#I do genuinely hate him but it's all light-hearted and fun and games though :)
some-pers0n · 1 year
rant about webs
I don't think you fully understand what you've unleashed here. You have just given me leeway, an excuse, to rant about my absolute least favourite character ever made.
Before I begin, I want to preface that, despite using strong language every now and then, I don't hate characters. I don't hate a lot of things. I dislike or don't agree with things, especially minor stuff like Glory's character arc not being as great as it could be or not care for arc 3, but I don't hate it.
I hate Webs. There has never been another character out there in any piece of media I detest more than this worthless sack of scales. He is abominable. He is nothing. He is useless. I hate him. I am revolted and disgusted by his mere existence.
I don't hate people who like him. If you like him, cool!! I like seeing other opinions! I may disagree with you entirely, but I don't want to come across that I literally hate people who don't share my opinion. I don't hate them at all. They're cool!! I'm just an overly emotional person on the internet who wants to wring the neck of a fictional dragon as if it were a wet towel.
Oh yeah, I also get a wee bit...intense and very aggressive. Be warned.
With that being said, I'll begin.
Webs is a nothing character. I don't think I have ever seen such a frustratingly empty and lifeless character. He is a shell. A husk. Any words he says holds no weight or meaning. He is speaking, but not talking. He has zero personality. He has no life. Looking at him and seeing him and his words gives off nothing. He is more hollow than an NPC in a early SNES game that only repeats the same line of dialogue.
Webs and his lack of a compelling personality is a large part of why I despise him. The greatest sin a character can be is boring. I can handle annoying characters, because at least then they have something to latch onto. A character that is completely dull is beyond infuriating. I want to bite a hole in his neck. He's soulless. He does not exist as a person. He is words on a page. It sounds redundant since every single character is technically just that, but their personality is what makes them real. Webs is not real. Webs is not even two-dimensional. I hesitate to say he's even one-dimensional since that would imply there's a dimension to his character.
I adore characters. Characters and dialogue are my favourite things to write about. I like my larger than life characters and personalities, obviously. I love being entertained by fun and compelling characters. While I'm personally fond of villains, I enjoy just about any character with...something to latch onto. Something to make me care about them for one reason or another. Whether it be their backstory, personality, relationships with the other characters, etc.
Webs is an void of creativity and depth. He is a cosmic horror with how maddeningly and stupidly terrible he is. It genuinely makes my blood boil and head spin to think about him. I'm on the verge of an actual headache writing this. I despise this terrible thing.
Webs is not a character. Webs is an anomaly. It is borderline impossible to somehow create a character that is virtually impossible to find anything to care about, but Tui managed to do it. I'd compare him to smooth, wet surface with no grip or anything to latch onto, but that would imply that he would be interesting in any regard. A surface that doesn't have anything to hold onto is fascinating. Webs is not that. Webs and his lack of anything is beyond that. He is worse than boring. I hate him.
That's not even mentioning the stuff he's done. Oh GOD the stuff he's done.
Webs often gets labeled as the ""best"" guardian because he doesn't explicitly physically and verbally abuse children. How sweet!! I'm going to bash his head into a wall and watch the entrails spill out and onto my hands. He STILL neglected the DoD and sat there like a spineless coward while they were being abused.
Hey, wanna hear something that'll blow your mind into a thousand pieces and leave you a bloody screaming mess on the floor, wailing in agony and begging God to save you from this hell? Neglect is still abuse!! Yippeee!!!! Wahoo!! :)
Webs sat there like a useless coward while children were abused. So likable!! Yeah, realistic for his character (which is so shallow that it's just flat earth), but it doesn't make me care about him. It makes me hate him. I hate Webs. I hate him so much.
Webs was scared of Kestrel and Dune, but that doesn't excuse him from sitting idly by like the goddamn waste of space that he is and doing absolutely nothing. He then is seem as the "good guy" by the DoD because ohhh boo hoo he's so sad and pathetic. :((( Yeah he's pathetic. I want to see him dropped off a cliff and fall to his demise.
B–b–but what about Riptide? Riptide? Who gives a shit about him and Riptide?? The books don't!! The books had the FULL power to turn this into an actually interesting plot point and did NOTHING! NOTHING!!! Riptide is a stale and empty piece of cardboard (like father like son), but husband only saving grace is that he has a SHRED more personality and charm than his limp-dick bastard father.
But, okay. Okay, okay, okay. I suppose I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Let's see what Webs did.
Oh!! Webs basically abandoned his wife and infant child and left them for dead? He allowed his wife to be executed by Coral and for his son to be known and have to carry the weight of being the son of the kingdom's betrayer? HOW WONDERFUL! HOW NICE! HOW GOOD! God I want to see the life drain from the eyes of this overized Petsmart disease-ridden gecko.
The worst part is KNOWING he could've been better. This whole plot point? It could've been so interesting. So nuanced. But, NO!! No, no, NO! That would require Tui putting some actual goddamn effort and work into this character, which he doesn't deserve in the slightest. What does he deserve? Being put six feet underground.
Webs is a parasite on my mind. I have never wanted to have anybody suffer like him. I hope there is a dragon hell so that he gets to live through the torment he forced his wife, Riptide, and all of the Dragonets of Destiny through for eternity. I hope he feels his wife's throat being torn open by Coral and the agony from it. I hope he feels every lash and every cut and every insult that Kestrel and Dune dealt out to the DoD. I hope he doesn't get a moment of peace.
He should have died at the very least. He is the least interesting guardian out of all of them. For GOD'S sake Asha and Hvitur are infinitely more interesting characters than him. ASHA DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING SHOW UP. SHE'S DEAD BEFORE THE STORY STARTS.
Kestrel has connections and links to such important characters. I don't like her and disagree that she should've lived past TDP, but I respect her character. Her impact on the DoD, Peril, Sky, etc is undeniable.
Dune has connections to Six-Claws and Thorn. We know he was a trusted member of the Outclaws and was once highly respected.
Hvitur, despite being an IceWing and not a part of the prophecy, is accepted to be a guardian. He believed with all of his might and soul that the prophecy would work. He had faith.
Asha, despite being a MudWing, desired a family. It's mentioned by Cattail and leaves open the idea that Asha was uncharacteristically caring and sweet for an adult MudWing. I always believed she was like Hvitur in a sense, joining the cause because she wanted to raise children and help end the war.
Webs has nothing. He is nothing. He is worthless. He is useless. He is a coward. I want him gone. Killing him in fanfiction or even in canon isn't enough now. I need him erased from existence. I don't want to spare another fraction of a millisecond to think about him. He doesn't deserve it.
I hate Webs.
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angelfrombeneth · 9 months
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Mature Content Ahead
Theodore Nott x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Theodore are the new IT couple in Hogwarts. Theo's known for always causing up a stir but never you. Atleast you do yours in private. It isn't until your faced with Skylar Snaggle, the one girl you can't stand that you break that streak.
Warnings: Girl Fight, Smut talked about but not in detail, Blood kink Theo if you squint, Fluffy Theo and Reader, Soft boyfriend Theo
A/N: This isn't a huge fic more of a short. Merry Christmas to you all and those who don't celebrate it, I hope ur having a lovely day anyway!
Y/N Neveah. Many people loved you, many people didn't.
You were always the talk of the school for being so nice yet being in Slytherin. Boys fawned over you, some girls loved you but most hated you. School bitchiness was not for the faint hearted and you learnt that early on.
Skylar Snaggle, a ravenclaw who always had it out for you. It's like she was jealous of you and everything you did. Constantly side eyeing you and digging at you. You ignored her didn't let it get to you but fuck, was she a bitch. It only got worse when you starting dating your boyfriend.
You were in 6th year now, the past two years everytime you'd come back boys again would fawn over you how you've 'blossomed' over the summer but you belonged to one man. And that man was.
"Cara mia" You turned around smiling as Theo stood beside your locker. You took his hand smiling as you pecked his lips softly.
"I missed you... all of you" He raised his eyebrows as you rolled your eyes and hit his arm.
"Don't be crude" You fixed your tie before shutting your locker and holding his hand and walking down the corridor.
You and Theo were the hot new goss at Hogwarts. The current IT couple, consisting of the hot brood of Slytherin himself, Theodore Nott and the much desired but never achievable Y/n Neveah.
"Here's the lovely couple now" Blaise clasps his hands as the group turn to you both.
"Do we have to announce it" You grit your teeth, grimacing at Blaise. You felt Theo chuckled beside you, his soft laugh filling your ears making the corner of your mouth turn up slightly.
"You did that yourself, sucking face in the back of charms" Enzo snickered.
"True- Anyway we were planning on heading into Hogsmead. We need to stock up on fire whisky with the game against Hufflepuff fast approaching we'll need alot for our celebrations" Blaise smirked, nudging at Daphne as she scoffed at his cockiness.
"You guys might not even win" She panned.
"Don't be ridiculous Daph, when has Hufflepuff ever fucking won" Draco let out a genuine laugh at Daphne's wild assumption. The other boys laughing along with him too.
"As much as we'd love to come to Hogsmead. Daph, Pansy and I were planning on meeting with Astoria to have a little girlie evening swim" You smiled to Pansy and Daphne as you all smiled at eachother.
"Boring" Draco yawned.
"Hardly boring Draco, they'll hardly be wearing anything" Mattheo smirked. A alight blush appearing across Theo's cheek at the thought.
Pansy smacked Mattheo hard with her wand into his chest, earing a sharp 'ow' from the boy. "Don't be disgusting"
"Have fun at Hogsmead though!" Pansy giggled as the three of you began to walk off.
"Wait-" Theo grabbed your hand as you turned to him.
"Have fun, be safe" He smiled before pecking your lips.
"Aww cute" Daphne cooed.
You ruffled Theo's hair softly before walking off with the girls.
"You and Theodore are so cute, I'm so jealous!" Pansy whined as the three of you walked down the hall.
"Blaise isn't even cute like that, it sucks!" Daphne groaned.
"Stop it" You shook your head.
Later in the evening you and the girls relaxed by the black lake taking a light swim with eachorher, gossiping and catching up on the latest with one another.
Finding out that Luna and Pansy have been flirting. Astoria is finally willing to settle down with Draco and stop keeping him on his toes. Daphne describing in great detail her intimate life with Blaise which - to be fair you didn't expect to be so spicy between the two of them. The girls wanted to know all about you and Theo but you'd just been taking your time. Despite the slight hook up the night before. But they knew all about that.
"What about Skylar" Pansy questioned as the four of you walked back inside the grounds. All wearing damp tshirts over your swimsuits.
"Don't even- I don't know her fucking problem. Her big mouth is always yapping about something" You snarled.
"Me? Big mouth?" You four snapped your head to see Skylar and her little minions at the top of the stairs inside the entrance.
"Oh fuck off Skylar" You scoffed, reaching the top of the stairs. As your about to walk of you hear-
"You're always running your mouth about something. Maybe focus on the fact your.. I don't know.. a stupid fucking bitch" Skylar smirked to her friends.
You turned to her. Astoria whispering "Lets just go its not worth it"
"Wow Skylar, you really ate me up there" Yiu gasped dramatically holding your heart like you'd be stabbed. "Maybe stop being so fucking obsessed with MY boyfriend. He doesn't want you and your.." You tapped your lip before speaking again. "Well, your little infestation" You smiled.
"INFESTATION? You fucking bitch. THEO IS MINE" She suddenly lunged at you pushing you back harshly.
"Yours? I don't remember him stating that while he was manhandling me last night" You laughed in her face.
It was like it was all in slow motion. As you turned around to walk away, you watched as your friends faces widened staring behind you. You couldn't react fast enough. You felt your ponytail being dragged back as your body harshly recoiled against the pressure.
You turned, locking eyes with Skylar a smirk upon her face as she tugged at your ponytail, lifting her fist to sock a direct punch in your face, splitting your lip.
After that you reached up, grabbing her hair as you yanked at it, swiping at her legs as she dropped on the floor below you, screaming. The corridor was suddenly not so peaceful as both you and Skylar hurled abuse at one another while Pansy, Daphne and Astoria were trying to yank you both apart along with Skylars friends.
You climbed ontop of the girl, stabilising yourself as you socked a punch into her face as she clawed at yours.
"YOU BITCH!" she screamed as she yanked your hair again.
"OW-" you lifted your leg planting your good right in her face as you swung your arm round once more punching her before you heard tons of footsteps yelling and scrambling towards the both of you. You watched as her tooth cracked and slid across the floor as she spat blood up in your face.
"BEAT HER ASS Y/N!" Pansy yelled from behind. Daphne scolding her as the three continued to try and pull you girls apart without falling in the firing line.
Both of you were clawing at one another. You were landing way more than her let's say. Her face was full of blood as you dug your acrylics into her cheek.
You felt yourself harshly being yanked off the girl as you scrambled towards her but being held back. "LET ME AT HER! WHORE!" You screamed.
"MY FACE! YOU.. YOU.. SLUT!" Skylar screamed at she ran off down the hall with her friends.
You felt hands on your face as you turned to be face to face with Theo. You watched as he analysed every aspect of your face, checking if you're ok.
"Teddy- I'm so-"
"Shhh" He placed his finger upon your lip as he took your hand into the bathroom leaving all the rest of your friends stunned at the scene from before.
He sat you upon the sink as he took off his shirt, dampening it before wiping all the blood from your face.
Theo chuckled at the thought of cleaning up after you having a fight. "Look at my girl, getting into fights like her boyfriend" He smirked as he pecked your lips softly.
"I can't help it- she's so obsessed with you Teddy. It's annoying" you scoffed. "Are you sure you didn't fuck her"
"Bella, I told you. You were my first and you'll ne my last" He caressed your face softly.
You smiled at his words as he finished wiping your face up and smiled.
"You did good, only a cut lip. Atta girl" He squeezed your thighs softly as he leaned forward, kissing your nose.
"Learned from the best" You smiled.
"Amore mio.. I love you" He snickered before capturing your lips in his. Softly kissing eachother as his hands held your waist softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you locked your legs around his waist pulling him in closer.
He pulled away, softly sucking on your bottom lip before pulling away and licking his lips before wiping yours with his thumb.
"My little vampire" You cooed as you ruffled his hair chuckling.
"In future if you get in fights let me be there. You looked so hot, but ill always step in after a while. Can't let you actually get beat up" He smiled.
You hit his chest shaking your head as he pressed a soft kiss on your forehead.
If you enjoyed this fic and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here!
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aamircoeur · 2 months
just distressed (still not a damsel) ー ultraman, ken sato.
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ultraman getting to know his damsel as kenji sato, the baseball player.
sfw, female reader. UNEDITED.
you smiled at the chef and sat down on a stool, looking around to examine the place. it was clean and the lighting inside was warm, and the place had a lingering smell of fried eggs and soy sauce, which you really liked.
it was seven in the evening and you were at tonkatsu tonki for dinner, as per ultraman's suggestion. you had small chats with the chef as he made your order, with you being the only customer that he had as of the moment.
a few weeks have passed since your lengthy chat with japan's superhero. although you had been in the scene when yet another kaiju attacked this week, you weren't as involved as the previous times, which made you sad about not having the chance to talk to ultraman again. it was for the better, though, you thought. the poor guy sounded like he needed all the rest he could have.
he handed you your bowl of tonkatsu and poured water to your glass. while you were talking to the chef, a replay of this morning's baseball game was playing on the television that hung on the wall of the restaurant. you took a peek every now and then whenever the chef made reactions about the game, making you curious. "are you a fan of baseball?" you asked, taking a bite of your tonkatsu.
you got to know the chef for the past thirty minutes that you've been in the restaurant. he's a sarcastic man who genuinely cared for the food of the customers and their well-being, saying that his regulars had been coming in and out of his restaurant for more than twenty years.
"huge fan. i used to watch the games held in tokyo dome with my daughters," he said, his eyes never leaving the television. "but they've grown older, and we only watch together when they're free."
you hummed in response. "i was a huge tigers fan, and my daughters were even bigger fans of the giants." he laughed, and you smiled at him. "what about you? you like baseball?" he asked, wiping the spatula that he used.
you drank water to help you swallow your food before answering. "ah, not really. it never really piqued my interest." you said.
in the middle of your conversation, a group of rather tall men walked into the restaurant, greeting the chef before sitting down, who only waved his hand at them as he focused on his conversation with you.
"what do you mean it never piqued your interest?" the chef echoed, his eyebrow raised in a rather animated way which made you laugh at him.
"i-it just never crossed my mind much."
"baseball never crossed your mind much?" the chef asked in disbelief. "it's the best sport there is! don't tell me you're one of them basketball people."
"i have nothing against baseball. personally, i just don't like it. it looks fun though!" you explained yourself.
"you hate baseball?" the chef asked in front of you.
"i donー"
"you hate baseball?" the guy who sat near your stool chimed in.
"i don't!" you said, rubbing your cheek to show light-hearted annoyance.
the chef looked at you and faked a scoff, before walking to the group of men further from you to ask for their order. you laughed at him and sighed before drinking from your glass of water.
"so," the guy from beside you called out. "what was the "you hate baseball" argument with the chef?" he asked, taking off his sunglasses before hanging it at the front of his shirt.
you smiled and playfully rolled your eyes. "what i was saying is that i don't hate baseball." you said, taking a bite of your food after. "it's just not in my area of, uhm, interest or expertise."
the guy chuckled, running his hand through his jet-black hair. "i don't think i've ever met anyone who told me that they don't like baseball."
"what is it with guys and baseball?" you joked.
"hey, everyone likes baseball." he responded. he reached out his hand in front of you, offering a handshake. "i'm kenji." he said.
you accepted the handshake and held his hand, shaking it. "i'm [name] [surname], pleasure being baseball buddies with you."
"don't think that us being baseball buddies would work, considering how you don't like baseball," he joked with a forced frown on his face.
you groaned and he just laughed at you.
kenji ordered his usual and kept quiet, listening to his teammates as they debriefed the game that they had earlier. he was happy to have a close friendship with each and every one of them after struggling with adjusting to moving back to his home town two years ago.
but what made him the happiest is this restaurant, and seeing you in it. the night after his talk with you downtown, was the only time that he got a good night's sleep the whole week despite him getting only five hours.
not in a million years would he admit it, the chances of seeing you during a kaiju attack was the thought that made him feel light on his feet and eager to protect the city (to see you). but to his surprise (he was bummed the whole day), he didn't catch at least a glimpse of your [color] hair, but it was fine, he thought.
he didn't need to see you all the time, he thought. that would be greedy and desperate, he thought. your safety is what matters, it's a good thing that you weren't near another kaiju attack, where he had the chances of talking to you again, he thought.
"so, were you near the kaiju attack last week?" kenji asked.
why the fuck did he ask that.
you looked at him and tilted your head. "uhm," you said, chewing on your food and swallowing it as your facial expression questioned the weird conversation starter.
great, kenji. now she probably thinks you're a freak, he thought.
on the outside, kenji was as cool as ice with his unbothered look and relaxed body language. but internally, he was on his way to drive his motorcycle off mount fuji.
"i was near it, actually." you said, drinking your water. "i was a few streets down from the kaiju, so thankfully i didn't have any trouble getting to a safe place."
kenji sighed out of relief, thankful that you were safe, and that you didn't seem to think of him as a freak. "that's good," he said.
"funny you mentioned kaijus," you said. kenji looked at you with shock in his eyes, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
did you figure it out . . ?
"i've recently gotten my old apartment building ruined by one just a few weeks ago." kenji sighed.
"oh, i'm sorry," kenji said and you just waved your hand to let him know that it was okay. "how are you holding up?" he asked.
"alright, i guess. the landlord was kind enough to give us back two months worth of rent back for the inconvenience and exposure to danger. i guess the kdf offered their aid to him." you said as you continued eating your meal.
kenji hummed. "what about you?" you asked, placing the back of your forearms against the table counter, your elbows brushing against his.
kenji took notice of this and cleared his throat. "i haven't been near one," an obvious lie. "there was one time when a kaiju attacked the arena that i played in, it was gigantron, i think?" kenji said.
"oh, that's unfortunate. glad to know you're safe." you said.
"oh, no, i'm really not. the kaiju now holds me hostage in my own home."
"huh . . ?" your eyebrows knit together in worry, your [color] eyes staring into his purple ones.
kenji stared back into your pretty eyes and felt warmth on his cheeks. he looked at how your expression says that you believed every word he said. kenji covered his smile with the back of his hand and laughed, squinting his eyes.
you immediately frowned at the joke and gave his shoulder a soft punch before taking another bite at your food.
suddenly, the lights of the restaurant started swinging and flickering. you felt the ground shake and you looked at the people in the restaurant, before locking eyes with kenji once again who gave you a worried look.
a speaker that came from the street alerted everyone of the happening. "this is the kaiju defense force. evacuate the area immediately." the speaker repeated.
the roof of the restaurant broke, a red-colored foot piercing into it. you heard the people that kenji came in with shouting as they guided to help each other scurry to exit the building. as the others left, everyone was divided and you were with the chef and three other people. the chef led you all to the back exit of the restaurant and you all ran into the street, gathering with the other people in the neighbouring buildings who went out for their safety.
"are you all okay?" the chef asked, beads of sweat forming on his forehead from the sprint.
you gasped for air, trying to ease your breathing as you threw him a thumbs up.
"kenji and the others went out into the street to where the kaiju is," one pointed out.
another held onto his shoulder and gave him a worried look. "i'm sure they're alright." he said.
the crowd talked amongst themselves while the tmpd (tokyo metropolitan police department) made sure that everyone was okay and that the injured were provided aid. ultraman appeared as always, his glowing eyes acting as the sun in the cold night.
after an hour, ultraman had guided the kaiju back to where it came from. the kdf gave the tmpd the green signal and told all the civilians to go home for the night, asking those with the damaged properties to stay behind to discuss insurance and such. you bid farewell to the chef who asked you to stay safe before he was guided by the policeman to talk in an office.
a man tapped your shoulder and bowed farewell to you along with his mates, hoping for your safe travels. they were the people you were separated with in the restaurant. you greeted them good bye and started walking home.
alone again, you sighed to yourself and rested your hands in the pockets of your jacket.
this was probably the first time that you were dangerously near a kaiju attack without talking to ultraman, you thought.
turning right into a dark street, you saw a big motorcycle parked on the side as you were about to pass it, and before you knew it, a huge being emitting a beam of light was falling from the sky.
what the fuck?!
you covered your face with your arms before it landed to spare yourself from accidental blindness, and you were surprised to lower your arms just to see the man that you met earlier at the restaurant instead. "little ma'am?" he called out, eyes widened as he panted.
you stared at him with complete shock visible on your face. "kenshi?!"
taglist: @ttulipwritezz @c-losur3 @saeyari @taleiak @spencerrxids
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naomeii · 9 months
For you, with love.
—Pairings: Xiao/Alatus x Archon gn! Reader
Content: Angst to (?)(depends on perspective), manipulations, grieving themes, character death, does not follow the lore!, slightly suggestive/smut, really tiny portion tho, age gap, xiao and alatus are diff people.
Synopsis: ? (Tba)
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The grand hall of Y/n's opulent residence was ablaze with light, the air thick with the heady scent of flowers and the sound of laughter and music. Nobles, dignitaries, and admirers from across Teyvat had gathered to revel in the extravagant affair. Y/n, though once a revered Archon, now hosted lavish parties in their newfound mortal guise, surrounded by the splendors of their amassed wealth.
As Y/n moved through the crowd, a symphony of admirers sought their attention. Flattering words and sweet promises were whispered into their ears, as the nobles vied for a chance to capture the heart of the former Archon. Some expressed their intentions with eloquent poetry, while others presented lavish gifts, hoping to win Y/n's favor.
Zhongli and Venti, having long relinquished their divine titles to live among mortals, observed the scene with amusement. From a discreet corner, they exchanged knowing glances and indulged in their usual bets, predicting which suitor would capture Y/n's attention that night.
Zhongli, his expression calm and collected, remarked, "I wager that the young lord in the blue attire will be the one to capture Y/n's interest tonight. There's a genuine sincerity in his words."
Venti, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, retorted, "Nonsense, my dear Zhongli. It's clear that the elegant lady in red is the true contender. Watch as Y/n's gaze lingers a moment longer when she approaches."
Meanwhile, Y/n graciously entertained their admirers, graciously accepting compliments and gifts. Despite the rumors that painted them as power-hungry and a literal avatar of greed, those who engaged with Y/n personally discovered a different truth. Y/n was kind, generous, and genuinely interested in the stories and lives of those around them.
Y/n then glided over to where Zhongli and Venti were observing the spectacle. The music and laughter from the party surrounded them like a comforting embrace. Y/n's eyes sparkled with amusement as they approached their two former divine companions.
"Ah, making bets again, are we?" Y/n teased, a playful smile gracing their lips. "What's the prize this time? Perhaps a share of my nonexistent wealth?"
Venti chuckled, "Oh, you wound us, Y/n! It's all in good fun, you know. Just trying to predict the next lucky companion to bask in your radiant presence for the night."
Zhongli, ever composed, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. A harmless diversion from the usual routines of our mortal lives."
Y/n's eyes flickered between Zhongli and Venti, their gaze thoughtful. "Well, I hate to spoil the suspense, but I must say, Zhongli, you might just win this round. The young lord in blue seems to have a sincerity about him that caught my attention."
Zhongli's eyes gleamed with a hint of satisfaction, and he gave a small hum. "I'm glad to hear that my judgment is still somewhat reliable."
Venti, not one to be easily defeated, crossed his arms and pouted playfully. "Well, we'll see about that. The night is still young, and love is as fickle as the wind. I've got my eye on that lady in red; mark my words."
Y/n chuckled, enjoying the banter. "We shall see, my dear friends. Let the games continue, and may the best observer win."
With that, Y/n rejoined the lively dance of the party, leaving Zhongli and Venti to resume their good-natured rivalry.
Venti, his expression shifting from playful to contemplative, leaned in towards Zhongli, his emerald eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and concern. The music of the party continued to swirl around them as he spoke in a hushed tone.
"Zhongli," Venti began, "I can't help but wonder… what do you think Alatus would say if he saw Y/n living like this? The opulence, the parties, the indulgence – it's all so far from the Archon we once knew."
Zhongli's gaze followed Y/n's figure as they disappeared into the crowd. He sighed softly before responding, "Alatus was a guardian, a presence of serenity and order. To witness Y/n, the one who carries the memories of their love, immersed in this sea of extravagance… it is a stark contrast."
He took a moment to choose his words carefully, his tone measured. "Alatus valued simplicity and the beauty found in the quiet moments of life. Seeing Y/n reveling in this display of wealth and excess would undoubtedly be a source of sorrow for him."
Venti nodded in understanding, a solemn expression settling over his features. "It's hard to watch sometimes, isn't it? The ones we care about, changed by the currents of time and circumstance."
Zhongli's eyes, filled with a hint of melancholy, met Venti's gaze. "Indeed. But as mortals, they must find their own paths and forge their destinies. Whether it aligns with the ideals of Alatus or not, Y/n is navigating the complexities of their existence in a world without divine duties."
The wind stirred softly around them, carrying the distant notes of the party. Venti sighed, a whisper on the breeze, "I just hope they find the happiness they're searching for, even if it means drifting away from the past."
The party continued, and Y/n took a moment away from the crowd to appreciate the moonlit courtyard. The night air was cool, a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the celebration within.
Unbeknownst to Y/n, Xiao, a newly-appointed servant known for his quiet diligence, was attending to the lanterns that adorned the courtyard. His eyes, reminiscent of starlight, were fixed on his task.
One delicate lantern, however, seemed determined to resist Xiao's efforts. As he carefully adjusted its position, a sudden gust of wind sent it tumbling from his grasp. With lightning reflexes, Y/n stepped forward, catching the lantern before it could crash to the ground.
As Y/n held the lantern, their gaze locked with Xiao's, a momentary pause fell upon them. In that instant, it was as if time itself had stilled. Y/n felt an inexplicable flutter in their chest, a heartbeat that echoed with a resonance long forgotten.
Xiao, stood before Y/n, his expression calm and composed, but his eyes betrayed a depth of admiration that only a true devotee could understand. Y/n, momentarily lost in the intensity of that gaze, saw a reflection of Alatus in Xiao's features—the same ethereal quality, the familiar intensity that had once drawn Y/n's heart.
A flicker of recognition sparked in Y/n's eyes, a recognition that transcended the boundaries of the present. The lantern exchanged between them became a silent bridge connecting two souls. Y/n, overwhelmed by a sense of déjà vu, felt a surge of emotions that defied explanation.
With a sudden realization, Y/n excused themself from the courtyard, claiming a sudden need to attend to an urgent matter. The sea of partygoers seemed to part effortlessly as Y/n made their way through the crowd, their thoughts in a tumult.
In the solitude of a quieter space, Y/n leaned against a balustrade, their breath coming in irregular intervals. Memories of Alatus, thought to be buried deep within, resurfaced with unexpected clarity.
Meanwhile, Xiao, still in the courtyard, looked down at the lantern in his hands. His heart raced, for he couldn't fathom the idea that the Archon he had admired from a distance since childhood was now standing mere steps away. He had heard of every story related to Y/n, their mysterious lover, the tragic tale that surrounded their stepping down as an Archon, and he had collected countless paintings of them, trying to capture every nuance of their enigmatic presence.
Tonight, however, Xiao found himself closer than ever to the Archon he idolized. He had not anticipated this encounter, and the realization that he was now serving the very person who had inspired his quiet devotion left him in a state of awe.
Zhongli, ever perceptive, observed Y/n's hurried exit from the festivities. A sense of concern crept into his expression, prompting him to follow Y/n through the corridors of their residence. As he caught up with Y/n, he noticed the uncharacteristic tremble in their hands.
"Y/n," Zhongli called gently, "is everything alright?"
Y/n turned to Zhongli, eyes filled with a mixture of confusion and distress. "Zhongli, I… I saw a servant, fixing the lanterns in the courtyard. He looked so much like Alatus."
Zhongli's gaze softened, understanding the weight of the revelation. "A servant? Can you describe them?"
Y/n recounted the encounter with Xiao, the servant whose features mirrored those of their lost love. Zhongli listened attentively, a thoughtful expression on his face as he processed the information.
"He looked so much like Alatus, Zhongli. It felt like a glimpse into the past, a cruel reminder of what I once had," Y/n confessed, their voice wavering with a mixture of sorrow and longing.
Zhongli placed a reassuring hand on Y/n's shoulder. "These emotions are only natural, Y/n. The world has a peculiar way of intertwining fates. "
Y/n nodded, a tear escaping their eye. "I know, Zhongli, but the resemblance is uncanny."
Zhongli pondered for a moment before speaking, "Perhaps this encounter is a chance for you to find closure."
Y/n, with Zhongli's supportive presence, took a deep breath and re-entered the lively party. The music and laughter surrounded them once again, but the encounter with the servant lingered in the back of their mind.
As they mingled with the guests, Venti approached with his characteristic mischievous grin. "Y/n, my dear, care to share the details of your sudden escape? It's not like you to vanish from a party so abruptly."
Y/n glanced at Zhongli before sighing, "I saw a servant who looked strikingly like Alatus. It caught me off guard, and I needed a moment to collect myself."
Venti's expression shifted to one of genuine concern. "Alatus? That's quite a revelation. Are you alright?"
"I will be," Y/n replied, a small smile playing on their lips. "Zhongli has been a great comfort."
Just as the conversation unfolded, Venti's eyes flickered towards a figure in the crowd. He paused mid-sentence, his gaze fixed on the servant serving guests with quiet efficiency. Y/n and Zhongli followed his line of sight, and their eyes widened in realization.
"Is that the servant you met earlier?" Venti asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/n nodded, still not knowing the servant's name. "Yes, that's the one. The resemblance to Alatus is uncanny."
Zhongli, ever composed, observed the unfolding scene. "It seems fate has a peculiar way of intertwining in our lives."
The grandeur of the party continued, and Y/n found themselves in the midst of a lively dance with an aristocrat. Their forced smile hid the unease beneath the surface, the encounter with the servant lingering in their thoughts. Venti and Zhongli, observing from a distance, exchanged glances, realizing that the outcome of their bet was hanging in the balance.
As the dance continued, the aristocrat's hand rested on Y/n's lower back, a gesture that caused discomfort to ripple through Y/n's demeanor. Before Venti and Zhongli could intervene, however, a sudden commotion erupted.
A splash of wine splattered across the aristocrat's expensive attire, eliciting a scowl and a sharp, irritated comment. Y/n, caught off guard, turned to see the source of the disturbance, and to their surprise, it was the same servant from before – Xiao.
The aristocrat, fuming with anger, raised his hand, ready to strike Xiao for the perceived offense. Y/n, sensing the impending conflict, swiftly intervened, placing a gentle hand on the aristocrat's arm. "Please, it was just an accident. No harm done."
The aristocrat hesitated, glaring at Xiao with disdain. "An accident, you say? This servant should know better!"
Y/n, maintaining their composed facade, dismissed Xiao with a nod, silently signaling for him to step away. Xiao obeyed without a word, blending back into the shadows of the grand hall.
As Y/n diverted the aristocrat's attention with charm and diplomacy, Venti and Zhongli approached, their expressions a mix of relief and curiosity. The aristocrat, momentarily appeased by Y/n's grace, retreated, leaving the trio alone.
Venti couldn't help but comment, "Well, it seems our mysterious servant has a knack for turning the tide."
Zhongli added with a subtle smile, "Indeed. Fate works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?"
The party gradually came to an end, leaving the opulent residence bathed in a tranquil ambiance as guests departed. Y/n, wearied by the social intricacies and emotions of the night, retreated to their private chambers. The moon cast a gentle glow through the window, and the silence of the night enveloped the room.
Venti and Zhongli, having lost their bet in good spirits, decided to join Y/n after-party. They found Y/n reclining on a plush chair, a contemplative look in their eyes.
"Well, it seems we were both wrong," Venti remarked with a playful grin, settling into a seat. "No love connection for you tonight, my friend."
Zhongli nodded in agreement, his gaze thoughtful. "Indeed, fate had different plans. But tell us, how are you feeling after the events of the evening?"
Y/n sighed, a mix of emotions playing on their face. "It was a night of unexpected encounters. The resemblance of the servant to Alatus, the intervention with the aristocrat – it all stirred up memories and emotions I thought were buried."
Venti leaned forward, his expression more serious. "Perhaps there's more to discover about this mysterious servant."
Zhongli added, "And yet, it's crucial to navigate these emotions with care. The past may be a guiding star, but the present is where we must anchor ourselves."
As the conversation unfolded, Venti and Zhongli offered both wisdom and camaraderie. Eventually, they bid Y/n goodnight, leaving them to their thoughts.
Alone in their room, Y/n contemplated the events of the night. The echoes of the past, the mysterious servant, and the unforeseen twists of fate left them in a state of introspection. Slowly, the weariness of the night began to weigh on Y/n, and with a heavy heart, they succumbed to the embrace of sleep.
In the hazy glow of lanterns and the distant sound of music, Y/n found themself at another grand party. The social intricacies and predictable conversations weighed on them, and a familiar sense of boredom settled in. Their gaze searched for a reprieve, and it found solace in the enigmatic figure of Alatus. Alatus, dressed in regal attire that reflected the moonlight, caught Y/n's eye. A shared understanding passed between them, and without uttering a word, they quietly slipped away from the festivities. The moonlit courtyard provided a secluded sanctuary where the stars bore witness to their clandestine escape. Leaning against the railing, Alatus turned to Y/n with a knowing smile. "Another tedious affair, isn't it?" Y/n chuckled in agreement. "I sometimes wonder why we subject ourselves to these gatherings. It's the same mundane conversations and false pretenses." Alatus nodded, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Yet, in the monotony, we find each other. That, at least, makes these nights bearable." As they stood in the quietude, the moon casting a soft glow upon them, the conversation shifted to more profound matters. Alatus spoke of dreams and aspirations, of a future beyond the divine duties that bound them. Y/n listened intently, their hearts resonating with the shared vision of a life beyond the confines of their roles. "The mortal realm has a beauty of its own," Alatus mused. "I often envision a life where we can experience its fleeting moments together, free from the obligations that tether us to the divine realm." Y/n, caught in the ethereal atmosphere of the night, couldn't help but agree. "A life where we can choose our path, where our love can blossom without the weight of duty. It's a dream worth pursuing."
The warm water embraced Y/n's tired body, easing the lingering tension from the night before. Steam rose in gentle tendrils, creating a veil of tranquility in the bath. As Y/n reclined in the water, thoughts swirled in their mind, a reflection of the complex emotions that had woven through the threads of the previous evening.
Deciding to address the matter of the servant who inadvertently caused a disturbance, Y/n called for their servants to summon the servant from the previous night who spilled the drink on the aristocrat. The servants hesitated, sharing curious glances among themselves before fulfilling their lord's request.
Outside the bath, the servant waited with a mix of uncertainty and trepidation. His thoughts echoed the concern of potential repercussions for his accidental spillage during the aristocrat's confrontation.
Upon Y/n's command, the assistant led the servant into the bathing area. The servant entered hesitantly, his eyes cast downward to maintain respect for Y/n's privacy. Y/n, still submerged in the warm water, looked up, their eyes meeting the servant's.
"It seems we had a bit of an incident last night," Y/n remarked, their voice gentle yet carrying an air of authority. "You were the one who accidentally spilled wine on the aristocrat, correct?"
The servant, nervously wringing his hands, nodded. "Yes, my lord/lady. It was an unfortunate accident. I apologize for any inconvenience caused."
Y/n observed the servant's demeanor, noting the hesitancy in his actions. "There's no need for apologies. Accidents happen. I called you here to discuss the matter and assure you that there will be no repercussions."
The servant glanced up briefly, surprise flickering in his eyes. Y/n continued, "In fact, you prevented a potential conflict. I appreciate it. What is your name?"
The servant, still somewhat taken aback by Y/n's unexpected leniency, stammered, "I… I am Xiao, my lord/lady."
Y/n, still immersed in the soothing warmth of the bath, looked at Xiao with a genuine smile. "Xiao, there's no need to stand on ceremony. Join me in the bath. We can continue our conversation without the formalities."
Xiao's eyes widened in surprise, his customary reserved demeanor momentarily faltering. "My lord/lady, it is not appropriate for me to—"
Y/n interrupted with a chuckle. "Nonsense, Xiao. After last night, I feel it's only fair we get to know each other better. Besides, it's just a bath, no need for formality here."
The air in the bathing area shifted as Xiao hesitated, torn between the ingrained social norms and the unexpected invitation from the Archon whom he had admired from afar. Y/n, sensing his internal conflict, added with a reassuring tone, "Consider it a gesture of gratitude for your swift actions last night. There's no need for any reservations."
After a moment of contemplation, Xiao nodded in agreement, albeit with visible reluctance. He started to disrobe, his movements cautious as he entered the bath. The water's surface rippled as he settled in, keeping a respectful distance from Y/n.
The atmosphere in the bath was charged with an unexpected tension. Xiao, typically composed and reserved, found himself growing increasingly uneasy under Y/n's gaze. His eyes darted everywhere but Y/n, and he felt a peculiar sense of dizziness that clouded his thoughts.
Unable to resist the impulse, Y/n's fingers brushed through Xiao's hair. A soft gasp escaped Xiao's lips, and he stammered, "M-my lord/lady?"
Realizing the breach of boundaries, Y/n quickly withdrew their hand, offering an apologetic smile. "I apologize, Xiao. It's just… your hair reminded me of someone."
Xiao, his cheeks tinted with a rosy hue, nodded in understanding. Yet, before he could fully process the situation, Y/n leaned closer. In a swift, unexpected motion, their lips met, the warmth of the bathwater sloshing around them.
For a moment, time seemed to freeze as Y/n straddled Xiao, the intensity of the kiss leaving both breathless. As quickly as it began, Y/n broke the kiss, leaving Xiao bewildered and flushed. Without a word, Y/n stood, the bathwater trailing in their wake.
"I… I need to go," Y/n murmured, their gaze avoiding Xiao's confused eyes.
As Y/n left the bathing area, Xiao remained in a state of shock, the water settling around him.
Xiao, still recovering from the whirlwind of emotions stirred by the unexpected encounter in the bath, rose from the water. His heart fluttered nervously as he noticed a towel left for him by Y/n. Despite the shyness lingering within him, he appreciated the small gesture.
Wrapping the towel around himself, Xiao stepped out into the hallways. His eyes caught a glimpse of Y/n engaged in conversation with a persistent noble, likely another suitor vying for their affections. Xiao averted his gaze, his heart still racing from the recent events.
As Xiao made his way back to his servant quarters, he couldn't shake the daze that lingered. The encounter in the bath had left an indelible mark on his thoughts. Once in the privacy of his room, he couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions reminiscent of a teenage crush.
In the solitude of his quarters, Xiao retrieved a portrait from his trunk. It was a carefully preserved image, capturing the essence of Y/n, the one he had admired and loved for a long time. Holding the portrait close, Xiao closed his eyes and let the memories wash over him.
The stars, in their cosmic dance, seemed to favor Xiao in that moment. The realization slowly dawned on him—Y/n, the Archon of their admiration, was the one who had kissed him. A blend of disbelief, awe, and a spark of hope filled Xiao's heart.
In the bustling atmosphere of the Lantern Rite festival, young Xiao's eyes widened in wonder as he observed the vibrant lanterns illuminating the night sky. The air was filled with laughter, music, and the joyous chatter of the crowd. Amidst the revelry, he caught sight of Y/n, the Archon, radiant and commanding, as they gracefully moved through the festivities. Tugging at his mother's sleeve, Xiao couldn't contain his excitement. "Mother, look! It's Y/n, the Archon! They're so amazing!" His eyes sparkled with awe as he watched Y/n, their presence almost ethereal in the festive glow. His mother chuckled, ruffling Xiao's hair affectionately. "Yes, they are, my dear. The Archon has a way of captivating everyone with their presence." As they strolled through the festival, Xiao's gaze lingered on the paintings and portraits displayed in honor of Y/n. Some depicted the Archon alone, while others showcased them with a masked lover, their expressions capturing the essence of a love story that transcended mortal and divine boundaries. In the midst of admiration, a hint of jealousy flickered in Xiao's young heart. He turned to his mother with determination in his eyes. "When I'm older, Mom, I'm going to marry Y/n. They're the most amazing person in all of Teyvat!" His mother couldn't help but chuckle at the innocence of her son's declaration. "Well, Xiao, you have quite the ambitious heart. Who knows what the future holds? Just enjoy the festival for now." As the years passed, Xiao's admiration for Y/n blossomed into a dedicated collection of posters, trinkets, and anything related to the Archon. His living space became a shrine dedicated to the one he had vowed to marry as a young child. Even though Y/n had chosen to live as a mortal, their presence continued to be revered, with shrines erected by devoted followers. Xiao found solace in visiting these sacred places, offering his prayers and wishes, often murmuring, "Please let me marry you." One day, as Xiao knelt in front of a particularly elaborate shrine, a chuckle echoed in response. Surprised, Xiao looked around, only to find a mysterious figure standing beside him. The figure revealed themselves to be Chongyun, the exorcist from Liyue, known for his connections with the spiritual realm. Chongyun grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I don't think marriage is quite possible with an Archon, especially one who has had a lover before. However, I can pull some strings and maybe get you a position in the Archon's residence." Xiao blinked, processing Chongyun's offer. The prospect of working in Y/n's residence, even in the most humble capacity, filled Xiao with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "You can do that?" Chongyun nodded. "Oh, yes! I have some connections in the spiritual realm. I can put in a good word for you. Who knows, you might get a chance to be closer to the Archon than you ever imagined."
Xiao's eyes fluttered open as the first rays of dawn filtered through his window. The tranquility of the morning was interrupted by a polite knock on his door. Still groggy from sleep, he was surprised to find another servant standing there, delivering unexpected news.
"Xiao, the Archon wishes for you to shift your room closer to theirs," the servant announced with a sense of urgency. "You are to be their personal assistant, accompanying them wherever they go. Pack your things; the move is to be swift."
Xiao blinked, processing the sudden turn of events. The gravity of the situation slowly sank in, and he nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you for informing me. I will make the necessary arrangements."
As the servant departed, Xiao's mind whirred with a mix of emotions. The prospect of being in such close proximity to Y/n, serving as their personal assistant, was both exhilarating and daunting. The threads of fate seemed to be pulling him into a new chapter, one that held the promise of being closer to the Archon he had admired for so long.
As Xiao settled into his new room, he couldn't help but be struck by the opulence that surrounded him. The space was larger, the furnishings more elegant, and the air carried a distinct air of refinement. It was a stark contrast to the simplicity of his previous quarters.
While he took in the surroundings, the servant returned, this time holding a set of robes. With a respectful bow, they explained, "Lord/Lady Y/n has requested that you wear these robes from now on. They wish for you to meet a certain standard in attire."
As Xiao examined the robes, he noticed their intricate details and luxurious fabric. It was a departure from his usual attire, which reflected the practicality and simplicity befitting a warrior. These robes were more refined, in line with the elegance expected in the company of an Archon.
Feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension, Xiao changed into the new attire. The robes draped elegantly around him, a visual representation of the shift in his role.
Once dressed, Xiao made his way to meet Y/n, the weight of the unfamiliar robes adding to the sense of transformation.
Venti and Zhongli, having caught wind of Y/n's intentions to mold Xiao into a reflection of Alatus, tried to talk some sense into them. They emphasized the importance of letting Xiao be his own person, with his own identity and choices. However, as they debated the matter, the door opened slowly, revealing Xiao in his newly adorned attire.
The transformation was remarkable. Xiao now looked almost identical to Alatus, right down to the elegant robes that mirrored the attire of the departed yaksha. The only notable difference was the hair – Xiao's remained short compared to Alatus's long locks.
Venti and Zhongli stood in silent astonishment, their eyes widening at the uncanny resemblance. Y/n, on the other hand, smiled with a sense of satisfaction as if their vision had finally come to life. The room held a charged atmosphere, a collision of Y/n's desires and Venti and Zhongli's concerns.
Xiao, unaware of the deliberations that had taken place, approached Y/n with a respectful bow. "My lord/lady, I am here as you have requested."
Y/n's smile grew wider, a mix of satisfaction and a hint of something more complex. "Xiao, you look exquisite. I believe the attire suits you well."
Venti and Zhongli exchanged uneasy glances, recognizing that their attempts to dissuade Y/n had seemingly fallen on deaf ears.
As Y/n admired Xiao's transformed appearance, a soft smile played on their lips. Xiao, his demeanor still marked by shyness, looked at Y/n with a mixture of uncertainty and compliance. Y/n, with a gentle touch, began to run their fingers through Xiao's hair, expressing their vision of perfection.
"You'll need to grow out your hair, Xiao," Y/n suggested, their voice carrying an air of determination. "Once it's longer, you'll look absolutely perfect."
Zhongli, recognizing the delicate situation and perhaps feeling a sense of responsibility, tried to interject without giving away the details. "Xiao looks splendid as he is now. There's a unique charm in his current appearance."
However, Y/n, seemingly determined to see their vision come to fruition, dismissed Zhongli's comment with a casual wave of their hand. "It's a matter of refining the details, Zhongli. Xiao will appreciate the change once he sees the complete picture."
Xiao, caught in the middle of the exchange, remained silent, his eyes flickering between Y/n and Zhongli.
In the ensuing days, Xiao found himself transitioning from a humble servant to the personal assistant of Y/n, accompanying them to various gatherings and events. The shift in roles was both surreal and daunting, but Xiao approached his new responsibilities with a sense of diligence and loyalty.
One day, Y/n proposed an idea that stirred a mix of excitement and apprehension within Xiao. "Xiao, how about a friendly spar to sharpen your skills? I'd like to see your prowess in combat."
Xiao hesitated, as he had never been trained in traditional combat. However, the prospect of engaging in a friendly match with Y/n left him intrigued. "I… I'm not skilled in martial arts, my lord/lady."
Y/n smiled reassuringly. "No worries, Xiao. I'll guide you through it. Just give it a try."
Reluctantly, Xiao agreed, and the impromptu spar commenced. Y/n, with a keen eye, observed Xiao's movements and gracefully guided his actions. Each strike, each parry, seemed to echo the fluid elegance of Alatus in his prime, though Xiao remained blissfully unaware of the resemblance.
As Y/n patiently instructed Xiao, the courtyard became a canvas for their shared movements. The dance of the spar unfolded, a delicate fusion of guidance and newfound determination within Xiao. Despite his initial hesitation, Xiao started to grasp the basics, his movements aligning with Y/n's subtle cues.
Y/n's guiding hand aimed not only to enhance Xiao's combat skills but also to mold him into a reflection of their departed lover, Alatus.
The courtyard was hushed after the friendly spar, and both Xiao and Y/n found themselves slightly out of breath, beads of sweat glistening on their foreheads.
As Y/n wiped the sweat from Xiao's forehead, a moment of intimacy unfolded. Xiao, his shy demeanor surfacing once again, lowered his gaze, a mix of gratitude and uncertainty in his eyes.
Y/n, their touch lingering, looked into Xiao's eyes with a gentle smile. "Xiao, you've done well. Your moves are beginning to reflect the grace of.. a good warrior."
Then with a tender expression, Y/n brushed a strand of hair away from Xiao's face, their touch lingering a moment longer.
In the midst of the shared warmth and the afterglow of the spar, Y/n hesitated before softly speaking, "Would you, perhaps, spend the night with me tonight? We can continue our discussions and training in a more relaxed setting."
Xiao's eyes widened slightly, the invitation catching him off guard. He stammered for a moment before nodding with a mix of nervousness and curiosity. "Of course, my lord/lady. I will be honored to spend the night with you."
The night was shrouded in a soft glow, the air thick with anticipation as Y/n adorned themselves in an almost translucent robe. A gentle knock echoed through the room, and Y/n, with a knowing smile, opened the door to reveal Xiao standing there.
Xiao's eyes widened as he took in Y/n's appearance, the almost ethereal glow accentuating their features. A flush of embarrassment painted Xiao's cheeks as Y/n invited him into the room. Hesitant yet intrigued, Xiao stepped inside, and the door closed behind them.
As soon as he did, Y/n's lips met his in a fervent kiss, the air between them filled with desire. Xiao, his back pressed against the door, let out a low, involuntary moan as the heat between them intensified.
Their tongues engaged in a silent battle for dominance that mirrored the unspoken complexities of their connection. The soft echoes of shared pleasure resonated through the room, a manifestation of the uncharted territory their intertwined destinies were exploring.
In that intimate moment, time seemed to lose its grip, and the world outside the room faded into insignificance.
As the kiss deepened, hastily opened Xiao's robes, their fingers fumbling with the fabric in their eagerness.
Y/n kneeled down, and seeing Xiao's cock already leaking with pre, "Ah, such a good boy for me aren't you?~"
As the morning sun painted the room in a gentle glow, Xiao stirred from his slumber. The warmth of the sunlight filtering through the window signaled the arrival of a new day. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he became aware of the soft weight nestled close to him.
Turning slightly, Xiao discovered Y/n in his arms, their form snug against his. The traces of the night's passion lingered in the quiet morning air. Y/n, still lost in the embrace of sleep, appeared serene, their features softened in the morning light.
A subtle smile played on Xiao's lips as he observed the peaceful scene.
As Y/n stirred from slumber, the morning light casting a gentle glow on the room, their gaze fell upon the figure beside them. Xiao, now resembling Alatus more than ever, lay peacefully in the morning stillness. Y/n's eyes softened with a mixture of fondness and longing.
Snuggling closer to Xiao, Y/n's voice carried a tender whisper, "Alatus, I missed you." The words, filled with a deep yearning, hung in the air. Yet, Xiao, caught in the embrace of Y/n's sentiments, experienced a moment of freezing recognition.
Xiao, having never known what Alatus looked like, had only heard the name as a figure from Y/n's past. The realization that Y/n, in that vulnerable moment of waking, mistook him for Alatus sent a ripple of complexity through his thoughts.
As Xiao gently extricated himself from the embrace, the rustle of fabric and the sound of his footsteps echoed in the room. Y/n, still in a half-asleep haze, registered the movement and glanced at Xiao putting his robes back on.
A sudden realization dawned upon Y/n as clarity cut through the lingering remnants of sleep. The features that they had mistaken for Alatus in the soft morning light now held the distinctive essence of Xiao. A moment of awareness washed over Y/n, and their eyes widened with the realization that they had momentarily forgotten the present in the depths of their longing for the past.
The room, once filled with an air of intimacy, now held a subtle tension as Y/n recognized the mistake. A brief flicker of regret passed through their gaze as they watched Xiao, who seemed unaffected yet carried the weight of the unspoken complexity in the room.
"I… I'm sorry," Y/n murmured, the words laden with a mix of regret and acknowledgment. The echoes of the night's passion now mingled with the awareness of the present, creating a moment of vulnerability between them.
Xiao, having donned his robes, met Y/n's gaze with a stoic expression, his features revealing little of the internal turmoil.
"Alatus is not here," Xiao finally spoke, his voice calm but carrying a subtle undercurrent of emotion. "I am Xiao."
As Xiao swiftly left the room, a mix of emotions lingered in the air. The realization of Y/n's unintentional act and the discovery of a picture spoke volumes about the intricacies of their connection. Fate, it seemed, had woven a tapestry that unraveled the complexities of their intertwined destinies.
In a quiet corner of Y/n's residence, Xiao stumbled upon a picture that held the essence of Alatus without his mask, embracing Y/n. The resemblance between the image and Xiao's current appearance was undeniable, a reflection of Y/n's subconscious desire to recreate the past.
Staring at the picture, Xiao felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Envy, an unfamiliar emotion to him, crept into his consciousness as he traced his own features in the mirror. The realization dawned on him that every aspect of his current environment seemed crafted to mirror Alatus, as if Y/n sought to resurrect the past in the present.
A profound understanding settled within Xiao as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Y/n, in their grief and longing, molded Xiao into the image of their lost love. The room, the picture, and even Xiao's own reflection seemed like echoes of Alatus, a manifestation of Y/n's attempt to fill the void left by his departure.
Xiao, feeling suffocated by the weight of Alatus' clothes that seemed to cling to him, walked out of the residence, seeking solace in the open air. The field, bathed in the gentle hues of the day, offered a temporary escape from the echoes of Y/n's unintentional expectations.
As Xiao stood in the field, a tap on his shoulders startled him. Turning around, he found Venti standing there, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Found you," Venti chimed, his carefree demeanor contrasting with Xiao's internal turmoil.
Xiao, perplexed, asked how Venti managed to locate him in the vast openness. Venti simply grinned and gestured to the surroundings. "The winds carry whispers, my friend. They led me to you."
Venti's expression shifted as he mentioned Y/n's concern. "Y/n is worried about you, searching everywhere," Venti confessed, giving Xiao's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
Xiao, feeling a pang of guilt, corrected Venti. "Not me, Venti. They are worried about Alatus."
Venti's gaze softened as he absorbed Xiao's words. Understanding the complexities of the situation, he offered a supportive presence. "Y/n cares deeply for both of you, Xiao. It's a tangle of emotions, but we're here to help untangle it."
With a thoughtful look, Xiao seized the opportunity to ask about Alatus. "Tell me about Alatus and Y/n," he requested, a mix of curiosity and a desire to understand the person Y/n had loved so deeply.
Venti, his usually carefree demeanor giving way to a more somber expression, hesitated before recounting Alatus' tale to Xiao. The winds seemed to carry the weight of the story as Venti spoke.
"Alatus was a Yaksha, a guardian under a Malevolent God," Venti began, his voice carrying a tone of reverence. "He served with unwavering loyalty, bound by duty. But within that service, he yearned for freedom."
Venti paused, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the story. "Just as he was on the brink of breaking free from those chains, tragedy struck. Alatus was killed, cruelly robbed of the chance to embrace the freedom he longed for."
Xiao, absorbing the revelation, felt a profound sadness at the untimely demise of Alatus. Venti continued, "His departure occurred just before Y/n and Alatus could celebrate their union in marriage."
"Let's get married once this is all over," Alatus suggested, the warmth of his words settling into the space between them. Y/n, in agreement, envisioned a life together among the mortals, free from the confines of duty. As they spoke of their future, plans were made for a wedding that would mark the beginning of a new chapter. The anticipation of the ceremony, the shared dreams, and the promise of a life entwined filled the air. Alatus and Y/n set their sights on the next month, a time that held the potential for a union that would transcend the realms. However, fate had other plans. The next month never arrived as Alatus, in the line of duty, faced a brutal and unanticipated fate. The cries of anguish echoed far and wide as the Malevolent God's reign came to an end, sealed by Morax's intervention. Alatus lay wounded, his life force slipping away before Y/n's eyes. In the aftermath of the battle, Y/n, desperate to defy the inevitable, tried to gather the spilled blood and return it to Alatus. The heart-wrenching scene unfolded as Y/n's attempts proved futile. Alatus, weakened but filled with love, gently stroked Y/n's cheek. "Forgive me, my love," Alatus whispered, his voice barely audible. Alas, Alatus succumbed to the wounds. The field where they once dreamed of a future together now bore witness to the pain of a love cut short.
Xiao found himself entangled in the complex emotions stirred by Y/n's past love for Alatus. Despite his deep feelings for Y/n since childhood, Xiao grappled with the realization that he could never truly compete with the profound connection Y/n shared with the departed Yaksha.
Contemplating the situation, Xiao turned to Venti. He urged Venti to share every detail about Alatus, a request that left Venti puzzled. Xiao, with a determined expression, explained his reasoning.
"If the Archon can't love me, then let me be the one they loved," Xiao declared, his voice carrying a mixture of resignation and determination. He acknowledged the impossibility of replacing Alatus but was willing to embrace a role that held the past.
Venti, concerned for Xiao's well-being, hesitated. "Xiao, you can't force yourself into a role that wasn't meant for you. It's not healthy," he cautioned, trying to dissuade Xiao from pursuing a path that seemed fraught with emotional challenges.
However, Xiao's persistence remained unwavering. "Even if it means being someone else, I want to be the one they loved," he asserted, driven by a profound desire to offer solace to Y/n and fill the void left by Alatus.
Reluctantly, Venti yielded to Xiao's persistent request and began recounting the intricate details of Alatus' persona. Months passed, and Xiao immersed himself in the process of becoming more like Alatus, even allowing his hair to grow out to mimic the departed Yaksha's appearance.
During this time, Y/n remained unaware of Xiao's transformation, believing that he had left their residence. The echoes of Xiao's footsteps were replaced by an absence that went unnoticed, as Y/n assumed they were left alone to grapple with the memories of their lost love.
Xiao, with each passing day, delved deeper into the role he had willingly embraced. He studied Alatus' mannerisms, adopted his way of speaking, and endeavored to recreate the presence that had once filled Y/n's life.
As Xiao, now an almost perfect mirror of Alatus, entered the residence with Venti by his side, the guards, recognizing the familiar presence of the Anemo Archon, allowed them entry. Venti, still uncertain about the consequences of this elaborate transformation, accompanied Xiao with a sense of caution.
Inside the residence, the maids relayed the surprising news to Y/n – Alatus had come to meet them. Confused and thinking it was some cruel joke, Y/n approached, ready to dismiss the notion. However, as they laid eyes on the figure standing before them, their breath hitched.
It was Alatus—or so it seemed.
The room, steeped in a mix of emotions and the echoes of the past, became a stage for an unexpected reunion. Y/n, confronted with the uncanny resemblance of Alatus, stood frozen in disbelief. The air carried a sense of surrealism as they grappled with the notion that someone they thought was lost had returned.
Xiao, now fully immersed in the role he had taken on, awaited Y/n's reaction with bated breath.
As Y/n furrowed their eyebrows, a mixture of confusion and disbelief etched across their features, Xiao swiftly interjected, gently stroking their cheek with a familiarity that mirrored Alatus' touch. The gentle caress, a subtle echo of the past, seemed to bridge the gap between the present reality and the memories Y/n held dear.
"Did you miss me, love?" Xiao asked, his voice carrying a conviction that sought to quell Y/n's doubts. The touch, the words, and the uncanny resemblance held a power that tugged at the heartstrings of memories buried deep within Y/n's consciousness.
Confronted with the possibility of Alatus standing before them, Y/n's initial skepticism wavered. The touch felt too familiar and the words to be dismissed, and as Xiao's hand lingered on their cheek, Y/n leaned into the comforting embrace, tears forming in their eyes.
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luckylolabug · 3 days
So I've been working on this dumb Modern Ketterdam AU thing where Inej is working for Wylan's dad for a while before defecting to work with Kaz's crew, and I just have to share this Wesper interaction because it's one of the earlier ones they have after Jesper realizes Wylan sells illegal fireworks under his dad's nose and I just. God, sorry, I love them.
Wylan kept his head down, navigating through the crowd with practiced ease, already planning his route back to the mansion where his tutor would be waiting. He hated being late—it would only give his father more ammunition to fire at him later. But just as he was turning a corner, a familiar figure caught his eye, leaning casually against a marking stall, a bright, amused grin spreading across his face.
The boy with the guns from last night. Jesper, Kaz had called him.
Wylan's heart skipped a beat as Jesper spotted him, eyes lighting up with recogntion. There was no mistaking the tall sharpshooter, dressed in flashy attire—a dark coat thrown over a vivid red shirt, his fingers tapping the side of one of his revolvers. He was as confident and at ease as he'd been the night before, and Wylan instantly felt exposed, like Jesper could see every thought racing through his mind.
“Well, well,” Jesper drawled, pushing off the stall and strolling over, his steps lazy and confident. “If it isn’t the pretty boy from last night. Small world, huh?”
Wylan bristled, feeling his cheeks flush with a mix of irritation and embarrassment. “My name’s Wylan,” he muttered, crossing his arms defensively. “And I really need to get going.”
Jesper’s grin widened, undeterred. “Wylan, huh? Nice to meet you properly then.” He fell into step beside Wylan as if it were the most natural thing in the world, weaving effortlessly through the crowd. “So, what’s a Van Eck doing wandering around the markets on a morning like this? You slumming it for fun, or is there something more interesting going on?”
Wylan’s jaw clenched. He didn’t have time for this, and he certainly didn’t want Jesper—Kaz’s man, one of the Dregs—following him back to his father’s house. He kept his pace brisk, eyes fixed straight ahead. “I’m just running errands,” he said tersely, hoping Jesper would take the hint and leave.
But Jesper wasn’t the type to let things go that easily. “Errands, huh? Like running around with fireworks? Were you serious about that?”
Wylan stopped abruptly, grabbing Jesper’s arm and pulling him off to the side, away from the bustle of the market. Jesper’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he didn’t resist, letting Wylan guide him into the relative privacy of a narrow side street. Wylan released him, running a hand through his curls, frustration bubbling to the surface.
“Do you have to be so damn loud about it?” Wylan hissed, keeping his voice low but urgent. “Not everyone needs to know what I’m doing.”
Jesper raised his hands in mock surrender, though his smile never wavered. “Alright, alright. Didn’t mean to get you all riled up. Just curious, is all. I mean, it’s not every day you meet a merchant’s son sneaking around with explosives.”
Wylan glared at him, the words stinging more than they should. Jesper didn't understand. None of them did. To him, it was probably all just a game—another quirky detail to file away in his catalog of oddities about the city's elite. But to Wylan, it was his life, the only thing he had any control over. He didn't want to be another sideshow attraction for the Dregs, another point of interest for Kaz Brekker to exploit.
"I'm not sneaking around," Wylan snapped, though even he didn't fully beleive it. "And this isn't some... some hobby. I'm just trying to—"
Jesper cut him off, his expression softening, just a hint of genuine interest peeking through his usual bravado. "Trying to what, Freckles? Trying to be something other than what everyone thinks you are?"
Wylan blinked, taken aback by the sudden shift in tone. It was as if Jesper had seen straight through the walls he had spent so long building up, and for a moment, Wylan didn't know how to respond. He wanted to push Jesper away, to brush off the question and move on, but something in the gunslinger's eyes—sharp, knowing, but not unkind—made him hesitate.
"I'm just... I'm trying to figure things out," Wylan finally said, his voice quieter, the fight draining out of him. "I'm not like my father. I don't want to be like him. And I don't need people like you making me feel like it's all a waste of time."
Jesper leaned back against the wall, his gaze never leaving Wylan's facve. "Who said anything about it being a waste? I think it's pretty fucking brave, actually. Takes guts to go against what's expected of you."
Wylan stared at him, unsure if Jesper was mocking him or being sincere. Nine times out of ten, it was the former, from his experience. Inej was usually the only exception. But there was something about the way Jesper was looking at him now, something that made Wylan feel seen in a way he wasn't used to.
"Look," Jesper said, pushing off the wall and clapping Wylan on the shoulder. "I won't keep you, I'm sure you need all your beauty sleep to keep your curls that perfect. But if you ever want to talk—or, you know, need someone to set off those fireworks of yours—I'm around. Ketterdam's a small place, after all."
Wylan nodded, dumbfounded, still processing the unexpected encounter as Jesper turned and sauntered back toward the market, his figure blending into the crowd. It wasn't until he couldn't see the sharpshooter anymore that he glanced down long enough to realize Jesper had slipped a piece of paper in the front of his bag, a string of numbers scribbled across it.
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honeycrashed · 1 year
i want to hear the chess hcs!!!!
OKAY! If you're like a chess nerd and expected me to list down their favorite opening moves and stuff I'm so sorry I don't know the names. "Horsie go hehe and horsie go haha" , "average NPC move" , "OPEN UP THE GATES!!" is what I call some of the opening moves. I refuse to learn the names.
also like I'm a pretty mid chess player but I have some silly little headcanons for all stars anyways!
I like to think that all stars are all decent at chess and have a good win-loss ratio, generally understanding how the game works and stuff.
Kidou: He's literally the strategist of the field did you expect me to come up here and say yes Kidou Yuuto genius playmaker is bad at chess. that would be funny but no.
Instead, he always loses to Endou, no matter what. He often tries to bait Endou but Endou always missed the bait and just goes for the more obvious choices, revealing holes in Kidou's moves. it's very frustrating to Kidou but he appreciates Endou showing the faults in his plays, Even if Endou is unaware of it.
fave to go against:
-Atsuya, his fast-paced high-risks playstyle intrigues Kidou and he wants to see how fast he can keep up with him.
-Gouenji, Kidou likes messing with him <3
Gouenji : Exception on the "win-loss ratio"; Overthinking too much in matches, which usually causes the opponent to find a simpler solution to his convoluted plan. He was so sure that his delicate process would work and if he were able to do it it would've looked so cool (Note that his exception only counts when playing against all stars/people he knows well. he still overthinks but his overthinking pays off most of the time.)
Gouenji likes to take his time making his moves which makes it tougher when they decide to do blitz rounds, he hates blitz rounds he always gets very shaky afterwards.(Part of the reason they tend not to do blitz rounds unless Gouenji insists on it or its Atsuya VS Kidou)
fave to go against:
-Kazemaru, Kazemaru doesn't take chess too seriously until it's a blitz match.
-Shirou, their playstyles match very well with one another
Endou : Exception on the "General understanding of the game"; Endou doesn't understand and chess doesn't understand him either. He has sketches of the chess moves he could make on the side since he's easy to forget what moves the pieces make. He has a general idea of it but it still manages to slip past his mind.
Despite this he has never lost against all Kidou ever, which makes him the unofficial reigning champion.
fave to go against:
-Kidou. he finds it funny how frustrated Kidou gets when playing with him, even if he is very lost on how to play.
He just loves it when All stars overthink their moves against Endou and Endou ends up winning, he finds it very funny and it's the reason he hadn't given up on understanding chess yet.
Atsuya: fuckieinfnekl ate the chess pieces /j
Genuinely very good at the game, loves blitz matches the most. Likes to play fast and swift, making very risky moves in most cases. Against Kidou he slows down a little to think about his moves more, One time the two got locked in a 3hr match, having to call it off for the day since it was getting late, but continuing it first thing in the morning.
fave to go against:
-Kidou, same reason as Kidou. He wants to see how fast Kidou can keep up with him, often taunting that he can't. it's all for fun though, is what they say, but the room smells like someone's going to die whenever they're against each other.
-Kazemaru, While Kazemaru CAN keep up with the speed, Kazemaru can't keep up with the moves at all times unlike Kidou. Atsuya still enjoys playing against him anyways.
Refuses to go against anyone but Kidou and Kazemaru.
Shirou: also very good, but he prefers slower games as opposed to Atsuya's fast-paced playstyle. Also less likely to take more risks depending on how the match is going.
faves to go against:
-Endou: his light-hearted playstyles make for calm matches, Shirou likes teaching Endou over and over again on how to play chess and is generally very patient with him.
-Gouenji: the right amount of pressure when being put against someone to play chess, otherwise Atsuya goes against them/Instructs Shirou on what to do.
Kazemaru: Most of the time just watches everyone else play while tallying up the scores/moves, But when he does play he's pretty flexible for all styles of playing. He loves playing blitz the most but doesn't mind slowing down everyone once and a while.
faves to go against:
-Atsuya: He likes the challenge Atsuya brings by making really risky moves and having to make up his mind on a move against it in quick successions.
-Endou: He likes attempting to find out what's going on in that brain of his, and while most of the time he succeeds against Endou, he never succeeds on finding his thought process.
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the-meat-machine · 1 year
what's your thoughts on most of caliborn's ships (like him with all/any of the alpha kids, his sister, the handmaid, etc) ((feel free to choose any of the ones you rarely talk about, I genuinely wanna hear your thoughts.))
oh heck yes let's see
i don't think i need to elaborate on how much i love this ship seeing as i'm currently writing a fucking novel about them. though i will mention that this is a ship that i ship in two totally different ways - "predictably, they make each other worse" and "against all odds, they make each other better". two delicious flavors with very different moods
this could be a really fun kismesissitude! jane despises him, and for good reason - he's absolutely vile towards her. but honestly, i think it could be cathartic for her to have an acceptable target to take out all of her frustrations on
they'd have to be on an equal footing though, with jane able to get one over on caliborn at least as often as he triumphs over her. which might be kind of a tough sell, since caliborn is genuinely extremely threatening. he's on a whole other level from most characters in this story
(kind of a side note, but this power imbalance is an issue for most caliborn relationships unless you're looking for tragedy or whump where caliborn just straight-up slaughters the other person in the end. caliborn is a total idiot, but he is so damn effective at achieving his goals that it's basically impossible to get the better of him in the long term. he may lose individual battles, but he will never, ever lose the war. pretty much the only way i've found to resolve this in more light-hearted works is to change the rules of the game that caliborn has decided he's playing.)
another fun one. i think that jake is one of the few people who could actually be capable of throwing caliborn off. i want to see caliborn baffled and infuriated by seeing this weenie accomplish the literally impossible with his bullshit hope powers. i want to see jake inspired to step up his game in order to show this cad who's boss! i want jake to either fucking hope caliborn into a better person, or cheerfully steamroll him while acting like it's nothing
jake absolutely has the capability to keep caliborn on the defensive buried somewhere deep inside him. now, can he believe in himself long enough to exercise it? who knows! (but… maybe caliborn wants him to believe in himself enough for that. maybe he wants to see what jake could do if he really let loose. maybe he wants to build him up into a worthy opponent. fuck i love pitch/pale vacillation.)
i... don't think i've ever seen this ship, actually. maybe not that surprising since they never actually talk to each other in canon. i'm not so sure about this one - roxy hates caliborn, but not in a sexy way, and it's all driven by her care for calliope. you could maybe go in some kinda dark direction where she's hunting him down to get revenge for calliope but starts kind of guiltily getting off on it? hm
i'm including this one mostly because i think it could be intriguing, but i haven't given it enough thought to really have a feel for their dynamic. my gut says it could be an interesting kismesissitude, though. give john something to focus on other than moping around all depressed. and his retcon powers pose a genuine threat to caliborn, so that's something
please don't subject dave to caliborn
this one i think is funny because damara worships lord english. she longs to serve him. but imagine her meeting caliborn and realizing that this wretched little shit is her god. holy shit would she be pissed. hilarious.
i also have an au where caliborn, damara, and meenah are "friends", by which i mean they're always hanging out together for some reason even though they all openly despise each other. fun dynamic
this has the potential to be both hilarious and incredibly fucked up. bro meets the guy behind his best puppet bro. does he like cal as much when he's not plush? (no.) does he feel used? is he even capable of realizing that what he's feeling is "used"? didn't he want to be used? (...did he ever really stop to wonder what he was being used for, until now?)
also caliborn would just flat-out think bro is smokin' hot. the ideal man. it don't get better than this.
and then, finally. the big one. the most important caliborn ship. yes, way more important than dirkuu:
yin and yang. two halves of a whole. they define each other. they need each other. they need each other to die. their relationship is foundational for both characters and they were absolutely both horny about it. this is canon i stg
very, very difficult to turn into a long-term relationship, however, because caliborn will always, always, truly and genuinely, want calliope dead, even as he craves her, even as he envies everything that she has and he never will have. the tragedy of their relationship is that they need each other, deeply and utterly, but they cannot both survive.
and in canon, caliborn wins! he achieves his biggest goal! he eliminates calliope for good! ...and then as lord english he spends untold eternities literally chasing her ghost. and he can tell himself it's because she's a threat to him, which of course she is. but... would he really have anything left to live for if she wasn't out there, somewhere, to be his white whale?
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16woodsequ · 8 months
(For the writers truth and dare ask game)
I was unsure how many I could pick so I chose two, 🍓 because I’m genuinely curious and 🍦for the fun of it!
Also excuse me for not interacting as much as I usually do, but now I’m back :)
(From this ask game)
Thanks for the ask! I always love them :D
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
Oh that's something I haven't thought about in a while! Okay, so my first introduction to fandom was through DeviantArt. I grew up on transformers and went looking for cool fanart. I found some but couldn't comment without an account, so I made my first fandom account. I wasn't planning to post anything, but a stranger followed my empty blog and sent me an encouraging note saying they couldn't wait to see what I did. (I still think of them, we never became mutuals or anything, it was like they were a benevolent fairy godmother telling me to create, and then I never saw them again, but I owe them a lot!)
So I posted a few drawings and followed a bunch of people and groups on DA. I began reading fanfiction there. But I still never even thought to post my own work at the time.
But circa 2014 I am very invested in reading fic and I have a favourite Transformer character (Starscream) whom I have created an entire backstory for (sparked by a take I didn't agree with in a fic). I'm deep into mentally writing stories, with my own Mary Sues and everything. It's my daily pass-time, daydreaming these stories and meta.
It still doesn't occur to me to write any of these until one day I'm watching The Hobbit, and Ed Sheran's I See Fire plays and hits me like a lightning bolt. This song is perfect for my fav character!! Someone's got to have written about it, right???
So I scour fanfiction sites (I can't remember if I'd started reading on Ao3 yet, but I'd definitely been on FNN) but No One had written this Very Niche idea???
And that's when the concept of writing my own fic started. I just had too. The idea was too good. So my first fic was a song fic writing on the DA STASH program (not even Word lol. This thing didn't even have a word count, and my editing process was to read the wip backwards word for word, searching for misspellings or other typos).
And after that I suddenly realised that if I wanted people to see my fav character in the same light I did, I had to write it. And so it began.
I eventually started posting on FNN, and then in 2016 on Ao3. My first Marvel fic followed a similar process where I got an idea and it was just too good and people needed to know about it, so Lessons Learned was written on STASH. (I think around then I finally moved to Word XD). I still have an old account on DA, but I haven't been active on it in many years. It does hold a special place in my heart for being the place I started learning about fandom and writing in though.
So I guess I started writing fanfic because no one seemed to be writing my stories, and I had Opinions that needed to be shown.
🍦 name three good things about a character you hate
Oh geez, lemme think.
Quickest name comes to mind is Rumlow. But that's in a Love to hate situation. I know some people like to redeem Rumlow, but I love how he can shorthand so easily as just the worst guy you know.
He's just the worst (positive). No matter what AU you're reading you know any character named Rumlow is going to be the worst scum ever.
I mean, I've heard about what it's like to live with large, bad burns. So good for him for making it through the acute period and living with it I guess.
Kind of ties in to the first point, but there's not much he wouldn't believably do. You want an unhinged bad guy? Rumlow will help you out. Does he have morals or did he lose them with the burns? Your choice writer! He's up for anything.
Hope you enjoyed the ask! Oh and don't feel bad at all about engagement! I know how life can get sometimes and I'm not ever going to get mad for something like that.
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firstaidspray · 8 months
Birthday Countdown Revchase Snippets - Day 8
To celebrate Valentine's month as well as my birthday month, I'm going to post a snippet of Revchase every day until my birthday, using these prompts- there are 25 so it leads right up to my birthday!! Here's eight!!
8- Write about one member of your ship giving the other a compliment. 
Pairing: Robert Chase/Reverie (oc)
Media: House MD
Word Count: 646
Rating: T
CW: Drug mention
Another surgery done and dusted. The patient's in PACU, the OR is being cleaned, and the surgical staff are all peeling out of their gear. Reverie is back in nothing but scrubs first, fluffing her hair in front of a mirror.
“Hate how damn surgical caps smash down my hair,” she groans, having fixed it back to a decent shape.
She then turns to face Chase, who has pulled his own hair out of the cap and face from beneath his mask. Reverie stares at him, hearts in her eyes. Even after a long, hard surgery, the man is stunning to her.
“What?” Chase asks, flashing that sweet smile of his.
Those pretty pink lips, perfect teeth, the way his undereyes crinkle up and his cheeks round out– it's all absolutely heavenly to Reverie. She places her chin in her hand, tilting her head and staring at her boyfriend.
“You have such an adorable smile,” Reverie says with one of her own. “Literally makes my heart skip a beat just looking at it. My God.”
Chase blushes and that precious smile widens. “It's not that cute. You don't have to lie.”
Reverie shakes her head. “I'm not. You can put on a stethoscope and listen for yourself. C'mon, smile and I'll prove it.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “You don't need to prove it. It's just really cute the way you told me. And maybe I like hearing you repeat it.”
She smirks and walks up to him, then takes his smiling face between her hands. “I'll repeat it forever. The prettiest, sweetest smile I've ever seen.”
His face burns with blush under her hands, and the smile stays. “And you're the prettiest, sweetest girl I've ever met.”
Reverie giggles. “Is this game going to go on all day?”
With a scoff, Chase answers, “maybe so.”
It's never unusual when Reverie begins a morning with a painkiller and an energy drink. Chase has watched her do it a billion times. The speed of the caffeine and the slow of the drugs mix into a “fun” swirl in her head, and she rides that wave all day.
She does this because she's in pain, always. Similarly to House, in fact, though she doesn't pop as many pills as he does per day. And when Reverie is in a lot of pain, she doesn't put effort into her appearance. So there she sits at the kitchen island, sipping on a can of Monster, her short hair a tangled mess, eyes already heavy with exhaustion, dressed in only a loose tank top and sweats and hospital socks.
“Good morning, gorgeous.”
Chase’s voice shocks her and she nearly chokes on her energy drink. Reverie whips around to face him as he walks in from the bedroom, still in pajamas himself, but much better looking in her eyes.
“You're so full of shit,” Reverie responds, downing the rest of her drink. “Look at me. I'm not gorgeous.”
He scoffs. “I beg to differ. If you aren't gorgeous, then why do I get butterflies like a stupid teenage boy every time I look at you?”
Blush creeps over her cheeks. “I dunno, you're insane? I am not gorgeous.”
Chase rolls his eyes as he approaches her and wraps his hands around her waist. “Rev, I'm serious. You're the prettiest little angel I've ever seen in my life.”
Reverie rolls her eyes, much more dramatically than he did. “Even like this? Even all sick and shitty looking?”
Chase kisses her on the top of the head. “You couldn't be shitty looking if you tried. You're just as beautiful when you're sick and tired as when you're done up in makeup. The most beautiful.”
Her face lights up bright red, and she speaks with a genuine tone, “Thank you, luv. You're the sweetest.”
“And you're the prettiest.”
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offside-the-lines · 9 months
Thank you for the game! It was a lot of fun and I come to uno reverse you now: 🌟🐯🔔
Ahhhhhh thank you thank you thank you. I am truly so happy with the reception it has gotten. So thank you for participating and sharing.
🌟 What are your five favorite things about yourself? Come on, don’t be shy. Give me 5.
I have previously answered this but I can try to think of 5 more
I am a purveyor of fun facts. I love them and I love sharing them.
I’m good at ideating. And it’s super fun to do.
I have long nail beds so there’s a lot of room for fun manicure designs.
I have a ridiculously good memory.
I am very good at finding information. I will not elaborate.
🐯 What movie villain or creature do you think people should love more?
Fun fact: when I was initially making this list, my hub was watching Monarch (the new Godzilla show) lol. So that’s what inspired this question.
I genuinely find this question impossible (even though I came up with it) because the internet will love any and all unlovable character. Truly if it’s evil, there’s a fanbase for it. Idk.
Soooo, my answer isn’t really a villain but it’s a character that people hate so much he might as well be. Jar Jar Binks. I never understood the hatred for him. He’s trying to be helpful and fails. Is he annoying? Yes. But it’s not his fault. Blame George Lucas. (Hot take: I don’t think Star Wars movies are good. They are all so poorly written.). Like the only difference between poorly written Every Other Character and Jar Jar Binks is that he speaks weird. WHICH ISNT EVEN HIS FAULT. His entire race talks like that. Like your entire reason for hating him THIS MUCH is because he is stupid and talks weird? Would you hate on him this much if he was humanoid? Grow up. /light-hearted
🔔 Who is an NHL player you are convinced you can best in a physical altercation?
I have thought about this and I have to say Jack Hughes. I have seen him in person (from afar) and he just looks so tiny (I do not believe any “first of all I’m 5’11” lies from this child).
He also, famously, falls a lot.
So I would make him slip and fall. And then just sit on him. (I would never hurt him but I will just sit on him. I feel like that would count as winning).
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american-duchess · 2 years
Get to know eachother Choices Game !!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry, you don't have to. I do that sometimes to every sweet person I meet new.
What are your TOP 10 Choices books?
What are your TOP 10 Choices LIs?
oooh let's see (putting it under cut because i can't help but ramble about each thing and this is so long)
for choices books (i'm gonna do series not individual books, i hope that's okay)
1. the royal romance, i just love the characters so much, truly one of my favorite ensembles!!! i replay it all the time, and i know a lot of people hate on it for going on too long, but honestly (especially compared to most of the new stories) i would read another ten of them haha
2. endless summer, i think out of all their books this one had the most interesting story, i loved the art, the mystery, the setting, the characters, all of it!!
3. perfect match, another one of their books that had such an interesting plot and really fun characters, i was genuinely excited for every chapters release
4. blades of light and shadow, i'm a sucker for a good fantasy book and this one really delivered and i'm so excited for the next book whenever they decide to do it
5. bloodbound & nightbound are tied, i love them both equally!! i miss the cool world's pb created and that universe was one of my favorites
6. it lives series, they haven't done a ton of horror stories, but they really should because these were amazing!!
7. open heart, i really loved the story and playing as a character that's constantly trying to do the right thing against a system that's corrupt and has to make hard and life changing choices.
8. wishful thinking, a book that was surprisingly amazing even though people don't talk about it much! like it's one of the best just for the fact that you can read the minds of your pets 10/10
9. platinum, i loved the songs and the LIs!!
10. the freshman, replaying it now it's definitely not as good. like i would not do or say a lot of the stuff the MC does, but i think i would've when i was 18 so it's probably accurate haha. it was one of the first 3 and it means a lot to me even if it's mostly out of nostalgia.
now for the LIs (tbh i don't remember a lot of the characters so these are mostly just based on what i've replayed recently)
1. maxwell beaumont, i'm so happy they made him an LI even if his consistency is all over the place he's still one of my favorite characters of all time.
2. drake walker, i totally understand the drake hate, and if it was real life i would not want to date him compared to the other LIs in trr, but there's something fun about the pealing back layers and sneaking around in game that would not be as enjoyable in real life
3. quinn kelly, she's so insanely sweet and fun and was so strong and brave despite being dealt a shit hand
4. zig ortega, he's caring and protective and there's not many bi characters in pb's books that openly talk about being bi, and everything he says is so incredibly validating
5. becca davenport, she had one of my favorite growth arcs in choices, she really put in the work to be a better person
6. tom sato, he's an adorable little nerd and i love him
7. hana lee, she's sweet and caring and literally perfect at anything she sets her mind to, what's not to love?
8. kaitlyn liao, she was the first female LI i went for and honestly played a big part in my bi awakening and i'll always love her for it
9. raleigh carrera, i haven't played platinum in a long time but i remember loving them.
10. poppy min-sinclair, look she is a garbage person but also i'm a sucker for enemies to lovers. i just love to hate her ❤️
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owtenen · 2 years
In there group I don’t think there’s a leader I like to think of them as a friend/brother group in a high school au they try to be edgy but don’t smoke or skip class they just wear the most over the top badboy fashion along with telling everyone they are bad boys and pulling pranks and doing petty stuff and daring each other to shop lift or light something on fire it seems more in line with the cannon from limited life because you can get away with a lot in Minecraft so the closest irl equivalent are goths/punk’s/scene kids That are all bark and no bite
Grians remark about the name being what a couple of kids about to play pretend wanting to have an evil sounding name hits the nail on the head
jimmy is the annoying younger brother type he wants friends and to have fun and to be included and he wants to express himself he knows that they are being mean but he underestimates the damage and The consequences when ever someone says that they don’t like him anymore it’s always a shock he tries to sneak in bright colors while being enough of a bad boy to stay in the group he’s the butt of the joke but he’s ok with it and is The most open to showing strong emotions that aren’t anger and glee he secretly loves football like irl Jimmy he was also a gym teacher so this kids athletic his parents are extremely lenient with him when he told them he wanted to try a new style they bought him all the clothing and accessories right away which is why he has the most expensive and new clothes he isn’t spoiled but is kinda out of touch and the most trusting often being scammed or tricked he is forgiving but he isn’t flexible when he thinks something is true with all his heart he has a hard time coming to terms with it being challenged he has a strong sense of right and wrong even if it’s skewed moral values he thinks in black and white but not in a good and bad way in a what’s ok with him and what isn’t but often what’s ok for him doesn’t apply to others and doesn’t make sense to him
Joel is the most chaotic and reckless he’s got middle child syndrome he simultaneously has a ginormous ego and fragile self esteem he can be very patient when he’s invested but emotions drive him while there in the middle of a prank if something happens that he has a strong reaction to he will drop everything blowing there cover he wears leather jackets and shades because he thinks it looks cool he is secretly an artist like empires season 1 Joel he is very proud of his skill but he wants to try new things his parents lawyers that want him to be like them they don’t take him seriously because they think that because he’s a teenager he will switch his hobbies on a whim he hates that and while they are not strict they want him to be normal They are ok with his style and wanting to be an artist because they think it’s a just a phase that will pass and it’s not getting in the way of his schooling so they let him get it out of his system they don’t go out of their way to support him though so use’s the clothes he already has maybe using some artistic skills to modify them
But the closest to leader is grian but that is only because he is the most aware of the consequences of their decisions he just chooses to ignore them he is The only one that stays on task when they have a plan and the other two get side tracked he says fine then I’ll do it myself but don’t misunderstand he is just as much of a trouble maker he is a very bad influence being the one to initiate most of the insane ideas the others do insane things in that moment but grian plays the long game meaning his end results are farther reaching he was raised by religious his parents who are extremely strict he is genuinely spiteful at his lot in life and wants to keep his family in the dark because they will punish him he is a baker and cross dresser in his free time but those just more things to hide from his traditional family he buys his own clothes because his family would see him ruining his clothes and wasting money and punish him he keeps his clothes and equipment needed for other hobbies out side his house away from the prying eyes of his intrusive family he is The best at keeping secrets
grian plans the pranks jimmy carries everything and joel is the distraction/attack dog
wow this got kinda long I’m sorry but I got to into it and spent an hour on this without realizing it’s late my brain is tired and my work won’t be for nothing so sorry not sorry I hope you where able to understand my word vomit
real and true ! i love these ideas :D
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natsubane · 8 months
i was thinking that i should reflect on kh2
(before i forget what it was like playing the game lol)
i genuinely think kh2 was really fun but i think it's somewhat funny that the most memorable scenes in the game for me were mostly concentrated into the scenes where roxas appeared. (the prologue made me cry at least twice. i had to pause fighting him because i was crying. i cried through his last conversation with axel. when he showed up literally every other time i was fighting back yelling bc they really did a superb job of Getting You Attached To Roxas in the prologue that i spent the whole game getting excited to see him again.) as a character i really enjoyed him and i'm glad to be seeing him again in days... i like how well they showed his confusion and struggles in the prologue and it just. makes him so easy to empathise with and root for him. and also the twilight town trio... i really want to see the real trio interacting with roxas........
i think also with the whole "defeat org13" plot i really wished we got to see the org more because pretty much most of the time when we meet org members it's either sora and co immediately antagonising them (which is for justifiable reasons considering that they worked pretty hard to fix the worlds in kh1 and now they're being told that org13 is fucking around in them again.) or they're kinda just throwing very context-loaded information at me which. isn't necessarily bad but is hard to remember and process all at once... and also the fact that we don't get to see who's talking + i don't recognise all their voices so the whole scene where zexion is being talked to about ansem/xehanort was a whole blur to me HALSDHFSKDLFJSD i didn't hate it, though i feel like a lot of it felt like going straight to fighting without trying to understand the org...
...which ig is also understandable. i did really enjoy the (surprise surprise) scene after beating roxas where sora is trying to process the fight and donald and goofy tell him that Obviously the black coats are trying to deceive him and he shouldn't dwell on it when it clearly made him stop and think and hesitate...
either way. i think after getting through com (reverse/rebirth especially) and also the prologue i was expecting a big character moment or sort of culmination at the end for sora similar to how riku accepts his darkness as part of him and how roxas pieces things together but i guess the ending was a bit. strange to me because it just kinda was an "our hearts are connected so here's a happy ending" which didn't really make sense to me bc. the door to light just showed up because sora read kairi's letter to him? and while i kinda get it, it made me so confused for a while because i was trying to think of a proper explanation for it before just accepting it's just an "our hearts are connected" thing and magic happened (shrugs). that said, while i liked the conclusion sora and riku come to at the end when they're stuck at the... uh.... dark beach place......... where they're happy to bear the darkness so that their friends can continue living in the light, it kinda... felt completely moot when the door to light thing happened. and also i'm glad that roxas and namine got to meet again and i really . really liked seeing them in the ending movie but Man I Really Wanted To See Them More. i feel like i am complaining too much about that
also with riku i felt like i was expecting a lot more screentime from him but i think the way he acted reflected the conclusion he made at the end of com and i really liked that sora and kairi were able to accept him even when he was in ansem mode... like. if that's not friendship then What Else Would Be. in terms of kairi i had to ask mage about her keyblade and their explaining that the game is just allergic to kairi doing anything actually. makes a lot of sense bc i really wished she was also there when sora/riku/the king opened the door at the end!!! (it also made me wonder when riku's sword turned into a keyblade but i think that was also waved off as a "he became worthy of wielding a keyblade again" thing) (and also where the hell did he get kairi's keyblade from. the fact that not even mage knows this one is not comforting lmao)
actually going to talk about gameplay now and i think i remember hearing people say that the boss fights and gimmick battles are what make kh2 Really Shine and i think i kinda understand... the boss fights being made unique with the reaction commands was good and i did enjoy some of them... the others though. i still find it extremely funny how i survived demyx perfectly fine but then i got walled on XALDIN (not to mention marluxia fucked me up so badly i raged on him)
i don't hate com's battle system and kh1 was pretty similar on a base level so i can't say much about comparison but i think . i think it should be easier to level up drive forms. i really think drive form grinding was awful because i Almost Never used drive forms until i realised they gave you movement abilities WHILE I WAS ALREADY HALFWAY THROUGH THE GAME. i played the entire first half WITHOUT DODGE ROLL LMAO. and then i had to grind all of them all at once. awful.
anyway. i did enjoy kh2. i promise i will go back and do the cavern of remembrance and try the data fights + lingering will at some point. it just might take me a while. hrhfhgfhgffdj. it was a good game though i liked it
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clownspiral · 3 years
spiral headcanons!!
- michael & helen are both very!! fond of gabriel 
 - dr david wears goofy ass spiral glasses. u know the ones 
 - gabriel is Literally made out of clay. like All of him, even his clothes 
 - michael & helen Both consider themselves as the big sibling & the other as the little sibling 
 - the distortion throws spiral-avatar-only parties in its hallways sometimes. p much everyone loves these parties. there's a roller rink in there, & probably more than one disco ball. every room has different music playing 
 - michael & helen do not agree on how 2 decorate the hallways & basically split ownership fifty-fifty. michael is appalled by the normalcy of helen's side and helen is appalled by the clashing colors michael chooses for its side 
 - michael & helen play a lot of games to pass time. just like, normal games but in a Completely not normal way. their winning rate is pretty 50/50 but michael is a sore loser when she wins 
 - helen fills in as a nurse 4 doctor david sometimes. she brings a wanderer to him and acts like everything they just saw in her hallways is just a lie they're making up ("i have completely normal hands, stop being crazy"), and dr david handles the rest! 
 - working 2gether is pretty customary between spiral avatars. they're kinda like a family 
 - michael and gabe camp out 2gether in an abandoned house they repurposed in2 their home. in the basement, gabe makes sculptures there (some of the distortions model for) and michael has a space 4 painting! 
 - being a muse for gabriel's sculpting helps michael feel a little better abt the whole Having a Body thing 
 - michael likes to rest its head on human friends’ chests & listen 2 their heart beat 
 -  sergey ushanka (eating-my-computer guy) communicates w/ the other spiral avatars primarily thru e-mails 
 - dr david is like.. genuinely in2 science. he runs a lot of tests on the distortion & tries 2 figure out how the hell their body even works, which always turns out 2 be a fun & impossible challenge
- the distortion wears p normal clothes when it's playing human but that goes To The Wind as soon as it decides 2 let the disguise go. spirals r hidden everywhere in its clothes, some subtle & some like. Right in ur face. its wardrobe is full of eye-burning neons and colors that dont exist. it makes its own clothes 
 - gabriel likes to crawl into tight spaces and just.. stay there. for a while. makes him feel like his whole body is getting a hug 
 - gabe can be pretty shy around individuals he doesnt know. he's also typically pretty anxious of non-spiral avatars 
 - the distortion can like. Become Light. like... physically. at will. 
 - so much gender going on in that place. no identity is off the table 4 anyone 
 - lowkey got beef with the stranger. nikola & the distortions specifically have a Weird relationship where they would absolutely kill each other at the drop of a hat but also like.. sometimes have tea and gossip abt avatar stuff, yknow? the others kinda just hate her tho </3 
 - michael finds the eye absolutely pathetic LOL 
 - the distortion is kinda.. a celebrity figure almost?? everyone in the spiral knows who ure talking abt as soon as u bring up doors 
 - michael & helen both love drama & wont hesitate 2 spread fake rumors just cuz theyre bored. they laugh abt it 2gether as they watch fights start up over their bs 
 - helen tells michael abt jonah's body when she finds out & it's just kinda like LMFAOOO WHAT? ? cuz it genuinely didnt know abt that 
 - there's a big sense of distrust between michael & helen. it especially feels like she's waiting 2 betray it, esp since it's technically its fault that helen got taken. they dont grow Paranoid of each other, exactly, but neither ever fully turns their back 2 the other, yknow?
- helen talks michael's ear off abt real estate stuff & the critiques the design of the hallways & michael has No comment 
 - the spiral sibs are pretty good at figuring out what the hell the other one is doing. they kinda have a hard time hiding things frm each other (it's probably not Impossible but it's definitely not as easy as it is w/ everyone else) 
 - none of the avatars have a Strong Grasp of the concept of.. "having a body". basically all of em are able 2 shapeshift 2 some degree, w/ a good chunk of em being just like. full-on shapechangers 
 - the worker of clay was dating neil lagorio in the 70s & was kinda like >:-( hmph when he was taken by the web instead of joining the worker in the spiral 
- dr david was andre ramao's husband before the spiral took him. he was a normal doctor when he was with andre 
 - gabe snorts when he laughs 
 - the distortion's "human" form is always pretty tall 
 - the distortion cannot be successfully lied to. though sometimes it'll let you Think you got away w/ lying  
 - when it needs to move around a lot with a physical human form, the distortion uses bodily braces in order to keep its bones/joints Mostly where they're meant to be 
 - the distortion needs to switch into and take care of the human body it uses in order to keep it looking right. it's kind of like keeping a plant alive except the plant is a physical extension of You 
 - It Is Not What It Is and It Knows You make each other pretty uncomfortable 
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fruggo · 3 years
the boys x tough f!reader (part 2)
requested by : @dranonymous
i love this idea and i hope you all enjoy part two! :D here’s part 1 with the original request.
warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence, dwight is really cute, danny is an asshole, jake is that cute “stoic man who is actually caring and thoughtful” trope because i say so
you are so cool. like ,,,,,so cool
dwight admires you so much. you just got here and yet you are breaking pyramid head’s ankles—dodging his trail of torment left and right, the killer just can’t touch you.
and how did you feel about everything? terrified, honestly, but nobody would ever be able to tell because you didn’t let it get to you. it was like you had already been here before, because the second you learned how to do something, you had it down no problem. fixing generators came naturally, and you could also run the killer for the whole trial if you had to. teammates could easily rely on you to do whatever needed to be done.
that was what made you and dwight such a powerful duo. from the moment you met, you knew you felt comfortable around this guy. he was sweet, maybe a little timid sometimes, but he knew how to step up and be a leader for everyone despite his fears.
you both knew what to do, and you fit together like a glove. your minds worked in very similar ways, which made communicating that much easier and efficient; the second a decision needed to be made, dwight was on top of it, encouraging the teammates and helping them get on their feet. you were already ahead of them, so dwight would just nod to you, knowing you could do your job well.
of course, there were times when dwight’s anxiety got the better of him, and you had to be the one encouraging him.
dwight hated the hag. despised her. he could not stand her jumpscares when a trap was triggered, he would swear he was about to have a heart attack. he couldn’t admit this at first, but you figured it out when feng min was hooked and dwight stuck to the generator, nervously glancing over his shoulder every few seconds. he always went for the saves, so something was obviously wrong.
“dwight? why don’t you go save her?” you asked, eyeing him from your side of the generator.
he didn’t respond, looking over his shoulder again.
you decided to rescue min, but when you got back, you were going to chew dwight out until he gave you a straight answer.
you crawled up to the hook to avoid triggering a trap and gently lowered min to the ground. the two of you inched away carefully until you were far enough away to patch her wound.
“dwight, get off your ass and answer me,” you demanded (affectionately) once you were back at the generator, which was nearly finished. “what’s wrong?”
his eyes conveyed nervousness in every sense of the word; they darted all around, searching for any incoming danger. this was your first time seeing him like this, so you were confused. was he alright?
“it’s just…the hag,” he started, still fiddling with the wires. “her traps, i can’t…”
oh. was he anxious about the traps?
“i just can’t deal with them,” he finally said with difficulty. that was understandable; when they caught you off guard it definitely made you leap out of your skin.
“dwight, listen,” you said. “you’ve dealt with every other killer in this realm, haven’t you? you’ve bested the nurse, the huntress, micky myers, and even the spirit, who’s a bitch. i know hag’s traps are fucking terrifying, but you’re dwight! you are a leader, and you are good at being a leader. you can get out of here, i promise. and besides, with me here, you have nothing to worry about. i’ll kick that witch’s ass, got it?”
your very inspirational speech got him to smile. you were right, anyways—you could definitely kick the hag’s ass. what could go wrong?
nothing, actually. genuinely nothing went wrong. you took chase for the rest of the trial so that dwight didn’t have to worry about a thing, and everybody escaped with no problem. he didn’t understand how you were so good at evading capture—but perhaps you would tell him about your past eventually. you hadn’t yet decided.
back at the campfire, you and dwight comfortably sat side-by-side, patiently waiting until your next trials.
“thanks,” he said.
“for what?”
“for that very motivational speech you gave me,” he laughed.
you wiped imaginary dust off of your shoulder, giving him a confident smile. “i got your back. and man, that hag lady really is a bitch, huh? i can see why you hate her.”
that comment unintentionally caused one of dwight’s long, angry rants about his least favorite killer, and all you could do was watch him and listen with a soft grin on your lips. you’d never seen him angry before—it was adorable. made you wonder if you should just piss him off for fun sometimes.
this guy has hella respect for you
you’re independent and easy to teach, and that’s everything he could ask for.
now and then, the other survivors basically gave newbies to jake to teach them everything about the realm—they considered him the expert on all things survival. you were one of those newbies he was forced to take care of.
jake normally hated teaching new survivors more than anything, because it was never his choice and they were all so difficult. but you were different. you were responsible, reliable, and smart, and it made his job so much easier. as time went on, he grew to be quite fond of you.
word eventually got out that the new girl had managed to charm jake out of his “hermit ways,” but he insisted that it was not true (he also disagreed about the “hermit ways” part). it was never spoken of between the two of you, but it definitely floated around in the air waiting to be addressed.
it really couldn’t be ignored any longer. anytime you were seen anywhere within 24 feet of each other, the other survivors would give you looks and wiggle their eyebrows or shoot you a thumbs up—all of which were unwanted. it created a weird tension between you and jake that wasn’t there before, and you really didn’t like it.
you missed when you were first starting out, and jake had just realized how competent you are. those days were fun—he respected you a lot; you could see it in his face when he looked at you. you always knew when he was pleased and when you did stuff right, because he would have the tiniest, most subtle grin on his face, but you could see it, and it made you feel accomplished.
you knew he still respected you, but you had basically jumped the learning curve of the realm and quickly adapted to every killer, every challenge, and every task. how you did it, nobody could ever know. but you were almost sad, because there was kind of no reason for you and jake to spend a lot of time together anymore. if you did, then everybody would freak out for the wrong reasons, and it would ruin your friendship.
so what if you had a few small feelings for him? no one gave a shit—you knew jake probably wouldn’t give a shit. to him, you were just another annoying survivor he was forced to teach. besides, you didn’t have time for that kind of thing.
man, were you wrong, though. he really, really wanted to be around you, but you already knew everything, so he didn’t know what to do to spend time with you. his way of initial bonding was sharing knowledge, but that had already been done, so…what now?
then came the one trial that changed everything.
it was normal at first. the killer, blight, was doing well, so you had to step up your game. one generator was completed and he had 4 hooks on three different people—you were the only one not hooked yet.
he was after you, and you were expertly dodging every rush and swing he threw your way. unfortunately, you accidentally ran to the generator that jake was working on, and things got a little complicated.
when the blight rushed at the wall, then at you, jake ran towards you while you ran towards him—you were both looking over your shoulders—and alas, bonk. you crashed into each other.
oh, no!! how terrible!! looks like jake fell on top of you :/ what an unfortunate situation to be in /s /s /s /s /s
wowwww near proximity ! you’d never been so close before and it was awkward but nice (?)
then you remembered there was a crazy drug addict or whatever over there and he was chasing you, and the moment was ruined. jake quickly rose and pulled you up with him, and you went in opposite directions, both nervous and wide-eyed now.
after that, the trial went quite south. everybody was sacrificed. perhaps the loss could be partly attributed to you and jake avoiding each other like the plague. but who knows, right?
back at the campfire, you began feeling overwhelmed by all the weird stuff happening lately, so you excused yourself to the edge of the woods to have some quiet time to yourself. a few minutes later, jake came to check on you bc he is a fucking gentleman and yes i will die for the “stoic man who is actually caring and thoughtful” trope. fuck you
it’s slightly awkward at first, but then you start talking like normal and things feel a lot better. a little bit of the tension eases away, but not completely. what the fuck do you do with feelings like this?????
you simply composed yourself as best you could. it would have to do.
now that you felt a little more normal (lie), you trekked back to the campfire to wait for your next trials side-by-side. there was no one you felt more comfortable with or more respected by than jake. he appreciated you for your competency, and that was one of the best things you could ask for.
and to your surprise, jake actually took your hand and laced your fingers with his own. and it felt nice. never in your existence would you have thought he would be okay with displaying public affection, but you smiled up at him and gave his hand a light squeeze.
maybe the entity gave him drugs.
or he just liked you that much. either one would make sense.
danny hated you. he really did.
you were so unbothered, so calm, so good at knowing what to do. it really pissed him off.
you got so much attention from the other survivors for your skill and that really pissed him off too. it’s not like you cared or wanted it or anything, but how dare they even touch you when you so clearly belonged to danny?
…who knows wtf that even means. so anyways-
when you realized how much time danny spent chasing you in trials when he should have been patrolling generators, you began to get suspicious. especially when he would take you to the hatch and then close it in your face, watching you die to the entity. he obviously had some kind of beef with you.
you were determined to find out what he had against you, so you began to tease him a bit in chases. your favorite and most frequent phrase was something like, "can't catch me? lil baby man? lil baby? lil baby man gonna cry?" you were really testing your luck with that one, and that's why you loved it.
once, you told him his fly was down, and he actually fell for it, making you nearly keel over in laughter. you got moried without even being hooked after that.
despite the horrors that frequented this place, you were never in a crisis about it. you simply learned what had to be done, and then you did it, much to the chagrin of danny. you had skipped the big "useless baby survivor" phase, and that one was his favorite :( he loved trials with new survivors because it was so easy and fun!
but alas, from the beginning, you were always on top of things, always slamming pallets onto his head or saving teammates with a flashlight.
oh, don't even get him started on your flashlight usage. you were the absolute worst to go against--every pallet stun, boom: danny's eyes fucking burned out. every time he picks up a survivor, boom: danny's eyes fucking burned out. you were a bitch with that item.
he finally began to get so fed up with your behavior that he decided you must be taught a lesson. somehow, countless mori and tunneling and camping incidents had not even managed to bother you. you literally did not care. but he had something different in mind this time.
the realm was haddonfield, of course. all of the killers despised this map, and for good reason--you ran danny around the entire neighborhood for three generators. did he have to chase you? no. but he needed to for himself.
he finally caught you in a dead zone, rejoicing to himself as you fell to the ground in defeat. "wow, that was a good chase," you mumbled under your breath, feeling accomplished. one of your best against danny, probably.
you were expecting him to pick you up, but instead he snatched the flashlight from your grasp and chucked it as far away as he could. and before you could protest, he pulled you up to stand again and yanked you towards himself, gripping your wrists so tightly you swore it left bruises.
"what's wrong...lil baby man?" you said with a pout, trying not to laugh. "is baby man angry?"
you were slightly scared if you were being honest, but you couldn't let him know that.
danny sighed. you really didn't know when to stop, did you?
"bitch," he spat, voice dangerously quiet. "cut that shit out."
"what shit?"
he squeezed your arms tighter, provoking an "okay, okay, i get it!" from you.
"do you?"
"sure. what's the worst you could possibly do to me anyways?" after those words left your mouth, you got a weird feeling that the killer was smiling behind his mask.
"listen, uhh, danny, is it?" you said, putting as much nonchalance into your voice as you could. "i just wanna know why you hate me so much. remember that time you closed the hatch in my face? the fuck was that for?"
he frowned at the use of his name but responded regardless, "you're a little bitch, and you deserved that."
you gasped dramatically, feigning offense. "ouch. that one hurt."
"i can make you hurt a lot more," he said darkly. you probably should have been scared, but you just really couldn't take him seriously.
so you laughed. it shouldn't have been funny, but it just was and now you couldn't stop. "you're just--you--i can't--" you wheezed, shaking from the laughter. "i'm sorry, it's really not funny."
danny didn't understand you. anybody else would have been sobbing if he so much as touched them, and here you were acting like it was a joke.
what could he do if you truly were not afraid of him?
perhaps it was time to let it go.
while his guard was down, suddenly you reached above his head and plucked his mask off, revealing his face and continuing your bouts of laughter at his shocked expression.
you threw the mask in the same direction as the flashlight, composing yourself and putting your hands on your hips. "you look pretty nice," you said, nodding.
wow. what the hell was danny supposed to do with you? perhaps the only completely unbothered, completely unserious survivor? he knew you were smart, and you knew what you were doing. he didn't even want to kill you anymore, you were just that fascinating.
that trial ended in you standing at the exit gate, your finger and your thumb in the shape of an L on your forehead. danny couldn’t care less at this point--he was done with your shit. but somehow he still liked you, and this definitely would not be the last time you saw him without his mask.
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small world ~ corpse husband
word count: 2053
request?: yes!
“Can I get a Corpse x fem reader where reader an corpse are both streamers and they meet each other for the first time and realize they used to know each other as kids? I know Corpse has said that he didn’t have many friends when he was younger so maybe have it where reader was someone that was really nice to him? Sorry for the long request and thank you if you do it! 😊🖤”
description: he never would’ve thought that the new addition to their friend group would be someone from his past
pairing: corpse husband x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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“Hey Corpse,” Karl said. Corpse hummed in response, focused on the drawing he was doing for their Jackbox game. “(Y/N) is also from San Diego. Do you know her?”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Karl, San Diego is pretty big. We’re not bound to know one another. Besides, just because he lives here doesn’t mean he grew up here.”
“I did grow up in San Diego actually,” Corpse said. “I don’t think we would’ve known each other though. Even if we happened to be in the same area, I didn’t talk to many people and I dropped out in the seventh grade.”
“I was, regrettably, popular in school,” (Y/N) added.
“Regrettably?” Karl asked.
“Yeah. Looking back, I hated being popular. I hated it when I was popular even. My friends were mega jerks and made fun of everyone, even me sometimes. I would try and make them be nice but they just let the popularity go to their heads. I haven’t spoken to any of them since we graduated. There was this sort of outcast in middle school I used to have a crush on. I tried to be friends with him, but he preferred to keep to himself. I always wished I had been friends with him because I feel like I would’ve been so much happier. I never saw him again either. I wonder whatever happened to him.”
Something about her story triggered a memory in Corpse. The year before he dropped out, there was a girl in is class who was always nice to him and tried to talk to him. He brushed it off as another way he was being made fun of. When it kept up, though, he realized she was likely being genuine. He still kept his distance, but he found himself gaining some feelings for her as well. When he dropped out, he never heard from her again.
I wonder where she is now, Corpse thought to himself. Man, what was her name?
Corpse accidentally gasped, drawing the attention of everyone in the Discord call.
“You good Corpse?” George asked.
“Y-Yeah,” Corpse responded. “Just uh...just realized I fucked up my idea a bit. No big deal, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
The game started prompting for everyone to show what they had created. Taking the opportunity of not having to speak, Corpse went to Google (Y/N)’s YouTube channel. She had come into the game as a friend of Karl’s and Corpse hadn’t heard of her channel, but now somethings were starting to click together.
The first thing that popped up with the top Google Image for (Y/N)’s channel name. It was a beautiful girl laying in a garden of flowers with a wide smile on her face. Corpse sucked in a breath as he realized that the girl in the picture looked familiar.
“Corpse,” came Karl’s voice, snapping Corpse out of his trance. “It’s your turn.”
“Sorry,” Corpse said. “I was distracted.”
The rest of the stream Corpse felt like he was in a daze. He continued to play the games and forced out laughs when he realized someone was making a joke. Every time (Y/N) spoke, he felt his heart flutter with excitement. He couldn’t believe that after all these years he had finally been reunited with her. And what was better was that she had actually admitted to having feelings for him too!
Don’t get too excited, he thought to himself. She said she used to have a crush on you. That was a very long time ago.
He tried not to seem too eager when the stream finally ended. He waited for someone else to leave the call first before he exited out of it himself. He waited another few minutes before messaging (Y/N) directly on Discord.
hey. it was fun playing with you tonight. weird request, but can we voice call maybe? just the two of us?
Corpse didn’t expect her to respond any time soon. It was late in San Diego, like nearly 3am late. Most people were going to bed by now. She had mentioned once during the stream that she was starting to get sleepy. He figured she’d see it in the morning and either call, or just ignore the message.
To his surprise, near seconds later, she was calling him.
“Hey stranger,” she said when he answered. “Long time, no speak. You must’ve missed my voice a lot, huh?”
Corpse chuckled. “Exactly, I really did.”
“Makes sense. I do have the best voice on the internet.” She laughed this time. It sounded like such a perfect sound. “For real though, is everything alright? Why did you want to call?”
How did he even tell her? Hey, so you know that outcast you liked? It was me! Surprise!
No, he couldn’t say that. Maybe she wouldn’t even remember, or maybe she wouldn’t believe him. He had to figure out some way to bring it up.
“I kind of wanted to talk more about your popular school days,” he said, trying to keep his voice light and teasing. “It’s not every day I meet a streamer who’s in my own area code. It would be nice to get to know someone who isn’t like a five hour drive away.”
“Oh!” She seemed excited by this response. Her excitement was almost contagious. “Okay, where should I start? The shitty friends or the shallow popularity?”
Corpse chuckled. “You pick.”
She talked for nearly an hour about her high school experiences with her popular friend group. Despite how much she despised being popular, (Y/N) still spoke with a light tone in her voice. She tried to bypass a lot of the more negative details and speak only of the good experiences she went though, which was nice to hear.
Corpse nearly jumped with excitement when she began to talk about middle school unprompted.
“It really was the last good years I had in school,” she admitted. “All my friends, the ones who went on to be super popular with me, they were nice then. Annoying, but all middle schoolers are. We didn’t care about popularity or social rankings. We were just...we were just kids. We didn’t even really know the difference between ‘losers’ and ‘popular’, which was why it was so easy for me to talk to that guy that I liked at the time. My friends weren’t mocking me for having feelings for an outcast.”
“You said you never saw that guy again,” Corpse said. “Do you know what happened to him?”
She sighed heavily. “No, I don’t. He just stopped showing up before we hit high school. I thought he moved, but I knew his mom and I saw her around everywhere. I don’t even remember his name anymore to look him up. Wherever he is, though, I hope he’s doing better. Even if they weren’t sucked completely into their popularity at the time, my friends and the other kids were still awful to him.”
“I feel that,” he said. “I wasn’t exactly the most liked kid in school. Before I dropped out I didn’t even have any friends.”
“That’s awful.”
“It wasn’t too bad. I’m not really a friendly person I don’t think. I’ve worked on it since that time, but the thought of trying to maintain a social relationship still gives me anxiety from time to time. There was one girl who tried to be friends with me the year before I dropped out though. She was nice.”
“What happened to her?”
Corpse smiled to himself. She would figure it out soon, he knew she would.
“I just didn’t hear from her after I dropped out,” he responded. “I guess that’s mainly my fault. I never reached out to her or anything, but I barley knew her name. Just her first time, and she never gave me a number or anything. I couldn’t look her up online. Maybe we just weren’t destined to be together.”
“I don’t know about that. Maybe you two were just right people, wrong time. Maybe you’ll cross paths again and finally have that opportunity to be friends with her again.”
“Maybe you’ll cross paths with that guy from your middle school, too.”
There was a prolonged silence. Corpse wondered if (Y/N) was starting to put the pieces together. He could barley even hear her breathe. The longer she went, the more worried he was becoming. He was about to say something when she finally spoke again.
“I made him a Valentine,” she said, her voice soft. “Special handmade one. He was the only one I gave it to. It had some really badly written, sappy poem in it. I watched him open it and...I really think he got emotional while reading it. Of course, he’d never tell anyone that.”
Corpse had gotten emotional over the Valentine (Y/N) had given him. It was the first real Valentine he had ever gotten. It wasn’t one of the generic ones that everyone gave out to every classmate so no one felt excluded. It was made from the heart, and that fact alone touched his. Like (Y/N) said, though, he didn’t let anyone know how emotional he had gotten. It would’ve just been more mental ammo for them to use to bully him.
He quickly got up from his chair, racing to his room where he had his box of memories shoved in his closet. It was little things from throughout his life that he kept in a shoebox. Whenever he felt particularly down or depressed, he would open the shoebox and look at all the things that made him smile.
At the very top of the box was (Y/N)’s Valentine.
He went back to his computer and took a picture of the Valentine using his phone.
“That sounds really nice,” he said as he went into the Discord app on his voice. “It must’ve meant a lot to him that you put so much time and effort into a handmade gift.”
“I don’t know if it did. I never got to ask him what his reaction was.”
“Oh, I’d bet anything he was happy.”
He sent the picture through Discord and waited for (Y/N) to open it. The silence between them felt deafening. The seconds felt like they had slowed to hours. He wondered what (Y/N)’s reaction would be. Maybe she’d be weirded out by the fact that Corpse kept the Valentine, or by the fact that Corpse was the middle school crush in general.
What if she’s upset that this is who I am now? he asked himself. What if her crush was just a middle school thing, and the moment you dropped out she moved on?
“I knew it.”
Corpse couldn’t help the smile on his face when he heard the slight excitement in (Y/N)’s voice.
“I knew it was you!” she continued. “Well, I didn’t know know, but when you asked me to call you I had a bit of a suspicion. I can’t believe it...it’s actually you!”
“It is me,” he confirmed. “And it’s you.”
“Small world we live in, huh?”
“Yeah, small world.” Do you still like me? Did you ever stop? Do you know that your kindness stuck with me for so long?
The silence returned. Corpse was starting to get sick of it, but he didn’t know how to fill the void between them. When he heard her yawn, he realized how late it had gotten. “I’ll let you go, you sound tired.”
“We just had this breakthrough and you’re asking me to sleep?!”
Corpse chuckled. “You have to sleep eventually, (Y/N). It’s like 3:30am, normal people sleep at this hour.”
“I am offended you would think I’m anywhere near normal.” She yawned again, cutting off her short lived rant. “But you’re right, I am tired. Listen...promise me you’ll answer when I call tomorrow. I...I’d really like to catch up. Maybe...to pick up where we left off.”
“Okay,” Corpse said, then realized that wasn’t really a response. “I promise. I’ll be waiting by the phone the moment I open my peepers.”
(Y/N) giggled. “I’ll be sure to call you the moment I open mine.”
“Goodnight (Y/N). Sleep tight.”
“Goodnight Corpse underscore Husband.”
kind of a bad ending, but i wasn’t really sure where else to go with it as i wrote it. sorry! :(
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