. I totally get the appeal of a bad girl.
JODY MARSH: Oh, not like that! Bloody hell, Zoe!
ZOE CRICK: I’ve got to be honest, it sounded pretty “like that.”
JODY MARSH: It’s anger, and you know, contempt. Hatred. That feeling you have about someone who tried to frame you for murder and still thinks it’s dead funny. I just want to shove her into the nearest zombie.
ZOE CRICK: Yep. Still sounding “like that.”
JODY MARSH: Aw, shut up!
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] It’s fine. I mean, there’s a reason everyone loves Han Solo, the rogue with a heart of gold.
JODY MARSH: Amelia doesn’t have a heart of gold. If she did, she’d find a way to extract it and sell it to the highest bidder!
ZOE CRICK: Okay, then. This one’s for Han Solo, may he rest in peace.
JODY MARSH: Poor Han Solo! Still makes me well up, which is ridiculous, because you know, zombie apocalypse and that. But him dying left me in bits!
ZOE CRICK: Yep. Rogue with a heart of gold. That’s why Han Solo’s my ideal man.
JODY MARSH: Or woman.
ZOE CRICK: Well, I’m pretty sure Han Solo is a man.
JODY MARSH: You know who I’m talking about.
ZOE CRICK: Not a Scooby.
JODY MARSH: Oh, right!
ZOE CRICK: Seriously.
JODY MARSH: Yeah, no. Obviously, there’s no roguish yet good-hearted lady who you’d like to get closer to? … Okay, okay, time for another song. You got it queued up?
ZOE CRICK: Yes. If it'll stop this conversation, yes.
JODY MARSH: Great. Alright then, listeners, this one’s for a certain Abel runner that Zoe definitely, definitely doesn’t think about every night.
ZOE CRICK: [sighs] I hate you.
ZOE CRICK: I miss it. I really do.
JODY MARSH: What, her?
ZOE CRICK: No, I mean not just her. New Canton. Abel. Everyone.
JODY MARSH: It's not – [sighs] It's not great right now. It's hard. I'm glad you're not here. I'm glad you're doing what you're doing, that someone's telling the truth about us.
ZOE CRICK: Do you think anyone's listening?
JODY MARSH: Yeah. Yeah, I think they are. They've got to be, right? We're not – none of us – we're not doing this for nothing.
ZOE CRICK: All right, then. For everyone who is listening, this is Radio Free Abel. And that was Jody Marsh, a hero of the resistance. [laughs] Keep safe out there, Jody. The country needs you. Phil and I are moving on tomorrow, so we're patching you back into some more radio from around the country. Catch you on the far side, citizens.
[static, distorted audio]
ZOE CRICK: We're not sure if anyone can hear us - [distortion]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: What we know is that the Ministry's jamming our signal wherever they can. They'd rather stop our message from reaching you - [distortion]
ZOE CRICK: What is it Sam says? You can't stop the signal, so -
[distorted audio]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, yeah. So uh, ask yourselves another thing. If they don't want you to hear us - [distortion]
ZOE CRICK: What are they afraid we'll say?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You're listening to Radio Free Abel, telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
[static, distorted audio]
ZOE CRICK: Talk about [distortion] about, you know, what you did in the days of Abel. I mean, of course, yeah, I know that [distortion] we are trying really hard to [distortion] the Ministry.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [distortion] - anything they say about Sam Yao, you can discount. He's a good man. [distortion]
ZOE CRICK: He wouldn't hurt anyone.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: No, he certainly wouldn't. And plus - [distortion]
ZOE CRICK: And so don't be afraid of them. Just please keep trying to fight the good fight.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Don't give up. Never give up the fight.
[audio somewhat distorted and echoey]
ZOE CRICK: Has it worked? They can hear us?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I don't know.
ZOE CRICK: Then what's the point? Sorry, sorry. I know we have to try. We have to.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I think it's worked. I've bypassed the frequency and modulated the um, um, uh, never mind. I just, I think this should be able to make it through the Ministry's blocking.
ZOE CRICK: Okay, good. Okay. So this is Radio Free Abel.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Back on the air! I think. Back in the business of bringing you the truth that your government's been working very hard to stop you hearing.
ZOE CRICK: Okay, this is...
ZOE CRICK: It's... I mean...
ZOE CRICK: Some of you have... [sighs] Some of you have started broadcasts of your own to let us know that you can hear us.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: And to tell us that you believe us.
ZOE CRICK: And it's so, so cool. It's amazing. But just, please stop. You're putting yourselves in danger. You're putting anyone you love in danger.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: We're on the road all the time. We never stop anywhere for more than a day. We do everything we can to keep safe.
ZOE CRICK: So it really does mean the world to us that you're listening, but let us take the risks. And if you want to do something, just listen and keep believing.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: And if Abel ever ask for your help... well, you've got to make your own minds up, haven't you?
ZOE CRICK: This is Radio Free Abel, bringing every single one of you the truth, and no one's going to stop us.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Good morning, citizens! You're listening to Radio Free Abel, and we've got a real treat in store for you today. All the way from a secret location, we're bringing you the famous -
ZOE CRICK: Infamous might be a better word for it.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh, one of the stars of the Ministry's radio broadcasts about Abel, Amelia Spens.
ZOE CRICK: ... Amelia, are you there?
AMELIA SPENS: Oh. Yes, I'm here. I just can't quite believe I'm doing this.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Well, we're very glad – and honored – you are.
AMELIA SPENS: Honored, really?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh, yeah. [laughs] Now, Amelia, you've had some pretty nasty things to say about Abel Township on Ministry broadcasts.
AMELIA SPENS: I suppose they weren't terribly flattering.
ZOE CRICK: Can you tell us now why you said those things? Were you coerced?
AMELIA SPENS: Coerced? Does Ian trying to force Viscount biscuits on me count as coercion? I suppose in some embattled regimes, it might.
ZOE CRICK: But the things you said weren't true, were they?
AMELIA SPENS: Oh, no. They were a dreadful pack of lies.
ZOE CRICK: Right. So why did you say them?
AMELIA SPENS: As I recall, mainly because I thought it was funny. I had a little bet with myself about how many women I could tell him wore eyepatches before he called me on it. Eight. It was eight.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Okay then, listeners, uh, we'll be hearing more from Amelia right after this.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: And we're back. You're listening to Radio Free Abel with our special guest today, Amelia Spens.
AMELIA SPENS: Hello again.
ZOE CRICK: So, Amelia, can you tell people why they should believe you now when you were lying before?
AMELIA SPENS: Well, I'm not sure they should.
ZOE CRICK: Right. But you are telling the truth now?
AMELIA SPENS: Telling the truth about my previous shameless lies? Yes, I am. But now that I think about it, I suppose there was an implicit threat that if I didn't take part in the broadcast for the Ministry, my life might be in danger. So in that sense, yes, I was coerced to say what I did about Janine.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, thank God.
AMELIA SPENS: Let me just set the record straight. Janine De Luca never wore an eyepatch, and she wasn't prone to dressing in leather. Although to be honest, I do think leather would have suited her. 
She wasn't a bad person. Anyone who knew her would know what an absurd claim that was. Janine De Luca was honorable and moral to a fault. And I use that phrase advisedly, because as far as I was concerned, her refusal to bend with the wind was an iredeemable flaw, but there you have it. Satisfied?
ZOE CRICK: Um, yeah. Okay, then. This song goes out to Janine De Luca and everyone else we've lost.
ZOE CRICK: So if Ian made you tell lies about Janine, what can you tell us about Ian?
AMELIA SPENS: Ooh, he's a dreadfully amoral little person. Of course, I think morality's all nonsense, so what would I know?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Y-you're not that bad.
AMELIA SPENS: Really? According to your colleague here, I'm virtually the Antichrist.
ZOE CRICK: To be fair, that was Jody, not me. [laughs] I felt entirely neutral about you until this broadcast.
AMELIA SPENS: Ah, yes? And what do you think about me now?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Why'd you come on this show if you're not going to say -
AMELIA SPENS: What you want me to say?
ZOE CRICK: What do you know is the truth? Why did you come here, if not to do that?
AMELIA SPENS: I had a spare half hour and I thought it might be amusing. And it has been, so thank you.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [groans] All right, citizens, this is a song Amelia picked herself. We'll be back in a moment.
ZOE CRICK: So, Amelia, I believe we were talking about Ian Golightly, current leader of Abel Township.
AMELIA SPENS: I think he's actually calling himself Commander Golightly these days. He really is quite an absurd human being.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You're not a fan, then.
AMELIA SPENS: Oh, he's ghastly! A ghastly jumped-up little sadist. He's nothing like as clever as he thinks he is. Also, his breath is quite extraordinarily bad.
ZOE CRICK: Thank you, Amelia. That's -
AMELIA SPENS: And he has no fashion sense whatsoever. With the amount of luxuries he requisitions for himself as head of Abel, you'd really think he could afford a decent suit. 
[sighs] But his biggest problem is that he's one of those people who is able to believe that they're good only because they've never really had the opportunity to be bad. And even now he's started doing some quite awful things, he still imagines he's the hero. 
I've got no time for people like that. There's nothing wrong with doing wrong if it's in your interest, but at least have the decency to be honest about it. Otherwise, how can anyone respect you?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh, yeah. Thanks for that. We're off now, citizens. You've been listening to Radio Free Abel with our special guest, Amelia Spens. Who, um, apparently is an honestly awful person.
ZOE CRICK: Sounds about right to me.
AMELIA SPENS: Toodle-pip, everyone.
(the following clips take place after S5M20)
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Hello again, listeners. This is Radio Free Abel bringing you all the truth, all the time.
ZOE CRICK: Also some moderately decent tunes, and quite a lot of awful jokes. Ooh, talking of -
ZOE CRICK: What? I literally didn't say anything.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You were about to. Finally got a few minutes on air, and you're not using them to tell any terrible jokes. Especially if they include the words knock, chicken, or shark-infested custard.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, you've spoiled the punchline now.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Mm, not a punchline if it isn't even slightly funny.
ZOE CRICK: Technically, I think it is.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Anyway listeners, we're not here to tell you what's yellow and dangerous -
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] You just stole my joke!
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [laughs] We're here to talk to you about Abel Township, and some of the amazing people that used to live there. You've been told also some lies about them, so we're going to set the record straight. We're going to give you the real story of Abel's heroes, the... biogra-truth.
ZOE CRICK: Biogra-truth.
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] Biogra-truth?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah. We'll be back right after this.
ZOE CRICK: That song does always sort of remind me of Sam.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, I know what you mean. Zoe's talking about Sam Yao, of course. Abel Township radio operator and hero of the resistance.
ZOE CRICK: You've been told that Sam's evil, ruthless, and homicidal, which I mean, come on. Sam's actually one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, and I say that as a woman who doesn't generally like other humans.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Sam was a student when the apocalypse struck. Like nearly all of us, he lost of the people closest to him. His parents died, his sister's missing, and he nearly died, too, before he was rescued from zoms by Abel Township runners.
ZOE CRICK: Since then, he's dedicated his life to keeping those runners safe. Well, also to eating a lot of chocolate and playing Demons and Darkness, but [laughs] mainly the safety thing.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Sam's a good person. If you had a problem and you needed a friend who'd absolutely, definitely care about it, Sam's your man.
ZOE CRICK: I mean, we're not saying he'd solve it, necessarily. He isn't Jesus. But he'd properly care. Not just make the face people do when they want to look concerned but they're actually wondering which vegetables to have with supper.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: This next song was always a favorite of Sam's. Hope you enjoy it, mate, wherever you are.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I'll tell something else about Sam, he's as bad at geography as I am.
ZOE CRICK: Is that a good thing?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: No, it's just nice to meet someone else who always thought Suffolk was south of London.
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] What, seriously?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Well, Suffolk means south folk, doesn't it? It's in the name.
ZOE CRICK: Yeah, because it's the southern bit of East Anglia.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, I know that now.
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] How did I never know this about you? Bloody hell, all the opportunities for piss-taking I've missed. [laughs] So come on, Phil. Is Liverpool east or west of Manchester?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh look, it's time for another song.
ZOE CRICK: While you listened to that cheerful little number, we've established that Phil thinks the Shetland Islands are off the coast of Cornwall, Alaska is floating in the sea somewhere above Canada – hmm, I suppose at least you got the right continent – and Denmark is famous for being landlocked.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You said you wouldn't tell anyone.
ZOE CRICK: Yes. But obviously, I was lying. [laughs] I'm not complaining. It's the gift that'll keep on giving. [laughs] But how did you end up so rubbish at geography? You, the man who alphabetizes his novelty mugs.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, I don't know. I can tell my left from my right, but just... I don't like looking at maps.
ZOE CRICK: Hm. And there was me, thinking you made me navigate all the time so you didn't seem sexist. What is it, map-phobia?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, it's not a phobia. It's, um... if you look at something on a map, you pin it down. There it is with borders and A roads and bypasses. When it's only in my head, it could be anywhere. It's, uh, it's magical.
ZOE CRICK: That's actually... [laughs] That's actually sort of beautiful. Phil Cheeseman, there's poetry in that soul of yours. Hm. No wonder you and Sam get on so well. He's a dreamer, too.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Um... anyway listeners, um, it's time we were off. But remember, Sam Yao's still out there somewhere, fighting to make the world a better place.
ZOE CRICK: Even though he doesn't know which side of England Wales is attached to.  
ELOISE: Hugh, right up ahead is one of your spiritual homelands.
HUGH: What, Heslington?
ELOISE: Eh? What's at Heslington?
HUGH: There was a bloke there did the best black pudding I ever had.
ELOISE: I'm not sure I trust black pudding chefs with all the zoms around as potential raw materials. It's not that, anyway. It's Woodstock.
HUGH: Oh yeah, where the Grateful Dead played one of their notoriously worst performances. Constantly getting electric shocks from their gear, their amps blowing up all over the place, and probably tripping out their boxers. Sadly, not Woodstock. Oxfordshire, or I might have actually been there.
ELOISE: There's a bit of royal intrigue associated with Woodstock. You want to hear it?
HUGH: That sounds just as good as a three-day nonstop Aquarian festival with music, peace, and free love.
ELOISE: Do you want to hear it or not?
HUGH: Yeah, I suppose.
ELOISE: Henry II had a mistress called Fair Rosamund. He installed her at a house at Woodstock, and he didn't want anybody to bother her, so he built a labyrinth around it. Well, either the house was a labyrinth or the garden was a labyrinth. Or maybe both.
HUGH: Not ideal if you need to pop out for a pint of milk.
ELOISE: No. He also married Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was no pushover, having already divorced the king of France. Eleanor got wind of Rosamund, and as you can imagine, she did not approve.
HUGH: But she couldn't get in the house because it was a labyrinth.
ELOISE: Right. Until one time – oh, I don't know if I quite believe this - Henry visited, and he was such a duffer that he got a silk thread caught in his boot. So on the way out, the thread unrolled and left the perfect trail for Eleanor to follow.
HUGH: Which, if I know wronged women, she wasted no time in doing.
ELOISE: Well, that's right. And when she confronted Fair Rosamund, it was the age-old choice. The dagger or the cup of poison.
HUGH: If you're ever in that situation, take the dagger. It only hurts for a minute, and then the – what do you call them? - endolphins kick in. You don't want to die slowly on the floor of a really bad hangover.
ELOISE: Third day at Woodstock, that would have been you.
HUGH: Harsh but true, my love. Harsh but true.
HUGH: You'll like this story, dear. It's romantic.
ELOISE: Does it end in violence and heartbreak?
HUGH: You don't want spoilers.
ELOISE: Oh, they all do. Okay, let's hear it.
HUGH: It's about a student in Oxford, the intellectual powerhouse a few miles down that last road.
ELOISE: When does this happen?
HUGH: Oh, I don't know. The 1800s. What difference does that make?
ELOISE: I'm trying to visualize the outfits!
HUGH: They all wear them gowns and motorboats.
ELOISE: Mortarboards. Okay, I've got it.
HUGH: This student, he seduces the daughter of a tradesman. They're not supposed to do that. They're supposed to concentrate on their Latin or whatever. So he decides to murder her.
ELOISE: Intellectual powerhouse, my eye.
HUGH: So he arranges to meet her in a field. He shows up early, but she shows up even earlier and hides up a tree. She's all for jumping down and surprising him, until she sees him digging a grave.
ELOISE: The old smoothy.
HUGH: Unsurprisingly, she don't come down, and he goes home disappointed. Then the next day, she's at the door of her father's house when he comes past and says hello as usual. What do you think she says?
ELOISE:  I'm looking forward to it!
HUGH: "One moon shiny night as I sat high, waiting for one to come by, the boughs did bend, my heart did ache, to see what hole the fox did make."
ELOISE: Haha, you tell him, girl! So what does he do?
HUGH: He stabs her.
HUGH: Through the heart, though.
ELOISE: I see.
HUGH: I told you it was romantic.
ELOISE: Yes, you did.
HUGH: Can you see it?
ELOISE: Just its feet. We're dragging it along like Indiana Jones.
ELOISE: When he gets punched out that truck and he hangs on with his whip.
HUGH: Has it got a hat on?
ELOISE: I just said I could only see its feet, didn't I? It's not got a hat on its feet.
HUGH: This is the third time. I wonder what it is about the back of the van that fascinates zoms.
ELOISE: It's the engine, you big [?]. They're attracted to noise, and that thing goes crr crr all day.
HUGH: I think it's more of a vrr vrr.
ELOISE: Oh, never mind. How are we going to get rid of this one? We've had it for five miles. I'm not fast enough these days to go out there and saw through its arms.
HUGH: Maybe if we drive for long enough, the road will gradually grind through it from the front to the back.
ELOISE: Yeah, and maybe it'll call all its friends, and we'll end up on the front of a zombie conga.
HUGH: There's another reason to be thankful for the zombie apocaplypse. No more dancing at weddings.
ELOISE: You like those slow dances. Get rid of this zom, and maybe we'll have time for a slow dance after.
HUGH: I tried the U-turn. I've tried the quick reverse. I even tried a level crossing and it's still hanging on.
ELOISE: I've got it. Turn up there between the fields.
HUGH: Okay.
ELOISE: We're looking for um... there's one! A cattle grid.
HUGH: I see your plan.
ELOISE: Now reverse. [van clatters] Now forward. [van clatters] Now backwards. [van clatters] It's let go! Oh! Oh, that's not pretty.
HUGH: Nice work, dear. By the way, it's your turn to clean the rear bumper.
ELOISE: Trade you it for that slow dance?
HUGH: Yeah, suppose.
[chickens squawk]
ZOE CRICK: Tonight, listeners, Radio Free Abel is coming to you from the heart of the British countryside, by which I really mean a smelly old barn with a lot more chickens than I generally like. Why are we in a barn, Phil?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh... I don't know. Uh... it seemed like a good idea at the time.
ZOE CRICK: Did we decide to do this yesterday?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, I think.
ZOE CRICK: After we'd gone 58 hours without any sleep?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: No, that um... no, that was the night before yesterday. Don't you remember? Both of us passed out from exhaustion for a couple of hours last night.
ZOE CRICK: Did we?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah. And that Ministry truck nearly caught up with us.
ZOE CRICK: Mm, I remember. That's why we're in a barn. We're hiding.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Right. [sighs] Then, um... should we really be broadcasting?
ZOE CRICK: Mm. Too late now. We'll be back after this song, when we've, um, you know. [yawns] Decided what we're going to talk about.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [gasps] Zoe. We're on.
ZOE CRICK: What? Oh um, right. Good morning, citizens.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: So, um... what are we going to talk about?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh, leopards.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: They're cool. They run really, really fast.
ZOE CRICK: I think that's pandas.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: No, pandas aren't even cats. I mean, I suppose they are black and white, and...
ZOE CRICK: So we're talking about cats. [laughs] That's good. I like cats. More cats after this.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Zoe, are you crying?
ZOE CRICK: [sniffs] Sorry. It's just... That song really reminds me of them.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Of the people at Abel.
ZOE CRICK: No, my cats! Poor Pushkin. What if they forget to feed her? She could die!
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Don't be silly. Jack and Eugene'll be spoiling her rotten.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, I don't think we're supposed to say their names.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh yeah, no.
ZOE CRICK: Well, I miss them, too.
ZOE CRICK: Panthers.
ZOE CRICK: That's what I meant. Not pandas, it's panthers that are really fast.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I think we need to go, Zo.
ZOE CRICK: Right. Yeah. Or we could just have a little sleep.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: No. We can't sleep. We've got to drive. [sighs] We've always got to keep driving.
ZOE CRICK: Right. Yeah. Or the Ministry's panthers will get us.
ZOE CRICK: So we're not completely sure if we did a broadcast in the middle of the night. I don't really remember it.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I think I might have dreamed it.
ZOE CRICK: But if we did, please just forget everything we said.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Unless it was really sensible. For example, if I told you something interesting about the American Civil War, you don't need to forget that.
ZOE CRICK: It probably was something about the American Civil War. You always talk about the American Civil War when you're tired, and I definitely always ignore it.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [scoffs] You told me my analysis of the Battle of Wilson's Creek was really eye-opening.
ZOE CRICK: Hmm. I was being polite.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Don't give me that. You're never polite. Anyway, the point is we're here, and this time, we're not talking complete nonsense!
ZOE CRICK: Hmm. If we ever did.
ZOE CRICK: I love that song. It always makes me happy.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah. Me, too. Didn't we work out that's the only thing we both had on our Spotify cheer me up songs playlist?
ZOE CRICK: That's right! [laughs] I'd totally forgotten about that. And I had "I Touch Myself" on my one hit wonders playlist, and you had it on your romantic playlist, which you've never satisfactorily explained.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: It's a love song. It's about overwhelming passion. Of course it's romantic.
ZOE CRICK: Right. [laughs] Well, by that standard, this next number must be the most romantic song of all time.
ELOISE: I thought we were goners there for sure.
HUGH: You made some great evasive maneuvers, love. Classic defensive driving.
ELOISE: Apart from those first couple of shamblers.
HUGH: Well, the van needed a wash anyway. You just forced the issue.
ELOISE: I want to park up and get my breath back.
HUGH: Couple more miles first, eh?
ELOISE: Get my mind off it. Tell me something from the book.
HUGH: As a matter of fact, I had been saving up something special. Place over there, Knaphill, famous for death warnings.
ELOISE: Oh no.
HUGH: There was a farmer's son who dreamed he would be accidentally shot by his own gun. And the following Tuesday, what happened? Exactly that.
ELOISE: I can't help but feel that one could have been avoided if he had, you know, just not pointed  his own gun at himself.
HUGH: [laughs] It's easy to be wise in retrospect. Here's another one. An uncle was sitting in bed, and he heard someone slowly lift the latch of the door three times.
ELOISE: What happened?
HUGH: Nothing the first night, but it happened again the next night. At exactly the same time, slowly the latch was lifted three times.
HUGH: Nothing again. So when it happened a third night, old uncle had his stick, all ready to clobber the ghostly intruder.
HUGH: That night, a different guy died of unrelated causes.
ELOISE: That one's a little unsatisfying.
HUGH: Okay, last try. A teenager saw a little figure like a doll walking along the top of a hedge, dressed in silk and satin. It reached her mother's house, where it disappeared, and all they heard was  the rustling of silk and satin. She told her dad, and he said that is always a warning.
ELOISE: Actually, that is quite creepy. Did the mother die?
HUGH: Mother died.
ELOISE: See that book?
HUGH: Yes, love?
ELOISE: Throw it away.
HUGH: You like a good murder, don't you, Eloise?
ELOISE: I like a good murder story. It's not quite the same thing, lucky for you.
HUGH: They've got one in this village coming up. Colnbrook.
ELOISE: Is it about how property prices got so high this close to the M25 that the only way you could get a house here was to murder the existing occupants?
HUGH: No. In fact, Heathrow Airport's just over there, so it may not have been the idyllic country residence it looks. Remember that thing about the third runway? Practically in their back gardens. They did have an apple fair, though. Colnbrook Apple Fair.
ELOISE: What happens at an apple fair?
HUGH: Well, I'm guessing orchard fruits featured heavily.
ELOISE: Was the murder about apples?
HUGH: No. I think it predates the apple fair. See that old Tudor-looking building ahead on the right? That's the Ostrich Inn. In the 17th century, the landlord and his wife used to kill their customers.
ELOISE: Ah. The days before TripAdvisor.
HUGH: They waited for a rich guest, then they put him in the best room, right above the kitchen. And the bed was nailed to the floor, and the floor was on a hinge fastened with iron pins. So in the middle of the night when he was fast asleep, they pulled out the pins and down he came. They kept a big boiling cauldron right underneath.
ELOISE: And what was in the cauldron?
HUGH: Hopefully not soup. As my mother used to say, boil the soup, spoil the soup.
ELOISE: I trust your mother never put people in her soup.
HUGH: Tasted like it, sometimes.
ELOISE: They must have got caught eventually. You can't boil travelers to death every night without a bit of screaming.
HUGH: Indeed. While Thomas Cole, a clothier from Reading, was taking the big plunge, his horse went off to bother a mare in a nearby field, and there is some unlikely twist about his servant finding the horse and tracing it back to the inn.
ELOISE: Well, that's not unlikely. That's just good old-fashioned police work.
HUGH: Some say the place is named after him. Thomas Cole. Colnbrook.
ELOISE: Satisfying.
HUGH: Mind you, some people also said the horse could talk.
HUGH: We've got an interesting question today. And to set the scene, we are parked outside Batman's house.
ELOISE: I thought he lived in the Batcave.
HUGH: A common misapprehension, Eloise. Batman works in the Batcave. It's like his office. But he actually, in his secret identity as Bruce Wayne, billionaire playboy, lives in Wayne Manor. Which, during a certain period of the original comic, was drawn in a similar style to the edifice we now contemplate.
ELOISE: You want to read the letter?
HUGH: Nah, that last speech kind of tired me out.
ELOISE: Well done, Hugh. All right. This is from Melinda of Dorking, and she says, "Dear Hugh and Eloise, as a young girl, I always dreamed of living in a big house. But with the rising cost of real estate and government suppression of my public sector wages, I was never able to afford anything better than a third floor two bedroom flat. And now in post-zombie society, it's even worse, as I live in a repurposed World War II bomb shelter, where the woman in the top bunk yells out terrifying things in her sleep."
HUGH: Eloise never talks in her sleep.
ELOISE: What do you mean?
HUGH: Nothing. Finish the letter.
ELOISE: Melinda continues, "Lately, I have been thinking, with all the people who are now dead, the house of my dreams must be out there standing empty. I could get on my bike and go look for it. Do you have much experience of uninhabited mansions, and do you think they would let me keep one after society defeats the zombie threat?"
HUGH: I don't think there's anyone living in this one.
ELOISE: Melinda, I think I understand what you're saying. It's like the doll's house you had as a girl. Never really goes away. Well, mine did. Because I wired up an electric lighting system to the mains without a fuse, and the resulting fire reduced it and my doll family into a disturbing pile of melted plastic.
HUGH: Their smiley faces still haunt her to this day.
ELOISE: But consider the practicalities. It's not going to be warm or weather-proof, or near any settlements you can trade with. There's no butler to bring you breakfast in bed or chauffeur to take you on an assignation.
HUGH: And no matter how many times you check the rooms in the other wing, you'll never be quite sure there's not a zombie in the house, trying random doors in search of a midnight snack.
ELOISE: Maybe just learn to appreciate your nice warm bunkbed, all right? Thanks for your question.
ELOISE: We're coming up to Mayfield, where St. Dunstan built a little wooden church.
HUGH: Wonder if it's still there.
ELOISE: A thousand year old wooden church? Probably not. In fact, it says here it didn't properly face east like churches are supposed to, but he gave it one bump with his shoulder and that fixed it.
HUGH: Bit of a bruiser, was our St. Dunstan?
ELOISE: Apparently, he did metalworking to relax.
HUGH: Definitely a bruiser.
ELOISE: So the devil came along. He looked in the window while St. Dunstan was working, and asked him to make something.
HUGH: To make something? What?
ELOISE: Doesn't say. St. Dunstan just kept working, so the devil started to make baudy and blasphemous talk.
HUGH: Ooh. Like what?
ELOISE: Doesn't say. St. Dunstan kept ignoring him and working, so the devil began to change shape. First an old lady, then a baby, then a lustful young girl.
HUGH: Blonde or brunette?
ELOISE: Oh, it doesn't bloody say! But St. Dunstan, irritated by the constant interruptions, turned and siezed the devil by the nose with his red-hot tongs, like this! [HUGH yelps] The devil shrieked, "What is this damn bald-headed fellow doing to me?"
HUGH: Whatever you're doing to me.
ELOISE: St. Dunstan wouldn't let go, so the devil turned into a series of hideous monsters, but St. Dunstan still wouldn't let go. So the devil flew up through the ceiling and high into the air, with St. Dunstan still holding his nose!
HUGH: I get it. Let go.
ELOISE: They landed at St Dunstan's bridge near Tunbridge Wells, where St. D finally let go.
ELOISE: The devil stuck his hot nose into the cold springs. They still taste of sulfur to this day.
HUGH: I know which one of us in this van is closest to the devil.
ELOISE: You remember that.
ELOISE: Did he tell you?
HUGH: Yeah. You're going to like it.
ELOISE: We're stopped by a church in – where are we? - Brightling, because Hugh, in a rare eagle-eyed moment, noticed a mausoleum in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid. Well, what's the story, then?
HUGH: The name of the dead man is John Fuller, a landowner and MP from the start of the 19th century. But they called him Mad Jack.
ELOISE: Oh, I do like him.
HUGH: He wore a big powdered wig – long after those went out of fashion - and drove around in a coach and four, his footmen armed with swords and pistols. He was very rude, and he bought nine bassoons for a church choir.
ELOISE: Do choirs use bassoons?
HUGH: No. [ELOISE laughs] One time, he boasted he could see some church from his lawn, right? He bet on it, and then he went home and found out he couldn't. But rather than lose the bet, do you know what he did? He paid a bunch of builders to go over to a place in the skyline and build a copy of the church tower, so that when the bet got called in, he could claim that was it. They called it Sugar Loaf.
ELOISE: Does it, um... look like a loaf of sugar?
ELOISE: So what's with the pyramid?
HUGH: When he built it, he tried to get someone to live in it for a year without washing, shaving, or cutting his hair, without talking to anybody, and he promised if someone did this, they would be rewarded and become a gentleman for life.
ELOISE: Did somebody take him up on it?
ELOISE: But he did get buried there.
HUGH: Supposedly, he installed an iron chair and his mummified body was sat in it, wearing a suit and a top hat. They had to leave bottles wine beside him, and cover the floor in broken glass so that if the devil came to fetch him, he'd cut his cloven hooves on the glass.
ELOISE: I think he does qualify as mad. So you want to break into the pyramid and see if he's still there?
HUGH: This is it. Pluckley. The most haunted village in England.
ELOISE: I really would rather we'd come during the day.
HUGH: Yeah. Sorry, love. I thought we'd make it before nightfall, but you know. I made a few wrong turns.
ELOISE: Suspicious wrong turns.
HUGH: I don't know what you mean.
ELOISE: Tell the story so we can move on.
HUGH: [flips switch] Oh. Interior light's gone. Never mind. I've got my torch. Here. Oh yeah. There's a red lady. Her baby died in childbirth, and now she wanders the village, looking in vain for its unmarked grave.
ELOISE: I hope you enjoyed this local legend. Thanks for listening.
HUGH: There's a lot more, dear. There's also a white lady who wanders through the churchyard just over there with a single red rose. Her husband wanted to preserve her beauty, so he buried her in three coffins of lead and one coffin of oak stacked inside one another. People hear hammering sounds and a ghostly wailing as she tries to get out of her terrible prison.
ELOISE: I think I can hear zombies! Should we go?
HUGH: In 1970, a group of researchers spent the night in the chapel. They said to the vicar the next day, "Nothing happened. We're glad your dog came to keep us company." But the vicar said, "I don't have a dog."
ELOISE: That could just have been a stray.
HUGH: There's the schoolmaster who hanged himself. They say he stares with bulging eyes as he recites the times tables. And an old gypsy woman whose pipe set fire to the haystack she was sleeping in. You can still hear her agonizing cries, smell the burning flesh. Then there's the young farmer who -
ELOISE: Shine your torch out there!
HUGH: There's no one out there, Eloise. No one alive, anyway.
ELOISE: Hugh, drive us out of here!
HUGH: Of course, my love. We'll just have to go past Fright Corner, where a highwayman used to lurk in a hollow oak to ambush travelers. Until one day, somebody knew his trick and skewered the tree first. Some say his impaled body still hangs there, waiting passersby, and he likes to jump out and grab -
ELOISE: I'm sorry I pulled your nose. I learned my lesson. Oh, get us out of here!
HUGH: Yes, dear.
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