#I do have a version of this uncensored
ask-the-royal-absol · 2 years
Cygnus: The umbreon glared. "You called that a responsibility?! At least do something so your butt aint just stay there at the throne doing nothing"
(Ffffffff cygnus dont be rudeee)
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“I’ve finally got the cushions fluffed for comfortable sitting. I ain’t moving from this spot for a while and nobody is gonna get me out of it.” They give a cheeky wink and flash a smug grin.
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p-ogman · 2 months
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Wake Up Call
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icannotgetoverbirds · 3 months
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shitty image id: a screenshot of an email from quitmormon confirming the recipient's resignation. end shitty image id.
It's done.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 28 days
I used to think that there could not be a better way to insult Wilde by not reading The Picture of Dorian Gray than the brazilian publishing company that decided to put a picture of Wilde as their cover (till there fine) except to inovate they framed Wilde's pic as the fucked up portrait... I stand corrected by Netflix deciding that it was time to remind people that just cause CW is dead it doesn't mean people that worked for CW are dead and hiring arrowverse ppl to ruin a great book.
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mango-fizz · 1 year
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anyway i just wanted to practice
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theelfmaiden · 1 year
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Tadaaa!!! Done (well Fëanor isn't happy at all but it isn't about him, is it 😉)!!! Hope you had a lovely Pride Month (and thanks so much to all of you for spreading the wip and the word 😍 means tons)! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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creppersfunpalooza · 7 months
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strangest queers i’ve ever fucking seen
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they’re so abnormal
(raymon (the red one) is @radvercity ‘s character!!!)
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bonus from roblox
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codemagister · 7 months
Greetings The Master,
This is President Borusa, or I suppose *former president*. Borusa. I have not looked to see what my title would be at this point. I do not want to know.
I am letting you know that if you are aware of any timelords living lives outside of Gallifrey, preferably quiet lives without the nonsense looking for roommates. I would interested in that offer for myself and I would likely be adopting a cat as well for my…health as suggested by a friend.
I hope you are alive in your own body and not wrecking havoc elsewhere.
Thank you,
One, no I am not aware of any Time Lords outside of Gallifrey other than myself and the Doctor, of course, and neither of us have "quiet lives without the nonsense," not to mention, I am not looking for a roommate, and while I don't know about the Doctor, I somehow doubt it.
Two, yes I am alive and in my own body, where else would I be?
Three, while you may not want to know, do remember that this website is public and everyone who can be bothered to discover it can see what you are doing, and people have been rather... busy, with creating memes...
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elegyfortherings · 2 years
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Artifact Experiment Slide Reel + Uncensored Version
Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye (2021)
Mobius Digital Games
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devilzures · 2 years
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(x) merman zoro? merman zoro
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p. 3
beginning of chapter
chapter 1
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just-an-enby-lemon · 3 months
I geninally don't give a shit that the Ben Barnes Dorian Gray movie didn't made him blonde I do care that they made it a redemption through love narrative when the og was so cynical about that. Dorian killed (directly and inderectly) the two people who went "I can fix him".
Sybill who Dorian himself considered a person that made him better and that made him want to be good. Someone who Dorian belived he loved! (Though of course he didn't) Sybill who would've done anything for him and belived him to be good.
And Basil who Dorian says could've helped him (but also blames for his missfortune) and who actually had a "I can fix him" speech and offered to help Dorian get redemption.
Now I do think while love both of this cases have their nuances. With Dorian loving Sybill's acting and characthers way more than he ever loved Sybill and with Basil loving the Dorian he idealized more than loving Dorian (though he seems to accept and love the real Dorian enough to offer him redemption and devotion anyway). But there was love! And they could have helped! But Dorian literaly saw Sybill's death as a fitting tragedy for his life and Basil's confession as boring. He killed the people he loved. Dorian never wanted redemption he wanted to be able to still be an awfull person but never have to confront his morality (in a mix of guilt and purity culture that is as always so subversive in it's pressure).
Redemption through love doesn't work if the person being loved isn't putting an effort. No matter how much Dorian says it Sybill doesn't make him better, he doesn't idealize her nearly enought to abandon his pleasures. And no matter how much Basil wants to he can't help Dorian because Dorian doesn't want to be better, Dorian doesn't care.
It is the final thing that ends Dorian. His realization that he doesn't want to be better, that he didn't spare the girl because he cares for her or for morals or for anything at all but because he doesn't want to see himself as bad. He wants to do bad things and still feel beutifull. But the tragedy is he can't.
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venacoeurva · 1 year
I’m thinkingggg that my method of posting saucier stuff will be the ol crop and link to full image still as that still works best, and I think it’s a format users now accept here due to Understandable Circumstances where it was less so back in the day due to the inconvenience of having to click through (which is apparently also why some people just never reblog things in general as well...on the reblog site). 
I imagine I will use Pillowfort for that as I do have an abandoned account for that type of stuff I can revive once I get back into it and they apparently will manage account switching, so it will make it easier. Also it just generally seems to be used more than Cohost as an alternative/fallback according to the polls for both current Tumblr and Twitter users, so unless Cohost really booms I’ll be sticking to PF for that kind of thing.
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toytulini · 1 year
made me wanna go look for clown mugs for a second but i think the last time i did that the things i found were mostly disappointingly bland until i found a mug with erotic art of ms. frizzle having gay sex w uh. i thought it was someones clowngirl oc at first but i later learned it was that clown from that kids show the big blue comfy couch, or something? which was fine just. you know. unexpected erotica can be alarming when it gives you no sort of warning and is showing up completely uncensored in the etsy listing. bold move if im honest
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kqluckity · 24 days
at my funeral i want someone to play the koujaku bad ending
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bloodredmoonbeams · 11 months
*A diary is sitting in the middle of the woods, though how it got there is unclear. Majority of the pages are unreadable… but one can be made out. For the most part, at least. Some words are smeared beyond recognition.*
L██████’s strange behavior has only continued to worsen. I love her dea███, but she worries me. It’s unsettling, how much she seems to wa██ ██ b█ █e██ █e. At all hours of the day, she is never more than a fe█ █e██ █w██. She still tells me that I shouldn’t leave the manor, that it’s not safe, but there is no obvious explanation for this, at least not that I can work out. The only times we go out side at all are in the evening, after the su█ ███ ██t, and even then she won’t let me out of her sig██.
She has started saying something about us being t███████ ███e██r. If I’m honest, it fills me with a sense of dre██. I’m not sure why. A few months ago, I wouldn’t have ba████ ██ █y█ ██ t██s.
I must cut this short, as she wants to go t█ ███ ██r█y ████g█t. Why, I’m not sure, but I’m not compl█i███g. I need the s███p.
Yours trul█,
*That seems to be the last entry.*
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